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(Updated: September 2023)

Issuing Date: Effective Date: Managed By:

Sep 2023 Graduating batch 2024 Division of Career
onwards Services

Table of Contents

Sr. No Subject Page No.

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Aim of the Policy 1
1.3 Applicability of the Policy 2
1.4 Abbreviations 2
2.1 Eligibility and Debarment 4
2.2 Registration Process 5
2.3 Registration Timelines 8
2.4 Student contact details and university communication 8
2.5 Enrolment Fee 9
2.6 Placement Kit 10
2.7 Dress Code 11
2.8 Recruitment Processes 12
2.9 Types of Offers 13
2.10 Participation in Drives 15
2.11 Withdrawal from a drive 17
2.12 Multiple Offers 18
2.13 Post-offer Processes for Joining and Reporting in Companies 18
2.14 Misconduct and Penalty 19
2.15 Exiting Career Services 20
2.16 Refund/Reimbursement/Adjustment/Waiver of PEP Fee 21
2.17 Do’s and Don’ts 21
2.18 Disclaimer 22

1.1 Introduction

Placements in the industry and alignment of career with role, brand and package is to be regarded
as the most critical goals of professional education. Though learning must be recognized as an end
in itself, it is important that professional education facilitates the process of career advancement
of students. Moreover, it has been seen that right placement happens as much because of individual
brilliance and aptitude as because of strategic preparedness. The university visualizes its role as a
facilitator to bring about a radical change in the employability of its students. Consequently, these
comprehensive guidelines have been framed keeping in mind the aspirations of the students, their
parents and expectations of the industry.

The Career Services of the University will be available only to a student in accordance with the
career services option the student wants to avail and commits to abide by the requirements thereof.

As per current recruitment trends, the recruitment activity starts early in pre-final year / semester
(depending on the program). Hence, the students are required to gear up for being a part of
placement related activities immediately at an early stage of their program.

1.2 Aim of the policy

i. To apprise students regarding the rules and regulations for Enrolment into the Career
Services and subsequent processes.
ii. To regulate procedures regarding taking part in placement processes and offers arising out
of the same.
iii. To monitor the expected conduct of students during the processes and to specify the
deterrents regarding unwarranted communication with companies or any other
player/medium that might directly/indirectly affect the image of the university.
iv. To lay down provisions, procedure and process for accepting Job/Internship Offers.
v. To lay down guidelines for joining of students and related rules in terms of penalization
and benefits.

1.3 Applicability

These guidelines shall be effective for all diploma, under-graduate and post-graduate programmes
as mentioned below:

i. Applicable for students enrolled in stand-alone regular programs.

ii. Applicable for students in integrated/dual degree programmes.
iii. Applicable for the International students enrolled in respective programs as categorized
iv. These guidelines are not applicable for students enrolled in ODL/Online, Part-time,
M.Phil., Ph.D., and Certificate programs.
v. These guidelines will be effective till the last day of teaching of the respective student’s
final term.


i. A dual-degree student who did not opt for career services in the lower degree will be
allowed to register for career services now during the higher degree, after paying the
prescribed Professional Enhancement Programme (PEP) fee of the higher degree of
graduating batch year as communicated through UMS for respective graduating batch year.
ii. A student, who completed the qualifying norms during the lower degree, or opted for career
services with lower degree or was debarred or exited from placements services during
lower degree, will be allowed to register for the placement services in the higher degree
due to continuing dual degree or change of programme by paying prescribed PEP fee
against higher degree for the program as communicated through UMS for respective
graduating batch year.
iii. If a dual-degree student registers for career services during lower degree with assumption
of exiting from dual degree but later decides to continue with dual degree, for such students
the career services’ policy of actual passing out batch (higher degree) will be applicable
and will be required to pay the prescribed PEP fee again for the higher degree.

