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A project manager for a software technology project works in a matrixed organization with
virtual teams. Unfortunately, the functional manager informs the project manager that there
may not be any resources available to test the software.
What should the project manager do next?

 A. Request a teleconference meeting with the sponsor to submit a change request to allow the
development team to conduct testing
 B. Engage with the functional manager to discuss details to obtain the required support
 C. Discuss testing requirements at the weekly project meeting to negotiate the best approach to test
 D. Send an email to the procurement specialist to negotiate with a company that specializes in
software testing

2. A project manager is leading a team of diverse individuals of all ages. The working hours for
the project were set at the beginning of the project, and all team members agreed to the hours.
However, later in the project, one of the team members informed the project manager that the
previously agreed upon hours no longer work due to the team member's personal
What should the project manager do?

 A. Discuss the lack of dedication with the team member and their functional manager
 B. Allow the most senior team members to decide the time that works for the team
 C. Remove the team member from the project team to be fair to the other members
 D. Reassess the team's hours collaboratively so that the team is not impeded by the issue

3. A company is implementing a growth strategy by constructing a new production facility, which

will soon move into the operation phase. Although a governance policy was already in place,
the company must comply with new financial regulations that have been recently implemented.
Compliance with the regulations will cause a major change in project scope.
How should the project manager respond to this requirement?

 A. Perform an analysis to assess the Impact on the project.

 B. Proceed with the existing company governance policy.
 C. Escalate the issue to upper management and let them decide.
 D. Directly comply with the financial regulations.

4. A project manager has been assigned to an emergency project that must be completed within
the next few weeks. The project manager realizes this will have an impact on the local
community. As the work is near a school, the project manager has engaged with them to
understand their needs.
How should the project manager ensure the work continues smoothly?

 A. Postpone the required work on the project until school holidays begin
 B. Continue the work as planned and inform the school when the project team arrives on-site
 C. Advise the school to close for the duration of the project work
 D. Liaise with the school to include nonworking project hours during school start and finish times

5. It is late at night on a weekend when a team member calls the project manager on the
telephone. The team member is crying about the pressures of an upcoming deadline.
What should the project manager do?

 A. Review the organization's human resources (HR) policy.

 B. Empathize with the team member and discuss next steps.
 C. Ask the team member to send their concerns in writing.
 D. Schedule a meeting with the team member for the next work day.
6. A team is having a hard time completing work due to unclear requirements. They have not
been able to complete an iteration successfully in several months.
In order to help the team, what should the project leader do?

 A. Recommend that the team reviews the length of the iteration with the stakeholders.
 B. Recommend that the product owner reviews the backlog refinement processes.
 C. Recommend limiting the work in progress to improve the team‫ג‬€™s focus.
 D. Recommend a review of the team members' individual performances.

7. A project manager for an agile project is concerned that the team has been losing momentum
over the last iterations.
Which two tools should the project manager use to analyze team performance? (Choose two.)

 A. Burndown chart
 B. Product backlog burnup chart
 C. Cumulative flow diagram of completed features
 D. Work breakdown structure (WBS)
 E. Project schedule

8. A project manager is working with the team to deliver a project in a company that uses
different delivery methods. The project manager is concerned about the communication
channels currently suggested by the project management office (PMO) because some
information is taking too much time to reach the team members, causing negative
consequences for delivery.
How should the project manager avoid this situation in the future?

 A. Agree with the project team on a suitable collaboration and make sure information is shared at all
 B. Use the same methods until the end of the current delivery and suggest new ones during the
 C. Refer to the policies and frameworks used at the company enterprise level and inform the project
team members.
 D. Tell the sponsor that the project manager will use their own communication model to ensure on-
time delivery.

9. A company must implement a new regulation. The government has specified the date when the
regulation will be enforced but has only provided high-level information on the regulation's
requirements. Therefore, changes in definitions are to be expected due to uncertainty.
Which life cycle should the project manager use for this project?

 A. A predictive execution strategy

 B. An iterative execution strategy
 C. An agile execution strategy
 D. A hybrid execution strategy

10. A project manager is managing a project that has a new sponsor who is cutting the budget.
As a servant leader, how should the project manager handle the budget cuts with the team?

 A. Notify the project sponsor that the budget reduction will require a schedule slip and scope
 B. Collaborate with the team to assess the impact of the change on the project and recommend an
updated project plan.
 C. Inform each team member that they must release a portion of their budget but must remain on
schedule with no change to the scope.
 D. Meet with the schedule coordinator and financial analyst to tell them which budget lines to reduce
and where to release slack.

11. A project manager has completed an assessment of the project team's performance. Some team
members have performed poorly on their assigned tasks.
What should the project manager do?

 A. Create a new standard performance measure based on project requirements

 B. Develop different approaches based on team members' motivation and ability
 C. Develop a standard approach to provide feedback to all team members
 D. Provide intensive oversight to the team members who performed poorly

12. An agile team has released the second version of its product, but the feedback is that the
software has many bugs that compromise the user experience.
What should the project manager do?

