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I. OBJECTIVES Cognitive: Identify the time in minutes including a.m. and p.m.
using analog and digital clocks
Psychomotor: Tell and writes time in minutes including a.m. and
p.m. using analog and digital clocks
Affective: Appreciate the importance of telling time in everyday
A. Content Standards The learners understand the time, standard of measures of
length, mass and capacity and area using square-tile.
B. Performance Standards The learners is able to apply knowledge of time, standard of
measures of length, mass and capacity and area using square-
tile in mathematical problems and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/ At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:
Objectives 1. Identify the time in minutes including a.m. and p.m. using
Write LC code for each analog and digital clocks;
2. Tell and writes time in minutes including a.m. and p.m. using
analog and digital clocks;
3. Appreciate the importance telling times in everyday life
II. CONTENT Telling and Writing Time in Minutes Using Analog and Digital
A. Reference
1. Teacher’s Guide pages K-12 Curriculum Guide
2. Learner’s Materials form LM in Mathematics Pages
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Pictures, Powerpoint, Activity Sheets
B. Other Learning Resources
C. Values Integration Collaboration
A. Preliminaries Activities
a. Prayer Through video presentation
b. Energizer Through video presentation
c. Setteingof Standards The teacher will discuss the classroom agreement
d. Checking of attendance The teacher will ask the pupils who is absent.
e. Review The teacher will ask what was the topic last meeting.
A. Drill The teacher will present a video about telling time and the
pupils will copy the action/ movement in the video.

The teacher will ask a riddle.
“It has face but no eyes, nose, or lips. It has hands that that
moves on and on”

The teacher will present models of digital clocks and give the
pupils time to look and hold the model clocks. And the teacher
will ask the following questions:
1. Are you familiar with these things?
2. Who among you have things like these at home?
3. What do we call these things?
4. What do these clocks tell us?
5. What symbol divides the hours and minutes in digital clocks?

B. Activity Group 1: Give Me!

The pupils will give the time shown in the picture.

Group 2: Identify Me!

The pupils will identify which of the given picture is the analog
clock or the digital clock.

Group 3: Illustrate Me!

The pupils will illustrate the time given.

Group 4:
The pupils will act as a clock and give what is ask.

C. Analysis The teacher will ask questions about the activities.

What have you observe about our activity a while ago?

What have you notice?
Do you have clock at home?
How will you use it?
Do you know how to read time?

D. Abstraction The teacher will discuss how to tell and writes time in minutes
using analog and digital clocks.

There are two types of clocks. These are Digital Clock and
Analog Clock.

What is analog clock?

Analog Clock is the clock having the numbers 1 to 12 or
equivalent Roman Numerals around it’s face and three distinct
moving hands to show seconds, minutes and hours.

What is Digital Clock?

Digital Clock is a type of clock that displays the time digitally in

numerals as opposed to an analog clock. Digital clocks are often
associated with electronics drives.


A clock is used to tell time. An analog clock has two hands. We

call them long hand and short hand.
Long Hand or minute hand tells us how many minutes after the
hour. From one number to another is five minutes. We count by
5’s around the clock from 5 to 60 minutes. One hour equals 60

Short hand tells the hour.

In reading the time, we always read first the short hand (hour
hand) before the long hand (minutes hand).

How many hours in 1 day? (24 hours)

The 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods:

These are A.M and P.M or

Each period consists of 12 hours.

a.m – anti-meridian stands for morning
p.m- post-meridian stands for afternoon

The 24-hour a day cycle starts at 12 midnight (usually indicated

as 12:00 a.m.), runs through 12 noon (usually indicated as 12:00
p.m.), and continues just before midnight at the end of the day.

E. Application The teacher will give two sets of activities. Individual Activity and
Group activity

Individual Activity
Game: Fact or Bluff
Directions: The teacher will provide the time and answer, then
the pupils will identify whether the given answer is fact of bluff.

Group Activity:
Group 1:
Identify whether the given time and answer are true or false

Group 2:
Give what is being asked.
Group 3:
The pupils will create a role play of what are they doing in the
given time (6:00 a.m.).

Group 4:
The pupils will draw the analog clock consisting of the time given
to them.

IV. Generalization The teacher will ask questions to recall how to tell and writes
time in minutes using analog and digital clock.
How will you read time?
How about minutes?
What is analog clock?
What about digital clock?
How important it is to know or to learn how to read time?
What will you do if someone ask you what time is it?
Evaluation Directions: Write the correct time below the clock.

Assignment Directions: Create a short video clip describing what you will do
when you get up in the morning. From 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
Send the video to the google classroom.
Google classroom link:
Google classroom code: s5tveta

Prepared by: Submitted/ observed by:

Kim Rose M. Llanto Mrs. Annebeth P. Pumicpic

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