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General Assembly TIME: 8:30 – 9:00

SUBJECT: Literacy Studies Grade 6 TIME: 09:00 – 10:00

TOPIC: Verb Tenses- Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils know what are verbs.
Specific Content Teacher’s Activities Pipil’s Activities Resources Evaluation
Word Analysis: Anchor: Introduction:
With the use of word -Calls class to order. - Listen to instructions. Text: A pupils
cards, a passage and -Recap previous lesson - Participate in discussion. process for completed
worksheets pupils -Begins the lesson with an - Participate in fun activity. learning work. The other
will: interactive activity. language 6 were given
- Clap and write the -State lesson objective. bk 4&5 remedial work
syllables of given Developmental stages pg. to facilitate
words correctly. - Read aloud a passage titled -Follow along in textbook learning.
- Choose the correct "the fox and the grapes". as teacher reads. Word cards
tense of words in 6 - Encourages pupils to read -Read along with teacher.
sentences correctly. along Worksheet
Verb Tenses – Present Perfect, - Asks simple questions -Answer simple questions. s
Past Perfect, Future Perfect based on passage.
Fluency: using word - Display word cards. -Pupils look at word cards.
cards and passage, - Allow pupils to read words - Read words on word
pupils will read 1st and on word cards. cards.
paragraphs from - Encourage pupils to clap - Pupils clap the syllables of
the passage “” as a the syllables of the words. given words.
large group correctly. - Allow pupils to write - Pupils complete task.
syllables of each word.
Small group - Encourages pupils to write - Pupils write suffix.
(Grammar): appropriate suffix for each
Using the text " " word. - Pupils say what they think.
pupils will identify - Asks pupils what they - Listens to explanation.
past, present and think is a verb tense.
future tense in at least - Give explanation on
4 sentences correctly. Present Perfect, Past - Observes examples.
Perfect, Future Perfect . -Participate in discussion.
- Writes examples on board.
- Discuss examples. - Pupils complete.
- Ask pupils to write verbs in
Present Perfect, Past
Perfect, Future Perfect. - Pupils write verb tenses.
- Allow pupils to write verb
tenses on their own. - Pupils complete
- Ask pupils to complete worksheets.
worksheets. - Participate in discussion.
- Makes use of MOY
strategy. - Pupils read in groups.
- Encourages pupils to read
in groups.
Conclusion: - Listen to the teacher’s
- Recaps and summarize recap and summarize.
lesson. - Copy homework.
- Gives homework.

Recess: 10:00 – 10:15


SUBJECT: Mathematics Grade 6 TIME: 10:15-11:30
TOPIC: Venn Diagram, Decimals in Word PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils know what are sets.
Specific Content Teacher’s Activities Pipil’s Activities Resources Evaluation
With the use of Time Introduction
textbooks and videos, - Calls class to order. -Pupils listen to pupils were
pupils will be able to 60 seconds= 1minutes - Recap previous lesson. instructions. Video able to
measure time 60 minutes= 1hour - Tell pupils the topic and -Listens to teacher. complete
correctly. 24hours = 1day state lesson objectives. Textbook work by
7 days= 1 week Developmental Stages themselves.
4week= 1month - Asks pupils what they think -Pupils say what they think. Worksheet The
12months= 1 year -Listens to explanation. remaining 5
is time.
52 weeks= 1 year -Pupils look at video. pupils
- Explain what time is about.
365 ¼ days= I year completed
366days= 1leap year - Shows pupils a video based work upon
10 years= 1 decade in time. -Pupils listen to assistance
2 ½ weeks= ___days - Explains to pupils that time explanation. with teacher.
9days=____week___days can be measured. -Pupils observe how time
- Shows pupils on board how can be measured.
time can be measure. -Pupils asks questions.
- Allows pupils to ask
questions. -Listen to answers.
- Answer questions asked. -Observes examples.
- Writes examples on the
chalkboard. -Participate in discussion.
- Discuss the examples. -Pupils listen to teacher.
- Gives pupils real life
examples of measurement
of time.
- Allows pupils to report. -Pupils collect worksheets.
- Distributes worksheets to the
pupils. - Listen to discussion.
- Discuss the worksheet with
-Pupils complete worksheet
- Encourages pupils to
complete worksheet.
- Conclusion -Listen to discussion.
- Recaps lesson by asking
questions based on what
-Pupils complete worksheet
was taught.
- Gives homework

Lunch: 11:30- 12:3

Assembly and Registration (12:30-12:40)


SUBJECT: Reading Grade 6 TIME: 12:40-13:00
TOPIC: Sight words PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils can identify words.
Specific Content Teacher’s Activities Pipil’s Activities Resources Evaluation
With the aid of a Sight words Introduction Poem
poem and word - Calls class to order. - Pupils listen to instructions.
cards, pupils will - Recites poem for pupils. - Pupils listen to poem. Word
read at least five - Allow pupils to identify the - Identify the topic. cards
out of ten words in topic.
their small groups - Ask pupils questions based on - Pupils answer questions. Sight words
correctly. the topic.
Developmental stages
-Read poem aloud. - Pupils listen to teacher read
-Allows pupils to recite poem. poem aloud.
-Encourages students to identify - Pupils recite poem after
sight words from the poem. teacher.
-Shows pupils word cards with - Pupils identify sight words
various sight words. from the poem.
-Reads words for pupils. - Listens to teacher.
-Encourages pupils to read - Pupils reads sight words
words from word cards. from word cards.
-Ask questions based on word - Pupils answer questions.
-Allow the pupils to read the - Pupils read the poem.
poem again.
-Encourage the pupils to read - Reads the sight word.
the sight words.
-Correct pupils where
- Recaps the lesson by asking - Participate in discussion.
- Gives homework. - Pupils copy homework.


