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Writing a coursework, especially on a complex subject like Statistics for GCSE, can be a challenging

and time-consuming task. It requires a deep understanding of the topic, strong analytical skills, and
the ability to present data effectively. Students often find themselves grappling with various
statistical concepts, data analysis techniques, and the intricacies of presenting findings in a coherent

For a Statistics coursework at the GCSE level, one must gather and analyze data, interpret results,
and draw meaningful conclusions. Additionally, the task may involve using statistical software,
which adds another layer of complexity. The amount of effort and dedication required can be
overwhelming, especially for those who are not confident in their statistical skills.

Considering the challenges involved, some students may find it beneficial to seek assistance. ⇒ ⇔ is a platform that offers coursework writing services, providing expert guidance
and support. They have experienced writers who specialize in various subjects, including Statistics.
Seeking help from such a service can alleviate the stress and pressure associated with coursework,
allowing students to focus on understanding the subject matter without the burden of stringent
deadlines and complex assignments.

It is essential to remember that using external assistance should be done ethically, ensuring that the
coursework aligns with the individual's understanding of the subject. Seeking help can be a valuable
resource when used responsibly, as it allows students to enhance their comprehension and
presentation skills while meeting academic requirements.

In conclusion, tackling a Statistics coursework for GCSE can be a formidable task, and ⇒ ⇔ can provide valuable support for those who find themselves struggling. If
approached responsibly, seeking external assistance can be a useful tool for academic success.
It shows the results are fairly random and that more people under estimated than over estimated. This
being because the girls have already started growing up physically and mentally. To get a random set
of numbers I am going to go to this is a web site which is made to get a set of numbers out of any
sort of a data range it is a very good site. The correlation coefficient is -0.3979. This shows a low
degree of negative correlation between the two variables. Question 1 Is the ability to estimate the
length of a straight line related to mathematical ability. I was first about to use primary data, I had
completed my questionnaire and then I decided against using primary data because I would not know
on what sort of response I would get. In fact, this indicates that the style of the newspaper is in the
case of the Independent, is rather sophisticated, with more polysyllabic words being used in it than
in the other two tabloid newspapers, which shows that it is more difficult to read and is appealing to
a different audience than for example the Daily Star. Question 2 Does the estimation of a non
straight line improve after practice. It shows that more people underestimated than overestimated.
Although there maybe some problems and anomalies with this sample because someone maybe away,
someone maybe blind or have eye problems and someone might be handicapped. I used to get a set
of 20 results from both the girls results and the boys results. I decided to use 20 results from each
the Boys set and also the Girls set of data. I'm glad it helped you, I wish I had someone to tell me
how to edexcel it when I was doing statistics, I was stuck for ages. Write in detail how you plan
with collect your data and what sampling method you horizons use. Hypothesis. That year seven
boys will be smaller than year eight boys 2. The reason why I have provided the two charts is because
I think it would provide a pictorial view about what is happening. It is a measure of the agreement
between two data sets. These are examples of the lines which are going to be estimated. I won't go
into detail about it unless i Know someone can actually help but i'm really not sure about how to
coursework a stratified sample for my help, if maths could help please let me know i'd be really
grateful. I also would be able to use Secondary data, which is data which has already been collected
by someone else. I expect to see that the more able pupils’ improvement is higher up my scale and
closer together because I believe they have improved more than less able pupils and have all
improved around the same amount. Therefore there is very varied improvement in the less able pupils
or there is an anomaly in the less able pupils. I think this is unlike however, to test it I will compare
the Yr11 KS2 results with that of the Yr7’s, as these test where sat at the same age. Also they will
have very varied improvements as some will have tried harder than others. From this information, I
should be able to infer a judgment on some of the mental changes that take place during this time of
children’s development. This could be for a variety of reasons including my selection of articles, my
choice of newspapers, the size of the sample taken (i.e. only taking thirty words from articles that
contained around six hundred words or more) and using Sunday papers that may be aimed at a
different audience than the daily papers. The box and whisker plots where then draw on to two
sheets of paper one for boys and one for girls. The differences between the tabloids in terms of
content and style will also be interesting to note. This shows that the less able you are the less you
will improve. Null hypothesis: There is a relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a
straight line and mathematical ability.
