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Research Journal of Engineering Sciences ___________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472

Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Design, Fabrication and Performance Evaluation of Active Solar Still under

Forced Circulation Mode
Sethi A.K. 1 and Dwivedi V.K.2
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bhagwant University, Rajasthan, INDIA
Deparment of Mechanical Engineering, Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida, UP, INDIA
Available online at: www.isca.in
Received 16th May 2013, revised 29th May 2013, accepted 21st June 2013
Water is fundamental to human life on earth for survival and good health. Access to safe water is a major challenge in many
communities in developing countries. As world population and social-economic growth, societies are challenged to provide
fresh water to meet those needs for all of their people. Growing demands of freshwater resources are creating an urgent need
to develop self sustained system to meet the demand of fresh water. Among the conventional distillation process, solar
desalination process seems to be a suitable solution for resolving this existing demand of fresh water. Solar water distillation
removes impurities such as salts and heavy metals as well as eliminates microbiological organisms. In this study, a basin
type double slope active solar still was designed and fabricated, and a performance evaluation were carried out for different
water depths viz. 0.03 m, 0.04 m and 0.05 m. The distillate output is maximum 4.82 kg for 0.03m water depth and minimum
4.36 kg for 0.05 m water depth. The maximum instantaneous thermal efficiency is 46.96 at 0.04 m water depth.

Keywords: Active solar still, Solar Energy, Instantaneous thermal efficiency.

Introduction n proposed by Dunkle are valid only for lower temperature

ranges, however for higher temperature ranges the values of C
The demand of safe and clean water is increasing rapidly. Rapid and n change5. Rubio et al. evaluated the distillate yield for a
economic growth and climate change have resulted in increasing double-slope solar still under controlled conditions for basin
pressure on quality and quantity of water resources-especially in water and collector temperatures within typical operating ranges
tropical and developing countries. There is often enough water and propose a new empirical model for estimating mass flow
available, but it is salty, brackish and need technique to make it rates in single slope solar stills6. Nafey et al. has studied the
safe to drink. Emerging desalination technology using various parameters affecting solar still performance and
renewable energy is viewed as a feasible alternative to supply developed an equation relating the dependent and independent
water as it can be cost effective but also has potential to variables to predict the single-slope solar still productivity7.
transform the lives of people living in small communities in Thermal models to establish the energy balance equations of
remote areas and islands. active and passive solar still have been developed by Tripathi
and Tiwari and validated the theoretical results with the
Various researchers since ancient times have been carried out experimental results8. Abu-Hijleh et al. studied the effects of
research works on design, fabrication methods, and performance sponge cube and showed that the daily production of solar still
analysis of solar distillation. Zaki et al. experimental can be greatly improved9. Radhwan studied the performance of
investigated an active system of conventional solar still a stepped solar still with built-in latent heat storage and
integrated with a flat plate collector under thermo siphon mode conclude that efficiency and fresh water production rate
and found that upto 33% increase in the distillate yield when the increased10. El-Sebaii studied an analytical solution of the
water is preheated in the collector1. An air-blown, multiple- energy-balance equations for the thermal performance of a
effect solar still with heat energy recycle to increase in yield has triple-basin solar still and found that productivity of the bottom
been proposed by Mink et al2. Kwatra simulated the relationship basin is higher than the productivity of the upper basins during
between the evaporation area and distillate yield and shows that the daytime11. Sow et al. have carried out the exergy analysis for
an enlarged evaporation area increases the yield3. Khalifa et al. distiller driven by solar energy and reported that the exergetic
studied the effect of feed water preheating on single and double efficiencies less than 4% for single effect system, 17-20% for
slope solar stills and concluded that yield output and efficiency double effect system and 19-26% for triple effect solar distiller
of the solar still has been increased by preheating4. Shruti et al. system12. Phadatare et al. fabricated plastic solar still and
developed the convective mass transfer relation for double studied the effect of water depth on mass and heat transfer and
condensing chamber solar still. In relation Nu = C(GrPr)n, the found that distillate output of 2.1 L/m2/day, at water depth of
values of C and n were determined using regression analysis for 0.02m in still basin, could be achieved13. Sakthivel and
different temperature ranges and found that the values of C and Shanmugasundaram have shown that the efficiency of single

