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Life Vision Poland Intermediate Unit Test 4 A

A Grammar: Quantifiers
Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence using the
words given. Use between two and five words and do not use contractions.
1 All of the players train twice a week.
twice a week.
2 Most of my friends don’t understand cricket.
understand cricket.
3 All of the athletes tried as hard as possible to win.
as hard as possible to win.
4 We have a few minutes before the match to practise.
There before the match to practise.
5 Do you know a lot of people who play team sports?
people do you know who play team sports?
6 No team members can play on Wednesday.
the team can play on Wednesday.

B Grammar: Modal verbs

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1 (they / can) speak French and Portuguese?
2 Sam (not / can) ski when he was younger, but now he can.
3 The pool is open, so we (be able to) go swimming tomorrow.
4 Sue (not / be able to) play last weekend because she was ill.
5 Are we there yet? I still (not / can) see the top of the hill.
6 (you / manage to) finish the game before it started raining?

C Vocabulary: Recognizing phrasal verbs

Read the sentence and choose the correct answer.
1 Emma is really fit because she at the gym every day.
A ☐ drops out B ☐ brings about C ☐ works out

2 I’m really excited – I’ve just for my first 10 km run!

A ☐ signed up B ☐ given up C ☐ caught up

3 Do you think you’ll be able to with the fastest runners?

A ☐ give up B ☐ keep up C ☐ take up

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 4 A 1

4 Ben was really disappointed when he had to of the match.
A ☐ join in B ☐ drop out C ☐ carry on

5 I usually do a few exercises to before I go for a run.

A ☐ catch up B ☐ sign up C ☐ warm up

6 This is a hard sport, but I don't want to yet.

A ☐ carry on B ☐ work out C ☐ give up


D Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Match the nouns with their definitions.
1 competitors A something used in tennis, football and
2 course basketball
3 opponents B a running competition
4 net C people who watch a sports event
5 race D an area of land or water used for a
6 spectators sports event
E people you play sport against
F people who take part in a race or

E Vocabulary: Understanding topic vocabulary

Choose the correct words from the box to complete the sentences. There are two words that
you do not need to use.

goals obsessed with deal with suffer from failure pressure listen to mood

1 Ben felt when studying because he had a lot of work.

2 Our changed from sad to happy when we won first prize.
3 I will the problem immediately, before the customer complains.
4 I always music when I want to relax.
5 Yasemin is football! She can’t think about anything else.
6 He thought his driving test was a , but he passed without any mistakes.

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 4 A 2

F Reading: Recognizing topic sentences
Read the text from an online article. Match the topic sentences to each paragraph. Two
sentences do not match any of the paragraphs.

Technology and sport

Technology has changed our lives in many ways, and it is no different for the world of sport.
Today, they can wear clothes to help them move faster and shoes that hold tightly onto the
running track. The same is true of sports equipment: there are tennis rackets that hit the ball
harder and bicycles that weigh very little.
An example of this is the HANS device, which is used in car racing. This is a product made of a
new material that holds the head and neck of a racing driver in place so that they don’t get
seriously injured in an accident.
Tiny computers worn on the body measure temperature and heart rate and can warn of any
problems. The data also helps athletes identify their strengths and the areas they need to work
Video cameras allow them to analyse other teams in order to plan an effective strategy in
future matches. Coaches can also show their own players videos of their performance to support
their advice to individuals and to the team.
Today, we can see sports events as they happen on computers and smartphones as well as
on TV. Very small cameras worn by athletes give us a much better idea of the speed and skill
needed to play the sport.
Football referees and tennis umpires use a system called Hawk-Eye Technology to help them
make important decisions. The system is able to follow a ball and show exactly where it lands.
These are only a few of the technologies that have changed the sports world in recent years. In
the future, there are sure to be many more.

A Other inventions are designed to protect athletes from injury in their chosen sport.
B Video technology has also improved the experience for people watching sports.
C One device makes the start of a race fairer.
D Sports coaches have benefited from video technology, too.
E There are plenty of other technological devices that look after an athlete’s health.
F Another piece of technology lets teams play all year round.
G Some inventions have helped athletes improve their performance.
H The people who have probably benefited most from video technology are those who
ensure fair play during a game.