1.4 Abbreviations:

• AMCAT – Aspiring Minds’ Computer Adaptive Test

• CGPA – Cumulative Grade Point Average
• CPE – Centre for Professional Enhancement
• CTC – Cost-to-Company
• CV – Curriculum Vitae
• DCS – Division of Career Services
• GD – Group Discussion
• JD – Job Description
• LPA – Lacs per annum
• LPU – Lovely Professional University
• MOOC – Massive Open Online Course
• ODL – Open and Distance Learning
• OJT – On-Job Training
• PEP – Professional Enhancement Program
• PID – Placement ID
• PPO – Pre-Placement Offer
• RMS – Relationship Management System
• SOP – Standard Operating Procedure
• TPC – Training and Placement Coordinator
• UMS – University Management System
• FTE – Full Time Employment


2.1 Eligibility and Debarment

2.1.1 Enrolment: All students with minimum current CGPA of 5 are eligible to register for Career
Services by paying applicable Preparatory Sessions Fee (PEP Fee) (Non-Refundable) as
communicated through UMS for respective graduating batch year.

Students having less than the minimum CGPA mentioned above will be blocked for registering
from placements until they secure a minimum CGPA mentioned above. In this case, career services
registration will be enabled immediately for these blocked students as and when their CGPA
improves. Any delay in terms of opportunity start date shall be responsibility of the concerned

2.1.2 Temporary Debarment: For students registered for career services and later having less
than the minimum CGPA as mentioned above or more than 4 standing arrears, will be temporarily
debarred from career services until they again secure above mentioned minimum CGPA.
Temporary Debarment status will be updated generally at following instances:

i. During Mid-Term Exams.

ii. After End-Term Exam Results
iii. After Summer Term Results

PEP Activities may not be scheduled for Temporary Debarred students.

2.1.3 Permanent Debarment: Student may be permanently debarred from career services in light
of certain decisions or disciplinary actions. A student once permanently debarred from placement
services at any point of time cannot later become part of the placement process at any given stage
and the PEP fee paid/due would be non-refundable/non-reversible/non-adjustable against any
other fee head.

2.2 Registration Process

Student may follow the following pathway for Career Services Registration:

• UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Career Services Registration

The registration process will take place in 2 steps:

• Process Step–I: Consent for option preference into Career Services

• Process Step-II: Profile Update and PEP Fee payment for students opting for Job

Process Step-I Process Step-II Skill Set

•Profile Update and
•Consent for option PEP Fee payment •Skill Set Details
preference into for students opting •Job Profiles of
Career Services for Job Placements Interest
•Applicable only for
students who have
agreed to enroll for
Career services
during Process-I
•CV Uploading
•Make PEP Fee
Payment Online

The registration is considered complete only after Process Step-II is successfully completed with
PEP fee payment.

2.2.1 Process Step-I Details: Consent for option preference into Career Services

In this step, student will be asked for his/her consent & choose a preferred option for enrolling into
Career Services support from university.

i. Select Expected Course Completion Year.

ii. Read these Guidelines for enrolment into Career Services.
iii. Select the Career Option of your interest to register:
a. Register for Job Placements
b. Register for Government Jobs Preparedness

c. Register for Higher Studies Preparedness
d. Register for Entrepreneurship Preparedness
e. Register for Research Preparedness
f. Register for Social Services preparedness
g. Register for Sports preparedness
Choosing “Job Placements” will require the student to select the appropriate
program/discipline with which he/she is going to graduate in selected year. For
categories/disciplines (e.g. M.Tech students) where the students get to choose between
Companies option or Teaching option, the students opting for Companies will be eligible
to participate in placement drives of both Companies profile as well as Teaching profile
but the students opting for Teaching will not be eligible to participate only in Teaching
profile recruitment drives and not in Companies profile recruitment drives.
Choosing “Higher Studies” will require to further select the options of exams like in India
(GRE/GMAT/GATE etc.) or abroad (IELTS/TOEFL etc.) for which the students seek
support in preparation for higher studies.
Choosing any of the other options shall not present further multiple specific sub options.
iv. The students selecting Job Placements option will be routed to Process Step-2 after this
step, whereas for the students selecting any of the other options, the registration process
shall be considered completed at this step itself.
v. Student interested to seek university support in preparing for other options such as “Higher
Studies, Entrepreneurship, Government Jobs, Research, Social Services, Sports, etc.” may
select corresponding option instead of “Job Placement”. These students will not be allowed
to sit in university facilitated campus recruitment drives for placement/internship etc.
Registration process for these students will be completed at this step itself.

