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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan.

Order #10630

First and foremost, a very special thanks to all of Game Designers:

the backers who believed in us and made Crown Gábor Dán, Dávid Fehér, Tamás Marton
of the Oathbreaker become a reality. You know Illustrators:
who you are. Thank you for your kind and gener- Dávid Szabó, Gergely Kovács, Márton Kiss, Máté
ous pledges, for contributing your ideas, likenesses, Veres, Éva Hudák, Hanna Hegedu"s, Tamás Baranya
and for all the invaluable input you provided. Your Cover Artist: Zsolt Kósa
constant feedback formed us into a community and Editors and Layout Designers:
wove this story to become rich and entertaining Márton Pattantyús, Attila Lo"rincz, Gáspár Lo"rincz,
role-playing game content, of which we can all be Péter Molnár, Ágnes Kismárton, Gergely Nagy
proud and enjoy. Play Testers:
Dániel Lenhardt, Sándor Szabó, Roland Kósa, Lász-
ló Simó, Gábor Goldschmidt, Ders Zsuberáts, Máté
Zsuberáts, Tyler Patton
VTT Implementation: Darryl Lehane
App Development: Bence Mészáros
Sound Engineer: Lászlo Zizics

We are grateful to our families for all their support

and tolerance towards our fantatical devotion to the
Elderbrain, which threatened to consume our sanity.

ISBN: 978-0-578-35698-3
First Edition, 2022.

Product Identity, as defined by Section 1(e) of the Open Game Li-

cense, 1.0a, and excluding Open Game Content means the follow-
ing: Crown of the Oathbreaker and all related trademark names,
dialogue, plots, storylines, locations, characters, monsters, art-
work, and trade dress.

Published by Elderbrain, Inc. No part of this publication other

than the material designated as Open Game Content may be
reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
means including photocopy, recording, or other electronic or
mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of
Elderbrain, Inc.

Printed in Budapest, Hungary.

2022. ©Elderbrain, Inc. 651 N Broad St., Middletown, DE 19709, USA.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



INTRODUCTION Taxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Adventure Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Coinage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Chapter 1: Blood on the Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 2: The Midnight Curse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Court of Voices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 3: Trapped Under Shadows. . . . . . . . . . 18 Alerting the Authorities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
Chapter 4: The Vanished Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Punishment for Crimes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Chapter 5: The Bleak Mire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Noble Houses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Chapter 6: Reign of the Lich-Knight. . . . . . . . . . 22 House Ronul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
What the Characters Know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 House Nangrath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Running the Adventure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 House Monder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Evil Player Characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 House Gorso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
House Karramosa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
KINGDOM OF AGLARION House Domiren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 House Goldtooth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
The Age of the Dark Angels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 House Wyltammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
The Age of Brightness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Organizations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
The Age of the Kings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Royal Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Ecology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Knights of the Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Climate, Flora, Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Red Cloak Lawgivers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Races . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Golden Masks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Languages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Black Flag Mercenary Company . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Religions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 College of Minstrels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Wizards of the Arcane Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Children of the Coven. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The Ringmaidens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Nature. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 The Seven Thorns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Competence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Uncanny Vagabonds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Magic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Neighboring Realms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Strength . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Vordan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Light and Darkness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Drayl City-States. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Social Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Underwater Kingdom of A’rvanshy. . . . . . . . 66
Royalty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Isles of Xantharos. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Ziggurat City of Xapto’wa’ttykal. . . . . . . . . . 68
Guilds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Clergy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Commoners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
Economy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Customs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Trapped Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Celebrated Events. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Circle of the Seven Thorns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Common Sayings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 The Maze of Flowers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Battlefields of Torak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Vordan Mountains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 The Dragon’s Bones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Shandar Mountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Shrine of the Blind God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
The Mountainfall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Garden of Plenty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Drayl Mountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Clearwater Pond (Waters of Wrath). . . . . . . . 82
Roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Smokestone Mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
River Nenock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Nest of the Crackling Crows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
River Halueth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Gate to the Darkness Within. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
North Bay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Abulior Whitegate’s Workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Seahorse Cove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Greymoss Clan Lair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Talanar Hills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Lodge of Wanderlust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Onadbyr Plains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Overpass of the Giants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Ulden Plains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Golemcraft Cave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Ulden Lowlands and Forest,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Barrow of the Colossus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Leeward Hills and Cloud Peak. . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Trails of the Colossus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Blackwood Valley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Waylaid Pilgrims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
King’s Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Mothfang Family Residence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Wedgewood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Gonshar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Thornwoods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Blackfur Bandit Hideout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Adren Forest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Stride of the Elders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Clearwater Pond. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 The Hagtree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Important Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Ruins of the Water-Raiser . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Onadbyr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 The Groaning Pillar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Tomb of the Constructor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Cairns of Bone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Ethereal Cloister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Cloud Peak (Camp of the Red Cloak) . . . . . . 86
Willow Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 The Weary Ogre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Grorrarr’s Lair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 The Arcane Tower
Ronul’s End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 (Vaults of the Arcane Tower). . . . . . . . . . . . 87
North Bay Lighthouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Ulden Lowlands (Field of Nightmares). . . . . . 87
Mossy Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Harveston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Abandoned Farmhouse Leaning Watchtower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
(Well of Roaches). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Southkeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Monastery of Past Lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Monastery of the Spirited Leaf. . . . . . . . . . . 88
Cache of Almerio Ronul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Azure Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Abandoned Lodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Mud Funnels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
Royal Hunting Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Ulden Swamps (Kelzar’s Log). . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
The Green Road (Thick of the Woods) . . . . . . 78 Vaddon’s Abode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
Nangrath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Sobruz Quarry and Penitentiary. . . . . . . . . . 90
Fort Stormbreaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Royal Stud Farm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Fort Blackbell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Old Windmills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
Darkstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Ruins of the Royal Summer Palace. . . . . . . . 90
King’s Road (Crossroads) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 Ziggurat of the New Moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Gorso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ONADBYR Nangrath Villa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Platinum Peacock Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Districts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Noble’s Rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Coin District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Zephran’s Ruins. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
High District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 The Crooning Willow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
North District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 King Vacrilos II Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
South District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Temple of Nature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Sword District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Park of Lonely Spirits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
The Cliffside. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Garden of the Sleepers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
The Pantry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Golden Nectar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
The Seabed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Goldtooth Villa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
The Shanties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Gorso Villa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Tool District. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Walhem’s Boarding School
Infrastructure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 for Young Masters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
Roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Minaret of the Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Sewers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Silver Scale. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Fists of Azennar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Gates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Lucky Leap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Important Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Soap and Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Crossing of the Thousand Lanterns . . . . . . . 103 Aunt Salibra’s Natural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Totally Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Healing Concoctions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Hill’s Nectar Winery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Purple Book Worm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Thysalonious’ Stables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Imprints of the Half Goat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Triple Nine Gambling Hall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Loud and Lusty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Bearded Warrior Weapons Shop. . . . . . . . . . 104 Zhankar Plaza. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Merchant’s Rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Golden Touch Gent’s Barbershop. . . . . . . . . . 116
Darustil’s Haberdashery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Temple of Light and Darkness. . . . . . . . . . . . 116
The Princess’ Boudoir Parfumery. . . . . . . . . 105 Cheeky Mermaid Inn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Starbright Jewelry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Royal Docks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Tradersmeet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Grankar’s Chains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Elegant Elephant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Royal Shipyard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Choosey Otyugh Culinary Treats. . . . . . . . . . 107 Seafarm Fishmarket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Emporium of Marvelous Rarities . . . . . . . . . 107 The Buried Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Silken Kiss Brothel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Dungeon of Tears . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Shimeon’s Pouches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Halls of the Lawgiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
The Dragon’s Hoard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Royal Warehouses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
The Wanderer’s Cartographer. . . . . . . . . . . . 108 King’s Forge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Oryntar’s Metallurgy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 House of the Soldier. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
The Halfling’s Treasure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Karramosa Villa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Monster Menagerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Rose Garden Park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Emrik’s Complex Flavor Blacksoup Bar. . . . . 109 Tomb of the First King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Deadwoods Cemetery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Bastion of the Knights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Temple of Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Royal Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
College of Minstrels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 King’s Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Burning Desire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Queen’s Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Dawn of the Ages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Wyltammer Villa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Temple of Knowledge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Aunty Alania’s Sewing Shop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Domiren Villa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Sylvan Striker, Bows of Elven Quality. . . . . . 131
The Napping Giant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 Galnyr, Master Armorer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
House of Clenched Fists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Figurines of Wonder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Arno’s Ancient Tomes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Zurafkira’s Fine Footwear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
Hall of Temerity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Temple of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
The Furlough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Knight’s Pride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
The Curious Calligrapher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Nine Arches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Shrine of the Shining Light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Diamondback Trout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Giant’s Boots Tavern. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Nulobor’s Fine Locks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
Ironweaver’s Market . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 Ronnar’s Pelts and Fine Leather. . . . . . . . . . . 133
Black Flag Mercenary Company . . . . . . . . . . 122 Temple of Competence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
The King’s Pride. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Nail and Beam Carpentry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Odds and Ends Pawnshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 The Wondermonger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Grazilda’s Apothecary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Locations by Category. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Angels’ Choir Festhall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Ronul Villa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 INTRODUCTORY ADVENTURES
Monder Villa. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Level 1-2 Adventures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Royal Gardens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Rules Are Rules. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Ruins of the Cathedral of the Sun. . . . . . . . . 124 A Shameless Party. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Weeping Kobold Fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 Wicked Witchery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Gentlemen’s Refuge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Skeletons in the Tunnel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
Eyrie of the Fabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Dancing with Giants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
The Deep Warrens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Delivery from Shimeon’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Alley of Menace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Level 3-4 Adventures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Shrine of the Unforgiving. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 House Cleaning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
King Boldizzar Azennar’s Statue. . . . . . . . . . 126 Writings on the Wall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Queen’s Grace Orphanage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Saving Byra. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
Blackhorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Clash of Chefs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Temple of Strength. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 Ire of the Ringmaidens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Meat Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
The Dog Pit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 CHAPTER 1: BLOOD ON THE CROWN
Varrik the Rat Catcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 The Couatl Feather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Maggot’s End. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 The Hook. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152
Fiery Hooves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 The Brute. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Green-Eyed Nymph. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 The Transaction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Temple of Magic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 The Delivery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Basket of Plenty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 The Lucky Leap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Ratcatcher Inn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Summons at the Old Grinder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Dragon Plaza . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 The Crownwarden’s Concern. . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
Music of the Spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Blood and Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
The Bottomless Well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Souls for the Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167
Mug and Bottle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 King’s Games . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Roundbread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 The Competitions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Grinning Goblin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 Battle of the Tipsy Tunes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Old Pharion’s Remedies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 The Nimble Eagle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Merfolk Lumberjacks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 Dungeon Vault. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236