I took the next word from each of those paragraphs. It is shown that the lower quartile is 0.4. The
upper quartile is show to be 1.6. This makes the interquartile range for the Independent; 1.2. Also,
retrieved from the table is the mean amount of syllables per word, which of course is a very
important piece of data. I will take a stratified sample of males and females in this age range. On the
other hand I expect to see the less able pupils’ box and whisker plot to be lower on my scale and a
lot more spread out as they will have not improved much according to my hypothesis. Males Table 8
Table 9 Table 10 Female Table 11 Table 12 Table 13 I have now used this data to create two scatter
graphs one for the males and one for the females to see if there is any correlation between weight
and height within each year and gender group. This is very close to 95% and shows a very strong
similarity between the results and a normal distribution. To select the random people I filtered the
data in excel by selecting first the males from every set, and then the females. I will also calculate
the mean of both the raw and grouped data for both boys and girls to try and quantitatively prove a
relationship and show whether I was correct in thinking that on average year 9 boys are taller than
year 9 girls. Alternative hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to estimate the length
of a straight line and mathematical ability. 2) Does the estimation of a non straight line improve after
practice. I was about choose a different subject for my coursework, I was about to do about how
much people spend on computer games. This showed my hat there was little to no correlation. The
actual length of the bamboo stick is 1.58 metres. As 351pieces of data would be too big to sample, I
am going to random sample 50 pieces of the data for each year. These results also seem to correlate
with the scientific theory of later male development however to make a solid conclusion of the issue
I would need stronger results. I expect to see strong positive correlation here as I believe that if you
do well in Key Stage Two you do well in Key Stage Three. Bundle GCSE Maths Topic Questions
Bundle This bundle contains 6 question packs, covering each key topic in the maths GCSE. It is a
well rated school for its grades it achieves, it is one of the best Boys School in the whole of the U.K.
We study Statistics during the whole of Year 10. I was first about to use primary data, I had
completed my questionnaire and then I decided against using primary data because I would not know
on what sort of response I would get. It was easy to get the Boys Results, I just asked my maths
teacher and he got them for me. First I will start with the make for Ford and the other makes to get
more information. For each question I will use a certain sample of year 10's at Stamford Endowed
schools. This is expected as there will be a large amount of variation on the improvement as some
will be prepared to work more than others. The diagrams would maintain a clear understanding and
show what is happening to the cars and what people prefer according to their engine size. A
systematic sample might have been better. (E.g. Every third person.). Whereas the Vauxhall would
belong to someone that does not drive long distances. Write in detail how you plan with collect your
data and what sampling method you horizons use. Null hypothesis: There is a relationship between
the ability to estimate the length of a straight line and mathematical ability. Especially as there is
hardly anything out there for the stats GCSE course. Thank you. Empty reply does not make any
sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel subowie 3 years ago report 5 Thank you so much for
sharing - I'm really struggling to find good gcse statistics material to teach with, so this has been so
helpful. Below are the tables containing the required data I need for my hypotheses. GCSE Math's
Statistics Coursework Introduction: I have been given a databas. I have Predicted this because the
girls who come with high results from Junior School to High School do make an improvement but
not better than the Boys in Our School.
Where as the majority of boys come with normal and below average results and make a better
improvement than the Girls. This is the information on the histogram which I have taken from
Autograph and put into word. To get a better picture on who did better I will also now work out the
Modal average. Also, the articles had to be approximately 600-700 words long, in order to take a
good spread of vocabulary from it. That is the reason why boys by this time have a better average
than the girls. I got the results gain by taking away the KS2 results average with the KS3.
Alternative hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a
straight line and mathematical ability. 2) Does the estimation of a non straight line improve after
practice. I wanted to see if they are right if not I will be able to prove them wrong. Also they will
have very varied improvements as some will have tried harder than others. The median is roughly -40
and 50% of the results are between -80 and 60. Alternative hypothesis: Practice doesn't improve the
estimate of a non-straight line. These results also seem to correlate with the scientific theory of later
male development however to make a solid conclusion of the issue I would need stronger results.
However, if you don’t do well in KS 2 you don’t bother trying as hard. Although there maybe some
problems and anomalies with this sample because someone maybe away, someone maybe blind or
have eye problems and someone might be handicapped. Every person has used the same facilities,
books and material and the teachers have all been taught the same. All pupils will have used a ruler
before so they will know the approximate length of 30cm and 15cm lines. The actual lines are at the
back of my project: I got this trial data by doing the experiment: Straight Line (mm) Non Straight
Line (mm) st Practice (mm) 2nd Practice (mm) 3rd Practice (mm) Non Straight Line After Practice
(mm) 260 300 300 450 800 69 355 400 330 450 000 323 280 400 250 575 950 260 350 400 450 650
900 265 300 350 450 500 999 323 280 320 60 513 967 76 222 322 337 489 923 252 284 302 327
473 949 227 280 304 402 427 761 211 400 380 250 360 300 300 245 345 200 343 777 299 210 280.
I repeated this process for the girls although, I did find that the smaller sample showed an equally
strong positive correlation I took the re-sample just to be sure. It shows that more people
underestimated than overestimated. I have done this as boys grow at different times to girls.
However I feel that it is representative enough, as has been proven by the results from the
investigation. I have Predicted this because the girls who come with high results from Junior School
to High School do make an improvement but not better than the Boys in Our School. As these tests,
where taken at the same age it is fair to say that the random sample has represented each Year fairly.