SUBJECT: Science Grade 6 TIME: 13:00-13:30
TOPIC: Reversible and irreversible changes PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils know the different types of weather.
Specific Content Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities Resources Evaluation
With the use of Physical change Introduction Video pupils
videos and Physical change - Calls class to order. - Listen and follow to completed
explanation pupils - Some substances can - Recaps previous lesson. instructions. Pictures work and
will be able to change from one state to - States the lesson notebooks
differentiate another and objectives. were checked
between reversible change back to the original Developmental stages - Pupils look at pictures. and marked.
and irreversible state. When changes like - Encourage the pupils to
changes correctly. these look at pictures of different
occur we say that the objects.
change is reversible. - Asks pupils if they know - Pupils answer question.
- A reversible change is what are reversible and
considered a physical irreversible changes.
change. - Tells pupils what the words - Pupils listen to teacher.
- A physical change occurs ‘reversible’ and
when there is a change in irreversible’ mean.
the size or - Discuss what are reversible - Participate in discussion.
shape of a substance but no and irreversible changes.
new substance or matter is - Shows pupils a video. - Look at video.
formed. E.g. Cutting paper, - Asks pupils questions - Pupils answer questions.
stretching a piece of rubber, based on the video.
bending a piece of wire or - Discuss with pupils. - Participate in discussion.
wetting a piece of cloth. - Invites pupils to list objects - Pupils list effects.
- When we create mixtures, that undergoes reversible
physical changes occur and irreversible changes.
since we - Praises pupils.
can get back the original Conclusion
substances after using a - Recaps what they learned. - Listens to teacher.
separation - Asks questions. - Answer questions.
method. - Gives homework. - Copies homework.
- When something heats or
cools, it also changes
- Heat causes most things to
increase in size (expand)
mercury in a thermometer.
- Cooling causes most
things to get smaller
(contract) e.g. water
to ice.
Recess 13:30 – 13:40


SUBJECT: Social Studies Grade 6 TIME: 13:40-14:00
TOPIC: National events- Labour day, Enmore Martyrs day PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils know what about Guyana’s Independent Nation

Specific Content Teacher’s Activities Pipil’s Activities Resources Evaluation

With the aid of National Events Introduction pupils
pictures and - Calls class to order. - Listens to teacher. Pictures completed
explanation, Labour Day or Workers’ - Recaps the previous lesson. - Participate in recap lesson. work and
pupils will Day- is celebrated on the first - Explain lesson objectives to - Repeat the objective. notebooks
know what is of May every year. It celebrates pupils. were
the significance the achievements of the Developmental Stages marked.
of the national working people. It recalls their - Asks pupils to say what they - Pupils day what they think.
events sacrifices and struggles for think Labour day and
correctly. freedom and fair employment. Enmore Martyrs day is
It salutes trade unions and their about.
stewardship for the workers' - Explains that those are - Listen to teacher.
well-being. national events of Guyana.
- Shows pupils pictures related - Observes the pictures.
Enmore Martyrs’s Day - This to the national events.
day is in honour of the sugar - Shows pupils a video based
workers. A monument was on the national events - Pupils look at video.
erected in honour of the five discussed.
heroic sugar workers, - Asks simple questions based
Rambarran, Pooran, Lallabagee, on video. - Pupils answer questions.
Surajballi and Harry, who were - Writes notes on chalkboard.
killed during a massive working - Pupils observe, read and copy
class protest against the social - Asks pupils simple notes.
and economic conditions on the questions. - Pupils answer questions.
East Coast sugar estates. - Praises pupils. - Collects praises.

- Recaps what was learned - Participate in recap.
- Asks questions based on the - Answers questions.
-Gives homework - Copies homework.
SUBJECT: Language Arts Grade 6 TIME: 14:00-14:30
TOPIC: Verb tenses- Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect PREVIOUS KNOWLEDGE: Pupils know what are verbs.
Specific Content Teacher’s Activities Pipil’s Activities Resources Evaluation
With the use of Verb tenses Introduction Video
a video and - Calls class to order. -Listen and follow
worksheets, The present perfect tense -Recaps the previous lesson. instructions. Worksheets
pupils will write refers to something that was just -Explain lesson objectives. -Listen to teacher.
the correct completed in the recent -Allow pupils to tell what is the -Say what is the topic a process of
tenses of verbs past. topic. learning
in given Past perfect is used for an Developmental stages language bk
sentences action that was completed -Explain to pupils what are verb -Listens to explanation. 4&5. Pg. 38
correctly. before another took place. tenses.
It is usually used with words -Show pupils a video based on -Look at video.
like ‘when’ and ‘after’. the three tenses identidied.
Future perfect tense refers to -Ask pupils to tell what they -Pupils say what they
something that will be understand based on the video. understand.
completed before a future -Discuss the contents of the -Participate in discussion.
time. video.
-Ask simple questions. -Pupils answer questions.
-Write examples on the board. -Look at examples.
-Discuss the examples. -Participate in discussion.
- Invites pupils to write the -Pupils write the verb tens.
correct tense of verbs.
-Praises pupils. -Collect praises.
-Distributes worksheets. - Pupils collect worksheets.
-Discuss the contents of the -Listen to the teacher.
-Encourage pupils to read and -Pupils complete worksheet.
complete worksheet.
-Ask pupils what was learnt. -Answers the teacher.
-Clarify any doubts. -Ask the teacher questions.
-Recap the main points of the -Listen to the teacher.
-Gives homework. -Copies homework.

Dismissal: 14:30

Signature of Class Teacher:……………………………………………………. Date:………………………………………

Signature of Division Head:………………………………………………….. Date:……………………………………..

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