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ISSN: 2456-3110 ORIGINAL ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

Abhilasha,1 Vijay Shankar Dubey2
M.D. in Dravya Guna, G.A.C.H., Patna & Medical Officer, Pulwarisharif, Patna, Bihar, 2Professor & HOD, Department
of Dravya Guna, Government Ayurveda College and Hospital, Patna, Bihar, India.

Krimi have been considered a major public health problem through out the world (WHO, 1967
Wandan, 1983 McLaren, 1984). In our country this problem is equally significant. It effects the
children more frequently than adult (CCRAS 1987). Krimi hamper growth and development of a
person, create malnutritional condition and decrease immunity thus the effective solution of this
problem is necessary. Of all the herbs used in treating worm infestation, Vidanga is the best. So,
Vidanga was selected for the present study. Whole plant of Embelia ribes Linn. were used as
materials, as whole plants are used as medicine. Acharya Charaka describe Krimiroga in
Vimanasthana. In most of patients, who are suffering from worm infestation have an Vivarnata
(discolouration) on the face. “Vivarnata” had been described by Acharya Charaka under the Lakshana
of Purishaja Krimi and it has been also described in Rasavaha Srotodusti Lakshana. Krimis robe the
digestive nutritive assets through the intestinal wall, which we are making with high effort. So the
deficiency of Rasa Dhatu create. According to Dhatu Poshana Nyaya if the Rasa Dhatu is not sufficient
then other Dhatu can’t form properly and ultimate weak resistance and poor immunity develops and it
is one cause of recurrent nature of disease. Prakriti Vighata and Nidana Parivarjana eradicate
Krimiroga from the base.

Key words: Vidanga, Embelia ribes, Krimi, Worm infestation, Krimighna.

INTRODUCTION signs and symptoms of the diseases. And the third one
Ayurveda which literally means ‘The Science of Life’ is is ‘Aushada Sutra’, the medicine through which the
one of the most ancient medical sciences of the disease will be cured.[1]
world. Ayurveda advocates a complete promotive, Among the three, third one is more important
preventive and curative system of medicine. Ayurveda because the success of Chikitsa entirely depends on
treats the patient as a whole rather than treating his medicine without which the physician is totally
ailment as separate entity. Ayurveda has stated three helpless to treat the patient; and that’s why medicine
Shashwat Sutras in which entire Ayurved is described. occupies an important position to Bhishaga (doctor).
These are ‘Hetu Sutra’, predisposing factors for the Since long our Aacharyas have given proper attention
formation of the diseases. Second one is ‘Linga Sutra’, towards the drug and that can be seen in our Brihtrayi
Address for correspondence: Granthas in the form of Mahakashayas and Ganas
Dr. Abhilasha which was arranged according to the best way in
M.D. in Dravya Guna, G.A.C.H., Patna & Medical Officer,
Pulwarisharif, Patna, Bihar, India. which one can use it in practice easily. This tradition
E-mail: [email protected] was kept continuous by later on Nighantu Granthas
Submission Date : 10/08/2017 Accepted Date: 28/08/2017 and knowledge of Nighantu.
Access this article online
Quick Response Code The Ayurvedic science has been taking care of
Website: mankind since ancient time and there is no doubt that
Ayurveda is still potent as it was 5000 years back and
it will remain forever due to its Anadi, Ananta,
Shashwat Sutras. But the modern medical science is
DOI: 10.21760/jaims.v2i04.9448
always hanging their concepts with advancement, it

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 57
Abhilasha Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

