Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

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Machine Learning in

Translation Corpora Processing

Krzysztof Wołk
Department of Multimedia
Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
Warsaw, Poland

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First of all, I want to thank everyone, without whom this work would not be
accomplished. Especially, much gratitude goes to my family—mostly to my
wife Agnieszka, for her help, patience and support. Additionally, I dedicate
this diploma to my children, Kamil, Jagoda and Zuzanna, because they
provided me with motivation and time for this work.
Special thanks go to my parents, for their effort in raising me and having
faith in me and in my actions. Without them, I would not be in the place where
I am now.
Lastly, I thank my supervisor and mentor, Professor Krzysztof Marasek,
for all the help and hard work he gave to support me—especially for his
valuable comments and support in my moments of doubt.

The main problem investigated here was how to improve statistical machine
speech translation between Polish and English. While excellent statistical
translation systems exist for many popular languages, it is fair to say that
the development of such systems for Polish and English has been limited.
Research has been conducted mostly on dictionary-based [145], rule-based
[146], and syntax-based [147] machine translation techniques. The most
popular methodologies and tools are not well-suited for the Polish language
and therefore require adaptation. Polish language resources are lacking in
parallel and monolingual data. Therefore, the main objective of the present
study was to develop an automatic and robust Polish-to-English translation
system in order to meet specific translation requirements and to develop
bilingual textual resources by mining comparable corpora.
Experiments were conducted mostly on casual human speech, consisting
of lectures [15], movie subtitles [14], European Parliament proceedings [36]
and European Medicines Agency texts [35]. The aims were to rigorously
analyze the problems and to improve the quality of baseline systems, i.e.,
adaptation of techniques and training parameters, in order to increase
the Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) [27] score for maximum
performance. A further aim was to create additional bilingual and monolingual
data resources by using available online data and by obtaining and mining
comparable corpora for parallel sentence pairs. For this task, a methodology
employing a Support Vector Machine and the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm
was used [19], along with a chain of specialized tools. The resulting data was
used to enrich translation systems information. It was adapted to specific text
domains by linear interpolation [82] and Modified Moore-Lewis filtering [60].
Another indirect goal was to analyze available data and improve its quality,
thus enhancing the quality of machine language system output. A specialized
tool for aligning and filtering parallel corpora was developed.
This work was innovative for the Polish language, given the paucity
of good quality data and machine translation systems available, and meets
pressing translation requirements. While great progress has been made, it
vi Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

is fair to say that further research needs to be conducted in order to refine

the system. However, the present study shows great potential in helping
people accurately translate a difficult language with a minimum of errors.
The improvements in translation were evaluated with success during IWSLT1
evaluation campaigns. The Wikipedia and Euronews portals were successfully
mined for bi-sentences. Improvements in machine translation systems through
the use of comparable corpora were demonstrated. Additional improvements
to the BLEU metric were also made in order to adapt it to the needs of the
Polish language.
In addition, methodologies to facilitate automatic evaluation metrics in
other fields of research, methods for generating virtual parallel corpora and
parallel data preprocessing are shown as well. A variation of BLEU metric
and implementation of HMEANT metric for Polish language are introduced.


Acknowledgements iii
Preface v
Abbreviations and Definitions xiii
Overview xv

1. Introduction 1
1.1 Background and context 2
1.1.1 The concept of cohesion 4
1.2 Machine translation (MT) 5
1.2.1 History of statistical machine translation (SMT) 5
1.2.2 Statistical machine translation approach 6
1.2.3 SMT applications and research trends 8

2. Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 10

2.1 Overview of SMT 10
2.2 Textual components and corpora 12
2.2.1 Words 12
2.2.2 Sentences 13
2.2.3 Corpora 16
2.3 Moses tool environment for SMT 18
2.3.1 Tuning for quality 21
2.3.2 Operation sequence model (OSM) 22
2.3.3 Minimum error rate training tool 23
2.4 Aspects of SMT processing 23
2.4.1 Tokenization 23
2.4.2 Compounding 24
2.4.3 Language models 25 Out of vocabulary words 27 N-gram smoothing methods 28
viii Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

2.4.4 Translation models 31 Noisy channel model 31 IBM models 32 Phrase-based models 38
2.4.5 Lexicalized reordering 40 Word alignment 44
2.4.6 Domain text adaptation 46 Interpolation 46 Adaptation of parallel corpora 47
2.5 Evaluation of SMT quality 47
2.5.1 Current evaluation metrics 48 BLEU overview 48 Other SMT metrics 50 HMEANT metric 53 Evaluation using HMEANT 55 HMEANT calculation 55
2.5.2 Statistical significance test 56

3. State of the Art 59

3.1 Current methods and results in spoken language translation 59
3.2 Recent methods in comparable corpora exploration 61
3.2.1 Native Yalign method 63
3.2.2 A* algorithm for alignment 65
3.2.3 Needleman-Wunsch algorithm 67
3.2.4 Other alignment methods 69

4. Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 72

4.1 Parallel data mining improvements 72
4.2 Multi-threaded, tuned and GPU-accelerated Yalign 75
4.2.1 Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with GPU optimization 75
4.2.2 Comparison of alignment methods 76
4.3 Tuning of Yalign method 78
4.4 Minor improvements in mining for Wikipedia exploration 80
4.5 Parallel data mining using other methods 83
4.5.1 The pipeline of tools 83
4.5.2 Analogy-based method 84
4.6 SMT metric enhancements 86
4.6.1 Enhancements to the BLEU metric 86
4.6.2 Evaluation using enhanced BLEU metric 89
4.7 Alignment and filtering of corpora 95
4.7.1 Corpora used for alignment experiments 95
Contents ix

4.7.2 Filtering and alignment algorithm 98

4.7.3 Filtering results 102
4.7.4 Alignment evaluation results 104
4.8 Baseline system training 106
4.9 Description of experiments 107
4.9.1 Text alignment processing 107
4.9.2 Machine translation experiments 109 TED lectures translation 109 Word stems and SVO word order 110 Lemmatization 112 Translation and translation 113
parameter adaptation experiments Subtitles and EuroParl translation 114 Medical texts translation 114 Pruning experiments 115
4.9.3 Evaluation of obtained comparable corpora 115 Native Yalign method 115 Improved Yalign method 116 Parallel data mining using tool pipeline 117 Analogy-based method 117

5. Results and Conclusions 118

5.1 Machine translation results 118
5.1.1 TED lectures experiments 118 Word stems and SVO word order 120 Lemmatization 123 Translation results and translation 125
parameter adaptation
5.1.2 Subtitles and European Parliament proceedings 127
translation results
5.1.3 Medical text translation experiments 128
5.1.4 Pruning experiments 130
5.1.5 MT complexity within West-Slavic languages group 131 West-Slavic languages group 132 Differences between Polish and 134
English languages Spoken vs written language 135 Machine translation 136 Evaluation 137 Results 138
5.1.6 SMT in augumented reality systems 140 Review of state of the art 141
x Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing The approach 143 Data preparation 144 Experiments 145 Discussion 147
5.1.7 Neural networks in machine translation 149 Neural networks in translations 151 Data preparation 152 Translation systems 153 Results 155
5.1.8 Joint conclusions on SMT 158
5.2 Evaluation of obtained comparable corpora 159
5.2.1 Initial mining results using native Yalign solution 159
5.2.2 Native Yalign method evaluation 161
5.2.3 Improvements to the Yalign method 165
5.2.4 Parallel data mining using pipeline of tools 175
5.2.5 Analogy-based method 176
5.3 Quasi comparable corpora exploration 177
5.4 Other fields of MT techniques application 181
5.4.1 HMEANT and other metrics in re-speaking 181
quality assessment RIBES metric 182 NER metric 183 Data and experimental setup 184 Results 184
5.4.2 MT evaluation metrics within FACIT 193
translation methodology PROMIS evaluation process 194 Preparation of automatic evaluation 196
metrics and data SMT system preparation 198 Support vector machine classifier evaluation 199 Neural network-based evaluation 200 Results 201
5.4.3 Augmenting SMT with semantically-generated 205
virtual-parallel data Previous research 208 Generating virtual parallel data 210 Semantically-enhanced generated corpora 212 Experimental setup 215 Evaluation 216
Contents xi

5.4.4 Statistical noisy parallel data filtration and adaptation 219 Data acquisition 219 Building bi-lingual phrase table 220 Experiments and results 221
5.4.5 Mixing textual data selection methods for 225
improved in-domain adaptation Combined corpora adaptation method 227 Cosine tf-idf 227 Perplexity 228 Levenshtein distance 229 Combined methods 229 Results and conclusions 230
5.4.6 Improving ASR translation quality by de-normalization 232 De-Normalization method 234 De-Normalization experiments 235

6. Final Conclusions 238

References 240
Index 257
Abbreviations and Definitions

Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU): An algorithm for evaluating the

quality of text that has been machine-translated from one natural language
to another. Scores lower than 15 mean that the machine translation engine
was unable to provide satisfactory quality, as reported by Lavie [19] and a
commercial software manufacturer [18]. A high level of post-editing will
be required in order to finalize output translations and attain publishable
quality. A system score greater than 30% means that translations should
be understandable without problems. Scores over 50% reflect good, fluent
Compound splitting: When dealing with morphologically-rich languages, a
splitting step is necessary to produce correct translation of compound terms
into other languages.
Corpus: A corpus is a collection of text stored on a computer. There are two
• Comparable corpus: This consists of texts in two languages that are
similar in content but are not translations of each other.
• Parallel corpus: A parallel corpus contains texts in two languages and is
typically used to refer to texts that are translations of each other, aligned
at least at sentence level.
EuroParl: European Parliament proceedings.
HAMT: Human-Aided Machine Translation, where the output is post-edited
by a human in order to upgrade the quality of the computer output.
IWSLT: International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation.
Moses: A statistical machine translation system that allows automatic training
of translation models for any language pair in a parallel corpus.
MT: Machine Translation.
METEOR: Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering,
a method that takes into account several factors that are not considered in
xiv Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

SMT: Statistical Machine Translation.

SLT: Spoken Language Translation.
TED: Technology, Entertainment and Design is a forum in which invited
lecturers discuss important topics in science, business and global issues
that are translated into more than 100 languages. Those corpora are a great
example of spoken language.
SVO: An abbreviation used to represent texts with words reordered to match
Subject-Verb-Object order.
GIZA: A tool used for alignment of bilingual texts.
MERT: A method used in Moses for translation parameters tuning.
SRILM: A tool used for language model estimation.
MML: An abbreviation used to represent texts that were filtered using
Modified Moore-Lewis filtering.
NW: An abbreviation for the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm.
A*: An abbreviation for the A* Search algorithm.
EUP: European Parliament Proceedings.
OPEN: An abbreviation used for movie subtitles.
EMEA: European Medicines Agency.
ASR: Automatic Speech Recognition.
TTS: Text to Speech.
S2S: Speech to Speech translation.
AR: Augmented Reality.
OCR: Optical Character Recognition.
POS: Part-of-Speech tagged texts.
LM: Language Model.
SVM: Support Vector Machines.
OOV: Out-of-Vocabulary word.
PL: An abbreviation used for the Polish language.
EN: An abbreviation used for the English language.

This monograph is structured as follows: Chapter 1 is an introduction that

provides information about aim, scope and motivation for this monograph. It
also gives some background information about the speech translation problem
for the Polish language and introduces the issue with some basic terms.
Chapter 2 provides technical background on the problems and techniques
used in statistical machine translation and in comparable corpora exploration.
The tools used in this research, as well as baseline configuration settings of
the translation systems, are described in this chapter. In addition, this chapter
mentions methods for machine translation evaluation. Chapter 3 explains the
current state of the art in Polish-English translation and in comparable corpora
mining. It also discusses the Polish (PL) language in comparison to other world
languages and progress made (based on the IWSLT Evaluation Campaigns in
2013 and 2014). In Chapter 4, the author’s solutions to problems outlined
in previous chapters and improvements to current methods are described.
Implementation of the author’s solutions to problems encountered during
this research is also explained. A parallel data mining method for comparable
corpora is enhanced, a parallel data filtering and aligning tool is introduced
and the BLEU [27] metric is adapted to the specific needs of PL-EN speech
translation. In addition, experiments designed by the author to evaluate the
solutions are described. Chapter 5 presents and discusses evaluation results
for the SMT, comparable corpora mining, filtering and aligning tool and
enhanced BLEU metric [27]. Conclusions are drawn, based on the results,
and briefly summarized in Chapter 6.

The aim of this monograph is to develop, implement, and adapt methods

of statistical machine translation (SMT) [85] to Polish-English speech
translation requirements. During a conversation, real-time speech translation
would allow the utterances to be immediately translated and read aloud in
another language, provided that the system is connected with text-to-speech
(TTS) [151] and automatic speech recognition (ASR) [151] systems. Speech
translation enables speakers of different languages to communicate freely. It
also has great importance in the field of science, as well as in intercultural and
global data exchange. From a business point of view, such speech translation
systems could be applied as an aid to simultaneous interpreting, as well as in
the field of respeaking.
Another aspect of the study is the preparation of parallel and comparable
corpora and language models enhanced by pre- and post-processing of the
data using morphosyntactic analysis. Such analysis enables the changing of
words into their basic forms (to reduce the vocabulary) and the standardizing
of the natural order of a sentence (especially to Subject Verb Object [SVO]
word order [150], in which the subject is placed before the predicate and the
object is located at the end). Training a factored translation model enriched
with part of speech (POS) tags [85] was also addressed.
This study improves SMT quality through the processing and filtering
of parallel corpora and through the extraction of additional data from the
resulting comparable corpora. In order to enrich the language resources of
SMT systems, various adaptation and interpolation techniques were applied
to the prepared data. Experiments were conducted using spoken data from a
specific domain (European Parliament proceedings and written medical texts
[35, 36]), from a wide domain (TED lectures on various topics [15]) and from
human speech (on the basis of movie and TV series dialogs [14]).
2 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Evaluation of SMT systems was performed on random samples of parallel

data using automated algorithms to evaluate the quality [149] and potential
usability of the SMT systems’ output.
As far as experiments are concerned, the Moses Statistical Machine
Translation Toolkit software [8], as well as related tools and unique
implementations of processing scripts for the Polish language, were used.
Moreover, the multi-threaded implementation of the GIZA++ [148]
tool was employed in order to train models on parallel data and to perform
symmetrization at the phrase level. The SMT system was tuned using the
Minimum Error Rate Training (MERT) tool [45], which, through parallel data,
specifies the optimum weights for the trained models, improving the resulting
translations. The statistical language models from single-language data were
trained and smoothed using the SRI Language Modeling (SRILM) toolkit [9].
In addition, data from outside the thematic domain was adapted. In the case
of parallel models, Modified Moore-Lewis filtering (MML) [60] was used,
while single-language models were linearly interpolated. In order to enrich
the training data, morphosyntactic processing tools were employed. (The
morphosyntactic toolchain created by The WrocUT Language Technology
Group and the PSI-Toolkit created by Adam Mickiewicz University [59] were
Lastly, the author developed and implemented a method inspired
by the Yalign [19] (parallel data-mining tool). Its speed was increased
by reimplementing Yalign’s algorithms in a multi-threaded manner and
by employing graphics processing unit (GPU) computing power for the
calculations. The mining quality was improved by using the Needleman-
Wunsch [20] algorithm for sequence comparison and by developing a tuning
script that adjusts mining parameters to specific domain requirements.

1.1 Background and context

Polish is one of the more complex West-Slavic languages, in part because
its grammar has complicated rules and elements, but also because of its
large vocabulary, which is much larger than that of English. This complexity
greatly affects the data and data structures required for statistical models of
translation. The lack of available and appropriate resources required for data
input to SMT systems presents another problem. SMT systems work best
in specified text domains (not too wide) and do not perform well in general
purpose use. High-quality parallel data, especially in a required domain, has
low availability. All those differences and the fact that Polish and West-Slavic
group has been, to some extend, neglected in this field of research, makes
PL-EN translation an interesting topic of research as far as translation and
Introduction 3

additional resourcing is concerned. PL-EN results should be repeatable also

for other languages in the West-Slavic group.
In general, Polish and English also differ in syntax and grammar. English
is a positional language, which means that the syntactic order (the order of
words in a sentence) plays a very important role, particularly due to the limited
inflection of words (e.g., lack of declension endings). Sometimes, the position
of a word in a sentence is the only indicator of the sentence’s meaning. In
a Polish sentence, a thought can be expressed using several different word
orderings, which is not possible in English. For example, the sentence “I
bought myself a new car” can be written in Polish as “Kupiłem sobie nowy
samochód,” or “Nowy samochód sobie kupiłem,” or “Sobie kupiłem nowy
samochód,” or “Samochód nowy sobie kupiłem.” The only exception is when
the subject and the object are in the same clause and the context is the only
indication of which is the object and which is subject. For example, “Pies liże
kość (A dog is licking a bone)” and “Kość liże pies (A bone is licking a dog).”
Differences in potential sentence word order make the translation process
more complex, especially when using a phrase-model with no additional
lexical information [18]. Furthermore, in Polish it is not necessary to use
the operator, because the Polish form of a verb always contains information
about the subject of a sentence. For example, the sentence “On jutro jedzie na
wakacje” is equivalent to the Polish “Jutro jedzie na wakacje” and would be
translated as “He is going on vacation tomorrow” [160].
In the Polish language, the plural formation is not made by adding the
letter “s” as a suffix to a word, but rather each word has its own plural variant
(e.g., “pies-psy”, “artysta-artyści”, etc.). Additionally, prefixes before nouns
like “a”, “an”, “the”, do not exist in Polish (e.g., “a cat-kot”, “an apple-jabłko”,
etc.) [160].
The Polish language has only three tenses (present, past, and future).
However, it must be noted that the only indication whether an action has
ended is an aspect. For example, “Robiłem pranie” Would be translated as “I
have been doing laundry”, but “Zrobiłem pranie” as “I have done laundry”, or
“płakać-wypłakać” as “cry-cry out” [160].
The gender of a noun in English does not have any effect on the form of a
verb, but it does in Polish. For example, “Zrobił to. – He has done it”, “Zrobiła
to. – She has done it”, “lekarz/lekarka - doctor”, “uczeń/uczennica = student”,
etc. [160].
As a result of this complexity, progress in the development of SMT systems
for Polish has been substantially slower than for other languages. On the other
hand, excellent translation systems have been developed for many popular
languages. Because of the similar language structure, the Czech language is,
to some extent, comparable to Polish. In [161], the authors present a phrase-
4 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

based machine translation system that outperformed any previous systems for
Wall Street Journal text translation. The authors were able to achieve BLEU
scores as high as 41 by applying various techniques for improving machine
translation quality. The authors adapted an alignment symmetrization method
to the needs of the Czech language and used the lemmatized forms of words.
They proposed a post-processing step for correct translation of numbers and
enhanced parallel corpora quality and quantity.
In [162], the author prepared a factored, phrase-based translation system
from Czech to English and an experimental system using tree-based transfer
at a deep syntactic layer. In [163], the authors presented another factored
transition model that uses multiple factors taken from annotation of input
and output tokens. Experiments were conducted on news texts that were
previously lemmatized and tagged. A similar system, when it comes to text
domain and the main ideas, are also presented for Russian [164].
Some interesting translation systems to and from Czech to languages
other than English (German, French, Spanish) were recently presented in
[165]. The specific languages properties were described and their properties
were exploited in order to avoid language-specific errors. In addition, an
experiment was conducted on translation using English as a pivot language,
because of the great difference in parallel data.
A comparison of how the relatedness of two languages influences the
performance of statistical machine translation is described in [166]. The
comparison was made between the Czech, English, and Russian languages.
The authors proved that translation between related languages provides better
translations. They also concluded that, when dealing with closely-related
languages, machine translation is improved if systems are enriched with
morphological tags, especially for morphologically-rich languages [166].
Such systems are urgently required for many purposes, including web,
medical text and international translation services, for example, for the error-
free, real-time translation of European Parliament Proceedings (EUP) [36].

1.1.1 The concept of cohesion

Cohesion refers to non-structural resources, such as grammatical and
lexical relationships in discourse. Cohesion is increased by the ties that link
a text together and make it meaningful, for which the purpose and quality
characteristics are not usually known or seen as relevant.
It is difficult to avoid using human subjects in evaluations of assimilative
translation [95], in which the goal is to provide a translation that is good
enough to enable a user with little knowledge of the source language to gain
a correct understanding of the contents of the source text. In [95], Weiss and
Ahrenberg present two methods to deal with aspect assignment in a prototype
Introduction 5

of a knowledge-based English-Polish machine translation (MT) system.

Although there is no agreement among linguists as to its precise definition
(e.g., Dowty [96]), aspect is a result of the complex interplay of semantics,
tense, mood and pragmatics. It strongly affects the overall understanding
of the text. In English, aspect is usually not explicitly indicated on a verb.
On the other hand, in Polish it is overtly manifested and incorporated into
verb morphology. This difference between the two languages makes English-
to-Polish translation particularly difficult, as it requires contextual and
semantic analysis of the English input to derive an aspect value for the Polish
output [97].

1.2 Machine translation (MT)

Next, the history, approach, and applications and research trends of MT
systems will be discussed.

1.2.1 History of statistical machine translation (SMT)

In recent years, SMT has been adopted as the main method employed for
machine translation between languages. The main reasons for the use of SMT
are its accuracy and the fact that it does not require manually-constructed
rules [152]. A number of translation engines have been developed for general
translation purposes, with perhaps the best known being Google Translate,
which is available on the Internet for non-commercial purposes [133].
The enormous demand for translation services for different languages
in science and technology has nearly always exceeded the capacity of
translation professionals, i.e., actual humans. This work was driven, in part,
by the universal availability of the Internet, where a user can access content
in virtually any language. It was impossible for the huge demand for instant
translation to be met by human translators on such a massive scale. Thus, much
effort was expended in order to develop MT software products specifically
for translating web pages, textbooks, European Parliament and something as
mundane as—but still very useful—email messages.
During the 1980s, the forerunner of immediate online translation services
was the rule-based Systran system, which originated in France and was
limited to the Minitel network [134]. By the mid-1990s, many MT providers
were offering Internet-based, on-the-spot translation services. In subsequent
years, machine translation technology has advanced immeasurably, with
Google translate supporting fifty-seven languages [135]. However, the
overall translation quality of online MT services is frequently poor when it
comes to languages other than English, French, German and Spanish. On the
other hand, improvements are continuously being made. Google and other
6 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

developers offer an automatic translation browsing tool, which can translate

a website into a language of your choice [134]. While these services provide
acceptable, immediate, “rough” translations of content into the user’s own
language, a particular challenge for MT is the online translation of impure
language that is colloquial, incoherent, not grammatically correct, full of
acronyms and abbreviations, etc. For obvious reasons, when scientific,
medical and technical texts are being translated, the accuracy of the MT is of
paramount importance. In general, the use of systems with satisfying quality
for a narrow domain (e.g., medical texts) is quite possible.
The rapid translation of huge amounts of text is a very repetitive and
tedious task that is ideally suited to computers. Advantage can be taken of
the fact that much of the translated documentation does not vary greatly from
one version to another. This led to the creation of translation memories (for
example, Directorate-General for Translation [DGT] translation memory),
which became a core technology in MT; they enable previous translations to
be easily retrieved and automatically inserted into new translation projects
According to Jean Senellart [92], machine translation is following
technological trends in the speech area at a slower rate than speech
recognition is. In addition, some ideas from the speech recognition research
field were adopted for statistical machine translation. This interdisciplinary
collaboration between researchers led to the establishment of many projects,
like the Global Autonomous Language Exploitation (GALE) program, funded
by the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the
Technology and Corpora for Speech to Speech Translation (TC-STAR) [199,
200] program, funded by the European Commission (2004–2007) and the Asia
Speech Translation Consortium (A-STAR) [204]. Through such programs,
knowledge is transferred between the two disciplines.

1.2.2 Statistical machine translation approach

In most cases, there are two steps required for SMT: An initial investment that
significantly increases the quality at a limited cost, and an ongoing investment
to incrementally increase quality. While rule-based MT brings companies to
the quality threshold and beyond, the quality improvement process may be
long and expensive [137]. Rule-based machine translation relies on numerous
built-in linguistic rules for each language pair. Software parses text and
creates a transitional representation from which the text in the target language
is generated. This process requires extensive lexicons with morphological,
syntactic and semantic information and large sets of rules. The software uses
these complex rule sets and then transfers the grammatical structure of the
Introduction 7

source language into the target language. Translations are built on gigantic
dictionaries and sophisticated linguistic rules. Users can improve out-of-the-
box translation quality by adding their own terminology into the translation
process. They create user-defined dictionaries, which override the system’s
default settings [137]. The rule-based translation (RBMT) process is more
complex than just substitution of one word for another. For such systems, it
is necessary to prepare linguistic rules that would allow such words to be put
in different places and to change their meaning depending on context, etc.
The RBMT methodology must apply a set of linguistic rules in three phases:
Syntax and semantic analysis, transfer, syntax and semantic generation [168].
An MT system, when given a source text, first tries to segment it, for
example, by expanding elisions or marking set phrases. The system then
searches for such segments in a dictionary. If a segment is found, the search
will return the base form and accompanying tags for all matches (using
morphological analysis). Next, the system tries to resolve ambiguous segments
(e.g., terms that have more than one match) by choosing only one. RBMT
systems sometimes add an extra lexical selection that would allow choices
between alternative meanings.
One of the main problems with the RBMT approach to translation is
making a choice between correct meanings. This involves a disambiguation,
or classification, problem. For example, to improve accuracy, it is possible to
disambiguate the meanings of single words. The biggest problem with such
systems is the fact that the construction of rules requires a great effort. The
same goes for any sort of modifications to the rules that do not necessarily
improve overall system accuracy.
At the most basic level, a MT system simply substitutes words in one
language for words in another. However, this process cannot produce a good
translation of a text, because recognition of whole phrases and their closest
counterparts in the target language is needed. Solving this problem with
corpus and statistical techniques is a rapidly growing field that is leading to
better translations [85].
SMT approaches the translation of natural language as a machine-learning
problem and is characterized by the use of machine learning methods. By
investigating and examining many examples of human-produced translation,
SMT algorithms automatically learn how to translate. This means that a
learning algorithm is applied to a large body of previously-translated text,
known as a parallel corpus. The “learned” system is then able to translate
previously-unseen sentences. With an SMT toolkit and enough parallel text, a
MT system for a new language pair can be developed in a short period of time.
The correctness of these systems depends significantly on the quantity, quality
and domain of the available data.
8 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

1.2.3 SMT applications and research trends

Currently, there are many potential applications for statistical machine
translation. First, SMT can be integrated with speech technologies. Such a
combination with speech would open up a broad range of possible applications,
such as the translation of phone conversations or any other broadcasts in real-
time. Recently, Skype voice communicator started tests of such translations.2
Because methods used in modern speech recognition and statistical machine
translation are quite similar or, in some cases, even identical, the integration
of the two is straightforward. In the simplest possible application, the output
of a speech recognition system can be passed directly to an SMT system.
In more complex scenarios, since both technologies operate on statistical
models, word lattices with confidence scores can also be exchanged [169].
In addition, a rapid increase in the computing power of tablets and
smartphones, together with wide availability of high-speed mobile Internet
access, makes it possible to run machine translation systems on them (of
course, only if such systems are scaled down to match the device memory
limitations). Such experimental systems have been developed in order to
assist foreign health workers in developing countries. Similar systems are
already available on the commercial market. For example, Apple’s iOS 8 and
above allows users to dictate text messages. Initially, a built-in ASR system
recognizes the speech. In the second step (if Internet access is available), the
recognition results are altered by an online system. Supplying it with SMT for
text and voice message translation seems to be a natural next step. Another
potential commercial use that comes to mind is tourism and health care
services for foreigners.
Mobile text translators are already widely available and commercially
successful. The translation of full sentences recognized from spoken language
is on the horizon, because it is already technically possible. Projects such as
Universal Speech Translation Advanced Research (U-STAR,3 a continuation
of the A-STAR project) and EU-BRIDGE4 are currently conducting research
in this area. Increasing interest in combining speech recognition, machine
translation and speech synmonograph has been seen in recent years [93].
To achieve speech-to-speech translation, often n-best lists are passed from
the ASR to the SMT system. Unfortunately, combining those systems
raises problems—such as sentence segmentation, de-normalization and
punctuation prediction—that must be solved in order to achieve good quality
translations [94].

Introduction 9

From an economic perspective, MT is a timesaving solution, and the lack

of accuracy can be countered by human-aided machine translation (HAMT)
[136], where the computer output is post-edited by a human who upgrades
the output to an acceptable publishable quality, i.e., “MT for dissemination.”
Another possibility for the development of mobile speech technologies
is an extension for translators that would supply them with data obtained
from an optical character recognition (OCR) system [153]. The images taken
from the camera of a mobile device could be translated on a mobile device or
even replaced using augmented reality (AR) [153] capabilities in order to aid
tourists and other users. Such a solution would allow foreigners to translate
road signs, directions, instructions, warnings in public areas, restaurant
menus, documents, etc. Adding speech synmonograph to this solution would
allow deaf people to “read” important information in their language using
hand-held devices. In an application like this, the text domain is very limited,
so only a small, specialized SMT system would be required.
Statistical Machine Translation
and Comparable Corpora

This chapter provides a brief overview of statistical machine translation,

discusses textual components and corpora, describes the Moses tool
environment for SMT, discusses major aspects of SMT processing, and
describes the evaluation of SMT output.

2.1 Overview of SMT

Statistical machine translation is a method of translation in which a translation
is created on the basis of statistical models, which are obtained through an
analysis of parallel corpus of a language pair [23].
A parallel text (bilingual or multilingual) is aligned, at least at the sentence
level, in at least two languages. Commonly, one of the texts is the original
one and the others are its translations, although sometimes it can no longer
be determined which text is the original, because they were all developed in
parallel and mutually adjusted [23].
Generally, parallel texts can also be understood as different texts with
similar topics or forms, in which the alignment of sentences is not possible.
However, a comparison of them may prove useful for a linguist, terminologist
or translator. Even if initially the entries are purely translations of a text in
another language, they are supplemented and developed independently within
each language community and usually function independently of each other.
Such data is called a comparable corpus [5].
Comparable corpora are often considered a solution to the problem of an
insufficient amount of parallel data. In fact, comparable corpora are perceived
as the reference source when using multilingual natural language processing,
such as statistical machine translation [13].
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 11

Large sets of parallel texts are called parallel corpora. Alignment of

parallel corpora at the sentence level is necessary for conducting research in
many fields of linguistics. However, it is vital to remember that the alignment
of specific segments of the translation is not always easy, because those parts
of the original text might have been separated, joined, removed, moved or
replaced with a completely new element by the translator [13].
Probability theory constitutes the foundation of statistical translation.
During the translation of a document, the probability p(e|f) that a string f that
appears in the source language (e.g., Polish) is the translation of the string e in
another language (e.g., English) is defined. Using Bayes’ theorem for p(e|f), it
can be said that it is proportional to p(f |e)p(e), where the model of translation
p(f|e) is the probability that the foreign text is a translation of the source text,
and the language model p(e) is the probability of occurrence of a target text.
Therefore, the initial problem is split into two sub-problems. Hence, finding
the best translation e~ is simply finding the one with the highest probability:

e = arg max

e∈e∗⋅ p (e | f ) ~ arg max
e∈e∗⋅ p ( f | e) p (e) (1)

Statistical models are determined using specific tools with training

conducted on parallel corpora. The resulting n-gram models predict the next
element of a sequence. The creation of an n-gram model starts with counting
the occurrences of a sequence of a determined length n in the existing language
resource. Usually, entire texts are analyzed, and all 1’s (1-grams, unigrams),
2’s (2-grams, bigrams), and 3’s (3-grams, trigrams), etc., are counted. A
significant amount of language data is required in order to obtain 4-grams
of words, which is especially difficult to achieve in the case of the Polish
language [9].
After analyzing a sufficiently large amount of text, the number of
occurrences is changed into probability through standardization. Such action
makes it possible to predict the next element on the basis of the sequence of
n observed so far. In accordance with [208] for the Polish language, analysis
of texts containing 300 million words provides a good 1-gram model and a
satisfactory 2-gram model.5 To create a reliable 3-gram model, much larger
resources are required. A huge amount of analyzed text increases the quality
of the model. However, there are also methods that allow enhancement of
n-gram models without additional data, due to smoothing of the gathered
statistical information [9].
It must be noted that there are problems in balancing weights
between infrequent and frequent n-grams. Items not seen in the training
data will be given a probability of 0.0 without smoothing. In practice, it is

12 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

also necessary to smooth the probability distributions by assigning non-zero

probabilities to unseen n-grams. This approach is motivated by the fact that
models derived from only the n-gram counts would have big problems if
confronted with any n-grams that have not been seen before [171].
The main advantages of n-grams are simplicity and scalability. By
changing n, it is possible to achieve both: Models that do not require a lot
of training data, but also do not provide a high predictive accuracy, as well
as models that require a large amount of data, but offer greater prediction
potential [9].
Some of the most commonly cited advantages of statistical translation
• Better use of resources: There are an enormous number of digital texts in
a natural language ready for processing by the translation systems.
• Creation of systems based on rules requires the manual development of
language rules, which involves a large amount of human resources and,
therefore, can be expensive. In addition, such systems cannot be easily
adjusted to support languages different from the ones taken into account
while creating the system, or for application to a different domain.
• Statistical translation systems are based on texts translated by a human.
Therefore, such translation sounds more natural than a text translated
using pre-programmed rules [85].

2.2 Textual components and corpora

This section discusses the basic components of texts and the nature of corpora.

2.2.1 Words
Naturally, the fundamental unit of written language (in European languages)
that native speakers can identify is a word, which is also used in SMT (In
spoken language, basic units are syllables and phrases). A good example is
the word “house” which means a dwelling that serves as living quarters for
one or more families. In terms of structure, it may translate to a structure that
has a roof and walls and stands more or less permanently in one place. While
the word (house) may be used in different contexts that surround the language
unit and help to determine its interpretation, the word more often than not
conveys the same meaning [85].
That aside, there are intricate language units, known as syllables, used
in a word (house). More precisely, “s” may not add any weight to the word,
even though the word can be understood by native English speakers. All in
all, words are separated to form a coherent meaning by the way they appear
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 13

independently. However, the same cannot be said about a foreign language.

Compellingly, when listening to a person of a different native language
speak—perhaps a language some person is not used to—people tend to get
lost in the syllabic formation of the words. The words often sound different
from what people are used to. A case in point is the Polish language, which
may sound separated in speech but appear without spaces in writing (e.g.,
“nie rób”—“don’t do”—is spoken the same way as “nierób”—“lazy person”).
Homework, for instance, is an English word that stands for work students do
at home. Although it appears as two words, it is actually one [85].
Another aspect that complicates consideration of the concept of words
as immeasurably small units of criticality is casual representations. A good
example is the following sentence: “She’s gone off the deep end.” The words
in the statement “off the deep end” all have diverse meanings that are not
related to the intended meaning, which can be confusing. Note that this issue
of non-compositional declarations is an obstacle to understanding. While it is
acknowledged that people can frequently decipher word-by-word, it is clearly
infeasible for such cases [85].

2.2.2 Sentences
Sentences are strings of words that satisfy the grammatical rules of a language.
Below is an example:

Jane purchased the house

The focus of this sentence is the verb “purchased.” It has a purchaser and
an article to be purchased: The subject, “Jane,” and the object, “the house.”
Different verbs refer to various numbers of objects. Some do not require any
object whatsoever (known as intransitive verbs), a case in point being “Jane
swims.” Some require two objects, for example, “Jane gave Joe the book.”
What and how many objects a verb requires is known as the valency of the verb.
Objects needed by a verb are known as arguments. Adjuncts add information
to a sentence. The sentence “Jane purchased the house” may be expanded by a
prepositional phrase, for example, “from Jim” or “without a second thought,”
or verb modifiers, for example, “yesterday” and “inexpensively.” It is often
not simple to differentiate between adjuncts and arguments. Also, distinct
meanings of a verb may have diverse valency [85].
Arguments and adjuncts may be complex. Noun phrases (e.g., “the
house”) may be modified by descriptive words (e.g., “the beautiful house”) or
prepositional representations (e.g., “the house in the wealthy neighborhood”).
The English language calls for a critical understanding of a few basic
tenets. Some important tenets are as follows:
14 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

FRAGMENT—Sentence fragments are among the most common grammar

mistakes that one can find. Essentially, a fragment is characterized by a broken
structure and meaning, and it cannot stand independently. Lacking a proper
subject and verb association, sentence fragments fail to meet the standards
of a complete sentence and meaningful statement. An example of a sentence
fragment follows below:

Fox News, during the last American general elections

Whereas the sentence above only provides a subject (Fox) and setting and
time (the last general elections), it fails to meet the requirements that were
discussed earlier. In this case, it is necessary to introduce a link between the
two thoughts. The final sentence may be:

Fox News was ranked among the top networks during the last
American general elections
The sentence above is complete, having a subject, verb and place.
Be that as it may be, stylistic fragments can be used in creative writing,
which is less restrictive than formal writing [85].
RUN-ON—Also known as fused sentences, run-on sentences are typified by
putting two complete sentences together without a break or punctuation. An
example of a run-on sentence is:

My favorite movies are documentaries they are very educational

The sentence above should be broken into two by using a comma, a
coordinating conjunction or a period. For instance, the sentence could read:

My favorite movies are documentaries, for they are very educational

My favorite movies are documentaries; they are very educational
My favorite movies are documentaries. They are very educational
COMMA SPLICE—As with the above grammatical errors, a comma splice
occurs when two independent clauses are treated as one sentence, as opposed
to breaking them into two. Correcting comma splices can be done by using a
comma, semicolon, period or conjunction.
Example: My friends come to my place every Saturday morning, we then go
swimming together.
Correction: My friends come to my place every Saturday morning; we
then go swimming together. My friends come to my place every Saturday
morning. We then go swimming together.
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 15

SEMICOLON—This punctuation mark is used to clarify meaning by

separating words into similar sentences, clauses or phrases. Importantly, they
provide breaks in rather long sentences. A period or comma can replace a
Example: James is a music producer; writing songs is one of his fortes.
The semicolon here has been used to show a symbiotic relationship between
independent clauses.
COMMA RULES—Arguably, these are the most often-used punctuation
marks, with the exception of periods, of course. That being the case, there are
a few rule of thumbs applied in their usage. They are:
Rule 1. To break up a list of items
Example: Elizabeth is known for her wits, skills and personality.
Rule 2. To separate two adjectives (especially when they are identical)
Example: Africans are warm, friendly people.
Rule 3. To separate two independent clauses
Example: Hannah ran to the studio, and talked to the photographer.
In this case, the comma is employed to give a rest to the first clause, thus
avoiding a run-on or comma splice.
Rule 4. Used in combination with introductory words, such as “well,”
“yes,” “in fact,” “surprisingly,” etc.
Example: Surprisingly, Joshua did not even attend his own graduation.
Rule 5. Used in combination with connectors or statements that suspend
the flow of the sentence
Example: South Africa is a lovely country to live in; however, the high
level of insecurity is a great concern.
Rule 6. Used to set apart a name or title of a person
Example: Christine, will you marry me?
Example: Sir, may I submit my assignment tomorrow?
Rule 7. Used to separate dates
Example: The last time we spoke was on February, 10, 2013.
Rule 8. Used to introduce or interject a direct quote
Example: She said, “Please don’t call me ever again.”
These developments can be again seen as additional aspects. Also, they can
also be extended: Modifiers by intensifiers (“brilliant” becomes “astoundingly
brilliant”), noun phrases by additional prepositional phrases (“the house in
the rich neighborhood over the stream”), etc. The ability to make such subtle
nuances about phrases, which can be connected by additional phrases, is a
16 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

striking idiosyncrasy of language called recursion. Note that this can also be
applied to sentences. This exceptional sentence may be extended by modifiers
of Jane, who, starting late, won the lottery and acquired the house that was just
put on the market [85].
This provides an opportunity to refine the considered sentence. A sentence
may involve one or more modifiers, each of which embodies a verb with
discords and subordinates. Stipulations may be partners and controversies
themselves, as in: “I proposed to set out for some swimming.” The recursive
refinement of sentences with subtle improvements raises a huge number of
issues for the examination of text. One especially grievous issue for specific
sentences is structural obscurity. Consider the three sentences:
• Joe eats steak with a knife.
• Jim eats steak with ketchup.
• Jane watches the man with the telescope.
Each of the three sentences end in a helping prepositional phrase. In the
first sentence, the helper modifies the verb (the consumption happens with a
knife). In the second sentence, the subordinate clause modifies the object (the
steak has ketchup on it). Be that as it may, what about the third sentence? Does
Jane utilize a telescope to watch the man, or does the man she watches have a
telescope? Structural uncertainty is presented not only by helpers, for example,
the prepositional expression issue mentioned previously. Connectives likewise
add ambiguity, as their extension is not generally clear. Consider the sentence:
Jim washes the dishes and watches television with Jane. Is Jane assisting with
the dishes, or would she say that she is simply joining Jim for TV [85]?
The motivation behind why structural ambiguity is such a difficult
issue for programmed common dialect preparation frameworks is that the
uncertainty is usually determined semantically. People are not confused,
reading in context. In addition, speakers and authors use ambiguity when it is
not clear what the right intention is. However, what is clear to a human is not
evident to a machine. In what manner ought your desktop computer to realize
that “steak and knife” do not make a delicious dinner [85]?

2.2.3 Corpora
The multilingual nature of the world makes translation a crucial requirement
today. Parallel dictionaries constructed by humans are a widely-available
resource, but they are limited and do not provide enough coverage for good
quality translation purposes, due to out-of-vocabulary words and neologisms.
This motivates the use of statistical translation systems, which are dependent
on the quantity and quality of training data. A corpus is a large collection
of texts, stored on a computer. Text collections are called corpora. The term
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 17

“parallel corpus” is typically used in linguistic circles to refer to texts that

are translations of each other. For statistical machine translation, parallel
corpora, which are texts paired with a translation to another language, are
of particular interest. Texts differ in style and topic, for instance, transcripts
of parliamentary speeches versus news reports. Preparing parallel texts for
the purpose of statistical machine translation may require crawling the web,
extracting the text from formats such as HTML, and performing document
and sentence alignment [7].
A noisy parallel corpus contains bilingual sentences that are not perfectly
aligned or have poor-quality translations. Nevertheless, mostly bilingual
translations of a specific document should be present in it. To exploit a parallel
text, some kind of text alignment, which identifies equivalent text segments
(approximately, sentences), is a prerequisite for analysis.
In a comparable corpus, the texts are of the same kind and cover the
same content, but they are not translations of one another [5]. An example is
a corpus of articles about football from English and Polish news monographs.
A quasi-comparable corpus is a type of comparable corpus that includes very
heterogeneous and non-parallel bilingual documents that may or may not be
topic-aligned [13]. Machine translation algorithms for translating between
a first language and a second language are often trained using parallel
fragments, comprising a first language corpus and a second language corpus,
which is an element-for-element translation of the first language corpus. Such
training may involve large training sets that may be extracted from large
bodies of similar sources, such as databases of news articles written in the
first and second languages describing similar events. However, extracted
fragments may be comparatively “noisy,” with extra elements inserted in
each corpus. Extraction techniques may be devised that can differentiate
between “bilingual” elements represented in both corpora and “monolingual”
elements represented in only one corpus, and for extracting cleaner parallel
fragments of bilingual elements. Such techniques may involve conditional
probability determinations on one corpus with respect to the other corpus, or
joint probability determinations that concurrently evaluate both corpora for
bilingual elements [13].
Because of such difficulties, high-quality parallel data is difficult to obtain,
especially for less popular languages. Comparable corpora are a solution to
the problem of lack of data for the translation systems for under-resourced
languages and subject domains. It may be possible to use comparable
corpora to directly obtain knowledge for translation purposes. Such data is
also a valuable source of information for other cross-lingual, information-
dependent tasks. Unfortunately, parallel data is quite rare, especially for the
Polish-English language pair. On the other hand, monolingual data for those
languages is accessible in far greater quantities [98].
18 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The domain of a text can significantly affect SMT performance. An

important example is medical texts. Obtaining and providing medical
information in an understandable language is of vital importance to patients
and physicians [63–65]. For example, as noted by GGH [66], a traveler
in a foreign country may need to communicate their medical history and
understand potential medical treatments. In addition, diverse continents (e.g.,
Europe) and countries (e.g., the U.S.) have many residents and immigrants
who speak languages other than the official language of the place in which
they require medical treatment.
Karliner [67] discusses how human translators could improve access
to health care, as well as improve its quality. However, human translators
trained in medical information are often not available to patients or medical
professionals [68]. While existing machine translation capabilities are
imperfect [68], machine translation has the promise of reducing the cost of
medical translation while increasing its availability [69] in the future. The
growing technologies of mobile devices hold great promise as platforms for
machine translation aids for medical information.
Medical professionals and researchers, as well as patients, have a need to
access the wealth of medical information on the Internet [63, 70]. Access to
this information has the potential to greatly improve health and well-being.
Sharing medical information could accelerate medical research. English is
the prevalent language used in the scientific community, including for
medical information, as well as on the Internet, where a vast amount of
medical information may be found. The experiments on developing medical-
related translation systems were also conducted and are described in the

2.3 Moses tool environment for SMT

Moses is a tool environment for statistical machine translation that enables
users to train translation models for any two languages. This implementation
of the statistical approach to machine translation is currently the dominant
approach in this field of research [8].
To train a system, a collection of translated texts aligned into a parallel
corpus is required. The trained model is enough for an efficient search
algorithm implemented in Moses to quickly find the most probable sentence
translation from a very large number of possible translation candidates [8].
In the training step, Moses processes the parallel data and analyses co-
occurrences of words or entire segment phrases in order to determine the
translation equivalents between two languages. In the most popular phrase-
based machine translation, the correspondences between languages are
analyzed solely between continuous word sequences. On the other hand, in
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 19

hierarchical phrase-based machine translation and syntax-based models, some

additional structure is added to the relationships. For example, when using a
hierarchical MT system, it is possible to “learn” that the Polish “Sok z X został
wypity” corresponds to the English “Juice from X was drunk,” where X can
be replaced by any Polish-English word pair. It is possible to obtain such extra
structure through the linguistic analysis of the parallel data. Additionally, an
extension to phrase-based machine translation is implemented in Moses. It is
known as a factored translation model, and it enables a phrase-based system
to be enriched with linguistic information (e.g., Part of Speech tags) [8].
Nonetheless, the key to creating a high-quality system is usage of the best
possible quality data in large quantities. It is possible to find free sources of
bilingual data for the Polish-English pair. However, it is essential to choose
data that is very similar to the data that the system is supposed to translate.
Proper data selection will greatly improve the results of the translation. This
is also an advantage of using an the open-source Moses toolkit, because it
enables users to tailor systems to specific needs with the potential to get better
quality and performance than a general-use translation engine. Moses requires
data aligned at least at the sentence level for its training process. However,
if data is aligned only at the document level, it can often be adjusted. This
monograph addresses how to extract parallel data from comparable corpora
and a method to make such a conversion [8].
Moses can be divided into two main components, known as the training
pipeline and the decoder. Of course, there is much more to the Moses toolkit.
It also includes a variety of tools and utilities. In fact, the training pipeline is,
in reality, a chain of collected tools that can process text data and turn it into a
translation model. Just the opposite, the decoder is a single tool that translates
source documents into another language [8].
It is typically required that data be prepared before it is used in training.
Steps like tokenization and casing standardization need to be performed.
Usually, heuristics that remove sentence pairs that might be misaligned
and that remove sentences that are too long are also used. When the pre-
processing of the data is done, the remaining bi-sentences are word-aligned.
Typically, because of its popularity and quality, the GIZA++ tool, which is
an implementation of a set of statistical models developed at IBM, is used
for alignment [185, 186]. Phrase-to-phrase translations must be developed
from these word alignment models, or hierarchical rules must be developed.
Additionally, statistics of the entire corpus are estimated in order to count
the probabilities of phrase translations [11]. More details are discussed in the
Chapter 2.4.
Tuning is the last step in the creation of a translation system and can
improve its quality. The purpose of tuning is to select the best possible
weights between trained statistical models. Most popular tuning algorithms
20 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

are already implemented in Moses [8]. The batch margin-infused relaxed

algorithm (MIRA), developed by Cherry and Foster [198], is an algorithm
that efficiently parallelizes SMT system tuning. Batch-MIRA has been
implemented in the Moses toolkit.
Lastly, the decoder can be used to find the sentence with the highest score
in accordance with the translation model. It can also return a sorted list of
translation candidates, together with various types of information about how
the candidates were found. Decoding is an enormous and time-consuming
search problem—too big to conduct an exact search. Moses provides a few
solutions to this problem; the most important are stack-based search, cube-
pruning, chart parsing, etc. [8].
Sentence translation probability can by calculated as follows:
=ebest argmax e ∏ φ ( fi | ei ) d (start i − endi −1 − 1) pLM (e) (2)
i =1

In accordance with the above equation, several components contribute

to overall translation probability. To be more precise, the phrase translation
probability is defined as φ, the reordering model is denoted by d, and the
language model is designated as pLM. The input phrases are denoted as

f ι, the output phrases as e–i, and their positions as starti and endi, where
i = 1, ..., I. It is also possible to compute partial scores for partial translations
during the translation process. In other words, it is not only possible to
compute the translation probability for the whole translation only when it is
completed, but also to incrementally add its parts while determining the final
translation. In such a scenario, scores from the three model components need
to be considered each time when adding a phrase translation. A reordering
model is consulted in order to keep track of the end position in the input of the
previous phrase that was translated (endi–1). In addition, a place from which
a phrase was picked is known, just as its start position in the input (starti).
Having those two values, it is possible to calculate the distortion probability
distribution d to get the reordering cost. Lastly, a language model is used to
count, for example, the probability pLM (he| <s>) that a sentence started with
“he”, the probability pLM (does|he) that “he” is followed by “does,” and so on.
In other words, once new words are added to the end of the sequence, their
language model impact is computed.
The phrase-based decoder implemented in Moses uses a beam search
algorithm inspired by [207]. In this approach, an output sentence e is generated
from left to right in the form of hypotheses. As presented in Figure 1, starting
from the initial hypomonograph, the first expansion is the f word Maria, which
is translated as “Mary.” A translated word is marked with the “*” symbol.
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 21

e : Mary did not

f : **– – – – – –
p : .122
e : Mary e : Mary slap
f : *– – – – – – – f : *–***– – – –
p : .534 p : .043

e : witch
e: f :––––––*–
f :–––––––– p : .182
p: 1

Figure 1. Phrase translation example.6

It is possible to generate new hypotheses from previously expanded ones.

By doing so, the first two f words become marked as translated. By following
the back pointers of the hypotheses, it is possible to read partial translations
of the sentence.
In the Moses decoding beam search algorithm, a separate stack is created
for each f word covered in the translation. The first translation hypomonograph
is placed on the stack, not having any foreign words covered, but starting
with a hypomonograph such that all new ones are generated by committing to
phrasal translations that covered previously-unused f words. The hypotheses
are placed on the stack by the number of f words they cover.

2.3.1 Tuning for quality

Undoubtedly, the best way to obtain great performance from an SMT system
is by using a decent translation phrase table. However, tuning of the decoder
parameters is also possible. The statistical cost that is estimated for each
translation is a result of the combined costs of four main models. The phrase
tables, monolingual language models, reordering models and word penalties
must be taken into account [8].
Each of these models helps by supplying the decoder with information on
each aspect of a translation. The phrase table guarantees that native phrases
and target expressions are precise equivalents of one another in two different
languages. The usage of a language model guarantees that the output is fluent
language. By using a distortion model, the decoder takes reordering of the
input data into consideration. Finally, a word penalty guarantees that the final
translation is not excessively long or simply too short [8].
The importance of each of the components can be given proper weights
that set their influence level. Influence can be calculated as:

22 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

weightφ weightφ
p (e | f ) = φ ( f | e) × LM weightLM × D(e, f ) weightd × W (e) (3)

where φ ( f | e) is phrase translation, LM is the language model, D is the

distortion model, and W is the word penalty.
The Moses decoder uses such weights by passing four parameters:
weight-t, weight-l, weight-d, and weight-w. By default, the weights are set to
1, 1, 1 and 0, respectively. Adjusting these weights to the best possible values
for each translation system can enhance translation accuracy [8].

2.3.2 Operation sequence model (OSM)

The operation sequence model (OSM) is integrated into Moses [62, 71]. The
OSM is an n-gram-based translation and reordering model that can represent
aligned bilingual corpora as sequences of operations and that can learn a
Markov model over the resultant sequences.
The OSM can perform operations such as the generation of a sequence of
source and target words. It can also inspect gaps as explicit target positions for
reordering operations, and forward and backward jump operations that do the
actual reordering. An n-gram model describes the probability of a sequence
of operations, i.e., the probability of an operation depends upon the first n–1
operations. Let O = o1, . . ., oN be a sequence of operations as hypothesized
by the translator to generate a word-aligned bilingual sentence pair <F;E;A>
[71]. Given a bilingual sentence pair (F, E) and their alignment (A), the model
is defined as:
POSM (F, E, A) = p(o1,...,oN) = ip(o i |oi – n + 1...oi – 1) (4)

The OSM model addresses a couple of issues with phrase-based SMT

and lexicalized reordering models. First of all, it considers target and
source information, based on context and crossover phrasal boundaries, and
avoids assumptions regarding independencies. It is also focused on minimal
translation units, so it does not have the issue of spurious segmentation of
phrases. Lastly, the OSM considers much richer condition formation than
the lexicalized reordering model, which simply learns the orientation of a
phrase while ignoring information on how previous words were reordered and
translated. The OSM model conditions translation and reordering decisions on
n defined past reordering and translation decisions that can cross over phrasal
boundary points [71].
Due to information sparsity, the lexically-determined OSM model may
frequently fail in small context sizes. This issue is explored in [80] by learning
sequences of operations rather than using generalized representations (for
example, POS/Morph or tags/word classes).
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 23

2.3.3 Minimum error rate training tool

The Minimum error rate training (MERT) technique, introduced by Och, is
a tuning algorithm for SMT systems, designed to minimize translation errors
by optimizing feature weights and leveraging multiple reference translations
[203]. An implementation of MERT is provided in the Moses toolkit, which
is widely used [210]. MERT is a form of coordinate descent that attempts to
find a local minimum of a translation metric by conducting a line search in
different directions [210]. This enables refined tuning of an SMT system.

2.4 Aspects of SMT processing

In the following chapter, technical aspects of statistical machine translation
process will be described.

2.4.1 Tokenization
Among the most important steps in text translation is tokenization, the
dividing of rough text into words. For lingos and languages that use the Latin
letters in place, this is basically an issue of dividing a combination of many
words. It is a very difficult task to compose frameworks that do not provide
spaces between words. This section discusses some of the issues that must be
addressed in tokenization.
Sentences are a fundamental unit of text. Determining where sentences
end requires recognition of punctuation marks, very often the period (“.”).
Unfortunately, the period presents a high degree of ambiguity. For example,
it can serve as the end of a sentence, part of an abbreviation, an English
decimal point, an abbreviation and also the end of a sentence, or be followed
by quotation marks [215].
Recognizing abbreviations, which can come from a long list of potential
abbreviations, is a related problem, since the period often appears in them.
There are also many potential acronyms that can occur in text and must be
detected. No universal standard for abbreviations or acronyms exists [215].
Hyphens and dashes present another tokenization challenge. A hyphen
may be part of a token (e.g., “forty-five”), or it may not be or (e.g., “Paris-
based”). A hyphen is also used for splitting words at the end of a line and
within a single word following certain suffixes [216].
A variety of non-lexical expressions, which may include alphanumeric
characters and symbols that also serve as punctuation marks, can confuse a
tokenizer. Some examples include phone numbers, email addresses, dates,
serial numbers, numeric quantities with units, and times [216, 217].
One tokenization issue is words that occur in lowercase or uppercase in a
text. For example, the text “house,” “House,” and “HOUSE” may all occur in
A variety of non-lexical expressions, which may include alphanumeric characters and
symbols that also serve as punctuation marks, can confuse a tokenizer. Some examples
include phone numbers, email addresses, dates, serial numbers, numeric quantities with units,
and times [216, 217].

One tokenization issue is words that occur in lowercase or uppercase in a text. For
example, the text “house,”
24 “House,” and “HOUSE” may all occur in a large corpus, in the
Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing
midst of a sentence, at the beginning of a sentence, or in rare cases, independently. It is the
same word, so it is necessary to standardize
a large corpus, case, of
in the midst typically by lowercasing
a sentence, or truecasing.
at the beginning of a sentence, or in
rare cases,
Truecasing applies uppercase independently.
to names, It is the same
allowing differentiation word, phrases
between so it is necessary to standardize
such as “Mr.
case, typically by lowercasing or truecasing. Truecasing applies uppercase to
Fisher” and “a fisher” [85].
names, allowing differentiation between phrases such as “Mr. Fisher” and “a
fisher” [85].
Tokenization of modern text must alsoofhandle
Tokenization modern emoticons,
text mustwhich are handle
also often used in social which are
often used in social media and email
media and email messages. There are many different emoticons. They can be complex messages. There are many
and different
emoticons. They can be complex and may be easily confused with other text.
may be easily confused with other text. For example, any of the following emoticon symbols
For example, any of the following emoticon symbols may indicate a frown7:
>:[:-(:( :(:( :-c
may indicate a frown : >:[ :c :c :-<
:< ::っCC:< :<:-[
:[ :[
:[ :{
Much work has gone into the separation of Polish content. Such tasks
Much work has gone into a dictionary of possible
the separation of Polish words and Such
content. a systemtaskstorequire
discover,a learn and
determine them with certainty, usually by consideration of ambiguities
dictionary of possible between
words and a systemdivisions
alternative to discover,(e.g.,learn
successive them with At the same
time, there are
certainty, usually by consideration some tokenization
of ambiguities between issues for English
alternative divisionsthat do favor
(e.g. not have simple
more successive words). At the same time, there are some tokenization issues for English that
• What should be done with the possessive marker in “Joe’s,” or a
do not have simple answers:
contraction, for example, “doesn’t”? These are typically separated.
For example, the possessive marker “s” is viewed as a word in its own
• What should be done with theright.
particular possessive marker in “Joe's,” or a contraction, for
example, “doesn't”? These• are How typically
hyphenatedFor example,
words the be possessive
treated, for marker “s” is “co-work,”
viewed as a word in its own particular right. or “high-risk”? There is, by all accounts, little advantage
in separating “co-work.” However, “high-risk” is truly comprised of two
words. When tokenizing content for machine translation, the primary
• How should hyphenated words be treated, for example, “co-work,” “purported,” or
guiding rule is that it is required to reduce content to a grouping of tokens
“high-risk”? There is, by allfrom accounts,
a smalllittle advantage
set. It is preferred in separating
not to learn“co-work.” However, of “house,”
diverse translations
“high-risk” is truly comprised contingent of two upon whether
words. When it is tokenizing
trailed by acontent
comma (house) or encompassed
for machine
by quotes (“house”) [85].
translation, the primary guiding rule is that it is required to reduce content to a grouping of
tokens from a small set. 2.4.2
It is preferred not to learn diverse translations of “house,” contingent
upon whether it is trailedAby a comma
few (house)
languages, or encompassed
including by quotes
Polish, support ("house")
making new [85].
words by intensifying
7 existing words. Some of these words—przedszkole, metamaskarada, etc.—
have even found their way into the English language. Exasperation is
Krzysztof Wołk amazingly conducive to the creation of new words. Breaking
up compound
words may be part of the tokenization stage for a couple of languages [12].
Different words serve different functions. Nouns are used for actual,
concrete objects (e.g., house) or abstractions (e.g., opportunity). Words can

Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 25

be classified as content words or function words. Content words are used

for acts, things or properties. Function words describe relationships among
content words [85].
Content words are also known as open-class words, since new content
words are frequently added to a language as new objects and object types
occur. Since this is not true of function words, they are also known as closed-
class words. They are added very infrequently (e.g., every few decades) to a
language, when at all [85].
Both types of words are challenging for MT in unique ways. Since the
huge set of content words change frequently, many large corpora on numerous
topics and from different domains are needed for MT. There are only a few
function words, and they occur very frequently in extensive corpora. Function
words vary significantly from language to language. The most frequent word
in English is “the,” a function word. Possible translations of “the” in Polish
are: “który,” “która,” “które,” “któremu,” and “której” [85].
Nouns, verbs and properties are the three types of open-class words.
Nouns refer to objects. Verbs refer to actions. On the other hand, properties
may be adjectives, which modify nouns, or adverbs, which modify verbs or
adjectives [85].
There are several types of closed-class words. As described in [12], they
include: Determiners, pronouns, prepositions, coordinating conjunctions,
numbers, markers for possession and list items, symbols (e.g., for currency),
foreign words, and interjections. They may also include icons, such as the
smiley face, “:})” [12].
Natural language processing typically tags each word in a text with its
part of speech (POS). To do so, often a large corpus is labeled with POS tags.
Then, machine learning techniques use this to train software that tags words
in any text with POS [12].

