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10 JavaScript Interview Questions

What is JavaScript, and what are its main features? 2

What is the difference between let, const, and var? 2
What is the difference between synchronous and asynchronous JavaScript,
and how do you handle asynchronous operations? 3
What is a closure, and how can you use it in JavaScript? 3
What is the event loop, and how does it work in JavaScript? 4
What is the difference between == and === in JavaScript? 4
What is the purpose of the this keyword in JavaScript, and how does it work?
What are JavaScript closures, and how do they work? 5
How does inheritance work in JavaScript, and what is prototypal inheritance?
What are some of the common design patterns used in JavaScript, and why
are they useful? 6

Laurence Svekis


What is JavaScript, and what are its main

Response: JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming
language that is used to create interactive web pages and
applications. Its main features include dynamic typing,
object-oriented programming, and support for functional

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's basic

understanding of what JavaScript is and what makes it different
from other programming languages. A good response should
mention some of the language's key features and how they
enable web developers to create rich, interactive web

What is the difference between let, const, and

Response: let and const are block-scoped variables introduced in
ES6, while var is a function-scoped variable that has been
available since earlier versions of JavaScript. let allows for the
reassignment of values, while const does not.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's knowledge of the

different variable declarations in JavaScript and their scoping
rules. A good response should demonstrate an understanding of
how let, const, and var differ from each other and the
implications of their scoping rules.

Laurence Svekis


What is the difference between synchronous

and asynchronous JavaScript, and how do you
handle asynchronous operations?
Response: Synchronous JavaScript executes code in a blocking
manner, while asynchronous JavaScript allows code to execute
non-blockingly. To handle asynchronous operations, developers
can use callbacks, promises, or async/await syntax.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

how JavaScript handles asynchronous operations and how to work
with them effectively. A good response should demonstrate an
understanding of the different asynchronous patterns available in
JavaScript and when to use each one.

What is a closure, and how can you use it in

Response: A closure is a function that has access to variables in
its outer lexical environment. Closures can be used to create
private variables and functions that are not accessible outside of
the closure.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

closures and their practical applications in JavaScript. A good
response should explain how closures work and how they can be
used to encapsulate code and data within a function.

Laurence Svekis


What is the event loop, and how does it work

in JavaScript?
Response: The event loop is a mechanism that allows JavaScript
to execute code asynchronously by continuously checking for new
events in the event queue. When an event is detected, the
corresponding callback function is executed.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

how JavaScript executes code asynchronously using the event
loop. A good response should explain the basic mechanics of the
event loop and how it allows JavaScript to handle non-blocking
I/O operations.

What is the difference between == and ===

in JavaScript?
Response: == is a loose equality operator that compares the
values of two operands for equality, while === is a strict equality
operator that compares the values and types of two operands for

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

the differences between loose and strict equality in JavaScript. A
good response should explain the implications of using == versus
=== in different situations and demonstrate a clear
understanding of the differences between the two operators.

Laurence Svekis


What is the purpose of the this keyword in

JavaScript, and how does it work?
Response: The this keyword refers to the object that a function is
a method of. It can also be used to refer to the global object or to
create new objects using constructor functions.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

the this keyword in JavaScript and how it works in different
contexts. A good response should explain the basic mechanics of
this and how it can be used to reference different objects
depending on the context in which it is used.

What are JavaScript closures, and how do

they work?
Response: JavaScript closures are functions that have access to
variables in their outer lexical scope, even after the outer function
has returned. This is possible because JavaScript functions create
a new execution context each time they are called, and each
context has access to the variables in its outer scope.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

closures and their inner workings in JavaScript. A good response
should explain how closures allow functions to maintain access to
their outer scope even after the outer function has returned, and
provide examples of how closures can be used in practice.

Laurence Svekis


How does inheritance work in JavaScript, and

what is prototypal inheritance?
Response: Inheritance in JavaScript is achieved through the use
of prototype chains, where objects can inherit properties and
methods from other objects. Prototypal inheritance is a type of
inheritance model in which objects inherit directly from other
objects, rather than through the use of classes.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's understanding of

inheritance and prototype chains in JavaScript. A good response
should explain how inheritance works in JavaScript and how
prototypal inheritance differs from other inheritance models. The
candidate should also provide examples of how prototype chains
can be used to create more efficient and maintainable code.

What are some of the common design

patterns used in JavaScript, and why are they
Response: Some common design patterns used in JavaScript
include the module pattern, the singleton pattern, and the
observer pattern. These patterns are useful because they provide
developers with reusable, modular code that can be easily
maintained and extended.

Explanation: This question tests the candidate's knowledge of

common design patterns in JavaScript and their practical
applications. A good response should provide examples of how
these patterns can be used to create more efficient and

Laurence Svekis


maintainable code, and explain why they are useful for JavaScript

Laurence Svekis

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