The Greasy Pole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Hunt for the Royal Architect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Master of the Wild. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 Clues at Narder Tyk’s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Truth or Bean . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Monster Menagerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242
Giant’s Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 A Leap into Fire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
Leap of Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 The Hidden Vault of House Monder. . . . . . . 260
Malicious Treasure Hunt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 A Clash of Interests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260
Writing on the Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 Crypts of House Monder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 263
Bugs Under the Giant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182
Old Man’s Bile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 CHAPTER 3: TRAPPED UNDER SHADOWS
The Treasure Tree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 The Triplets of Malice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Criminal Activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 The Royal Palace. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Cakes of Coma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 Tunnel of Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Turtle Balls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Dungeon Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
The Secret Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 Ground Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Fake Robbery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187 Second Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
Battle of the Champions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Third Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
In the Dog Pit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 Escaping with the Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302
Outside the Ring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 Under the Shadowdome. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Queen’s Retribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 The Dome of Shadow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303
Funeral of the King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Fugitives from Injustice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
No Escape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305
CHAPTER 2: THE MIDNIGHT CURSE Guided through Shadows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308
Cursed Coronation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 Dirge of the Dark Angel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
Knights in Distress. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 The Shadowrealm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
All Hail the Queen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Lurkers in the Dark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313
The Purge of the Holy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 Samsadur’s Informant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316
The Fight for the Gate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206 The Shadow Ziggurat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
A Noble in Trouble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Dungeon of Tears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325
Fangs of Hellfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Eyrie of the Fabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Greedy Retributions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Breaking the Lament . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Between Two Fronts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 Lair of the Eternal Hive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Escape to the Leap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 The Bow of the Night. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Plans of the Traitors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 The Umbral Gate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Oathbound Truths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Greed over Reason . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Planning a Heist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 Returning to a Cursed Land. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
A Key to Every Door. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
The Anti-Magic Chest. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 CHAPTER 4: THE VANISHED TOWER
Tunnel of Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 A Cursed Kingdom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Tomb of the Constructor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216 Finding the Torcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Emporium of Marvelous Rarities. . . . . . . . . . . 222 Onadbyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
The Mythic Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Tomb of The Constructor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
The Price of Underestimation. . . . . . . . . . . . 224 Ethereal Cloister. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
What Ricio Tane Knows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226 Willow Creek. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 353
Ground Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 Grorrarr’s Lair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356
Top Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232 Ronul’s End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

