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Adventures Dark and Deep ™

By Joseph Bloch

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Adventures Dark and Deep


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Adventures Dark and Deep ™

Being a collection of creatures mundane and wondrous suitable to play the game.

Authored by Joseph Bloch

Based on and/or inspired by the original work of E. Gary Gygax, David Arneson, David “Zeb” Cook, Monte Cook, Jeff Grubb, Robert Kuntz, Kim Mohan, Dave
Newton, Douglas Niles, Jon Pickens, Jonathan Tweet, James Ward, Skip Williams, and Steve Winter.

The giant mantis shrimp entry is gratefully dedicated to the online comic strip The Oatmeal (

Editing/proofreading: Mollie Carson-Vollath

Artists: Ian Bagley, Tamas Baranya, John Bingham, Jerry Boucher, Mike Bridges, Luigi Castellani, Christopher Conklin, Chantal Fournier, Jenna Fowler, Dave Johnson,
Fil Kearney, Chris Letzelter, Mat Morrow, Federico Pancaldi, Jay Penn, Milena Robbins, Jason Sholtis, Maurine Starkey, Brian “Glad” Thomas, Michael Vilardi. Some
artwork copyright William McAusland, used with permission. Inkwell Ideas Clipart by Bruno Balixa, Simon Buckroyd, Matt Bulahalo, Storn Cook, Keith Curtis, Jacqui
Davis, Forrest Imel, Malcolm McClinton, Jason Rainville, Ryan Sumo, Tadas Sidlauskas, David Rabitte, Adam Schmidt, and Eric Quigley. The following artwork © 2008
Jeff Freels, used with permission: lich; merman; scarecrow; skeleton; werewolf; wasp, giant. All other art is copyright of the respective artists.

Cover art: Christian N. St. Pierre

Second Printing

Visit the official ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ website at

Unless otherwise noted, all material herein is Copyright © 2011-2016 BRW Games BRW Games, LLC. All rights reserved.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is a trademark of BRW Games, LLC. “Gygax” is a trademark of the Gail C. Gygax Revocable Trust. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is
a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Table of Contents

Introduction.............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 1
Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions ......................................................................................................................................................253
Prehistoric Monster Descriptions................................................................................................................................................................................292
Extraplanar Monster Descriptions..............................................................................................................................................................................313
Appendix A: Modifying and Creating New Monsters ...................................................................................................................................................439
Appendix B: The Psychic Strike .................................................................................................................................................................................440
Appendix C: Random Creatures of the Lower Planes ....................................................................................................................................................441
Appendix D: Magic Resistance.................................................................................................................................................................................445
Appendix E: Standard Powers of Deities ....................................................................................................................................................................446
Special Thanks ......................................................................................................................................................................................................448
License Information.................................................................................................................................................................................................449

Art Sponsors

The following pieces of art were specifically sponsored by these generous backers. Our heartfelt thanks go out to each of them:

Black Dragon - Jussi Myllyluoma

Blink Dog - Michael Beacom
Blue Dragon - Robert Fisher
Bone Dragon - John Croddick
Cthonoid - John Paquette
Dimetrodon - BC Parker III
Dire Wolf - Michael Varga
Doppelgänger - Peter H. Fröhlich
Dragonne - Michael Blanchard
Gibbering Mouther - Christopher Letzelter
Kobold - Skip Clarke
Orcus (demon) - James MacGeorge
Pseudo-dragon - Jeffrey Binder
Spectral Dragon - Lloyd Rasmussen
Uriel (angel) - Dwayne Wallace

The following individuals generously pledged extra support for the book and are immortalized by being slain by one of the creatures herein:

Skip Clarke - kobold

John Croddick - bone dragon
Kristian Jansen Jaech - pseudoscorpion
Duncan McPhedran - mustard jelly
Jose Hartvig de Freitas - piercer
Robert Palmier - anhkheg
Frederi Pochard - froghemoth
Gary Sparks - cave moray
Daniel Trujillo - kenleon

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Introduction No. of Attacks is the number of times the creature can strike in a single
round of combat. Usually (but not always) if a creature has more than one
attack, they will be used against the same target.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP is a fantasy role-playing game. One player, the
game master, designs the world in which the other players find themselves. Damage is the amount of damage, in hit points, caused by each of the
The players set forth to explore the world and its locales, encountering its creature’s normal attacks. It does not include special attacks, and if creatures
various creatures and other inhabitants, engaging in acts of derring-do and are able to use weapons, the phrase “per weapon type” will be used to
hopefully coming away with rich treasures and tales to astound the folks back indicate that the game master should look up the damage inflicted by the
at the tavern. Eventually they can work their way up to becoming Lords and appropriate weapon, as listed in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players
Ladies themselves, ruling their own lands and setting the stage for the next Manual.
generation of adventurers.

This book contains a variety of different creatures, people, and beings with Damage Bonus for Huge Creatures (Optional
whom the players in the game can have their characters interact. Such Rule)
interactions are the heart of the game, bringing it from the mundane realm into
the fantastic. Game masters wishing to make their games more deadly may wish to make
large and powerful creatures tougher by granting to them a damage bonus.
How to Read a Creature Entry This bonus would apply to all strikes with melee weapons or hands/fists/etc.
and would be equal to +1 h.p. per hit die of the creature. Thus, a creature
with 9d10 hit dice would get a +9 bonus to damage. This rule would only
A typical entry in this book will consist of a block of numerical or other statistics,
apply to creatures that are both large and strong, such as ogres, giants, trolls,
followed by text explaining the creature’s general nature, how it performs in
balor demons, etc. The game master is warned, however, that doing so will
combat, and what it looks like. The block will have the following entries:
increase his game’s mortality rate, sometimes significantly.
Number is the number of creatures that will usually be encountered. Note
that if the game master says there are a different number of some creature in Defenses are special defenses that the creature possesses. They can be
a particular area, or in a particular encounter, then so be it. The numbers are magical in nature or not, and will be fully explained in the text, if needed. It is
given only as guidelines (which is something that can apply to most of the not related to armor class (unless specified in the text).
information herein).
Attacks are special attacks that the creature possesses. Like defenses, they
Morale is the modifier the creature uses when making a morale check. A plus can be either magical or mundane, and explanations will be given in the text,
is a bonus (indicating the creature is particularly brave or savage), while a if needed. They are not related to the regular attacks that a given creature gets
minus is a penalty (indicating the creature is easily frightened, normally (unless otherwise specified). Note that a creature with a magical ability will
pacifistic, etc.). A few creatures will have a modifier of n/a, which indicates usually not be able to use that ability more than once per round, and if able
they never fail a morale check, no matter what. to use more than one, must choose which one to use in a given round. Abilities
that are listed as being usable “at will” are not subject to this restriction, and
Hit Dice is the number and of dice that should be rolled for each individual can be considered “on” whenever the creature desires them to be, with no
creature to determine its hit points. This will also determine what column the concentration. There is no “casting time” for such innate abilities, which
creature will use when in combat. The first number is the number of hit dice, differentiates them from the character class abilties that some creatures may
followed by “d” and then the type of hit dice. For example, 6d10 means the also possess.
creature has six hit dice, and 10-sided dice are rolled to determine the number
of hit points the creature has. Player characters and non-player characters will Temporary Level Drain (Optional Rule)
use whichever hit dice are suitable for their character class (i.e., an NPC elf
mage would still use d4’s for his hit dice, rather than d8). Game Masters may, at their discretion, rule that the experience level drain
accompanying the touch of certain undead such as specters and vampires is
Armor Class is self-explanatory. Note that most creatures will not actually be temporary, lasting only for 1d6 days, after which time the lost levels will be
wearing armor unless specified in the text. regained, along with all lost hit points and abilities thereof. Such a rule should
be applied consistently, however; it should not be the case that some specters
Move is the speed of the creature, given in feet per minute. If the creature has inflict a temporary level loss and others inflict one which is permanent. Death
a special means of locomotion (swimming, flying, etc.) that will also be given. through such loss would, naturally, preclude any such automatic restoration.
For flying creatures, their maneuverability class is also given (perfect, good, The same rule may be applied to other level-draining undead such as wights
average, poor, or clumsy). and vampires. If this rule is used, the X.P. value of the creature should be
lowered accordingly.
Magic Resistance is the chance that a given creature will be able to ignore
magic spells cast specifically upon it. It does not apply to spells that effect an Weaknesses refers to any special weaknesses the creature possesses, such
area (such as fireball or earthquake), but it can be used by a creature to as vulnerability to fire, sunlight, etc. It generally refers only to attack types that
overcome spells (such as hold portal) cast on a specific object. Note that cause additional damage to the creature; if something is immune to most
magic resistance is in addition to any saving throws to which the creature may attacks, but not a certain type, that would not count as a “weakness” unless
be entitled. that certain type of attack did extra damage or had a better than normal
chance of success.
A creature with magic resistance A has a 55% resistance to spells cast by 1st
level spellcasters, a 60% resistance to spells cast by 2nd level spellcasters, etc. Size is the size category of the creature, which is used in a number of different
A creature with magic resistance B has a 60% resistance to spells cast by 1st capacities, such as determining how much damage a weapon does. S, M,
level spellcasters, a 65% resistance to spells cast by 2nd level spellcasters, etc. and L represent small, medium (or man-sized), and large. The actual size of
See Appendix D for details.

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Introduction - Shaman

the creature (in feet) is usually also given. Note that these represent typical be found (some creatures will not have weapons, for instance, and some will
sizes; specimens larger or smaller can also be encountered. Size classification have a certain number of potions), simply ignore rolls that do not apply.
isn't strictly related to height. Especially at the margins (4'-6'), it's a much more
subjective measure of relative bulk. So a very “beefy” creature could be Refer to the treasure tables in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game
classified as large, while a more slender creature of the same height could be Masters Toolkit to determine the specific treasure the creature possesses.
classified as medium. Remember that intelligent creatures won’t keep their magical items locked
away in a treasure chest -- they will use them!
Intelligence is the intelligence score of the creature. This is exactly the same
as that described in the Adventures Dark and Deep Players Manual. Note that X.P. Value is the number of experience points that all those involved in
creatures with an intelligence of 0 cannot be affected by mind-affecting defeating a creature earn. Note that “defeating” is not the same as killing; it
magical effects such as charm, illusions, etc. is very possible to force a creature to surrender, and thus earn the full x.p.
value. Avoiding a creature, either by fooling it and stealing its treasure, by
Alignment is the moral alignment of the creature, as described in the Players evading a pursuing creature, etc. should earn from 25% - 50% of the total,
Manual. Most animals and unintelligent monsters will be neutral, not out of any depending on the circumstances and difficulty.
moral conviction, but merely from a lack of any moral awareness at all.
Creatures of lawful alignment will act with discipline when fighting in groups; Turn as Type is only found in entries for undead creatures and certain beings
they will be drilled, use tactics appropriate to their weapons and terrain, etc. from the outer planes. It indicates which column should be used when the
Chaotic creatures, on the other hand, tend to attack en masse with more regard creature is being “turned” by clerics and paladins. Details of turning can be
for personal glory than group cohesion. found in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual under the
appropriate character class description.
Treasure Type and Treasure Value are described in the ADVENTURES
DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit. Note that this does not change Evasion is found only in entries for waterborne and undersea creatures. It is
whetther you are using treasure method I or II, as described therein. Bear in a bonus given when the creature(s) are attempting to evade a waterborne
mind that the treasure value is given for the maximum number of creatures. If encounter. Details on waterborne evasion are given in the ADVENTURES DARK
an encounter has fewer than the maximum number of creatures, the overall AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit.
treasure value should be lowered proportionally. The breakdown of treasure
type, as used in treasure method II, is as follows:
Humanoid Spellcasters
Treasure Certain types of monsters – humanoids such as orcs and goblins, giants, etc.
Type Sundries Luxuries Art Jewelry Gems Coins – have special spellcasters as noted below. Such monsters are normally unable
to have regular classes such as mages, clerics, druids, etc. Within the specific
I 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
monster description you will see the maximum level a given creature can have
II 75% 15% 0% 5% 0% 5%
as a shaman and/or witch doctor. Other creatures will have standard classes
III 50% 25% 5% 10% 5% 5%
of spellcasters such as mages, clerics, druids, etc. as detailed in the entry on
IV 25% 35% 10% 15% 5% 10%
the creature.
V 10% 45% 10% 20% 5% 10%
VI 5% 55% 0% 25% 5% 10%
The game master should place humanoid shamans and witch doctors
VII 0% 20% 20% 25% 25% 10%
deliberately, rather than relying on random placement. Generally, tribes of
VIII 0% 20% 30% 25% 15% 10%
humanoids in their lairs will have spellcasters equal to 1% of the total number
IX 0% 20% 40% 10% 5% 25%
of warriors, but such spellcasters could also be found in raiding parties,
X 0% 0% 50% 0% 0% 50%
warbands, etc. and some tribes might have more or less than 1%. The details
XI 0% 0% 0% 25% 0% 75%
are left entirely to the game master to determine in such a way as to make the
XII 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%
most sense for his own game.
XIII 0% 0% 0% 0% 100% 0%
XIV 0% 0% 0% 0% 75% 25%
XV 0% 0% 0% 50% 25% 25% Shaman
XVI 0% 0% 0% 0% 25% 75%
XVII 0% 0% 0% 50% 50% 0% Shamans can be seen as a sort of sub-class of cleric. They lack the full range
XVIII 0% 10% 0% 10% 30% 50% of spells that ordinary clerics possess, and don’t have the power to turn
undead. Shamans do not gain any bonus spells for wisdom. The maximum
Note that for creatures that dwell underwater, if any type of treasure is level any shaman can reach is dependent on his race, but no shaman can rise
indicated that would not survive in such asn environment (silks, paintings, etc.), higher than 7th level.
it should simply be deemed as lost and not re-rolled. Magic scrolls and books
should be counted in this category, as well unless you as game master have a SHAMAN SPELLS AVAILABLE BY LEVEL
very specific reason and rationale for deeming them safe. Shaman Spell Level
Level 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Magical Treasure is the chance of the creature possessing a magic item or 1 1 - - -
items. Each relevant type of item is listed with the number potentially found, 2 2 - - -
plus a percentage chance that the group of creatures will possess them (not 3 2 1 - -
each creature in the group, unless noted). For instance, if a creature is said to 4 3 2 - -
have 1d6 items (40%), the Game Master would first roll 1d6 to determine the 5 3 3 1 -
total number of potential items. Then he would roll percentile dice for each 6 3 3 2 -
potential item. If the roll is equal to or less than the chance that a given item is 7 3 3 2 1
present, it will be. In the case that there are restrictions on the types of items to

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level 4th Level As with shamans, witch doctors lack the full range of spells possessed by either
1 Ceremony Aid Boundary Cure Serious the cleric or mage classes, and have level limits as noted in the individual
Wounds creature entries below. No witch doctor can rise above 4th level as a witch
2 Cure Light Augury Create Food Divination doctor, but this does not limit the level he can obtain as a shaman as well.
Wounds and Water
Blindness Spell Level
4 Detect Magic Create Water Cure Disease Giant Insect Witch Doctor Level 1 2
5 Endure Cold Detect Charm Dispel Magic Neutralize 1 1 -
Poison 2 2 -
6 Light Enthrall Locate Object Speak with 3 2 1
Plants 4 3 2
7 Magic Stone Messenger Meld into Sticks to
8 Portent Plant Friend Prayer Tongues 1st Level 2nd Level
9 Protection Resist Fire Remove Curse 1 Affect Normal Fires Audible Glamer
from Evil 2 Burning Hands Detect Invisibility
10 Purify Food Snake Charm Speak with 3 Dancing Lights Flaming Sphere
and Drink the Dead 4 Firewater Hypnotic Pattern
11 Resist Fear Speak with 5 Identify Illusionary Trap
Animals 6 Phantasmal Force Invisibility
12 Speak with Withdraw 7 Precipitation Levitate
Animals 8 Push Magic Mouth
9 Shield Prediction
Shamans have no limitations on the weapons or armor they are able to use. 10 Spider Climb Pyrotechnics
11 Ventriloquism Scare
Witch Doctor 12 Wall of Fog Whip

Note that all humanoid tribal spellcasters function as shamans. Some few also Witch doctors have no limit on weapons or armor- they use crude spell books
have the power to cast mage spells, and these are known as witch doctors. All for their witch doctor spells, but these are not intelligible to other sorts of
witch doctors will also have the full range of spells of a shaman of the spellcasters (and vice versa), even though the names of the spells may be the
appropriate level (note that it is possible for the same spellcaster to have one same.
level as a shaman and another as a witch doctor).

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Aerian

If five aerians act in concert, they are able to perform a special aerial dance
Wilderness and which will summon a friendly air elemental (8 HD). The dance takes 3 complete
rounds to perform. The elemental will not be under the control of the aerians,

Dungeon Monster
but the two races are on good terms, and the elemental will generally obey
their requests, though not to the point of fighting to the death.

Descriptions Appearance: Aerians are humanoid in form, covered in feathers and sporting
both a gray-black beak and a large bone “keel” on their chest. Their arms are
in fact wings, with the hands half way down the length of the wing. Their rear
claws also function as hands, and they are adept with using them to hold
weapons and anything else their hands can do. They speak their own
language, that of giant eagles, and 10% will speak the common tongue.
Number 1d10 (1d10+20 in aerie)
Morale +1
Hit Dice 1d10 Al-Mi’raj
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min., 360’/min. (flying - average) Number 2d10
Magic Resistance Standard Morale -2
No. of Attacks 2 Hit Dice 1d6
Damage 1d3/1d3 or per weapon type Armor Class 6
Defenses None Move 180’/min.
Attacks Dive, summon elemental Magic Resistance Standard
Weaknesses None No. of Attacks 1
Size M Damage 1d4
Intelligence 9 Defenses None
Alignment Neutral good Attacks None
Treasure Type III Weaknesses None
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 Size S (3’)
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) Intelligence 1
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.

General: Al-mi’raji are unpredictable creatures that inhabit woodlands and

remote meadows. They make their homes in underground burrows. If captured
when young, they can be trained as faithful companions. They have both keen
eyesight and smell.

Combat: Al-mi’raji attack with their horns.

Appearance: An al-mi’raj is a large yellow rabbit with a large horn projecting

from the middle of its forehead.

General: Aerians are an avian race that dwell high in mountain crags. A
typical encounter will be with a hunting party, but if encountered in their Number 1d6
mountain home, the larger number of adults will be encountered. They are Morale +4
prone to claustrophobia and will never enter any enclosed space (such as a Hit Dice 3d12 - 8d12 (see below)
building) if they can possibly avoid it. They will also avoid combat situations Armor Class 2 (underside 4)
on the ground, preferring to take to the skies where they have the advantage. Move 120’ (60’ burrowing)
Each can carry 150 lbs. while flying. They are usually good-natured creatures, Magic Resistance Standard
but are incapable of distinguishing between domesticated and wild animals, No. of Attacks 1
thus sometimes accidentally taking livestock. Each tribe’s territory is some 100 Damage 3d6 (+1d4)
miles on a side, and sports a brightly-colored banner of woven feathers. Defenses Standard
Attacks Squirt acid
Combat: Aerians attack with their claws or with large javelins which are held Weaknesses None
in the rear claws and hurled with great force. Each warrior will carry 6 such Size L (10-20’ long; see below)
javelins, each doing 2d4 h.p. of damage. They are able to dive down on Intelligence 0
enemies on the ground and brake just short of the ground, much like giant Alignment Neutral
eagles. When attacking thus, they get a +4 bonus “to hit” and do double Treasure Type VII
damage if they hit. They must have at least 200’ altitude in order to perform Treasure Value 4d6x1,000
their dive attack. Aerians are considered “persons” for spells such as charm Magical Treasure 1d2 items (40%)
person or hold person. X.P. Value See below

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Animated Furniture

Chair Rug Table

Number 1d6 1 1
Morale n/a n/a n/a
Hit Dice 4d8 5d8 6d8
Armor Class 6 6 6
Move 90’/min. 30’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 2 1 4
Damage 1d8/1d8 1d4 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6
Defenses See below See below See below
Attacks Pummeling, Smothering, Blocking, enemies
enemies get - enemies get -5 get -5 to surprise
5 to surprise to surprise rolls rolls
Weaknesses See below See below See below
Size M L L
Intelligence 0 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. 170 + 5/h.p. 225 + 6/h.p.
General: The anhkheg is a giant burrowing insect that supplements its usual
diet of minerals with the flesh of both animals and humans. They are usually
found either in wooded locales or in well-tilled fields. The size of the creature, General: Animated furniture could be items brought to “life” by means of an
while always large, can vary considerably. animate object spell, or could be some perpetually animated object in the
depths of some dungeon. Other types of animated furniture are, of course,
Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Size X.P. Value possible; the game master should use the statistics above as a guideline.
1 3d12 L (10’) 85 + 4/h.p.
Combat: Unless its enemies are alerted to the animated furniture’s presence,
2 4d12 L (12’) 130 + 5/h.p.
they get a -5 bonus to their surprise rolls, making it much easier for the
3 5d12 L (14’) 225 + 6/h.p.
animated furniture to surprise the enemy. Animated chairs and tables attack
4 6d12 L (16’) 350 + 8/h.p.
by kicking with their legs (tables can attack 4 different enemies per round, but
5 7d12 L (18’) 550 + 10/h.p.
cannot attack any one enemy more than once per round). Animated rugs attack
6 8d12 L (20’) 900 + 12/h.p.
by rearing up, snake-like, and lashing out at an enemy, or tripping them and
then rolling over them.
Combat: The anhkheg’s favorite tactic is to lie in wait some 5-10’ beneath the
surface, then suddenly erupting from beneath passing prey. It bites with its
Animated tables are able to block the movement of an enemy; someone
strong mandibles for 3-18 h.p. of damage per round, holding and continuing
wishing to move around a table must make a successful DEX check with a +2
to squeeze anything unfortunate enough to be caught in its grip. After the first
penalty. Failure indicates that the table has successfully prevented the
round, it begins to secrete acidic digestive enzymes through its mandibles for
individual from moving, and has gotten a free attack. A table can only block
an additional 1-4 h.p. of damage (the beast does not need to roll again “to
movement in one direction per round; anyone trying to step onto the table will
hit” once it has grasped a victim thus). In extremis, the anhkheg can squirt a
be automatically knocked off and suffer 1d4 h.p. as it pitches and bucks like
great jet of its acid some 30’ once every six hours; this jet will cause 8d4 h.p.
a bronco.
of damage to anything in range, with those who make a saving throw vs.
breath weapon only taking half damage.
If an animated rug successfully hits an enemy, it will attempt to roll itself around
that creature and smother it. After a successful hit, the rug gets an automatic
Appearance: The anhkheg appears as a long segmented stick-insect with
overbearing attack as if it had a strength of 18. If the overbearing attack is
enormous antennae and many pairs of legs. The upper portion of its shell is
successful, the target is wrapped up and smothered; it cannot move, attack, or
brown, while the underside is pink.
cast spells, and will die of asphyxiation in 1d4 rounds. Any attacks made
against the rug will also inflict damage on the person being smothered, with a
-2 penalty to damage against the smothered individual per attack.

The following spells have non-standard effects against animated furniture:

• Animate object: The furniture attacks at twice the normal speed for
1d6 rounds
• Enchantment/charm, illusion/phantasm, and other mind-affecting
spells: No effect
• Mending: Repairs 1d6 h.p. of damage on the furniture upon
which it is cast
• Trip: No effect against animated rugs

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Animated Statue

• Warp wood: inflicts 2d10 h.p. of damage against wooden

furniture only

Apearance: Until it moves, animated furniture appears just like any ordinary
piece of furniture. They can have any appearance, from plain to fancy, from
old and rickety to new and sturdy.

Animated Statue

Marble Stone Bronze

Number 1 1 1
Morale n/a n/a n/a
Hit Dice 3d10 5d10 7d10
Armor Class 4 4 2
Move 90’/min. 60’/min. 30’/min.
Magic Resistance A C E
No. of Attacks 2 2 2
Damage 1d6/1d6 1d8/1d8 2d6/2d6
Defenses See below See below See below
Attacks None None None
Weaknesses None None None
Size M or L M or L M or L
Intelligence 6 6 6
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None Appearance: Animated statues can look like just about anything, as long as it
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 225 + 6/h.p. 550 + 10/h.p. is roughly the size of a human. They are completely still until activated, either
at the command of their master or because some pre-determined condition has
General: Animated statues are magical constructs similar to golems (see p. been activated. They will radiate magic if detected for, but are otherwise
108) but not nearly as powerful or difficult to construct. They will follow the indistinguishable from ordinary statues.
orders of their master (usually the one who created it in the first place) but these
instructions must be simple, no more than 20 words, maximum.
Animated statues can be created by mages of 14th, or savants of 16th, level,
Number 1d3
or by those with access to the proper type of magical workbook of animated
Morale +5
statues. Without such a workbook, creation of an animated statue requires the
Hit Dice 7d12
Armor Class 0
Move 150’/min.
• 10,000, 20,000, or 40,000 g.p. for materials, which are used to
Magic Resistance Standard
create a statue out of marble, stone, or cast one in bronze,
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d8+8/1d8+8/2d4+1
• Casting an animate object spell
Defenses Immune to illusions, edged weapons do -1 damage
• Casting a limited wish spell
Attacks Seizing, magic use
Weaknesses Blunt weapons do +1 damage
Both of the spells must be cast in succession after the animated statue itself has
Size L (8’)
been constructed (a process that itself takes 1 month, 6 weeks, or 2 months of
Intelligence 6-15
uninterrupted work for a marble, stone, or bronze statue). It is theorized that
Alignment Chaotic evil
other sorts of animated statues are possible.
Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Combat: Animated statues attack with their fists. Any non-magical weapon
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
striking an animated statue must itself make a saving throw or be broken:
X.P. Value 1,525 + 12/h.p.
Type Marble Stone Bronze
General: Annis (plural and singular) are relatives of the dreaded night hags
Wood 13 14 15
(see p. 414) but are native to the material plane. They prefer human flesh to
Metal 6 7 8
eat, but will consume just about any sort of meat if it is available. They are
sometimes found in the company of ogres, trolls, or giants. They have
Any weapon striking the animated statue must roll the number indicated above
infravision with a range of 60’ and their sense of smell is very highly
or higher, or be broken. Enchanted weapons do not need to make a saving
throw. For weapons made of both metal and wood (for example, spears or
most pole-arms) use the saving throw for a wooden weapon. Animated statues
Combat: Annis attack with their claws and bite. If all three attacks hit the same
are immune to all mind-affecting magic such as sleep, charm, hold, etc.
victim in the same round, the annis has seized the victim. The annis will
automatically hit seized victims in subsequent rounds, raking with its talons and

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


biting with its iron teeth. Annis have a strength of 19, and victims cannot be is the case double the number will be encountered, and there will be a queen
freed until either they (or the annis) are slain, or some sort of magical escape and 20% of the total number will be warriors. Any treasure will be in the
is possible. Attacks with blunt weapons do +1 h.p. against the iron-hard skin queen’s chamber in the nest, and the egg chamber will be protected by 5d10
of the annis, while edged weapons have a -1 damage penalty. In addition, workers and 5 warriors. (There is no market for giant ant eggs.)
the annis has the following powers:
Combat: If the warrior ant hits with its mandibles, it will attempt to sting the
• Change self twice per day victim as well; if the victim makes his saving throw, he takes 1d4 h.p. of
• Fog cloud twice per day damage, but if he fails, he takes 3d4 h.p. The queen is immobile and does not
attack, but if she is slain the entire nest will become confused and the warriors
Appearance: Annis look like tall, thin, incredibly ugly hags with dark blue iron- and workers will wander off in 5 to 10 minutes.
like skin and wild hair. They have black teeth, nails, and hair. Their clothing is
usually worn and dirty. They speak the common language and that which all Appearance: Giant ants look like enormous black ants with large mandibles.
hags share. The queens have wings, but they cannot fly in practice.

Ant Lion

Number 1
Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10
Armor Class 2
Move 90’/min., 10’/min. in loose soil
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 5d4
Defenses None
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 1
Ant, Giant Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type See below
Treasure Value See below
Worker Warrior Queen
Magical Treasure See below
Number See below See below 1
X.P. Value 800 + 12/h.p.
Morale +2 +6 +4
Hit Dice 2d6 3d8 10d6
General: Ant lions inhabit the same locales as giant ants and other giant
Armor Class 3 3 3
insects, particularly in hot and arid climates. They favor sandy or gravelly
Move 180’/min. 180’/min. 0
terrain, which allows them to dig their large tapering holes (usually 80’ in
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
diameter) which they use to trap their prey. Any creature entering the funnel-
No. Of Attacks 1 1 0
shaped pit has a 50% chance each round of slipping and tumbling down to
Damage 1d6 2d4 n/a
the bottom. Once there, the ant lion will emerge from its hiding place under
Defenses None None None
the ground at the bottom of the pit and attack the helpless prey. Ant lion pits
Attacks None Poison sting None
are 50% likely to be mistaken for some sort of cave entrance. Treasure is
Weaknesses Confused if queen slain None
incidental, having been left by previous victims. Roll to determine randomly,
Size S (2’) S (3’) M (6’)
unless otherwise specified.
Intelligence 1 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Die Roll (d%) Treasure
Treasure Type None None II
Treasure Value n/a n/a 3d10x10 01-30 1d4x10 g.p.
Magical Treasure None None 2d4 potions (40%) 31-50 5d4 p.p.
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 40 + 3/h.p. 0 51-64 Shield
65 Magic shield
66-98 Weapon (metal)
99 Magic weapon (metal)
00 Wondrous item
Combat: Ant lions attack with their huge pincers. Once they hit, the pincers
have locked onto the prey and will not let go until one or the other is dead.
Damage after the first round is therefore automatic.

Appearance: Ant lions are large insects with huge pincers and swollen
abdomens. They are generally tan in color. They are actually the larval form
of the giant lacewing, which is innocuous.

General: When encountered, there will be 1d100 giant ants, all of which will
be workers. There is a 10% chance that a nest will be encountered, and if that

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ape

Ape Apparition

Carnivorous Gorilla Number 1d4

Number 2d4 1d4 Morale +9
Morale +5 +3 Hit Dice 8d8
Hit Dice 5d10 4d10 Armor Class 0
Armor Class 5 6 Move 240’/min.
Move 120’/min. 120’/min. Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard Standard No. of Attacks 0
No. of Attacks 3 3 Damage n/a
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d8 1d3/1d3/1d6 Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm
Defenses +1 to surprise None Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls, fright
Attacks Rend Rend Weaknesses Holy water
Weaknesses None None Size M
Size L (7’) M (6’) Intelligence 9
Intelligence 7 6 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Neutral Neutral Treasure Type XV
Treasure Type IV None Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
Treasure Value 4d6x100 n/a Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25% chance), one must be a scroll
Magical Treasure 2 items (10%) None X.P. Value 1,000 + 10/h.p.
X.P. Value 170 + 5/h.p. 130 + 5/h.p. Turn as type: IX

General: Apes are generally found in forested or jungle regions. Carnivorous General: Apparitions are non-corporeal undead creatures. They are greatly
apes are aggressive and actively hunt for human flesh. Gorillas are not feared, as they can only be truly combated by creatures on the ethereal plane,
normally aggressive and will avoid contact with people, but if provoked or and as they can slay enemies by frightening them to death.
cornered can be fierce opponents.
Combat: Apparitions do not attack conventionally. They have a telepathic
Combat: Apes normally fight with a claw/claw/bite attack. If both claws hit power that allows them to sense potential victims within 100’. They will appear
an opponent, the carnivorous ape will do 1d8 h.p. of additional rending suddenly, coming through a wall or floor, and reach towards the victim, who
damage and the gorilla will do an additional 1d6 h.p. The carnivorous ape is will feel bony claws grasping his throat (even through the thickest armor). At
both intelligent and cunning, and due to its superior senses has a +1 bonus to this point, the victim must make an ability check vs. his intelligence. Success
surprise rolls. indicates the victim realizes the attack is not real (although only against that
particular apparition; another apparition requires another intelligence check).
Appearance: Carnivorous apes are both large and fierce looking, with long Failure indicates the victim believes the attack to be real and dangerous, and
claws on all their digits and long fangs. They have their own, rudimentary, a second ability check vs. constitution must be made. Success on this second
language. Gorillas are fur-covered humanoids that walk on their knuckles, and ability check indicates the victim flees in blind terror for 1d4 rounds. Failure
are broad-chested. on the second ability check indicates the victim dies of a heart attack instantly.
Each such attack requires but a single round, and it is only while engaging in
such attacks that the apparition can be attacked.

Even when attacking, apparitions are immune to weapons except those of

silver, or a +1 or better enchantment. Apparitions can, however, be attacked
normally by those on the ethereal plane even when the apparitions are not
making their fear attack. Silver or enchanted weapons are still required to
harm them, however. Those slain by an apparition will
themselves become apparitions in 2d4 hours, unless
brought back to life by such means as a raise dead spell.

Appearance: Apparitions are translucent skeletal

figures wearing tattered white robes.

Arctic Toad

See toad, arctic (p. 232).

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Ascomoids are essentially mindless, and thus no mind-affecting spells such as
Number 1 hold, illusion, ESP, charm, etc. will work.
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 6d10 Appearance: Ascomoids are large leathery balls with various pock-like holes
Armor Class 3 on the surface, through which they are able to shoot their spores. They are
Move 30’/min. - 120’/min. (see below) brownish white in color.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Assassin Bug
Damage 1 / 1’ diameter
Defenses See below Number 2
Attacks Spores Morale +3
Weaknesses Long piercing weapons Hit Dice 1d10
Size L (5’ - 10’) Armor Class 5
Intelligence n/a Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Alignment Neutral Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks 1
Treasure Value n/a Damage 1d4
Magical Treasure n/a Defenses None
X.P. Value 775 + 8/h.p. Attacks Paralyze
Weaknesses Some spells kill larvae
Size S (2’)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.

General: Assassin bugs are always found in pairs - one male and one
female - because they are only encountered during their brief mating time. The
male attacks first, paralyzing the victim. The female then swoops in, depositing
her eggs in the flesh of the victim and then dying. They invariably choose
human, demi-human, or humanoid hosts, in that order of preference.

Combat: The male attacks with its proboscis, which also spreads its paralyzing
General: Ascomoids are large puff-fungi that move by rolling on the ground. saliva. Those attacked must make a saving throw vs. poison with a +2 bonus.
They begin moving on the first round at 30’/min. On the second round, they Failure indicates paralyzation for 1d3 hours. Once that happens, the male will
move 60’/min, then 90’/min., and finally reach 120’/min. Each is1d6+4 feet fly off and the female will attack (hitting automatically) and implanting her eggs
in diameter. as indicated above. She will then die immediately.

Combat: Ascomoids attack by rolling into and over others, doing 1 h.p. of 1d12+12 hours after implantation, the eggs will hatch and the larvae will
damage for every foot in diameter of the fungus. Creatures of S or M size who begin devouring the unfortunate host. Before that happens, only a limited wish,
are struck by an ascomoid are knocked down and must spend the following heal, wish, or similarly powerful spell can destroy the eggs. Otherwise, 1d6+6
round recovering. Large size creatures, or those who have attacked and larvae will hatch inside the body of the host, each doing 1 h.p. of damage per
harmed the ascomoid, will be attacked with the creature’s spores. These spores hour. While the larvae are within the host, the following spells may be used to
can shoot out up to 30’ and will form a cloud 5d4’ in diameter when they combat them:
strike. Anyone struck by them must make a saving throw vs. poison or die.
Those who make their saving throw will be blinded and choke for 1d4 rounds, • Cure critical wounds will destroy all the larvae
during which time they are unable to attack and attacks made against them • Cure serious wounds will destroy one larva per experience level of
get a +4 bonus “to hit”. Victims of the spores are unable to use shields, and the caster minus 6
no dexterity bonus can be applied to their armor class. • Heal will destroy all the larvae and leave the victim with only
1d4+1 h.p. of damage, healing all other wounds
Ascomoids are affected by different types of weapons in different ways: • Limited wish, alter reality, etc. will destroy the larvae.

After 2 weeks the larvae will burst forth in a gout of blood and bile, their
Weapon Type Effect
transformation to adult assassin bugs complete.
6’ or longer piercing weapon (spear, etc.) Double damage
Piercing weapon less than 6’ (short sword, Damage as against a
Appearance: Assassin bugs look like giant bluebottle flies with four legs
etc.) small creature
instead of the usual six. Their limbs are the color of rotting flesh.
Blunt weapon (mace, etc.) No effect
Slashing/cutting weapon (long sword, etc.) 1 h.p. per hit
Magical damage-causing attacks (lightning Half damage, +4 to
bolt, magic missile, etc.) saving throw
Cold-based attacks Normal damage

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Atomie

Appearance: Atomies are thin and long-limbed. Their features are sharp but
Number 3d4x10 decidedly attractive. They do not have wings, but are able to fly nonetheless.
Morale -1 They speak their own language (which is intelligible to sprites, and vice versa),
Hit Dice 1d4 pixie, and some common.
Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - perfect) Aurochs
Magic Resistance D
No. of Attacks 2 Bull Cow
Damage Per weapon type Number 1 2d6
Defenses See below Morale +20 +15
Attacks See below Hit Dice 8d12 6d10
Weaknesses None Armor Class 5 5
Size S (1’) Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Intelligence 11 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Alignment Chaotic neutral No. of Attacks 3 3
Treasure Type VIII Damage 2d6/2d6/3d4 2d4/2d4/2d6
Treasure Value 1d8 g.p. each, 1d10x10 in home Defenses None None
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Attacks None None
X.P. Value 40+ 1/h.p. Weaknesses None None
Size L (5’10” at shoulder) L (4’11” at shoulder)
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure n/a n/a
X.P. Value 900 + 14/h.p. 225 + 8/h.p.

General: The aurochs is a massive species of feral cattle, sporting enormous

horns and known for its ferocity and tenaciousness. They are very aggressive
and will attack creatures in sight 90% of the time. The females are just as
aggressive as the males.

Combat: Aurochs attack with their two front hooves and their horns.

Appearance: Aurochs are large cattle with huge lyre-shaped horns that point
forward. The bulls are black with a pale stripe going down the back, while
General: Atomies are related to sprites and other similar nature-dwelling
cows are reddish-brown, again with the stripe.
creatures. They only come out at night, and are sometimes (20% chance) found
with grigs (see p. 115). They make their homes in large trees, hollowing out
See also: cattle (p. 32).
rooms and chambers in large trunks, and weaving branches high above the
ground into airy rooms and sweeping bridges. They have 120’ infravision
Combat: Atomies attack with weapons, but because of their speed they get a
-1 bonus to their initiative rolls. Each attacks as if it was a 3rd level fighter. The Number 1
weapon of each atomie should be determined randomly, if not already Morale +15
specified: Hit Dice 12d8
Armor Class 0
Die Roll (d%) Weapon Range Damage Move 90’/min., 30’/min. (burrowing)
01-20 Crossbow 30’ 1d3 Magic Resistance Standard
21-80 Spear 40’ 1d4 (double if charge) No. of Attacks 1
81-00 Sword n/a 1d3 Damage 2d4
Defenses See below
Atomies have the following magical abilities, as indicated (use as a 5th level Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls, claw attacks
mage, if applicable, to determine range, duration, etc.). Weaknesses None
Size S (3’ long)
• Blink once per round Intelligence 1
• Invisibility once per round Alignment Neutral
• Pass plant once per round Treasure Type None
• Speak with animals once per round Treasure Value n/a
• Summon insects once per round Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 2,700 + 16/h.p.
Enemies get a -4 penalty to their surprise rolls, while atomies get a +4 bonus
to their own rolls. Atomies are considered “persons” for spells such as charm
person or hold person.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: The aurumvorax, also known as the golden gorger, is much like a Combat: Babblers either attack with their two claws and their powerful bite, or
badger or wolverine in its viciousness. It inhabits open or lightly wooded with a weapon (usually a sword). When slithering on their belly they are 75%
terrain, making its burrows by digging into the soft ground. undetectable. If they manage to approach undetected, they can strike from
behind with a bonus of +4 “to hit”, doing double damage if they are
Combat: Arumvoraxes attack initially with their powerful jaws, which, once successful.
they they hit, will lock onto a victim and stay there until the creature is slain.
When aurumvoraxes are attacking from their hidden burrow, their enemies get Appearance: Babblers look like lizard men, albeit with larger heads and tails,
a -4 penalty on their surprise rolls. Once the jaws have locked onto the victim, and smaller arms. They are dirty yellow in color with gray underbellies and
they will automatically do 8 h.p. of damage per round. In addition, the gray markings. They speak their own, unintelligible, language and can
creature will now be able to attack with its claws; 2d4 claw attacks, each of understand the basics of the common tongue.
which does 1d6 h.p. of damage when it hits. For claw attacks, no dexterity
bonus is used when determining armor class. Badger
In addition, blunt weapons only do half damage due to the dense musculature
Regular Giant Giant Honey
of the creature. Small non-magical fires do no damage, while large magical
Number 1d4+1 1d4+1 1d4+1
fires only do half. It is immune to poison and gas of all types.
Morale +4 +5 +5
Hit Dice 1d10 3d8 7d10
Appearance: An aurumvorax looks like an 8-legged badger with a shining
Armor Class 4 4 4
gold coat and a bronze mane. The claws and teeth are copper.
Move 60’/min., 60’/min., 60’/min.,
30’/min. 30’/min. 30’/min.
Babbler (burrowing) (burrowing) (burrowing)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Number 1d4 No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Morale ±0 Damage 1d2/1d2/1d3 1d3/1d3/1d6 2d6/2d6/4d4
Hit Dice 5d8 Defenses None None None
Armor Class 6 Attacks None None None
Move 120’/min., 60’/min. (in combat) Weaknesses None None None
Magic Resistance Standard Size S (3’) M (6’) L (18’)
No. of Attacks 3 or 1 Intelligence 3 3 3
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d8 or per weapon type Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Defenses None Treasure Type None None None
Attacks Rear attack Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Weaknesses None Magical Treasure None None None
Size L (8’) X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p. 375 + 10/h.p.
Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 armor or weapon (10%)
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p.

General: Badgers and their giant cousins are burrowing mammals noted for
their ferocity and tenacity. Their pelts can be sold for 20 g.p. Giant honey
badgers are truly fearsome creatures, and have been known to attack nagas
and giant snakes the same way that regular badgers attack cobras.

Combat: Badgers will ferociously defend themselves and their young. They
attack with their foreclaws and bite.

Appearance: Badgers are low mammals, with brown-gray fur, but notable
black and white stripes on their faces. Honey badgers have mostly black fur,
but are white along their back.

General: Babblers are a close cousin to lizard men, and will often be found
acting as leaders of lizard man raiding parties (see p. 149). They usually move
through the swamps and marshes of their home by slithering on their belly at
a surprisingly fast rate. However, in battle they will stand on their hind legs,
hence the slower movement rate when in combat. Those who are with more
advanced lizard man groups will also use weapons.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Banderlog

Banderlog rounds in all those who see it,

and fail a saving throw vs.
Number 4d6 spells. Banshees are immune
Morale +3 to cold or electrical based
Hit Dice 4d8 attacks, and being
Armor Class 6 undead are also
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (brachiating in trees) immune to charm, sleep,
Magic Resistance Standard hold, etc. spells. An
No. of Attacks 1 exorcism spell will kill
Damage 1d4+1 a banshee.
Defenses None
Attacks Missiles Appearance: Banshees
Weaknesses None look like translucent
Size S (4’) elf-women, often
Intelligence 7 quite lovely, until
Alignment Neutral their fearsome wail
Treasure Type None is heard, at which time
Treasure Value None their face transforms to
Magical Treasure None a fearsome vision of evil
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. and ugliness.

General: Banderlogs are small primates akin to baboons that dwell in tropical
and subtropical jungles. They dwell in and amongst palm trees and retch palms
(see p. 193). Basidirond

Combat: Banderlogs attack with their fierce bite. In addition, they use coconuts Number 1d2
(30’ range, 1d4+1 h.p. if they hit) or retch palm globes as missile weapons. Morale n/a
Hit Dice 5d10
Appearance: Banderlogs look like largish monkeys. They have brown fur and Armor Class 4
green skin which is usually seen only on their face, hands, and feet. They have Move 60’/min.
a rudimentary language. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Banshee Damage 2d4
Defenses None
Number 1 Attacks Smothering, hallucinatory spores
Morale +5 Weaknesses Cold will prevent spore attack
Hit Dice 7d8 Size M (6’-7’)
Armor Class 0 Intelligence 0
Move 150’/min. Alignment Neutral
Magic Resistance I Treasure Type None
No. of Attacks 1 Treasure Value n/a
Damage 1d8 Magical Treasure n/a
Defenses +1 or better weapon to wound X.P. Value 475 + 6/h.p.
Attacks Wail
General: Basidironds are fungal creatures that inhabit dark places, usually
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M underground but occasionally in the thickest and darkest parts of forests.
Intelligence 16
Combat: Basidironds attack with their spores, of which they have two kinds.
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VIII The first are smothering spores, which they can shoot out from their caps at
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 any creature with whom they are in melee. A successful hit will inflict damage;
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) the victim must then make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates the
X.P. Value 2,450 + 10/h.p. spores have lodged in the respiratory tract of the victim, who will then suffocate
Turn as Type IX in 1d4+1 rounds if a cure disease spell (or something of equal effect) is not
cast within that time.
General: Sometimes known as a groaning spirit, the banshee is the spirit of an
evil female elf. As such they are relatively rare in the surface world, but The other form of spores the basidirond possesses will cause hallucinations.
common in the underearth where dark elves are to be found (see p. 73). On These are not used in melee, but rather when the creature is at rest. The spores
the surface they are usually found in remote desolate wildernesses. They are will surround it in a cloud between 200’ and 350’ in radius. Any creature
incorporeal undead. within the cloud must make a saving throw vs. poison or suffer some sort of
hallucination which will last for 1d4+1 rounds. If the saving throw is successful,
Combat: In combat, the banshee attacks with a chilling touch. However, it also the creature must still make a new saving throw each round it is within the
has its feared wail, which causes death to all within a 30’ radius unless a cloud. Suggested effects include:
saving throw vs. death is made. The banshee’s wail can only be used once
per day, and only in darkness. The sight of a banshee will cause fear for 2d6


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll General: The basilisk is a greatly feared creature because of its deadly gaze.
(d8) Hallucination It has a very slow metabolism, however, making it slow and lethargic.
1 “I’m stuck in a bog!” Victim begins taking off all armor and
discarding anything heavy to keep from sinking. Combat: Although the basilisk can bite, its real danger stems from its magical
2 “I’m being attacked by spiders!” Victim begins attacking the gaze. Anyone looking into the eyes of a basilisk will be turned to stone (save
floor all around him, trying to kill the spiders. vs. petrification upon initial meeting, plus each round of combat, to avoid
3 “I’m only six inches tall!” Victim begins shouting for help, being petrified). The gaze of the creature extends into both the ethereal and
looking up, trying to climb ordinary objects, etc. astral planes. Ethereal creatures will be turned into ethereal stone, while astral
4 “It turned into a snake!” Victim’s sword (or anything else creatures caught by the basilisk’s gaze will simply be slain. The gaze of the
held in his hand) is dropped and he leaps away from it. creature can be reflected back upon it in a mirror if there is sufficient light
5 “I can’t breathe!” Victim runs hither and yon, trying to find (several bright torches), but the beast itself is allowed a saving throw. Greater
a spot where the air is such that he can breathe. basilisks can only have their gaze reflected back if the reflector is within 10’,
6 “You have the pox!” Victim is convinced that his friends all as they are nearsighted.
have some horrible disease, won’t allow them within 10’.
7 “I’m melting!” Victim screams and stands in place, Greater basilisks attack with their front claws and their bite. Their claws bear
desperately trying to hold himself together. a weak poison (save vs. poison with a +4 bonus or die), and their breath is
8 “There’s something on my back!” Victim tears off anything also poisonous (all within 5’ of the mouth must save vs. poison with a +2 bonus
they had worn on their back (backpack, cloak, etc.) and or die; creatures must make a saving throw each round they are so exposed).
attacks it, thinking it some creature.
Appearance: The basilisk is a long, low reptile with eight legs and a horn upon
As they are mindless, basidironds are immune to mind-affecting spells such as its nose. It is brown on top and yellowish on its belly.
illusions, charms, sleep, etc.
Appearance: Basidironds look like shallow bowls supported on five woody
stalks. The interior of the bowl where the spores are generated is a gritty black, Ordinary Vampire
but the exterior of the creature is a pale orange. Number 1d100 (x10 possible) 1d100 (x10 possible)
Morale -3 -3
Hit Dice 1d4 (1 h.p.) 1d4 (1 h.p.)
Armor Class 4 (flying), 8 (landed) 4 (flying), 8 (landed)
Move 10’/min., 240’/min. 10’/min., 240’/min. (flying -
(flying - good) good)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1 1
Defenses None None
Attacks Swarm, disease Swarm, disease, blood drain
Weaknesses None None
Size S (6”-1’ wingspan) S (6”-1’ wingspan)
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Basilisk Magical Treasure n/a n/a
X.P. Value 1 2
Regular Greater
Number 1d4 1d2 Large Huge Giant
Morale +2 +5 Number 3d6 2d6 1d6
Hit Dice 6d10 10d10 Morale -2 -1 ±0
Armor Class 4 2 Hit Dice 1d4 1d8 2d8
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. Armor Class 4 (flying), 8 5 (flying), 9 5 (flying), 9
Magic Resistance Standard Standard (landed) (landed) (landed)
No. of Attacks 1 3 Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Damage 1d10 1d6/1d6/2d8 Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Defenses None +1 to surprise rolls No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Attacks Petrifying gaze Petrifying gaze, poison Damage 1d2 1d4 1d6
Weaknesses Gaze reflection Gaze reflection Defenses None None None
Size M (7’ long) L (12’ long) Attacks Disease Disease Disease
Intelligence 1 6 Weaknesses None None None
Alignment Neutral Neutral evil Size S (3’ wingspan) S (5’ wingspan) M (7’ wingspan)
Treasure Type VII VII Intelligence 1 1 1
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000 3d4x10,000 Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (10%) 1d6 items (10%) Treasure Type None None None
X.P. Value 1,000 + 8/h.p. 3,000 + 14/h.p. Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure n/a n/a n/a
X.P. Value 2 + 1/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Bat

Combat: Doombats attack with their bite and barbed tail. Unlike most bats, a
doombat is able to grab a victim, carry him aloft, and then attack with its bite.
Those who are grabbed (a successful “to hit” roll on the part of the doombat)
are attacked with the bite with a +4 bonus “to hit”. The tail, which can be up
to 12’ long, is able to strike targets on the ground or in the air without the need
for the bat to either grab or alight on its victim.

General: Bats are found in most climates, and although they dwell
underground can often be found flying around both wild and civilized locales
at dusk and at night, which is when they are prone to hunt. Ordinary bats are
actually quite a boon, as they gobble up otherwise harmful or nuisance insects.
The larger varieties can be quite dangerous to men and animals. Vampire bats
are usually confined to tropical and sub-tropical regions, but will occasionally
be found in the service of the undead variety of vampires (see p. 237). Despite
popular legend, they are not actually blind, but do rely on sophisticated natural
sonar and infravision to navigate while flying. If encountered in large caves or
caverns, ten times the number of ordinary or vampire bats could be

Combat: Bats attack with their bite. In order to bite, they must land on the
victim, which renders them more vulnerable to attack. Most bats will attack
once and then fly away (possibly to be replaced by another), but vampire bats The sonar of ordinary bats has been developed in the doombat into a potent
will remain on a victim and drink 1 h.p. worth of blood each round for 1d6 weapon. The doombat can shriek for 1d4+1 rounds continuously; any creature
rounds. Any bat bite has a 1% chance of causing rabies (Onset in 2d4 weeks; within 100’ with hearing will be unable to communicate verbally or cast spells,
Effect: -1 STR, -1 INT, -1 DEX per day; Duration: 1d4 days once onset occurs; and will make all attacks at a -1 penalty “to hit” due to lack of concentration.
Fatality: 90%). They are able to fly and fight in total darkness without penalty.
Bright light, such as continual light spells or sunlight will force a doombat to
Ordinary and vampire bats can swarm if startled by loud noises or bright keep its distance, but dimmer sources such as a torch or light spell will not.
lights. When doing so, they will extinguish light sources, interrupt spellcasting,
spook mounts and pack animals, etc. Appearance: Doombats look like gigantic versions of ordinary bats with long
tails sporting wicked barbs at the end.
Appearance: Bats are fur-covered mammals with hairless wings of skin
stretched over light bones. They can range in color from brown to black to Mobat
gray, and all have fangs.
Number 1d8
Doombat Morale +4
Hit Dice 4d8
Number 1d8 Armor Class 2 (flying), 7 (landed)
Morale +8 Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (flying - average)
Hit Dice 6d10 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class 4 (flying), 10 (landed) No. of Attacks 1
Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) Damage 2d4
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None
No. of Attacks 2 Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls, screetch
Damage 1d6/1d4 Weaknesses None
Defenses None Size M (15’ wingspan)
Attacks Shriek Intelligence 6
Weaknesses Bright light Alignment Neutral evil
Size M (25’ wingspan) Treasure Type XV
Intelligence 1 Treasure Value 4d6x100
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure None
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 150 + 5/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a General: Mobats are larger and more intelligent cousins of ordinary bats, who
X.P. Value 400 + 7/h.p. generally have an evil disposition and are greatly attracted to shiny or sparkly
objects. Like other bats, they dwell in underground caves and come forth at
night to hunt.

General: Doombats are a monstrously large version of their cousins that dwells Combat: Mobats attack with their bite. Because of their skilled and silent flight,
in large open underground spaces, emerging at night to hunt outside. They enemies get a -3 penalty to all surprise rolls. Like regular bats, they must land
are able to lift up to 300 lbs. on their prey in order to attack. Like the doombat, mobats have adapted their


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


natural sonar into a weapon; each round the creature is able to screetch such Bear
that all creatures within a 20’ radius must make a saving throw vs. paralysis
or be forced to cover their ears and otherwise cease any combat, spellcasting,
Black Brown Polar
etc. activity.
Number 1d3 1d6 1d6
Morale -2 +2 +3
Appearance: Mobats are simply large bats.
Hit Dice 3d10 5d12 8d10
Armor Class 7 6 6
Beakbrain Move 120’/min. 120’/min. 120’/min.,
Number 1 (swimming)
Morale +3 Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Hit Dice 5d8 No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Armor Class 4 Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6 1d6/1d6/1d8 1d10/1d10/2d6
Move 120’/min. (flying - poor) Defenses None None None
Magic Resistance Standard Attacks Hug Hug Hug
No. of Attacks 11 Weaknesses None None None
Damage 1d4 (x10)/1d6 Size M (6’) L (9’) L (14’)
Defenses Immune to electricity Intelligence 3 3 3
Attacks Paralyzation Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Weaknesses None Treasure Type None None None
Size M Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Intelligence 9 Magical Treasure None None None
Alignment Neutral evil X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 300 + 6/h.p. 900 + 12/h.p.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 840 + 5/h.p.

General: All bears are omnivorous and have outstanding hearing and sense
of smell, but poor eyesight. Black bears are not usually aggressive, but brown
bears are (grizzly bears are an exceptionally aggressive type of brown bear).

Combat: Bears strike with their massive paws as well as a powerful bite. If a
bear manages to hit a target with a natural 18 or better with one or both of its
General: Beakbrains are found deep underground, or in abandoned ruins, if paws, it will catch the prey in a grip and squeeze. Brown bears will do 2d4
they are able to find a spot where they can drop onto unsuspecting victims. h.p. from this hug, black bears 2d6, and polar bears 3d6. The hug only lasts
They move around by levitating. that round, but hugs on subsequent rounds are possible. Brown bears can fight
for 1d4 minutes after being brought to negative hit points, but will instantly die
Combat: Beakbrains attack with their ten tentacles (all used against the same if brought to -9 or less. Polar bears will fight for 1d4+1 rounds after being
victim) and sharp beak. Any creature struck by a tentacle must make a saving brought below 0 hit points, but will die instantly if brought to -12 or fewer hit
throw vs. paralyzation; failure indicates the victim has become paralyzed. points.
Paralyzed victims are held by two tentacles on the following rounds, with the
remaining eight getting automatic hits, with the beak also hitting automatically. Appearance: Bears are large furry mammals. They walk on all fours, but can
The beak only attacks victims once they have been paralyzed. stand upright to reach things. The color of their fur is obvious from the name;
polar bears have stark white fur.
Each tentacle has but a single hit point–if it is hit, it becomes useless (but will
regenerate in 4d12 hours). The hit points from the tentacles do not count See also: cave bear (p. 295).
against the creature’s total. They are immune to lightning and electrical attacks.

Appearance: Beakbrains look like large brains with a myriad of tentacles

dangling beneath, and a large white beak in the middle. They are olive green
in color with white markings; the tentacles are paler than the body.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Beaver, Giant

Beaver, Giant Beetle, Giant

Number 1d4x10 Bombardier Boring Fire

Morale ±0 Number 3d4 3d6 3d4
Hit Dice 4d8 Morale +1 -1 -2
Armor Class 6 Hit Dice 2d10 5d8 1d10
Move 60’/min., 120’/min (swimming) Armor Class 4 3 4
Magic Resistance Standard Move 90’/min. 60’/min. 120’/min.
No. of Attacks 1 Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Damage 4d6 No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Defenses None Damage 2d6 5d4 2d4
Attacks None Defenses Stun None None
Weaknesses None Attacks Acidic vapor None None
Size M (6’ long) Weaknesses None None None
Intelligence 7-9 Size M (4’ long) L (9’ long) S (2’ long)
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 0 1 0
Treasure Type IV Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Treasure Type None VI None
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Treasure Value n/a 7d6 x 1,000 n/a
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. Magical Treasure None 2d4 potions None
(40%), 1d4
scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p.

General: Giant beavers are intelligent and harmless creatures. They have their
own language, and will sometimes accept gold or other treasure in exchange
for favors or work. They will generally flee from any hostile creatures, but if
their enormous dams (and the kits they contain) are threatened they will fight
Rhinoceros Stag
fiercely to protect their young. They will build large dams of logs and mud,
Number 1d6 2d6
creating or enlarging lakes in some cases. The hide of the giant beaver is
Morale -3 +2
worth 5d4x100 g.p., and the young (under 8 h.p.) are worth 150 g.p. per
Hit Dice 12d8 7d8
Armor Class 2 3
Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
Combat: Giant beavers attack with their vicious bite. They are not normally
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
aggressive except when protecting their young.
No. of Attacks 2 3
Damage 3d6/2d8 4d4/1d10/1d10
Appearance: Giant beavers appear much as ordinary beavers, with intelligent
Defenses None None
eyes and clever hands. They communicate danger to their fellows with tail-
Attacks None None
slaps on the water in which they sport.
Weaknesses None None
Size L (12’ long) L (10’ long)
Intelligence 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 2,150 + 16/h.p. 400 + 8/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Number 1d2
Morale +14
Hit Dice 12d12
Armor Class 4
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 2d4/1d4+1
Defenses Immune to electricity and poison
Attacks Constriction, talons, swallow whole, lightning
Weaknesses None
Size L (40’ long)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type XVII
Treasure Value 1d10x100
General: Beetles are in general mindless eating machines. Their eyesight and Magical Treasure None
hearing is poor, but their sense of smell is excellent. Anything deemed to be X.P. Value 5,250 + 20/h.p.
food will be consumed. The rhinoceros beetle dwells in temperate forests, the
boring beetle dwells in huge rotting trees or underground chambers, the fire
beetle can be found almost anywhere but is mostly nocturnal, the rhinoceros
beetle is found in tropical jungles above ground, the stag beetle will mostly be
found in temperate woodlands, but will sometimes develop a taste for
cultivated crops and raid nearby farmlands until driven away. The boring
beetle is an interesting creature, which will cultivate slimes and molds in its
underground passages, and in groups can develop a “hive mind” with an
intelligence of 10 or better.

General: Behirs are monstrous beasts that live deep underground. They are
capable both of scuttling along at great speed on their dozen legs or of tucking
the legs up and slithering on the ground like a snake. Treasure will be found
in the creature’s gullet: the indigestible remnants of what it has swallowed.

Combat: Behirs attack with their bite and an attempt to wrap their bodies
around their prey. If the constriction attack succeeds, they will not only inflict
automatic constriction damage on the following round(s), but will also be able
to attack with their twelve legs, raking the victim for 1d6 h.p. each. On a
natural roll of 20 when biting, the behir will swallow its prey whole.

Those who are swallowed will automatically die in 6 rounds; 2 hours later the
victim will be completely digested and thus beyond the power of magic such
as raise dead to restore. If, however, the swallowed victim is able to cut his
way out of the worm before the 6 rounds have elapsed, he can escape his
Combat: Most giant beetles attack with their massive mandibles. The fate. Only slashing or thrusting weapons can do damage, and the amount of
bombardier beetle can release a cloud of toxic acid vapor 8’x8’x8’ which will damage done is reduced by 1 for each round the victim is inside the worm.
cause 3d4 h.p. of damage (no save) and has a 20% chance of stunning any The stomach has an effective AC of 9, when attacked from within.
creature within 16’ for 2d4 minutes when it is released with its great explosive
bang. Those stunned are deafened for a further 2d4 minutes after the stunning Every 10 minutes a behir can generate a stroke of lightning against one target
is over. Any creature not initially stunned will have a 20% chance of being up to 20’ away. If the target makes a saving throw vs. breath weapon, they
deafened for 2d6 minutes. will take 12 h.p. of electrical damage. If they fail their saving throw, they take
24 h.p. Behirs are themselves immune to electrical and poison attacks.
Appearance: Giant beetles are simply larger versions of their smaller kin. Fire
beetles have a trio of glands which glow with a reddish light for 1d6 days Appearance: A behir is a massive snake-like creature with a crocodilian head
after the creature has been killed; for this reason they are greatly prized by and a dozen legs. Its head has two large horns that sweep backwards, and
adventurers and others who frequent dark places. its scaled body has bands of various shades of blue alternating with dull
brown. The belly is pale blue.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Bendith

Bendith Berbalang

Number 1d4 Number 1

Morale -2 Morale -6
Hit Dice 1d4 Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 7 Armor Class 6
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - perfect) Move 60’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance B Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0 No. of Attacks 3
Damage n/a Damage 1d4/1d4/1d6
Defenses Invisibility Defenses None
Attacks None Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses Vulnerable while projecting
Size S (1’) Size M
Intelligence 12 Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic good Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XII Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value 1 Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 9 + 1/h.p. X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.

General: Bendith (the name is both singular and plural) are generally friendly
creatures related to sprites. They dwell in homes (attics, eves, etc.) and are, if
treated with kindness and deference, welcome and useful guests. They love
warmth, and in colder climates will make their dwelling near chimneys. They
are known to sweep out chimneys, porches, or stairs, but only when they are
certain not to be seen. If disturbed, they will leave immediately to find another
dwelling. Evil creatures, on the other hand, are targets of pranks and tricks:
hiding things, putting knots in clothing and hair, etc. If captured or harmed,
the wrath of the bendith is great, and it will summon several of its fellows to
assist in an ever-escalating harassment, which will ultimately culminate in
death. They can be placated with rich gifts (including magic items) to atone
for the transgression, however, by placing such in the places where the
creature is known to dwell.

Combat: Bendith do not engage in combat. They can, however, become

invisible at will, and will use that ability not only to evade enemies, but also to
set up tricks, traps, ambushes, etc. Bendith are considered “persons” for spells
such as charm person or hold person.

Appearance: Bendith are tiny humanoids with oversized noses, chins, and General: Berbalangs are solitary creatures that make their lair in well-hidden
ears. They have thin bodies and feathered wings. They speak the common caves. They will move every few months to avoid betraying their position. They
tongue. have infravision with 120’ range. Most of the time the berbalang will be
traveling in the astral plane, interacting with other berbalangs and hunting
astral prey. If the body of the berbalang is discovered and molested during
this time, the creature will rush back and animate its physical form to escape.
This will take 1d100 minutes, however, generally too long for the creature to
do anything effective. If the body is killed the astral form will die as well.

Combat: Berbalangs attack with their claws and bite. During the three nights
of the full moon, the creature will cease its astral wanderings and will project
itself onto the material plane. This projection has physical form, and will
engage in combat, etc. as if it were the berbalang itself as it hunts for food
(generally humans and demi-humans). The projection must remain within 3
miles of the physical body of the creature. If it takes any damage, the projection
will flee back to the body, which must then rest for a number of days equal to
the number of hit points lost by the projection. If the projection is slain, there is
a 75% chance that the body will die as well. The berbalang will remember
well anyone who wounds it in this way, and will seek revenge.

Appearance: Berbalangs are humanoid in appearance, with large bat-like

wings and a fanged face. Their skin is leathery and their body and limbs gaunt.
The eyes glow red in darkness due to their superior infravision. They have
large pointed ears, and are sometimes mistaken for devils or demons. They
speak the common tongue.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Bladegrass Blindheim

Number 1d4 patches Number 1d4

Morale n/a Morale +3
Hit Dice n/a (1 h.p. per square foot) Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 3, 1 (if not immune to bright light)
Move 0 Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 Damage 1d8
Defenses None Defenses Enemies unable to look directly at
Attacks None Attacks Blinding light
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (1d6x100 square feet) Size S (4’)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1 armor or weapon (10%)
X.P. Value 1 / h.p. X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p.

General: Blindheims are batrachian humanoid creatures with eyes that project
a blinding light when they so desire. They are mostly found underground.

Combat: Blindheims attack with their bite. However, they are most known for
the blinding light that emanates from their eyes at will. Those caught within the
beam’s 30’ range must make a saving throw vs. wands or become blinded for
1d10+10x10 (110-200) minutes. Those with infravision have a penalty of -3
to the saving throw. Those who are blinded will get a -4 penalty on all “to hit”
rolls. Those who are not blinded will still have a -2 penalty “to hit”, unless they
are somehow immune to the effects of bright light (naturally sightless creatures,
for instance).

Appearance: Blindheims are vaguely humanoid in form, but with the features
and limbs of a frog. They are yellow in color, darker on their back and lighter
on their belly.

General: Bladegrass can be found in most temperate or tropical climes,

anywhere that tall grasses can be found, such as praries, savannahs, and even
fallow fields.

Combat: Bladegrass does not attack. Any creature moving through a patch of
bladegrass without protection (metal or leather) on its lower extremities (to a
height of 6” or so) will suffer 1d4 h.p. of damage per round. Total damage
will depend on how quickly the victim can pass through the patch. It is possible
for multiple patches to exist side-by-side; damage caused would thus be

Appearance: Bladegrass appears as normal grass, but has knife-sharp edges

capable of cutting skin and hide.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Blink Dog

Blink Dog If a battle is going against the pack of blink dogs, they will all as a unit “blink”
out and not return. They will have, in fact, teleported some distance away from
the threat, up to a quarter mile away.
Adult Pup
Number 4d4 3d4
Appearance: Blink dogs look like large dogs with short, white/yellow fur, with
Morale +2 -1
large tufts on the tips of their tails. They communicate in a very complex
Hit Dice 4d8 2d6
language that consists of yips, barks, growls, etc.
Armor Class 5 5
Move 120’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Blood Vine
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1d6 1d3 Small Average Large
Defenses Teleportation Teleportation Number 1 1 1
Attacks Attack from rear Attack from rear Morale n/a n/a n/a
Weaknesses None None Hit Dice 1d12+4 d8 1d8+16 d8 1d6+24 d8
Size M (3’ at shoulder) S (1’ at shoulder) (trunk), 5 h.p. (trunk), 7 h.p. (trunk), 9 h.p.
Intelligence 9 6 (each tendril) (each tendril) (each tendril)
Alignment Lawful good Lawful good Armor Class 4 (tendrils), 3 4 (tendrils), 3 4 (tendrils), 3
Treasure Type IV None (trunk) (trunk) (trunk)
Treasure Value 4d6x100 n/a Move n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure 1d2 (10%) None Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
X.P. Value 170 + 5/h.p. 45 + 1/h.p. No. of Attacks 5 8 12
Damage See below See below See below
Defenses None None None
Attacks Blood drain Blood drain Blood drain
Weaknesses None None None
Size M L L
Intelligence 0 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure n/a n/a n/a
X.P. Value 800 + 35/h.p.

General: Blood vines grow in temperate forests, usually among the birch trees
that they so closely resemble. They will be found amongst other sorts of
vegetation only 10% of the time.

Combat: Blood vines attack with their thorn-covered tendrils. Each tendril will,
if it hits, drain 25% of the victim’s total hit points each round unless it is severed.
Each tendril has its own hit points which do not count against the total hit point
General: Blink dogs are an intelligent race that has an innate teleportation value of the plant. The hit dice given above for the trunk are meant to give a
power that allows them to both effectively attack enemies and to flee when range of hit dice for each size blood vine; for an average-sized plant, roll 1d8,
they must. They are arch-enemies of phase panthers (see p. 180) and will add 16 to the result, and that is the number of d8 hit dice the thing has.
immediately attack them in favor of all other enemies. There is a 10% chance Example: A roll of 11 for an average blood vine would mean it has 27d8 hit
that they will be encountered with 3d4 pups; the pups are worth some 1,500 points for its trunk. However, for purposes of attacking, the blood vine’s tendrils
g.p. on the market, as they are quite trainable. Pups will only be found in the attack as a creature of many fewer hit dice; see below. The length of the
blink dogs’ lair. tendrils, and thus the range which it can attack, also depends on the size of
the vine.
Combat: Blink dogs will “blink” randomly; teleporting over short distances to
confuse and confound enemies. For each individual blink dog, roll 1d6 every Size Tendril Length Tendrils Attack as…
round. On a 4 or greater, the creature will “blink”, with the location Small 5’ 3d8 HD monster
determined randomly: Medium 6’ 4d8 HD monster
Large 7’ 5d8 HD monster
Die Roll (d12) Location
1 In front of enemy Appearance: A blood vine appears as a regular birch tree, although one with
2 Left front of enemy slightly smaller leaves than normal.
3 Right front of enemy
4-12 Rear of enemy

When they appear, blink dogs will be 1d3 feet away from the target, and can
attack in the same round as they blinked. Remember that any attacks from the
rear get an automatic +4 bonus “to hit.” They will never teleport inside some
other object.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Boalisk Boar

Number 1d3 Wild Boar Wild Boar Sow

Morale +7 Number 1 1d12-1
Hit Dice 5d10 Morale +4 +3
Armor Class 5 Hit Dice 3d10 3d8
Move 120’/min. Armor Class 7 7
Magic Resistance Standard Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
No. of Attacks 2 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Damage 1d3 / 1d6+1 No. of Attacks 1 1
Defenses None Damage 3d4 2d4
Attacks Gaze attack Defenses None None
Weaknesses None Attacks None None
Size L Weaknesses None None
Intelligence 1 Size M (3’ at shoulder) M (3’ at shoulder)
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 3 3
Treasure Type None Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Type None None
Magical Treasure n/a Treasure Value n/a n/a
X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p. Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 60 + 3/h.p.
General: Boalisks are cousins of ordinary constrictor snakes, and are found in
the same tropical jungles. They will be found in the company of constrictor Warthog Warthog Young
snakes 25% of the time (see p. 214). Number 1d2 1d6-2
Morale +1 -1
Combat: Boalisks will both bite and constrict the same victim with their bodies. Hit Dice 3d8 1d10
Once a successful constriction hit has been made, further “to hit” rolls are Armor Class 7 7
unnecessary as the snake continues to squeeze the life out of its victim. Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Creatures with a combined strength of 64 can cooperate to remove a boalisk Magic Resistance Standard Standard
in 1d4+1 rounds. Those in the coils of a boalisk need to make an open doors No. of Attacks 2 2
check with a +1 penalty to the roll in order to escape. Damage 2d4/2d4 1d4+1/1d4+1
Defenses None None
In addition, boalisks have a gaze attack. Any creature that meets the boalisk’s Attacks None None
gaze will contract a wasting affliction that will be fatal in 1d6 months. During Weaknesses None None
that time, however, it also has the following effects: Size M (2 ½’ at shoulder) S (1’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 1 1
• Victim loses 2 points of charisma per month, permanently Alignment Neutral Neutral
• Cure spells and healing potions will not work on the victim Treasure Type None None
• Victim heals wounds at only 1/10th of the normal rate Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
The disease can be cured only by a cure disease spell, but charisma losses X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p.
will not be restored. Those whom the disease kills can only be raised from the
dead if both a cure disease and a raise dead spell are cast within 1 hour of General: Boars are omnivorous mammals related to pigs. Most can be found
death. in almost any climate, with the exception of the warthog, which is found only
in tropical and semi-tropical locales. Only one male will be found. Wild boar
Those with which the boalisk is in melee will be treated to its disease-causing males will be accompanied by sows. Pairs may be accompanied by young.
gaze. If a victim is surprised (that is, suffers an initiative penalty due to its Wild boars are aggressive and territorial, while warthogs will only attack if
surprise roll), it is not entitled to a saving throw. Otherwise, victims are entitled cornered or threatened. Warthog sows fight as males.
to a saving throw vs. petrification. Those who deliberately attempt to avoid the
gaze attack of a boalisk will automatically avoid it, but the boalisk will get a Combat: Boars and warthogs attack by slashing with their protruding tusks.
+4 bonus “to hit” against such beings. Warthogs get two such attacks per round.

Appearance: Boalisks look like large constrictor-type snakes. They can be of Appearance: Both wild boars and warthogs have two pairs of tusks. The
virtually any color that a normal snake can be. latter’s tusks all grow pointing up, and it also has four knobby projections on
its head.

See also: giant boar, p. 295.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Bogwump


Warrior Leader
Number 10d8 See below
Morale +2 +3
Hit Dice 1d8 2d8
Armor Class 6 6
Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (swimming), 90’/min. (swimming
with armor)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 (or 1) 3 (or 1)
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4+1, or per 1d2+1/1d2+1/1d4+2,
weapon type or per weapon type
Defenses Camouflage Camouflage
Attacks Hop Hop
Weaknesses Always hit last Always hit last
Size S S
Intelligence 8 8
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XII XI
Treasure Value 1d10 1d10
For every 10 warriors in a given group, there is a 10% chance that there will
Magical Treasure n/a n/a
also be a shaman.
X.P. Value 18 + 1/h.p. 36 + 2/h.p.

Combat: Unarmed bogwumps will attack with two claws and their bite. Armed
Shaman Chief
bogwumps will attack with their weapon. Half of all bogwump tribes are
Number 1 1
primitives who do not use weapons or armor. The rest do, and each type
Morale +3 +4
greatly resents and despises the other. Those who are more advanced will be
Hit Dice 3d8 3d8
equipped as indicated below; for large groups you may wish to use the “%
Armor Class 6 6
composition column” rather than rolling for each individual bogwump:
Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (swimming) , 90’/min.
(swimming with armor)
Die Roll %
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 (or 1) 3 (or 1) (d%) Armed and Armored with… Composition
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4+1, or per 1d2+2/1d2+2/ 1d4+3, 01-10 Gambeson (AC 8), pole arm (determine 10%
weapon type or per weapon type type randomly for group)
Defenses Camouflage Camouflage 11-50 Gambeson & shield (AC 7), long sword 40%
Attacks Hop Hop 51-60 Gambeson & shield (AC 7), spear 10%
Weaknesses Always hit last Always hit last 61-80 Gambeson (AC 8), lt. crossbow 20%
Size S S 81-90 Gambeson (AC 8), short bow 10%
Intelligence 8 8 91-00 Mail & shield (AC 4), long sword 10%
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XI XIII Bogwumps will always strike last in combat, unless armed with a spear or pole
Treasure Value 1d20 1d10x50 arm. They are able to hop at opponents up to 30’ away, giving them a +1
Magical Treasure n/a 1d2 items (10%) bonus “to hit”. If armed with a spear or impaling type pole arm, they will score
X.P. Value 80 + 3/h.p 80 + 3/h.p. double damage on a hop attack. Note that a weapon can be set against a
hop as if it were a charge, and with the same results.
General: Bogwumps are frog-men who inhabit any locale that is near a large
supply of water such as a swamp, rainforest, underground near a river, etc. Bogwumps have a natural camouflage ability; if motionless they are
They will readily enter into the service of some powerful master of like undetectable 75% of the time (even by infravision or ultravision). If the
alignment, and human-bogwump crossbreeds are not unknown. Sahuagin hate bogwumps are striking from such concealment, enemies have a -3 penalty on
them and view them as sport and food, while lizard men are simply indifferent their surprise rolls (-4 if the bogwumps hop to attack on the initial round).
to them and will rarely congregate with them. Bogwumps are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold
Any group encountered will be led by an individual with a full 8 h.p. Larger
groups will be led as follows: Appearance: Bogwumps are short frog-like humanoids with moist-looking skin
of green with brown mottling. They speak their own language and those who
Size Led by are less primitive can also speak a pidgin version of the common tongue as
1-29 1 8-h.p. warrior
30-59 5x 8-h.p. warriors plus a leader
60 or more Chief Spellcasters: Bogwump shamans can reach 3rd level.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Number 1d3
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 4
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d8/1d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size M (5’)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type V
General: The boobrie is an enormous marsh-dwelling bird that subsists on a
Treasure Value 4d6x100
diet of marsh fish, sheep, and humans. Despite its large size, it is able to crouch
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
among the tall sedge-grasses of marshes and swamps, allowing it to surprise
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p.

Combat: Boobries attack with their claws and beak. As noted above, enemies
have a -2 penalty to surprise.

Appearance: Boobries are enormous long-beaked birds with great curved

razor-sharp beaks. They are typically brown in color.


Number 1d2 (single book/scroll), 1d4x10 (library)

Morale -20
Hit Dice 1d4 (always 2 h.p.)
General: The bonesnapper is related to various carnivorous dinosaurs. It is Armor Class 2 (moving), 9 (still)
named for its curious habit of collecting human, demi-human, and humanoid Move 120’/min., 30’/min. (burrowing in paper)
jawbones which are kept in its lair. No sage knows why they do this. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Combat: Bonesnappers attack with their bite and a sweep of their large tail. Damage n/a
They are unfailingly aggressive and will fight to the death. Defenses n/a
Attacks Destroy paper, enemies get -3 or -5 to surprise rolls
Appearance: Bonesnappers are bipedal dinosaurs with gray-green skin with Weaknesses None
dark gray markings. The eyes are scarlet. Size S (1”)
Intelligence 0
Boobrie Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Number 1d2 Treasure Value n/a
Morale +12 Magical Treasure n/a
Hit Dice 9d12 X.P. Value 3 + 1/h.p.
Armor Class 5
Move 150’/min. (running or flying) General: Bookworms are greatly feared by scholars, mages, and other users
Magic Resistance Standard of magical scrolls and books, as they will voraciously consume paper, papyrus,
No. of Attacks 3 vellum, etc. whenever it is encountered. Because of their great speed and very
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d8 small size, they are often overlooked (see below - if they achieve surprise, it
Defenses Immune to poison means they are not even noticed). They can smell paper, vellum, papyrus, etc.
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls up to 60’ away. They can leap up to 10’, either to access some new source
Weaknesses None of paper or to flee once attacked. When encountered in a place with books
Size L (12’) and scrolls (libraries are their usual lairs), 1d10-1x10 (0%-90%) percent of all
Intelligence 1 books, librams, and tomes (including spell books) will have been devoured,
Alignment Neutral maps will have been 1d8x10 percent (10%-80%) consumed, and scrolls will
Treasure Type None be 1d6+1x10 percent gone (20%-70%). If a spell is partially consumed, it is
Treasure Value n/a of course worthless.
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p. Combat: Bookworms do not attack living creatures. Nonetheless, enemies get
a -5 penalty to their surprise roll (-3 if they are able to see invisible objects).
Once the creature has achieved surprise, there is but a single 25% chance to


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Brain Smut

notice it crawling on a sleeve, outside a backpack, etc. If that chance fails, it continues to burn the flesh it struck. In addition, brain smuts are able to subtly
will then head directly to the nearest and largest volume of paper; books, affect up to one creature within a 60’ radius per round with their telempathic
scrolls, maps, etc. Once there, it will begin to feed, and there is a 50% chance powers. The creature affected does not get a saving throw, and can be
per round that someone within 3’ will hear the creature’s noisy chewing and imprinted with any of the following emotions:
munching. It can chew through leather packs, scroll cases, etc. in but 6
seconds, while 6” of dead wood (such as a chest) can be penetrated in a • Hate (causes the subject to attack one of his confederates for the
single minute. If attacked, they will flee immediately by jumping up to 10’ round)
away and then scurrying towards their lair. When feeding, they are AC 9, but • Distrust (causes the subject to bicker and argue with one of his
otherwise are AC 2. confederates for the round)
• Fear (causes the subject to flee from the vicinity of the brain smuts
Spell books and scrolls will be destroyed at a rate of 1 spell level per minute. or other fungus creatures for the round)
Thus, it would take 3 minutes to obliterate a scroll containing a single 3rd level • Loathing (causes the subject to avoid looking at or approaching a
spell. particular spot or creature for the round)
• Uncertainty (causes the subject to stand immobile and unable to
Appearance: Bookworms are small thin grubs, normally dull gray in color but decide on a course of action, no matter the prodding or
able to blend in with the color of their surroundings in a chameleon-like circumstances)
Brain smuts are immune to any mind-affecting magic such as
enchantment/charm spells, illusions, hold spells etc. They can also shield
themselves from any magical energy such as heat, cold, force, etc. Thus, spells
such as fireball, cone of cold, forceful hand, etc., cannot affect them. This is
not complete spell immunity, however; they can be affected by spells that do
not directly involve energy such as teleport other, power word, stun, etc.

Appearance: Brain smuts look like walking brains, supported on four irregular
legs, sporting two three-foot-long slime-covered tendrils. They are the same
pale gray of a human brain. The effect of seeing a crawling brain in the dark
is quite unnerving for most.

Brain Smut

Number 1d3
Morale +1
Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class 5
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 Brownie
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1
Defenses Telempathy, spell immunity Number 4d4
Attacks Poison Morale -2
Weaknesses None Hit Dice 1d4
Size S (1 ½’ diameter) Armor Class 3
Intelligence Unknown Move 120’/min.
Alignment Neutral evil Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks 1
Treasure Value n/a Damage 1d3
Magical Treasure None Defenses Save as 9th level cleric, never surprised, blend into
X.P. Value 135 + 4/h.p. natural cover
Attacks Magic use
General: These strange fungus creatures are only found deep underground. Weaknesses None
Their motives are inscrutable, and it is unknown whether they possess any Size S (18”)
actual intelligence, or are merely dumb brutes with a highly developed Intelligence 13
telepathic power. Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type VII
Combat: Brain smuts attack by means of their two tendrils, which drip with a Treasure Value 1d4+1x100
highly alkaline slime. Any creature struck by a tendril will take damage both Magical Treasure None
on the round they were struck and on the following round, as the slime X.P. Value 65 + 1/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Number 5d4
Morale -1
Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class 3
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance B
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Never surprised, +2 to all surprise rolls, hide, move
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Size S (2’)
Intelligence 11
General: Brownies are shy but well-disposed sylvan beings that prefer isolated Alignment Neutral
and quiet woodlands in which to dwell. If approached with politeness and Treasure Type None
friendliness by lawful good characters, there is a 50% chance that they can Treasure Value n/a
be persuaded to aid them. Such aid can take the form of acting as a guide, Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%)
creating or repairing small items of most any sort, etc. They are related to X.P. Value 65 + 1/h.p.
buckawns (see p. 25). If a brownie is a spellcaster’s familiar, it will grant the
following powers:

• A telepathic link, through which the brownie not only

communicates, but shares its sight and hearing with its master;
range 1 mile
• Saving throws the same as the brownie, when both are within 10’
of one another (if the master’s are better than his familiar, then the
master’s saving throws are used)
• Master is increased by 1 experience level when the brownie is
within 1 mile; further than that, the master loses an experience
level (not just the one gained by the brownie’s proximity)
• If the brownie is killed, the master loses 4 experience levels
• Commune once per week, 7 questions allowed

Upon the death of its master, the brownie will wait for the arrival of an angel
to gently guide his soul to his Heavenly reward.

Combat: Brownies use very small swords that do 1d3 h.p. if they hit. They are General: Buckawns are related to brownies, and are similarly found in quiet
able to use the following spells once per day: and out-of-the-way idyllic woodlands. Unlike their good-natured cousins,
however, buckawns can be unfriendly and are known for their puckish tricks
• Confusion on intruders into their lands. They have both infravision and ultravision (60’
• Continual light range) and can see invisible objects.
• Dancing lights
• Dimension door Combat: Buckawns attack with weapons, usually daggers and darts. These
• Mirror image (3 images will be created) can be coated with sleeping poison, or possibly even more deadly toxins, if
• Protection from evil the buckawns are particularly annoyed or angered. Buckawns have the
• Ventriloquism following magical powers, as indicated (as a 6th level spellcaster, if
Brownies have outstanding senses, and are never surprised. They have a
dexterity score of 18. All saving throws made by brownies are made as if they • Audible glamer once per round
were 9th level clerics. They are able to disappear into natural cover of almost • Change self once per round
any sort, effectively becoming invisible (usually done in order to escape from • Dancing lights once per round
peril). Brownies are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or • Entangle once per day
hold person. • Invisibility once per round
• Pass without trace once per day
Appearance: Brownies are very short, with long limbs. Their noses are long • Summon insects once per day
and pointed, as are their ears. They speak their own language as well as • Trip once per day
elvish, pixie, sprite, and halfling.
In addition, buckawns are never surprised due to their excellent senses.
Anyone attempting to move silently near a buckawn has a 50% penalty with
respect to the buckawn (due to their excellent hearing), and buckawns can
move silently through underbrush and foliage with an 80% chance of success.
They can completely hide themselves in such cover if they have 10 minutes to


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Buffalo

prepare. Buckawns are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person Buffalo, Deep
or hold person.
Number 2d10
Appearance: Buckawns are short humanoids with long limbs and slender Morale -2
bodies. They have long noses and pointed ears, with somewhat dusky skin. Hit Dice 2d8
They tend to dress in red-brown and green clothing. They speak brownie as Armor Class 7
well as a pidgin form of pixie, satyr, and sprite. Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Buffalo No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d8
Number 4d6 Defenses None
Morale +2 (50%), -2 (50%) Attacks None
Hit Dice 5d8 Weaknesses None
Armor Class 7 (body), 3 (head) Size S (4’ at shoulder)
Move 150’/min. Intelligence 1
Magic Resistance Standard Alignment Neutral
No. of Attacks 2 Treasure Type None
Damage 1d8/1d8 Treasure Value n/a
Defenses None Magical Treasure n/a
Attacks Charge for 3d6+1d4 X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.
Weaknesses None
Size L (5’ at shoulder) General: Deep buffalo
Intelligence 3 (the name is both
Alignment Neutral singular and plural) are
Treasure Type None smallish herd animals
Treasure Value n/a that dwell underground,
Magical Treasure None for they shun bright light.
X.P. Value 350 + 8/h.p. They will be found in
large caverns with
supplies of water and
lichen, and often form an
important part of large
underground ecologies.
They are innocuous
creatures and will only attack if startled or threatened.

Combat: Deep buffalo attack with their two horns and a bite.

Appearance: Deep buffalo look like small oxen with long shaggy black coats
and prominent curved horns on the top of their head, much like cape buffalo.


Warrior Captain Chief

General: Buffalo (the name is both singular and plural)are dangerous herd Number 6d6 1 or 2 1
animals that are constantly roaming plains in tropical and sub-tropical climates. Morale +3 +4 +5
Half of the various species of buffalo are aggressive creatures, and will attack Hit Dice 3d10 4d12 4d12 (min. 28)
those who come within 60’ of the herd. The other half are docile and will flee Armor Class 5 4 3
from danger. If in doubt, roll percentile dice to determine which sort of buffalo Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
are encountered; the difference cannot be determined visually. Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Combat: If they do engage in combat, there is a 75% chance that a herd of Damage 2d4 or by 2d4+1 or by 2d4+2 or by
buffalo will charge intruders, with each creature doing impact damage of 3d6 weapon weapon +1 weapon +2
plus 1d4 h.p. of trampling damage. Otherwise they attack with their pair of Defenses None None None
horns. Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None None None
Appearance: Buffalo are four-legged herd animals with enormous heads Size L (7’) L (7’) L (7’)
sporting horns and a hump near the neck. There is a wide variation in specifics, Intelligence 8 8 8
though; some are shaggy, some short-furred, some have very long horns, Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
others short but sharp ones, etc. Treasure Type XII XII II
Treasure Value 1d10 1d10 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Shaman /
Witch Doctor Female Young Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
Number 1 3d6 3d6 01-06 Bastard sword 6%
Morale +1 -1 -2 07-12 Battle axe 6%
Hit Dice 3d10 1d10 1d4 13-18 Hammer and broad sword 6%
Armor Class 5 5 7 19-24 Hook fauchard 6%
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 60’/min. 25-30 Long sword 6%
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard 31-36 Mace and scimitar 6%
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 37-42 Morning star 6%
Damage 2d4 or by 1d8 1d4 43-48 Pole axe 6%
weapon 49-00 Spear 51%
Defenses None None None
Attacks Enemies get -1 to None None Appearance: Bugbears are large fur-covered humanoids with large round
surprise rolls, pumpkin-like heads. Their fur can run from reddish brown to dark tan, and they
spells have long ears, flat noses, and tooth-filled maws. Their skin (visible in their
Weaknesses None None None face) is typically dull yellow. They tend to wear mismatched pieces of armor
Size L (7’) M (6 ½’) S (3’) and stolen clothing and furs that are rarely clean or well-kept. They can speak
Intelligence 8 9 7 their own language as well as those of goblins and hobgoblins. They can live
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil to the age of 75.
Treasure Type XI XI None
Treasure Value 1d10 1d10 n/a Spellcasters: Bugbear shamans can rise as high as 5th level, while witch
Magical Treasure None None None doctors can be as high as 2nd.
X.P. Value 230 + 4/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p. 5 + 1/h.p.
Bulette (“Landshark”)

Small Normal Huge

Number 1 1 1
Morale +5 +5 +5
Hit Dice 6d12 9d12 11d12
Armor Class -2 (body), 4 (eyes), 6 (under dorsal plate)
Move 140’/min. (30’/min. burrowing)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Damage 4d12/3d6/3d6 4d12/3d6/3d6 4d12/3d6/3d6
Defenses None None None
Attacks Jump Jump Jump
Weaknesses None None None
Size L (6’ at shoulder, L (9’ at shoulder, L (11’ at
10’ long) 12’ long) shoulder, 14’
General: Bugbears are related to goblins, but are larger and fiercer than their long)
smaller cousins. They function in either darkness or daylight without penalty Intelligence 1 1 1
(they have infravision up to 60’), and thus are equally likely to live above or Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
below ground. If 12 or more bugbear warriors are encountered, they will be Treasure Type None None None
led by a captain. If there are 24 or more, it constitutes an entire tribe; there Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
will be an additional captain and a chief, who has a minimum of 28 hit points. Magical Treasure None None None
If an entire tribe is encountered, there will also be half as many females as X.P. Value 1,375 + 2,300 + 3,400 +
males, and an equal number of young. Females and young do not fight except 10/h.p. 12/h.p. 20/h.p.
in life-or-death situations, but the females will cheer and egg on the males in
combat. The chief will only be guarding the tribe’s treasure if they are
encountered in their home (25% chance if a tribe is encountered), in which
case it will be in a well-protected area.

Bugbears will bully gnolls whom they encounter, but open hostilities are
unlikely. They are on good terms with goblins, their smaller cousins.
Hobgoblins, kobolds, and orcs, however, are actively disliked, and bugbears
will go out of their way to harass and bully such creatures, taking advantage
of their superior size and strength.

Combat: Despite their size and gangly gait, bugbears are stealthy creatures,
and enemies have a -1 penalty to their surprise rolls, if applicable. They are
quite strong, and can throw weapons such as battle axes, maces, morning
stars, and the like (40’ range, 20’ medium range). They will be armed as
follows (roll individually for each non-female or young). For large groups, you
may wish to use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice
for each individual warrior.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Bumblebee, Giant

General: The bulette is a most feared creature, burrowing under the earth in
search of fresh meat. They will avoid elf or dwarf, but will eat almost anything
else, being especially fond of halfling, for which they will travel great distances
and which will be attacked in preference to other creatures. They are fearless
and will attack even large and well-armed parties in order to get a meal. They
can travel only a few feet beneath the surface of the ground, with their great
dorsal crest visible above, thus giving rise to the nickname “landshark.”

Combat: The bulette attacks with its powerful bite and two great foreclaws. If
it is pressed, the creature can jump 8’ in the air, attacking with all four of its
claws as it lands rather than just the front two (the rear claws also do 3d6 h.p.
of damage each). The eyes are only 8” in diameter, but are more vulnerable
than the great segmented shell that encases the beast, and the area under the
dorsal plate is slightly softer than the rest of the creature, but getting a good
angle to attack it is difficult, as it is a 1’ square in the center of the creature’s

Appearance: The bulette is a nightmare combination of different creatures,

part snapping turtle, part armadillo, and of course part shark. They tend to
Number 1d3
have blue-brown heads and rear sections, with the remainder of the creature
Morale +4
being bluish gray or turquoise. The teeth and claws are ivory.
Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 4
Bumblebee, Giant Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance C
Worker Queen No. of Attacks 2
Number 1 or 1d6+6 (in nest) 1 (only in nest) Damage 1d4/1d4
Morale +4 +6 Defenses None
Hit Dice 6d10 8d10 Attacks Magic use
Armor Class 5 5 Weaknesses None
Move 60’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy) Size M
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Intelligence 9
No. of Attacks 1 1 Alignment Neutral good
Damage 1d6 1d8 Treasure Type XV
Defenses None None Treasure Value 1d6x1,000 g.p.
Attacks Venom Venom Magical Treasure 1d2 items
Weaknesses None None X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p.
Size L (8’) L (10’)
Intelligence 6 9 General: Buraqi are related to
Alignment Neutral Neutral creatures such as shedu and
Treasure Type Nest will have bee jelly and bread lammasu. They are native to
Treasure Value n/a n/a the material plane, but are
Magical Treasure n/a n/a closely aligned to those
X.P. Value 400 + 8/h.p. 1,000 + 12/h.p. powers on the upper planes
that espouse the ethos of Good,
General: Unlike giant honeybees (see p. 123), giant bumblebees inhabit and often do their bidding among mortals.
underground nests and have active queens that are significantly stronger than
their workers. They are not particularly aggressive, but will fight to protect the Combat: Buraqi attack with their front
nest and the queen. Nests will contain 3d6 servings of “bee bread”, each of hooves. In addition, they may employ the following powers as indicated:
which is equal to iron rations, but which is very tasty. Some 20% of nests will
also have 1d4+1 doses of royal bee jelly. Each dose is equal to a potion of • Wind walk three times per day (along with one rider)
extra healing and a cure disease spell combined. The jelly can also be made • Protection from evil once per round
into an unguent that will stave off the ravages of old age on one’s appearance • Astral spell once per day (along with one rider)
for an entire year (in game terms, no charisma loss due to aging). Such unguent • Cure blindness/disease or remove curse/paralysis once per day
is worth 1d6+2 x 1,000 g.p. (pick one of the four)
• Divination once per day
Combat: Giant bumblebees attack with their stingers. Anyone stung by the • Negative plane protection once every hour
bee’s stinger must make a saving throw vs. poison. Success indicates the
venom will cause an additional 2d4 h.p. of damage. Failure indicates the Appearance: A buraq has the body of a small horse, wings of a large eagle,
victim takes an additional 5d4+1 h.p. of damage (workers) or 5d4+2 (queen). and the head of a man. All but the face are white. They speak the common
Bumblebees are able to sting multiple times. tongue.

Appearance: Giant bumblebees are larger versions of their regular cousins;

they are fuzzy and can either be gold and black or solid black in color.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Bushtrap Camel

Number 3d4 Dromedary Bactrian

Morale n/a Number 1d12 1d12
Hit Dice 3d10 Morale -1 -1
Armor Class 5 Hit Dice 3 3
Move 10’/min. Armor Class 7 7
Magic Resistance Standard Move 210’/min. 180’/min.
No. of Attacks 1 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Damage 2d4 No. of Attacks 1 1
Defenses None Damage 1d4 1d4
Attacks Camouflage, clamp Defenses None None
Weaknesses Fire Attacks None None
Size S (4’ diameter) Weaknesses None None
Intelligence 0 Size L L
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 2 2
Treasure Type None Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Type None None
Magical Treasure None Treasure Value n/a n/a
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p.

General: There
are two basic
sorts of camels.
Dromedaries sport a
single hump and are
found in hot arid
Bactrians have two humps
and are found in a wide variety of
climates. They are generally used as
pack animals and mounts, but are usually
ill-tempered and difficult to master.
Horses are usually not found alongside
camels, whose smell they find
disconcerting. Camels are excellent
beasts of burden, and can carry burdens
as indicated below. They can also go for up to two weeks without food or
General: The bushtrap is a mobile plant that lurks in temperate forests and water, utilizing the stores of fat in their humps.
tropical jungles where bushes and other low scrub are common. It uses other
plants as cover, waiting for prey to come into range and then attacking. Burden Dromedary Bactrian
Bushtraps will attack the first moving creature that comes within 3’. With other 0-400 lbs. 210’/min. 180’/min.
plants for cover, they are undetectable except by a druid, ranger, barbarian, 401-500 lbs. 150’/min. 120’/min.
or other person skilled at woodcraft who comes within 10’ and is actively 501-600 lbs. 90’/min. 60’/min.
looking for unusual or dangerous plants.
Combat: Camels can inflict a nasty bite. They are also known to spit, but this
Combat: A bushtrap attacks with its great woody jaws. Once it has successfully is more inconvenient and disgusting than truly harmful.
attacked a victim, it will automatically do 1d4 h.p. of damage each round until
slain; nothing short of a successful open stuck doors roll by someone with a Appearance: Camels are large quadrupeds with either one or two large
strength of at least 18/50 will open the jaws of a bushtrap once they have humps, as noted above. They have heavy coats that range from white to
clamped down on someone. Fire does double damage to a bushtrap, but might brown, although the quintessential color is tan.
also impact someone trapped by its jaws.
See also: high arctic camel (p. 296).
Appearance: A bushtrap looks like a large bush. Its woody jaws are effectively
hidden by its foliage until it strikes.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Camel Spider, Monstrous

Camel Spider, Monstrous • A wish spell

• A polymorph any object spell
• A geis spell
Large Huge Giant
• An enchanted weapon spell
Number 1d6 1d6 1d4
Morale +3 +5 +6
All of the spells must be cast in succession, after the body of the caryatid
Hit Dice 3d10 5d10 6d10
column itself has been carved from stone (a process that takes 4 months of
Armor Class 6 5 4
uninterrupted work). Once completed, the caryatid column will be given a
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 120’/min.
command by the mage who created it. This command will invariably be to
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
defend or protect some place or object. Caryatid columns are never
No. of Attacks 3 3 3
encountered wandering away from the object of their protection. The caryatid
Damage 0/0/2d4 0/0/3d4 0/0/4d4
column will become animated when the object it is guarding is disturbed, or a
Defenses None None None
similarly simple condition is met (a doorway is approached, etc.).
Attacks Grip Grip Grip
Weaknesses None None None
Once activated, the caryatid column will change form, shrinking from 7’ to 5
Size M M M
½’ and turning from stone to flesh, with the sword at its side becoming sharp
Intelligence 0 0 0
steel. When the task has been completed (the object protected, intruders driven
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
back, etc.) it will return to its former place and form.
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Combat: The caryatid column will attack with its sword. Non-magical weapons
Magical Treasure None None None
will only do half damage against it; enchanted weapons will do normal
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 225 + 6/h.p. 350 + 8/h.p.
damage but do not count any magical damage bonus. Any weapon, mundane
or magical, which strikes the caryatid column has a 25% chance that it will
General: Camel spiders are found in warm, dry regions.
snap, minus 5% for each magical “plus” the weapon possesses. If a weapon
is magical, but has no “plusses”, it will have a 20% chance of snapping.
Combat: Camel spiders first attack with their two powerful forelimbs. If one of
the forelimbs scores a hit, the creature will be gripped and held fast; only a
Appearance: Caryatid columns will initially look like irregular columns of
successful “to hit” roll of 3 or greater above the minimum number required to
stone, which upon close examination have a roughly humanoid outline. A faint
hit will successfully sever the limb. The gripping arms do no damage, but once
line in the shape of a sword blade along the leg will be seen if looked for.
gripped, a victim can then be attacked with the camel spider’s powerful
Once activated, it will turn into the form of a beautiful girl, as indicated above.
chelicerae. For each round the victim is gripped, the camel spider gets an
additional +3 bonus “to hit” (thus +3 on the first round, +6 on the second,
etc.). Cat

Appearance: Camel spiders are large arachnids with 10 limbs, heavy Domestic Cat Wildcat
forelimbs, and wicked-looking mandibles. They are usually tan in color. Number 1 (50%) or 2d6 (50%) 1 (50%) or 1d4+1 (50%)
Morale -5 -4
Caryatid Column Hit Dice 1d6 1d8
Armor Class 6 5
Number 1d12 Move 150’/min., 75’/min. 180’/min., 90’/min.
Morale n/a (climbing) (climbing)
Hit Dice 5d8 (22 h.p.) Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Armor Class 5 No. of Attacks 1 3
Move 60’/min. Damage 1 1d2/1d2/1d2
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None None
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise Enemies get -1 to surprise
Damage 2d4 rolls rollls, rear claw rake
Defenses See below Weaknesses None None
Attacks None Size S S
Weaknesses None Intelligence 1 1
Size M (5 ½’) Alignment Neutral Neutral
Intelligence 0 Treasure Type None None
Alignment Neutral Treasure Value n/a n/a
Treasure Type None Magical Treasure n/a n/a
Treasure Value n/a X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p.
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 280 General: Cats are found in just about any climate save the most frigid. The
domestic and wild varieties are capable of interbreeding. Both can climb trees
General: Caryatid columns are magical constructs that can only be created by and similar structures at half their normal movement rate. A cat as a familiar
mages of 16th level or higher, or those with access to a magical book of the will grant the master improved night vision (equal to ultravision with 20’ range)
appropriate type. Without such a manual, creation of a caryatid column and better-than-average hearing.
requires the following:
Combat: Cats attack with their claws (the domestic cat only gets 1 claw attack
• 70,000 g.p. for materials, which are used to carve a stone statue per round, representing both claws), wild cats get two claws and a bite. If both
in the form of a beautiful woman front claw attacks hit, wild cats can also attempt to hit with a rear claw rake,
doing 1d2 h.p. if the rake is successful. Enemies get a -1 penalty to their


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


surprise rolls when attacked by a cat (of either sort). Domestic cats can never Die Roll (d%) Armor Class Attacks per Round
inflict more than 3 h.p. of damage on the same creature in the same encounter, 01-42 6 1/1
no matter how long the encounter lasts. 43-73 5 3/2
74-92 4 3/2
Appearance: Domestic cats come in a bewildering variety of shapes, sizes, 93-95 3 2/1
colors, and textures. Wildcats are invariably larger, and have tan or dark 96-97 2 2/1
yellow fur with brown stripes or spots. 98 1 2/1
99 0 5/2
Caterwaul 00 -1 5/2

Number 1 The caterwaul stands on its rear legs most of the time, but can drop to all fours
Morale +7 to sprint for brief periods of time (3 rounds sprinting, then 7 rounds moving
Hit Dice 4d10 normally). It also has the following thief-like abilities:
Armor Class See below
Move 180’/min., 240’/min. (sprinting) • Climb walls/trees/etc. (95%)
Magic Resistance Standard • Move silently (75%)
No. of Attacks 3 • Hide in shadows (75%)
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d6
Defenses +4 on all surprise rolls When making its initial attack (only), the caterwaul will also issue a high-
Attacks See below pitched sound which does 1d8 h.p. to all within 60’.
Weaknesses None
Size M (6’) Appearance: The caterwaul is a large cat with fur of dark blue, amber eyes,
Intelligence 6 and a long tail. It stands on its hind legs most of the time.
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XV Catoblepas
Treasure Value 1d12x100
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%) Number 1d3
X.P. Value 170 + 5/h.p. Morale +2
Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses None
Attacks Tail causes stun, death gaze
Weaknesses Weak neck
Size L (6’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 (10%)
X.P. Value 700 + 8/h.p.

General: The catoblepas is a

marsh-dwelling beast greatly
feared for its deadly gaze.
General: Caterwauls are solitary creatures that inhabit lonely caves in deserted
wildernesses. They are drawn to shiny objects such as precious metals and Combat: The catoblepas is
gems, which they will keep in their lairs. able to club enemies with its
knobby-ended tail; any
Combat: Caterwauls attack with their two claws and bite. However, they are successful melee attack is
possessed of an extraordinary swiftness and agility; roll for each caterwaul 75% likely to stun the victim
encountered to determine its armor class and the number of attacks per round: for 1d10 rounds, minus 5%
per level or hit die. Example:
A 5th level thief hit by the tail
of a catoblepas would be
stunned 50% of the time. The
most feared attack of the
monster is its gaze, however;
meeting the gaze means certain death. The gaze of the creature has a 60’
range, and extends into the astral and ethereal planes. If the beast surprises
its enemy, one member of the opposing party will be slain by the gaze, without
the benefit of a saving throw. There is otherwise only a 25% chance per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Cattle

that the creature will raise its head and thus employ its gaze attack. If neither Cave Cricket
the catoblepas nor its enemies move, this chance increases by 15% per round.
If the beast is moving or engaged in melee, it will fix its gaze on an enemy Number 1d8
only 10% of the time (check each round). If the catoblepas is pursuing fleeing Morale -5
prey that is deliberately avoiding its gaze, the same chance for the gaze attack Hit Dice 1d10
to function applies, but the victim does get a saving throw vs. death. Armor Class 4
Move 60’/min., 30’ hop
Appearance: The catoblepas is a hideous sight to behold. Its odiferous body Magic Resistance Standard
is that of a swollen buffalo, propped up on thick treelike legs. It bears a long No. of Attacks 1
tail with a massive club-like tip, and its head is that of a huge tusked boar Damage 1d4
capping on an incredibly thin and weak neck. It is gray in tone. Defenses Chirping
Attacks Hop
Cattle Weaknesses None
Size S (4’ long)
Cow Bull Intelligence 1
Number 2d10x10 1d20 Alignment Neutral
Morale -1 +3 Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 2 5 Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 7 7 Magical Treasure n/a
Move 150’/min. 150’/min. X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 2 General: Cave crickets are generally inoccuous creatures and are not
Damage 1d4 1d6/1d6 aggressive. They are, however, easily startled, and when a large group of
Defenses None None them begin hopping randomly about an enclosed space in panic, they can
Attacks Stampede Charge and trample cause severe injury. If anyone comes within 20’ of a cave cricket, the creature
Weaknesses None None will begin an exceedingly loud chirping. This chirping will not only drown out
Size L (4’ at shoulder) L (5’ at shoulder) al speech (including spells with verbal components) but will also attract any
Intelligence 2 2 predators within 900’ (2 in 6 chance of doing so).
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None Combat: Cave crickets attack with their hind legs and any creature within 10’
Treasure Value n/a n/a will be so attacked. However, when startled they have a 1 in 6 chance of
Magical Treasure None None hopping up to 30’ and onto any human, demi-human, etc., within that range.
X.P. Value n/a 35 + 2/h.p. Such hops will automatically inflict 1d4 h.p. of damage.

Appearance: Cave crickets look like giant versions of their normal cousins.

Cave Fisher

Number 1d4
Morale +2
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 4
Move 10’/min. (climbing)
Magic Resistance Standard
General: A herd of cattle will be composed of both bulls and cows, and wild No. of Attacks 2
herds are a frequent sight. Cows are timid and will generally avoid danger, Damage 2d4/2d4
but bulls are aggressive animals, and will generally attack intruders who Defenses None
approach the herd within 80’ (75% chance). Attacks Filament
Weaknesses None
Combat: Bulls attack with their two great horns. If they have 30’ to get a Size M
running start, a bull will charge, doing 3d4 h.p. of impact damage if it hits, Intelligence 3
plus an additional 1d4 h.p. of trampling damage. Cows do not attack directly, Alignment Neutral
but there is a 25% chance that an entire herd will stampede in the direction of Treasure Type None
danger. If this happens, each enemy will be trampled by 2d4 cows, each of Treasure Value n/a
which does 1d4 h.p. of damage. (No “to hit” rolls are necessary, nor are Magical Treasure n/a
saving throws normally allowed in such a circumstance.) X.P. Value 85 + 3/h.p.

Appearance: Cows are docile quadrupeds. Bulls look like ordinary cattle, but
larger, and have large forward-pointing horns on their heads. Some cows have
horns as well. General: The cave fisher dwells in deep caves and caverns, cementing itself
into place above well-traveled paths where it can hunt for food at its leisure.
See also: aurochs (p. 10) Once in place, the cave fisher will not move until the source of food is obviously
exhausted; when that happens it will dissolve the “cement” and find a new


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


spot where the pickings are easier. The cement used is the same sort of
adhesive found on its filament line (see below).

Combat: Two of the cave fisher’s legs sport pincers which are used to attack
prey at close range. However, it’s more interesting form of attack is its filament
line; a nearly invisible line of organic silk (similar to that of a spider) 60’ long,
which can be either dangled along a traveled pathway for prey to blunder
into, or shot deliberately at a target in range (the cave fisher strikes as a 6d8
hit die creature when doing so). This filament is coated with a powerful
adhesive that can only be dissolved by strong alcohol or the saliva of the cave
fisher itself. It is strong and yielding, requiring a +1 or better weapon to cut it
(and naturally only weapons with an edge can be used for this purpose). They
are incredibly thin for their strength; at a range of 20’ or more they are
completely invisible, and at closer range will only be noticed 20% of the time.
The filament can be withdrawn in one round and fired out again the next.

Appearance: Cave fishers look like large arachnids covered in black chitinous
plating. They have eight limbs, two of which have enormous claws which are
used to cut into prey brought in by the filament. The filament itself is fired from
the large proboscis, above which are two green compound eyes. General: Cave morays dwell in deep cyst-like holes in stone, usually found in
caves, tunnels, and the like. They lie in wait for prey to pass by the entrance
to their cyst, and then spring forth with incredible speed, almost immediately
withdrawing back into their cysts, which can be quite deep. Their colonies will
usually be found on two sides of a passage, allowing the group to attack prey
from multiple angles.

Combat: Cave morays attack with their bite. They are so swift when attacking
that they have an effective armor class of 0; if someone manages to attack one
at rest in its cyst, it is AC 5. Note that attempting to stick a spear down a cyst-
hole will guarantee that the creature will strike (and doing so does not give the
spear-holder an automatic hit!).

Appearance: Cave morays look like large slugs with mottled brown and gray
skin, giving them a rock-like appearance.


Male Female Young

Cave Lizard Number 4d6 (5d6) 8d6 5d6
Morale ±0 -1 -2
See lizard, cave (p. 147). Hit Dice 4d8 3d8 2d8
Armor Class 5 5 5
Move 180’/min. 180’/min. 180’/min.
Cave Moray
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 2 2
Number 4d4
Damage 1d6/1d6/by 1d6/1d6 1d6/1d6
Morale ±0
Hit Dice 4d10
Defenses Standard Standard Standard
Armor Class 0 (5 when not in motion)
Attacks Standard Standard Standard
Move 10’/min.
Weaknesses None None None
Magic Resistance Standard
Size L L M
No. of Attacks 1
Intelligence 8 8 8
Damage 2d4
Alignment Neutral, Chaotic Neutral, or Chaotic Good
Defenses Cyst
Treasure Type Individuals XI, Group III None
Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls
Treasure Value Individuals 1d8, Group 4d4x1,000 n/a
Weaknesses None
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (15%), 1d4 scrolls (50%) None
Size M
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. 20 + 8/h.p.
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
General: Centaurs are reclusive creatures, dwelling in isolated meadows and
Treasure Type None
pastures far from humans and their ilk. There is a 5% chance that, if they are
Treasure Value n/a
encountered randomly, they will be found in their home, which will invariably
Magical Treasure n/a
be a secluded glade deep in some forest. In that case, 6d6 males will be
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p.
found, as well as females and young. Otherwise, only males will be found
outside their homes.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Centipede, Monstrous

Combat: All centaurs will fight with their forelegs as do horses. Male centaurs Poison Effect
will also have ordinary weapons: Centipede’s
Victim’s Save Save If Save If Save
Die Roll (d%) Weapons Size Bonus Penalty Succeeds Fails
01-50 Morning star Large +4 -2 None 4d6
51-75 Composite long bow (& 10d3 arrows) Huge +2 -1 None Death
76-00 Medium lance and shield (AC 4) Giant n/a n/a 1d8 Death

Appearance: Centaurs have the bodies of horses with the torsos, arms, and Appearance: Monstrous centipedes are simply enormous versions of their
heads of humans. They speak their own language and that of elves. ordinary kin. They range in color from black to red and have multiple pairs of
legs and wicked pincers.


Number 1d4
Morale +2
Hit Dice 3d8
Centipede, Monstrous Armor Class 5
Move 150’/min., 450’/min. (sprinting)
Large Huge Giant Magic Resistance Standard
Number 5d6 2d12 1d4 No. of Attacks 3
Morale -1 +1 +3 Damage 1d2/1d2/2d4
Hit Dice 1d4 (1 h.p.) 1d4 3d8 Defenses +1 to surprise rolls
Armor Class 9 9 5 Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise, rear claw rake
Move 210’/min. 150’/min. 180’/min. Weaknesses None
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Size M
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 Intelligence 1
Damage 0 0 1d3 Alignment Neutral
Defenses None None None Treasure Type None
Attacks Poison Poison Poison Treasure Value n/a
Weaknesses None None None Magical Treasure n/a
Size S (6” long) S (1’ long) M (5’ long) X.P. Value 65 + 3/h.p.
Intelligence 0 0 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral General: Cheetahs are large
Treasure Type None None None cats that inhabit tropical
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a savannahs. They are able to sprint at incredible speeds for 3 rounds (usually
Magical Treasure None None None to run down prey), but must then rest for at least 15 minutes. If found in their
X.P. Value 31 30 + 1/h.p. 80+3/h.p. den (15% chance) the third and fourth cheetah (if any) will be cubs. If captured
when young, cheetahs can be domesticated (mostly).
General: Monstrous centipedes are common vermin found in underground and
most other environments. They are feared both for their great numbers and Combat: Cheetahs attack with their claws and bite. If both claws hit, they are
their venomous bite. They are quite aggressive creatures. entitled to two more attacks with their rear claws, each doing 1d2 h.p. of
damage. They are able to spring forward up to 20’, or upwards 10’, in order
Combat: Most monstrous centipedes do no damage when they bite, but their to attack. They get a bonus of +1 to their own surprise rolls and opponents
bite is poisonous. However, due to their small size, they get a penalty to all get a -2 penalty to theirs. If the cubs are threatened, the adults will receive a
saving throws themselves: +2 bonus to both “to hit” and damage rolls.

Appearance: Cheetahs are large cats with tawny fur with black spots. Their
stomach area is white. Their claws are non-retractable.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Child Spirit Chimera

Number 3d6 Number 1d4

Morale -1 Morale +3
Hit Dice 1d8 Hit Dice 9d8
Armor Class 7 Armor Class 4
Move 90’/min. Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (flying - clumsy)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 6
Damage 1d3+1 Damage 1d3/1d3/1d4/1d4/2d4/3d4
Defenses +1 or better weapon to harm, immune to mind-affecting Defenses None
magic Attacks Breath weapon
Attacks Wisdom drain Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None Size L (4’ at shoulder)
Size S Intelligence 3
Intelligence 7 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type VII
Treasure Type None Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Treasure Value n/a Magical Treasure 1d4 items, no weapons (10%)
Magical Treasure n/a X.P. Value 1,000 + 12/h.p.
X.P. Value 22 + 1/h.p.
Turn as Type II

General: Child spirits are the disembodied spirits of those who have died
before adulthood. They don’t mean to do harm; it is their way of “playing”.

Combat: The touch of a child spirit will cause the loss of a point of wisdom if
the victim fails a saving throw vs. magic. If a victim is drained to wisdom of 2
or below, he is reduced to a state of gibbering childishness for 2-9 days. Child
spirits, existing as they do partially on the material and negative planes, can
only be hit by weapons of +1 or greater enchantment. As with all undead,
they are immune to sleep, charm, and similar mind-affecting spells.

Appearance: Child spirits appear as semi-transluscent children.

General: The chimera is a dreaded monster, being formed of a number of

different creatures.

Combat: The chimera attacks with its three heads and massive claws; the goat
head has two horns which rip at enemies (doing 1d3 h.p. of damage each),
the two leonine claws tear (doing 1d4 h.p. of damage), the lion head bites
(2d4 h.p.), and finally the dragon head bites (3d4 h.p.). In addition, the
dragon head can breathe fire in a cone 50’ long and 10’ wide at the base,
causing 3d8 h.p. of damage, but those within the area of effect can save vs.
breath weapon to take half damage. There is a 50% chance that the chimera
will use its breath weapon in any given round. When flying, the chimera will
most often use its breath weapon. It can otherwise attack with its claws or one
head while aloft.

Appearance: The chimera has the hind parts of a large goat, front parts of a
lion, draconic wings and tail, and the heads of a goat, lion, and dragon. They
can speak the language of dragons, but only in a sort of pidgin.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Cloaker

Cloaker Clubneck

Number 1d4 Number 2d4

Morale +5 Morale +2
Hit Dice 6d8 Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 3 (body), 1 (tail) Armor Class 8
Move 10’/min., 150’/min. (flying - poor) Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (sprinting)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d6/1d6 Damage 1d6/1d6/1d8
Defenses None Defenses Sprint
Attacks Envelopment Attacks Sprint
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L Size M
Intelligence 13 Intelligence 5
Alignment Chaotic neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p. X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.

General: Cloakers dwell deep underground and shun sunlight. Their

intelligence is quite alien to other races, however, and communication with
any save mages is usually impossible. While they usually fly, they are able to
use their claws to climb on walls and ceilings, albeit at a much slower speed.
They have infravision to 120’.

Combat: Cloakers attack with their long, darting tail which moves so swiftly as
to be able to attack two different opponents in a single round. The tail itself
can take 16 h.p. of damage, which does not count against the creature’s total
hit points. The cloaker’s most well-known attack, however, is its envelopment.
The creature attacks a single victim, completely covering it in its voluminous
folds, pinning the creatures arms, making it impossible to fight back. Once this
is done the cloaker is free to attack with its mouth full of razor-sharp teeth,
which does 1d4 h.p. per round plus the base armor class of the victim (i.e.,
no magical, dexterity, or other bonuses apply; simply the AC of the armor they
are wearing). The cloaker will use its tail to fend off those who might wish to
rescue a comrade who has been enveloped.
General: Clubnecks are related to ostriches, inhabiting temperate woodlands
Appearance: As its name implies, the cloaker appears as a large black cloak,
and grasslands. They are normally peaceful herbivores, but are easily startled.
although it has claws on the corners and a long serrated tail. On its
“underside” there are two red glowing eyes as well. When the eyes are closed
Combat: Clubnecks attack with their claws and beak. Once every five rounds,
and the tail retracted, however, it is almost perfectly indistinguishable from a
they can sprint at twice their normal speed, but then are limited to their normal
regular cloak or blanket.
speed for another five rounds.

Appearance: Clubnecks look like big muscular ostriches with sharp oversized
beaks and large talons. Their feathers are green and their beaks are yellow.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Clurichaun • Passed out characters must make an additional saving throw

vs. poison. Failure indicates they pass out. Otherwise they are
Number 1 (80%) or 1d4 (20%) penalized as if they were very intoxicated. Every time another
Morale -1 drink is taken (or they are hit by the clurichaun’s staff) while at
Hit Dice 1d8 this level of intoxication, they must also make a saving throw vs.
Armor Class 8 poison or pass out dead drunk.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance P Characters lose one level of intoxication every 2 hours they are not drinking
No. of Attacks 1 (or getting clouted by a clurichaun’s staff).
Damage 1d4
Defenses None In addition, clurichauns have the following powers:
Attacks See below
Weaknesses Iron • Make a single cup of alcohol doubly intoxicating, without the
Size S (2’) drinker realizing, 30’ range, at will
Intelligence 16 • Sobriety three times per day
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type II (sundries will always be wine, beer, etc.) Cold iron will do double damage to a clurichaun.
Treasure Value 1d4x100
Magical Treasure 1d6+1 potions (20%) Appearance: Clurichauns look like tiny humans with pointed ears, dressed in
X.P. Value 22 + 1/h.p. greens and yellows, and carrying gnarled staves. They speak leprechaun,
elvish, sprite, and the common tongue.


Number 1d6
Morale +2
Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 6
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3
Defenses None
Attacks Touch petrifies
Weaknesses None
Size S
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
General: The clurichaun is an ill-tempered cousin of the leprechaun (see p.
145). It is usually found in lonely farmsteads, inns, and taverns, dwelling in the X.P. Value 315 + 5/h.p.
attic, barn, stable, or other out-of-the-way place. If treated well (cups of drink
are left for it), it will guard its adopted home against theft of alcoholic spirits.
If not, it can be a great nuisance. Although they are great lovers of drink, they
cannot themselves become intoxicated. They will often feign being drunk in
order to fool others.

Combat: Clurichauns attack with a gnarled stick. Anyone struck by the stick
must make a saving throw vs. magic; failure indicates that the victim becomes
intoxicated. Each successive strike with the staff moves the victim one more
notch towards passing out (slightly drunk → somewhat drunk → very drunk →
passed out):

• Slightly intoxicated characters have -1 INT and WIS penalties,

and get a +1 modifier to morale.
• Somewhat intoxicated characters have -3 INT, -4 WIS, -2 General: The cockatrice is a most feared creature whose touch can turn living
DEX, and -1 CHA penalties. They also get a -1 penalty “to hit”, flesh to stone. They are found in all climates except the very coldest, and in
but have 1 extra hit point (the extra hit point is used up first if almost any terrain.
wounded, and disappears when they sober up).
• Very intoxicated characters have -6 INT, -7 WIS, -5 DEX, and Combat: The cockatrice can inflict a minor injury with its beak, but its real
-4 CHA penalties. They have a -5 penalty “to hit”, but get 3 danger lies in its ability to turn flesh to stone. A single touch of any part of the
extra hit points (which are used up first if wounded, and creature will require the victim to make a saving throw vs. petrification. Failure
disappear when the character sobers up).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Coffer Corpse

indicates that he and all his possessions are turned to stone. This effect extends were engaged in melee with the creature to make a saving throw vs. spells.
into both the astral and ethereal planes, into which the creature can also see. Failure means they flee in panic for 1d6 rounds. Coffer corpses are immune to
mind-affecting magic such as sleep, charm, etc.
The cockatrice will almost never fly higher than 300’, as it is more comfortable
on the ground. It will only fly for a maximum of 1d4+1x10 minutes before Appearance: Coffer corpses are skeletal creatures with rotting grave clothes
returning to the ground. Note the effectiveness, however, of its petrification and wrappings.
attack on a target in mid-air.
Constrictor Vine
Appearance: The cockatrice looks like a large rooster with a snake-like tail,
scales, and bat-like wings. The tail is yellow-green, the beak and claws yellow, Number 1
the wings are slate gray, and the body is a light brown. Wattle and comb are Morale n/a
red. Hit Dice 25d8 (stalk), 2d8 (each vine)
Armor Class 5 (stalk), 6 (vine)
Coffer Corpse Move 5’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Number 1 No. of Attacks See below
Morale +9 Damage 1d4
Hit Dice 2d8 Defenses None
Armor Class 8 Attacks Strangle
Move 60’/min. Weaknesses None
Magic Resistance Standard Size L
No. of Attacks 1 Intelligence 0
Damage 1d6 or per weapon type Alignment Neutral
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to mind- Treasure Type None
affecting magic Treasure Value n/a
Attacks Fear, death grip Magical Treasure n/a
Weaknesses Holy water X.P. Value See below
Size M
Intelligence 6 General: Constrictor vines are semi-ambulatory plants found in temperate, sub-
Alignment Chaotic evil tropical, and tropical climates, generally in wooded areas. They easily blend
Treasure Type VI in with the surrounding vegetation. The size of the creeper should be
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 determined randomly if it is not already known:
Magical Treasure 1 armor or weapon (10%)
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p. Die Roll Stalk Stalk Vine Vine X.P.
Turn as Type VIII (d8) H.P. Length Length H.P. Value
1 25 30’ 9’ 2 7,065
2 50 40’ 10’ 4 9,270
3 75 50’ 11’ 6 11,405
4 100 60’ 12’ 8 13,820
5 125 70’ 13’ 10 16,025
6 150 80’ 14’ 12 18,650
7 175 90’ 15’ 14 20,925
8 200 100’ 16’ 16 23,760

The plant will have 8 vines per 20’ of length of the stalk, plus 16 at the
terminating end (the end not rooted in the ground). These vines will radiate out
from the central trunk in all directions.

Combat: Constrictor vines attack by grabbing victims with their vines and
squeezing. Once grabbed, damage is done automatically on the following
rounds, but there is a 10% chance per round that the vine will wrap itself
General: Coffer corpses are corporeal undead creatures that are found in around the throat of the victim and choke him; death is automatic at the end
places where a formal funeral has begun, but has been interrupted in some of the round unless the vine or the whole plant is destroyed. Each vine has 2d4
way, such as a hearse running off a road, a funeral barge running aground, h.p., which does not count against the 25 hit dice of the plant’s central stalk.
Appearance: Constrictor vines look like ordiary creeper vines.
Combat: Coffer corpses will attack with their claws, but 25% of them will have
a weapon (roll for type randomly). Those who use their claws can put victims
into a “death grip” with their claws around the throat of the victim. If the coffer
corpse successfully hits with its hands, it will have put its victim into a death
grip and will do damage automatically in subsequent rounds. They are immune
to all non-magical weapons, but if struck by a blow that would have inflicted
a total of 6 h.p. of damage or more, they will collapse, seemingly destroyed.
However, on the next round, they will rise up again, causing all those who


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Cooshee (Elven Dog) Copper Stork

Number 1d8 Number 1d6

Morale +3 Morale +1
Hit Dice 3d10 Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 3
Move 150’/min., 210’/min. (sprinting) Move 60’/min. (walking and swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+6 Damage 1d6
Defenses Camouflage Defenses None
Attacks Overbear Attacks Breath weapon
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M Size L (9’)
Intelligence 3 Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type XII (platinum only)
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 1d20x5
Magical Treasure n/a Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 110 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 90 + 3/h.p.

General: Copper storks are stork-like birds of magical nature that inhabit the
marshy edges of lakes and rivers in hot climates. Their feathers are, in fact,
made of copper; the body of a copper stork is worth 200 g.p. intact. Any
treasure they have is invariably made of platinum, and will be found hidden
in the marshes in which they dwell; under a rock, in a hollow log, etc. They
are benign and will only attack if threatened.

Combat: Copper storks attack with their sharp beak. Three times per day, the
copper stork is able to shoot out a jet of boiling water in a cone 40’ long and
10’ wide. Anyone in the area of effect will take 4d8 h.p. of damage from the
scalding water (a saving throw vs. breath weapon is allowed for half damage).
The copper stork takes a full minute to boil the water inside its body; thus there
is a 1 round delay before the boiling jet is ready.

Appearance: Copper storks appear much like tall storks, but their feathers are
a brilliant metallic copper color (they are in fact actually copper). Wisps of
steam can be seen rising from the creature’s beak.
General: The cooshee is a special breed of dog found in the same locations
as most elves- such as woodlands and the like. They are a breed found only in Corpse Creeper
the company of elves, particularly wood (sylvan) elves. Their throaty bark can
be heard up to a mile away, and is reserved as a warning to their elvish Number 1d6
masters. They are capable of sprinting at higher speeds than their normal Morale +3
movement rate, but only if they are able to run in a relatively straight line (such Hit Dice 3d10
as when bringing down prey). Armor Class 3 (head), 7 (body)
Move 120’/min.
Combat: Cooshees attack with their bite, but they are more likely to employ Magic Resistance Standard
their massive front paws in a special overbearing attack. If they successfully hit No. of Attacks 8
a bipedal creature of size M or smaller, that creature is knocked prone. A Damage 1d3/1d3/1d3/1d3/1d3/1d3/1d3/1d3
character who is knocked prone can only pummel, grapple, or attempt to stand Defenses None
up. A prone character does not gain any armor class bonus for dexterity, and Attacks Paralyzation
those attacking him who are not prone get a +4 bonus “to hit.” If he is Weaknesses None
successfully overborne again, or grappled, he remains prone. Otherwise, he Size L (7’ long)
gets up, but has lost his action for that round. Because of their coloring and Intelligence 0
disposition, cooshees are able to conceal themselves 75% of the time if in Alignment Neutral
woodland with underbrush or similar cover. Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Appearance: Cooshees are large dogs with green fur and brown spots. Their Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%)
bushy tails are usually arced above their back. Their front paws are especially X.P. Value 580 + 4/h.p.
large, and they can range from 170 to 300 lbs or more.
General: The corpse creeper is a scavenger of corpses and rotting flesh which
See also: dog (p. 48). shuns the daylight and above-ground environments in general. Their grasping
feet allow them to walk along walls and ceilings as easily as floors. Any
treasure will most likely be found on the remains of their victims in their lair.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Couatl

Combat: The corpse creeper does no damage in melee. However, it does have Combat: The couatl is able to inflict a poisonous bite (victims must save vs.
a greatly feared attack; its eight tentacles. If any tentacle hits, it will not only poison or die). They can also constrict victims; one a victim has been hit by the
do a small amount of physical damage, but will also cause the target to make constriction attack, they continue to be constricted for 2d4 h.p. of damage per
a saving throw vs. paralyzation. Failure means the target is paralyzed for 3d4 round until they die or the couatl releases them. Only a successful bend bars
minutes. What is even more feared, however, is that a successful hit by a check can remove the creature’s coils from a victim.
tentacle will mean the creature has layed an egg inside the target, which then
starts to burrow its way deeper inside the host. For each round that the egg is Couatls can use the psychic strike three times per day (see Appendix B).
in the host, removing it will inflict 1 h.p. of damage: thus, one round after the
egg is implanted, removing it will cause 1 h.p. of damage. Two rounds after, In mid-air, the couatl’s favored tactic is to constrict an opponent so it cannot
it will cause 2 h.p., etc. up to 10 h.p. total. Removal requires any sort of sharp fly. As both the couatl and its victim plummet to the ground, the couatl will turn
implement, such as a dagger, sword, etc. They will keep their heavily-armored ethereal just before impact, sparing itself the only bad part of the fall - the
head and dreaded tentacles facing prey if at all possible. sudden stop at the end.

Appearance: The corpse creeper resembles a huge sixteen-legged caterpillar Appearance: The couatl is a large serpent with brilliantly colored feathered
with head covered in thick chitin and a mass of writhing yellow tentacles wings. They speak the common tongue and all languages spoken by serpentine
surrounding its mouth. It can range from a bright green to a dull gray in color. and avian races.

Couatl Cougar

Number 1d4 Number 1d2

Morale +3 Morale +2
Hit Dice 9d8 Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 6
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - perfect) Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d3/2d4 Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6
Defenses Ethereal Defenses +1 to surprise rolls
Attacks Poison, spells Attacks Rake with rear claws for 1d4/1d4
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M (12’ long) Size M
Intelligence 18 Intelligence 3
Alignment Lawful good Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VIII Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 7d4x1,000 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%), 1 armor/weapon (15%) Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 2,400 + 12/h.p. X.P. Value 110 + 4/h.p.

General: Although couatl are able to travel into the ethereal plane at will, they General: Cougars inhabit all sorts of
are in fact native to the material plane. They are found mostly in tropical rain terrain from wooded mountains to deserts.
forest type regions, and usually keep clear of humans and their affairs. Couatls They are sometimes called mountain lions or pumas.
are accomplished spellcasters in their own right, although they do not require
spell books as do more conventional spellcasters: Combat: Cougars attack with their foreclaws and bite. If both foreclaws hit an
enemy, they can then attack with their rear claws as well. Cougars are able to
Die Roll (d%) Spellcasting Type leap 20’ to attack an enemy.
01-45 5th level mage
46-80 7th level cleric Appearance: Cougars are large cats with short tawny fur.
81-00 Both


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Number 2d6
Morale +3
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 4
Move 90’/min., 60’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d4/1d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (9’)
Intelligence 7
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type 1d20 s.p.
Treasure Value See above
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.

General: The crimson death is a mist-like creature that is not, despite its name,
counted amongst the undead. It dwells in forboding swamps and bogs,
General: Crabmen are humanoid crustaceans. They tend to dwell in semi- isolated woodlands, and the like. The creature is mostly incorporeal, but after
submerged caves and are mostly innocuous. However, during the full moon, feeding on the blood of its victims, becomes more substantial. For one hour
they are compelled by instinct to swarm inland in large groups (30 to 40 in after feeding, it is more substantial, making it both slower and more vulnerable
number) and destroy and pillage. At all times, however, they covet silver, and to conventional attack.
will go to nearly any length to obtain the metal. Sahuagin will sometimes raid
crabmen lairs, as they consider crabman flesh a delicacy. Combat: The crimson death attacks by surrounding its prey with its misty
tendrils and removing the blood from it through the skin. Before it feeds, the
Combat: Crabmen attack with their pincers, which are are able to cut through crimson death is almost indetectable, and enemies get a -4 penalty to their
most fibrous materials such as nets. surprise rolls.

Appearance: Crabmen are humanoid in form with a dark brown exoskeleton. Appearance: The crimson death is almost imperceptible before it feeds, being
They speak their own language. nothing more than a mist that is easily overlooked. After it feeds, the mist flushes
red and is more substantial, sometimes evincing a skull-like visage in the region
of the “head”.
Crimson Death

Number 1
Crying Tree
Morale +3
Hit Dice 13d8 Number 1
Armor Class 0 (before feeding), 4 (after feeding) Morale n/a
Move 120’/min. (flying - average), 60’/min. (flying after Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 8
feeding - average)
Magic Resistance R Move 0
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 6
Damage 3d10
Defenses +2 (or better) weapons to harm (before feeding), +1 Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6
(or better) weapons to harm (after feeding) Defenses None
Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None
Size M Size L (10’ tall)
Intelligence 18 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type IV Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 1d6x10,000 Treasure Value 0
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p.
X.P. Value 7,050 + 18/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Cthonoid

General: Crying trees are carnivorous plants that lure their prey into their Intelligence Saving
clutches by mimicking the sounds of humanoids coming from within their leaves Score Throw Effect if Fail
and branches, calling for help. When a passerby approaches the tree to 0-1 n/a None
investigate the source of the sounds, the crying tree will use its branches to 2-4 19 Death
grasp the would-be rescuer and slay him. They are found in temperate 5-7 16 Coma for 1d3 days
woodlands. 8-10 14 Sleep for 2d6x10 min.
11-12 12 Stunned for 1d6x10 min.
Combat: Crying trees attack with their six thorn-covered branches. They can 13-14 10 Confused (as per the spell) for 2d10x10 min.
strike any creature that comes within 10’, but will usually lie in wait until a 15-16 8 Enraged for 2d12x10 min. (attack the
victim is much closer. nearest creature)
17 6 Feeblemind (as per the spell)
Appearance: Crying trees look like large trees with bare, thorn-covered limbs. 18 4 1d3 forms of insanity (permanent)
They sport thick bunches of leaves along and atop their trunk. It is from these
thickets that their characteristic “crying” is made to come. If the target does not roll the indicated saving throw or better on a d20, he
suffers the indicated effect. The magical attack adjustment for wisdom applies.
Cthonoid All creatures at extreme range (40-60’) get a bonus of +1 on their saving
throws, while those at close range (0-20’) get a penalty of -1. The mind blast
Number 1d4 can be used once per round.
Morale +2
Hit Dice 8d10 Since they do not rely on normal visual senses, cthonoids are immune to the
Armor Class 5 effects of magically-induced blindness, darkness, etc.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance R Appearance: Cthonoids are vaguely humanoid in appearance, but have a
No. of Attacks 1d4 mass of long writhing white tentacles where their mouth should be. Their slimy
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d3/1d3 skin is purple and their skulls are without eyes, sensing their environs through
Defenses None some alien apparatus unknown to man. They have three fingers on each red
Attacks See below hand, and wear clothing of vaguely disquieting cut and style. They speak their
Weaknesses None own tongue and are fluent in the common sign-language of those who dwell
Size M beneath the earth, sometimes known as undercommon.
Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 1 item (60%), 2d4 potions
(40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value 1,800 + 12/h.p.

General: Cthonoids (sometimes referred to derogatorily as “brain eaters”) are

greatly feared creatures that dwell deep underground. They view humans,
demi-humans, and humanoids as no better than animals, and sometimes take
captives to later use as food. They will flee if it is apparent that a battle is going
against them, not hesitating to sacrifice minions to ensure their own survival.

Combat: Cthonoids attack with their tentacles. Only between 1 and 4 of the
tentacles can attempt to strike a target in any given round, but if one hits, it
inflicts but 1d3 h.p. of damage, but within 1d4 rounds the tentacle will reach
the victim’s brain. Once this happens, the victim dies instantly as the brain is
ripped out of the body and consumed. In addition, the cthonoid is able to
perform the following, as indicated:

• Astral spell (on self only) three times per day

• ESP at will
• Hypnosis at will
• Levitate at will

In addition, the cthonoid is able to use its dreaded mind blast. This mental
attack goes out in a beam 60’ long and 5’ wide. Victims caught within the
beam must make a saving throw as indicated below, based on both his
intelligence score and the range at which he is hit:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Cyclops nature, and are 20% likely to be positively swayed towards the gift-bearer,
giving a gift of some magical weapon in return. Greater cyclopes are talented
smiths and artificers, working in huge forges to create enchanted armor and
Greater Lesser Least
weapons. They themselves wear enchanted scale armor of great size. Lesser
Number 1d4 1d2 1d8
cyclopes are far more savage. Least cyclopes dwell in caves in remote areas,
Morale +8 +6 +2
shunning the company of other creatures, except those that they press into
Hit Dice 15d12 13d12 5d8
Armor Class -4 2 3
Move 150’/min. 150’/min. 120’/min.
Combat: Cyclopes attack with their great fists, but greater cyclopes will wield
Magic Resistance C Standard Standard
any suitable magical weapons they may have in their possession. Lesser
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
cyclopes are able to hurl boulders up to 500’ much as do other sorts of giants,
Damage 7d6 6d6 Per weapon type
and such missiles do 4d10 h.p. of damage if they hit. They are able to catch
similar missiles 25% of the time, and will usually have a supply of boulders
Defenses Immune to fire None None
close to hand. Least cyclopes attack with weapons, and get a +2 bonus to any
and heat
damage due to their great strength. They will either be armed with great clubs
Attacks None Hurl boulders None
equal to morning stars or large pole axes. They will also have a sling and
Weaknesses None None None
throwing spear, but get a -2 penalty “to hit” with all missile weapons due to
Size L (21’) L (20’) L (7 ½’)
their poor depth perception.
Intelligence 16 6 8
Alignment Chaotic good Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Appearance: Cyclopes look like enormous humans with but a single great eye
Treasure Type XV IV II
in the middle of their forehead, beneath a large ridged brow. The greater sort
Treasure Value 1d6+3x1,000 1d6+2x1,000 4d6x100
tend to wear more civilized clothing than the lesser sorts, but such is not a hard-
Magical Treasure 1d4 weapons or 1d4 items 1d2 items (10%)
and-fast rule. All cyclopes speak their own tongue; greater cyclopes speak all
armor (25%), (25%), 2d4
of the tongues of giants as well as common. Lesser and least cyclopes speak a
2d4 potions potions (40%)
sort of pidgin common.
X.P. Value 14,000 + 6,550 + 25 90 + 5/h.p.
30/h.p. /h.p. Dakon

Number 6d10
Morale +4
Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 5
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d10/1d10
Defenses None
Attacks +2 bonus “to hit”
Weaknesses Fear water
Size M
Intelligence 9
Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.

General: Dakons are intelligent apes. They are peaceful creatures, and will
not attack unless threatened or robbed, in which case they will attack with
great ferocity. They are on good terms with humans and demi-humans of like
alignment, but distrust humanoids. They dwell in most climates, but will not
usually be found near large bodies of water, which they fear.

Combat: Dakons attack with their claws. They receive a +2 bonus “to hit” due
to their strength, but no bonus to damage.

Appearance: Dakons look like gorillas with light brown fur and black hands.
They speak the common tongue.
General: Cyclopes (plural – cyclops is the singular) are kin to giants (see p.
94). They dwell in caves, often near the sea shore and occasionally near cities
(in the case of greater cyclopes). The greater and lesser varieties differ greatly
in both intelligence and disposition, but both value their privacy and will
usually react violently towards those who intrude upon their lairs. Greater
cyclopes, however, can be approached with gifts suitable to their size and


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Darkling

Darkling of 4th level thieves, and can also detect magic at will (15’ range). In darkness,
they have AC 0, but if illumination is somehow present, they are AC 8.
Darklings are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold
Creeper Stalker
Number 1 (2d4x10) 1
Morale +3 +4
Their chief magical power, however, is a special form of magical darkness
Hit Dice 1d10 2d10
with a 50’ range. Not only will the normal effects of a darkness spell be in
Armor Class 0 (8 in light) 0 (8 in light)
effect, but any non-magical light sources within the area of effect will actually
Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
be extinguished, and cannot be re-lit for an entire hour. Magical light sources
Magic Standard Standard
are entitled to a saving throw vs. frost. Failure indicates they too are
extinguished for an hour. Infravision will be ineffective during the magical
No. of Attacks 1 1
darkness. During this time, the darklings will attempt to permanently destroy
Damage 1d4 1d6
any sources of light, as well as stealing any small magic items that might be
Defenses Death flash Death flash
Attacks Darkness Darkness
Weaknesses Light Light
Stalkers can, in addition to all the powers they share with creepers, create a
Size S (4’) M
wall of fog twice per day.
Intelligence 8 10
Alignment Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral
If slain, creepers will explode in a blinding flash of light that completely
Treasure Type Special Special
incinerates the body and anything carried; metal objects (including magic)
Treasure Value See below See below
must make a saving throw vs. magical fire to survive the inferno. Any creatures
Magical See below See below
within 10’ must make a saving throw vs. magic or be blinded for 1d6x10
minutes. Stalkers will also explode on death, but the blast will be equal to a
X.P. Value 110 + 2/h.p. 200 + 3/h.p.
3HD fireball spell.
General: Darklings are a race
Appearance: Darklings are humanoid, with pale skin. They wrap themselves
that dwells far beneath the
in layer upon layer of dark clothing, however, so little of their features are ever
ground. Their abiding interest
seen. They speak their own tongue as well as common and the sign-language
is to maintain the darkness of
of undercommon.
their environment; because of
this they will actively attack
any intruders that come Death Palm
bearing light, whether magical
or mundane. They are usually Number 1d6
discovered singly, although if Morale n/a
a darkling village is Hit Dice 3d12
encountered, there will be the Armor Class 8
larger number of individuals Move 0
indicated above (25% of Magic Resistance Standard
whom will be females, but as No. of Attacks 0
they fight just as do the males, Damage n/a
the distinction is usually only a Defenses None
formality). In their villages, the Attacks Poison sap
creepers will be led by one Weaknesses None
stalker for every 25 creepers, Size L (8-13’ tall)
who are the same in most Intelligence 0
respects except as noted Alignment Neutral
below. Darklings covet small Treasure Type None
magical items above all other Treasure Value n/a
treasure, and thus have their Magical Treasure None
own special means of X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p.
determining treasure.
General: These feared plants are found in most temperate and sub-tropical
Treasure Creeper Stalker regions.
Magic dagger 15% 0%
Magic short sword 0% 25% Combat: Death palms do not attack conventionally. Rather, creatures passing
Magic ring 5% 7% beneath the tree’s fronds have a 25% chance of being struck by the poisonous
1d4 gems or 1d2 jewelry 10% 12% sap released by the flowers as they sense movement beneath them. Any
creature struck by the sap must make a saving throw vs. poison or die instantly.
Example: Any given darkling creeper will have a 15% chance of having a
magic dagger, a 5% chance of having a magic ring, and a 10% chance of Appearance: Death palms are tall trees with fern-like fronds at their top. They
having 1d4 gems or 1d2 pieces of jewelry (but not both). A darkling village have no branches and smooth, scale-like silvery bark. Intermingled with the
will also have 5d10 g.p. and 1d100 p.p. fronds are a number of violet flowers which contain the poison sap. The base
of the tree is ringed with a bright green moss which is actually the root system
Combat: Creepers attack with daggers, while stalkers use swords (each will of the plant, which absorbs the nutrients of victims as they decay.
use a magical weapon of that type if possessed). All darklings have the skills


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Deep Buffalo Die Roll

(d3) Curse
See buffalo, deep (p. 26). 1 Always hit by enemies
2 Always fail saving throws
3 Always lose all treasure before x.p. can be awarded
This curse can be removed by the spell remove curse, but the victim will then
Number 1 lose 1 point of charisma, permanently.
Morale n/a
Hit Dice n/a (50 h.p.) Once the skull has gone through one howl/soul-stealing cycle, it will settle back
Armor Class -6 (but see below) to the ground. If touched again, it will repeat the cycle until either no enemies
Move See below remain or the skull itself is physically destroyed. It is only vulnerable to the
Magic Resistance Standard following attack forms, as indicated:
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a Attack Type Effect
Defenses See below
Exorcise, forget spells Skull will sink back to the ground
Attacks See below
without howling or soul-stealing
Weaknesses Holy water
Any character with a weapon of Inflicts 1 h.p. of damage
Size S (1’)
+4 or greater enchantment or a
Intelligence 20
weapon of disruption
Alignment Neutral evil
Dispel evil spell Inflicts 1d4+4 h.p. of damage
Treasure Type VII
Shatter spell Inflicts 3d6 h.p. of damage
Treasure Value 1d6x10,000
Holy word spell Inflicts 5d6 h.p. of damage
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%)
Fighter, cavalier, or sub-class with Inflicts normal damage
X.P. Value 6,750
a vorpal, sharpness, or +5
weapon; or a paladin with a
General: Even though liches (see p. 146) are undead and do not, by definition,
vorpal or +4 weapon
age, they are not immune to the natural forces of entropy and, ultimately,
Power word, kill spell cast by Destroys the skull
ennui. Eventually the body of the lich succumbs to the wear of aeons, and the
someone who is either astral or
mind of the lich wanders ocross planes of existence far removed from the
material, in search of knowledge the very nature of which is literally
incomprehensible to mere mortals. What remains is a demi-lich, which is still
Once the skull is destroyed, each of the gems that contains the soul of an
in and of itself quite dangerous to any who stumble across it. They are
enemy must make a saving throw vs. spells (as if the person trapped within
considered to be corporeal undead. They are found deep beneath the earth in
were making the saving throw). If the saving throw fails, the gem is also
their final resting places, usually surrounded by traps both magical and
destroyed and the soul within is forever lost. If the saving throw is successful,
the soul within is intact (the gem will glow with a faint light, and a gem of
seeing, true sight spell, etc. will show the tiny figure trapped within). If the gem
Combat: Demi-liches do not attack conventionally. If the final resting place is
is crushed, the soul is freed, but unless a soulless body (clone, etc.) is at hand,
entered, the dust of its bones will swirl into a vaguely humanoid shape with all
will simply transit to one of the outer planes to live out its afterlife.
the powers of a wraith (see p. 248). The wraith-form has no hit points of its
own, however, and cannot be damaged, although it can itself attack and will
If the bones and dust of the demilich are not sprinkled with holy water, the
react as if it were harmed, even though it is just an act. Only the destruction of
creature will re-form in 1d10 days.
the demi-lich’s mortal remains can dispel it (see below). Count each physical
attack and spell-level attack inflicted on the wraith form. Once the count equals
Appearance: A demi-lich appears as a pile of dust with possibly a few bones
50, the wraith-form will instead become a ghost-form, with all the powers of a
and always a skull festooned with 1d4+4 gems. It is these gems that hold the
ghost (see p. 93) and the same stricture about not suffering damage itself, but
trapped souls of its enemies that are not slain outright.
being able to inflict damage. Neither the wraith-form nor the ghost-form of the
demi-lich can be turned by a cleric (nor can the demi-lich itself, for that matter).

The only thing truly vulnerable (if it can be called that) about the demi-lich are
its few mortal remains; its skull and those few mouldering bones that remain.
If the skull itself is touched, it will rise into the air and issue forth a blood-
curdling howl. All creatures within 20’ of the skull must make a saving throw
vs. spells or die instantly. This howl lasts for the first round after the skull is
touched. On the following round, the skull of the demi-lich will absorb the soul
of the most powerful enemy within 100’, storing it in one of the 1d4+4 gems
adorning its skull. No saving throw is allowed against this attack, and the body
of the victim will moulder to corruption within a minute of the soul being
trapped. An amulet of life protection will mean the character simply is slain
rather than having his life-force stolen and held in one of the gems. Once all
the gems are filled, the demi-lich cannot make such an attack any more, but
will curse the next-most-powerful character:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Demonic Knight

Demonic Knight In addition, they can employ the following powers, as indicated, as if they
were 20th level spellcasters, as applicable:
Number 1
Morale +15 • Detect invisibility at will
Hit Dice 9d10 • Detect magic at will
Armor Class 0 • Dispel magic twice per day
Move 90’/min. • Fear, 5’ radius (constant)
Magic Resistance O • Fireball (20 HD) once per day
No. of Attacks 1 • Gate twice per day:
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Magic use Die Roll
Attacks Magic use (d%) Result of Gat e
Weaknesses Holy water 01-25 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again
Size M 26-40 Vrock demon
Intelligence 10-18 41-59 Glabrezu demon
Alignment Chaotic evil 60-82 Hezrou demon
Treasure Type None 83-97 Nalfeshnee demon
Treasure Value n/a 98-00 Balor demon
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 3,700 + 16/h.p. • Power word (any) once per day
• Symbol of pain/fear once per day
• Wall of ice at will

When rolling to see if the demonic knight’s magic resistance is effective, if the
roll is 11 or lower (and successful), the magic will not only not affect the
demonic knight, but will rebound and affect the caster instead.

Appearance: Demonic knights are skeletal creatures with glowing green eyes,
but their physical form is usually concealed beneath ornate armor and helm.
They speak 1d4+2 languages in addition to the common tongue.


Warrior Corporal Sergeant

Number 3d10 See below See below
Morale ±0 +1 +2
Hit Dice 3d8 4d8 5d8
Armor Class 6 4 3
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance D D D
No. of Attacks 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2
Damage Per weapon Per weapon Per weapon
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None None
Weaknesses Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Size S (4’) S (4’) S (4’)
Intelligence 12 13 14
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 50+3/h.p. 85+4/h.p. 130+5/h.p.

General: Demonic knights are an extremely rare type of lich who were in life
fallen paladins; they are thus in the category of the corporeal undead. They
can control undead as if they were 6th level clerics themselves, but cannot
themselves be turned, even though they are undead. Once every 10 years they
can summon a nightmare (see p. 414) to serve as a steed.

Combat: Demonic knights attack with weapons, usually a sword (80% chance
that the demonic knight will have an enchanted sword of some kind). They
have a strength score of 18/00, and so have a +3 bonus “to hit” and +6 to
damage. No matter what type of armor they wear, they will always be AC 0.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Lieutenant Captain Student/Savant corporals, and sergeants will wear brigandine armor, while higher-level derro
Number See below See below See below will wear leather lamellar.
Morale +3 +4 +3 or +5
Hit Dice 6d8 7d8 4d8-8d8 In their underground lairs, there will always be 3d4+30 warriors plus the usual
Armor Class 2 2 2 number of corporals, sergeants, etc., as well as 1d3 savants, 1d4+1 students,
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min. 1d10+30 human slaves (80% female), as well as either 1d3 gargoyles (70%
Magic Resistance D D D chance, see p. 90) or a lamia (30% chance, see p. 142) as guardians and
No. of Attacks 1 or 2 1 or 2 1 or 2 allies.
Damage Per weapon Per weapon Per weapon
Defenses None None Magic use Savants (not to be confused with the character class of savant) are the rulers
Attacks None None None of the derro, powerful spellcasters with vast knowledge, most of which has
Weaknesses Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight been lost to the sages of the surface world. Savants have 1d4+4 hit dice (d8
Size S (4’) S (4’) S (4’) type). Their apprentices are known as students, and have 1d4+3 hit dice (also
Intelligence 15 16 17-18 d8 type). Both savants and students are able to cast spells as if they were 12th
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil level spellcasters. Savants can cast 1d3+6 of these spells, while students can
Treasure Type None None None only cast 1d3 (roll randomly to determine which spell any given savant or
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a student knows, re-rolling duplicates):
Magical Treasure None None See below
X.P. Value 225+6/h.p. 350+8/h.p. 125+4/h.p. Die Roll (d20) Spell Known to the Savant/Student
165+5/h.p. 1 Affect normal fires
275+6/h.p. 2 Anti-magic shell
400+8/h.p. 3 Blink
950+10/h.p. 4 Charm person
5 Cloudkill
General: Derro (the name is both singular and plural) are a subterranean race, 7 Hypnotic pattern
led by their brutally intelligent savants. They are nauseated by sunlight, but 8 Ice storm
sometimes will raid the surface world at night, seeking slaves, some of which 9 Invisibility
are rumored to be used in grisly feasts as well. The derro are insidious, with 10 Levitate
their savants forever plotting and planning to bring themselves and their 11 Light
minions to dominance over the entire world. They have infravision with a 30’ 12 Lightning bolt
range, but ultravision with 120’ range. 13 Minor creation
14 Paralyzation
15 Repulsion
16 Shadow magic
17 Spider climb
18 Ventriloquism
19 Wall of fog
20 Wall of force

Savants have the scholarship secondary skill with 1d3+3 skill levels, while
students have but 1 skill level. Determine the areas of specialization randomly
or as appropriate to the needs of the campaign. Both savants and students can
use any magic item regardless of class restrictions; students can use any magic
item not reserved to fighters or cavaliers only.

Derro savants will have 1d2+1 magic items, while students will have one. The
type of item(s) possessed should be determined randomly:

Die Roll (d%) Student Savant

01-11 Enchanted armor (+1 max., up to brigandine type)
12-22 Enchanted shield (+1 max)
Most often encountered are derro warriors, but higher-level derro will also be 23-33 Enchanted sword (+3 max)
encountered on occasion, as indicated below. Where applicable, these 34-44 Enchanted weapon (+3 max)
additional individuals are cumulative: 45-55 Potion
56-66 Ring
Condition Additional Individuals 67-77 Scroll
For every 3 warriors 1 corporal 78-88 Potion Wand
For every 6 warriors 1 sergeant 89-00 Scroll Wondrous item
10 or more warriors 1 lieutenant and 1 captain
20 or more warriors 1 savant and 2 students (see below) Combat: Derro attack with their weapons. They will be armed as follows:

Note that all derro have high dexterity scores; warriors have 15, corporals
have 16, sergeants have 17, and all higher--level derro have 18. These scores
have been factored into the armor class figures given above. Warriors,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Devil Dog

Die Roll Dire Corby

(d%) Armed with…
01-45 Repeating light crossbow and dagger Number 1d12
46-70 Hook fauchard and dagger Morale n/a
71-85 Aklys, spiked buckler (-1 bonus to AC), and dagger Hit Dice 2d8
86-00 Spear, military pick, spiked buckler (-1 bonus to AC) Armor Class 6
Move 120’/min.
Crossbow bolts will have their tips coated in poison; anyone struck by one Magic Resistance Standard
must make a saving throw vs. poison or take an additional 2d6 h.p. of No. of Attacks 2
damage. Damage 1d6/1d6
Defenses None
While in sunlight, derro get a -1 penalty “to hit” and to their own armor class. Attacks None
Derro are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold Weaknesses None
person. Size M
Intelligence 6
Appearance: Derro look like muscular humans, somewhat shorter in stature. Alignment Neutral evil
They have pale hair and skin, the latter approaching almost a light blue, due Treasure Type XII (rubies)
to their lightless existence. Their eyes are disproportionately large. They speak Treasure Value 1d10x10
their own tongue, common, and the common sign-language of the underworld, Magical Treasure n/a
undercommon. X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.

Devil Dog General: Dire corbies

are a race of flightless
Number 4d4 birds that dwell deep
Morale +4 beneath the ground,
Hit Dice 6d8 usually in large caverns.
Armor Class 6 They are completely
Move 120’/min., 300’/min. (sprinting) fearless, and will always
Magic Resistance Standard fight to the death.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4 Combat: Dire corbies attack
Defenses Camouflage with their fierce claws.
Attacks Throat bite, fear They need never check
Weaknesses None morale.
Size S (3’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 9 Appearance: Dire
Alignment Chaotic evil corbies are humanoid in
Treasure Type None appearance, covered in black
Treasure Value n/a feathers, and their forelimbs are now more like arms than wings. Their
Magical Treasure n/a language is primitive at best, and they are known for their battle cry which
X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p. sounds like “Doom! Doom!” to human ears).

General: Devil dogs are found in frigid climates. They are pack hunters and Dire Squirrel
are quite voracious, always on the hunt for food.
Regular Flying
Combat: Devil dogs attack with their bite. If they score a natural 20, or roll 4 Number 1d12 3d6
or more greater than the minimum number needed to hit, they will have Morale -3 -4
clamped their jaws on the throat of the victim. Those whose throats are thus Hit Dice 1d10 1d6
attacked will take double damage and go into a coma from loss of oxygen for Armor Class 6 7
2d4x10 minutes. If, within that time, magical healing of some sort (equivalent Move 120’/min. 90’/min., 150’/min. (gliding -
to a cure light wounds spell or better) is not provided, the victim will die. clumsy)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
While in combat or when chasing prey, devil dogs will emit a keening howl No. of Attacks 1 1
which will cause fear in all creatures with fewer than 3 hit dice (or under 3rd Damage 1d3 1d2
level), with a saving throw vs. magic allowed with a penalty of -4. Defenses None None
Attacks None Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
Devil dogs can sprint 300’/min. for 30 minutes, after which they must trot at Weaknesses None None
a mere 120’/min. for an additional 30 minutes. They may then sprint again. Size S (2’ long) S (6” long)
Due to their coloration, they cannot be seen in snowy conditions at ranges Intelligence 3 1
greater than 30’. Alignment Neutral evil Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Appearance: Devil dogs are pure white dogs with piercing blue eyes. Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Dog, Two-headed
General: Squirrels of all sorts can be found throughout the woodlands of the
world. Dire squirrels are generally found only in ancient and evil forests, as Number 5d10
befits their own dark nature, and will attack travelers and any other creature Morale +2
they deem to be weak and helpless, although they are vegetarians and do so Hit Dice 2d10
only out of malice. Squirrel nests will be in hollows of trees 20’ or more off the Armor Class 7
ground. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Dire flying squirrels can glide by means of flaps of skin connecting their No. of Attacks 2
forelimbs and rear legs. They can glide for a range of 5’ for every foot of Damage 1d10/1d10
altitude whence they jump. They will only attack if they outnumber prey by 2 Defenses None
to 1 or better, and enemies get a -2 penalty to surprise rolls. If the flying Attacks Disease
squirrels gain surprise on opponents, they attack as 2d8 HD creatures on that Weaknesses None
initial attack. Size M (4’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 1
Combat: Squirrels attack with their bite. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Appearance: Dire squirrels are furry black rodents with bushy tails. The flying Treasure Value n/a
variety are much smaller than their regular cousins. Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p.
General: Two-headed dogs are found in arid regions or occasionally in dry
War Dog Wild Dog deserted ruins. They will usually (85%) attack on sight.
Number 1d4 4d4
Morale +3 +1 Combat: Each of the two-headed dog’s two heads can attack a separate
Hit Dice 2d10 1d8 target, as long as both are “in melee” with the creature. The bite of the two-
Armor Class 6 7 headed dog carries disease; those so bitten must make a saving throw vs.
Move 120’/min. 150’/min. poison. Failure indicates they have contracted a rotting disease which will
Magic Resistance Standard Standard prove fatal in 4d6 days. A cure disease spell will remove the affliction.
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 2d4 1d4 Appearance: Two-headed dogs look like large wild dogs, but with two heads.
Defenses None None
Attacks None None Donkey
Weaknesses None None
Size M S Number 1
Intelligence 3 3 Morale +2
Alignment Neutral Neutral Hit Dice 1d8
Treasure Type None None Armor Class 7
Treasure Value n/a n/a Move 180’/min.
Magical Treasure None None Magic Resistance Standard
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p. No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3
General: War dogs are large domestic breeds that are specially trained for Defenses None
combat, and fitted with special armor of leather. Wild dogs are found in most Attacks None
regions. If separated from their pack when young, they can be tamed. Weaknesses None
Size M
Combat: Dogs attack with their bite. Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Appearance: War dogs are usually large breeds. Wild dogs can be of almost Treasure Type None
any breed, mostly mixed. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
See also: cooshie (elven dog), p. 38. X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.

General: Donkeys are found in almost every climate, and are used as draft
animals and occasionally as mounts. Loud and sudden noises, smells, fire, etc.
will panic donkeys 90% of the time.

Donkeys can move at full speed carrying up to 200 pounds, and half speed
up to 750 pounds, but cannot carry more than that.

Combat: Donkeys attack with a bite.

Appearance: Donkeys come in a variety of colors and sizes, and some have
longer hair, some shorter, depending on breed.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Doppelgänger

Doppelgänger Dowsing Bug

Number 3d4 Number 4d10 (30d10x10 in lair)

Morale -2 Morale -2
Hit Dice 4d8 Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 3
Move 90’/min. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d12 or by weapon Damage 1d3
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks Enemies get -2 penalty to surprise rolls Attacks Constitution drain
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M Size S (2”)
Intelligence 13 Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III Treasure Type 1d4 gems, 25% chance of 1d6x100 g.p.
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 Treasure Value Special (see above)
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 330 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p.

General: Doppelgängers are shape-shifting creatures, able to assume the form General: Dowsing bugs are tiny insects that are quite innocuous, and are found
of any roughly humanoid creature from 4-8’ in height. Their modus operandi on the outer edges of desert regions. They are greatly prized by desert-
is to imitate a victim, slay him secretly, and take his place, then continue the dwellers, however, as their antennae will vibrate and hum if within 120’ of a
process until the entire party is slain. If it is unable to do so, it will simply attack source of water. They will only attack if disturbed (whether intentionally or
the party in the guise of one of the members, counting on the confusion thus accidentally).
engendered to increase its odds of survival.
Combat: Dowsing bugs attack with their pincers. Once they hit, the pincers
Combat: Without a weapon, doppelgängers strike with their fist. They can use will grip their flesh and further attacks are automatically successful. Each round
ESP at will and imitate others with a 90% chance of success. They are immune after the first, the pincers will cause bodily fluids to be drained away, losing 1
to all sleep and charm-type spells. They make all saving throws as if they were point of constitution every round. Even once the creature is slain, the pincers
10th level fighters. will continue their hold (and constitution loss will also continue) until removed;
doing so will inflict a final 1d4 h.p. of damage. If constitution falls beneath 3,
Appearance: The true form of the doppelgänger has never been seen, and the victim becomes unconscious. If it falls to 0, the victim is slain. A raise dead
some sages speculate they may not have one. When assuming the guise of spell will only restore half the victim’s original constitution score. Victims who
another, they mold their body to form its clothing and possessions. are not slain will recover 1 point of constitution per day.
Appearance: Dowsing bugs are small (2” long) insects that somewhat
resemble grasshoppers with large pincers at the tip of their abdomen. They
tend to be brightly colored; red, yellow, light blue, etc.


Number 1d2
Morale +7
Hit Dice 7d10
Armor Class 3
Move 90’/min., 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d6/1d6/3d4
Defenses 90% safe from gaze reflection, immune from certain
types of attack
Attacks Breath weapon, gaze attack
Weaknesses None
Size L (18’ long)
Intelligence 8
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 4d8x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (10%)
X.P. Value 2,200 + 12/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


saving throw vs. breath weapon). The “darkness” breath weapon of a half-
General: The umbral dragon will not do any damage, but will drain one experience level
feared dracolisk is a (or hit die, as appropriate) for 1 hour. Any spells lost as a result must be re-
cross-breed between an evil memorized.
dragon and a basilisk. It is
able to fly, but only for 20 Appearance: Dracolisks are smallish looking dragons with six legs. Their
minutes maximum before scales are a dull version of the color of their draconic parent.
needing to rest a similar
amount of time (during Dragon
which time it can
walk and There are various types of “true” dragon, and as a race they vary widely in
fight, just terms of strength and alignment. Generally speaking, those with a metallic
not fly). name are of good alignment, those of a chromatic color are evil, and those
relating to clouds and vapor are neutral. Dragons are, by their nature,
Combat: Every dracolisk is able to rapacious and greedy, even those of good alignment. Most sorts of dragons,
attack with its two front claws and bite. However, it is also able to turn victims even those of good alignment and noble temperament, can thus be flattered
to stone with a gaze attack (save vs. petrification or become stone). In addition, and tempted with promises of additional treasure.
the dracolisk is able to use a breath weapon, and is immune to certain types
of attack, depending on its draconic parentage. If not already known, the Size: All dragons have three size categories, which in turn determines how
dragon parent of the dracolisk should be determined randomly: many hit dice they have (each entry has three numbers listed; one for small,
one for average, and one for huge specimens). If necessary, determine size
Die Roll Dragon randomly:
(d6) Type Breath Weapon Immune to…
1 Black Acid, 60’ Acid Die Roll (d8) Size
2 Blue Lightning, 60’ Electricity 1-2 Small
3 Green Chlorine gas, 30’ Poison 3-7 Average
4 Red Fire, 30’ Heat 8 Huge
5 Umbral Darkness, 60’ Level drain
6 White Frost, 30’ Cold Age: The hit die type as well as other characteristics of the creature is
determined by its age:
The breath weapon of a dracolisk is a jet 2’ wide and the indicated length. It
will do 4d6 h.p. of damage (half damage if the victim makes a successful

Die Roll Morale Dr agonf ea r Saving Chance of Spell Treasure

(d8) Age Hit Die Type Modifier Throw Bonus Spellcasting Caster Level Multiplier
1 Very young (1-5 yrs.) d4 (1 h.p. per die) -2 n/a 0% n/a 10%
2 Young (6-15 yrs.) d4 ±0 n/a 10% 1d3 25%
3 Sub-adult (16-25 yrs.) d6 +2 n/a 20% 1d6 50%
4 Young adult (26-50 yrs.) d8 +4 n/a 40% 2d4 100%
5 Adult (51-100 yrs.) d10 +8 +5 80% 2d6+2 100%
6 Old (101-200 yrs.) d12 +12 +3 100% 3d6 100%
7 Very old (201-400 yrs.) d12 (re-roll +16 +1 100% 3d6+3 150%
anything below 7)
8 Ancient (401+ yrs.) d12 (re-roll +20 ±0 100% 4d6 200%
anything below 9)

The treasure modifier is used both to determine whether or not a dragon has Hit Character
any treasure at all, and if so, how much treasure it has. Thus, a sub-adult Dice Level Dr agonf ea r Effect
dragon has a 50% chance of having 50% of the listed treasure in its horde. 1d4-1d6 Commoner Flee in blind panic for 4d6x10 minutes.
1d8-3d6 1-2 Save vs. magic or be paralyzed with fear
All dragons have the following powers and abilities: (50%) for 10d6 minutes or otherwise flee in
blind panic 4d6x10 minutes.
• Detect invisibility or hidden creatures (10’ range per age group) 3d8-6d6 3-5 Save vs. magic or have a -1 penalty “to hit”
• Infravision (60’ range) and to damage.
• Inspire dragonfear when charging or overflying (see below for 6d8+ 6+ No effect
Adult and older dragons are also themselves immune to magical fear of any
Dragonfear: When a dragon of adult age or older charges or flies overhead, sort.
it inspires what is known as dragonfear. The effect of the dragonfear will
depend on the hit dice of the creature or the level of the character affected. Sleeping dragons: Most dragons, even those of good alignment, tend to sleep
atop vast piles of treasure in their lairs. Only in such an environment is there a
chance that any given dragon will be asleep (see the individual dragon
descriptions for the chance that the dragon will be asleep when encountered).
Dragons will awaken at any noise within 30-120’, however, depending on the
volume of the sound and any intervening structures. Bashing open a door,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon

sounds of combat, and even regular talking will usually be enough to awaken Black Dragon
the dragon. Dragons will awaken anyway when intruders enter their lair on a
roll of 6 on 1d6. If a dragon is sleeping when attacked, the attackers get a Number 1d4
bonus of +3 “to hit” on the first strike only; after that, the dragon will be awake Morale See above
and the bonus is lost. Hit Dice 6-8
Armor Class 3
Mated pairs: If more than one dragon is encountered, they will consist of a Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
mated pair, and any dragons after the first two will be their young (adjust age Magic Resistance Standard
rolls appropriately). If the young or the other adult in a mated pair are attacked No. of Attacks 6
in front of an adult dragon, the adults will immediately use their breath Damage 1d4/1d4/3d6/1d6/1d4/1d4
weapons and then attack with claws, tails, and teeth with a +2 bonus “to hit” Defenses Immune to acid, possible immunity to fear
and damage. Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Weaknesses Earth-, water-based attacks
Spellcasting: All dragons have a chance to cast spells, as indicated above. If Size L (25-35’ long)
a given dragon is a spellcaster, roll to see what level caster the dragon is. The Intelligence 10
type of spellcaster will depend on the type of dragon; see the individual dragon Alignment Neutral evil
type descriptions for details. Due to their innate magical natures, dragon Treasure Type XVIII
spellcasters do not need or use spell books or material components, even if Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
they cast spells as mages or their sub-classes. All dragons are able to Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%)
polymorph self twice per day (once into the chosen form - for a duration of 12 X.P. Value See above
hours maximum - and once back to dragon form).

Treasure: All dragons amass treasure. The treasure multiplier in the table above
refers only to the treasure value for the creature, not the chance or number of
any magical items that might be present in its hoard.

Combat: In combat, dragons use their fore claws, bite, tail, and rear claws.
The tail and rear claws can only be used against targets in the flank or rear of
the beast, unless it is flying and dives down on targets on the ground, in which
case they can use all six attacks against various targets. There is a 50% chance
that a dragon will use its fearsome breath weapon rather than its claws, tail,
and teeth. Unless otherwise noted, the breath weapon does a number of points
o damage equal to the dragon’s current hit point total (targets are entitled to
a saving throw vs. breath weapon to take half damage, rounded up). Dragons
may use their breath weapons as often as they wish.

In the air, dragons can either attack with their bite or claws, not both. They
can, however, breathe and then attack with tooth or talon in the same round.

All dragons are able to speak their own tongue, which is understood by all
dragonkind. They are also able to speak the common tongue, but sometimes
only haltingly. General: Black dragons inhabit swamps and marshland, typically making their
lair in deep caves. If encountered in its lair, there is a 50% chance that any
Unfortunately, due to the high number of variables, it is impossible to give a particular dragon will be sleeping. Black dragons who are able, cast spells as
standard experience point (X.P.) value for dragons. The game master must use if they were mages.
the formula on p. 439 to calculate the value of each individual dragon. Detect
invisible objects counts as a minor power, while dragonfear, spellcasting Combat: Black dragons attack as indicated above. They can also use their
ability, and the dragon’s breath weapon count as major powers. You should terrible breath weapon at will: a jet of highly corrosive acid some 5’ wide and
also apply the bonuses for such things as the maximum damage the dragon 60’ long. They are themselves immune to acids and corrosives of all kinds, but
can inflict and its armor class, if applicable. when attacked by earth- or water-based creatures or magic (elementals, umber
hulks, spike stones, etc.) those doing so get a +1 bonus both “to hit” and to
See also: faerie dragon (p. 59), dragonnel (p. 66), dragon turtle (p. 260), and damage.
extra-planar dragons (p. 385).
Appearance: Black dragons have fan-shaped wings and sport two straight
horns which point forward on their foreheads. They have a fan on their head
that goes down the back of their neck. Their snouts are somewhat rounded,
and their tails end in a diamond shape.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Blue Dragon

Number 1d4
Morale See above
Hit Dice 7-9
Armor Class 2
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 6
Damage 1d6/1d6/3d8/1d12/1d6/1d6
Defenses Immune to electricity, possible immunity to fear
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Weaknesses Fire
Size L (37-47’ long)
Intelligence 12
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XVIII
General: Brass dragons dwell in deep caverns in sandy desert terrain. They
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
are fond of conversation and tend to have an even more inflated ego than
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%)
most dragons. If encountered in their lair, there is a 50% chance that any given
X.P. Value See above
brass dragon will be asleep. Brass dragons, if they are able, cast spells as if
they were clerics.
General: Blue dragons typically
inhabit arid deserts and badlands,
Combat: Brass dragons attack as described above. They have two different
usually finding a deep cave
breath weapons, either of which they may use at will. The first is a cloud of
or cavern in which to make
fear gas some 40’ wide, 50’ deep, and 20’ high. Creatures within the cloud
their lair. If encountered in its
must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Failure indicates the creature
lair, there is a 30% chance that
flees in panic for 2d12 rounds. The second is a cone of sleep gas 70’ long
any given dragon will be
and 20’ wide at the base. Any creature within the cloud must make a saving
sleeping. Blue dragons
throw vs. breath weapon or fall asleep for 1d6+4 minutes.
who are able, cast spells
as if they were illusionists.
Appearance: Brass dragons have fan-shaped wings and thick tails. Their
heads are crowned by a pair of bony frills at the base of the skull and they
Combat: Blue dragons attack
have a thick bone ridge on the top of their head. Their snouts are pointed.
as indicated above. Their
breath weapon is a massive bolt of
Bronze Dragon
lightning 5’ wide and 100’ long. They are immune to electrical attacks of all
types, but are vulnerable to attacks by fire. Fire attacks get an automatic +1
Number 1d4
“to hit” and to damage against them.
Morale See above
Hit Dice 8-10
Appearance: Blue dragons have bat-shaped wings and a single prominent
Armor Class 2
horn on their nose. They have a series of triangular ridges down their neck
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
and back. Their snouts are round.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 6
Brass Dragon
Damage 1d4/1d4/4d4/1d8/1d4/1d4
Defenses Immune to electricity, possible immunity to fear
Number 1d4
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Morale See above
Weaknesses Fire based attacks
Hit Dice 6-8
Size L (37‘-47’ long)
Armor Class 2
Intelligence 16
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
Alignment Lawful good
Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Type XVIII
No. of Attacks 6
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Damage 1d4/1d4/4d4/1d8/1d4/1d4
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
Defenses Possible immunity to fear
X.P. Value See above
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Weaknesses None
Size L (25‘-35’ long)
General: Bronze dragons dwell in regions close to large lakes or oceans, as
Intelligence 14
with other types of dragons finding large caverns in which to actually lair. If
Alignment Chaotic good
encountered in its lair, there is a 25% chance that any given dragon will be
Treasure Type XVIII
asleep. If they are able, bronze dragons cast spells as if they were mystics.
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%)
Combat: Bronze dragons attack as described above. They have two different
X.P. Value See above
breath weapons, either of which can be used as they wish. The first is a
lightning bolt 5’ wide and 100’ long. All creatures struck by it are entitled to
a saving throw vs. breath weapon to sustain only half damage. The second is


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon

a cloud of repulsion gas 20’ long, 30’ wide, and 30’ high. Any creature in chance). They are intensely solitary creatures, and only 5% of the time will they
the cloud who fails its saving throw vs. dragon breath must move away from be encountered as a mated pair. In such a case, add 4 to the roll to determine
the dragon at its normal movement rate for 6 minutes, even after leaving the age category, if appropriate. If in their lair, there is a 30% chance that any
cloud. They are immune to all electrical attacks, but are vulnerable to fire-based given dragon will be asleep. Spellcasting cloud dragons will be druids, and
attacks. Fire attacks get an automatic +1 “to hit” and to damage against them. will favor such spells as cloudburst and precipitation.

Appearance: Bronze dragons have fan-like wings and thin tails. They have a Cloud dragons are able to assume the form of a cloud at will. In such a state
fan running all the length of their body starting at the top of the neck, and have they have an armor class of -3, a magic resistance of H, and can fly as
two frills on either side of their face. They have pointed snouts. indicated (even against strong winds, albeit slower when flying into a head
wind). They cannot attack conventionally while in cloud form, and are
distinguishable from a normal cloud only 25% of the time. They can only fly in
cloud form, but do not inspire dragonfear while doing so.

Combat: Cloud dragons attack as described above. Their breath weapon is

an air blast, which can be used three times per day. It is 30’ wide, 30’ high,
and 10’ long per hit die of the dragon. Those who have some solid anchor to
hold onto may add their carrying capacity bonus, as determined by their
strength. Any creature weighing less will be battered about, sustaining
damage equal to the hit points of the dragon, having papers, scrolls, and other
small items torn from hands, hats from heads, etc. Creatures weighing more
than 10 lbs per hit point of the dragon will take half damage. Only creatures
on the very edge of the air blast’s effect are entitled to a saving throw; if
successful, they will only take half damage. Creatures will be blown back 1d6
feet per hit die of the dragon, and small objects will be blown back 20d10
Cloud Dragon
Appearance: Cloud dragons do not have wings, but do have enormous fans
that spread back from either side of their heads. Their coloration will change
Number 1 (95% chance), 2 (5% chance)
with their mood; the dark gray of a thundercloud if angered or upset, pearly
Morale See above
white if normal, and tinged with rose as if struck by the rays of dawn if pleased
Hit Dice 12-14
or happy.
Armor Class 0 or -3
Move 60’/min., 390’/min. (flying - average)
Copper Dragon
Magic Resistance Standard or H
No. of Attacks 6
Number 1d4
Damage 1d10/1d10/3d12/3d4/1d10/1d10
Morale See above
Defenses Cloud form
Hit Dice 8-10
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Armor Class 2
Weaknesses None
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
Size L (56’-66’ long)
Magic Resistance Standard
Intelligence 18
No. of Attacks 6
Alignment Neutral
Damage 1d4/1d4/5d4/1d8/1d4/1d4
Treasure Type XVIII
Defenses Immune to acid, possible immunity to fear
Treasure Value 1d6+2x10,000
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Magical Treasure 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d6 items (55%)
Weaknesses Earth- or water-based attacks
X.P. Value See above
Size L (31‘-41’ long)
Intelligence 14
Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%)
X.P. Value See above

General: Copper dragons dwell in deep caves in the midst of rocky arid
regions and badlands. If encountered in its lair, there is a 40% chance that
any given copper dragon will be asleep. Copper dragons, if able to cast
spells, do so as if they were mages. They are noted for their greed.

Combat: In melee, copper dragons attack as described above. They have two
breath weapons from which they can choose. The first is a jet of highly
corrosive acid some 5’ wide and 70’ long. The second is a cloud of slowing
General: Cloud dragons dwell either in magical cloud islands (75% chance) gas 30’ long, 20’ wide, and 20’ high. Any creature within the cloud must
or in caves carved into inaccessible and mist-covered mountain peaks (25% make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or move and attack at half speed for


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


the next 6 minutes. Copper dragons are themselves immune to acid attacks and 30’ wide at its base. The second is a cloud of gas 50’ long, 40’ wide,
and slow spells, but they are vulnerable to earth- or water-based attacks. Any and 30’ high. All creatures within the cloud must make a saving throw vs.
such attacks from creatures or magic are made with a +1 bonus “to hit” and breath weapon or be charmed (as a charm person or charm monster spell, as
to damage done. applicable). Electrum dragons are immune to fire and charm attacks
themselves, but are vulnerable to earth and water based attacks. Such attacks
Appearance: Copper dragons have fan-like wings and whip-like tails. Their are made against them with a bonus of +1 ”to hit” and to damage.
snouts are pointed, they have scaly frills on both cheeks, and they have two
large horns that sweep back from their heads. Appearance: Electrum dragons have bat-shaped wings and long whip-like
tails. They have small horns on their temples and beak-like snouts.

Fog Dragon

Number 1d3
Morale See above
Hit Dice 9-11
Armor Class 2 or 0
Move 60’/min., 390’/min. (flying - average)
Electrum Dragon Magic Resistance Standard or C
No. of Attacks 6
Number 1d4 Damage 1d8/1d8/3d8/2d4/1d8/1d8
Morale See above Defenses Fog form
Hit Dice 10-12 Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Armor Class 0 Weaknesses None
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy) Size L (48’-58’ long)
Magic Resistance Standard Intelligence 18
No. of Attacks 6 Alignment Chaotic neutral
Damage 1d8/1d8/6d6/1d12/1d8/1d8 Treasure Type XVIII
Defenses Immune to fire, possible immunity to fear Treasure Value 1d4x12,000
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells Magical Treasure 1d4 items (50%), 1 weapon (20%), 1d4 potions (45%)
Weaknesses Earth or water based attacks X.P. Value See above
Size L (49‘-59’ long)
Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 4d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value See above

General: Electrum dragons are the mightiest of the good dragon types,
dwelling in all terrains and climates, but always in deep caverns or castles of
stone. If encountered in its lair, there is a 20% chance that any given electrum
dragon will be asleep. If they are capable of casting spells, electrum dragons
will cast spells as if they were savants.

Combat: Electrum dragons fight in melee as described above. They also have General: Fog dragons inhabit lonely stretches of wilderness near the sea or
two breath weapons at their command; the first is a gout of flame 90’ long some other large body of water. In its lair, there is a 35% chance that any


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon

given fog dragon will be asleep. Those fog dragons that are spellcasters do General: Green dragons make their lairs in densely wooded regions, in a
so as if they were illusionists. They get along will with dragon turtles and most deep cave or cavern. If encountered in its lair, there is a 40% chance that any
other neutrally-aligned sea creatures. given green dragon will be asleep. If they are capable of casting spells, green
dragons will cast spells as clerics. They are noted for their short tempers.
Fog dragons are able to assume fog form at will, as long as they are within
10 miles of a large body of water. In such a state they have an armor class of Combat: Green dragons attack as noted above. Their breath weapon is a
0, a magic resistance of C, and can fly as indicated (even against strong poisonous cloud of chlorine gas 50’ long, 40’ wide, and 30’ high. They are
winds, albeit slower when flying into a head wind). They cannot attack immune to poisons and corrosives, but are vulnerable to air-based attacks.
conventionally while in fog form, and are distinguishable from ordinary fog Such attacks (from air elementals, etc.) are made with a +1 bonus ”to hit” and
only 25% of the time. They can only fly in fog form, but do not inspire to damage.
dragonfear while doing so.
Appearance: Green dragons have bat-like wings and a fan running along their
Combat: In melee, fog dragons attack as described above. Their breath length, from their foreheads to the base of their tail. The tail itself is whip-like,
weapon is a cloud of amnesia-causing fog in an oval some 20’ wide at its and the snout is pointed.
widest, 3’ wide at either end, 15’ high, and 5’ long per hit die of the dragon.
Anyone within this mist must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Those Mist Dragon
failing their saving throw will suffer amnesia, forgetting who they are, why they
are there, who their friends are, etc. Basic knowledge such as language, Number 1d6
culture, etc., is not lost. Skills are not lost, nor are class powers, but those struck Morale See above
by amnesia will not know that they know how to climb walls, track, etc., until Hit Dice 10-12
they try. Memorized spells are not lost, but the victim will not remember that Armor Class 1 or -2
he has them memorized in the first place! The effect will last for 10 minutes per Move 90’/min., 330’/min. (flying - average), 180’/min.
hit die of the dragon. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard or C
Appearance: Fog dragons have no wings, thick bodies, and spindly legs. They No. of Attacks 6
sport two spiral horns on their head and a wattle beneath their jaw. They are Damage 1d4/1d4/2d12/2d4/1d4/1d4
gray in color. Defenses Mist form
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Green Dragon Weaknesses None
Size L (46’-56’ long)
Number 1d4 Intelligence 16
Morale See above Alignment Lawful neutral
Hit Dice 7-9 Treasure Type XVIII
Armor Class 2 Treasure Value 1d8x10,000
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy) Magical Treasure 1d6 items (55%)
Magic Resistance Standard X.P. Value See above
No. of Attacks 6
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d10/1d8/1d6/1d6
Defenses Immune to poison, possible immunity to fear
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Weaknesses Air-based attacks
Size L (31’-41 long)
Intelligence 11
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%)
X.P. Value See above

General: Mist dragons dwell in wetlands, swamps, and marshes, usually

making their home in some cave that is at least semi-submerged. In their lair,
there is a 40% chance that any given mist dragon will be asleep. Those mist
dragons that are spellcasters do so as if they were clerics.

