【User Manual】MGIEasy Universal Library Conversion Kit (App A) - 1000004155 A3

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Universal Library Conversion Kit (App-A)

User Manual

Cat. No. : 1000004155(16 RXN)

Kit Version: V1.0
Manual Version: A3

For Research Use Only.

MGI Tech Co., Ltd. All rights reserved
Revision History
Manual Kit
Date Description
Version Version
A3 V1.0 Jan. 2021  Update contact information.
 Add DNBSEQ series sequencing platform
A2 V1.0 Sep. 2019 and its corresponding sequencing reagents
 Delete chapter 5 split barcode
A1 V1.0 May 2019  Revise kit name and reagent name
 Add the sample require of different sample
 Add different PCR cycles with different sample
 Add MGISEQ-200RS sequencing platform
 Add chapter 4 sequencing, add chapter 5 split
barcode, add appendix C sample barcode
pooling strategies
A0 V1.0 Sep. 2018  Initial release.

Note: Please download the latest version of the manual and use it with the corresponding kit.

Search manual by Cat. No. or product name from website:


Chapter 1 Product Description ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 1

1.2 Library Compatibility ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.3 Platform Compatibility ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 Contents ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
1.5 Storage Conditions and Shelf Life ....................................................................................................... 2
1.6 Equipment and Materials Required but not Provided..................................................................... 2
1.7 Precautions and Warnings ..................................................................................................................... 3

Chapter 2 Sample Preparation ......................................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Sample Requirements ............................................................................................................................. 4

2.2 Sample Preparation ............................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 3 Adapter Conversion Protocol........................................................................................................ 5

3.1 Adapter Conversion PCR Amplification .............................................................................................. 5

3.2 Cleanup of Adapter Conversion PCR Product ................................................................................ 6
3.3 Quality Control of Adapter Conversion PCR Product ................................................................... 7
3.4 Denaturation ............................................................................................................................................ 8
3.5 Single Strand Circularization................................................................................................................ 8
3.6 Enzymatic Digestion ............................................................................................................................... 9
3.7 Cleanup of Enzymatic Digestion Product ......................................................................................... 9
3.8 Quality Control of Enzymatic Digestion Product............................................................................ 11

Chapter 4 Sequencing .......................................................................................................................................12

Appendix ................................................................................................................................................................13

Appendix A – Magnetic Beads and Cleanup Procedures.................................................................13

Appendix B – Conversion between DNA Molecular Mass and Number of Moles ........................ 14
Appendix C – Sample Barcode Pooling Strategies ............................................................................15

Chapter 1 Product Description
1.1 Introduction

The MGIEasy Universal Library Conversion Kit (App-A) is designed for linear dsDNA library conversion and
is optimized for MGI sequencing platforms. The linear DNA library can be converted to a single stranded
circular (ssCir) DNA library and sequenced on MGI sequencing platforms, including BGISEQ-500RS,
MGISEQ-200RS, DNBSEQ-G50RS, MGISEQ-2000RS and DNBSEQ-G400RS with the High-Throughput
Sequencing Set (App-A). All reagents provided within this kit have passed stringent quality control and
functional verification procedures, ensuring performance stability and reproducibility.

1.2 Library Compatibility

This library conversion kit can be used to convert dsDNA linear libraries prepared with Next Generation
Sequencing Library Preparation Kits from sources other than MGI to libraries suitable for use on MGISEQ
or DNBSEQ instruments. If barcodes need to be sequenced, it is strongly recommended to read Appendix
C carefully before barcodes ligation, and select barcodes with balanced base compositions at each
barcode position before library construction.

1.3 Platform Compatibility

Constructed libraries are compatible with BGISEQ-500RS, MGISEQ-200RS, DNBSEQ-G50RS, MGISEQ-

2000RS and DNBSEQ-G400RS.

1.4 Contents

Kit information including Cat. No., Components and Specifications are listed below in Table 1.

