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' Our Conquest is inevitable, our

a scension a matter of time. Let none
who are wise deny our destiny.'
- Aun 'Va, Ethereal Supreme
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So completely have the Tau absorbed the concept of the Greater Good that it has come to shape not only the ir
purpose, but also their very society. Since the corning of the Ethereals a nd the end of the Mont'au - or ' d eath age'
- the Tau have been divided into rigid cast es, each fulfilling specific functions within society for the bene fit of the
almighty whole.

The Ethereal caste are the undisputed leaders of the united

castes that make up the Tau Empire. Their unique role is a
combination of spiritual and political command, and their
declarations shape and steer every facet of Tau civilisation.
Furthermore, the Ethereals possess such absolute authority
over the T au that other races have come to question its origins
- were an Ethereal to order a Tau to kill himself; he would be
met with instant and unquestioning obedience.

The Fire caste provides the warriors of the Tau military. It is the
duty of these soldiers to protect the other castes and to eliminate
any foes foolish enough to reject the Greater Good. The Fire
caste originated from the hunter tribes that roamed the plains
of Tau, long ago. Even then they were the strongest and most
aggressive of all the Tau. Through the years, the Fire caste's
strength and physical size have continued to increase, and any
weak strains are quickly weeded out. They are guided by the
Code of Fire, which also translates as 'the ways of the warrior'
- a doctrine that stresses martial arts, loyalty and merciless war
tempered by wisdom. Members of the Fire caste spend their
entire lifetimes in battle or preparing for it, honing their tactics
and relentlessly working to improve their battle skills.
Piloting high-tech battlesuits of prodigious size and power, Tau
Commanders are swift and deadly warriors. l\!Iore than their
abilities in combat, however, it is their exceptional strategic
acumen that makes Commanders so dangerous to their foes.
For a member of the Fire caste to progress to the rank of
Commander requires many years of dedication; there is no
shortcut by which to attain rank. Only tl1rough passing multiple,
increasingly hazardous Trials by Fire and amassing a truly
impressive record of victo1ies can a Tau progress from tl1e rank
of sh as'vre to that of shas'o. Not for the Tau the over-privileged,
under-talented ofiicer with their hereditary post or purchased
commission - every single shas'o has earned their title the hard
way, and has the skill and experience to prove it. Even then , the
size of force a Commander is entrusted with varies depending
upon how capable they have demonstrated themselves to be.
Newly promoted Commanders often enter battle at the head of
a single Hunter Cadre, while the true heroes of the Tau Empire
will command vast coalitions comprising many thousands of
Tau and all of their supporting war machines and Drones.
Each Tau Commander has their own approach to their role,
adopting those ptinciples of the Code of Fire that best suit
their temperament. Often this choice is influenced by their
sep t of origin; Commanders from Vior'la, for example,
are more likely to be hot-blooded proponents of the
aggressive Mont'ka strategy, while those from Bork'an
or FaJ'shia are known for being somewhat more cerebral
and restrained. The most successfol Commanders become
Fire caste legends in their own right. Names such as the \ Vise1

H unter, Commander Quickstrike, Commander Truestar and

the noto1ious 'Desert Beast' Commander Dawnstrike are known
throughout the empire for their deeds.

A strategic and logistical mastermind, Commander Puretide
was the greatest Fire caste ofiicer ever to have lived. Puretide
possessed an unparalleled understanding of balance in battle,
and a sublime maste1y ofboth the Mont'ka and Kauyon styles
of warfare. During the Second Sphere Expans.ion, it was the
renowned hero Puretide who masterminded all of the Tau
Empire's greatest victories. T he Commander's illustrious
career was brought to a sudden end by a cruel and crippling
injury, sustained when the colony he was inspecting was hit by
raiders. Yet still Puretide did not despair, dedicating himself
to the furtherance of the Greater Good. Dwelling as a hermit
atop MountKa n'ji on DaJ'yth Prime, Puretide taught the best
of the Fire caste's up-and-coming Commanders tight until
the hour of his death. Even t11en, the Ethereal caste ensured
t11at Puretide's wisdom was preserved for future generations.
Not only did his teachings become the core tenets of every
Fire caste academy in the Tau Empire, but Puretide's mental
engram was encapsulated in a holographic AI that still tutors
tl1e brightest stars of the Tau military to this day.

Leaders and orators of consummate skill, the Ethereal caste
have absolute maste1y over the rest of their race. Alongside
an outward serenity that sees them remain calm in the face
of the galaxy's worst horrors, most Ethereals possess honed
warrior skills. \'\The n the need arises they can fight as well as
any soldier, wielding sharp-edged honour blades or strange,
crystal-tipped equalisers against their foes. By far the Ethereals'
most potent power, however, is their ability to inspire absolute
reverence among their fellow Tau. Ever since the earliest
days of the T au'va, when the first Ethereals brought an end
to the apocalyptic T au civil war known as the Mont'au, the
rest of their race has obeyed their counsel as instinctively as
they draw breath, regardless of their military or civilian rank.
The Ethereals fulfil roles akin to both royalty and priesthood
within Tau society, and the other castes obey their orders with
as much fervour - if somewhat more composure - as a zealot
following holy scriptures.

The Tau see nothing amiss with this state of affairs - to them,
the rule of the Ethe reals is as natural as the rising of the sun.
Yet other races, M a nkind in particular, have long speculated
about the mechanism by which such loyalty is engendered.
Theories abound, from prenatal indoctrination or pheromonal
compulsion to the presence of some veiled psychic gift possessed
by the Ethereal caste, but as yet no concrete proof of any such
power has been secured. Those few Ethereals captured and
subjected to questioning have proven less than forthcoming.
Whatever the truth, the Ethereals are the leaders of their race
in both a spiritual and practical sense. They are the architects
of the Greater Good, the guiding light of their people and the
shepherds of their destiny.


With nothing more than words, Aun'Va has conquered
worlds. H e is the speaker ofgreat truths, the stern but loving
father of his people, and his word is law from one end of the
T au Empire to the other. It is said of Aun'Va that none can
deny his will, and that to even voice disagreem ent with him
seems the most crass and boorish admission ofignorance. To
his people he is the embodiment of the Tau'va, the spiritual
guide of their race's manifest destiny, and he speaks with the
voice of the Greater Good itself Ever since the demise of the
honourable Aun'V\!ei, Aun'Va has held the post of Ethereal
Supreme, and in that time he has seen the boundaries of
the Tau Empire pushed ever outwards. It was Aun'Va who
delivered the great speech that launched the Third Sphere
Expansion, his words rolling from holoscreens and comm-
speakers on eve1y colony, sept world and space station in
the empire. H e has remained at the forefront of that mighty
expansion ever since, preferring to move amongst his people
where he can do the most good. In this he is •,vise, for the
mere rumour of Aun'Va's coming drives the Tau to new
heights of endeavour.

At the heart of the Fire caste's military actions are massed
lines of Fire Warrior Strike T eams. T he tsunami of pulse fire
these warriors lay down stops the most determined enemy
offensive in its tracks, even cutting light transports into blazing
wreckage. Yet the addition of a Cadre
Fireblade to the Fire Warriors' ranks
turns an already potent fighting
force into a weapon of conquest
around which entire wars can
turn. Bearing the official rank of
shas'nel, Cadre Fireblades are held in
high esteem by their comrades, for they
sacrifice any hope of further advancement
through the ranks for the sake of the Greater
Good. In some cases this is because the Fireblade
is conscious of his own tactical limitations and knows
that, while an excellent file officer, he lacks the strategic
nous for battlesuit command. In others, it is because the
shas'nel retains a keen bond with the warriors on the firing
line, and knows his place to be in their midst. Whatever the
case, these grizzled veterans have a great deal to offer tl1eir
comrades. The presence of a Cadre Fireblade instils a serene
discipline in the Fire vVarriors that surround him; not only are
the shas'la reassured by the presence of so wise a commanding
officer, but they are determined not to fail before them.
Furthermore, Cadre Fireblades know precisely how to optimise
fire-patterns and where tl1eir warriors should place their
shots for maximum impact. It goes without saying tliat these
skilled officers a re expert marksmen in their own right; from
Sha'draig to T'ros, many a T yranid bio-horror or charging
Space M arine has been hurled to the ground after a Fireblade's
shot has blown a glowing hole through their skull.

Sieck and lethal, T au gunships are a far cry from the lumbering
battle tanks deployed by their foes. Held aloft upon a gravitic LONGSTRIKE
cushion and sent soaring into battle by vectored jet-thrusters, Renowned for his exceptional aim, master gunship pilot
Hammerheads and Sky Rays combine the twin principles of Shas'la Tau Sha'ng is the Fire caste's most lauded tank acc.
manoeuvrability and ovcnvhelming firepower so valued by the Innately skilled in the handling of Hammerhead Gunships,
Tau. While the Sky Ray can fire volleys of lethal seeker missiles Longstrikc earned his fame upon the world ofT'ros. As part
to obliterate its targets, the railguns and ion cannons borne by of an Armoured Interdiction Cadre, he was assigned to a
Hammerheads are dcatl1 to anything that falls beneath their contingent fighting in the western deserts. There, over the
holotargeters. Squadrons of gunships accompany most Hunter arid flatlands, the Hammerhead gunships clashed for days
Cadres in the field, and arc tasked with the swift elimination with a force of Leman Russ battle tanks that outnumbered
of enemy tanks, armoured walkers and hulking monsters that them at least six to one. Sha'ng's ta'lisscra bond-mates were
might otl1crwisc threaten the Tau advance. They are a welcome slain to the last, their gunships blown apart and their bodies
sight among Fire v\larrior and battlcsuit teams alike, for the ground beneath heavy Imperial treads. YctLongstrike fought
crews of the Tau gunships are expert pilots and dead-eye shots, on, littering the plains with blazing wrecks until finally a
tl1eir powerful weaponry more than sufficient to reduce even flight of Razorshark Strike Fighters swept in to annihilate
tl1e most fearsome enemy war machines to smouldering wrecks. the last of his foes. It was in recognition of his heroics on
Each gunship is outfitted with all of the latest Earth caste T'ros, as well as a string of other victo1;cs, that Longstrikc
advancements; intelligent repair systems and countermeasures was chosen to wear the experimental XV02 Pilot Battlcsuit.
are common, along with targeting arrays, high-gain sensor suites So equipped, the renowned pilot hit the battlefields of
and countless other enhancements. In addition, each mounts Agrcllan with a vengeful fury, taking a mighty toll upon
a pair of Gun Drones upon its hull, the sleek machines always the murderous race that had slain his comrades upon the
ready to leap to their parent gunship's defence with guns blazing. burning plains.
The ground whips by beneath the Piranha as it speeds into it. The Piranha is fast moving and extremely hard for the foe
battle, broken ruins and alien undergrowth flickering past to hit. Furthermore, its weaponry allows the Piranha to punch
in a blur. Enemy fire whines harmlessly around the hurtling well above its weight, eitl1er using burst cannons and Gun
skimmer, the Piranha's pilot deftly evading incoming shots v.r:ith Drones to slaughter enemy infantry, or a prow-mounted fusion
the aid of his counter-ballistic helm-suite. As he closes on the blaster to blow apart battle tanks many times its own size.
foe, the craft's gunner selects his targets, gloved fingers dancing When operating as lone hunters these vehicles are dangerous
across his controls as he triangulates firing solutions in concert enough, but when fielded in teams they become truly lethal.
with the Piranha's attached Gun Drones. Foes scatter, or else
try to swing their weapons to bear as the Piranha sweeps down Piranha crews increase their strategic versatility by working closely
upon them. Yet between the skimmer's blistering pace and with Patl1finder Teams in the field. Able to swiftly close on the
resilient hull plating, the enemy's elforts come to naught. With Pathfinders' forward positions - and taking advantage of the
wayward shots sparking and whining from its prow, tl1e Piranha targeting data transmitted by tl1e scouts' markerlights - Pi ran ha
dives over the heads of tl1e foe, pulse carbines and burst cannon teams appear as if from nowhere and execute blistering strafing
chev.r:ing a wee-pronged trail of destruction tl1rough their ranks. runs. Enemy infantry and armour that believed themselves on
Even as torn and blasted bodies are tumbling in its wake, the the cusp of wiping out the troublesome Patl1finders are instead
Piranha darts away, boosting into the distance at breakneck arn1ihilated amid the blistering explosions of a sudden ambush.
speed before banking around for anotl1er pass. This sort of strategic quick thinking is typical of Piranha crews,
who are trained to rely heavily on their instincts and allowed
Such is the fast-strike way of war at which the Piranha considerable operational flexibility on the field of battle. Places
excels. This lightweight craft has been a favourite of the Fire within tl1e Piranha training programs are highly contested, and
caste ever since its introduction during the Second Sphere those who successfully graduate enjoy enhanced status amongst
Expansion, swiftly proving worthy of the praise heaped upon their Fire caste comrades.
No single image represents T au ingenuity and progress better to pilot them. A shas'la must serve four years on the line,
than XV8 Crisis Battlesuits leaping into battle. Skimming fighting as part of a Strike or Breacher Team, before they can
across the battlefield on the jets of their repulsor engines, Crisis even be considered to pilot a battlesuit. Even then, the aspirant
Battlesuits close rapidly with their foes. Though twice the size must pass their first Trial by Fire in order to earn the honour
of a Fire Warrior, the speed and resilience of these suits is jaw- and earn the rank of shas'ui.
dropping; the powered leaps of their skilled pilots evade much
of the fire hurled their way, while those shots that do connect Crisis Battlesuits provide their pilot with the ultimate balance
simply ricochet from their dense nanoc1ystalline armour. Yet of firepower, speed and resilience. Able to make grav-insertion
it is only when the Crisis suits open fire that tl1eir lethality is drops from a planet's upper atmosphere, there are few missions
revealed. Multiple hardpoints, integrated computational circuitry to which Crisis Teams cannot turn their hand. \%ether
and recoil absorption buffers allow Crisis Battlesuits to mount dropping in to counter-strike against an enemy breakthrough,
diverse weapon and support systems, making them as versatile as falling upon their foes in the killing blow of a Mont'ka or
they are deadly. Salvoes of missiles and fusion fire bring a swift Kauyon su·ategy, engaging in opportunist tank-hunting or
end to enemy tanks, while with plasma rifles, burst cannons and jetting around the flanks of the foe to encircle them in a lethal
flamers, the battlesuits exterminate enemy infantry. net of fire, the Crisis T eams are equal to the task.