ISSN: 2456-3110 ORIGINAL ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

crossed all the limitations and the modern medical MATERIALS AND METHODS
fraternity started to use extracts of medicinal plants
for curing of the human ailments. The higher market Criteria for selection of patients
prices of such drugs lured the Business Magnets and Inclusion Criteria
they started to manipulate drugs as well as their
The patients attending the O.P.D. and I.P.D. of
manufacturing processes. This greed of the
Kayachikitsa and Research Unit of Govt. Ayurvedic
manufacturers adversely affected the public health in
Hospital, Patna having classical symptomatolgy of
general and the adverse reactions of the synthetic
Krimi roga. Careful elucidation and evaluation of
drugs added fuel to make it worst than ever before.
medical history of patients. The patients having
This whole picture compelled the so called modern
classical symptomatology of Krimiroga and present
and sophisticated man to adopt the Ancient Science,
ova / cyst / worm in stool examination. Detailed
Ayurveda. Its simplicity, promotive, preventive,
physical and clinical examination on the basis of
curative aspect and holistic approach made it to
proforma specially prepared for this purpose. The
return its aboriginal path. And nowadays Ayurveda is
patient under 70 years irrespective of caste, religion,
once again the centre of pride, flourishing and is
sex, habits, Socioeconomic status and those who fulfill
making its position stronger with the passing of time.
the diagnosis were selected for the study.
In this century the Ayurveda has come back into
Exclusion Criteria
picture and propagation as tomorrow’s medical
science; But some discriminations have been made Present study was carried out on Kosthagata Krimi i.e.
with Ayurveda, the reason spelled behind this is the Purishaja and Kaphaja Krimi, so if patient, who have
use of impure and heavy metal containing Ayurvedic complaints of excessive skin disease or Raktadusti
drugs. These drugs have been banned by some (severe) and any other severe illness were excluded
European countries.[2] This degradation of drug is not from the study. Pregnant women, Patients above 70
only persecuting Herbo-mineral compounds but also years, Patients of other worm infestation (other than
medicinal plants too. If we contemplate ourselves Round Worm) are excluded. This study was focused
then we may be unable to give clarification regarding on patients of Round worms because there are many
the drug and its unreliable therapeutic action. This is types of worms present in human beings.
the reason for standardization of Ayurvedic drug.
Laboratory Investigation
Since long we are discussing on standardization and
till now discussion is in process but there has been no The following laboratory investigation were under
any fruitful out come. The reason behind it may be taken in each case just before beginning of drug trial
that, we have given attention towards the different and after completion of the study.
formulation and single drug uses, their palatability, Stool - Routine and microscopic examination
their attractive packing, expensive labeling and
Urine - Routine and microscopic examination
advertising; but the main base of our formulation and
single preparation, that is raw material the medicinal Blood - Hb%, TLC, DLC, ESR & PCV.
plants has been ignored or given less attention Above mentioned all pathological investigation were
towards that. Till today the manufacturers companies
done in hospital attached laboratory.
as well as Ayurvedic Physicians use raw material
available in market. Study design - Single arm clinical study.

OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY Patients were subjected to medication with the drug
under trial.
To evaluate the Krimighna action of Vidanga Churna
and also study the complication if any occurs during Drug : Vidanga Beeja Churna
the course of treatment. Dose - according to age.
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 58
Abhilasha Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

ISSN: 2456-3110 ORIGINAL ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

Below 12 year patient - 1.5gm BD. 5. No relief : This was the group of patients in our
series which did not report either symptomatic
12 to 70 year patient - 3gm BD
relief in their basic complain and not have
Route of administration - oral negative stool examination report after
Duration of therapy - 2weeks treatment.


Diet advised The information gathered on the basis of observation
They were advised to follow the dietary restriction, was subjected to statistical analysis and the obtained
like avoid taking of Milk, Guda, Dadhi, Oil, Masha, results were thus interpreted as,
Tila, etc. excessive in quantity. P > 0.05 - Insignificant
Method of Study P < 0.05 - Improvement
1. Selection of the patient on the base of complaints P < 0.01 - Significant Improvement
and stool report.
P < 0.001 - Highly Significant
2. Routine laboratory investigation and sign and
symptoms scoring have been carried out before OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS
and after treatment. Table 1: Number of patients registered.
3. Proper administration of the drug should be done
Drug No. of patients
perfectly during treatment time (2 weeks).
4. Trial drugs were assessed on the basis of clinical Total Completed Dropped Out
observation in course of the treatment, especially Registered
the sign and symptoms beside the laboratory
Vidanga 20 19 01
investigation before and after the course of
5. The result were assessed and comparison of both Out of 20 patients, 19 patients completed the whole
drugs were done. therapy. One Patient from left the therapy in between
the trial. (table 1)
Criteria for Assessment
Table 2: Effect of Vidanga Churna on cardinal sign
1. Cured : This was decided on the basis of following
and symptom of Krimi.
two points. Complete relief in the initial chief
complaints of the patient along with the positive Cardinal N Mean Dif % SD SE t p
improvement (100% relief in signs and Symptom score f Reli
symptoms). And complete microscopic absence of s ef
ova / cyst. Stool confirmed by stool Examination
by three subsequent stool test. Bhaktdev 5 1.5 0.4 1.0 71. 0.4 0.1 8.4 <0.0
esha 0 3 7 43 7 3 5 01
2. Markedly relief : More than 60% relief in sign and
symptoms. Vivarnata 7 1.7 0.6 1.1 71. 0.4 0.1 8.4 <0.0
7 5 2 23 7 3 5 01
3. Moderately improvement : 30-59% relief in sign
and symptoms. Gudakand 4 2 1.1 0.8 71. 0.4 0.1 5 <0.0
u 6 3 66 0 6 01
4. Mild improvement : below - 30% relief in sign and