2.2.2 Process Step-II Details: Profile Update and PEP Fee payment for students opting for
Job Placements.

This step is applicable to and mandatory for only those students who opt for “Job Placement”
during Career Services Registration Process Step-I. Alternate Pathway for registration Process

UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Placement Process-2 Registration.
In this step, student will be required to verify (and mark as CORRECT) and update his/her profile
and click on submit and then pay applicable PEP Fee to complete registration.

i. While filling the information students must carefully verify / fill all details including:
a. Student’s Email id and Mobile number
b. Parent’s E-mail id and Mobile number
c. Details of all previous qualifications (Percentage, Batch Year and
Board/University, etc.).
Note: In case any of this information is incorrect, student shall approach Examination
Record Cell in person or through RMS request, with copies of respective academic
certificates for needful correction. Student shall not be able to complete Process Step-
II registration without marking all information as CORRECT.
ii. Linkedin Profile Link
iii. Study Gap after 10th /12th /Diploma/Graduation etc.
iv. Upload current CV. (This CV document may also be reupdated later through UMS
Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Upload CV/Document)
v. Click on SUBMIT button to complete Profile Update.
vi. Upon successful profile update, students would get an Email/SMS with his/her unique
Placement ID (PID) and will be required to make online payment of applicable PEP fee
after execution of the Process-II successfully. Convenience charges may be applicable as
per the service provider.
vii. Student shall make “Online Payment” of applicable PEP Fee as per program option
selected during Process Step-I and complete the Career Services Registration. Students will
have a choice to make “full” PEP fee payment at this step or “part” payment of PEP Fee to
complete registration process. Students making part-payment will be required to pay
balance PEP fee within the timelines already conveyed through UMS.

2.2.3 Skill Set details and Job Profile Preference

After successful registration into Career Services, students will be routed to Skill set interface
where they will be required to fill details of the skills that they possess and choose the Job profiles
of their interest and skills pertaining to their discipline. The skill set details can be updated,

appended or deleted at any given time, through the following interface even after the placement
registration is closed.

UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Skill Set Polling.

2.3 Registration Timelines

The general registration timeline has been defined for Enrolment into Career Services that shall be
separately announced through UMS. Delayed Registration as per the timelines communicated
from time to time, would lead to Opportunity Loss in terms of eligibility to participate in campus
recruitment drives for placements / internships / projects etc. as well as 3rd party assessments (if
any) to concerned students.

Date of payment of PEP fee (if applicable) will be considered as the effective date for completing
Career Services Registration.

For students where PEP fee is not applicable, the date of completing Process Step-I shall be
considered as the effective date for completing Career services registration.

PEP activities will be applicable to eligible students only after paying PEP fee, as per subsequent
university schedule.

2.4 Student contact details and university communication

Students can again update their existing contact details, CV, portfolio, skill set, certifications etc.
against Placement Portal profile even after completing registration process, through following

• UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Portal Navigation > Update
• UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Portal Navigation > Upload
• UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Portal Navigation > Skill
Set Polling

It is further advised that:

i. Students must not change their email address and mobile numbers. Student mobile Nos. and
E-mail Ids (although can be updated by student anytime through placement portal) changes
shall be avoided as this information is frequently shared with prospective recruiters by
ii. Keep a decent E-mail ID.
iii. Students approaching record cell lately or near the deadlines for record correction will
themselves be responsible to bear the Opportunity Loss to be imposed on them due to late
rectification of academic details by university.
iv. University shall not be responsible for any loss of communication due to phone nos./E-mail
ids not reachable due to any reason. UMS / Placement portal shall be treated as primary
source of communication/information.

2.5 Enrolment Fee:

There is no fee for enrolment into Job Placements/Career Services.

