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Catch-up Subject: Grade 7

Peace Education
Quarterly Theme: Community Awareness Date: February 23, 2024
Enclosure No. 3 of DM TEACHING
001, s. GUIDE
2024, Quarter 3) VALUES, PEACE, AND HEALTH ED)
Sub-theme: Compassion: Promoting Sustainable Duration: 70 mins (time
Development allotment as per DO 21,
s. 2019)
(refer to Enclosure No. 3 of DM 001, s.
2024, Quarter 3)
Session By the end of the lesson, students will Subject English-Reading
Objectives: understand the importance of compassion in and (schedule as
promoting sustainable development within Time: per existing Class
their community. Program)
References: K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum
Lesson Proper Duration Activities
Begin by asking students what they think the word
5 minutes "compassion" means. Encourage responses and guide
the discussion to the idea of caring for others and
making a positive impact on their lives. Emphasize
that compassion involves understanding and helping
others in need.

Icebreaker Activity
"Kindness Chain": Provide strips of paper to each
student. Instruct them to write one kind act they can
do for someone else on their strip of paper. Once
everyone has written their act of kindness, help them
create a chain by linking their strips together. This
activity demonstrates how small acts of compassion
10 minutes can connect to create a bigger impact.

Multimedia Exploration
Show a short video or series of images depicting acts
of compassion and sustainable development within
communities. Discuss with the students what they
observe and how these actions contribute to making
8 minutes the world a better place.

Small Group Discussion

Divide students into small groups and provide them

with discussion questions related to the
video/presentation. Encourage them to share their
thoughts on how compassion can drive sustainable
development and ways they can contribute to their
8 minutes own community.

.Divide the class into small groups and assign each

group a specific theme related to compassion and
sustainable development (e.g., helping the
environment, caring for animals, supporting
community members in need). Provide prompts to
guide their discussion, such as:
5 minutes per group  What are some ways we can show compassion
toward this theme?
 Why is it important to care for this aspect of
our community?
 How can our actions contribute to sustainable
development in this area?
Sample Activities per Theme:
Teachers may choose one activity from the following
options based on the assigned theme:

Prepared By:

Teacher I

Recommending Approval: Approved:

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