References: When A Gin and Tonic Can Mean Trouble: Fixed Drug Eruption Due To Quinine

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Table 1 Clinical Characteristics of Patients with Kaposi’s Sarcoma Treated With Topical Timolol.

Patient Age, y Sex Area Involved Clinical Type Size, cm Associated Disease Time to Remission, mo Follow-Up, mo
1 52 M Left leg Plaque 9×4 None 5 10
2 70 F Left foot Plaque 14 × 62.5 × 2.5 Hypertension 5 9
3 65 M Right leg Plaque 12 × 5 None 4 6
4 45 M Right arm Plaque 11 × 4 HIV-TB 6 4
5 78 M Right foot Nodular NA None 12 22
6 94 F Right leg Nodular NA None 12 20
7 89 M Both feet Nodular NA Hypertension 12 5
8 83 M Right hand Nodular NA None 18 4
9 71 M Penis Nodular NA None 24 10

Abbreviations: M indicates male; F, female; NA, not available; TB, tuberculosis; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

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1578-2190/ © 2019 AEDV. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This
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is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

When a Gin And Tonic Can Mean recent years, cases due to the quinine in tonic water have
been reported. We report a case of FDE caused by quinine
Trouble: Fixed Drug Eruption after drinking a gin and tonic and we review the cases pub-
Due to Quinine夽 lished to date. We analyze the current legislation on the
amount of quinine allowed in drinks and the differences
Cuando tomarse un gin-tonic se convierte en between the different brands sold in Spain.
una mala experiencia: exantema fijo A 32-year-old woman visited our department with
medicamentoso por quinina repeated outbreaks of erythematous-violaceous lesions with
irregular, edematous margins in the perioral region, the 5th
To the Editor: finger of the left hand, and the lateral surface of the right
hand, compatible with FDE (Fig. 1). The patient occasion-
A fixed drug eruption (FDE) may be caused by different ally took diclofenac and metamizole but did not improve. On
drugs, especially NSAIDs, paracetamol, and antibiotics. In examining the patient’s full medical history, we discovered
that the lesions coincided with the consumption of gin and
tonic; quinine was therefore suspected.
A skin-patch test performed with Schweppes® tonic water
was negative, and epicutaneous tests with the tonic, with
夽 Please cite this article as: Castellanos-González M, et al. quinine in petrolatum at 20%, and in aqueous solution at 1%,
Cuando tomarse un gin-tonic se convierte en una mala experien- were also negative after 48 and 96 h. An oral provocation
cia: exantema fijo medicamentoso por quinina. Actas Dermosifiliogr. test was positive, with appearance of the lesions a few hours

Figure 1 Clearly defined brownish-erythematous lesions.

after consumption. The patient has remained asymptomatic

since removing tonic water from her diet.
FDE is characterized by the appearance of erythematous-
violaceous, eczematous or bullous lesions that cause
pruritus or a burning sensation, always in the same locations,
after exposure to a specific agent in sensitized patients. It
is considered to be a type of delayed hypersensitivity and
is caused by many drugs. On rare occasions, foods may be
involved, such as strawberries, green beans, asparagus, and
cashews.1 In these cases, it is called fixed food eruption.
FDE due to quinine was first reported in 20032 and 11 cases
have since been published, coinciding with the increased
consumption of tonic water, particularly in combination with
gin (Table 1).
Quinine is a natural alkaloid obtained from the bark of
the Cinchona officinalis tree, of the Rubiaceae family. It was
used traditionally to treat malaria, but its current principal
use is as an aroma in tonic water, due to its bitter flavor; this
is now considered to be the main source of quinine in the
diet. It is considered toxic at doses of greater than 1 g per
day and causes gastrointestinal, visual, and auditory prob-
lems. Nevertheless, the legislation governing its use as a
food is heterogeneous at the national level. Thus, in the US,
the FDA limits its concentration in tonic water to 83 mg/L,
whereas in Japan, quinine is classed as a drug and its use
as a food additive is not permitted. The European Union, in
Regulation (CE) 872/2012, of 1 October 2012, establishes a
maximum limit of quinine in soft drinks of 100 mg/L. Fur-
thermore, it must be indicated on the list of ingredients.9
The lesions in our patient appeared on consuming Figure 2 Three different commercial brands of tonic water
Schweppes® tonic water but not Nordic Blue® . This fact led (A) were exposed to ultraviolet light (B).
us to wonder whether differences exist in the amount of
quinine present in different tonic waters.
Labeling does not mention quinine concentration in
drinks sold in Spain. However, this has been studied by was precisely the brand that did not cause lesions in our
the scientific community and high-resolution liquid chro- patient (Fig. 2A and B). This is a drink without quinine and
matography has shown that the quantity of quinine differs cannot therefore be considered a tonic water but rather a
depending on the commercial brand. The concentration is soft drink with extracts. It is bottled in a similar form and is
higher in Schweppes® than in Nordic Mist® (60.3 mg/L vs sold in supermarkets alongside the tonic waters, which gives
55.0 mg/L, respectively).10 Other authors found that some rise to confusion. It may, however, be an alternative to tonic
brands had twice as much quinine as others.11 Ohira et al.1 water in cases of fixed food eruption due to quinine, as its
detected peaks in the chromatogram only in Schweppes® flavor is similar.
and Canada Dry® . Nevertheless, the levels of quinine in all We highlight the importance of taking a thorough medical
the brands studied are below the maximum levels allowed by history to find the agent responsible for an FDE, as it is not
current technical health regulations, and, according to con- always a drug. We also note that not all tonic waters on the
sumption data, estimated consumption is below the toxic market contain the same amount of quinine. We propose an
dose. In our case, we exposed different brands to ultravio- alternative to tonic water, with a similar flavor, for patients
let light and found that the only brand that did not fluoresce with FDE due to quinine.