International Science Congress Association 6

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

slope solar still using the black granite gravel reaches up to 52% receive the maximum possible solar radiation. A hole is
maximum which is 8% higher than the conventional single provided at the bottom surface of the basin to drain water and
slope solar still14. A. Ahsan and T. Fukuhara proposed a new impurities for cleaning of solar still. Holes are also drilled in the
mass and heat transfer model of a tubular solar still body of solar still to fix the thermocouple to monitor
incorporating various mass and heat transfer coefficient taking temperature of water, inner condensing cover and vapor. A
account of the humid air properties inside the still15. separate hole is also provided for replenishing raw water in the
Rajamanickam and Ragupathy study the effects of orientation basin. The whole system is made vapor tight using silicone
and depth of water in the basin of the still on the productivity of rubber sealant, as it remains elastic for long time.
a double slope solar still and compare the same with that of a
single slope solar still16. Karuppa et al. has done work on new ii. Flat-plate collector is a metal box with a glass cover (called
design of solar collector by replacing the conventional collectors glazing) on top and a black-colored absorber plate on the
with the GI plate sandwiched collectors and compared the bottom. The sides and bottom of the collector are insulated to
steady state outlet temperature and efficiencies17. minimize heat loss. The casing of collector plate surrounds the
various components and keeps it free from dust and external
In this study double slope active solar still under forced environments. The rubber gaskets are used to attach the glass
circulation mode was designed and fabricated, and distillate cover with the walls of the casing. The flat plate collector used
output and instantaneous thermal efficiency were calculated in double slope active solar still is of copper tube- aluminum
different water depths. absorber type. The Aluminum sheet is painted black to work as
an absorber plate. Window glass of 0.004 m thickness is used as
Methodology glazing over the collector body. Ten risers used in the collector
plate are made of copper and are brazed to the two headers of
Design and fabrication of solar still: The distillation set-up diameter 0.0127 m each. The spacing between consecutive
consists of four main parts as shown in figure-1. copper tubes is 0.12 m. The copper tubes are in contact with the
Aluminum absorber plates.

iii. The DC water pump of size 40W is used to circulate the

water in forced mode of operation. The pump is driven directly
by the DC power. The pump operates only during sunshine
hour, to avoid reverse heat flow from water during off sunshine

iv. The distillate water is collected in a galvanized iron channel

fixed at the lower end side of both the glass covers. The
distillate collected is continuously drained through flexible pipe
and stored in a marked bottle placed outside on both side.

Measuring Instruments: Measurement of temperature:

Copper-constantan thermocouples were used to measure water,
water vapor and condensing cover temperature. Thermocouples
Figure-1 used in the experiment are properly calibrated with the help of
Line diagram of double slope active Solar still zeal thermometer (standard thermometer). The ambient air
temperature is recorded with the help of a calibrated mercury
i. The solar still is simple equipment without any moving parts. thermometer.
Solar still basin is made up of a fibre reinforced plastic (FRP) to
stand-up to the harsh conditions produced by water and sunlight. Measurement of solar radiation: The sun emits an
The advantages of FRP over other reinforcing materials such as electromagnetic radiation with different wavelengths and with a
glass fibre, carbon fibre etc are their specific strength properties, peak centered in the visible spectrum. This radiation is arrive to the
easy availability, light weight, high toughness, non-corrosive earth ground must go through the earth atmosphere, where suffer
nature, low density, good thermal properties, renewability and absorptions, refractions, reflections and emissions that work in
biodegradability. The basin area of the solar still is kept as 2 m2. selective way. Every element in the atmosphere in fact reacts in
The heights of the solar still at lower and higher sides are 0.20 different way to the various electromagnetic radiation wave lengths
m and 0.66 m respectively. The thickness of FRP body is kept that is every component absorbs and emits the radiation to a
as 0.006 m. The bottom surface of the solar still is painted black different wave length (absorbing the radiation it heats in accordance
to have high absorptivity of solar radiation. The top of the basin with the reached temperature and emits a different one). This fact
is covered with glass of thickness 0.004 m, inclined at 250 and provokes that the solar radiation to the ground level has a spectrum
oriented due East and West (E-W) direction respectively to much different from the extra atmospheric level.