North Bay Lighthouse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357 Leaning Watchtower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440
Mossy Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Southkeep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441
Well of Roaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 Monastery of the Spirited Leaf. . . . . . . . . . . 442
Monastery of Past Lives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Azure Bridge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 443
Cache of Almeiro Ronul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Mud Funnels. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 444
Abandoned Lodge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 Kelzar’s Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Royal Hunting Lodge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Vaddon’s Abode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446
Thick of the Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 365 Sobruz Quarry and Penitentiary . . . . . . . . . 447
Nangrath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 366 Royal Stud Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 448
Fort Stormbreaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 368 Old Windmills. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Fort Blackbell. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 Ruins of the Royal Summer Palace. . . . . . . 449
Darkstone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 376 Ziggurat of the New Moon. . . . . . . . . . . . . 449
Crossroads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381 The Arcane Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 455
Gorso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382 Conjuring the Arcane Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Trapped Woods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 386 The Time Loop. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 456
Circle of the Seven Thorns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387 Ground Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
The Maze of Flowers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389 Second Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463
Battlefields of Torak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390 Third Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465
The Dragon’s Bones . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392 Fourth Level. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
Shrine of the Blind God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393 The Last Kiss. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
Garden of Plenty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Dreaming with the Archmage. . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
Waters of Wrath. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 On the Stride of the Elders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Smokestone Mine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Topiary Glade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487
Nest of the Cackling Crows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 401 Green Fur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Gate to the Darkness Within. . . . . . . . . . . . 408 Chasm of Spikes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488
Abulior Whitegate’s Workshop . . . . . . . . . . 409 Trail of the Miracle Stag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 489
Greymoss Clan Lair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 Traversing the Hagtree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 490
Lodge of Wanderlust. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 413
Overpass of the Giants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 CHAPTER 5: BREAKING THE MIDNIGHT CURSE
Golemcraft Cave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 A Treacherous Quest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494
Barrow of the Colossus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419 The Bleak Mire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Trails of the Colossus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
Waylaid Pilgrims. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 420 Weather. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Mothfang Family Residence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 421 Time. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Gonshar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 422 Planar Travel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Blackfur Bandit Hideout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424 Regions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 499
Stride of the Elders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 Factions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 505
The Hagtree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 The Hagtree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 510
Ruins of the Water-raiser. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 425 The Snafflewhopps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 511
The Groaning Pillar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 426 Miraddin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 512
Cairns of Bone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 Amphitheatre of Horror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
Camp of the Red Cloak . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428 The Orchards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 518
The Weary Ogre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429 Primal Bloom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519
Vaults of the Arcane Tower. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430 Tangible Darkness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 520
Field of Nightmares . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Crystals of Sadness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 521
Harveston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438 Visions of the Sun. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Tainted Waters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 522 Quellar Ausstyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577

Tolggy’s Grove. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523 The Black Worm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 591
King Dasmag’s Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524 Nightmare Spiders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Lost Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 Lifeflow Honey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 592
Court of Amber. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527 Panacea Lilacs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 593
King Dasmag’s Festhall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528 Pit of Jealousy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Perfidy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 529 Skincrawler Vines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 594
Pit of Pigs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 The Torn Passage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Caprine Stables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 531 Sporedark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 595
Ambrosia Winery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 Demonbane Isle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
Vineyards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 532 The Cortex Pods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 609
Reverse Waterfall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Hall of the Sovereign. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 612
The Crimson Tarn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 533 Bwael Phindar, the Magnificent Beast . . . . . 618
Nest of Gilded Eggs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534 Hunting Grounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 627
Thousand Breaths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 535 Winter Court . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
Displays of Torture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536 Monuments to the Mire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 628
Abandoned Halls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 537 The Rotting Mound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Halls of Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 Mass Exterminations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 629
Singing Stones. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 538 Pool of Starlight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 630
Statue of the Wanderer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 The Ritual of Cleansing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 632
Barbarian Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 539 Getting Home. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 633
Beanstalk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 540
Tipper’s Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543 CHAPTER 6: REIGN OF THE LICH-KNIGHT
Shrine of Faeryl Myrryn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 547 War of the Living. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 636
Dolonriarnodo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 549 Camp Perseverance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 637
Witchcave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 Attack on the Camp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Trail of Acorns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 The Art of War. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 643
Jagged Maw. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555 A Call to Arms. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
Blue Light. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 Darkstone Mines. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 647
Sputtle and Croak. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557 Fey of the Feyrealm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
Hollowroot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558 Harveston. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
The Refuge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561 Gorso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 656
Pool of Rainbows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 Gonshar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
Webs of the Ettercaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563 Ronul’s End . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 659
Thunderhoot. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565 Dregs of the Apocalypse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 662
Awakened Library. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566 Onadbyr, the City of the Dead. . . . . . . . . . . . 668
Skull of the Fey Dragon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567 The Dread Watcher. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
The Raging Doll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 568 Wight Riders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669
The Wingless Hippogriffs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 Collapsing Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
The Legless Giants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569 The Undead Crow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
The Toy Factory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570 Avatar of Dread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 671
The Mad Centaur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571 Ravenous Dead . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
Cillomene’s Grave. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Zealots of Death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 672
The Crumbling Archways. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572 Traders of Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673
The Everstorm Vortex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Fists of Azennar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 674
Milk Pool. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 573 Minaret of the Speaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 675