Mist dragons are able to assume mist form at will. In such a state they have an
armor class of -2, a magic resistance of C, and can fly as indicated (even
against strong winds, albeit slower when flying into a head wind). They cannot
attack conventionally while in mist form, and are distinguishable from ordinary
mist only 10% of the time. They can only fly in mist form, but do not inspire
dragonfear while doing so. While in normal dragon form, they can swim, but
not in mist form.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: In melee, mist dragons attack as described above. Their breath Appearance: Red dragons have bat-like wings and spade-ended tails. They
weapon is a cloud of mist some 30’ wide, 90’ long, and 30’ high. Any have frills on their jowls and triangular ridges from the base of their skull to the
creature within the area incapable of breathing water will be blinded for 1d4 base of their tail. Their snouts are pointed.
minutes, and must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Failure indicates
those within must take 3d4 h.p. of water damage per round. Those who Silver Dragon
successfully save will only take 1d4 h.p. of damage. The cloud will remain in
place for 1d4+4 rounds. Number 1d4
Morale See above
Appearance: Mist dragons have no wings. Their necks are long and graceful, Hit Dice 9-11
their heads spade-shaped, with fringes on either side of the face, facing Armor Class -1
backwards. They have a fan down the length of their back to the base of the Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
tail, which ends in a point. They are grayish white in color, paler on the Magic Resistance Standard
underside and darker along the spine. No. of Attacks 6
Damage 1d6/1d6/5d6/1d8/1d6/1d6
Red Dragon Defenses Immune to cold, possible immunity to fear
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Number 1d4 Weaknesses Electrical or fire-based attacks
Morale See above Size L (43’-53’ long)
Hit Dice 8-10 Intelligence 16
Armor Class -1 Alignment Chaotic good
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy) Treasure Type XVIII
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
No. of Attacks 6 Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
Damage 1d8/1d8/3d10/1d12/1d8/1d8 X.P. Value See above
Defenses Immune to fire, possible immunity to fear
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Weaknesses Earth- or water-based attacks
Size L (43’-53’ long)
Intelligence 16
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value See above

General: Silver dragons dwell in caves on mountaintops, or in magical cloud

fortresses. If encountered in its lair, there is a 15% chance that any given silver
dragon will be asleep. If they are able to cast spells, silver dragons will be cast
as mages.

Combat: Silver dragons attack as indicated above. They have two breath
weapons, either of which can be used as they deem fit. The first is a cone of
frost 80’ long and 30’ wide at the base. The second is a cloud of paralyzing
gas 50’ long, 40’ wide, and 20’ high which will render immobile for 2d6
minutes any creature that fails its saving throw vs. breath weapon. In addition
General: Red dragons are the mightiest of the evil dragon types, and are to being immune to cold-based attacks, they are susceptible to both electricity
usually found in hills or mountains, dwelling in some deep cave or cavern and fire, with such attacks getting a bonus of +1 “to hit” and to damage
complex. If encountered in its lair, there is a 20% chance that any given red against them.
dragon will be asleep. Red dragons that are able to, cast spells as mages.
They are both cruel and grasping. Appearance: Silver dragons have bat-like wings and narrow snouts. They have
a fan running from the back of their head to the base of their neck, and then
Combat: Red dragons attack as described above. Their breath weapon is an triangular ridges along their spine. Their tail is thick.
enormous cone of flame 90’ long and 30’ wide at the base. They are immune
to fire-based attacks, but are vulnerable to earth and water based attacks. Such
attacks get a bonus of +1 ”to hit” and to damage.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon

Steam Dragon Vapor Dragon

Number 1d6 Number 1d6

Morale See above Morale See above
Hit Dice 11-13 Hit Dice 10-12
Armor Class 2 or -1 Armor Class 3 or 0
Move 90’/min., 280’/min. (flying - average) Move 90’/min., 280’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard or D Magic Resistance Standard or C
No. of Attacks 6 No. of Attacks 6
Damage 1d8/1d8/3d8/1d8+2/1d8/1d8 Damage 1d6/1d6/2d8/1d8/1d6/1d6
Defenses Steam form Defenses Vapor form
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (53’-63’ long) Size L (48’-58’ long)
Intelligence 17 Intelligence 15
Alignment Chaotic neutral Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type XVIII Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 2d4+1x10,000 Treasure Value 2d4+1x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 scrolls (50%), 1d6 items (40%) Magical Treasure 1d4 scrolls (40%), 1d6 items (40%), 1d2 armor or
X.P. Value See above shield (15%)
X.P. Value See above

General: Steam dragons dwell in extremely hot locations; volcanic tunnels,

near geysers, etc., usually making their home in some underground cave or
cavern. In their lair, there is a 30% chance that any given steam dragon will
be asleep. Those steam dragons that are spellcasters do so as if they were

Steam dragons are able to assume steam form at will. In such a state they have
an armor class of 0, a magic resistance of D, and can fly as indicated (even
against strong winds, albeit slower when flying into a head wind). They cannot
cast spells or use their breath weapon while in steam form, but are
distinguishable from ordinary steam or clouds only 15% of the time. They can
only fly in steam form, but do not inspire dragonfear while doing so. General: Vapor dragons dwell in cold climates, making their lairs in frosty ice
caves and the like. In its lair, there is a 40% chance that any given vapor
Combat: In melee, steam dragons attack as described above. In addition, they dragon will be asleep. Those vapor dragons that are spellcasters do so as if
can attack with their normal claw/claw/bite/tail/claw/claw attack routine they were savants.
while in steam form, doing an additional 2 h.p. of heat damage with each
attack. Their breath weapon consists of a gout of scalding hot steam 5’ wide Vapor dragons are able to assume vapor form at will. In such a state they have
and high, and 10’ long per hit die of the dragon. Any creature within the an armor class of 0, the magic resistance listed above, and can fly as indicated
steam must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or take damage equal to (even against strong winds, albeit slower when flying into a head wind). They
the current hit dice of the dragon. A successful saving throw indicates only half cannot fight or use their breath weapon while in vapor form, but are
damage is taken. distinguishable from ordinary vapor, mist, or clouds only 20% of the time. They
can only fly in vapor form, but do not inspire dragonfear while doing so.
Appearance: Steam dragons do not have wings. Their bodies are thick, as are
their tails, and their necks are short. The head is rounded and crowned by a Combat: In melee, vapor dragons attack as described above. Their breath
row of backwards-facing spikes along the back of the skull. Their tails are short weapon consists of a spray of fine freezing vapor some 10’ in diameter per
and end in a spade tip. Their scales are shimmering silver in color, duller along hit die of the dragon, with the edge beginning at the dragon’s mouth. Anyone
the underside and displaying more colors as light glints off them along the caught in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon.
back of the creature. Failure indicates that the freezing vapor has solidified around them, creating


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


a layer of ice surrounding their entire body. A strength check must be made to Dragon, Faerie
break the ice, otherwise the victim will suffocate (see the rules regarding
“holding your breath” in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters Number 1d6
Toolkit. Creatures encased in ice can neither move nor speak, and can make Morale -1
one attempt to break the ice per round. Hit Dice 4d8 (for hit points, see below)
Armor Class 5
Appearance: Vapor dragons do not have wings. Their bodies are thin, their Move 60’/min., 240’/min. (flying - perfect), 60’/min.
heads triangular in shape with long “whiskers”. They have a set of spikes along (swimming)
their spine, ending at the base of the tail. They are very pale, varying between Magic Resistance See below
white and silver depending on the light. No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d2
White Dragon Defenses Invisibility
Attacks Breath weapon, magic use
Number 1d4 Weaknesses None
Morale See above Size S (1 ½’ long)
Hit Dice 5-7 Intelligence 14-18
Armor Class 3 Alignment Chaotic good
Move 120’/min., 300’/min. (flying - clumsy) Treasure Type XVII
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value 8d12x1,000
No. of Attacks 6 Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8/1d6/1d4/1d4 X.P. Value 280 + 4/h.p.
Defenses Immune to cold, possible immunity to fear
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, possible spells General: Faerie dragons are mischievous, fun-loving pranksters who dwell in
Weaknesses Electrical or fire-based attacks idyllic woodlands, often in the companionship of sprites or pixies. Their love
Size L (19’-29’ long) of practical jokes is legendary, whether they be the products of intricate
Intelligence 8 months-long preparations, or simply a spur-of-the-moment prank. They are
Alignment Chaotic evil excellent swimmers and their hummingbird-like motion allows them to hover in
Treasure Type XVIII mid-air when needed. They are vegetarians and are great lovers of apple pie.
Treasure Value 1d6+3x1,000 Faerie dragons communicate telepathically with one another with a range of
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%) 2 miles.
X.P. Value See above
As they age, faerie dragons change color, and increase their magic resistence
and spellcasting powers accordingly. Most (65%) of all faerie dragons function
as mages, while 35% cast spells as if they were druids. If not already known,
the age of each individual faerie dragon should be determined randomly:

Roll Hit Magic Mage Druid
(d8) Age Points Color Res. Level Level
1 Very 1-2 Red A 2 3
2 Young 3-4 Red- C 4 4
3 Sub- 5-6 Orange E 6 5
4 Young 7-8 Yellow G 8 6
5 Adult 9-10 Green I 10 8
6 Old 11-12 Aqua K 12 10
7 Very 13-14 Blue M 14 12
General: White dragons dwell in frigid arctic lands, making their lair in icy 8 Ancient 15-16 Purple O 16 14
caves and caverns. If encountered in its lair, there is a 60% chance that any
given white dragon will be sleeping. Those that are able to cast spells do so Like other dragons, faerie dragons do not have spell books per se. They will
as if they were clerics. focus their efforts on learning spells useful in their practical joking, such as
dancing lights, sleep, irresistible dance, etc.
Combat: White dragons attack as described above. Their breath weapon is a
cone of frost 70’ long and 25’ wide at its base. They are immune to all cold- If a faerie dragon is a spellcaster’s familiar, it will grant the following powers:
based attacks but are vulnerable to both electricity and fire; such attacks are
made with a bonus of +1 “to hit” and to damage. • A telepathic link, through which the faerie dragon not only
communicates, but shares its sight and hearing with its master;
Appearance: White dragons have bat-like wings and narrow snouts. They range 1 mile
have a single fan behind their head, and a whip-like tail. • The power to become invisible once per day, and cast spells
while invisible.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon, Undead

• Master’s experience level is increased by 1 when the faerie Die Roll (d%) Dragon Type Cast Spells as…
dragon is within 1 mile; further than that, the master loses an 01-07 Black Mage
experience level (not just the one gained by the faerie dragon’s 08-14 Blue Illusionist
proximity) 15-21 Brass Cleric
• If the faerie dragon is killed, the master loses 4 experience levels 22-28 Bronze Mystic
• Commune with the powers of Olympus once per week, 3 29-34 Cloud Druid
questions allowed 35-41 Copper Mage
42-48 Electrum Savant
Upon the death of its master, the faerie dragon will wait for the arrival of a 49-54 Fog Illusionist
deva to gently guide the master’s soul to the afterlife. 55-61 Green Cleric
62-67 Mist Cleric
Combat: Faerie dragons attack with their bite, but will hardly ever do so, 68-74 Red Mage
preferring to use their magical abilities and breath weapon. The breath 75-81 Silver Mage
weapon of a faerie dragon is a cloud of pink euphoria gas 2’ in diameter. 82-87 Steam Mage
Anyone struck by the gas must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Failure 88-93 Vapor Savant
indicates they will wander around in a euphoric stupor for 3d4 minutes, during 94-00 White Cleric
which time combat or spellcasting is impossible and their armor class suffers a
-3 penalty. However, a single saving throw is not sufficient; the target must In combat, undead dragons use their fore claws, bite, tail, and rear claws
continue to make saving throws for the duration of the gas’s effect. Failure even unless noted otherwise. The tail and rear claws can only be used against
once means they will be affected for the remaining duration. This breath targets in the flank or rear of the beast, unless it is flying and dives down on
weapon can be used once every three minutes. targets on the ground, in which case it can use all six attacks against various
targets. There is a 50% chance that an undead dragon will use its fearsome
Faerie dragons are able to become invisible at will, and can attack (including breath weapon rather than its claws, tail, and teeth. Undead dragons may use
using its breath weapon) and cast spells without becoming visible. their breath weapons as often as they wish.

Appearance: Faerie dragons look like tiny dragons with colorful butterfly In the air, dragons can either attack with their bite or claws, not both. They
wings. They speak a dialect of the dragon tongue which is mutually intelligible can, however, breathe and then attack with tooth or talon in the same round.
between faerie dragons and true dragons, as well as elvish, pixie, sprite, and
common, and can communicate with small animals and birds. Undead dragons will never be found sleeping in their lairs.

All undead dragons have the following powers and abilities:

• Infravision (120’ range)

• Detect invisibility or hidden creatures (10’ range per age group)
• Inspire dragonfear when charging or overflying (see below for

Dragonfear: When an undead dragon charges or flies overhead, it inspires

what is known as dragonfear. The effect of the dragonfear will depend on the
hit dice of the creature or the level of the character affected:

Hit Character
Dice Level Dr agonf ea r Effect
1d4-1d6 Commoner Flee in blind panic for 4d6x10 minutes.
1d8-3d6 1-2 Save vs. magic or be paralyzed with
fear (50%) for 10d6 minutes or
otherwise flee in blind panic 4d6x10
Dragon, Undead minutes.
3d8-6d6 3-5 Save vs. magic or have a -1 penalty “to
Among the most feared creatures in all of creation are the undead dragons, hit” and to damage.
as they combine the awesome might and power of dragonkind with the
6d8+ 6+ No effect
necromantic abilities and appetities of the undead. It is said that their loyalties
are divided between Orcus, demon prince of the undead, and Tâmtu, arch-
Undead dragons cannot be turned by clerics or paladins. They are immune to
devil queen of evil dragons, and that this is the cause of the unending enmity
both dragon control and undead control magics.
between those two godlike beings.
All undead dragons are able to speak that language which is understood by
All undead dragons are able to cast the same type and number of spells as
all dragonkind. They are also able to speak the common tongue, but sometimes
they did in life (all undead dragons can cast spells, and do so as a level 3d8
only haltingly.
spellcaster). They do not need to memorize spells, however; spells cast will
automatically be available to them once more 24 hours later. If an undead
dragon is encountered and the game master does not know the type of dragon
it was in life, roll on the following table:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Blood Dragon Blood dragons are immune to mind-effecting magic, electricity, paralysis, cold,
and death magic. Only a weapon with a +1 enchantment or better will harm
Number 1 them, although a vial of holy water will do 1d6+1 h.p. of damage to them.
Morale n/a Blood dragons have the following powers, in addition to their spellcasting
Hit Dice 11d10 abilities:
Armor Class -1
Move 120’/min., 300’/min. (flying - clumsy) • Regenerate 3 h.p. per round
Magic Resistance Standard • Charm person with gaze (victims get -2 penalty to saving throw vs.
No. of Attacks 6 magic)
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d12/1d8/1d6/1d6 • Gaseous form three times per day
Defenses Immune to cold, mind-effecting magic, paralyzation,
electricity, death magic; +1 (or better) weapon to Appearance: The scales and hide of blood dragons are pale, their flesh is
harm, regeneration bloated and puffy from draining the blood of their victims, and their wings are
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, level drain tattered but still usable for flight. Their eyes are blood red. They speak whatever
Weaknesses Sunlight, holy symbols, mirrors languages they spoke in life.
Size L (25’-66’ long)
Intelligence 16 Bone Dragon
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVIII Number 1
Treasure Value 4d12+2x10,000 Morale n/a
Magical Treasure 1d6+2 items Hit Dice 9d10
X.P. Value 6,600 + 18/h.p. Armor Class -1
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 6
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8/1d4/1d3/1d3
Defenses Immune to cold, mind-effecting magic, paralyzation,
electricity, death magic; +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, chilling touch, undead
Weaknesses Power word, kill, holy water
Size L (25’-66’ long)
Intelligence 16
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 3d12+3x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6+2 items
X.P. Value 5,700 + 14/h.p.

General: The blood dragon is a dragon which has been stricken with the
disease/curse of vampirism. It is a corporeal undead creature with a direct
connection to the negative plane. Sunlight causes them intense pain, and thus
they only emerge from their deep sepulchre-caves at night to feed and spread
misery and despair. At the very heart of the blood dragon’s treasure horde will
be a small mound of soil from the spot where the dragon was slain.

Like regular vampires, blood dragons drink the blood of their victims. They will
usually devour a cow or horse, several sheep or deer, etc. each night.

Combat: Blood dragons attack as described above. The breath weapon of a

blood dragon is a cloud of exsanguinating mist some 40’ long and 20’ wide.
Any creature within the cloud will lose 1 experience level and become lethargic
for 1d3 minutes, moving at half speed, attacking with a -2 penalty “to hit”,
and with a +1 penalty to AC. Creatures within the area of the breath weapon
who successfully save vs. dragon breath do not lose a level, but are still struck
by the lethargy effect of the mist. General: Bone dragons are created by a variation of the same process by
which a human or demi-human spellcaster becomes a lich. Because this
Any creature bitten by a blood dragon will lose 2 experience levels/hit dice transformation is a voluntary one, good dragons will never undertake it; if a
as the creature drinks its blood. Any humanoid creature or dragon so slain will brass, bronze, copper, electrum, or silver dragon type is indicated, re-roll or
rise within a day to become a vampire under the control of the blood dragon be prepared to devise a suitable backstory. The spirit of the bone dragon is
(see p. 237). If the blood dragon is itself slain, those vampires under its thrall contained within a phylactery just like an ordinary lich’s; this phylactery will
will be freed to pursue their own evil as free-willed vampires. often be in the form of some piece of treasure in its hoard. Only by destroying
the phylactery while the bone dragon’s spirit is within it can the bone dragon
be permanently destroyed. It is a corporeal undead creature.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon, Undead

Combat: Bone dragons attack as described above. Any hit by the dragon’s Spectral Dragon
claws or bite will also inflict an additional 2d8 h.p. of cold damage, and the
victim must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or become paralyzed for Number 1
2d6 minutes. The dragonfear of a bone dragon will function even if the bone Morale n/a
dragon is merely seen; no menacing action on the part of the bone dragon is Hit Dice 8d10
required to force a saving throw on the part of those who behold its malevolent Armor Class 0
form. The bone dragon’s breath weapon is the same as it had in life. Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - perfect)
Magic Resistance Standard
The gaze of the bone dragon will paralyze those within 40’ of the bone dragon No. of Attacks 3
who fail a saving throw vs. paralyzation. Creatures with 6 HD or greater get Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8
a bonus of +3 to their saving throws. Once a given creature has saved against Defenses Immune to cold, mind-affecting magic, paralysis,
the paralyzing gaze of a particular bone dragon, no further saving throws are electricity, death magic; +1 (or better) weapon to harm
required. Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, constitution drain
Weaknesses Holy water
Bone dragons can control undead once every three days. Up to 16 HD of Size L (35’ long)
undead may be controlled, but undead dragons are immune to the effect. Any Intelligence 14
non-mindless undead creatures must make a saving throw vs. spells with a -3 Alignment Lawful evil
penalty or be under the control of the bone dragon for 10 minutes. Mindless Treasure Type XVIII
undead such as animated skeletons and zombies do not get saving throws. Treasure Value 3d12+3x10,000
During this time, the bone dragon may fight and move normally, but may not Magical Treasure 1d6+2 items
cast spells. X.P. Value 5,400 + 12/h.p.

If the bone dragon is reduced to 0 hit points, its spirit will flee its undead body
and return to its phylactery. At that point it will be forced to wait for 24 hours,
after which time it will be attempt to inhabit the corpse of any suitable creature
within 100’ that has been dead for less than 30 days (if it is the creature’s own
body, there is no restriction on how long it can be dead). The corpse gets a
saving throw vs. spells; failure indicates that the spirit of the bone dragon has
inhabited the body and will instantly transform it into the form of the bone
dragon. The corpse’s saving throw has the following modifiers (modifiers are

Corpse Type Saving Throw Modifier

Bone dragon’s own body -10
Same alignment -4
True dragon -4
Dragon-like creature (firedrake, ice lizard, -3
wyvern, fire lizard, etc.)
Large reptile (dracolisk, dragonne, -1
dinosaur, dragon turtle, etc.) General: The spectral dragon is a non-corporeal undead creature whose spirit
Non-reptile +3 resides on both the material and negative planes. They are powerless in
daylight, and will thus only be found abroad at night. They get along well with
A bone dragon which has just inhabited a new body does not have its umbral dragons (see p. 386).
spellcasting or any other magical powers save flight; to become fully restored
it must find and devour its previous body. Combat: Spectral dragons only attack with their front claws and bite. Any
creature struck by a spectral dragon will immediately lose 1 point of
Appearance: A bone dragon is a huge skeletal dragon with glowing white constitution (remember that bonus hit points for high constitution can be lost as
orbs in its eye sockets. Any bits of flesh still clinging to its bones are withered a result). If a victim’s constitution is reduced to 0, the victim is slain
and dried like leather, Although there is little or no flesh remaining on its wing- automatically and rises as a specter under the control of the spectral dragon
bones, it can still fly by means of magic. It speaks whatever languages itspoke (see p. 217). If the spectral dragon is slain, the specters under its control
in life. become free-willed. Strength returns after 2 hours.

The breath weapon of the spectral dragon is a cone of negative energy that
saps the strength of those it touches. The cone is 50’ long and 20’ wide at its
base; those struck by it must make a saving throw vs. dragon breath. Failure
means the victim loses both a point of strength and a point of constitution; those
whose strength or constitution is lowered to 0 become specters as noted above.
Lost constitution and strength will return in 2 hours. Those who successfully save
vs. dragon breath are stunned for 1d3 rounds.

In addition, spectral dragons have the following powers:

• Darkness 15’ radius three times per day

• Fog cloud once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Shadow walk once per day used as mass graves, they are often found with hordes of ghouls and ghasts
as their minions.
Spectral dragons can only be harmed by weapons with a +1 enchantment or
greater. Spells will only affect it if they are cast by someone who is ethereal. Combat: Tumulus dragons attack as described above. The touch of a tumulus
Like all undead, they are immune to mind-affecting magic, paralysis, electricity, dragon requires the victim to make a saving throw vs. paralyzation; failure
and cold. Holy water will cause them 2d4 h.p. of damage. means the victim is paralyzed for 2d4 minutes. Elves are susceptible to this
When a spectral dragon is brought to 0 hit points, as it dissipates it will attempt
to enter the body of some creature within 60’. Usually it will do this to one of The breath weapon of a tumulus dragon is a cloud of reeking corruption that
its attackers, but sometimes a minion or bystander will be chosen. The victim stinks of rotting corpses some 50’ in diameter (the mouth of the dragon is on
is entitled to a saving throw vs. spell, with a bonus or penalty determined by the perimeter of the cloud, not in the center). All within the cloud must make a
the combined intelligence and wisdom scores of the victim: saving throw vs. dragon breath; failure means they are incapacitated by the
reek, retching and swooning, completely incapable of fighting or spellcasting,
Victim’s for 1d4 minutes. A successful saving throw means the victim gets a -2 penalty
Intelligence Plus Victim’s Saving Check for to all “to hit” rolls.
Wisdom Score Throw Adjustment Control Every…
34 or greater +2 Minute Appearance: A tumulus dragon appears much as it did in life, but the flesh is
28-33 +1 Minute rotting, holes are seen in the wings, and ribs and other bones peek through
20-27 ±0 Minute gaps in the scales and skin, betraying its undead status. The eyes glow with a
12-19 -1 10 minutes baleful green light. They speak whatever languages they spoke in life.
4-11 -2 Day
3 or less -3 Week

If the victim succeeds in his saving throw, the attempt at possession is

unsuccessful, but the spectral dragon can try again one minute later against
another target. If the attempt is successful (i.e., the victim fails his saving throw),
the mind of the caster is suppressed and the ghost takes control of the body,
with which it will attack the victim’s comrades (if any). The victim is entitled to
a saving throw to re-check for control of his body, the frequency of which
depends on the relative intelligence + wisdom scores of the caster and the
victim, as noted on the table above. If the dragon loses control of the body, is
exorcised, or fails to take control of the body in the first place, it will be finally
slain. Otherwise, it will remain in the possessed body for a week, after which
time it will be able to reform its spectral form.

Appearance: A spectral dragon appears as a shadowy form with the foreparts

of a dragon that trail off into an undefined mist from the wings back. Its form
roils from black to dark gray, and the eyes glow silver. It speaks whatever
languages it spoke in life.

Tumulus Dragon

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 7d10
Wailing Dragon
Armor Class 0
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor)
Number 1
Magic Resistance Standard
Morale n/a
No. of Attacks 6
Hit Dice 6d8
Damage 1d3/1d3/2d6/1d6/1d3/1d3
Armor Class 2
Defenses Immune to cold, mind-effecting magic, paralyzation,
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - perfect)
electricity, death magic; +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Magic Resistance L (50%), M (30%), O (20%)
Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, paralyzation
No. of Attacks 6
Weaknesses Holy water
Damage 1d2/1d2/2d4/1d6/1d2/1d2
Size L (25’-66’ long)
Defenses Immune to cold, mind-affecting magic, paralyzation,
Intelligence 6
electricity, death magic; +1 or better weapon to harm
Alignment Chaotic evil
Attacks Breath weapon, wail, numbness
Treasure Type XVIII
Weaknesses Holy water
Treasure Value 3d12+3x10,000
Size L (33’ long)
Magical Treasure 1d6+2 items
Intelligence 6
X.P. Value 5,175 + 10/h.p.
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVIII
General: Tumulus dragons are corporeal undead creatures that feast on ripe
Treasure Value 3d12+3x10,000
corpses. Dwelling in subterranean burial chambers and caverns that have been
Magical Treasure 1d6+2 items
X.P. Value 625 + 6/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragon Horse

Appearance: A wailing dragon appears as a large draconic form with the

wings of some great gray moth, semi-transluscent black-purple in color with
shining silver eyes. They speak whatever languages they spoke in life.

Dragon Horse

Number 1 (85%), 1d2+1 (15%)

Morale +9
Hit Dice 8d8
Armor Class 0
Move 240’/min., 480’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance C
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d8/1d8
Defenses Become ethereal, +9 to surprise rolls
Attacks Breath weapon
Weaknesses None
Size L (6’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 15
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,275 + 10/h.p.

General: Wailing dragons are incorporeal undead creatures, created upon

the death of an evil faerie dragon. They are thus exceedingly rare, even in
those dark woodlands known for their fell dispositions. In death they are in
constant anguish, realizing the joy and fun they missed out on in life. As such
their miserable crying is their most notable feature, much like the wail of the
banshee. Death causes them to grow to enormous size, and they so resent the
living who are still able to choose a path of joy that they will seek to destroy
them in the most agonizing and humiliating way possible.

Combat: Wailing dragons attack as described above. Their cold touch,

generated by their connection to the negative plane, causes numbness in any
limb that they hit (effects are cumulative):
General: Dragon horses are relatives of the ki-rin (see p. 140) and while they
Die are actually native to the material plane, they are often found on the lemental
Roll plane of air where they can soar in the winds without end. When ncountered
(d6) Hits… Effect on the material plane, they are almost invariably found high in the skies, for
1 Head Stunned for 1d3 minutes they loathe being on the ground and feel incredibly restless and uncomfortable
2 Rt. arm -2 “to hit”, 50% chance of dropping weapon, when forced to do so (this explains why so few of these much-desired mounts
no spells requiring gestures are actually to be found in such a role; to train a foal who wants nothing more
3 Left arm -1 “to hit” with two-handed weapon, -1 penalty than to soar in the sky for the twenty years such training requires, is almost
to AC (if using a shield), no spells requiring unheard-of).
4 Torso Automatic morale check (even if PC) Dragon horses are able to become ethereal at will, and will use this power to
5 Rt. leg -1 penalty to AC, -25% movement move between the material plane and the elemental plane of air. They have
6 Left leg -1 penalty to AC, -25% movement infravision and ultravision with 180’ range, and get a +9 bonus to their
surprise rolls. They can also know alignment once per round.
The breath weapon of the wailing dragon is a cloud of despair gas 25’ in
diameter (the head of the dragon is on the edge of the cloud, not the center). Combat: Dragon horses attack with their front hooves. In addition, once every
Any creature within the radius of the cloud must make a saving throw vs. ten minutes, they can use their breath to cause one of the following effects:
dragon breath. Failure indicates that the victim is overwhelmed with thoughts
of hopelessness and despair, and will either stand immobile (75% chance) or • Fog cloud
retreat sullenly (25% chance). Such victims will automatically acquiesce to • Gust of wind
demands for surrender. The effects of the gas will last for 1d6+5 minutes. • Cone of cold (10’ base and 20’ length, does 4d8 h.p. damage)
Success indicates the gas has no effect.
Appearance: Dragon horses look like very large horses with light blue scales,
The most feared weapon of the wailing dragon is its keening, sorrow-filled and manes and tails of shimmering white. They speak the language of ki-rins,
wail. The wail can only be used once per day and has a range of 90’. Those but mostly communicate through a rudimentary empathic sense.
hearing the wail must make a saving throw vs. death magic. Failure indicates
the victim is reduced to a state of complete catatonia for 2d4 hours.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Dragonfly, Monstrous Dragonne

Huge Giant Number 1

Number 1d6 1d6 Morale +4
Morale +1 +3 Hit Dice 9d10
Hit Dice 7d8 8d10 Armor Class 2
Armor Class 3 3 Move 150’/min., 90’/min. (flying - poor)
Move 10’/min., 360’/min. (flying - good) Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard Standard No. of Attacks 3
No. of Attacks 1 1 Damage 1d8/1d8/3d6
Damage 3d4 4d4 Defenses None
Defenses See below See below Attacks Roar
Attacks -2 initiative bonus -2 initiative bonus Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None None Size L (5’ at shoulder)
Size M (5’ long) L (7’ long) Intelligence 6
Intelligence 6 6 Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral Neutral Treasure Type IV
Treasure Type None None Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Treasure Value n/a n/a Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4
Magical Treasure n/a n/a scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value 525 + 8/h.p. 1,000 + 12/h.p. X.P. Value 1,400 + 14/h.p.

General: Dragonnes are thought to be admixtures of dragons and lions. Their

wings are undersized, and can only sustain the creature for 1d3x10 minutes
in the air.

Combat: Dragonnes attack with their claws and bite. They also attack with a
roar; all those within 120’ must save vs. paralyzation or have their strength cut
in half for 2d6 minutes. Those within 30’ will be struck deaf (including -1 ”to
hit” due to disorientation), with no saving throw allowed, also for 2d6 minutes.

Appearance: The dragonne has the body of a metallic dragon with bat-like
wings and the head of a lion.

General: Monstrous dragonflies are quite a menace to humanity, as they

actively hunt down people for food! The giant variety is found only in tropical
climates, while the huge form of the creature is found in most temperate

The glittering skin of a monstrous dragonfly can fetch as much as 3,600 g.p.,
if it is properly preserved, not damaged in the slaying of the beast, and sold
to the right craftsman.

Combat: Monstrous dragonflies attack with their bite. They receive a bonus of
-2 to all initiative rolls due to their flying agility. No opponent with a higher
initiative roll can even attempt to hit a monstrous dragonfly with a melee
weapon; they are simply too quick. Missile attacks made with a higher
initiative roll suffer a -4 penalty “to hit”. If an enemy has a lower initiative roll,
melee and missile weapons can be used against them, but missile weapons
will still suffer a -2 penalty “to hit”.

Appearance: Monstrous dragonflies look much like their smaller cousins. Their
skin and wings have a wondrous multi-colored hue.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dragonnel

Dragonnel Drider

Number 1d4 Number 1d4

Morale +4 Morale +4
Hit Dice 8d10 Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 3 Armor Class 3
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance A
No. of Attacks 3 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6/1d6/4d4 Damage Per weapon type or 1d4
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks None Attacks Paralyzation, magic use
Weaknesses None Weaknesses Sunlight
Size L (24’ long) Size L
Intelligence 3 Intelligence 14
Alignment Neutral Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type XIII
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 1d10x10
Magical Treasure n/a Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 600 + 12/h.p. X.P. Value 875 + 8/h.p.

General: Dragonnels are distantly related to dragons, and are often used as
airborne steeds. They are reportedly easily trained, if such training begins
soon after the creature hatches, and are used as flying mounts in certain

Combat: Dragonnels attack with their two foreclaws and bite. When in the air,
they will attack with their claws alone.

Appearance: Dragonnels look like small red dragons, albeit with very dull
brick-red coloration. They have spines on their back which are bright maroon,
and their beaks are gray. They sport frills on their head which are white.

General: Driders are a monstrous cross between a dark elf and a giant spider,
created by means which are unknown but which are without doubt unnatural.
Some drow communities embrace the driders, while others treat them as
outcasts. In some cases, driders may see their status as a curse, while others
see it as a blessing. They drink naught but blood, dwell in the same deep
undergrounds as the dark elves themselves, and are sometimes (10%)
accompanied by 1d10 huge spiders.

Combat: Most driders will attack with weapons (swords or axes, and
occasionally bows or hand crossbows), but are also able to attack with a
venomous bite (those bitten must make a saving throw vs. poison with a -2
penalty or be paralyzed for 1d10+10 minutes. They retain all of the special
powers, class abilities, etc. of their former existence as drow; 60% of all
driders encountered will be female (with all of the special abilities possessed
by drow women). All driders can cast the following spells once per day:

• Dancing lights
• Darkness
• Detect magic
• Faerie fire
• Know alignment
• Levitate

Those who were females in their previous existence as drow (50% chance if
not already known) can also cast the following, again once per day:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Clairvoyance does not remove the sap and its caustic effects, only the effect of that particular
• Detect lie tendril on the victim’s “to hit” rolls.
• Dispel magic
• Suggestion Appearance: Giant droseras are leafy mounds some 4’ high with masses of
tendrils and vines. The air around the drosera will smell sweet, as the sap has
Appearance: Driders have the bloated torso of a drow grafted onto the a pronounced honeysuckle scent, and flies (both giant and normal) are
cephalothorax of an enormous spider. Some of the spider bodies are of the attracted to it; giant flies are, in fact, the normal prey of the giant drosera.
hairy variety, some are of the non-hairy sort. It is impossible to tell a former
male from a female, due to the bloated condition of the body. They speak the Drow
undercommon sign-language as well as the speech of drow.
See elf, dark (p. 73).
See also: dark elf (p. 73).

Drosera, Giant
Number 1d6
Number 1d4 Morale -4
Morale n/a Hit Dice 2d8
Hit Dice 8d8 Armor Class 9
Armor Class 7 Move 120’/min.
Move 10’/min. Magic Resistance J
Magic Resistance Standard No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 6 Damage Per weapon type
Damage 1 per hit per round (cumulative) Defenses Dimension door
Defenses Missiles and fire do half damage Attacks Charm
Attacks Sap Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None Size M
Size M Intelligence 14
Intelligence 3 Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type XIV
Treasure Type None Treasure Value 1d8+1x1,000
Treasure Value n/a Magical Treasure None
Magical Treasure None X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p.
X.P. Value 1,075 + 10/h.p.

General: Giant droseras are found in most climates save the most arid or
frozen, but will seek a shaded cool spot in which to plant their tiny hair-like General: Dryads are beautiful nature spirits that inhabit oak trees. They are
roots (which can be withdrawn so that the plant can move about if needed). If usually found only in very secluded glades and the deepest, most impenetrable
anything comes within 5’ of the plant, it will lash out with its hundreds of areas of forests. They are never found more than 1,000’ away from the tree
tendrils. in which they make their home; the tree is actually part of their being. They
can speak with plants at will. They have intimate knowledge of the woods in
Combat: Giant droseras attack with their tendrils. Six tendrils can attack any which they dwell, and can be persuaded to help travelers if approached gently
creature in any given round; if they hit, the sticky sap at the end of the tendril and with respect and rewards.
will cause it to stick to the victim. For every 3 tendrils that are stuck, the victim
gets a -1 penalty on his “to hit” rolls. The sap itself is caustic and each tendril Combat: Dryads will, if pressed, fight with the slender dagger they all carry.
that remains attached will cause 1 h.p. of damage per round until the sap is However, they are much more likely to flee a hostile encounter if possible; they
cleaned off with either vinegar or alcohol. On a natural roll of 20, the giant are able to dimension door from one tree into their own (unless surprised).
drosera’s tendril will have struck the nose and mouth of the victim. In addition Males with a charisma of 16 or greater will often be the subject of the dryad’s
to the other effects, the victim will suffocate in 1d3+1 rounds unless the sap is charm person power, which can be used three times per day, and against
removed. Tendrils can be broken by a successful open doors check, but this which the victim has a penalty of -3 on his saving throw. Men so charmed are


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dullahan

taken back to the dryad’s tree; 50% of them are never seen again, while the Dullahans can see into both the astral and ethereal planes. They are despised
rest are freed 1d4 years later. Dryads are considered “persons” for spells such by most inhabitants of the outer planes, who see them as stealing their most
as charm person or hold person. prized possessions; the souls of mortals.

Appearance: Dryads look like lovely slender maidens with green hair and Dullahans are repelled by gold. Open display of gold will keep them at bay;
eyes. They speak their own language, elvish, pixie, and sprite, as well as being they will not come within 10’ of any gold object. It does not physically harm
able to speak with plants as noted above. them.

Dullahan Combat: A dullahan attacks with its great whip made of a humanoid spine.
Anyone struck by the whip must make a saving throw vs. spells or have their
Number 1 soul knocked into the astral plane (as per the astral spell). Those unfamiliar
Morale +7 with astral travel will be disoriented for 1d4+1 minutes, but will be able to
Hit Dice 6d8 follow their silver cord back to their body after that time. This can also be done
Armor Class 3 to the person for whom the dullahan has come, after which time the creature
Move 120’/min., 90’/min. (hearse), 180’/min. (mounted) turns itself astral and escorts the soul or spirit back to its lair. The dullahan has
Magic Resistance D the following powers and abilities:
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4 • Turn itself astral three times a day (including its horse or hearse, if
Defenses Become astral present)
Attacks Blindness, become astral • Knock three times a day
Weaknesses Gold • Protection from evil/good at will
Size M (L mounted)
Intelligence 13 Appearance: A dullahan is humanoid in appearance, but holds its moldering
Alignment Neutral evil head in one hand. The head is completely animated: the eyes move and the
Treasure Type XV (no gold of any sort) mouth opens to speak the name of the deceased, calling him to the dullahan’s
Treasure Value 3d6x100 side. They wear black, and their steeds are likewise all black. When they travel
Magical Treasure None in their great hearses, they are ornamented with various necromantic pieces:
X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p. the lanterns are made from human skulls, the spokes of the wheels are thigh-
bones, etc. They do not speak, but understand all spoken languages through
a form of ESP.


Number 1d20
Morale +6
Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 4 (upturned side), 7 (downturned side)
Move 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d8 + armor class of victim
Defenses None
Attacks Camouflage
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
General: The dullahan is drawn to those who are dying of illness or old age.
Treasure Value n/a
It can sense an individual’s death by natural causes within 24 hours and within
Magical Treasure n/a
a 9 mile radius. The dullahan will then go to the place where the person is
X.P. Value 165 + 4/h.p.
dying and collect the soul or spirit before he can travel to the outer planes as
his afterlife. What it does with these souls once they have been collected is
General: Dustdiggers live in waterless deserts, luring prey into their clutches
unknown, but it is known that a soul thus collected cannot be brought back to
by means of their tooth-filled maw, which naturally salivates and thus resembles
life by means of the raise dead spell. Spells for contacting the dead, as well
a bubbling spring when the creature senses that prey is nearby. Once a victim
as resurrection, will still function.
approaches, he is enveloped with the dustdigger’s five arms and devoured.
A dullahan will usually arrive at the scene of imminent death mounted on a
Combat: The dustdigger uses its five arms to draw prey into its toothy maw. If
medium black warhorse (see p. 124). If the soon-to-be-deceased is a person
it scores a successful hit, the prey is in the mouth and suffers damage equal to
of station, wealth, or status, it will arrive in a large black hearse drawn by two
1d8 plus the armor class of the victim (thus victims with better armor classes
black draft horses. The sight of the hearse will cause fear in a 60’ radius to all
suffer less damage each round). Once one successful hit has been made and
people and creatures with fewer than 4 levels/hit dice.
a victim is entrapped, no further “to hit” rolls are needed, and the dustdigger
will not attempt to entrap others. The only way out of the maw is to slay the
Despite their affiliation with death, dullahans are not undead creatures
themselves, and therefore cannot be turned, hurt by holy water, etc.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Outside of its sandy burrow, the dustdigger resembles an Gray Dwarf (Duergar)
enormous starfish. Normally, however, passersby will simply see a bubbling
spring in a depression in the sand. The creature uses the difficulty in escaping Number 2d4 (1d100 +200 in lair)
the sinkhole to help entrap its prey. Morale +1
Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 4
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. Of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses See below
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None
Size S (4’)
Intelligence 11
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type Individuals XIV, community VII
Treasure Value Individuals 1d10x11, community 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (must include 1 weapon) (10%)
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.

General: Gray dwarves, also known as duergar (“DEW-ur-gar”), are dwellers

in the underworld, and inhabit lightless caverns and chambers their entire lives.
Duergar The politics of the underworld are convoluted, and sometimes the duergar will
be allied with other races such as derro, drow, and fish men, and at other
See gray dwarf, below. times they will be bitter enemies. They have infravision with 120’ range.

Dwarf In their lairs, which are always subterranean warrens consisting of many
twisting passages and chambers, they will sometimes (25% chance) have
Dwarves are demi- either 2d4 margoyles (65% chance) or 1 stone roper (35% chance) as a
humans, and as such guardian. In addition, there is a 75% chance that 10d4 slaves will be present.
can be player All slaves in a given duergar complex will be of the same type:
characters (but check
with your game master Die Roll (d20) Slave Type
to make sure that 1-2 Goblin
dwarves of specific 3 Halfling
types are allowed in 4-5 Hill dwarf
the campaign). As a 6-7 Hill gnome
rule, if reference is just 8 Human
made to “dwarves” 9 Kobold
without specifying, it 10-13 Mountain dwarf
should be assumed 14-17 Orc
that hill dwarves are 18 Svirfneblin
being referred to, 19-20 Zvert
unless the context
makes it obvious that When encountered, additional duergar will be encountered depending on the
another type is number of warriors or whether or not a duergar lair is encountered (note that
intended. There are any groups over 8 will necessarily be encountered in their lair):
three main types of
dwarves: gray • For every 4 warriors encountered, there will be a 2nd level fighter
dwarves, hill dwarves, wearing mail and shield and wielding military pick and light
and mountain dwarves. Each is detailed separately below. crossbow.
• For every 16 warriors, there will be either a 3rd or 4th level
Regardless of type, dwarves can tunnel 90’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, fighter wearing plated mail and shield and wielding a hammer
70’ in soft rock, and 50’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide. All and short sword.
dwarves are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold • If in their lair, there will be an additional 1d3+3 5th level fighters,
person. 1d2+1 6th level fighters, all wearing plated armor and shield and
wielding hammer and short sword.
• In their lair, the leader will be a fighter of 7th – 10th level,
wearing plate armor and shield and wielding hammer and short

The leader has a 5% chance per hit die of possessing a magic weapon, magic
armor, and magic shield (roll separately for each). He will, naturally, use these


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Dwarf

items. These items, and the items possessed by the cleric/assassins (see below) • Detect moving, shifting, etc., walls and rooms (67%)
are in addition to the magical items listed as potential treasure. • Detect pit traps, falling blocks, etc. (50%)
• Detect sloping passages and tunnels (75%)
In their lair, 1d3+3 multi-classed cleric-assassins (if you do not use the optional
assassin class, they will be cleric-thieves) will always be encountered. Level For every 40 dwarves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2d3.
and magic items should be determined randomly for each cleric/assassin: Larger groups or settlements will also have the following higher-level types
(additional higher-level individuals are cumulative):
Magic Item
Die Roll (d20) Level of Cleric/Assassin Chance Size Additional Figures
1-4 3/3 23% 160+ One 4th level fighter, one 6th level fighter
5-8 4/4 30% 200+ One multi-classed 1d4+2 level fighter/1d4+3 cleric
9-12 5/5 37% 320+ One 8th level fighter, one 7th level fighter, one multi-classed
13-16 6/6 44% 6th level fighter / 7th level cleric, two multi-classed 4th level
17 7/7 51% fighter/4th level clerics
18 8/8 59%
19 9/9 66% In addition to those listed above, a dwarven community will also have the
20 10/10 73% following:

The chance for magic items is rolled for each cleric, once for each of the • 2d6 level 1d4+1 fighters
following types of items: enchanted weapon, enchanted armor, and scroll. • 2d4 multi-classed level 1d3+1 fighter / level 1d3+1 clerics
• Females equal to 50% of the total number of males
Combat: Duergar attack with weapons, and will be very orderly and • Children equal to 25% of the total number of males
disciplined in their tactics. Warriors will be armed with military pick, hammer,
and spear, and wear mail and shield. In addition, all duergar are able to turn Combat: Dwarves normally wear mail and shield armor. Their weapons should
themselves invisible at will three times per day (the normal restrictions be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
regarding attacking while invisible apply). They get a +1 bonus to their Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual
surprise rolls, and enemies get a -1 penalty to theirs. They get a +4 bonus to warrior:
all saving throws against spells and magical effects, and are completely
immune to poison, paralysis, and illusion/phantasm spells of all kinds. Die Roll (d%) Weapons % Composition
01-25 Axe, hammer 25%
Appearance: Duergar are very thin and gaunt dwarves with gray skin. They 26-35 Axe, heavy crossbow 10%
wear neutral colors such as dun, gray, etc., to better blend in with their 36-45 Axe, mace 10%
underground surroundings. They speak their own language, undercommon, 46-55 Hammer, pick 10%
and the dwarvish tongue. 56-65 Short sword, light crossbow 15%
66-75 Short sword, pole arm 10%
Hill Dwarf 76-00 Sword, spear 20%

Number 4d10x10 All dwarves get a +1 bonus “to hit” against goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins.
Morale +1 Ogres, trolls, and giants attempting to attack dwarves get a -4 penalty “to hit.”
Hit Dice 1d8 Dwarves are resistant to poison and magic; they make saving throws against
Armor Class 4 these attacks (as well as against rods, staves, and wands) with a bonus of +3.
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Hill dwarves are stocky humanoids with skin that ranges from
No. of Attacks 1 tan to light brown, and with brown or black hair. It is well-known that the
Damage By weapon type females sport the same full beards as the males. It is equally well-known that
Defenses See below dwarven females do not sport beards. They speak their own tongue, as well
Attacks See below as gnomish, goblin, kobold, and orcish. Most hill dwarves (75%) will also
Weaknesses None speak the common tongue.
Size S (4’ tall)
Intelligence 12
Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type Individuals XII, Community III
Treasure Value Individuals 5d8, Community 1d20+20x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (35%)
X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.

General: Hill dwarves tend to live in rugged terrain, such as rocky hills,
foothills, and the like, dwelling in an elaborate underground community,
usually with great open areas, grand staircases, etc. They have infravision (60’
range) and those who are encountered will often (60% chance) have 5d4
tamed wolves (25% chance) or 2d4 tamed brown bears (75% chance) as
guards and pets. They are noted miners, and have the following chances of
detecting unusual stonework:

• Detect new construction (75%)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Mountain Dwarf Die Roll (d%) Weapons % Composition

01-25 Axe, hammer 25%
Number 4d10x10 26-35 Axe, heavy crossbow 10%
Morale +1 36-45 Axe, mace 10%
Hit Dice 1d10 46-55 Hammer, pick 10%
Armor Class 4 56-65 Short sword, light crossbow 10%
Move 60’/min. 66-85 Short sword, pole arm 20%
Magic Resistance Standard 86-00 Sword, spear 15%
No. of Attacks 1
Damage By weapon type All dwarves get a +1 bonus “to hit” against goblins, orcs, and hobgoblins.
Defenses See below Ogres, trolls, and giants attempting to attack dwarves get a -4 penalty “to hit.”
Attacks See below Dwarves are resistant to poison and magic; they make saving throws against
Weaknesses None these attacks (as well as against rods, staves, and wands) with a bonus of +3.
Size S (4 ½’ tall)
Intelligence 12 Appearance: Mountain dwarves are stocky humanoids, almost always
Alignment Lawful good bearded (males and females alike). Their skin ranges from fair to light tan, with
Treasure Type Individuals XII, Community III reddish or brown hair. Females do not have beards, of course. They speak the
Treasure Value Individuals 5d8, Community 1d20+20x1,000 same dwarf tongue as their hill dwarf cousins, as well as gnomish, goblin,
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (35%) kobold, and orcish. Most mountain dwarves (75%) will also speak the common
X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p. tongue.

General: Mountain dwarves tend to live in rough mountain ranges and the Eagle
like, dwelling in an elaborate underground community, usually with great open
areas, wide staircases, etc. They have infravision (60’ range) and those who
Regular Giant
are encountered will often (60% chance) have 5d4 tamed wolves (25%
Number 1 (95%), 1d8+4 (5%) 1d20
chance) or 2d4 tamed brown bears (75% chance) as guards and
Morale +1 +2
reinforcements. They are noted miners, and have the following chances of
Hit Dice 1d10 4d8
detecting unusual stonework:
Armor Class 6 7
Move 10’/min., 300’/min. 30’/min., 480’/min.
• Detect new construction (75%)
(flying - average) (flying - poor)
• Detect moving, shifting, etc., walls and rooms (67%)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
• Detect pit traps, falling blocks, etc. (50%)
No. of Attacks 3 3
• Detect sloping passages and tunnels (75%)
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d2 1d6/1d6/2d6
Defenses Never surprised Never surprised
For every 40 dwarves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2d3.
Attacks Dive Dive
Larger groups or settlements will also have the following higher-level types
Weaknesses None None
(additional higher-level individuals are cumulative):
Size M (7’ wingspan) M (20’ wingspan)
Intelligence 1 10
Size Additional Figures
Alignment Neutral Neutral
160+ One 6th level fighter, one 4th level fighter Treasure Type None XVII
200+ One multi-classed 1d4+2 level fighter / 1d4+3 cleric Treasure Value n/a 1d10x10
320+ One 8th level fighter, one 7th level fighter, one multi-classed Magical Treasure None 1d2 (10%)
6th level fighter / 7th level cleric, two multi-classed 4th level X.P. Value 35 + 2/h.p. 150 + 4/h.p.
fighter/4th level clerics
General: Giant eagles nest on cliffs, mesas, etc.
In addition to those listed above, a dwarven community will also have the They are able to carry up to 200 lbs. if they
following. fly at half speed. They are intelligent
creatures and will generally not attack
• 2d6 level 1d4+1 fighters non-evil creatures that do not threaten
• 2d4 multi-classed level 1d3+1 fighter/level 1d3+1 clerics them, but in their nest the adults will
• Females equal to 50% of the total number of males attack any intruder. In the aerie there
• Children equal to 25% of the total number of males is a 50% chance that there will be
1d4 young or eggs (50% chance of
Combat: Dwarves normally wear mail and shield armor. Their weapons should each). There will not be more than 2
be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the % adults in any given nest. If obtained
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual straight out of the egg, giant eagles
warrior: can be trained to bear riders in combat.

Combat: Eagles attack with their claws

and great beaks in combat. They have
such good eyesight that they are never
surprised except when in their nests (or at night). They are able to dive on
opponents, doing double damage with their claws, but not able to attack with
their beaks in that round. Both sorts of eagles can dive almost to the ground
and then brake at the very last minute.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ear Seeker

Snippets of song, poetry, conversation, mindless giggling, half-told riddles—

Appearance: Giant eagles are large versions of their regular cousins. Regular everything the earwig has ever heard will be slowly, deliberately, and
eagle eggs are worth 1d6+4x10 g.p. each, while giant eagle eggs can be continuously recited.
sold for 1d4+4x100 g.p. each. Giant eagles speak their own tongue.
Combat: While it doesn’t cause any actual physical damage, anyone infested
Ear Seeker will be completely incapable of sleep or concentration. Mages and clerics will
be unable to get the necessary rest to memorize spells; after the first day
Number 1d4 spellcasting will prove impossible; and after the third day of lack of sleep, all
Morale n/a those infested will lose a point of wisdom, dexterity, and constitution per day.
Hit Dice 1 hit point each If any one of those abilities is lowered to zero, the character dies of sheer
Armor Class 9 exhaustion. The earwig cannot be killed by conventional surgery or healing
Move 10’/min. spells, and cannot be drowned; a cure disease spell will kill it, however.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Appearance: Earwigs are small brown insects with large pincers on their rear,
Damage None; see below which they use to anchor themselves within the ear canal of their host.
Defenses None
Attacks Eggs Eblis
Weaknesses Cure disease
Size S (½” long) Number 4d4
Intelligence 0 Morale +3
Alignment Neutral Hit Dice 4d10
Treasure Type None Armor Class 3
Treasure Value n/a Move 120’/min., 120’/min. (flying - average)
Magical Treasure None Magic Resistance Standard
X.P. Value 0 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4
General: Ear seekers dwell in cellulose such as trees, tables, wooden doors, Defenses Fire resistance
etc. but need warm secluded places to lay their eggs, and are greatly feared Attacks Spellcasting
because they tend to do so in humanoid ears. They most often attack in this Weaknesses None
way when someone listens at a dungeon door. Size M (8’)
Intelligence 12
Combat: Ear seekers do no actual damage when they enter an ear, but they Alignment Neutral evil
will lay 1d8+8 eggs and then emerge, dying within 10 minutes. In 4d6 hours, Treasure Type XV
the eggs will hatch, burrowing inside the unfortunate host creature and killing Treasure Value 1d100
it with 90% certainty. If a cure disease spell is cast on the host before the eggs Magical Treasure None
hatch, they will be destroyed. X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.

Appearance: Ear seekers are small pale grub-like worms. General: Eblis (pronounced “ebb-lee”; the word is both singular and plural),
sometimes called stork-men, are found in hot climates in marshlands, the grassy
Earwig verges of low waters, etc. Their houses are made of woven grasses and weeds,
and are 90% undetectable in their preferred environment. They live in mated
Number 1d6 pairs.
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 1 hit point each Combat: Eblis strike with their sharp beaks. Due to their wet environment, they
get a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. fire, and damage from fire based
Armor Class 10
Move 1’/min. attacks against them gets a -1 h.p. penalty per die. Each eblis village will have
Magic Resistance Standard one individual able to cast 2d4 spells, each once per day, from the following
list (they need not concern themselves with material components, if applicable):
No. of Attacks 1
Damage None
Defenses None Die Roll (d8) Spell Known
Attacks Sleep deprivation 1 Audible glamer
Weaknesses Cure disease 2 Blur
Size S (½” long) 3 Change self
Intelligence 0 4 Hypnotic pattern
Alignment Neutral 5 Hypnotism
Treasure Type None 6 Spook
Treasure Value n/a 7 Wall of fog
Magical Treasure None 8 Whispering wind
X.P. Value 0
Appearance: Eblis look like very tall gray storks, and males have reddish
General: The earwig is a particularly insidious creature; although it is often brown heads. They speak their own language.
thought to be intelligent, it is in actuality operating purely on instinct. It attacks
sleeping individuals, entering the ear canal and settling in. There, warm and
safe, it begins to babble incessantly, exercising its remarkable gift for mimicry.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


There are also half-elves, who are hybrids of humans and elves, but they are
not seen in significant numbers, and do not form their own communities.
African Asian Young
Number 1d12 1d20 1d4 Complete information about half-elves can be found in the ADVENTURES DARK
AND DEEP™ Players Manual. At the game master’s discretion, some small
Morale +2 +2 -2
Hit Dice 11d12 10d12 5d12 percentage (5% or so) of all elves encountered can be half-elves, but they
Armor Class 6 6 6 should be treated as regular elves of their type where appropriate.
Move 150’/min. 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Dark Elf (Drow)
No. of Attacks 5 5 5
Damage 2d8/2d8/2d6/ 2d6/2d6/2d6/ 2d4/2d4/1d6/ Number 5d10
2d6/2d6 2d6/2d6 1d6/1d6 Morale +1
Defenses None None None Hit Dice 2d8
Attacks None None None Armor Class 4
Weaknesses None None None Move 120’/min. (males), 150’/min. (females)
Size L (11’ tall) L (9’ tall) L (4’ tall) Magic Resistance H (or better)
Intelligence 3 3 3 No. of Attacks 1 (or 2)
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Damage Per weapon type
Treasure Type None None None Defenses See below
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a Attacks See below
Magical Treasure None None None Weaknesses Sunlight
X.P. Value 2,125 + 1,500 + 225 + 8/h.p. Size M (5’)
16/h.p. 14/h.p. Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
General: Elephants Treasure Type XIV
travel in herds in Treasure Value 2d12x10
warm regions. They Magical Treasure See below
are generally not X.P. Value 65 + 2 /h.p.
creatures, but if a General: The reclusive dark elves, also known as drow (rhymes with “dough”),
single elephant is dwell in the same lightless undergrounds as the fish men, svirfneblin, and
encountered it will cthonoids. They are rarely found on the surface, and then only at night or on
be a rogue bull who will attack the gloomiest of days as a part of some raiding party or on some secret errand.
90% of the time. Rogue bulls will The males and females have differing abilities with the females generally being
have a minimum of 6 h.p. per hit superior to the males in most respects. Accordingly, theirs is a gynarchical
die. If half or more of the maximum society. They have infravision with 120’ range.
possible number of elephants are
encountered, there will be an Groups of drow encountered will have the following additional higher-level
additional 1d4 young. figures present, as indicated (all additional figures are cumulative):

Combat: Elephants attack with their great tusks, grasping and squeezing with Number Additional Figures
their trunk, and trampling enemies with their fore legs. They will not attack 11 or more One male multi-classed 3rd level fighter / 3rd level mage
anything with their trunk that would injure them in the process. No more than 21 or more One female multi-classed 6th fighter / 6th level cleric
two attacks can be used against the same target. 31 or more One female multi-classed 8th level fighter / 7th level
cleric, one male multi-classed 5th level fighter / 4th level
Appearance: Elephants are large quadrupeds with big ears, prehensile trunks, mage
and tusks of ivory. The tusks are worth 1d6x100 g.p. each and weigh half as
many pounds as they are worth in g.p. (Example: a 400 g.p. tusk would weigh Combat: Drow attack with weapons, and are all ambidexterous as a race,
200 lbs.) able to use two weapons without penalty. Their magic resistance increases by
1 per 2 experience levels (if any); multi-classed individuals use the highest level
See also: Amebelodon (p. 292), Mammoth (p. 303), Mastodon (p. 304), and they possess. All drow possess the following powers and abilities:
Oliphant (p. 171).
• +2 bonus to all saving throws vs. magic
• +1 bonus to all surprise rolls
Elf • 90% resistant to sleep and charm spells
• Dancing lights once per day
Elves are demi-humans, and as such can be player characters (but check with
• Faerie fire once per day
your game master to make sure that elves of specific types are allowed in the • Darkness once per day
campaign). As a rule, if reference is just made to “elves” without specifying, it
should be assumed that high elves are being referred to, unless the context
All female drow have the following powers and abilities:
makes it obvious that another type is intended. There are five main types of
elves: dark elves, gray elves, high elves, wild elves, and wood elves. Each is • Clairvoyance once per day
detailed separately below. There is also a species of sea elves, which is dealt
• Detect lie once per day
with on p. 261. All elves are considered “persons” for spells such as charm • Dispel magic once per day
person or hold person. • Suggestion once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Elf

Gray Elf
All drow, male and female, of 4th level and above have the following powers:
Number 2d10x10
• Detect magic once per day Morale +2
• Know alignment once per day Hit Dice 1d10
• Levitate once per day Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min.
When faced with bright light (sunlight, light spell, continual light spell, etc.), Magic Resistance Standard
drow suffer the following penalties. Dimmer light sources such as torches, fire No. of Attacks 1
beetles, faerie fire spells, etc., do not inflict these penalties: Damage Per weapon type
Defenses 90% resistant to sleep and charm effects
• Drow cloaks only hide them 10% of the time Attacks +1 “to hit” with sword
• -2 penalty on all “to hit” rolls Weaknesses None
• -2 penalty to dexterity Size M (5’)
• 75% chance to withdraw, unless doing so would leave one of Intelligence 14
them behind, expose a valuable objective, etc. Alignment Chaotic good
Treasure Type Individuals XI, Community III
When firing into bright light, they will suffer a -1 penalty “to hit” and those Treasure Value Individuals 1d20, Community 6d4+10x1,000
within the light get a +1 bonus to any saving throws from drow magic. Magical Treasure Community 2d4 potions, 1d4 scrolls
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
All non-player drow from the underground will be wearing special mail made
from an alloy that takes its strength from the weird radiations of the underworld General: Gray elves tend to live in isolation from other types of elves as well
and which can give as high a bonus to armor class as +5. Melee weapons as from humans, considering themselves to be the aristocracy of the elvish
are similarly constructed and will range from +1 to +4 both “to hit” and to race. They favor isolated meadows deep in wooded regions, and live in stately
damage. They will also be wearing cloaks and boots equal to cloaks and boots homes of stone and wood. Half (50%) of gray elves encountered will have
of elvenkind, but with only 75% effectiveness instead of 90%. The cloaks will, hippogriffs as mounts (70%) or griffons as both guards and mounts. Gray elf
in addition, give a +6 bonus to any saving throw vs. fire. Half the drow communities will often (65%) have 2d6 giant eagles as guardians (see p. 71
encountered will be armed with hand crossbows, the darts for which are for details). Generally, gray elves do not ride horses, although individuals may
coated in a special sleep poison (save vs. poison with a -4 penalty or be put do so.
to sleep for 10 minutes). When removed from the environment of the
underworld, or if any attempt is made to alter these special items (to fit human Gray elves are able to conceal themselves in natural surroundings as if they
or demi-human physiques, for example), they will begin to lose their special were invisible. Also, when in such surroundings, enemies have a -2 penalty on
abilities: their surprise rolls (if applicable). Grey elves have infravision with a 60’ range
and are able to detect secret doors on a roll of 1-3 on a d6, and concealed
• Boots, weapons, armor, and cloaks exposed to sunlight will decay doors on a roll of 1-4.
and lose their abilities in 2d6 days.
• Boots, weapons, armor, and cloaks removed from the underworld For every 20 gray elves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2
but protected from sunlight will lose their abilities in 1d20+30 (67%) or level 3 (33%). For every 40 elves encountered, there will also be a
days (they can be “recharged” and the count restarted, if brought multi-classed level 2 fighter / level 1 mage (67%) or a multi-classed level 3
back for 1 week out of 4). fighter / level 2 mage (33%). Larger groups of gray elves, including
• Sleep poison exposed to sunlight decays instantly. settlements, will have the following higher-level individuals (additional
• Sleep poison will become inert in 60 days regardless of other individuals are cumulative):
conditions. Sealed containers of sleep poison can remain potent
for up to a year. Number Additional Figures
100+ One multi-classed 5th level fighter / 8th level mage, two
Appearance: Drow look like ordinary elves, but with jet-black skin and white multi-classed 4th level fighter / 5th level savants, one multi-
silky hair. They are generally slight of frame. They speak their own tongue, the classed 4th level fighter / 4th level mage / 4th level cleric
common sign-language of the underworld, common, gnomish, and elvish. 160+ One multi-classed 9th level fighter / 10th level mage, one
Many will also know languages such as fish man, derro, etc. up to the limit multi-classed 6th level fighter / 6th level mage / 6th level
their intelligence allows. cleric

See also: drider (p. 66). In addition to those listed above, a community of high elves will also have the
following individuals:

• One 4th level fighter per 40 elves in the community

• One 2nd level fighter/2nd level mage/2nd level cleric per 40 elves
• One 4th level fighter/7th level mage
• One 5th level fighter
• One 6th level fighter

Combat: Gray elves usually wear mail and carry shields. All gray elves get a
+1 bonus “to hit” with swords. Weapons carried by gray elves should be
determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


In addition to those listed above, a community of high elves will also have the
Die Roll following individuals:
(d%) Weapons % Composition
01-25 Long sword and long bow 25% • One 4th level fighter per 40 elves in the community
26-75 Long sword and spear 50% • One multi-classed 2nd level fighter / 2nd level mage / 2nd level
76-00 Long sword 25% cleric per 40 elves
• One multi-classed 4th level fighter / 7th level mage
A few gray elf settlements (5%) and groups of more than 60 will also have a • One 5th level fighter
contingent of 1d3x10 elf maidens riding unicorns. They will be armed and • One 6th level fighter
armored as the men.
Combat: High elves usually wear scale or lamellar armor and carry shields.
Appearance: Gray elves look like short and slender humans with fine features All high elves get a +1 bonus “to hit” with swords. Weapons carried by high
and pointed ears. They have either silver hair and amber-hued eyes or golden elves should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use
hair and violet colored eyes. They tend to wear light colors with blue or purple the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each
cloaks. Gray elves speak elvish, the common tongue, goblin, orcish, individual warrior:
hobgoblin, gnoll, gnomish, and halfling.
Die Roll (d%) Weapons % Composition
High Elf 01-10 Broad sword and long bow 10%
11-30 Broad sword and spear 20%
Number 2d10x10 31-50 Broad sword 20%
Morale +1 51-55 Two-handed sword 5%
Hit Dice 1d10 56-85 Spear 30%
Armor Class 5 86-00 Long bow 15%
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard A few (5%) high elf settlements and groups of more than 60, will also have a
No. of Attacks 1 contingent of 1d3x10 elf maidens riding unicorns. They will be armed and
Damage By weapon type armored as the men.
Defenses 90% immune to sleep and charm effects
Attacks +1 “to hit” with sword Appearance: High elves look like short and slender humans with fine features
Weaknesses None and pointed ears. They have dark hair and green eyes. They tend to wear
Size M (5’) pastels with cloaks of grayish green. High elves speak elvish, the common
Intelligence 14 tongue, goblin, orcish, hobgoblin, gnoll, gnomish, and halfling.
Alignment Chaotic good
Treasure Type Individuals XI, Community III Wild Elf
Treasure Value Individuals 1d20, Community 6d4+10x1,000
Magical Treasure Community 2d4 potions, 1d4 scrolls Number 2d4x10
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. Morale +1
Hit Dice 1d10
General: High elves tend to live in secluded parts of woodlands, making Armor Class 6
houses of homes of stone and wood. High elf communities will often (65%) Move 150’/min.
have 2d6 giant eagles as guardians (see p. 71 for details). Generally, high Magic Resistance Standard
elves do not ride horses, although individuals may do so. No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
High elves are able to conceal themselves in natural surroundings as if they Defenses Traps
were invisible. Also, when in such surroundings, enemies have a -2 penalty on Attacks +1 “to hit” with bow or spear
their surprise rolls (if applicable). High elves have infravision with a 60’ range Weaknesses None
and are able to detect secret doors on a roll of 1-3 on a d6, and concealed Size M (4 ½’)
doors on a roll of 1-4. Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic good
For every 20 high elves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2 Treasure Type XV
(67%) or level 3 (33%). For every 40 elves encountered, there will also be a Treasure Value 1d12x10
multi-classed level 2 fighter / level 1 mage (67%) or a multi-classed level 3 Magical Treasure None
fighter / level 2 mage (33%). Larger groups of high elves, including X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.
settlements, will have the following higher-level individuals (numbers of higher-
level individuals are cumulative): General: Wild elves are a very reclusive race, to the point of xenophobia;
even other types of elves are met with suspicion at best. They are almost never
Number Additional Figures found outside the boundaries of their wooded expanses. Most (70%) wild elves
100+ One multi-classed 5th level fighter / 8th level mage, two encountered will be mounted on stags (see p. 223). They get a +2 on their
multi-classed 4th level fighter / 5th level mages, one multi- strength rolls (maximum 18).
classed 4th level fighter / 4th level mage / 4th level cleric
160+ One multi-classed 6th level fighter / 9th level mage, one Wild elves are able to conceal themselves in natural surroundings as if they
multi-classed 6th level fighter / 6th level mage / 6th level were invisible. Also, when in such surroundings, enemies have a -2 penalty on
cleric their surprise rolls (if applicable). Wild elves have infravision with a 60’ range
and are able to detect secret doors on a roll of 1-3 on a d6, and concealed
doors on a roll of 1-4.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Elf

are not as xenophobic as wild elves. Wood elf communities will often (70%)
For every 20 wild elves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2 have 2d4 giant owls or 1d6 ghost lynxes as guardians (see pages 177 and
(67%) or level 3 (33%). For every 40 elves encountered, there will also be a 155, respectively). Generally, wood elves do not ride horses, although
multi-classed level 2 fighter / level 1 druid (67%) or a multi-classed level 3 individuals may do so.
fighter / level 2 druid (33%). Larger groups of gray elves, including
settlements, will have the following higher-level individuals (numbers of higher- Wood elves are able to conceal themselves in natural surroundings as if they
level individuals are cumulative): were invisible. Also, when in such surroundings, enemies have a -2 penalty on
their surprise rolls (if applicable). Wood elves have infravision with a 60’
Number Will Also Have… range and are able to detect secret doors on a roll of 1-3 on a d6, and
100+ One multi-classed 5th level fighter / 8th level druid, two concealed doors on a roll of 1-4.
multi-classed 4th level fighter / 5th level druids, one multi-
classed 4th level fighter / 4th level druid For every 20 wood elves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2
160+ One multi-classed 6th level fighter / 9th level druid, one (67%) or level 3 (33%). For every 40 elves encountered, there will also be a
multi-classed 6th level fighter / 6th level druid multi-classed level 2 fighter / level 1 mage (67%) or a multi-classed level 3
fighter / level 2 mage (33%). Larger groups of gray elves, including
In addition to those listed above, a community of wood elves will also have settlements, will have the following higher-level individuals (numbers of higher-
the following individuals: level individuals are cumulative):

• One 4th level fighter per 40 elves in the community Number Will Also Have…
• One multi-classed 2nd level fighter / 2nd level druid per 40 elves 100+ One multi-classed 5th level fighter / 8th level mage, two
• One multi-classed 4th level fighter / 7th level druid multi-classed 4th level fighter / 5th level mages, one multi-
• One 5th level fighter classed 4th level fighter / 4th level mage / 4th level cleric
• One 6th level fighter 160+ One multi-classed 6th level fighter / 9th level mage, one
multi-classed 6th level fighter / 6th level mage / 6th level
Combat: Wild elves attack with weapons, getting a +1 bonus “to hit” when cleric
using bow or spear. As all elves, they are 90% resistant to sleep and charm
spells. They excel at setting traps and snares, which will get passing creatures In addition to those listed above, a community of wood elves will also have
90% of the time (but only 30% if they are moving slowly and actively searching the following individuals:
for such traps). Typical snares and traps include:
• One 4th level fighter per 40 elves in the community
• 10’ deep pit with spikes (1d4 h.p. falling damage, save vs. • One multi-classed 2nd level fighter / 2nd level mage / 2nd level
paralyzation or take an additional 1d6 h.p. damage from spikes). cleric per 40 elves
50% of spikes will be poisoned; save vs. poison or die. • One multi-classed 4th level fighter / 7th level mage
• Snare wraps around ankles and leaves victim hanging upside-down • One 5th level fighter
5’ off the ground. • One 6th level fighter
• Heavy log smashes victims, doing 1d4+4 d6’s worth of damage
(i.e., 5d6 - 8d6) plus leaving victims pinned beneath the log itself. Combat: Wood elves usually wear ring mail or brigandine. All wood elves get
a +1 bonus “to hit” with swords. Weapons carried by high elves should be
Appearance: Wild elves look much like most other elves, albeit more muscular determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
and wearing more rough-hewn clothing. They speak their own tongue and Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual
usually no other. warrior:

Wood Elf Die Roll (d%) Weapons % Composition

01-40 Short bow 40%
Number 2d10x10 41-50 Bastard sword and short bow 10%
Morale +1 51-70 Spear and short bow 20%
Hit Dice 1d10 71-80 Bastard sword 10%
Armor Class 7 81-00 Spear 20%
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard A few (5%) wood elf settlements and groups of more than 60, will also have
No. of Attacks 1 a contingent of 1d3x10 elf maidens riding unicorns. They will be armed and
Damage By weapon type armored as the men.
Defenses 90% immune to sleep and charm effects
Attacks +1 “to hit” with sword Appearance: Wood elves look like short and slender humans with fine features
Weaknesses None and pointed ears. They have yellow or red hair and eyes of brown, green, or
Size M (5’) hazel. They tend to wear earth tones with cloaks of green or brownish green.
Intelligence 13 Wood elves speak elvish, tree man, and the languages of whatever woodland
Alignment Neutral good creatures happen to be in their vicinity.
Treasure Type Individuals XI, Community III
Treasure Value Individuals 1d20, Community 6d4+10x1,000
Magical Treasure Community 2d4 potions, 1d4 scrolls
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.

General: Wood elves tend to live deep in secluded woodlands, in homes high
in or inside the trees themselves. They are more isolated than gray elves, but


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Emu lassos, nets, etc. Each ettercap will have a signature type of trap, snare, or
Number 2d10
Morale -3 Appearance: Ettercaps are humanoid in appearance, with short bristly hair,
Hit Dice 2d8 oversized arms, and a pot belly. They have enormous fangs on either side of
Armor Class 7 their mouth. They speak their own tongue.
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 or 2d4 (see below)
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size M (6 ½’)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.

General: Emus are a type of flightless bird,

related to such species as the ostrich and
rhea. They tend to live in warm
climates in open grassy terrain.
They are not aggressive unless cornered.

Combat: Emus will either peck (50%) or kick (50%) enemies, but only if there
if no other recourse.

Appearance: Emus have large bulbous bodies covered in feathers, muscular

legs, and long featherless necks. They tend to be black or brown with white
Ettercap Number 1d4
Morale +3
Number 1d2 Hit Dice 10d10
Morale +6 Armor Class 3
Hit Dice 5d8 Move 120’/min.
Armor Class 6 Magic Resistance Standard
Move 120’/min. No. of Attacks 2
Magic Resistance Standard Damage 2d8/3d6
No. of Attacks 3 Defenses +1to surprise rolls
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d8 Attacks None
Defenses Traps and snares Weaknesses None
Attacks Poison Size L (15’)
Weaknesses None Intelligence 6
Size M Alignment Chaotic evil
Intelligence 6 Treasure Type Individuals XI, Lair III
Alignment Neutral evil Treasure Value Individual 2d20, Lair 6d6x100
Treasure Type None Magical Treasure 1d2 (10%)
Treasure Value n/a X.P. Value 1,950 + 14/h.p.
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p. General: Ettins are cousins of giants who tend to dwell in underground lairs
and come out at night in order to hunt and slay. It is a common myth that one
General: Ettercaps appear to be a cross between a humanoid and a monstrous can get the two heads of an ettin arguing with one another and thereby slip
spider. They tend to haunt desolate woods and other remote areas, where they away to safety; one head is always dominant and has complete control of the
prepare traps and ambushes for the unwary. Ettercaps are untrustworthy and whole.
cruel. They are on friendly terms with all manner of monstrous spiders (see p.
220), and the two will often act in concert. Combat: Ettins attack with their massive arms, with the left and right attacking
simultaneously. Their twin heads make them difficult to surprise.
Combat: Ettercaps attack with their claws and bite. The bite is poisonous;
victims must make a saving throw vs. poison or die. In addition, they spin silk
from glands on their posterior; the threads can be used to form ropes, nooses,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Executioner’s Hood

Appearance: Ettins are giant humanoid figures with two orc heads, each
sporting enormous tusks. They wear ratty furs and discarded clothing, and their Combat: The executioner’s hood waits for its prey to either stick its head into
skin is orange. They speak the language of ogres. whatever nook it has secreted itself, or for it simply to pass underneath, and
then attaches itself to the victim’s head. Once the first successful “to hit” roll
has been made, no further rolls are required; the victim will suffer 1d4 h.p. of
suffocation damage per round. Any attacks against the hood, whether
mundane or magical, will have the exact same effect on the victim. The hood
is immune to sleep spells, but is vulnerable to strong liquor; each half-pint of
liquor poured on the hood will result in a -1 penalty to damage done. A
maximum of one half-pint per round can be poured; once an entire quart has
been poured upon it, the hood will leave the victim and stagger off to some
quiet hole.

Appearance: The
executioner’s hood
appears as a soft
black bag with two
holes (the victim
can actually see
out of these holes
as it expires). It can
flatten itself into a
pancake shape as

Eye Killer

Number 1d4 (90% chance) or 2d4 (10% chance)

Morale +2 (in darkness), -4 (in bright light)
Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 5
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Executioner’s Hood Defenses None
Attacks Death stare
Number 1 Weaknesses Bright light
Morale n/a Size M
Hit Dice 2d10 - 6d10 Intelligence 1
Armor Class 6 Alignment Neutral
Move 60’/min. Treasure Type None
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value n/a
No. of Attacks 1 Magical Treasure None
Damage 1d4 X.P. Value 150+ 4/h.p.
Defenses Immune to sleep, attacks affect victim as well
Attacks Suffocation
Weaknesses Strong liquor
Size S (1’ - 3’ diameter)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a General: The eye killer dwells exclusively in lightless underground
Magical Treasure None environments.
X.P. Value See below
Combat: Eye killers attack by constricting victims with the coils of their snake-
General: The executioner’s hood is a very specialized predator, found in dark like bodies. Once they have scored a successful “to hit” roll, damage is
places where it can crawl into some niche or crevice. It can flatten itself out automatic every round thereafter. However, this attack will only be used
and scuttle along walls, ceilings, and floors. The size of the executioner’s hood against opponents without light sources (i.e, those relying on infravision or
should be determined randomly: ultravision).

Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice X.P. Value Creatures carrying light such as torches or lanterns, using continual light spells,
1-3 2d10 50 + 3/h.p. etc., will be subjected to the creature’s “death stare”. When using the death
4-5 4d10 130 + 5/h.p. stare, the eye killer will gather up the incoming light in its own large eyes,
6 6d10 350 + 8/h.p. amplify it through a means still unknown to sages, and reflect it back at the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


light-bearer in a searing blast with a range of 90’. A single victim, preferably

the one holding the brightest light source, will be chosen. The eye killer must
make a successful “to hit” roll against AC 10. If successful, the victim must
make a saving throw vs. death or be slain instantly. A successful saving throw
means the victim only takes 3d6 h.p. of damage. The death stare can only be
performed once per day. If reflected back at the same eye killer, it will have
no effect, but if another eye killer is the target, it could use that light to generate
its own death stare!

Once its death stare has been used, an eye killer will flee from bright sources
of light.

Appearance: Eye killers appear to be large serpents with a bat-like head,

vestigial wings, and enormously oversized eyes. Despite their appearance,
they are not reptiles, but mammals. Their bodies are gray-green in color.

Faerie It is quite common for different members of the same clan to be courtiers in
both the Seelie and Unseelie Courts, and general terms of truce are held by
Number 1d3 common custom when members of competing Courts who happen to belong
Morale +8 to the same clan get together. On such occasions politics are never discussed
Hit Dice 7d6 openly, but gossip and intrigue are never far beneath the surface of any faerie
Armor Class 0 conversation, no matter how innocuous it may appear to others.
Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance E Although they are native to the material plane, faeries can be found on various
No. of Attacks 2 different planes, usually on some errand to obtain an advantage for their clan.
Damage Per weapon type Faerie advisors to various powerful or up-and-coming individuals on these
Defenses See below planes are not uncommon, but it is always known that a faerie’s first loyalty is
Attacks See below always to his clan.
Weaknesses Iron
Size S (2’) 10% of all faeries encountered will be extraordinary individuals with character
Intelligence 15-21 classes and the abilities appropriate thereto. Determine type and level
Alignment Any chaotic randomly:
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 Die
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (30%) Roll
X.P. Value 550 + 6/h.p. (d8) Class and Level Magical Treasure
1 Level d4+8 bard 1d4 items (20%), 1d3 potions
General: Faeries are itinerant by nature, but prefer sylvan woodlands where (30%), 1d3 scrolls (40%)
they can keep the company of pixies, satyrs, leprechauns, dryads, and the 2 Level d6+8 fighter 1 weapon (45%), 1 armor (40%),
like. Faeries make up the majority of the courtiers of the Seelie and Unseelie 1d4 potions (60%)
Courts (see p. 203), but many are also found outside those restrictive (and 3 Level d8+8 cavalier 1 weapon (50%), 1 armor (45%),
dangerous) environs. 1 item (20%)
4 Level d6+8 mage 1 wand (70%), 1d3 potions
Faeries see themselves as the nobility of the woodland folk, and with good (40%), 1d4 scrolls (40%), 1 item
reason. They are powerful spellcasters, in addition to possessing powerful (20%)
innate magical abilities. All are, as a rule, intelligent and attractive, possessing 5 Level d6+8 illusionist 1 wand (40%), 1d3 potions
scores of at least 15 in both INT and CHA. They can have scores as high as (40%), 1d2 scrolls (35%), 1 item
21 in each. (20%)
6 Level d6+8 savant 1 wand (60%), 1d3 scrolls (40%),
Faerie society is divided up into dozens of clans. The power politicking 1 item (30%)
involved in inter-clan relationships is admired even by arch-devils, and but it 7 Level d8+8 thief 1 weapon (40%), 1d3 items
only rarely breaks out into outright violence. The maneuvering includes the (35%), 1d2 scrolls (15%)
arrangement of marriages between the clans, as matches are sought purely on 8 Level d6+8 1 weapon (35%), 1d2 items
the basis of how they will help the fortunes of the clan involved. Intricate and mountebank (35%), 1d6 potions (70%)
arcane rules surround the process, so it is very difficult for outsiders to
comprehend whether a given match will result in the bride joining the groom’s All faeries encountered randomly will belong to the same clan.
clan or vice versa. On some level, all faeries, regardless of clan, are related,
and “cousin” is a common means of address between faeries who are unsure There is a 50% chance that any given group of faeries will be accompanied
of each other’s standing. by one of the following:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Faerie Dragon

Die Roll (d8) Accompanied by… They will attempt to win the love of the one they have chosen (if more than one
1 1 dryad likely candidate is present, the faerie lover will select the one with the highest
2 1 treant charisma score) in exchange for inspiring that person to the heights of
3 1d4 pixies creativity, serving as the chosen’s muse.
4 1d3 nixies
5 1d4 leprechauns Combat: Faerie lovers do not engage in melee. All those within 10’ must make
6 1d3 clurichauns a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates the chosen has fallen in love with
7 1d2 sylphs the faerie lover and will do anything to please the faerie lover and will not
8 1d3 gray elves willingly harm or leave the faerie lover until one or the other of them is dead.
The one that the faerie lover chooses will enjoy and/or suffer the following
Combat: Faeries fight with weapons. Usually this means a longsword (treat as effects, as long as they remain within 1 mile of one another:
a short sword for damage), but 40% will also be armed with 3d4 wicked darts
for throwing. These darts will be coated with a poison that causes a deep sleep • Bards, jesters, and mountebanks get a +4 or +20% (as applicable)
for 10-60 minutes unless a saving throw vs. poison is successful. Faeries don’t bonus to all rolls for verbal patter
wear armor; their AC is derived from their natural speed and magical nature. • All skill checks for artistry, cooking, espionage, thespianism, etc.,
Faeries strike at double speed, and get a -1 bonus to all initiative rolls. are made with a +4 bonus
• The chosen will be so intent on creative endeavors that interest in
In addition, all faeries have the following magical powers: everything else fades
• Every week the chosen will suffer from one (or one additional) form
• Detect charm at will of insanity and permanently lose 1 point of wisdom: when wisdom
• Invisibility at will is reduced to 0, the chosen dies
• Polymorph self three times per day
• Faerie fire three times per day Iron weapons do double damage against faerie lovers.
• Call woodland beings once per day
• Charm person or mammal once per day Appearance: Faerie lovers appear as incredibly beautiful or handsome elves
with green eyes. They always dress in green. They speak the common tongue,
Faeries take maximum damage if hit by iron weapons (but not steel). elvish, and sidhe.

Appearance: Faeries are handsome or beautiful humanoids, 2’ tall, with Falcon (Hawk)
dragonfly wings, pointed ears, and delicate antennae. They all have a regal
(some would say haughty) bearing. Hair and skin color vary as much between Regular Large Giant
faerie clans as they do among humans. Faeries speak the sidhe tongue as well Number 1d2 1d2 1d2
as Common. Morale +1 +2 +6
Hit Dice 1d6 1d8 3d10
Faerie Dragon Armor Class 5 6 5
Move 10’/min., 360’/min. (flying - good)
See dragon, faerie (p. 59). Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Faerie Lover Damage 1/1/1 1d2/1d2/1 1d6/1d6/1d8
Defenses +6 to surprise +6 to surprise +6 to surprise
rolls rolls rolls
Number 1
Attacks Plummet Plummet Plummet
Morale -2
Weaknesses None None None
Hit Dice 2d8
Size S (2 - 3’ wing S (4’ wing span) L (18’ wing span)
Armor Class 7
Move 90’/min.
Intelligence 1 1 3
Magic Resistance D
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
No. of Attacks 0
Treasure Type None None None
Damage n/a
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Defenses None
Magical Treasure None None None
Attacks Charm, insanity
X.P. Value 15 + 1/h.p. 25 + 1/h.p. 125 + 4/h.p.
Weaknesses Iron
Size M
General: Falcons are large predatory birds that generally inhabit high treetops
Intelligence 12
or rocky crags. They can be found in almost every climate save the very
Alignment Neutral evil
coldest. Regular and large falcons can be taught to hunt and attack in combat
Treasure Type IX
if caught when young. The giant variety can be trained to accept riders in
Treasure Value 2d6+6x100
combat, even if they are captured as adults. There is a 10% chance that a
Magical Treasure 1d3 potions (20%)
giant falcon nest will contain 1d4 eggs. Each egg can be sold for 1,500 g.p.
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.
If a hawk is a familiar for a spellcaster, it will grant its master improved distance
vision, equal to four times the human norm (i.e., what a normal human could
General: Faerie lovers can be found along shorelines and in deep woods near
see at 100’, the hawk will allow it’s master to see at 400’).
streams and rivers. They are drawn to those of the opposite sex who are
creative types, or others who require inspiration: bards, jesters, actors, poets,
Combat: Falcons of all sorts attack with their talons and beak. When attacking
painters, etc. They can be either male or female.
prey on the ground from the sky, they are able to plummet down, getting a +2
bonus “to hit” and doing double damage with their talons if they do hit. They


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


cannot attack with their beaks when making a plummeting attack, however.
Due to their excellent eyesight, falcons get a +6 bonus to their surprise rolls.

Appearance: Falcons are raptor-like birds with sharp beaks and talons. The
feathers can be of almost any color, but are most often brown.

Blood Hawk

Number 1d12+3
Morale +2
Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 7
Move 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d6
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XVII
Treasure Value 1d10x20
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.
General: False webs are living creatures that resemble great cobwebs. Each
General: Blood hawks are relatives of ordinary hawks, but their beaks are
of the threads of the web is actually a leg of the beast, which will rest in
much sharper and their talons much more formidable. They will attack humans
dungeon corridors, doorways, etc. If seen, the central nodule will look like a
in preference to other creatures, and will continue to attack human prey even
gray 6” diameter ball floating in mid-air.
if pressed, due to their love of human flesh.
Combat: False webs wait for prey to blunder into them, and then instantly wrap
Combat: Blood hawks attack with their two claws and beak.
themselves around it, constricting it with their immensely strong wire-like legs.
A successful “to hit” roll by the web indicates the prey is caught in its embrace.
Appearance: Blood hawks are raptors with gray feathers.
Being embraced by a living web is like being caught in a constricting fish trap
of strong wire; humanoid creatures will have their arms pinned to their sides
False Web and will be quite unable to move or attack. The web will continue to constrict
the victim each round automatically until it dies, at which time the hidden mouth
Bearded Web Skinny Web on the central nodule will open and the web will begin to feed on the internal
Number 1 1 juices of the prey. The amount of damage done each round by the web
Morale +1 +3 depends on the type of armor being worn by the victim:
Hit Dice 3d6 6d6
Armor Class 5 (central nodule), 0 (legs) 3 (central nodule), 0 (legs) Damage per
Move 180’/min. 180’/min. Armor Worn Round
Magic Resistance Standard Standard None, helmet only, shield only 8
No. of Attacks 1 1 Furs, gambeson, cuirass/lamellar/ scale armor 6
Damage 1d8 1d10 (leather), mail, brigandine,
Defenses None None Ring armor, lamellar (steel), scale armor/cuirass (steel) 5
Attacks Constriction Constriction Plated mail 3
Weaknesses None None Plate armor 2
Size L L Jousting plate 1
Intelligence 3 3
Alignment Neutral Neutral It is possible to cut the legs of a web, but 1d6+6 legs must each take at least
Treasure Type VII VII 1 h.p. of damage for it to release the prey. Damage to the legs doesn’t count
Treasure Value 2d6x100 4d6x100 against the creature’s total hit points.
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%) 1 item (15%)
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p. Appearance: False webs look like large cobwebs spanning tunnels, passages,
doorways, etc. A central nodule some 6” across forms the body of the creature,
and is visible 10% of the time in poor light (such as torchlight or lantern-light).
Bearded webs have an appearance of a spiderweb covered in shaggy dust,
and are spotted some 50% of the time. Skinny webs have no such covering
and cannot be spotted except by noticing the central nodule.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Firedrake

Firedrake Fish Man

Number 2d4 Warrior Monitor

Morale +5 Number 2d12 (party) or 40d10 See below
Hit Dice 4d8 (community)
Armor Class 5 Morale +5 +7
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) Hit Dice 2d8 7d8 (56 h.p.)
Magic Resistance Standard Armor Class 4 1
No. of Attacks 1 Move 90’/min., 180’/min. 180’/min., 360’/min.
Damage 2d4 (swimming) (swimming)
Defenses None Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Attacks Breath weapon No. of Attacks 1 or 2 4
Weaknesses None Damage Per weapon and/or 2d4/1d4+1/2d4/1d4+1
Size S (4’ long) 1d4+1
Intelligence 3 Defenses See below See below
Alignment Neutral Attacks See below See below
Treasure Type None Weaknesses Bright light Bright light
Treasure Value n/a Size M M
Magical Treasure n/a Intelligence 13+ 15+
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. Alignment Neutral/chaotic evil Neutral evil
Treasure Type V
General: Firedrakes are distantly related to true dragons, and inhabit rocky Treasure Value 1d20 (individuals), 1d6x10,000 (colony)
hills. They do not grow beyond the size listed above, and their powers do not Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%) (colony)
change with age as do the powers of dragons. They are ill-tempered, and will X.P. Value See below 1,223
attack 50% of the time if they are disturbed.

Combat: Firedrakes attack with their bite. In addition, they can breathe fire
five times per day. The breath weapon forms a cone 10’ wide at the base and
60’ long; all creatures within the area will take 2d8 h.p. of damage (a
successful saving throw vs. breath weapon indicates half damage).

The blood of firedrakes is extremely flammable in air; extreme precautions

need to be taken to store it (an airtight container itself immersed in water, for
example). A metal weapon dipped in the blood of a firedrake will be treated
as a flame tongue weapon for 2d4+2 rounds. While it is aflame, there is a
2% cumulative chance that the weapon will break when it strikes an enemy. It
will otherwise return to normal once the flaming blood evaporates.

Apperance: Firedrakes appear to be miniature red dragons.

See also: frostdrake (p. 88).

Fire Lizard

See lizard, fire (p. 148). General: The fish men are dwellers in the same deep underground environs as
the drow and deep gnomes, having been driven there from the sunlit world
untold centuries ago. Fish men are sworn enemies of humans and demi-
Fire Snake
humans, attacking and enslaving them on sight, often to bring them back as
sacrifices for their foul deities. Although they are completely amphibious, being
See snake, fire (p. 215).
able to breathe air or water, they are generally considered land-dwelling
creatures. It is not impossible for a community of fish men to be found in some
deep underwater rift, however.

If more than 20 are encountered, there is a 50% chance that they are within
1d6 miles of their home. Larger groups will have the following additional
exceptional individuals, as indicated. Fish men use the optional assassin class
as presented in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual. If you
choose not to use the assassin class, substitute thief for assassin in the tables
below, but it is recommended that assassins be allowed for fish men, even if
they are not used in the campaign as a whole (numbers of additional figures
are cumulative):


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Number Additional Figures Males Females

Every 4 warriors One 3rd or 4th level fighter (50% chance) Level / X.P. X.P.
Every 8 warriors One 5th or 6th level fighter (50% chance) Hit Dice H.P. Value H.P. Value
Every 12 warriors One multi-classed cleric/assassin (level 1d4+3 in 2 12 68 10 44
each class) 3 18 134 15 90
20 or more (raiding One 10th level fighter, two 8th level fighters, four 4 28 247 24 171
party) multi-classed 3rd level fighter / 3rd level 5 35 385 30 270
assassins, one monitor (see below), one slave per 6 42 627 36 441
4 fish men total (see below) 7 56 1,048 49 767
8 64 1,540 56 1,085
Exceptional individuals will also be encountered in a fish man outpost, 9 72 2,364 n/a n/a
depending on the total size of the enclave: 10 90 3,510 n/a n/a
11 99 4,984 n/a n/a
Number Additional Figures 12 120 5,320 n/a n/a
Any One duke (see below), eight “eyes” (see below),
one multi-classed 6th level cleric / 6th level Weapons should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to
assassin (“chief whip”), one multi-classed 4th level use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each
cleric / 4th level assassin or multi-classed 5th individual warrior:
level cleric / 5th level assassin (50% chance)
(“whips”), females equal to 20% of warriors (treat Die Roll % Composition
as warriors except for hit points; see below), non- Males Females Weapons Males Females
combatant young equal to 20% of the number of 01-10 - Dagger, harpoon 10% -
warriors, slaves equal to 50% of the number of 11-30 01-50 Dagger, short bow 20% 50%
warriors 31-60 51-70 Dagger, spear, net 30% 20%
Every 20 warriors 1 monitor (see below) 61-00 71-00 Dagger, spear, shield 40% 30%

Dukes are multi-classed cleric/assassins. They will be 10th level in each class Clerics 6th level or higher will be armed with a pincer staff in addition to any
if there are fewer than 275 warriors in the outpost, 11th level in each class if weapons listed above. This is a weapon similar to a man-catcher, 5’ long with
there are 275-349 warriors, and 12th level in each class if there are 350 or a 3’ pincer at the end. A hit indicates the victim is trapped; there is a 10%
more warriors. “Eyes” are also multi-classed cleric/assassins that function as chance that both arms are pinned, a 40% chance that one arm is trapped
the personal guard and spies of the duke. They will be four levels lower in (25% chance that the weapon-arm is trapped if this happens). No dexterity
each class than the duke. adjustments are allowed to trapped victims, and naturally if the weapon-hand
is pinned, no attacks using that hand are possible.
Some fish man outposts are special religious shrines (20% chance). In such
areas, there will be an additional cadre of clerics, as indicated below (numbers
are not cumulative): Clerics and cleric/assassins are able to create a lightning stroke by joining
hands. The bolt has a range of 40’ plus 10’ per cleric joining in the attempt,
Number Additional Clerics is 2’ wide, and causes 6 h.p. of damage per cleric involved (saving throw vs.
160 or less One 6th level cleric magic is allowed for half damage). Only a single target will be struck: the first
161-240 One 6th level cleric, one 7th level cleric within the area of effect. There is a 10% chance per round per cleric involved
241-320 One 6th level cleric, one 7th level cleric, one 8th in the attempt that the lightning stroke will be generated.
level cleric
321-400 Three 6th level clerics, two 7th level clerics, one In addition to all their other powers and bonuses, fish men have the following
9th level cleric abilities.
401 or more Four 6th level clerics, two 8th level clerics, one
10th level cleric • Any grappling, overbearing, or pummeling attack is made with a
-5 penalty “to hit”
Combat: Note that fish men fight as fighters or members of other classes; they • Spells such as web, attempts to bind fish men, with shackles or
are not treated as “monsters”. They either attack with a weapon, or with their rope, etc. will only succeed 25% of the time
bite and a dagger (they do not bite if using any other weapon). Males get a • Fish men are able to see moving invisible or hidden objects, even
+1 bonus “to hit” due to their strength. those that are astral or ethereal
• They have both infravision and ultravision
Fish man shields are not used for defense, but rather as a special weapon. The • All get a +1 bonus to surprise rolls
shields are covered with a sticky substance; there is a 25% chance that any • Immune to poison
attack from the front against a fish man armed with such a shield will result in • Immune to paralysis
the weapon being stuck fast to the shield; a successful “open stuck doors” • Immune to charm person, hold person, sleep, and other “person
check is needed to free it. affecting” spells
• Electrical attacks do half damage (save means no damage)
Fish men do not roll hit points randomly, however; due to their closely • Magic missiles do only 1 h.p. per missile
controlled breeding programs they have uniform hit points depending on hit • Immune to illusions
dice and gender. Hit points are determined by their level:
However, fish men do not function well in bright light; they will fight with a
-1 penalty “to hit” in the illumination of even a light spell. They make saving
throws against fire- or heat-based attacks with a -2 penalty.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Flail Snail

Monitors: Monitors are special fish men who exist to keep the rest of the creature’s body is itself struck, it will instantly die, but this is very difficult
population in line, especially the ever-increasing numbers of insane fish men. because of the hard shell.
In addition to all of the usual abilities of fish men, they have a -8 bonus to their
surprise rolls, are able to attack to knock out an opponent (if doing so, they do The flail snail is immune to fire and poison. The shell itself sports a beautiful
double damage with their hands, and knock enemies unconscious for 3d4 iridescence that affords the creature a special sort of magical resistance.
rounds if they inflict damage equal to the victim’s total number of h.p.; such Whenever it is personally the target of a spell or other magical effect, roll to
damage is fully healed when the victim wakes up). They make two separate see the effect:
attacks in the round: one hand/bite at the beginning of the round (assume an
initiative roll of 0) and one at the end of the round. The monitors form a Die Roll (d%) Effect
separate caste within fish man society, both celibate and monastic in their 01-40 Spell is redirected to nearest other creature
devotion. 41-70 Functions normally
71-90 Spell has no effect
Appearance: Humans and humanoids instinctively find fish men repulsive. 91-00 Spell rebounds on the caster
Their paunchy bodies are covered with slimy scales, and their fish-like heads
betray no emotion. They do not wear clothing; only leather harnesses upon The snail’s magic resistance is a function of its shell, which will continue to
which they hang their weapons and meager possessions. They speak their own function after the death of the creature. A successful hit on the shell (AC -8) will
tongue, the silent sign-language common to the underworld, and are able to shatter it, however, causing it to lose its magic resistance effect.
communicate with all fish through a sort of empathy. Clerics are able to speak
a special liturgical language descended from that of the elemental plane of Appearance: The flail snail appears as an 8-foot-high snail with a variable
water; creatures native to that plane can be convinced not to attack the fish number of ever-moving tentacles in front of it like flails. The shell is multi-colored
men 75% of the time if one of their clerics is able to attempt to do so. and iridescent.

Flail Snail

Number 1
Morale +1
Hit Dice 4d8-6d8 (see below)
Armor Class 4 (tentacles) -8 (body)
Move 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 4-6
Damage 1d8 per tentacle
Defenses Magic resistance, death wail
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (8’)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value See below
General: The flail snail is a denizen of the underground, where it continually
wanders in search of food, with its many club-like tentacles in constant motion
Warrior Captain
before it. It is very sensitive to light. The shell, which weighs 250 lbs., will keep
Number 2d12 2d12
its magical properties (see below) for 1d6 months after the death of the snail.
Morale +3 +5
It can be sold for up to 5,000 g.p.
Hit Dice 2d12 3d12
Armor Class 5 5
Combat: Flail snails attack with their many mace-like tentacles, each of which
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
does 1d8 h.p. of damage and can strike at different opponents, as long as
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
they are all in front of the snail. The number of tentacles each snail has should
No. of Attacks 1 or 2 2
be determined randomly:
Damage 1d6 or 1d4/1d4 1d4+1/1d4+1
Defenses None None
Die Roll (d3) Hit Dice / No. of Tentacles X.P. Value
Attacks +1 to hit, disarm +1 to hit, disarm
1 4 150 + 4/h.p.
Weaknesses None None
2 5 205 + 5/h.p.
Size L (6 ½’) L (6 ½’)
3 6 350 + 6/h.p.
Intelligence 9 9
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
Each tentacle has 1d8 hit die; when each tentacle takes damage equal to its
Treasure Type II
hit points, it drops to the floor. When all of the tentacles are destroyed, what
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
is left of the snail will curl up within its shell and die in 1d3x10 minutes. During
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
that time, it sings its wailing death song, which is piteous in the extreme, and
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 60 + 4/h.p.
which is 50% likely to attract wandering monsters per 10 minutes. If the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Flinds are related to gnolls (see p. 103) and will sometimes be found
in command of gnoll bands. Flinds have at least a 16 charisma with regards Appearance: Flumphs are white saucers some 2’ in diameter. The underside
to gnolls. They get along well with orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears, and ogres, but is covered with sharp spines, while the top surface sports a large slit-like mouth
they will not be found in the company of trolls. For every 15 flinds, there will and a pair of eyestalks. A fringe of writhing tentacles is around the perimeter
be one leader. Leaders have a strength of 17 and a charisma of 18 (to gnolls). of the creature, which are used to propel the flumph as it floats; the urine-hole
is too small to be noticed casually. Flumphs can speak a pidgin form of the
Combat: Flinds usually attack with great clubs, but 25% of them (and all common tongue.
leaders) will be armed with special “flind bars”. Flind bars are two bars of
metal connected by a chain, which can strike twice in one round. If a weapon-
bearing enemy is struck, he must make a saving throw vs. wands, or else the
flind bar has wrapped itself around his weapon, and he is disarmed. Others
attempting to use flind bars will suffer the usual non-proficiency penalty (unless
they take the time to practice and then select it as one of their proficiencies)
and must have both a strength and a dexterity of 13 or greater. Flinds are
considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold person.

Appearance: Flinds look like short gnolls; muscular humanoids with the heads
of hyenas. They speak gnoll, ogre, and there is a 50% chance that the
members of any given band will speak orcish and/or hobgoblin.


Number 2d8
Morale +2 Fly, Giant
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 0 (underside), 8 (top)
Bluebottle Horsefly
Move 60’/min. (floating - poor)
Number 1d10 1d4
Magic Resistance Standard
Morale +1 +3
No. of Attacks 1
Hit Dice 3d8 6d8
Damage 1d8
Armor Class 6 5
Defenses None
Move 90’/min., 300’/min. 60’/min., 270’/min.
Attacks Urine, plummet attack
(flying - poor) (flying - poor)
Weaknesses Can’t move if flipped over
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Size S (2’ diameter)
No. of Attacks 1 1
Intelligence 10
Damage 1d8 2d8
Alignment Lawful good
Defenses Jump Jump
Treasure Type None
Attacks Disease Blood drain
Treasure Value n/a
Weaknesses Fire Fire
Magical Treasure n/a
Size M (5’ long) L (7’ long)
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p.
Intelligence 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral
General: Flumphs are, despite their comical appearance, effective and loyal
Treasure Type None None
guardians of the cause of order and weal. Possessed of near-infinite patience,
Treasure Value n/a n/a
they are often used as guards and a first line of defense against intrusion into
Magical Treasure None None
places whose violation would be against the interests of those who honor law
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 150 + 6/h.p.
and good.
General: Giant flies are pests known in all but the coldest of environments.
Flumphs are naturally buoyant in air, and fly by flapping the mass of tendrils
Bluebottle flies will hardly ever attack living prey, preferring carrion. Horseflies
around their middles. They will normally only show their well-armored spined
are very aggressive and will attack just about anything available.
underbelly to enemies: if flipped upside-down they become disoriented and
quite helpless, however.
Combat: Giant flies of all types attack with their bite. The bite of the bluebottle
flie has a 10% chance of transmitting a disease of some sort. Horseflies will, if
Combat: The first line of attack of a flumph is its urine. The flumph is able to
a successful hit is made, cling to the victim and drain an equal number of hit
squirt this foul-smelling liquid as far as 20’ away, spraying all creatures in a
points automatically on the next round (no “to hit” roll required) as it drains the
60º arc. Any creature in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs.
blood and fluids from the victim. It will then fly away, sated.
poison. Failure indicates they are overcome by nausea and revulsion, and will
flee for 1d6+2 minutes in a random direction. For 1d4 hours thereafter, the
Giant flies can jump; a special sort of movement that can transport the fly 30’
foul-smelling liquid will be repugnant to all creatures within a 100’ radius,
in but one segment using a combination of the fly’s legs and wings to provide
including the companions of those covered by it.
great speed. If the fly’s intitiative allows for it, it can jump once, attack, and
jump away again all before an enemy has had a chance to respond. All sorts
If this fails to deter intruders, a flumph will hover over a victim and then
of flies are afraid of fire; a successful attack by a lit torch will burn off the wings
suddenly plummet on him from above. This causes the spines on the underside
of a giant fly, rendering it incapable of either flying or jumping.
of the creature not only to inflict damage themselves, but also to inject an acidic
compound into the victim, causing an additional 1d4 h.p. of damage every
Appearance: Giant flies are enormous versions of their ordinary cousins.
minute for the next 2d8 minutes.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Forester’s Bane (Snapper-Saw)

Forester’s Bane (Snapper-Saw) Myrmarch Gymarch Queen

Number See below See below See below
Number 1d2 Morale +3 +4 +5
Morale n/a Hit Dice 6d10 7d10 8d10
Hit Dice 5d8 (central plant), 1d8+16 (stalks), 1d8+8 (leaves) Armor Class 1 1 1
Armor Class 9 (central plant), 4 (stalks), 7 (leaves) Move 150’/min. 150’/min. 150’/min.
Move None Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Magic Resistance Standard No. of Attacks 2 2 0
No. Of Attacks 1d4+2 Damage 2d4/1d2 2d4/1d2 n/a
Damage 1d4+1 (each) Defenses None None None
Defenses None Attacks Poison Poison None
Attacks None Weaknesses None None None
Weaknesses None Size L (7’ long) L (8’ long) L (9’ long)
Size L Intelligence 16 16 18
Intelligence 0 Alignment Lawful neutral Lawful neutral Lawful neutral
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type None None V
Treasure Type None Treasure Value n/a n/a 9d6x1,000
Treasure Value n/a Magical Treasure None None 1d3 items (30%)
Magical Treasure None X.P. Value 400 + 8/h.p. 650 + 10/h.p. 0
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.

General: The forester’s bane is a true menace of the temperate woodlands in General: Formians, or centaur ants as they are sometimes called, can be found
which it is found. It will have 1d4+2 stalks, each of which can attack trapped in most temperate and tropical climates, where they create large city-nests that
prey, and 8 leaves, which help prevent the prey from escaping. can be mistaken for walled human towns from afar. The “buildings” are all
cones, domes, cylinders, etc. with entrances at the top, sloping ramps on the
Combat: The forester’s bane lays flat, and when prey steps into its radius, it interiors of the structures, and the vast majority of the city-nest itself
snaps shut, sawing at it with its woody stalks; a successful “to hit” roll is underground. The size of the city depends on the number of workers initially
required on the first round only. On each round after the first, the plant will hit rolled for the encounter:
automatically until the prey escapes or the plant is slain; there is a 5% chance
per point of strength that the victim will tear itself free, plus 10% for every leaf Workers Underground Levels
that is destroyed. The plant is only truly dead when the central plant is 100 3
destroyed; destroyed stalks and leaves will regrow in but 2d4 weeks. The 200 6
central plant cannot be attacked until the stalks are destroyed. Those not in the 300 9
grip of the forester’s bane can only attack the outer leaves which imprison the 400 12
The population of each formian city-nest has a particular color; it is common
Appearance: A forester’s bane is a low-lying shrub with purple stalks and for centaur-ants from one city to be taken as slaves in another. Slaves in an
luscious green leaves. The central plant grows golden-yellow berries with an enemy city will be completely uncommunicative with intruders; they will not
enticing scent that draw in prey. participate in any uprising, assist intruders, etc.

When encountered randomly in the wilderness, there is a 90% chance that the
Formian (Centaur Ant) encounter is only with a scavenging party made up of workers. Some of the
time (10%) the encounter will be with a raiding party that includes warriors,
Worker Warrior as indicated above. Raiding parties will be warring against other formian city-
Number 1d4x100 1d20+20 nests or giant termite mounds. There is a 20% chance that a randomly
Morale -2 +1 encountered scavenging party will be found within a mile of the city-nest, and
Hit Dice 1d10 3d10 a 50% chance that a raiding party will be. They are overly fond of giant termite
Armor Class 3 2 eggs (see p. 229) and will attempt to exterminate any giant termites that may
Move 180’/min. 150’/min. be in the vicinity.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 4 When encountered in one of their weird cities, the following additional
Damage 1d4 1d6/1d4/1d4/1 formians will be encountered, in addition to the workers and warriors indicated
Defenses None None above:
Attacks None Poison
Weaknesses None None • 1d4+4 myrmarchs plus 2 warriors and 8 workers each as
Size S (4’ long) M (5’ long) attendants
Intelligence 6 6 • 100 workers per underground level
Alignment Lawful neutral Lawful neutral • 10 warriors per underground level
Treasure Type None None • 200 slave worker formians from other city-nests per underground
Treasure Value n/a n/a level
Magical Treasure None None • 1 queen in a special “royal complex” attended by 1d4+1
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 150 + 4/h.p. gymarchs, 1d4 additional myrmarchs, 1d10+10 warriors,
1d20+20 workers; the royal complex also will hold 10 eggs, 10
larvae, and 10 pupae (all non-combatants)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Killer frogs have a taste for human and demi-human flesh. They are,
however, cannibalistic, which keeps their numbers down to manageable
numbers. They are found in swamps, marshes, rivers, lakes, etc.

Combat: Killer frogs attack with their two front claws and sharp teeth. They
can leap up to 180’ when attacking, and their coloration makes them very
difficult to detect; enemies get a penalty of -2 on their surprise rolls.

Appearance: Killer frogs are larger versions of their normal cousins, but with
large talons and many sharp teeth. They are greenish-brown in color.

Frog, Monstrous

Large Huge Giant

Number 5d8 5d8 5d8
Morale ±0 ±0 ±0
Hit Dice 1d6 2d8 3d8
Armor Class 7 7 7
Move 30’/min., 90’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage 1d3 1d6 2d4
Combat: All formians attack with their mandibles and a venomous stinger on Defenses None None None
their abdomen. Warriors also attack with their foreclaws. The amount of Attacks 180’ leap, 140’ leap, 100’ leap,
damage caused by the formian venom depends on the caste: tongue, swallow, tongue, swallow, tongue, swallow,
camouflage, camouflage, camouflage,
Caste Venom Damage enemies get -2 to enemies get -2 to enemies get -2 to
Warrior 2d4; save vs. poison for 1d4 surprise rolls surprise rolls surprise rolls
Myrmarch 4d4; save vs. poison for 2d4 Weaknesses Flee from fire Flee from fire Flee from fire
Gymarch 4d4; save vs. poison for 2d4 Size S (2’ long, 50 S (4’ long, 150 M (6’ long, 250
lbs.) lbs.) lbs.)
For purposes of opening doors, grappling, lifting objects, etc. worker formians Intelligence 0 0 0
have a strength of 22, warriors 23, and myrmarchs and gymarchs 24. Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None None
Appearance: All formians have the same basic body build; they resemble giant Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
ants but with the thorax and head raised upright. The foreclaws of the workers Magical Treasure None None None
are rather crude, and those of the warriors are designed for little except X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p. 30 + 2/h.p. 45 + 3/h.p.
inflicting harm. The claws of the mymarchs and gymarchs, however, are as
clever and nimble as those of humans. Formians communicate amongst General: Monstrous frogs inhabit places where water and land meet: bogs,
themselves by applying their antennae to one another; the myrmarchs, swamps, riverbanks, lakes, ponds, etc. They are mostly meat-eaters, and will
gymarchs, and queen have a 75% chance of speaking a crude form of the swallow any creature small enough to fit into their mouth. They are aggressive
common tongue. Their exoskeleton can be of almost any color, and will also hunters, but will flee from strong predators or fire.
be covered in fine hairs.
Combat: Monstrous frogs attack with their bite. Due to their coloration, enemies
Frog, Killer have a -2 penalty on all surprise rolls. The sticky tongue of the monstrous frog
is three times as long as the frog itself, and strikes with a +4 bonus “to hit.”
Number 3d6 The tongue itself does no damage, but will be used to draw prey into the
Morale +3 mouth. If that happens, the frog automatically scores maximum damage. The
Hit Dice 1d12 exact function of the tongue depends on the weight of the creature attacked:
Armor Class 8
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (swimming) Frog Will
Magic Resistance Standard Victim Weighs… Frog Will Release… Attack on…
No. of Attacks 3 Equal to or less than the If the tongue is hit (1 Next round
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4+1 frog chance)
Defenses None More than the frog If the tongue is hit (2 3rd round
Attacks 180’ leap, camouflage, enemies get -2 to surprise rolls chances)
Weaknesses None Twice as much as the frog Automatically after 2 Never
Size S (2’ long) rounds
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral In addition, giant frogs will swallow prey whole on a natural roll of 20 “to hit.”
Treasure Type None Such creatures must be smaller than the frog, and they have 3 rounds to
Treasure Value n/a escape. In order to do so, they must score a modified hit of 18 with an edged
Magical Treasure None weapon; success results in the frog being slain automatically. Anyone else
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Frog, Poisonous

attacking a frog with swallowed prey must roll 1d6 every time they hit. On a three times per day (total); the icy breath will do 2d8 h.p. to those caught in
roll of 1-4, the damage done to the frog is done to the swallowed prey as well. its blast. Those who make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon take
only half damage. While in white dragon form, the frostdrake is able to use
Appearance: Monstrous frogs are larger versions of ordinary frogs. They are all of the powers of the white dragon, and its damage is increased
generally the color of their surroundings: mud brown, scum green, etc. accordingly. While in their native form, they are average fliers, but in white
dragon form, they are clumsy.
Frog, Poisonous
Frostdrakes are also able to cast the spells sleep and fear twice per day, in
Number 2d6 either form.
Morale ±0
Hit Dice 1d4 Appearance: In their native form, frostdrakes are small winged lizards a dull
Armor Class 8 silver in color.
Move 30’/min., 90’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard See also: white dragon (p. 59), firedrake (p. 81).
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1 h.p. Fucus Worm
Defenses None
Attacks 10’ leap, poison Number 2d12
Weaknesses None Morale n/a
Size S (6”) Hit Dice 2d4
Intelligence 0 Armor Class 8
Alignment Neutral Move 30’/min.
Treasure Type None Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Value n/a No. of Attacks 1
Magical Treasure None Damage 1
X.P. Value 35 + 1/h.p. Defenses None
Attacks Blinding
General: Poisonous frogs are found in all the places that regular frogs are Weaknesses Rock salt
found; swamps, rivers, marshes, etc. Size S (1’ long)
Intelligence 0
Combat: The poisonous frog’s bite is not very dangerous in and of itself, but Alignment Neutral
the skin of the frog itself is poisonous. All those exposed to it (i.e., all those Treasure Type None
successfully hit by the frog) must make a saving throw vs. poison with a +4 Treasure Value n/a
bonus or die. They can leap up to 10’ to attack. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p.
Appearance: Poisonous frogs are normal frogs, often brightly colored, but
have a toothy bite.


Number 1d4
Morale -2
Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class 1
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (flying, average/clumsy)
Magic Resistance P
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d3
Defenses White dragon form
Attacks Breath weapon, magic
Weaknesses None
Size S (3’ long)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic evil General: Fucus worms are found in most moist, dark, and warm environments
Treasure Type III where they feed on rotting vegetable matter, but they are also fond of flesh
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000 when it is available. Fucus worms are able to crawl along walls, ceilings, etc.
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (35%)
X.P. Value 255 + 4/h.p. Combat: A fucus worm initially attacks to attach itself to prey; a successful hit
indicates it has done so. There is a 5% chance that any successful attachment
General: Frostdrakes are magical reptiles found in frigid environments. will be on the face, covering the eyes and blinding the victim. Thereafter, the
sucker-like mouth will begin gnawing on the victim’s flesh for 1 h.p. of damage
Combat: Frostdrakes in their native form attack with their two claws and a bite. per round; the worm cannot be removed while it is still alive. Application of
Twice per day, they are able to polymorph self into the form of a large white rock salt will cause 2 h.p. of damage to the worm for 1d4 rounds, but will not
dragon for two hours. While in this form, they are able to use a breath weapon necessarily cause it to release its hold on the victim.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Fucus worms are horrific worms with slimy gray bodies, white Appearance: Black puffball fungi are rough spheres some 2’ in diameter. They
underbellies with hundreds of tiny legs, and waving cilia on the head which are dull black in color, but their spores are a shiny black.
serve as its sensory organs. The mouth is ringed with horny plates that can
move in a scissor-like fashion. Gas Spore

Fungus, Deadly Number 1

Morale ±0
There are many varities of fungi, some large, some small, some deadly, some Hit Dice 1 hit point
innocuous. In most cases, it should be remembered that differentiating between Armor Class 9
deadly fungi and their non-deadly cousins is difficult unless one is experienced Move 30’/min. (floating)
in such matters. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
All varieties of deadly fungus are by their very nature mindless and are thus Damage n/a
immune to mind-affecting spells, illusions, charms, etc. Defenses Explosion
Attacks Rhizomes
Black Puffball Fungus Weaknesses None
Size L (4’ diameter)
Number 3d6 Intelligence 0
Morale n/a Alignment Neutral
Hit Dice 1 hit point Treasure Type None
Armor Class 9 Treasure Value n/a
Move 0 Magical Treasure None
Magic Resistance Standard X.P. Value 33
No. of Attacks 1
Damage n/a General: The gas spore is a floating fungal creature that strongly resembles
Defenses None the feared sphere of many eyes (see p.217). At ranges in excess of 10’, there
Attacks Spores is a 90% chance that a gas spore will be mistaken for a sphere of many eyes.
Weaknesses None At closer ranges, there is still a 25% chance.
Size S (2’ diameter)
Intelligence 0 Combat: Gas spores attack enemies by touching exposed skin with their stalk-
Alignment Neutral like growths; if they are successful, they have infected the victim with their
Treasure Type None rhizomes (see below). However, if they are struck for but a single point of
Treasure Value n/a damage, they explode violently; all creatures within a 20’ radius will take 6d6
Magical Treasure None h.p. of damage (save vs. wands/staves/wands for half damage). If the saving
X.P. Value 13 throw is not successful, the gas spore’s awful rhizomes will have penetrated
the victim. 24 hours after that happens, the victim will die in agony as 2d4
General: Black puffball fungi are found in large patches underground or gas spores erupt from the painfully swollen nodules under their skin. A cure
occasionally in dark forests, where each sphere rests on the ground a few feet disease spell will remove the rhizomes.
or inches from its neighbor. Crossing such a patch of fungi requires a DEX
check for every 10’ crossed; failure indicates one of the fungi has burst open. Appearance: A gas spore is a large spherical creature with what appears to
After a few days of rapid growth, they become extremely brittle, so that the be a large central eye, a large tooth-filled maw, and a ring of smaller eyes
slightest touch is enough to cause it to split open, releasing its spores. around its middle, with a fringe of tendrils below.

Combat: Black puffball fungi attack with their spores. Any creature within 15’ Shrieker
of the fungus when it splits must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon.
Success indicates the creature is merely covered in spores; if they are washed Number 2d4
off or brushed off thoroughly and immediately, no harm will come to the victim. Morale n/a
Failure of the saving throw (or failure to remove spores on one’s skin and/or Hit Dice 3d6
clothes) indicates that the creature has breathed in some of the spores. If this Armor Class 7
happens, the spores will lodge in the alveoli of the lungs, where they will begin Move 10’/min.
to grow into new puffball fungi. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Creatures with black puffball fungi growing inside their lungs will die in 1 day Damage n/a
if of small size, 2 days if medium, and 3 or 4 days if large. Death is by Defenses None
suffocation as the fungi fill up the lungs, making it impossible to breathe. One Attacks None
day after the victim dies, the fungi in its lungs will explode and a cloud of Weaknesses None
spores will erupt from its mouth; this can happen any time after death if the Size S to L
body is roughly handled. A new saving throw is required in such instances, as Intelligence 0
detailed above. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Only a cure disease, limited wish, wish, alter reality, or heal spell will remove Treasure Value n/a
a black puffball fungus growing inside a victim. Once a victim dies, raise dead Magical Treasure None
or resurrection will not be effective unless the fungus has been removed from X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
the lungs by one of the above-mentioned spells.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Fungus, Deadly

will be lost to rot and corruption every round, with each lost limb causing the
victim to lose 10% of his total original hit points permanently. At the end of the
fifth round, the victim’s torso will rot away, killing the character at last (of
course, the victim may have already died as a result of his limbs rotting and
falling away). A cure disease spell will halt the progress of the rot, and a
regenerate spell will restore one lost limb (and the hit points that were lost with
it). The length of the fungus’s branches (and thus its range of attack) depends
on its size, which should be determined randomly:

Die Roll (d4) Size Branch Length

1 S (4’) 1’
2 M (5’) 2’
3 M (6’) 3’
4 L (7’) 4’

As they are mindless, violet fungi are immune to illusions, charm, etc. Shriekers
and other non-animal creatures are immune to the rot of the violet fungus.

Appearance: Violet fungi are tall and slender mushrooms, overall purplish in
color. They are sometimes mistaken for shriekers (see above).
General: Shriekers are a species of mobile fungus found in underground
environs. They are themselves harmless, but if light is brought within 30’, or
Whitecap Fungus
anything moves within 10’, each will begin to emit a loud shriek for 1d3
rounds. This noise has a 50% chance of attracting nearby monsters (or
Number 1d4
wandering monsters) each round it lasts. Because of this, they are often set as
Morale ±0
guards by more intelligent creatures. They are highly sought-after as food by
Hit Dice 2d6
both shambling mounds and purple worms, and are sometimes found in the
Armor Class 6
proximity of violet fungi (see below). The size of each individual shrieker should
Move 10’/min.
be determined randomly using 1d3: 1= small, 2 = medium, 3 = large.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Combat: Shriekers do not attack.
Damage n/a
Defenses None
Appearance: Shriekers are large mushrooms with a red or purple sheen. They
Attacks Blindness
are sometimes mistaken for violet fungi (see below).
Weaknesses None
Size S (3’-4’)
Violet Fungus Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Number 1d4 Treasure Type None
Morale ±0 Treasure Value n/a
Hit Dice 3d6
Magical Treasure None
Armor Class 7 X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.
Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1d4
Damage 1d4
Defenses Spell immunity
Attacks Rotting
Weaknesses None
Size S (4’) - L (7’)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 135 + 4/h.p.

General: Violet fungi dwell in underground places and are ambulatory (albeit
slow), consuming decaying animal matter for the most part. They are often
found in the company of shriekers (see above). They so closely resemble
shriekers that there is a 75% chance that they will be mistaken for their more
benign cousins. General: The whitecap fungus is an ambulatory fungus that, while seemingly
innocuous, is in reality a deadly scourge. Found in moist woodlands, temperate
Combat: Each violet fungus has 1d4 branches, each of which will not only swamps, and jungles, the whitecap fungus steadily and slowly moves across
cause some slight damage if it hits, but will force the victim to make a saving the ground in search of any sort of animal life.
throw vs. poison. Failure indicates that the victim has begun to rot; one limb


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Whitecap fungi do not attack conventionally. When they come within Appearance: Gargoyles have skin like stone, tails, and bat-like wings. They
10’ of any animal, they immediately shoot forth a spray of fine spore-filled mist will often have horns, although there is considerable variation. Their skin is
at the victim, who must then make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Failure gray-green. Gargoyles, margoyles, and kapoacinths share the same guttural
indicates that the spores have hit the eyes of the victim, which instantly film language.
over as the mycelium spreads throughout the eye. Blindness is immediate, and
after only 1d6 hours smaller versions of the whitecap fungus can be seen See also: kapoacinth (p. 266).
growing out of the now-ruined eyes of the victim. Once some other creature of
the forest slays the helpless victim, the mushrooms (which are not edible and Gelatinous Cube
have a bitter odor that discourages experimentation by animals) will grow
using the corpse of the victim as food. Within 1d4 days the mushrooms will be Number 1
large enough to move about on their own, and will then leave the host in Morale ±0
search of new prey. Each whitecap fungus can spray its spores but once every Hit Dice 4d8
4 hours. Armor Class 8
Move 60’/min.
Appearance: Whitecap fungi are mushrooms with light gray stalks and large, Magic Resistance Standard
white, bell-shaped caps. The undersides of the caps are also white. No. of Attacks 1
Damage Paralyzation
Gargoyle Defenses Immune to electricity, fear, hold, paralyzation,
polymorph, sleep; resistant to cold
Gargoyle Margoyle Attacks Digestion, enemies get -1 to surprise rolls
Number 2d8 2d4 Weaknesses None
Morale +5 +6 Size L (10’ on a side)
Hit Dice 4d10 6d8 Intelligence 0
Armor Class 5 2 Alignment Neutral
Move 90’/min., 50’/min. 60’/min., 120’/min. Treasure Type XVI
(flying - average) (flying - average) Treasure Value 1d12x10
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Magical Treasure 1 potion or 1 weapon (10%)
No. of Attacks 4 4 X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p.
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4 1d6/1d6/2d4/2d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon needed to harm
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size M M
Intelligence 6 6
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type Individuals XV, Lair III Individuals XV, Lair III
Treasure Value Individuals 1d8x10, lair Individuals 1d10x10, lair
4d6x100 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p. 350 + 6/h.p.

gargoyles and
margoyles are
General: Gelatinous cubes are commonplace scavengers in underground
creatures with a
settings such as dungeons, and are perfectly adapted to such conditions by
preference for
their size and shape, which conforms to the dimensions of many dungeon
dwelling in old
corridors. They sweep up detritus, carrion, etc. from walls, floors, and ceilings,
ruins and deep
incidentally also sweeping up indigestible matter such as coins, gems, potion
underground. They are very
vials, etc. They are thought to be the result of failed alchemical experiments
aggressive, and will attack any
that interacted with tiny organisms, mutating them and causing them to grow
creature 90% of the time. They
to monstrous size.
are known to sometimes work as
servants of powerful evil masters.
Combat: Gelatinous cubes attack by touch; victims must make a saving throw
There is a 20% chance that any
vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for 5d4 minutes. During this time the cube
group of gargoyles will have a
will flow around the victim and begin digesting him, causing 2d4 h.p. of
smaller group of margoyles as leaders.
damage per round until the victim is fully dissolved. Cubes are transparent,
making them difficult to see, especially in dungeon environments; enemies
Combat: Gargoyles attack with their
have a -1 penalty on their surprise rolls. Gelatinous cubes are resistant to cold-
claws, horn, and spade-like tails. Only
based attacks; if they fail a saving throw they only take 1d4 h.p. of damage
weapons with an enchantment of +1 or
and are slowed by 50% for 1d6 rounds. If they make their saving throw there
better will harm them. In the air, they will attack
is no effect.
with either their claws or horns, but not both. Margoyles, due to their stone-like
skin, blend in with natural stone and rock 80% effectively.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Genius Loci

Appearance: Gelatinous cubes are nearly perfectly transparent cubes of of offerings or attention will die (if joined to another creature, they will both
viscous material. Sometimes non-digestible items can be seen “floating in mid- die). If the strength of the genius loci is not known, roll randomly:
air,” which are actually items trapped within the body of the cube as it moves
through a dungeon corridor. Die Roll Years Treasure Magical
(d%) Venerated Value Treasure
Genius Loci 01-10 1-2 0 -
11-25 3-6 1d100 -
Number 1 26-40 7-12 1d10x10 1 item (5%)
Morale n/a 41-60 13-20 1d20x50 1 item (10%)
Hit Dice See below 61-75 21-30 2d20x50 1d2 items (20%)
Armor Class -2 76-85 31-42 3d20x100 1d2 items (40%)
Move 180’/min. 86-90 43-56 4d20x100 1d4 items (70%)
Magic Resistance G 91-95 57-72 5d20x100 1d6 items (70%)
No. of Attacks 0 96-98 73-90 1d6+4x1,000 1d6 items (70%)
Damage n/a 99-00 91+ 2d6+6x1,000 1d8 items (75%)
Defenses Immune to illusion, charm
Attacks See below Treasure Value and magical treasure are not cumulative. If the genius loci is
Weaknesses Tied to one location merged with some creature, add the x.p. value for that creature to the value
Size S-L for slaying the genius loci. Each month that goes by which sees the genius loci
Intelligence 6-21 not venerated counts as an entire year lost in terms of its powers. Veneration
Alignment Neutral can take many forms; outright gifts of food or precious items, intense prayers
Treasure Type XV and meditation on its name and/or form (in its presence), ritual adulation and
Treasure Value See below supplication, and so forth. It is speculated that if a genius loci is venerated for
Magical Treasure See below long enough, it will undergo an actual apotheosis, turning into a genuine deity.
X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p.
Combat: The genius loci does not attack in a conventional sense, nor is it
General: A genius loci or “place-spirit” is a non-corporeal being that is harmed by weapons of less than +2 enchantment. All illusion/phantasm and
attached to a particular location or geographic feature and feeds on the enchantment/charm type spells are useless against it. It has hit dice and magic
emotional attention of others. Some will never be stumbled upon by intelligent powers as noted below (in all cases, the reverse of the spell effect is within the
creatures, and will simply waste away and eventually starve for attention. power of the genius loci, if applicable, and no material components, gestures,
Others will be discovered and come to be venerated as nature spirits, receiving or incantations are required):
offerings in return for minor gifts. A few rare and lucky ones will merge with
some living creature that is also tied to the spot (granite men, tree men, dryads, Years Hit
old man willows, and occasionally creatures such as nagas, banshees, or Venerated Dice Magic Powers INT X.P. Value
dragon turtles. Merging requires that the creature itself should not have more 1-2 1d8 suggestion 6 14+1/h.p.
hit dice than the genius loci and should be both alone and not inclined to leave 3-6 2d8 bless 7 28+2/h.p.
its home. 7-12 3d8 enthrall 8 50+3/h.p.
13-20 4d8 augury 9 85+4/h.p.
Once a genius loci merges with a creature, they become one being in all 21-30 5d8 remove curse 10 130+5/h.p.
respects, with the personality of the genius loci becoming more and more 31-42 6d8 cure disease 12 225+6/h.p.
dominant as time goes on, but always being recognizable as the original 43-56 7d8 divination 14 350+8/h.p.
merged-with creature as well; a dryad/genius loci, for instance, will still 57-72 8d8 cure serious wounds 18 550+10/h.p.
attempt to lure handsome men, and a granite man/genius loci will have a 73-90 9d8 quest 20 900+12/h.p.
preference for gems and precious stones. 91+ 10d8 heal 21 1,350+14/h.p.

The merged being will have the outward physical form of whatever creature it Appearance: A genius loci is non-corporeal, and even on the ethereal plane
used to be, and will be able to use any of its former powers as well as those will only appear as a shimmering humanoid form. If joined with some other
of the genius loci. The number of hit dice will be a combination of the original creature, the skin of that creature will itself glow, and its eyes will be solid
creatures’ and the genius loci; use whichever hit die type is larger (d10 or that silver lights. It can use empathy at all times for communication, and can use
belonging to the other creature). It will still not desire (or be able to) leave its outright telepathy to communicate once it has been venerated for 10 years or
home; it is physically unable to go beyond a quarter-mile radius, but those more.
which are more powerful will have agents more than willing to work on their

The genius loci will attempt to encourage those near its location to venerate
and even worship it, making offerings in return for the application of its
powers. It is quite needy and grasping in its desire for such attention, and will
develop elaborate ruses and go to great lengths to ensure it has a steady
supply of tribute. Genius loci pretending to be gods are certainly not

Many of the statistics of the genius loci depend on how long it has been able
to maintain its attention-cult. Just being present in the location is not enough to
strengthen it; indeed, a genius loci that goes for 1d12 years without any sort


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Ghast Ghost

Number 1d6 Number 1

Morale +12 Morale +3
Hit Dice 4d8 Hit Dice 10d8
Armor Class 4 Armor Class 0 (when materialized)/8 (on the ethereal plane)
Move 150’/min. Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d8 Damage n/a
Defenses Immune to sleep, charm Defenses Etherealness, +1 (or better) or silver weapons to harm
Attacks Stench, paralyzation Attacks Aging, possession
Weaknesses Cold iron weapons, holy water Weaknesses Holy water
Size M Size M
Intelligence 12 Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type VII Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 7d6x1,000 Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%), 2d4 potions (40%)
scrolls (50%) X.P. Value 4,050 + 14/h.p.
X.P. Value 190 + 4/h.p. Turn as Type XI
Turn as Type VI

General: Ghasts are corporeal undead, being created by the desecration of

freshly interred bodies by demons. Ghasts are relatives of ghouls, and are
generally found in positions of leadership amongst their weaker cousins,
although they are sometimes used by demons and other powerful evil creatures
as servants. They feed on carrion as well as on living flesh.

Combat: Ghasts attack with their claws and teeth. Their touch causes
paralyzation for 2d4 rounds unless a saving throw vs. paralyzation is made;
this will even affect elves. They are surrounded by a cloud of stench that recalls General: Ghosts are incorporeal undead that are formed by the spirits of
moldering corpses; anyone within a 10’ radius must make a saving throw vs. humans and demi-humans whose evil was such that they would not accept
poison or have a -2 penalty “to hit” until they leave the area. death. They are found in remote haunted places or deep below the ground,
where they hunger for the life-force of the living to sustain them. Note that their
Ghasts are immune to sleep and charm spells, but cold iron weapons will do incorporeal nature means they exist on the ethereal plane most of the time.
double damage against them. They can likewise be held at bay by a protection
from evil spell, but only if cold iron was used in its construction. Combat: The very sight of a ghost requires a saving throw vs. magic. Failure
indicates the victim will age 10 years and flee in terror for 2d6 rounds. Clerics
Appearance: Ghasts are humanoid in form, with fangs and claws. of 7th level or higher are immune, and all creatures of 9th level and above get
a bonus of +2 to their saving throw. They can be seen by material creatures
See also: ghoul (p. 94). even when in their ethereal (non-corporeal) state.

Ghosts will first attempt to possess a creature within 60’. The victim is entitled
to a saving throw vs. spell, with a bonus or penalty determined by the
combined intelligence and wisdom scores of the victim:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ghost Lynx

Intelligence Plus Victim’s Saving Check for
Wisdom Score Throw Adjustment Control Every…
34 or greater +2 Minute
28-33 +1 Minute
20-27 ±0 Minute
12-19 -1 10 minutes
4-11 -2 Day
3 or less -3 Week

If the victim succeeds in his saving throw, the attempt at possession is

unsuccessful, but the ghost can try again one minute later against another
target. If the attempt is successful (i.e., the victim fails his saving throw), the
mind of the victim is suppressed and the ghost takes control of the body, with
which it will attack the victim’s comrades (if any). The victim is entitled to a
saving throw to re-check for control of his body, the frequency of which
depends on the relative intelligence + wisdom scores of the caster and the
victim, as noted on the table above.

If the ghost is unsuccessful in its attempts to possess a victim or if the ghost is

removed from the possessed host, it will materialize in order to attack. When
it materializes, the ghost can be wounded by enchanted weapons or silver
weapons (silver weapons do ½ damage). In such a state, it has an armor class
of 0, and its touch will age the victim by 10d4 years. Any human or demi-
human slain in this manner cannot be raised from the dead by any force short
of the direct intervention of a deity.

Note that a ghost can never be attacked by spells or other magical effects
except when the caster is on the ethereal plane. On the ethereal plane, the
creature is AC 8. Being non-corporeal, poison and paralyzation do not affect
it. General: Ghouls are corporeal undead, arising a day after a living creature
is slain by another ghoul (a bless spell cast upon the corpse will prevent the
Appearance: Ghosts are semi-transparent images of how they appeared in transformation). They feed on freshly-interred corpses.
Combat: Ghouls attack with their claws and bite. Their touch causes paralysis
Ghost Lynx in all humans and demi-humans (except elves) who fail their saving throw vs.
paralyzation. This effect will last for 3d4x10 minutes. They are immune to all
sleep and charm type magical effects, but a protection from evil is effective
See lynx, ghost (p.155).
against them.

Ghoul Appearance: Ghouls are humanoid in form, with fangs and claws.

Number 2d12 See also: ghast (p. 93), lacedon (p. 269).
Morale +10
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 6
Move 90’/min.
Giants are, as the term implies, enormous creatures of humanoid form. There
Magic Resistance Standard
are many different races of giant, each with their own characteristics.
No. of Attacks 3
Generally speaking, they are known for their great strength and greed.
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6
Defenses Immune to sleep, charm
Unless a specific entry is listed below for young giants of a given type, assume
Attacks Paralyzation
that all young will have half the hit dice and inflict half the damage, of an adult
Weaknesses Holy water
of their type. Young giants will never hurl rocks in combat.
Size M
Intelligence 7
Each race of giants speaks its own dialect, which is not intelligible to others,
Alignment Chaotic evil
even other types of giants.
Treasure Type XI
Treasure Value 1d8
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.
Turn as Type III


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Cliff Giant Cloud Giant

Male Female/Young Male Female

Number 1d4 See below Number 1d6 See below
Morale +12 +10 Morale +12 +11
Hit Dice 12d12 8d12 Hit Dice 12d12 11d10
Armor Class 4 4 Armor Class 2 3
Move 120’/min. 120’/min. Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 4d10 2d8 Damage 6d6 5d6
Defenses Catch rocks None Defenses +1 to surprise rolls, catch +1 to surprise rolls, catch
Attacks Hurl rocks, strength Strength rocks rocks
Weaknesses None None Attacks Hurl rocks, strength Hurl rocks, strength
Size L (14’) L (12’) Weaknesses None None
Intelligence 14 14 Size L (18’) L (17’)
Alignment Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral Intelligence 10 (90%) or 12 (10%) 10 (90%) or 12 (10%)
Treasure Type III Alignment Neutral good (50%) or Same as male
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 neutral evil (50%)
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) Treasure Type III
X.P. Value 3,950 + 20/h.p. 2,450 + 14/h.p. Treasure Value 1d6+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
X.P. Value 4,250 + 16/h.p. 2,700 + 16/h.p.

General: Cliff giants are related to hill giants, dwelling in rocky mountains and
making their lairs in vast cavern complexes. If 4 males are encountered in their
lair, there will be one female and one young giant as well. In their lair, there
is a 75% chance that the following creatures will act as guards and servants:

Die Roll (d%) Creature

01-10 1d4 hill giants
11-80 1d10+5 ogres General: Cloud giants will be found dwelling either in stone castles atop mist-
81-00 1d6+3 trolls occluded mountaintops or actually on magical cloud islands (the creation of
which is a very jealously guarded secret of the race, possessed by a mere 10%
Combat: Cliff giants attack with their massive clubs. The males have an of their number). In their lair, if between 2 and 5 giants are indicated, there is
effective strength of 20 (+3 “to hit”/+8 damage) while the females and young a 75% chance that the second will be a female, and the rest children (see
have a strength of 18/00 (+2 “to hit”/+6 damage). In addition, they are able above). If 6 are encountered, 2 will be adult males, 2 will be adult females,
to hurl boulders up to 200’ which cause 2d8 h.p. of damage if they hit. They and the other 2 will be children. In their homes, there is a 60% chance that
can also catch incoming boulders 20% of the time; caught boulders do no there will be 1d4 cave lions (see p. 303) as pets/guards.
damage. Such hurled stones will inflict 40 h.p. against wooden structures, 20
against soft stone or brick, and 10 against hard stone. They themselves inflict Combat: Cloud giants strike with massive clubs. Males have an effective
15 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 8 h.p. against soft strength of 23 (+5 “to hit,” +11 damage), while females have a strength of 22
stone or brick, and 4 h.p. against hard stone. (+4/+10). In addition, they are able to hurl boulders up to 240’, causing 2d12
h.p. of damage if they hit. They have a 60% chance of being able to catch
Appearance: Cliff giants have hides of tan to brick red, and dress in poorly- such boulders hurled at them, thus preventing the boulders from causing them
tanned hides and skins. damage. Such hurled stones will inflict 40 h.p. against wooden structures, 20
against soft stone or brick, and 10 against hard stone. They themselves can
Cliff giant shamans can rise as high as 7th level. inflict 30 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 10 h.p. against


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Giant

soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone. All cloud giants have a keen Spellcasters: There is a 5% chance that any given firbolg will be a shaman.
sense of smell, thus making them difficult to surprise. The more intelligent sort Firbolg shamans can rise as high as 7th level. Firbolg shamans have the
of cloud giants can levitate themselves plus 2,000 lbs. twice per day; this is following spell abilities in addition to the normal spellcasting powers of a
likely related to their ability to create cloud islands in some way. shaman:

Appearance: Cloud giants have pale bluish-white skin and hair of silver or Shaman Level Illusionist Spells
brass hue. They wear robes or loose-fitting clothing and lots of jewelry. They 1 2x1st
speak their own dialect, which can be understood by mist giants, and vice 2 4x1st
versa. 3 6x1st
4 8x1st
Firbolg 5 10x1st
6 10x1st, 2x2nd
Number 1d4 (wilderness), 4d4 (encampment) 7 10x1st, 4x2nd
Morale +12
Hit Dice 13d12 Fire Giant
Armor Class 2
Move 150’/min. Male Female
Magic Resistance A Number 1d8 0-2
No. of Attacks 1 Morale +11 +10
Damage Per weapon type Hit Dice 11d12 10d10
Defenses Spell use Armor Class 3 4
Attacks Spell use Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Weaknesses None Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Size L (10 ½’) No. of Attacks 1 1
Intelligence 9-18 Damage 5d6 4d6
Alignment Chaotic neutral Defenses Immune to fire, catch rocks Immune to fire, catch rocks
Treasure Type Individuals XV, group III Attacks Hurl rocks, strength Hurl rocks, strength
Treasure Value Individuals 1d8x10, group 1d6+3x1,000 Weaknesses None None
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) Size L (12’) L (11’)
X.P. Value 6,550 + 25/h.p. Intelligence 8 8
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
General: Firbolgs are usually found far from civilization, and 90% of the time Treasure Type II
only a small group will be encountered, as they are loners by nature and Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
distrustful of outsiders. The other 10% of the time, however, a larger Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
encampment of several families will be encountered, gathered together for X.P. Value 2,700 + 16/h.p. 2,250 + 14/h.p.
some secret business of their own. They will not be immediately hostile towards
strangers, however; merely cautious (unless provoked, of course, in which case
they are terrible opponents). They are fond of sometimes posing as some tiny
sort of creature such as a leprechaun and using their powers to con humans
and demi-humans out of money. Males and females are the same in terms of
statistics; children are never seen.

Combat: Firbolgs prefer enormous two-handed weapons such as clubs, axes,

and swords; such weapons will do double damage in addition to the giant’s
normal strength bonuses for a score of 23 (+5 “to hit”/+11 damage). They
can use human-sized weapons normally intended for two hands (such as pole
arms, two-handed swords, etc.) single-handedly, but do not get double
damage when doing so (their normal strength bonuses still apply). Those with
a free hand can swat away small missiles such as darts, arrows, crossbow
bolts, etc., and actually catch larger missiles such as javelins, 75% of the time,
twice per round.

In addition, firbolgs have the following spell-like abilities, which can be used
once per round when not engaged in combat:
General: Fire giants tend to dwell in castles of volcanic rock or deep volcanic
• Alter self cavern complexes. If 5 or 6 fire giants are encountered in their lair, the last
• Detect magic one or two will be females. If more than 6 are encountered, the remainder will
• Diminution (as per the potion, with double effect and duration) be children. In their lair there is a 25% chance that they will have 1d4 hell
• Fools gold hounds as pets/guards (see p. 399 for details).
• Forget
Fire giants can tunnel 300’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 200’ in soft rock,
Appearance: Firbolgs look like large humans with great beards and long hair. and 100’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.
They have their own dialect.
Combat: Fire giants most often use enormous swords in combat. Males have
an effective strength of 22 (+4 “to hit/+10 damage), while females have a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


strength of 21 (+4/+9). In addition, they are able to hurl boulders up to 200’, female will also be accompanied by 1d3 children, whose type should be rolled
which do 2d10 h.p. of damage if they hit. They are able to catch such randomly:
incoming boulders 50% of the time, thus keeping themselves from being
injured. Such hurled stones will inflict 40 h.p. against wooden structures, 20 Die Roll (d8) Child Size
h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 10 h.p. against hard stone. They 1 Toddler
themselves inflict 20 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 10 2-3 Child
h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone. Fire giants are 4-8 Adolescent
immune to all fire-based attacks both mundane and magical (including the
breath of red dragons). Combat: Fomorians strike with crude weapons or their bludgeoning fists.
Males have an effective strength of 21 (+4 “to hit”/+9 damage) and females
Appearance: Fire giants are enormous humanoids with coal-black skin and have a strength of 20 (+3/+8). Their deformities prevent them from hurling or
fiery red hair. They wear metal armor or armor made of dragon hide. They catching stones as most other sorts of giant can, but these same deformities
speak their own dialect. make them nearly impossible to surprise, because their misplaced eyes, ears,
and noses give them a wider than normal field of senses. They are themselves
Spellcasters: Fire giant shamans can rise as high as 7th level. rather stealthy despite their lumbering appearance, and thus can sneak up on
enemies. They can inflict 10 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per
Fomorian round, 5 h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 3 h.p. against hard stone.

Male Female Appearance: Fomorians are quite simply revolting. Their tough hides are
Number 1d4 See below covered in warts and patches of dry cracked skin interspersed with clumps of
Morale +7 +7 wirey black hairs. Their bodies are humped and misshapen, with limbs of
Hit Dice 13d10 13d8 unequal sizes set in not-quite-right positions, and the same can be said for their
Armor Class 3 3 eyes, ears, noses, and mouths. No two are alike in their gross deformities.
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. They tend to wear oddball collections of armor and hides as misbegotten as
Magic Resistance Standard Standard their bodies. They speak their own language.
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 4d8 4d8
Defenses +10 to surprise rolls
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None None
Size L (13 ½’) L (12 ½’)
Intelligence 9 9
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 2d4+2x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 3,650 + 20/h.p. 2,750 + 18/h.p.

Toddler Child Adolescent

Number See below See below See below
Morale +1 +3 +5
Hit Dice 7d4 13d4 13d6
Armor Class 3 3 3
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
Frost Giant
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Male Female
Damage 2d4 4d4 4d6
Number 1d8 See below
Defenses +10 bonus to surprise rolls
Morale +10 +9
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls
Hit Dice 10d12 9d10
Weaknesses None None None
Armor Class 4 4
Size M (6’) L (8’) L (10’)
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Intelligence 9 9 9
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil Neutral evil
No. of Attacks 1 1
Treasure Type None None None
Damage 4d6 3d6
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Defenses Immune to cold, catch Immune to cold, catch
Magical Treasure None None None
rocks rocks
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p. 1,350 + 2,000 +
Attacks Hurl rocks, strength Hurl rocks, strength
14/h.p. 16/h.p.
Weaknesses None None
Size L (15’) L (14’)
General: Fomorians are all monstrously deformed, and their physical
Intelligence 8 8
misshapenness drives them all to be universally hateful and wicked in the
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
extreme. They dwell far away from civilization, usually in abandoned places,
Treasure Type II
and if disturbed will violently lash out against any creature. In their dwelling
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
there is a 25% chance that 1d2 females will be present for every male. Every
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
X.P. Value 2,250 + 14/h.p. 1,800 x.p. + 14/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Giant

Number Encountered Females Children

General: Frost giants inhabit great 1-4 0 0
caverns, sometimes ice caves, in 5 1 0
frigid regions. If 5 or 6 frost giants 6 1 1
are encountered in their lair, the last 7 2 1
one or two will be females. If more 8 2 2
than 6 are encountered, the 9 3 2
remainder will be children. 10 3 3
In their lair there is
a 50% chance that they (Note that these are included in the total, so if there are 10 total giants, 4 will
will have 1d6 winter wolves be males, 3 females, and 3 children.)
as pets/guards (see p. 246 for details).
In their lairs, there is a 50% chance that hill giants will have one of the
Frost giants can tunnel 300’ per 8-hour shift following as slaves, guards, and/or pets:
in very soft rock, 200’ in soft rock, and 100’
in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide. Die Roll
(d%) Creature
Combat: Frost giants employ giant 01-50 2d4 dire wolves
versions of weapons such as axes 51-80 1d3 giant lizards
and swords. Males have an effective 81-00 2d4 ogres
strength of 21 (+4 “to hit”/+9 damage)
and females have a strength of 20 Hill giants can tunnel 250’
(+3/+8). In addition, they can hurl per 8-hour shift in very soft
boulders up to 200’ which cause 2d10 rock, 150’ in soft rock, and
h.p. of damage if they hit. They are able 75’ in hard rock. This assumes
to catch incoming missiles of similar sort a shaft 10’ wide.
40% of the time, preventing damage.
Such hurled stones will inflict 40 h.p. against wooden structures, 20 h.p. Combat: Hill giants use weapons, usually clubs,
against soft stone or brick, and 10 h.p. against hard stone. They themselves in combat. Males have an effective strength of 19
inflict 20 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 10 h.p. against (+3 “to hit/+7 damage), while females have a
soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone. Frost giants are immune to strength of 18/00 (+2/+6). They are able to hurl
cold and frost of all sorts, including the breath of white dragons. boulders up to 200’, inflicting 2d8 h.p. of damage
if they hit. They can catch such missiles 30% of the
Appearance: Frost giants are giant humanoids with snow white skin and hair time, preventing damage to themselves. Such
of either very pale blue or gold color. They wear armor and furs. They speak hurled stones will inflict 40 h.p. against wooden
their own dialect. structures, 20 h.p. against soft stone or brick,
and 10 h.p. against hard stone. They
Spellcasters: Frost giant shamans can rise as high as 7th level. themselves inflict 10 h.p. of damage against
wooden structures per round, 5 h.p. against soft
Hill Giant stone or brick, and 3 h.p. against hard stone.

Male Female Appearance: Hill giants are ugly

Number 1d10 See below brutes with tan or red-brown hides
Morale +8 +4 and dark hair. They wear skins and
Hit Dice 8d12 6d10 ill-tanned hides. They speak their own
Armor Class 4 5 dialect.
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Spellcasters: Hill giant shamans can rise as high as 7th level.
No. Of Attacks 1 1
Damage 2d8 1d10
Defenses Catch rocks Catch rocks
Attacks Hurl rocks, strength Hurl rocks, strength
Weaknesses None None
Size L (10 ½’) L (9’)
Intelligence 6 6
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 1,400 + 12/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p.

General: Hill giants make their homes in caves and caverns in bleak wilderness
regions. The number of females and children in a hill giant lair depends on
how many total are encountered:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Mist Giant Stone Giant

Number 1d4 Male Female

Morale +13 Number 1d8 See below
Hit Dice 14d12 Morale +11 +8
Armor Class 1 Hit Dice 9d12 8d12
Move 150’/min. Armor Class 0 4
Magic Resistance Standard Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
No. of Attacks 1 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Damage 4d6 No. of Attacks 1 1
Defenses Catch rocks, +1 to surprise rolls Damage 3d6 2d8
Attacks Hurl rocks, strength, enemies get -5 surprise rolls in fog Defenses Catch rocks Catch rocks
Weaknesses None Attacks Hurl rocks, strength Hurl rocks, strength
Size L (18’) Weaknesses None None
Intelligence 9-14 Size L (12’) L (10 ½’)
Alignment Neutral good/neutral evil (50% chance of either) Intelligence 9 6
Treasure Type V Alignment Neutral Chaotic evil
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 Treasure Type III
Magical Treasure 1d3 items plus 1 scroll (25%) Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
X.P. Value 5,150 + 25 / h.p. Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 1,800 + 14/h.p. 1,400 + 12/h.p.

General: Mist giants are distant cousins of cloud giants. They inhabit remote
places naturally given to foggy conditions such as marshes, bogs, and
seacoasts. If 4 mist giants are indicated, they will rarely (10%) be in the
company of a cloud giant and an additional mist giant. Males and females
are the same in terms of statistics; children are never seen.

Combat: Mist giants attack with great swords, and have an effective strength
of 23 (+5 “to hit”, +11 damage). In addition, they are able to hurl boulders
up to 240’, causing 2d10 h.p. of damage. They have a 45% chance of
catching such boulders hurled at them, thus preventing the boulders from
causing damage. Such hurled stones will inflict 40 h.p. against wooden General: Stone giants prefer to make their homes in caves and caverns deep
structures, 20 h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 10 h.p. against hard stone. in mountainous terrain. If 5 or 6 are encountered in their home, the last two
They themselves inflict 20 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per will be females. If more than that are encountered in their home, the remainder
round, 10 h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone. They will be non-combatant children. In their home, there is a 75% chance that they
have both keen hearing and smell, giving them a +1 bonus to their surprise will have 1d4 cave bears acting as pets and guards (see p. 295).
rolls. They are also able to blend into the mist and fog; in such conditions
enemies get a -5 penalty to all surprise rolls. Stone giants can tunnel 500’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 350’ in soft
rock, and 175’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.
Appearance: Mist giants have milky white skin and hair. When they wear
armor, it is white dragon hide with silver (note that armor or its absence will Combat: Stone giants attack with their mighty fists. Males have an effective
not affect the giant’s AC). They speak their own dialect, which can be strength of 20 (+3 “to hit”/+8 damage), while females have an effective
understood by cloud giants (and vice versa). strength of 19 (+3 “to hit/+7 damage). They use weapons made of stone, if
they use weapons at all. They are able to hurl boulders up to 300’, which do
3d10 h.p. of damage if they hit. They are 90% likely to be able to catch such
boulders if launched at them, and often stone giants will play games in which
such boulders are hurled between them in a savage game of “catch.” Such
hurled stones will inflict 60 h.p. against wooden structures, 40 h.p. against


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Giant

soft stone or brick, and 20 h.p. against hard stone. They themselves inflict 30 race. They are able to breathe water at will, even those who do not normally
h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 10 h.p. against soft dwell underwater.
stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone.
Combat: Storm giants use their massive fists in melee combat, but generally
Appearance: Stone giants look like enormous humans. Their skin is gray in prefer to use their magical powers to smite enemies. Storm giants have effective
color, and they are typically hairless. They also tend to wear clothes of gray strength of 25 (+7 “to hit/+14 damage). In addition, storm giants are able to
or similar hue. The speak their own dialect.. employ the following magical powers as indicated:

Spellcasters: Stone giant shamans can rise as high as 7th level. • Levitate (3,000 lbs. plus their own weight) twice per day
• Lightning bolt (8 dice) once per day
Storm Giant • Predict weather once per day
• Call lightning (3 bolts, 1d6+9 six sided dice each) once per day
Number 1d4 • Control winds once per day
Morale +15 • Weather summoning once per day
Hit Dice 15d12
Armor Class 1 They can inflict 30 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 10
Move 150’/min. (walking or swimming) h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone. In addition,
Magic Resistance Standard storm giants are immune to electrical attacks of all sorts, including lightning
No. of Attacks 1 and the breath of blue dragons.
Damage 7d6
Defenses Immune to electricity Appearance: Storm giants have violet skin and purple or blue-black hair. They
Attacks Strength, magic wear fine clothing, but tend not to carry weapons. All storm giants speak their
Weaknesses None own dialect.
Size L (21’)
Intelligence 16 Verlaang
Alignment Chaotic good
Treasure Type VII Adult Child Adolescent
Treasure Value 1d6+3x1,000 Number See below See below See below
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) Morale +6 -1 +3
X.P. Value 5,850 + 20/h.p. Hit Dice 5d10 1d6 3d10
Armor Class 4 (or better - see 6 5
Move 180’/min. 60’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 2 1 1
Damage Per weapon type 1d4 2d4 or by
Defenses None None None
Attacks Hurl spears None Surprise
Weaknesses None None None
Size L (8 ½’) S (4’) L (7’)
Intelligence 11 8 8
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil Neutral evil
Treasure Type III None None
Treasure Value Individuals 6d8, n/a n/a
group 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%) None None
X.P. Value 275 + 6/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. 125 + 4/h.p.

General: Verlaang are midway between true giants and humans, although
they are classified as being among the former. When they are encountered in
the wilderness, there is some chance that different types of groups will be

Die Roll (d%) Creatures Encountered

01-35 1d6 verlaang
36-41 1d6 verlaang + 1d10 hill giants
42-50 1d6 verlaang + 2d10 ogres
General: Storm giants, the most powerful of all “true” giants, dwell on magical 51-71 5d6 verlaang
cloud islands or misty mountain peaks. Approximately 10% of them dwell 72-75 5d6 verlaang + 1d10 hill giants
underwater; such creatures are described on p. 264. In their lair, they will 76-80 5d6 verlaang + 2d10 ogres
either have 1d2 rocs (70% chance - see p. 194) or 1d4 griffons (30% chance 81-94 1d2 verlaang
- see p. 115) as pets and guards. The rocs will also serve as mounts for these 95-96 1d2 verlaang + 1d10 hill giants
enormous beings. There is no difference between the males and females of the 97-00 1d2 verlaang + 2d10 ogres


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


As verlaang are more intelligent, they are often found in positions of leadership Giant Animal
within mixed bands. In a verlaang lair, the following will be found:
See ant, giant (p. 7), beaver, giant (p. 16), beetle, giant (p. 16), bumblebee,
• 5d6 males giant (p. 28), fly, giant (p. 85), glow worm, giant (p. 103), heron, giant (p.
• One leader with 18/00 strength and at least 40 hit points 120), honeybee, giant (p. 123), hookworm, giant (p. 124), hornet, giant (p.
• Females equal to the number of males plus one 124), mantis, giant (p. 157), lizard, giant monitor (p. 148), porcupine, giant
• Children equal to 25% of the number of males over 9 (p. 184), slug, giant (p. 213), termite, giant (p. 229), toad, giant (p. 231),
• Adolescents equal to 25% of the number of males over 9 wasp, giant (p. 240), and wasp, braconid, giant (p. 241).
• When in a temperate zone, 2d4 wolves (75% chance) or 1d4
worgs (25% chance); see p. 245
• When in an arctic or subarctic zone, 1d3 winter wolves (25% Giant Drosera
chance) or 1d2 polar bears (75% chance); see p. 246 and p. 15,
respectively See drosera, giant (p. 67).

Gibbering Mouther

Number 1
Morale +3
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 1
Move 30’/min., 60’/min. (over viscous terrain)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 6+
Damage 1 each
Defenses See below
Attacks Latch onto victim, gibbering
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 210 + 5/h.p.

General: The gibbering mouther is a horror made up of dozens of mouths and

Combat: Verlaang strike with weapons, often hurling spears prior to closing
eyes held together by nothing but a gelatinous mess. It will close those orafices
for melee. As they are giants, they are exceedingly strong and get bonuses
and lie in wait for prey, resembling nothing more than a heap of offal or other
accordingly; roll randomly to determine the strength of any given verlaang
corruption. It will eat anything and everything; the area surrounding the lair of
adult (males and females are alike in terms of strength):
a gibbering mouther will be stripped bare. They are found in environments
which are cool; this includes underground places almost anywhere.
Die Roll Bonus to Bonus to Hurled
(d10) Strength Damage Missile Range
The gibbering mouther moves by latching onto the ground with several of its
1-2 18/75 +3 30 yards
mouths and pulling its mass along.
3-6 18/90 +4 40 yards
7-9 18/99 +5 50 yards
Combat: Gibbering mouthers attack with their toothy mouths; up to 6 can
10 18/00 +6 60 yards
attack in a given round. Once a mouth hits a victim, it will become attached
and will automatically inflict 1 h.p. of damage each round, with no further “to
Note that the increase to hurled missile range is a function unique to verlaang,
hit” rolls being required. If three or more mouths have latched onto the same
and should not be applied to other creatures with exceptional strength unless
victim, that creature must roll 2d6 each round thereafter; a roll of 2, 3, or 4
otherwise noted.
indicates that the victim has fallen down (those with a dexterity of 15 or higher
get a +1 bonus to the roll). Such victims will be flowed over by the gibbering
Appearance: Verlaang look like large but thin humans, some with slight
mouther on the next round, inflicting 12 additional attacks with more mouths.
deforimities in their faces such as overly large noses, beetled brows, etc. They
Generally, a gibbering mouther will concentrate its attack on one victim until
speak the common tongue.
that victim has been overflowed, and then begin to attack another.
Spellcasters: Verlaang shamans can rise to the 7th level of ability.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Glomerom

The gibbering mouther’s most feared attack, however, is its gibbering. When Glomerom
a potential victim (i.e., meal) is sighted, its scores of mouths will begin a
cacophonous noise that can render almost any creature confused. For every Number 1d3
round that the gibbering mouther gibbers, any creature within 60’ must make Morale n/a
a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates the creature is confused, and must Hit Dice 3 (or per host)
then roll to see what behavior they will exhibit: Armor Class 8 (or per host)
Move 10’/min. (or per host)
Die Roll (d8) Behavior Magic Resistance Standard
1 Wander aimlessly for 1 round, then re-roll No. of Attacks Per host
2-5 Stand still, completely stunned, for 1 round, then re-roll Damage Per host
6-7 Attack the closest creature, which may or may not be Defenses Spell immunity
the gibbering mouther, for 1 round, then re-roll Attacks Glue
8 Run away at maximum speed for 2 rounds, possibly Weaknesses None
dropping anything held in the hands (as per a fear Size S
spell), then re-roll if still in range Intelligence 0 (non-ratable)
Alignment Neutral
In addition, the gibbering mouther is able to change the very nature of the Treasure Type None
ground around it, changing it from solid to a viscous, semi-solid consistency Treasure Value n/a
and back again. This can be done to the ground in a 5’ radius around the Magical Treasure None
gibbering mouther’s body, and takes 30 seconds (6 segments) for soil and 1 X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p., plus per host
minute for stone. Note that when the gibbering mouther is traveling over such
viscous material, its speed is increased dramatically. It is very possible for a General: A glomerom is a weird fungus creature that exists primarily as a
gibbering mouther to turn a section of floor to a more fluid state, wait for parasitic organism on some host, usually a giant ant, giant rat, kobold, or
enemies to sink into it, and then suddenly turn it back to a solid stone-like similarly-sized creatures. Occasionally one is found on its own, in which case
consistency, thus trapping them. it will seek to infest some other creature.

Appearance: The gibbering mouther appears as a collection of mouths and Combat: Glomeroms do not attack conventionally, but creatures controlled by
eyes of various shapes and sizes, all connected by a mass of pinkish-brown a glomerom colony will attack normally. If any creature or item touches the
flesh with no differentiation or definition. glomerom fungus itself, there is a 1 in 6 chance that one of the glomerom caps
will rupture, spreading a milky-white glue over whatever touched it. This glue
holds fast anything it touches: hands to hilts, people to one another, etc., while
allowing the glomerom to infect the new potential host. The glue itself will
crumble to dust in 1d4+1 days, but during that time the rhizomes will spread
through the new host creature. By the time the glue disintegrates, the glomerom
will have complete control over the new host, and will seek to infect others.
Only a cure disease spell cast during this time will remove a glomerom
infestation; once it has control over the creature, it cannot be removed. Infested
creatures will die in 1d8+1 weeks.

Appearance: Glomeroms are clusters of blue-white mushrooms with long stems

and large elongated caps. On infested creatures, clusters of such mushrooms
will be seen along the spine, head, and neck of the host creature.


Number 4d10x10
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 1d8
Armor Class 10
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d8
Defenses None
Attacks Gibbering, +1 “to hit”
Weaknesses None
Size S (4 ½’)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Gloomgabblers are humanoids that dwell in dark forests or deep Combat: If faced with no alternative, giant glow worms can attack with their
underground, as they detest light and are fearful of fire. They have no smallish mandibles, but will more likely flee a hostile encounter if possible. The
language and seemingly no leaders; how they manage to organize themselves giant glow worm is able to increase the energy generated from its abdomen
even to the slight level that they do is a mystery. once every ten minutes, however, and turn the resulting light into a beam some
3” wide and 14’ long. If a creature is hit by the beam, it will take 5d4 h.p. of
Combat: Gloomgabblers attack with long swords, with an automatic +1 bonus damage (save vs. wands to take half damage). Giant glow worms are immune
“to hit”. While they are in combat, the gloomgabbler horde will issue a non- to electrical and fire-based attacks.
stop gibbering, howling, and the like. This noise will cause all hirelings and
henchmen (but not player characters) to check morale each round. Appearance: Giant glow worms appear much like their normal cousins, are
Gloomgabblers themselves never check morale, and favor overwhelming one foot long, and will cause their abdomens to glow with a greenish-yellow
opponents with waves of warriors. Gloomgabblers are considered “persons” light thirty seconds out of every minute, whether it is desired or not.
for spells such as charm person or hold person.
Appearance: Gloomgabblers are pale humanoids with short limbs and claws
for feet. They do not wear clothing. It is not known whether their gabbling
Warrior Captain Guard
noise is actually a language or not, but they do not speak any civilized tongue,
Number 20d10 1/20 warriors 2d6
and not even a comprehend languages spell can make them understood.
Morale +2 +3 +4
Hit Dice 2d8 3d10 3d12
Armor Class 5 5 4
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage By weapon By weapon By weapon +1
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None None
Weaknesses None None None
Size M (7’) M (7’) M (7’)
Intelligence 8 8 8
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XII XII XII
Treasure Value 2d8 2d8 2d8
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. 85 + 4/h.p. 130 + 5/h.p.

Chieftain Shaman/Witch Doctor

Number 1 1
Morale +5 +2
Hit Dice 4d10 2d8
Armor Class 3 5
Glow Worm, Giant Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Number 1d4 No. of Attacks 1 1
Morale -1 Damage By weapon +2 By weapon
Hit Dice 1d12 Defenses None None
Armor Class 4 Attacks None Spells
Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (flying - good) Weaknesses None None
Magic Resistance Standard Size M (7’) M (7’)
No. of Attacks 1 Intelligence 8 8
Damage 1d2 Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Defenses Immune to electricity and fire Treasure Type III XI
Attacks Abdomen light Treasure Value 2d4+2x1,000 2d8
Weaknesses None Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) 2d4 potions
Size S (1’ long) X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p. 53 + 2/h.p.
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral good General: Gnolls are tribal humanoids who can be found in nearly every climate
Treasure Type None save arctic wastes or arid deserts. They have infravision (60’ range) and will
Treasure Value n/a live in an underground lair 85% of the time, otherwise making their lair in
Magical Treasure None some abandoned building(s).
X.P. Value 65 + 3/h.p.
In their lair, there will also be human or demi-human slaves equal to 10% of
General: Giant glow worms are found in temperate regions, and are generally the total number of warriors, in addition to non-combatant females and young
liked by those of good disposition, as giant glow worms will often befriend equal to half and twice as many as the total number of warriors, respectively.
kindly humans and demi-humans, acting as companions in exchange for being
told wondrous tales and stories of daring deeds and faraway lands. For every 20 gnoll warriors there will be a captain present to lead the group.
If more than 100 are encountered, they will be led by a chieftain who will


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Gnome

have 2d6 guards as his personal retinue. The chief will have most of the tribe’s Gnome
treasure if they are encountered in their lair (20% chance if a full tribe is
encountered), where it will be well hidden and guarded. Gnomes are demi-humans, available for use as player characters (but check
with your game master to see whether specific types of gnomes are
An underground gnoll lair is 30% likely to have 1d3 trolls present as guards appropriate in the campaign). When generic “gnomes” are indicated, hill
and allies. An above-ground lair is 65% likely to have either 4d6 hyenas (80% gnome should be assumed, unless the context makes it plain deep or forest
chance - see p. 132) or 2d6 hyaenodons (20% chance - see p. 301). Gnolls gnomes are being referenced. Gnomes are distantly related to dwarves.
are not good workers, but get along well with orcs, hobgoblins, bugbears,
ogres, and trolls, as long as they are in a position of strength. Gnoll tribes get Regardless of type, gnomes can tunnel 80’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock,
along with one another most of the time. 60’ in soft rock, and 30’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide. All
gnomes are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold
Gnolls can tunnel 75’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 50’ in soft rock, and person.
25’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.
Deep Gnome (Svirfneblin)
Gnolls will tolerate bugbears and orcs, although they will tend to lord it over
the latter if the gnolls are in sufficient numbers. They actively dislike goblins
Number 3d10
and kobolds, and will grind them into submission if it is at all possible. They
Morale +2
are neutral towards hobgoblins.
Hit Dice 3d10 or higher
Armor Class 2 or better
Combat: Gnolls attack with weapons. The weapon of any given gnoll should
Move 90’/min.
be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Magic Resistance A + 1 per level above 3rd
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual
No. of Attacks 1 (melee weapon) or 2 (darts)
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses See below
Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition Attacks See below
01-20 Sword and bardiche 20% Weaknesses Sunlight
21-40 Sword and battle axe 20% Size S (3’)
41-55 Sword and glaive 15% Intelligence 15
56-70 Sword and long bow 15% Alignment Neutral good
71-85 Sword and morning star 15% Treasure Type XVII
86-00 Two-handed sword 15% Treasure Value 3d10x10
Magical Treasure None
Gnolls are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold X.P. Value 3rd level fighter: 150 + 4/h.p. (other types vary)
Appearance: Gnolls are large, humanoid in appearance, with heads very General: Svirfnebli (singular svirfneblin) are offshoots of the gnomish race that
much like those of hyenas. They speak their own language, troll, and there is have adapted themselves to dwell in the deep underground environs that
a 60% chance that the members of any given tribe will speak orcish and/or honeycomb the earth. There is rumored to be a vast city of the deep gnomes
hobgoblin. somewhere beneath the earth, but they will never be encountered randomly in
their home.
Spellcasters: Gnoll shamans can be as high as 5th level. Witch doctors can
be up to 2nd level. Most svirfnebli are 3rd level fighters. However, when encountered there may
be some high-level types in addition. The number, and x.p. value, of such are
See also: flind (p. 84). determined by the number of regular warriors:

Warriors Additional Figures

Every 4 warriors One 4th level fighter
20 or more warriors One 6th level fighter (“burrow warden”) plus two
additional 5th level fighters

There is a 25% chance that any given 6th level fighter will possess a special
ability or will be a multi-classed character:

Die Roll (d6) Special Ability/Multi-Class

01-12 Multi-classed 6th level fighter/5th level illusionist
13-20 Multi-classed 6th level fighter/6th level illusionist
21-25 Multi-classed 6th level fighter/7th level illusionist
26-75 Elemental summoner (see below)
76-00 No special ability

Deep gnomes that are elemental summoners can attempt to summon a creature
from the elemental plane of earth once per day. The summoned elemental will
aid and obey the summoner for up to one hour before returning to its plane of
origin. The type of creature responding to the summons should be determined


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll (d20) Summoned Elemental Forest Gnome

1 Earth elemental (24 HD)
2-6 Earth elemental (16 HD) Number 4d10x10
7-10 Earth elemental (12 HD) Morale ±0
11-15 Earth elemental (8 HD) Hit Dice 1d8
16-18 Xorn Armor Class 5 (4th level and under), 2 (5th level and above)
19-20 Summoning fails Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Due to their mutual affinity, any creature from the elemental plane of earth is No. of Attacks 1
only 10% likely to harm a deep gnome, although a great price in gems might Damage By weapon
have to be paid for such protection… Defenses Animal guards
Attacks None
Svirfnebli often protect the areas in which they operate with a variety of traps, Weaknesses None
pitfalls, and secret passages into which they can flee. They are enemies of the Size S (3’)
drow, fish men, and cthonoids, and are quite greedy for gems of all sorts. Intelligence 12
Alignment Neutral, neutral good, lawful good
They have infravision with a range of 120’ and ultravision with a 60’ range. Treasure Type Individuals XVI, Community III
Treasure Value Individuals 3d8, Community 5d6x100
Combat: Svirfnebli fight with weapons; typically they will be armed with a Magical Treasure Community 1d2 items (10%)
dagger +1 and a pick (horseman’s) +1, although neither of these weapons is X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.
actually magical, but rather derives its bonuses from the weird radiations of
the underworld. Once removed from the deep underground for more than 1 General: Forest gnomes dwell in rolling wooded hills. They have infravision
week, they will lose their bonuses. In addition, those who are 3rd level will (60’ range) and will make their home in an elaborate village dug into the soil
carry 1d4+6 darts (range 40’, damage 1d3/1d3, releases gas on impact; of the hills, with entrances usually found in and around the roots of great trees.
save vs. poision or be stunned for 1 round and slowed for the next 4 rounds). Gnome clans are not hostile towards one another, but they often will have
Those who are above 4th level or above will carry 1d4+2 additional darts that friendly rivalries between them. Most gnome lairs (80%) will have the following
act as the darts described above, except instead of gas they contain a vial of animals as guards and pets:
acid that will eat a 3” hole in solid metal armor (such as plate armor) and will
do 2d4 h.p. of damage to anyone wearing a leather-based armor or metal Die Roll (d%) Animals Present
armor that is anything less than solid in design such as mail). They get a bonus 01-60 3d6 carnivorous dire squirrels (see p. 48)
of +2 “to hit” when hurling their darts, of either type. 61-69 1d6 wolves (see p. 245)
71-94 1d4 stags (see p. 223)
Most deep gnomes wear ring armor, and none carry shields. The make of the 95-00 1d2 giant porcupines (see p. 184)
ring armor worn by higher-level deep gnomes is such that it improves their
armor class by 1 per level above 4th. This is not a magical effect, and will Forest gnomes are accomplished workers of stone, and have the following
disappear after 1 week of the armor itself being removed from their weird abilities.
underground habitat, just like it does for their weapons.
• Detect deadfalls, pits, etc. when traveling outdoors in woodlands
In addition, all svirfnebli have the following magical powers: within 10’ (70%)
• Sense direction when traveling in woods (50%)
• Blindness once per day
• Blur once per day For every 40 gnomes encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 1d3+1.
• Change self once per day Larger groups will also have higher-level characters as indicated below
• Immunity to illusion/phantasm spells always (additional individuals are cumulative):
• Non-detection always
Number Additional Figures
Like their hill gnome cousins, deep gnomes have the following powers: 160+ One 3rd level fighter, one 5th level fighter
200+ One druid of level 1d3+3, one thief of level 1d3
• Detect sloping or otherwise graded passages or tunnels (80%) 320+ One 6th level fighter, two 5th level fighters, one 7th level
• Detect unsafe walls, floors, and ceilings in danger of imminent druid, four 3rd level druids, two thieves of level 1d4
collapse within 10’ (70%)
• Sense approximate depth below ground (60%) In addition to those listed above, gnomish communities will also have the
• Sense direction when traveling below ground (50%) following:

Deep gnomes get a +2 bonus to saving throws vs. poison and a +3 bonus to • 2d4 fighters of level 1d2+1
all other saving throws. When in direct sunlight or within the effect of a • 1d4 2nd level druids
continual light spell or other source of bright light, they get a -2 penalty on all • Females equal to 50% of the total number of males
“to hit” rolls. • Children equal to 25% of the total number of males

Appearance: Deep gnomes look like most other gnomes, except being Forest gnome fighters have a 10% chance per level of having magic armor or
somewhat more muscular, with gray or brown skin and a tendency towards a magic weapon. Druids will have a 10% chance per level of having some
baldness. They speak their own dialect of gnomish (60% comprehensible to magic item usable by that class (scroll, staff, ring, etc.).
other gnomes), some fish man and drow, and the common tongue of the
underground realms. They can communicate telepathically with creatures from Combat: Forest gnomes of 4th level and under will wear mail and carry shields.
the elemental plane of earth. Those of 5th level and higher will wear plate armor and carry shields. Their


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Goat

weapons should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to
use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each Number Additional Figures
individual warrior: 160+ One 3rd level fighter, one 5th level fighter
200+ One cleric of level 1d3+3, one illusionist of level 1d4
Die Roll 320+ One 6th level fighter, two 5th level fighters, one 7th level
(d%) Weapons % Composition cleric, four 3rd level clerics, two illusionists of level 1d4
01-15 Club and short sword 15%
16-30 Club and sling 15% In addition to those listed above, gnomish communities will also have the
31-70 Club and spear 40% following:
71-80 Short sword and short bow 10%
81-00 Short sword and spear 20% • 2d4 fighters of level 1d2+1
• 1d4 2nd level clerics
Due to their ancient enmity, forest gnomes get a +1 bonus “to hit” against • Females equal to 50% of the total number of males
kobolds and goblins. Gnolls, ogres, bugbears, trolls, and giants all get a -1 • Children equal to 25% of the total number of males
penalty “to hit” when attacking gnomes.
Hill gnome fighters have a 10% chance per level of having magic armor or a
Appearance: Forest gnomes have skin of brownish hue with white hair and magic weapon. Clerics will have a 10% chance per level of having some
blue or gray eyes. They tend to wear leather and earth-toned clothing. They magic item usable by that class (scroll, staff, ring, etc.).
speak their own tongue as well as that of kobolds, goblins, halflings, dwarves,
and the common tongue. They are able to understand, and be understood by, Combat: Gnomes of 4th level and under will wear mail and carry shields.
small woodland creatures such as rabbits, squirrels, robins, etc. Those of 5th level and higher will wear plate armor and carry shields. Their
weapons should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to
Hill Gnome use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each
individual warrior:
Number 4d10x10
Morale ±0 Die Roll (d%) Weapons % Composition
Hit Dice 1d8 01-15 Club and short sword 15%
Armor Class 5 (4th level and under), 2 (5th level and above) 16-30 Club and sling 15%
Move 60’/min. 31-70 Club and spear 40%
Magic Resistance Standard 71-80 Short sword and short bow 10%
No. of Attacks 1 81-00 Short sword and spear 20%
Damage By weapon
Defenses Animal guards Due to their ancient enmity, hill gnomes get a +1 bonus “to hit” against kobolds
Attacks None and goblins. Gnolls, ogres, bugbears, trolls, and giants all get a -1 penalty “to
Weaknesses None hit” when attacking gnomes.
Size S (3’)
Intelligence 12 Appearance: Hill gnomes have skin of brownish hue with white hair and blue
Alignment Neutral, neutral good, lawful good or gray eyes. They tend to wear leather and earth-toned clothing. They speak
Treasure Type Individuals XVI, Community III their own tongue as well as that of kobolds, goblins, halflings, dwarves, and
Treasure Value Individuals 3d8, Community 5d6x100 the common tongue. They are able to understand, and be understood by, small
Magical Treasure Community 1d2 items (10%) burrowing creatures such as badgers, moles, rabbits, etc.
X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.
General: Hill gnomes dwell in rocky hills, which may or may not be wooded.
They have infravision (60’ range) and will make their home in an elaborate
Regular Giant
town hewn into the stone of the hills. Gnome clans are not hostile towards one
Number 5d4 1d12
another, but they often will have friendly rivalries between them. Most gnome
Morale ±0 +4
lairs (80%) will have the following animals as guards and pets:
Hit Dice 1d10 3d10
Armor Class 7 7
Die Roll (d%) Animals Present
Move 150’/min. 180’/min.
01-70 5d6 badgers (see p. 11) Magic Resistance Standard Standard
71-90 3d4 giant badgers (see p. 11) No. of Attacks 1 1
91-00 2d8 wolverines (see p. 247) Damage 1d3 2d8
Defenses None None
Hill gnomes are accomplished stoneworkers, and have the following abilities: Attacks Charge Charge
Weaknesses None None
• Detect sloping or otherwise graded passages or tunnels (80%) Size M L (5’ at shoulder)
• Detect unsafe walls, floors, and ceilings in danger of imminent Intelligence 1 3
collapse within 10’ (70%) Alignment Neutral Neutral
• Sense approximate depth below ground (60%) Treasure Type None None
• Sense direction when traveling below ground (50%) Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
For every 40 hill gnomes encountered, there will also be a fighter of level X.P. Value 24 + 2/h.p. 85 + 4/h.p.
1d3+1. Larger groups will also have higher-level characters as indicated
below (additional individuals are cumulative):


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Shaman /
Bodyguard Chief Witch Doctor
Number 2d4 1 1
Morale +2 +2 ±0
Hit Dice 2d8 2d8 1d6
Armor Class 5 5 6
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage By weapon By weapon By weapon
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None None
Weaknesses None None None
Size S (4’) S (4’) S (4’)
Intelligence 8 8 8
General: Goats are aggressive herbivores that dwell in rocky locales. If more Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
than 7 are encountered, the remainder will be young. Giant goats are rarely Treasure Type XII II XI
tamed and used as mounts. Treasure Value 1 4d6x100 1
Magical Treasure None 1d2 items (10%) None
Combat: Goats attack with their sharp horns. Goats may charge; regular goats X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p. 45 + 1/h.p.
get a +2 bonus “to hit” if they do, and an additional 1d2 h.p. of damage. If
giant goats charge, they receive a bonus of +4 to their damage done. General: Goblins are tribal
humanoids who dwell exclusively
Appearance: Goats are shaggy herbivores with four legs. They have two sharp underground. They dislike sunlight,
horns on their heads. but have infravision with a 60’
range. They are cousins of both
bugbears and hobgoblins, but are
Goblin regarded as weak and inferior by
both. They are accomplished
Sub-chief / miners, and are able to detect
Warrior Sergeant Guard new/unusual construction 25% of
Number 4d10x10 1/40 warriors 1/2d4 the time. They despise gnomes and
Morale -1 ±0 +1 dwarves and will attack them in
Hit Dice 1d6 1d8 1d10 preference to all other enemies.
Armor Class 6 6 5
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. 60’/min. For every 40 warriors, there will be 5 sergeants (one of whom will be in overall
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard command of the group). If 200 or more goblins are found, there will also be
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 a sub-chief and 2d4 guards. For any given group of goblins encountered, there
Damage By weapon By weapon By weapon is a 25% chance that 10% of the warriors, plus all the sergeants, guards, and
Defenses None None None sub-chief (if applicable) will be mounted on wolves (see p. 245). If this is the
Attacks None None None case, there will also be 10d4 riderless wolves.
Weaknesses None None None
Size S (4’) S (4’) S (4’) In their lair, there will also be a chief and 2d4 bodyguards. In addition, there
Intelligence 8 8 8 will be females equal to 60% of the number of warriors, and young equal to
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil the number of warriors. The females and young are non-combatants. There is
Treasure Type XII XII XII a 60% chance that 5d6 wolves will be in the lair as pets/guards, and a 20%
Treasure Value 1 1 1 chance that 2d6 bugbears will be there as well.
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p. Goblins can tunnel 85’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 65’ in soft rock, and
30’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.

Goblins get along well with other goblins, their larger cousins the bugbears,
and kobolds. Given a choice between associating with orcs or hobgoblins,
they will prefer the latter, but the two races do not share a warm relationship,
on the whole.

