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The Secretariat of the Education Department STATE LEVEL STRUCTURES There are two Ministers of Cabinet rank who

o look after Education in the State. They are Minister for Higher Education and Minister for Primary and Secondary Education Some of the facilitative functions are also managed by other departments: the Department for Backward Classes and Minorities [eg: Hostels for students]; Department of Social Welfare [Eg: Pre-Matric Scholarships for Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe students, Hostels, Ashram schools for Tribal children]; Department of Women and Child Development [Eg: Anganwadis/ pre-school centers for 3 to 6 years old children under the Integrated Child Development Services Project]; Department of Rural Development and Panchayathi Raj [Eg: Provision of water supply and toilets to schools]. The foregoing account of the ministry-level organization of Education in the State does not include capacity building exercises, staff development programmes, and entrepreneurship development programmes, extension education programmes of various other departments such as those of departments of Agriculture, Industries and Commerce, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services, Irrigation etc; This report is confined to the structures within the department of Education which includes higher education as well as primary and secondary education. The Principal Secretary, Education Department (Higher Education) oversees the Department of Higher Education and the Secretary, Education Department (Primary and Secondary Education) oversees the Primary, Secondary, Pre University, Vocational, Adult Education, Public Libraries, Printing Stationery and Publications. The two Secretaries are assisted by five Deputy Secretaries, Joint Secretary and Additional Secretary. The Principal Secretary scope of Higher Education is shown below 1 2 3 4 Department of Collegiate Education Department of Technical education N.C.C Universities

The scope of Secretary, Primary and Secondary Education department is shown below. A 1 Primary and Secondary Education Department of Public Instruction Directorate of Primary Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Samithi. Directorate of Secondary Education Directorate of Urdu and Other Minorities Languages Department of State Educational Research and Training Text Book Society Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board - SSLC Exams

b c. 2 3 4 5 6

Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board - Other Exams Commissioner of Public Instruction - Dharwad Commissioner of Public Instruction - Gulbarga Department of Pre University Education Department of Vocational Education Department of Public Libraries Department of Mass Education Department of Printing and Stationery

The Education Secretariat is responsible for : support services for policy-making; for planning and budgeting for the Education sector; co-ordination with Planning, Finance and other related departments; assisting the cabinet meetings, legislature functioning in regard to education; release of grants to the supporting departments; liaison with the Union Ministry of Human Resources Development, other funding agencies; fixing norms and providing broad guidelines for growth, expansion consolidation and qualitative improvement of education; initiating research; monitoring and evaluation of the work of the various departments and programs. Budget of the Department of Education 2006-07 Sl. No. 1 2 3 Sector Primary Education Secondary Education University & Higher Education Adult Education Language Development Other General Education Total Plan 74437.71 19003.27 2638.00 Non-Plan 218016.90 135064.47 48549.93 Total 292454.61 154067.74 51187.93 Percentage 57.31 30.19 10.03

4 5 6

727.29 440.00 10001.16

209.14 927.44 312.38

936.14 1367.44 10313.54

0.18 0.27 2.02





With this birds eye-view of the Secretariat and its functioning, it would be useful to get to know the functioning of the executive wings of the Secretariat.

Source: EMIS-2006-07 No of Institutions, Teachers and Students and PTR EDUCATION DEPARTMENT'S STATISTICS Education Enrolment Teacher PTR Aided Unaided Others dept Posts Schools Schools Schools 24547 12.38 56655 22 326 3243 383 19807 41.26 131133 31 2173 5468 401

School / College Category LPS (1-5) HPS (1-7)

Total Schools 28499 27849

Total Primary HS (8-10) PUC ( 1112) Vocational Education Courses Collegiate Technical

















856 197

7.82 0.52

7147 NA


531 341

1352 10

2739 548

182 46 119488 2808 299 58 208 481

Department of Public Instruction The Commissioner for Public Instruction is the Head of the Department, who controls and co-ordinates the activities of school education. All stages of school education, starting from pre-primary to secondary education, in the State come under the purview of the Department. During 2003-04, in order to decentralize the administration, Commissionerates of Public Instruction have been established at Dharwad and Gulbarga in order to decentralize academic and administrative powers to North Karnataka Region. Pre-service and in-service training institutions, Sanskrit education, Hindi, Commerce, Music, Dance, Drawing, Physical Education and Arabic education also come under the administrative purview of the Department. Seven Directorates function under the purview of this Department, each headed by a Director of Public Instruction. They are: State Project Director, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Karnataka Director of Primary education. Director of Secondary Education Director of Urdu and other Minority Language Schools Director of State Educational Research and Training and Textbooks. Managing Director, Text Book Society. Director of Public Instruction (Exam), K.S.E.E. Board. Director of Public Instruction, (Other Exams) K.S.E.E. Board. Additional Commissioner for Public Instruction, Dharwad Additional Commissioner for Public Instruction, Gulbarga

Following functionaries assist in smooth functioning of Primary and secondary Education. The 27 revenue districts of the state are reorganized into 32 educational districts, each of them managed by a Deputy Director of Public Instruction. There are 202 educational blocks in these 32 districts each of which is managed by a Block Education Officer. The sector-wise allocation of funds in the budget for the year 2006-2007 was as follows: ( lakhs) Sl. Sector Plan Non-Plan Total Percentage No. 1 Primary 74437.71 218016.90 292454.61 57.31 Education 2 Secondary 19003.27 135064.47 154067.74 30.19 Education 3 Others 4 Total for 107,247.43 403,080.26 510,327.40 100 education Sector

It may be observed that 87.50 percent of the total budget for education is the earmarked for school education. Primary education gets 57.31 percent of the allocations. Magnitude and Dimensions of School Education in the State: Access to Schooling: 98.98 percent of children in 6 to 10 age group, 99.19 percent of children in 11 to 14 age - group have access to regular lower primary, higher primary schools either within the village or within 1-kilometer radius, within the village or 3 kilometer radius respectively. Residual percentage of children at lower and higher primary stages are served through alternative schools. Schooling Facility: No. of Schools 2006 07 Sl No. 1 2 3 Schools Lower Primary Schools Higher Primary Schools High Schools Total DOE 24547 19807 3452 47,806 Aided 326 2173 2633 5,132 Unaided Others 3243 383 5468 401 4133 319 12,844 1,103 Total 28499 27849 10537 66,885

Source: EMIS, 2006 - 07 Note: Others include Dept. of Social Welfare and Local Bodies. It is observed from table that there are 66,885 schools in the State. More than 7 out of 10 schools are run by the Department of Education. The Government also gives grant in-aid to 5,132 private schools .Together 52,938 schools, 79.15 percent in the State are run by the Government or supported with its grant-in-aid. Maximum proportion of schools run by the Department is at the lower primary stage, 86.13 percent. Together more than 4 out of 5 primary schools are run/ supported by the Government (84.29 percent). Of the total schools in rural areas including LPS, HPS, and HS, 89.26 percent are run by the Government. There are two lower primary schools for every higher primary school, one of which is attached to the HPS. Likewise, there are 11 LPS around a cluster of every 2 high schools.. Nearly 1 out of every 5 schools in the state are self-financing / private unaided schools. This figure gets doubled, 39.22 percent, at the high school stage. Participation of selffinancing schools at the LPS stage is highly limited. The DOE not only grants recognition to private schools as per the norms of the Education Act, 1993, but also conducts, school final examination through its KSEEB wing and declares the results. Likewise, there is a Preuniversity (plus two) Education Department, which conducts the +2 level examinations and declares results. There is also a common Entrance Test Cell, CET, which is under the Jurisdiction Higher Education Department of the Secretariat. The CET cell conducts entrance examination for professional courses, declares results, organises consulting sessions for rational distribution of professional education opportunities in harmony with the reservation

policy and the availability of spaces in Government, aided and self- financing professional colleges in Medicine, Engineering, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Para Medical and other courses. Enrolments: There are over 10 million students, 10,238,090 studying in 1 to 10 standards of the State. Gender parity in enrolments is 48.06 percent. It is very near the 49 percent norm as expected according to child-sex ratios in the State. 10.238 million students are studying in 66,885 schools of the state which are managed by 3,42, 744 teachers. ENROLMENTS
Level Classes DOE B 19.35 26.73 28.85 5.17 31.90 G 19.13 26.32 28.37 5.09 31.41 T 38.48 53.05 57.22 10.26 63.31 B 2.36 3.47 4.84 4.02 7.49 Aided G 2.30 3.33 4.51 3.53 6.86 T 4.66 6.80 9.35 7.55 14.35 B 7.45 9.69 10.83 3.20 12.88 Un-aided G 5.93 7.67 8.56 2.52 10.12 T 13.38 17.36 19.39 5.72 23.00 B 0.39 0.57 0.68 0.32 0.91 Others G 0.34 0.48 0.57 0.26 0.81 T 0.73 1.05 1.25 0.58 1.72 B 29.55 40.46 45.20 12.71 53.18 Total G 27.70 37.80 42.01 11.40 49.20 T 57.25 78.26 87.21 24.11 102.38

LPS HPS Stds. HS Stds.

1 to 5 1 to 7 1 to 8 8 to 10 1 to 10

B Boys ; G Girls; T - Total

RATE OF DROPOUT: SL.NO. 1 2 3 CLASSES 1 to 5th Standard 1 to 7th standard 1 to 10th standards Boys 10.25 14.14 -Girls 90.47 14.36 43.60 Total 9.87 14.25 44.20

GER and NER in the State: The Gross Enrollment Ratios both at LPS (1 to 5) and HPS (1 to 8) stages have crossed the 100 percent mark for the last few years. However, the Net Enrollment Ratios are very close to 100 percent mark. NER Years LPS 1 to 5 Standards HPS 1 to 8 Standards 2004-05 97.07 91.27 2005-06 98.06 98.02 2006-07 98.43 98.47

Retention and Completion Ratios: Non-enrolment phenomenon at 6+ age to I standard of schooling has totally vanished as reported by the Census of school children, 2006, and also validated as such by a research study by an independent agency. Total out-of-school children as reported by 2006 - 07 Census of children, 6 to 14 years was 75825 and it is reported to be 80863 at the time of census of March 2007. The dropout rates during 2006-07 are Marginal, being 10.25, 9.47 and 9.87 for boys, girls and all children at LPS stage. It is 14.14, 14.36 and 14.25 for boys, girls and all children at HPS stage. Transition from 7th to 8th classes has been an area of concern. This is because, the State had adopted a 4+3+3 matrix for 10 years of school education since 1968, the year of adoption of the policy recommended by the National Commission on School Education of 1966. Historically, the 8th standard of schooling evolved with the high schools. In order to honor the Constitutional commitment of schooling up to 14 years of age as well as the emphatic recommendation of the Chief Ministers Task Force on Education, 2002 and as visioned by the EDUVISION of the Government, the Department began to upgrade the existing LPS and attached 8th standard. So far more than 5000 schools have been upgraded 1 to 7 and 1 to 8, based on requirements of students as indicated by lack of high school nearby and availability of minimum number of students in class 7. Likewise, the Government had upgraded all the earlier 1 to 4 LPS into 1 to 5 LPS in 2001-02. Teachers: Teachers working at various levels of education in the Department are as follows: Stage Sanctioned Working Vacancies as on 30.09.2006 No. TPR No. TPR LPS 56,655 21.85 50,653 24.44 6,002 HPS 1,31,133 31.01 1,20,820 33.66 10,313 LPS+HPS 1,87,788 28.25 1,71,473 30.94 16,315 HS 32,247 27,832 86.65 4,415 Pre-University (a) Principal 907 675 232 (b) Lecturer 8385 6037 2,348 Vocational 153 (Regular) Education 5,010 (Part time) Total School 2,20,035 1,99,305 Education Source: EMIS, 2006-07 Note: Teachers in Private Aided Institutions are not included in School Education Stage. No. of Teachers (working) Sl No. Schools DOE Aided Unaided Others Total 1 LPS + HPS 171473 16031 62138 3934 253576 2 High Schools 27832 22274 36201 2861 89168 Total 199305 38305 98339 6795 342744 Source: EMIS, 2006 07

Attainment Levels: 200708 onwards the real challenge of the DOE is to improve the levels of attainment of children and therein the basics of quality in schooling. For the first time in the history of school education in the State, State-level survey of attainment levels of children at 2nd ,5th & 7th standards in 2006 by the Karnataka Schools Quality Assessment Organisation revealed median, 50 percent average, performance. At the X standard level the overall results recorded was 68.46 percent which was an increase of 5.99 percentage points over the previous year. Results of SSLC Examination 2001 to 2006 Year State Average 2001 45.70 2002 50.96 2003 55.11 2004 64.67 2005 62.47 2006 68.46

KSQAO, 2006 Results Subject 2nd Std. Overall 67 Kannada 65 Mathematics 61 Science (EVS) 78 Social Science NA Source: KSQAO, GoK, 2006. 5th Std. 49 51 46 53 47 7th Std. 48 54 40 50 46

DIRECTORATE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION The Objectives of Primary Education are as follows Every child in the age group of 6-14 is enrolled to school and attends regularly. Every child is retained in the school from 1st to 8th Standard and successfully completes the elementary stage of schooling. Every child attains the minimum levels of learning. Every teacher is regular and punctual to school. The community is actively involved in the betterment of the schools, thereby supporting a mass campaign for primary education. Children left out of schools in the age group of 6-14 are made to attend alternative school such as Chinnara Angala, Bridge school, Sanchari Shale and get mainstreamed to regular schools.

GOALS FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS: 1. Increasing the States literacy rate beyond 80 percent level. 2. Reducing the school dropout rate to zero level from the present dropout rate at the elementary stage. 3. Ensuring that all children in the age group of 6-14 (both, children who have not been admitted and those who have dropped out join school, complete 8 years of schooling and attain minimum levels of learning. 4. Improving teachers learning and teaching standards, which will result in competent teaching. 5. Bringing about a qualitative change by, incorporating educational reforms. 6. Ensuring progressive community involvement. 7. Bringing all children who have dropped out and who have not been admitted to school, into the mainstream through alternative schooling programmes. School education from pre-primary to higher primary school comes under the purview of the Director of Primary Education. In conformity with the mandate of the constitution of India, the National Policy on education, the goals of Universalisation of Elementary Education as well as Sarva Shikshana Abhiyana. Primary education is spread upto eight years of education; eighth standard has been included within primary education. THE FOLLOWING PROGRAMMES HAVE BEEN IMPLEMENTED TO PROVIDE FREE AND COMPULSORY PRIMARY EDUCATION FOR SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN IN THE AGE GROUP OF 6 TO 14. SPECIAL ENROLMENT DRIVE: A special enrolment drive was conducted during 2006-07 at the taluk, district and State level. The programme is intended to bring back the children who drop out, especially girls, child laborers, rag pickers and other children who have either dropped out of school or have been absent from classes for a long time. 55, 000 children who were drop outs have been mainstreamed in the year 2006-07.

FREE EDUCATION FOR GIRLS: To reduce the rate of dropout and to encourage girls education, the government has decided to provide girls with free education. Female students from I to VII standard will be exempted from paying all fees, including examination fees, in government schools. PROVISION OF FREE SCHOOL BAGS AND NOTE BOOKS TO SC/ST GIRLS: In order to promote education among SC/ST girls and to arrest the dropout rate in the 5th to 7th standard, a scheme was introduced to distribute free of cost high quality school bags and notebooks to all students in government schools. During 2005-06, the same has been transferred to the zilla panchayat. FREE TEXT BOOKS: A set of textbooks is being given free of cost to all the children studying in the I to VII Standard in government primary schools and also to all girls and SC/ST boys studying in 8th standard in government schools. A set of textbooks is being given free of cost to all girls studying in 9th and 10th standard in Government high schools and boys belonging to SC and ST. FREE UNIFORMS: Under the auspices of the Vidya Vikasa scheme, one length uniform cloth is provided free of cost to all children from I to VII Std Studying in government primary schools. And girls studying from 8th to 10 standards are also beneficiaries. Two Agencies that were entrusted for distribution of uniforms are as under (i) KHDC (ii) KSPDC for KHDC Rs.1892.91 lakhs and for KSPDC Rs.539.01 lakhs has been released during the year 2006-07 towards the supply of Uniform. Sl. no 1 2 Name of the agency KHDC KSPDC Districts entrusted All districts of Bangalore , Mysore and Gulbarga division All districts of Belgaum division

CENTRALLY ASSISTED PROGRAMME OF NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS: The programme of giving nutritional support to children studying in primary schools under National Programme. Nutritional support to primary education of Central Government came into force in the State on August15, 1995. The scheme, which was introduced for rural children in 1995-96, was extended to urban children in 1997-98. The program is being implemented with the help of Food and Civil Supplies Department, Revenue Department and Health Department.

MID DAY MEALS PROGRAMME ( AKSHARA DASOHA): Providing of hot cooked noon meals to all the children studying in Classes 1 to 7th in Government and Government Aided Schools in the State is provided. Central Government is providing 100 grams of rice /wheat and conversion charges of Rs. 1.50 per day to the schools in the Government and the state Government is providing cooked meal for 6th and 7th Standard children from state resources. A total of Rs. 3.16 per student, per day is spent towards other expenses. The State Government is spending for other facilities with central assistance. 1. The objectives of the Schemes are To improve enrollment and attendance To improve retention Rate To improve child health by increasing nutrition level, so that children actively participate in long activities. To improve learning levels of children. 2. Beneficiaries of the Scheme: Class 1-5 6-7 Total Govt. Schools 3,424,904 1,310,662 4,735,566 Aided Schools 427,604 194,965 622,569 Total 3,852,508 1,505,627 5,358,135

37,802 kitchen centers have been established in Government schools. 93,258 cooks have been appointed. Availability of Kitchen centres : a) Available Constructed Kitchen centres b) No. of Kitchen centres under construction c) No. of Kitchen centres to be constructed

: : :

28905 4066 4831

6. With the help of the Health and Family Welfare Department, children are given Vitamin A Folic Acid with Iron and Deworming tablets every year. 7. Non-Government organizations also participate in the programme. No. of N.G.Os 53 No. of Schools covered 2931 No. of Beneficiaries - 632149 8. All the Government Departments namely Revenue Department Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department, Health and Family Welfare Department, Women and Child Welfare Department etc., take active role in implementing the scheme. 9. The members of the village Panchayat and SDMC are entrusted with monitor the scheme at schools level. Mothers committee has been established and the teachers are entrusted with only the work of providing the student strength and checking the quality of food.

10. Budget: The total allocation for AKSHARA DASOHA for the year 2006-07 is RS 25347.57 lakhs and the central government is also inclusive. 2600 lakhs have been allocated and released towards construction of kitchen centres. Rs. 5000 per kitchen centre is released and 5200 construction of kitchen centres is going on. 720.05 lakhs have been allocated by the central government towards kitchen equipments. A total of Rs. 3346.81 lakhs have been released towards construction of kitchen centres by the Central Government.

11. Suvarna Arogya Chaitanya: A comprehensive health checkup campaign to all children from 1st to 10th standards have been undertaken in the state in collaboration with the health department. A total 65 lakhs children have undergone the checkup and in case of severe complications in health the treatment process is being planned accordingly. Health checkup cards have been printed by Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan and the transportation charges are being provided by Akshara Dasoha with an allocation of 200.00 lakhs. 12. The evaluation study on Mid day meals was entrusted to Dr. Rama K Naik of Dharwad Agricultural University and the report submitted. Certain instructions are given and the revised report is awaited accordingly. 13. The following are the outcomes of the study. ACHIEVEMENTS: 2% to 10% improvement in attendance across the State. Children are found to be more attentive and active inside and outside the classroom. Moving towards social and educational equity at the gross root level. Convergence with various Government Departments and voluntary Organizations is achieved. Cordiality between students has been improved. A move towards Social Equality is seen. CONSRUCTION OF CLASSROOMS UNDER RIDF 7 SCHEME: It is proposed to construct 4895 (3777 projects) primary classrooms with financial assistance from NABARD under RIDF scheme. Total financial assistance from NABARD is Rs.6306.39lakhs, and the State share is Rs.700.71 lakhs. During 2004-05, Rs.2085.00 lakhs have been released towards construction of classrooms with financial assistance from NABARD under R.I.D.F. Scheme. For the year 2005-06 Rs 1178.63 lakhs have been released to the districts through the link document. In the year 2006-07 as provided under link document is 196.12 lakhs is released and the same has been extended to up to 31-03-2007. Out of the total of 3777 projects, 3143 projects have been completed and 442 are under different stages of construction and 192 have not been started. REPAIRS IN GOVERNMENT PRIMARY SCHOOLS: During 2006-07 Rs 520 lakhs has been provided under Non plan (Primary) and Secondary Rs 520 lakhs have been released towards Repaires. A total 1040 lakhs have been

released. A Capital investment of Rs 706.16 lakhs have been provided of which Rs. 25 lakhs have been provided towards construction of Buildings for Government High School in Haradanahalli village of Holenarasipura Taluk in Hassan District. Remaining Rs. 681.16 lakhs have been distributed to all districts and has been released to the Dcs. PROGRAMS TO PROMOTE UNIVERSALISATION OF SCHOOL EDUCATION The following programs have been initiated in the year 2006-07 towards promotion of universalisation of school education with the allocation of Rs.1400 lakhs. Under the state plan Rs 15 lakhs for office expenses and salary grants of Rs. 2 lakhs have been provided for MMS office maintenance during year 2006-07 Rs 15 lakhs towards academic activities for urdu and other minority languages education Rs.25 lakhs towards EMIS development Rs 170 lakhs towards the organization of Chaitrada Chiguru, Prathiba Karanji and purchase of sports materials and organization of sports meet at block, district and state level Rs. 17 lakhs for providing buildings for teacher training institutions and Rs. 43 lakhs for providing basic infrastructure for teacher training institutions The grant of Rs. 37 lakhs have been allocated for promoting 6115 primary school teachers to head masters. Transportation cost of the Officers in the Office of the Commissioner and other expenses a total of Rs. 15.2 lakhs have been allocated. Rs. 35.80 lakhs have been spent on purchase of hard and soft wares under E Governance program. Under the state plan, for repairs and construction of Office of the DDPI and BEO an amount of Rs. 100 Lakhs is allocated. 508 schools were provided with Rs. 508 lakhs Rs.1 lakh per school for developing 1 acre of land for play ground and Rs.400.00 lakhs for construction of compound @ Rs.50,000/- per school. Rs. 1010 lakhs were allocated for providing infrastructure for 404 High Schools under the High School Development Plan.