2.4.3 Language models

One essential component of any statistical machine translation system is the
language model (LM), which measures how likely it is that a sequence of
words would be uttered by a speaker. A language model is a statistical model
that is usually built from a large set of monolingual data in a target language.
A decoder uses information from the language model to smooth and ensure
fluency of the translation. External tools like SRILM [9], IRSTLM [187],
KENLM [10], etc., are used in Moses for language modeling [18]. Obviously,
it is desirable for a machine translation system to not only produce output
words that are true to the original meaning, but also to assemble them into
fluent English sentences [8].
26 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The language model typically does much more than enable fluent output.
It supports difficult decisions about word order and word translation. For
instance, a probabilistic language model pLM should prefer correct word order
over incorrect word order:
pLM (the house is small) > pLM (small the is house) (5)

Formally, a language model is a function that takes an English sentence

and returns the probability that an English speaker would produce it. According
to the example above, it is more likely that an English speaker would utter the
sentence “the house is small” than the sentence “small the is house.” Hence,
a good language model assigns a higher probability to the first sentence [85].
A language model helps a statistical machine translation system find
the right word order. Another area in which language models aid translation
is word choice. If a foreign word (such as the Polish “dom”) has multiple
translations (house, home, etc.), lexical translation probabilities give
preference to the more common translation (house). Language models also
ensure that the output is fluent. In mathematical terms, LMs add probability to
each translated token sequence that indicates how likely it is for that sentence
to appear in a real-life text. The LMs used in the Moses decoder are based on
n-grams, which use the assumption of Markov to divide the probability of
an entire sentence by the probabilities of each word through analysis of the
history of preceding words.
In addition, language models are optimized using a perplexity value.
Perplexity, developed for information theory, is a performance measurement
for a language model. Specifically, it is the reciprocal of the average probability
that the LM assigns to each word in a data set. Thus, when perplexity is
minimized, the probability of the LM’s prediction of an unknown test set is
maximized [32, 33, 184, 190].
The fundamental challenge that language models handle is sparse data.
It is possible that some possible translations were not present in the training
data but occur in real life. There are some methods in Moses, such as add-one
smoothing, deleted estimation and Good-Turing smoothing, that cope with
this problem [184].
Interpolation and back-off are other methods of solving the sparse data
problem in n-gram LMs. Interpolation is defined as a combination of various
n-gram models with different orders. Back-off is responsible for choosing the
highest-order n-gram model for predicted words from its history. It can also
restore lower-order n-gram models that have shorter histories. There are many
methods that determine the back-off costs and adapt n-gram models. The most
popular method is known as Kneser-Ney smoothing. It analyses the diversity
of predicted words and takes their histories into account [8].
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 27

As previously mentioned, the leading method for building LMs is

n-gram modeling. N-gram language models, in simple terms, are based on
statistics that determine how likely it is for words to follow each other. In
more formal terms, language modeling counts the probability of a string as
W = w1, w2, ..., wn. The probability p(W) is defined as the probability that W
will be returned when picking a sequence of words at random (by reading
random text) [8].
The probability p(W) is computed by analyzing large amounts of textual
data and estimating how often the words W occur in it. It must be noted that
most long text sequences of words will not be found in the data at all. Because
of that fact, the computation of p(W) must be divided into smaller steps. Such
smaller steps are superior for collecting the statistics required in order to
calculate the probability distribution [8].
A related problem is the compounding of words into new, longer words.
Compounding appears in many languages, such as German, Dutch, Finnish
and English, and is also present in Polish. For example, “lifetime” is a
compound of the words “life” and “time.” The problem of merging existing
words into new ones that often express different thoughts creates even more
sparse data problems for morphologies that are inflectional, such as the Polish
language. Words created using this method may have never been seen before
or may have been created from foreign words. Even using a very large set of
training data will not completely solve this problem [85].
When taking phrase-based language models into account, it is possible
to split a compounded word into all possible valid words. This can be done
because a phrase-based language model stores many-to-many relations [85]. Out of vocabulary words

Another problem that must be addressed when using n-gram language models
are out-of-vocabulary words (OOV). In computational linguistics and natural
language processing, this term denotes words that were not present in a
system’s dictionary or database during its preparation [9].
By default, when a language model is estimated, all observed vocabulary
is used. In some cases, it may be necessary to estimate the language model
over a specific, fixed vocabulary. In such a scenario, the n-grams in the
corpus that contain an out-of-vocabulary word would be ignored. The n-gram
probabilities would be smoothed over all the words in the vocabulary, even if
they were not observed.
Nonetheless, in some cases, it is essential to explicitly model the probability
of out-of-vocabulary words by introducing a special token (e.g., “<unk>”)
into the vocabulary. Out-of-vocabulary words in the corpus are replaced with
28 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

this special token before n-grams counts are determined. Using this approach,
it is possible to estimate the transition probabilities of n-grams involving out-
of-vocabulary words [172].
Another recently introduced solution to the OOV problem is unsupervised
transliteration. In accordance with [80], character-based translation models
(transliteration models) were shown to be quite useful in MT when translating
OOV words is necessary, for disambiguation and for translating closely-
related languages. The solution presented in [80] extracts a transliteration
corpus from the parallel data and builds a transliteration model from it. The
transliteration model can then be used to translate OOV words or named-
The proposed transliteration-mining model is actually a mixture of two
sub-models (a transliteration model and a non-transliteration sub-model).
The transliteration model assigns higher probabilities to transliteration pairs
compared to the probabilities assigned by a non-transliteration model to the
same pairs. If a word pair is defined as (e, f), the transliteration probability for
them is defined as:
| a|
Ptr (e, f ) = ∑ ∏ p(q j ) (6)
a∈Align ( e, f ) j =1

Align(e, f) is the set of all possible sequences of character alignments,

whereas a is one alignment sequence and qj is a character alignment.
The non-transliteration model deals with the word pairs that have no
character relationship. Multiplying source and target character unigram
models, it is as follows:
|e| |f|
Pntr (e, f ) = ∏ pE (ei )∏ pF ( fi ) (7)
=i 1 =i 1

The transliteration mining model is an interpolation of the transliteration

and the non-transliteration models determined by:
P(e, f ) = (1 – λ) Ptr(e, f ) + λPntr (e, f ) (8)
where λ is the prior probability of non-transliteration [80]. N-gram smoothing methods

As previously mentioned, the n-gram estimation assigns a probability of
zero when an n-gram is not found in the training text. The problem of zero
probabilities can be solved by taking some probability mass from discovered
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 29

n-grams and distributing it to unobserved ones. Such a solution is known as

smoothing or discounting [141].
Most smoothing algorithms can be defined in terms of the estimated
conditional probability p(az) that the n-th word z will occur given that the first
n–1 words of an n-gram (the prefix a_) were observed:
p(az) = (c(az) > 0) ? f (az) : bow(a_) p(_z) (9)
where az is an n-gram starting with word a and ending with word z, _z is the
n–1 word suffix of the n-gram, f (az) is a distribution function that represents
observations of the n-gram observed in training data, bow(a_) is a back-off
weight8 for the n-gram, and p(_z) is a low-order distribution used if the n-gram
has not been observed in the training data. The distribution function f (az) is
discounted so that it is less than the maximum likelihood estimate. Lastly,
the “?’’ symbol in the equation is the ternary operator (a.k.a. the conditional
operator), which is similar to an if-then-else construct.
In this equation, if the n-gram az was found in the training text, the
distribution f (az) will be used. Usually, f (az) is discounted to be lower than the
maximum likelihood estimate [174]. Some probability is left for the z words
that were unseen in the context az. Different smoothing algorithms differ in
the methods they use to discount the maximum likelihood estimate to obtain
f (az) [85].
If the az n-gram was not found in the training text, the lower-order
distribution p(_z) is used. On the other hand, if the context was never found,
(c(a_) = 0), the lower-order distribution can be used directly: (bow(a_) = 1).
In other scenarios, a back-off weight (bow) needs to be computed to ensure
that the probabilities will be normalized:

∑ z p(az ) = 1 (10)

If Z is the set of all words in the vocabulary, Z0 is the set of all words with
c(az) = 0, Z1 is the set of all words with c(az) > 0, and f (az) is given, bow(a_)
can be calculated as:

∑ z p(az ) = 1 (11)

∑ z1 f (az ) + ∑ z 0 bow(a _) p(_ z ) =

1 (12)

30 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

(1 − ∑ z1 f (az ))
bow(a _) =
∑ z 0 p(_ z )
(1 − ∑ z1 f (az ))
= (13)
(1 − ∑ z1 p(_ z ))
(1 − ∑ z1 f (az ))
(1 − ∑ z1 f (_ z ))

When Moses is used with the SRILM tool [8], one of the most basic
smoothing methods is Ney’s absolute discounting. This method subtracts a
constant value D, which has a value between 0 and 1. Assuming that Z1 is a
set of all words z and c(az) > 0:
(c ( a z ) − D )
f (az ) = (14)
c(a _)

p(az) = (c(az) > 0) ? f (az) : bow(a_) p(_z) (15)

(1 − ∑ z1 f (az ))
bow(a _) = (16)
(1 − ∑ z1 f (_ z ))
The suggested factor for discounting is equal to:
D= (17)
(n1 + 2n2 )
In this equation, n1 and n2 are the total numbers of n-grams that have
exactly one and two counts, respectively [85].
Kneser-Ney discounting is similar to absolute discounting if subtracting a
constant D from the n-gram counts is considered. The main idea is to use the
modified probability estimation of lower-order n-grams that is used for the
back-off. More specifically, it is taken with the intention to be proportional to
the number of unique words that were found in the training text [142].
Chen and Goodman’s modification to Kneser-Ney discounting differs by
using three discounting constants for each of the n-gram orders, defined as
D1 = 1 − 2Y ( 2 ) (18)
D2= 2 − 3Y ( ) (19)

D3= 3 − 4Y ( ) (20)
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 31

where the following factor is used to simplify the above equations:

Y= (21)
n1 + 2n2
Another popular smoothing method used in this research is Witten-
Bell discounting. The weights given to the lower-order models should be
proportional to the probability of observing unseen words in the context (a_).
Its weights are estimated as:
n(a∗ )
Bow(a _) = (22)
(n(a∗ ) + c(a _))
where the expression n(a*) defines the quantity of unique words present in
context (a_) [85].
In accordance with [209] and empirical study conducted within this
research, it was determined that the Kneser-Ney discounting method performs
best for lower order n-grams, whereas the Witten-Bell discounting provides
better result for n-gram order higher than 6. This is also the reason why
Witten-Bell works better when considering morphologically-rich languages.

2.4.4 Translation models

This section discusses existing approaches to translation models. Firstly, noisy
channel model is described, next, the IBM translation models are discussed,
followed by phrase-based models. Noisy channel model

The noisy channel model, developed in Shannon’s information theory for
error-correcting codes [212], provides a basis for translation models and
their combination with language models. This conceptual model considers
an original, clean signal being transferred through a medium, or channel, that
adds noise. Thus, the noisy channel corrupts the signal that is received after
passing through the channel. In a translation model, for example, English text
(e.g., a string) might be considered the original signal, and text in a foreign
language that results from translation might be considered the received signal.
The task of removing the noise in translation can be viewed as constructing
English text e from the foreign text f [85].
Probabilities are often associated with the original signal and the addition
of noise in the noisy channel model. Similarly, as discussed in Section 2.1,
probabilities can be associated with the translation process. For example, the
probability p(e|f) represents the probability that the text f that appears in a
foreign language (e.g., Polish) is the translation of the English text e [85].
32 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing IBM models

Five models were proposed in the original work on statistical machine
translation at IBM, and the so-called Model 6 was proposed in [178]. The
progression of the six models can be summarized as:
• Model 1: Lexical translation
• Model 2: Added absolute alignment model
• Model 3: Added fertility model
• Model 4: Added relative alignment model
• Model 5: Fixed deficiency problem
• Model 6: Model 4 combined with a hidden Markov model (HMM)
alignment model in log-linear manner [179].
IBM Model 1 was the first to be introduced for machine translation. After
more detailed inspection, the model was determined to have many defects.
This model appears to be rather weak in reordering and also in adding and
dropping words. According to IBM Model 1, the best translation for any kind
of input would be an empty string [177].
Summarized models also introduce a model for reordering words in a
sentence. In most cases, words that follow each other in one language should
have a different order after translation. Unfortunately, IBM Model 1 treats all
kinds of reordering as equally probable [177]. Another problem in alignment
is fertility, the notion that input words produce a specific number of output
words after translation. In most cases, one input word is translated into a single
word, but some words will produce multiple words or even get dropped (i.e.,
produce no words at all). A fertility of words model addresses this aspect of
translation [85]. In the sense that adding components increases the complexity
of models, the main principles of IBM Model 1 are consistent. We define the
models mathematically and then devise an expectation maximization (EM)
algorithm for training [85].
IBM Model 2 provides an additional model for alignment that is not
present in Model 1. For example, using only IBM Model 1, the translation
probabilities for the translations below would be the same:

naturalnie dom jest maly naturalnie dom jest maly

of course the house is small the course small is of house

1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6
Figure 2. Example of IBM Model 1 alignment.
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 33

IBM Model 2 addressed this issue by modeling the translation of a

foreign input word in position i to a native language word in position j using
an alignment probability distribution defined as:
a(i|j, le, lf ) (23)
In the above equation, the length of the input sentence f is denoted as lf,
and the length of the translated sentence e as le. Translation by IBM Model 2
can be presented as a process divided into two steps (lexical translation and
naturalnie dom jest maly

lexical translation step

of course the house is small

alignment step

of course the house is small

Figure 3. Example of IBM Model 2 alignment.

Assuming that the translation probability is noted as t(e|f) and an alignment

probability as a(i|j, le, lf ), IBM Model 2 can be defined as:
p(e, a | f) = ∈ ∏ t(e j | f a(j) )a(a(j) | j, le , lf ) (24)
j =1

In this equation, the alignment function a maps each output word position
j to a foreign input position a(j) [177].
The fertility of words problem described above is addressed in IBM
Model 3. Fertility is modeled using a probability distribution defined as [180]:
n(φ|f) (25)
For each foreign word f, such a distribution indicates how many output
words (φ) it usually translates. Such a model deals with the dropping of input
words, because it allows the φ be equal to 0. However, there is still an issue
when adding words. For example, the English word “do” is often inserted
when negating in English. This issue generates a special NULL token that
can also have its fertility modeled using a conditional distribution defined as:
n(φ|NULL) (26)
34 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The number of inserted words is dependent on the sentence length. This

is why the NULL token insertion is modeled as an additional step, the fertility
step. This increases the number of steps in the IBM Model 3 translation
process to four steps, defined as:

1 2 3 4 5 6
ja nie pójdę tak do domu

fertility step

ja nie pójdę do do domu

NULL insertion step

ja NULL nie pójdę do do domu lexical translation step

I do not go to the house distortion step

I do not go to the house

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Figure 4. Example of IBM Model 3 alignment.

The last step is called distortion, rather than alignment, because it is

possible to produce the same translation with the same alignment in different
ways [180].
IBM Model 3 can be mathematically expressed as:
P(S|E, A) = ∏ Φi!n(Φ|ej)
(J –ΦΦ ) p
* ∏ t(fj|ea ) * ∏ d(j|aj, I, J) * 0 Φ0
p 1J – 2Φ0
j=1 j j:a (j) ≠ 0 0

where Φi represents the fertility of ei, each source word s is assigned a fertility
distribution n, and I and J refer to the absolute lengths of the target and source
sentences, respectively [181].
A main objective of IBM Model 4 is to improve word reordering. In
Model 4, each word is dependent on the previously-aligned word and on the
word classes of the surrounding words. Some words tend to be reordered
more than others during translation (e.g., adjective–noun inversion when
translating Polish to English). Adjectives often get moved backwards if a noun
precedes them. The word classes introduced in Model 4 solve this problem by
conditioning the probability distributions of these classes. The result of such a
distribution is a lexicalized model.
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 35

Model 4 bases the position of a translated source word on the position of

the source word that precedes it. The term “cept” is used to denote each source
word fi that is aligned with one or more translated output word. Foreign words
with non-zero fertility form cepts. Note that this is not a simplistic mapping,
since source words may be inserted, deleted or translated to more than one
output word.
Figure 5 provides an example of a set of Polish and English words that
have been aligned. This set contains five cepts aligned to English words: ja,
nie, idę, do and domu. Table 1 shows each cept, their position (order), the
English words to which they are aligned, the English word positions, and the
center 8 of the cepts. The center of each cept is the ceiling of the average
output word position for the cept.

NULL Ja nie idę do domu

I do go not to the house

Figure 5. Example alignment.

Table 1. Example cepts and word orders.

Cept πi π1 π2 π3 π4 π5
Foreign position [i] 1 2 3 4 5
Foreign word f[i] Ja nie idę do domu
English word {ej} I go not to, the house
English position {j} 1 4 3 5, 6 7
Center of cepts 8i 1 4 3 6 7

Model 4 provides a reordering model that is relative to previously-

translated words, based on cepts (aligned words). Mathematically, the Model
4 distortion probability distribution can
For the initial word in a cept:
d1 (j – 8[i –1] |A(f [i – 1]), B(ej)) (28)
For additional words:
d >1 (j – π i, k –1 | B(ej)) (29)

where the functions A(f) and B(e) map words to their word classes, and ej and
f[i − 1] are English and foreign words, respectively. A typical way to define A(f)
36 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

and B(e) is to use POS tags annotation on the text. A uniform distribution is
used for a word generated for a translation that has no equivalent in the source
language [85].
Table 2 show the relative distortion for our example.

Table 2. Example relative distortion.

j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
ej I Do not Go to the house
In cept πi, k π1,0 π0,0 π3,0 π2,0 π4,0 π4,1 π5,0
8i – 1 0 – 4 1 3 – 6
j– 8i – 1 +1 – –1 +3 +2 – +1
distortion d1(+1) 1 d1(–1) d1(+1) d1(+2) d>1(+2) d1(+1)

It must be noted that both Model 3 and Model 4 ignore if an input position
is chosen and if probability mass was reserved for the input positions outside
the sentence boundaries. This is the reason that the probabilities of all correct
alignments do not sum to unity in these two models [179]. These are called
deficient models, because probability mass is wasted.
IBM Model 5 reformulates IBM Model 4 by enhancing its alignment
model with more training parameters in order to overcome this model
deficiency [182]. During translation in Model 3 and Model 4, there are no
heuristics that would prohibit the placement of an output word in an already-
taken position. In practice, this is not possible. So, in Model 5, words are only
placed in free positions. This is accomplished by tracking the number of free
positions and allowing placement only in such places. The distortion model is
similar to that of IBM Model 4, but it is based on free positions. If vj denotes
the number of free positions in output, IBM Model 5 distortion probabilities
would be defined as [183]:
For the initial word in a cept:
d1 (vj|B(ej), v8i –1, vmax) (30)
For additional words:
d>1 (vj – vπ |B(ej), vmax') (31)
i, k – 1

An alignment model starts with incomplete data—English and foreign

words with no connections between them. Model 5 uses iteration of the EM
algorithm to iteratively refine alignment. First, it considers model parameters
to have uniform probability. In each iteration, it assigns probabilities to
missing data and assigns parameters to complete data [85].
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 37

chciałbym wyražnie uslyszeć jakie jest pana zdanie w tej kwestii


chciałbym chciałbym chciałbym wyražnie usłyszeć jakie jest pana zdanie w tej kwestii


chciałbym chciałbym chciałbym NULL wyražnie usłyszeć jakie jest pana zdanie w tej kwestii


I would like to clearly hear what is your opinion on this question


I would like to hear clearly what your opinion is on this question

Figure 6. Example of IBM Model 4 alignment.

The alignment models that use first-order dependencies, such as HMM or

IBM Models 4 and 5, produce better results than the other alignment methods.
The main idea of the HMM is to predict the distance between subsequent
source language positions. On the other hand, IBM Model 4 tries to predict
the distance between subsequent target language positions. It is expected
that the quality of alignment will improve when using both types of such
dependencies. This is the reason why the HMM and Model 4 were combined
in a log-linear manner in IBM Model 6, as follows [178]:

p 4 (f, a | e)∝ ⋅ p HMM (f, a | e)

p6 (f, a | e) = (32)
∑ a' ,f' p4 (f' , a' | e)∝ ⋅ pHMM (f' , a' | e)
where, the interpolation parameter α is used to count the weight of Model
4 relative to the hidden Markov model. A log-linear combination of several
models can be defined as pk(f,a|e) for k = 1, 2, …, K as:
p6 (f, a | e) =
∏ p (f, a | e)∝ k
k =1 k
∑ a' ,f' ∏ k =1 pk (f' , a' | e)∝ k
The log-linear combination is used instead of linear combination because
the Pk(f,a|e) values are typically different in terms of their orders of magnitude
for the HMM and IBM Model 4 [179].
38 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Och and Ney [178] reported that Model 6 produces the best alignments
among the IBM models, with lower alignment error rates. This was observed
with varying sizes of training corpora. They also noted that the performance
of all the alignment models is significantly affected by the training method
used [178]. Phrase-based models

As discussed in the introduction, using phrases is the most successful approach
to MT. By definition, a phrase is a continuous sequence of words. When this
approach is used, sentences are divided into word sequences created from
phrases. Such phrases require a one-to-one mapping to output phrases to
support reordering [85].
In this research, phrase models are estimated from parallel corpora. The
GIZA++ tool is used for alignment annotation. Only consistent pairs of phrases
are extracted. Probabilistic scores are added based on relative counts or by
backing off in accordance with lexical translation probabilities, if necessary
Phrase-based translation models usually do not follow the noisy-channel
approach used in word-based models as described in [100], but instead one
that facilitates a log-linear framework. Using this approach, it is possible to
leverage information such as language models, phrase translation models,
lexical translation models and reordering models together with adjusted
weights. Such a framework may integrate additional information, such as the
number of words created or number of phrase translations used, as well.
Languages differ in their syntactic structure. These differences in word
order can be local or global. An example of local reorderings is the swapping of
adjectives and nouns in language pairs. Word order changes that span an entire
sentence pose a much tougher problem. To generate a good word sequence, a
translation system must have very restrictive evidence of how to rearrange the
words (e.g., grammar-based translation systems), or have weak evidence in the
form of only probabilities (e.g., phrase-based statistical translation systems).
Typically, reordering in phrase-based models is determined using a distance-
based cost function that discourages reordering in general [175]. Word order
changes are usually limited by a maximum number of words. On the other hand,
a lexicalized reordering model can distinguish separate reordering behaviors
for each analyzed phrase pair. It is also possible to find phrase alignments for
sentences by using an expectation maximization algorithm [176] (an iterative
method for finding maximum likelihood estimates of parameters in statistical
models, in which the model depends on unobserved latent variables).
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 39

Statistical phrase-based models assign a score to every possible

translation of a phrase. The decoder must find the translation with the highest
possible score. Phrase-based models are very well-suited for this job, because
the computation of scores is only possible for partial translations. However,
this task is still computationally complex (NP-complete complexity). This
problem forces restriction of the search space [85].
This problem can be partially solved using a dynamic programming
technique that discards hypotheses that might not be part of the best translation.
Additionally, it is possible to prune bad translations early by organizing
hypotheses in a stack. Limiting the reordering operations might also greatly
reduce the search space. During comparison while pruning, it is essential to
take the costs of the remaining, untranslated words into account. These words
can be counted most efficiently before the decoding phase. Alternatively,
stack algorithms, like A* search or the greedy hill-climbing algorithm, first
create a rough translation and then optimize it [85].
As mentioned in Chapter 2, the phrase translation model uses the noisy
channel model and Bayes rule to reformulate the probability of translating one
language sentence f into another language sentence e [206].
During– decoding, an input sentence f is segmented into a sequence of
I phrases f 1. It is assumed that the probability distribution over all possible
– –I
segmentations is uniform. Each phrase f 1 in f 1 must be translated into a phrase
e–1. The phrases e can be reordered. In addition, a phrase-based translation is

modeled by a probability distribution defined as: φ(f 1|e–1). Due to the use of
Bayes rule, the direction of translations is inverted from a modeling standpoint.
Reordering of the e output phrases is modeled using a relative distortion
probability distribution d(ai – bi–1), assuming that ai is the start position of the
f phrase translated into the i-th e phrase, and bi–1 is the end position of the f
phrase translated into the (i–1)-th e phrase.
Instead of using only phrase-based models, it is worthwhile to employ
a factor-based model that allows additional annotation at the word level,
which then may be exploited in various other models. In this monograph,
the parts-of-speech tagged English language data sets are used as the basis
for the factored phrase model [72]. A factored phrase model extends phrase-
based translation models with rich linguistic annotation associated with words
that can be leveraged for SMT, instead of processing words as simple tokens
alone [85].
Hierarchical phrase-based translation models, which combine the
strengths of phrase-based and syntax-based translation, are also popular.
They use phrases (segments or blocks of words) as units for translation and
use synchronous context-free grammars as rules (syntax-based translation).
Hierarchical phrase models allow for rules with gaps. Since these are
40 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

represented by non-terminals and such rules are best processed with a search
algorithm that is similar to syntactic chart parsing, such models fall into the
class of tree-based or grammar-based models [85].
For example, we can take the following sentences and rules:
Input: drzwi otwierają się szybko
Rules: drzwi → the door
szybko → quickly
otwierają X1 się → opens X1
X1 X2 → X1 X2
The translation that would be produced is:

X4 X4

X1 X1 X2

drzwi otwierają się szybko the door opens quickly

Figure 7. Hierarchical model example.

First, the simple phrase mappings “drzwi” to “the door” and “szybko” to
“quickly” are made. This allows for the application of the more complex rule
“otwierają X1 się” to “opens X1.” Note that, at this point, the non-terminal
X, which covers the input span over “szybko,” is replaced by a known
translation, “quickly.” Finally, the glue rule “X1 X2 to X1 X2” combines the
two fragments into a complete sentence.
The target syntax model applies linguistic annotation to non-terminals in
hierarchical models. This requires running a syntactic parser on the text. The
Collins statistical natural language parser [211] is widely used for syntactic
parsing. This parser decomposes generation of a parse tree into a sequence
of decisions that consider probabilities associated with lexical headwords
(considering their parts of speech) at the nonterminal nodes of the parse tree
[211]. Bikel [74] describes a number of preprocessing steps for training the
Collins parsing model. Detailed descriptions of the parser may be found in
[211] and [74].

2.4.5 Lexicalized reordering

By default, a phrase-based SMT system uses conditioned reordering,
which is based only on movement distance. In addition, some phrases are
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 41

reordered with higher frequency than others. For instance, adjectives are
often switched with preceding nouns. A lexicalized reordering model that is
based on conditions determined from actual phrases is more appropriate for
MT. The problem of sparse data also arises in such a scenario. For example,
phrases may occur only a few times in the training texts. That would make the
probability distributions unreliable. It is possible in Moses to choose one out
of three possible orientation types for reordering (m—monotone order, s—
switch with previous phrase, or d—discontinuous) [85]. Figure 8 illustrates
the three orientation types on some sample alignments, designated by dark
rectangles [184]:

Figure 8. Reordering orientation types.

The Moses reordering model tries to predict the orientation type (m, s, or
d) for the phrase pair being translated in accordance with:
orientation ε {m, s, d}
po (orientation| f , e)
Such a probability distribution can be extracted from the word alignment.
To be more exact, while extracting a phrase pair, its orientation type is also
extracted for each specific occurrence. It is possible to detect the orientation
type in a word alignment if the top left or top right point of the extracted
phrase pair is checked. If the alignment point refers to the top left, it means
that the preceding E word is aligned to the preceding F word. In the opposite
situation, a preceding E word is aligned to the following F word. Words F and
E can be from any two languages [85]. Figure 9 illustrates both situations:
42 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

? ?

Figure 9. Orientation type detection.

The orientation type can be identified as monotone when the word

alignment point in the top left place exists. This is swapped when the word
alignment points to the existing top right place. Discontinuous orientation
is indicated if there is no top left or top right place that exists. After such
an analysis of every phrase pair, appearances of each orientation type are
estimated as po. The probability distribution po is estimated using the maximum
likelihood principle, defined as [85]:
count (orientation, e, f )
p0 (orientation) = (35)
∑ 0 count (o, e, f )
Having sparse statistics, it is possible to smooth those counts using an
unconditioned maximum likelihood distribution of the probabilities with
some factor σ:
∑ f ∑ e count (orientation, e, f ) (36)
p0 (orientation) =
∑ 0 ∑ f ∑ e count (o, e, f )

(σ p(orientation) + count (orientation, e, f ))

p0 (orientation | f, e) = (37)
(σ + ∑ 0 count (o, e, f ))

Numerous orientation types were developed based on this lexicalized

reordering. Bidirectional reordering is useful, because some phrases may not
score well if they were moved out of order or if subsequent phrases were
reordered. It is also possible to condition the probability distribution only
to the F phrases (f) or the E phrases (e). In addition, the complexity of the
model can be reduced by merging the swap and discontinuous orientation
types. This requires making only a binary decision about the phrase order
(monotonicity) [85].
Statistics about the orientation collected by analysis of the word alignment
matrix are only capable of detecting swaps with previous phrases that contain
words exactly aligned on the top right corner, as depicted in Figure 10 [8].
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 43

u v


Figure 10. Detection of swaps [115].

Black squares represent word alignments, and gray squares represent blocks
identified by phrase-extract [115]. It is assumed that the variables s and t
define a word range in a target sentence, and u and v define a word range in a
source sentence.
Unfortunately, it is impossible for this approach to detect swaps
with phrases that do not contain a word with such an alignment, as shown in
Figure 11 [8].
u v

Figure 11. Problems in swap detection [115].

The usage of phrase orientation rather than word orientation in the statistics
may solve this problem. Phrase orientation should be used for languages that
require a large number of word reordering operations. The phrase-based
orientation model was introduced by Tillmann [114]. It uses phrases in both
the training and decoding phase. When using the phrase-based orientation
model, the second case will be properly detected and counted as a swap.
This method was improved in the hierarchical orientation model introduced
by Galley and Manning [115]. The hierarchical model has the ability to detect
swaps and monotone arrangements between blocks that can be longer than
the length limit applied to phrases during the training or decoding step. It can
detect the swaps presented in Figure 12 [8].
44 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

u v

Figure 12. Swap detection in hierarchical model [115]. Word alignment

One indispensable idea introduced by the IBM models is that of an articulation
course of action between a sentence and its translation. In this section, this
idea will be further extended, issues with word modification will be pointed
out, and measurement of word plan quality will be discussed, a framework for
word course of action that uses the IBM models but solves their most glaring
issue: Their obstacle to one-to-many alignments [85].
One approach to visualize the task of word arrangement is to use a grid, as
shown in Figure 13. Here, alignments between words (for example, between
the Polish “pozycję” and the English “position”) are depicted by cells in the
arrangement matrix.
Word alignments do not need to be one-to-one. Words may have
numerous alignment points or none at all. As a case in point, the Polish word
“wykorzystał” is aligned to the two English words “took advantage of” The
Polish comma is not aligned to any English word, the same as a period [85].




Figure 13. Word alignment example.

On the other hand, it is not generally simple to determine the correct

word arrangement. One undeniable issue is that some capacity words have no
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 45








Figure 14. Problematic word alignment.

acceptable alignment in another dialect. See, for example, the illustration in

Figure 14.
How would you align the English word “does” in the sentence pair “john
does not live here, john tutaj nie mieszka”? Sensible alignments can only be
determined by three decisions:
• Since it does not have an acceptable or identical word in one language, it
can be concluded that it ought to be unaligned.
• However, the word “does” is, to some degree, joined with “live,” since it
contains the number of and constrains data for that verb. So, it ought to be
aligned with “mieszka,” the Polish translation of live.
• A third perspective is that “does” appears in the sentence because the
sentence was negated. Without the negative, the English sentence would
be “john lives here.” So, the word is related to “not,” and consequently
should be aligned with “nie”, the Polish translation of “not.”
This provided us an opportunity to research a special word substitution
case: Idioms. For instance, consider the sentence pair “jim kicked the bucket,
jim kopnął w kalendarz” (see Figure 15).




Figure 15. Example of idiom alignment.

46 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

This idiom is an everyday expression, synonymous with “died.” In this

situation, its translation, “kopnął w kalendarz,” has the same significance.
One may struggle with the fact that a fitting word course of action for this
sentence pair alters the verbs “kicked” and “kopnął,” the nouns “bucket” and
“kalendarz,” and the determiners “the” and “w.” In any case, shocking content
compartment is never a good understanding for “kalendarz,” so this is a bit of a
stretch. What was presented here is really a phrase that cannot be decomposed
further. In the same way, saying “kicked the bucket” is a representation whose
essential meaning cannot be contained by decomposing it into its component
words [85].

2.4.6 Domain text adaptation

Domain adaptation is also very important. Machine translation frameworks
are typically constructed for particular domains, for example, film and TV
subtitles [101]. A translation model may be prepared from sentences in a
parallel corpus that are like the sentences to be translated [102], which may
be dictated by dialect model perplexity [103]. Likewise, a specific domain
dialect model may be obtained by including only sentences that are like the
ones in the target space [104]. Such sentences can be identified utilizing Term
Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) weighting to test for
similarity between sentences as described in [105].
According to Bach et al., sentences may be weighted by how well they
match the target space. Instead of discarding a percentage of the training
information, a mixture-model methodology weights and consolidates
submodels prepared with information from distinct domains [106]. Mixture
models might subsequently be utilized to group areas [107]. Such submodels
may be joined as parts of the standard log-linear model [108]. To manage
different domain-specific translation models, data sentences need to be
allocated to the correct domain, which may be done by utilizing a dialect
model or data recovery approach [109]. On the off-chance that the classifier
accurately judges how well the data falls into a domain, this approach may be
utilized to accurately weight the area models [110]. Wu et al. [111] present
routines that explore the space of particular monolingual corpora and lexicons.
Related to domain adaption is the issue of adjusting machine translation
frameworks to diverse territorial dialects that are used [112]. Interpolation
This research provides a few approaches to gauge the likelihood dispersion
for an irregular variable. The most well-known reason for this is that it is easy
to obtain a huge corpora with general information and few specific examples,
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 47

but it is less dependable. So, typically there are two approaches to gauge the
likelihood circulation bringing about two functions p1 and p2 [9].
Using interpolation, it is possible to consolidate the two likelihood
approximations p1 and p2 for the same irregular variable X by giving each a
fixed weight and including them. If the first is given a weight 0 ≤ λ ≤ 1, then
1 – λ is left for the second:
p(x) = λ p1(x) + (1 – λ) p2(x) (38)
A typical first application emerges from information aspects that consider
distinct conditions. For example, it may be required to predict tomorrow’s
climate M based on today’s climate T and the day D (to consider run-of-the–
mill, occasional climate fluctuations) [85].
It is then necessary to gauge the contingent likelihood circulation
p(m|t, d) from climate insights. Modeling based on particular days yields
little information for use in this estimation. (As a case in point, there may be
scarcely any blustery days on August 1st in Los Angeles). Thus, it might make
more sense to introduce this distribution with the more robust p(m|t):
pinterpolated (m|t, d) = λ p(m|t, d) + (1 – λ) p(m|t) (39) Adaptation of parallel corpora

The adaptation process for parallel corpora is more complicated. When many
out-of-domain texts need to be adapted, then the data should be filtered such
that the remaining parts of the texts are as similar to the in-domain data as
possible. In this research, a method called modified Moore-Lewis [113]
filtering was used for this purpose. The method basically trains in-domain
and out-of-domain language models, and then removes sentence pairs that
receive relatively low scores from the in-domain models. This filtering can be
done in two different training phases, either before or after word alignment.
Regardless, it should be noted that there may be some benefits of retaining
out-of-domain data to improve sentence alignment, but doing so may also be
too computationally expensive. It is also possible to specify the percentage of
out-of-domain data that will be retained. More details are described in [113].

2.5 Evaluation of SMT quality

To make progress in SMT, the quality of its results must be evaluated. It has
been recognized for quite some time that using humans to evaluate SMT
approaches is very expensive and time-consuming [25]. As a result, human
evaluation cannot keep up with the growing and continual need for SMT
48 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

evaluation. This led to the recognition that the development of automated

SMT evaluation techniques is critical. Evaluation is particularly crucial for
translation between languages from different families (i.e., Germanic and
Slavic), such as Polish and English [25, 26].
In [26], Reeder compiled an initial list of SMT evaluation metrics. Further
research has led to the development of newer metrics. Prominent metrics
include: Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU), the National Institute of
Standards and Technology (NIST) metric, Translation Error Rate (TER), the
Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering (METEOR) and
the Rank-based Intuitive Bilingual Evaluation Score (RIBES).

2.5.1 Current evaluation metrics

This section provides an overview of existing SMT evaluation metrics, with
a focus on BLEU. BLEU overview

BLEU was developed based on a premise similar to that used for speech
recognition, described in [27] as: “The closer a machine translation is to
a professional human translation, the better it is.” So, the BLEU metric is
designed to measure how close SMT output is to that of human reference
translations. It is important to note that translations, SMT or human, may
differ significantly in word usage, word order and phrase length [27].
To address these complexities, BLEU attempts to match variable length
phrases between SMT output and reference translations. Weighted-match
averages are used to determine the translation score [28].
A number of variations of the BLEU metric exist. However, the basic
metric requires determinations of a brevity penalty BP, which is calculated as
 1,c > r
BP =  (1− r ) (40)
e c ,c ≤ r
where r is the sum of the best match lengths of the candidate sentence in the
test corpus and c is the total length of the candidate translation corpus [28].
The basic BLEU metric is then determined as shown in [28]:
 N 
BLEU = BP exp  ∑ w n log p n  (41)
 
 n= 0 
where wn are positive weights summing to one, and the n-gram precision pn is
calculated using n-grams with a maximum length of N.
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 49

In the BLEU metric, scores are calculated for individual translated

segments (generally sentences). Those scores are then averaged over the
entire corpus to reach an estimate of the translation’s overall quality. The
BLEU score is always a number between 0 and 1 [27].
BLEU uses a modified form of precision to compare a candidate translation
against multiple reference translations. An over-simplified example of this is:
Test Phrase: “the the the the the the the”
Reference 1 Phrase: “the cat is on the mat”
Reference 2 Phrase: “there is a cat on the mat”
In this example, the precision score is the number of words in the test
phrase that are found in the reference phrases (7) divided by the total number
of words in the test phrase. This would yield a perfect precision score of 1.
This is a perfect score for a poor translation. BLEU solves this problem
with a simple modification: For each word in a test phrase, it uses the minimum
of the test phrase word count and the reference word count [27].
If there is more than one reference, BLEU first takes the maximum word
count of all references and compares it with the test phrase word count [27].
For the example above:
Count (“the” in Test) = 7
Count (“the” in Ref 1) = 2
Count (“the” in Ref 2) = 1
BLEU first determines 2 as the maximum matching word count among
all references. It then chooses the minimum of that value and the test phrase
word count [27]:
min(7, 2) = 2
BLEU calculates this minimum for each non-repeated word in the test
phrase. In this example, it calculates this minimum value just once for word
“the”. The final score is determined by the sum of the minimum values for
each word divided by the total number of words in the test phrase [27]:

Final Score
= =  0.2857
Another problem with BLEU scoring is that it tends to favor translations
of short phrases (on the other hand, SMT usually returns longer translations
than a human translator would [197]), due to dividing by the total number
of words in the test phrase. For example, consider this translation for above
example [27]:
Test Phrase: “the cat” : score = (1 + 1)/2 = 1
Test Phrase: “the” : score = 1/1 = 1
50 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

BLEU uses a brevity penalty, as previously described, to prevent very

short translations. BLEU also uses n-grams. For example, for the test phrase
“the cat is here” using n-grams, the following result [27]:
1-gram: “the”, “cat”, “is”, “here”
2-gram: “the cat”, “cat is”, “is here”
3-gram: “the cat is”, “cat is here”
4-gram: “the cat is here”
For the reference phrase “the cat is on the mat”, there are, for example,
the following 2-grams: “the cat”, “cat is”, “is on”, “on the,” and “the mat”.
BLEU calculates the score for each of the n-grams. For example, the
score calculations for 2-grams follow [27]:
Test 2-grams: “the cat”, “cat is”, “is here”
Reference 2-grams: “the cat”, “cat is”, “is on”, “on the”, “the mat”
It takes:
“the cat”: 1
“cat is”: 1
“is here”: 0
2-grams score = (1+1+0)/3 = 2/3
There are several other important features of BLEU. First, word and
phrase position within text are not evaluated by this metric. To prevent SMT
systems from artificially inflating their scores by overuse of words known
with high confidence, each candidate word is constrained by the word count
of the corresponding reference translation. A geometric mean of individual
sentence scores, with consideration of the brevity penalty, is then calculated
for the entire corpus [28]. According to KantanMT9 and Lavie [144], a score
less than 15 means that the MT engine is not providing satisfying quality and
a high level of post-editing will be required in order to finalize the output
translations and reach publishable quality. A system score greater than 30 is
considered a system whose translations should be understandable without
problems. Scores over 50 indicate good, fluent translations. Other SMT metrics

The NIST metric was designed in order to improve BLEU by rewarding the
translation of infrequently-used words. This was intended to further prevent
inflation of SMT evaluation scores by focusing on common words and high-
confidence translations. As a result, the NIST metric uses heavier weights for

Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 51

rarer words. The final NIST score is calculated using the arithmetic mean of
the n-gram matches between SMT and reference translations. In addition, a
smaller brevity penalty is used for smaller variations in phrase lengths. The
reliability and quality of the NIST metric has been shown to be superior to the
BLEU metric [29].
Translation Error Rate (TER) was designed in order to provide a very
intuitive SMT evaluation metric, requiring less data than other techniques
while avoiding the labor intensity of human evaluation. It calculates the
number of edits required to make a machine translation match exactly to the
closest reference translation in fluency and semantics [8, 30].
Calculation of the TER metric is defined in [8]:
TER = (42)
where E represents the minimum number of edits required for an exact match,
and the average length of the reference text is given by wR. Edits may include
the deletion of words, word insertion and word substitutions, as well as
changes in word or phrase order [8]. It is similar to the Levenshtein distance
[85] calculation, but it has the advantage of correctly matching the word order
required for correct deletion and re-insertion of misplaced words. Adding an
extra editing step that would allow the movement of word sequences from one
part of the output to another can solve this. This is something a human post-
editor would do with the cut-and-paste function in a text processor, and this is
proposed in the TER metric as well [188].
The Metric for Evaluation of Translation with Explicit Ordering
(METEOR) is intended to more directly take into account several factors
that are indirectly considered in BLEU. Recall (the proportion of matched
n-grams to total reference n-grams) is used directly in this metric, to make
up for BLEU’s inadequate penalty for lack of recall. In addition, METEOR
explicitly measures higher order n-grams, explicitly considers word-to-
word matches and applies arithmetic averaging for a final score. Arithmetic
averaging enables meaningful scores on a sentence level, which can indicate
metric quality. METEOR uses the best matches against multiple reference
translations [31].
The METEOR method uses a sophisticated and incremental word
alignment method that starts by considering exact word-to-word matches,
word stem matches and synonym matches. Alternative word order similarities
are then evaluated based on those matches. It must be noted that the METEOR
metric was not adapted to the Polish language within this research [189]. Such
adaptation was done in [219] research, but this was not known at the time of
conducting experiments.
52 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

METEOR provides a multi-stage algorithm for aligning unigrams. First,

all possible unigram alignments are identified. Three approaches to alignment
can be used in progressive stages arranged in various orders: Exact unigram
matches, unigraphs matches after stemming and matches of synonyms.
Within each stage, only unigrams that have not been aligned are evaluated
for alignment. Second, METEOR selects the largest set of unigram matches it
was able to achieve in its alignment process. If a tie-breaker is needed between
sets of matches, METEOR chooses the set with the lowest number of cross-
matches between unigrams [31].
After alignment, a METEOR score can be calculated for a translation pair,
based on unigram precision and recall. Calculation of precision is similar in
the METEOR and NIST metrics as the ratio of the number of aligned unigrams
(between translation and reference) to the total number of unigrams in the
translation. Recall is calculated at the word level as the ratio of the number of
aligned unigrams to the total number of unigrams in the reference translation.
To combine the precision and recall scores, METEOR uses harmonic mean.
METEOR rewards longer n-gram matches [31]. The METEOR metric is
calculated as shown in [31]:
 10 P R 
=  (1 − PM ) (43)
R +9 P
where the unigram recall and precision are given by R and P, respectively. The
brevity penalty PM for an alignment is determined by:
 C 
PM = 0.5   (44)
 MU 
where MU is the number of matching unigrams, and C is the minimum number
of phrases required to match unigrams in the SMT output with those found in
the reference translations.
The METEOR score may be calculated for multiple reference translations.
The best score is then taken as the score for the machine translation. METEOR
scores are aggregated over a test data set to obtain the score for an SMT
system [31].
The RIBES metric focuses on word order. It uses rank correlation
coefficients based on word order to compare SMT and reference translations.
The primary rank correlation coefficients used are Spearman’s ρ, which
measures the distance of differences in rank, and Kendall’s τ, which measures
the direction of differences in rank [34].
These rank measures can be normalized to ensure positive values [34].
The normalized Spearman’s coefficient is given by:
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 53

( ρ + 1)
ρ ( NSR) = (45)
The normalized Kendall’s coefficient is determined by:
(τ + 1)
τ ( NKT ) = (46)
These measures can be combined with precision P and modified to avoid
overestimating the correlation of only words that directly correspond in the
SMT and reference translations:
NSR Pα and NKT Pα
where α is a parameter in the range 0 < α < 1 [34]. HMEANT metric

Currently correct assessment of translation quality or text similarity is one
of the most important tasks in related research areas. Machine translation
(MT) evaluation history is quite old but it must be noted that most of the
currently applied evaluation approaches and metrics were developed recently.
Automatic metrics like BLEU [27], NIST [29], TER [8] and METEOR [31]
require only reference translation to be compared with MT output. This
resulted in visible acceleration in the MT research field. These metrics, to
some extent, correlate with manual human evaluation and, in most cases, are
language independent. The main problem in popular MT evaluation metrics
is the fact that they analyse only lexical similarity and ignore the semantics of
translation [220]. An interesting alternative approach was proposed by Snover
[188] and is known as HTER. This metric tries to measure the quality of
translation in terms of post-editing actions. It was proved that this method
correlates well with human equivalency judgments. However, the HTER
metric is not commonly used in MT field because it requires high workload
and time.
That is why in 2011 Lo and Wu [220] a family of metrics called MEANT
was proposed. It proposes different evaluation approach. The idea is to
measure how much an event structure of reference is preserved in translation.
It utilizes shallow semantic parsing (MEANT metric) or human annotation
(HMEANT) as a high standard.
In this research we implemented HMEANT for a new language (Polish)
and we conducted evaluation on the usefulness of the new metric. The practical
usage of HMEANT for the Polish language was analysed in accordance
with criteria provided by Birch et al. [214]. Reliability in new language was
measured as inter-annotator agreement (IAA) for individual stages during
54 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

the evaluation task. Discriminatory power was estimated as the correlation

of HMEANT rankings of our re-speaking results (obtained in manual human
evaluation—NER and Reduction, automatic-evaluation—BLEU metric and
the HMEANT) that was measured on the level of test sets. The language
independence was analysed by collecting the problems of the original method
and guidelines to them as described in Bojar and Wu [221] and Birch et al.
[214]. Efficiency was studied as the workload cost of annotation task (average
time required to evaluate translations) within HMEANT metric. Moreover, we
choose unexperienced annotators in order to prove that semantic role labelling
(SRL) does not require professional personnel. Being aware that some of the
problems existing in HMEANT metric were already outlined [214, 221] and
some improvements were already proposed, the decision was made to conduct
experiments with native HMEANT form. No changes to the metric itself were
done, excepting the annotation interface enhancements that were made.
The first article on MEANT [220] proposed the semi-automatic evaluation
approach. It required annotated event structure of two text sequences (reference
and translation). The idea was to consider translation correct if it preserved
shallow semantic (predicate-argument) structure of reference. Such structure
was described in detail in [222]. In simple terms, the evaluation is conducted
by probing events in the sentence (“Who did what to whom, when, where, why
and how?”, etc.). Such structures must be annotated and aligned across two
translations. The founders of MEANT reported results of experiments, that
utilized human annotation, semantic role labelling and an automatic shallow
semantic parser. Their results showed that HMEANT metric correlates with
human judgments at the value of 0.43 (Kendall tau, sentence level). This
was a very close to the HTER correlation. In contrast BLEU has only 0.20.
Also inter-annotator agreement (IAA) was analysed in two stages during
the annotation process (role identification and role classification). The IAA
ranged from 0.72 to 0.93 (good agreement).
For Czech-English translations MEANT and HMEANT metrics were
used by Bojar and Wu [221]. Their experiments were conducted on a human
evaluated set containing 40 translations from WMT12 conference. Sets
were submitted by 13 different MT systems and each system was evaluated
by exactly one annotator (inter-annotator agreement was not examined).
HMEANT correlation against human evaluation was equal to 0.28 (much
lower than the results of Lo and Wu [220]).
In German-English translation Birch et al. [214] analysed HMEANT in
accordance to four criteria, that address the usefulness of the metric in terms
of reliability, efficiency, discriminatory power and language independence.
The authors conducted experiments on evaluating 3 MT systems using a set of
214 sentences (142 in German and 72 in English). The IAA was divided into
annotation and alignment steps. The results showed that the IAA for HMEANT
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 55

was good enough at the first stages of the annotation but compounding effect
of disagreements reduced the effective final IAA to 0.44 for German and to
0.59 for English. The efficiency of HMEANT was stated as reasonably good
but it was not compared to other manual metrics. Evaluation using HMEANT

The annotation step in HMEANT has two stages: Semantic role labelling
(SRL) and alignment. In the SRL phase, annotators are asked to mark all the
frames (a predicate and its roles) in reference and translated texts. In order
to annotate a frame, it is necessary to mark its predicate (a verb, but not a
modal verb) and its arguments (role fillers—linked to that predicate). The role
fillers are chosen from the inventory of 11 roles [220] (Table 3). Each role
corresponds to a specific question about the entire frame.

Table 3. The role inventory.

Who? What? Whom?

Agent Patient Benefactive
When? Where? Why?
Temporal Locative Purpose
Manner, Degree, Negation, Modal, Other

Secondly, the annotators need to align the elements of frames. They must
link both actions and roles, and mark them as “Correct” or “Partially Correct”
(depending on equivalency in their meaning). In this research we used the
original guidelines for the SRL and alignment described in [220]. HMEANT calculation

Having completed the annotation step, the HMEANT score can be calculated
as the F-score from the counts of matches of predicates and corresponding
role fillers [220]. Predicates (together with roles) not having correct matches
are not taken into account. The HMEANT model is defined as follows:
#Fi —number of correct role fillers for predicate i in machine translation
#Fi (Partial)—number of partially correct role fillers for predicate i in
machine translation
#MTi, #REFi—total number of role fillers in machine translation or
reference for predicate i.
Nmt, Nref—total number of predicates in MT or reference
W—weight of the partial match (0.5 in the uniform model)
56 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

# Fi
P= ∑ # MTi
matched i

# Fi
R= ∑ # REFi
matched i

# Fi ( partial )
Ppart = ∑ # MTi
matched i

# Fi ( partial )
R part = ∑ # REFi
matched i

P + w ∗ Ppart
Ptotal = (51)
N mt

R + w∗ R
Rtotal = (52)
N ref

2 ∗ Ptotal ∗ Rtotal
HMEANT = (53)
Ptotal + Rtotal

In accordance to Lo and Wu [220] and Birch et al. [214] the IAA was
studied as well. It is defined as F1-measure, in which one of the annotators is
considered to be a gold standard as follows:
2∗ P∗ R
IAA = (54)
where P is precision (number of labels [roles, predicates or alignments], that
were matched between the annotators). Recall (R) is defined as quantity of
matched labels divided by total quantity of labels. In accordance to Birch
et al. [214], only exact word span matches are considered. The stages of the
annotation process described in [214] were adopted as well (role identification,
role classification, action identification, role alignment, action alignment).
Disagreements were analysed by calculating the IAA for each stage separately.

2.5.2 Statistical significance test

In cases where the differences in metrics described above do not deviate
much from each other, a statistical significance test can be performed.
Statistical Machine Translation and Comparable Corpora 57

The Wilcoxon test [202] (also known as the signed-rank or matched-pairs

test) is one of the most popular alternatives to the Student’s t-test for
dependent samples. It belongs to the group of non-parametric tests. It is used to
compare two (and only two) dependent groups that involve two measurement
The Wilcoxon test is used when the assumptions for the Student’s t-test
for dependent samples are not valid; for this reason, it is considered as an
alternative to this test. The Wilcoxon test is also used when variables are
measured on an ordinal scale (in the Student’s t-test, the variables must be
measured on a quantitative scale). The requirement for application of the
Wilcoxon test is the potential to rank differences between the first and the
second variable (the measurement). On an ordinal scale, it is possible to
calculate the difference in levels between two variables; therefore, the test
can be used for variables calculated on such a scale. In the case of quantitative
scales, this test is used if the distributions of these variables are not close to
the normal distribution.
Hypotheses for the Wilcoxon test are formulated as:
H0: F1 = F2 (55)

H1: F1 ≠ F2 (56)

In this test, as in the case of the t-test, a third variable is used. The third
variable specifies the absolute value of the difference between the values of
the paired observations. The Wilcoxon test involves ranking differences in
measurement for subsequent observations. First, the differences between
measurements 1 and 2 are calculated, then the differences are ranked (the
results are arranged from lowest to highest), and subsequent ranks are
assigned to them. The sum of ranks is then calculated for differences that
were negative and for those that were positive (results showing no differences
are not significant here). Subsequently, the bigger sum (of negative or positive
differences) is chosen, and this result constitutes the result of the Wilcoxon
test statistic, if the number of observations does not exceed 25.
For bigger samples, it is possible to use the asymptotic convergence of
the test statistic (assuming that H0 is true) for the normal distribution N(m,s),
n(n + 1)
m= (57)

n(n + 1)(2n + 1)
s= (58)
58 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The Wilcoxon test is also known as the signed-rank test, because it

requires calculation of ranks assigned to different signs (negative and positive
differences). As in the case of the Student’s t-test for dependent samples,
data missing from one measurement eliminates the entire observation from
the analysis. Only the observations that have been measured for the first and
second time are considered the analysis. The obvious reason is the fact that it
is necessary to subtract one result from the other.
State of the Art

This chapter will describe current techniques used in statistical machine

translation for languages similar to Polish. Recent results in SMT for Polish,
as well their improvement in recent years, will also be discussed. In addition,
recent methods used for comparable corpora exploration will be described.
The native Yalign method, in particular, will be tested and evaluated on a set
of selected classifiers.

3.1 Current methods and results in spoken language

Competitions accelerate the development of statistical machine translation
systems. One of the most popular competitions is the annual meeting
organized by the DARPA. However, this competition focuses exclusively
on the Arabic-English and Chinese-English language pairs within the news
domain. Another annual competition is the International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation (IWSLT).10 Initially, IWSLT dealt with translating Asian
and Arabic languages into English within a limited speech travel domain.
Currently, more European languages, as well as the lectures text domain,
are part of IWSLT evaluation campaigns [154]. One of the most popular
campaigns is the Workshop on Statistical Machine Translation (WMT)11
competition on European languages, mostly using European Parliament
proceedings. Additionally, statistical machine translation research has been
conducted by a number of smaller research groups from all around the world.

60 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Many good quality translation systems already exist for languages that
are, to some extent, similar in structure to Polish. When considering such
SMT systems for Czech, Slovakian and Russian, it is possible to refer, for
example, to a recent Russian-English translation system for news texts that
scored almost 32 points in BLEU score [191]. In addition, systems that
translated medical texts from Czech to English and from English to Czech,
scoring around 37 and 23 BLEU points, respectively, were introduced in [75].
The authors of [193] report BLEU scores of 34.7, 33.7, and 34.3 for Polish,
Czech and Russian, respectively, in the movie subtitles domain. The authors
of [166] state that they obtained a BLEU score of 14.58 when translating news
from English to Czech. It must be noted that those results are not directly
comparable with results presented in this monograph, because they were
conducted on different corpora.
The development of SMT systems for Polish speech has progressed
rapidly in recent years. The tools used for mainstream languages were not
adapted for the Polish language, as the training and tuning settings for most
popular languages are not suited for Polish. In this research, the trained
systems are compared not only to the baseline systems, but also to those of
the IWSLT Evaluation Campaign, as a reference point [154]. The data used
in the IWSLT are multiple-subject talks of low quality, with many editorial
and alignment errors. More information about this domain can be found in
Section 4.7. The progress made on PL translation systems during 2012–2014,
as well as their quality in comparison with other languages, is shown in
Figures 16 and 17. Figure 16 depicts the state of Polish translation systems
in comparison to those of other languages in the evaluation campaign (light
gray), and the progress made for these systems between 2012 and 2013 (dark

Portuguese +0,26%
French +5,33%
Dutch +0,61%
German +9,84%
Romanian +9,79%
Arabic +4,34%
Slovak +4,38%
Russian +13,11%
Turkish +10,31%
Polish +18,67%
Chinese +45,87%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

Figure 16. IWSLT 2012 vs. 2013 results.

State of the Art 61

Portuguese +1,39%
Arabic +3,25%
German +11,90%
Russian +2,19%
Polish +23,85%
Chinese +12,06%
Farsi +21,01%

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Figure 17. IWSLT 2013 vs. 2014 results.

gray). The SMT system for Polish was one of the worst (mostly because the
baseline is rather low); however, through this research, the progress that was
made is similar to that of more popular languages. SMT system progress is
described by the percentage value beside the bars.
Figure 17 provides similar statistics, but it shows significant progress
between 2013 and 2014. In fact, this research resulted in the largest percentage
progress during the IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign. In this campaign, the
baseline Polish SMT system advanced from almost last place, and the progress
bar indicates that the system could be compared to systems for mainstream
languages such as German. It must be noted that the progressive test sets for
each IWSLT campaign are different, that is why baseline system scores are
different in each year.