However, a certain subsidized amount of PEP Fee (as announced through UMS for respective
graduating batch year) is charged from students against various Preparatory activities to be
scheduled for students registered for Career Services.

i. The PEP fee includes the subsidized costs of various inputs and the tests conducted by the
university along with various 3rd Party Diagnostic and Benchmarking tests like AMCAT,
Cocubes etc. (wherever applicable) and other Practice Platforms. University may also hire
industry experts to conduct workshops and training sessions which generally invite a huge
ii. It is mandatory for all the students registering for Job Placements to attend Preparatory
activities (tests, contests, classes, input sessions, guest lectures, workshops, mock drives
etc. scheduled for them).
iii. The PEP fee charged / due against student would be non-refundable / non-recoverable /
non-adjustable against any other fee head (even after deregistration/debarment/exit from
career services at any stage).
iv. In case student migrates from career option with lower PEP fee to career option with higher
PEP fee, student will be required to pay the applicable PEP fee difference. In case student
migrates from career option with higher PEP fee to career option with lower PEP fee, fee
difference will not be adjusted/refunded/waived-off as university at most of the times have
already made payments to external agencies against students enrolled for career services.
In either case, change of option will be allowed only once.
v. PEP Fee for International Students: PEP fee will be charged from international student
as per the PEP Fee applicable to Indian student of respective program/stream, if the
international student is interested to avail PEP activities (while selecting the Job Placement
option). International student will complete Career Services Registration Process-I and
Process-II by selecting Job Placement “with PEP option’ and will be required to pay PEP
fee online through Career Services registration interface itself. PEP Fee will not be
applicable to the international student, who completes Career Services Registration
Process-I and Process-II by selecting Job Placement “without PEP option’.

2.6 Placement Kit

The students must maintain a placement kit in prescribed folder containing the following
documents and must be available with student from pre-final year/semester itself.

i. 5 copies of their latest resume duly vetted by their Training and Placement Coordinator.
ii. 5 passport size photographs with light background (both ears visible).
iii. All relevant testimonials/certificates in original (and 2 photocopies of each)
iv. Govt. issued photo-ID proof (original and a photocopy)
v. A copy of the project report(s)/ trainings/ certifications and reports thereof undertaken by
the student during the professional academic program.
vi. Executive Folder to carry all documents
vii. Notepad, pen / pencil.
viii. Most update CV (Generic as well as the CVs relevant to different job profiles), Portfolio
snapshots (as applicable)
ix. Driving License, Pan card, Aadhar Card, Passport etc.

All above mentioned documents must also be available with student in online mode (in mail or
Google drive etc.) at all the times to serve emergency calls, if any.

Most updated CV, portfolio link etc. as applicable must also be uploaded by student in Placement
Portal from time to time.

2.7 Dress Code

All students registered for Job Placements must follow a prescribed uniform during recruitment
process (and any other corporate interaction/event) unless otherwise stated. Defaulters may not be
allowed to participate the corresponding activities/events or may also be imposed a monetary
penalty as outlined in Section 2.10 (v) and Section 2.14.

i. Uniform cost shall be over and above prescribed PEP Fee and will vary by
ii. Uniform cost will be borne by student.
iii. Students will be informed about the list of vendors (in campus) from where they can
procure the uniform by paying requisite uniform charges directly to the vendor.

In addition to the prescribed Dress Code, student must adhere to following general guidelines,

i. All students must wear University ID card around the neck at all times.
ii. Neatly cut hair of reasonable size for non-Sikh students. Male students not sporting regular
beard are required to come clean-shaven.
iii. Turban for Sikh students.
iv. Well-polished Black formal shoes are essential.
v. Girl students should consider wearing only essential jewellery item(s), if they want to sport
any jewellery and only formal footwear. The make-up and cosmetics should be simple,
decent and to be kept to bare minimum.
vi. There are some organizations where having a visible tattoo or body piercing is
unacceptable and may eliminate/bar you as a candidate.
vii. Some companies may also prescribe a dress code (e.g. Hospitality dress-code, Sports-wear,
etc.) relevant to the job profile for which the candidates are being addressed. Candidates
participating in such processes must adhere to this specific dress code (if any).

2.8 Recruitment Processes

The recruitment process (drive) for a company starts with registration of the students for that drive
and culminates with final selection. The process may include several intervening stages/rounds
like CV/Portfolio Shortlisting, written/online tests, interviews, GDs etc.