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Temple of Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 677 Chest of Magic Nullification. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Temple of Light and Darkness. . . . . . . . . . . 678 Cloak of Blinking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733
Ziggurat of Dread . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 687 Cologne of Dispelling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
Siege of Onadbyr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696 Crown of Aglarion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734
Tactics of the Living. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 696 Doppelganger Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Tactics of the Undead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 697 Dust of Odorlessness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Palace of the Lich-Knight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 699 Falcon Blade. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
Throne of the Undying Prince. . . . . . . . . . . 701 Feather of Detection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 735
The Lich-Knight’s Phylactery. . . . . . . . . . . . 702 Gloves of the Satyr King. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
The Dawn of a New Age. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 703 Hellish Sacrificial Dagger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 736
Implement of Construct Control . . . . . . . . . . 736
APPENDIX A: THE MIDNIGHT CURSE Instant Trebuchet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
Cursed Phenomenons. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 706 Leash of the Beast Tamer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 737
Weather . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 707 Lorgnettes of the Master Scribe . . . . . . . . . . 737
Vegetation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Manual of the Archmage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
Fauna . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Master Key. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
Werehellhound Lycanthropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Powder of True Form. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 738
The Kingdom of Aglarion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Practice Mirror. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Onadbyr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 709 Rapier of Smelting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Economy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 Ring of Mental Stability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Social Structure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 710 Ring of Prestidigitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Laws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 Ring of Shadow Manipulation . . . . . . . . . . . . 739
Citizens. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 Robe of the Wardrobe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
Nobles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 711 Seed of the Hagtree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
Knights of the Crown. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Slime Slinger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 740
Royal Army. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Spellbreaker Crossbow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741
Red Cloaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Spell Focus of the Shadowcaster . . . . . . . . . . 741
Criminals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 713 Spriggan Shield. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
Temples. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 Spyglass of Devilish Revealing . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
Neighbors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 714 Table of Cornucopia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
Tombstone Amulet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 742
APPENDIX B: RANDOM ENCOUNTERS Torcs of the Tower . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 743
Onadbyr Before the Midnight Curse. . . . . . . . 715 Unicorn Horn Cudgel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744
Onadbyr After the Midnight Curse. . . . . . . . . 718 Wand of Fire Manipulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744
Aglarion After the Midnight Curse. . . . . . . . . 722 Wand of the Mimic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 744
The Bleak Mire. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725 Wand of the Sleeping Faerie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
Whip of Tentacles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
APPENDIX C: MAGIC ITEMS Zombie Mask . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 745
Amulet of Find the Path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730
Amulet of Positive Energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 730 APPENDIX D: NPCS AND MONSTERS
Azure Bridge Control Rod. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 Aberrant Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 746
Barbed Net of Entanglement . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 Academician of the Arcane Tower . . . . . . . . . 746
Blowgun of Pain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 731 Apprentice of the Arcane Tower. . . . . . . . . . . 748
Bow of the Night . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 732 Arcane Sentinel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
Branding Iron of the Hag Queens. . . . . . . . . . 732 Astral Spider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750
Contingent Applicator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .732 Azaeresh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 750

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Baendretarixus, the Eternal Hive. . . . . . . . . . 752 Mumus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 823

Bakator the Onyx. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 753 Queen Aphinah Azennar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 824
Battle Snail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 755 Querrai Xalo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 825
Billie Blind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 758 Ricio Tane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 827
Bluecap. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 759 Royal Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 828
Bulbous Observer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 760 Sabrael. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 829
Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 761 Sam “Weaver” Ebonhilt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 831
Commander Pricklethrust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 762 Sentient Carcass Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 833
Cygnus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 764 Seven Thorn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834
Daedal Wright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 766 Spectral Congregation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 835
Dag’drirath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 767 Spellthief Adept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836
Despair Giant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 770 Spriggan Mercenary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 838
Dryad Witch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 771 Stonefist Devotee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 839
Elder Cortex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 772 Swarm of Astral Stirges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 840
Eldon Lobo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 773 Swarm of Ghoulish Sprites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 841
Expert. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 775 Swarm of Magic-Infused Fire Beetles. . . . . . . 841
Feyrealm-born Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 Syllatur Laudraphol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 842
Frenzied Mutant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 776 Tentacled Master . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 844
Frumby Goldtooth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 778 The Colossus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 845
Fungoid. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 780 The Utter Blindness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846
General Sundamar Stormbreaker. . . . . . . . . . 781 The Lich-Knight. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 847
Gren. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 784 Unit of Armed Commoners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 850
Grorrarr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 Unit of Ghouls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 851
Gygor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 786 Unit of Royal Arrows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852
Hagspawn Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 787 Unit of Royal Riders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 852
Hagtree. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 788 Unit of Royal Swords . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
Hauris. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 789 Unit of Satyrs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853
Heir of Entropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 791 Unit of Scoundrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 854
Iara. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 792 Unit of Wights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 855
Incubus Pirate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793 Unit of Wizards. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 856
Inheritor of the Unbegotten. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 794 Unit of Zombies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 857
Interdimensional Strangler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 796 Vault Naga. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 858
Jasmin Johandulc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 798 Welvynn Ausstyl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 859
Kelzar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 Werehellhound Knight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 861
Knight of the Crown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 Werehellhound Template. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 863
Krasnar Azennar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 802 Witchservant Cultist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 864
Lord Cyne Monder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 805 Xarzax Ausstyl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 865
Lord Ziademos Gorso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 807 Xeno the Rekindled Flame. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 867
Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impostor. . . . . . . . 809
Master Bertio Ranberd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 811 APPENDIX E: SUBCLASSES
Menagerie Caretaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 812 Barbarian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
Midnight Hag. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 814 Fear Rager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 869
Minstrel of the College. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 817 Frenzied Mutant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 870
Mob of Frenzied Nobles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 818 Spelleater. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 871
Mordio Delons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 819 Bard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872
Morkiel Reborn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820 College of Dirge Singers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

High Speaker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 872 Braveheart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
Pretender. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873 Focused Aim. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
Cleric . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874 Gravetouched. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 905
Congregation Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874 Guardian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906
Darkness Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875 Hellfire Channeler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906
Ooze Domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 876 Mounted Charger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906
Druid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 878 Scourge of the Undead. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 906
Circle of the Bloom. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 878 Shadowcaster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
Circle of the Savage Blood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 879 Spell Tattoo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
Inheritor of the Unbegotten. . . . . . . . . . . 880 Stern Justicar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
Fighter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881 Trap Engineer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907
Commander. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881
Mercenary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 881 APPENDIX G: SPELLS
Royal Guard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 882 Disable Construct. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
Monk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 Fortify Soul. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908
Stonefist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 Immobilize. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
Way of the Nine Seals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 883 Infuse with Entropy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 909
Way of the Tentacle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 884 Instant Tent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910
Paladin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 Lungrot Vapor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 910
Inquisitor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 885 Melancholic Melody. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
Oath of Cleansing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 886 Melt Flesh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
Oath of Protection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 888 Music of the Spheres . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 911
Ranger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890 Rally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912
Feyfriend. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 890 Shadowcraft Conjuration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 912
Monster Tamer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 891 Shadowcraft Evocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
Siege Beast Master. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 892 Shout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
Rogue. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 Steadfast. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 913
Spellthief . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 893 Suffocate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
Spy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 894 Wither Limb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 914
Umbral Stalker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
Sorcerer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
Entropist Bloodline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 895
Lycanthropic Bloodline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897
Primordial Energy Savant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
Warlock. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
Chaos Wielder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 898
Dragon Patron. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 899
Witchservant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 900
Wizard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
Academic Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 901
Arcane Sentinel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 902
School of Shadow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 903

Adaptive Personality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904
Blessed Spirit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 904