International Science Congress Association 7

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

The solar intensity was measured with the help of a calibrated required flow rate of the feed water was adjusted by measuring
solarimeter, having least count of 20 W/m2. the over-flow rate and the distillation rate, with the aid of a stop
watch and measuring cylinder.
Experimental Set-up: The photograph of set-up under study
has been shown in figure-2. In active solar still, the flat plate During experiment: The following were the parameters
collector is coupled with solar still in such a way that the hot measured every hour for a period of 24 hours during each
water from collector plate enters into the basin of solar still experiments conducted. i. Outer glass cover temperature, ii.
under forced circulation mode. The inlet and outlet connections Inner glass cover temperature, iii. Water vapor temperature, iv.
to the collector plate are taken from the bottom of the basin as Water temperature in the basin, v. Ambient air temperature, vi.
shown in figure-2. A valve has been provided in the inlet pipe to Solar intensity on glass cover, vii. Solar intensity on collector
control the circulation of water through the collector plate. The plate, viii. Weight of distillate yield
collector plate absorbs the solar energy and transfers that energy
to water flowing through tubes. The double slope solar still After experiment: Analysis has been carried out as discussed
placed in east-west direction and collector plate was inclined at in the subsequent section.
30o facing south to receive the maximum possible solar
radiation as shown in figure-2. Procedure: Experiments were conducted at the GCET, Greater
Noida, UP, India (latitude 28.4962° N, longitude 77.5360° E,
altitude 200 m from mean sea level) throughout a year starting
from July 2011 to June 2012 and carried out from 9 a.m. and
lasted for 24 hr. During experimentation, properly calibrated
thermocouples were fixed at the inner and outer surfaces of
condensing covers and inside the water to measure the
condensing cover and water temperature. One thermocouple is
hung between water and condensing cover to measure vapor
temperature. The basin is then filled with required quantity of
water, one day before the start of experiment to attain steady
state condition. The condensing covers are cleaned properly
before the start of experiment. Experiments were conducted at
the water depth of 0.03 m, 0.04 m and 0.05 m. During
experiment when water depth was varied from 0.03 m to 0.04m
and 0.05 m, the solar stills were left idle for one day to achieve
steady state condition before the start of next day experiment.
Experiments at each water depth are started at 9:00 a.m. in the
Double slope active solar still set up
morning and continued for 24 hours.
Experimental Procedure: Outdoor tests of the solar distillation
system under study were carried out with number of variables. Experimental observations: The temperatures of water, glass
Various data were collected before, during and after experiment. cover and water vapor were recorded with the help of calibrated
copper constantan thermocouples in combination with a digital
Before experiment: i. A suitable adhesive was applied on all temperature indicator. The ambient temperature is measured by
side, at all joints of water carrying channels to ensure leak proof. calibrated mercury thermometer. The distillate from the still was
ii. Sponge rubber gasket and silicon wax were used between the measured using measuring jar. The blackish was supplied to the
contact surface of condensing cover and basin to avoid any flat plate collector using tap valve. The solar radiation on
chances of vapor leakage. iii. The lower edges of the still were set inclined plane facing east and west were measured using a
horizontally using the spirit level. iv. The inclination angle of the solarimeter. Table 1 shows the accuracies and error for various
flat plate collector was set with the aid of the inclinometer. v. The instruments used.