Recruitment Process may be classified as one of the types as listed below:

i. On Campus Placement Drive: A placement process where whole process or any round of
the process is conducted in LPU Campus. It may be possible that some rounds are held
outside university premises
ii. Off Campus Placement Drive: A placement process which is facilitated by LPU where the
entire selection process is held outside the university campus
iii. On Joint/ Pool Campus Placement Drive: A placement process organized in LPU where
students from other institutions also take part. Such placement drives may be declared open
to all students irrespective of their registration for placements services but subject to
meeting company specific eligibility criteria
iv. Off Joint Campus Placement Drive: A placement process facilitated by LPU but organized
in some other institution where students of LPU are also invited to participate
v. Job Fair: Any fair organized in LPU where more than one placement processes are
organized same time.
vi. Internship / Training Drive: It is a selection process which leads to generating an Internship
offer for student which may or may convert to a placement offer. Depending on nature of
program and requirement of prospective recruiter, internship can be:
a. 4-6 weeks summer internship
b. 2-3 Months internship
c. Full-Term internship
d. One-year internship
vii. Live Projects: Live Project will be a short duration hiring by a recruiter to help students to
gain hands on / practical exposure to Industrial activities with the objective to acquire
Learning or getting certified by Industry Experts.
a. Duration: can be up to 1 Month.

b. During Live Project Company may treat the trainee as Support Project Staff only
(Not Full Time).
c. Job Location of Live Project may be inside University Campus or Outside
University Campus.
d. Compensation: Live Project may or may not be stipend based.
e. Live Project may or may not lead to a PPO.
f. Pre-on boarding processes as done by companies like TCS (Elite Prog.), CTS,
Capgemini etc. for already selected students for full time Employees shall not be
treated as Live Projects.
g. Live Project should not to coincide with Summer / Winter Internship. If this be the
case, then Live Project shall be considered and floated as Summer / Winter
Internship drive only.
h. Duty Leaves may be awarded to trainees for the period of their engagement into
Live Project.
i. Example Projects: Market Feasibility Analysis for Launching of Product,
Acquiring Practical Exposure to Sales / Marketing Portfolio, Technical Project
allocated to selected students as a part of or in addition to regular academics by
industry, etc.

Note: Keeping the Company’s convenience in view, sometimes when selection process (complete
or specific rounds) takes place in any city/town outside university premises, the students may be
required to travel and attend the same making their own arrangements (at their own expenses) as
per reporting schedule communicated by university/company.

2.9 Types of Offers

i. Job Offer means final selection in a company through a placement drive whose result may
be declared either during the process orally or by way of a subsequent communication
either made directly to student or mediated through university. The oral communication
shall invariably be followed up in writing. Pre-placement offer or a job offer made to a
student during university facilitated internship/training or an On-Job Training will also be
treated as a valid job offer.

ii. Pre-Placement Offer (PPO) is a job offer made to the student as a follow up or during an
internship/training/project etc. done by the student with a company.
iii. Independent Offer is a job offer secured by a student using independent efforts without
involvement/facilitation of the university. A student can avail any number of independent
offers through Job Fairs, walk-in interviews and from any other source which are not
initiated by University but the student must intimate the university (DCS through School
TPCs) about the same so that university can appropriately respond to any
verification/enquiry from the company. The university shall not verify the credentials of
any such student who does not intimate DCS about his/her job offers secured independently
and university can take a strict action over this by communicating with the concerned
company official which can result in nullification of the offer as well.
a. Student already placed through the University are advised to avoid availing
independent offers.
b. Independent Offers with immediate joining i.e., joining date before completion of
degree must be avoided. Prior consent of the University must be taken in such cases
through TPCs. Students will not be entitled for any duty leaves / academic benefits
or any other drives against independent offers unless otherwise approved.

iv. On Job Training (OJT) is a special privilege created to facilitate the students to gain
practical exposure and enhance their career prospects if selected by a company at any stage
during final or pre-final semester. The relieving of students under OJT is regulated under
the provisions of separate OJT / Internship policy of university. The student selected for
OJT is considered placed with respective recruiter and hence is not eligible for any more
placement opportunities. For details, refer OJT / Internship policy announced on UMS.

v. Internship Offer is the offer of training/internship which does not confirm job placement
of the student with the prospective recruiter. Some internship offers may be converted to
PPO subject to individual student performance during internship and company
requirements. Students having internship offer may be eligible for further placement
opportunities (which do not require immediate joining).