 A. Hire an external consultancy firm to focus on testing and quality control to avoid the issue in the
 B. Propose an internal program that offers incentives for the team members who find and fix bugs
 C. Closely evaluate the skill set of the team, looking for technical gaps that need to be filed in order
to improve quality
 D. Facilitate the next retrospective meeting, focusing the team on analyzing root causes and
proposing solutions

13. A key project stakeholder has started to escalate all issues and main requirements to the
project sponsor. The project manager is concerned about the team not receiving direct
communications from this stakeholder.
Which two actions should the project manager take to improve the relationship with the
stakeholder? (Choose two.)

 A. Provide training to the team on emotional intelligence and status reporting techniques
 B. Promote an adaptive and transparent environment where the team can easily communicate with
the stakeholders
 C. Share weekly status reports with detailed information about the project and team performance
 D. Submit performance reports and task assignments to keep the stakeholder informed
 E. Schedule regular meetings with the key stakeholder to provide updates and receive feedback

14. A project manager is leading a multiyear project that involves internal and external
stakeholders. As the project manager begins to gather requirements, additional business
stakeholders express interest in being involved.
Which three actions should the project manager take to ensure proper stakeholder
involvement? (Choose three.)

 A. Prioritize stakeholders based on the project phase and need

 B. Perform a stakeholder assessment to align with the project objectives
 C. Classify and rank stakeholders based on their positions in the organization
 D. Include all stakeholders in the stakeholder engagement plan and provide the same level of
 E. Develop a stakeholder impact/influence matrix to determine the level of engagement

15. In the initiating phase of a project, the project manager and team members are prioritizing the
product backlog along with the product owner.
What should the project manager do next?

 A. Produce a value-added product for the customer in each phase of the project.
 B. Produce a value-added product for the customer as continuously as possible.
 C. Produce a value-added product for the customer in the beginning of the project.
 D. Produce a value-added product along with the supporting documentation.

16. A project manager is overseeing a project as part of a program geared toward a major
technology disruption. The team is comprised of brilliant young professionals who have
worked on different projects for the organization in the past. However, the team complained
that they previously experienced a lack of direction during project execution and are afraid of
the same issue in this project.
Which two actions should the project manager take to ensure that this issue does not occur in
this project? (Choose two.)

 A. Organize a team-bonding activity and invite an external manager to speak to the team.
 B. Set a clear vision for the project and ensure it is visible to all stakeholders.
 C. Focus on the resource management plan and track project progress.
 D. Encourage the team to do a brainstorming session and provide a mitigation plan.
 E. Keep the team engaged and focused on the project's direction.

17. Due to organizational changes, several key stakeholders are replaced by new ones in the middle
of a project. As a result, numerous new requirements are raised.
What should the project manager do to ensure success of the project?

 A. Review and prioritize new requirements with stakeholders to determine which change requests are
 B. Seek immediate approval to amend the project timeline and budget in order to deliver all new
 1C. Escalate the issue to the project sponsor and seek support to keep the original requirements.
 D. Emphasize to the new stakeholders that new requirements are not allowed at this stage of the

18. One phase of a project took much longer than initially anticipated. The key stakeholders
expressed their concern regarding a potential project delay.
What should the project manager do?

 A. Request additional contingency from the sponsor

 B. Add more float to the overall project schedule
 C. Expedite the next phase to reduce slippage
 D. Organize a root cause analysis (RCA) workshop

19. An agile team is working on a project that will be launched in six countries. Each country has
specific requirements in addition to the base offering. The estimates indicate it will take six
months to develop the base offering and an additional month to finalize each country's unique
requirements. The expected revenue for the product is the same for each country.
Which release strategy should the project manager recommend?

 A. An iterative-based strategy to maximize value by releasing the product to each country as it is

finalized and ready for release in that country
 B. A financial-based strategy to reduce the roll-out effort and costs by planning a single, bundled
release to all countries at the same time
 C. A risk-based strategy to maximize the perceived value of the product by launching it to the
countries with the lowest technical complexity
 D. A quality-based strategy to maximize post-market adoption by releasing the product to the
countries with the lowest probability of reporting field issues
20. A primary stakeholder is unable to join the project status meetings consistently. The project
manager has been communicating with this stakeholder informally and regularly to ensure
that the stakeholder is up to date on the project. However, the project manager has recently
resigned and will not be meeting with the new project manager prior to departure.
How should the project manager ensure that the new project manager continues to update this
particular stakeholder?

 A. Ensure that the project team has been provided guidance on the specific needs of this stakeholder
 B. Update the stakeholder engagement plan with the specific communication needs for the
 C. Ensure that the project documents contain specific instructions regarding the stakeholder
 D. Update the communications management plan with specific information on stakeholder

1 B
2 D
3 A
4 D
5 B
6 C
7 A,b
8 A
9 D
10 B
11 B
12 D
13 B,e
14 A,b,e
15 B
16 B,e
17 A
18 D
19 A
20 B

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