Orifice Discharge Unit

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: Abstract

The Orifice Discharge Unit (ODU) is a critical component in fluid dy-

namics, offering precise control and measurement of fluid flow in various
industrial applications. It consists of an orifice plate strate-gically placed in a
conduit, creating controlled flow restrictions and resulting in a measurable
pressure drop. This pressure differential serves as the foundation for accurate
flow rate determination, with sensors strategically positioned upstream and
downstream of the ori-fice capturing pressure variations. The ODU's
adaptability is demon-strated through its integration with control valves,
allowing real-time adjustments to the orifice size for dynamic flow control.
Widely utilized across industries such as oil and gas, chemical processing,
and water treatment, the ODU plays a crucial role in optimizing op-erational
efficiency and ensuring compliance with industry stand-ards, establishing
. itself as an indispensable tool in fluid dynamics and process engineering

Introduction :
An orifice plate is a device used for measuring the rate of fluid flow. It uses
the same principle as a Venturi nozzle, which states that there is a
relationship between the pressure of the fluid and the velocity of the fluid.
When the velocity increases, the pressure decreases and vice versa. An
orifice plate is a thin plate with a hole in the middle. It is usually placed in a
pipe in which fluid flows. When the fluid reaches the orifice plate, with the
hole in the middle, the fluid is forced to converge to go through the small
hole; the point of maximum convergence actually occurs shortly downstream
of the physical orifice, at the so called vena contracta point. As it does so, the
velocity and the pressure changes. Beyond the vena contracta, the fluid
expands and the velocity and pressure change once again. By measuring the
difference in fluid pressure between the normal pipe section and at the vena
contracta, the volumetric and mass flow rates can be obtained from
Bernoulli's equation

: Purpose Of The Experiment
The orifice discharge unit experiment is important to inspect and understand
how the orifice discharge unit drains or gases. This experience can be
summarized in the following points ;

 Flow rate measurement :

Attest to calculating the rate of gas or gas flow through the orifice, which
helps in assessing the amount of material that can be passed through the
orifice at a specified slow unit .

 Analysis of engineering effects :

It allows us to use different sizes and shapes to understand how the

geometric experience of the opening, such as its size and shape, is
achieved to drain the material .

 Understand the law of conjugation :

It allows us to understand general physical and hydraulic phenomena.

 Evaluation of influencing factors:

Experiment camera settings, such as air pressure or temperature, to

examine how these factors affect orifice drainage.

 Improved usability and ergonomics :

The experiment can help improve engineering electronics designs that rely
on draining liquids or gases through orifices, which leads to

Overall, the partition drainer makes many powerful tools in the field of
engineering, and well realizes the flow of material processes in various
engineering applications.

Theory :

An orifice meter is defined to be a plate having a central hole that is placed

across the flow of a liquid, usually between flanges in a pipeline. The
pressure difference generated by the flow velocity through the hole enables
the flow quantity to be measured. As seen in Figure 1 the fluid flows through
the left side of the pipe at the pipe diameter D1 and it is restricted down to
D2 as it flows through the restricting plates, this is known as the orifice. The
pressure difference is measured at P1 and P2. This pressure can be measured
using any different measurement devices such as piezometer tubes or
. pressure gages
Illustration of secondary flows and vena contract that occurs in orifice meter Figure

The vena contracta is the location of the smallest cross-sectional diameter of

the flow of liquid after the orifice of the meter. This is also shown in Figure
(4-1) above. This Secondary flows phenomenon is the result of the inability
.of the fluid to turn the sharp 90 degree corner formed by the orifice plates
Some common properties of the vena contracta are: constant pressure across
the cross-sectional area and all the streamlines of flow are parallel at this
location (Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics). To calculate the theoretical flow
rate through the meter you multiply the velocity of the fluid by the area of the
orifice. This value unfortunately will not match the actual flow rate through
.the orifice of the meter. This is due to two main sources of error
The first is the mechanical losses due to friction along the walls of the meter.
The second is the reduction in area of flow due to the vena contracta
phenomenon discussed above. To account for these sources of error, a
discharge coefficient is introduced into the calculation. According to The
Engineering a standard value for the discharge coefficient of an orifice meter
.is 0.6