The Crisis Battlesuit is far more than a weapon, however. It is New technological improvements are made to the Crisis
a symbol of eve1ything the Fire caste stands for, of ignorance Battlesuit all the time, yet its core aspect remains iconic and
and evil crushed by the potent combination of technological unchanged. The XV8 is the armoured embodiment of the
supremacy and martial skill. As such, although the XV8 is by Tau'va, its inspirational image blazoned on propaganda
far the most commonly deployed battlesuit in the T au armowy, holovids from Fi'rios to Fal'shia, and even upon the distant
only those warriors who have proven their worth are permitted worlds of the Farsight Enclaves.
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Meanwhile, squadrons ofRazorshark Strike Fighters engage targets
ofopportunity throughout the war zone. Fast moving and hard MIGHT OF THE AIR CASTE
hitting, these potent aircraft can dogfight when required, putting From speeding fighters to vast, city-sized spacecraft, the Air
down the last of the enemy's aircraft amid blistering exchanges of caste provide the T au m ilitary with all of its air- and void-
firepower. However, like the Sw1 Shark, these a re prin1arily ground borne strength . As with all Tau technology, the craft piloted
attack craft, and have proven extremely successful in this capacity. by the Air caste are always being adapted and improved
by Earth caste e ngineers and scientists. By the latter stages
In place of the Sun Shark's D rones and energy ordnance, the o[ the T hird Sphere Expansion, Tau armadas have come
Razorshark mounts additional thrusters and a fearsome quad ion to include an impressive variety of strategically versatile
turret. In addition to the Razorshark's twinned seeker missiles strike craft, of which the Sun Shark and Razorshark are
and a burst cannon, this fearsome weapon makes the Razorshark but two common ly seen examples. Somewhat larger than
the terror of enemy infantry and armour alike. During the battle either of these vessels is the Barracuda, a heavily armoured,
ofDo'saro, the courageous pilots of Air Caste Support Cadre single-pilot patro.I ship with a substantial arsenal of ion
Blazing Star dived through great flocks of screeching, leather- and missile weaponry. Above this is the significantly
winged Tyrnnid beasts before using their overcharged quad ion heavier Tiger Shark and its variant, the T iger Shark AX-1-
turrets to obliterate the Hive Tyrant that led the swar m. 0. Manned by a small crew and their supporting Al , the
Tiger Shark is a high altitude Drone deployment pla tform ,
Traditionally, the fin est Razorshark pilots hail from the hardy while the AX-1-0 ca rr ies twinned railguns with which
folk ofTash'var. Faced by constant Ork pirate raids, the Air to eliminate the heaviest enemy armour. Finally, massed
caste of that sept have become experts in both shooting down troop deployment is achieved via the Orea Dropship a nd,
the ramshackle jets of their greenskinned foes and obliterating on a vastly larger, cadre-level scale, by the colossal Manta
their massed infantry from on high . Super-Heavy Dropship.

Whether they be mercenary Kroot, insectile Vespids, or stranger
beings such as the cargo-hauling G'nosh or the space-bound
effective shock troops, though it is viewed '"'ith d istaste by their
T au allies. Still, the base habits of the Kroot are tolerated, so
Yabi-Yabi,the Tau military make use of many alien auxiliaries. long as tl1eir warriors steer clear of eating fallen Tau.
These entrants into the Greater Good plug strategi c gaps in the
Fire caste's arsenal, as well as bolstering their numbers on the By comparison, the peculiar Vespids have embraced the Tau'va
battlefield. T hus, many billions of aliens have been welcomed into absolutely. Tough insectile warriors who dart tl1rough the air
the Tau Empire during its various spheres of e>..vansion. So long as upon whining wings, tl1e Vespid Stingwings have proven a
tl1ese va1-ied alien races place the Tau'va foremost in their thoughts, valuable fast-strike asset to the Fire caste. Utilising a fusion of
peculiarities of creed and culture are abided by the Tau. Over T au technology and crystals mined from the Vespids' home
time, efforts are made to assimilate aliens into the Tau way oflife, world, their neutron blasters are potent weapons indeed,
but it is for their unique skills in battle, engineering, manufacture wielded against the foe with a selfless courage tl1at earns
or the like that these auxiliaries are most highly prized. the Vespids much honour. Yet when these aliens were first
approached by Water caste d iplomats, it seemed unlikely that
T he Kroot have fought alongside the Tau ever since the closing they would ever submit to joining the Greater Good. Their
stages of the First Sphere Expansion. After the Tau helped mindset was freakishly different to anything the Tau could
them defend their enclaves from a vast Ork v\laaagh!, the Kroot understand, meaning that the Water caste could make little
swore that - in exchange for regular, ongoing remuneration - headway. H owever, after the Ethereal caste provided the Vespid
they would fight for the Greater Good. This oath has proved leaders "vith custom-made com munication headsets, they
a great boon, for the Kroot possess excellent skills in fieldcraft, became suddenly and completely compliant, calmly accepting
making superb scouts, skirmishers and ambush troops. They the total annexation of their culture. R umours have circulated
exhibit an inherent savagery, even devouring the corpses of ever since about the true function of these headsets, but no
the fallen. This primitive aggTession makes them extremely answer has been forthcoming from the Ethereals...
Ever one step ahead of his foes, the infamous O 'Shovah fights
with skill, cunning and heroism. Though over three centuries
old, Farsight retains his Vior'lan temperament, sp ecialising in
the aggressive tactics of Mont'ka. This forthright approach is
tempered by decades of hard-won wisdom, making Farsight
one of the finest commanders in the galaxy. Indeed, O 'Shovah
was once the hero of the Tau Empire. After his spectacular
climb through the ranks, with his final tutelage coming from
Puretide himself, Farsight won renown for his victories in the
Arkunasha war and the defence of Dal'yth. The Comm ander's
strategic insights and selfless courage saw him defeat Ork
hordes and Imperial armies alike, while winning the devotion
of all those under his command.

Raised up by Aun'Va to be the new hope for the T au

Empire, O 'Shovah next led a vast Coalition back across the
Damocles Gulf to reclaim the worlds lost to the Imperium.
What transpired during that bloody campaign still remains
a myste1y to the majority of the Tau. Yet eventually the great
leader and his followers simply vanished, far beyond the
bounds of the T au Empire for which they had fought and -
seemingly - died. After the Empire lost contact with his forces,
Farsight and all his followers were presumed gone forever.
The Commander was mourned across the Tau Empire, yet
in truth he was still very much alive. Farsight had established
enclaves of his own and continued to rule over them, his life-
span extended by some myste1ious process. After learning
of this apparent betrayal, the Ethereal H igh Council had
Farsight declared a renegade. H e remains a divisive figure still,
officially expunged from the records of the Tau Empire, yet
privately kept alive as a role model in the hearts of many Fire
caste warriors to this clay.


Mont'ka is the most aggressive style of Tau warfare, being
the art of identifying a target of opportunity and attacking
with speed and overwhelming strength . There are many
famous variants of the M ont'ka, and O 'Shovah is the
foremost proponent of them all. l\!Iont'ka places a strong
emphasis on target prio1itisation and concentration of fire.
A cadre pursuing Mont'ka may stand in readiness for several
days, awaiting the command to strike. D uring this time
they review their plan and carefi.tlly choreograph the battle
to come. Often the attack will be delivered in stages, with
elements of the assault a rriving from cliflerent directions at
prearranged intervals to crush the foe from all sides. The
final decision to launch a l\1ont'ka comes from whoever has
the best view of the foe - often, this will be a P athfinder
T eam or Ghostkeel. Once launched, the M ont'ka must cause
massive damage quickly, or else be called off - escalating
wars of attrition are not the Tau way, and a Commander
will withdraw to strike again from another quarter rather
than waste lives in losing battles.

A strategically brilliant tactician and deadly warrior,
Commander Shadowsun is the heroine of the Third Sphere
Expansion. One of Commander Puretide's most promising
pupils, O'Shaserra studied under him at the same time as
O'Shovah. H owever, afl:er the great master's death she was
placed in cryogenic sleep to ensure Puretide's legacy would
endure. For over three hundred years Shadowsun slept, until
Aun'Va awakened her to lead the T au Empire to war once
again. The Ethereal Supreme's first deed upon awakening
O'Shaserra was to brief her, alone, on the actions and eventual
fate of Commander Farsight. The two warriors had always been
respectful rivals, but by the time she left Aun'Va's presence it is
said that Shadowsun shook with rage. In her subsequent address,
O'Shaserra strode into the Mont'yr training dome where the last
statue ofFarsight stood and - with the twin fusion blasters of her
experimental XV22 battlesuit - blew it to smithereens. She was
a Commander of honour and loyalty, she proclaimed, a strict
adherent to the Code of Fire and devoted follower ofAun'Va.
Unlike her fallen predecessor, she would se1ve the Greater Good
until her final breatl1.

Shadowsun has since been as good as her word, leading her

mighty coalition to victory after victory in Imperial space. Her
mastery of Kauyon strategy is absolute, her leadership skills
tremendous. H aving earned the epithet Shadowsun from tl1e
battle where she used an eclipse on K'resh to ambush and
slaughter a vast Ork horde, O'Shaserra has continued to out
think and outmanoeuvre her foes in eve1y battle she has fought
since. Coupled with her personal heroics, striking witl1 sudden,
deadly fmy in her advanced stealth suit, it is not hard to see how
the famous Shadowsun masterminded and led the conquest of
even the fortified hive world of Agrellan in a single day.


The Kauyon art of war relies on the interaction between
the hunter and the lure. The lure can be anything from a
carefully deployed friendly unit to an objective known to
be vital to the foe. Using wisdom and foresight, the patient
hunter anticipates the enemy's path to their goal and deploys
in the most advantageous manner to attack them. For
example, a cadre practicing Kauyon might set up an attack
along a known enemy advancement, placing a lure team far
forward to inflict damage on the foe before falling back and
luring them into the jaws of the Tau ambush. True masters
of the ambush attack devise so many layers of plans within
plans that only al the end do their opponents realise that all
of their actions have been anticipated, even orchestrated, to
achieve the attacker's end result. Many a foe has been drawn
in by the spider-web plans ofa Kauyon, lured by intentional
weak spots left on the T au battle line, or induced into a
killing zone by teams feigning retreat. Nowhere is this more
the case than in battle against Commander Shadowsun,
whose grasp of Kauyon warfare is second to none.

The warriors of the T'au Sept
are often clad in the yellow
and brown shades that mirror
their home planet's arid
terrain, and these iconic hues
are worn aci-oss the Empire
as a sort of dress uniform.
On the battlefield, however,
warriors ofT'au will adapt
their armour to suit whatever
environment they are called
upon to fight in.

Regardless of their chosen

camouflage, T 'au warriors
always bear markings in H onoured Ethereal Aun'Do This Ethereal, Aun'Shen, Shas'nel Kos'ul, Cadre
tl1e bright white that is their wears his sept colour on his displays his sept colour as Fireblade, wears a cloak in the
unique sept colour. armour and robe. writing upon his robes. white of his sept.

Shas'la Fyos displays her Strike Team Shas'ui D en'ul Pathfinder Shas'la M eion Pathfinder Shas'uiJun.
Strike Team marking on her shows his sept colour on his wields a short-ranged but Note his white shoulder pad
pulse rifle and helmet. shoulder and sensor vane. deadly pulse carbine. denoting rank.


Pathfinder Shas'la Kasu belongs to an Strike T eam Shas'la Vu'an is clad in a Breacher T eam Shas'la Dovos wears
elite cadre with inverted colours. shipboard combat uniform. night war camouflage.

-· ~-
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Every team has a unique
team marking design. This
designator is prominently
displayed wherever each
warrior chooses upon their
armour or wargear and
•• •
In each cadre, every
member of every team
bears a cadre marking
upon tl1eir armour or
wargear. This pattern of
dots is always applied in
•• ••

ff ~ ~r ~
consists of multiple stripes the same fashion across the
in a specific configuration. entire cadre, symbolising
unity and the deferral
of self-interest.

Shas'ui status is denoted

by the application of
the sept colour upon
tl1e shoulder guard and
helmet sensor vane.

TY7 Devilfish
transports bear th e
same team marking
as their assigned
squad, along with
identification numbers
and slogans.

0 ..

The armies raised by Vior'la Sept are
a striking sight upon the battlefield,
thanks in large part to the blazing red
of their sept colour. This shade is said
to reflect the nature of the Vior'lan
Tau themselves, who are famously hot-
blooded and aggressive.

Of course, the Vior'lan warriors' armour

va1ies as with all other Tau forces. Thus a
cadre fighting in dense swampland might
be armoured in browns and greens, while
a cadre deployed to an urban war zone
would be armoured in blacks and greys,
with just the approved dashes of blood
red to indicate rank and status. The venerated Ethereal Aun'Vessol's Shas'nel Aidos, Cadre Fireblade. The
robes and honour blade markings are Shas'nel's cloak, fatigues and shoulde1·
the bloody red of his sept. guard display the sept colour.