3.2 Recent methods in comparable corpora exploration

Many attempts have been made to create comparable corpora (especially
for Wikipedia), but none of them addressed the Polish language. Two main
approaches for building comparable corpora can be distinguished. Perhaps the
most common approach is based on the retrieval of cross-lingual information.
In the second approach, source documents must be translated using a machine
translation system. The documents translated in that process are then compared
with documents written in the target language in order to find the most similar
document pairs.
Previous attempts at automatically comparing sentences for parallel
corpora preparation were based on sentence lengths, together with vocabulary
62 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

alignment [41]. Brown’s method [43] was based on measuring sentence

length by the number of words. Gale and Church [42] measured the number
of characters in sentences. Other researchers continued exploring various
methods of combining sentence length statistics with alignment of vocabularies
[23, 24]. Such methods lead to the creation of noisy parallel corpora, at best.
An interesting idea for mining parallel data from Wikipedia was described
in [2]. The authors propose two separate approaches. The first idea is to use
an online machine translation system to translate Dutch Wikipedia pages into
English, and they try to compare the original English pages with the translated
pages. The idea, although interesting, seems computationally infeasible, and
it presents a chicken-or-egg problem. Their second approach uses a dictionary
generated from Wikipedia titles and hyperlinks shared between documents.
Unfortunately, the second method was reported to return numerous, noisy
sentence pairs. The second method was improved in [1] by additional
restrictions on the length of the correspondence between chunks of text and by
introducing an additional similarity measure. They prove that the technique’s
precision (understood as the number of correct translations pairs divided by
the total number of candidates) is about 21%, and in the improved method [4],
precision increased to about 43% [2].
Yasuda and Sumita [3] proposed a MT-bootstrapping framework based
on statistics that generate a sentence-aligned corpus. Sentence alignment is
achieved using a bilingual lexicon that is automatically updated by the aligned
sentences. Their solution uses a corpus that has already been aligned for initial
training. They showed that 10% of Japanese Wikipedia sentences have an
English equivalent.
Interwiki links were leveraged by the approach of Tyers and Pienaar in [4].
Based on the Wikipedia link structure, a bilingual dictionary was extracted. In
their research, they measured the average mismatch between linked Wikipedia
pages for different languages. They found that their precision is about
69–92%, depending on the language.
In [7], the authors attempt to advance the state of the art in parallel data
mining by modeling document-level alignment using the observation that
parallel sentences can most likely be found in close proximity. They also
use annotation available on Wikipedia and an automatically-induced lexicon
model. The authors report recall and precision of 90% and 80%, respectively.
The author of [5] introduces an automatic alignment method, for parallel
text fragments found in comparable corpus, that uses a textual entailment
technique and a phrase-based SMT system. The author states that significant
improvements in SMT quality were obtained (BLEU increased by 1.73) by
using this obtained data.
State of the Art 63

Another approach for exploring Wikipedia was recently described in [6]

by Plamada and Volk. Their solution differs from the previously-described
methods in which the parallel data was restricted by the monotonicity
constraint of the alignment algorithm used for matching candidate sentences.
Their algorithm ignores the position of a candidate in the text and, instead,
ranks candidates by means of customized metrics that combine different
similarity criteria. In addition, the authors limit the mining process to a
specific domain and analyze the semantic equivalency of extracted pairs. The
mining precision in their work is 39% for parallel sentences and 26% for
noisy-parallel sentences, with the remaining sentences misaligned. They also
report an improvement of 0.5 points in the BLEU metric for out-of-domain
data, and almost no improvement for in-domain data.
The authors in [98] propose obtaining only titles and some meta-
information, such as publication date and time for each document, instead of
its full contents, to reduce the cost of building the comparable corpora. The
cosine similarity of the titles’ term frequency vectors were used to match titles
and the contents of matched pairs.
In the research described in [99], the authors introduce a document
similarity measure that is based on events. To count the values of this
metric, they model documents as sets of events. These events are temporal
and geographical expressions found in the documents. Target documents are
ranked based on temporal and geographical hierarchies. The authors also
suggest an automatic technique for building a comparable corpus from the
web using news web pages, Wikipedia and Twitter in [100]. They extract
entities (using time interval filtering), URLs of web pages and document
lengths as features for classifying and gathering the comparable data.

3.2.1 Native Yalign method

In the present research, inspiration was taken from solutions implemented
in the Yalign tool, which was modified for better performance and quality.
Yalign’s native solution is far from perfect but, after the improvements that
were made during this research, supplied SMT systems with bi-sentences of
good quality in a reasonable amount of time. In addition, two other mining
methods were investigated, one that employs bi-lingual analogies detection
and another that applies adaptation and a pipeline of text processing tools.
Yalign was designed to automate the parallel text mining process by
finding sentences that are close translation matches from comparable corpora.
This presents opportunities for harvesting parallel corpora from sources
like translated documents and the web. In addition, Yalign is not limited to
a particular language pair. However, alignment models for the two selected
64 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

languages must first be created. It should be noted that the standard Yalign
implementation allows the building of only bilingual corpora.
The Yalign tool was implemented using a sentence similarity metric that
produces a rough estimate (a number between 0 and 1) of how likely it is for
two sentences to be a translation of each other. It also uses a sequence aligner,
which produces an alignment that maximizes the sum of the individual (per
sentence pair) similarities between two documents. Yalign’s initial algorithm
is actually a wrapper around a standard sequence alignment algorithm [19].
For sequence alignment, Yalign uses a variation of the Needleman-
Wunsch algorithm [20] in order to find an optimal alignment between the
sentences in two selected documents. The algorithm has a polynomial time
worst-case complexity, and it produces an optimal alignment. Unfortunately,
it cannot handle alignments that cross each other or alignments from two
sentences into a single one [20].
Since sentence similarity is a computationally-expensive operation, the
variation of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm that was implemented uses an
A* approach in order to explore the search space, instead of using the classical
dynamic programming method that would require N * M calls to the sentence
similarity matrix.
After alignment, only sentences that have a high probability of being
translations of each other are included in the final alignment. The result is
filtered so as to deliver high-quality alignments. To do this, a threshold value
is used. If the sentence similarity metric is low enough, the pair is excluded.
For the sentence similarity metric, the algorithm uses a statistical
classifier’s likelihood output and normalizes it to the 0–1 range.
The classifier must be trained to determine whether or not sentence pairs
are translations of each other. A Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier
was used in the Yalign project. Besides being an excellent classifier, an SVM
can provide a distance to the separation hyperplane during classification,
and this distance can be easily modified using a Sigmoid function to return a
likelihood between 0 and 1 [21]. The use of a classifier means that the quality
of the alignment depends not only on the input but also on the quality of the
trained classifier.
The quality of alignments is defined by a tradeoff between precision and
recall. Yalign has two configurable variables:
• Threshold: The confidence threshold to accept an alignment as “good.”
A lower value means more precision and less recall. The “confidence”
is a probability estimated from a support vector machine, classifying a
portion of text as “is a translation” or “is not a translation” of a portion of
source text.
State of the Art 65

• Penalty: Controls the amount of “skipping ahead” allowed in the

alignment. Say you are aligning subtitles, in which there are few or
no extra paragraphs and the alignment should be more or less one-to-
one; then, the penalty should be high. If you are aligning things that are
moderately good translations of each other, in which there are some extra
paragraphs for each language, then the penalty should be lower [19].
Both of these parameters are selected automatically during training, but
they can be adjusted if necessary [19].
Unfortunately, the Yalign tool is not computationally feasible for large-
scale parallel data mining. The standard implementation accepts plain text or
web links, which need to be accepted as input, and the classifier is loaded into
memory for each pair alignment. In addition, the Yalign software is single-
threaded [19].

3.2.2 A* algorithm for alignment

For the alignment of phrase sequences, calculation of similarity between a
pair of phrases can take a significant amount of time using only a single CPU.
For this reason, the Yalign tool tries to calculate the best alignment without
calculating all the elements of the M matrix. An A* search algorithm is used
for this purpose. It is presented in Figure 18 [155].
Instead of dealing with a maximization problem, it is more reasonable to
use the minimization equivalent. In such a scenario, an assumption is made
that a similarity score of 0 is given to two exact translations, and a score of 1
is given for two completely different translations. In such a problem, the gap
penalty is positively added, and the problem becomes a minimization path
problem. The principle of this technique is to make a prevision (heuristic), at
each point of the path calculation so that maximization can be faster. In the
worst case, the number of steps will be equal to that of the Needleman-Wunsch
(NW) algorithm [194], but this would happen very rarely (if it was necessary
to calculate entire alignment matrix). The objective is to avoid calculation of
all matrix elements, but instead only calculate a part of them [155].
Similar to the NW, the A* algorithm starts from the top-left element, goes
through all elements that are nearest-neighbors, calculates the lengths of these
paths, and uses a heuristic prevision of the best remaining path to the end
(bottom-right element). In such a solution, all the path possibilities are left
open, but in each iteration, computation is only performed on the path that has
the minimal total length (past length + remaining length). The algorithm ends
when it reaches the Mn,m element. As in the NW implementation, the final step
is to backtrack on the best path to the initial position [155].
66 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing



stop Mcurrent≠Mn,m




i++ Mtemp=Mcurrent*neigh(i)

no MtempϵMclosed




#neighbours no Mcurrent=bestpath(Mopen)

Figure 18. M matrix calculation with A* algorithm.

Mopen represents the set of all open paths that are represented by their final
point. Mclosed represents the set of all M matrix elements that are no longer the
final point of a path, but rather are in the middle of longer paths. Mcurrent.neigh(i)
is the i-th neighbor of Mcurrent. The minimal total length of the path that ends
in Mtemp is calculated by score(path(Mtemp)). Consideration must also be given
to the heuristic for the remaining distance calculation. The bestpath(Mopen)
State of the Art 67

Mclosed set

Mopen set

Neighbor of Mcurrent

M element never reached before

Figure 19. A* Search algorithm example.

function gives back the M element that corresponds to the ending point of the
minimal length path between all possible paths defined by score(path(...)) in
the Mopen set. An example of this algorithm is presented in Figure 19.

3.2.3 Needleman-Wunsch algorithm

The objective of this algorithm is to align two sequences of elements (letters,
words, phrases, etc.). The first step consists of defining the similarity between
two elements. This is defined by the similarity matrix S, an N × M matrix,
where N is the number of elements in the first sequence and M is the number
of elements in the second sequence. The algorithm originated in the field of
bioinformatics for RNA and DNA comparison. However, it can be adapted
for text comparison. The algorithm associates a real number with each pair
of elements in the matrix. The higher the number, the more similar the two
elements are. For example, imagine that there is the similarity matrix S (phrase-
polish, phrase-english) = number between 0 and 1. A = 0 for two phrases
means that they have nothing in common; 1 means that those two phrases
are the exact translations of each other. The similarity matrix definition is
fundamental to the results of the algorithm [20].
68 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The second step is the definition of the gap penalty. This is necessary in
the case in which one element of a sequence must be associated with a gap in
the other sequence; however, such a step will incur a penalty (p) [20]. In the
algorithm, the occurrence of a large gap is considered to be more likely the
result of one large deletion than from the result of multiple, single deletions.
While an alignment match in an element is given +1 points and a mismatch is
given –1 points, each gap between elements is assigned 0 points.
For example, let Ai be the elements of the first sequence, and Bi the
elements of the second sequence.
Sequence 1:
A1, A2, gap, A3, A4
Sequence 2:
B1, gap, B2, B3, B4
Since two gaps were introduced into the alignment in these sequences
and each incurs a gap penalty p, the total gap penalty is 2p (counted as 0 for 2
elements in the alignment).
The calculation of the M matrix (containing alignments of phrases) is
performed starting from the M(0,0) element, which is, by definition, equal to 0.
The first row of the matrix is defined at the start as:

Mi, 0 = –i * p (59)

and the first column of the matrix as:

M0, j = –j * p (60)

After the first row and columns are initialized, the algorithm iterates
through the other elements of the M matrix, starting from the upper-left side
to the bottom-right side, making the calculation:
Mi, j = max(Mi–1, j–1 + S(Ai,Bj), Mi–1, j – p, Mi, j–1 – p (61)

Each step of this calculation is shown below:

Mup–left Mup
Mleft max(Mup–left + S(Acurrent , Bcurrent), Mup – p, Mleft – p

If one wanted to calculate the (i,j) element of the M matrix, having already
calculated Mup−left = 1.3, Mup = 3.1, Mleft = 1.7, and p = 1.5, by the definition
S(Ai, Bj ) = 0.1:
State of the Art 69

1.3 3.1
1.7 max(1.3 + 0.1,3.1 – 1.5,1.7 – 1.5) = 1.6

The final value of the Mn,m (bottom-right of the matrix M) element will be
the best score of the alignment algorithm. Finally, in order to find the actual
alignment, it is necessary to backtrack on the path in the inverse direction
from Mn,m to M0,0 [20].

First column initialization

First row initialization

Inside M matrix calculation

Figure 20. Needleman-Wunsch M-matrix calculation.

This algorithm will always find the best solution, but ambiguity is in
the similarity matrix definition and in the gap definition, which may be well
defined or not. The time of computation is proportional to n * m * tS, where tS
is the time needed for the pair similarity calculation (S(Ai, Bj)) [20].

3.2.4 Other alignment methods

Several text aligners implementing various alignment methods are currently
available, including Bleualign,12 which is an open source project developed

70 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing



j++ Mi,o=–i*P



j++ Mo,j=–j*P


i=0, j=0

i++ Mi,j=max(…) j++







Figure 21. Diagram of the M matrix calculation without GPU optimization.

by the University of Zurich. In addition to parallel texts, Bleualign requires a

translation of one of the texts. It uses the length-based Bilingual Evaluation
Understudy (BLEU) similarity metric to align the texts [52].
The Hunalign13 tool is another open source tool, developed by the Media
Research Center. Based on Gale and Church’s method, it uses sentence
lengths and, optionally, a dictionary to align texts in two languages strictly

State of the Art 71

on a sentence level. In the presence of a dictionary, Hunalign combines the

dictionary information with Gale-Church sentence-length information (It
works on the principle that equivalent sentences should roughly correspond
in length.) [201]. In the absence of a dictionary, it first falls back to sentence-
length information and then builds an automatic dictionary based on this
alignment. Then it realigns the text in a second pass, using the automatic
dictionary [23].
Like most sentence aligners, Hunalign does not deal well with changes
in sentence order [51]. It is unable to come up with crossing alignments, i.e.,
segments A and B in one language corresponding to segments B’ A’ in the
other language.
ABBYY Aligner14 is a commercial product developed by the ABBYY
Group. This product reportedly uses proprietary word databases to align text
portions of sentences based on their meaning [49].
Unitex Aligner15 is an open source project primarily developed by the
University of Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallée (France) [50]. It uses the XAlign tool
[53], which uses character lengths at the paragraph and sentence level for text
alignment [54].
Dyer’s Fast Align algorithm applies a log-linear reparameterization to
IBM Model 2’s alignment model in order to solve the problem of Model 2
overfitting data and avoid the assumption of IBM Model 1 that all alignments
are equally probable. The algorithm is designed to be fast to train and to
compute text alignments [74].

Author’s Solutions to PL-EN
Corpora Processing Problems

In this chapter, the author’s solutions to some of the problems posed by this
research and their implementation are described. First, improvements to
the alignment method used in Yalign [19] are presented. In addition, a new
method for mining parallel data from comparable corpora using a pipeline of
tools is described. The adaptation of the BLEU evaluation metric for the needs
of PL-EN translation is presented. Lastly, the author’s method for aligning
and filtering corpora at the sentence level is discussed.

4.1 Parallel data mining improvements

In this research, methodologies that obtain parallel corpora from data sources
that are not sentence-aligned, such as noisy and parallel or comparable
corpora, are presented. For this purpose, a set of specialized tools for obtaining,
aligning, extracting and filtering text data was used. The tools were combined
in a pipeline that allowed completion of the task in an integrated manner.
The results of initial experiments on text samples obtained from Wikipedia
and Euronews web pages are presented. Wikipedia was chosen as a data
source because of the large number of documents that it provides (1,047,423
articles in PL Wiki and 4,524,017 in EN, at the time of writing). Furthermore,
Wikipedia contains not only comparable documents, but also some documents
that are translations of each other. The quality of the SMT approach used was
measured by improvements in translations using BLEU measure.
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 73

For the experiments in statistical speech translation, the TED talks domain
that was prepared for the IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign by the FBK16 was
chosen. This domain is very wide and covers many unrelated subject areas.
The data contains almost 2.5 M untokenized words [15]. Narrower domains
were selected from the data for use in experiments. The first parallel corpus
is composed of PDF documents from the European Medicines Agency
(EMEA) and medicine leaflets [16]. The Polish data was a corpora created
by the EMEA. Its size was about 80 MB, and it included 1,044,764 sentences
built from 11.67 M untokenized words. The vocabularies consisted of
148,170 unique Polish words forms and 109,326 unique English word forms.
The disproportionate vocabulary sizes are also a challenge, especially in
translation from English to Polish.
The second corpus was extracted from the proceedings of the European
Parliament (EUP) by Philipp Koehn (University of Edinburgh) [14]. In
addition, experiments on the Basic Travel Expression Corpus (BTEC), a
multilingual speech corpus containing tourism-related sentences similar
to those usually found in phrase books for tourists going abroad, were also
conducted [17]. Lastly, a large corpus obtained from the
web site was used as an example of human dialogs. Table 4 provides details on
the number of unique tokens (TOKENS), as well as the number of bilingual
sentence pairs (PAIRS).
Table 4. Corpora specification.


BTEC 50,782 24,662 220,730
TED 218,426 104,117 151,288
EMEA 148,230 109,361 1,046,764
EUP 311,654 136,597 632,565
OPEN 1,236,088 749,300 33,570,553

The solution can be divided into three main steps. First, data is collected,
then it is aligned at the article level, and finally the aligned results are mined
for parallel sentences. The last two steps are not trivial, because there are great
disparities between Wikipedia documents. Based on Wikipedia statistics, it is
known that articles on the PL Wiki contain an average of 379 words, whereas
articles on the EN Wiki contain an average of 590 words. This is most likely
why sentences in the raw Wiki corpus are mostly misaligned, with translation

74 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

lines whose placement does not correspond to any text lines in the source
language. Moreover, some sentences have no corresponding translations in
the corpus at all. The corpus might also contain poor or indirect translations,
making alignment difficult. Thus, alignment is crucial for accuracy. Sentence
alignment must also be computationally feasible to be of practical use in
various applications.
The procedure that was applied in this monograph starts with a specialized
web crawler. Because the PL Wiki contains less data, with almost all its
articles having corresponding EN Wiki articles, the program crawls the data
starting from the non-English site. The crawler can extract and save bilingual
articles of any language supported by Wikipedia. The tool requires archives of
at least two Wikipedia data sets on different languages and information about
language links between the articles in the data sets.
A web crawler was implemented and used for This web
crawler was designed to use the archive page. In the first
phase, the crawler generates a database of parallel articles in two selected
languages, in order to obtain comparable data. The Wikipedia articles were
analyzed offline using current Wikipedia dumps.17
Before a mining tool processes the data, it must be prepared. First, all
the data is saved in a local database implemented using MongoDB.18 Second,
the tool aligns article pairs and removes articles that do not exist in both
languages from the database. These topic-aligned articles are filtered to
remove any HTML tags, XML tags or noisy data (tables, references, figures,
etc.). Finally, bilingual documents are tagged with a unique ID as a topic-
aligned, comparable corpus.
To extract the parallel sentence pairs, two different strategies were
employed. The first strategy uses methodology inspired by the Yalign Tool,19
and the second is based on a pipeline of specialized tools adapted for Polish
language needs. The MT results presented in this chapter were obtained
using the first strategy. This decision was motivated by the quality of Yalign
documentation, experience with the algorithms, optimizations that were
applied to it within the scope of this monograph, the computational feasibility
of an improved Yalign method, and the unknown outcome of experiments
with the tools pipeline described in Section 4.5.1. The second method is
still under development; nevertheless, the initial results are promising

Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 75

and worth mentioning, especially since there are many opportunities for

4.2 Multi-threaded, tuned and GPU-accelerated Yalign

To improve the performance of Yalign and make it computationally feasible
for large-scale data mining, a solution that supplies the Yalign tool with articles
from the database within one session, with no need to reload the classifier each
time, was developed. The developed solution also facilitated multi-threading
and decreased the mining time by a factor of 6.1 (using a 4-core, 8-thread i7
CPU). The alignment algorithm was also reimplemented for better accuracy
and to leverage the power of GPUs for additional computing requirements.
The author’s tuning algorithm was also implemented.

4.2.1 Needleman-Wunsch algorithm with GPU optimization

In the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm that has been optimized for GPUs, the
structure of the algorithm remains the same, but it differs in the calculation of
the M matrix elements. This calculation is the step to which multi-threading
optimization is applied. Those operations are small enough to be processed
by an enormous number of GPUs. The idea is to compute all elements in
an diagonal in parallel, always starting from the top-left and proceeding to
the bottom-right [20]. According to [194], the speed up in plain sequence
alignment should be up to 8x. In this monograph, such a large speedup was
not obtained, probably because of a bottleneck due to a need for data transfer
to the GPU and the large size of the comparison matrix.
An example is presented in Table 5 and Figure 22. Imagine that the fourth
diagonal elements of the M matrix (Mad(4)) must be computed and that all the
(Mad(4)) elements are calculated in parallel threads. To make this calculation,
the following equation is used:
max(…) = max(Mup–left + S(Acurrent, Bcurrent), Mup – p, Mleft – p) (62)

Table 5. Matrix estimation example.

M0,0 M0,1 M0,2 Mad(4),3 = max(...)

M1,0 M1,1 Mad(4),2 = max(...) …
M2,0 Mad(4),1 = max(...) … …
Mad(4),0 = max(...) … … …

Next, the parallelization of the fifth diagonal will start, and so forth.
76 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing


n threads

M0,0=–o M1,0=–p M2,0=–2p M3,0=–3p …

m threads

M0,0=–o M0,1=–p M0,2=–2p M0,3=–3p …

Anti-diagonal (ad)

j++ j threads

Ma,d(j),0=max(…) Ma,d(j),1=max(…) Ma,d(j),3=max(…) Ma,d(j),4=max(…) …




Figure 22. Diagram of the M matrix calculation with GPU optimization.

4.2.2 Comparison of alignment methods

The two NW algorithms, the existing algorithm and the algorithm improved
through GPU optimization, are conceptually identical, but the second has an
advantage in efficiency, depending on the hardware, up to max(n, m) times.
However, the results of the A* algorithm, if the similarity calculation and the
gap penalty are defined as in the NW algorithm, will be the same only if there
is an additional constraint on paths: Paths cannot go upward or leftward in
the M matrix. Yalign does not impose these additional conditions, so in some
scenarios, repetitions of the same phrase may appear. In fact, every time the
algorithm decides to move up or left, it is coming back into the second and
first sequence, respectively.
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 77

First column initialization in parallel threads

First raw initialization in parallel threads

1st anti-diagonal calculation in parallel threads

2nd anti-diagonal calculation in parallel threads

3rd anti-diagonal calculation in parallel threads

Figure 23. Needleman-Wunsch M-matrix calculation with parallel threads.

An example of an M matrix without constraints is presented in Table 6:

Table 6. M matrix calculation without constraints.

a d e g f
a X
d X
c X
d X
e X X X
78 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The alignment in this scenario is:

a, d, a, d, e, g, f
a, d, c, d, e, −, −
In the same problem, the NW would react as presented in Table 7:

Table 7. M matrix calculation with NW.

a d e g f
a X
d X
c X
d X
e X X X

The alignment using NW would be:

a, d, −, −, e, g, f
a, d, c, d, e, −, −
Because of the lack of constraints, repetitions were created that visualized
the imperfection of the A* algorithm implemented in the Yalign tool. The
Yalign approach can save much time in a large data set of phrases, because the
time of a single pair similarity calculation is negligible, but to obtain the same
results as the NW method, some constraints must be inserted. This is not very
easy, since Yalign uses an external package for the A* alignment that does not
allow the required search path constraints. Many sentences may be misaligned
or missed during the alignment, especially when the texts being analyzed are
of different lengths and have vocabularies rich in synonyms. Some sentences
can simply be skipped while checking for alignment. Such an issue occurs in
Wikipedia articles for PL-EN pairs. That is why NW with GPU optimization
is the most suitable algorithm. In this research, a comparison was made using
all three approaches.

4.3 Tuning of Yalign method

Recall from Chapter 3 that the quality of alignments is defined by a tradeoff
between precision and recall. The solution implemented in this research
also introduces a tuning algorithm for these parameters, which allows better
adjustment of them.
The tuning script consists of three main parts: An article parser, an aligner
and a tuning algorithm. It requires some software and Python packages to be
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 79

installed before using it: The original Yalign, MongoDB, python-pymongo,

ipython, python-nose and python-werkzeug.
The Wikipedia article parser is a pre-processing tool, developed by the
author, that extracts articles from Wikipedia as plain text data and prepares it
for use with Yalign. It matches bilingual article pairs that are later processed
by Yalign. The parser works in two steps. First, it extracts articles from
Wikipedia data sets. Second, it saves the extracted articles to a local database
(Mongo DB). Alignment at the article level is also done during this phase.
Before using the parser, Wikipedia data sets and language links should
be downloaded and extracted to the same directory (directory should
contain *.xml and *.sql files). For each language, two dump files should be
downloaded, for example:
The article parser has a “main language” option. This option is used to
define a main language, so that articles in a language are also extracted in
other languages only if they exist in the main language. For example, if the
main language is PL, then the article extractor will first extract all articles for
PL, then extract articles in other languages, but only if such articles exist in
the PL Wikipedia. This feature reduces space and computing requirements.
The aligner takes article pairs for a given language pair, aligns their text,
and saves the parallel corpora to N files. The option “–s” can be used to limit
the number of symbols in the file (by default, the size is 50,000,000 symbols,
which has a size of 50–60 MB). This process, even after performance
improvements that were made in this research, takes a very long time. For a
PL-EN pair on the Intel Core i7, the process took about one month. That is
why, by default, the aligner tries to continue aligning where it was stopped, in
case of a computer crash.
To perform tuning, it is necessary to extract random article samples from
the corpus. The script “” can be used to save articles in
plain text format. It accepts a path for saving articles, the languages of articles
to be saved and the source of articles (Euronews, Wikipedia, etc.). Such
80 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

articles must be manually aligned by humans. It is essential to leave the order

in which they appeared in the original text unmodified and to remove poor
or incorrect alignments. Based on such information, the tuning script tries,
naively by random parameter selection, to find values for which Yalign output
is as similar to that of a human as possible. When the tuning script completes,
it will produce a csv file, with the first column containing threshold, the second
column containing penalty, and the third column containing similarity for these
parameters. Similarity is a percentage value of how the automatically-aligned
file resembles the human-aligned one. A Needleman-Wunsch algorithm is
used for alignment and comparison of human made work with automatic
script results.
Analysis was performed for each of five domains of interest to check how
the tuning algorithms cope with proper adjustment of the parameters. Table 8
shows the results of this experiment.

Table 8. Improvements in quantity of mining.

Classifier Improvement in %
BTEC 13.2
TED 12.5
OPEN 11.4

For the testing purposes, 100 random article pairs were taken from the
Wikipedia comparable corpus and aligned by a human translator. Second, a
tuning script was run using classifiers trained on the previously-described text
domain. A percentage change in quantity of mined data was calculated for
each classifier.

4.4 Minor improvements in mining for Wikipedia

The improvements discussed in the previous chapters mostly deal with
heuristics used in the Yalign tool and can be applied to any bilingual textual data.
Such an approach would also improve mining within Wikipedia. However,
Wikipedia has many additional sources of cross-lingual dependencies that can
be used. First, the topic domain of Wikipedia cannot be constrained to one
specific domain; it covers almost any topic. This is the reason why its articles
often contain complicated or rare vocabulary, and why statistical mining
methods may skip some parallel sentences. The solution to this problem
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 81

Figure 24. Example of bi-lingual Wikipedia page title.

might be extraction of a dictionary using the article titles from Wikipedia.

According to [4], the precision of such a dictionary can as high as 92%. This
dictionary can be used not only for the extension of parallel corpora but also
in the classifier training phase.
Second, the textual descriptions of pictures contain good quality parallel
phrases. It is possible to obtain them through picture analysis and hyperlinks to
the pictures. The same goes for any figures, tables, maps, audio, video or any
other multimedia content from Wikipedia. Unfortunately, not all information
can be extracted from Wikipedia dumps; a web crawler is required for this

Młody bocian żerujący na owadach A juvenile feeding on an insect

Figure 25. Example of bi-lingual picture description.

The good quality Wikipedia articles are well referenced. It is more likely
for sentences to be cross-lingual equivalents if they are referenced with the
same publication. Such analysis joined with other comparison techniques can
lead to better accuracy in parallel text recognition.

Figure 26. Example of bi-lingual reference sentences.

Unfortunately, Wikipedia articles are developed separately for each

language by many authors. In the following example, the parallel sentence in
one language refers to reference number 21 and in another, to reference 26.
82 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Figure 27. Example of cross-lingual reference.

This is why it is necessary not only to compare numbers but to analyze

the references themselves.
In addition to references, it is important to analyze names, dates, numbers,
etc., because it can indicate the presence of parallel data.
In some cases, it would be useful to have an option to align more than
two languages. The author’s tool, unlike Yalign, can align any number of
languages and build parallel, cross-lingual corpora from them.
Because of the need to use a web crawler, this tool version was evaluated
only using 1,000 randomly-selected articles. It would take too long to build
an entire corpora using it without access to many proxy servers and Internet
connections. It is not only required to crawl about 500,000 articles for PL-EN
pair, but also many links present on each page. First, the data was crawled,
next aligned using the standard version of Yalign (Y in Table 9), and then
aligned using the modified version described here (YMOD in Table 9). Lastly,
single words were extracted and counted (DICT in Table 9) and also manually
analyzed to verify how many of them could be considered correct translations
(DICTC in Table 9).

Table 9. Results of mining after improvements.

Y 4,192
YMOD 5,289
DICT 868

The results mean that the improved method using additional information
sources mined an additional 1,097 parallel alignments. Among them, it is
possible to identify 868 single words, which means that, in fact, 229 new
sentences were obtained. The growth in obtained data was 5.5%. After manual
analysis of the dictionary, 685 words were identified as proper translations.
This means that the accuracy of the dictionary was about 79%. In summary,
the author’s method, though time-consuming, may produce additional results
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 83

that would greatly help when dealing with text domains with insufficient
textual resources.

4.5 Parallel data mining using other methods

This section describes a methodology for mining bi-data from previously
obtained comparable corpora. The task is motivated by highly practical
reasons. Non-parallel multilingual data exist in far greater quantities than
parallel corpora, but parallel sentences are a much more useful resource.
As previously described, a parser was used for building subject-aligned
comparable corpora from Wikipedia articles. The method introduced for
extracting parallel sentences that are filtered out from noisy or just comparable
sentence pairs is presented in this part of the research. Implementation and
adjustment of specialized tools for this task, as well as training and adaptation
of a machine translation system that supplies a filtering tool with additional
information about the similarity of comparable sentence pairs, are also
described. In addition, initial results of the method based on analogies are
also presented.

4.5.1 The pipeline of tools

The new procedure starts with a specialized web crawler, similar to the
Yalign method. The procedure is presented in Figure 28. Because the PL Wiki
contains less data, for which almost all articles have corresponding EN Wiki
articles, the program crawls data starting from the non-English site first. It is
a language-independent solution. The crawler can obtain and save bilingual
articles of any language supported by Wikipedia.

Web Topic Data Sentence Sentence

Crawling Alignment Preparation Alignment Filtering

Figure 28. Tools pipeline.

First, the data is saved in HTML files, and then it is topic-aligned. To

narrow the search field to specific in-domain documents, it is necessary to
give the crawler the first link to the article in a domain. Then the program will
automatically obtain other topic-related documents, based on Interwiki links
and references. Narrowing the search domain not only helps adjust the output to
specific needs, but also narrows the vocabulary, which makes the alignment task
easier. After obtaining HTML documents, the crawler extracts plain text from
them and cleans the data. Tables, URLs, figures, pictures, menus, references and
other unnecessary data are removed. Finally, bilingual documents are tagged
with a unique ID for the topic-aligned comparable corpus.
84 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

A two-level sentence alignment method that prepares a dictionary for

itself is proposed in this research. The Hunalign20 tool is first used to match
bilingual sentences. Its input is tokenized and sentence-segmented. The
Hunalign option that automatically builds a dictionary was used [23].
To cope with Hunalign’s inability to determine crossing alignments and
filter out poor bilingual sentence pairs, a special tool was implemented [24].
The filtering tool is dependent on the translation engine. Since the best results
can be obtained with specialized translation systems, PL-EN parallel data in
various domains were extracted from the OPUS project and used for training
a specialized machine translation system.
To improve its performance, the system was adapted to Wikipedia using
a dump of all English articles as a language model. The final training corpora
comprised 36,751,049 sentences, and the language model was composed of
79,424,211 sentences. The unique token count was 3,209,295 in the Polish side
of the corpora; 1,991,418 in the English side; and 37,702,319 in the language
model. The same system settings were used as for the baseline systems.

4.5.2 Analogy-based method

A method based on sequential analogy detection was developed in cooperation
with Emilia Rejmund of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information
Technology [218]. Based on a parallel corpus, it detects analogies that exists
in both languages. To enhance the quality of identified analogies, clusters of
sequential analogies are sought.
However, this research (based on the Wikipedia corpus) shows that it is
both extremely difficult and computationally intensive to seek out clusters
of higher orders. Therefore, this research was restrained to simple analogies,
such as A is to B in the same way as C to D.
Such analogies are found using a distance calculation. The method seeks
sentences such that:
An additional constraint was added that requires the same relation of
occurrences of each character in the sentences. For example, if the number of
occurrences of the character “a” in sentence A is equal to x and equal to y in
sentence B, then the same relation must occur in sentences C and D.

Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 85

The Levenshtein metric was used in this part of the present research for
distance calculation. A trial application of this metric was made, applying it
directly to the characters in the sentence, or considering each word in the
sentence as an individual symbol, and calculating Levenshtein distance
between symbol-coded sentences. The latter approach was employed, due
to the fact that this method was tested earlier on the Chinese and Japanese
languages [195], which use symbols to represent entire words.
After clustering, data from clusters are compared to each other in order to
find similarities between them. For the four sentences:
The algorithm looks for such E and F that:
C:D::E:F and E:F::A:B
However, none were found in our corpus; therefore, the experiments were
constrained to small clusters with two pairs of sentences. Matching sentences
from the parallel corpus were identified in every cluster. This allowed the
generation of new, similar sentences, which were present in the training corpus.
For each of the sequential analogies that were identified, a rewriting model is
constructed. This was achieved by string manipulation. Common prefixes and
suffixes for each of the sentences were calculated using the Longest Common
Subsequence (LCS) method [196].
An example of the rewriting model (prefix and suffix are shown in bold) is:
Poproszę koc i poduszkę.⬄ A blanket and a pillow, please.
Czy mogę poprosić o śmietankę i cukier?⬄Can I have cream
and sugar?
The rewriting model consists of a prefix, a suffix, and their translation.
It is possible to construct a parallel corpus from a non-parallel, monolingual
source. Each sentence in the corpus is tested for a match with the model. If the
sentence contains a prefix and a suffix, it is considered a matching sentence.
Poproszę bilet.⬄A unknown, please.
In the matched sentence, some of the words remained untranslated, but
the general meaning of the sentence is conveyed. Remaining words may be
translated word-for-word, while the translated sentence remains grammatically
bilet ⬄ ticket
Substituting unknown words with translated ones allowed the creation of
a parallel corpus entry.
Poproszę bilet.⬄ A ticket, please.
86 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

As a result of the sequential analogy detection-based method, 8,128

models were mined from the Wikipedia comparable corpus. This enabled
generation of 114,000 new pairs of sentences that could be used as an extension
to a parallel corpus. Sentences were generated from a Wikipedia comparable
corpus that is basically an extract of Wikipedia articles. It contained articles in
Polish and English on the same topic, but sentences were not aligned in any
particular way. The rewriting models were used to match sentences from each
Polish article to sentences in the English article. Whenever a model could
be successfully applied to a pair of sentences, this pair was considered to be
parallel, resulting in the generation of a quasi-parallel corpus (“quasi” since
sentences were aligned artificially using the approach described above). Those
parallel sentences can be used to extend parallel corpora in order to improve
the quality of machine translation.

4.6 SMT metric enhancements

This section describes enhancements made to the BLEU metric and the
evaluation of the enhanced SMT metric.

4.6.1 Enhancements to the BLEU metric

When human translators translate a text, they often use synonyms, different
word orders or style and other similar variations. Here, an SMT evaluation
technique that enhances the BLEU metric to consider such variations is
In particular, the enhanced metric rewards synonyms and rare word
translations, while modifying the calculation of cumulative scores. The
enhanced metric rewards matches of synonyms, as does BLEU, since the
correct meaning is still conveyed.
Consider the test phrase “this is a exam” and the reference phrase “this is
a quiz.” The BLEU score is calculated as follows:
(1 + 1 + 1 + 0) 3
BLEU= = = 0.75 (63)
4 4
BLEU does not count the word “exam” as a match, because it does not
find it in the reference phrase. However, this word is not a bad choice. In the
proposed method, the algorithm scores the synonym “exam” higher than zero
and lower than the exact word “quiz.”
To do this, the evaluation algorithm tries to find the synonyms of each
word in a test phrase. It checks for an exact word match and for all test phrase
synonyms to find the closest words to the reference. For example, for the
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 87

Test: “this is a exam”

Reference: “this is a quiz”
“exam” has some synonyms, e.g., “test”, “quiz” and “examination.”
The algorithm checks each synonym (taken from WordNet21) in the
reference. If a synonym has a greater number of matches in the reference, it is
replaced with the original word.
The default BLEU algorithm was applied to the modified test phrase and
reference phrase, with one difference. The default BLEU algorithm scores this
new test phrase as 1.0, but it is known that the original test phrase was “this
is a exam.” So, the scoring algorithm should give a score higher than 0.75 but
less than 1.0 to the test phrase.
During the BLEU evaluation, the program checks each word for an exact
match. If the word is a synonym and not an exact match, it does not give a full
score to that word. The score for a synonym will be the default BLEU score
for an original word multiplied by a constant (synonym-score).
For example, if this constant equals 0.90, the new score with synonyms
(1 + 1 + 1 + 0.9)/4 = 3.9/4 = 0.975
With this algorithm, synonym scores for all n-grams are obtained, because
in the 2-grams, there are “a quiz” and in the 3-grams, “is a quiz” in both the
test and reference phrases.
Additionally, the algorithm gives extra points to rare word matches. First,
it obtains the rare words found in the reference corpus. If all distinct words of
the reference are sorted in their repetition order (descending), the last words in
this list are rare words. The algorithm takes a specific percentage of the whole
sorted list as rare words (rare-words-percent).
When the default BLEU algorithm tries to score a word, if this word is
in the rare word list, the score is multiplied by a constant (rare-words-score).
This action applies to all n-grams. So, if rare words are found in a 2-gram,
the algorithm increases the score for this 2-gram. For example, if the word
“roman” is rare, then the 2-gram “roman empire” gets an increased score.
The algorithm is careful that the score of each sentence falls within the
range of 0.0 and 1.0. The cumulative score of the algorithm combines default
BLEU scores using logarithms and exponentials as follows:
1. Initialize s = 0
2. For each ith-gram:

88 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

a. s = s + log(Bi)
b. Ci = exp(s/i)
where Bi is the default BLEU score, and Ci is the cumulative score.
In addition, knowing that:
exp(log(a) + log(b)) = a * b (64)
exp(log(a)/b) = a ^ (1/b) (65)

simplifies the calculation. For example, for i = 1 to 4:

C1 = B1
C2 = (B1 * B2) ^ (1/2) (66)

C3 = (B1 * B2 * B3) ^ (1/3)

C4 = (B1 * B2 * B3 * B3) ^ (1/4)
Assuming that:
B1 = 0.70
B2 = 0.55 (67)
B3 = 0.37
B4 = 0.28
C1 = 0.70
C2 = 0.62 (68)
C3 = 0.52
C4 = 0.44

The length score (brevity penalty) in the algorithm is calculated as:

0.0, 1 − reflength
lenscore = min( ) (69)
and cumulatively:
exp( + lenscore ) (70)
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 89

4.6.2 Evaluation using enhanced BLEU metric

Experiments were conducted in order to compare the performance of the
enhanced SMT evaluation metric with that of the most popular metrics for
SMT between Polish and English: BLEU, NIST, TER and METEOR. The
data set used for the experiments was the EMEA) parallel corpus [35].
Table 10 shows the results of Polish-to-English translation experiments.
Table 11 shows the results of English-to-Polish translation experiments. The
EBLEU column is an evaluation of the new metric.

Table 10. Polish-to-English translations results.


00 70.42 70.15 10.53 29.38 82.19 83.12
01 63.75 64.58 9.77 35.62 76.04 72.23
02 70.85 71.04 10.61 28.33 82.54 82.88
03 70.88 71.22 10.58 28.51 82.39 83.47
04 76.22 76.24 10.99 24.77 85.17 85.12
05 70.94 71.43 10.60 28.73 82.89 83.19
06 73.10 71.91 10.76 26.60 83.63 84.64
07 70.47 71.12 10.37 29.95 84.55 76.29
08 71.78 71.32 10.70 27.68 83.31 83.72
09 70.65 71.35 10.40 29.74 81.52 77.12
10 71.42 70.34 10.64 28.22 82.65 83.39
11 73.11 72.51 10.70 28.19 82.81 80.08

Table 11. English-to-Polish translations results.


00 66.81 69.18 10.14 30.90 79.21 82.92
01 58.28 61.15 9.19 39.45 71.91 71.39
02 67.24 69.41 10.14 30.90 78.98 82.44
03 66.33 68.45 10.06 31.62 78.63 82.70
04 72.00 73.32 10.48 27.05 81.72 84.59
05 67.31 69.27 10.16 30.80 79.30 82.99
06 66.64 68.43 10.07 31.27 78.95 83.26
07 66.41 67.61 9.87 33.05 77.82 77.77
08 66.64 68.98 10.11 31.13 78.90 82.38
09 67.30 68.67 10.02 31.92 78.55 79.10
10 66.76 69.01 10.14 30.84 79.13 82.93
11 66.66 67.47 9.89 33.32 77.65 75.19
90 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to determine whether or not the
differences between metrics were statistically significant. Table 12 shows
the significance results for Polish-to-English translation, and Table 13 for
English-to-Polish translation.

Table 12. Significance of EBLEU results versus other metrics (PL-EN).


P-value: 0.843 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

The results presented in Tables 12 and 13 include one-tailed and two-

tailed tests. There is no statistical difference between EBLEU and BLEU. The
differences between EBLEU and the other columns are highly significant.

Table 13. Significance of EBLEU results versus other metrics (EN-PL).


P-value: 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

The English-to-Polish translation results are significantly different from

the EBLEU, and the results are highly significant. Even though the differences
between BLEU and EBLEU are significant only in translation from English to
Polish, such a result was anticipated, because the EBLEU metric was intended
for evaluation of texts written in Polish.
Additionally, correlation was used to better assess the association
among the metrics. Correlation measures the association among two or more
quantitative or qualitative independent variables [17]. So, it was used here to
estimate the association between metrics.
The correlation between two arrays of variables, X and Y, can be calculated
using the following formula:

Corr ( X, Y ) =
∑ ( x − x )( y − y ) (71)
∑ ( x − x )2 ∑ ( y − y )2
The correlation output table for the metrics is:
Table 14. Correlation for Polish to English.


BLEU 0.9732 1
NIST 0.9675 0.9158 1
TER –0.9746 –0.9327 –0.9909 1
METEOR 0.8981 0.8943 0.8746 –0.8963 1
RIBES 0.7570 0.6738 0.8887 –0.8664 0.6849 1
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 91

Table 14 shows that the NIST metric is more strongly correlated with
EBLEU than with BLEU. The new metric shows a more negative correlation
with TER than does BLEU. The new metric shows a stronger correlation with
METEOR than does BLEU.
Figure 29 shows the data trends, as well as the association of different



40 TER



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Figure 29. Association of metric values.

To confirm the results, it was of interest to determine if the same

correlation would occur in translations from English to Polish. The results
were determined, and an aggregation table was developed in which the results
of both tables were merged. The aggregation is shown in Table 15.

Table 15. Aggregation for English-Polish.


BLEU 0.9657 1
NIST 0.9762 0.9361 1
TER –0.9666 –0.9725 –0.9723 1
METEOR 0.9615 0.9276 0.9653 –0.9411 1
RIBES 0.8105 0.6989 0.9809 –0.9097 0.6849 1

Table 15 shows a stronger correlation between NIST and RIBES and the
new metric than between NIST or RIBES and BLEU. The enhanced metric
has a more negative correlation with TER than does BLEU. Lastly, the new
metric has a stronger correlation with METEOR than does BLEU.
92 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Finally, it was essential to confirm how statistically relevant the obtained

results were. To check the correlation coefficiency, the asymmetric lambda
measure of association λ(C|R) was calculated. Asymmetric lambda is
interpreted as the probable improvement in prediction of the column variable
Y given knowledge of the row variable X (values given in table). Asymmetric
lambda has the range:
0 ≤ λ(C|R) ≤ 1 (72)
It is computed as:

λ (C|R) = ∑ i i
r −r
n − ∑ i ri
var = (∑ ri + r − 2∑ (ri | li =l )) (74)
( n − r )3 i i

Cri = j ( nij )
r= j ( n⋅ j )

For this purpose, IBM’s SPSS (predictive analytics software)22 tool

was used [36]. In the experiments, the EBLEU results as a dependent
variable (EBLEU is a function of the metrics variable) of every other metric
were calculated. Using the interpretive guide for measures of association
(0.0 = no relationship, ±0.0 to ±0.2 = very weak, ±0.2 to ±0.4 = weak,
±0.4 to ±0.6 = moderate, ±0.6 to ±0.8 = strong, ±0.8 to ±1.0 = very strong,
and ±1.0 = perfect relationship), the lambda results were characterized as a
very strong relationship if larger than 0.8 value [37]. Table 16 represents the
strength of association between EBLEU and the other metrics.

Table 16. Association strength.


Symmetric 0.973 0.918 0.957 0.975 0.978
EBLEU Dependent 0.988 0.870 0.957 1.000 1.000
* Dependent 0.958 0.957 0.958 0.958 0.957

The lambda results confirm that correlation is very strong for each metric.
In the case of METEOR, there is perfect correlation.

Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 93

Lastly, the Spearman correlation [38] was evaluated. Its rank is often
denoted by ρ (rho) or as rs. It is a nonparametric measure of statistical
dependence between two variables. It enables assessment of how well the
relationship between two variables can be described using a monotonic
function. If no repeated data values are found, then a perfect Spearman
correlation of +1 or −1 occurs.
Pearson correlation is unduly influenced by outliers, unequal variances,
non-normality and nonlinearity. This latter correlation is calculated by
applying the Pearson23 correlation formula to the ranks of the data rather than
to the actual data values themselves. In so doing, many of the distortions that
plague the Pearson correlation are reduced considerably.
Pearson correlation measures the strength of a linear relationship between
X and Y. In the case of nonlinear but monotonic relationships, a useful
measure is Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, Rho, which is a Pearson’s
type correlation coefficient computed on the ranks of the X and Y values. It is
computed by the following formula:

[1 − 6∑ (di ) 2 ]
Rho = (76)
[n(n 2 − 1)]
di is the difference between the ranks of Xi and Yi.
rs = +1 if there is a perfect agreement between the two sets of ranks.
rs = –1 if there is a complete disagreement between the two sets of ranks.
Spearman’s coefficient, like any correlation calculation, is appropriate for
both continuous and discrete variables, including ordinal variables. Table 17
shows the two-tailed Spearman’s correlation for the EBLEU metric in the
Correlation Coefficient row. The Sigma row represents the error rate (should
be less than 0.05), and N is number of samples used in the experiment.
Table 18 provides the results of Spearman’s correlation for the BLEU metric.
The sigma value for the Spearman correlation indicates the direction
of association between X (the independent variable) and Y (the dependent
variable). If Y tends to increase when X increases, the Spearman correlation
coefficient is positive. If Y tends to decrease when X increases, the Spearman
correlation coefficient is negative. A Spearman correlation of zero indicates
that there is no tendency for Y to either increase or decrease when X increases.
The Spearman correlation increases in magnitude as X and Y come closer to
being perfect monotonic functions of each other. When X and Y are perfectly
monotonically related, the Spearman correlation coefficient is 1.

94 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 17. Spearman correlation for EBLEU.


Corr. Coefficient 0.950 0.943 –0.954 0.895 0.655
Sigma (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001
N 26 26 26 26 26

For example, –0.951 for TER and EBLEU shows a strong negative
correlation between these values. Other results also confirm strong correlations
between the measured metrics. Correlation between EBLEU and BLEU is
0.947, EBLEU and NIST is 0.940, EBLEU and TER is –0.951, and EBLEU
and METEOR is 0.891. This shows strong associations between these
variables. The results for the RIBES metric show moderate rather than very
strong correlation.

Table 18. Spearman correlation for BLEU.


Corr. Coefficient 0.950 0.915 –0.945 0.897 0.655
Sigma (2-tailed) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001
N 26 26 26 26 26

On the other hand, for the BLEU metric, the following correlation
coefficient results were obtained: BLEU and NIST is 0.912, BLEU and TER
is 0.939, and BLEU and METEOR is 0.897. This shows a strong association
among the metrics as well, with EBLEU showing the strongest association.
Low correlation for RIBES occurs for each kind of translation.
In this research, it was proved by measuring correlations that the author’s
enhanced BLEU metric is more trustworthy than normal BLEU. There are
no deviations from the measurements from other metrics. Moreover, the new
method of evaluation is more similar to human evaluation. In conclusion from
the experiments, the new evaluation metric provides better precision, especially
for Polish and other Slavic languages. As anticipated, the correlation between
the new metric and RIBES is not very strong. The focus of the RIBES metric
is word order, which is almost free in the Polish language. To be more precise,
it uses rank correlation coefficients based on word order to compare SMT and
reference translations. As word order is not strict in Polish, having a rather
weak correlation with RIBES is a good indication.
The enhanced BLEU metric can deal with disparity of vocabularies
between language pairs and the free-word order that occurs in some non-
positional languages. The metric tool provides an opportunity for future
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 95

adjustments in scoring. It allows changes in the proportions for which the

BLEU score was enhanced. Because of this, the tool can be easily adapted to
any language pair or specific experimental needs.

4.7 Alignment and filtering of corpora

A goal of the present research was to remove incorrect translations and noisy
data from parallel corpora, in order to ultimately improve SMT performance.
Before a parallel corpus can be used for any processing, the sentences must be
aligned. Sentences in a raw corpus are often misaligned, resulting in translated
lines whose placement does not correspond to the text lines in the source
language. Moreover, some sentences may have no corresponding translation
in the corpus at all. The corpus might also contain poor or indirect translations,
making the alignment difficult and quality of the data poor. Thus, it is crucial
to MT system accuracy [39]. Corpora alignment must also be computationally
feasible to be of a practical use in various applications [40].

4.7.1 Corpora used for alignment experiments

The data set used for this research was the Translanguage English Database
(TED) [15], provided by Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) for IWSLT
2013. The vocabulary sizes of the English and Polish texts in TED are
disproportionate. There are 41,684 unique English words and 92,135 unique
Polish words. This also presents a challenge for SMT systems.
Additionally, a Wikipedia comparable corpus was built and used in this
research. The corpus was prepared for the needs of the IWSLT 2014 Evaluation
Campaign. In Table 19, a fragment of the Wikipedia corpora, which consists
of 13 lines obtained with the original Yalign tool, is presented. There are
many similar cases and fragments in the entire corpora that might be quite
problematic during training of a machine translation system. First, the data is
quite noisy, and the corpora contain redundant parallel lines consisting solely
of numbers or symbols. In addition, it is easy to find improper translations,
e.g., “U.S. Dept.” is clearly not an accurate translation of the sentence “Na
początku lat 30”, which in Polish means “In the beginning of the 30s.” In
addition, some translations are too indirect or too distinct from each other. An
example of such a pair is: “In all other cases it is true” and “W przeciwnym
razie alternatywa zdań jest fałszywa”, which in Polish means “Otherwise, the
alternative of the sentences is false.”
Despite these errors, the corpus contains good translations, and the
problematic data can be removed.
96 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 19. Example of poor-quality translations in the Wikipedia corpus.

Line PL EN
1 W przeciwnym razie alternatywa zdań In all other cases it is true.
jest fałszywa.
2 ISBN 8389795299. ISBN 1-55164-250-6.
3 ISBN 8311068119. ISBN 978-1-55164-311-3.
4 ISBN 8322924984. ISBN 9780691155296.
5 ISBN 9788361182085. ISBN 0-14-022697-4.
6 ASN.1 (skrót od „Abstract Syntax Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)
Notation One”—abstrakcyjna notacja is a standard and notation that describes
składniowa numer jeden) jest to standard rules and structures for representing,
służący do opisu struktur przeznaczonych encoding, transmitting, and decoding
do reprezentacji, kodowania, transmisji i data in telecommunications and computer
dekodowania danych. networking.
7 Standard ASN.1 określa jedynie składnię ASN.1 defines the abstract syntax of
abstrakcyjną informacji, nie określa information but does not restrict the way the
natomiast sposobu jej kodowania w pliku. information is encoded.
8 Metody kodowania informacji podanych X.683 | ISO/IEC 8824-4 (Parameterization of
w składni ASN.1 zostały opisane w ASN.1 specifications)Standards describing
kolejnych standardach ITU-T/ISO. the ASN.1 encoding rules:* ITU-T Rec.
9 pierwszego). One criterion.
10 problemy nierozstrzygalne. .''.
11 Jeżeli dany algorytm da się wykonać na I prefer to call it merely a logical-diagram
maszynie o dostępnej mocy obliczeniowej machine ... but I suppose that it could do very
i pamięci oraz akceptowalnym czasie, to completely all that can be rationally expected
mówi się, że jest obliczalny. of any logical machine”.
12 temperaturę) w optymalnym zakresie. ‘‘Algorithmic theories”...
13 Na początku lat 30. U.S. Dept.

For this part of the research, the Wikipedia corpus was extracted from
a comparable corpus generated from Wikipedia articles. It was about 104
MB in size and contained 475,470 parallel sentences. Its first version was
acknowledged as permissible data for the IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign.
The TED Talks were chosen as a representative sample of noisy parallel
corpora. The Polish data in the TED talks (about 15 MB) include almost
2 million words that are not tokenized. The transcripts themselves are provided
as pure text encoded in UTF-8 format [27]. In addition, they are separated
into sentences (one per line) and aligned in language pairs. However, some
discrepancies in the text parallelism are present. These discrepancies are
mainly repetitions of Polish text not included in the parallel English text.
Another problem was that the TED 2013 data contained many errors. This
data set had spelling errors that artificially increased the dictionary size and
made the statistics unreliable. A very large Polish dictionary [40], consisting
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 97

of 2,532,904 different words, was extracted. Then, a dictionary consisting of

92,135 unique words forms was created from TED 2013 data. The intersection
of those two dictionaries resulted in a new dictionary containing 58,393 words.
This means that 33,742 words that do not exist in Polish (e.g., due to spelling
errors or named entities) were found in TED 2013. This is 36.6% of the whole
TED Polish vocabulary [18].
To verify this, a manual analysis of a sample of the first 300 lines from
the TED corpus was conducted. It was found that there were 4,268 words
containing a total of 35 kinds of spelling errors that occurred many times. But
what was found to be more problematic was that there were sentences with
odd nesting, such as:
Part A, Part A, Part B, Part B, for example:
“Ale będę starał się udowodnić, że mimo złożoności, Ale będę starał się
udowodnić, że mimo złożoności, istnieją pewne rzeczy pomagające
w zrozumieniu. Istnieją pewne rzeczy pomagające w zrozumieniu.”
Some parts (words, full phrases, or even entire sentences) were duplicated.
Furthermore, there are segments containing repetitions of whole sentences
inside one segment. For instance:
Sentence A, Sentence A, for example:
“Zakumulują się u tych najbardziej pijanych i skąpych. Zakumulują
się u tych najbardziej pijanych i skąpych.”
or: Part A, Part B, Part B, Part C, for example:
‘‘Matka może się ponownie rozmnażać, ale jak wysoką cenę płaci,
przez akumulację toksyn w swoim organizmie - przez akumulację
toksyn w swoim organizmie - śmierć pierwszego młodego.”
The analysis identified 51 out of 300 segments that contained such
mistakes. Overall, 10% of the sample test set contained spelling errors, and
about 17% contained insertion errors. However, it must be noted that simply
the first 300 lines were taken, while in the whole text there were places where
even more problems occurred. So, to some extent, this confirms that there
were problems related to the dictionary.
In addition, there were numerous untranslated English names, words
and phrases present in the Polish text. There are also some sentences that
originate from other languages (e.g., German and French). Some translations
were simply incorrect or too indirect without sufficient precision, e.g., “And
I remember sitting there at my desk thinking, Well, I know this. This is a
great scientific discovery” was translated into “Pamiętam, jak pomyślałem: To
wyjątkowe, naukowe odkrycie.” The correct translation would be “Pamiętam
98 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

jak siedząc przy biurku pomyślałem, dobrze, wiem to. To jest wielkie naukowe
Another serious problem discovered (especially for statistical machine
translation) was that English sentences were translated in an improper manner.
There were four main problems:
1. Repetitions—part of the text is repeated several times after translation,
for example:
a. EN: Sentence A. Sentence B.
b. PL: Translated Sentence A. Translated Sentence B. Translated
Sentence B. Translated Sentence B.
2. Wrong usage of words—when one or more words used for the Polish
translation slightly change the meaning of the original English sentence,
for example:
a. EN: We had these data a few years ago.
b. PL (the proper meaning of the Polish sentence): We’ve been delivered
these data a few years ago.
3. Indirect translations or usage of metaphors—when the Polish translation
uses a different vocabulary to preserve the meaning of the original
sentence, especially when the exact translation would result in a sentence
that makes no sense. Many metaphors are translated this way.
4. Translations that are not precise enough—when the translated fragment
does not contain all the details of the original sentence, but only its overall
meaning is the same.

4.7.2 Filtering and alignment algorithm

A bi-sentence filtering and aligning tool was designed to find an English
translation of each Polish line in a corpus and place it in the correct place in
the English file. The tool assumes that each line in a text file represents one
entire sentence. The aligner and filter are implemented in the same tool; they
can cope with both tasks by proper adjustment of parameters.
The initial concept was to use the Google Translator Application
Programming Interface (API) lines for which an English translation does not
exist and also for comparison between the original and translated texts. The
second concept was based on web crawling, using Google Translator, Bing
Translator and the Babylon translator. These can work in a parallel manner to
improve performance. In addition, each translator can work in many instances.
This approach can also accommodate a user-provided translation file in lieu
of crowd sourcing. Any machine translation system can be used as well, as a
source of translations.
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 99

Original Translated
Online translation engines
Polish English


Figure 30. Comparison algorithm.