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 59
Abhilasha Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

ISSN: 2456-3110 ORIGINAL ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

Purishabh 4 2.6 0.8 1.8 69. 0.8 0.3 4.8 >0.0

The mean initial symptoms score for Loss of Appetite
eda 23 3 7 1 1 was 2.33 which reduced to 1.0 after the treatment.
Thus it was reduced to 57.14 % which was significant
The mean initial symptoms score for Bhaktdwesha (P<0.01). For the symptoms of Abdominal pain, the
was 1.50 which is reduced to 0.43 after the treatment. mean score before treatment was 2.12 which reduced
Thus Bhaktdwesha was reduced to 71.43 % which was to 0.87 after the treatment. This relief was 47 % which
highly significant (P<0.001). For the symptoms of was significant (P<0.01). For the symptoms of Itching
Vivarnata, the mean score before treatment was 1.77 in anal Region, the mean score before treatment was
which reduced to 0.65 after the treatment. This relief 2.25 which reduced to 0.75 after the treatment. This
was 71.23 % which was highly significant (P<0.001). relief was 66.66 % which was moderately significant
For the symptoms of Gudakandu, the mean score (P<0.05). For the symptoms of Nausea, the mean
before treatment was 2.0 which reduced to 1.16 after score before treatment was 1.66 which reduced to
the treatment. This relef was 71.66 % which was 0.33 after the treatment. This relief was 80% which
highly significant (P<0.01). For the symptoms of was highly significant (P<0.001). The symptoms like
Purishabheda, the mean score before treatment was Discolouration of skin was relieved by 75% which was
2.6 which reduced to 0.8 after the treatment. This Significant. And Anorexia was relieved by
relief was 69.23 % which shows statistical 75%(P>0.05), Anaemia and Pale face reduced by
improvement (P<0.01). (table 2) 87.5% (P<0.001). (table 3)
Table 3: Effect of Vidanga Churna on general sign Table 4: Effect of Vidanga Churna on Haematological
and symptom of Krimi. parameters.

General N Mean Dif % SD SE t p Haematol Mean Diff % SD SE t p

Symptom Score f Reli ogical Score Rel
s ef Test ief

Loss of 6 2. 1 1. 57.1 0. 0. 4 >0.0 Hb% 13. 14.8 1.3 9.3 1.44 0.33 0. <0.
Appetite 33 33 4 81 33 1 5 33 05

Abdomin 1 2. 0. 1. 47.0 0. 0. 5. >0.0 T.L.C. 88 9093 213. 2.3 1963 506. 0. >0.
al pain 0 12 87 0 5 53 18 29 1 80 .33 33 5 .27 91 42 01

Itching in 7 2. 0. 1. 66.6 0. 0. 5. <0.0 Neutroph 63. 61.9 1.58 2.5 3.08 0.89 1. >0.
Anal 25 75 5 6 57 28 19 5 il 5 77 05
Lymphocy 52. 50.2 2.05 3.9 11.7 2.68 0. <0.
Nausea 4 1. 0. 1. 80 0. 0. 4 <0.0 tes 26 1 3 0 76 05
66 33 33 57 33 01
Eosinophi 7.4 5.2 2.26 30. 4.26 1.10 2. <0.
Discolour 1 2 0. 1. 75 0. 0. 5. <0.0 ls 6 36 05 01
ation of 2 5 5 57 28 19 5
skin Monocyt 1.0 0.72 0.36 34. 0.68 0.16 2. >0.
es 8 00 35 05
Anorexia 2 2 0. 1. 75 0. 0. 3 >0.0
5 5 70 5 5 E.S.R. 9.1 10.2 1.11 11. 4.70 1.57 0. <0.
1 2 20 71 05
Anaemia 9 2 0. 1. 87.5 0. 0. 3. <0.0
and Pale 25 75 95 47 65 5 n=19

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 60
Abhilasha Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

