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» STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA SEARCH WARRANT Mectinies County 'pateiSapainr out Sesion THE WATTER OF 13 Vitra Bay Dr Corson NC 20031 “To any ofcer with autholy and jureccton to conduc the search authorizes by tis Search Warrant Jz )1o/an |, the undersigned fin that there probable cause to elove that the property and person descrbadin the sgt Job Sarver CP162 ‘ptcation ote reverse sige and related tothe commission of acme is cated 3s described the pplication. ‘You are commanded io search the premises, veil, person and other place crite described inthe pplication forthe property and pereonn quason. Ifthe property andlor person sre found. make the ezuce and keep ho property subject to Cou Order ad proces the person acardng flaw RETURN OF SERVICE eerily Wat his Search Warrant was received and executed as follows: ‘You are drcted to execute this Search Warrant within f lant and make du retum to the Clerk he “Ths Search Warrants issued upon information frished under oa pec 39 ee iQ )we} ao. TE I made a search of 1844 he Oo ‘2s commanded. T seized the dem listed on he attached Inventory “ LD tic not seize any tems. IE This warrant WAS NOT executed within livia |” PatgHle Clemycse Clamawese Lice lames Clowwc im Claewre an "NOTE: Won sng a search waant to esg ofl mus ean a copy of te wart and warrant opplsson ‘inna pompy le tem wth be oe GS. 198-2450). “This Search Warrant was delivered to me onthe date anda tie time shown below when the Otce ofthe Gurkat Superior Court is dosed forte transaction of busines. By signing below, | erty that wil deer {fre Search Warrant fo the Ofice ofthe Clerk af Superior Cour as soon as possible on the Clerks next forty-eight (48) hours ofthe date and time of | business day igsuonce and | hereby return trot executed. bias rom ioy ir a ae a a Sea |__ Sp BT Sarr erie Oru “Th Search Warant was returned tothe undersigned leon the date ante shown below, Le i eae DRT paar scaler ti A Dag a Damen te [ade [G5n7Admnatane Ofc ete Cte nc SE ance abe enn re em ar foarawe APPLICATION FOR SEARCH WARRANT | Se ohn Saver CP162_ Cores Poles Deprmen Coen NC rng anette en to being duly sworn equet lhe Court sve a warent seach te person, pine, voice ard er ters descbes nts appeaton and find nd {ee the propery and person descrbed nis oppiaton Theres proboble Cause to belove tal ese peta bent fou martian ado SES Rn Seno ocar cress one penn tard Docunctaon fen of ney lsworic comin sod songs Soe Ue panda er tie Oe ‘ConelsPolceDeparmeniorisdeigwe Fics efiatiog — Weayos er Besiiyaige cone ‘Seamed ‘onsttutes evidence of@ cime and te Wantiy ofa person paisipatng a time, qame cme) ising Pesoae § FSBO ‘ands located (ec espns Boxe nd 9 pect tomate) a Inthe following premises (ae ass an et dss prenies) ‘un VicombayDe Core, NE2031 fon nthe folowing person() (one names a sot, dese pears) ee OO (a Tint fotlowing vehicle(s) (oscbe vnc ae OO i) Conese cnet oer tt tons bs sxeed fap) eet aE OOO ee ee Tha pplcant wear or ats to he folowing fats to establish probable cause for the esuanee of search warrant ‘This avi is nected by Deotive Seen 1J.Sarver ofthe Comes Pie rer herinfe refed to sain, fats Detective Sergeant with te “pith Cores Police Department where he ffianthas ern employed sae Sse of 201, bat LEO since September of 1996. ant is curentyesigned 3 the Criminal lvestgaton Division. woncarmucomosonsnnmnro none 79 16/45 2a Tae isebtne sr(te lar Sez Join Server C162 Pridpe VET pcrn Flore Diomese Casnces Decale Cacw D Inadion to th atcavtinctuded above, his applications supported by ‘additonal fdas, tached, made by Dt adsiton to the ade included above, this appletions supported by worn testimony, given by. “Tis testimony hasbeen (check propre ton) [) reduce