The strategy is to find a correct translation of each Polish line aided by

Google Translator or another translation engine. The tool translates all lines of
the Polish file ( with an SMT system and puts each translated line in an
intermediate English translation file (src.trans). This intermediate translation
helps in finding the correct line in the English translation file (src.en) and
putting it in the correct position (Figure 30).
In reality, the actual solution is more complex. Suppose that one of the
English data lines was chosen as the most similar line to a specific, translated
line and that this line has a similarity rate high enough to be accepted as
the translation. This line may be more similar to the next line of src.trans,
such that the similarity rate of this selected line and the next line of src.trans
is higher. For example, consider the sentences and their similarity rating in
Table 20. The similarity was calculated using Python difflib library, which
calculates similarity of the strings.24

Table 20. Example similarity ratings.

src.trans src.en Sim.

I go to school every day. I like going to school every day. 0.60
I go to school every day. I do not go to school every day. 0.70
I go to school every day. We will go tomorrow. 0.30
I don’t go to school every day. I like going to school every day. 0.55
I don’t go to school every day. I do not go to school every day. 0.95
I don’t go to school every day. We will go tomorrow. 0.30

In this situation, “I do not go to school every day”-not “I go to school

every day”-should be selected from src.en instead of “I don’t go to school
every day” from src.trans. So, considering the similarity of a selected line

100 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

with the next lines of src.trans enables making the best possible selection in
the alignment process.
There are additional complexities that must be addressed. Comparing the
src.trans lines with the src.en lines is not easy, and it becomes harder when
usage of the similarity rate to choose the correct, real-world translation is
required. There are many strategies to compare two sentences. It is possible
to split each sentence into its words and find the number of common words
in both sentences. However, this approach has some problems. For example,
let us compare “It is origami” to these sentences: “The common theme what
makes it origami is folding is how we create the form” and “This is origami.”
With this strategy, the first sentence is more similar, because it contains
all 3 words. However, it is clear that the second sentence is the correct choice.
This problem can be solved by dividing the number of words in both sentences
by the number of total words in the sentences. However, counting stop words
in the intersection of sentences sometimes causes incorrect results. So, stop
words are removed before comparing two sentences.
Another problem is that sometimes stemmed words can be found in
sentences, for example, “boy” and “boys.” Despite the fact that these two
words should be counted as similar in two sentences, the words are not
counted with this strategy.
The next comparison problem is the word order in sentences. In Python,
there are other ways for comparing strings that are better than counting
intersection lengths. The Python “difflib” library for string comparison
contains a function that first finds matching blocks of two strings. For example,
difflib can be used to find matching blocks in the strings “abxcd” and “abcd.”
Difflib’s “ratio” function divides the length of matching blocks by the
length of two strings and returns a measure of the sequences’ similarity as
a float value in the range <0, 1>. This measure is 2.0 * M/T, where T is the
total number of elements in both sequences, and M is the number of matches.
Note that this measure is 1.0 if the sequences are identical, and 0.0 if they
have nothing in common. Using this function to compare strings instead of
counting similar words helps to solve the problem of the similarity of “boy”
and “boys.” It also solves the problem of considering the position of words in
Another problem in comparing lines is synonyms. For example, consider
these sentences: “I will call you tomorrow”; “I would call you tomorrow.” If
it is essential to know if these sentences are the same, the algorithm should
“know” that “will” and “would” can be used interchangeably.
The NLTK Python module and WordNet were used to find synonyms
for each word, and these synonyms were used in comparing sentences. Using
synonyms of each word, it was necessary to create multiple sentences from each
original sentence, which is not computationally feasible. For example, suppose
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 101

that the word “game” has the synonyms: “play”, “sport”, “fun”, “gaming”,
“action” and “skittle.” If used, for example, for the sentence “I do not like
game”, the following sentences are created: “I do not like play”; “I do not like
sport”; “I do not like fun”; “I do not like gaming”; “I do not like action”; and “I
do not like skittle” It is necessary to use each word in a sentence.
Next, the algorithm should try to find the best score by comparing all
these sentences, instead of just comparing the main sentence. One issue is that
this type of comparison takes a long time, because the algorithm needs to do
many comparisons for each selection.
Difflib has other functions (in SequenceMatcher and Diff class) to
compare strings that are faster than the described solution, but their accuracy
is worse. To overcome all these problems and obtain the best results, two
criteria should be considered: The speed of the comparison function and the
comparison acceptance rate.
To obtain the best results, the script provides users with the ability to
specify multiple functions with multiple acceptance rates. Fast functions with
lower-quality results are tested first. If they can find results with a very high
acceptance rate, the tool should accept their selection. If the acceptance rate
is not sufficient, it can use slower but more accurate functions. The user can
configure these rates manually and test the resulting quality to get the best
results. All are well-described in documentation [44].
Some additional scoring algorithms were also implemented. These are
more suited for comparing language translation quality. The BLEU and native
implementations of TER and Character Edit Rate (CER) that use pycdec and
RIBES were implemented, as well [120].
These algorithms were used to generate likelihood scores for two
sentences, to choose the best one in the alignment process. For this purpose,
the cdec and pycdec Python modules were used. The cdec module is a decoder,
aligner and learning framework for statistical machine translation and similarly-
structured prediction models. It provides translation and alignment modeling
based on finite-state transducers and synchronous context-free grammars,
as well as implementations of several parameter-learning algorithms [121,
122]. The pycdec module supports the cdec decoder. It enables Python coders
to use cdec’s fast C++ implementation of core finite-state and context-free
inference algorithms for decoding and alignment. Its high-level interface
allows developers to build integrated MT applications that take advantage
of the rich Python ecosystem without sacrificing computational performance.
The modular architecture of pycdec separates search space construction,
rescoring and inference.
The cdec module includes implementations of the basic evaluation
metrics (BLEU, TER and CER), exposed in Python via the cdec.score module.
For a given (reference-hypomonograph) pair, sufficient statistics vectors
102 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

(SufficientStats) can be computed. These vectors are then summed for all
sentences in the corpus, and the final result is converted into a real-valued score.
Before aligning a large data file, it is important to determine the proper
comparators and acceptance rates for each comparison heuristic. Files of
1,000–10,000 lines result in the best performance. It is recommended to
first evaluate each comparison method separately, and then combine the best
ones in a specific scenario. For this purpose, using a binary search method to
determine the best threshold factor value is recommended.

4.7.3 Filtering results

Experiments were performed to compare the performance of the proposed
method with human judgment. First, the Polish side of corpora was repaired,
spell-checked and cleaned by human translators (collegues and students),
who helped accomplish this task on a volunteer basis. They were supposed to
remove lines with translation into other languages or improper translations.
The same task was performed with the filtering tool. Table 21 shows how
many sentence pairs remained after the filtering, as well as the number of
distinct words and their forms in the TED data.

Table 21. Filtering performance on TED data.

Sentence Pairs PL Vocabulary EN Vocabulary

Baseline 185,637 247,409 118,160
Human 181,493 218,426 104,177
Filtering Tool 151,288 215,195 104,006

Table 22. SMT results.


2011 16.69 5.20 67.62 49.35
2012 19.76 5.66 63.50 52.76
2013 16.92 5.30 65.90 49.37
AVG 17.79 5.38 65.67 50.49
2011 17.00 5.33 66.38 49.90
2012 20.34 5.78 62.18 53.55
2013 17.51 5.39 64.88 50.14
AVG 18.28 5.50 64.48 51.19
2011 16.81 5.22 67.21 49.43
2012 20.08 5.72 62.96 53.13
Filtering Tool
2013 16.98 5.33 65.66 49.70
AVG 17.94 5.42 65.27 50.75
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 103

Finally, the SMT systems were trained on the original and cleaned data
to show the data’s influence on the results. The results were compared using
the BLEU, NIST, METEOR and TER metrics. The results are shown in
Table 22. In these experiments, tuning was disabled because of the known
MERT instability [45]. Test and development sets were taken from the IWSLT
evaluation campaigns (from different years) and cleaned before usage with
the help of human translators.
The significance of the results of Table 24 was calculated. The baseline
was compared to human work and to the filtering tool. In addition, human
work was compared with the proposed filtering tool. The calculation was done
using the two-tailed Wilcoxon test. The results presented in Table 23 show
that the differences among the results were highly significant, that the filtering
tool performed better than the baseline method, and that humans performed
better than both.

Table 23. Significance results for Table 21.

Baseline vs. Human Baseline vs. Filtering Human vs. Filtering

P-value (Two-tailed): 0.000*** 0.000*** 0.003***

SMT experiments were conducted using the baseline system settings.

For this evaluation, randomly selected test sets were chosen. Each contained
1,000 sentences. Lastly, the average values of metrics were compared.
For Wikipedia comparable corpus filtration, an initial experiment based
on 1,000 randomly selected bi-sentences from the corpora was conducted.
The filtering tool processed the data. Most of the noisy data was removed, but
some good translations were lost in the process. Nevertheless, the results are
promising, and it is intended to filter entire corpora in the future. It also must
be noted that the filtering tool was not adjusted to this specific text domain.
The results are presented in Table 24.

Table 24. Initial Wikipedia filtering results.

Number of sentences in base corpus 1,000

Number of poor sentences in test corpus 182
Number of poor filtered sentences 154
Number of good filtered sentences 12

In general, it is a very important to create high-quality parallel text corpora.

Obviously, employing humans for this task is far too expensive because of the
need for tremendous amounts of data to be processed. Analysis of the results
of these experiments leads to the conclusion that the solution fits somewhere
between a noisy parallel corpus and a corpus improved by human translators.
104 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

The proposed approach is also language independent for languages with

similar structure to PL or EN. The results show that the proposed method
performed well in the statistical machine translation evaluation. The method
can also be used for improvement of noisy data, as well as comparable data.
The filtering method provided a better score than the baseline system, and
would most likely improve the output quality of other MT systems.
In summary, the bi-sentence extraction task is becoming more popular
in unsupervised learning for numerous tasks. This method overcomes the
disparities between English and Polish or any other West-Slavic language.
It is a language-independent method that can easily be adjusted to a new
environment, and it only requires the adjustment of initial parameters. The
experiments show that the method performs well. The corpora used here
increased the MT quality in a wide text domain, the TED Talks. It can be
assumed that even small differences can make a positive influence on real-
life translation scenarios. From a practical point of view, the method requires
neither expensive training nor language-specific grammatical resources, while
producing satisfactory results.

4.7.4 Alignment evaluation results

Experiments were performed in order to compare the performance of the
proposed method with several other sentence alignment implementations on
the TED lectures.
The additional aligners, all created to develop parallel corpora, used
in this experiment were: Bleualign, Hunalign, ABBYY Aligner, Wordfast
Aligner,25 and Unitex Aligner. Table 25 shows the results. The performance of
the aligners was scored using a sentence alignment metric prepared specially
for this purpose. The input data for this experiments were 100 transcriptions
from TED lectures.

Table 25. Experimental results for sentence alignment.

Aligner Score
Proposed Method 98.94
Bleualign 96.89
Hunalign 97.85
ABBYY Aligner 84.00
Wordfast Aligner 81.25
Unitex Aligner 80.65

Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 105

The special metric was needed to evaluate sentences properly aligned but
built from synonyms or with a different phrase order. The following weights
were chosen by empirical research. For an aligned sentence, 1 point is given.
For a misaligned sentence, a –0.2 point penalty is given. For web service
translations, 0.4 points are given. For translations due to disproportion between
input files, 1 point is given (when one of two files included more sentences).
The score is normalized to fit between 1 and 100. A higher value is better. A
floor function can be used to round the score to an integer value. Point weights
were determined by empirical research and can be easily adjusted if needed.
The score S is defined as:
20(5 A − M + 2T + 5 | D |)
S = floor ( ) (77)
where A is the number of aligned sentences, M is the number of misaligned
sentences, T is the number of translated sentences, D is the number of lines
not found in both language files (one file can contain some sentences that do
not exist in the other one) and L is the total number of output lines.
Clearly, the first three aligners scored well. The proposed method is fully
automatic. It is important to note that Bleualign does not translate text and
requires that it be done manually.
As discussed earlier, it is important not to lose lines of text in the alignment
process. Table 26 shows the total lines resulting from the application of each
alignment method. Five TED transcriptions were randomly selected for this
part of the experiment.

Table 26. Experimental results.

Aligner Lines
Human Translation 1,005
Proposed Method 1,005
Bleualign 974
Hunalign 982
ABBYY Aligner 866
Wordfast Aligner 843
Unitex Aligner 838

Almost all the aligners compared, other than the proposed method, lose
lines of text as compared to a reference human translation. The proposed
method lost no lines.
106 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 27. Human vs. automatic alignment comparison results.

Aligner BLEU NIST MET TER % of correctness

Human Translation 100 15 100 0 100
Proposed Method 98.91 13.81 99.11 1.38 98
Bleualign 91.62 13.84 95.27 9.19 92
Hunalign 93.10 14.10 96.93 6.68 94
ABBYY Aligner 79.48 12.13 90.14 20.01 83
Wordfast Aligner 85.64 12.81 93.31 14.33 88
Unitex Aligner 82.20 12.20 92.72 16.39 86

For the purpose of showing the output quality with an independent metric,
it was decided to compare results with BLEU, NIST, METEOR and TER (the
lower the better), in a comparison with human-aligned texts. Those results are
presented in Table 27.
In general, sentence alignment algorithms are very important in creating
parallel corpora. Most aligners are not fully automatic, but the one proposed
here is, which gives it a distinct advantage. It also enables creation of a corpus
when sentences exist in only a single language. The proposed approach is also
language independent for ones with similar structure to PL or EN.
The results show that the proposed method performed very well in terms
of the metric. It also lost no lines of text, unlike the other aligners. This is
critical to the end goal of obtaining a translated text. The proposed alignment
method also scored better when compared to typical machine translation
metrics, and will most likely improve MT system output quality.

4.8 Baseline system training

A procedure involving a number of steps was used to train the baseline
systems in all the experiments in this research. Processing of the corpora was
accomplished, including tokenization, cleaning, factorization, conversion to
lower case, splitting and a final cleaning after splitting. The baseline maximum
sentence length was set to 80 words, and phrase length was set to 5 words.
Training data was processed, and a language model was developed. Tuning
was performed for each experiment. Lastly, the experiments were conducted.
The baseline system testing was done using the Moses open source
SMT toolkit with its Experiment Management System (EMS) [8]. The SRI
Language Modeling Toolkit (SRILM) [9] with an interpolated version of the
Kneser-Ney discounting (interpolate –unk –kndiscount) was used for 5-gram
language model training. The MGIZA++ tool was used for word and phrase
alignment. KenLM [10] was used to binarize (transform features of a text
entity into vectors of numbers) the language model, with the lexical reordering
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 107

set to the msd-bidirectional-fe model [11]. The symmetrization method was

set to grow-diag-final-and for word alignment processing [8], as discussed in
Section 4.1.2.

4.9 Description of experiments

This section describes the experiments that were designed for the present
research. First, the text alignment processing used in the experiment is
discussed. Experimental results will be presented and discussed in Chapter 5.

4.9.1 Text alignment processing

For the experiments, the GIZA++ tool was used to create word alignments.
GIZA++ is an SMT toolkit that can be used in training IBM Models 1–5
and also a hidden Markov model (HMM) alignment model. The default
package of this toolkit also contains the mkcls tool, which can generate the
word classes necessary for training some of the alignment models [116]. The
mkcls tool trains word classes based on maximum likelihood criterion. The
resulting word classes are especially suited for language models or statistical
translation models [117, 118]. The GIZA++ itself is an extension of the
well-known program GIZA, which was developed by the SMT team at the
Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns-Hopkins University
(CLSP/JHU) during a summer workshop in 1999. It includes many additional
features, the most important of which are IBM models 4 and 5, alignment
models depending on word classes, and the HMM alignment model (Baum-
Welch training, Forward-Backward algorithm, empty word, dependency on
word classes and transfer to fertility models). It also includes a variant of
IBM models 3 and 4, which enable training of the parameter p0 (probability
of translation into an empty word), various smoothing techniques for fertility,
and distortion/alignment parameters [116]. To be more precise, in this research
the MGIZA variant of GIZA++ is used. MGIZA extends GIZA++ with
multi-threading support, resumption of training, and the ability to conduct
incremental training [11].
During word alignment, many different heuristics can be used. By default,
the symmetrization heuristic grow-diag-final-and was used it this research.
First, this heuristic intersects two-way direction alignments obtained from
GIZA++, so that only the alignment points that occurred in both alignments
remained. In the second phase, additional alignment points existing in their
union were added. The growing step adds potential alignment points of
unaligned words and neighbors. Neighborhood can be set directly to left,
right, top, bottom or diagonal (grow-diag). In the final step, alignment points
between words from which at least one is unaligned are added (grow-diag-
108 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

final). If the grow-diag-final-and method is used, an alignment point between

two unaligned words appears. To illustrate this heuristic, see the example
in Figure 31 with the intersection of the two alignments for the two
sentences [8].
Second, additional alignment points that lie in the union of the two
alignments are added, as shown in Figure 32.




Figure 31. Intersection of alignment of two sentences.





Figure 32. Union of two alignments.

Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 109

This arrangement has a glaring slip—the alignment of the two verbs

is mixed up: “resumed” is aligned to “wznowienie,” and “adjourned” is
connected to “odroczonego”; however, it ought to be the other way around.
Within the scope of this monograph, the usage of alternative tools to
GIZA, such as Berkeley Aligner and Dyer’s Fast Align, and different phrase
models (Hierarchical or Target Syntax) was investigated. Factored training
with stemmed word alignment was also examined [85].

4.9.2 Machine translation experiments

This section describes the design of the machine translation experiments
performed during this research. These experiments involved the machine
translation of TED lectures, subtitles, EuroParl proceedings and medical
texts, as well as pruning experiments. TED lectures translation

Experiments conducted on the TED lectures were motivated by the IWSLT
Evaluation Campaigns [154], for which machine speech translation systems
were prepared. Unfortunately, there is not much focus on Polish in the
campaign, so there is almost no additional data in Polish in comparison to
a huge amount of data in, for example, French or German. To remedy this
disproportion, additional data had to be collected. The perplexity metric,
defined in Section 2.4.3, was used to determine the data that was obtained
during this research.
Some of the data used in the experiments was collected from the OPUS
[14] project page, some from other small projects, and the rest manually using
web crawlers. The following corpora were created:
• A Polish-English dictionary (bilingual parallel)
• Additional (newer) TED Talks data sets not included in the original
training, development or test data (bilingual parallel)
• E-books (monolingual PL + monolingual EN)
• Proceedings of UK House of Lords (monolingual EN)
• Subtitles for movies and TV series (monolingual PL)
• Parliament and Senate proceedings (monolingual PL)
• Wikipedia comparable corpus (bilingual parallel)
• Euronews comparable corpus (bilingual parallel)
• Repository of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology
diplomas (monolingual PL)
• PL monolingual web data crawled from main web portals like blogs, chip.
pl, the Focus newsmonograph archive,,,, money.
110 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

pl, Usenet, Termedia, Wordpress web pages, Wprost newsmonograph

archive, Wyborcza newsmonograph archive, Newsweek newsmonograph
archive, etc.
The experiments used many very small models merged together and
included both unsmoothed data and data smoothed with the Kneser-Ney
algorithm. The MIT language modeling (MITLM) [55] toolkit was used for
evaluation. An evaluation set the of dev2010 data, which was prepared for
tuning during IWSLT, was used. Its dictionary includes 2,861 words.
Perplexity was also examined for smoothed and unsmoothed data from
EMEA texts, a Graphical User Interface (GUI) localization file, the European
Central Bank (ECB) corpus, the OpenSubtitles [14] corpus of movies and
TV series subtitles, a web crawl of the web page (EUNEWS),
data from and additional TED data. Parallel corpora were
also extracted from Wikipedia and EUNEWS comparable corpora. Perplexity
would determine if improvements could be expected from the data alone. It
should be emphasized that both automatic and manual preprocessing of this
training information was required. Word stems and SVO word order

As previously described, there is a disproportionate vocabulary size between
the PL and EN languages. This problem remained in the TED data, with 41,163
English words and 92,135 Polish words. Gerber and Yang [213] indicated
that vocabulary size is critical to high-quality translations. For example, in
the TED data, the mismatch between vocabulary sizes makes it extremely
difficult to determine which Polish word best corresponds to a source English
word. A study by Birch et al. [214] indicated that the vocabulary size of a
target language is an indicator of morphological complexity and has a
significant effect on translation performance. In addition, large differences in
morphology between two languages may be even more relevant to translation
performance than their complexity, using Finnish as an example [214]. So,
disproportionate vocabulary sizes pose a significant problem for translation.
One of the solutions to the problem of disproportionate vocabularies,
according to Bojar [58], is to use stems instead of surface forms. Applying
this solution reduced the Polish vocabulary size to 40,346 words. Such a
solution also requires creation of an SMT system from Polish stems to plain
Polish. Subsequently, morphosyntactic tagging, using the Wroclaw Natural
Language Processing (NLP) tools, was included as an additional information
source for SMT system preparation. This can be also used as a first step for
implementing a factored SMT system that, unlike a phrase-based system,
includes morphological analysis, translation of lemmas and features, and the
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 111

generation of surface forms. Incorporating additional linguistic information

should improve translation performance [58].
As mentioned, stems extracted from Polish words are used instead of
surface forms in order to overcome the problem of the huge difference in
vocabulary sizes. Keeping in mind that in half of experiments the target
language was English in the form of normal sentences, it was not necessary
to introduce models for converting the stems to the appropriate grammatical
forms. However, future work in translation into Polish could leverage this
technique. For Polish stem extraction, a set of natural language processing
tools available at was used. These tools can be used for:
• Tokenization
• Morphosyntactic analysis
• Shallow parsing for chunking
• Text transformation into feature vectors
The following two components were also used:
• MACA—a universal framework used to connect various morphological
• WCRFT—this framework combines conditional random fields and tiered
These tools used in sequence provide an XML output. The output includes
the surface form of the tokens, stems and morphosyntactic tags. An example
of such data is given below.
Wroclaw’s tools26 were used to tag morphosyntactic elements. Every tag
in this tagset consists of specific grammatical classes with specific values for
particular attributes. Furthermore, these grammatical classes include attributes
with values that require additional specification. For example, nouns require
specification of gender, number and case; adverbs require specification of an
appropriate degree of an attribute. This causes segmentation of the input data,
including tokenization of the words in a manner different from that of the
Moses tool. On the other hand, this causes problems with building parallel
corpora. This can be solved by placing markers at the end of input lines.
In the following example, where the pl.gen. “men” is derived from the sin.
nom. “człowiek” (man) or pl.nom. “ludzie” (people), it can be demonstrated
how one tag is used where, in the most difficult cases, more possible tags are

112 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

<lex disamb=”1”> <base>człowiek</base>
<lex disamb=”1”> <base>ludzie</base>
In this example, only one form (the first stem) is used for further
An XML extractor tool (in Python) was developed to generate three
different corpora for the Polish language data:
• Word stems
• Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) word order
• Both the word stem and the SVO word order form
This enables experiments with these preprocessing techniques. Lemmatization
Another approach to deal with disproportionate vocabulary sizes is using
lemmas instead of surface forms to reduce the Polish vocabulary size, using
PSI-TOOLKIT [59] to convert each Polish word into a lemma. This toolkit
provides a tool chain for automatic processing of the Polish language and,
to a lesser extent, other languages like English, German, French, Spanish
and Russian (with a focus on machine translation). The tool chain includes
segmentation, tokenization, lemmatization, shallow parsing, deep parsing,
rule-based machine translation, statistical machine translation, automatic
generation of inflected forms from lemma sequences and automatic post editing.
The toolkit was used as an additional information source for SMT system
preparation. It can also be used as a first step in implementing a factored SMT
system that, unlike a phrase-based system, includes morphological analysis,
translation of lemmas and features such as the generation of surface forms.
Incorporating additional linguistic information should improve translation
performance [60].
As previously mentioned, lemma extracted from Polish words are used
instead of surface forms to overcome the problem of the huge difference in
vocabulary sizes. For Polish lemma extraction, a tool chain that included
tokenization and lemmatization from PSI-TOOLS was used [59].
These tools used in sequence provide a rich output that includes a lemma
form of the tokens, prefixes, suffixes and morphosyntactic tags. Unfortunately,
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 113

unknown words like names, abbreviations, or numbers, etc., are lost in the
process. In addition, capitalization, as well as punctuation, is removed. To
preserve this relevant information, a specialized tool was implemented based
on differences between the input and output of PSI-TOOLS [59]. This tool
restores most of the lost information. Translation and translation parameter adaptation

About a hundred experiments were conducted using test 2010 and development
2010 data to determine the best possible translation settings from Polish to
English, and vice versa. During these experiments, the language model was
extended with more data, and it was linearly interpolated. Other variations
investigated included: Not using lower casing, changing maximum sentence
length to 95 and setting the maximum phrase length to 6. In addition,
experiments were conducted with the language model order set to 5 and 6,
and with the Kneser-Ney and Witten-Bell discounting methods. During the
training phase, lexicalized reordering methods of msd-bidirectional-fe and
hier-mslr-bidirectional-fe were used. The system was also enriched by using
the OSM [62]. The compound splitting feature was also used. Tuning was
performed using the MERT tool with the batch-mira feature, and n-best list
sizes of 100 and 150 were investigated. Lastly, all parallel data that were
obtained were used. The data was adapted using Modified Moore-Lewis
filtering [60].
Because of a much larger dictionary, the translation from EN to PL is
significantly more complicated. Similar to PL-EN translation, variations in
the use of lower casing, a maximum sentence length of 85, and a maximum
phrase length of 7 were investigated. In addition, language model orders
of 5 and 6, and the Kneser-Ney and Witten-Bell discounting methods were
examined. During the training phase, lexicalized reordering methods of msd-
bidirectional-fe and tgttosrc were used. The system was also enriched by
using the OSM. The compound splitting feature was used, and punctuation
normalization was performed. Tuning was performed using the MERT
tool with the batch-mira feature, and n-best list sizes of 100 and 150 were
examined, as well as training of a hierarchical phrase-based translation
model [61].
All available parallel data was used. The data was adapted using Modified
Moore-Lewis filtering [60]. Finally, the IWSLT [154] Polish-to-English and
English-to-Polish translation evaluation experiments were performed on the
best systems with test data from 2010–2014.
114 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing Subtitles and EuroParl translation

Experiments were designed for the movie subtitles domain and for European
Parliament Proceedings based on phrase-based and factored systems enriched
with Part of Speech (POS) tags. The use of compound splitting and true casing
was optional. Language models were chosen, based on perplexity measure,
and linearly interpolated [3]. Medical texts translation

A number of experiments were conducted using test and development data
randomly selected and removed from medical texts from the EMEA corpora.
An implemented script generated 1,000 segments for Polish-to-English and
English-to-Polish translations. The experiments were measured by the BLEU,
NIST, TER, RIBES and METEOR metrics.
Experiment 00 evaluated the baseline system. Each of the subsequent
experiments involved a separate modification to the baseline. Experiment
01 applied truecasing and punctuation normalization. Experiment 02 was
enriched by using the OSM described in Chapter 2 [71].
Experiment 03 was based on a factored model that allows additional
annotation at the word level, which may be exploited in various models. Here,
part-of-speech tagged English data was used as the basis for the factored phrase
model [72]. Hierarchical phrase-based translation combines the strengths of
phrase-based and syntax-based translation. It uses phrases (segments or blocks
of words) as units for translation and uses synchronous context-free grammars
as rules (syntax-based translation). Hierarchical phrase models allow for rules
with gaps. Since these are represented by non-terminals and such rules are best
processed with a search algorithm that is similar to syntactic chart parsing,
such models fall into the class of tree-based or grammar-based models. Such a
model was used in Experiment 04. The target syntax model implies the use of
linguistic annotation for non-terminals in hierarchical models. This requires
running a syntactic parser. For this purpose, the “Collins” [73] statistical
natural language parser was used in Experiment 05.
Experiment 06 was conducted using stemmed word alignment. The
factored translation model training makes it very easy to set up word alignment
based on word properties other than the surface forms of words. One relatively
popular method is to use stemmed words for word alignment. There are
two main reasons for this. For morphologically-rich languages, stemming
overcomes the data sparsity problem. Second, GIZA++ may have difficulties
with very large vocabulary sizes, and stemming reduces the number of unique
Experiment 07 used Dyer’s Fast Align [74], which is another alternative
to GIZA++. It runs much faster and often gives better results, especially for
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 115

language pairs that do not require large-scale reordering. In Experiment 08,

settings recommended by Koehn in his SMT system from WMT’13 were
used [75]. In Experiment 09, the language model discounting was changed to
Witten-Bell [76]. Lexical reordering was set to hier-mslr-bidirectional-fe in
Experiment 10. In Experiment 11, the compound splitting feature was used.
Lastly, for Experiment 12, the settings recommended in [18] were used. Pruning experiments

Phrase tables often grow enormously large, because they contain a lot of noisy
data and store many very unlikely hypotheses. This is problematic when a
real-time translation system that requires loading into memory is required.
Quirk and Menezes in [123] argue that extracting only minimal phrases (the
smallest phrase alignments, each of which map to an entire sentence pair)
will negatively affect translation quality. This monograph is also the basis
of the n-gram translation model [124, 125]. Discarding unlikely phrase pairs
based on their significance tests drastically reduces phrase table size and may
even yield increases in performance, according to [126]. Wu and Wang [127]
propose a method for filtering the noise in the phrase translation table based
on a logarithmic likelihood ratio. On the other hand, Kutsumi et al. [128] use
a support vector machine for cleaning phrase tables. Eck et al. [129, 130]
suggest pruning the translation table based on how often a phrase pair occurred
during the decoding step and how often it was used in the best translation. The
Moses-based method introduced by Johnson et al. [126] was implemented and
used in the experiments.
Absolute and relative filtration in these experiments were based on in-
domain dictionary filtration performed using different rules, for comparison.
One rule (absolute) was to retain a sentence if at least a minimum number
of words from a dictionary appeared in it. A second rule (relative) was to
retain a sentence if at least a minimum percentage words in the sentence from
a dictionary appeared in it. A third rule was to retain only a set number of
the most probable translations. Finally, an experiment was performed using a
combination of pruning and absolute pre-filtering.

4.9.3 Evaluation of obtained comparable corpora

This section describes the evaluation of the obtained comparable corpora. Native Yalign method

To evaluate the corpora using the native Yalign method, each corpus was
divided into 200 segments, and 10 sentences were randomly selected from
each segment. This methodology ensured that the test sets covered the entire
116 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

corpus. The selected sentences were removed from the corpora. The testing
system was trained with the baseline settings. In addition, a system was trained
with extended data from the Wikipedia corpora. Lastly, Modified Moore-
Lewis filtering was used for domain adaptation of the Wikipedia corpora.
The monolingual part of the corpora was used as a language model and was
adapted for each corpus by using linear interpolation [82].
An evaluation was conducted using test sets built from 2,000 randomly-
selected bi-sentences taken from each domain. For scoring purposes, four
well-known metrics that show high correlation with human judgments were
used: BLEU, the NIST metric, METEOR and TER.
Starting from the baseline system tests in the PL-to-EN and EN-to-PL
directions, the effects of the following changes were investigated: Extending
the language model, interpolating it, supplementing the corpora with additional
data and filtering additional data with Modified Moore-Lewis filtering [82].
It should be noted the language models were extended after MML filtration. Improved Yalign method

Experiments were designed and performed in order to evaluate methods of
improving the performance of Yalign. Several improvements were developed.
First, speed improvements were made by introducing multi-threading to the
algorithm, using a database instead of plain text files or Internet links, and
using GPU acceleration in sequence comparison. More importantly, two
improvements were made to the quality and quantity of the mined data. The
A* search algorithm was modified to use Needleman-Wunsch, and a tuning
script of mining parameters was developed. The TED corpus was used to
demonstrate the impact of the improvements (This was the only classifier
used in mining phase.). The data mining approaches used for the experiments
were: Directional (PL->EN) mining, bi-directional (PL->EN and EN->PL)
mining, bi-directional mining with Yalign using a GPU-accelerated version
of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm and mining using a Needleman-Wunsch
version of Yalign that was tuned.
The computation time and quality of the data obtained by these various
methods for SMT was also investigated using two additional experiments.
First, a speed comparison was made using the different Yalign-based
Next, the quality of the data resulting from the different methods was
investigated. A total of 1,000 comparable articles were randomly selected from
Wikipedia and aligned using each of the methods. MT experiments were then
conducted in order to verify potential gains in translation quality on the data
that was tuned and aligned using a different heuristic. The TED, EUP, EMEA
and OPEN domains were used for this purpose. For each of the domains, the
Author’s Solutions to PL-EN Corpora Processing Problems 117

system was trained using baseline settings. The additional corpora were used
in the experiments by adding parallel data to the training set with Modified
Moore-Lewis filtering and by adding a monolingual language model with
linear interpolation.
To verify the results, an SMT system was trained using only data extracted
from comparable corpora (not using the original in domain data). The mined
data was also used as a language model. The evaluation was conducted using
the same test sets as before. Parallel data mining using tool pipeline

In this chapter, a chain of tools was described as a means for mining parallel
data. To evaluate the quality and quantity of parallel data automatically
extracted from comparable corpora, 20 bilingual documents were randomly
selected from Wikipedia. Some of them differed greatly in vocabulary, amount
of text, and parallelism. Human translators were asked to manually align
the articles on the sentence level. An experiment was designed in order to
compare the performance of the human translators, Hunalign, and the author’s
new method for obtaining, mining, and filtering very parallel, noisy-parallel
and comparable corpora. The comparison was designed to assess how many
sentences were correctly aligned and how many had alignment errors. It is
important to note that the author’s method is independent of language, can
easily be adjusted to a new environment and requires only parallel corpora for
initial training. Analogy-based method

To evaluate the analogy-based method for obtaining comparable corpora, the
TED corpus was divided into 200 segments, and 10 sentences were randomly
selected from each segment. This methodology ensured that the test sets
covered the entire corpus. The selected sentences were removed from the
corpora. The baseline system was trained, as well as a system with extended
training data obtained from the Wikipedia corpus using the analogy-based
method. Lastly, Modified Moore-Lewis filtering was employed for domain
adaptation of the analogy-based corpus. Additionally, the monolingual part of
the analogy corpora was used as a language model and adapted using linear
interpolation [10].
Results and Conclusions

In this chapter, the results of the machine translation experiments will be

presented. The alignment of texts and adaptation of translation parameters
for the needs of Polish-English translation will be discussed. Results of
comparable corpora mining for parallel sentences will be provided and
evaluated by improvements in machine translation systems. Additionally,
bilingual and monolingual data that was obtained during this research is

5.1 Machine translation results

This section describes the results and improvements obtained for the statistical
machine translation system evaluated on the TED lectures [15], European
Parliament Proceedings [36], Movie Subtitles [14] and European Medicines
Agency [35] medical documents text domains. Additionally, experiments on
pruning of phrase tables to reduce memory consumption were performed.
The TED experiments are also divided into experiments on lemmatization
with PSI-TOOLS [59], conversion to word stems using the Wroclaw NLP
tools27 and experiments that deal with modification of word order within the

5.1.1 TED lectures experiments

The TED Talks do not have any specific domain. Statistical Machine
Translation by definition works best when very specific domain data is used.

Results and Conclusions 119

The TED data is a mix of various, unrelated topics. This is most likely the
reason why we cannot expect big improvements with this data and generally
low scores in translation quality metrics.
There is almost no additional data in Polish in comparison to a huge
amount of data in, for example, French or German. Some of the data were
obtained from the OPUS [223] project page, some from another small projects
and the rest was collected manually using web crawlers.
The new data were:
• A Polish—English dictionary (bilingual parallel)
• Additional (newer) TED Talks data sets not included in the original train
data (we crawled bilingual data and created a corpora from it) (bilingual
• E-books (monolingual PL + monolingual EN)
• Proceedings of UK House of Lords (monolingual EN)
• Subtitles for movies and TV series (monolingual PL)
• Parliament and senate proceedings (monolingual PL)
• Wikipedia Comparable Corpus (bilingual parallel)
• Euronews Comparable Corpus (bilingual parallel)
• Repository of PJIIT’s diplomas (monolingual PL)
• Many PL monolingual data web crawled from main web portals like blogs,, Focus newsmonograph archive,,,, money.
pl, Usenet, Termedia, Wordpress web pages, Wprost newsmonograph
archive, Wyborcza newsmonograph archive, Newsweek newsmonograph
archive, etc.
“Other” in the table below stands for many very small models merged
together. EMEA are texts from the European Medicines Agency, KDE4
is a localization file of that GUI, ECB stands for European Central Bank
corpus, OpenSubtitles [12] are movies and TV series subtitles, EUNEWS
is a web crawl of the web page and EUBOOKSHOP
comes from Lastly, bilingual TEDDL is additional TED
Data perplexity was examined by experiments with the TED lectures.
Perplexities for the dev2010 data sets are shown in Table 28. In the table,
“PPL” indicates perplexity values without smoothing of the data. “PPL + KN”
indicates perplexity values with Kneser-Ney smoothing of the data.
120 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 28. Data perplexities for dev2010 data set.

Data set Dictionary PPL PPL + KN

Baseline train.en 44,052 221 223
EMEA 30,204 1,738 1,848
KDE4 34,442 890 919
ECB 17,121 837 889
OpenSubtitles 343,468 388 415
EBOOKS 528,712 405 417
EUNEWS 21,813 430 435
NEWS COMM 62,937 418 465
EUBOOKSHOP 167,811 921 950
UN TEXTS 175,007 681 714
UK LORDS 215,106 621 644
NEWS 2010 279,039 356 377
GIGAWORD 287,096 582 610
DICTIONARY 39,214 8,629 8,824
OTHER 13,576 492 499
WIKIPEDIA 682,276 9,131 9,205
NEWSMONOGRAPHS 608,186 10,066 10,083
WEB PORTALS 510,240 731 746
BLOGS 76,697 3,481 3,524
USENET 733,619 8,019 8,034
DIPLOMAS 353,730 32,345 32,58
TEDDL 47,015 277 277 Word stems and SVO word order

Results of the experiments on the effect of stemming and SVO word order,
conducted with the use of the test data from 2010–2013, are shown in
Tables 29 and 30 for the Polish-to-English and English-to-Polish translation,
respectively. Procedure taken to convert Polish part of the corpora was
described in the Section Python tool was implemented and utilized
for this conversion using annotated data. They are measured by the BLEU,
NIST, TER and METEOR metrics.
Note that a lower value of the TER metric is better, while the other metrics
are better when their values are higher. BASE stands for baseline system with
no improvements. COR is a system with corrected spelling in Polish data
(automatically, with the usage of filtering tool described in Section 4.7.2 and a
cleaning tool programmed for this purpose). STEM is a system using stems in
Results and Conclusions 121

Table 29. Polish-to-English translation.


BASE 2010 16.02 5.28 66.49 49.19
COR 2010 16.09 5.22 67.32 49.09
BEST 2010 20.88 5.70 64.39 52.74
STEM 2010 13.22 4.74 70.26 46.30
SVO 2010 9.29 4.37 76.59 43.33
BASE 2011 18.86 5.75 62.70 52.72
COR 2011 19.18 5.72 63.14 52.88
BEST 2011 23.70 6.20 59.36 56.52
BASE 2012 15.83 5.26 66.48 48.60
COR 2012 15.86 5.32 66.22 49.00
BEST 2012 20.24 5.76 63.79 52.37
BASE 2013 16.55 5.37 65.54 49.99
COR 2013 16.98 5.44 65.40 50.39
BEST 2013 23.00 6.07 61.12 55.16
STEM 2013 12.40 4.75 70.38 46.36

Polish. SVO is a system with the subject-verb-object word order in a sentence.

BEST is the system that produced the best results.

Table 30. English-to-Polish translation.


BASE 2010 8.49 3.70 76.39 31.73
COR 2010 9.39 3.96 74.31 33.06
BEST 2010 10.72 4.18 72.93 34.69
STEM 2010 9.11 4.46 74.28 37.31
SVO 2010 4.27 4.27 76.75 33.53
BASE 2011 10.77 4.14 71.72 35.17
COR 2011 10.74 4.14 71.70 35.19
BEST 2011 15.62 4.81 67.16 39.85
BASE 2012 8.71 3.70 78.46 32.50
COR 2012 8.72 3.70 78.57 32.48
BEST 2012 13.52 4.35 73.36 36.98
BASE 2013 9.35 3.69 78.13 32.52
COR 2013 9.35 3.70 78.10 32.54
BEST 2013 14.37 4.42 72.06 37.87
STEM 2013 13.30 4.83 70.50 35.83
122 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Statistical significance tests were performed to evaluate how the

improvements differ from each other. For each text domain, the significance
of the obtained results were compared to each other. Changes with low
significance were marked with “*”, significant changes were marked with
“**”, and very significant with “***” in Tables 31 and 32.

Table 31. Significance of PL-EN experiments.

System Year P-value

COR 2010 0.1863
BEST 2010 0.0106**
STEM 2010 0.0014***
SVO 2010 0.0015***
COR 2011 0.8459
BEST 2011 0.0020***
COR 2012 0.0626*
BEST 2012 0.0032***
COR 2013 0.0227**
BEST 2013 0.0016***
STEM 2013 0.0001***

In the Polish-to-English experiments, the significance tests proved that

the BEST and STEM systems were significantly different from BASE. COR
was only significantly different during 2012 and 2013, and in 2012 it was only
significant at the 10% level. For English-to-Polish translations, only COR and
SVO did not significantly alter the baseline system. Other results were highly
Table 32. Significance of EN-PL experiments.

System Year P-value

COR 2010 0.0059***
BEST 2010 0.0020***
STEM 2010 0.00859***
SVO 2010 0.8277
COR 2011 0.8433
BEST 2011 0.0000***
COR 2012 0.3344
BEST 2012 0.000***
COR 2013 0.1398
BEST 2013 0.0003***
STEM 2013 0.0127**
Results and Conclusions 123

Several conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results presented

here. Automatic and manual cleaning of the training files had some impact,
among the variations examined, on improving translation performance,
together with spelling correction of the data in Polish—although it resulted in
better BLEU and METEOR scores, not always in better NIST or TER scores.
In particular, automatic cleaning and conversion of verbs to stems improved
translation performance in English-to-Polish translation, quite the contrary to
Polish-to-English translation.
This is likely due to a reduction of the Polish vocabulary size. However,
the improvement is too low to bother with training an intermediate translation
system (from PL stems to PL lemmas). Changing the word order to SVO
is quite interesting. It did not help at all in some cases, although one would
expect it would. In the experiments from PL to EN, the score was always
worse, which was not anticipated. On the other hand, in some of the EN
to PL experiments, improvement could be seen. Although the BLEU score
dramatically decreased and TER became slightly worse, NIST and METEOR
showed better results than the baseline system.
In summary, converting Polish verbs to stems reduces the Polish
vocabulary, which should improve English-to-Polish translation performance.
Polish-to-English translation typically outscores English-to-Polish translation,
even on the same data. This requires further evaluation. Lemmatization
During the lemmatization experiments, the lemmatized version of the Polish
training data was reduced to 36,065 unique words, and the Polish language
model was reduced from 156,970 to 32,873 unique words. The results of the
experiments are presented in Tables 33 and 34. Each experiment was performed
only on the baseline data sets in the PL->EN and EN->PL directions. The year
(official test sets from the IWSLT campaigns28) column shows the test set that
was used in the experiment. If a year has the suffix “L,” it means that it is a
lemmatized version of the baseline system.
The experiments show that lemma translation to EN in each test set
decreased the evaluation scores, while translation from EN to lemma for each
set increased the translation quality. Such a solution also requires training of a
system from lemma to PL to restore proper surface forms of the words. Such
a system was trained, as well, evaluated on official tests sets from 2010–2014,
and tuned on 2010 development data. The results for that system are presented

124 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 33. PL Lemma to EN translation results.


2010 16.70 5.70 67.83 49.31
2010L 13.33 4.68 70.86 46.18
2011 20.40 5.71 62.99 53.13
2011L 16.21 5.11 67.16 49.64
2012 17.22 5.37 65.96 49.72
2012L 13.29 4.64 69.59 45.78
2013 18.16 5.44 65.50 50.73
2013L 14.81 4.88 68.96 47.98
2014 14.71 4.93 68.20 47.20
2014L 11.63 4.37 71.35 44.55

Table 34. EN to PL Lemma translation results.


2010 9.95 3.89 74.66 32.62
2010L 12.98 4.86 68.06 40.19
2011 12.56 4.37 70.13 36.23
2011L 16.36 5.40 62.96 44.86
2012 10.77 3.92 75.79 33.80
2012L 14.13 4.83 69.76 41.52
2013 10.96 3.91 75.95 33.85
2013L 15.21 5.02 68.17 42.58
2014 9.29 3.47 82.58 31.15
2014L 12.35 4.44 75.27 39.12

in Table 35. Even though the scores are relatively high, the results do not seem
satisfactory enough to provide an overall improvement of the EN-LEMMA-
PL pipeline over direct translation from EN to PL.

Table 35. Lemma to PL translation results.


2010 41.14 8.72 31.28 65.25
2011 41.68 8.68 30.64 65.99
2012 38.87 8.38 32.23 64.18
2013 40.27 8.30 31.67 64.44
2014 37.78 8.01 33.17 62.78
Results and Conclusions 125

To confirm this prediction, an additional experiment, in which the English

sentences were first translated into lemma and then the lemma translated
into Polish surface forms, was conducted. The results of such a combined
translation approach are shown in Table 36. They decrease the translation
quality in comparison to direct translation from EN to PL.

Table 36. EN-> PL Lemma-> PL pipeline translation.


2010 7.47 3.45 76.17 29.16
2011 9.67 3.84 72.45 32.25
2012 8.26 3.39 78.40 29.60
2013 8.83 3.54 77.11 30.61
2014 6.98 3.10 83.81 27.71

Converting Polish surface forms of words to lemma reduces the Polish

vocabulary, which should improve English-to-Polish and Polish-to-English
translation performance. Polish-to-English translation typically outscores
English-to-Polish translation, even on the same data. This was also expected
in the experiments with lemma; nonetheless, the initial assumptions were not
confirmed in empirical tests. Translation results and translation parameter adaptation

These experiments were conducted using test 2010 and development 2010
data to determine the best possible settings for translation from Polish to
English and from English to Polish. Starting from baseline system tests
(BLEU: 16.70), the score was raised through extending the language model
with more data and by interpolating it linearly. It was determined that not
using lower casing, changing maximum sentence length to 95, and setting
the maximum phrase length to 6 improves the BLEU score. The following
settings and language models produced a BLEU score of 21.57: Language
model order of 6, Witten-Bell discounting method, a lexicalized reordering
method of hier-mslr-bidirectional-fe during training, enrichment through use
of the OSM, compound splitting, tuning performed using the MERT tool with
the batch-mira feature and an n-best list size of 150.
From the empirical experiments, it was concluded that the best results are
obtained when sampling about 150,000 bi-sentences from in-domain corpora
and by using filtering after word alignment. The ratio of data to be retained
was set to 0.8, obtaining the best score of 23.74. The results are presented in
Table 37.
For the baseline system, the BLEU score for EN-to-PL translation was
9.95. Similar to results in the PL-EN direction, it was determined that not
126 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

using lower casing, changing maximum sentence length to 85 and setting the
maximum phrase length to 7 improves the BLEU score. The best results were
achieved using these settings and models: A language model order of 6, the
Witten-Bell discounting method, a lexicalized reordering method of tgttosrc
during training, system enrichment using the OSM, compound splitting,
punctuation normalization, tuning using MERT with the batch-mira feature,
an n-best list size of 150 and training using a hierarchical phrase-based
translation model. These settings and language models produced a BLEU
score of 19.81. All available parallel data was used. The data was adapted
using Modified Moore-Lewis filtering.
From the empirical experiments, it was concluded that the best results are
obtained when sampling about 150,000 bi-sentences from in-domain corpora
and by using filtering after word alignment. The ratio of data to be retained
was set to 0.9, producing the best score of 22.76. The results are presented in
Table 37.

Table 37. Polish-to-English translation.


BASE 2010 16.70 5.70 67.83 49.31
BEST 2010 23.74 6.25 54.63 57.06
BASE 2011 20.40 5.71 62.99 53.13
BEST 2011 28.00 6.61 51.02 61.23
BASE 2012 17.22 5.37 65.96 49.72
BEST 2012 23.15 5.55 56.42 56.49
BASE 2013 18.16 5.44 65.50 50.73
BEST 2013 28.62 6.71 57.10 58.48
BASE 2014 14.71 4.93 68.20 47.20
BEST 2014 18.96 5.56 64.59 51.29

Results of the IWSLT evaluation experiments, performed on the best

systems with test data from 2010–2014, are shown in Tables 37 and 38 for
Polish-to-English and English-to-Polish translation, respectively. They are
assessed using the BLEU, NIST, TER and METEOR metrics.
Several conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results presented
here. Automatic and manual cleaning of the training files has a positive
impact, among the variations of the experiments [18]. Obtaining and adapting
additional bilingual and monolingual data produced the biggest effect on the
translation quality itself. In each translation direction, using OSM [62] and
adapting training and tuning parameters were necessary. The results could not
be simply replicated from other experiments.
Results and Conclusions 127

Table 38. English-to-Polish translation.


BASE 2010 9.95 3.89 74.66 32.62
BEST 2010 22.76 5.83 60.23 49.18
BASE 2011 12.56 4.37 70.13 36.23
BEST 2011 29.20 6.54 55.02 51.48
BASE 2012 10.77 3.92 75.79 33.80
BEST 2012 26.33 5.93 60.88 47.85
BASE 2013 10.96 3.91 75.95 33.85
BEST 2013 26.61 5.99 59.94 48.44
BASE 2014 9.29 3.47 82.58 31.15
BEST 2014 16.59 4.48 73.66 38.85

In the future, the author intends to try clustering the training data into word
classes in order to obtain smoother distributions and better generalizations.
Using class-based models has been shown to be useful when translating into
morphologically-rich languages like Polish [79]. The author also wants to use
unsupervised transliteration models [80], which have proven quite useful in
MT for translating OOV words, for disambiguation and for translating closely-
related languages [80]. This feature would most likely help us overcome the
difference in vocabulary size, especially when translating into PL. Using a
fill-up combination technique (instead of interpolation) may be useful when
the relevance of the models is known a priori—typically, when one is trained
on in-domain data and the others on out-of-domain data [57].

5.1.2 Subtitles and European Parliament proceedings

translation results
Table 39 shows the results of the experiments on movie subtitles and European
Parliament proceedings. The following abbreviations are used: E for EuroParl,
and O for OpenSubtitles. If there is no additional suffix, it means that the
test involved the baseline system trained on a phrase-based model. The suffix
F (e.g., TF) means the factored model was used, T refers to data that was
true-cased, and C means that a compound splitter was used. In the EuroParl
experiments, the suffix L stands for the larger EN in-domain language model.
Truecasing29 and compound splitting30 were performed for both languages
using tools already implemented in the Moses toolkit. H stands for the highest

128 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

score that was obtained by combining methods and interpolating additional

data. The results for movie subtitles are shown in Table 39. Table 40 contains
results for the proceedings.

Table 39. Experiment results—Subtitles.

O 53.21 7.57 66.40 46.01 51.87 7.04 62.15 47.66
OC 53.13 7.58 66.80 45.70 – – – –
OT 52.63 7.58 67.02 45.01 50.57 6.91 61.24 48.43
OF 53.51 7.61 66.58 45.70 52.01 6.97 62.06 48.22

Table 40. Experiment results—European Parliament.

E 73.18 11.79 87.65 22.03 67.71 11.07 80.37 25.69
EL 80.60 12.44 91.07 12.44 – – – –
ELC 80.68 12.46 90.91 16.78 67.69 11.06 80.43 25.68
ELT 78.09 12.41 90.75 17.09 64.50 10.99 79.85 26.28
ELF 80.42 12.44 90.52 17.24 69.02 11.15 81.83 24.79
ELI 70.45 11.49 86.21 23.54 70.73 11.44 83.44 22.50
ELS 61.51 10.65 81.75 31.71 49.69 9.38 69.05 40.51
ELH 82.48 12.63 91.17 15.73 – – – –

It was concluded from the results that compound splitting improved

translation quality, but mostly in PL-EN translation. Factored training models
also provide better translations, but improvement was gained mostly in EN-
PL translation. The most likely reason is the more complex Polish grammar.
Truecasing did not help as anticipated; in most experiments, scores were
worse. Most likely, that data was already correctly cased. Tuning of training
parameters for each set of data must be done separately (just like training
higher-order models).

5.1.3 Medical text translation experiments

Tables 41 and 42 show the results of the medical text translation experiments
that were performed using test and development data randomly selected and
removed from the corpora.
Several conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results presented
here. It was surprising that truecasing and punctuation normalization decreased
Results and Conclusions 129

the scores by a significant factor. Supposedly, the text was already properly
cased and punctuated. In Experiment 02, it was observed that, quite strangely,
OSM decreased some metrics results, whereas it usually increases translation
quality. Similar results can be seen in the EN->PL experiments. Here, the
BLEU score increased, but other metrics decreased.

Table 41. Polish-to-English translation of medical texts.


00 – Baseline System 70.15 10.53 82.19 29.38
01 – Truecasing & Punct. Norm. 64.58 9.77 76.04 35.62
02 – Operation Sequence Model 71.04 10.61 82.54 28.33
03 – Factored Model 71.22 10.58 82.39 28.51
04 – Hierarchical Model 76.34 10.99 85.17 24.77
05 – Target Syntax Model 70.33 10.55 82.28 29.27
06 – Stemmed Word Alignment 71.43 10.60 82.89 28.73
07 – Dyer’s Fast Align 71.91 10.76 83.63 26.60
08 – Koehn’s settings from WMT’13 71.12 10.37 84.55 29.95
09 – Witten-Bell discounting 71.32 10.70 83.31 27.68
10 – Hierarchical lexical reordering 71.35 10.40 81.52 29.74
11 – Compound Splitting 70.34 10.64 82.65 28.22
12 – Wolk’s settings from IWSLT’13 72.51 10.70 82.81 28.19

Table 42. English-to-Polish translation of medical texts.


00 – Baseline System 69.18 10.14 79.21 30.39
01 – Truecasing & Punct. Norm. 61.15 9.19 71.91 39.45
02 – Operation Sequence Model 69.41 10.14 78.98 30.90
03 – Factored Model 68.45 10.06 78.63 31.62
04 – Hierarchical Model 73.32 10.48 81.72 27.05
05 – Target Syntax Model 69.21 10.15 79.26 30.88
06 – Stemmed Word Alignment 69.27 10.16 79.30 31.27
07 – Dyer’s Fast Align 68.43 10.07 78.95 33.05
08 – Koehn’s settings from WMT’13 67.61 9.87 77.82 29.95
09 – Witten-Bell discounting 68.98 10.11 78.90 31.13
10 – Hierarchical lexical reordering 68.67 10.02 78.55 31.92
11 – Compound Splitting 69.01 10.14 79.13 30.84
12 – Wolk’s settings from IWSLT’13 67.47 9.89 77.65 33.32
130 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Most of the other experiments worked as anticipated. Almost all of them

raised the score a little bit or were confirmed with consistent scores for multiple
metrics. The baseline system score was already very high, most likely because
of the high formality of texts and repetitions at phrase level that occure across
different leaflets. Unfortunately, Experiment 12, which was based on settings
that provided the best system score on the IWSLT 2013 evaluation campaign,
did not improve the quality of this data as much as it did previously. The most
likely reason is that the data used in IWSLT did not come from a specific
text domain, while here the SMT system dealt with a very narrow domain. It
may also mean that training and tuning parameter adjustment may be required
separately for each text domain if improvements cannot be simply replicated.
On the other hand, improvements obtained by training the hierarchical
based model were surprising. In comparison to other experiments, Experiment
04 increased the BLEU score by the highest factor. The same, significant
improvements can be observed in both the PL->EN and EN->PL translations,
which most likely provide a very good starting point for future experiments.
Translation from EN to PL is more difficult. The results of these
experiments are simply worse than for PL to EN. The most likely reasons
for this, of course, are the complicated Polish grammar and the larger Polish
Applying machine translation to medical texts holds great promise to
benefit patients, including travelers and others who do not speak the language
of the country in which they need medical help. Improving access to the vast
array of medical information on the Internet would be useful to patients,
medical professionals and medical researchers.
Human interpreters with medical training are too rare. Machine translation
could also help in communicating medical history, diagnoses, proposed
medical treatments, general health information and the results of medical
research. Mobile devices and web applications may be able to boost delivery
of machine translation services for medical information.

5.1.4 Pruning experiments

In Table 43 experimental results are provided for use of the Moses-based
pruning method, along with pre-processing of the data by filtering irrelevant
sentences from it.
The absolute and relative filtration experimental results here use the
following terminology:
Absolute N—Retain a sentence if at least N words from dictionary appear
in it.
Relative N—Retain a sentence if at least N% of sentence is built by from
Results and Conclusions 131

Table 43. Pruning results.

Optimizer Exp. No. BLEU Phrase Table (GB) Reordering Table (GB)
None 2 35.39 6.4 2.3
Absolute 3 1 26.95 1.1 0.4
Absolute 2 7 30.53 2.5 0.9
Absolute 1 8 32.07 4.9 1.7
Relative 2.5 9 30.82 3.1 1.1
Relative 5 10 26.35 1.1 0.4
Relative 7.5 11 17.68 0.3 0.1
Pruning 30 3 32.36 1.9 0.7
Pruning 60 4 32.12 2.0 0.7
Pruning 90 5 32.11 2.0 0.75
Pruning 20 6 32.44 2.1 0.75
Absolute 1 + Pruning 20 12 30.29 0.85 0.3

Pruning N—Retain only the N most probable translations.

Experiment 12 used a combination of pruning and absolute pre-filtering.
Unfortunately, contrary to the referenced publications, the empirical
experiments showed that pruning (at least for PL-EN pair) significantly
decreases translation quality. Even though phrase and reordering tables are
much smaller, the decrease in quality is questionable. What is interesting is
that a substantial factor of quality lost to final phrase table size was regained
by combining pre-filtering and pruning of the phrase table in Experiment 12.