Under the district plan for the year 2006-07 Rs. 25347.57 lakhs have been allocated for following activities. Extension and continuation of Akshara Dasoha Program to all children of government and aided institutions studying in I to VII standard. Academic activities in minority institutions: Rs. 1093.70 lakhs towards comprehensive education under convergence. For providing rented vehicle facility to the new BEOs office and DDPI offices Rs. 17.28 Lakhs & Rs. 5.40 Lakhs respectively have been provided. Rs. 293.59 lakhs for primary schools towards reimbursement of non government fees for girls and SC/ST students have been provided.

Rs. 100 lakhs have been provided towards construction of a Residential High School in the memory of Sri. Masti Venkatesh Iyengar at Masti of Malur Taluk in Kolar District in view of Suvarna Karnataka celebration. Rs. 300 lakhs towards Kuvempu Model Higher Primary schools for maintenance & completion of remaining activities.

REMUNERATION FOR CONTRACT TEACHERS (LEAVE RESERVE) In case of teachers going on long leave, the service of retired teachers locally available was utilized during leave period @ the rate of Rs.100/- per day. For this Rs.49.10 lakhs is provided during 2006-07. FEE REIMBURSEMENT In order to promote Universalisation of girls education, the reimbursement of Nongovernment fee for all girls studying from 1 to 10 is facilitated. PRIMARY TEACHERS RECRUITMENT Quality education being the main concern, the initiation and action towards providing teacher subject wise is taken up. 4768 Primary School teachers posts were filled up during the year. In addition for filling 7753 primary school teachers posts and 626 special teachers the recruitment process is on.

PRIMARY TEACHERS PROMOTION In the year 2006-07, 7470 schools have been upgraded with the post of 1 Head Master and 6297 teachers posts have been distributed district wise. CULTURAL ACTVITIES During the 2006-07 Rs. 115 lakhs was released for organizing Suvarna Prathiba Karanji. These are literary and cultural competitions at school to state level organized to reveal talent among children and encourage holistic development of children. The D.D.PIs of the Districts organize these programmes by utilizing their own resources. Chaitrada Chiguru summer camp for encouraging creativity among the children have been organized in the month of April/May-2006 in all districts. For this task Rs. 15 lakhs was allocated. These two activities have been organized at cluster, Block, District and State level for the benefit of selected primary to high school students. 50,000 children (primary and Secondary) have been participated all over the state.

DISTRIBUTION OF PROGRESS CARDS Progress cards are issued in the schools to the parents in the presence of children.

a) Progress cards are issued to bring about awareness among parents about the progress of their children, and to take up remedial training programme. Accordingly competency based simple, concise and understandable progress cards for all the children of 1 to 4th standard are issued based on the individual competencies meant for individual standards. This helps parent and teachers understand which child is lagging behind in which competencies so that remedial reaching can be taken up. b) Similarly progress cards for the students studying in 5th to 7th standard are also issued to enable parents and teachers work for betterment of children. COMPULSORY AND COMPREHENSIVE INSPECTION OF SCHOOLS In order to improve the educational standard of school and to guide teachers at the Block lever, BEOs are provided with vehicles. It is stipulated that, the BEO should visit at least once every Govt. & aided schools and schools should have academic inspection. This helps to raise the educational standard of the school and for effective implementation of plan schemes. Attention is paid to ensure Teachers attendence in schools and then engagement in teaching work. During 2006-07 Rs. 37.88 lakhs have been released for meeting salary expenses of 21 drivers posts and 7 posts of BEO and managers of newly created Blocks. Similarly under state sector Rs. 40 lakhs have been provided for providing computers, Risograph Machines and Multi-copiers in the Commissionerate office in Bangalore. MOBILE SCHOOL Mobile schools have been started from 2004-05 for the benefit of migrant children and those deprived who drop out from the schools system. Interest in learning will be created for the benefit of these children through bridge courses and bring them back to the mainstream of education. It was started with only 4 schools (The buses are designed as a class room) in 1999 and now there are 8 mobile schools which work from 8.30 am to 2.30 pm. The children will be picked up from the slums and dropped back to their homes after schooling. These schools are provided with Rs.25.00 lakhs for the maintenance of these mobile schools under state sector. Currently there are 607 children in of I & II standard studying in these schools. EDU-ACTION: A document highlighting future plan for next 3 years in education called EDUACTION is brought and some action plans as detailed in the name of EDUACTION is prepared. Education improvement of North East Karnataka. High school development plans. Re-organisation of BRC's and CRC's. Reforms in Educational Administration. Establishing of organisation for maintaining quality of school and child learning.

Policy Planning Unit: The Government of Karnataka (GOK), in collaboration with the Azim Premji Foundation (the Foundation), has set up Policy Planning Unit (PPU) in March 2003, with the objective of contributing to developing education policy and planning at macro - and micro level. This collaboration originated from the Memorandum of Understanding signed between Government of Karnataka. The unit was setup on the basis of a PPU working document, prepared by GOK and the Azim Premji Foundation. During the year, the PPU facilitated the initiation of Karnataka Schools Towards Quality Education (KSQE), a holistic response to the assessment done by KSQAO, continued IT training, initiated Management Development Program. The Organization study done earlier was discussed with stakeholders for actioning some of the critical recommendations. The unit also facilitated a study on the Accelerated Reading program and participated in the Perspective Plan Committee (vision 2015). 1. Karnataka Schools Towards Quality Education (KSQE): KSQAO (Karnataka School Quality Assessment Organisation) was established by Government of Karnataka to conduct school quality assessment. The KSQAO evaluation reports provide information on the current status of learning achievement levels across the state, in different classes and subjects. It also provides thrust on quality improvement through better mechanism of accountability. KSQE is an attempt in this direction. KSQE facilitated by PPU, is a response to KSQAO, to provide required interventions to address the quality problems. It is an attempt to have additional focus on quality related areas in closer co-ordination with all stakeholders, such as; children, parents, teachers, community, SDMC and elected representatives. etc., Through Gunaatmaka Shikshanadatta Karnataka Shalegalu (KSQE) the department aim to achieve the following goals in every school of the state, within a three year time period i.e. Enrolment of all the children in the age group of 6 to 14. Ensuring 75% Attendance of all the children enrolled. Ensuring at least 60% of the children acquiring 80% of the competencies.

These goals have been expressed and declared in the form of a Quality charter. The charter was signed by the Honble Chief Minister, Minister for Primary & Secondary Education, top level officers of the department, representatives of the community, Office bearers of teachers association, etc. in a public function held at Vidhana Soudha on 15th of June 2006 and subsequently at all the levels i.e, from the State Level to School Level. PPU has commenced a pilot program Namma Shaale working on community mobilization for quality education in four clusters in the state, as a part of KSQE. School Academic Plans (SAP) and Cluster Academic Plans (CAP) have also been prepared locally to support the process of quality improvement at school and cluster levels.

2. Management Training: Capacity Building of department officers, through programs in personal and group effectiveness and HRD; Management areas such as quality, stakeholder management, facilitation skills, finance, strategy, project management etc. This has been done working closely with three institutions CLHRD (College for Leadership and Human Resources Development), IISC (Indian Institute of Science) and CBSMS (BU) [Canara Bank School of Management Studies (Bangalore University). The last program has aimed to develop MDFs (Management Development Facilitators) who would acquire the required management and training skills and train the other officers in the department. 3. Computer training: Capacity Building of department officers in IT training have been provided through CMC to more than 4,000 officers and staff in the department to enhance competence and usage of IT in departmental working. 4. Organisation Re-engineering Elementary Education System of the Government of Karnataka The Organisational Reengineering Study was commissioned by the Education Department, GoK. The Study focused on three principal elements namely(a) Organisation Structure enabling the Elementary Service Delivery (ESD), (b) Key Processes affecting the ESD and (c) Identifying Capacity Building requirements to enhance the ESD to the desired level. The Study was outsourced to PriceWaterHouseCoopers Limited. PPU co-ordinated the study and two reports were submitted. One is the AS-IS Report which tells the current status of the system and the other TO-BE which gives recommendations. Workshops were organized to understand the stakeholder roles, perceptions & study expectations and to share the findings of the reports at various stages to ensure concurrence. 5. Research and Evaluation: a) Accelerated Reading Programme: A study was co-ordinated by PPU to evaluate the reading levels of children in selected schools as part of the program initiated by Akshara Foundation. Bangalore Urban DIET helped in co-ordinating the field activities for the study. The report has been presented to SSA for required action. b) Study on Evaluation of DIETs and CTEs The following were the key objectives of the Evaluation Study: To understand the impact created by the DIETs and the CTEs in the district through their functioning.

To understand and examine the nature of support extended by the DIETs & CTEs to improve teachers (including pre-service) performance and thereby quality of school education. To understand the existing strengths and weaknesses of DIETs and the CTEs and to suggest the new role to DIETs and the CTEs to perform in order to improve the performance of teachers and quality of school education. To study and understand the existing and proposed cadre and recruitment rules for DIET and the CTE faculty and to suggest the profile of people required to fulfill the expected new role of DIET. To study, understand the existing guidelines for DIETs and CTEs and compare the functioning of DIETs and the CTEs in Karnataka vis--vis the performance of those in the neighboring states. Their by to suggest the revised guidelines for functioning of DIETs and the CTEs keeping in view of the current realities to fulfil the desired objectives. The study was coordinated by PPU and the study has been carried out by Karnataka University and the reports have been submitted to the Government and to the concerned stakeholders. 6. Preparation of perspective plan for Education Department: An action plan regarding perspective plan upto 2015 for Education Department has been prepared. KARNATAKA SCHOOL QUALITY ASSESMENT ORGANISATION Objectives To assess competencies pertaining to selected subjects Quality assessment as a need to be critically analyzed To create awareness about quality education To analyze the data critically and to carry on research based on reports for future action Quality Definition All children from 6 to 14 years of age to be in school, learning satisfactorily and thus, transitioning to higher classes every year School Assessed in the month of January 2006 Lower Primary schools 24288 Higher Primary schools 21843 Total No of schools 46131 No of students assessed 2nd standard 5th standard 7th standard Total no. of students Total No. of students for assessment

933441 953441 853741 2740623 2162182

To ensure quality of school education, the Karnataka School Quality Assessment Organisation has come into vogue. The state has funded Rs 300 lakhs and SSA has funded the sum of Rs 500, a total of 800 lakhs for the year 2005-2006 and accordingly the assessment of students from 2nd, 5th and 7th has been carried on in the month of January 2006. SAMUDAYADATTA SHALE: In order to develop primary education in term of quality and to encourage community participation Samudayadatta Shale program is implemented. Honble Education Minister and Officers of the department, primary and high school teachers visit schools in nearly 40,000 villages on that particular day. This is an attempt to create awareness among parents and community that the school is the property of community and the community has to chalk out educational programmes by mutual consultations. This program is started from November 2000. There is a considerable improvement in pupils attendance, learning levels and teachers performance due to this program. Parents whose children drop out from schools have been persuaded by home visits to send them back to schools. By this program nearly 2 lakh children of school age have been brought back to schools. Besides there is an appreciation from parents and other quarters of society regarding this program. School Adoption Program: It is difficult for the government alone to provide all basic necessities to the schools, given resource constraints and limitations. Hence, in order to improve both the infrastructure and the quality of teaching in government schools, the School Adoption Programme was launched. This was well received in may quarters. Many companies, corporate entities and individuals have come forward to adopt and improve facilities in Government schools. So far, individuals, NGOs and other undertakings have adopted more than 9226 schools and Rs. 200 crores has been mobilized under this program. Educational Interaction: With a view to provide an opportunity to parents and to the general public to interact with the Honble Education Minister, Shikshana Samvada programme is being broadcast on radio & T.V every month. This provides an opportunity to the public to suggest measures

directly to the minister so as to bring about qualitative improvement and changes in education and also to create awareness among the masses about the necessity of education. SHIKSHANA VARTHE The Department of Public Instruction has been publishing this journal for the past five years. Until July 1999, this was published bi-monthly. However, to accommodate more information, the number of pages in the journal was increased from 4 to 20 during 20012002. It was also changed from a bi-monthly to a quarterly journal. News in this journal include reports pertaining to the department, Government orders, information about teaching practices, experiments in reputed institutions, achievements of teachers and students. Articles by experts and information deemed useful for teachers are also incorporated. From the year 2005-06 SSA meets expenditures of the publication, distribution of the journal. FREE BICYCLES TO GIRLS: Having understood the problems of rural girls who come to school by walk all through, Government of Karnataka introduced the scheme of free distribution of bicycles to girls studying in 8th std coming from B.P.L. families. This is to enhance the confidence and courage besides reducing dropout rate among girls after passing out from 7th standard. The scheme is introduced from the academic year 2006-07. The cost of each bicycle is Rs.2030/and 1,75,023 such eligible girls from 202 educational block have benefited form this scheme. Four suppliers viz: (1) M/s T.I.Cycles of India, Ambettur, Chennai (2) M/s Hero Cycles Ltd., Ludhiana. (3) M/s Atlas Cycles Ltd., Hariyana. (4) M/s Avon Cycles Ltd., Ludhiana. For this Rs. 35.74 crores of grants has been released and entire funds are provided by the State Government. FREE BICYCLES TO BOYS: After implementing the scheme of free distribution of bicycles to girls, Government extended this programme to boys studying in 8th standard coming from B.P.L Families. For this 2,45,300 beneficiaries have been identified and supply order is issued on 10.1.2007. Supply has started and 50% bicycles are distributed. Rs. 4000.00 lakhs have been released and spent for this program.

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan - Karnataka

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) is a time-bound project of the GoI to achieve the goals of UEE. It is also a framework for harmonising all Central Government initiatives in school education with the efforts of the state governments. It is being funded on a sharing basis between the Centre and the States in a 75:25 ratio, till the end of 10th plan i.e. up to 31.3.2007. OUR MISSION Provision of relevant and useful Elementary Education of satisfactory quality for all children by 2010, with full concern for social and gender equity and regional parity and with vibrant pariticipation of the community in the management of schools GOALS OF SSA IN KARNATAKA STATE: Universalisation of 'ACCESS' to elementary education from 1 to 8 standards to all children up to the age of 14 years, by the year 2007. Universalisation of enrolments and retention in elementary education and completion of 8th standard by all children before the year 2010: universalisation means age-specific enrolment and full retention of all children. Provision of education of a satisfactory quality with emphasis on life-skills and meaningful schooling. Complete attention to equity by sex and across social groups and parity across regions in educational development. Total involvement of communities up to the village level and especially local government institutions in management of schools and movement towards the goal of 'Self-Managing schools'. All the interventions of SSA, programmes and activities therein are designed to realize the fore stated objectives. There are 10 major interventions and 104 programmes/ activities within these interventions to realize these objectives. 1. Programmes to mainstream the out of school children : (OOSC) Various strategies and Innovative practices were adopted under Alternative Innovative Education & Alternative Schooling interventions. Household data on out-of-school children A comprehensive children census was conducted in the first week of March, 2006. A Task Force was constituted under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary, labour Dept. and the Heads of Stakeholder departments as members such as - Education, Labour, Muncipal Administration, Mines and Geology ; women and Child Welfare, Revenue Departments. District level and Sub-district level co-ordination committees were constituted under the leadership of District Collectors and Tahasildars. There are 7529397 children in the age

group of 6-14 years. Among them 75825 children have been identified as out of school children under the age group of 7-14 years. Following strategies have been adopted to mainstream OOSC during 06-07. These figures have been given while preparing AWP 2006. Sl.No 1 Strategies 12 months Non-residential Bridge Course (NRBC) (feeder schools) 12 months Residential Bridge Course (RBC) 6 Months Residential Bridge Course 4 months Seasonal Residential Schools Tent Schools Mobile Schools Home Based Education Transportation facility) Chinnara Angala Non Residential Chinnara Angala Residential Special Enrolment Drive Remedial teaching Centres 209 68 120 187 220 10 1370 222 Children 3011 2909 4517 6551 6452 664 9751 3102 30917 4434 19376 621970

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District, Block and selected faculty of DIET have been oriented for 02 days with regard to the OOSC strategies. The SSA state office has prepared a guide book on EGS and AIE strategies in the name of "Paryaya Shikshana Kaipidi". these books are distributed to all the field functionaries up to the level of CRPs. Remedial Teaching OOSC children who have been mainstreamed through different strategies; pupils who fared very low in KSQAO examination and low achievers in the first trimester are the clients of the Remedial Teaching. The field functionaries have been oriented for 2 days in the face to face mode and one day through tele-mode in this regard. 6,21,970 children have been covered under this activity. 2. Primary Schools 527 New schools were opened during the year 2006-07 and 180 EGS centres were upgraded into primary schools. 3. Higher Primary Schools 341 primary schools were upgraded into upper primary schools. Class VIII was added to 2325 primary schools during 2006-07 in school less habitations as per norm.

4. Teachers 2466 Primary Schools teachers were recruited and posted to the needy schools. 2325 Training Graduate Teaches were provided for the Upgraded Upper primary schools where 8th Std. is added. 5. Teacher Grant Teacher grant @ Rs.500/- was released to all the teachers who are working in Govt. and Aided Schools. 215790 teachers were the beneficiaries of this strategy. 6. Teacher Training 1,90,828 In-service teachers were trained in both content and general areas through DSERT, DIETs, BRCs and CRCs at their respective levels. 30 days Induction Training was provided to 4273 Newly Recruited teachers during 2006-07. 7. School Grant School grant @ Rs.2000/- was released to 68967 schools (46599 primary schools & 22368 upper primary schools) those have own buildings. 8. Block Resource Centre (BRC) 176 BRCs are working in Revenue blocks in the State. The major components like Salary, Furniture & Equipment, Contingency, Meeting & TA allowances and Teaching Learning Material grant was released to these centres. These centres are academic centres and providing necessary training for strengthening of class room teachers in quality improvement. 9. Cluster Resource Centre (CRC) 2269 CRCs are working in Revenue blocks in the State. The major components like Salary, Furniture & Equipment, Contingency, Meeting & TA allowances and Teaching Learning Material grant was released to these centres. The major roles & functions of the CRCs is to provide guidance & counseling at the grass root level. 10. Inclusive Education (Children with Special Needs) Inclusive Education is an innovative strategy adopted to provide education to the disabled children on par with the other normal children. There is a financial provision @Rs.1200/per child per year available under SSA programme.

