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Relentless Mountaineering
Q. Rewrite the sentences below with the possessive apostrophes placed in the
correct position within the sentences.
a. Katherines success was very popular because of her determination.


b. The tribes leader provided his people with every necessity.


c. Every year, the school students celebrate their achievement.


d. There is currently no news on the governments plan to increase funds.


e. The drivers car was damaged because of an accident.


f. The doctors treatment began to work after a few weeks.


g. Londons population has increased significantly.


The Depth of the Ocean
The Distinct Islands of Indonesia
The Discovery of the Rosetta Stone
Creative Sentences
Creative Sentences
Q. Write detailed sentences using the following words which specifically represent
order or time.
Example: Many people were interviewed regarding the current tax system; some
people believed it was an important step which had to be taken, whilst others believed
it was completely unacceptable. The latter was undoubtedly the most popular opinion.
a. former _____________________________________________________________


b. latter ______________________________________________________________


c. recently ____________________________________________________________


d. previous ___________________________________________________________


e. currently ___________________________________________________________


f. subsequently ________________________________________________________


Creative Sentences
Creative Sentences
Creative Sentences
Creative Sentences
Creative Sentences
Q. Write detailed and creative sentences using the following words.
a. quiet: _______________________________________________________________


b. quite: ______________________________________________________________


c. insure: ______________________________________________________________


d. ensure: _____________________________________________________________


e. stationary: ___________________________________________________________


f. stationery: ___________________________________________________________


g. vacation: ____________________________________________________________


h. vocation: ____________________________________________________________


Q. Rewrite the sentence with the correct word from the options to complete the
meaning of the sentence.
a. The inspection of (they’re, their, there) building is complete.


b. (they’re, their, there) is a huge demand for employment.


c. Scientists believe (they’re, their, there) are many unidentified species.


d. The reliability of (they’re, their, there) facts depend on their research.


e. Hospital state (they’re, their, there) not short of staff.


f. (they’re, their, there) will be more expenditure on transportation.


g. (they’re, their, there) getting late for the concert.


Linguistic Devices
Q. The following words are linguistic devices used very often in Shakespeare’s
plays. Use the linguistic devices to construct sentences.
Example of personification in Shakespeare’s play, ‘The Tempest’: ‘The folly of this
island!’ – ‘Foolishness’ is a human characteristic, therefore when applied to inanimate
things such as places or object it is called personification.
The clouds poured down rain, as if weeping (Pathetic Fallacy) for the loss of our
neighbour’s child. Grief had dominantly taken over the village, (Metaphor) and for
many days it stayed, without the intention to leave.
a. metaphor ___________________________________________________________


b. simile ______________________________________________________________


c. personification _______________________________________________________


d. alliteration __________________________________________________________


e. pathetic fallacy _______________________________________________________


Masculine and Feminine
masculine feminine masculine feminine
a. lion _____________________ b. duke _____________________

c. actor _____________________ d. bull _____________________

e. prince _____________________ f. emperor _____________________

Singular and Plural
Q. Write the plurals of the following singular nouns.
Singular nouns ending in ‘y’ can forms plurals by replacing the ‘y’ with ‘ies’.
singular plural singular plural

a. variety ___________________ b. amenity ___________________

c. property ___________________ d. casualty ___________________

e. calamity ___________________ f. difficulty ___________________

g. duty ___________________ h. fishery ___________________

i. lady ___________________ j. story ___________________

k. city ___________________ l. army ___________________

Q. Write the plurals of the following singular nouns.

singular plural singular plural

a. foot ___________________ b. mouse ___________________

c. tooth ___________________ d. sheep ___________________

e. woman ___________________ f. child ___________________

Q. Write and learn the spellings of the following words.
incessant imperceptible interrogate misdemeanour phenomenal precedence


nebulous influential peninsula persevere pneumonia presumption


preliminary premonition picturesque manoeuvre hieroglyphics heterogeneous


haemoglobin genealogy grotesque civilisation descendents guerilla


terrestrial exchequer equilibrium repetitive crescendo counterfeit


conscientious ambiguous connoisseur acquaintance avalanche impoverish


instantaneous insinuate anesthetic liquorice magnanimous massacre


masquerade nocturnal interpolation intermittent annihilation impersonate


Superlative Degree of Adjectives
Q. Rewrite the following sentences by replacing the adjectives with its superlative
Positive Degree: We have a small house.
Superlative Degree: We have the smallest house.
a. The weather seems very bad today.


b. Our school is far away.


c. She has done very little preparation for the exams.


d. We saw a very good performance at the celebration.


e. Many people live in well built buildings.


f. Lions are courageous animals.


Q. Write the synonyms of the following words in the spaces provided.
1. seldom ____________________ 13. inevitable ____________________

2. venture ____________________ 14. poverty ____________________

3. ordeal ____________________ 15. essential ____________________

4. intricate ____________________ 16. hostile ____________________

5. ingenious ____________________ 17. conceal ____________________

6. primordial ____________________ 18. impoverish ____________________

7. sultry ____________________ 19. migrate ____________________

8. sublime ____________________ 20. substantial ____________________

9. conform ____________________ 21. intensive ____________________

10. decipher ____________________ 22. consolidate ____________________

11. credible ____________________ 23. campaign ____________________

12. pictorial ____________________ 24. defense ____________________

Use of ‘A’ and ‘An’
Q. Rewrite the sentences by placing the correct indefinite article, ‘a’ or ‘an’ in the
spaces provided.
a. Alaska is (a, an) extremely cold region.


b. Youth clubs provide (a, an) more relaxed atmosphere for youth.


c. Culture is (a, an) innate way of life for many people, according to sociologists.


d. There has been (a. an) rise in the temperature for a few decades.


e. Various area with wild animals are (a, an) concern.


f. It is difficult to provide (a, an) exact figure of a population.


g. She asked the lady if she could borrow (a, an) book.



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