Table 1 Summary of cases of FDE published to date.a

Author Year Age Sex Location Biopsy Patch tests Oral provocation Tonic water
test brand
Asero2 2003 23 Female Upper lip, arm, neck, No Negative +
back, and chest
Muso et al.3 2007 24 Female Lip, fingers No Positive + −
Muso et al.3 2007 37 Male Fingers and elbow No Positive + −
Gázquez et al.4 2009 34 Male Right hand, tongue, and Yes Positive + −
oral mucosa
Bel et al.5 2009 57 Female Hand, fingers, wrists, ear Yes Positive No Schweppes®
Gonzalo Garijo 2012 32 Female Lip, hand No Negative + −
et al.6
Ohira et al.1 2013 26 Male Perioral region, lumbar No Positive + Schweppes®
region, penis
Lonsdale-Eccles 2014 20 Male Tongue, lip, penis Yes No + −
et al.7
Genest et al.8 2014 25 Male Palate, finger, penis No Negative No Canada Dry®
Castellanos 2018 32 Female Lip, hand, and fingers Yes Negative + Schweppes®
González et al.
a Two more cases exist, for which we could find no data.

Conflicts of interest 9. European Union. Regulation (EU) No 872/2012 of 1 October

2012 adopting the list of flavouring substances provided for by
Regulation (EC) No 2232/96 of the European Parliament and
The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.
of the Council, introducing it in Annex I to Regulation (EC)
No 1334/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council
References and repealing Commission Regulation (EC) No 1565/2000 and
Commission Decision 1999/217/EC. Official Journal of the Euro-
1. Ohira A, Yamaguchi S, Miyagi T, Yamamoto Y, Yamada S, Shio- pean Union L 267/1, of 2 October 2012.
hira H, et al. Fixed eruption due to quinine in tonic water: a 10. González Reyes AB, Hardisson de la Torre A, Gutiérrez
case report with high-performance liquid chromatography and Fernández AJ, Rubio Armendáriz C, Frías Tejera I, Revert
ultraviolet A analyses. J Dermatol. 2013;40:629---31. Gironés C. Valoración nutricional Cafeína y quinina en bebidas
2. Asero R. Fixed drug eruptions caused by tonic water. J Allergy refrescantes; contribución a la ingesta dietética. Nutr Hosp.
Clin Immunol. 2003;111:198---9. 2015;32:2880---6.
3. Muso Y, Kentarou O, Itami S, Yoshikawa K. Fixed eruption due 11. Féas Sánchez X, Robert Brasíc J, Fente Sampayo CA, Cepeda
to quinine: report of two cases. J Dermatol. 2007;34:385---6. Sáez A. Nutr. Clín Diet Hosp. 2008;28:20---5.
4. Gázquez V, Gómez C, Daimau G, Gaig P, Landeyo J. A case
of fixed drug eruption due to quinine. Clin Exp Dermatol. M. Castellanos-González,a,∗ B. Díaz-Ley,a
2009;34:95---7. B. Huertas-Barbudo,b M.A. Segurado Rodrígueza
5. Bel B, Jeudy G, Bouilly D, Dalac S, Vabres P, Collet E. Fixed a
eruption due to quinine contained in tonic water: positive Servicio de Dermatología y Venereología, Hospital del
patch-testing. Contact Dermatitis. 2009;61:242---4. Sureste, Arganda del Rey, Madrid, Spain
6. Gonzalo-Garijo MA, Zambonino MA, Pérez-Calderón R, Pérez- Servicio de Alergia, Hospital del Sureste, Arganda del
Rangel I, Sánchez-Vega S. Fixed drug eruption due to quinine Rey, Madrid, Spain
in tonic water: study of cross-reactions. Dermatitis. 2012;
23:51. ∗
Corresponding author.
7. Lonsdale-Eccles E, Wallett A, Ward AM. A case of fixed drug E-mail address: [email protected]
eruption secondary to quinine in tonic water presenting to a (M. Castellanos-González).
sexual health clinic. Sex Transm Infect. 2014;90:356---7.
8. Genest G, Thomson DM. Fixed Drug eruption to quinine: a case
report and review of the literatura. J Alerrgy Clin Immunol 1578-2190/ © 2019 AEDV. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. This
Pract. 2014;2:469---70. is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://

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