Strike T eam Shas'la Kaus Strike T eam Shas'ui Laross' Breacher T eam Shas'ui Patl1finder Shas'ui Dau's
bears his team m arking on sensor vane is red to indicate H aido carries a ta'lissera rank is shown on his
his helm in the sept colour. her rank. bonding knife on his back. shoulder and sensor vane.


Pathfinder Shas'la Nai'vo wears a Strike T eam Shas'la Manto displays the Strike T eam Shas'la La uss is wearing
variant of the Vior'lan scheme. traditional T au dress uniform. ash waste camouflage.

-·----~~-----=..,,,--~-_,,=...,,.,_---·"'="'=~~-~-= -- .
--.--=-~=--==----...,.,-=-·= . .---------.
.. .--

Stea.Ith Shas'vre Tassar's rank is denoted Stealth Shas'ui Fasil's rank is denoted Kroot Rkhotsi Ghlok wears white
by her sensor vane and the face plate of by his red sensor vane. H e carries a armour plates with red pack markings
her battlesuit, which are marked in her bulky burst cannon, a weapon lethal to to match the Vior'la sept armies he
sept's colour. enemy infantry. serves with.

Crisis Shas'vre Vosai. The shas'vre's rank is indicated on his Coldstar Commander O 'Maisos. The Commander's helmet
helmet and sensor vanes, while the red blocking on his armour bears her sept colour, with markings to match her armour's
plates is a decoration duplicated across his C1isis T eam. plates. H er rank is also shown by the sept colour on her
sinistral shoulder guard.

The following section contains background and r ules information for Tau Empire forces - their selfless warriors,
their sophisticated vehicles and battlesuits, and the commanders that lead th em to battle. It enables you to forge your
collection of Tau miniatures into an army ready to conquer all before it in your games ofWarhammer 40,000.

CHOOSING AN ARMY The Hunter Contingent is a special type ofDetaclunent that can be
'i\lhen choosing an army to play a game oCWarhammer included in any Battle-forged am1y. Unlike the Detachments shown
40,000, there are two main ways of organising your collection. in War/Jammer 40,000: The Rules, it has a Force Organisation Chart
These are the Unbound method, which means taking whose slots are a combination of specific Fonnations and Army List
whichever units you like, and the Battle-forged method, which Entries instead of Battlefield Roles. However, it still has compuls01y
is more rigid but has extra benefits. Both are described fully in and optional elements, as well as Restrictions and Command
Warhammer 40,000: 17te Rules. Benefits, just like any other Detachment.

If you are using the Unbow1d method, simply use the datasheets Altl1ough units cannot normally belong to more than one
later in tlus section that correspond to the models in your collection. Detachment, u11its from a Formation iliat is part of a Hunter
If you are using the Battle-forged method, you ,...,ilJ instead need to Contingent are an exception. They count as part of both
orga1use t.he models in your collection into Detachments. This is their Formation and tl1e Detachment, and have all associated
a fun process in its own right. The most common of these are the Command Benefits and special rules. ff your Warlord is part
Combined Arms and Allied Detachments. Note that you can also o[ a Fonnation or an Army List Entry that makes up part of
include any of the Fom1ations presented in tllis section as part of a a Hunter Contingent, that entire Hunter Contingent is your
Battle-forged army. Primary Detachment.

This Detachment must include at least one Core choice. For
each Core choice you must include between I and 10 Auxilia11' CONTINGENT
choices, in any combination, and you may also include up to HEADQUARTERS
one Command choice. Only the datasheets listed to the right • l Commander or Commander Shadowsun
may be included in this Detachment. • 0-1 Ethereal or Aun'Va or Aun'Shi
• 1-2 units ofXV8 Crisis Bodyguards
Ideal Mission Commander: If this Detachment is your
Primary Detachment, you can choose to re-roll the result when
rolling on the Warlord T raits table.
Coordinated Firepower: vVhenever a unit from a Hunter (pg 104)
Contingent selects a target in the shooting phase, any number • I Commander
of other units from the same Detachment who can still shoot • 0-1 Cadre Fireblade
can add their firepower to the attack. These units must shoot • 0-1 mut ofXV8 Crisis Bodyguards
the same target, resolving their shots as if they were a single • 3-6 units chosen in any combination from the
unit this includes the use of markerlight abilities. When 3 or following list:
more units combine their firepower, tl1e firing models add I to -Breacher Team, Strike Team, Kroot Carnivores
their Ballistic Skill. • 1-3 muts chosen in any combination from the
following list:
- XV25 Stealth Battlesuits, XV8 Crisis Battlesuits,
Command XV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits, XV I 04 Riptide Battlesuits
0- l per Core • 1-3 units chosen in any combination from the
following list:
-Pathfinder T eam, TX4 Piranhas, Vespid
Core Stingwings, Drones
I+ • 1-3 units chosen in any combination from the
following list:
- XV88 Broadside Battlesuits, TX7 Hammerhead
Auxiliary Gunships, KV128 Stormsurges, Sniper Drones
1-10 per Core

1., The Hun ter Con tingent Detach men t allows you to represen t t h e typical structure of a T au Empir e army on th e
Warhammer 40 ,000 battlefield. Wheth e r you wish to r ep resent a Commander assimilating a new p lanet, or Fire
Warrior s defend ing Tau e n claves from attacking a lie n s , the ch oices below offer a great way to pick your army.

For example, Leigh s Tau Empire collection consists ofCommander (A Commander and Cadre Fireblade, all ofhis Strike, Breacher
Shadowsun, a Cadre Fireb/,ade, two Commanders, an Ethereal, four and Pathfinder Teams, his XVB Crisis Battlesuits, and his TX 7
Strike Teams, two Breacher Teams, two Kroot Carnivore squads, two Hammerhead Gunship), a Contingent Headquarters (Commander
XVB Crisis Teams, one XVB Crisis Bodyguard Team, two Pathfinder Shadowsun, an Ethereal and a Cn.sis Bodyguard Team), and a
Teams, an XV704 Riptide, a TX7 Hammerhead Gunship, two XV88 Firebase Support Cadre (two Broadside Teams and his Riptide}.
Broadside Teams, and a XV95 Glwstkeel Battlesuit.
Leigh's two units ofKroot Carnivores (Troops), his second
If Leigh wishes to organise his collection using the Battle- Commander (HQ), and his Ghostkeel (Elites) fonn a Combined
forged method, all ofhis units need to be part ofa Detachment A nns Detachment. As all ofhis units belong to a Detachment or
or a Forniation. Leigh achieves this by choosing one Hunter a Fonnation, Leigh s army is a Battleforged anny. The units that
Contingent Detachment and one Combined Arms Detachment from are part of the Hunter Contingent Detachment therefore have the
Warhammer 40,000: T he Rules. Coordinated Firepower Command Benefit, whilst those that are
part ofthe Combined Arms Detachment have the Objective Secured
The Hunter Contingent Detachment in Leighs anny consists Command Benefit. Finally, Leigh chooses Commander Shadowsun
ofone Core Fornzation, one Command Fonnation and one to be his Warlord - his Hunter Contingent Detachment is therefore
Auxiliary Fonnation. Specifically, it consists of a Hunter Cadre his Primary Detachment.


CADRE (PG 108) CADRE (PG 109) CADRE (PG 107)
• 2 units ofXV2S • 2 units ofXV88 • 3 Pathfinder T eams
Stealth Battlesuits Broadside Battlesuits • 2 units ofX\125
• I unit ofXV95 • I unit ofX\1104 Stealth Battlesuits
G hostkeel Battlesui ts Riptide Battlesuits • I unit ofTX4 Piranhas


• I Commander • I unit of D rones CADRE (PG 106)
• 3 units ofXV8 Crisis Battlesuits • I unit ofXV9S
• I unit of XV88 G hostkeel Battlesuits
Broadside Battlesuits • 2 uni.ts of KV 128 Stormsurges
• I unit ofXVl04 AIR CAST E
Riptide Battlesuits SU PPORT CADRE
(PG 111)
• I AX39 Sun Shark Bomber
• 2 AX3 R azorsh ark
Strike Fighters
• 4 units ofKroot Carnivores CADRE (PG 110)
• 2 units of Vcspid Stingwings ASSIGNED AIR • 3 units ofTX7
CASTE ASSET H ammerhead Gunships
• I unit of TX78
Sky Ray G unsh ips



The Tau Commander surges into

battle in a blaze offirepower.
Dynamic and determined, the
Commander places every shot
perfectly for maximum lethality.
Veterans of hundreds ofball/es,
each Tau Commander has the
honour ofpiloting a battlesuil
that represents the pinnacle of
their race's military technology.
The Commander's weapons are of
the finest quality, often including
special issue annaments that
annihilate swathes of enemy
infantry or tear battle tanks
apart with a single shot. Jn
addition, thanks to their rigorous
training and vast experience,
Tau Commanders are masters of
battlefield strategy. Though. each
has their own favoured approach
to command, many fight upon the
very front lines of battle, Leading
by their heroic example. To aid
them in this, some especially
renowned Commanders earn the
right to pilot XV86 Coldstar
battlesuits. These wonders of
Tau technology allow their pilot
to soar across the war zone at
incredible speeds before plunging
like a blazing comet into the
heart of battle.

6<i -
4 5 5 4
A Ld Sv
4 10 3+
Unit Type
J ct Pack l nfant1y (Character)

Unit Composition
l Commander
I ~

1111111••·~;~-~- ~~~~··••lllf'"
• Crisis battlesuit (pg 124) • Independent Character
I ~ ;~

• Supporting Fire (pg 115) XV86 COLDSTAR BATTLESUIT

• Very Bulky A Commander equipped with an XV86 Coldstar battlesuit has
OPTIONS: the Flying Monstrous Creature (Character) unit type, but does
• May take up to four items from the Ranged Weapons not have the Fear, Smash, or Vector Strike special mles. They
and/or Support Systems lists. also have a multi-tracker (pg 122) and blacksun filter (pg 121).
• May take items from the Signature Systems list.
• May take up to two Drones from the Drones list. If the Commander has any Drones, they form a unit with him
• A Commander may instead replace its Crisis battlesuit with while he is Gliding. V\'hen he is Swooping, the Drones are
an XV86 Coldstar battlesuit, equipped with high output burst removed from the battlefield. If he is slain whilst Swooping, his
cannon (pg 116) and missile pod (pg 117) 60 pts Drones are destroyed. Ifa Swooping Commander changes flight
• A Commander in an XV86 Coldstar battlesuit may take up to mode (or is grounded), his surviving Drones are immediately
two items from the Support Systems list, and up to two placed on the battlefield in unit coherency with him.
Drones from the D r ones list.


Solemn and stem, members of

the Ethereal caste direct their
followers with a calm authority
that cannot be denied. Each
Ethereal moves in the eye ofhis
own personal storm, an oasis
of serenity amid the raging
madness of war. Whether pacing
steadily across the battlefield or
borne upon the broad disc ofa
hover drone, the Ethereal issues
measured commands to the Tau
around him. Wherever his steady
gaze alights, his followers fight
harder titan ever, compelled to
excel in the eyes of one who utterly
embodies the Greater Good. To
aid the Tau in battle, an Ethereal
may invoke the elemental truths
of the Tau 'va, his voice cutting
effortlessly through the clangour
of battle. His words fire his
warriors' passions, steeling their
spirits or inuring them to pain in
a fashion that seems impossible to
the foe. To the Tau, however, such
miracles are perfectly natural -
their belief in the Ethereal caste is
absolute, and no act of inspiration
or empowerment seems beyond
them. In this way, the presence of
even a single Ethereal
can change the face ofan
entire war.

r- -·- --

4 3 3
A Ld Sv
3 10
Unit Type
lnfantiy (Character)
Unit Composition
1 Ethereal
SPECIAL RULES: • Calm of Tides: Affected models have the OPTIONS:
•Failure is Not An Option (pg 115) Stubborn special rule. • May take one of the following:
• Independent Character • Storm of Fire: Affected models fire an extra - Honour blade (pg 116) ................ 5 pts
•Stubborn shot with pulse weapons (pg 118) when - Two equalisers (pg 116) ............. 70pts
firing at a target \<Vi thin half the weapon's • May take:
Invocation ofthe Elemen ts: At the maximum range. This does not affect pulse - Blacksun filter (pg 121) ............... 5 pts
start of each of the Ethereal's Movement bombs, pulse driver cannons and pulse - Homing beacon (pg 122) ............ 5 pts
phases, choose one of the four elemental blastcannons, but includes Kroot rifles - Recon armour (pg 124) ...............5 pts
powers listed below to invoke. The firing pulse rounds. Storm of Fire can only - Hover Drone (pg 122) .................5 pts
Ethereal, a nd all ftiendly non-vehicle units affect a unit once per turn, regardless of • M ay take up to two Drones from the
with the Tau Empire Faction ,<\lithin 12" how many Ethereals invoke it. Drones list.
benefit fi·om the effects of the elemental • Sense ofStone: Affected models have the
power until the start of the Ethereal's next Feel No Pa in (6+) special rule.
Movement phase. If the Ethereal is slain, • Zephyr's Grace: Affected models can lire
the elemental power ends immediately. Snap Shots after Running.

~-===- 6·~ -=;:;::;-......