5.1.5 MT complexity within West-Slavic languages group

When implementing Statistical Machine Translation systems (SMT) it is
necessary to deal with many problems to achieve high quality translations.
These problems include the need to align parallel texts in language pairs and
clean parallel corpora to remove errors. This is especially true for real-world
corpora developed from text harvested from the vast data available in the
Internet. Out-Of-Vocabulary (OOV) words must also be handled, as they
are inevitable in real-world texts [1]. The lack of sufficient parallel corpora
is another significant challenge for SMT. Since the approach is statistical
in nature, a significant amount of quality language pair data is needed in
order to improve translation accuracy. In addition, very general translation
systems that work in a general text domain have accuracy problems in specific
domains. SMT systems are more accurate on corpora from a domain that is
not too wide.
132 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Another problem not yet addressed is adaptation of machine translation

techniques for the needs of the specific language or event kind of a text. Such
adaptation would be very beneficial especially for very diverse languages,
such as Slavic-English. In this research we focus on very complex West-Slavic
languages, which represent a serious challenge to any SMT system. They differ
from other languages similar to English in grammar full complicated rules
and elements, together with a big vocabulary (due to complex declension).
The main reasons for its complexity are more cases, genders, animate and
inanimate nouns, adjectives agreements with nouns in terms of gender, case,
number and a lot of words borrowed from other languages which are often
inflected similarly to those of West-Slavic origin. This greatly affects the data
and data structure required for statistical models of translation. The lack of
available and appropriate resources required for data input to SMT systems
presents another problem, especially when vocabularies are disproportionate
(which is the case).
In our research, we conduct experiments that try to overcome those
disproportions and improve the baseline systems based on Moses SMT
state of the art configuration. We conduct research on the Polish language
as a representative candidate from West-Slavic group and try to translate it
between English and Czech. In addition, we do comparison of translation
between spoken and written texts because in recent research [2], the authors
analysed the differences between spoken language based on lectures and
written texts based on written news for machine translation. They showed
that there are meaningful differences between those two text genres and that
particular statistical modeling strategies should be independently applied to
each translation task.
The article is structured as follows: Section 2 describes West-Slavic
languages and main differences between Polish and English languages,
Section 3 contains comparison of spoken and written texts used in this
research. Section 4 describes our machine translation systems and evaluation
methods. Lastly, we draw conclusions in the Section 5. West-Slavic languages group

West-Slavic languages are part of Slavic languages (alongside East- and
South-Slavic), which are used by approximately 56 million people in the
Central Europe. West-Slavic languages are divided into: Lechitic languages
(Polish, Silesian and Kashubian, the latter two being dialects of Polish),
Sorbian languages (Upper and Lower) and Czech-Slovak (Czech and
Slovak) [3].
Approximately, a native speaker of Polish actively uses not much more
than 12,000 words in their everyday language, whereas passively, they will
Results and Conclusions 133

use about 30,000 words. However, research of philologist from Bialystok

University shows that knowledge of 1,200 most commonly used Polish words
is enough to communicate effectively [4].
Kashubian, is considered either a separate language or a dialect of
Polish. Often, indirect position is adopted, and terms such as “language” or
“dialect” are avoided. Instead, Kashubian is classified as an “ethnolect”. In
law, Kashubian is regarded as a regional language. Every day, around 108,000
Polish people use Kashubian [5].
Silesian ethnolect is a set of Silesian jargons, possibly mixing into
multiple dialects. It is used by indigenous inhabitants of Upper Silesia and
a small population of Lower Silesia. We know that languages like literary
Polish, Czech (particularly from Moravian, formerly functioning as a separate
language), German (mostly Germanic dialect of Silesia) and Slovak played a
huge role in the process of formation of the Silesian ethnolect, as we can trace
many loanwords from those languages [6].
The Sorbian languages is a group consisting of two closely related West
Slavic languages: Sorbian and Lower Sorbian. They are used by the Sorbs
(totalling approximately 150,000 people, most of whom speak only German)
in Lausitz in eastern Germany. Both languages are endangered Sorbian
languages (especially Lower Sorbian; the number of active users is estimated
at several thousand; mostly used only by the older generation, while the Upper
Lusatian’s users total approximately 55,000 people). Lower Sorbian shares
more similarities with Polish, while Sorbian with Czech and Slovak.
Czech derives from Proto-Indo-European through the Proto-Slavic. It
developed orally in the tenth century and its first artefacts date back to the
thirteenth century. Late Middle Ages was a period of flourishing Czech and its
strong influence on other languages (including Polish).
Silesian and Kashubian are very similar to Polish in terms of grammar.
Both Upper and Lower Sorbian have the dual for nouns, pronouns, adjectives
and verbs; very few known living Indo-European languages retain this feature
as a productive aspect of the grammar. For example, the word ruka is used for
one hand, ruce for two hands, and ruki for more than two hands [6].
There are four grammatical genders in Slovak language: Animate
masculine, inanimate masculine, feminine and neutral. In popular description,
the first two genders are often covered under common masculine gender.
There is the singular and the plural numbers. The following morphological
cases are present in Slovak: The nominative case answers the question Who /
What; the genitive case (of whom); the dative case (to whom); the accusative
case (whom); the locative case (used after the prepositions); the instrumental
case (by means of whom).
An adjective’s, pronoun’s and, to some extent, also the number’s person,
gender and case decline according to the noun. An adjective always precedes
134 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

the corresponding noun. The comparative is formed by replacing the adjective

ending –ý/y/i/í by –ejší or –ší. There are exact rules for the choice between
these two endings and there are several irregular comparatives. The superlative
is formed as follows: naj+comparative. The comparative and superlative of
adverbs (which end in –o, –e or –y in the basic form) are formed by simply
replacing the –(ej)ší from the adjective by –(ej)šie. The verb (predicate) agrees
in person and number with its subject [4].
Czech is very similar to Polish and Slovak. The most recognizable thing in
Czech, which occurs also in Polish, is the fact that one word is often sufficient
to express what English can only achieve by using multiple words. Differences between Polish and English languages

As already discussed in detail in the introduction, Polish and English differ in
syntax and grammar. English is a positional language, which means that the
syntactic order (the order of words in a sentence) plays a very important role,
particularly due to the limited inflection of words (e.g., lack of declension
endings). Sometimes, the position of a word in a sentence is the only indicator
of the sentence’s meaning. In a Polish sentence, a thought can be expressed
using several different word orderings, which is not possible in English. For
example, the sentence “I bought myself a new car” can be written in Polish
as “Kupiłem sobie nowy samochód”, or “Nowy samochód sobie kupiłem”, or
“Sobie kupiłem nowy samochód” or “Samochód nowy sobie kupiłem.” The
only exception is when the subject and the object are in the same clause and
the context is the only indication which is the object and which is subject. For
example, “Mysz liże kość (A mouse is licking a bone.)” and “Kość liże mysz
(A bone is licking a mouse.)”.
Differences in potential sentence word order make the translation process
more complex, especially when using a phrase-model with no additional
lexical information [7]. In addition, in Polish it is not necessary to use the
operator, because the Polish form of a verb always contains information
about the subject of a sentence. For example, the sentence “On jutro jedzie na
wakacje” is equivalent to the Polish “Jutro jedzie na wakacje” and would be
translated as “He is going on vacation tomorrow” [8].
In the Polish language, the plural formation is not made by adding the
letter “s” as a suffix to a word, but rather each word has its own plural variant
(e.g., “pies-psy”, “artysta-artyści”, etc.). Additionally, prefixes before nouns
like “a”, “an”, “the”, do not exist in Polish (e.g., “a cat-kot”, “an apple-jabłko”,
etc.) [8].
The Polish language has only three tenses (present, past and future).
However, it must be noted that the only indication whether an action has
ended is an aspect. For example, “Robiłem pranie.” Would be translated as “I
Results and Conclusions 135

have been doing laundry”, but “Zrobiłem pranie” as “I have done laundry”, or
“płakać-wypłakać” as “cry-cry out” [8].
The gender of a noun in English does not have any effect on the form
of a verb, but it does in Polish. For example, “Zrobił to. – He has done it”,
“Zrobiła to. – She has done it”, “lekarz/lekarka-doctor”, “uczeń/uczennica =
student”, etc. [8].
As a result of this complexity, progress in the development of SMT
systems for West-Slavic languages has been substantially slower than for
other languages. On the other hand, excellent translation systems have been
developed for many popular languages. Spoken vs written language

The differences between speech and text within the context of the literature
should also be clarified. Chong [9] pointed out that writing and speech
differ considerably in both function and style. Writing tends towards greater
precision and detail, whilst speech is often punctuated with repetition and
includes prosody, which writing does not possess, to further convey intent and
tone beyond the meaning of the words themselves.
According to William Bright [10], spoken language consists of two
basic units: Phonemes, units of sound, (that are themselves meaningless) are
combined into morphemes, which are meaningful (e.g., the phonemes /b/, /i/,
and /t/ form the word “bit”). Contrary alphabetic scripts work in similar way.
In a different type of script, the basic unit corresponds to a spoken syllable.
In logographic script (e.g., Chinese), each character corresponds to an entire
morpheme, which is usually a word [10].
It is possible to convey the same messages in either speech or writing, but
spoken language typically conveys more explicit information than writing.
The spoken and written forms of a given language tend to correspond to one
or more levels and may influence each other (e.g., “through” is spoken as
In addition, writing can be perceived as colder, or more impersonal,
than speech. Spoken languages have dialects varying across geographical
areas and social groups. Communication may be formal or casual. In literate
societies, writing may be associated with a formal style and speech with a
more casual style. Using speech requires simplification, as the average adult
can read around 300 words per minute, but the same person would be able to
follow only 150–200 spoken words in the same amount of time [11]. That is
why speech is usually clearer and more constrained.
The punctuation and layout of written text do not have any spoken
equivalent. But it must be noted that some forms of written language (e.g.,
instant messages or emails) are closer to spoken language. On the other
136 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

hand, spoken language tends to be rich in repetition, incomplete sentences,

corrections and interruptions [12].
When using written texts, it is not possible to receive immediate feedback
from the readers. Therefore, it is not possible to rely on context to clarify
things. There is more need to explain things clearly and unambiguously
than in speech, which is usually a dynamic interaction between two or more
people. Context, situation and shared knowledge play a major role in their
communication. It allows us to leave information either unsaid or indirectly
implied [12]. Machine translation

Moses is a tool environment for statistical machine translation that enables
users to train translation models for any two languages. This implementation
of the statistical approach to machine translation is currently the dominant
approach in this field of research [13].
The baseline system testing was done using the Moses open source
SMT toolkit with its Experiment Management System (EMS) [13]. The SRI
Language Modeling Toolkit (SRILM) [14] with an interpolated version of the
Kneser-Ney discounting (interpolate –unk –kndiscount) was used for 5-gram
language model training. The MGIZA++ tool was used for word and phrase
alignment. KenLM [15] was used to binarize (transform features of a text
entity into vectors of numbers) the language model, with the lexical reordering
set to the msd-bidirectional-fe model [16]. The symmetrization method was
set to grow-diag-final-and for word alignment processing [13].
We raised our score in PL-* experiments through changing the language
model order from 5 to 6, and also changed the discounting method from
Kneser-Ney to Witten-Bell. In the training part, we changed the lexicalized
reordering method from msd-bidirectional-fe to hier-mslr-bidirectional-fe.
The system was also enriched with Operation Sequence Model (OSM) [17].
The motivation for OSM is that it provides phrase-based SMT models the
ability to memorize dependencies and lexical triggers, it can search for any
possible reordering, and it has a robust search mechanism. In addition to this,
we used Compound Splitting feature [13]. Tuning was done using MERT tool
with batch-mira feature and n-best list size was changed from 100 to 150.
Because of a much bigger dictionary, the translation from EN to PL is
significantly more complicated. We determined that not using lower casing,
changing maximum sentence length to 85, and maximum phrase length to
7 improves the BLEU score. Additionally, we set the language model order
from 5 to 6 and changed the discounting method from Kneser-Ney to Witten-
Bell. In the training part, we changed the lexicalized reordering method from
msd-bidirectional-fe to tgttosrc. The system was also enriched with Operation
Results and Conclusions 137

Sequence Model (OSM). We also used Compound Splitting feature and did
punctuation normalization. Tuning was done using MERT tool with batch-
mira feature and n-best list size was changed from 100 to 150. Training a
hierarchical phrase-based translation model also improved results in this
translation scenario [18].
In PL-CS experiments it was necessary to adjust parameters so that they
suit translation between two morphologically rich languages. We changed
language model order to 8 which, in contrast with PL-EN translation, produced
positive results. The maximum sentence length was changed to 100 from 80
(in PL-EN exceeding 85 did not raise the scores). The lexicalized reordering
method was changed to wbe-msd-bidirectional-fe, in order to use word-based
data extraction. In tuning, the n-best list size was raised to 200 because there
were many possible candidates to be chosen in that language pair. Evaluation
Metrics are necessary in order to measure the quality of translations produced
by the SMT systems. For this, various automated metrics are available for
comparing SMT translations to high quality human translations. Since each
human translator produces a translation with different word choices and
orders, the best metrics measure SMT output against multiple reference human
translations. For scoring purposes we used four well-known metrics that show
high correlation with human judgments. Among the commonly used SMT
metrics are: Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU), the U.S. National
Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) metric, the Metric for Evaluation
of Translation with Explicit Ordering (METEOR) and Translation Error Rate
(TER). According to Koehn, BLEU [16] uses textual phrases of varying length
to match SMT and reference translations. Scoring of this metric is determined
by the weighted averages of those matches [19]. To encourage infrequently
used word translation, the NIST [19] metric scores the translation of such
words higher and uses the arithmetic mean of the n-gram matches. Smaller
differences in phrase length incur a smaller brevity penalty. This metric has
shown advantages over the BLEU metric. The METEOR [19] metric also
changes the brevity penalty used by BLEU, uses the arithmetic mean like
NIST, and considers matches in word order through examination of higher
order n-grams. These changes increase score based on recall. It also considers
best matches against multiple reference translations when evaluating the SMT
output. TER [20] compares the SMT and reference translations to determine the
minimum number of edits a human would need to make for the translations to
be equivalent in both fluency and semantics. The closest match to a reference
translation is used in this metric. There are several types of edits considered:
Word deletion, word insertion, word order, word substitution and phrase order.
138 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing Results
The experiment results were gathered in Tables 45, 46 and 47. BASE stands
for baseline systems settings and BEST for translation systems with modified
training settings (in accordance to Section 4.2). Table 45 contains translation
results for written texts and Table 46 for spoken language. The decision was
made to use EU Bookshop31 (EUB) document-based corpus as an example
of written language and the QCRI Educational Domain Corpus32 (QED)
(open multilingual collection of subtitles for educational videos and lectures).
Both corpora are comparable examples of spoken and written language. The
corpora specification is showed in Table 44.

Table 44. Corpora statistics.

Corpus Language Number of Number of unique Avg. sentence

pair sentences tokens length
EUB PL-EN 537,941 346,417 207,563 23
PL-CS 435,376 300,897 299,402 22
QED PL-EN 331,028 168,961 60,839 12
PL-CS 475,621 172,891 159,325 14

The results presented in Table 44 confirm statements from the Section

3. There is a big dictionary gap between West-Slavic languages and English
that is not present within the West-Slavic group itself. We can also observe
significant difference in sentence lengths between written and spoken language.

Table 45. Translation of written language.


BASE PL->CS 28.93 5.90 67.75 44.39
BEST PL->CS 29.76 5.98 65.91 45.84
BASE PL->EN 31.63 6.27 66.93 53.24
BEST PL->EN 32.81 6.47 65.12 53.92
BASE CS->PL 26.32 5.11 73.12 42.91
BEST CS->PL 27.41 5.66 70.63 43.19
BASE EN->PL 22.18 5.07 74.93 39.13
BEST EN->PL 23.43 5.33 72.18 41.24

Results and Conclusions 139

Table 46. Translation of spoken language.


BASE PL->CS 7.11 3.27 79.96 29.23
BEST PL->CS 8.76 3.95 74.12 32.34
BASE PL->EN 15.28 5.08 68.45 48.49
BEST PL->EN 15.64 5.11 68.24 48.75
BASE CS->PL 6.77 3.12 76.35 29.89
BEST CS->PL 7.43 3.51 75.76 31,73
BASE EN->PL 7.76 3.55 79.32 31.04
BEST EN->PL 8.22 3.78 77.24 32.33

As presented in Tables 45 and 46, it can be observed that translation

between West-Slavic and English language usually gives better results that
translation within the West-Slavic group. The most likely reason for this
is the morphological richness in this group which produces far too many
word and phrase mappings, making it statistically difficult choose correct
ones. In addition, translation of spoken language produces much poorer
results that those of written texts. Some of this difference is obviously the
gap between the size of training data but high level of formalisms in written
language structures seems to produce the biggest impact. What is more, those
formal language structures make it possible to overcome disparities between
languages (the difference in scores between PL-CS and PL-EN translation is
small, such phenomena is not replicated in spoken language). Because it was
observed that in the case of speech there is big difference in translation quality
between PL-EN and PL-CS it was decided that additional experimentation on
translation from PL to CS would be conducted using EN as a pivot language.
Such experiment is showed in Table 47. This idea produced positive results
in spoken language translation but negative in written. The most likely reason
for this is the fact that in written language translation quality was already
similar for both pairs.

Table 47. Translation with EN as pivot language.


EUB PL->CS 28.93 5.90 67.75 44.39
EUB PL->EN->CS 26.12 4.77 72.03 41.95
QED PL->CS 7.11 3.27 79.96 29.23
QED PL->EN->CS 9.23 4.18 76.33 41.42
140 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

5.1.6 SMT in augumented reality systems

An augmented reality (AR) system combines actual objects with computer-
generated information in order to enrich the interaction of a user with the
real world [224]. When many people think of AR, they think of the historical
head-mounted display (HMD) worn by users. However, AR is not limited
to display technologies such as the HMD. For example, video from a smart
phone can be enhanced with information that is annotated on the video image.
The ubiquity and affordability of the smart phone has led many researchers to
investigate different AR applications that leverage smart phone capabilities.
We find written text all around us, but in many different languages [153].
A user of an AR system may not know the language of such text. One such
application is translating foreign language text in images taken by a smart
phone. There are many potential uses for such a capability. For example, it
would be useful for a traveler to be able to read signs, posters and restaurant
menus when visiting a foreign country. A traveler may also have need of
medical attention in another country. Having the ability to read handheld
medical documents, translated to their own language, using a smart phone
would be a tremendous help to these individuals. In addition, a similar
capability for a physician attending to a traveler to read medical documents
written in the traveler’s language would be very useful [65, 225].
There are several aspects to translating text from a smart phone video
image. Image processing techniques must be used to identify text and extract
it from the image. This may require various enhancements of the image. Next,
optical character recognition (OCR) must be applied to the text in an image to
distinguish the characters in a particular language, producing a string of text
in that language. Lastly, the text can then be automatically translated from the
source language to another target language.
Machine translation (MT), translation by a computer in an automated
fashion, is a very challenging step for an AR system. Modern MT systems
are not based on the rules that specific languages follow. Statistical machine
translation (SMT) systems apply statistical analysis to a very large volume
of training data for a pair of languages. These statistics, used to tune an SMT
system, can then be used to translate new texts from one of the languages to
another. If an SMT system is trained for a particular domain of texts (e.g., road
signs or medical texts), then it can produce better results on new texts from
that domain [226].
The SMT aspects of an AR system are critical. If the end objective is to
augment a display with translated text, then translation is obviously important.
A mistranslated road sign could send a traveler in the opposite direction,
even resulting in a safety problem in a foreign country. Misunderstandings
between a physician and a patient speaking different languages about medical
Results and Conclusions 141

documents could have more serious consequences, such as a misdiagnosis

that results in incorrect treatment and corresponding health consequences.
Translation of medical leaflets for patients is another application. Students
may find it useful to obtain translated lectures on subjects such as biology and
computer science.
The quality of machine translation has greatly improved over time.
Several general-purpose translation services, such as Google Translate [227],
are currently available on the web. However, they are intended to translate
text from a wide variety of domains, and are therefore neither perfect nor
well-tuned to produce high quality translations in specific domains.
While our research is extensible to other language pairs, we focus on
the challenge of Polish and English. Polish is classified in the Lechitic
language group, a branch of the West Slavic language family that includes
Czech, Polish and Slovakian. The Polish language uses both animate and
inanimate nouns, seven cases and three genders. The agreement of adjectives
with nouns is required in number, case and gender. Polish has complex
rules for applying these elements, and many words are borrowed from other
languages. Its vocabulary is enormous. All this together makes the language
a very significant challenge for SMT. Likewise, English is known to present
considerable translation challenges, and the syntaxes of the two languages
are considerably different. The typical gross mismatch in vocabulary sizes
between Polish and English also complicates the SMT process [24].
This monograph will first review the state of the art in machine translation
for AR systems. Next, we will describe our research approach, preparation
of the language data, and methods of SMT evaluation. Experiments will be
described and their results presented. Lastly, we will discuss the results and
draw conclusions. Review of state of the art

An AR system that enables a user wearing a head-mounted display to interact
with a handheld document is presented in [228]. Using their system, a user
can select words or very short phrases in the document to access a dictionary.
This mechanism could be used to select words or short phrases for translation.
However, the focus of their work is on merging a document tracking method
with a finger pointing method in order to enable interaction with the handheld
document (via the imager worn by the user). Language translation is not
the focus of that research, nor is it demonstrated along with their system. In
addition, this approach could only translate single words or short phrases that
are pre-segmented by the user. The user must select the text for processing.
The authors of [153] describe a system that extracts and translates a word,
once designated by a user in an area of an image. Much of its processing runs
142 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

on a smart phone’s processor. However, the focus of their research is image

processing. The system requires an Internet connection and uses Google
Translate to perform the text translation. “TextGrabber + Translator” [229] is
an Android phone-based application that extracts and translates from a variety
of printed sources by using a phone’s camera. This application also uses Google
Translate. Researchers in [230] describe a Microsoft “Snap and Translate”
mobile application that extracts text (designated by a user), performs OCR
and translates between English and Chinese. This prototype system uses a
client and cloud architecture, with Bing Translator as the translation service.
The authors do not present translation accuracy results.
The Word Lens translation application for Apple iPhone images is
described in [231] and [232]. Accuracy is mentioned as a challenge. Word
Lens only translates words and short phrases, not entire texts. EnWo,
discussed in [225], is a similar Android application that translates among
several languages. Both applications are commercial applications, not open
source, which limits their availability. A system that translates text captured
by a mobile phone’s camera is briefly described in [233]. This system displays
overlays of translated words on the phone’s camera. However, neither the
translation approach nor its accuracy was reported. The focus of this effort
appears to be techniques for OCR and augmenting displays for the user.
The authors of [234] describe a prototype Android phone-based system
that detects and translates text in the Bangla (a.k.a. Bengali) language. This
system uses the Tesseract engine for performing OCR and Google Translate for
translation into English. The authors of [224] describe a translator application,
iTranslatAR, that translates text in images or manually-entered text on the
iOS platform to augment the missing hearing sense and for other applications.
This prototype application uses Tesseract OCR and Google Translate as well.
The authors of [235] describe a system that uses genetic algorithms to
recognize text in smart phone camera images, such as road signs, and makes
it available for translation from English to Tamil through online translation
services. However, this research is focused on image processing and reducing
the bandwidth required for images. The quality of the translation itself is
limited to online translation services. It is also unclear whether or not text at
different distances can be processed by this prototype system. In addition, the
accuracy of the resulting translations was not evaluated.
A head-mounted text translation system is described in [236]. This
research focuses on eye gaze gestures in a head-mounted display and an
innovative OCR method. These researchers implemented an embedded
Japanese-to-English translation function that is based on common Japanese
words translated using Microsoft’s Bing translator. However, the accuracy of
the translation was not assessed.
Results and Conclusions 143

A text recognition and translation system hosted on a smart phone and

web-based server is discussed in [65]. The user of this system specifies
the region of an image, obtained by the phone’s camera, that contains text.
The image is processed in order to limit the required bandwidth and then
transmitted to the server, where text recognition and translation is performed.
The prototype system, which focused on English and simplified Chinese as
two very challenging languages, uses the open-source Tesseract OCR engine
and Google Translate for language translation. Due to the challenge of
recognizing text, a user can correct several aspects of character classification
in order to improve accuracy. Evaluation showed poor phrase match accuracy
(under 50% in all cases).
We observe from this literature that machine translation performance has
not been the focus of research for augmented reality systems. Concluding
from described examples, most research efforts have emphasized image
processing techniques, OCR, mobile-network architecture, or user interaction
approaches. This is further indicated by the frequent lack of reporting on
translation accuracy results from these studies.
In addition, previous studies have typically used online translation
services, scaled-down versions of them, or proprietary software in the language
translation portion of their systems. Some of the translation systems used are
commercial and proprietary, not open source and not readily available. Even
the online translation systems are often not free for AR applications. For
example, Google charges based on usage for their Google Translate API as
part of the Google Cloud Platform [227]. An online translation service, such
as Google, also requires a constant Internet connection for an AR system to
perform translation that introduces lags.
The lack of focus on domain-adapted machine translation systems for
augmented reality is particularly noteworthy. Such general purpose translation
systems collect bilingual data from wherever it is available in order to gather
as much data as possible. However, the domain (e.g., medical texts or road
signs) to which the resulting translation system is applied may be drastically
different from that general data. Our approach is to use in-domain adaptation so
that a translation system can be tuned for a specific narrow domain. Research
has shown that such adaptation can improve translation accuracy in a specific
domain [226, 108]. In-domain adaptation promises to provide similar benefits
to AR applications because it also reduces computation costs and is some
cases makes it possible to run SMT engine on the handheld device. The approach

This research effort developed a tool that recognizes text in a camera
image, translates it between two languages, and then augments the camera
144 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

image (real-time on device screen) with the translated text. As discussed in

the review of the state-of-the-art, such tools are already on the market, but
most of them translate only single words, like city signs, or work in a less
than fully-automated fashion. This work is innovative because it works in
real time and translates an entire text, paragraphs or pages. In this manner,
the translation’s context is maintained, resulting in an improved translation
quality. For example, someone might go to a restaurant and view a menu that
would be automatically translated on their mobile device.
Translation systems work best if their domain is limited. General purpose
translation systems, on the other hand, produce lower-quality translations in
very specific domains. For example, a general purpose system such as Google
Translation would not do well in translating medical leaflets, since medicine
is a very specific and specialized domain.
The approach adopted in this research uses a unique SMT systems trained
for specific domains. This should produce higher-quality translations then a
general purpose translation system. The domains selected for SMT adaptation
are: Medical leaflets, restaurant menus, news, and article or lecture translation.
The tool developed during this research translates all the text it recognizes
in the camera image. Most tools from the reviewed literature translate single
words or small, selected phrases. This results in those approaches losing the
context of the translation. Loss of that context can only lead to lower quality.
In addition, our approach is easy to implement and also based on open source
tools, not restricted in use, as are commercial solutions. It is also extensible to
any language pair, not just limited to the languages used in our experiments. Data preparation

This research used Polish and English language data from two primary
and distinct parallel corpora: The European Medicines Agency (EMEA)
and the 2013 Technology, Entertainment, Design (TED) lectures. The
EMEA data is composed of approximately 1,500 biomedical documents in
Portable Document Format (PDF)—approximately 80MB of data in UTF-
8 format—that relate to medicinal products. These documents are translated
into the 22 official European Union languages. Separation of these texts into
sentences yielded 1,044,764 sentences, which were constructed from 11.67
M untokenized words. The disproportionate Polish-English vocabulary in the
EMEA data is composed of 148,170 and 109,326 unique Polish and English
words, respectively.
Errors in the Polish EMEA data first had to be repaired. Additional
processing of the Polish data, which used the Moses SMT processing toolkit
[8], was required prior to its use in training the SMT model. This toolkit
includes tools for creating, training, tuning and testing SMT models. Removal
Results and Conclusions 145

of long sentences (defined as 80 tokens) was part of this preprocessing.

Preparation of the English data was much simpler than that for Polish, and
there were fewer errors in the data. However, the removal of strange UTF-8
symbols and foreign words was required.
The TED lecture data, totaling approximately 17 MB, included
approximately 2.5 M untokenized Polish words, which were separated
into sentences and aligned in language pairs. Similar to [18], the data was
preprocessed using both automated cleaning and manual changes in order
to correct problems, including spelling errors, nesting problems (described
in [18]) and repeated text fragments that caused issues in text parallelism.
The authors describe the tool used to correct many of these problems in [24].
Preparation of the English data was, once again, much simpler than that of
the Polish data. The main focus was cleaning of the data to eliminate errors.
As in the EMEA data, this processing of TED lecture data resulted in a
disproportionate vocabulary of 59,296 and 144,115 unique English and Polish
words, respectively. However, the domain of the TED lectures was much less
specific and more wide-ranging then that of the EMEA data. Experiments
Experiments were conducted to evaluate different SMT systems using various
data. In general, each corpus was tokenized, cleaned, factorized, converted to
lowercase, and split. A final cleaning was performed. For each experiment,
the SMT system was trained, a language model was applied and tuning was
performed. The experiments were then performed. For OCR purposes we
used well known from good quality Tesseract engine [140], by this we also
evaluated an impact of OCR mistakes on translation. It also must be noted
that the OCR system was not adapted to any specific types of images or texts
which would most probably improve its quality. It was not done because it
was not goal of this research.
The Moses toolkit, its Experiment Management System and the KenLM
language modeling library [14] were used to train the SMT systems and
conduct the experiments. Training included use of a 5-gram language model
based on Kneser-Ney discounting. SyMGIZA++ [237], a multi-threaded and
symmetrized version of the popular GIZA++ tool [8], was used to apply a
symmetrizing method in order to ensure appropriate word alignment. Two-
way alignments were obtained and structured, leaving the alignment points
that appear in both alignments. Additional points of alignment that appear in
their union were then combined. The points of alignment between the words
in which at least one was unaligned were then combined (grow-diag-final).
This approach facilitates an optimal determination of points of alignment
[11]. The language model was binarized by applying the KenLM tool [234].
146 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Finally, the approach described by Durrani et al. in [80] was applied to

address out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words found in our test data. Despite the
use of large amounts of language data, OOV words, such as technical terms
and named entities, pose a challenge for SMT systems. The method adopted
here from [80] is a completely unsupervised and language-independent
approach to OOV words.
Using traditional SMT systems, experiments were performed on EMEA
medical leaflet data and then on TED lecture data, translating Polish to
English. These experiments were repeated for texts taken randomly from the
corpora as well as on the same texts recognized by the OCR system. Data was
obtained through the process of random selection of 1,000 sentences and their
removal from the corpora. The BLEU, NIST, TER and METEOR metrics
were used to evaluate the experimental results.
Tables 48 and 49 provide the experimental results for translation. The
EMEA abbreviation stands for translation of medical leaflets, TED for
discussed earlier TED corpus and FIELD for field experiments that were
performed on random samples of Polish city signs, posters, restaurant menus,
lectures on biology and computer science, and medicine boxes. The field
SMT system was trained on both TED and EMEA corpora. The images were
taken in different situations, lightning and devices. Experiments that have
additional “–OCR” suffix in their name were first processed by OCR engine
and secondly translated.

Table 48. Polish-to-English translation.


EMEA 76.34 10.99 85.17 24.77
EMEA-OCR 73.58 10.77 79.04 27.62
TED 28.62 6.71 58.48 57.10
TED-OCR 27.41 6.51 56.23 60.02
FIELD 37,41 7,89 63,76 45,31
FIELD-OCR 35,39 7,63 61,23 48,14

Table 49. English-to-Polish translation.


EMEA 73.32 10.48 81.72 27.05
EMEA-OCR 69.15 9.89 75.91 29.45
TED 26.61 5.99 48.44 59.94
TED-OCR 23.74 5.73 46.18 61.23
FIELD 33,76 7,14 61,68 49,56
FIELD-OCR 32,11 6,99 59,17 52,05
Results and Conclusions 147

Translation phrase tables often grow enormously large, because they

contain a lot of noisy data and store many very unlikely hypotheses. This is
problematic when a real-time translation system that requires loading into
memory is required, especially on mobile devices with limited resources. We
decided to try a method of pruning those tables introduced by Johnson et al.
[126] and our method based on dictionary.

Table 50. Pruning results.

Optimizer BLEU Phrase Table (GB) Reordering Table (GB)

None 35.39 6.4 2.3
Absolute 3 26.95 1.1 0.4
Absolute 2 30.53 2.5 0.9
Absolute 1 32.07 4.9 1.7
Relative 2.5 30.82 3.1 1.1
Relative 5 26.35 1.1 0.4
Relative 7.5 17.68 0.3 0.1
Pruning 30 32.36 1.9 0.7
Pruning 60 32.12 2.0 0.7
Pruning 90 32.11 2.0 0.75
Pruning 20 32.44 2.1 0.75
Absolute 1 + Pruning 20 30.29 0.85 0.3

In Table 50, experiments are shown (Absolute N—keep sentence if at

least N words from dictionary appear in it, relative N—keep a sentence if
at least N% of sentence is built by from dictionary, pruning N—keep only
N most probable translations). We conducted those experiments on the most
important translation engine which is the field test starting with OCR from
Polish to English language.
Contrary to the referenced publications, the empirical experiments
showed that pruning (for PL-EN) decreases translation quality significantly.
Even though phrase and reordering tables are much smaller, the decrease
in quality is questionable. What is interesting is that a substantial factor of
quality loss to final phrase table size was obtained by combining pre-filtering
and pruning of a phrase table in Experiment 12. Discussion
AR systems would greatly benefit from the application of state-of-the-art
SMT systems. For example, translation and display of text in a smart phone
image would enable a traveler to read medical documents, signs and restaurant
menus in a foreign language. In this monograph, we have reviewed the state
148 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

of the art in AR systems, described our SMT research approach—including

the important preparation of language data and models, as well as evaluation
methods—and presented experimental results for several different variants of
Polish-English SMT systems.
Clearly, machine translation performance has not been the focus of AR
research. The literature shows an emphasis on image processing techniques,
OCR, mobile-network architecture and user interaction approaches. As a
result, previous AR research has generally used general-purpose translation
services, which are not tuned for specific text domains and do not produce the
highest quality translations. In addition, AR research reported in the literature
frequently lacks reporting of translation accuracy results.
The focus of this research was machine translation between the Polish
and English languages. Both languages present significant challenges due to
vast differences in syntax, language rules, and vocabulary. Experiments were
conducted in Polish-to-English and English-to-Polish direction on the EMEA
and TED data. In addition, field experiments were performed on a variety of
random samples in Polish. Standard machine translation evaluation methods
were used to evaluate the results, which show great promise for the eventual
SMT use in AR systems.
BLEU scores lower than 15 mean that the machine translation engine
is unable to provide satisfactory quality, as reported by Lavie [144] and a
commercial software manufacturer [119]. A high level of post-editing will
be required in order to finalize output translations and reach publishable
quality. A system score greater than 30% means that translations should be
understandable without problems. Scores over 50 reflect good and fluent
Overall, the EMEA and TED experimental results appear adequate within
the limits of the specific text domain. SMT is particularly useful for the complex
Polish language. However, there is clearly room for future improvement for
critical applications. English-to-Polish translation proved more challenging,
as expected. The results from the OCR experiment generally show translation
performance only slightly lower then plain SMT. The most likely reason for
this is that statistical translation methods are not vulnerable to small mistakes
like spelling, etc. All the results were very encouraging, but more work
remains to be done in order to further optimize SMT translation quality. The
results also reinforce the importance of phrase table pruning so it can be small
enough to fit into mobile device memory. In our experiments, we were able to
obtain such threshold by reducing quality by about 5 BLEU points.
There are many advantages to the SMT approach that we took in our
research. First, an advanced SMT system was adapted for particular text
domains. Such a domain-adapted system produces higher-quality translations
Results and Conclusions 149

then general-purpose translation services, such as Google Translate, in specific

domains. In addition, our approach is not restricted by commercial license and
is easy to implement.
The proposed SMT approach, unlike other AR systems, translates all
the text it sees without need to transfer data over Internet. This promotes
automation and flexibility in an AR system user, since they do not have to
identify specific text for translation and are not limited to simple words or
phrases. Translating larger texts also leverages the value of context, which
increases translation quality. Lastly, our approach is easily extensible to any
language pair.

5.1.7 Neural networks in machine translation

The quality of machine translation is rapidly evolving. Today one can find
several machine translation systems on the web that provide reasonable
translations, although the systems are not perfect. In some specific domains,
the quality may decrease. A recently proposed approach to this domain is
neural machine translation. It aims at building a jointly-tuned single neural
network that maximizes translation performance, a very different approach
from traditional statistical machine translation. Recently proposed neural
machine translation models often belong to the encoder-decoder family, in
which a source sentence is encoded into a fixed length vector that is, in turn,
decoded in order to generate a translation. This part of the research examines
the effects of different training methods on a Polish-English Machine
Translation system used for medical data. The European Medicines Agency
parallel text corpus was used as the basis for training of neural and statistical
network-based translation systems. A comparison and implementation of a
medical translator is the main focus of this experiments.
MT systems have no knowledge of language rules. Instead, they translate
by analyzing large amounts of text in language pairs. They can be trained for
specific domains or applications using additional data germane to a selected
domain. MT systems typically deliver translations that sound fluent, although
they tend to be less consistent than human translations. Statistical machine
translation (SMT) has rapidly evolved in recent years. However, existing
SMT systems are far from perfect, and their quality decreases significantly
in specific domains. For instance, Google Translate would work well for
generalized texts like dialogs or traveler aid but would fail when translating
medical or law terms. To show the contrast, we will compare the results to
Google Translate engine. The scientific community has been engaged in SMT
research. Among the greatest advantages of statistical machine translation is
that perfect translations are not required for most applications [8]. Users are
generally interested in obtaining a rough idea of a text’s topic or what it means.
150 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

However, some applications require much more than this. For example, the
beauty and correctness of writing may not be important in the medical field,
but the adequacy and precision of the translated message is very important. A
communication or translation error between a patient and a physician in regard
to a diagnosis may have serious consequences on the patient’s health. Progress
in SMT research has recently slowed down. As a result, new translation
methods are needed. Neural networks provide a promising approach for
translation [139] due to the their rapid progress in terms of methodology and
computation power. They also bring the opportunity to overcome limits of
statistical-based methods that are not context-aware.
Machine translation has been applied to the medical domain due to the
recent growth in the interest in and success of language technologies. As an
example, a study was done on local and national public health websites in
the USA with an analysis of the feasibility of edited machine translations for
health promotional documents [173]. It was previously assumed that machine
translation was not able to deliver high quality documents that can used
for official purposes. However, language technologies have been steadily
advancing in quality. In the not-too-distant future, it is expected that machine
translation will be capable of translating any text in any domain at the required
The medical data field is a bit narrow, but very relevant and a promising
research area for language technologies. Medical records can be translated by
use of machine translation systems. Access to translations of a foreign patient’s
medical data might even save their life. Direct speech-to-speech translation
systems are also possible. An automated speech recognition (ASR) system
can be used to recognize a foreign patient’s speech. After it is recognized, the
speech could be translated into another language with synmonograph in real
time. As an example, the EU-BRIDGE project intends to develop automatic
transcription and translation technology. The project desires innovative
multimedia translation services for audiovisual materials between European
and non-European languages.33
Making medical information understandable is relevant to both
physicians and patients [238]. As an example, Healthcare Technologies for
the World Traveler emphasizes that a foreign patient may need a description
and explanation of their diagnosis, along with a related and comprehensive set
of information. In most countries, residents and immigrants communicate in
languages other than the official one [239].
Karliner et al. [67] talks of the necessity of human translators obtaining
access to healthcare information and, in turn, improving its quality. However,

Results and Conclusions 151

telemedicine information translators are often not available for either

professionals or patients. Machine translation should be further developed in
order to reduce the cost associated with medical translation [68]. In addition,
it is important to increase its availability and overall quality.
Patients, medical professionals and researchers need adequate access to
the telemedicine information that is abundant on the web [70]. This information
has the potential to improve health and well-being. Medical research could
also improve the sharing of medical information. English is the most used
language in medical science, though not the only one.
The goal of this research is to present the experiments on neural-based
machine translation in comparison to statistical machine translation. The
adaptation of translation techniques, as well as proper data preparation for the
need of PL-EN translation, was also necessary. Such systems could possibly
be used in real time speech to speech translation systems and aid foreign
travelers that would require medical assistance. Combining such system
with OCR and an augmented reality tool could bring a real time translator
to mobile devices as well. Human interpreters with a proper medical training
are extremely rare and costly. Machine translation could also assist in the
evaluation of medical history, diagnoses, proper medical treatments, health
related information and the findings of medical researchers from the entire
word. Mobile devices, the Internet and web applications can be used to boost
delivery of machine translation services for medical purposes, even as real
time speech-to-speech services. Neural networks in translations

Machine learning is the programming of computers for optimization of a
performance criterion with the use of past experience/example data. It focuses
on the learning part of conventional intelligence. Based on the input type
available while training or the desired outcome of the algorithms, machine
learning algorithms can be organized into different categories, e.g., reinforced
learning, supervised learning, semi-supervised learning, unsupervised
learning, development learning and transductive inference. With a number of
algorithms, learning of each type can take place. The artificial neural network
(ANN) is a unique learning algorithm inspired by the functional aspects and
structure of the brain’s biological neural networks. With use of ANN, it is
possible to execute a number of tasks, such as classification, clustering and
prediction, using machine learning techniques like supervised or reinforced
learning. Therefore, ANN is a subset of machine learning algorithms [192].
Neural machine translation is a new approach to machine translation in
which a large neural network is trained to maximize translation performance.
This is, undoubtedly, a radical departure from existing phrase-based
152 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

statistical translation approaches, in which a translation system consists of

subcomponents that are separately optimized. A bidirectional recurrent neural
network (RNN), known as an encoder, is used by the neural network in order
to encode a source sentence for a second RNN, known as a decoder, that is
used to predict words in the target language [240].
Now, let us compare neural networks with human activity. Whenever a
new neural network is created, it is like a child being born. After birth, the
training of the network starts. Unsurprisingly, it is possible to create the neural
networks for certain domains or applications. Here, the difference between
neural networks and childbirth is rather obvious. First, a decision to create
the needed neural network is made. On the other hand, childbirth results are
naturally random. After childbirth, one cannot know whether a child will
concentrate on studies through his or her entire life. That is left in the hands
of the child and the parents. Parents undoubtedly play an important role in
child development, and this aspect is similar to the person creating a neural
network. In the same way that a child develops to be an expert in a certain
domain, neural networks are also trained to be experts in specific domains.
Once an automatic learning mechanism is established in neural networks, it
practices, and with time it does work on its own, as expected. After proof that
the neural network is working correctly, it is called an “expert,” as it operates
according to its own judgment [241].
Both the human and neural networks can learn and develop to be experts
in a certain domain, with both being mortal. But what is the difference between
them? The major difference is that humans can forget, unlike neural networks.
A neural network will never forget, once trained, as information learned is
permanent and hard-coded. Human knowledge may not be permanent. A
number of factors may cause the death of brain cells, with stored information
getting lost, and the human brain starts forgetting [241].
Another major difference is accuracy. Once a particular process is
automated via a neural network, the results can be repeated and will definitely
remain as accurate as calculated the first time. Humans are rather different.
The first ten processes may be accurate, with the next ten characterized by
mistakes. Another major difference is speed [241]. Data preparation

The used corpus was derived from the European Medicines Agency (EMEA34)
parallel corpus with Polish language data included. It was created from
EMEA’s biomedical PDF documents. The derived corpus includes medical

Results and Conclusions 153

product documents and their translation into 22 official European Union

languages [242]. It consists of roughly 1,500 documents for each language,
but not all of them are available in every language. The data comprises 80 MB
and 1,044,764 sentences constructed from 11.67 million untokenized words.35
The data is UTF-8 encoded text. In addition, the texts were separated and
structured in language pairs. This corpus was chosen as the most similar to
medical texts (which could not be accessed in sufficient quantity) in terms of
vocabulary and complexity.
The vocabulary consisted of 109,320 unique English and 148,160
unique Polish tokens. When it comes to translation from English to Polish,
the disproportionate vocabulary sizes and the number of tokens makes it a
challenging task.
Prior to using the training translation model, preprocessing included
long sentence (set to 80 tokens) removal to limit model size and computation
time. For this purpose, Moses toolkit scripts were employed [8]. Moses is
an open source SMT toolkit supporting linguistically-motivated factors,
network decoding and data formats required for efficient use by language and
translation models. The toolkit also included an SMT decoder, a wide variety
of training tools, tuning tools and a system applied to a number of translation
English data preparation was much less complicated as compared to that
of Polish data. A tool to clean the English data was developed by eliminating
strange symbols, foreign words, etc. The English data had much fewer errors,
though there was a need to fix some problems. Translations in languages other
than English proved to be problematic, with repetitions, UTF-8 symbols and
unfinished sentences. When corpora are built by automatic tools, such errors
are typical. Translation systems

Various experiments have been carried out for the evaluation of different
versions of translation systems. The experiments included a number of steps,
including corpora processing, cleaning, tokenization, factorization, splitting,
lower casing and final cleaning. A Moses-based SMT system was used for
testing with comparison of performance to a neural network.
The Experiment Management System (EMS) [46] was used together with
the SMT Moses Open Source toolkit. In addition, the SRI Language Modelling
Toolkit (SRILM) [9], used alongside an interpolated version of Kneser-Ney
discounting, was employed for training of a 5-gram language model. For

154 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

word and phrase alignment, the MGIZA++ tool [9], a multithreaded version
of the GIZA++ tool, was employed. KenLM [10] was employed in order
to ensure high quality binaries of the language model. Lexical reordering
was placed at the mid-bidirectional-fe model, and the phrase probabilities
were reordered according to their lexical values. This included three unique
reordering orientation types applied to source and target phrases: Monotone
(M), swap (S) and discontinuous (D). The bidirectional model’s reordering
includes the probabilities of positions in relation to the actual and subsequent
phrases. The probability distribution of English phrases is evaluated by “e,”
and foreign phrase distribution by “f”. For appropriate word alignment, a
method of symmetrizing the text was developed. At first, two-way alignments
from GIZA++ were structured, which resulted in leaving only the points
of alignments appearing in both. The next phase involved combination
of additional alignment points appearing in the union. Additional steps
contributed to potential point alignment of neighboring and unaligned words.
Neighboring can be positioned to the left or right, top or bottom, with an
additional diagonal (grow dialog) position. In the final phase, a combination
of alignment points between words is considered, where some are unaligned.
The application of the grow dialog method will determine points of alignment
between two unaligned words [18].
The neural network was implemented using the Groundhog and Theano
tools. Most of the neural machine translation models being proposed belong
to the encoder-decoder family [243] with use of an encoder and a decoder
for every language, or use of a language-specific encoder to each sentence
application whose outputs are compared [243]. A translation is the output a
decoder gives from the encoded vector. The entire encoder-decoder system,
consisting of an encoder and decoder for each language pair, is jointly trained
for maximization of the correct translation.
A potential downside to this approach is that a neural network will need
to have the capability of compressing all necessary information from a source
sentence into a vector of a fixed length. A challenge in dealing with long
sentences may arise. Cho et al. showed that an increase in length of an input
sentence will result in the deterioration of basic encoder performance [243].
That is the reason behind the encoder-decoder model, which learns to
jointly translate and align. After generating a word when translating, the
model searches for position sets in the source sentence that contains all the
required information. A target word is then predicted by the model based on
context vectors [78].
A significant and unique feature of this model approach is that it does not
attempt to encode an input sentence into a vector of fixed length. Instead, the
sentence is mapped to a vector sequence, and the model adaptively chooses
Results and Conclusions 155

a vector subset as it decodes the translation. This gets rid of the burden of
a neural translation model compressing all source sentence information,
regardless of length, into a fixed length vector [78].
Two types of neural models were trained. The first is an RNN Encoder–
Decoder [78], and the other is the model proposed in [78]. Each model was
trained with the sentences of length up to 50 words. The encoder and decoder
had 1000 hidden units. Multilayer network with a single maxout [244] hidden
layer to compute the conditional probability of each target word [245] was
used. In addition, a minibatch stochastic gradient descent (SGD) algorithm
together with Adadelta [246] was used to train each model. Each SGD update
direction was computed using a minibatch of 80 sentences. When models
were trained, a beam search algorithm was used in order to find a translation
that approximately maximizes the conditional probability [247, 248]. Results
The experiments were performed in order to evaluate the optimal translation
methods for English to Polish and vice versa. The experiments involved
the running of a number of tests with use of the developed language data.
Random selection was used for data collection, accumulating 1000 sentences
for each case. Sentences composed of 50 words or fewer were used, due to
hardware limits, with 500,000 training iterations and neural networks having
750 hidden layers. The NIST, BLEU, TER and METEOR metrics were used
for evaluation of the results. The TER metric tool is considered as the best
one, showing a low value for high quality, while other metrics use high scores
to indicate high quality. For comprehension and comparison, all metrics were
made to fit into the 0 to 100 range.
Scores lower than 15 BLEU points mean that the machine translation
engine is unable to provide satisfactory quality, as reported by Lavie [144]
and a commercial software manufacturer.36 A high level of post-editing will be
required in order to finalize output translations and reach publishable quality. A
system score greater than 30 means that translations should be understandable
without problems. Scores over 50 reflect good and fluent translations.
The computation time for statistical model was 1 day, whereas for each
neural model it was about 4–5 days. Statistical model was computed using
single Intel Core i7 CPU (8 threads). For neural model calculation the power
of GPU units was used (one GeForce 980 card).
The results presented in Table 51 are for Polish-to-English and in
Table 52 are for English-to-Polish translation results. Statistical translation

156 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

results are annotated as SMT in the tables. Translation results from the
most popular neural model are annotated as ENDEC, and SEARCH indicates
the neural network-trained systems. The results are visualized on the
Figures 33 and 34.

Table 51. Polish-to-English and translation results.

Google 18,11 36,89 66,14 62,76
SMT 36,73 55,81 60,01 60,94
ENDEC 21,43 35,23 47,10 47,17
SEARCH 24,32 42,15 56,23 51,78

Table 52. English-to-Polish and translation results.

Google 12,54 24,74 55,73 67,14
SMT 25,74 43,68 58,08 53,42
ENDEC 15,96 31,70 62,10 42,14
SEARCH 17,50 36,03 64,36 48,46

Polish-to-English translation results





SMT EndEc SEarch

blEu niST TEr METEor

Figure 33. Polish-to-English translation results.
Results and Conclusions 157

English-to-Polish translation results





SMT EndEc SEarch

blEu niST TEr TEr
Figure 34. English-to-Polish translation results.

A number of conclusions can be drawn directly from the results of the

research experiments. As anticipated, results of the encoder-decoder did
not match the SEARCH results. On the other hand, the statistical approach
obtained slightly better results than the SEARCH. Nevertheless, it must be
noted that a neural network translation system requires fewer resources for
training and maintenance. In addition, the translation results were manually
analyzed, due to similarity between the neural network and the brain. In many
cases, the neural network substituted words with other words occurring in
a similar context. As an example, an input sentence “I can’t hear you very
well” was first translated to “nie za dobrze pana słyszę” then translated
to “słabo pana słyszę” meaning “I hear you poorly.” Due to the need to
preserve meaning, this leads to a conclusion that an automatic statistical
evaluation method is not suited to neural machine translation and, also, that
the final score should be above the one measured. Neural machine translation
shows promise for future automatic translation systems. Even though
only a few steps have been taken in this research, satisfactory results are
already being obtained. With an enlarged number of hidden layers and
an increase in the training iteration numbers, language models have the
potential to greatly improve in quality [249]. The availability of GPUs can
enhance neural network training so as to become more computationally
Such systems can also be prepared for any required language pair.
Using machine translation on medical texts can have a great potential of
158 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

ensuring the benefits to patients, including tourists and people who do

not know the language of the country in which they require medical
help. Improved access to medical information can be very profitable for
patients, medical professionals and, eventually, to the medical researchers

5.1.8 Joint conclusions on SMT

Several conclusions can be drawn from the experimental results presented
here. Automatic and manual cleaning of the training files has some positive
impact, among the variations of the experiments. Obtaining and adapting
additional bilingual and monolingual data produced the biggest influence on
the translation quality itself. In each translation direction, using OSM and
adapting training and tuning parameters was necessary. This could not be
simply replicated from other experiments. It is necessary to adjust translation
parameters and techniques separately not only for each language and
translation direction but also for each text domain. Hierarchical translation
models seem to be beneficial in PL-EN translation.
In addition, converting Polish surface forms of words to lemma reduces
the Polish vocabulary, which should improve translation performance. Polish-
to-English translation typically outscores English-to-Polish translation,
even on the same data. This is also what would be expected in conducted
experiments with lemma. Nonetheless, the initial assumptions were not
confirmed in empirical tests.
Several potential opportunities for future work are of interest. Additional
experiments using extended language models are warranted in order to
determine if this improves SMT scores. It is also of interest to develop some
more web crawlers so as to obtain additional data that would most likely prove
useful. It was observed that the Wikipedia corpus that was created is still very
noisy, even after filtering and improvements to Yalign.
In the future, it is intended to try clustering the training data into word
classes in order to obtain smoother distributions and better generalizations.
Using class-based models was shown to be useful when translating into
morphologically-rich languages like Polish [79]. It is planned to use
unsupervised transliteration models, which have proved to be quite useful
in MT for translating OOV words, for disambiguation, and for translating
closely-related languages [80]. Using a fill-up combination technique (instead
of interpolation) may be useful when the relevance of the models is known
a priori—typically, when one is trained on in-domain data and the others on
out-of-domain data [57].
Results and Conclusions 159

5.2 Evaluation of obtained comparable corpora

Parallel sentences are a relatively scarce but extremely useful resource for
many applications, including cross-lingual retrieval and statistical machine
translation. This section evaluates data from newly obtained comparable
corpora using the methodologies described in Section 3.2. The evaluation is
highly practical, since mined parallel corpora are assessed for performance
in machine translation systems for the Polish-English language pair and in
various text domains.

5.2.1 Initial mining results using native Yalign solution

To train the classifier, good quality parallel data were needed, as well as a
dictionary that included translation probability. For this purpose, the TED
talks [15] corpora enhanced during the IWSLT’13 Evaluation Campaign [18]
was used, together with BTEC, EMEA, EUP and OPEN corpora. To obtain
a dictionary, a phrase table was trained and 1-grams were extracted from it.
The MGIZA++ tool for word and phrase alignment was used. The lexical
reordering was set to use the msd-bidirectional-fe method [22]. The grow-
diag-final-and word alignment symmetrization method was used. This method
starts with the intersection of two alignments, growing it in all directions with
neighboring and non-neighboring alignment points between words [22, 60,
127]. It is described in more detail in Section 4.9.2. The previously-described
data was used for bilingual classifier training. The mining procedure was
repeated with each of five different classifiers.
Using this method, it was possible to successfully mine a corpora of
approximately 80 MB from Wikipedia and 0.3 MB (1,417 bi-sentences) from
Euronews. The parallel data sets were combined into one large corpus for
use in the MT experiments. The detailed results for Wikipedia are presented
in Table 43. The results in Table 53 are divided in two sets obtained using
different classifiers (trained on different corpora). The classifier is SVM
described in Section 3.2.1.
During this empirical research, it was realized that Yalign suffers from
a problem that produces different results and quality measures, depending
on whether the system was trained from a foreign to a native language or
vice versa. To cover as much parallel data as possible during the mining, it
is necessary to train the classifiers bidirectionally for the language pairs of
interest. By doing so, additional bi-sentences can be found. Some of them will
be repeated; however, the potential increase in the parallel corpora is worth
the effort. Table 54 shows the number of sentences that were obtained in this
second phase of the mining, how many of them overlapped, and the number
of additional sentences obtained from mining.
160 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 53. Data mined from Wikipedia for each classifier.

Classifier Value PL EN
TED Size in MB 41.0 41.2
No. of sentences 357,931 357,931
No. of words 5,677,504 6,372,017
No. of unique words 812,370 741,463
BTEC Size in MB 3.2 3.2
No. of sentences 41,737 41,737
No. of words 439,550 473,084
No. of unique words 139,454 127,820
EMEA Size in MB 0.15 0.14
No. of sentences 1,507 1,507
No. of words 18,301 21,616
No. of unique words 7,162 5,352
EUP Size in MB 8.0 8.1
No. of sentences 74,295 74,295
No. of words 1,118,167 1,203,307
No. of unique words 257,338 242,899
OPEN Size in MB 5.8 5.7
No. of sentences 25,704 25,704
No. of words 779,420 854,106
No. of unique words 219,965 198,599

Table 54. Corpora statistics obtained in second mining phase.

Classifier Value Data Mined

TED Recognized sentences 132,611
Overlapping sentences 61,276
Newly obtained 71,335
BTEC Recognized sentences 12,447
Overlapping sentences 9,334
Newly obtained 3,113
EMEA Recognized sentences 762
Overlapping sentences 683
Newly obtained 79
EUP Recognized sentences 23, 952
Overlapping sentences 21,304
Newly obtained 2,648
OPEN Recognized sentences 11,751
Overlapping sentences 7,936
Newly obtained 3,815
Results and Conclusions 161

5.2.2 Native Yalign method evaluation

The results of the experiments involving the native Yalign method are shown
in Tables 55 and 56. Starting from the baseline system (BASE) tests in the PL
to EN and EN to PL directions, evaluation scores were increased by extending
the language model (LM), interpolating it (ILM), supplementing the corpora
with additional data (EXT), and filtering additional data with Modified Moore-
Lewis filtering (MML) [82].

Table 55. Polish-to-English MT experiments.


TED BASE 16.96 5.26 67.10 49.42
EXT 16.96 5.29 66.53 49.66
MML 16.84 5.25 67.55 49.31
LM 17.14 5.27 67.66 49.95
ILM 17.64 5.48 64.35 51.19
BTEC BASE 11.20 3.38 77.35 33.20
EXT 12.96 3.72 74.58 38.69
MML 12.80 3.71 76.12 38.40
LM 13.23 3.78 75.68 39.16
ILM 13.60 3.88 74.96 39.94
EMEA BASE 62.60 10.19 36.06 77.48
EXT 62.41 10.18 36.15 77.27
MML 62.72 10.24 35.98 77.47
LM 62.90 10.24 35.73 77.63
ILM 62.93 10.27 35.48 77.87
EUP BASE 36.73 8.38 47.10 70.94
EXT 36.16 8.24 47.89 70.37
MML 36.66 8.32 47.25 70.65
LM 36.69 8.34 47.13 70.67
ILM 36.72 8.34 47.28 70.79
OPEN BASE 64.54 9.61 32.38 77.29
EXT 65.49 9.73 32.49 77.27
MML 65.16 9.62 33.79 76.45
LM 65.53 9.70 32.94 77.00
ILM 65.87 9.74 32.89 77.08

To be more specific, the BLEU, METEOR and TER results for the TED
corpus, found in Tables 45 and 46, were evaluated in order to determine if the
differences in methods were relevant. The variance due to the BASE and MML
162 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

set selection was measured. It was calculated using bootstrap resampling37 for
each test run. The variances were 0.5 for BLEU, 0.3 for METEOR, and 0.6 for
TER. The positive variances mean that there are significant (to some extent)
differences between the test sets. It also indicates that a difference of this
magnitude is likely to be generated again by some random translation process,
which would most likely lead to better translation results in general [83].

Table 56. English-to-Polish MT experiments.