Combat: Goblins attack with weapons. The weapon of any given goblin
should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Golden Scarab

Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition Golem, Clay

01-10 Military pick 10%
11-30 Morning star 20% Number 1
31-40 Short sword and military pick 10% Morale n/a
41-50 Short sword and sling 10% Hit Dice 11d10 (50 h.p.)
51-60 Short sword and spear 10% Armor Class 7
61-70 Sling 10% Move 70’/min.
71-00 Spear 30% Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Goblins are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold Damage 3d10
person. Defenses Spell immunity
Attacks See below
Appearance: Goblins can have skin of yellow, orange, or dark red color. They Weaknesses Berserking
dress in leather and favor dark, drab colors. They speak their own tongue, as Size L (7’)
well as kobold, orcish, and hobgoblin. Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Spellcasters: Goblin shamans can reach 7th level. Medicine men can reach Treasure Type None
4th level. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Golden Scarab X.P. Value 3,600

Number 1d20
Morale -3
Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 9
Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4
Defenses None
Attacks Poison
Weaknesses None
Size S (1”)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 12 + 1/h.p.
General: Clay golems are created by lawful good clerics of 17th level or
General: The golden scarab is a small insect that is usually found sleeping on higher, or other clerics with access to a manual of golems of the appropriate
piles of gold coins, where its natural camouflage makes it nearly impossible to type. Without the manual, creation of a clay golem requires the following:
spot without careful examination. If disturbed, it will attack.
• 20,000 g.p. for materials, which the cleric fashions into a human-
Combat: Golden scarabs attack with their bite. Those bitten must make a shaped statue of clay
saving throw vs. poison or die. • 30,000 g.p. for vestments (they are re-usable)
• Casting a bless spell
Appearance: Golden scarabs are beetles with a round flat carapace that • Casting a commune spell
resembles a gold coin. • Casting a prayer spell
• Casting a resurrection spell
• Casting an animate objects spell
Golem, Greater
All of the spells must be cast in succession while wearing the required
Golems are magical constructs, created by clerics or mages with access to vestments, after the statue itself has been constructed (a process that itself takes
special spells, materials, and the specific knowledge necessary to do so. 6 weeks of uninterrupted work. Once completed, the golem will be under the
Golems have a set number of hit points, but hit dice are given below in order complete command of the cleric who created it (except see below). If the
to properly calculate things such as melee “to hit” rolls and saving throws. creator of the golem is himself slain, the golem will follow whatever instructions
Being mindless, all golems are immune to mind-affecting spells such as were last given to it.
illusions, charms, etc. Golems also never need to make morale checks. They
are incapable of speech. Combat: Golems strike with their fists. Once per day, at the command of its
master, the golem can be hasted (as per the spell) for a duration of three
All golems can understand and will obey simple commands from their creators, rounds, assuming it has been in at least one round of combat already. Only
and can be set to wait until a particular event triggers an instruction (i.e., “Wait enchanted blunt weapons will harm a clay golem; all others are completely
in this room until someone touches that altar. Destroy the one who does so.”). ineffectual. Spells are likewise useless against a clay golem with the following


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Fire- or cold-based magic will slow the golem by half for 2d6
• Move earth will force it back 120’ and inflict 3d12 h.p. of damage rounds, but do no damage
• Disintegrate will slow the golem to half speed (and half attacks) for • Electrical attacks will repair damage to the golem at a rate of 1
10 minutes, and inflict 1d12 h.p. of damage h.p. per hit die of damage
• Earthquake will halt it for ten minutes and inflict 5d10 h.p. of
damage For every consecutive round of combat the flesh golem is in combat, there is a
1% cumulative chance that it will go berserk, completely out of the control of
Damage inflicted upon a clay golem can only be repaired by a 17th level its creator, killing each nearest creature until it is destroyed. The creator of the
cleric casting a heal spell. It need not be cast by the creator of the golem. golem (only) has a 10% chance per round of regaining control. Once the
golem is no longer in combat, or control has been regained by its master, the
For every consecutive round of combat the clay golem is in combat, there is a percentage chance of going berserk resets, starting again at 1% then next time
1% cumulative chance that it will be possessed by a demon. If this happens, the golem is in combat.
the golem will go berserk, completely (and unrecoverably) out of the control of
its creator, attacking each nearest creature until it is destroyed. If it has not yet Appearance: A flesh golem looks like a tall human with a corpse-like pallor.
been hasted that day, it will do so immediately. Once the golem is no longer Stitches are evident across its body, where the parts of different corpses have
in combat, the percentage chance of being possessed resets, starting again at been sewn together into a single creature.
1% the next time the golem is in combat.

Appearance: A clay golem appears as an animated humanoid statue of

hardened clay.

Golem, Flesh

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 9d10 (40 h.p.)
Armor Class 9
Move 80’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 2d8/2d8
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity
Attacks None
Weaknesses Berserking
Size L (7 ½’)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,380

General: Flesh golems are created from parts of dead bodies by mages of
14th level or higher, or those with access to a manual of golems of the
appropriate type. Without such a manual, creation of a flesh golem requires Golem, Iron
the following:
Number 1
• 40,000 g.p. for materials Morale n/a
• Casting a geis spell Hit Dice 18d10 (80 h.p.)
• Casting a polymorph any object spell Armor Class 3
• Casting a protection from normal missiles spell Move 60’/min.
• Casting a strength spell Magic Resistance Standard
• Casting a wish spell No. of Attacks 1
Damage 4d10
All of the spells must be cast in succession, after the body of the golem itself Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity
has been constructed from bits and pieces of corpses (a process that itself takes Attacks Poison gas
1 month of uninterrupted work. Once completed, the golem will be under the Weaknesses Rust
complete command of its creator (except see below). If the creator of the golem Size L (12’)
is himself slain, the golem will follow whatever instructions were last given to Intelligence 0
it. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Combat: Flesh golems strike with their powerful fists. They are harmed only by Treasure Value n/a
enchanted weapons, and spells are mostly ineffectual. They are very strong, Magical Treasure None
able to smash through wooden doors and the like in but a single round. Only X.P. Value 14,550
the following magic will affect the golem.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Golem, Greater

Golem, Stone

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 14d10 (60 h.p.)
Armor Class 5
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d8
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity
Attacks Slow
Weaknesses None
Size L (9 ½’)
Intelligence 0
General: Iron golems are created by mages of 18th level or higher, or those Alignment Neutral
with access to a manual of golems of the appropriate type. Without such a Treasure Type None
manual, creation of an iron golem requires the following: Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
• 80,000 g.p. for materials, which are used to cast an iron statue X.P. Value 8,950
in the form of a large human
• Casting a cloud kill spell
• Casting a geis spell
• Casting a polymorph any object spell
• Casting a wish spell

All of the spells must be cast in succession, after the body of the golem itself
has been cast from iron (a process that itself takes 3 months of uninterrupted
work). Once completed, the golem will be under the complete command of its
creator. If the creator of the golem is himself slain, the golem will follow
whatever instructions were last given to it.

Combat: Iron golems attack with their immensely powerful fists. Every 7 rounds,
they can breathe out a cloud of poisonous gas some 10’ on a side. Any
creature within the cloud must save vs. poison or die. Only weapons with an
enchantment of +3 or higher will harm an iron golem, and only the following
magical effects will have any effect:

• Electrical attacks will slow the golem to half speed for 3 rounds
• Fire attacks will repair damage to the golem at a rate of 1 h.p. per
die of damage.

Iron golems are susceptible to the attack of a rust monster (see p. 196). They
can inflict 30 h.p. per round against wooden structures, 10 h.p. against
earthworks or hard stone, and 20 h.p. against soft stone or brick.
General: Stone golems are created by mages of 16th level or higher, or those
Appearance: Iron golems look like enormous statues of blackened iron in the with access to a manual of golems of the appropriate type. Without such a
shape of humans. manual, creation of a stone golem requires the following:

• 60,000 g.p. for materials, which are used to carve a stone statue
in the form of a large human
• Casting a geis spell
• Casting a polymorph any object spell
• Casting a slow spell
• Casting a wish spell

All of the spells must be cast in succession, after the body of the golem itself
has been carved from stone (a process that takes 2 months of uninterrupted
work). Once completed, the golem will be under the complete command of its
creator. If the creator of the golem is himself slain, the golem will follow
whatever instructions were last given to it.

Combat: Stone golems attack using their powerful fists. They can only be
damaged by weapons with an enchantment of +2 or better. Every other round,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


the golem can cast a slow spell which will affect all creatures in front of them Leather Golem
in a 10’ range. They are immune to most magic, with the following exceptions.
Number 1
• Mud to rock will repair all damage done to the golem Morale n/a
• Rock to mud will slow the golem by half for 2d6 rounds Hit Dice 4d10 (40 h.p.)
• Stone to flesh will weaken the golem on the round following its Armor Class 6
casting, making it able to be damaged by non-magical weapons Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
They can inflict 30 h.p. per round against wooden structures, 10 h.p. against No. of Attacks 2
earthworks or soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. per round against hard stone. Damage 1d6/1d6
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, non-blunt weapons do
Appearance: Stone golems are large stone statues in human form. half damage
Attacks None
Golem, Lesser Weaknesses None
Size S-L
Lesser golems are magical constructs brought into being via the spell golem Intelligence 0
(see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for details of the Alignment Neutral
spell). Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Lesser golems make all saving throws as if they were clerics of the same level Magical Treasure None
as the cleric that created them. As they are mindless, any mind-affecting spell X.P. Value 330
such as sleep, fear, charm, illusions, etc., are ineffective against them. They
are incapable of speech. General: Leather golems can be created by casters of 13th level or greater;
they require 9 hours to construct, and will remain whole for 6 hours per level
They are able to follow simple commands involving a maximum of a dozen of the caster thereafter. They can carry up to 50 lbs.
Combat: Leather golems strike with their fists. They can only be harmed by
weapons of +1 or greater enchantment, and edged and pointed weapons do
only half damage.

Appearance: Leather golems are humanoid in form, completely made out of

cuir bouli (boiled leather).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Gorgimera

Rope Golem
Wood Golem
Number 1
Morale n/a Number 1
Hit Dice 3d10 (30 h.p.) Morale 0
Armor Class 8 Hit Dice 5d10 (50 h.p.)
Move 90’/min. Armor Class 4
Magic Resistance Standard Move 30’/min.
No. of Attacks 1 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d8 No. of Attacks 1
Defenses Immune to blunt weapons, piercing weapons cause Damage 3d4
half damage Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, blunt and piercing
Attacks Strangulation weapons do no damage
Weaknesses None Attacks None
Size S-L Weaknesses None
Intelligence 0 Size S-L
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 0
Treasure Type None Alignment Neutral
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Type None
Magical Treasure None Treasure Value n/a
X.P. Value 245 Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 525
General: Rope golems can be created by casters of 11th level or higher. They
require 3 hours to construct and will remain whole for 3 hours per level of the General: Wood golems can be constructed by casters of 15th level or higher.
caster. They can carry 40 lbs. They require 27 hours to manufacture and will remain animate for 12 hours
per level of the caster. They can carry 60 lbs.
Combat: Rope golems attack by looping their rope-arms around the necks of
victims. A successful hit means the golem will inflict automatic strangulation Combat: Wood golems attack with their fists. They are immune to blunt and
damage on all subsequent rounds until destroyed. They can engage in two piercing weapons, and are only harmed by weapons of +1 or greater
such attacks at the same time. Any blunt weapon does no damage against a enchantment in any case.
rope golem, and piercing weapons only do half damage.
Appearance: Wood golems are vaguely humanoid figures made of bundled
Appearance: Rope golems are humanoid, and completely made out of rope. and cast-off pieces of wood, fallen tree limbs, etc. They are not solid wooden
Straw Golem
Number 1
Morale n/a Number 1
Hit Dice 2d10 (20 h.p.) Morale +7
Armor Class 10 Hit Dice 10d8
Move 120’/min. Armor Class 5 (lion parts), 2 (all others)
Magic Resistance Standard Move 120’/min., 150’/min. (flying - clumsy)
No. of Attacks 2 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d2/1d2 No. of Attacks 5
Defenses Immune to piercing weapons, blunt weapons do half Damage 1d3/1d3/2d4/2d6/3d4
damage Defenses None
Attacks None Attacks Breath weapon
Weaknesses Fire does double damage Weaknesses None
Size S-L Size L (5’ tall at shoulder)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1d6 items (10%)
X.P. Value 110 X.P. Value 2,557 + 14/h.p.

General: Straw golems can be constructed by casters of 9th level or greater. General: This relative of the chimera (see p. 35) is considerably more
They require 1 hour to construct and will remain whole for 1 hour per level of fearsome, as it combines the qualities of a gorgon (see below) with those of
the caster. They can carry 30 lbs. the chimera. It is found in most climes save the coldest, and generally keeps to
the most out-of-the-way locales.
Combat: Straw golems attack with their blunt fists of straw. Piercing weapons
do no damage against them, and blunt weapons do half their normal damage. Combat: The gorgimera attacks with its two claws, the bite of its lion head,
They are susceptible to fire; fire-based attacks do double damage. ramming with its gorgon head, and the bite of its dragon head. In addition,
both the gorgon and dragon heads are able to use breath weapons in combat,
Appearance: Straw golems are humanoid figures made of straw. but not in the same round it uses its standard claw/claw/bite/ram/bite attack.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


If enemies are more than 10’ away, it will use one of its two breath weapons
(equal chances of either being used). If they are closer, roll each round to
determine which of its attacks it will use:

Die Roll (d6) Attack used

1 Red dragon breath weapon
2 Gorgon breath weapon
3-6 Claw/claw/bite/ram/bite

The gorgon head can spew forth a cloud of petrifying gas in a cone some 30’
long and 10’ wide at the base; those within the cloud must make a saving
throw vs. petrification or be turned to stone. The dragon head can breathe fire
in a cone 50’ long and 20’ wide at the base, which does an amount of
damage equal to the gorgimera’s current hit point total (a saving throw vs.
breath weapon is allowed for half damage). Both breath weapons can be used
twice in any 24 hour period. The gorgon head can see into both the astral and General: The gorgon is a monster that dwells in lonely wilderness or deep
ethereal planes, and the effect of that head’s breath weapon extends into those subterranean locales.
supernatural realms as well.
Combat: A gorgon attacks with its great horns, but it will use its feared breath
Appearance: The gorgimera has the hind parts of a bull clad in blue-steel weapon whenever possible. This is a cloud of vapor 60’ long and 20’ wide
scales, the midsection of a red dragon (complete with wings), and the foreparts at the base. Any creature within the cloud must make a saving throw vs.
of a great lion. It has three heads; a gorgon, a red dragon, and a lion. It is petrification or be turned to stone. Gorgons can see into the astral and ethereal
often mistaken for a chimera; only close inspection will notice the nature of the planes, and their breath weapon also affects creatures in those planes.
gorgon parts of the creature. It speaks a pidgin form of the dragonic tongue.
Appearance: Gorgons look like large bulls, but are covered in blue-black
scales of metal.

Gorilla Bear

Number 1d6+1
Morale +6
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 4
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d8/1d8
Defenses +4 to surprise rolls
Attacks Hug
Weaknesses None
Size L (9’)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Gorgon Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
Number 1d4
Morale +3 X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p.
Hit Dice 8d10
General: Gorilla bears are a frightful mix
Armor Class 2
Move 120’/min. of the two creatures. Their senses are
excellent, and they thus get a +4 bonus to all surprise rolls. They are both
Magic Resistance Standard
aggressive and carnivorous.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d6
Combat: Gorilla bears attack with their great paws. If the creature hits with a
Defenses None
natural roll of 18 or higher, they are able to hug for 2d6 h.p. of damage.
Attacks Breath petrifies
Weaknesses None
Appearance: Gorilla bears have the body and head of a gorilla with the arms
Size L (5’ at shoulder)
and teeth of a bear.
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
X.P. Value 1,750 + 10/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Granite Man

Granite Man
Appearance: Granite men look like large boulders with two leg/arms beneath
Number 1d4 them. Some will have beards of lichen. They speak their own slow tongue,
Morale +4 which is seemingly mutually intelligible to tree men.
Hit Dice 8d12 - 10d12
Armor Class -2 Greenhag
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance A Number 1
No. of Attacks 2 Morale +7
Damage See below Hit Dice 9d8
Defenses Magic use, lightning and fire immunity Armor Class -2
Attacks Magic use, animate boulders Move 120’/min., 120’/min. (swimming)
Weaknesses Save vs. cold-based attacks at -4, take double damage Magic Resistance E
Size L No. of Attacks 2
Intelligence 12 Damage 1d2+6/1d2+6
Alignment Neutral Defenses Magic use, +4 to surprise rolls, move silently, 90%
Treasure Type XIII invisible in foliage
Treasure Value 3d10x10 Attacks Magic use, enemies get -4 to surprise rolls
Magical Treasure 2 items (60%) Weaknesses None
X.P. Value Size M
Intelligence 6-12
General: Granite men are creatures of living rock that dwell in hilly or Alignment Neutral evil
mountainous areas where there are a variety of boulders they can command Treasure Type IV
(see below). They are generally regarded as grumpy, slow-moving creatures Treasure Value 1d10x200
who dislike disturbances to their deliberate and rocky lives. Magical Treasure 1d2 items (60%)
X.P. Value 1,600 + 12/h.p.
Combat: Granite men attack with their two appendages that are used as both
hands and feet. The exact hit dice and damage of any given granite man
should be determined randomly:

Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Damage X.P. Value

1-3 8d12 2d8 1,950 + 14/h.p.
4-5 9d12 3d6 2,850 + 16/h.p.
6 10d12 4d6 4,950 + 18/h.p.

Granite men can use the following magical abilities once per round (as if they
were 20th level casters, as applicable):

• Move earth
• Passwall
• Stone shape
• Transmute rock to mud
• Wall of stone

Granite men take double damage from cold-based attacks and make saving
throws against them with a -4 penalty. Lightning and non-magical fire do not
affect them; but they are affected normally by magical fire, but make saving General: Greenhags are cousins of both annis and night-hags (see pp. 5 and
throws against it with a +4 bonus. 414, respectively), and are found in remote woodlands, moors, swamps, and
other desolate watercourses. They dwell in small caves. They possess a very
Finally, granite men effective ability to mimic human/demihuman voices and animal noises, and
are able to animate will often use this to lure victims closer before attacking. They have both
nearby boulders, infravision and ultravision with a 60’ range. Those that dwell in water are
compelling them to called shellycoats.
sprout limbs and act
just like a regular Combat: Greenhags attack with their iron-hard claws. All have an effective
granite man. Up to strength of 18/00, and thus get a +6 bonus to damage rolls. Due to their
two boulders can be coloration and skills, they are able to move silently and become effectively
animated per invisible in foliage of all sorts with 90% effectiveness. In addition, all
granite man, and greenhags have the following magical powers, any one of which can be
they must remain performed each round:
within 60’ of the
granite man who animated them in the first place. Such boulders will function • Audible glamer
as normal granite men, except they only move 30’ per round (roll randomly to • Change self
determine the size of the animated boulder, just as if it were a normal granite • Dancing lights


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Invisibility Appearance: Griffons are large animals with the body and rear legs of a lion,
• Pass without trace and the wings, foreclaws, and head of an immense eagle.
• Speak with monsters
• Water breathing See also: opinicus (p. 174).
• Weakness
Greenhags get a +4 bonus to their own surprise rolls and enemies get a -4
penalty to theirs. Number See below
Morale -3
Appearance: Greenhags are gaunt and hideously ugly women with green hair Hit Dice 1d4
and skin, dressed in rags and patched clothing. They speak the common Armor Class 2
language of hags, as well as ogre, the tongue of fomorians, and the common Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (leap)
tongue. Magic Resistance D
No. of Attacks 3 (darts), 2 (sword)
Griffon Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Magic use, +5 to surprise rolls
Number 2d6 Attacks Magic use, compulsive dance, enemies get -4 to
Morale +20 surprise rolls
Hit Dice 7d10 Weaknesses None
Armor Class 3 Size S (1 ½’)
Move 120’/min., 300’/min. (flying - average, poor when Intelligence 9
mounted) Alignment Neutral good
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Type VII
No. of Attacks 3 Treasure Value 1d4+4x100
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8 Magical Treasure 1d2 items (60%)
Defenses None X.P. Value 50 + 1/h.p.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type V
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%), 2d4 potions (40%)
X.P. Value 375 + 10/h.p.

General: Grigs are pleasant but reclusive and shy sprite-like creatures that
General: Griffons are monsters which make their aeries along tall cliffs in rocky inhabit the same sorts of isolated and idyllic woodlands as sprites, fairies, and
terrain, inside caves if possible. They are fond of cheval meat, and will attack the like. There is a chance that any encounter with grigs will actually be with
horses if they come within 360’. The young can be tamed and trained, and a larger group of grigs and/or atomies (see p. 10) engaged in a revelry
will become fiercely loyal steeds and companions. In any given griffon lair, including dancing, music, games, and feasting:
there is a 75% chance that there will be 1 fledgling for every 2 adults. They
are worth 5,000 g.p. if sold. Die Roll (d%) Encounter With...
01-70 2d6 grigs
Combat: Griffons attack with their two claws and sharp beak. The fledglings 71-85 5d10 grigs in revelry
do not fight, but the adults are fearless. In the air, they will attack with either 86-95 2d6 grigs and 3d4x10 atomies in revelry
beak or claws. 96-00 5d10 grigs and 3d4x10 atomies in revelry


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Grim

either a giant black cat, black dog, or a giant black owl. They will generally
Grigs will only attack creatures of evil bent or others who display hostility appear and utter a mournful howl or cry of warning. They do not otherwise
towards them. They will often use their magic powers for jokes and japes communicate.
targeted against strangers.
Combat: The attack of a grim depends on its chosen form for the day. In cat
Grigs have infravision and ultravision with 180’ range, and their hearing is form, they attack with their front claw and bite; if both front claws hit, the grim
twice as effective as that of a human. will also be able to attack with a rake of its two hind claws (successful ”to hit”
rolls are still required). In dog form, it attacks with its bite. In owl form, it strikes
Combat: Grigs attack with their slim short swords (treat as knives if wielded by with its claws and beak. Enemies get a -3 penalty to their surprise rolls.
any creature except a grig) and darts (do 1 h.p. of damage if wielded by any
non-grig). They get a +2 bonus ”to hit” when hurling their darts, and each grig All grims can only be struck by weapons of +1 or better enchantment. They
will carry 6 such missiles, typically. Their high armor class is due in large part also have the following powers and abilities:
to their high dexterity. In addition, they have the following magical powers
any one of which can be used once per round (as a 6th level caster): • Detect evil once per round (70’ range)
• Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
• Change self • Turn undead as an 8th level cleric (+2 bonus when turning creatures
• Entangle from the lower planes)
• Invisibility
• Pyrotechnics Appearance: The appearance of the grim depends on the form chosen. They
• Trip will always be larger than normal and black in color.
• Ventriloquism
Grigs get a +5 bonus to their own surprise rolls, and enemies get a -4 penalty
to their own rolls. Grigs are considered “persons” for spells such as charm
Warrior Leader Champion
person or hold person.
Number 20d10 See below See below
Morale +4 +5 +6
25% of all grigs are able to play a song on their bowed instruments that
Hit Dice 2d8 3d8 4d8
compels those listening within 30’ to dance, unless a saving throw vs. spells is
Armor Class 5 4 3
successful. Such grig musicians are able to play for hours, and their victims
Move 120’/min. 120’/min. 120’/min.
will drop of exhaustion long before then.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Appearance: Grigs are small creatures with delicate features and the legs and
Damage 1d6 or per weapon type
gossamer wings of a cricket. They speak their own language as well as that of
Defenses Spell immunity Spell immunity Spell immunity
atomies, brownies, pixies and sprites. They can understand common, but
Attacks None None None
speak it so quickly and highly pitched that it makes comprehension difficult.
Weaknesses Noise or smell Noise or smell Noise or smell
Size M M M
Grim Intelligence 9 9 9
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil Neutral evil
Black Cat Black Dog Black Owl Treasure Type Individuals XV, group II
Number 1 1 1 Treasure Value Individuals 2d6, group 1d4x1,000
Morale n/a n/a n/a Magical Treasure n/a n/a 1 armor or
Hit Dice 4d10 4d10 4d10 weapon (10%)
Armor Class 0 0 0 X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. 85 + 4/h.p.
Move 180’/min. 180’/min. 180’/min. (flying -
average) General: Grimlocks are blind humanoids that roam deep beneath the ground.
Magic Resistance C C C Due to their sightless eyes, their other senses have developed to the point where
No. of Attacks 3 1 3 they can use them to “see” as if they had normal sight within 20’. They are
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4 2d4 2d4/2d4/1d4+1 thus immune to spells such as invisibility, darkness, phantasmal force, etc. An
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use audible glamer or similar spell, or substances such as pepper or snuff (if
Attacks Rake for Enemies get -3 Enemies get -3 to inhaled) will cut this range in half and impose a -2 penalty on their “to hit”
1d3/1d3, to surprise rolls surprise rolls rolls. They are fond of human flesh and will occasionally raid the surface in
enemies get -3 to search of victims.
surprise rolls
Weaknesses None None None For every 10 grimlocks encountered one will be a leader. For every 40
Size M M M grimlocks, one will be a champion. Due to their sightless nature, they rarely
Intelligence 10 10 10 (10%) will have 1d3 medusae in their lair (see p. 157). Wandering groups of
Alignment Neutral good Neutral good Neutral good grimlocks will very occasionally (2% chance) be found in the company of 1d2
Treasure Type None None None brain eaters.
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None Combat: Grimlocks will normally (90%) fight with weapons, although they can
X.P. Value 285 + 5/h.p. 285 + 5/h.p. 285 + 5/h.p. rend opponents with their bare hands if they choose. Weapons carried by
grimlocks should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to
General: Grims are supernatural creatures, native to the material plane, who use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each
are guardians of good and who give warnings of and occasionally actively individual warrior:
fight to defeat rising evil. Each day the grim can choose a form for the day;


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll (d%) Weapon % Composition exceedingly long-lived (up to seven centuries) and the tribe mother, the only
01-15 Bastard sword 15% fertile female in the group, produces just enough clutches of eggs in her long
16-30 Battle axe 15% lifetime to maintain the tribe’s small size.
31-45 Broad sword 15%
46-65 Hand axe 20% When encountered randomly in the wilderness, 1d10 males/females will be
66-85 Long sword 20% encountered (they are the same in almost all respects). When a village is
86-00 Two-handed sword 15% encountered, there will be 5d6 males/females, 1 tribe mother, and 1d3 mates
to attend her. Each village will have 1d6 non-combatant tadpoles.
Leaders will always wield battle axes, and champions will always wield two-
handed swords. In rocky or stone terrain, grimlocks are able to blend in with Combat: Gripplis usually fight with nets, poison darts, light crossbows with
the surface and become essentially invisible. They can only do this while poisoned bolts, and daggers. Poisoned grippli weapons will kill anyone they
completely immobile, however. Grimlocks are considered “persons” for spells strike who fails a saving throw vs. poison with a +2 bonus. Their natural
such as charm person or hold person. coloration allows them to blend in with their surroundings, thus giving enemies
a -3 penalty to their surprise rolls. Gripplis also make great use of snares, pits,
Appearance: Grimlocks are humanoid in appearance, with thick gray skin and and the like to defend their villages.
long black tangled hair. Their eyes are pure white, as are their sharp teeth.
They wear dark rags. They speak a degenerate form of the common tongue. The mates also have poison glands in their claws that have the same effect as
the poison used on grippli weapons. The tribe mother can also produce a musk
Grippli cloud once per day: a 20’ cloud of noxious vapor, centered on a point within
30’ of her position. Anyone within the cloud must make a saving throw vs.
poison or be overcome with nausea for 2-5 minutes, in effect helpless and
Male/Female Mate Tribe Mother
unable to move, fight, cast spells, etc. If the saving throw is successful, the
Number 1d10 1d3 1
victim in the cloud is able to move out of the cloud and will only be under its
Morale -1 -2 -3
effect for a minute afterwards, as his eyes, nose, and throat are cleared of the
Hit Dice 1d10 2d8 3d8
Armor Class 9 8 7
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (in trees)
Appearance: Gripplis are humanoid tree frogs, and, while brightly colored,
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
their striations make it easy for them to blend in with their surroundings. They
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
speak their own language.
Damage 1d4 or per weapon type 1d6+1
Defenses None None None
Attacks -3 to enemies’ -3 to enemies’ -3 to enemies’ Gryph
surprise rolls surprise rolls, surprise rolls,
poison musk cloud Number 1d6
Weaknesses None None None Morale -1
Size S (2 ½’) S (2 ½’) S (2 ½’) Hit Dice 2d8 - 4d8
Intelligence 15 15 15 Armor Class 6
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Move 210’/min. (flying - good)
Treasure Type None None IV Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Value n/a n/a 4d8x1,000 No. of Attacks 1
Magical Treasure n/a n/a 1 item (15%) Damage 2d6
X.P. Value 45 + 2/h.p. 65 + 2/h.p. 90 + 3 / h.p. Defenses None
Attacks Females lay eggs in victims
Weaknesses None
Size S (3’, 7’ wingspan)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value See below

General: Gryphs are birds that inhabit large underground caverns, where they
are fond of swooping down on prey from great heights. They have multiple
legs; the more legs the bird has, the tougher and hardier it is. The number of
legs of each individual gryph should be determined randomly:

Die Roll (d6) Legs Hit Dice X.P. Value

1-3 4 2d8 28 + 2/h.p.
4-5 6 3d8 50 + 3/h.p.
6 8 4d8 85 + 4/h.p.
General: Gripplis are peaceful creatures found in tropical and semi-tropical
jungles and swamps. They are mostly innocuous, subsisting on fruit and insects
If 3 or more gryphs are encountered, there is a 35% chance that one of them
alone, and are not warlike, only raiding travelers for brightly-colored cloth or
will be a female who is gravid with eggs.
shiny baubles. Although they dwell on the ground in villages of half-buried
mud huts, they are graceful and fast when traveling through the trees. They are


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Halfling

Combat: Gryphs attack with their beak. Egg-bearing females will, if they Die Roll (d%) Weapons % Composition
successfully hit, inject the victim with their eggs, where they rest in the 01-20 Axe, hand 20%
bloodstream. Such an attack does no damage, as it is not made with the beak, 21-30 Short bow 10%
but rather a special tubule. Once injected with the eggs, the victim will 31-40 Short sword 10%
experience a slight swelling of the abdomen, which will suddenly burst as the 41-50 Short sword, short bow 10%
eggs hatch in 1d3 days. When this happens, 1d4 baby gryphs will emerge. 51-60 Short sword, spear 10%
Cure disease or dispel evil will destroy the eggs prior to hatching, as will 61-80 Sling 20%
mightier magics such as limited wish. A cure spell (no matter the exact type) 81-00 Spear 20%
will not do so.
All halflings get a bonus of +2 on saving throws vs. rods, staves, wands,
Appearance: Grylphs are large birds with long narrow beaks, smallish heads, poison, and spells. (Note that player character or certain NPC halflings may
and more than one pair of legs (as noted above). They are jet black in color. get different bonuses depending on their constitution score.) Enemies get a -2
penalty to their surprise rolls when encountering an all-halfling force. Similarly,
Halfling halflings are treated as if they were invisible when in woodlands.

Number 3d10x10 Appearance: Halflings look like diminutive humans with ruddy complexions
Morale ±0 and large hair-covered feet with thick padded soles. They never wear shoes.
Hit Dice 1d6 Their hair can be varying shades of brown, and they tend towards colorful
Armor Class 7 shirts and waistcoats and earth-toned coats and trousers. They speak their own
Move 90’/min. tongue, the common tongue, gnome, goblin, and orcish.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Hangman Tree
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls Number 1
Attacks See below Morale n/a
Weaknesses None Hit Dice See below (trunk), 1d8+12 (each vine), attack as 6d8
Size S (3’) HD creature
Intelligence 12 Armor Class 3 (trunk), 5 (vines)
Alignment Lawful good Move See below
Treasure Type Individuals XII, Community II Magic Resistance See below
Treasure Value Individuals 1, Community 1d4x1,000 No. of Attacks 3
Magical Treasure Community 1d2 items (10%) Damage 1d3
X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p. Defenses None
Attacks Strangulation, hallucinatory pollen, digestion
General: Halflings generally inhabit the same sorts of open ground and gently Weaknesses None
rolling hills that typify most human farming communities. They tend to be hard- Size L (20’ or taller)
working and conservative folk, more interested in several square meals a day Intelligence 6
and a pint of ale than in adventuring, but there are notable exceptions. They Alignment Neutral evil
make their homes both in small houses and in comfortable underground Treasure Type None
dwellings. They are fond of dogs; when encountered in their homes will have Treasure Value n/a
1d4 dogs per halfling (see p. 48). They do not swim. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,600 + 8/h.p.
For every 30 halflings encountered, there will also be two 2nd level fighters.
Groups or settlements of halflings will have higher-level types accompanying General: Hangman trees are greatly feared carnivorous plants found in most
(and leading) them as follows (additional individuals are cumulative): climates save the coldest or driest. They consist of a large woody trunk and
1d4+5 vines that dangle down and attack prey. In freezing temperatures the
Size Additional Figures tree will sink a long taproot into the ground and go dormant. The age of the
90+ One 3rd level fighter, one 2nd level thief tree will determine many of its characteristics:
150+ One 4th level fighter, two 3rd level clerics, three 2nd level
thieves Die Additional
Roll Age Hit Points Magic
In addition to those listed above, a halfling community will also have the (d%) (Years) Category (Trunk) Move Resistance
following: 1-10 1-10 Sprout 1d10 n/a Standard
11-30 11-25 Sapling 3d10 6’/hr. A
• Females equal to the total number of males 31-80 26-75 Mature 7d10 4’/hr. G
• Children equal to 60% of the total number of males 81-95 76-150 Old 13d10 2’/hr. N
96-00 151+ Ancient 21d10 1’/hr. T
Halflings can tunnel 75’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 50’ in soft rock, and
25’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide. Halflings are considered Sprouts are non-combatant and do not speak; thus they will rarely be spotted
persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person. for what they are. All hangman tree trunks have 6d8 hit points in addition to
the number specified above; they attack as 6d8 HD monsters regardless of
Combat: Halflings generally wear brigandine or leather scale armor. Their age or actual hit points.
weapons should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to
use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each Combat: Hangman trees attack by means of their vines. Each tree has 1d4+5
individual warrior: such vines; only three of which can be used to attack in any given round. Once


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


a vine successfully attacks a victim, it wraps itself around the throat and will
automatically strangle that victim for 1d3 h.p. per round. As this is happening,
the vine will be lifting the victim up to be dropped into the hollow, acid-filled
trunk to be digested. It takes 4 full rounds to do so; on the fifth round the victim
will be dropped into the trunk and take 3d4 h.p. per round automatically.
Once dropped into the trunk, escape is impossible through non-magical
means; not only is it slippery within, but spines line the interior, pointing
downward. Up to three man-sized creatures can be digested at any given time.

Each vine has its own hit point total that is kept track of separately from those
of the trunk. Once a vine is brought to 0 hit points, it is severed.

In addition, all trees that are mature or older can issue a cloud of hallucinatory
pollen; this is often done at longer range to entice prey towards it. The cloud
has a radius of 80’ around the tree. Any creature within the cloud must make
a saving throw vs. poison or believe the hangman tree to be a friendly or
innocuous intelligent vegetable creature such as a tree man, quickwood, etc.

Appearance: Hangman trees look like oak trees with few branches. They have
vines depending down from those limbs they do have. Knots around the trunk
are in actuality the sensory organs of the tree. A slight gash in the trunk at the
base allows the tree to expel indigestible wastes such as metals.


Number 2d6
Morale +1
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance D Haunt
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6 Number 1
Defenses None Morale n/a
Attacks Charm Hit Dice 5d8*
Weaknesses None Armor Class 0*
Size M Move 60’/min.*
Intelligence 6 Magic Resistance Standard
Alignment Chaotic evil No. of Attacks 1*
Treasure Type IV Damage None*
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Defenses See below
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Attacks Possession, strangulation, dexterity drain
X.P. Value 145 + 3/h.p. Weaknesses Exorcism, tied to place, holy water
Size M
General: Harpies are half-human, half-vulture creatures that dwell in desolate Intelligence 0
wilds (those that dwell along the sea shore use their powers to lure ships to Alignment Any (see below)
their doom). Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Combat: Harpies attack with their claws and some weapon, often a club. The Magical Treasure None
song of the harpy will charm all those within 300’ who fail a saving throw vs. X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.
magic. Similarly, the touch of a harpy will also charm the victim unless they
save vs. magic. Those who are charmed will be kept as pets, and eventually * = These are values for the haunt in its natural state. When possessing a
devoured. They have the same ability as eagles to dive to the ground from victim, use the victim’s statistics.
great heights and brake at the very last moment.
General: Haunts are immaterial undead creatures that exist to fulfill some task
Appearance: Harpies have the bodies of large vultures with the upper torsos, or mission. This task need not necessarily be dangerous, but it will have been
heads, and arms of women. They speak their own language, consisting of ugly so important to the haunt’s former self that it will compel the creature even after
screeches and trills. death. The alignment of the haunt should be determined randomly:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Hawk

Die Roll (d10) Alignment Heron, Giant

1 Lawful good
2 Neutral good Adult Fledgling
3 Chaotic good Number 1d20 or 1d20+30 (see 3d4
4 Chaotic neutral below)
5 Chaotic evil Morale +1 -1
6 Neutral evil Hit Dice 3d8 3d4
7 Lawful evil Armor Class 5 5
8 Lawful neutral Move 90’/min., 180’/min. 60’/min., 90’/min. (flying
9-0 Neutral (flying - average) - poor)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Combat: A haunt in its non-corporeal state attacks by touch; the cold and No. of Attacks 1 1
numbing touch of the haunt will drain 2 points of dexterity per hit. Once a Damage 1d10 1d6
victim’s dexterity has been reduced to 0, the body will be rigid with a cold- Defenses None None
induced paralysis. Once that happens, the haunt will possess the body; the Attacks None None
instant this happens the victim’s dexterity will be restored to normal. The Weaknesses None None
possessed body will then be used to complete whatever unfinished task created Size M (7’ tall) M (3’ tall)
the haunt in the first place. Once the task is complete, the haunt will leave the Intelligence 1 1
body; the victim’s dexterity will be 3 at that point, and will return at the rate of Alignment Neutral Neutral
1 point for each 10 minutes of rest. The victim will have no knowledge of what Treasure Type None None
happened while his body was possessed by the haunt. If the body is slain Treasure Value n/a n/a
before the haunt’s task is complete, it will haunt that place, once more looking Magical Treasure n/a n/a
for a body to possess in order to complete its self-imposed mission. A haunt X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p.
cannot go more than 60’ from the spot where its last body died, until it has
possessed another. General: Giant herons are found in
temperate marshlands and near the
If a haunt comes across someone of opposite alignment, it will attempt to banks of other shallow watery regions
strangle that person rather than attempt to possess them. A successful “to hit” such as streams and lakes. They are
roll means the haunt’s hands have latched on to the throat of the victim, who not aggressive, but will fight fiercely to
will take 1 h.p. of damage. On the second round, the victim will take 2 h.p. protect their nesting areas, mates, and
automatically, 4 on the next, 8 on the next, etc., doubling each round until the fledglings. If 20 are encountered, there
victim is dead. The strangling attack does not drain the dexterity of the victim. is a 50% chance that an additional 30
birds - a “great flock” - will be present.
In its incorporeal form, the haunt is harmed only by enchanted or silver 3d4 members of the great flock will be
weapons, or fire. All weapons will only do 1 h.p. of damage (plus any magical fledgelings.
damage bonuses), and mundane fire will also do 1 h.p. Magical fire will do
normal damage against the haunt. Haunts which are reduced to 0 hit points Combat: Giant herons attack with their
will simply dissipate for a week and then re-form. Only an exorcism spell can beaks.
finally slay a haunt, while a hold person spell will force it to make a saving
throw vs. spells. Failure means it is expelled from the body, but not destroyed. Appearance: Giant herons look like
larger versions of their ordinary
Appearance: Haunts appear either as translucent humanoid figures that cousins. Their feathers range from
resemble their last living body, or as a small glowing sphere much like a will- white to gray and rarely black.


See falcon (p. 80).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Hippogriff Hoar Fox

Number 2d8 Number 1d6

Morale +5 Morale -2
Hit Dice 3d10 Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 6
Move 180’/min., 360’/min. (flying - average, poor when Move 150’/min.
mounted) Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 3 Damage 1d6
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d10 Defenses None
Defenses None Attacks Breath weapon
Attacks None Weaknesses Fire- and heat-based attacks
Weaknesses None Size S (4’)
Size L Intelligence 1
Intelligence 3 Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type Pelt
Treasure Type XVI Treasure Value 100 g.p. if unspoiled
Treasure Value 5d10x5 Magical Treasure n/a
Magical Treasure None X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p.
General: Hoar foxes are found in frigid regions. They are not aggressive (10%
chance) unless cornered or otherwise threatened.

Combat: Hoar foxes attack with their bite. In addition, they are able to breathe
a cone of cold 30’ long and 3’ wide (only a single victim will be caught by it).
The fox must roll to hit against AC 10 (modified by the target’s dexterity, if
applicable). A successful hit will do 2d6 h.p. of damage, but the victim is
entitled to a saving throw vs. breath weapon to take only half damage. They
are themselves immune to all cold-based attacks, but take double damage from
fire-based attacks (such attacks will, naturally, spoil the pelt of the creature).

Appearance: Hoar foxes are large foxes with brilliant silver-white pelts. The
pelts, if undamaged, are worth 100 g.p. a piece. Any sort of rough treatment
(including melee against the fox) will spoil the pelt.


Warrior Sergeant Bodyguard
Number 20d10 3/20 warriors See below
Morale +1 +2 +3
Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 3d10
General: Hippogriffs make their nests in wild regions, usually on high cliffs and
Armor Class 5 5 3
crags. They are omnivorous, and will attack pegasi, but are themselves often
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
attacked by griffons. Every 2 hippogriffs share a nest, and in each nest there
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
will either be 1d2 eggs or fledglings, with a 50% chance of either. The eggs
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
are worth 1,000 g.p. and fledglings are worth 1,000 g.p. plus 10d10 g.p.
Damage By weapon By weapon By weapon +2
each. Hippogriffs are often used as steeds.
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None None
Combat: Hippogriffs attack with their sharp foreclaws and beaks. In the air,
Weaknesses None None None
they will attack with either one or the other.
Size M M M
Intelligence 9 9 9
Appearance: Hippogriffs have the body and back legs of a horse and the
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
face, wings, and foreclaws of a great eagle.
Treasure Type XII XII XII
Treasure Value 1d8+1 1d8+1 1d8+1
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p. 60 + 4/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Hobgoblin

Shaman / The chief will have possession of the tribe’s treasure, usually well-hidden and
Chief Witch Doctor Norker protected. The lair will also include females equal to 150% of the number of
Number 1 Special 3d10 warriors, and children equal to twice the number of females.
Morale +4 +2 +1
Hit Dice 4d10 1d10 1d10 Above-ground lairs will be fortified villages with guard towers, gates, walls,
Armor Class 2 5 3 etc. They will be stocked with one ballista per 50 warriors and four catapults
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min. (2 light and 2 heavy). Underground lairs have a 60% chance of being guarded
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard by 2d4 carnivorous apes (see p. 8).
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 or 2
Damage By weapon +2 By weapon 1d3 or 1d3/1d6 Hobgoblins can tunnel 90’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 70’ in soft rock,
Defenses None None None and 50’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide. They are accomplished
Attacks None None None miners and have a 40% chance of detecting new/unusual construction, sloping
Weaknesses None None None passages, and shifting walls.
Size M M S (4’)
Intelligence 9 9 9 Differing tribes of hobgoblins will not get along with one another; there will
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Chaotic evil certainly be insults shouted at one another, and a 15% chance that full-scale
Treasure Type IV XI XII combat will ensue, unless some very powerful leader is present to prevent it.
Treasure Value 2d4+2x1,000 1d8+1 1d6 Hobgoblins see themselves as naturally superior to orcs and goblins, and will
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) None None behave accordingly. They will tolerate gnolls and bugbears, but actively dislike
X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p. 65 + 2/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p. kobolds and will treat them as automatic inferiors.

Combat: Hobgoblins attack with weapons (chiefs will always attack with two
weapons). The weapon of any given hobgoblin should be determined
randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the % Composition column,
rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual warrior:

Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition

01-20 Broad sword and composite bow 20%
21-25 Broad sword and morning star 5%
26-35 Broad sword and spear 10%
36-40 Broad sword and whip 5%
41-55 Fauchard-fork 15%
56-70 Halberd 15%
71-90 Morning star 20%
91-00 Spear 10%

Each hobgoblin tribe will have a tribal standard. This will always be present
when the chief is present, and will be present 20% of the time when a sub-
chief is present. Any hobgoblins within 60’ of the standard will get a +1 bonus
on all “to hit” rolls, and a +1 bonus to any morale rolls. Hobgoblins are
considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold

Appearance: Hobgoblins have skin of brick red or dark gray. Their faces are
bright orange to red, and males have a blue-red nose. They wear black leather
and bright, jarring colors. They speak their own language, goblin, bugbear,
and the language of carnivorous apes. A few hobgoblins (20%) will also speak
the common tongue.

Spellcasters: Hobgoblin shamans can advance to 7th level. Witch doctors can
rise as high as 4th level.

Norkers: Norkers are a smaller offshoot of the hobgoblin race. They sport a
very tough hide - hence their superior armor class - and a pair of large fangs
that they are able to use in melee. They invariably use clubs in combat, and if
disarmed they are then only able to attack with their bite. They will be found
on their own most of the time, but occasionally (20%) are found in hobgoblin
communities where they are used as dogsbodies and menial labor. They are
General: Hobgoblins are tribal humanoids who dwell either above or below
not suited to the more disciplined combat techniques of their hobgoblin
ground (20% and 80% chance, respectively). They are capable of operating
cousins, and are thus sometimes sent forth as mobs to soften up enemies.
in sunlight without penalty, and have infravision with 60’ range. They bear an
intense hatred of elves and will attack them before any other foe. Koalinths are
a marine-dwelling sub-race of hobgoblins, detailed on p. 267.

For every 20 warriors there will be 3 sergeants. For every 100 warriors, there
will be a sub-chief. In their lair, there will also be a chief and 5d4 bodyguards.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Homunculus Appearance: A homunculus is humanoid in form, but with wings, green

reptilian skin, and a bat-like head.
Number 1
Morale n/a Honeybee, Giant
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 6 Worker Soldier
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) Number 1d10 (x20 in hive) 1 (3d4 in hive)
Magic Resistance Standard Morale -2 +2
No. of Attacks 1 Hit Dice 3d10 4d10
Damage 1d3 Armor Class 6 5
Defenses None Move 90’/min., 300’/min. 120’/min., 300’/min.
Attacks Sleep-causing bite (flying - poor) (flying- average)
Weaknesses None Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Size S (1 ½’) No. of Attacks 1 1
Intelligence See below Damage 1d3 1d4
Alignment See below Defenses None None
Treasure Type None Attacks Venom Venom
Treasure Value n/a Weaknesses Sting once Sting once
Magical Treasure None Size M M
X.P. Value 81 + 2/h.p. Intelligence 6 6
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type Bee bread and bee jelly in hive
Treasure Value See below See below
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. 200 + 5/h.p.

General: Giant honeybees are much like their ordinary cousins, save for their
enormous size. The hive will have a single (noncombatant) queen who lays all
General: A homunculus is an artificial life-form, created by an alchemist the eggs and will be fanatically defended by the rest of the members of the
working together with a mage. It cannot speak, but has a special telepathic hive, as well as 1d4+1 noncombatant drones. They are not particularly
bond with the mage that created it, allowing each to see and hear through the aggressive, but will fight to protect the hive and the queen. Hives will contain
other’s eyes and ears, as well as being able to receive instructions. The 3d6 servings of “bee bread”, each of which is equal to iron rations, but which
homunculus will never willingly be more than 480’ away from its creator and is very tasty. Some hives (20%) will also have 1d4+1 doses of royal bee jelly.
master. If it is slain, the mage who created it will take 2d10 h.p. of damage Each dose is equal to a potion of extra healing and a cure disease spell
immediately. combined. The jelly can also be made into an unguent that will stave off the
ravages of old age on one’s appearance for an entire year (in game terms, no
The homunculus is created by a two step process. First, an alchemist must charisma loss due to aging). Such unguent is worth 1d6+2x1,000 g.p.
create a special elixir that will form the basis of the homunculus’s body. The
exact formula is a closely guarded secret, but does require a pint of the blood Combat: Giant honeybees attack with their stingers. Anyone stung by the
of the mage to whom the creature is to be linked. The elixir costs 5d4x100 honeybee’s stinger must make a saving throw vs. poison with a -1 penalty.
g.p. and requires 1d4 weeks to create. Success indicates the venom will cause an additional 2d4 h.p. of damage.
Failure indicates the victim takes an additional 5d4+1 h.p. of damage
Once the elixir is complete, the mage must cast the following spells upon it. (workers) or 5d4+2 (soldiers). Honeybee workers sting but one time, with the
Once they are cast, the homunculus will come to life: stinger embedding itself in the victim and continuing to pump venom; they then
fly off to die. Soldiers can sting multiple times.
• Mending
• Mirror image Appearance: Giant honeybees are larger versions of their regular cousins; the
• Wizard eye thorax is fuzzy and the abdomen is usually gold and black in color, sometimes
with hair, sometimes not.
Combat: A homunculus attacks with its bite. However, those bitten by the
creature must make a saving throw vs. magic or fall into a deep coma-like
sleep for 5d6 minutes.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Hookworm, Giant

Hookworm, Giant Combat: Giant hornets attack with their sting. Those stung must make a saving
throw vs. poison. Failure indicates they take an additional 5d6 h.p. of poison
Number 1d4 damage and are incapacitated for 2d6 hours.
Morale +8
Hit Dice 6d8 Appearance: Giant hornets are 6’ long versions of their ordinary cousins.
Armor Class 4
Move 60’/min. Horse
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Draft Pony Wild
Damage 0 Number 1 1 5d6
Defenses None Morale -1 -1 -1
Attacks Blood drain Hit Dice 3d8 1d10 2d8
Weaknesses Fire causes it to dislodge Armor Class 7 7 7
Size L (20’ long) Move 120’/min. 120’/min. 240’/min.
Intelligence 0 Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Alignment Neutral No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Treasure Type VI Damage 1d3 1d2 1d3
Treasure Value 1d10x10 Defenses None None None
Magical Treasure None Attacks None None None
X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p. Weaknesses None None None
Size L L L
General: Giant hookworms, despite their fearsome appearance and name, Intelligence 1 1 1
are actually relatively peaceful creatures, and will attack only if accidentally Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
stepped on or attacked. They only hunt once a week. They dwell in Treasure Type None None None
underground lakes and rivers, but do not swim; rather, they crawl upon the Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
bottom. Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 0 0 20 + 2/h.p.
Combat: Giant hookworms attack with their large sucker-mouths. The initial
attack will do no damage, but once successfully attached, the creature will Light War Medium War Heavy War
drain 1d8 h.p. of blood from a victim automatically each round. There is no Number 1 1 1
way of dislodging the hookworm once it is attached short of slaying it or Morale +2 +2 +2
causing it damage from fire. In the latter case, the creature will attempt to re- Hit Dice 2d8 2d10 3d10
attach itself to a victim the next round. Armor Class 7 7 7
Move 240’/min. 180’/min. 120’/min.
Appearance: Giant hookworms look like large worms whose only feature is Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
their large mouth with multiple hook-like “teeth” for latching onto prey; they No. of Attacks 3 3 3
are mottled green on the top and dark brown on the belly. They are often Damage 1d4/1d4/1d3 1d6/1d6/1d3 1d8/1d8/1d3
mistaken for rocks as they lie half in and half out of some underground pool. Defenses None None None
Attacks None None None
Hornet, Giant Weaknesses None None None
Size L L L
Number 1 Intelligence 1 1 1
Morale +8 Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Hit Dice 5d8 Treasure Type None None None
Armor Class 2 (flying), 4 (on the ground) Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Move 240’/min. (flying - good) Magical Treasure None None None
Magic Resistance Standard X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p. 60 + 4/h.p.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4
Defenses None
Attacks Poison
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 2
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.

General: Giant hornets are solitary creatures, but are also quite aggressive.
They mainly dwell in coniferous forests. Their buzzing is quite noticeable (up
to 150’ distant).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Horses are found in almost every climate, and are often used as draft General: Huecuvas are corporeal undead creatures. They are able to change
animals and mounts. Loud and sudden noises, smells, fire, etc. will panic non- their form, however, to gain access to victims.
warhorses 90% of the time, while warhorses will only panic 10% of the time
(only 10% of all horses can be trained as warhorses). Combat: Huecuvas attack with their claws. Those struck by the claws must
make a saving throw vs. poison or suffer a blood infection as follows:
Horses are able to carry burdens as follows. Remember that the weight of a
rider plus all possessions must be included: Die Roll
(d4) Effect
Type Move at Full Speed Move at Half Speed 1 No strenuous activities, lose 1 STR and 1 CON each week
Draft 0-400 lbs. 401-800 lbs. for 1d3 weeks
Pony 0-200 lbs. 201-300 lbs. 2 No strenuous activities, lose 50% of all h.p. for 1d2 weeks,
Wild 0-300 lbs. 301-600 lbs. plus lose 1 STR and 1 CON for 1d2 additional weeks
Light warhorse 0-300 lbs. 301-500 lbs. 3-4 No strenuous activities, lose 50% of all h.p., 1 STR and 1
Medium warhorse 0-400 lbs. 401-650 lbs. CON per week, ultimately fatal in 1d12 days
Heavy warhorse 0-500 lbs. 501-750 lbs.
Combat: Non-warhorses attack with a bite. Warhorses attack with two hooves Appearance: Huecuvas look like humanoid skeletons wearing tattered robes.
and a bite. They can, however, polymorph self three times per day, which they will use to
appear as some other creature to lure victims closer for attack.
Appearance: Horses come in a variety of colors and sizes, and some have
longer hair, some shorter, depending on breed. Human
Huecuva Humans are ubiquitous in most campaign worlds; being the most adaptive of
all the intelligent races, they are found in nearly every combination of climate
Number 1d10 and terrain. They are able to rise to unlimited experience levels in most
Morale +5 character classes, which accounts for their global dominance (although other
Hit Dice 2d8 races may, of course, be dominant in specific locales or lands).
Armor Class 3
Move 90’/min. Most humans encountered will be commoners with 1d6 hit dice. These often
Magic Resistance Standard will be led by higher level NPCs, as indicated in the specific entries below.
No. of Attacks 1 These higher-level NPCs will usually be mounted, and have a chance to
Damage 1d6 possess magic items according to their class. The percentage listed is the
Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm chance per experience level that the NPC can have the type of item indicated:
Attacks Disease
Weaknesses Holy water Cavalier /
Size M Item Bard Fighter Mage Cleric Thief
Intelligence 3 Armor 5% 10% 0% 5% 0%
Alignment Chaotic evil Weapon 5% 10% 0% 5% 5%
Treasure Type VIII Potion 5% 5% 0% 5% 10%
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Scroll 0% 0% 5% 5% 0%
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Ring 5% 0% 5% 0% 5%
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p. Wand/etc. 0% 0% 10% * 0%
Turn as type V Wondrous Item 5% 0% 5% 5% 5%

For each, roll to see if the character has the indicated type of item, using the
tables in the Adventures Dark and Deep Game Masters Toolkit. If the roll
indicates a type of item that the character cannot use (due to class or other
restrictions), re-roll. If a similarly disqualified item appears a second time, the
character does not have that type of item after all.

* One exception to the above procedure is in regards to clerics. If a cleric

either does not have a magic weapon, or rolls a magic weapon that clerics
may not use, clerics (only) get to re-roll. If they are successful the second time,
they have a wand/staff/wand, but it still must be appropriate to their class.

Humans can tunnel 75’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 50’ in soft rock, and
25’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide. All humans are considered
persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person; this
includes halfbreeds such as half-elves and half-orcs.

See also: Human, Pirate (p. 272) and Human, Caveman (p. 305).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Human

Amazon Die
Number 4d12 (d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition
Morale +4 01-30 Light warhorse, leather 240’/min. 30%
Hit Dice 1d10 lamellar (AC 8), spear,
Armor Class See below short bow
Move See below 31-60 Light warhorse, mail (AC 240’/min. 30%
Magic Resistance Standard 5), broadsword, short
No. of Attacks 2 bow
Damage Per weapon type 61-80 Medium warhorse, mail 180’/min. 20%
Defenses None (AC 5), lance, short
Attacks Charm sword, short bow
Weaknesses None 81-00 Medium warhorse, mail 180’/min. 20%
Size M & shield (AC 4), lance,
Intelligence 11 broadsword
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VII In addition, any fighter, cavalier, or subclass beholding an amazon for the first
Treasure Value 3d10 g.p. time must make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates he has fallen in love
Magical Treasure Group 1d2 weapons (30%), 1d2 armor (25%) with her (treat as if he were under the influence of a charm person spell). This
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. is not a magical effect, however, and magical detection or dispelling will not

Appearance: Amazons are human females. Most tend to be both beautiful and
rugged in appearance.


Number 20d10
Morale ±0
Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class See below
Move See below
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses None
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 10
Alignment Neutral, chaotic neutral, neutral evil, chaotic evil
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value Individuals 1d8, Group 9d6x1,000
Magical Treasure Group 1d3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
General: Amazons are fierce female warriors who form their own societies far
away from the lands of men. They will either take male slaves and use them General: Bandits can be found anywhere there are innocent travelers upon
for the purpose of procreation, or will lie with free men once or twice a year whom they can prey. Most of the time (80%), bandits make camps with tents
for the same purpose. Male children are either exposed to the elements at birth and similar temporary structures. Some of the time (10%) , a group of bandits
(if the son of a slave) or returned to the father. Daughters are raised to be will have found a system of caves and caverns with a hidden entrance. The
amazons like their mothers. Large groups of amazons will have the following remaining 10% of bandit groups will dwell in a castle with 1d4 light catapults.
additional warriors as officers: The bandit camp/headquarters will have 2d10 important prisoners (prominent
merchants, aristocrats, princesses, etc.) and 5d6 camp followers/slaves.
• For every 4 amazons, there is a 2nd level fighter Bandits will always have higher-level NPCs as leaders, as indicated below
• For every 12 amazons, there is a 4th level fighter and a 2nd level (NPCs are cumulative unless otherwise noted):
• Every amazon band with more than 36 members will be led by a • For every 20 bandits, one 3rd level fighter
6th level fighter and will have a 4th level cleric • For every 30 bandits, one 4th level fighter
• For every 40 bandits, one 5th level fighter
In addition, there is a 25% chance that any given amazon band will have a • For every 50 bandits, one 6th level fighter, plus a 15% chance of
mage of level 1d8. one 5th level cleric and one 3rd level assistant or one 6th level
cleric and one 4th level assistant, plus a 25% chance of one 7th-
Combat: Amazons fight with weapons. The arms and armor of any given 10th level mage (roll 1d4 for level)
amazon should be determined randomly: • If there are fewer than 100 bandits, one 8th level fighter as leader


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• If there are between 100-149 bandits, one 9th level fighter as Open terrain:
• If there are 150 or more bandits, one 10th level fighter as leader Die Roll
(d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition
Example: A group of 150 bandits would have seven 3rd level fighters, five 4th 01-10 Gambeson (AC 8), 90’/min. 10%
level fighters, three 5th level fighters, a 45% chance of having a cleric of either pole arm (determine
5th or 6th level (and an assistant 2 levels lower), a 75% chance of a high-level type randomly for
mage, and would be led by a 10th level fighter. group)
11-50 Light horse, 240’/min. 40%
Combat: Bandits attack with weapons. Due to their ability to blend in with the gambeson & shield
surrounding countryside, enemies get a -2 penalty on all surprise rolls when (AC 7), long sword
facing nomads. The weapon and other equipment of any given bandit should 51-60 Light horse, 240’min. 10%
be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the % gambeson & shield
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual (AC 7), spear
warrior. The composition of a bandit group’s equipment will vary depending 61-80 Light horse, 240’/min. 20%
on the terrain in which they are found. gambeson (AC 8), lt.
Mountainous, hilly, etc. terrain: 81-90 Light horse, 240’/min. 10%
gambeson (AC 8),
Die Roll short bow
(d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition 91-00 Medium horse, mail 180’/min. 10%
01-40 Gambeson & shield 90’/min. 40% & shield (AC 4), long
(AC 7), long sword sword
41-50 Gambeson & shield 90’/min. 10%
(AC 7), spear Appearance: Bandits are generally dressed in worn, but serviceable, armor
51-70 Gambeson (AC 8), light 90’/min. 20% and clothing.
71-80 Gambeson (AC 8), 90’/min. 10% Berserker
pole arm (determine
type randomly for Number 10d10
group) Morale n/a
81-90 Gambeson (AC 8), 90’/min. 10% Hit Dice 1d8
short bow Armor Class 7
91-00 Medium horse, mail & 180’/min. 10% Move 120’/min.
shield (AC 4), long Magic Resistance Standard
sword No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon type
Forest, jungle, swamp, etc. terrain: Defenses None
Attacks Berserker rage
Die Roll Weaknesses None
(d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition Size M
01-40 Gambeson & shield 90’/min. 40% Intelligence 9
(AC 7), long sword Alignment Neutral
41-50 Gambeson (AC 8), 90’/min. 10% Treasure Type XV (individuals), III (group)
light crossbow Treasure Value 1d3 g.p. (individuals), 1d4x1,000 (group)
51-60 Gambeson (AC 8), 90’/min. 10% Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%)
pole arm (determine X.P. Value 14 + 1/h.p.
type randomly for
group) General: Berserkers are warbands of humans who gather together for sheer
61-70 Gambeson (AC 8), 90’/min. 10% love of battle and carnage. Often inspired by some god of bloodlust, they will
short bow descend upon any foe they feel offers good sport (i.e., a challenge in combat)
71-80 Light horse, gambeson 240’min. 10% and/or the possibility of loot.
& shield (AC 7), spear
81-90 Light horse, gambeson 240’/min 10% Combat: Berserkers fight with weapons, although they do not use armor as a
(AC 8), lt. crossbow . rule (they consider it unmanly). The weapons of a given berserker should be
91-00 Medium horse, mail & 180’/min 10% determined randomly:
shield (AC 4), long .
sword Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
01-25 Battle axe and longsword 25%
26-55 Club and spear 30%
56-65 Flail and dagger 10%
66-80 Short sword and mace 15%
81-90 Two hand axes 10%
91-00 Two-handed sword 10%


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Human

In combat, berserkers will enter the berserker rage. In such a state, they are Die Roll
able to strike two times per round without penalty, need never check morale, (d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition
and gain a +2 bonus on all “to hit” rolls. 01-10 Heavy warhorse, 120’/min. 10%
plate armor & shield
Appearance: Berserkers are large and well-muscled men, usually with long (AC 2), lance, long
hair which is either unkempt or held in rough braids. sword (1st level
Merchant 11-20 Light warhorse, steel 240’/min. 10%
scale armor (AC 6),
Number 5d6x10 lt. crossbow, long
Morale ±0 sword
Hit Dice 1d6 21-30 Mail (AC 5), hvy. 90’/min. 10%
Armor Class See below crossbow, mace
Move See below 31-40 Mail (AC 5), pole 90’/min. 10%
Magic Resistance Standard arm (determine type
No. of Attacks 1 randomly for group),
Damage Per weapon type mace
Defenses None 41-50 Medium warhorse, 180’/min. 10%
Attacks None mail & shield (AC 4),
Weaknesses None flail, mace
Size M 51-70 Medium warhorse, 180’/min. 20%
Intelligence 12 mail & shield (AC 4),
Alignment Neutral lance, long sword
Treasure Type See below 71-00 Ring armor & shield 90’/min. 30%
Treasure Value See below (AC 6), spear,
Magical Treasure See below morning star
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
The merchants themselves will be mounted on light horses (240’/min.). Neither
General: Merchants can be found in almost any land, as long as there are they nor the drovers will be armed with anything more than daggers, and will
places to ply their trade. They form great caravans of wagons and pack not wear armor.
animals for mutual protection, accompanied by heavily armed mercenaries
and higher level NPCs. Of the total indicated number, 10% will actually be Appearance: A merchant caravan will consist of a number of wagons and/or
merchants, and another 10% will be drovers who drive the wagons. The pack animals laden with goods. They will be managed by drovers and
remaining 80% of the numbers indicated will be guards. protected by numbers of mercenary guards as indicated above. The merchants
themselves will be scattered around various of the wagons, and will be well
The mercenary guards will be led by the following officers. All will wear plate dressed.
armor and shield, ride medium warhorses, and carry long sword, lance, and
mace: Nomad

• A fighter of level 1d6+5 as the commander Number 3d10x10

• A fighter one level lower than the commander Morale ±0
• Twelve 2nd level fighters Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class See below
The merchants themselves will carry 2d10x10 g.p. worth of type XV treasure. Move See below
The mercenaries will have 1 g.p. worth of type XII, while the mercenary officers Magic Resistance Standard
will have 1d8 g.p. of type XII. The pay chest will be hidden somewhere in the No. of Attacks 1
caravan; usually disguised as something else, and possibly with a decoy box Damage Per weapon type
as well, to distract thieves. It will contain 1d3+3x1,000 g.p. worth of type XVI Defenses None
treasure. The merchandize itself will be 10d6x1,000 g.p. worth of type I Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
treasure. You may, at your discretion, make it as high as type VI or anything Weaknesses None
in between, depending on the affluence of your merchants; the higher types Size M
will include more luxury items and art, the lower types will include more Intelligence 10
sundries. If you opt to do so, any treasure indicated as coins should be Alignment Neutral
converted to luxuries instead. Treasure Type Individuals XI, Tribe II
Treasure Value Individuals 1d6+1, Tribe 1d6x10,000
Combat: Merchants have mercenary guards who fight for them. The weapon Magical Treasure Tribe 1d3 (50%)
and other equipment of any given merchant guard should be determined X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the % Composition column,
rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual warrior: General: Nomads dwell in deserts, in steppes, or in plains, from tropical to
temperate climates. Their primary activities are hunting and herding, As their
name implies, nomads do not have permanent dwellings or villages, but a
temporary nomad encampment will consist of a group of yurts, tents, teepees,
and/or carts, usually (90%) at a small stream, oasis, or other source of water.
A nomad encampment will have non-combatant women and children each
equal to double the number of men. It will also have 10d10 slaves, 1d4x100


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


horses, and 2d4x100 herd animals (cattle, sheep, goats, camels, yaks, Steppes, plains, etc.:
buffalo, llamas, etc., depending on the location of the tribe). Nomads will have
the following NPCs as leaders (NPCs are cumulative unless otherwise noted): Die Roll
(d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition
• For every 30 nomads, one 3rd level fighter 01-20 Light warhorse, 240’/min. 20%
• For every 40 nomads, one 4th level fighter leather lamellar &
• For every 50 nomads, one 5th level fighter, plus a 15% chance for shield (AC 7), lance,
a 4th-7th level cleric, plus a 15% chance for a 5th scimitar
• For every 60 nomads, one 6th level fighter 21-70 Light warhorse, 240’/min. 50%
• If there are under 150 nomads, one 8th level fighter as leader leather lamellar (AC
• If there are between 150 and 249 nomads, one 9th level fighter as 8), composite short
leader bow, scimitar
• If there are 250 or more nomads, one 10th level fighter as leader 71-90 Medium warhorse, 180’/min. 20%
• A lieutenant 2 levels below the leader, and twelve 2nd level fighters mail & shield (AC 4),
as guards lance, scimitar
• Two 3rd level clerics 91-10 Medium warhorse, 180’/min. 10%
• One 4th level mage mail (AC 5),
composite short bow,
Combat: Nomads attack with weapons. The weapon and other equipment of scimitar
any given nomad should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may
wish to use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for Appearance: Nomads will vary in appearance depending on their place and
each individual warrior. The composition of a nomad group’s equipment will culture of origin. Some will wear clothing and decorations relating to the herd
vary depending on the terrain in which they are found. animal that the tribe uses as its main source of sustenance.

Desert: Soldier

Die Roll Number See below

(d%) Equipped with… Move % Composition Morale +1
01-50 Light warhorse, 240’/min. 50% Hit Dice See below
leather lamellar & Armor Class See below
shield (AC 7), lance, Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (mounted)
scimitar Magic Resistance Standard
51-70 Light warhorse, 240’/min. 20% No. of Attacks 1
leather lamellar & Damage Per weapon type
shield (AC 7), Defenses None
scimitar, javelin (2) Attacks None
71-80 Light warhorse, 240’/min. 10% Weaknesses None
leather lamellar (AC Size M
8), light crossbow, Intelligence 9
scimitar Alignment Any
81-90 Medium warhorse, 180’/min. 10% Treasure Type XI
mail & shield (AC 4), Treasure Value 1d6 each
lance, scimitar Magical Treasure See below
91-00 Medium warhorse, 180’/min. 10% X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
mail (AC 5), light
crossbow, scimitar General: Soldiers will usually be found throughout any campaign world,
whether as a patrol, a band of mercenaries, or a troop en route to some battle,
garrison posting, or other duty. This represents only the most generic of
soldiery; each game master should have more specific tables for soldier
encounters in different areas and different nations of his campaign world.
Lacking more specific direction, the exact composition of the band of soldiery
should be determined randomly. Re-roll for any result that is not appropriate
for the locale in your particular campaign setting:

Die Roll (d%) Soldiery Type

01-06 Knights
07-24 Patrol, levies
25-42 Patrol, light
43-61 Patrol, medium
62-82 Patrol, heavy
83-00 Patrol, slavers

The composition of the soldiery will depend on the type. If the terrain is
particularly rough, mounted troops will be on foot, as appropriate.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Human

Knights: This is a group of noble warriors who are sworn to one of the local subalterns (fighters level 3-5), six sergeants (fighters level 2-3), 1d4+6 veterans
noblemen or royalty in the area. It consists of one commander (paladin level (fighters level 1), and 5d4+4 soldiers (commoners). In addition, there will be
8-9 or cavalier level 9-10), one lieutenant (paladin level 6-7 or cavalier level either one cleric level 5-6 (AC 2) or one mage level 4-5 (AC 10). All will be
7-8), 1d4+8 knights (cavaliers level 4-6), one chaplain (cleric level 7-9), and mounted on light warhorses. Officers have mail (AC 5), while serjeants,
1d3 clerics (clerics level 3-5). The commander, lieutenant, and each knight will veterans, and soldiers have steel scale (AC 6). The officers and serjeants will
also be accompanied by his retinue: 1 esquire (cavalier level 2-3) and 1d4+4 be armed with long swords, while the veterans and soldiers are armed with
lancers (cavalier level 1). The total number is thus between 67 and 127. weapons appropriate to the land in which they are found (use spear and
Knights have plate armor and shield (AC 2), lance, bastard sword, and mace. footman’s flail if no more appropriate weapons are known). In addition, there
Clerics have plate armor and shield (AC 2), flail, hammer, and mace. Esquires will be 1d100 slaves who are kept in 1d3+2 wagons or 1d3+4 carts (each
have plated mail and shield (AC 3), lance, long sword, and mace. Knights are cart has 1 driver, each wagon has 2 drivers, and all will have draft horses or
mounted on heavy warhorses, all others on medium warhorses (see p. 124). oxen to move them).

Patrol, levies: This is a group of foot pressed into service from the local Combat: Soldiers strike with weapons, which will usually vary according to the
area. Most are usually not professional soldiers, except their officers and a specific land in which they are found (typical soldiers in one nation might favor
few veterans. It consists of 1 captain (fighter or ranger level 6-8), 2 lieutenants the halberd, for instance, while those in another might use the pole axe. They
(fighters level 4-5), 4 sergeants (fighters level 3), 8 veterans (fighters level 1- are generally mounted on warhorses as indicated above unless the terrain
2), and 1d10+40 peasant levies (commoners). The captain and lieutenants makes such travel unlikely. Those who are level 2 or greater may have one of
have mail and shield (AC 4), sergeants and veterans have mail (AC 5), and the following magic items, as indicated (re-roll if an item is selected that is
the levies themselves will have a mix of lighter armors such as ring, brigandine, unusable by the character). Roll once per character for each type of item; if a
steel lamellar, steel cuirass, or steel scale (AC 5-6). Weapons for most will be roll fails, the character has no more magic items and you should move on to
long sword, but the levies will have either spear, pike, or some sort of pole the next character:
arm as is typical for the area in question. Half (50%) of the levies may be
armed with missile weapons such as light bows, light crossbows, or slings, if • Fighters, paladins, or cavaliers: 5% chance per level of armor or
appropriate. Officers, lieutenants, and sergeants will be mounted on light shield, weapon, potion, and scroll.
warhorses. • Clerics or druids: 5% chance per level of armor or shield,
weapon, wondrous item, potion, and scroll.
Patrol, light: This is a group of professional soldiers. It consists of one • Mages: 5% chance per level of potion, scroll, ring,
captain (fighter level 5-6), two subalterns (fighters level 3-4), six sergeants rod/wand/staff, and wondrous item.
(fighters level 2-3), 1d4+6 veterans (fighters level 1), and 5d4+4 soldiers
(commoners). In addition, there will be either one cleric level 5-6 (AC 2), one Appearance: Soldiers are armed and armored as indicated above. Their exact
druid level 5-6 (AC 8), or one mage level 4-5 (AC 10). All will be mounted on appearance will vary according to their level and station; a cavalier of high
light warhorses. Officers have mail (AC 5), while sergeants, veterans, and level will most likely be well dressed and have an air of confidence, while a
soldiers have steel scale (AC 6). The officers and sergeants will be armed with peasant levy will most likely have dirty clothing and a dejected air.
long swords, while the veterans and soldiers are armed with weapons
appropriate to the land in which they are found (use spear and footman’s flail Tribesman
if no more appropriate weapons are known).
Number 1d12x10
Patrol, medium: This is a group of professional soldiers. It consists of one Morale ±0
captain (fighter level 5-6), two subalterns (fighters level 3-4), six sergeants Hit Dice 1d8
(fighters level 2-3), 1d4+6 veterans (fighters level 1), and 5d4+4 soldiers Armor Class 7
(commoners). In addition, there will be either one cleric level 5-6 (AC 2), one Move 120’/min.
druid level 5-6 (AC 8), or one mage level 4-5 (AC 10). The officers, spellcaster, Magic Resistance Standard
and sergeants will be mounted on heavy warhorses, while the veterans and No. of Attacks 1
soldiers will be mounted on medium warhorses. Officers have plated mail and Damage Per weapon type
shield (AC 4), while sergeants, veterans, and soldiers have steel scale and Defenses None
shield (AC 5). The officers and sergeants will be armed with long swords, while Attacks None
the veterans and soldiers will be armed with weapons appropriate to the land Weaknesses None
in which they are found (use spear and footman’s flail if no more appropriate Size M
weapons are known). Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Patrol, heavy: This is a group ofprofessional soldiers. It consists of one Treasure Type See below
captain (fighter level 5-6), two subalterns (fighters level 3-4), six sergeants Treasure Value See below
(fighters level 2-3), 1d4+6 veterans (fighters level 1), and 5d4+4 soldiers Magical Treasure None
(commoners). In addition, there will be either one cleric level 5-6 (AC 2), one X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.
druid level 5-6 (AC 8), or one mage level 4-5 (AC 10). The officers, spellcaster,
and serjeants will be mounted on heavy warhorses, while the veterans and General: Tribesmen can be found in tropical regions such as jungles, isolated
soldiers will be mounted on medium warhorses. Officers have plate armor and islands, etc. They are typically quite primitive compared to most other humans,
shield (AC 3), while sergeants, veterans, and soldiers have plated mail and and are often cannibals, headhunters, and the like. They dwell in villages
shield (AC 4). The officers and sergeants will be armed with long swords, while made of huts of grass, bamboo, or mud, half of which are protected by a
the veterans and soldiers will be armed with weapons appropriate to the land wooden stockade. Within a village, there will also be non-combatant women
in which they are found (use spear and footman’s flail if no more appropriate and children each equal to the number of males. A village will also have a
weapons are known). 75% chance of having an additional 1d4+1x10 slaves. Half (50%) of all
villages will have a special pen with 2d6 captives intended as the “guests of
Patrol, slavers: These are professional slavers, raiding for more honor” at a cannibalistic feast in the near future. Tribesmen will have the
merchandise. A slaver patrol consists of one captain (fighter level 6-7), two


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


following NPCs as leaders, as indicated below (NPCs are cumulative unless Die Roll Body Hit
otherwise noted): (d8) Heads Dice Damage X.P. Value
1 5 5d10 1d6 165 + 5/h.p.
• For every 10 tribesmen, there will be one 3rd level fighter, one 2 6 6d10 1d6 250 + 6/h.p.
4th level druid, and a 10% chance of one 3rd level druid 3 7 7d10 1d8 400 + 8/h.p.
• For every 30 tribesmen, there will be one 6th level druid 4 8 8d10 1d8 650 + 10/h.p.
• 1d4 fourth level fighters 5 9 9d10 1d10 1,000 + 12/h.p.
• One 5th level fighter (the chief of the tribe) 6 10 10d10 1d10 1,500 + 14/h.p.
• One 8th level druid 7 11 11d10 1d12 2,150 + 16/h.p.
8 12 12d10 1d12 2,850 + 16/h.p.
Tribesmen have a 5% chance of possessing each of the following per 10

• 2d6 ivory tusks (1,000 g.p. each)

• 2d4x10 gold nuggests (5 g.p. each)
• 1d100 uncut gems (10 g.p. each)

Combat: Tribesmen fight with weapons, and all carry large shields. The
weapon of any given tribesman should be determined randomly. For large
groups, you may wish to use the % Composition column, rather than rolling
percentile dice for each individual warrior:

Die Roll Armed with… % Composition

01-50 Club (treat as mace) 50%
51-70 Spear 20%
71-80 Spear & stone axe 10%
81-00 Stone axe 20%

Appearance: Tribesmen are generally dressed in loincloths, and wear

ornaments of shell, bone, and brightly-colored feathers. Many will wear war
paint or file their teeth to sharp points. Rarely, they will have more outlandish
fashions, such as plates in lips, bones through the nose, rings on the neck,
hoops in earlobes, tattoos covering their bodies, etc.


Hydra Lernaean Hydra

Number 1 1
Morale +3 +3
Hit Dice 5d10-12d10 5d10-12d10
Armor Class 5 5
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. Combat: Hydras attack with their multiple heads, striking with their beak-like
Magic Resistance Standard Standard mouths. Up to four heads can attack the same target in a single melee round.
No. of Attacks 5-12 One per head Each head has 8 h.p. in addition to the hit points of the body itself; when a
Damage See below See below head is slain it obviously stops attacking, but only when all heads are
Defenses None Regeneration destroyed will the creature truly be dead; the heads can continue to fight even
Attacks None None though the body itself is dead.
Weaknesses None None
Size L (15-32’ long) L (15-32’long) Lernean hydras will regenerate when one of their heads is decapitated or
Intelligence 3 3 killed. After it is killed, a head will sprout into two replacement heads which
Alignment Neutral Neutral will be fully functional in 1d4 rounds, increasing the total number of hit dice
Treasure Type V V of the creature, its size, and the damage done (if applicable). It is quite
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 1d4x1,000 possible for a lernean hydra to grow considerably in a single combat. Only
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%) 1 armor/weapon (10%) burning the stump with fire or acid will prevent regeneration. A successful “to
X.P. Value By head (see below) By head (see below) hit” roll with the appropriate substance must be made in order to prevent
regeneration. They are otherwise treated as regular hydras.
General: Hydras are reptilian beasts dwelling in either swampy, marshy terrain
or underground. They are most noted for their variable number of heads. The The experience point value of a lernaean hydra is dependent on the final
number of heads will determine not only how many hit dice the creature has, number of heads:
but how much damage each does when it attacks:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Hyena

Final Number of Heads Experience Point Value Appearance: A pyrohydra has a large dragon-like body (albeit missing wings)
5 165 + 5/h.p. and a number of snake-like heads with sharp beaks, as noted above. They
6 250 + 6/h.p. have fans along the back of their necks. They are generally brown with red
7 400 + 8/h.p. highlights, with lighter undersides.
8 650 + 10/h.p.
9 1,000 + 12/h.p. Hyena
10 1,500 + 14/h.p.
11 2,150 + 16/h.p. Number 2d6
12 2,850 + 16/h.p. Morale +1
13 3,000 + 18/h.p. Hit Dice 3d8
14 3,950 + 18/h.p. Armor Class 7
15 4,000 + 20/h.p. Move 120’/min.
16 5,250 + 20/h.p. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Appearance: A hydra has a large dragon-like body (albeit missing wings) and Damage 2d4
a number of snake-like heads with sharp beaks, as noted above. They have Defenses None
fans along the back of their necks. They are generally brown, with lighter Attacks None
undersides. Weaknesses None
Size M
Pyrohydra Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Number 1 Treasure Type None
Morale +3 Treasure Value n/a
Hit Dice 5d10-8d10 Magical Treasure None
Armor Class 5 X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard General: Hyenas are predatory animals that live and hunt in packs. They can
No. of Attacks See below be found in tropical and sub-tropical open terrain. Although they have a
Damage See below reputation as cowardly scavengers, they can also be aggressive hunters.
Defenses None
Attacks Breath weapon Attack: Hyenas attack with their powerful jaws.
Weaknesses None
Size L (15-28’ long) Appearance: Hyenas can have stripes or spots or be relatively solid in
Intelligence 3 coloration, and their fur ranges from short to shaggy.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type V See also: Hyaenodon (p. 301).
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%)
X.P. Value See below

General: Pyrohydras are much like their cousins detailed above, dwelling in
either swampy, marshy terrain or underground. The number of heads will
determine not only how many hit dice the creature has, but how much damage
each does when it attacks:

Roll Body Hit
(d10) Heads Dice Damage X.P. Value
1-3 5 5d10 1d6 665 + 5/h.p.
4-6 6 6d10 1d6 750 + 6/h.p.
7-9 7 7d10 1d8 900 + 8/h.p.
10 8 8d10 1d8 1,150 + 10/h.p.

Combat: Hydras attack with their multiple heads, striking with their beak-like
mouths. Up to four heads can attack the same target in a single melee round.
Each head has 8 h.p. in addition to the hit points of the body itself; when a
head is slain it obviously stops attacking, but only when all heads are
destroyed will the creature truly be dead; the heads can continue to fight even
though the body itself is dead.

Each head is able to breathe fire two times every 24 hours, in an arc 20’ long
and 10’ wide at the base. All creatures within the area of effect must take 8
h.p. of damage unless they make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon,
in which case they only take half damage.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Intellect Devourer
Intellect devourers are unharmed by any weapon of +2 or lesser enchantment;
Number 1d2 +3 weapons will only do 1 h.p. of damage if they hit. Bright light, including
Morale +6 that of a fireball, will scare them off, but even magical fire does not harm them.
Hit Dice 6d10 Even a lightning bolt will only cause 1 h.p. of damage per die of damage. A
Armor Class 4 power word: kill spell will slay them, and a death spell has a 25% chance of
Move 150’/min. doing so.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 4 Appearance: The intellect devourer resembles nothing so much as a large
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4 brain with four dog-like legs and claws. It communicates telepathically and can
Defenses See below speak and understand all languages.
Attacks Psychic crush
Weaknesses Bright light
Size M
Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 1,510 + 8/h.p.

General: The intellect devourer is a most feared denizen of deep underground

locales and remote wild places. Its chief modus operandi is to wait until
potential prey with a high intelligence comes within 60’. Then it will proceed
to stalk the prey until it has an opportunity to attack with its psychic crush ability
when the prey is alone. Once the brain of the prey has been turned into
tapioca by the psychic attacks of the intellect devourer, the beast will burrow
inside the creature, eat the brain from inside, and imitate the victim until it can
get close enough to isolate another victim for the next attack. It can hide in
shadows as if it were a thief with 63% effectiveness. The chance that a victim
will attract the attention of the intellect devourer depends on his intelligence (if
more than one suitable victim is within range, roll for the highest-intelligence
candidate first, then work down in order of intelligence):

INT Chance of Attack INT Chance of Attack Iron Cobra

12 30% 16 70%
13 40% 17 80% Number 1
14 50% 18+ 97% Morale n/a
15 60% Hit Dice 1d8
Armor Class 0
Intellect devourers can see in both the astral and ethereal planes, and are able Move 120’/min.
to travel in those supernatural realms at will. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Combat: The intellect devourer attacks with its four heavy claws, but its more Damage 1d3
potent attack is the dreaded psychic crush, which whas a chance to outright Defenses Surprise
slay an enemy depending on his intelligence score: Attacks Poison
Weaknesses None
INT Chance to Kill INT Chance to Kill Size S (3’ long)
12 70% 16 30% Intelligence 0
13 60% 17 20% Alignment Neutral
14 50% 18+ 3% Treasure Type None
15 40% Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
Certain magical effects and items, such as a mind blank spell, can shield the X.P. Value 88 + 1/h.p.
victim. The intellect devourer will only attack if its intended prey is alone or if
it is discovered; if the former it will attack with both claws and psychic crush General: Iron cobras are magical constructs, made of an unknown metal, the
simultaneously. If the latter, it will attempt escape, possibly returning to stalk secret of whose construction has been lost. Each cobra is activated and
the prey if it believes it can do so successfully the next time. deactivated by a unique set of command words; it will obey simple verbal
commands uttered by the one who activated it.
Each round the intellect devourer is attempting to slay an enemy with its psychic
crush ability, the prey may roll percentile dice. There is a chance per round Combat: Iron cobras attack with their poisonous bite; those bitten must make
equal to the intelligence plus wisdom of the prey that the intellect devourer will a saving throw vs. poison with a -2 penalty or die. Each cobra only holds
be warded off by his iron will and move off to seek easier prey. The intellect enough poison in its reservoir for three bites; after that it must be refilled (note
devourer rolls first each round, however; if it wins, the prey does not get a that it is not unknown for the master of an iron cobra to refill its poison reservoir
retaliatory roll.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Jackal

with paralyzing or sleep-inducing poison). In addition, the iron cobra has the coyotes. They usually reside in open plains, but some species do dwell in
following powers and abilities: woodlands.

• Immune to all mind-affecting spells such as sleep, charm, illusions, Combat: Jackals attack with their bite.
• Immune to spider webs, web spells, etc. Appearance: Jackals look like smallish dogs. Their coats can vary in color from
• Invisible to infravision tan to black and white.
• 50% chance of hiding in shadows
• Save vs. spells, wands, and other magical effects as a 12th level
• Track down any single individual known by name within a one
mile radius (if the target is affected by a spell such as mind blank,
the cobra cannot perform this function)

Iron cobras are known to strike by surprise from behind, thus gaining a +4
bonus “to hit”. They are nearly silent when moving, except for a faint rustling,
as a normal snake.

Appearance: An iron cobra is shaped like a normal serpent, albeit one made
of unknown metal and possessing many segmented body parts. They are worth
2,000 g.p. if deactivated, as long as the command words to activate and
deactivate it are known.


Number 1d10+10
Morale +3
Hit Dice 1d8
Armor Class 6
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses Camouflage
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (8’-12’ long)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
Jackal X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.

Number 1d6
Morale -2
Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 7
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d2
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.

General: Jackals are dog-like mammals that are found in warm climates. They General: Jaculi (the name is both singular and plural) are swarming snakes
are both predators and scavengers, and are related to both wolves and that dwell in trees, dwelling in temperate and warmer climates (although they


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


are sometimes encountered in locales with many tree-like structures, such as Jann
pillars). They are aggressive only when their territory is impinged.
Commoner Vizer
Combat: Jaculi attack by hurling themselves from the tops of trees at enemies,
Number 1d2 (90% chance), 1d8 1
striking them with the force of javelins using their hard bony heads and sharp
(10% chance)
bony ridges. Once they attack, they must crawl back up into the trees to attack
Morale +6 +6
again. Their natural camouflage makes them difficult to see in the trees (only
Hit Dice 6d10 6d10
a 25% chance that the swarm as a whole will be detected).
Armor Class 5 (or better) 5 (or better)
Move 120’/min., 300’/min. 120’/min., 300’/min.
Appearance: Jaculi are long snakes whose heads are flat and sport sharp bony
(flying - perfect) (flying - perfect)
fringes on either side.
Magic Resistance B B
No. of Attacks 1 1
Jaguar (Panther) Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type
Defenses None None
Number 1d2 Attacks None None
Morale +3 Weaknesses None None
Hit Dice 4d10 Size M M
Armor Class 6 Intelligence 12-16 20
Move 150’/min. Alignment Neutral good Neutral good
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Type None None
No. of Attacks 3 Treasure Value n/a n/a
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d8 Magical Treasure None None
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls X.P. Value 975 + 8/h.p. 1,150 + 8/h.p.
Attacks Rake with rear claws for 1d4+1/1d4+1
Weaknesses None Sheik Amir
Size L Number 1 1
Intelligence 3 Morale +6 +6
Alignment Neutral Hit Dice 8d10 9d10
Treasure Type None Armor Class 5 (or better) 5 (or better)
Treasure Value n/a Move 120’/min., 300’/min. 120’/min., 300’/min.
Magical Treasure None (flying - perfect) (flying - perfect)
X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p. Magic Resistance B B
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type
Defenses None None
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size M M
Intelligence 18 18
Alignment Neutral good Neutral good
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 975 + 12/h.p. 975 + 14/h.p.

General: Jaguars are large predatory cats that dwell in jungles and rain General: Jannee (singular - Jann) are elemental beings who are made up of
forests. They are very aggressive and will hunt creatures much larger than all four elements and have a distinctive human appearance. They thus occupy
themselves. In their den, there is a 75% chance that 1d3 cubs will be found; a strange space between true elemental creatures and mortals, and are
the cubs are non-combatants. They are able to climb and swim. classified as “genies” much like djinni and efreet despite the fact that they
spend most of their time on the material plane. They tend to dwell in out-of-the-
Combat: Jaguars attack with their foreclaws and powerful bite. If the jaguar way locales in deserts and the like. Jannee are distrustful of humans, but their
hits with both foreclaws, it will leap on the enemy and rake with both rear trust can be earned. They dislike demi-humans and will actively dislike
claws as well. Jaguars can leap up to 30’ to attack prey. They get a +1 bonus humanoids; jannee also will not associate with evil elemental creatures, but
to their surprise rolls. those of good alignment will sometimes be found with them.

Appearance: Jaguars are large cats with tawny coats covered in black spots. Jannee can survive in extreme elemental environments (air, fire, earth, and
Rare individuals are solid black (such are called black panthers). water, including the appropriate elemental planes) for up to 48 hours without
harm; after that they take 1 h.p. of damage per hour. They can travel to any
of the elemental planes at will, and can bring up to 6 others with them, as long
as they form a ring of held hands with the jann facilitating the travel. They
require 2 days’ rest between jaunts to the elemental planes.

Jannee value males and females equally. Jannee tribes number 1d10+20
indivduals and are led by a sheik and 1d2 vizers. If multiple tribes band


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Jelly, Deadly

together for some cause, they will be led by an amir. Both sheiks and amirs Combat: Mustard jellies attack with their acid-covered pseudopods. In
have a 10% chance of having a strength score of 19. addition, they exude an acidic cloud in a 10’ radius; any creature within the
cloud must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates the creature is
Combat: Jannee fight with weapons, typically a large scimitar (treat as a afflicted by a lethargy that slows it to half-normal speed and attacks. The effect
bastard sword) and composite longbow. Most of the time (60%) they will be lasts for 2 minutes and is cumulative (i.e., a creature that fails three saving
wearing mail armor, which improves their armor class to 2. All jannee have throws in three rounds will suffer the lethargic effect for six full rounds).
the following abilities:
Non-enchanted weapons do not harm mustard jellies, and cold will only do
• Create food and water once per day half damage. Electrical attacks or magic missiles will actually cause the
• Become ethereal once per day, for a maximum of 1 hour amoeboid horror to grow by a number of hit points equal to the damage that
• Grow to 24’ high or shrink to 1’ tall twice per day (lasts 3d4 would have been inflicted.
• Invisibility 3 times per day Appearance: Mustard jellies are amorphous blobs a dark yellow in color. The
air around them seems scented with the smell of mustard plants, whence they
Vizirs have the following additional powers, all performed as if they were a get their name.
12th level spellcaster (if applicable):

• Augury 3 times per day

• Detect magic 3 times per day
• Divination 3 times per day

Appearance: Jannee look like swarthy humans with dark hair and eyes. They
are a handsome people. They speak the common tongue, all of the languages
of the various species of genie, and can speak with animals.

Jelly, Deadly

Deadly jellies, like their cousins the deadly oozes, puddings, and slimes, are
universally held to be the unwanted and misbegotten byproducts of the
experiments of wizards and alchemists. The various elixirs, reagents, and other
compounds and substances poured down the drain interact with microbial and
other primitive creatures to form these shapeless horrors.

Mustard Jelly

Whole Half
Number 1 2
Morale n/a n/a
Hit Dice 7d12 50% of whole
Armor Class 4 4
Move 90’/min. 150’/min.
Ochre Jelly
Magic Resistance A A
No. of Attacks 1 1
Number 1d3
Damage 5d4 2d4
Morale n/a
Defenses See below See below
Hit Dice 6d8
Attacks Divide, acid vapor Acid vapor
Armor Class 8
Weaknesses None None
Move 30’/min.
Size L (9’-12’ diameter) M (4’-6’ diameter)
Magic Resistance Standard
Intelligence 9 9
No. of Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Damage 3d4
Treasure Type None None
Defenses Electricity splits, flow on walls and ceilings
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Attacks None
Magical Treasure None None
Weaknesses None
X.P. Value 825 + 18/h.p. 50% of whole
Size M
Intelligence 0
General: Mustard jellies are amorphous blobs; they are able to divide
Alignment Neutral
themselves into two completely separate but smaller blobs, each of which is
Treasure Type None
capable of operating as a unique individual and then recombining to re-form
Treasure Value n/a
the greater whole. Mustard jellies can flow along floors and through relatively
Magical Treasure None
large openings, and can form themselves into semi-rigid shapes (for example,
X.P. Value 150 + 6/h.p.
to reach prey that may be off the ground), but cannot flow along ceilings or
through extremely small openings. They are fully intelligent and will
demonstrate that intelligence and fierce cunning when attacking.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die roll Out of Lair In Lair

01-25 1d100 rats 1d100 rats, and rat tunnels connect
with the jinx-midge lair
26-50 5d10 giant rats 5d10 giant rats, and giant rat tunnels
connect with the jinx-midge lair
51-75 5d10 giant rats 5d10 giant rats
76-00 No rat No rat companions

Jinx-midges are cowardly and will only attack if they are sure of victory. They
are skilled at creating traps and ambushes, using pits, nets, tripwires, and the
like to great advantage.

General: Ochre jellies are found in underground environments, devouring both When encountered outside of their lair (always in close underground passages
cellulose and flesh. They are able to flow through tiny spaces and along walls and the like), it is 60% likely that the entrance to their tunnel complex will be
and ceilings. within 60’. These tunnels will be an impossibly intricate twisting maze of
tunnels that even a gnome would have to crawl through, and thus be exposed
Combat: Ochre jellies attack with their pseudopods; the excretions on their to attack.
surface inflict painful burns. Electrical attacks do no damage to ochre jellies;
on the contrary, large electrical attacks such as lightning bolts or the breath of Most victims are not slain (although a few are, and they are certainly not above
a blue dragon will split the creature into two smaller ones, each doing half the doing so to strong foes who cannot be overcome), but are instead stripped,
damage of a whole. bound, shaved, and left in some corridor to be discovered by other inhabitants
of the locality as the jinx-midges watch from the safety of their tunnel entrances.
Appearance: Ochre jellies are amorphous blobs which are golden-yellow in
color. Should explorers pause to rest near a group of jinx-midges, they will find that
each creature has (subtly and unnoticed) cut a bowstring, loosened the seam
Jinx-midge of a belt pouch, poked a hole in a wineskin, cut through a sword belt, etc.
Such hijinks will not be noticed for 1d12x10 minutes, usually. If they are able,
Normal Elder they will foul food and water, bind weapons, steal small items, sour wine, bend
Number 12d4 1 arrow tips, etc.
Morale -3 -2
Hit Dice 1d4 1d4 If more than 35 jinx-midges are encountered, one will be an elder with the
Armor Class 7 7 power to permanently drain the enchantment from any magic item it is able to
Move 150’/min. 150’/min. handle for 1d4 rounds. Aside from its exceptionally nasty disposition, it is
Magic Resistance Standard Standard otherwise like any other jinx-midge.
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1d2 or 1d4 1d2 or 1d4 Combat: Jinx-midges attack with either tiny darts (12’ range, do 1d2 h.p. of
Defenses Traps, camouflage Traps, camouflage damage) or with tiny spears (18” long, does 1d4 h.p. of damage). When
Attacks See below See below attacking creatures that have been knocked prone or stunned by a tripwire,
Weaknesses None None net, or similar trap, they use sand-filled clubs that have a 2% chance per hit of
Size S (1’) S (1’) knocking the victim unconscious, while more of their fellows bind the victims
Intelligence 9 9 with strong rope made from (demi-)human hair. They are also known to use
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil flaming oil or acid against strong opponents.
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value Individuals 1d12, group 5d6x100 Jinx-midges are 75% undetectable due to their silent ways and natural
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%) camouflage underground. They make saving throws as 4d8 hit die creatures,
X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p. 32 + 1/h.p. but due to their unnatural quickness in situations where they would normally
take half damage when successfully saving, they will instead take no damage.
General: Jinx-midges are a Opponents get a -4 penalty to all surprise rolls. Jinx-midges are considered
nuisance to all who venture persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person.
below ground. These tiny
pests dwell in tunnel Appearance: Jinx-midges are tiny humanoids with tall pointy heads and ears.
complexes similar to those of They are hairless with brown/gray warty hides and wear rags of the same
rats and giant rats, with whom colors. They speak their own language and can speak with rats of all kinds,
they share both an affinity and 10% of these creatures speak a patois of the common tongue as well.
and, often, a lair. If rats are
present, they live and fight as
one with the jinx-midges:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Kampfult

Combat: Keches attack with their two claws and bite. Their appearance makes
Number 1 blending in with their wooded surroundings easy, and thus enemies get a -4
Morale +10 penalty on surprise rolls. They are capable of moving silently 50% of the time,
Hit Dice 2d8 and anyone attempting to track them has a -50% penalty.
Armor Class 4
Move 30’/min. Appearance: Keches are lanky humanoids with green leathery skin that
Magic Resistance Standard superficially resembles foliage. Their faces are noseless but sport large sharp
No. of Attacks 6 fangs, and their toes are as nimble as their fingers, allowing them to travel
Damage 1 through the trees at great speed. They do not wear clothing. They speak their
Defenses None own language of barks and snarls.
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls, constriction
Weaknesses None Kenleon
Size S
Intelligence 6 Male Female
Alignment Neutral evil Number See below See below
Treasure Type None Morale +7 +7
Treasure Value n/a Hit Dice 5d10 5d10
Magical Treasure None Armor Class 6 (5 with shield) 7
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p. Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
General: The kampfult is also known as the sinewy mugger, a name earned No. of Attacks 3 3
by its many rope-like tendrils which are used to constrict its victims. It is a Damage 1d4/1d4/per weapon 1d4/1d4
vegetable creature with a central trunk and six tendrils, which it will often draw type
into its trunk in order to disguise itself. It is found either in dense woodlands Defenses -4 to surprise rolls -4 to surprise rolls
where its tendrils can be hidden amongst the brush or in underground Attacks Leap Leap, infuriation
environments where they will resemble ropes or netting. Weaknesses None None
Size L (7’ long) L (7’ long)
Combat: Kampfults attack with their tendrils, all six of which can attack at any Intelligence 9 9
given time, up to six different targets. Each tendril need only successfully hit Alignment Neutral Neutral
once; on each subsequent round it will do automatic constriction damage. The Treasure Type III III
tendrils are extremely tough and cannot be severed; only damage to the central Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 (per pride) 1d4x1,000 (per pride)
trunk will harm the kampfult, and only when the trunk is destroyed is the Magical Treasure 1 armor or weapon (10%) 1 armor or weapon (10%)
creature itself slain. X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p. 225 + 6/h.p.

Appearance: A kampfult appears as a short tree trunk with six vines around Chief King
its perimeter. At its base are six smaller roots, which it uses for locomotion. Number See below See below
Morale +8 +9
Kech Hit Dice 6d10 9d8
Armor Class 5 5
Number 2d4 Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Morale +3 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Hit Dice 5d8 No. of Attacks 3 3
Armor Class 4 Damage 1d6/1d6/per weapon 1d8/1d8/per weapon
Move 150’/min., 60’/min. (in trees) type +1 type +2
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses -4 to surprise rolls -4 to surprise rolls
No. of Attacks 3 Attacks Leap Leap
Damage 1d4+1 / 1d4+1 / 1d6 Weaknesses None None
Defenses Camouflage, difficult to track Size L (7’ long) L (7’ long)
Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls Intelligence 9 9
Weaknesses None Alignment Neutral Neutral
Size M Treasure Type As all prides combined As all prides combined
Intelligence 9 Treasure Value As all prides combined As all prides combined
Alignment Neutral evil Magical Treasure As all prides combined As all prides combined
Treasure Type II X.P. Value 350 + 8/h.p. 900 + 12/h.p.
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%)
X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p. General: Kenleons are lion-centaur creatures that inhabit warm grasslands,
where they hunt herd animals for food. When encountered randomly, there
General: Keches inhabit forests and woodlands in nearly all climates, where will be 2d8 kenleons, 50% males and 50% females. When a settlement is
they use their fierce cunning to lure intruders to their doom, to set ambushes, encountered, the size should be determined randomly if not already known:
and to raid on forest communities, for keches are found of human and demi-
human flesh. They are capable of imitating most sounds, which they will use
to lure prey into their well-hidden snares, deadfalls, and traps.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll (d%) Size Consists of… Kestrel-Man Hit Dice

01-75 Pride 4d4 males, 2d12 females, 1d12 cubs Die Roll (2d4) 2d8 3d8 4d8 5d8
76-98 Tribe 3d10 prides, chief, witch doctor (70%) 2 2 - - -
99-00 Nation 2d4 tribes, king, 2d4 chief-type guards 3 2 1 - -
4 2 2 - -
Cubs are non-combatants. For any given tribe, there is a 70% chance that a 5 3 2 - -
witch doctor of level 1d4+3 will be present. 6 3 2 1 -
7 4 2 1 -
Combat: Kenleons attack with their great foreclaws; 8 4 3 - 1
in addition, males will use weapons such as
cubs, short swords, and spears. Example: A group of 6 kestrel-men will consist of three with 2d8 hit dice, two
50% of males will also carry with 3d8 hit dice, and one with 4d8 hit dice.
shields of hide, increasing
their armor class from 6 to 5. Combat: Kestrel-men either attack with their two claws and beak, or with a
Females do not use weapons, weapon (scimitar, spear, or quarterstaff). All have the following powers:
but gain a +2 bonus to all
“to hit” rolls if their cubs are • 4th level thief abilities
endangered, as this • Disguise (can pass for human 50% of the time by wearing hoods,
infuriates them. All concealing cloaks, etc.)
kenleons are able to • Telepathy with other kestrel-men
leap 30’ (or 10’
straight up). In addition, kestrel-men have magical powers based on their hit dice.

Appearance: Kenleons 1st Level

have the bodies of lions Hit Mage 2nd Level
and the upper bodies, Dice Spells Mage Spells Other Powers
heads, and arms of humans. 3d8 1 - Shape change once every
They speak their own 30 days, lasts for 7 days
language and the common 4d8 2 - Invisibility at will
tongue. Clothing is usually 5d8 2 1 Call lightning once per day
restricted to ornaments and
jewelry. All are innate powers; mage spells do not require spell books, and can be
used once per day. Kestrel-men are considered persons for purposes of spells
Spellcasters: Kenleon witch doctors can rise as high as 7th level. such as charm person and hold person.

Kestrel-Man Appearance: Kestrel-men are humanoid in appearance, but have the heads of
great falcons, bodies covered in feathers, and bird-like claws instead of feet.
Number 2d4 They do not speak, relying solely on their telepathic abilities to communicate
Morale +4 with other kestrel-men.
Hit Dice 2d8 - 5d8
Armor Class 5
Move 60’/min. (180’/min. flying - poor)
Magic Resistance F
No. of Attacks 3 or 1
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d6 or per weapon type
Defenses Magic use, disguise
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items, but no weapons (10%)
X.P. Value See below

General: Kestrel-men are bird-men who inhabit small underground caves. They
are fond of kidnapping travelers for ransom, and use their magical abilities to
confound enemies. They are noted for their unusual and imaginative thinking,
often putting their magical powers to uses not normally seen, and revel in using
misdirection to cause mischief. The hit dice of those encountered will depend
on the total number:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ki-Rin

Ki-Rin Killer Frog

Number 1 See frog, killer (p. 87)

Morale +5
Hit Dice 12d10 Klakker
Armor Class -5
Move 240’/min., 480’/min. (flying - good) Number 2d6
Magic Resistance R Morale +3
No. of Attacks 3 Hit Dice 5d10
Damage 2d4/2d4/3d6 Armor Class 3
Defenses Magic use Move 90’/min.
Attacks Magic use Magic Resistance Standard
Weaknesses None No. of Attacks 2
Size L Damage 1d8/1d8
Intelligence 20 Defenses Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls
Alignment Lawful good Attacks None
Treasure Type XIV Weaknesses None
Treasure Value 3d8x1,000 Size L (9’)
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%) Intelligence 6
X.P. Value 8,500 + 16/h.p. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type IX
General: Ki-rin (the name is both singular and plural) are a race of powerful Treasure Value 1d4x100
flying unicorns who rarely alight on the ground. They will sometimes be found Magical Treasure None
in the service of a lawful good deity or other powerful being, and may aid X.P. Value 150 + 6/h.p.
humans and demi-humans of like alignment in certain circumstances, as they
roam the skies looking for good deeds to reward and ill actions to punish. They General: Klakkers are omnivores who inhabit deep underground passages
can be found on the astral and ethereal planes. and caves. They have poor eyesight but very acute hearing, and are thus very
difficult to surprise.
Combat: Ki-rin attack with their front hooves and single sharp horn (which
strikes as a +3 weapon, both “to hit” and to damage). In the air, they will Combat: Klakkers fight with the sharp hooks they have instead of hands.
almost always attack with their horn alone. In addition, they can cast mage
spells as if they were 18th level, and are able to memorize the following Appearance: Klakkers stand upright and have heads like vultures with long
numbers of spells per spell level: sharp beaks. Their bodies are covered with thick boney exoskeletons, but their
most distinguishing feature is the curved hooks that serve as hands. They have
Spell Level no language per se, but communicate by tapping their claws on their
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 exoskeletons, making a haunting and echoing “clacking” noise that gives the
# of spells 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 creatures their name.

In addition, ki-rin are able to perform the following effects once per day:
• Call lightning (as per the spell)
• Create food for 2d12 persons Warrior Guard
• Create water for 2d12 persons Number 4d10x10 See below
• Create permanent “soft” (32 cu. ft.) or wooden objects (18 cu. ft.) Morale -2 -1
• Create temporary metal objects (200 lbs.); gold lasts 2d5 days, Hit Dice 1d4 1d6 (min. 4)
adamantite lasts 1 hour, etc. Armor Class 7 6
• Create a visual/auditory/olfactory illusion which does not require Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
concentration to maintain; it is dispelled by touch Magic Resistance Standard Standard
• Gaseous form (as per the potion) No. of Attacks 1 1
• Psychic strike 3 times per day Damage Per weapon Per weapon
• Summon weather (as per the spell) Defenses None None
• Wind walk (as per the spell) Attacks None None
Weaknesses Sunlight Sunlight
Note that any spells or magical effects that involve air or the sky are done at Size S (3’) S (3’)
double strength (hit points of summoned creatures, damage done by spells, Intelligence 7 8
etc.). Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
Treasure Type XII XII
Appearance: Ki-rin look like burly unicorns, with hides that are brilliant gold Treasure Value 1 1
in color, and manes of a somewhat darker golden hue. The horn and hooves Magical Treasure None None
are pink. (Note that an intact ki-rin hide is worth up to 25,000 g.p.). They X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p.
speak their own language, but have a special telepathic ability allowing them
to communicate with most creatures.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Chief Shaman / Witch Doctor gnolls, but the latter usually don’t think about kobolds enough to care.
Number 1 1
Morale -1 ±0 Combat: Kobolds attack with weapons, and their shields are either of wood
Hit Dice 1d6 (min. 4) 1d6 (min. 5) or wicker. They suffer a -1 penalty “to hit” in sunlight due to their dislike of
Armor Class 6 6 brightness. The weapon of any given kobold should be determined randomly.
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. For large groups, you may wish to use the % Composition column, rather than
Magic Resistance Standard Standard rolling percentile dice for each individual warrior:
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage Per weapon Per weapon Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
Defenses None None 01-20 Battle axe 20%
Attacks None Spells 21-50 Club 30%
Weaknesses Sunlight Sunlight 51-65 Javelins (1d2+1 each) 15%
Size S (3’) S (3’) 66-75 Short sword 10%
Intelligence 8 8 76-80 Short sword and javelin 5%
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil 81-90 Short sword and spear 10%
Treasure Type II XII 91-00 Spear 10%
Treasure Value 5d10x10 1
Magical Treasure None None Kobolds are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. 30 + 1/h.p. and hold person.

Appearance: Kobolds are small humanoid creatures with dog-like heads with
small horns. Their hides are covered with scales that are between red-brown
and red-black in color. They have tails. They speak their own language, and
75% of them will also speak goblin and orcish as well.

Spellcasters: Kobold shamans can rise as high as 5th level. Witch doctors can
be as high as 2nd level.


Number 1d4
Morale +3
Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 5
General: Kobolds are tribal humanoids that are found in dark places such as Move 90’/min.
underground caverns and deep forests. They have infravision that has a 60’ Magic Resistance C
range, and do not function well in sunlight. Kobolds particularly despise No. of Attacks 1
brownies, gnomes, pixies, and sprites, and will attack gnomes especially on Damage 1d2+4 or per weapon type
sight. The chief will have the tribe’s treasure, hidden and protected. Defenses None
Attacks Hair
If more than 40 kobolds are encountered, or if they are encountered in their Weaknesses None
lair, a chief will be present. For every 40 kobolds encountered there will be Size S (3’)
two guards. If more than 200 are encountered in their lair, there will be an Intelligence 11
additional 5d4 guards, females equal to half the number of warriors, and Alignment Chaotic neutral
children equal to 10% of the total number of warriors. There will also be Treasure Type IV
3d10x10 eggs. In the lair, there is a 65% chance that the kobolds will either Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
have 1d4+1 wild boars (70% likely) or 1d4 giant weasels (30% chance) as Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
pets and guards. X.P. Value 900 + 8/h.p.

Kobolds can tunnel 80’ per 8- General: Korreds inhabit sylvan woodlands and
hour shift in very soft rock, 60’ conduct wild revels on at least a weekly basis in
in soft rock, and 30’ in hard which dancing always plays an integral part.
rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ Any non-korred attempting to interrupt these
wide. revels much make a saving throw vs. spells
or dance uncontrollably with wild abandon,
Kobolds get along well with suffering 1d4 h.p. per round from the exertion until they
goblins, but dislike orcs, fall over dead, are forcibly restrained, or the korreds are
hobgoblins, and bugbears to somehow made to flee.
the point that they will attempt
to desert if placed under the Each korred carries a pouch seemingly filled with inconsequential and
command of such creatures, nonsensical things; strands of hair, scissors, seashells, acorn lids, etc. If these
should the opportunity present things are sprinkled with holy water they will turn to hgold and be worth
itself. They absolutely loathe 5d4x10 g.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Kullen

Combat: Korreds are usually armed with stout cudgels which they use to bash
enemies for 1d6+4 h.p. of damage, or alternatively with sharp shears which Die Roll (d6) Con f u s ion Result
can cause 1d4+4 h.p. They are immensely strong and can hurl boulders up to 1-2 Stand still
100’, which cause 2d8 h.p. of damage if they hit. They are also able to weave 3-4 Attack kullen
their hair into animated ropes which they can fling at foes to entangle them 5-6 Attack friend
(AC 1, 5 h.p. each, can move 30’/min., victims must save vs. paralysis or be
entangled and unable to move, attack, or cast any spell requiring anything Those affected by confusion are entitled to a saving throw each round; if they
other than an incantation). fail, re-roll for the effect for that round. Those who move out of the effect’s
range automatically save on the following round. Kullens are considered
Korreds are also able to perform the following magical feats, as indicated: persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person.

• Animate rock at will Appearance: Kullens are humanoid in form, wearing animal skins and
• Laugh 3 times per day; anyone within 60’ must make a charisma painting their flesh with brightly colored patterns that often accentuate their
check or be stunned for 1d4 rounds battle-scars. They speak their own language.
• Shatter rock at will
• Stone door at will Lamia
• Stone shape at will
• Stone tell at will
Common Lamia
• Transmute rock to mud at will
Number 1
Korreds are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person
Morale +3
and hold person.
Hit Dice 9d8
Armor Class 3
Appearance: Korreds are small humanoids with the legs of lambs and always
Move 240’/min.
sport wild and unkempt hair and beards. They speak the common tongue.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Kullen Damage Per weapon type
Defenses None
Number 1d6 Attacks Magic use, wisdom drain
Morale +10 Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 2d8 Size M
Armor Class 10 Intelligence 14
Move 120’/min. Alignment Chaotic evil
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Type VIII
No. of Attacks 1 Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Damage 2d4+3 Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
Defenses Confusion X.P. Value 1,700 + 12/h.p.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None General: Lamias inhabit wild desert-like regions where they seek to lure
Size L (8’) travelers with their magical powers in order to drink their blood and devour
Intelligence 6 their flesh.
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type II Combat: Lamias usually fight with daggers, but rely more on their magical
Treasure Value 9d6x100 powers to deal with victims and enemies. Once per day the lamia is able to
Magical Treasure 1d3 (30%) do the following:
X.P. Value 73 + 2/h.p.
• Charm person
General: Kullens are jungle-dwelling humanoids that eschew armor in favor of • Illusion (visual and auditory, requires concentration to maintain)
brightly-colored war paint and animal skins. They are completely wild and • Mirror image
aggressive, and cannot be befriended or parleyed within any way (charm • Suggestion
spells and other methods of coercion will cause the affected kullen to die rather
than act contrary to its nature; this happens when a contrary command is In addition, the touch of a lamia permanently drains 1 point of wisdom from
given, not when the spell first takes effect). the victim. Once a victim is reduced to 2 points of wisdom or less, they will
willingly obey the lamia, allowing the creature to devour them at its leisure.
Combat: Kullens attack with specially-sharpened broadswords that are the
equivalent of +3 weapons. The secret of their sharpening technique is Appearance: Lamias have the upper body and torso of a beautiful woman,
something that no kullen has ever revealed. For each hit inflicted by the but the lower portion of the creature is a nightmare combination of a lion and
weapon, there is a 20% cumulative chance that its special edge will be a dragon, with claws and hooves on the fore and rear legs, respectively. They
blunted, reducing it to an ordinary broadsword. If a non-kullen picks up and have lions’ tails. Lamias have their own language.
uses such a blade, it will still retain its qualities, but will have the normal chance
to become blunted.

Kullens radiate confusion in a 5’ radius, which includes anyone within melee

distance. All those within range must make a saving throw vs. magic or be


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


As with common lamias, the touch of a lamia matriarch or patriarch will drain
1 point of wisdom from a victim (a successful “to hit” roll may be required).
Once the wisdom of a victim dips to 2 or less, the victim will obey the
commands of the lamia slavishly.

Appearance: Lamia matriarchs and patriarchs have the upper body of a

human and the hindparts of a great serpent. They speak the language of all


Common Greater
Number 2d4 1d2
Morale +4 +8
Hit Dice 7d12 12d12
Armor Class 6 3
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. 150’/min., 300’/min.
(flying - average) (flying - good)
Magic Resistance F H
No. of Attacks 2 2
Damage 1d6/1d6 2d6/2d6
Lamia Matriarch / Patriarch Defenses See below See below
Attacks See below See below
Number 1
Weaknesses None None
Morale +5 Size L L
Hit Dice 10d10 Intelligence 18 20
Armor Class 6
Alignment Lawful good Lawful good
Move 90’/min. Treasure Type X None
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 n/a
No. of Attacks 1 (males), 0 (females)
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 None
Damage Per weapon type scrolls (50%)
Defenses Magic use X.P. Value 850 + 10/h.p. 3,950 + 18/h.p.
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 2,550 + 12/h.p.

General: Lamia matriarchs rule over their common cousins and are given to
outbursts of violence that even make the former quail. Unlike the commoners,
these can be either male or female, and their respective abilities differ, as
noted below. They are able to cast a web of illusion about themselves,
appearing as humans. Characters 7th level and above have a 10% chance
per level of penetrating this disguise and recognizing the lamia for what it truly
is; clerics and their subclasses get a 15% bonus to this chance.

Combat: Males will be armed with short swords, while females will attack
enemies solely with their magical abilities. All lamia matriarchs and patriarchs General: Lammasu (the name is both plural and singular) tend to dwell in
can use the following magical abilities once per round: warmer areas, but are able to travel in all sorts of environments. They are good
and kindly creatures, and will aid those of like alignment who are in need.
• Charm person
• Illusion (visual and auditory, requires concentration to maintain) Combat: Lammasu attack with their claws. In addition, they can use the
• Mirror image following magical effects as indicated:
• Suggeston
• Dimension door once per round (particularly effective in the air to
In addition, all lamia matriarchs and patriarchs are accomplished mages, with avoid attack)
males being level 1d6 and females being level 2d4. They do not require spell • Holy word once per day (10% chance any given lammasu can do
books, but otherwise have the same limitations on the number and level of this)
spells that can be cast. • Invisibility once per round
• Protection from evil 10’ radius (double strength, always on)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Lamprey, Land

In addition, greater lammasu have the following powers: Landray

• Empathy at will Number 1
• 50% are able to speak a holy word once per day Morale +7 (although flees if dug out; see below)
• Telepathy at will, for communication only Hit Dice 10d8
• Teleport without error once per round Armor Class 4
Move 30’/min., 60’/min. (burrowing)
Lastly, all lammasu can cast clerical spells as if they were mystics of a level Magic Resistance Standard
equal to their number of hit dice. The number of spells they can memorize per No. of Attacks 1
spell level is as follows: Damage See below
Defenses Burrowing
Spell Level Attacks Smothering, poison
# of Spells 1 2 3 4 5 Weaknesses None
Common 4 3 2 1 0 Size L (20’ square)
Greater 5 4 3 2 1 Intelligence 14
Alignment Neutral
All healing and curative spells cast by lammasu have double the normal effect. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Appearance: Lammasu have the bodies of great lions, large eagle-like wings, Magical Treasure None
and kindly human faces framed by beautiful golden manes. They speak their X.P. Value 1,000 + 14/h.p.
own language.
General: Landrays are related to trappers (see p. 232), and are found in most
Lamprey, Land woodland areas and other locales with underbrush and fairly loamy soil. They
primarily travel underground, burrowing beneath well-traveled paths where
Number 2d6 they will lie in wait near the surface with their dorsal spines protruding.
Morale -1 Barbarians from wooded areas, rangers and druids each have a 5% chance
Hit Dice 1d10 per experience level of successfully identifying a landray’s spines, as long as
Armor Class 7 they are not surprised.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Landrays attack with their dorsal spines, lying in wait for some
No. of Attacks 1 hapless creature to tread upon it. The spines are difficult to detect, looking like
Damage 1 twigs or other bracken, and there is a 25% chance per creature passing over
Defenses None the landray that one of the spines will be stepped on. Those who step on the
Attacks Blood drain, dexterity loss spines of the landray must make a saving throw vs. poison; failure indicates
Weaknesses Fire they will be paralyzed for 2d20x10 minutes. Once all movement in the vicinity
Size S (3’ long) has ceased, the landray will make its fatal attack: smothering.
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Much like its cousin, the trapper, the landray causes damage by smothering
Treasure Type None and crushing its victims. The entire body of the landray will erupt through the
Treasure Value n/a soil, folding itself around those who have been paralyzed by the poison of its
Magical Treasure None spines, and trapping them. Each victim thus trapped will take damage equal
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p. to 4 h.p. plus his armor class, as he is crushed by the action of the landray
squeezing its body inward. The victims will automatically die of suffocation
General: Land lampreys can be found in almost any climate or terrain save the within 6 rounds unless the landray is slain or convinced to let its prey go free
driest deserts or coldest arctic tundras, but prefer areas which are both dark (which will only be done if imminent death is in the offing). Trapped victims
and wet. They move about as do snakes, attaching themselves to victims with are unable to use any weapons.
mouths that constrict and latch on with terrible strength.
While it is underground, the landray is practically invulnerable to attack. Only
Combat: Land lampreys attack with their bite; once the initial “to hit” roll is by first digging it out can it be successfully engaged, and in such circumstances
successful, each lamprey will automatically drain 1 h.p. of blood from the it is more likely to flee by burrowing underground.
victim for 3 rounds, maximum. While attached, each lamprey will also cause
the victim to lose 1 point of dexterity due to the weight of the creature; this loss Appearance: A landray appears as a large flat thin ray-like creature. It is
is restored when the lamprey either removes itself or is removed. They tend to colored a mottled brown and green, and has a row of 1d20+5 barbs along
attack in swarms. its spine. The front edge is hard and bony to accommodate moving through
the forest loam.
If attacked with fire, as from a torch, they will release their hold on their prey.

Appearance: Land lampreys look much like their waterborne cousins; thick
serpents some 3’ long with tooth-filled funnel-like maws.

See also: lamprey (p. 269).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Leopard Leprechaun

Number 1d2 Number 1 (95%) or 1d20 (5%)

Morale +2 Morale -1
Hit Dice 3d10 Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class 6 Armor Class 8
Move 120’/min. Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance P
No. of Attacks 3 No. of Attacks 0
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6 Damage n/a
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls Defenses Magic use
Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise rolls, rear claw rake Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M Size S (2’)
Intelligence 3 Intelligence 16
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type XII
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, no weapons (10%)
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 80 + 1/h.p.

General: Leopards are large cats that dwell in tropical rain forests and jungles
as well as open savannah. They tend to wait in the trees and leap down onto
prey. In their lair, there is a 25% chance that 1d3 non-combatant cubs will be

Combat: Leopards attack with their foreclaws and bite. If both foreclaws hit,
they will then rake the victim with their rear claws for 1d4 h.p. each. They are
able to leap 25’ onto prey.

Appearance: Leopards are large cats. Their coats are usually tawny tan with
spots and white bellies. Rarely, they can be solid black in color; such cats are
known as black panthers.

General: Leprechauns tend to dwell in isolated green hills and dales, but they
have been known to occasionally live elsewhere. They are extremely protective
of their treasure, and will use any device to trick captors into accepting a false
treasure as the real thing. Rarely (5% of the time), an entire merry band of
leprechauns will be encountered; if treated with respect and good nature, they
can sometimes be persuaded to accept “big folk” into their revels for an
evening. They are, as a whole, mischievousand and fond of practical jokes.
There is a 75% chance that intruders into their lands will be subjected to hit-
and-run attacks, which involve swiping valuables and dashing away whilst
invisible. However, there is a 25% chance every 10 minutes that a leprechaun
will drop its stolen goods in order to deter pursuit.

Combat: Leprechauns do not attack conventionally. They are, however, able

to perform the following magical effects at will:

• Create illusions (visual and auditory, requiring concentration to

• Invisibility
• Polymorph non-living object
• Ventriloquism

Appearance: Leprechauns look like diminutive humans, usually with red or

blonde hair. They tend to dress in green. They speak their own language,
halfling, pixie, elvish, and the common tongue.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Leucrotta


Number 1d4
Morale +2
Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 4
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d6
Defenses Kick when retreating
Attacks Vocal mimicry to lure prey
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 475 + 8/h.p.

General: Leucrottas
dwell in isolated
wildernesses. They
are able to imitate the
voice of any human or
General: A lich is a powerful undead creature, the result of a deliberate
humanoid creature, and often
transformation of a high-level mage or cleric of no less than 18th level. The
use this ability to lure victims
exact process for transforming into lichdom is a closely guarded secret, and
to their doom.
the formula itself is worth a king’s ransom. Part of the transformation process
converts the hit dice of the lich-to-be to d8’s. All liches must maintain a
Combat: Leucrottas
phylactery, in which a portion of their soul is maintained. If the phylactery is
attack with their
destroyed, the lich will be permanently slain; otherwise, if the undead body is
wicked bite. When
destroyed, it will re-form in 1d12 months. They are usually found in the most
retreating, they are able
desolate and isolated of wildernesses or underground lairs.
to kick with their rear legs, each
one inflicting 1d6 h.p. of damage if
Combat: Liches can strike with their preternaturally cold claws, but their real
it hits.
power lies in their magical abilities. In addition to retaining whatever
spellcasting ability they had in life, liches are immune to the following:
Appearance: A leucrotta has the body of a stag, the tail of a lion, and the
head of a badger. In place of teeth it has sharp bony ridges. It is able to speak
• Charm/enchantment spells
the common tongue.
• Cold-based attacks
• Death symbol or death spell
Lich • Electricity-based attacks
• Enfeeblement
Number 1 • Insanity
Morale +15 • Polymorph
Hit Dice 18d8 (or more) • Sleep
Armor Class 0
Move 60’/min. The mere touch of a lich will cause paralyzation for 2d12 minutes unless the
Magic Resistance Standard victim makes a saving throw. The sight of a lich will instill fear in all creatures
No. of Attacks 1 with less than 5 hit dice (or who are below 5th level) who fail their saving
Damage 1d10 throw for 2d6 rounds; such creatures will flee in abject terror.
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Paralysis, magic use Appearance: Liches are skeletal humanoids, usually wearing tattered robes
Weaknesses Holy water and faded finery. Their eyes glow with a supernatural fervor.
Size M
Intelligence 20 See also: Demilich (p. 44).
Alignment Any non-good
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 10,500 + 16/h.p.
Turn as Type XII


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Lion such that they will not roll into walls, off cliffs, into pits, etc. At the core of each
living boulder is a beryl hardstone; consult the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™
Male Female Game Masters Toolkit to determine size and value.
Number 1d3 1d10
Morale +4 +4 Combat: Living boulders attack by rolling into and over their victims, doing
Hit Dice 5d10 5d10 damage equal to the living boulder’s original total (i.e., a wounded boulder
Armor Class 5 (front) 6 (rear) 6 still does the same amount of damage as it did before it was wounded). They
will begin rolling towards a victim at a rate of 10’/min., gaining an additional
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard 10’/min. each round until they reach a maximum speed of 150’/min. They
No. of Attacks 3 3 are very quiet when rolling, and there is but a 50% chance that they will be
spotted before they are within 40’ of a victim.
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d10 1d4/1d4/1d10
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls +1 to surprise rolls
Attacks Rake with rear claws Rake with rear claws Appearance: Living boulders look like ordinary boulders, between 1’ and 6’
Weaknesses None None in diameter depending on the number of hit points the creature has.
Size L L
Intelligence 3 3
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 300 + 6/h.p. 300 + 6/h.p.

General: Lions can be found in almost any warm terrain from desert to
savannah to swamp. They form prides, and the females do the hunting while
the males defend the group’s territory. In their den there will also be 1d10
cubs (the cubs are non-combatants). The cubs will be guarded by 1d4
lionesses, who will immediately attack any threat to the cubs.

Combat: Lions attack with their great fore claws and bite. If both fore claws
hit, they can also attack with their rear claws for 1d6+1 h.p. of damage each.

Appearance: Lions are large cats with tawny coats. Males have a large mane Lizard, Cave
surrounding their head, while females and cubs do not.
Number 1d6
See also: lion, cave (p. 303).
Morale +1
Hit Dice 6d10
Living Boulder Armor Class 6
Move 120’/min. (walking and climbing)
Number 2d6 Magic Resistance Standard
Morale +5 No. of Attacks 1
Hit Dice 1d6 Damage 2d6
Armor Class 4 Defenses None
Move 10-150’/min. (see below) Attacks Jaw clamp
Magic Resistance Standard Weaknesses None
No. of Attacks 1 Size L (20’ long)
Damage Equal to living boulder h.p. Intelligence 0
Defenses None Alignment Neutral
Attacks Roll over victims Treasure Type V
Weaknesses None Treasure Value 2d4+1x100
Size S-M (1’ diameter/h.p.) Magical Treasure None
Intelligence 3 X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XIII General: Cave lizards, as the name implies, are usually found in underground
Treasure Value Varies - 1 hardstone (beryl), roll for size environs. They are aggressive hunters and are able to climb at normal speed
Magical Treasure None along walls and even ceilings.
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
Combat: Cave lizards attack with their bite. On a natural roll of 20 “to hit”,
they have locked their jaws on their opponent and will cause double damage.
General: Living boulders are found wherever there are loose rocks and
boulders, both above and below ground. They are blind, but have excellent Appearance: Cave lizards look like other sorts of giant lizards, but their feet
other senses to make up for the lack, attacking creatures based on vibration, have large round pads on the toes allowing them to “stick” to surfaces.
scent, etc. up to 200’ or more away. Once they have crushed a victim to
death, they will roll on top of them and absorb the nutrients from the now-
pulped flesh and bone. They weigh 28 lbs. per hit point, and their senses are


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Lizard, Fire

Lizard, Fire
General: Giant
Number 1d4 monitor lizards
Morale ±0 are aggressive
Hit Dice 10d10 hunters, and are
Armor Class 3 usually found in
Move 90’/min. warm climates.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 Combat: Giant
Damage 1d8/1d8/2d8 monitor lizards attack with their
Defenses Immune to fire-based attacks bite. They move quickly when attacking, and enemies have a -2 penalty on
Attacks Breath weapon their surprise rolls. On a roll of 20, the lizard has clamped on to the victim.
Weaknesses None On the next and all subsequent rounds, the victim will take automatic (normal)
Size L (30’ long) damage. Only victims 7’ tall or less than 300 lbs., can be so grabbed.
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Appearance: Giant monitor lizards look like their non-giant kin, save for their
Treasure Type V great size.
Treasure Value 1d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%) Lizard, Monstrous
X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p.
Large Huge Giant
General: Fire lizards, sometimes referred to as “false dragons,” are slow Number 2d8 2d6 2d4
creatures that sleep for extended periods, like true dragons. There is a 50% Morale ±0 ±0 ±0
chance that any given fire lizard will be asleep when encountered in their Hit Dice 2d10 3d10 4d10
subterranean lairs. Treasure consists of shiny objects, to which the fire lizard Armor Class 6 5 4
is attracted. Move 150’/min. 150’/min. 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Combat: Fire lizards attack with their two claws and bite. They also have a No. of Attacks 1 1 1
breath weapon; a small gout of flame 15’ long and 10’ wide at the base. All Damage 1d6 1d8 1d10
creatures in the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or Defenses None None None
take 2d6 h.p. of damage. A successful saving throw indicates only 1d6 h.p. Attacks Double damage Double damage Double damage
of damage. They are immune to fire damage. on jaw clamp on jaw clamp on jaw clamp
Weaknesses None None None
Appearance: Fire lizards are gray with dark red markings on their back and Size L (10’ long) L (15’ long) L (20’ long)
red bellies. Intelligence 0 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Lizard, Giant Monitor Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Number 1d8 Magical Treasure None None None
Morale +3 X.P. Value 60 + 3/.p. 85 + 4/h.p. 130 + 5/h.p.
Hit Dice 8d12
Armor Class 5 General: Monstrous lizards inhabit swamps and marshes.
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Monstrous lizards attack with their bite. On a natural roll of 20 “to
No. of Attacks 3 hit”, they have locked their jaws on their opponent and will cause double
Damage 2d6/2d6/3d6 damage.
Defenses None
Attacks Jaw clamp, enemies get -2 to surprise rolls Appearance: Monstrous lizards look just like ordinary lizards, save for their
Weaknesses None size. They can vary greatly in particulars and coloration.
Size L (40’ long)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value 1d12x10
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%)
X.P. Value 875 + 10/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Lizard Man
Appearance: Lizard men stand upright, with tails and reptilian heads. Both
sorts speak the same language.
Primitive Evolved Lizard King
Number 10d4 10d4 1
Morale +2 +1 +4 Lorn
Hit Dice 2d10 2d10 8d8
Armor Class 5 4 3 Number 3d10
Move 60’/min., 60’/min., 150’/min., Morale +2
120’/min. 120’/min. 120’/min. Hit Dice 2d8
(swimming) (swimming) (swimming) Armor Class 7
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Move 60’/min., 90’/min. (in trees)
No. of Attacks 3 1 1 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d8 Per weapon type 5d4 No. of Attacks 3 or 1
Defenses None None None Damage 1d3/1d3/1d4 or per weapon type
Attacks None None None Defenses None
Weaknesses None None None Attacks Thrown rocks
Size M (7’) M (7’) L (8’) Weaknesses None
Intelligence 6 9 9 Size M (6’)
Alignment Neutral Neutral Chaotic evil Intelligence 6
Treasure Type I II III Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 2d4x1,000 1d6+2x1,000 Treasure Type I
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) 1d3 items (15%) 1d4 items (25%) Treasure Value 2d20x10
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. 550 + 10/h.p. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.

General: Although lizard men breathe air, they are found in completely
underwater lairs 35% of the time; such lairs are air-filled caves accessible only
by swimming. Some lizard man tribes (10%) are actually evolved; such
individuals dwell in huts instead of caves, and carry shields and use weapons,
as described below. They are fond of human flesh. General: Lorns are cross-breeds of orcs and baboons, and can be found in
most climates wherever woodlands are to be found. They dwell in the trees,
Lizard kings are very rare hyper-evolved versions of their more primitive and are actually more at home swinging from branch to branch than they are
bretheren; they will be served by 10d10 lizard men of either the primitive or on the ground. They have infravision with 30’ range. They have keen smell
evolved type, which the king requires to go out and provide human sacrifices and hearing, and are often used by orcs as scouts.
on a regular basis.
Combat: Lorns attack with their claws and bite, or can hurl rocks up to 60’ that
Combat: Primitive lizard men attack with their claws and bite. Evolved lizard do 1d4 h.p. of damage. Those that are in thrall to orc tribes, as opposed to
men are still able to do likewise, but will use barbed darts (30’ range, 1d4 simply living on their own in the woods, will have the use of clubs.
h.p. of damage) or javelins, as well as crude, but nonetheless effective,
morning stars. Lizard kings use fearsome tridents which do 5d4 h.p. of Appearance: Lorns are half-baboon, half-orc crossbreeds. Their jaws are
damage; on a natural roll of 15 or better, the trident will do double damage, prominent and possess jutting fangs, while their eyes are large but deeply set.
with a minimum of 15 h.p. It will only do so in the hands of a lizard king, They generally do not wear clothing, and speak a gutteral, pidgin version of
however; in the hands of any other creature, it behaves as a regular trident. orcish.
Lizard men are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person
and hold person. See also: baboon (p. 163), orc (p. 174).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Lurker Above

Appearance: The lurker above is flat, with an underside that has the
Lurker Above appearance of gray stone, allowing it to remain on ceilings undetected.

Number 1 Lycanthrope
Morale +20
Hit Dice 10d10 Lycanthropes are humans, demi-humans, and occasionally humanoids that are
Armor Class 6 afflicted with lycanthropy: a disease and curse all in one that allows (or forces)
Move 10’/min., 90’/min. (flying - clumsy) them to assume the guise of an animal.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Lycanthropy
Damage 1d6
Defenses None Humans, demi-humans, and humanoids bitten (not just harmed) by
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls, smothering lycanthropes for more than 50% of their total hit points will themselves become
Weaknesses None lycanthropes of the type that bit them. Unless otherwise noted below,
Size L (20’ wide) wolfsbane will prevent the onset of the disease 25% of the time if eaten within
Intelligence 0 1 hour of the attack, but the being eating it will be incapacitated for 1d4 days
Alignment Neutral and has a 1% chance of dying from the herb itself. A cure disease spell cast
Treasure Type XI by at least a 12th level spellcaster will also prevent the onset of the disease,
Treasure Value 5d6x100 but only if cast within 3 days of the attack. If not cured, lycanthropy will set in
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) 1d8+6 days after the attack.
X.P. Value 1,500 + 14/h.p.
Once the disease has taken hold, it can only be removed by a 12th level
spellcaster casting remove curse when the victim is in his animal form. Note
that the lycanthrope will do everything in his power to escape, and will not
suffer the spell to be cast upon him willingly! The lycanthrope also gets a saving
throw against the spell, of course.

Over the course of 2d6 months after the attack, the alignment of the individual
infected by the disease will change to that of the lycanthrope. Example: A
lawful good mage is bitten by a wererat and becomes a lycanthrope. The
game master rolls a 7 for how long it will take him to change alignment. Three
and a half months after the attack, the mage will be lawful neutral. Three and
a half months later, he will be fully lawful evil. This could well lead to trouble
for characters with alignment-dependent classes, such as paladins, including
losing their status.

There are four circumstances in which a lycanthrope will change into its animal

• According to the phases of the moon

• After taking 30% damage in melee
• At will (after 6 years having the disease)
• Being the subject of animal summoning/conjuring spells that
invoke the animal form of the lycanthrope

The degree to which the phase of the moon controls the transformation from
humanoid to animal form depends on how long the victim has been infected.
The more experience the victim has with the disease, the more he is able to
General: The lurker above is a hunter perfectly adapted for its underground control the transformation. If the transformation occurs due to the moon, it will
environment. It lurks on the ceiling of a chamber or corridor, and then drops last from sunset to sunrise. At 6 years, the lycanthrope will never involuntarily
down on its unsuspecting prey. It is able to slowly scuttle about on walls, floors, change, and can always change back.
and ceilings, but generally moves by flying (they are filled with a lighter-than-
air gas that enables them to do so easily). In the table below, the first number is the percentage chance that the
lycanthrope will involuntarily assume his animal form, and the second is the
Combat: Lurkers above drop on top of their victims, automatically causing them chance that he will be able to force himself back to humanoid form:
to smother and be crushed beneath its weight automatically for 1d6 h.p. of
damage per round. Death from suffocation will take place in any event in Years Since the Onset of Lycanthropy
1d4+1 rounds. Those attacked by the lurker above get a -2 penalty on their Moon Phase 1-2 3 4 5 6+
surprise rolls. Victims cannot use any weapons against the creature that are Full 100/0 75/25 50/50 25/75 0/100
not both short (daggers, etc.) and in their hand at the time of the attack. Efforts Waning half 75/25 25/75 15/85 5/95 0/100
from outside to slay the creature have a 50% chance of injuring those trapped Waning quarter 50/50 5/95 0/100 0/100 0/100
beneath it for half damage as well as harming the creature itself. New 25/75 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
Waxing quarter 50/50 0/100 0/100 0/100 0/100
Waxing half 75/25 30/70 20/80 10/90 0/100


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


If the campaign setting has more than one moon, the game master may apply Die Roll (d%) Race of Slave
these chances to all of the moons, only one, or may even have different types 01-19 Elf (single class)
of lycanthropes affected by different moons. 20-29 Elf (2 classes)
30 Elf (3 classes)
Lycanthropes will not remember actions taken in animal form once they revert 31-50 Half-elf (single class)
back to humanoid form. Right after the disease takes hold, this will be a source 51-65 Half-elf (2 classes)
of great confusion and mental anguish as unexplained events inexorably lead 66-00 Human
the victim to the conclusion that they take the form of a beast at night “when
the moon is full and the wolfbane blooms”. Player characters, in particular, For each, roll to see the character class of the slave. If an inappropriate roll
might not realize they have been afflicted. comes up (i.e., a class or multi-class combination not allowed for a particular
race) re-roll until an appropriate selection comes up. The same rule applies to
After 1d6 years, the animal form will retain some vague memories and the choice of sub-classes.
knowledge of what the humanoid form knew and had planned; a well-thought-
out attack on a village, for example, can be planned in humanoid form and Die Roll (d%) Character Class of Slave
carried out in animal form. As long as one member of the group of 01-10 Bard level 1d4 (25% chance of jester)
lycanthropes is able to do this, the others will follow his instructions to enact 11-15 Cavalier level 1d4 (25% chance of paladin)
the plan, but not to the point of actual mind control or self-destruction. 16-25 Cleric level 1d4 (65% chance of druid)
Lycanthropes are not under the control or influence of the lycanthrope who 26-75 Fighter level 1d4+1 (65% chance of ranger)
gave them the disease, other than the normal influences of intelligence, 76-80 Mage level 1d4 (25% chance of illusionist or savant)
charisma, and circumstances. 81-00 Thief level 1d4 (25% chance of jester or mountebank)

Once the transformation has taken place and the lycanthrope is in animal form, In addition, there is a 10% chance that the vixen has stolen an elven girl-child,
possessions (treasure, armor, weapons, etc.) will be forgotten, with the her it with the disease, and is raising the child as her own. There is a 25%
exception of wererats, who will retain swords while in rat-man form. This can chance that this child will be 13 years of age or older; if so, treat her as a
be particularly vexing for player characters afflicted with lycanthropy. normal adult vixen. Otherwise she will be a non-combatant.

Note that player characters who are afflicted with lycanthropy do not earn any Note that a vixen may take damage if the elf form is wearing armor when the
x.p. while in animal form. transformation to humanoid or silver fox form takes place. The amount of
damage depends on the armor being worn and which form is being assumed:
Silver Fox Form Humanoid Form Elf form Armor Humanoid Fox
Number 1 1 1 None, cuirass (leather), furs, lamellar (leather) 0 0
Morale +2 +2 +2 Gambeson, ring armor, brigandine armor, 1 0
Hit Dice 8d10 8d10 8d10 scale armor (leather), lamellar armor (steel),
Armor Class 2 4 6 cuirass (steel)
Move 240’/min. 180’/min. 120’/min. Scale armor (steel), mail 1d2 1
Magic Resistance Standard Standard None Plated mail, plate armor, jousting plate 1d3 1d2
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage 1d2 2d6 Per weapon Combat: In silver fox form, the vixen attacks with her bite. In this form, she is
Defenses See below See below See below 90% undetectable when in underbrush and similar cover typical of the woods.
Attacks None None Charm She also cannot be tracked, even by magical means, when in this form.
Weaknesses None None None
Size S M M In humanoid form, the vixen also attacks with her bite. It is in this form only
Intelligence 9-16 9-16 9-16 that the vixen can spread her particular form of lycanthropy. Once bitten, a
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil victim must have both a cure disease and a remove curse spell cast upon her
Treasure Type VI by a 12th level cleric in order to reverse the course of the disease.
Treasure Value 1d6+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%), 2d4 potions (40%) In elven form, a vixen will be armed with a dagger or similar weapon, and
X.P. Value 1,700 + 12/h.p. will possess the powers of a mage of level 1d4. In this form only, the vixen will
be seen as achingly and unbelievably beautiful, to the point that any male with
General: Vixens suffer from a special types of lycanthropy that only affects a wisdom score of 13 or less will act as if under the effects of a charm spell,
elven and half-elven women. Males and non-elves of all types are immune. albeit one that will not wear off on its own. Any male that does not fall victim
They dwell deep in isolated woodlands in comfortable cabins or caves. They to her looks, or any male of dwarven, gnomish, or halfling race, will be quietly
are able to assume three separate forms; a silver fox, a humanoid half-fox, and disposed of when circumstances allow. In this form, she will be 90% resistant
their original elven (or half-elven) visage. Only in silver fox form can the to charm, sleep, and paralysis (just like a normal elf).
disease be transmitted. They have infravision with 60’ range in all forms.
Appearance: The silver fox form of the vixen appears to be a large fox with
Normally, the only companions a vixen has are those men she has charmed. silver-gray fur. The humanoid form is covered in silver-gray fur and with the
There will be 1d4+1 such charmed slaves, all of whom will be armed and head of a large fox. The elven form is stunningly beautiful, and will have hair
armored as appropriate to their class and level (including magical items) and with a widow’s peak of either silver color or dark hair with silver streaks. They
who will fight to protect their mistress. First, roll to see the race of the charmed speak both common and elvish.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Lycanthrope

Werebear Wereboar

Number 1d4 Number 2d4

Morale +15 Morale +5
Hit Dice 7d10 Hit Dice 5d10
Armor Class 2 Armor Class 4
Move 90’/min. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3/1d3/2d4 Damage 2d6
Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm
Attacks Hug for 2d8 Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L Size L
Intelligence 16 Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic good Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VI Treasure Type V
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%) Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 2d4 potions (40%)
X.P. Value 825 + 10/h.p. X.P. Value 275 + 6/h.p.

General: Werebears tend to live General: Wereboars tend to live in thick forests. They are aggressive and
deep in wooded environs. They are argumentative, to the point of insisting that they be in charge of any group or
great haters of evil and will attack party. When involved in heated arguments over leadership, they can turn into
evil creatures 75% of the time. their animal form. They are 15% likely to be accompanied by regular boars
Once such battle is joined, they will (see p. 21).
fight to the death. Solitary
werebears have a 50% chance of Note that a wereboar may take damage if the human form is wearing armor
being accompanied by 1d6 brown when the transformation to animal form takes place. The amount of damage
bears (see p. 15). If there are depends on the armor being worn:
brown bears within a mile of the
lycanthrope, it can summon 1d6 of Armor Damage
them, who will arrive in 2d6x10 None, cuirass (leather), furs 0
minutes. Gambeson, lamellar (leather) 1
Ring armor, brigandine armor, scale armor (leather) 1d2
Note that a werebear may take Cuirass (steel), scale armor (steel) 1d3
damage if the human form is Lamellar armor (steel) 1d3+1
wearing armor when the Mail 1d4
transformation to animal form takes place. The amount of damage depends on Plated mail 1d4+1
the armor being worn: Plate armor, jousting plate 1d6

Armor Damage Combat: In animal form, a wereboar attacks with its great tusks.
None, furs 0
Cuirass (leather), gambeson 1 Appearance: In animal form, the wereboar appears as a large boar. They
Lamellar (leather), ring armor, brigandine armor, scale 1d2 speak the common tongue.
armor (leather)
Cuirass (steel), scale armor (steel) 1d3
Lamellar armor (steel) 1d3+1
Mail 1d4
Plated mail 1d4+1
Plate armor, jousting plate 1d6

Combat: Werebears attack with their great paws and bite. If both paws hit,
they will hug the victim for an additional 2d8 h.p. of damage. Only weapons
of silver or with a +1 or better enchantment will harm a werebear in animal

Appearance: In human form, werebears tend to be large, hirsute, and quiet.

In animal form, they look like large brown bears. They speak the common
tongue and can communicate with bears of all sorts.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Werejackal Wererat

Number 1d4 Number 4d6

Morale -1 Morale -1
Hit Dice 4d8 Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class 4 Armor Class 6
Move 120’/min. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4 Damage By weapon type
Defenses +1 (or better) or iron weapon to harm Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm
Attacks Sleep gaze Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size S (in jackal form) M (in human form) Size M
Intelligence 12 Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic evil Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type IV Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Treasure Value 4d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 800 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p.

General: Werejackals are shape-shifting creatures able to assume the form of

either a human, jackal-man, or jackal. They seek to waylay travelers, slay them,
take their belongings, and devour them. There is a 20% chance that
werejackals will be accompanied by ordinary jackals (see p. 134).

Note that a werejackal will take damage if the human form is wearing armor
when the transformation to jackal-man or jackal form takes place. The amount
of damage depends on the armor being worn and which form is being

Armor man Jackal
None, cuirass (leather), furs, lamellar 0 0
Gambeson, ring armor, brigandine armor, 1 0
scale armor (leather)
Lamellar armor (steel), cuirass (steel), scale 1d2 1
armor (steel), mail
Plated mail, plate armor, jousting plate 1d3 1d2
General: Wererats dwell in cities, typically infesting sewers and catacombs
Combat: While in jackal or jackal-man form, werejackals attack with their
beneath the streets. They are known to both kidnap victims for or for devouring
powerful jaws. They can only be struck by weapons of pure iron (not steel) or
them. When in an adventuring party, wererats will usually take up the rear.
those which have an enchantment of +1 or better. Silver weapons will not harm
Each wererat can summon and control 2d6 giant rats (see p. 190).
them unless they are enchanted as noted above. The gaze of the werejackal
causes those who fail a saving throw vs. spells to fall into a deep sleep (as per
Note that a wererat may take damage if the human form is wearing armor
the spell). The gaze attack cannot be used against opponents who are in
when the transformation to rat-man form takes place. The amount of damage
combat against the creature, or those who are deliberately on their guard
depends on the armor being worn:
against it.
Armor Damage
Appearance: Werejackals can assume three forms; a human, a jackal, or a
None, cuirass (leather), furs, lamellar (leather) 0
jackal-man. The latter form is humanoid, with the head of a jackal and covered
Gambeson, ring armor, brigandine armor, scale armor 1
in fur. They speak the common tongue.
Lamellar armor (steel), cuirass (steel), scale armor (steel), mail 1d2
Plated mail, plate armor, jousting plate 1d3

No damage is incurred if transforming to giant rat form.

Combat: In rat-man form, wererats will wield weapons, typically swords. Only
weapons of silver or with a +1 or better enchantment will harm a wererat in
rat or rat-man form.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Lycanthrope

Appearance: Wererats can assume three forms: human, rat-man, and giant Werewolf (Wolwere)
rat. The rat-man form is humanoid, covered in fur, with a long tail and the head
of a rat. It has hands and can grip weapons. Wererats speak the common Werewolf Cub
tongue and can communicate with rats and mice of all sorts. Number 3d6 3d6
Morale +3 +4
Weretiger Hit Dice 4d10 4d10
Armor Class 5 5
Number 1d6 Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
Morale +6 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Hit Dice 6d10 No. of Attacks 1 1
Armor Class 3 Damage 2d4 1d4+1
Move 120’/min. Defenses +1 (or better) or silver +1 (or better) or silver
Magic Resistance Standard weapon to harm weapon to harm
No. of Attacks 3 Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise Enemies get -1 to surprise
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d12 rolls rolls
Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm Weaknesses None None
Attacks Rear claw rake for 1d4+1/1d4+1 Size M M
Weaknesses None Intelligence 9 8
Size L Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Intelligence 9 Treasure Type III None
Alignment Neutral Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 n/a
Treasure Type VII Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%) None
Treasure Value 2d4+2x1,000 X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p. 195 + 5/h.p.
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (15%), 1 potion (15%)
X.P. Value 525 + 8/h.p.

General: Weretigers dwell in warm jungle regions and a majority are female.
They tend towards selfishness, and will turn on companions if their own
interests are being ignored. Cats of all sorts are 75% likely to be well-disposed
towards weretigers, as the latter can communicate with cats of any kind. They
are 5% likely to be found in the company of other tigers (see p. 231).

Note that a weretiger may take damage if the human form is wearing armor
when the transformation to animal form takes place. The amount of damage
depends on the armor being worn:

Armor Damage
None, furs 0
Cuirass (leather) 1d2
Gambeson, lamellar (leather), ring armor, brigandine armor, 1d3
scale armor (leather), cuirass (steel)
Mail 1d3+1
Scale armor (steel) 1d4
Lamellar armor (steel), plated armor 1d4+1
Plate armor, jousting plate 1d6

Combat: Weretigers attack with their fore paws and powerful bite. If both
claws hit, they can then also attack with their rear claws, which rake the victim.
Only weapons of silver or with a +1 or better enchantment will harm a
weretiger in animal form.

Appearance: In animal form weretigers look like large and supple tigers. They
speak the common tongue as well as being able to communicate with all forms
of cat.

General: Werewolves can be found in almost every climate and terrain. They
tend to group together in packs or families, and will immediately attack if their
lycanthropic nature is discovered. Wolweres are closely related to
werewolves, and will be found together with them; they are wolves that can
assume human form, rather than the reverse. Other than that, there is little
difference between them.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Note that a werewolf may take damage if the human form is wearing armor Combat: Ghost lynxes attack with their claws and bite. If both claws hit, they
when the transformation to animal form takes place. The amount of damage are able to attack with their rear claws, which rake the victim for 1d3 h.p.
depends on the armor being worn: each. They are able to leap 15’ to attack.

Armor Damage Appearance: Ghost lynxes are merely larger and more intelligent versions of
None, furs 0 their regular cousins. They are thickly furred cats, mostly white, but striped and
Cuirass (leather) 1 dappled in color, with tufts of fur on the tips of their ears. They speak their own
Gambeson, lamellar (leather), ring armor, brigandine armor, 1d2 tongue.
scale armor, cuirass (steel)
Scale armor (steel) 1d3 Maneating Orchid
Lamellar armor (steel) 1d3+1
Mail 1d4 Number 1d2
Plated mail 1d4+1 Morale n/a
Plate armor, jousting plate 1d6 Hit Dice 4d8 - 9d8
Armor Class 6
If a group of werewolves numbers between 5 and 8, they will be a family unit Move None
consisting of 1 male, 1 female, and several cubs. The cubs will have a penalty Magic Resistance Standard
“to hit” depending on their maturity; roll 1d4 for each cub and subtract that No. of Attacks 2-5
number from their “to hit” rolls. Damage 4d8 – 9d8 (see below)
Defenses None
Combat: Werewolves attack with their bite. Only weapons of silver or with a Attacks Fragrance
+1 or better enchantment will harm a werewolf in animal form. In a family Weaknesses None
group, if the female is attacked, the male will gain a bonus of +2 “to hit”. If Size L
the cubs are attacked, the female will gain a bonus of +3 and do maximum Intelligence 0
damage with each hit. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Appearance: Werewolves in animal form look like wolves. Werewolves are Treasure Value n/a
likely to remain standing upright even in wolf form, while wolweres will always Magical Treasure None
have four feet on the ground. They speak the common tongue and can X.P. Value 275 + 6/h.p.
communicate with wolves of all sorts.
General: The maneating orchid is a large leafy plant that entices its victims
Lynx, Ghost into its fleshy leaves by means of a semi-hypnotic fragrance. It then dissolves
their flesh and possessions to feed off the nutrients contained therein. It is found
Number 1d4 in tropical and sub-tropical jungles and rain forests. The exact size of the plant
Morale +4 should be determined randomly if it is not already specified:
Hit Dice 2d10
Armor Class 6 Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Leaves Size
Move 120’/min. 1 4d8 2 12’
Magic Resistance Standard 2 5d8 3 15’
No. of Attacks 3 3 6d8 4 18’
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4 4 7d8 4 21’
Defenses 90% concealment, 75% trap detection 5 8d8 5 24’
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls, rear claw rake 6 9d8 5 27’
Weaknesses None
Size M Combat: The maneating orchid does not attack in a conventional sense.
Intelligence 12 Rather, any creature within 60’ must make a saving throw vs. poison. Any
Alignment Neutral creature failing this save will be compelled to walk into one of the plant’s leaf-
Treasure Type None traps, which will close around it and begin the digestive process. The prey will
Treasure Value n/a take a number of hit points of acid damage equal to its armor class each round
Magical Treasure None (dexterity bonuses do not count). All possessions of the victim must make a
X.P. Value 120 + 3/h.p. saving throw vs. acid every 10 minutes (metal gets a +2 bonus to its saving
throw). Victims cannot be rescued from the leaf traps until the plant is slain.
General: Ghost lynxes can be found The effect of the plant’s perfume will persist after it is dead for 24 hours, or
in cold forested places; the name until the plant itself is burned, although the leaf traps will not close around their
refers to their coloration and ability to victims once the plant is dead.
blend in with their surroundings,
disappearing “like a ghost”. They are Appearance: The maneating orchid looks like an enormous orchid with
adept at sneaking up on prey and avoiding multiple brightly colored leaves that contain its digestive acids. The leaf traps
danger, so they are able to conceal lay upon the ground, all connected to the central plant by long winding vines.
themselves with 90% effectiveness and to The size listed above refers the overall sprawling size of its leaves, vines, and
detect traps and snares 75% of the flowers.
time. In their den, there is a 25%
chance that 1d4 kits will be present.
The kits are non-combatants.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Mantari

Mantari Combat: Manticores attack with their claws and bite. They will, if possible,
begin combat by loosing a volley of iron-hard spikes from their tails. They can
Number 1d3 fire 4 volleys of 6 spikes each, with the spikes having a range of 180’ and
Morale ±0 each doing 1d6 h.p. if it hits.
Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 9 Appearance: Manticores have the body of a lion, large bat-like wings, and an
Move 180’/min. (flying - average) over-sized human head. The tail is tipped with spikes. They speak their own
Magic Resistance Standard language.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 19-CON (x4 if hit on prior round)
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S (3’)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.

General: Mantari (the

name is both plural
and singular) inhabit most environments save the
coldest or hottest, including underground:
wherever their favored prey (giant rats and other
similar vermin) can be found. They move about
Number 3d6
by flying, swooping down on victims with their venomous tail. They will attack
Morale -1
85% of the time.
Hit Dice 1d12
Armor Class 5
Combat: Mantari attack with their tails, which sport an envenomed stinger.
Move 120’/min., 60’/min. (burrowing)
The venom of the mantari will cause damage equal to 19 minus the victim’s
Magic Resistance C
constitution score (thus, a victim with a constitution of 11 would take 8 h.p. of
No. of Attacks 2
damage from a hit). If a mantari strikes the same victim in two consecutive
Damage 1d4/1d4
rounds, the second hit will do quadruple damage.
Defenses Immune to sleep, fire does half damage
Attacks Strangulation
Appearance: Mantari are flying rays with 4’ long tails which they keep
Weaknesses Bright light stuns
beneath their bodies, aimed at the floor.
Size S (1’-2’)
Intelligence 7
Manticore Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Number 1d4 Treasure Value n/a
Morale +5 Magical Treasure None
Hit Dice 6d10 X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p.
Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. General: The mandragora is a mobile plant creature that dwells in the loam of
Magic Resistance Standard the darkest forests, for sunlight disturbs them greatly. They burrow into the soil
No. of Attacks 3 near the roots of great trees such as briars or willows, and wait for prey to
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d8 come near, then wait until night to attack. They can sense animals within 120’.
Defenses None
Attacks Tail spikes Combat: Mandragoras attack with their upper appendages, which are not
Weaknesses None quite properly called arms, which are very long and wiry. A “to hit” roll of a
Size L natural 20 means the victim has been wrapped around the throat, which will
Intelligence 6 cause 1d4 points of strangulation damage each round automatically
Alignment Lawful evil thereafter. It is possible for the same mandragora to strangle the same victim
Treasure Type V with both appendages, causing double strangulation damage. They are
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 immune to sleep spells, and because they are always moist and slimy they only
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) take half damage from fire-based attacks. Sunlight or other equally bright light
X.P. Value 525 + 8/h.p. will stun the creatures for 1d4 segments (6-24 seconds); they will invariably
wait until nightfall to attack unwary travelers.
General: Manticores are magical beings not unlike sphinxes or chimeras. They Appearance: Mandragoras look like dark green roots or tubers in a rough
prefer desolate wildernesses or deep underground lairs, and are fond of caricature of a humanoid form. They have both “arms” and “legs” and their
human flesh. They can be found in most climates. “faces” are composed of rough protrusions on their upper knobby surfaces.
They in some sense resemble very large mandrake roots.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Mantis, Giant

Number 1
Morale +15
Hit Dice 10d12
Armor Class 3
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance None
No. of Attacks 1 or 1
Damage 2d6 or 3d4
Defenses Camouflage
Attacks Holding, enemies get -3 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None
Size L (12’ tall)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a General: Mantodeans, or mantis warriors, are an insectoid race found in arid
Magical Treasure None climates, including dry scrublands and deserts. They dig underground burrows
X.P. Value 2,750 + 18/h.p. and inhabit small caves, but are not overly gregarious creatures. They are
carnivorous, and are particularly fond of elf flesh.
General: Giant mantises are much like their ordinary cousins, and can be
found in any terrain where the foliage is large enough to allow them to blend Combat: Mantodeans attack either with four claws and a bite, or with
in due to their coloring. If a giant mantis spots a creature that it considers weapons. Their bite is venomous; anyone bitten must make a saving throw vs.
dangerous, it can avoid detection 75% of the time by standing stock-still. poison or be paralyzed for 2d8 rounds. When using weapons, they will have
a large spear-like weapon with three triangular points, which does 1d6+2 h.p.
Combat: Giant mantises attack with their massive serrated forelimbs. If an of damage if it hits (it can also be thrown like a spear). In addition, they carry
attack with its forelimbs is successful, a giant mantis will inflict 2d6 h.p. of up to 10 triangular wedges which can be hurled up to 90’ and which do
damage and pin the victim so that dexterity and shield bonuses do not apply 1d6+2 h.p. of damage if they hit. If these miss, they will return to the thrower
to subsequent attacks. Once that happens, the giant mantis will bite with its like a boomerang and can be hurled again.
heavy mandibles, doing 3d4 h.p. of damage if it hits. Because of the giant
mantis’ coloring, enemies get a -3 penalty to surprise rolls. Appearance: Mantodeans are roughly humanoid, albeit with four arms, a
chitinous exoskeleton, and the head of a large praying mantis. They speak
Appearance: Giant mantises are much larger versions of their normal cousins. their own language, which is impossible for non-insects to speak properly,
Their coloration ranges from bright green to brown and combinations thereof. although they can learn to understand it. Magical contrivances can, naturally,
overcome this limitation.
Number 2d6
Morale +5 Number 1d3
Hit Dice 6d10 Morale +2
Armor Class 5 Hit Dice 6d8
Move 180’/min. Armor Class 5
Magic Resistance Standard Move 90’/min.
No. of Attacks 5 or 3 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4+1 or per weapon type No. of Attacks 1
Defenses None Damage 1d4
Attacks Leap Defenses None
Weaknesses None Attacks Gaze petrifies, poison bite
Size M Weaknesses Gaze can be reflected
Intelligence 13 Size M
Alignment Chaotic neutral Intelligence 12
Treasure Type XIII Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Value 1d10x10 Treasure Type IX
Magical Treasure None Treasure Value 4d4+4x100
X.P. Value 800 + 8/h.p. Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%)
X.P. Value 725 + 6/h.p.

General: Medusas are greatly feared creatures that typically dwell in

underground lairs. They are occasionally found in the company of the sightless
grimlocks (see p. 116).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Memory Moss

Combat: Medusas will attempt to get victims to stare into their eyes. Those that Mimic
do must make a saving throw vs. petrification or be turned to stone, along with
all their possessions. If the medusa’s gaze can be reflected back, then it is
Mimic Killer Mimic
susceptible to the same fate. The gaze of the medusa extends into the ethereal
Number 1 1
and astral planes, as does its effect. The range of the medusa’s gaze is 30’. If
Morale +1 +3
the gaze attack fails, the medusa will close with the victim and attack with its
Hit Dice 8d8 10d8
snake-like hair. The bite of one of the snakes has a range of 1’, and does only
Armor Class 7 7
1d4 h.p. of damage, but the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison or
Move 30’/min. 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Appearance: Medusas are beautiful women, but have a nest of writhing,
Damage 3d4 3d4
hissing snakes for hair. They speak their own language and the common
Defenses Camouflage Camouflage
Attacks Glue Glue
Weaknesses None None
Memory Moss Size L L
Intelligence 9 3
Number 2d6 Alignment Neutral Neutral
Morale n/a Treasure Type None None
Hit Dice 1d4 Treasure Value n/a n/a
Armor Class 10 Magical Treasure None None
Move None X.P. Value 1,000 + 10/h.p. 1,300 + 12/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks None
Damage n/a
Defenses Memory theft
Attacks Memory theft
Weaknesses None
Size S (½’ x ½’ square)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 30 + 1/h.p.

General: Memory moss is a plant that can be found in most damp areas, but
not underground, as it requires sunlight to survive. Intelligent itself, memory
moss feeds on the memories of other intelligent creatures.

Combat: Memory moss does not attack conventionally. Any creature that
General: Mimics are amorphous creatures that are invariably encountered
comes within 60’ must make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates the
underground, as they detest sunlight. They are able to perfectly emulate any
moss has stolen all of the creature’s memories for the last 24 hours, including
sort of inanimate object, and use this power to appear as doors, chests,
any memorized spells. It will then use these spells against anything that
furniture, stonework, staircases, etc. They lure in prey in this way and then
threatens it (when doing so, it will form itself into a rough caricature of the
attack. Regular mimics can be bargained with, often accepting offerings of
creature whose memories it has absorbed). Once the moss has absorbed the
food in lieu of attack, and even providing intelligence if the offering is
memories of a creature, it will not do so again for 24 hours.
sufficiently generous.
Memories (and spells) can be recovered only by eating the memory moss while
Combat: Mimics attack by forming pseudopods out of their own substance and
it is still alive. It takes 1 minute to do so, and the creature eating the moss must
striking enemies. Whatever the creature hits will be instantly stuck to it,
make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates it is violently ill for 3d6x10
preventing escape. Only a successful bend bars check will allow escape. The
minutes (but the memories and spells are still recovered). If a creature eats moss
glue will dissolve upon the death of the mimic, or at its will.
containing memories and spells not its own, they will gain those memories and
the ability to cast those spells, but only for 24 hours, after which they will fade
Appearance: No one has ever seen a mimic in its true form, and it is possible
the creature has none. Regular mimics speak the common tongue as well as
the languages of whatever intelligent creatures live in the vicinity; orcish,
Appearance: Memory moss appears as a small patch of dark green moss.
kobold, etc. Killer mimics do not speak.
When casting spells it has absorbed, it will form itself into a shape roughly
analogous to that of the creature from which the memories were taken.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Miner’s Lamp Minotaur

Number 4d10 Number 1d8

Morale n/a Morale +12
Hit Dice 1d8 Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 10 Armor Class 6
Move 0 Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks None No. of Attacks 2
Damage n/a Damage 2d4 or 1d4/per weapon type +2
Defenses None Defenses +1 to all surprise rolls, immune to maze spell
Attacks Light Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size S (1’) Size L (8’)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. X.P. Value 400 + 8/h.p.

General: Miner’s lamps are a form of bioluminescent fungus which are greatly General: Minotaurs are generally found in remote wildernesses or mazey
prized by some subterranean races, and intensely loathed by others. They are underground caverns and passages. They are keen trackers, able to follow
often cultivated and placed in strategic points to provide light for activities such prey by scent alone 50% of the time.
as mining or general living, and are also used to discomfit and provide defense
against those races who are adversely affected by strong light such as drow Combat: Minotaurs will either attack with their horns (for 2d4 h.p.) or bite
and orcs. (1d4) depending on the height of the defender. Only creatures who are 6’ or
taller can be attacked by the minotaur’s horns. In addition, they attack with a
Combat: Miner’s lamps do not attack. They glow with a strong light, equivalent weapon, either a halberd or footman’s flail (they get +2 to damage when using
to a continual light spell, with a range of 60’. They will light for 1d6 hours, weapons, as a result of their great strength).
and then go dark for another 1d6 hours. For this reason they are often found
in clumps, and 50% of them will be lit at any given time. Appearance: Minotaurs are powerful brutes with the head of a bull and the
body of a large human. Their bull head sports large wickedly pointed horns.
Appearance: Miner’s lamps are multi-stalked mushrooms with ovoid heads. They speak their own language and 25% of them will speak common as well
The light emanates from inside the heads, the skin of which is translucent. (with a heavy bullish accent).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Mite

Mite Mold

Number 6d4 There are a variety of different deadly and otherwise harmful molds that are
Morale -2 found in underground (or other) environs. It should not be forgotten that most
Hit Dice 1d6 molds have non-dangerous cousins that are much the same in appearance, but
Armor Class 8 which have no ill effects. Molds are immune to all mind-effecting magic.
Move 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Black Mold
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3 Number 1
Defenses None Morale n/a
Attacks None Hit Dice n/a
Weaknesses None Armor Class 9
Size S (2’) Move n/a
Intelligence 6 Magic Resistance Standard
Alignment Lawful evil No. of Attacks 0
Treasure Type III Damage n/a
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Defenses 50% unnoticed, immune to fire- and electricity-based
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) attacks
X.P. Value 5 + 1 /h.p. Attacks Poison spores
Weaknesses Cure disease, magical cold
Size Varies
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 0

General: Black mold is a scourge found in many subterranean locales with

high levels of moisture. It is black to very dark green in color, and always with
a moist, slick appearance. Black mold colonies can grow as large as 500
square feet, and cover floors, ceilings, and walls.

Due to its color, black mold is difficult to spot when on conventional cave or
dungeon walls. In such conditions, there is a 50% chance that it will go

Combat: Anyone coming within 20’ of the black mold patch will trigger a
General: Mites dwell in underground environments, where they set ambushes,
release of its spores in a cloud 20’ in diameter. Anyone in the area must make
traps, nets, pits, etc., to trap and disable unwary lone explorers or rear-guards.
two separate saving throws: one vs. breath weapon and another vs. poison. If
They never attack openly if it can possibly be avoided; they vastly prefer to
the first throw fails, the victim is covered in the spores of the black mold. Unless
work through their insidious traps and snares. They are related to jinx-midges
immediate steps are taken to thoroughly clean all the exposed surfaces
and pesties (see pp. 137 and 179, respectively). Their scurrying and
(clothing, skin, hair, backpacks, pack animals, etc.), the mold will begin
squeaking can sometimes be heard in the distance in dungeon corridors and
growing on the victim at a rate of 1 square inch per round. If ignored, the
deep tunnels. Those captured are stripped of their possessions and then
victim will become completely covered in the stuff in less than a day. Once that
dumped naked and bound into dungeon corridors to await the coming of
happens, the victim dies, covered in mold. (Note that after an hour, anyone
hungry passers-by, while the mites watch from the shadows. The entrances to
approaching the victim will suffer an attack of spores themselves, requiring
mite tunnels are well-hidden, and can only be discovered as if they were secret
additional saving throws.)
doors. The tunnels themselves are only 2 ½’ tall, making them difficult for all
but the smallest demi-humans to crawl through. They will sometimes combine
Those who fail the saving throw vs. poison will contract a severe respiratory
forces with pesties, using their own trap-making skills in conjunction with the
infection within 12 hours (roll 1d12 to determine onset time). Those suffering
pesties’ speed and agility.
from the disease will lose one point each of strength and constitution for the
duration, and will suffer hacking coughing attacks at random intervals (25%
Combat: Mites attack with their vicious bite. In addition, they use the same sort
chance of one occurring when silence is desired, such as when hiding or
of leather clubs as jinx-midges; usable against prone victims, such clubs have
sneaking up on an enemy). The infection will last 2d12 days.
a 2% chance of knocking out the victim with each blow (but not if the victim is
wearing a great helm, plate armor, plated mail, or jousting plate). Mites are
A cure disease spell will cure either affliction, but two separate spells are
considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold
required to heal both, if needed.

Black mold itself is immune to fire or electricity-based attacks. It can be killed

Appearance: Mites are short humanoids with bulbous heads and baleful
by a cure disease spell or by magical cold, such as a wand of frost, etc.
countenances. Their skin ranges from light gray to light violet. Their twittering
noises do not seem to be any coherent language.
Appearance: Black mold appears like any other sort of mold, and is dull black
in color.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Brown Mold General: Faerie mold is both a boon and a bane to those who explore beneath
the ground. On the one hand, the soft glow that it produces is a welcome sight,
Number 1 as it creates an illumination sufficient for most surface dwellers to see their
Morale n/a environs for 60’ in all directions from the mold. Large colonies thus can
Hit Dice n/a illuminate vast areas such as caverns and tunnels. On the other hand, if it
Armor Class 9 comes in contact with skin or clothing, it can become a positive nuisance.
Move n/a
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Faerie mold does not attack. However, if a creature rubs up against
No. of Attacks 0 it accidentally, the mold will cling to them. Attempts to scrape, rub, or wash it
Damage n/a off will simply smear the stuff over the victim, as will ordinary movement such
Defenses Immune to weapons and most magic as walking. This has the effect of rendering the victim much easier to see in
Attacks Drains heat darkness (similar to the effects of a faerie fire spell). Hiding in shadows is
Weaknesses Cold, ultraviolet light impossible, invisibility will not work, and enemies get a +2 bonus “to hit”
Size Varies because of the glowing outline created by the mold. The glowing effect will
Intelligence 0 last for 1d12+4 hours once it is rubbed off the parent mold colony. If faerie
Alignment Neutral mold is on a ceiling and something passes beneath it, there is a 50% chance
Treasure Type None that a piece of the mold will fall on that person, again creating the glowing
Treasure Value n/a effect. If the person is watching for such an occurance, he may make a DEX
Magical Treasure None check to avoid the falling mold.
X.P. Value 0
Magical fire or very hot normal fire (as burning oil) will kill faerie mold, but it
General: Brown mold feeds on energy of all sorts except ultraviolet, which is impossible to apply such to a living creature or clothing without inflicting
harms it. For this reason, it is found exclusively underground. The area around damage.
a patch of brown mold will be noticeably colder than the rest of the area.
Appearance: Faerie mold appears as a patch of bumpy cylinders of blue,
Combat: Brown mold draws heat from victims as its main form of attack. Any green, and violet. The whole thing glows with a soft yellow light.
creature within 5’ of a patch of brown mold will lose 1d8 h.p. every round for
every 10° above 55° its body heat is (round down). Example: A human
exposed to brown mold will lose 4d8 h.p. per round, since 98° minus 55° is
43, divided by 10 is 4. If attacked with fire of any sort (torch, oil, magical fire,
etc.) the patch of mold will grow instantly, as much as 8 times its size in but a
single round. Once this happens, those in the new area will be subject to the
heat-draining attack of the mold. Creatures who themselves are based on cold
(white dragons, arctic toads, etc.) are not affected by the mold’s attack.

Only cold-based magic will affect it at all; weapons, acid, and most spells and
magical effects are useless. The spells ice storm and wall of ice will cause the
mold to be dormant for 5d6x10 minutes. The breath weapon of a white
dragon, or a wand of cold will destroy brown mold.

Appearance: Brown mold appears like any other sort of mold, and is light tan
in color.

Faerie Mold

Number 1 Russet Mold

Morale n/a
Hit Dice n/a Number 1
Armor Class 9 Morale n/a
Move n/a Hit Dice n/a
Magic Resistance Standard Armor Class 9
No. of Attacks 0 Move n/a
Damage n/a Magic Resistance Standard
Defenses None No. of Attacks 0
Attacks Limning Damage n/a
Weaknesses Fire Defenses Immune to weapons, fire, and cold
Size Varies Attacks Spores
Intelligence 0 Weaknesses Alcohol, acid, salt, cure disease, continual light
Alignment Neutral Size Varies
Treasure Type None Intelligence 0
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Neutral
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type None
X.P. Value 0 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 0


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Mongrelman

General: Russet mold is always found deep underground, for light harms it. At Mongrelman
ranges of 30’ or more, it is 70% likely to be mistaken for merely a large patch
of rust. Warrior Leader
Number 1d100 1
Combat: Russet mold attacks by means of its spores. If any creature comes Morale -1 to +2 +3
within 3’, or if the mold itself is touched, it will release the spores in a cloud 3’ Hit Dice 1d8 to 4d8 5d8
in diameter. Any creature within the cloud will take 5d4 h.p. of damage Armor Class 5 4
immediately and must also make a saving throw vs. poison; failure indicates Move 90’/min. 120’/min.
the spores have lodged in the tissues of the victim. Such victims will begin to Magic Resistance Standard Standard
sprout patches of mold and will die within 1d4+1x10 minutes unless a cure No. of Attacks 1 1
disease spell is used. After 1d4+20 hours the victim will be completely covered Damage Varies, or per weapon 1d12 or per weapon
by the mold, and once this happens a vegepygmy will emerge from the rotting Defenses Camouflage Camouflage
corruption (see p. 238). A hold plant spell will prevent the growth of the mold Attacks Mimicry Mimicry, +1 “to hit”
during its duration, but if the mold is allowed to grow for more than one hour Weaknesses None None
total, only a full wish can restore the victim to life. Size M M
Intelligence 6 to 9 10
Russet mold is immune to all weapons, all fire-based attacks, and all cold- Alignment Lawful neutral Lawful neutral
based attacks. It can be burned away by solvents such as acid and alcohol, Treasure Type None I
and the spells cure disease and continual light will destroy it if cast directly Treasure Value n/a 4d6x100
upon the mold patch. Magical Treasure None 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value See below 170 + 5/h.p.
Appearance: Russet mold has a rust-red hue, and is covered in fine hairs that
constantly and slowly wave.

Yellow Mold

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice n/a
Armor Class 9
Move n/a
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d8
Defenses Immune to weapons and most magic
Attacks Spores
Weaknesses Fire and heat
Size Varies
Intelligence 0 General: Mongrelmen are outcasts from most societies; unwelcome in lawful
Alignment Neutral and good places, enslaved and bullied in chaotic and evil ones. They are
Treasure Type None misbegotten cross-breeds of nearly every strain of humanoid and demi-human
Treasure Value n/a imaginable; orc, kobold, dwarf, elf, bogwump, crabman, kestrel-man, etc.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 0 When encountered, most mongrelmen will be of the 1d8 hit die variety.
However, individuals of higher hit dice will be encountered as indicated below
General: Yellow mold is always found underground. It is most dreaded (additional leaders are cumulative):
because of its deadly spores. Any creature touching the mold will be so
attacked; the spores will also affect wood, but not stone or metal. Condition Additional Leaders
For every 10 1d8 HD warriors One 2d8 HD warrior
Combat: If the mold is touched, it will release its spores 50% of the time, in a For every 30 1d8 HD warriors One 3d8 HD warrior
cloud 5’ in radius. Any creature within the cloud must make a saving throw vs. For every 40 1d8 HD warriors One 4d8 HD warrior
poison or die 24 hours later as its lungs become filled with the spores. Both In their lair One leader plus 4 4d8 HD bodyguards
the spells cure disease and resurrection are necessary in order to save such
victims, which must be cast before the 24 hour time limit. Their statistics are as follows:

Yellow mold is immune to all weapons and spells other than those which are Hit Dice Morale Damage INT XP Value
based on fire or heat. Conventional fire such as flaming oil, dragon breath, 1d8 -1 1d4 6 20 + 1/h.p.
etc. will destroy yellow mold. A continual light spell will cause the mold to go 2d8 ±0 1d6 7 36 + 2/h.p.
dormant for 2d6x10 minutes. 3d8 +1 1d8 8 65 + 3/h.p.
4d8 +2 1d10 9 110 + 4/h.p.
Appearance: Yellow mold has a dull yellow hue.
All mongrelman have the following abilities:

• Camouflage creatures (80% chance of hiding self or other creature

plus 1% per 10 minutes’ preparation time


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Camouflage buildings (80% chance of hiding building or some General: Monkeys are generally found in forested or jungle regions. They are
other structure plus 1% per week of preparation, not effective at mostly herbivores that form large troops. Half of those encountered will be non-
ranges closer than 50’) combatant young. Baboons and mandrills are ground-dwellers and will attempt
• Mimicry (can perfectly imitate animal/monster sounds, except to intimidate predators and intruders with a show of their fangs, but all will
sonic attacks and other magical effects) tend to flee if aggressively confronted. Rhesus monkeys are accomplished
• Pick pockets (70% chance of success) climbers and swimmers, as well as being found on solid ground.

Mongrelmen are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm Combat: Monkeys attack with their bite. A baboon or mandrill troop will be
person and hold person. led by 2d4 large males that get a +1 bonus to damage.

Combat: Mongrelmen attack either with their claws/hands or with weapons. Appearance: Baboons are frail-looking apes with longish snouts. They have
Leaders get a +1 bonus on all “to hit” rolls. A few mongrelmen (5%) will be tails. Mandrills are noted for their brightly colored blue and red snouts and
armed with blowguns which fire darts tipped with either deadly poison (50%) flanks. Rhesus monkeys are small with large expressive eyes and light brown
or paralyzing poison (50%, lasts 2d6 minutes). fur.

Appearance: Mongrelmen, true to their muddied blood lines, have a monstrous See also: Banderlog (p. 12).
appearance, often combining the worst and most horrific aspects of all
creatures within their ancestry. They speak the common tongue. Monstrous Animal
Monitor Lizard, Giant See camel spider, monstrous (p. 30); centipede, monstrous (p. 34); dragonfly,
monstrous (p. 65); frog, monstrous (p. 87); lizard, monstrous (p. 148);
See lizard, monitor (p. 148). pseudoscorpion, monstrous (p. 185); scorpion, monstrous (p. 199); spider,
monstrous (p. 220); tick, monstrous (p. 231); and whip scorpion, monstrous
Monkey (p. 243).

Baboon Mandrill Rhesus Mottled Strangler

Number 1d4x10 2d4x5 3d10
Morale -2 -3 -4 Number 1
Hit Dice 1d10 1d6 1d4 Morale -2
Armor Class 7 7 8 Hit Dice 4d8
Move 120’/min. 120’/min. 90’/min. Armor Class 8
(walking and Move 120’/min.
climbing) Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard No. of Attacks 2
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 Damage 1d4/1d4
Damage 1d4 1d3 1d2 Defenses None
Defenses None None None Attacks Strangulation from behind
Attacks Males +1 dam Males +1 dam None Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None None None Size M
Size S (4’) S (3’) S (2’) Intelligence 6
Intelligence 6 6 5 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Treasure Type V (no gems)
Treasure Type None None None Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a Magical Treasure 1 armor/shield (5%), 1 weapon (5%)
Magical Treasure None None None X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p.
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. 5 + 1/h.p.
General: Mottled stranglers are thoroughly despised creatures, even by their
own kind; they are thus solitary and never work in cooperation with others.
They dwell in deep lightless tunnels where they prey on the unwary; orcs and
kobolds in particular hate mottled stranglers and will go to great lengths to slay
one if it takes up residence near one of their lairs. They are completely unaware
of the value of gems, and their lairs will be filled with the bones of the
unfortunates they have carted away to be devoured. They have infravision with
120’ range.

Combat: Ordinarily a mottled strangler attacks with its claws. However, if it is

able to strike a humanoid or smaller creature from behind and with surprise,
they will do so using a crude garrote. A successful “to hit” roll means the victim
will die of strangulation in 2 rounds unless the mottled strangler is slain or
attacked by another creature from another side, thus forcing it to defend itself.
They have the following thiefly abilities:

• Pick pockets (45%)

• Move silently (33%)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Mouse, Giant White

• Hide in shadows (25%) are not above turning instantly hostile and treacherous, however, should the
• Climb walls (88%) opportunity arise. True to their nature, if pressed they will flee, able to squeeze
their body into any aperture large enough to accommodate their head
Mottled stranglers are considered “persons” for purposes of such spells as hold (approx. 6”).
person and charm person.
They despise jinx-midges (see p. 137), whom they consider to be no more than
Appearance: Mottled stranglers are thin and lanky, with skin color anywhere savages.
from gray to dark green, usually with red splotches. The eyes are pitch black
with burning red pinpricks and the three-toed feet are webbed. Combat: Giant white mice normally attack with weapons. For their part, they
are excellent swordsmen (swordsmice?), and are most often found wielding a
Mouse, Giant White very slender rapier that does damage equivalent to a dagger. Their prowess
is such that if they are facing an opponent with a one-handed weapon, on any
Number 1d20 round where their opponent misses and they hit, there is a 25% chance that
Morale +3 they have, in fact, disarmed their opponent, sending their weapon flying 3-8
Hit Dice 3d8 (1d6+2) feet away in a random direction. This will only happen to opponents
Armor Class 7 (cavaliers 2) who are in front of the giant white mouse, and who are using a single-handed
Move 120’/min. weapon in melee.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 One in ten giant white mice is a cavalier of level 1d6, and will be found with
Damage 1d3 or per weapon type a war dog as a mount (see p. 48). They use scaled-down spears (that do 2-
Defenses None 5/2-4 h.p. damage) and charge at opponents. Such cavaliers will wear
Attacks Swordsmanship mouse-shaped plate mail armor, complete with plumed helmet and shield. Their
Weaknesses None mount will have studded leather armor as per a normal war dog.
Size S (3’)
Intelligence 10 Appearance: Giant white mice look like large white mice standing upright and
Alignment Neutral evil wearing fancy human-like clothing of fine quality. They speak the common
Treasure Type Individuals XVIII, group IV tongue and that of zverts, and can also communicate with all rodents.
Treasure Value Individuals 1d20, group 1d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) Muckdweller
X.P. Value 35+3/h.p.
Number 5d4
Morale +3
Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 6
Move 30’/min., 120’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d2
Defenses None
Attacks Blinding jet of water
Weaknesses None
Size S (2’)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value 1d10x10 + 5d6
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p.