towing [D tape recorded and | have fled esch wt he clerk (NOTE: Fmoe spac sea any sco, conn te stent no auc et ot eer erdan ange eae" ooe Be orton dicen Sa of ‘coon sung el Continuation page attached tothe SEARCH WARRANT application dated 12/35/2022 INTHE MATTER OF: 18413 Vitoria Bay Drive, Cornelius, NC28033, ‘CONTINUATION OF “PROPERTY / EVIDENCE TO BE SEIZED": [Any and alin of a missing person, MadalinaCojocarl(W/F, 008 04/31/2011), including but not loved to: epapree CONTINUATION OF “PREWAISES, PERSON, VEHICLE, OR OTHERITEMA (5) TO BE SEARCHED": “The property located at 18413 Victoria Bay Orv, Cornelius, C2803, neuding the residence, curtilage, cutbuldings, persons, and vehicles, ‘CONTINUATION OF "PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT®: Tis afdovt ls executed by Detective Sergeant JJ. Saver ofthe Cornelius Police Department hereinafter referred to as aint Alans 2 Detective Sergeant withthe Cornelius Police Department where the affant hs been employed since June of 2030, but a LEO since September of 1996, Aflnt is ‘utretiy assigned tothe Ciminal Investigation Dislon. During my 25 yeas Inf enforcement, have had the opportunity to work a 8 parol officer, eld training officer, patrol sergeant, trafic safety sergeant and am currently the Sergeant over the Cornelius Police Department’ Criminal Investigation Division, An overview of my taining includes, buts nat limited to: Police Law Institute, Interview and Interogation, Legal Concerns fr Crime Scene Searches, Suicide Investigation, Basic Crime Scene Photgrapiy, OV Stranguation training, ito. to Financial Crimes, ase Crime Scene Academy, Crime ‘Seene Forensics, Death Investigation Ciild Abuse and Fatalty investigation, Cllular& Socal Media Records Explltatin, earch Warrants for Dia Evidence, Child Senuol Abuse Investigation, Fundamentals of the Investigative Proces, Traffic Crash Reconstructionis, Hostage Negotiations and NC. General instructor. have also been awarded my NC Advanced Law Enforcement Certfiation through ‘the NC Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Commission and my Trafe Enforcement and Investigation Certificate through the NC Justice Academy. Ihave completed well over 4000 hours of in Service Law Enforcement Training. in adltion ta my law enforcement related training | hold an ‘Aasocite's dogree In Law Enforcement Technelogy from: Cent wom and Subscribed to Before Me = foo 1 a Judge / Magistrate ome Apple Date Continuation page atached to the SEARCH WARRANT application, dated 32/18/2022 Ihave conducted numerous searches for evidence on persons, premises, vehicles, telephones, and other ‘commen areas used by suspects in an attempt to conceal evidence of erminal acti PROBABLE CAUSE: (On Thursday, December 15, 2022 a approsimately 1312 houts, Oiler responded to Salley Middle ‘School located at 11900 Balley Road in Cornelius. The complainant, Diana Cojocai, who resides at 18813 Victoria Bay Drive in Cornelis, reported her juvenile daughter, Madslin Cojocarl has been ‘ising since approximately 200 hours on Wednesday, November 23,2022, (On Monday, December 12,2022, at approximately 400 hours, alley Middle Schoo! Resource Officer) Nobles attempted a home visit with 6" grade school counselor Mrs. D. Lamp n reference to Madalina Cojocar. Mrs. Lampkin stated MagainaColocari has not been to school since Monday, November 21, 2022. There was no answer a the door, anda truancy packet was left by Mrs. Lampkin (On Wednesday, December 14, Ws. Lampkin advised Madalina Cojocat's mother, Diana Cojocat called her requesting a meeting In reference to Madalina. Mrs. Lampkin advsed Diana Colocad stated she ‘would bring Madalina to school on Thursday and meet with Mrs. ammpkin in reference to the truancy. (On Thursday, December 15, 2022, Diana Colocar