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


ture services in the form of an erinyes devil. The

ADVENTURE BACKGROUND young Prince Krasnar’s rage boiled, and he blamed
his father for abandoning his mother on her death-
King Waldrann Azennar, the ruler of the Kingdom bed. His hatred only grew when the king took the
of Aglarion had a beautiful wife and firstborn son. young “maiden” as his new queen.
Queen Elyssa adored her son Krasnar, and her son
also felt a mad, somewhat unhealthy love towards Each of the three hags, who switched places regu-
his mother. The two were inseparable. On the oth- larly at court using their innate shapechanging abil-
er hand, the king was a lecherous philanderer and ities, gave birth to a hideous and evil daughter from
was soon bored of his family. He had always prid- the king, all named Aphinah. The hags raised all
ed himself as the most competent and skilled indi- three Aphinahs in both the Feyrealm and the royal
vidual, prime of the Azennar bloodline, focused on palace, substituting them for each other regularly.
perfecting himself physically and enjoying life to However, the king only knew of one daughter, de-
the fullest. King Azennar is a true narcissist whose ceived by the hags and the hagspawn princesses. He
actions and behavior left deadly wounds on those raised her (them) as his own, and under the effects
around him, especially his family. of the hags’ regular doses of philters of love, the king
never saw his daughters as the hateful, ugly beings
A powerful coven of midnight hag sisters, the Ma- they actually were. Day by day, further distanc-
trons of Malice, named Blister, Splint, and Tyke, ing himself from his firstborn son, King Waldrann
had claimed sovereignty of the coexisting Feyrealm gave every last drop of his love to his new fami-
that they dubbed the “Bleak Mire” after corrupting ly. But Krasnar’s suffering and deceit of the king
and exterminating the entire court of the ruler of was not nearly enough for the hags. They wanted
this domain, King Dasmag, the satyr lord. The Ma- to see the entire kingdom in torment, joyful lives
trons saw the royal family’s emotional separation and love turned into misery and agony. So they con-
on the Material Plane, and they set their vile plans tacted Krasnar in their true forms, flattering him
in motion. They widened the divide even further with promises of power, but most importantly, they
by seducing the king in the form of the beautiful offered him the chance to secure his crown and
maiden Lyrencia, whose visage they wore in turns. heritage with the death of his traitorous father. If
At the same time, they tormented Queen Elyssa to only he would take them as his patrons. Krasnar, an
death in her nightmares to harvest her soul. The anointed knight of the realm, broke his sacred oath
hags made a pact with an archfiend of Hell and to crown and king, and took the offer, acquiring
bargained the queen’s soul in exchange for her fu- new magical warlock powers in the process.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Once the Matrons of Malice secured Krasnar as king slay his son for daring to lift a blade against
their ally, they faked the kidnapping of Queen the royal person. Krasnar soon lay dead at the
Lyrencia in King Dasmag’s form and pretended hands of his father the King, his corpse slowly en-
that he carried her off to the Bleak Mire. King gulfed by the swamp’s waters.
Waldrann hastily organized a rescue party, which
consisted of his knight Crownwarden Lord Cyne The distraught King Waldrann had his company
Monder, his court wizard Master Eydan, high- swear an oath of secrecy about the dreadful events
priest Father Lestor, and his son Krasnar, who that took place, but his high priest and advisor,
went along only to find an opportunity to get Father Lestor – a cleric of the knowledge domain -
rid of his father as promised by the hags, in this refused. King Waldrann declared him an exile and
otherworldly place, far from home. The company forbade him to return to the kingdom of Aglarion.
followed the clues left by the hags and entered Thus, the high priest fled into the depths of the
the Feyrealm through the Hagtree portal. Once in Bleak Mire while the king returned to his kingdom
the Bleak Mire, they found the disguised hags in with his remaining vassals, to rule with his queen
the Court of King Dasmag and negotiated a pact and daughter by his side. For long years, the fate of
under whose terms the queen would be released, the firstborn and the bargain over the crown has
as part of a magical bargain: remained shrouded in secrecy.

The kingdom of Aglarion would be blessed and

blossom in riches as long as the crown sits atop
the head of the rightful heir. But should anyone
else claim the crown of the Aglarion, it would
bring misery and suffering upon the whole realm.

Unknown to the king, he agreed to the Midnight

Curse, a vile hag pact that would open the way
for the midnight hags to bring misery and suffer- Meanwhile, in the Bleak Mire, the Matrons of Mal-
ing to his kingdom. ice took Krasnar’s corpse to their lair, where they
resurrected him, but only to steal half of his soul
Thinking his line was safe and secure, King and to keep his enervated, half-dead body in tor-
Waldrann agreed to the bargain and got his ment. Like every curse, their own also required
“queen” back. But on their way back to the Hag- a way to be broken, so they set an impossible
tree portal, his son confronted him and demanded clause. Firstly, only the three members of their
that he be proclaimed the rightful heir forthwith, coven could lift the curse, working in unison. But
instead of the young princess whom the king during this ritual, the satyr King must sing his
loved so much. In the form of the queen, Blister lament, and the dead body of the rightful heir to
obstructed and used her charm abilities to turn the crown must be burned on a pyre built from
the two sides against each other. When the first- the Hagtree. And only then, placing the crown
born prince became furious and attacked, his fa- on the heir’s head, would the Midnight Curse be
ther drew his Falcon Blade. The king was a much lifted from the crown. To secure their plan even
more experienced warrior, a champion among his further and as the last twist, they bound the por-
knights, but the bitter son drove on relentlessly. tion of Krasnar’s soul that they siphoned off into
His furious attacks would not abate, infused with the iron statue that King Waldrann had created
his madness, and the king was forced into a defen- for his son’s memory in the palace mausoleum.
sive position. The “queen” intervened once again They fashioned it into a phylactery that would be
with mind-bending magic and demanded that the ready to receive the other half of Krasnar’s soul

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

when they raised him as a lich-knight, should an-
yone force them to conduct the ritual of break-
ing the curse.