General: Muckdwellers are tiny dinosaur-like creatures that dwell in swamps

and other muddy waters. They lurk in the brown waters waiting for prey to
General: The giant white mouse, while a cousin of the more common variety, stumble into their trap, at which time the swarm will attack and devour them if
is actually an intelligent creature, and will almost certainly be found dressed possible. On occasion, they are known to serve lizard men and other such
in clothing befitting a nobleman or dandy (at least, one of some 3’ in height). creatures that share their aquatic habitat.
Though they typically eschew the company of wererats and their less intelligent
cousins, thinking themselves belonging to a wholly superior class of Combat: Muckdwellers attack with their tiny jaws. In addition, each is able to
personage, they will occasionally lower themselves to consort with such squirt a jet of muddy water at an enemy’s eyes. This attack has a range of 10’;
creatures, as long as their superior status is acknowledged and their demands those struck must make a saving throw vs. wands. Failure indicates they are
for plush and luxurious quarters are met. They are found in any clime other blinded; they lose any action they might otherwise have had in the round, and
than desert or arctic. all attacks against them are made with a +2 bonus “to hit” and with no
dexterity bonus for the victim’s armor class. The other members of the swarm
All pride themselves on their literacy. They also consider themselves excellent will attack such blinded victims with their multitude of bites.
card players and have been known to while away hours in contests of plaques
and the like with enemies whilst engaging in urbane conversation, as they Appearance: Muckdwellers are tiny bipedal dinosaurs with fans running from
consider such to be a more “gentlemanly” way to deal with their foes. They the back of their skull down to the base of their tail, gray-brown in color with


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


a dull yellow stomach. Their feet are webbed and their forelimbs are tiny like chipping off enough mud to restore 10’/min. movement. Of course, while this
those of a tyranosaur. is going on, more mud-men may attack.

Mud-Man Mud-men can be affected by direct magical attacks (magic missile, flame
strike, etc.), but if such attacks are directed against a pool before the individual
Number 2d6 mud-men have formed themselves into their humanoid shapes, the damage is
Morale +3 divided evenly between them all, as their muddy substance is evenly distributed
Hit Dice 2d8 on the bottom of the pool. The spells dispel magic and dig each act on mud-
Armor Class 10 men as if a fireball spell were cast upon them. Transmute rock to mud will slay
Move 30’/min. all mud-men within its area of effect, with no saving throw. They are immune
Magic Resistance Standard to poison and all mind-affecting spells.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage None Appearance: Mud-men have two forms: either undifferentiated mud at the
Defenses Immune to certain spells bottom of their pool, or a roughly humanoid shape with at best two arms and
Attacks Mud, suffocation the vague intimation of a face.
Weaknesses Dispel magic, dig
Size S (4’) Mule
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Number 1
Treasure Type None Morale -1
Treasure Value n/a Hit Dice 3d8
Magical Treasure None Armor Class 7
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d2/1d6
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 0

General: Mules are hybrids of horses and donkeys. They are sterile. They are
very agile, and can be brought into very difficult terrain such as hills,
mountains, and dungeons. They are, however, stubborn creatures and are
General: Mud-men are created by magical waters pooling and forming muddy
known to bite or kick their handler if they are in a contrarian mood. Fire does
deposits. Even the slightest enchantment can create a mud-man pool given
not frighten them, but strange smells or sudden noises may cause them to either
enough time (for instance, a stream that flowed over an enchanted statue,
bolt or bray (which could attract unwanted attention). The amount they carry
slowly eroding it). Mud-men can only sense creatures who physically enter their
will determine their speed:
pool, and are themselves incapable of moving beyond the limits of their pool.
Once a creature enters their pool, any mud-men within will form themselves up
Load Speed
into their vaguely humanoid shape in one round and then attack, for they are
motivated solely by jealous hatred of all creatures more mobile than 0-200 lbs. 120’/min.
themselves. If their pool becomes devoid of living and mobile creatures, they 201-400 lbs. 90’/min.
will sink back into it, losing their humanoid form until roused to anger once 401-600 lbs. 60’/min.
They cannot carry more than 600 lbs.
Combat: Mud-men attack by hurling globs of mud at enemies, with a range of
60’. When doing so, their targets are treated as AC 10 (DEX bonuses to armor Combat: Mules attack with a bite and kick. They can only kick creatures to
class still apply). For each glob that hits, the target’s movement rate is lowered their rear.
by 10’/min. When a mud-man gets within 10’ of an enemy, it will hurl its
entire body at them, slaying themselves if they hit, but dropping the enemy’s Appearance: Mules look like smallish horses with longer ears.
movement rate down a full 40’/min. If the mud-man misses, it must spend the
next round re-forming its body.

Once a victim is reduced to zero movement, it is completely immobile and will

begin to suffocate, taking 1d8 h.p. of damage per round, and ultimately dying
in 5 rounds unless aid is forthcoming. A comrade can spend a round clearing
the mouth and nose, allowing the victim to breathe, and can spend 5 rounds


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Mummy

Mummy • Victim loses 2 points of charisma per month, permanently

• Cure spells and healing potions will not work on the victim
• Victim heals wounds at only 1/10th of the normal rate
Mummy Mummy Lord
Number 2d4 1
The disease can be cured only by a cure disease spell, but charisma losses
Morale +4 +8
will not be restored. Those whom the disease kills can only be raised from the
Hit Dice 6d10 16d10
dead if both a cure disease and a raise dead spell are cast within 1 hour of
Armor Class 3 -1
Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
The sight of a mummy will cause all creatures within 60’ to be paralyzed with
No. of Attacks 1 1
fear and revulsion for 1d4 rounds unless they make a saving throw vs. magic.
Damage 1d12 1d12
If there are more than 6 creatures so potentially affected, each gets a bonus of
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to +2 (or better) weapon to
+1 to its saving throw.
harm, half damage, harm, half damage,
immune to sleep, charm, immune to sleep, charm,
Mummies are not harmed by mundane weapons, and even magical weapons
hold, poison, paralyzation hold, poison, paralyzation,
will only do half damage (round down). As undead, they are immune to magic
and non-magical fire
such as sleep, charm, hold, etc. The spell raise dead will work on the mummy,
Attacks Revulsion, mummy rot Revulsion, mummy rot,
restoring it to genuine life if it fails its saving throw vs. magic (being reborn as
a 7th level fighter).
Weaknesses Fire, holy water Holy water
Size M M
Mummies are susceptible to fire due to their desiccated form. An ordinary torch
Intelligence 6 6
will inflict 1d3 h.p. if it hits. Burning oil will cause 1d8 h.p. on the first round
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
and 2d8 on the second. Magical flame will inflict 1 additional point of damage
Treasure Type VIII VIII
per attack. Holy water will cause 2d4 h.p. of damage.
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 5d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) 1d6 items (35%)
Apeparance: Mummies are desiccated humans, covered in bandages and
X.P. Value 750 + 8/h.p. 9,000 + 25/h.p.
rotting funeral shrouds.
Turn as Type VIII XIII

Mummy Lord: Mummy lords are powerful spellcasters who are cursed to
protect a particular place, person, etc. They are often set in their position as a
punishment, and placed in a tomb that is not intended to ever be opened. In
addition to the regular abilities of mummies, they function in all ways as if they
were 16th level clerics, including spells and the ability to turn undead. Because
of this power, they will usually be in command of any other undead in their
particular location. They are only affected by magical fire; mundane fire does
them no harm.

Mushroom Man

Number 1d12 (2d10x20 in lair)

Morale +6
Hit Dice 1d8 - 6d8
Armor Class 10
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage See below
Defenses Poison
Attacks Spores
Weaknesses Sunlight
Size S-L
Intelligence 9
Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type None
General: Mummies are corporeal undead creatures, almost always found in Treasure Value n/a
their burial chambers or ruins nearby. They possess a direct connection to the Magical Treasure 4d4 potions (40%)
X.P. Value See below
negative plane, which instills in them a dark energy.

Combat: Mummies attack with their fists. The touch of a mummy will also infect
General: Mushroom men, sometimes called agaricoids, are found exclusively
the target with the dreaded mummy rot disease. This wasting affliction will be
fatal in 1d6 months. During that time however, it also has the following effects: in deep and dark places where they need fear no sunlight, which is intensely
painful to them. There are neither plant nor animal, and thus certain spells
specific to such creatures (hold animal, charm plants, etc.) will not affect them
unless the spell descriptions explicitly state otherwise. Their mental processes
and psychology are completely alien to that of any animal, and vice versa --


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


each sees the other as vile, disgusting, and baffling, and thus there is no love Animate spores are used by the king to bring the corpse of some animal
lost in either direction. creature to a shambling semblance of life. A likely corpse sprayed with spores
will rise to life covered by purple fungus after 1d4 days. It will finally decay
When encountered randomly, 1d12 individuals will be found. If a mushroom into a heap of corruption 1d4+1 weeks later. In the intervening time, however,
man community is discovered, it will contain up to 200 of the creatures, plus the “animate” will behave like a zombie in all respects (see p. 251), save that
one king. Their society is based on “circles” of precisely 20 individuals, with it is not actually undead and cannot be turned, disrupted, etc. The creature will
each circle having 4 individuals of each hit die type. Circles are the basic do 1d3/1d3 h.p. of damage if it hits.
social unit of mushroom man society, and members spend an entire third of
their time in a telepathic gestalt, during which they are oblivious to all around Combat: Mushroom men attack with their spongy fists, but will also use their
them. Only a release of distress spores (see below) can pull a circle out of such spores in combat to maximum effect. As a rule, they eschew violence
a gestalt, and woe betide the animal-creature that forces them to do so! themselves, and will use the animates of the king for combat unless direly
threatened. Any potions they have will have been brewed by the king and will
A community will also have a 6d8 HD king, who sits above the regular social be actively used in defense against enemies. Sunlight causes them pain and
order of the circles, guides the circles, brews potions from rare spores, and they will avoid it. The skin of a mushroom man, other than its hands, is covered
keeps informed about doings outside the community that might impact the with a poison slime; any creature touching it must make a saving throw vs.
mushroom men. When the king dies, the strongest 5d8 HD mushroom man will poison or take 1d4 h.p. of damage.
become the next king, but this is seen as a pitiable role, as it removes him from
the comforting life of the circles and the gestalt forever. Appearance: Mushroom men look like walking mushrooms, with spongy
bodies, club-like legs and arms, and three-fingered hands. They vary in size
As they grow in size, they also grow in capabilities (the ability to emit certain depending on their hit dice, but all have the characteristic stipe and pileus
types of spores is cumulative, and each may be emitted a number of times per (stalk and cap) associated with mushrooms. They can be of almost any hue or
day equal to the hit dice of the individual mushroom man): combination of colors. They do not speak, but only communicate with other
creatures through the use of the rapport spores, as noted above.
Hit Dice Damage Spores Size X.P. Value
1d8 1d4 Distress S (2’) 14 + 1/h.p. Naga
2d8 2d4 Reproduction S (4’) 28 + 2/h.p.
3d8 3d4 Rapport M (6’) 50 + 3/h.p. Nagas are snake-like creatures with magical abilities. They are found in warm
4d8 4d4 Pacify L (8’) 150 + 4/h.p. regions (a third type of naga, the water naga, is described on p. 274).
5d8 5d4 Hallucinate L (10’) 205 + 5/h.p.
6d8 (king) 6d4 Animate L (12’) 425 + 6/h.p. Guardian Naga

Distress spores will spread out 40’ per round to a maximum radius of 120’. Number 1d2
They are used to signal danger to others or distress on the part of the one Morale +7
sending them forth. Hit Dice 11d12
Armor Class 3
Reproduction spores are used to replace slain mushroom men to bring the Move 150’/min.
circle back up to a perfect 20 individuals. They are emitted automatically when Magic Resistance Standard
one dies, but can be emitted at other times (such as when the king decides a No. of Attacks 2
new circle is needed for the well-being of the community at large). Damage 1d6/2d4
Defenses None
Rapport spores are used to generate the telepathic gestalt, but are also used Attacks Spells, poison
to enable non-agaricoids to enter into the gestalt and communicate Weaknesses None
telepathically with the circle. They have a range of 10’, and any creature Size L (20’ long)
exposed to them must make a saving throw vs. poison (the throw may be Intelligence 16
deliberately failed, if desired). Failure indicates the creature has entered the Alignment Lawful good
gestalt and can communicate with the circle for 10 minutes per hit dice of the Treasure Type VII
mushroom man that emitted the spores. Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%)
Pacify spores are used against a single creature within 20’ of the mushroom X.P. Value 3,550 + 16/h.p.
man. If the target fails a saving throw vs. poison, it will become instantly
pacified and won’t even respond to attacks against it. The effect lasts for 10 General: As the name indicates, guardian nagas are often found as guardians
minutes per hit dice of the emitter. of some treasure, or warding some great evil. They are the equivalent of 6th
level clerics, and are able to cast spells accordingly (no material components
Hallucinate spores are used to enter the telepathic gestalt, but can also be used or gestures are required).
against enemies. Any single creature within 20’ can be targeted, who must
then make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates they are beset by violent Combat: Guardian nagas have both a poisonous bite and the ability to
and bizarre hallucinations for 10 minutes per hit dice of the emitter. The constrict enemies in their coils. If bitten, a victim must make a saving throw vs.
reaction of each affected creature should be determined randomly: poison or die. The naga can also spit its poison up to 30’ in lieu of biting.

Die Roll (d20) Reaction Appearance: Guardian nagas have the bodies of great serpents and a human-
1-10 Curl into a fetal position, whimpering like head with golden eyes. Their scales are green-gold with silver designs
11-15 Stare blankly into space along the back. They speak the shared language of all nagas, as well as the
16-18 Run in blind panic, screaming, in a random direction common tongue and that of shedus.
19-20 Attack the closest creature with deadly force


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Necrophidius


Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 2
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d8
Defenses See below
Attacks Dance of death, enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 118 + 2/h.p.
Spirit Naga

Number 1d3
Morale +6
Hit Dice 9d12
Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3
Defenses None
Attacks Spells, poison, charm
Weaknesses None
Size L (15’ long)
Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 2 items
X.P. Value 2,700 + 14/h.p.

General: Spirit nagas are maleficent creatures

that dwell in ruins and deserted wildernesses.

Combat: Spirit nagas attack with a poisonous

bite; anyone bitten must make a saving throw General: The necrophidius is a magical creation that is created for a single
vs. poison or be killed. In addition, the gaze specific purpose (such as to guard a person or object, kill a specific person,
of a spirit naga will permanently charm etc.). Once that purpose is fulfilled the necrophidius becomes inactive and
anyone who meets it, unless he makes a inert. Despite its appearance, it is not an undead creature and cannot be
saving throw vs. paralyzation. Spirit nagas turned by clerics.
also have the powers of a 5th level mage
and a 4th level cleric (spells do not require The necrophidius can be created in one of three ways. First, certain tomes exist
spell books, material components, or gestures). which allow the possessor to create such a creature. Second, a mage of at
least 14th level must cast the spells charm person, geis, and limited wish on a
Appearance: Spirit nagas have the construct. Or, third, a cleric of at least 11th level must cast the spells neutralize
bodies of great serpents with poison, prayer, silence, snake charm, and quest on a construct. A construct
human heads. Their serpent itself costs 500 g.p. per hit point, and requires the complete skeleton of a giant
parts have black scales with snake, the skull of a murderer (dead not more than 24 hours), and 10 days to
red bands. They speak the create.
shared language of all nagas,
as well as the common tongue. Combat: The necrophidius attacks with its bite. Victims struck by the bite must
make a saving throw vs. magic or be paralyzed for 1d4x10 minutes. Note
that this is not a poison, but a magical, attack. The creature is immune to
poison, sleep, charm, and other mind-affecting magic. It is able to move with
complete silence, thus causing enemies to have a -2 penalty on their surprise


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


rolls. If an enemy is surprised, the creature is able to begin its “dance of death”, Numblin
which is a hypnotic swaying that will cause those looking upon it to make a
saving throw vs. magic. Failure indicates the victim is held in a hypnotic trance, Number 1d4
allowing the necrophidius to strike and hit automatically. Morale -2
Hit Dice 1d4
Appearance: The necrophidius looks like the skeleton of a giant snake with a Armor Class 2
fanged human skull. The eyes glow with a preternatural light. Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard
Nine Life Cat No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d2
“Parent” “Child” Defenses None
Number 1 9 Attacks Drain blood
Morale +5 Special - see below Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 9d8 2d8 (but see below re: HP) Size S (6”)
Armor Class 5 6 Intelligence 9
Move 90’/min. 120’/min. Alignment Chaotic evil
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Treasure Type 1d3 gems
No. of Attacks 1 1 Treasure Value Special
Damage 2d10 1d8 Magical Treasure None
Defenses Regeneration Reassociation X.P. Value 30 + 1/h.p.
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size L L
Intelligence 6 6
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 1,400 + 12/h.p. 1/9th the value of the parent

General: Nine life cats are carnivores found both in warm grasslands and in
extensive underground caverns. They have infravision with 90’ range. They
are able to split themselves into 9 identical “children”; there is a 90% chance
that the nine life cat will do so prior to the beginning of combat, and a 100%
chance that it will do so after 1 or 2 rounds; when this happens the parent
loses one of its hit dice for every child that remains disassociated (the total hit General: Numblins are usually found underground in middens and other heaps
points of the parent are split as evenly as possible amongst the children). The of offal and refuse. They will generally remain hidden, but if disturbed by light
children are able to stay in telepathic contact with one another, and will or sound they will attempt to sneak up and attack. Elves can detect these
coordinate their attacks, often using perfect wide encircling maneuvers. creatures 17% of the time, while most other creatures have a 13% chance of
Reassociating is instant, much like the movement of a blink dog (see p. 20), detecting them.
and the children can still attack and then reassociate at the very end of a
round. Combat: Numblins will only attack if they are undetected. They do so with their
Combat: Nine life cats strike with their long tails, which they arc over their bite, which also has an anesthetic property allowing them to attack, latch on,
heads to strike at opponents. If a child is wounded, there is a 25% chance per and begin to drink the blood of the victim unnoticed. After the initial attack,
round that it will reassociate with the parent creature. Reassociation can only they will each drain 1 h.p. of blood per round, for a maximum of 10 rounds.
happen when the children are within 50’ of the parent. When all of the If the numblin remains on a victim for 4 rounds, the victim will lose 1 point of
children are reassociated, the parent can regenerate 9 h.p. per round. If a constitution. If it remains for 8 rounds, 2 points of constitution will be lost. The
child is slain, it will instantly reassociate with the parent, but that hit die will be lost points of constitution will be regained in as many days as the numblin has
forever lost. drained hit points. Example: A numblin is on a victim for 8 rounds before it is
discovered and driven off. The victim will lose 2 points of CON for 8 days.
Appearance: Nine life cats look like large black panthers. The children are no
smaller than the parent. Their pelts can be worth up to 1,500 g.p. Appearance: Numblins are tiny humanoids with bat-like wings and a mouthful
of needle-sharp teeth. They are stone gray in color. They speak their own


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ogre

Combat: Ogres attack with either
their massive fists or weapons (any
Warrior Leader Chieftain
sort of weapon is possible:
Number 2d10 See below 1
clubs, maces, swords, etc.).
Morale +4 +5 +6
When using weapons,
Hit Dice 4d10 7d10 7d12
ogres get a bonus of +2 to
Armor Class 5 3 4
damage, and leaders
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
and chieftains get a
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
bonus of +1 “to hit”.
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage 1d10 (or per 1d10 (or per 1d10 (or per
Appearance: Ogres
weapon type +2) weapon type +2) weapon type +2)
are large
Defenses None None None
Attacks None +1 “to hit” with +1 “to hit” with
weapon weapon
with skin of
Weaknesses None None None
dull yellow
Size L (9’) L (9’) L (9’)
to dark
Intelligence 6 6 6
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XII XII III
Treasure Value 1d8x10 1d8x10 1d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure None None 1 armor /
weapon (10%)
with warty bumps that
X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p. 225 + 8/h.p. 375 + 10/h.p.
are darker than the rest
of the skin. They wear
Female Young Shaman
poorly-tanned hides, but
Number 2d6 4d10x10 2d10
their weapons are well
Morale +4 -1 +4
cared-for. They speak
Hit Dice 4d6 1d6 4d10
their own language,
Armor Class 5 6 5
orcish, troll, and
Move 90’/min. 60’/min. 90’/min.
stone giant.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Spellcasters: Ogre shamans can rise as high as 3rd level.
Damage 2d4 (or per 1d6 (or by 1d10 (or per
weapon type) weapon) weapon type)
See also: merrow (p. 273).
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None Spells
Weaknesses None None None Ogre Mage
Size L (9’) S (4’) L (9’)
Intelligence 6 8 6 Ogre Mage Chief
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Number 1d6 1
Treasure Type XI None XI Morale +5 +6
Treasure Value 1d8x10 n/a 1d8x10 Hit Dice 5d10 9d10
Magical Treasure None None 2d4 potions Armor Class 4 4
(40%) Move 90’/min., 150’/min. 90’/min., 150’/min.
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p. (flying - good) (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
General: Ogres are large humanoid brutes that are found in nearly every No. of Attacks 1 1
climate and terrain. They are not-uncommonly found in the ranks of other Damage 1d12 1d12
humanoids such as orcs or gnolls, and are often found in the company of trolls, Defenses Regenerate Regenerate
and they are sometimes used as troops by powerful evil beings and characters. Attacks See below See below
When encountered in numbers, the following types will also be encountered: Weaknesses None None
Size L (10 ½’) L (10 ½’)
Number Additional Leaders Intelligence 8-16 8-16
11-15 1 leader Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
16-20 2 leaders, 1 chieftain Treasure Type V
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
In addition, in their lair there will be 2d6 females and 2d4 young. There is Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (35%)
also a 30% chance that 2d4 prisoners will be kept in the lair; these will be X.P. Value 900 + 6/h.p. 1,300 + 10/h.p.
kept as slaves 25% of the time, or as food 75%. Demi-humans are a favorite
meal of ogres, and so there is only a 10% chance that any slaves found will General: Ogre magi are a powerful offshoot of the ogre race, imbued with
include demi-humans among their ranks. The rest will be human or humanoid. magical powers. They make their lairs in remote locales, either underground
or in a fortification. In their lair, there will always be a chief and 2d6 prisoners,
Ogres can tunnel 150’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 100’ in soft rock, and who are kept as slaves (25%) and food (75%). Ogre magi are as fond of demi-
50’ in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


human flesh as their brutish cousins, and so there is but a 10% chance that Ogrillon
any given prisoner will be of those races, the rest being human or humanoid.
Number 1d4 (5d6 in lair)
Combat: Ogre magi attack with their fists. In addition, they have the following Morale +4
magical powers: Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 6
• Charm person once per day Move 120’/min.
• Darkness 10’ radius at will Magic Resistance Standard
• Fly (12 hours per day) No. of Attacks 2
• Gaseous form once per day Damage 1d6+1/1d6+1
• Invisibility at will Defenses None
• Polymorph self (only to a human, humanoid, demi-human, etc. form) Attacks None
• Ray of cold once per day (60’ long, 20’ wide at the base, does Weaknesses None
8d8 h.p. of damage, save for half damage) Size M
• Regenerate 1 h.p. per round Intelligence 6
• Sleep once per day Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type M,BS
Appearance: Ogre magi are large humanoids with a single large horn in the Treasure Value 1d8 (individuals), 1d4x1,000 (group)
middle of their foreheads and large tusk-like fangs. Their skin is either light Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 2d4 potions (40%) (both
blue, light green, or tan. Hair is dependent on their skin color: dark green, apply to group)
dark blue, or mustard yellow, respectively. Their nails are black, and they wear X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
brightly-printed clothing. They speak their own tongue, that of ordinary ogres,
and the common tongue. General: Ogrillons are orc-ogre half breeds. They are usually found in the
company of orcs.

Combat: Ogrillons strike with their fists. They do not use weapons. Ogrillons
are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold

Appearance: 90% of ogrillons look like burly orcs, and cannot be

distinguished from them, complete with pig-like heads. Their skin is brown-
green with a blue tint, but their snouts and ears are pink. Their hair is black or
dark brown. They tend to wear sickly bright colors associated with their tribe.
Some ogrillons (10%) look like small ogres, with skin of dull yellow to dark
brown. Their hides are covered with warty bumps that are darker than the rest
of the skin. They wear poorly-tanned hides. All ogrillons speak orcish (only).

See also: ogre (p. 170) and orc (p. 174).

Old Man Willow

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 12d12 - 19d12
Armor Class 2
Move 3’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 7-12
Damage 1d4 each
Defenses Regeneration
Attacks Sleep, digestion
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 5-12
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value See below

General: Old man willows are evil, sentient, and mobile plants that can be
found in most temperate and semi-tropical regions where water is plentiful.
They are capable of (slow) movement, and will slowly move about a woodland
in search of gnome, elf, or human victims. They are 90% indistinguishable


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Oliphant

from normal willow trees, usually with solid-looking limbs or safe-appearing Oliphant
hollows in their trunks, both of which features are used to entice victims to their
doom. Not even druids are able to detect a old man willow with greater
Domestic Wild (Adult) Wild (Young)
precision, but tree men can spot them instantly. The size of any given old man
Number 1 See below See below
willow should be determined randomly if it is not already known:
Morale +20 +15 +8
Hit Dice 10d12 8d10 4d10
Die roll Trunk Hit No. of Armor Class 4 4 4
(1d8) Dia. Dice INT Attacks X.P. Value Move 150’/min. 150’/min. 150’/min.
1 6’ 12d12 5 7 2,400 + 20/h.p. Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
2 6 ½’ 13d12 6 8 3,000 + 25/h.p. No. of Attacks 4 4 4
3 7’ 14d12 7 9 3,000 + 25/h.p. Damage 3d4/3d4/3d4/3 3d4/3d4/3d4/ 3d2/3d2/3d2/
4 7 ½’ 15d12 8 10 4,000 + 30/h.p. d4 3d4 3d2
5 8’ 16d12 9 10 4,000 + 30/h.p. Defenses None None None
6 8 ½’ 17d12 10 11 5,000 + 35/h.p. Attacks None None None
7 9’ 18d12 11 11 5,000 + 35/h.p. Weaknesses Fire Fire None
8 9 ½’ 19d12 12 12 5,000 + 35/h.p. Size L (18’ at shoulder) L (8’ at L (5’ at shoulder)
Combat: Old man willows attack with their many whip-like branches; the exact Intelligence 6 6 6
number of branches depends on the size of the willow itself (see above). They Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
have a range of 30’. Old man willows regenerate 1 h.p. every 10 minutes. Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
In addition, if any creature is within 20’ of the tree, the tree can engulf that Magical Treasure None None None
creature with a deep drowsiness causing natural sleep (no saving throw X.P. Value 1,800 + 18/h.p. 600 + 12/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p.
possible). Sleeping creatures will then be engulfed by a great hole in the
creature’s trunk in order to be digested; the hole closes tight thereafter. General: Oliphants are cousins of elephants, mammoths, and the like. They
Creatures asleep on the tree’s limbs can be similarly tumbled straight into the are highly aggressive, and the wild sort can be taken in and trained as engines
trunk. of war if found at a young enough age. They can then be decked out with
massive armor, fitted with howdahs carrying soldiers, etc. If fitted with armor,
Once in the trunk, creatures are attacked by the digestive acids within, taking their armor class will necessarily improve; how much depends on the nature of
1d4 h.p. of damage per round (death is automatic in 10 rounds regardless of the armor itself. They do not fear fire, but will avoid it if actively threatened by
hit points). Once a creature has reached -12 h.p., no raising or resurrection is it. For wild oliphants, roll to determine number and type:
possible. Creatures trapped within the trunk can only use weapons 3’ in length
or smaller, and only those which are edged or pointed will do any damage; Die Roll (d8) Number and Type
only 1 h.p. of damage is possible, plus any magical and/or strength damage 1 1 male adult
bonuses. 2 1 male, 1 female adult
3 1 male, 1 female adult, 1 calf (25%) or young (75%)
Appearance: Old man willows look like ordinary willow trees, usually with 4 1 male, 1 female adult, 2 calves (25%) or young (75%)
strong limbs and/or invitingly safe hollows. 5 1 male, 1 female adult, 3 calves (25%) or young (75%)
6 1 male, 1 female adult, 4 calves (25%) or young (75%)
7 1 male, 1 female adult, 5 calves (25%) or young (75%)
8 1 male, 1 female adult, 6 calves (25%) or young (75%)
Calves are non-combatants, and can be taken and trained as noted above.

Combat: Oliphants attack with their tusks and forelegs; up to 4 separate

medium-sized enemies, 2 large-sized, or 1 giant can be attacked separately
in a given round.

Appearance: Oliphants look like shaggy elephants, with small trunks and two
large tusks that arc downward towards the ground. The tusks will be worth
1d4x100 g.p. each, and weigh ¼ that (in pounds).

See also: elephant (p. 73), mammoth (p. 303), and mastodon (p. 304).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Ooze Red Ooze

Oozes, like their cousins the jellies, puddings, and slimes, are universally held Number 1d2
to be the unwanted and misbegotten byproducts of the experiments of wizards Morale n/a
and alchemists. The various elixirs, reagents, and other compounds and Hit Dice 5d10
substances poured down the drain interact with microbial and other primitive Armor Class 3
creatures to form these shapeless horrors. Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
See also: crystal ooze (p. 276). No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d12 plus 1d12 heat damage
Gray Ooze Defenses Healed by magical fire
Attacks Heat
Number 1d3 Weaknesses Cold
Morale n/a Size M to L
Hit Dice 3d10 Intelligence 1
Armor Class 8 Alignment Neutral
Move 10’/min. Treasure Type None
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value n/a
No. of Attacks 1 Magical Treasure None
Damage 2d8 X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p.
Defenses Immune to spells, cold, and heat
Attacks Corosive secretions General: Red oozes are generally found deep in the upper mantle far beneath
Weaknesses Electricity the surface of the earth, but they are sometimes brought to the surface by
Size M to L volcanoes, lava floes, and the like. They are creatures of intense heat whose
Intelligence 1 cherry-red incandescence gives them their name.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Combat: Red oozes attack by shooting globules of their substance at enemies.
Treasure Value n/a These small spheres inflict some damage by sheer force of impact, but also
Magical Treasure None inflict additional damage because of their intense heat. Creatures immune to
X.P. Value 200 + 5/h.p. heat and fire only take 1d12 h.p. of damage.

General: Gray oozes are unnatural horrors that inhabit underground environs. Any creature within 10’ of a red ooze will automatically take 1d4 h.p. of heat
damage from the intense heat radiating from the creature. Red oozes
Combat: Gray oozes strike by forming snake-like pseudopods with their themselves are healed by any sort of magical fire damage (such as a fireball),
bodies. Their secretions will eat through metal swiftly (mail in but a single but can never attain more than the number of hit points with which they began
round), but will not harm stone or wood. They are immune to spells, cold, and the battle. Magical cold does double damage, and if more than 20 h.p. of
heat. They are susceptible to electrical attacks, however, as well as normal cold damage are inflicted in a single round, acts as a slow spell for one round.
weapons (the latter, however, will be corroded by the ooze’s secretions).
Appearance: A red ooze looks and acts like a coherent pool of lava, and can
Appearance: Gray oozes are amorphous, being able to flow through small often be found in pools and rivers of molten rock, waiting to ambush prey. In
spaces as small as 8” high. Those over 18 h.p. are some 3’x8’ in size, while such surroundings they are undetectable except by creatures native to the
those over 21 h.p. are fully 12’ long. All are no more than 8” thick. Gray elemental plane of fire.
oozes are often mistaken for wet stone.
Quicksilver Ooze

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 7d8
Armor Class 0
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses See below
Attacks Suffocation
Weaknesses Electricity
Size M
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 400 + 8/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ophidian

General: The quicksilver ooze is quite feared for its great speed and deadly
manner. It most often lurks unseen in crevices and hidey-holes, then strikes
without warning when a suitable victim passes by.

Combat: Quicksilver oozes do not attack conventionally. Rather, if they score

a successful roll “to hit”, they envelop the victim in a thin and flexible, but
impermeable, shell. Cut off from sight, sound, and above all, air, the victim
will asphyxiate in 1d4+1 minutes unless the ooze is driven off. Note that armor
itself provides no protection against the attack of a quicksilver ooze, but any
magical bonuses for armor, dexterity bonuses, rings of protection, etc. do
count towards the target’s AC. Bracers of defense, cloaks of protection, and
shields (magical or not) are not counted.

Quicksilver oozes get a -3 bonus to initiative due to their great speed.

Quicksilver oozes are vulnerable only to electrical attacks, but any creature
enveloped by the ooze will suffer 50% of the electrical damage inflicted upon
the creature. Attacks by sharp or pointed weapons have no effect, but blunt
weapons will inflict 1d6 h.p. on an enveloped victim, but no damage upon the
ooze itself.

Appearance: Quicksilver oozes look like pools of living mercury. They flow
and strike with an unnatural speed. Opinicus

Ophidian Number 1d2

Morale +8
Number 3d4 Hit Dice 7d10
Morale +4 Armor Class -2
Hit Dice 3d8 Move 210’/min., 300’/min. (flying - good)
Armor Class 5 (possibly better - see below) Magic Resistance E
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (swimming) No. of Attacks 4
Magic Resistance Standard Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d6
No. of Attacks 2 Defenses +6 to surprise rolls, magic use
Damage Per weapon type / 1d3 Attacks Enemies get -2 or -4 to surprise rolls, magic use
Defenses None Weaknesses None
Attacks Venom Size M
Weaknesses None Intelligence 12-16
Size M Alignment Chaotic good
Intelligence 6-12 Treasure Type VII
Alignment Chaotic evil Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
Treasure Type None Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
Treasure Value n/a X.P. Value 2,300 + 12/h.p.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. General: Opinicuses dwell in arid places, usually in ruins, and are known both
for being defenders of good and for their humorous, teasing good nature. To
General: Ophidians are snake-men, usually encountered as servitors for more say they are not fond of evil creatures is an understatement.
powerful reptilian masters such as spirit nagas, serpent men, and the like. They
favor warm climates. Their arms allow them to use enchanted weapons, Combat: Opinicuses attack with their foreclaws and rear claws. They function
shields, and wondrous items which might otherwise be unusable by their as 7th level clerics (including the ability to turn undead), and have the following
serpentine masters. powers in addition:

Combat: Ophidians attack with a weapon (usually a scimitar, but any weapon • Become astral or ethereal once per round
is possible) and a venomous bite. Any human, demi-human, or humanoid • Sun sparkles once every 10 minutes (a 5’ x 10’ x 20’ cone; any
creature bitten by an ophidian must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure creature from the lower planes caught in it will take 2d8 h.p. of
indicates the victim will, after 1d4+1 days onset, slowly transmogrophy into damage; if it makes a saving throw vs. spells it takes half
an ophidian itself; the process takes 1d8+8 days after onset. Only a heal spell, damage)
limited wish, etc., can reverse the process. After the onset, the creature will still • Psychic strike 10 times per day
retain its memories, but will feel an overwhelming desire to find other ophidians • Heal 3 times per day
and eventually congregate with them. • Dimension door twice per day
• Holy word once per day
Appearance: Ophidians look like thick snakes rearing upright with human-like
arms ending in four-fingered hands. They can be nearly any color an ordinary Opinicuses get a +6 bonus to their surprise rolls and enemies get a -4 penalty
snake can be: black, green, blue-green, brown, or some combination thereof. to theirs when in the opinicus’s home territory, and a -2 penalty in other locales.
They speak their own language as well as that of serpent men.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Opinicuses have the body of a lion, the wings of a great eagle, Shaman /
the head of a monkey, and the short tail of a camel. They can use their front Bodyguard Chief Witch Doctor
claws as hands, picking up and manipulating objects. They speak the common Number See below See below 1
tongue. Morale +4 +4 +2
Hit Dice 3d10 3d10 1d8
Armor Class 4 4 6
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage Per weapon +1 Per weapon +1 Per weapon
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None Spells
Weaknesses Sunlight Sunlight Sunlight
Size M M M
Intelligence 8 8 8
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
Treasure Type XII III XI
Treasure Value 1d6 6d6x100 1d6
Magical Treasure None 2 items (10%) 2d4 potions
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p. 45 + 1/h.p.

General: Orcs are vicious humanoids that are found in most climes and
terrains. For every 30 orcs encountered, there will be 4 sergeants. If 150 or
more are encountered, there will be 3d6+1 captains. In the orc lair will be the
chief and 5d6 bodyguards, as well as non-combatant females equal to the
Warrior Sergeant Captain
number of warriors, and young equal to half that number. Note that orcs are
Number 30d10 See below See below
able to interbreed with many races, and orc-human halfbreeds (commonly
Morale +1 +2 +3
referred to as “half-orcs”) are not uncommon. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND
Hit Dice 1d8 1d8 (8 h.p.) 2d10
DEEP™ Players Manual for details on player-character half-orcs.
Armor Class 6 6 4
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
They make their lairs in underground caves or other such places 75% of the
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
time; otherwise they will be found in a fortified village with 1d4 watch towers
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
and a gate. Orc lairs are 50% likely to have 1d4+1 ogres there as well, as
Damage Per weapon Per weapon Per weapon +1
guards (see p. 170), in addition to being 75% likely to have 1d10 baboons
Defenses None None None
as pets/guards (see p. 163).
Attacks None None None
Weaknesses Sunlght Sunlight Sunlight
Orcs can tunnel 85’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 65’ in soft rock, and 30’
Size M M M
in hard rock.
Intelligence 8 8 8
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
Orcs can tunnel 85’ per 8-hour shift in very soft rock, 65’ in soft rock, and 30’
Treasure Type XII XII XII
in hard rock. This assumes a shaft 10’ wide.
Treasure Value 1d6 1d6 1d6
Magical Treasure None None None
Orcs are organized into tribes, and different tribes are 75% likely to fight one
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p.
another unless a strong leader is present. They are neutral towards gnolls and
hobgoblins, but will tend to bully and harass goblins if given the opportunity,
though they otherwise don’t harbor any particular antipathy towards goblins.
They actively dislike bugbears and will look for a chance to desert if put under
bugbear command.

Combat: Orcs attack with weapons. They suffer a -1 penalty “to hit” in sunlight
due to their dislike of brightness. The weapon of any given orc should be
determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Ostrich

Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition Otyugh

01-10 Battleaxe 10%
11-20 Battleaxe & longbow 10% Neo-otyugh Otyugh
21-30 Battleaxe & light crossbow 10% Number 1 1 (90%) 2 (10%)
31-35 Battleaxe & lucern hammer 5% Morale +4 +4
36-45 Battleaxe & spear 10% Hit Dice 9d10 - 12d10 6d10 - 8d10
46-50 Battleaxe & voulge-guisarme 5% Armor Class 0 3
51-55 Long sword & battleaxe 5% Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
56-60 Long sword & flail 5% Magic Resistance Standard Standard
61-70 Long sword & spear 10% No. of Attacks 3 3
71-80 Lucern hammer 10% Damage 2d6/2d6/1d3 1d8/1d8/1d4+1
81-90 Spear 10% Defenses Never surprised Never surprised
91-00 Voulge-guisarme 10% Attacks Disease Disease
Weaknesses None None
Note that sergeants, captains, and chiefs will have two weapons each. Size L (3’ tall, 7-8’ wide) M-L (3’ tall, 4-6’ wide)
Intelligence 11 8
Orcs are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and Alignment Neutral Neutral
hold person. Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Appearance: Orcs are humanoid in appearance, with pig-like heads. Their Magical Treasure None None
skin is brown-green with a blue tint, but their snouts and ears are pink. Their X.P. Value See below See below
hair is black or dark brown. They tend to wear sickly bright colors associated
with their tribe. They speak their own language as well as those of hobgoblins,
goblins, and ogres.

Spellcasters: Orc shamans can become 5th level. Orc witch doctors can rise
as high as 4th level.

See also: lorn (p. 149) and ogrillon (p.171).


Number 2d10
Morale -3
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 7
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 or 2d4 (see below)
Defenses None General: Otyughs are subterranean scavengers, living on offal and the detrius
Attacks None of other creatures, although they do not eschew fresh meat when they can get
Weaknesses None it. Often, they will live in deliberate symbiosis with another creature or family
Size L (9’) of creatures, sometimes being used by the latter as guardians, although they
Intelligence 1 are rarely found in city sewers, which are to them a rich and rare buffet of
Alignment Neutral muck. They typically dwell in the muck and mire of a midden or offal heap.
Treasure Type None Neo-otyughs are more aggressive than their ordinary cousins. The size of the
Treasure Value n/a otyugh should be determined randomly:
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. Die Neo-otyugh Otyugh
Roll Hit Hit
General: Ostriches are a type of flightless bird, related to such species as the (d4) Dice Width X.P. Dice Width X.P.
emu and rhea. They tend to live in warm climates in open grassy terrain. They 1 9d10 7’ 1,100 + 14/h.p. 6d10 4’ 325 + 8/h.p.
are not aggressive unless cornered. 2 10d10 7’ 1,100 + 14/h.p. 7d10 5’ 475 + 10/h.p.
3 11d10 8’ 1,500 + 16/h.p. 8d10 5’ 700 + 12/h.p.
Combat: Ostriches will either peck (50%) or kick (50%) enemies, but only if 4 12d10 8’ 1,500 + 16/h.p. 8d10 6’ 700 + 12/h.p.
there if no other recourse.
Otyughs and neo-otyughs which are 4-5’ wide are M sized and those which
Appearance: Ostriches have large bulbous bodies covered in feathers, are 6-8’ wide are L sized. An otyugh is never surprised, as its sensory organs
muscular legs, and long featherless necks. They tend to be black with white are invariably thrust up above the pile of offal and carrion in which it dwells.
Combat: Otyughs strike with their two horned tentacles and bite with their
enormous toothy maws. If a victim is bitten, there is a 90% chance that he will
be infected with a disease (determine randomly).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: The otyugh looks like a giant lump of excrement, with three legs,
an enormous mouth filled with teeth, and three tentacles. One of the tentacles General: Giant owls dwell only in areas far removed from civilization. They
contains the creature’s sensory organs: a trio of eyes placed atop one another, hunt nocturnally. In their lair, there is a 20% chance that there will be 1d3
as well as hearing organs. The other two tentacles are covered with spines eggs (25% chance) or 1d3 hatchlings (75% chance). The eggs are worth
and end in large fleshy pads with sharp spikes, which are used to bludgeon 1,000 g.p., and hatchlings 2,000 g.p., if returned to civilization and sold.
prey. They speak their own language and have a sort of semi-telepathy,
through which they are able to make arrangements with other types of Combat: Giant owls attack with their two claws and their beak. They are able
creatures for mutual protection, nourishment, and the like. to fly silently, thus victims get a penalty of -4 to their surprise rolls.

Owl Appearance: Giant owls are simply man-sized versions of their normal cousins.
They speak their own language.
Number 1d4
Morale ±0 Owlbear
Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 5 Adult Young
Move 10’/min., 240’/min. (flying - poor) Number 1d4+1 1d6
Magic Resistance Standard Morale n/a n/a
No. of Attacks 3 Hit Dice 5d10 2d10 - 4d10
Damage 1d2/1d2/1 Armor Class 5 5
Defenses +3 to surprise rolls Move 120’/min. 90’/min.
Attacks Plummet, enemies get +3 to surprise rolls Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Weaknesses None No. of Attacks 3 3
Size S Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6 See below
Intelligence 1 Defenses None None
Alignment Neutral Attacks Hug Hug
Treasure Type None Weaknesses None None
Treasure Value n/a Size L (8’) M
Magical Treasure None Intelligence 6 6
X.P. Value 30 + 1/h.p. Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type IV None
General: Owls are nocturnal hunters that are Treasure Value 4d6x100 n/a
found in most climates. Their senses are highly Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) None
acute, especially in darkness; treat as 240’ ultravision. X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p. See below
If an owl is a spellcaster’s familiar, it will grant him night
vision (equal to ultravision with 60’ range) and better than average hearing. General: Owlbears are surely not
natural creatures, being as they are
Combat: Owls attack with their two claws and beak. They can make a a nightmarish combination of bear
plummeting attack if they have 50’ or more to build up speed; doing so gives and giant owl.
them a +2 bonus “to hit” and double damage, but they cannot attack with their
beak in the same round. Enemies get a -4 penalty to surprise, and they
themselves get a +3 bonus to surprise rolls.

Appearance: There are many varieties of owl, with a wide variety of colors
and particulars. Generally speaking, they are squat birds with large eyes.

Owl, Giant
They inhabit dense and forlorn woodlands as well as underground lairs. They
Number 1d4+1 are always hungry, aggressive, and foul-tempered, and will always attack on
Morale +3 sight. When encountered in their lair, there will either be 1d6 eggs (20%
Hit Dice 4d8 chance) or 1d6 young (80% chance). The size of the young should be
Armor Class 6 determined randomly:
Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Damage X.P. Value
No. of Attacks 3 1-2 2d10 1d2/1d2/1d4 50 + 3/h.p.
Damage 2d4/2d4/1d4+1 3-4 3d10 1d3/1d3/2d3 85 + 4/h.p.
Defenses None 5-6 4d10 1d4/1d4/2d4 130 + 5/h.p.
Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None Owlbear eggs are worth 2,000 g.p. each, while 2 hit die owlbear young are
Size M worth 5,000 g.p. Older owlbears cannot be trained and thus are worthless to
Intelligence 12 traders.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XVII Combat: Owlbears attack with their two clawed paws and massive beak. They
Treasure Value 5d10x10 will invariably fight to the death. If either claw attack successfully hits a foe
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%) with a natural roll of 18 or better, they will hug the victim, inflicting an
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. additional 2d8 h.p. of damage. After that, the creature will hug the victim


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Panther

automatically each round until one or the other is killed. It can only hug one Pegasus
victim at a time.
Adult Foal
Appearance: The owlbear is truly a creature out of nightmares. They have
Number 1d10 See below
black, brown, or light brown fur on their bodies, and lighter-colored feathers
Morale +8 -1
around their owl-like heads. Their paws and claws are massive, and their eyes
Hit Dice 4d10 See below
are red and fearsome.
Armor Class 6 6
Move 240’/min., 480’/min. 120’/min., 240’/min.
Owlbear, Arctic (flying - average, poor (flying - clumsy)
when mounted)
Number 1 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Morale +7 No. of Attacks 3 3
Hit Dice 10d10 Damage 1d8/1d8/1d3 See below
Armor Class 5 Defenses None None
Move 120’/min., 90’/min. (swimming) Attacks None None
Magic Resistance Standard Weaknesses None None
No. of Attacks 3 Size L See below
Damage 1d12/1d12/2d6 Intelligence 9 9
Defenses Cold resistant Alignment Chaotic good Chaotic good
Attacks Hug Treasure Type None None
Weaknesses None Treasure Value n/a n/a
Size L (16’) Magical Treasure None None
Intelligence 5 X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p. See below
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type IV General: Pegasi
Treasure Value 5d6x100 dwell far away from
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (15%) civilization, as they
X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p. are skittish and
distrustful of other
General: The arctic owlbear is a particularly fierce cousin of the regular creatures. They are much
owlbear, the result of a crossing between a polar bear and a snow owl. They sought after as mounts; they will
are found in snowy arctic regions, but are known to migrate down to more only serve as such for good-
temperate climes during the winter before returning to their normal habitats. aligned characters, but once
They are even more aggressive than their cousins, and will attack on sight. they have accepted such
service, they will serve to the
The pelt of an arctic owlbear is worth 1d6x1,000 g.p. if undamaged. death. In their aerie, there is a
20% chance that there will be
Combat: Arctic owlbears attack with their two massive claws and beak. If either 1d3 eggs (30% likely)
either claw hits a victim with a natural roll of 18 or greater, the beast will hug or 1d2 foals.
the victim for an additional 2d10 h.p. of damage automatically per round until
either the owlbear or the victim is dead. Only one victim can be hugged per The size of the foals should be
round. determined randomly:

Arctic owlbears get a +2 bonus on all saving throws against cold-based

attacks, and take -2 h.p. of damage per damage die (if applicable). Arctic Die Roll (d4) Size Hit Dice Damage X.P. Value
owlbears will fight for 1d4 rounds after being brought to 0 or fewer hit points, 1 S 1d6 1d2/1d2/1 5 + 1/h.p.
but will drop immediately if brought to -12 h.p. or less. 2 M 1d8 1d3/1d4/1 10 + 1/h.p.
3 M 2d8 1d4/1d4/1d2 20 + 2/h.p.
Appearance: Arctic owlbears have the body of a massive white polar bear 4 M 2d10 1d6/1d6/1d3 35 + 3/h.p.
topped with the head of a huge white owl. The eyes are sparkling blue.
Eggs are worth 3,000 g.p., while foals are worth 5,000 g.p.
Combat: Pegasi attack with their fore hooves and bite. In mid-air, they will
See jaguar, p. 135. attack only with their hooves.

Appearance: Pegasi look like beautiful horses with the wings of eagles. Despite
popular myth that all pegasi are white, their coloration can be anything that
normal horses are known to have, with wings of matching or complimentary


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Peryton Pestie

Number 2d4 Number 1d8

Morale +2 Morale -10
Hit Dice 4d8 Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class 7 Armor Class -4
Move 120’/min., 210’/min. (flying - average) Move 210’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 0
Damage 4d4 Damage n/a
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm Defenses Hiding, speed
Attacks +2 bonus “to hit” Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M Size S (2 ½’)
Intelligence 9 Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic evil Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type IV Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 Treasure Value 1
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p.

General: Pesties are reclusive dungeon-dwellers that inhabit small passages

that parallel the regular corridors and chambers of many large dungeon
complexes. They are related to mites (see p. 160) and the two will sometimes
cooperate, with the pesties’ speed complimenting the mites’ trap-building skills.
They live to steal smallish treasures and other objects, and will use their high
speed and dexterity (each has a dexterity of 17) to swipe such objects from
General: Perytons are usually found in desolate rocky hills and mountains, and unsuspecting explorers. The entrances to their tunnels are extremely well
are thought not to be of natural origin. Although they need hearts (preferably hidden; if the area is being actively searched, there is a 25% chance of
human) in order to reproduce, they have been known to take prisoners, discovering them (33% for elves). Even so the tunnels themselves are very small,
keeping them until such time as they desire to mate. and only the smallest demi-humans would be able to enter.

Combat: Perytons attack with their razor-sharp antlers, receiving an automatic Combat: Pesties do not engage in combat. They will flee if forcibly confronted.
+2 bonus on all “to hit” rolls. After slaying a victim, the peryton will
immediately tear out its heart, after which it will fly away to mate. They can Appearance: Pesties are diminutive humanoids with brown skin, large pointed
only be harmed by magical weapons. ears, and gangly limbs. They have no language and seem able to simply work
by silent consensus on whatever project or plan is at hand.
Appearance: Perytons are weird in the extreme. They have the body of a great
dark green vulture and the head of a blue-black stag. The chest of the male is
blue, while that of the female is dun. They speak their own language.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Phantom

Phantom Phase Panther

Number 1 Number 1d4+1

Morale n/a Morale +4
Hit Dice n/a Hit Dice 6
Armor Class n/a Armor Class 4
Move 90’/min. Move 150’ /min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0 No. of Attacks 2
Damage n/a Damage 2d4/2d4
Defenses None Defenses Attackers -2 “to hit,” saves as 12th level fighter +2
Attacks Fear Attacks Constriction
Weaknesses Exorcism spell Weaknesses None
Size M Size L (6’ long)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 1
Alignment n/a Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 0 X.P. Value 475 + 8/h.p.

General: Phantoms are “psychic impressions” of the last moments of a

creature’s life prior to death. They are not properly classified as undead and
thus cannot be turned, although they are often mistaken for ghosts, banshees,
specters, etc. They are in and of themselves harmless, but can cause trouble
because of their fear-inspiring visage. Any character who beholds a phantom
must make a saving throw vs. spells with a -2 penalty. Failure indicates they
will flee in panic for 2d6 rounds, and may drop anything held in their hands:

Hit Dice/Level % of Dropping Held Item

1 60%
2 55%
3 50%
4 45%
5 40%
6 35%
7 30% General: The phase panther is a cat-like creature that uses special vibrations
8 25% to confuse opponents into thinking that it is several feet away from its actual
9 20% location. They are mortal enemies of blink dogs (see p. 20) and each will
10 15% attack the other on sight. Its tentacles are prehensile, allowing it to grasp
11 10% objects.
12 5%
13+ 0% Combat: The phase panther attacks with two tentacles which issue from its
shoulders. If a tentacle hits a small creature, it will wrap itself around the prey
Combat: Phantoms do not attack in a conventional sense and cannot and squeeze, doing damage on subsequent rounds without needing to roll to
themselves be harmed. An exorcism spell will dispel a phantom forever. hit. In addition, the phase panther’s vibratory powers mean that all attackers
get a -2 penalty “to hit” and that the creature itself makes saving throws as a
Appearance: Phantoms look like partially transluscent three-dimensional 12th level fighter, with a +2 bonus.
images of their own last few minutes prior to death. They endlessly repeat the
scene of their deaths. Appearance: The phase panther is a large black cat much like its ordinary
cousin, but has six legs and a pair of thick tentacles sprouting from its
shoulders. It is sleek and muscular.

Phase Spider

See spider, phase (p. 221).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Phonypod Pod Person

Number 1d10 Number 1 or 1d100

Morale n/a Morale +6
Hit Dice n/a Hit Dice As original
Armor Class 10 Armor Class As original
Move n/a Move As original
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance As original
No. of Attacks 0 No. of Attacks As original
Damage n/a Damage As original
Defenses None Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
Attacks Duplication Attacks See below
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size Large pea-pod size, or size of victim Size As original
Intelligence Unknown Intelligence 4 (individual), 25 (collectively)
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 0 X.P. Value See below

General: It is not known whence phonypods come. They could hail from some General: A pod person is the end result of the process of duplication initiated
alien world on the material plane, some weird plane of existence still undreamt- by a phonypod (see above). The pod person retains all of the memories of the
of by sages, or perhaps they are native to the world of men. What is known original victim, but is strangely devoid of normal emotion or feelings. Old
is that they are insidious and, if unchecked, can take over entire realms without interests will be ignored and loved ones avoided in favor of new friends with
anyone from the outside noticing. whom they have mysterious meetings. “Pod person” is something of a
misnomer, as they will duplicate and replace any sort of intelligent creature,
Phonypod seeds lie dormant in the ground, often for centuries, waiting until an from dragons to cthonoids.
intelligent creature falls asleep within a few feet. As soon as a seed senses a
sentient creature slumbering within range, it will sprout, growing in minutes to Once established in an area, the pod people will begin to replace influential
a length of 1’. A tendril will reach out from the pod and touch the intended individuals, eventually completely eradicating the original inhabitants and
victim; as soon as it does, it invades the nervous system and puts the victim in replacing them with their own. They will then move on to an adjacent area,
a deep sleep as it reads his memories. Thus does the duplication process and so on, until the entire world is filled with pod person duplicates or they
begin. are somehow wiped out.

Over the course of the next 1d6 hours, the pod will swiftly swell, growing Pod people are immune to mind-affecting magic of all sorts, including
slightly longer than the creature being duplicated. At the end of the gestation enchantment/charm spells, ESP, and the like. They are vulnerable to illusions,
period the pod will split open, revealing a perfect duplicate of the victim; this however. Anyone attempting to use ESP, telepathy, etc., on a pod person will
is a pod person. Typically, the duplicate’s first act is to kill the original, hide not only fail, but will also become stunned for 1d4 rounds.
the body, take his clothing and belongings, and assume his identity.
Combat: Pod people attack as their originals, but have no innate magical
Combat: Phonypods do not attack. They can be easily destroyed at a rate of attacks. Thus, a pod person sphere of many eyes would look just like a normal
one per round. While still in the phonypod, a pod person will also be so slain. sphere, but would lack any of the magical eye-beams of the original. Pod
person spellcasters are able to memorize spells as normal, but clerics and their
Appearance: Phonypods look like large pea-pods with a single curly tendril. sub-classes can only gain spells of 1st or 2nd level (their deities recognize them
The tendril creeps towards the victim as it sleeps, and the duplication process for what they are, and will refuse to grant them spells). Paladin and druid pod
begins when the tendril touches the victim. people will lose their magical abilities, but learned skills such as those
possessed by thieves and jesters are unaffected. Verbal patter of all sorts has
a penalty of 20% when practiced by a pod person.

Appearance: Pod people look just like their originals, but those who are very
tuned in to emotions will sense a certain emptiness inside them.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Phycomid

Phycomid Piercer

Number 1d4 Number 3d6

Morale n/a Morale n/a
Hit Dice 4d8 Hit Dice 1d8-4d8
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 3
Move 30’/min. Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+2/1d4+2 Damage See below
Defenses Resistant to fire Defenses None
Attacks Milk Attacks Enemies get -18 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size S (2’ diameter) Size S to M
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 280 + 5/h.p. X.P. Value See below

General: Phycomids are fungoid creatures capable of some movement, who

exist in dark underground environments.

Combat: Phycomids attack by hurling spherules of alkaline “milk” from tubules

General: Piercers inhabit large underground caves and caverns, hanging on
that are generated for that specific attack, and which then dissolve back into
the ceilings. When a warm-blooded creature passes beneath them, they loose
the mass of the thing, which then generates two new ones for the next attack.
themselves from the ceiling, impaling their prey and devouring it. Once sated,
In addition to the regular damage caused by the causticity of the milk, any
they begin their long slow climb back up to the ceiling. The size of each
creature hit must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates the victim
individual piercer should be determined randomly; those of different sizes will
will be infected with conidia carried by the milk; in 1d4+4 minutes the skin of
usually be found together:
the victim will erupt with capped fungi and slime, inflicting a one-time damage
of 1d4+4 h.p. After this occurs, the fungi will continue to sprout at an
Die Roll
impossible rate, slaying the victim in 1d4+4x10 minutes unless a cure disease
(d4) Size Hit Dice Damage X.P. Value
spell is cast upon him. The spell will rid the victim of the fungal growths, but
1 S 1d8 1d6 10 + 1/h.p.
not restore the lost hit points, which must be cured through other means.
2 S 2d8 2d6 20 + 2/h.p.
3 M 3d8 3d6 35 + 3/h.p.
Phycomids are immune to all mind-affecting spells (being, effectively,
4 M 4d8 4d6 60 + 4/h.p.
mindless), and make saving throws vs. fire-based attacks with a +4 bonus. Any
damage done will either be half of normal (if the save fails) or none at all (if
Combat: Piercers attack by dropping on victims from above, impaling them.
the save is successful).
Appearance: While hanging waiting for prey, piercers are nearly
Appearance: Phycomids are whitish piles of fibrous corruption which
indistinguishable from ordinary stalactites. Once on the ground and slowly
continuously sprout mushroom-like growths which almost instantly dissolve
moving back, a fleshy foot can be seen in the base, and an eye opens on the
back into the mass of the thing.
body to guide its movement.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Pixie • Cause confusion (permanent) by touch; saving throw vs. magic

Number 5d4 • Dancing lights once per day
Morale -2 • Dispel magic (as 8th level caster) once per day
Hit Dice 1d4 • ESP once per day
Armor Class 5 • Create a visual and auditory illusion once per day that does not
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (flying - good) require concentration
Magic Resistance E • Invisibility at will (pixies can attack while invisible)
No. of Attacks 1 • Irresistible dance (10% chance) once per day
Damage Per weapon type • Know alignment at will
Defenses See below • Polymorph self at will
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None Pixies are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and
Size S (2 ½’) hold person.
Intelligence 16
Alignment Neutral Appearance: When they choose to be seen, pixies look like tiny elves with
Treasure Type V wings. They speak their own language, sprite, and the common tongue.
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 2d4+1 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1 item (60%) Poisonous Frog
X.P. Value 105 + 1/h.p.
See frog, poisonous (p. 88)


Number 1d8
Morale ±0
Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 10
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses Invisible, +1 (or better) or silver weapons to harm
Attacks Fear
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M
Intelligence 6
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 34 + 1/h.p.
Turn as type I or III; see below

General: Poltergeists are non-corporeal undead, the spirit of the deceased

which stays in or near the location where they originally died.

General: Pixies inhabit remote and idyllic forests and glens. As they can Combat: The poltergeist does not attack conventionally. Rather, it is able to
become invisible at will, they are almost never encountered unless they wish hurl objects (anything that a normal human could pick up and throw), attacking
to be. They have a very mischievous nature. as if it were a 5d8 hit die creature. Those struck must make a saving throw vs.
magic or flee in total fear for 2d12 rounds. Those so affected have a 50%
Combat: Pixies use small swords (treat as daggers) and small short bows (half chance of dropping any item that was held in their hands at some point in their
normal range). The arrows shot from these bows come in three types - each of panic (roll 2d12 to determine in which round the object will be dropped, if
which gains an automatic +4 bonus “to hit”. The first is the war arrow, which applicable). Once a creature has successfully saved once in a given location,
causes 1d4+1 h.p. of damage. The second is the sleep arrow, which causes it need not make additional saving throws.
a deep sleep for 1d6 hours if it hits; the victim is allowed a saving throw vs.
magic to escape the effect. The third is the amnesia arrow, which will cause If the poltergeist is encountered in the same spot as it died originally, attempts
the victim to lose his memory permanently unless a saving throw vs. magic is to turn it are as a type III creature. If encountered more than 60’ distant from
made. The effect can only be reversed by an exorcism spell. The latter two the spot, it turns as a type I creature. Holy water and holy symbols will drive
sorts of arrows do no physical damage. As they are usually invisible, pixies back a poltergeist, but not harm it. They can be harmed only by silver or
get a +4 bonus on all “to hit” rolls against creatures not able to detect enchanted weapons. Since it is invisible, enemies have a -4 penalty “to hit”
invisibility (note that this is in addition to the +4 bonus they get with their bows). against it.
In addition, pixies have the following magical powers:
Appearance: Poltergeists are invisible.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Pooka

Pooka Porcupine, Giant

Number 1 Number 1d2

Morale +3 Morale -1
Hit Dice 4d8 Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 3 Armor Class 5
Move 120’/min. Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance C Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6 Damage 2d4
Defenses None Defenses Quills
Attacks Magic use Attacks Quills
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size S (3’) Size L (10’)
Intelligence 14 Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type See below Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 350 + 6/h.p.

General: Giant porcupines

inhabit woodlands, and are
not overly shy about
intruding on habited
areas. They are not
particularly aggressive,
but will scavenge for food relentlessly. They will fight if threatened or
approached within 30’.

Combat: Although giant porcupines are able to bite, they are much more likely
(90% chance if the beast has taken less than half its total hit points in damage)
to use their quills to attack. A giant porcupine can shoot 1d8 of its 3’ long
quills each round at enemies up to 30’ away, with each doing 1d4 h.p. when
it hits. In addition, those who attempt to attack the giant porcupine will also be
struck by 1d4 additional quills. There is no practical limit to the number of
quills the creature possesses.

General: Pookas are shape-shifting fairies who are generally held to be merely Appearance: The giant porcupine appears as a larger version of its normal
mischievous, but who can demonstrate outright maliciousness if provoked. cousin.
They are usually encountered in some animal form (horses being their favored
form, but eagles, dogs, goats, and just about anything else, is possible. The Pseudo-Dragon
pooka uses his charm power to entice others to ride him (in horse form); once
the rider is atop him, the pooka will take him on a thunderous ride of many Number 1
miles, exhausting the rider, who will then be dumped unceremoniously in a
Morale +3
(preferably muddy) ditch. Once this is done there is a 25% chance that a Hit Dice 2d6
golden cup worth 100 g.p. will be found in the rider’s home the next day, if Armor Class 2
the rider was neither drunk nor on some malicious errand when he began his
Move 60’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
ride. Magic Resistance G
No. of Attacks 1
Combat: Pookas strike enemies with their fists, but will usually transform into Damage 1d3
some animal form to fight. They have the following powers: Defenses Camouflage
Attacks Poison
• Charm person once per day (will be used to entice a rider onto the Weaknesses None
pooka’s back while in horse form) Size S (1 ½’)
• Faerie fire three times per day Intelligence 9
• Polymorph self four times per day (but any form taken will have Alignment Neutral good
sulfurous yellow eyes) Treasure Type XIII
• Prophecy once per week Treasure Value 10d10x10
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: In its natural form, the pooka resembles a diminutive elf with a X.P. Value 200 + 2/h.p.
large head. They tend to wear earthen tones. They speak Common, sidhe, and
elvish. General: Pseudo-dragons are found in most terrains and climates; they are
quite sought after, as they make excellent companions if properly convinced.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


The magic resistance of the pseudo-dragon can, at their will, be extended to Pseudoscorpion, Monstrous
another creature with which they are in physical contact (for example, as the
pseudo-dragon is perched on their shoulder). They are telepathic, and can
Large Huge Giant
communicate with other creatures up to 240’ distant (they are also able to
Number 1d6 1d4 1d4
transmit what they see and hear via this method). Pseudo-dragons are
Morale +2 +4 +6
sometimes referred to as “false familiars”, as they can give some of the benefits
Hit Dice 2d10 4d10 5d12
enjoyed by mages with true familiars. The situation is somewhat complicated
Armor Class 5 4 3
by the fact that the spell find familiar can sometimes provide a pseudo-dragon
Move 90’/min. 120’/min. 150’/min.
as a real familiar. If a pseudo-dragon is a spellcaster’s actual familiar, it will
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
grant the following powers:
No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Damage 1d4/1d4/1 1d8/1d8/1d3 1d10/1d10/1d4
• A telepathic link, through which the pseudo-dragon not only
Defenses None None None
communicates, but shares its sight and hearing with its master;
Attacks None None None
range 1 mile
Weaknesses None None None
• The magic resistance of the pseudo-dragon is extended to its
Size S M M
Intelligence 0 0 0
• Master is increased by 1 experience level when the pseudo-
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
dragon is within 1 mile; further than that, the master loses an
Treasure Type None None D
experience level (not just the one gained by the pseudo-dragon’s
Treasure Value n/a n/a 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure None None 1d3 items (15%)
• If the pseudo-dragon is killed, the master loses 4 experience levels
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p. 225 + 8/h.p.
• Commune with the powers of Elysium once per week, 4 questions

Upon the death of its master, the pseudo-dragon will mourn him while it waits
for the arrival of an archon to gently guide the master’s soul to the afterlife.

Combat: Pseudo-dragons attack with their tiny jaws. However, they also have
a stinger at the tip of their tail which strikes with a +4 bonus “to hit”. Those
struck by the stinger must make a saving throw vs. poison or be struck with a
death-like catalepsy for 1d6 days. There is a chance equal to 13 plus the
victim’s CON score that death will ensue at the end of that time (if the CON
score is not known, simply assume a 25% chance).

Pseudo-dragons are able to see invisible objects, and have an innate

chameleon-like power that allows them to change color at will. This power
allows them to be 80% undetectable to those unable to see invisible objects.

Appearance: Pseudo-dragons look like miniature red dragons with red-brown

scales and a large stinger at the tip of the tail. They are, of course, able to
change their coloration at will, as noted above. They speak the draconic and
common tongues.

General: Monstrous pseudoscorpions can be found in any climate save the

very coldest, and are found both above and below ground. At ranges greater
than 30’ they are 50% likely to be mistaken for monstrous scorpions.

Combat: Pseudoscorpions will attempt to grab victims with their great claws.
They can attack two different enemies in a single round.

Appearance: Monstrous pseudoscorpions look like monstrous scorpions in all

respects, except they lack the feared tail and stinger.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Psi-Ape

Psi-Ape Pudding

Adult Young Puddings, like their cousins the jellies, oozes, and slimes, are universally held
Number 1d12 See below to be the unwanted and misbegotten byproducts of the experiments of wizards
Morale +2 -1 and alchemists. The various elixirs, reagents, and other compounds and
Hit Dice 5d12 2d12 substances poured down their drains interact with microbial and other primitive
Armor Class 6 6 creatures to form these shapeless horrors.
Move 90’/min. (on ground or in 90’/min. (on ground or in
trees) trees) Black Brown
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Number 1d4 1d4
No. of Attacks 5 5 Morale ±0 ±0
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/2d4 1d2/1d2/1d2/1d2/1d4 Hit Dice 10d8 11d8
Defenses None None Armor Class 6 5
Attacks Ego whip None Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
Weaknesses None None Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Size M S No. of Attacks 1 1
Intelligence 9 9 Damage 3d8 5d4
Alignment Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral Defenses Immune to cold, lightning, Immune to cold, lightning,
Treasure Type II None and weapons and weapons
Treasure Value 10d6+2x100 n/a Attacks Dissolve wood and metal Dissolve wood and leather
Magical Treasure 2 items (10%) None Weaknesses None None
X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. Size S to L (see below) S to L (see below)
Intelligence 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p. 1,600 + 16/h.p.

Dun White
Number 1d3 1d3
Morale ±0 ±0
Hit Dice 8d10 9d8
Armor Class 7 8
Move 120’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 4d6 7d4
Defenses Immune to cold, lightning, Immune to cold, lightning,
and weapons and weapons
Attacks Dissolve metal (at half Dissolve wood and leather
rate) and leather
Weaknesses None None
General: Psi-apes inhabit dense forests or underground caverns and the like. Size S to L (see below) S to L (see below)
They tend to hang from their prehensile tails, allowing all four of their limbs to Intelligence 0 0
attack enemies, and are just as much at ease moving through a forest canopy Alignment Neutral Neutral
as they are on solid ground. If more than 3 are encountered, there is a 50% Treasure Type None None
chance that the group will consist of 1 male, 1 female, and the rest young. Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
Combat: Psi-apes, as mentioned above, tend to hang from tree limbs by their X.P. Value 1,000 + 12/h.p. 1,200 + 12/h.p.
prehensile tails, allowing them attacks with all four limbs, plus their bite attack.
In a family group, if the young are threatened or attacked, the female will General: Puddings are essentially great colonies of single-celled organisms that
attack as if she had 10 hit dice, and do double damage for at least an hour. haven’t quite achieved the level of organization of the higher forms of life.
If the female is attacked, the male will do likewise for 40 minutes. Black puddings are found exclusively in underground regions, while brown
puddings are found in marshes and swamps, dun puddings in deserts, and
In addition, adult psi-apes have the ability to deliver an ego whip once per white puddings in arctic regions.
day. The ego whip is sent out in a cone 30’ long and 20’ wide at the base.
All those within the area of effect must make a wisdom check or be knocked All puddings are able to flow over walls and ceilings, as well as being able to
unconscious for 1d12 minutes. Psi-apes are immune to the psychic strike attack. pass their body through cracks as small as 1”. The size of the pudding will be
determined by its hit points (the size determines how large an area of wood,
Appearance: Psi-apes appear to be large apes with vicious claws and dead, metal, etc. can be dissolved):
pupilless eyes. Their fur is dark gray, the hairless tail and face black, and the
paws red. They speak their own language.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Hit Points Size (diameter) General: Pyrolisks are relatives of the cockatrice (see p. 37). However, they
10-20 S (5’) are even more feared than their cousins, as their gaze has the ability to turn
21-40 M (6’) victims not into stone but into living pillars of flame, which immediately and
41-60 L (7’) irreparably slays them. They are known to despise phoenixes (see p. 416),
61-80 L (8’) and the feeling is mutual.

Combat: The digestive enzymes of the pudding will do damage to flesh as Combat: Pyrolisks are able to attack by pecking with their beak, but they are
indicated above. Wood is consumed at a rate of 2” thickness per round, and much more feared for their gaze attack. Any creature meeting the gaze of the
metal is also subject to its effect; mail will be dissolved in but a minute, plate pyrolisk must make a saving throw vs. petrification. Failure indicates the victim
armor in 2 minutes, plus 1 minute for every “plus” of enchanted armor. Leather bursts into flames on the spot, being consumed and utterly slain as a result.
is devoured in but a single round, even if it is enchanted in some way. Success indicates the victim takes 3d6 h.p. of damage. Any creature which is
either immune or resistant to fire-based attacks is immune to the attack of a
All puddings are immune to cold-based attacks, but fire does normal damage pyrolisk, and any creature that successfully saves vs. its gaze can never be
to the creatures and they thus avoid it. If the pudding is struck by an edged destroyed by that particular pyrolisk’s gaze.
weapon, it will temporarily divide into two creatures, each capable of
attacking, each with half the remaining hit points of the whole. It will re-form In addition, pyrolisks are able to cause any open flame within 30’ to burst into
within a few minutes of combat being over. fireworks. Doing so will last for 1 minute, engulf an area 10 times that of the
original flame, and blind any creature within 120’ for 1 minute. Pyrolisks love
Appearance: A deadly pudding appears as a thick viscous pool or puddle that such pyrotechnics for their own sake, and will create them as often as possible,
ripples slightly around its edges as it moves. The white pudding is often up to once per minute.
mistaken for a patch of snow or ice, the brown pudding blends in to mud, etc.
Appearance: A pyrolisk looks like a large rooster with a snake-like tail and
bat-like wings. The tail is yellow-green with one single red feather, the beak
and claws yellow, the wings are reddish-gray, and the body is a light brown.
Wattle and comb are red. They are often mistaken for cockatrices.


Number 1d6
Morale -2
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 10
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses None
Attacks Miniature fireball
Weaknesses Liquid
Purple Worm Size S (4’)
Intelligence 6
See worm, purple (p. 248). Alignment Chaotic neutral
Treasure Type VI
Pyrolisk Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
Number 1d4 X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.
Morale +6
Hit Dice 4d10 General: Pyrotoads dwell in hot, dry regions, and can be found both above
Armor Class 6 and below ground. They are innocuous unless molested, ignoring intruders
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) 80% of the time. Throwing liquid on them will cause the toads to retreat, but
Magic Resistance Standard they will attack anyone doing so with a pair of fireballs (see below).
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 Combat: Pyrotoads do not attack normally. Rather, once per round they are
Defenses Immune to fire able to belch forth a miniature fireball with a range of 30’. Any creature within
Attacks Turn to fire, fireworks 5’ of the blast point will take fire damage equal to the number of hit points the
Weaknesses None pyrotoad has remaining. A saving throw vs. breath weapon is allowed for half
Size S damage.
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral evil Appearance: Pyrotoads look like large toads with red skin and purple warts.
Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (10%)
X.P. Value 240 + 5/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Quanar

Quanar Appearance: Quanars are large humanoid creatures covered with shaggy
white fur. They speak a sort of pidgin version of the common tongue, incapable
of expressing anything but the simplest ideas.
Warrior Leader
Number 2d12 1 per 12 warriors
Morale +3 +4 Quickling
Hit Dice 1d10 3d10
Armor Class 6 4 Quickling Fleetling Meteor
Move 120’/min. 120’/min. Number 4d6 See below See below
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Morale +3 +4 +5
No. of Attacks 2 or 1 1 Hit Dice 1d12 3d10 4d12
Damage 1d4/1d4 or per weapon Per weapon type Armor Class -3 -3 -3
type Move 960’/min. 960’/min. 960’/min.
Defenses Immune to poison Immune to poison Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Attacks Enraged Enraged No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Weaknesses None None Damage Per weapon Per weapon Per weapon
Size L (7’) L (7’) Defenses See below See below See below
Intelligence 6 7 Attacks Magic use Magic use Magic use
Alignment Neutral Neutral Weaknesses None None None
Treasure Type III Size S (2’) S (2’) S (2’)
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000 Intelligence 13-18 13-18 13-18
Magical Treasure 1d3 (30%) Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value 1d4+1x100 (group)
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (60%)
X.P. Value 175 + 3/h.p. 240 + 4/h.p. 550 + 6/h.p.

General: Quanars are unrelentingly warlike, with an especial hatred of elves

(except those of the drow variety). In fact, they have been known to voluntarily
become slaves of the drow in order to assist them in attacking surface elves.
They will automatically attack any aggressive or retreating group, and will
attack all others 75% of the time. For every 12 warriors encountered there will
be one leader.

Combat: Quanars attack either with their claws or with weapons. To determine
what a given group of quanars is armed with, use the following table (all
quanars in a given group will be similarly armed). Quanar leaders always
have weapons:
General: Quicklings are sylvan faerie creatures that have been corrupted and
Die Roll (d%) Armed with… brought under the veil of evil. They are filled with malice towards not only
01-15 Battle axe humans and demi-humans but their faerie cousins as well. They live at an
16-85 Claws only accelerated pace; their movement, their language, and their very life span is
86-00 Two-handed sword vastly hastened (they become mature at age 2, and have a lifespan that rarely
exceeds a dozen years).
Quanars are immune to poison of all types. They can fight at negative hit
points; those reduced to between 0 and -5 h.p. will become enraged and fight Every group of quicklings will include a fleetling. If 10 or more quicklings are
with a +2 bonus “to hit” and to damage. They die at -6 hit points. Quanars encountered, there will be two fleetlings and a meteor who acts as leader.
are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold
person. Combat: Quicklings fight with daggers, but their incredible speed allows them
to strike three times in each round. Their daggers are coated with sleep poison
75% of the time; those struck must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall into


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


a deep sleep for 3d6 rounds. In addition, all quicklings have the following
powers, each of which is usable at will, once per round: Quickwoods are immune to fire, electricity, and most spells. The energy of any
spell not specifically designed to affect plants (such as charm plants) will be
• Ventriloquism converted into magical fear by the quickwood; the fear will have a 10’ radius
• Forget around the tree per level of spell energy absorbed. All creatures within the
• Levitate area of effect are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells; those that fail the saving
• Shatter throw will flee in blind panic for a number of minutes equal to the experience
• Dig level of the caster, and have a chance of dropping any items carried which is
• Fire charm based on their hit dice/level:

In addition, they are 90% likely to be invisible while they are in motion, as a Hit Dice/Level % of Dropping Held Item
result of their great speed (which is also responsible for their very good armor 1 60%
class). They cannot be surprised under any circumstances, and make all saving 2 55%
throws as if they were 19th level clerics. Quicklings are considered persons 3 50%
for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person. 4 45%
5 40%
Appearance: Quicklings look like small faeries with especially long ears. They 6 35%
speak their own tongue and that of halflings, brownies, and pixies, as well as 7 30%
the common tongue. It is very difficult for others to understand them due to the 8 25%
extreme rapidity with which they speak. 9 20%
10 15%
Quickwood (Spy Tree) 11 10%
12 5%
Number 1 (90%), 1d3+1 (10%) 13+ 0%
Morale +4
Hit Dice 5d10 - 10d10 Appearance: Quickwoods look like large oak trees with a parody of a human
Armor Class 5 face formed out of boles and protrusions. However, the face of a quickwood
Move 10’/min. (trunk), 30’/min. (roots) will only be noticed 10% of the time at distances greater than 30’.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Rakshasa
Damage 3d4
Defenses Immune to fire and electricy, convert spells to fear Number 1d4
Attacks Immobilization Morale +3
Weaknesses None Hit Dice 7d10
Size L Armor Class -4
Intelligence 12 Move 150’/min.
Alignment Neutral Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks 3
Treasure Value n/a Damage 1d3/1d3/1d4+1
Magical Treasure None Defenses Magic use
X.P. Value 350 + 10/h.p. Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
General: The quickwood is a sentient tree, most often used by other creatures Size M
as a guardian or early warning device; hence its other name, the spy tree. Intelligence 12
Quickwood senses are acute, and they can sound warnings to others up to a Alignment Lawful evil
mile away by ”booming” their trunks. They are found wherever oak trees can Treasure Type V
be found. Indeed, they can see, hear, and otherwise ”feel” through any oak Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
tree within 360’. The size of the quickwood should be determined randomly if Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, no weapons (10%)
not already stated: X.P. Value 925 + 8/h.p.

Die Roll (d20) Hit Dice General: Rakshasas, contrary to popular opinion, are native to the material
1-4 5d10 plane, being found in all sorts of climates and regions. They prefer human and
5-9 6d10 humanoid flesh, and use their powerful magical abilities to infiltrate human
10-14 7d10 communities. Their modus operandi is to use their ESP power to determine the
15-17 8d10 identity of someone the victim trusts, then use their illusion power to appear to
18-19 9d10 be that person. Thus disguised, they wait for a propitious moment to attack
20 10d10 when the victim is off guard. If more than one is encountered, only the first will
be male, and the rest females.
Combat: Quickwoods don’t normally attack, but if a creature is brought (or is
leaning, etc.) against the trunk, it can open up a mouth-like oraface and inflct Combat: Rakshasas attack with their claws and bite. However, they rely on
3d4 h.p. of damage. Their roots are used to hold other creatures; they have their magical powers both to gull victims and to protect themselves:
1d6+12 such roots, which can only be harmed by sharp weapons. Each root
has 10 hit points and is treated as a large creature. A successful hit by a root • Alter self at will
pins the victim, rendering them unable to move or use their arms. If 6 of the • ESP at will
quickwood’s roots are destroyed, it will withdraw the remainder. • Immune to all spells under 8th level


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Rat

Rat, Hairless
Rakshasas have the spellcasting ability of both a 1st level cleric and a 3rd level
mage (no material components or spell books required). They are immune to Number 2d12
non-magical weapons, and weapons of +1 or +2 enchantment only do half Morale +1
damage. A hit from a crossbow bolt blessed by a good-aligned cleric or mystic Hit Dice 3d10
will slay them. Armor Class 7
Move 120’/min., 60’/min. (burrowing)
Appearance: It is not known whether rakshasas actually have a true form. On Magic Resistance Standard
their death, they will remain in whatever form they last held. Even true sight or No. of Attacks 1
dispel magic will not strip away the illusionary form of the rakshasa, although Damage 2d6
it will make it abundantly clear that the form being seen is illusory. They speak Defenses None
the common tongue, but can use their ESP and power of illusion to make it Attacks None
appear as if they are speaking any language. Weaknesses None
Size S (4’ long)
Rat Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Normal Giant Treasure Type VII
Number 1d100 5d10 Treasure Value 2d4x1,000
Morale -3 -2 Magical Treasure 1d3 (15%)
Hit Dice 1d4 (max. 2 h.p.) 1d4 X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p.
Armor Class 7 7
Move 150’/min., 90’/min. 120’/min., 60’/min.
(swimming) (swimming), 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1 1d3
Defenses None None
Attacks None Disease
Weaknesses None None
Size S S
Intelligence 1 3
Alignment Neutral Neutral evil
Treasure Type None VII
Treasure Value n/a 4d6x100
Magical Treasure None 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 2 + 1/h.p. 7 + 1/h.p.
General: Hairless rats inhabit the same sorts of areas as giant rats, but
generally feed on the latter, as hairless rats are larger and tougher. They are
General: Rats in general are found almost everywhere, especially where
known to associate sometimes with jinx-midges, mites, and pesties, but on
humans and humanoids make their homes. Rats are scavengers in general, but
other occasions will attack and feed upon such creatures. Their extensive tunnel
giant rats are in particular fond of the flesh of corpses, and are often found
complexes are too small for humans or most demi-humans to enter, and their
burrowing in graveyards and in tombs. Rats fear fire.
entrances are well hidden (treat as a secret door to determine the chance of
Attack: Rats attack with their bite. Those bitten by giant rats have a 5% chance
per bite of contracting a disease unless a saving throw vs. poison is made.
Combat: Hairless rats attack with their powerful bite.

Appearance: Rats are furred rodents with naked tails, whose fur comes in a
Appearance: Hairless rats look like pale yellow rodents, hairless and with
wide variety of colors, from white to black to brown to a mix of several.
multiple pairs of legs. The number of legs can be determined randomly, but
has no impact on either combat or movement:
Rat king: On occasion (1% chance per encounter with rats or giant rats) rats
will form a rat king. This is a large mass of rats (2d10) that are linked together
Die Roll (d%) Pairs of Legs
by their tails into a squealing, squalling bundle. The rat king is treated as a
01-70 3
single creature, with as many hit points and attacks as the rats that make it up.
71-95 4
Each rat still attacks as a 1d4 hit die creature, however.
96-00 5

Their jaws are quite oversized for their body size, and are filled with projecting
spade-like teeth.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Rat, Vapor Rat Man

Number 2d8 Number 3d4 or 1d6x100
Morale See below Morale -2
Hit Dice 2d8 Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 6 Armor Class See below
Move 120’/min., 60’/min. (swimming), 10’/min. Move 120’/min.
(burrowing) Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard No. of Attacks 3 or 1
No. of Attacks 1 Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4 or per weapon type
Damage 1d2 Defenses None
Defenses Vapor form Attacks None
Attacks Death fumes Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None Size M
Size S (1’ long) Intelligence 10
Intelligence 6 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Chaotic neutral Treasure Type XV (individuals), II (group)
Treasure Type XV Treasure Value 1d6 (individuals), 3d6x1,000 (group)
Treasure Value 2d20 Magical Treasure 1d3 items, 1d2 armor, 1d2 weapons (group)
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.
X.P. Value 52 + 2/h.p.

General: Vapor rats are found nearly everywhere ordinary rats may be found
(basically, anywhere), as well as in the magical cloud islands that serve as
dwellings for cloud giants or cloud dragons. Their burrowing speed applies
not only to loose soil but also to the magical aerosol substance of cloud islands.
They are also able to assume vaporous form at will; while in this form they are
able to guide their own course and speed, and can thus move around and
travel from cloud island to cloud island. They are not particularly aggressive
but will attack when pressed or cornered.

Combat: Vapor rats attack with their bite. If wounded, they will invariably
switch to their vaporous form to escape (no morale check is necessary). While
in vaporous form, they are only harmed by magical fire, lightning, and spells
such as gale or gust of wind, which cause them 1d6 h.p. of damage per round
the spell is in effect.

If slain, a vapor rat will release a final burst of death fumes, which will affect
a single individual of the rat’s choice within an 8’ radius. That person must
make a saving throw vs. poison or be overcome with nausea for 2-5 minutes,
in effect helpless and unable to move, fight, cast spells, etc. If the saving throw
is successful, the target is able to move out of the burst and will only be under
its effect for a minute afterwards, as his eyes, nose, and throat are cleared of
the fumes.

Appearance: Vapor rats look like ordinary rats. In vaporous form, they are
vaguely rat-shaped. General: Rat men are a ubiquitous scourge throughout the world, and can be
found in any clime, all terrains, and in the deep caverns and tunnels beneath
the surface of the world as well. They both fear and hate humans, preying
upon them both for loot and as food, but are constantly beaten back by human
raids and occasional genocidal wars. The latter have little lasting effect, as rat
men are fecund in the extreme.

Rat men despise wererats, whom they don’t view as “true” rodents. In turn,
wererats look down on rat men, whom they view as inferior and chaotic
inferiors. Rat men get along well with giant rats as well as normal rats, who
are often used as spies, servants, and occasionally guards.

For every 10 rat men encountered, there will be a 5th level fighter as leader.
In larger groups, there will be the following exceptional individuals:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Raven (Crow)

Number Exceptional Leaders for their love of ”sparklies”, which will

Every 25 2nd level mage often be found in their nest. Only 1 nest in
Every 50 3rd level cleric 6 will have such treasures within. A crow
Every 100 6th level mage that is a familiar for a spellcaster will grant
Every 200 9th level cleric him improved vision, equal to twice
300 or more 10th level fighter, 7th level mage normal human sight.
500 or more 12th level cleric
Combat: Ravens attack with their sharp
Combat: Rat men normally fight with weapons, but in extremis can use their beaks. In addition, when they make a
claws and bite to attack enemies. They will be armed and armored as follows: successful attack, there is a 10% chance
that a raven will have struck the eye of an
Die enemy, thereby permanently blinding the
Roll victim in one eye. Two such hits will,
(d%) Weapons and Armor % Composition naturally, render any normal victim with
01-10 Gambeson (AC 8), light crossbow, 10% two eyes permanently blind, with all the
dagger penalties that entails (note that the spell
11-45 Gambeson (AC 8), spear, short bow 35% cure blindness will not avail the victim in such cases, as it is incapable of
46-70 Leather cuirass (AC 8), short sword 25% actually healing damaged tissue, but a heal spell would).
71-85 Leather scale armor (AC 7), hand 15%
axe, morning star Appearance: Ravens are black birds with long beaks.
86-00 Ring armor (AC 7), axe, and javelin 15%
Any magic items found as treasure will be used by the leaders if applicable.
Number 1
Appearance: Rat men look like upright rats, with fur of gray, black, brown, Morale +8
tan, white, or a combination thereof. Rat men can communicate with all Hit Dice 8d12-14d12
rodents, including wererats, and speak the common tongue. Those found in Armor Class 0 (body), 2 (head), 4 (belly)
the world deep beneath the surface can also speak undercommon. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance O
Raven (Crow) No. of Attacks 1
Damage 6d6
Ordinary Giant Huge Defenses Heat
Number 4d8 2d4 4d4 Attacks Swallow whole, heat
Morale -7 -3 -5 Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 1d4 (1 h.p.) 3d10 1d4 Size L (21’-42’ long)
Armor Class 7 4 6 Intelligence 1
Move 10’/min., 30’/min. 10’/min., Alignment Neutral
360’/min. 180’/min. 270’/min. Treasure Type VII
(flying - average) (flying - average) (flying - average) Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, no weapons (10%)
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 X.P. Value See below
Damage 1 1d4+2 1d2
Defenses Never surprised Never surprised Never surprised
Attacks Eye attack Eye attack Eye attack
Weaknesses None None None
Size S (2’-4’ L (6’-10’ M (4’-6’
wingspan) wingspan) wingspan)
Intelligence 1 7 4
Alignment Neutral Neutral evil Neutral evil
Treasure Type None XVII (1/6 XVII (1/6
chance) chance)
Treasure Value n/a 1d10x10 1d10
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 0 60 + 4/h.p. 30 + 1/h.p.

General: Ravens, which include similar birds such as rooks and crows, are
found in most climes save the most extreme. They are relatively intelligent
creatures, and will often send forth scouts who will be able to warn the rest of
the flock if danger is present. They are sometimes used as scouts and General: Remorhaz (the name is singular and plural) inhabit remote arctic
messengers by other creatures who are able to control, train, or otherwise regions. They are aggressive in the extreme. To counter the extreme cold of
influence them; they are easily trained if taken while young enough (the giant their environment, the creatures generate great heat within their bodies. The
and huge varieties even more so than their ordinary cousins). Giant ravens can size of the remorhaz should be determined randomly:
speak up to 100 words of the common tongue and communicate therein, huge
specimines can do so with perhaps half that number. All varieties are known


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll (d8) Hit Dice Size X.P. Value Combat: Restless spirits attack with their touch. Three times per day they can
1 7d12 21’ 825 + 10/h.p. also utter a chill-inspiring moan. Any mortal creature within 60’ of the restless
2 8d12 24’ 1,300 + 12/h.p. spirit must make a WIS check. Failure indicates the victim is stricken by fear:
3 9d12 27’ 2,050 + 14/h.p.
4 10d12 30’ 2,150 + 14/h.p. Die Roll
5 11d12 33’ 2,850 + 16/h.p. (d6) Fear Effect
6 12d12 36’ 2,950 + 16/h.p. 1 Curl up in a ball with head covered for 1d6 minutes
7 13d12 39’ 3,950 + 18/h.p. 2 Run in random direction at maximum speed for 1d3 minutes
8 14d12 42’ 4,050 + 18/h,p. 3 Stand completely still with eyes wide open for 1d4 minutes
4 Won’t let any creature approach within 10’, attack any that try
When encountered in the lair, there is a 25% chance that there will in fact be 5 Clutch at nearest comrade, sobbing, for 1d6 minutes; comrade
a mated pair, along with 1d2 eggs worth 5,000 g.p. each. cannot move, cast spells, etc.
6 Scream non-stop for 1d4 minutes
Combat: Remorhaz attack with a lightning-quick bite. On a natural roll of 20
“to hit” they will swallow a man-sized creature whole, instantly killing him from The same creature cannot be stricken by the restless spirit’s fear effect more
the heat within the creature. The ridges on the back of the creature will glow than once per day.
red with heat when battle is joined, and anyone touching the back of the
creature will suffer 10d10 h.p. of heat damage. The radiated heat from the Appearance: Restless spirits are transluscent images of the way they looked in
monster is so great that non-magical weapons will melt if they strike the life.
creature’s back.
Retch Palm
Appearance: The remorhaz is a giant cutworm with bony ridges along its
back. The body is cool blue everywhere, except for the back whose ridges are
Number 2d10
white (but which glow red when the creature is in battle). The eyes of the
Morale n/a
creature are dead white. It also has a pair of fan-like projections along either
Hit Dice 5d8
side of its head; they are too small to support flight, and their exact function is
Armor Class 8
Move 0
Magic Resistance Standard
Restless Spirit No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Number 1 Defenses None
Morale ±0 Attacks Fruit
Hit Dice 3d6 Weaknesses None
Armor Class -1 Size L (16’-24’ tall)
Move 120’/min. Intelligence 0
Magic Resistance Standard Alignment Neutral
No. of Attacks 1 Treasure Type None
Damage 1d6 Treasure Value n/a
Defenses Curse on treasure Magical Treasure None
Attacks Fear X.P. Value 150 + 6/h.p.
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M General: Retch palms, also known as globe palms, are found in tropical or
Intelligence 12 sub-tropical regions. Each plant will have 1d4+4 fruit, which are the basis for
Alignment Neutral its name.
Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value 1d6x1,000 Combat: Retch palms do not attack in the conventional sense. Rather, any
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (10%) creature passing beneath one has a 20% chance of triggering the release of
X.P. Value 75 + 2/h.p. one of the plant’s fruits. Any creature within 5’ of the fruit’s impact will be
Turn as Type IV splashed with its noxious juice; any creature within 9’ has a 25% chance of
being splashed. Any creature splashed will be incapacitated with violent
General: Restless spirits are non-corporeal undead of a relatively benign sort. retching for the next 3 rounds, and will lose 50% of their strength for 1 hour.
They do not resent the living as do ghosts or specters, but rather are confined The odor of the juice is detectable at distances of up to 50’, making hiding
to the material plane because of some great unfinished deed, undelivered nearly impossible and drawing predators and other random encounters twice
message, or the like. They seek to convince some mortal to complete whatever as often as normal. It will last for 1d4 hours unless washed off with alcohol. If
this task is, so that they may pass to the afterlife that awaits them. someone attempts to climb the retch palm, or jostles it, 1d4+1 such globes will
The treasure of a restless spirit is cursed. If so much as a single coin is taken
without the spirit’s leave, the thief will suffer a -1 penalty to all saving throws. Appearance: Retch palms appear like ordinary palm trees. The fruits are about
After a week, the penalty increases to -2, then -3 the following week, and so the size of a coconut, ranging from blue to violet in color depending on
on until the treasure is returned. Note that the fact that the treasure is no longer ripeness (the effect will not differ regardless of ripeness).
in the possession of the original thief is immaterial; if lost, stolen, or spent, the
thief must recover each and every piece of treasure before the curse can be
lifted. Note that only a remove curse spell cast by a 15th level cleric can undo
the curse.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Rhea

Rhea General: Rhinoceroses are herbivores, but very aggressive and will charge if
approached. Their eyesight is poor but their hearing and smell are excellent.
Number 2d10 If 5 or 6 are encountered, the last two will be young, and non-combatants.
Morale -3
Hit Dice 1d8 Combat: Rhinoceroses attack with their horns. They will charge if possible,
Armor Class 7 doing double damage. Against small-sized creatures, the rhinoceros will also
Move 180’/min. be able to trample, attacking with both forefeet and doing 2d4 h.p. per foot
Magic Resistance Standard that hits.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 or 2d4 (see below) Appearance: Rhinoceroses are quadrupeds with either one or two large horns
Defenses None on their noses. They are gray to brown in color.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None See also: rhinoceros, woolly (p. 308)
Size M (5’)
Intelligence 1 Roc
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Number 1d2
Treasure Value n/a Morale +20
Magical Treasure None Hit Dice 18d12
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. Armor Class 4
Move 30’/min., 300’/min. (flying - clumsy)
General: Rheas are a type of flightless bird, related to such species as the Magic Resistance Standard
ostrich and rhea. They tend to live in warm climates in open grassy terrain. No. of Attacks 3
They are not aggressive unless cornered. Damage 3d6/2d6/4d6
Defenses None
Combat: Rheas will either peck (50%) or kick (50%) enemies, but only if there Attacks None
if no other recourse. Weaknesses None
Size L (60’ wingspan)
Appearance: Rheas have large bulbous bodies covered in feathers, muscular Intelligence 1
legs, and long featherless necks. They tend to be brown with white highlights. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III
Rhinoceros Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 5,000 + 25/h.p.
Single-Horned Double-Horned
Number 1d6 1d6
Morale +7 +7
Hit Dice 8d12 9d12
Armor Class 6 6
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 2d4 2d6
Defenses None None
Attacks Charge, trample Charge, trample
Weaknesses None None
Size L L
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 900 + 12/h.p. 900 + 12/h.p.

General: Rocs are enormous birds that nest on high mountain peaks in warm
climates. Powerful giants such as storm or cloud giants will occasionally
capture these birds and use them as mounts.

Combat: Rocs swoop down on victims, striking them with their huge talons.
They do not normally attack with their beak unless the prey resists. Despite their
enormous bulk, they can swoop down like eagles, braking their dive at the
very last minute.

Appearance: Rocs somewhat resemble vast eagles.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Rock Reptile Roper

Number 1d2 Number 1d3

Morale +5 Morale +4
Hit Dice 5d10 + 1 h.p./foot length Hit Dice 10d10-12d10
Armor Class 3 Armor Class 0
Move 60’/min. Move 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance P
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 + 1/foot length Damage 5d4
Defenses Camouflage Defenses Immune to lightning, half damage from cold
Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise rolls Attacks Strands
Weaknesses None Weaknesses Fire and heat
Size M-L (5’-12’ long) Size L (9’)
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 16
Alignment Neutral Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type IV (25% chance) Treasure Type Special
Treasure Value 1d10x10 Treasure Value 3d6 p.p. and 35% chance of 5d4 gems
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (10%),1d4 scrolls (15%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p. X.P. Value 2,750 + 16/h.p.

General: Ropers are found in deep underground environments, particularly

those where stalagmites are found, which affords them a measure of
camouflage. Any treasure the creature possesses is found in its gizzard. The
General: Rock reptiles are generally found in lightless undergrounds (they have size of the roper should be determined randomly:
infravision to 120’) but will venture into lighted areas on occasion, such as
when hunger forces them to. Their length is 1d4+8 feet. Die Roll (1d4) Hit Dice Strand Length
1 10d10 20’
Combat: Rock reptiles attack with their bite. Because of their stony exterior, 2 11d10 30’
they are able to surprise enemies more effectively; enemies get a -1 penalty to 3 12d10 40’
surprise rolls. 4 12d10 50’

Appearance: Rock reptiles are large lizards with a stone-like skin. They are Combat: The roper attacks with six poisonous elastic strands, each of which
gray in color, and thus look like a pile of stones when immobile. will cause the victim to lose 50% of his strength score for 1d3 rounds (round
down). The effect is not cumulative; a victim will only lose a maximum of half
his original STR score. Creatures struck by the strands will be dragged closer
to the roper 10’ per round; when the victim has been brought to the roper
itself, it will be popped into the great tooth-filled mouth and slain instantly. The
strand can be broken on a successful open doors check; they cannot be cut
with weapons.

Ropers are immune to lightning, only take half damage from cold, but get a
-4 penalty on all saving throws vs. fire and heat.

Appearance: Ropers are amorphous, able to form a column some 9’ high and
3’ around, or flatten themselves down to a mere lump on the ground. They are
thus often mistaken for stalagmites. They are dark yellow in color, and have a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Rot Grub

great mouth filled with long teeth. Their eyes are atop one another, rather than
next to each other.

See also: storoper (p. 225).

Rot Grub

Number 5d4
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 1d4 (1 h.p. each)
Armor Class 9
Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage n/a
Defenses None
Attacks Burrowing
Weaknesses None
Size S (1”)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
General: Rust monsters dwell in underground regions. They feed on metals of
Magical Treasure None
all sorts, but prefer ferrous alloys such as steel, mithril, adamantine, etc. as
X.P. Value 0
well as pure iron. They are able to smell metal up to 90’ away, and will pursue
parties in order to procure a meal. They will stop such pursuit in order to
General: Rot grubs are usually found in piles of refuse, and occasionally along
consume dropped metal objects such as iron spikes, but only for as long as it
walls, floors, or ceilings (whence they drop on unsuspecting creatures).
takes to finish them; usually 1 round. They are ravenous, but not particularly
threatening creatures (unless you are wearing plate armor!).
Combat: Rot grubs do no actual damage when they hit. Rather, a successful
hit indicates the creature has burrowed into the flesh of the victim. Fire must be
Combat: Rust monsters do no damage when attacking. Rather, the touch of
immediately applied to the wound (causing 1d3 h.p. of damage for a torch)
their two antennae causes metals to instantly corrode and fall to pieces,
or the victim will be slain in 1d3x10 minutes as the grub burrows its way to
whether they be weapons, armor, etc. Enchanted metal objects get a 10%
the heart. After the first round, only a cure disease spell can save the victim.
saving throw for every “plus” of bonus they have.
Appearance: Rot grubs are small segmented worms of sickly pale hue.
Appearance: Rust monsters look like large insect-like creatures with a small
beak, two long fern-like antennae, and a curious blade-like tail (but the tail is
Rust Monster not sharp).

Number 1d2
Morale ±0
Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 2 Warrior Elite
Number 10d10 1 per 10 warriors
Move 180’/min.
Morale +1 +2
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 Hit Dice 2d10 3d10
Damage None Armor Class 5 3
Defenses None Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Attacks Rust metals
Weaknesses None No. of Attacks 1 1
Size M Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type
Defenses See below See below
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Attacks Breath weapon Breath weapon
Treasure Type XVII Weaknesses Cold Cold
Treasure Value 10d10x10 Size M M
Intelligence 6 6
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 185 + 4/h.p. Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil
Treasure Type XI XI
Treasure Value 1d10 1d10
Magical Treasure n/a n/a
X.P. Value 90 + 3/h.p. 125 + 4/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Priest Overlord Combat: Salamen attack with weapons. Each will be armed as follows (for
Number 1 per 30 warriors 1 large groups, you may want to use the “% composition” column to determine
Morale +2 +3 weapons):
Hit Dice 3d10 4d12
Armor Class 5 3 Die Roll (d%) Armed with % Composition
Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 01-10 Battleaxe 10%
Magic Resistance Standard Standard 11-35 Long sword 25%
No. of Attacks 1 1 36-55 Pike and hand axe 20%
Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type 56-00 Pike and long sword 45%
Defenses See below See below
Attacks Breath weapon, magic use Breath weapon Each salaman has a breath weapon: a jet of fire that can be spit forth once
Weaknesses Cold Cold every ten rounds. It has a range of 5’ directly in front of them, and will do 1d6
Size M M h.p. of damage (save vs. breath weapon for half damage). They themselves
Intelligence 6 6 get a +3 bonus to all saving throws against heat or fire, and reduce damage
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil done by 1 for each die. However, they are susceptible to cold; they get a -3
Treasure Type XI II penalty to saving throws against cold, and take an extra 1 h.p. per die of cold
Treasure Value 1d10 1d8+3x1,000 damage. Salamen are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person
Magical Treasure n/a 1d6 items (no weapons) or hold person.
X.P. Value 90 + 3/h.p. 125 + 4/h.p. Priests have access to the following spells, each once per day:

• Animal friendship
• Faerie fire
• Heat metal
• Predict weather
• Produce flame
• Pyrotechnics

Appearance: Salamen are humanoid, with smooth skin and large snouts. Their
skin is dark yellow in color, with darker mottling particularly along the spine.
They do not have tails. They speak their own language.


Number 1
Morale +3
Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 3
Move 120’/min., 60’/min. (burrowing in sand)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
General: Salamen are distantly related to lizard men, dwelling in hot, rocky,
Damage 2d8
volcanic environments. One of every three warriors will be mounted on a
Defenses Immune to mind-affecting spells, can’t be spotted with
trained scorch bird (see p. 199), while 90% of elite warriors and all priests
will be so mounted. The scorch birds are trained to attack even if the rider
Attacks None
dismounts. Salamen are fond of human and demi-human flesh, and are cruel
Weaknesses Liquid
to captives. When encountered, the following exceptional salamen may also
Size L
be encountered:
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
• For every 10 warriors, 1 elite warrior
Treasure Type None
• For every 30 warriors, 1 priest
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Elite warriors wear mail.
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p.
In their cave lair, there will be females equal to 70% of the males and young
General: Sandlings are found exclusively in desert regions, caves with sandy
equal to 150% of the males. A clutch of eggs, equaling twice the number of
floors, and large deserted beaches (but they stay away from the water, for
males, will also be present, albeit well-hidden and controlled by the priests.
reasons which will become apparent). They reproduce by budding, and the
The egg chamber will have 1d3 fire lizards as guards. The overlord will always
region inhabited by a sandling will normally swarm with thousands of tiny (6”
be found in the salaman lair, along with 4 extra elite warriors as his
or less) sandlings, but any sandling that grows larger than this will be slain by
the parent. Only if the parent is itself slain will the young compete to take its
place. A swarm of infant sandlings can cause the ground to be treacherous.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Satyr

Combat: Sandlings attack by striking with a pseudopod formed of living sand. have three different effects, but if a creature makes a successful saving throw
They are immune to all mind-affecting spells (such as enchantment/charm against one, neither of the others will have any effect either:
spells, illusions, etc.) and since they are the same temperature as their
surroundings, will not be perceptible by infravision. They will avoid water and • Charm (usually used to woo attractive
other liquids as a matter of course, unless pressed to defend their territory, and women)
10 gallons or more thrown on the sandling will cause it to move at half speed, • Sleep (usually used to subdue
only attacking every other round, for 1d6+3 rounds. inoffensive intruders and steal one
or more objects)
Appearance: Sandlings looks like piles of living sand. • Fear (used to drive away noxious

All creatures within 60’ must make a

saving throw or be affected by the piping.
Only one sort of song can be played at any given time.

Satyrs are able to conceal themselves in forest and

woodland undergrowth with 90% effectiveness.

Appearance: Satyrs have the hindquarters of a goat and

the torso, head, and arms of a man. Their skin is ruddy and
hair is chestnut brown. They speak their own language, a dialect of elvish
comprehensible only to wood elves, and the common tongue. If they are in
proximity to a band of centaurs, they will speak their language as well.


Number 1d6
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 6
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses None
Attacks Fascination
Satyr Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 0
Number 2d4
Alignment Neutral
Morale +1
Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 5d8
Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 5
Magical Treasure n/a
Move 180’/min.
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.
Magic Resistance J
No. of Attacks 1
General: Scarecrows are created by
Damage 2d4
clerics of 13th level or higher, or those
Defenses +1 to all surprise rolls, camouflage
with access to a book of scarecrows
Attacks Pipes
of the appropriate type. Without such
Weaknesses None
a book, creation of a scarecrow
Size M
requires the following:
Intelligence 12
Alignment Neutral
• One g.p. per hit point for materials, which are used to build a
Treasure Type XV
structure of wood, rags, and other inexpensive ingredients.
Treasure Value 3d8x1,000
• Casting an animate object spell
Magical Treasure 2d4+1 potions (40%), 1 item (60%)
• Casting a command spell
X.P. Value 280 + 5/h.p. (piper +300)
• Casting a prayer spell
• Casting a quest spell
General: Satyrs inhabit idyllic woodlands far from civilization, and are quite
fond of hedonistic pleasures such as dancing, feasting, drinking wine, etc.
All of the spells must be cast in succession, after the body of the scarecrow
They are also quite fond of nymphs, and get along well with centaurs.
itself has been created (a process that itself takes 3 weeks of uninterrupted
work). Once completed, the scarecrow will be under the complete command
Combat: Satyrs attack with their two small but sharp horns. In addition, one
of the cleric who created it. If the creator of the scarecrow is himself slain, the
satyr in each band encountered will have magical pipes (the so-called “Pan
creature will follow whatever instructions were last given to it.
flute”) which they will use to attempt to avoid combat if possible. The pipes


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Scarecrows attack with their claws. In addition, anyone meeting the Scorpion, Monstrous
gaze of a scarecrow, or those who are struck by its claws, must make a saving
throw vs. magic or be fascinated by the creature, incapable of taking their
Large Huge Giant
eyes off the creature’s unnatural capering even to the point of being unable to
Number 1d6 1d4 1d4
move or otherwise attack or defend themselves. If the scarecrow is destroyed
Morale +2 +4 +6
or leaves the area of the combat, the effect will end immediately.
Hit Dice 2d10 4d10 5d12
Armor Class 5 4 3
Appearance: Scarecrows look just like regular scarecrows: wooden structures
Move 90’/min. 120’/min. 150’/min.
in roughly humanoid form, dressed in rags and sporting a head made of a
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
large pumpkin, turnip, or other vegetable. Their appearance is uniformly
No. of Attacks 3 3 3
Damage 1d4/1d4/1 1d8/1d8/1d3 1d10/1d10/1d4
Defenses None None None
Scorch Bird Attacks Poison Poison Poison
Weaknesses None None None
Number 1d6 Size S M M
Morale n/a Intelligence 0 0 0
Hit Dice 2d8 Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Armor Class 4 Treasure Type None None D
Move 150’/min. Treasure Value n/a n/a 2d4+1x1,000
Magic Resistance Standard Magical Treasure None None 1d3 items (15%)
No. of Attacks 1 X.P. Value 90 + 3/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p. 400 + 8/h.p.
Damage 1d8 or 1d10
Defenses Immune to all fire, heat heals them General: Monstrous scorpions can be found in any climate save the very
Attacks Fireball coldest, and are found both above and below ground.
Weaknesses Cold, water
Size L (7’ at shoulder) Combat: A scorpions will attempt to grab victims with its great claws and then
Intelligence 1 sting with its poisonous stinger. The venom of giant scorpions will kill unless
Alignment Neutral the victim makes a saving throw vs. poison. (the venom of the scorpion will kill
Treasure Type None the creature itself!). Those struck by the large scorpion gets a +4 bonus on their
Treasure Value n/a saving throw, while those struck by the huge variety get a bonus of +2. All can
Magical Treasure n/a attack up to three different enemies in the same round.
X.P. Value 73 + 2/h.p.
Appearance: Monstrous scorpions are larger versions of their ordinary
General: Scorch birds are featherless, flightless birds that are invariably found cousins.
in warm, dry climates. They are sometimes used as steeds by salamen (see p.
196). Screaming Devilkin
Combat: A scorch bird can attack either with its beak against targets in front
Number 1d4
of it, or with its feet, by kicking at targets on its flanks or rear; it cannot do
Morale n/a
both in the same round. They tend to attack in the direction they were last hit
Hit Dice 3d8
from. In addition, scorch birds are able to fire two small fireballs from their
Armor Class 2
nostrils every hour. These fireballs have a range of 50’, strike with a +4 “to
Move 120’/min. (flying - poor)
hit” bonus, and do 1d6 h.p. of damage to all creatures within a 10’ radius
Magic Resistance Standard
when they impact. They are fearless and do not need to check morale during
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses None
Scorch birds are immune to fire of all sorts, and intense heat (fireball, lava,
Attacks Scream
large fire) will act as if a cure light wounds spell were cast upon the creature
Weaknesses None
once every 3 rounds. Cold-based attacks, on the other hand, will do an
Size S (3’)
additional 1d6+1 h.p. of damage to a scorch bird, and water acts as poison
Intelligence 6
to the creature (if drunk). Cold water, ale, etc., will do 1d2 h.p. of damage if
Alignment Lawful evil
splashed on the creature, but only if it is actually cold (lukewarm liquids do not
Treasure Type XV
hurt the creature).
Treasure Value 1d8
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: Scorch birds look like fat ostriches without feathers.
X.P. Value 90 + 3/h.p.

General: Despite their name and appearance, screaming devilkins are native
to the material plane, found in underground environments and desolate
wildernesses. They cannot walk on their stunted legs, but only move by means
of their wings.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Serpent Man

Die Roll (d8) Ancestry Hit Dice X.P. Value

1-2 Mostly human 6d8 225 + 6/h.p.
3-6 Mixed 7d8 - 8d8 Varies
7-8 Mostly reptile 9d8 Varies

Serpent men with mostly human ancestry are often used by the serpent men to
interact with the world of men, for they are likely to be able to pass for human.
All will have some tell-tale sign of their heritage, however, as determined

Die Roll
(d12) Feature Can Pass for Human?
1 Forked tongue 90%
2 Pointed teeth 80%
3 Scaly patches (can be 90%
Combat: Screaming devilkins attack with their barbed tail. When other
covered by clothing)
creatures are present, the devilkin will begin its signature scream, which
4 Unhingeable jaw 90%
prevents all verbal communication. Each creature within 60’ of the devilkin
5 Snakelike eyes 70% (90% at 10’ range or more)
must make a saving throw vs. magic; failure means that they are incapable of
6 Spit poison (see below 100%
attacking or casting any spells (even those without a verbal component). Each
for effects)
creature must make a new saving throw each round. If a spellcaster makes his
7 Hissing lisp 80%
saving throw, he is then able to cast spells that round, even if they have an
8 Flat, snakelike features 70%
incantation associated with them.
9 Scales instead of hair 60%
10 Arms bend like snakes 60%
Appearance: The screaming devilkin looks like a tiny gargoyle, with
11 Snakes instead of hair 40%
disproportionately stubby arms and legs, 5’ leathery wings, and a wickedly
12 Cobra-like hood opens 60% (0% if hood opens
barbed tail.
when startled or angry unexpectedly)

Serpent Man

Number 1d4
Morale +6
Hit Dice 6d8 - 9d8
Armor Class 4 (human parts), 0 (snake parts)
Move 120’/min. (if legs), 90’/min. (if snake body)
Magic Resistance B
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type or see below
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 17
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value See below

General: Serpent men are degenerate creatures who mingled their bloodlines
with reptilian elements through ancient demon-inspired blasphemies. They
inhabit tropical rain forests, sometimes in the same ruined cities that their once-
fully-human ancestors used to inhabit. When randomly encountered, 1d4
individuals will be found. The treasure given for each entry is for the whole
group; do not roll separate treasure for each individual. They will often have Those serpent men with mixed ancestry start off with a human body and add
ophidians (see p. 174) as minions and guards. snake features as determined randomly:

Serpent men will have varying degrees of serpent and human ancestry, which
will determine their physical nature and also influence their combat and
magical abilities:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll Shadow

(d10) Feature Effect
1 Snake head Bite for 1d10 h.p. Number 2d10
2 Snake-like torso (no arms) 8d8 HD Morale +4
3 Snake tail instead of legs Constrict for 1d4 h.p. per Hit Dice 3d10
round, move 90’/min. Armor Class 7
4 Snakes (complete with heads) Cannot use weapons, Move 120’/min.
instead of arms each arm bites for 1d6 Magic Resistance Standard
h.p. No. of Attacks 1
5 Body covered in scales AC 0 Damage 1d4+1
6 Snake tail as well as legs Constrict for 1d4 h.p. per Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity
round Attacks Strength drain, 90% undetectable
7 Spit poison Can spit poison 10’, if hit Weaknesses Holy water
save vs. poison or be Size M
blinded for 1d6 hours Intelligence 6
8-10 Roll twice, re-rolling As above, cumulative Alignment Chaotic evil
contradictory results effect Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Those serpent men with mostly reptilian ancestry will have a body that starts Magical Treasure 1d4+1, no weapons (10%)
as that of a large snake, to which is added one of the following features: X.P. Value 255 + 4/h.p.
Turn as Type IV
Die Roll (d6) Feature Effect
1 Human head Can cast spells, no bite General: Shadows are non-corporeal undead creatures that linger around
2 Human arms Can wield weapons lonely ruins or deep underground locales. They exist partially on the material
3 Human legs Move 120’/min., no constrict plane and partially on the negative plane.
4-6 No human features None
Combat: Shadows attack by touch. In addition to the regular damage done,
Combat: Serpent men with arms fight with weapons like humans; they can be the touch of a shadow will drain 1 point of strength from the victim for 2d4x10
armed with almost anything, but will often be found with swords, scimitars, minutes. If the strength of a victim should become 0, the person dies and
blowguns, crossbows, etc. becomes a shadow himself.

Those serpent men with human heads can use the following spell-like abilities Shadows are immune to spells such as sleep, charm, hold, etc. Cold does them
once per day: no harm. Due to their insubstantial nature, they are 90% undetectable except
in extremely bright light such as direct sunlight or a continual light spell. Being
• Cause fear non-corporeal, poison and paralyzation do not affect them.
• Darkness 15’ radius
• Neutralize poison Appearance: Shadows appear as the shadowy outline of a humanoid
• Polymorph other creature. They are not truly limited to moving along walls, however; that is
• Snake charm simply an optical illusion caused by their translucent nature.
• Sticks to snakes
• Suggestion
Shambling Mound
Serpent men with snake heads attack with a bite for 1d10 h.p., and those with
Number 1d3
a snake tail can also constrict with it for 1d4 h.p. per round (no “to hit” roll
Morale +15
needed after the first successful roll).
Hit Dice 8d12-11d12
Armor Class 0
Appearance: The exact appearance of a serpent man will differ from
Move 60’/min.
individual to individual, as determined in the tables above. All types of serpent
Magic Resistance Standard
men speak their own language; those with mostly human ancestry will also
No. of Attacks 2
speak the common tongue. Those with mostly reptilian ancestry can
Damage 2d8/2d8
communicate with all snakes and snake-like creatures. Those with mixed
Defenses Immune to crushing weapons and fire, most weapons
ancestry will speak the common tongue unless they have a snake head, in
do half damage
which case they will be able to communicate with all snakes and snake-like
Attacks Suffocation
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type BTX
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1 item
(60%), 1 potion (60%)
X.P. Value See below


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Shedu


Number 2d4
Morale +7
Hit Dice 9d12
Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance E
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d6/1d6
Defenses Become astral/ethereal
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Size L (6’ high at shoulder)
Intelligence 16
Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (35%)
X.P. Value 1,950 + 14/h.p.

General: Shedu are magical creatures without fixed abodes that travel the
world seeking to further the cause of Good, and they can be convinced to aid
fellow travelers of that particular moral alignment. To this end, they sometimes
General: Shambling mounds (sometimes called “shamblers” are plant willingly serve particular deities of that ethos. They are frequent travelers on
creatures that inhabit steamy swamps, marshes, bayous, and also damp both the astral and ethereal planes, usually on some mission in furtherance of
underground locations. The size of the shambling mound should be determined the cause of Good. If 6 or more shedu are encountered, they will be governed
randomly: by a greater shedu (see below).

Die Roll (d4) Hit Dice Size X.P. Value Combat: Shedu attack with their front hooves. In addition, they can use the
1 8d12 L (6’) 1,200 + 12/h.p. following magical effects as indicated.
2 9d12 L (7’) 1,800 + 14/h.p.
3 10d12 L (8’) 1,900 + 14/h.p. • Become astral at will
4 11d12 L (9’) 2,700 + 16/h.p. • Become ethereal at will
• Psychic strike twice per day
Combat: Shambling mounds attack with their two great club-like arms. If both • Telepathy sufficient to communicate with any intelligent creature
arms hit the same opponent in the same round, the shambling mound will draw within 60’, at will
the victim into its own soggy mass of tendrils, suffocating it in 2d4 rounds
unless the shambler is slain beforehand. Shambling mounds are very fond of Lastly, all shedu can cast mystic spells as if they were 7th level mystics. The
shriekers as food. number of spells they can memorize per spell level is as follows:

Shambling mounds take no damage from crushing weapons such as maces, Spell Level
clubs, etc. All other weapons score only half damage. They are immune to fire 1 2 3 4
due to their moist bodies. Lightning will actually cause the things to grow by 1
# of spells 3 3 2 1
hit die, and cold does only half damage (no damage if the shambling mound
makes a saving throw vs. whatever is causing the cold damage).
All healing and curative spells cast by shedu have double the normal effect.

Appearance: The shambling mound resembles a great pile of rotting

Appearance: Shedu have the bodies of bulls, wise-looking human heads
vegetation. It is vaguely humanoid in shape, with structures resembling arms
(males invariably have beards) and the wings of falcons. They speak their own
and legs and a head, but these are merely superficial resemblances; the brain
tongue and the common tongue, but normally communicate using their
of the creature is actually in its “abdomen.” It is roughly six feet across, and
telepathic powers.
two feet across at the top (the “head”).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Greater shedu have the bodies of bulls, wise-looking human

heads (males invariably have beards) and the wings of falcons. They speak
the shedu language, that of lammasu, and the common tongue, but normally
communicate using their telepathic powers.


Normal Giant
Number 1 (see below) 1 (see below)
Morale +3 +8
Hit Dice 2d8 4d10
Armor Class 6 6
Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1d2 2d6
Defenses None None
Attacks Charge (rams only) Charge (rams only)
Weaknesses None None
Size M L (6’ at shoulder)
Shedu, Greater Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Number 1d2 Treasure Type None None
Morale +11 Treasure Value n/a n/a
Hit Dice 14d10 Magical Treasure None None
Armor Class 2 X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. 85 + 4/h.p.
Move 150’/min., 300’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance H General: Sheep are found in mountainous or rocky regions in most climates.
No. of Attacks 1 They are not particularly aggressive unless they feel themselves or their flock
Damage 3d6/3d6 are threatened, in which case they will fight to the death. Most encounters
Defenses Magic use (75%) will be with an entire herd, rather than a single individual. A herd will
Attacks Magic use consist of 1 male, 1d4 ewes, and 2d4 lambs. Lambs are non-combatants.
Weaknesses None
Size L (6’ high at shoulder) Combat: Sheep will attack by striking with their head; they may also charge if
Intelligence 18 there is sufficient room to gain speed; charging does double damage. Ewes
Alignment Lawful good do not charge; they only attack with their head butt.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: Sheep are shaggy quadrupeds with curving horns of various
Magical Treasure None sizes. In some species the ewes also have horns, but it is not universal. Those
X.P. Value 5,250 + 20/h.p. with and without horns still do the same amount of damage in combat.

General: Greater shedu can be found nearly anywhere, including the astral
and ethereal planes, but are usually found in warmer climates if possible. They
wander the world aiding the cause of lawfulness and goodness, while doing
Just as the outer planes are ruled by demons, angels, devils, devas, etc., so
their utmost to combat chaos and evil. If encountered with regular shedu, they
too was the material plane once ruled by the sidhe (pronounced “shee”), but
will be in a position of leadership, but are benevolent and wise rulers.
they have been replaced over the millenia by various waves of mortal races.
The sidhe are divided into two camps; the Seelie Court is, as a whole,
Combat: Greater shedu attack with their front hooves. In addition, they have
indifferent to the rise of mortals, preferring to while away the millennia with
the following spell-like abilities, as indicated:
their balls, masques, revels, and other diversions. The Unseelie Court, on the
other hand, while no less dissolute, actively resents mortals and their
• Become astral at will
ascendency in the material plane, and will go out of their way to harm them
• Become ethereal at will
and hold them back from further expansion.
• Empathy with any plant within 60’ at will
• Invisibility at will
The Courts have no fixed abode; each moves about the world in what is known
• Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
as the Faerie Troop. They are filled with many courtiers, functionaries, soldiers,
• Telepathy with any intelligent creature within 60’ at will
advisors, etc., just like the courts of mortal monarchs, and the entertainments
• Teleport at will
given at the Courts are quite literally the stuff of legend. The majority of these
courtiers are faeries, but within their ranks can also be found satyrs,
Greater shedu can cast mystic spells as if they were 14th level mystics. The
leprechauns, brownies, pixies, and the like. They can be seen at night, but are
number of spells they can memorize per level is as follows:
always safely underground in their mounds by the break of day. This is not a
physical excavation of hills and mounds, however, so much as a magical
Spell Level
transformation of the mound; each night an enormous city is created beneath
1 2 3 4 5 6
the hill in which each Court decides to settle, all trace of which is removed
# of spells 6 6 6 5 3 2 when the Faerie Troop makes its journey the following evening. Each time the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Sidhe

halls of the Courts are created, they are subtly different than they were the last
time, so making a map of the place is quite impossible. The logic of their layout In addition, Finvarra has the following magical powers:
and daily reconstruction is something that only the minds of the sidhe and their
courtiers can comprehend. • Charm person or mammal once per round
• Control weather once per day
Not all faeries are associated with either the Seelie or Unseelie Courts. Many • Earthquake once per day
are independent, content to live their lives without meddling in the politics of • Faerie fire nine times per day
the Courts. Few are able to maintain this neutrality indefinitely, however, and • Faerie summoning nine times per day
the Courts are always seeking ways to exert pressure on those independent • Improved phantasmal force nine times per day
faeries to take up their banner. • Insect plague three times per day
• Lightning bolt nine times per day
All sidhe listed below are treated as lesser deities, and have all of the powers • Pass without trace once per round
thereof as listed in Appendix E. Note that the material plane is the home plane • Permanent illusion three times per day
of these beings, and all have soul objects carefully secreted about the world. • Plane shift three times per day
All speak their own lilting language, the common tongue, elvish, halfling, • Plant door three times per day
gnomish, and goblin, and can communicate telepathically with all sylvan races • Produce flame nine times per day
such as pixies, treants, satyrs, centaurs, etc. • Psychic strike nine times per day
• Spike growth three times per day
Finvarra (King of the Unseelie Court) • Sunburst three times per day
• Transmute metal to wood once per day
Number Unique • Wall of thorns three times per day
Morale +12 • Weather summoning three times per day
Hit Dice 17d12 (180 h.p.)
Armor Class -3 Finvarra will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not steel) if
Move 120’/min. hit.
Magic Resistance P
No. of Attacks 3 Appearance: Finvarra appears as a handsome young man with platinum
Damage 1d6+4 blond hair and the horns and ears of a ram. He can alter his appearance at
Defenses Magic use will, however.
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Iron Green Man (Captain of the Seelie Court)
Size M
Intelligence 25 Number Unique
Alignment Neutral evil Morale +9
Treasure Type IX Hit Dice 14d12 (for hit points see below)
Treasure Value 2d6x10,000 Armor Class 2
Magical Treasure 1d4+3 items (75%), 2d12 potions (80%), 1d8 scrolls Move 120’/min.
(50%) Magic Resistance See below
X.P. Value 66,000 (material form), 660,000 (permanently slain) No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d12+3
General: Finvarra is one of the most powerful beings on the material plane. Defenses Magic use
Although he and Oberon harbor no enmity for one another, they do Attacks Magic use
fundamentally disagree on their attitudes towards mortals, and this has in turn Weaknesses See below
led to a hardening of their hearts towards one another. Although he is devoted Size M
to his queen, Oona, he knows that she is a scorpion he has by the tail, and Intelligence 17
love does not always lead to trust. He has a practiced air of cool disdain and Alignment Neutral
boredom, but he is constantly closely observing everyone and everything Treasure Type XVIII
around him. He has spies everywhere, often polymorphed into innocuous forms Treasure Value 2d6x1,000
such as flowers and tree stumps. Magical Treasure 1d3 items (20%), 1d6 potions (50%)
X.P. Value 42,500 (material form), 425,000 (permanently slain)
For all that Finvarra claims to resent the rise of the mortal races, he has a weak
spot for mortal women. There is a 10% chance that any human, elf, half-elf, or General: The Green Man is a unique magical being who comes to life after
halfling woman with a charisma of 17 or higher with whom he comes into the death of the Winter King (see below). Also known as the Green Knight, he
contact will be seduced. Such relationships only last a few days before he tires is a member of the Seelie Court, where he serves as captain of the guard (one
of the woman and releases her. His queen is aware of this habit, and if Oona of the reasons that the two Courts have never gone to war is that they never
discovers the identity of one of these mortal dalliances, she harasses her with have their captains at the same time, and neither thinks it would be sporting to
great vigor and spite. attack the other with such an advantage).

Finvarra owns a magical race horse that always wins whatever race it enters. The Green Man will normally be born on the Spring Equinox, and will die on
He is known to enter mortal races in disguise and then make off with the the Autumnal Equinox. During that time, his powers will wax as the year
winners’ purse. approaches Midsummer, and wane as it recedes into the past (the Game
Master may need to adjust to meet the needs of his own campaign world, as
Combat: Finvarra wields a mighty planar spear +4, which will always return applicable). His powers and abilities will change accordingly:
to him immediately after it is thrown (it can also be used in melee combat).
When thrown, it has a range of one mile.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Hit Magic Variable Spell

Month Points Res. Strength Powers Oberon is devoted to his wife Titania, but often feels that she is too affectionate
1 119 C 16 Once per day towards mortals (or specific mortals), and designs lessons for her that usually
2 159 E 18 Three times per day involve not only her own humiliation, but those of random mortals who happen
3-4 199 G 20 Nine times per day to get caught in the crossfire.
5 159 E 18 Three times per day
6 119 C 16 Once per day Combat: Oberon rarely engages in melee himself, but if forced will attack with
slaps of his open hands, which inflict a surprising amount of pain and damage.
Combat: The Green Man wields a large bearded axe called Summer’s He also has the Flowery Rod, which can be used as a weapon (see below). In
Finding. It acts as a vorpal axe +3. The Green Man himself is immune to any addition, he has the following powers:
sort of loss of limb or beheading; he will simply pick up the detached member
and reattach it. • Animal growth three times per day
• Charm person or mammal once per round
In addition, the Green Man has the following magical abilities: • Creeping doom once per day
• Dispel magic nine times per day
• Barkskin (variable) • Distance distortion nine times per day
• Dancing weapon (variable) • Faerie fire nine times per day
• Fire storm once per day • Faerie summoning nine times per day
• Insect plague three times per day • Finger of death once per day
• Plant growth (variable) • Grasping hand nine times per day
• Produce flame (variable) • Imprisonment once per day
• Psychic strike (variable) • Improved phantasmal force nine times per day
• Pyrotechnics (variable) • Improved ventriloquism three times per day
• Sunburst (variable) • Mirror image once per round
• Volley of javelins (variable) • Permanent illusion three times per day
• Wall of thorns three times per day • Plant growth three times per day
• Polymorph other three times per day
The Green Man will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not • Psychic strike nine times per day
steel) if hit. • Shadow magic three times per day
• Statue three times per day
Appearance: The green man appears as a skinny youth, a well-muscled young • Temporal stasis three times per day
man, or a frail old man depending on the time of year. His hair and beard are
made of vines and greenery; around Midsummer he sports bunches of grapes Oberon will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not steel) if
as sideburns as well. As he gets older the greenery turns gold and yellow, and hit.
finally brown and brittle at the end of his life. When changed into human form,
he always wears armor of emerald green. Appearance: Oberon appears as a tall and stately man of middle years with
white hair and white and gray robes. His ears are pointed like those of an elf.
Oberon (King of the Seelie Court) He can, however, change his appearance at will.

Number Unique Flowery Rod: Oberon wields a powerful magical artifact, the Flowery Rod. It
Morale +7 appears as a thick and straight tree limb some three feet in length, topped by
Hit Dice 22d12 (199 h.p.) a single blooming flower. The type of flower will determine the effect that the
Armor Class 0 rod produces:
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance L • Love-in-idleness: any individual touched will act as under the effect
No. of Attacks 2 of a love potion (permanent)
Damage 2d6/2d6 • Oxlips: will issue forth a sonic blast once per round
Defenses Magic use • Sweet briar rose: will polymorph any object with triple duration
Attacks Magic use when touched
Weaknesses Iron • Thyme: can cast either improved fear or remove fear
Size M • Violet: causes sleep (as per the spell) in any single creature
Intelligence 23 touched regardless of hit dice: magic resistance still applies
Alignment Neutral • Woodbine (honeysuckle): can cast a dispel evil spell
Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 2d8x10,000 The flower atop the rod can be changed by the wielder once per round. As a
Magical Treasure 1d4+2 items (75%), 1 armor (30%), 1 weapon (30%), new flower replaces an old one, the old flower falls to the ground. For the next
2d4 potions (80%), 1d6 scrolls (50%) 24 hours, the discarded flowers will have the following effects (only one of
X.P. Value 68,000 (material form), 680,000 (permanently slain) each flower can be used at any given time by the same person):

General: Oberon, ruler of the Seelie Court, is king of those among faerie-kind • Love-in-idleness: when carried, gives a +1 bonus to all reaction
who view humans and other mortals with neither particular love nor malice. rolls
He is well-practiced at seeming to be aloof from the intrigues of the Court, and • Oxlips: when held to the ear, the listener can clearly hear
yet is constantly and subtly playing one faction off another, dangling the fruits conversations from up to 100’ away
of his favor before them all as a reward, all without seeming to be aware that • Sweet Briar Rose: can cause minor morphing by touch, once
anything is going on at all.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Sidhe


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Thyme: when on one’s person, provides a +2 bonus to all saving • Programmed illusion three times per day
throws vs. fear and all morale checks • Psychic strike three times per day
• Violet: if placed beneath the head when resting, will heal 3 h.p. • Shadow monsters three times per day
• Woodbine (honeysuckle): acts as protection from evil spell for • Shadow walk once per day
1d6 minutes, after that time will shrivel and lose its effect • Suggestion once per round
• Time stop once per day
On rare occasions, Oberon will give such discarded flowers to mortals or his • Wall of thorns three times per day
In addition to the powers listed above, she is a 16th level illusionist.
Oona (Queen of the Unseelie Court)
Oona will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not steel) if hit.
Number Unique
Morale +5 Appearance: In her true form, queen Oona is but 2’ high, with dragonfly
Hit Dice 16d12 (133 h.p.) wings, pointed ears, and antennae, pale skin and dark hair. She is a mistress
Armor Class -2 of illusion and false appearances, however, and can often be found in one of
Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (flying – perfect) a thousand guises.
Magic Resistance M
No. of Attacks 1 Puck / Robin Goodfellow (The Merry Prankster)
Damage 1d4
Defenses Magic use Number Unique
Attacks Magic use Morale +9
Weaknesses Iron Hit Dice 20d12 (199 h.p.)
Size S (2’) Armor Class -1
Intelligence 22 Move 150’/min.
Alignment Neutral evil Magic Resistance P
Treasure Type VI No. of Attacks 3
Treasure Value 3d6x1,000 Damage 1d8/1d8/2d6 or per weapon type
Magical Treasure 2d4 items (50%), 1d4+3 potions (70%), 1d6 scrolls Defenses Magic use
(50%), 1d2 rings (25%) Attacks Magic use
X.P. Value 56,000 (material form), 560,000 (permanently slain) Weaknesses Iron
Size M
General: Oona, queen of the Unseelie court, is a consummate expert in the Intelligence 23
arts of deception, illusion, scheming, and vengeance. She actively hates the Alignment Neutral
mortal races, and is constantly urging her husband Finvarra to ever-greater Treasure Type None
acts of malice against them. It is said that her icy hatred is fueled by her Treasure Value n/a
husband’s continuous dalliances with mortal women; it is certain that when she Magical Treasure 1d3 items (80%), 1 ring (80%), 1d3 potions (70%)
finds such paramours (former or current), she exacts cruel vengeances on each X.P. Value 72,000 (material form), 720,000 (permanently slain)
of them.
General: This unique creature is known as Puck when in the Seelie Court, and
Combat: Oona is not physically impressive, to say the least. Her tiny hands Robin Goodfellow when attending the Unseelie Court. He is the only being
barely can scratch an enemy in melee. She relies instead on her most who is able (and allowed) to attend both Courts; not only is his nature
formidable powers of magic: mercurial, but he is powerful enough that neither court wishes to alienate him
by pressing the issue of divided loyalties. It is suspected that Puck pursues his
• Alter animal once per round own agenda, allowing himself to be commanded to action by either Court only
• Alter plant once per round when it suits his own mysterious purposes. Only the merry Puck really knows
• Cause shadows nine times per day for certain, and his confidences are either self-contradictory, nonsensical, or
• Charm person nine times per day both.
• Darkness 10’ radius nine times per day
• Death fog once per day Puck’s nature as a prankster and fool lends him to play jokes on mortals and
• Dispel illusion nine times per day faeries alike. His jests at the expense of mortals make him the delight of the
• Entangle nine times per day Unseelie Court, while those in the Seelie court can likewise appreciate his
• Faerie summoning three times per day hijinks, whether malicious or merely droll.
• Flesh to stone once per day
• Hold monster three times per day Combat: Puck strikes with his fist and can kick with his hooves. He is sometimes
• Hold person three times per day known to wield either a longsword +3 or a staff of striking. However, his
• Insect plague three times per day magical powers are much more impressive:
• Massmorph three times per day
• Maze three times per day • Animate rock three times per day
• Non-detection three times per day • Charm person once per round
• Permanent illusion three times per day • Earthquake once per day
• Phantasmal force once per round • Emotion nine times per day
• Phantasmal killer three times per day • Entangle three times per day
• Polymorph other three times per day • Faerie fire nine times per day
• Polymorph self once per round • Faerie summoning three times per day
• Power word, stun once per day • Freezing sphere three times per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Sidhe

• Fumble nine times per day her, to their considerable sorrow. She is expert at maneuvering others to do
• Hallucinatory forest three times per day her bidding, and even Oberon’s seemingly-humiliating “lessons” are often
• Locate animals nine times per day eventually seen to be yet more links in the Byzantinely complex chains of events
• Monster summoning (all) each once per day that she forges.
• Moonbeam three times per day
• Plant growth three times per day Combat: In combat Titania wields the fearsome Faebrand, a long sword +4
• Polymorph any object once per day that always strikes first in a round, and which does double damage to any
• Produce flame nine times per day non-denizen of the sylvan woodlands (nymphs, satyrs, unicorns, etc.), and
• Psychic strike nine times per day triple damage to any creature native to a plane other than the material. In
• Sleep three times per day addition, she has the following magical powers:
• Speak with plants nine times per day
• Sticks to snakes three times per day • Charm person once per round
• Summon insects three times per day • Divination three times per day
• Sunray three times per day • Elemental transformation once per day
• Time stop once per day • Eyebite three times per day
• Volley of javelins three times per day • Flame strike three times per day
• Wall of thorns three times per day • Flaming sphere once per round
• Warp wood nine times per day • Light of truth once per day
• Weakness three times per day • Prismatic sphere once per day
• Project image three times per day
Puck will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not steel) if hit. • Prophecy three times per day
• Psychic strike nine times per day
Puck sometimes (60%) carries a ram’s horn that can: • Ray of enfeeblement nine times per day
• Reflecting pool three times per day
• Act as a horn of blasting • Shadow door three times per day
• Act as a horn of fog • Wall of force three times per day
• Create food and water as a 10th level cleric • Wind wall nine times per day
• Summon 2d8 satyrs who will obey his commands • Word of knowledge once per day

He can choose which effect is used in any given round. It may be used three Titania will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not steel) if hit.
times per day, regardless of which effects are used.
Appearance: Titania appears as a beautiful gray elf with long blonde hair and
Appearance: Puck appears as a large satyr with long hair and beard. He delicate dragonfly wings.
always wears a sly grin and has deep brown eyes that are filled with mirth.
His appearance does not change when he is in the Seelie or Unseelie Courts. Winter King (Captain of the Unseelie Court)

Titania (Queen of the Seelie Court) Number Unique

Morale +9
Number Unique Hit Dice 14d12 (for hit points see below)
Morale +5 Armor Class 2
Hit Dice 15d12 Move 120’/min.
Armor Class 1 Magic Resistance See below
Move 120’/min. No. of Attacks 1
Magic Resistance K Damage 3d4+3
No. of Attacks 1 Defenses Magic use
Damage Per weapon type Attacks Magic use
Defenses Magic use Weaknesses Iron
Attacks Magic use Size M
Weaknesses Iron Intelligence 19
Size M Alignment Neutral evil
Intelligence 20 Treasure Type XVIII
Alignment Neutral Treasure Value 3d4x1,000
Treasure Type XV Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%), 1d4 potions (45%)
Treasure Value 3d6x1,000 X.P. Value 42,500 (material form), 425,000 (permanently slain)
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (60%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d8 scrolls
(50%), 1 ring (70%) General: The Winter King is a unique magical being who comes to life after
X.P. Value 57,000 (material form), 570,000 (permanently slain) the death of the Green Man (see above). He is a member of the Unseelie Court,
where he serves as captain of the guard (one of the reasons that the two Courts
General: Titania, the Faerie Queen, rules over the Seelie Court with her have never gone to war is that they never have their captains at the same time,
husband Oberon. She is less concerned with the intrigues of the Courtiers than and neither thinks it would be sporting to attack the other with such an
she is with her own agenda, which often involves using mortals to surther some advantage).
obscure motive in the mortal world. Because of this, she is often seen as being
too affectionate towards mortals, which is a reputation she does not challenge, The Winter King will normally be born on the Autumnal Equinox, and will die
as it suits her to be seen as being soft rather than playing the millennia-long on the Spring Equinox. During that time, his powers will wax as the year
game that she plays in reality. She finds that potential enemies underestimate approaches Midwinter (sometimes known as Yule), and wane as Midwinter


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


recedes into the past (the Game Master may need to adjust to meet the needs
of his own campaign world, as applicable). His powers and abilities will
change accordingly:

Hit Magic Variable Spell

Month Points Res. Strength Powers
1 119 C 16 Once per day
2 159 E 18 Three times per day
3-4 199 G 20 Nine times per day
5 159 E 18 Three times per day
6 119 C 16 Once per day

Combat: The Winter King wields a frost brand mace +4. He is immune to any
sort of cold or frost damage, and any creature that comes within 10’ of him
will suffer 1d6 h.p. of cold damage per minute.

In addition, the Winter King has the following magical abilities:

• Cone of cold (variable)

• Dancing weapon (variable)
• Freezing sphere (variable)
• Ice storm once per day
• Passwall three times per day
• Plant growth (variable)
• Psychic strike (variable)
• Turn wood (variable)
General: Animated skeletons of various types are a form of corporeal undead,
• Volley of icicles (variable)
usually (but not always) formed by the spell animate dead. They will operate
• Wall of ice three times per day
completely under the power of their master, but will only comprehend simple
instructions up to 20 or so words in length. They can be found anywhere, but
The Winter King will always take maximum damage from iron weapons (not
especially in charnel places, mass graves, ancient battlefields, etc. If they arise
steel) if hit.
spontaneously, they will simply attack any living creature.
Appearance: The Winter King appears as a skinny youth, a well-muscled
Combat: Skeletons with a humanoid form attack using either a weapon (any
young man, or a frail old man depending on the time of year. His skin is pale
sort is possible) but all can attack with their bony claws. They are immune to
blue-white, and his hair and beard are made of ice. His eyes are piercing
mind-affecting spells such as charm, hold, sleep, etc. Being mindless, illusions
are useless in their case, and they are likewise immune to cold of all sorts. Due
to their skeletal nature, only blunt weapons (clubs, maces, etc.) do full damage.
Skeleton Blades or piercing weapons will only do half normal damage (round down).
A vial of holy water will cause 2d4 h.p. against skeletons.
Animal Animated Giant
Number 2d10 3d10 1d10 Animal skeletons, being less robust than those of humanoids, afford anyone
Morale n/a n/a n/a attempting to turn them a +1 bonus. If successful, such attempts will affect
Hit Dice 1d6 1d8 2d12 1d6+6 of the skeletons.
Armor Class 8 7 6
Move 60’/min. 120’/min. 90’/min. Appearance: Skeletons are literally animated skeletons, completely devoid of
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard flesh but with a cold light burning in their eye sockets. Those which are
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 humanoid in form usually wear tattered clothing and damaged armor.
Damage 1d4 1d6 or per 1d8
Defenses Immune to certain spells, only blunt weapons do full
Attacks None None None
Weaknesses Holy water Holy water Holy water
Size S M L
Intelligence 0 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. 14 + 1/h.p. 60 + 4/h.p.
Turn as Type I (see below) I III


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Skeleton Warrior

Skeleton Warrior certainly take the opportunity to attempt to slay its one-time master. It cannot
be used in connection with any other headgear, and the skeleton warrior will
Number 1 always be aware of its location and will do its utmost to recover it.
Morale +15
Hit Dice 10d10 - 15d10 Skunk
Armor Class 2
Move 60’/min. Normal Giant
Magic Resistance R Number 1d4 1
No. of Attacks 1 Morale -3 -2
Damage Per weapon type Hit Dice 1d4 5d10
Defenses None Armor Class 7 7
Attacks +3 “to hit” bonus Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
Weaknesses Holy water Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Size M No. of Attacks 1 1
Intelligence 16 Damage 1 1d6
Alignment Neutral evil Defenses Musk Musk
Treasure Type IX Attacks Musk Musk
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000 Weaknesses None None
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%) Size S (1’ long) M (6’ long)
X.P. Value See below Intelligence 1 1
Turn as type XII Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
General: Skeleton warriors are feared corporeal Treasure Value n/a n/a
undead similar to liches, but who were in life Magical Treasure None None
powerful fighters or cavaliers. X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p.

Combat: Skeleton warriors fight with weapons, usually (75% chance) two- General: Skunks are omnivores who are not above scavenging in and around
handed swords, but occasionally any sort of melee weapon appropriate to a human settlements. They normally dwell in woodlands. They will back towards
fighter or cavalier. When they do so, they strike with a +3 bonus “to hit”. Any intruders and spray their musk if they do not retreat.
creature with less than 5 hit dice or levels will automatically flee for 2d6 rounds
if a skeleton warrior comes within 90’. They cannot be turned by clerics or Combat: Skunks can attack with their bite. However, they are much more
paladins. They fight as fighters of the experience level they possessed in life, famous for their smelly musk. The musk of the giant skunk will be released in a
which can be determined randomly if it is not already determined. cloud 20’x20’x60’, while that of the normal skunk is but 1/10th as large on
all sides. All those in the area of effect must save vs. poison or be blinded.
Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Fight as… X.P. Value Regardless of whether they save, the victims will also retreat out of the area
1 10d10 10th level fighter 2,950 + 16/h.p. automatically. The musk of the giant skunk will cause victims to lose half of
2 11d10 11th level fighter 3,450 + 18/h.p. their strength and dexterity due to retching for 2d4x10 minutes. The stench of
3 12d10 12th level fighter 3,450 + 18/h.p. the musk is extreme, and will cause those who carry it to be shunned until they
4 13d10 13th level fighter 4,050 + 20/h.p. can cleanse themselves of it. Cloth will need to be destroyed, and it will take
5 14d10 14th level fighter 4,050 + 20/h.p. several days of washing and care to rid other items (and creatures!) of the
6 15d10 15th level fighter 4,650 + 25/h.p. smell.

As with all undead, they are immune to mind-affecting magic such as illusions, Appearance: Skunks are small furred quadrupeds, black in color with a
charm, hold, etc. distinctive double white stripe along their back and bushy tail. Giant skunks
are merely larger versions of their normal cousins.
Appearance: Skeleton warriors are skeletons wearing armor and the other
trappings of a mighty warrior, now rotting but still betraying their fine origins. Slime
Golden circlet: Where the lich’s phylactery is the repository of its fell will and Slimes, like their cousins the jellies, oozes, and puddings are universally held
key to maintaining its un-life, the skeleton warrior has a golden circlet that to be the unwanted and misbegotten byproducts of the experiments of wizards
fulfills the same function. It will guard it with extraordinary care, for if some and alchemists. The various elixirs, reagents, and other compounds and
other creature possesses it, the circlet will afford the wearer complete control substances poured down their drains interact with microbial and other primitive
over the skeleton warrior to whom it belongs, as long as both are within 240’ creatures to form these shapeless horrors.
of one another. Outside of that range, the skeleton warrior will regain its free
will, and will do everything in its power to slay the one who holds the circlet Slimes are plant-like growths that are found in deep subterranean places. They
and recover it. do not move per se, but do grow along walls, floors, and ceilings, whence
they sense vibration and drop on unsuspecting prey.
While controlling the skeleton warrior thus, the wearer cannot move, attack,
defend himself or cast spells. The wearer of the circlet can also see through the
dead eyes of the warrior within that range; if that is all he is doing (i.e., the
skeleton warrior is not engaged in any real activity) the wearer is then able to
move and act normally. If the circlet is ever removed from the wearer’s head,
the skeleton warrior will become immediately aware of that fact and rush at
double speed to regain it before it can once more be put on the head of a
mortal and the skeleton warrior put back into the thrall of another. It will


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Green Slime

Number 1d6
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 9
Move n/a
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses Immune to most weapons and spells
Attacks Eats through metal, turn flesh to slime
Weaknesses Cure disease
Size S
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Butter Slime
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 120 + 2/h.p.
Number 1d6
Morale n/a
General: Green slime is often found growing on ceilings in underground
Hit Dice 2d10
Armor Class 9
Move n/a
Combat: Green slime drops on creatures from above, automatically hitting
Magic Resistance Standard
those who pass beneath it. The slime can be scraped off (if done immediately)
No. of Attacks 0
but the scraper will have to be discarded. Green slime eats through metal,
Damage n/a
consuming mail in but a single round, and plate armor in 3. One inch of wood
Defenses None
will be consumed in 1 hour. Once the slime reaches flesh, it will consume it
Attacks Enzymes
utterly in 1d4 rounds, leaving nothing but a pool of green slime. In such cases
Weaknesses Cure disease
no resurrection is possible. It is immune to conventional attack by weapon or
Size S
spell, but frost and fire will affect it. Cure disease will kill a green slime. Olive
Intelligence 0
slime will neutralize green slime, and vice versa.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Appearance: Green slime is bright green in color, appearing as scum,
Treasure Value n/a
attaching itself to floors, ceilings, and walls.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 155 + 3/h.p.
Olive Slime
General: Butter slime is found in woodland areas, often growing on fallen logs,
Number 1d4
rotting tree trunks, etc.
Morale n/a
Combat: Butter slime can come into contact with flesh either by some creature Hit Dice 2d10
Armor Class 9
rubbing up against it or walking through it, or by dropping on some poor
unfortunate creature from above. If it comes into contact with skin or clothing Move 0
(including leather) it will begin to grow at a remarkable rate, doubling in size Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
every minute as it envelops the unfortunate host. On the first minute, the host
Damage n/a
will suffer 1 h.p. of damage as its enzymes are injected into the body. On the
second, it will suffer 2 h.p., then 4, 8, 16, and so forth. A small creature will Defenses Immune to most weapons and spells
Attacks Numbing
be completely covered in 8 minutes, a man-sized creature in 10 minutes, and
Weaknesses Cure disease spell
a large creature in 12. Only a cure disease spell can destroy the slime, but the
spell will not reverse any damage done. Once completely absorbed by the Size S
Intelligence 0
slime, the host creature will explode in 1d6 minutes, splattering slime in all
Alignment Neutral
directions. Anyone within 20’ of the explosion must make a saving throw vs.
paralyzation or find himself similarly under attack by a small patch of slime, Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
which will begin to grow.
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: Butter slime looks like a wet patch of pale yellow muck. It emits X.P. Value 330 + 3/h.p.
a faint scent like that of rancid butter.
General: Olive slime is found in most underground environments, where it
clings to walls and ceilings waiting for some unfortunate creature to pass

Combat: Olive slime attacks by dropping on unsuspecting prey from above. If

it hits, the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison; failure indicates that
the numbing secretions of the slime have caused the victim to not realize he


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Slime Creature

has been hit (if in a group, there is a 50% chance that another member of the
group will realize what has happened). If it is not noticed immediately and Appearance: Pink slime looks like a puddle of thick glistening pink goo. There
scraped off (causing 1d6 h.p. of damage to the victim), the slime’s tendrils will may or may not be objects (clothing, weapons, etc.) in the pink muck.
enter the victim’s body and it will become unnoticeable to outside inspection.
Scarlet Slime
If the slime is allowed to remain on the victim, a metamorphosis will begin
which lasts a total of 1d6+6 days. During that time the victim will double his Number 1
food intake and become withdrawn, uninterested in his comrades, mission, or Morale n/a
anything other than feeding and protecting himself (as host for the slime). If he Hit Dice 3d8
is unable to double his normal food intake, he will lose 10% of his total h.p. Armor Class 9
for each day that such is the case. After the metamorphosis period, the victim Move 0
will quietly die and become fully transformed into a slime creature (see below). Magic Resistance Standard
The physical manifestation will not be apparent until the very end when it is No. of Attacks 0
too late; during the metamorphosis period, only a cure disease spell will halt Damage n/a
the spread of the slime. Defenses Immune to most weapons
Attacks Metal-eating
Only acid, cold-based attacks, or fire will harm olive slime. A cure disease Weaknesses None
spell will kill it. Conventional weapons, spells other than the types listed above, Size S
and the like will have no effect. Green slime will neutralize olive slime, and Intelligence 0
vice versa. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Appearance: Olive slime is gray-green in color. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Pink Slime X.P. Value 90 + 3/h.p.

Number 1 General: Scarlet slimes are bizarre fungi-like amoeboid life-forms found in
Morale n/a deep subterranean locales. Immobile, they grow along walls and ceilings,
Hit Dice 3d10 feeding on ferrous metals. Much like the green slime (see above) they can
Armor Class 9 sense when metals pass beneath them and will drop on such and immediately
Move 0 consume them. The effect is almost instantaneous, with non-magical armor and
Magic Resistance Standard weapons being reduced to a damp clump of rust in under a round. Magical
No. of Attacks 0 metals are given a saving throw with a bonus equal to its magical “plus”.
Damage n/a
Defenses Immune to weapons, fire, and electricity Combat: Scarlet slime does not attack conventionally. It will not affect flesh,
Attacks Infection, colonization stone, or wood. Conventional weapons do no harm to the slime, but fire- or
Weaknesses None cold-based attacks do full damage.
Size M
Intelligence 0 They are sometimes found in the vicinities of other types of slime.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III Appearance: Scarlet slime appears as a patch of reddish rust on a wall or
Treasure Value 5d20 ceiling.
Magical Treasure 1 item (5%)
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. Slime Creature
General: Pink slime is not a creature in and of itself, but rather the end result Small Medium Large
of a process by which animal matter is dissolved by a virulent bacterium and
Number 1d20 1d20 1d20
reduced to an undifferentiated mass of cells. Bone, muscle, and organs are all
Morale +3 +5 +7
converted into a patch of slick pink goo.
Hit Dice 3d10 5d10 8d10
Armor Class 9 9 9
Combat: Pink slime does not attack. If it comes into contact with bare skin, the
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. 60’/min.
bacteria in and on the slime will infect the person touching it. There will first
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
be a burning sensation, followed by numbness. This sensation will spread from
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
the area of contact all around the body (an average human body will be
Damage 1d4 2d4 4d4
completely numb within 2 hours). Twenty-four hours after total numbness sets
Defenses Immune to many spells, most weapons
in, the body itself will quickly liquefy, becoming a new patch of pink slime.
Attacks Olive slime Olive slime Olive slime
Any clothing, armor, weapons, etc. will be in the puddle of slime, and it will
Weaknesses None None None
be impossible to extricate such without exposure. If 10’ poles, sword tips,
Size S M L
gloves, etc., come into contact with the slime, they will become infected by the
Intelligence 5 5 5
bacteria and will need to be discarded. A cure disease spell will destroy the
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
bacteria, but creatures transformed into pink slime cannot be raised or
Treasure Type None None None
resurrected, only reincarnated.
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None
Pink slime is immune to all weapons, fire, and electricity. Magical cold will
X.P. Value 110 + 4/h.p. 300 + 6/h.p. 1,200 +
render the bacteria inert for 1d6 rounds. Acid can kill the bacteria and the
slime, but will run the risk of destroying any objects in the slime as well.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Slime creatures are the end result of the infection of some other Appearance: Slithering trackers are gelatinous creatures that are completely
creature by olive slime (see above). They can be found in nearly any habitat transparent. Only after they have fed do they flush crimson, and then only for
save the coldest or driest. While they are relatively unintelligent, they have a a very brief time.
certain brutish cunning and can set crude traps and ambushes. They
communicate with one another by telepathy with a 200’ range. The size of the Slug, Giant
slime creature is dependent on the size of the creature that was originally
infected by the olive slime. If not known, it should be determined randomly: Number 1
Morale +16
Die Roll (d6) Size Hit Dice 12d12
1-2 S Armor Class 8
3-5 M Move 60’/min.
6 L Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
When they die, slime creatures collapse into a puddle of olive slime, which Damage 1d12
begins the life-cycle of the slime anew. Defenses Immune to blunt weapons
Attacks Acid
Combat: Slime creatures attack with their fists. Each time they strike, there is a Weaknesses None
10% chance that the target will be infected with olive slime (see above). Only Size L (25’+ long)
the following types of attacks will affect slime creatures: acid, cold-based Intelligence 0
attacks, fire (if the slime creature is found in water, only magical fire will affect Alignment Neutral
it), and the spell magic missile. All other types of attack will prove ineffectual Treasure Type None
against them. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: Slime creatures are vaguely humanoid blobs of olive slime. They X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p.
have this shape regardless of the form of their original host/victim.

Slithering Tracker

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 5
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses Transparent
Attacks Paralyzation, followed by blood drain
Weaknesses None
Size S (2 ½’)
Intelligence 9 General: Giant slugs inhabit dark places such as underground caverns, dismal
Alignment Neutral ruins, and the like. They are able to squeeze through relatively small openings
Treasure Type IV despite their great bulk.
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Combat: Giant slugs attack with their bite. However, they are more likely to
X.P. Value 280 + 5/h.p. spit acid at enemies; this is not calculated using the normal “to hit” tables, but
rather is based on a percentage determined by the range:
General: The slithering tracker dwells
in dark places, especially underground,
Range % Chance to Hit on Second Shot
so that its transparent nature affords
0-60’ 50%
it the maximum camouflage
61-70’ 40%
(they are 95% undetectable).
71-80’ 30%
As a rule, they will not attack immediately
81-90’ 20%
(only a 10% chance) but will follow a creature around until it sleeps, and
91-100’ 10%
then attack. They are amorphous, and so are able to slither through very tight
100’ or more none
spaces; cracks under doors, etc.
Note that the first time the creature spits, it only has a 10% chance of hitting
Combat: Slithering trackers do not attack conventionally. They will first
the target, no matter the range (up to the maximum of 100’).
paralyze the victim (save vs. poison is allowed to avoid the effect) and then
drain all the plasma from the body. This process takes one hour, at which time
Giant slugs are immune to damage from blunt weapons such as clubs and
the victim is dead. If the desanguination process is interrupted, calculate hit
maces. They are able to smash down doors and similar blockages with ease.
point loss proportionally for the amount of time the creature was draining the
Appearance: Giant slugs appear much like their smaller cousins. They are
relatively amorphous, with rubbery skin, and have a sharply ridged mouth.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Snail, Giant

Snail, Giant
Number 1
Morale +3 Number 1d3
Hit Dice 3d10 Morale +3
Armor Class 8 (head), 0 (shell) Hit Dice 6d10
Move 60’/min. Armor Class 3
Magic Resistance Standard Move 120’/min.
No. of Attacks 1 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d6 No. of Attacks 2
Defenses Stealth Damage 1d3/1d3
Attacks Poison Defenses Immune to cold
Weaknesses None Attacks Poison
Size M (6’ long) Weaknesses None
Intelligence 0 Size M (6’ long)
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 1
Treasure Type None Alignment Neutral
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Type None
Magical Treasure None Treasure Value n/a
X.P. Value 125 + 6/h.p. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 475 + 6/h.p.

General: The amphisbaena

is classified as a natural
animal (for spells and
the like), even though
it is rather unnatural in
appearance. They move
either by slithering like a
conventional snake, or by
forming a hoop and rolling. They dwell in any climate except the arctic.

Combat: Amphisbaenae attack with their two heads, each of which has a set
of fangs. The bite of either head is poisonous; the victim must make a saving
throw vs. poison or die. Amphisbaenae are immune to cold.

Appearance: The amphisbaena is a 6’ long snake with a fully functioning head

on each end.


Regular Giant
Number 1d2 1d2
Morale +2 +6
Hit Dice 3d10 6d10
Armor Class 6 5
Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
General: Giant snails are found in every climate and terrain save the coldest Magic Resistance Standard Standard
and most arid, as well as underground. They are utterly silent when moving, No. of Attacks 2 2
and prey has a -4 penalty to surprise rolls. They can move along walls and Damage 1/1d3 1d4/2d4
ceilings as easily as solid ground. Some species can be found in water as well Defenses None None
as on land (see p. 285). Attacks Constriction Constriction
Weaknesses None None
Combat: Giant snails attack with their poisonous bite. Any creature bitten by Size M (15’ long) L (30’)
the giant snail must make a saving throw vs. poison or take an additional 2d4 Intelligence 1 1
h.p. of damage. Any creature attacked by the giant snail, or within 5’ of Alignment Neutral Neutral
someone who is, can in turn attack the head of the snail. All others can only Treasure Type None None
attack the shell. Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
Appearance: Giant snails look like larger versions of their ordinary cousins. X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 225 + 8/h.p.
They are usually a mottled combination of browns, tans, grays, and whites, to
aid in blending in with their surroundings.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Regular Giant
Number 1d6 1d6
Morale +2 +6
Hit Dice 2d10 4d12
Armor Class 5 5
Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1 1d3
Defenses None None
Attacks Poison Poison
Weaknesses None None
Size S (5’ long) L (20’)
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
General: Constrictor snakes are generally found in warmer climes, where they Treasure Type None None
dwell in trees, whence they loop their coils down upon unsuspecting victims. Treasure Value n/a n/a
They tend to sleep for several days after consuming a victim. There is a 25% Magical Treasure None None
chance that constrictor snakes will be found in the company of boalisks (see p. X.P. Value 255 + 3/h.p. 390 + 5/h.p.
General: Venomous
Combat: Constrictor snakes will both bite and constrict the same victim with snakes are greatly
their bodies. Once a successful constriction hit has been made, further “to hit” feared, and can be
rolls are unnecessary as the snake continues to squeeze the life out of its victim. found in nearly
Creatures cooperating with a combined strength of 64 can remove a giant every climate and
constrictor in 1d4+1 rounds. Those in the coils of a regular constrictor snake terrain except the
need to make an open doors check with a +1 penalty to the roll in order to most frigid.
Combat: Venomous
Appearance: Constrictor snakes are generally thick with muscle. Their snakes attack with their
coloration can span the spectrum. bite. The nature of their
venom can vary greatly, as the game master wishes. Unless stated, the poison
Fire of the snake should be determined randomly:

Number 1d6 Saving Throw

Morale ±0 Die Roll Modifier
Hit Dice 2d8 (d20) Reg. Giant Damage if Save Fails
Armor Class 6 01-02 +2 ±0 death
Move 40’/min. 03-04 +5 +3 Incapacitated 2d4 days
Magic Resistance Standard 05-06 +4 +2 2d4
No. of Attacks 1 07-08 +3 +1 3d4
Damage 1d4 09-11 +1 -1 1d6, incapacitated 1d4 days
Defenses Fire resistance 12-14 ±0 -2 2d6, incapacitated 1d6 days
Attacks Poison 15-17 -1 -3 4d6, incapacitated 1d8 days
Weaknesses None 18-20 -2 -4 6d6, incapacitated 2d6 days
Size S (3’ long)
Intelligence 3 In addition, some venomous snakes (30%) can actually spit their poison at a
Alignment Neutral victim, not even needing to get close enough to bite. Giant spitting snakes have
Treasure Type XIII a range of 30’.
Treasure Value 1d10x10
Magical Treasure n/a Appearance: Venomous snakes can have any sort of coloration imaginable.
X.P. Value 73 + 2/h.p. Some, like the spitting cobra, have hoods that extend behind their heads as
they prepare to strike.
General: Fire snakes dwell in flame, and more of them will be found in large
permanent fires, while smaller transient fires might have but one.

Combat: Fire snakes attack with their bite. The bite is also poisonous, and
those who fail a saving throw vs. poison are paralyzed for 2d4x10 minutes.
They are immune to fire and heat damage of all kinds.

Appearance: Fire snakes are red to orange serpents.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Son of Chaos

Son of Chaos a son of chaos as the worm begins to spawn. If the worm misses its attack, it
is easily destroyed (this destruction is automatic if the target is anything but
Number 1d3 unconscious or paralyzed).
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 4d8 Appearance: Sons of chaos are semi-skeletal in appearance, with just enough
Armor Class 10 rotting flesh clinging to their bones to support the dozens of fat worms that
Move 90’/min. constantly crawl in and on their bodies.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Sorber
Damage 1d8
Defenses Regeneration, immune to mind-affecting magic Number 1d4
Attacks Worms Morale +4
Weaknesses Holy water Hit Dice 4d10
Size M Armor Class See below
Intelligence 6 Move 150’/min., 90’/min. (in trees)
Alignment Chaotic evil Magic Resistance C
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks 2
Treasure Value n/a Damage 1d2 (+ absorption bonus)
Magical Treasure n/a Defenses Absorption
X.P. Value 215 + 4/h.p. Attacks Absorption bonus to damage
Turn as type VIII Weaknesses None
Size S (3’)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type V
Treasure Value 1d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (60%)
X.P. Value 280 + 5/h.p.

General: Sorbers (the name is related to the word “absorb”) are found in
temperate and warmer climates, usually in woodlands. They are carnivorous,
favoring the taste of human and demi-human flesh.

Combat: Sorbers attack with their claws. However, their most effective and
feared power is their absorbtion power. Initially, sorbers are relatively weak
and unprotected. However, once they are engaged in combat, they can
absorb the properties of whatever substance they come into contact with, thus
improving their AC and damage dramatically:
General: Sons of chaos are greatly feared corporeal undead creatures. They
are created by the worms that infest their putrid corpses and thus have the Substance AC Damage Bonus
potential to spread like wildfire. (Initial) 10 ±0
Earth, soil 7 +3
Combat: Sons of chaos attack with their fists. Anyone struck by a son of chaos Wood 5 +5
has a 25% chance of contracting leprosy (see the Adventures Dark and Deep Metal 3 +7
Game Masters Toolkit for details). They regenerate 2 h.p. per round, and this Stone 0 +10
process will continue even after the creature is brought below 0 hit points; only Magic As substance plus any As substance
the application of fire, acid, lightning, or holy water/objects will stop the defensive bonus
regeneration. Severed limbs will move on their own and eventually regenerate
into a new son of chaos if not checked. Like all undead they are immune to The properties of things can be absorbed through physical contact; if the sorber
charm, hold, illusions, and other mind-affecting spells. is attacked while in a stone cave, it will absorb the properties of the stone at
the beginning of the following round. If the sorber successfully hits a target
Any creature that comes within 30’ of a son of chaos will be so repulsed by wearing armor or using defensive magical items, the sorber will absorb the
its appearance that it must make a saving throw vs. magic or flee in abject qualities of 1 randomly-determined defensive item; such items are turned to
terror for 2d6 rounds. dust (no saving throw). If a newly-absorbed item would worsen the Sorber’s
armor class, the item itself will be turned to dust, but the qualities will not be
In addition, each round the creature is in melee, one of the worms infesting the absorbed.
body of the son of chaos will attempt to leap onto it. The worm must roll “to
hit” (this does not count as the son of chaos’s normal attack); if successful, it EXAMPLE: A sorber is attacked while in a tree. The next round, it absorbs the
will burrow into the skin of the victim in but a single round. During this time, qualities of the wood, becoming AC 5. It then hits a fighter wearing plated
the worm can be destroyed by cold steel, holy water, or some blessed object mail +1. In addition to assuming the AC of the substance (metal), it also
such as a holy symbol. Otherwise, it will burrow through the body into the absorbs the magical property of the magical armor, thus becoming AC 2. It
brain of the victim, killing the victim within 1d4 rounds. During this time, only then jumps on a boulder and absorbs the qualities of the stone, but loses the
the spells remove curse or cure disease will destroy the worm. Neutralize qualities of the armor (including the magical qualities), becoming AC 0.
poison or dispel evil will halt its progress for 1d6x10 minutes, after which time Finally, it attacks a savant wearing a ring of protection +2 and a cloak of
it will resume its journey. Once it slays its victim, they will rise immediately as protection +1. There is a 50% chance that either device will be absorbed; the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


game master rolls, and determines the ring is absorbed. The ring turns to dust, Sphere of Many Eyes
and the sorber absorbs its magical qualities, bringing its AC to -2. Should the
sorber return to the tree, it will not absorb the quality of the wood, as that Number 1
would worsen its armor class. Morale +10
Hit Dice 11d8
Appearance: Sorbers are roly-poly bear-like creatures, somewhat like a koala. Armor Class 0 (body), 7 (eyes)
However, they have sharp claws and tooth-filled jaws which tend to discourage Move 30’/min. (floating)
such comparisons quickly. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Specter Damage 2d4
Defenses Magical eye beams
Number 1d6 Attacks Magical eye beams
Morale +3 Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 7d12 Size L (4’ diameter)
Armor Class 2 Intelligence 16
Move 150’/min., 300’/min. (flying - perfect) Alignment Lawful evil
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Type VIII
No. of Attacks 1 Treasure Value 3d8x1,000
Damage 1d8 Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
Defenses +1 (or better) weapons to harm, spell resistance X.P. Value 12,900 + 20/h.p.
Attacks Level drain
Weaknesses Holy water General: The sphere of many eyes is a most feared monster; cruel, greedy,
Size M and sly. It has an arsenal of magical effects at its command, all projected from
Intelligence 14 its eleven eyes. The sphere of many eyes will usually attack first and ask
Alignment Lawful evil questions later, but if confronted with a foe that could realistically cause it
Treasure Type IX harm, it will simply demand a tribute. From yet more powerful enemies, it will
Treasure Value 1d4+5x100 offer a ransom to ensure its escape and survival.
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%)
X.P. Value 1,650 + 10/h.p. Combat: In combat, the sphere of many eyes has eleven magical beams with
Turn as Type IX which to confront enemies. The monster’s magical effects will function as if cast
by an 11th level caster, if applicable:
General: Specters are non-corporeal undead who exist trapped between the
material and negative planes. They are usually found in dark and dismal • Anti-magic ray (dispels all magic and nullifies other magical
places, as they become powerless in sunlight. effects, with a 140’ range)
• Cause serious wounds (as per the spell, but with a 50’ range)
Combat: Specters attack with the chilling touch of their hands. In addition to • Charm monster (as per the spell)
the damage indicated above, the touch of a specter will drain 2 experience • Charm person (as per the spell)
levels (or hit dice) from the victim, permanently. The accompanying hit points, • Death (as per the death spell, but with a 40’ range)
powers, memorized spells, etc., are also lost. Such lost levels can be regained • Disintegrate (as per the spell 20’ range)
by the spell restoration or through the normal earning of experience points. If • Fear (as per the wand)
a victim is brought to level zero, he is considered to be slain, and will become • Flesh to stone (as per the spell, but with a 30’ range)
a specter of half strength under the command of the specter who slew him. • Sleep (as per the spell)
Being undead, specters are immune to mind-affecting spells such as charm, • Slow (as per the spell)
sleep, hold, etc. Being non-corporeal, they are also immune to poison and • Telekinesis, maximum 250 lbs.
paralyzation. A vial of holy water will cause 2d4 h.p. of damage to a specter.
The anti-magic ray emanates from the large central eye above the mouth,
Appearance: Specters are translucent humans (or whatever race the specter which can impact targets within a 90° arc in front of the beast. All the other
was before its death). effects can be made to come out of any other eye, as long as each effect is
not used more than once per round. The other eyes are able to affect any
target within range, regardless of where the target is relative to the beast. No
single eye may attack more than once per round, and, as each eye can only
focus on a particular arc around the creature, no target may be attacked more
than once, but if enough targets present themselves, each eye can attack each

When someone attacks the sphere of many eyes, he must first roll percentile
dice to see what part of the creature he is able to attack, which will in turn
decide what armor class he needs to hit:

Die Roll (d%) Presented Target

01-75 Body; AC 0
76-90 Small eye; AC 7
91-00 Central eye; AC 7 (re-roll if attacking from


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Sphinx

The central eye can take 1/3 of its total h.p. of damage before the eye is • The first roar will cause all creatures within 360’ who fail their
destroyed. The body represents the remaining 2/3 of the creatures hit points; saving throws vs. wands to flee in fear for 30 minutes.
if those are lost, the creature is slain. The ten eyestalks can each take 1d4+8 • The second roar will cause all those within 200’ who fail their
h.p. before they are rendered inoperative, but these hit points do not count saving throws vs. petrification to be paralyzed with fright for 1d4
against the creature’s total. Severed or otherwise destroyed eye stalks will re- minutes. In addition, those within 30’ who are smaller than ogre-
grow in a week, as will the central eye. sized will be deafened for 2d6 rounds.
• The third roar will cause all those within 240’ who fail their saving
Appearance: The sphere of many eyes is a great globe covered in chitinous throw vs. magic to lose 2d4 points of strength for the same number
plates. It has a broad mouth with many sharp teeth, above which is a large of rounds. In addition, those within 30’ who are smaller than ogre-
glaring eye. Below is a small “beard” of tendrils. Ten smaller eyes are found sized will be knocked down. Those who are knocked down must
distributed along the surface of the creature, giving it a 360° field of vision. It make a saving throw vs. dragon breath or be stunned for 2d6
floats in mid-air, propelling itself slowly via telekinesis (independent of the rounds. Those who are not knocked down take 2d8 h.p. of damage
telekinesis power of its fourth eye). They speak their own language. unless they are leonine in nature. The third roar will also crack stone
within 30’, with a saving throw of 17.
Appearance: Androsphinxes have the body of a mighty lion, the wings of a
Sphinxes are hybrid magical creatures that inhabit warm climates. There are large eagle, and the head of a man. They speak a language shared with
several different types of sphinx, each of which is detailed below. All are great gynosphinxes, the tongues of criosphinxes and hieracosphinxes, as well as the
lovers of treasure, but some are more rapacious in its gathering than others. common tongue.

Androsphinx Criosphinx

Number 1 Number 1d4

Morale +8 Morale +4
Hit Dice 12d10 Hit Dice 10d10
Armor Class -2 Armor Class 0
Move 180’/min., 300’/min. (flying - poor) Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 3
Damage 2d6/2d6 Damage 2d4/2d4/3d6
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks Roar, spells Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (8’) Size L (7 ½’)
Intelligence 16 Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic good Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VII Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 8d12x1,000 Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (70%) Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, no weapons (10%)
X.P. Value 2,850 + 16/h.p. X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p.

General: Androsphinxes are, as the name implies, males. They tend to avoid
gynosphinxes (the female of their kind) because of the latters’ neutral
alignment. All androsphinxes have the powers of a 6th level cleric (but their
spells never have a material requirement).

Combat: Androsphinxes attack with their two great front paws. In addition,
they are able to issue a mighty roar three times per day that can be heard for
miles in all directions. Each roar gets progressively louder and more powerful:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Criosphinxes are generally found in wooded areas or jungles. They • Locate object once per day
are noted for their avarice and have no compunction against acts of banditry • Read languages once per day
or extortion. Criosphinxes greatly lust after gynosphinxes, who do not share • Read magic once per day
their affections, to say the least. • Remove curse once per day
• Symbol (each one, once per week)
Combat: Criosphinxes attack with their front claws and bite. They do not bite
against enemies while in mid-air, however. Appearance: Gynosphinxes have the bodies of lions, the wings of falcons, and
the head of a beautiful woman. They speak a language shared with
Appearance: Criosphinxes have the bodies of lions, the heads of rams, and androsphinxes, the tongues of criosphinxes and hieracosphinxes, and the
the wings of a great hawk. They speak their own language, that of common tongue.
andro/gynosphinxes, and can speak to all animals.
Number 1d6
Number 1 Morale +6
Morale +6 Hit Dice 9d10
Hit Dice 8d10 Armor Class 1
Armor Class -1 Move 90’/min., 360’/min.
Move 150’/min., 240’/min. (flying - poor) Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard No. of Attacks 3
No. of Attacks 2 Damage 2d4/2d4/1d10
Damage 2d/2d4 Defenses None
Defenses None Attacks None
Attacks Spells Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None Size L (7’)
Size L (7’) Intelligence 6
Intelligence 18 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type VI
Treasure Type XVII Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%) X.P. Value 600 + 12/h.p.
X.P. Value 1,550 + 10/h.p.

General: Gynosphinxes are the females to the androsphinx’s male. They

themselves greatly lust after androsphinxes, but the latter eschew their female
counterparts due to their neutral alignment and greedy natures. Gynosphinxes
will assist others, but will insist on payment (such can range from wealth to
knowledge, particularly riddles or the location of an androsphinx the
gynosphinx can attempt to woo). They will most certainly slay and devour those General: Hieracosphinxes are generally found in rough rocky terrain. They are
who seek to cheat them. evil through and through, and tend to eat travelers and thus add to their stores
of treasure.
Combat: A gynosphinx attacks with their two front paws. In addition, they have
the following magical powers: Combat: Hieracosphinxes attack with their front paws and beak. While in mid-
air, however, they only use their claws.
• Clairaudience once per day
• Clairvoyance once per day Appearance: Hieracosphinxes have the body of a lion and the head and wings
• Detect invisibility once per day of a hawk. They speak their own language.
• Detect magic once per day
• Dispel magic once per day
• Legend lore once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Spider, Monstrous

Spider, Monstrous Combat: Monstrous spiders attack with their bite. Hunters can leap as
indicated above, and when rushing at prey from their hidey-hole, enemies
Monstrous spiders come in several different sizes, and they can belong to a have a -4 penalty to their suprise rolls. Hunters lie in concealment and rush out
number of different species as well. For game purposes, monstrous spiders are at prey (giving enemies a -4 penalty to surprise), and they are able to leap
divided into those who spin webs, and those who are hunters. onto prey (range is given below).

Any size spider (large, huge, or giant) can be either a hunter or a web builder. Web-builders will attack prey caught in their webs. Victims tangled in webs
Details of all are given below. are attacked with a +4 bonus, and get no bonus for either shield or dexterity.
Escaping such webs is possible but the time to do so is dependent on the
strength of the victim: 1 round for 18 strength, 2 rounds for 17 strength, etc.
Large Huge Giant
Such webs are flammable, but anything else contained within (scrolls, etc.)
Number 2d10 1d12 1d8
may be destroyed or damaged by the flames.
Morale +1 +2 +3
Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 4d12
The strength of the poison of the monstrous spider depends on its size. Spider
Armor Class 8 6 4
venom is deadly unless a saving throw vs. poison is successful, but the venom’s
Move See below See below See below
strength depends on the size of the spider:
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage 1 1d6 2d4 Size Poison
Defenses None None None Large Victims get +2 saving throw bonus
Attacks Poison, enemies get -4 to surprise rolls Huge Victims get +1 saving throw bonus
Weaknesses None None None Giant No saving throw bonus
Size S (2’) M (6’) L (12’)
Intelligence 0 1 6 Appearance: Monstrous spiders are merely larger versions of their mundane
Alignment Neutral Neutral Chaotic evil cousins.
Treasure Type XII XIV VI
Treasure Value 2d20 1d12x10 4d6x100 Alternative Spider Poisons (Optional Rule)
Magical Treasure None None 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p. 145 + 3/h.p. 315 + 5/h.p. Not every game master will want every spider to have instantly fatal poison.
For such circumstances, the following alternatives are provided. Note, of
course, that not every spider need follow one or the other rule; some small
hunter spiders may have one type of poison, and others some other kind. The
players will need to discover which are which through trial and error (game
masters following this scheme are encouraged to give cues to their players
such as different colors, markings, etc. to alert them as to the type of spider).

Type Poison Effect

Large hunter 1d6 h.p. damage, lose 1 point of charisma in 1d6 days
from scaring unless neutralize poison or heal spell is
applied before the loss
Huge hunter 1d8 h.p. of damage, lose 1 point of constitution in 1d6
days unless neutralize poison or heal spell is applied
before the loss
Giant hunter Instant coma; death comes in 1d8 days
Large web-builder Whirling dance for 1d6 minutes; +4 to AC, -4 to all
saving throws, no attacks or spells possible
Huge web-builder Paralyzation for 1d8 hours
General: Monstrous spiders are divided into two types; hunters and web-
Giant web-builder Apparent death; is actually coma that will end in 4d6
builders. Hunters do not spin webs, but either roam about looking for prey or
lurk in ambush. Examples of this sort of spider are wolf spiders, trap door
spiders, etc. Others are web-builders; the webs will stick to and trap victims.
Examples of this sort of spider are tarantulas, black widows, etc.

The size and type of any given monstrous spider can be determined randomly
if desired. All spiders in a given encounter will be of the same type, but not
necessarily the same size (unless the scenario specifically indicates otherwise):

Die Roll
(d10) Size Type Movement
1-2 Large Hunter 150’/min., 20’ leap
3-4 Huge Hunter 180’/min., 30’ leap
5 Giant Hunter 210’/min., 40’ leap
6-7 Large Web-builder 60’/min., 150’/min. (in web)
8-9 Huge Web-builder 45’/min., 135’/min. (in web)
10 Giant Web-builder 30’/min., 120’/min. (in web)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Spider, Phase

Number 1d4
Morale +4
Hit Dice 5d12
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (in web)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses Etherealness
Attacks Etherealness, poison
Weaknesses None
Size L (14’)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VI General: Titanic spiders are a fearsome sight, and are often used as beasts of
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 burden by drow and other unsavory races. They can be fitted with howdahs
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) for carrying passengers and cargo, and some have been known to be fitted
X.P. Value 700 + 6/h.p. out with mounted weapons and used as walking war machines. In the wild,
they are relatively benign creatures, rarely attacking humanoids unless
General: Phase spiders look like little more than larger-than-ordinary monstrous provoked, and subsisting on such delicacies as purple worms, bulettes, etc.
spiders, but they are indeed much more. They are intelligent enough to use
their ability to become ethereal to withdraw from battles which are going Titanic spiders can carry 10,000 pounds of cargo without slowing. They can
against them. carry a maximum of 15,000 pounds, moving at half speed.

Combat: Phase spiders attack with their bite, which is poisonous (victims have Combat: Titanic spiders attack with their giant envenomed mandibles and can
a -2 penalty on their saving throws). Phase spiders can also become ethereal kick with any of their legs as well. Only creatures in range of a leg can be
at will, reappearing just in time to attack their prey. A phase door spell will attacked; small or medium sized creatures can only be realistically attacked
force the spider to remain on the material plane for 7 rounds. by two legs in a given round, while large creatures could be attacked by three
or more, depending on size. The venom of a titanic spider requires a saving
Phase spiders are web-builders (see the entry on monstrous spiders, above, for throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty, or death is instant.
Appearance: Titanic spiders look like enormous tarantulas. They are often seen
Appearance: Phase spiders look like incredibly large spiders. bearing large howdahs gaily decorated with spider-silk banners, and
sometimes mounted crossbows or heavier siege engines.
Spider, Titanic
Number 1d3
Morale +8 Small Form Giant Form
Hit Dice 12d12 Number 3d4 3d4
Armor Class 2 Morale +6 +6
Move 120’/min. Hit Dice 4d8 8d10
Magic Resistance Standard Armor Class 3 5
No. of Attacks 9 Move 90’/min. 150’/min.
Damage 2d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Defenses None No. of Attacks 2 2
Attacks Venom Damage Per weapon type 2d4/2d4
Weaknesses None Defenses Magic use Magic use
Size L (20’ tall) Attacks Magic use Magic use
Intelligence 3 Weaknesses None None
Alignment Neutral Size S (3’) L (12’)
Treasure Type None Intelligence 9 9
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type V
X.P. Value 4,000 + 20/h.p. Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 1,000 + 10/h.p. 1,000 + 10/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Sprite

General: Spriggans are loathsome relatives of gnomes, and despise their more Sprite
genial cousins, as well as humans and the like. Their vile nature makes them
unbearable to any creature other than their fellow spriggans. They dwell in Number 10d10
either earthen burrows or ruined piles of masonry, and will victimize travelers Morale -1
or nearby settlements. They are able to assume either their small form or giant Hit Dice 1d8
form at will, and it is not unheard-of for some members of a group to be giant- Armor Class 6
sized while others are in their small form, when encountered. Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard
Combat: In small form, spriggans attack with weapons (daggers, axes, short No. of Attacks 1
swords, etc.). In giant form they do not use weapons but attack with their Damage Per weapon type
massive fists. When in small form (only) they can use any one of the the Defenses Invisibility
following magic powers once per round: Attacks Sleep poison, move silently
Weaknesses None
• Affect normal fires Size S (2’)
• Scare (with a -2 penalty to the saving throw) Intelligence 12
• Shatter Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type IV
Also while in their small form, spriggans have the following thief-like abilities: Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
• Back stab for triple damage (usually done with a dagger) X.P. Value 80 + 1/h.p.
• Climb walls (81%)
• Find and remove traps (70%)
• Hear noise (35%)
• Hide in shadows (64%)
• Move silently (77%)
• Open locks (78%)
• Pick pockets (75%)

Damage taken while in large form will be reduced, proportionally, if the

spriggan returns to small form. If a wounded spriggan should then return to
giant size, the original damage will return. However, damage taken while the
spriggan is in small form will not “scale up” if it moves to giant size. Spriggans
are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold

Appearance: Spriggans are humanoid in appearance, bearded, with faces

that are ugly in the extreme. No female spriggan has ever been discovered.