ISSN: 2456-3110 ORIGINAL ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

The mean haemoglobin percentage increase from Vidanga has Rasa Katu, Tikta, Laghu, Ruksha,
13.5 gm% to 14.8 gm% which was statistically Teekshana Guna, Ushna Virya and Katu Vipaka.[3]
significant (P<0.05). Initial score in the total leukocyte Katu Rasa does Deepana, Pachana, Kaphahara. Katu
count was 8880 which was decreased to 9093.33 was Rasa is mentioned as a Krimighna also.[4] The Ushna
moderately significant (P>0.01). There was an Virya of the drug again help in Agni Pradeepana,
decreased observed in the mean neutrophil form 63.5 correction of Dushta Kapha and Ama. It also acts as
to 61.9 which was insignificant (P>0.05). The initial Kaphvatahara. The presence of Katu Vipaka and Katu
mean score of lymphocytes was 52.26 which was Rasa also helps in Srotoshodhan. Thus in total the
decreased to 50.21 which was statistically signifcant drug stimulates the Agni, relieves Agnimandya,
(P<0.05). The mean eosinophil count was decrease reduces the Ama formation and thus relieves
from 7.46 to 5.2 which was statistically significant Srotorodha. All are opposite with the Guna of Kapha
(P<0.01) and monocyte decrease from 1.08 to 0.72 and thus works as Kapha Vata Samaka. Katu Rasa is
was statistically significant (P<0.05). The ESR also mentioned by Acharya Charaka in Sutrasthana 26
decreased from mean score of 9.11 to 10.22 which as Krimin Hinasti. Vidanga has Krimighna,
was statistically significant (P<0.05). Kushthghna, Deepana, Pachana, Anulomana,
Shirovirechana. Vidanga has anthelmintic,
Table 5: Effect of Vidanga Churna on Intestinal
astringent, carminative, alternative and stimulant
parasite based on stool examination.
Intestinal Mean Dif % SD SE t p
parasite score f Relie
Having analysed the result on statistical parameters,
we can conclude that Vidanga is highly effective for
Ascaris 2. 1. 1 49.4 0.4 0.1 6.7 <0.0 the treatment of Krimi (intestinal parasite especially
Lumbricoid 3 3 7 7 4 0 1 round worms). The drug is easily available so helpful
e in the treatment of Krimi. There was no side effect
observed in patients registered and So it is free from
various drug hazards.
The Mean score of Ascaris lumbricoides 2.3 before the
treatment which was reduced to 1.3. Percentage
relief is 49.47% which is significant. (P<0.01). 1. Vaidya YT, editor. Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha,
Vimana Sthana; Dirghajiwitiya Adhyayam: Chapter 1,
DISCUSSION Verse 10. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Prakashan, Reprint
2009; p.29.
In the present study, eradication of the Krimi is main
aim, So Vidanga was selected for this study. By going 2. Sharma P.C., Yelne M.B., Dennis T.J. Database on
through the Samprapti of Krimiroga it became evident Medicinal plants used in Ayurved Vol. I - VIII ; CCRAS,
Dept. of ISM & H, Ministry of Health and Family
that the Kapha Dosha plays an important role in it. It
Welfare (Govt. of India);2002.
is a Kapha predominant Vyadhi, with the involvement
of Vata and Dusya involved are Rasa, Annarasa, 3. Sushruta: Sushruta Samhita, with Nibandha Sangraha
Purisha and Rakta. The Srotodusti “Sanga” is seen Teeka by Dalhana, Published by Chaukambha
here. Considering all these, a drug which opposes the Surbaharati Prakashan, Varanasi, Edition Reprint Sutra
Sthan 38/24-25, 2013;p.298.
Kapha and Ama does Shodhana of Ruddha Srotas and
corrects the status of Agni should be ideally 4. Laboratory Identification of Parasites of Public Health
prescribed to cure the Krimi Roga. Concern. Atlanta: Center for Disease Control &
Prevention, USA. Pathogenic factor in Ascaris” Gurges

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 61
Abhilasha Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round Worms

ISSN: 2456-3110 ORIGINAL ARTICLE July-Aug 2017

R. J. Trop Medicine and Hyg. CDC (2010). DPDx: 37,

How to cite this article: Abhilasha, Vijay Shankar
209-214, 1934
Dubey. Study of Vidanga on Krimi Roga w.s.r. to Round
5. Vaidya YT, editor. Charaka Samhita by Agnivesha, Worms. J Ayurveda Integr Med Sci 2017;4:57-62.
Vimana Sthana; Vyadhitarupiyam Adhyayam: Chapter
7, Verse 10. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Prakashan,
Reprint 2009; p.258.. Source of Support: Nil, Conflict of Interest: None
6. Prakash L. Hegade, Harini A. A Text Book Of
Dravyaguna Vigyana. Revised edition, Choukhambha
Sanskrit Sansthan, 2016;p.32.

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrated Medical Sciences | July - Aug 2017 | Vol. 2 | Issue 4 62

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