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Markets and Taverns

ruleset for Runebound Second Edition

version 1

Contents • Items can always be sold for full face value.

Followers can only be “let go” - their hire
Markets and Taverns 1 value cannot be recovered.
Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Buying and selling, hiring and firing . 1 • When selling an item, add it to the cards in
City trade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 the current market (i.e. do not discard item
Healing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cards when sold).
Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 City trade
Knockouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Endgame: Dragonrise . . . . . . . . . 2 When an event card is drawn that causes quest
markers to be refreshed, trade occurs between
markets, and adventurers seek employment in
Markets and Taverns a new city. If multiple events are drawn on the
same turn perform these trade steps only once.
Markets are dynamic places, and you don’t hire
adventurers there. You find adventurers at 1. Discard any market and tavern cards from
the local tavern or inn, hanging out until a job Tamalir.
comes through the doors. 2. Move the lowest value face-up item from
These rules make the items available at mar- each city to Tamalir. If a market has no
kets and adventurers available for hire more dy- face-up market cards, skip that market.
3. Add market cards, face down, to each mar-
Setup ket to bring the total number to three. If a
market already has three (or more) market
Separate the item cards and ally cards to create cards, skip that market.
the market deck and tavern deck. Shuffle these
independently. 4. Move any adventurers in Dawnsmoor and
Deal out three market deck cards, face down, Forge to Tamalir’s tavern. Don’t worry - it’s
to each market except Tamalir. Deal one tavern big enough to accommodate more than one
deck card next to the market cards, again face adventurer.
5. Starting with the taverns closest to
If a deck runs out of cards, shuffle its discard
Tamalir, move each adventurer towards
pile to create a new deck.
Tamalir until they occupy the empty tavern
closest to Tamalir.
Buying and selling, hiring and firing
6. Add new tavern cards, face down, to any
When a hero arrives in a town they can visit the empty taverns. Newly arrived adventurers
market and tavern during the Market step to flip are available for hire.
any cards there face-up.
Sort the market cards by value, lowest on top Tavern cards should not be flipped, and should
(this will make things easier later). be moved whether or not they are face up.
• When a hero visits a market do not add a
card from the market deck.

Healing Knockouts
Whenever a hero visits a city, full healing can be Treasure is never truly lost but defeat has con-
obtained for half the current doom track value, sequences.
rounded up. This means healing costs scale ac- • When a hero is knocked out, place an un-
cording to general threat in the world, as well defeated challenge counter as normal.
as the greater loot heroes are obtaining (darned
inflation…). • Leave the hero’s most expensive item (or
items to the same or greater value) and
Doom level Healing cost gold in the same location.
1-2 1 • The hero discards an experience counter,
3-4 2 representing the severe wounds sustained.
5-6 3 – If a life counter is discarded a hero
7-8 4 can attempt challenges of the respec-
tive lower level again.
A hero and any followers must be healed sep- – If the hero has no experience counter
arately (fully healing a hero and two followers they discard all unspent XP.
in the endgame is expensive!).
• The hero retreats to the nearest town. The
Alternative rule: instead of fully healing one hero and any followers fully heal and rest;
party member, heal four wounds across their turn ends immediately.
the party for the same cost. • The dropped loot can be recovered by any
hero who defeats the challenge.
Rest This softens the blow of unexpected one-shot
knockouts and can allow a hero to save a cru-
In addition to standard resting rules, a hero in a cial item they spent time pursuing earlier in the
city may rest instead of visiting a city’s market. game. By losing a life counter it also means
As normal for resting, they can discard four ex- the hero can return to attempt lower level chal-
haustion counters shared between themselves lenges if, for example, they have overstretched
and their followers. too early in the game.
Rest can also be extended in a city (represent-
ing a hearty meal, a massage, etc.) at the same Endgame: Dragonrise
cost as healing.
Heroes undertake a final race between loca-
tions to be the first to defeat three dragon lords,
Experience or Margath himself.
To better scale leveling against challenge and This allows a more equitable and interactive
reward, experience counters can be bought for endgame than the original Doom Track rules.
a cost of the hero’s number of current tokens Using the Doom Track increments as per
plus one. So the first counter costs one XP, the the rulebook, once the eighth doom counter
second costs two, and so on. has been placed remove all remaining green,
yellow, and blue adventure counters from the
board. The only available challenges are red -
Training optional the final battles to defeat the dragon lords.
Heroes should attempt these challenges in
Heroes need a period of study or training be- the same way as earlier in the game; markets,
fore their experiences are reflected in increased taverns, knockouts, and experience continue to
skills or attributes. As such, heroes must rest in operate as normal.
order to exchange XP for experience counters. Alternatively, use hardcore knockout rules
Whether this can happen in the wilderness, (defeat equals death) for a more brutal ending.
or needs to happen in the relative safety of a city,
is up to you.
In game terms, requiring a city visit to train
adds a certain “push your luck” element - how
far dare you go before spending the time to con-
vert XP to experience counters?

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