The major achievements are: 1,29,491 children with special needs were identified during 2006-07 1,17,401 children were enrolled into the school and 10,327 severely disabled children were provided Home Based Education during 2006-07 258 medical camps were conducted under Functional Formal Assessment during the year 2006-07 18360 children were provided with Aids & Appliances. A 3-5 days short term training on IED was provided to 31216 for in service teachers. A 90 days long term training course was provided to 5509 teachers with co-ordination of Bhoj University, Madhya Pradesh. A specially trained 606 regular teachers were posted as IERTs (Inclusive Education Resource Teachers) to monitor the Inclusive Education programmes at the cluster level. 45836 awareness programmes were conducted to get awareness among the parents, teachers & community 188 Resource centres were established exclusive for IED. 37637 parents were provided training in this regard. 3420 ramps were constructed to get barrier free environment at school level. 11. Innovative Activities : ECCE: The Early Childhood Care Education is being strengthened under SSA in order to provide necessary facility to the pre schooling system. This activity is implemented with co-ordination of Department of Women & Child Development. Girls Education: Adolescent girls awareness campaigns (Hadi Hareyada Hennumakkala Jagruthi Shibira) were conducted aimed with to enhance the self esteem and self confidence of the adolescent girls including awareness in the fields of Education, Health, hygiene, and related phisiological aspects. . 32631 girls were the beneficiaries of this programme during 2006-07. Special Focus on SC/ST children: Chinnara Karnataka Darshana : Chinnara Karnataka Darshana is an educational tour for 5 days and implemented to provide field experience and also to enhance exposure visits in understanding culture heritage of the home land. The beneficiaries of this programme were mainly SC/ST children and talented children selected at Prathibha Karanji programme. This programme was initiated with coordination of Karnataka State Tourism Development Corporation. 10100 children were covered during 2006-07. Computer Assisted Learning Centres : 861 schools were provided Computer Assisted Learning Centres (CALC) with all essential computer peripherals in the State. The activity was implemented under Innovative activity with financial outlay of Rs.15.00 lakh per district. The software was developed with co-ordination of Azim Premji Foundation and Media Lab Asia as a supporting material on hard spots of the syllabus. 12. Other Programmes Community Training: The School Development & Monitoring Committees (SDMC) were established as per the model byelaws of the Govt. of Karnataka, 2006 under Karnataka Panchayath Act 1993 to support the schools in monitoring and supervision of

school management & administration. 256922 SDMCs, Grampanchayath & other PRI members were given training in this regard. Civil Works: 743 school buildings and 13627 Additional Class rooms were sanctioned during 2006-07 of which 168 schools buildings and 1405 Additional Class rooms were completed. 504 school buildings and 11283 additional class rooms construction is under progress and are in various stages of completion. National Programme for Education of Girl at Elementary Level (NPEGEL): NPEGEL is a focused intervention to reach the hardest to reach girls, especially those who not in school while continuing the efforts to retain the girls who are already in schools. The scheme provides an excellent opportunity to develop context specific strategies to address learning needs of girls and to focused community mobilisation and gender sensitization of teachers in an innovative and effective manner. NPEGEL programme was implemented in 61 EBBs of 18 Districts during 2006-07. 233 additional clusters were sanctioned which includes the clusters of 3 new EBBs and also the restructured clusters with 10 villages per cluster. So, the total number of clusters covered under NPEGEL during 2006-07 is 862 including 4 urban slums and 108 clusters being managed by Mahila Samakhya. In addition to all these interventions, there is a distinct intervention known as National Programme of Education of Girls at the Elementary level. - NPEGEL. This is a package of programmes exclusively designed to promote girls' education, and implemented through SSA. There are a number of enabling / supportive activities and innovative strategies have been adopted at the state level to promote the goals of SSA / UEE in a cumulative way.

Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV) GoI has launched a new scheme for girls called Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya for setting up residential schools with boarding facilities at elementary level for out of school girls belonging predominantly to the SC, ST, OBC and minorities in difficult areas. The objective is to ensure access and quality education to girls belonging to socially and economically disadvantaged groups of society. 58 KGBV schools were established in 58 Educationally Backward Blocks in the State and alter on 3 more blocks were added into this programme. Totally 61 KGBV schools are running with coverage of 5335 girl children.

Achievements of KGBVs: The girls of KGBV have achieved greater heights within the few months of its start. Bijapur team participated in the State Level Hockey Match, Gulbarga and Bangalore rural girls in State Level Yoga Competition, few schools participated in the State Level Pratiba Karanji (cultural competition), girls participated in State level kannada language exam conducted by the cultural ministry, are some of the examples of the unique achievements and stepping stones of these girls. Five such girls were selected and invited by Honble Prime Minister of India to participate in the children camp organized at New Delhi. KGBV girls also participate regularly in the march-past parade during Independence Day and Republic day at the Manekshaw Parade ground at Bangalore twice in a year. The State feels great to find them winning prizes competing with the other troops in such coveted and the significant events of the state. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan- Karnataka Interventions Allocation Out of School Children lower Primary School Higher Primary School Teachers BRCs CRCs Others Management Cost Civil Works NPEGEL KGBV State Interventions Total 4832.858 1004.300 620.080 14904.564 587.610 1228.291 7591.471 2148.416 38218.525 1159.827 1653.510 1919.300 75868.752 2006-07 Expenditure 5145.466 991.460 611.780 12844.227 581.606 1230.834 7067.699 1916.947 37915.568 1113.222 875.770 1435.296 71729.875 (As on 31.3-2007) Rs. In Lakhs 2007-08 Approved 4853.12 1686.38 21422.83 817.74 2389.60 9360.62 2855.02 23681.82 553.09 958.31 1167.583 69746.00

Progress % 106.47 98.72 98.66 86.18 98.98 100.21 93.10 89.23 99.21 95.98 52.96 74.78 94.55

KARNATAKA STATE TEACHERS BENEFIT FUND, KARNATAKA STATE STUDENTS WELFARE FUND, NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR TEACHERS WELFARE. Establishment: National Foundation for Teachers Welfare was set up in 1962 by the Government of India under Charitable Endowment Act 1890, to promote the welfare of teachers. It has its units in all States and Union Territories. The Government of Karnataka, keeping in mind the welfare of students and teachers of the State, established the Karnataka State Teachers' Benefit Fund and Karnataka State Students Welfare Fund in the year 1963. It is the first of its kind established for the welfare of students and teachers in Karnataka. Administration: The above three funds are being administered by the State Committee constituted by the Government of Karnataka, comprising of officials and educationists with the Honble minister for Primary & Secondary Education as the Chairman and the Commissioner for Public Instruction as the Ex-Officio Secretary / Treasurer. Sources of Income: Contribution for National Foundation for Teachers Welfare is raised through sale of Token Flags on the eve of Teachers day the birth anniversary of Dr. S.Radhakrishnan, former President of India, who was an outstanding philosopher and a great Teacher of our Country. For Karnataka State Students Welfare Fund and Karnataka State Teachers' Benefit Fund, contribution is collected every year from students of high schools and higher education. Life Membership fees is collected from teachers of all categories. The details of contribution collected for the year 2006-07 as on 31.01.2007 is as follows: Karnataka State Teachers Benefit Fund - Rs. 4,28,43,187-00 Karnataka State Students Welfare Fund - Rs. 2,80,68,798-00 National Foundation for teachers Welfare - Rs. 2,22,31,249-00 The amount thus collected is utilised for providing benefits to teachers and students. Benefits given to Teachers and Students Under National Foundation for Teacher's Welfare: 1. Medical Assistance to Teachers and their dependents. Medical Assistance ranging from Rs.3,000/- upto a maximum of Rs.15,000/- is sanctioned to the teachers and their dependents for medical treatment based on the intensity

of the illness. 1954 teachers were sanctioned assistance of Rs.78,12,209/-during the year 2006-07.

2. Financial Assistance for Family Maintenance to the families of the deceased teachers. In the event of the death of the teacher while in service and where the family pension is yet to be settled, a financial assistance of Rs. 7000/- is sanctioned to the family of the deceased for family maintenance . Rs. 2000/- is sanctioned to the families of teachers who die after retirement . 210 families of deceased teachers were given relief of Rs.13,78,000/during the year. 3. Financial Assistance for the higher education of the Children of the Teachers. Financial Assistance ranging from Rs.300/- to Rs.1000/- is given to the teachers for the education of their children studying from Pre-university level to Degree Level (including Diploma). 16683 teachers were sanctioned financial assistance of Rs.87,38,900/- during the year. Under Karnataka State Teachers' Benefit Fund: Merit Scholarships to the eminent children of Teachers. Merit scholarships are given to teachers children who secure highest marks in SSLC, PUC, DEGREE & POST-GRADUATION. Under this scheme scholarships amounting Rs.1,79,500/- were sanctioned to 267 students. Grants for construction of Gurubhavans Minimum of Rs.4.00 Lakhs to maximum of Rs.6.00 Lakhs grant is sanctioned for construction of GURUBHAVANS at Taluk and District levels. In addition, grant of Rs.30,000/- per room subject to a maximum of Rs.3.00 Lakhs is sanctioned for construction of guest rooms attached to Gurubhavans. During the year administrative approval was given to 2 proposals received by this office. 3. Meritorious awards to Teachers. 367 teachers who have rendered meritorious service were given 1.District Award, 2. Special Award, 3. Best science teacher Award amounting to Rs. 11,99,000/-.

4. Conduct of Literary and Cultural activities for Teachers at Taluk, District and State levels. Rs.10,91,000/- was expended during the year for conducting Literary and Cultural competitions for primary and high schools teachers at Taluk, District and State levels. Under Karnataka State Student's Welfare Fund: 1. National Talents Scholarship to students (NTS) Scholarship of Rs.2,000/- per annum for a period of is sanctioned to students who pass the State level NTS examination but unsucceeful in National level examination. Besides, 200 scholarships are given to students who pass state level NTS exam in Kannada medium. And Rs. 4,26,000/- was spent for giving scholarship to 213 students. 2. Payment of Tuition / Examination Fees to economically backward students and incentive to merit students. 50% of the contribution collected from High Schools and 60 % of the contribution collected from Junior Colleges ( PUC students) and Degree Colleges towards Karnataka State Students Welfare Fund is permitted to be utilised by the respective institutions for payment of Tuition / Examination fees of economically backward Students, for giving incentives to merit students and for arranging suitable student welfare programmes. 3. Award for Institutions which secure 100% results in SSLC and PUC Examinations. Institutions which secure 100% results in SSLC and PUC examinations are honoured with cash prizes and mementoes at divisional level function. During the year Rs. 23,95,569/- was spent for this scheme. 4. Bravery awards to the students. Students who show exemplary courage in saving the lives and properties of the public are given a bravery award of Rs.1000/- each. Rs. 6,000/- was spent for 6 students during this year. 5 . Sports Award to Students Students who secure the first three places in each event at the State level sports competitions conducted by the Department of Public Instruction are awarded with Cash Prizes. Rs. 7,72,025/- was spent for 605 students during the year.

6. Medical Assistance to Students As in the case of teachers, financial assistance upto a maximum of Rs.15,000/- is sanctioned to students towards their medical treatment. 82 students were sanctioned medical assistance of Rs. 4,59,920/- during the year. 7. Students safety Insurance Scheme for Students. With a view to provide compensation to the families of students who become victims of accidents, the Karnataka State Students Welfare Fund has introduced Students Safety Insurance Scheme with the Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. from the year 2001-02. This scheme is applicable to students studying in all government, aided and unaided institutions from std. I to X. The annual premium at the rate of Rs.1/- per student amounting to Rs. 99,62,790/was paid to Insurance Company by Karnataka State Students Welfare Fund . In addition premium of Rs. 3,32,385/- in respect of teachers working in primary and high schools was paid by Karnataka State Teachers Benefit Fund. 8. Awards to students who secure highest marks for the District in SSLC and PUC examinations. Students who score highest marks for the district in SSLC and PUC examinations are given 10 awards and 5 awards respectively. During the year Rs.6,40,000/- was spent for giving awards to 462 students.

9. Financial Assistance for Celebration of Teachers day. Financial assistance of Rs.5000/- per taluk / district totaling to Rs. 11,70,000/- was released for celebrating Teachers Day at Taluk and District level. 10. Co-curricular activities for PUC students During the year Rs.4,00,000/- was released for this scheme. 11. Financial Assistance for Rajyotsava Makkala Mela. Rs.1,50,000/- was granted for the celebration of State level Karnataka Rajyotsava Day Makkala Mela celebration during 2006-07.

DIRECTORATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION The Government, aided and un-aided high schools of the State (from VIII to X Standard) come under the purview of the Director, Secondary Education. Although secondary education is free in the state, it is not compulsory as in the case of primary education. Due to several concerted efforts made for the universalisation of primary education during the last decade, there has been an increase in the demand for secondary education facilities. The number of high schools, working teachers and students during 2006-07 is as follows: Sl. Particulars DOE Aided No. 1 High Schools 3452 2633 2 Teachers 27832 22274 Note: Totals do not tally as others are not included. Source: EMIS, DOE, 2006-07 Number of Students DOE Aided 4,16,716 2,54,302 3,34,641 2,75,166 10,26,523 2,62,601 2,37,877 7,54,780 Unaided 4133 36201 Total 10537 86307

Sl. No. 1 2 3

Classes 8 Standard

Unaided 2,03,421 1,95,588 1,73,210 5,72,219

Total 8,95,204 8,12,626 7,03,816 24,11,646

9th Standard 10th Standard Total

Note: Totals do not tally as others are not included. Source: EMIS, DOE, 2006-07 New High Schools: During 2002-2003, 75 Government high schools were opened in the state 117 Government high schools were opened in the state during 2003-04. During 2005-06, 126 Government high schools were sanctioned, and during 2006-07 485 New Government high schools have been sanctioned. Sanction of additional posts: For the year 2005-06, 126 newly sanctioned high schools were provided with 252 teachers posts, 2 teachers per school(1 PCM and 1 arts) has been sanctioned. During 200607 485 newly sanctioned high schools are provided with 970 Asst. Masters posts (@ 2 Asst. Master per school), 485 Head Masters posts & 485 Gr. D posts. Supply of Equipment to Government High Schools: During 2004-05, Rs. 20-00 lakhs have been released for providing equipment and furniture to 40 Government high schools at the rate of Rs.50,000/-per School. The amount

has been released to Zilla Panchayats. For the year 2005-06 amount has not been allocated towards this. Recruitment of Secondary School teachers: For 192 new high schools that were sanctioned during 2002-03, 2003-04 two teachers for each school was recruited. During 2006-07, 5984 high school teachers posts, the process of recruitment is going on. This number includes AM, Gr. II, PE-I. Construction of High School Rooms: During 2006-07, Rs. 200.00 lakhs have been released for construction of additional class rooms in building less high school under partnership with NABARD under RIDF-10 Rs.3813.59 lakhs have been spent for construction of 2977 Additional class rooms for 1411 high schools under RIDF-12 Rs.9028.00 lakhs have been sanctioned for construction of 2257 class rooms in 786 High schools. Free Uniforms for Girls: Uniforms under Vidya Vikas Scheme for the Girls studying in 8th to 10th are distributed. Reimbursement of Non Government Fees for High School Girls: There is a provision for reimbursement of Non-Govt. fee for girls in Govt. High School for this purpose Rs.300.00 lakhs have been released to all districts. Additional demand for Rs.50.00 lakhs is received from different districts. This is an encouragement for girls for continuing high school education. Reimbursement of Non government fees to SC/ST Students: Rs.120.00 lakhs have been released under state scheme for reimbursing non-Govt fee for SC/ST students studying in Govt. High Schools. The amount is distributed to all districts. 0.87 lakhs students have been benefited by this scheme. School Grant to High School: During 2006-07 at the rate of 25,000/- per High School, 485 have been sanctioned contingency grant.

Kuvempu Centenary Schools: Budget of Rs.300.00 lakhs are provided for Kuvempu Centinary Schools in 32 educational districts during 2006-07. This grant is to provide educational infrastructure to these Kuvempu Centenary School. This scheme is released to Z.P.s for implementation.

High School Development Plan: 404 schools in State have been provided Rs.1010.00 lakhs at the rate of 2.50 lakhs per school during 2006-07 for providing physical infrastructures of selected High Schools. Fee Re-imbursement: In order to encourage Girls education, girl students studying in 10th std. are exempted from payment of examination fee of Rs.120.00 per student. For this Rs. 120.00 lakhs are provided and 1.74 girls students are benefited. Leave Reserve Teachers for High schools: During 2006-07, 485 new High Schools were started and 970 post of Asst. Master, sanctioned @ of 2 teachers per High School created. For this provision of Rs.4000/- per month Honorarium for retired teachers to teach in these newly started High School, Rs. 240.00 lakhs of grants is released. Distribution of Progress Cards: Progress cards in consolidated form printed and issued to schools for the benefit of students of 8th, 9th, 10th standard during 2006-07 Rs.7.00 lakhs released and 6,70,293 are spent for printing and distribution of progress cards to all government High Schools through District Deputy Directors of Public Instruction. This helps teachers to know the achievement of each individual students and design remedial teaching accordingly. Incentives: Cash award is paid to teachers of 5% Government schools of exemplary achievement in April 2006 S.S.L.C. Public exams in the district. For this 15.00 lakhs released. Similarly for such 5% government High Schools which have secured highest % results of April 2006 S.S.L.C. Exam in comparison to April 2005 SSLC exam for this too, Rs.15.00 lakhs of grants released. Residential Schools: The administration of residential school have been transferred to Social Welfare Department from Education Department, as per government letter number ED 205 YOYOKA 2006 Dt. 23.11.2006.

PHYSICAL EDUCATION SECTION Conducting of taluk, district, divisional and state level sports meet utilizing Vidhyarthi Kreeda Nidhi collected from Higher Primary and High Schools of the state. 92 winners in various National Level School Games have been awarded Cash prize amounting Rs.6,59,000-00 on Karnataka Rajyostava (Makkala Mela)day. Proposals submitted to the DDPI, SWF and TBF for cash award to 620 winners in different state level sports amounting to Rs. 8.00 lakhs. For National level School Games nearly Rs.15.00 lakhs was utilized for sports dress, shoes, T.A/D.A etc. In the year 2006-07 Government released Rs.40.00 lakhs under Planned Scheme. An amount of Rs.5.00 lakh was utilized for conducting National Games in the discipline of Kabbaddi at Dharwad District. An amount of Rs.30.00 lakhs was utilized towards the purchase of sports materials in various schools. An amount of Rs.5.00 lakhs was utilized for Training Camp which was organized in 8 districts for 9 events, 135 in-service Grade-2 Government Physical Education Teachers deputed to B.P.Ed. training, as per Government order. During 2006-07 academic year proposal has been sent to Government for approval. Organization of cultural programme through 1500 school children in respect of National festivals like Independence day, Republic day and Kannada Rajyotsava entrusted by the Deputy Commissioner, Bangalore Urban Dist. Work relating to activities Bharat Seva Dal, Bharat Scouts and Guides and service matters relating to Bharat Sevak Samaj and Bharat Seva Dal staff, release of allotment etc.

DIRECTORATE FOR URDU AND OTHER MINORITY LANGUAGES: Government of Karnataka in their order No. ED 125: MES: 86 dated 26.5.1987 have established the Directorate of Urdu and Other Minority Language Institutions to protect and safeguard the Constitutional rights of the Minority Language Institutions and to improve the standard of education of the Institutions in the State. As per the above under this Directorate is functioning in the State from August 1987. The Scope of this Directorate is as follows: To submit proposals to Government to declare the educational institutions run by the linguistic and religious minorities as Minority Institutions To conduct visits and periodical inspection of minority Language institutions. Collection and consolidation of statistics of minority language educational institutions To identify educationally backward minority areas and provide educational facilities and to open new schools. To conduct orientation training courses for teachers of minority language schools for their professional advancement. To provide furniture, equipments and teaching aids to improve teaching standard. Reimbursement of fees to Anglo Indian Students studying in I to 10th Standard and students of D.Ed. course. Conduct of various cultural competitions to bring out hidden talent of the students studying in linguistic minority institutions. Co-ordinate with other agencies, institutions, corporations and NGOs which are working in the field of education for minorities.

