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Unit 6 Test 6 B Total Score / 60

1 Choose the correct option. 4 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into
1 The scientist did some research / search on people’s
diets. 1 This is a (doskonały) example of
2 His parents have very high conclusions / expectations good modern art.
for his future. 2 He could easily (osiągnąć sukces)
3 Being in the storm was a very frightening / relaxed because he trained very hard.
experience. 3 I think they will (odrzucą) my job
4 There is a complete obligation / prohibition on mobile application.
phones in this building. 4 He had to (pokonać) many
5 The dessert was too spicy / sweet for me and I couldn’t difficulties as a student.
finish it. 5 People often (ponoszą klęskę)
because they don’t believe in themselves.
Score /5
Score /5
2 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
5 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
My uncle asked me for some advice the other day
about using social media. He doesn’t know much 1 Try calling him of waiting until he calls you.
about technology, so I tried to help him out. First, a apart b different c instead
I showed him how to open an (1) on Instagram 2 It was a huge sailing across the Atlantic alone.
and how to log in to it. To make it easier, he (2) me a advantage b conclusion c challenge
to see the password he chose. If he forgets it, I will be
able to (3) him of it. I explained that young 3 I didn’t that you spoke French.
children sometimes need a parent’s (4) to use a accept b realise c agree
social networking sites. Parents usually agree, but not 4 Do you think it’s to learn a language in only six
always. Some of them are worried that users have fake months?
profiles and do not use their (5) name, but a false a unable b confident c possible
one. 5 The meeting is to awareness of the problems
1 a attempt b account c policy many teenagers have.
2 a avoid b allowed c proved a accept b achieve c raise
3 a remind b appear c forget Score /5
4 a permission b conclusion c obligation 6 Complete the sentences with up to three words in
5 a rule b strict c real each gap. Use modal verbs.
Score /5 1 You start working harder! The
exams are in two weeks.
3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in capitals. 2 He hates water because he swim.
He’s never had lessons.
1 The main of public transport is that 3 You look ill. I think you see
there are too many people. ADVANTAGE a doctor.
2 While we watching, the figure started to 4 It is raining hard and we wait for
until finally there was nothing left. twenty minutes at the bus stop.
5 It’s your choice. You come with us
3 Calm down, he’ll be here soon. Don’t be so if you don’t want to.
Score /5
4 It was a very event, so I didn’t wear
a tie. FORMAL
5 Camping is a very way to spend a
holiday. EXPENSIVE
Score /5

MY PERSPECTIVES 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

Unit 6 Test 6 B

7 Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 10 Read the text. Match the sentences (a–f) with the gaps
(1–5) in the text. There is one sentence you do not
1 When do we be at the church?
a should b have to c must
2 You wait until tomorrow, that’s my advice. One amazing story of bravery and determination is
a can’t b mustn’t c shouldn’t about a girl called Laura Dekker, who was born in
Holland. Her parents spent a lot of their time sailing in
3 We change our shoes at school. It’s not different parts of the world, and Laura spent the first
necessary. five years of her life on a boat. (1) Her idea was to
a can b don’t have to c have to beat the record for the youngest person to have
4 Your friend come with us if she wants. completed the journey alone.
a wouldn’t b must c can To practise for the trip round the world, Laura planned
5 You write in pencil. Use a blue pen, nothing else. her first voyage on the sea from Holland to England
a don’t have to b can c mustn’t across the English Channel. Her father agreed, but
wanted her to forget the idea of sailing round the
Score /5
world. (2) She arrived successfully in the UK after
24 hours at sea. When she wanted to sail back to
8 Complete the second sentence so that it has the same
Holland, the authorities prevented her because of her
meaning as the first. Use the word in capitals. Do not
age. (3)
change the form of this word. You may use between
two and five words in each gap. Unfortunately, in Holland the local authorities also
stopped her plans because she was too young. She
1 People who get up early achieve more. had to wait one more year before she could start her
CAN voyage. (4) The voyage was a success and took
If you achieve more. 518 days. (5) She had to struggle in tough
2 Tell someone where you are going before you go conditions during the trip. Laura was successful
hiking alone. because she believed in herself and never gave up.
GO Anything is possible – you just have to be bold and
If you , passionate about what you do.
tell someone where you are going. a Finally, in August 2010, she started her adventure.
3 It’s difficult to concentrate when you are sleepy. b When she arrived back to Holland she was just
CAN’T sixteen years old.
When people concentrate.
c The conditions in the Channel can be very difficult,
4 You should ask for help if you have a problem. but she didn’t change her plan.
SHOULD d Nobody in her family knew anything about sailing.
If you ask for help.
e At the age of fourteen she decided that she wanted
5 When you are in London, use the underground. to sail around the world alone.
f Her father flew to the UK, took her to her boat, and
Why don’t
told her to sail back to Holland by herself.
you are in London.
Score /5
Score /5

9 Translate the Polish fragments of the sentences into EXTRA TASK

11 Write a short blog entry about problems that young
1 Look, he (potrafi) dance salsa really well.
people have with social media, and give some advice
2 He (nie może) go with us this weekend or solutions to them.
because he’s busy.
Include the following information:
3 You (musisz) have an ID document with • what the problems are,
you to travel abroad. • why some people have these problems,
4 She (nie musi) go to college on Fridays. • your ideas for solutions to the problems,
5 They (powinni) make another attempt • your personal experience of the problems.
to swim across the lake. Write between 80 and 130 words.
Score /5 Score / 10

MY PERSPECTIVES 1 © Copyright by Nowa Era Sp. z o.o.

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