Hero, legend, pariah, master of Mont 'ka and rebellious outcast - 0 'Slwvah is all ofthese things and more. Piloting his distinctive red battlesuit, the
ancient Commander leaps fearlessly into battle at the head of!tis warriors. Slung beneath one mechanisedf1St, i:'arsight s plasma rifle glows white-hot
as he blasts his foes with bolts of searing energy. Jn his other hand, the Commander brandishes the Dawn Blade, an ancient weapon that has become
his totem and - unbeknow11St to him - extended 0 'Slwvah s life far beyond its normal span. This mighty blade is lethality itself, a fact proven every
time Farsight hacks offanother enemys head or slices an enemy tank in two. More than just an exceptional warrior, Commander Farsight is a gifted
strategist and an inspiring leader. He relishes close quarter battles, even after three centuries ofwar, and his aggressive strategies reflect his !tot-blooded
Vior'lan heritage. Yet Farsight s tactics are not impetuous, for though he fights with a rare fury, he never wastes a single Tau life.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Compositio=-- 1

Commander Farsight 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 10 3+ J ct Pack Infantry (Character) I (Unique)

• Crisis battlesuit (pg 124)
• Independent Character
• Plasma rifle (pg l l 7) •Preferred Enemy (Orks) SIGNATU RE SYSTEM
• Shield generator (pg 123) • Supporting Fire (pg 115) The Dawn Blade: The Dawn Blade is an alien sword
•Very Bulky discovered in the ruins ofArthas Molock i ts sculpted surface
WARLORD TRAIT: paints glittering arcs of destruction as it is swung.
• Through Boldness,
Victory (pg 115) Range s AP Type
User 2 Melee, Armourbane


Panic and confusion consume the

enemy as Commander Shadowsun
begins her attack. Tanks explode
in roaring balls offlame, their
sudden, violent demise lighting up
the night. Tau fire pours in from
all directions, the enemy wheeling
in confasion and terror before
being cut to pieces by the crossfire.
Attackers who believed themselves
upon the cusp of victory
are suddenly and hopelessly
surrounded, and defenders who
believed themselves safe are proved
horribly mistaken as Shadowsun '.s
brilliant strategies unfold. Size
is the ultimate huntress, master
ofthe Kauyon, and few indeed
are the military minds that
come close to rivalling hers. Jn
personal combat, too, O'Slwserra
is as swift and deadly as the
assassin '.s blade. Piloting her
XV22 battlesuit, Shadowsun is
all but invisible, a ghost stalking
her prey. Once she has them in
her sights, her enemies' doom
is guaranteed, for nothing - be
it monstrous beast, armoured
behemoth or mighty hero - can
survive the withering fury ofher
paired fusion blasters.

·~~~-~~-~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~- -~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~~~

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition

Commander Shadowsun 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 10 3+ J ct Pack Infantry (Character) 1 (Unique)

WARGEAR: Defender of the Greater

• Two fusion blasters (pg 117) Good: All Stealth Shas'ui and
• Advan ced tar geting Stealth Shas'vre models in
system (pg 121) the same unit as Commander SIGNATURE SYSTEM
Shadowsun have the Sworn XV22 Stealth Battlesuit: This experimental battlesuit
WARLORD TRAIT: Protector special rule (pg 88). incorporates the latest advances in cloaking technology, targeting
• A Ghost Who W alks systems and miniature shield generators.
Among Us (pg 115)

• May take a single MV62
l The XV22 Stealth battlesuit confers a 3+ Armour Save
and 5+ invulnerable save. Like other Stealtl1 battlesuits, the
• Independent Character Drone (pg 119)...........20 pts XV22 comes equipped with a multi-tracker (pg 122)
• Infiltrate • May take up to !:'NO and blacksun filter (pg 121 ). Furthermore, Shadowsun can
•Shrouded JVIV52 Shield D rones shoot each of her fusion blasters at a different ta rget. If she
• Stealth (pg 119) ............ .20 pts/model is firing while in a unit, at least one fus ion blaster must be
• Supporting Fire (pg 115) fired at her unit's target.
a ~~"'i;~!!!!!!!ll.--~--==-o0""""'=z::"""'"o;;!!!!!!~

~-===- 6•it -=;:::;::;--~

Aun'Shi's honour blade spins

and whirls like a razor-edged
storm. With skill undimmed by
his advanced years, the warrior
Ethereal blocks and parries, the
wild swings ofhis foes batted
aside amid showers of sparks. As
he fights, Aun 'Shi keeps his gaze
level and his breathing steady,
radiating serene calm no matter
how furiously his foes assail
him. Like the zephyrs of the air
he dodges and whirls through
the ritual steps of combat. As
rushing water between rocks
does his weapon flow between
his enemies' blows, while the
unyielding solidity ofhis guard
is like the earth itself Only when
the perfect opening presents itself
does he strike, blade leaping
forward like fire to strike down
his foe. Aun 'Shi is exalted by the
warriors of the Fire caste, far it
was he that stood against the
Orks at Fio 'vash and emerged
triumphant. Though he was old
enough to retire even then, the
Ethereal Council decided that
such a hero must not fade into
obscurity. Instead, Aun 'Shi fights
on, a humble warrior whose
selflessness and skill has made
him a figure of inspiration to the
Tau military.

[ Aun'Shi
WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition I
5 3 3 3 3 5 4 IO - Infantry (Character)

WARGEAR: SPECIAL RULES: Blademaster: When fighting in a challenge, Aun'Shi must

• Honour blade (pg 116) • Failure is Not An Option choose a fighting stance - either the Patient Blade or the Killing
• EMP grenades (pg 12 1) (pg 115) Blade - each turn, immediately before any T o Hit rolls are
• Photon grenades (pg 121) • Independent Character made in the challenge.
• Shield generator (pg 123) • Invocation of the
Elements (pg 76) If Aun'Shi chooses the Patient Blade stance, he re-rolls all failed
•Stubborn saving throws until the end of the current phase.

If Aun'Shi chooses the Kill ing Blade stance, his honour blade
has the Rending special rule until the end of the current phase.


Aun'Va is the Ethereal Supreme, the greatest ofhis kind. He is the guiding star of the Tau race, and his people's truest hope of realising their
destiny. Through his inspirational presence Azm'Va pushes even the greenest shas'la to deeds ofheroism that almost defj belief, and beneath his
unwavering gaze, the Tau fight with a barely restrained ferocity. Never does Aun'Va show the slightest concern during battle, floating forward with
a look of stern contempt upon his Izard features. Any foe foolish enough to approach is hacked down in an eye-blink by Aun'Va 's Ethereal Guards,
for nothing must be allowed to impede the progress of the Greater Good.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition

Aun'Va 3 2 3 4 1 10 5+ Infantry (Character) I (Unique)
Ethereal Guard 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 10 5+ Infantry 2 Ethereal Guards

WARGEAR: Great Invocation: \!\Then using the f .•'Jw. . -6·~=

.• ·.: "": l
ETHEREAL GUARD Invocation of the Elements special
• Honour blades (pg 116) rule, Aun'Va invokes up to t"vo SIGNATURE SYSTEM
• Photon grenades (pg 121) elemental powers per tum, instead of Paradox of Dua lity: Aun'va's staffprojects a
just one. protective field whose strength grows with the power
WARLORD TRAIT: ofthe weapons fired into it.
AUN'VA Supreme Loyalty: Whilst Aun'Va is
• Exemplar of the Selfless Cause alive, all friendly units with the Tau \l\Thenever Aun'Va's unit suffers one or more
(pg 115) Empire Faction on the battlefield unsaved \l\lounds from a shooting attack, roll
re-roll all failed Fear, Morale, a D6. If the result is equal to or higher than
SPECIAL RULES: Pinning and Regroup tests. the AP of the shot, the Wound is discounted,
AUN'VA exactly as if a cover save had been passed
• Bonding Knife Ritual (pg l 15) ETHEREAL GUARD (\
\/ounds from AP! weapons are therefore
• Failure is Not An Option (pg 115) • Bonding Knife Ritual (pg 115) automatically discounted). This roll cannot be
•Invocation ofthe Elements (pg 76) •Stubborn made against weapons with AP-.
•Very Bulky 80


The voice ofthe Cadre Fireblade

carries along the Tau firing Line,
his orders clear, calm and concise.
As the enemy surges closer, the
Fireblade 's courage steels his
comrades, steadying the firing Line
and focussing the mind ofevery
Fire Warrior present. Raising
his pulse rifle and sighting down
its Length, the Cadre Fireblade
calls out enemy weak !>pots
and optimal firing solutions to
his followers, watching the foe
press closer with a practised eye.
Only at the optimum moment
does the Fireblade bark out the
order to fire. At the Fireblade's
command, the Tau gunline
unleashes a storm offire, an
energised squall that tears the
enemy to pieces with terrible
efficiency. Not/zing can survive
such a ferocious weight ofpulse
fire, and enemy warriors are
tom apart, their tumbling bodies
struck halfa dozen times each
before they even /zit the ground.
The foe's composure collapses, the
impetus ofthe their charge stalls,
yet still Tau fire rains down. By
the time the Fireblade gives the
order to halt, nothing but the
bloody corpses of the foe remain.

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition ~

Cadre Fireblade 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 4+ Infantry (Character) I Cadre Fireblade
-----~---- ~--


• Pulse rifle (pg 118) • Independent Character • 1v1ay take up to two Drones from the Drones list.
• Photon grenades (pg 121) • Split Fire
• Markerlight (pg 122) • Supporting Fire (pg 115)

Volley Fire: If the Cadre

Fireblade, and every model in
his unit, remains stationary
in the Movement phase, their
pulse rifles and pulse carbines
each fire an adrutional shot in
the Shooting phase.


Striking from the shadows,

Sub-Commander El'Myamoto
and his hard-bitten Pathfinders
slaughter their foes without
mercy. An unconventional
officer who has refused several
promotions in order to remain
with his Pathfinder comrades,
Darkstrider excels in attacking
from unexpected angles and using
every element ofthe battlefield to
his advantage. Though unpopular
with many Tau Commanders for
his borderline insubordination
- a trait unthinkable amid
the traditionalist ranks of the
Fire caste - Darkstrider always
gets results. From Gal'yth and
Nep 'tan to the bloody fields
of the Zeis! campaign, he has
led his warriors into the most
deadly situations, always
bringing them back alive and
victorious. No matter the foe,
Darkstrider uses his structural
analyser and vast battlefield
experience to spot their hidden
weaknesses, then coordinates
an audacious strike that will
exterminate them wholesale.
ft is this talent for observation
and improvisation, coupled with
Darkstrider's obvious courage,
that has made him a favourite of
0 'Shaserra herself.

;--- --

WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type
Darkstridcr 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 5+ Infantry (Character) I (Unique)__ _.j


• Pulse carbine (pg 118) • Indep endent Cha racter
• Photon gren a des (pg 121) •Outflank
• Blacksun filter (pg 121) •Scout SIGNATURE SYSTEM
• M a rkerlight (pg 122) • Supporting Fire (pg 115) Structural Analyser: This device utilises a new type ofsensor
to scan for the most critical enemy weak points and then feeds that
Fight on Foot: Darksaider can information back into targeting computers.
only join Breacher Teams, St1ike
Teams or Pathfinder T earns. When Darkstrider targets a non-vehicle enemy unit with a
shooting attack, that unit suffers - 1 T oughness against hits
Fighting Retreat: from that shooting attack - this applies to Darkstrider's
Darkstrider, and his unit, entire unit's shooting attacks, not just his own. Use the
can consolidate D6" in any target's modilied Tough ness to determine if the target
direction immediately after suffers Instant D eath. T his ability cannot be used when
!iring O verwatch (before rolls !iring Snap Shots.
for charge range are made).


The strobingfam ofmassed pulse fire annowues tlze attack ofa Fire Warrior Strike Team. Whether kapingfrom the lzatcli ofa hovering Devilfalz or drawn up
in a resolutefiring line, the warriors ofa Strike Team maintain a constant blizzard ofshots that cuts theirfoes to pieces. Howlingpulse rifles, pulse carbines and
tactical support turrets /,ay down a withering carpet, w/zi/,e EMP grenades kick out shimmering sliockwaves ofekctromagneticforce that /,eave
enemy vehides as cold, dead husks. Airyfoe that doses to assault range must forge a path through a veritab/,e wall ofsupportingfi1sillades from multip/,e Strike
Teams. Tlze few survivors are left reeling amid a dazzling b/,ast ofphoton grenades, ea.ry prey to bepicked offat the Fire Warriors' l.eisure.

• WS BS s T w A Ld Sv
!' I Unit Type Unit Composition
Fire Warrior 2 3 3 3 2 I 7 4+ Infantry 5 Fire Wan;ors
Fire Wan;or Shas'uj 2 3 3 3 2 2 8 4+ Infantry (Character)

• Pulse rifle (pg 118) • May include up to seven additional Fire Warriors ......................................... ..................9 pts/model
• Photon grenades (pg 121) • Any model may exchange his pulse rifle for a pulse carbine (pg 118) ........................................ free
• May upgrade one Fire v\larrior to a Fire Warrior Shas'ui ....................................................... 70 pts
SPECIAL RULES: • A Fire Warrior Shas'ui may take a markerlight (pg 122) and target lock (pg 123) .................... 75 pts
• Supporting Fire (pg 115) • A Fire Warrior Shas'ui may take up to two Drones from the Drones list.
• The unit may take EMP grenades (pg 121)........................................................... .......... .2 pts/model
• The unit may take a DS8 tactical support turret (pg 121) with missile pod (pg 117)
or smart missile system (pg 118) ............................................................................................... 70 pts
• The unit may take a TY7 D evilfish (pg 94) as a Dedicated Transport.
• The entire unit may take the Bonding Knife Ritual special rule (pg 115)......................... l pt/model


Breacher Teams hit hard and fast, tearing their foes apart with massed firepower before they can react. Comprising the most aggressive and
courageous Fire Warriors, the Breacher Teams marry their race's mastery ofhigh-tech fireanns with exhaustively drilled close assault protocols lo
great effect. Specialising in close quarters fire fights and strongpoint assaults the Fire Warriors ofthe Breacher Teams are experts at overlapping
the scattergun fire of their lethal pulse blasters, shredding their foes at point blank range before stepping over their cooling corpses in search ofthe
next target. This close combat role is dangerous in the extreme, but most Breacher Teams place their faith in the protective abilities of an attendant
Guardian Drone, enemy .fire flickering from the energised shield that envelops them.

