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- The musical was so successful that all the tickets

USE OF ENGLISH were sold.

It was…
REVISION - They were such naughty children that they were
punished by the teacher.
- Your cousin is very tall. The children were…
How… - Brian can’t play football on Saturday. He has broken
- It’s a lovely day. his leg.
What… Brian can’t play…
- She’s too young to go out on her own. - She finds it strange to stay at home all day.
She isn’t … She is not used…
- Let’s go to a disco. - Television bores me.
What… I find…
Shall… - My mother is 60 years old.
How… ?
Why… - If you go to Britain you’ll have to get used to
- It takes me half an hour to get to school. .......................... (have) an early lunch.
? - Milan is too far. You can’t drive there in a day.
- She meets her friends twice a week. Milan is too...
? - London is much bigger than Manchester.
- Julian has two brothers and one sister. Manchester…
? -The concert was so popular that all the tickets were
- Frank lives alone. He doesn’t mind. sold.
Frank is used... It was such …
- I smoked when I was young, but I don’t any more. - This is Tom’s book.
I used... ?
- My mother promised ……………………… (buy) a new - Peter can’t run as fast as Steve.
TV. Steve…
- Jane wants ………………………. (visit) her - The trousers were too short for him.
grandparents. The trousers weren’t…
- I’m going to London in July. - It’s time for him to start doing some work.
? It’s time he…
- I don’t mind …………………………. (wash) the dishes. - He read the book very slowly.
- It was so hot that I could hardly walk. ?
It was such... - They were carrying a heavy box.
- There are 40 students in my class. ?
? - The tree was too high for him to climb.
- I hate reading science fiction novels. The tree wasn’t…
I can’t... - We were interested in the information.
- He earns 100 dollars a month. We found…
? - The car wasn’t cheap enough for me to buy.
- Could I close the window? The car was…
Do you mind... - He has studied English for five years.
- It’s too wet. We can’t go out. ?
It’s too... - The water was too cold for me to swim.
- I usually travel by bus. The water wasn’t…
? - I advise you to stop eating chocolate.
- I have been working here for thirteen years. You…
? - Let’s join The English Club.
- He gave up cigarettes when he was 30. Why...
He stopped… - John could type very well because he had a lot of
- It is time for you to leave for the office. practice.
It is time you... ...?
- He wasn’t able to write until he was eight.
He couldn’t - Could I borrow your dictionary, please?
- The day was so wet that I stayed at home. Could you …
It was - The film starts at eight o’clock.
- Those trousers are too short for you. ?
Those trousers aren’t - She is so sweet!
- How about going for a walk? How …
Why don’t - Why don’t we go to the zoo tomorrow morning?
- Peter has been in love with Mary. What about …
...? - Being always by yourself will drive you crazy.
- Peter has been in love with Mary. Being always on …
...? - He is obliged to go to the police station twice a
- He last saw her in October. week.
...? He…
- Paul isn’t as intelligent as Jane. - My friend Joe is used to ________________ (wash)
Jane... his car every Saturday morning.
- This coffee is too cold. - It’s not necessary for you to clean the house now.
This coffee isn’t… You…
- He was such an intelligent boy that he passed all his - The book was so boring.
exams easily. It …
He was… - Buying an apartment isn’t cheap.
- Madrid is 70 kms from Toledo. It …
? - My father wants ___________________ (buy) a
- I hate __________(get up) early. new house.
- My sister is used to ________(walk) to school. - The exam was so difficult that we all failed.
- Maths is more difficult than history. It…
History is … - It’s time for you to eat your dinner.
- He has a haircut every two months. It’s time…
...? - Shall we listen to my new CD?
- It’s time they bought a new car. Let
It’s time ... - I hate science fiction films.
- I prefer reading books to listening to music. I can’t …
I’d rather ... - The last time I phoned my grandmother was two
- It took me three hours to get there. weeks ago.
...? I…
- We haven’t been to the cinema for six months. - Los Yébenes is 9 kms from Orgaz.
It’s six months ... ?
- John didn’t enjoy the film as much as Peter. - I prefer eating pizza to drinking coke.
Peter … I’d…
- I eat in a restaurant twice a week. - My brother hates __________________ (do) his
? homework.
- The village was too tiny to be placed on the map. - A: Your shoes are dirty.
The village wasn’t … B: Dirty? They are …
- She started to learn English four years ago. - It is forbidden to make fire.
She has … You…
- My little sister is four years old. - He is tall and good-looking.
? ?
- The hospital is near the airport. - She is nice and generous.
The hospital isn’t … ?
- I last heard from her in May. - A:Tina is a very pretty woman.
I haven’t … B: Pretty? She is …
- My sister speaks English much better than I do. - It’s two years since I last travelled to London.
I don’t … I…
- These shoes are Peter’s. - He hasn’t got a good relationship with his father.
? He doesn’t...
- I last travelled to Berlin two years ago. ?
I haven’t... - How about listening to my new CD?
- We became friends in 2009. Let’s…
We have... - It’s time they started working.
- Why don’t we bake a cake? It’s time...
Let’s… - If I were you, I would study harder.
- My sister is older than yours. You...
Your sister… - I’d like to have a pet
- The last time I ate ice-cream was last month. If only...
I haven’t… - Lawyers are usually richer than chefs.
- I wash the dishes every day but I don’t mind. Chefs...
I am… - The water was too cold for me to swim.
- If I were you, I would study harder. The water...