General: Sprites are reclusive creatures that dwell in remote and idyllic
woodlands, frequenting clearings and pleasant dales. They will attack evil
creatures, but will leave others unmolested unless provoked. Since they are
usually invisible, they are unnoticed 75% of the time. If a sprite is a spellcaster’s
familiar, it will grant the following powers:

• A telepathic link, through which the sprite not only communicates,

but shares its sight and hearing with its master; range 1 mile
• The ability to become invisible once per day
• Master is increased by 1 experience level when the sprite is
within 1 mile; further than that, the master loses an experience
level (not just the one gained by the sprite’s proximity)
• If the sprite is killed, the master loses 4 experience levels
• Commune with Nature once per week, 4 questions allowed

Upon the death of its master, the sprite will remain and defend his soul until it
leaves for its journey to the afterlife.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Sprites attack with their weapons: small swords (treat as daggers)
and tiny short bows (half normal range and damage). Their arrows will be Combat: Stags attack with either their mighty antlers or their two front hooves;
coated in a special sleeping poison which, if the victim fails a saving throw vs. they cannot attack with all three in the same round.
poison, will cause a deep sleep (like the spell) for 1d6 hours. Evil creatures
will be slain, and others will be taken far from the sprites’ home. In addition, Appearance: Stags are quadrupeds, usually brown in color, sometimes with
sprites have the following powers: white. Their hooves are ivory or brownish in color.

• Detect good/evil 5’ range at will Stegocentipede

• Invisibility at will
• Move silently at will Number 1
Morale +9
Note that enemies will have a -4 penalty”to hit” against sprites while they are Hit Dice 9d12
invisible. Sprites are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm Armor Class 3 (head), 6 (body)
person and hold person. Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Appearance: Sprites look like tiny elves with insect-like antennae on their No. of Attacks 2
foreheads. They favor bright greens, yellows, and browns. They speak their Damage 2d4/3d4
own language. Defenses Spikey armor
Attacks Venom
Squirrel, Dire Weaknesses None
Size L (18’ long)
See dire squirrel (p 48) Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Stag Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Regular Giant
X.P. Value 2,700 + 16/h.p.
Number 1d4 1d2
Morale +2 +4
Hit Dice 3d8 5d10
Armor Class 7 7
Move 240’/min. 210’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 3
Damage 2d4/1d3/1d3 4d4/1d4/1d4
Defenses None None
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size L (4’ at sholder) L (7’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None General: Stegocentipedes can be found in nearly any climate save the coldest
Treasure Value n/a n/a tundras or hottest deserts. They are ravenous hunters, and are constantly
Magical Treasure None None moving in search of prey. They are incredibly aggressive.
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p.
Combat: Stegocentipedes attack with their powerful poison-laden mandibles
and heavy club-like tail, which contains venom that is injected through scores
of spikes. Any creature struck by either the mandibles or tail must make a
saving throw vs. poison or die immediately.

The creature is covered in thick armor plating that is covered in sharp spikes.
In combat, this armor will reflexively be raised; when this is done, any creature
striking the head of the stegocentipede (which includes any creature that is
itself being attacked by the stegocentipede’s bite that chooses to fight back) is
subject to an additional attack. If the creature is successful, the target will take
1d6 h.p. of damage; up to three enemies can be so attacked per round.

Appearance: A stegocentipede is low to the ground (2’ high) and carried on

scores of fast-moving legs. The body is segmented and covered in spikey
armor, and the head sports wicked mandibles. The tail ends in a heavily-
General: Stags are male deer, noted for their impressive rack of antlers. In armored spiked ball. Color ranges from green to tan to brown.
addition to the numbers of stags above, there will be 1d6+3 times as many
non-combatant does. The stags will defend the does fiercely if threatened. Both
stags and does are herbivores. Does are non-combatants and will flee
immediately if attacked.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Stirge

Stirge Stone Guardian

Number 3d10 Number 1

Morale -1 Morale n/a
Hit Dice 1d10 Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 8 Armor Class 2
Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good) Move 100’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d3 Damage 1d8+1/1d8+1
Defenses None Defenses Immune to many spells, most weapons
Attacks Blood drain, use attack column G Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses Certain earth-affecting spells
Size S (2’) Size M (75%) L (25%)
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type II Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p. X.P. Value 135 + 5/h.p.

General: Stirges inhabit forlorn woodlands and underground areas. They General: Stone guardians are magical constructs similar to golems,
attack warm-blooded creatures in great swarms, seeking to drain their blood scarecrows, and the like. They are created by means of the following process:
for nourishment.
• A heart of granite is sculpted (cost 1,000 g.p.) and enchant an
Combat: Stirges attack with their syringe-like beaks, rolling “to hit” on attack item is cast upon it
column G rather than D, as they ordinarily would. A successful hit indicates • A humanoid statue up to ogre-size is created out of mud (4,000
that the stirge has pierced the skin of the victim, and it will attach itself and g.p. cost)
begin automatically drinking blood at the rate of 1d4 h.p. per round. Once • Transmute mud to rock is cast on the figure
each stirge has drunk 12 h.p. worth of blood, it will detach itself and leave. A • Magic mouth is cast on the figure
stirge cannot be removed from a victim without killing the stirge first. • Detect invisibility is cast on the figure (optional, but no substitution
can be made)
Appearance: The stirge is an insect some 1’ long with red to dark red chitin • Limited wish or wish is cast on the figure
and black wings. The beak is gray at the base and pink at the tip. The feet, of
which it has two pairs, are yellow. At the time the stone guardian is created, the creator has the option of creating
a special ring as well. The ring will cost an additional 1,500 g.p. to have
made, and will keep the wearer and all others within a 10’ radius utterly safe
from the attack of the particular stone guardian that was created at the same
time. It will obey the instructions of its creator slavishly, even to the point of


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


self-destruction, but there is a 20% chance per activation that its commands Stunjelly
will be ignored and it will simply attack any living creatures in the vicinity.
Number 1
Combat: Stone guardians attack with their fists. They are immune to all missile Morale n/a
weapons, and edged weapons will only do ¼ normal damage (round down). Hit Dice 4d8
Cold, fire, and electrical attacks only do half normal damage, and they are Armor Class 8
completely immune to mind-affecting magic, enchantment/charm and illusion Move 30’/min.
spells, and poison. The following spells will destroy a stone guardian instantly Magic Resistance Standard
(no save): stone to flesh, transmute rock to mud, stone shape, and dig. No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4
Appearance: Stone guardians are humanoid in form, made out of living stone. Defenses None
Attacks Paralyzation
Storoper Weaknesses None
Size L
Number 1 Intelligence 1
Morale +7 Alignment Neutral
Hit Dice 6d8 Treasure Type XVI
Armor Class 0 Treasure Value 1d12x10
Move 10’/min. Magical Treasure 1 potion or 1 weapon (10%)
Magic Resistance Standard X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d10
Defenses Immune to non-magical missiles, camouflage
Attacks Weakness, venom, tentacles
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XIV
Treasure Value 5d10x10
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 500 + 6/h.p.

General: Storopers are relatives of the roper (see p. 195). They are able to
sense movement up to 200’ distant and when they do, they will immediately
become stock-still until they attack. This, combined with their stony exterior,
means they are often mistaken for statues or stalagmites. They attack suddenly
as soon as anything comes within 50’. Treasure is contained in their gizzard.

Combat: A storoper’s initial attack will be with their six tentacles, which can
whip out up to 50’ away from the creature’s body. A successful hit will cause
the victim to lose 50% of his strength score for 1d3 rounds (round down).
Creatures struck by the strands will be dragged closer to the storoper 10’ per
round; when the victim has been brought to the roper itself, it will be attacked
by the tooth-filled maw. The strand can be broken on a successful open doors
check (double the normal chance of success); they cannot be cut with weapons.
General: The stunjelly is related to the gelatinous cube, and is found in
Twice per day, storopers can use their tentacles to inject victims with a dungeons and other underground settings. The creature mimics the look and
particularly insidious venom; no saving throw is allowed. Those hit will become feel of worked stone walls, lying in wait until some unsuspecting creature
paralyzed on the first round. On the second round they will rouse from their passes near. The creature will have its treasure suspended inside its body,
stupor and will fight to defend the storoper; once all of its enemies have been along with other indigestible flotsam.
vanquished, they will happily and peacefully walk into its jaws and be
consumed. If the storoper is slain, victims of the venom will simply stand in Combat: The stunjelly attacks by forming a pseudopod and quickly lashing
place, stunned by the new lack of purpose. The venom will wear off 2 hours out. Those struck must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed
after it is injected. for 5d4 rounds. Those paralyzed will then be absorbed and digested by the
Storopers are immune to non-magical missiles due to their stoney exteriors. All
other forms of attack are effective against them. Appearance: Stunjellies look like sections of worked stone walls, and are
usually 10’x10’ in size, and between 3” and 6” in thickness. They are very
Appearance: Storopers look like stalagmites or stalactites; stoney outcroppings slightly translucent, but this is only visible in bright light; torchlight will not
some 5’ tall and 2’ around. They have one eye and six tentacles; when the reveal any anomalies.
eye and mouth are closed, and the tentacles retracted, they look like natural

See also: roper (p. 195).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Swan Maiden

Swan Maiden Sylph

Human Form Swan Form Number 1

Number 1 1 Morale ±0
Morale ±0 ±0 Hit Dice 3d8
Hit Dice See below See below Armor Class 9
Armor Class 7 7 Move 120’/min., 360’/min. (flying - perfect)
Move 150’/min. 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - Magic Resistance J
poor) No. of Attacks 0
Magic Resistance Standard See below Damage n/a
No. of Attacks 1 (or more) 3 Defenses Invisibility, spells
Damage Per weapon type 1/1/1d2 Attacks Spells, conjuring
Defenses None +1 (or better) weapon to harm Weaknesses None
Attacks As ranger None Size M
Weaknesses None None Intelligence 16
Size M M (8’ wingspan) Alignment Neutral good
Intelligence 13-18 13-18 Treasure Type XIII
Alignment Any good Any good Treasure Value 10d10x10
Treasure Type None None Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%)
Treasure Value n/a n/a X.P. Value 325 + 3/h.p.
Magical Treasure Swan token n/a
X.P. Value See below See below

General: Swan maidens are solitary types who dwell deep in isolated
woodlands. They are human rangers who, by means of a special swan token,
can also transform themselves into the form of a great swan; the token itself
will become part of the bird, and can be in the form of a ring, feathered cloak,
etc. They are invariably women. In human form, swan maidens function as
rangers; their level should be determined randomly if it is not already known:

Die Swan Swan Form

Roll Ranger Hit Magic
(2d6) Level Dice Resistance X.P. Value
2 1 2d8 A 28 + 2/h.p.
3 2 3d8 A 50 + 3/h.p.
4 3 4d8 A 85 + 4/h.p.
5 4 5d8 A 130 + 5/h.p.
6 5 6d8 A 225 + 6/h.p.
7 6 7d8 A 350 + 8/h.p.
8 7 8d8 A 550 + 10/h.p.
9 8 9d8 A 900 + 12/h.p.
10 9 10d8 B 1,350 + 14/h.p.
11 10 11d8 B 2,000 + 16/h.p. General: Sylphs are related to nymphs (see p. 169), but frequent airy places
12 11 12d8 C 2,700 + 16/h.p. such as cliffs, high ledges, mountain peaks, and the tallest of treetops.
Occasionally (20%) they will be sympathetic to those of good alignment and
In human form, they function in all ways as a normal ranger of the appropriate will aid them. They are almost never encountered in or near their homes.
level, but will never gain followers because of their solitary ways. They will
cooperate on a one-time basis with good-aligned humans and demi-humans in Combat: Sylphs do not attack. They do, however, have the spellcasting
order to protect their forest from evil creatures. They shun those who are noisy, abilities of a 7th level mage (no spell book, and no spell memorization
brash, crude, and evil, but will be on friendly terms with sylvan creatures and needed). In addition, they have the following powers:
druids in their area.
• Conjure an air elemental once per week
Combat: In human form, the swan maiden attacks and has all of the other • Become invisible at will
powers of a ranger of her level. In swan form, they attack with two wing buffets
and a beak-peck. Hit points for the swan maiden are the same in both human Appearance: Sylphs are beautiful humanoids with delicate dragonfly wings.
and swan form. While in swan form, the swan maiden has magic resistance They speak their own language and the common tongue.
as indicated above, and can only be harmed by weapons with an enchantment
of +1 or better. Their own weapons and armor are rarely magic. Swan
maidens are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person
and hold person.

Appearance: In human form, swan maidens are beautiful women. In swan

form they appear as ordinary swans. They speak the common tongue and can
communicate with swans.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Sylvan Cat Tabaxi

Number 1 Adult Young

Morale +3 Number 2d3 1d3
Hit Dice 3d10 Morale +5 -6
Armor Class 4 Hit Dice 2d8 1d8
Move 180’/min. Armor Class 6 6
Magic Resistance B Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
No. of Attacks 3 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d3 No. of Attacks 3 or 1 3
Defenses Silent, magic use Damage 1d3/1d3/1d3 or per 1d3/1d3/1d3
Attacks Magic use weapon type
Weaknesses None Defenses None None
Size S Attacks None None
Intelligence 4 Weaknesses None None
Alignment Neutral Size M S
Treasure Type None Intelligence 10 6
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Chaotic neutral Chaotic neutral
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type None None
X.P. Value 135 + 4/h.p. Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure 1 weapon 5% n/a
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p.

General: Sylvan cats generally inhabit the same sort of idyllic temperate forests
as wood elves and sylvan creatures. They are generally solitary creatures, but
if encountered in their den there will be 1 adult molly and 1d4 kits. The male
(or “tom”) will be within 1d4 rounds’ journey and will run to defend the kits.
They are generally on good terms with good-aligned forest dwellers such as
elves and wood gnomes; they will sometimes serve as guards or scouts for
communities of sprites, gnomes, brownies, etc. They tend to avoid actual
combat if they can.

Combat: Sylvan cats attack with their two claws and bite. In addition, they are
able to move silently 99% of the time, and are able to conceal themselves in
woods and brush with 90% effectiveness. They have the following magical
General: Tabaxi, also known as cat-men, are found in deep tropical jungles.
They form small prides which have large ranges and little interaction with
• Enlarge once per day
outsiders, whether they be human, demi-human, or even other tabaxi. They
• ESP at will (only to determine hostile or friendly intent)
attack by ambush and are great hunters, attacking for sport, food, and to
• Pass without trace at will
acquire weapons. A pride will consist of between 3 and 9 members, adults
• Reduce twice per day
and young combined, and will hunt in a highly coordinated fashion. They have
• Tree (single limb only) twice per day
instincts when it comes to avoiding traps; any trap no matter how sophisticated
• Trip once per day
has but a 10% chance of snaring a tabaxi. They are considered persons for
purposes of spells such as charm person.
Enlarge will usually be used to intimidate enemies, while reduce will be used
to appear to be no more than a harmless ordinary wild cat or lynx.
Combat: Tabaxi attack with their claws and bite, or with a weapon (50% of
each). They have a facility with weapons that allows them to pick up their use
Appearance: Sylvan cats appear as very large cats, about the size of a large
almost instantly.
dog. As noted above, however, they can change their size according to their
needs. The fur of a sylvan cat is gray or brown with dark stripes or spots. They
Appearance: Tabaxi look like humanoid cats. Their fur is tawny with black
have short tails.
tiger-stripes and they have large golden eyes. Their fingers are tipped with
retractable claws. They do not wear clothing. They speak their own language.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Taer

Taer Tentamort

Number 1d20+10 Number 1d10

Morale +4 Morale +10
Hit Dice 3d10 Hit Dice 2d8 (each tentacle), 4d8 (body)
Armor Class 4 Armor Class 3 (tentacles), 1 (body)
Move 180’/min. Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 (50%) or 1 (50%) No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d6/1d4/1d4 or per weapon type Damage 1d6/1d6
Defenses Immune to cold-based attacks Defenses None
Attacks Stench Attacks Constriction, paralysis
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M (6 ½’) Size L (tentacles), S (body)
Intelligence 6 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type Sundries (75%) and art (25%) Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 1d6x100 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 1 weapon (10%) Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. X.P. Value 475 + 6/h.p.

General: The tentamort is a horror that dwells in deep underground

environments. It is capable of moving only by the small cilia attached to the
central body.

Combat: The tentamort attacks with its two great tentacles; details are given
below on the working of each. Each component of the tentamort’s being - the
General: Taers inhabit cold regions, where they dwell in caves and hunt in the central body and each of two large tentacles - has its own pool of hit points.
surrounding region voraciously. Any artwork they possess will be in the form Only when all three are reduced to 0 hit points is the creature actually killed.
of crude statues and idols. Each of the two tentacles has a different and specific function.

Combat: Taers attack with a kick, claw, and bite attack. Half (50%) of all taer The first tentacle attacks by constriction. On a natural roll of 20, or 2 or more
groups encountered will be sufficiently advanced to use spears and then needed than the minimum roll “to hit” the tentacle has wrapped itself around
charge into melee; they receive a +1 bonus “to hit” and a +3 bonus to damage its victim, pinning his arms against his sides, and automatically causing
when throwing their spears. Taers are immune to all cold-based attacks. another 1d6 h.p. of constriction damage per round. Otherwise, it simply
bashes enemies without grabbing them.
In addition, taers secrete a noxious stench in a cloud 10’ in every direction.
Any creature other than their fellow taers within range must make a saving The second tentacle attacks in the same manner as the first, similarly wrapping
throw vs. breath weapon or be nauseated for 1d4+1 hours. Anyone so itself around the arms of its victim and trapping his arms on a natural roll of
nauseated will suffer a -2 penalty on all “to hit” rolls and a -1 penalty on 20, or 2 or more needed than the minimum roll “to hit”. However, rather than
damage. Taers are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm doing automatic constriction damage, this tentacle is equipped with a hollow
person and hold person. 6” spine. Those struck by the spine must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation
or be paralyzed for 3d6x10 minutes. After two rounds, paralyzed victims will
Appearance: Taers are ape-men with greasy white fur and long arms. They be injected with an enzyme that begins to liquefy their internal organs. The
are usually hunched over when not in battle. innards will then be slowly sucked out of the victim by the hollow spine. The
amount of time this takes to kill the victim depends on his size:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Size Rounds Until Death debilitate them. They are great enemies of formians (see p. 86) and the entire
S 1 termite nest will rally to attack any encountered.
M 2
L 4 The termites will create a nest of mud, baked hard as stone some 100’ in
diameter and up to 500’ high. Near the top will be numerous openings 1d4+4
If the creature is killed before the enzyme is fully injected into the victim (i.e., feet wide, which lead to the interior of the nest through a series of passages,
within the first 2 rounds after paralyzation), a cure disease spell will save the which range anywhere from horizontal to nearly vertical, leading to the
victim. Otherwise death will come in 1 hour. If the enzyme has already been underground chambers of the nest, including the egg chamber and royal
administered, only the spell heal, or a combination of regenerate and cure chamber.
light wounds, will save him.
Any group of more than 30 workers will also have 3d6 soldiers. When a nest
Appearance: The tentamort has a small spherical body some 2’ in diameter is encountered, there will the following additional termites:
which has a number of small cilia used for movement. There are two 10’ long
tentacles depending from the body, one of which has a hollow bone spine at Where What
the end. The skin of the creature is dark green to gray in color, while the spine Throughout the nest Ten times as many workers and soldiers
is stark white. It has no eyes or mouth, other than the spine. Egg chamber 5d6 workers, 2d6 soldiers, eggs equal to all
workers and soldiers combined
Termite, Giant Royal chamber 4d6 workers, 2d4 soldiers, 1 king, 1 queen

The royal chamber will be at the bottom of the underground portion of the nest,
Worker Soldier
while the egg chamber will be close by. If either is entered by intruders, all of
Number 6d10 See below
the workers and soldiers not already found in either the egg or royal chamber
Morale -1 +1
will move towards the intruders.
Hit Dice 1d10 2d10
Armor Class 2 (head), 10 (body) 2 (head), 8 (body)
Combat: Termites attack with their mandibles. Soldiers can also spit a
Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
flammable fluid once every 10 minutes, with a range of 10’. Any creature
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
struck by the fluid must make a saving throw vs. poison or be blinded for 5d4
No. of Attacks 1 1
rounds. If the fluid is exposed to fire or intense heat it will ignite, causing
Damage 1d2 1d4
1d12+4 h.p. of damage. Any soldier or worker in the royal or egg chamber
Defenses None None
of the nest (see above) will receive a +1 bonus both “to hit” and to damage
Attacks None Spit
against intruders in those chambers.
Weaknesses None None
Size S (3’ long) M (4 ½’ long)
Appearance: Giant termites are merely large versions of their ordinary cousins.
Intelligence 1 3
They communicate via pheromones, which can spread incredibly quickly
Alignment Neutral Neutral
throughout a nest.
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None Thessalhydra
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p.
Number 1
King Queen Morale +12
Number 1 1 Hit Dice 12d12 (plus 12 h.p. per serpent-head)
Morale +5 +7 Armor Class 0
Hit Dice 6d10 8d10 Move 120’/min.
Armor Class 5 4 Magic Resistance Standard
Move 60’/min. 30’/min. No. of Attacks 10
Magic Standard Standard Damage 1d6 (x8)/1d12/1d20
Resistance Defenses Immune to acid
No. of Attacks 1 1 Attacks Spitting, poison, acid
Damage 5d6 5d6 Weaknesses None
Defenses None None Size L (36’ long)
Attacks Spit None Intelligence 6
Weaknesses None None Alignment Neutral
Size L (8’ long) L (12’ long) Treasure Type None
Intelligence 3 3 Treasure Value n/a
Alignment Neutral Neutral Magical Treasure None
Treasure Type None None X.P. Value 10,600 + 20/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical None None General: The thessalhydra is a true horror found in dark and wet places,
Treasure sometimes underground, most often in desolate swamps and bogs.
X.P. Value 500 + 10/h.p. 900 + 13/h.p.
Combat: Thessalhydrae attack with their eight serpent-heads, their pincer-
General: Giant termites can be found in warm climates where there is plenty tipped tail, and their tooth-flled central mouth. Any creature struck by one of
of cellulose and other vegetation for the termites to use as food. They are the serpent-heads must make a saving throw vs. poison or take an additional
nocturnal creatures and shun sunlight, although it doesn’t necessarily harm or 1d6 h.p. of damage. Serpent heads which are cut off will regenerate in 12
days; it takes 12 h.p. of damage per head to do so, but such damage does


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Thornie

not affect the creature’s total hit points. Any creature struck by the pincer-tail
will be popped into the central mouth in the same round and attacked (if the Combat: Thornies attack with their bite. In addition, any creature attempting
central mouth has already attacked, it will get a separate, additional, attack to attack with a weapon of less than 4’ length will itself come under attack by
on this victim as well). Once per day, the creature can spit a gob of acid up the thornie’s long wood-like thorns. Only one such creature can be attacked
to 30’ distant; any creature within a 6’ radius will take 12d6 h.p. of acid per round.
damage (save vs. poison for half damage). The thessalhydra is itself immune
to acid of all kinds. Appearance: Thornies look like large dog-like creatures, green in color and
covered with long woody thorns.
Appearance: A thessalhydra has a large reptilian body with four legs, a tail
tipped with a pincer claw, and an enormous mouth ringed with eight large See also: vegepygmie (p. 238).
snakes which are constantly writhing around and which serve as its sensory
apparatus. It is gray-green in color. Thunderherder

Number 10d10
Morale -4
Hit Dice 7d8
Armor Class 3
Move 200’/min., 90’/min. (burrowing)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses None
Attacks Earthquake
Weaknesses None
Size L (5-10’ long)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Thornie Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 350 + 8/h.p.
Number 1d6+2
Morale +2
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 3
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+1
Defenses None
Attacks Thorns
Weaknesses None
Size M (4’ long) General: These relatives of purple worms (see p. 247) are innocuous creatures
Intelligence 1 that inhabit desert regions, where they burrow just below the surface of the
Alignment Neutral sands in their throngs.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Combat: Thunderherders do not attack conventionally. Their only damage
Magical Treasure None potential is incidental, as they create earthquakes and tremors as they pass;
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p. even a single one is able to cause a minor tremor, and a full herd can cause
great destruction. See the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Masters
Toolkit for more information on earthquakes, landslides, and their effects. The
potential strength of an earthquake caused by thunderherders depends on the
number of creatures in the herd:

Number of Thunderherders Maximum Earthquake Intensity

10-25 Light
26-75 Moderate
76-100 Strong

The game master is encouraged to use his judgment when determining the
effects of the passage of a thunderherder herd, taking into account the specific
type of terrain and other conditions.
General: Thornies are plant creatures, and are always found in the company
of vegepygmies, where they are used by the latter as guards and companions. Appearance: Thunderherders are large grubs with hard brown exteriors.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Tick, Monstrous

Large Huge Giant

Number 2d6 2d4 3d4
Morale +2 +3 +4
Hit Dice 2d8 4d8 6d8
Armor Class 3 3 3
Move 20’/min. 25’/min. 30’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage 1d4 1d4 1d4
Defenses None None None
Attacks Blood drain, Blood drain, Blood drain,
jump jump jump General: Tigers inhabit almost any environment save the very coldest, although
Weaknesses None None None they favor warmer climes. In their den, there is a 25% chance that 1d3 non-
Size S (1’) S (2’) S (3’) combatant cubs will be present.
Intelligence 0 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Combat: Tigers attack with their large front paws and bite. If both front paws
Treasure Type None None None hit, they are then able to rake the victim with their rear claws for 2d4 h.p. of
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a damage each. Tigers are excellent swimmers and climbers, and are able to
Magical Treasure None None None leap 50’ to attack an enemy.
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p. 105 + 2/h.p. 225 + 3/h.p.
Appearance: Tigers are large cats most often seen with an orange coat with
General: Monstrous ticks can be found in any environment except the coldest, black stripes and a white belly. They can vary greatly in coloration, however,
more likely in woodlands, tall grasses, and underground. from black to tan to white.

Combat: Ticks attack with their bite. Once a tick has attached itself to a victim Titanic Spider
with a successful attack, it will automatically drain 1d6 h.p. per round until it
is sated. Satiation occurs when the tick has drained a number of hit points from See spider, titanic (p. 221).
the victim equal to its own (unwounded) total hit points. Ticks can leap ten
times their own body length in order to attack prey.
Toad, Giant
Ticks can only be removed from victims by killing them, inflicting damage from
Non-Venomous Venomous
fire equal to half their total hit points, or immersing them in water. Otherwise
Number 1d12 1d8
they will remain attached until sated, at which time they will drop off. Any
Morale +2 +2
creature bitten by a monstrous tick has a chance equal to 60% minus the
Hit Dice 2d12 2d8
constitution score of the victim to contract a deadly blood-borne disease, which
Armor Class 6 7
will be fatal in 2d4 days unless a cure disease spell is employed.
Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Appearance: Monstrous ticks appear like larger versions of their ordinary kin.
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 2d4 1d4+1
Tiger Defenses None None
Attacks Hop Hop, Poison
Number 1d4 Weaknesses None None
Morale +7 Size M (6’) M (6’)
Hit Dice 5d12 Intelligence 1 1
Armor Class 6 Alignment Neutral Neutral
Move 120’/min. Treasure Type None None
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value n/a n/a
No. of Attacks 3 Magical Treasure None None
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d10 X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p. 155 + 2/h.p.
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls
Attacks Rear claw rake General: Giant toads are found in almost any
Weaknesses None climate save the coldest. They are
Size L aggressive hunters, and will attack
Intelligence 3 creatures their own size or larger.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Combat: Giant toads attack with
Treasure Value n/a their bite. In addition, the bite of
Magical Treasure None the venomous giant toad
X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p. requires the victim to make a
saving throw vs. poison or die.
Both types of giant toads are able


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Toad, Arctic

to hop up to 60’ (clearing 20’ high), and are able to attack at any point along hapless victims to tread upon it, after which it closes upon them, smothering
the arc of their jump. them.

Appearance: Giant toads look much like their mundane cousins. There is no Combat: The trapper causes damage by smothering and crushing. The entire
difference in appearance between the venomous and non-venomous types. body of the trapper will fold itself around its victims, trapping them. Each
victim thus trapped will take damage equal to 4 h.p. plus his armor class, as
Toad, Arctic he is crushed by the action of the trapper squeezing its body inward. The
victims will automatically die of suffocation within 6 rounds unless the landray
Number 1d4 is slain or convinced to let its prey go free (which will only be done if imminent
Morale +5 death is in the offing). Trapped victims are unable to use any weapons. Cold
Hit Dice 5d10 and fire only do half damage to trappers.
Armor Class 4
Move 90’/min. Appearance: Trappers are broad and flat, with a rock-hard exterior that they
Magic Resistance Standard are able to manipulate to conform to the stone or rock around themselves. They
No. of Attacks 1 are some 400-600 square feet in area. They will occasionally form a
Damage 3d4 projection in the shape of a chest, sack, etc. to lure prey into their midst.
Defenses +3 save vs. cold-based attacks
Attacks Cold
Weaknesses None
Size L (8’)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p.

General: Arctic toads are found in both arctic conditions and deep
underground. They are actually an intelligent race, and explorers confuse them
with their animal-like giant cousins at their peril. Tree Man

Combat: Arctic toads attack with their bite. In addition, any non-cold-based Number 1d20
creature (white dragons, ice trolls, remorhaz, etc.) will suffer 3d6 h.p. of Morale +5
damage every other round they are within 10’ of an arctic toad. Arctic toads Hit Dice 7d10-12d12
are able to turn off this ability when in the presence of those whom they do not Armor Class 0
wish to harm, but cannot employ it more often than once every other round. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Appearance: Arctic toads appear like large white toads. They speak their own No. of Attacks 2
croaking language and none other. Damage See below
Defenses Never surprised
Trapper Attacks Control trees
Weaknesses Fire
Size L
Number 1
Intelligence 12
Morale +11
Alignment Chaotic good
Hit Dice 12d12
Treasure Type XVII
Armor Class 3
Treasure Value 5d10x10
Move 30’/min.
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%)
Magic Resistance Standard
X.P. Value See below
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 4 h.p. plus victim’s AC
General: Tree men are strange crosses between trees and humans, shepherds
Defenses Camouflage, half damage from fire and cold
of the forests who despise evil and resent the unrestrained use of fire within
Attacks Smothering
their domains. They dwell in deep, dark woodlands or large caverns
Weaknesses None
accessible through such places. The size of each particular tree man should be
Size L
determined randomly:
Intelligence 14
Alignment Neutral
Die Roll Hit
Treasure Type XV
(d12) Size Dice Damage X.P. Value
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (35%) 1-3 12’ 7d10 2d8/2d8 1,200 + 10/h.p.
X.P. Value 2,850 + 16/h.p. 4-6 14’ 8d10 2d8/2d8 1,425 + 12/h.p.
7-8 16’ 9d10 3d6/3d6 1,950 + 14/h.p.
General: The trapper dwells exclusively in underground environments, where 9-10 18’ 10d12 3d6/3d6 2,300 + 14/h.p.
its hard exterior and gift for mimicking stonework serve it well. The creature is 11 20’ 11d12 4d6/4d6 2,850 + 16/h.p.
able to flatten itself and appear to be an ordinary floor, where it waits for 12 22’+ 12d12 4d6/4d6 3,350 + 18/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


with them; if 70 or more are encountered there will be a chief. They are all
very nimble climbers and can hide in shadows like a thief with 75%
effectiveness. They are very fond of the flesh of humans and elves, and are
particularly despised by wild elves (and vice versa).

Combat: Most treelings will attack with weapons, although in extremis they
can attack with their claws. The weapons of any given treeling should be
determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual

Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition

01-40 Javelin and club 40%
41-45 Javelin and lasso 5%
46-60 Javelin and net 15%
61-80 Javelin and small shield 20%
Those with 7 or 8 hit dice are sometimes called “shrublings,” while those with 81-90 Short sword and net 10%
11 or 12 hit dice are known as “moss trunks.” 91-00 Short sword and small shield 10%

Combat: Tree men attack with their mighty limbs, which resemble arms and Treelings are stealthy in their jungle homes, and enemies get a -2 penalty to
fists. They are, however, quite vulnerable to fire; fire-based attacks against surprise rolls. They are used to the gloom of heavy forests, however, and get
them get a +4 bonus “to hit” and +1 bonus to damage done. Tree men also a -1 penalty when in full daylight or its equivalent. Treelings are considered
save against fire with a penalty of -4. They can inflict 80 h.p. per round against persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person.
wooden structures, 20 h.p. against earthworks and soft stone or brick, and 10
h.p. against hard stone. Appearance: Treelings are small humanoids with bright green skin, sparse and
coarse black hair, and long gangly limbs. They generally walk with a
Tree men are able to animate trees around them. Up to two trees can be pronounced hunch. They speak the common tongue.
animated per tree man, and they must remain within 60’ of the tree man who
animated them in the first place. Such trees will function as normal tree men, Spellcasters: Treeling shamans can reach as high as 5th level.
except they only move 30’ per round (roll randomly to determine the size of
the animated tree, just as if it were a normal tree man).

Appearance: Tree men are vaguely humanoid, but have bark, leaves, and
limbs like trees. When they close their eyes and mouths, they are
indistinguishable from other trees. They speak their own, very slow and
languid, language, which they share with granite men (see p. 114).


Warrior Chief
Number 10d10 1
Morale -3 +1
Hit Dice 1d8 5d8
Armor Class 6 (5 with shield) 5
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (in 90’/min., 150’/min. (in
trees) trees) Tri-Flower Frond
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 2 or 1 2 or 1 Number 1d10
Damage 1d3/1d3 or per weapon 1d3/1d3 or per weapon Morale n/a
Defenses None None Hit Dice 2d10
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise Enemies get -2 to surprise Armor Class 9
rolls, hide in shadows rolls, hide in shadows Move 0
Weaknesses Daylight Daylight Magic Resistance Standard
Size S (3’) S (3’) No. of Attacks 2d4
Intelligence 7 8 Damage 0
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Defenses None
Treasure Type None I Attacks Sleep pollen, enzymes, drain fluids
Treasure Value n/a 5d10x50 Weaknesses None
Magical Treasure None None Size M
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p. Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
General: Treelings are wretched humanoids that dwell only in tropical jungles, Treasure Type None
attacking only those creatures they deem weak enough to be easily overcome. Treasure Value n/a
There is a 30% chance that any given band of treelings will have a shaman Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 120 + 3/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Troglodyte

General: Troglodytes are reptilian creatures that

General: Tri-flower fronds are plants found in temperate and subtropical dwell deep underground in caves and tunnels,
locales. and desire the total extermination of all human
and demi-human life. They have infravision
Combat: The tri-flower frond has a very specific attack sequence, with each of with a 90’ range.
its three flowers having a particular function in seizing and absorbing food.
The first flower will shoot out 2d4 tendrils at any creature within 3’. Any
creature struck must make a saving throw vs. poison or fall into a deep slumber
for 1d4 hours. Almost immediately thereafter (the next round), the second
flower will lean over the sleeping victim and release a highly caustic enzyme
that will cause 2d4 h.p. of damage as the body rots at an accelerated rate.
Finally, the third flower will send tendrils into the victim as this happens, For every 10 warriors encountered,
draining an additional 1d6 h.p. from the victim each round as its fluids are there will be 1 guard. For every 20
drained, and then finally absorbing the last of the liquefied animal matter. For warriors, there will be two sub-
every flask of water poured on a victim, the damage from the second flower’s chiefs. Groups of 60 or more
enzymes will be reduced by 1; if the body is completely immersed in water, warriors will be led by the chieftain
the enzyme’s effect will cease entirely. himself, accompanied by 2d4 guards
as his personal bodyguard. The
Appearance: A tri-flower frond has a thick green woody stalk and three chieftain will have the tribe’s treasure,
flowers. The flowers themselves can be orange/yellow/red, white/silvery- carefully hidden and
gray/pink, or golden brown/dark brown/red-brown. protected.

Troglodyte In its warren, a troglodyte tribe will also have a number of females equal to
the number of males, and there will be a chieftain present regardless of the
size of the group. Females are not typically armed, but can use weapons if the
Warrior Guard
threat to the group is great.
Number 10d10 1 per 10 warriors
Morale +1 +2
Combat: Some troglodytes will attack with claws and a bite, while
Hit Dice 2d8 3d8
approximately half will use crude weapons. The weapon of any given
Armor Class 5 5
troglodyte should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
individual warrior:
No. of Attacks 3 (or 1) 3 (or 1)
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d4+1 (or per weapon type)
Defenses Odor Odor Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
Attacks Chameleon skin, enemies get -3 to surprise rolls 01-10 Battle axe 10%
Weaknesses None None 11-35 Javelin (x2) 25%
Size M M 36-45 Glaive 10%
Intelligence 6 6 46-50 Short sword 5%
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil 51-00 Unarmed 50%
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a Troglodyte javelins do 2d8 h.p. of damage and receive a +3 bonus “to hit”.
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 36 + 2/h.p. 65 + 3/h.p. Troglodytes excrete a noxious odor when in combat. Any human or demi-
human within 10’ must make a saving throw vs. poison or lose 1 point of
Sub-chief Chieftain Female strength per round for 1d6 rounds. After the last point of strength is lost, it will
Number 2 per 20 warriors 1 See below be a full 10 minutes before they are restored. They are able to control this odor
Morale +3 +4 -1 when they so desire (as when lying in ambush, or hiding from a superior foe).
Hit Dice 4d8 6d8 1d10
Armor Class 5 5 5 In addition, troglodytes are able to change the color of their skin, like a
Move 120’/min. 120’/min. 120’/min. chameleon. This means enemies get a -3 penalty on surprise rolls. The power
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard can also be used when hiding or fleeing. Troglodytes are considered persons
No. of Attacks 3 (or 1) 3 (or 1) 3 for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person.
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d4+1 (or per weapon type)
Defenses Odor Odor Odor Appearance: Troglodytes are humanoid-looking reptiles. They are gray,
Attacks Chameleon skin, enemies get -3 to surprise rolls reddish brown, or gray-green in color. They have fans on the tops of their
Weaknesses None None None heads that extend to the base of the skull. They have tails. Their eyes glow red
Size M M M in total darkness, due to their infravision. They speak their own hissing
Intelligence 6 6 6 language.
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None III None
Treasure Value n/a 9d6x1,000 n/a
Magical Treasure None 3 items (30%) None
X.P. Value 110 + 4/h.p. 300 + 6/h.p. 18 + 1/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Troll Giant Two-Headed Troll

Number 1d12 Number 1d3

Morale n/a Morale +12
Hit Dice 6d12 Hit Dice 10d10
Armor Class 4 Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 No. of Attacks 4
Damage 1d4+4/1d4+4/2d6 Damage 1d6/1d6/1d10/1d10
Defenses Regeneration Defenses Regeneration, +1 to surprise rolls
Attacks None Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses Fire, acid
Size L (9’) Size L (10’)
Intelligence 6 Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic evil Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type IV Treasure Type IV
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) Magical Treasure 1d3 (15%)
X.P. Value 525 + 8/h.p. X.P. Value 2,200 + 16/h.p.

General: Trolls are feared creatures

that can be found in every climate
and environment, although they
prefer underground settings in
which to make their lairs. They
have keen senses and infravision
with a 90’ range.

Combat: Trolls attack with both claws and a bite,

and are able to attack up to three separate
opponents at the same time, assuming they
are all in range. Trolls are fearless and will
never retreat, and are notoriously difficult
to control in battle. Trolls also regenerate, starting 3 rounds after they are first
wounded. They regenerate 3 lost hit points per round, but can never get more
General: Giant two-headed trolls are half-breeds of regular trolls and ettins
hit points than their original total. Even severed limbs will not die; a hacked-
(see p. 77). They are found in most climates and have infravision with a range
off arm will crawl on the floor looking for victims to grip, etc. Only flame and
of 60’. They are nocturnal and dwell in caves.
acid will prevent a wounded troll from regenerating, and such must also be
applied to severed pieces, or a full-grown troll will spring from such within 3d6
Combat: Giant two-headed trolls attack with two claws and two bites, but both
bites must be directed at the same opponent. They regenerate 1 h.p. per round
(except when wounded by fire or acid), and will come back from below 0 h.p.
Appearance: Trolls are tall and thin, with rubbery skin green to gray in color.
Their limbs do not re-attach themselves as do those of full-blooded trolls. They
They have long pointed noses, a shock of dark hair that seems to writhe on its
receive a bonus of +1 on all their surprise rolls.
own, and deep black eyes that glow red in total darkness due to their
infravision. They speak their own language, as well as that of ogres.
Appearance: Giant two-headed trolls are huge trolls with two heads, and
usually wear the same sorts of threadbare skins that ettins do. They speak either
See also: scrag (p. 280).
trollish or ogreish (a given group has a 50% chance of speaking either).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Tunnel Worm

Hill Troll Combat: Tunnel worms attack by lunging out of their hidden tunnels and biting
with their mandibles. The initial lunge attack gets a +2 bonus “to hit”. If the hit
Number 1d12 is successful, the prey is held fast but damage is not done until any armor is
Morale +10 cleaved through by the creature’s mandibles:
Hit Dice 8d10
Armor Class 4 Armor Type Rounds Until Damage is Taken
Move 120’/min. None 0 (damage is done on the round the hit occurs)
Magic Resistance Standard Leather 1
No. of Attacks 1 or 2 Mail 2
Damage 2d8 or 1d6+1/1d6+1 Metal, non-mail 3
Defenses Regeneration
Attacks None Once the armor has been chewed through, damage is automatic every round.
Weaknesses None The tunnel worm can be driven off in one of two ways: by taking 15 or more
Size L (10’) points of fire damage, or by taking 60% of its total hit points. Once either of
Intelligence 6 those thresholds are reached, the tunnel worm will release its prey and flee
Alignment Chaotic evil into its tunnels. Armor that has been breached is useless. Armor that has been
Treasure Type IV chewed upon has a +1 penalty to the armor class for every round of chewing;
Treasure Value 4d6x100 only an armorer will be able to repair mail or metal armor (for 25% of the
Magical Treasure 1d2 (10%) original cost per round of chewing); leather of any type will be beyond repair.
X.P. Value 950 + 12/h.p.
Appearance: Tunnel worms look like large black centipedes with wicked
General: Hill trolls are half-breeds of regular mandibles.
trolls and hill giants (see p. 98). They are
found in most climates, and have infravision Two-headed Dog
with a range of 60’.
See dog, two-headed (p. 49).
Combat: 90% of the time, giant trolls
will be armed with enormous spiked clubs. If they are without their
clubs, they strike with both claws. They regenerate 2 h.p. per round Undead Dragon
(except when wounded by fire or acid), and will even come back from below
0 hit points. Their limbs do not re-join the body if severed, however. Like See dragon, undead (p. 60).
giants, they can hurl boulders 100’ which inflict 1d8 h.p. if they hit, and can
catch hurled boulders 25% of the time. Underground Goliath
Appearance: Hill trolls look like enormous trolls with red-brown skin and large Number 1d4
pot bellies. They speak the trollish tongue and that of hill giants. Morale +6
Hit Dice 8d12
Tunnel Worm Armor Class 2
Move 60’/min., 1’-6’/min. (tunneling)
Number 1d6 Magic Resistance Standard
Morale See below No. of Attacks 3
Hit Dice 9d10 Damage 3d4/3d4/1d10
Armor Class 4 Defenses None
Move 60’/min. (walking and burrowing) Attacks Confusion
Magic Resistance Standard Weaknesses None
No. of Attacks 1 Size L (8’x5’)
Damage 2d8 Intelligence 9
Defenses None Alignment Chaotic evil
Attacks Lunge, holding Treasure Type XV
Weaknesses None Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000
Size L (30’ long) Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (35%)
Intelligence 0 X.P. Value 1,300 + 12/h.p.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XIV General: The underground goliath is a predator that lurks beneath the surface
Treasure Value 1d10x12 of the ground, where it preys on creatures such as purple worms, anhkhegs,
Magical Treasure None etc. They are also most fond of human flesh. They are able to tunnel through
X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p. solid rock at a rate of 1’ per minute, and soft soil at 6’ per minute.

General: Tunnel worms are centipede-like creatures found beneath the ground, Combat: Underground goliaths attack with their powerful claws and bite with
where they create intricate warrens of tunnels in walls, ceilings, and floors. their enormous pincers. However, any intelligent creature that meets the gaze
They will wait at the camouflaged entrance to their tunnels before attacking. of the goliath must make a saving throw vs. magic or be affected as per the
The tunnels themselves are 2’ in diameter, and any treasure possessed by the result on the following table for 3d4 minutes:
creature will be left over from previous victims, in the nest somewhere in the
maze of twisty passages.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Roll Action 25% chance of success. Unicorn treasure will be kept in some
01-10 Wander off in random direction secluded but natural feature in the shady meadow in which
11-60 Stand in dumb puzzlement for 1 minute, then re-roll they make their home: the hollow of a tree, a hole in the
61-80 Attack nearest creature for 1 minute, then re-roll ground behind a rock, etc.
81-00 Attack the goliath for 1 minute, then re-roll
Combat: Unicorns attack with their front hooves
Appearance: The underground goliath has a barrel-shaped body covered with and horn; the horn always gets a
heavy bone plates, with a flat head sporting a great sideways-opening beak bonus of +2 “to hit.” Unicorns
and incredibly hard and strong talons on its hands. It is dark brown in color, can charge against enemies;
tending towards a light gray on thebelly and lower part of the head. ItsTheir in such cases they do not
coloration makes it mistakable for a humanoid of some sort at distances greater attack with their hooves but
than 40’. their horn does double
damage if it hits. Unicorns
also have the following
powers and abilities:

• Immunity to all
poisons in all forms
(this ability is passed on to
anyone who possesses a unicorn horn)
• Sense enemies approaching, 240’ radius
• Enemies get -4 on all surprise rolls
• Teleport up to 360’ once per day (including rider, if applicable)
• Make saving throws as an 11th level mage
• Immune to charm, hold, and death spells

Appearance: Unicorns are striking white steeds with brilliant yellow manes,
tails, and goat-like beards. They have a single spiral horn some 2’ in length in
the center of their forehead. They speak their own language and can
communicate with horses, mules, and donkeys.


Vampire Slave
Number 1 1d4
Morale +16 +8
Hit Dice 8d10 4d10
Armor Class 1 1
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying, in bat form - average)
Unicorn Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Number 1d4+1
Damage 1d6+4 1d6+4
Morale +7
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, spell immunity, poison
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 2 Attacks Level drain, magic use Level drain, magic use
Move 240’/min. Weaknesses Garlic, sunlight, mirrors, holy symbols, holy water
Magic Resistance Standard
Size M M
No. of Attacks 3 Intelligence 16 16
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d12 Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Defenses See below Treasure Type VII None
Attacks +2 “to hit” with horn, charge, enemies get -2 to Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000 n/a
surprise rolls
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, no weapons None
Weaknesses None (10%)
Size L X.P. Value 3,800 + 12/h.p. 690 + 5/h.p.
Intelligence 9
Turn as Type X VI
Alignment Chaotic good
Treasure Type None General: Vampires are one of the most feared of the corporeal undead, and
Treasure Value n/a they have a direct connection to the negative plane. They are vulnerable to
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%) sunlight, and must therefore rest during the hours of daylight in their coffin,
X.P. Value 400 + 5/h.p. which must contain a measure of earth from their grave. Every master vampire
will have 1d4 slaves in attendance. Although they are under his complete thrall
General: Unicorns dwell in idyllic woodland settings, far from civilization and and cannot even contemplate actively betraying him, each secretly longs for
occasionally in the vicinity of such woodland creatures as dryads, faerie the destruction of the master, since when that happens, they will all instantly
dragons, etc. Elven, half-elven, and human maidens (virgins) may attempt to advance to the rank of masters themselves and be free of any sort of psychic
approach and tame a unicorn to serve as a steed. Such attempts have but a slavery.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Vegepygmy

earth-filled coffin within 2 hours, and a new body will regenerate for them
there in 8 hours. If they do not return to their coffin within 2 hours, they will be
forever destroyed.

Appearance: Vampires appear much as they did in life, their appearance not
betraying their undead state, except for their long fangs, which the vampire
can hide or extend in order to bite a victim.


Number 3d10x10
Morale See below
Hit Dice 1d8 - 6d8
Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6 or per weapon type
Defenses See below
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None
Size S
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 1d6x100
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value See below

Combat: Vampires attack with their fists, and have the equivalent of 18/76
strength (+2 “to hit” bonus, +4 damage bonus). The vampire may attempt to General: Vegepygmies
bite any victim against whom a successful hit has been scored; the bite of the are plant-based creatures
vampire will also drain 2 experience levels (or hit dice, as applicable) from that are formed as part of
the victim. Anyone who is completely drained of life energy in this way will the life cycle of russet mold.
become a vampire slave under the command of the one who created him thus They are carnivores and will
one day after being buried. If the master vampire is destroyed, the slaves under take any opportunity to add
its command become free willed. Note that it is therefore possible to have a to their diet. They are usually
vampire with the powers and skills of a character class: a vampire cavalier, found either in warm places
mage, etc. underground or in deep, dark
forests. Vegepygmies get along
Vampires are only harmed by weapons with an enchantment of +1 or better. well with other vegetable and fungoid
They are immune to spells such as sleep, charm, hold, etc. and poison. creatures, and there is a 40% chance
Paralysis has no effect on them. A vial of holy water will cause 1d6+1 h.p. of that they will have 1d3 shriekers set as
damage to a vampire. In addition, vampires have the following powers: guardians (see p. 89). The vegepygmies
will not set off the shriekers set around
• Charm person with gaze (victims get -2 penalty to saving throw their settlement. There is also a 70%
vs. magic) chance that a patch of russet mold will
• Polymorph self into large bat or a wolf be found within 200 yards of the
• Regenerate 3 h.p. per round vegepygmy settlement, as the mold
• Summon 10d10 rats or bats (underground) or 3d6 wolves is central to their life-cycle. Any vegepygmy group encountered has a 30%
(outdoors), who will appear in 2d6 rounds chance of having 1d6+2 thornies with it (see p. 230), and any settlement will
have ten times that many. Vegepygmies vary in size, and the composition of
In addition, vampires have certain vulnerabilities that can be exploited. Garlic any given group of them will be determined by size:
will cause a vampire to delay attacking or approaching for 1d4 rounds. A
mirror or holy symbol will cause it to stay away for a time, but it will actively Hit Dice Size X.P. Value % Composition
seek to either remove, destroy, or cause to be moved the offending object. 1d8 2’ 53 + 1/h.p. 50%
Sunlight will cause 10% of the vampire’s hit points to be lost per round, and a 2d8 2 ½’ 81 + 2/h.p. 25%
vampire immersed in running water for 3 consecutive minutes will be 3d8 3’ 120 + 3/h.p. 15%
automatically slain. A wooden stake through the heart will slay a vampire, but 4d8 3 ½’ 175 + 4/h.p. 10%
if the stake is removed, the vampire will return to un-life. Only decapitation 5d8 4’ 245 + 5/h.p. See below
and a blessing of the severed head will truly prevent such reanimation. 6d8 4 ½’ 425 + 6/h.p. See below

When brought to between 0 and -9 hit points, vampires are not actually slain,
but rather turn into gaseous form. In this state, they will then return to their


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


For every 50 vegepygmies encountered, there will be one 5d8 HD subchief General: Vilstraks, also known as tunnel thugs, are creatures of living stone
with 1d4+1 3d8 HD bodyguards. Every group of vegepygmies will be led by that inhabit deep underground regions where their stony exterior can hide
a 6d8 HD chief with 2d4 4d8 HD bodyguards. them from enemies (they are 75% undetectable in a rocky environment, as
close as 20’ away). They can meld their bodies with the stone around them in
Combat: Vegepygmies attack with weapons, but can also strike with their order to travel; 95% of the time their lairs will be encased in solid stone.
hands for 1d6 h.p. of damage. They are usually armed with crude axes and
spears. They are able to blend in with the foliage around them, giving enemies Combat: Vilstraks attack with their fists. Because of the vilstraks’ ability to meld
a -3 penalty to all surprise rolls. with the stone around them, enemies get a -2 penalty on surprise rolls.

Attacks from piercing weapons such as spears and arrows will only do 1 h.p. Appearance: Vilstraks are humanoid in form, but made of stone. Their heads
of damage, and they are immune to electrical damage. The only sorts of vaguely resemble those of lobsters, and they have great black expressionless
enchantment/charm type spells that affect them are those that affect plants, eyes. They speak their own language.
and even then, they are entitled to a saving throw, even when the spell
description does not normally allow for such. Volt
Appearance: Vegepygmies are humanoid in form, although they have foliage Number 2d12
where most human types would have hair, most notably the small “top knot” Morale +2
of leaves at the crown of their head. The fingers are tipped with thorn-like Hit Dice 2d10
claws. The exact coloration of vegepygmies will depend on the vegetation in Armor Class 3
their vicinity; they will adapt to their surroundings. They do not speak, but Move 60’/min. (flying - poor)
communicate by slapping and thumping their chests (although they are Magic Resistance Standard
capable of vocalization as a generalized warning cry, for example). No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d4/2d6
See also: russet mold (p. 161), thornie (p. 230). Defenses Immune to electricity
Attacks None
Vilstrak Weaknesses None
Size S (2’ diameter, 3’ tail)
Number 2d10 Intelligence 1
Morale -4 Alignment Neutral
Hit Dice 1d6 Treasure Type None
Armor Class 2 Treasure Value n/a
Move 90’/min. (walking, moving throw stone) Magical Treasure n/a
Magic Resistance Standard X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p.
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1
Defenses Camouflage
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type V
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p.

General: Volts are small creatures but extremely vicious. They will usually
attack anything they see. They move by levitation, propelling themselves with
movements of their tail.

Combat: The volt attacks by biting its victim and lashing with its electrically-
charged tail. Once it scores a successful hit with the bite, it will continue to
drain 1d4 h.p. of blood automatically. In addition, it will lash at its victim with
its tail, hitting automatically. It does not get a tail-lash in its initial attack, but
only once it has attached itself to a victim. Once that happens, it will not let go
until either it or the victim has died. They are immune to any sort of electrical

Appearance: Volts are bristly balls some 2’ around, sporting two enormous
eyes, and a 3’ long tail trailing behind. They are gray in color.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Vulchling

Combat: Vultures attack with their beaks.

Appearance: Vultures are gangly birds, dark in color, some with unfeathered
Number 2d8 necks and heads.
Morale -1
Hit Dice 1d8 Wasp, Giant
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min., 300’.min. (flying - average) Number 1d20 or 1d20+20
Magic Resistance Standard Morale +1
No. of Attacks 1 or 2 Hit Dice 4d8
Damage 1d4/1d4 or 1d4+1 Armor Class 4
Defenses None Move 60’/min., 210’/min. (flying - average)
Attacks None Magic Resistance Standard
Weaknesses None No. of Attacks 2
Size M Damage 2d4/1d4
Intelligence 6 Defenses None
Alignment Chaotic evil Attacks Poison
Treasure Type XV Weaknesses Fire
Treasure Value 1d10 Size M (5’)
Magical Treasure None Intelligence 0
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XVII
General: Vulchlings are related to vultures (see below), but are significantly Treasure Value 20d10x10
both more intelligent and evil. They are most often found in isolated Magical Treasure None
wildernesses, although flocks have been reported in underground areas with X.P. Value 320 + 4/h.p.
large open caverns that allow flight. They are sometimes found with harpies or
vrocks (see pp. 119 and 363, respectively).

Combat: Vulchlings will initially swoop down on prey from above and attack
with their two talons. Once that attack is done, they will alight and attack with
their razor-sharp beak.

Appearance: Vulchlings look like large vultures with human-like features.

General: Giant wasps are greatly feared, as they lay their
Vulture eggs inside paralyzed victims, who are then eaten alive
when the larvae hatch. They generally prey on other giant
insects, but are not above feeding on animals or humans and
Regular Giant
their ilk. They are found in most climates save the coldest.
Number 4d6 2d6
There are two general types; those who build mud
Morale -2 -1
nests, and those who build larger nests of paper.
Hit Dice 1d10 2d10
It is the latter who will be found in greater numbers if encountered in their lair
Armor Class 6 7
(determine randomly, 50% chance of either type).
Move 30’/min., 270’/min. 30’/min., 240’/min.
(flying - clumsy) (flying - poor)
Combat: Giant wasps attack with their bite and sting. Anyone struck by the
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
stinger must make a saving throw vs. poison or be paralyzed permanently. The
No. of Attacks 1 1
paralysis can only be cured by a neutralize poison spell. If given a round with
Damage 1d2 1d4
the victim unmolested, the wasp will then lay its eggs within the body, which
Defenses None None
will hatch in 1d4+1 days. Once that happens, death is almost immediate as
Attacks None None
the larvae consume the host.
Weaknesses None None
Size M (6’ wingspan) L (12’ wingspan)
Giant wasps are vulnerable to fire. Magical flames such as a fireball or wall
Intelligence 1 1
of fire will singe off their wings, as will a large enough mundane fire such as
Alignment Neutral Neutral
a bonfire. A torch will not suffice. Wasps whose wings have been singed do
Treasure Type None None
not take additional damage, but will be unable to fly.
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
Appearance: Giant wasps are larger versions of their mundane cousins.
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p.

General: Vultures are scavengers and carrion eaters, found in most climates
from temperate to tropical. Their eyesight is keen, and they typically fly at great
heights searching for victims that are either dead or near death. If a potential
victim is wounded or dead (or seems to be so - such as those who are sleeping,
held, etc.), and predators are not within 20’, vultures will appear within 1d6+6
rounds and finish off the prey.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Wasp, Braconid, Giant larvae burrow out from within the body. They are instinctively aggressive and
will attack anything, including fellow larvae, in range.
Male Female Larva
Number 3d6 3d6 See below Appearance: Giant braconid wasps are large wasps with four wings and large
Morale +3 +1 -1 sickle-like forearms. The females are black in color while the males are brick
Hit Dice 6d8 4d8 1d6 red. Larvae are large white grubs with black heads with wicked mandibles.
Armor Class 4 4 9
Move 60’/min., 60’/min., 60’/min. Weasel
180’/min. 180’/min. (flying -
(flying - average) Normal Giant
average) Number 1d6 1d8
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Morale -1 +4
No. of Attacks 3 1 1 Hit Dice 1d4 3d10
Damage 1d8/1d8/4d6 4d4 2d4 Armor Class 6 6
Defenses None None None Move 120’/min. 150’/min.
Attacks Poison, grab Paralyzation, grab None Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Weaknesses None None None No. of Attacks 1 1
Size M (5’ long) M (5’ long) S (3 ½’ long) Damage 1d2 2d6
Intelligence 0 0 0 Defenses None None
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Attacks None Blood drain
Treasure Type None None None Weaknesses None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a Size S (1’ long) M (6’ long)
Magical Treasure None None None Intelligence 1 1
X.P. Value 275 + 6/h.p. 125 + 4/h.p. 10 + 1/h.p. Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p. 125 + 4/h.p.

General: Weasels, both normal and giant, are voracious predators that are
found in temperate climates, where they dwell in woods. The giant variety will
often be found in deep underground environs, hunting for prey. If a weasel is
a spellcaster’s familiar, it will grant its master better than average hearing (able
to hear a whisper at 50’) and sense of smell (able to smell nearby animals on
the wind 30’ away, for instance, but not as keen a sense of smell as a
bloodhound, so tracking by scent would not normally be possible).

Combat: Weasels attack with their bite. In addition, giant weasels will suck
the blood from a victim automatically, as they latch onto the wound and drink:
2d6 h.p. will be drained each round this way.
General: While their smaller cousins are considered a boon to farmers, as they
eradicate garden pests, the giant braconid wasp is a great danger to Appearance: Weasels are low and long predators with fur that can be in a
humankind, as they implant their eggs in humans and livestock rather than in variety of colors from white to brown to black, striped, solid, or spotted. The
caterpillars and hookworms. They are found in most temperate climates and giant variety looks like the regular type, only larger. Giant weasel pelts are
are quite aggressive. There is an equal chance that any given wasp will be worth 1d6x1000 g.p.
male or female.

Combat: Males will attack with their two sharp forelimbs. In addition, if either
of these attacks succeed, the wasp will get another attack with its two regular
arms (which do no damage). If both those attack succeed, it will grab the victim
and hang on until either the victim is dead or the wasp is slain. Only if the
male has grabbed a victim can it use its stinger on the next round, which hits
grabbed victims automatically. Creatures stung must make a saving throw vs.
poison or die. The male can use its stinger 8 times per day.

Females attack only with their normal arms; if both hit (doing no damage), the
victim is grabbed. Grabbed victims will then be stung on the next round
automatically. The female’s sting can be used 6 times per day. Those stung
must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for 1d6x10 minutes.
Once a victim is paralyzed, the female will lay 1d3 eggs inside the victim’s
body and then move on to another victim.

Larvae will hatch 1d12+12 hours after they are laid in the body of the victim.
Only a heal spell cast before the eggs hatch can kill the larvae without harming
the host. If they do hatch, the host will die automatically and painfully as the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Weeping Wall

Weeping Wall

Number 1
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 6d8
Armor Class -4
Move 10’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d6
Defenses Immune to acid, fire, electricity, most missiles
Attacks Acid spray
Weaknesses Bases (soda ash, ammonia, etc.)
Size L
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 225 + 6/h.p.

General: The weeping wall is related to the trapper and is found underground
in areas where stone walls are common. It has the outward appearance of a
stone wall that is dripping with moisture. In reality, the stone “wall” is the body
of the creature, and the dripping water is a powerful acid that it uses to attack.

Combat: Weeping walls attack by spraying acid on their victims. Any creature General: Weevil-men dwell underground, in tunnel complexes they carve into
within 10’ of a weeping wall when it attacks will take 2d6 h.p. of acid rock or soil. There will be a series of 1d3 egg chambers, 1d3+1 granaries,
damage; all are entitled to a saving throw vs. dragon breath to take half 1d6 hatcheries (each with 1d10 larvae), and a large central chamber in which
damage. The hard stonelike exterior of the creature makes it nearly impervious is found the cow of the colony. The tunnels themselves will only be 4’ in height
to missile fire (hence its low armor class), and it is immune to acid, electricity, and will be protected not only by guards but by traps as well. There is a 10%
and fire. Magical cold acts as a slow spell had been cast on the creature. It is chance that the nest will be shared with 10d10 giant ants. As a rule, weevil-
vulnerable to bases such as soda ash, ammonia, etc. which neutralize the acid men are reclusive creatures, and are only encountered by humans if they are
and cause it damage as if it had been hit by a comparable amount of acid. raiding human farms.

Appearance: Weeping walls look like stone walls (either natural stone or The size of each larva should be determined randomly, if not otherwise
stonework, as appropriate) which are glistening with moisture. specified:

Die Roll (d4) Hit Dice X.P. Value

Weevil-man 1 2d8 28 + 2/h.p.
2 3d8 50 + 3/h.p.
Drone Larva Cow 3 4d8 85 + 4/h.p.
Number 2d10 See below 1 4 5d8 130 + 5/h.p.
Morale +5 -1 -3
Hit Dice 6d8 See below 10d8 Combat: Weevil-man drones use four of their six limbs in combat, attacking
Armor Class 2 6 7 with two weapons while holding two shields in their other arms. They are
Move 150’/min. 10’/min., 30’/min. immune to electrical and cold-based attacks, and fire-based attacks only do
60’/min. half damage.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Weevil-men larvae are blind and deaf, relying on vibration to sense other
No. of Attacks 2 1 1 creatures. They attack with a bite, usually treating intruders as food.
Damage 1d4/1d4 or per 1d6+1 3d6
weapon Weevil-man cows are slow and bulky, but if someone gets near their mouth
Defenses See below Immune to acid None they can inflict a painful bite. In addition, their skin is covered with an acidic
Attacks None None Acidic slime slime that does 1d8 h.p. of damage each round until removed (scraped or
Weaknesses None None None washed off) and which will eat through 1” of either metal or wood in but a
Size M S (1 ½’ -3’) L (15’) single round.
Intelligence 12 0 6
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Appearance: Weevil-men drones look like large upright black weevils, with a
Treasure Type III long proboscis, antennae, and six legs. They prefer to travel on all six legs,
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000 but will stand on their rear pair when in combat. They speak their own
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, no weapons (10% chance) language, and 5% will speak the common tongue. Larvae are large grub-like
X.P. Value 300 + 6/h.p. See below 1,350 + 14/h.p. creatures, and cows are simply enormous versions of the larvae, which are
prevented from maturing into drones by being given a special diet in the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


or in underground environments. It feeds on animals, planting itself on their

Whip Scorpion, Monstrous carcasses in order to extract the nutrients it needs to survive.

Combat: The whipperstem attacks with its two 15’ long stalks. The stalks are
Large Huge Giant
treated like independent creatures in terms of hit points, just as the stem is. If a
Number 1d4 1d4 1d2
given stalk is reduced to 0 hit points, it is “killed”, although the other stalk can
Morale -1 +1 +3
continue to function and attack. The plant only fully dies when the central stem
Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 4d10
is killed; when this happens both stalks will go into a violent frenzy for 1 round,
Armor Class 7 4 2
each inflicting 3 hits, targeting any creature in range randomly. Slain stalks
Move 120’/min. 90’/min. 60’/min.
will regrow in but a few weeks’ time, as long as the stem is still alive.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 3 3
Appearance: The central stem of the whipperstem is a woody spherical
Damage 1d8 1d6/1d6/1d8 1d8/1d8/2d4
structure with many small rootlets and two very long whip-like stalks with leafy
Defenses None None None
appendages. The rootlets allow the creature not only to move (slowly) but also
Attacks None Grip Grip, vapor
to feed on the bodies of animals it slays. It has no mouth or apparent sensory
Weaknesses None None None
Size S M L
Intelligence 0 0 0
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral White Lady
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a Number 1
Magical Treasure None None None Morale +1
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. 170 + 5/h.p. Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 5
General: Whip scorpions (also known as vinegaroons) are found in all climates Move 90’/min., 120’/min. (flying – good)
save the coldest. Magic Resistance C
No. of Attacks 2
Combat: Whip scorpions attack with their foreclaws and bite; the large variety Damage 2d4/2d4
have no foreclaws, however. (The whip on the tail is not used to attack.) Giant Defenses Immune to mind-affecting magic
and huge whip scorpions are able to grab onto prey if one of their claws score Attacks Dancing, overbearing
a successful hit; in subsequent rounds they get an automatic hit with both claws Weaknesses None
and a +3 bonus “to hit” with their bite. The grip can be broken by a successful Size M
open doors check. Intelligence 13
Alignment Neutral evil
Three times per day giant whip scorpions may emit a cloud of acidic vapor in Treasure Type IX
a 20’ radius. Any creature in the area must make a saving throw vs. poison; Treasure Value 1d6x500
failure indicates the creature will get a -3 penalty “to hit” for 1d6 rounds. Magical Treasure 1d2 items (20%)
X.P. Value 170 + 5/h.p.
Appearance: Whip scorpions are giant insects with six legs, two large Turn as Type V
forelimbs with pincers, and a large whip-like tail. They can vary in color from
tan to brown to black. General: White ladies are non-corporeal undead which are the spirits of
women who have died in childbirth. They haunt lonely bridges, roads, castle
Whipperstem battlements, etc. They seek to lure the living to their doom by pretending to be
in need of some sort of assistance (spinning a tale of having been beset by
bandits, or looking for a lost child, or something else to play on the sympathies
Number 1d2
of her would-be samaritan); when the victim approaches, preferably in a
Morale n/a
dangerous spot such as the edge of a cliff or the side of a bridge, the white
Hit Dice 3d10 (stalks), 1d12 (stem)
lady will attack.
Armor Class 6 (stalks), 4 (stem)
Move 30’/min.
Combat: White ladies attack with their hands. They can also overbear as if
Magic Resistance Standard
they had a strength of 17, and will attempt to do so in order to knock a victim
No. of Attacks 2
off a bridge, cliff, etc. They can also cast the spell irresistable dance once per
Damage 1d10/1d10
day, and can summon 1d6 cats and 1d3 owls to beset the living once per day
Defenses None
(see pp. 30 and 177, respectively).
Attacks Frenzy on death
Weaknesses None
Appearance: White ladies appear as human, elven, or halfling women. They
Size L (stalks), S (stem)
give the appearance of being flesh and blood creatures, but their insubstantial
Intelligence 3
nature will be noticed at close distances (within 10’).
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 120 + 4/h.p.

General: The whipperstem is a carnivorous plant that hates sunlight; it is found

only in the deepest forests, where sunlight does not penetrate to the ground,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Wight

Wight Will-o’-wisp

Number 2d8 Number 1 (90%) or 1d3 (10%)

Morale +16 Morale ±0
Hit Dice 4d10 Hit Dice 9d8
Armor Class 5 Armor Class -8
Move 120’/min. Move 180’/min. (floating)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 Damage 2d8
Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm, immune to Defenses Immune to most spells
some spells Attacks None
Attacks Energy drain Weaknesses None
Weaknesses Holy water, raise dead spell Size S
Size M Intelligence 16
Intelligence 9 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Lawful evil Treasure Type V
Treasure Type VI Treasure Value 1d6x10,000
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%)
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%) X.P. Value 1,200 + 12/h.p.
X.P. Value 540 + 5/h.p.
Turn as Type V

General: Wights are

corporeal undead,
greatly feared because
of both their ferocious
hatred of living creatures
and their ability to drain
energy from those they touch.
They avoid light of all sorts, and
daylight in particular. They draw
their strength from the negative

Combat: Wights attack with their

claws. However, a successful strike
from a wight will also drain one
experience level (or hit die) from the
victim. If a victim is completely General: Will-o-wisps are cunning creatures that lurk in treacherous places
drained, 1d4+1 rounds later it will where either natural or man-made traps are plentiful. The will-o-wisp will
become a wight under the attempt to lure others into such traps, where they feed on the life energy of the
command of the creature that victims as they die a lingering death. Usually only a single will-o-wisp will be
slew it. Once the “master” wight found, but there is a 10% chance that 1d3 will be encountered. In such cases,
is slain, those under its thrall will there is a 90% chance that the creatures’ lair (and treasure) will be nearby.
be free-willed, but no less evil.
Wights are immune to spells such as Combat: The will-o-wisp will usually not attack in the conventional sense, but
sleep, charm, and hold, and can will try to lure victims to their doom as indicated above. If pressed, however,
only be wounded by silver or they can lash out with an electrical jolt. They are immune to almost all spells;
enchanted weapons. Holy only protection from evil, magic missile, and maze will affect them. If brought
water will cause 2d4 h.p. of to 5 h.p. or under, the creature will surrender and hand over its treasure in
damage if it hits a wight. The spell raise dead will destroy a wight. exchange for its life.

Appearance: Wights look like wild humans with claws and an inhuman glow Appearance: Will-o-wisps are balls of light that float in the air. They can move
in their eyes. Their skin is mottled and decayed in places, which betrays their slowly or swiftly, can change their color, and can wink themselves out for up
true nature. to 2d4 minutes at a stretch, all of which is used to convince victims that the
will-o-wisp is something that should be followed or investigated.

Winter Wolf

See wolf, winter (p. 246).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Witherweed If anyone is reduced to a dexterity of 0, death will result. Anyone with a

dexterity below 3 is incapacitated and must be carried. Up to half the lost
Number 1 dexterity points will be recovered at a rate of 1 per day, as long as the victim
Morale n/a is resting. The remaining dexterity points can only be regained by the spell
Hit Dice 3d8 - 6d8 cure disease, which must be done after the maximum dexterity points have
Armor Class 8 been recovered by resting.
Move n/a
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Witherweed appears as a dry vine-like growth with evenly
No. of Attacks See below spaced fronds that dangle down into open spaces or creep along floors and
Damage 0 walls. It is brown-gray in color.
Defenses Toxic smoke if burned
Attacks Dexterity drain Wolf
Weaknesses Flammable
Size L Normal Worg
Intelligence 0 Number 2d10 3d4
Alignment Neutral Morale +1 +3
Treasure Type None Hit Dice 2d10 4d12
Treasure Value n/a Armor Class 7 6
Magical Treasure n/a Move 180’/min. 180’/min.
X.P. Value See below Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1d4+1 2d4
Defenses None None
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size S L (5’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 3 6
Alignment Neutral Neutral evil
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p.

General: Witherweed is a semi-mobile carnivorous plant that is often found

clinging to ruined walls, along doorways, etc. The size of the plant varies, and
should be determined randomly unless otherwise specified:

Die Roll
(d%) Hit Dice Size Fronds X.P. Value
01-60 3d8 20’x20’ 1d12+12 90 + 3/h.p.
61-75 4d8 27’x27’ 2d12+12 125 + 4/h.p. General: Wolves are found in most climates from the arctic to the desert. They
76-90 5d8 33’x33’ 3d12+12 165 + 5/h.p. move and hunt in packs and are cunning hunters. The howl of wolves will
91-00 6d8 40’x40’ 4d12+12 275 + 6/h.p. panic herd animals, pack animals, etc., half (50%) of the time, unless they are
being actively calmed by humans. Wolf dens are 30% likely to contain 1d4
If the plant is burned (and it is relatively dry and burns easily), the smoke cubs; these can be taken and trained as companions. Worgs are cunning evil
produced thereby is toxic. The smoke will cover an area 9 times that of the beasts that are sometimes used as mounts for humanoid cavalry, particularly
weed itself, and will last for 1 round per cubic foot of the weed. Anyone within goblins.
that area must make a saving throw vs. poison or die.
Combat: Wolves attack with their bite.
Combat: Witherweed attacks with its many fronds, which dangle along likely
paths of movement for victims (open doorways, etc.), and can move slightly in Appearance: Wolves are four-legged predators similar in appearance to dogs,
order to attack. Those struck by the fronds will lose 1d4 points of dexterity; whose fur can range in color from white to brown to black, solid or with
they are allowed a saving throw vs. poison to only lose half the indicated markings. Worgs have their own language.
number of dexterity points (round up). If victims have 4 points drained in a
single round, they will suffer a seizure and be unconscious for 2 rounds. For
five rounds thereafter, they will have a -2 penalty “to hit”, lose all dexterity
bonuses (if any), and only move at 75% of normal speed.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Wolf, Winter

Wolf, Winter

Number 2d4
Morale +4
Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 5
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d8
Defenses Immune to cold
Attacks Frost
Weaknesses Fire
Size L (6’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type XVI
Treasure Value 3d8x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%)
X.P. Value 245 + 5/h.p.

General: Winter
wolves are a
magical offshoot
of the wolf race.
They are found in General: The wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing is a dangerous carnivorous plant that is
arctic locales, and found in temperate regions as well as (rarely) underground. It consists of a
are thoroughly stump-like body, prehensile roots, and two long eyestalks. Atop the body, it is
evil. capable of producing a life-like growth that resembles a small furry animal
such as a rabbit, squirrel, fox, etc. This growth is completely realistic and is
Combat: Winter used to lure prey within range of the roots.
wolves attack with their bite. Once every 10 minutes, however, they can also
breathe a cone of frost with a range of 10’ in front of themselves; any creature Combat: The wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing attacks with its roots, which have a range
within range must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or take 6d4 h.p. of 12’. Any creature struck by a root will not only take damage, but will be
of damage. Those who save take half damage. They are immune to cold-based entwined by the root and pulled towards the body where the mouth will open
attacks, but fire-based attacks will inflict 1 h.p. extra per hit die of damage. to deliver its bite. The victim will automatically be drawn into the mouth and
bitten for 1d6+6 h.p. of damage unless it breaks free of the root or the root
Appearance: Winter wolves look like large wolves with white or silver fur. The takes damage sufficient to destroy it. Entangled victims cannot attack the root
pelt of a winter wolf is worth some 5,000 g.p. They speak their own language, directly with weapons, but can attempt to use their strength to break free. The
and that of worgs. chance of breaking free depends on the strength of the victim:

Wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing Strength Chance to Break Free

13 5%
Number 1 14 10%
Morale +7 15 15%
Hit Dice 9d8 (body), 1d3+16 (roots), 1d4+12 (eyestalks) 16 20%
Armor Class 5 (body), 3 (roots), 7 (eyestalks) 17 25%
Move 10’/min. 18 30%
Magic Resistance Standard Exceptional strength +1% per point of exceptional strength
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d4 Each part of the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing has its own hit point totals, but the
Defenses None creature is only slain if the body itself is destroyed. Severed roots or eye stalks
Attacks Enemies get -5 to surprise rolls, entwining, bite will regenerate in 1d4 weeks.
Weaknesses None
Size S Appearance: The body of the wolf-in-sheep’s-clothing resembles an old,
Intelligence 6 gnarled tree stump, with the characteristic small furry animal atop it. The mouth
Alignment Neutral is toothy and vertically aligned; when closed, it is indistinguishable from the
Treasure Type None rest of the stump/body. The roots look just like tree roots, while the eye stalks
Treasure Value n/a are 10-15’ long and resemble green-brown vines with eyes at the tips that
Magical Treasure None resemble pink flowers.
X.P. Value 900 + 14/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Wolverine General: A woodthorn is a plant that attacks those animals (including humans
and humanoids) who harm the forest in which it dwells. They live on trees near
frequented paths, and leap onto those whom their vegetative intuition informs
Normal Giant
them has committed some act inimicable to the forest within a mile of its
Number 1 1
location. The exact mechanism behind this intuition is unknown, as the creature
Morale +9 +12
is otherwise unintelligent, and no means of communication between it and the
Hit Dice 3d8 4d10
plants and trees around it, particularly those relatively far away, is known.
Armor Class 5 4
Druids and rangers have a 4% +1% per level chance of recognizing a
Move 120’/min. 150’/min.
woodthorn for what it is; all others will assume it to be an ordinary tree burr.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 3
Combat: Woodthorns get one attack; a surprise leap onto some creature which
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4+1 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4
has harmed the forest as indicated above. The leap has a range of 20’ and
Defenses None None
will always be made with surprise unless a druid or ranger has recognized the
Attacks Ferocity, musk Ferocity, musk
creature for what it is. The woodthorn always attacks as if it had 6d8 hit dice.
Weaknesses None None
The number of actual hit dice of the creature (to determine hit points) should
Size S M
be determined randomly:
Intelligence 3 3
Alignment Neutral Neutral evil
Treasure Type None None Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice X.P. Value
Treasure Value n/a n/a 1 1d8 45 + 1/h.p.
Magical Treasure None None 2 2d8 65 + 2/h.p.
X.P. Value 125 + 3/h.p. 205 + 5/h.p. 3 3d8 90 + 3/h.p.
4 4d8 125 + 4/h.p.
General: Wolverines dwell in arctic and semi-arctic habitats. They are 5 5d8 165 + 5/h.p.
ferocious hunters, noted for their viciousness and cunning. 6 6d8 275 + 6/h.p.

Combat: Wolverines attack with their claws and bite. Due to their ferocity, If the attack is successful, the creature will attach itself to the victim, inserting
wolverines get a +4 bonus “to hit.” In addition, they are able to spray a musk its woody thorn, which introduces its poisonous sap into the victim’s
at enemies in their rear quarter, very similar to that of a skunk (see p. 210). bloodstream. It will do no additional damage, but each round the woodthorn
The musk of the giant wolverine will be released in a cloud 20’x20’x60’, while is attached to the victim, the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison (it will
that of the normal wolverine is but 1/10th as large on all sides. All those in remain attached for a number of rounds equal to its hit dice). The creature can
the area of effect must save vs. poison or be blinded and lose half their STR only be removed if it is slain, if up to three people apply their combined
and DEX for 1d6 minutes due to retching. Regardless of whether they save, the strength to pull it off (roll 5d10; if the roll is equal to or less than the combined
victim will also retreat out of the area automatically.. The stench of the musk is strength, they have removed the creature), or if fire is applied to its woody
extreme, and will cause those who carry it to be shunned until they can cleanse carapace (15% cumulative chance per round that fire is applied, and the victim
themselves of it. Cloth will need to be destroyed, and it will take several days will certainly take as much damage as the woodthorn). Once it is removed, it
of washing and care to rid other items (and creatures!) of the smell. Wolverines becomes rather helpless; see below.
are known to use their musk to ruin the belongings and food of humans and
demi-humans, seemingly out of spite. If the victim fails his saving throw on any round, he will begin to lignify. In but
10 minutes, the victim will be turned into a tree in roughly his former shape
Appearance: Wolverines look like small bears; they are short and stocky, with (arms becoming tree limbs, etc.), including all his possessions. Only magical
round broad heads and rounded ears. Their coloring can vary from black to items, precious metals, and gems will defy the process of lignification. Those
white to brown, with patterns of any of the three. items will be found embedded in the branches, bark, and root of the newly-
made tree. Only the following spells will reverse the transformation once it has
taken place: wish, limited wish, polymorph other, turn wood, or neutralize
Woodthorn poison (the last only having a 30% + 5% chance per level of the caster of
reversing the effect).
Number 1d6
Morale n/a If the woodthorn misses its initial attack, it will land on the ground and attempt
Hit Dice 1d8 - 6d8 to crawl back onto a tree. It is extremely vulnerable during this time, and can
Armor Class 0 (carapace), 8 (underside) be easily flipped over, revealing its unprotected underside which is easily
Move 5’/min. (crawling) damaged.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 As they are mindless, woodthorns are immune to mind-affecting spells such as
Damage 1 illusions, charms, sleep, etc.
Defenses Spell immunity
Attacks Leap, attack as 6d8 HD creature, lignification Appearance: Woodthorns look like woody bark-covered protrusions on trees.
Weaknesses Easily flipped over Their undersides are pink and vulnerable. They have no apparent sensory
Size S (2-3’) apparatus.
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Direthorn: A direthorn is the same as a woodthorn in all ways, except that it
Treasure Type None does not discriminate amongst its victims. It will simply attack any creature that
Treasure Value n/a passes within range. The trees formed by the direthorn will be especially
Magical Treasure n/a warped, dry, and withered, and only a full wish will restore someone
X.P. Value See below transformed after 1d6+1 hours has transpired.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Worm, Purple

Worm, Purple victim will be completely digested and thus beyond the power of magic such
as raise dead to restore. If, however, the swallowed victim is able to cut its
Number 1d2 way out of the worm before the 6 rounds have elapsed, it can escape its fate.
Morale +19 Only slashing or thrusting weapons can do damage, and the amount of
Hit Dice 15d12 damage done is reduced by 1 for each round the victim is inside the worm.
Armor Class 6 (exterior), 9 (stomach) The stomach has an effective AC of 9, when attacked from within.
Move 90’/min. (crawling and burrowing)
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Purple worms are fifty feet long and some 8 feet in diameter.
No. of Attacks 2 (1 in front, 1 in rear) Their heads are dominated by a great tooth-filled maw, and their tails sport a
Damage 2d12/2d4 large stinger. They are deep purple in color.
Defenses None
Attacks Swallow, poison See also: worm, sea (p. 291).
Weaknesses None
Size L (50’ long) Wraith
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Number 2d6
Treasure Type XV Morale +6
Treasure Value 1d4+1x1,000 Hit Dice 5d10
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%) Armor Class 4
X.P. Value 4,900 + 20/h.p. Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm
Attacks Level drain
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M
Intelligence 12
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
X.P. Value 575 + 6/h.p.
Turn as Type VII

General: Purple worms are greatly feared predators that dwell deep beneath
General: Wraiths are non-corporeal undead that have a strong link to the
the surface of the earth. They can sense vibrations in the ground up to 60’
negative plane. They dwell in darkness, often far beneath the earth, for sunlight
distant, and will attack the cause, as they are quite territorial. In their lair they
drains them of all their power.
regurgitate metals and gems that they consume, which are not digestible. They
are fond of shriekers as food.
Combat: Wraiths attack with their death-chilled touch. The touch of a wraith
will drain one experience level (or hit die) from the victim. Any creature drained
Combat: Purple worms attack with their bite and the stinger located on the tip
of all experience levels or hit dice will die. A vial of holy water will cause 2d4
of their tails (which will do the damage indicated above and slay those stung
h.p. of damage to a wraith.
unless they make a saving throw vs. poison). Because of their great length, this
usually means only one or the other will be employed (depending on the
Appearance: Wraiths look like vaguely humanoid clouds of darkness with
disposition of the attackers) but in large open spaces, or against great numbers
glowing eyes.
of foes, both can be used.

If the mouth strikes an enemy (maximum 8’ x 6’ in size) with a roll of 4 or

higher more than required, the purple worm has swallowed the victim. A
natural 20 will always indicate a swallowing, regardless of the actual number
needed to hit. The victim will automatically die in 6 rounds; 2 hours later the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Wyvern Yellow Musk Creeper

Number 1d6 Number 1

Morale +14 Morale n/a
Hit Dice 7d12 Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 3 Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min., 240’/min. (flying - clumsy) Move 0
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 2d6
Damage 2d8/1d6 Damage 0
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks Poison Attacks Musk, intelligence drain
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (35’ long) Size L (20’ square)
Intelligence 6 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type IV Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 925 + 10/h.p. X.P. Value 65 + 3/h.p.

General: The yellow musk creeper is a

plant that is sometimes deliberately
cultivated as a guardian for some treasure
or location. It is also, of course,
found in the wild, usually outdoors,
but it can be found underground where
there is soil for its roots. Each creeper will have
2d6 flowers, each of which is able to attack (see below). For every 2 flowers
possessed by the plant, there will be 1 yellow musk zombie (see below).

Combat: If any creature with an INT greater than 2 comes within 10 feet of
the creeper, its brightly-colored flowers will spray a puff of hypnotic musky
pollen into their face. Any creature thus hit must make a saving throw vs.
poison; failure indicates the victim is caught under the hypnotic spell of the
creeper and will then walk directly into the middle of the plant, violently
resisting any attempts to stop it. Once there, the tendrils of the creeper will
attach themselves to the head and begin to devour the brain. Intelligence will
be devoured, 1d4 points each round. It is not possible to remove the tendrils
General: Wyverns are found in temperate wildernesses, usually far away from before the brain is completely consumed; the only way to stop the process is
civilization. They are aggressive hunters, and will attack regardless of the to kill the creeper itself. This is done by attacking the root ball, which will be
strength of an enemy. 1’ under the surface of the soil, deep in the heart of the plant.

Combat: Wyverns attack with their bite and stinger-equipped tail. Those struck Those whose brains are devoured by the creeper suffer one of two fates. If, in
by the tail must make a saving throw vs. poison or die. The tail is very long a given round, intelligence is brought to 0 or lower, the victim will immediately
and flexible, and can therefore attack enemies even in front of the wyvern. die and a new flower bud will grow where the tendrils had been attached to
Against opponents in mid-air, they will use either their bite or tail, not both. the head. If, on the other hand, intelligence is brought to 1 or 2 points exactly,
the victim will become a yellow musk zombie (see below).
Appearance: Wyverns look like dragons, but have only a single pair of legs.
Their tails are tipped with a large stinger. They are usually brown or gray in Those not slain by the plant or turned into zombies will regain 1 point of
color. intelligence for every day of rest. A heal spell will restore all lost intelligence
points without delay.

Appearance: The yellow musk creeper is a large climbing plant, resembling

ivy. Its leaves and buds are dark green, and it has large-petaled flowers that
are brightly colored yellow and purple. Each has 2d6 flowers and 1d4 buds.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Yellow Musk Zombie

Yellow Musk Zombie Yeth Hound

Number 1d6 Number 4d4

Morale n/a Morale +4
Hit Dice 2d8 Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class As victim, or 1d4+2 if unknown Armor Class 0
Move 120’/min. Move 150’/min., 270’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance A
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type Damage 2d4
Defenses Spell resistance Defenses +1 (or better) or silver weapon to harm
Attacks None Attacks Baying
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M Size L (5’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. X.P. Value 235 + 4/h.p.

General: Yellow musk zombies are the remains of unfortunate victims of the General: Yeth hounds are greatly feared, and are often seen as servants of
yellow musk creeper (see above). Once a victim is brought to 1 or 2 points of creatures such as night hags, powerful evil humans, and the like. They dwell
intelligence, the plant stops eating his brain, implants a seed in his skull, and in remote regions in caves and the like, but travel abroad to hunt; they are
the new zombie is now under the control of the plant. These zombies serve the never seen above ground in the daytime, as they despise sunlight (even though
interests of the plant, defending it from harm and seeking new victims to drag it does not harm them). They are pack hunters and carnivores, preferring the
into its tendrils. After two months, the yellow musk zombiewill wander away flesh of creatures such as brownies, pixies, gnomes, etc.
from the controlling plant and truly die as the seed in his brain germinates. A
new yellow musk creeper is thus planted and will grow into a full-blown plant Combat: Yeth hounds attack with their bite. In addition, the baying of a yeth
within an hour. hound will cause any creature within 90’ to make a saving throw vs. magic or
flee in fear; the howl itself can be heard up to a mile away (creatures allied
The zombie can be cured before this happens, however. If the controlling plant with the yeth hound will be used to the baying and will remain unaffected).
is slain, and then a neutralize poison and heal are spell is cast on the zombie, Only magical or silver weapons can harm a yeth hound.
it will be freed from the plant’s control and his own memories and personality
restored. A full 4 weeks of rest are required before he fully recovers, however. Appearance: Yeth hounds look like large dogs with oddly human-like faces.
They are dull black in color with glowing red eyes and ears that resemble
Combat: Yellow musk zombies attack with whatever weapons they carried in horns, especially when seen in shadow or silhouetted against the moon.
life, as well as wearing any armor their former living selves wore. As they are
mindless, they are immune to mind-affecting spells such as sleep, charm, hold, Yeti
illusion, etc. They are not actually undead, however, and cannot be turned by
clerics or paladins. They always strike as 2 HD creatures, regardless of their Number 1d6
former experience level. Strength bonuses still apply (if any), but dexterity Morale +8
bonuses do not. Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 6
Appearance: Yellow musk zombies are human (or demi-human, humanoid,
Move 150’/min.
etc.) and wear the clothing and armor (and carry the other possessions) they Magic Resistance Standard
had in life. Their skin takes on a yellow hue, the features a blank expression, No. of Attacks 2
and the eyes become glassy and unfocused.
Damage 1d6/1d6
Defenses Immune to cold
Attacks Hug, fright, invisibility
Weaknesses None
Size L (8’)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 435 + 5/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Yetis inhabit the coldest regions, always away from civilization. They
are ferocious creatures, fond of human flesh.

Combat: Yetis attack with their claws. If either claw hits with a “to hit” roll of
a natural 20, the yeti will pull the victim to its breast and crush it for an
additional 2d8 h.p. of damage, then release it. Those looking into the pale,
colorless eyes of the yeti must make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or be
paralyzed with fear for 3 rounds. Such fear-struck victims will be automatically
struck twice and hugged once by the yeti before the fear abates.

In addition, due to their coloration and cunning, yetis are invisible in any sort
of snowy conditions. Characters have a 5% chance per experience level above
1st of spotting a yeti. Any yeti within 1d3x10’ will be spotted, however.

Appearance: Yetis are large humanoid creatures, covered in long white fur.

General: Zombies are undead creatures, usually (but not always) created by
Zombie the spell animate dead (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players
Manual for details). They are under the complete command of the spellcaster
Humanoid Giant or other who created them, and are able to follow simple commands, usually
Number 3d8 1d6 about a dozen words. Humanoid zombies are created from the corpses of
Morale n/a n/a humans, elves, dwarves, etc. Giant zombies are created from bugbears, ettins,
Hit Dice 2d8 6d8 ogres, etc.
Armor Class 8 6
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. Combat: Zombies attack with their fists, but because of their slow nature, they
Magic Resistance Standard Standard always strike last in the round. Zombies take half damage from blunt weapons.
No. of Attacks 1 1 Like all other undead, they are immune to spells such as hold, charm, and
Damage 1d8 4d4 sleep. Cold-based attacks and poison do not affect them. A vial of holy water
Defenses Spell immunity Spell immunity will cause 2d4 h.p. of damage to a zombie.
Attacks None None
Weaknesses Holy water Holy water Appearance: Zombies look like they did in life, but their skin will have begun
Size M L to decay and their eyes are lifeless orbs. They tend to move with a shuffling
Intelligence 0 0 gait.
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 150 + 6/h.p.
Turn as Type II VI


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Wilderness and Dungeon Monster Descriptions - Zvert

Zombie, Juju

Number 1d4
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 6d8 (see below)
Armor Class 6
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, blunt and piercing
weapons do half damage
Attacks Climb walls
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 300 + 6/h.p.
Turn as Type IX

General: Juju zombies are created when humans, demi-humans, etc., are slain
by an energy drain spell (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players
Manual for details). They have a 92% chance of successfully climbing walls General: Zverts are among the weakest of those races generally called
like a thief, and function as well underwater as they do on dry land. humanoids. They will not attack humans or demi-humans unless their numbers
give them an excellent chance of success. They make their homes in twisty
Combat: Juju zombies normally attack with their claw-like hands, but are underground passages and caves, sometimes in the middle of dense forests.
capable of fighting with weapons if they are instructed to do so (even missile On occasion, they work in tandem with were-rats, as they have an affinity for
weapons). Juju zombies are immune to non-magical weapons, and only rats of all sorts.
slashing weapons will do full damage; piercing and blunt weapons only do
half. Being undead, they are immune to all mind-affecting spells such as For every 100 zverts encountered, there will be one lieutenant leading them.
illusions, charms, etc., and are further immune to poison, electricity, magic In their lair, the following will also be found:
missile spells, death spells, and cold-based attacks. Fire-based attacks only do
half damage. • One leader
• One shaman (75%) or two (25%)
Appearance: Juju zombies look like regular zombies, with partially • Non-combatant females equal to 120% of the number of warriors
decomposed graying flesh (although usually not quite as decomposed as a • Non-combatant children equal to twice the number of warriors
regular zombie). They move normally and without the slowness usually • 3d10 giant rats (used as guards)
associated with zombies, and their eyes burn with a preternatual light.
Zverts delight in bullying kobolds, but they tend to despise any sort of
Zvert humanoid that is stronger and more capable than they.

Warrior Lieutenant Leader Combat: Zvert warriors usually attack with small swords that do 1d4+1 h.p.
Number 4d10x10 See below 1 of damage. For every 20 encountered, 1 will be armed with a net. Lieutenants
Morale -2 -1 ±0 and leaders will be armed as follows:
Hit Dice 1d6 2d6 (8 h.p.) 3d6 (11 h.p.)
Armor Class 7 7 7 Die Roll (d%) Weapon Type
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. 60’/min. 01-25 Hand axe
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard 26-50 Mace
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 51-75 Flail
Damage 1d4+1 or per weapon type 76-00 Morning star
Defenses None None None
Attacks None None None Zverts are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm person and
Weaknesses None None None hold person.
Size S (3’) S (3 ½’) S (4’)
Intelligence 9 9 9 Appearance: Zverts are short, blue-skinned humanoids with oversized heads.
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil They tend to wear loose-fitting vests. They speak goblin and kobold, as well as
Treasure Type XI XI XI their own tongue.
Treasure Value 1 1 1
Magical Treasure None None None Spellcasters: Zvert shamans can rise as high as 5th level. Witch doctors can
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p. 18 42 rise as high as 2nd level.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Underwater and When in water, aboleths are surrounded by a cloud of mucus in a 1’ radius
around their bodies. Any creature coming in range must make a saving throw

Waterborne Monster
vs. poison or breathe it in accidentally, granting them the ability to breathe
water, but removing any ability to breath air. Such creatures will suffocate in
2d6 rounds if not in water. The effect will last for 1d3 hours, or until the

Descriptions creature's mouth has been rinsed out with soap or wine.

In addition, aboleths are able to create visual and auditory illusions by

concentrating on that and nothing else. If their concentration is broken, the
illusion will disappear. Three times per day, the aboleth may attempt to
mentally enslave one creature within 30’. The victim is entitled to a saving
Number 1d4
throw vs. spells; failure indicates it is enslaved and will serve the aboleth; not
Morale +9
to the point of fighting or dying, but in most other capacities. If the slave is
Hit Dice 8d12
ever more than a mile away from its aboleth master, it is entitled to a new
Armor Class 4
saving throw each day. The spell can also be broken by the spells remove
Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
curse or dispel magic, or by the death of the aboleth in question. Aboleths are
Magic Resistance Standard
able to communicate telepathically with their slaves.
No. of Attacks 4
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6
Appearance: An aboleth has the body of a great fish with a whale-like tail,
Defenses Mucus
covered in slime, mottled turquoise and gray. Its three eyes are set one above
Attacks Transform skin, illusion, enslave
the other, three long purple slits protected by ridges of bone. On the top of its
Weaknesses None
head are four tentacles, each 10’ long and impossibly capable of moving the
Size L (20’ long)
bulky creature even on land. The mouth is on the underside of the head. They
Intelligence 14
weigh up to 6,500 lbs. They speak their own ancient and alien language.
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000 Afanc
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (10%)
X.P. Value 2,550 + 14/h.p. Number 1
Evasion +2 Morale +8
Hit Dice 15d12
Armor Class 8
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 or 2
Damage 5d4 or 3d4/3d4
Defenses None
Attacks Whirlpool
Weaknesses None
Size L (50’)
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 6,500 + 30/h.p.
Evasion +1

General: The afanc is an enormous, whale-sized fish found in warm shallow

General: Aboleths are amphibious, but spend most of their time in fresh water salt waters. It can breathe both water and air.
deep underground. They despise air-dwelling creatures and will seek them out
to enslave and degrade. Such slaves are invariably kept underwater, their skin Combat: Afancs attack either with their bite or by slapping enemies with their
having been transformed by the tentacles of the creature and given the ability two great fins, but not both in the same round. However, their much more
to breathe underwater through the agency of the aboleth’s mucus (see below). feared tactic is to swim in ever-tightening circles around a ship on the surface,
They have a life-span said to be longer than that of elves, and thus as a race traveling faster and faster as they do so. This creates a whirlpool which will
possess vast secret knowledge of the world and its origins and workings. They draw smaller ships and boats (max. 60’ I length) down to the bottom. It begins
are said to dwell in fantastic underwater cities deep beneath the earth. at a distance of 100’ from the target, moving in 20’ per round for three rounds.
By the time it is 40’ from the target, it is swimming at twice its normal rate (but
Combat: Aboleths attack with their four tentacles. Anyone struck by a tentacle it can only swim this fast when creating a whirlpool). Ships are drawn down
must make a saving throw vs. spells or find that his skin is transformed into a by the whirlpool at a rate of 10’ per round. Ships that are less than 30’ in
clear and slimy membrane within 1d4+1 rounds. Before the transformation is length will be rammed and overturned, allowing the afanc to gobble up their
complete, a cure disease spell will halt the effect. Once the transformation has crews in the water.
taken place, however, only a cure serious wounds spell will reverse the
process. Creatures with transformed skin will suffer 1d12 h.p. of damage every Appearance: The afanc is an enormous fish, with a body like that of a whale,
10 minutes unless they are kept wet (or are themselves underwater). the head of an enormous carp, and a vertical tail. It is blue-gray in color.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Algoid

Anglerfish, Giant
Number 1
Number 1d6 Morale +13
Morale +2 Hit Dice 8d10
Hit Dice 5d8 Armor Class 5
Armor Class 5 Move 180’/min. (swimming)
Move 60’/min. Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance Standard No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 2 Damage 3d6
Damage 1d10/1d10 Defenses Camouflage
Defenses Resistance to edged weapons, immune to fire and Attacks Swallow whole, enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
electricity Weaknesses None
Attacks Control trees Size L (15’ -25’ long)
Weaknesses Part water, lower water Intelligence 3
Size M Alignment Neutral
Intelligence 3 Treasure Type None
Alignment Chaotic neutral Treasure Value None
Treasure Type 1d4+1x1,000 Magical Treasure None
Treasure Value VII X.P. Value 900 + 10/h.p.
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) Evasion +3
X.P. Value 280 + 5/h.p.

General: Algoids are colony creatures, composed of millions of tiny algae-like

organisms. The creature is but a temporary form that arises spontaneously from
the scummy shallow waters in which it dwells.

Combat: An algoid attacks with its massive fists. Edged or pointed weapons
do no harm to the creature, passing right through without resistance. Only
those with an enchantment of +2 or better will harm it, and even then only do
half damage. Blunt weapons do normal damage.

Algoids are immune to both fire and electrical attacks (including fireball and General: Giant anglerfish are found in salt waters, but contrary to popular
lightning bolt). Part water and lower water, on the other hand, will each do conception can be found in waters of nearly any depth. Their most striking
1d6 h.p. of damage per level of the caster. Algoids can use the psychic strike feature is their “lure”; a fleshy protrusion on the face that is used to attract prey
once per day. into striking distance of the mouth. Those giant anglerfish which are found in
deep waters will have a lure that can be made to shine with the equivalent of
Algoids are able to animate and control trees, similar to the power that tree- a light spell; such specimens are sometimes known as “sea will-o’-wisps”.
men have (see p. 232). Each can animate two such trees, which must remain Generally speaking, the deeper the anglerfish is found, the larger it will be.
within 60’ of the creature. The trees will move 30’/min. and can attack twice
with their limbs for 1d10/1d10 h.p. of damage. They are AC 8. Combat: Giant anglerfish attack with their bite. In addition, if their modified
“to hit” roll is 4 or more greater than the minimum needed to hit, they will
Appearance: Algoids appear to be green humanoids with almost rudimentary swallow their prey whole; the mouth and body can expand to enable to fish
features on their faces. to swallow prey up to twice as large as the fish itself! Swallowed creatures will
suffer 2d4 h.p. of damage per round and will die automatically in 1d3+2
Alligator rounds. Those swallowed by the fish may attempt to cut their way out by rolling
to hit armor class 6. Only edged weapons will do full damage; piercing
weapons such as spears will only do 1 h.p. of damage per hit (plus magical,
See crocodile (p. 257).
but not strength, bonuses). Attacks from outside will have a 25% chance of
doing damage to both the fish and those who have been swallowed whole.
Their natural coloration gives their enemies a -2 penalty on surprise rolls.

Appearance: Giant anglerfish are roundish fish with great toothy mouths and
a characteristic lure protruding from the head. Deep sea anglerfish will have
a glowing lure, while those found in shallower waters will have a lure
resembling some smaller creature or bit of floating plant life. They are found
in a variety of different color patterns, all of which serve to help camouflage
the creature in whatever depth of water they are found.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Barracuda that there will also be a calf; if this is the case, the cow will be as aggressive
as the bull. They are able to remain underwater for up to 30 minutes.
Number 2d6
Morale +1 Combat: Behemoths attack with their great bite. In addition, bulls are able to
Hit Dice 1d4 - 3d8 (see below) capsize small boats (20’ in length or less) by surfacing beneath them, and will
Armor Class 6 do so if such craft pass above them.
Move 300’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Behemoths are larger-than-normal hippopotami with large tusks
No. of Attacks 1 jutting out from their lower jaws.
Damage 2d4
Defenses None Bunyip
Attacks None
Weaknesses None Number 1
Size S to L (see below) Morale +4
Intelligence 1 Hit Dice 5d8
Alignment Neutral Armor Class 10
Treasure Type None Move 120’/min. (swimming)
Treasure Value n/a Magic Resistance Standard
Magical Treasure None No. of Attacks 1
X.P. Value See below Damage 1d6
Evasion +4 Defenses None
Attacks Sever limbs, fear roar
General: The barracuda is a very aggressive fish that inhabits warm salt water. Weaknesses None
They will attack any prey they believe is easily taken. Their size (and hit dice) Size M (6’)
will vary depending on species: Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Die Roll (d%) Hit Dice Size X.P. Value Treasure Type None
01-25 1d4 S (3’) 10 + 1/h.p. Treasure Value n/a
26-75 2d6 M (5’) 20 + 2/h.p. Magical Treasure n/a
76-00 3d8 L (7’) 35 + 3/h.p. X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p.

Combat: The barracuda attacks with its sharp bite. It can go from being General: Bunyips inhabit fresh water with little or no current. They are playful
motionless to full speed in under a minute. creatures, but can inadvertently capsize small boats. They are able to sense
when humans and demi-humans approach; they are 50% likely to surface
Appearance: The barracuda is a very long fish with prominent sharp teeth. suddenly and bellow forth a great roar. Anyone under 4th level (or creatures
They are dark on top with a white belly. with fewer than 4 hit dice) hearing the roar must make a saving throw vs.
wands with a -2 penalty or flee in fear for 1d6 rounds.
Combat: The bunyip attacks with its bite, but will not attack any creature larger
than a dwarf unless it is in self-defense. They will attack small creatures
Bull Cow
struggling in the water 80% of the time. A successful bite will sever a limb on
Number 1 1d3
a natural roll of 20.
Morale +16 +8
Hit Dice 10d10 10d10
Appearance: Bunyips look like large seals with thick black fur.
Armor Class 4 4
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. 60’/min., 120’/min.
(swimming) (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 6d4 4d4
Defenses None None
Attacks Overturn small boats None
Weaknesses None None
Size L (15’) L (13’)
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure n/a n/a
X.P. Value 1,600 + 15/h.p. 1,600 + 15/h.p.

General: Behemoths are relatives of hippopotami (see p. 265), and are found
exclusively in rivers and lakes in tropical climates. Bulls are aggressive and
will attack most creatures on sight. For each cow present there is a 25% chance


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Catfish, Giant Electric

Catfish, Giant Electric Clam, Giant

Number 1 Number 1d6 (giant mussels 3d6)

Morale +8 Morale n/a
Hit Dice 7d12 - 10d12 Hit Dice 6d8
Armor Class 7 Armor Class 0
Move 180’/min. (swimming) Move 0
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d12 Damage 1d6
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks Poison spines, swallow whole Attacks Clamp
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (16’-24’ long) Size L (6’ diameter)
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None (giant oysters, pearls, 1 in 8 chance)
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 100 g.p.
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 650 + 12/h.p. X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p.
Evasion +3 Evasion n/a

General: Giant electric catfish are found in warm freshwater lakes and rivers General: Giant
large enough to accommodate their size. They are bottom-feeders, but will clams are found
attack anything small enough to be swallowed. The exact size of a giant in most types of
electric catfish should be determined if it is not already known: water, fresh and
salt, cold and warm.
Die Roll (d4) Hit Dice Length Can Swallow Some varieties can
1 7d12 16’ Gnome, halfling burrow under the
2 8d12 19’ Dwarf mud and sand below the
3 9d12 21’ Elf water, for safety and camouflage.
4 10d12 24’ Human
Combat: Giant clams attack by clamping their shells on enemies who get too
Combat: Giant electric catfish attack by biting their prey. Any creature that close. Once closed, the shell of a giant clam cannot be opened until the
can be swallowed will be. Swallowed creatures will take 1 h.p. of damage creature is slain. Creatures that are captive will take 1d4 h.p. of damage each
automatically and have a 5% chance of suffocating per round. Creatures round. Note that most fish will perish in 1d4+1 rounds, and others may run
within the catfish can attack normally to try to cut their way out, but only the risk of drowning.
slashing or cutting weapons can be so used. Once internal damage equal to
50% of the total hit points of the catfish has been inflicted, the trapped victim Appearance: Giant clams are merely large versions of their ordinary cousins.
has cut his way out and can escape (such damage counts normally against the The shells can be found in a variety of different shapes and colors, and they
fish). If a catfish has swallowed a victim, 20% of all attacks against it, made generally rest on the bottom of the ocean with their shells open, waiting for
with piercing or slashing weapons, will harm the swallowed victim as well as prey to swim inside.
the fish.
Coral, Poisonous
The “whiskers” of a catfish are electrically charged. Up to two targets other
than the one bitten can be struck by the catfish’s whiskers if they are close to Number 1
the head. Those struck must make a saving throw vs. poison; success means Morale n/a
they take 1d4 h.p. of damage, failure indicates they take the full 2d4 h.p. Hit Dice n/a
Armor Class 10
Appearance: Giant electric catfish are enormous versions of their ordinary Move 0
cousins; large, flat fish with whiskers near the mouth. They are ordinarily gray Magic Resistance Standard
in color. No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4
Defenses None
Attacks Poison
Weaknesses None
Size Varies
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 0
Evasion n/a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Poisonous coral can be found in shallow salt waters. It can range in Appearance: Giant crabs appear in all ways as simply enormous versions of
size from a small ball-sized growth to a colony miles in length. It is sometimes their smaller cousins. Their eyes are on stalks, allowing them to see around
found intermingled with the non-poisonous varieties. corners or over obstacles.

Combat: The edges and protrusions of poisonous coral are razor sharp. It does Crayfish, Giant
not, itself, attack, but those attempting to navigate around it must make a
dexterity check or be nicked by its sharp edges. Those who are cut must make Number 1d4
a saving throw vs. poison; failure means they will die in 2d6x10 minutes unless Morale -1
a neutralize poison spell or similar magic is applied. Hit Dice 4d12
Armor Class 4
Appearance: Poisonous coral is indistinguishable from ordinary coral. Its Move 60’/min., 120’/min (swimming)
shape and colors are manifold. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2
Crab, Giant Damage 2d6/2d6
Defenses None
Number 2d6 Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise rolls
Morale +1 Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 3d8 Size L (8’ long)
Armor Class 3 Intelligence 0
Move 90’/min. (walking and swimming) Alignment Neutral
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Type None
No. of Attacks 2 Treasure Value n/a
Damage 2d4/2d4 Magical Treasure None
Defenses None X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p.
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls Evasion ±0
Weaknesses None
Size L (4’ diameter) General: Giant crayfish can function on land, but are truly at home only in
Intelligence 0 water. They are found only in fresh water.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Combat: Giant crayfish attack enemies with their two large foreclaws. They
Treasure Value n/a usually hide, rushing to attack potential prey; enemies therefore get a -1
Magical Treasure None penalty on their surprise roll (if applicable).
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.
Evasion -1 Appearance: Giant crayfish are larger versions of their smaller cousins.

Crocodile (Alligator)

Normal Giant
Number 3d8 2d6
Morale +3 +6
Hit Dice 3d10 7d10
Armor Class 5 4
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. 60’/min., 120’/min.
(swimming) (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 2 2
Damage 2d4/1d12 3d6/2d10
Defenses None None
Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise Enemies get -1 t surprise
rolls rolls
Weaknesses Cold Cold
Size L (8’-15’ long) L (21’-30’ long)
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
General: Giant crabs function well both on land and in the water, usually
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. 400 + 8/h.p.
roaming about in search of food. They can be found in both salt and fresh
Evasion ±0 ±0
General: Crocodiles (and alligators) are mindless eating machines. They are
Combat: Giant crabs attack with their two great pincers. They tend to hide,
lethargic in the cold, and their movement is reduced by 50%.
suddenly rushing forward at prey, meaning that enemies get a -2 on their
surprise rolls (if applicable).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Crusher Fish

Combat: Crocodiles attack with their fearsome jaws as well as their mighty Deep Goliath
tail. They tend to attack from concealment, giving enemies a penalty of -1 on
their surprise rolls (if applicable).
Fresh Water Salt Water
Number 1d3 1d2
Appearance: Crocodiles are terrifying reptiles, with thick muscular tails and
Morale +6 +10
great toothy maws, scaled with thick ridges and plates along their back
Hit Dice 8d12 12d12
running from gray to dark greenish brown in appearance. Alligators differ in
Armor Class 2 0
appearance from crocodiles only in the shape of the snout: that of the crocodile
Move 60’/min. 60’/min.
is narrow, while that of the alligator is rounded.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 3
Damage 3d4/3d4/1d10 4d4/4d4/1d10+2
Defenses Summon eels Summon eels
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size L (8’ tall, 5’ wide) L (12’ tall, 7’ wide)
Intelligence 9 6
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XV XV
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000 6d4+10x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (30%) 1d6 items (30%)
X.P. Value 1,500 + 14/h.p. 4,000 + 20/h.p.
Evasion -2 -2

Crusher Fish

Number 2d4
Morale -1
Hit Dice 8d8
Armor Class 7
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 5d4
Defenses Spines
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (12’ long)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 650 + 10/h.p. General: Deep goliaths are water-dwelling cousins of the underground goliath
Evasion -1 (see p. 236). They are found in deep waters, both fresh and salt. They are
very territorial and will attack any creatures coming near their lair (usually an
General: Crusher fish are large tube-shaped fish that are found around coral undersea cave or grotto).
reefs in warm shallow seas. They get their name from their habit of smashing
the coral and devouring it. Combat: Deep goliaths attack with their two claws and bite with their
mandibles. Their great strength allows them to overturn small boats, and once
Combat: Although crusher fish are normally gentle creatures, if startled or per day they have a 50% chance of summoning 1d20 electric eels to assist
threatened they will attack by bashing enemies with their bodies. In addition, them (see p. 261).
they have 4’ long poisonous dorsal spines. These spines can be so positioned
that the crusher fish can only be attacked from directly below or from the very Appearance: Deep goliaths are large, barrel-chested creatures with great
front. If the fish is attacked from any other direction, the attacker is subject to webbed claws and enormous mandibles. Their skin is varying shades of
attack by the spine. If the spines hit, the poison will cause the victim to die mottled green, and slimy.
unless a saving throw vs. poison is made.

Appearance: Crusher fish are large fish shaped something like a snake. They
have long spines projecting out in all directions save beneath and directly in


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Deep Wraith spell or magical item, will be reflected back upon the wielder, including those
which affect an area. Only if a dispel magic spell is cast simultaneously with
Number 1 some other spell will the magic have a chance to affect the deep wraith, and
Morale +2 then only 50% of the time.
Hit Dice 7d8
Armor Class 3 Appearance: Deep wraiths look like a cross between a giant octopus and a
Move 180’/min. (swimming) human, with two tentacles resembling legs, a ring of six tentacles beneath the
Magic Resistance Standard head, and a beak beneath the two eyes, giving the creature a loathsome
No. of Attacks 1 parody of a mammalian face.
Damage 1d10
Defenses Spell reflection Dolphin
Attacks Hypnosis, charm
Weaknesses None Number 2d10
Size M Morale +3
Intelligence 16 Hit Dice 2d10
Alignment Chaotic evil Armor Class 5
Treasure Type VII Move 300’/min. (swimming)
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000 Magic Resistance Standard
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (35%) No. of Attacks 1
X.P. Value 1,050 + 8/h.p. Damage 2d4
Evasion +2 Defenses Save as 4th level fighter
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size M (6’ long)
Intelligence 11
Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 65 + 3/h.p.
Evasion +4

General: Dolphins are marine mammals found in salt water. They form
nomadic schools. As they are mammals, they must occasionally surface in
order to breathe through their blowhole. They will assist humans in danger,
and will attack sharks unless outnumbered by 2-1.

Combat: Dolphins attack by butting with their heads and snouts.

Appearance: Dolphins are sleek creatures with strong tails, narrow snouts, and
intelligent eyes. They communicate with a very sophisticated language that can
be transmitted long distances underwater.

General: The deep wraith inhabits deep salt waters, but contrary to its name
is not an undead creature at all. It makes its lair in a cave which is at the center
of a six-armed spiral pattern either carved in the rock or coral above it, or laid
in the sand and repeatedly restored as the pattern is washed away by the tides
and other actions of the sea. This pattern is itself a trap, for it hypnotizes those
who view it to follow the spiraling pattern and enter the cave. A saving throw
vs. spells is allowed to resist following the pattern and entering the lair of the
deep wraith. The entrance to the lair is almost always small enough to prevent
the entrance of creatures larger than man-sized.

Attack: The deep wraith attacks with its sharp beak. Once a creature enters
the lair of the deep wraith, the hypnotic effect of the spiral is broken, but any
creature coming within 60’ of the beast must make a second saving throw vs.
magic with a -4 penalty or be charmed by it. Such charmed creatures are then
devoured a bit at a time, without even realizing their own doom. Deep wraiths
also have a unique resistance to spells; any magical effect, whether from a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Dragon Turtle

Dragon Turtle current total hit points to all creatures within the area of effect, except those
who make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon, who only take half
Number 1 damage. If a dragon turtle surfaces directly beneath a ship, there is a chance
Morale +15 (depending on the size of the ship) that it will capsize, tossing all on deck into
Hit Dice 12-14 the water. The exact chance depends on the size of the ship, with smaller ships
Armor Class 0 having a greater chance to capsize:
Move 30’/min., 90’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Beam
No. of Attacks 3 Length 1’-5’ 6’-10’ 11-15’ 16-20’ 21’+
Damage 2d6/2d6/4d8 1’-10’ 100% 90% - - -
Defenses Standard 11-20’ 90% 80% 70% 60% -
Attacks Breath weapon, capsize boats 21-40’ - 70% 60% 50% 40%
Weaknesses None 40-‘80’ - 60% 50% 40% 30%
Size L (30’ diameter) 80’+ - 50% 40% 30% 20%
Intelligence 12
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VI Appearance: Dragon turtles look like large green turtles with long snaky necks
Treasure Value 8d6x1,000 and draconic heads. They have green/gold heads and a crest going down
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 along their necks. They speak their own language.
scrolls (50%), 1d10 items (85%)
X.P. Value See below Dragonfish
Evasion -1
Number 1
Morale -2
Hit Dice 2d6
Armor Class 4
Move 60’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses Camouflage
Attacks Poison
Weaknesses None
Size S
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
General: The dragon turtle is a very dangerous creature that inhabits
X.P. Value 45 + 1/h.p.
freshwater lakes and rivers as well as salt water seas. Dragon turtles age as
Evasion -2
do dragons, and their hit die type will change accordingly:
General: Dragonfish are freshwater fish that lurk on the bottom of lakes or
Die Roll
slow-moving streams and rivers.
(d8) Age Hit Die Type
1 Very young (1-5 yrs.) d4 (1 h.p. per die) Combat: Dragonfish are able to inflict a nasty bite. However, their more feared
2 Young (6-15 yrs.) d4 attack is with their poisonous spines, which project from the fish’s back, so that
3 Sub-adult (16-25 yrs.) d6 if it is stepped on or grabbed, one or more spines will penetrate the flesh. They
4 Young adult (26-50 yrs.) d8 are strong enough to go through leather, such as boots. The poison is strong;
5 Adult (51-100 yrs.) d10 anyone stuck by a spine must make a saving throw vs. poison with a -1 penalty,
6 Old (101-200 yrs.) d12 or die.
7 Very old (201-400 yrs.) d12 (re-roll anything below 7)
8 Ancient (401+ yrs.) d12 (re-roll anything below 9) In addition, the natural coloring and flat body of the fish make it 85% invisible
when it is resting on the bottom.
The size of the dragon turtle should also be determined randomly:
Appearance: Dragonfish are shaped like flounders, but with several rows of
Die Roll (d6) Size X.P. Value hard spines projecting up from their body. They are mottled brown in color,
1-2 12 hit dice 2,850 + 16/h.p. which allows them to lurk in muddy bottoms undetected.
3-4 13 hit dice 3,950 + 18/h.p.
5-6 14 hit dice 4,050 + 18/h.p.

Combat: Dragon turtles attack with their claws and fearsome bite. In any given
round, there is a 50% chance that the dragon turtle will use its breath weapon
instead: a blast of steam 60’ long, 40’ high, and 40’ wide. The breath
weapon will do a number of points of damage equal to the dragon turtle’s


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Eel Elf, Sea

Electric Giant Moray Weed Number 2d10x10

Number 1d3 1d4 1d6x10 Morale +1
Morale +1 +2 ±0 Hit Dice 1d10
Hit Dice 2d8 5d10 1d6 Armor Class 5
Armor Class 9 6 8 Move 120’/min., 120’/min. (swimming)
Move 120’/min. 90’/min. 150’/min. Magic Resistance Standard
(swimming) (swimming) (swimming) No. of Attacks 1
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard Damage By weapon type
No. of Attacks 1 1 1 Defenses 90% immune to sleep and charm effects
Damage 1d3 3d6 1 Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls in seaweed or reefs
Defenses Immune to None Camouflage Weaknesses None
electricity Size M (5’)
Attacks Electricity None Poison Intelligence 14
Weaknesses None None None Alignment Chaotic good
Size M (9’ long) L (20’ long) M (6’ long) Treasure Type Individuals XII, Community III
Intelligence 0 0 0 Treasure Value Individuals 1d20, Community 6d4+10x1,000
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral Magical Treasure Individuals none, Community 1d4+1 items (35%), 2d4
Treasure Type None None VI potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
Treasure Value n/a n/a 6d6+1x1,000 X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
Magical Treasure None None None Evasion ±0
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p. 49 + 1/h.p. 150 + 6/h.p.
Evasion ±0 -1 +1 General: Sea elves (also known as aquatic elves) tend to live in thick beds of
seaweed in remote salt water abodes. They will live in caverns carved from
the rock of the sea-bottom or coral reefs. They tend to be on good terms with
their land-dwelling cousins, with whom they trade. They are also on good terms
with dolphins, with whom they are sometimes found. They are sworn foes of
both sahuagin and sharks. Note that, generally speaking, sea elves are not
General: All eels are aggressive if approached or threatened. They are found allowed as a player character race. Sea elves cannot be mages.
in warm water, with electric eels being freshwater creatures, and giant and
weed eels being able to dwell in either salt or fresh water. Sea elves are able to conceal themselves in seaweed or among coral reefs as
if they were invisible. Also when sea elves are in such surroundings enemies
Combat: All eels attack with their bite. have a -2 penalty on their surprise rolls (if applicable). They have infravision
with a 60’ range and are able to detect secret doors on a roll of 1-3 on a d6,
Electric eels: These creatures can deliver a jolt of electricity to all creatures and concealed doors on a roll of 1-4.
within a 15’ radius. The damage done depends on the distance the target is
from the eel: For every 20 sea elves encountered, there will also be a fighter of level 2 (67%)
or level 3 (33%). For every 40 elves encountered, there will also be a multi-
Distance Damage classed level 2 fighter / level 1 cleric (67%) or a multi-classed level 3 fighter /
0-5’ 3d8 h.p. level 2 cleric (33%). Larger groups of sea elves, including settlements, will have
6-10’ 2d8 h.p. the following higher-level individuals (additional figures are cumulative):
10-15’ 1d8 h.p.
Number Additional Figures
Weed eels: These 100+ One multi-classed 5th level fighter / 8th level cleric, two
creatures dwell in multi-classed 4th level fighter / 5th level clerics, one multi-
large colonies with classed 4th level fighter / 4th level cleric / 4th level thief
a multitude of holes 160+ One mutli-classed 6th level fighter / 9th level mage, one multi-
all leading to a central chamber where the young classed 6th level fighter / 6th level cleric / 6th level thief
are reared. They have a poisonous bite;
victims must save vs. poison or die. They are In addition to those listed above, a community of sea elves will also have the
also naturally similar in appearance to normal following individuals:
seaweed; all but an expert will be fooled by the colony, assuming it to be an
ordinary outcropping covered with vegetation. • One 4th level fighter per 40 elves in the community
• One multi-classed 2nd level fighter / 2nd level cleric / 2nd level
Appearance: Eels are long, narrow fish with bullet-like heads and sharp teeth. thief per 40 elves
• One multi-classed 4th level fighter / 7th level cleric
• One 5th level fighter
• One 6th level fighter

Finally, for every 20 sea elves encountered (whether in a community or not)

there is a 50% chance that there will be 1d3 friendly dolphins as well (see p.
258) and a 20% chance of 1d2 trained swordfish (see p. 287).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Eye of the Deep

Combat: Sea elves usually wear scale armor. All sea elves get a +1 bonus “to eye stalks can also be used in conjunction to produce a visual and auditory
hit” with tridents. Weapons carried by sea elves should be determined illusion within a 60’ range. Independently, one can be used to cast hold person
randomly: and the other hold monster (both as per the mage spell).

Die Roll (d%) Weapons When someone attacks the eye of the deep, they must first roll percentile dice
01-10 Spear to see what part of the creature they are able to attack:
11-30 Trident
31-55 Spear and net Die Roll (d%) Presented Target
56-85 Trident and net 01-75 Body/claws
86-00 Net 76-85 Eye stalk
86-90 Eye on stalk
Sea elves are considered persons for purposes of spells such as hold person 91-00 Central eye
and charm person.
The central eye can take 1/3 of its total h.p. of damage before it is destroyed
Appearance: Sea elves look like short and slender humans with fine features, (but doing so does not destroy the eye of the deep). The body represents the
gill slits on their necks, and pointed ears. Their skin is a silvery green, while remaining 2/3 of the creatures hit points; if those are lost, the creature is slain.
their hair is green or blue-green. Sea elves speak only elvish. The two eyestalks can each take 1d4+8 h.p. before they are rendered
inoperative, but these hit points do not count against the creature’s total.
Eye of the Deep Severed or otherwise destroyed eyes will re-grow in a week.

Number 1 Appearance: The eye of the deep is a sphere some 4’ in diameter, with a large
Morale +5 central eye and two other eyes on flexible stalks. It has a pair of large pincers
Hit Dice 11d8 that resemble the claws of a crab or lobster, and a large mouth full of small
Armor Class 5 sharp teeth. Its underside is fringed with tendrils which it uses to move about
Move 60’/min. (swimming) in the dark seas it inhabits. It speaks a dialect of the language spoken by the
Magic Resistance Standard sphere of many eyes.
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 2d4/2d4/1d6 Fish Man
Defenses None
Attacks Magic use (see below) See p. 82.
Weaknesses None
Size L (4’ diameter) Floating Eye
Intelligence 12
Alignment Lawful evil Number 1d12
Treasure Type V Morale ±0
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 Hit Dice 1d4
Magical Treasure None Armor Class 9
X.P. Value 3,700 + 16/h.p. Move 300’/min. (swimming)
Evasion -2 Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses n/a
Attacks Hypnotism
Weaknesses None
Size S (1’ long)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 30 + 1/h.p.
Evasion +4

General: Floating eyes are saltwater fish that are almost always accompanied
by predators such as sharks (30%), barracuda (40%), or giant moray eels
General: It is thought that the eye of the deep and the sphere of many eyes (30%). They are found in shallow waters.
(see p. 217) are related, as they share a number of traits. The eye of the deep
inhabits deep salt water regions. It is cruel, imperious, and very aggressive. Combat: Floating eyes have but one visible feature; a great single eye. That
eye can cause all those looking at it to be hypnotized if they do not make a
Combat: The eye of the deep attacks with its two large pincer claws and its successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. Those who fail will be struck helpless
toothy bite. However, it also has a number of magical effects it can cause with and immobile, easy prey for the predators who follow this fish around.
its eyes. The great central eye can cause a blinding flash which stuns those in
its range; 30’ long and 20’ wide at the base. All those within the area of effect Appearance: The floating eye is a fish, completely transparent except for its
must make a saving throw vs. poison or be stunned for 2d4 rounds. The two single great eye.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Froghemoth available. Those with less than 18/50 strength have a 30% chance of holding
on each round, again assuming there is something solid to hold on to. Any
Number 1 round they fail to do so, they will be popped into the froghemoth’s mouth
Morale +20 automatically. Note that creatures that are held fast by the froghemoth’s tongue
Hit Dice 16d12 (body), 1d4+18 h.p. (each tentacle), 1d6+10 cannot attack, but others can do so; if they succeed in severing the tongue, the
h.p. (tongue) creature will go berserk, attacking with its tentacles and doing 2d4+8 h.p. of
Armor Class 4 (body), 2 (tentacles), 6 (tongue) damage if it hits, finally submerging after 1d4+1 rounds.
Move 20’/min., 80’/min. (swimming), 30’/min. (walking in
swamp or marsh) Those swallowed by the froghemoth will take 4d6 h.p. of damage per round,
Magic Resistance Standard and will become unconscious after 2 rounds. Only very short stabbing
No. of Attacks 5 weapons (less than 2 ½’ in length) can harm the froghemoth from the inside.
Damage 1d4+8/1d4+8/1d4+8/1d4+8/5d4
Defenses Resistant to fire and electricity Froghemoths are immune to ordinary fire such as flaming oil, but very large or
Attacks Swallow whole magical fires will do half damage to the creature and drive it back for 1 round
Weaknesses None (burning hands will only do so if it generates 10 or more h.p.). Lightning bolts
Size L (18’ long, 10’ wide) and other electrical attacks only do 1 h.p. per die of damage, but will slow
Intelligence 1 the creature to half speed for a round.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Appearance: Froghemoths are great frog-like creatures with bowed legs and
Treasure Value n/a webbed feet. In place of arms they have four great tentacles, a 10’ long tongue
Magical Treasure None projects from the tooth-filled maw, and its eyes (they have three) and nostrils
X.P. Value 11,100 + 30/h.p. are on retractable stalks. The belly is yellow, turning to dark green along the
Evasion -3 creature’s back.


Number 10d10
Morale -5
Hit Dice See below
Armor Class 4
Move 160’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage See below
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value See below
Evasion +1

General: Tadhemoths are the tadpole stage of the froghemoth. Originally

found in vast numbers after the tadhemoths spawn in the spring, predation and
their own cannibalistic tendencies bring their ultimate survival rate below 5%.
General: A froghemoth is a batrachian horror that dwells in large but shallow If unknown, the size of any given tadhemoth should be determined randomly:
(100’ or less) freshwater lakes and rivers where there is an ample supply of
prey. While they dwell in the water most of the time, they breathe air and are Die Roll (d%) Hit Dice Damage X.P. Value
able to walk on land. They will often lie in wait near the banks of rivers and 01-60 1d8 2d4 10 + 1/h.p.
marshes, with just their eyestalks and nostrils above the water, hoping to 61-80 2d8 3d8 65 + 2/h.p.
ambush prey. Young froghemoths are known as tadhemoths; see below. 81-90 3d8 4d8 90 + 3/h.p.
91-00 4d8 5d8 125 + 4/h.p.
Combat: A froghemoth attacks with its four 20’-long tentacles and their tongue.
While the tongue does not do any damage in and of itself, it will attempt to Tadhemoths are aquatic, breathing through gills and having a tail instead of
instantly (the same round, regardless of initiative) carry prey back to the mouth; legs. The final transformation into a froghemoth takes but 24 hours.
if it hit with a natural roll of 19 or 20, the prey will be swallowed whole
immediately. Otherwise, it will be chewed for 5d4 h.p. of damage. Combat: Tadhemoths attack with their bite.

If the froghemoth surprised its enemy, the tongue can carry the prey back to Appearance: Tadhemoths look like yellow-green fish with three eyes. Their fins
the mouth automatically, as noted above. If not, the prey can resist; prey with will eventually turn into the tentacles and legs of the froghemoth.
18/50 strength can hang on to a stationary object such as a tree, if such is


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Gar, Giant

Gar, Giant Combat: Storm giants use their massive fists in melee combat, but generally
prefer to use their magical powers to smite enemies. Storm giants have effective
Number 1d6 strength of 25 (+7 “to hit/+14 damage). In addition, storm giants are able to
Morale +3 employ the following magical powers as indicated. Note that they are able to
Hit Dice 8d10 use their lightning-based abilities even underwater:
Armor Class 3
Move 300’/min. (swimming) • Levitate (3,000 lbs. plus their own weight) twice per day
Magic Resistance Standard • Lightning bolt (8 dice) once per day
No. of Attacks 1 • Predict weather once per day
Damage 5d4 • Call lightning (3 bolts, 1d6+9 six sided dice each) once per day
Defenses None • Control winds once per day
Attacks Swallow • Weather summoning once per day
Weaknesses None
Size L (20-30’ long) They can inflict 30 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per round, 10
Intelligence 0 h.p. against soft stone or brick, and 5 h.p. against hard stone. In addition,
Alignment Neutral storm giants are immune to electrical attacks of all sorts, including lightning
Treasure Type None and the breath of blue dragons.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Appearance: Storm giants have light green skin and dark green hair. They
X.P. Value 550 + 10/h.p. wear fine clothing, but tend not to carry weapons. They speak the dialect
Evasion +4 common to all storm giants.

General: These aggressive hunters dwell in deep freshwater bodies. See also: giant (p. 94).

Combat: Giant gar attack with their toothy maws. On a natural roll of 20 “to Giant Animal
hit” the fish will swallow its prey whole (if possible). If that happens, the victim
will have a 5% cumulative chance per melee round of dying. If the victim can See anglerfish, giant (p. 254); catfish, giant electric (p. 256); clam, giant (p.
inflict damage equal to the fish’s total original hit points with an edged weapon 256); crab, giant (p. 257); crayfish, giant (p. 257); gar, giant (p. 264);
(regardless of how many hit points the fish currently has), he can cut himself jellyfish, giant (p. 266); leech, giant (p. 269); mantis shrimp, giant (p. 272);
out, killing the fish in the process. Any piercing type attack (spear, trident, oyster, giant (p. 276); pike, giant (p. 277); sea horse, giant (p. 281); sea
harpoon, etc.) made while the gar has swallowed someone whole has a 20% urchin, giant (p. 281); spider, giant water (p. 285); squid, giant (p. 285);
chance of damaging the creature swallowed as well as the fish itself. turtle, giant sea (p. 288); turtle, giant snapping (p. 289).

Appearance: The giant gar is a long and thin fish with an enormous pointed Golden Fish
mouth lined with sharp teeth.
Number 1
Giant, Storm Morale -3
Hit Dice 5d8
Number 1d4 Armor Class 1
Morale +15 Move 360’/min. (swimming)
Hit Dice 15d12 Magic Resistance D
Armor Class 1 No. of Attacks 1
Move 150’/min. (walking or swimming) Damage 1d4
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses Invisibility, grant limited wish
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks None
Damage 7d6 Weaknesses None
Defenses Immune to electricity Size M (5’ long)
Attacks Strength, magic Intelligence 16
Weaknesses None Alignment Chaotic good
Size L (21’) Treasure Type None
Intelligence 16 Treasure Value n/a
Alignment Chaotic good Magical Treasure n/a
Treasure Type VII X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.
Treasure Value 1d6+3x1,000 Evasion +13
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
X.P. Value 5,850 + 20/h.p. General: The golden fish is a remarkable creature, known for its urbane
Evasion +1 manners, witty conversation, and cheerful disposition. It cannot stand captivity
in any form, however, and will go so far as to grant a limited wish to its captor
General: A small percentage (10%) of storm giants, the most powerful of all in exchange for its freedom. They are found in shallow seas and oceans, and
“true” giants, dwell in large castles beneath the sea. In their lair, they will have are on friendly terms with most non-evil sea creatures. If forced to grant a
2d4 sea lions (see p. 281) as pets and guards. There is no difference between limited wish, it will attempt to use it to teach a moral lesson, such as the evils
the males and females of the race. They are able to breathe water at will, even of greed, to the wisher. If treated well and politely, and if the wish is not overly
those who do not normally dwell underwater. greedy, the fish will grant the wish without trickery. Kapoacinths are


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


particularly fond of their flesh. Full x.p. should be awarded if the fish is
captured and a limited wish granted.

Combat: The golden fish attacks with its bite, but will always seek to avoid
combat by fleeing if possible. It can become invisible twice per day.

Appearance: The golden fish appears as a large golden sturgeon. It speaks

the common tongue as well as the language of mermen and (sea) elves.


Number 2d4
Morale +2
Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 5
Move 240’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 General: Hippopotamuses are large tropical mammals that dwell in
Damage 1d4 rivers and lakes. Although they do not eat meat, they are aggressive
Defenses None creatures. They are able to remain underwater a full 15 minutes.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None Combat: Hippopotamuses attack with their enormous jaws.
Size L
Intelligence 9 Appearance: Hippopotamuses are large, barrel-shaped creatures with stubby
Alignment Chaotic good legs. They are brown-gray and mostly hairless.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Human, Pirate
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. Number 5d6x10
Evasion +4 Morale ±0
Hit Dice 1d6
General: Hippocampuses are often used as steeds by certain underwater races Armor Class See below
such as tritons. They are swift, intelligent, and hardy. Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Combat: The hippocampus attacks with its bite. No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Appearance: Hippocampuses have the front half of a horse, with the forelegs Defenses None
ending in fins, and the rear half of a large fish. They can vary in color greatly, Attacks None
from white to black to green to brown. They have their own language. Weaknesses None
Size M
Hippopotamus Intelligence 10
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type Individuals XII, group IV
Bull Cow
Number 1 for every 4 cows 2d6 Treasure Value Individuals 1, group 2d4+1x10,000
Magical Treasure None
Morale +4 +3
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
Hit Dice 8d12 8d12
Armor Class 6 6 Evasion See evasion bonus of ship
Move 90’/min., 120’/min. 90’/min., 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard General: Pirates prey on other ships and are known to raid coastal villages
and towns as well. They can be found in any sort of water; oceans, seas, lakes,
No. of Attacks 1 1
and even rivers. If encountered on land, their ship will not be far off the coast.
Damage 3d6 2d6
The pirate’s ship will be of a type large enough to hold the entire band, and
Defenses None None
usually serves as the permanent home for the group. Exceptionally large pirate
Attacks Capsize boats Capsize boats
bands will have more than one ship, and will rarely (20%) have a hidden
Weaknesses None None
headquarters on some island or deserted coastline. Pirates will have the
Size L L
following higher-level NPCs (see p. 125 to determine chances of having magic
Intelligence 1 1
items), all of whom will wear mail armor:
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
• One 3rd level fighter for every 50 pirates
Treasure Value n/a n/a
• One 5th level fighter for every 100 pirates
Magical Treasure None None
• If less than 200 pirates, an 8th level fighter as captain and a
X.P. Value 375 + 6/h.p. 375 + 6/h.p.
lieutenant of 6th level.
Evasion ±0 ±0
• If 200 or more pirates, a 10th level fighter as captain and a
lieutenant of 7th level.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Jellyfish, Giant

The pirates will be onboard a ship if encountered at sea. The exact type of large creature will be attacked by 2d6 tentacles per round, assuming the
ship will be dependent on the particular campaign and the locale, but should jellyfish has that many tentacles left.
be large enough to hold them all. If needed, they will be aboard several
smaller ships. Each tentacle can be severed by a single h.p. of damage, but such damage
does not count against the creature as a whole; only strikes against the body
Combat: Pirates fight with weapons. The weapon of any given pirate should have a chance of killing it. Severed tentacles will regenerate in only a few
be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the % days.
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual
warrior. In addition, giant jellyfish are nearly invisible in water; they are 90% likely to
remain undetected until it is too late. (Detect invisibility, true seeing, etc. will
Die Roll remove this benefit.)
(d%) Armed with… % Composition
01-10 Leather cuirass & shield (AC 7), cutlass 10% Appearance: Giant jellyfish are larger versions of their ordinary cousins.
11-30 Leather cuirass (AC 8), battle axe 20%
31-40 Leather cuirass (AC 8), heavy crossbow 10% Kapoacinth (Sea Gargoyle)
41-60 Leather cuirass (AC 8), light crossbow 20%
61-90 Leather cuirass (AC 8), spear 30% Number 2d8
91-95 Mail & shield (AC 4), scimitar, hand axe 5% Morale +5
96-00 Mail (AC 5), cutlass 5% Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 5
Appearance: Pirates will usually be a rag-tag bunch, with only the officers and Move 90’/min. (swimming
captain being well-dressed (and even that is not a given). Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 4
See also: Human (p. 125). Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6/1d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon needed to harm
Jellyfish, Giant Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Number 1d10 Size M
Morale n/a Intelligence 6
Hit Dice 1d8 - 4d8 Alignment Chaotic evil
Armor Class 9 Treasure Type Individuals XV, Lair III
Move 10’/min. (drifting) Treasure Value Individuals 1d8x10, lair 4d6x100
Magic Resistance Standard Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
No. of Attacks See below X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p.
Damage 1d10
Defenses Transparent
Attacks Paralyzation
Weaknesses None
Size S to L
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value See below
Evasion -4

General: Giant jellyfish are a species of dangerous jellyfish who drift through
warm oceans. They are most feared for their long tentacles, which trail behind
and below them as they drift. The size of each giant jellyfish should be
determined randomly:
General: Kapoacinths are underwater cousins of gargoyles (see p. 90), and
Die Roll are found in salt waters. They are very aggressive, and will attack any creature
(d4) Size Tentacles Hit Dice X.P. Value 90% of the time. They are known to sometimes work as servants of powerful
1 S (2 ½’ dia.) 10 x 10’ long 1d8 80 + 1/h.p. evil masters. Their wings are used like the fins of a great skate to glide through
2 M (5’ dia.) 20 x 20’ long 2d8 120 + 2/h.p. the water.
3 L (7 ½’ dia.) 30 x 30’ long 3d8 140 + 3/h.p.
4 L (10’ dia.) 40 x 40’ long 4d8 185 + 4/h.p. Combat: Kapoacinths attack with their claws, horns, and spade-like tail. Only
weapons with an enchantment of +1 or better will harm them.
Combat: Giant jellyfish attack with their poisonous tentacles. The touch of each
tentacle will cause 1d4 h.p. of damage, and the victim must make a saving Appearance: Kapoacinths have skin like coral, tails, and bat-like wings that
throw vs. paralyzation or be drawn up by the tentacles and devoured in they use to glide through the water. They will often have horns, although there
3d4x10 minutes. A small creature can be attacked by 1d3 tentacles per round, is considerable variation. Their skin is gray-green. Kapoacinths, gargoyles and
a medium-sized creature can be attacked by 2d3 tentacles per round, and a margoyles share the same guttural language.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Kelpies are able to change their form into anything they desire,
Number 1d4 but most often choose the form of a beautiful woman or wondrous steed. In
Morale +1 their natural state, they look like a pile of seaweed. This ability to change
Hit Dice 5d8 shape is not an illusion, but a physical change. They speak the common
Armor Class 3 tongue.
Move 90’/min., 120’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Koalinth (Marine Hobgoblin)
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a Sub-chief /
Defenses Half or no damage from fire Warrior Sergeant Bodyguard
Attacks Charm Number 20d10 3/20 warriors 1 / 100 warriors
Weaknesses None Morale +1 +2 +3
Size M Hit Dice 1d10 2d10 3d10
Intelligence 7 Armor Class 5 5 3
Alignment Neutral evil Move 90’/min. 90’/min. 90’/min.
Treasure Type VII Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000 No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) Damage By weapon By weapon By weapon +2
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p. Defenses None None None
Evasion ±0 Attacks None None None
Weaknesses None None None
Size M M M
Intelligence 9 9 9
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
Treasure Type XII XII XII
Treasure Value 1d8+1 1d8+1 1d8+1
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p. 60 + 4/h.p.
Evasion -1 -1 -1

Shaman /
Chief Witch Doctor
Number 1 1
Morale +4 +2
Hit Dice 4d10 1d10
Armor Class 2 5
Move 90’/min. 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage By weapon +2 By weapon
Defenses None Spells
Attacks None Spells
Weaknesses None None
Size M M
Intelligence 9 9
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
General: Kelpies are intelligent water plants that attempt to lure male victims
Treasure Type IV XI
into the water to their deaths. They can be found in both salt and fresh water,
Treasure Value 2d4+2x1,000 1d8+1
and are able to walk about on dry land for up to 3 hours before needing to
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%) None
go back to the water.
X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p. 65 + 2/h.p.
Evasion -1 -1
Combat: Kelpies do not attack in a conventional sense. They do, however,
attempt to use their charm ability to convince a victim (always male; females
General: Koalinths are a marine sub-race of hobgoblin, tribal humanoids who
are immune) to enter the water. They get close to their intended victim by being
dwell in shallow salt water, making their lairs in caves and caverns. They are
able to alter their form at will: they will most often take the shape of a beautiful
capable of operating in sunlight without penalty, and have infravision with 60’
woman or fabulous horse. Once a victim has been charmed, he will enter the
range. Differing tribes of hobgoblins, including koalinths, will not get along
water with the kelpie and drown, being pulled under by its charm-filled
with one another; there will certainly be insults shouted at one another, and a
embrace (or riding with the steed into the sea). If the kelpie is slain before the
15% chance that full-scale combat will ensue, unless some very powerful leader
victim drowns, the spell will be instantly broken and the victim will attempt to
is present to prevent it. They bear an intense hatred of sea elves and will attack
return to the surface. Kelpies will usually attack lone travelers, scouts, rear
them before any other foe.
guards, etc.

For every 20 warriors there will be 3 sergeants. For every 100 warriors, there
Due to their wet and slimy nature, fire only does half damage (no damage if
will be a sub-chief. In their lair, there will also be a chief and 5d4 bodyguards.
a successful saving throw is made, if applicable).
The chief will have possession of the tribe’s treasure, usually well-hidden and


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Kraken

protected. The lair will also include females equal to 150% of the number of Kraken
warriors, and children equal to twice the number of females.
Number 1
Combat: Koalinths attack with weapons (chiefs will always attack with two Morale +20
weapons). The weapon of any given koalinth should be determined randomly. Hit Dice 20d12
For large groups, you may wish to use the % Composition column, rather than Armor Class 0 (body), 5 (tentacles and head)
rolling percentile dice for each individual warrior: Move 30’/min. (swimming), 210’/min. (jetting backwards)
Magic Resistance Standard
Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition No. of Attacks 9
01-25 Fauchard-fork 25% Damage 2d6/2d6/2d4 (x6)/5d4
26-50 Military fork 25% Defenses Spells, ink
51-70 Spear 20% Attacks Spells, attack ships, constriction
71-00 Trident 30% Weaknesses None
Size L (60-70’ long, including tentacles)
Each koalinth tribe will have a tribal standard. This will always be present Intelligence 18 or greater
when the chief is present, and will be present 20% of the time when a sub- Alignment Neutral evil
chief is present. Any hobgoblins within 60’ of the standard will get a +1 bonus Treasure Type IX (plus I if slaves present)
on all “to hit” rolls, and a +1 bonus to any morale rolls. Koalinths are Treasure Value 10d4+10x1,000 (plus 9d6x1,000 if slaves present)
considered persons for purposes of spells such as hold person and charm Magical Treasure 1d8 items (35%), 2d4 potions (40%)
person. X.P. Value 20,000 + 35/h.p.
Evasion +7
Appearance: Koalinths resemble other hobgoblins. They have skin of light red
or light gray. Their faces are green, and males have a blue-red nose. They
wear black leather and bright, jarring colors. They speak hobgoblin, sahuagin,
and merrow. Some koalinths (20%) will also speak the common tongue.

Spellcasters: Koalinth shamans can advance to 7th level. Witch doctors can
rise as high as 4th level.

See also: hobgoblin (p. 121).

General: Krakens are an insidious and wholly evil race that dwells in deep
oceans, generally lairing more than a thousand feet below the surface in a
partially air-filled cave (they can breathe both air and water). Half will have
human and demi-human slaves in these lairs, where they store their plunder
from wrecked ships. They are active hunters and will take on even the greatest
of undersea creatures without hesitation.

Combat: A kraken attacks with its two long barbed tentacles, six of their eight
sucker-covered tentacles (the other two are used to help anchor the creature),
and a great beaked mouth. The barbed tentacles will be used to draw prey
towards the mouth (in addition to their normal damage); the mouth gets an
attack against a victim held in one of the barbed tentacles (not both) on the
following round. The tentacles will simply attack and constrict enemies. On the
first round, a tentacle that hits does its normal damage, but after that the target
is considered to be grabbed and will automatically be constricted for 2d6 h.p.
per round until the tentacle is severed. Creatures so entrapped by the tentacles
may have their limbs pinned:

Die Roll (d4) Limbs Pinned Combat Effect

1 1 arm -3 “to hit”
2 2 arms Cannot attack
3-4 None -1 “to hit”

Each tentacle has 16 h.p. (over and above the total hit points for the kraken);
sharp or piercing weapons attacking the tentacle can sever a tentacle,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


smashing weapons cannot. If four tentacles have grasped prey, and the kraken Lamprey
is taking damage from others, it will attempt to dive down to its cavern to make
those within its grasp slaves for the rest of their days.
Normal Giant
Number 1d2 1d4
If three or more tentacles are severed, the kraken will flee by issuing a large
Morale ±0 ±0
cloud of ink 80’x80’x120’ to cover its escape and then “jetting” away. Any
Hit Dice 1d10 5d8
creature in the ink cloud will take 1d4 h.p. of damage per round, and the ink
Armor Class 7 6
will remain for 1d4+1 rounds.
Move 120’/min. (swimming) 90’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Krakens can attack surface ships; small boats will be dragged under
No. of Attacks 1 1
immediately; larger ships will be dragged to a standstill in but 10 minutes, and
Damage 1d2 1d6
thereafter, if grasphed by six or more tentacles, treated as if it were rammed
Defenses None None
if 6 or more tentacles grasp it (soon foundering and sinking). Ships with 60’
Attacks Blood drain (2 Blood drain (10
length or less will founder in 2d4 rounds, and can then be drawn to the bottom
h.p./round) h.p./round)
for the kraken to loot at its leisure. Victims can also be plucked off the deck of
Weaknesses None None
ships and dragged below the surface to their doom.
Size S M
Intelligence 0 0
Krakens have the following magical powers:
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None
• Airy water at will (128’ diameter sphere or 240’ diameter
Treasure Value n/a n/a
hemisphere); lasts for a whole day
Magical Treasure None None
• Faerie fire one per round (lasts 8 hours)
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. 165 + 5/h.p.
• Control temperature once per round (40’ radius, lasts 1 day)
Evasion ±0 -1
• Control winds once per day
• Weather summoning once per day
General: Lampreys are eel-like creatures that inhabit deep waters, either salt
• Fish summoning III once per day (like animal summoning, but only
or fresh.
for fish, and no command is afforded the kraken)
Combat: Lampreys attack with their tooth-ringed mouths. A successful attack
Appearance: Krakens look like large squids with baleful, human-like eyes. They
indicates they have latched on to their prey, and will automatically drain blood
speak their own ancient language and the common tongue.
as indicated above until the victim is dead.

Lacedon (Sea Ghoul) Appearance: Lampreys are eel-like in appearance, and their mouths are filled
with sharp teeth that allow them to hang on to prey.
Number 2d12
Morale +10 See also: lamprey, land (p. 144).
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 6 Leech, Giant
Move 90’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
Number 4d4
No. of Attacks 3
Morale ±0
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d6
Hit Dice 1d8 - 4d8
Defenses Immune to sleep, charm
Armor Class 9
Attacks Paralyzation
Move 30’/min. (swimming)
Weaknesses Holy water Magic Resistance Standard
Size M
No. of Attacks 1
Intelligence 7
Damage 1d4 per hit die
Alignment Chaotic evil Defenses None
Treasure Type XI
Attacks Blood drain, disease
Treasure Value 1d8 Weaknesses None
Magical Treasure None
Size S to M
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.
Intelligence 0
Turn as Type III Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
General: Lacedons, or sea ghouls, are corporeal undead, arising a day after
Treasure Value n/a
a living creature is slain by another ghoul (a bless spell cast upon the corpse
Magical Treasure None
will prevent this). They feed on drowned corpses from wrecked ships.
X.P. Value 160 + 4/h.p.
Evasion -3
Combat: Lacedons attack with their claws and bite. Their touch causes
paralysis in all humans and demi-humans (except elves) who fail their saving
General: Giant leeches are found in still fresh waters such as swamps and
throw vs. paralyzation. This effect will last for 1d6 rounds. They are immune
lakes. They wait in mud and muck and attack passing creatures. The size of
to all sleep and charm type magical effects, but protection from evil will work.
the leech should be determined randomly:

Appearance: Lacedons are humanoid in form, with fangs and claws.

See also: ghoul (p. 94).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Locathah

Due Roll (d4) Hit Dice Size

1 1d8 S (3’ long)
2 2d8 S (4’ long)
3 3d8 M (5’ long)
4 4d8 M (6’ long)

Combat: Giant leeches attack by attaching their mouths onto prey. Once they
have done so, the leech drains the blood of the victim automatically, causing
1d4 h.p. of damage per hit die the leech possesses. However, the prey will
not normally notice the attack unless it is being very vigilant, or until it has lost
50% of its total hit points, at which point the weakness caused by loss of blood
will be a clue that something is amiss. If a creature is bitten by a giant leech,
there is a 50% chance that it will also contract a disease that is fatal in 1d4+1
weeks unless magical curing is applied.

Appearance: Giant leeches look like larger versions of their normal cousins. General: Locathah are intelligent nomads that travel in shallow seas, hunting
and gathering food. They dwell in hollowed-out undersea lairs of stone,
Locathah protected by stone doors, 4d6 moray eels, and 50% of the time by a giant
jellyfish (see pp. 261 and 265, respectively).
Warrior Sergeant
For every 40 locathah encountered, there will be one captain and four
Number 20d10 See below
sergeants. If more than 120 are encountered, there will also be a chief and
Morale +1 +2
12 additional sergeants who act as his guard. Locathah invariably use giant
Hit Dice 2d8 3d8
eels as mounts (see p. 261 for details) and these creatures will also attack in
Armor Class 6 6
Move 120’/min. (swimming) 120’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Combat: Locathah attack with weapons. The weapons of any given locathah
No. of Attacks 1 1
should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual
Defenses None None
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
Size M M
Intelligence 12 12 01-30 Crossbow 30%
Alignment Neutral Neutral 31-50 Lance (medium) 20%
Treasure Type II 51-70 Net and dagger 20%
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000 71-00 Trident 30%
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p. Crossbows used by locathah are specially designed for use underwater.
Evasion ±0 ±0
Appearance: Locathah are humanoid in appearance, with the heads of narrow
Captain Chief fish and great black eyes. They have fins on their ears, and their bodies are
Number 1 per 40 warriors 1 covered in pale yellow scales which are darker on their back. They speak their
Morale +2 +3 own language.
Hit Dice 4d8 5d8
Armor Class 6 6 Lycanthrope
Move 120’/min. (swimming) 120’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Lycanthropes are creatures which can (or must) transform themselves from
No. of Attacks 1 1 human to animal form and back again. For full information on lycanthropes in
Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type general and the progression of the disease of lycanthropy, please see p. 150.
Defenses None None
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size M M
Intelligence 12 12
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. 90 + 5/h.p.
Evasion ±0 ±0


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Nanaue (Wereshark) General: Wereseals are generally found in colder waters, but are not unknown
even in tropical seas. They are not generally harmful creatures, but they are
Shark form Human form incredibly social, and seek to spread their lycanthropy in order to increase
Number 1 1 their own community’s numbers in a desire for more company rather than
Morale +10 +10 malice. Those who take 50% or more of their total h.p. in damage from the
Hit Dice 10d10 10d10 bite of a wereseal will contract that particular form of lycanthropy.
Armor Class 0 0
Move 210’/min. (swimming) 120’/min. Combat: In seal form, wereseals attack with their bite. In human form, they
Magic Resistance Standard Standard attack with weapons.
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 5d4 Per weapon type Appearance: In seal form, wereseals are indistinguishable from humans except
Defenses +1 (or better) or silver None for their eyes, which remain human in appearance. They speak the common
weapons to harm tongue and can communicate with seals.
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None Werewolf, Marine
Size L (16’+ long) M
Intelligence 6-16 6-16 Seawolf Form Human Form
Alignment Neutral evil Neutral evil Number 4d4 4d4
Treasure Type IV IV Morale +10 +10
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000 1d8+3x1,000 Hit Dice 9d10 9d10
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (10%) 1d6 items (10%) Armor Class 5 5
X.P. Value 1,500 + 14/h.p. 1,500 + 14/h.p. Move 270’/min. (swimming) 90’/min.,
Evasion +9 n/a Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 2
General: Nanaues (pronounced “nan-ay-yoo-ays”) are evil creatures found in Damage 3d4 1d2/per weapon type
warmer oceans. They are only able to assume their shark form at night, and Defenses +1 (or better), silver, or None
so will mostly spend their days in an underwater lair (caves or the like), where cold iron weapon to
they have hidden the treasure they have looted from sunken ships. Note that if harm
any of the treasure indicated for the nanaue would have been spoiled by Attacks None None
water, that treasure is not present. Nanaue lairs will be guarded by 1d4+1 Weaknesses None None
sharks at all times (see p. 284). Size L (12’-15’ long) M
Intelligence 6-14 6-14
Combat: Nanaues attack with their powerful bite in shark form, and with a Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
weapon in human form. Creatures who lose 50% of their total h.p. to the bite Treasure Type None None
of a nanaue will be afflicted with that form of lycanthropy. Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
Appearance: In shark form, nanaues look like great white sharks. In human X.P. Value 900 + 12/h.p. 900 + 12/h.p.
form they appear normal, but will be cruel and domineering as a rule. They Evasion +9 n/a
speak the common tongue, that of sahuagin, and can communicate with


Seal Form Human Form

Number 3d6 3d6
Morale +2 +2
Hit Dice 2d10 2d10
Armor Class 6 7
Move 300’/min. (swimming) 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 2d4 Per weapon type
Defenses None None
Attacks None None
Weaknesses None None
Size M (6’ long) M (6’ long)
Intelligence 9 9 General: Marine werewolves are vicious sea-hunters who roam waters of all
Alignment Neutral good Neutral good sorts in packs looking for ships to attack. Once one is spotted, the wolves will
Treasure Type None None board the vessel and attack in human form, seizing weapons from the slain to
Treasure Value n/a n/a aid them. Those who are bitten by a marine werewolf for 50% or more of their
Magical Treasure None None total h.p. in damage, will turn into a marine werewolf in 1d4+1 days, either
X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p. going overboard (if still at sea) or heading straight for the water (if inland) and
Evasion +10 n/a searching out a marine werewolf pack to join.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Mantis Shrimp, Giant

Marine werewolves breathe air, but are capable of holding their breath for other foreleg on subsequent combat rounds. If the giant mantis shrimp misses
1d8+16 minutes before needing to surface once more. with both forelegs, the victim must still make a saving throw vs. paralyzation
or be struck by a shock wave from the force and speed of the blows in the
Combat: In seawolf form, the creatures attack with their powerful jaws. In water. Failure means the victim will take 2d6 h.p. of damage.
human form, they will use weapons and also bite if possible. Biting in either
form will transmit the disease of lycanthropy. Appearance: Giant mantis shrimp have dazzlingly colored exoskeletons of
various brightly colored hues, particularly turquoise, green, and orange. They
Appearance: In seawolf form, they appear almost seal-like, with the head of a sport two long spike-like forelegs which are used to attack.
wolf and long hair going down their backs. In human form, they will have a
slightly wolf-like appearance, with tiny ears and much hair, often worn long Merman
like a mane. They speak the common tongue.
Number 20d10
Mantis Shrimp, Giant Morale ±0
Hit Dice 1d10
Number 1 Armor Class 7
Morale +8 Move 10’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
Hit Dice 10d10 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class -2 No. of Attacks 1
Move 150’/min. (swimming) Damage Per weapon type
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None
No. of Attacks 2 Attacks None
Damage 3d6/3d6 Weaknesses None
Defenses None Size M
Attacks Shockwave, always moves first, spearing Intelligence 8-12
Weaknesses None Alignment Neutral
Size L (20’ long) Treasure Type IV
Intelligence 3 Treasure Value 7d6x1,000
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a Evasion +2
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,150 + 16/h.p.
Evasion -1

General: Mermen are found in warmer salt waters. They both hunt and herd
fish, and sometimes venture out on rocks or beaches to sun themselves. Their
communities tend to consist of chambers and passages tunneled out of coral
or stone. A few (10%) merman communities, however, are actual villages on
the sea floor, with houses made of giant shells, seaweed wattle, stone, and a
sort of concrete made of sand and barnacle glue. They will also have pens
where fish are kept. Merman communities will also have 3d6 tamed barracuda
as guardians (see p. 255). Merman communities will also have females and
children each equal to the number of males.

Combat: Mermen fight with weapons. The weapons of any given merman
should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual

General: The fearsome giant mantis shrimp is found in shallow warm salt
Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
waters. They are inveterate predators, and no sea creatures are safe from their
01-30 Crossbow and dagger 30%
attacks. Giant mantis shrimp have both ultravision and infravision, and can
31-50 Net, javelin, and dagger 20%
see invisible objects.
51-90 Trident and dagger 40%
91-00 Trident, dagger, grapple 10%
Combat: Giant mantis shrimp attack with their two forelegs, both of which must
attack the same victim in a round. The forelegs move so quickly that the mantis
The crossbows used by mermen are specially designed for use underwater.
shrimp always strikes first in a round. If either foreleg hits a victim with a natural
The grapples are used to attack ships on the surface; they have a range of 30’
roll of 20 on the “to hit” die, it will have speared the victim, who then cannot
and hit with 90% accuracy. Ten mermen hold the line of each grapple; for
move away from the creature, which will then get a +4 bonus “to hit” with its
each grapple that hits, the ship is slowed by 10’/min. After 4d6 minutes, a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


ship that has been reduced to 0 movement will begin to sink. Once that
happens, the mermen will loot it at their leisure.

Appearance: Mermen look like attractive humans from the waist up. From the
waist down they have the bodies of fish. They speak their own language and
half of them speak the locathah language.

Merrow (Aquatic Ogre)

Warrior Sub-chief Chief

Number 2d12 See below See below
Morale +5 +6 +7
Hit Dice 4d10 5d10 6d10
Armor Class 4 3 3
Move 60’/min., 60’/min., 60’/min.,
120’/min. 120’/min. 120’/min.
(swimming) (swimming) (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 3 or 1 3 or 1 3 or 1
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d8 1d6+1/1d6+1/ 1d6+2/1d6+2/
or per weapon 2d8+1 or per 2d8+2 or per
weapon +1 weapon +2
Defenses Camouflage Camouflage Camouflage
Attacks Enemies get -1 to Enemies get -1 to Enemies get -1 to
-3 to surprise -3 to surprise -3 to surprise
rolls rolls rolls
Weaknesses None None None General: Merrows are much like their land-based cousins, ogres, but are
Size L (9’) L (9’) L (9’) tougher and more ferocious. They are found in salt water between 50 and 250
Intelligence 6 6 6 feet deep, but can survive on land for up to two hours, and will often use that
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Chaotic evil to their advantage as they raid and pillage coastal villages. They are
Treasure Type None None III sometimes found in the company of scrags (see p. 280), just as their land-
Treasure Value n/a n/a 9d6x1,000 based cousins often associate with trolls. When a lair of merrows is
Magical Treasure None None 1d3 items (30%) encountered, the following additional figures will be present:
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p. 225 + 6/h.p. 350 + 8/h.p.
Evasion +2 +2 +2 • 2d12 females
• 1d12 young
Female Young • 2 sub-chiefs
Number See below See below • 1 chief
Morale +2 -1 • 1 shaman (level 1d3)
Hit Dice 3d10 2d10
Armor Class 5 6 Their natural coloration allows merrows to hide in seaweed and against most
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. 60’/min., 120’/min. natural stone formations with up to 80% effectiveness (as low as 10% if against
(swimming) (swimming) a bright background). In such circumstances, enemies get a -1 to -3 penalty to
Magic Resistance Standard Standard their surprise rolls.
No. of Attacks 3 3
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d6 1d2/1d2/1d4 Combat: Merrow warriors generally attack first with a large spear (doing 2d6
Defenses Camouflage Camouflage h.p. of damage, and usually in a charge) and then fall to with their talons and
Attacks Enemies get -1 to -3 to Enemies get -1 to -3 to teeth.
surprise rolls surprise rolls
Weaknesses None None Appearance: Merrows are large brutes, humanoid in form, with mottled green
Size L (9’) L (9’) scales and enormous tooth-filled mouths. Their hands and feet are webbed,
Intelligence 6 6 and their necks are both long and thick. They speak a dialect of ogrish.
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None None Spellcasters: Merrow shamans can reach as high as 3rd level.
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None See also: ogre (p. 170).
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. 50 + 3/h.p.
Evasion +2 +2


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Mussel, Giant

Mussel, Giant 5th level mage (spells do not require a spell book, material components, or
Number 3d6
Morale n/a Appearance: Water nagas have the bodies of large snakes topped with a
Hit Dice 4d8 human head. Their scales are patterned green and brown of various shades.
Armor Class 0 Their eyes are green or amber in color. They speak the shared language of all
Move 0 nagas, as well as the common tongue.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 See also: nagas, p. 167.
Damage 1d6
Defenses None Nixie
Attacks Clamp
Weaknesses None Number 2d4x10
Size L (4’ diameter) Morale -1
Intelligence 0 Hit Dice 1d4
Alignment Neutral Armor Class 7
Treasure Type None Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (swimming)
Treasure Value n/a Magic Resistance E
Magical Treasure None No. of Attacks 1
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. Damage Per weapon
Evasion n/a Defenses None
Attacks Charm
General: Giant mussels are found in most types of water, fresh and salt, cold Weaknesses Light
and warm. Some varieties can burrow under the mud and sand below the Size S (4’)
water, for safety and camouflage. Intelligence 12
Alignment Neutral
Combat: Giant mussels attack by clamping their shells on enemies who get too Treasure Type V
close. Once closed, the shell of a giant mussel cannot be opened until the Treasure Value 5d6x100
creature is slain; captive creatures wil take 1d2 h.p. of damage per round. Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
Note that most fish will perish in 1d4+1 rounds, and other creatures may run X.P. Value 32 + 1/h.p.
the risk of drowning. Evasion ±0

Appearance: Giant mussels are merely large versions of their ordinary cousins.
The shells are usually and black, and they generally rest on the bottom of the
ocean with their shells open, waiting for prey to swim inside.

Naga, Water

Number 1d4
Morale +5
Hit Dice 7d12
Armor Class 5
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4
Defenses None
Attacks Spells, poison
Weaknesses none
Size L (10’ long)
Intelligence 12
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
X.P. Value 1,325 + 10/h.p.
Evasion +2

General: Water nagas are serpent-like creatures that dwell in fresh water, General: Nixies inhabit freshwater lakes, although they are able to leave the
either on the surface or deep beneath the ground. They rarely attack first, for water to walk on land. Their homes are made of woven seaweed, thus
they are both curious and not particularly evil in disposition. blending in with their surroundings and 95% undetectable at any range
beyond 20’. A nixie community will have either 1d2 giant gar (20% chance)
Combat: Water nagas attack with their poisonous bite; those so attacked must or 1d4+1 giant pike (80% chance) to guard it (see pp. 264 and 277,
make a saving throw vs. poison or die. In addition, they have the powers of a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


respectively). Nixies are known to take humans and demi-humans as slaves, • The sight of a nude nymph without its consent causes death unless
keeping them captive for as long as a year and then releasing them. a saving throw vs. magic is made

Combat: Nixies are generally armed with daggers and javelins; the latter are Appearance: Nymphs look like beautiful young human girls. They speak their
used hand-to-hand (like spears) when underwater. In the air, they can be own language and the common tongue.
thrown like normal javelins. Nixies are able to summon 10d10 small fish in
but a single round, which can be used to obscure the vision of and confuse Octopus, Giant
intruders, dim magical lights, etc.
Number 1d3
If 10 nixies are together in a group, they can collectively generate a powerful Morale +2 (see below)
charm spell, which has a range of 30’ and must be aimed at a single target. Hit Dice 8d10
The victim gets a saving throw vs. spells with a -2 penalty. If he fails, the victim Armor Class 7
will be brought into the nixies’ lair; nixies are able to cast a water breathing Move 120’/min. (swimming)
spell on any land-breather once per day, which lasts for the entire day. If the Magic Resistance Standard
victim was charmed prior to entering the water, the shock of the entry is 75% No. of Attacks 7
likely to break the enchantment; otherwise, he is doomed for the year unless Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/1d4/2d6
rescued. Defenses Camouflage, ink
Attacks Constriction, seize ships, enemies get -3 to surprise rolls
Nixies dislike bright light and fire, and will generally keep their distance. A Weaknesses None
continual light spell will also keep them away, but they can and will use their Size L
fish summoning ability to blot out such lights. Nixies are considered persons Intelligence 1
for purposes of spells such as charm person and hold person. Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type III
Appearance: Nixies are humanoid in form, and are generally handsome folk. Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
Their skin has fine green scales and their fingers and toes are webbed. Their Magical Treasure None
eyes have very large pupils. They speak their own language and the common X.P. Value 550 + 10/h.p.
tongue. Evasion ±0

Nymph General: Giant octopi

dwell in shallow salt
Number 1d4 water, often
Morale -1
Hit Dice 3d8 making their homes
Armor Class 9 in shipwrecks and caves. They
Move 120’/min. are predators and will not scruple to attack humanoids.
Magic Resistance J
No. of Attacks 0 Combat: A giant octopus attacks with 6 tentacles and its large beak (the
Damage n/a remaining two tentacles are used to anchor the creature as it attacks). Due to
Defenses Save versus blindness or death its ability to change color to match its surroundings, enemies get a -3 penalty
Attacks Magic use on all surprise rolls.
Weaknesses None
Size M Once struck by a tentacle, the victim will suffer automatic constriction damage
Intelligence 16 for 2d4 h.p. per round until and unless the tentacle is severed or removed.
Alignment Neutral good One tentacle can attack a creature less than 8’ tall; two can attack larger
Treasure Type XIII creatures. Creatures so entrapped by the tentacles may have their limbs
Treasure Value 1d10x100 pinned:
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%)
X.P. Value 350 + 3/h.p. Die Roll (1d4) Limbs Pinned Combat Effect
1 1 arm -3 “to hit”
General: Nymphs are lovely creatures who dwell in isolated and beautiful wild 2 2 arms Cannot attack
watery spots such as grottoes, lakes, streams, etc. They are not fond of 3-4 None -1 “to hit”
intruders, especially those who surprise them; there is a 10% chance that a
nymph will be well-disposed towards strangers, but only if they are aware of Each tentacle has 8 h.p. in addition to the total number of h.p. for the creature.
the intruders before the intruders see the nymph. If the intruder is a good- Severing the tentacle will stop the constriction. The constriction can also be
aligned human male with a charisma of 18, they are 90% to be well-disposed. avoided by prying the tentacle loose; such requires a strength of 18/20. Doing
so will not free the victim, however, who will be immediately carried to the
Combat: Nymphs do not attack physically. However, all nymphs have the beak and bitten.
spellcasting power of a 7th level druid (spells do not require material
components), though none of a druid’s other powers. In addition, they have a If 3 or more of the tentacles are severed, there is a 90% chance that the octopus
number of magical powers at their disposal: will flee, shooting out a large cloud of ink 60’ in diameter to cover its escape.

• Dimension door once per day Octopi can grab ships and bring them to a halt. The largest ships will take 30
• The sight of a nymph without its consent causes permanent minutes to so be stopped; smaller vessels will halt more quickly.
blindness unless a saving throw vs. magic is made
Appearance: Giant octopi appear much like their smaller cousins.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Ooze

Ooze Otter, Giant

Oozes are usually the result of the by-products of wizardly experimentation Adult Kit
gone awry. See p. 173 for more general information on oozes. Number 1d4+1 0-3 in lair
Morale -1 -2
Crystal Ooze Hit Dice 5d8 3d8
Armor Class 5 5
Number 1d2 Move 90’/min., 180’/min. 90’/min., 180’/min.
Morale n/a (swimming) (swimming)
Hit Dice 4d8 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Armor Class 8 No. of Attacks 1 1
Move 10’/min., 30’/min. (in water) Damage 3d6 1d6 - 2d6
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None None
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks None None
Damage 4d4 Weaknesses None None
Defenses See below Size L (10’) S-M
Attacks Corrosive paralysis poison Intelligence 3 3
Weaknesses None Alignment Neutral Neutral
Size L Treasure Type None None
Intelligence 1 Treasure Value n/a n/a
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure None None
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p. 35 + 3/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a Evasion +2 +2
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 225 + 4/h.p. General: Giant otters dwell in freshwater lakes and streams. They are generally
Evasion +5 (n/a if unseen when immersed; 75% chance) friendly and non-aggressive, but will always defend the kits. In their lair, there
will always be 2 adults and the rest will be kits. The size of the kits should be
General: Crystal oozes are found in any shallow water that is not brightly lit; determined randomly:
usually underground lakes and rivers, but not exclusively. They can be found
in either salt or fresh water. While in water they are 75% undetectable, but Die Roll (d4) Size Damage
they can survive out of water for up to 4 hours if needed. 1 S (4’) 1d6
2 S (5’) 1d6
Combat: Crystal oozes attack by flowing over and around a victim and 3 M (6’) 2d6
releasing an acidic poison with paralytic properties. In addition to the damage 4 M (7’) 2d6
noted above, any creature attacked by a crystal ooze must make a saving
throw vs. poison or become paralyzed. Paralyzed victims are then continually The play and frolicking of giant otters can be misinterpreted as hostility, and
attacked by the acidic poison and slowly dissolved. Once a victim reaches they could accidentally cause damage to carts, spook mounts, etc. Their pelts
-20 h.p., he is completely dissolved and cannot be raised from the dead. Note are worth 1d4x1000 g.p.
that any wooden objects (including weapons) exposed to the acid must make
saving throws or be dissolved. Attack: Giant otters attack with their bite.

Crystal oozes are immune to acid, fire, cold, and heat. Weapons will only Appearance: Giant otters are larger versions of their normal kin.
cause 1 h.p. of damage per hit, plus any magical (but not strength) bonuses.
Oyster, Giant
Appearance: Crystal oozes are transparent, formless blobs.
Number 1d6
Morale n/a
Hit Dice 8d8
Armor Class 0
Move 0
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6
Defenses None
Attacks Clamp
Weaknesses None
Size L (6’ diameter)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type Pearls (1 in 8)
Treasure Value 100 g.p.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 550 + 10/h.p.
Evasion n/a


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Piranha (Quipper)
General: Giant oysters are found in most types of water, fresh and salt, cold
and warm. Some varieties can burrow under the mud and sand below the Number 5d10 (95%) or 10d10 (5%)
water, for safety and camouflage. 1 in 8 will contain a pearl of 100 g.p. Morale ±0
value. Hit Dice 1d4
Armor Class 8
Combat: Giant oysters attack by clamping their shells on enemies who get too Move 90’/min. (swimming)
close. Once closed, the shell of a giant oyster cannot be opened until the Magic Resistance Standard
creature is slain. Captive creatures will take 1d6 h.p. of damage per round. No. of Attacks 1
Note that most fish will perish in 1d4+1 rounds, and others may run the risk Damage 1d2
of drowning. Defenses None
Attacks None
Appearance: Giant oysters are merely large versions of their ordinary cousins. Weaknesses None
The shells can be found in a variety of different shapes and colors, and they Size S (3”-6”)
generally rest on the bottom of the ocean with their shells open, waiting for Intelligence 0
prey to swim inside. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Pike, Giant Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
Number 1d8 X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
Morale +4 Evasion -1
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 5 General: Piranha are a variety of carnivorous fish who inhabit warm fresh
Move 360’/min. (swimming) water lakes and streams. Quiuppers are a variety of piranha who dwell in cold
Magic Resistance Standard fresh water lakes and streans. Quippers are identical to piranha, except for
No. of Attacks 1 their color and the fact that they are not influenced by the phase of the moon.
Damage 4d4
Defenses None Combat: Piranha attack with their sharp bite. Up to 20 fish can attack a
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls submerged man-sized target at any given time. Initially, members of the school
Weaknesses None will attack 75% of the time (90% during a full moon or two days immediately
Size L (9’-14’) preceeding or after). If they do, roll percentile dice to see how many members
Intelligence 0 of the school will attack (subject to the size maximum given above). If one of
Alignment Neutral them successfully hits and draws blood, the entire school will enter a frenzy
Treasure Type None and attack on the following round (again subject to the size limit). If no fish
Treasure Value n/a successfully hits on the first round, there is only a 40% chance that members
Magical Treasure None of the school will continue to attack on the following round.
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p.
Evasion +4 Appearance: Piranha are fish some 6-12” in length, with sharp teeth. They are
generally silver in color with red undersides, and are tall and flat in shape.
Quippers are green instead of silver, but are otherwise identical to piranha.


See human, pirate (p. 265).

General: Giant pike dwell in deep freshwater lakes. They hunt aggressively
and will attack nearly anything.
Poisonous Coral
Combat: Giant pike attack with their bite. Due to their speed, enemies get a
-3 penalty on all surprise rolls. See coral, poisonous (p. 256).

Appearance: Giant pike are merely huge versions of their normal cousins; they
are long and thin fish.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Pungi Skate

Pungi Skate General: Manta rays are enormous creatures that inhabit warm salt water
seas. Their gizzards will contain their treasure. The size of the ray should be
Number 1d3 determined randomly:
Morale -5
Hit Dice 4d10 Die Roll (d4) Hit Dice Size
Armor Class 7 1 8d12 32’
Move 120’/min. (swimming) 2 9d12 36’
Magic Resistance Standard 3 10d12 40’
No. of Attacks See below 4 11d12 44’
Damage 1 or 2d4 (see below)
Defenses Camouflage Manta rays will rest on the bottom of the sea, where their natural coloration
Attacks Poison serves to camouflage them from casual discovery with 90% effectiveness.
Weaknesses None
Size L (15’x6’) Combat: Manta rays attack with their mouth and poisonous tail; the latter is
Intelligence 0 only used when the ray is fighting for its life, and the target must be on the
Alignment Neutral ray’s flank or rear. If the ray scores a hit on a creature with its mouth that is
Treasure Type None more than 2 higher than the minimum number needed to hit, the ray has
Treasure Value n/a swallowed the victim. Such victims will be automatically dead within 6 rounds
Magical Treasure None unless the ray is slain and the victim cuts its way out. The interior armor class
X.P. Value 410 + 4/h.p. of the ray is the same as the exterior, but the damage done from within is
Evasion ±0 lessened by 1 point for every round they are inside. Only sharp or pointed
weapons will do damage in this way. The poison in the tail spine of the ray
General: Pungi skates are found in warm and shallow seas. They tend to linger will cause paralyzation for 2d4 rounds unless the target makes a saving throw
on the bottom, where their natural camouflage makes them 90% unlikely to be vs. poison.
spotted, with just their spines protruding (which themselves look like marine
plants). Appearance: Manta rays are huge creatures that glide through the water. They
are relatively flat, with long spined tails and an enormous maw.
Combat: Pungi skates do not attack directly, but they are sometimes
inadvertently trod upon or fallen or trodden upon as they lie on the sea bottom. Stingray
Someone stepping on a pungi skate would suffer one attack from the ray’s
protruding spines; someone actually falling on the ray would suffer 2d4 such Number 1d3
attacks. Anyone struck by the spine of a pungi skate must make a saving throw Morale ±0
vs. poison or die. Pungi skates will flee if disturbed. Hit Dice 1d8
Armor Class 7
Appearance: Pungi skates are flat, and wider than they are long, 15’x6’ in Move 90’/min. (swimming)
size. Their dorsal spines are 1’-2’ in length, but as noted above, the creature Magic Resistance Standard
and its spines are nearly undetectable as it rests on the ocean floor. No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3
Defenses Camouflage
Ray Attacks Spine, paralyzation
Weaknesses None
Manta Ray Size S
Intelligence 0
Number 1 Alignment Neutral
Morale ±0 Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 8d12-11d12 Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 6 Magical Treasure None
Move 180’/min. (swimming) X.P. Value 90 + 1/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard Evasion -1
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 3d4/2d10 General: Stingrays are found in shallow warm seas. They tend to rest on the
Defenses None bottom, where they cover themselves with sand and are thus 90%
Attacks Camouflage, swallowing, paralyzation undetectable. If stepped on, they will attack with their tail spine and then flee,
Weaknesses None but are otherwise harmless.
Size L (32’-44’ across)
Intelligence 0 Combat: Stingrays attack with their tail spines. Those struck by the tail must
Alignment Neutral make a saving throw vs. poison or be paralyzed for 5d4 rounds and take an
Treasure Type XVI additional 5d4 h.p. of damage.
Treasure Value 5d10x10
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%) Appearance: Stingrays are small (only 3-4’ across), with pale undersides and
X.P. Value 1,200 + 16/h.p. dark tops.
Evasion +2


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Sahuagin they often come ashore and raid human and demi-human settlements along
the coasts. They themselves dwell in warm oceans up to 1,500’ deep.
Chieftain /
Sahuagin have excellent senses. They are able to see 300’ in water 100 feet
Warrior Lieutenant Guard
deep, and can even see 210’ in water up to 1,000’ deep. Their hearing is
Number 2d4x10 See below See below
quite acute (hearing the clink of armor or weapons, or the rowing of oars, up
Morale +3 +4 +5
to a mile away).
Hit Dice 2d10 3d10 4d10
Armor Class 5 5 5
A band of sahuagin will always be led by a chieftain and will have one
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (swimming)
lieutenant for every 10 warriors. In their lair there will also be the following
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage Per weapon Per weapon Per weapon
• One baron
Defenses Keen senses Keen senses Keen senses
• Nine lieutenants
Attacks Claws, bite Claws, bite Claws, bite
• 3d4x10 females
Weaknesses None None None
• 1d4x10 hatchlings
Size M M M
• 2d4x10 eggs
Intelligence 14 14 14
• 2d4 sharks (see p. 284)
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
Treasure Type XII XII XII
In addition, there is a 10% chance per 10 warriors that there will be a cleric
Treasure Value 1d20 1d20 1d20
of 1d4+4th level and 1d4 assistant clerics of 3rd or 4th level. These clerics
Magical Treasure None None None
will always be present in the sahuagin lair. Clerics are invariably female.
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. 85 + 4/h.p. 130 + 5/h.p.
Evasion +4 +4 +4
One sahuagin lair in 20 will be the stronghold of a prince. In that case, there
will be an additional nine guards, an 8th level cleric, and four 4th level clerics.
Baron Prince Female
In such a lair the numbers of warriors, females, hatchlings, and eggs is double
Number 1 1 3d4x10 in lair
normal, and there will be 4d6 sharks present. All sahuagin lairs are formed of
Morale +6 +7 +2
buildings constructed of stone and slabs of coral, camouflaged by seaweed
Hit Dice 6d10 8d10 2d8
and other undersea plant life.
Armor Class 5 5 5
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (swimming)
There is rumored to be a king of all sahuagin with 10d10 hit dice, in a vast
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
city with many thousands of warriors, guards, nobles, etc.
No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Damage Per weapon Per weapon Per weapon
Combat: Sahuagin normally attack with their weapons, although they possess
Defenses Keen senses Keen senses Keen senses
sharp talons on their hands and feet that can cause 1d2 and 1d4 h.p. of
Attacks Claws, bite Claws, bite Claws, bite
damage, respectively. They can also bite for 1d4 h.p.
Weaknesses None None None
Size M M M
The weapons of any given sahuagin should be determined randomly. For large
Intelligence 14 14 14
groups, you may wish to use the % Composition column, rather than rolling
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil Lawful evil
percentile dice for each individual warrior.
Treasure Type III XI
Treasure Value 3d8x1,000 1d20
Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition
Magical Treasure 2 items (40%), 1 potion (60%) None
X.P. Value 350 + 8/h.p. 600 + 12/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p. 01-20 Heavy crossbow & dagger 20%
Evasion +4 +4 +4 21-50 Spear & dagger 30%
51-00 Trident, net, & dagger 50%

The crossbows used by sahuagin are specially designed for use underwater.
When raiding on land, sahuagin bring 3 javelins instead of nets. Nets are
barbed, and can only be escaped by creatures with a strength of 16 or more,
who can tear them off.

Appearance: Sahuagin are humanoid, with dark green (almost black) scales
which are somewhat lighter on the belly. Their fins and eyes are black. They
speak their own language.

