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Whistle Blower Policy



Hindustan Unilever Limited (HUL) follows highest standards of business ethics and management
practices in the conduct of its business.

HUL is committed to the highest possible standards of openness, probity and accountability.
Directors and Employees are often the first to realise that there may be something not in order
requiring redressal by the Company. The purpose of the Whistle Blower Policy is that not only
Directors and employees but also any other persons including vendors, contractors, sub-
contractors, consultants, trainees, shareholders, former employees or any other third parties
(collectively called as “Persons”) must be able to raise concerns regarding any potential violation
easily without any fear of retaliation.

Whistle Blower Policy (“the Policy”) is a mechanism to help alert the Management and bring to its
attention promptly and directly, any unethical behaviour, suspected fraud or abrasion or irregularity
in the Company practices which is not in line with HUL’s Code of Business Principles (CoBP) or the
law of the land, without any fear or threat of being victimized, by responsible individuals.

Whistle Blower Policy expects all individuals associated with HUL to be the guardian of HUL’s core
values and the corporate purpose. The spirit of the Policy is to foster a sense of collective
responsibility in safeguarding the business interests. The Policy provides an avenue to report
matters directly to the Management or to the Chairman of the Audit Committee. The Policy also
provides for reporting in confidence. Through this Policy, a vigil mechanism is established for every
employee and every person specified above to report genuine concerns.

The assurance and co-operation from the Management in safeguarding the interest of the
individuals who choose to report actual or potential violations of CoBP and applicable laws to the
Management is reinforced by the Whistle Blower Policy. In the process, it is also ensured that the
Policy is not misused.

The Whistle Blower Policy supplements the Code of Business Principles and the Policies under the
Code. This Policy is issued pursuant to Section 177 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of
the Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules 2014 and Regulation 22 of the Listing
Regulations, 2015.

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Disclosure in Confidence with Confidence


(a) This Policy aims to:

• Provide avenues for Directors, employees or any other persons including vendors,
contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, trainees, shareholders, former employees or
any other third parties (collectively called as “Persons”) to raise concerns and receive
feedback on any action taken;
• Provide avenues for Directors, employees or any other persons to report breach of
Company's policies
• Reassure Directors, employees or any other persons that they will be protected from
retaliation or victimisation for blowing the whistle in good faith.

(b) There are existing procedures in place to enable employees to lodge a grievance relating to their
own employment. This Whistle Blower Policy is intended to cover concerns that fall outside the
scope of other procedures. That concern may be about an act or omission that:

• is unlawful or in breach of any law;

• is against the Company's Polices;
• falls below established standards or practices; or
• amounts to improper conduct, unethical behaviour or suspected fraud.


(a) Harassment or Victimisation

The Company recognises that the decision to report a concern can be a difficult one to make,
not least because of the fear of retaliation from those responsible for the malpractice or
from superiors. The Company will not tolerate harassment or victimisation and will take
action to protect individuals when they raise a concern in good faith. In case a Whistle Blower is
already the subject of any disciplinary action, those procedures will not be halted as a result
of their Whistle Blowing.

(b) Confidentiality

The Company will do its best to protect an individual's identity when he/she raises a concern
and does not want their name to be disclosed. It must be appreciated that a statement from the
Whistle Blower may be required as part of the evidence in the investigation process.

(c) Anonymous Allegations

This Policy encourages individuals to put their names to allegations. However, individuals may
raise concerns anonymously. Concerns expressed anonymously will be evaluated by the
Company for investigation. In exercising this discretion, the factors to be taken into account
would include:

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• The seriousness of the issue raised;
• The credibility of the concern; and
• The likelihood of confirming the allegation from attributable sources.

d) Untrue Allegations

If the Whistle Blower makes an allegation in good faith, which is not confirmed by the
investigation, no action will be taken against the Whistle Blower. If a complaint is malicious or
vexatious, disciplinary action will be taken against the Whistle Blower.


(a) Operational concerns shall be raised with Line Manager or Skip Line Manager. Whistle Blowing
mechanism should be used for potentially serious or sensitive issues involving a breach of the
Company’s CoBP.

(b) For employees, the first port of call to raise a concern is the relevant Line Manager or Skip Line
Manager. In case the Line Manager or Skip Line Manager is the subject of the complaint,
employees can directly reach out to the Legal Director who is also the Business Integrity Officer
or the HR Manager, who will then refer it to the appropriate body formed by the Company for
such purposes.

(c) Concerns are better raised in writing. In case of any serious concerns, the Whistle Blower may
also directly approach the Chairperson of the Audit Committee, who can be reached out through
the following email id : [email protected]. Alternatively, individuals can also use
any of the following channels to report a concern :

• Write to Manager – Corporate Policies and Compliances, C/o Legal Department at

Head Office; or
• Email at [email protected] ; or
• Call the toll free number 000 800 100 7096 ; or
• Visit the website

(d) The background and history of the concern, names, dates and places where possible, should be
set out in the complaint along with the reason why the individual is particularly concerned about
the situation.

(e) The complainant is not expected to prove the truth of allegation, but should be able to
demonstrate that there are sufficient grounds for concern. All concerns must be raised
immediately. This will support investigation process and enable faster implementation of
corrective actions, if any.

(f) Advice and guidance on how matters of concern may be pursued can be obtained by writing to
the Business Integrity Officer at [email protected].

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(a) The concerns raised may:

• form the subject of an independent inquiry;

• be investigated internally;
• be referred to the external Auditor; or
• be referred to the police; if required.

(b) Upon receipt of a concern, an initial enquiry will be made to decide whether an investigation is
appropriate and, if so, what form it should take. Some concerns may also be resolved by an
agreed action without the need for investigation.

(c) After the concern has been evaluated, the Company will write to the complainant:

• acknowledging that the concern has been received;

• indicating how it is proposed to be dealt with;
• informing whether further investigations will take place, and if not, why not.

(d) The amount of contact between the body considering the issues and the complainant will depend
on the nature of the matters raised, the potential difficulties involved and the clarity of the
information provided. If necessary, further information will be sought from the complainant.

(e) The Company will take steps to protect the Whistle Blower from victimisation and minimise any
difficulties which a person reporting under Whistle Blowing may experience as a result of
raising a concern.

(f) The Company accepts and would take such steps as may be required to assure the Whistle
Blower that the matter has been appropriately addressed.


The concerns raised under Whistle Blowing shall be reported periodically to Management
Committee and Audit Committee of the Company.


The Company Secretary as the Compliance Officer of the Company shall also act as the
Compliance Officer under the Whistle Blower Policy. The Whistle Blower Policy will be
integrated with and implemented through the structures created under the administration of
the Code of Business Principles in HUL.

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Email : [email protected] , or [email protected]

Write to: Manager – Corporate Policies and Compliances,
Address: Hindustan Unilever Limited
Unilever House,
B D Sawant Marg,
Chakala, Andheri East,Mumbai 400 099
Call : 000 800 100 7096
Web :


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