You… - I’d like you to come with me
- We have studied English for ten years. I wish ...
We started… - The maths test was so difficult.
- I hate romatic comedies. How...
I can’t... - Jane runs faster than Peter.
- She started learning French four months ago. Peter…
She has... - He is really intelligent and hard-working.
- It was such a delicious cake that I ate it all. ?
The cake... - The day was so nice that we decided to go to the
- They sometimes buy Chinese food for dinner. beach.
? It was…
- It’s six months since I last met Paul. - Fred is thinner than anyone else in his family.
I haven’t… Fred is … in his family.
- John understood the question. - Philip learns quickly.
? ?
- That old lady had few relatives. - John isn’t old enough to go to the disco.
That old lady didn’t … John…
- It’s fifteen days since I last watched TV. - My uncle wrote this book
I haven’t... This book …
- The book was too boring. - My parents wrote a postcard for my uncle.
The book... ?
- The girl was so beautiful that he fell in love with her. - The last time I read a book was two months ago.
The girl... I...
- It takes her ten minutes to get to school. - I haven’t done aerobics since last year.
? The last...
- He hasn’t shaved for a month. - It was so windy that we couldn’t play tennis.
It’s… It was...
- She last wore a skirt last year. - It will take me fifteen minutes to get to school on
It’s... foot.
- The car was too expensive for us to buy. ?
The car... - The accident happened late at night.
- The car was so expensive that we couldn’t buy it. ?
It was... - Fred cooks much better than his wife does.
- They haven’t used the computer for two months. Fred’s wife doesn’t …
It’s … - We must hurry up or we’ll be late.
- She last wrote an email last week. If …
The last time… - The shoes were so expensive that I didn’t buy them.
- The class started at 8’30. They …
? The shoes were too …
- John wants to go to university because he wants to - If my dad lends me 200 euros, I
be an architect. _________________ buy an electric guitar.
If my dad ______________ me 200 euros, I - It’s possible that he is lying.
_____________________an electric guitar (2nd He…
conditional) - I used to watch TV a lot.
- Paul was born on April 14th. I don’t …
? - If he ___________________ (eat) too much, he
- I haven’t gone to the cinema for five months. ___________________ (put on) weight. (1st cond)
It’s... If he ___________________ (eat) too much, he
The last... ___________________ (put on) weight. (2nd cond)
- A: “I have a headache” - They are building a new school near the park
B: “You ____________ take an aspirin”. A new building...
- He will earn lots of money if he _______________ - She spends a lot of money on clothes
(sell) lots of albums. I wish...
He ______________________ lots of money if he - I don’t have very good qualifications
____________________ lots of albums (2nd cond.) If only...
- The class started at 8’30. - The bus is very slow
? I wish...
- She hasn’t read a book for ages. - It’s a pity you live so far away
It’s ... If only...
The last... - If you wear a pullover, you won’t feel cold
- My sister has fallen in love _______ a doctor. If you don’t...
- My brother is afraid ________ the dark. - I don’t reach the top because I am short
- If you study hard, you ______________________ If I were...
pass all your subjects. - The police questioned George
- If you _______________ hard, you George...
______________________ all your subjects (2nd - Millions of people watch this programme
conditional) This programme...
- A: “I have failed four subjects” - Students write most of this magazine
B: “You __________ study harder” Most of this magazine...
- The last time I met Peter was in November. - They are rebuilding the damaged stadium
We... The damaged stadium...
- He has lived in Paris since he was 5 years old. - Don’t run fast or you’ll feel tired!
? If...
- It’s seven years since I last went to Paris. - I think you should go to the doctor’s
I... If I ...
The last... - Archeologists have discovered a new tomb in Egypt
- I’m really good _____ English. A new tomb...
- I think “Umbrella” is the ______________ song in - People all over the world speak English
the world. English...
- If you _________ (go) to bed early, you - I don’t have money because I spend it all
__________________ (sleep) more hours. (1st cond) If I didn’t...
If you _________ (go) to bed early, you - I don’t join the club, because I don’t have more free
__________________ (sleep) more hours. (2nd cond) time
- Mary doesn’t speak English, so she can´t work in If I had...
England - I haven’t travelled to London for two years
If... It’s ...
- He has lived in Paris since he was 5 years old. - I can’t help you because I don’t have time
? If ...
- The last time my mother visited us was in - The last time I travelled abroad was three years ago
December. I ...
My mother... - The author signed the novel
It’s... The novel...
- My father is tired _____ watching football on TV. - It’s possible that he is at home
- They recycle paper in this factory He ...
Paper... - The last time I saw Peter was three days ago
I haven’t ...
- Mary doesn’t read, so her vocabulary is very poor
- I’d like to be taller
If only...
- My mother wants __________ (visit) me next week
- She is used to ____________ (live) on her own
- The police caught the criminal
The criminal...
- They clean the school at night
The school...
- They will repair the roof next week
The roof...
- People eat a lot of fruit in summer
A lot of fruit...
- If I were you, I’d phone her
- Let’s play chess!
- I don’t have time, so I don’t go on holiday
- We haven’t gone to the beach for two months
- Smoking is prohibited in this building

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