•"""" ~

WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition

Fire Warrior 2 3 3 3 2 1 7 4.+ Infantry 5 Fire Warriors
Fire Warrior Shas'ui 2 3 3 3 2 2 8 4+ Infantry (Character)

• Pulse blaster (pg 118) • May include up to five additional Fire Warriors ..............................................................9 pts/model
• Field amplifier • May upgrade one Fire Wa1Tior to a Fire Warrior Shas'ui ....................................................... 70 pts
relay (pg 121) • A Fire Warrior Shas'ui may take a markerlight (pg 122) and target lock (pg 123).................... 75 pts
• Photon gren ades (pg 121) • A Fire \'Varrior Shas'ui may take up to two Drones from the Drones list.
• The un it may take EMP grenades (pg 121)...................................................................... 2 pts/model
SPECIAL RULES: • The unit may take a DS8 tactical support turret (pg 121) with missile pod (pg 117)
• Su pporting Fire (pg 115) or smart missile system (pg 118) ............................................................................................... 70 pts
• The unit may take a TY7 Devilfish (pg 94) as a Dedicated Transport.
•The entire unit may take the Bonding Knife Ritual special rule (pg 11 5)......................... 7pt/model



Surging from the undergrowth with their rifles blazing, the warriors ofthe Kroot Carnivore squads fall upon their victims with feral shrieks.
In their midst lumber massive Krootoxes, gunners perched upon their backs as they direct sawing bursts ofheavy fire into the foe. Snapping and
snarling around their masters' legs, Kroot Hounds bound forward, ready to tear at the flesh offallen foes with their beak-like jaws. Though
undoubtedly primitive compared to their Tau allies, the mercenary Kroot are feral warriors whose skills on the battlefield make them invaluable
additions to the Empire's military machine. More than one enemy army has been tricked into engaging an apparently fragile Tau gunline only for
the jaws of a Kroot ambush to snap shut upon them with deadly force.
WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Comp osition
Kroot 4 3 3 3 I 3 I 7 6+ Infantry IO K.root
Shaper 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 6+ Infantry (Character)
Krootox Rider 4 3 6 3 2 3 2 7 6+ Infantry
Kroot Hound 4 0 3 3 5 2 6 Beasts


KROOT AND SHAPER • Acute Senses (Kroot • May include up to ten additional Kroot .................. 6 pts/model
• Kroot rifle with p u lse Hounds only) • May include up to three Krootox Riders ............... .25 pts/model
rounds (pg 11 7) • Bulky (Krootox Rider only) • May include up to ten Kroot Hounds ...................... 5 pts/model
• I nfiltrate • May upgrade one Kroot to a Shaper ............................... 75 pts
KROOTOX RIDER • Move Through Cover • A Shaper may exchange his Kroot rifle for either a pulse rifle
• Kroot gun (pg 117) • Stealth (Forests) (pg 118) or a pulse carbine (pg 118) ....................................4 pts
• May upgrade all models with Kroot rifles to take
sniper rounds (pg 117) ................................................ 7pt/model

For some foes, the only lzint ofdanger is a slight sensor-ghost, or the unnerving feeling of being watched. For others there is no warm:ng at all,
before the world lights up with chattering burst cannons and hissing fusion blasters. Flickering out from amid their camouflage fields come the
Tau Stealth Suits, their point-blank salvoes chopping enemy infantry to steaming offal and blowing their armoured vehicles sky high. Panicked
wildfire flashes back at them, flying wide or rattling from the thick X V25 armour. In response, the Stealth Suits fire their jump jets to leap away,
shimmering out of view in moments. Alternatively, activating horning beacons or markerlights, they may call down reinforcements or barrages of
seeker missiles to annihilate the last of their prey without meny .
... ~

' WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition

Stealth Shas'ui 2 3 4 3 2 2 8 3+ J ct Pack Infantry 3 Stealth Shas'ui
Stealth Shas'vrc 2 3 4 3 2 3 9 3+ J et Pack Infantiy (Character)

• Stea lth b attlesuit (pg 124) • May include up to three additional Stealth Shas'ui .................................... .................30 pts/model
•Burst cannon (pg 116) • Any Stealth Shas'ui may take a single item from the Sup port Systems list.
• For every three models in the squad (excluding Drones), one may replace his
SPECIAL RULES: burst cannon with a fusion blaster (pg 117) .................................................................... 5 pts/model
• Infiltrate • :May upgrade one Stealth Shas'ui to a Stealth Shas'vre ......................................................... 70 pts
•Shr ouded • A Stealth Shas'vre may take up to one item from the Support Systems list.
•Stealth • A Stealth Shas'vre may take:
• Supporting Fire (pg 115) -Homing beacon (pg 122) ...................................................................................................... 70pts
- Markerlight (pg 122) and target lock (pg 123).........................................................................5 pts
• A Stealth Shas'vre may take up to two Drones from the Dron es list.
• The entire unit may take the Bonding Knife Ritual special rule (pg 115)....................... 7 pt/model


What better expression ofthe Greater Good can there be than the act ofgiving one's life for one's commanding officer? Such is the mantra of the
saz'nami, the Crisis Bodyguards who watch over Tau Commanders in the field. These veteran shas'vre selflessly protect their charge, stepping in
front ofshots and blows without a second thought, using their armoured bodies to shield their Commander from flaming explosions or sprays of vile
bio-acid. They also move swiftly to eliminate foes before they become a threat. As such, each Crisis Bodyguard fights like the hero ofa propaganda
lzolocast, spinning and leaping, kicking and blasting as they slaughter the enemy with every weapon at their disposal. To threaten the life ofa Tau
Commander is to invite the wrath oftheir protectors, and in doing so face swift annihilation.

WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition
Crisis Bodyguard 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 9 3+ Jct Pack Infantry I Crisis Bodyguard

• Crisis battlesuit (pg 124) • May include up to eight additional Crisis Bodyguards ........................................... .......32 pis/model
• Any Crisis Bodyguard may take up to three items from the Support Systems
SPECIAL RULES: and/or Ranged Weapons lists.
• Supporting Fire (pg 115) • Any Crisis Bodyguard may take items from the Signature System s tist.
• Very Bu lky • Any Crisis Bodyguard may take up to lwo Drones from Lhe Drones list.
• The entire unit may take the Bonding Knife Ritual special rule (pg ll 5)........................2 pts/model
Sworn P rotector: An
Independent Characler in a
unit Lhat conlains al leasl one
model with this special rule
automatically passes Look
Out, Sir altempts.

-._.-.===- 6·~ ·==:::;m.~

Glwstkeel Batt/,esuits lunge from the shadows lo rake their prey with lethal vol/,eys offire. Wreailu:d in steallh fields projected by tlu:ir lwven·ng drones, the half
seen battlesuits move with terrifang speedfar tlu:ir size. One moment the e1u:my is advancing across tlu: batt/,efield, the next looming kiU,ers are bounding through
their midst with guns blazing. Panicked return fire flies wide, tlu: G/wstkeels' attackers unab/,e to draw a bead on their sensor-baffled targets. Should one of
their prey /,eve[ espedally large or deadly weapons, an XV95 pilot will trigger his countermeasure suite, sending targeting syste1ns haywire. A mid the resultant
confasion, the Ghostkeels deliver their killing shots, blasting tlu:ir targets into gwwing atoms beforefading back into the darkness once more.

WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition

Ghostkcel Shas'vre
MV5 Stealth Drone



3 9
J ct Pack Monstrous Creature
J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
1 G hostkccl Shas'vre
2 :\iI V5 Stealth Drones
• Ghostkeel battlesuit (pg 124) Stealth Field: All models in a unit with one or more Stealth Drones receive the Stealth special
• Fusion collider (pg 11 7) rule (including the Drone). Any models that already have Stealth receive the Shrouded special
• Ghostkeel electrowarfare rule instead . M odels that already have Stealth and Shrouded receive no additional benefit.
suite (pg 121)
• Holophoton OPTIONS:
countermeasures (pg 122) • M ay include up to two additional Ghostkeel Shas'vre, each with two
• Twin-linked fla mer MV5 Stealth Drones ................................................................................................... 730pts/model
• Any Ghostkeel Shas'vre may exchange its fusion collider for a cyclic ion raker (pg 117)............ free
SPECIAL RULES: • Any Ghostkeel Shas'vre may exchange its twin-linked flamer for one of the following:
GHOSTKEEL SHAS'VRE - Twin-linked burst cannon (pg 116) .........................................................................................5 pts
• Fire T eam (pg 115) - Twin-linked fusion blaster (p g 117) ....................................................................................... 70 pts
• Stealth • Any Ghostkeel Shas'vre may take up to two items from the Support Systems list.
• Supporting Fire (pg 115) • T he enti1·e unit may take the Bonding Knife Ritual special rule (pg 115)........................ 7 pt/model


Looming through the smoke and

flames ofthe battlefield, XVI04
Riptides are a truly terrifying
sight. The teams' strides shake
the ground, and their jump jets
roar thunderously as they make
Long, dynamic bounds across the
war zone. Foes quail in horror
as the massive suits swings their
heads in their direction, the
pilots and their networked Al s
bringing their mighty arsenals to
bear. With a rising whine, the
Riptides' nova reactors power
up, a momentary glow gathering
around the battlesuits' jutting
guns before they turn the world
to fire and Light. Nothing can
survive the Riptide Team '.s
destructive salvoes, be it lumbering
Tyranid bio-horrors or squads of
Space Marine Terminators, and
soon enough the X V704s are
on the move once more, leaving
glowing craters and sundered
corpses in their wake. Since they
led the victory on the battlefields
ofAgrellan, Riptide Battlesuits
have become synonymous with
victory in the Tau mindset. From
a closely guarded secret, they
have become the most popular
and sought after asset in the
Fire caste'.s arsenal, fighting and
winning on countless worlds.


l Riptide Shas'vrc
2 3 6
A Ld Sv
3 9 2+
Unit Type
J ct Pack Monstrous Creature
Unit Composition
I Riptide Shas'vrc

• Rip tide b attlesuit (pg 124) • May include up to two additional Riptide Shas'vre ..................................................... 780 pis/model
• Heavy b urst cannon • Any Riptide Shas'vrc may exchange its twin-linked smart missile system for one of the following:
(pg 116) - Twin-linked plasma rifle (pg 117) ............................................................................................ free
• Twin-linked sma r t - Twin-linked fusion blaster (pg 117)
missile system (pg 118) • Any Riptide Shas'vre may exchange its heavy burst cannon for
• Riptide shield generator an ion accelerator (pg 117) ........................................................................................................ .5 pts
(pg 123) • Any Riptide Shas'vre may take up to two Shielded Missile D rones (pg 119) ................. 25 pts/model
• Nova reactor (pg 123) • Any Riptide Shas'vre may take up to two items from the Suppor t System s list.
• The entire unit may take the Bonding Knife Ritual special rule (pg 115)......................... 7 pt/model
• Fire Team (pg 115)
• Suppo rting Fire (pg 115)


Vespid Stingwings dart into battle with unsettling insectile speed. The high pitched whine of their wings inspires atavistic revulsion, seeming to
comefrom every direction at once as it echoes and bounces from ruins and wreckage. U'hen they strike, the Vespids do so with lightning speed,
dropping from above with their neutron blasters emitting bolts of translucent fire. Each shot shimmers clean through the annour of the foe, scouring
their bodies with massive doses of radiation and burning them alive from the inside. Tn return, the thick carapaces of the Vespids are proofagainst
all but the fiercest blows, even bolt shells ricocheting away as the Vespids continue their vicious attack. Should the enemy counter-attack in force, the
Vespids simply disengage, darting into the sky ready to plunge down anew.

! WS BS S T W I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit CompositioC J

Vcspid Stingwing 3 3 3 4 6 I 6 4+ J ump Infant1y 4 Vcspid Stingwing
Vespid Strain Leader 3 3 3 4 6 2 9 4+ Jump Infantry (Character)
·- - -
• N eutron blaster (pg 117) • May include up to eight additional Vespid Stingwings .................................................. 78 pts/ model
• May upgrade one Vespid Stingwing to a Vespid Strain Leader .............................................. 70 pts
• Hit&Run
• Move Through Cover
• Stealth (Ruins)


One moment the enemy advance through cover with their weapons at the ready. The next, pinpoint volleys ofSniper Drone longs/wt fire whip through
their midst, bursting skulls, detonating ammo packJ; cutting tlze legs from under those who flee and blasting the guts out of those who stand and
fight. Siwek and panic take hold as more warriors fall by tlze second. Comms troopers, officers, weapon specialists - all are punched off their feet with
frightening speed, until tlzefoe'.s ability to fight hack is utterly destroyed. As the last, frantic suroivors flee hack towards their own lines, the Firesight
Marksman nods with quiet satisfaction, safe within lzis shielded hide as he begins scanning for tlze next target for his hovering Sniper Drones.

