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Senior Project Topic: The Consequences of Trash Pollution

1) Introduction
a) Provide an overview of pollution and why it harms the environment.
b) Thesis: Thesis: It is important for all people to take part in cleaning the environment
because pollution is damaging to the environment and can lead to more catastrophic
consequences such as climate change acceleration; pollution, particularly greenhouse
gas emissions, threats to human health, economic strain and inequality
2) Paragraph 1, 2 and 3: Why might people cause trash pollution?
a) The belief that individual actions may not always have immediate effects is a major
b) contributing factors to environmental carelessness, as well as people finding it difficult
to relate do their everyday activities.
c) Source
3) Paragraph 4, 5 and 6: Environmental Neglect
a) Discuss the main cause of neglect, and how to combat it.
b) Economics- Because of money issues, folks and businesses might prioritize making
money over doing things that are good for the environment.
c) We can combat neglect by raising awareness to what these businesses are doing, as well
as prioritizing education about the environment.
i) identifying and addressing the elements that lead to environmental disinterest
ii) promote sustainable practices and a sense of responsibility,
iii) working together and embracing a fundamentally different way of thinking
4) Paragraph 7, and 8: Islamic environmental ethics
a) "The seven heavens, the earth, and all that is within them give glory to Him” Surah
Al-Isra. This Ayahtalks about how everything in the universe, whether it's alive or not, is
all connected. Showing us how it is important to take care of the world around us.
b) “Removing harmful things from the road is an act of charity (sadaqah).” When Muslims
practice sadaqah in the environment, it shows they should help decrease pollution and
take care of nature.

5) Paragraph 9-13: air and water pollution

i. A complex mix of pollutants are at the heart of marine pollution. These include:
a) mercury
b) Plastic waste
c) Manufactured chemicals
d) Petroleum byproducts
e) Agricultural runoff
f) Algal blooms
g) Sources:

h) Plastic accounts for over 8-% of pollutants in the ocean.

i) 10 million metric tons of plastic debris enter the ocean each year
j) Plastics break down into tiny particles called microplastics

ii. Airborne pollution is also an urgent issue that needs to be addressed right away:
a) Incineration of trash is a major source of air pollution
b) When you burn trash it releases carbon dioxide
c) High carbon dioxide emissions greatly add to the overall amount of greenhouse
gasses in regions
d) The consequences of air pollution include an increase in the rate of
cardiovascular problems.

e) Sources:

6) Paragraph 14-19: inequality caused by pollution

i) The long-term impacts of pollution on ecosystems are tied to a range of
consequences that can affect our communities.Such as higher healthcare
expenses, lower property values, and a strain on public resources.
ii) Money that's supposed to be for building stuff like roads or schools ends up
being used to fix the problems caused by pollution in our community.
iii) People who develop diseases due to pollution are impaired and may struggle in
school and in life due to these problems.
iv) When people aren't doing well because of pollution, it messes up the economy
v) This keeps poor communities stuck in a never-ending cycle of being poor, where
the things in the environment that make it hard for them to make money also
make it tough for them to get out of poverty.
vi) Messing up the environment and pollution are big issues right now. They're
causing problems like cutting down too many trees, making the planet hotter,
not having enough water, and losing different kinds of living things.
a) Sources:

a) Dealing with the problems caused by pollution needs everyone to work together, make
big changes in how things are done, and change how we think about stuff.
b) We should pass stronger laws, launch focused development projects, and create a fair
balance between business goals and protecting the environment.
c) We also need to educate people about pollution, and its impact on the environment.

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