arrived atthe School without Madalina and met with Mrs. Lampkin. Mrs. Lampkin requested Officer Nobels step Into the meeting, When Officer Nobles {arrved, Mrs. Lampklo and Diana advised me that Madalina has been missing since Wednesday, ‘November 23,2022, t approximately 2200 hours. Dtficer Nobles spoke to Diana Colocar who advised she ast saw Madalina on Wednesday, November 23,2022 at 2200 hours She stated that Madslina went into her reom tat night to goto bed. Diana stated her and her husband, Christopher Pamiter, argued that night and the next morning he drove to ‘is famiy's house In Michigan to recover some tems, Diana Cojocar stated she went to check on ‘Madalna around 1130 hours onthe 24th and noticed Madalna wes not inher room, Diana Cojocai stated she waited until Saturday, November 26 at 1900 hour, when Christopher Palmiter returned home before asking if he knew where Madalina was. Christopher stated he di not and asked the same {question in return. | asked Olsna why she didnot report Madalina missing until pow. Diana steed she as worried it might start “confit” between her and Christopher. Officer Nobles requested she contact Chlstopher and have him come tothe school. Officer Nobles then contacted Det. G. Paterson and Det. 8 Nichols for assistance, Det, Patterson, questioned Ms. Diana Cojocarl regarding her missing daughter. She explained that she believed her husband put her family n danger but ad not know what happened to Madalna. She stated that she contacted her family in Mondo, who advised she canact the police and stil hesitated tocall Soinangscred tele Me Pent BL Yamin fans Judge / Magistrate ‘Apalcant bate Continuation page attached ta the SEARCH WARRANT application, dated 12/15/2022 Diana stated Madalina did not have @ phone, Madalina’s backpack and some clothes were missing from the residence. Diana stated Madilina didnot have any fiends she would stay with, and they have no family afound due to Diana being from Moldova Det. Nichols and | went to 18 3 Vietria Bay Drive in Coratus, to search Madalina’s room. Ms. Cojecr and Mir. Palmiter were adamant that they didnot know where Magaina eauld be. While inthe residence | notice an area blocked wth plywood off the ltchen. Det, Nichols asked about the area and Me. Paimiter stated that they had planned to make a separate apartment. ‘Due tothe circumstances sutreunding the absence of MadalinaCojecri and tha 3 week delayed reporting Madalina missing | balleve there Is probable cause fora search warrant tobe served residence tolocat futher evidence. ‘Sworn and Subscribed to Before Me: Pde fap, BQMasass fps ude / Magit oe Applicant Date ‘STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - County ——— HATTER OF INVENTORY OF ITEMS SEIZED PURSUANT TO SEARCH 413 Visa Bey Dr. Come NC28081 | he underigne oor, #413 Vira bay De. Caracas NC 25031 “Tis earch was made pursuantto 1. eseuch warantesued by: _MeciesbuygCousty Maines es D2 consort seaten given by 7 8. eter lege justfcnton forte seach ‘The folowing hams wore seize: of HecR.208, Ran 80 ‘inte Pie copy Pana ie Atmnitaie OMe of Cuts Items Seized Continued vary wt he person named elo, who 1D 8.the our ofthe promises searched bute owner ofthe vehicle searched. D c.the person in apparent conte f the promises searched 4th person in apparent contol othe vehice searched, Z @.the person om whom te toms ware taken. 2 2. Aso poraon was presen, copy ofthis ventory. 5) &.in te premises searchod identified onthe versa, © brln the vehicle searched, Kent onthe reverse, 18413 Veo Buy Dr. Coelos NC 26031 ‘The law enforcement agency eid blow wl hold he sezedpropryeubjoa to coun orden someosmenerosoen PLOTS 5 =f fafa per oe : hid b Cormelies PD “14,40 Ohoh Au 3 mae Sake sont cun “tans

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