Accuracies, range and error for various measuring instruments
Sl. No. Instrument Range Accuracy % Error
1 Thermometer 0–1000 C ±10C 0.25
0 0
2 Thermocouple 0–100 C ±0.1 C 0.5
2 2
3 Solarimeter 0–2500 W/m ±20 W/m 0.5
4 Measuring jar 0–1000 ml ±1 ml 1

International Science Congress Association 8

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

The experiments were carried out to study the effect of water The values of mw for different water depth during sunshine
depths (0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 m) on the performance of double hours (9AM-5 PM) are given in table 5.
slope active solar stills. The experimental observations for water
depth 0.03 m, 0.04 m and 0.05 m for a typical day have been The instantaneous thermal efficiency is defined as
given in table 2, table 3 and table 4 respectively. mw × L (2)
η th =
(A × ∑ I
s t )
× 3600 + ( AC × ∑I C × 3600 )
Mathematical Modeling: Instantaneous thermal efficiency of Where L is given by this equation
active solar still: The hourly yield can be obtained by adding
yield obtained from east and west side as L=2.4935*106*[1-(9.4779*10-4Tw+1.3132*10-7*T2w-4.7974*10-
mW = ∑ (m wE + m wW ) (1)
The instantaneous thermal efficiency is calculated by equation.
2 during sunshine hours (9 AM-5 PM) are shown in table 5.

Measured Parameters for 0.03 m Water Depth in a Double Slope Active Solar Still of 250 Inclination of Condensing Cover
on a Day of August 10, 2011
Double Slope (East side) Double slope (Westside)
Time Ta Tw Tv Ic TcoE TciE ItE mwE TcoW TciW ItW mwW
9 AM 31 35.7 39 320 40.3 31.7 360 0.023 38.8 31.3 240 0.014
10 AM 31 37.8 35.4 420 45 32.6 440 0.011 42.9 31.6 360 0.015
11 AM 32 41.3 34.5 480 54.2 33.8 560 0.101 51.6 33.9 460 0.112
12 Noon 32 44.6 33.4 580 60.5 33.8 600 0.142 59.7 35.1 640 0.237
1 PM 33 49.8 37.3 720 62.8 34.2 640 0.238 63.4 36.2 700 0.303
2 PM 33 55.2 40.7 660 66.1 35.7 660 0.332 66.9 37.5 680 0.352
3 PM 34 63.4 52.3 460 62.3 36 300 0.354 63.5 38.3 420 0.325
4 PM 33 60.7 52.6 300 60.5 38.9 180 0.274 62.9 39.2 280 0.308
5 PM 32 54.7 47.6 140 60.2 40.8 80 0.258 63.5 42.6 180 0.217
6 PM 31 50.5 44 0 50.2 37.4 0 0.143 54.6 41.5 0 0.144
7 PM 30 44.6 38.4 0 40.6 33 0 0.118 41.8 38.3 0 0.098
8 PM 30 41.4 35.9 0 36.6 32 0 0.081 37.4 37.2 0 0.064
9 PM 30 38.6 35.4 0 35.4 32 0 0.059 36.2 34.6 0 0.058
10 PM 29 35.8 34.2 0 33.9 31 0 0.053 34.5 33.6 0 0.039
11 PM 29 33.8 32.6 0 33 30.7 0 0.045 33.6 32.5 0 0.025
12 PM 28 32.7 31.5 0 32.5 31 0 0.038 32.9 31.8 0 0.018
1 AM 28 32.3 30.9 0 32.1 30.9 0 0.03 32.5 31.3 0 0.016
2 AM 28 31.7 30.5 0 31.5 30.7 0 0.026 31.1 30.8 0 0.014
3 AM 27 31 29.9 0 30.6 30.2 0 0.022 30.3 30.6 0 0.014
4 AM 27 31 30.5 0 29.1 29.6 0 0.02 28.9 29.9 0 0.013
5 AM 27 30 30.4 0 28.6 29.1 0 0.014 28.4 29.4 0 0.013
6 AM 26 30 30.5 0 27.8 28.6 0 0.013 27.1 28.8 0 0.009
7 AM 29 33.2 34.4 100 29.3 30.5 100 0 28.2 29.5 60 0
8 AM 30 34.6 36.7 200 34.3 30.8 220 0.011 33 29.3 180 0.009
Total 2.406 2.417