Firesight Marksman
l\IIV7 I Sniper D rone
w I
A Ld Sv
Unit Type
Jet Pack I nfantry (Drone)
u ... Comp•·;··o
1 Fircsight Marksman
3 l\1\17 1 Sniper Drones
~~~~ .
FIRESIGHT MARKSMAN • M ay include up to two additional Firesigh t M a rksme n ................................................. 73 pts/ model
• Pulse pistol (pg 118) • M ay include up to six add itional l'vfV7 I S niper D rones ................................................ 75 pts/model
• Drone controller (pg 12 1)
• Markerlight (pg 122)


• Longshot pulse rifle
(pg 11 8)

• Stealth
• Supporting Fire (pg 115)

- Commander Puretide

j The Titan·slayer and the Terror of T'ros, Shas'la Longstrike is XV02 Pilot Battlesuit: This prototype allows a pilot to work
l the greatest tank ace ofthe Tau military. His ability to handle a in tandem with his vehicle's AI. By processing the cadre tactical 1.
( Hammerhead Gunship is instinctual, and his marksmanship second network and incoming data so quickly, the pilot can react to enemies I
to none. seeing all ofhis bondmates slain by Imperial tanks attacking his vehicle or nearby units.
on T'ros, the already courageous Longstrike has become a ruthless, 1

hard·hearted killer who lives to extemzinate any who would impede The XV02 Pilot Battlesuit incorporates a blacksun filter
the Greater Good. Upon reviewing his exceptional combat record in (pg 121). Longstrike's TX7 H ammerhead Gunship can fire
that campaign - during which he fired the killing shot to the head Overwatch and has the Supporting Fire special rule (pg 115).
of an Imperial Warhound Titan - Longstrike was chosen to test Furthermore, Longstrike's TX7 Hammerhead Gunship is not
the experimental XV02 Pilot Battlesuit. Rumour has it that, now, limited to firing Overwatch once each phase (it can still only
Shas'la Longstrike literally cannot miss... fire Overwatch once against each eligible charging unit). I

• Preferred Enemy (Astra Militarum)
•Tank Hunters

Hammerhead Ace: Longstrike's H ammerhead is Ballistic Skill

5, has the additional special rules listed above, and the XV02
Pilot Battlesuit Signature System. IfLongstrike's H ammerhead
is destroyed, he is slain. Longstrike and his H ammerhead are
a single unit for the purposes of Victory Points.

While the Hammerhead is a dynamic hunter, its sister gunship the TX78 Sky Ray is a far more sinister killer. Mounting a complement ofseeker
missiles beneath its upswept ordnance racks, the Sky Ray typically lurks behind the main Tau advance, remaining mute and concealed until the
moment comes to strike. The Sky Ray often fulfils a supporting role, and its ballistic arsenal can be called in by any Tau with a markerlight to carry
out a remote strike on a sufficiently valuabf.e target. Alternatively, the Sky Ray can use its own networked markerlights to direct its weaponry, most
commonly when it meets an unexpected enemy breakthrough with a sudden, screaming volley of high explosive warheads.
1 Armour 1
BS F s R HP Unit Type Unit Composition
TX78 Sky Ray Gunship 4 13 12 10 3 Vehicle (Skimmer, Tank) I TX78 Sky Ray Gunship

WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv
MY l Gun Drone 2 2 3 4 I 4 l 7 4+ j et Pack Infantry (Drone)

• Six seek er missiles • May include up to two additional TX78 Sky Ray Gunships ........................................ 775 pts/model
(pg 118) • Any TX78 Sky Ray Gunship may exchange both MV l Gun Drones for one of the following:
• Two n etworked - Twin-linked burst cannon (pg 116) ........................................................................................... .free
markerlights (pg 123) - Twin-linked smart missile system (pg 118)................................................................................ .free
• Velocity tr ack er (pg 123) • Any TX78 Sky Ray Gunship may take items from the Vehicle Battle System s list.
• T wo MVl Gun Dron es
(pg 119)

• Fire T eam (pg 115)


With deliberate strides, XV88 Broadside Battlesuits advance into optimum firing positions. Inside each of the heavily armoured battlesuits,
lwlotargeting data. dances across the retinas of the grim/aced pilot as he swings the suit's mighty guns towards the foe. Each Broadside is a walking
gun battery, carrying either a. twin-linked heavy rail rifle that can smash through Imperial power armour as though it were glass, or high-yield
missile pods capable ofwiping out swathes ofenemy infantry in lethal explosions. As these terrijjing weapons open fire, secondary systems on tlze
battlesuits' shoulders add to the carnage, and the battlefield before the Broadsides is swiftly transformed into a landscape ofcraters littered with
blazing, dismembered corpses.
WS BS s T w I A Ld Sv Unit Type Unit Composition
Broadside Shas'ui 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 8 2+ Infantry I Broadside Shas'uj
Broadside Shas'vrc 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 9 2+ InfantJy (Character)
- - -~ --~

• Broadside b attlesuit • May include up to two additiona l Broadside Shas'ui .....................................................65 pts/model
(pg 124) • M ay upgrade one Broadside Shas'ui to a Broadside Shas'vre .................................................. 70 pts
• Twin-linked h eavy rail • Any Broadside Shas'ui or Shas'vre may exchange his twin-linked heavy rail riOe
rifle (pg l l 7) for a twin-linked hjgh-yield m issile pod (pg I I 7) ........................................................................ free
• Twin-linked sm art • Any Broadside Shas'ui or Shas'vre may exchange his twin-linked sm art missile system
missile system (pg l 18) for a twin-linked plasma riOe (pg 117) .............................................................................. 5 pts/model
• Any Broadside Shas'ui or Shas'vre may take a seeker missile (pg I 18) ............................. 8 pts/model
SPECIAL RULES: • Any Broadside Shas'ui or Shas'vre may take up to one item from the Support Systems list.
• Extremely Bulky • A ny Broadside Shas'ui or Shas'vre may take up to two Drones from the Drones list.
• Supporting Fire (pg 115) • The entire unit may take the Bonding K n ife Ritual special rule (pg 11 5)......................... 7 pt/model


The earth shakes with the

approach ofthe towering KV728
Stonnsurge. Mag·lifted into
battle by modified Manta Missile
Destroyers, these titanic walking
tanks serve as mobile strongpoints
with enough firepower to
obliterate entire fonnations of
the foe. Once he has the enemy
in his sights, the Stonnsurge's
pilot fires stabilising anchors,
locking the enonnous ballistic
suit to the ground while the
gunner diverts all power to its
apocalyptic arsenal of weaponry.
The Fire Warriors about its
feet duck and brace while the
foe recoils with desperate cries
of terror. Then, with a roar
that bursts eardrums and cracks
annaglass, the Stonnsurge opens
fire, pounding its taiget area with
salvo upon salvo ofpulse waves,
rockets and blasts until nothing
remains but flaming, wreckage-
strewn devastation. Super-heavy
tanks and cyclopean Titans
explode, their inches-thick annour
tom apart like parchment and
their weak spots punched open
by destroyer missiles, while entire
battalions ofenemy infantry
die screaming amid an endless
stonn of rippling detonations and
surging fire .

.c---- -
l KV! 28 Stormsurgc
2 3 6 6 8
A Ld Sv
2 9 3+
Unit Type
Gargantuan Creature
Unit Composition
I KV! 28 Stormsurgc


• Pulse blastcannon (pg 118) Stabilising Anchors: In your Shooting phase, in addition to firing normally, a Stormsurge can
• Twin-linked smart begin deploying its anchors; from then on the Stormsurge cannot move under any circumstances
missile system (pg 118) or make Stomp attacks. In the Shooting phase of your next turn, and in each subsequent Shooting
• Cluster rocket phase, a Stormsurge with its anchors deployed can fire twice. Make the second shooting attack
system (pg I 16) directly after the first has been resolved. The Stormsurge can retract its anchors at the beginning
• Four destroyer of any of your Movement phases, and can then move, shoot and make Stomp attacks normally.
missiles (pg 116)
• Twin-linked flamer OPTIONS:
• May include up to two additional Stormsurges........................................................... .360 pts/model
• Any KV! 28 Stormsurge may exchange its twin-linked flamer for one of the following:
- Twin-linked burst cannon (pg 116) ................................................................................5 pts/model
- Twin-linked airbursting fragmentation projector (pg 116).............................................5 pts/model
• Any KV ! 28 Stormsurge may exchange its pulse blastcannon for a
pulse driver cannon (pg 118)........................................................................................... 75 pts/model
• Any KV! 28 Stormsurge may take up to tl1ree items from the Support Syste ms list.


Possessing an exceptional balance offirepower, mobility and resilience, the Hunter Cadre is the tactical mainstay of Tau forces. Whether surging
forward on the attack or hammering the foe with volleys ofdefensive fire, the Hunter Cadre has the tools to complete any mission required of it.
Tau Commanders are pemzitted a degree offlexibility in the way they assemble their Hunter Cadres, allowing them to tailor the forces available
to their own personal interpretation of Kauyon or Mont'ka strategies. However, whether their composition emphasises ambush hunting, defensive
feints or sudden, overwhelming strikes, all warriors ofa Hunter Cadre share an unbreakable bond of comradeship and conviction that will see them
through airy battle, no matter how challenging.

Unbreakable Bonds of Comradeship: Units
• 1 Commander from this Formation that have the Supporting
• 0-1 Cadre Fireblade Fire special rule (pg 115) can provide Supporting
• 0-1 unit ofXV8 Crisis Bodyguards Fire to any other model in this Formation if they
• 3-6 units chosen in any combination from the following list: are within 12" of each other, rather than 6".
- Breacher T eam, Strike Team, Kroot Carnivores
• 1-3 units chosen in any combination from the following list: Ambushes and Feints: Units from this
- XV25 Stealth Battlesuits, XV8 Crisis Battlesuits, XV95 Ghostkeel Formation that are within 12" of this Formation's
Battlesuits, XV I04 Riptide Battlesuits Commander or Cadre Fireblade at the start of
• 1-3 units chosen in any combination from the following list: the Shooting phase can Run or move Flat Out
- Pathfinder T eam, TX4 Piranhas, Vespid Stingwings, Drones and then shoot in that Shooting Phase. Each unit
• 1-3 units chosen in any combination from the following list: must complete both actions before you move onto
- XV88 Broadside Battlesuits, TX7 H ammerhead Gunships, KV! 28 tl1e next unit - otherwise the chance to make the
Stormsurges, Sniper D rones second action is forfeit.


The sudden attacks ofa Retaliation Cadre have shattered the impetus ofcountless enemy assaults and torn the heart from supposedly impregnable
defences without number. Held back in a lowflying Manta, the Retaliation Cadre is most commonly used to deliver the final, killing blow in either
Mont'ka or Kauyon strategies, massing a great strength of elite battlesuits and applying their prodigious firepower precisely where it is required.
Upon deployment the entire cadre drops from low altitude, even the Broadside Battlesuits employing single-drop grav-boosters to cushion their
landing as they arrive directly into combat. Even as they fall from above the elite pilots start shooting, stitching volleys offire into the enemy '.s ranks
and scattering them in terror just moments before the battlesuits 'feet hit the ground.

FORMATION: • Relentless
• 1 Commander (pg 75)
• 3 units ofXV8 Crisis Battlesuits (pg 87) Low Altitude Deploym ent: If all of the units from this
• I unit ofXV88 Broadside Battlesuits (pg 102) Formation start in Reserve, you can announce before the battle
• 1 unit ofXVl 04 Riptide Battlesuits (pg 90) begins that they will use Low Altitude Deployment. If you do so,
deploy the entire Formation using the Deep Strike special rule at
tl1e start of your second turn.

Drop Zone Clear : All models in this Formation add I to their

Ballistic Skill during the turn that they arrive by D eep Strike.

-=--- a ~~~~~.-~-=~..,.-==z=i-.!!!!!!!!!!!d!!I


l11hen a Heavy Retribution Cadre opens fire, the blinding firestorm produced is truly terrifying. Even the most colossal enemies stand Little chance
wizen caught amid this sudden monsoon ofdestruction. Tyranid bio-titans rear and stagger, eras/zing to the ground with their monstrous bodies rent
and bleeding. Whole lances of Imperial Knights Lean into the deluge of shot, pus/zing forward like men walking into a gale until, one-by-one, their
ion shields fail and they are torn apart in bright blossoms of nuclear flame. All the while - his presence invisible but very much felt upon the field of
battle - the cadres attached GlwstkeeL spotter maintains a forward position, feeding back targeting data to his Stomzsurge allies and ensuring their
already monstrous firepower is directed to maximum effect.


FORMATION: Optimum Fire Position: You can re-roll failed To Hit rolls
• I unit ofXV95 Ghostkeel Battlesuits (pg 89) for shooting attacks made by Stormsurges from this Formation
• 2 units of KV! 28 Stormsurges (pg 103) if the target unit is within 12" of a Ghostkeel Battlesuit from
this Formation.

Monsoon of Destruction: If an enemy unit is chosen as the

target by at least two units from this Formation in the same
Shooting phase, that unit cannot Run or move Flat Out in
their next turn. In addition, such units must halve the result