Table 1 MGIEasy Universal Library Conversion Kit (App-A) (16 RXN) (Cat. No.: 1000004155)
Modules & Cat. No. Components Spec & Quantity
Screw Caps
AC-PCR Primer Blue 60 μL/tube × 1 tube

MGIEasy Universal AC-PCR Amplification Master Mix Blue 500 μL/tube × 1 tube

Library Conversion Kit App-A Splint Buffer Red 250 μL/tube × 1 tube
(App-A) Ligation Enzyme Red 10 μL/tube × 1 tube
Cat. No.: 1000004155 Digestion Buffer White 30 μL/tube × 1 tube
Digestion Enzyme White 50 μL/tube × 1 tube
Digestion Stop Buffer White 150 μL/tube × 1 tube

1.5 Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

 Storage Temperature: -25°C to -18°C.

 Expiration date: refer to the label.

 Transportation Conditions: transported on dry ice.

* Please ensure that an abundance of dry ice remains after transportation.

* Product performance is guaranteed until the expiration date under appropriate transportation,
storage, and usage conditions.

1.6 Equipment and Materials Required but not Provided

Table 2 Equipment and Materials Required but not Provided

Vortex Mixer
Desktop Centrifuge
Equipment Thermocycler
Magnetic Separation Rack (ThermoFisher, Cat. No. 12321D)
Qubit® 3.0 Fluorometer (ThermoFisher, Cat. No. Q33216)
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer (Agilent Technologies, Cat. No. G2939AA)
Nuclease free water (Ambion, Cat. No. AM9937)
TE Buffer, pH 8.0 (Ambion, Cat. No. AM9858)
100% Ethanol (Analytical Grade)
Qubit® ssDNA Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Cat. No. Q10212)
Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit (Invitrogen, Cat. No. Q32854)
MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads (MGI, Cat. No.1000005278 or 1000005279) or AMPure®
XP (Agencourt, Cat. No. A63882)
DNA Analysis Kits (Agilent Technologies, Cat. No. 5067-1504)
Pipette Tips
1.5 mL microcentrifuge tube (Axygen, Cat. No. MCT-150-C)
Consumables 0.2 mL PCR tube (Axygen, Cat. No. PCR-02-C)
Qubit® Assay Tubes (Invitrogen,Cat. No. Q32856) or 0.5mL Thin Wall PCR Tubes
(Axygen, Cat. No. PCR-05-C)

1.7 Precautions and Warnings

 Instructions provided in this manual are intended for general use only, and may require further
adjustments to optimize performance. We recommend adjusting depending on experimental design,
sample characteristics, sequencing applications, and available equipment.

 Remove the reagents from storage beforehand and prepare them for use. For enzymes, centrifuge
briefly and place on ice for further use. For other reagents, thaw at room temperature and invert
several times to mix. Finally, centrifuge briefly and place on ice for use.

 When preparing mixtures and working solutions, we recommend pipetting at least 10 times to mix
thoroughly. Note that vigorous shaking may decrease the yield of the prepared library.

 To prevent cross contamination, we recommend filtered pipette tips. Use a new tip each time for
pipetting different solutions.

 We recommend using thermocyclers with heated lids for reactions. Preheat the thermocyclers to
reaction temperature before use.

 Improper handling of samples and reagents may contribute to aerosol contamination of PCR products
and may affect experimental accuracy. Therefore, we recommend two physically separate working
areas for PCR reaction preparation and PCR product cleanup in the laboratory. Use designated
equipment for each area and clean regularly to ensure a sterile working environment (Use 0.5% Sodium
Hypochlorite or 10% Bleach to clean working area).

 If you have other questions, please contact MGI technical support [email protected]

Chapter 2 Sample Preparation
2.1 Sample Requirements

2.1.1 Sample types: linear dsDNA library.

2.1.2 Linear dsDNA library size distribution: Between 100 to 500 bp, and the main band should be at
approximately 200 bp (center of the distribution) ± 100 bp on either side.

2.2 Sample Preparation

2.2.1 Quantitate the linear dsDNA library with a dsDNA Fluorescence Assay Kit such as Qubit® dsDNA
HS Assay Kit or Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA Assay Kit.

2.2.2 The input amount of linear dsDNA library is based on the available linear dsDNA (see Table 3).
For example, if the amount of the linear dsDNA library available is 20 ng, the linear dsDNA library
input should be 10 ng, and the linear dsDNA library concentration should be at least 0.5 ng/μL.