International Science Congress Association 9

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Measured Parameters for 0.04 m Water Depth in a Double Slope Active Solar Still of 250 Inclination of Condensing Cover
on a Day of August 17, 2011
Double Slope (East side) Double slope (Westside)
Time Ta Tw Tv Ic TcoE TciE ItE mwE TcoW TciW ItW mwW
9 AM 28 33.5 37.7 380 41.7 32.3 360 0.019 40.1 30.6 260 0.015
10 AM 29 38.8 41.2 500 46.8 33.4 480 0.008 44.5 31.3 400 0.009
11 AM 29 43.4 38.9 560 55.1 35.4 580 0.05 52.3 32.2 520 0.046
12 Noon 30 48.6 38.8 620 61.4 36.8 660 0.087 60.2 33.7 640 0.129
1 PM 30 52.4 40.8 680 65.4 37.8 600 0.176 64.9 37.9 660 0.241
2 PM 32 55.3 41.5 520 68.4 38.7 500 0.274 69.3 38.2 620 0.297
3 PM 33 58.2 46.7 360 63.9 41.5 320 0.333 65.2 40.2 420 0.316
4 PM 33 55.3 44.8 220 57.8 44.3 200 0.295 60.1 45.8 260 0.257
5 PM 32 49.1 39.7 80 51.9 40.6 80 0.236 55.3 42.4 160 0.219
6 PM 32 45.8 37.2 0 47 36.4 0 0.193 51.2 38.4 0 0.197
7 PM 32 43.2 35.6 0 38.3 32.7 0 0.153 40.4 34.3 0 0.141
8 PM 31 38.3 31.9 0 33.6 28.9 0 0.098 34.7 32.5 0 0.078
9 PM 31 35.2 30.9 0 30 26.6 0 0.084 30.9 31.2 0 0.072
10 PM 30 34.2 30.5 0 28.8 26.6 0 0.068 29.6 31.2 0 0.056
11 PM 28 33.3 30.4 0 27.5 26 0 0.058 28.2 30.3 0 0.044
12 PM 27 31.4 28.9 0 27.1 26 0 0.035 27.6 29.2 0 0.028
1 AM 27 29.4 27.1 0 26.6 25.8 0 0.026 27.1 28.3 0 0.02
2 AM 27 28.5 26.4 0 26.4 25.8 0 0.021 25.6 26.8 0 0.014
3 AM 26 27.2 25.3 0 25.6 25.4 0 0.022 25 25.6 0 0.01
4 AM 25 26.3 24.6 0 24.6 25 0 0.019 24 24.8 0 0.01
5 AM 25 25.7 25.6 0 24.1 24.7 0 0.013 23.3 24.8 0 0.009
6 AM 24 25 26.2 0 21.4 23.5 0 0.01 20.3 24.8 0 0.009
7 AM 27 30.7 31.8 120 29.2 30.6 80 0 28 29.3 40 0
8 AM 28 32.8 35.1 180 33.4 31.2 160 0.009 31.6 30.2 140 0.009
Total 2.287 2.226