TED BASE 10.99 3.95 74.87 33.64
EXT 10.86 3.84 75.67 33.80
MML 11.01 3.97 74.12 33.77
LM 11.54 4.01 73.93 34.12
ILM 11.86 4.14 73.12 34.23
BTEC BASE 8.66 2.73 85.27 27.22
EXT 8.46 2.71 84.45 27.14
MML 8.50 2.74 83.84 27.30
LM 8.76 2.78 82.30 27.39
ILM 9.13 2.86 82.65 28.29
EMEA BASE 56.39 9.41 40.88 70.38
EXT 55.61 9.28 42.15 69.47
MML 55.52 9.26 42.18 69.23
LM 55.38 9.23 42.58 69.10
ILM 55.62 9.30 42.05 69.61
EUP BASE 25.74 6.54 58.08 48.46
EXT 24.93 6.38 59.40 47.44
MML 24.88 6.38 59.34 47.40
LM 24.64 6.33 59.74 47.24
ILM 24.94 6.41 59.27 47.64
OPEN BASE 31.55 5.46 62.24 47.47
EXT 31.49 5.46 62.06 47.26
MML 31.33 5.46 62.13 47.31
LM 31.22 5.46 62.61 47.29
ILM 31.39 5.46 62.43 47.33

To verify this analysis, an SMT system using only data extracted from
comparable corpora (not using the original domain data) was trained. The

Results and Conclusions 163

mined data was also used as a language model. The evaluation was conducted
on the same test sets that were used in Tables 55 and 56. This was done
intentionally in order to determine how such a system would cope with the
translation of domain-specific text samples. Doing so provided an assessment
of the influence of additional data on translation quality and of the similarity
between mined data and in-domain data. The results are presented in
Tables 57 and 58. The BASE rows show the results for baseline systems
trained on original, in-domain data; the MONO rows indicate systems trained
only on mined data in one direction; and the BI rows show results for a system
trained on data mined in two directions with duplicate segments removed.
The results for the SMT systems based only on mined data are not very
surprising. First, they confirm the quality and high level of parallelism of the
corpora. This can be concluded from the translation quality, especially for
the TED data set. Only two BLEU scoring anomalies were observed when
comparing systems strictly trained on in-domain (TED) data and mined data for
EN-to-PL translation. It also seems reasonable that the best SMT scores were
obtained on TED data. This data set is the most similar to Wikipedia articles,
overlapping with it on many topics. In addition, the Yalign classifier trained on
the TED data set recognized most of the parallel sentences. The results show
that the METEOR metric, in some cases, increases when the other metrics
decrease. The most likely explanation for this is that other metrics suffer, in
comparison to METEOR, from the lack of a scoring mechanism for synonyms.
Wikipedia is a very wide domain, not only in terms of its topics, but also
its vocabulary. This leads to the conclusion that mined corpora are a good
source for extending sparse text domains. It is also the reason why test sets
originating from wide domains outscore those of narrow domains and, also,
why training on a larger mined data set sometimes slightly decreases the
results on very specific domains. Nonetheless, in many cases, after manual
analysis was conducted, the translations were good but the automatic metrics
were lower due to the usage of synonyms. The results also confirm that bi-
directional mining has a positive influence on the output corpora.
Bi-sentence extraction has become more and more popular in unsupervised
learning for numerous specific tasks. This method overcomes disparities
between English and Polish or any other West-Slavic language. It is a language-
independent method that can easily be adjusted to a new environment, and it
only requires parallel corpora for initial training. The experiments show that
the method performs well. The resulting corpora increased MT quality in wide
text domains. Decreased or very small score differences in narrow domains
are understandable, because a wide text domain such as Wikipedia most likely
adds unnecessary n-grams that do not exist in test sets from a very specific
domain. Nonetheless, it can be assumed that even small differences can make
a positive influence on real-life, rare translation scenarios.
164 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 57. PL-to-EN translation results using bi-directional mined data.


TED BASE 16.96 5.24 67.04 49.40
MONO 10.66 4.13 74.63 41.02
BI 11.90 4.13 74.59 42.46
BTEC BASE 8.66 2.73 85.27 27.22
MONO 8.46 2.71 84.45 27.14
BI 8.50 2.74 83.84 27.30
EMEA BASE 56.39 9.41 40.88 70.38
MONO 13.72 3.95 89.58 39.23
BI 14.07 4.05 89.12 40.22
EUP BASE 25.74 6.54 58.08 48.46
MONO 15.52 5.07 7155 51.01
BI 16.61 5.24 71.08 52.49
OPEN BASE 31.55 5.46 62.24 47.47
MONO 9.90 3.08 84.02 32.88
BI 10.67 3.21 83.12 34.35

Table 58. EN-to-PL translation results using bi-directional mined data.


TED BASE 9.97 3.87 75.36 32.82
MONO 6.90 3.09 81.21 27.00
BI 7.14 3.18 78.83 27.76
BTEC BASE 8.66 2.73 85.27 27.22
MONO 8.46 2.71 84.45 27.14
BI 8.76 2.78 82.30 27.39
EMEA BASE 56.39 9.41 40.88 70.38
MONO 13.66 3.95 77.82 32.16
BI 13.64 3.93 77.47 32.83
EUP BASE 25.74 6.54 58.08 48.46
MONO 9.92 4.10 72.51 32.06
BI 9.35 4.02 72.54 31.65
OPEN BASE 31.55 5.46 62.24 47.47
MONO 6.32 2.23 92.40 22.72
BI 6.53 2.27 89.03 22.94
Results and Conclusions 165

In addition, it was proven that mining data using two classifiers trained
from a foreign to a native language and vice versa can significantly improve
data quantity, even though some repetition is possible. Such bi-directional
mining, which is logical, found additional data, mostly for wide domains.
In narrow text domains, the potential gain is small. From a practical point of
view, the method requires neither expensive training nor language-specific
grammatical resources, but it produces satisfying results. It is possible
to replicate such mining for any language pair or text domain, or for any
reasonably comparable input data.

5.2.3 Improvements to the Yalign method

The results of experiments with methods for improving the performance of
Yalign are shown in Table 59. It is important to note that these results are not
comparable to those presented in Section 4.2.2, because the Yalign version
used in the following experiments was additionally improved as described in
Section 4.2.1. The data mining approaches shown in the tables are: Directional
(PL->EN classifier) mining (MONO), bi-directional (additional EN->PL
classifier) mining (BI), bi-directional mining with Yalign using a GPU-
accelerated version of the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm (NW), and mining
using a NW version of Yalign that was tuned (NWT). MONO is the total
number of obtained parallel sentences used with each of classifiers presented
in Table 53.

Table 59. Number of obtained bi-sentences.

Mining Method Number of Bi-Sentences Unique PL Tokens Unique EN Tokens

MONO 510,128 362,071 361,039
BI 530,480 380,771 380,008
NW 1,729,061 595,064 574,542
NWT 2,984,880 794,478 764,542

As shown in Table 59, each of the improvements increased the number

of parallel sentences discovered. In Table 60, the computational speed of the
various versions of the Yalign algorithm are compared.

Table 60. Computation time of different Yalign versions.

Mining Method Computation Time [s]

166 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Tables 61 and 62 show the results of the data quality experiments using
the following methods: The native Yalign implementation (Yalign), the multi-
threaded implementation (M Yalign), Yalign with the Needleman-Wunsch
algorithm (NW Yalign), and Yalign with a GPU-accelerated Needleman-
Wunsch algorithm (GNW Yalign). In the tables, BASE represents the baseline
system; MONO, the system enhanced with a mono-directional classifier; BI, a
system with bi-directional mining; NW, a system mined bi-directionally using
the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm; and TNW, a system with additionally
tuned parameters.
The results indicate that multi-threading significantly improved speed,
which is very important for large-scale mining. As anticipated, the Needleman-
Wunsch algorithm decreases speed (which is why authors of the Yalign did
not use it, in the first place). However, GPU acceleration makes it possible to
obtain performance almost as fast as that of the multi-threaded A* version. It
must be noted that the mining time may significantly differ when the alignment
matrix is large (i.e., text is long). The experiments were conducted on a hyper-

Table 61. Results of SMT enhanced comparable corpora for PL-to-EN translation.


TED BASE 16.96 5.26 67.10 49.42
MONO 16.97 5.39 65.83 50.42
BI 17.34 5.37 66.57 50.54
NW 17.45 5.37 65.36 50.56
TNW 17.50 5.41 64.36 90.62
EUP BASE 36.73 8.38 47.10 70.94
MONO 36.89 8.34 47.12 70.81
BI 36.56 8.34 47.33 70.56
NW 35.69 8.22 48.26 69.92
TNW 35.26 8.15 48.76 69.58
EMEA BASE 62.60 10.19 36.06 77.48
MONO 62.48 10.20 36.29 77.48
BI 62.62 10.22 35.89 77.61
NW 62.69 10.27 35.49 77.85
TNW 62.88 10.26 35.42 77.96
OPEN BASE 64.58 9.47 33.74 76.71
MONO 65.77 9.72 32.86 77.14
BI 65.87 9.71 33.11 76.88
NW 65.79 9.73 33.07 77.31
TNW 65.91 9.78 32.22 77.36
Results and Conclusions 167

Table 62. Results of SMT-enhanced comparable corpora for EN-to-PL translation.


TED BASE 10.99 3.95 74.87 33.64
MONO 11.24 4.06 73.97 34.28
BI 11.54 4.02 73.75 34.43
NW 11.59 3.98 74.49 33.97
TNW 11.98 4.05 73.65 34.56
EUP BASE 25.74 6.56 58.08 48.46
MONO 24.71 6.37 59.41 47.45
BI 24.63 6.35 59.73 46.98
NW 24.13 6.29 60.23 46.78
TNW 24.32 6.33 60.01 47.17
EMEA BASE 55.63 9.31 41.91 69.65
MONO 55.38 9.25 42.37 69.35
BI 56.09 9.32 41.62 69.89
NW 55.80 9.30 42.10 69.54
TNW 56.39 9.41 40.88 70.38
OPEN BASE 31.55 5.46 62.24 47.47
MONO 31.27 5.45 62.43 47.28
BI 31.23 5.40 62.70 47.03
NW 31.47 5.46 62.32 47.39
TNW 31.80 5.48 62.27 47.47

threaded Intel Core i7 CPU and a GeForce GTX 660 GPU. The quality of the
data obtained with the NW algorithm version, as well as the TNW version,
seems promising. Slight improvements in translation quality were observed,
but more importantly, much more parallel data was obtained.
Statistical significance tests were conducted in order to evaluate how the
improvements differ from each other. For each text domain, it was tested how
significant the obtained results were from each other.
Changes with low significance were marked with “*”, significant
changes were marked with “**”, and very significant with “***” in Tables 64
and 65. The significance test results in Table 63 showed visible differences
in most row-to-row comparisons. In Table 64, all results were determined to
be significant. Tables 65 and 66 show the results for an SMT system trained
with only data extracted from comparable corpora (not the original, in-domain
data). In the tables, BASE indicates the results for the baseline system trained
on the original in-domain data; MONO, a system trained only on mined data
in one direction; BI, a system trained on data mined in two directions with
168 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 63. Significance of improvements in PL-EN translation.

TED MONO 0.0622*
BI 0.0496**
NW 0.0454**
TNW 0.3450
EUP MONO 0.3744
BI 0.0302**
NW 0.0032***
TNW 0.0030***
EMEA MONO 0.4193
BI 0.0496**
NW 0.0429**
TNW 0.0186**
OPEN MONO 0.0346**
BI 0.0722*
NW 0.0350**
TNW 0.0259**

duplicate segments removed; NW, a system using bi-directionally mined data

with the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm; and TNW, a system with additionally
tuned parameters.

Table 64. Significance of improvements in EN-PL translation.

TED MONO 0.0305**
BI 0.0296**
NW 0.0099***
TNW 0.0084***
EUP MONO 0.0404**
BI 0.0560*
NW 0.0428**
TNW 0.0623*
EMEA MONO 0.0081***
BI 0.0211**
NW 0.0195**
TNW 0.0075***
OPEN MONO 0.0346**
BI 0.0722*
NW 0.0350**
TNW 0.0259**
Results and Conclusions 169

Significance tests were conducted in order to verify whether or not the

results of Tables 65 and 66 were meaningful. For each text domain, the
significance of the obtained results was compared with one another. Changes
with low significance were marked with “*”, significant changes were marked
with “**”, and very significant with “***” in Tables 67 and 68.
The results obtained in Tables 67 and 68 prove that results obtained in the
experiment were highly significant.
The results presented in Tables 65 and 66 show a slight improvement in
translation quality, which verifies that the improvements to Yalign positively
impact the overall mining process. It must be noted that the above mining
experiments were conducted using a classifier trained only on the TED data.
This is why the improvements are very visible on this corpora and less visible
on other corpora. In addition, similar to conclusions obtained in Chapter 4.2,
improvements obtained by enriching the training set were observed mostly
on wide-domain text, while for narrow domains the effects were negative.
The improvements were mostly observed on the TED data set, because the

Table 65. SMT results using only comparable corpora for PL-to-EN translation.


TED BASE 16.96 5.26 67.10 49.42
MONO 12.91 4.57 71.50 44.01
BI 12.90 4.58 71.13 43.99
NW 13.28 4.62 71.96 44.47
TNW 13.94 4.68 71.50 45.07
EUP BASE 36.73 8.38 47.10 70.94
MONO 21.82 6.09 62.85 56.40
BI 21.24 6.03 63.27 55.88
NW 20.20 5.88 64.24 54.38
TNW 20.42 5.88 63.95 54.65
EMEA BASE 62.60 10.19 36.06 77.48
MONO 21.71 5.09 74.30 44.22
BI 21.45 5.06 73.74 44.01
NW 21.47 5.06 73.81 44.14
TNW 22.64 5.30 72.98 45.52
OPEN BASE 64.58 9.47 33.74 76.71
MONO 11.53 3.34 78.06 34.71
BI 11.64 3.25 82.38 33.88
NW 11.64 3.32 81.48 34.62
TNW 11.85 3.35 77.59 35.08
170 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 66. SMT results using only comparable corpora for EN-to-PL translation.


TED BASE 10.99 3.95 74.87 33.64
MONO 7.89 3.22 83.90 29.20
BI 7.98 3.27 84.22 29.09
NW 8.50 3.28 83.02 29.88
TNW 9.15 3.38 78.75 30.08
EUP BASE 25.74 6.56 58.08 48.46
MONO 14.48 4.76 70.64 36.62
BI 13.91 4.67 71.32 35.83
NW 13.13 4.54 72.14 35.03
TNW 13.41 4.58 71.83 35.34
EMEA BASE 56.39 9.41 40.88 70.38
MONO 19.11 4.73 74.77 37.34
BI 18.65 4.60 75.16 36.91
NW 18.60 4.53 76.19 36.30
TNW 18.58 4.48 76.60 36.28
OPEN BASE 31.55 5.46 62.24 47.47
MONO 7.95 2.40 88.55 24.37
BI 8.20 2.40 89.51 24.49
NW 9.02 2.52 86.14 25.01
TNW 9.20 2.52 84.86 25.20

Table 67. Significance test for PL-EN translation.

TED MONO 0.0167**
BI 0.0209**
NW 0.0177**
TNW 0.0027***
EUP MONO 0.000***
BI 0.000***
NW 0.000***
TNW 0.000***
EMEA MONO 0.000***
BI 0.000***
NW 0.000***
TNW 0.000***
OPEN MONO 0.000***
BI 0.000***
NW 0.000***
TNW 0.000***
Results and Conclusions 171

Table 68. Significance test for EN-PL translation.

TED MONO 0.0215**
BI 0.0263**
NW 0.0265**
TNW 0.0072***
EUP MONO 0.000***
BI 0.000***
NW 0.000***
TNW 0.000***
EMEA MONO 0.0186**
BI 0.0134**
NW 0.0224**
TNW 0.0224**
OPEN MONO 0.000***
BI 0.000***
NW 0.000***
TNW 0.000***

classifier was only trained on text samples. Regardless, the text domain tuning
algorithm proved to always improve translation quality.
With the help of techniques explained earlier, we were capable of
creating comparable corpora for many PL-* language pairs and, later, probe
them for parallel phrases. We paired Polish (PL) with Arabic (AR), Czech
(CS), German (DE), Greek (EL), English (EN), Spanish (ES), Persian (FA),
French (FR), Hebrew (HE), Hungarian (HU), Italian (IT), Dutch (NL),
Portuguese (PT), Romanian (RO), Russian (RU), Slovenian (SL), Turkish
(TR) and Vietnamese (VI). Statistics of the resulting corpora are presented
in Table 69.
In order to assess the corpora quality and usefulness, we trained the
baseline SMT systems by utilizing the WIT38 data (BASE). We also augmented
them with resulting mined corpora both as parallel data as well as the language
models (EXT). The additional corpora were domain-adapted through the linear
interpolation and Modified Moore-Lewis filtering [250]. Tuning of the system
was not executed during experiments due to the volatility of the MERT [21].
However, usage of the MERT would have an overall positive impact on MT
system in general [21]. The results are showed in Table 70.

172 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 69. Results of mining after progress.

Language Number of Number of unique Number of unique

Pair bi-sentences PL tokens foreign tokens
PL-AR 823,715 1,345,702 1,541,766
PL-CS 62,507 197,499 206,265
PL-DE 169,739 345,266 341,284
PL-EL 12,222 51,992 51,384
PL-EN 172,663 487,999 412,759
PL-ES 151,173 411,800 377,557
PL-FA 6,092 31,118 29,218
PL-FR 51,725 215,116 206,621
PL-HE 10,006 42,221 47,645
PL-HU 41,116 130,516 136,869
PL-IT 210,435 553,817 536,459
PL-NL 167,081 446,748 425,487
PL-PT 208,756 513,162 491,855
PL-RO 6,742 38,174 37,804
PL-RU 170,227 365,062 440,520
PL-SL 17,228 71,572 71,469
PL-TR 15,993 93,695 92,439
PL-VI 90,428 240,630 204,464

The assessment was based on sets of official test sets from IWSLT 201339
conference. Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) measurement was used
to score the progress. As it was expected earlier, sets of supplementary data
enhance the general quality of translation for each and every language.
In order to verify the importance of our results, we conducted the
significance tests for 4 diverse languages. The decision was made to use the
Wilcoxon test. The Wilcoxon test (also known as the signed-rank test or the
matched-pairs test) is one of the most popular alternatives for the Student’s
t-test for dependent samples. It belongs to the group of non-parametric
tests. It is used to compare two (and only two) dependent groups, that is,
two measurement variables. The significance tests were conducted in order
to evaluate how the improvements differ from each other. Changes with low
significance were marked with *, significant changes were marked with **
and very significant with *** in presented Tables 71 and 72.

Table 70. Results of MT experiments.

PL-AR BASE àPL 19.67 PL-FA BASE àPL 14.21 PL-PT BASE àPL 27.07
EXT àPL 21.78 EXT àPL 14.32 EXT àPL 29.14
BASE PL 20.98 BASE PL 16.87 BASE PL 30.11
EXT PL 23.12 EXT PL 17.03 EXT PL 31.33
PL-CS BASE àPL 12.21 PL-FR BASE àPL 19.07 PL-RO BASE àPL 22.16
EXT àPL 12.98 EXT àPL 20.01 EXT àPL 22.26
BASE PL 13.44 BASE PL 21.13 BASE PL 25.01
EXT PL 14.21 EXT PL 21.56 EXT PL 25.67
PL-DE BASE àPL 23.68 PL-HE BASE àPL 17.03 PL-RU BASE àPL 12.36
EXT àPL 24.91 EXT àPL 17.65 EXT àPL 13.51
BASE PL 26.61 BASE PL 18.18 BASE PL 13.58
EXT PL 26.87 EXT PL 18.54 EXT PL 14.32
PL-EL BASE àPL 14.27 PL-HU BASE àPL 14.62 PL-SL BASE àPL 12.11
EXT àPL 14.67 EXT àPL 15.23 EXT àPL 12.57
BASE PL 17.22 BASE PL 17.18 BASE PL 14.26
EXT PL 17.28 EXT PL 17.81 EXT PL 14.61
PL-EN BASE àPL 15.91 PL-IT BASE àPL 18.83 PL-TR BASE àPL 11.59
EXT àPL 17.01 EXT àPL 19.87 EXT àPL 12.68
BASE PL 17.09 BASE PL 21.19 BASE PL 13.07
EXT PL 18.43 EXT PL 21.34 EXT PL 13.44
PL-ES BASE àPL 16.35 PL-NL BASE àPL 18.29 PL-VI BASE àPL 12.66
EXT àPL 17.92 EXT àPL 20.13 EXT àPL 14.12
BASE PL 18.34 BASE PL 20.79 BASE PL 14.11
EXT PL 18.65 EXT PL 21.45 EXT PL 15.17
Results and Conclusions 173
174 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 71. Significance tests pl->*.

Language Pair Number of bi-sentences

PL-EN 0.0103**
PL-CS 0.0217**
PL-AR 0.0011***
PL-VI 0.0023***

Table 72. Significance tests * ->PL.

Language Pair Number of bi-sentences

PL-EN 0.0193**
PL-CS 0.0153**
PL-AR 0.0016***
PL-VI 0.0027***

Bi-lingual sentence extraction has particular importance in dealing with

unsubstantiated learning processes for multiple tasks involved. With the
help of this methodology, we can easily resolve the dissimilarities between
Polish and other languages. It is a method that is independent from language
matters, it is adaptable to new environments for any language pair. Our
experiments validated the performance of the method. The corpora received as
consequence of the experiments can maximize the quality of MT in an under-
resourced text domain. However, in few scenarios, only small differences
have been observed in BLEU scores. Keeping that aside, it can be said that
even such small differences, can influence the real life situations positively
especially for infrequent translation cases. Moreover, the results of our
work are freely accessible for the research community (corpora is hosted at
OPUS40 and tools at GitHub41). In order to see things from a sensible outlook,
we can say that such methodology does not require large scale training or
special language specific rammer resources, and inspite of that they produce
gratifying results.
Because statistically classified data contains some amounts of noisy data,
in future we plan to develop precise filtering strategies for bi-lingual corpora.
The results of current solution are highly related to SVM classifier. In other
words, we plan to train more classifiers for different text domains in order to
discover more bi-lingual sentences.

Results and Conclusions 175

5.2.4 Parallel data mining using pipeline of tools

Sentence alignment by human translators was compared to the tool pipeline for
mining parallel data in experiments. Information about the human alignment
is presented in Table 73.

Table 73. Human alignment.

No. Vocab.Count Sentences Human No. Vocab.Count Sentences Human

Aligned Aligned
1 2526 1910 324 186 127 11 2861 2064 412 207 8
2 2950 3664 417 596 6 12 2186 1652 345 188 2
3 504 439 45 43 34 13 2799 3418 496 472 124
4 2529 1383 352 218 4 14 1164 1037 184 196 3
5 807 1666 104 275 10 15 2465 1781 365 189 3
6 2461 4667 368 618 1 16 1946 1839 282 198 132
7 2701 1374 560 210 16 17 966 782 113 96 7
8 1647 768 274 78 1 18 2005 1253 309 134 1
9 1189 1247 121 120 64 19 2443 2001 251 189 21
10 2933 3047 296 400 150 20 9888 3181 1297 367 2

In the “Vocab Count” column, the number of distinct words and their
forms are presented, in “Sentences,” the number of recognized sentences in
each language, and in “Human Aligned,” the number of sentence pairs aligned
by a human.
The same articles were processed with the described pipeline.

Table 74. Automatic alignment.

No. Hunaligned Filtered No. Hunaligned Filtered

1 109 130 18 0 11 8 325 0 0
2 6 527 25 2 12 2 256 0 0
3 17 24 0 0 13 70 414 1 0
4 4 302 1 0 14 3 182 0 0
5 6 211 1 0 15 3 285 0 0
6 1 498 0 0 16 111 108 0 0
7 16 440 0 0 17 7 98 0 0
8 1 221 0 0 18 1 202 0 0
9 51 62 0 0 19 21 192 0 0
10 127 245 0 0 20 2 1078 0 0
176 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 74 shows how many sentences Hunalign initially aligned as similar

and how many of them remained after filtering with the tool described in
Chapter 4.7.
Both the columns “YES” and “NO” under the Hunaligned heading are
aligned sentences. The numbers represent how many of them were aligned
correctly and how many had alignment errors. In the “Filtered” column, the
number of parallel sentences that remained after filtering is shown. In the
“YES” column, properly-aligned sentences are indicated, and in the “NO”
column, the erroneously-aligned sentences are given. In this experiment,
human translators were asked to check which of the remaining sentence pairs
were truly parallel and if any pairs were missed.
The author’s new method for obtaining, mining and filtering very
parallel, noisy-parallel and comparable corpora was also introduced. The
experiments show that the automated methods provide good accuracy and
some correlation with human judgment. Nevertheless, there is still room for
improvement in two areas. In the experiments, the amount of data obtained
via automated methods in comparison with human work is not satisfactory.
First, Hunalign would have performed much better if it was provided a good
quality dictionary, especially one that contains in-domain vocabulary. Second,
a statistical machine translation system would have greatly increased quality
by providing better translations. After the initial mining of the corpora,
the parallel data obtained can potentially be used for both purposes. First,
a phrase-table can be trained from extracted bi-sentences, and it would be
easy to extract a good in-domain dictionary (also including probabilities of
translations) from the table. Second, the SMT can be retrained with newly-
obtained bilingual sentence pairs from the mined data and adapted based on it
[84]. Lastly, the pipeline can be re-run with the new capabilities. The steps can
be repeated until the extraction results are fully satisfactory.

5.2.5 Analogy-based method

The results presented in Table 75 were obtained using a corpus of sentences
generated with the analogy detection method. Expanding the corpus with
newly-generated sentences gave decreasing results for all metrics.

Table 75. Results on TED corpus trained with additional analogy-based corpus.


TED Baseline 19.69 5.24 67.04 49.40
Analogy corpus 16.44 5.15 68.05 49.02
TED Baseline 9.97 3.87 75.36 32.82
Analogy corpus 9.74 3.84 75.21 32.55
Results and Conclusions 177

The most likely reason for such results is that the analogy method is
designed to extend existing parallel corpora from available non-parallel data.
However, in order to establish a meaningful baseline, it was decided to test a
noisy-parallel corpus independently mined using this method. Therefore, the
results are less favorable than those obtained using a Yalign-based method.
It seems that the problem is that the analogy-based method, in contrast with
Yalign-based methods, does not mine domain-specific data.
Additionally, after manual data analysis, it was noticed that the analogy-
based method suffers from duplicates and a relatively large amount of noisy
data, or low-order phrases. As a solution to this problem, it was decided to
apply two different methods of filtering. The first one is simple, based on
length of the sentences in a corpus. In addition, all duplicates and very short
(less than 10 characters) sentences were removed. As a result, it was possible
to retain 58,590 sentences in the final corpus. The results are denoted in
Table 76 as FL1. Second, the filtration method described in Section 4.7.2 was
used (FL2). The number of unique EN tokens before filtration was 137,262,
and there were 139,408 unique PL tokens. After filtration, there were 28,054
and 22,084 unique EN and PL tokens, respectively.

Table 76. Filtration results for analogy-based method (number of bi-sentences).

Number of sentences in base corpus 3,800,000

Number of rewriting models 8,128
Bi-sentences in base corpus 114,107
Bi-sentences after duplicates removal 64,080
Remaining bi-sentences after filtration (FL1) 58,590
Remaining bi-sentences after filtration (FL2) 6,557

5.3 Quasi comparable corpora exploration

The aim of this part of research was the preparation of parallel and quasi-
comparable corpora and language models. This work improves SMT quality
through the processing and filtering of parallel corpora and through extraction
of additional data from the resulting quasi-comparable corpora. To enrich the
language resources of SMT systems, adaptation and interpolation techniques
will be applied to the prepared data. Experiments were conducted using data
from a wide domain (TED42 presentations on various topics).
Evaluation of SMT systems was performed on random samples of parallel
data using automated algorithms to evaluate the quality and potential usability
of the SMT systems’ output [22].

178 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

In this part, methodologies that obtain parallel corpora from data sources
that are not sentence-aligned and very non-parallel, such as quasi-comparable
corpora, are presented. The results of initial experiments on text samples
obtained from the Internet crawled data are presented. The quality of the
approach used was measured by improvements in MT systems translations.
For the experiments in data mining, the TED corpora prepared for the
IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign by the FBK43 was chosen. This domain is
very wide and covers many unrelated subject areas. The data contains almost
2.5 M untokenized words [15]. The experiments were conducted on PL-EN
(Polish-English) corpora.
The solution can be divided into three main steps. First, the quasi-
comparable data is collected, then it is aligned based on keywords, and finally
the aligned results are mined for parallel sentences. The last two steps are not
trivial, because there are great disparities between polish-english documents.
Text samples in English corpus are mostly misaligned, with translation lines
whose placement does not correspond to any text lines in the source language.
Moreover, most sentences have no corresponding translations in the corpus
at all. The corpus might also contain poor or indirect translations, making
alignment difficult.
Thus, alignment is crucial for accuracy. Sentence alignment must also be
computationally feasible to be of practical use in various applications.
Before a mining tool processes the data, it must be prepared. Firstly, all
the data is downloaded and saved in a database. In order to obtain data, a web
crawler was developed. As input, our tool requires bi-lingual dictionary or a
phrase table with probability of such translation. Such input can be obtained
using parallel corpora and tools like GIZA++ [148]. Based on such bi-lingual
translation equivalents it is possible to make a query to the Google Search
engine. Secondly, we applied filtering of not likely translations and limiting
number of crawled search results. In this research we used only 1-gram
dictionary of words that for 70% were translations of each other. For each
keyword, we crawled only 5 pages. Such strict limits were necessary because
of the time required for web crawling, however, it is obvious that much more
data with better precision and domain adaptation will be obtained when
crawling higher order n-grams. In summary, 43,899 pairs were used from the
dictionary, which produced almost 3.4 GB of data that contained 45,035,931
lines in english texts and 16,492,246 in polish texts. The average length of EN
articles was equal to 3,724,007 tokens and of PL to 4,855,009.
Secondly, our tool aligns article pairs and unifies the encoding of articles
that do not exist in UTF-8. These keyword-aligned articles are filtered to

Results and Conclusions 179

remove any HTML tags, XML tags or noisy data (tables, references, figures,
etc.). Finally, bilingual documents are tagged with a unique ID as a quasi-
comparable corpus. To extract the parallel sentence pairs, a decision was made
to try a strategy designed to automate the parallel text mining process by finding
sentences that are close translation matches from quasi-comparable corpus.
This presents opportunities for harvesting parallel corpora from sources, like
translated documents and the web, that are not limited to a particular language
pair. However, alignment models for two selected languages must first
be created. For this, the same methodology as for the comparable corpora
was used.
As already mentioned, some methods for improving the performance of
the native classifier were developed. First, speed improvements were made
by introducing multi-threading to the algorithm, using a database instead
of plain text files or Internet links, and using GPU acceleration in sequence
comparison. More importantly, two improvements were made to the quality
and quantity of the mined data. The A* search algorithm was modified to use
Needleman-Wunsch, and a tuning script of mining parameters was developed.
In this section, the PL-EN TED corpus will be used to demonstrate the impact
of the improvements (it was the only classifier used in the mining phase).
The data mining approaches used were: Directional (PL->EN classifier)
mining (MONO), bi-directional (additional EN->PL classifier) mining (BI),
bi-directional mining using a GPU-accelerated version of the Needleman-
Wunsch algorithm (NW), and mining using the NW version of the classifier
that was tuned (NWT). The results of such mining are shown in Table 77.

Table 77. Obtained bi-sentences.

Mining Method Number of Bi-Sentences

MONO 21,132
BI 23,480
NW 24,731
NWT 27,723

Table 78. Computation time.

Mining Method Computation Time [s]

Y 272.27
MY 63.1
NWMY 112.6
GNWMY 74.4
180 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

As presented in Table 78, each of the improvements increased the number

of parallel sentences discovered. In addition, in Table 78 a speed comparison
is made using different versions of the tool. A total of 1,000 comparable
articles were randomly selected from Wikipedia and aligned using the native
implementation (Y), multi-threaded implementation (MY), classifier with
the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm (NWMY), and with a GPU-accelerated
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm (GNWMY).
The results indicate that multi-threading significantly improved speed,
which is very important for large-scale mining. As anticipated, the Needleman-
Wunsch algorithm decreases speed. However, GPU acceleration makes it
possible to obtain performance almost as fast as that of the multi-threaded A*
version. It must be noted that the mining time may significantly differ when
the alignment matrix is big (text is long). The experiments were conducted on
a hyper-threaded Intel Core i7 CPU and a GeForce GTX 980 GPU.
Using techniques described above, we were able to build quasi-comparable
corpora and mine it for parallel sentences for the Polish-English language
pair and evaluate it using data being part of IWSLT 2014 conference. The
obtained parallel corpus (EXT) and the TED corpora statistics are presented in
Table 79.
Table 79. Corpora statistics.

Corpus Number of Number of unique Number of unique

bi-sentences EN tokens foreign tokens
TED 2,459,662 2,576,938 2,864,554
EXT 818,300 1,290,000 1,120,166

Table 80. Results of MT experiments.


PL-EN BASE àEN 30.21
EXT àEN 31.37
BASE EN 21.07
EXT EN 22.47

To evaluate the corpora, we trained baseline systems using IWSLT 2014

official data sets and enriched them with obtained quasi-comparable corpora,
both as parallel data and as language models. The enriched systems were
trained with the baseline settings but additional data was adapted using linear
interpolation and Modified Moore-Levis [82]. Because of the well know
MERT instability, tuning was not performed in the experiments [21].
The evaluation was conducted using official test sets from IWSLT 2010-
2013 campaigns and averaged. For scoring purposes, Bilingual Evaluation
Results and Conclusions 181

Understudy (BLEU) metric was used. The results of the experiments are
shown in Table 80. BASE in Table 80 stands for baseline system and EXT for
enriched systems.
As anticipated, additional data sets improved overall translation quality
for each language and in both translation directions. The gain in quality was
observed mostly in the English to foreign language direction.

5.4 Other fields of MT techniques application

The aim of this chapter is to present current methods in MT used in other field
of research and also to show how data pre-processing in certain situations can
improve translation quality.

5.4.1 HMEANT and other metrics in re-speaking quality

Re-speaking is a mechanism for obtaining high quality subtitles for use in live
broadcast and other public events. Because it relies on humans performing
the actual re-speaking, the task of estimating the quality of the results is
non-trivial. Most organisations rely on humans to perform the actual quality
assessment, but purely automatic methods have been developed for other
similar problems, like Machine Translation. This research will try to compare
several of these methods: BLEU, EBLEU, NIST, METEOR, METEOR-PL,
TER, RIBES and HMEANT. These will then be matched to the human-
derived NER metric, commonly used in re-speaking.
One of the main driving forces in Speech Technology, for the last several
years, comes from the efforts of various groups and organizations tackling
with the issue of disability, specifically deaf and hearing-impaired people.
Most notably, a long term effort by such organisations has lead to a plan by
the European Commision to enable “Subtitling of 100% of programs in public
TV all over the EU by 2020 with simple technical standards and consumer
friendly rules” [251]. This ambitious task would not be possible to achieve
without the aid of Speech Technology. While there has been a considerable
improvement of quality of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) technology
recently, many of the tasks present in real-life are simply beyond complete
automation. On the other hand, there are tasks, which are also impossible
to achieve by humans without the aid of ASR. For example, movie subtitles
are usually done by human transcribers and can take a day, up to a week, per
material to complete. Live subtitling, however, can sustain only a few seconds
delay between the time an event is recorded and the time it appears on the
viewer’s screen. This is where re-speaking comes into play. The idea of re-
speaking is to use ASR to create live and fully annotated subtitles, but rather
182 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

than risking misrecognition of the speech happening in the live recording, a

specially trained individual, the so-called re-speaker, repeats the speech from
the recorded event in a quiet and controlled environment. This approach has
many advantages that guarantee excellent results: Controlled environment,
the ability to adapt the speaker, the ability of the speaker to adapt to the
software, solving problems like double-speak, cocktail party effect and non-
grammatic speech by paraphrasing. The standard of quality required by many
jurisdictions demands less than 2% of errors [252]. From the point of view of a
re-speaker, this problem is very similar to that of an interpreter only instead of
translating from one language to another, re-speaking is usually done within
one language only. There are many aspects of re-speaking worthy of their
own insight [253], but this monograph will deal only with the issue of quality
assessment. Similarly to Machine Translation (MT), the assessment of the
accuracy of re-speaking is not a trivial task, because there are many possible
ways to paraphrase an utterance, just like there are many ways to translate
any given sentence. Measuring the accuracy of such data has to take semantic
meaning into account, rather than blindly performing simple word-to-word
comparison. One option is to use humans to perform this evaluation, as in the
NER model, described later in the monograph. This has been recognized as
very expensive and time-consuming [254]. As a result, human effort cannot
keep up with the growing and continual need for the evaluation. This led to
the recognition that the development of automated evaluation techniques is
critical [254, 26]. Unfortunately most of the automatic evaluation metrics were
developed for other purposes than re-speaking (mostly machine translation)
and are not suited for languages like Polish that differ semantically and
structurally from English. Polish has complex declension, 7 cases, 15 gender
forms and complicated grammatical construction. This leads to a larger
vocabulary and greater complexity in data requirements for such tasks. Unlike
Polish, English does not have declensions. In addition, word order, especially
the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) pattern, is absolutely crucial in determining
the meaning of an English sentence [18]. While these automatic metrics have
already been thoroughly studied, we feel that there is still much to be learnt,
especially in different languages and for different tasks, like re-speaking.
This monograph will compare some of these automated and human assisted
metrics, while also considering issues related specifically to Polish. A small
introduction to all the metrics is presented in the beginning of the monograph,
followed by an experiment using actual re-speaking data. RIBES metric

The focus of the RIBES metric is word order. It uses rank correlation
coefficients based on word order in order to compare SMT and reference
Results and Conclusions 183

translations. The primary rank correlation coefficients used are Spearman’s

ρ, which measures the distance of differences in rank, and Kendall’s τ, which
measures the direction of differences in rank [18]. These rank measures can
be normalized in order to ensure positive values [18]:
Normalized Spearman’s ρ (STB) = (U + 1)/2
Normalized Kendall’s X (SYA) = (X + 1)/2

These measures can be combined with precision P and modified to avoid

overestimating the correlation of only corresponding words in the SMT and
reference translations:
NSR Pα and NKT Pα
where α is a parameter in the range 0 < α < 1. NER metric

The NER model [255] is a simple extension of the word accuracy metric
adapted specifically for measuring the accuracy of subtitles. It is one of two
measures that is of particular importance for media providers (television
companies, movie distributors, etc.), the other one being the reduction rate.
Generally, the aim of good subtitles is to reduce the length of written text as
much as possible (in order to preserve space on screen and make it easier to
read) while maintaining an almost perfect accuracy (usually above 98%).
Since we are dealing with paraphrasing, it is very difficult to perform
accurate measurements by comparing the text only. The NER model gets
around this problem by counting errors using a simple formula, which inspired
its name:
accuracy × 100%
where N is the number of analysed tokens (usually also includes punctuation),
E is the number of errors performed by the re-speaker, and R is the number of
errors performed by the ASR system (on re-speaker’s speech). Additionally,
the errors in E are weighted: 0.25 for minor errors, 0.5 for normal and 1
for serious errors. There are user-friendly tools available for making these
assessments and, obviously, there may be a certain level of human bias
involved in these estimates. Nevertheless, all the decisions are thoroughly
checked and explainable using this method, which makes it one of the most
popular techniques for subtitle quality assessment used by many regulatory
bodies worldwide.
184 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing Data and experimental setup

The data used in the experiments described in this monograph was collected
during a study performed in the Institute of Applied Linguistics at the
University of Warsaw [255]. This, still ongoing, study aims to determine the
relevant features of good re-speakers and their technique. One of the obvious
measures is, naturally, the quality of re-speaking discussed in this monograph.
The subjects were studied in several hour sessions, where they had to
perform various tasks and psychological exams. The final test was to do actual
re-speaking of pre-recorded material. This was simultaneously recorded and
recognized by a commercial, off-the-shelf ASR suite. The software was
moderately adapted to the re-speaker during a several hour session, a few
weeks before the test.
The materials included four different 5 minute segments in the speaker’s
native language and one in English (where the task was also translation). The
recordings were additionally transcribed by a human, to convey exactly what
the person said. The final dataset contains three sets of transcriptions:
1. The transcription of the original recorded material
2. The transcription of the re-speaker transcribed by a human (used in the
3. The output of the ASR recognizing the re-speaker
Table 81 contains results of human evaluation using NER and Reduction
(the goal is to have as big NER and Reduction as possible at the same time)
and semi-automatic using HMEANT metric.
Two annotators with no linguistic background were asked to participate.
Each annotator evaluated exactly 15 re-spoken samples, each of which
contained 40 sentences that were supposed to be annotated by them. Results
Backward linear regression has been used in analysis for the following
• The data is linear (correlation analysis present linear relation)
• The data is ratio level data, therefore, good for linear regression
• The regression analysis provides more than one regression result, thus,
the best variables can be found.
Reliable variables are extracted by excluding irrelevant variables from
the 1st to the last stage (give the most reliable variables).
For this analysis, the Standardized Coefficients would have the strength
of relationship extracted from the Unstandardized Coefficients. The sig
Results and Conclusions 185

Table 81. Results of human evaluation.


93,61 0,6016 22,77
94,09 0,6626 14,33
94,78 0,871 9,31
95,96 0,9395 2,71
94,77 0,6854 10,15
97,01 0,8958 3,89
95,83 0,7407 8,63
87,56 0,4621 25,21
85,76 0,4528 28,09
93,98 0,7148 8,63
95,79 0,5994 11,68
94,77 0,4641 19,12
97,41 0,9253 0,34
93,76 0,9529 5,75
93,89 0,8086 4,4
93,97 0,8194 7,45
92,74 0,725 8,46
88,07 0,6437 25,21
86,68 0,2976 32,66
84,36 0,4148 52,12
95,01 0,719 11,84
92,23 0,6244 11,84
93,11 0,5676 27,58
95,36 0,796 6,09
89,97 0,589 21,15
94,95 0,7975 5,41
95,75 0,8302 7,45
98,69 0,8869 4,23
89,37 0,5852 -6,6
93,73 0,8144 2,2

(p-value) was judged with the alpha (0.05) in order to investigate the most
significant variables that explain the NER metrics. The Adjusted R-square
(R2) would provide the information, how much the variables are explaining
the NER variances.
Table 82 represents the regression summary for NER with HMEANT
and REDUCTION metrics. Here, at first, the model has both HMEANT
186 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

and REDUCTION metrics and HMEANT are the significant predictors of

NER. Additionally, REDUCTION is the insignificant metric, thus, it has
been removed for the second model. In the second model, only HMEANT
(p = 0.000) is significant as it has p-value below the alpha (0.05). In this
case, the final model (2nd model) shows that the B-value for HMEANT is
0.162, indicating that a one-unit increase in HMEANT value would bring
a 0.162 times increase in NER value, higher beta value (B) indicates strong
relationship. The constant value in this case is equal to 81.824 (higher constant
value indicates more error in the model). The Regression overall explains
59.4% variability of NER values, which is statistically acceptable.

Table 82. Regression result summary for NER and HMEANT, REDUCTION metrics.

Model Unstandardized Standardized T Sig. Adjusted

Coefficients Coefficients R-square
B Std. Error Beta
1st (Constant) 81.814 1.825 44.838 .000
model HMEANT .156 .026 .744 5.925 .000 0.603

REDUCTION .030 .038 .102 .810 .425

2nd (Constant) 81.824 1.813 45.123 .000
model HMEANT .162 .025 .770 6.395 .000 0.594

a. Dependent Variable: NER

From the two models, it has been found that HMEANT is a significant
predictor of NER (which means it correlates with human judgments
correctly). The regression equation that can compute the value of NER based
on HMEANT statistical metrics as:
NER = 81.82 + 0.162 * HMEANT
Moving forward, regression residual plots from the above regression
for the significant metrics are presented in Figure 35. The histogram and
normality plots show the distribution of residual, and the scatter plot shows
relation between dependent metric with regression residual. The closer the
dots in the plot to the regression line, the better the R-square value and the
better the relationship.
Figure 35, shows the regression residual analysis for HMEANT, and
it is clear that the histogram and normality plot show that the residuals are
distributed normally.
Lastly, we analysed the IAA, dividing it into annotation and alignment
steps. The agreement in annotation was quite high, equal to 0.87, but in the
alignment step the agreement was 0.63, most likely because of the subjective
human feelings about the meaning. In addition, we measured that the average
Results and Conclusions 187

dependent Variable: nEr

dependent Variable: nEr 1.0

8 0.8

Expected cum Prob

6 0.6

4 0.4


–2 –1 0 1 2 3 0.0
regression Standardized residual 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
observed cum Prob

dependent Variable: nEr

deleted (Press) residual
regression Studentized

r Sq linear = 0.4
–2 r square
= 0.4
80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 100.00

Figure 35. Average sentence lengths.

time required for an inexperienced annotator to evaluate one 40 sentence long

text was about 27 minutes.
As far as other automatic metrics are concerned, we used 10 transcripts
prepared using the protocol above. Each transcript was evaluated with all
the metrics described in this monograph as well as manually using the NER
metric. Table 83 presents evaluation between human made text transcription
and the original texts. Table 84 presents evaluation between ASR system and
original texts.
Table 85 represents the regression summary for NER and other metrics.
Here, at first, the model has all the metrics and, except EBLEU, none of them
are significant predictors of NER. Additionally, among all the metrics, TER
is the most insignificant metric, therefore, it has been removed for the second
model. In the second model, only EBLEU (p = 0.007) and NIST (p = 0.019)
were significant, as they were below the alpha (0.05). Here in the 2nd model,
the most insignificant metrics is RIBES (p = 0.538), therefore, it was removed
in the 3rd model at the next stage. In the 3rd model, again EBLEU (p = 0.006)
and NIST (p = 0.018) are significant and their significance value increased
so did the Beta for EBLEU. The higher those values are the more accurate
they become in predicting NER. In this model, METEOR_pl is the most
insignificant metric, therefore, it has been removed for the next model.
188 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 83. Evaluation of human made text transcription and original text (RED—reduction rate).

1 56.20 6.90 29.10 79.62 67.07 63.32 85.59 92.38 10.15
2 56.58 6.42 30.96 78.38 67.44 58.82 86.13 94.86 17.77
3 71.56 7.86 18.27 88.28 76.19 79.58 92.48 94.71 12.01
4 76.64 8.27 13.03 90.34 79.29 87.38 93.07 93.1 3.72
5 34.95 5.32 44.50 61.86 47.74 37.06 71.60 91.41 17.03
6 61.73 7.53 20.47 83.10 72.55 69.11 92.43 92.33 4.89
7 61.74 6.93 28.26 78.26 69.78 63.99 78.32 95.3 10.29
8 33.52 4.28 46.02 63.06 47.61 36.75 77.55 93.95 26.81
9 68.97 7.46 22.50 83.15 76.56 71.83 88.78 94.73 4.05
10 70.02 7.80 18.78 86.12 78.71 75.16 88.15 95.23 6.41
11 47.07 5.56 33.84 76.10 62.02 47.86 85.05 93.61 22.77
12 53.49 6.65 30.63 77.93 65.27 55.90 86.20 94.09 14.33
13 75.71 7.95 16.07 89.72 83.13 77.74 91.62 94.78 9.31
14 66.46 7.60 18.44 84.34 76.20 66.53 90.76 94.82 6.09
15 25.77 1.85 54.65 58.62 40.82 31.08 68.90 85.26 32.83
16 88.82 8.66 5.75 96.15 90.12 95.20 95.76 95.96 2.71
17 63.26 7.25 25.72 81.95 73.16 65.83 88.99 94.77 10.15
18 60.69 7.18 26.23 79.41 70.86 66.77 87.56 95.15 5.75
19 59.13 7.2 25.04 80.00 70.32 62.77 89.17 95.78 4.74
20 86.24 8.43 7.11 94.60 90.07 92.88 95.39 95.58 1.52
21 20.61 2.08 65.14 47.56 33.31 27.42 55.63 91.62 36.89
22 64.40 7.43 22.84 82.69 72.82 66.93 89.44 93.46 10.15
23 27.30 2.69 52.62 58.96 43.19 35.78 68.06 90.07 31.81
24 82.43 8.33 10,15 92.40 86.04 85.61 94.63 97.18 12.02
25 82.22 8.44 9.48 93.75 87.00 91.59 95.12 97.01 3.89
26 76.17 8.25 13.54 91.33 81.54 82.35 91.95 95.83 8.63
27 35.01 4.39 49.41 62.64 47.81 46.64 72.79 87.56 25.21
28 29.50 3.53 53.13 60.73 42.98 40.87 74.25 85.76 28.09
29 70.04 7.78 17.26 87.22 80.63 73.58 91.56 93.98 8.63
30 56.75 6.89 26.06 79.60 70.52 58.43 90.78 95.79 11.68
31 63.18 6.90 26.57 83.47 71.80 67.80 84.51 94.29 17.77
32 31.74 5.14 43.15 63.58 49.37 33.07 83.05 94.77 19.12

Table 83 cont. ...

Results and Conclusions 189

...Table 83 cont.

33 89.09 8.54 5.41 95.69 91.62 92.62 95.94 97.41 0.34
34 81.04 8.42 8.29 93.60 88.51 89.68 95.18 93.76 5.75
35 73.72 8.11 15.40 88.62 78.32 83.17 92.48 93.89 4.40
36 69.73 7.90 15.06 87.90 81.65 78.10 93.91 93.97 7.45
37 57.00 7.24 26.40 81.28 68.54 65.83 86.63 92.74 8.46
38 35.26 3.68 46.70 66.04 47.84 40.73 74.61 89.15 27.07
39 46.76 4.92 39.59 72.95 57.66 54.28 72.77 88.07 25.21
40 16.79 1.74 65.48 44.61 29.04 19.62 58.77 86.68 32.66
41 19.68 0.63 61.42 56.13 39.15 41.59 49.67 84.36 52.12
42 39.19 5.04 41.62 68.38 50.85 42.41 79.79 91.23 23.35
43 67.13 7.61 19.12 86.53 75.63 68.60 93.51 95.01 11.84
44 49.85 6.26 33.84 75.31 64.34 59.44 79.28 92.23 11.84
45 37.38 4.2 43.49 68.66 54.30 44.51 75.36 93.11 27.58
46 79.11 8.25 12.01 91.48 85.72 81.66 94.84 95.36 6.09
47 40.73 4.93 41.96 68.61 54.34 42.96 83.09 89.97 21.15
48 29.03 2.65 51.27 61.24 47.21 39.53 67.21 86.07 31.98
49 68.75 7.78 18.78 86.24 77.18 72.40 90.65 94.95 5.41
50 75.24 7.97 16.07 88.88 81.51 81.27 90.88 95.75 7.45
51 78.71 8.24 11.51 91.33 83.99 86.08 94.77 98.69 4.23
52 37.60 4.31 44.84 66.32 51.59 42.22 78.73 89.37 -6.6
53 73.20 8.07 14.38 88.78 79.55 77.39 93.93 93.73 2.2
54 67.43 7.67 20.30 85.64 75.90 70.28 87.57 94.91 12.07
55 70.06 7.90 18.44 87.29 76.67 78.93 90.79 93.49 7.11
56 71.88 7.83 17.77 88.24 78.07 77.51 89.21 97.74 8.46
57 80.05 8.3 11.00 91.81 85.72 83.94 95.03 96.12 2.88

In the 4th model, EBLEU, BLEU and NIST are significant and the level
of significance for EBLEU and BLEU has increased, as well as their beta
values, nonetheless the level of significance for NIST remains the same.
However, at this stage of the model, METEOR becomes the most insignificant
metric, therefore, it has been removed for the final (5th model). In comparison
to the 2nd and 3rd models, in 4th model it has been observed that the BLEU
is becoming more significant as the p-value (p = 0.005) is less than the
alpha (0.05). Finally, in the last stage (5th model), the remaining metrics are
190 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 84. Evaluation between ASR and original text.

1 41.89 6.05 44.33 66.10 54.05 44.77 78.94 92.38 10.15
2 48.94 5.94 37.39 71.14 60.24 49.79 81.29 94.86 17.77
3 57.38 7.11 27.24 78.41 67.08 62.87 89.42 94.71 12.01
4 59.15 7.07 27.24 77.21 67.94 65.31 87.71 93.1 3.72
5 26.08 4.57 55.33 52.33 39.14 26.89 69.22 91.41 17.03
6 44.17 6.32 36.38 69.16 60.15 47.97 86.04 92.33 4.89
7 51.79 6.39 34.86 71.42 65.47 52.31 79.19 95.3 10.29
8 22.03 3.17 61.93 45.27 33.90 22.14 59.93 93.95 26.81
9 52.35 6.09 39.93 68.02 63.07 53.87 78.53 94.73 4.05
10 54.44 6.65 33.50 73.16 65.42 57.28 82.11 95.23 6.41
11 65.95 7.57 19.63 84.68 76.30 72.76 92.45 97.01 3.89
12 59.12 7.26 24.53 81.63 69.57 61.59 89.13 95.83 8.63
13 17.08 2.96 68.19 42.14 30.55 21.97 59.69 85.76 28.09
14 49.78 6.53 32.32 72.88 64.10 51.98 86.56 93.98 8.63
15 46.01 6.3 34.69 71.10 61.70 46.11 87.96 95.79 11.68
16 35.50 5.03 44.33 65.64 50.58 36.53 79.16 93.61 22.77
17 34.42 4.51 56.01 52.80 41.15 34.17 63.30 94.09 14.33
18 58.58 6.95 28.93 77.96 69.47 59.22 85.73 94.78 9.31
19 49.06 6.50 31.64 72.94 63.35 47.49 85.64 94.82 6.09
20 19.86 2.58 65.48 46.48 31.29 21.38 60.96 85.26 32.83

significant, as all of them have p-values less than alpha. Therefore, no next
step of models has been executed. Here, the first model explains 75.9% of the
variance for NER, however, the second model explains 76.3% of the variance
of the NER, the 3rd model explains 76.6% of the variance of the NER, the 4th
model explains 76.0% of the variance of the NER and the final model explains
76.1% of the variance of the NER. All these are statistically accepted Rsquare
From the regression, it has been found that BLEU is the most significant
predictor of NER, after BLEU, NIST is significant and, finally, EBLEU is
also a significant metric that can predict the NER better, thus, these can be
alternatives to the NER metric. The regression equation that can compute the
value of NER based on these three statistical metrics is:
NER = 86.55 + 0.254 * BLEU + 0.924 * NIST – 0.221 * EBLEU
Results and Conclusions 191

Table 85. Regression result summary for NER and the six metrics.

Model Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Adjusted

Coefficients Coefficients R-square
B Std. Error Beta
1st (Constant) 100.068 19.933 5.020 .000
BLEU .176 .122 1.060 1.439 .157
NIST 1.162 .530 .738 2.192 .033 0.759
TER –.072 .186 –.353 –.386 .701
METEOR –.205 .168 –.797 –1.216 .230
EBLEU –.218 .078 –1.293 –2.806 .007
RIBES –.067 .093 –.219 –.723 .473
METEOR_pl .194 .160 .954 1.216 .230
2nd (Constant) 92.622 4.895 18.920 .000
BLEU .189 .117 1.136 1.614 .113
NIST 1.220 .504 .775 2.420 .019 0.763
METEOR –.190 .163 –.741 –1.170 .248
EBLEU –.215 .077 –1.270 –2.803 .007
RIBES –.051 .082 –.167 –.620 .538
METEOR_pl .217 .147 1.067 1.479 .145
3rd (Constant) 91.541 4.547 20.133 .000
BLEU .184 .116 1.107 1.586 .119
NIST 1.068 .438 .678 2.440 .018 0.766
METEOR –.237 .143 –.923 –1.655 .104
EBLEU –.193 .068 –1.145 –2.841 .006
METEOR_pl .222 .146 1.093 1.527 .133
4th (Constant) 90.471 4.550 19.885 .000
BLEU .285 .096 1.716 2.955 .005
NIST 1.083 .443 .687 2.444 .018 0.760
METEOR –.099 .112 –.385 –.878 .384
EBLEU –.204 .069 –1.210 –2.982 .004
5th (Constant) 86.556 .913 94.814 .000
BLEU .254 .090 1.531 2.835 .006 0.761
NIST .924 .404 .587 2.289 .026
EBLEU –.221 .066 –1.310 –3.370 .001

a. Dependent Variable: NER

192 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Partial regression Plot

dependent Variable: nEr




r Sq linear = 0.132


–4.00 –2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00


Figure 36. Partial regression plot for NER and BLEU.

Partial regression Plot

dependent Variable: nEr




r Sq linear = 0.09

–4.00 –2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00

Figure 37. Partial regression plot for NER and NIST.

Partial regression Plot

dependent Variable: nEr



r Sq linear = 0.176


–4.00 –2.00 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00

Figure 38. Partial regression plot for NER and EBLEU.

Moving forward, regression plots from the above regression for the
significant metrics are presented below. These plots show the relation between
dependent metric and each significant metric. The closer the dots in the plot
Results and Conclusions 193

are to the regression line, the better the R-square value and the better the
It is worth noting that the METEOR metric should be fine-tuned in order
to work properly. This would, however, require more data; more research into
this is planned for the future. Finally, the results presented in this monograph
are derived from a very small data sample and may not be very representative
of the task in general. The process of acquiring more data is still ongoing, so
these experiments are going to be repeated once more data becomes available.