In addition to the above functions the following sections are also attached to this Directorate. Hindi and Arabic Schools, Modernization of Arabic Madarasa under Government of India Scheme (Centrally Sponsored Scheme) Public Grievances Centrally sponsored scheme of Area Intensive Programme for Educationally Backward Minorities in the State. Inclusive Education School Development and monitoring Committees (SDMCs) Janaspandana Programme of Honble Chief Minister

Details of minority lower primary and higher primary schools under the control of this Directorate is as follows :
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Medium LPS 2261 32 49 421 01 2764 Govt. HPS 1557 48 20 509 01 01 2136 Total 3818 80 69 930 02 01 4900 LPS 10 11 02 03 01 27 Aided HPS 118 69 19 39 01 246 Total 128 80 21 42 01 01 273 LPS 55 01 07 08 01 72 Unaided HPS 123 03 09 13 148 Total 178 04 16 21 01 220 LPS 2326 44 58 432 03 2863 Total HPS 1798 120 48 561 01 01 01 2530 Total 4124 164 106 993 04 01 01 5393

Urdu Tamil Telugu Marati Malayalam Gujarati Sindhi Total

Minority High Schools under the control of the Directorate is as follows: Sl. No. 1 2 3 School details Govt. Aided Unaided Total Urdu 144 100 81 325 Tamil 05 11 16 Telugu 06 05 04 15 Marathi Gujarati 43 89 52 184 Sindhi Total 198 205 137 540

Medium-wise Details of teachers serving in the minority Primary schools is as follows

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Medium M 4857 110 110 2445 02 7524 Govt. F 10424 244 128 2496 10 5 13307 T 15281 354 238 4941 12 5 20831 M 233 85 18 282 1 1 620 Aided F 976 187 29 256 05 03 1456 T 1209 272 47 538 06 04 2076 M 254 07 37 118 03 419 Unaided F 1035 21 12 129 02 1199 T 1289 28 49 247 05 1618 M 5344 202 165 2845 06 01 8563 Total F 12435 452 169 2881 17 03 05 15962 T 17779 654 334 5726 23 04 05 24525

Urdu Tamil Telugu Marathi Malayalam Gujarati Sindhi Total

Male M; Female M; Total - T Medium-wise Details of teachers serving in the minority High schools
Sl No. 1 2 3 4 Medium M 376 24 19 150 569 Govt. F 426 16 18 148 608 T 802 40 37 298 1177 M 501 35 19 528 1083 Aided F 402 23 19 367 811 T 903 58 38 895 1894 M 274 02 23 310 609 Unaided F 296 06 05 165 472 T 570 08 28 475 1081 M 1151 61 61 988 2261 Total F 1124 45 42 680 1891 T 2275 106 103 1668 4152

Urdu Tamil Telugu Marathi Total

Male M; Female M; Total - T

Details of students studying in Minority Primary Schools

Sl No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Medium M Urdu Tamil Telugu Marathi Malayalam Gujarati Sindhi Total 184896 5843 3174 71047 194 30 265184 Govt F 258442 6356 3286 72155 172 75 340486 T 443338 12199 6460 143202 366 105 605670 M 35955 7074 2016 6441 131 110 51727 Aided F 41526 8105 1984 5407 105 110 57237 T 77481 15179 4000 11848 236 220 108964 M 19060 580 900 3034 63 23637 Unaided F 23256 707 732 2398 59 27152 T 42316 1287 1632 5432 122 50789 M 239911 13497 6090 80522 388 110 30 340548 Total F 323224 15168 6002 79960 336 110 75 424875 T 563135 28665 12092 160482 724 220 105 765423

Male M; Female M; Total - T Details of students studying in Minority High Schools

Medium Male 8486 301 339 3641 12767 Govt. Female 16234 317 386 3696 20633 Total 24720 618 725 7337 33400 Male 12911 452 303 11897 25563 Aided Female 20198 709 374 12021 33302 Total 33109 1161 677 23918 58865 Male 2964 103 148 3378 6593 Unaided Female 5411 81 178 3004 8674 Total 8375 184 326 6382 15267 Male 24361 856 790 18916 44923 Total Female 41843 1107 938 18721 62609 Total 66204 1963 1728 37637 107532

Urdu Tamil Telugu Marathi Total

Declaration of Institutions as Minority Institutions: Ever since the Directorate is established 507 educational institutions have been declared as Minority Institutions Budget for 2006-07 Sl. No. 1 2 Details Sanctioned amount Rs. ( in lakhs) 42.00 15.00 Scheme Physical

Salary of staff Literary competitions and cultural activities for the students of minority schools Modernisation of Madarasas


Non Plan Plan Implementation of programmes for taluk & Dist level Plan Salary of Science teachers in Madarasas.

Reimbursement of fees to Anglo Indian students: During 2006-07 a sum of Rs. 7.10 lakhs was released by Government of Karnataka to Zilla Panchayaths to reimburse fees to Anglo Indian students studying standards from I to X Area Intensive Programme for Educationally Backward Minorities Centrally sponsored Scheme: Under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme of Area Intensive Programme for Educationally backward Minorities, Government of India have selected the following 10 blocks in Karnataka State:

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Name of the Block Bidar and Humnabad Gulbarga and Chittapur Savanoor , Shiggon Belthangady and Bantwal Raichur Bhatkal

District Bidar Gulbarga Haveri Dakshina Kannada Raichur Uttara Kannada

On 5.7.2002 Rs. 55.72 lakhs have been released by the Govt. of Karnataka for construction of 74 class rooms in the above six districts. Rs.54.00 lakhs have been utilized so for. During the first stage of this Scheme on 7.4.2005 proposal have been sent to the Government for release of Rs. 3,34,45,000-00 for construction of 172 class rooms. Likewise during the second stage 22/25 -10-2005 proposal have been sent to the Government for release of 60,10,000-00 for construction of 32 class rooms. Overall a sum of Rs.3,94,55,000-00 have been proposed for two stages from the Government.

Appointment of Urdu Teachers In the year 2006, 367 Urdu teachers have been appointed. In 2007 the process of recruiting 575 Urdu teachers is under progress. Integrated Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) This Directorate has been implementing IEDC scheme since August 2004. In the previous years this programme was implemented by The State Project Office of Sarva Shiksha Abhiyana and a Director (Primary Education) The progress under IEDC Scheme is as follows: In 2002-03 this scheme was implemented by 70 NGOs (Non Government Organisation) through 1106 special teacher/ Resource teachers 19836 disabled children of 3125 schools were covered under this scheme Rs 3,32,69,694/- grant was released for the implementation of the scheme. During 2003-04 110 NGOs and 13 DIET components through 1846 special teacher 36402 disabled children of 5638 schools were covered under this scheme. Rs. 8,61,00,000/grant was released for the implementation of scheme. During 2004-05 this scheme was implemented by 119 NGOs and 13 DIET components through 1943 special teachers. 35687 disabled children of 6436 schools were covered under this scheme. The proposal for Rs. 10,56,23,883-00 grant has been submitted to the Central Government.

During 2005-06 this scheme has been implemented by 128 NGOs and 13 DIET Components through 1972 special teachers. 37010 disabled children of 6674 schools are under this scheme and the proposal for Rs. 10,98,49,129-00 grant has been submitted to the Central Government. The three NGOs fail to implement the scheme as per the guidelines of the scheme. Hence these three NGOs are blacklisted and recommended to stop the grants and also cancellation of the recognition of these institutions. In 2006-07 117 NGOs and 13 DIET components are implementing this scheme through 6188 schools. 34706 disabled children and 1931 resource teachers are benefited under this scheme. The proposal budget of Rs. 10,10,23,222-00 has been prepared and submitted to Central Government. The purpose of this scheme is to provide educational opportunities for Disabled children in common schools, to prepare them for the normal growth and enable them to face life with courage and confidence. The main objective of the Govt. is to identify the different disabled children and bring them under the scheme and to provide them all the facilities and to work for their improvement. As per the Central Government instructions the DIETs are encouraged to take up new activities of these schemes. Under this scheme, salaries of the Resource Teachers and allowances such as books and stationary allowances, uniform allowances, equipment allowances, Hostel allowances etc, to the disabled children have been provided. As regards Arabic Madarasas and Colleges, Government of Karnataka, in their order No. ED 15 CSP 79 dated: 20.6.1979 have released grants to 103 Arabic Schools. This financial assistance is release for the salary of teachers of these traditional Madarasas. There are 323 Arabic Madarasas in the state. Of which 103 are aided and 220 are Unaided Arabic Schools are opened and run in Bombay Karnataka and Hyderbad Karnataka areas like Belguam , Bijapur, Karwar, Dharwad, Gulbarga, Bidar and Bellary districts in the state. There are 09 Arabic College in the state of which 09 are aided and 06 are unaided. There are 570 teahcers working in 103 aided Arabic Schools. Modernisation of Madarasas The Government of India have introduced a scheme to encourage institutions like Madarasas to modernize their curriculum. traditional

A grant of Rs. 19,97,600-00 have been released for 119 Arabic Madarasas in the state. Under this scheme, subjects like Science, Social Science and English are taught. Teachers are appointed on a consolidated salary of Rs. 2200/- per month. An amount of Rs. 4000/- is allotted to each Madarasas to purchase science equipments. 73 approved teachers are working in these Madarasas. This has been extended to 1999-2000 and Govt. have released 12 months salary to the 73 teachers at the rate of Rs. 3,000/- per teacher per month. During 2000-2001, 5 months salary to 73 teachers at the rate of Rs. 3000/- per teacher is released. During 2001-02, Govt. has permitted to utilize the balance amount of previous years. This balance amount Rs. 6,81,547 + 2,52,000 = Rs. 9.33 lakhs has been released for the salary of teachers. This amount has been again released to the Divisional Joint Directors for disbursement of salary to teachers.

Proposal has been sent to the Govt. to release Rs. 68.43 lakhs towards the salary of 72 teachers from 2002-2003 to 2004-05. An amount of Rs. 77.41 lakhs has been released vide G.O. No. Ed 325 MCD 2004 dated 30.10.2006. This amount has been released to the Joint Director of Belgaum, Gulbarga and Bangalore Division for disbursement of salary to teachers. Hindi Vidyalayas To develop Hindi language in non Hindi speaking areas of the State, Govt. of Karnataka vide its Order No. ED 15 PHN 76 dated: 26.7.1979 has made provision to open Hindi Vidyalayas in the State. There are 86 Hindi Vidyalayas in the State, of which 80 vidyalayas are getting partial grants, 6 institutions are unaided, further 5 voluntary organizations are conducting Hindi examinations and issuing certificates to the students. For the development of Hindi Language, in non Hindi speaking states the Central Govt. is releasing grants towards Teachers salaries. A proposal has been sent to the Govt. to release Rs. 8,47,10,988-00 towards the salary of 870 teachers for 2006-07. Grievances Cell On behalf of Commissioner for Public Instruction, application of grievances received from the public is compiled and processed in this Directorate. The Director of Urdu and Other Minority Languages acts as a nodal officer for the Grievances Cell. A consolidated statement furnishing the details of grievances/ complaints received by this office are as follows: Complaints received during the No, of Complaints Balance of complaint as on year 2006-07 1.4.2006 to finalized so far 30.01.2007 30.01.2007 203 160 43

RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT: Under Right to Information Act-2005, in Education Department 53,556 Authorities have been setup all over the state. During 2005-06 & 2006-07 (31.12.2006) applications have been received as follows: Year 2005-06 2006-07 Applications Received 137 380 Applications Settled 123 358 Balance 14 22

Department has taken necessary steps to settle the applications pending in various stages.

DEPARTMENT OF STATE EDUCATION RESEARCH & TRAINING The Department of State Education Research and Training popularly known as D.S.E.R.T. aims at providing academic leadership in School Education as well as improving the Quality of Education at Primary, Secondary and Teacher education levels in the State. It is one of the wings of the Department of Public Instruction. The following are the main units of D.S.E.R.T. State Institute of Science and Educational Technology Unit. State Education Evaluation Unit and Educational Guidance Unit. Teacher Education Unit.

I- State Institute of Science and Educational Technology Unit: State Institute of Science: To improve the science education in primary and secondary school levels and to create interest and to develop scientific attitude among students and teachers. This wing organizes different activities and programmes. Science Seminar for High School students: This Seminar is conducted at District, State and at National level. The student who gets Ist place at district level gets qualified to enter at State level competetion. This year State level competetion was held at Murudeswara, North Canara district on 23-9-06. 30 students from 30 districts had participated and at State level a girl student from Mahila Seva Samaj, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, had represented State at National level and this was conducted at V.I.T.M., Bangalore. The amount that was spent for the programme was estimated to 1.55 lakhs. Quiz Programme for High School Students: This programme was conducted in collaboration with Karnataka Rajya Vignana Parishat. This will also be conducted at Taluk, District, State level. This will be conducted in two categories: (1) Rural Students (2) Urban Students from each category 2 students will represent at Taluk, district, state levels. 32 participants from each category had participated at State level. The competition took place on 10th January, 2007. The amount spent for this programme was approximately Rs. 1.08 lakhs. Science Exhibition for High School teachers and students: This programme is conducted at District, State, Zone and National levels. As per the guidelines given by NCERT, from each district a team of two students, in 5 different themes/subjects who would have secured 1st place will be qualified to enter into State level competition. State level Competetion was held at Shimoga. At Zonal level 50 students had participated and was held at Hubli in Dharwar District in collaboration with V.I.T.M., Bangalore on 22-01-07 to 26-01-07. Participants (students & teachers) had participated with 220 Exhibits from Andhra, Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry, Kerala and Karnataka. The amount that was spent was approximately Rs. 5.78 lakhs.

Science Drama Competition: This programme was also organised at district, division, state, aonal and National level. The 1st prize winning team of 8 students and 1 Guide (teacher) will compete at Divisional level. Divisional level and State level competitions were held at Shimoga. Zonal level drama competition took place on 24-01-07 at Savai Gandharva Kala mandira, Hubli in Dharwad district. The estimated expenditure was Rs. 1.60 lakhs. 10 days Refreshes Training for teachers: Subject based 10 days Refresher Training to high school teachers in teaching Maths, Physics and Chemistry was imparted in Co-ordination with Scientists of IISc for 10 days for selected 100 teachers of a district in the State. This programme was conducted in Gadag district from 22/12/06 to 31/12/06. Expenditure incurred was estimated to be Rs. 1.50 lakhs. Maintenance of Science Centres: Sum of Rs. 6000/- each has been given to 224 science centres through 10 CTEs of the State for maintenance of science centre Rs. 13,44,000-00 has been spent in this regard. Radio programme: In the year 2006-07 through 10 stations of A.I.R, Radio lessons are being broadcasted from 1st to 8th standard children. 405 Radio lessons broadcasted. The lessons for standard 1st to 5th are prepared by E.D.C. cost is funded by SSA. Educational Technology Unit: To strengthen Technology support in schools, Educational Technology Cell undertakes various academic activities through the effective utilization of Technology and media i.e. Radio, Computer, T.V, Satellite Programmes, Audio and Video cassetes, C.Ds, etc. Mahithi Sindhu Project:- Under this project every year 3 lakhs students from 1,000 Govt. High Schools are being benefited in learning computer and computer based education. This scheme got Government permission to extend for 3 more years from 2006. The amount estimated to be incurred is Rs. 5,141 lakhs. Revised Class Project:- Computer and Computer aided education has been implemented in 150 Govt. High Schools. The total budget fixed for the project is Rs. 755.90 lakhs. 53,000 students will be benefited every year. 11th Finance Commission Project: Under the project 88 Govt. High Schools imparts computer and computer aided education and training. Every year 45,000 students are being benefited. Budget of Rs. 590.48 lakhs has been estimated for this project. American India Foundation:- This foundation is assisting in imparting computer and computer aided education in 11 Govt. High Schools which have been brought under Mahithi Sindhu.

ICT Project:- 480 Govt. Schools has been selected under this project for the implementation of computer and computer based education. Preliminary work for preparation construction of rooms has been undertaken and each concerned school has been given Rs. 55,000/-. An amount of Rs. 2.64 Crores has been released fro this. Edusat Progrmme:- For teleconferencing for Edusat Programmes D.S.E.R.T. has got a very good and well equipped Studio and Hubs. Through this for the year 2006-07, 885 schools from Gulbarga district are selected under this project and with the help of I.S.R.O. Receiving centres has been set up in those schools. 252 films have been prepared for Telecasting. Satellite based training programmes:- After launching of the Edusat Project. Teleconferencing facility from DSERT studio linking all DIETs and BRCs of 202 Educational Blocks to interact with filed functionaries in getting information relating to departmental programmes and also in training of Master Resource persons and teachers. 28 Satellite based programme has been telecasted from February 2006. II - State Education Evaluation and Educational Guidance Unit: The State Education Evaluation Unit aims at bringing out Qualitative improvement in education both at Primary and Secondary level. Academic Reforms:- Through this unit DSERT is pioneering education reforms in the Stated instead of the present one academic year term and in that monthly tests, mid-term and promotional final examination at the end of the academic year has been modified to trimester system and implemented in all the schools from V to IX standards. Evaluation Training:- The unit conducts regular evaluation training to secondary school teachers with an emphasis on the X standard public examination. This unit has prepared Question Bank Book for 10th Standard students on various subjects to facilitate secondary schools to take up special coaching for students. Publication of Children's Literature: The unit takes up the preparation and publication of Children's Literature. Workshops are conducted for talented children of 8th to 10th class and best literature created by children are selected and published. Few are, Makkala Kathe matthu Kavanagalu, Vaignanika Kathegalu, Surya, Sowramandala, Gilaki, Upakari upagraha, etc. Apart from this DSERT annual reports, material on Human Rights Education and Trimester System has been Published. For the year 2006-07 an amount of Rs. 10 lakhs was provided for the said programmes. Certain other programmes and trainings will be conducted by CCRT, New Delhi by this unit for high school teachers and Teacher Educators. Every month 4 batches of 10 teachers in each batch and 480 teachers per year will be trained. RIE, Bangalore, conducts 2 English language training classes per year. 2 Batches of 64 each from 32 districts, one teacher from Primary and one from high school section from each district will be selected and deputed, such that 128 teacher will be trained per year.

Training on Yoga Shikshana and cultural and value education are being conducted by M.H.R.D. financed by the same. During 2006-07, Suvarna Karnataka year preparation of curriculum from 1 to 10th classes has been taken up. National Talent Search Examination:- One of the programmes under SEEU is conducting NTSE examination. NCERT has entrusted this responsibility of conducting examination to DSERT in the State. This is being done to encourage talented students of Class "VIII" and "X" Std. (from 2006-07 8th Standard students also have been included). Every year through NTS Scheme, by way of providing financial assistance till they complete their education in the form of monthly scholarships. During 2006-07 NTSE was conducted on 12/11/2006 in 99 centres for 72,000 children in the State. 295 from 10th Std. and 235 from 8th Standard were respectively selected on the basis of merit they will be trained and sent to National level. And those who come out successfully at National level will be awarded National level scholarships. Those who are selected at State level they get an award of Rs. 200/- per month for 2 years from TBF & SWF funds. During 2006-07 Rs. 40-00 lakhs was the budget sanctioned and Rs. 28.00 lakhs has already been spent. For the year 2007-08 an estimate of Rs. 80-00 lakhs has been put forth. ---National Population Education Programme:- With the intention of creating awareness among the students, teachers and public regarding the effects of over population in a developing country like ours and efforts to over come the problems through educational means is this projects main aim. Karnataka is in the main stream since the inception of this project by achieving considerable progress. Adolesence education is of more importance in the present day situation. Central Government is supporting financially this scheme, through UNICEF & NACO. Training of Educational Administration, Head of Institutions, Secondary school teachers by conducting Co-curricular activities and inter action programmes, development of support material are the main activities of this project. 2 programmes (a) Health awareness (b) Life skill Educational Programme are being implemented in collaboration with Bangalore Medical Services Trust (BMST) an NGO and NIMHANS respectively.

III - Teacher Education: Teacher Education Unit deals with administration release of grants, control of Teachers Educational Institutions (TTI & B.Ed. colleges). Improvement of basic amenities at Govt. T.T.I's construction and repair works of buildings of Govt. T.T.I's . There are 17 Govt. T.T.I's in the State. During 06-07, 164 new teacher training institutions were given permission. An amount of Rs. 43.00 lakhs for the above purpose has been estimated to be the expenditure for the year.

Apart from these administrative functions, it also conducts various training programmes like in-service teachers training for high school and primary school teachers through DIET's and CTE's, English Language Training classes for high school teachers. Yoga and value education for high school Physical education teachers, etc. The DSERT formulates plans and Co-ordinates the implementation of various primary teacher training programmes at the State level and DIET at the district level. During 2006-07 about 91191 primary school teachers were trained in Kannada, Maths, Science, Hindi, Geography, preparation and use of TLM, usage of Maths and Science kits, chaitanya, project in semester system, SUPW and other subjects. The amount spent was Rs. 27,44,021/. Nearly 1600 high school teachers are trained in Kannada, English, Hindi, Maths, Social Science and 1600 teachers are trained in Yoga and value education in a 10 days training programme during the vacation period. The amount that was spent Rs. 9,09,606/-. In order to enable the staff of DSERT,DIET's and CTE's to improve and enhance their qualification and ability 22 officers/Teacher Educators were deputed to M.Ed. courses to various Universities of the State. The amount incurred for this is estimated to be Rs. 2.00 lakhs. A new project has been undertaken by DSERT to train high school teachers on "Personality Development". Project Report is under preparation. For all these programmes an estimated amount of Rs. 2200/- lakhs has been allotted. ----IV. Text Book Unit: Recently (from June 2006) the Directorate of Text books which was one of unit of DSERT has been converted into Karnataka Text book Society and all the activities of the Directorate is taken over by the Society. VI. Sarva Shikshana Abhiyana: All the programmes which were doing by DPEP have been continued under SSA but SSA covers the entire State with many other new objectivies and programmes like universalisation of Elementary Education, providing community owned quality elementary education. Its expenditure is being funded by Central Government.

