LP PT Final

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A Detailed

Lesson Plan in
Math K

Jelyssa M. Mones

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At the end of the 45-minute lesson, the students should be able to:
a. recognize counting numbers 1-5 ;
b. participate in the game the boat is sinking actively; and
c. match the object to its corresponding number.


Topic: Counting Numbers from 1-5
References: Anno’s Counting Book by Mitsumasa Anno
Materials: Flash cards,Television, Chart, Markers
Values Integration:


A. Preliminary Activities

a. Greetings
Good morning children!
All: Good morning Teacher Jely!
How are you today ?
All: We are fine teacher.
What is the day today?
All: Today is Monday.
b. Prayer
Before we start, please stand and let us pray.
All: Angel of God, my Guardian dear,
to whom's God's love, commits me here.
Ever this day, be at my side,
To light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen

c. Checking of Attendance
Before we proceed to our lesson for today, I
need to know how many students are
present. As, I call your name say you will get
your picture and then you will paste it in our
attendance board. Is that clear children ?
All: Yes teacher!

Wow! You are all present today. With that give

your self a “Good Job Clap”.

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d. Setting of the Classroom Rules
Before we start our lesson, lets not forget
about the classroom rules. We have only 3
Listen when your teacher is talking in front.

Can you show me your ears class ?

(Children will show their ears.)
Very Good! The next classroom and procedure
Raise your hand if you want to speak.
Everybody raise your right hand.
(Children will raise their right hand.)
Always follow teachers direction
Did you understand the 3 rules in our
All: Yes teacher, we all understand.
e. Drill

So, class I have some flash cards here, and I

will show it to you. I want you to identify what
shape will I show to you. Raise your hand if
you want to answer it.

Vincent: Square, teacher.

How did you come up with the answer
Vincent: It has 4 equal sides teacher.

Kitty: It is a circle.
How did you come up with the answer
Kitty: Teacher it has no sides and it is round
Very Good! How about this one?

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Harl: Teacher that is triangle.
How did you come up with the answer
Harl: It has 3 sides teacher.

Excellent! Again, identify these pictures as fast

as you can.
All: Square
Good Job children!

f. Review
So, let me know if you can recall what we
have discussed in our past lesson.
What was our lesson yesterday ?

What are those shapes? Drin ? All: It is all about the different shapes teacher.

Drin: Circle, square, and triangle teacher Jely.

Very good Drin! Class give Drin a 5 claps.
(Children did what their teacher told them to
g. Unlocking of Difficulties
Now, I will show you a word that we will
encounter in our next lesson. I’ll read it first
and give the meaning of it and after that you
will repeat after me. Okay ?
A material thing that can be seen and touched.
All: Object
Is an object that you write or draw with.
All: Pencil

Very Good! Now, read it in faster way.

All: Object
B. Development of the Lesson

a. Motivation
(The teacher will show a video presentation
about numbers 1-5.)

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b. Presentation
After, you watch and listen to the video
presentation. What did you noticed about it.

Yes, Marielle.
Marielle: The video is all about numbers
Excellent! Let’s give Marielle a “Good JobClap”.
(Children do the Good job calp.)
c. Lesson Proper
So, class today we are going to count from
numbers 1-5. Are you ready ?
All: Yes, teacher.
First, number is 1 (one).
Everybody say 1 (one)
All: 1 (one)
I have an apple here.

How many apple I have ?

All: One apple teacher.
Yes, we have one apple. We write number one
like this.
(Write number 1 in the board and then let
them follow you by writing it on air.)

(Children follow what teachers do.)

Repeat saying number one (1).

Number 2 (two).
Everybody say 2 (two)
All: 2 (two)

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Do you know this one children ?
All: Yes, Teacher.
What is this?
All: Chocolate
How many candy I have ?
All: Its two (2) teacher.
Very Good! We have two candies.
We write number two like this.
(Write number 1 in the board and then let
them follow you by writing it on air.)
(Children follow what teachers do.)

Repeat saying number two (2).

Number 3 (three).
Everybody say 3 (three)
All: 3 (three)
We write number three like this.
(Write number 3 in the board and then let
them follow you by writing it on air.)
(Children follow what teachers do.)

I have here a stones. Let us count how many

stones I have.
(Children will count the stones.)

All: 3 (three)
We all have three (3) stones.
Again say three stones.

Repeat saying number three (3).

You learn faster. Very Good!

Next, number is 4 (four).

Say number 4 (four). (Repeat 3x)

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All: 4 (four)
I have a pencil.

Can you count how many pencils I have ?

(Children will count the pencils.)
All: There are 4 (four) pencils, teacher.
Very Good!
So, class we write number four like this.
(Write number 4 in the board and then let
them follow you by writing it on air.)

All: 4 (four)

Again say number 4 (four).

Last, is number 5.
Say number 5 (five). (Repeat 3x)
All: 5 (five)
I have a colored pencils here, can you count
and tell me how many colored pencils I have.
(Children will count the colored pencils.)

All: There are 5 (five) colored pencils, teacher.

That’s correct. Everybody say five (5).
All: 5 (five)
And we write number five like this.
(Write number 5 in the board and then let
them follow you by writing it on air.)

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Very Good! That is all about our lesson for
today. And all I can say is you are great at
d. Fixing Skills
Counting Caterpillar
Match the cut circles to the corresponding
circles on the caterpillar. Are you ready class ?
All: Yes, teacher.

2 4
1 3 5

e. Generalization
Alright! I think you already understand our
lesson for today. So, who can say what is our
lesson for today ?
Yes, Asher ?
Asher: It is the numbers 1-5.
Very Good! Asher says we talk about numbers
1-5 who can say all of those numbers, then ?
(Children raise there hand.)

Yes, Anilyn.
Anilyn: 1,2,3,4,5.

Very Good!
f. Application
Let’s try if you really understood our lesson
that we studied today.

So. class today we are going to play a game.

This game is called “The Boat is Sinking”. Are
you familiar with that game children?
All: Yes, teacher.
Very Good! So, this game will be exciting. Here
you need to form a group as I call out
numbers 1-5. The player who will not be in the
group will be out. After, how many rounds of
the game and if there are 2 to 4 players left in
the game will be the winner.

For example, I will say, “The boat is sinking

group yourselves into 3”. Then, you need to
form a group with 3 members.
Are you ready children?

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All: Yes, teacher.
The game will start.

Did you enjoy the game children?

All: Yes, teacher.

(Teacher will give activity sheets to the children)

Direction: Match the images on its corresponding counting number.

In a long coupon bond, with the help of your parents search about counting numbers 6-10.

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