I think that this is because an older car would have been driven more than a new car and therefore it
would be a higher mileage. All though the ranges do not necessarily reflect this observation, I can see
that the inter-quartile ranges are slowly creeping up, with the age. At the moment it appears as though
the broadsheet uses more of the shorter words than the tabloid, but this is only the first article and so
you can’t tell for sure. I predict that children in year 7 will have smaller feet than children in year 11,
because as you grow older your feet become larger. I think doing my investigation on computer
would give a better pictorial view than by hand. Although there maybe some problems and anomalies
with this sample because someone maybe away, someone maybe blind or have eye problems and
someone might be handicapped. Therefore my investigation may not be very accurate and miss-
First, I tried timing my pulse for 15 seconds, but then I realized that this would not be as accurate, so
I tried timing for 30 seconds. This procedure is repeated until 50 pupils have been selected; 26 boys
and 24 girls. Therefore, my hypothesis stating that on average, children in year 7 will have smaller
feet than children in year 11 has been proven correct. I think that this counts for both girls and boys.”
To prove this I will use a correlation graph and also spearman’s Rank Correlation. In conclusion, I
feel that I have successfully investigated the various statistics from the school census and have come
to the conclusions shown in my investigations above. This can be used for higher or foundation, with
higher questions marked in RED for easy differentiation. ?3.00 Reviews Select overall rating (no
rating) Your rating is required to reflect your happiness. To a certain degree of accuracy, this proves
my null hypothesis. The reason I have chose to investigate this type of business venture is because I
take an interest in this type of business as I would like to look into it in the future, and also feel
Maidenhead possesses the qualities, and provides a great opportunity to start up a business of this
nature and for it to be successful. I have not plotted a line of best fit, as there is no correlation. To
show this I will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation out for both the girls KS2 and
also KS3 results. But the number students of each gender of each year group are not of equal
number, as shown in the following table. A systematic sample might have been better. (E.g. every
third person.). I think a better sample would be 60 pupils or more as this would have made my
investigation more accurate and would be a better representation of the year group as altogether
there is a total of 408. I took the next word from each of those paragraphs. It is plain to see that they
are trying to capture all possible audiences by offering a generous mix of everything, with a style
that most people would be able to comprehend fully. This suggests to me that like the girls in Year 7,
the boys in Year 8 are split generally into those who have come into puberty and those who have not.
The pupils will enter a room and look at a straight line and a non straight line and ask them to
estimate it in mm. Year 10 in the Stamford Endowed schools is a good choice as every person has
have the exact same education and experience and the data is reasonably easy to collect. In addition
the sampler has created a person in each set of data twice. This is because the more able pupils have
improved more than less able pupils and they have all improved around the same amount. This is the
information on the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and put into word. All data related
to this scatter graph can be found in the results box. I will be focusing on male and female students
in the age range of 11-14. By looking at the frequency charts you can see that the Year 11 boy’s have
branched out their choices, they have less people watching cartoons and soaps and more people
watching educational programs and sports. Here is the results from estimating the straight line. I
predict that on average boys in year 9 will be taller than girls in year 9, because on average, males are
taller than females. Since my data is all secondary, there is no need for me to do any pilot tests to
check that the questionnaire works, as I do not have a questionnaire. This is also evident in the
histogram because you can see that the bars are generally closer together and not as spread out along
the x-axis. My third hypothesis was half correct boys did make an improvement but the girls fell
behind the results in KS3. These results also seem to correlate with the scientific theory of later male
development however to make a solid conclusion of the issue I would need stronger results.
I think that this is because our school is an all Boys school, if it was a mixed school I do not think
that the boys would have made a better improvement than the girls. I think this is unlike however, to
test it I will compare the Yr11 KS2 results with that of the Yr7’s, as these test where sat at the same
age. The median is roughly -40 and 50% of the results are between -80 and 60. Alternative
hypothesis: There is no relationship between the ability to estimate the length of a straight line and
mathematical ability. Also, data from the front page of the newspaper would also be collected, as
this is arguably the most important page in the entire newspaper. To get a random set of numbers I
am going to go to this is a web site which is made to get a set of numbers. This is the information on
the histogram which I have taken from Autograph and put into word. This gave me the number of
words to select as my initial set of words. (e.g. if the article contained seventeen paragraphs, I
selected seventeen words in total, taking the fifth word from each paragraph). Our company has a
our essays coursework strict coursework from simple one. The reason why I am providing diagrams
for different makes of cars is because to get more accurate results. First I will start with the make for
Ford and the other makes to get more information. I took the next word from each of those
paragraphs. It might also have been more beneficial to have used a different sampling technique, as
this technique gave me different numbers of students from each stratum. To make this clear I will
write out all three results one after the other. I think that the girls would come with good results
because they are more intellectually clever at the age of 11 than boys. A systematic sample might
have been better. (E.g. Every third person.). I ended up with 45 results for both boys and girls. The
data I am using for this investigation is secondary data; this data has been given by the teacher.