2.10 Participation in Drives

i. A student enrolled and active in career services can participate in a prescribed maximum
number of placement drives subject to student meeting drive specific eligibility criteria and
the norms outlined in the Section 2.12 and separately announced through UMS from time
to time for the respective batch.

ii. At times company/university may prescribe certain criteria other than eligibility or they
may also prescribe score-lines of few bench-marking tests like AMCAT etc. for assessing
the students or prescribe their own short-listing methodology which may/may not be
disclosed to students. This will be binding for students.

iii. The eligible candidate may be automatically registered by default for certain drive(s). The
student has the option to de-register from the drive through UMS Placement Portal within
prescribed deadline stating a valid reason for the same.

iv. Drives for a student may be classified as “May Attend” or “Must Attend” based on certain
parameters as decided by employer or university.
a. The student will be automatically registered by default in “Must Attend” drive by
university. The student has the option to de-register from the drive through UMS
Placement Portal within prescribed deadline stating a valid reason for the same.
This shall be subject to the drive deregistration counter limits as mentioned in
Section 2.10 (vi).
b. For a “May Attend” drive student will be required to register for the drive on his
own through UMS Placement portal within prescribed deadline.
c. The students who are already pursuing Internships will generally be marked as
“May Attend” for further drives, unless any specific constraints are imposed by
employer or university.

v. The final Student Registration status would be taken once the registration deadline expires.
Any student whose final status is “registered” will be required to attend the drive. Drive

Defaulters (Type I/II/III) for any reason (unless otherwise approved) will have to bear the
misconduct/penalty as mentioned in below.

Drive Defaulters
Drive Defaulter Type I: Reporting for drive later than prescribed reporting time announced on
UMS or not adhering to prescribed dress code.
Drive Defaulter Type II: Not attending the drive after having final status as “Registered” for
the drive.
Drive Defaulter Type III:. Not attending any of the drive rounds for which student is shortlisted
Drive Defaulter Type IV: Leaving/Withdrawal from a drive after Pre-Placement Talk (PPT).
Penalty Clauses
Type of Mistake Committed Penalty/ Consequence
Type-I default (each instance) Rs 500/-
First Instance of Type II/III default: Rs 1,000/-
Second Instance of Type II/III default: Rs 2,000/-
Third Instance of Type II/III default: Permanently debarred.
First Instance of Type-IV default Verbal Warning
Second Instance of Type-IV default Rs 1,000/-
Third Instance of Type-IV default Rs 2,000/-
Fourth Instance of Type-IV default Permanently debarred.

a. Exception: Monetary Penalty/fine (Placement Reinstatement Fee) for Type-II

default shall not be applicable in case the drive de-registration / registration window
is for less than 24 hours duration.
b. Approved requests (if any) for waiver of monetary penalty will not lead to reducing
instance count.
c. Monetary penalty once imposed, will have to be paid, even if the student’s
placement status turns to “debarred”. Debarred student will not be reinstated into
career services even after payment of Placement Reinstatement fee.
vi. If a student does not register a minimum no. of recruitment drives for which the he/she was
eligible in MUST ATTEND category, it would be taken a case of non-seriousness and the
student will be permanently debarred from availing career services.
a. Engineering - B.Tech (all streams), M.Tech (CSE/IT/ECE/EEE), MBA and MCA:
Debarment subject to not registering in more than 10 recruitment drives for which
student was eligible.

b. Engineering - M.Tech (all streams except CSE/IT/ECE/EEE) and all other
programs: Debarment subject to not registering in more than 5 recruitment drives
for which student was eligible.
c. Only following types of drives shall be considered to determine the counter limits
mentioned above:
• [On-campus drives (placement), Off-campus drives (placement), On-joint
campus drives (placement), Off-joint campus drives (placement), Full Term
Internship, One-year Internship] drives with “Confirmed” drive date and
marked as “Must Attend” for the respective student.
d. Limit will apply separately on Internship drives and Placement drives for B.Tech
CSE/IT and MBA programs.

