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Lesson 1:

Introduction to Media and

Information Literacy
MIL Teacher
Media and Information Literacy
It plays an important role in communication and
information dissemination. Media and information will
enable us to access, understand and create
communications in a variety of contexts in the form of
accessing, understanding and creating media and
Media and Information Literacy
This is a set of competencies that empowers citizens
to access, retrieve, understand, evaluate, use, create,
and share information and media content CRITICALLY,
Media and Information Literacy
The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,
communicate and compute, using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts.
The physical objects used to communicate with, or
the mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any
physical object used to communicate messages.
The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create
media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens
by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and
skills) necessary to engage with traditional media and
new technologies.
The ability to identify, understand, interpret, create,
communicate and compute, using printed and written
materials associated with varying contexts.
The physical objects used to communicate with, or
the mass communication through physical objects such as
radio, television, computers, film, etc. It also refers to any
physical object used to communicate messages.
The ability to access, analyze, evaluate, and create
media in a variety of forms. It aims to empower citizens
by providing them with the competencies (knowledge and
skills) necessary to engage with traditional media and
new technologies.
A broad term that covers processed data,
knowledge derived from study, experience, instruction,
signals or symbols.
technology literacy
The ability of an individual, either working independently
or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an
individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create
and communicate information.
Information literacy
The ability to recognize when information is needed,
and to locate, evaluate, and effectively communicate
information in its various formats.
technology literacy
The ability of an individual, either working independently
or with others, to responsibly, appropriately, and
effectively use technological tools. Using these tools an
individual can access, manage, integrate, evaluate, create
and communicate information.
·Media construct our culture
Our society and culture-even our perception of
reality-is shaped by the information and images we
receive via the media.
·Media construct our culture
Our society and culture-even our perception of
reality-is shaped by the information and images we
receive via the media.
Fashion Trends in Music Videos:
Popular music videos consistently feature specific clothing styles,
influencing viewers to adopt and popularize those fashion trends,
contributing to the construction of a cultural aesthetic.
Media messages affect our
thoughts, attitudes and actions
We don’t like to admit it, but all of us are affected by
advertising, news, movies, pop music, video games, and
other forms of media.
Media messages affect our thoughts,
attitudes and actions
We don’t like to admit it, but all of us are
affected by advertising, news, movies, pop music,
video games, and other forms of media.
Advertisement Influence on Purchases:

A person regularly exposed to advertisements promoting a specific brand of

sneakers may develop a positive attitude toward that brand and be more likely to

purchase those sneakers, demonstrating how media messages affect consumer

·Media use “the language of
All media messages try to persuade us to believe or do
something. News, documentary films, and nonfiction books
all claim to be telling the truth.
·Media use “the language of
All media messages try to persuade us to believe or do
something. News, documentary films, and nonfiction books
all claim to be telling the truth.
·Media construct fantasy worlds.
Movies, TV shows, and music videos sometimes
inspire people to do things that are unwise, anti-social, or
even dangerous.
·No one tells the whole story.
Every media maker has a point of view. Every good
story highlights some information and leaves out the rest.
·Media messages contain “texts” and
The text is the actual words, pictures, and/or sounds in
a message. The subtext is the hidden and underlying
meaning of the message
·Media messages reflect the values
and viewpoints of media makers.
Everyone has a point of view. Our values and
viewpoints influence our choice of words, sounds and
images we use to communicate through media.
·Individuals construct their own
meanings from media.
Although media makers attempt to convey specific
messages, people receive and interpret them differently,
based on their own prior knowledge and experiences, their
values, and their beliefs.
·Media messages can be decoded.
By “deconstructing” media, we can figure out who
created the message, and why. We can identify the
techniques of persuasion being used and recognize how
media makers are trying to influence us.
·Media literate youth and adults
are active consumers of media.
Many forms of media-like television-seek to create
passive, impulsive consumers
Purposes of Media
Purposes of Media
•Acts as channels of information and knowledge
•Facilitates informed debates between diverse social actors
•Serves as means by which the society learns about itself and
builds a sense of community
•Functions as a watchdog of the government by promoting
transparency in public life and public scrutiny of those with
•Acts as facilitator of democratic processes.

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