KARNATAKA SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION BOARD CONSTITUTION OF THE BOARD: This board was constituted under the Rule-16 of Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board Act 1966 and is a statutory body. As per G.O.No. ED 4 SXM 2005, dated: 06.04.2005 a new body with new board members has been formed during the year 2005-06. The term of present Board is three years. During 2006-07, the Board met 5 times to review the program of work. FORMATION OF VALUATION CENTRES: For 2006 March SSLC Examination, 29 Valuation Centres were formed and Valuation Centres were located at district level only. NEW EVALUATION SYSTEM: For March 2006 SSLC Examination the system of valuation is revised & same will be continued. 6:1 ratio of DCE and AE is as usual in the previous years. But one DCE is appointed for 3 teams of AEs, consisting 2 AEs each. Two AEs should evaluate the PartA & Part-B of answer scripts on rotation system. Science-2 answer script should be evaluated by one AE. ISSUE OF PHOTO COPIES (XEROX) OF EVALUATED ANSWER SCRIPTS: Photo copies of answer scripts were issued in all subjects by collecting prescribed fee. HIGH LIGHTS OF THE RESULTS OF SSLC EXAMINATION MARCH 2006: Pass percentage is 68.46, 11.54% rise in pass percentage when compared to the previous year. Belgaum district stands first this time. Chikkodi remains in 2nd place, Udupi climbs down to 5th from 1st, Dakshina Kannada 14th from 3rd. Kolar rise 26th place from last position, Yadgiri is placed last from 4th. The results of Madhugiri, Tumkur and Bellary districts rises considerably. Madhugiri 8th from 29th position. Tumkur 7th from 24th position. Bellary 10th from 28th position. Chickballapur rises from 31st to 11th position. The results of Bangalore North, South and Rural districts have gone down considerably from 6th to 12th, 14th to 16th, 12th to 13th respectively. Chitradurga, Haveri and Dharwad district fared better than last year. Approximately 150 schools scored 85% and above. As usual girl students have fared better than boys. The pass percentage of private candidates has improved. The repeaters pass percentage has raised from 36% to 55%.

Rural students have considerably improved. Rural students have outscored urban students. Improvement of 2.06% is seen. (Pass percentage: Urban: 67.75, Rural: 71.81) A BRIEF REPORT OF THE MARCH-2006 SSLC EXAMINATION : The S.S.L.C. examination of March 2006 was conducted by the KSEEB from 16.03.2006 in 2486 examination centres. Answer scripts were got valued in 195 centres from 27.03.2006 to 15.04.2006 by 30,409 valuators. Arrangements were made to announce the results in all the Government and Recognized High Schools and Junior colleges throughout Karnataka and also at the Board Office simultaneously on 31st May 2006. The following statements shows the results of March-2006 SSLC examination in detail. Sl. No Boys Girls Total Subject 458685 365255 823940 Caste wise Statistics S.C S.T. B.T General Total 115774 38373 23783 519039 696969 Urban & Rural Rural Urban Total 393227 303277 696504 282357 211544 493901 70166 25182 16211 382647 494206 Appeared 303588 260447 564035 Passed

Government & Non-Government Schools Government Private Total 273702 423268 696970 177298 316909 494207

A BRIEF REPORT OF THE JUNE-2006 S.S.L.C. EXAMINATION The supplementary S.S.L.C. examination of June-2006 was conducted in 773 examination centres from 09.06.2006 to 14.06.2006. 13289 valuators conducted in selected centres from 19.06.2006 evaluated the valuations of 8,78,032 answer scripts. The results of this

examination were announced on 19.06.2006 at all concerned schools and also at the Board office. The details of results are as follows: SEX WISE PERFORMANCE PARTICULARS Boys Girls Total APPEARED 114020 74239 188259 PASSED 50884 34431 85315 PERCENTAGE 44.63 46.38 45.32

CASTE WISE PERFORMANCE Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Backward Tribe General Eco Backward Total 40969 12987 6889 127242 172 188259 16165 5701 3297 60088 64 85315 39.46 43.90 47.86 47.22 37.21 45.32

URBAN / RURAL SCHOOLS PERFORMANCE Rural Urban Total 98701 89518 188219 46148 39154 85302 46.76 43.74 45.32

GOVT. & PRIVATE SCHOOLS PERFORMANCE Government Private Total 84345 103874 188219 36093 49209 85302 42.79 47.37 45.32

KARNATAKA SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION BOARD (OTHER EXAMS) Karnataka Secondary Education Examination Board was established in the year 1966 with the main motto of conducting examinations such as SSLC, TCH, Commerce, Drawing, Sanskrit, Arabic, Music etc.,. As the strength of exams and candidates increased day by day the necessity of another Directorate was felt and hence the Other Exams Directorate originated as per G.O.No. ED78 DPI 97 Bangalore dt. 18-12-97. The Directorate of Other Exams is conducting exams for D.Ed (Diploma in Education) D.P.Ed (Diploma in Physical Education), Hindi Shishak, Music and Dance, Drawing, Sanskrit and Veda, Arabic, Commerce, Karnataka Open School, Film Acting, Theater art, and Yoga courses. In short the other exams wing of KSEEB conducts 16 main exams. K.S.E.E.B. is one for all Administrative purposes and the Commissioner for Public Instruction is the Chairman of the Board. Resolutions Pertaining to Other Exams taken during Board Meetings held during 2006-07 During 150th Board Meeting held on 07.09.2006 the Income and Expenditure for the year 2005-06 and an Approximate income and Expenditure for the year 2006-07 was approved. The Board also gave an approval for the revision of Fees and Remunaration of various exams conducted by (Other Exams wing) and also decided that the same can be sent for approval from the Government. During 152nd Board meeting which was held on 15.02.2007. the board approved few objections raised during Audit Inspection by SAD of the year 2000-01, 2001-02, 200203 with retrospective effect. The Board also gave an approval for the purchase of 2 Mobile phones (One for Director (O.E) and other for Secretary KSEEB. It also approved for installation of BSNL Telephone for D.Ed Section. Major programs adopted by KSEEB (Other Exams): 1. Two Nodal Officers one for Teacher Education Exams and another for Other Exams were nominated from all DIETS to look into the smooth running of exams. Cluster System is introduced both for Main and Supplementary Exams of D.Ed. Squads are appointed at the Districts level headed by the DIET principal to curb Malpractice, and to conduct exams smoothly. VALUATIONS:- Valuations are conducted regularly for all exams and announced there after. the results

D.Ed (DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION) EXAMINATIONS: D.Ed is a two-year Diploma course conducted for candidates who wish to become teachers in Primary schools. Exams for this are conducted at the end of each academic year. In the year 2003 there were only 131 institutions but now in the year 2005-06 the same has increased to 716. The details of Exams conducted in the year 2006-07 are given below: Name of the Exam D.Ed. Ist year D.Ed. IInd year Month Oct- 2006 Oct-2006 Total candidates 40150 29504 Number passed 31296 27317 % of pass 77.95 92.59

PRE PRIMARY TEACHERS TRAINING EXAMINATIONS & M.C.T.T. Exams Candidates who wish to serve as Pre-Primary school teachers take up this exams. Multi Category Teachers Training Exams were also conducted. The details are as fallows:Name of the Exam P.P.T. Month Nov- 2006 Total candidates 425 Number passed 373 % of pass 87.76%

Name of the Exam M.C.T.T.

Month May- 2006

Total candidates 443

Number passed 391

% of pass 88.2%

HINDI SHIKSHAK EXAMINATIONS: Hindi Shikshak Training is a 1 year compact training for which exams will be held at the end of their academic year and marks statements will be issued thereafter. Name of the Exam Hindi Shikshak Month May 2006 Total candidates 644 Number passed 558 % of pass 86.06

DIPLOMA IN PHSICAL EDUCATION EXAMINATIONS: Diploma in Physical Education is a 2 year Diploma course for which exams will be conducted at the end of Ist and IInd year. Name of the Exam DPEd Month Oct- 2006 Total candidates 664 Number passed 440 % of pass 66.2

SPECIAL MUSIC, DANCE AND TALAVADYA EXAMINATIONS: Exams related to these are conducted from Junior to Senior and Vidwath level to evaluate the talent of candidates. The details of exams held in May 2006 are listed below:

Name of the Exam Karnatic vocal Junior Karnatic instrumental Junior Karnatic vocal senior Karnatic instrumental senior Karnatic talavadya Junior Karnatic talavadya senior Hindustani vocal junior Hindustani instrumental junior Hindustani vocal senior Hindustani instrumental senior Hindustani Talavadya junior Hindustani Talavadya senior BharathaNatya junior Bharatha natya senior Kathak junior Kathak Senior Kuchupudi Junior Kuchipudi Senior Kanatic Vocal Vidwath (old slb) Kanatic Insrumental Vidwath(OS) Kanatic Talavadya Vidwath (OS) Hindustani vocal Vidwath (OS) Hindustani talavadya Vidwath (OS) BharathaNatya Vidwath (OS) KanaticVocal vidwath Poorva (NS) KanaticInstrumental vidwath Poorva (NS) KanaticTalavadya vidwath Poorva (NS) Hindustani vidwath poorva (NS) HindustaniTalavadya vidwath poorava (NS) Bharatha natya Vidwath Poorava(NS) Total DRAWING GRADE EXAMINATIONS:

Total candidates 3690 231 325 36 125 22 1181 67 209 4 287 43 2227 505 09 03 08 03 84 09 01 05 08 39 29 09 05 36 44 55 9259

Number passed 2909 158 206 23 104 16 836 30 138 1 228 20 1802 408 07 03 08 02 25 06 02 19 03 02 0 16 0 19 6988

% of pass 78.83 68.40 63.38 63.89 83.20 72.73 70.79 44.78 66.03 25.00 78.44 46.51 80.92 80.79 77.78 100.00 100.00 66.67 29.76 66.67 0 0 25.00 48.72 10.34 22.22 0 44.44 0 34.55 75.47

Drawing grade examinations are conducted for candidates studying in 8th, 9th and 10th std. These exams increase aesthetic sense and creativity among candidates. Details of Nov2006 Exams are is as follows: Name of the Exam Drawing Lower and Higher grade Month Nov 06 Total candidates 25,380 Number passed 22431 % of pass 88.3%

SANSKRIT AND VEDA EXAMINATIONS: Sanskrit Exams were conducted in Feb 2006. The details are as follows: Name of the Exam Sanskrit Prathama Sanskrit Kavya Sanskrit sahitya Sanskrit vidwanMadhyama Sanskrit vidwan uttama Veda Examinations: Name of the Exam Veda Prathama Veda pravesha Veda Moola Veda VidwanMadhyama Vidwan uttama ARABIC EXAMINATIONS: Arabic Exams are also conducted by the board. Exams like Ustania, Foukania, Afzal-ul-ulma Madhyama, Afzal-ul-ulma Uttama are conducted. Name of the Exam Ustania Foukania Afzal-ul-ulma Madhyama Afzal-ul-ulma Uttama Month Feb -2007 -- `` --- `` --- `` -Total candidates 1615 888 136 93 Number passed 1570 810 120 86 % of pass 93.93 91.22 88.23 91.86 Month Feb -2007 -- do --- do --- do -20 -- do -10 13 10 65% 100% Total candidates 615 221 90 Number passed 407 192 83 % of pass 66.34% 86.87% 92.22% Month Feb -2007 -- do --- do --- do --- do -Total candidates 10521 3934 677 320 126 Number passed 8901 3274 438 176 107 % of pass 83.92% 83.22% 64.70% 56.56% 84.92%

COMMERCE EXAMINATIONS: Kannada and English Typewriting Examinations along with Shorthand, Office Management, and Book Keeping are conducted. Details of Nov-2006 Exams are given below: Name of the Exam English Typewriting Prof English Typewriting senior English typewriting junior Kannada Typewriting Prof Kannada Typewriting Senior Kannada Typewriting junior English Shorthand senior English short hand Intermediet English short hand junior Kannada short hand Senior Kannada Shorthand junior Book kedeping and accountancy junior Office practice and Procedure senior Office Practice and Procedure junior Kacheri adilitha senior Kachari adalitha Junior KARNATAKA OPEN SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS: The main motto of Karnataka Open School Examinations is to provide an opportunity to pupils who were not able to complete their studies and to help them join the main stream. The Government of Karnataka has now considered these join exams equal to SSLC exams. Details are as follows:Name of the Exam K.O.S. Month Dec-2006 Total candidates O.Scheme-338 New Scheme-7088 Number passed 109 5247 % of pass 32.25% 74.03% These exams are conducted during May every year. Total candidates 1595 4326 1028 1470 188 207 352 233 395 Number passed 724 1817 541 777 31 76 56 97 154 % of pass 45.39 58.00 52.63 52.86 16.49 36.71 15.91 41.63 38.99

FILM ACTING EXAMINATIONS: Candidates who wish to excel in the field of Film acting take up these exams every year. The details of which is given below: Name of the Exam Film Acting examination Month June- 06 Total candidates 93 Number passed 53 % of pass 56

RANGA SHIKSHANA AND NINASAM EXAMINATIONS: This exam includes Stage preparation, direction and acting. Training is given at Hegoodu in Shimoga Dist. About 18 candidates take up these exams. The details are as below. Name of the Exam Ranga shiksana YOGA SHIKSHANA: Malladihalli in Chitradurga Dist is the place where this exam is conducted. Importance is given to yoga and about 20 candidates had taken exams out of which 17 have passed and the percentage of pass is 85 %. Name of the Exam Yoga Month June -2006 Total candidates 36 Number passed 33 % of pass 91.66% Month Jun 06 Total candidates 18 Number passed 18 % of pass 100

The Directorate of Other Exams is conducting all the above exams systematically, keeping in mind the sanctity of exams. Results are also announced in time and marks cards are also dispatched thereafter.

The Karnataka Text Book Society(R )

The Karnataka Text Book society (R) came into existence as an autonomous body on 1.4.2006 as per the Govt .order No ED 95 DGO 2005 dated 4.1.2006. The Karnataka text Book Society has been registered on 12.5.2006 as per the Karnataka Registration act 1966. 1. Two committees are functioning under this: a) Governing council: Hon. Minister for Primary and Secondary Education is the Chairperson for Governing Council. b) Executive committee: Commissioner for Public Instruction is the Chair person of the executive committee. 2. The Karnataka text book Society is formed on the basis of the recommendations of retired IAS officer Dr.Surendranath Committee`s report. The basic objective of this society is to bring preparation printing and distribution of text books under one autonomous body, because there was delay in taking decisions at the various levels of the Govt. which caused delay. 3. Main functions of the Karnataka Text book Society:- The responsibility of preparation, printing and distribution of 1 to 10th standard Text Book nearly 320 titles in 10 languages and seven medias (Kannada, English, Urdu, Marati, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian) . Sanskrit, Arabic and Persian media is not there. 4. The first Governing council meeting was held on 30.6.2006 under the chairmanship of Hon. Minister for primary and secondary Education. 17 members are there in the Governing Council. The Committee resolved to give printing of all the free component text books for the year 2007-08 to Govt. printing press (Printing & distribution up to district Go downs) 5. On 29.7.2006 National open tender was called as per Karnataka Transparency act to print all sale component and partial free text books less than 1000 copies of 121 titles. 6. The executive committee so far met 14 times under the chairmanship of CPI and reviewed the printing progress of free and sale component books and taken several decision. 7. For the Academic year 2007-08 out 0f 278 lakhs free books so far 99.8% of books have been printed by Govt. press & supplied to the district Go downs. Class wise free text books beneficiaries are as under Class Beneficiaries 01 796054 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 Total 801933 809899 813582 829743 811004 776129 329203 198561 170227 63,36,326

Newly implemented schemes beneficiaries 1 5,31,604 Supply of free textbooks to all girls and SC/ST boys of 1 to 8th Aided Schools. 5,91,000 Supply of free text books to 8th, 9th & 10th Government School boys. Total beneficiaries for 74,58,930 2007-08

Supply of free English Textbooks (newly) to 1 to 4th students of both Government and aided school children. No. of beneficiaries are 30, 75,886. One book to each student. National tenders were invited for the printing of sale books for the year 2007-08 .27 firms participated in the tender and 19 firms succeeded in getting orders based on eligibility. 1 to 12th Standard sale books are divided in to 38 packages work orders were given to the selected printers .Total number of the 10th standard books are 2,35,19,600 and 43,36,000 PUC books. The Karnataka text book Society (R ) called tenders for printing paper and pre-press materials MPM was qualified in the tender and given orders to supply 200 lakhs worth of printing paper. Now supplying printing paper ,pre press materials are to be supplied. The Govt. of Karnataka ordered to introduce English from the 1st Standard from 200708 academic year ,For printing of these books national tender was called on 11.1.2007 .over 44 lakhs of books are to be printed and supplied freely. The Karnataka Text Book Society has collected Rs.20 lakhs royalty for tendering sale component text books for the year 207-08 from the private printers. The Karnataka text books Society (R) is striving hard to print and supply text books well in time. For this purpose the committee has chalked out several activities and plans. This year action has been initiated to supply free text books in all the 3 schemes i.e, supply of free text books to 8th, 9th & 10th Standard Government School boys. 1st to 8th Standard Aided School Girls and SC/ST boys and newly introduced English language text books to 1 to 4th Standard children.

Department of Pre-University Education

Pre-University Education is the most important stage where a student will have to build a strong will power and mental preparation for Higher Education. It has been observed that more number of students are enjoying the fruits of Higher Education, in recent years. Hence, Pre-University Education has rightly aquired vital importance and is in great demand. The colleges imparting Pre-University Education are being monitored and controlled by Department of Pre-University Education, not only with regard to conduct of examination but also with regard to Academic and Administrative aspects. Details of posts and personnel in the Department as on 31-03-2007 are as under: Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18 19. 20. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Post Total No.of posts No.of working No. of vacant posts 4 232 1 2348 2 1 1 75 05 06 237 03 8 1 79 112 8 55 316 -

Commissioner Joint Diretors Deputy Directors Assistant Directors Principals Asst. Director (Accounts) Accounts Officer Lecturers Section Officers System Analyst Senior Programmer Junior Programmer Audit Officers Programming Assistant Superintendents (Accounts) Librarians Physical Education Instructors Superintendents First Division Clerks Stenographers Drivers Senior Typists Second Division Clerks Second Division Clerkcum-Typists Typists Attenders Group D Watchman

1 3 31 07 907 1 1 8385 6 1 1 1 2 1 3 130 05 43 381 08 24 2 343 179 13 120 568 2

1 3 27 07 675 1 6037 4 1 2 1 3 55 37 144 05 16 1 264 67 5 65 252 2

Pre-University Education Bird View (2006-07) Sl. Particulars No. 1 No. of Institutions 2 No. of Teachers 3 Total Students I PUC Arts Science Commerce Total II PUC Arts Science Commerce Total 4 Results II PUC Arts Science Commerce Total Govt. 856 7147 Aided 531 6587 Unaided Bifurcated Corporation Total 1352 5295 215855 135734 165 13 2917 19029 4754 870707

289941 224423

125081 70930 20292 26549 27158 26484 172531 123963 83081 57520 17094 23130 17235 19810 117410 100460

49562 44171 31117 124850 35875 36258 18872 91005

18238 35175 19381 72794 15087 32700 15153 62940

1467 235 955 2657

265278 126422 105095 496795

1121 192684 242 109424 734 71804 2097 373912

43058 5756 11264 60078

32854 11425 13753 58032

18190 21147 12817 52154

8354 18916 10746 38016

530 102986 39 57283 456 49036 1025 209305

CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Admissions to First Pre-University Course The magnitude of Admissions to I Pre-University Course is increasing year after year, and it is really encouraging and this indicates that more No. of students who come out of secondary education are interested in continuing education. To facilitate students in joining colleges for Admission, the Department of Pre-University Education has issued Guidelines for Admission to I P.U.C to all colleges. As a result the Admission process throughout the state has been transparent and going on smoothly. Reservation policy laid down by the Government has been strictly followed. Admission process in all the colleges has been made impartial and transparent. Admissions during 2002-03 to 2006-07 Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 I P.U.C. 3,21,351 3,18,156 3,72,058 4,12,240 4,27,988 II P.U.C. 2,81,336 2,,91,573 3,25,480 3,40,296 3,61,807

STATE LEVEL ORIENTATION PROGRAMME 9000 Lecturers in 15 subjects were given Orientation Training at District level by the Master resource persons who had got the training at the state level . And 340 Lecturers working under rule 32 were also given 5 days Orientation Training, in five subjects. 400 part time lecturers who were regularized, were given Orientation Training for 4 days during October 2006. At Division Level, in 4 centres 700 lecturers have been trained in preparing model question papers. 240 Lecturers who got promotion as Principals were provided Administrative Training Programme for two days in 4 centres. Librarians who were recently appointed in Government colleges were given two days training programme.