5.4.2 MT evaluation metrics within FACIT translation

Differences in language and culture create the need for translators to convert
text from one language into another. In order to preserve meaning, context
must be analyzed in detail. Variation in the choice of words across languages
is unavoidable but should be limited to the domain in question. This task is
not trivial because translators have their own experiences that inform their
personal translation preferences. This makes it necessary to develop accurate
evaluation metrics that are independent of human experience, especially for
the translation reconciliation step in PROMIS, and can provide expert reviews
as additional information following backward translation. The development
of such metrics and an analysis of their correlation with human judgment is
the objective of this research.
In this research, we develop a semi-automatic semantic evaluation metric
for Polish, based on the concept of the human-aided translation evaluation
metric (HMEANT). The metric analyzes words and compares them with them
others words; it takes into account synonyms, grammatical structure, syntax
and grammar. Semantic analysis is conducted based on this information.
The family of HMEANT metrics [256] has proven to be highly correlated
with human judgment and accurate in the field of machine translation. We
conducted an evaluation of the proposed metrics using a statistics-based
support vector machine (SVM) [257] classifier. We trained it on Polish-to-
English lecture translations on different topics taken from the Technology,
Entertainment and Design (TED) Talks [15]. The quality of the translation
was highly dependent on that of the input data and its similarity with the
domain of the given topic. We carried out domain adaptation on the data using
the Modified Moore Levis filtering and linear interpolation. We also applied
deep neural networks in order to replicate the functions of the human brain.
The literature has shown that neural networks can satisfactorily capture the
semantics of written language. We trained a neural network on TED Talks’
[15] data that had been previously adapted in order to learn translations that
had been assessed as correct. In other words, our neural model attempts to
194 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

capture different textual notions of cross-lingual similarity using input and

output gates trying at the same time gates that belong to long and short-term
memory (LSTM) architecture44 [258] in order to build a Tree LSTM [259]. The
network learning rate was set to 0.05 with a regularization strength of 0.0001.
The number of dimensions of memory was set to 150 cells and training was
performed for 10 epochs. We used well-known machine translation evaluation
metrics BLEU [27], NIST [93], TER [188] and METEOR [31], and compared
their results with one another as well as those of human judgment. In order
to conduct such evaluation, it was necessary to train a statistical machine
translation SMT [85] system and decode all original translations. For this
purpose, we used the same data as for the SVM classifier [257]. All metrics
were normalized in order to return values between 0 and 100, where 100 was
considered to represent a perfect translation.
Our initial evaluative experiments were conducted on 150 official
PROMIS45 [260] questions and answers concerning physical capabilities,
sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairment. We compared each candidate
translation with our metrics for the original English questions, and checked
to see if the Polish translation that had obtained a high score on our metrics
had been chosen by the human reviewers. Based on this information,
statistical analysis was conducted in order to count the correlations. We also
analyzed the usefulness of the machine-based metrics. Our study provided
adequate results to verify our initial assumption of the semantic HMEANT
[256] metric, which is not influenced by human experience, habits and
judgments. Nonetheless, samples on which experts disagreed were evaluated
by other reviewers, and the subsequent results led us to conclude that the
disagreements had been controversial. The neural network and the statistical
classifier provided average results, much worse than those of HMEANT. The
main problem was that the metrics were depended on bi-lingual data [261]
required for initial training. PROMIS [260] translations are very specific,
and finding high-quality, in-domain data in satisfactory quantities will likely
improve performance. PROMIS evaluation process

The entire PROMIS translation process was conducted using the FACIT
methodology [262]. The methodology is illustrated briefly in Figure 39. It
ensures that cross-lingual translations are highly consistent. The translation

LSTM is a sequence learning technique that uses memory cells to preserve states over a long period
of time, which allows distributed representations of sentences through distributed representations of
Results and Conclusions 195

Source text
Employment of
external translators
1. Two translations
into native language.
Translator1 Translator2

Medical translator
2. reconcile a single (our human
translation version resources) Translator3

3. reverse Employment of
translation external translator

4. review of reverse

5. Experts review
Expert1 Expert2 Expert3

6. Pre-final Review Manager

7. Final Phase
language coordinator

8. harmonisation and ProMiS

Quality assurance Statistical centre

9. Text formatting
corrector1 corrector2

Prepared document

none less than 5

10. cognitive test and
participants from cognitive test and
linguistic validation
population linguistic validation

11. comments analysis

and finalization of Finalization

Figure 39. PROMIS translation methodology.

process can be divided into 11 steps. First, items in English are treated as
source texts and translated simultaneously by two independent translators.
It must be noted that the translators are native target language speakers. In
the second step, a third independent translator (target language speaker as
196 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

well) tries to generate a single translation based on the translations in the first
step. This involves unifying translations into a hybrid version; in rare cases,
the translator can recommend his/her own version. This translator also needs
to outline reasons for the judgment and explain why the chosen translation
conveys the correct meaning in the best possible way. Third, the reconciled
version is backwardly translated into English by a native English translator.
This person does not have knowledge of the original source items in English.
In the fourth step the backward translation is reviewed. In this process, any
possible discrepancy is identified and the intent of the translation is clarified.
This is the initial step of the harmonization of languages. In the fifth step,
three independent experts (native speakers of the target language) examine all
previously taken actions in order to select the most appropriate translation for
each item or provide their own proposals. The experts must be either linguists
or healthcare professionals (preferably a mixed group). In the sixth step, the
translation project manager evaluates the merit of expert comments and, if
necessary, identifies problems. Using this information, the manager formulates
guidance for the target language coordinator. This coordinator in the seventh
step determines the final translation by examining all information gathered
in the previous steps. He/She is required to explain and justify the decisions,
especially if the final version is different from the reconciled one. In order to
ensure cross-language harmonization and quality assurance, the translation
project manager in the eighth step performs a preliminary assessment of the
accuracy and equivalence of the final translation with respect to the original.
A quality review is also conducted by the PROMIS Statistical Center in order
to verify consistency with other languages, if necessary. In the ninth step, the
items are formatted and proofread independently by two native speakers and
the results are reconciled. The target language version is pre-tested within
the group of target language native speakers in the tenth step. Each is
debriefed and interviewed in order to check if his/her intended meaning was
correctly understood. In the final step, comments following pre-testing are
analyzed and any possible issues summarized. If necessary, new solutions are
proposed [263]. Preparation of automatic evaluation metrics and data

In this section, we briefly characterize the evaluation metrics developed,
together with how the machine translation system was prepared. We also
describe metrics that are already commonly used in machine translation—
BLEU, NIST, TER and METEOR. For these four metrics, together with the
SVM classifier and neural network preparation, we used data from the TED
talks as a parallel corpus (approximately 15 MB) which contained almost
2 million words that had not been tokenized. The talks’ transcripts were
Results and Conclusions 197

provided as pure text encoded in UTF-8, and the transcripts were prepared
by the FBK team. They also separated the transcripts into sentences (one per
line) and aligned the language pairs. It should be emphasized that both the
automatic and manual pre-processing of these training data were required. The
extraction of transcription data from the XML files ensured an equal number of
lines for English and Polish. However, some discrepancies in text parallelism
could not be avoided. These discrepancies were mainly repetitions of
the Polish text not included in the English text. Another problem was that
TED data contained many errors. We first considered spelling errors that
artificially increased dictionary size and worsened the statistics of the
translation phrase table. This problem was solved using the tool proposed
in [18] and manual proofreading. The final TED corpus consisted of 92,135
unique Polish words.
The quality of machine translation is highly dependent on that of the input
data and their similarity with the domain of the given topic. We conducted
domain adaptation on the TED data using the Modified Moore Levis filtering
and linear interpolation in order to adapt it for the assessment of translation
in PROMIS [264].
The problem of data sparsity, if not addressed, can lead to low translation
accuracy, false errors in evaluation and low classifier scores. The quality of
domain adaptation depends heavily on the training data used to optimize
the language and translation models in an SMT system. The selection and
extraction of domain-specific training data from a large, general corpus
addresses this issue [113]. This process uses a parallel, general domain corpus
and a general domain monolingual corpus in the target language. The result
is a pseudo-in-domain sub-corpus. As described by Wang et al. [265], there
are in general three processing stages in data selection for domain adaptation.
First, sentence pairs from the parallel, general domain corpus are scored for
relevance to the target domain. Second, resampling is performed to select
the best-scoring sentence pairs to retain in the pseudo-in-domain sub-corpus.
These two steps can also be applied to the general-domain monolingual
corpus in order to select sentences for use in a language model. Third, after
collecting a substantial number of sentence pairs (for the translation model) or
sentences (for the language model), the models are trained on the sub-corpus
that represents the target domain [265]. Similarity measurement is required
in order to select sentences for the pseudo-in-domain sub-corpus. Three
state-of-the art approaches were used for similarity measurement. The cosine
tf-idf criterion looks for word overlap in order to determine similarity. This
technique is specifically helpful in reducing the number of out-of-vocabulary
(OOV) words, but is sensitive to noise in the data. A perplexity-based criterion
considers the n-gram word order in addition to collocation. Lastly, edit
198 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

distance simultaneously considers word order, position and overlap. It is the

strictest of the three approaches. In their study [265], Wang et al. found that
a combination of these approaches provided the best performance in domain
adaptation for Chinese-to-English corpora [265]. In accordance with Wang et
al.’s approach [265], we use a combination of the criteria in both the corpora
and the language models followed by Modified Moore Levis filtering and
linear interpolation for the language models. The three similarity metrics are
used to select different pseudo-in-domain sub-corpora. The sub-corpora are
then joined during resampling, based on a combination of the three metrics.
Similarly, the three metrics are combined for domain adaptation during
translation. We empirically found acceptance rates that allowed us to harvest
only 20% of most domain-similar data [265]. As in-domain data, we used the
original PROMIS translations. SMT system preparation

The machine translation system is needed to automatically translate English
source documents and compare the results of the translation with human
judgments using the widely used BLEU, NIST, TER and METEOR metrics.
These metrics are the only possible means of extracting cross-language
Our statistical machine translation (SMT) system was implemented using
the Moses open-source SMT toolkit with its Experiment Management System
(EMS) [113]. The phrase symmetrization method is set to grow-diag-final-
and for word alignment processing. Two-way direction alignments are first
intersected, such that only alignment points occurring in both alignments
remain. In the second phase, additional alignment points in their union are
added. A growing step adds potential alignment points of unaligned words and
neighbors. The neighborhood can be set directly to left, right, top or bottom,
as well as diagonal (grow-diag). In the final step, alignment points between
words from which at least one is unaligned are added (grow-diag-final). If
the grow-diag-final-and method is used, an alignment point between two
unaligned words appears [19]. SyMGiza++, a tool that supports the creation of
symmetric word alignment models, is used to extract parallel phrases from the
data. This tool enables alignment models that support many-to-one and one-
to-many alignments in both directions between language pairs. SyMGiza++ is
also designed to leverage the power of multiple processors through advanced
threading management, thus making it very fast. Its alignment process uses
four models during training in order to progressively refine the alignment
results. This approach yielded impressive results in Junczys-Dowmunt
and Szał [266]. Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words pose another significant
Results and Conclusions 199

challenge to SMT systems. If not addressed, unknown words appear,

untranslated, in the output, thus lowering translation quality. To address OOV
words, we implemented the unsupervised transliteration model (UTM) in the
Moses toolkit. The UTM is an unsupervised, language-independent approach
for learning OOV words. We used the post-decoding transliteration option
in this tool. UTM uses a transliteration phrase translation table to evaluate
and score multiple possible transliterations [267, 80]. The KenLM tool is also
applied to the language model to train in addition to binarization. This library
enables highly efficient queries on the language models, saving memory and
computation time. The lexical values of phrases are used to condition their
reordering probabilities. We used KenLM with lexical reordering set to hier-
msd-bidirectional-fe. This setting uses a hierarchical model that considers
three orientation types based on both source and target phrases: Monotone
(M), swap (S) and discontinuous (D). The probabilities of the possible phrase
orders are examined by a bidirectional reordering model [10, 47, 268]. Support vector machine classifier evaluation

In machine learning, support vector machines are supervised learning models
with associated learning algorithms that analyze data used for classification
and regression analysis. Given a set of training examples, each marked as
belonging to one of two categories, an SVM training algorithm builds a model
that assigns new examples to one category or the other, hence making it a
non-probabilistic linear binary classifier. An SVM model is a representation
of examples as points in space, mapped so that instances of the categories
are divided by a clear gap that is as wide as possible. New examples are then
mapped into that space and predicted to belong to one of the categories based
on the side of the gap in which they reside.
For the sentence similarity metric, we implemented an algorithm that
normalizes the likelihood output of a statistical SVM classifier into the
range 0–1. The classifier must be trained to determine if sentence pairs are
translations of each other and evaluate them. In addition to being an excellent
classifier, the SVM can provide a distance in the separation hyperplane during
classification that can be easily modified using a sigmoid function to return a
value similar to the likelihood between 0 and 1 [24]. The use of the classifier
means that the quality of the alignment depends not only on the input, but
also on the quality of the trained classifier. To train the classifier, good quality
parallel data are needed as well as a dictionary that included translation
probabilities. For this purpose, we used the TED talks [3] corpora. To obtain
a dictionary, we trained a phrase table and extracted one-grams from it [113].
The quality of evaluation is defined by a trade-off between precision and
recall. The classifier has two configurable variables [269]:
200 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

• Threshold: The confidence threshold to accept a translation as “good.” A

lower value means higher precision and lower recall. “Confidence” is a
probability estimated from an SVM classifying “is a good translation” or
“is a poor translation”.46
• Penalty: Controls the magnitude of “skipping ahead” allowed in translation
quality [270]. Say we are evaluating subtitles, where there are few or no
extra paragraphs, and the alignment should be more or less one-to-one;
then, the penalty should be high. If aligning entities that are moderately
good translations of one another, where there are extra paragraphs for
each language, the penalty should be lower.
Both these parameters are selected automatically during training, but can
be manually adjusted if necessary. Neural network-based evaluation

Neural machine translation and evaluation are new approaches to machine
translation where a large neural network is trained to maximize translation
“understanding” performance. This is a radical departure from existing phrase-
based statistical translation approaches, where a translation system consists of
subcomponents that are separately optimized. A bidirectional recurrent neural
network (RNN), known as an encoder, is used by the neural network to encode
a source sentence for a second RNN, known as the decoder, which is used to
predict words in the target language [240].
Having created it, we start training the network. Both human and neural
networks can learn and develop to be experts in a certain domain, but the
major difference is that humans can forget, unlike neural networks. A neural
network never forgets, once trained, as information learned is permanent and
hard coded; human knowledge may not be permanent, and is influenced by
personal experience. Another major difference is accuracy. Once a particular
process is automated via a neural network, the results can be repeated, and
will remain as accurate as in the first calculation. The first 10 processes may
be accurate, with the next 10 characterized by mistakes due to, for instance,
personal conditions. Another major difference is speed [241].
Our neural network was implemented using the Groundhog and Theano
tools. Most neural machine translation models that have been proposed belong
to the encoder-decoder family [243], with an encoder and a decoder for every
language, or a language-specific encoder for each sentence application whose

Results and Conclusions 201

outputs are compared [243]. A translation is the output a decoder receives

from the encoded vector. The entire encoder-decoder system is jointly trained
to maximize the correct evaluations. A significant and unique feature of this
approach is that it does not attempt to encode an input sentence into a vector
of fixed length. Instead, the sentence is mapped to a vector sequence, and
the model adaptively chooses a vector subset as it decodes the translation.
To be more precise, we trained a neural network on TED Talks’ data that
had been previously adapted to teach it correctly evaluated translations. Our
neural model tries to capture different textual notions of cross-language
similarity using input and output gates in the same time gates as the LSTM
[258] architecture to build Tree LSTMs. The network learning rate was set to
0.05 with a regularization strength of 0.0001. The number of dimensions of
the memory was set to 150 cells, and training was performed for 10 epochs. Results
In order to verify the predictive power of each metric, we evaluated (using
the official English version) each using two candidate translations and a third
reconciled version. We also analyzed the coverage of the results of the metrics
given the final translation following the entire PROMIS evaluation process.
The assessment was conducted on 150 official PROMIS questions concerning
physical capabilities, sleep disturbance and sleep-related impairments.
The weighted index method [271] was used to rank the different pools of
the translation process in comparison with human judgment. Pools were
compared with human judgment in terms of how the translations were judged
by humans and assigned a weight for each case. The weighted index value
based on the relative weights of the chosen scale was computed using the
following formula:
PIx = ∑ (Wi fi)/N …… (Formula 1)
PIx = pool index value
fi = frequency of cases of match or mismatch
Wi = weight of the rating from lowest to highest
N = summation of the frequency of cases (N = 150)
An appropriate weight was assigned to the different attributes given by
the translation; each pool had three columns, and was matched with the three
columns representing human judgment. The weight was assigned based on the
level of matching, and is summarized in Table 86. Note that double matches
occurred when the reconciled version was identical to the proposed one.
202 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 86. Weights of categories.

Category Weight
Double match with human judgment 4
One match with human judgment 3
One mismatch with human judgment 3
Double mismatch with human judgment 4

Based on the level of match, the frequency of each pool as matched with
human judgment was found for double matches, single matches or mismatches
with human judgment. The frequency of each translation pool is presented in
Table 87.

Table 87. Frequency of matches with human judgment for different translations.


Double mismatch with 3 4 11 8 7 3 5
human judgment
One mismatch with 27 85 73 81 86 53 70
human judgment
One match with human 112 54 66 58 53 86 69
Double match with 8 7 0 3 4 8 6
human judgment

Using the frequency and the formula, the weighted index for each pool
was estimated; for example, for BLEU, the weighted index was:
PIBLEU = [(3 × 1) + (27 × 2) + (112 × 3) + (8 × 4)]/150 = 2.42

Using the same process, the index values for each pool were calculated
and are shown in Figure 40.
We know that HMEANT best matches human judgment and, therefore,
was the best evaluation pool. However, we explored the translation pools
that yielded the best prediction of HMEANT. In order to find this relation,
backward stepwise linear regression [272] was applied to matched values of
each pool. The results are presented in Table 88.
As shown in Table 88, in the first model, NIST was the most insignificant
metric in predicting HMEANT, and was, therefore, removed from the second
model. In the second model, SVM was the most insignificant and was removed
in the next model. In the third model, neural was the most insignificant matrix;
finally, in the fourth model, METEOR was found to be insignificant for the
prediction of HMEANT; therefore, in the fifth model, only BLEU and TER
Results and Conclusions 203

hMEanT 2,83

nEural 2,66

SVM 2,5

blEu 2,42

METEor 2,37

niST 2,366

TEr 2,36

2,1 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,5 2,6 2,7 2,8 2,9

Weighted index value
Figure 40. Weighted index for translation pools compared with human judgment.

were retained, and had p-values of less than 0.05, indicating that they were
significant for the prediction of HMEANT.
According to the index calculation, the closer the value to 4 (the highest
weight), the better the match and, therefore, the better the translation quality.
As shown in Figure 40, the highest index value was observed for HMEANT,
which confirmed that it is the best of all translation pools and closest to human
judgment. After HMEANT, neural had the second-highest score, whereas
SVM had the third-highest. This implied that after HMEANT, neural best
matched human judgment (the second pool). In addition, SVM was the third-
best match with human judgment. In this case, BLEU and METEOR had
moderate levels of matches, and NIST and TER had the lowest match with
human judgment.
From the stepwise linear regression model, we found that both BLEU
and TER were significant predictors of HMEANT. Between BLEU and TER,
the former had a stronger positive relation with HMEANT with a beta value
(B BLEU = 0.209). TER also showed a strong relation with the beta value
(B TER = –0.385). This shows that with increasing TER values, the HMEANT
values decreased. In this case, the values were computed based on the
matching score, values in relation to human judgment. The regression equation
to compute the value of HMEANT based on TER and BLEU statistical
metrics is:
HMEANT = 3.235 + 0.209 * BLEU – 0.385 * TER ... ... . (Equation 1)
In summation, we proved that automatic and semi-automatic evaluation
metrics can properly predict human judgments. HMEANT is a very good
predictor of human judgments. The slight difference between the metric and
human judgements were obtained because of human translation habits and
knowledge-dependent decisions, since the choices made by translators were
controversial. Even though the SVM and the neural network yielded much
204 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 88. HMEANT results.

Model B Unstandardized Standardized t Sig. Adjusted

Coefficients Coefficients R-square
Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 3.395 .388 8.750 .000 0.23
BLEU .201 .063 .235 3.204 .002
NIST –.004 .063 –.005 –.068 .946
METEOR –.087 .065 –.101 –1.340 .182
TER –.405 .065 –.466 –6.257 .000
NEURAL .026 .064 .030 .408 .684
SVM .023 .063 .027 .358 .721
2 (Constant) 3.382 .340 9.938 .000 0.244
BLEU .201 .062 .235 3.243 .001
METEOR –.087 .065 –.100 –1.345 .181
TER –.405 .065 –.466 –6.282 .000
NEURAL .026 .064 .030 .412 .681
SVM .022 .063 .026 .356 .723
3 (Constant) 3.430 .312 10.983 .000 0.248
BLEU .198 .061 .232 3.233 .002
METEOR –.083 .064 –.096 –1.311 .192
TER –.400 .063 –.460 –6.366 .000
NEURAL .025 .063 .028 .389 .698
4 (Constant) 3.478 .286 12.177 .000 0.253
BLEU .201 .061 .235 3.298 .001
METEOR –.080 .063 –.092 –1.269 .206
TER –.400 .063 –.459 –6.374 .000
5 (Constant) 3.235 .212 15.231 .000 0.250
BLEU .209 .061 .245 3.447 .001
TER –.385 .062 –.443 –6.235 .000
Dependent Variable: HMEANT

lower accuracy, it should be noted that both methods are dependent on the
reference training corpus, which was not well-suited for such an evaluation
(but was the best we could obtain). Training such metrics on larger amounts
of in-domain data can significantly alter the situation.
Unfortunately, predicting HMEANT is only semi-automatic, and is not
time or cost effective. While it provides reliable and human habit-independent
results, it still requires a lot of annotation work. This is why the prediction
of this metric, along with the BLEU- and TER-dependent equation, was an
Results and Conclusions 205

interesting finding. These automatic metrics can provide robust and accurate
results or, at least, initial results that can assist human reviewers.

5.4.3 Augmenting SMT with semantically-generated virtual-

parallel data
Statistical machine translation (SMT) is a methodology based on statistical
data analysis. The performance quality of SMT systems largely depends on
the quantity and quality of the parallel data used by these systems; that is, if
the quantity and quality of the parallel data are high, this will boost the SMT
results. Even so, parallel corpora remain scarce and are not easily available
[273]. Moreover, in order to increase SMT performance, the genre and
language coverage of the data should be limited to a specific text domain, law
or medical texts. In particular, little research has been conducted on languages
with few native speakers and, thus, with a limited audience, even though most
existing human languages are spoken by only a small population of native
speakers, as shown in Table 89.
Despite the enormous number of people with technological knowledge
and access, many are excluded because they cannot communicate globally
due to language divides. Consistent with Anderson et al. [274], over 6,000
languages [274] are used globally; there is no universal spoken language for
communication. The English language is only the third most popular (used
by only 5.52% of the global population); Spanish (5.85%) and Mandarin
(14.1%) are more common [275]. Moreover, fewer than 40% of citizens of
the European Union (not including developing or Eastern European countries)
know English [276], which makes communication a problem even within the
EU [277].
This has created a technical gap between languages that are widely spoken
in comparison to languages with few speakers. This also led to a big gap
between the quality and amount of available parallel corpora for less common
language pairs, which makes natural language processing sciences slower in
such countries.
As a result, high-quality data exist for just a few language pairs in
particular domains (e.g., Czech-English law texts domain), whereas the
majority of languages lack sufficient linguistic resources, such as parallel data
for good quality research or natural language processing tasks. Building a
translation system that can handle all possible language translations would
require millions of translation directions and a huge volume of parallel data.
Moreover, if we consider multiple domains in the equation, the requirements
for corpus training in machine translation increase dramatically. Thus, the
current study explored methods to build a corpus of high-quality parallel data,
using Czech-English as the language pair.
206 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 89. Top languages by population: Asterisks mark the 2010 estimates for the top dozen

Rank Language Native Fraction Rank Language Native Fraction

speakers of world speakers of world
in millions population in millions population
2007 (2007) 2007 (2007)
(2010) (2010)
1 Mandarin 935 (955) 14.1% 51 Igbo 24 0.36%
(entire branch)
2 Spanish 390 (405) 5.85% 52 Azerbaijani 23 0.34%
3 English 365 (360) 5.52% 53 Awadhi 22[4] 0.33%
4 Hindi [Note 1] 295 (310) 4.46% 54 Gan Chinese 22 0.33%
5 Arabic 280 (295) 4.23% 55 Cebuano 21 0.32%
6 Portuguese 205 (215) 3.08% 56 Dutch 21 0.32%
7 Bengali 200 (205) 3.05% 57 Kurdish 21 0.31%
8 Russian 160 (155) 2.42% 58 Serbo- 19 0.28%
9 Japanese 125 (125) 1.92% 59 Malagasy 18 0.28%
10 Punjabi 95 (100) 1.44% 60 Saraiki 17[5] 0.26%
11 German 92 (95) 1.39% 61 Nepali 17 0.25%
12 Javanese 82 1.25% 62 Sinhalese 16 0.25%
13 Wu (inc. 80 1.20% 63 Chittagonian 16 0.24%
14 Malay (inc. 77 1.16% 64 Zhuang 16 0.24%
Malaysian and
15 Telugu 76 1.15% 65 Khmer 16 0.24%
16 Vietnamese 76 1.14% 66 Turkmen 16 0.24%
17 Korean 76 1.14% 67 Assamese 15 0.23%
18 French 75 1.12% 68 Madurese 15 0.23%
19 Marathi 73 1.10% 69 Somali 15 0.22%
20 Tamil 70 1.06% 70 Marwari 14[4] 0.21%
21 Urdu 66 0.99% 71 Magahi 14[4] 0.21%
22 Turkish 63 0.95% 72 Haryanvi 14[4] 0.21%
23 Italian 59 0.90% 73 Hungarian 13 0.19%
24 Yue (incl. 59 0.89% 74 Chhattisgarhi 12[4] 0.19%
25 Thai 56 0.85% 75 Greek 12 0.18%
(excl. Lao)
Table 89 cont. ...
Results and Conclusions 207

...Table 89 cont.

Rank Language Native Fraction Rank Language Native Fraction

speakers of world speakers of world
in millions population in millions population
2007 (2007) 2007 (2007)
(2010) (2010)
26 Gujarati 49 0.74% 76 Chewa 12 0.17%
27 Jin 48 0.72% 77 Deccan 11 0.17%
28 Southern 47 0.71% 78 Akan 11 0.17%
Min (incl.
29 Persian 45 0.68% 79 Kazakh 11 0.17%
30 Polish 40 0.61% 80 Northern 10.9 0.16%
31 Pashto 39 0.58% 81 Sylheti 10.7 0.16%
32 Kannada 38 0.58% 82 Zulu 10.4 0.16%
33 Xiang 38 0.58% 83 Czech 10.0 0.15%
34 Malayalam 38 0.57% 84 Kinyarwanda 9.8 0.15%
35 Sundanese 38 0.57% 85 Dhundhari 9.6[4] 0.15%
36 Hausa 34 0.52% 86 Haitian 9.6 0.15%
37 Odia (Oriya) 33 0.50% 87 Eastern Min 9.5 0.14%
38 Burmese 33 0.50% 88 Ilocano 9.1 0.14%
39 Hakka 31 0.46% 89 Quechua 8.9 0.13%
40 Ukrainian 30 0.46% 90 Kirundi 8.8 0.13%
41 Bhojpuri 29[4] 0.43% 91 Swedish 8.7 0.13%
42 Tagalog/ 28 0.42% 92 Hmong 8.4 0.13%
43 Yoruba 28 0.42% 93 Shona 8.3 0.13%
44 Maithili 27[4] 0.41% 94 Uyghur 8.2 0.12%
45 Uzbek 26 0.39% 95 Hiligaynon/ 8.2 0.12%
46 Sindhi 26 0.39% 96 Mossi 7.6 0.11%
47 Amharic 25 0.37% 97 Xhosa 7.6 0.11%
48 Fula 24 0.37% 98 Belarusian 7.6[6] 0.11%
49 Romanian 24 0.37% 99 Balochi 7.6 0.11%
50 Oromo 24 0.36% 100 Konkani 7.4 0.11%
Total 5,610 85%
208 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Multiple studies have been performed in order to automatically acquire

additional data for enhancing SMT systems in the long term [278, 7]. All such
approaches have focused on discovering authentic text from real-world sources
for both the source and target languages. However, our study presents an
alternative approach for building this parallel data. In creating virtual parallel
data, as we might call it, at least one side of the parallel data is generated, for
which purpose we use monolingual text (news internet crawl in Czech, in this
case). For the other side of the parallel data, we use an automated procedure
to obtain a translation of the text. In other words, our approach generates
rather than gathers parallel data. To monitor the performance and quality of
the automatically generated parallel data and to maximize its utility for SMT,
we focus on compatibility between the diverse layers of an SMT system.
It is recommended that an estimate be considered reliable when multiple
systems show a consensus on it. However, since the output of machine
translation (MT) is human language, it is much too complicated to seek
unanimity from multiple systems in order to generate the same output
each time we execute the translation process. In such situations, we can
choose partial compatibility as an objective rather than complete agreement
between multiple systems. To evaluate the generated data, we can use the
Levenshtein distance as well as implementing a back-translation procedure.
Using this approach, only those pairs that pass an initial compatibility check,
when translated back into the native language and compared to the original
sentences, will be accepted.
We can use this method to easily generate additional parallel data
from monolingual news data provided for WMT16.47 Retraining the newly
assessed data during this procedure enhances translation system performance.
Moreover, linguistic resource pairs that are rare can be improved. This
methodology is not limited to languages but is also very significant for rare
but important language pairs. Most significantly, the virtual parallel corpus
generated by the system is applicable to MT as well as other natural language
processing (NLP) tasks. Previous research

In this study, we present an approach based on generating comprehensive
multilingual resources through SMT systems. We are now working on two
approaches for MT applications: Self-training and translation via bridge
languages (also called “pivot languages”). These approaches are different
from those discussed previously: While self-training is focused on exploiting

Results and Conclusions 209

the available bilingual data, to which the linguistic resources of a third

language are rarely applied, translation via bridge languages focuses more on
correcting the alignment of the prevailing word segment. This latter approach
also incorporates the phrase model concept rather than exploring the new text
in context, by examining translations at the word, phrase, or even sentence
level, through bridge languages. The methodology of this monograph lies in
between the paradigm of self-training and translating via a bridge language.
Our study generates data instead of gathering information for parallel data,
while we also apply linguistic information and inter-language relationships
to eventually produce translations between the source and target languages.
Callison-Burch and Osborne [279] presented a cooperative training
method for SMT that comprises the consensus of several translation systems
to identify the best translation resource for training. Similarly, Ueffing et al.
[280] explored model adaptation methods to use monolingual data from a
source language. Furthermore, as the learning progressed, the application of
that learned material was constrained by a multi-linguistic approach without
introducing new information from a third language.
In another approach, Mann and Yarowsky [281] presented a technique to
develop a translation lexicon based on transduction models of cognate pairs
through a bridge language. In this case, the edit distance rate was applied to
the process rather than the general MT system of limiting the vocabulary range
for majority European languages. Kumar et al. [282] described the process
of boosting word alignment quality using multiple bridge languages. In Wu
and Wang [283] and Habash and Hu [284], phrase translation tables were
improved using phrase tables acquired in multiple ways from pivot languages.
In Eisele et al. [285], a hybrid method was combined with RBMT (Rule-Based
Machine Translation) and SMT systems. This methodology was introduced to
fill gaps in the data for pivot translation. Cohn and Lapata [286] presented
another methodology to generate more reliable results of translations by
generating information from small sets of data using multi-parallel data.
Contrary to the existing approaches, in this study, we returned to the
black-box translation system. This means that virtual data could be widely
generated for translation systems, including rule-based, statistics-based and
human-based translations. The approach introduced in Leusch et al. [287]
pooled the results of translations of a test set created by any of the pivot MTs
per unique language. However, this approach was not found to enhance the
systems, therefore, the novel training data were not used. Amongst others,
Bertoldi et al. [288] also conducted research on pivot languages, but did not
consider applying universal corpus filtering, which is the measurement of
compatibility to control data quality.
Machine lerning in translation, automatic evaluation and bi-lingual corpora processing.

210 Machine
measures the diversity Learning
between in Translation
two strings. Corpora Processing
Moreover, it also indicates the edit distance and is
closely linked to5.4.3.2
the paired arrangement
Generating of strings
virtual parallel data [289].
To generate new data, we trained three SMT systems based on TED, QED and
News Commentary corpora. The Experiment Management System [8] from the
open source Moses SMT toolkit was utilized to carry out the experimentation.
A 6-gram language model was trained using the SRI Language Modeling
toolkit (SRILM) [9]. Word and phrase alignment was performed using the
SyMGIZA++ symmetric word alignment tool [266] instead of GIZA++.
Out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words were monitored using the Unsupervised
Transliteration Model [79]. Working with the Czech (CS) and English (EN)
language pair, the first SMT system was trained on TED [15], the second on
the Qatar Computing Research Institute’s Educational Domain Corpus (QED)
[193], and the third using the News Commentary corpora provided for the
WMT1648 translation task. Official WMT16 test sets were used for system
evaluation. Translation engine performance was measured by the BLEU
metric [27]. The performance of the engines is shown in Table 90.

Table 90. Corpora used for generation of SMT systems.

Corpus Direction BLEU

TED CS→EN 16.17
TED EN→CS 10.11
QED CS→EN 23.64
QED EN→CS 21.43
News Commentary CS→EN 14.47
News Commentary EN→CS 9.87

All engines worked in accordance with Figure 41, and the Levenshtein
Figure 41. English language
distance wasknowledge
used to measure the compatibility between translation results.
The Levenshtein distance measures the diversity between two strings.
Moreover, itthe Levenshtein
also indicates distance
the edit distance between
and is closely linked to the two
paired strings a, b [of
arrangement of strings [289].
length |a| and |b|, respectively]
given by levdistance
Levenshtein b|] where:
a,b [|a|, |between two strings a, b [of
length |a| and |b|, respectively] is given by leva,b [|a|, |b|] where:

max(𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 min(𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) = 0

⎪ 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖 − 1, 𝑗𝑗) + 1
𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) =
⎨𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖𝑚𝑚 �𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗 − 1) + 1 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑙.
⎪ 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖 − 1, 𝑗𝑗 − 1) + 1[𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖≠𝑏𝑏𝑗𝑗 ]

In this equation, 1[ai ≠bj] is the display function, equal to 0 when ai = bj and equal to 1
otherwise, and leva,b [i, j] is the distance between the first i characters of a and the
first j characters of b.

Using the combined methodology and monolingual data, parallel corpora were built.
Statistical information on the data is provided in Table 91.

Data set Number of sentences Number of Unique Czech Tokens

Results and Conclusions 211

English language knowledge (not mother tongue)












Fr n

lg c
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la ce
nm s

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au um
rla a

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er ia
m nd

ro ith nia
Sl tria

m d
ov l
Po tvia

ec S ia
E ce

re in
Po ly

bu ubli
G ny


Sl uga
de nd
he alt

an ni

ro lan

G ven


h pa

xe la


pe ua

Eu l sto






Figure 41. English language knowledge.

In this equation, 1[ai ≠ bj] is the display function, equal to 0 when ai = bj and
equal to 1 otherwise, and leva,b [i, j] is the distance between the first i characters
of a and the first j characters of b.
Using the combined methodology and monolingual data, parallel corpora
were built. Statistical information on the data is provided in Table 91.

Table 91. Specification of generated corpora.

Data set Number of Sentences Number of Unique Czech Tokens

Monolingual Generated Monolingual Generated
News 2007 100,766 83,440 200,830 42,954
News 2008 4,292,298 497,588 2,214,356 168,935
News 2009 4,432,383 527,865 2,172,580 232,846
News 2010 2,447,681 269,065 1,487,500 100,457
News 2011 8,746,448 895,247 2,871,190 298,476
News 2012 7,538,499 849,469 2,589,424 303,987
News 2013 8,886,151 993,576 2,768,010 354,278
News 2014 8,722,306 962,674 2,814,742 322,765
News 2015 8,234,140 830,987 2,624,473 300,456
TOTAL 53,366,020 5,944,583 19,743,105 2,125,154

The purpose of this research was to create synthetic parallel data to train
a machine translation system by translating monolingual texts with multiple
machine translation systems and various filtering steps. This objective is
not new; synthetic data have been created in the past. However, the novel
aspect of the present monograph is its use of three MT systems, application
212 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

of the Levenshtein distance between their outputs as a filter, and—much more

importantly—its use of back-translation as an additional filtering step. In
Table 92, we show statistical information on the corpora used without the
back-translation step.

Table 92. Specification of generated corpora without back-translation.

Data set Number of Sentences Number of Unique Czech Tokens

Monolingual Generated Monolingual Generated
News 2007 100,766 93,342 200,830 120,654
News 2008 4,292,298 1,654,233 2,214,356 1,098,432
News 2009 4,432,383 1,423,634 2,172,580 1,197,765
News 2010 2,447,681 1,176,022 1,487,500 876,654
News 2011 8,746,448 2,576,253 2,871,190 1,378,456
News 2012 7,538,499 2,365,234 2,589,424 1,297,986
News 2013 8,886,151 2,375,857 2,768,010 1,124,278
News 2014 8,722,306 1,992,876 2,814,742 1,682,673
News 2015 8,234,140 2,234,987 2,624,473 1,676,343
TOTAL 53,366,020 15,892,438 19,743,105 10,453,241 Semantically-enhanced generated corpora

The artificially generated corpora presented in Table 92 were obtained using
statistical translation models, which are based purely on how frequently
“things” happen, and not on what they really mean. This means that they do
not really understand what was translated. In this research, these data were
additionally extended with semantic information so as to improve the quality
and scope of the data domain. The word relationships were integrated into
generated data using the WordNet database.
The way in which WordNet was used to obtain a probability estimator
was shown in Cao et al. [290]. In particular, we wanted to obtain P(w_i|w),
where w_i and w are assumed to have a relationship in WordNet. The formula
is as follows:
P(w_i|w) = \frac{c(w_i,w|W,L)}{\sum_{w_j} c(w_j,w|W,L)}
where W is a window size and c(w_i,w|W,L) is the count of w_i and w appearing
together within W-window. This can be obtained simply by counting each
within a certain corpus. In order to smooth the model, we applied interpolated
Kneser-Ney [32] smoothing strategies.
The following relationships were considered: Synonym, hypernym,
hyponym and hierarchical distance between words.
Results and Conclusions 213

In Table 93, we show statistical information on the semantically enhanced

corpora produced previously and shown in Table 91.

Table 93. Specification of semantically generated corpora without back-translation.

Data set Number of Sentences Number of Unique Czech Tokens

Monolingual Generated Monolingual Generated
News 2007 100,766 122,234 200,830 98,275
News 2008 4,292,298 1,467,243 2,214,356 803,852
News 2009 4,432,383 1,110,234 2,172,580 959,847
News 2010 2,447,681 982,747 1,487,500 585,852
News 2011 8,746,448 1,397,975 2,871,190 1,119,281
News 2012 7,538,499 1,759,285 2,589,424 968,975
News 2013 8,886,151 1,693,267 2,768,010 982,948
News 2014 8,722,306 1,462,827 2,814,742 1,243,286
News 2015 8,234,140 1,839,297 2,624,473 1,273,578
TOTAL 53,366,020 11,835,109 19,743,105 8,035,470

Another common approach to semantic analysis that is also used within

this research is latent semantic analysis (LSA). LSA has already been shown
to be very helpful in automatic speech recognition (ASR) [291] and many
other applications, which was the reason for incorporating it within the scope
of this research. The high-level idea of LSA is to convert words into concept
representations and to assume that if the occurrence of word patterns in
documents is similar, then the words are also similar. The mathematical model
can be defined as follows:
In order to build the LSA model, a co-occurrence matrix W will first be
built, where w_{ij} is a weighted count of word w_j and document d_j.
w_{ij} = G_i L_{ij} C_{ij}
where C_{ij} is the count of w_i in document d_j; L_{ij} is local weight; and
G_i is global weight. Usually, L_{ij} and G_i can use TF/IDF.
Then, singular value decomposition (SVD) analysis will be applied to W, as
W = U S V^T
where W is a M*N matrix (M is vocabulary size, N is document size); U is
M*R, S is R*R, and V is a R*N matrix. R is usually a predefined dimension
number between 100 and 500.
After that, each word w_i can be denoted as a new vector U_i = u_i*S.
Based on this new vector, the distance between two words is defined as:
K(U_i, U_j) = \frac{u_i*S^2*u_m^T}{|u_i*S|*|u_m*S|}
214 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Therefore, clustering can be performed to organize words into K clusters,

C_1, C_2, …., C_K.
If H_{q–1} is the history for word W_q, then it is possible to obtain the
probability of W_q given H_{q–1} using the following formula:
P(W_q|H_{q–1}) = P(W_q|W_{q–1},W_{q–2},...W_{q–n+1}, d_{q_1})
= P(W_q|W_{q–1},W_{q–2},...W_{q–n+1})*P(W_q|d_{q_1}|)

where P(W_q|W_{q–1},W_{q–2},…W_{q–n+1}) is the N-gram model;

P(d_{q_1}|W_q) is the LSA model.
P(W_q|d_{q_1}) = P(U_q|V_q) = K(U_q, V_{q_1})/Z(U,V) K(U_q, V_{q_1})
= \frac{U_q*S*V_{q–1}^T}{|U_q*S^{1/2}|*|V_{q–1}*S^{1/2}|},
where Z(U,V) is the normalized factor.
It is possible to also apply word smoothing to the model-based
K-Clustering as follows:
P(W_q|d_{q_1}) = \sum_{k=1}^{K} P(W_q|C_k)P(C_k|d_{q_1})

where P(W_q|C_k), P(C_k|d_{q_1}) can be computed using the distance

measurement given above by a normalized factor.
In this way, the N-gram and LSA model are combined into a single
language model and can be used for word comparison and text generation.
The Python code for such LSA analysis was implemented in Thomo’s [292]
In Table 94, we show statistical information on the semantically enhanced
corpora produced previously and shown in Table 91.

Table 94. Specification of semantically generated corpora using LSA.

Data set Number of Sentences Number of unique Czech tokens

Monolingual Generated Monolingual Generated
News 2007 100,766 98,726 200,830 72,975
News 2008 4,292,298 868,862 2,214,356 592,862
News 2009 4,432,383 895,127 2,172,580 729,972
News 2010 2,447,681 725,751 1,487,500 472,976
News 2011 8,746,448 1,197,762 2,871,190 829,927
News 2012 7,538,499 1,298,765 2,589,424 750,865
News 2013 8,886,151 1,314,276 2,768,010 694,290
News 2014 8,722,306 1,267,862 2,814,742 992,893
News 2015 8,234,140 1,471,287 2,624,473 892,291
TOTAL 53,366,020 9,138,418 19,743,105 6,029,051
Results and Conclusions 215 Experimental setup

The machine translation experiments we conducted involved three WMT16
tasks: News translation, information technology (IT) document translation and
biomedical text translation. Our experiments were conducted on the CS-EN
pair in both directions. To obtain more accurate word alignment, we used the
SyMGiza++ tool, which assisted in the formation of a similar word alignment
model. This particular tool develops alignment models that obtain multiple
many-to-one and one-to-many alignments in multiple directions between the
given language pairs. SyMGiza++ is also used to create a pool of several
processors, supported by the newest threading management, which makes it a
very fast process. The alignment process used in our case utilizes four unique
models during the training of the system to achieve refined and enhanced
alignment outcomes. The results of these approaches have been shown to be
fruitful in previous research [266]. OOV words are another challenge for an
SMT system and to deal with such words, we used the Moses toolkit and
the Unsupervised Transliteration Model (UTM). The UTM is a language-
independent approach that has an unsubstantiated capability for learning
OOV words. We also utilized the post-decoding transliteration method from
this particular toolkit. UTM is known to make use of a transliteration phrase
translation table to access probable solutions. UTM was used to score several
possible transliterations and to find a translation table [267, 268, 79].
The KenLM tool was applied to language model training. This library
helps to resolve typical problems of language models, reducing execution
time and memory usage. To reorder the phrase probability, the lexical values
of the sentences were used. We also used KenLM for lexical reordering.
Three directional types are based on each target–swap (S), monotone (M), and
discontinuous (D)–all three of which were used in a hierarchical model. The
bidirectional restructuring model was used to examine the phrase arrangement
probabilities [10, 267, 47].
The quality of domain adaptation largely depends on training data, which
helps in incorporating the linguistic and translation models. The acquisition of
domain-centric data helps greatly in this regard [113]. A parallel, generalized
domain corpus and monolingual corpus were used in this process, as identified
by Wang et al. [265]. First, sentence pairs of the parallel data were weighted
based on their significance to the targeted domain. Second, reorganization
was conducted to obtain the best sentence pairs. After obtaining the required
sentence pairs, these models were trained for the target domain [265].
For similarity measurement, we used three approaches: Word overlap
analysis, the cosine term frequency-inverse document frequency (tf-idf)
criterion, and perplexity measurement. However, the third approach, which
216 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

incorporates the best of the first two, is the strictest. Moreover, Wang et al.
observed that a combination of these approaches provides the best possible
solution for domain adaptation for Chinese-English corpora [265]. Thus,
inspired by Wang et al.’s approach, we utilized a combination of these models.
Similarly, the three measurements were combined for domain adaptation.
Wang et al. found that the performance of this process yields approximately
20 percent of the domain analogous data. Evaluation
Numerous human languages are used around the world and millions of
translation systems have been introduced for the possible language pairs.
However, these translation systems struggle with high quality performance,
largely due to the limited availability of language resources, such as parallel
In this study, we have attempted to supplement these limited resources.
Additional parallel corpora can be utilized to improve the quality and
performance of linguistic resources, as well as individual NLP systems. In
the MT application (Table 92), our data generation approach has increased
translation performance. Although the results appear very promising, there
remains a great deal of room for improvement. Performance improvements
can be attained by applying more sophisticated algorithms in order to quantify
the comparison among different MT engines. In Table 94, we present the
baseline (BASE) outcomes for the MT systems we obtained for three diverse
domains (news, IT, and biomedical—using official WMT16 test sets). Second,
we generated a virtual corpus and adapted it to the domain (FINAL). The
generated corpora demonstrate improvements in SMT quality and utility as
NLP resources. From Table 91, it can be concluded that a generated virtual
corpus is morphologically rich, which makes it acceptable as a linguistic
resource. In addition, by retraining with a virtual corpus SMT system and
repeating all the steps, it is possible to obtain more virtual data of higher
quality. Statistically significant results in accordance with the Wilcoxon test
are marked with * and those that are very significant with **.
Next, in Table 96, we replicate the same quality experiment but using
generated data without the back-translation step. As shown in Table 92, more
data can be obtained in such a manner. However, the SMT results are not as
good as those obtained using back-translation. This means that the generated
data must be noisy and most likely contain incomplete sentences that are
removed after back-translation.
Next, in Table 97, we replicate the same quality experiment but using
generated data from Table 93. As shown in Table 97, augmenting virtual
Results and Conclusions 217

Table 95. Evaluation of generated corpora.

Domain Direction System BLEU

News CS→EN BASE 15.26
CS→EN FINAL 18.11**
EN→CS BASE 11.64
EN→CS FINAL 13.43**
CS→EN FINAL 14.12*
EN→CS BASE 10.19
EN→CS FINAL 11.87*
Bio-Medical CS→EN BASE 16.75
CS→EN FINAL 18.33**
EN→CS BASE 14.25
EN→CS FINAL 15.93*

Table 96. Evaluation of corpora generated without the back-translation step.

Domain Direction System BLEU

News CS→EN BASE 15.26
CS→EN FINAL 17.32**
EN→CS BASE 11.64
EN→CS FINAL 12.73*
CS→EN FINAL 13.52*
EN→CS BASE 10.19
EN→CS FINAL 10.74*
Bio-Medical CS→EN BASE 16.75
CS→EN FINAL 16.83*
EN→CS BASE 14.25
EN→CS FINAL 15.03**

corpora with semantic information makes a positive impact on not only the
data volume but also data quality. Semantic relations improve the MT quality
even more.
Finally, in Table 98, we replicate the same quality experiment but using
generated data from Table 94 (LSA). As shown in Table 98, augmenting
virtual corpora with semantic information by facilitating LSA makes an even
more positive impact on data quality. LSA-based semantic relations improve
the MT quality even more. It is worth mentioning that LSA provided us with
218 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 97. Evaluation of semantically generated corpora without the back-translation step.

Domain Direction System BLEU

News CS→EN BASE 15.26
CS→EN FINAL 19.31**
EN→CS BASE 11.64
EN→CS FINAL 14.87**
CS→EN FINAL 15.42**
EN→CS BASE 10.19
EN→CS FINAL 12.17**
Bio-Medical CS→EN BASE 16.75
CS→EN FINAL 19.47**
EN→CS BASE 14.25
EN→CS FINAL 16.13**

Table 98. Evaluation of semantically generated corpora using LSA.

Domain Direction System BLEU

News CS→EN BASE 15.26
CS→EN FINAL 19.87**
EN→CS BASE 11.64
EN→CS FINAL 15.61**
CS→EN FINAL 16.18**
EN→CS BASE 10.19
EN→CS FINAL 13.04**
Bio-Medical CS→EN BASE 16.75
CS→EN FINAL 20.37**
EN→CS BASE 14.25
EN→CS FINAL 17.28**

less data but we believe that it was more accurate and more domain-specific
than the data generated using Wordnet.
Summing up, in this study, we successfully built parallel corpora of
satisfying quality from monolingual resources. This method is very time and
cost effective and can be applied to any bilingual pair. In addition, it might
prove very useful for rare and under-resourced languages. However, there is
still room for improvement, for example, by using better alignment models,
neural machine translation or adding more machine translation engines to our
Results and Conclusions 219

methodology. Moreover, using Framenet, which provides semantic roles for

a word and shows restrictions in word usage, in that only several kinds of
word can be followed by a certain word, might be of interest for future
research [293].

5.4.4 Statistical noisy parallel data filtration and adaptation

Parallel sentences are a valuable source of information for machine translation
systems and other cross-lingual information-dependent tasks. Unfortunately,
such data is quite rare, especially for the Polish–English language pair. In
general, the sentences of a parallel corpus must be aligned before using it for
processing. Sentences in a raw corpus are sometimes misaligned, resulting
in translated lines whose placement does not correspond to the text lines in
the source language. Moreover, some sentences may have no corresponding
translation in the corpus at all. The corpus might also contain poor or indirect
translations, making alignment difficult and reducing the quality of data.
Thus, corpora alignment is crucial for MT system accuracy [39]. This must
also be computationally feasible in order to be of practical use in various
applications [40].
Previous attempts to automatically compare sentences for parallel corpora
were based on sentence lengths and vocabulary alignment [41]. Brown
[43] proposed a method based on measuring the sentence length using the
number of words. Gale and Church [42] measured the number of characters
in sentences. Other studies explored methods that combine sentence length
statistics with the alignment of vocabularies [23, 22]. A rule-based approach
was proposed in [24]; however, its implementation and scalability for other
languages is difficult. Nonetheless, such methods lead to the creation of
noisy parallel corpora at best, or are not cost effective when applied to other
On the other hand, the approach proposed in this study is language
independent and cost- and time-effective. We used a statistical classifier to
develop a filtering solution that can cope without. This method does not use
any hard-coded rules, even for rare translation samples, and hence, can be
easily adjusted for specific filtration needs or quality thresholds. Moreover,
the proposed solution can be used as an in-domain adaptation technique, and
further improved via bootstrapping. It is freely available on GitHub. Data acquisition

In this research, the proposed method was applied to both noisy-parallel
as well as comparable corpora. The former was obtained from the WIT3
[15] project (TED Talks), the latter was built from the Wikipedia articles.
220 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Nonetheless, a high quality parallel corpus was required to build statistical

classifiers. A similar corpus was also necessary to conduct in-domain
adaptation experiments. We used the high quality human translated BTEC
[17] corpus (tourist dialogs) for classifier training and very specific European
Parliament Proceedings (EUP) [16] corpus for in-domain data adaptation. In
addition, we also extended the BTEC corpus for some of the experiments
to include additional data from movie subtitles. This was necessary in order
to build a more extensive statistical classifier for quality comparison. This
data was obtained from the OpenSubtitles (OPEN) corpora [294]. The corpora
statistics are presented in the Table 99.

Table 99. Corpora statistics.

Corpus Unique PL Tokens Unique EN Tokens Sentence Pairs

BTEC 50,782 24,662 220,730
TED 218,426 104,117 151,288
OPEN 1,236,088 749,300 33,570,553
EUP 311,654 136,597 632,565

The TED Talks were chosen as a representative sample of noisy

parallel corpora. The Polish data in the TED talks (about 15 MB) included
approximately 2 million words that were not tokenized. The transcripts
themselves were provided as pure text encoded using the UTF-8 format [17].
Wikipedia data obtained in previous chapters was chosen as a comparable
data source because of the large number of documents that it provides
(1,047,423 articles in PL Wiki and 4,524,017 in EN, at the time of writing). Building bi-lingual phrase table

The approach described in this research requires the construction of a bi-
lingual translation table using the statistics gathered from the training corpus.
Such a phrase table would allow us to evaluate whether a pair of sentences can
be considered equivalent or not. Another advantage of this approach is that it
is possible to generate an n-best list of most probable translations, prune the
phrase table, and easily set likelihood thresholds [8].
The most common approach used to build the phrase table in an
unsupervised manner is by analyzing large amounts of parallel texts developed
by IBM and already discussed. In this study, we use an improved version
of IBM Model 4. The tool SyMGiza++ [295] is used to create symmetric
word alignment models. This tool generates alignment models that support
many-to-one and one-to-many alignments in both directions between two
language pairs. SyMGiza++ is also designed to leverage the power of multiple
Results and Conclusions 221

processors through advanced threading management, making it very fast. Its

alignment process uses four different models during training to progressively
refine alignment results. This approach has yielded impressive results, as
discussed in [266]. Experiments and results

The solution presented in this study facilitates the construction of phrase
tables [206] that allow us to determine the likelihood that a pair of sentences
are translations of each other. As the approach is statistical in nature and the
human language is full of inflections, synonym, hyponyms, etc., the tool
not only checks the most likely translation, but also generates an n-best
list of possible solutions. Both the probability threshold and the number of
n-best results can be adjusted in order to restrict the results. Based on this
information, a comparison is performed between the pair of sentences and the
n-best list is generated. This approach allows the tool to evaluate hypothetical
sentences [296].
The solution obtained using this procedure is highly dependent on the
quality and quantity of the data used for phrase table training. Hence, we
decided to prepare two tables, the first one from a smaller amount of data
(BTEC corpus), and the second from a larger volume of data (BTEC corpus
integrated with the OPEN corpus). Both these phrase tables were used in the
experiments. Additionally 5,000 random sentence pairs were selected from
the BTEC corpus for the purpose of evaluation. In order to cover the entire test
file, we divided the BTEC corpus into 500 equal chunks and randomly selected
10 pairs from each chunk. The evaluation was conducted by measuring the
influence of filtering on the quality of the machine translation systems. The
Moses Statistical Machine Translation (SMT) toolkit was used for training the
translation system [184].
Two systems were trained in each experiment. The first one used the TED
corpus for training and the second one used the Wikipedia (WIKI) corpus
for evaluation. The baseline system scores are indicated in the tables using
the BASE suffix. For each experiment, the BLEU, NIST, TER and METOR
metrics were used. The results after filtering using the smaller phrase table
are denoted by TED-F and WIKI-F, while the results after filtering using the
bigger phrase table are denoted by TED-FD and WIKI-FD. Table 100 presents
the number of bi-sentences before and after filtration, while Table 101 shows
the results of machine transition using those data sets. In addition, a statistical
significance (Wilcoxon test) test was conducted in order to verify the changes
in the metrics in comparison with the baseline systems. The results are
presented in Table 101. Significant changes are indicated using a * and very
significant changes are marked as **.
222 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 100. Data amount after filtration.

Corpus Number of Bi-sentences

TED BASE 151,288
TED-F 76,262
TED-FD 109,296
WIKI BASE 475,470
WIKI-F 153,526
WIKI-FD 221,732

Table 101. SMT results after data filtration.


TED BASE 23.54 6.64 53.84 52.42
TED-F* 22.17 6.45 54.22 52.13
TED-FD** 25.74 6.97 51.54 54.36
WIKI BASE 16.97 5.24 64.23 49.23
WIKI-F** 18.43 5.67 59.52 50.97
WIKI-FD** 19.18 6.01 55.26 51.35

Phrase tables often grow enormously large, because they contain a lot of
noisy data and store many unlikely hypotheses. This poses difficulties when
implementing a real-time translation system that has to be loaded into memory.
It might also result in the loss of quality. Quirk and Menezes [123] argue
that extracting only minimal phrases (the smallest phrase alignments, each of
which map to an entire sentence pair) will negatively affect translation quality.
This idea is also the basis of the n-gram translation model [124, 125]. On
the other hand, the authors of [126] postulate that discarding unlikely phrase
pairs based on significance tests drastically reduces the phrase table size and
might even result in performance improvement. Wu and Wang [127] propose
a method for filtering the noise in the phrase translation table based on a
logarithmic likelihood ratio. Kutsumi et al. [128] use a support vector machine
for cleaning phrase tables. Eck et al. [129] suggest pruning of the translation
table based on how often a phrase pair occurred during the decoding step and
how often it was used in the best translation. In this study, we implemented the
Moses-based method introduced by Johnson et al. in [126].
In our experiments, absolute and relative filtration was performed based
on in-domain dictionary filtration rules. Different rules were used for the sake
of comparison. For example, one rule (absolute) was to retain a sentence if
at least a minimum number of words from the dictionary appeared in it. A
second rule (relative) was to retain a sentence if at least a minimum percentage
Results and Conclusions 223

of words from the dictionary appeared in it. A third rule was to retain only
a set number of the most probable translations. Finally, the experiment was
concluded using a combination of pruning and absolute pre-filtering.
In Table 102, results are provided for the experiment that implemented
the Moses-based pruning method, along with data pre-processing performed
by filtering irrelevant sentences. The absolute and relative filtration results are
indicated using the following terminology.
Absolute N—Retain a sentence if at least N words from the dictionary
appear in it.
Relative N—Retain a sentence if at least N% of the sentence is built from
the dictionary.
Pruning N—Remove only the N least probable translations.
The Table 102 also contains results for the significance tests for the
pruning experiments.

Table 102. Pruning results.

Pruning Method Phrase Table BLEU NIST TER METEOR

Baseline TED 25.74 6.97 51.54 54.36
Absolute 1* TED 26.11 7.01 51.23 54.74
Absolute 2* TED 24.53 6.41 52.64 53.17
Relative 1* TED 25.14 6.91 51.74 53.78
Relative 2** TED 23.34 5.85 54.13 51.83
Pruning 20** TED 27.51 7.28 46.32 58.92
Pruning 40 TED 25.22 6.39 53.65 52.51
Baseline WIKI 19.18 6.01 55.26 51.35
Absolute 1 WIKI 19.02 5.88 55.71 50.83
Absolute 2* WIKI 20.74 6.03 54.37 52.21
Relative 1** WIKI 18.55 5.89 55.73 50.93
Relative 2** WIKI 17.42 4.73 61.64 47.82
Pruning 20** WIKI 21.73 6.58 50.62 54.89
Pruning 40* WIKI 21.26 6.27 51.44 53.79

The results were positive in terms of the machine translation quality. We

decided to improve it further using the bootstrapping method. As the BTEC-
based phrase table was smaller, we used it in our baseline filtration experiment.
The filtering was conducted on the WIKI corpus because it contained more
data. First, the WIKI corpus was filtered using the baseline phrase table. Then,
the newly obtained data was added to the BTEC corpus and the phrase table
was retrained. Finally, the new phrase table was used to filter the WIKI corpus
224 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

again. This process was repeated iteratively 10 times. After each iteration,
the SMT system was trained on the resulting WIKI-F corpus. As seen in
Table 103, each iteration slightly improved the results by reducing the data
loss. The first few iterations showed more rapid improvement. The TED
corpus was used as a baseline system.

Table 103. Pruning impact on SMT quality.

Iteration Obtained Bi-sentences BLEU NIST TER METEOR

Baseline 151,288 23.54 6.64 53.84 52.42
1** 76,262 22.17 6.45 54.22 52.13
2* 89,631 22.94 6.51 54.14 52.31
3* 94,827 24.11 6.79 53.12 54.01
4** 98,131 25.21 6.88 51.32 55.46
5** 101,003 25.89 6.92 50.49 56.22
6** 102,239 26.07 7.02 49.56 56.73
7* 102,581 26.12 7.04 49.51 56.74
8 102,721 26.11 7.04 49.52 56.69
9 102,784 25.53 6.97 51.28 55.93
10 102,853 25.18 6.82 51.38 55,79

Finally, the method proposed in this research was evaluated as a data

domain adaptation technique. It was compared with other commonly used
methods by measuring the influence on the machine translation quality. The
methods used in the comparison were: The in-built Moore-Levis filtering
(MML) method, Levenshtein Distance (LEV), Cosine TF-IDF (COS), and
Perplexity (per). The proceedings of the European Parliament (EUP) corpus
were taken as the baseline for training the SMT system. Its domain is limited,
so the phrase table for filtering was also trained using this data set (EUP-F).
Using the abovementioned methods, the WIKI corpus was adapted by in-
domain data selection. Moreover, the SMT system was retrained using EUP
data and the procedure was carried out. The evaluation results, along with the
significance tests, are showed in Table 104.

Table 104. Data adaptation evaluation.

Adaptation Method BLEU NIST TER METEOR

None 57.36 9.43 32.76 73.58
MML** 59.25 9.89 27.46 75.43
LEV* 58.45 9.32 29.62 73.81
COS** 58.78 9.47 28.31 75.12
PER** 58.11 8.43 28.44 75.32
EUP-F** 58.74 8.44 27.85 75.39
Results and Conclusions 225

In general, it is difficult to create high quality parallel text corpora.