Mutants: Approximately one sahuagin in 216 is a mutant with four fully-

functional arms. (Roll 3d6; if all are 6’s, then the sahuagin is a mutant.) Such
mutants are able to attack with all six limbs plus their bite. They are otherwise
treated as normal sahuagin, but are worth 50 x.p. + 3/h.p.

General: Sahuagin (aka “sea devils”) are greatly feared, as they are not only
universally despised by those races that dwell underwater, but also because


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Scrag (Marine Troll)

Scrag (Marine Troll)

Sea Hag
Fresh Water Salt Water
Number 1d6 1d8 Number 1d4
Morale +7 +9 Morale +3
Hit Dice 5d10 6d10 Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 3 2 (or 1) Armor Class 7
Move 30’/min., 150’/min. 30’/min., 120’/min. Move 150’/min. (swimming)
(swimming) (swimming) Magic Resistance J
Magic Resistance Standard Standard No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 3 3 Damage Per weapon type
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/3d4 1d4/1d4/1d8+8 Defenses None
Defenses Regeneration Regeneration Attacks Weakness, gaze causes death
Attacks None None Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None None Size M
Size L (7’) L (10’) Intelligence 9
Intelligence 5 8 Alignment Chaotic evil
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil Treasure Type IV
Treasure Type III III Treasure Value 6d6+4x100
Treasure Value 4d6x100 2d4+1x1,000 Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) 1d3 items (15%) X.P. Value 600 + 3/h.p.
X.P. Value 400 + 8/h.p. 900 + 12/h.p. Evasion +1
Evasion +1 +1

General: Scrags are cousins of trolls, adapted for life beneath the water. They
come in two varieties, as noted above; the salt water species is much tougher
and hardier than the fresh water variety, but both are to be feared. They are
water-breathers, and can survive in air only a brief period (up to 10 minutes).

Combat: Scrags attack with two claws and a bite. Three rounds after being
wounded, scrags will begin to regenerate 3 h.p. per round, including the
regeneration of severed limbs. Only acid or fire will completely destroy a
General: Sea hags dwell in shallow warm seas where there is much seaweed
A few salt water scrags (10%) are civilized enough (if the term can even be and other vegetation in which to make their home. There is a very rare offshoot
used in such a context) to use armor made of coral, shark hide, and the like, of the breed that will make its home in fresh water.
giving them an effective armor class of 1.
Combat: Sea hags will attack with a weapon (almost always a dagger), but
Appearance: Scrags are humanoid in appearance, tall and wiry, with their real power is magical in nature. The hag is so ugly that the sight of it will
coloration varying from mottled turquoise to dark olive, and a mass of dark cause weakness unless a saving throw vs. magic is made; the victim will lose
hair that waves in the water even when there is no current. They have large half of its strength for 1d6x10 minutes. The gaze of the sea hag will kill any
mouths filled with sharp teeth, and their claws and feet are webbed. They creature within 30’ unless a saving throw vs. poison is successful. The killing
speak a mutually-intelligible dialect of trollish. gaze can only be used 3 times per day.

See also: troll (p. 235). Appearance: Sea hags are horribly ugly humanoids with greenish skin and
hair. They speak the language of all hags and the common tongue.
Sea Elf

See elf, sea (p. 261).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Sea Horse, Giant

Number 1d20
Morale -2 (+2 if trained)
Hit Dice 2d10-4d10
Armor Class 7
Move 210’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage See below
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 20 + 4/h.p.
Evasion +3

General: Giant sea horses are gentle, skittish creatures that are often captured
and trained as mounts by underwater races such as sea elves and locathah. If
so trained, their morale will improve to +2. The size of the sea horse should
be determined randomly:
General: Sea lions (which should not be confused with the seal species of the
Die Roll (d10) Hit Dice Damage/Attack same name) are aggressive predators that are half fish and half great cat. Any
1-5 2d10 1d4 treasure they possess will be found in the remains of their prey, which is often
6-9 3d10 1d4+1 taken back to the sea lion den. The young, if captured, can be trained.
10 4d10 2d4
Combat: Sea lions attack with their heavy foreclaws and powerful bite.
Combat: Sea horses attack by ramming their enemies with their head.
Appearance: Sea lions have the torso, head, and foreclaws of a lion, with
Appearance: Giant sea horses appear much as their ordinary cousins, save scales and webbed claws. Their rear half is that of a great fish.
for their size.
Sea Serpent
Sea Lion
There is no single “sea serpent” that can be used in all cases. Rather, the game
Number 3d4 master is encouraged to use the term to encompass a variety of different sorts
Morale +8 of large, sinuous, reptilian-like creatures that threaten shipping and sailors. The
Hit Dice 6d10 following creatures would be excellent candidates for the role:
Armor Class 5 (head), 3 (body)
Move 180’/min. (swimming) • Elasmosaurus (p. 299)
Magic Resistance Standard • Mosasaurus (p. 305)
No. of Attacks 3 • Nothosaurus (p. 306)
Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6 • Plesiosaurus (p. 307)
Defenses None • Giant sea snake (p. 285)
Attacks None • Sea worm (p. 291)
Weaknesses None • Tanystropheus (p. 310)
Size L • Temnodontosaurus (p. 310)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Sea Snake
Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
See snake, sea (p. 285).
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%)
X.P. Value 150 + 6/h.p.
Evasion +2 Sea Urchin, Giant

Giant sea urchins are sea-dwelling creatures that attack by firing their spines
at enemies, with a range of 120’. They are sometimes (10%) found on land
(albeit always within half a mile of the sea), and move by rolling their entire
body. Each has a gem inside that can be gotten by breaking up the body once
it is dead (an easy enough prospect). All have the power of clairvoyance, but


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Sea Urchin, Giant

are not generally hostile to humans unless threatened. They come in a variety Giant Red Sea Urchin
of types, described below.
Number 1d4
Giant Black Sea Urchin Morale +1
Hit Dice 3d10
Number 1d6 Armor Class 2
Morale -1 Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
Hit Dice 1d10 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class 4 No. of Attacks 3
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (swimming) Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d4+1
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks Sleep poison
Damage 1d6 Weaknesses None
Defenses None Size S (3’ diameter)
Attacks None Intelligence 3
Weaknesses None Alignment Neutral
Size S (3’ diameter) Treasure Type Gem
Intelligence 3 Treasure Value 9d10x10 g.p.
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure n/a
Treasure Type Gem X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p.
Treasure Value 1d10x10 g.p. Evasion +1
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. General: Giant red sea urchins are one of the more uncommon sorts of urchin.
Evasion +1
Combat: Giant red sea urchins fire 3 spines per round, with a +3 bonus “to
General: Giant black sea urchins are the most common sort of urchin. hit”. Anyone struck by a spine must make a saving throw vs. poison or be put
to sleep for 1d4 rounds.
Combat: Giant black sea urchins fire 1 spine per round, with a +1 bonus “to
hit”. Appearance: Giant red sea urchins are spherical in shape, approximately 3’
in diameter, and covered with sharp spines. They are dark red in color with
Appearance: Giant black sea urchins are spherical in shape, approximately black-tipped spines.
3’ in diameter, and covered with sharp spines. They are black or dark gray in
color. Giant Silver Sea Urchin

Giant Green Sea Urchin Number 1d2

Morale +3
Number 1d4 Hit Dice 5d10
Morale ±0 Armor Class 0
Hit Dice 2d10 Move 120’/min., 210’/min. (swimming)
Armor Class 3 Magic Resistance Standard
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (swimming) No. of Attacks 5
Magic Resistance Standard Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d4+1/1d4+1/1d4+1
No. of Attacks 2 Defenses None
Damage 1d6+1/1d6+1 Attacks Coma-inducing poison
Defenses Camouflage in water Weaknesses None
Attacks None Size S (3’ diameter)
Weaknesses None Intelligence 3
Size S (3’ diameter) Alignment Neutral
Intelligence 3 Treasure Type Gem
Alignment Neutral Treasure Value 25d10x10 g.p.
Treasure Type Gem Magical Treasure n/a
Treasure Value 4d10x10 g.p. X.P. Value 400 + 6/h.p.
Magical Treasure n/a Evasion +4
X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p.
Evasion +2 General: Giant silver sea urchins are the rarest sort of urchin.

General: Giant green sea urchins, by virtue of their coloring, are very difficult Combat: Giant silver sea urchins fire 5 spines per round, with a +5 bonus “to
to spot in water (only a 5% chance of spotting one). hit”. Any creature hit must make a saving throw vs. poison or be put into a
coma for 1d3 days.
Combat: Giant green sea urchins fire 2 spines per round, with a +2 bonus “to
hit”. Appearance: Giant silver sea urchins are spherical in shape, approximately
3’ in diameter, and covered with sharp spines. They are dark silver in color
Appearance: Giant green sea urchins are spherical in shape, approximately with black-tipped spines.
3’ in diameter, and covered with sharp spines. They are pale green in color.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Giant Yellow Sea Urchin

Number 1d3
Morale +4
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 1
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 4
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6
Defenses Camouflage in water
Attacks Paralysis poison
Weaknesses None
Size S (3’ diameter)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type Gem
Treasure Value 16d10x10 g.p.
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 205 + 5/h.p.
Evasion +2

General: Giant yellow sea urchins are the second rarest sort of urchin. They
are very difficult to spot in water; there is only a 5% chance of doing so.

Combat: Giant yellow sea urchins fire 4 spines per round, with a +4 bonus
General: Selkies are good-natured creatures that can change into human form
“to hit”. Any creature hit must make a saving throw vs. poison or be paralyzed
for up to 3 days. They are mostly found in cold waters, and make their homes
for 1d4x10 minutes.
in underwater grottoes and caverns; these will be partially air-filled, however,
as young selkies cannot breathe water until their first birthday, on average.
Appearance: Giant yellow sea urchins are spherical in shape, approximately
They will sometimes show up unexpectedly on the doorstep of some human
3’ in diameter, and covered with sharp spines. They are dark yellow in color
fishing village or other port, wanting to trade some of their treasures from the
with light green tips on the spines.
deep for items unavailable in their normal habitat, such as wine (of which they
are inordinately fond). Every selkie community will be led by an elder with the
Sea Worm following magical powers:

See worm, sea (p. 291). • Augury once per day

• Control weather once per week
Selkie • Cure disease once per day
• Cure light wounds once per day
Number 1 (1d12+18 in community) • Weather summoning once per week
Morale +1
Hit Dice 3d10 The weekly powers are only used in extremis, as they are very taxing for the
Armor Class 5 elder.
Move 120’/min., 360’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Selkies attack with their bite if in their natural form, or by weapon in
No. of Attacks 1 human form (although they do not ordinarily carry weapons with them while
Damage 1d6 or per weapon swimming underwater, for doing such slows them down).
Defenses None
Attacks None Appearance: In their natural form, selkies look like half-human half-seals, with
Weaknesses None webbed hands instead of flippers and legs instead of a tail. In human form,
Size M they are generally attractive and bright-eyed. They speak their own language
Intelligence 9-16 and the common tongue.
Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type V
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 75 + 4/h.p.
Evasion +3


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Shark

Shark Siren

Number 3d4 Number 1 (70%), 2d4 (30%)

Morale +12 Morale +4
Hit Dice 3d8-8d12 Hit Dice 4d8 - 7d8
Armor Class 6 Armor Class 3
Move 240’/min. (swimming) Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance D
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage See below Damage Per weapon type
Defenses None Defenses Immune to gas, bonuses to saving throws
Attacks None Attacks Magic use, drain intelligence
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size M to L Size M
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 14-18
Alignment Neutral Alignment Any
Treasure Type None Treasure Type XVII
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 1d10+3x10 (individual)
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 2 items (60%, if in group) plus weapons; see below
X.P. Value See below X.P. Value See below
Evasion +4 Evasion +5

General: Sirens are beautiful creatures that dwell in

either salt or fresh water. Most (70%) of all
encounters with sirens will be with individuals,
but 30% will be with groups; in either case, they
shun the company of humans and their ilk and
will be found only in isolated areas. If
encountered singly, the siren will have either
General: Sharks inhabit salt water seas in almost every clime save the coldest. 6d8 or 7d8 hit dice (50% chance of either).
They are relentless eating machines, and are able to sense blood or splashing If encountered in a group, roll randomly for each
up to a mile away. Wounded fish or other creatures are 90% likely to be siren if the hit dice are not already known:
attacked. The exact size of the shark should be determined randomly:
Die Roll Hit
Die Roll (d4) Dice X.P. Value
(d6) Hit Dice Size Damage X.P. Value 1 4d8 150 + 4/h.p.
1 3d8 M (5’) 1d4+1 35 + 3/h.p. 2 5d8 205 + 5/h.p.
2 4d8 M (7’) 1d4+1 60 + 4/h.p. 3 6d8 350 + 6/h.p.
3 5d10 L (9’) 2d4 150 + 6/h.p. 4 7d8 625 + 8/h.p.
4 6d10 L (11’) 2d4 225 + 8/h.p.
5 7d12 L (13’) 3d4 375 + 10/h.p. Each group of sirens has an equal chance
6 8d12 L (15’) 3d4 600 + 12/h.p. of being either good, neutral, or evil. Any
given group could have lawful, neutral, or
Combat: Sharks attack with their great bite. They rely on their own motion to chaotic members, however. Determine alignment randomly for each siren
move water over their gills, however; a motionless shark will suffocate in encountered.
1d4+1 rounds.
Sirenes can operate in or out of water equally well. They have both infravision
Appearance: Sharks vary greatly in size, shape, and coloration. Most are and ultravision with 120’ range. They have the equivalent of an 18 DEX score.
sleek fish with prominent dorsal fins that often break the surface of the water
as they swim, but this is not universal. Combat: Sirens attack with weapons, if needed, but they much prefer to use
their magical powers. The weapons carried by any given siren should be
See also: megalodon (p. 304). determined randomly:

Shellycoat Die Roll (d%) Armed with…

01-70 Short sword and dagger
Shellycoats are greenhags that dwell in or under water; they are otherwise 71-82 Short sword, dagger, and 3 javelins
indistinguishable from their land-dwelling cousins. See p. 114 for details. 83-00 Short sword, dagger, and sling

Sirens also have the following magical powers:

• Charm person (by song), 30’ range, once per day

• Fog cloud once per day
• Improved invisibility once per day
• Polymorph self once per day
• Suggestion (by the same song), 120’ range, once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


The song of the siren can be used to charm some creatures within the Spider, Giant Water
appropriate range and cast suggestion upon others, both at the same time; the
siren’s song can only be sung once per day in any event. In addition, the touch
Freshwater Saltwater
of a siren will reduce any intelligent creature’s intelligence to 2: babbling
Number 1d10 1d10
idiocy, inability to cast spells or fight, etc. A dispel magic spell will undo the
Morale +5 +7
effect, as can the siren herself (by touch), if she can be persuaded or compelled
Hit Dice 3d12 6d12
to do so.
Armor Class 5 5
Move 150’/min. 150’/min.
Sirens are immune to gasses of all sorts, and make all saving throws as if they
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
were 11th level mages, with an additional +2 bonus to saving throws vs.
No. of Attacks 1 1
poison. Sirines are considered persons for purposes of spells such as charm
Damage 1d4 2d4
person and hold person.
Defenses None None
Attacks Poison Poison
Appearance: Sirens look like beautiful elven females. They speak the common
Weaknesses None None
Size M (6’) L (12’)
Intelligence 3 3
Skate Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type XVI XVI
See pungi skate (p. 278). Treasure Value 1d10+1x10 1d10+1x10
Magical Treasure None None
Snail, Giant X.P. Value 190 + 4/h.p. 575 + 8/h.p.
Evasion +1 +1
Giant snails can be found underwater in both fresh and salt waters. Other than
being able to swim as well as crawl, they are exactly like their land-dwelling General: Giant water spiders dwell in large underwater chambers made of
cousins. (See p. 214 for details.) silk, which hold air. They are entered through a sort of airlock system that
maintains pressure within the dwelling without allowing the entrance of water.
Intelligent underwater creatures such as tritons will sometimes be on good terms
Snake, Sea with the water spiders in their area. The spiders themselves move by walking
around on the floor of the sea or lake, breathing through a series of air-filled
Regular Giant bubbles attached to their body and refreshed through differences in osmotic
Number 1d6 1d8 pressure.
Morale +3 +12
Hit Dice 2d10 9d12 Combat: Giant water spiders attack with their poisonous bite. Those bitten must
Armor Class 6 5 make a saving throw or die.
Move 150’/min. (swimming) 120’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Appearance: Giant water spiders are of the non-hairy sort. They range in color
No. of Attacks 1 2 from light tan to black.
Damage 1 1d6/3d6
Defenses None None See also: spider, monstrous (p. 220).
Attacks Poison Poison
Weaknesses None None
Size S (5’ long) L (100’)
Squid, Giant
Intelligence 1 1
Alignment Neutral Neutral Number 1
Treasure Type None None Morale +14
Treasure Value n/a n/a Hit Dice 12d12
Magical Treasure None None Armor Class 7 (tentacles, head) 3 (body)
X.P. Value 255 + 3/h.p. 1,000 + 12/h.p. Move 180’/min. (swimming)
Evasion +9 ±0 Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 9
General: Sea snakes dwell in warm oceans and seas. The giant sort are so Damage 1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/1d6/5d4
massive that they will even attack ships, but both sorts are venomous in the Defenses Ink
extreme. Fortunately, they only attack when hungry or threatened. Attacks Constriction
Weaknesses None
Combat: Sea snakes will attack with their venomous bite. The bite of the sea Size L
snake is invariably deadly, unless the victim makes a saving throw vs. poison. Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Giant sea snakes are so large that they are able to constrict not only prey but Treasure Type III
entire ships. A ship caught in the coils of a giant sea snake will lose 10% of Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
its hit points per round until it is destroyed. Magical Treasure 3 items (30%)
X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p.
Appearance: Sea snakes look like any other sort of snake, but have paddle- Evasion +2
like tails that are flattened vertically. They are generally very brightly colored.

See also, snake (p. 214).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Storm Giant

General: Giant squids inhabit the deep oceans, and are aggressive hunters, Combat: Any creature coming within range of the long fronds of the strangle
sometimes (10%) even attacking ships on the surface if they are noticed. Sperm weed will be entangled within it. It will have 3d4 fronds total. Each frond has
whales are their implacable foes. a strength score of 4d4, and multiple fronds do and will attack the same
creature if possible. Subtract the victim’s strength from the total strength of the
Combat: When a giant squid attacks, two of its ten tentacles will be used to fronds attacking him, to determine either the damage done or his chance of
anchor the creature, with the other eight used to attack (as many as eight escaping:
different man-sized opponents can be thus attacked in a single round). The
beak can also be used to attack. On the first round, a tentacle will do 1d6 h.p. Victim’s STR minus % Chance to Damage per
of damage, but after that the target is considered to be grabbed and will Weed’s STR Escape Round
automatically be constricted for 2d6 h.p. per round until the tentacle is severed. 10 or more 100% n/a
Creatures so entrapped by the tentacles may have their limbs pinned: 9 90% n/a
8 80% n/a
Die Roll (1d4) Limbs Pinned Combat Effect 7 70% n/a
1 1 arm -3 “to hit” 6 60% n/a
2 2 arms Cannot attack 5 50% n/a
3-4 None -1 “to hit” 4 40% n/a
3 30% n/a
Each tentacle has 10 h.p. (over and above the total hit points for the squid); 2 20% n/a
sharp or piercing weapons attacking the tentacle can sever a tentacle; 1 10% n/a
smashing weapons cannot. Those trapped by the tentacles may be brought to 0 0% n/a
the mighty beak to be finished off. -1 0% 1
-2 0% 2
If 4 or more tentacles are severed, the squid is 80% likely to flee by issuing a -3 0% 3
large cloud of ink 60’x60’x80’ to cover its escape. etc.

Squid can attack surface ships; small boats will be dragged under Any creature that is entwined has a -2 penalty on all “to hit” rolls.
immediately; larger ships will be dragged to a standstill in but 10 minutes, and
thereafter, if grasped by 8 or more tentacles, treated as if they were rammed Appearance: Strangle weed is virtually indistinguishable from normal
(soon foundering and sinking). Victims can also be plucked off the deck of seaweed. It grows in a patch some 3d4 square feet (equal to the number of
ships and dragged below the surface to their doom. fronds), and each frond is between 7’ and 12’ in length.

Appearance: Giant squid look much like their smaller cousins. The body of the Swan
squid is protected by a hard carapace, and they have eyes the size of dinner
Number 1 (25%) or 2d8 (75%)
Morale +3
Storm Giant Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 7
See giant, storm (p. 264). Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance Standard
Strangle Weed No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1/1/1d2
Number 1 Defenses +3 to surprise rolls
Morale n/a Attacks Disorientation
Hit Dice 4d8 Weaknesses None
Armor Class 6 Size M (8’ wingspan)
Move n/a Intelligence 1
Magic Resistance Standard Alignment Neutral
No. of Attacks 3d4 (1 per frond) Treasure Type None
Damage See below Treasure Value n/a
Defenses None Magical Treasure None
Attacks Strangling X.P. Value 0
Weaknesses None
Size S General: Swans are large aquatic birds that are found in marshes, wetlands,
Intelligence 1 slow rivers, freshwater lakes, and the like. If more than one is encountered, the
Alignment Neutral group will consist of a mated pair, plus 1d2 non-combatant cygnets. If their
Treasure Type XVIII territory or nest is disturbed, they will aggressively defend it.
Treasure Value 4d6+1x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Combat: A swans attacks by buffeting enemies with its wings and striking with
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p. its beak. If both wing attacks are successful, there is a 50% chance tha the
Evasion n/a victim will be disoriented and unable to attack for the remainder of the round.

General: Strangle weed is a type of semi-intelligent seaweed found in shallow Appearance: Swans are large white waterfowl with long necks. Exceedingly
warm seas. The sea bed around it is generally littered with the possessions rare black specimines have been reported.
(and remains) of former victims just under the surface of the sand.
See also: swan maiden (p. 226).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Attack: Once swallowed, the throat leech will, as the name implies, attach itself
Number 1d8 to the back of the throat of the one who ingested it, sucking 1d3 h.p. worth of
Morale +6 (but see below) blood each round for 10 rounds. For each round it is in the throat of the victim,
Hit Dice See below there is a 50% chance the victim will choke as it begins to swell, doing an
Armor Class 6 additional 1d4 h.p. of damage. If the victim chokes 3 successive rounds, he
Move 240’/min. (swimming) will die.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 A heated metal implement may be used to burst the engorged leech, killing it
Damage See below and saving the victim. However, there is only a 5% chance of success per point
Defenses None of dexterity of the person attempting to impale the leech. A miss means the
Attacks None victim will take 1d4 points of additional damage as the heated metal finds his
Weaknesses None own flesh rather than the engorged leech.
Size M to L (see below)
Intelligence 1 Appearance: Throat leeches are approximately 1” long and look like nothing
Alignment Neutral more than twigs. Once engorged, they can swell to many times their original
Treasure Type None diameter and twice their length.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Triton
X.P. Value See below
Warrior Sergeant
General: Swordfish are large fish normally found in warm ocean waters. They Number 10d6 1 per 10 warriors
are sometimes trained by aquatic elves and others for use as guards. As a rule, Morale +2 +3
they are inoffensive and even skittish creatures, more often fleeing from Hit Dice 3d8 5d8
predators. However, if attacked or specialy trained, swordfish can be deadly Armor Class 4 4
animals. The exact size of the swordfish should be determined randomly if it is Move 150’/min. (swimming) 150’/min. (swimming)
not already known: Magic Resistance R R
No. of Attacks 1 1
Die Roll Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type
(d6) Hit Dice Damage Size X.P. Value Defenses None None
1-2 1d10 2d6 M (6’ long) 20 + 2/h.p. Attacks None None
3-4 2d10 3d4 L (7’ long) 35 + 3/h.p. Weaknesses None None
5-6 3d10 4d4 L (8’+ long) 60 + 4/h.p. Size M M
Intelligence 14 14
Combat: Swordfish attack with their long sword-like nose, which is used to Alignment Neutral good Neutral good
impale enemies. Treasure Type III
Treasure Value 8d6x1,000
Appearance: Swordfish are large fish with prominent sails on their backs. Their Magical Treasure 3 items (25%), 2d4+1 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls
most well-known feature is the large bone spear on the tip of their nose. (50%)
X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p. 205 + 5/h.p.
Throat Leech Evasion +1 +1

Lieutenant Captain
Number 1d6
Number 1 per 20 warriors 1
Morale n/a
Morale +4 +5
Hit Dice 1d4 (1 h.p.)
Hit Dice 7d8 9d8
Armor Class 10
Armor Class 4 4
Move 10’/min. (crawling and swimming)
Move 150’/min. (swimming) 150’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance R R
No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 1d3
Damage Per weapon type Per weapon type
Defenses None
Defenses None Conch horn
Attacks Choke
Attacks None Conch horn
Weaknesses None
Weaknesses None None
Size S (1” long)
Size M M
Intelligence 0
Intelligence 14 14
Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral good Neutral good
Treasure Type None
Treasure Type III
Treasure Value n/a
Treasure Value 8d6x1,000
Magical Treasure n/a
Magical Treasure 3 items (25%), 2d4+1 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls
X.P. Value 6
X.P. Value 525 + 8/h.p. 1,300 + 12/h.p.
General: Throat leeches are found in fresh water. Unless water is carefully
Evasion +1 +1
filtered and strained, there is a 10% chance that anyone drinking from a water
source in which throat leeches live will swallow one by accident.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Turtle, Giant Sea

• Calm rough waters

• Cause panic in sea creatures with intelligence of 1 or greater for
3d6x10 minutes; they are allowed a saving throw vs. magic with
a -5 penalty
• Summon 5d4 hippocampi
• Summon 5d6 giant sea horses
• Summon 1d10 sea lions (see p. 281)

Appearance: Tritons are humanoid in appearance, but have legs that are
covered in silver-blue scales and which end in fins rather than feet. Their torsos
are covered in fine silver scales. Their hair is blue or turquoise. They speak
their own language, as well as that of sea elves and locathah.

Turtle, Giant Sea

Number 1d3
Morale -2
General: Tritons originally hailed from the elemental plane of water, but are Hit Dice 15d12
now found on the material plane in warmer seas where they dwell in either Armor Class 2 (shell), 5 (head/flippers)
shallows or great deeps. They get along well with humans and similar races, Move 10’/min., 150’/min. (swimming)
as long as those races do not have hostile intentions. When encountered Magic Resistance Standard
outside their dwelling, there is a 90% chance that tritons will be mounted either No. of Attacks 1
on hippocampi (65% likely) or giant sea horses (35% likely); see pp. 264 and Damage 4d4
281, respectively. They dwell in large undersea castles of stone and coral 80% Defenses Shell
of the time, and grandly carved caverns the rest of the time. Attacks None
Weaknesses None
For every 10 triton warriors, there will be a sergeant. For every 20, there will Size L (20’)
be a lieutenant. Any group of tritons, regardless of size, will be led by a Intelligence 0
captain. There is also a chance, equal to 10% per 10 tritons encountered, that Alignment Neutral
there will be 1d4 mages, each of level 1d6. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
In their home, the following individuals will also be encountered: Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 900 + 10/h.p.
• 60 warriors Evasion +1
• 6 sergeants
• 3 lieutenants General: Giant sea turtles are gentle giants that live in shallow seas that will
• 1 mage level 1d4+6 only attack if attacked. Tales tell of a sub-species that is so large that its back
• 1 cleric level 1d4+7 can be mistaken for an island as it floats in the sea.
• 4 clerics, each level 1d4+1
• Non-combatant females equal to the number of warriors and Combat: Giant sea turtles attack with their bite. However, it is possible that
others they will surface beneath a boat or ship, inadvertently capsizing it. A fishing
• Non-combatant children equal to the number of warriors and boat would have a 90% chance of being so overturned, while a typical small
others merchantman would have but a 10% chance. Giant sea turtles can draw their
heads and fins inside their shells, rendering them AC 3, in case of danger.
In addition, a triton community is 75% likely to have 2d6 sea lions as both
pets and guardians. Appearance: Giant sea turtles are larger versions of their ordinary cousins.

Combat: Tritons attack with weapons, and wear armor made of special fish
scales (if caught unawares and unarmored, their natural AC is 5). The
weapons of any given triton should be determined randomly. For large groups,
you may wish to use the % Composition column, rather than rolling percentile
dice for each individual warrior:

Die Roll (d%) Armed with… % Composition

01-30 Heavy crossbow and dagger 30%
31-40 Long sword and dagger 10%
41-60 Spear and dagger 20%
61-00 Trident and dagger 40%

The crossbows used by tritons are specially designed for use underwater.

Captains will also carry magical conch shells, which when blown can be used
to summon the following effects, as well as being used for more mundane
signaling purposes:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Turtle, Giant Snapping Vampire Ray

Number 1d4 Regular True Vampire

Morale +9 Number 10d10 See below
Hit Dice 10d12 Morale +2 +3
Armor Class 0 (shell), 5 (head and limbs) Hit Dice 1d10 2d10
Move 30’/min., 120’/min. (swimming) Armor Class 6 6
Magic Resistance Standard Move 120’/min. (swimming) 120’/min. (swimming)
No. of Attacks 1 Magic Resistance Standard Standard
Damage 6d6 No. of Attacks 1 1
Defenses Shell Damage 3d4 3d4
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls Defenses None Regenerate 3 h.p./ round
Weaknesses None Attacks Spellcasting Level drain
Size L (20’) Weaknesses None None
Intelligence 0 Size M M
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 13 14
Treasure Type None Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Type VI
Magical Treasure None Treasure Value 6d6+1x1,000
X.P. Value 1,950 + 14/h.p. Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%)
Evasion ±0 X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. 290 + 3/h.p.
Evasion ±0 ±0

Guard Leader
Number 10d10 See below
Morale +4 +5
Hit Dice 3d10 4d10
Armor Class 6 6
Move 120’/min. (swimming) 120’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 3d4 3d4
Defenses None None
Attacks Spellcasting Spellcasting
Weaknesses None None
Size M M
Intelligence 13 14
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil
General: Giant snapping turtles are voracious predators that lie in the muddy Treasure Type VI
bottoms of freshwater lakes and rivers, waiting for prey. Treasure Value 6d6+1x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items, see below for type (70%)
Combat: Giant snapping turtles attack with their bite. However, due to their X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p. 85 + 4/h.p.
propensity to camouflage themselves under mud at the bottom of the water in Evasion ±0 ±0
which they live, enemies get a -3 penalty to all surprise rolls. They wait for
prey, and then extend their long (10’) necks to bite any creature in range. If General: Vampire rays are an evil race that inhabits shallow tropical waters.
pressed, they will retract their head and limbs within their shell, making them Despite their name, only a relatively few are truly vampires. Their lairs are
AC 2. usually very well-hidden cave complexes inside coral reefs. Larger groups or
communities will have the following extraordinary individuals:
Appearance: Giant snapping turtles look like larger versions of their mundane
cousins. Number
Encountered Additional Leaders
Every 10 individuals 2nd level cleric
Every 20 individuals 3rd level cleric
Every 20 individuals 50% chance of true vampire
Every 50 individuals 5th level cleric
50 or more Leader, 2 guards

Extraordinary individuals are cumulative. If a leader is encountered, it and its

guards will only have magic items appropriate to their form (i.e., no magic
boots, etc.).

Combat: Vampire rays attack with their barbed tails. Leaders are also the
equivalent of an 8th level cleric, while guards are always 6th level clerics.
Note that diaboloida clerics never need material components or gestures to
enact their spells.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Underwater and Waterborne Monster Descriptions - Water Naga

Gray Whale
True vampires regenerate 3 h.p. per round, and their touch will drain a level
or hit die from the victim. No saving throw is allowed, but the creature must Number 1d8
make a successful “to hit” roll. Morale +20
Hit Dice 24d12
Appearance: Vampire rays look like large stingrays with wickedly barbed tails, Armor Class 4
but their eyes are full of fiendish intelligence. They speak their own language. Move 210’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d8
Defenses None
Attacks Tail smash
Weaknesses None
Size L (50’ long)
Intelligence 8
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,000 + 35/h.p.
Evasion +4

General: Gray whales are found in cold shallow seas. They are non-
carnivorous, feeding on krill and plankton, but are dangerous if provoked.

Combat: Gray whales use their massive flukes to strike enemies. On the
surface, they are able to smash with their enormous tails, causing 12 h.p. of
damage if they hit. They can overturn or even destroy boats and ships.

Appearance: Gray whales have flat heads and large mouths. They sport two
blow holes, and their gray skins are marked with white spots where parasites
have dropped off. They have no dorsal fin, but rather 6-12 dorsal knuckles.
They are filter feeders, and thus have no teeth, but rather a large baleen

Water Naga Killer Whale (“Orca”)

See naga, water (p. 274). Number 1d8

Morale +17
Whale Hit Dice 12d12
Armor Class 4
Whales are sea-going mammals that have a great deal of intelligence. Some Move 180’/min. (swimming)
are more aggressive than others, but all are dangerous, mostly because of Magic Resistance Standard
their great size. There are a great number of whale species; only a No. of Attacks 1
representative few are detailed here. Despite popular opinion, they are not all Damage 5d4
“gentle giants.” Whales are economically valuable for practically their entire Defenses None
body, and a fresh whale carcass can be sold for 100 gp. per hit die. All Attacks Tail smash
whales can communicate across immense distances underwater in a slow and Weaknesses None
graceful language that is mutually intelligible across all whale species. Size L (25’ long)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,300 + 16/h.p.
Evasion +2

General: Killer whales, also known as orcas, are found in every open ocean,
from the warmest to the coldest, along the coasts and in the deeps. They are
aggressive hunters, and will not hesitate to attack humans. Some are known to
feed on sharks.

Combat: Killer whales attack with their bite. In addition, when on the surface
they can smash with their tails, causing 6 h.p. when they hit. They are able to
overturn small boats, and sometimes medium-sized ones as well.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Sperm whales attack with their bite. In addition, when on the surface
Appearance: Killer whales are known for their characteristic black and white they are able to smash with their tails, doing 18 h.p. of damage when they
coloration. They have prominent dorsal fins, and many large teeth. hit. They are capable of overturning medium-sized boats with ease, and have
been known to attack large ships when provoked.
Sperm whales can swallow small creatures such as humans whole, if they score
Number 1d6 a hit with their mouth 5 or more higher than the minimum roll required to hit.
Morale +7 They have a chance to hold coins, gems, and jewelry in their stomach (see
Hit Dice 6d10 above). Creatures so swallowed will suffer 1 h.p. of damage every 10 minutes
Armor Class 6 from the digestive juices, although the whale can be induced to cough up its
Move 210’/min. (swimming) contents if enough irritation is produced in its stomach.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Appearance: Sperm whales are enormous sea-creatures with blunt heads and
Damage 2d12 (male), 1d6 (female) horizontal flukes. They are blue-gray in color.
Defenses None
Attacks None Worm, Sea
Weaknesses None
Size L (20’ long plus tusk) Number 1d2
Intelligence 3 Morale +19
Alignment Neutral Hit Dice 15d12
Treasure Type None Armor Class 6 (exterior), 9 (stomach)
Treasure Value n/a Move 90’/min. (swimming)
Magical Treasure None Magic Resistance Standard
X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p. No. of Attacks 2 (1 in front, 1 in rear)
Evasion +3 Damage 2d12/2d4
Defenses None
General: Narwhals are found in the coldest regions of the ocean, at home Attacks Swallow, poison
under pack ice for long periods of time. They are carnivores, but not generally Weaknesses None
hostile towards humans. Size L (50’ long)
Intelligence 0
Combat: Male narwhals attack with their great single tusk, which can reach Alignment Neutral
lengths of up to 10’. Females attack by ramming targets with their head. Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value 1d4+1x1,000
Appearance: Narwhals are much like other whales, with the notable exception Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%)
of the males, who sport a single enormous tusk which juts from the head. X.P. Value 4,900 + 20/h.p.
Sperm Whale Evasion -1

Number 1d8 General: Sea worms are related to purple worms and dwell in the muck and
Morale +18 mire at the bottom of the sea. They will often times surface to attack prey,
Hit Dice 36d12 including whole ships. In their lair they regurgitate metals and gems that they
Armor Class 4 consume, which are not digestible.
Move 240’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Sea worms attack with their bite and the stinger located on the tip of
No. of Attacks 1 their tails (which will do the damage indicated above and slay those stung
Damage 15d4 unless they make a saving throw vs. poison). Because of their great length, this
Defenses None usually means only one or the other will be employed (depending on the
Attacks Tail smash, swallow disposition of the attackers) but in large open spaces, or against great numbers
Weaknesses None of foes, both can be used.
Size L (65’ long)
Intelligence 8 If the mouth strikes an enemy (maximum 8’ x 6’ in size) with a roll of 4 or
Alignment Neutral higher more than required, the purple worm has swallowed the victim. A
Treasure Type Special (35% chance of being in stomach) natural 20 will always indicate a swallowing, regardless of the actual number
Treasure Value 1d3x1000 coins of each type, 1d20 gems, 1d20 needed to hit. The victim will automatically die in 6 rounds; 2 hours later the
jewelry victim will be completely digested and thus beyond the power of magic such
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (35%) as raise dead to restore. If, however, the swallowed victim is able to cut its
X.P. Value 8,000 + 35/h.p. way out of the worm before the 6 rounds have elapsed, it can escape its fate.
Evasion +4 Only slashing or thrusting weapons can do damage, and the amount of
damage done is reduced by 1 for each round the victim is inside the worm.
General: Sperm whales are found in most deeper seas, from the coldest ice- The stomach has an effective AC of 9, when attacked from within.
free waters to the warmest. They shun broad shallow seas, but frequent
continental shelves and deep underwater chasms. They are carnivores, hunting Appearance: Sea worms are fifty feet long and some 8 feet in diameter. Their
not only fish, but giant squid as well. They are the largest non-monstrous heads are dominated by a great tooth-filled maw, and their tails sport a large
creature known to exist. Sperm whales produce ambergris, which is worth stinger. Their skin is a mottled gray and brown.
1d20x1000 g.p. per chunk.
See also: worm, purple (p. 247).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Allosaurus

Prehistoric Monster Number 1d2

Descriptions Morale
Hit Dice
Armor Class 5
Although dinosaurs and many other creatures from various periods are listed Move 150’/min.
herein, it should be stressed that the dinosaurs reigned on earth for many Magic Resistance Standard
millions of years, and most of them did not exist at the same time as one No. of Attacks 3
another. Of course, given the nature of time in a magical world such as that Damage 1d4/1d4/6d4
posited in the game, nothing prevents the game master from mixing and Defenses None
matching dinosaurs (or any other creaure, for that matter) from different Attacks None
periods, having some survive in some demi-plane, lost continent, hollow world, Weaknesses None
isolated valley or plateau, etc. Size L (30’ long)
Intelligence 0
For reference, the period in which each creature flourished historically is given, Alignment Neutral
as indicated below. The age of the dinosaurs ended with the end of the Treasure Type None
Cretaceous period, and the famous Cretaceous Extinction. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Period Time Span (approximate) X.P. Value 2,400 + 20/h.p.
Cambrian 542 million BCE - 496 million BCE
Ordovician 496 million BCE - 445 million BCE
Silurian 445 million BCE - 418 million BCE
Devonian 418 million BCE - 374 million BCE
Carboniferous 374 million BCE - 303 million BCE
Permian 303 million BCE - 253 million BCE
Triassic 253 million BCE - 203 million BCE
Jurassic 203 million BCE - 150 million BCE
Cretaceous 150 million BCE - 65 million BCE
Paleogene 65 million BCE - 23 million BCE
Neogene 23 million BCE - 2.5 million BCE
Pleistocene 2.5 million BCE - 12,000 BCE
Holocene 12,000 BCE - Present

All dinosaurs (and creatures that are like dinosaurs) are simple-minded (nearly
to the point of mindlessness) eating machines. Herbivores will ignore non- General: Allosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
threatening creatures (although a stampede of a herd of such creatures will
result in almost certain death for those caught in its path), while carnivores will Combat: In combat, allosaurus attacks with its foreclaws and massive bite. If
pursue food doggedly until it is quite out of reach. the creature hits with both claws, it has grasped its prey and gets a +4 bonus
”to hit” with its bite.
Dinosaurs with Feathers?
Appearance: Allosaurus is a bipedal dinosaur with a large head with great
In recent years, archaeologists and paleontologists have concluded that many jaws and prominent teeth, a long tail, and small arms with claws.
species of dinosaurs sported feathers. While it would certainly be more
historically accurate for a game master to declare some or all of his dinosaurs Amebelodon
to bear feathers, such would run counter to the image of the dinosaur in the
public imagination, from books and films. Number 1d10
Morale +7
The game is thus agnostic on the question of whether or not dinosaurs found Hit Dice 10d12
within it should be feathered or not. The question is left for each game master Armor Class 6
to decide, and hinges on whether historical accuracy, or indulging the Move 150’/min.
imaginative expectations of the players, is considered to be of greater Magic Resistance Standard
importance. No. of Attacks 5
Damage 2d10/2d10/2d4/2d6/2d6
Of course, it is also possible to play on those expectations and present players Defenses None
with enormous giant flightless birds with claws and teeth, figuring that if the Attacks None
characters don’t know what a dinosaur is, you might not feel obligated to clue Weaknesses None
in the players as to what, exactly, it is that they’re facing… Size L (9’ tall)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,800 + 18/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Amebelodons are elephant-like creatures that were found in most General: Anchisaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the early Jurassic period.
climates from the Miocene through the Pleistocene eras. They are leaf-eaters
and can dig up roots with their large lower tusks. Combat: Anchisaurus attacks with its bite. It is not normally aggressive,
however. It will climb trees to escape predators, if available.
Combat: Combat: Amebelodons attack with their great tusks, grasping and
squeezing with their trunk, and trampling enemies with their fore legs. They Appearance: Anchisaurus is a bipedal dinosaur with a relatively small head
will not attack anything with their trunk that would injure them in the process. and long tail.
No more than two attacks can be used against the same target.
Appearance: Amebelodons look like elephants with broad, spade-like tusks
protruding from their lower jaw. Number 1d4+1
Morale -2
See also: elephant (p. 73), mammoth (p. 303), mastodon (p. 304), and Hit Dice 9d10
oliphant (p. 171). Armor Class 0
Move 60’/min.
Anatosaurus Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Number 2d6 Damage 3d6
Morale -5 Defenses None
Hit Dice 12d10 Attacks None
Armor Class 5 Weaknesses None
Move 120’/min. Size L (15’ long)
Magic Resistance Standard Intelligence 0
No. of Attacks 1 Alignment Neutral
Damage 1d4 Treasure Type None
Defenses None Treasure Value n/a
Attacks None Magical Treasure None
Weaknesses None X.P. Value 900 + 12/h.p.
Size L (30’ long)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,300 + 16/h.p.

General: Anatosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period. It

will flee from any sign of danger.

Combat: Anatosaurus attacks with its long tail.

Appearance: Anatosaurus is a bipedal duck-billed dinosaur.


Number 2d10
Morale -2
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 7
Move 120’/min., 30’/min. (climbing trees)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4 General: Ankylosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.
Defenses Climbing
Attacks None Combat: In combat ankylosaurus attacks with its massive clubbed tail.
Weaknesses None
Size M (7’ long) Appearance: Ankylosaurus is quadrupedal, and sports a heavy-boned back
Intelligence 1 and protruding spikes along its perimeter, making it difficult to attack.
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Apatosaurus

Apatosaurus Axebeak

Number 3d6 Number 1d6

Morale -1 Morale +2
Hit Dice 30d12 Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 6
Move 60’/min. Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 3
Damage 3d6 Damage 1d3/1d3/2d4
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks Trample Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (70’ long) Size L (7’)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,000 + 35/h.p. X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.

General: Apatosaurus is General: The axebeak is a large flightless bird found during the Pleistocene
an herbivorous dinosaur of era. It is an aggressive hunter.
the Jurassic period. They travel in
herds. It is also known as brontosaurus. Combat: The axebeak attacks with its two great claws and its large beak.

Appearance: The axebeak looks like a large ostrich, but with more muscular
Combat: Apatosaurus attacks with great sweeps of its tail. legs tipped with sharp claws, and a large head with an oversized razor-sharp
However, if it tramples smaller creatures, they beak.
will each take 4d10 h.p. of damage.
Appearance: Apatosaurus is an immense quadruped with a long neck and
tail, thick legs, and relatively small head. Number 1d3
Morale +4
Archelon Hit Dice 14d12
Armor Class 5
Number 1d4 Move 120’/min.
Morale -2 Magic Resistance Standard
Hit Dice 7d12 No. of Attacks 2
Armor Class 3 Damage 5d4/5d4
Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (swimming) Defenses None
Magic Resistance Standard Attacks None
No. of Attacks 1 Weaknesses None
Damage 3d4 Size L (20’ tall)
Defenses None Intelligence 3
Attacks None Alignment Neutral
Weaknesses None Treasure Type None
Size L (12’ long) Treasure Value n/a
Intelligence 0 Magical Treasure None
Alignment Neutral X.P. Value 4,200 + 18/h.p.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a General: The baluchitherium is an ancestor of the rhinoceros found in the late
Magical Treasure None Paleogene period. If two are encountered, they will be a mated pair. A third
X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p. will be a young non-combatant young. Although it is herbivorous, it is
aggressive and will usually attack intruders who come too close.
General: Archelon is not properly a dinosaur, but lived during the Cretaceous
period. It is an herbivorous giant turtle. Combat: In combat the baluchitherium will charge, trampling enemies with its
great forefeet.
Combat: Archelon attacks with its massive beak.
Appearance: The baluchitherium looks like an enormous hornless rhinoceros
Appearance: Archelon is a giant turtle-like creature with fins instead of legs. It with very long legs.
does not have a solid carapace, but rather bones that support a semi-rigid
covering on its back.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Bear, Cave
Appearance: Giant boars look like enormous versions of their ordinary
Number 1d2 cousins.
Morale +5
Hit Dice 6d10 See also: boar (p. 21).
Armor Class 6
Move 120’/min. Brachiosaurus
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 Number 3d6
Damage 1d8/1d8/1d12 Morale -2
Defenses None Hit Dice 36d12
Attacks Hug for 2d8 Armor Class 5
Weaknesses None Move 60’/min.
Size L (12’) Magic Resistance Standard
Intelligence 3 No. of Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral Damage 5d4
Treasure Type None Defenses None
Treasure Value n/a Attacks Trample
Magical Treasure None Weaknesses None
X.P. Value 475 + 8/h.p. Size L (60’ long)
Intelligence 0
General: Cave bears are very aggressive omnivores from the Pleistocene era. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Combat: Cave bears strike with their massive paws as well as a powerful bite. Treasure Value n/a
If a bear manages to hit a target with a natural 18 or better with one or both Magical Treasure None
of its paws, it will catch the prey in a grip and squeeze for 2d8 h.p. of damage. X.P. Value 5,000 + 35/h.p.
The hug only lasts that round, but hugs on subsequent rounds are possible.
Cave bears can fight for 1d4 minutes after being brought to negative hit points,
but will instantly die if brought to -9 or less.

Appearance: Cave bears are large furry mammals. They walk on all fours, but
can stand upright to reach things.

See also: bear (p. 15).

Boar, Giant

Adult Young
Number 2d4 See below
Morale +8 +8
Hit Dice 7d10 4d8 General: Brachiosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period. They
Armor Class 6 6 travel in herds, and are the largest of the dinosaurs, weighing some 80 tons.
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Combat: Brachiosaurus attacks with its massive tail. It can also trample smaller
No. of Attacks 1 1 creatures; if so, it will inflict 8d10 h.p. of damage.
Damage 3d6 1d6+1
Defenses None None Appearance: Brachiosaurus is an immense quadruped with a long neck and
Attacks None None tail, thick legs, and relatively small head.
Weaknesses None None
Size L (5’ at shoulder) M (3’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 1 1 Brontosaurus
Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None See Apatosaurus (p. 294).
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p. 60 + 4/h.p.

General: Giant boars are found in temperate climates throughout the

Pleistocene era. They are highly aggressive predators. If more than 2 are
encountered, there is a 25% chance that the remainder will be young.

Combat: Giant boars attack with their large slashing tusks. Adults are able to
fight 1d4 rounds past the point of reaching negative hit points. As soon as they
reach -11 hit points, however, they will collapse.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Camarasaurus

Camarasaurus General: High arctic camels are found in cold forests in the Pleistocene period.
If trained from birth, high arctic camels can be used as beasts of burden, and
Number 2d4 can carry loads as indicated below:
Morale -5
Hit Dice 20d12 Burden Speed
Armor Class 6 0-400 lbs. 210’/min.
Move 60’/min. 401-500 lbs. 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard 501-600 lbs. 90’/min.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d4 They can also go for up to two weeks without food or water, utilizing the stores
Defenses None of fat in their hump. They can endure cold conditions well.
Attacks Trample
Weaknesses None Combat: High arctic camels can inflict a nasty bite. They are also known to
Size L (50’ long) spit, but this is more inconvenient and disgusting than truly harmful.
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Appearance: High arctic camels are large quadrupeds with a single large
Treasure Type None hump. They have shaggy white-brown coats.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None See also: camel (p. 29).
X.P. Value 4,000 + 30/h.p.

Number 2d8
Morale +3
Hit Dice 1d8 - 3d8
Armor Class 7
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (stampede)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size M-L
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
General: Camarasaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Combat: Camarasaurus attacks with its great tail. If it tramples or stampedes
Magical Treasure None
over smaller creatures, it will do 3d10 h.p. of damage.
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p.
Appearance: Camarasaurus is an immense quadruped with a long neck and
General: Camptosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period
tail, legs that are both thick and tall, and a relatively squat and round head.
known for its stupidity. They travel in herds, and it is possible to be caught in
a stampede of these creatures. Roll to determine the size of each member of
Camel, High Arctic the herd unless already known:

Number 1d12 Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Size

Morale -1 1-2 1d8 M (8’ long)
Hit Dice 3 3-4 2d8 L (12’ long)
Armor Class 7 5-6 3d8 L (18’ long)
Move 210’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Combat: Camptosaurus does not attack conventionally. However, if one of the
No. of Attacks 1 members of the herd is slain, the rest will stampede in a random direction.
Damage 1d4 Anyone caught in the stampede must make a saving throw vs. death or be
Defenses None trampled to death.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None Appearance: Camptosaurus is a bipedal dinosaur with a thick body, relatively
Size L small tail, and slight fringe running down the neck.
Intelligence 2
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Cave Bear
Treasure Value n/a
See bear, cave (p. 295).
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Cave Lion Cetiosaurus

See lion, cave (p. 303). Number 1d4

Morale -3
Caveman Hit Dice 24d12
Armor Class 6
See human, caveman (p. 301). Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Ceratosaurus Damage 3d6
Defenses None
Number 1d4 Attacks Trample
Morale +3 Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 8d10 Size L (60’ long)
Armor Class 5 Intelligence 0
Move 150’/min. Alignment Neutral
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Type None
No. of Attacks 3 Treasure Value n/a
Damage 1d6/1d6/4d4 Magical Treasure None
Defenses None X.P. Value 5,000 + 35/h.p.
Attacks Trample
Weaknesses None General: Cetiosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
Size L (17’ long)
Intelligence 0 Combat: Cetiosaurus attacks with a sweep of its tail. However, if it tramples
Alignment Neutral smaller creatures, they will take 4d10 h.p. of damage.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: Cetiosaurus is a quadruped, but its tail is noticeably shorter and
Magical Treasure None the neck thicker than other dinosaurs of its general type.
X.P. Value 600 + 12/h.p.


Number 3d4
Morale See below
Hit Dice 2d10
Armor Class 4
Move 210’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1/1/1d4+1
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S (3’ long)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
General Ceratosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.
Combat: Ceratosaurus attacks with its two foreclaws and large tooth-filled bite.
General: Coelophysis is a pack-hunting carnivorous dinosaur of the Triassic
Appearance: Ceratosaurus is bipedal, with a long tail and short fore arms. It
period. It will flee from larger predators but will tenaciously pursue prey,
is noted for the blade-like horn on its nose, which is not, however, used in
worrying larger animals to death over long courses of time.
Appearance: Coelophysis attacks with its two rear claws and its bite.

Appearance: Coelophysis is a tiny bipedal dinosaur with a long neck and tail.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Compsognathus


Number 1d12
Morale -3
Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class 5
Move 100’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3
Defenses None
Attacks Enemies get -1 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses None
Size S (1 ½’)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral General: Deinonychus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Combat: Deinonychus attacks with its foreclaws and bite. If it is able to jump
Magical Treasure None at an opponent (with 10’ distance and a running start) it will attack with its
X.P. Value 5 + 1/h.p. rear raking spurs, getting a +2 bonus “to hit” and doing 2d6 h.p. of damage
if it hits. Once the jump/rake attack has been made, however, it would need
General: Compsognathus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period. to disengage from melee in order to do it again.
They hunt in packs and are nocturnal.
Appearance: Deinonychus is a bipedal dinosaur with relatively long arms and
Combat: Compsognathus attacks with its bite. Due to its size, it is more likely tail, a large head, and large spurs on its rear feet for ripping into the vitals of
to surprise prey, even when hunting in packs. its prey.

Appearance: Compsognathus is a small bipedal dinosaur with a long neck

and tail.
Number 1d3
Deinonychus Morale +7
Hit Dice 8d10
Number 1d6 Armor Class 5
Morale +5 Move 180’/min.
Hit Dice 4d10 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class 4 No. of Attacks 3
Move 210’/min. Damage 2d6/2d6/1d6
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None
No. of Attacks 3 Attacks None
Damage 1d2/1d2/2d4 Weaknesses None
Defenses None Size L (20’ long)
Attacks Jump and rake Intelligence 1
Weaknesses None Alignment Neutral
Size L (12’ long) Treasure Type None
Intelligence 1 Treasure Value n/a
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure None
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 600 + 12/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None General: Dilophosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
X.P. Value 130 + 5/h.p.
Combat: Dilophosaurus attacks with its rear claws and bite.

Appearance: Dilophosaurus is bipedal with a crest on its skull between the

eyes. It has a long tail and relatively long arms.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Dimetrodon Appearance: Dinicthys is an enormous fish with bony armored plates covering
its head.
Number 1d2
Morale +5 Diplodocus
Hit Dice 4d10
Armor Class 4 Number 1d6
Move 120’/min., 60’/min. (swimming) Morale -3
Magic Resistance Standard Hit Dice 24d12
No. of Attacks 1 Armor Class 6
Damage 1d10+5 Move 60’/min.
Defenses None Magic Resistance Standard
Attacks None No. of Attacks 1
Weaknesses None Damage 3d6
Size L (9’ long) Defenses None
Intelligence 1 Attacks Trample
Alignment Neutral Weaknesses None
Treasure Type None Size L (80’ long)
Treasure Value n/a Intelligence 0
Magical Treasure None Alignment Neutral
X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
General: Dimetrodon Magical Treasure None
is often mistaken for X.P. Value 5,000 + 35/h.p.
a dinosaur, but is
actually related to General: Diplodocus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
both reptiles and mammals.
Whatever its ancestry, is Combat: Diplodocus attacks with its great tail. If it tramples smaller
a voracious creatures, it will do 3d10 h.p. of damage to each.
predator of the Permian period.
Appearance: Diplodocus is a quadruped, with a long neck, very long tail and
Combat: Dimetrodon attacks with its powerful bite. a relatively small head.

Appearance: Dimetrodon is a quadruped, with its most notable feature being Elasmosaurus
the sail-like fin along its back.
Number 1d2
Dinicthys Morale +7
Hit Dice 15d12
Number 1d4 Armor Class 7
Morale +3 Move 90’/min. (swimming)
Hit Dice 10d12 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class 2 (head), 7 (body) No. of Attacks 1
Move 210’/min. (swimming) Damage 4d6
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses None
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks None
Damage 5d4 Weaknesses None
Defenses None Size L (50’ long)
Attacks None Intelligence 0
Weaknesses None Alignment Neutral
Size L (25’ long) Treasure Type None
Intelligence 0 Treasure Value n/a
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure None
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 2,400 + 20/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a Evasion ±0
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,500 + 14/h.p.
Evasion +7

General: Dinichtys is a prehistoric saltwater fish found in the Devonian period.

Combat: Dinicthys attacks with its bite. On a natural roll of 20 “to hit” it
swallows its prey whole. If that happens, death will occur automatically in 1d3
rounds unless the dinicthys is slain and cut open to release the prey. Once
swallowed, no weapons may be used, nor spells cast that require gestures.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Euparkeria


Number 1d2
Morale +5
Hit Dice 13d12
Armor Class 5
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d3/1d3/7d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (30’ long)
General: Elasmosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period. It Intelligence 0
inhabited the water exclusively. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Combat: Elasmosaurus attacks with its bite full of sharp teeth. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: Elasmosaurus has an enormously long neck which acts like a X.P. Value 1,800 + 18/h.p.
rudder for the rest of the creature. It has a short tail and fins, and a smallish
head filled with sharp teeth.


Number 2d4
Morale +1
Hit Dice 1d10
Armor Class 5
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+1
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S (2’ long)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p.

General: Euparkeria is a small carnivorous reptile of the Triassic period. It is

semi-upright, usually moving on all four limbs but using only its two hind legs
when running. General Gorgosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.

Combat: Euparkeria attacks with its bite. Combat: Gorgosaurus attacks with its two foreclaws and massive bite.

Appearance: Euparkeria is a quadruped, about the size of a dog, but can run Appearance: Gorgosaurus is bipedal, with a massive head, small forearms,
on its hind legs. and a long tail.

Giant Boar

See boar, giant (p. 295).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Number 2d4
Morale +1
Hit Dice 5d8
Armor Class 7
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 90 + 5/h.p.

General: Hyaenodons are predatory animals that live and hunt in packs. They
can be found in tropical and sub-tropical open terrain. They are both effective
hunters and scavengers.

Attack: Hyaenodons attack with their powerful jaws. General: Caveman is a generic term for very primitive humans living at a
Neolithic level (including both Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal). Occasionally
Appearance: Hyaenodons can have stripes or spots or be relatively solid in they will be found in the modern era, in extremely isolated valleys, plateaus,
coloration, and their fur ranges from short to shaggy. etc. Caveman lairs will invariably be in large caves and cavern complexes; in
their homes there will also be as many non-combatant females and half as
See also: hyena (p. 132). many children as there are males. Cavemen will have the following NPCs as
leaders, as indicated below (NPCs are cumulative unless otherwise noted).
High Arctic Camel
• For every 10 tribesmen, there will be a 3rd level fighter and a 10%
See camel, high arctic (p. 296). chance of a 3rd level shaman
• 1d4 fourth level fighters
• 1 fifth level fighter (the chief of the tribe)
Human, Caveman
Due to their superstitious nature and fear of new and unusual situations,
Neanderthal Cro Magnon
cavemen get a -1 penalty on all morale checks dealing with such.
Number 1d10x10 1d10x10
Morale ±0 (see below) ±0 (see below)
Combat: Cavemen fight with weapons. The weapon of any given tribesman
Hit Dice 2d10 2d8
should be determined randomly. For large groups, you may wish to use the %
Armor Class 7 7
Composition column, rather than rolling percentile dice for each individual
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Die roll Armed with… % Composition
Damage Per weapon type, +1 Per weapon type
01-50 Stone club (treat as mace) 50%
due to strength
51-70 Spear 20%
Defenses None None
71-80 Spear & stone axe 10%
Attacks None None
81-00 Stone axe 20%
Weaknesses None None
Size M M
Appearance: Cavemen are muscular, with Neanderthals looking somewhat
Intelligence 6 8
more brutish than their Cro-Magnon cousins, but otherwise little different. They
Alignment Neutral Neutral
wear skins. Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons each speak their own language.
Treasure Type Special Special
Treasure Value 5% chance of one of the following per 10 tribesmen:
See also: human (p. 125).
2d6 ivory tusks (1,000 g.p. each), 2d4x10 gold
nuggests (5 g.p. each), 1d100 uncut gems (10 g.p.
Magical Treasure None None
X.P. Value 28 + 3/h.p. 20 + 2/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Iguanadon

Iguanadon Combat: Irish deer attack with their enormous antlers. They can attack up to
two targets, as long as both are within 10’ of one another.
Number 3d6
Morale -2 Appearance: Irish deer look like large elks with enormous horns that spread
Hit Dice 13d12 more than 10’ from tip to tip.
Armor Class 5
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Kentrosaurus
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d3/1d3/2d4 Number 1d6
Defenses None Morale +10
Attacks None Hit Dice 11d10
Weaknesses None Armor Class 2 (bone plates), 6 (underside)
Size L (30’ long) Move 90’/min.
Intelligence 0 Magic Resistance Standard
Alignment Neutral No. of Attacks 1
Treasure Type None Damage 4d4
Treasure Value n/a Defenses Spike attack
Magical Treasure None Attacks None
X.P. Value 150 + 6/h.p. Weaknesses None
Size L (16’ long)
General: Iguanadon is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period. Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Combat: Iguanadon attacks with its thumb-spikes and tail. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Appearance: Iguanadon is semi-upright, sometimes walking on all fours, but Magical Treasure None
able to stand and move upright. It has a thick but short tail and the hands sport X.P. Value 2,750 + 18/h.p.
a prominent thumb spike which is used in combat.
General: Kentrosaurus is a herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.
Irish Deer
Combat: Kentrosaurus attacks with its massive, spike-covered tail. Any attacks
Number 1d8 against the creature are 80% likely to be made against its bone plates, as it is
Morale +6 expert at turning and adjusting its posture to present them to enemies. In
Hit Dice 4d8 addition, any creature attacking the rear of the creature has a 25% chance of
Armor Class 7 being attacked by the spikes along that quarter; a successful hit will inflict 1d8
Move 180’/min. h.p. of damage.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 Appearance: Kentrosaurus is a quadruped with a series of large bony plates
Damage 2d6/2d6 along its spine that give way to large spikes about halfway down its back. It
Defenses None has a small head, large body, and relatively long tail.
Attacks None
Weaknesses None Lambeosaurus
Size L (7’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 1 Number 2d8
Alignment Neutral Morale -4
Treasure Type n/a Hit Dice 12d12
Treasure Value Neutral Armor Class 6
Magical Treasure None Move 120’/min.
X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
General: Irish deer (aka Damage 2d6
irish elk, giant deer, Defenses None
etc.) are found in Attacks None
the Pleistocene era Weaknesses None
in temperate Size L (20’ long)
regions. They are not Intelligence 0
aggressive, save if Alignment Neutral
attacked, or in the Treasure Type None
spring when they are Treasure Value n/a
rutting. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,300 + 16/h.p.

General: Lambeosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Lambeosaurus attacks with its bite. Combat: Mamenchisaurus attacks by rearing up and attacking with its
forelegs. However, if it should accidentally trample a man-sized creature, that
Appearance: Lambeosaurus can go either bipedal or quadrupedal. Its most creature will take 3d8 h.p. of damage.
distinctive feature is the large bony crest on the top of the skull, which is used
to generate sound to warn others in the herd of the approach of predators. Appearance: Mamenchisaurus is a quadruped with a large body, thin tail,
and enormously long (30’) neck.
Lion, Cave
Number 1d3
Morale +4 Number 1d12
Hit Dice 6d10 Morale +8
Armor Class 6 Hit Dice 13d12
Move 120’/min. Armor Class 5
Magic Resistance Standard Move 120’/min.
No. of Attacks 3 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 1d6/1d6/1d12 No. of Attacks 5
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls Damage 3d6/3d6/2d8/2d6/2d6
Attacks Rake with rear claws for 1d8/1d8 Defenses None
Weaknesses None Attacks None
Size L Weaknesses None
Intelligence 3 Size L (10’ - 14’ tall)
Alignment Neutral Intelligence 3
Treasure Type None Alignment Neutral
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Type None
Magical Treasure None Treasure Value n/a
X.P. Value 300 + 6/h.p. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 3,000 + 18/h.p.
General: Cave lions can be found in almost any warm terrain from desert to
savannah to swamp, and are found in the Pleistocene epoch. In their den there
will also be 1d10 cubs (the cubs are non-combatants). The cubs will be
guarded by 1d4 lionesses, who will immediately attack any threat to the cubs.

Combat: Cave lions attack with their great foreclaws and bite. If both foreclaws
hit, they can also attack with their rear claws.

Appearance: Cave lions are large cats with tawny spotted coats.

See also: lion (p. 147).


Number 1d6
Morale +20
Hit Dice 18d12
Armor Class 7 General: Mammoths are large herbivores found from the Pliocene Epoch
Move 60’/min. through the Pleistocene. They can be found in nearly any climate where they
Magic Resistance Standard can graze on grasses and short plants. They travel in herds and are intelligent,
No. of Attacks 1 social animals, akin to elephants.
Damage 2d8
Defenses None Combat: Mammoths attack with their great tusks, grasping and squeezing with
Attacks None their trunk, and trampling enemies with their fore legs. They will not attack
Weaknesses None anything with their trunk that would injure them in the process. No more than
Size L (80’ long) two attacks can be used against the same target.
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Appearance: Mammoths look like elephants with long shaggy fur. Their tusks
Treasure Type None are larger than those of the elephant, and they have large rises on the tops of
Treasure Value n/a their skulls.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,000 + 35/h.p. See also: amebelodon (p. 292), elephant (p. 73), mastodon (p. 304), and
oliphant (p. 171)
General: Mamenchisaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Massospondylus

Massospondylus General: Mastodons are elephant-like creatures that were found in most
climates from the Oligocene through the Pleistocene eras. They are leaf-eaters.
Number 4d4
Morale -3 Combat: Combat: Mammoths attack with their great tusks, grasping and
Hit Dice 7d8 squeezing with their trunk, and trampling enemies with their fore legs. They
Armor Class 5 will not attack anything with their trunk that would injure them in the process.
Move 150’/min. No more than two attacks can be used against the same target.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Appearance: Mastodons look like elephants with short fur and longer tails.
Damage 3d4
Defenses None See also: amebelodon (p. 292), elephant (p. 73), mammoth (p. 303), and
Attacks None oliphant (p. 171)
Weaknesses None
Size L (18’ long) Megalodon (Giant Shark)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Number 1d3
Treasure Type None Morale +20
Treasure Value n/a Hit Dice 10d12-15d12
Magical Treasure None Armor Class 5
X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p. Move 180’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard
General: Massospondylus is an omnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period. It No. of Attacks 1
is not aggressive, however, and will generally retreat after biting an attacker Damage See below
once. Defenses None
Attacks Swallow whole
Combat: Massospondylus attacks with its bite. Weaknesses None
Size L
Appearance: Massospondylus is a bipedal dinosaur with a long tail and neck. Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Mastodon Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Number 1d12 Magical Treasure None
Morale +8 X.P. Value See below
Hit Dice 12d12 Evasion +6
Armor Class 6
Move 150’/min. General: Megalodons, or giant sharks, are an ancestor of the modern shark,
Magic Resistance Standard differing little from their descendent except in size. They can detect blood or
No. of Attacks 5 thrashing in the water up to a mile distant, and are 90% likely to attack injured
Damage 2d8/2d8/2d6/2d6/2d6 creatures. The size of the megaladon should be determined randomly:
Defenses None
Attacks None Die Roll
Weaknesses None (d6) Hit dice Size Damage X.P. Value
Size L (10’ tall) 1 10d12 L (20’) 4d4 1,500 + 14/h.p.
Intelligence 3 2 11d12 L (26’) 4d4 2,150 + 16/h.p.
Alignment Neutral 3 12d12 L (32’) 5d4 2,250 + 16/h.p.
Treasure Type None 4 13d12 L (38’) 5d4 3,000 + 18/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a 5 14d12 L (44’) 6d6 3,100 + 18/h.p.
Magical Treasure None 6 15d12 L (50’) 6d6 4,000 + 20/h.p.
X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p.
Combat: Megalodons attack with their bite. If they strike a target with a roll 4
or more greater than the minimum needed to hit, they have swallowed the
target whole. Such victims must free themselves within 6 rounds by cutting
through the shark (killing it) or be automatically slain. For each round the victim
is within the shark’s belly, damage done is reduced by 1 h.p., and blunt
weapons will have no effect. If the creature is killed from the outside, it will
take but one round to cut through into the stomach with a sharp weapon to
free someone trapped within.

Appearance: Megalodons look like giant versions of normal sharks.

See also: shark (p. 284).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Megalosaurus Monoclonius

Number 1d2 Number 2d6

Morale +3 Morale +1
Hit Dice 12d12 Hit Dice 8d12
Armor Class 5 Armor Class 4 (body), 2 (head)
Move 120’/min. Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d6 Damage 2d8
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks None Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (25’ long) Size L (18’ long)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,300 + 16/h.p. X.P. Value 550 + 8/h.p.

General: Megalosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period. General: Monoclonius is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.

Combat: Megalosaurus attacks with its massive tooth-filled jaws. Combat: Monoclonius attacks with its prominent horn, which projects from its
Appearance: Megalosaurus is bipedal, with a relatively short tail, small arms,
and large head. Appearance: Monoclonius is a quadruped, and has not only a large horn
projecting upwards from its snout, but also a large bony frill at the base of the
Megatherium skull, which provides an excellent defense against frontal attack.

Number 2d4 Mosasaurus

Morale +2
Hit Dice 6d10 Number 1d3
Armor Class 5 Morale +4
Move 60’/min. Hit Dice 12d12
Magic Resistance Standard Armor Class 7
No. of Attacks 2 Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (swimming)
Damage 2d6/2d6 Magic Resistance Standard
Defenses None No. of Attacks 1
Attacks None Damage 4d8
Weaknesses None Defenses None
Size L (20’ long) Attacks None
Intelligence 3 Weaknesses None
Alignment Neutral Size L (50’ long)
Treasure Type None Intelligence 0
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Neutral
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type None
X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
General: The megatherium, or X.P. Value 1,300 + 18/h.p.
giant sloth, is a large land mammal
found from the Pleiocene through the Pleistocene periods. Although it is General: Mosasaurus is a marine dinosaur and a carnivore of the Cretaceous
primarily an herbivore, it will sometimes take over kills from large predators to period.
supplement its diet. It is aggressive only when threatened or very hungry.
Combat: Mosasaurus attacks with its great jaws.
Combat: Megatheriums attack with their heavy foreclaws.
Appearance: Mosasaurus has a relatively thick body and tail, flippers, and a
Appearance: Megatheriums are large furred mammals with large claws and crocodile-like head.
thick tails. Although they primarily stand on four legs, they can stand upright
to feed on tall tree branches and will use their tails as a counter-balance. They
are thick and well-muscled.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Nothosaurus

Nothosaurus Pentaceratops

Number 1 Number 2d6

Morale +5 Morale +3
Hit Dice 6d8 Hit Dice 12d12
Armor Class 6 Armor Class 6 (body), 2 (head)
Move 30’/min., 180’/min. Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 3
Damage 2d6 Damage 1d6/1d10/1d10
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks None Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (13’ long) Size L (20’ long)
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 150 + 6/h.p. X.P. Value 1,300 + 18/h.p.

General: Nothosaurus is a semi-aquatic reptile from the Triassic period.

Combat: Nothosaurus attacks with its bite.

Appearance: Nothosaurus is a quadruped with flippers instead of legs. It has

a long tail and a flat head with needle-like teeth.


Number 2d6
Morale +2
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 4
Move 240’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None General: Pentaceratops is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.
Size M (7’ long)
Intelligence 1 Combat: Pentaceratops attacks with its nasal horn and two great horns on its
Alignment Neutral forehead.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: Pentaceratops is a quadruped, with one horn protruding from its
Magical Treasure None snout and two more protruding forward from its skull. It sports an enormous
X.P. Value 20 + 2/h.p. bony frill at the base of the skull, which defends it against attacks from the
front. It has two more horns under its eyes, but these are not used in combat.
General: Ornitholestes is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Jurassic period. They
are pack hunters and will attack larger creatures if they can reasonably take
them down.

Combat: Ornitholestes attacks with its bite.

Appearance: Ornitholestes is a bipedal dinosaur with a long tal and short



Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Phororhacos Plesiosaurus

Number 2d6 Number 1d3

Morale +8 Morale +3
Hit Dice 7d10 Hit Dice 20d12
Armor Class 6 Armor Class 7
Move 150’/min. Move 150’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d6 Damage 5d4
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks Jump Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (8’ tall) Size L (50’ long)
Intelligence 1 Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value X.P. Value 4,000 + 30/h.p.
Evasion +3
General: Phororhacos is a flightless bird of the early Neogene period. It is an
aggressive carnivore.

Combat: Phororhacos attacks with its two legs and beak. When initially
attacking, it will leap towards its prey (up to 10’) and the legs, if they hit, will
do double damage.

Appearance: Phororhacos is a large flightless bird with a large beak (which

sports a down-pointing spike on the tip, for puncturing the skulls of prey) and
vestigial wings.


Number 5d4
Morale -5
Hit Dice 8d12
Armor Class 5
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 0
Damage n/a
Defenses None
Attacks Trample
Weaknesses None
Size L (20’ long)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None General: Plesiosaurus is a marine dinosaur, and a carnivore from the Jurassic
Treasure Value n/a period.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 375 + 10/h.p. Combat: Plesiosaurus attacks with its bite.

General: Plateosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Triassic period. Appearance: Plesiosaurus has a long neck, club-like head, and four flippers.
Its tail is relatively short.
Combat: Plateosaurus will invariably flee rather than attack. If it tramples some
smaller creature, however, it can cause 1d10 h.p. of damage.

Appearance: Plateosaurus is bipedal, with a thick tail and short arms.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Pteranodon


Number 3d6 General: Pterodactyl (pronounced “ter-oh-dack-till”) is a flying reptile from the
Morale +2 Jurassic period. They fly in flocks and can hunt over water as well as land.
Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class 7 Combat: Pterodactyl attacks with its bite.
Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Pterodactyl is a delicate animal with webbed wings and a small
No. of Attacks 1 crest at the base of its skull.
Damage 2d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (20’ wingspan)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p.

Rhinoceros, Woolly

Number 1d4
Morale +7
Hit Dice 10d12
Armor Class 5
General: Pteranodon (pronounced “ter-on-oh-don”) is a flying carnivorous
Move 120’/min.
reptile from the Cretaceous period. It normally hunts in water, attacking fish
Magic Resistance Standard
and other creatures in shallow water, but it will attack other prey as well.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d6
Combat: Pteranodon doesn’t have any teeth, but it will spear prey with its
Defenses None
beak, and is capable of carrying aloft creatures many times its own weight
Attacks Charge, trample
(which is relatively light, 50 lbs. or so). It prefers to impale grounded creatures
Weaknesses None
on its long beak, take them up into the air, and then drop them to their deaths.
Size L
Intelligence 1
Appearance: Pteranodon is very delicate with great wings with a thin
Alignment Neutral
membrane. It has a large crest on its skull which aids in stabilizing flight.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Pterodactyl Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,350 + 14/h.p.
Number 4d6
Morale -2
Hit Dice 1d8
Armor Class 6
Move 30’/min., 210’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d3
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size S (4’ wingspan)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral General: Woolly rhinoceroses inhabit the Pleistocene epoch, and are
Treasure Type None herbivores, but very aggressive and will charge if approached. Their eyesight
Treasure Value n/a is poor but their hearing and smell are excellent. If 5 or 6 are encountered,
Magical Treasure None the last two will be young, and non-combatants.
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Wooly rhinoceroses attack with their horns. They will charge if Stegosaurus
possible, doing double damage. Against small-sized creatures, the rhinoceros
will also be able to trample, attacking with both forefeet and doing 2d4 h.p. Number 2d4
per foot that hits. Morale +2
Hit Dice 18d12
Appearance: Woolly rhinoceroses are quadrupeds with either one or two Armor Class 2 (plates), 5 (underside)
large horns on their noses. They are covered with thick red-brown hair. Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
See also: rhinoceros (p. 194). No. of Attacks 1
Damage 5d4
Smilodon Defenses None
Attacks None
Number 1d2 Weaknesses None
Morale +9 Size L (35’ long)
Hit Dice 7d10 Intelligence 0
Armor Class 6 Alignment Neutral
Move 120’/min. Treasure Type None
Magic Resistance Standard Treasure Value n/a
No. of Attacks 3 Magical Treasure None
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d6 X.P. Value 3,000 + 25/h.p.
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls
Attacks Rake with rear claws
Weaknesses None
Size L
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 550 + 10/h.p.

General: Stegosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur from the Jurassic period.

Combat: Stegosaurus attacks with its spiked tail, which it presents to any
threatening creature. It possesses large bony plates along its spine which
provide defense from most attacks (90% will strike at the bony plates).

Appearance: Stegosaurus is a quadruped, with a low head and very

prominent bony ridges along its spine. It also has a thick tail with four spikes
some 2’ or more in length.
General: Smilodons, often called saber-toothed cats, hailing from the
Pleistocene age. They are excellent hunters. Struthiomimus

Combat: Smilodons attack with their two powerful front claws and their famous Number 1d6
bite. They get a +2 bonus “to hit” when biting. If both front claws hit, they are Morale +7
able to rake with their rear claws for 2d4 h.p. of damage each. Hit Dice 6d10
Armor Class 6
Appearance: Smilodons are great cats. They are characterized by their 6”-9” Move 180’/min.
fangs. They have short tails, and their coats are tan with either spots or stripes. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d2/1d2/2d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (14’ long)
Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 225 + 8/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Styracosaurus

Combat: Tanystropheus attacks with its bite. When it is lying in wait in the
General: Struthiomimus is an omnivorous dinosaur from the Cretaceous period. water, with only its head visible, land-based prey will get a -3 penalty to
surprise rolls.
Combat: Struthiomimus attacks with its two front claws and bite.
Appearance: Tanystropheus is a quadrupedal dinosaur with an incredibly long
Appearance: Struthiomimus is a bipedal dinosaur with large legs and a long neck and tail. The neck is not overly flexible, however, and the body is flat
neck. The forelimbs are relatively large as well. (unlike other long-necked dinosaurs such as apatosaurus, for example).

Styracosaurus Temnodontosaurus

Number 2d4 Number 1

Morale +3 Morale +10
Hit Dice 10d12 Hit Dice 10d12
Armor Class 2 (head), 4 (body) Armor Class 4
Move 60’/min. Move 240’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 2
Damage 2d8 Damage 5d4/2d6
Defenses None Defenses None
Attacks None Attacks None
Weaknesses None Weaknesses None
Size L (18’ long) Size L (40’ long)
Intelligence 0 Intelligence 1
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,950 + 14/h.p. X.P. Value 1,800 + 18/h.p.
Evasion +4
General: Styracosaurus is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.
General: Temnodontosaurus is a carnivorous marine reptile (an “ichthyosaur”)
Combat: Styracosaurus attacks with its great horn jutting up from its nose. It of the Jurassic period. It is an aggressive hunter.
sports a ring of upright horns coming off a bone frill at the base of the neck,
which it uses for defense. Combat: Temnodontosaurus attacks with its massive bite and can also lash
enemies with its tail. Naturally, creatures must be near the rear quarter of the
Appearance: Styracosaurus is a quadruped with a thick tail. It has a large horn creature to receive the tail attack.
on its nose and a large bony frill at the base of the skull with four to six horns,
as well as horns protruding from its cheeks. Appearance: Temnodontosaurus looks like a large fish or dolphin, albeit one
with a long mouth full of sharp teeth. It has enormous eyes (8” around) which
Tanystropheus allow it to see clearly at great depths.

Number 1 Teratosaurus
Morale +5
Hit Dice 6d10 Number 1d3
Armor Class 5 Morale +1
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (swimming) Hit Dice 10d12
Magic Resistance Standard Armor Class 5
No. of Attacks 1 Move 180’/min.
Damage 1d8+4 Magic Resistance Standard
Defenses None No. of Attacks 3
Attacks Enemies get -3 to surprise rolls when in water Damage 1d3/1d3/3-18
Weaknesses None Defenses None
Size L (40’ long) Attacks None
Intelligence 1 Weaknesses None
Alignment Neutral Size L (20’ long)
Treasure Type None Intelligence 0
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Neutral
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type None
X.P. Value 375 + 10/h.p. Treasure Value n/a
Evasion -1 Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 900 + 14/h.p.
General: Tanystropheus is a semi-aquatic dinosaur from the Triassic period that
feeds mostly on fish. General: Teratosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Triassic period.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Teratosaurus attacks with its claws and fierce bite.

Appearance: Teratosaurus is a quadruped, looking something like a crocodile

with long legs.


Adult Young
Number 1d12 0-4 (see below)
Morale +17 +11
Hit Dice 12d12 6d12
Armor Class 6 6
Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 2d8 1d8
Defenses None None
Attacks Charge, trample Charge, trample
Weaknesses None None General: Triceratops is an herbivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.
Size L (8’ at shoulder) L (4’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 1 1 Combat: Triceratops attacks with its nasal horn and two large horns protruding
Alignment Neutral Neutral forward from its head. It also has a large bony frill that helps defend it from
Treasure Type None None frontal attacks.
Treasure Value n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None Appearance: Triceratops is a quadruped, with a horn on its nose and two
X.P. Value 2,000 + 16/h.p. 350 + 8/h.p. large horns on its forehead that aim forward. It has a large bony frill and a
relatively short tail.
General: Titanotheres are herbivorous herd animals from the Eocene period.
They are large and aggressive, however, and will almost never retreat once Tyrannosaurus
battle is joined. If more than 6 are encountered, 1d4 of the remainder will be
young. Number 1d2
Morale +10
Combat: Titanotheres attack with the prominent horns on their noses. They will Hit Dice 18d12
charge enemies who threaten the herd, doing double damage if they hit. They Armor Class 5
are also able to trample smaller creatures, doing 2d6 h.p. of damage per foot Move 180’/min.
(each foot attacks separately). Young trample for 1d6 h.p. Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Appearance: Titanotheres appear superficially like rhinoceroses, but they are Damage 1d6/1d6/5d8
actually more closely related to horses. They have a prominent bony protrusion Defenses None
on their nose which is much larger in the males than females. Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Triceratops Size L (20’ high, 50’ long)
Intelligence 0
Number 2d4 Alignment Neutral
Morale +4 Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 16d12 Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 2 (head), 6 (body) Magical Treasure None
Move 90’/min. X.P. Value 6,550 + 25/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d8/1d12/1d12
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (24’ long)
Intelligence 0
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 4,000 + 20/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Prehistoric Monster Descriptions - Velociraptor

Wolf, Dire

Number 3d4
Morale +3
Hit Dice 3d12
Armor Class 6
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size M (4’ at shoulder)
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
General: The feared Tyrannosaurus is a carnivorous dinosaur of the X.P. Value 60 + 4/h.p.
Cretaceous period. It is often called Tyrannosaurus Rex or simply T-Rex.

Combat: Tyrannosaurus attacks with its two claws and massive jaws.

Appearance: Tyrannosaurus is bipedal with a large head, small arms, and

long tail.


Number 3d6
Morale +7
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 5
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d10/1d10/1d4
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size L (2’ high, 5’ long)
Intelligence 4 General: Dire wolves are found in most climates save the hottest, during the
Alignment Neutral Pleistocene period. They move and hunt in packs and are cunning hunters. The
Treasure Type None howl of wolves will panic herd animals, pack animals, etc. 50% of the time,
Treasure Value n/a unless they are being actively calmed by humans. Wolf dens are 30% likely
Magical Treasure None to contain 1d4 cubs; these can be taken and trained as companions.
X.P. Value 35 + 3/h.p.
Combat: Dire wolves attack with their bite.
General: Velociraptor is a carnivorous dinosaur of the Cretaceous period.
They are sometimes called just “raptors”. They are very effective pack hunters Appearance: Dire wolves are four-legged predators similar in appearance to
and can display problem-solving intelligence. enormous dogs, whose fur can range in color from white to brown to black,
solid or with markings.
Combat: Velociraptor attacks with its two rear claws (which sport wickedly
sharp saber claws) and bite. Woolly Rhinoceros
Appearance: Velociraptor is bipedal and has a long tail. The head is medium-
See rhinoceros, woolly (p. 308).
sized and filled with razor-sharp teeth.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Aerial Servant
Extraplanar Monster Number 1

Descriptions Morale
Hit Dice
Armor Class 3
Achaierai Move 240’/min. (flying - perfect)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Number 1d8
Damage 8d4
Morale Special - see below
Defenses Invisible, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Hit Dice Special - see below
Attacks Enemies get -2 to surprise rolls
Armor Class 8 (body), -1 (legs)
Weaknesses None
Move 180’/min., 90’/min. (2 legs), 20’/min. (1 leg)
Size L (8’)
Magic Resistance G
Intelligence 3
No. of Attacks 3
Alignment Neutral
Damage 1d8/1d8/1d10
Treasure Type None
Defenses Smoke
Treasure Value n/a
Attacks None
Magical Treasure None
Weaknesses Holy water
X.P. Value 5,250 + 20 per h.p.
Size L (15’)
Intelligence 9
General: The aerial servant is a type of air elemental, usually found either on
Alignment Chaotic evil
the elemental plane of air, the ethereal, or the astral plane. They can be
Treasure Type XV
summoned to the material plane by clerics using the aerial servant spell. They
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
are immensely strong, and can carry 1,000 lbs. of goods.
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (10%)
X.P. Value 2,700
Combat: The natural invisibility of the aerial servant gives them a natural
advantage when surprising enemies; they get a -2 penalty to their surprise roll
(minimum of 1). Only weapons with a +1 or better enchantment can harm an
aerial servant. If they hit an opponent, they can catch them in a vice-like grip.
Only those with a strength greater than 18 can even attempt to break the grip
of the aerial servant; there is a 1% chance per point of exceptional strength,
and creatures with 18/00 or 19 strength can break the grip automatically.
Example: a fighter with a strength of 18/43 would have a 43% chance of
General: Achaierai are native to the plane of Acheron, although they are
breaking the grip of an aerial servant.
sometimes summoned to the material plane as guards or servants. They do not
fly, instead relying on their incredibly long legs to stride about the landscape.
Appearance: The aerial servant is normally invisible. On the astral or ethereal
planes, however, it can be dimply perceived as a shadowy humanoid outline.
Combat: Achaierai attack with two of their claws and their beak; however they
will not be able to reach man-sized creatures with their beak under most
circumstances. Concomitantly, man-sized creatures cannot usually reach the Agathion
more vulnerable body, being forced to attack the legs instead. Unlike most
creatures, an achaierai has a set number of hit points; the body has 40 h.p. Number 1
and each of the 4 legs has 15 h.p. When it attacks with its legs, it attacks as Morale +7
a 4d12 HD creature, while a beak attack is made as if it were a 12d12 HD Hit Dice 7d8
creature. Armor Class 0
Move 180’/min.
Achaierai never check morale under normal circumstances. However, if one Magic Resistance G
of the legs is severed, they will immediately attempt to flee. If two legs are No. of Attacks 2
severed, the creature will be reduced to half speed movement. Severed legs Damage Per weapon type
will re-grow in 2 days. Defenses Magic use, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Magic use
If the creature loses three legs, or suffers great damage to its body, it will spew Weaknesses Unholy water
forth a cloud of smoke in a 10’ radius. Any non-achaierai within the cloud will Size M
automatically take 2d6 h.p. of damage and must make a saving throw vs. Intelligence 11-18
poison. Failure means the victim will be reduced to the mental capacity of a Alignment Neutral good
dull child (including losing all spellcasting ability) for three hours. The achaierai Treasure Type None
will attempt to flee during this time. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
Appearance: An achaierai looks like a round bird on enormous stilt-like legs X.P. Value 1,800 + 10/h.p.
of metal. The body is dull red, with vestigial wings of metallic turquoise. The
face is rimmed with a brightly-colored crest, the exact color of which varies General: Agathia (plural) are native to the plane of Elysium, but can be found
from individual to individual. in the Twin Paradises and the Happy Hunting Grounds as well. When on the
material plane, they are found singly. They are beneficent creatures, dedicated


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Angel

to the cause of Good, and are often used on missions by good deities and the material plane without some sort of magical intervention (spell, gate,
other powerful creatures. magical device, etc.), but can enter the ethereal plane from the astral where
they intersect above the material.
An agathia can assume a variety of different forms. When on the material
plane, roll to determine which form it takes, unless otherwise specified: All angels have individual names, which can be used to summon, gate,
conjure, and possibly control them. A magic circle will keep lesser and greater
Die Roll (d%) Form angels at bay, but will have no effect on arch-angels.
01-60 Human
61-70 Lammasu All angels, of whatever choir, have the following abilities:
71-80 Shedu
81-90 Unicorn • Half damage from acid-based attacks
91-00 Non-corporeal • Half damage from electrical attacks and lightning
• Immunity to fire (including magical fire and dragon’s breath)
When in non-corporeal form, the agathion will inhabit some physical object • Immunity to gas attacks
such as a gem, ring, bottle, etc. In this form, the agathion is able to bestow • Immunity to poison
upon the possessor of the object the following powers: • Infravision (constant)
• Teleport without error at will
• Spellcasting abilities as a 1st level cleric • Telepathy allowing them to understand all languages, but not to
• Turn undead as a 6th level cleric read minds
• Detect evil at will
In addition, most choirs of angels have other magical and non-magical powers,
If slain on the material plane, the agathia must remain in Elysium for 1d6x10 as described in their specific entry below. Remember also that all Arch-Angels
years before it can return. If it voluntarily leaves the material plane before are treated as lesser deities, and have all of the powers ascribed to such beings
being killed, that restriction does not apply, obviously. as listed in Appendix E, as well as those powers listed below.

Combat: When in human form, agathia attack with a weapon two times per All angels can speak the angelic language, in addition to their telepathic
round. They will have spells equal to a 7th level cleric with a wisdom of 18. In abilities.
the form of a good creature, the agathion will have all of the physical attacks
and magical powers of the creature in question. In addition, the agathion has Many angels are able to gate in others of their kind when in distress, as
the following powers and abilities no matter what its form: described below. Opening such a gate counts as the angel’s action for that
round, and those who enter through it (if any) are fully able to function on the
• Astral spell at will (but only the agathia can travel thus) following round. Angels entering through a gate may, of course, gate in others
• Become ethereal at will of their kind…
• Clairaudience at will
• Clairvoyance at will All angels share the angelic language, and will speak the common tongue as
• Detect evil at will well.
• Speak and comprehend any language
Anima (Least Angel)
Only weapons of +1 or better enchantment can harm an agathion. They make
saving throws as if they were 14th level clerics, and are immune to energy- Number 1 (material plane), 10d10 (Seven Heavens)
draining attacks, death spells, disintegration, and the effects of energy from Morale ±0
the positive material plane. Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 9
Appearance: Agathia can assume any appearance desired. Their native form Move 90’/min.
is humanoid, with delicate limbs and features, luminous skin and bright shining Magic Resistance Standard
eyes. No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Angel Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses Unholy water
Angels inhabit the Seven Heavens, and are paragons of both lawfulness and
Size M
goodness. They are known to serve lawful good deities when their interests
Intelligence 9
coincide, and are exacting and rigid in their acceptance of orders from their
Alignment Lawful good
superiors in the angelic hierarchy. They look down on those who do not share
Treasure Type XV
their desire for order, which is just as great as their desire for good. However,
Treasure Value 1d20
while they will sometimes act in concert with archons, or even devas in
Magical Treasure None
thwarting evil plots, it has been millennia since they acted in concert with the
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
devils to further the cause of lawfulness. The circumstances behind that
Turn as Type XIII
alliance, and the reasons for its breaking, are sore subjects among angels,
and they will not discuss it willingly. They are on good terms with powerful
General: The countless souls who lived a lawful and good life are transformed
lawful good creatures of the material plane, such as lammasu and shedu.
into animas and journey to the angelic realms upon their death. It is from the
ranks of the anima that the other orders of angels are created. On rare
Angels are able to travel from one layer to another within their home plane,
occasions, anima will be sent to the material plane to undertake a task to prove
as well as any of the Upper Planes from Arcadia to Gladsheim. They can also
their worthiness to be transformed into an archangel. This is sometimes referred
enter the astral plane from the top layer of any of those planes and will often
to as the anima “earning its wings,” as they do not themselves possess such.
monitor events on the material plane while in astral form. They cannot enter


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Cherubim (Greater Angel)

Combat: Animas attack with weapons, usually swords, but they can use any
weapon that is appropriate to their situation. In addition, animas can become Number 1 (material plane), 1d3 (Seven Heavens)
invisible at will; if they are on some mission to protect or give guidance to a Morale +16
mortal, they can selectively become visible only to him. Hit Dice 11d8
Armor Class -4
Appearance: Animas look like idealized versions of what they looked like in Move 150’/min., 270’/min. (flying - good)
life. They dress in white. Magic Resistance J
No. of Attacks 4
Archangel (Lesser Angel) Damage Per weapon type +4
Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, never surprised, +6 to
Number 1 (material plane), 1d4+1 (Seven Heavens) surprise rolls
Morale +8 Attacks Magic use
Hit Dice 4d8 Weaknesses Unholy water
Armor Class 2 Size L (9’)
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good) Intelligence 18
Magic Resistance C Alignment Lawful good
No. of Attacks 2 Treasure Type XV
Damage Per weapon type Treasure Value 1d6x1,000
Defenses +1 (or better) weapons to harm Magical Treasure 1d3 items (25%)
Attacks Magic use X.P. Value 32,850 + 16/h.p.
Weaknesses Unholy water
Size M General: The cherubim (the term is both singular and plural) are among the
Intelligence 12 most powerful of all the angelic choirs. They are sometimes used as guardians
Alignment Lawful good of very important treasures or locations. The chief of all cherubim is named
Treasure Type XV Kerubiel.
Treasure Value 1d6x100
Magical Treasure None Combat: Cherubim attack with weapons; they will invariably be armed with
X.P. Value 125 + 4/h.p. flame tongue broad swords +4 and will also have a long bow +1 and 20
arrows. They themselves can only be harmed by weapons with a +3 or better
General: Archangels are the second-least powerful of the angelic choirs. It enchantment, and have the following magical powers:
should be remembered that the angelic choir of archangels is different from
the individual Arch-Angels that are detailed below. Archangels are among the • Atonement once per day
lowest ranking and least powerful choirs of angels; the Arch-Angels stand at • Blade barrier once per day
the same level as lesser deities and are the rulers of all the angels of all choirs. • Cause fear once per round
• Change self once per round
Combat: Archangels attack with weapons (usually a sword, but they can be • Cure light wounds once per round
armed with any sort of weapon that would be appropriate), and are able to • Detect invisibility at will
attack twice per round. In addition, they have the following magical powers: • Detect lie at will
• Detect magic at will
• Bless once every ten minutes • Gate in other angels once per day:
• Cure light wounds once every ten minutes
• Cure serious wounds once per day Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
• Gate in another archangel once per day (35% chance of success) 01-50 1d6 Powers
• Light once every ten minutes 51-80 1d4 Dominions
• Protection from evil at will 81-00 1 Cherubim

Archangels can only be harmed by enchanted weapons with a +1 or better • Heal once per day
bonus. • Hold person once every 3 rounds
• Prophecy once per day
Appearance: Archangels are beautiful humans (they can appear to be either • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
male or female) with large feathered wings. They wear metal cuirasses of • Psychic strike 4 times per day
gleaming silver, but their armor class is not dependent on these. • Sunrise once per hour
• Wind walk once per day

Cherubim have the equivalent of 18/76 strength (+2 bonus “to hit”, +4 bonus
to damage). They can never be surprised, and get a +6 bonus on all surprise

Appearance: Cherubim have the bodies of humans, but four faces; a human,
a lion, an ox, and an eagle. They have four wings which are covered with
“eyes” like the plumage of a peacock, and their feet have cloven hooves like
those of a cow.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Angel

Dominion (Greater Angel) Gabriel (Arch-Angel)

Number 1 (material plane) 1d3 (Seven Heavens) Number Unique

Morale +10 Morale +20
Hit Dice 9d8 Hit Dice 18d12 (146 h.p.)
Armor Class 2 Armor Class -5
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good) Move 150’/min., 270’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance H Magic Resistance Q
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 4
Damage 3d6/3d6 Damage 1d8+10/1d8+10/1d8+10/1d8+10
Defenses Magic use Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Magic use Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Unholy water Weaknesses Unholy water
Size M Size M
Intelligence 16 Intelligence 19
Alignment Lawful good Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type XV Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value 2d6x100 Treasure Value 8d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%) Magical Treasure 1d6+5 items (50%)
X.P. Value 1,300 + 12/h.p. X.P. Value 35,510 (material form), 355,100 (permanently slain)

Geneal: Dominions are the officers of the angelic choirs; they regulate the General: Gabriel is often used as a messenger or intermediary between
lower orders of angels and detail their duties and specific assignments. As powerful lawful good deities and mortals. Gabriel is a transmitter of revelations
such they are an integral, if somewhat administrative, group, and are rarely both profound and small, and is often used to herald the birth of mortals who
seen on the material plane. They will often be set up as guardians and will (or can) be significant later on in life. Gabriel is known as “the angel of
watchers over particular mortal realms, responsible for thwarting major truth”.
incursions of evil therein and coordinating responses.
Combat: Gabriel attacks with a sword, which itself has a +4 enchantment and
Combat: Dominions attack with flashes of lightning (which are wholly different is a broad sword of disruption. Gabriel’s strength is 18/00 (+3 bonus “to hit”
from and can be used in addition to their lightning bolt power). In addition, and +6 bonus to damage). Gabriel can only be harmed by weapons of +3 or
dominions have the following powers and abilities: better enchantment. In addition, Gabriel has the following powers and
• Change self once per round
• Cure serious wounds once every 5 minutes • Change self once per round
• Demand once per round • Charm person once per round
• Detect invisibility at will • Cure critical wounds once per round
• Detect lie at will • Detect lie at will
• Detect magic at will • Gate once per day:
• Gate once per day:
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e 01-30 1d3 dominions
01-50 1d3 powers 31-60 1d3 thrones
51-00 1d2 virtues 61-85 1 cherubim
86-00 1 seraph
• Legend lore once per hour
• Lightning bolt once per round • Heal once per day
• Measure once per round • Neutralize poison once per round
• Penetrate disguise at will • Psychic strike 7 times per day
• Protection from evil at will • Purify food and water once per round
• Psychic strike 3 times per day • Raise dead fully once every ten minutes
• Regenerate 2 h.p. per round
Dominions can only be harmed by weapons with a +2 or better enchantment. • Suggestion at will

Appearance: Dominions look like coherent clouds of vapor that flash with Appearance: Gabriel is a stylized human with great eagle-like wings. He
lightning, with a lion’s head that is visible in its center. If they take human form wears a gleaming silver breastplate, but his armor class is not dependent on
using their change self power, they will appear as winged humans with this armor. Gabriel is quite androgynous in appearance, and it is unknown if
glowing orbs somewhere on their person (as a sword pommel, the head of a the category male or female truly applies (or whether the category is even
staff, etc.). relevant).

The Trumpet of Gabriel: Gabriel is never seen without his silver trumpet. When
it is sounded (which takes an entire round), it can cause the following effects
(Gabriel is able to choose which effects are activated):

• Deafness in all creatures under 6 HD in a 100 yard radius (lasts

3d6 rounds)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Angel

• Earthquake Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

• Enthrall in 100 yard radius 01-30 1d6 dominions
• Exorcise once per day 31-60 1d4 thrones
• Fear in all creatures under 8 HD in a 100 yard radius 61-85 1d3 cherubim
• Resurrection once per week 86-00 1 seraph
• Once per year, Gabriel may sound the trumpet in such a way that
it is heard everywhere, by every creature, on every plane. When • Geis once per day
this power is used, no other powers may be used for one hour • Heal three times per day
thereafter, but every being of lawful good alignment acts as if a • Lightning bolt once per round
bless spell had been cast upon him • Neutralize poison once per round
• Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
Gabriel’s trumpet is in and of itself a paradox in a physical sense; it is literally • Psychic strike 7 times per day
made of an infinite amount of silver (thus, it has an infinite surface area), yet it • Purify food and water once per round
has a finite volume. It is thought this quality is integral to its ability to be heard • Raise dead fully once every ten minutes
throughout the multiverse when it is sounded. • Read languages at will
• Regenerate 3 h.p. per round
Metatron (Arch-Angel) • Suggestion at will
• Weakness to all within 77’ once per round (save vs. magic or
Number Unique strength is reduced to half for 1 hour, round down)
Morale +18
Hit Dice 20d12 (177 h.p.) Appearance: Metatron is an idealized human figure with skin of alabaster and
Armor Class -4 firey silver eyes. He wears a gleaming silver breast-plate, but this armor does
Move 150’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good) not directly impact his armor class. He has the wings of a great eagle.
Magic Resistance S
No. of Attacks 3 Michael (Arch-Angel)
Damage 1d8+7/1d8+7/1d8+7
Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use Number Unique
Attacks Magic use Morale +16
Weaknesses Unholy water Hit Dice 17d12 (160 h.p.)
Size M Armor Class -2
Intelligence 19 Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Alignment Lawful good Magic Resistance P
Treasure Type XV No. of Attacks 3
Treasure Value 3d6x1,000 Damage 1d6+8/1d6+8/1d6+8
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (65%) Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
X.P. Value 53,795 (material form), 537,950 (permanently slain) Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Unholy water
General: Metatron is the chief of all the Angelic choirs, the liason between the Size M
angels and the deities of lawful good who rely on their services to interact with Intelligence 19
the mortal world. He is known as the Prince of the World and High Priest of Alignment Lawful good
the Gods, and serves as the scribe of the highest deities of law and goodness. Treasure Type XV
He is, however, neither a servant of, nor beholden to, the deities who share Treasure Value 2d8x1,000
the Seven Heavens with the angels, and is careful to ensure that the angelic Magical Treasure 1d4 items (65%)
choirs are not committed to any action which they themselves do not deem in X.P. Value 44,600 (material form), 446,000 (permanently slain)
the best interests of the multiverse and those who dwell within it.
General: Michael is the general of the Heavenly Hosts, the armies of the angels
Combat: Metatron attacks with a two-handed sword of sharpness +3 and that are sent forth to do battle with the forces of evil and chaos. He and
wields a longbow +3 whose arrows cause the wounds to bleed for an Asmoday have a deep-rooted hatred of one another that spans nearly the
additional 1d6 h.p. per round for 3 rounds. His quiver can also make appear entirety of time, as Michael defeated the Arch-Devil in personal combat at the
an arrow of slaying of a type according to metatron’s desire once every ten final falling-out between the two oppositely-aligned armies of Law.
minutes. He can only be harmed by +3 or greater enchanted weapons. As his
strength is 18/76 he gets a +2 bonus “to hit” and a +4 bonus to damage Combat: Michael strikes with his great scalefoe spear +4, but can strike no
when using his sword. In addition, he has the following powers and abilities: less than 3 times with it. In addition, when he hurls the weapon, it will return
to his hand in the same round that it strikes, whether or not it hits; when thrown
• Change self once per round this way the spear can only strike once per round and has a range of half a
• Cone of cold once per round mile. Michael has a strength of 18/77 (+2 bonus “to hit”, +4 bonus to
• Continual light once per round damage). He himself is only harmed by weapons with a +3 or greater
• Cure critical wounds once per round enchantment, and has the following powers and abilities as well:
• Detect invisibility at will
• Detect lie at will • Change self once per round
• Detect magic at will • Continual light once per round
• Friends once per round • Cure serious wounds once per round
• Gate once per day: • Detect invisibility at will
• Detect lie at will
• Detect magic at will


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Gate once per day: Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

01-70 1d3 archangels
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e 71-00 1d2 principalities
01-30 1d4 dominions
31-60 1d3 thrones • Know name once per day
61-85 1d2 cherubim • Mage sword once per day
86-00 1 seraph • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
• Read languages at will
• Geis once per day • True seeing once per day
• Heal once per day
• Hold monster once per round Appearance: Powers look like muscular and beautiful humans with great eagle
• Hold person once per round wings. They wear shining silver breast-plates, but their armor class is not
• Polymorph any object once per day derived from those.
• Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
• Psychic strike 7 times per day Principality (Lesser Angel)
• Raise dead fully once per day
• Read languages at will Number 1 (material plane), 1d6 (Seven Heavens)
• Song of war once per round Morale +8
• Suggestion at will Hit Dice 6d8
• Tongues at will Armor Class 3
• Wall of fire once per round Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance D
Appearance: Michael is a perfectly-formed human being with long brown hair No. of Attacks 2
and great eagle-like wings. He wears a silver breast-plate, but this has no effect Damage 1d6+3/1d6+3
on his armor class. Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Power (Lesser Angel) Weaknesses Unholy water
Size M
Number 1 (material plane), 1d6 (Seven Heavens) Intelligence 15
Morale +9 Alignment Lawful good
Hit Dice 7d8 Treasure Type None
Armor Class 2 Treasure Value n/a
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good) Magical Treasure None
Magic Resistance E X.P. Value 750 + 6/h.p.
No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon type +3 General: Principalities are angels who provide inspiration to mortals in such
Defenses Magic use areas as art, science, literature, etc. They are teachers and mentors.
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Unholy water Combat: Principalities strike with glowing scepters of copper, which themselves
Size M have an enchantment of +1. This, combined with their own 17 strength, gives
Intelligence 16 them a +3 bonus to damage (and a +1 bonus “to hit”). These scepters are
Alignment Lawful good used to chasten the stupid; when one strikes any creature with an intelligence
Treasure Type XV between 6 and 13, it does double damage. Those below 6 are not considered
Treasure Value 2d6x200 to be responsible for their ignorance. In addition, principalities have the
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%) following powers:
X.P. Value 1,125 + 8/h.p.
• Answer once per hour
General: Powers not only form the backbone of the armies of the Heavenly • Detect invisibility at will
Hosts, but they are specifically tasked with ensuring that the measure of power, • Detect lie at will
wealth, and ability meted out to each mortal is distributed fairly and with • Detect power once per hour
justice. They are also recorders of history, and maintain the great libraries and • Dispel illusion once per round
record-books in the Seven Heavens that detail the virtues and sins of every • Prophecy once per day
mortal, that they be properly judged when the time comes. • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will

Combat: Powers attack with long swords, and have 18/51 strength (+2 bonus Appearance: Principalities look like beautiful human beings with golden
“to hit”, +3 bonus to damage). They get two attacks per round with this crowns on their heads, and carrying their copper scepters. They wear robes
weapon, and get a +3 bonus to all surprise rolls. In addition, they have the of white.
following powers and abilities:

• Detect invisibility at will

• Detect lie at will
• Detect magic at will
• Gate once per day:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Angel

Raphael (Arch-Angel) Samael (Arch-Angel)

Number Unique Number Unique

Morale +20 Morale +20
Hit Dice 19d12 (170 h.p.) Hit Dice 18d12 (148 h.p.)
Armor Class -3 Armor Class -3
Move 180’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good) Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Q Magic Resistance Q
No. of Attacks 4 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d6+5 (x4) Damage Special
Defenses Magic use Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Unholy water Weaknesses Unholy water
Size M Size L (50’)
Intelligence 20 Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful good Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type XV Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 4d4x10,000 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 2d3 items (65%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 48,195 (material form), 481,950 (permanently slain) X.P. Value 50,795 (material form), 507, 950 (permanently slain)

General: Raphael is one of the greatest of the arch-angels, noted as a great General: Samael is the Angel of Death, whose dwelling is in the 7th and
healer and bestower of cures. He will sometimes wander the material plane highest layer of Heaven, but who rules over the 5th layer therefrom. He is often
healing the sick and injured. thought of in bad terms, as one of his chief duties is to test the faithful (those
who are considered paragons of the lawful good ethos) and determine
Combat: Raphael strikes with his staff, and is able to attack four times per whether or not they are truly worthy. He grieves for his own role as enforcer
round. Due to his 18/91 strength, he gets a bonus of +2 “to hit” and +5 to and tempter, but understands its necessity.
damage. In addition, Raphael has the following powers and abilities:
Combat: Samael strikes with his simple rod. Anyone struck by the rod while it
• Change self once per round is held by Samael must make a saving throw or die, instantly and irrevocably.
• Continual light once per round Only Samael, Raphael, or Metatron can restore one slain by the rod to life;
• Cure animal wounds once per round even a full wish will be ineffective. In addition, Samael has the following
• Cure blindness once per round powers and abilities:
• Cure critical wounds once per round
• Cure disease once per round • Change self once per round
• Detect invisibility at will • Darkness 15’ radius once per round
• Detect lie at will • Death spell once per round
• Detect magic at will • Detect invisibility at will
• Gate once per day: • Detect lie at will
• Detect magic at will
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e • Gate once per day:
01-30 1d4 dominions
31-60 1d3 thrones Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
61-85 1d2 cherubim 01-40 1d4 dominions
86-00 1 seraph 41-75 1d3 thrones
76-90 1d2 cherubim
• Geis once per day 91-00 1 seraph
• Heal once every ten minutes
• Neutralize poison once per round • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
• Protection from evil 10’ radius at will • Psychic strike 7 times per day
• Psychic strike 7 times per day • Regenerate 3 h.p. per round
• Purify food and water once per round • Suggestion at will
• Raise dead fully once every ten minutes
• Regenerate 3 h.p. per round Appearance: Samael appears as a large human with bright glaring eyes
• Restoration once every ten minutes covering his entire body.
• Suggestion at will

Appearance: Raphael is a flawlessly handsome human with the wings of a

great eagle. He wears a simple robe of brown homespun.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Seraph (Greater Angel) Throne (Greater Angel)

Number 1 Number 1 (material plane), 1d4 (Seven Heavens)

Morale +18 Morale +11
Hit Dice 12d8 Hit Dice 10d8
Armor Class -5 Armor Class 1
Move 150’/min., 270’/min. (flying - good) Move 480’/min. (flying - perfect)
Magic Resistance K Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 6 No. of Attacks 0
Damage Per weapon type +5 Damage n/a
Defenses Magic use Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Unholy water Weaknesses Unholy water
Size L (8’) Size M (5’ diameter)
Intelligence 20 Intelligence 17
Alignment Lawful good Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type XV Treasure Type None
Treasure Value 3d6x1,000 Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (25%) Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 3,000 + 16/h.p. X.P. Value 2,150 + 14/h.p.

General: Seraphim (singular Seraph) are the most powerful of all the angelic General: Thrones, also known as Ophanim or the Wheels of Galgallin, are
choirs. In addition to their other powers, seraphim have the powers of 10th one of the more powerful choirs of angels. They serve as the keepers of the
level clerics and 7th level mystics. laws and the harmony of the universe that obedience to those laws brings.
Thrones are often used as transportation for lawful good deities (each can hold
Combat: Seraphim attack with weapons, although they are able to strike six a single man-sized individual within its ever-turning wheels, suspended, as it
times in a single round. They shine so brightly, it is impossible for anyone to moves about the cosmos). They are peaceful creatures as a rule, but are totally
look directly at them for more than a brief instant; thus anyone attempting to submissive to their masters within the angelic hierarchy.
hit them receives a -2 penalty “to hit”. They can only be harmed by weapons
with a +3 or greater enchantment, and have the following powers and Combat: Thrones do not attack conventionally. They do, however, have the
abilities: following powers and abilities:

• Atonement once per day • Become astral once per round

• Cause fear once per round • Become ethereal once per round
• Change self once per round • Blink once per round
• Cure serious wounds once per round • Chain lightning once per round
• Detect invisibility at will • Cure light wounds once per round
• Detect lie at will • Detect astral at will
• Detect magic at will • Detect ethereal at will
• Gate in other angels once per day: • Detect invisibility at will
• Detect lie at will
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e • Detect magic at will
01-45 1d3 dominions • Gate in a cherubim once per day
56-75 1d2 thrones • Lightning bolt once per round
76-00 1 cherubim • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
• Psychic strike 4 times per day
• Heal once per day • Teleport without error once per round
• Hold person once per round • Wind walk once per hour
• Prophecy once per day
• Protection from evil 10’ radius at will Thrones get a +10 bonus to surprise rolls.
• Psychic strike 5 times per day
Appearance: Thrones appear as two wheels which interect one another at
Seraphim have the equivalent of 18/99 strength (+2 bonus “to hit”, +5 bonus right angles, with the wheels constantly turning around their mutual center. The
to damage). wheels have spokes like those of a wagon, and the exterior “rims” are covered
with gleaming eyes.
Appearance: Seraphim have the bodies of humans and six great eagle wings,
which are covered with “eyes” like the plumage of a peacock. As noted above,
they glow with an intense bright light, making them painful to look upon


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Angel

Uriel (Arch-Angel)
• Lightning bolt once per round
Number Unique • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
Morale +19 • Psychic strike 7 times per day
Hit Dice 18d12 (128 h.p.) • Sunburst once per round
Armor Class -1 • Sunrise once per round
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance N Appearance: Uriel is a handsome human being with great eagle-like wings.
No. of Attacks 3 He wears a robe of white and a cloak of brown.
Damage Per weapon type +3
Defenses See below Virtue (Lesser Angel)
Attacks See below
Weaknesses Unholy water Number 1 (material plane) 1d6 (Seven Heavens)
Size M Morale +10
Intelligence 18 Hit Dice 8d8
Alignment Lawful good Armor Class 2
Treasure Type XV Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good)
Treasure Value 3d6x1,000 Magic Resistance F
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (50%) No. of Attacks 1
X.P. Value 42,595 (material form), 425,950 (permanently slain) Damage Per weapon type +14
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Unholy water
Size M
Intelligence 16
Alignment Lawful good
Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value 2d6x500
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 825 + 10/h.p.

General: Virtues are among the most attuned to Nature of all the angelic
choirs, having control over weather, animals, and plants. They are also
immensely strong (25 STR) and are able to lend this strength to mortals, both
in a literal and figurative sense. A virtue in astral form can “touch” a mortal
and temporarily grant him a bonus of +4 to STR as well as a bonus of +4 (or
20%, as applicable) to morale, saving throws vs. fear, etc.

Combat: Virtues attack with long swords, but because of their 25 strength, get
a +7 bonus “to hit” and a +14 bonus to damage. They are only wounded by
weapons with a +1 or better enchantment, and have the following powers:

• Call lightning once every 5 minutes

General: Uriel, the Angel of Light, is one of the rulers of the angelic choirs, a
• Call woodland beings once every 5 minutes
warrior who is absolutely merciless in battle, but who is also charged with
• Change self once per round
guiding those who genuinely repent of their wicked ways and embrace the
• Cloudburst once per round
ethos of lawful good. Through ancient tradition that pre-dates the split between
• Control weather once per day
devils and angels, he also technically holds the title of Prince of Tartarus,
• Cure light wounds once per round
although the demodands would dispute the validity of the claim.
• Detect invisibility at will
• Detect lie at will
Combat: Uriel wields a flame tongue broadsword +4, striking three times per
• Detect magic at will
round. He also has a strength of 18/50, giving him a +1 bonus “to hit” and
• Gate once per day:
a +3 bonus to damage. Only weapons with a +2 or better enchantment can
harm him, and he has the following additional powers:
Die Roll (d%) Result of ga t e
• Change self once per round 01-50 1d3 principalities
• Continual light once per round 51-00 1d2 powers
• Cure serious wounds once per round
• Detect invisibility at will • Hold animal once per round
• Dispel evil once per round • Hold plant once per round
• Gate once per day: • Protection from evil 10’ radius at will
• Summon insects once every 5 minutes
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e • Weather summoning once every 10 minutes
01-60 1d3 thrones
Appearance: Virtues look like handsome humans with eagles’ wings, but their
61-85 1d2 cherubim
bodies appear blurry when directly seen. They wear white robes.
86-00 1 seraph


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Animal Lord Beetle Lord

For every type of animal, there is a single lord of its kind. These animal lords Insect Form Human Form
are concerned with the welfare of their given animal, and will intervene if some Number Unique Unique
great event occurs that would result in the harm of a large number thereof, and Morale +7 +7
especially when extinction of the species (or sub-species) is threatened. As a Hit Dice 19d8 (129 h.p.) 19d8 (129 h.p.)
rule, animal lords will not concern themselves with a single member of their Armor Class -4 6
folk, unless that individual is special indeed. They will likewise not resent Move 60’/min., 120’/min. 120’/min.
(mostly) those who hunt or otherwise cull their kind for food, clothing, or other (flying – poor)
materials, as this is a natural function. They will look kindly on those who favor Magic Resistance N N
their folk, should they encounter such in their travels. No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 3d8 Per weapon type
Each animal lord has its own realm, usually a demi-plane within the astral Defenses Magic use Magic use
plane. There they are surrounded by the nobility of their kind, usually Attacks Magic use, mind-control Magic use, mind-control
represented by exemplars of the various sub-types of each animal, with pellets pellets
maximum hit points and the ability to polymorph into human and animal form Weaknesses None None
at will. There are also various animals of ordinary type but high intelligence, Size L M
as well as servants, guards, etc. as appropriate for the type of animal lord in Intelligence 18 18
question. Alignment Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type VI
Each animal lord has at least two forms: animal and human. They are all Treasure Value 3d8x10,000
treated as lesser deities, with all of the powers listed for such in Appendix E in Magical Treasure 1d3 items (35%), 1d4+1 scrolls (60%), 1d6 potions
addition to those listed below. All are treated as being native both to the (70%)
material plane and to their particular home realm. X.P. Value 57,000 (material form), 570,000 (permanently slain)

The animal lords listed below are representative of their kind, but the listing is General: The beetle lord is sovereign over all coleopterans, and is counted as
far from exhaustive. The game master is encouraged to develop lords of other among the most powerful of all the animal lords, by dint of his followers’
animal races for his own campaign. diversity and immense numbers. As with all animal lords, he cares little for
anything outside the sphere of his followers, although he does recognize that
It will be noted that the spheres of influence of the animal lords overlap with the spread of civilization is beneficial to his kind.
those of various deities, demon lords, and other powerful entities. Such deities
differ from animal lords in a few respects. First, animal lords do not grant The beetle lord has STR 21, INT 18, WIS 20, DEX 11, CON 24, and variable
spells, as they have no worshippers. Second, animal lords have no interests CHA. His charisma is 25 to all beetles, 20 to other sorts of insects and insect-
beyond their animal subjects, and thus have no use for, or would pay no like creatures, and 9 to all others. He functions as a 20th level fighter and a
attention to, any worshippers outside their species. Third, such deities have 12th level cleric.
interests and spheres of influence beyond a single animal species, and thus
lack the focus of their animal lord counterparts (the deities would say that the The beetle lord’s demesne is a plentiful garden of giant plants, beneath which
animal lords lack a broader perspective, naturally). Whether such beings get is a warren of chambers and passages. It is said that he owns a golden ship
along with the animal lords will depend on the specific individuals involved; that can travel beneath the surface of the sea, but this is only rumored, as it
certainly there are both rivals and great friends to be found amongst their has never been seen by mortal men.
Combat: In insect form, the beetle lord attacks with his enormous mandibles.
In human form, he attacks with a man catcher +3. The beetle lord is also able
to hurl a pellet at any single creature within 100’ once per round. If it hits, it
enters the skull and acts as a charm person or mammal spell; victims get a -2
penalty to their saving throw against the effect. The pellet can be removed by
means of a cure disease spell, which also removes the charm effect
immediately. He can control those under the influence of his mind-control pellet
telepathically at a range of 6 miles.

Once per round the beetle lord can summon his followers. Those summoned
will obey him to the death:

Die Roll (d%) Follower Summoned

01-25 1d8 bombardier beetles
26-45 1d10 boring beetles
46-70 2d6 fire beetles
71-85 1d2 rhinocerous beetles
86-00 1d4 stag beetles

The beetle lord also has the following powers:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Animal Lord

• Animal growth six times per day (insects only) automatically gets initiative in any round of combat. He moves silently with
• Creeping doom once per day 99% effectiveness, and has infravision with 300’ range and ultravision with
• Insect plague four times per day 120’ range.
• Irritation once per round (insect form only)
• Plant growth six times per day Once per round, the cat lord can summon some of his subjects, who will fight
• Shout once per round (insect form only) on his behalf and will be loyal unto death. The result will depend on the form
• Summon insects six times per day which the cat lord is in at the time of the summoning:
• Telepathy once per round
Die Roll Die Roll
Appearance: The beetle lord can appear as a huge scarab or a human with (d%) Feline Form (d%) Human Form
dusky skin, black hair, and a hook nose. 01-07 1d4 smilodons 01-15 1d2 weretigers
08-15 1d4+1 cave lions 16-30 1d4+4 sylvan cats
Cat Lord 16-25 1d4+2 tigers 31-45 1d6+6 ghost lynxes
26-34 1d4+2 lions 46-00 1d20+30 domestic
Feline Form Human Form cats
Number Unique Unique 35-43 1d4+3 jaguars
Morale +6 +6 44-52 1d4+4 leopards
Hit Dice 19d8 (81 h.p.) 19d8 (81 h.p.) 53-61 1d4+4 cheetahs
Armor Class -9 -9 62-70 1d4+5 cougars
Move 270’/min., 60’/min. 270’/min ., 60’/min. 71-00 1d4+5 wildcats
(climbing) (climbing)
Magic Resistance Q Q In addition, the cat lord has the following powers, regardless of form:
No. of Attacks 3 1
Damage 1d6+6/1d6+6/1d8+8 Per weapon type • Blur once per round
Defenses Magic use Magic use • Dimension door nine times per day
Attacks Yowl, spit, magic use Magic use • Haste twice per day (only in feline form, or when cast on
Weaknesses None None someone else)
Size M M • Hypnotism once per round
Intelligence 19 19 • Speed once per round
Alignment Neutral Neutral • Telepathy once per round
Treasure Type VI
Treasure Value 2d4x10,000 Finally, the cat lord is able to lick his wounds nine times per day. Each such
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d3 items lick cures 2d4 h.p. of damage.
X.P. Value 51,200 (material form), 512,000 (permanently slain) Appearance: The cat lord can appear either as a large black panther or a
human. In human form, he appears either with pale or dark skin and always
General: The cat lord rules over all types of felines: domestic, wild, and with black hair. The cat lord speaks the common tongue and can communicate
monstrous. He holds the interests of all felines at heart, and cares little for the with felines and semi-felines of all sorts. All felines will recognize him on sight.
affairs of other creatures, except when and as they impinge on those of his
beloved cats. Dinosaur Lord

The cat lord has STR 20, INT 19, WIS 17, DEX 23, and CON 16. His charisma Dinosaur Form Human Form
score is variable: 25 to all cats, 22 to weretigers and other cat-like Number Unique Unique
lycanthropes, 18 to creatures which are part cat (such as sphinxes and sea Morale +10 +10
lions) or those who are cat fanciers, 7 to those who especially dislike cats, and Hit Dice 19d8 (120 h.p.) 19d8 (120 h.p.)
13 to all others. He functions as a 19th level thief and a 13th level monk. He Armor Class 5 9
needs no special tools to use his thiefly skills. Move 120’/min. 120’/min.
Magic Resistance D D
The cat lord’s domain is a demiplane containing a comfortable mansion filled No. of Attacks 3 1
with porticoes that provide dappled sunlight, well-tended gardens, and woods Damage 1d6/1d6/2d4 Per weapon type
with excellent hunting of small game. Defenses Magic use Magic use
Attacks Magic use Magic use
Combat: In feline form, the cat lord attacks with his two front claws and bite. Weaknesses None None
He is also able to spit prior to his bite every other round. No “to hit” roll is Size L (15’ long) M
needed; the spit causes blindness in any single target who fails a saving throw Intelligence 22 22
vs. spells. In addition, instead of making any melee or magical attack, he can Alignment Neutral Neutral
yowl; any non-feline creature within 19’ must make a saving throw vs. spells Treasure Type XIII
or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. Treasure Value 3d6x10,000
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (80%), 1d4 items (50%)
In human form, he usually uses a long sword +3/+5 vs. canines (which X.P. Value 24,000 (material form), 240,000 (permanently slain)
includes wolves, werewolves, dogs, jackals, coyotes, etc., and also affects
gnolls). General: There used to be many dinosaur lords, millions of years ago when
those tremendous creatures dominated the material plane in their billions.
Regardless of form, the cat lord can spring 30’ in all directions, and always Now, as they survive in isolated pockets here and there, a brief shadow of
lands on his feet, ready for action. Because of his great speed, the cat lord their former glory, there remains but a single dinosaur lord to shepherd them


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


all. He is weary from his millions of years of existence and slow decline, filled of their allies in the other Upper Planes. All archons have the following powers
with sorrow at seeing so many of his folk perish over the eons, and content to and abilities, in addition to those listed for individual types:
protect those few of his folk who still remain. His days of global dominance
are behind him, and he knows it. • Continual light at will
• Teleport without error at will
The dinosaur lord has STR 25, INT 18, WIS 19, DEX 18, CON 20, and a • Protection from evil, 10’ radius at will
variable CHA. To dinosaurs, lizards, and reptiles he has a CHA of 25. To • Tongues at will
birds and bird-like creatures, it is 22. To humans and other humanoids it is 14.
He functions as a 16th level ranger and a 16th level savant. Any dinosaur or All archons are immune to poison and petrification, and get a +4 bonus to all
reptile will instantly recognize him. Although non-dinosaurs will not necessarily saving throws vs. poison. They have both infravision and ultravision with 120’
pay him homage, all will be respectful. range. All archons speak the archonic language, in addition to their magical
power of tongues.
The dinosaur lord’s realm is an enclosure of swamps, shallow seas, grasslands,
and tropical forests all surrounded by high peaks. There are no individual archon lords or princes; the archons rule themselves
by means of a consensus-driven system of assemblies.
Combat: In dinosaur form, the dinosaur lord attacks with both claws and a
bite. In human form, he attacks with a spear +3/+5 vs. mammals. The spear Blade Archon (Lesser Archon)
will look like a normal staff, but will sprout an obsidian speartip at his
command. Any mammal struck by the spear on a natural roll of 20 “to hit” will Number 1d4
be impaled, and will be unable to flee unless the dinosaur lord removes it. Morale +10
While a creature is impaled on the spear, it cannot be used to attack another Hit Dice 12d10
creature, but the impaled creature will suffer 1d4 h.p. of bleeding damage Armor Class -5
automatically each round. Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance L
The dinosaur lord can summon his subjects once every other round. Those No. of Attacks 4
summoned will obey him to the death: Damage 2d4/2d4/2d4/2d4 or per weapon type (x4)
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm
Die Roll Die Roll Attacks Magic use, gate
(d%) Dry Land (d%) Water Weaknesses Unholy water
01-05 1 allosaurus 01-20 1 elasmosaurus Size L (7 ½’)
06-15 1d4 ankylosaurus 21-60 1d3 mosasaurus Intelligence 16
16-30 1d3 apatosaurus 61-70 1 nothosaurus Alignment Neutral good
31-35 1 iguanadon 71-95 1d3 plesiosaurus Treasure Type XV
36-45 1d3 pteranodons 96-00 1 temnodontosaurus Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
46-60 2d4 pterodactyls Magical Treasure 1d6 items (10%)
61-70 1d3 stegosaurus X.P. Value 3,000 + 18/h.p.
71-85 1d3+1 triceratops
86-90 1 tyrannosaurus General: Blade archons are the officers of the archon armies, commanding the
91-00 1d6 velocoraptors legions of hounds as required. Blades will often be found in command of
individual units of hounds when they are sent on missions to the material plane
In addition, the dinosaur lord has the following powers, regardless of form: or elsewhere.

• Animal growth twice per day Combat: Blade archons attack with either their fists or weapon; either way they
• Flesh to stone four times per day (creates fossilized version of target) are able to strike 4 times in a single round. In addition, blade archons are only
• Logs to euparkeria four times per day (as sticks to snakes spell) harmed by weapons with a +2 or better enchantment, and are either the
• Meteor strike once per day equivalent of 15th level mages or clerics (50% chance of either). If mages,
• Resist cold four times per day they do not need to rely on spell books.
• Telepathy once per round
Blade archons are also able to gate in other archons once per day. Results of
Appearance: The dinosaur lord can appear in three forms. The first is a bipedal the gate should be determined randomly:
dinosaur with a long tail, small head, and two arms with claws. The second is
a more humanoid form that is thickly muscled, covered with gray-green Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
leathery skin, and with a large beaked head sporting a large bone fringe. The 01-50 1d6 hound archons
third is an aged human, with white hair and beard, and a perpetual look of 51-00 1d3 keeper archons
exhaustion on his face. This guise is deceptive, however, as he can still move
and fight very effectively even in this form. He wears leather garments of gray- Appearance: Blade archons look like idealized humans with the heads of cats
green. The dinosaur lord can speak the common tongue as well as those of and large hawk-like wings.
lizard men, ophidians, serpent men, and troglodytes. He can communicate
telepathically with dinosaurs and reptiles of all sorts to a distance of ten miles.


Archons are natives of the plane of Elysium. There they work towards the
triumph of Good and the ultimate defeat of Evil, while balancing the interests


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Archon

Hound Archon (Lesser Archon)

• Shape change into dog or wolf form at will
Number 1d6 • Detect invisible, astral, or ethereal creatures at will
Morale +7
Hit Dice 9d8 Appearance: Hound archons look like beautiful human beings with the heads
Armor Class 1 of large dogs.
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance F Keeper Archon (Greater Archon)
No. of Attacks 3 or 1
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d8 or per weapon type Number 1 (material plane) 1d6 (Elysium)
Defenses +1 (or better) weapons to harm Morale +10
Attacks Magic use Hit Dice 10d10
Weaknesses Unholy water Armor Class -1
Size M Move 120’/min.
Intelligence 9 Magic Resistance H
Alignment Neutral good No. of Attacks 3 or 2
Treasure Type XV Damage 1d8/1d8/2d6 or per weapon type
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Defenses +2 or better weapon to harm
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Attacks Magic use
X.P. Value 1,300 + 12/h.p. Weaknesses Unholy water
Size L (8’)
General: Hound archons are the foot soldiers of archon society. They form the Intelligence 14
basis of the archon legions as well as the ordinary members of archon society. Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type XV
Combat: Hound archons attack with their claws and bite, but are capable of Treasure Value 1d4x1,000
using weapons, if available. Only enchanted weapons of +1 or greater value Magical Treasure 1 item (10%)
can harm hound archons. In addition, hound archons have the following X.P. Value 2,150 + 16/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Keeper archons are the warders and protectors of the archons, Trumpet Archon (Greater Archon)
known for their protective instincts. Keepers are able to cast all divination-type
spells, no matter the class to which they are normally limited. Each different Number 1d3
spell can be cast once per day. Morale +10
Hit Dice 10d10
Combat: Keeper archons attack either with their massive fists and bite, or with Armor Class -5
a weapon of some sort. If attacking with a weapon, they are able to attack Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - average)
twice per round. All keeper archons are harmed only by weapons with an Magic Resistance M
enchantment of +2 or better. No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d10/1d10
Apperance: Keeper archons look like large black bears with human-like hands. Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm
Their eyes are sparkling with intelligence, and they wear no clothing. Attacks Magic use, radiance, undead turning
Weaknesses Unholy water
Lantern Archon (Proto-Archon) Size L (8’)
Intelligence 18
Number 2d10 Alignment Neutral good
Morale -4 Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 1d4 Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 10 Magical Treasure None
Move 120’/min. X.P. Value 3,850 + 16/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 2 General: Trumpet archons are great paragons of virtue, dedicated to the fight
Damage 1d3/1d3 against evil in all its forms.
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks None Combat: Trumpet archons attack with their two fists. They are also able to use
Weaknesses Unholy water their silver trumpets to send forth a cone-shaped beam of radiance 60’ long
Size S (2’ diameter) and 30’ wide at the base that will do 2d10 h.p. of damage to anyone in the
Intelligence 6 area of effect (no save). They are harmed only by weapons of +2 or better
Alignment Neutral Good enchantment, and can turn undead and other creatures as if they were 20th
Treasure Type None level clerics:
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Creature Type Roll to Turn on d20
X.P. Value 3 + 1/h.p. I - IV Automatic, 1d6+6 creatures, disintegrated)
Turn as Type XIII V - VII Automatic, 1d6 creatures, distintegrated
VIII - IX Automatic, 1d6 creatures turned
General: The souls and spirits of the dead who arrive in Elysium for their final X 1d6 creatures turned on a 4 or better
reward form the numberless ranks of the lantern archons. It is from these beings XI 1d6 creatures turned on a 7 or better
that the higher archons are created. They are almost never encountered outside XII 1d6 creatures turned on a 10 or better
of their home plane, and in any event are innocuous. XIII 1d6 creatures turned on a 13 or better

Combat: Lantern archons attack with beams of light that burn their enemies. In addition, trumpet archons are able to use each spell of the divination,
They can only be harmed by enchanted weapons. alteration, or necromantic (healing/beneficial spells only) types once per day.

Appearance: Lantern archons are floating spheres of pure light some 2’ across. Appearance: Trumpet archons look like handsome humans with large hawk
The brightness of their glow is approximately the same as that of a torch. heads. Each carries a long (6’ long) silver trumpet that cannot be damaged or
destroyed by non-magical means.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Azer

Azer • When the azer is within 10’ of the spellcaster, the caster gains the
same magic resistance as the azer
Number 1d4 (material plane), 3d10 (elemental plane of fire)
Morale +3 to +6 When serving as a familiar (only), azers are able to transform themselves into
Hit Dice 2d10 - 5d10 small bronze statuettes some 1’ high that can move and speak.
Armor Class 2
Move 120’/min. Combat: Azers attack with large mattocks (treat as a footman’s mace) and
Magic Resistance See below large metal javelins (treat as spears), with the heat of the metal weapons doing
No. of Attacks 1 +1 to damage to those not immune to fire. Azer are themselves, naturally,
Damage Per weapon type immune to fire and heat. Their specific combat statistics will depend on their
Defenses Immune to fire and heat size (determine randomly unless otherwise specified):
Attacks Heat
Weaknesses Cold Die
Size M (5’) Roll Hit Magic
Intelligence 8 - 12 (d%) Dice STR INT Resistance X.P. Value
Alignment Lawful neutral 01-40 2d10 17 6 A 50 + 3/h.p.
Treasure Type XIII (on the elemental plane of fire only) 41-70 3d10 18 8 B 85 + 4/h.p.
Treasure Value 1d10x10 (on the elemental plane of fire only) 71-90 4d10 18/50 10 D 130 + 5/h.p.
Magical Treasure None 91-00 5d10 18/75 12 D 225 + 6/h.p.
X.P. Value See below n/a 7d10 18/90 16 E 825 + 10/h.p.
n/a 9d10 18/00 18 G 1,950 + 14/h.p.

Those azer with 7d10 hit dice are the nobles; there are only approximately
30 of them at any given time. Their king, Amaimon, has 9d10 hit dice. Both
the nobles and Amaimon himself are known to have special powers not shared
by the rest of the azer race, but the specifics are unknown. The nobles and
king will never be encountered randomly; they should be deliberately placed
by the game master.

If an azer grapples with an enemy, they will take 1d4+1 h.p. of damage from
the heat of the creature’s body. Azers can only survive in temperate climates
(less than 200° F) for an hour at most. Cold attacks do double damage against
azer. Azers are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person or hold

Appearance: Azer are short, stocky humanoids with coppery skin and flames
for hair and beard. They wear kilts made of beaten copper, bronze, or brass.
They speak their own language as well as the Firey Speech common to those
who dwell on the elemental plane of fire.

General: The race of azers is native to the elemental plane of fire. Azers rarely
come to the material plane unless summoned by some magical means. They
dwell in great basalt towers on their home plane. If 20 or more are
Goblin Form Dog Form
encountered in their home tower, there will be a noble (see below) and
Number 1d6 (material plane), 1 (Gehenna)
1d4+3x10 non-combatant females present as well. Their towers will be
Morale See below See below
guarded with ingenious devices for combating fire-based creatures, such as
Hit Dice 6d10 to 12d10 6d10 to 12d10
great bellows to blast cold air, and vast vessels that allow them to pour water
Armor Class 2 to -4 2 to -4
on attackers.
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance See below See below
The azer are, generally speaking, an unfriendly and taciturn race. However,
No. of Attacks 2 1
they are greedy and will accept red or purple gems as payment for sensible
Damage 2d8 + bonus 1d12 + bonus
requests. They will always keep their word, once given.
Defenses See below See below
Attacks See below See below
Sometimes, young azers (those with 2 hit dice) will be sent to the material
Weaknesses Holy water Holy water
plane to act as the familiar of a spellcaster. This is seen as a sort of
Size M L
apprenticeship, and is viewed as a duty that must be endured. In such cases,
Intelligence 13-18 13-18
having an azer familiar grants the spellcaster the following powers:
Alignment Lawful evil Lawful evil
Treasure Type VII (Gehenna only) VII (Gehenna only)
• Gain one experience level when the familiar is within one mile
Treasure Value 5d4x1,000 5d4x1,000
• Lose one experience level when the familiar is more than one mile
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (30%) 1d4 items (30%)
distant (not the level that is gained when the azer is close by)
X.P. Value See below See below
• The spellcaster is able to see and hear through the azer when they
are within 100’ of one another
General: Barghests are native to the plane of Gehenna, where they are
• If the azer is slain, the spellcaster loses 4 experience levels
generally solitary creatures, each ruling its own palace and coterie of servants.
(minimum 1st level)
When they mate, however, their offspring will be sent to the material plane to


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


grow. Such offspring will often be found with goblin tribes, whom they greatly Bodak
resemble, and feed upon human sacrifices until they reach maturity. The
goblins fear such barghest visitors, but realize that there is nothing that can Number 1
really be done except to serve them, make use of their superior abilities, and Morale +6
hasten the day they grow sufficiently strong to return to their native Gehenna. Hit Dice 9d10
Armor Class 5
Barghest young begin at the weakest level, and 8 human sacrifices are Move 60’/min.
sufficient to raise them up one hit die (with all the attendant benefits – their Magic Resistance Standard
damage modifier increases as their strength grows from 18/00 to 24 as they No. of Attacks 1
grow). Once they reach 12d10, they are able to will themselves back to Damage Per weapon type
Gehenna where they will found a stronghold of their own and rule over it. The Defenses See below
progression of barghest powers is as follows: Attacks Gaze
Weaknesses Sunlight, holy water
Hit Armor Magic Dam. Size M
Dice Morale Class Res. Adj. INT X.P. Intelligence 6
6d10 +3 2 - +6 13 1,275 + Alignment Chaotic evil
10/h.p. Treasure Type None
7d10 +4 1 - +7 14 2,000 + Treasure Value n/a
12/h.p. Magical Treasure None
8d10 +5 0 A +8 15 3,450 + X.P. Value 1,950 + 14/h.p.
9d10 +6 -1 B +9 16 3,600 +
10d10 +7 -2 C +10 17 6,100 +
11d10 +8 -3 D +11 18 6,250 +
12d10 +9 -4 E +12 18 7,300 +

While on the material plane, barghests do not keep treasure for themselves
(although the goblin tribe they are with, if any, will certainly prosper). They
will, however, have treasure in their strongholds in Gehenna.

Combat: Barghests attack with their two claws. They can only be harmed by
weapons with a +1 or better enchantment, and fire does not harm them. In
addition, they have the following magical abilities:

• Change self once per round

• Charm person or charm monster once per day General: Bodaks are found in the various layers of the Abyss, being created
• Dimension door once per day through unknown processes and circumstances when a mortal human is
• Emotion once per day exposed to some weird energy of the place and transformed into a bodak.
• Levitation once per round They barely remember their former lives, intent now on destroying everything
• Misdirection once per round that does not derive from the Abyss. They are only very rarely encountered on
• Projected image once per round the material plane, and then only after some spellcaster has summoned them.
In such a circumstance, the bodak’s cunning allows it to turn the tables on the
In addition, barghests are able to shape change between their goblin form caster on occasion and control him. When appropriate, roll 1d20 to determine
and that of a large dog once per round. When in dog form, they are able to the bodak’s intelligence for purposes of resisting and controlling the summoner.
stop moving and be 75% undetectable when in any sort of cover (foliage, for They are not, strictly speaking, demons, and have none of the normal abilities
instance), can pass without trace (as per the spell), and enemies get a -3 of demonkind.
penalty to surprise.
Combat: Bodaks use weapons in combat, but rarely do so. Rather, their gaze
Appearance: In their normal form, barghests look like large goblins. The will cause death in any creature that meets it, in a 30’ range. In addition, they
immature forms have skin that ranges from yellow to purple, while the adults can only be harmed by weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment or those
have blue skin. In dog form, they look like large black mastiffs. They speak made of special cold-wrought iron (similar to those which will harm demons).
their own language and that of goblins. Direct sunlight will cause 1 h.p. of damage per round. They are resistant to
many forms of attack:

• Half damage from cold-based attacks

• Half damage from electrical attacks and lightning
• Half damage from fire (including magical fire and dragon’s breath)
• Half damage from gas attacks
• Immune to poison
• Immune to enchantment/charm spells, hold spells, sleep, and slow


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Crystal Craver

Appearance: Bodaks are hairless humanoids with smooth, dark gray skin. damage (quarter damage if a saving throw is successful). The spell shatter will
Their eyes are large milky ovals. They speak the language of demons and a cause 3d6 h.p. of damage to a crystal craver, glassee will blind it for 1d4+1
few words of the common tongue, remembered from their former life. rounds, and stone to flesh will temporarily reduce its armor class to 6 (against
all weapons) for one round.
Crystal Craver
Appearance: Crystal cravers are large sheets of living crystal, with various
Number 1d6 irregular protrusions along their surfaces. They move about on six stumpy legs
Morale +1 when not moving through solid earth, and sport a single large projection on
Hit Dice 6d10 top which is used to attack enemies as noted above. They speak their own
Armor Class -4 (edged/piercing/non-metal weapons), 0 (blunt metal language and that of xorns. The exact size of the crystal craver depends on its
weapons) hit points:
Move 60’/min. (walking and burrowing)
Magic Resistance Standard Hit Points Size
No. of Attacks 1 6-16 M (3 ½’ high, 6’ long, 1’ wide)
Damage 3d4 (2d4 after missile attack) 17-27 L (3 ½’ high, 9’ long, 2’ wide)
Defenses See below 28+ L (3 ½’ high, 14’ long, 3’ wide)
Attacks Missile
Weaknesses See below Daemon
Size M-L
Intelligence 15 Daemons inhabit the plane known as Hades, over which they rule with an iron
Alignment Neutral fist, but other races that dwell there (the hags, for instance) do not always
Treasure Type XIII recognize this authority. There is much convoluted maneuvering between the
Treasure Value Special: 4d8 gems various powers involved as a result.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 825 + 10/h.p. Daemons have a special form of magic resistance, which is based not on the
level of the caster, but on the level of the spell being cast. The first magic
resistance percentage listed is that possessed by the daemon against 1st-level
spells. For each spell level higher than 1st, the daemon’s magic resistance
decreases by 5%. Thus, if a daemon has a 100% resistance to 1st-level spells,
it would have a 95% resistance to 2nd-level spells, 90% to 3rd level spells,

Daemons are able to move between any of the lower planes from the Nine
Hells to the Abyss, and can enter the astral or ethereal planes as they wish.
They may not, however, enter the material plane unless summoned, conjured,
gated, etc. All daemons, regardless of type, have individual names that can
be used to summon and, theoretically, control them. Pentagrams will keep
daemons at bay. They greatly resent serving others, but if offered proper
inducements and flattery by a sufficiently powerful summoner, they may enter
General: Crystal cravers are creatures of living crystal, inhabitants of the
elemental plane of earth, but are sometimes encountered on the material plane into an alliance with such, as long as the terms favor the daemon.
as they burrow through the ground in search of crystals and crystalline forms
Lesser daemons are slain normally. Greater daemons and daemon lords, on
of all sorts. They will become aggressive only when thwarted from obtaining
(and ingesting) these crystals. The treasure of a crystal craver will be in the the other hand, can only be permanently slain on the layers of Hades itself; if
form of uncut gemstones in its gullet. They despise xorns, as the latter view slain elsewhere, their foul spirits will return to Hades and reform (one year per
hit die before they are fully recovered).
crystal cravers as succulent morsels.

Crystal cravers are able to change their molecular structure in order to pass All daemons have the following magical abilities, in addition to those listed for
each individual type:
through solid rock. Doing so requires but a single round, and they are likely to
do so to end encounters that are going badly against them. While doing so,
a crystal craver will be slain if a passwall spell is cast upon it. • Comprehend languages at will
• Half damage from acid, fire-based, or cold-based attacks
• Immune to poison, paralysis, enchantment/charm spells, and
Combat: Crystal cravers attack with a sharp, rotating spear that hangs from
their upper portion and can jab like the sting of a scorpion. In extremis, the suggestion
• Infravision (120’ range)
crystal craver can fire the tip of this spear like a projectile up to 20’, doing
• Invisibility at will
1d8+8 h.p. of damage if it strikes. It can only do so once, however, and once
the tip is fired the creature can only do 2d4 h.p. of damage with the now-club- • Non-enchanted weapons do no damage
• Telepathy at will (only with creatures with an intelligence of 5 or
like appendage.
The armor class of the creature depends on the type of weapon being used. • Ultravision (120’ range)
• Word of recall once per day (returns them to their home on Hades
Sharp, pointed, or non-metal weapons strike as if attacking AC -4. Blunt metal
from any other plane or place)
weapons (such as maces, iron-shod staves, etc.) strike as if attacking AC 0.

All daemons speak the daemonic tongue, in addition to their telepathic

Crystal cravers are immune to fire- and cold-based attacks, as well as poison
and gasses of all sorts. Electrical and lightning attacks do a maximum of half


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


All daemon lords have the powers of lesser deities, as listed in Appendix E, in to use magic scrolls and wands. Any other type of magic item will need to
addition to those powers listed herein. check the andromodaemon’s magic resistance before it can be used.

Andromodaemon (Greater Daemon) Appearance: Andromodaemons are humanoid in appearance, with the heads
of wild dogs. They have a pair of white horns on the top of their heads and
Number 1 (material plane), 1d3 (Hades) typically wear elaborate robes.
Morale +17
Hit Dice 13d12 Charon (Daemon Lord)
Armor Class -2
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good) Number Unique
Magic Resistance 100% (1st level spells) - 60% (9th level spells) Morale +20
No. of Attacks 4 Hit Dice 17d12 (140 h.p.)
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8/1d6 Armor Class -5
Defenses Magic use Move 180’/min. (in all circumstances)
Attacks Magic use Magic Resistance 120% (1st level spells) - 80% (9th level spells)
Weaknesses Holy water No. of Attacks 1
Size M Damage 2d4
Intelligence 20 Defenses Magic use
Alignment Neutral evil Attacks Magic use
Treasure Type III Weaknesses Holy water
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000 Size M
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%) Intelligence 21
X.P. Value 11,000 + 25/h.p. Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 22,200 + 35/h.p.

General: Andromodaemons are among the most powerful of the races of

daemons, and their kind rule vast tracts of the layers of Hades from iron
fortresses. Each such fortress will have 1d4 lesser daemons (of various kinds)
and 1d3 hags. They pride themselves on their civility and even urbanity, but
that veneer can be tossed aside in but a moment and the viciousness that lies
beneath, exposed.

Combat: Andromodaemons attack with their two claws, horns, and bite. IIn
addition, they have the following powers and abilities:
General: Charon (pronounced “kay-ron”) is the Boatman of the River Styx, the
• Burning hands once per round, causes 13 h.p. of damage, can be magical watercourse that flows from the planes of Acheron to Pandemonium.
used while attacking with claws No manner of summoning, gate, etc., will be able to bring Charon, except
• Darkness, 20’ radius once per round one that is cast on the banks of the River Styx. He will also come immediately
• Detect evil/good once per round if one of the following spells is cast while in/on or at the banks of the Styx:
• Dimension door once per day holy/unholy word, conjure elemental, invisible stalker, phantom stalker, or
• Feather fall once per round unseen servant.
• Fly at will (speed, etc. as noted above)
• Hypnosis once per round As dead spirits and souls arrive on the banks of the Styx, Charon will ferry
• Obscure alignment once per round them to their destination for the customary fee of 1 c.p. (this is why bodies are
• Psychic strike 5 times per day buried/burned/etc. with a copper piece over each eye or in the mouth). The
• Shape change into any humanoid form once per round living may also buy passage, but their price is more dear: a magic item, 100
• Telekinesis (325 lb. limit) once per round platinum pieces, or a pair of gems worth 500 g.p. or more. This fee, whether
• Teleport once per day paid by the dead or the living, is known as Charon’s Obol. No one who fails
to pay his price will be transported across the river. Charon’s black skiff can
All andromodaemons are the equivalent of a mage of level 1d8+10. They are hold up to ten passengers at a time. If he is paid for passage, he is a taciturn
able to cast such spells despite their magic resistance, as well as being able but non-hostile host.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Daemon

As he has a very distinct function, Charon holds himself aloof from the providing such passage, and if threatened will teleport away with their boat.
machinations of the other Daemon lords, and traditionally rebuffs those who All charonodaemons are in constant telepathic contact with one another, and
would seek to involve him in the politics of the lower planes. if one is slain, no others of his race will answer a summons before a suitable
supplication is made (a sacrifice of a good-aligned mortal and a powerful
Combat: Charon attacks with his boatman’s pole, which also forces anyone magic item in the ruins of a desecrated good temple, for example).
struck by it to make a saving throw vs. paralyzation or become paralyzed for
2d4x10 minutes. His gaze will cause fear (as per the spell) in all who meet it. Even if properly paid, there is a 15% chance that sheer malice will drive a
In addition, Charon has the following magical powers: charonodaemon to deliver his passengers to the wrong location, such as the
topmost layer of the Abyss rather than Hades, for example, or many miles
• All energy-based attacks (fire, electricity, cold, etc.) do no damage away from the intended destination on the proper plane. This does not apply
• Call up the Styx: The river itself will rise up, striking as a 17d12 HD to those acting directly on behalf of Charon, or under orders from one of the
creature, doing 5d6 h.p. of damage, and forcing a saving throw other daemon lords.
to retain memory on anyone hit (see below)
• Feather fall once per round Combat: Charonodaemons attack with their skiff poles. In addition, they are
• Psychic strike 6 times per day able to cause fear with the gaze of their glowing red eyes; anyone meeting
• Water walk at will the gaze must make a saving throw vs. magic or flee in terror for 10 minutes,
with a chance of dropping anything held in their hand of 60% minus 5% per
Charon can never actually be permanently killed. If Charon is slain, he will experience level. Charonodaemons can also summon 1d6 hydrodaemons (see
automatically reform instantly, but cannot re-enter the plane on which he was p. 335) out of the murky waters of the Styx. They themselves are immune to
slain until 24 hours later. the memory-robbing effects of the waters of the river.

Appearance: Charon is a skeletal human wearing dark robes. His eyes can Appearance: Charonodaemons are gaunt humanoid figures wearing dark
be seen to glow a dull red beneath his hood. His robes are made of the finest robes. Their faces are nearly skeletal and their skin is a sickly gray.

The River Styx: This river forms a barrier between the astral plane and all of
the various lower planes between Acheron and Pandemonium. Mortals from
the material plane who land on the top layer of any of the lower planes will
find themselves on the far side of the River Styx, a deep and raging torrent.
Anyone touching, entering, or drinking water from the River Styx must
immediately make a saving throw vs. magic or lose all memory of his life (treat
as a forget spell cast by a 15th level mage). Each subsequent contact will
require additional saving throws.

Charonodaemon (Lesser Daemon)

Number 1
Morale +11
Hit Dice 10d10
Armor Class -1 Cholerix (Daemon Lord)
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance 80% (1st level spells) - 40% (9th level spells) Number Unique
No. of Attacks 1 Morale +20
Damage 2d4 Hit Dice 22d12 (183 h.p.)
Defenses None Armor Class -2
Attacks Fear gaze Move 150’/min.
Weaknesses Holy water Magic Resistance 100% (1st level spells) - 60% (9th level spells)
Size M (5’) No. of Attacks 2
Intelligence 16 Damage 2d10/2d10
Alignment Neutral evil Defenses Magic use
Treasure Type None Attacks Magic use
Treasure Value n/a Weaknesses Holy water
Magical Treasure None Size L (7’)
X.P. Value 5,300 + 16/h.p. Intelligence 19
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type IX
General: Charonodaemons are the servants of the Daemon lord Charon, often Treasure Value 10d6x10,000
sent by him or other of the daemon lords to act as surrogates, messengers, etc. Magical Treasure 1d6 items (65%)
They are mostly found manning a boat on the River Styx somewhere in the X.P. Value 28,205 (material form), 282,050 (permanently slain)
lower planes, but can travel with their boat to the material, ethereal, or astral
plane at their master’s behest. A charonodaemon can be summoned by any General: Cholerix, The Parched One, is one of the most powerful of
conjuration/summoning spell cast along the banks of the Styx. daemonkind, serving as ambassador from the court of the Oinodaemon to the
various rulers of the lower planes. He is invariably accompanied by his
The living may buy passage across the Styx for 10 p.p., a magic item, or a personal guard of 6 nufanodaemons of greatest size (see p. 337).
pair of 50 g.p. (or greater) gems. Charonodaemons cannot be coerced into


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Cholerix attacks with his fists. In addition, anyone struck by him must
make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer additional dehydration damage equal
to the amount of damage inflicted by the strike itself. Any hit points lost as a
result of dehydration are then transferred to Cholerix. He can absorb as many
hit points as needed to bring him to a total of 223; any hit points in excess of
his normal total will (literally) drain away at a rate of 1 per minute starting 30
minutes after they were absorbed. In addition, Cholerix has the following

• Airy water once per round

• Cancellation (as per the rod) once per day
• Create water once per round
• Delude once per round
• ESP once per round
• Feather fall at will
• Feeblemind once per day
• Forceful hand once per round
• Gate in 1d3 daemons of any type (his choice) with 85% chance of
success, once per round
• Hold monster once per round
• Hold person once per round
• Minor globe of invulnerability once per day General: Derghodaemons are native to Hades, but can be found in great
• Prismatic spray once per day numbers in the neighboring planes of Tarterus and Gehenna as well. They are
• Psychic strike 6 times per day stupid, but both strong and stubborn, making them difficult to control if
• Putrefy food and drink once per round summoned. In addition to any treasure they have in their cave-lairs near the
• Pyrotechnics once per round banks of the Styx, they will have several gems in their gizzard, as noted above.
• Shape change once per round
• Transmute water to dust once per round Combat: Derghodaemons strike with ther clawed forearms, which are equally
• Wall of fog once per day spaced around their bodies. However, there is also a chance that one or more
• Wall of ice once per day of these clawed forearms will be holding a weapon:
• Water breathing at will
• Water walk at will Die Roll (d%) Armed with…
0-60 No weapons
Cholerix is immune to all enchantment/charm type spells, as well as sleep, 61-85 1 weapon
hold, and ESP. The spell purify food and drink will not work within 1 mile of 86-95 2 weapons
the daemon lord. 96-00 3 weapons

Appearance: Cholerix appears as a humanoid figure with tight, sallow skin, Weapons will be swords, axes, maxes, morning stars, etc. If a clawed forearm
sunken eyes, and a rictus grin. His bald head sports a series of down-pointing is holding a weapon, it will do damage appropriate to that weapon +8, due
horns in a ring. He wears rich clothing of scarlet and purple. to the great strength (20) of the creature, which also gives them a +3 bonus
“to hit”. If a clawed forearm has a weapon, it can be used to parry against a
Derghodaemon (Lesser Daemon) single opponent, giving the creature an effective AC of -8 against that one
enemy. Other claws may strike, of course. If two claws successfully strike an
Number 1d4 opponent, that opponent has been grabbed, and other attacks get a bonus of
Morale +12 +2 against it. Grabbed enemies can attack normally, but are unable to move
Hit Dice 11d10 or break off from melee unless they have a strength greater than 20, or the
Armor Class 0 derghodaemon is slain.
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance 80% (1st level spells) - 40% (9th level spells) Derghodaemons have the following powers:
No. of Attacks 5
Damage 1d4+8/1d4+8/1d4+8/1d4+8/1d4+8 or per • Darkness one per round (10’ range)
weapon type +8 • Fear once per round (20’ range)
Defenses Magic use • Sleep (twice per day)
Attacks Magic use • Teleport without error once per round
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (8’) Appearance: Derghodaemons are rotund creatures with three legs and five
Intelligence 6 arms ending in claws. Their heads are insect-like in appearance, and are
Alignment Neutral evil capable of rotating 360°. Their skin is gray-green.
Treasure Type VII (in lair), XIII (gizzard)
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000 (in lair), 1d4-1x100 (gizzard)
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (30% - in lair)
X.P. Value 5,800 + 16/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Daemon

open sores. Anyone so struck will suffer 1d10 h.p. of damage from the burning
fluid on the first round and 1d6 h.p. on the second. Only weapons with a +3
or greater enchantment will harm Diptherius, and he has the following abilities
and powers as well:

• Burning hands once per round

• Cause disease once per round
• Delude once per round
• ESP once per round
• Flaming sphere once per round
• Gate in 1d3 daemons of any type (his choice) with 85% chance of
success, once per round
• Globe of invulnerability once per day
• Lightning bolt once per round
• Meteor swarm once every 10 minutes
• Psychic strike 4 times per day
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Shape change once per round
• Song of war once per round (240’ range)
• Wall of fire once per day
• Wall of force once per day
• Wall of ice once per day

Diptherius is immune to all enchantment/charm type spells, as well as sleep,

hold, and ESP. He has the equivalent of the generalship skill with a level of

Appearance: Diptherius appears as a massive minotaur, but his skin is marred

by massive lesions which ooze ichor. He wears nothing but a loincloth and
metal greaves and bracers.
Diptherius (Daemon Lord)
Guardian Daemon (Lesser Daemon)
Number Unique
Morale +20 Number 1d3
Hit Dice 22d12 (180 h.p.) Morale n/a
Armor Class -1 Hit Dice 8d8
Move 150’/min. Armor Class 1
Magic Resistance 100% (1st level spells) - 60% (9th level spells) Move 90’/min.
No. of Attacks 4 Magic Resistance Standard
Damage 2d6/2d6/2d12/2d12 No. of Attacks 3
Defenses Magic use Damage 1d6/1d6/1d12
Attacks Magic use Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, immunities (see below)
Weaknesses Holy water Attacks Fire breathing
Size L (16’) Weaknesses Holy water
Intelligence 20 Size Varies
Alignment Neutral evil Intelligence 12
Treasure Type VII Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Value 4d6x10,000 Treasure Type None
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (45%) Treasure Value n/a
X.P. Value 31,205 (material form), 312,050 (permanently slain) Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 1,275 + 10/h.p.
General: Diptherius is the general of the armies of Hades, but is no less caught
up in the politics of the gloomy realm than any of the other daemon lords. The General: Guardian daemons are usually encountered on the material plane as
personal power that he would ordinarily wield because of his command of the guards for some treasure, chamber, portal, etc. They will never leave the object
armies is offset by the fact that those armies are under his theoretical command, of their protection unless slain, and thus never need check morale. They have
but actually owe their fealty to one or another of the other daemon lords or no treasure of their own (on the material plane, at least); they will always be
other powerful entities and daemons in Hades. The forces under his direct encountered in the role of a guard of some other treasure.
personal command and authority are no larger than any of the other daemon
lords. Combat: Although their forms are not fixed, guardian daemons will almost
always have a form that allows them to attack with two claws and a bite. In
Combat: Diptherius attacks with his massive fists and two great horns. Anyone addition to the normal powers of daemons, guardian daemons have the
struck by either horn with a roll of a natural 20 will not only be gored by the following powers:
horns, but will be flung 2d6x10’ in a random direction and suffer an additional
2d6 h.p. of damage from the toss. Anyone in melee with Diptherius must make • Able to speak and comprehend all languages
a saving throw vs. poison each round or be splattered with the ichor from his


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Breathe a cone of fire 30’ long and 10’ wide at the base; all • Darkness once per round (10’ range)
those within the area must save vs. breath weapon or take 5d6 • Dimension door once per round (used to gain altitude for their
h.p. of damage (those who save take half damage), but this gliding attack)
cannot be used against enemies within 10’ • Gate in another hydrodaemon once per day (50% chance of
• Can only be harmed by weapons with an enchantment of +2 or success)
better • Teleport without error once per round
• Immune to charm, hold, sleep, polymorph, and fear spells • Water walking at will
• Immune to one other form of attack (determine randomly):
On the material plane (only), hydrodaemons may gate in a 12 HD water
Die Roll (d%) Immune to… elemental once per day who will fight on the daemon’s behalf.
01-20 Nothing else
21-27 Blunt weapons Hydrodaemons take half damage from water-based attacks (no damage if they
28-34 Cold make a successful saving throw, if applicable).
35-41 Edged weapons
42-48 Electricity Appearance: A hydrodaemon has a distinctively batrachian appearance,
49-56 Fire looking like nothing so much as a large upright frog. It has large skin flaps
57-63 Gas connecting its arms and legs, which are used to allow it to glide. Skin is yellow
64-70 Illusions on the underside and green on the dorsal side.
71-77 Missiles
78-84 Paralyzation
85-93 Poison
94-00 Water

Appearance: Guardian daemons can be encountered in a variety of forms;

the exact form is set by the cleric who summons the creature from Hades. It will
almost always be something with at least claws and a mouth: a bear, cat, frog,
lizard, or a combination of many different creatures.

Hydrodaemon (Lesser Daemon)

Number 10d3 (in or near the Styx), 2d4 (elsewhere)

Morale +9
Hit Dice 9d12
Armor Class 2
Move 60’/min. (walking and flying - poor), 360’/min. Jaundix (Daemon Lord)
Magic Resistance 70% (1st level spells) - 30% (9th level spells) Number Unique
No. of Attacks 3 Morale +15
Damage 1d8/1d8/1d10 Hit Dice 20d12 (90 h.p.)
Defenses Magic use, half damage from water-based attacks Armor Class -6
Attacks Magic use, level drain, gliding Move 90’/min.
Weaknesses Holy water Magic Resistance 80% (1st level spells) - 40% (9th level spells)
Size L (10’) No. of Attacks 2
Intelligence 6 Damage 5d4/5d4
Alignment Neutral evil Defenses See below
Treasure Type VI Attacks Cold, paralyze
Treasure Value 4d8x1,000 Weaknesses Fire, holy water
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%) Size L (15’)
X.P. Value 5,100 + 16/h.p. Intelligence 18
Alignment Neutral evil
General: Hydrodaemons spend most of their time sporting throughout the River Treasure Type VII
Styx, and can thus be found on all of the lower planes, even though they can Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
be found throughout Hades even quite far from the river itself. They are immune Magical Treasure 2d10 items (45%)
to the memory-robbing effects of the river. They are sometimes sent to the X.P. Value 28,000 (material form), 280,000 (permanently slain)
material plane to wreck havoc and advance the causes of their masters; in
such cases they will usually be found in watery environs. General: Jaundix is a powerful daemon lord known to have good relations
with the various hags that inhabit Hades. He is distrusted by most of the other
Combat: Hydrodaemons attack with two claws and a bite. In addition to the powerful daemons, but none can contest the fact that he is one of the most
damage caused, the bite of a hydrodaemon drains one energy level from the powerful of their number. His palace stands in the midst of a great glacier
victim. Due to the great flaps of skin connecting their arms and legs, they are whose runoff feeds into the river Styx.
able to launch themselves into the air and glide quite swiftly for up to 10
minutes at a time like a flying fish. When flying they can also attack with two Combat: Jaundix attacks with his two tentacles. Those struck must make a
rear claws for 1d4 h.p. each. Hydrodaemons have the following abilities: saving throw vs. paralyzation or be frozen stiff for 3d4x10 minutes. In
addition, he radiates cold, causing all those within 15’ to suffer 1d6 h.p. of
• Create water once per round damage per round (no saving throw, but those with a resistance to cold only


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Daemon

take half damage). Jaundix is immune to any weapon with less than a +2 times, but the art of political intrigue is brought to a high art form when
enchantment. Any weapon striking Jaundix will shatter from the cold 10% of practiced among the super-elite of the daemonic hordes.
the time; if this happens, the strike will not inflict any damage. Jaundix has the
following powers: Combat: Malariax attacks with his two fists, and his touch will also cause
disease in any creature from the material plane (save vs. spell or contract a
• Cone of cold (15 HD) once per day disease that will be fatal in 1 week, making healing of any type impossible
• Hold person 3 times per day during that time). Only a heal spell, limited wish, or wish will remove the
• Ice storm (4d10 h.p.) 3 times per day affliction. In addition, Malariax has the following powers:
• Psychic strike 5 times per day
• Summon one of the following (his choice) once per day: • Burning hands once per round
o 1d4 white dragons • Cancellation (as per the rod) once per day
o 1d4 frost giants • Delude once per round
o 1d6 yeti • Dominate (as per the circlet) once per round
• Triple-strength wall of ice 3 times per day • Enlarge (on himself only) once per round
• ESP once per round
Jaundix is vulnerable to fire and heat. Fire-based attacks against him strike with • Feather fall at will
a +2 bonus “to hit” and do an additional 1 h.p. of damage per die. He is • Feeblemind once per day
immune to poison and petrification, and cold-based attacks actually heal him, • Flaming sphere once per round
up to his original maximum number of hit points. • Gate in 1d3 daemons of any type (his choice) with 85% chance of
success, once per round
Appearance: Jaundix appears as a giant yeti with yellow fur and white • Minor globe of invulnerability once per day
tentacles instead of arms. • Psychic strike 9 times per day
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Shape change once per round
• Transfixing gaze (save vs. spells or be locked in place until
Malariax chooses to release the victim) once per round
• Turn any metal into platinum once per day (300 lbs. maximum)
• Wall of fire once per day
• Wall of force once per day
• Wall of ice once per day
• Water breathing once per round
• Water walk at will

Malariax is immune to all enchantment/charm type spells, as well as sleep,

hold, and ESP.

Malariax (Daemon Lord)

Number Unique
Morale +20
Hit Dice 25d12 (233 h.p.)
Armor Class -6
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance 120% (1st level spells) - 80% (9th level spells)
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 2d6/2d6
Defenses Spell immunity
Attacks Disease, magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (9’)
Intelligence 23
Alignment Neutral evil Appearance: Malariax appears as a gaunt humanoid figure in threadbare
Treasure Type VIII gray robes. He has the head of a ram, but one rotting with various diseases
Treasure Value 2d4+3x10,000 and afflictions. The hair on his head comes off in nauseating clumps, his hands
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (10%) and face are marked with open lesions that ooze stinking effluvia, and if he
X.P. Value 29,555 (material form), 295,550 (permanently slain) remains in one place for more than a few minutes, he will leave a ring of
rotting flesh that has sloughed off his body. His voice is a hoarse whisper.
General: Malariax, the current holder of the title of Oinodaemon, rules over
the various races of daemons through cunning, subtlety, and savagery. The The Staff of the Lower Planes: The badge of office of the Oinodaemon is the
political machinations of the lower planes are Machiavellian at the best of Staff of the Lower Planes, a powerful artifact that is greatly coveted by the
various daemon lords. Any non-daemon grasping the staff will take 10d8 h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


of electrical damage and lose 2 energy levels per round. The staff cannot be Die Roll (d%) Armed with…
used by any other daemon as long as the current Oinodaemon still lives. It 01-12 Battleaxe +1 and shield +1
grants its wielder the following powers: 13-20 Battleaxe +2 and shield +1
21-25 Battleaxe +2 and shield +2
• Beguilement (as per the rod) once per round 26-37 Flail +1 and shield +1
• Geis once per round 38-45 Flail +2 and shield +1
• Mass charm once per round 46-50 Flail +2 and shield +2
• Grant another being’s wish once every 10 minutes 51-62 Bastard sword +1 and shield +1
63-70 Bastard sword +2 and shield +1
The effects of the Staff will be felt even by daemons, as it ignores their innate 71-75 Bastard sword +2 and shield +2
magic resistance. 76-87 Two-handed sword +1
88-95 Two-handed sword +2
Mediodaemon (Greater Daemon) 96-00 Two-handed sword +3

Number 1 (material plane), 1d3 (lower planes) In addition to the powers normally possessed by daemons, mediodaemons
Morale +10 have the following powers and abilities, as indicated (only one such power
Hit Dice 10d12 can be used in any given round):
Armor Class -3 or better
Move 150’/min. • Become ethereal once per day
Magic Resistance 95% (1st-level spells) - 55% (9th level spells) • Comprehend languages once per round
No. of Attacks 2 or 1 • Detect invisibility once per round
Damage 1d6+6/1d6+1 or per weapon type +6 • Detect magic once per round
Defenses Magic use • Dimension door twice per day
Attacks Magic use • ESP once per round
Weaknesses Holy water • Invisibility once per round
Size L (7’) • Levitate once per round
Intelligence 15 • Passwall four times per day
Alignment Neutral evil • Polymorph self once per round
Treasure Type XVII • Possession once per day (see “demon” entry for details)
Treasure Value 1d10x50 • Read magic once per round
Magical Treasure 1 item, 1 potion (60%) • Repulsion once per day
X.P. Value 2,700 + 14/h.p. • Wind walk once per day

Mediodaemons also have infravision and ultravision. They are able to

communicate telepathically with any creature with an intelligence of 7 or less.

Appearance: Mediodaemons are humanoid in appearance, a dull brown in

color, heavily muscled and with three-toed claws for feet. Their heads are a
mix of piscine and reptilian, and they have two prominent fin-like crests on the
top of their head running down the back of their skull. Their mouths are large
and sucker-like, with fangs.

Nufanodaemon (Greater Daemon)

Number 1 (on Material plane), 1-2 (in Hades)

Morale +20
Hit Dice 12d12
Armor Class -4
General: Mediodaemons are fond of traveling to the material plane where Move 120’/min., 360’/min. (flying - poor)
they can wreak havoc in general and aid those of evil intent, so long as the Magic Resistance 100% (1st level spells) - 60% (9th level spells)
mediodaemon is acknowledged to be in charge. Each mediodaemon has a No. of Attacks 2 or 1
unique name, but is loath to reveal it, as such knowledge would put them under Damage 1d8+8/1d8+8 or per weapon type+8
the power of those who know it. Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, regenerate
Attacks Magic use
Combat: Mediodaemons attack either with their two great fists, or with some Weaknesses Holy water
massive magical weapon (their 18/00 strength giving them a +3 bonus “to Size L (8’)
hit” and a +6 bonus to damage). If armed, their weapons should be Intelligence 17
determined randomly. Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type XVII
Treasure Value 1d10x100
Magical Treasure 1 item, 1 potion (60%)
X.P. Value 6,800 + 16/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Daemon

have ultravision and infravision, and can see into the x-ray and gamma ray
spectrums as well.

While flying, nufanodaemons will smash into opponents, doing 2d6 h.p. of
damage from such a strike, or 3d6 if an enemy is hit head-on (doing so will
inflict 1d4 h.p. on the nufanodaemon as well, however). They prefer to grapple
with opponents after forcing them to the ground, since their full strength is
easier to employ when in a normal melee situation.

Appearance: Nufanodaemons are large and vaguely humanoid in form, albeit

with immense bat-like wings, three-toed feet with claws, and bullet-shaped
heads with large fanged mouths. They are gray-green in color and heavily

Piscodaemon (Lesser Daemon)

Number 3d4
Morale +6
Hit Dice 6d8
Armor Class -1
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
Magic Resistance 60% (1st level spells) - 20% (9th level spells)
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 2d8/2d8
Defenses See below
Attacks Stinking cloud
Weaknesses Holy water
General: Nufanodaemons are among the mightiest inhabitants of Hades, and
Size M (5’)
are able to enter any of the various Lower Planes at will. They are greatly
Intelligence 11
feared and hated by most of the inhabitants of the Lower Planes, and only the
Alignment Neutral evil
mightiest devils or demons do not pay them deference when they are around.
Treasure Type XV
They will often cooperate with other evil beings, always with an eye towards
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000
maximizing their own power and well-being. They have personal names that
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%)
they keep most secret, lest the name be used to force the nufanodaemon to
X.P. Value 455 + 6/h.p.

Combat: Nufanodaemons strike either with their great fists or with a magical
weapon (if such is available). When striking with a weapon, they receive a
+3 bonus “to hit” and a +8 bonus to damage due to their great strength (equal
to a strength score of 20). In addition, they are able to use the following
powers as indicated. For those powers that are usable once per round, only
one can be used in any given round:

• Command 3 times per day

• Comprehend languages once per round
• Detect invisibility once per round
• Detect magic once per round
• Dimension door 3 times per day
• Dispel magic 2 times per day
• Enlarge (shrink) once per round
• Fear (by touch) once per round
• Gaseous form once per day
• Invisibility 10’ radius once per round
• Mirror image (4 images) 2 times per day
• Polymorph self once per round
• Project image once per round
• Read magic once per round
• Reverse gravity 2 times per day
• Telepathy (with creatures of intelligence 5 or higher) once per round
• Wind walk 3 times per day
General: Piscodaemons can be found throughout the central lower planes,
Nufanodaemons are immune to any weapon with less than a +2 enchantment, where they are favored as laborers by stronger evil creatures. They are
and have the same special magic resistance as do all daemons. They themselves resentful and hateful creatures, and will take out their own
regenerate 1 h.p. every 3 rounds, and are immune to paralysis, beguiling, frustrations at their indignity on anything weaker within range. They are also
charm, and paralysis. Gasses of all types are ineffectual against them. They


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


to be found on the material plane where they are likewise used as lower-rung General: Servodaemons make up large contingents of the armies of Hades,
servants, and likewise resent such treatment. and for good reason. They are immensely strong (24 STR score), not overly
bright, and completely dedicated to their masters.
Combat: Piscodaemons attack with their great lobster-like claws. If both claws
hit, the victim has been “seized”. Seized creatures get a -1 penalty on all “to Combat: Servodaemons attack with a unique type of polearm that is studded
hit” rolls and are then subject to further attack by the setae around the with blades and has a barbed point, which can only be wielded by a creature
creature’s mouth. On the following round, the seized creature must make a with a strength of 24 or above. If it hits successfully, there is a 50% chance
successful saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates the victim has been that the blades will do 1d8 h.p. of damage on the first round and automatically
injected, and death is certain (and instantaneous). Such victims are often do 2d8 h.p. the next round as it is ripped out of the victim’s body. Half of the
carried off to the piscodaemon’s lair for later consumption. time (50%) the barbed point will hit, doing 1d10 h.p. on the first round and
1d6 h.p. when it is pulled out. Due to their strength, servodaemons get a +6
Piscodaemons are able to release a stinking cloud once per day, and get a bonus “to hit” and a +12 bonus to damage. The strength bonus to damage
+5 bonus to all surprise rolls due to their bulging, stalked eyes. All water-based only applies on the round that the weapon hits, not on the following round
attacks against piscodaemons get a -1 penalty per die for damage. when it does damage as it is removed. On a natural roll of 20, the
servodaemon will have hit the enemy with the shaft of the weapon, knocking
Appearance: Piscodaemons are a nightmare agglomeration of many different him unconscious for 2d6 minutes unless he makes a successful saving throw
sorts of sea-creatures. They have the heads and foreclaws of great lobsters, vs. paralyzation. In addition, servodaemons have the following powers and
tentacles which they use for movement, and a fluke-like tail. abilities:

Servodaemon (Lesser Daemon) • Shocking grasp three times per day (does 1d8+13 h.p.)
• Take half damage from earth-based attacks
Number 1d6 • Teleport once per round
Morale +13
Hit Dice 13d10 Note that the shocking grasp ability of the servodaemon can be used through
Armor Class 1 the pole arm that it wields, making it even more deadly.
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance 75% (1st level spells) - 35% (9th level spells) If a servodaemon knocks out an enemy, and no others are around to directly
No. of Attacks 1 threaten it, it will attempt to draw forth a portion of his life force. The process
Damage Per weapon type requires 5 minutes of uninterrupted contact, and will result in 1d10x10% of
Defenses Magic use the victim’s life force being drained (which applies to experience points,
Attacks Magic use statistics such as strength and intelligence, etc.). Any fractions should be
Weaknesses Holy water rounded up. These losses are permanent unless the servodaemon is slain within
Size L (12’) 24 hours, or a restoration spell is cast upon the victim.
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral evil Appearance: Servodaemons are humanoid in form, covered in scales and with
Treasure Type VII large tooth-filled mouths and wide trumpet-like ears. Their left arm is three times
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 the size of their right, and allows them to wield their strange polearm with
Magical Treasure None great deftness.
X.P. Value 7,050 + 18/h.p.
Soul Worm (Least Daemon)

Number 10d4 (Hades)

Morale n/a
Hit Dice 1d8
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+1
Defenses None
Attacks None
Weaknesses None
Size M
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type Holy water
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 10 + 1/h.p.
Turn as Type XIII


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Death, Minor

General: Surodaemons are the most powerful form of daemon aside from the
daemon lords themselves. They can be found anywhere in the lower planes
and are universally feared. Inscrutable creatures, it is rarely known what
errand drives their comings and goings.

Combat: Surodaemons attack with their claws. Any creature meeting the gaze
of a surodaemon must make a saving throw vs. spells or be held (as per the
spell hold person, hold monster, etc. as applicable). A successful saving throw
indicates the victim is not held, but rather sees the surodaemon as a loved one
or trusted companion, rather than as the daemon truly appears. In addition,
surodaemons have the following powers:

• Blade barrier once per day

• Charm person or monster once per round
• Clairaudience once per round
General: Soul worms are the souls and spirits of those of neutral evil alignment, • Clairvoyance once per round
and are found on the plane of Hades. They are used to create least devils, • ESP once per round
daemons, and demons as well as creatures such as quasits, imps, and worry • Fear (by touch) once per round
hags, and are also used by liches to sustain themselves. They are thus valuable • Illusion (as a wand of illusion) once per round
commodities. • Mislead once per round
• Possession once per round (see “demon” entry for more details)
Combat: Soul worms attack with a bite. • Suggestion once per round
• Symbol of persuasion, insanity, or hopelessness once per day
Appearance: Soul worms are long sickly worms of ivory hue with human faces • Telekinesis (600 lb. limit) once per round
distorted by evil, greed, and anguish. • Teleport without error once per round
• Wall of fire once per day
Surodaemon (Greater Daemon)
Appearance: Surodaemons are humanoid in form with blank faces and large
Number 1 eyes swirling with colors. They wear dark cloaks, but nothing else.
Morale +17
Hit Dice 14d12 Death, Minor
Armor Class -5
Move 150’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying -average) Number 1
Magic Resistance 110% (1st level spells) - 70% (9th level spells) Morale n/a
No. of Attacks 2 Hit Dice 8d8 (always 33 h.p.)
Damage 2d4/2d4 Armor Class -4
Defenses Magic use Move 120’/min.
Attacks Magic use Magic Resistance Standard
Weaknesses Holy water No. of Attacks 1
Size M Damage 2d8
Intelligence 19 Defenses Immune to electricity, cold, fire, some spells
Alignment Neutral evil Attacks Always strikes first, telekinesis
Treasure Type VIII Weaknesses None
Treasure Value 6d4+12x10,000 Size M
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (30%) Intelligence 10
X.P. Value 9,000 + 25/h.p. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,405

General: Minor deaths are

servants of the force of
Death itself. They have no
fixed abode, but
constantly roam the
multiverse to take care of
those who, through some
contrivance, have cheated Death. They are capable of traveling through any
plane of existence, including the astral and ethereal, at will. They do not
normally attack their targets directly, preferring to use their powers of
telekinesis (1,000 lb. limit) to cause convenient “accidents.” They can also
become invisible at will, and can use their telekinesis power while unseen.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: Minor deaths strike with a scythe. They always strike first in a round, • ESP once per round
and are immune to mind-affecting spells such as enchantment/charms, hold, • Fog cloud three times per day
sleep, etc. Attacks based on electricity, cold, and fire do them no harm. • Gaseous form once per round
• Invisibility once per round
Appearance: Minor deaths are skeletal beings that wear black robes, often • Ray of enfeeblement once per day
with the hood pulled up to obscure their face. • Stinking cloud once per day
• Summon 1d8 shaggy demodands once per day (60% chance of
Demodand success, only in Tarterus, maximum of 8 total can be summoned
by the group of shaggy demodands as a whole)
Demodands are native to the plane of Tarterus, where their power is • Tongues once per round
demonstrated by the mere fact that they have remained independent despite • Weakness three times per day
costant incursions and machinations from both demons and daemons. They
are both cruel and powerful as a race, and are rarely found outside their Only weapons with a +3 or greater enchantment can harm a shaggy
domain. On occasion, they will be found on the material plane, wither they demodand, and their great folds of skin make them resistant to edged
are summoned to serve as a guardian or enforcer for some very powerful weapons; long swords, pole axes, etc. get a -1 penalty “to hit” against a
being. shaggy demodand (short swords do not receive this penalty, as they can stab
as well as slash).
Demodand society is split into three distinct castes, and this hierarchy is rigidly
enforced by those above, even if those below are constantly scheming to Appearance: Shaggy demodands are relatively short and squat for
overthrow its boundaries. Raw power is the ultimate determining factor. demodands. Their most prominent feature is their wrinkled and sagging skin,
which gives them the appearance of old age even though they are, essentially,
All demodands are immune to acid and poison. All are also resistant to fire- ageless. They also sport wings, wide mouths, and long claws.
and cold-based attacks; such attacks will do half normal damage against a
demodand. They are not affected by fear of any sort, and are immune to all
illusion/phantasm type spells. They speak their own language as well as those
of both daemons and demons.

Shaggy Demodand

Number 1 (material plane), 1d8 (Tarterus)

Morale +16
Hit Dice 15d8
Armor Class -3
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d8+10/1d8+10/5d4
Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (6’) Slime Demodand
Intelligence 16
Alignment Chaotic evil/Neutral evil Number 1 (material plane), 1d10 (Tarterus)
Treasure Type VIII Morale +14
Treasure Value 1d6x10,000 Hit Dice 13d8
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%) Armor Class -2
X.P. Value 5,250 + 20/h.p. Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance D
General: Shaggy demodands are the rulers of Tarterus and make up the No. of Attacks 3
officers of its vast armies. They are the most powerful of the demodand race, Damage 2d4+8/2d4+8/4d4
and their might is such that few will risk their wrath. They have both infravision Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
and ultravision with 120’ range, and their other senses are excellent as well. Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Combat: Shaggy demodands attack with their claws and bite. They have a Size M (6 ½’)
strength score of 21 and thus get a +4 bonus “to hit” and a +9 bonus to Intelligence 16
damage. They are capable of using large weapons (such as a two-handed Alignment Chaotic evil/Neutral evil
sword), but when doing so only get one attack per round. They also have the Treasure Type VI (Tarterus only)
following powers: Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30% - Tarterus only)
• Beguile once per day X.P. Value 3,950 + 18/h.p.
• Cloudkill once per day
• Detect good once per round
• Detect invisibility once per round
• Detect magic once per round
• Dispel magic three times per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demodand

Tarry Demodand

Number 1 (material plane), 2d6 (Tarterus)

Morale +12
Hit Dice 11d8
Armor Class -1
Move 150’/min., 300’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance B
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d6+8/1d6+8/3d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (7’)
Intelligence 8-16
Alignment Chaotic evil/Neutral evil
Treasure Type VI (Tarterus only)
Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30% - Tarterus only)
X.P. Value 2,850 + 16/h.p.

General: Slime demodands are the vast middle class of demodand society and
form the non-commissioned officers of its army. They have infravision with 120’
range and ultravision with 60’ range.