2.11 Withdrawal from a drive

A student may be allowed to withdraw from participating in a particular drive (subject to maximum
3 drives as approved by the committee) after attending the pre-placement talk citing valid reasons
duly approved by competent authority. Other than that, only in very exceptional circumstances,
shall a student be permitted to withdraw from attending the further rounds if shortlisted by the
organization at any stage. The student explains in writing (using prescribed application form
available at UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Document Repository) about the
unusual circumstances that require withdrawal same day before leaving from drive venue and
competent authority shall review/accepts these if truly exceptional and legitimate grounds for
withdrawal. The concerned TPC or the student would be responsible for bringing the case to the
competent authority (HD DCS or HOD/COD Backend Operations Cell as a nominee for HD DCS)
for necessary approval.

It might be necessary for the student to personally appear before the competent
authority/committee to explain his/her reasons for withdrawing from the drive. In case the reasons
cited by student are not due to deviation from any prior information about the drive’s offer (profile,
package, bond etc.), the student shall be treated as a drive defaulter Type-IV as per section T-2.
Any student who leaves the process (at any stage) without written request to drive coordinators,
shall be treated as drive defaulter Type-III.

2.12 Multiple Offers

“One Student – One Offer” policy: The university shall follow the principle of “One Student - One
Offer”. Thus, in ordinary circumstances, after the student secures an offer through university
facilitated drive, the student will not be eligible to appear in any other recruitment drive. The
student is expected to join the company for which he/she has secured the offer through the

Under exceptional circumstances, University may allow the student to avail one more offer subject
to specific requirements posed by the prospective employers. Batch specific guidelines (if any)
shall be available at UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Portal > Placement
Document Repository. In such case, the students availing multiple offers are required to indicate
acceptance of the offer of choice online through Placement Portal> Portal Navigation> Job Offer

The candidates pursuing OJT through university offer or independent sources are not eligible for
any other subsequent offer (second offer / dream offer).

2.13 Post-Offer Processes for Joining and Reporting in Companies

i. Offer Acceptance: To be updated online through the interface at: UMS Navigation >
Division of Career Services > Placement Portal > Job Offer Acceptance. The detailed SOP
shall be available at UMS Navigation > Division of Career Services > Placement
Document Repository.
ii. Surrendering/rejecting an offer: In exceptional circumstances (apart from due to
multiple offers generated through university facilitated drives), if the student wants to
surrender placement/internship offer generated through university, the student will be
required to do so in writing (as per the prescribed application form available at UMS
Navigation > Placement Services > Placement Document Repository) within 3-days of the
offer generation. The duly filled application form will be submitted by student to respective
School TPC and the student will be required to present his case before a committee for
decision. Until the decision on the case is announced by concerned authorities, student
might not be eligible for any benefits/relaxation.

iii. Joining: All students who have secured and accepted an offer are expected to join the
company invariably. As university had to ensure continued relationships with companies,
it is essential to ensure that students indeed report to join at the company where they were
offered job by a university facilitated process. In case the student does not join the
company, university reserves the right to highlight this default in any or all communication
with the company/set of companies. Mostly, companies cross verify the students’ academic
details with the University, for all such defaulting students University may not verify the
credentials. For continued relationship with the University, all students are advised to
inform their respective TPCs or Alumni coordinators about their joining status. Students
not interested to join the company must apply for offer rejection.

2.14. Misconduct and Penalty

Misconduct is any act on part of the student which may be covered under one or more of the

i. Registering for a process and then skipping it or arriving late for the process or not
following the prescribed norms of dressing. This would also have a monetary penalty as
described in Section 2.10 (v).
ii. Leaving the process at any stage other than immediately after Pre-Placement Talk (Limited
to 3 Instances) unless otherwise permitted. This would also have a monetary penalty as
described in Section 2.10 (v).
iii. Interacting with company officials unless otherwise permitted or trying to establish contact
with company officials.
iv. Sending any communication/request to company officials/company either directly or
indirectly through parents/siblings or any other acquaintances with a view to seek
concessions/information/influence decision etc.
v. Disobedience of any directions or general instructions.
vi. Not following the decorum during or after the process.
vii. Misbehavior with any company officials or university officials involved in the process.
viii. Criticizing or adversely commenting about the LPU or any part/process thereof in any
media/public/social media or before company officials.