King Waldrann knew nothing of the continued fate

of his firstborn son, and the years passed in bliss-
ful ignorance as the realm flourished and provided
plenty for all. Meanwhile, the Matrons of Malice
planned the demise of the king and the corona-
tion of one of their daughters, who would soon
come of age. They patiently awaited the day when
the effects of their curse would take hold over the
kingdom of Aglarion and lost interest in torment-
ing the miserable firstborn. As their attention was
focused on their plans for the kingdom and build-
ing a cult of followers in the city of Onadbyr, the
hags’ lair in the Bleak Mire was assaulted by a clan
of aberration-worshipping feyrealm-born drow B lo o d
from the depths, House Ausstyl and its druid circle
named the Inheritors of the Unbegotten. The forc- o n th e Crow n
es of the drow stormed the hags and forced them
to retreat, then discovered the broken Krasnar and The characters get acquainted with Crownwarden
rescued him from his prison. They infused the soul- Lord Cyne Monder after encountering some dop-
drained prince with the essence of a powerful en- pelganger con artists who are members of the lo-
tity from beyond the known dimensions, turning cal criminal organization of various shapeshifters
him into an aberrant being and an ally in their war named the Golden Masks. The doppelgangers try to
against the hags. The now half-aberration Krasnar trick them into paying for a forged item, for which
and his drow allies soon attacked the hags again, they pretend to have a buyer, namely, the Crown-
this time with overwhelming force and with the warden. After settling this issue and meeting the
aid of a shapechanging dragon, Malzdreziret the warden, he hires the characters for a personal favor
Scaled Impostor, a doppeldrake. They managed to to investigate missing people. They turn out to be
capture two of the three hags, Splint and Tyke, held captive at the Old Grinder mill, about to be sac-
binding them in their dungeons in the deep cav- rificed by a group of the hags’ witchservant cultists,
erns. The remaining hag, Blister fled into hiding to the Children of the Coven. The cultists have already
wait out the coming of the Midnight Curse, since sacrificed some members of the family members to
the coven’s plans still remained in motion. summon devils, one of whom is the transformed soul
of the King’s first wife Elyssa, in her erinyes form.
With the hags eliminated in the Bleak Mire, Krasnar, Her compact: to kill King Waldrann at the upcoming
now a powerful aberrant oathbreaker witch-knight, King’s Games. However, the erinyes has already left
claimed the coven’s surface domain as his own and the summoning chamber when the characters ar-
considered his revenge fulfilled. Twisted by the alien rive. The characters defeat the cultists and a bearded
bonds that warped his flesh and soul from the inside, devil monk at the Old Grinder, and can prevent them
and driven by his hatred for the Matrons of Malice, from sacrificing the rest of the family. Unaware of
he no longer cared about his father or his heritage, the true nature of the conspiracy that has been set
as he had a new domain to rule and prepare for the in motion, the characters return to the capital of
ultimate sacrifice to his new alien masters. Onadbyr and can prepare for the King’s Games, a

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

series of festivities in honor of the King. The festi-

val takes place at several locations throughout the
city, allowing the characters to explore their envi-
ronment while engaging in fun contests and activ-
ities and optional sidequests. The final event of the
games is the Battle of the Champions, a tournament
of knightly combat, in which even King Waldrann
takes part as the undefeated champion. Any of the
characters can join in to match their skills against
the warriors who challenge the King for the title. The
king and a mysterious helmed champion match their
skills in the final battle, but when King Waldrann
surrenders, his opponent reveals herself to be the er-
inyes that was once his first queen, Elyssa. The devil
demands to take the king’s life as her reward and
slays the king in front of everyone before vanishing
back to Hell. Following these dreadful events, the
kingdom of Aglarion falls into despair and prepares Th e M i d n ig h t
to lay the King to rest. The characters accompany
Crownwarden Lord Cyne Monder to the royal funer- Cu r se
al, where an emanation of Krasnar’s wrath manifests
at the ceremony, tormenting the gathering until the Soon after King Waldrann’s funeral, the corona-
characters find a way of repelling it. tion ceremony of the young Princess Aphinah is
announced. All prominent members of the city are
present at the ceremony and the characters can at-
tend as guests of the Crownwarden. As the crown
is placed on the head of the hideous hagspawn
princess, the Midnight Curse of the hags takes ef-
fect! Under a wild magical storm that suddenly
erupts over the coronation hall and spreads over
the whole kingdom, the newly crowned Queen
Aphinah demands allegiance from the knightly or-
der of the realm. However, their leader, Lord Cyne
Monder suspects villainy and refuses. The knights
who bend the knee are turned into werehell-
hounds by the powers of the curse. The characters
must flee with the warden and a handful of loyal
knights through the chaos that erupts, considered
rebels and fugitives by the new ruler. The fugitives
take refuge under the Lucky Leap tavern owned
by the Crownwarden’s old friend, Ricio Tane, once
a renowned criminal before he changed his ways
and helped the Crownwarden, the king, and the
kingdom during a quest. Ricio gladly offers a se-
cret haven to the characters and the knights. The
old rogue and the warden devise a plan, asking the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

characters to help them collect the necessary tools for the crown to be placed in it, making it unde-
to organize a heist, during which they would steal tectable and powerless, hopefully even breaking the
the crown of Aglarion and attempt to lift the curse curse, is to steal it back to the wizard’s anti-magic
even if it involves killing Queen Aphinah. vault where the statue can be safely removed.

To accomplish this daring task, they will need to During these missions, which take place in the
find Narder Tyk, the royal architect who, according twisted, magically disfigured city and kingdom, they
to Lord Monder’s knowledge, had built a secret tun- find their hideout exposed and Lord Cyne Monder
nel for the king through which the monarch could and Ricio Tane dead at the hands of the authori-
sneak away from the palace unnoticed on his vari- ties. The characters enter the burning and danger-
ous secret liaisons. The problem is that the royal ar- ously damaged Lucky Leap and its dungeons, defeat
chitect had left his family to join the Uncanny Vaga- the werehellhound knights who are spreading the
bonds, a group of traveling performers who turned flames and killing the inhabitants, and finally find
into rebels as a result of the change of events and the Crownwarden’s dead body.
shift in power. The characters can find and follow
some clues to their hideout at the Monster Menag- Following the clues left by the old knight, the charac-
erie, where things have gone quite wild since the ters find out that Lord Monder has hidden his mem-
outbreak of the curse. Here the characters can en- oir in his family’s secret vault, a place currently being
counter the Uncanny Vagabonds, and Gren, a man looted by the Golden Masks and their lamia lieuten-
who claims to be the bastard son of King Waldrann. ant Yhlsaby. After dealing with the criminal gang and
He is a possible ally against the new queen. finding the information, the characters learn the sto-
ry of King Waldrann’s quest to the Bleak Mire and
Ricio Tane knows of two items that would be of that Master Eydan, the court wizard or Father Lestor,
great utility during the heist. One of these is the the high priest, who were both by the king’s side in
master key, a magical key that opens any door, the Bleak Mire, might know more about the origin of
even if magically sealed. It was in the possession the curse and the magical requirements of removing
of a long-lost partner of his, Divos the Uninvited, it from the crown of Aglarion.
who ventured into the tomb of Master Arlen the
Constructor, first archwizard of Aglarion. Unfortu-
nately, Divos never returned from this quest. The
characters will have to visit the tomb and retrieve
the key. Still, they will find it already partially ex-
plored by a diplomatic and highly intelligent in-
truder, Eshkilrantossiazz, a young green dragon.