Table 3 The Relationship between Linear dsDNA Input and Total Amount of dsDNA.
Linear dsDNA Library Linear dsDNA Library Linear dsDNA Library
Input (ng) Amount (ng) Concentration (ng/μL)
10 Amount < 25 ≥ 0.5
25 25 < Amount ≤ 50 ≥ 1.2
50 Amount > 50 ≥ 2.3

Note: Due to PCR cycles would affect the subsequent data analysis, e.g. InDel analysis, it is
preferable to increase the linear dsDNA library input and select the corresponding number of
PCR cycles (see Table 6).

Chapter 3 Adapter Conversion Protocol
3.1 Adapter Conversion PCR Amplification

3.1.1 Transfer linear dsDNA library into a new 0.2 mL PCR tube and add Nuclease Free (NF) water to
a final volume of 22 μL.

Note: The volume of linear dsDNA library (μL) = linear dsDNA library input (ng) / linear dsDNA
library concentration (ng/μL).

3.1.2 Prepare the following PCR amplification mixture on ice (see Table 4).

Table 4 PCR Amplification Mixture

Components Volume

AC-PCR Amplification Master Mix 25 μL

AC-PCR Primer 3 μL
Total 28 μL

3.1.3 Transfer 28 μL of AC-PCR amplification mixture to the PCR tube from step 3.1.1. Vortex 3 times
(3s each) then centrifuge briefly.

3.1.4 Place the PCR tube from 3.1.3 into the thermocycler and run the program in Table 5. The PCR
cycles for different linear dsDNA library input amounts are listed in Table 6.

Table 5 The Reaction Conditions of AC-PCR Amplification

Temperature Time Cycles

Heated Lid on
98°C 3 min 1 cycle
98°C 30 s
N cycles
62°C 15 s
(see Table 6)
72°C 30 s
72°C 5 min 1 cycle
4°C Hold

Table 6 The PCR Cycles of Different Linear dsDNA Library Input

Linear dsDNA Library Input (ng) PCR cycles

10 10
25 8
50 5

3.1.5 Centrifuge briefly to spin down the solution to the bottom of the tube.

3.1.6 Transfer all of the solution into a new 1.5 mL tube.

3.2 Cleanup of Adapter Conversion PCR Product


1. Please read Appendix A carefully before you begin.

2. Use either MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads or AMPure ® XP beads. Other beads are not

3.2.1 Remove beads from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature for at least 30 min
beforehand. Vortex and mix thoroughly before use.

3.2.2 Transfer 60 μL of beads to the 1.5 mL tube from step 3.1.6. Gently pipette at least 10 times to
mix thoroughly. Ensure that all solution and beads are expelled from the tip into the tube.

3.2.3 Incubate at room temperature for 5 min.

3.2.4 Centrifuge briefly and place the tube on the Magnetic Separation Rack for 2-5 min until the
liquid becomes clear. Carefully remove and discard the supernatant with a pipette.

3.2.5 Keep the tube on the Magnetic Separation Rack and, add 200 μL of freshly prepared 80%
ethanol to the tube without disturbing the beads. Incubate for 30 s. Then carefully remove and
discard the supernatant.

3.2.6 Repeat step 3.2.5 once and remove all supernatant from the tube without disrupting the beads.
You may centrifuge briefly to collect any remaining supernatant at the bottom, separate the
beads magnetically, then remove remaining supernatant using a small volume pipette.

3.2.7 Keep the tube on the Magnetic Separation Rack with the lid open, and air-dry the beads until
no wetness (reflectiveness) is observed. Avoid over-drying beads (cracks can be observed on

3.2.8 Remove the 1.5 mL tube from the Magnetic Separation Rack and add 32 μL of TE Buffer to elute

the DNA. Gently pipette the entire volume up and down 10 times to mix thoroughly or until the
beads are fully resuspended.

3.2.9 Incubate at room temperature for 5 min.

3.2.10 Centrifuge briefly and place the 1.5 mL tube back onto the Magnetic Separation Rack for 2-5
min until the solution becomes clear. Transfer 30 μL of supernatant to a new 1.5 mL tube.