TRAINING PROGRAMME BASED ON SATELITES 4500 lecturers of 7 subjects have been given training in methodology and updating their content through satellite based Education programmes. FEE CONCESSION TO GIRL STUDENTS In order to encourage girls education, girl students of Pre-University Education are being given free education in Government colleges. The deficit thus caused at college level is made good by the State Government itself. Details are as under: Sl. Year No.of students enjoied fee Amount made good by No. concessions the State Govt. 1 2002-03 69553 1,15,09,020 2 2003-04 72700 1,18,48,520 3 2004-05 73800 99,09,730 4 2005-06 92981 1,34,00,000 5 2006-07 105775 2,80,00,000 RECOGNITION TO PRIVATE PU COLLEGES: Renewal of recognition is being issued as per the Govt.Order no: ED 113 2005 dated :12-11-2006 once in 5 years for all private Pre university Colleges from the year 2006-07. STARTING NEW PU COLLEGES DURING 2006-07: As the admission rate in PU Colleges is growing private management have been permitted to commence PU Colleges without grants. While doing so Presidents 11 Point Programme is followed to start PU Colleges and impart Science Education. During 2006-07, 274 Private PU Colleges without grant and 199 Govt.PU Colleges have been sanctioned. Details are as follows.

Sl. No. 1 2 3 4

Division wise Bangalore Mysore Belgaum Gulbarga Total

Sanctioned Private P U Colleges 111 64 59 40 274

Sanctioned Govt. PU Colleges 44 66 57 32 199

CREATION OF POSTS, APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS: a) The government has sanctioned 800 additional posts of Lecturers due to increase of student strength and workload in Government Pre University Colleges. The posts have been distributed to the needy P U Colleges. b) The K P S C has notified the vacancies reserved for direct recruitment of 475 Lecturers. 591 eligible Assistant Masters have been promoted to the post of Lecturers. They have been given posting to the colleges through counseling for the first time. c) 124 eligible Lecturers have been promoted to the post of Principals, 11 eligible Principals were promoted to the post of Deputy Director and 4 senior Deputy Directors were promoted to the post of Joint director. CONSTRUCTION OF ROOMS UNDER RIDF: In order to provide basic facilities in Govt.PU Colleges construction of 988 rooms with estimation 45 Crores has been sanctioned in co-ordination with NABARD-RIDF-XI Scheme. Further under RIDF XII Scheme with an estimation of 66 Crores. The PWD has started the construction work of 656 class rooms and 96 room complexes. INTRODUCTION OF SPORTS CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: To encourage students in PU Colleges to take part in Sports and cultural competitions at Taluk level, District level, Divisional level, State level are being organized. A few of them are 1) Swimming 2) Volleyball 3) Kho-kho 4) Foot ball 5) Table Tennis 6) Kabaddi 7) Basket ball 8) Shuttle Badminton 9) Ball Badminton 10) Hockey 11) Throwball 12) Tennicoit 13) Athletics 14) wrestling and Net ball. Winners at State level will be sent to S.G.F.I. (School Games Federation of India). National level competitions, Cash prizes are given to encourage winners at National level in order to facilitate more students to take interest in sports. The following prizes were won by the Department of Pre University Education during the year 2006-07 in the national level: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Swimming prize for total performance Shuttle badminton 1st place (both boys and girls) Wrestling 3 Medals Kho-kho 2nd place Basket ball 3rd place

NSS UNIT: NSS was introduced in 1969. The expenditure under this scheme is met by the State and Central Governments in the ratio 7:5, respectively. During 2004-05, 480 NSS units have functioned, 53000 students were involved. Each college (NSS unit at college level) has organized 10 days special camp. Students NSS volunteers have been trained with reference to storage of rain water, environment protection, social service, National building, Health, Sanitation, AIDS etc.

GRANTS TO GOVT.PU COLLEGES TO MEET BASIC NEEDS: Rs.210-00 lakhs has been released during 2006-07 to provide Government PU Colleges with furniture, lab. equipments, library facilities etc, PUBLIC GRIEVENCE CELL: 56 complaints with reference to PU Department have been received and 50 applications have been disposed already. 2006 II PUC EXAMINATION RESULT COMBINATION-WISE RESULTS Combination Arts Commerce Science Total Appeared 107921 39992 555075 202988 Boys Passed 51367 22536 25552 99455 Girls Passed 59342 22685 22448 104475

Percentage 47.06 56.35 46.39 49.00

Appeared 100729 31113 43013 174855

Percentage 58.91 72.91 52.19 59.75

MEDIUM-WISE RESULTS Medium Kannada English Total Appeared 205056 102787 377843 Passed 106282 97648 203930 Percentage 51.83 56.15 56.97

PERFORMANCE OF CANDIDATES BELONGING TO DIFFERENT CATEGORIES Sl.No. 1. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Category Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribes Category-I Category-2A Category-2B Category-3A Category-3B General Appeared 56778 18198 6 56678 29272 44593 62593 90382 Passed 24849 8261 3 33538 13882 25450 34909 53416 % of result 43.77 45.40 50.00 59.07 47.42 57.07 55.77 59.01

District wise Results A Comparative view Sl. No District April 2004 75.26 75.53 60.38 59.18 60.22 57.03 53.71 56.80 51.04 46.53 48.30 48.30 35.15 44.88 45.06 45.10 54.28 46.11 39.36 42.71 45.08 47.50 43.24 39.82 41.13 30.81 37.24 36.72 48.99 Plac e 2 1 3 5 4 6 9 7 10 13 11 11 26 18 17 15 8 14 23 20 16 12 19 22 21 27 24 25 Percentage of Result April 2005 76.87 76.16 61.64 61.51 60.87 60.70 58.02 57.42 55.50 54.17 53.92 52.85 51.48 50.33 50.32 50.17 49.75 49.69 47.13 46.47 45.84 45.46 44.91 41.73 41.38 41.38 41.16 40.63 52.77 Plac e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 April 2006 79.96 79.21 69.11 66.19 66.02 63.08 60.49 59.79 59.38 53.80 58.70 53.64 43.92 49.83 54.71 54.02 55.03 45.49 59.79 48.76 47.84 43.42 48.97 41.28 41.25 32.88 20.32 41.24 53.97 Plac e 1 2 3 4 5 7 11 6 9 16 10 15 22 17 13 14 12 21 8 19 20 23 18 24 25 27 28 26

01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Total

Udupi South canara Coorg Chikmagalore North canara Bangalore North Bangalore south Shimoga Hassan Belgaum Tumkur Mysore Raichur Bangalore Dharwad Davnagere Haveri Bijapur Chamarajnagar Kolar Gadag Bagalkot Mandya Bellary Chitradurga Gulbarga Bidar Koppal

BUDGET PROVISIONS FOR THE YEAR 2006-07 UNDER PLAN AND NON PLAN Major Head of Account:- 2202 General Education 02- Secondary Education (Rs. in Lakhs) Sl No.

Detailed Head of Account

Grant for the year 2006-07 PLAN TOTAL 60.00 PLAN 355.47 NON 415.47

001-Direction & Admn 01- Director, PUE Edn. (2202-02-001-0-01) 108- Examination 01- PU Department (Examination charges) (2202-02-108-0-01) 109-Govt Secondary schools 13-Junior colleges (2202-02-109-0-13) 109-Secondary schools 06-Providing basic Infrastructural facilities to Govt. PU Colleges (2202-02-109-0-06) 110-Non-Govt. Secondary schools 3-Assistance to Non-Govt Jr. colleges (Grant-in-Aid) (2202-02-110-3-01) 800-Other expenditure 01-Other Schemes 05-Reimbursement of Non-Govt fees to Girls candidates of PU Colleges. (2202-02-800-1-05) Total Budget proposed under Revenue outlay CAPITAL EXPENDITURE 4202-Capital outlay on Education, Sports, Art and culture 01-General Education 202-Secondary Education 1- Building 01-Govt. Comp PU College Buildings. 02-Construction of PU Education Office Complex and Gowdown Total of capital Outlay Grant total of Revenue and Capital outlay of Expenditures.






















1200.00 1200.00 3607.00


1200.00 1200.00 36390.63

DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC LIBRARIES Karnataka Public Libraries Act has come into force since 1965, with the establishment of State Central Library on 1-11-1966. Till now there are, 1 State Central Library, 27 District Central Libraries, 19 City Central Libraries and 440 Branch libraries are functioning in the State, to cater the needs of reading public. It is an institution established by the Government in order to inculcate interest in reading and recreation to general public 15 Mobile libraries are functioning to give books to aged, women at their doorsteps. 3251 Gram Panchayat Libraries are also functioning at Gram Panchayat level. For the smooth running of the library activities State, District and City Library Authority have been constituted and they frame the projects & policies to be enforced from time to time. The main purpose of public library is to help the people to develop interest in literature and culture. This also aims at helping them to develop political, social and economic consciousness. The public library system serves as a dynamic force giving people knowledge, continuing education and information. State level Book selection committee has been constituted by the Government which selects the quality books, as per the Guidelines of the Book Selection issued by the Government. The Library Training school have been started in Bangalore and Dharwad Centres by the Department and 4 months certificate course is offered to give library training for employees and others. Computers have been installed in 27 District Central Libraries and also at Directorate office in order to serve the needy readers. Internet and E-mail services are also provided. The computers will be provided to the remaining 6 District Central Libraries under matching grant from Raja Ram Mohan Roy Library Foundation scheme. The year 2006 is celebrated as SUVARNA KARNATAKA. Digitization of 1 lac Kannada books under Million books project is undertaken by the Department. This was inaugurated by the Honble Chief Minister of Karnataka. Other activities of the Department are mentioned below: Establishment of Grama Panchayat Libraries at remaining 2,463 Grama Panchayat Centres. Construction of Library Buildings at the following eight Places: Gadag Bagalkote-Mudhol Gulbarga Bijapur-Sindhagi Mysore-Nanjangud Bangalore (Rural) - Magadi Mandya - Nagamangala Hassan Arasikere

52 Grama Panchayat Libraries have been opened in the border Taluks of the State. Construction of Library buildings at Shravanabelagola is completed at the cost of Rs. 172.00 lacs. Progress of 2006-07 of the Department Information Libraries in the Department Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. II Details of Libraries State Central Library Indira Priyadarshini Childrens Library (Total) Public Technical Library District Central Library City Central Library Mobile Libraries (Dist. & City) Branch Libraries (Dist. & City) Service Stations (Dist. & City) Reading Rooms Gram Panchayat Libraries Book Dist. Centers Aided Libraries Dist. & City Libraries at Slums Reading Rooms at Slums Total No. of Libraries 1 1 1 27 19 15 490 107 31 5766 65 21 200 600

The following is the Budget Details for the year 2006-07. ( lakhs) 1. Non-Plan` 2. Plan Total 1354.32 1290.00 2644.32


Details of Library Cess Collection during the year 2006-07. ( lakhs) 1091.51 34.09 157.50

(1) (2) (3)

Library Cess (Upto Dec.2006) Collection of 6% land revenue and Octroi Compensation grant by the Dist. & City Central Libraries.

(b) Details of Staff position of Department of Public Libraries for the year 2006-2007.

Sl. No. 1 1

2. 3. 4.

Name of the Group 2 A(Director) A (Chief Librarian Grade I) B C D Total

No.of Posts Sanctioned 3 1 28

Filled Posts 4 1 1

Vacant Posts 5 17


46 949 472 1496

40 629 321 1002

6 320 151 494


Details of Development works: 1. Gram Panchayat Libraries have been started at all 5766 Gram Panchayat. 2. Community Children Centre has been started at every District.


Details of Development works 1. Single File System Proposal has been submitted to the Government for the reconstitution of District Library Authority, Madikeri, Hassan and Tumkur. 2. The Branch Libraries are opened in the jurisdiction of City Central Library, East Zone, R.T,Nagar, Bangalore and District Central Library (Urban) Sahakaranagar, Bangalore. New Branch Libraries will be opened in the City and District Centres. One week workshops were conducted by supervisers of Gramapanchayat Libraries of Gulbarga District Central Library, Tumkur, Bangalore Urban, Koppal, Udupi and Mandya. 3. The National Library Week was observed since 14 to 20 November in the State. The opening function was held at Bangalore and the closing function was celebrated at District Central Library, Gurubhavan, Haveri. The publishers, Authors and others were attended the function. The employees those who rendered the best service have given the award in this function. 4. During the year 2006-07 four Xerox Machines and Six Computers are to be supplied to six District Central Libraries. The construction of Library buildings under the matching grant of RajaRam mohun Roy Library Foundation, Kolkata is in progress. For the overall development of the libraries, provision is made to donate books, furniture and other materials from the financially sound libraries to the financially weaker libraries.



7. To develop the District and City Central Libraries as Hi-Tech Libraries. 8. To develop Gram panchayat Libraries as information centers. 9. To develop Grampanchayat Libraries as cultural Centers. 10. Transparency in selection of books and purchase of books. 11. Publication of Bibliography of books. 12. To publish Departmental News Paper. 13. The Library Training School has been started at Bangalore and Dharwad Centres. 14. To conduct workshops, seminars to staff members. 15. To organize seminars for the public on topics of public interest. 16. To set up Library improvement committee. 17. To bring amendments to the Public Library Act 1965, Account Rules 1975 and bylaws to suit the present day conditions. 18. Renovation of the State Central Library and Indira Priyadarshini Children Library under 12th Finance Commission. 19. Reconstitution of Book Selection Committee. 20. To establish Mobile Libraries. 21. To establish Braille book Centers in District Central Libraries & City Central Libraries of the State 22. To convert the Libraries as knowledge centers.

23. To include the libraries in the Civic Amenity and to get sites for the libraries in the newly developed extensions. 24. To nominate the Chief Executive Officers of the Zilla Panchayat to District Library Authority as Co-Chairman.

25. Construction of Hi-Tech Libraries in Gulbarga City. 26. Opening of Libraries in slum areas at Bangalore: 200 Libraries and 600 Reading Rooms.


According to Govt.Order No.68 LIB 05 Dated 2-9-2005 Department of Public Libraries has introduced single Window System, which enables to purchase 300 copies of the each selected title from the Author and Publishers. With the financial assistance from various sources like Rajaram Mohan Roy Library Foundation Scheme and Plan Schemes and City Library Authority funds. In this scheme Books Selection, Purchase and payments will be made to the author at one place. Rs. 6.8 crores is earmarked for this scheme. Information regarding Civil works. Civil works Completed


1. 2. 3.

City Central Library, Central Zone, Bangalore Mangalore Chitradurga

- Raj Rammohun Roy Extention. - Mudabidare - Doddatekalakot, Bharamasagar

On going works 1) 2) 3) 4) Shimoga Bellary Koppal Thirthahalli, Chandragutti Siraguppa, Hovinahadagali Koppal

Bangalore City Central Library,North Zone, Nandini layout Kathige Kalyan Nagar BTM Layout Udupi

5) 6) 7) 8) VI.


East Zone, Bangalore South Zone BangaloreUdupi -

Information pertaining to the plans under Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation.

During the Year 2006-07 Raja Rammohun Roy Library Foundation has released Rs.150.00 lakhs as matching grant and the Government of Karnataka has released Rs.150.00 lakhs by the total will be Rs. 300.00 lakhs. This grant will be spent for the purchase of books to Gram Panchayat Libraries, to provide computers to 6 District Central Libraries and to provide furnitures to Gram Panchayat Libraries and construction of buildings at Gram Panchayat and Taluka levels.


Information regarding of the statistics of public grievance. During the year 2006-07 the following grievance from the public are received by the Department.


Particulars of Application


Application received from the Public grievance Cell for suitable action Statistics:

Total No.of application received during the year 2005-06 7

Total No. of Applications disposed

Balance No. of Application



(Rs. in Lakhs) Sl. No. Total No. Total No. of of Books membership No. of Visitors per day. 74.55 Total No. of Total No. of borrowers News papers (Annually) 14.07 45.78 Total No. of Periodicals (Annually) 5.51




DIRECTORATE OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Vocational Education was introduced in the State of Karnataka during 1977-78. It was merged under the central Scheme in 1988 and developed. The State Government bear the entire financial burder since 1996. The Central Government discontinued the financial assistance among the Staff working in Vocational Education courses in the State. The services of 162 vocational education staff with full workload have been regularized vide orders of the Supreme Court. The other staff is paid part time remuneration for a period of 8 months in a year. At present 29 Trades in vocational education. Government Pre-University Colleges Private Pre-University Colleges Government First Grade Colleges Private First Grade Colleges Government Polytechnic Colleges Private Polytechnic Colleges Total Students Strength Ist year IInd year 30414 28496 193 316 04 11 02 14 ----------540 -----------

Details of teaching and non-teaching staff in Vocational Education Colleges: Sl. No 01 02 03 04 Particulars Lecturers Worker Teachers Language Lecturer Non-Teaching staff Total AIMS OF VOCATIONAL EDUCATION: 1. To inculcate confidence in students and motivate them for self employment. 2. To cater to the needs of organized and unorganized medium scale industries by providing skilled workers. 3. To provide an alternate arrangement for without any particular aim those who rush to higher education Part time Staff 1991 1881 693 445 5010 Regularized Staff: 83 40 22 08 153

4. To encourage rural students to take up self employment 5. To reduce un-necessary pressure on higher education

6. To identify skills in students and help them achieve excellence in it. The State of Karnataka has an independent Directorate for Vocational Education. All administrative educational and examination activities are taken up under the guidance of the Director of this directorate. Details of officers/staff in the Directorate Sl.No Name of the post Sanctioned Post 01 01 01 01 01 03 01 02 01 05 03 05 01 01 02 05 01 02 05 01 02 01 01 01 Present number working 01 Nil 01 01 01 03 01 02 05 03 05 01 01 02 05 02 05 01 02 01 01 01 Vacant post

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 01 02 03 04 05 06 07

Director Joint Director(Admn) Joint Director(Exam) Deputy Director(Admn) Deputy Director (Exam) Assistant Director Accounts Officer Gazetted Manager Research Assistant First Division Assistant Stenographer Second Division Clerk Clerk-cum-typist Typist English Drivers Group.D Data entry Operator SIVE WING Reader/Deputy Director Assistant Director/Lecturer First Division Clerk Stenographer Second Division Clerk Driver D.Group

01 01 01 -

During 2006-07 State Institute of Vocational Education has conducted the following academic Training Programmes successfully/ 1. A three days Action Research Project workshops were conducted for the lecturers and worker teachers in Dharwad & Mysore. 2. As per the revised syllabus two days CADD-CAM Computer Training Programmes were organized for the lecturers teaching Mechanical Servicing Course in Kota & Tumkur.