The other item is the chest of magic nullification,

which is actually in Ricio’s possession. This chest
can hide any magic item enclosed within and nullify
its abilities. He has never used it because it already
holds the statue of a powerful abomination, one
which continuously summons forth blighting ener-
gies from other dimensions when exposed. His late
wife stole it a decade ago from the antimagic vault
of a famous local archwizard named Master Bertio
Ranberd, a collector and purveyor of valuable magic
items in the city. The only way to empty the chest

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

find themselves boarded on a massive wagon full

of soldiers. As the wagon arrives at the gates, it is
inspected and then, strangely, locked from the out-
side. A vile gas pours in, choking the characters and
killing all soldiers who immediately rise as hungry
undead to feed upon their breaths. As the characters
break out of the wagon and the apparent trap, Blis-
ter and her forces confront them, and they and are
hard-pressed to make their escape into the depths
of the city. Soon they can face the traitorous Taris
and decide how to punish him.

Soon after the betrayal attempt, Samsadur, the

rakshasa crime lord of the Golden Masks learns
about the characters, their role in the story, and
CHAPTER 3 their intentions. The crime lord offers to take
them to the Shadowrealm to destroy the dome

T rappe d that exists in both worlds and blocks travel from

and to the city. Samasdur informs the characters
Un de r S h a d ows that the dome is fueled by a magical melody that
plays all over the shadow version of the city and
siphons the sadness and hopelessness of the lo-
To acquire the crown, the characters enter the roy- cals, who have been captured and brought to the
al quarters of the palace, and face off against all Shadowrealm. After exploring the shadow ver-
three of the hagspawn queens, their loyalist knights sion of the city and confronting the hags’ despair
and cultists, as well as Blister. The hag immediate- giants who extort the demoralized victims, the
ly retreats from the fray via dimensional travel to characters find out that the only way to sever
activate a dome of shadow over the city from the the shadow dome from its source of power is to
Shadowrealm. Once the crown is secured and the end the effects of the melody. First, they must
characters exit the palace, they see that the city brave the Shadow Ziggurat and deal with Sabrael,
of Onadbyr is enclosed by a shadowy barrier that the dirge singer deva of the Dark Star, fueling the
blocks everything in and out. Soon afterward, an- melancholic effect with its Song of Lament. Once
other hagspawn princess under the name Queen the characters have negated the song, they still
Aphinah takes the palace. The authorities start need to remove the hopelessness from the many
hunting the characters and the crown of Aglarion. victims collected at the Dungeon of Tears and
The characters cannot escape the city to find Mas- guarded by a hag called the Gloom Widow at the
ter Eydan, the former court wizard in the Arcane local version of the famed prison of Onadbyr. The
Tower outside of the city. Their every attempt fails most expedient way to break the lament from
as the city is sealed airtight. the rescued survivors is to gather them at the
run-down theater house, the Eyrie of the Fabled,
The patriarch of the Uncanny Vagabonds, Taris, of- which is the only place where the melody can-
fers a seemingly reasonable solution, suggesting us- not be heard due to the building’s soundproofed
ing the only type of transport entering and leaving walls. However, the building is haunted by past
the city – the armored wagons of the queen’s army. crimes and their perpetrators. When the theat-
He orchestrates a way for the characters to pre- er has been cleared, the survivors can be finally
tend to be part of the army. The characters soon saved from the bonds of melancholy. Before re-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

turning the characters home, Samsadur demands Material Plane. However, over the centuries since
a final favor to assist him in tying up a conflict their creation, the torcs have been scattered in
with a business partner, namely Baendretarixus, the Kingdom, some remaining in the posession of
the Eternal Hive, an undead black dragon who their forbears, some having been looted long ago,
guards a portal to the Material Plane. After suc- and some lost to time. They also learn of Abulior
cessfully negotiating with the dragon, the char- Whitegate, an expelled wizard who might be able
acters can return to Onadbyr, where the dome to help them in this task. During their quest to
of shadow no longer encloses the city. They can secure the necessary components for the conjur-
finally leave to seek out Master Eydan at the Ar- ing, the characters will need to secure all six of
cane Tower located in the countryside. the torcs of the tower and travel far and wide in
the Kingdom of Aglarion. They will also need to
find the last torc of the tower, which is located
in the Ziggurat of the New Moon that has been
exiled to the Astral Plane by the fallen angels of
the Dark Star thousands of years ago. They will
need to figure out the location of the ziggurat,
the time when it can materialize on the Material
Plane, and the command phrase needed to recall
it. Along the way, the characters will face a multi-
tude of encounters within the realm, taken in any
order. Some include:

he location whence the Arcane Tower disap-
peared and its underground vaults, recently loot-
ed by a group of rival adventurers called the He-
roes of Virtue. This adventuring party preys on
the frightened inhabitants of the land and bears
one of the torcs of the tower. However, they roam
CHAPTER 4 the land and must first be found.

Th e Va n is h e d •T
 he village of Gorso, oppressed by the nobles of
the Gorso family, who are entropist fanatics tor-
Towe r menting a shackled paint-covered unicorn, and
possessing one of the torcs of the tower.
After traveling through a ravaged and wild realm,
in which the effects of the Midnight Curse make • The village of Nangrath with a frightened populace,
life a living nightmare, the characters arrive at hunted and fed upon by savage gargoyles from the
the Arcane Tower only to find that it has van- nearby Fort Blackbell and the duergar vampire
ished. The wizards activated the protective mech- spawns of Bakator the Onyx, who have captured
anisms of the tower when the curse took hold some prisoners and one of the torcs of the tower.
and have transferred the entire tower to the As-
tral Plane to weather the storm there. When the •T
 he camp of Selvaro, a blind young bronze dragon
characters descend to the vaults of the Arcane with premature powers in human form, seeking
tower that still remain behind, the characters his father’s hoard that lies in a haunted temple of
learn of the six torcs of the tower that can be used an evil ooze entity, the Shrine of the Blind God,
in conjuncture to conjure the tower back to the where the young dragon was blinded.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

 half-dragon hydra, offspring of Malzdreziret,
the famous shapeshifting dragon that ravaged the
country centuries ago, at the only bridge crossing
over the river Halueth.

 onshar, a ramshackle village of goblinoids that
is protected by Kabok, an illusionist goblin who
maintains the illusion of a gold dragon named Xy-
kot to keep the village safe from visitors.

 he Lodge of Wanderlust, home and lair of Cyg-
nus, the couatl paladin of the Shining Light, whose
lodge is being invaded by druids that command
swarms of vermin. Once aided, Cygnus can be in-
valuable to locating all the torcs of the tower.