Sentences in a raw corpus might suffer from issues such as misalignment, lack
of corresponding translation, and poor or indirect translations, resulting in a
poor quality of data. In this study, we proposed a technique to eliminate incorrect
translations and noisy data from parallel and comparable corpora, with the
ultimate goal of improving SMT performance. The experimental evaluation
of the proposed method showed that it is effective in filtering noisy data and
improving the SMT quality by a significant factor. Further improvement using
bootstrapping or phrase table pruning was also demonstrated. The proposed
technique can also be used for in-domain data adaptation. The evaluation
did not provide the best results but we plan on improving its performance in
the future. The proposed approach is also language independent and can be
adapted for use in processing positional and lexically similar languages by
simply adjusting the initial parameters and training data. We demonstrated
this by using it for English and Polish processing. From a practical point of
view, the method requires neither expensive training nor language-specific
grammatical resources, while producing satisfactory results. In our future
work, we plan to improve this method by incorporating more advanced
phrase table training models like IBM Model 5 or Model 6. They should be
computationally feasible if implemented using GPU. We also plan to explore
neural networks for this task [297].

5.4.5 Mixing textual data selection methods for improved

in-domain adaptation
The performance of statistical machine translation (SMT) [182] is heavily
dependent on the quantity of training data and the domain specificity of the
test data as it relates to the training data. An obstacle to optimal performance is
the data-driven system not guaranteeing optimum results if either the training
data or testing data are not uniformly distributed. Domain adaptation is a
promising approach to increasing the quality of domain-specific translation
systems with a mixture of out-of-domain and in-domain data.
The prevalent adaptation method is to choose the data to target the field or
domain from a general cluster of documents within the domain. However, the
method is applied when the quantity of data is adequately wide to cover some
sentences that will exist in the targeted field. Moreover, a domain-adapted
machine translation system can be attained through training that uses a chosen
subset of the data. Axelrod et al. [113] explained this point as a quasi-in-
domain sub-part of the corpus instead of using the complete corpus data.
The present research focuses entirely on these auxiliary data selection
methodologies, which have advanced the development of narrow-domain
SMT systems. Translation models that are trained in this way will have the
226 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

benefit of enhanced word arrangements. Furthermore, the system can be

modified to avoid redundant pairs of phrases; moreover, proper estimation
can support reorganization of the elements of target sentences.
The similarity measurement has an immense influence on the translation
quality. In this study, data selection methods that can boost the quality of
domain-specific translation were explored. To this end, data selection criteria
were carefully analyzed. Two models are, thus, considered in this monograph.
One is based on cosine term frequency–inverse document frequency (tf-idf);
the other is a perplexity-based approach. These two techniques have roots in
information retrieval (IR) and language modeling for SMT. A third approach
uses the Levenshtein distance, which is then analyzed.
An evaluation revealed that each of these methods has advantages and
disadvantages. First, the cosine tf-idf technique employs the text as a set of
words and recovers sentences that are similar. Although this approach helps
reduce the number of out-of-vocabulary words, it does not filter bad data.
On the other hand, perplexity-oriented measurement tools leverage an n-gram
language model (LM), which considers both a grammar’s word order and
term distribution. It filters irrelevant phrases and out-of-vocabulary words.
However, the quality of the filtering depends largely on the in-domain LM and
quasi-in-domain sub-parts.
The methodology based on the Levenshtein distance is more stringent in
its approach than the other two. It is intended to explore the similarity index;
however, in terms of performance, it does not surpass the others on account
of its reliance on data generalization. As the number of factors increases, the
complexity of the similarity judgment also increases. This scenario can be
depicted by a pyramid to show the relevant intensities of multiple approaches.
The Levenshtein distance approach is at the top of the pyramid, perplexity is
in the middle, and the cosine tf-idf approach is at the bottom. The positive and
negative aspects of each method can be addressed by considering all these
criteria. If we consider additional factors, then the criterion at each highest
point will become stricter.
In this study, the above measurement approaches were combined and
compared to each separate method and to the modified Moore–Lewis filtering
implementation in the Moses SMT system. A comparative experiment was
conducted using a generalized Polish–English language movie-subtitle corpus
and in-domain TED lecture corpus. The SMT systems were adapted and
trained accordingly. Utilizing the bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU)
metric, the testing results revealed that the designed approach produced a
promising performance.
Existing literature discusses data adaptation for SMT from multiple
perspectives, such as finding unknown words from comparable corpora [298],
corpora weighting [82], mixing multiple models [107, 106] and weighted
Results and Conclusions 227

phrase extraction. The predominant criterion for data selection is cosine tf-
idf, which originated in the area of IR. Hildebrand et al. [102] utilized this IR
technique to choose the most similar sentence—albeit with a lower quantity—
for translation model (TM) and LM adaptation. The results strengthen the
significance of the methodology for enhancing translation quality, particularly
for LM adaptation.
In a study much closer to the present research, Lü et al. [105] suggested
reorganizing the methodology for offline, as well as online, TM optimization.
The results are much closer to those of a realistic SMT system. Moreover,
their conclusions revealed that repetitive sentences in the data can affect the
translation quality. By utilizing approximately 60% of the complete data, they
increased the BLEU score by almost one point.
The second technique in the literature is a perplexity approach, which is
common in language modeling. This approach was used by Lin et al. [299]
and Gao et al. [300]. In that research, perplexity was utilized as a standard
in testing parts of the text in accordance with an in-domain LM approach.
Other researchers, such as Moore and Lewis [269], derived the unique
approach of a cross-entropy difference metric from a simpler version of the
Bayes rule. This methodology was further examined by Axelrod et al. [113],
particularly for SMT adaptation, and they additionally introduced an exclusive
unique bilingual methodology and compared its results with contemporary
approaches. Results of their experiments revealed that, if the system was kept
simple yet sufficiently fast, it discarded as much as 99% of the general corpus,
which resulted in an improvement of almost 1.8 BLEU points.
Early works discuss separately applying the methodology to either a TM
[113] or an LM [105]; however, in [105], Lü suggests that a combination
of LM and TM adaptation will actually enhance the overall performance.
Therefore, in the present study, TM and LM optimization was investigated
through a combined data selection method. Combined corpora adaptation method

Four selection criteria are discussed to describe the examined models: cosine
tf-idf, perplexity, Levenshtein distance, and the proposed combination
approach. Cosine tf-idf

In the approach based on cosine tf-idf, each document Di is represented
as a vector (wi1, wi2,…,win), where n is the vocabulary size. Thus, wij is
calculated as:
wij = tf ij × log(idf j )
228 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

where tf iji is the term frequency (TF) of the j-th word in the vocabulary in
document Di, and idfj is the inverse document frequency (IDF) of the j-th
word. The similarity between the two texts is the cosine of the angle between
the two vectors. This formula is applied in accordance with Lü et al. [105] and
Hildebrand et al. [102]. The approach supposes that M is the size of the query
set and N is the number of similar sentences from the general corpus for each
query. Thus, the size of the cosine tf-idf-based quasi-in-domain sub-corpus is
defined as:
SizeCos–IR = M × N Perplexity
Perplexity focuses on cross-entropy [301], which is the average of the negative
logarithm of word probabilities. Consider:
1 n
−∑ p( wi ) log q( wi ) =
H ( p,q) = − ∑ log q( wi )
=i 1 = Ni 1

where p is the empirical distribution of the test sample. If wi appears n times

in the test sample of size N, then q(wi) is the probability of the wi event
approximated from the training set.
Perplexity (pp) can be simply calculated at the base point presented in the
system. It is often applied as a symbolic alternative to perplexity for the data
selection as:
pp = b H(p, q)
where b is the basis of measured cross-entropy, and H(p, q) is the cross-
entropy as given in [301] (which is often used as a substitute for perplexity in
data selection [113, 269]).
Let HI (p, q) and HO (p, q) be the cross-entropy of the wi string in accordance
with the language model, which is subsequently trained by a general-domain
dataset and an in-domain dataset. While examining the target (tgt) and source
(src) dimensions of the training data, three perplexity-based variants exist.
The first one, known as basic cross-entropy, is defined as:
HI – src (p, q)
The second is the Moore–Lewis cross-entropy difference (Moore and
Lewis 2010),
HI – src (p, q) – HG – src (p, q),
which attempts to choose the sentences that are most identical to the ones in
I but unlike others in G. Both the standards mentioned above consider only
Machine lerning in translation, automatic evaluation and bi-lingual corpora processing.

For instance, candidates with lower scores [298, 27] have a higher relevance to the
specific target domain. The sizes of the perplexity-based quasi-in-domain subsets must be
Results and Conclusions 229
equal. In practice, we work with the SRI Language Modeling (SRILM) toolkit to train 5-gram
LMs sentences
with interpolated modified
in the source Kneser–Ney
language. discounting
Moreover, Axelrod[9, et
al. [113] proposed a
metric that adds cross-entropy differences to both sides:
[HI – src (p, q) – HG – src (p, q)] + [HI – tgt (p, q) – HG – tgt (p, q)]

For instance, candidates
Levenshtein with lower scores [298, 27] have a higher
relevance to the specific target domain. The sizes of the perplexity-based
quasi-in-domain subsets must be equal. In practice, we work with the SRI
In information
Language theory(SRILM)
Modeling and computer
to train the Levenshtein
5-gram LMs withdistance is regarded as a
stringmodified Kneser–Ney
metric for discounting
the measurement [9, 32]. between two sequences. The Levenshtein
of dissimilarity
distance between points or words is the minimum possible number of unique edits to the data Levenshtein distance
(e.g. insertions or deletions) that are required to replace one word with another.
In information theory and computer science, the Levenshtein distance is
regarded as a string metric for the measurement of dissimilarity between two
The Levenshtein
sequences. distance can
The Levenshtein additionally
distance between be points
appliedorto a wider
words range
is the of subjects as a
distance number
metric. of unique
Moreover, it has edits to association
a close the data (e.g., withinsertions
pairwise or deletions)
string that
are required to replace one word with another.
The Levenshtein distance can additionally be applied to a wider range
Mathematically, the Levenshtein distance between two strings 𝑎𝑎, 𝑏𝑏 (of
of subjects as a distance metric. Moreover, it has a close association with
|𝑎𝑎| and string
|𝑏𝑏|, respectively)
arrangement. is given by 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (|𝑎𝑎|, |𝑏𝑏|), where
Mathematically, the Levenshtein distance between two strings a, b (of
length |a| and |b|, respectively) is given by leva, b (|a|, |b|), where

⎧ max(𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) 𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 min(𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) = 0

⎪ 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖 − 1, 𝑗𝑗) + 1
𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) = 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗 − 1) + 1 𝑜𝑜𝑜𝑜ℎ𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑖𝑖𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑙.
⎨𝑚𝑚𝑖𝑖𝑚𝑚 �
⎪ 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖 − 1, 𝑗𝑗 − 1) + 1(𝑎𝑎𝑖𝑖 ≠𝑏𝑏𝑗𝑗 )

Here, 1(ai ≠ bj) is the indicator function, which is equal to 0 when
= bj1; (𝑎𝑎otherwise,
𝑖𝑖 ≠𝑏𝑏𝑗𝑗 )
is theitindicator
is equalfunction,to 1. Furthermore, levto
which is equal a,b
j) is 𝑎𝑎the
0(i,when 𝑖𝑖 = distance
𝑏𝑏𝑗𝑗 ; otherwise, it is
between the first i characters of a and the first j characters of b. The first
to 1. Furthermore,has the 𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙𝑙
least𝑎𝑎,𝑏𝑏 (𝑖𝑖, 𝑗𝑗) is the distance
correspondence between
to the the first
deletion (from𝑖𝑖 characters
a to b), the of 𝑎𝑎 and the
first 𝑗𝑗second-closest
characters of 𝑏𝑏. correspondence
The first component to the insertion,
has theand thecorrespondence
least most correspondence to the deletion
to a match or mismatch.
(from 𝑎𝑎 to 𝑏𝑏), the second-closest correspondence to the insertion, and the most Combined
correspondence to a match ormethods
As was first explained by Wang et al. [265], there are three basic processing
stages Combined
in data selection formethods
domain adaptation. First, we extract sentence pairs
from a parallel corpus. A generalized domain corpus is obtained based on


Krzysztof Wołk 258

230 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

significance and corresponding relevance to the targeted domain. Second, the

samples are reorganized in order to maintain the quasi-in-domain sub-corpus.
These first two steps are applicable to a general domain monolingual corpus
and they are significant for selecting sentences for a language model. Once a
large number of sentence pairs are collected, these models are scheduled for
data training and will eventually represent the target domain.
In a similar fashion, the similarity index measurement is required in order
to choose the sentences for a quasi-in-domain sub-corpus. For the similarity
measurement, three approaches are regarded as the most suitable. First, the
cosine tf-idf criterion identifies the similarity by considering the word overlap.
This technique is particularly helpful in reducing out-of-vocabulary words.
Nevertheless, it is sensitive to irrelevant data in the system. The perplexity-
based criterion, on the other hand, is more focused on the n-gram word order.
Meanwhile, the Levenshtein distance considers the word order, position of
the words and word overlap. Of the three approaches, it is the most stringent.
In this study, a combination of the corpora and language models is
used. These three methods are first individually used to identify the quasi-
in-domain sub-corpora. They are later combined during the reorganization
phase to collectively leverage the benefits of all three metrics. Similarly, these
three metrics are joined for domain adaptation during the translation process.
Experimental evidence demonstrated the success of this process. In addition,
our adaptation tool is freely available for use.50 Results and conclusions

TED data comprise a unique lecture domain; however, this domain is not
as wide as that of the movie subtitles corpus OpenSubtitles (OPEN). An
SMT system most effectively operates in a uniquely defined domain, which
presents another challenge for the system. If the challenge is not adequately
addressed, it can decrease the translation accuracy. The domain adaptation
quality largely depends on the training data used to optimize the language and
translation models in the SMT system. This challenge can be addressed by
selecting and extracting domain-centric training data from a general corpus
and a generalized domain monolingual corpus. The quasi-in-domain sub-
corpus is produced through this process.
In this study, experiments were conducted on the Polish–English
language pair. The corpora statistics are shown in Table 104. In the Polish
(PL) and English (EN) columns, the number of unique words is given for each
language; the number of bilingual sentences is given in the “PAIRS” column.

Results and Conclusions 231

Table 105. Corpora statistics.

TED 218,426 104,117 151,228
OPEN 1,236,088 749,300 33,570,553

In Table 105, the corpora statistics are presented for the average sentence
lengths for each language and corpus. Both tables expose large disparities
between the text domains.

Table 106. Average sentence lengths.

TED 13 17
OPEN 6 7

Multiple versions of the SMT system were evaluated through the

experiments. Using the Moses SMT system, we trained a baseline system
with no additional data (BASE), a system that employs additional subtitle
corpora with no adaptation (NONE), a system adapted using Moore–Lewis
filtering (MML) [113] built into Moses, a system using tf-idf adaptation (TF-
IDF), a system using perplexity-based adaptation (PP), a system using data
selected by the Levenshtein distance (LEV), and, lastly, a system combining
the three methods as described in Section 3.4 (COMB). In Table 106, we
present the amount of data from the OPEN corpus that remained after each
filtration method.

Table 107. Number of remaining bi-sentences after filtration.

Filtration method Number of bi-sentences

NONE 33,570,553
MML 1,320,385
TF-IDF 1, 718,231
PP 2,473,735
LEV 1,612,946
COMB 983,271

Additional data were used for training both the bilingual translation
phrase tables and language models. The Moses SMT system was used for
tokenization, cleaning, factorization, conversion to lower case, splitting,
and final cleaning of corpora after splitting. Training of a 6-gram language
model was accomplished using the KenLM Modeling Toolkit [9]. Word
and phrase alignment was performed using the SyMGIZA++ tool [266].
232 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Out-of-Vocabulary (OOV) words were addressed using an unsupervised

transliteration model [79]. For evaluation purposes, we used an automatically
calculated BLEU metric [18] and official International Workshop on Spoken
Language Translation (IWSLT) 2012 test datasets.51 The results are shown in
Table 107. Statistically significant results in accordance with the Wilcoxon
test are marked with an asterisk ‘*’; those that are very significant are denoted
with ‘**.’

Table 108. Corpora adaptation results.

BASE 17.43 10.70
NONE 17.89* 10.63*
MML 18.21** 11.13*
TF-IDF 17.92* 10.71
PP 18.13** 10.88*
LEV 17.66* 10.63*
COMB 18.97** 11.84**

As shown by Table 107, ignoring the adaptation step only slightly improves
PL->EN translation and degrades EN<-PL translation. As anticipated, other
adaptation methods have a rather positive impact on translation quality;
however, in some cases, the enhancement is only minor.
The most significant improvement in translation quality was obtained
using the proposed method combining all three metrics. It should be noted,
however, that the proposed method was not computationally feasible in some
cases, even though it produced satisfactory results. In the best-case scenario,
fast comparison metrics, such as perplexity, will filter most irrelevant data;
however, in the worst-case scenario, most data would be processed by slow
Summing up, we successfully introduced a new combined approach for
the in-domain data adaptation task. In the general case, it provides better
adaptation results than those of state of the art methods separately in a
reasonable amount of time.

5.4.6 Improving ASR translation quality by de-normalization

In natural spoken language there are many meaningless modal particles and
dittographes. Furthermore, ASR often produces some recognition errors, and

Results and Conclusions 233

the ASR results have no punctuation or proper casing. Therefore, the translation
would be rather poor if the ASR results are directly translated by MT systems.
Automatic sentence segmentation of speech is important in making speech
recognition (ASR) output more readable and easier for downstream language
processing modules. Various techniques have been studied for automatic
sentence boundary detection in speech, including hidden Markov models
(HMMs), maximum entropy, neural networks and Gaussian mixture models,
utilizing both textual and prosodic information.
This part of research addresses the problem of identifying sentence
boundaries in the transcriptions produced by automatic speech recognition
systems. These differ from the sorts of texts normally used in NLP in a
number of ways: The text is generally in single case, unpunctuated, and may
contain transcription errors. In addition, such text is usually normalized, what
is unnatural to read. A lot of important linguistic information is lost as well
(e.g., for machine translation or text-to-speech). Table 108 compares a short
text in the format that would be produced by an ASR system with a fully
punctuated version that includes casing information and de-normalization.
There are many possible situations in which an NLP system may be
required to process ASR text. The most obvious examples are text to speech
systems, machine translation or real-time speech-to-speech translation
systems. Dictation software programs do not punctuate or capitalize their
output. However, if this information could be added to ASR text, the results
would be far more useful.
One of the most important pieces of information that is not available in
ASR output is sentence boundary information. The knowledge of sentence
boundaries is required by many NLP technologies. Parts of speech taggers
typically require input in the format of a single sentence per line, and parsers
generally aim to produce a tree spanning each sentence. Sentence boundary
is very important in order not to lose the context or even the meaning of a
sentence. Only the most trivial linguistic analysis can be carried out on text
that is not split into sentences.
It is worth mentioning that not all transcribed speech can be sensibly
divided into sentences. It has been argued by Gotoh and Renals [302], that the
main unit in spoken language is the phrase, rather than the sentence. However,
there are situations in which it is appropriate to consider spoken language
to be composed of sentences. The need for such tools is also well-known in
other NLP branches. For example, the spoken portion of the British National
Corpus [303] contains 10 million words and was manually marked with
sentence boundaries. A technology that identifies sentence boundaries could
be used to speed up such processes.
234 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 109. Sample input and output.

Before ile kobiet mających czterdzieści cztery lata wygląda tak jak amerykańska gwiazda na okładce
swej nowej płyty jennifer lopez nie bierze jednak udziału w konkursie piękności czy więc rownież
mocno jak do rzeźbienia swego ciała przyłożyła się do stworzenia dobrych piosenek ostatnie lata
nie były dobre dla latynoskiej piosenkarki między innymi rozwody i rozstania zdewastowały jej
poczucie kobiecej wartości a klapy ostatnich albumow o mały włos nie zrujnowały piosenkarskiej
After Ile kobiet mających 44 lata wygląda tak, jak amerykańska gwiazda na okładce swej nowej
płyty Jennifer Lopez? Nie bierze jednak udziału w konkursie piękności. Czy więc rownież mocno,
jak do rzeźbienia swego ciała, przyłożyła się do stworzenia dobrych piosenek?. Ostatnie lata nie
były dobre dla latynoskiej piosenkarki, rozwody i rozstania zdewastowały jej poczucie
kobiecej wartości, a klapy ostatnich albumow o mały włos nie zrujnowały piosenkarskiej kariery.

It is important to distinguish the aforementioned problem from another

problem, sometimes called “sentence splitting”. This problem aims to identify
sentence boundaries in standard text. However, since standard text includes
punctuation, the problem is effectively reduced to deciding which of the
symbols that potentially denotes sentence boundaries (., !, ?) actually do. This
problem is not trivial since these punctuation symbols do not always occur at
the end of sentences. For example, in the sentence “Mr. Doe teacher at M.I.T.”
only the final full stop denotes the end of a sentence. For the sake of clarity,
we shall refer to the process of discovering sentence boundaries in standard
punctuated text as “punctuation disambiguation” and that of finding them in
unpunctuated ASR text as “sentence boundary detection”.
Sentence boundary detection is not all that is needed. We cannot forget
about restoring proper casing, distinguishing between normal sentences and
questions, or exclamatory sentences. Restoring numbers, dates, separators, etc.
is not a trivial task, so it is still important to also obtain linguistic information
from other tools. De-Normalization method

In order to achieve this task, we implement a tool that works in a specialized
pipeline of minor tools. We wanted it to be as easy for non-IT specialists as
possible. In the first step, we used a conditional random fields framework for
building probabilistic models in order to segment and label sequential data.
Conditional random fields in this scenario offered several advantages over
other methods such as hidden Markov models and stochastic grammars. CRFs
include the ability to relax strong independence assumptions made in the
other models. They also avoid a fundamental limitation of maximum entropy
Markov models and other discriminative Markov models, which can be biased
towards states with few successor states. A CRF differs from the HMM with
Results and Conclusions 235

respect to its training objective function (joint versus conditional likelihood)

and its handling of dependent word features. Traditional HMM training does
not maximize the posterior probabilities of the correct labels; whereas, the
CRF directly estimates posterior boundary label probabilities P(E|O). The
underlying n-gram sequence model of an HMM does not cope well with
multiple representations of a word sequence, especially when the training set
is small. On the other hand, the CRF model supports simultaneously correlated
features, providing more flexibility to incorporate a variety of knowledge
sources. The CRFSuite is used for sentence boundary detection, as well as for
comma separation detection.
For tasks such as conversion of numbers or capitalization, we created
specialized rules. A specific python tool was implemented for this job. It
required us to prepare large databases that were obtained using web crawlers,
manually cleaned and annotated. It was necessary to annotate, for example,
surnames that could be either casual words or names. The same work was
required for enumeration, abbreviations, numerals, currency, etc. The surnames
database consisted of 399,551 records, 2769 names, and 171 abbreviations.
We also created a database of special cases for the Polish language. In the
program, we assured the ease of extending rules and the databases to support
future research. De-Normalization experiments

In our experiments, we focused as much as possible on natural human speech
in real-life scenarios. In order to do that, we chose three different types of
data to process. One of the first corpora, similar to human dialogues, that
we used was the Open Subtitles corpora obtained from the OPUS project9.
In addition, we obtained multi-subject TED Lectures from the IWSLT’13
campaign proceedings and from the European Parliament Proceedings, whose
subject domain vocabulary is very limited.
The corpora were randomly divided into training, tuning, and testing data.
For training and tuning, we selected 1000 sentences for each task. In order
to maximize the relevance of evaluation and coverage of the entire corpora,
our randomization scripts first divided the corpora into 250 equal segments
and then randomly chose four sentences from each segment. The selected
sentences were removed from the training data.
Table 110 represents both the data specification and results of our initial
sentence boundary detection script. The table rows represent: The number
of sentences in each corpora, the number of words, the number of unique
words and their forms, the average sentence length (words), and the measured
accuracy of the trained system.
236 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Table 110. Results of the tool.

TED EuroParl OpenSubtitles

Sentences 185,637 629,558 9,745,212
Words 2,5 M 28 M 113 M
Unique Words 92,135 311,186 1,519,771
Avg. Sen. Len. 5 21 13
Accuracy 43% 67% 71%

From each corpus we randomly selected texts for development and

testing, 500 lines for each purpose. These lines were deleted from the corpora
for more reliable evaluation. With our translation system we processed plain
ASR output from randomly selected lines (PLAIN), ASR output processed
with our de-normalization tool (TOOL) and ASR output processed by a
human translator (HUMAN). The results are showed in Table 111.

Table 111. Results of MT.


TED PLAIN 9.31 4.38 43.37 77.15
TOOL 11.04 4.57 45.12 69.15
HUMAN 16.05 5.34 49.24 66.42
EUROPARL PLAIN 31.13 8.14 69.69 50.69
TOOL 41.24 8.98 73.16 46.19
HUMAN 63.18 10.78 82.05 33.14
OPENSUB PLAIN 22.78 4.78 48.12 69.01
TOOL 32.88 6.69 52.18 54.17
HUMAN 53.21 7.57 66.40 46.01

This research has introduced sentence boundary detection on the text

produced by the ASR systems as an area for application of the NLP technology.
It is not possible to state whether the boundary detection works best for any
specific data set, because of the variety and amount of data. It is clear that
significant accuracy was obtained on a very narrow domain data, in which
many phrases were repeated, even though this data was built from rather long
sentences. In our opinion, the most valuable results are those of the subtitles
corpora, because their sentence length is average and the data is diverse. It
must be noted that we consider accuracy results over 60% as satisfactory,
because we noticed that even humans, given ASR results, are not able to
reproduce original text with 100% accuracy. In the future, combining training
data and using additional Polish corpora in the training phase will most likely
improve the accuracy of our de-normalization system. On the basis of manual
Results and Conclusions 237

analysis of the test samples, we concluded that additional changes to and

extension of the implemented rules are also required.
The preliminary results of the machine translations are promising. Our
experiments showed that overcoming outstanding issues, such as the lack
of sentence boundaries, punctuation, and capitalization in the ASR output
(generally a stream of words that lack sentence boundaries, which breaks the
SMT process), improves the quality of MT systems. The automatic solution is
still not as good as humans, but opportunities for improvement remain.
Final Conclusions

The main topic of this monograph stated that it is possible to improve

spoken language translation quality by enriching textual training data with
comparable corpora. Building and exploring comparable corpora in search for
parallel data fulfilled this monograph. Moreover, it was proven that training
parameters must be adapted for each language and text domain independently.
It was also shown that improvements to corpora quality are essential to
spoken language statistical machine transition. This confirms Monograph 2
of this monograph. To be more precise, SMT systems were trained, and their
quality was improved in comparison to baseline systems. The best settings
for PL-EN translation were determined for TED lectures data and evaluated
during the IWSLT evaluation campaign, in which the best results for the PL-
EN language pair were obtained twice in a row (2013 and 2014 evaluations).
More importantly, the progress made for the PL-EN was one of the most
significant, compared to the baseline.
Two methods for comparable corpora exploration were developed and
tested. The Yalign tool was adapted and greatly improved, and almost 500,000
bi-sentences were successfully obtained from Wikipedia. The obtained
data proved to be of acceptable quality and also improved the quality of
the SMT systems. A second methodology for mining the bi-sentences was
investigated, and its results look promising and worth additional research
and development. In addition to those main tasks, a tool that can filter and
align textual data was developed and proved to provide reasonable quality
within this research effort. A successful trial was made to create an evaluation
metric more suited for morphologically-rich languages. Many pre-processing
tools were implemented and used as well (e.g., text cleaner applied to TED
corpus, crawlers, text unifiers, etc.). All the solutions developed in the scope
of this research are language independent and can easily be adapted for other
languages, as well as for other text domains.
Final Conclusions 239

There is still room for improvement and research in statistical machine

translation, and neural machine translation was recently proposed as an
approach to MT. Unlike traditional statistical machine translation, neural
machine translation aims at building a single neural network that can be jointly
tuned to maximize translation performance. The models recently proposed
for neural machine translation belong to a family of encoder-decoders. They
consist of an encoder that encodes a source sentence into a fixed-length
vector, from which a decoder generates a translation. Testing and improving
such a methodology on the PL-EN language pair in accordance with [78]
seems like a promising avenue for future research. Additionally, supplying
SMT systems with neural-based language models has already proven to be a
quality-improving approach [78, 131, 132]. What is more, plain neural-based
translation systems recently began developing rapidly [78].

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A* algorithm 65, 66, 76, 78 back-off 26, 29, 30
A* search 39, 65, 67, 116, 179 Batch-MIRA 20, 113, 125, 126, 136
A* search algorithm 65, 67, 116, 179 Bayes rule 39, 227
ABBYY Aligner 71, 104–106 Bayes’ theorem 11
Absolute 30, 32, 34, 57, 115, 130, 131, 147, Berkeley Aligner 109
182, 222, 223 bidirectional 42, 107, 113, 115, 125, 136, 137,
absolute alignment 32 152, 154, 159, 163, 199, 200, 215
acquisition 215, 219 Bidirectional reordering 42, 199
adaptation 1, 46, 47, 51, 63, 72, 83, 113, 116– bilingual 10, 17, 19, 22, 48, 62, 64, 70, 73, 74,
118, 125, 132, 143, 144, 151, 177, 178, 79, 80, 83, 84, 109, 117–119, 126, 137,
193, 197, 198, 209, 215, 216, 219, 220, 143, 158, 159, 172, 176, 179, 180, 209,
224–227, 229–232 218, 220, 226, 227, 230, 231
Adaptation of parallel corpora 47 Bilingual Evaluation Understudy (BLEU) 48,
Alignment 4, 10, 11, 17, 19, 22, 28, 32–38, 70, 137, 172, 226
41–45, 47, 51, 52, 54–56, 60, 62–65, 68, Bing 98, 142
69, 71, 72, 74–76, 78–80, 82–84, 95, 98, Bleualign 69, 70, 104–106
100, 101, 104–109, 114, 115, 117, 118, Bootstrapping 62, 219, 223, 225
125, 126, 129, 136, 145, 154, 159, 166, brevity penalty 48, 50–52, 88, 137
175, 176, 178–180, 186, 198–200, 209, BTEC 73, 80, 159–162, 164, 220, 221, 223
210, 215, 218–222, 225, 231
alignment methods 37, 51, 62, 69, 72, 76, 84, C
105, 106
C++ 101
Analogy-based method 84, 117, 176, 177
Character Edit Rate 101
AR 9, 140, 141, 143, 147–149, 171–174
Coefficient 52, 53, 93, 94, 182–184, 186, 191,
AR systems 140, 141, 143, 147–149
ASR 1, 8, 150, 181, 183, 184, 187, 190, 213,
Cohesion 4
232–234, 236, 237
Combined 21, 32, 37, 53, 72, 125, 135, 145,
Assessment 53, 93, 163, 172, 181–183, 196,
159, 183, 198, 209, 211, 214, 216, 226,
197, 201
227, 229, 230, 232
A-STAR 6, 8
Comma Rules 15
Asymmetric lambda 92
Comma Splice 14, 15
Augmenting 142, 205, 216, 217
comparable articles 116, 180
augumented reality 140
Comparable corpora 1, 10, 17, 19, 59, 61, 63,
automatic speech recognition 1, 181, 213, 233
72, 83, 110, 115, 117, 118, 159, 162, 166,
automatically-aligned 80
258 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

167, 169–171, 176–180, 219, 225, 226, distribution is a lexicalized model 34

238 DNA 67
comparable corpora exploration 59, 61, 177, document-level alignment 62
238 Domain text adaptation 46
comparable to Polish 3 domains 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 12, 17, 18, 25, 46, 47,
compare numbers 82 59, 60, 63, 73, 80, 83, 84, 103, 104, 114,
comparison heuristic 99, 102 116–118, 122, 125–127, 130, 131, 138,
Complexity 2, 3, 32, 39, 42, 64, 110, 131, 132, 140, 141, 143–145, 148–150, 152, 158,
135, 153, 182, 226 159, 162, 163, 165, 167, 169, 171, 174,
compound splitting 113–115, 125–129, 136, 176–178, 193, 194, 197, 198, 200, 204,
137 205, 210, 212, 215–220, 222, 224–232,
Compounding 24, 27, 55 235, 236, 238
Conclusions 94, 103, 118, 123, 126, 128, 132, Dyer’s Fast Align 71, 109, 114, 129
141, 157, 158, 163, 169, 227, 230, 238
context-free grammars 39, 101, 114 E
corpora 1, 4–6, 10–12, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25, 38,
EBLEU 89–94, 181, 187–192
46, 47, 59–64, 72, 73, 79, 81–84, 86, 95,
ECB 110, 119, 120, 223
96, 102–104, 106, 109–112, 114–120, 125,
EMEA 73, 80, 89, 110, 114, 116, 119, 120,
126, 128, 131, 138, 144, 146, 153, 159–
144–146, 148, 152, 159–162, 164,
163, 166, 167, 169–171, 174, 176–180,
198, 199, 205, 210–214, 220, 225–227,
EMS 106, 127, 136, 153, 198
229–232, 235, 236, 238
Corpora Processing 72, 153
English 1–5, 11–13, 17–19, 23–27, 31, 33–36,
Corpora statistics 138, 160, 180, 220, 230, 231
39, 44, 45, 48, 54, 55, 59, 60, 62, 67,
Cosine tf-idf 197, 224, 226–228, 230
73, 74, 83, 84, 86, 89–91, 95–99, 104,
CPU 65, 75, 155, 167, 180
109–114, 118–123, 125–127, 129, 132,
CRF 234, 235
134, 135, 138, 139, 141–149, 151, 153–
cross-lingual corpora 82
159, 161–163, 171, 178, 180–182, 184,
Czech 3, 4, 54, 60, 132–134, 141, 171, 205,
193–198, 201, 205, 206, 210, 211, 216,
207, 208, 210–214
219, 225, 226, 230
enhanced BLEU 89, 94
enhancements 11, 54, 86, 140, 232
DARPA 6, 59 EUB 138, 139
data adaptation 220, 224–226, 232 EU-BRIDGE 8, 150
data mining 2, 62, 65, 72, 75, 83, 116, 117, 165, EUNEWS 110, 119, 120
175, 178, 179 Euronews 72, 74, 79, 109, 110, 119, 159
Data preparation 83, 144, 151–153 EuroParl 109, 114, 127, 236
deficiency problem 32 European Medicines Agency texts 73, 118, 119,
de-normalization 8, 232–236 144, 149, 152
Dependent 16, 34, 57, 58, 84, 92, 93, 172, 186, European Parliament 1, 4, 5, 59, 73, 108, 114,
187, 191–193, 197, 203, 204, 219, 221, 118, 127, 128, 220, 224, 235
225, 235 European Parliament Proceedings 1, 4, 59, 114,
detection-based method 86 118, 127, 220, 235
Difflib 99–101 Evaluation 2, 4, 10, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53–55, 59,
direct translation 124, 125 60, 61, 70, 72, 73, 86, 87, 89, 90, 94–96,
Directorate-General for Translation 6 101, 103, 104, 109, 110, 113, 115–117,
Discontinuous orientation 42 123, 126, 130, 132, 137, 141, 143, 148,
distance 37, 38, 40, 51, 52, 64, 66, 84, 85, 142, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 172,
183, 198, 199, 208–214, 224, 226, 227, 177, 178, 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188,
229–231 190, 193, 194, 196, 197, 199–204, 210,
distortion model 21, 22, 36 216–218, 221, 224–226, 232, 235, 236,
Index 259

Evaluation of SMT quality 47 H

Experiments 1, 2, 4, 18, 51, 54, 72–74, 80, 85,
89, 92–95, 102–107, 109–120, 122, 123, HAMT 9
125–132, 136–139, 141, 144–149, 151, Healthcare Technologies 150
153, 155, 157–159, 161–163, 165, 166, hidden Markov model (HMM) 32, 107
169, 171, 173–178, 180–182, 184, 193, hierarchical 19, 39, 40, 43, 44, 109, 113, 114,
194, 198, 210, 215–217, 220–223, 226, 126, 129, 130, 137, 158, 199, 212, 215
227, 230, 231, 235–237 hier-mslr-bidirectional-fe 113, 115, 125, 136
history 5, 18, 26, 53, 130, 151, 214
F HMD 140
HMEANT 53–56, 181, 184–186, 193, 194,
FACIT 193, 194 202–204
FACIT translation 193 HMEANT calculation 55
Factored 1, 4, 19, 39, 109, 110, 112, 114, HMEANT metric 53, 54, 184, 193
127–129 HTER 53, 54
factored model 114, 127, 129 HTML 17, 74, 83, 93, 99, 179, 208
FBK 73, 95, 171, 178, 197 human judgment 54, 102, 116, 137, 176, 186,
fertility model 32, 107 193, 194, 198, 201–203
Filtering 1, 2, 47, 63, 72, 83, 84, 95, 98, 102– Hunalign 70, 71, 84, 104–106, 117, 175, 176
104, 113, 115–117, 120, 125, 126, 130, Hyphen 23
131, 147, 158, 161, 171, 174, 176–178, Hypomonograph 20, 21, 101
193, 197, 198, 209, 211, 212, 219, 221,
223–226, 231 I
first-order dependencies 37
fluent translations 50, 148, 155 IAA 53–56, 186
IBM 19, 31–34, 36–38, 44, 71, 92, 107, 220,
G 225
IBM Model 2 32, 33, 71
Gale and Church 62, 70, 219 IBM Model 3 33, 34
gap penalty 65, 68, 76 IBM Model 4 34, 36, 37, 220
gender 3, 111, 132, 133, 135, 141, 182 IBM Model 5 36, 225
generated 6, 20, 21, 36, 62, 86, 96, 114, 140, IBM models 32, 37, 38, 44, 107
162, 176, 205, 208, 209, 211–214, 216– Idiom 45, 46
218, 221 Improvements 5, 6, 16, 54, 59, 62, 63, 72, 75,
generated corpora 211–214, 216– 218 79, 80, 82, 92, 104, 110, 116, 118–120,
GGH 18 122–124, 128, 130, 148, 158, 165, 167–
GIZA 2, 19, 38, 107, 109, 114, 145, 154, 178, 169, 172, 176, 178–181, 216, 218, 222,
210 224, 225, 227, 232, 237–239
Global Autonomous Language Exploitation 6 in-domain 47, 63, 83, 125–127, 143, 158, 163,
Goodman’s modification 30 167, 176, 194, 197, 198, 204, 219, 220,
Good-Turing smoothing 26 222, 225–229, 230, 232
Google Translate 5, 141–143, 149 in-domain adaptation 143, 219, 220, 225
Google Translator 98, 99 in-domain data 47, 63, 127, 158, 163, 167, 194,
GPU 2, 70, 75, 76, 78, 116, 155, 157, 165–167, 198, 204, 220, 225, 228, 232
179, 180, 225 inter-annotator agreement (IAA) 53, 54
GPU optimization 70, 75, 76, 78 interpolate 106, 136
GPU-accelerated 75, 116, 166, 179, 180 Interpolation 1, 26, 28, 37, 46, 47, 116, 117,
GPU-accelerated Yalign 75 127, 158, 171, 177, 180, 193, 197, 198
Groundhog 154, 200 IR 226–228
grow-diag 107, 108, 136, 145, 198 IRSTLM 25
grow-diag-final-and 107, 108, 136, 198 iTranslatAR 142
260 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

IWSLT 59–61, 73, 95, 96, 103, 109, 113, 123, M

126, 129, 130, 159, 172, 178, 180, 232,
235, 238 M matrix 65–70, 75–78
IWSLT Evaluation Campaign 59, 60, 103, 109, MACA 111
238 machine translation (MT) 1, 2, 4–6, 8–10,
17–19, 23–26, 32, 46, 48, 51–53, 55,
J 59, 61, 62, 83, 84, 86, 95, 98, 101, 104,
106, 109, 112, 118, 130–132, 136, 140,
Jean Senellart 6 141, 143, 148–151, 154, 155, 157, 159,
176, 181, 182, 193, 194, 196–198, 200,
K 205, 208, 209, 211, 215, 218, 219, 221,
223–225, 233, 237, 239
KantanMT 50, 155
Machine translation results 118
Kashubian 132, 133
mathematically expressed 34
KenLM 25, 106, 136, 145, 154, 199, 215, 231
matrix 42, 44, 64–70, 75–78, 166, 180, 202,
Kneser-Ney 26, 30, 31, 106, 110, 113, 119, 136,
145, 153, 212, 229
matrix calculation 66, 69, 70, 76–78
Kneser-Ney discounting 30, 31, 106, 136, 145,
maximum likelihood estimates 29, 38
153, 229
MEANT 53, 54
Medical 1, 4, 6, 18, 60, 109, 114, 118, 128–130,
140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 149–151,
language model 1, 2, 11, 20–22, 25–27, 29, 31, 153, 157, 158, 195, 205
38, 47, 84, 106, 107, 110, 113–117, 123, Medical leaflets 146
125–127, 136, 137, 145, 153, 154, 157, Medical texts 1, 4, 6, 18, 60, 109, 114, 128–
158, 161, 163, 171, 177, 180, 197–199, 130, 140, 143, 153, 157, 205
210, 214, 215, 226–231, 239 Methodology 7, 46, 74, 83, 115, 117, 150, 174,
Languages 1–13, 16–29, 31–33, 36–41, 43, 179, 193–195, 205, 208–211, 219, 226,
45, 47, 48, 51, 53, 54, 59–65, 70, 71, 74, 227, 238, 239
79, 81–85, 94–97, 101, 102, 104–107, Metric 23, 48–56, 63, 64, 70, 72, 85, 86, 89–94,
110–117, 123, 125–127, 130–155, 157– 101, 103–106, 109, 114, 116, 119, 120,
159, 161, 163, 165, 171–175, 177–182, 126, 129, 130, 137, 146, 155, 163, 176,
184, 193, 195–201, 205–211, 214–216, 181, 182, 184–187, 189–194, 196, 198,
218–221, 225–233, 235, 238, 239 199, 201–205, 210, 221, 226, 227, 229,
latent semantic analysis (LSA) 213, 214, 217, 230, 232, 238
218 Metric for Evaluation of Translation with
Lavie 50, 148, 155 Explicit Ordering (METEOR) 48, 51–53,
Lemma 112, 123–125, 158 89–92, 94, 102, 103, 106, 114, 116, 120,
lemma translated 125 121, 123–129, 137–139, 146, 155, 156,
Lemmatization 112, 118, 123 161–164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 181, 187,
Lemmatized 4, 123 188–191, 193, 194, 196, 198, 202–204,
Levenshtein distance 51, 85, 208, 210, 212, 222–224
224, 226, 227, 229–231 MGIZA 106, 107, 136, 145, 154, 159
Levenshtein metric 85 Minimum error rate training (MERT) 2, 23,
Lexical translation 26, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38 103, 113, 125, 126, 136, 137, 171, 180
Lexicalized reordering 22, 38, 40–42, 113, 125, Mining 2, 7, 20, 23, 28, 62, 63, 65, 72, 74, 75,
126, 136, 137 80, 82, 83, 116–118, 159, 160, 163, 165,
linear interpolation 116, 117, 171, 180, 193, 166, 169, 172, 175, 176, 178–180, 182,
197, 198 196, 209, 228, 238
LM adaptation 227 Minitel network 5
log-linear 32, 37, 38, 46, 71 MITLM 110
LSTMs 194, 201 Mixing 133, 125, 126
Index 261

MML 2, 116, 161, 162, 224, 231, 232 N-gram language models 27, 29, 226
Model 4 32, 34–37, 220 N-gram smoothing 28
Modified Moore-Lewis 2, 47, 113, 116, 117, NIST 48, 50–53, 89–92, 94, 102, 103, 106, 114,
126, 161, 171, 226 116, 120, 121, 123–129, 137–139, 146,
Modified Moore-Lewis filtering 2, 113, 116, 155–157, 161, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169,
117, 126, 161, 171, 226 170, 176, 181, 187–192, 194, 196, 198,
MongoDB 74, 79 202–204, 221–224, 236
monolingual 17, 21, 25, 46, 85, 109, 116–119, NKT 53, 183
126, 158, 197, 208, 209, 211–215, 218, NLP 110, 111, 118, 208, 216, 233, 236
230 NLTK 100
monolingual language model 21, 117 Noisy 17, 31, 38, 39, 62, 63, 72, 74, 83, 95, 96,
monotone 41–43, 154, 199, 215 103, 104, 115, 117, 147, 158, 174, 176,
Moore 2, 47, 113, 116, 117, 126, 161, 171, 180, 177, 179, 216, 219, 220, 222, 225
193, 197, 198, 224, 226–228, 231 Noisy channel model 31, 39
Moore-Levis 180, 224 noisy-parallel 63, 117, 176, 177, 219
Moore-Lewis 2, 47, 113, 116, 117, 126, 161, non-lexical expressions 23
171, 226, 228, 231 non-terminals 40, 114
Moore-Lewis filtering 2, 113, 116, 117, 126, Noun phrases 13, 15
161, 171, 226, 231 NP-complete complexity 39
Moses 2, 10, 18–23, 25, 26, 30, 41, 106, 111, NSR 53, 183
115, 127, 130, 132, 136, 144, 145, 153, NW 65, 76, 78, 165–171, 179
198, 199, 210, 215, 221, 222, 223, 226,
231 O
Moses decoder 22, 26
OCR 9, 140, 142, 143, 145–148, 151
Moses Statistical Machine Translation Toolkit 2
OOV 27, 28, 127, 131, 146, 158, 197–199, 210,
Moses tool 10, 18–20, 23, 111, 127, 145, 153,
215, 232
199, 215
OOV words 28, 127, 131, 146, 158, 197–199,
msd-bidirectional-fe 107, 113, 136, 137, 159,
210, 215, 232
open-source Moses toolkit 19
MT evaluation 48, 50, 51, 53, 86, 89, 141, 193
OpenSubtitles 73, 110, 119, 120, 127, 220, 230,
Multeval 162
operation sequence model (OSM) 22, 113, 114,
125, 126, 129, 136, 137, 158
native speaker 12, 132, 196, 205–207 OPUS 84, 109, 119, 152, 174, 235
Native Yalign 59, 63, 115, 159, 161, 166 orientation model 43
n-best 8, 113, 125, 126, 136, 137, 220, 221 Out of vocabulary words 16, 27, 226, 230
Needleman-Wunsch 2, 64, 65, 67, 69, 75, 77,
80, 116, 165, 166, 168, 179, 180 P
Needleman-Wunsch algorithm 64, 67, 75, 80,
parallel corpora 1, 4, 11, 17, 38, 47, 61–63, 72,
116, 165, 166, 168, 179, 180
79, 81, 83, 86, 95, 96, 104, 106, 110, 111,
NER 54, 181–192
117, 131, 144, 159, 163, 177–179, 205,
NER accuracy 183
211, 216, 218–220
NER model 182, 183
parallel corpus 7, 10, 17, 18, 46, 73, 84–86,
Neural 149–157, 193, 194, 196, 200–204, 218,
89, 95, 103, 152, 177, 180, 196, 208, 219,
225, 233, 239
220, 229
Neural machine translation 149, 151, 154, 157,
Parallel data mining 2, 62, 65, 72, 83, 117, 175
200, 218, 239
parallel text 7, 10, 11, 17, 62, 63, 70, 81, 103,
neural network 149–157, 193, 194, 196, 200,
131, 149, 179, 220, 225
201, 203, 225, 233, 239
parallel text corpora 103, 225
n-grams 11, 12, 22, 26–31, 48, 50–52, 87, 115,
parallel threads 75, 77
137, 163, 178, 197, 214, 222, 226, 230,
262 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Parliament proceedings 1, 4, 59, 114, 118, 127, Reformulates 36

220, 235 relations 4, 15, 19, 25, 27, 28, 92–94, 184, 186,
part of speech (POS) 1, 19, 22, 25, 36, 114 193, 194, 209, 212, 217
Pearson correlation 93 Relative 32, 35–39, 47, 114, 115, 124, 130, 131,
Penalty 21, 22, 48, 50–52, 65, 68, 76, 80, 88, 147, 159, 177, 201, 222, 223
105, 137, 200 relative alignment model 32
Perplexity 26, 46, 109, 110, 114, 119, 197, 215, re-speaking 54, 181, 182, 184
224, 226–232 results 3, 8, 19, 31, 37, 47, 54, 57, 59–61, 67,
phrase-based decoder 20 72–74, 76, 78, 80, 82–84, 89–94, 100–107,
phrase-based language models 27 114, 117, 118, 120–131, 137–144, 146–
Phrase-based models 31, 38, 39 149, 152, 155–159, 161–167, 169–174,
Phrase-based translation 4, 38, 39, 113, 114, 176–182, 184, 185, 193, 194, 196, 198,
126, 137 200–202, 204, 205, 210, 215, 216, 221–
Phrase-to-phrase translations 19 227, 230, 232, 233, 235–238
Pictures 81, 83 Review 8, 141, 144, 147, 193–196, 205
pipeline 19, 63, 72, 74, 83, 117, 124, 125, 175, RIBES 48, 52, 89–91, 94, 101, 114, 181, 182,
176, 234 187–191
PL-EN 2, 3, 72, 78, 79, 82, 84, 90, 113, 122, RIBES metric 52, 94, 182
125, 128, 131, 137–139, 147, 151, 158, RNA 67
168, 170, 172–174, 176, 178–180, 238, RNN 152, 155, 200
239 RNN Encoder–Decoder 155
Polish 1–3, 5, 11, 13, 17, 19, 24–27, 31, 34, 35, R-square 185, 186, 191, 193, 204
44, 45, 48, 51, 53, 59–61, 73, 74, 84, 86, Rule-based machine translation 6, 112, 209
89–91, 94–99, 102, 104, 109–114, 118– Run-on 14, 15
123, 125–130, 132–135, 141, 144–149,
152, 153, 155–159, 161–163, 171, 174, S
178, 180, 182, 193, 194, 197, 207, 219,
SEARCH 7, 18, 20, 21, 23, 39, 40, 64, 65, 67,
220, 225, 226, 230, 235, 236
78, 83, 101, 102, 114, 116, 136, 155–157,
poor-quality translations 17, 96
178, 179, 238
precision 48, 49, 52, 53, 56, 62–64, 78, 81, 94,
Selection 7, 19, 80, 100, 101, 146, 155, 162,
97, 135, 150, 178, 183, 199, 200
197, 224–229
PROMIS 193–198, 201
Self-training 208, 209
Pruning 39, 109, 115, 118, 130, 131, 147, 148,
semantic 5–7, 53–55, 63, 182, 193, 194, 212,
213, 217, 219
PSI-Toolkit 2, 112
Semantic role labelling (SRL) 54, 55
PSI-TOOLS 112, 113, 118
semantically 16, 182, 205, 212–214, 218
Punctuation 8, 14, 15, 23, 113, 114, 126, 128,
semi-automatic 54, 184, 193, 203, 204
135, 137, 183, 233, 234, 237
Semicolon 14, 15
Python 78, 79, 99–101, 112, 120, 214, 235
Sentences 7, 8, 10, 13–17, 19, 23, 25, 34,
38, 40, 46, 49, 54, 61–64, 71, 73, 74,
78, 80–86, 95–103, 105, 106, 108, 111,
QCRI 138 115–118, 125, 126, 130, 136, 138, 144–
Quasi 17, 86, 176–180, 225, 226, 228–230 146, 153–155, 159, 160, 163, 165, 172,
Quasi comparable corpora 177, 178, 180 174–180, 184, 194, 197, 208, 211–216,
219–231, 233–236, 238
R SequenceMatcher 101
Significance 46, 56, 90, 103, 115, 122, 167,
RBMT 7, 209 168–172, 174, 187, 189, 215, 221–224,
Recall 51, 52, 56, 62, 64, 78, 137, 199, 200 227, 230
Reduction 54, 123, 183–186, 188 Silesian 132, 133
Referenced 81, 131, 147 Silesian ethnolect 133
References 49, 74, 82, 83, 179, 193
Index 263

Slavic 2, 3, 48, 94, 104, 131–133, 135, 138, T

139, 141, 163
Solutions 20, 63, 72, 110, 144, 196, 215, 221, Target Syntax 40, 109, 114, 129
238 target syntax model 40, 114, 129
Sorbian 132, 133 TED 1, 73, 80, 95–97, 102–105, 109, 110, 116–
Spearman correlation 93, 94 119, 144–146, 148, 159–164, 166–171,
Spearman’s ρ 52, 183 176–180, 193, 196, 197, 199, 201, 210,
speech translation 1, 6, 8, 73, 109, 150, 151, 219–224, 226, 230, 231, 235, 236, 238
233 TED lectures 1, 104, 109, 118, 119, 144, 145,
Spoken 1, 8, 12, 13, 59, 132, 135, 136, 138, 235, 238
139, 184, 205, 232, 233, 238 TED talks 73, 96, 104, 109, 118, 119, 159, 193,
SPSS 92 196, 199, 201, 219, 220
SRILM 2, 25, 30, 106, 136, 153, 210, 229 Tesseract 142, 143, 145
State of the Art 59, 62, 132, 141, 144, 147, 197, text recognition 81, 143
232 text-to-speech 1, 233
statistical 1, 2, 4–8, 10–12, 16–19, 21, 23, 25, TF-IDF 46, 197, 215, 224, 226–228, 230–232
26, 32, 38–40, 56, 59, 64, 73, 80, 90, 93, tf-idf 46, 197, 215, 224, 226–228, 230–232
98, 101, 104, 107, 112, 114, 118, 122, 131, Theano 154, 200
136, 140, 148–152, 155, 157, 159, 167, Threshold 6, 64, 80, 102, 148, 200, 219–221
176, 186, 190, 194–196, 198–200, 203, Tillmann 43
205, 211–214, 219–221, 225, 238, 239 titles 15, 62, 63, 81
statistical machine translation (SMT) 1, 2, TM 227
4–10, 12, 17, 18, 20–23, 25, 26, 32, 39, Tokenization 19, 23, 24, 106, 111, 112, 153,
40, 47–53, 59–63, 72, 86, 89, 94, 95, 98, 231
99, 101–104, 106, 107, 110, 112, 115, Tools pipeline 74, 83
116, 118, 130–132, 135–137, 140, 141, tradeoff 64, 78
143–151, 153, 156–159, 162, 163, 166, Translation 1–12, 16–26, 28, 31–34, 36–40,
167, 169–171, 176, 177, 182, 183, 194, 44–46, 48–55, 59-65, 67, 70, 72–74,
197–199, 205, 208–210, 215, 216, 221, 82–86, 89–91, 94–107, 109–116, 118–132,
222, 224–227, 230, 231, 237–239 134, 136–159, 162–172, 174, 176, 178,
Statistical significance 56, 122, 167, 221 179, 181–184, 193–203, 205, 208–213,
Stems 110, 111, 112, 118, 120, 123 215–227, 230–233, 236–239
stochastic gradient descent 155 Translation Error Rate (TER) 48, 51, 53,
Student’s t-test 57, 58, 172 89–92, 94, 101–103, 106, 114, 116,
Subject Verb Object 1, 112, 121, 182 120–129, 137–139, 146, 155–157, 161,
Support Vector Machine (SVM) 64, 115, 159, 162, 164, 166, 167, 169, 170, 176, 181,
174, 193, 194, 196, 199, 200, 202–204, 184, 188–191, 194, 196, 198, 202–204,
222 221–224, 236
surface forms 110–112, 114, 123, 125, 158 Translation models 18, 28, 31, 38, 39, 46, 107,
SVM classifier 64, 174, 194, 196, 199 136, 149, 153, 154, 158, 197, 200, 212,
SVO 1, 110, 112, 120–123, 182 215, 225, 230
SyMGIZA 145, 198, 210, 215, 220, 231 translation parameter adaptation 113, 125
symmetrization 2, 4, 107, 136, 159, 198 translation results 90, 118, 124, 125, 127, 138,
synonymous 46 155–157, 162, 164, 210
Syntax and semantic analysis 7 transliteration model 27, 28, 158, 199, 210,
system 1–9, 12, 17–27, 38, 40, 50, 52, 54, 59– 215, 232
63, 83, 84, 95, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, t-test 57, 58, 172
109, 110, 112–118, 120–123, 125–127, Tuning 2, 19–21, 23, 60, 75, 78–80, 103, 106,
129–132, 135–157, 159, 161–164, 166– 110, 113, 116, 125, 126, 128, 130, 136,
168, 171, 173, 176–178, 180, 181, 183, 137, 144, 145, 153, 158, 171, 179, 180,
187, 194–201, 205, 208–211, 215–219, 235
221, 222, 224–228, 230–233, 235–239 Tuning for quality 21
264 Machine Learning in Translation Corpora Processing

Twitter 63 Wilcoxon signed-rank test 90

two-level sentence alignment 84 Wilcoxon test 57, 58, 103, 172, 216, 221, 232
Witten-Bell 31, 113, 115, 125, 126, 129, 136
U Witten-Bell discounting 31, 113, 115, 125, 126,
Unitex 71, 104–106 WMT 59, 115, 129
Unitex Aligner 71, 104–106 WMT12 54
unsupervised transliteration model 127, 158, WMT16 208, 210, 215, 216
199, 210, 215, 232 Word alignments 43, 44, 107
U-STAR 8 Word Lens 142
UTM 199, 215 word order 1, 3, 26, 38, 48, 51, 52, 94, 100,
110, 112, 118, 120, 121, 123, 134, 137,
V 182, 197, 198, 226, 230
virtual corpora 217 Word stems 110, 112, 118, 120
virtual-parallel data 205, 208, 210 Wordfast 104–106
vocabulary 1, 2, 16, 27–29, 61, 63, 80, 83, 95, WordNet 87, 100, 212, 218
97, 98, 102, 110–112, 114, 117, 123, 125, Words 1, 3, 4, 7, 11–13, 15, 16, 18, 20–36, 38,
127, 130–132, 140, 141, 145, 146, 148, 39, 41, 42, 44, 46, 49–51, 53, 62, 67, 73,
153, 158, 163, 176, 182, 197, 198, 209, 82, 85–87, 96–98, 100, 102, 106–108,
210, 213, 219, 226, 227, 228, 230, 232, 110–115, 123, 125, 127, 130–135, 137,
235 141, 142, 144–147, 149, 152–155, 157–
160, 174, 175, 178, 183, 193, 194, 196–
W 200, 208, 210, 212–215, 219, 220, 222,
223, 226, 229, 230, 232, 233, 235–237
Wall Street Journal text translation 4 Written 1, 3, 12, 17, 61, 90, 132, 134–136,
WCRFT 111 138–140, 183, 193
web crawler 74, 81–83, 109, 119, 158, 178, 235
West-Slavic 2, 3, 104, 131, 132, 135, 138, 139, X
Wiki 11, 24, 72–74, 83, 104, 153, 220–224 XML 74, 79, 111, 112, 179, 197
Wikipedia 11, 24, 61–63, 72–74, 78–81, 83,
84, 86, 95, 96, 103, 109, 110, 116, 117, Y
119, 120, 153, 158–160, 163, 174, 180, Yalign 2, 59, 63–65, 72, 74–76, 78–80, 82, 83,
219–221, 238 95, 115, 116, 158, 159, 161, 163, 165, 166,
Wikipedia corpus 84, 96, 117, 158 169, 174, 177, 200, 238
Wilcoxon 57, 58, 90, 103, 172, 216, 221, 232 Yalign tool 63–65, 74, 75, 78, 80, 95, 238

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