ix. Making derogatory remarks for Company/University/DCS Officials/batch mates.
x. Not attending the Preparatory sessions, tests, workshops, or any other activities scheduled
for student in general or specific to a recruitment process.
xi. Misusing/violating provisions of duty leave in any form. This would result in permanent
debarment from placements and might invite other disciplinary action as well.
xii. Doctoring the content in the resume against correct and verifiable information.
xiii. Using mobile phones or other electronic gadgets in the vicinity of Test
Venue/GD/Venue/Interview/any other stage of recruitment process.
xiv. Approaching Company Officials for revaluation of any recruitment step/process.
xv. Telling Company officials that the student does not want to join; during the placement
drive in the midway process even when the things were clarified in the Pre-Placement talk
and the student was having an option of quitting the process there and then.
xvi. Deliberately jeopardizing any other student’s chances of getting selected.
xvii. Negotiating salary with Company officials; unless the announcement/notice specifies that
the salary is negotiable.
xviii. Cheating / using unfair means / deliberately underperforming during any stage of the
selection process.
xix. Non-submission (or delayed submission) of the assignments / projects / case study / any
other documents / reports etc. sought by the prospective employer as a part of the selection
xx. Unprofessional ambience around the candidate esp. during online assessments.
xxi. Getting adverse student feedback from the employer post-joining for internship/OJT/FTE.

These are the general guidelines, depending upon severity of the issue/misconduct the
consequences may vary and can also lead to expulsion.

2.15 Exiting Career Services

Exiting Career Services means that the student is no longer interested in availing the Career
Services of the University. If a student wishes to exit from career services provided by the
University, he/she needs to cite the valid reasons, through the following interface:

UMS Navigation > Placement Services > Exit from Career Services.

Decision on student’s request for exit from placements will be given by 10 working days (as per
SOP available at UMS Navigation > Division of Career Services > Placement Document
Repository) of application, and shall be subject to the due consent of student’s parents.

Student shall continue attending PEP activities until the request for Exiting Career Services is duly

2.16 Refund/Reimbursement/Adjustment/Waiver of PEP Fee

Upon debarment or exiting from career services at any point of time, the student (whether placed
or not-placed) will not be entitled for any refund/reimbursement/adjustment/waiver of PEP Fee
already due/paid against his/her fee account.

Note: If the student who registered for Job Placements with part payment of PEP Fee and later gets
debarred or takes exit from Job Placement support or switches his career services preference to
any other options (higher studies, entrepreneurship, etc.), the Balance PEP fee will also be made
due against the student fee account later by the university.

2.17. Do’s and Don’ts

i. It is advised that students must maintain a minimum 7 CGPA (or equivalent) with no
standing arrears to be eligible for enough placement opportunities.
ii. Go for Internships with good organizations/companies.
iii. Get yourself industry-certified on latest technologies/tools through industry-certifications
or industry-run MOOCs in your respective program/discipline.
iv. Have live projects / research work (in related area of your program/discipline) to showcase
your knowledge and skills to employer.
v. Strengthen your aptitude and reasoning abilities.
vi. Vet your CV/resume and ensure you mean every word and you are able to justify your
skills mentioned in it.
vii. Avoid frequently updating your phone no. and/or email id against your placement profile.
viii. Ensure that your academic details on placement portal are always updated to most recent
ix. Regularly update your CV on placement portal.

x. Regularly update your skill sets on placement portal.

2.18 Disclaimer:

i. Students are required to note that the placement service is a facility offered by the
University and cannot be taken as a guarantee of a job offer. The decision regarding making
job offers is left to the discretion of the companies participating in the campus recruitment.
ii. The terms and conditions in the policy may be reviewed from time to time and may be
modified by the university as per the situation and demands. The university reserves the
right to change/ modify any point of the guidelines as deemed appropriate by the
iii. In case of any issue arising out of these guidelines and interpretation thereof; decision
regarding any point not covered under this policy; and in case of any provision/decision
being changed, modified or overridden, Authorized Signatory shall be the final authority.
iv. For more clarity on any aspect of these guidelines, students are advised to visit School
Career Guidance Cell and meet their School Training and Placement Coordinators (TPCs).
v. Students are required to carefully read these guidelines and related policies before opting
the Career Services.



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