3. Centralised selection of Apprenticeship Training Programmes were organized at the following places: Hospet, Bidar, Gulbarga, Chitradurga, Shimoga, Tumkur, Bagalkot, Bijapur, Raichur, Dharwad, Belgaum, Karwar. About 3000 candidates were selected for the Apprenticeship training in various trades. 4. Two days computer training workshop was arranged for the lecturers & worker teachers to provide Basic knowledge about of computers in all the 28 districts of the State. 5. A summit to develop skill among the lecturer & worker teachers of Vocational Education was held at Windsor Sheraton Hotel, Bangalore in co-ordination with confideration of Indian Industries (CII). 6. In Co-ordination with PSSCIVE, Bhopal workshops wwere conducted in DSERT, Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram for the lecturers/ worker teachers teaching Banking & Commerce Courses. 7. The teachers manuals for the following courses has been prepared and submitted for printing. a. Poultry Science b. Electronic Technology c. Textile Designing d. Commercial Arts e. Maintenance & Repair of Domestic Appliance. f. Printing & Book Binding. 8. Deputy Directors have Organized two days skill development workshops for the Vocational teachers in all the 28 districts. 9. 200 Computers donated by Infosys Technologies have been distributed to 200 Vocational Colleges in the Karnataka State. In order to see that Vocational Education Programmes are made effective, the deputy directors of Pre-University Education working in each district have been assigned to look after vocational education from 1997-98. These Deputy Directors will approve student admission and discharge duties like conduct of examination, Office inspections release of grants to vocational education staff and other work assigned by the Directorate. Examination section 2006-07 During 2005-06 upto the end of January 25th a sum of Rs. 44,420 has been collected as fee in respect of issue consolidated Marks cards, Duplicate Marks Card and further a sum of Rs. 67,100 has been remitted to Government being the fee for re-totaling of answer papers of the year 2006-07 annual Examination. With effect from 2004-05 itself, the Government have revised the various fees as per the GO.NO.ED 20 TVE 2005 Bangalore dated 20-12-2005. Circulars have been sent to all the Colleges teaching vocational education courses and the Deputy

Directors of Pre-University and vocational Education in the State directing them to take necessary action in this regard. In G.O No.ED 79 MPE 2004 Bangalore dated 4-12-2004, State Level Annual Examinations of II Semester Vocational Education has been abolished w.e.f. April 2005. Hence district Deputy Directors have been directed to form District Level Committees for conducting II Semester Examination in the model of Ist PUC Examinations

The result of 2006 April Examination is as follows: Semester Total No of student appeared 2299 24531 Total No of Students passed 1396 17142 Pass Percentage Remarks

II Semester IV Semester

60,72% 69.88%

B09, T11 & P Courses only All Courses,

Budget Sanctioned by Govt. during 2006-07 is 879.15

Department of Mass Education

Karnataka is an Agriculture Oriented State. Here Agriculture, Industry is the main Occupation of the people. Due to many reason many adults did not get education. As per article 45 of constitution it is the duty of the Govt. to provide education to all. With this reason all those in the age group of 15 to 35 who have left the school and to all those who are illiterate, are to be made literate. In order to achieve 85% of literacy by 2007, the Department of Mass Education is implementing different literacy programme. In Karnataka the literacy programmes are in force even prior to independence.(1943). Different Literacy Programmes Implemented during the year 2006-07 Continuing Education Programme In order to continue the formal and informal education to increase the ability of the neo-literates, the continuing education programme. Is being implemented through Karnataka State Literacy Mission Authority since 2000-01. This is a 5 year programme in which the central government will provide 100% grant for the first 3 years and then 50% grant for the remaining 2 years. The state government will have to provide 50% grant during the 4th and 5th year further the community will have to continue the programme. During the year 27 continuing programme is in force in 26 districts. During the year the target of making 3.10 lakhs illiterates to literates, out of which 2.67 lakh illiterates are completed Primers. Camp Literacy During 2006-07 new concept of fast learning is implemented in camp base literacy programme. In the continuing education, vayaskara shikshana pade, punashchetana , mini literacy, and kalike- galike programmes it takes 5 months to make a person literate. It is found that to attend the classes continuously is difficult; particularly women illiterates who have to do their house hold work along with other work are unable to attend the classes in time. In rural areas there is no literacy environment as such many will remain semi literates. In order to make the rural flock particularly women illiterates to attend the classes in short time during the day/night. It is proposed to start 12000 camps at the time of Suvarna Karnataka Auspicious year. Chief Minister of Karnataka Inaugurated Shigra Kalika Shibira, Saksharatha Shibira, for these camps illiterates are encouraged to attend the camp to build the learning environment by street plays and Kalajatha programmes are also inaugurated by Chief Minister of

Karnataka. 175 kala teams have exhibited programmes in 80% of villages in Karnataka. Due to this illiterates in the villages have encouraged to attend literacy camps. For these camps foods and refreshments were distributed among the participants of the camps by swayam seva institutions mutts and social service institutions with out any profits. Hence 12000 camps are arranged, 6 lakh illiterates have been proposed for literacy programme during the year 2006/07 of which 11245 camps have arranged and 5.29 lakhs illiterate have registered for learning finally 3.4 lakhs illiterates have completed primers. Literacy through Students Literacy through students was started during the year 2005-06 and is continued during the year also. the students studying in 9th standard and first year of pre-university course( Arts and commerce)who make two illiterates , literates such students will be awarded 20 and 10 marks respectively as internal assessment. During the year the target is 9.61 lakhs out of which so far 7.45 lakhs illiterates are enrolled. Punaschetana Programmes In order to increase the literacy rate particularly women literacy in the 17 districts where the literacy rate is below the state average. The scheme was implemented during 200506 and is continued during 2006-07 also. This is a joint programme of state and central where the central government share is 2/3 and state share is 1/3. By the end of 2005-06 14 projects were sanctioned and during 2006-07 proposal were sent for more grants in respect of 17 projects . during the year the target is to make 2.11 lakh illiterates literate, out of which 1.83 lakh are enrolled. Other Information Public Grievance Cell First Saturday of every month is observed as public grievance day where applications are being received. Up to the end of 2006-07one application is received and attended. E-governance: Mass Education has introduced E-governance section to get the Information through e-mail for quickly & accurately from all districts.

District Adult Education Office There are 26 District Adult Education Office in the State except in Bangalore District. These District Adult Education Officers are responsible for the implementation of the literacy programme. They are also the secretary of the Zilla Saksharatha Samithi. Zilla Saksharatha Samithi Zilla Saksharatha Samithis are registered organizations for the implementation of literacy programme in the District. The District In charge Minister is the honorary President of this samithy. The Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Panchayat is the chairman of this Samithy. Karnataka State Literacy Mission Authority Karnataka State Literacy Mission Authority is an Autonomous body for the implementation of literacy programmes. The Commissioner of Mass Education is the Member Secretary of this organization. Karnataka State Adult Education Council Karnataka State Adult Education Council is under the Administrative Control of Department of Mass Education. During the year 2006-07 out of 16 Vidya Peetas in 13 Vidya Peetas Call Centre Training Programme is organized. In each Vidya Peetas 100 Rural Educated Unemployed Youths are selected for this Training. Prestigious Private Organizations will Impart Training and Provide Job opportunities

Government Plan Nonplan 40.00 34.59 650 -

2006-07 Aided Plan Nonplan 10.00 174.55 -

2007-08 Un-Aided Plan Nonplan Government Plan Nonplan 40.00 53.16 1100 Aided Plan 30.00 Nonplan 183.28 Un-Aided Plan Nonplan -

Department of Printing, Stationery and Publications The Department of Printing, Stationery and Publications is basically established to provide certain services to the State Government Departments and undertaking of the State Government. It caters to the print and Stationery requirements to the Departments namely State Legislature offices, State Secretariat Offices, Governors Office and all Government Departments, State Government undertaking in the State. In addition to the required services. the department also execute the printing of Legislature Debates, State's Five Years and Annual Planning Documents, State Budget Documents etc., Karnataka Text Book Society has been established with effect from 1-4-2006 to take care of the printing of Text Books for free distribution from Class 1 to Class 12. In view of this, the responsibility of printing of Text Books has been shifted to the Text Book Society. The Government Text Book Presses situated at Mysore and Gulbarga have been transferred to the Administrative Control of the Text Book Society. The Officials of this Department who were working in these Presses have been shifted to the Text Book Society, along with the posts and are being taking care as continue to work in the Society on deputation. The Government Central Press situated in Peenya, Bangalore controls the activities of Government Suburban Press, Mysore Road, Bangalaore and Two Divisional Presses located at Gulbarga and Dharwad, Five District Presses located at Tumkur, Kolar , Mangalore, Shimoga and Madikeri. The Central Book Depot is located in the premises of Government Suburban Press, and the Central Stationery Depot is located in Peenya. The Book Depots and Stationery Depots are also functioning at Mysore, Dharwad and Gulbarga. I. Apart from these Periodical Works some of the important works were also undertaken as detailed below:Notifications pertaining to Corporation and Extraordinary Gazettes are published and supplied; I.L.R. reports in English (fortnightly), Karnataka High Court verdicts/Judgements are being printed monthly; Weekly Gazettes on every Thursday, extraordinary gazette on stipulated days are being published as and when directed. The Gazette is being published in website as "EPublication" and when directed and its URL is Stationery materials are being supplied to Secretariate and other Government Departments as per package system; The printing of Free Text Books required for the academic year 2007-08 is under progress. Out of a total indent of 277 lakhs books, 252 lakhs of books are printed and 232 lakhs of Text Books are already despatched; 5,000 copies of Rastreeya Panchanga were printed and supplied during 2006-07;

20 lakhs of answer papers have been supplied to Department of Employment and Training. And 30,000 application forms of K.P.S.C. and also 30,000 applications forms for the appointment of A.E's have been printed and supplied to P.W.D; 30,000 Health Insurance forms printed and supplied to Bangalore Mahanagara Palike; Forms and Registers have been printed and supplied to the Department of Commercial Tax, Police, Motor Vehicle etc., Calenders / Diaries for the year 2007 have been printed and supplied; V- Pay Commission Report has been printed and supplied; Good quality of Secretariat Diaries have been printed and supplied; 80,000 copies of Diploma Entrance Applications, 95,000 Answer Booklets of P.U.Board and 1 lakh of other forms have been printed and supplied. II. The following on-going plan schemes are under implementation during the year 2007-08: 1. Establishment of offset printing units at Branch Presses and their modernization; 2. introduction of Two Shift system in Divisional Presses at Dharwad and Gulbarga and also at Government Suburban Press, Bangalore; 3. Establishment of District Presses. Development activities during the recent years: Construction of New Building in the premises of Government Suburban Press, Bangalore has been completed. The Department is intended to Digitize the previous years Gazette with a search engine. Proposed to establish a modern digital printing press at Vikasa Soudha. To establish a website for the Department. It is planned to computerize the Accounts of the Department. Reconditioning machineries which are idle due to repairs. IV. Expenditure of Plan and Non Plan 2006-07 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Plan Non-Plan (Rs. in lakhs) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------011 Direction and Administration 131.31 101 Purchase of Stationeries 3969.15 103 Government Presses 101.20 2203.85 104 Cost of Printing by other sources 520.00 105 Government Publications 25.85 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total 101.20 6850.16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The relationship between the Management and the Workers is cordial. A joint Advisory Committee is active to redress the grievances of the Employees. V. Anticipated important work in the forthcoming financial year 2007-08: Forms and Registers pertaining to VAT of Commercial Tax Department


Answer papers and other kinds of printed Stationery required by the Employment and Training Department Answer paper and other printed Stationery of Drugs Control Department. Application forms for Diploma admission to the Department of Technical Education. Forms and Answer papers of P.U. Board. Different kinds of forms required by the K.P.S.C. Printing and supply of Free Text Books for the Financial Year 2008-09. It is also planned to shift the printing unit at School of Printing Technology and offices and printing unit at Peenya Shed to the Newly constructed building in the premises of Government Suburban Press. A modern digital printing unit is proposed to be established in the premises at Vikasa Soudha being allotted to this Department. The above programme of works is undertaken by the Department as per the Budget allocations.


INTRODUCTION: Established in 1960, the Department of Collegiate Education has brought degree level education within the reach of the common man. The primary aim of the department has been the overall development of students. The department has undertaken the responsibility of providing higher education to the poor, backward and weaker sections of the society, education being the path to improving intellect and ensuring progress of mankind. The department through 6 Regional Offices administers 182 Govt. First Grade Colleges and 299 private aided colleges, spread over 8 Universities in the state. The department has 6 Regional Offices in Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore, Shimoga, Dharwad & Gulbarga. AIMS OF THE DEPARTMENT 1. Providing social justice to all sections of society by creating opportunities to get higher education 2. Enhancing students to become good citizen through overall development. 3. Empowerment of women and weaker section through higher education. OBJECTIVES 1. Enhancing quality of degree education. 2. Planning, supervising & co-coordinating the schemes for improving degree education. 3. Development of human resources of teachers & students through various academic programmers. 4. Establishing, developing & administering the govt. degree colleges. 5. Supervising the working of private aided colleges and providing salary grants as per state govt. rules. 6. Sanction of Scholarships to merited students and students of economically weaker sections as encouragement. 7. Co-ordination with State Universities, UGC & NAAC. 8. Providing infrastructural facilities to the state govt. degree colleges. 9. Recruitment and service matters of teaching & non-teaching staffs. 10. Modernization of administration through E-governance. 11. Introduction of new courses in the academic field.

STUDENTS PARTICULARS Students strength of Govt. & Pvt. Aided Colleges YEAR GOVERNMENT COLLEGES Male 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 33922 35524 39045 41551 52363 52443 Female 24477 28820 38234 41684 47052 67045 TOTAL 58399 64344 77279 83235 99415 119488 PRIVATE AIDED COLLEGES Male 79988 109969 118861 103733 118581 110066 Female 74810 102389 114898 122883 105802 99605 TOTAL 154798 212358 233759 226616 224383 209671

250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 Govt. Colleges Aided Colleges 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07


YEAR 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 NO. OF STUDENTS ATTENDED 44035 63402 68787 69172 70122 PASS 16151 29860 33092 34067 37090 PERCENTAGE OF RESULTS 37 40 52 49 53 (**Notification

of Results for 2006-07 are awaiting from the Universities)

Results of the Govt. Colleges

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06


NO. OF STUDENTS YEAR ATTENDED PASS 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 154798 212358 225894 223218 214383 79521 90154 105215 110549 115321


Announcement of results for the year 2006-07 are awaited from Universities.

60 50 40 30 20 10 0 PERCENTAGE OF RESULTS 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

Statement of Colleges during 2001-02 to 2007-08

NO. OF COLLEGES GOVT. 151 151 166 168 168 182 PVT. AIDED 300 300 300 300 300 299

YEAR 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

TOTAL 451 451 466 468 468 481

Establishment of Govt Colleges


150 100 50 0

2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007

Staff Strength working in Govt. and Pvt. Aided Colleges in 2006-07 PVT. COLLEGES 6963 4442 11405 AIDED


GOVT. COLLEGES 2808 2030 4838

TOTAL 9771 6472 16243

ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES 1. 15 New Govt. Degree Colleges are established. 2. New Courses i.e., BBM, BCA & B.Com have been started in 39 Govt. First Grade Colleges. 3. New combinations in addition to Conventional Combinations have been started in 40 Govt. First Grade Colleges. 4. 63 Post Graduation Courses have been approved in 28 Govt. First grade Colleges. 5. Separate Academic cell have been started in all the Regional Joint Directors Offices

TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT 1. To bring qualitative improvement in higher education district task force have been constituted. 2. It is aimed, through programmes of the Dist. Task Forces that all Colleges obtain NAAC accreditation. 3. For total quality management the number of District Task Forces has been increased to 25 from the earlier 18. 4. Rs.6.50 lakhs have been released to start IQAC (Internal Quality Assurance Cell) centers in 120 Govt. First Grade Colleges. 5. Rs.5.00 lakh have been released to start students counseling centers in 100 Govt. First Grade Colleges. 6. It has been decided to implement EDUSAT project with the help of ISRO for the benefit of students and teachers. 7. In 90 Govt. First Grade Colleges the process of fixing of LCD Projectors, Screen & DTH Modem for EDUSAT receiving centers are being implemented.


A total of 686 Computers & 182 Printers have been supplied to all the 182 Govt. First Grade Colleges out of Grants allocated to the Department. Apart from this permission have been granted to purchase 153 Computers & 13 Printers to Colleges out of own resources of such colleges. Also 14 Computers & 3 Printers have been supplied to Head Office & 6 Computers to Regional Joint Directors Offices.

TRAINING PROGRAMME A grant of Rs.24 lakhs have been released for training programmers to Principal, Lecturers, PCI's & Librarians, IQAC-Co-ordinators at ATI (Administrative Training Institute) Mysore, in 24 separate batches. Training Programmes for teachers in 5 batches comprising 40 teachers each have been made to counsel the students in NIMHANS, Bangalore. Training Programmes have been made to train the non-teaching staff in administration & academic matters, in 8 batches comprising 40 staff each.

STATE LEVEL SCIENCE EXHIBITION To bring out the creativity and skill along with competitiveness among students and for the propagation of scientific thoughts among the student community pursuing under graduate degree education, Government of Karnataka in association with the departments of Collegiate Education, Karnataka State Vignana parishat and Divisional / Sub-Divisional Science Centers had organized a state level science exhibition. The objectives of this science exhibition were as follows:1) To provide a platform for the youth to exhibit their creativity and skills. 2) To encourage the scientific thoughts and competitiveness among students. 3) To encourage students to develop technology using scientific principles for the benefit of society / people. 4) To enlighten / disseminate the importance of science and technology to the people. 5) To enlighten people about the latest developments in the fields of science and technology. STATUS OF PLAN PROGRESS 1) A total budget of Rs. 900 lakhs was allocated in 2006-07 for the construction of additional rooms for existing Government First Grade Colleges. 2) Land acquisition process to construct own buildings of 19 Government First Grade Colleges including 15 colleges started in the year 2006-07 is in progress. 3) 134 colleges out of a total 182 Government First Grade Colleges are provided with own buildings.

Particulars of Budgetory Allocation for the last 3 years Under Plan (Rs. in lakhs)
Sl. No. 1 Name of the Scheme & Head of Account Direction & Administration "2202-03-001-0-01-059" Other Govt. Colleges "2202-03-103-2-06-059" Grant in Aid to Pvt. Colleges "2202-03-104-1-01-101" "2202-03-107-1-07-117" 4 Govt. of India National Scholarship (ii) Sanchi Honnamma Scholarship Scholarship to meritorios students who 5 study Science at Degree level "2202-03-107-1-10-117" Introduction of Computer Education in 6 Degree Colleges "2202-03-800-1-08-059" National Assessment and Acreditation 7 Council (NAAC) "2202-03-112-0-09-059" 8 Special Component Plan "2202-03-789-0-01-422" Tribal Supply "2202-03-796-0-01-423" Land Aquisition for Colleges "2202-03-800-5-00-132" Construction of College Buildings 11 (Capital Expenditure) "4202-01-203-1-01" 12 Repayment of Hudco Loans for Class rooms "4202-01-203-1-240" Special Repairs to the College Buildings "2202-03-800-8-00" Hindi Scholarships "2202-05-102-0-05-059" TOTAL 20.00 120.79 353.00 353.00 175.00 210.75 600.00 900.00 55.00 13.00 10.00 10.00 13.00 100.00 51.61 40.00 150.00 20.00 10.00 20.00 35.00 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07




80.00 1034.04 +400.00 70.00







20.00 20.00


10.00 50.00

40.00 70.00










10.00 835.25

633.00 1341.46

25.00 3207.04


Sl. No. 1 Programme 2202-03-001-0-01 Direction & Administration 2202-03-103-2-01 Govt. Colleges 2202-03-104-1-01 Pvt. Aided Colleges 2202-03-800-1-03 Govt. College Hostels 2202-03-107-1-01 to 10 Other Scholarships TOTAL OF ALL PROGRAMMES 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06

(Rs. in lakhs)

















78.81 34765.11

27.39 35105.12

29.39 34332.75

30.56 35771.52

DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION The fast pace of development and innovation in the field of Science and Technology has significant effect in the Technical Education system. In this back ground the state of Karnataka is identified as one of the leading states in the country with fast development in Information Technology and in Industrial growth. In this direction Technical Education is passing through a competitive mode to introduce several schemes and methods for effective implementation in the Technical Education system. At present there are 123 Engineering Colleges and 183 Polytechnics 6 Junior Technical School and 03 Degree Arts Colleges. Out of 123 Engineering Colleges there are 5 Government University Colleges, 11 private aided Colleges and 107 Private Engineering Colleges, out of 183 Polytechnics there are 38 Government,44 private aided and 107 Private Un aided Polytechnics. 1. Important Activities: To bring about a significant change in the development of Technical Education in Degree and Diploma level in Administration, supervision and other activities. To establish new Engineering Colleges and Polytechnics To inspect the colleges and Polytechnics regularly by experts to improve the quality in the system of education. To conduct Diploma Examinations through Board of Technical Examination and to award Diplomas to the successful candidates. To give administrative approval to Government and Aided Institutions. To monitor the admission to polytechnics from time to time and to ensure the reservation policies of the Government. To release grants to Government, Aided Polytechnics and Aided Engineering Colleges. To organize the faculty development activities To create transparency in administration by adopting e-governance. The administrative office of the Directorate of Technical Education is located in Bangalore and Director is the head of the Department. The Director is assisted by 5 Joint Directors, 6 Deputy Directors, 7 Assistant Directors, Administrative Officer, 3 Assistant Administrative Officers and 26 other Officers. Following are the Total strength of the working staff in the Department. A-category-83, B-Category-1402, C-Category-1675, D-Category-1507. 2. Details of Institutions: Sl. No 1. 2. 3. Category Government Private aided Private unaided Degree Colleges 05 11 107 Polytechnics 38 44 107 JTS 06 --Arts Colleges -03 -Total 50 58 214

Admission Particulars of 1st year students for the year 2006-07: Government Polytechnics Intake 10,026 Admission 8,823 Private Aided Polytechnics Intake 8,885 Admission 6,228 Private unaided Polytechnics Intake Admission 19,125 16,235

3. Details of Course: Government Polytechnics 213 Courses Private Aided Polytechnics 195 Courses Private Un Aided Polytechnics 440 Courses

The Private Aided Institutions (Polytechnics, Engineering Colleges) are given 85% grants every year. The 3 Arts Colleges are not yet brought under grant in Aid and hence Adhoc grants are released. An amount of Rs. 18363.89 lakhs has been provided during the year 2006-07 both under plan and non-plan schemes. 4. Quality improvement in education through Edusat Programme: In order to improve the quality in the teaching system, Edusat Programme is being introduced in the year 2006-07. An amount Rs.30 lakhs has been earmarked for this purpose. The programme includes special teaching methods through satellite. Special importance is given to teach communication English for Diploma students. 5. Staff Training Programme: Seats in Information Technology and Computer Science, courses have been increased to provide man power in the field of Information Technology. In this context teaching faculties in Engineering Colleges are deputed for higher studies to obtain efficiency and Knowledge in information Technology. The faculty is deputed to Indian institute of Technology and other selected developed Engineering Institutions. 6. Following are the stages: To provide training in Information Technology to the teachers who are non Information Technology faculty. To provide basic training in Information Technology subject. To provide training in specialized subjects. To provide training in new disciplines involved in field of Information Technology. 7. Lateral Entry System: In order to provide higher Education facilities to Diploma students, a provision of lateral Entry System has been made to Diploma students by providing seat reservation in Engineering Colleges. The system provides direct entry of eligible Diploma holder to the 3rd Semester of the Engineering Course. Admission to Diploma course has been simplified. Admissions to Diploma course are made centrally on par with CET model.