Measured Parameters for 0.05 m Water Depth in a Double Slope Active Solar Still of 250 Inclination of Condensing Cover
on a Day of August 22, 2011
Double Slope (East side) Double slope (Westside)
Time Ta Tw Tv Ic TcoE TciE ItE mwE TcoW TciW ItW mwW
9 AM 30 35.6 40.2 260 41.2 30.8 400 0.014 39.8 29.5 340 0.018
10 AM 30 37.1 40.6 360 45.7 31.2 480 0.01 43.5 30.2 420 0.013
11 AM 31 39.8 37 540 53.2 31.6 540 0.045 50.1 30.8 580 0.038
12 Noon 32 44.2 38.4 620 56.9 31.5 600 0.075 55.5 31 640 0.087
1 PM 33 48.6 40 680 58.9 30.3 640 0.127 58.3 33.4 700 0.122
2 PM 34 52.8 43.3 700 60.7 34.3 680 0.229 61.1 36.2 740 0.208
3 PM 35 60.4 48.7 560 63.5 43.1 460 0.302 64.3 47.6 440 0.326
4 PM 34 63.1 52.5 380 65.9 50.3 240 0.245 67.5 54.6 320 0.272
5 PM 33 57.3 47.1 180 60.2 46.8 100 0.212 63 50.8 160 0.221
6 PM 33 50.1 40.9 0 52 40.4 0 0.202 55.9 43.6 0 0.215
7 PM 32 45.3 36.7 0 43.6 37.2 0 0.176 46.2 40.8 0 0.209
8 PM 32 41.5 33.3 0 39.6 35.3 0 0.12 41 37.9 0 0.132
9 PM 32 38.7 32.3 0 38 34.8 0 0.093 38.9 36.1 0 0.085
10 PM 31 35.7 30.9 0 36.5 34.2 0 0.069 37.3 34.6 0 0.047
11 PM 30 33.2 28.6 0 33.7 32.4 0 0.058 34.5 32.7 0 0.034
12 PM 30 32.1 27.8 0 32.9 31.8 0 0.045 33.5 31.9 0 0.028
1 AM 30 31.4 27.7 0 31.3 30.7 0 0.042 31.9 31.2 0 0.027
2 AM 29 30.8 28 0 30.7 30.3 0 0.034 29.9 30.6 0 0.024
3 AM 29 30.2 28 0 29.4 29.2 0 0.025 28.7 29.7 0 0.021
4 AM 29 29.4 27.5 0 28.3 28.6 0 0.022 27.5 27.3 0 0.016
5 AM 28 30.8 29.1 0 27.4 28.3 0 0.016 26.3 27.3 0 0.014
6 AM 28 29.6 29.1 0 26.5 27.9 0 0.013 25.1 27.5 0 0.013
7 AM 29 30.6 33 40 27.8 29.4 40 0 25.7 28.3 20 0
8 AM 30 34.1 37.4 140 34.9 30.8 220 0.01 32.5 29.2 200 0.014
Total 2.184 2.184

International Science Congress Association 10

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Results and Discussion instantaneous thermal efficiency were calculated from collected
data figure-3. shows the variation of distillate output with depth
The experiments were conducted in the month of August 2011, of basin water. As depth of basin water increase the distillate
to investigate the effect of water depth in the basin on distillate output decrease. From table 5 and figure.3, it is clear that
output and instantaneous thermal efficiency. Hourly distillate output is maximum 0.684 kg at 2 pm for water depth
measurements were made for ambient temperature, basin water 0.03 m and minimum 0.17 kg at 10 am for water depth 0.04 m.
temperature, glass cover temperature, distillate output and solar Figure.4 shows the variation of instantaneous thermal efficiency
intensity from 9 AM for 24 hours and shown in table 2.4 to 2.6. with depth of basin water. The maximum instantaneous thermal
For different water depths viz. 0.03 m, 0.04 m, and 0.05 m efficiency is 46.96 at water depth of 0.04 m.
during clear sunshine hours (9 am-5 pm), distillate output and

Hourly yield and instantaneous thermal efficiency
Water Depth

Time 0.03 m 0.04 m 0.05 m

mw ηth mw ηth mw ηth

9am 0.037 1.35 0.034 1.14 0.032 1.07
10am 0.026 0.71 0.017 0.41 0.023 0.61
11am 0.213 4.73 0.096 1.92 0.083 1.67
12 Noon 0.379 6.91 0.216 3.72 0.162 2.89
1pm 0.541 8.67 0.417 7.07 0.249 4.07
2pm 0.684 11.23 0.571 11.43 0.437 6.78
3pm 0.679 18.74 0.649 19.32 0.628 14.05
4pm 0.582 25.01 0.552 26.65 0.517 17.92
5pm 0.475 39.01 0.455 46.96 0.433 32.25



Yield output


0.4 Water depth 0.03 m

0.3 Water depth 0.04 m
0.2 Water depth 0.05 m


9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM

Hourly yield

International Science Congress Association 11

Research Journal of Engineering Sciences________________________________________________________ ISSN 2278 – 9472
Vol. 2(6), 6-12, June (2013) Res. J. Engineering Sci.

Themal efficiency

25 Water Depth 0.03 m
15 Water Depth 0.04 m
10 Water Depth 0.05 m
9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 N 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM 5 PM

Instantaneous thermal efficiency

Conclusion 7. Nafey A.S., Abdelkader M., Abdelmotalip A. and Mabrouk

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International Science Congress Association 12

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