The Equations
V= (2 g H) ^ 1/2.........(1)
.V= the ideal velocity (m/sec)
.H= the height of the water from the top of the tank to the vena contract (mm)

Vc= (2 g H2)^1/2........ (2)

.V= the actual velocity (m/sec)
.H= the water level in the Pitot tube measured from the stagnation point (mm)

CV/V (2 g H₂/2 g H₂)1/ 2......(3)

Where: C, the coefficient of velocity

.Cv=the coefficient of contraction
,ao= the ideal area of the orifice (mm²). a=(π/4)d
ac= the actual area of water which flowing through the vena contracta
a = (π/4)^2dc .)mm²(
: Thus the equation (4) can be simplified to

C= (dc/do)^2.......(5)
.do= the ideal diameter of flow (the diameter of the orifice) (mm)
.dc =the actual diameter of flow (the diameter of vena contracta) (mm)

dc= dout+ din/2........(6)

.Where: dout =the outer diameter of jet (mm)
.din = the inner diameter of jet (mm)

Qideal= Vo ao........ (7)

Qactual= Vc ac........(8)
Qactual= Cv Vo. Cc ao... (9)
Qactual= Cv Cc Qideal .......(10)

Cd=Cv Cc......(11)
.Where: Cd= the coefficient of discharge


) The Water Flow through the Orifice Meter

Procedure :
 We turn on the device and open the water inlet valve a certain amount
 We wait until the water level in the tank rises slightly and stabilizes at
a certain amount.
 We record the readings for each increase in the flow rate. First, we
record the height difference, which represents the pressure inside and
the pressure at the exit. Second, we record the flow rate from the
lower tank, as we learned.
 We apply the volumetric discharge coefficient law for each flow rate
and height difference.
 We apply the readings to a graph paper and observe the relationship.

Figure (5-1) Schematic of standard orifice meter

NOT:The paragraph (calculation) was handwritten in the previous pages

Discussion :

Q1/ Discuss the relationship between the height difference dh

and the volumetric discharge coefficient Cu ?
An/ From the results of this experiment, we notice that the drainage
coefficient increases sometimes and decreases sometimes, as each time this
coefficient increases, we notice that the height difference has increased, and
every time the coefficient decreases, we notice that the easement difference
has previously decreased. Therefore, clearly, the relationship between the
volumetric drainage coefficient, Cu , increases By increasing the height
difference dh .

Q2/ Discuss the relationship between the volumetric discharge

coefficient and the volumetric flow rate ?
An/ Theoretically, the relationship between them is supposed to be direct,
but we note from the results that the relationship is sometimes direct and
sometimes inverse, and this is due to the lack of stability of the height
difference. In each case, there is a change in the height
difference, which causes confusion in understanding the relationship
between the discharge rate and the drainage coefficient.

Q3/ Why is the height in the right tube (h2) always greater than the
height in the left tube (h1) ?
An/ Because the pressure resulting from the flow entering the tank is greater
than the outside, because the diameter of the entering port is larger than the
diameter of the exiting port. Therefore, the velocity of the entering fluid is
less than the velocity of the exiting fluid, so the pressure inside is greater
than the outside.

Q4/ What is the type of relationship between the flow rate and
the square root of the height difference ?
An/ The relationship between them based on (Orifice discharge coefficient equation)
is an inverse relationship.

reference :

- https://theconstructor.org/fluid-mechanics/measure-discharge-ori-fice/

- https://www.edibon.com/en/orifice-discharge

- https://extrudesign.com/orifice-meter-construction-working-principledis-
- https://uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/media/lectures/5/5_2020_10_13!

- https://www.uomus.edu.iq/img/lectures2MUCLecture_2022_421289.pdf

- https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url

- https://egyankosh.ac.in/bitstream/123456789/29677/1/Unit-


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