8. Community Polytechnic Scheme: Community Polytechnic Scheme has been introduced in 75 Government/Aided/ Private Polytechnics under the Central Assistance Scheme. The scheme provides training to the dropout students in rural areas special attention has been given to the students belonging to SC/ST and minorities. The Scheme also envisages Rural youths to get self-employment. 9. Continuing Education Cell: This is an independent cell, which promotes continuing of Technology Education system. Branches of continuing Education Cell is established in Engineering and Polytechnic Colleges. The main Functions are: To introduce special course To provide information pertaining to IT to non IT students Staff training (Teaching faculty) To optimize utilization of resources available in the Institutions to run different courses. Revenue generation. Women related activities. 10. Women education: 30% seats are exclusively reserved for girl students. At present there are 07 Govt. 1, aided, and 05 women polytechnics established exclusively for girl students. Among these One Govt. residential Polytechnic is established at Shimoga. 11. Autonomous Polytechnics: There are 08 Academically Autonomous polytechnics functioning in the State. 12. Special facility to physically handicapped Students A well established polytechnic for physically handicapped students is in Mysore. (J S S Polytechnic for Physical Handicapped, Mysore.) In addition, under the central assistance Scheme 03 Govt. Polytechnics have been identified and an additional 25 seats have been earmarked for physically handicapped students. They are: Govt. Polytechnics Belgaum Govt. womens Polytechnic Mangalore Smt. L.V. polytechnic Hassan In addition 3% of the Total strength in the Polytechnic is reserved for P.H students. 13. NEW WOMENS POLYTECHNIC Two womens polytechnic one at Ramanagar and another at Gulbarga were started during the year 1999-2000 and 2001-02 respectively for girls students. In womens

Polytechnic, Gulbarga, C.S. E&C, ADFT, and MOP courses are taught, and in govt. Polytechnic, Ramanagara CS. E&C, and MOP courses are introduced. 14. POLYTECHNICS In order to extend education in Information Technology, 13 Govt. polytechnics have been identified in different districts in the state and 17 IT courses were started . This enables students from rural area to take active participation to study IT and IT related courses. 15. APPRENTICESHIP TRAINING SCHEME: Students who have completed degree and diploma are given an opportunity to undergo training in private and public sector undertaking as App.Trainees for a period of 12 months. This enables the students to understand working environment in Private /public sector. During the period of App. Training the Engg. Graduate will be paid Rs. 1970/P.M as stipend, and 1400/-P.M. for Diploma students. 16. SDP/CGP/& EDP Programmes: Students who are studying colleges and Polytechnics are given training in supervisory Development programme and career Guidance Programme. The Entrepreneurship programme motivates the students by making them self confident and help them in starting their own industries. By this the students can improve their future career. Nearly 5000 students are benefited every year by the scheme. 17. EXAMINATION AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESULTS : Every year nearly 70 000 students including I, II, and III year students are appearing for examination. The results are published through Internet. The examination work is processed through computerization. During the year 2006-07 annual examination nearly 20262 students (final Year) have appeared for examination and out of which nearly 6258 students have passed. this is almost 30.88%. It is observed that there is improvement in passing rate. 18. BUILDINGS: An amount of Rs. 539.00 lakhs as been sanctioned during the year 2006-07 for construction of buildings, and a sum of Rs.37 lakhs towards repair of existing building. 19. NEW PROGRAMMES : 1. It proposed to establish training college similar to that of NITTT and RI Chennai, to cater training to the teaching faculty of engineering colleges. 2. To introduce new Courses such as Bio Technology, Genetic Engineering , Laser Technology, and Optical environmental Tech. in Engg. Colleges.

20. TEQIP PROGRAMME : Under World Bank assistance the scheme has been introduced to improve the quality in Technical Education System. The total Project cost is RS.1748.340 Million. In this scheme 04 Engg. Colleges are identified as Lead Institutes and 10 Engg. Colleges are identified as Net work Institutions. During the year 2006-07 an amount of Rs. 700.00 Million is provided and the entire amount has been utilized for the purpose. Lead Institutions 1 to 4 Network Institutions 1 to 10 21. ACCREDITATION : As per the norms of National Board of Accreditation, all polytechnics started prior to 1985 have to be accredited with NBA. An amount of Rs. 1.50 Lakhs has been paid as accreditation fee during the year 2006-07. 22. ESTABLISHMENT OF LAN & WEBSITE AT DTE: At present 100 information out lets with LAN has been created. The existing 30 computers are provided with peer to peer network. The Directorate has a separate Web site Address: All Engg. colleges and Polytechnics are requested to host their website. At present nearly 25% of the Institutions have already hosted their web site. 23. FUTURE PLANS : correspondence through e-mail To provide e-learning facilities Communicate students activities to parents through e-net.


INTRODUCTION 1) The NCC came into existence consequent to an act of Parliament with effect from 26 Nov 1948, with the following aims:i) To develop character, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and the ideals of selfless service amongst the youth of the country. ii) To create a human resource of organized, trained and motivated youth, to provide leadership in all walks of life and always available for the service of the nation. iii) To provide a suitable environment to motivate the youth to take up a career in the Armed Forces. 2) The NCC in Karnataka had its start in erstwhile Mysore State in 1948 with 10 Officers and 315 Army Wing Cadets under the then Headquarter 10 Circle Cadet Corps. 3) Under the Directorate of Karnataka and Goa, there are 6 Group Headquarters, two at Bangalore, one each at Mysore, Mangalore, Belgaum and Bellary. It deals with all Universities in the State namely, Bangalore University, Mysore University, Mangalore University, Karnataka University, Gulbarga University and Kuvempu University. It provides NCC Coverage to 362 Colleges and 519 Schools of 33 Districts, with a total strength of 73,820 Cadets. 4) Decisions on Policy matters pertaining to the NCC are taken at the following Conference/Meetings :i) Central Advisory Committee at the Government of India, Ministry of Defence Level. ii) State Representatives Conference at Directorate General NCC, Ministry of Defence Level. iii) State Advisory Committee Meeting at the State level.

ENROLMENT OF CADETS 5) During the year 2006-2007 the enrolment of Cadets was 99.54% of the authorized strength.

ANNUAL TRAINING CAMPS/DIRECTORATE LEVEL CAMPS Camps Number of Camps planned Number of Camps held Number of Officers authorised to attend Number of Officers attended Number of Cadets authorised to attend Number of Cadets attended No 68 66 576 Directorate Camps ATC/CATC Camps 06 62 06 36 60 540

536 36931

36 2000

500 34931




ADVENTURE TRAINING ACTIVITIES/EXPEDITIONS 6) Adventure Training activities/expeditions under taken during the year 2006-07 are as follows :a) Sea Training. Sea Training at Mumbai & Vishakhapatnam for a period of seven to 12 days are being imparted to the cadets during Dec-Jan every year. During the sea training/attachment, intensive `on job training' in naval subjects like seamanship, navigation, communication, gunnery, damage control, ship safety, first aid and ship husbandry will be imparted to the cadets. The following sea training were conducted during the year 2006-07 :(i) Sailing Expedition: The Directorate very successfully conducted an Off-shore Sailing Expedition from Karwar to Malpe (15 Jan to 29 Jan 06) with boats using the wind power only. In this expedition, a total of 450 Kms was covered, 30 SD/10SW cadets from all Naval Units of the Dte participated. (ii) Sea Training-2007: Sea Training -2007 held from 29 Jan to 27 Feb 07 and visited Jeddah, Massewa, Muscot enroute sea. L/Cdt Bhushan Sunder Shetty participated in

b) Mountaineering Expedition: The National Cadet Corps has been doing yeoman service in channelising the energies of the youth towards nation building. In order to promote the spirit of adventure among the youth the Mountaineering Expedition are being conducted. This enables young cadets to foster sense of fraternity, brotherhood and adventure thus helping in their personality development. One Cdt from this Dte

participated in 50 days NCC Boys Mountaineering Expedition-06 held at Swargarohini Peak (6252 m) in Garhwal region held from 19 May to 10 Jul 06. c) Trekking Expeditions: The trekking expeditions are being conducted for the cadets to develop the following :i) Inculcate spirit of adventure, exploration, inquisitiveness and practical interaction amongst the cadets. ii) Develop stamina, endurance, self-confidence, team spirit and espirit-de-corps. iii) Develop love for nature, flora and fauna. iv) Concern for preservation of forest, wild life, ecological balance and ancient monuments. v) Inculcate respect for local customs, religious beliefs, culture and history. vi) Visit new areas to get the feel of the vastness of our country and the diversity of its culture. vii) Promote national integration by living together and adopt food habits of different states. d) The following trekking expeditions have been undertaken during the year 2006-07 :i) Nilgiri Trek. 40 SW and 30 JW cadets of this Dte have participated in the Nilgiri Trek (Tamil Nadu) trek held from 02 May to 26 May 06. ii) All India Trekking Expedition for Boys (Saputara Hills). 70 SD/JD cdts of this Dte have participated in the All India Trekking Expedition for NCC Boys held at Saputara Hills from 24 Sep to 14 Oct 06. iii) All India Boys Trekking Expedition (Ranchi). 60 SD/JD cdts have participated in the All India Boys Trekking Expedition held at Ranchi (Jharkhand) from 24 Nov to 14 Dec 06. iv) Ocean to Sky Trek. Ocean to Sky Trek Goa-2006 conducted by NCC Gp HQ Belgaum from 03 Dec to 23 Dec 06. 215 SD & 150 JD cdts participated from this Dte. v) Shivaji Trek. A total of 54 SD & 34 JD cdts attended the Shivaji Trek held at Kolhapur (Maharashtra) from 19 Dec 06 to 14 Jan 07. e) Cycle/Motor CycleExpedition: The main aim of the Cycle/Motor Cycle Expeditions are to explore and know India, by developing the spirit of adventure and E spirit de corps. The cadets will inculcate a sense of duty and disciple in them through skits, speech, presentation etc. The expeditions will help to promote adventurous activities and national integration among young generation. The following expeditions were conducted during the year 2006-07 :i) Motor Cycle Expedition from Kushalnagar to Panaji and back, covering a distance of 2400 kms was carried out from 16 Jan to 25 Jan 06. 01 ANO and 11 cdts participated. ii) Cycle expedition from Bangalore to Ooty and back covering a distance of 517 km wef 06 Jun to 21 Jun 06 was carried out. One ANO and 11 cdts participated . iii) Motorcyle Expedition from Banglaore to Kanyakumari & back covering a distance of 2010 kms. from 01 Sep to 21 Sep 06 was conducted. One ANO and 09 cdts participated

iv) Motorcycle Expedition from Bangalore to Pune & back from 10 Sep to 25 Sep 06 covering a distance of 3090 kms was carried out. 01 ANO & 08 cdts participated. v) Cycle Expedition from Bangalore to Mangalore and back from 30 Sep to 13 Oct 06 covering a distance of 752 kms was carried. One ANO and 12 cdts participated. vi) Cycle Expedition from Bangalore to Muttathi & back from 21 Oct to 22 Oct 06 covering a distance of 180 kms was carried out. 50 SD and 20 SW cdts participated. vii) Motorcycle Expedition from Bangalore to Andaman Islands & back from 15 Dec 06 to 04 Jan 07. One ANO and 09 cdts participated. viii) Cycle Expedition from Bangalore to Bandipura & back from 29 Dec 06 to 08 Jan 07 covering a distance of 500 kms was carried out. One ANO and 12 cdts participated. ix) Cycle Expedition from Bangalore to Mysore and back from 03 Jan to 08 Jan 2007 covering a distance of 400 kms was carried out. 01 ANO and 20 SD cdts participated. x) Motor cycle expedition from Bangalore to Wagah Border and Back from 26 Feb to 23 Mar 07 covering a distance of approx 5000 kms being carried out. One Offr, One ANO, 09 cdts, 02 Los (ex-cdts), 01 JCO, 01 NCO and 01 Civ Dvr participated. xi) Cycle Expedition from Bangalore to Yana and back from 02 Feb to 16 Feb 07 covering a distance of 1098 kms. 02 NCO, 01 ANO and 14 cdts participated. f) Air Wing Training: During the present Training year upto 31st Mar 2007 this Department has completed a total of 450 launches in Gliding. Out of 4 Air Sqn (Flying) located at Bangalore, Mysore, Mangalore and Belgaum, 6 Air Sqn NCC located at Mangalore is carrying out Gliding at Bangalore. For their Cdts Micro light Flying/Powered Flying were carried out by the Air Sqns during the year 2006-2007 as follows :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) . CAMPS 7. The NCC cadets of Karnataka & Goa Directorate put through the following Camps during the year 2006-07 as part of NCC Training curriculum :1 Kar Air Sqn NCC 4 Kar Air Sqn NCC 6 Kar Air Sqn NCC 8 Kar Air Sqn NCC - 347:25 hrs - 68:45 hrs - 19:45 hrs - 147:15 hrs

(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)

Annual Training Camp (Directorate Level) Centrally Organised Camps (DG NCC Level) Pre-Republic Day Camp (For RD Camp selection) Nau Sainik Camp for Naval Cadets Vayu Sainik Camp for Air Wing Cadets National Integration Camps (DGNCC Level) Thal Sainik Camps for Boys and Girls Advance Leadership Camps (All Wings) Sailing Regatta Naval Cadets (DGNCC Level)

- 06 camps - 20 camps - 03 camps - 03 camps - 03 camps - 41 camps - 02 camps - 02 camps - 01 camp

ATTACHMENT TRAINING 8. The cadets are being imparted the training by Attachments with Regular Army Units, Navy, Air, IMA, OTA and Hospital Attachments (DGNCC Level). SOCIAL & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT SERVICES 9. Community Development/Social Welfare is comprises of practice, art, ideology, process, method, program movement etc. The notion of Community & Development/Social Welfare is based on the idea that people, working together for common goal, can positively affect their economic, environmental, Pol & social conditions. The axis of this concept is the people themselves. NCC Cadets rendered under mentioned Social/Community Development Services in the State during the year 2006-07:Ser No Activity (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (j) (k) (l) (m) Blood Donation Tree Plantation Pulse Polio Pgme Adult Education Traffic Control Eye Donation Pledge/camp Anti Dowry Pledge Traffic Control AIDS/Cancer Awareness Programme Public/Street Area cleaning/ Environmental Awareness Visit to Old Age Home/Orphanage/ Blind Children Home Safety Awareness,Health care, No of cdts participated - 1,881 - 7,940 of saplings planted - 1,020 - 190 - 140 - 1,562 - 557 - 2,752 - 2,880 719 766

(n) (o) BUDGET

Veterinary activities, Helmet Safety, Road Safety awareness Disaster Management/World Heart Day Gutkha/Plastic Eradication Drive

174 - 800

10. The Government of Karnataka allotted a sum of Rs 1,619.59 lakhs for NCC activities during the year 2006 2007. The expenditure incurred on NCC activities during the current year (upto 28 Feb 07) is Rs 1,392.83 lakhs.

INCENTIVES 11. Govt are giving the following incentives to NCC Cadets :State Govt (1) Reservation of Seats in Colleges and Polytechnics:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (ix) (x) Central Govt (2) Preferences will be given to holder of NCC `B & `C Certificates in selection to State Police, Public undertakings and Defence. (3) Six seats each are reserved for `C Certificate holders of Army Navy and Air Wing in the Officer Cadre of Defence Services. (4) `B & `C Certificate holders are exempted written examination in enrolment into the Army for PBOR. ACHIEVEMENTS 12. Karnataka NCC Cadets have won medals in various events/activities during 2006-2007. Medical - 01 Seats. Ayurveda - 04Seats. Homeopathy - 03 Seats Unani - 01 Seat Technical Engineering - 11 Seats. Polytechnics - 45 Seats. Post graduation - 03 Seats. B.Ed and T.C.H Courses - 10 Seats. Naturopathy & Yoga - 01 Seat.

TSC Boys 2006 Sl. No 1 2 Cadets Cdt CD Betageri Cdt SC Satish Units 36 Bn 1 Armd Sqn Event Obstacle Course Advance Shooting Communication -doShooting Shooting Best Cdt Sailing Medal 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 PO Cdt Kavitha Ra PO Cdt Pooja Megha PO Cdt Kavitha R L/Cdt Jyothi P PO Cdt Kavitha R L/cdt Jyothi P L/Cdt Jyothi P PO Cdt Kavitha R PO Cdt Pooja Megha PO Cdt Pooja Megha PO Cdt Pooja Megha PO Cdt Kavitha R L/Cdt Jyothi P PO Cdt Pooja Megha PO Cdt Kavitha R L/Cdt Jyothi P -do3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit l 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit 3 Nav Unit Sailing Semaphore Semaphore Boat Pulling Drill Drill 7.5 km Run 7.5 km Run 7.5 km Run 100 mtr sprint Throw Ball Throw Ball Throw Ball Tug of War Tug of War Tug of War Gold Medal Silver Medal Silver Medal Silver Medal Second Second First Second Third Bronze Medal First First First Second Second Second Position Silver Medal Silver Medal

TSC Girls 2006 1 2 3 4 1 1 Cdt Sainna Moraes Sgt Savitha H Patil Sgt Prachi C Gurjar Sgt Neha Lugade Cdt Manish P Sharma PO Cdt Pooja Megha 1 Goa Girls 5 Kar Girls 26 Bn 26 Bn 25 Bn 3 Nav Unit Gold Medal Bronze Medal Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Gold

RDC-2007 ATC (SW)

13. Mavlankar Shooting Championship: Two cdts of this Dte were selected in the Mavlankar Shooting Championship held at Asansol from 05 Nov to 15 Nov 06. Their position are as under :-

(a) SUO Rekha C of 34 Kar Bn NCC, Bellary got Bronze Medal in Peep Sight Rif (Girls) in Prone A-06 category. (b) JUO Neelkant C Yalawar of 36 Kar Bn NCC, Bijapur stood at VII-th position in Open Sight Rif (Boys) in Prone A-18 category. 14. National Shooting Championship: Cdt SUO Rekha C of 34 Kar Bn NCC Bellary got Bronze medal in the 50th National Shooting Championship held at Indore from 12 Dec to 22 Dec 06. 15. DIFFICULTIES OF THE DEPARTMENT Due to non availability of own land for building accommodation, the Department is paying Rs 113.84 lakhs rent every year, which is a recurring expenditure to State Govt. Apart from the expenditure, the building owners are pressurizing to increase the rent once in two years or to vacate the building, which is causing lot of problems. Suitable land for construction of office accommodation may be allotted through concerned agency.



EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, M.S. Building, Bangalore 560 001

Table of Contents
Sl. No Department
State Secretariat - DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION A 1 Primary and Secondary Education Department of Public Instruction Directorate of Primary Education Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan Directorate of Secondary Education Directorate of Urdu and Other Minorities Languages DSERT KSSEEB - SSLC Exams KSSEEB - Other Exams Text Book Society 2 3 4 5 6 B 1 2 3 Department of Pre University Education Directorate of Public Libraries Directorate of Vocational Education Department of Mass Education Department of Printing and Stationery Higher Education Department of Collegiate Education Department of Technical education National Cadet Corps (N.C.C) 80-87 88-92 93-100 4-8 9-20 21-30 31-34 35-40 41-45 46-48 49-54 55-56 57-63 64-69 70-73 74-76 77-79

Page No

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