Combat: Slime demodands attack with their claws and bite. They have a
strength score of 20, and thus get a bonus of +3 “to hit” and +8 to damage.
The slime demodand also secretes an acidic slime all over its body; any hit will
do an additional 1d6 h.p. of acid damage due to this substance splashing on
the victim (save vs. poison to be unaffected by the slime). If a slime demodand
hits with all three of its attacks against the same target in a single round, it has
grappled the victim and will inflict an additional 4d6 h.p. of acid slime
damage; a saving throw is entitled to the victim in this case, which will reduce
the damage from the acidic slime to half, if the throw is successful. Slime
demodands also have the following powers:

• Detect good once per round

• Detect invisibility once per round
• Detect magic once per round
• Dispel magic three times per day
• ESP once per round
• Fascinate once per round
• Fog cloud three times per day
• Gaseous form once per round
• Invisibility once per round
• Ray of enfeeblement once per day
• Summon 1d2 slime demodands (50% chance of success, only in
Tarterus, maximum of 10 total can be summoned by the group of General: The race of tarry demodands are the weakest of the three demodand
slime demodands as a whole) castes, but weakness is a relative term. These wiry creatures are individually
• Tongues once per round quite powerful compared to most other creatures, and form the backbone of
• Weakness three times per day the multitudinous demodand armies that fight against daemon and demon
alike. They have infravision and ultravision with 120’ range.
Slime demodands are only wounded by weapons with a +2 or greater
enchantment. Combat: Tarry demodands attack with their long talons and bite. As they have
a strength score of 19, they get a +3 bonus “to hit” and a +7 bonus to damage.
Appearance: Slime demodands are humanoid, but almost pyramidal in The skin of the tarry demodand oozes a black, tar-like substance which has an
outline; their lower portions are thicker than their upper ones. They are winged, impact in combat. Any creature struck by or successfully hitting a tarry
and have flat heads with wide mouths and large dull-looking eyes. Their black demodand has a 5% chance of becoming stuck to it. If that occurs, it has the
skin glistens with the acidic slime that gives them their name. following effects:

• If the demodand was attacking, it automatically and instantly gets

an additional sequence of attacks (talon/talon/bite).
• If someone else was attacking, there is a 25% chance that the
weapon will be stuck to the demodand and ripped out of the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


wielder’s hand. If this happens, the wielder gets a +1d6 penalty In addition, most types of demons have other magical and non-magical
to initiative on the following round. powers, as described in their specific entry below. Remember also that all
• If someone else was attacking, and the demodand has already demon lords are treated as lesser deities, and have all of the powers ascribed
struck in the round, the demodand gets a -1d6 bonus to initiative to such beings as listed in Appendix E, as well as those powers listed below.
on the following round. Demons share a common language.

Tarry demodands can only be struck by weapons with an enchantment of +1 All but the most mindless demons can speak the demonic tongue, in addition
or better. In addition, they have the following powers: to their telepathic powers.

• Detect good once per round Many demons are able to gate in others of their kind when in distress, as
• Detect invisibility once per round described below. Note that most will be hesitant to do so, for it places them
• Detect magic once per round under an obligation to those who respond to the call for aid. Opening such a
• Dispel magic twice per day gate counts as the demon’s action for that round, and those who enter through
• ESP once per round it (if any) are fully able to function on the following round. Demons entering
• Fascinate once per round through a gate may, of course, gate in others of their kind…
• Fog cloud three times per day
• Gaseous form once per round Note that a pentagram will keep least, lesser, and even greater demons at
• Invisibility once per round bay, but will not stop demon princes and lords.
• Summon 1d2 tarry demodands once per day (40% chance of
success, only in Tarterus, maximum of 12 total can be summoned Demonic possession
by the group of tarry demodands as a whole)
• Tongues once per round All but the least demons are able to attempt to possess mortals (demon princes
• Weakness three times per day and their ilk can do so as well, but only do so very rarely; it would be quite
unlikely for a Prince of the Abyss to bother to possess some twelve-year-old girl
Appearance: Tarry demodands are tall and lanky, with pointed heads, large for no good reason, for example). Demons possess mortals for several reasons.
tooth-filled fish-like mouths, and great bulging eyes. They are winged, and their First and foremost is to cause mischief and evil on the material plane, for they
gray-green skin is covered with a black, tar-like substance that gives them their despise the good lives that mortals live, compared to their own frightful
name. existences; thus, they often select some paragon of weal and law and seek to
use their position to advance the cause of chaotic evil. Secondly, they revel in
Demon corrupting individuals thus; paladins, for example, will lose their exalted status
for sins committed even while under demonic control. Lastly, it gives them an
Demons inhabit the 666 layers of the Abyss, and embody the ethos of chaotic opportunity to exist in the material plane, if only vicariously, and all denizens
evil. Some demons come in a wide variety of types, while others are unique of the lower planes crave such experiences as a relief from their literal eternity
(the latter tending to be incredibly powerful, on the level of deities). of torment and woe.

Demons are able to travel from one layer to another within their home plane, The process of demonic possession is begun by a demon when it is on the
as well as enter the planes of Tarterus, Pandemonium, or Hades. They can also Astral plane and detects a likely victim. There is no set procedure or percentage
enter the astral plane from the top layer of any of those planes. They cannot chance for a case of demonic possession to occur; possession is more likely in
enter the material plane without some sort of magical intervention (spell, gate, times of emotional, physical, mental, or similar stress (when the victim is most
magical device, etc.), but can enter the ethereal plane from the astral where vulnerable), but such stress is no guarantee that a demon will attempt to possess
those planes intersect above the material. the unfortunate so afflicted. It is a relatively rare phenomenon.

Demons are proud and vicious, and never willingly serve any master, A demon attempting to possess a normal mortal must engage in a trial of wills,
particularly a mortal. If forced to serve a mortal, they will not cease to attempt during which time the demon plays upon the emotional and spiritual
to subvert, impede, or ultimately slay him. Demons will sometimes carry mortals weaknesses and feelings of guilt in the target. At first, this will seem like
back to their home plane in order to enslave them. Greater demons have particularly harsh pangs of conscience, but will eventually erupt into full-
individual names, while lesser and least demons do not. fledged inner war. The process will take 1d4 days before the demon has fully
worn down the victim enough to attempt outright possession.
All demons, of whatever type, have the following abilities:
When the demon attempts to possess the victim, a saving throw vs. magic is
• Infravision (constant, 120’ range) made, using the following modifiers. The goetic quotient (GQ) is calculated by
• Teleport without error at will adding the victim’s intelligence and wisdom scores, and subtracting the
• Telepathy allowing them to understand all languages, but not to demon’s intelligence and hit dice. Thus, if a human with an INT of 13 and a
read minds; those with intelligence of 8 or higher can converse WIS of 15 were being possessed by a marilith, the GQ would be 4. The
with any creature modifiers are cumulative:
• Half damage from cold-based attacks
• Half damage from electrical attacks and lightning Circumstance Saving Throw Modifier
• Half damage from fire (including magical fire and dragon’s GQ 9 or greater +4
breath) GQ 6 to 8 +3
• Half damage from gas attacks GQ 3 to 5 +2
• Specially made cold-wrought iron weapons will cause full GQ 0 to 2 +1
damage to all demons, even those normally affected only by GQ -1 to -4 0
enchanted weapons. Steel weapons (which are normally carried GQ -5 to -8 -1
by adventurers) do not have this effect. GQ -9 to -12 -2


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

Circumstance Saving Throw Modifier

GQ -13 or lower -3 Alu-demon (Semi-demon)
Victim is chaotic in alignment +1
Victim is evil in alignment +2 Number 1
Morale +5
If the victim is successful in his saving throw, the attempt to possess has failed. Hit Dice 6d10
There is only a 10% chance that a demon will re-attempt such a failed Armor Class 5 (or better)
possession. If so, the second attempt will take place 1d4 days after the first. Move 120’/min., 120’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance D
There is a 1% cumulative chance per day that demonic possession will befall No. of Attacks 1
a mortal who is himself traveling astrally; the demon is able to take control of Damage Per weapon type (+ strength bonus, if applicable)
the body while the soul is absent. In such cases, possession is automatic; when Defenses +1 (or better) or cold iron weapon to harm, magic use
the mortal soul attempts to return, the struggle against the demon’s influence Attacks Magic use, drain h.p.
will commence at that time, but with the demon being on the “defense” as it Weaknesses Holy water, cold iron
were. If the “deposession” fails, the silver cord is cut and the soul of the host Size M
is forever lost. Intelligence 11-18
Alignment Chaotic evil (80%), chaotic neutral (20%)
While a mortal is possessed, he is able to hear, see, and remember everything Treasure Type VIII
that happens during the experience. Indeed, having the mortal soul trapped Treasure Value 8d12x1,000
helplessly within the body during the experience is one of the things in which Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d6 items (60%)
demons revel, as they are able to keep up a constant mental conversation with X.P. Value 3,000 + 14/h.p. (non-mage), 4,050 + 14/h.p. (mage)
the trapped soul, tormenting them as they use their bodies to wreak woe.
General: Alu-demons are the offspring of succubi (see p. 362) and mortals.
While possessing a mortal, the demon is able to perform any of its magical They are invariably female, and there is a 25% chance that any given alu-
abilities. It is otherwise limited to the powers and skills of the possessee. demon will have an intelligence of 17 or 18, and will be a mage of level
Demons cannot, however, cast spells memorized by a possessed person 1d12. They are mostly treated as outsiders and renegades by regular
(neither can such spells be cast by the person possessed, of course). Memories demonkind, and fully 20% of them are actually chaotic neutral in alignment.
are accessible to the demon, but there will always be subtle (or not so subtle)
differences in personality that a discerning person can use to recognize the Combat: Alu-demons strike with weapons. They may wear enchanted armor
fact that something is amiss. for protection greater than their natural AC of 5, but only the magical bonuses
will count in their favor unless the armor is of a type that would naturally be
If the demon attempts some particularly heinous act (slaying the possessed better than AC 5. Example: An alu-demon wearing a +2 gambeson would be
person’s wife, for example, or defiling a particularly holy place), a single AC 3, while one wearing a suit of +2 mail would be AC 2. High dexterity may
attempt to shake off the possession can be attempted. During the attempt, it also improve an alu-demon’s AC, if applicable. Alu-demons also have the
will be quite obvious to outside observers what is happening, for during a 2d6 following powers (all are done as if the alu-demon were 12th level):
round period, the victim will be seen to have a very physical confrontation with
himself as the original soul and the demonic spirit wrestle for control of the • Charm person three times per day
body. • Dimension door once per day
• ESP three times per day
The demon will only leave the body if forced to do so by some magic such as • Shape change three times per day (only to a humanoid form
exorcism, spirit wrack, etc. An imminent mortal threat to the body will also be roughly the same size as the alu-demon)
effective, as the demon will be confined to the Abyss if the body is slain while • Suggestion three times per day
possessed, just as if its own material body were slain on the material plane.
Alu-demons are also able to drain hit points from victims they are able to touch.
Amulets This requires a successful “to hit” roll on the part of the alu-demon, and will
drain 1d8 h.p. from the victim (which can be recovered normally). Half of
Singular demons, at the level of princes and lords, have demonic amulets that these hit points (rounded down) are then added to the h.p. total of the alu-
contain a vital essence of their dark souls. They do this for self-protection; unless demon. Such hit points can never exceed her original total.
the amulet itself is destroyed, slaying such a demon is impossible, even on its
home plane. The amulet need not appear as a piece of jewelry, of course; it Alu-demons are harmed only by cold iron weapons or those with an
can take on any form desired, although only the most powerful demons will enchantment o +1 or better.
not be forced to carry their amulet on their person.
Appearance: Alu-demons are humanoid in appearance, with tiny horns and
If some other creature or person should gain possession of the demon’s amulet, relatively small wings that don’t seem able to bear their weight, but do.
however, the demon in question is placed in a very precarious position. Such
a demon will generally serve the possessor of the amulet for no longer than 24
hours, at the end of which time the amulet must either be destroyed or it will
automatically return to its rightful owner. If it is destroyed, the demon will be
banished to its home plane instantly, where it must dwell for a year and a day.
After this time the amulet will reform, and the demon will be freed to seek its
vengeance (of course, during the interval, the demon will send allies and
minions to deliver a taste of its wrath). It is possible for the amulet to be returned
to its owner after a service has been rendered, along with a generous stipend,
and the demon not be filled with rage and resentment, but such details are left
to the game master to determine.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Arachnia (Demon Lady) • Shape change twice per day

• Summon once per day:
Spider Form Drow Form
Number Unique Unique Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing
Morale +16 +16 01-20 1d8+8 large spiders
Hit Dice 16d12 (66 h.p.) 16d12 (66 h.p.) 21-50 1d6+2 huge spiders
Armor Class -10 -2 51-90 2d4 giant spiders
Move 10’/min., 90’/min. (in 150’/min. 91-00 1d4 phase spiders
Magic Resistance N N • True seeing once per day
No. of Attacks 1 1
Damage 4d6 Per weapon type While in the form of a drow female, Arachnia not only has all the powers
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use accorded to such, but is also a 16th level cleric/14th level mage. She does
Attacks Poison, web, magic use not wear armor in this form, but will wield a magical weapon of some sort.
Weaknesses Holy water, cold iron
Size L M In either form, Arachnia is immune to all weapons without at least a +1 magical
Intelligence 21 21 bonus and has both infravision and ultravision, with a range of 120’. Holy
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil water will cause her 3d6+3 h.p. of damage if it hits, and 6 h.p. if it splashes
Treasure Type VIII XV her.
Treasure Value 7d6x1,000 7d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (60%) 1d6 items (60%) Appearance: Arachnia appears either as an enormous (20’ long) spider with
X.P. Value 12,470 (material form), 124,700 (permanently slain) the head of a monstrous drow, or as a beautiful dark elf female. It is unknown
which, if either, is her true form.

Babau (Lesser Demon)

Number 1d3 (material plane), 1d6 (Abyss)

Morale +8
Hit Dice 7d12
Armor Class -3
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 3 or 1
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d4 or per weapon type +7
Defenses Magic use, resistance to cutting/stabbing weapons
Attacks Magic use, gaze
Weaknesses Cold wrought iron does +2 damage, holy water
Size M
Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic evil
General: Arachnia is the Demon Queen of Spiders and patron goddess of the Treasure Type VIII
dark elves. She is sometimes invoked on the material plane by her worshippers Treasure Value 4d6x1,000
in order to receive some horrific living sacrifice. She has two main forms: that Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
of a disgusting enormous spider with a hideous humanoid head, and that of X.P. Value 2,000 + 12/h.p.
an incredibly beautiful dark elf. Each has different abilities, as noted below.

Combat: In spider form, Arachnia attacks with her poisonous stinger; those
struck by it must make a saving throw vs. poison with a -4 penalty or die
instantly. In addition, she is able to cast forth webs from her abdominal
spinnerets. These webs act as a web spell, can be cast up to 30’, and those
stuck within them must take 1d4 h.p. per round from the noxious nature of the
strands themselves. She may also use the following powers as indicated.

• Confusion (by gaze) at will

• Darkness, 10’ radius at will
• Gate once per day:

Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

01-33 Fails; must wait 24 hours to try again
34-63 Vrock demon
79-86 Hezrou demon
87-00 Glabrezu demon
General: Babaus are found in great numbers in certain regions of the Abyss,
• Psychic strike 6 times per day and are despised by weaker sorts of demons such as vrocks, hezrou, and
• Phase door twice per day glabrezu. Large packs of babau are even known to take down nalfeshnee for


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

food, thus not endearing them to a large portion of the demonic races. As all
demons, they are cruel and cunning, and will try to take out whomever they
perceive to be the most powerful enemy first.

Combat: Babaus will attack with either two claws and a bite or with a weapon
of some sort. They will vastly prefer the latter, as it allows them to use their 19
strength (+3 bonus “to hit”, +7 bonus to damage) to best advantage. The skin
of the babau is covered with a gelatinous red slime which helps deflect
weapons; those which rely on cutting or stabbing (such as swords, axes,
spears, etc.) will only do half damage. The creature is fully susceptible to non-
magical weapons, however, and those made of cold iron will do an additional
2 h.p. of damage per hit against it. In addition, they have the following

• Darkness 5’ radius at will

• Dispel magic once per round (as a 12th level caster)
• Fear once per round (by touch)
• Fly once per round
• Gate in one additional babau demon (25% chance of success) per
• Heat metal once per round (as a 14th level caster)
• Levitate once per round (1,000 lb. limit)
• Polymorph self once per round
• Psychic strike 3 times per day

In addition, every babau demon has the same abilities as a 9th level thief:
General: The balor is one of the most feared of the demonic races; fortunately
• Climb walls (98%)
they are thought to be low in number. They are considered to be “greater”
• Find/remove traps (60%)
demons. They serve as generals in the armies of the demon lords, and
• Hide in shadows (56%)
sometimes rule domains of their own in the Abyss. They tend to be more
• Listen at doors (30%)
organized than other demons.
• Move silently (70%)
• Open locks (62%)
Combat: Balors attack either with their great long swords (which do 1d12 h.p.
• Pick pockets (70%)
of damage and are of +1 enchantment) or their many-tailed whip. Roll each
• Read languages (45%)
round to determine which weapon the demon will use to attack:

Finally, the gaze of a babau demon acts as a ray of enfeeblement spell. Any
Die Roll (d6) Attacks with
creature within 20’ who meets the demon’s gaze must make a saving throw
1-4 Sword
vs. spells or become enfeebled.
5-6 Whip
Appearance: Babau demons are skeletal, with slick black skin stretched taut
If the creature attacks with its whip, it will cause itself to burst into flames and
over their bony frames. Their skin is covered with red slime as noted above,
drag the creature hit into the fire. Creatures with less than 20 strength will not
and they have a distinctive single hook-like horn on the backs of their skulls.
be able to resist the demon’s strength. The amount of damage done by the
Their hands, feet, and heads are also quite oversized for their bodies.
flames depends on the power of the demon (hit points here refers to the original
amount the demon possessed; the damage done by the fire is not lowered as
Balor (Greater Demon)
the demon takes damage):
Number 1
Demon’s Original h.p. Fire Damage
Morale +8
Less than 32 2d6
Hit Dice 8d12
32-64 3d6
Armor Class -2
More than 64 4d6
Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance O
In addition, balors can employ the following magical abilities as indicated (but
No. of Attacks 1
they can only be used one at a time):
Damage 1d12+1
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
• Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
Attacks Magic use, fire
minutes) once per round
Weaknesses Holy water
• Darkness 10’ radius once per round
Size L (12’)
• Detect invisibility once per round
Intelligence 14
• Detect magic once per round
Alignment Chaotic evil
• Dispel magic once per round
Treasure Type VII
• Gate once per round:
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4+1, no weapons (10%)
X.P. Value 3,600 + 12/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e • Phantasmal force once per round
01-80 1 glabrezu • Shape change three times per day
81-00 1 marilith • Spit a gout of unholy water six times per day (1 quart each, range
10’, does 16d4 h.p. of damage to creatures from the upper or
• Psychic strike 6 times per day positive energy planes)
• Pyrotechnics once per round • Summon 1d4+4 minotaurs once per day
• Read languages once per round • Telekinesis (7,500 lbs. maximum)
• Read magic once per round • Wall of stone three times per day
• Suggestion once per round
• Symbol (discord, fear, sleep, or stunning) once per round Appearance: Baphomet is a minotaur of monstrous size, with great forward-
• Telekinesis (600 lbs.) once per round sweeping horns atop his massive head. His face tends to being moer human-
like, but is still bestial in aspect. He speaks the language of minotaurs as well
Balors can only be hit by non-iron weapons of +1 or greater enchantment. Iron as the common tongue and that common to all demonkind, and can
weapons will affect them normally. communicate with any non-magical animal through telepathic contact.

In the air, a balor will attempt to bring an enemy to the ground, where its large
bulk and superior strength can be brought to bear.

Appearance: These creatures are tall and muscular humanoids with enormous
bat-like wings and horns atop their heads. Their faces are those of demonic
bats, and their flesh is licked with red-black flames at will.

Baphomet (Demon Lord)

Number Unique
Morale +20
Hit Dice 17d12 (106 h.p.)
Armor Class -4
Move 240’/min.
Magic Resistance M
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 2d6/1d4+4/per weapon type
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use, spit
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (12’)
Intelligence 18
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 3d4+2x10,000 Bornean (Lesser demon)
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d4 items (50%)
X.P. Value 45,000 (material form), 450,000 (permanently slain) Number 1d3 (material plane), 1d6 (Abyss)
Morale +7
General: Baphomet, demon lord of minotaurs, Master of Mazes, is a fearsome Hit Dice 6d10
prince of the Abyss, ruling an entire layer of the plane. He is revered by all Armor Class -3
minotaurs as their deity, and there is a great hatred between him and Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (in trees)
Yainarchoy, the demon lord of gnolls. When encountered, there is a 75% Magic Resistance G
chance that 1d4+1 minotaurs of largest size and ferocity will be present as No. of Attacks 3
well. He has infravision with 120’ range and his hearing is twice that of an Damage 1d6/1d6/2d6
average human. Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use, jump
Combat: Baphomet attacks with a head-butt with his massive horns, a bite, Weaknesses Holy water
and then with his weapon; a great +4 unholy bardiche which does 3d4+8 Size M (5’)
h.p. of damage. Any armor, shields, or parrying weapons struck by the Intelligence 13
bardiche must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow or be sundered. In Alignment Chaotic evil
addition, he has the following powers: Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 4d6x100
• Bellow once per day (any creature within 300’ must save vs. Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
spells or flee in blind panic for 6 rounds) X.P. Value 1,725 + 10/h.p.
• Darkness 10’ radius once per round
• Dispel magic once per round General: Bornean demons inhabit the vast stinking jungles that cover many of
• Gate in a glabrezu once per day (85% chance of success) the layers of the Abyss. They are bred to such conditions, and can travel at
• Levitate once per round great speed when in trees or similar places (rafter-filled attics, for instance).
• Maze three times per day They tend to stick to their own kind, finding no real pleasure in tormenting
• Passwall three times per day weaker demons, but merely annoyance. Where they are forced to act in


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

concert with others (such as when pressed into service in the armies of one or Like player characters and NPCs, cambions should have statistics generated
another of the demon princes and lords), they tend to dominate the less for them. The range of possible scores depends on the parentage of the
intelligent and slyly undermine the authority of those more powerful than they. cambion:
They are able to change the color of their fur in but a single minute to any
color save blue or yellow. Bornean demons have infravision with 120’ range. Cambion was Sired by a…
Lesser Demon Greater Demon
Combat: Bornean demons strike with their wicked talons and bite. In addition Intelligence 1d8+8 1d6+12
to their normal movement, they are able to jump up to 40’ from a standing Wisdom 1d4+4 3d6
position, and will often do this to initiate an attack against an enemy. They Dexterity 1d6+12 1d6+14
have the following magic powers: Constitution 1d6+12 1d4+14
Charisma 1d6 2d12
• Cause fear (by touch) once per round
• Change self twice per day Strength, magic resistance, and hit dice are determined specially (all cambions
• Create water once per round with a strength score of 18 have exceptional strength regardless of whether or
• Darkness 10’ radius once per round not they are actually classified as fighters):
• Detect illusion once per round
• Detect invisibility once per round Die Cambion was Sired by a…
• Dispel magic once per round Roll Lesser Demon Greater Demon
• Entangle once per round (d12) STR MR HD STR MR HD
• Gate in another bornean demon once per day (25% chance of 1 17 A 5d8 18/10 E 9d8
success) 2 17 A 5d10 18/20 E 9d10
• Invisibility twice per day 3 17 A 5d12 18/30 E 9d12
• Plant growth once per round 4 18 B 6d8 18/40 F 10d8
• Spectral force twice per day 5 18 B 6d10 18/50 F 10d10
• Telekinesis (250 lb. maximum) once per round 6 18 B 6d12 18/60 F 10d12
• Teleport without error once per round 7 18/01 C 7d8 18/70 G 11d8
8 18/51 C 7d10 18/80 G 11d10
Appearance: Bornean demons look like large and muscular orangutans, albeit 9 18/76 C 7d12 18/90 G 11d12
with evil faces and long talons. 10 18/91 D 8d8 18/00 H 12d8
11 18/00 D 8d10 19 H 12d10
Cambion (Semi-demon) 12 19 D 8d12 20 H 12d12

Number 1 Cambions sired by lesser demons are automatically fighters with a level equal
Morale See below to their hit dice. They can become mages if their intelligence score is 14 or
Hit Dice See below above, or they can become thieves (or assassins, if that optional class is
Armor Class See below allowed in the campaign) of a level equal to their hit dice. Any career as mage,
Move 150’/min. thief, or assassin must be earned just as for a normal NPC, earning experience
Magic Resistance See below points and rising in level. Only one class other than fighter may be taken.
No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon type Cambions sired by greater demons are far more powerful. They begin life as
Defenses See below fighters of a level equal to their hit dice. If their wisdom is 9 or above, they
Attacks See below may then become clerics with a maximum level equal to their hit dice (with
Weaknesses Holy water suitable training, of course - this goes for all cambions in classes other than
Size M-L fighter, in which they begin by default), and may then go into the profession
Intelligence See below of assassin (or thief, if the assassin class is not allowed in the campaign).
Alignment Chaotic evil Cambions sired by greater demons will also get 1d4 of the following powers:
Treasure Type See below
Treasure Value See below • Cause fear (by touch) once per round
Magical Treasure See below • Detect magic once per round
X.P. Value Variable • Levitate once per round (as a mage of a level equal to half its hit
General: Cambions are the offspring of mortals and male demons. Unlike their • Polymorph self once per round
cousins the alu-demons (see above), the abilities and statistics of cambions vary
greatly depending on the type of demon that sired them. Cambions as It is impossible to determine set experience point values for cambions, as there
described below will be sired by either a lesser or greater demon (75% chance are so many variables.
or 25% chance, respectively).
Combat: Cambions attack with weapons, but always get two attacks per
It is of course possible for a demon lord or prince to father offspring. In such round. Those sired by lesser demons have a base AC of 6 while those sired
cases, the cambions should not be used as random encounters, but rather each by greater demons have a base AC of 2. Any armor worn which would
should be crafted as a protagonist NPC against whom the player characters normally afford an AC less effective than the base AC will only benefit the
can struggle. The statistics and powers of the cambion should likewise be cambion according to its magical properties. Example: A cambion born of a
determined specially, bearing in mind the particular qualities of the cambion’s greater demon who wears mail +2 would have an AC of 0, because the mail
sire. Such a figure could conceivably become a major figure in a campaign does not afford any protection in and of itself, but the magical bonus still
setting, and should be quite rare indeed. applies.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Cambions are humanoid in appearance, but can have demonic ten minutes (but not to the point of self-destruction or acting against their
features such as scales, forked tongues, horns, wings, fangs, etc. There is alignment). The right will cause insanity for 1d6x10 minutes. When the heads
infinite variation amongst cambions when it comes to such demonic features. are used individually, intended targets are entitled to a saving throw vs. spells.

Demoniarch (Demon Lord) Demoniarch’s tail can be used to strike enemies, permanently draining 1d4
levels or hit dice if it hits.
Number Unique
Morale +20 Each tentacle will cause 1d6 h.p. of regular damage, plus mortals will be
Hit Dice 22d12 (200 h.p.) attacked by a rotting disease, causing a limb (determine which limb randomly)
Armor Class -8 to become numb and unusable 1d6 minutes after the hit, and will drop off in
Move 150’/min. a withered husk 1d6 minutes after that. Once the limb drops off, the victim will
Magic Resistance S permanently lose 25% of his total hit points. A cure disease spell will be
No. of Attacks 3 effective only if it is cast before the limb drops off; if so, the limb will heal within
Damage Special 1d4 weeks. Multiple hits will affect multiple limbs, and total hit point loss will
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use be cumulative.
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water In addition, Demoniarch is able to cast the following spells, and activate the
Size L (18’) following magical powers, as indicated:
Intelligence 21
Alignment Chaotic evil • Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
Treasure Type XVIII minutes) at will
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 • Charm monster once per round
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions, 1d4 scrolls, 10 items (85%) • Charm person at will
X.P. Value 74,000 (material form), 740,000 (permanently slain) • Clairaudience once per round
• Clairvoyance once per round
• Continual darkness at will
• Create illusion (visual and/or auditory; no concentration required)
at will
• Dispel magic once per round
• ESP at will
• Feeblemind once per day
• Gate once per round:

Die Roll
(d%) Result of Gat e
01-15 Fails, must wait until next round to try again
16-26 1 vrock
27-37 1 hezrou
38-48 1 glabrezu
49-59 1 nalfeshnee
60-80 1 marilith
81-90 1 grunntar
91-00 1 balor

• Levitate (5,000 lbs. weight) at will

• Power word: stun once per day
• Psychic strike 6 times per day
• Regenerate 3 h.p. per minute
• Sticks to snakes at will
General: Demoniarch, Prince of Demons, King of the Abyss, is one of the most • Suggestion once per round
powerful beings in the multiverse, and contends with the other greatest demon • Symbol (any) once per day
lords for dominion of the levels of the Abyss in endless war and intrigue. Both • Telekinesis (700 lb. weight) once per round, with each head
Orcus and Obsidiax are his arch-rivals. • Wall of ice once per round
• Water breathing once per round
Combat: The powers and abilities of this being are many and varied. If both
his mandrill-heads fix their gaze on one or more creatures, those creatures will In addition, Demoniarch can only be harmed by non-iron weapons with an
be hypnotized (up to 100 hit dice total, individuals with 15HD or greater are enchantment of +2 or better. Iron weapons will affect him normally.
entitled to a saving throw vs. spell, all others are automatically affected). Those
hypnotized will be under his control for ten minutes (not to the point of self- Appearance: The appearance of this king of demons befits his terrible power
destruction), and will be under post-hypnotic suggestion for 1d6x10 minutes and represents his dominion over all things cold blooded. He stands 18’ tall
thereafter. and mostly reptilian in form, covered with blue-green snake scales. He sports
two great simian heads atop snake-like necks, each of which is capable of
Individually the heads are no less effective. The left causes any creature within issuing commands to his slaves and retainers at the same time. He has a great
20’ (with an intelligence of 1 or greater) to become completely enamored of forked tail and the lower portion of a lizard. Rather than arms, he has a pair
him, implicitly trusting him and following his instructions and suggestions for of tentacles.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

Dipteran (Minor Demon) Creatures have a base 100% chance of falling asleep because of the buzzing,
minus 10% for each experience level or hit die they possess. Those who fall
Number 1d3 (material plane), 1d6 (the Abyss) asleep because of the buzzing can be woken up if vigorously shaken, if water
Morale +8 is splashed upon them, etc. Dipterans will use their proboscis to drain the blood
Hit Dice 7d10 of sleeping victims (no “to hit” roll required); once 1d4 h.p. has been drained
Armor Class -1 this way, the victim will awaken.
Move 60’/min., 210’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance F Appearance: Dipterans are half-fly, half-human. Their bodies and wings are
No. of Attacks 3 those of flies, while their forearms are humanoid (albeit with pincer-like claws
Damage 2d4/2d4/1d4 for fingers) and their heads are vaguely humanoid in appearance, with large
Defenses Magic use, immune to poison multi-faceted eyes and a long sharp proboscis. They are blue-black in color
Attacks Magic use, buzzing drone and covered with thick and bristly hairs.
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (7’) Dretch (Least Demon)
Intelligence 11
Alignment Chaotic evil Number 2d4 (material plane), 5d4 (Abyss)
Treasure Type XV Morale -2
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 Hit Dice 4d8
Magical Treasure 1 item (10%) Armor Class 2
X.P. Value 1,275 + 10/h.p. Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance D
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4+1
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size S (3 ½’)
Intelligence 5
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type II
Treasure Value 2d6+2
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 175 + 4/h.p.
Turn as type XIII

General: Dipterans, also known as fly demons, are half-human, half-fly

monstrosities. They are able to walk on walls and ceilings like a normal fly.
The dipterans have an especial dislike of vrocks and hezrou, whom they
regard as mere dumb brutes. They view themselves as more intelligent by far,
and will generally avoid senseless combat with other demons unless they have
a clear advantage in doing so. Dipterans dislike, but are generally tolerant of,
rumplekin, as the latter are often used as pawns by the cunning dipterans.
Dipterans have infravision with a 60’ range.

Combat: Dipterans attack with their two forward pincer-claws and their sharp
proboscis. They are immune to poison, but can be harmed by ordinary
weapons. They have the following magical powers:

General: Dretch (the name is both singular and plural) inhabit the Abyss in
• Darkness, 5’ radius at will
untold billions. Lower even than the manes, dretch rely on their almost infinite
• Detect good once per round
numbers to stand up to even the weaker lesser demons. Endless mobs of dretch
• Detect invisibility once per round
form the forepart of many Abyssal armies, whose generals think nothing of
• Fear by touch
throwing a million of these weak creatures at an enemy merely as a diversion.
• Gate in another dipteran once per round (15% chance of success)
• Telekinesis (150 lb. maximum)
Combat: Dretch attack with two claws and a bite. Non-enchanted weapons
• Teleport once per round
will harm dretch. In addition, they have the following powers:
In addition, dipterans are able to sound a low buzzing drone that will cause
• Darkness 5’ radius once per round
those within 60’ of the creature to fall into a deep sleep for 2d4 hours.
• Gate in a vrock once per day (5% chance of success)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Scare once per round invariably vent their anger at having been duped on whatever creatures
• Stinking cloud once per day happen to be in the vicinity.
• Telekinesis (50 lb. maximum) once per round
• Teleport once per day Combat: Fraz-Urb’luu attacks with his two massive fists and barbed tail. He
has the strength of a storm giant (25; +7 “to hit”, +14 to damage). His
Appearance: Dretch are humanoid in appearance, with round bodies and prehensile tail is capable of two different kinds of attack: the first is the normal
long spindly arms and legs. Their faces are ugly in the extreme, and their ears strike as noted above. The second is a grabbing attack: the tail whips around
are pointed, long, and drooping. an enemy and lifts him off the ground. Anyone grabbed by the tail is
immediately brought up and subject to a bite attack which, if successful, will
Fraz-Urb’luu (Demon Lord) inflict 3d6 h.p. of damage. In addition, he has the following magical powers:

Number Unique • Darkness 30’ radius once per round

Morale +18 • Dispel magic once per round
Hit Dice 20d12 (233 h.p.) • Gate in 1d4 vrocks once per round (60% chance of success) or a
Armor Class -2 demon lord (75% chance of success)
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor) • Hypnotic pattern once per round
Magic Resistance L • Misdirection once per round
No. of Attacks 3 • Plane shift once per day
Damage 1d6+12/1d6+12/1d12 • Power word: blind once per day
Defenses Magic use, immune to detection, enchantment, and • Prismatic spray once per day
charm • Programmed illusion once per round
Attacks Magic use • Psychic strike 6 times per day
Weaknesses Holy water • Suggestion once per round
Size L (18’) • Telekinesis (1,000 lbs. maximum) once per round
Intelligence 20 • Veil once per round
Alignment Chaotic Evil
Treasure Type VII (on his home plane only) Fraz-Urb’luu is himself immune to all detection and enchantment/charm type
Treasure Value 1d6+4x10,000 spells.
Magical Treasure 2d4 items (60%)
X.P. Value 50,000 (material form), 500,000 (permanently slain) Appearance: Fraz-Urb’luu has the stooped body of a great ape, covered in
light blue hair. His bullet-shaped head is bald and sports two great floppy ears;
his mouth is filled with sharp teeth. He has black draconic wings and his
hairless tail is some 15’ long and barbed. His skin, where visible, is light gray.
He speaks all human and demi-human tongues, and uses telepathy to
communicate with other creatures.

The Staff of Fraz-Urb’luu: The Prince of Deceipt wields a mighty artifact; a staff
which combines the powers of a staff of command, a rod of beguiling, and a
rod of rulership.

Glabrezu (Lesser Demon)

Number 1d3 (material plane), 1d6 (Abyss)

Morale +5
Hit Dice 10d10
Armor Class -4
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance L
No. of Attacks 5
Damage 2d6/2d6/1d3/1d3/1d4+1
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (9 ½’)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Chaotic evil
General: Fraz-Urb’luu is the Demon Prince of Deceit, ruler of an entire layer of
Treasure Type VIII
the Abyss (it is known that most magic items of less than artifact or relic status
Treasure Value 2d4+1x1,000
will immediately and permanently lose any enchantment if brought to this
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (15%)
layer). Although he is enormously physically powerful himself (see below), his
X.P. Value 2,400 + 14/h.p.
preferred means of combating enemies is through trickery and deception. His
Turn as Type XIII
prowess in this area is such that even his fellow Demon Lords will find
themselves tricked into appearing at his summons, only to find him gone. In
fact, he is only 25% likely to gate in vrocks to assist in battle, and 75% likely
to attempt to deceive a demon lord to fight on his behalf. Such notables will


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

Grunntar (Greater Demon)

Number 1
Morale +8
Hit Dice 20d12
Armor Class -2
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance K
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 2d10+10/2d10+10/5d8
Defenses Magic use, regeneration, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L
Intelligence 7
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 1d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%), 1 armor/weapon (10%)
X.P. Value 16,200 + 35/h.p.

General: The Glabrezu (the term is both singular and plural) are the most
powerful of the so-called “lesser demons.” They fill the ranks of the demonic
hordes as non-commissioned officers and are often found serving in the courts
of the Lords of the Abyss as guards and servants.

Combat: Glabrezu attack with their pincers, human-like hands, and fierce bite.
They can be struck by non-magical weapons. They are also able to employ the
following magical powers, as indicated (those which are done “at will” can
only be done one at a time).

• Darkness 10’ radius

• Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
minutes) at will
• Gate once every 10 minutes:

Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

General: Grunntars are greatly feared and immensely powerful creatures,
01-30 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again
serving as both bodyguards and shock troops for the most powerful lords of
31-54 1 vrock
the Abyss. They are savage engines of destruction, and unless closely
55-77 1 hezrou
supervised will tend to go on rampages, destroying and slaying all around
78-00 1 glabrezu
them in their mindless fury.
• Levitate (3,000 lbs.) at will
Combat: Grunntars attack with their two hands and a stomp. The stomp attack
• Polymorph self at will
can only be made against creatures that are 6’ or less in height. Anything
• Pyrotechnics at will
struck by the hand of a grunntar must make a saving throw vs. crushing blow
• Telekinesis (400 lbs.) at will
or be ruined. In addition, grunntars have the following powers:
Appearance: These fearsome creatures tower more than nine feet in height.
• Cause fear once per round
They have the torso of a muscular human, topped with a horned dog’s head
• Darkness 60’ radius once per round
with ears the shape of bats’ wings, and lizard-like legs and a tail. Where their
• Detect illusion once per round
hands would normally be, they have wicked pincers, but they also have a pair
• Detect invisibility once per round
of ordinary human arms coming out of their pectorals.
• Levitation once per round
• Regenerate 1 h.p. per round
• Spider climb once per round
• Teleport without error once per day

All grunntars have both infravision and ultravision with 60’ range. When
rolling hit points for grunntars, re-roll any roll of 6 or less. Their resistance to
weapons depends on their total number of hit points:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Hit Point Total Height Harmed Only by… Combat: A hezrou will attack with its claws and enormous toothy bite. They
140 – 165 21’ +1 or better weapons can be struck by non-magical weapons. They have the following magical
166 – 190 22’ +1 or better weapons powers (those which are done “at will” can only be done one at a time):
191 – 215 23’ +2 or better weapons
216 – 240 24’ +3 or better weapons • Darkness (15’ radius)
• Detect invisibility at will
Appearance: A grunntar appears as a huge, well-muscled and thickly furred • Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
humanoids with the head of a large yak. Its hands and feet are minutes) at will
disproportionately large. Most (90%) will be in the service of a prince or king • Gate once every 10 minutes:
of the Abyss, and will wear a token of their servitude such as a jeweled collar,
arm ring, embedded gem, etc. This symbol also conveys the telepathic Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
commands of their master to the brutish Grunntar. 01-20 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again
21-70 1 hezrou
Hezrou (Lesser Demon)
• Levitate (2,400 lbs.) at will
Number 1d6 (Abyss), 1d3 (elsewhere) • Telekinesis (300 lbs.) at will
Morale +3
Hit Dice 9d10 Appearance: Hezrou are monstrous crosses between humans and frogs. They
Armor Class -2 have large tooth-filled mouths and human-like arms and hands.
Move 60’/min., 120’/min (swimming)
Magic Resistance K Incubus
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d3/1d3/4d4 See succubus (p. 362).
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use Juiblex (Demon Lord)
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (7’) Number Unique
Intelligence 6 Morale +15
Alignment Chaotic evil Hit Dice 14d12 (88 h.p.)
Treasure Type VII Armor Class -7
Treasure Value 4d6x100 Move 30’/min.
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Magic Resistance M
X.P. Value 2,000 + 12/h.p. No. of Attacks 1
Turn as Type XIII Damage 4d10
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Magic use, slime jet
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (9’)
Intelligence 18
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVI
Treasure Value 13d6x1,000
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 47,280 (material form), 472,800 (permanently slain)

General: Juiblex (pronounced “jwee-bleks”) is the Faceless Prince, most

hideous and terrible demon lord of slimes, jellies, oozes, and putrefaction.

Combat: In combat, Juiblex is able to form pseudopods of his own flesh and
strike at enemies, with damage from a combination of the force of the blow
and the corrosive properties of his bodily secretions. The Faceless Prince is
also able to gush forth jets of slime, which are combinations of both green
slime and ochre jelly once every ten minutes. These jets have a range of 15’
and are 3 cubic feet in size. Finally, he is able to perform the following, as

• Cause disease once per round

• Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
minutes) once per round
• Charm monster once per round
• Circle of cold (like a cone of cold, but in a 10’ radius around him)
once per round
General: Hezrou (the name is singular and plural) are lesser demons that
• Darkness (15’ radius) once per round
throng the armies of the Abyssal lords. They are fond of human flesh, and will
• Dispel magic once per round
gladly take precious metals and gems.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

• ESP once per round Kostchtchie (Demon Lord)

• Fly once per round
• Gate once per round: Number Unique
Morale +20
Die Roll Hit Dice 16d12 (96 h.p.)
(d%) Result of Gat e Armor Class -3
01-30 Fails, must wait until next round to try again Move 60’/min.
31-70 1d4 hezrou Magic Resistance J
No. of Attacks 1
• Hold monster once per round Damage Per weapon type (+10)
• Invisibility 10’ radius once per round Defenses Magic use
• Locate object once per round Attacks Magic use
• Phase door once per round Weaknesses Holy water
• Project image once per round Size L (7’)
• Psychic strike 6 times per day Intelligence 20
• Putrify food and water once per round Alignment Chaotic evil
• Regenerate 2 h.p. per round Treasure Type VII
• Speak with monsters once per round Treasure Value 10d6x1,000
• Telekinesis (1,500 lbs.) once per round Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
• Unholy word once per day X.P. Value 42,500 (material form), 425,000 (permanently slain)

In addition, only non-iron weapons with an enchantment of +2 or better can

damage Juiblex. Iron weapons will affect him normally.

Appearance: Juiblex is without form. At times he can spread himself out in a

broad pool of corruption some 18’ across, or raise himself into a towering and
undulating pillar of slime. He bears a number of red baleful eyes, and his form
varies from sickly green and yellow to disgusting brown and amber.

General: Kostchtchie is a great brute of a demon lord. Although he does not

command an entire layer of the Abyss himself, he is nonetheless both hated
and feared by many powerful demons. He is at home in cold climes, and will
usually be found with a bodyguard of 4d6 frost giants and 2 leucrotta of
largest size. Frostmane, an ancient white dragon, serves as his steed.

Combat: Kostchtchie strikes with his great mattock of cold-forged iron, which
does 2d6 h.p. of damage plus his strength bonus (he has a strength of 22,
giving him a +4 bonus “to hit” and a +10 bonus to damage). Anyone struck
by the mattock must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be stunned for the
rest of the round and the next. In addition, he has the following powers (if
applicable, he uses these powers as if he were a 20th level spellcaster):

• Command once per round

• Curse once per round
• Darkness 15’ radius once per round
• Dispel good once per round
• Gate in other demons once per round (100% chance of success):


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: Manes (the name is both plural and singular) are the spirits of those
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e dead who in life professed an ethos of chaotic evil. They cannot be slain
01-35 1d4 babau normally; if reduced to 0 hit points, they simply disappear in a puff of vapor
36-00 1d4+1 borneans and reform in 24 hours. On occasion, however, they are consumed by more
powerful demons, which does destroy them utterly. While they are mostly
• Harm once per day found in the layers of the Abyss, they can also be found in Tarterus and
• Protection from good 10’ radius once per round Pandemonium, depending on the moral shading of their ethos. They are
• Speak with monsters once per round sometimes used as raw materials to create more powerful creatures, such as
• Telekinesis once per round (500 lbs. maximum) demons, ghosts, etc.
• Poison twice per day
• Psychic strike 6 times per day Combat: Manes attack with their long nails and teeth. While cold-wrought iron
• Unholy word once per day affects them as it does any other demon, they can only be harmed by non-iron
• Wind walk twice per day weapons with an enchantment of +1 or better. Mind-affecting spells, such as
sleep, charm, etc. have no effect on them.
Appearance: Kostchtchie appears as a giant with great bowed legs. He is
hairless (save for his great bushy eyebrows over his squinty eyes) with sallow Appearance: Manes look like diminutive and sexless humans with long nails,
skin, and sweats profusely and stinkingly in anything but the coldest weather. hollow pits for eyes, and stringy black hair.
He wears a loincloth and boots of fur and little else. He can speak most mortal
languages, but uses telepathy for most communication. Marilith (Greater Demon)

Manes (Least Demon) Number 1d6 (Abyss), 1d3 (elsewhere)

Morale +7
Number 4d6 Hit Dice 7d12
Morale +13 Armor Class -5 (torso and arms), -7 (tail)
Hit Dice 1d8 Move 120’/min.
Armor Class 7 Magic Resistance P
Move 30’/min. No. of Attacks 7
Magic Resistance Standard Damage 6 by weapon, 2d4 (tail)
No. of Attacks 3 Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4 Attacks Constrict, magic use
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm Weaknesses Holy water
Attacks None Size L (7’)
Weaknesses Holy water Intelligence 14
Size S (3’) Alignment Chaotic evil
Intelligence 3 Treasure Type XI
Alignment Chaotic evil Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000
Treasure Type None Magical Treasure 1d4+1 items (35%)
Treasure Value n/a X.P. Value 3,000 + 12/h.p.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 18 + 1/h.p.
Turn as Type XIII

General: Mariliths are fearsome ladies of the Abyss who regularly dominate
those demons of lesser power.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

Abyss they rule their own territories and have demons of their own as vassals
Combat: Mariliths employ weapons in each of their six hands (usually swords, and slaves.
scimitars, or battle axes), each able to strike at a separate opponent, as long
as they are in range. In addition, the marilith’s tail can be used to constrict an Combat: Nabassu attack with their large claws and massive bite. They can
enemy; once it hits, the victim will sustain 2d4 h.p. of constriction damage per only be harmed by iron weapons or weapons with an enchantment of +1 or
round until it or the marilith is dead. In addition, a marilith is able to employ better. They have a strength score of 18/00 (+3 bonus “to hit”, +6 bonus to
the following magical abilities: damage) and can hide in shadows as a thief with 90% success. In addition,
they have the following powers:
• Charm person at will
• Darkness (5’ radius) • Become ethereal twice per day
• Detect invisibility at will • Cause shadows (centered on themselves) once per round
• Gate once every 10 minutes: • Darkness 5’ radius once per round
• Death stealing gaze once per round (see below for full effects)
Die Roll (d%) Result of ga t e • Energy drain once per round
01-03 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again • Paralyzation 10’ radius once per day
04-33 1 vrock • Reflected attack once per day (any attack, magical or physical,
34-58 1 hezrou against the nabassu is reflected back on the attacker)
59-73 1 glabrezu • Regenerate up to 20 h.p. per day
74-88 1 nalfeshnee • Silence 10’ radus once per day
89-98 1 balor • Summon 1d4+1 ghasts per day (only if in the Abyss)
99-00 1 demon lord (a paramour; determine • Teleport once per round
randomly or select according to
appropriateness to the scenario) The death stealing gaze is a special attack form. Anyone within 20’ meeting
the gaze of the nabassu must make a saving throw vs. death> if he fails, he
• Levitate (3,300 lbs.) at will will become a ghast (if human) or ghoul (if demihuman or humanoid) upon his
• Polymorph self at will death and will be completely in the thrall of the nabassu. The death-stealing
• Project image once per round gaze does not actually kill the victim, however. Should it so desire, the nabassu
• Psychic strike 3 times per day can, immediately after the victim’s failed saving throw, attempt to “bestow the
• Pyrotechnics at will death” on some other person within 10’. The victim of the bestowing must also
• Read languages at will make a saving throw vs. death. Failure means they are instantly slain and
brought back to unlife as a shadow (see p. 201). This bestowal of death can
In addition, Mariliths can only be struck by non-iron weapons with an only be performed if the nabassu has successfully used its death-stealing gaze,
enchantment of +1 or better. Iron weapons will affect them normally. and the victim of that gaze has not yet died and returned as a ghoul or ghast.

Appearance: The upper portion of mariliths are those of beautiful human Appearance: Nabassu are bipedal, tall and thin, with bat-like wings and
females with six arms, but their lower portions are in fact giant snake tails. elongated skulls. They are covered with scales over their whole body (even the
They can, however, take on whatever form they desire. wings) and have long, sharp talons. Their ears are like those of a bat. They
can alter their color from black to light gray as they desire.
Nabassu (Greater Demon)

Number 1
Morale +7
Hit Dice 7d12
Armor Class -5
Move 150’/min. (walking and flying - average)
Magic Resistance A
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 2d4/2d4/3d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Death-stealing gaze, magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (7’)
Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%)
X.P. Value 3,300 + 12/h.p.

General: Nabassu (pronounced nah-BAH-soo; the name is both plural and

singular) are known as “death stealers” and are greatly feared on both the
material plane and within the Abyss. They will spend part of their youth on the
material plane, where they feed on the lives of mortals in order to grow strong
enough to return to the Abyss and thrive in relative strength and safety. In the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Nalfeshnee (Greater Demon) Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

01-40 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again
Number 1d6 (Abyss), 1d3 (elsewhere) 41-55 1 Vrock
Morale +6 56-70 1 Hezrou
Hit Dice 11d10 71-85 1 Glabrezu
Armor Class -1 86-00 1 Nalfeshnee
Move 90’/min., 120’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance M • Illusion (visual and/or auditory; no concentration required) once
No. of Attacks 3 per round
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d4 • Levitate (3,600 lbs.) once per round
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use • Polymorph self once per round
Attacks Magic use • Project image once per round
Weaknesses Holy water • Psychic strike 3 times per day
Size L (10 ½’) • Read languages once per round
Intelligence 12 • Symbol (fear or discord) once per round
Alignment Chaotic evil • Telekinesis (500 lbs.) once per round
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 1d6+2x1,000 In addition, nalfeshnee can only be struck by non-iron weapons with an
Magical Treasure 1d4 items (25%) enchantment of +1 or better. Iron weapons will affect them normally.
X.P. Value 3,000 + 16/h.p.
In the air, a nalfeshnee will attempt to bring an enemy to the ground, where
its large bulk and superior strength can be brought to bear.

Appearance: Nalfeshnee are enormous apes with the legs of goats. Their
heads are boar-like, and they have tiny wings that appear to be totally
inadequate to the task of supporting their vast bulk in flight.

Obsidiax (Demon Lord)

Number Unique
Morale +19
Hit Dice 20d12 (186 h.p.)
Armor Class -9 (-6 without shield)
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance L
No. of Attacks 2 (4 without shield)
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Fear, magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (8’)
Intelligence 20
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type IX
Treasure Value 1d6+4x10,000
Magical Treasure 2d4 items (60%)
General: Nalfeshnee (the term is both singular and plural) are counted among X.P. Value 60,000 (material form), 600,000 (permanently slain)
the “greater demons” and are often used as trusted servants and officers by
the great demon lords. They have a taste for human flesh and blood. General: Obsidiax is one of the most powerful, if not the most powerful, lords
of the Abyss, and is a deadly enemy of both Orcus and Demoniarch, who
Combat: In melee, Nalfeshnee will lash out with their claws and strike with compete with him for the title. He is intensely sensual and has a palpable
their toothy bite. In addition, they can employ the following powers as sexual magnetism (and an effective charisma score of 23). When displeased,
indicated: however, his furious visage is sufficient to cause fear in all who behold him,
within a 60’ range.
• Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
minutes) once per round When encountered, he will have 1d3 lamias with him at all times. If in his
• Darkness 10’ radius at will palace (or whatever is passing for his residence at the time) he will also have
• Detect magic once per round 1d3 succubi (50% chance) or a marilith (50% chance) with him.
• Dispel magic once per round
• Gate once every 10 minutes: Combat: Obsidiax fights with either his great acid-dripping bastard sword and
shield, or a guisarme +1 made of black iron. When hit by the sword, victims
will suffer an additional 1d4+4 h.p. of acid damage. If Obsidiax gets a natural
20 on his “to hit” roll, the victim must have his belongings (armor, shields, etc.)
make a saving throw vs. acid from the spraying droplets. If Obsidiax uses the


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

guisarme, his armor class worsens, but he gets 4 attacks per round. In addition, Orcus (Demon Lord)
he has the following magical powers:
Number Unique
• Alter reality once per round (always in the sense of granting the Morale +20
desire of some mortal, and usually with devastating unintended Hit Dice 20d12 (120 h.p.)
consequences) Armor Class -6
• Chaos once per round Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor)
• Continual darkness once per round Magic Resistance Q
• Disintegrate once per day No. of Attacks 3
• Dispel magic once per round Damage 2d6+1/2d6+1 or by weapon/2d4
• Duo-dimension once per round Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
• Emotion once per round Attacks Magic use
• Gate in 1d3 balors (60% chance) or 1d4+1 babau (40% chance) Weaknesses Holy water
with 100% chance of success Size L (15’)
• Magic missile once per round (5 missiles) Intelligence 20
• Mirror image once per round Alignment Chaotic evil
• Polymorph any object once per day Treasure Type XVIII
• Psychic strike 6 times per day Treasure Value 9d12x1,000
• Telekinesis once per round (1,500 lbs. maximum) Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d4+1 items
• Trap the soul once per week (70%)
• Vanish once per round X.P. Value 63,900 (material form), 639,000 (permanently slain)
• Veil once per day
• Water breathing once per round

Appearance: Obsidiax appears as an incredibly handsome human with jet-

black skin and hair. His eyes are green, and his ears are slightly pointed. He
has small fangs (noticeable only when he wants them to be) and six digits on
each hand and foot.

The Orb of Beguilement: Obsidiax is the possessor of a powerful artifact, the

Orb of Beguilement. It appears as a large (9” across) sphere of smoky quartz.
Anyone holding it is able to generate a permanent illusion (as per the spell)
over an area of 100 square miles (centered on any point within line of sight).
Thus, a horde of orcs could be made to look like a horde of hill giants, a lake
could be made to appear as a castle, etc. Only minimal concentration is
required to maintain the effect; movement, speech, etc. are allowed while it is
in use, but not while in melee or spellcasting. It will also allow the operator to
cast mass invisibility once every 10 minutes, as if the spell were cast by a 19th
level caster. It will also send forth a prismatic spray once per hour.

General: Orcus, Lord of the Undead, is one of the most powerful princes of the
Abyss. He harbors an intense hatred of Demoniarch, who styles himself as
overlord of all demons. He is especially noted for his infamous wand, which
he is known to sometimes send to the material plane on its own, to work evil
before he reclaims it (see below for details).

Combat: Orcus can strike either with his immense horny fists or with a weapon
(which will certainly be magical, or perhaps his Wand), in which case he will
have a +6 bonus “to hit” and +8 to damage. In addition, he has a long tail
with a poisonous stinger. He gets a -3 initiative adjustment with it, and those
struck by it must save vs. poison with a -4 penalty or die. In addition, Orcus
has the following powers and abilities:

• Animate dead (as a 19th level mage) once per round

• Charm person once per round
• Clairaudience once per round
• Clairvoyance once per round
• Continual darkness once per round
• Dispel magic once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• ESP once per round Pazuzu (Demon Lord)

• Feeblemind once per day
• Gate once per round: Number Unique
Morale +18
Die Roll Hit Dice 20d12 (155 h.p.)
(d%) Result of Gat e Armor Class -9
01-20 Fails, must wait until next round to try again Move 120’/min., 360’/min. (flying - perfect)
21-36 1 vrock Magic Resistance P
37-42 1 hezrou No. of Attacks 1
43-68 1 glabrezu Damage Per weapon type +8
69-84 1 nalfeshnee Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
85-92 1 marilith Attacks Magic use
93-00 1 balor Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (7’)
• Illusion (visual and/or auditory; no concentration required) once Intelligence 20
per round Alignment Chaotic evil
• Lightning bolt (12 HD) once per round Treasure Type VIII
• Polymorph any object once per day Treasure Value 4d4+3x10,000
• Project image once per round Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%),
• Psychic strike 15 times per day X.P. Value 2d6 items (75%)
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Shape change once per day
• Speak with dead (as 20th level cleric) once per round
• Suggestion once per round
• Summon undead once per minute:

Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing

01-25 4d12 skeletons
26-50 4d8 zombies
51-75 4d6 shadows
76-00 2d4 vampires

• Symbol (any) once per day

• Telekinesis (1,200 lbs.) once per round
• Time stop once per day
• Wall of fire once per round

In addition, Orcus can only be hit by non-iron weapons of +3 or better

enchantment. Iron weapons will affect him normally.

Appearance: Orcus is enormously fat and 15’ tall, with gray skin and goat
hair over his body. His legs and head are those of a goat and a ram,
respectively. He sports enormous black bat-wings, human arms, and a poison-
tipped tail.
General: Pazuzu, king of the demons of the wind, prince of the Abyssal skies,
The Wand of Orcus: This is the prized possession of the Prince of the Undead, is unique among the ranks of demon lords in that he does not rule a given
an artifact-level magical item with a shaft of obsidian topped by a gleaming layer, or piece of a layer, of the Abyss, but rather calls all of the skies of the
ivory skull. In the hands of the demon prince, it will kill or annihilate (as lower planes his demesne. He is on good terms with most demon princes as
appropriate) any creature it touches short of one of equal standing (such as well as with daemon lords, hags, and arch-devils, but he considers Ninlil, the
another demon prince, an arch devil, arch angel, etc.) even with the slightest princess of the air galas, as a rival. He can travel through the skies of any of
touch. In the hands of anyone else, the Wand will still work as indicated, but the lower planes at will, and can also travel to the material plane whenever he
victims are entitled to a saving throw vs. death to avoid their fates. However, chooses. He has both ultravision and infravision with 120’ range.
anyone attempting to use it will instantly and irredeemably be changed from
their previous alignment to chaotic evil. Pazuzu can be summoned by speaking his name three times, at which time he
will offer his aid to whomever was bold (or desperate) enough to beg for his
assistance. Doing so puts the seeker in Pazuzu’s debt, however, and he will
ask for a service in return for his aid. Pazuzu especially delights in tricking
paladins and lawful good clerics into accepting such deals, for it will
immediately change their alignment to chaotic evil.

Pazuzu has a great sense of humor, and has been known to see times when
he is outwitted by a mortal not as an affront, but as a great joke. He is usually
accompanied by a retinue of 6 balors, and will generally avoid direct combat
himself. Even then, he will only employ overwhelming force if pressed,
preferring to play “cat and mouse” with victims before annihilating them.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

Combat: Pazuzu attacks with a weapon, if needed. He has a strength score of

20 (+3 bonus “to hit”, +8 bonus to damage). He can also attack with his General: Quasits are found throughout demonic society as minor servitors, and
scorpion’s tail; a successful hit from the tail not only inflicts 2d6 h.p. of can also be found on the planes of Pandemonium and Tarterus. They are
damage, but the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison or die. Only created from soul worms (see p. 335). They are able to polymorph self at will
weapons of a +2 or greater enchantment can harm him, and he regenerates into any two of the following forms: a giant centipede, bat, frog, or wolf. They
1 h.p. per round. Any flying creature of 4 HD or less will obey his commands possess infravision with a 60’ range. They are often sent to the material plane
if they are within line of sight. In addition, he has the following powers: as familiars to mages of chaotic evil bent. As such, they grant their masters the
following powers.
• Breathe poison gas in a cloud 50’x40’x30’; anyone within the
cloud must make a saving throw vs. poison or die; 3 times per • A telepathic link, through which the quasit not only communicates,
day but shares its sight and hearing with its master; range 1 mile
• Call lightning once per round • Magic resistance equal to the quasit’s, when both are within 10’ of
• Control weather once per round one another
• Creeping doom once per day • Master is increased by 1 experience level when the quasit is within
• Darkness 20’ radius once per round 1 mile; further than that, the master loses an experience level (not
• Flesh to stone once per round just the one gained by the quasit’s proximity)
• Gate in 1d4 succubi once per day (75% chance of success) • If the quasit is killed, the master loses 4 experience levels
• Insect plague once per day • Commune with the lower planes once per week, 6 questions
• Psychic strike 6 times per day (and he himself is immune to the allowed
effects of a psychic strike)
• Shape change once per round The quasit will snatch the soul of its master upon his death and hasten with it
• Statue once per round back to the lower planes to seek a reward from the more powerful creatures
• Summon flying creatures once per round: there.

Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing Combat: When they are polymorphed into animal form, quasits use the attack
01-10 Fails form of that animal. In their native form, they attack with their claws and bite.
11-54 4d4 harpies Creatures struck by the claws must make a saving throw vs. poison or lose 1
55-77 3d4 perytons point of dexterity for 2d6 rounds due to the burning itch that is caused thereby.
78-00 3d4 gargoyles Only weapons made of cold iron or those with an enchantment of +1 or better
can wound a quasit, and it is immune to cold, fire, and lightning. The quasit
• Symbol of death once per round has the following magical powers, which it can use in whatever form it
• Symbol of hopelessness once per round happens to be in at the time:
• Symbol of pain once per round
• Unholy word once per round • Fear 30’ radius once per day
• Wind walk once per round • Invisibility at will
• Regenerate 1 h.p. per round
Appearance: Pazuzu’s true form is a mix of animal and human. His body and
limbs are those of a powerfully-built human, with four feathered wings and the Quasits make all saving throws as if they had 7 hit dice.
talons of a bird instead of feet. His face is a mixture of lion and dog, handsome
but with a tinge of evil to his countenance, and his eyes glow red. He also has Appearance: Quasits are small humanoid creatures with long claws, spade-
a scorpion’s tail. He is also able to assume the form of any sort of flying tipped tails, curved horns on their heads, and a generally reptilian cast about
creature he desires, and will sometimes visit the material plane in the guise of them.
a large bird accompanied by six smaller ones.

Quasit (Least Demon)

Number 1
Morale -1
Hit Dice 3d6
Armor Class 2
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance E
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size S
Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XIII
Treasure Value 3d10x10
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 325 + 3/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Rumplekin (Lesser Demon)

In addition, rumplekin have the following powers:
Number 1d4 (material plane), 3d4 (Abyss)
Morale +3 • Darkness 5’ radius once per round
Hit Dice 5d10 • Fear by touch
Armor Class 1 • Fly once per round
Move 120’/min. • Gate in a diptheran demon once per round (15% chance of
Magic Resistance F success)
No. of Attacks 2 or 1 • Telekinesis once per round (100 lbs. maximum)
Damage 1d6+1/1d6+1 or per weapon type
Defenses Magic use Appearance: Rumplekin are humanoid, with elongated skulls and long and
Attacks Magic use misshapen arms and legs. They are hairless, ugly, and pale. They speak the
Weaknesses Holy water language common to all demonkind.
Size M (6’)
Intelligence 9 Shadow Demon (Greater Demon)
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XV Number 1
Treasure Value 1d10+2x10 Morale +8
Magical Treasure None Hit Dice 7d10
X.P. Value 425 + 6/h.p. Armor Class 9, 5, or 1
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (half-gliding)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d8/1d6/1d6
Defenses Magic use, immune to fire, lightning, and cold-based
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Light, holy water
Size M
Intelligence 12
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 825 + 10/h.p.
Turn as Type XIII

General: Rumplekin are near the bottom of the demonic social structure, having
naught but the dretch and manes to bully, and being bullied and tormented by
all the other sorts of demons in their turn. Many demonic armies make use of
vast legions of rumplekins wielding their strange polearms (see below).

Combat: Rumplekin can either attack with their fists or with one of the strange
weapons they favor. There is an equal chance of any given rumplekin having
each type of weapon:

Die Roll
(d4) Weapon Description
1 Double- Does 1d10/1d12 h.p. of damage against
crescent small-medium/large creatures.
2 Saw-toothed Gets a +1 bonus to damage against
broad sword opponents not wearing armor.
3 Snap tongs Does 2d4 h.p. of damage initially, then
holds the victim and does automatic damage
until the victim specifically declares his
intention to break free and making a
successful “to hit” roll. No damage is done
by such an attempt, but the victim will be free
of the weapon’s grasp.
4 Triple- Hurled from a launching stick (like an atlatl),
bladed these whirling blades do 1d6+2/1d4+2 h.p.
missiles of damage against small-medium/large
creatures, and have a range of 150’.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

General: Shadow demons are a rare type of demon that are themselves
without physical form, being in the shape of a living shadow (much like the
undead creature of the same name; see p. 200 for more information). Despite
the similarities in appearance, shadow demons are not undead, however.

Combat: Shadow demons attack with their claws and bite. They have the
regular demonic abilities, as well as being 100% immune to fire, lightning,
and cold-based attacks. In addition, they have the following magical abilities,
as indicated:

• Darkness 10’ radius once per day

• Fear 30’ radius once per day

Shadow demons are strongest in darkness and decidedly weaker and more
vulnerable in bright light. Its armor class gets worse as the amount of light
increases, and its natural resistance to damage and bonus “to hit” is lessened:

Light AC Damage Rec’d Bonus “to hit”

Darkness 1 Half +2
Torchlight 5 Normal +1
Sunlight 9 Double n/a

Thus, a shadow demon in total darkness is AC 1, only takes half damage from
attacks, and gets a +2 bonus when attempting to hit others. The same shadow
demon in bright light is AC 9, takes double damage from attacks against it,
and gets no bonus to hit its enemies.
General: Succubi are solitary creatures, preferring to work their evil singly.
Light spells cast against the shadow demon count as fireballs, doing a number They prefer to seduce, beguile, or otherwise deal with prey rather than
of d6’s of damage equal to the level of the caster. engaging in outright battle. The succubus is considered a greater demon.

The creature’s vestigial wings allow it to leap up to 30’ onto enemies (in which Combat: Succubi are able to fight with their nails, but prefer to rely on their
case it is able to use its lower claws for an additional 1d6/1d6 of damage, if magical powers. The kiss of a succubus will drain 1 level or hit die from the
they hit). In addition, these wings allow it to take off in a loping half-run/half victim, permanently, but the victim will not be aware of the effect as long as
glide at 180’/min., but it can only sustain this speed for one minute out of he remains in the demon’s amorous embrace. In addition, succubi have the
every ten. following magical powers:

Appearance: Shadow demons appear as vaguely humanoid shadows, with • Become ethereal at will (only functions while the demon is on the
claws and vestigial wings, if a shadow demon can be discerned at all. In astral or material planes, of course; the ethereal plane does not
normal circumstances, it will only be seen 10% of the time, and only noticed extend to the Abyss)
for what it is 50% of the time, even when it is seen. When seen, their • Charm person at will
translucent nature makes them appear as if they are but a shadow on a wall • Clairaudience at will
or ceiling, which optical illusion they use to their advantage. • Darkness (5’ radius) at will
• ESP at will
Succubus (Greater Demon) • Gate once every 10 minutes:

Number 1 Die Roll

Morale +4 (d%) Result of Gat e
Hit Dice 6d8 01-40 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again
Armor Class 0 41-82 1 nalfeshnee
Move 120’/min., 180’/min (flying - average) 83-97 1 balor
Magic Resistance N 98-00 1 demon lord (a paramour; determine
No. of Attacks 2 randomly)
Damage 1d3/1d3
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use • Shape change at will (to anything of general human/demi-
Attacks Magic use human/humanoid form and size)
Weaknesses Holy water • Suggestion at will
Size M (6’)
Intelligence 16 They cannot be damaged by non-iron weapons of less than +1 enchantment.
Alignment Chaotic evil Iron weapons will affect them normally.
Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value 4d8x1,000 Appearance: A succubus in her natural form appears as a tall and beautiful
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%) human girl with large bat-like wings and petite horns on her head. They can,
X.P. Value 2,100 + 6/h.p. of course, appear in any human, demi-human, or humanoid form desired.
When in male guise, they are referred to as incubi.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Vrock (Lesser Demon)

Yainarchoy (Demon Lord)
Number 1d6 (Abyss), 1d3 (elsewhere)
Morale +6 Number Unique
Hit Dice 8d10 Morale +20
Armor Class 0 Hit Dice 16d12 (100 h.p.)
Move 120’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) Armor Class -5
Magic Resistance J Move 180’/min.
No. of Attacks 5 Magic Resistance P
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d8/1d8/1d6 No. of Attacks 1
Defenses Magic use Damage 3d6 (plus see below)
Attacks Magic use Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Weaknesses Holy water Attacks Magic use
Size L (8 ½’) Weaknesses Holy water
Intelligence 6 Size L (12’)
Alignment Chaotic evil Intelligence 16
Treasure Type XIV Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Value 1d4x1,000 Treasure Type VIII
Magical Treasure 1 armor/weapon (10%) Treasure Value 7d8+10x1,000
X.P. Value 1,275 + 10/h.p. Magical Treasure 1d4+4 items (25%)
Turn as Type XIII X.P. Value 54,500 (material form), 545,000 (permanently slain)

General: The vrock is a lesser demon, arguably among the weakest of the
“true” demons. Untold hordes of these creatures stock the armies of all the
demon lords of the Abyss. They are fond of human flesh, and will gladly take
precious metals and gems.

Combat: Vrocks attack with their foreclaws, rear claws, and vicious beaks. General: Yainarchoy is the demon lord of gnolls, but is also (due to the
They can be wounded by any sort of weapon. They have the following magical intricacies of the politics of the Abyss) overlord of all ghouls and ghasts. At
powers (note that they can only employ one “at will” power at a time): most times there will be 66 gnolls (each with 15 h.p.) with him, but if he is
ever alone he can always summon 6d10 gnolls of that sort to him in but a
• Darkness (5’ radius) at will single melee round. He can also summon 1d10+5 ghouls in the same span, if
• Detect invisibility at will desired.
• Gate once every 10 minutes:
Combat: Yainarchoy wields his dreaded flail in combat (see below for details).
Die Roll In addition, he can invoke the following magical powers as indicated:
(d%) Result of Gat e
• Able to see into the astral and ethereal planes
01-90 Fails, must wait 10 minutes to try again
• Cause fear (60’ range; save or flee at maximum speed for 2d6
91-10 1 vrock
minutes) once per round
• Darkness 10’ radius once per round
• Telekinesis (200 lbs.) at will
• Dispel magic once per round
• Fly once per round
Appearance: Vrocks look like a mix of man and vulture. They have muscular
• Gate once every round:
human torsos and arms, but the head, feet, tail, and wings of a great vulture.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Demon

Die Roll
(d%) Result of Gat e
01-20 Fails, must wait until next round to try again
21-00 1d4+1 vrocks

• Hold person once per round

• Magic missile once per round, 3 times per day, 6 missiles each,
each doing 2d4 h.p. of damage
• Mass charm once per round
• Psychic strike 6 times per day
• Suggestion once per round
• Telekinesis (1,000 lbs.) once per round
• Telepathy so others can hear his thoughts if he desires (120’
range) at will
• Transmute rock to mud once per round

Only non-iron weapons of +1 or greater enchantment can harm Yainarchoy. General: The yocharachs (pronounced “yock-ahr-ahks”) are the handmaidens
Iron weapons will affect him normally, whether they are enchanted or not. of Arachnia, and none has been found to be in the service of any other demon
lord (or lady). In a yocharach’s natural state, she is nearly incorporeal, being
Appearance: Yainarchoy appears as an enormous gnoll, with even more only a cloud of gas which is only seen (if at all) as a patch of stinking haze.
pronounced hyena-like features. She can also assume three other forms: a semi-gellatinous pillar with eight
tentacles, a giant spider, and a beautiful human, drow, or high elf. She is
The Flail of Yainarchoy: This dreaded weapon is never outside the possession sometimes found on the material plane in attendance of ceremonies or
of its master. Its handle is seven feet in length, with three chains of adamantine, sacrifices in honor of her mistress, Arachnia.
each with a specially enchanted spiked ball of the same material. When it hits,
roll randomly to see which ball hit, for each has a different effect: Combat: When in cloud form, yocharachs cannot attack (although holy water
splashed upon them will still harm them). In their pillar form, they strike with
Die Roll their eight tentacles, with each tentacle doing 1d4+4 h.p. of damage (in this
(d6) Effect form, they have a STR of 18/50). In spider form, they attack like giant spiders
01-02 3d6 h.p. damage (see p. 220), while in humanoid form they fight like 6th level fighters. The
03-04 3d6 h.p. damage, plus victim must save vs. wands or transformation from one form to another takes but a single segment, and can
be paralyzed for 2d6 rounds happen before or after the yocharach moves or attacks, but she can only
05-06 3d6 h.p. damage, plus victim must save vs. magic or be change once in any given round. If the yocharach is wearing armor, she must
confused (as per the spell) for a maximum of 30 first transform to cloud form to shed it before assuming spider or pillar form.
While in cloud form, the following special cases apply:
• Only harmed by weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment
Cloud Pillar Spider Humanoid • A stinking cloud spell will heal 3d4 h.p. of damage
Number 1d4 (Abyss),1 (elsewhere) • A gust of wind spell will inflict 6d6 h.p. of damage (magic
Morale +8 +8 +8 +8 resistance applies)
Hit Dice 6d10 6d10 6d10 6d10 • A wind walk spell will slay her (no magic resistance), and if the
Armor Class -10 10 10 10 caster could carry 2 beings by means of the spell, 2 yocharachs
Move 120’/min. 90’/min. 30’/min., 90’/min. can be slain
(in web) Yocharachs also have the following powers:
Magic Resistance H H H H
No. of Attacks 0 8 1 1 • Become astral once per round
Damage n/a 1d4+4 (x8) 2d4 Per weapon • Cure disease once per day (humanoid form only)
Defenses See below See below See below See below • Cure serious wounds once per day (humanoid form only)
Attacks See below See below See below See below • Delude once per round
Weaknesses See below Holy water Holy water Holy water
Size M M L M Appearance: In cloud form, yocharachs are barely noticeable wisps of stinking
Intelligence 14 14 14 14 vapor. In pillar form, they look like half-melted wax pillars with one great eye
Alignment Chaotic evil and eight tentacles. In spider form they are giant spiders some 12’ across. In
Treasure Type None None None None humanoid form they can appear as either a beautiful human, drow, or high
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a n/a elf.
Magical Treasure None None None None
X.P. Value 1,275 + 10/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Die Roll (d6) Result of Summoning
Human Form Fungoid Form 1 1d2 ascomoids
Number Unique Unique 2 1d3+1 basidironds
Morale +6 +6 3 1d4+2 brain smuts
Hit Dice 20d12 (222 h.p.) 20d12 (222 h.p.) 4 1d3+3 glomeroms
Armor Class 0 0 (body), -2 (head) 5 1d4+4 phycomids
Move 120’/min. 150’/min., 60’/min. 6 1d4+4 violet fungi
Magic Resistance P P • Telekinesis (1,000 lbs.) once per round
No. of Attacks 1 5 • Transport via plants once per round
Damage Per weapon type 2d4/2d4/2d4/2d4/2d6 • Trip once per round
Defenses Magic use Magic use
Attacks Magic use Magic use, trample Appearance: In human form, Zagrobiga appears as either as a wizened and
Weaknesses Holy water Holy water feeble old crone or a voluptuous young woman with dark hair. In her natural
Size M L fungoid form, she is the stuff of nightmares. Her body is a 3’ diameter puffball
Intelligence 19 19 mushroom supported by four thick trunks for legs. She can form up to four arms
Alignment Chaotic evil Chaotic evil from her body at will (with hands and structures resembling fingers, if desired),
Treasure Type VIII and her head is a toadstool with rudimentary humanoid facial features and a
Treasure Value 3d4x10,000 chillingly blank expression. Her coloration is mutable; she can change it to fit
Magical Treasure 1d8 items (15%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls her environment or her whim. She weighs 2,000 lbs.
X.P. Value 45,170 (material form), 451,700 (permanently slain) Deva
General: Zagrobiga, demon queen of fungi, is a truly terrible opponent, and
Devas are one of the races that dwell in the Upper Plane known to men as
one of the most powerful rulers of the Abyss. She claims all of fungi, slimes,
Olympus. They are also to be found on the surrounding planes of Gladsheim
molds, and the like as her demesne, and is a strong ally of Juiblex.
and the Happy Hunting Grounds, but in lesser numbers. Many act as servants
for the various deities and near-deities that dwell on those planes, and they
In her fungoid form, Zagrobiga is able to ooze along walls and ceilings, albeit
respect and often heed the wisdom of the planetars and solars. They are
at a slower rate of speed.
staunch individualists, however, and the decision of a given deva to serve a
more powerful being is a jealously guarded privilege. It would be unthinkable
Combat: In human form, Zagrobiga attacks with a weapon or, more likely,
for one to attempt to force another into such service.
magic. In fungoid form she can attack with her thick arms, up to two attacks
per target. If two attacks strike the same target, they do an additional 1d4+4
It is this staunch (some might say stubborn) individualism that renders them so
h.p. of crushing damage. She can also trample enemies who are small in size dangerous when summoned to the material plane and forced into servitude.
or who are prone, doing 2d6 h.p. of damage if successful. She can trample
While they are good creatures, they will greatly resent any sort of forced
but a single enemy per round.
servitude. This should not be taken to mean that the forces of Olympus are not
puissant in battle. Once they take the field, the devas will strive to outdo one
In addition, Zagrobiga has the following powers: another in acts of individual valor.

• Anti-plant shell once per round They distrust angels and their rigid hierarchical way of thinking, but devas will
• Charm plants once per round
not treat with any evil creature under any circumstances.
• Continual darkness once per round
• Entangle once per round
All devas are able to travel to Elysium, Limbo, and all the Outer Planes between
• Fear 15’ radius once per round
them, at will. They can become ethereal at will, but only astral devas can enter
• Gate once per day (70% chance of success):
the astral plane except when commanded by a deity. When on the material
or elemental planes, devas cannot be permanently slain; only their material
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e form is destroyed, at which time their spirit returns to Olympus, where it must
01-50 1d4 vrocks recover for a decade before once more being able to form a material body.
51-75 1d3 hezrou
76-90 1d2 glabrezu All devas save the lares have the following powers:
91-00 1 babau
• Become ethereal once per round
• Hold plant once per round • Cure disease three times per day
• Locate plants once per round • Cure light wounds seven times per day
• Pass plant once per round • Cure serious wounds three times per day
• Plant door once per round • Detect evil once per round
• Plant growth once per round • Detect illusion once per round
• Programmed illusion once per round • Detect magic once per round
• Putrefy food and drink once per round • Detect traps seven times per day
• Silence 15’ radius once per round • Dispel magic seven times per day
• Snare once per round • Heal once per day
• Speak with plants once per round • Infravision 120’ range
• Summon fungi once per day (fungi appear from Zagrobiga’s own • Invisibility 10’ radius once per round
body within one round): • Invisibility once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Deva

• Know alignment once per round • Protection from evil 10’ radius once per round (evil creatures get
• Polymorph self once per round a -2 penalty when attempting to breach it)
• Protection from evil once per round • Psychic strike 3 times per day
• Read magic once per round • Remove curse once per round
• Remove curse once per round
• Remove fear once per round Astral devas get a +7 bonus to surprise rolls. Only weapons with a +1 or better
• Teleport without error once per round enchantment can hurt an astral deva, and they are immune to energy loss (such
• Tongues once per round as that from a vampire, energy drain spell, etc.). Their souls cannot be
• Ultravision 120’ range imprisoned by any means, rendering them immune to mirrors of life trapping,
soul jar spells, etc.
Devas, except the least sort, take no damage from normal fire, half damage
from magical fire (including red dragon breath). They are immune to gas, Appearance: Astral devas look like incredibly beautiful humans with golden
magic missile, petrification, and poison. skin and large white wings with golden highlights. Their hair is lustrous blonde,
and their eyes glow with an amber light. They have an effective charisma of
Devas are equally at home on the ground, in the air, and underwater. They 20.
share a language with planetars and solars called the Celestial Tongue as well
as speaking the common tongue. Lar

There are no outstanding individuals among the devas, but solars and Number 1 (material plane), 3d6 (Olympus)
planetars will often attempt to assume leadership positions when they mix Morale ±0
together. Generally speaking, the devas do not appreciate their doing so. Hit Dice 1d6
Armor Class 8
Astral Deva Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
Number 1d3 No. of Attacks 1
Morale +10 Damage Per weapon type
Hit Dice 9d12 Defenses None
Armor Class -6 Attacks None
Move 180’/min., 420’/min. (flying - perfect), 150’/min. Weaknesses Unholy water
(swimming) Size M
Magic Resistance K Intelligence 9
No. of Attacks 2 Alignment Chaotic good
Damage Per weapon type +6 Treasure Type None
Defenses See below Treasure Value n/a
Attacks Magic use Magical Treasure None
Weaknesses Unholy water X.P. Value 7 + 1/h.p.
Size M (7’)
Intelligence 18 General: Those dead spirits and souls of chaotic good alignment that are
Alignment Chaotic good destined to spend their afterlife in Olympus do so as lares (singular lar). Theirs
Treasure Type None is a benign existence, spent in an idyllic state where a version of their mortal
Treasure Value n/a life is spent in eternal, and never-boring, bliss. On occasion, certain lares are
Magical Treasure None selected to be advanced to the rank of deva. Lares can also, under the right
X.P. Value 10,100 + 25/h.p. circumstances (the exact formula is left to the game master) return to the
material plane in order to assist their mortal descendents or a particular place
General: Astral devas are the most powerful of their kind. They are usually that was of great significance to them in life. Continued adoration can improve
encountered on some mission for a deity or on some quest that will advance their stature and the chances that they will be elevated beyond their station,
the cause of individualism and good. Vacuum does them no harm, and they and it is not completely unknown for them to merge with a genius loci (see p.
are able to become astral at will (although they still cannot enter the material 92).
plane without the assistance, or at least the sufferance, of some more powerful
being). Combat: When pressed, lares fight with whatever weapon they possess. While
they do not possess any of the “standard” powers of devas, they do have the
Combat: Astral devas wield enormous maces which do 1d12+3 h.p. of following abilities:
damage per hit (they have a strength of 18/00 which gives them an additional
+3 bonus “to hit” and +6 to damage). An astral deva can strike twice per • Bless once per day
round with the mace; if it hits the same creature twice in one round, that • Cure light wounds once per week
creature must make a saving throw vs. spells or be stunned for 1d4 rounds. It • Purify food and drink once per week
also acts as a mace of disruption when wielded by a deva. In addition, astral
devas have the following powers: Appearance: Lares look like youthful versions of their mortal selves. Those who
are on the mortal plane will sometimes carry a cornucopia as a symbol of their
• Blade barrier once per day (lasts 7 rounds) protective nature.
• Dispel illusion once per round
• Dispel invisibility once per round
• Light up to 40’ radius once per round
• Polymorph self once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Monadic Deva Movanic Deva

Number 1d4 Number 1d6

Morale +10 Morale +8
Hit Dice 8d12 Hit Dice 7d12
Armor Class -4 Armor Class -5
Move 150’/min., 360’/min. (flying - perfect), 180’/min. Move 120’/min., 300’/min. (flying - perfect), 210’/min.
(swimming) (swimming)
Magic Resistance J Magic Resistance I
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 3
Damage Per weapon type +4 Damage Per weapon type +5
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to level drain, Defenses Magic use
magic use Attacks See below
Attacks Magic use Weaknesses Unholy water
Weaknesses Unholy water Size M (6 ½’)
Size M (6’) Intelligence 16
Intelligence 18 Alignment Chaotic good
Alignment Chaotic good Treasure Type None
Treasure Type None Treasure Value n/a
Treasure Value n/a Magical Treasure None
Magical Treasure None X.P. Value 7,850 + 18/h.p.
X.P. Value 8,100 + 20/h.p.
General: Movanic devas tend to be proud creatures, due in no small part to
General: Monadic devas can be found throughout the astral and ethereal the fact that they are the weakest of the three true types of deva. They are
planes, as well as Olympus and those planes adjacent to it. They are equally immune to the harmful effects of both the positive and negative energy planes,
at home in the air, on the ground, or under water. They are often sent on and for this reason are often sent there on missions.
missions on the elemental planes.
Combat: Movanic devas attack with flame tongue long swords +1. They can
Combat: Monadic devas strike with a metal rod that does 1d10 h.p. of strike three times per round with this weapon, and have a strength of 18/99
damage, and has an enchantment of +2; the rod can be used either to strike (+2 bonus “to hit”, +5 to damage). They also have the following powers:
blows or to pierce a foe up to 10’ away. In addition, they possess a strength
of 18/76 and thus get an further bonus of +2 “to hit” and +4 to damage. Any • Cause blindness once per round
creature struck by the rod twice in one round, if it is either very dense (such as • Cure blindness once per round
an earth elemental) or wearing metal armor will take double damage from the • Detect traps once per round
second strike. They also have the following powers: • Light once per round (up to 20’ radius)
• Neutralize poison three times per day
• Hold elemental three times per day (lasts for 8 rounds) • Protection from evil 15’ radius (evil creatures get a -1 penalty
• Light once per round (up to 30’ radius) when opposing)
• Project image once per day
• Protection from evil 15’ radius (evil creatures get a -1 penalty Movanic devas can only be harmed by weapons with a +1 or better
when opposing) enchantment. Plants and non-magical animals (except reptiles) will not harm
them. They are immune to all forms of life-force draining.
Monadic devas are harmed only by weapons with a +1 or greater
enchantment, and are immune from losing energy levels by such attacks as a Appearance: Movanic devas look like handsome humans with rosy skin and
vampire’s touch or a sword of life stealing. coppery hair. Their wings are light pink and their eyes are solid copper. They
have an effective charisma of 18.
Appearance: Monadic devas look like handsome humans with alabaster skin,
milky white hair, and gleaming silver eyes. Their feathered wings are white Devil
with silver highlights. They have an effective charisma of 19.
Devils inhabit the plane of the Nine Hells, and are the champions of the lawful
evil ethos. They are regimented both collectively and individually, with the
infernal society being formed of specific castes and hierarchies, membership
in which is determined by raw power and cunning. By becoming more
powerful, one is able to move up within the hierarchy, and thus devils are
constantly scheming to do so.

Devils are able to move among the layers of the Nine Hells (although doing so
requires authorization from the upper echelons of the infernal command
structure), as well as Gehenna, Acheron, and Hades. They are able to travel
into the astral plane, but rarely do so. They cannot enter other planes, including
the material plane, without some sort of magical means such as a gate.

A devil killed in the material or astral plane is not truly slain; it merely returns
to the Hells where it reforms in 90 years (during which time it suffers as a
lemure). An arch-devil so slain does not endure lemure status, but cannot leave


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

its own domain within the Hells for a decade (not to mention the loss of face the mortal in question, and copies are stamped and sequestered in a special
within the infernal dominions as a whole). It will most certainly seek vengeance section of one of the many palaces in the Hells.
at that time.
Getting out of such a pact is difficult in the extreme, and doing so successfully
All devils are able to attack multiple opponents in a round, as long as they is the stuff of legend and song. Only the most clever of mortals are able to
have more than one attack listed. All devils possess the following powers and actually deceive or otherwise trick a devil in matters regarding an infernal
abilities. pact. Once the pact is signed, it should be remembered that the mortal no
longer has any leverage, and so challenges to contests of skill or wit, etc., are
• Animate dead once per round not going to have any sway. Only if the condemned can get some sort of
• Charm person once per round power over the devil that entered into the pact with him, or can otherwise make
• Half damage from cold-based attacks an offer of greater value than his own soul, can the pact even be considered
• Half damage from gas attacks to be revoked.
• Illusion once per round
• Immune to fire-based attacks, both magical and mundane
• Infravision (constant)
• Know alignment once per round
• Suggestion once per round
• Telepathy used to converse with any intelligent creature
• Teleport without error once per round

Silver weapons will harm all devils, including those only normally affected by
enchanted weapons.

All devils speak the Infernal Tongue as well as having telepathic powers, as
described above.

Many devils are able to summon others of their kind when in distress, as
described below. Note that most will be hesitant to do so, for it places them
under an obligation to those who respond to the call for aid. Such summoning
counts as the devil’s action for that round, while those who are summoned (if
any) are fully able to function on the following round. Devils so summoned,
may, of course, summon others of their kind…

A pentagram will keep most sorts of devils at bay, with the exception of arch-
devils. Talismans

All arch-devils have the powers of lesser deities, as listed in Appendix E, in All types of devils save those of the least status have a specific talisman which
addition to those powers listed herein. Those individuals noted as dukes of Hell they guard very carefully, for if another gains possession of the talisman, that
have the powers listed for demigods, as well as those listed below. being will have power over the devil in question.

Infernal Pact • Lesser devils will be forced to serve the possessor of the talisman
for nine days, and no devil of that type can harm the possessor
All devils save the least sort are able to enter into an infernal pact with a mortal. during that time.
Even the arch-devils are able to do so, but rarely do, as their time is much more • Greater devils are forced to serve for nine hours, and devils of
valuably spent in pursuits other than legal wrangling over a single mortal soul. that type are prevented from harming the possessor for that time.
But most other devils on the mortal plane will seek out mortals in order to tempt • Arch-devils can be compelled to perform a single service, and that
them into such a pact. Normally, these mortals will be in some sort of distress, arch-devil is prevented from harming the possessor for nine
whether it be mental, financial, emotional, etc. Note that those of lawful evil minutes.
alignment will never be offered such a pact, as their souls are already destined
to descend to the Hells once they die. In order to use a devil’s talisman, one must perform a human sacrifice
(including humanoid or demi-human, naturally), which is an inherently evil act.
It is also possible for some wicked (or desperate) individual to actually summon If a talisman falls into the hands of a non-devil, the relevant arch-devil will
or seek out a devil for the purposes of forming such a pact. No matter where instantly become aware of the problem and will dispatch appropriate forces
the impetus comes from, the game master should strictly enforce the rule that to recover it.
entering into such a pact is an inherently lawful evil act, and will cause an
immediate shift in alignment, with all the consequences thereof. Talismans can also be used to summon the specific type of devil for which it is
designed. In fact, there is a 10% chance that even scrutinizing such a talisman
The Hells maintain legions of lawyers whose sole job it is to continuously will inadvertently summon the type of devil attuned to it. Bear in mind that the
perfect the language of such pacts, making them airtight and legally binding protective qualities of the talisman are not automatically activated.
in every jurisdiction in the multiverse. In essence, the mortal bargains for some
worldly, material gain in exchange for his soul upon death. When the bargain
is made with a lesser devil, the benefit will take the form of, and be subject to
the strictures of, a limited wish spell. When made with a greater devil or above,
the pact can fulfill a full wish. An actual contract is signed with the blood of


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Abaddon (Arch-Devil) • Raise dead fully once per round

• Rulership once per day (as per the rod)
Number Unique • Shape change once per day
Morale +20 • Summon 1d3 ice devils once per round (90% chance of success)
Hit Dice 20d12 (188 h.p.) • Unholy word once per day
Armor Class -6 • Wall of ice once per round
Move 150’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average) • Wish once per round (fulling another’s)
Magic Resistance O
No. of Attacks 2 Appearance: Abaddon is a large and imposing figure with dark blue skin and
Damage Per weapon type +9 scales on his shoulders and other heavily-muscled parts of his body which are
Defenses Magic use true black. His wings and horns are cobalt blue, and his voice is a haunting
Attacks Magic use whisper that sends chills down the spines of those who hear it.
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (9’) Amon (Duke of Hell)
Intelligence 20
Alignment Lawful evil Number Unique
Treasure Type VIII Morale +16
Treasure Value 1d6+3x10,000 Hit Dice 20d12 (126 h.p.)
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (60%) Armor Class -2
X.P. Value 49,000 (material form), 490,000 (permanently slain) Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance L
No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon type +7/3d4
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (9’)
Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value 6d4+12x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (35%)
X.P. Value 30,000 (material form), 300,000 (permanently slain)

General: Abaddon (pronounced ah-BAD-don) is one of the mightiest of the

arch-devils, ruling over the eighth layer of Hell with an iron fist. He and his
vassals command great legions of horned devils and pit fiends.

Combat: Abaddon attacks with a trident +3, plus he has a strength score of
21 (+4 bonus “to hit”, +9 to damage). The trident allows him to inflict an
additional 3d4 h.p. of cold, electrical, or fire damage with each hit, each type
of damage being able to be used three times per day. He can choose which
function (if any) is used on any hit, and can wait to see if a hit is successful
before employing the power. In addition, he has the following powers:

• Beguile once per round

• Cone of cold once per round
• Dispel magic once per round General: Amon is an oathed servant of Geryon, commander of numerous
• Fear once per round (by gaze) regiments of bone devils. He has a particular affinity for wolves and
• Ice storm once per round werewolves, and many of the latter pay him homage. He is always
• Produce flame once per round accompanied by a winter wolf (see p. 246) of maximum h.p. which gets a +3
• Psychic strike 9 times per day bonus both “to hit” and to damage and itself has a magic resistance of C.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

General: Asmoday is the Arch Fiend, the Prince of the Hells, and the Overlord
Combat: Amon attacks both with his weapon, a great two handed mace +3 of all devils. The various arch-devils and dukes of Hell vie constantly for his
and a bite attack. He has a strength score of 19 (+3 “to hit” bonus, +3 damage throne, but over the millennia Asmoday has maintained his position by pitting
bonus) and has the following powers: the various rivals against one another in a complicated game of politics. He is
without doubt the most cunning of the arch-devils, and dwells in a palace on
• Charm monster once per round the 9th layer of Hell with pit fiends as his servitors. Once per year Asmoday
• Dispel magic once per round demands the other arch-devils present themselves at his court and make
• Fear with his gaze (save vs. spells applies) obeisance to him.
• Fly once per round
• Limited wish (fulfilling someone else’s) once per round Combat: Asmoday has a strength of 24 (+6 bonus “to hit”, +12 bonus to
• Produce flame once per round damage); the damage given above refers to the damage he can inflict if he
• Psychic strike 5 times per day should physically strike an opponent (the strength bonus is not included). He is
• Regenerate 1d12 h.p. every ten minutes much more likely, however, to use one or more of his magical abilities, as
• Summon 1d4 bone devils once per round (60% chance of success) indicated below, or his fearsome ruby rod (see below):
• Summon and command all wolves within 1 mile (on the material
plane only) • Beguile once per round (as per the rod)
• Symbol of hopelessness once per day • Continual light once per round
• Wall of ice once per round • Dispel magic once per round
• Fly at will
Appearance: Amon appears as a well-muscled human with the head of a wolf. • Gaze causes chill at will (50% movement, -5 or -25% penalty on
all die rolls) (save vs. magic is allowed)
Asmoday (Arch-Devil) • Gaze causes fear at will (60’ range; flee at maximum speed for
2d6 minutes unless successful saving throw vs. magic is made)
Number Unique • Gaze causes weakness at will (save vs. magic or strength is
Morale +20 reduced by half for 1d6x10 minutes)
Hit Dice 21d12 (199 h.p.) • Hold monster once per round
Armor Class -7 • Hold person once per round
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good) • Ice storm once per round
Magic Resistance R • Locate object once per round
No. of Attacks 1 • Mass charm once per round
Damage 2d12+12 • Produce flame once per round
Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use • Psychic strike 9 times per day
Attacks Magic use • Pyrotechnics once per round
Weaknesses Holy water • Raise dead fully once every ten minutes
Size L (13 ½’) • Restoration once per round
Intelligence 20 • Rulership once per round (as per the rod)
Alignment Lawful evil • Shape change once per round
Treasure Type IX • Summon devils once every round; 2 lesser or 1 greater (his choice)
Treasure Value 12d12x1,000 • Symbol (pain, insanity, or hopelessness) once per day
Magical Treasure 1d4+12 items (75%) • Unholy word once per day
X.P. Value 70,965 (material form), 709,650 (permanently slain) • Wall of fire once per round
• Wall of ice once per round

Non-silver weapons can only harm Asmoday if they have a +3 or better

enchantment. Silver weapons will harm him regardless of their enchantment or
lack thereof.

Appearance: Asmoday is devilishly handsome, suave, and charming when he

wishes to be. He appears as a large human, with horns and pointed ears. On
those rare occasions that he loses his temper, or (more likely) calculates that
appearing to lose his temper is called for, he can appear as most fearsome
and evil, although his physical form does not alter; it is merely his carriage
and expression which conveys the utter evil within his dark soul.

The Ruby Rod of Asmoday: The Prince of Hell has an enchanted rod made of
pure ruby (worth one million g.p. simply for the quality of the gem itself). It has
the following functions (any one of which can be used each round):

• Functions as a rod of absorption

• Cause serious wounds by touch (requires a successful “to hit” roll)
• Blast of frost, acid, or lightning, as per the appropriate draconic
breath weapon, each doing 36 h.p. (successful saving throw
allows only ½ damage)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Bael (Duke of Hell) Appearance: Bael is humanoid in appearance, with a muscular human body.
His head, on the other hand, is monstrous: protruding ears, a bovine snout,
Number Unique small horns, and protruding tusks. He is generally found wearing fine armor
Morale +18 and clothing.
Hit Dice 20d12 (106 h.p.)
Armor Class -3 Barbed Devil (Lesser Devil)
Move 120’/min.
Magic Resistance L Number 3d4 (Nine Hells), 1d2 (elsewhere)
No. of Attacks 2 Morale +4
Damage Per weapon type +6 Hit Dice 8d10
Defenses Magic use Armor Class 0
Attacks Magic use Move 120’/min.
Weaknesses Holy water Magic Resistance J
Size L (8’) No. of Attacks 3
Intelligence 16 Damage 2d4/2d4/3d4
Alignment Lawful evil Defenses Magic use
Treasure Type VII Attacks Magic use
Treasure Value 6d4+12x1,000 Weaknesses Holy water
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (35%) Size M (7’)
X.P. Value 35,000 (material form), 350,000 (permanently slain) Intelligence 12
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,425 + 10/h.p.
Turn as Type XIII

General: Bael is a sworn vassal of the arch-devil Mammon, and commands

numerous legions of barbed devils on behalf of his master.

Combat: Bael wields a two-handed sword +2. He has a strength of 18/00

(+3 bonus “to hit” and +6 to damage) and has the following powers:

• Cause serious wounds once per round

• Dispel magic once per round
• Fear 20’ radius at will
• Invisibility once per round
• Limited wish (fulfilling someone else’s) once per round General: Barbed devils are most often found on the third and fourth levels of
• Produce fire once per round the Nine Hells, and generally serve as fodder in the great armies of the dukes
• Psychic strike 6 times per day Mammon and Buer.
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Regenerate 1 h.p. per round Combat: In melee, barbed devils attack with both claws and their spiked tails.
• Shape change twice per day If they hit in combat, their victim must make a saving throw vs. wands or be
• Summon 1d4 barbed devils once per round (65% chance of struck by fear, fleeing at maximum speed for 2d6 minutes. They can never be
success) surprised, and thus make excellent guards. In addition, they are able to employ
• Symbol of stunning once per day the following magical powers as indicated:
• Wind walk once per round
• Hold person once per round
• Produce flame once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

• Pyrotechnics once per round • Fear by touch

• Summon another barbed devil once every 10 minutes (30% • Produce flame once per round
chance of success; failure indicates they must wait ten minutes • Summon a bearded devil once per roud (35% chance of success)
before trying again)
Appearance: Bearded devils are vaguely humanoid in appearance, with long
Appearance: Barbed devils are humanoid in appearance, but their thick skin tails, clawed feet and hands, and, most notably, a “beard” of long metallic
is covered in sharp pointed barbs (hence their name). They have horns, fangs, spikes which are used to impale opponents. They have a generally sinister
tails, and large bat-like ears. They are gray-green in color. demeanor.

Bearded Devil (Lesser Devil) Beelzebub (Arch-Devil)

Number 1d2 (material plane) 2d4+2 (Hell) Number Unique

Morale +7 Morale +20
Hit Dice 6d10 Hit Dice 19d12 (166 h.p.)
Armor Class 1 Armor Class -5
Move 150’/min. Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance G Magic Resistance Q
No. of Attacks 3 or 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d8/1d2/1d2 or per weapon type Damage 2d6 (+ poison)
Defenses Magic use Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Magic use, tine attack Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (6 ½’) Size L (12’)
Intelligence 11 Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful evil Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type VIII
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 7d6+2x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 1d4+10 items (65%)
X.P. Value 1,125 + 10/h.p. X.P. Value 61,410 (material form), 614,100 (permanently slain)

General: Bearded devils are known for their quick tempers and cruel natures.
While this sometimes makes them difficult to command, they are often used as
assault troops in war.

General: Bearded devils attack with their claws and by thrusting their spiny
General: Beelzebub (pronounced bee-EL-zuh-bub), titled both Lord of Flies and
beard at enemies, or with their weapon. Anyone struck by both claws will
Lord of Lies, is generally regarded as the second-most powerful of the dukes of
automatically take maximum damage from the beard attack (no “to hit” roll
Hell, behind Asmoday. He rules over both the sixth and seventh layers of Hell.
required). Anyone taking maximum beard damage (either after being grabbed
or from a regular attack) must make a saving throw vs. poison; failure means
Combat: In combat, Beelzebub attacks with his envenomed bite (those bitten
they will lose 1 point of dexterity per round for 1d4 rounds. Alternatively,
must make a saving throw vs. poison or die). In addition, he has the following
bearded devils wield a glaive in battle which is equipped with special
magical powers and abilities, as indicated:
backwards-facing tines which can be used to attack opponents who attempt to
flee or who are closing to melee range. If successful, the tine attack inflicts an
• Beguile once per round (as the rod)
additional 1d3 h.p. of damage. The tine attack is in addition to the glaive’s
• Charm monster once per round
normal blade attack; anyone hit is stuck fast and is unable to flee unless he
• Continual light once per round
spends an entire round making a successful open doors check. In addition,
• Dispel magic once per round
bearded devils have the following powers:
• Fly once per round
• Hold person once per round
• Affect normal fires once per round
• Locate object once per round
• Command once per round
• Produce flame once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Psychic strike 9 times per day General: Bone devils are mostly found on the fifth and lower levels of the Nine
• Pyrotechnics once per round Hells, where they tend to prefer colder climes. They have ultravision (60’ range)
• Raise dead fully once every ten minutes as well as the infravision that al devils possess.
• Restoration once per round
• Rulership once per round (as the rod) Combat: Bone devils wield wickedly barbed bone hooks, which they use to
• Shape change once per round ensnare prey and bring it close enough for their poisonous stingers to be
• Summon 1d4 horned devils once per round brought into play. If they hit with the hook (causing 3d4 h.p. of damage), there
• Symbol (pain or insanity) once per day is a 50% chance that the devil will be able to bring the victim close enough
• Unholy word once per day for its tail to strike in the same round as well. If the tail hits, it does an additional
• Wall of fire once per round 2d4 h.p. of damage, and the victim must make a saving throw vs. poison.
Failure indicates the victim will lose 1d4 points of strength for 10 minutes. In
Non-silver weapons can only harm Beelzebub if they have a +3 or better addition, bone devils have the following magical powers, as indicated:
enchantment. Silver weapons will harm him regardless of their enchantment or
lack thereof. • Detect invisibility once per round
• Fear (5’ radius) once per round
Appearance: Beelzebub appears as a giant human with the horns of a bull • Fly once per round
and enormous eyes like those of a fly. His teeth are sharply pointed. • Illusion (audio and visual) once per round
• Invisibility once per round
Bone Devil (Lesser Devil) • Summon another bone devil once every ten minutes (40% chance
of success; failure indicates they must wait ten minutes before
Number 2d4 (Nine Hells), 1d2 (elsewhere) trying again)
Morale +5
Hit Dice 9 Appearance: Bone devils are gaunt in the extreme, humanoid in form but with
Armor Class -1 particularly skull-like heads with bulging eyes. They also have scorpion-like tails
Move 150’/min. that arch above their heads. They are bone white in color.
Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 1 Buer (Arch-Devil)
Damage 3d4
Defenses Magic use Number Unique
Attacks Magic use, poison Morale +19
Weaknesses Holy water Hit Dice 20d12 (154 h.p.)
Size L (9 ½’) Armor Class -4
Intelligence 12 Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (flying - good)
Alignment Lawful evil Magic Resistance N
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks 2
Treasure Value n/a Damage Per weapon type +7
Magical Treasure None Defenses Magic use
X.P. Value 2,800 + 12/h.p. Attacks Magic use
Turn as Type XIII Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (10’)
Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XIII
Treasure Value 10d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (30%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value 30,000 (material form), 300,000 (permanently slain)

General: Buer is the ruler of the fourth layer of Hell. He is responsible for
determining the various manners of torments and tortures that the damned souls
who populate Hell suffer.

Combat: Buer attacks with a great military fork +4, and has a strength of 19
(+3 bonus “to hit” and +7 to damage). Anyone struck by his weapon must
make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer excruciating pain of such a debilitating
nature as to cause a -4 penalty on all “to hit” rolls and a temporary -2 to
dexterity. The pain lasts for 20-200 (2d10x10) minutes. In addition, he has
the following powers:

• Beguile once per round

• Cause fear once per round (by gaze)
• Dispel illusion once per round
• Dispel magic once per round
• Light once per round
• Produce flame once per round
• Psychic strike 9 times per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

• Pyrotechnics once per round General: Cocytus devils are native to the fifth level of Hell. They are
• Raise dead fully once per round occasionally found on the material plane on some errand of destruction and
• Shape change once per round woe.
• Summon devils once per round:
Combat: Cocytus devils attack with their touch. In addition, the touch of a
Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing cocytus devil has a 50% chance of having the same effect as an imprisonment
01-15 Fails spell, with no saving throw allowed, as if the devil had a perfect knowledge
16-36 1d4 scaled devils of the victim, and at the 22nd level of experience. A holy word will send a
37-57 1d3 barbed devils cocytus devil back to their home plane.
58-00 1d4 bearded devils
Appearance: Cocytus devils are humanoid in form, but their heads are
• Symbol of pain 3 times per day enormously long. They have black and silver feathered wings.
• Unholy word once per day
• Wall of fire once per round
• Wish (fulfill another’s) once per round

Appearance: Buer is a devilishly handsome human, with pointed ears and

small horns. His eyes glow with an infernal red light.

Diabolos (Arch-devil)

Number Unique
Morale +20
Hit Dice 17d12 (144 h.p.)
Armor Class -2
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance P
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 4d6
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Cocytus Devil
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (7’)
Number 1d2
Intelligence 18
Morale +5
Alignment Lawful evil
Hit Dice 6d12
Treasure Type XIII
Armor Class -1
Treasure Value 10d10x10
Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (flying - average)
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%)
Magic Resistance J
X.P. Value 48,040 (material form) 480,400 (permanently slain)
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4
General: Diabolos rules the second layer of the Nine Hells from his cruel
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm
capital city Dis.
Attacks Imprisonment
Weaknesses Holy water
Combat: In combat, Diabolos hits opponents with his staff, detailed below. In
Size M
addition, he is able to employ the following magical powers, as indicated:
Intelligence 14
Alignment Lawful evil
• Beguile once per round (as per the rod)
Treasure Type XVI
• Light once per round
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
• Produce flame once per round
Magical Treasure None
• Psychic strike 6 times per day
X.P. Value 1,275 + 8/h.p.
• Pyrotechnics once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Raise dead fully once every ten minutes

• Restoration once per round
• Shape change once per round
• Summon other devils once per round:

Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing

01-10 Fails; must wait until next round
11-33 1 pit fiend
34-00 1d3 erinyes

• Wall of fire once per round

Appearance: Except for his small horns, pointed ears, and the goat’s hoof in
place of his left foot, Diabolos appears like a handsome human.

The Staff of Diabolos: The staff wielded by Diabolos combines the effects of a
rod of rulership with a double-strength staff of striking.

General: Erinyes are common to the second level of the Nine Hells, and are
also most often seen on the material plane, as they are effective at tempting
mortals into performing evil deeds, as well as being efficient hunters of those
who are already of lawful evil alignment, and whose passage to the Hells is
to be hastened.

Combat: Although Erinyes have the equivalent of 18/01 strength, they gain
no bonuses ”to hit” or to damage. In combat they wield magical daggers that
exude an acidic venom (in addition to the normal damage listed above, victims
Erinyes (Lesser Devil) must save vs. poison or faint from the pain for 1d6 minutes). In addition, they
bear ropes of entanglement that they can use effectively in melee (these ropes
Number 4d4 (Nine Hells), 1d3 (elsewhere) and daggers will lose their potency in the hands of any creature other than an
Morale +3 erinyes). In addition, they have the following magical powers:
Hit Dice 6d12
Armor Class 2 • Appearance can cause fear in all who look upon them, at will (all
Move 60’/min., 210’/min. (flying - average) viewers are entitled to a saving throw vs. wands)
Magic Resistance F • Detect invisibility once per round
No. of Attacks 1 • Locate object once per round
Damage 2d4 • Invisibility once per round
Defenses Magic use • Polymorph self once per round
Attacks Magic use • Produce flame once per round
Weaknesses Holy water • Summon another erinyes once every ten minutes (25% chance of
Size M (6’) success; failure indicates she must wait ten minutes before trying
Intelligence 9 again)
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XV When fighting against a flying enemy, they will attempt to use their ropes of
Treasure Value 6d6x1,000 entanglement to cause them to fall.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 875 + 8/h.p. Appearance: Erinyes look like beautiful human females with feathered wings.
Turn as Type XIII Because of this, they are sometimes confused with angels. However, when
driven to anger, their countenances will often betray their infernal rather than
heavenly nature.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

Geryon (Arch-Devil) • Summon devils once per round:

Number Unique Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing

Morale +20 01-05 Fails; wait until next round
Hit Dice 16d12 (133 h.p.) 06-62 1d2 bone devils
Armor Class -3 63-00 1 ice devil
Move 30’/min., 180’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance O • Symbol (pain) once per day
No. of Attacks 3 • Unholy word once per day
Damage 3d6/3d6/2d4 • Wall of ice once per round
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use Appearance: Geryon has the torso and head of a handsome and muscular
Weaknesses Holy water human. His lower body, however, is that of an enormous serpent tipped with
Size L (10’ tall, 30’ long) a venomous stinger, and his arms are those of a massive gorilla.
Intelligence 16
Alignment Lawful evil The Horn of Geryon: The duke of Hell possesses an enchanted bull’s horn
Treasure Type IX which allows him to summon 5d4 minotaurs, who will appear in but a single
Treasure Value 8d6x1,000 round and will fight on his behalf to their death. The horn can only be sounded
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%) but once per week.
X.P. Value 47,975 (material form), 479,750 (permanently slain)
Horned Devil (Greater Devil)

Number 1d4+1 (Nine Hells), 1d2 (elsewhere)

Morale +5
Hit Dice 5d10
Armor Class -5
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance J
No. of Attacks 4 or 1 plus by weapon type
Damage 1d4/1d4/1d4+1/1d3 or 1d3 plus weapon
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (9’)
Intelligence 14
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 3d8x1,000
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%)
X.P. Value 1,320 + 6/h.p.

General: Geryon, the Wild Beast, rules the fifth layer of the Nine Hells. He has
a reputation for being both immensely powerful and easily manipulated. If he
realizes he has been used as a catspaw or pawn by some other being, he will
lash out in rage.

Combat: In melee, Geryon uses his enormously powerful arms to strike at

opponents (he has an effective strength of 24; the strength bonus is not
reflected in the above damage numbers). In addition, his tail sports a
poisonous stinger at its tip in addition to the regular damage it does (those
struck must save vs. poison with a -4 penalty or die). He also has his great
horn, as detaled below. Finally, he is able to employ the following magical
powers as described:

• Beguile once per round

• Cause fear by his gaze (60’ range; save vs. spells or flee at
maximum speed for 2d6 minutes)
• Dispel magic once per round
• Ice storm once per round
• Light once per round
• Locate object once per round
• Psychic strike 5 times per day
General: Horned devils are found mostly on the sixth and seventh layers of the
• Raise dead fully once per round
Hells, where they fill the legions of their dukes.
• Shape change once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Combat: If armed (80% chance), horned devils will wield either a military fork • Shocking grasp once per round
(75%) or a whip (25%). The fork is a wicked two-tined weapon, which does • Suggestion once per round
2d6 h.p. of damage if it hits. The whip sports cruel barbs along its length and • Summon one pit fiend once per round (75% chance of success)
will not only do 1d4 h.p. of damage if it hits, but will stun the victim for 1d4 • Symbol of persuasion once per day
rounds unless it successfully makes a saving throw vs. magic. If unarmed, the • Wall of fire once per round
horned devil strikes with its claws and bite. Either way, it also can hit
opponents with its tail; those hit by the tail will bleed for 1 h.p. per round until Appearance: Hutijin resembles a pit fiend; he is humanoid in form, but has
the injury is bound. It is possible for the same target to suffer multiple tail bat-like wings (smaller than a normal pit fiend’s). He has enormous fangs,
wounds, each requiring a separate melee round to bind to prevent bleeding. horns, and bat-like ears. He is dark red in color.
In addition, horned devils have the following magical powers:

• Detect magic once per round

• ESP once per round
• Fear 5’ radius (constant, but saving throw vs. wands applies)
• Phantasmal force once per round
• Produce flame once per round
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Summon another horned devil once every ten minutes (50%
chance of success; failure means the devil must wait ten minutes to
try again)

Appearance: The horned devil is the quintessential image of “a devil.” It is

humanoid, covered in large scales, with horns, bat wings, fangs, and large
ears. It also has a spade-tipped tail.

Hutijin (Duke of Hell)

Number Unique
Morale +15
Hit Dice 20d12 (111 h.p.)
Armor Class -4
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (flying - poor) Ice Devil (Greater Devil)
Magic Resistance K
No. of Attacks 2 Number 1d4 (Nine Hells), 1 (elsewhere)
Damage Per weapon type +8 Morale +6
Defenses Magic use Hit Dice 11d10
Attacks Magic use Armor Class -4
Weaknesses Holy water Move 60’/min.
Size L (13 ½’) Magic Resistance K
Intelligence 18 No. of Attacks 4
Alignment Lawful evil Damage 1d4/1d4/2d4/3d4
Treasure Type IX Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Treasure Value 6d4+10x10,000 Attacks Magic use
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (35%) Weaknesses Holy water
X.P. Value 30,000 (material form), 300,000 (permanently slain) Size L (10 ½’)
Intelligence 14
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XVI
General: Hutijin is a general in service to Abaddon; he is considered one of Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
the most powerful of the many dukes of Hell and those pit fiends under his Magical Treasure None
command are among the best regarded within the infernal hierarchy. X.P. Value 4,400 + 16/h.p.

Combat: Hutijin wields a net of snaring and a trident +3, and has a strength General: Ice devils hail from the frosty eighth level of the Nine Hells. They have
score of 20 (+3 bonus “to hit” and +8 to damage). He has the following ultravision (60’ range) and are vicious and cruel as befits their standing as
powers: greater devils.

• Fear once per round (by voice) Combat: In combat, ice devils attack with their claws, mandibles, and tail. A
• Heal twice per day few (25%) of them carry great spears that they employ instead of their claw
• Hold monster once per round and mandible attack; the spears do 2d6 h.p. of damage and cause the victim
• Invisibility once per round to make a saving throw vs. paralyzation. Failure means the victim has been
• Limited wish (fulfill another’s) once per round numbed with extreme cold, slowing them by 50% for 3d6 rounds (half
• Produce flame once per round movement, half attack rate). They regenerate 1 h.p. of damage per round, and
• Psychic strike 9 times per day have an effective strength of 18/76 but do not get any bonuses “to hit” or to
• Pyrotechnics once per round damage. In addition, ice devils have the following powers:
• Ray of enfeeblement once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

• Detect invisibility once per round

• Detect magic once per round
• Fear 10’ radius (constant, but saving throw vs. wands applies)
• Fly once per round
• Ice storm once per day
• Polymorph self once per round
• Summon other devils once every round:

Die Roll
(d%) Result of Su m m on ing
01-40 Fails; must wait ten minutes before trying again
41-82 1d2 bone devils
83-00 1 ice devil

• Wall of ice once per round

Non-silver weapons can only harm an ice devil if they have a +2 or better
enchantment. Silver weapons will affect them regardless of whether or not they
are enchanted.

Appearance: The ice devil is insectoid in appearance, although it is vaguely General: Imps are found in the service of the Dukes of Hell, but can also be
humanoid with two arms, two legs, and an upright stature. It has a tail studded found in Gehenna and Acheron as well. Imps can polymorph self at will into
with barbs. Its body and limbs are encased in gleaming white chitin, while it the form of two of the following: a large spider, raven, giant rat, or goat. They
has a head like that of an enormous mantis with wicked mandibles. have infravision with a 60’ range.

Imps are sometimes sent to the material plane to serve as familiars of evil
mages. When a mage has such a familiar, he gains the following powers and

• He and the imp are telepathically linked, each able to see and
hear through the eyes and ears of the other (including the imp’s
infravision ability), with a range of 1 mile.
• If the imp is within 10’ of the mage, the mage will gain 30%
magic resistance and regenerate 1 h.p. per round.
• If the imp is within 1 mile of the mage, the mage gains 1
experience level. If the imp is more than 1 mile away, the mage
loses 1 level (not just the level he gained from the imp’s
• If the imp is slain, the master loses 4 levels instantly, with a
minimum of 1st level.
• Once per week, the imp can commune with its infernal masters
(as per the spell, but with 6 questions allowed).
Imp (least devil)
Combat: In combat the imp strikes with its stinger-tipped tail. When
polymorphed, the imp may use any of its magical powers, but only those
Number 1
physical attacks normal for that form. Imps are only harmed by silver or
Morale +1
magical weapons, and are immune to cold, fire, or electrical-based attacks.
Hit Dice 2d10
They make saving throws vs. magic as if they had 7 hit dice. They regenerate
Armor Class 2
1 h.p. per round, and are able to employ the following magical abilities, as
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance E
No. of Attacks 1
• Detect good at will
Damage 1d4
• Detect magic at will
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use, immune to
• Invisibility at will
cold-, fire-, and electrical-based attacks
• Suggestion once per day
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Appearance: Imps are small humanoid figures with wings, a long tail with a
Size S (2’)
stinger on the end, horns, long pointed ears, and a large nose. It is generally
Intelligence 9
gray-green in color.
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type XI
Treasure Value 2d20
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 275 + 3/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Lemure (Least Devil) Lilitu (Duchess of Hell)

Number 5d6 (Nine Hells), 1d6 (elsewhere) Number Unique

Morale -2 Morale +13
Hit Dice 3d8 Hit Dice 12d12 (69 h.p.)
Armor Class 7 Armor Class -2
Move 30’/min. Move 150’/min., 300’/min. (flying - good)
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance J
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d3 Damage Per weapon type +4
Defenses Regeneration, can only be slaim by blessed objects Defenses Magic use
Attacks None Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (5’) Size L (9’)
Intelligence 3 Intelligence 16
Alignment Lawful evil Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type None Treasure Type XV
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value 4d8x1,000
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%)
X.P. Value 65 + 3/h.p. X.P. Value 20,000 (material form), 200,000 (permanently slain)
Turn as Type XIII

General: Lemures are the souls of those mortals who staunchly followed the
lawful evil ethos, and most are destined for an eternity of torment at the hands
of their diabolic masters. They are found in untold billions on every level of the
plane, and are used as fodder for the infernal armies. The best of them are
used to form new devils, as well as lawful evil undead.

Combat: Lemures attack with their claws. They regenerate 1 h.p. of damage
each round (thus being able to withstand the torments visited upon them), and
can only be truly slain by objects or substances which have been blessed, such General: Lilitu, daughter of Asmoday, is a potent force within the political
as holy water. machinations of the Nine Hells despite the fact that she is not among the most
personally powerful members of the infernal hierarchy. She has been consort
Appearance: Lemures are humanoid blobs of flesh with enormous black pits to most of the arch-devils at one point or another, and she wields incredible
for eyes. Their skin seems to flow in a disgusting non-stop undulation. They influence belying her station. She is passionately loyal only to her father, and
have arms, but no legs; they move by oozing over the ground. serves his purposes in the bedchambers of the Hells more than many of his
other agents do in its throne rooms and battlefields.

Combat: Lilitu generally eschews combat, but when pressed, she possesses a
short sword +3 that causes anyone struck by its blade to make a saving throw
vs. poison or die instantly. She has a strength of 18/76 (+2 bonus “to hit”, +4
bonus to damage) and has the following powers, which she uses as if she were
a 20th level caster:

• Charm monster once per round

• Dispel magic once per round
• Fear once per round (by speaking)
• Finger of death once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

• Limited wish (fulfill another’s) once per round • Fool’s gold once per round
• Poison once per round • Produce flame once per round
• Produce flame once per round • Psychic strike nine times per day
• Psychic strike 4 times per day • Pyrotechnics once per round
• Regenerate 1 h.p. every 5 minutes • Raise dead fully once per round
• Summon 1d2 horned devils once per round (70% chance of • Shape change once per round
success) • Summon once per round:

Appearance: Lilitu appears as an incredibly beautiful human with demure Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing
horns and a forked tail. Her skin has a copper hue to match her auburn hair. 01-20 Summoning fails, try again next round
She has an effective charisma of 23. 21-60 1d4 scaled devils
61-80 1d3 barbed devils
Manu (Arch-Devil) 81-00 1d3 bearded devils

Number Unique • Symbol of hopelessness once per day

Morale +18 • Unholy word once per day
Hit Dice 20d12 (139 h.p.) • Wall of fire once per round
Armor Class -3 • Wish once per round (fulfill another’s)
Move 60’/min., 120’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance M Appearance: Manu appears as a quintessential devil; glittering ruby wings,
No. of Attacks 2 horns, and a tooth-filled mouth. Although he appears soft and cherubic, that is
Damage Per weapon type +7 a deceptive impression, which he deliberately cultivates.
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use Moloch (Arch-Devil)
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (12’) Number Unique
Intelligence 18 Morale +18
Alignment Lawful evil Hit Dice 20d12 (126 h.p.)
Treasure Type XII Armor Class -3
Treasure Value 5d4x10,000 Move 120’/min.
Magical Treasure 1d6 items (15%) Magic Resistance L
X.P. Value 32,000 (material form), 320,000 (permanently slain) No. of Attacks 3 or 1
Damage 1d4+7/1d4+7/4d4 or per weapon type
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (14 ½’)
Intelligence 16
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 10d6x1,000
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d3 items (25%)
X.P. Value 42,000 (material form), 420,000 (permanently slain)

General: While Moloch holds the rank of an arch-devil, he is generally

considered to hold the title of Grand Duke, as he does not rule a level of the
Hells in his own name, but as a vassal to Beelzebub. He rules the sixth layer
of hell as viceroy, but his influence and power are vast nonetheless. He
absolutely despises Geryon, and it is all Beelzebub can do to keep the two
from open battle.

General: Manu rules the third layer of Hell and is allied with both Abaddon Combat: Moloch usually strikes with his sharp talons and bite. He has a
and Diabolos, but still retains a nominal loyalty to Asmoday. He is a famed strength score of 19 (+3 bonus “to hit”, +7 bonus to damage). He also wields
hunter, and rides a nightmare of maximum hit points and uses a pack of 20 a much-feared whip; each of its six strands rolls separately to see if it hits;
hell hounds to hunt rare creatures native to the infernal realms, those who are Moloch may choose whether each does 1, 2, or 4 h.p. of damage. As devils
foolish enough to intrude into his demesne, and those poor few who attempt suffer full damage from electricity, this weapon is a potent weapon when
escape from its torments (see pages 414 and 399, respectively). disciplining other devils, as they are not immune to its effects. In addition, he
has the following powers:
Combat: Manu wields a military fork in combat, and has a strength score of
19 (+3 bonus “to hit”, +7 bonus to damage). Although his fork does not grant • Affect normal fires once per round
him any bonuses to hit or damage, it does function as a fork of wounding if it • Beguile once per round
hits. In addition, he has the following powers: • Burning hands once per round (16 h.p. of damage)
• Fear breath once per round (affects 1d8 creatures within 30’,
• Beguile once per round save vs. breath weapon or drop anything in hands and flee for
• Fear once per round (by gaze) 2d6 rounds)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Fire charm once per round

• Flame strike once per day
• Fly once per round
• Limited wish once per round (fulfill anothers’ wish)
• Produce flame once per round
• Psychic strike six times per day
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Raise dead fully once per round
• Summon 1d3 horned devils once per round (80% chance of
• Symbol of stunning once per day
• Unholy word once per day
• Wall of fire once per round

Appearance: Moloch appears as a hairless, muscular human with prominent

upswept horns and the teeth of a shark. His skin is red-orange and his feet are

General: The untold millions of souls who followed the ethos of lawful evil in
life, but were not sufficiently wicked or regimented to become lemures (see p.
379), wind up as nupperibos in the afterlife. They endure the suffering inflicted
upon them by other devils over the millennia in silence, for they are deaf, blind,
and dumb. They do, however, respond to the mental commands of other devils,
and can vaguely sense their own kind. A very few nupperibos that are slain
(1%) will reform as a lemure within a year; the rest will return once more to
their former state and form.

Combat: Nupperibos normally attack with their two weak claws. However,
when the Infernal Legions are formed for war, they are given crude weapons
(clubs, spears, pole arms) and commanded to the field in their hundreds of
thousands. If not commanded, they will simply attack everything within range
that is not diabolical in nature. When in any of the lower planes, they will
regenerate 1 h.p. per round, but if struck by a blessed or holy weapon
(including holy water), they will not be able to regenerate such damage and
must heal normally.

Appearance: Nupperibos are vaguely humanoid blobs of flesh. Their skin is

fish-belly white.

Pit Fiend (Greater Devil)

Number 1d3 (Nine Hells), 1 (elsewhere)

Morale +15
Nupperibo (Least Devil) Hit Dice 13d12
Armor Class -3
Number 10d10 Move 60’/min., 150’/min. (flying - poor)
Morale -4 Magic Resistance M
Hit Dice 1d8 No. of Attacks 3
Armor Class 9 Damage 1d4+4/1d6+6/2d4
Move 60’/min. Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use
Magic Resistance Standard Attacks Magic use
No. of Attacks 2 or 1 Weaknesses Holy water
Damage 1d2/1d2 or per weapon type Size L (12’)
Defenses Regenerate Intelligence 16
Attacks None Alignment Lawful evil
Weaknesses Holy water Treasure Type XVI
Size M Treasure Value 6d6x1,000
Intelligence 3 Magical Treasure None
Alignment Lawful evil X.P. Value 7,900 + 18/h.p.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a General: Pit fiends are the most powerful of the devils below the status of Duke;
Magical Treasure None they serve as officers and generals in the infernal armies, and as important
X.P. Value 18 + 1/h.p. functionaries in the courts of the dukes of the Hells, as well as serving as the
Turn as type XIII personal bodyguard of Asmoday himself.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Devil

Combat: Pit fiends wield two weapons in combat; the first is a bladed pick
much like an ankus (elephant-goad), and the second is a huge spiked club. Scaled Devil (Lesser Devil)
They can wield both simultaneously with no penalty, and can strike with their
tails as well for 2d4 h.p. of damage (if a hit is scored, the victim is subject to Number 1d3 (material plane), 3d4 (Hell)
automatic constriction damage for the same amount each turn, and is unable Morale +7
to attack until released). They have an effective strength of 18/00, but do not Hit Dice 6d8
receive any bonuses “to hit” or to damage. They regenerate 2 h.p. of damage Armor Class 3
each round. In addition, they have the following magical powers at their Move 150’/min., 150’/min. (flying - poor)
command: Magic Resistance D
No. of Attacks 2
• Detect invisibility once per round Damage Per weapon type/1d2
• Detect magic once per round Defenses Regeneration
• Fear 20’ radius (constant, but saving throw vs. wands applies) Attacks See below
• Hold person once per round Weaknesses Holy water
• Polymorph self once per round Size M (6’)
• Produce flame once per round Intelligence 9
• Psychic strike 6 times per day Alignment Lawful evil
• Pyrotechnics once per round Treasure Type None
• Summon other devils once every round: Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing X.P. Value 550 + 6/h.p.
01-30 Fails
31-72 1d3 barbed devils
73-00 1 pit fiend

• Symbol (pain) once per day

• Wall of fire once per round
• Wall of ice once per round

Non-silver weapons can only harm a pit fiend if they have a +2 or better
enchantment. A pit fiend can be harmed by silver weapons regardless of their
enchantment or lack thereof.

Pit fiends prefer to attempt to force flying enemies to the ground in order to
deal with them with their superior strength and weapons. However, they can General: Scaled devils are known as the Children of Tâmtu, and are found in
use their tails in the air, causing 2d4 h.p. of damage, as well as their great greatest numbers on the first layer of Hell, but can be found throughout the
clubs, which can batter a flying opponent into the ground. Hells in the service of any arch-devil or duke of Hell. There are in fact five types
of scaled devil, one corresponding to each color of Tâmtu’s five heads; black,
Appearance: Pit fiends are humanoid in form, but have great bat-like wings blue, green, red, and white. There is great rivalry between scaled devils of
and tails. Their bat-like heads are most ugly, having enormous fangs, horns, different colors, but when encountered, there is a 10% chance that 1d4 scaled
and pointed ears. devils of a different color will be encountered as well.

Combat: Scaled devils are able to attack with a weapon and their barbed tail.
The weapon wielded by any given scaled devil will differ according to its
color, and each type has a bonus to damage determined by their strength:

Color Weapon Damage Bonus

Black Halberd +4
Blue Trident +3
Green Guisarme-voulge +2
Red Short sword +1
White Footman’s flail +2

While grappling, all scaled devils will inflict 1d4 h.p. of damage plus their
strength bonus. They can regenerate 1 h.p. per round from all wounds except
those inflicted by silver, blessed, or holy weapons (including holy water). In
addition, scaled devils have the following powers:

• Change self once per round

• Command once per round
• Produce flame once per round
• Pyrotechnics once per round
• Scare once per round
• Summon another scaled devil once per day (same color, 20%
chance of success)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appearance: Scaled devils have a distinctly draconian appearance, with breath weapons depends on which head is breathing, but her breath weapons
leathery wings, long claws, barbed tails, and scales over their body. The color do not lose their potency as her heads or body take damage:
of their scales and wings will differ depending on the color as described
above. Head Breath Weapon Damage
Black 64 h.p. acid
Tâmtu (Arch-Devil) Blue 80 h.p. lightning
Green 72 h.p. chlorine gas
Number Unique Red 88 h.p. fire
Morale +20 White 56 h.p. frost
Hit Dice 16d12 (128 h.p.)
Armor Class 0 Each of Tâmtu’s heads can take 16 h.p. of damage before it is destroyed, and
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. her body will take 48 h.p. before falling, although each head should be treated
Magic Resistance Standard as a dragon of its type in terms of immunity to certain attacks; the red head is
No. of Attacks 6 immune to fire, the white to cold, etc. Any head so destroyed will be
Damage 2d8/3d6/2d10/3d8/3d10/1d6 regenerated in but 24 hours. If her body takes fatal damage, she is slain as
Defenses Magic use are other Arch-devils.
Attacks Magic use, breath weapon
Weaknesses Holy water Appearance: Tâmtu is a titanic figure with five writhing heads and immense
Size L (60’ long) fan-like wings. The colors of her heads blend together across her back until
Intelligence 18 they turn to muddy brown at her tail. Her belly and legs are a pale green. She
Alignment Lawful evil speaks the draconic tongue as well as that common to all devils.
Treasure Type XVIII
Treasure Value 4d4x10,000 Thorned Devil (Least Devil)
Magical Treasure 6 items (15%)
X.P. Value 63,580 (material form), 635,800 (permanently slain) Number 1d4+1 (material plane), 5d4 (Hell)
Morale -1
Hit Dice 3d10
Armor Class 3
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance C
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Thorns, magic use, talons
Weaknesses Holy water
Size S (3’)
Intelligence 8
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 240 + 4/h.p.

General: Thorned devils are found throughout Hell, used as messengers,

servants, and so forth. They are often used to guide the vast ranks of lemures
and nupperibos found in Hell.

Combat: Thorned devils attack with a military fork. In addition, when airborn,
they are able to attack with their two rear claws as well, causing 1d4/1d4
h.p. of damage if they hit. Their bodies are also covered with sharp thorns
General: Tâmtu, Queen of Dragons, inhabits the topmost level of the Nine which can be fired at enemies as they fly above them. As many as 12 thorns
Hells. In her vast palace, she is attended by her five consorts; one each huge can be so sent against an enemy, each attacking as a dart. The thorns burst
adult dragon of each evil type; black, blue, green, red, and white. All have into flame on contact, so any flammable material must make a saving throw or
the maximum number of hit points and are able to cast spells. catch fire. The thorned devil may, in lieu of its standard melee attack, simply
hurl itself at an enemy. If it does so, 1d4 thorns will automatically strike the
Combat: Tâmtu’s immense bulk prevents her from using her claws in attack, target, but the thorned devil can make no other attacks that round. They also
but she is able to bite with all five heads and sting with her envenomed tail, as have the following magical abilities:
well as cast spells with or use the breath weapon of any of her heads (each
head having the breath weapon, and being able to cast spells, as appropriate • Affect normal fires once pe round
to a dragon of its color). Thus, in any round of combat, she can bite, breathe, • Change self once per round
and cast spells simultaneously, as long as no head is engaged in more than • Command once per round
one attack in any given melee round. Please see the main entry on dragons on • Produce flame once per round
p. 51 for details. Her tail sports a poison stinger, and will slay any target struck • Summon a barbed devil once per day (5% chance of success)
unless it makes a saving throw vs. poison. The amount of damage done by her


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Djinni

Appearance: Thorned devils are small, humanoid creatures with tails, bat-like • Emotion once per round
wings, and green scales. Their bodies are studded with scores of sharp thorn- • Fear once per round (by touch)
like protrusions, which give them their name. • Feeblemind once per day
• Forget once per round
• Fumble once per round
• Hypnotism once per round
• Illusionary script once per round
• Improved invisibility once per round
• Message once per round
• Misdirection once per round
• Nondetection once per round
• Psychic strike 9 times per day
• Symbol of sleep once per day (19 levels/hit dice or 99 h.p. worth
of creatures affected)
• Ventriloquism once per round
• Whispering wind once per round

Appearance: Titivilus appears as a satyr with pale skin and bat wings. His
horns are slightly larger and sharper, and his ears are slightly more pointed,
than an ordinary satyr.

Titivilus (Duke of Hell)

Number Unique
Morale +12
Hit Dice 14d12 (86 h.p.)
Armor Class -2
Move 150’/min., 300’/min. (flying - poor)
Magic Resistance M
No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon type +3
Defenses Magic use, regeneration
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water
Size M (5 ½’)
Intelligence 20 Djinni
Alignment Lawful evil
Treasure Type VII
Regular Noble
Treasure Value 6d4+10x1,000
Number 1 1
Magical Treasure 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%), 1d6 items (40%)
Morale +5 +7
X.P. Value 29,000 (material form), 290,000 (permanently slain)
Hit Dice 7d10 10d10
Armor Class 4 4
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. 90’/min., 240’/min.
General: Titivilus, the Herald of Diabolos, is not noted for his physical strength,
(flying - perfect) (flying - perfect)
his size, or his magical might. However, he is still widely acknowledged as
Magic Resistance Standard Standard
one of the most powerful of the dukes of Hell because of his infallible ability to
No. of Attacks 1 1
confuse, confound, and twist words with subtleties of meaning. It is precisely
Damage 2d8 3d8
these talents which have led him to being the mouthpiece of Diabolos who is
Defenses None None
often sent on the most sensitive of diplomatic missions.
Attacks See below See below
Weaknesses None None
Combat: Titivilus attacks twice per round with a sword of wounding +2 which
Size L (10 ½’) L (10 ½’)
is made of silver. He also has a strength of 18/01 (+1 bonus “to hit”,+3 bonus
Intelligence 12 14
to damage) and regenerates 1 h.p. per round. He also has the following
Alignment Chaotic good Chaotic good
abilities (where applicable, he should be treated as a 20th level spellcaster):
Treasure Type None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a
• Bestow curse once per round
Magical Treasure None None
• Chaos once per round
X.P. Value 725 + 5/h.p. 725 + 5/h.p.
• Charm person or mammal once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


powers listed above, they also have the following, which are more useful in

• Gaseous form once per day

• Create visual and auditory illusions once per day (no
concentration required)
• Invisibility once per day
• Whirlwind once per day (cone-shaped tornado 10’x30’x70’; lasts
1 minute, but takes 10 minutes for form or dissipate; causes 2d6
h.p. damage to all within, automatically killing anything under
2d8 HD). A whirlwind formed by a noble djinni will cause 3d6
h.p. of damage.

Djinn are masters of the air, and they are nearly impossible to catch therein. If
attacked in the air by some charging/diving creature, they will simple move
out of the way at the last minute. They will themselves dive on terrestrial
creatures from the sky.

Appearance: From the waist up, djinn appear as handsome humans. From the
waist down they are simply clouds. Djinn can communicate with any creature
whose gaze they can meet, as well as having their own language which
sounds like rushing winds. They also speak the tongue common to all genies
as well as the Breezy Speech spoken by all those native to the elemental plane
of air.

General: Djinn (djinni is the singular) are native to the elemental plane of air,
and are classified as “genies” (along with other creatures such as efreet, etc.). All dragons, even those found on other planes, share a number of powers and
They are able to enter those quasi- and meta-elemental planes adjoining the characteristics. Please see the main entry on dragons on p. 51 for details.
plane of air, as well as the ethereal and material planes. Djinn are able to
bear burdens as follows: Behemot

Weight (lbs.) Afoot Flying Number Unique

Morale +20
0-599 As long as desired
Hit Dice 21d12 (177 h.p.)
600-699 80 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 60 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
700-799 70 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 50 min. (then rest 1 hr.) Armor Class -3
Move 90’/min., 300’/min. (flying - average)
800-899 60 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 40 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
900-999 50 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 30 min. (then rest 1 hr.) Magic Resistance Standard
1,000-1,999 40 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 20 min. (then rest 1 hr.) No. of Attacks 5
Damage 2d6/2d6/6d82d8/2d6/2d6
1,100-1,200 30 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 10 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
Defenses See below
Mortals are able to capture and enslave djinn, binding them to specific objects Attacks See below
such as rings, lamps, bottles, etc. Special incantations and pentacles are used Weaknesses None
in the process, but the specifics are left to the individual game master. Once Size L (72’ long)
the djinni has been so enthralled, it will serve well if it is well treated by its Intelligence 20
master, but will be surly and undermine the meaning of commands if it is ill- Alignment Lawful good
treated. If a noble djinn is so captured, it will grant three wishes to the one Treasure Type IX
who controls it, but after the third wish is granted, it will automatically be freed. Treasure Value 6d4x10,000
(Only 1% of all djinn encountered will be of the noble variety.) Magical Treasure 3d6 items (40%), 2d4 potions (40%), 1d4 scrolls (50%)
X.P. Value 58,080 (material form), 580,800 (permanently slain)
All djinn have the following magical powers:

• Create food for 2d6 persons once per day

• Create metal items (100 lbs.) once per day; will last a maximum of General: Behemot the Golden, ruler of all good dragonkind, dwells in a vast
24 hours, with harder metals lasting a mere hour castle in a hidden plane somewhere near the Seven Heavens, along with his
• Create permanent soft items (16 cu. feet) once per day court of seven electrum dragons of greatest size and age. He is an implacable
• Create permanent wooden items (9 cu. feet) once per day enemy of the arch-devil Tâmtu, and he and his court work tirelessly to thwart
her schemes to see the ascendency of evil dragonkind over the world.
Djinn think little of creatures that require wings in order to fly, and even less of
those that need magical assistance to do so, such as humans and efreet. He can become astral or ethereal at will, and will often be found wandering
the material plane in the guise of a mortal, gathering intelligence and fighting
Combat: Djinn attack with their fists. Any air-based creature has a -1 penalty evil. One of his favored forms is that of an enormous fish hundreds of feet in
both “to hit” and to damage against the djinn. In addition to the magical length. In this guise he is known as Behemoth (not to be confused with the river-
dwelling animal of the same name). Even when traveling the material plane,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Dragon

he is only 10% likely to be without his court close at hand, in some appropriate

Behemot and his court will never be encountered sleeping.

Combat: Behemot attacks as a normal dragon (see p. 51 for full details),

including all of the special standard draconic abilities such as dragonfear, etc.
He has three different breath weapons from which he can choose:

• A cloud of vapor 120’ in diameter and 30’ high which will cause
anyone in the area of effect to lose their physical substance and General: Maju and Mari are the king and queen of neutral dragonkind. They
assume gaseous form for 2 hours unless they make a successful dwell in a fantastic floud castle that floats along the borders of the elemental
saving throw vs. dragon breath. plane of air, touching on the planes of smoke, steam, lightning, etc. They are
• A cone of frost some 80’ long and 30’ wide at the base. each attended by a pair of each sort of neutral dragon: cloud, fog, mist, steam,
• A sonic beam 100’ long and 10’ wide which will distintegrate and vapor, each of which is huge and ancient. They are on good terms with
150 h.p. worth of creatures and/or structures per blast. most denizens of the elemental plane of air, except the gallas, who are allied
with Tâmtu (see p. 383). They are never found sleeping.
All saving throws made against Behemot’s breath weapons are made with a -
3 penalty. In addition, he is able to cast any cleric, mystic, mage, or savant Combat: Maju and Mari each attack with two front claws, a bite, and two rear
spell, up to 7th level, each once per day. He can also polymorph self at will. claws. Maju has a breath weapon of a gout of superheated steam in a cone
70’ long and 20’ wide at the base. Any creature caught in the area of the
Appearance: Behemot is an enormous dragon with golden scales and a dark weapon will take damage equal to its current hit point total (save vs. dragon
gold mane along the top of his head and back of his neck. He has two spiraled breath for half damage). Mari has a breath weapon that consists of a cloud of
horns that sweep back from his temples. freezing mist some 50’ in diameter (with her head on one edge of the cloud).
Any creature within the area will become frozen solid for 3d6 minutes (it is
entitled to a saving throw vs. dragon breath; success means it is merely slowed
for the same period of time). Creatures which are frozen will emerge at the
end of the time unharmed, but will be slowed for an additional 1d6 minutes.

Maju functions as a 16th level savant, and Mari as a 16th level cleric. Both
can become ethereal at will.

Appearance: Maju and Mari have transluscent bodies of living mist in the
forms of two long and sinuous dragons. They can also polymorph self three
times per day, and when they do usually appear as a frail elderly human
couple. If threatened, they will return to their true forms.


Tâmtu, queen of evil dragonkind, is both a dragon and an arch-devil. See p.

383 for details.

Umbral Dragon
Maju and Mari
Number 1 (25% chance of a mated pair)
Number Unique (pair) Morale See p. 51
Morale +15 Hit Dice 4-6
Hit Dice 20d12 (150 h.p. each) Armor Class -2
Armor Class 0 Move 180’/min., 240’/min. (flying- clumsy)
Move 180’/min., 480’/min. (flying – good) Magic Resistance B
Magic Resistance D No. of Attacks 6
No. of Attacks 5 Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/3d4/2d4/1d4+1/1d4+1
Damage 1d6/1d6/3d8/1d6/1d6 Defenses Hide in shadows, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Defenses See below Attacks Breath weapon, dragonfear, spells
Attacks See below Weaknesses Sunlight
Weaknesses None Size L (20’ - 30’ long)
Size L (59’ long, 55’ long) Intelligence 18
Intelligence 20 Alignment Neutral evil
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type XIII (dark colored gems only)
Treasure Type IX Treasure Value Special - 1d8x10 gems, determine value randomly
Treasure Value 4d6x10,000 Magical Treasure 1d2 items (15%)
Magical Treasure 3d4 items (50%), 2d6 potions (70%), 2d6 scrolls X.P. Value Variable
(70%), 1d2 weapons (40%), 1d2 wands (40%)
X.P. Value 51,300 (material form), 513,000 (permanently slain)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)



Number 1
Morale +9
Hit Dice 5d10
Armor Class 2
Move 60’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d4
Defenses Illusion, +1 (or better) weapons to hit
Attacks Chill touch
Weaknesses Enchanted silver
Size M
Intelligence 11
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 800 + 6/h.p.

General: Drelbs are native to the negative energy plane, and are found on the
material plane only when they have been summoned there to guard some
location or treasure. They are indistinguishable from wraiths, and will often be
mistaken for them.
General: Umbral dragons are native to the plane of shadow, but are often
found on the material plane in gloomy underground lairs. When found in the Combat: Drelbs attack with their chill touch. Any creature struck by a drelb
latter plane, they are invariably nocturnal, if they stray out from their will, in addition to taking damage, immediately fall to the ground, dropping
underground environs at all. They abhor very hot or very cold conditions. They anything held, shivering with the intense cold that instantly befalls them. They
are usually solitary creatures, but there is a 25% chance that a mated pair will will be thus helpless through the entire round following that in which they were
be found, in which case there will also be a clutch of 1d4+4 eggs in the nest. struck. If a cleric attempts to turn a drelb (thinking it is a wraith), the creature
When the eggs hatch, the first one to emerge will devour the others before will create an illusion of itself retreating; this illusion will fool 90% of those
they have a chance to become rivals for their parents’ affections. viewing it.

While umbral dragons can fly, they prefer to walk, as flying tires them after Only enchanted weapons will harm a drelb; enchanted weapons of silver will
half an hour or so. They have both infravision and ultravision to 180’, and can do double damage.
see as well in starlight as humans see in daylight. When umbral dragons are
in full sunlight, however, their vision is poor and they tend to crankiness. Appearance: Drelbs look like vaguely humanoid clouds of darkness with
Spellcasting umbral dragons cast spells as illusionists, but will never have spells glowing eyes.
that deal with flame or light. Umbral dragons will only hoard dark colored
gemstones, prizing black sapphires above all others.
Dust Devil
Combat: Umbral dragons attack as indicated under the general section on
Number 1
dragons. Their breath weapon can be used at will; a cloud of solid darkness
Morale +1
40’ long, 30’ wide, and 20’ high. Anyone caught in this cloud must make a
Hit Dice 2d8
saving throw vs. breath weapon or suffer the following effects:
Armor Class 4
Move 180’/min.
• All memorized spells are lost, until they are re-memorized through
Magic Resistance Standard
the normal rest and memorization process
No. of Attacks 1
• Blinded (even infravision is rendered useless) for 10 minutes per
Damage 1d4
age category of the dragon
Defenses None
• Brought down to ¼ of normal hit dice or levels for 10 minutes per
Attacks Whirlwind
age category of the dragon
Weaknesses Enchanted weapons do double damage
Size L
Umbral dragons are themselves immune to all life energy draining attacks (such
Intelligence 5
as those of vampires, wights, etc.) and can only be harmed by weapons with
Alignment Neutral
a +1 or greater enchantment. They have a 63% chance of successfully hiding
Treasure Type None
in shadows like a thief.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: Umbral dragons are semi-transparent creatures with smoky black
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
scales. They have a small ridge going down their spine from ther head to their
tail, and their eyes are solid orbs of swirling gray.
General: Dust devils are native to the quasi-elemental plane of dust, and can
be summoned to the material plane by the spell dust devil (consult the spell
description in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual for details


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Efreet

on how a dust devil will behave on the material plane when summoned via of fire, as well as the material and ethereal planes. They are able to bear
that spell). They are creatures of living air which pick up dust to form a small burdens as follows:
Weight (lbs.) Afoot Flying
Combat: Dust devils attack by buffeting a foe with their winds. Any creature 0-750 As long as desired
within the vortex of a dust devil is effectively blinded, and spellcasters within it 751-1,049 60 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 40 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
must make a saving throw vs. spells to cast any spells themselves; failure 1,050-1,200 50 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 30 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
indicates the spell is ruined and lost as they lose their concentration. The 1,201-1,350 40 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 20 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
creature can extinguish small open flames such as torches and open lanterns, 1,351-1,500 30 min. (then rest 1 hr.) 10 min. (then rest 1 hr.)
can hold or push back gas clouds or creatures in gaseous form, but cannot do
damage to such beyond their normal 1d4 h.p. attack. Efreet are mortal enemies of djinn, and will attack them on sight. Mortals are
able to capture and enslave efreet, forcing them to serve for a maximum of
Appearance: Dust devils look like small whirlwinds filled with dust and debris 1,001 days, or until three wishes have been granted to their masters. An efreet
some 15’ tall, 10’ wide at the top, and 5’ wide at the bottom. despises captivity and service, and will invariably attempt to pervert the
intention of its commands or wishes, and undermine its master and hopefully
Efreet bring him to destruction. They are cruel and vengeful beings.

Number 1 Combat: In melee, efreet attack with their powerful fists. However, all efreet
Morale +5 also have the following magical powers:
Hit Dice 10d10
Armor Class 2 • Detect magic once per day
Move 90’/min., 240’/min. (flying - good) • Enlarge (as a 10th level mage) once per day
Magic Resistance Standard • Gaseous form once per day
No. of Attacks 1 • Create visual and auditory illusions once per day (no
Damage 3d8 concentration required)
Defenses Immune to normal fire, magic use • Invisibility once per day
Attacks Magic use • Polymorph self once per day
Weaknesses None • Wall of fire once per day
Size L (12’)
Intelligence 12 Non-magical fire has no effect on an efreet. Magical fire-based attacks are
Alignment Lawful evil made against them with a -1 penalty both “to hit” and to damage.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: Efreet look like muscular humanoids with fearsome features,
Magical Treasure None fangs, horns, and flames for hair. From the waist down they are creatures of
X.P. Value 1,950 + 14/h.p. living flame. They speak the language common to all genies, as well as the
Firey Speech common to all natives of the elemental plane of fire.


Elementals are the primary inhabitants of the four elemental planes of

existence: air, earth, fire, and water. They can be brought to the material plane
through a number of different magical means: spells, devices, staves, etc., and
the way the elemental was brought to the material plane will often determine
how powerful the elemental is. (All elementals use d10’s to determine their hit
points, but will have more or fewer hit dice.)

Elementals brought to the material plane will resent being so summoned, and
will actively seek to escape. Thus, the one summoning the elemental must
concentrate on controlling it. Failure to do so will mean the elemental has
broken free and will turn on the one who summoned it 25% of the time,
otherwise simply returning to its plane of origin.

The spell dispel magic can be used to take over a controlled elemental, if the
caster explicitly states he is using the spell to disrupt the conjurer’s control
rather than the elemental itself. If he fails, however, the elemental in question
will become aware of the attempted takeover and will seek out that caster if it
becomes uncontrolled. The elemental in question will also be boosted in power
to 10 h.p. per hit die.

See also: meta-elemental (p. 410), quasi-elemental (p. 418).

General: Efreet (the name is both singular and plural) are creatures native to
the elemental plane of fire, and are ruled by an emir of enormous power. They
are classified as “genies” along with other creatures such as jann, etc. They
are able to enter those quasi- and meta-elemental planes adjacent to the plane


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Air Elemental Appearance: Air elementals are composed of nothing but air, and are thus
unseen, but they can be detected as a rustling of the air where none should
Number 1 be. They are not treated as invisible creatures. They speak the Breezy Speech
Morale +3 common to all creatures on the elemental plane of air, and can understand
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 common.
Armor Class 2
Move 360’/min. (flying - perfect) Earth Elemental
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Number 1
Damage 2d10 Morale +3
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Attacks Whirlwind Armor Class 2
Weaknesses None Move 60’/min.
Size L Magic Resistance Standard
Intelligence 6 No. of Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral Damage 4d8
Treasure Type None Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm
Treasure Value n/a Attacks Smash
Magical Treasure None Weaknesses Unable to cross water
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p. Size L
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.

General: Earth elementals hail from the elemental plane of earth. It should be
General: Air elementals are native to the elemental plane of air. noted that they are incapable of crossing water, needing to pass underneath
it in the bedrock instead.
Combat: Air elementals attack by buffeting their foes with blasts of air. While
in mid-air, as opposed to fighting on the ground, they get a +1 bonus “to hit” Combat: Earth elementals smash opponents with their powerful fists. Any
and a +2 bonus to damage caused, and are able to simply evade most aerial enemy that is standing on ground, stone, or earth takes maximum damage
opponents by moving out of the way of a dive. They can only be harmed by from the blow of an earth elemental, while those not in touch with the ground
weapons of +2 or better enchantment. In addition, they are able to create a (those who are levitating, flying, etc.) are struck with a -2 penalty on the
whirlwind some 20’ wide at the bottom, 60’ wide at the top, and with a height damage inflicted. Earth elementals can also strike buildings and other
equal to 10 x the number of hit dice the elemental possesses. It requires ten constructions. They do 20 h.p. of damage against wooden structures per
full minutes to create and dissipate, and lasts for but one minute, but during round, 100 against earthworks, 20 against soft stone or brick, and 10 against
that time it will kill any creature with 3d6 or fewer hit dice, and cause 2d8 hard stone.
h.p. of damage to all others. If the whirlwind cannot be raised to its maximum
height due to a ceiling or similar obstruction, it will kill creatures with 2d6 or Appearance: Earth elementals appear on the material plane as vaguely
fewer hit dice and do 1d8 h.p. of damage to all others. humanoid figures of living rock. They speak the Earthen Tongue common to all


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Elemental

those who are native to the elemental plane of earth and can understand Water Elemental
common even though they cannot speak it.
Number 1
Fire Elemental Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Number 1 Armor Class 2
Morale +3 Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (swimming)
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class 2 No. of Attacks 1
Move 120’/min. Damage 5d6
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks Stop or capsize ships
Damage 3d8 Weaknesses None
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm Size L
Attacks Set fire Intelligence 6
Weaknesses Unable to cross water Alignment Neutral
Size L Treasure Type None
Intelligence 6 Treasure Value n/a
Alignment Neutral Magical Treasure None
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.

General: Water elementals are native to the elemental plane of water. They
cannot move more than 60’ from water (at least 1,000 cubic feet).

Combat: Water elementals attack with pseudopods of living water. However,

when outside water itself, they suffer a penalty of -1 on all damage rolls. They
are able to stop large ships (1 ton per hit point of the elemental) and can
capsize smaller ships (1 ton per hit die of the elemental).

Appearance: Water elementals are formed of living water. When out of water,
they appear vaguely humanoid. They speak the Watery Tongue common to
all those who are native to the elemental plane of water, and can understand
common but cannot speak it.

General: Fire elementals are native to the elemental plane of fire. They are
incapable of passing over non-flammable liquids such as water.

Combat: Fire elementals attack by lashing out with fiery tendrils. They will
ignite any flammable object or substance they come in contact with, but when
fighting enemies that themselves use fire (such as red dragons, fire giants, etc.)
they suffer a -1 penalty on all damage rolls.

Appearance: Fire elementals are living flames. They speak the Firey Speech
common to all those who are native to the elemental plane of fire, and can
understand common even though they do not speak it.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Entropoid / Extropoid Flame Bat

Entropoid Extropoid Number 1d10+10

Number 1 1 Morale See below
Morale +9 +9 Hit Dice 2d8
Hit Dice 8d8 8d8 Armor Class 8
Armor Class 0 0 Move 60’/min., 200’/min. (flying - good)
Move 60’/min. 60’/min. Magic Resistance Standard
Magic Resistance A A No. of Attacks 1
No. of Attacks 1 1 Damage 2d4
Damage 1d6+6 1d6+6 Defenses Immune to fire
Defenses None None Attacks Blood drain
Attacks Entropic touch Energy burn Weaknesses None
Weaknesses Extropoids Entropoids Size S (4’ wingspan)
Size M M Intelligence 3
Intelligence 14 14 Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral Neutral Treasure Type None
Treasure Type None None Treasure Value n/a
Treasure Value n/a n/a Magical Treasure None
Magical Treasure None None X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p.
X.P. Value 1,100 + 10/h.p. 1,100 + 10/h.p.
General: Flame bats are native to the elemental plane of fire, but are
General: Entropoids are the only known native inhabitants of the negative occasionally found on the material plane, having come there through magical
energy plane, just as extropoids are the only inhabitants of the positive. They or natural gates between the two planes. Occasionally one or more will
are rarely encountered on the material plane, sometimes mistakenly summoned accidentally be brought to the material plane when a fire elemental is conjured
there by someone attempting to bring a quasi-elemental, very occasionally thence and remain behind when it returns, as they are not under the control of
brought there as a guardian of some treasure or valuable location. the conjurer, unlike the elemental with whom they shared the journey. In the
material plane they are found in very hot places such as volcanic caves and
If an entropoid and an extropoid should ever be within 500’ of one another, tunnels.
they will immediately close with one another at double normal speed. When
they meet, they will both be destroyed in a great explosion that causes 4d6+24 Flame bats are efficient pack hunters and will attack in great coordination. If
h.p. of damage to everything within 30’. 25% of their number are slain or incapacitated, the rest will retreat
automatically. They are capable of moving in lava as easily as air. When they
Combat: Entropoids attack with their tentacles, inflicting a touch of pure die they explode in a burst of flame and are then reborn on their native plane.
entropy. This touch causes rotting, aging, and death-like damage to flesh,
metal, wood, leather, cloth, etc. All items (including magic items) are entitled Combat: Flame bats attack with their bite; half of the damage done by the bite
to a saving throw vs. lightning; failure indicates they lose their magical is due to the heat of their bodies in contact with the victim, so those who are
properties and shatter, shred, or are otherwise destroyed by the entropic touch. themselves immune to fire will only take 1d4 h.p. of damage from the bite of
a flame bat. Once they hit the first time, they will attach themselves to the victim
Extropoids attack with their tentacles, inflicting a touch of pure energy. This and drink its blood, getting automatic hits on subsequent rounds. After three
touch causes severe burns and heat damage to flesh, metal, wood, leather, rounds the bat will be sated and release its victim, flying away.
cloth, etc. All items (including magic items) are entitled to a saving throw vs.
lightning; failure indicates they lose their magical properties and shatter, shred, They are immune to fire and heat of all sorts, but can be extinguished by 10
or are otherwise destroyed by the influx of pure energy energy. Metal that gallons of water. An extinguished bat will not do fire damage when it strikes,
makes its saving throw will still be superheated and must be dropped or and cannot reignite itself for 10 minutes.
removed; contact with such metal will cause 1d4 h.p. per segment (6 seconds)
for 1d4+1 segments. Appearance: Flame bats look like large ordinary bats completely engulfed in
If an entropoid or extropoid is slain, it will explode in a burst of negative
energy, inflicting 2d6+12 h.p. to all creatures within 10’, and inflicting
damage to items and belongings as if they had been touched directly.

Appearance: Entropoids and look like dull black spheres with numerous
tentacles or tendrils around the middle. Extropoids are similar, but shimmering
silver in color. Both types have eyes that glow with a dull metallic sheen.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Foo Creature

Foo Creature • Telepathy allowing them to converse with all intelligent creatures,
but not to read minds
Dog Lion
If a gallu prince is slain on the material plane, he will re-form on his native
Number 2d4 1d4
elemental plane immediately, but will not be able to leave there for 99 years.
Morale +8 +12
Hit Dice 7d10 11d10
Armor Class 0 -1 Air Gallu
Move 270’/min. 210’/min.
Magic Resistance G I Number 1 (material plane), 2d4 (elemental plane of air)
No. of Attacks 3 3 Morale +6
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/1d12 2d4/2d4/2d8 Hit Dice 4d8
Defenses Roar Roar Armor Class 2
Attacks Bonuses vs. evil Bonuses vs. evil Move 30’/min. (as roiling fog), 240’/min. (flying - perfect)
Weaknesses None None Magic Resistance Standard
Size M L No. of Attacks 1
Intelligence 12 16 Damage 3d4
Alignment Chaotic good Chaotic good Defenses +2 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to air/wind
Treasure Type None None spells
Treasure Value n/a n/a Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls, initiative, disrupt some
Magical Treasure None None magic
X.P. Value 1,200 + 12/h.p. 2,850 + 16/h.p. Weaknesses None
Size M
General: Foo creatures are native to the planes of the Happy Hunting Grounds, Intelligence 7-12
Olympus, and Gladsheim. They are able to become ethereal or astral at will, Alignment Neutral evil
and will sometimes journey to the material plane to assist those who champion Treasure Type None
individualism and the good ethos. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Combat: Foo creatures attack with their front claws and bite. When attacking X.P. Value 245 + 5/h.p.
creatures of evil alignment, foo dogs and foo lions attack as if they were
10d10 and 15d10 hit die creatures, respectively. When attacking lawful evil General: Air gallas are native to the elemental plane of air, and all swear
enemies, they receive an additional bonus of +1 “to hit” and to damage. In fealty to their princess Ninlil (see below). In its natural state an air gallu is
turn, evil creatures get a -1 penalty on all “to hit” and damage rolls when nearly invisible, being made up of naught but air and wisps of vapor.
attacking foo creatures. However, it can coalesce into a more substantive fog; it is only in the latter
form that it can attack. They can be summoned to the material plane by the
The roar of a foo creature is used to both threaten evil and warn good same spells and spell-like abilities used to summon air elementals, but with the
creatures. If maintained for 7 consecutive minutes, there is a 20% chance per addition of a sacrifice of a topaz of at least 500 g.p. value. They resent such
minute that 1d6 foo dogs or 1d2 foo lions will come in answer. summonings, however, and will pervert the intentions of their masters by
sticking to the letter of their instructions. Magic items which are used to summon
Appearance: Foo creatures are all of similar shape: a squat lion’s body with air elementals cannot be used to summon a gallu.
a large round head with flowing mane and bulging eyes. Foo lions are larger
than foo dogs, and have a more pronounced mane. They can be found in Combat: Air gallas strike with vapor-tentacles which contain myriad fine
almost any color. They speak the common tongue. abrasive particles picked up from the ground. Due to their insubstantial nature,
they can only be harmed by weapons with a +2 or greater enchantment. Air-
based magic of any sort is useless against an air gallu, and such will also
Gallu cease to function if the gallu is within 50’. Magical items will function normally
once the gallu is out of range, but previously-permanent magical effects will
Gallas (singular gallu) are evil elemental creatures that are native to the various not. Enemies get a -4 penalty to surprise rolls, and air gallas always have an
elemental planes. They are sometimes summoned or otherwise conjured to the initiative roll of “1” in combat.
material plane for a variety of purposes, and each type can be sent there at
the behest of their respective prince (see below). They despise the various Appearance: Air gallas are mostly insubstantial clouds, but can coalesce into
djinn, efreeti, etc. and will never cooperate with such willingly. They see a more substantive form as described above. They have three triangular eyes
regular elementals as will-less slaves fit only to serve them. of orange, red, or scarlet hue. They speak the language known to all gallu as
well as the Breezy Speech of the elemental plane of air.
Gallu Princes

Each of the four races of gallas is ruled by a prince (or princess). These rulers
are treated as lesser deities in and of themselves, and are thus able to bestow
spells upon clerics. In addition to the regular powers attributed to lesser deities,
as decribed in Appendix E, each of the gallu princes has the following powers
(as well as those powers listed in their individual descriptions):

• Dispel magic (as 20th level) at will

• Infravision (duration 1 day) at will
• Suggestion (duration 12 hours) at will
• Telekinesis (600 lbs.) 3 times per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Earth Gallu Eblis (Prince of the Fire Gallas)

Number 1 (material plane), 1d4+1 (elemental plane of earth) Number Unique

Morale +7 Morale +15
Hit Dice 5d10 Hit Dice 20d12 (90 h.p.)
Armor Class 4 Armor Class -4
Move 120’/min., 30’/min. (burrowing) Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance P
No. of Attacks 2 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+2/1d4+2 Damage 6d6
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to earth-based Defenses Magic use
spells Attacks Magic use
Attacks Grip, quills, disrupt some magic, enemies get -5 to Weaknesses Water and cold
surprise rolls Size L (18’)
Weaknesses None Intelligence 18
Size S (but very heavy for its size) Alignment Neutral evil
Intelligence 7-10 Treasure Type VI
Alignment Neutral evil Treasure Value 20d12x1,000
Treasure Type None Magical Treasure 1d6 items (70%)
Treasure Value n/a X.P. Value 25,900 (material form), 259,000 (permanently slain)
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 425 + 6/h.p. General: Eblis (pronounced “eblee”) dwells on the border between the
elemental plane of fire and the quasi-elemental plane of ash in an enormous
General: Earth gallas are native to the elemental plane of earth, and are the active volcano. He and Leviathan share a great hatred for one another, but he
servants of their prince Terranday (see below). They can be summoned to the does hold the emir of the efreet as an ally.
material plane by the same spells and spell-like abilities used to summon earth
elementals, but with the addition of a sacrifice of a raw nugget of gold of at Combat: Eblis attacks with a giant gout of flame formed from his own body.
least 500 g.p. in value. They resent such summonings, however, and will His body radiates an intense heat, causing all those within 10’ to take 1d20
pervert the intentions of their masters by sticking to the letter of their instructions. h.p. of heat damage (no saving throw, but those with a resistance to fire or
Magic items which are used to summon earth elementals cannot be used to heat take only half damage). Eblis is immune to any weapon with less than a
summon a gallu. +2 enchantment. He has the following powers, as indicated:

Combat: Earth gallas attack with their foreclaws (they will usually be found in • Continual light 3 times per day
hedgehog form). If both claws hit, the gallu can grip the victim, causing an • Fireball (20 HD) once per day
automatic 1d6+6 h.p. of damage until it is slain. Contact with the quills of the • Psychic strike 5 times per day
gallu in hedgehog form inflict an additional 1d4 h.p. of damage. They are • Pyrotechnics 3 times per day
immune to non-enchanted weapons, and all earth-based magics (dig, • Summon one of the following (his choice) once per day:
earthquake, etc.) will not only have no effect on them, but will cease to function o 1d6 fire gallas
while the gallu is within 40’. Magical items will function normally once the o 1d4 efreet
gallu is out of range, but previously-permanent magical effects will not. o 1d3 fire elementals (16 HD)
o 1d3 salamanders
When in living-clay form (only) it can merge with the earth around it and jump • Wall of fire (triple strength) 3 times per day
out to surprise enemies. When doing so enemies get a -5 penalty to surprise
rolls. While doing so, they can only be discerned with careful examination of Eblis is vulnerable to water and cold. Water-based attacks made against him
the surface in which they are hiding, which will reveal a slightly damp spot are made with a +1 bonus “to hit”, while those based on cold have a +2
with a roughly humanoid outline. bonus “to hit” and a +1 bonus to damage. He is immune to paralysis and
poison. Fire-based attacks actually heal him, up to his original number of hit
Appearance: Earth gallas can assume several different forms at will; that of a points.
hedgehog with a skull-like face, a mole, or a vaguely humanoid lump of soft
wet clay. The latter is their true form, and that which will inevitably be seen Appearance: Eblis appears as a towering pillar of living flame. He speaks the
when on the elemental plane of earth. On the material plane they will almost language of all gallas as well as common and the Firey Speech.
always be found in hedgehog form, but will transform into mole shape in order
to burrow into the ground. They speak the language of all gallas and the
Earthen Speech.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Gallu

Fire Gallu Appearance: In their natural state, fire gallus are pillars of living flame. When
on the material plane, however, they will almost always be found in a
Number 1 (material plane), 2d4 (elemental plane of fire) humanoid form, wreathed in fire, with a skull-like visage and a cone of fire
Morale +6 instead of legs and lower body. They can also assume the form of a large
Hit Dice 4d10 bonfire or a bronze statue of a human. They function normally in any of those
Armor Class 3 guises. They speak the language of all gallas, and the Firey Speech.
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Leviathan (Prince of the Water Gallas)
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 1d4+4 Number Unique
Defenses +1 or better weapon to harm, immune to fire based Morale +15
spells Hit Dice 20d12 (90 h.p.)
Attacks Blink, disrupt some magic Armor Class -5
Weaknesses None Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (in water)
Size M Magic Resistance M
Intelligence 9-14 No. of Attacks 1
Alignment Neutral evil Damage 2d12
Treasure Type None Defenses Magic use
Treasure Value n/a Attacks Magic use
Magical Treasure None Weaknesses Fire
X.P. Value 245 + 5/h.p. Size L (20’ diameter)
Intelligence 18
General: Fire gallas are native to the elemental plane of fire, and are ruled by Alignment Neutral evil
their prince Eblis. They are able to assume several guises, all of which are fire- Treasure Type VIII
related. They can be summoned to the material plane by the same spells and Treasure Value 5d4x10,000
spell-like abilities used to summon fire elementals, but with the addition of a Magical Treasure 1d10 items (45%), 2d4 potions (40%)
sacrifice of a ruby of at least 500 g.p. value. They resent such summonings, X.P. Value 23,000 (material form), 230,000 (permanently slain)
however, and will pervert the intentions of their masters by sticking to the letter
of their instructions. Magic items which are used to summon fire elementals General: Leviathan lives in a great castle on the border of the elemental plane
cannot be used to summon a gallu. of water and the quasi-elemental plane of salt. He despises Eblis, and the
feeling is mutual.
Combat: Fire gallas attack by sending out a jet of flame 3’ wide and 6’ long;
any creature in the area of effect will take damage. They themselves are Combat: Leviathan attacks with a watery pseudopod. In addition, he can
immune to harm by any non-enchanted weapon, and are able to blink once attack five creatures with an enveloping attack; targets of the envelopment
per round. They are immune to all fire and heat-based attacks (both mundane attack are considered AC 6, plus any magical or dexterity modifiers. Those
and magical fire, including red dragon breath), and fire-based magics will not enveloped cannot cast spells or fight, will take 2d6 h.p. of damage each
function within 20’ of a fire gallu. Magical items will function normally once round, and will drown in 2d4 rounds automatically. If Leviathan moves while
the gallu is out of range, but previously-permanent magical effects will not. he has enveloped a victim, that victim does not move with him, so forcing him
to move is one of the few ways of freeing such victims. All non-magical fires


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


within 10’ of Leviathan are automatically extinguished. He is immune to non- o 2d4 air gallas
magical weapons, and edged or pointed weapons do half damage. In o 1d3 air elementals
addition, Leviathan has the following powers, as indicated: o 1d4 cloud giants
o 1d4 invisible stalkers
• Ice storm 3 times per day o 1d3 wind walkers
• Lower water (as 20th level) 3 times per day o 1d3 aerial servants
• Part water (as 20th level) 3 times per day • Wind walk 3 times per day
• Psychic strike 5 times per day • Wind wall (triple strength) 3 times per day
• Summon one of the following (his choice) once per day:
o 1d6+1 water gallas At will, Ninlil can form a whirlwind from her own body; it takes 1 round to
o 1d3 water elementals (16 HD) form, and another round to dissipate, and the whirlwind itself can be sustained
o 1d2 sea hags for 1d4+1 rounds. The whirlwind is 20’ across at the bottom, 60’ across at
o 1d4+1 water verms the top, and 160’ high. Those caught in the whirlwind will be instantly slain if
o 20d10 sahuagin (only in salt water) they have 2 HD or fewer, and will do 4d8 h.p. of damage per round to all
• Transmute rock to mud 3 times per day other creatures. If there is insufficient room to form the full-sized whirlwind, it
• Wall of fog (triple strength) 3 times per day will only cause half damage.

Leviathan is vulnerable to magical fire. Fire-based attacks have a +2 bonus “to Ninlil is vulnerable to fire; such attacks against her are made with a +1 bonus
hit” and a +1 bonus to damage per die. He is immune to cold-based attacks, “to hit” for every 4 levels of the attacker. She is immune to lightning and
but if he suffers more than 20 h.p. of cold damage in a single round, he will electricity, as well as poison and petrification. No object hurled or fired
suffer as if under the effects of a slow spell (magic resistance counts for the through the air (such as an arrow, spear, etc.) can harm her.
initial cold attacks, but not for their slowing effect). He is immune to poison
and paralyzation. Appearance: Ninlil is made of air. She is thus invisible. She speaks the
common tongue, gallu, and the Breezy Speech.
Appearance: Leviathan is a great mass of living water. He speaks common,
gallu, and the Watery Tongue. Terranday (Prince of the Earth Gallas)

Ninlil (Princess of the Air Gallas) Number Unique

Morale +17
Number Unique Hit Dice 24d12 (119 h.p.)
Morale +15 Armor Class -7
Hit Dice 19d12 (85 h.p.) Move 90’/min.
Armor Class -6 Magic Resistance P
Move 480’/min. (flying) No. of Attacks 2
Magic Resistance Q Damage 5d10/5d10
No. of Attacks 2 Defenses +3 (or better) weapon to harm, magic use, immune to
Damage 2d10/2d10 fire and poison
Defenses Invisible, magic use, immune to magic attacks Attacks Magic use
Attacks Magic use Weaknesses None
Weaknesses Fire Size L (10’)
Size L (10’ diameter) Intelligence 16
Intelligence 18 Alignment Neutral evil
Alignment Neutral evil Treasure Type VII
Treasure Type VIII Treasure Value 6d4x10,000
Treasure Value 2d6x10,000 Magical Treasure 2d10 items (55%)
Magical Treasure 1d8 items (75%) X.P. Value 39,450 (material form), 394,500 (permanently slain)
X.P. Value 25,650 (material form), 256,500 (permanently slain)
General: Terranday dwells on the border of the elemental plane of earth and
General: Ninlil is the princess of the air galas, and dwells in a magnificent the quasi-elemental plane of dust, on an enormous flat-topped mountain.
palace made of cloud on the elemental plane of air near the border with the
quasi-elemental plane of vacuum. She and the demon lord Pazuzu are known Combat: Terranday attacks with his two massive fists. He is immune to
to be great rivals, as each claims dominion over the skies. weapons with less than a +3 enchantment. Terranday has the following
powers, as indicated:
Combat: Ninlil strikes with twin gusts of air directed at her enemies. If she hits
with a roll 5 or more above the minimum needed to hit, Ninlil will stun the • Earthquake (100’ diameter) once per day
target for 1d6 rounds. In addition, there is a percentage chance that the • Flesh to stone 3 times per day
stunned victim will in actuality be slain instantly, equal to the victim’s armor • Move earth (with double the normal area of effect) 3 times per day
class minus 1. Bear in mind that Ninlil should be treated as an invisible • Psychic strike 5 times per day
creature, even when attacking, and enemies must thus roll to see if they detect • Summon one of the following (his choice) once per day:
her. She has the following powers, as indicated: o 2d4 earth gallas
o 1d3 earth elementals (16 HD)
• Control winds (as 20th level) 3 times per day o 1d6 khargra
• Gust of wind (as 20th level) 3 times per day o 1d4 xorn
• Psychic strike 5 times per day • Wall of stone (triple strength) 3 times per day
• Summon one of the following (her choice) per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Garm’laqi

Terranday is immune to mundane fire and poison. Attacks based on cold, Garm’laqi
magical fire, or poison subtract 1 h.p. of damage per die.
Number See below
Appearance: Terranday appears as a vaguely humanoid pile of stone and Morale +4 +1 per level
earth. He speaks common, gallu, and the Earthen Speech. Hit Dice See below
Armor Class See below
Water Gallu Move 90’/min., 960’/min. (astral plane)
Magic Resistance Standard
Number 1d3 (material plane), 1d4+1 (elemental plane of water) No. of Attacks 1 (or more, per class ability)
Morale +8 Damage Per weapon type
Hit Dice 6d10 Defenses See below
Armor Class 5 Attacks Psychic strike
Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (swimming) Weaknesses None
Magic Resistance Standard Size M
No. of Attacks 2 (material plane), 1 (elemental plane of water) Intelligence 15-18
Damage 1d4/1d4 (material plane), 4d4 (plane of water) Alignment Neutral evil
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to water-based Treasure Type XVII (individual), IV (lair)
spells Treasure Value 1d20 (individual), 2d6x10,000 (lair)
Attacks Blinding, drowning, combining, disrupt some magic Magical Treasure 1d4+6 items (50% - lair)
Weaknesses None X.P. Value Variable
Size M
Intelligence 4-10
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 650 + 8/h.p.

General: Water gallas are native to the elemental plane of water, where they
serve their prince Leviathan (see above). They can be summoned to the material
plane by the same spells and spell-like abilities used to summon water
elementals, but with the addition of a sacrifice of a pearl or aquamarine of at
least 500 g.p. value. They resent such summonings, however, and will pervert
the intentions of their masters by sticking to the letter of their instructions. Magic
items which are used to summon water elementals cannot be used to summon
a gallu.

Combat: Water gallas attack with jets of water with a range of 6’. Any creature
struck has a 1 in 6 chance of being blinded for 1d4 rounds by the force of the
water. Those blinded will then be subject to a special drowning attack as the
gallu forces one of its many water jet tubes down their throat or nose; drowning
takes place in a single round if such an attack is successful.

Water gallas are immune to all water-based attacks, and any water-based
magic will cease functioning as long as the gallu is within 30’. Magical items
will function normally once the gallu is out of range, but previously-permanent
magical effects will not. General: Garm’laqi are a hateful breed of human that dwell in the astral plane
in great fortresses carved out of chunks of rock floating in the void. On
Three or more water gallas who combine their forms are able to form an occasion they will establish outposts on the material plane as well. They are
enormous multi-segmented creature. Such combination will take but a single warlike and violent against all creatures, but hold especial hatred towards both
round. Once complete, the single creature will have all of the hit points of the cthonoids and garm’zeni, and will attack them in preference to all others (once
combined individual gallas, will strike as a 12d10 HD creature, and have their preferred foes are obliterated, they will turn their attention to any other
1d4+2 tubes which can spout water up to 10’ and do 1d6 h.p. of damage, creatures in the vicinity). Due to the highly variable nature of garm’laqi
in addition to the regular blinding and drowning attacks described above. individuals, the game master should calculate the x.p. value of each specially
using the formulae in Appendix A.
Appearance: Water gallas in their natural state resemble living masses of
greenish water, and can usually hide in larger bodies of water, but their slight Garm’laqi can rise to the 11th level of experience as fighters, cavaliers,
coloration can be used to identify them if carefully examined. On the material mages, illusionists, or fighter/mage multi-classed characters. A typical
plane a water gallu will usually assume the form of a squishy, jelly-like blob garm’laqi raiding party will consist of two garm’laqi of levels 1d3, one fighter
with numerous tubes depending from its circumpherence and four bird-like level 1d3+3, and one multi-classed fighter level 7/mage level 6. There is a
claws. It can also assume the form of a pool or fountain, as desired. 10% chance that such a party will have but two lower-level individuals and
will be led by a cavalier of 8th level. Stronger war parties are rarely
encountered, and should be made up as deemed appropriate by the game
master. Raiding parties will be armored with plated mail +4 (AC 0) when
appropriate, while ordinarily they will wear various sorts of armor appropriate


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


to their class (average of AC 3). The class of ordinary garm’laqi should be Garm’zeni
determined as follows (each will be of level 1d3):
Number See below
Die Roll (d%) Character Class Morale +4 +1 per level
01-25 fighter Hit Dice See below
26-50 cavalier Armor Class See below
51-75 mage Move 90’/min.
76-80 illusionist Magic Resistance H
80-00 fighter/mage No. of Attacks 1 (or more, per class ability)
Damage Per weapon type
In their strongholds on the astral plane, the following individuals will be Defenses Magic use
present: Attacks Psychic strike
Weaknesses None
• Leader (multi-classed fighter/mage level 11/9) Size M
• Captains (multi-classed 8th level fighter and fighter/mage level Intelligence 16
7/6) Alignment Chaotic neutral
• Lieutenants (two multi-classed fighter/mages, each of level 4/4) Treasure Type III
• Knights of the guard (40 x 9th level cavaliers) Treasure Value 9d6x1,000
• Mages (mage level 1d4+3 and illusionist level 6) Magical Treasure 2d8 items (30%)
• Sergeants (three fighters, each of level 1d4) X.P. Value Variable
• 1,000 ordinary garm’laqi (determine class and level as above)
General: The garm’zeni are related to the garm’laqi (see above) and despise
Outposts on the material plane will have the following individuals present: them as much as they are themselves despised by them. They do not share the
garm’laqi hatred of the cthonoids, but are known to attack the latter when it is
• Leader (fighter 11 (50%) or multi-classed fighter/mage 7/8 convenient. They are native to the plane of Limbo, but will occasionally
(50%)) establish outposts on the material plane for their own inscrutable purposes.
• Captains (multi-classed 8th level fighter and fighter/mage level They tend towards a personal asceticism, eschewing gawdy adornments for
7/6) plain and deadly accoutrements. Due to the highly variable nature of
• Lieutenants (two multi-classed fighter/mages level 4/4) garm’zeni individuals, the game master should calculate the x.p. value of each
• Knight (8th level cavalier) specially using the formulae in Appendix A.
• Mages (two mages level 1d4+3)
• Sergeants (three fighters, level 1d4) Garm’zeni can rise as high as 9th level as fighters, mystics, mages, illusionists,
• 1d10+9 ordinary garm’laqi (level 1d3; determine class as above) and fighter/mages. Naturally, mystics need not be of good alignment. A
• 1d4+2 red dragons, used as mounts (each can carry 5-11 typical garm’zeni raiding party will consist of two garm’zeni of levels 1d3
garm’laqi depending on size and age) (level 1d3+5 if a mystic), a fighter of level 1d3+2, and a multi-classed
fighter/mage of level 5/5. Stronger war parties are rarely encountered, and
Combat: Garm’laqi attack with weapons and magic, as befits whatever should be made up as deemed appropriate by the game master. Raiding
character class and level they possess. parties will be armored with plated mail +4 (AC 0) when appropriate, while
ordinarily they will wear various sorts of armor appropriate to their class
Garm’laqi silver swords are two-handed swords +3 that will, if used on the (average of AC 3). The class of ordinary garm’zeni should be determined as
astral plane, cut the silver cord of a target 20% of the time if it successfully hits follows (each will be of level 1d3):
(garm’zeni are immune to this effect). Leaders of settlements in the astral plane
will have special swords which are two-handed vorpal swords +5 that will Die Roll (d%) Character Class
automatically cut the silver cord of a target if they hit. If such a sword is ever 01-33 fighter
lost, they will go to any extreme to recover it. 34-66 mage
67-71 mystic
Each garm’laqi can send forth a psychic strike 7 times per day (see Appendix 72-00 fighter/mage
B for details). They are able to travel between the astral and material planes
at will. Garm’laqi are considered “persons” for spells such as charm person In Limbo, they garm’zeni will establish strongholds with walls of adamantium
or hold person. and moats flowing with the force of pure chaos. In such strongholds, the
following individuals will be present:
Appearance: Garm’laqi look like gaunt humans whose features are slightly
warped by their constant exposure to the astral plane’s weird radiations, • Leader (fighter 9 (50%) or multi-classed fighter/mage 4/7 (50%))
making their ears pointed and their noses tending to be mere slits. They wear • Captain (fighter 6 (50%) or multi-classed fighter/mage 5/5 (50%))
armor and bear weapons of great baroque decoration, and tend to wear lots • Lieutenants (two multi-classed fighter/mages of level 3/3)
of gaudy jewelry. • Mages (three mages level 1d3+2)
• Sergeants (three fighters level 1d4+2)
• 500 ordinary garm’zeni (level 1d3 (mystics level 1d3+3;
determine class as above)

When temporary strongholds are established on the material plane, they will
contain much the same population as above, but there will only be 1d10+10
ordinary garm’zeni.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Gloomwing

Combat: Garm’zeni attack with weapons and magic, as per whatever class Appearance: Gloomwings look like large moths with convoluted patterns on
abilities they may have. Garm’zeni mystics are not limited in the kinds of armor their wings and bodies. The creatures are only colored in black and grays.
they may wear.
All garm’zeni have the following powers:
Number 1
• Become astral at will Morale n/a
• Psychic strike 6 times per day Hit Dice 7d10
Armor Class 6
They are immune to all enchantment/charm spells, sleep, telepathy, ESP, Move 120’/min.
empathy, feeblemind, magic jar, and possession. Garm’zeni are considered Magic Resistance D
“persons” for spells such as hold person. No. of Attacks 3
Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1/2d6
Appearance: Garm’zeni look like ordinary humans, usually wearing plain Defenses See below
armor and robes. Attacks See below
Weaknesses Holy water
Gloomwing Size L (7’)
Intelligence 9
Number 1 Alignment Lawful evil
Morale +2 Treasure Type None
Hit Dice 5d10 Treasure Value n/a
Armor Class 1 Magical Treasure n/a
Move 120’/min. (flyig - poor) X.P. Value 1,000 + 10/h.p.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 3 General: Hellcats are native to the Nine Hells, although they are sometimes
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d8 found on the material plane, where they serve powerful lawful evil creatures
Defenses Confusion, camouflage and individuals, but never for more than a year and a day, after which time
Attacks Pheromones, enemies get -4 to surprise rolls the hellcat returns to its native plane. Its reaction depends on the alignment of
Weaknesses None those it encounters:
Size M (8’ wingspan)
Intelligence 1 Party Members’ Alignment Reaction: Hellcat…
Alignment Neutral All non-evil Attacks
Treasure Type None At least some evil, but no LE Flees
Treasure Value n/a At least one LE character May serve (see below)
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 525 + 6/h.p. A hellcat will serve the most powerful character or intelligent creature of lawful
evil alignment that it encounters (assuming the service of the hellcat is
General: Gloomwings are natives of the plane of shadow who occasionally accepted, of course). The hellcat will base its selection on hit dice or level first.
make their way to the material plane trough natural or magically created gates If two lawful evil characters of the same level are available, it will select among
between the planes. They are aggressive predators, and the mature form of them in the following order: clerics, mages, cavaliers, fighters, thieves.
the tenebrous worm (see p. 437).
When its master is within 90’, the hellcat can communicate with him via
Combat: Gloomwings attack with their front claws and mandibles. The wings telepathy. It will serve and protect him loyally until a suitable new master
of the gloomwing are covered with a dazzling pattern which causes confusion presents himself; they never need check morale.
(as per the spell) in any creature that sees it from above, as well as providing
camouflage (-4 on enemies’ surprise rolls). Combat: Hellcats attack with their claws and bite. In addition to their magic
resistance, they are completely immune to all mind-affecting spells. They are
One round after combat begins, the gloomwing will emit a strong pheromone naturally invisible, except in total darkness. They can only be harmed by
which will cause weakness in animals (including humans, demi-humans, etc.); weapons with an enchantment of +1 or better, but the magical bonuses do not
those within 30’ of the gloomwing must make a saving throw vs. poison each apply against it (example: if attacked by a long sword +1, the creature would
round or lose 1 point of strength. Strength loss is cumulative each round, and only take 1d12 h.p. of damage, rather than 1d12+1). Holy water will do
will only be restored 1d6 rounds after the creature is slain. If the saving throw 1d6+1 h.p. of damage.
is successful on the first round, additional saving throws are not required, and
if more than one gloomwing is within range and emitting pheromones, only Appearance: Hellcats are not normally visible. In total darkness, however, they
one saving throw is needed. The emission of pheromones have a 20% chance can be seen as a faint glowing outline of an impossibly large domestic cat (the
per round of attracting 1d4 additional gloomwings, if such are to be found size of a tiger) with red glowing eyes.
within half a mile.

