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Objective: Use noun in a sentence.

Subject: English

Grade Level: Grade 3

Learning across curriculum:

1. Mathematics: Students can identify and use nouns in word problems involving
counting and measurement.

2. Science: Students can identify and use nouns when describing objects, animals
and plants.

3. Social Studies: Students can identify and use nouns when discussing people,
places, and events in history.

Review Motivation:

1. Show a short video or picture presentation featuring different objects, animals, and
people. Ask students to identify the nouns they see.

2. Play a game of "I Spy" where students take turns describing a noun they see in
the classroom without saying its name. Other students guess the noun based on the

3. Read a short story or poem that contains various nouns. Ask students to listen
carefully and identify the nouns as they are mentioned.

Activity 1: Noun Hunt

Materials: Worksheets with pictures, pencils


1. Distribute the worksheets to each student.

2. Instruct students to go around the classroom or school premises and find objects,
animals, or people to match the pictures on their worksheets.

3. Once they find a matching noun, they should write a sentence using that noun.

4. Collect the worksheets for assessment.

Assessment questions:

1. What noun did you find that matches the picture?

2. Can you write a sentence using that noun?

Activity 2: Noun Sorting

Materials: Flashcards with different nouns, sorting mats (labeled as people,

places, things, animals)


1. Divide the class into small groups.

2. Give each group a set of flashcards and sorting mats.

3. Instruct students to take turns drawing a flashcard and placing it on the correct
sorting mat based on the type of noun.

4. Monitor and provide guidance as needed.

5. Have a class discussion about the correct categorization of the nouns.

Assessment questions:

1. Which sorting mat did you place the noun on?

2. Can you give an example of a noun that belongs to the same category?

Activity 3: Noun Sentence Writing

Materials: Whiteboard, markers


1. Write a simple sentence on the whiteboard without a noun.

2. Ask students to volunteer and suggest a noun that can complete the sentence.

3. Write the suggested noun on the whiteboard and form a complete sentence.

4. Repeat the process with different sentences and nouns, allowing multiple students
to participate.

Assessment questions:

1. What noun did you suggest to complete the sentence?

2. Can you write a different sentence using the same noun?

Activity 4: Noun Word Search

Materials: Word search worksheet, pencils


1. Distribute the word search worksheets to each student.

2. Instruct students to search for and circle the nouns hidden within the word search

3. Once they find a noun, they should write a sentence using that noun.

4. Collect the worksheets for assessment.



1. Ability to identify and circle nouns in the word search grid. (5 points)

2. Ability to write a sentence using each identified noun. (5 points)

3. Neatness and accuracy of the completed worksheet. (5 points)

Activity 5: Noun Charades

Materials: Noun cards (with various nouns written on them), timer


1. Divide the class into two teams.

2. Each team takes turns selecting a noun card without showing it to the other team.

3. The team has one minute to act out the noun on the card without using any words.

4. The other team must guess the noun being acted out.

5. Switch roles and continue until all noun cards have been used.



1. Ability to act out the noun effectively without using words. (5 points)

2. Ability of the other team to guess the noun correctly. (5 points)

3. Collaboration and teamwork within each team. (5 points)

Activity 6: Noun Collage

Materials: Magazines, scissors, glue, large construction paper


1. Provide each student with a large piece of construction paper.

2. Instruct students to cut out pictures of people, places, things, and animals from

3. Students should then glue the pictures onto their construction paper to create a
noun collage.

4. Once the collages are complete, students should write a sentence describing each
noun they included in their collage.


1. Inclusion of a variety of nouns (people, places, things, animals) in the collage. (5


2. Neatness and creativity in arranging and gluing the pictures. (5 points)

3. Ability to write a sentence describing each noun. (5 points)


Review the worksheets from Activity 1 and assess the students' ability to identify and
use nouns in sentences. Provide feedback and address any misconceptions.


Summarize the importance of using nouns in sentences to convey meaning and

provide clarity in communication.


Present a real-life problem, such as creating a poster or writing a short story, where
students need to use nouns effectively to express their ideas.


Teachers can assess the students' learning by observing their participation in

activities, reviewing their worksheets, and evaluating their ability to use nouns
correctly in sentences.


Ask students to write a short paragraph describing their favorite place using at least
three nouns. They should underline the nouns they use in their paragraph.

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