of any Charge rolls they make in the next turn (rounding
fractions down).



Like malicious glzosts, tlze elite warriors of tlze Optimised Stealtlz Cadre lzaunt their enemies' battle lines. They strike al will, appearing from amid
the fog ofwar with tlzeir guns spitting furiously. So sudden and overwlzelming is the cadre's assault that enemy forces are tlzrown into disarray,
warriors fleeing or firing wildly as the Tau seem to come from all directions at once. Networking tlzeir stealtlz fields in a manoeuvre known as
mesme'.j'kaara - the wall ofmirrors - the pilots of tlze Optimised Stealtlz Cadre utterly confound tlzeir foes' senses and sensors alike, appearing to
attack from one quarter wlzile in truth moving in from the opposite direction altogether. By the time their prey lzas realised tlze nature oftlze trick, it
is far too late - punishing fire rains down upon their unprotected flanks to the ruin ofall.

FORMATION: The Wall of Mirrors: At the start of your shooting phase,
• 2 units of XV25 Stealth Battlcsuits (pg 86) this Formation can network their stealth fields to create a
• 1 unit ofXV95 Ghostkccl Battlcsuits (pg 89) Wall of Mirrors. If you do so, then the weapons used by the
Formation's Ghostkeels, and by any unit of Stealth Battlesuits
from this Formation that are within 6 11 of a Ghostkeel from
this Formation, have the Ignores Cover special rule, and these
models add I to their Ballistic Skill for that Shooting phase. In
addition, their weapons are assumed to strike tl1e rear armour of
any vehicle that they hit, no matter what its actual facing.



Few sights are as breathtaking, or as terrifjing, as a Firebase Support Cadre opening fire. Synchronising their targeting data with sub-orbital
Dronefeeds and structural analysis databanks, the pilots ofthe Firebase Support Cadre calculate their angles and site their weapons on known
weak spots with pinpoint accuracy before Letting fly in a single, ground-shaking fusillade. Even the mightiest foes stand little chance against the
resultant firestonn, whole squads of Terminators, Tyranid monstrosities or mega-armoured Ork Nobz ripped apart in seconds. Tanks explode in
blossoms offlame, and even towering Impen·al Knights and graceful Wraithknights stagger and fall, their annour punctured again and again by
heavy rail-rifles and fusion blasts until nothing remains but flaming wreckage.
FORMATION: Co-ordinated Firestorm: Instead of firing independently
• 2 units ofXV88 Broadside Battlesuits (pg 102) in the Shooting phase, all units in a Firebase Support Cadre
• l unit ofXV104 Riptide Battlesuits (pg 90) can participate in a co-ordinated firestorm. When they do so,
all models from this Formation must shoot the same target,
resolving their shots as if they were a single unit - this includes
the use of markerlight abilities. When resolving this Shooting
attack, all firing models have the Tank Hunters and Monster
Hunter special rules.

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Skimming low across the battlefield, the guns/tips of tile Armoured interdiction Cadre supply massive firepower wherever it is needed most. The
throaty roar ofjet engines heralds the gunships' onset, just moments before their terrifjing arsenal is loosed. Deafening whip-cracks fill the air as tile
railguns of the TX7 Hammerheads open fire, streaking the air with crackling blue contrails as they blast hyper-velocity rounds through anything in
their sights. Volleys of seeker missiles scythe down to carpet the target in explosions as the Sky Rays lend their own fire to the barrage. Against such
a sudden, massive bombardment, enemy armour stands no chance ofsurvival, and with interlaced predictive targeting guiding their shots, there are
few targets indeed can evade tlze Armoured i nterdiction Cadre far long.


FORMATION : Interlaced Predictive Targeting : Pick a point anywhere on
the battJdield at the start of your Shooting phase. The point you
pick is the centre of this Formation's Predictive Targeting Grid.
You can re-roll failed To Hit rolls for attacks made by models
from this Formation if the target unit is within 611 of the point
that you picked.

Fusion weapons are anti-tank weapons that reduce reinforced armour to Kroot use primitive slug-throwers adapted by the Tau to fire pulse rounds.
molten slag in the blink ofeye. Some also fire sniper rounds, which have greater stopping power, but
must be reloaded between shots, making them cumbersome to wield. The
Range s AP Type Kroot rifle also comes with blades attached to the muzzle and stock, a
Fusion blaster 18" 8 Assault I , M elta throwback to traditional Kroot fighting staves.
Fusion collider 18" 8 Assault I ,
Blast, Melta Range S AP Type
Kroot rifle
Pulse round 24" 4 6 Rapid Fire
ION WEAPONS Sniper round 24" x 6 H eavy 1,
The high-energy streams fired by ion weapons react destructively Sniper
with their target, vaporising flesh and metal with equal ease. Ion Close combat User 5 Melee,
weapons can be overcharged to generate a more devastating attack, Two-handed
but at a risk of overheating its primary power cells. Kroot gun 48" 7 4 Rapid Fire


Cyclic ion blaster A simple but effective delivery system for multiple missiles, these weapon
Standard 18" 7 4 Assault 3 pods are used on light vehicles and heavy infantry at medium range, and
O vercharge 18" 8 4 Heavy 1, Blast, are mounted on ma1ry battlesuits and drones.
G ets Hot
Cyclic ion raker Range s AP Type
Standard 24" 7 4 Assault 6 Missile pod 36" 7 4 Assault 2
O vercharge 24" 8 4 Heavy I, High-yield 36" 7 4 H eavy 4
Large Blast, missile pod
Gets H ot
Standard 30" 7 4 Rapid Fire Stingwing weapons are a lrybrid of Vespid and Tau technology. The
O vercharge 30" 8 4 Heavy 1, Blast, crystal mounted upon each blaster emits a powerfid neutron blast that is
G ets Hot able to bypass all but the most effective armour.
Quad ion turret
Standard 30" 7 4 Heavy 4 Range S AP Type
O vercharge 30" 8 4 Heavy I, 18" 5 3 Assault l
Gets H ot,
Ion cannon Plasma technology is used by many races, despite its highly unstable
Standard 60" 7 3 H eavy 3 nature. The Tau favour a form ofthe technology that forgoes a degree of
Overcharge 60" 8 3 Heavy 1, stopping power for an increased level ofsafety for the operator.
Gets H ot,
Large Blast Range s AP Type
24" 6 2 Rapid Fire

Tau rail weapons use linear accelerator technology to fire a solid projectile
at lryper-velocit.y. They are capable ofpunching through the thickest of
armour and of taking down the largest ofenemies.

Range s AP Type
Ion accelerator Rail rifle 30" 6 Rapid Fire
Standard 72" 7 2 H eavy 3 H eavy rail rifle 60" 8 Heavy l
Overcharge 72" 8 2 Heavy I, Railgun
Gets H ot, Solid shot 72" 10 H eavy l
Large Blast Submunition 72" 6 4 Heavy 1,
Nova-charge 72" 9 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Gets H ot,
Large Blast,

Nova-charge: This profile can only be used if a Riptide

Shas'vre uses his nova reactor (pg 123) to charge his
primary weapon.

Pulse technology is common within the Fire caste, and all pulse weapons utilise pulsed induction fields to propel l,ethal bursts ofplasma over
great distances. A pulse rifle or carbine is standard issue for Fire Warriors, whil,e Breacher Teams wield pulse blasters, that utilise negatively·
charged ion A.R.C. technology lo hammer their targets with short ranged bursts ofdevastating fire. The larger pulse weapons at the Tau's
disposal, including the pulse driver cannon and blastcannon, employ superheated plasma on a different scak altogether, leaving only glowing
craters to mark where the victims once stood.


Pulse pistol 12" 5 5 Pistol A shot from a pulse blastcannon has a dWcrcnt profile
Pulse carbine 18" 5 5 As.5ault 2, depending on how far the target unit is from the firer. If it
Pinning is fired at between l O" and 30", the profile used is based on
Pulse rifle 30" 5 5 Rapid Fire the distance to the central hole of the blast marker when it is
Longshot 48" x 5 Rapid Fire, placed, before rolling for scatter. If it is not clear which of the
pulse rifle Sniper profiles to use, the controlling player can choose.
Pulse bomb 5 5 Bomb 1,
Large Blast, Range s AP Type
One Use up to 10" D l Heavy 2
Only I0"-20" 10 3 Heavy 2, Blast
Pulse driver 72" 10 2 Ordnance 1, 20"-30" 9 5 H eavy 2, Large Blast
cannon Large Blast

A shot from a pulse blaster has a djlferent profile depending
on how far the target unit is from the firer. ff it is not clear
which of the profiles to use, the controlling player can choose. ~,·t,'9
Range s AP Type Pulse blaster
up to 5" 6 3 Assault 2
5"- 10" 5 5 Assault 2
10"-15" 4 Assault 2

Pulse driver cannon


Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by A smart missile system fires self-guiding missiles with drone
markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well. intelligence, which can find targets even hiding behind terrain.

Range s AP Type Range s AP Type

72" 8 3 Heavy 1, 30" 5 5 Heavy 4, Homing,
One Use Only Ignores Cover

Homing: Smart missile systems can be fired at targets out of

the unit's line of sight.

The intelligent machines known as Drones are miracles of Tau technology. Programmed with advanced, adaptive
consciousness, these exceptional devices can be relied upon to perform a wide range of tasks, from bearing specialist
equipment into battle to gunning down the foe or enveloping Fire caste warriors in a protective shield.


Tau Drones are independent artificial intelligences, programmed to Some vehicles include two Drones - these start the game attached
support and protect the Tau and their allies in battle. to the vehicle.

A unit comprised entirely of Drones is a non-scoring unit. Drones ATTACHED DRONES

do not have the Bulky special rule. Whilst attached to the vehicle, D rones are treated as embarked
passengers (although they don't count against a vehicle's Transport
UNIT UPGRADE DRONES Capacity and they can even be attached to a vehicle that
D rones taken as upgrades for a unit act as additional squad doesn't have a Transport Capacity). This means that while they
members in all regards. They are unable to leave their unit and are attached, they can make shooting attacks as if they were
must maintain unit coherency with their unit at all times. Drones passengers shooting from Fire Points, using their location on the
taken as upgrades cannot purchase options, however, and so do vehicle to determine line of sight, range etc. Unlike other models
not pay for them if their unit does so. shooting from Fire Points, attached D rones must shoot at the
same target as the vehicle they are attached to. Target Acquired
For example: if a wzit ofsix Fire Warriors takes two Gun Drones and abilities used by a Tau vehicle, or vehicle squadron, also apply to
purchases EMP grenades, tlzey only pay 72 points for tlze EMP grenades any attached Drones in the unit.
(2 points for each Fire Warrior in the squad).
If a vehicle is destroyed before it has detached its Drones, the
INDEPENDENT CHARACTERS AND DRONES Drones are automatically destroyed along with it.
Independent Characters who have taken Drones as upgrades are
still permitted to join units, in which case both the character and DETACHING DRONES
his Drones join the unit. If the Independent Character then leaves D uring any friendly Movement phase, D rones may detach from
the unit, all his surviving D rones also leave the unit, forming a their vehicle in the same way as Infantry disembarking from an
separate unit with him. Open-topped Transport. All Drones from a vehicle or vehicle
squadron must detach at the same time - they then form a single
If the Independent Character is killed whilst part of a unit, his new unit.
surviving Drones are thereafter part of that unit and cannot
leave it; the Independent Character's unit has, for the purposes of After detaching, Drones cannot re-attach to any vehicle, but they can
Victory Points, been destroyed. embark on Transport vehicles in the same manner as other Drones.

If the Independent Character is killed while he is not joined to Drones that started the game attached to a vehicle do not award
another unit, do not remove any surviving Drones - the unit is not Victory Points when destroyed. In addition, your opponent only
destroyed until all the D rones have been destroyed as well. These needs to destroy the vehicle, and not that vehicle's detached
Drones cannot join other units. Another Independent Character Drones as well, to be awarded any Victo1y Points it is worth.
can join the surviving Drones, but as they are not his upgrades, he
cannot take them with him if he then joins another unit.

WSBS s T w A Ld Sv Unit Type

MVI Gun Drone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
l\llV4 Shield D rone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV7 Marker Drone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
l'vl:V8 Missile Drone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV3 l Pulse Accelerator Drone 2 2 3 4 4 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV33 Grav-inhibitor Drone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV36 Guardian D rone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV52 Shield Drone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV62 Command-link Drone 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MV84 Shielded Missile Drone 2 2 4 6 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)
MB3 Recon Drone 2 2 3 4 2 4 7 4+ J et Pack Infantry (Drone)

MARKERLIGHT • Destroyer: Markerlight cost: l+
A markerligltt is a hand-held device tltat projects a simple beam onto For each markerlight counter expended on this ability, a