✔ Stopping Point: After cleanup, AC-PCR product can be stored at -20°C.

3.3 Quality Control of Adapter Conversion PCR Product

3.3.1 Quantitate the purified adapter conversion PCR(AC-PCR) product with a dsDNA Fluorescence
Assay Kit such as Qubit® dsDNA HS Assay Kit or Quant-iT™ PicoGreen® dsDNA Assay Kit. The
required yield for AC-PCR product is 1 pmol at least. See Table 7 and the Formula 1 of Appendix
B for the corresponding yield for different insert sizes.

3.3.2 For pooled sequencing, refer to Appendix C for detailed information on how to plan sample
pooling. Quantitate your different Sample Barcode AC-PCR products before pooling.
Depending on the sequencing data requirement for each sample, mix samples with appropriate
proportions. The total DNA input of pooled AC-PCR products should be 1 pmol, with a total
volume ≤ 48 μL.

Note: Please do not pool AC-PCR products with different insert size distributions in the same

Table 7 The Corresponding Yield in 1 pmol for PCR Products with Different Insert Sizes

AC-PCR Product size (bp) Corresponding Yield in 1 pmol (ng)

300 198
350 231
400 264
450 297
500 330

3.3.3 Assess the fragment size distribution of the PCR products using electrophoresis-based
equipment such as: Bioanalyzer, Tapestation (Agilent Technologies), LabChip ® GX, GXII, GX
Touch (PerkinElmer), or Fragment Analyzer™ (Advanced Analytical).

3.4 Denaturation

Note: Please read Appendix B carefully before you begin.

3.4.1 Depending on the AC-PCR product size, follow Formula 1 in Appendix B and transfer 1 pmol of
AC-PCR Product to a new 0.2 mL PCR tube. Add TE Buffer to a final volume of 48 μL.

3.4.2 Place the PCR tube from step 3.4.1 into the thermocycler and run the program in Table 8:

Table 8 The Reaction Conditions of Denaturation

Temperature Time

Heated Lid On
95°C 3 min

3.4.3 Once the reaction is complete, immediately place the PCR tube on ice for 2 min then centrifuge

3.5 Single Strand Circularization

3.5.1 Prepare the Single Strand Circularization Reaction Mixture in a 0.2 mL PCR tube on ice (see
Table 9).

Table 9 Single Strand Circularization Reaction Mixture

Components Volume

App-A Splint Buffer 11.6 μL

Ligation Enzyme 0.5 μL
Total 12.1 μL

3.5.2 Transfer 12.1 μL of Single Strand Circularization Reaction Mixture to the PCR tube from step 3.4.3.
Vortex 3 times (3s each) and centrifuge briefly to collect the solution to the bottom of the tube.

3.5.3 Place the PCR tube into the thermocycler and run the program in Table 10:

Table 10 The Reaction Conditions of Single Strand Circularization

Temperature Time

Heated Lid On
37°C 30 min
4°C Hold

3.5.4 Once the reaction is complete, immediately place the tube on ice for the next reaction.

3.6 Enzymatic Digestion

3.6.1 Prepare the Enzymatic Digestion Mixture (see Table 11) on ice during the reaction in step 3.5.3.

Table 11 Enzymatic Digestion Mixture

Components Volume

Digestion Buffer 1.4 μL

Digestion Enzyme 2.6 μL
Total 4.0 μL

3.6.2 Transfer 4 μL Enzymatic Digestion Mixture to the PCR tube from step 3.5.4. Vortex 3 times (3s
each) and centrifuge briefly to collect the solution to the bottom of the tube.

