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The Holocaust

32.3 The Holocaust

-Key Terms/Names:
1. Holocaust: Mass slaughter of civilians, especially Jews. The Holocaust began because that
Hitler hated any person who is not German and wasn’t from the pure German race which is the
Aryans and the Jews were not from this race and so were hated by Hitler.
2. Aryan: pure German race that Hitler wanted only in Germany and so he killed any other race as
he saw it as an inferior one.
3. Kristallnacht: an event that marked how the Jews felt unsafe in Germany. Also called the
"Night of the Broken Glass" was breaking down the Jewish business and many Jews wanted to flee
the country as they felt unsafe in Germany. Jewish Emigration started after the Kristallnacht.
4. Ghetto: Hitler wanted to separate them from society, so the Ghettos were neighborhoods only
occupied by Jews, it was separated from the other societies, they were surrounded by fences, they
were like prisoners, it was like a city in a city. They were not allowed to get out. The Jews were
given a rachin cart, it was so little, so this food would make them starve, so they could die, but it
didn’t really work
32.1 Hitler’s Lightning War

-Guided Questions:
1) What was the course of the persecution of Jews by the Nazis?
- The first step of Persecution was how Jews in 1933 were forbidden from holding public office.
-Then the Jews were forced to wear "Star of David" as an identification tag to be defeminated from
the Germans.
-3rd thing was the Kristallnacht: an event that marked how the Jews felt unsafe in Germany. The
"Night of the Broken Glass" was breaking down the Jewish business and many Jews wanted to flee
the country as they felt unsafe in Germany. Jewish Emigration started after the Kristallnacht and
they went mostly to the U.S as the largest country, Great Britain, Latin America, and France.
-4th, Hitler decided to separate the Jews from the rest of society, he sent them to the Ghettos which
was like a neighborhood that was fenced with huge fences.
-5th, Hitler gave a ration card for food and you go the grocery story you would get limited food that
reached to starving and death.
-Final, is Hitler’s final solution for killing the Jews in huge numbers he said the idea of Mass
Killing Them and Concentration Camps. In Mass Killing, the Jews were lined in an open field and
shoot them then burry them in massive barriers.
2) What were the results of the “Final Solution”?
- Hitler’s final solution for killing the Jews in huge numbers he said the idea of Mass Killing Them
and Concentration Camps. In Mass Killing, the Jews were lined in an open field and shoot them
then burry them in massive barriers.

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