a target w!tic!t then transmits a torrent oftargeting data to other Tau single destroyer missile fired by the unit at the target changes
units, allowing them to engage the target with unerring accuracy. its Strength from 8 to D.

M arkerlights arc ranged weapons with the following profile: • Pinpoint: M arkerlight cost: l+
All models firing at the target as part of this shooting attack
Range s AP Type gain a bonus to their Ballistic Skill for the duration of the
36" Heavy 1, shooting attack. The size of this bonus is equal to the number
T arget Acquired of markcrlight counters expended on this ability. Pinpoint can
increase the Ballistic Skill of Snap Shots and O vcrwatch.
T arget Acquire d : Markerlights cannot directly cause damage
or Vl'ounds. Instead, each time a unit suffers a hit with this • Scour: M arkerlight cost: 2
special rule, place a markerlight counter next to it (no saves can All wounds, glancing hits and penetrating hits allocated to the
be taken against these hits). M arkerlight counters remain next target as part of th is Shooting attack gain the Ignores Cover
to their unit until the end of the current phase or until they a re special rule.
used (whichever comes first).
• Seeker: Markerlight cost: l+
Immediately before a unit with the Tau Empire Faction shoots For each markerhght counter expended on this ability, tl1e
at a target that has any markerlight counters, it can declare it unit immediately fires a single seeker missile (if it has one) in
is using one or more of the markcrlight abilities listed to the addition to any other weapons it is permitted to fire. A seeker
right. Each ability costs a number of markerlight counters - missile fired in this way:
remove this number of counters from the target immediately
when the ability is declared. A unit can combine any number of - does not need line of sight.
markerlight abilities - providing that there are enough counters. - must be fired al the same target as the vehicle's
other weapons.
Note that a unit cannot benefit from its own markerlights. - is resolved at Ballistic Skill 5.
- has the Ignores Cover special rule.
- does not reduce the number of weapons a vehicle can fire
at its full Ballistic Skill.


This projector emits a high-powered graviton wave that repulses nearby These multi-spectrum homing devices allow a cadre's battlesuit
enemies, slowing their advance to a crawl. reinforcements to deploy with pinpoint precision.

At the start of the enemy Assault phase, nominate an enemy unit Friendly units arriving by Deep Strike do not scatter as long as the
within 12" and then roll a D3. If; during that Assault phase, the first model is placed within 6" of a model with a horning beacon.
nominated unit attempts to assault the Grav-inhibitor Drone, or its
unit, reduce that unit's charge move by the result of the D3 (to a HOVER DRONE
minimum ofO). Many Etltereals take to the field of war atop personal hover drones that
float above the surface of the battlefield.
Triggered by A !-assisted t!treat-waming protocols, lwloplwton A model with a hover drone is not slowed by difficu lt terrain (even
countermeasures take t!te fonn ofa targeted barrage oflwlo-decoys, when charging), can move over a ll other models and terrain freely
friendry target simulacra and stroboscopic blasts. Enemy weapons are (but cannot end their move on top of other models or impassable
confounded, safety-switches engaging and machine spirits rebelling while terrain) a nd automatically passes Dangerous T errain tests.
their operators are left bewildered and blinded by the overwhelming
sensory overload. MULTI-TRACKER
A multi-tracker assists battlesuit pilots in engaging enemy threats using
Once per battle, in the enemy Shooting phase, a model equipped multiple armaments at once, making them formidable opponents in a
with holophoton countermeasures can disrupt the targeting wide variety ofbattle conditions.
systems used by one enemy unit that is targeting it or the unit
it belongs to. Declare that the unit will use the holophoton A model with a multi-tracker can fire an additional weapon in
countermeasures a fter the enemy unit has chosen it as a target, each Shooting phase.
but before any hit rolls a re made. The enemy unit can only make
Snap Shots in that shooting phase.

·-~-=--·--~~~~-----.,=---~~ ..... ---====---~=--"=-------
Codex: Tau Empire includes six Tactical Objectives to use in your games ofWarhammer 40,000 that are exclusive to
Tau Empire players, and which reflect their unique methods of waging war.

If your Warlord has the Tau Empire Faction, these Tactical

Objectives replace the Capture & Control Tactical Objectives D66 RESULT
(numbers 11-16) from Warhammer 40,000: The Rules. 11 The Lure

If a Warhammer 40,000 mission has the Tactical Objectives 12 Patient H unter

special rule, players use the normal rules for using Tactical
Objectives with the following exception: when a Tau Empire 13 Ambush
player generates a Capture & Control objective (numbers
11 , 12, 13, 14, 15 or 16), generate the corresponding Tau 14 Multiple Distractions
Empire Tactical Objective instead, as shown in the table
opposite. Other Tactical Objectives (numbers 21-66) are 15 Feigned Withdrawal
generated normally.
16 The Greater Good


The Tau have been known to place small units oftroops in front The Tau will attempt to lure enemy units into a carefully
oftheir main force, using them to draw the enemy into a trap. prepared trap by feigning retreat.
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if at least Score l Victo1y Point at the end of your turn if at least
one enemy unit that made a successful charge in the one enemy unit that started your turn within 9" of one
enemy's last turn is completely destroyed. Score D 3 of your units and not in its own deployment zone is
victory points if three or more enemy units that made a completely destroyed.
successful charge in the enemy's last turn are destroyed.


12 PATIENT HUNTER While sacrifice for the Greater Good is considered heroic,
TYPE: TAU EMPIRE unnecessary losses are disdained.
Using patience and foresight, the patient hunter will deploy in Score D3 Victo1y Points at the end of your turn if you
the peifect position to destroy their foe. control an Objective Marker that was controlled by the
Score I Victory Point at the end of your turn if one or enemy at the start of the turn. Score D 3+3 Victory Points
more enemy units were completely destroyed by a unit if you capture 3 such Objective Markers. Score l extra
from your army that is in your deployment zone. Victory Point if no friendly models were destroyed during
the turn.

The Tau are masters at waiting for the right moment to spring DESIGNER'S NOTE -
an ambush that will tear the heart out ofan enemy battle force. TACTICAL OBJECTIVES CARD DECK
Score 1 Victory Point at the end of your turn if an enemy lfyou own a deck of Tau Empire Tactical Objective Cards, you
unit was completely destroyed and/or failed a Morale can generate your Tactical Objectives by shuffling the deck and
check during your turn. If at least three enemy units were drawing the top card instead of rolling a D66. Tlzese should be
completely destroyed and/or failed MoraJe checks, score kept face up, so your opponent can see which Tactical Objectives
D 3 Victo1y Points instead. you have generated, unless the mission you are playing instructs
you otherwise.

Tau commanders use multiple distractions to split a foe's forces,
leaving them vulnerable to impending attacks.
Score 1 Victo1y Point at the end of your turn if there is at
least one enemy unit completely within 12" of one table
edge and at least one enemy unit completely within 12" of
the opposite table edge.

·-............... ~ -..,____. ~ :C7:1- - -

WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg Wea11on Range s AP Tme
Aun'Sh i 5 3 3 3 3 5 4 10 ln(ch) 79 Close combat weapon User Mclee
Aun'Va I 3 2 3 4 I I 10 5+ l n(ch) 80 EMP grenade 2 Haywire
Cadre fircblade 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 4+ In(ch) 81 Equaliser User 4 Mclee
Commander 4 5 5 4 4 3 4 10 3+ ln,Jp (ch) 75 H onour blade +2 Mclee, Two-handed
Commander f arsight 5 5 5 4 4 5 4 10 3+ ln,Jp (ch) 77 Kroot rine User 5 Mclee, Two-handed
Commander 4 5 4 3 3 4 4 10 3+ ln,Jp (ch) 78
Oarkstrider 4 5 3 3 3 3 3 9 5+ In(ch) 82 Wea11on Range s AP Tme
.Ethereal 4 3 3 3 2 3 3 10 ln(ch) 76
Airbursting frag. 18" 4 5 Assault 1, Barrage,
Ethe real Guard 4 4 3 3 2 3 3 10 5+ In 80 projector .Ignores Cover, Large Blast
Burst cannon 18" 5 5 Assault 4
TROOPS Cluster rocket svstem 48" 5 5 H eavy 406
WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg Cyclic ion blaster
Fire Warrior 2 3 3 3 I 2 I 7 4+ In 83 - Standard 18" 7 4 Assault 3
;Fire Warrior Shas' ui 2 3 3 3 I 2 2 8 4+ Jnlch) 83 - O vercharge 18" 8 4 Heavy I, Blast, Gets H ot
Kroot 4 3 3 3 I 3 I 7 6+ In 85 Cyclic ion raker
Kroot Hound 4 0 3 3 I 5 2 6 Be 85 - Standard 24" 7 4 Assault 6
Krootox Ride r 4 3 6 3 2 3 2 7 6+ [n 85 - Overcharge 24" 8 4 H eavy I, Large Blast,
Shaper 4 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 6+ Tn(ch) 85 Gets Hot
b estroycr missile 60" 8 H eavy 1, One Use Only
EMP grenade 8" 2 AssauJt I, _H aywire
ELITES :Flamer Template 4 5 Assault I
WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg Fusion blaster 18" 8 I Assault 1, Melta
C risis Bodyguard 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 9 3+ ln, Jp 88 Fusion collider 18" 8 I Assault I, Blast, Meha
C risis Shas' ui 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 8 3+ ln,Jp 87 Heavy burst cannon
Crisis Shas'vre 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 9 3+ ln, J p(ch) 87 - Standard 36" 6 4 H eavy 8
Ghostkccl Shas'vre 2 3 6 5 4 2 3 9 3+ Mc Jp 89 - Nova-charge* 36" 6 4 Heavy 12, Gets H ot,
Riptide Shas'vre 2 3 6 6 5 2 3 9 2+ M c,Jp 90 Nova-charge, Re nding
Stealth Shas'ui 2 3 4 3 I 2 2 8 3+ l n,Jp 86 High output burst 18" 5 5 Assault 6, Twin-linked
Stealth Shas'vre 2 3 4 3 I 2 3 9 3+ ln, J p(ch) 86 cannon
High-yield missile pod 36" 7 4 Heavy 4
FAST ATTACK H eavy rai l riOe
Ion accelerator
60" 8 I Heavy I
WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg - Standard 72" 7 2 H eavy 3
Path rinder 2 3 3 3 I 2 I 7 5+ In 93 - Overcharge 72" 8 2 Heavy I, Gets H ot,
J>athrinder Shas'ui 2 3 3 3 I 2 2 8 5+ l n(ch) 93 Lar ge Blast
Vespid Stingwing 3 3 3 4 I 6 I 6 4+ ln,J 97 - Nova-charge* 72" 9 2 Ordnance I, Gets H ot,
Vespid Strain Leader 3 3 3 4 I 6 2 9 4+ ln,J (ch) 97 La rge Blast, Nova-charge
l on cannon
HEAVY SUPPORT - Stand ard 60" 7 3 H eavy 3
WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg - O vercharge 60" 8 3 Heavy 1, Gets H ot,
Broadside Shas'ui 2 3 5 4 2 2 2 8 2+ In 102 La rge Blast
.Broadside Shas'vre 2 3 5 4 2 2 3 9 2+ Tn(ch) 102 Ion rifle
Fircsight Ma rksman 2 5 3 3 I 2 I 7 4+ In 98 - Standard 30" 7 4 Rapid Fire
- O vercharge 30" 8 4 H eavy I, Blast, Gets H ot
Kroot gun 48" 7 4 Rapid fire
LORDS OF WAR Kroot rifle
WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg - P ulse round 24" 4 6 Rapid Fire
KVl 28 Stormsurge 2 3 6 6 8 2 2 9 3+ Ge 103 - Sniper round* 24" x 6 Heavy I, Sniper
Longshot pulse rifle 48" x 5 Rapid Fire, Sniper
VEHICLES M arkerlight 3611 Heavy I, T arget Acquired
Missile pod 36" 7 4 Assault 2
1 Armour1 Keutron blaster 18" 5 3 Assault I
WS BS S F S R I A HP UnitTme Pg Photon gre nade 8" I Assault I, Blast, Blind
TY7 D evilfish 3 12 11 10 3 S, Tk, T 94 Plasma riOc 24" 6 2 Rapid Fire
TX7 H ammerhead 4 13 12 10 3 S, Tk 99 Pulse blastcannon
Gunship up lo 10" D l Heavy 2
TX4 Piranha 3 II 10 10 2 F, O , S 92 10"-20" 10 3 H eavy 2, Blast
AX3 Razorshark 3 II 10 10 3 Fl 96 20"-30" 9 5 Heavy 2, Large Blast
Strike Fighter Pulse blaster
AX39 Sun Shark 3 II 10 10 3 fl 95 up to 5" 6 3 Assault 2
Bomber 5"-10" 5 5 Assault 2
nos Ski' Ray 4 13 12 10 3 S, Tk IOI I0"-1 5" 4 Assault 2
Gunship Pulse bomb 5 5 Bomb 1, Large Blast,
One U se Only
DRONES Pulse carbine 18" 5 5 Assault 2, Pinning
WS BS ST WI A Ld Sv UnitTme Pg ,Pulse driver cannon 72" 10 2 Ordnance 1, Large Blast
Pulse r inc 30" 5 5 Rapid fire
MV62 Command- 2 2 3 4 4 7 4+ ln,J p(D) 119
Pulse pistol 1211 5 5 Pislol
link D rone
Quad ion turret
MVI Gun Drone 2 2 3 4 4 4+ ln,Jp(D) 91
- Standard 30" 7 4 Heavy 4
MVI 7 Intercepto r 2 2 3 4 4 4+ ln,Jp(D) 95
- O vercharge 30" 8 4 Heavy I, Gets Hot,
Large .Blast
MV7 Marker Drone 2 2 3 4 1 4 4+ ln,J p(D) 91
Rail rifle 30" 6 Rapid Fire
MYS Missile Drone 2 2 3 4 I 4 4+ ln,J p(D) 119
Ra ilgun
MV.'i2 Shield Drone 2 2 3 4 I 4 4+ ln,Jp(D) 119
- Solid shot 72" 10 I Heavy I
MB3 Recon Drone 2 2 3 4 2 4 4+ Tn, J p(D) 119
- Submunition* 72" 4 H eavy 1, Large Blast
JV!\14 Shield Drone 2 2 3 4 I 4 4+ ln,Jp(D) 91
4 6 4+
Secker missile 72" 8 3 Heavy I, One Use Only
MV84 Shielded 2 2 I 4 l n,Jp(D) 119
Smart missile system 30" 5 5 Heavy 4, Homing,
Missile O rone
Ignores Cover
JV!\17 I Sniper Drone 2 2 3 4 4 4+ ln,Jp(D) 98
MV5 Stealth D rone 2 2 3 5 4 4+ ln,J p(D) 89
JVl\/36 Guardian 2 2 3 4 4 4+ ln,Jp(D) 119

UNIT TYPES * The ion accelerator mid heavy burst cannons nova-charge mode can oifle be used with
Beast = Be, Fast = F, Flyer= Fl, Gargantuan Creature= G e, Infantry= In, the nova reactor t,g 123), and the railgun's submunitio11 and Kroot ri e's sniper
J et pack unit = Jp,]zmf unit = J , Monstrous Creature= M c, Open-topped= rounds can 011/y e used ifpurc/wsed.
0, Skimmer = S, Tan = Tk, Transport = T , Character = (ch), Drone= (D)
- ·- ~~-_,..==..:~-·-·===-


Codex: Tau Empire © Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2015. Codex: Tau Empire, GW, Games Workshop, Space Marine,
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