3.6.3 Place the PCR tube from step 3.6.2 into the thermocycler and run the program in Table 12:

Table 12 The Reaction Conditions of Enzymatic Digestion

Temperature Time

Heated Lid On
37°C 30 min
4°C Hold

3.6.4 Centrifuge briefly to collect the solution to the bottom of the tube.

3.6.5 Add 7.5 μL Digestion Stop Buffer to the PCR tube. Vortex 3 times (3s each), centrifuge briefly to
collect the solution to the bottom of the tube, and transfer all of the solution into a new 1.5 mL

3.7 Cleanup of Enzymatic Digestion Product


1. Please read Appendix A carefully before starting.

2. Use either MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads or AMPure ® XP beads. Other beads are not

3.7.1 Remove beads from the refrigerator and bring to room temperature for 30 min beforehand.
Vortex and mix thoroughly before use.

3.7.2 Transfer 170 μL of beads to the Enzymatic Digestion product from step 3.6.5. Gently pipette at
least 10 times to mix thoroughly. Ensure that all solution and beads are expelled from the tip
into the tube.

3.7.3 Incubate at room temperature for 10 min.

3.7.4 Centrifuge briefly and place the 1.5 mL tube on the Magnetic Separation Rack for 2-5 min until
the solution becomes clear. Carefully remove and discard the supernatant with a pipette.

3.7.5 Keep the tube on the Magnetic Separation Rack and add 500 μL of freshly prepared 80%
ethanol to the tube without disturbing the beads. Incubate for 30s, then carefully remove and
discard the supernatant.

3.7.6 Repeat step 3.7.5 once and remove all supernatant from the tube without disrupting the beads.
You may centrifuge briefly to collect any remaining supernatant at the bottom, separate the
beads magnetically, then remove remaining supernatant using a small volume pipette.

3.7.7 Keep the 1.5 mL tube on the Magnetic Separation Rack with the lid open, and air-dry the beads
until no wetness (reflectiveness) is observed. Avoid over-drying beads (cracks can be observed
on pellet).

3.7.8 Remove the 1.5 mL tube from the Magnetic Separation Rack and add 27 μL of TE Buffer to elute
the DNA. Gently pipette the entire volume up and down 10 times to mix thoroughly or until the
beads are fully resuspended.

3.7.9 Incubate at room temperature for 10 min.

3.7.10 Centrifuge briefly and place the 1.5 mL tube back onto the Magnetic Separation Rack for 2-5
min until the solution becomes clear. Transfer 25 μL of supernatant to a new 1.5 mL tube. Take
care not to disturb the beads.

✔ Stopping Point: After cleanup, Enzymatic Digestion Products can be stored at -20°C.

3.8 Quality Control of Enzymatic Digestion Product

Quantitate the purified Enzymatic Digestion Products with Qubit® ssDNA Assay Kit. The final yield should
be 60 fmol at least and the cyclization efficiency should be 5% at least. Refer to Table 13 or Formula 2 in
Appendix B for your calculations.

Table 13 The Conversion Table between ng and PCR Product Size for 60 fmol of ssDNA

PCR Product size (bp) ng of 60 fmol ssDNA

300 5.94
350 6.93
400 7.92
450 8.91
500 9.90

Chapter 4 Sequencing
The library constructed using this conversion kit should be sequenced using a specific sequencing set
unique to each sequencing instrument. Please select the corresponding sequencing set, refer to Table 14.

Table 14 Sequence Reagent Set

Platform Sequence Reagent Cat. No.
BGISEQ-500RS BGISEQ-500RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A) (PE100) 1000004562
MGISEQ-200RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A) (SE50) 1000014052
MGISEQ-200RS or DNBSEQ-G50RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A FCL SE50) 1000016996
DNBSEQ-G50RS MGISEQ-200RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A) (PE100) 1000014054
DNBSEQ-G50RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A FCL PE100) 1000016997
MGISEQ-2000RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A) (SE50) 1000014049
DNBSEQ-G400RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A FCL SE50) 1000016993
MGISEQ-2000RS or MGISEQ-2000RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A) (PE100) 1000005662
DNBSEQ-G400RS DNBSEQ-G400RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A FCL PE100) 1000016994
MGISEQ-2000RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A) (PE150) 1000014051
DNBSEQ-G400RS High-Throughput Sequencing Set (App-A FCL PE150) 1000016995

Appendix A – Magnetic Beads and Cleanup Procedures

We recommend using MGIEasy DNA Clean Beads (MGI, Cat. No.1000005278 or 1000005279) or AMPure®
XP (Agencourt, Cat. No. A63882) for DNA cleanup. If you choose Magnetic Beads from other sources,
please optimize the cleanup conditions before getting started.