G Listening: Identifying purpose

Listen to the conversation and answer the question.
1 A boy and girl are talking about a hobby. What is the purpose of their conversation?
A ☐ To get advice
B ☐ To make an arrangement
C ☐ To describe an event

2 A man is talking about a film. What is the purpose of what he says?

A ☐ To give information
B ☐ To give an opinion
C ☐ To give an explanation

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 4 A 3

3 A woman is speaking about sport. What is the purpose of what she says?
A ☐ To advertise a sports event
B ☐ To encourage people to do sports
C ☐ To discuss global sports

4 A boy and girl are talking about school. What is the purpose of their conversation?
A ☐ To ask for directions
B ☐ To ask for recommendations
C ☐ To ask for an apology

5 A woman is speaking on the radio. What is the purpose of what she says?
A ☐ To describe her job
B ☐ To ask for help
C ☐ To advertise a product

6 A man and woman are talking about running. What is the purpose of their conversation?
A ☐ To discuss an invitation
B ☐ To compare abilities
C ☐ To make a complaint


H Speaking: Comparing and contrasting

Choose the best phrases to complete the dialogue. There are two phrases you don’t need.
Boy What do you think are the pros and cons of studying abroad?
Girl Well, I think 1 of studying abroad is that you have the opportunity to experience
another culture.
Boy Yes, that’s really great. You can learn to speak another language, too. For me, 2 things
about studying abroad is that you have the chance to live independently and learn new
skills. You experience new situations and learn how to solve problems.
Girl It’s true that you would learn new things, 3 could be that you feel lonely.
Boy Yes, I think it could be difficult if you miss your family and friends. And, 4 is that it can
cost a lot of money.
Girl Yes, but I think it’s worth it. As 5 , studying abroad could be a positive experience. And
you can talk to your family every day using technology.
Boy I agree! As far 6 , there are more advantages than disadvantages.

A as I’m concerned
B one of the most positive
C this is because
D the biggest advantage
E but one drawback
F the biggest problems
G one major disadvantage
H I see it

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 4 A 4

I Speaking: Mediation
You have two minutes to read the text and the task. You must then give a talk. You will be
able to refer to the text when giving your talk. Your talk should last 60 seconds.
Your neighbour wants to get fit, but he’s quite old and hasn’t done much exercise before. In your own
words, tell your neighbour about:
 what kind of exercise he could choose
 how he could start
 how to find the motivation to continue.

Exercise tips for older people

There are many benefits to regular exercise, especially for older people. It improves your fitness,
gives you more energy, protects your heart and develops muscle strength. So, what are you
waiting for?
There are a lot of different types of exercise to choose from. Running and walking are both great
ways to start because they are free, and you can do them anywhere and anytime. On the other
hand, if you would like to meet new people, try a yoga class or join a sports club. Alternatively,
swimming is an excellent exercise for older adults, as it exercises the whole body.
When you start a new exercise routine, it’s important to be careful and sensible. So you should
begin slowly and build up over time. If you suffer from any health problems, check with your
doctor first. Most importantly, set yourself goals, but be practical! You are not aiming to win any
If you hate exercising, there are ways to make it more fun. You could go with a friend or walk
around your town and take photographs while you explore. The most important thing is to try
new things. You never know, you might find something you love!

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J Writing: Developing an argument

Match each argument with a supporting statement.
1 Spending lots of time outside with your A When you are with other people you
family is a positive thing. encourage each other to keep going.
2 Playing online games is as good as B It can mean more time looking at a
playing other sports. screen, and uses lots of energy.
3 Doing volunteering is a really valuable C You get to help someone else and learn
experience for everyone. a lot of new skills that benefit you.
4 People who go outside every day are D Teamwork and communication are
healthier than people who stay really important for both.
indoors. E Getting plenty of fresh air and sunshine
5 Using technology all the time can have helps you to sleep better and fight off
some negative effects. illness.
6 Running with a group is easier than F It can help build close relationships and
running on your own. strong memories.

Life Vision Poland Intermediate • Unit Test 4 A 5


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