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Kids Health Information

Tics are sudden and repetitive movements and/or sounds
that people make involuntarily. Tics commonly affect
school-aged children, often starting around early primary
school age.

One in eight school-aged children are affected by tics at

some point for a short period of time (provisional tic
disorder). Bouts of tics occurring longer than a year (chronic
tic disorder) happen in about one in 100 children. In these
children, tics tend to be more troublesome around 10 to 12
years old, but usually improve in later teenage years or
early adulthood.

About 50 per cent of young people with chronic tics will

outgrow tics in adulthood, and most will experience them
less frequently than in childhood.

Signs and symptoms of tics

Motor tics are movements that can affect any part of the
body, but particularly the face, eyes, head and shoulders.
Any movement can be a tic and the movement is made
without a clear reason or purpose.

Phonic tics, which make a sound, can include anything from

throat clearing, sniffing, squeaking to words or even
phrases. They can sound exaggerated and out of context.

Tics will come and go and can change over time and one tic
can stop as another starts. Tics tend to increase during
strong feelings, like stress, nervousness, excitement, or
tiredness. They are ‘suggestible’, which means that talking
about tics and drawing attention to them will increase their
occurrence. This can increase stress and frequency of tics
for the young person.

Some people can suppress their tics for short periods even
though they are involuntary. This can be hard to do for a
long time and more tics may appear afterwards. In general,
tics are reduced at times of active and focused

What causes tics?

We do not fully understand the underlying cause of tics.
There are complex genetic and neurobiological factors, and
it is more common if another family member also has tics. It
is important to remember tics are not harmful.

How are tics diagnosed?

Tics are diagnosed by a paediatrician or neurologist. No
tests are required to diagnose tics. Your paediatrician or
neurologist may ask you to describe or imitate the
movements that your child makes. They will ask your child
about their experience of the tics. Home videos can also be
helpful for diagnosis.

Some children with tics experience extra problems like

difficulty concentrating, fidgeting, impulsivity, and anxiety.
Your paediatrician or neurologist will also ask about your
child’s development, learning and focus.

Management for tics

One of the challenges with having tics is the response from
family, friends or other people around your child. It is a good
idea for these individuals to not make a fuss about tics
when they notice them (active ignoring). Asking the young
person to stop the behaviour, or punishing them for the tics
can make tics worse as the young person is not
intentionally doing them. It can be helpful to discuss this
with school teachers privately, so everyone at home and at
school responds to the tics in the same way.

Some helpful general measures include:

Not drawing attention to the tics when they occur—
Do not react, actively ignore them.
Ensuring the young person has adequate sleep and
follows a regular sleep routine to prevent fatigue.
Agreeing on basic strategies for the young person to
release the tics in a way that they are comfortable
identifying a quiet and safe place for them to
go to when they feel the need to release tics
taking quick short breaks from a stressful
Switching to a different activity when tics build
Guiding the young person to build self-awareness of
stress levels and use of mindfulness techniques.
This may include deep breathing exercises,
colouring in or listening to music.
Recognising and emphasising the young person’s
strengths and building their self-confidence.

Most people with tics do not require any specific treatment.

This is particularly the case when tics are not interfering
with the young person’s daily life. Where tics are disruptive,
psychological treatments and medicines can be considered.

Psychological treatments can be helpful in some well-

motivated young persons, even though tics are not
behavioural or voluntary. A psychologist can guide the
young person to delay or change the tics if the young
person can learn to recognise the urge leading to a tic.
Effective treatments include habit reversal and
comprehensive behavioural therapy for tics (CBIT).
Relaxation training can also be helpful. These treatments
require motivation and practice and can take some time,
which is why they may not be suitable for all young people.
Your child’s treating team will discuss if they believe this
treatment will be suitable for your child.

Medications can reduce severity and frequency of tics but

cannot stop or cure the tics. They are not effective for
everyone and there can be side effects.

If your child has problems with difficulty concentrating,

fidgeting, impulsivity or anxiety, discuss this with your
paediatrician. These behaviours should be assessed and
treated. This is an important aspect in managing your
child’s overall health and well-being and can be helpful in
reducing tics.

When to see a doctor

You should visit your GP or paediatrican if you are worried
about your child’s movements or their learning,
concentration or development. Your child’s doctor can
evaluate your child and provide helpful resources, provide
further advice for managing tics, or refer your child to a
specialist if required.

Key points to remember

Tics are movements and sounds that people make
Tics are not harmful to your child, but some children
with tics experience difficulty concentrating,
fidgeting, impulsivity or anxiety.

Home videos can be helpful for diagnosis.

Active ignoring and not drawing attention to the
movements are helpful strategies when tics do not
bother your child.
Speak to your GP if you are worried about your
child’s tics.

For more information

Tourette Syndrome Association of Australia
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children – Tourette
syndrome information pack
Tourette Action UK

Common questions our doctors

are asked
Are tics harmful?
No tics are not harmful, but some children with tics
can experience difficulty with concentrating, fidgeting,
impulsivity or anxiety. We encourage you to speak to
your child’s GP if this is the case.

What is the difference between tics and Tourette

Tics are the involuntary movements and sounds that
are made. Tourette syndrome is the condition when
you have recurrent tics for at least 12 months.

Is there any treatment for tics?

One of the most effective ways to manage tics is for
others to actively ignore them. If tics are severe and
causing pain, sometimes medicines can help to
reduce their severity. Psychological treatments can
also be considered if the young person is motivated
and interested in this treatment option and their doctor
believes it will be beneficial. These options will be
discussed with you.

Developed by The Royal Children's Neurology Department.

We acknowledge the input of RCH consumers and carers.

Reviewed August 2021.

Kids Health Info is supported by The Royal Children’s

Hospital Foundation. To donate, visit


This information is intended to support, not replace, discussion

with your doctor or healthcare professionals. The authors of
these consumer health information handouts have made a
considerable effort to ensure the information is accurate, up to
date and easy to understand. The Royal Children's Hospital
Melbourne accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies,
information perceived as misleading, or the success of any
treatment regimen detailed in these handouts. Information
contained in the handouts is updated regularly and therefore you
should always check you are referring to the most recent version
of the handout. The onus is on you, the user, to ensure that you
have downloaded the most up-to-date version of a consumer
health information handout.

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The Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH)

acknowledges the traditional owners of the land
on which the RCH is situated, the Wurundjeri
people of the Kulin Nation, and we pay our
respects to their Elders past and present.


The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne

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