Creatures slain by gloomwings will be used to house their eggs (33% chance
that any given gloomwing will be a gravid female). If this happens, not only
will the corpse not be able to be resurrected until a cure disease spell is first
cast upon it, but 12 days later 2d4+2 tenebrous worms will emerge, utterly
destroying the corpse.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Hell Hound General: Invisible stalkers are native to the elemental plane of air, but they can
be found on the material plane as the result of the spell invisible stalker or
Number 2d4 similar magic. They are occasionally found on the astral or ethereal planes,
Morale +3 and in such places they can be dimly seen, thus losing their benefit of
Hit Dice 4d8-7d8 invisibility.
Armor Class 4
Move 120’/min. If summoned to the material plane, an invisible stalker will obey its master until
Magic Resistance Standard it is released or is slain. They can track any prey that has passed nearby within
No. of Attacks 1 24 hours. If ordered to attack, nothing will prevent an invisible stalker from
Damage 1d10 doing so except its own destruction or that of the enemy; even its master cannot
Defenses +1 to surprise rolls order it off. While it will normally obey well, for every day it remains in service,
Attacks Breathe fire, enemies get -2 to surprise rolls there is a 1% cumulative chance that it will resent its situation and attempt to
Weaknesses Holy water pervert the orders of its master in order to bring about his doom and its own
Size M freedom.
Intelligence 6
Alignment Lawful evil Combat: Invisible stalkers attack with pistons of air. If slain anywhere outside
Treasure Type VII of their home plane, they simply return to the plane of air.
Treasure Value 4d6x100
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%) Appearance: Invisible stalkers are vaguely humanoid creatures of pure air.
X.P. Value 250 + 8/h.p. They are not normally visible to mortals. They can understand the common
tongue, but speak only their own whispery language and the Breezy Speech.
General: Hell hounds are native to the Nine Hells, but can be found on the
material plane, as they are sometimes brought there as guards or servants. Khargra
They have keen eyesight and smell, and have a 50% chance of detecting
hidden or invisible creatures (this makes them prized as watchdogs by certain Number 1d6
evil creatures). The number of hit dice of each hell hound should be determined Morale +3
randomly: Hit Dice 6d8
Armor Class -3
Die Roll (d4) Hit Dice Breath Weapon Damage Move 30’/min., 150’/min. (burrowing)
1 4d8 4 h.p. Magic Resistance Standard
2 5d8 5 h.p. No. of Attacks 1
3 6d8 6 h.p. Damage 3d6
4 7d8 7 h.p. Defenses Immune to fire and cold, concealment
Attacks Enemies get -4 (dwarves and gnomes) or -6 to surprise
Combat: Hell hounds attack with their bite, but are also able to breathe fire rolls
10’ in front of them. Those in the area of effect are entitled to a saving throw Weaknesses Certain spells (see below)
vs. breath weapon in order to take half damage (round up). Hell hounds get a Size S (3 ½’)
+1 bonus to their surprise roll, and enemies subtract 2 from their surprise roll. Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Appearance: Hell hounds are large dogs with dark red fur. Their eyes glow Treasure Type None
with a hellish red luminance, and their teeth and tongues are black. When Treasure Value n/a
they use their breath weapon, their front paws crackle with hellfire. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 300 + 6 / h.p.
Invisible Stalker
General: Khargra are native to the elemental plane of earth, although they are
occasionally found on the material plane, looking for exotic minerals to
Number 1
consume. That, in fact, is their entire motivation; they will attack others only if
Morale +20
disturbed, but will go after refined minerals and metals (such as armor,
Hit Dice 8d8
weapons, coins, jewelry, etc.) without regard for the well-being of creatures
Armor Class 3
who might be holding or wearing such. Outside of solid rock, wherein they
Move 120’/min. (flying - perfect)
are able to “swim” like a fish does in water, khargra must pull themselves
Magic Resistance F
along the floor with their arms.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 4d4
Combat: Khargra attack with their foot-wide mouths, but must first score a hit
Defenses Invisible
(as a 12d8 HD creature) with their claws. Once that is done, they have
Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls
fastened themselves onto their objective (whether a creature or a metallic
Weaknesses None
object) and will not let go until the objective has been devoured or the creature
Size L (8’)
is slain. The claws themselves do no damage.
Intelligence 13
Alignment Neutral
Khargra often attack by springing forth from walls, ceilings, floors, etc. into
Treasure Type None
passages and other spaces in solid rock, flying through the air like a fish
Treasure Value n/a
jumping out of water. Because of this, they will cause enemies to get a -6
Magical Treasure None
penalty on their surprise rolls, except dwarves and gnomes, who get a -4
X.P. Value 1,090 + 10/h.p.
penalty. While they can leave stone instantly, they require a full round (1
minute) to re-enter stone.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Lava Worm

those laws; rather, they believe that whatever laws exist in any given pocket
Khargra are immune to fire and cold-based attacks, but can be slain either by of the cosmos (including laws of nature), no matter how trivial or absurd, must
a transmute metal to wood spell or a phase door spell cast upon it while it is be observed to the letter.
attempting to re-enter stone. Heat metal will cause maximum damage, and
move earth will stun the creature for 1d3 rounds. Lexons are divded into two sorts: lesser and greater, roughly analogous to
commoners and lords, each of which is further divided into various ranks. They
Appearance: A khargra is shaped like an amphora, tapering away from the are ruled by Daena, an individual unique to the Lexon race and who is said
mouth. They sport three fins and three claws, and two eyes to either side of the to be the foundation of all law and order in the multiverse.
“top” fin. Their mouths are large and full of teeth. If cut open, they will have
1d4+1x10 lbs. of undigested metal within them; there is a 10% chance this The rigidity of the lexon race means that, when faced with a situation that is
will be gold, 20% chance of silver, and a 70% chance of some base metal. beyond their orders, they will report to a superior to request instruction. How
far up the chain of command they go depends on how unique the situation is.
Lava Worm
It is not the case that lexons are without individual personalities. It is simply
Number 1d2 that it would never occur to one of them to express themselves individually.
Morale +3
Hit Dice 3d8 Whenever more than one lexon is present, they will all speak completely in
Armor Class 2 unison, as long as they are within 100’ of one another and attending to the
Move 120’/min., 30’/min. (burrowing) same issue. All lexons, regardless of type or rank, are immune to the following:
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 • Detimental effects of the positive or negative energy planes, or
Damage 2d6 effects that draw on those planes
Defenses Healed by fire attacks • Enchantment/charm magic
Attacks Charge, Heat • Energy drain
Weaknesses Cold does double damage • Fear and any other emotion-affecting magic (as they have no
Size S emotions)
Intelligence 6 • Illusions
Alignment Neutral • Mind-affecting spells (hold, hypnosis, sleep, etc.)
Treasure Type 1d6x10 gems
Treasure Value n/a Greater lexons have the following powers:
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value 65 + 3/h.p. • Become astral or ethereal once per round (but this power will
never be exercised without explicit instruction from Daena)
General: Lava worms are native to the meta-elemental plane of magma, • Choose which segment in a round they will act, with no penalties
possibly the larva of some creature native to either that plane or one of the for surprise
adjacent elemental planes. It is occasionally found in the depths of the material • Clairaudience once per round
plane, burrowing through solid rock at a rate of 30’ per minute in search of • Clairvoyance once per round
tasty minerals. As it does so, it leaves behind round tunnels which are so hot • Command once per round
• Dimension door once per round
that they glow red and inflict 1d12+2 h.p. of damage if touched with bare
skin. After 10 minutes, the color will return to normal but the walls of the tunnel • Teleport without error once per round
will still inflict 1d6+1 h.p. of damage for a further 10 minutes. Twenty minutes • Wall of force once per round
after being bored, the tunnels will be cool enough to touch.
All lexons speak their own, highly logical, language.
Combat: Initially, the lava worm will charge for 4d8 h.p. of damage from both
its momentum and body heat, moving at 480’/min. as it does so, up to 30’. Whenever a lexon is slain, it returns to Nirvana and reforms in 9 days. Lexons
Once it has completed its initial charge, it relies on its body heat to inflict 2d6 are advanced or reduced in rank according to the needs and exact
h.p. of damage on those it touches. Note that those struck by a lava worm mathematical precision of the lexon hierarchy; promotions and demotions are
must have their equipment and belongings make saving throws vs. normal fire. initiated by the immediate superior. Lexons never check morale; they retreat
If the save is a result of the creatures initial charge attack, the saving throw is when they are ordered to do so, and never before.
made with a -4 penalty. Fire-based attacks will actually add to the lava worm’s
hit point total, even beyond its original total, for 1d4x10 minutes. It takes Occasionally, lexons will “go rogue” and escape the rigid boundaries
double damage from cold-based attacks, however. imposed upon them by their social hierarchy. If such “defective” lexons
manage to escape Nirvana, they are hunted down by special squads and thus
Appearance: The lava worm is shaped like an earthworm, some 3’ in diameter returned to the great pool from which lesser lexons are created, to be given
and 5’ long. It is silver with red highlights. another attempt to obey their nature and follow the Law.

All lexons are identical in appearance with one exception. They look like well-
Lexon muscled, golden-skinned humanoids with oddly geometric features and large-
domed bald heads, impossible to differentiate from one another by any
Lexons are the inhabitants of the plane of Nirvana, the champions of pure law creature other than a fellow lexon. Each rank of lexon is differentiated by the
across the multiverse. Lexon society is highly ordered, with each individual number of fingers and thumbs on each hand, as described below. Each has a
knowing its place, attention to the rules and laws inviolate, and dissention pair of fan-like wings. They are without gender, reproducing only by means of
unthinkable (at least in theory). Taken together they are an enormous the great pool whence all of their life essences emerge.
military/police force which views its mission as the maintenance of law and
order throughout the multiverse. They do not view themselves as the source of The lexons below are presented in order of rank, from least to greatest.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


1st Rank Lexon (Lesser Lexon) Combat: 1st rank lexons are usually unarmed, but those in military units will
be armed with fauchard-fork and heavy crossbow.
Number 1d100
Morale n/a Appearance: 1st rank lexons are identical to all other lexons with the exception
Hit Dice 1d10 of their hands. Each hand has 1 finger and 1 thumb.
Armor Class 7
Move 60’/min. (walking, swimming), 180’/min. (flying - 2nd Rank Lexon (Lesser Lexon)
Magic Resistance Standard Number 1d12
No. of Attacks 1 Morale n/a
Damage 1d4 or per weapon type Hit Dice 2d10
Defenses See above Armor Class 6
Attacks None Move 90’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
Weaknesses None Magic Resistance Standard
Size M No. of Attacks 2
Intelligence 3 Damage 1d4+1/1d4+1 or per weapon type
Alignment Lawful neutral Defenses See above
Treasure Type None Attacks None
Treasure Value n/a Weaknesses None
Magical Treasure None Size M
X.P. Value 28 + 2/h.p. Intelligence 6
Alignment Lawful neutral
General: 1st rank lexons form the lowest rung of the lexon social order, and Treasure Type None
serve as the front-line troops of their armies. They are only capable of Treasure Value n/a
conversing on topics directly related to their specific function, and then only in Magical Treasure None
limited capacities. They are organized in groups of 12, each group supervised X.P. Value 50 + 3/h.p.
by a 2nd rank lexon. They have senses inferior to those of humans, and
infravision with a 30’ range.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Lexon

General: 2nd rank lexons are the non-commissioned officers of the lexon General: 4th rank lexons are able to make plans and adjust orders to suit
armies, handle tasks beyond the simple minds of the 1st ranks, and unexpected events. They have infravision and ultravision (both 180’ range).
commanding all groups of 1st ranks. They have some limited ability to
converse, but are excellent at observing and reporting their observations to Combat: 4th rank lexons are armed with longbows when in combat.
their superiors. Some are organized into special units of shock troops. They
have senses equal to most humans, and infravision with a 90’ range. Appearance: 4th rank lexons are identical to all other lexons with the
exception of their hands. Each hand has 4 fingers and 1 thumb.
Combat: 2nd rank lexons are armed with two-handed maces or military forks.
5th Rank Lexon (Lesser Lexon)
Appearance: 2nd rank lexons are identical to all other lexons with the
exception of their hands. Each hand has 2 fingers and 1 thumb. Number 1
Morale n/a
3rd Rank Lexon (Lesser Lexon) Hit Dice 5d10
Armor Class 3
Number 1d4 Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
Morale n/a Magic Resistance Standard
Hit Dice 3d10 No. of Attacks 2
Armor Class 5 Damage 2d4+2/2d4+2 or per weapon type
Move 120’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor) Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, fire- and cold-resistant
Magic Resistance Standard Attacks Paralysis gas
No. of Attacks 2 Weaknesses None
Damage 1d4+2/1d4+2 or per weapon type Size M
Defenses See above Intelligence 12
Attacks None Alignment Lawful neutral
Weaknesses None Treasure Type None
Size M Treasure Value n/a
Intelligence 9 Magical Treasure None
Alignment Lawful neutral X.P. Value 350 + 7/h.p.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a General: 5th rank lexons are the internal police of the lexon race. In the armies
Magical Treasure None they are regimental commanders and headquarters aides. They are sent forth
X.P. Value 85 + 4/h.p. to destroy rogue lexons, if needed, so they are most likely to be encountered
on the material plane. Their senses are twice as acute as those of humans, and
General: 3rd rank lexons are supervisors and company commanders. They are they have infravision and ultravision both with 180’ range.
capable of evaluating changing circumstances (in limited ways) and adapting
existing orders to fit them. They are sometimes organized into special guard Combat: 5th rank lexons are generally armed with broadswords. They can
units. They command groups of 2nd rank lexons and their respective 1st ranks. only be harmed by weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment, and any fire-
or cold-based attacks against them suffer a -2 penalty to damage per die.
Combat: 3rd rank lexons are armed with javelins (3 of them) when in combat. Once every 55 minutes, five times per day, 5th rank lexons are able to breathe
out a cloud of paralyzing gas 2’ wide and 5’ long. Any creature caught in this
Appearance: 3rd rank lexons are identical to all other lexons with the cloud must make a saving throw vs. paralysis or be paralyzed for 5 minutes.
exception of their hands. Each hand has 3 fingers and 1 thumb.
Appearance: 5th rank lexons are identical to all other lexons with the
4th Rank Lexon (Lesser Lexon) exception of their hands. Each hand has 5 fingers and 1 thumb.

Number 1d4 Knight Lexon (Greater Lexon)

Morale n/a
Hit Dice 4d10 Number 1
Armor Class 4 Morale n/a
Move 150’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor) Hit Dice 10d10
Magic Resistance Standard Armor Class 2
No. of Attacks 2 Move 150’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
Damage 1d4+4/1d4+4 or per weapon type Magic Resistance A
Defenses See above No. of Attacks 2
Attacks None Damage 5d4/5d4
Weaknesses None Defenses See above; magic use, +2 (or better) weapon to harm
Size M Attacks Magic use
Intelligence 12 Weaknesses None
Alignment Lawful neutral Size M
Treasure Type None Intelligence 14
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Lawful neutral
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type None
X.P. Value 165 + 5/h.p. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,550 + 14/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


General: There are always 100 lexon knights, the least of the lordly ranks of Baron Lexon (Greater Lexon)
the lexons. If one is slain or promoted, a 5th rank lexon is raised up to fill the
gap. Each is responsible for a given sector of the plane of Nirvana, and Number 1
especially for the physical well-being of those lexon lesser ranks that dwell Morale n/a
within. Hit Dice 12d12
Armor Class 1
Combat: Lexon knights do not need weapons. Rather, they attack with an Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
intricate martial art that can inflict terrible damage with the hands alone. In Magic Resistance D
addition, they function as if they were 10th level clerics (albeit without the No. of Attacks 2
ability to turn undead), and have the following powers in addition: Damage 4d8/4d8
Defenses See above; also magic use, +2 (or better) weapon to
• Cure 1 h.p. of damage on all lexons within 144’, once per round harm
• Cure disease in all lexons within 12’, once per round Attacks Magic use
• Heal any modron by touch, once per round Weaknesses None
• Remove paralysis by touch, once per round Size M
Intelligence 16
Only weapons with a +2 or greater enchantment can harm a lexon knight. Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type None
Appearance: Lexon knights are identical to all other lexons with the exception Treasure Value n/a
of their hands. Each hand has one finger and two thumbs. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,250 + 16/h.p.
Baronet Lexon (Greater Lexon)
General: There are always 64 barons; if one is slain or promoted, a baronet
Number 1 is promoted to fill the void. They are the governors of the 64 chief
Morale n/a administrative sectors of Nirvana, responsible for the maintenance of law and
Hit Dice 11d10 order within them, and the never-ending gathering of information from their
Armor Class 0 underlings and the forwarding of constant reports to their superiors.
Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
Magic Resistance B Combat: Baron lexons attack with their hands, using the same martial arts as
No. of Attacks 2 others of their kind. Each functions as a 14th level cleric, albeit without the
Damage 4d6/4d6 ability to turn undead. Each also has the following powers:
Defenses See above; magic use, +2 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Magic use • Detect good or detect evil once per round
Weaknesses None • Haste once per round
Size M • Telekinesis once per round (350 lbs. maximum)
Intelligence 14 • Water walking once per round
Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type None Barons are immune to the psychic strike attack, but cannot perform it
Treasure Value n/a themselves. Only weapons with a +2 or greater enchantment can harm them.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,250 + 16/h.p. Appearance: Baron lexons are identical to all other lexons with the exception
of their hands. Each hand has three fingers and two thumbs.
General: Baronet lexons are always exactly 81 in number; if one is slain, a
knight is promoted. They are the commanders of the 5th rank police forces, Viscount Lexon (Greater Lexon)
and 9 are the special assistants to the dukes, while 8 serve Daena directly.
Number 1
Combat: Baronets attack with their hands, using the same sort of martial arts Morale n/a
that the knights practice. They are also the equivalent of 12th level clerics, and Hit Dice 13d10
have the following powers in addition: Armor Class -1
Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
• Detect charm once per round Magic Resistance F
• Detect evil or detect good once per round No. of Attacks 2
• Detect lie once per round Damage 4d10/4d10
• ESP once per round Defenses See above; also magic use
• Mirror image once per round Attacks Magic use
• Power word, stun once per day Weaknesses None
• Psychic strike ten times per day Size M
• Slow once per round Intelligence 16
• Web once per round Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type None
Only weapons with a +2 or greater enchantment can harm a baronet. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Appearance: Lexon baronets are identical to all other lexons with the exception X.P. Value 8,250 + 18/h.p.
of their hands. Each hand has two fingers and two thumbs.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Lexon

General: Viscount lexons (pronounced “vy-count”) always number 49, and if Marquis Lexon (Greater Lexon)
one is slain or promoted, a baron will be promoted to fill its place. They serve
as administrators and assistants to various higher-ranked lexons, including Number 1
Daena himself. They are inspectors of records from those below them, as well Morale n/a
as gatherers of information and preparers of reports to their superiors. Hit Dice 15d10
Armor Class -3
Combat: Viscounts attack with their hands, using the same sort of martial art Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
other greater lexons use. They function as both 16th level clerics (although they Magic Resistance J
are unable to turn undead) and 12th level mages, being able to cast both No. of Attacks 2
mage and savant spells. In addition, they have the following powers: Damage 3d8+3/3d8+3
Defenses See above; also magic use, +3 (or better) weapon to
• Detect magic (always functioning) harm
• ESP (always functioning, 30’ range) Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
They are immune to the psychic strike, and only weapons with a +2 or greater Size M
enchantment will harm them. Intelligence 18
Alignment Lawful neutral
Appearance: Viscount lexons are identical to all other lexons with the Treasure Type None
exception of their hands. Each hand has four fingers and two thumbs. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Count Lexon (Greater Lexon) X.P. Value 10,950 + 20/h.p.

Number 1 General: There are 25 marquis lexons (they use the pronunciation “MAR-quiss”
Morale n/a exclusively, and will invariably correct anyone using the alternate “markee”
Hit Dice 14d10 pronunciation, consigning other lexons to the great pool for such an infraction);
Armor Class -2 if one is slain or promoted, a count will be promoted to fill its place. They are
Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor) the record-keepers of Nirvana, and all of the myriad reports and other streams
Magic Resistance H of information make their way inexorably to the various marquises. They each
No. of Attacks 2 have an extensive staff of numerous lesser-ranked lexons to assist with their
Damage 3d12+3/3d12+3 record-keeping duties.
Defenses See above; also magic use, +3 (or better) weapon to
harm Combat: Marquis lexons attack with their hands, as all greater lexons. They
Attacks Magic use function as 20th level savants, and have the following additional powers:
Weaknesses None
Size M • Detect evil or detect good once per round
Intelligence 18 • Legend lore once per round (as if the object were in hand, and
Alignment Lawful neutral lasting 1d4 rounds)
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a They are immune to weapons with less than a +3 enchantment, and are
Magical Treasure None immune to the psychic strike.
X.P. Value 8,250 + 18/h.p.
Appearance: Marquis lexons are identical to all other lexons with the
General: There are always 36 lexon counts, and if one is slain or promoted a exception of their hands. Each hand has six fingers and two thumbs.
viscount will be promoted to fill its place. They are the generals of the armies
of Nirvana, which occasionally falls under threat from the adjacent planes Duke Lexon (Greater Lexon)
(such disputes are invariably over disputed interpretations of the volumes-long
treaties which exist between the various powers on the planes of law). Others Number 1
are military attachés to the princes, viceroys, or Daena himself. When Morale n/a
encountered, there is a 75% chance that a count will be accompanied by a Hit Dice 16d10
special force of 4d12 5th rank lexons, which serve as his adjutant staff and Armor Class -4
personal guard. An elite force of 36 knights serves as the personal bodyguard Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
of each count. Magic Resistance L
No. of Attacks 2
Combat: Lexon counts attack with their hands using the same martial art as the Damage 4d12+4/4d12+4
other greater lexons. They function as 18th level clerics, but without the ability Defenses See above; also magic use, +3 (or better) weapon to
to turn undead. They are only harmed by weapons with a +3 or greater harm
enchantment, and are immune to psychic strike attacks. Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Appearance: Count lexons are identical to all other lexons with the exception Size M
of their hands. Each hand has five fingers and two thumbs. Intelligence 20
Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 10,950 + 20/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Viceroy Lexon (Greater Lexon)

General: There are always 16 Dukes; if one is slain or promoted, a marquis is
promoted to take his place. They are the chief administrators of the provinces Number 1
of Nirvana, and each has a special guard of 36 5th rank lexons. Morale n/a
Hit Dice 18d10
Combat: Dukes attack witht heir hands using the same martial art as other Armor Class -6
greater lexons. They function as 22nd level clerics (without the ability to turn Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor)
undead) and are unharmed by any weapon with less than a +3 enchantment. Magic Resistance P
They are immune to the psychic strike. No. of Attacks 2
Damage 6d12/6d12
Appearance: Duke lexons are identical to all other lexons with the exception Defenses See above; also magic use, +4 (or better) weapon to
of their hands. Each hand has seven fingers and two thumbs. harm
Attacks Magic use
Prince Lexon (Greater Lexon) Weaknesses None
Size M
Number 1 Intelligence 21
Morale n/a Alignment Lawful neutral
Hit Dice 17d10 Treasure Type None
Armor Class -5 Treasure Value n/a
Move 180’/min. (walking, swimming, and flying - poor) Magical Treasure None
Magic Resistance N X.P. Value 15,200 + 25/h.p.
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 7d8/7d8 General: There are always four viceroys of the lexons; if one is slain or
Defenses See above; also magic use, +4 (or better) weapon to promoted (on the death of Daena), a prince will be elevated to take its place.
harm Each is responsible for a quarter of Nirvana, and administer it with fairness
Attacks Magic use and adherence to The Law. Should Daena be slain, the four viceroys will
Weaknesses None compete to see who among them is the strongest; the winner will be advanced
Size M to the uttermost position among the lexons, for that is also within The Law.
Intelligence 20
Alignment Lawful neutral Combat: Viceroys attack using their hands, with the same martial art as all
Treasure Type None greater lexons. By touch (including striking someone during combat), a viceroy
Treasure Value n/a can set up a circadian vibration which will cause the victim to simply die at
Magical Treasure None some point within the next 18 days. The viceroy must specify the time of death
X.P. Value 15,200 + 25/h.p. when the vibration is set up. It will not work on undead creatures, automatons
such as golems, etc. Viceroys function as 26th level clerics (without the power
General: There are always nine princes among the lexons; those who are slain to turn undead) and 22nd level mages (able to use savant spells as well as
or promoted will be replaced by a duke. They are the judges of Nirvana, in mage spells). They also have all the powers of lesser deities as described in
whose courts rogue lexons are sentenced and outsiders are tried for violation Appendix E.
of the numerous laws and regulations that ensure conformity and harmony
within Lexon society. Each viceroy supervises two princes, and Daena itself Viceroy lexons are not harmed by any weapon with less than a +4
supervises the 9th. enchantment. They are immune to the psychic strike.

Combat: Princes use the same martial art as the other greater lexons, attacking Appearance: Viceroy lexons are identical to all other lexons with the exception
with their hands. Any creature struck by their hands must make a saving throw of their hands. Each hand has nine fingers and two thumbs.
vs. paralysis with a -4 penalty or be stunned for 3 rounds. They function as
both 24th level clerics (although unable to turn undead) and 20th level mages Daena (First Lord of the Lexons)
(able to memorize and cast savant spells). They are immune to weapons with
an enchantment of less than +4, and are immune to the psychic strike. They Number Unnique
have all of the powers of demigods as described in Appendix E. Morale +20
Hit Dice 20d12 (220 h.p.)
Appearance: Prince lexons are identical to all other lexons with the exception Armor Class -10
of their hands. Each hand has eight fingers and two thumbs. Move 240’/min. (every mode, when flying - perfect)
Magic Resistance R
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d8x10
Defenses See below
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None
Size M or L (20’)
Intelligence 21
Alignment Lawful neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 32,500 (material form), 320,500 (permanently slain)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Magma Imp

General: Daena (pronounced “dynah”) dwells in the immense Tower of the

Law which rises above the vast pool of energy at the heart of the plane of
Nirvana, from which all lexons are created. It is unknown whether Daena is a
proper name or a title; if the former, it would be unique among the entire lexon
race. Daena is almost never encountered outside of Nirvana, but can do so
on those rare occasions when the very stability and existence of the multiverse
requires his personal presence. As the occupier of the top of the lexon social
structure, his rule is absolute, and his decisions are obeyed without question,
forming as they do the basis of The Law. Those who disobey The Law are cast
back into the pool to be reformed as the least of the lesser lexons, beginning
once again the long struggle of lexon existence, rising slowly through the ranks
by selfless and immediate obedience to The Law.

Daena is in constant telepathic communication with every member of the Lexon

race, and thus has perfect knowledge of everything that goes on in all of

Combat: Daena attacks with his fists. The right fist is covered in a cloud of
bright rainbow hues; any creature struck by this hand must make a saving
throw vs. spells or be instantly transported to the top layer of Arcadia (as well
as taking damage as noted above). The left fist is covered by a black cloud of
crackling energy; any creature struck by it must make a saving throw vs. spells
or be transported to the topmost layer of Acheron, again also taking damage.

In addition to having all of the powers of a lesser deity as described in

Appendix E, Daena is both a 25th level mage (able to cast savant spells as
well as mage spells) and a 30th level cleric (but without the ability to turn
General: Magma imps are native to the meta-elemental plane of magma. They
undead). He can only be harmed by weapons with a +5 or greater
will often come to the material plane in order to feast on the unique flavors of
molten rock to be found there. They are normally found in molten lava itself,
but can emerge for up to 6 hours before they harden and are trapped. They
Appearance: Daena can appear in two forms: that of a regular man-sized
will often be found in volcanoes prior to eruption, for after being flung far and
lexon, and a towering giant of a figure. In both forms, his hands are obscured
wide by the explosion, they can then wander the countryside, setting fires,
by clouds of energy as noted above.
before returning to their home plane.

Magma Imp Magma imps are not malicious creatures per se, but they are impulsive and
mischievous, and delight in setting fire to things (and creatures) for the sake of
Number 2d12 doing so. This is not done with evil intent, however; the magma imp simply
Morale See below cannot conceive of fire being harmful in any way.
Hit Dice 2d8
Armor Class 6 Combat: Magma imps attack with their fists. Creatures resistant to fire and
Move 90’/min., 60’/min. (in lava) heat only take half damage. Any sort of combustible material (maps, clothing,
Magic Resistance Standard flasks of oil) will automatically be set ablaze (guideline for burning clothing
No. of Attacks 1 and other accouterments; 1d8 h.p. of damage for 1d4+2 rounds). Magic items
Damage 3d8 that are flammable (cloaks, scrolls, etc.) are entitled to a saving throw vs.
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to heat/fire, normal fire. If cornered, magma imps will fight, but if they take damage they
melt weapons will immediately seek to flee.
Attacks Fire
Weaknesses None Magma imps are themselves harmed only by weapons with a +1 or greater
Size S (3’) enchantment. However, any weapon striking one that has anything less than
Intelligence 6 a +2 enchantment must make a saving throw vs. magical fire or melt, becoming
Alignment Chaotic neutral useless. They are themselves totally immune to all fire- and heat-based attacks.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: Magma imps are small humanoid creatures formed of living
Magical Treasure None molten rock. They radiate an uncomfortably high level of heat in their
X.P. Value 97 + 2/h.p. immediate vicinity, and their skin is black with glowing orange cracks
revealing their inner core. They speak both the Firey Speech and the Earthen


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Marid • Bestow water breathing on another creature (duration 24 hours) 7

times per day
Number 1 • Create water once per round
Morale +15 • Detect evil or detect good twice per day
Hit Dice 13d8 • Detect invisible twice per day
Armor Class 1 • Detect magic twice per day
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (flying - good), 240’/min. • Gaseous form 7 times per day
(swimming) • Invisibility twice per day
Magic Resistance C • Liquid form twice per day
No. of Attacks 1 • Lower water 7 times per day
Damage 8d4 • Part water 7 times per day
Defenses Magic use • Polymorph self twice per day
Attacks Magic use • Purify water twice per day
Weaknesses None • Wall of fog 7 times per day
Size L (18’) • Water walk once per round
Intelligence 14-18
Alignment Chaotic neutral Appearance: Marids look like large muscular humans with blue skin, pointed
Treasure Type None ears, and a sinister cast to their features. They can communicate with nearly
Treasure Value n/a any creature through a special ESP power they possess, but also speak the
Magical Treasure None language common to all genies as well as the Watery Tongue.
X.P. Value 5,000 + 18/h.p.
Mastiff, Shadow

Number 4d4
Morale +4
Hit Dice 4d8 (4d6 in bright light)
Armor Class 6
Move 180’/min., 90’/min. (in bright light)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 2d4
Defenses Hide in shadows
Attacks Baying
Weaknesses Bright light
Size M
Intelligence 3
Alignment Neutral evil
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 185 + 4/h.p.

General: Marids are genies native to the elemental plane of water (thus similar
to djinn, efreet, etc.). They can travel between the elemental and material
planes at will, and can become both astral and ethereal. Marids are both
capricious and egotistical, making them even more difficult to press into service
than their cousins (each and every one will claim to be a noble of their kind).
They dislike efreet and qarin, but will tolerate djinn and jannee. They can
breathe water and are unaffected by water pressure at any depth. They have
both infravision and ultravision with 120’ range.

Combat: Marids attack with their fists, but will more often use their formidable
magical powers in combat. Once per round they can shoot forth a blast of
water up to 60’ long. Any creature struck by the jet will take 1d6 h.p. of
damage and must make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates they are
blinded until the end of the following round. They have the following additional
powers, used as if they were a 26th level spellcaster, if applicable:

• Alter reality once per year General: Shadow mastiffs are native to the plane of shadow, although they
are sometimes brought to the material plane as guards, hunters, etc. They roam


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Mephit

in packs (there is a 50% chance that any given pack will also have with it General: Fire mephits are evil creatures of living flame.
1d4+1 whelps, who can be captured and sold in more cosmopolitan markets
for 1d4+1x100 g.p. each). Combat: Fire mephits attack with their claws, and will inflict an additional point
of fire damage to those who are struck. In addition, they are able to generate
Combat: Shadow mastiffs attack with their bite. In shadowy conditions, one of two different breath weapons (their choice). First, they can spew forth
including moonlight, they can blend in with the surrounding shadows 40% of flames from their mouth in a jet 1’ x 15’ , automatically striking one creature
the time, making them impossible to see. If the pack as a whole starts baying, in range, doing 1d8+1 h.p. of damage (saving throw vs. breath weapon is
the sound will cause any creature within a quarter mile to flee in panic unless allowed for half damage). Second, three times a day they can breathe forth
they make a successful saving throw vs. spells. Failure means they will flee, flames in a fan some 5’ x 5’, striking all creatures in range for 4 h.p. of damage
dropping anything held in their hands. If the pack numbers 12 or more, (saving throw is also allowed). Touching one will automatically cause 1 h.p.
enemies get a -1 penalty to their saving throw, but if the pack is 9 or less, of fire damage per round.
enemies get a +1 bonus to their saving throw (a roll of 1 always fails,
however). In addition, fire mephits can use the following magical effects as indicated:

Appearance: Shadow mastiffs look like large black dogs, inky as shadows. • Gate in another mephit (roll d4 for type) once per day, 25%
chance of success
Mephit • Heat metal once per day
• Magic missile (2 missiles) once per day
Mephits are a race of evil creatures native to all of the lower planes; the
creatures can be found with all permutations and shades of evil alignment Appearance: Fire mephits are humanoid creatures of living flame, with wings,
found between Pandemonium and Acheron. They serve the rulers of those long ears, and streaks of black visible in the fire.
planes as messengers and minor functionaries; when encountered on the
material plane or elsewhere, they will be on some errand or other for their Lava Mephit
dark masters. As a rule, they are gross and vulgar in their tastes and humor,
and tend to the garish when wearing clothing. They will speak the languages Number 1
appropriate to their home plane (Infernal, Demonic, etc.) as well as the Morale +1
common tongue. Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 6
Fire Mephit Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard
Number 1 No. of Attacks 2
Morale +1 Damage 1/1 + 1d8 h.p. heat damage
Hit Dice 3d10 Defenses Heat, regeneration
Armor Class 5 Attacks Breath weapon, spells
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying) Weaknesses Holy water
Magic Resistance Standard Size M (5’)
No. of Attacks 2 Intelligence 9
Damage 1d3/1d3 + 1 h.p. heat damage Alignment Any evil
Defenses Heat Treasure Type Platinum coins
Attacks Breath weapon, spells Treasure Value 1d10x5
Weaknesses Holy water Magical Treasure None
Size M (5’) X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p.
Intelligence 9
Alignment Any evil General: Lava mephits are evil creatures of living molten rock.
Treasure Type Platinum coins
Treasure Value 2d6x5 Combat: Lava mephits attack with their claws, and strikes will also inflict heat
Magical Treasure None damage as indicated above. In addition, lava mephits are able to use a breath
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. weapon once every three rounds; a blob of molten lava that can hit any single
creature within 10’, causing 1d6 h.p. of damage with no saving throw. The
mephit can spit out 8 such blobs total before it needs to “recharge” by contact
with molten lava outside of its own body.

The touch of a lava mephit causes 1d8 h.p. of damage, and will destroy wood
at a rate of 1” per minute, while metals such as plate armor will be consumed
in but three minutes. Once per day they can change their shape into a pool of
lava, and can gate in another mephit once per day (roll d4 for type).

Appearance: Lava mephits are creatures of living lava, and exude droplets of
molten rock the way other creatures perspire. They have wings, long noses,
and pointed ears. They are black or brick red in color.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Smoke Mephit
Appearance: Smoke mephits are creatures of living smoke, their bodies
Number 1 humanoid in form with wings, pointed ears, and long noses. They are black
Morale +1 or dark gray in color.
Hit Dice 3d8
Armor Class 4 Steam Mephit
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying - average)
Magic Resistance Standard Number 1
No. of Attacks 2 Morale +1
Damage 1d2/1d2 Hit Dice 3d10
Defenses None Armor Class 7
Attacks Breath weapon, spells Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (fying - average)
Weaknesses Holy water Magic Resistance Standard
Size M (5’) No. of Attacks 2
Intelligence 9 Damage 1d4/1d4
Alignment Any evil Defenses Heat
Treasure Type Platinum coins Attacks Breath weapon, spells
Treasure Value 1d10x5 Weaknesses Holy water
Magical Treasure None Size M (5’)
X.P. Value 105 + 3/h.p. Intelligence 9
Alignment Any evil
General: Smoke mephits are creatures of living dark smoke, and will avoid Treasure Type Platinum coins
brightly-lit areas whenever possible. Treasure Value 3d6x5
Magical Treasure None
Combat: Smoke mephits attack with their claws. In addition, they are able to X.P. Value 175 + 4/h.p.
use a breath weapon every other round, indefinitely. They can exhale a ball
of soot with a range of 20’, which hits automatically. Those struck take 1d4 General: Steam mephits are creatures of living vapor that leave a trail of hot
h.p. of damage (no saving throw allowed) and are blinded for 1d2 rounds. water behind them as they move.

In addition, smoke mephits are able to use the following powers and abilities Combat: Steam mephits attack with their claws. In addition, they are able to
as indicated: attack with a breath weapon. Every other round, the mephit is able to shoot a
stream of scalding water with a range of 20’, with the target victim being hit
• Invisibility once per day automatically with no saving throw, and taking 1d3 h.p. of damage. There is
• Dancing lights once per day also a 50% chance that the victim will be stunned for 1 round. Any creature
• Gate in 1d2 other mephits (roll 1d4 to determine type, if 2 are touching a steam mephit will take 1 h.p. of damage from the heat, as well as
indicated both will be of the same type) once per day, 20% having a 50% chance of being stunned for 1 round.
chance of success
In addition, steam mephits have the following powers, as indicated:
When they die, smoke mephits will explode, doing 1 h.p. of fire damage to
all those within 10’ (no saving throw).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Meta-Elemental

• Boiling rainstorm once per day (40’ diameter, does 2d6 h.p. of General: Ice meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of ice.
damage to those within the area, no saving throw) They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon air or water
• Contaminate water once per hour elementals.
• Gate in 1d2 mephits (roll 1d4 to determine type, if 2 are
indicated both will be of the same type), 30% chance of success Combat: Ice meta-elementals attack with their fists. Any creature within 10’ of
an ice para-elemental will take 1d4 h.p. of cold damage each round. They
Appearance: Steam mephits are tiny humanoid creatures, gray in hue, with themselves only take half damage from cold or ice-based attacks, but when in
wings who are constantly dripping water from their body. They leave a trail of contact with ordinary ice, snow, sleet, etc. will heal 1d8 h.p. per round. Fire-
warm sulfurous water behind them whenever they walk. and heat-based attacks do double damage to them. They are able to freeze
water by touch; 100 square feet per round, to a depth of 6 inches (or,
Meta-Elemental alternatively, a block 3’ on a side).

Meta-elementals hail from the four meta-elemental planes: ice, ooze, magma, Appearance: Ice meta-elementals are vaguely humanoid in appearance, but
and smoke, which are found between the four elemental planes (air, earth, made of solid, living ice covered with frost. They speak their own language,
fire, and water). They can be brought to the material plane through a number but can understand the common tongue.
of different magical means: spells, devices, staves, etc., and the way the
elemental was brought to the material plane will often determine how powerful Magma Meta-Elemental
the meta-elemental is; spells bring 16d10 hit die meta-elementals, staves bring
ones with 8d10 hit dice, and other devices bring 12d10 hit die meta- Number 1
elementals. Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Meta-elementals can be summoned by the same means as elementals native to Armor Class 3
either of the adjoining panes are. Thus, a staff of summoning air elementals Move 60’/min.
could also be used to attempt to summon either an ice or smokle meta- Magic Resistance Standard
elemental. When someone attempts to summon a meta-elemental, there is a No. of Attacks 1
5% chance per level of the summoner that the attempt will be successful. Damage 4d6
Otherwise, the regular elemental usually summoned by such means will come Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm
instead (if applicable, he must declare which sort of elemental will come in Attacks Heat
place of the meta-elemental, should the attempt fail). Weaknesses None
Size L
Like regular elementals, meta-elementals brought to the material plane will Intelligence 6
resent being so summoned, and will actively seek to escape. Thus, the one Alignment Neutral
summoning the meta-elemental must concentrate on controlling it. Failure to do Treasure Type None
so will mean the meta-elemental has broken free and will turn on the one who Treasure Value n/a
summoned it 25% of the time, otherwise simply returning to its plane of origin. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
The spell dispel magic can be used to take over a controlled meta-elemental,
if the caster explicitly states he is using the spell to disrupt the conjurer’s control General: Magma meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of
rather than the meta-elemental itself. If he fails, however, the elemental in magma. They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon earth
question will become aware of the attempted take-over and will seek out that or fire elementals. Magma meta-elementals see magma imps as pests (see p.
caster if it becomes uncontrolled. The meta-elemental in question will also be 406).
boosted in power to 10 h.p. per hit die.
Combat: Magma meta-elementals attack with their great fists. They radiate
Ice Meta-Elemental intense heat from their bodies, which will affect anyone within 20’ as follows:

Number 1 Creatures with Metal Creatures without Metal

Morale +3 Round Armor and/or Weapons Armor or Weapons
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 1 Items grow hot n/a
Armor Class 3 2 1d4 h.p. damage Heat becomes oppressive
Move 60’/min. 3+ 2d4 h.p. damage 1d4 h.p damage
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 The touch of a magma meta-elemental, or metal heated by proximity to one,
Damage 3d12 will cause flammable objects such as wood, cloth, etc., to burst into flame.
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, resistant to cold Magma elementals are immune to fire or heat-based attacks.
Attacks Cold
Weaknesses Fire Appearance: Magma elementals are vaguely humanoid masses of living lava
Size L with a black cracked exterior. Through the cracks in its skin and its mouth and
Intelligence 6 eyes, the glowing cherry-red molten rock that forms its core can be seen. They
Alignment Neutral speak their own language, but can understand the common tongue.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Ooze Meta-Elemental Moving outside the 20’ radius of the meta-elemental’s effect will immediately
reduce any damage caused to 1 h.p. on that round, and to no damage on the
Number 1 following round.
Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 Appearance: Ooze meta-elementals are masses of slimy muck that form into
Armor Class 3 writhing tendrils. They are brownish-green in color. They speak their own
Move 360’/min. language, but can understand the common tongue.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 Smoke Meta-Elemental
Damage 2d8
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm Number 1
Attacks Constriction Morale +3
Weaknesses None Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Size L Armor Class 3
Intelligence 6 Move 60’/min., 180’/min. (flying - clumsy)
Alignment Neutral Magic Resistance Standard
Treasure Type None No. of Attacks Multiple (see below)
Treasure Value n/a Damage 2d8 or 4d8
Magical Treasure None Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, resistance to air attacks
X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p. Attacks Blinding
Weaknesses None
General: Ooze meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of Size L
ooze. They can be summoned to the material plane by the same means as are Intelligence 6
normally used to summon earth or water elementals. Because of their Alignment Neutral
amorphous nature, ooze meta-elementals can flow under doors, through Treasure Type None
cracks, etc. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
Combat: Ooze meta-elementals attack with their slimy tendrils. If one hits X.P. Value 2,850 + 15/h.p.
successfully, it will automatically inflict 2d8 h.p. of constricting damage on
subsequent rounds. The tendril cannot be severed, and the ooze meta- General: Smoke meta-elementals are native to the meta-elemental plane of
elemental can carry away victims that it is constricting. While only one tendril smoke. They can be summoned by any means usually used to summon air or
can attack in any given round, if one or more are constricting an opponent, a fire elementals.
new tendril can easily be formed to attack a new victim. Victims that are being
constricted may attack normally. Smoke meta-elementals can assume one of two forms: either a loose cloud of
smoke (which moves along the ground at 60’/min., as if it were walking) or a
dense cloud of soot (which can fly at 180’/min.). When they are first


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Mihstu

summoned, they will have the loose cloud form, and must spend 10 minutes Moon Dog
gathering themselves to assume the dense cloud form.
Number 1 (material plane), 2d4 (evil regions), 3d10 (Elysium)
Combat: Smoke meta-elementals attack by surrounding victims and choking Morale +10
them with their soot and smoke. They can attack any targets that are within a Hit Dice 8d12
10’ radius. When in their dense cloud form, they do 4d8 h.p. of damage, Armor Class 2 (bright light), 0 (twilight), -2 (darkness)
while when in their loose cloud form, the only do 2d8. Any creature in range Move 300’/min., 90’/min. (standing upright)
must also make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates they are blinded Magic Resistance C
by the choking black smoke of the meta-elemental. Any air-based attacks No. of Attacks 1
(including those of a djinni or air elemental) will suffer a penalty of -1 damage Damage 3d4
per die. Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Appearance: Smoke meta-elementals are living clouds of black smoke. They Weaknesses None
can be dense or loose, as noted above. They speak their own language, but Size M (3’ at shoulder)
can understand the common tongue. Intelligence 15
Alignment Neutral good
Mihstu Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Number 1d4 Magical Treasure None
Morale +10 X.P. Value 2,000 + 12/h.p.
Hit Dice 8d8
Armor Class -2 General: Moon dogs are native to Elysium, and are known as staunch enemies
Move 60’/min., 60’/min. (flying - good) of evil and often serve those powerful deities and other creatures which are
Magic Resistance A similarly inclined. They will normally appear alone on the material plane, but
No. of Attacks 4 packs are sometimes sent to places where evil is particularly strong, in order
Damage 1d6+1/1d6+1/1d6+1/1d6+1 to root it out. They will not associate with humans or demi-humans for
Defenses +2 (or better) weapons to harm prolonged periods past the time when the threatening evil has been
Attacks Constitution drain vanquished. On their home plane, they roam in great packs. They have vision
Weaknesses None equal to twice that of an ordinary human, as well as such keen smell and
Size M (6’ diameter) hearing as to effectively duplicate the following powers:
Intelligence 14
Alignment Neutral evil • Detect evil (100% chance)
Treasure Type IX • Detect illusion (90% chance)
Treasure Value 3d8x1,000 • Detect improved invisibility (80% chance)
Magical Treasure 1 item (15%) • Detect invisibility (100% chance)
X.P. Value 1,700 + 12/h.p. • Detect magic (70% chance)
• Detect snares and pits (100% chance)
General: Mihstu (the name is both singular and plural) are native to the
elemental plane of air, but can be found on the material plane in cool locales Combat: Moon dogs attack with their bite. Their armor class depends on the
that are both dim and humid. Occasionally they will be found in the service of light; in bright light they are AC 2, in dim light or moonlight they are AC 0,
some powerful spellcaster, in return for rewards of wealth and magic items. while in total or near-total darkness they are AC -2. They can only be harmed
by weapons with an enchantment of +2 or greater. All moon dogs get a +6
Combat: Mihstu attack with four barb-tipped tendrils they form of their own bonus to their own surprise rolls, and enemies get a -3 penalty to theirs. Saving
essences for the purpose. In addition, they can envelop one medium-sized throws vs. electricity, cold, or fire are made with a +2 bonus, and damage is
creature per round. For each round they have enveloped the creature, it loses only ½ or ¼ of normal, as applicable. They are immune to fear. They also
1 point of constitution. If the victim’s constitution reaches 0, it dies. Constitution have the following powers:
can be restored at a rate of 1 per day, during which time natural healing of
hit points will not take place. • Change self once per round
• Cure light wounds, cure disease, or slow poison once per round,
Mihstu are immune to any weapons with less than a +2 enchantment. Electricity but only effective on the same person once per day
does them no harm, and all missile attacks (including magic missile) will simply • Dancing lights once per round
pass through them harmlessly. Cold-based attacks do not do them damage, • Darkness once per round
but will stun them for 1d6 rounds. • Dispel evil once per round
• Dispel illusion once per round
Appearance: Mihstu look like swirling clouds of vapor. They are able to form • Improved invisibility once per round
themselves into a ghostly visage that is sometimes used to frighten intruders. • Light once per round
They speak the Breezy Speech. • Mirror image once per round
• Non-detection once per round
Minor Death • Shades once per day
• Wall of fog once per round
See death, minor (p. 340).
In deep shadows or moonlight, moon dogs are able to shadowdance; this is
a way of subtly shifting movement and manipulating shadows in such a way
as to have the effects listed below, depending on the alignment of the viewer.
The effect will last as long as the the moon dog can continue shadowdancing


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


(max. 1 hour), and all those affected must be within a 15’ radius of the moon
dog: Die Roll (d8) Alignment
1-2 Chaotic good
• Evil creatures are mesmerized; up to a total of 24 hit dice worth 3-6 Chaotic neutral
of creatures, as long as they are all within a 30’x30’ area. Each 7-8 Chaotic evil
individual is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells; success indicates
the shadowdance has no effect (only one saving throw is needed, Nereids are known far and wide as bringers of ecstasy; the kiss of a nereid
even though the shadowdance continues). will bring the height of bliss to any man who can manage to get one. This is
• Good aligned creatures are immune to physical attack from, and difficult in the extreme, however, as they are quite unwilling to give out such
receive a +2 bonus to all saving throws from attacks caused by kisses, and even if one can be forced, the recipient of the kiss must make a
evil creatures and any magical fear effects are nullified. saving throw vs. breath weapons with a -2 penalty or die from drowning.
• Neutral creatures are unaffected by the shadowdance. However, he will die with a smile on his face. Tales are told of men who seek
to force nereids to be their brides. Such tales never end happily.
Appearance: Moon dogs are large dogs resembling short-haired wolfhounds.
Their front paws are more hand-like, however, to the point where they can pick Nereids all possess a white shawl, which is their great weakness. If the shawl
up and manipulate objects with them. They can stand upright for prolonged is somehow wrested from the nereid, she will do nearly anything to ensure its
periods, but move slower when doing so. They are very dark gray with black safe return, for the shawl holds her soul. If it is destroyed, the nereid will
spots and/or stripes. They speak the common tongue, and can also dissolve into a puddle of water forever.
communicate with all canines or wolves.
Most nereids (85%) will have a pet/companion in their lair. The type of pet
Nereid should be determined randomly:

Number 1d4 Die Roll (d8) Companion

Morale +4 1 Giant eel
Hit Dice 4d8 2 Giant otter
Armor Class 10 3 Giant poisonous water snake
Move 120’/min. (swimming) 4 Giant octopus
Magic Resistance H 5 Giant squid
No. of Attacks 0 6 Dolphin
Damage n/a 7 Giant leech
Defenses Water control, spit 8 Stingray
Attacks Kiss, mesmerization
Weaknesses Shawl Combat: Nereids do not attack conventionally. Rather, they can spit a jet of
Size M water at anyone within 20’. A successful hit means the target is blinded for
Intelligence 12 2d6 rounds, although sight can be restored before then if the eyes are rinsed
Alignment See below out with water.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a In addition, a nereid can control any water within 30’. The water may be
Magical Treasure 1d2 items (60%) commanded to do any one of the following, once per round:
X.P. Value 200 + 4/h.p.
• Form great waves, slowing all swimming speeds to ¼ of normal
• Make the water froth and churn, making any character treading
water have a -2 penalty on his STR check to avoid drowning
• Form crashing waves, deafening all within 60’ for 3d4 rounds
• Form a water snake which strikes as a 4d8 HD creature, doing 1d4
h.p. of damage if it hits

That last power can also be used to create amusing shapes in the water of a
non-threatening nature. Nereids are considered persons for purposes of spells
such as charm person and hold person.

Males of any race looking upon a nereid will find themselves unable to harm
them. Anything she does, even if hostile, will be interpreted as flirtatious
advances. If a nereid is caught, she is entitled to a saving throw vs. poison.
Success means she can transform herself into water and flow from her captor’s

Appearance: Nereids appear most often as beautiful nude, or mostly-nude,

women with golden hair and musical voices. Underwater they are 95%
General: Nereids are native to the elemental plane of water, but can be found
undetectable, seen only as a shimmer of golden seaweed. They speak common
on the material plane in nearly any sea, river, lake, underground spring, or
and the Watery Tongue.
similar body of water, either water or salt. They come to the material plane in
order to pursue their playful antics; regardless of their alignment, all nereids
are capricious, flighty, and embody chaos. Their actual alignment should be
determined randomly for each group of nereids encountered, unless already


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Night Hag

Night Hag Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

39-44 Hydrodaemon
Number 1 (Material Plane), 2d6 (Hades) 45-54 Lava mephit
Morale +3 55-60 Nightmare
Hit Dice 8d8 61-66 Piscodaemon
Armor Class 9 67-72 Servodaemon
Move 90’/min. 72-82 Smoke mephit
Magic Resistance M 82-92 Steam mephit
No. of Attacks 1 93-00 Tarry demodand
Damage 2d6
Defenses See below • Know alignment at will
Attacks See below • Magic missile (2d8 h.p. damage) 3 times per day
Weaknesses Holy water • Polymorph self at will
Size M • Ray of enfeeblement 3 times per day
Intelligence 16
Alignment Neutral evil Night hags are unaffected by magical effects based on sleep, charm, fear, fire
Treasure Type None and cold. They are harmed only by weapons of silver, cold iron, or those with
Treasure Value n/a an enchantment of +3 or better.
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 1,750 + 10/h.p. Appearance: Night hags are incredibly ugly women with skin the color of an
overripe plum, iron-black hair, and eyes that glow with a baleful red glow.
Their feet and hands sport long black talons. They speak common, the
language known by all hags, and daemonic.


Each night hag possesses a special periapt that allows her to travel on the
astral plane from either her own home of Hades or the material plane. If this
periapt is lost, the hag may opt to return home to Hades immediately, or else
she is stranded on either the material or astral planes. In the hands of a mortal,
a night hag’s periapt will cure disease by touch, and give the possessor a +2
bonus to all saving throws. If possessed by a character or creature of good
alignment, however, it will decay 10% per use until it crumbles to dust and is
forever useless.

General: Night hags dwell on the plane of Hades, which they share with the Nightmare
daemons, with whom they exist in an uneasy truce that is riddled with intrigues
and occasionally punctuated by open violence. They will generally attack Number 1
good-aligned beings on sight, as long as they feel victory is achievable. They Morale +5
will sometimes have yeth hounds as servants while on the material plane (see Hit Dice 6d12
p. 250). Armor Class -4
Move 150’/min., 360’/min. (flying - average)
They will occasionally come to the material plane in search of victims of neutral Magic Resistance Standard
evil alignment; those who are brought back to Hades become soul worms (see No. of Attacks 3
p. 335). These will be identified using the hag’s know alignment ability (see Damage 1d6+4/1d6+4/2d4
below), and initially attacked by means of a superior-strength sleep spell, Defenses Smoke, become astral or ethereal
which affects characters of 12th level or less; a saving throw vs. spells is Attacks None
allowed to ignore the effect. If the victim is put to sleep, he will be strangled Weaknesses Holy water
and his now-soul-worm self stolen back to Hades immediately. If not, the hag Size L
will begin to “ride” the victim, visiting his dreams in astral form and riding him Intelligence 14
throughout the night in a nightmarish journey across the land. Each night of Alignment Neutral evil
such riding causes the victim to lose 1 point of constitution permanently. Once Treasure Type None
the victim’s constitution is lowered to 0, he dies, and his soul is claimed by the Treasure Value n/a
hag and brought back to Hades. Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 600 + 8/h.p.
Combat: Night hags attack with their iron-sharp nails. In addition, they have
the following magical powers:
General: Nightmares are found throughout the lower planes, although their
• Gate with 50% chance of success, once per day: true native home is Hades. They are often used as mounts by powerful demons,
daemons, devils, hags, and the like, as well as serving the most powerful of
Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e undead masters on the material plane.
01-11 Annis
12-17 Derghodaemon Combat: Nightmares attack with their fiery hooves and their vicious fangs. In
18-27 Fire mephit addition, they constantly breathe forth a cloud of noxious smoke when in
28-38 Greenhag combat. Any creature with which the nightmare is in melee must make a saving


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


throw vs. breath weapon; failure indicates all “to hit” and damage rolls are A group of 4 pech can, acting together, cast a wall of stone spell as if they
made at a -2 penalty. They are able to venture onto the astral or ethereal were collectively a 16th level spellcaster. A group of 8 can cast stone to flesh.
planes (as applicable) at will. They are such expert miners and workers of stone that any sort of stone-based
enemy can be attacked with maximum damage, even if it is normally only
Appearance: Nightmares look like large black steeds with flaming hooves, harmed by enchanted weapons (such as a stone golem or earth elemental).
fangs, fan-like ears, and unkempt tails and manes. Their eyes glow red with They themselves cannot be petrified. Pech are considered persons for purposes
hate and fury. of spells such as charm person and hold person.

Appearance: Pech are short humanoids with long muscular arms and legs.
Their skin is pale yellow and their large eyes are like white saucers. Their hair
is red or reddish brown. They speak only the Earthen Speech.


Number 1d20
Morale +5
Hit Dice 4d8
Armor Class 3
Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance C
No. of Attacks 1
Damage Per weapon type +3
Defenses Magic use
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None
Size S (4’)
Intelligence 10-16 Phantom Stalker
Alignment Neutral good
Treasure Type XVII plus 5d10x10 gems Number 1
Treasure Value 3d6x100 plus value of gems Morale n/a
Magical Treasure None Hit Dice 6d8
X.P. Value 240 + 4/h.p. Armor Class 3
Move 120’/min., 240’/min. (flying)
General: Pech (the name is both singular and plural) are natives of the Magic Resistance Standard
elemental plane of earth. On occasion they will come to the material plane in No. of Attacks 2
search of various rare gemstones and ores. They are found only deep beneath Damage 1d4/1d4
the surface and, while generally good-natured if not threatened, prefer to be Defenses Immune to fire
left alone. They despise open spaces. When encountered in an outpost on the Attacks Fireball
material plane, they will be accompanied by a number of females equal to the Weaknesses Cold
males (who function just as do the males) and children equal to 50% of the Size S-L
total number of males. The jewelry indicated as treasure will actually be plates, Intelligence 3
bowls, cups, and the like, made from precious and semi-precious materials. Alignment Neutral
They have infravision and ultravision, both with 90’ range. Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Combat: Pech attack with whatever weapons are at hand, usually pick-axes, Magical Treasure n/a
hammers, and the like (treat as military picks or war hammers). In addition, X.P. Value 375 + 6/h.p.
they have the following powers:
General: Phantom stalkers are native to the elemental plane of fire, and can
• Stone shape 4 times per day be found on the material plane as the result of spells such as phantom stalker
• Stone tell 4 times per day and similar magic.

When summoned, a phantom stalker will defend its master until slain, and will
obey simple instructions in furtherance of that mission, but it will obey the very


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Phoenix

letter of its instructions, seeking to return to its native plane through any • Become ethereal once per round
perversion of its master’s orders it can manage. They are thus excellent, if • Blindness once per round
treacherous, bodyguards. • Blink once per round
• Blur once per round
Combat: Phantom stalkers attack with their claws. They are immune to fire- • Call woodland beings once per day
based attacks, with magical fire healing them for 1 h.p. per die of damage • Color spray 3 times per day
that would have been inflicted. They have a -2 penalty to all saving throws vs. • Continual light once per round
cold-based attacks, however, and suffer an additional h.p. of damage per die. • Control temperature (10’ radius) once per round
• Cure disease twice per day
If its master is slain, the phantom stalker will be forced to the ethereal plane, • Cure light wounds once per round (only usable twice per day on
where it will track its master’s killer and attack within 1d4 hours. This ethereal the same person, by touch)
tracking ability only manifests after the death of its master, caused by the sheer • Dancing lights once per round
shame and rage of having failed in its duty, and disappears when the • Detect charm always
vengeance has been wrought, at which time the phantom stalker returns to its • Detect evil always
home plane. • Detect magic always
• Dispel illusion once per round (as 40th level spellcaster, by
As an absolute last resort, the phantom stalker can coalesce into a 6d6 fireball, spreading its wings and crying aloud)
which explodes and causes damage just like the spell. It will not do so in • Dispel magic once per round (as 40th level spellcaster, by
circumstances where its summoner would be injured or slain by the blast, unless spreading its wings and crying aloud)
the summoner was directly and knowingly responsible for the stalker’s own • Duo-dimension once per day
imminent death. • Exorcise once per round (as 40th level caster, by dancing,
effective against anything except powerful artifacts and relics)
Appearance: Phantom stalkers can polymorph themselves into any form • Find the path once per day
desired. Most commonly, they will appear as a tall humanoid form with reddish • Find traps once per round
skin and large fire-filled eyes. Their flying maneuverability is dependent on • Fire charm once per round
their form. They speak the Firey Speech, but can understand common. • Fire quench once per day
• Fire seeds once per day
Phoenix • Fire shield once per round
• Fire storm once per day
Number 1 (material plane) 1d4 (Elysium) • Heat metal 3 times per day
Morale +20 • Improved invisibility once per round
Hit Dice 20d8 • Incendiary cloud once per week
Armor Class -3 • Misdirection once per round
Move 60’/min., 390’/min. (flying - poor) • Neutralize poison once per day
Magic Resistance H • Polymorph self 3 times per day
No. of Attacks 1 (on the ground), 2 (in flight) • Produce fire once per round
Damage 2d6 (on the ground), 1d8/1d8 (in flight) • Protection from evil 10’ radius always
Defenses Magic use, +3 (or better) weapon to harm • Pyrotechnics once per round
• Reincarnate once per day
Attacks Magic use, initiative, blood fire, flame cloud
Weaknesses None • Remove curse once per round
Size M • Remove fear (10’ radius) once per round
• Snake charm once per round
Intelligence 18
Alignment Neutral good • Veil once per day
Treasure Type None • Wall of force once per day
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None A phoenix can cause droplets of blood that it has shed to explode in flames;
X.P. Value 8,600 + 30/h.p. each will cause 1d8 h.p. of damage to all creatures and ignite flammable
materials in a 5’ radius. One such blood droplet will exist in the area of the
General: Phoenixes are native to the plane of Elysium, although they are melee for every 5 points of damage the phoenix has taken.
sometimes found in idyllic woodlands on the material plane. They are immune
to cold, heat, and vacuum, but prefer quietude and natural beauty for their As an act of last resort, a phoenix can cause itself to burst into flames in a vast
surroundings. The body of the phoenix is in great demand from mages and cloud some 20’ high, 50’ wide, and 80’ long. Any creature within that area
alchemists, who use the feathers, blood, and other parts for various magic will take 2d6+40 h.p. of damage. In addition, any creature who remains in
items such as scrolls and potions. They loathe pyrolisks (see p. 187) and will the area of the explosion will take 20 h.p. on the first round following it, 40
attack them whenever possible. h.p. on the following round, 20 h.p. on the round after that, and then the cloud
will obscure vision for 1d6 rounds. Each creature in the area of effect is entitled
Combat: Phoenixes will strike with their sharp beak if on the ground, and with to a saving throw vs. spells every round; success indicates they only take half
both talons if in the air. In addition, they have the following powers (as a 20th damage on that and all subsequent rounds (once a successful saving throw is
level spellcaster, if applicable, unless otherwise noted): made, no further saves take place). Once the dust settles from the explosion,
all that will be left of the phoenix is a ruby egg, from which a new phoenix
• -3 bonus to all initiative rolls (always) will hatch in 20 days. Phoenixes will always cause such an explosion before
• Absorb energy attack (fire, cold, electricity, etc.) 3 times per day they die, if they are at all able. If they are slain before being able to initate the
• Affect normal fires once per round explosion, they do not burst into flames on their own.
• Audible glamer once per round
• Become astral once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Phoenixes can only be harmed by weapons with a +3 or greater enchantment. • Detect magic automatically
They are immune to the psychic strike. • Detect traps automatically
• Dispel evil 3 times per day
Appearance: Phoenixes look like large peacocks, with longer beaks and • Dispel illusion 7 times per day
purple, red, and orange plumage. Their talons and claws are blue. They speak • Dispel magic 3 times per day
their own language, that of any bird or avian creature, and can communicate • Earthquake once per day
with other creatures with a limited sort of telepathy/empathy. • Empathy once per round
• ESP once per round
Planetar • Feather fall once per round
• Feeblemind once per day
Number 1 • Fire storm once per day
Morale +20 • Flame strike 3 times per day
Hit Dice 20d12 (144 h.p.) • Gate once per day:
Armor Class -7
Move 150’/min. , 240’/min. (swimming), 480’/min. (flying - Creature Ga t ed (planetar’s choice) Number
good) Astral deva 1d3
Magic Resistance M Monadic deva 1d4
No. of Attacks 3 Movanic deva 1d6
Damage Per weapon type +3
Defenses Magic use • Heal 3 times per day
Attacks Magic use • Holy word once per day
Weaknesses Unholy water • Improved invisibility 10’ radius once per round
Size L (8 ½’) • Insect plague once per day
Intelligence 20 • Know alignment automatically
Alignment Chaotic good • Limited wish once per day
Treasure Type None • Polymorph any object once per round
Treasure Value n/a • Polymorph self once per round
Magical Treasure None • Protection from evil 40’ radius automatically
X.P. Value 60,000 + 35/h.p. • Psychic strike 7 times per day
• Raise dead 3 times per day
General: Planetars inhabit the plane of Olympus, where they are second only • Read magic once per round
to solars and true deities in power. There are at least 100 planetars. They are • Remove curse once per round
active in the fight to spread both individual freedom and good throughout the • Remove fear once per round
cosmos, fighting the forces of evil and law (or as they refer to it, oppression). • Resist cold once per round (with twice normal effectiveness)
They will sometimes combine forces with the devas in order to combat some • Resist fire once per round (with twice normal effectiveness)
great threat, but each planetar is his own master. This does not prevent them • Restoration once per day
from voluntarily entering into service with some deity, either on a permanent • Shape change once per day
or short-term basis, when they deem it worthy and/or necessary to do so. • Speak with animals once per round
• Speak with dead once per round
If slain on the material plane, they will return to Olympus to reform a material • Summon 1d2 androsphinxes once per day
body, which is a process that takes 40 years. They have an effective CHA • Symbol (any) once per day
score of 21. • Telekinesis once per round (600 lbs. limit)
• Teleport without error once per round
Combat: Planetars attack with weapons, usually a bastard sword defender • Tongues once per round
and of wounding +4 which can only be wielded by a planetar. Each has the • True seeing 3 times per day
equivalent of a 19 STR score (+3 “to hit” and +7 to damage), a 21 WIS score, • Water walk once per round
and a 21 DEX score (-4 to initative, +4 “to hit” with missiles). They function as • Weather summoning once per day
both 7th level clerics and 7th level druids (with appropriate bonuses for their • Wind walk 7 times per day
21 WIS) and have the following additional powers:
Planetars are immune to gas, magic missile, petrification, and poison. They
• Animate object once per day are further immune to energy level loss, beguilement, charm, confusion,
• Become astral once per round domination, feeblemind, or having their souls imprisoned or trapped in any
• Become ethereal once per round way. Only weapons with a +4 or greater enchantment can harm them, and
• Blade barrier 3 times per day they regenerate 4 h.p. per round. They get a +5 bonus to all surprise rolls.
• Commune once per round
• Continual light 10’ radius once per round Appearance: Planetars look like handsome and muscular humans with great
• Control weather once per day falcon-like wings. They are hairless, their skin is gleaming milky white, and
• Cure blindness once per round their eyes are bright and shining orbs. They speak common as well the
• Cure deafness once per round Celestial Tongue.
• Cure disease once per round
• Cure light wounds once per round
• Detect evil automatically
• Detect illusion automatically
• Detect invisibility automatically
• Detect lie automatically


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Qarin

Qarin Qarins take double damage from holy water (2d6+2 h.p. for a direct hit, 4
h.p. from a splash). They are immune to all earth-based attacks or spells which
Number 1 (90% chance), 1d4+1 (10% chance) affect the earth (such as earthquake, etc.).
Morale +9
Hit Dice 8d10 Appearance: Qarins appear human, although taller than normal, muscular
Armor Class 3 and attractive, although with a somewhat sinister cast to their expression. They
Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (flying - good), 60’/min. speak the languages of genies and the Earthen Tongue, as well as the common
(burrowing) tongue.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 See also: djinni (p. 384), efreet (p. 388), jann (p. 135), and marid (p. 406).
Damage 3d6
Defenses Magic use, immune to earth magic Quasi-Elemental
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses Holy water Quasi-elementals hail from the eight quasi-elemental planes: lightning, steam,
Size L (8-11’ tall) radiance, mineral, vacuum, salt, ash, and dust, which are adjacent to either
Intelligence 5-12 the positive or negative energy planes and one of the four elemental planes
Alignment Neutral evil (air, earth, fire, and water). They can be brought to the material plane through
Treasure Type None a number of different magical means: spells, devices, staves, etc., and the way
Treasure Value n/a the elemental was brought to the material plane will often determine how
Magical Treasure None powerful the quasi-elemental is; spells bring 16d10 hit die quasi-elementals,
X.P. Value 1,600 + 12/h.p. staffs bring quasi-elementals with 8d10 hit dice, and other devices bring
12d10 hit die quasi-elementals.
General: Qarins come from the elemental plane of earth, and are classified as
“genies” along with djinn, marids, etc. They hate most other races of genies, Quasi-elementals can be summoned by the same means as elementals native
but get along tolerably with efreeti. Qarins are sometimes found on the to either of the adjoining planes are. Thus, a staff of summoning air elementals
material plane, where they come to work mischief, or to which they have been could also be used to attempt to summon either a lightning or vacuum quasi-
summoned and forced to serve some master. They are wicked in the extreme elemental. When attempting to summon a quasi-elemental, there is a 5%
and will resent any service to which they are forced, trying to undo their master chance per level of the summoner that the attempt will be successful.
through the most literal interpretation of his commands. Otherwise, there is a 50-50 chance that either an entropoid or extropoid (as
appropriate to the sort of quasi-elemental being summoned), or the regular
Qarins are able to carry great loads when flying or walking, but are prone to elemental usually summoned by such means used will come instead. Example:
tiring and must rest for 1 hour before continuing: A 11th level mage is attempting to conjure a salt elemental using the spell
conjure elemental. He has a 55% chance of success. He rolls a 76, and fails
Weight (lbs.) Carrying Time Before Rest is Needed to summon the salt elemental. The game master then rolls to determin whether
0 - 500 n/a an entropoid or water elemental appears in its place. Note that extropoids
501 - 600 80 min. and entropoids are not subject to control by the same sort of magic that
601 - 700 70 min. summons and controls elementals.
701 - 800 60 min.
801 - 900 50 min. Like regular elementals, quasi-elementals brought to the material plane will
901- 1,000 40 min. resent being so summoned, and will actively seek to escape. Thus, the one
etc. etc. summoning the quasi-elemental must concentrate on controlling it. Failure to
do so will mean the quasi-elemental has broken free and will turn on the one
Qarins can move through natural earth (but not worked stone) as mortals move who summoned it 25% of the time, otherwise simply returning to its plane of
through the air, but are unable to bring living creatures with them as they do origin.
The spell dispel magic can be used to take over a controlled quasi-elemental,
Combat: Qarins attack with their hands. In addition, they have the following if the caster explicitly states he is using the spell to disrupt the conjurer’s control
powers: rather than the quasi-elemental itself. If he fails, however, the elemental in
question will become aware of the attempted takeover and will seek out that
• Change self once per day caster if it becomes uncontrolled. The quasi-elemental in question will also be
• Detect good once per day boosted in power to 10 h.p. per hit die.
• Detect magic once per day
• Dig 6 times per day Quasi-elementals are immune to poison.
• Gaseous form once per day
• Invisibility once per day
• Limited wish once per day (granting someone else’s wish, but
always in such a way as to harm the wisher through unintended
• Misdirection once per day
• Passwall once per day
• Rock to mud 3 times per day
• Spectral force once per day
• Wall of stone once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Ash Quasi-Elemental Dust Quasi-Elemental

Number 1 Number 1
Morale +3 Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Armor Class 2 Armor Class 2
Move 120’/min. Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d8 Damage 2d6
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, half damage from Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to earth and
fire/heat normal missiles
Attacks Suffocation, scorching Attacks Choking
Weaknesses Water Weaknesses Water
Size L Size L
Intelligence 6 Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p. X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.

General: Ash quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of ash.

They can be summoned by any of the means that would normally summon a
fire elemental; failure could result in an entropoid arriving instead. They are General: Dust quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of dust.
occasionally drawn to the material plane by immense forest fires and certain They can be summoned by any of the means that would normally be used to
volcanic eruptions. summon an earth elemental; failure could result in an entropoid arriving
Combat: Ash quasi-elementals attack by enveloping their prey in their own
bodies, choking them with the burning hot ashes that make up their being. Combat: Dust quasi-elementals attack by sending forth plumes of dust from
Once struck, suffocation damage (2d8) is automatic on subsequent rounds their own bodies, slamming into enemies with great force. Any creature that
unless the victim leaves the range of the quasi-elemental (roughly a 10’ radius requires air to breathe must also make a saving throw vs. breath weapon;
around a central point) or makes a saving throw vs. breath weapon. A new failure indicates they have breathed in a lungful of the cloying dust and will
saving throw is required every round. All creatures within the body of the ash spend the next 1d3+1 rounds coughing and retching, essentially incapacitated
quasi-elemental take 1d8 h.p. of scorching damage per round. Being within (no movement beyond 10’/min., no spellcasting, and no attack possible). If
the body of the creature is required in order to be “in melee”. the same creature is successfully choked three rounds in a row, it will suffocate
and die at the end of the third round.
Ash quasi-elementals take half damage from all fire and heat-based attacks.
Water-based attacks do double damage against them. They are harmed only Dust quasi-elementals take half damage from earth-based attacks. Non-
by weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment. magical missiles will simply pass through them, doing no damage. Water-
based attacks do double damage. Only weapons with a +1 or greater
Appearance: Ash quasi-elementals are swirling clouds of burning embers, enchantment can harm a dust quasi-elemental.
partly red-hot, partly black, partly white-gray. They speak their own language
but can understand common. Appearance: Dust quasi-elementals are great clouds of swirling dust. They
speak their own language but can understand common.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Quasi-Elemental

Lightning Quasi-Elemental Appearance: Lightning quasi-elementals are crackling orbs surrounded by

discharges of electricity. They speak their own language but can understand
Number 1 common.
Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 Mineral Quasi-Elemental
Armor Class 2
Move 180’/min. (flying - perfect) Number 1
Magic Resistance Standard Morale +3
No. of Attacks 1 Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Damage 1d6+1 per hit die Armor Class 2
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm Move 90’/min., 150’/min. (burrowing)
Attacks Ball lightning Magic Resistance Standard
Weaknesses Water No. of Attacks 1
Size L Damage 3d6
Intelligence 6 Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to electricity
Alignment Neutral and water, half damage from earth-based attacks
Treasure Type None Attacks Cutting
Treasure Value n/a Weaknesses Sound
Magical Treasure None Size L
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p. Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.

General: Mineral quasi-elementals are natives

of the quasi-elemental plane of mineral. They
can be summoned by the same means that are
used to summon an earth elemental, but if the
attempt fails an entropoid could arrive instead.
They consider themselves superior to earth
elementals of all sorts, whom they regard as
“debased lumps of rock.”

Combat: Mineral quasi-elementals attack

with their sharp fists. Any unarmored
creature (shields do not count in this case)
struck will suffer a gash that will bleed for
1d6 h.p. on the following round. Undead and
General: Lightning quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of other creatures that do not have blood (or circulation) are not affected.
lightning. They can be summoned by any of the means that would normally
summon an air elemental; failure could result in an extropoid arriving instead. Mineral quasi-elementals take half damage from earth-based attacks and are
They will occasionally enter the material plane on their own during violent immune to electricity and water-based attacks. Sound-based attacks cause
thunderstorms, which they use as opportunities to reproduce and feed. them double damage. Like earth elementals, mineral quasi-elementals cannot
cross water; they must tunnel beneath the bottom of any body of water and
Combat: Lightning quasi-elementals attack with blasts of electricity. In addition, come up on the other side.
they can discharge a globe of ball lightning which will last for a number of
rounds equal to the number of hit dice the lightning quasi-elemental possesses. Appearance: Mineral quasi-elementals are vaguely humanoid in appearance,
The globe will move towards the nearest creature with either 200 lbs. in weight consisting of a brilliant array of crystals, many with very sharp edges, in a
or greater, or with a large quantity of conductive metal on his person (such as myriad of colors. They speak their own language but can understand common.
armor or weapons). Once per round, it will discharge a bolt of electricity doing
either 1d4, 1d6, or 1d8 h.p. of damage, depending on the number of hit dice
the quasi-elemental possesses.

Lightning quasi-elementals can only be harmed by weapons with an

enchantment of +1 or greater. Any metallic weapon striking one will convey
an additional 1d4 h.p. of electrical damage to the wielder. They are immune
to electrical and lightning attacks and suffer half damage from fire and acid.
Water-based attacks (including snow and ice), on the other hand, will
automatically inflict double damage on a lightning quasi-elemental, and each
gallon of water poured on them will cause 1d8 h.p. of damage. Even ordinary
rain will cause 2 h.p. of damage per round.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Radiance Quasi-Elemental Salt Quasi-Elemental

Number 1 Number 1
Morale +3 Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10 Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Armor Class 2 Armor Class 2
Move 120’/min. Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d6 Damage 3d6
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to heat and Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to water
electricity, half damage from cold Attacks Dehydration
Attacks Heat, blinding Weaknesses None
Weaknesses Water Size L
Size L Intelligence 6
Intelligence 6 Alignment Neutral
Alignment Neutral Treasure Type None
Treasure Type None Treasure Value n/a
Treasure Value n/a Magical Treasure None
Magical Treasure None X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.

General: Radiance quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane

of radiance. They can be summoned by the same means used to summon a
fire elemental. If the attempt fails, however, an entropoid may come through

Combat: Radiance quasi-elementals attack enemies with a blast of pure heat

and intensely bright light. An attack from a radiance quasi-elemental will set
flammable objects ablaze, and magic items must make a saving throw vs.
normal fire. Any creature attacked by a radiance quasi-elemental must make
a saving throw vs. wands or be blinded for 3d4 rounds. Any creature attacking
a quasi-elemental must either have some shielding for its eyes (fighting blind,
with all the penalties attendant thereto) or it must make a similar saving throw
with a +1 bonus, with failure meaning it must or suffer the same effect.

Radiance quasi-elementals are not affected by heat- or electrical-based attacks.

Cold-based attacks do half damage against them, but water-based attacks will
have full effect and will douse their ability to blind enemies for 1d6 rounds. 30
gallons of water in a single round is required to do so; the attack of a water
elemental, water galla, etc. will do so as well. General: Salt quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of salt.
They are summoned to the material plane by the same means as water
Appearance: Radiance quasi-elementals are solid balls of flame that are elementals, but if the attempt fails, an entropoid may arrive in its place.
incredibly bright, far brighter than any conventional flame. They speak their
own language but can understand the common tongue. Combat: Salt quasi-elementals attack with their fists. Any water-based creature
(water elemental, water galla, etc.) will automatically suffer maximum damage
as the salt quasi-elemental draws out its water. Living creatures must make a
saving throw vs. poison or suffer an additional 1d6 h.p. of damage as water
is drained from their cells. Non-living creatures such as undead, golems, etc.
are not affected by this dehydration attack, nor are elemental creatures other
than those of water.

Salt quasi-elementals are only harmed by weapons with a +1 or greater

enchantment. Water-based attacks do them no harm.

Appearance: Salt quasi-elementals are humanoid crystalline creatures made

of rock salt. They speak their own language but can understand common.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Ranian

Steam Quasi-Elemental

Number 1
Morale +3
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Armor Class 2
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 4d8
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to heat and
Attacks Scalding
Weaknesses Cold
Size L
Intelligence 6
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p.

General: Steam quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of

steam. They are summoned in the same way that water elementals are, but if
the attempt fails an extropoid may be summoned instead.

Combat: Steam quasi-elementals attack by shooting great gouts of steam from

General: Vacuum quasi-elementals are native to the quasi-elemental plane of
their own bodies at enemies. Creatures which are immune to fire only take
vacuum. They can be summoned by the same means used to summon air
1d8 h.p. of damage. Creatures without armor, heavy clothing, or a notably
elementals, but if the attempt fails an entropoid may come in its stead.
tough hide (like an elephant, giant turtle, etc.) must make a saving throw vs.
breath weapon. Failure means that all 1’s and 2’s rolled for the elemental’s
Combat: Vacuum quasi-elementals attack by enveloping enemies in their
damage become 3’s, due to the scalding nature of its attack.
bodies, exposing them to both hypoxia and the icy chill of space. They will
most often move with one target creature, keeping it within their own body; a
Steam quasi-elementals can only be struck by weapons with a +1 or better
successful “to hit” roll is only required each round if the victim is attempting to
enchantment. Heat- or water-based attacks do no damage to them, but cold-
escape (by running, zig-zagging, etc.). Living creatures will asphyxiate
based attacks will do maximum damage.
according to the rules for holding one’s breath in the ADVENTURES DARK AND
DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit. Undead and other non-living constructs such as
Appearance: Steam quasi-elementals are coherent clouds of steam. They speak
golems are not affected by this attack. No speech can take place within a
their own language but can understand common.
vacuum quasi-elemental, so spells requiring incantations cannot be cast, magic
items requiring command words cannot be used, etc., by those trapped within
Vacuum Quasi-Elemental
Number 1
Vacuum quasi-elementals are unharmed by weapons with less than a +1
Morale +3
enchantment, and are immune to all sound and cold-based attacks.
Hit Dice 8d10 - 16d10
Armor Class 2
Appearance: Vacuum quasi-elementals appear as an undulating zone of
Move 120’/min.
darkness which radiates a chill in the air. They speak their own language but
Magic Resistance Standard
can understand common.
No. of Attacks 1
Damage 3d8
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to cold and Ranian
Attacks Asphyxiation, chill The ranians are native to the plane of Limbo, and are mostly batrachian (frog-
Weaknesses None like) in form and appearance. They can be found on the material plane on
Size L some mission for their inscrutable and chaotic masters, or having been
Intelligence 6 summoned there by some magical effect. Ranian masters, if summoned to the
Alignment Neutral material plane, will simply swallow the summoner and return to Limbo. All
Treasure Type None ranians speak a common language and refuse to recognize any other,
Treasure Value n/a preferring to use their innate telepathic powers to communicate with “lesser”
Magical Treasure None beings. Each ranian has a unique name that can be used to control or
X.P. Value 5,850 + 15/h.p. command it via various spells.

Ranian lords have all the powers of lesser deities, as detailed in Appendix E.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Ranian symbols: Each ranian (with the exception of the masters) has embedded Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
in its forehead a special sort of jewel, instantly identifiable by any ranian, who 01-17 Sapphire ranian
will attempt to slay any non-ranian who holds it. If it is removed from a given 18-33 Emerald ranian
ranian, the symbol can be used to compel it to service, fulfilling three tasks, at 34-50 Ruby ranian
the end of which time the symbol will instantly and magically return to its proper 51-00 No effect
place in the ranian’s forehead (except for pearl ranians; see below). When
that happens, the ranian will attempt to destroy the one who was so impudent • Locate object once per round
as to attempt to command it, unless it is immediately provided with some great • Polymorph self once per round
payment (either humans or demi-humans to take back to Limbo in slavery, or a • Produce flame once per round
great magical or mundane treasure). The symbol jewels may be removed from • Telekinesis (125 lbs.) once per round
the forehead of a ranian by means of one of the following spells (the ranian in
question must be within 90’ for the process to work, or 180’ for a wish spell): Appearance: An emerald ranian appears as a humanoid frog with razor-sharp
talons. The skin is pale green with gray streaks. Note that it can change its
• Alter reality (68% chance of success, otherwise the ranian in form into that of a human should it desire to do so. The gem-symbol is an
question will be enraged and attack the caster) emerald worth 5,000 g.p.
• Holy word
• Limited wish (45% chance of success, and if it fails the ranian who Moonstone Ranian
was targeted will attack the caster with berserk fury)
• Mind blank Number 1d2
• Power word: stun Morale +10
• Trap the soul Hit Dice 10d10
• Wish Armor Class 1
Move 120’/min.
All ranians speak their own language as well as the common tongue. Magic Resistance K
No. of Attacks 3 or 2
Emerald Ranian Damage 2d4+2/2d4+2/2d8
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon needed to harm, magic use
Number 1d6 Attacks Magic use
Morale +8 Weaknesses None
Hit Dice 9d10 Size M (6’)
Armor Class 3 Intelligence 14
Move 90’/min. Alignment Chaotic neutral
Magic Resistance J Treasure Type Special
No. of Attacks 3 Treasure Value 5d6 g.p. (70%) or p.p. (30%)
Damage 1d6+2/1d6+2/2d8 Magical Treasure 1d2 items
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon needed to harm X.P. Value 6,200 + 16/h.p.
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None General: Moonstone ranians, sometimes called “the executioners” are often
Size L (7’) found on the material plane undertaking some mission for their masters. When
Intelligence 9 on the material plane they will be in human form (see below) and have a
Alignment Chaotic neutral minimum charisma of 12.
Treasure Type VII
Treasure Value 4d8+15x1,000 Combat: In ranian form, moonstone ranians attack with their two clawed
Magical Treasure 1d12 items (20%) forelimbs and bite. When in human form, they get two attacks per round with
X.P. Value 4,350 + 14/h.p. a sword. There is a 25% chance they will be armed with a powerful magical
weapon such as a sword of wounding or a flame tongue. They have 18/00
General: Emerald ranians are frequent travelers in the various planes, and can strength, and thus get a bonus of +3 “to hit” and +6 to damage when they
be found throughout the material, astral, and ethereal planes. If a emerald strike with a sword. In addition, they can employ the following magical
ranian is slain, but its symbol is not destroyed, 24 hours later it will be reborn powers, as indicated:
as a sapphire ranian. It will remain in that form for a year and a day, after
which time it will return to its green form. • Advanced Illusion once per round
• Astral spell at will (themselves only)
Combat: Emerald ranians attack with their two clawed forelimbs and bite. • Darkness 15’ radius (or less) once per round
They have the equivalent of 18/76 strength, and only weapons with a +1 or • Enchant an item
greater enchantment can wound them. In addition, they can use the following • Fear once per round
magical powers, as indicated: • Flame strike once per round
• Gate in other ranians once per day:
• Continual darkness 15’ radius once per round
• Delayed blast fireball (12d6) once per day Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
• Detect invisibility once per round 01-60 1d3 moonstone ranians
• Detect magic once per round 61-00 No effect
• ESP once per round
• Fear once per round • Infravision (60’ range) once per round
• Gate in other ranians once per hour: • Invisibility once per round
• Know alignment once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Ranian


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


• Lightning ball (8d6+6 h.p. of damage) once per round Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
• Power word: blind once per day 01-23 Sapphire ranian
• Shape change (into human form) once per round 24-45 Emerald ranian
• Psychic strike 3 times per day 46-67 Moonstone ranian
• Symbol of pain or fear once per day 68-90 Ruby ranian
• Wind walk once per round 91-00 No effect

They are only harmed by magical weapons and are immune to cold-based • Psychic strike 4 times per day
attacks and disintegration. • Fireball (8d6 damage) once per day
• Flame strike once per round
Appearance: Moonstone ranians look like humanoid frogs with sharp talons. • Invisibility once per round
Their skin is a light gray. In human form they will be handsome and eschew • Locate object once per round
armor; they will always be in human form when on the material plane. The • Phantasmal killer once per day
gem-symbol is a moonstone worth 100 g.p. • Power word: stun once per day
• Shape change at will (into human form)
Onyx Ranian • Symbol (any) once per day
• Unholy word once per day
Number 1d2 • Weakness at will
Morale +12 • Wind walk at will
Hit Dice 15d10
Armor Class -4 Appearance: Onyx ranians are, like most ranians, humanoid frogs with sharp
Move 120’/min. claws. Their skin is a uniform dark gray in color. When encountered on the
Magic Resistance O material plane, however, they are invariably in human form. The gem-symbol
No. of Attacks 3 or 2 is an onyx worth 100 g.p.
Damage 3d6/3d6/2d10 or per weapon type
Defenses +2 (or better) weapon needed to harm Pearl Ranian
Attacks Magic use, level drain
Weaknesses None Number 1
Size M (6’) Morale -1
Intelligence 18 Hit Dice 2d8
Alignment Chaotic neutral Armor Class 3
Treasure Type VIII Move 60’/min., 90’/min. (jump)
Treasure Value 4d6x10,000 Magic Resistance E
Magical Treasure 4d3 items (50%) No. of Attacks 3
X.P. Value 13,250 + 20/h.p. Damage 1d2/1d2/1d4
Defenses Magic use, regeneration, +1 (or better) weapon to harm
General: The onyx ranians are, aside from the masters, the most powerful and Attacks Magic use
feared amongst the ranians. They are sometimes referred to as “the lesser Weaknesses None
masters” because they are so powerful. When on the material plane they will Size S (2’)
be in human form (see below). Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Combat: When in ranian form, onyx ranians attack with their two clawed Treasure Type None
forelimbs and bite. The bite of an onyx ranian will drain 1d3 experience levels Treasure Value n/a
from the victim (the victim is entitled to a saving throw vs. magic to avoid this). Magical Treasure None
When in human form (see below) they will fight with some powerful enchanted X.P. Value 110 + 3/h.p.
sword (sword of sharpness, frost brand, etc.) twice per round. They are
wounded only by weapons with a +2 or greater enchantment. In addition, General: Pearl ranians (also known as “white ranians”) are found in untold
they can use the following magical powers as indicated. numbers in Limbo, where they are used as messengers and minor servitors for
more powerful ranians. They are usually found on the material plane in the
• Advanced Illusion once per round role of a familiar for some spellcaster. In such cases, the mage or cleric has
• Astral spell once per round (but no one else can be brought along the pearl gem-symbol embedded in his own forehead (an outcome of the find
on the journey) familiar spell), which compels the pearl ranian to serve as a familiar until its
• Cloudkill at will own death or that of its master. Pearl ranians afford their masters the following
• Darkness 15’ radius once per round powers:
• Detect invisibility once per round
• Detect magic once per round • A telepathic link, through which the spellcaster can see and hear
• ESP once per round everything the ranian does, within a range of 1 mile
• Fear once per round • Magic resistance the same as that of the ranian, when within 10’
• Gate in one other ranians once per round: • When the ranian is within 1 mile, the master gains one
experience level. When further away, the master loses an
experience level (an actual level, not just the one gained when the
familiar is close)
• If the pearl ranian is slain, the master loses 4 experience levels
(bringing him to a minimum of 1st level)


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Ranian

• Master becomes insane when the familiar is within 50’ (choose Ruby ranians regenerate 3 h.p. per round.
type randomly, but it will be the same type each time), as a result
of its chaotic nature impacting the psychic link between master Appearance: Ruby ranians look like humanoid frogs with brick-red skin with
and familiar gray spots. The gem-symbol is a ruby worth 10,000 g.p.
• Once per week, the master can commune (as per the spell) with
the lords of Limbo through his familiar; 5 questions are allowed Sapphire Ranian

As a familiar, the pearl ranian can change self into the form of either an Number 2d6
ordinary looking frog or lizard, but in all cases will be pale in color. When the Morale +6
master is slain, the pearl ranian will snatch the pearl, containing his former Hit Dice 8d10
master’s soul, instantly and return to Limbo with it. Armor Class 5
Move 70’/min.
Combat: Pearl ranians attack with their clawed forelimbs and bite. They can Magic Resistance H
only be harmed by weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment. They can No. of Attacks 5
regenerate 1 h.p. per round, and have the following powers: Damage 2d6/2d6/2d6/2d6/2d8
Defenses None
• Darkness 10’ radius once per round Attacks Magic use
• Detect law once per round Weaknesses None
• Detect magic once per round Size L (10’)
• Invisibility once per round Intelligence 6
Alignment Chaotic neutral
Appearance: Pearl ranians are humanoid, with notably batrachian features Treasure Type VIII
and pale fishbelly-white skin. The gem-symbol is a pearl worth 50 g.p. Treasure Value 1d6x10,000
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%)
Ruby Ranian X.P. Value 2,000 + 12/h.p.

Number 3d6 General: Sapphire ranians are relatively low in the ranian social order, and
Morale +4 there is great rivalry between them and the rubies, as each is very conscious
Hit Dice 7d8 of their status vis-à-vis the others. A sapphire won’t assist a ruby, or vice versa,
Armor Class 6 unless it is absolutely necessary.
Move 60’/min., 90’/min. (hopping, max. 1 hour)
Magic Resistance G Combat: Sapphire ranians attack with their four claws and bite. They are able
No. of Attacks 3 to employ the following magical powers as indicated.
Damage 1d4/1d4/2d8
Defenses Regeneration • Gate in other ranians four times per day:
Attacks Magic use
Weaknesses None Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e
Size L (8’) 01-20 Sapphire ranian
Intelligence 6 21-34 Emerald ranian
Alignment Chaotic neutral 35-40 Ruby ranian
Treasure Type XV 41-00 No effect
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d6 items, no weapons (10%) • Hold person once per round
X.P. Value 875 + 8/h.p. • Passwall once per round
• Telekinesis (100 lbs.) once per round
General: Ruby ranians are at the bottom of the ranian social structure, and are
often sent to the material plane on missions for their betters, often in search of Appearance: A sapphire ranian looks like a huge humanoid frog with razor-
humans and demi-humans to enslave and return to Limbo. sharp claws and fangs. They are a dazzling electric blue in color with streaks
of gray. The gem-symbol is a sapphire worth 5,000 g.p.
Combat: Ruby ranians attack with their claws and bite. In addition, their claws
are envenomed; venom will be injected into a victim on a successful claw
attack 40% of the time. If that happens, the victim must make a saving throw
vs. poison or die in 3d12 hours. The venom can be neutralized for 2d6 days
by means of an alter reality, barkskin, cure disease, or slow poison spell. It
can be removed entirely by means of a limited wish or wish. Cure poison will
not affect it. In addition, ruby ranians can use the following magical powers
as indicated.

• Gate in other ranians twice per day

Die Roll (d%) Result of Gat e

01-35 1d2 ruby ranians
36-00 No effect

• Power word: stun once per day


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


frog with gleaming skin of gold. He is able to change form between these
Ttipfen (Ranian Lord) shapes at will.

Number Unique Black Sword: In human form, Ttipfen wields the Black Sword, a +4
Morale +20 broadsword. Any creature struck by it, in addition to taking normal damage,
Hit Dice 16d12 (197 h.p.) suffers the effects of a power word: stun spell.
Armor Class -6
Move 160’/min., 190’/min. (flying - good) Zhusm (Ranian Lord)
Magic Resistance Q
No. of Attacks 3 or 1 or 3 Number Unique
Damage 2d8/2d8/2d8 or per weapon type or Morale +20
3d6/3d6/2d12 Hit Dice 16d12 (210 h.p.)
Defenses Regeneration, +3 (or better) weapon needed to harm Armor Class -7
Attacks Magic use, level drain Move 180’/min.
Weaknesses None Magic Resistance O
Size M No. of Attacks 2
Intelligence 20 Damage See below
Alignment Chaotic neutral Defenses +3 (or better) weapon needed to harm
Treasure Type VII Attacks Magic use
Treasure Value 5d6x10,000 Weaknesses None
Magical Treasure 3d12 items (20%) Size L (12’)
X.P. Value 28,695 (material form), 286,950 (permanently slain) Intelligence 20
Alignment Chaotic neutral
General: Ttipfen, “lord of the insane”, is arguably the most powerful of all Treasure Type VII
Ranians. He is given to wandering the material plane to spread chaos, and Treasure Value 2d6x10,000
can travel between planes like a deity. He freely uses his true name, but is so Magical Treasure 1d6 items (50%)
powerful that even with such an advantage few are able to overcome him. X.P. Value 28,950 (material form), 289,500 (permanently slain)

Combat: Ttipfen’s combat abilities vary with his form. In amoeba form, Ttipfen General: Zhusm, “lord of entropy” always appears in shadow. When on the
attacks with his three pseudopods, each of which has a range of 10’. A hit material plane, he rides an ancient and huge brass dragon named Shkiv
from any tentacle will cause the victim to lose 1d4 experience levels/hit dice (whose alignment is chaotic neutral), and is able to command undead as a
(a saving throw vs. spells is allowed; success indicates only half as many levels 13th level cleric.
are lost, rounded up). In human form, he uses the Black Sword (see below)
and has a strength of 18/00 (+3 bonus “to hit” and +6 to damage). As a Combat: Zhusm wields his terrible adamantine sickle, whose blade is
ranian, he attacks with his claws and bite. Regardless of form, Ttipfen is able supposedly inscribed with the true name of death. He is able to strike twice
to employ the following magical powers as indicated, in addition to those per round with his weapon. Any creature struck must make a saving throw vs.
standard powers associated with lesser deities: poison; failure indicates instant death, while success means the victim takes
6d6 h.p. of damage. It will not affect any Ranian lord or any other creature of
• Astral spell once per round (himself only) demigod status or above. In addition, he can use the following magical effects
• Blink once per round as indicated, plus those powers applicable to a lesser deity:
• Darkness 15’ radius (or less) once per round
• Death spell once per round • Advanced illusion once per round
• Dispel magic (as a 32nd level caster) once per round • Astral spell once per round (himself only)
• ESP once per round • Blink once per round
• Fear once per round • Darkness 15’ radius (or less) once per round
• Flame strike (double strength) once per round • ESP once per round
• Gate in any one non-lord Ranian once per round, without fail • Flame strike once per round
• Locate object once per round • Gate in any one non-lord ranian once per round, without fail
• Mass charm once per round • Phantasmal killer once per round
• Power word (any) once per day • Power word: kill once per day
• Psychic strike 8 times per day • Psychic strike 8 times per day
• Shape change once per round (between Ranian, amoeba, or • Sleep once per round
human form) • Symbol (any other than hopelessness) once per day
• Symbol of insanity once per round • Symbol of fear once per round
• Ultravision (60’ range) once per round • Symbol of hopelessness once per round
• Wish (fulfilling another’s) once per round
Appearance: On the material plane, Zhusm appears as a tall black skeletal
Ttipfen regenerates 3 h.p. per round. Only weapons of +3 or better figure with bat-like wings. He always appears in shadow and rides a brass
enchantment can wound him. dragon as indicated above. In Limbo he appears as a huge humanoid frog
with jet-black skin. There is no indication that he is able to assume his
Appearance: Ttipfen can assume any of three guises. On the material plane humanoid form in Limbo, or his ranian form in the material plane.
he will appear either as a human, without armor but wielding the dreaded
Black Sword (see below), or a vast amoeba with the brain of a human visible
through the viscous fluids of its body. The creature’s pseudopods can stretch
up to 10’ to attack foes. On the plane of Limbo, Ttipfen appears as a humanoid


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Retriever

Retriever a stone to flesh spell. Those turned into gold or lead can only be restored by
a limited wish, wish, or alter reality spell. The eye beams cannot be used in
Number 1 the same round as the creature’s melee attack.
Morale +14
Hit Dice 10d8 Any creature with 5 or fewer hit dice (or experience levels) must make a saving
Armor Class -2 throw vs. magic or flee, when the retriever comes within 30’.
Move 180’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Appearance: Retrievers look like enormous spiders the size of elephants, with
No. of Attacks 4 their four forelegs tipped with razor-sharp chitinous cleavers and six great
Damage 3d6/3d6/3d6/3d6 eyes. They are black, and covered with patches of bristling hairs.
Defenses None
Attacks Eye beams Salamander
Weaknesses Holy water
Size L (12’ at shoulder) Number 1d4+1
Intelligence 6 Morale +5
Alignment Chaotic evil Hit Dice 7d12
Treasure Type VII Armor Class 5 (upper body), 3 (lower body)
Treasure Value 1d6x1,000 Move 90’/min.
Magical Treasure 1d3 items (50%) Magic Resistance Standard
X.P. Value 4,950 + 14/h.p. No. of Attacks 2
Damage Per weapon/2d6
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm
Attacks Heat
Weaknesses Cold
Size M
Intelligence 14
Alignment Chaotic evil
Treasure Type XVI
Treasure Value 1d8+3x1,000
Magical Treasure 1d4+1, no weapons (10%)
X.P. Value 825 + 10/h.p.

General: Retrievers are normally found in the Abyss, being the constructed
demonic servitors of the Demon Prince Demoniarch. If one is encountered on
the material plane, it will be on a mission for the demon lord or one of his
vassals. This usually involves seizing some mortal and returning him to the
Abyss for punishment. On occasion, demons have been known to mount
howdahs on the backs of these creatures and use them as mounts.

Note that they are constructs and not, technically, demons. Thus they do not
share all of the characteristics and powers of demons. General: Salamanders are native to the elemental plane of fire. They typically
dwell in places no less than 500° Fahrenheit and can endure places less than
Combat: Retrievers attack with their four great foreclaws, which are tipped 300° for only a few hours.
with huge chitinous cleavers. In addition, they can project magical beams from
four of their six eyes. Each beam has a range of 60’, can only be used once Combat: Salamanders strike with a weapon and constrict enemies with their
every 6 rounds, and will affect but a single target with each use: tails. The body temperature of the creature is so high that it will cause an
additional 1d6 points of heat damage when it constricts (naturally, creatures
• Fire (does damage equal to the current h.p. total of the retriever, who are themselves resistant to heat will not suffer this additional damage, but
save vs. dragon breath for half damage) will still be subject to the constriction itself). They are immune to fire of all sorts,
• Cold (same as fire, above) as well as sleep, charm, hold, etc. Cold-based attacks will do an additional 1
• Lightning (same as fire, above) h.p. per die of damage.
• Transmutation (into mud, stone, gold, or lead – 25% chance of
each) Appearance: Salamanders have the upper body of a human and the lower
body of a great serpent. They are coppery in tone above, and red-orange in
Those transmuted into stone can be restored with a stone to flesh spell. Those the tail. Their eyes are flaming yellow. They speak the Firey Speech.
turned into mud must first have a mud to rock spell cast upon them, and then


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Sand Stalker General: Sandmen are native to the elemental plane of earth, but are
sometimes encountered in sandy desert regions of the material plane on
Number 1 inscrutable errands of their own. They will attack humans and demi-humans on
Morale n/a sight.
Hit Dice 6d8
Armor Class 3 Combat: Sandmen do not attack conventionally. However, any creature
Move 120’/min. coming within 20’ of the creature must make a saving throw vs. magic or fall
Magic Resistance F into a deep sleep for at least 30 minutes. After that time, there is a 10% chance
No. of Attacks 1 (non-cumulative) that the sleeper will awaken every ten minutes, and a 95%
Damage 2d12 chance that he will awaken if violently disturbed. In addition, those struck by
Defenses +1 (or better) weapons to wound the sandman must make another saving throw or be put to sleep, each time
Attacks “Kiss of death” the sandman scores a successful hit. Those put to sleep will be removed from
Weaknesses None the sandman’s lair while they slumber, if applicable, but will not be otherwise
Size M harmed. Non-magical missiles simply pass through the sandman’s body, doing
Intelligence 14 no damage. Magical missiles do normal damage. Sandmen never check
Alignment Neutral evil morale.
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a Appearance: The sandman appears as a humanoid of living sand. They speak
Magical Treasure n/a the Earthen Speech.
X.P. Value 400 + 6/h.p.
Shadow Mastiff
General: Sand stalkers are native to the elemental plane of earth, but are often
found on the material plane as a result of spells such as sand stalker and similar See mastiff, shadow (p. 407).
magic. They will, however, only attack creatures of good alignment.
If summoned to the material plane, a sand stalker will obey its master until it is
released or is slain. It can track any prey that has passed nearby within 24 Number 6d4
hours. If ordered to attack, nothing will prevent it from doing so except its own Morale +1
destruction or that of the enemy; even its master cannot order it off. While it Hit Dice 1d10
will normally obey well, for every day it remains in service, there is a 1% Armor Class 0 (missile or non-metal weapons), 10 (metal weapons)
cumulative chance that it will resent its situation and attempt to pervert the Move 90’/min.
orders of its master in order to bring about his doom and its own freedom. Magic Resistance H
No. of Attacks 1
Combat: Sand stalkers attack with a sonic vibration (range 60’). If the creature Damage 10 h.p.
is “in melee” it can press its lips against an enemy with a successful “to hit” Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to electricy,
roll, forcing the victim to make a saving throw vs. spells. Failure indicates the poison, paralysis, mind-affecting spells
sonic vibration from the “kiss of death” has slain the victim. Only magic Attacks None
weapons with an enchantment of +1 or better can harm a sand stalker. Weaknesses None
Size M
Appearance: Sand stalkers look like emaciated humans with bony fingers and Intelligence 3
toes. They are naked, but genderless. They speak the Earthen Speech but can Alignment Neutral
understand the common tongue. Treasure Type XIII
Treasure Value 1d4 gems (15% chance per sparker)
Sandman Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 65 + 2/h.p.
Number 1d6
Morale n/a General: Sparkers are native to the quasi-elemental plane of lightning. Swarms
Hit Dice 4d8 of them will sometimes come to the material plane during intense
Armor Class 3 thunderstorms. Their sole purpose is to discharge the electrical energy they
Move 90’/min. have stored up in their bodies, by shocking some living creature on the material
Magic Resistance D plane, and thereby returning to their home plane. Once they have discharged
No. of Attacks 0 their electrical attack, they disappear into a puff of inert dust.
Damage n/a
Defenses Immune to non-magic missiles On their home plane, they do not disappear once they have discharged, and
Attacks Sleep are AC 0 against all attacks.
Weaknesses None
Size M Combat: Sparkers attack by their touch, which inflicts 10 h.p. of electrical
Intelligence 9 damage when it hits. They receive a +2 bonus “to hit” when attacking those
Alignment Neutral (evil) wearing plated mail, plate armor, or jousting plate. Once they discharge their
Treasure Type XV single attack, they disappear as noted above.
Treasure Value 1d20x100
Magical Treasure None When sparkers are themselves attacked, they will have an AC of 10 if attacked
X.P. Value 215 + 4/h.p. by someone with a hand-held metal weapon such as a sword, mace, dagger,
etc. If attacked by something with a wooden handle, such as a spear, club,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Solar

etc. or by a missile weapon they are AC 0. The reason for this is that if they • Creeping doom once per day
are attacked by a hand-held metal weapon, they can discharge their own • Cure (any sort) once per round, by touch
attack at the same time it hits, inflicting 10 h.p. on their own attacker and then • Delude once per round
disappearing. Thus, they allow such attacks on their person, just to be able to • Detect (any sort), at will
discharge. • Dispel (any sort), once per round, by gaze
• Earthquake 3 times per day
Sparkers are immune to electrical attacks, poison, paralysis, and all mind- • ESP, at will
affecting spells. Only weapons with a +1 or greater enchantment will harm a • Feather fall once per round
sparker. • Finger of death once per day
• Fire storm once per day
Appearance: Sparkers are humanoid in appearance, with sharp features and • Holy word 3 times per day
blue-white skin crackling with energy. • Imprisonment once per day
• Improved invisibility once per round
Solar • Instant summons once per round (20 lbs. and 10’ long max.)
• Know alignment, at will
Number 1 • Mass charm 3 times per day
Morale +20 • Permanency 3 times per day
Hit Dice 20d12 (177 h.p.) • Polymorph any object once per day
Armor Class -9 • Polymorph self once per day
Move 180’/min. (walking and swimming), 480’/min. (flying • Power word (any) once per day
- good) • Prismatic spray once per day
Magic Resistance O • Psychic strike 7 times per day
No. of Attacks 4 • Read magic once per round
Damage Per weapon type +12 • Regenerate once per day
Defenses Magic use • Restoration once per day
Attacks Magic use • Resurrection once per day
Weaknesses Unholy water • Shape change 3 times per day
Size L (10’) • Sphere of protection from evil (+3/-3 effect), protection from
Intelligence 20 normal missiles, and minor globe of invulnerability combined, 70’
Alignment Chaotic good radius, at will
Treasure Type None • Summon 1d2 titans once per hour
Treasure Value n/a • Symbol (any) 3 times per day
Magical Treasure None • Telekinesis once per round
X.P. Value 95,000 + 35/h.p. • Teleport without error once per round
• Tongues, at will
General: Solars are native to the plane of Olympus, and are the most powerful • Vanish 3 times per day
champions of individuality and weal except for certain deities. There are some • Vision once per day
24 solars at the very least, but none know their true numbers save themselves. • Wind walk 7 times per day
• Wish once per day
On those occasions they feel it necessary to pledge their loyalty to some deity,
they can be counted on to be unswervingly loyal. Each, though, charts its own
course. They have infravision and ultravision to 240’, and hearing and Solars take no damage from normal fire, half damage from magical fire
(including red dragon breath). They are immune to acid, gas, magic missile,
ordinary vision are twice as acute as those of normal humans.
petrification, and poison. They are immune to beguilement, charm, hold
Combat: Solars attack with weapons, and have an effective strength of 24 (+6 person/monster, confusion, domination, feeblemindedness, and paralyzation.
bonus “to hit” and +12 to damage). They each wield a two-handed sword of Their souls can never be imprisoned, and they can never be possessed or
sharpness and dancing +5 (usable only by a solar), and carry special magic jarred. Death spells and death magic have no effect on them. They
composite longbows with a range of 360 yards that fire arrows of slaying for regenerate 7 h.p. per round.
whatever sort of creature is applicable. They have a dexterity score of 24,
giving them a +5 bonus “to hit” with missile weapons, including their bow. If slain on a plane other than Olympus, the soul of a solar will immediately
return there, reforming a material body after 70 years.
Each solar is a 12th level cleric, druid, mage, and illusionist. In addition, they
have the following powers: Appearance: Solars are handsome and muscular humanoids with two pairs of
great red-gold falcon wings. Their skin is like copper, their hair a flowing
• Animate object 3 times per day bronze, and their voice both soothing and stern. They speak common and the
• Antipathy/sympathy 3 times per day Celestial Tongue.
• Astral spell once per day
• Commune once per round
• Confusion 3 times per day
• Control weather once per round


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Stench Kow
Tenebrous Worm
Cow Bull
Number 15d4 1 per 4 cows See worm, tenebrous (p. 437).
Morale +2 +4
Hit Dice 3d10 6d10 Thought Eater
Armor Class 2 2
Move 150’/min. 150’/min. Number 1d3
Magic Resistance Standard Standard Morale -4 (when attacked on the ethereal plane)
No. of Attacks 1 1 Hit Dice 3
Damage 2d4 4d4 Armor Class 9
Defenses Stench, immunities Stench, immunities Move 60’/min. (floating in the ether)
Attacks Charge, trample Charge, trample Magic Resistance None
Weaknesses None None No. of Attacks 0
Size L (6’ high at shoulder) L (6’ high at shoulder) Damage n/a
Intelligence 1 1 Defenses None
Alignment Neutral Neutral Attacks Mental drain
Treasure Type None None Weaknesses None
Treasure Value n/a n/a Size S (3’)
Magical Treasure None None Intelligence 0
X.P. Value 150 + 4/h.p. 525 + 8/h.p. Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type None
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 255 + 3/h.p.

General: Stench kows are native to the Nine Hells, but can be found in
adjacent planes and as far away as Hades as well. They are uniquely adapted
to the harsh environment of the lower planes, and their vast herds can be found
grazing on the noxious grass and poisonous scrub of Hell. For every 5 stench
kows encountered, 1 will be a bull, and a herd will also have 5d6 non-
combatant calves. General: Thought eaters dwell exclusively on the ethereal plane, but their
senses extend to the material, where they hunt for food. They are attracted to
Combat: Stench kows attack with their horns, which both cows and bulls have. mental energy in all its forms, and feed thereupon, to the detriment of those
If they have 10’ or more between themselves and a target, they can charge; if whom they encounter.
successful they will do double damage and get a chance to do additional
trampling damage. This erxtra damage requires a second successful “to hit” Combat: The thought eater does not attack physically, and will flee if attacked
roll, but if it hits the kow will do an additional 2d6 h.p. of trampling damage. physically, on or into the ethereal plane. It can only be thwarted by spells
which eliminate mental activity such as forget, mind blank, etc. The mental
Any creature within 5’ of a kow must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure drain of the creature will have the following effects:
indicates the victim is overcome with nausea for 2-5 minutes, in effect helpless
and unable to move, fight, cast spells, etc. A saving throw must be made every Range vs. Spellcasters vs. Non-spellcasters
3 minutes the individual remains in proximity to a kow. 61’ or greater None None
11’-60’ Lose 1d6 levels of Lose 1d3 minutes of short
Stench kows are immune to poison, cold, and fire. It is thought their grazing memorized spells per term memory (only once
on the poisonous weeds of Hell is what gives them their distinctive choking round per person)
odor. 0-10’ Lose 2d8 levels of Lose 1 point of
memorized spells per intelligence per round,
Appearance: Stench kows look like misshapen bison, with large humps over round permanently
their shoulders and ugly swollen faces. They have orange skin and dull green
mats of fur on their head and shoulders. Both cows and bulls have downward- For spell level loss, roll to see how many spell levels are lost. Then determine
pointing horns. randomly from the list of spells the caster has memorized. If the spellcaster is


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Thunder Beast

stripped of all memorized spells, then the thought eater will switch to Die Roll (d6) Hit Dice Damage from Charge
consuming points of intelligence. 1 4d12 4d4
2 5d12 5d4
The thought eater will stop attacking/eating once it has consumed 10 points 3 6d12 6d4
of intelligence, 20 spell levels, 30 minutes of short-term memory, or any 4 7d12 7d4
combination thereof (with each point of intelligence equivalent to 2 spell levels 5 8d12 8d4
and 3 minutes of memory). Any creature reduced to an intelligence of 0 will 6 9d12 9d4
die. Example: A single thought eater could consume 6 points of intelligence, 4
spell levels, and 4 minutes of memory. When enraged or spooked, thunder beasts will begin to bellow, which causes
their noxious breath to issue forth. After three rounds of such bellowing, the
Appearance: When viewed on the ethereal plane, the thought eater looks like breath will form a cloud some 40’ long, 20’ high, and 20’ deep. Any creature
an emaciated platypus with an enormous head and a toothed bill. It is a light within the cloud who is not immune to odors will suffer a -2 penalty “to hit”.
gray in color. The cloud will endure for 1d4 rounds after the bellowing stops.

Thunder Beast Appearance: A thunder beast is as large as an elephant, with six thick legs, a
pig-like head with large fan-like ears and a thick, short tail. They are dark
Number 5d4 yellow to dull green in color, with disgusting mottling and warty protrusions
Morale +6 across their hide.
Hit Dice 4d12 - 9d12
Armor Class 4 Time Elemental
Move 90’/min., 180’/min. (charging)
Magic Resistance Standard Common Noble Royal
No. of Attacks 1 Number 1 (1d4) 1 (1d4) 1 (1d4)
Damage 2d6 Morale +14 +20 +26
Defenses Bellowing Hit Dice 12d8 or 16d8 20d8 24d8 or 28d8
Attacks Charge Armor Class 2 2 2
Weaknesses None Move 10’/min. 10’/min. 10’/min.
Size L (12’ at shoulder) Magic Resistance Standard Standard Standard
Intelligence 1 No. of Attacks 1 1 1
Alignment Neutral Damage 3d4 or 4d4 5d4 6d4 or 7d4
Treasure Type None Defenses See below See below See below
Treasure Value n/a Attacks See below See below See below
Magical Treasure None Weaknesses None None None
X.P. Value 650 + 10/h.p. Size S S S
Intelligence 12-16 18-20 20
Alignment Neutral Neutral Neutral
Treasure Type None None None
Treasure Value n/a n/a n/a
Magical Treasure None None None
X.P. Value 3,000 + 5,000 + 8,000 +
20/h.p. 30/h.p. 30/h.p.

General: Time elementals are very special and rare creatures indeed, as there
does not seem to be any actual elemental plane relating to time per se, at least
that sages and savants have been able to determine. Whether they are native
to the material plane, formed somehow out of the phenomenon of space-time
itself, or some hitherto-unknown other plane is pure speculation. No known
means of summoning or conjuring time elementals has yet been efficacious,
and even the label “elemental” itself may be a misnomer in their case. Their
motives are likewise inscrutable. What is known is that they are dangerous
opponents if angered.

Combat: Time elementals attack by spraying their enemies with particles of

General: Thunder beasts are immense herd animals that can be found accelerated time energy, which causes damage by aging, wear, and decay.
throughout the many layers of the Abyss, where their disgusting meat is used When threatened, a time elemental can summon 1d4 instances of itself from
to feed the endless demonic hordes. They subsist on the foul vegetation and other points in time. Damage done to one of them is inflicted on them all,
sewage-grade swamps of their native plane. Any given herd will have non- however.
combatant calves equal in number to 50% of the number of adults.
All time elementals have the power to move backwards, forwards, or sideways
Combat: Thunder beasts attack with a bite. If they have 20’ between through time, up to 1 minute per number of hit dice, so they can generally
themselves and an enemy, however, they will charge and trample those who avoid any confrontation they desire simply by moving themselves in time. They
threaten the herd instead. The amount of damage depends on the hit dice of can also use this ability to intercept some fleeing or otherwise moving
the thunder beast, which should be determined randomly for each beast in the antagonist, having an effective movement rate of 10’/min. per number of hit
herd, if it is not already known: dice. Thus, it is possible for a time elemental to actually appear in the way of
a fleeing enemy before that enemy has turned to flee!


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


All spells relating to time will fail to function within 30’ of a time elemental.
Any creature that is itself able to travel through or see into time will be able to
track its comings and goings. Such creatures are able to use magic against the
time elemental without penalty. All others only have a 10% chance of
successfully casting a spell or using other magic against a time elemental;
failure indicates the spell hits a split second before or after the elemental is in
that particular spot in space and time.

Noble time elementals have the following powers:

• Time stop once per day

• Age a creature up to 20 years, make a creature up to 20 years
younger, age wood, paper, etc. 10-200 years, or age stone,
metal, etc. up to 2,000 years - any one of these effects once per
• Move through time up to 4 creatures, either into the past, future,
or somewhere else in the present, once per day (saving throw vs.
spells applies if they are unwilling)

Royal time elementals also have the ability to summon other time elementals to
their location in space/time once per day:

Die Roll (d%) Result of Su m m on ing

01-70 1d4 common time elementals
71-00 1d2 noble time elementals

Appearance: Time elementals look like small sparkling clouds of reddish-silvery can be used three times per day to produce the following effects (each may be
glitter. They communicate with one another by some sort of telepathy. used more than once, but the total number of trumpets cannot exceed three):

Tiny Water Elephant • Blast: As per a horn of blasting, in a cone 10’ wide at the origin,
30’ wide at the base, and 120’ long
Number 1d3 • Deafen: As per drums of deafening, in a cone 10’ wide at the
Morale +10 origin, 30’ wide at the base, and 70’ long
Hit Dice 8d10 • Sparkle: A shower of sparkling positive energy that forces undead
Armor Class -4 and creatures native to the lower planes to make a saving throw
Move 90’/min., 420’/min. (flying - good) or take 8d6+8 h.p. of damage, in a cone 10’ wide at the origin,
Magic Resistance J 20’ wide at the base, and 50’ long
No. of Attacks 2
Damage 1d3/1d3 In addition, tiny water elephants have the following powers, as if they were
Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune o poison and 16th level spellcasters (if applicable):
disease, globe of invulnerability
Attacks Blast, deafen, sparkle, magic use • Banishment once per day (if the target makes its saving throw, the
Weaknesses Unholy water tiny water elephant takes 2d6 h.p. of damage and is stunned for
Size S (1’ high) 2d6 segments (carry over into the following round)
Intelligence 18 • Bless once per round
Alignment Lawful good • Cure serious wounds twice per day
Treasure Type None • Detect evil 20’ radius automatically
Treasure Value n/a • Flame strike once per day
Magical Treasure None • Gate once per day:
X.P. Value 3,750 + 14/h.p.
Die Roll (d%) Result
General: Tiny water elephants are magical creatures found on those planes 01-70 Tiny water elephant
aligned with lawful good: the Seven Heavens and the Twin Paradises. They 71-00 Virtue angel
are only occasionally found in Arcadia, as they themselves identify more with
the good ethos than the lawful. They are sometimes found on the material plane • Heal once per day
advancing the cause of good, and radiate an aura which will make all good- • Light once per round
aligned creatures inclined to like and aid them, all evil-aligned creatures fear • Protection from evil 10’ radius twice per day
and hate them, and create unease in those who are neither good nor evil. • Psychic strike 5 times per day
There is no saving throw against this effect. They themselves will aid those who • Raise dead once per day
are good, eschew those who are neutral, and obliterate that which is evil. • Teleport without error once per round

Combat: Tiny water elephants can attack with their small tusks, but are far Appearance: A tiny water elephant appears as a very small elephant (2’ long
more inclined to use their other powers. They can only be harmed by +1 or and 1’ high) with glowing gold fur, ivory tusks, and feathered wings. They
greater enchanted weapons, are immune to poison and disease, and radiate speak the common tongue and Angelic.
a globe of invulnerability at all times unless it explicitly turns it off. Their trunk


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Titan

Titan For each spell level, the titan is able to cast a number of both mage and clerical
spells as indicated above, at the level of experience indicated above. Example:
Number 1 (10% chance of 2) A titan with a roll of 3 would cast two first level mage, two second level mage,
Morale +20 two 3rd level mage, two first level cleric, two second level cleric, and two third
Hit Dice See below level cleric spells, each as if they were a spellcaster of 6th level in the
Armor Class See below appropriate class.
Move See below
Magic A Titans are not harmed by holy or unholy water.
No. of Attacks 1 Appearance: Titans look like enormous humans, both handsome and muscular.
Damage See below The males do not wear facial hair. They speak their own language, all the
Defenses See below various languages of giants, and the common tongue.
Attacks See below
Weaknesses None Umbran
Size L (18’)
Intelligence 19 Number 1d2 (material plane), 2d12 (plane of shadow)
Alignment Chaotic good, neutral, or evil Morale Variable
Treasure Type VIII Hit Dice Variable
Treasure Value 7d6+1x1,000 Armor Class Variable
Magical 1d4 items (25%) Move Variable
Treasure Magic Resistance Variable
X.P. Value See below No. of Attacks Variable
Damage Variable
General: Titans dwell on the plane of Olympus, but will occasionally venture Defenses Regeneration, immune to disease, magic resistance
to the material plane for a time. They should not be confused with the Greater Attacks None
Titans that populate Greek mythology and have powers equivalent to deities Weaknesses Light
(Kronus, Tethys, etc.). While the two may be related in an individual game Size S-M
master’s campaign, the titans presented here are most certainly on a much Intelligence Variable
lower level of power than such beings. Alignment Any non-good
Treasure Type Variable
Even among such lesser beings, there is a great deal of variation. Unless Treasure Value Variable
otherwise specified, the size and powers of any individual titan should be Magical Treasure Variable
determined randomly: X.P. Value Variable

Die Roll Hit General: Umbran creatures are found either in shadowy and dark places on
(d6) Dice AC Move Dmg X.P. Value the material plane (invariably on some personal mission, for they do not like
1 17d12 2 210’/min 7d6 7,000 + 25/h.p. the ever-changing light conditions of the material plane), or on the plane of
2 18d12 1 210’/min 7d6 7,000 + 25/h.p. shadow, where they are more common. Umbrans are not a race unto
3 19d12 0 150’/min 7d6 9,000 + 30/h.p. themselves, but rather are the product of an arcane and now-lost process by
4 20d12 -1 150’/min 7d6 9,000 + 30/h.p. which ordinary humans, demi-humans, and humanoids can substitute their
5 21d12 -2 150’/min 8d6 11,000 + 35/h.p. physical bodies for the adumbrated substance of the plane of shadow. They
6 22d12 -3 150’/min 8d6 11,000 + 35/h.p. retain all of their former racial and class abilities, their ability scores, and so
Titans are, as a race, on good terms with storm giants when on the material
plane. There is a 20% chance that, when encountered there, there will be storm Umbrans do not age, are immune to earthly disease, regenerate 1 h.p. every
giants present as well (see p. 99). 10 minutes, and can regrow any lost body part in 1d4 weeks (save the head,
of course). Normally, umbrans have a magic resistance that is dependent on
Combat: Titans attack with a blow from their enormous fists. In addition, they their level:
have the following abilities:
Experience Level Magic Resistance
• Become ethereal twice per day 1 A
• Invisibility at will 2 B
• Levitate twice per day 3 C
4 D
All titans are accomplished spellcasters. They cast mage and cleric spells as if etc.
they were characters of the level indicated below:
In conditions of very bright light or complete darkness, however, umbrans lose
Spells per Spell Level their magic resistance, and in very bright light (direct cloudless sunlight,
Die Roll (d4) Cast Spells as... 1st 2nd 3rd 4th continual light, etc. suffer an additional -4 penalty to all saving throws vs.
1 4th level spellcaster 2 - - - magic. Other abilities also vary according to the available light:
2 5th level spellcaster 2 2 - -
3 6th level spellcaster 2 2 2 -
4 7th level spellcaster 2 2 2 2


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Light Scores Hit Points Powers
Bright light -2 each -2/hit die None
Light -1 each -1/hit die None
Twilight No effect Normal Shadow walk
Shadow +2 each -1/hit die Shadow walk, shadow images
Night +1 each Normal Shadow walk
Darkness No effect Normal None

For ability score adjustments, racial maximums do not apply. For strength,
every point that would be above 18 becomes 10% exceptional strength. Thus,
a 19 would be 18/10, a 20 would be 18/20. Non-fighters can have
exceptional strength under this circumstance. For hit point adjustments, no hit
die can be under 1 h.p. And the powers that are gained are explained below:

• Shadow walk allows the umbran to pull together the various

shadows around him and transport himself thereby to the plane of
• Shadow images are, essentially, mirror images (as per the spell)
made of shadowstuff. There will be 1d4+1 images created from the
surrounding shadow. They will remain in effect until they are more
than 30’ away from the umbran or changes in the light around them
dispel them.

All umbrans have the ability to hide in shadows (as a thief of whatever
experience level the umbran is). Umbran thieves get a 2% per experience level
bonus to their hide in shadows chance when in shadowy conditions, and a that the loss of hit points from the attack is actually permanent, and nothing
5% bonus per level when in night or total darkness. For purposes of spells such short of a wish will be able to restore them.
as hold person and charm person, umbrans are considered persons if their
original species would be. Thus, an umbran elf is a person, but an umbran Appearance: Vargouilles look like flying heads wreathed in short writhing
bugbear would not be. tentacles, with a pair of bat-like wings just behind the ears. They have vicious
fangs and cold, lifeless eyes. They speak demodand.
Appearance: Umbrans look much as they did in life, albeit with a slightly
duskier complexion. They tend to wear black and/or gray clothing. Their eyes
Water Verm
are always gray. They speak whatever languages they did originally.

Number 1d3
Vargouille Morale +7
Hit Dice 3d10
Number 1d20 Armor Class 4
Morale -2 Move 120’/min. (swimming)
Hit Dice 1d10 Magic Resistance Standard
Armor Class 8 No. of Attacks 0
Move 120’/min. (flying - good) Damage n/a
Magic Resistance Standard Defenses See below
No. of Attacks 1 Attacks Drowning
Damage 1d4 Weaknesses Slowed by cold attacks
Defenses None Size L (10’ long)
Attacks Permanent h.p. loss Intelligence 12
Weaknesses Bright light, holy water Alignment Chaotic evil
Size S (3’ wingspan) Treasure Type XVIII
Intelligence 6 Treasure Value 4d8x1,000
Alignment Neutral evil Magical Treasure 1 item (15%)
Treasure Type None X.P. Value 370 + 4/h.p.
Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None General: Water verms are native to the elemental plane of water, but are
X.P. Value 118 + 2/h.p. sometimes encountered on the material plane whither they have been
summoned as guardians for some treasure or locale. They are actually able to
General: Vargouilles (pronounced var-GOOL) are native to Tarterus, but are take over control of water elementals by entering their watery body, with a
often loosed upon the material plane by their masters in order to inflict agony 50% chance of success.
and suffering upon its inhabitants. They hate bright light, and will attempt to
knock out any light sources such as torches and lanterns. They have infravision Combat: Water verms do not attack conventionally. They form in 2 rounds
and ultravision with 90’ range, but daylight will blind them. (from some source of water), taking the form of a serpent. Once formed, they
strike (as a creature with 6d8 hit dice); the victim must make a saving throw
Combat: Vargouilles attack with their bite. However, they are greatly feared vs. paralyzation or be pulled into the water, where it will drown unless the
because anyone bitten must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure indicates


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Whirlwind

water verm is disrupted (see the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Game Wind Walker
Masters Toolkit for rules on drowning).
Number 1d3
Water verms only take 1 point of damage from sharp or pointed weapons; Morale +4
blunt weapons do normal damage. Cold-based attacks will slow the creature Hit Dice 6d10
to half speed and half attack speed. Fire-based attacks will do half normal Armor Class 7
damage maximum; if the water verm makes its saving throw, it takes no Move 150’/min., 300’/min. (flying - perfect)
damage. If reduced to 0 hit points, the water verm is not slain, but merely Magic Resistance Standard
disrupted. It will reform in 2 rounds. A purify water spell will actually slay it No. of Attacks 1
permanently. Damage 3d6
Defenses Immune to most weapons and spells
Appearance: Water verms look like serpents made of living water. They speak Attacks Telepathy
the Watery Tongue. Weaknesses None
Size L
Whirlwind Intelligence 12
Alignment Neutral
Number 1d8 Treasure Type XVIII
Morale +2 Treasure Value 7d6x1,000
Hit Dice 2d10 - 6 d10 Magical Treasure 1d2 items (10%)
Armor Class 0 X.P. Value 575 + 8/h.p.
Move 150’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard General: Wind walkers are native to the elemental plane of air, but will
No. of Attacks 1 sometimes dwell on the material plane, where they are found either in the
Damage 0 windy heights at the tops of mountains and in cloud islands, or in enormous
Defenses None wind-swept caverns deep below the ground. They are telepathic (each wind
Attacks Whirlwind walker acting in concert adds 10’ to the range).
Weaknesses None
Size S-L Combat: Wind walkers attack with buffeting winds, and will pursue fleeing
Intelligence 0 enemies for at least 1d4+1 minutes. They are immune to attack by conventional
Alignment Neutral weapons and most magic. Air-based creatures such as djinn, air elementals,
Treasure Type None etc. can combat them, however. Only select spells will affect them, and those
Treasure Value n/a in very non-standard ways, as indicated below:
Magical Treasure n/a
X.P. Value See below • Control weather slays them unless they successfully save vs. magic
• Haste will cause wind-walkers to take only half damage from
General: Whirlwinds are native to the elemental plane of air, although they attacks, and do double damage when they attack
are often found on the material plane. They cannot be summoned through • Ice storm will cause them to retreat for 1d4 rounds
traditional means, however; the exact method by which they travel to the • Slow acts as a fireball against them
material plane is unknown, but they are sometimes encountered accompanying
tornadoes, violent wind storms, and the like. Those encountered on the material They are foiled by magical barriers.
plane will always be of the 2d10 hit die variety; on the elemental plane of air
their larger cousins could be encountered as well: Appearance: Wind walkers are normally invisible, being composed of nothing
but air. However, they are detectable by the loud rushing wind sound that
Die Roll precedes them at a range of 1d3x10’. They speak the Breezy Speech.
(d%) Hit Dice Held in Vortex X.P. Value
01-50 2d10 1 M or 2 S 50 + 3/h.p.
51-90 4d10 1 L, 2 M, or 4 S 85 + 4/h.p.
91-00 6d10 2 L, 4 M, or 8 S 225 + 8/h.p.

Combat: Whirlwinds attack by grabbing victims in their swirling air currents

and spinning them around thereafter. The initial attack does no actual damage,
but those trapped in the vortex of a whirlwind suffer 1d3 h.p. per round, and
have a 5% cumulative chance of being instantly killed by the buffeting winds.
Each whirlwind is capable of holding only a limited number of creatures, as
indicated above.

Appearance: The whirlwind is most often seen for the swirling air currents with
which it surrounds itself at all times, which pick up dust, leaves, etc., and thus
render the whirlwind somewhat visible. The whirlwind itself is a spherical ball
of air some 6” around that bobs and weaves so quickly within the air funnel
as to be very difficult to hit.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Worm, Tenebrous Worry Hag

Number 1 Number 1
Morale +10 Morale +1
Hit Dice 10d8 Hit Dice 2d10
Armor Class 1 Armor Class 9
Move 10’/min. Move 90’/min.
Magic Resistance Standard Magic Resistance 35% (1st level spells) - 5% (7th level spells)
No. of Attacks 1 No. of Attacks 2
Damage 2d10 Damage 1d3/1d3
Defenses Envenomed bristles Defenses +1 (or better) weapon to harm, immune to poison,
Attacks Acid paralysis, charm, and suggestion, half damage from
Weaknesses None acid, fire, and cold
Size M (6’ long) Attacks Bite, magic use
Intelligence 1 Weaknesses Holy water
Alignment Neutral Size S (3’)
Treasure Type None Intelligence 9
Treasure Value n/a Alignment Neutral evil
Magical Treasure None Treasure Type None
X.P. Value 2,400 + 20/h.p. Treasure Value n/a
Magical Treasure None
X.P. Value 275 + 3/h.p.

General: Worry hags are denizens

of Hades, where they act as minor
servitors to the various forms of hags
and daemons that rule there. They are
also not unknown on the adjoining
planes of Gehenna and Tarterus. It
pleases the rulers of these planes to
sometimes send their minions to the
Prime Material Plane to either serve
wicked spellcasters as familiars, to
act as spies or advance scouts for
their masters, or simply to wreak
General: Tenebrous worms are native to the plane of shadow, and are the havoc on their own. Worry
larval stage of the gloomwing (see p. 398). On both the plane of shadow and hags are created from soul worms
the material plane, they tend to be found in wooded areas. in a process similar to that by which imps and quasits are created. They have
infravision and ultravision with 90’ range.
Combat: Tenebrous worms attack with their powerful mandibles. The
mandibles also drip acid; any creature bitten by the mandibles must make a When worry hags are sent to the material plane as familiars, they can assume
saving throw vs. poison with a -3 penalty or take double damage. two of the following forms, at will; owl, black fawn, hare, or constrictor snake.
They also give their masters the following powers:
The bristly spines of the worm, which cover its head, are themselves coated
with poison. Any mammal that hits a tenebrous worm with something other • Add once experience level to its master when they are within 1
than a weapon (bare hand, claw, bite, etc.) will automatically be subject to mile of one another
1d4 h.p. of damage and must make a saving throw vs. poison. Failure • Take away once experience level from its master when they are
indicates the attacker is paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. At the end of that time, the further than 1 mile apart (not the level which is added if they are
attacker will die, unless a neutralize poison or slow poison spell is cast upon close to one another)
them before they expire. An armored attacker has a 10% chance per armor • If the worry hag is slain, its master will lose 4 experience levels
class of being struck by the spines. Thus, someone with an AC of 3 would have (minimum 1st level)
a 30% chance of being struck, someone with an AC of 5 would have a 50% • The master is able to see and hear everything the worry hag sees
chance, etc. and hears, if they are within 1 mile of one another
• The master gets the benefit of the worry hag’s magic resistance if
Appearance: Tenebrous worms are enormous black caterpillars with bristly they are within 10’ of one another
hairs on the head and front half of their body. They sport large mandibles and
their eyes are the flickering gray of shadows. They are immune to poison, paralysis, charm, and suggestion, and can only
be harmed by weapons with an enchantment of +1 or greater. Acid, fire, and
cold-based attacks only do half damage against them. When making saving
throws against magical effects, they are treated as if they had 7 hit dice.

Combat: Worry hags attack with their tiny, horny fists. In addition, every other
round, the worry hag is able to spit forth venomous bile with a range of 20’.
If it hits, the target must make a saving throw or be blinded for 2d6x10 minutes.
Worry hags regenerate 1 h.p. per round. In their fawn or hare forms, they


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Extraplanar Monster Descriptions - Xorn

have no physical attack. Regardless of form, a worry hag has the following and as they can smell such items up to 20’ away, they are 90% likely to attack
powers: if refused. They are particularly fond of crystal cravers (see p. 330), and regard
them as a delicacy.
• Commune with the daemons of Hades once per week (3 questions)
• Confusion once per day Combat: Xorn attack with their three arms and their immensely powerful jaws.
• Detect good once per round Their exterior is the same consistency and color as normal rock, and thus they
• Detect magic once per round have a great ability to surprise enemies or prey. They are immune to fire- and
• Invisibility once per round cold-based magic, and electrical attacks will do either half or no damage,
depending on whether or not the xorn makes its saving throw. They are
Worry hags have a magic resistance that works the same way as it does for vulnerable to certain earth-based magic, as noted below:
daemons: 35% against first level spells, 30% against second level spells,
regardless of the experience level of the caster, etc. • Move earth hurls them 30’ and stuns them for one round
• Stone to flesh or rock to mud turns their armor class to 8 for one
Appearance: In their basic form, worry hags look like miniature and very ugly round
women, with black faces which are at once withered and bulbous. They are • Passwall does 10+10 h.p. of damage
fond of dressing in many layers of gloomy clothing, with various shades of
black, brown, and gray. Their eyes are deep pits of glossy black. They speak Xorn are able to change their molecular structure in order to pass through solid
daemonic, the language of all hags, and common. rock. Doing so requires but a single round, and they are likely to do so to
avoid encounters that are going badly against them. While doing so, a xorn
Xorn will be slain if a passwall spell is cast upon it.

Number 1d4 Apperarance: Xorn are radially symmetrical, with three eyes, arms, and legs
Morale +6 and a large three-jawed mouth full of teeth on the top of its body. Its skin has
Hit Dice 7d12 the consistency and color of stone. They speak their own tongue and the
Armor Class -2 Earthen Speech.
Move 90’/min. (walking and through solid rock)
Magic Resistance Standard
No. of Attacks 4
Damage 1d3/1d3/1d3/6d4
Defenses See below
Attacks Enemies get -4 to surprise rolls
Weaknesses Certain spells (see below)
Size M (5’)
Intelligence 9
Alignment Neutral
Treasure Type XIV
Treasure Value 10d6+5x100
Magical Treasure 1 item (60%), 1 potion (60%)
X.P. Value 1,275 + 10/h.p.

General: Xorn (the term is both singular and plural) are native to the elemental
plane of earth, but are sometimes encountered on the material plane deep
beneath the ground as they search for choice minerals and crystals to consume.
They will accept offerings of precious metals or gems in exchange for passage,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


and challenging creatures for the sake of the game. Neither thought process
Appendix A: Modifying is right or wrong, and each game master is encouraged to find the balance
which is right for his campaign and group of players.

and Creating New Experience Point Values

Monsters The various attributes and abilities of each new creature are fairly fluid and
open to the creative process. One value that is not, however, is the experience
point value of each creature. For the sake of balance, each creature’s value in
There is really no limit to the creatures that can be introduced into the game.
x.p. should be determined by the following formula, which is flexible enough
Some game masters will prefer a certain amount of verisimilitude, requiring
to accommodate most creatures. As with all things in the game, the game
that animals and monsters have some sort of logical ecology and balance.
master should feel free to use his discretion when assigning x.p. values:
Others will simply shrug and say “it’s just a game” and press on to create wild

Hit Dice
d4 d6 d8 d10 d12 Base X.P. X.P. per H.P. Minor Power Bonus Major Power Bonus
1 - - - - 2 1 1 10
2 1 - - - 5 1 2 25
3 2 1 - - 10 1 4 35
4 3 2 1 - 20 2 8 45
5 4 3 2 1 35 3 15 55
6 5 4 3 2 60 4 25 65
7 6 5 4 3 90 5 40 75
8 7 6 5 4 150 6 75 125
9 8 7 6 5 225 8 125 175
10 9 8 7 6 375 10 175 275
11 10 9 8 7 600 12 300 400
13 11 10 9 8 900 14 450 600
15 13 11 10 9 1,300 16 700 850
17 15 13 11 10 1,800 18 950 1,200
19 17 15 13 11 2,400 20 1,250 1,600
21 19 17 15 13 3,000 25 1,550 2,000
22 21 19 17 15 4,000 30 2,100 2,500
23 22 21 19 17 5,000 35 2,600 3,000

Any creatures with higher hit dice than listed on the table should use the bottom etc.) will be immune to turning by clerics, as will the unique sorts. However,
row of the table to calculate experience points. lesser and least types can be so affected, but always as type XIII. Use the
following guidelines as a rule of thumb to determine what sort of outer planar
To calculate the experience point value of a given creature, simply find the creatures are affected by clerical turning:
proper row based on the type and number of hit dice it has. Add the base x.p.
value and the x.p. per hit point. Then for each type A power and each type B • AC -4 or worse
power, add the appropriate bonus. If a creature has more than one of either • 10 or fewer hit dice (of any type)
power, add the bonus multiple times accordingly. • Magic resistance L or less

Examples of minor powers include: 4 or more attacks per round, missiles, an

AC of 0 or less, blood drain, hug, regeneration, silver or magic weapons to
Seaborne Evasion
harm, 1st - 3rd level defensive spells, etc.
Each waterborne creature gets an evasion statistic. This is a bonus given to the
Examples of major powers include: experience level drain, paralyzation, creature(s) if it chooses to evade an encounter with a ship or other creature
poison, breath weapon, magic resistance (of any strength), mind blast, magic rather than remain and fight. The evasion bonus is based on the swimming
use, swallow whole, any single attack potentially doing 24 h.p. per round, speed of the creature:
two attacks potentially doing 30 h.p. per round, three attacks potentially doing
36 h.p. per round, four attacks potentially doing 42 h.p. per round, etc. Swimming Speed Evasion Bonus
Less than 30’/min. -4
30’/min. -3
Turn as Type 60’/min. -2
90’/min. -1
Generally speaking, when designing new types of undead, the game master 120’/min. ±0
should use existing creatures as a guideline to determine how they should be 150’/min. +1
treated for turning by clerics and paladins. You should resist the temptation to 180’/min. +2
assign an overly-high number to your new creature; bear in mind that even the 210’/min. +3
mighty vampire is only turned as a type X creature. More than 210’/min. +4

For creatures from the outer planes, only the weaker sorts can be turned.
Anything labeled a “greater” being of its type (greater devil, greater angel,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Appendix B: The Psychic Strike

Die Roll (d%)

Appendix B: The Target’s
INT+WIS 01 02-15 16-85 86-99 00

Psychic Strike 0-5

10-13 Death Coma Sleep Stunned Confused
Some creatures listed herein have access to a unique form of attack that is not 14-17 Coma Sleep Stunned Confused Enraged
normally available to player characters: the psychic strike. This is a magical 18-21 Sleep Stunned Confused Enraged Panicked
assault on the mind of the victim and is of such a unique nature that it 22-25 Stunned Confused Enraged Panicked Wiped
necessitates its own discussion. 26-29 Confused Enraged Panicked Wiped Insane*
30-33 Enraged Panicked Wiped Insane* Insane†
If a creature is able to employ a psychic strike, such will be indicated in its 34-35 Panicked Wiped Insane* Insane† Insane‡
description, as well as the number of times per day the creature can use it. The 36-37 Wiped Insane* Insane† Insane‡ Insane‡
psychic strike is sent forth once per round in a cone 5’ wide at its source, 20’ 38+ Insane* Insane† Insane‡ Insane‡ Insane‡
wide at its base, and 60’ long. Any creature within the area of effect must
make a special saving throw to escape its effects. The roll needed to Death: The victim is slain, but can of course be resurrected, raised, etc. as
successfully save depends on the combined intelligence and wisdom of the normal.
target (for monsters with no wisdom score, simply double the intelligence
rating): Coma: The victim falls into a deep coma for 2d6 days. Only a heal spell will
rouse him from this stupor.
Target’s INT+WIS Saving Throw
Sleep: The victim falls into a deep slumber for 5d4x10 minutes. During this
0-5 20
time he will be quite incapable of being awakened.
6-9 18
10-13 16
Stunned: Victim is stunned (unable to attack or cast spells, and those attacking
14-17 14
him get a +4 bonus “to hit”) for 2d4x10 minutes.
18-21 12
22-25 10
Confused: Victim acts as if under the effect of a confusion spell for 1d4x10
26-29 8
30-33 6
34-35 4
Enraged: For 2d4 minutes, the victim will attack the nearest living creature with
36-37 2
spells or weapons, paying no heed to defense or his own safety.
38+ 0

Panicked: for 2d4 minutes, the victim flees at maximum speed. If in a dungeon
Creatures under the effect of a feeblemind spell have a combined INT+WIS of
environment, the game master should roll randomly to determine direction
0. Creatures already insane are immune to the effect of a psychic strike.
when given a choice such as at a side passage, but the player should not be
informed of these directions; the panic induced is such that the character is too
The target must roll the indicated number or greater on 1d20 to escape the
terrified to remember such things clearly.
effect of the psychic strike. The following modifiers (all cumulative) to the roll
Wiped: Until the effect is reversed by means of a heal, restoration, or wish
spell, all memorized spells are lost and cannot be regained, and intellect is
Circumstance Saving Throw Modifier
brought to the level of a small child (effective combined WIS+INT of 2).
Using ESP (including magic item) -5
Target is hopeless -3
Insane*: The victim is afflicted with two forms of insanity, permanently, until a
Target is stunned -3
heal, restoration, or wish spell is cast upon him. See the ADVENTURES DARK
Target is confused -2
AND DEEP™ Game Masters Toolkit for details on types of insanity.
Target is enraged -1
Target is panicked -1
Insane†: The victim is afflicted with two forms of insanity which lasts for 2d6
Dwarf +4
weeks or until a heal, restoration, or wish spell is cast upon him.
Halfling +4
Wearing a helm of telepathy +4
Insane‡: The victim is afflicted with one form of insanity which lasts for 1d4
41’ - 60’ distant +2
weeks or until a heal, restoration, or wish spell is cast upon him.
Cleric or subclass +2
Elf +2
Under the effect of a mind blank spell +2
20’ - 40’ distant +1
Mage or subclass +1

If the psychic strike is successful, the effect is again dependent on the combined
INT+WIS of the target, and is determined randomly. Again, if the target does
not have a separately listed wisdom score, simply use INTx2:


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appendix C: Random
Roll once for strength:

Die Roll (d20) Strength

Creatures of the Lower

01-05 17 (+1 “to hit”, +1 damage)
06-10 18 (+1 “to hit”, +2 damage)
11-12 18/01 (+1 “to hit”, +3 damage)

Planes 13-14
18/51 (+2 “to hit”, +3 damage)
18/76 (+2 “to hit”, +4 damage)
17 18/91 (+2 “to hit”, +5 damage)
There are times when the game master simply needs to create some unique 18 18/00 (+3 “to hit”, +6 damage)
horror from the nether regions, and often times the best creatures are the ones 19 19 (+3 “to hit”, +7 damage)
created after logic is suspended and random chance takes the reins. Such 20 20 (+3 “to hit”, +8 damage)
creatures are probably going to be unique, but there could well be armies of
them lurking in the lower planes of your campaign. Also, the game master Roll once on the hit dice table:
should be encouraged not only to feel free to pick and choose from the
following tables (instead of, or in addition to, allowing the dice to choose), but Die Roll (d%) Hit Dice
also to add to or subtract from them as he sees fit. 01-19 7d8
20-38 8d8
Attributes 39-57 9d8
58-76 10d8
77-79 7d10
Number See below
80-82 8d10
Morale See below
83-85 9d10
Hit Dice See below
86-88 10d10
Armor Class See below
89-91 7d12
Move See below
92-94 8d12
Magic Resistance See below
95-97 9d12
No. of Attacks See below, “appearance” section
98-00 10d12
Damage See below, “appearance” section
Defenses See below
Roll once on the armor class table:
Attacks See below
Weaknesses See below
Die Roll (d6) Armor Class
Size See below
Intelligence See below 1 2
Alignment As per plane of origin 2 1
Treasure Type DM determination (should be low) 3 0
Treasure Value DM determination 4 -1
Magical Treasure DM determination (should be few, if any) 5 -2
X.P. Value Variable 6 -3

Roll once on the number table: Roll once on the move table, re-rolling as indicated:

Die Roll (d6) Number Die Roll

1-3 1 (d8) Move
4-5 1d4 1 60’/min.
6 2d4 2 90’/min.
3 120’/min.
Roll once on the morale table: 4 150’/min.
5 180’/min.
Die Roll (d6) Morale 6 Re-roll, re-rolling results above 5, plus roll for swimming
1-3 Equal to number of hit dice
4-5 Equal to number of hit dice +1d4 7-8 Re-roll, re-rolling results above 5, plus roll for flying speed
6 Equal to number of hit dice -1d3
Roll on the swimming/flying speed table as needed:

Die Roll (d4) Swimming or Flying Speed

1 Base speed + 30’/min.
2 Base speed + 60’/min.
3 Base speed + 90’/min.
4 Base speed + 120’/min.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Appendix C: Random Creatures of the Lower Planes

Roll once for magic resistance: Roll 1d3-1 times on the weaknesses. Re-roll duplicates, and if a weakness is
incompatible with a defense (i.e., both immune and takes double damage from
Number of Hit Dice fire), re-roll the weakness:
Die Roll
(d6) 1-7 8 9 10+ Die Roll (d12) Weaknesses
1 D E F G 1 Double damage from acid
2 E F G H 2 Double damage from acid and fire
3 F G H I 3 Double damage from cold
4 G H I J 4 Double damage from cold, gas, and poison
5 H I J K 5 Double damage from electricity and lightning
6 Standard Standard Standard Standard 6 Double damage from electricity and magic missile
7 Double damage from gas
Roll 1d4 times-1 on the defenses table for each creature. Re-roll duplicates: 8 Double damage from illusions and
enchantment/charm spells
Die Roll (d20) Defenses 9 Double damage from metal weapons
01-02 +1d6 surprise bonus 10 Double damage from normal and magical fire
03 Harmed only by +1 or better weapons 11 Double damage from normal fire
04 Harmed only by +2 or better weapons 12 Double damage from poison
05 Harmed only by +3 or better weapons Roll once for size:
06 Immune to 1d4 specific spells
07 Immune to acid Die Roll (d8) Size
08 Immune to acid and fire 1 S
09 Immune to cold 2-4 M
10 Immune to cold, gas, and poison 3-8 L
11 Immune to electricity and lightning
12 Immune to electricity and magic missile Roll once for intelligence:
13 Immune to gas
14 Immune to illusions and enchantment/charm spells Die Roll (d4) Intelligence
15 Immune to metal weapons 1 6
16 Immune to normal and magical fire 2 9
17 Immune to normal fire 3 12
18 Immune to poison 4 14
19 Regenerates 1 h.p. every 10 minutes
20 Regenerates 1d4+1 h.p. every 10 minutes (determine Appearance
number regenerated once for creature, rather than
rolling every 10 minutes)
Roll once for head type (1% chance of 1d4 heads):

Roll 1d4-1 times on the attacks table for each creature. Re-roll duplicates:
Die Roll (d10) Head
1 Ape-like
Die Roll (d20) Attacks
2 Avian
1 Acid spit causes 2d4 h.p., 60’ range, once per 10
3 Bat-like
4 Conical
2 Drain 1 experience level/hit die
5 Crocodilion
3 Drain 1 point of CHA
6 Horse-like
4 Drain 1 point of CON 7 Human
5 Drain 1 point of DEX
8 Ovoid
6 Drain 1 point of INT
9 Serpentine
7 Drain 1 point of STR 10 Spherical
8 Drain 1 point of WIS
9 Fumble by bellowing, 5’ range For each head, roll once:
10 Heat causes 1d6 h.p. damage to anyone within 10’
11 Once every 10 minutes, gets double normal number
Die Roll (d12) On the Head
of attacks per round
1 Antennae
12 Ray of enfeeblement gaze, 10’ range
2 Antlers (1 attack, 2d4 h.p. damage)
14-16 Spell-like powers (1d12 spells, choose randomly for
3 Bald
level and type)
4 Crest
17 Spike volley cause 1d8 h.p., 30’ range, once per 5
5 Frills
6 1d4 Horns (1 attack per horn, 1 h.p. damage)
18 Stinking cloud breath, 5’ radius
7 Knobs
19 Summon or gate in up to 1d6 creatures (determine
8 Lumpy
number summoned once for creature, rather than
9 Mane
rolling every time the power is used)
10 Ridge(s)
20 Trip vs. 1 opponent per round
11 Hair
12 Spines


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Roll once per head for mouth (if beak indicated above, no need to roll):
Roll once for overall appearance:
Die Roll (d8) Mouth
Die Roll (d12) Overall Appearance 1 Fangs (2d4 h.p. damage)*
1 Broad 2 Mandibles (2d6 h.p. damage)*
2 Drooling and chattering 3 Saw-toothed (1d4 h.p. damage, 1d6 h.p. per
3 Flaccid round automatically thereafter)
4 Glaring and menacing 4 Sucker-mouth (2d4+1 h.p. damage, automatic hit
5 Menacing on all subsequent rounds)
6 Muscled 5 Teeth, large (1d4+3 h.p. damage)
7 Narrow 6 Teeth, small (1d4+2 h.p. damage)
8 Rotting 7 Tusks, large (2d6 h.p. damage)
9 Rubbery 8 Tusks, small (2d4 h.p. damage)
10 Skeletal
11 Twitching * May be envenomed; see below
12 Wrinkled
Roll once for body type:
Roll once per head for ears (optionally, all heads have the same ears):
Die Roll (d10) Body Type
Die Roll (d10) Ears 1-5 Bipedal
1 Large and pointed 6-8 4 legs
2 Small and pointed 9 6 legs
3 Large, floppy 10 Serpentine tail (no legs)
4 Large, fan-like
5 Large, human-like If bipedal, roll once for torso:
6 None
7 Dog-like Die Roll (d12) Torso (Biped)
8 Elephantine 1 Ape-like
9 Human, small 2 Avian
10 Trumpet-like 3 Fat
4 Human
Roll once per head for number of eyes: 5 Porcine
6 Rat-like
Die Roll (d4) Number of Eyes 7 Rubbery
1 1 8 Thick and short
2-6 2 9 Thin
7 3 10 Thin and long
8 4 11 Ursine
12 Wide
Roll once per head for type of eyes:
If 4 or more legs, roll once for torso:
Die Roll (d8) Type of Eyes
1 Huge, bulging Die Roll (d12) Torso (Quadruped or more)
2 Small, on stalks 1 Cow-like
3 Small, sunken 2 Crab-like
4 Large, round 3 Fat
5 Small, slitted 4 Feline
6 Small, compound 5 Insectoid
7 Swivel-socketed 6 Reptilian
8 Large, flat 7 Rubbery
8 Spider-like
Roll once per head for nose: 9 Thick and short
10 Thin
Die Roll (d10) Nose 11 Thin and long
1 Beak (also counts for mouth, 1d6 h.p. damage) 12 Wide
2 Elephantine trunk
3 Flat, squished Roll once per head for neck type:
4 Large and bulbous
5 Long, pointy Die Roll (d6) Neck
6 Pig-like 1 Thick and short
7 Slits 2 Thick and long
8 Small 3 Thin and short
9 None 4 Thin and long
10 Wide, long 5 None
6 Snake-like


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Appendix C: Random Creatures of the Lower Planes

If all arms are the same, roll once for all hands, otherwise roll once for each
Roll once for wings: pair of arms:

Die Roll (d8) Wings Die Roll

1-4 None (d10) Hands
5 Fan-winged (180’/min. flying - poor) 1 Barbed hands (1 h.p. damage each, automatically held
6 Bat-winged (120’/min. flying - average) and do 1 h.p. per round)
7 Bird-winged (180’/min. flying - 2-3 Claws (1d4+1 h.p. damage each)
average) 4 Human (1d3 h.p. damage + STR bonus)
8 Insect-winged (120’/min. flying - poor 5 Knobby hands (1d4 h.p. damage + STR bonus)
6 Large with thick fingers (1 h.p. damage plus strength, if
Roll once for tail: two hands hit, automatically strangle next round for 2d4
+ STR bonus)
Die Roll (d10) Tail 7 Pincers (1d4 h.p. damage + STR bonus)
1 Dog-like 8 Small tentacles for fingers (1d4 h.p. damage + STR
2 Goat-like bonus)
3 Insectoid, with stinger (1d6 h.p. damage)* 9 Talons (1d6 h.p. damage each)
4 Leonine 10 Withered and bony (1d3 h.p. damage + STR bonus)
5 Long and barbed (1d8 h.p. damage)*
6 Long and clubbed (1d3 h.p. damage plus STR bonus) Roll once for legs:
7 Long and prehensile
8 None Die Roll (d6) Legs (if any)
9 Pig-like 1 Bowed and short
10 Short 2 Hopping (can hop 10’ in any direction)
3 Massive and short
* May be envenomed; see below 4 Springing (can jump 20’)
5 Telescoping (can increase height by 50%)
If bite or tail has venom, roll once below: 6 Thin and long

Die Roll (d8) Venom (if any) Roll once for feet:
1 Save vs. poison (+1 bonus) or die
2 Save vs. poison or die Die Roll
3 Save vs. poison (-1 penalty) or die (d8) Feet (if any)
4 Save vs. poison (-2 penalty) or die 1 Bird-like
5 Save vs. poison or insane for 1d4 days 2 Claws (hind legs do 1d4 h.p. damage)
6 Save vs. poison or lose 1 point of STR permanently 3 Cloven hooves (1d3 h.p. damage)
7 Save vs. poison or lose 1 point of CON permanently 4 Have long prehensile toes
8 Save vs. poison or in coma for 1d6 hours 5 Hooves (1d2 h.p. damage + STR bonus)
6 Human
Roll once for number of arms: 7 Paws
8 Webbed (60’, 90’, 120’, or 150’/min. swimming - roll
Die Roll (d6) Number of Arms d4)
1-4 2
5 4 There is a 25% chance of 1d4+1 colors, otherwise roll once for overall color:
6 4 if bipedal, 6 otherwise
Die Roll
There is a 50% chance that all arms are the same, otherwise roll once for each (d8) Overall Color (25% chance of 1d4+1 colors)
pair of arms: 1 Black
2 Brown
Die Roll (d8) Type of Arms 3 Red
1 Human 4 Orange
2 Insectoid 5 Yellow
3 Like tree-trunks 6 Green
4 Multi-jointed 7 Blue
5 Telescoping (double normal reach) 8 Purple
6 Tentacle 9 White
7 Thick and short 10 Gray
8 Thin and long 11 Pink
12 Metallic


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Appendix D: Magic Resistance

Level of Caster
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
A 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% - - - -
B 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% - - -
C 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% - -
D 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% -
E 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5%
Magic Resistance of Creature

F 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15% 10%
G 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20% 15%
H 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25% 20%
I 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30% 25%
J 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35% 30%
K 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40% 35%
L 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45% 40%
M 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50% 45%
N 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55% 50%
O 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60% 55%
P 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65% 60%
Q 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70% 65%
R 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75% 70%
S 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75%
T 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 95% 90% 85% 80%


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Appendix E: Standard Powers of Deities

Lesser gods can use the following powers at will:

Appendix E: Standard • Alter self

Powers of Deities
• Improved invisibility
• Improved phantasmal force
• Mirror image
Extremely powerful singular beings from the outer and elemental planes, such
Lesser gods can be slain on their home planes (unless they have created a soul
as arch-devils, demon lords, etc., are counted as lesser gods, allowing them
object, in which case they reform in 1d10 days), but if slain elsewhere, are
to exercise certain powers as described in the ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™
simply prevented from returning to the plane whereupon they were slain for
Game Masters Toolkit. For convenience, these powers are listed below.
100 years. They have double the listed number of hit points while on their
native layer of their home plane, and have a magic resistance of T on their
If a creature described in the present work should be treated as a lesser deity,
home plane.
that fact will be noted in its description.
Lesser gods can use the following powers a total of four times per day
When casting spells, lesser gods are treated as 20th level spellcasters. They
(cumulative). When on their home planes, these powers can be used at will,
have saving throws of 2 in all categories (i.e., only a roll of 1 on 1d20 will
with no limit on the number of uses per day:
cause them to fail any saving throw).
• Anti-magic shield
All lesser gods and demigods can use the following powers as they see fit. No
• Cure serious wounds
baleful side effects of exercising these powers can ever affect any deity. Those
• Dispel evil (dispel good)
marked with an asterisk may be used simultaneously with any other power;
• Dispel illusion
otherwise, they can only be used one at a time:
• Dispel magic
• Enthrall
• Astral travel*
• Minor globe of invulnerability
• Command (no saving throw allowed for followers of the deity in
• Polymorph others
• Quest
• Comprehend languages*
• Summon (summons 1d6 creatures, max. 30 hit dice total, of the
• Continual light (continual darkness)
same alignment as the deity)
• Cure blindness
• True seeing
• Cure deafness
• Cure disease
Lesser gods can use the following powers a total of two times per day
• Cure feeblemindedness
(cumulative). They can be used four times per day (cumulative) if on the god’s
• Cure insanity
home plane:
• Detect balance
• Detect charm
• Death spell
• Detect evil (detect good)
• Holy word (unholy word)
• Detect illusion
• Resurrection
• Detect invisibility
• Wish (granted to some creature from the material plane, cannot
• Detect lie
affect any other deity)
• Detect life
• Spell immunity
• Detect magic
• Gate
• Detect poison
• Restoration
• Detect traps
• Symbol
• Ethereal travel*
• Vision
• Geis
• Heal
• Know alignment
• Levitate
Certain powerful entites (particularly those singular devils who are Dukes of
• Polymorph self
Hell) have powers equivalent to those of demigods rather than lesser deities.
• Protection from cantrips
They are treated as 15th level spellcasters, and have the same saving throws
• Protection from evil (protection from good)
as lesser gods (they only fail a save when they roll a 1). Demigods can use the
• Read languages*
following powers at will:
• Read magic*
• Remove curse
• Alter self
• Remove fear
• Phantasmal force
• Remove paralysis
• Invisibility
• Sending
• Sever silver cord (cuts the silver cord on a successful hit against
Demigods can use the following powers a total of three times per day
AC -5)
(cumulative). They can be used four times per day on the demigod’s native
• Teleport without error
• Tongues*
• Vocalize
• Cure light wounds
• Dispel illusion
• Dispel evil (dispel good)
• Dispel magic


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Demigods can use one of the following powers per day (their choice of which).
They can use these a total of twice per day (cumulative) while on their native

• Anti-magic shell
• Finger of death
• Gate
• Heal
• Holy word (unholy word)
• Limited wish (granted to some creature from the material plane,
cannot affect any other deity)
• Raise dead
• Summon (summons 1d3 creatures, max. 20 hit dice total, of the
same alignment as the deity)
• Symbol
• True seeing

Demigods have a magic resistance of no less than R on their home plane. They
can be slain, but can be raised by a greater or lesser god (if such a personage
decides to do so, of course).


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Special Thanks

Jeff Smith, Jennifer "Baby Kong" Cammack, Jim "Wilmanric" Pacek, Jim
Special Thanks Reuben Moses, Jody Smet, Joe Wetzel, John "starfuryzeta" Mathews, John
'Yeoman' Garlick, JOHN F. CRODDICK JR, John F. Morse, john hayholt,
Johnathan L Bingham, Jon hershberger, Jonas Schiött, Jordi Rabionet, José H.
The following people helped make this book a reality by supporting the de Freitas, Julian C. Steen, Justin Halliday, Kargrym, Keith Clendenen, Keith
Kickstarter campaign in May, 2013. Thanks to you all; I literally couldn’t have Davies, Keith Nielsen, Keith R. Hayden, Keith Sletten, Keith Sloan, Kelly B
done this without you. Missey, Kelly Van Campen, Keri Wyllie, Kevin "The Badger King" Peden,
Kevin Flynn, Kevin W. Bukowski, Kounch, Kristian Hartmann, Kristian Jansen
Aaron Leback, Adam Delnay, Adam Everman, Adam Rajski, Alan J. Michie, Jaech, Ktrey Parker, Kyle "Fiddy" Pinches, Kyle G Crider, Leif, Lester Ward,
Alex D. Karaczun, Alex Santonja, Alexander O. Smith, Allan MacKenzie- Liam G Sauer-Wooden, Lloyd Rasmussen, Lord Deron Creag Mhor, Marc
Graham, Alyssa Faden, Andrew Maddock, Andrew Maizels, Andrew Smith, Mark Bober, Mark Hanna, Mark Hurst, Master Gerulas, Matt Maranda,
Wolverton, Andy Vann, Apisfurioso, Arthur Braune, Bernie McCormick, Bill Matthew Zigrest, Matthias Weeks, Michael Little, Michael S. Shaffer, Michael
Simoni, Bob Humphrey, Brent Walters, Brett Slocum, Brett Wilson, brink, Bruce Stevens, Michael Varga, Miguel Zapico, Morten 'Kongen av Groos' Trydal,
Novakowski, Bryan Manahan, C. Lee Vermeers, Caelyn Katzburg, Cain Murray H. Smith, Ni le Nain, Niels Adair, Outlander, Papa Jeff and Annika,
Gillespie, Celestian, Chad Reiss, Charles Myers, Chris H., Chris Olson, Chris Patrick Kempter, Paul "Tankmodeler" Roberts, Paul Friedman, Paul Hughes,
Thompson, Christopher E. Gerber, Christopher Hill, Christopher Irvine, Paul Munson, Paulo "Lordspielmeister" Pereira, Peter Dorney, Peter H. Fröhlich,
Christopher Letzelter, Christopher O'Dell, Colin Chapman, Craig Hackl, D. Peter Regan, Peter Sundell, Peter Tierney, Phil E, Phil Ward, Purple Sorcerer,
McPhedran, Dagmar Fraser, Daniel Steylemans, Daniel Trujillo, Davena Rafael Chandler, Ragnar Ekelund Sørensen, Rajiv Patel, Ralph Mazza, Ray
Embery, David B Leavenworth Jr, David B. McGuire, David Bresson, David Chiang, Ray Schmidt, Reverance Pavane, Rhel ná DecVandé, Richard A
Cinabro, David DeRocha, David McCartney, Dennis "No, really, I'm a Koeppen, Richard Develyn, Richard Mundy, Richard Rush, Rob Palmier, Robert
Sneezing Weasel too!" Higgins, Dexter Macleod, Diogo Nogueira, DM Fisher, Robert Oberg, Ron Williams @sonicdeath, Ryan Ruffcorn, Sam Curry,
Dwayne, Douglas Bailey, Drew Ness, Drew Schmidt, E. Christopher Lloyd, Ed Sam Gem, Samuel Kleiner, Sandor Silverman, Sarah Devier, Scott Kehl, Scott
Kowalczewski, Emery Shier, Eric & Stephanie Franklin, Eric Zylstra, Erik Sutherland, Sean D Hood, Sebastian Dietz, Seljuck Graylock, Simone
Tenkar, Fabio Milito Pagliara, Felix Girke, FR. Tom Miller "Padre", Fred Liner, Spinozzi, skipclarke, Sky Kruse, Skyperbole, Stan MacDonald, Stefan
Frédéri "Volk Kommissar Friedrich" POCHARD, Frédéric Fiquet, The Freeman- Radermacher, Steve "Teh Slipperboy" Donohue, Steve Huntsberry, Steve Lord,
Day Family, G. Hartman, Gary Sparks, Gaston Keller a.k.a. Gurtaj, George Steve Pilch, Steven Sokolies, Steven Vest, T. Edward Hicks, Tavis Allison, Taylor
Piattoni, Gilles Bourgeois, Graham Campbell, Harry Culpan, Herb Nowell, Martin, Thor Olavsrud, Tim Bogosh, Tim Knight, Tim Rudolph, Tina & John
Herman Duyker, Howard J. Bampton, Ian, j. e. bean, J. Myllyluoma, jack Tipton, Todd Roy, Todd Showalter, Tony Digaetano, Trimus D'Alberon, "Weird
ackerman, Jacques Nel, James Binnie, James Bowman, James M. Yager, Dave" Olson, Wayne LaBelle, Wayne Rossi, William Gunderson, Zach
James MacGeorge, James R Vernon, Jamison T Thing, Janne Syrjakoski, Jared Glazar, and Zeb Doyle.
Randall, Jason "Hierax" Verbitsky, Jason Paul McCartan, Jay Penn, Jeff Russell,


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content that contains enforceable.
a notice indicating that the Open Game Content may only be Used under and
in terms of this License. You must affix such a notice to any Open Game 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE
Content that you Use. No terms may be added to or subtracted from this Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
License except as described by the License itself. No other terms or conditions
may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using this License. System Reference Document Copyright 2000-2003, Wizards of the Coast,
Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Rich Baker, Andy
3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You indicate Your Collins, David Noonan, Rich Redman, Bruce R. Cordell, John D. Rateliff,
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Dave Arneson.
4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing to use this License,
the Contributors grant You a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;
license with the exact terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Author: Jason Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook,
and Skip Williams.
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are contributing original
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conveyed by this License.
Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing,
6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the COPYRIGHT NOTICE LLC; Author: Jason Buhlman
portion of this License to include the exact text of the COPYRIGHT NOTICE of
any Open Game Content You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You Pathfinder RPG Bestiary, copyright 2009, Paizo Publishing, LLC;Author: Jason
must add the title, the copyright date, and the copyright holder's name to the Bulmahn, based on material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip
COPYRIGHT NOTICE of any original Open Game Content you Distribute. Williams.


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

License Information

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Bonus Bestiary, copyright 2009, Paizo Stalker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Rik Shepard. Death Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,

Publishing, LLC; Author: Jason Bulmahn. Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Deer from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Demilich
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Derghodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary 2, copyright 2010, Paizo Publishing, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Devil Dog from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
LLC; Authors Wolfgang Baur, Jason Bulmahn, Adam Daigle, Graeme Davis, on original material by Louis Boschelli. Dire Corby from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Jeff Wyndham. Doombat from the Tome of Horrors
Crystal Frasier, Joshua J. Frost, Tim Hitchcock, Brandon Hodge, James Jacobs, Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Julian Lawrence. Dracolisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Steve Kenson, Hal MacLean, Martin Mason, Rob McCreary, Erik Mona, Jason by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dragon Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Nelson, Patrick Renie, Sean K Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Owen K.C. Gary Gygax. Dragon, Faerie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog

Stephens, James L. Sutter, Russ Taylor, and Greg A. Vaughan, based on God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Brian Jaeger and Gary Gygax. Dragonfish from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by

material by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, and Skip Williams. Albie Fiore. Dragonnel from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Drelb from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dun
Pudding from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide, copyright 2010 Paizo Publishing, LLC; Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Dustdigger from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Tracy and Laura Hickman. Ear Seeker
Authors Cam Banks, Wolfgang Baur, Jason Buhlman, Jim Butler, Eric Cagle, from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott
Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eblis from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Graeme Davis, Adam Daigle, Jashua J. Frost, James Jacobs, Kenneth Hite, Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Electric Eel from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.
Steven Kenson, Robin Laws, Tito Leati, Rob McCreart, Hal Maclean, Colin Executioner's Hood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Eye Killer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
McComb, Jason Nelson, David Noonan, Richard Pett, Rich Redman, Sean K Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone.

Reynolds, F. Wesley Schneider, Amber Scott, Doug Seacat, Mike Selinker, Lisa Eye of the Deep from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fire Lizard from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer

Stevens, James L Sutter, Russ Taylor, Penny Williams, Teeuwynn Woodruff. Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Fire Snake from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Michael McDonagh. Firedrake from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dave Waring. Flail Snail from the Tome of
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Misfit Monsters Redeemed, copyright 2010, Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Simon Tilbrook. Flind from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Paizo Publushing, LLC; Authors: Adam Daigle, Crystal Frasier, Colin McComb, distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by J.D. Morris. Floating Eye from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Rob McCreary, Jason Nelson, and James L. Sutter. Gary Gygax. Flumph from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Damges; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell and Douglas Naismith. Foo Creature from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Forlarren from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Castle Zagyg Class Options & Skills for Yggsburgh, copyright 2006 Troll Lord by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Forrester's Bane from the Tome of Horrors Complete,

Games, author Gary Gygax. Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Fraz-Urb'luu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Frog, Killer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
Evolved Grottoes & Griffons Teratic Tome. copyright 2013 Rafael Chandler. by Gary Gygax. Frog, Poisonous from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Froghemoth from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Gas Spore from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Aerial Servant from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Geryon from the Tome of Horrors
Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Afanc from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Algoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
material by Gary Gygax. If you’re reading this, someone just copied this block of text from a BRW Games product without reading it. Giant Blister
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on
Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
original material by Mike Ferguson. Al-Mi'raj from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Scott Greene. Giant Boring Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Roger Musson. Alu-demon from the Tome
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Bumblebee from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Clam from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
on original material by Gary Gygax. Amon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Amphisbaena from the Tome of Horrors
Giant Crayfish from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Death Watch Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
material by Gary Gygax. Animal Lord, Cat Lord from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Dragonfly from the
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Animal Lord, Mouse Lord from the Tome of
Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene and Erica
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Fly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
Balsley. Ant Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Frog from the Tome of Horrors
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Apparition from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson,
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Underworld
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Hornet from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Oracle. Ascomoid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Leech from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Assassin Bug from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Atomie from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Giant Moray Eel from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Pike from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Gary Gygax. Aurumvorax from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Rhinoceros Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Axebeak from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Baal
Gary Gygax. Giant Sea Horse from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Giant Slicer Beetle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Babbler from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Slug from the Tome of
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Jeremy Goodwin and Ian
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
McDowell. Banderlog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Snapping Turtle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Baphomet from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Tick from the Tome of
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Barracuda from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
original material by Gary Gygax. Giant Two-Headed Troll from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Author Scott Greene. Basidirond from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gloomwing from the Tome of
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Blindheim from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger
original material by Gary Gygax. Gorgimera from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Musson. Blood Hawk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Gorilla Bear from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Boalisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Cricky Hitchcock. Greater Basilisk from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Bonesnapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Greater Shedu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Bookworm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Brown Pudding
Gygax. Grippli from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Groaning Spirit from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Brownie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Buckawn from the Tome of
by Gary Gygax. Gryph from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Peter Brown. Guardian Daemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
original material by Gary Gygax. Bunyip from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell.
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Dermot Jackson. Cambion from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Hangman Tree from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Haunt from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Gary Gygax. Caryatid Column from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Harold Johnson and Tom
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Juan Wells. Caterwaul from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Moldvay. Hippocampus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore.
Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Hippopotamus from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Catfish, Giant Electric from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., Cave Cricket from the Tome of Horrors
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Hoar Fox from the Tome of
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
material by Gary Gygax. Cave Fisher from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
original material by Graeme Morris. Huecuva from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Cave Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Underworld Oracle. Hutijin from the Tome of Horrors
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Cave Moray from the Tome of
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark
material by Gary Gygax. Hyaenodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Charon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Green. Hydrodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Charonodaemon from the Tome
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Iron Cobra from the Tome of
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
on original material by Gary Gygax. Cloud Dragon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
original material by Philip Masters. Jackalwere from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Clubneck from the Tome of Horrors
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Jack-in-irons from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Jaculi from the Tome of Horrors
material by M. English. Coffer Corpse from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon Eston. Cooshee from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
material by Philip Masters. Jaguar from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Juiblex from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Gygax. Crabman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Juju Zombie from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Crystal Ooze from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Gary Gygax. Kampfult from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Gygax. Dakon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kelpie from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian McDowell. Dark Creeper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick.
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Rik Shepard. Dark
Khargra from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)


Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Korred from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Titivilus from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Kostchtchie from the Tome Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based Gary Gygax. Trapper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
on original material by Gary Gygax. Leprechaun from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tri-Flower Frond from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Lightning Quasi-elemental from the Tome of Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Troll
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott
original material by Gary Gygax. Lurker Above from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and Greene, based on original material by Oliver Charles Macdonald. Tunnel Worm from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Mammoth from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Mandragora from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Vegepygmy from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Vilstrak from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Mantari from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Volt from the Tome
Scott Greene, based on original material by David Wormell. Margoyle from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. on original material by Jonathon Jones. Vulchling from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Marid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. White Pudding from the Tome of Horrors
Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mastodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Memory Moss from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, material by Gary Gygax. Wind Walker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Witherweed from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
by Gary Gygax. Mihstu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Simon
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mist Dragon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Eaton. Wolf-in-Sheep's Clothing from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mite Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Wood Golem from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Patrick
Greene and Skeeter Green, based on original material by Ian Livingstone and Mark Barnes. Mobat from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright Lawinger. Woolly Rhinoceros from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original God Games; Author Scott Greene. Yellow Musk Creeper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
material by Gary Gygax. Moloch from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore. Yellow Musk Zombie from the
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monadic Deva from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary based on original material by Albie Fiore. Yeti from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
Gygax. Mongrelman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Monstrous Crab from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Moon Dog from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Players Manual, Copyright © 2010-2013,
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mountain Lion from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Movanic Deva from the Tome of Horrors BRW Games, LLC. ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ Bestiary, Copyright ©
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Muckdweller from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Mud-Man from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by David J.
Masters Toolkit, Copyright © 2011-2013, BRW Games, LLC. ADVENTURES
Browne, Tom Kirby, and Graeme Morris. Mustard Jelly from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors . Nabassu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
DARK AND DEEP™ is a trademark of BRW Games, LLC.
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Necrophidius from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Simon Tilbrook. Nereid from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and END OF LICENSE
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Nupperibo from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Ogrillon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsey, based on original material by R.K.R. Chilman. Oinodaemon from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Designation of Product Identity
Gary Gygax. Oliphant from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God
Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Olive Slime from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Orcus from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors
The following items are designated Product Identity, as defined in Section 1(e)
Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pazuzu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, of the Open Game License Version 1.0a, and are subject to the conditions set
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pech
from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott forth in Section 7 of the OGL, and are not Open Game Content: all
Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Pedipalp from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Phantom from the Tome of trademarked items, artwork, maps, diagrams, dialogue, plots, storylines,
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scitt Greene, based on
original material by Harold Johnson and Tom Moldvay. Phantom Stalker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer locations, characters, logos, and trade dress. Items previously designated as
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingstone. Phycomid from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, Open Game Content or are in the public domain do not fall under this
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Piercer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Piscodaemon from
designation of Product Identity.
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Poltergeist from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lewis Pulsipher. Pyrolisk from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original Designation of Open Game Content
material by Gary Gygax. Quickling from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Quickwood from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary
Gygax. Quipper from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; The following items are designated Open Game Content, as defined in Section
Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Albie Fiore. Rock Reptile from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Rope Golem from 1(d) of the Open Game License Version 1.0a: Everything except those items
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene.
Rot Grub from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Authors
designated as Product Identity.
Scott Greene and Clark Peterson, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Russet Mold from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Sandman from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson. Scarecrow from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Roger Musson. Screaming
Devilkin from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author
Scott Greene, based on original material by Philip Masters. Sea Spider from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer
Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Shadow Demon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Neville
White. Shaggy Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog
God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Shedu from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011,
Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax.
Sheep, Ram from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games;
Author Scott Greene. Skeleton Warrior from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Nigel Morgan. Slaad Lord of Entropy from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Charles Stross. Slaad Lord of the Insane from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Charles Stross. Slime Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Slithering Tracker from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Smilodon from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Solifugid from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Spriggan from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Authors Scott Greene and Erica Balsley, based on original material by Roger Moore and Gary Gygax. Sprite from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax. Squealer from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stegocentipede from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Gary Gygax. Stench Kow from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed
by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stingray from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright
2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Stone Roper from the Tome of Horrors
Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original
material by Allen Hammack and Gary Gygax. Strangle Weed from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Stunjelly from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Neville White. Tabaxi from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and
distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Lawrence Schick. Taer from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by
Gary Gygax. Tarry Demodand from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by
Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax. Tenebrous Purple Worm from the Tome of Horrors Complete,
Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene. Tentamort from the Tome of
Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on
original material by Mike Roberts. Thessal Creature from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published
and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Gary Gygax and Wizards of the Coast. Thornie from
the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and didstributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene,
based on original material by Gary Gygax. Throat Leech from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc.,
published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based on original material by Ian Livingston. Thunder Beast from the Tome
of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published and distributed by Frog God Games; Author Scott Greene, based
on original material by Gary Gygax. Time Elemental from the Tome of Horrors Complete, Copyright 2011, Necromancer Games, Inc., published


Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

Bring your game off the page and onto your table...




28mm terrain for
use with your favorite
tabletop games!

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)
What if the creator of the world’s most popular role-
playing game had been allowed to go through with
his plans for a second edition of the game?

In 1985, the game’s creator left TSR, unable to continue

development on Advanced Dungeons and Dragons™. However, he
wrote several articles in Dragon™ magazine detailing what the new
edition of the game would look like, and in later years expanded
greatly on those articles in various online forums and other venues.
ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ is an attempt to realize those plans
and create the game that Gary was unable to. This detailed tome is
the result of years of research and effort, and provides a glimpse
into how a new edition of the world’s most popular role-playing
game might have appeared if its creator had remained at the helm.

This book has over 900 monsters, animals, and other creatures to
populate your ADVENTURES DARK AND DEEP™ game (the entries herein
are also compatible with most old-school role-playing games). It also
includes rules for creating your own monsters or modifying already-
existing creatures, the deadly psychic strike attack, rules for
humanoid spellcasters, creating random horrors from the lower
planes, and more. If you are a game master, this is a must-have book
for you.

Laurent Banguet (Order #42227045)

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