Therefore people in Year 11 have larger feet than people in Year 7, and this is numerically proven by
the means that I calculated in both the grouped and raw data cases. I think that the best way to
portray mathematical ability is to take their most recent exam result. The girls’ heights are more
concentrated around 170cm, and the boys are mainly spread 150-180cm. I think a better sample
would be 60 pupils or more as this would have made my investigation more accurate and would be a
better representation of the year group as altogether there is a total of 408. I will use “box and
whisker” diagrams as they should be able to see the jump in heights between the year groups clearly.
Also, the articles had to be approximately 600-700 words long, in order to take a good spread of
vocabulary from it. A systematic sample might have been better. (E.g. every third person.). Empty
reply does not make any sense for the end user Submit reply Cancel jrk54 2 years ago report 5 Really
good resource. Year 10 at Stamford School and Stamford High School represent a small sample of
year 10 pupils in England. I need to make the experiment fair, so I need the same controlled
experiment for each person who does the experiment. It is shown that the lower quartile is 0.4. The
upper quartile is show to be 1.6. This makes the interquartile range for the Independent; 1.2. Also,
retrieved from the table is the mean amount of syllables per word, which of course is a very
important piece of data. At the moment it appears as though the broadsheet uses more of the shorter
words than the tabloid, but this is only the first article and so you can’t tell for sure.
I believe the reason for this is that the Year 10 and 11 girls have more or less, all been through the
puberty growth spurts. To show this I will have to work out the mean and Standard Deviation out for
both the girls KS2 and also KS3 results. This shows that my prediction was correct and as there are
hardly any cars with a very high mileage and there are only a few smaller mileages. If there is a
correlation, I will be able to draw a line of regression on my graph and analyse the relationship
between the data. The data can then be used to identify trends that can affect quality such as the rate
of variance in the outcomes of a production process. Its important to write your own work and i
would do whatever you think is necessary for your investigation and not just what i put. To find out
the mean of the raw data, you add all of the height values together and divide by the amount there
are. I did not think this would improve my ability to estimate a length of a line so decided to find
out. At the moment it appears as though the broadsheet uses more of the shorter words than the
tabloid, but this is only the first article and so you can’t tell for sure. One the data was available at
the bottom of the screen I was able to use it to get the histograms, box plots and polygons I needed.
GCSE Statistics Coursework Introduction Scenario: I am not very good at estimating lengths so I
am going to find out how to improve it. 1) Is the ability to estimate the length of a straight line
related to mathematical ability. These entries were numbered and then using a calculator and the
random button the sample names were collected. e.g Set 1: RND ? 26 gave 13.346. This converts to
14th name using the rounding up method. The data I will use the distance from actual of a straight
line and distance from actual of a non straight line before practise (before practise because the pupils
did not have practise before estimating the straight line). The tabloid aimed at those with less interest
in politics, which would often be aimed at those with less education than most, in this case the Daily
Star, would contain a lot more television related content and would especially focus upon celebrity
news and gossip, whilst using a simple easy to comprehend, often monosyllabic style of language to
attract their audience. I think that in Challney High Schools case the boys make a better
improvement than the girls. Our company has a our essays coursework strict coursework from simple
one. The formula for calculating the standard deviation is. I keep on hearing from my sisters that
girls are better than boys in education. This suggests to me that like the girls in Year 7, the boys in
Year 8 are split generally into those who have come into puberty and those who have not. I will
group together the height data within the stratum creating a frequency table. To prove or disprove
this theory i will carry out some statistical analysis as described bellow. Year 10 at Stamford School
and Stamford High School represent a small sample of year 10 pupils in England. The smaller the
inter-quartile range, the more consistent the data is.. Within Australia the use of information
collected from crime statistics amounts for a large proportion of what we know about crime in
general, but with the use of crime statistics when measuring criminal activity there are also some
criticisms. In Hard Times, Dickens critiques this world in several ways; it's pollution problems,
factory accidents, divorce laws, utilitarian ideals, and educational system. Some of the boys in our
school would not take the questionnaire seriously and most of Girls would not either. Our school is
an all Boys school but there is a Girls school right next to us. See other similar resources ?0.00 4.40
11 reviews Download Save for later Not quite what you were looking for. To choose the pupils I am
going to select at least 4 boys and 4 girls at one time, and I am going to randomly point my finger to
the first people I see in the classroom, but only to the correct number of boys and girls from that
particular year group. To a certain degree of accuracy, this proves my null hypothesis. To further, the
investigation I would compare the results of younger children to see if that had an effect on the
correlation. It shows that the median is about -40 and that 50% of the results are between about -80
and 60.

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