Before You Use:

 Remove beads from 4°C storage and let stand at room temperature for 30 min beforehand. Vortex
and mix thoroughly before use.

 Vortex or pipette up and down to ensure that the beads are thoroughly mixed every time before use.

Operation Notes:

 In the magnetic separation step, allow the solution to become completely clear before removing the
supernatant. This process takes approximately 2-3 minutes. Consider the different magnetic strength
of your specific Separation Plate / Rack, and allow enough time for the solution to turn completely

 Avoid touching the beads while pipetting. 2-3 μL of liquid can be left in the tube to avoid contact. In
case of contact between the beads and pipette tip, expel all of the solution and beads back into the
tube and restart the separation process.

 Use freshly prepared 80% ethanol (at room temperature) to wash the beads. The tube should remain
on the Magnetic Separation Rack while washing. Do not shake or disturb the beads in any way.

 After the 2nd washing of beads with 80% ethanol, remove all supernatant within the tube. You may
centrifuge briefly to collect any remaining supernatant at the bottom, separate the beads
magnetically, then remove remaining supernatant using a small volume pipette.

 After washing twice with 80% ethanol, air-dry the beads at room temperature. Drying takes
approximately 2-5 min depending on your specific lab environment. Observe closely until the pellet
appears sufficiently dry with a matte appearance, then continue to the elution step with TE Buffer.

 Avoid disturbing the beads when removing the supernatant. Contamination from the beads may affect
subsequent reactions. The total volume of TE buffer and the beads should be 2 μL more than the
volume of the supernatant.

 Pay attention when opening / closing the lids of tubes on the Separation Rack. Strong vibrations may

cause sample loss through spilled liquid or beads. Secure the tubes well before opening the lids.

Appendix B – Conversion between DNA Molecular Mass and Number of Moles

 Formula 1 shows the calculation of the Mass in (ng) that corresponds to 1 pmol of dsDNA sample with
varying fragment sizes. Refer to Formula 1 to calculate the amount of DNA needed.

Formula 1: dsDNA sample pmol and ng Conversion

DNA Fragment Size (bp)

The Mass (ng) corresponding to 1 pmol PCR Product (ng)= ×660 ng
1000 bp

 The yield for circularized ssDNA after cleanup must be at least 60 fmol or higher for one sequencing
run. Refer to Formula 2 below to calculate the number of mols needed.

Formula 2: Circular ssDNA fmol and ng Conversion

DNA Fragment Size (bp)

The Mass (ng) corresponding to 60 fmol circular ssDNA= 0.06 × ×330 ng
1000 bp

Appendix C – Sample Barcode Pooling Strategies

 For pooled sequencing, sample barcode pooling should follow the principle of base balance.

 Taking an 8 bp Barcode as an example, the ratio of ATGC at 1-8 bp bases should be 25%, respectively,
as shown in Table 15.

Table 15 Example of Sample Barcode Pooling Strategies

Barcode Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Example 1 TAGGTCCG T A G G T C C G
Example 2 GGACGGAA G G A C G G A A
Example 3 CTTACTGC C T T A C T G C
Example 4 ACCTAATT A C C T A A T T
Barcode 1-8 bp A% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Barcode 1-8 bp T% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Barcode 1-8 bp G% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%
Barcode 1-8 bp C% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25% 25%

 If the proportion cannot reach 25%, then ATGC should appear in each cycle. The minimum base
proportion should not be less than 12.5%, and the maximum base proportion should not be more than

 If the proportion is not between 12.5% to 62.5%, then sequencing quality could be reduced. In this case
it is possible that the sample barcodes might not be properly split.

Contact Us
Company: MGI Tech Co., Ltd
Address: 2/F, Building 11, Beishan Industrial Zone, Yantian District, Shenzhen, CHINA,
Website: https://en.mgi-tech.com
Email: [email protected]
MGI Website
Service Hotline: (+86) 4000-966-988

Doc.#: B02-065

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