 he trail of a Red Cloak Lawgiver named Ha’aren
Black-bone, bearer of one of the torcs of the tower,
who saught the lost Ziggurat of the New Moon
and its prisoner Samkiel, the treacherous deva im-
prisoned there millennia ago. The Ziggurat only
appears from its exile to the Astral Plane Once they have successfully reversed the flow of
time, the characters learn that Master Eydan is in a
When the conjuring of the Arcane Tower can finally permanent dream state and that they have to visit
be performed, the tower reappears but regrettably, him in his dreams with the use of the night rose
it is under an invasion by a group of marauding in- flowers he had cultivated – magical flowers that
cubus pirates. During the fight, as a result of a time allow shared dreams and dream travel. Meeting
stop spell gone wrong, the entire tower is caught Master Eydan in his dreamscape, they can learn
in a time loop, resetting everything to its orig- more of the story of King Waldrann and his com-
inal state within its confines, an infinite number pany, the way to the Hagtree portal to the Bleak
of times. Caught in the time loop, the characters Mire, and that Father Lestor, the exiled high-priest,
have to figure out the shortest and quickest way to still hides in the Feyrealm. Before they can leave,
stop Master Zaophas, the headmaster archmage of the gigantic dream-form of Krasnar, the aberrant
the college, from casting his time stop spell, so that witch-knight and Malzdreziret, his shapechanging
the loop can reset and they can meet with Master doppeldrake steed, attack them. The characters
Eydan, the former court wizard. They will need to must defeat these dream entities by shaping real-
explore the tower during several loops and over- ity to their will, dreaming effects into existence,
come all obstacles within three minutes in order to bound only by their imagination. Finally, they can
achieve their goal. find their way to the Hagtree, whose secret loca-
tion is known only to Freall, the cursed bird-crea-
ture held prisoner in the nest of a roc named the
Cackling Crow. Once rescued, Freall can lead the
characters to the Stride of the Elders, an ancient
druidic pathway that leads to the Hagtree. They
can then cross into the Bleak Mire and find a way
to lift the curse from the crown of Aglarion.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

must discover the location of a portal to the hags’ lair
in Hell and defeat them again to force them in line
and to cooperate in lifting the curse from the crown.
They will also have to accomplish the impossible tasks
set by the hags as requirements to lift the curse from
the crown of Aglarion. They must enter the slain King
Dasmag’s court, now inhabited by Malzdreziret, Kras-
nar’s doppeldrake, and summon the spirit of the satyr
lord to convince him to work with his murderers and
sing his song for the Cleansing Ritual. The characters
will have to confront Krasnar and his mutant drow
allies in his lair, which is a colossal living mass of eyes
and mouths that gibber mad thoughts. The characters
must also fell the Hagtree, which is their only way
home, and build a pyre on which to burn the body
CHAPTER 5 of Krasnar. When all the components are assembled,
the Matrons of Malice complete the ritual, but as a
B re a k i n g result, Krasnar rejuvenates from his phylactery in the
undead form of a lich-knight on the Material Plane and
th e M i d n ig h t the characters have no way to escape the Bleak Mire
and return home. The characters’ only option is to take
Cu r se sovereignty of the realm and remove the conditions
blocking planar travel to and from the domain. For this
Crossing through the Hagtree is an excruciating ordeal glorious task, they need to collect materials from every
that takes a mental toll and involves a personal sacrifice region of the Bleak Mire, and present the remains of
in return for access through the dimensions. Arriving the hags to claim rulership of the realm.
in the Bleak Mire, the characters soon realize that they
are in a dark and unforgiving fey land, once magnifi- Meanwhile, the druidic leaders of House Ausstyl,
cent but now a ruined landscape, having been ravaged the Inheritors of the Unbegotten are preparing a do-
first by the Matrons of Malice, the coven of midnight main-wide ritual to gain this sovereignty over the
hags, then by Krasnar’s wrath. They must explore their Bleak Mire from the hags and sacrifice the entire
surroundings to find the solution to lifting the curse domain to their alien masters in the Farrealm. The
from the crown. They will visit the Awakened Library, druids have summoned an Elder Cortex from out-
a library of sentient books, which they have already er dimensions, which is growing roots that sprout
seen during their encounter in the Dreamlands, and Cortex Pods in the aberrant ground left in the wake
learn the exact nature of the Midnight Curse – most of the Krasnar’s Gibbering Fort, Bwael Phindar, the
importantly that only the hag coven who created the Magnificent Beast. With the defeat of the Elder Cor-
curse can lift it. Eventually, the characters can find Blis- tex, the characters can gain sovereignty of the Fey-
ter at the hag’s secret hideout on the Bleak Mire and realm domain and lift the barriers to planar travel.
learn that the other two members of the coven are
imprisoned by Krasnar’s aberration-worshiping drow Throughout their adventures in the Bleak Mire, the
allies and that they will have to rescue the hags from characters will encounter wondrous creatures and
the drow stronghold located in the Dark Below. Once locations that they can explore in any order. Their
the hags themselves are defeated, their souls return to travels will take them through a land that has been
their phylactery in Hell, ready to be reborn and seem- doubly smitten by malign influences, a land of dan-
ingly out of the reach of the characters. The characters ger, corruption, and evil.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

be formed from the remaining forces gathered

under General Sundamar Strombreaker, including
local commoners in most towns of the kingdom,
Gren’s rebellious Uncanny Vagabonds, the Golden
Masks criminal organization led by Samsadur the
rakshasa, and the wizards’ college of the Arcane
Tower. These forces have to battle the seeming-
ly unlimited undead army for strategic locations
within the city, freeing more supporting forces
and weakening Krasnar’s grasp over the city.

Once the allied forces gain the upper hand in the

city, the characters can brave Morkiel’s Ziggurat
in the skies to halt the flow of zombies, however,
Morkiel Reborn is a planetar general of the Dark
CHAPTER 6 Star who has been raised from death as a lich by
the grace of Orcus, so it is not a challenge to take

Re ig n o f lightly. When Morkiel is defeated and the gate to

the land of death closed, the characters can coor-
th e L ich - Kn ig h t dinate their forces to start a climatic, focused siege
against the palace. They can thin the armies of the
dead and finally reach Krasnar in the royal quar-
After finding their way home, the characters enter ters. The characters can once again vanquish his
a torn, sunless, and dead land, razed by the now reborn Lich-Knight form to finally end his rule and
lich-knight abomination that once was the firstborn place the crown on his defeated head. With this last
heir to the crown. They also learn that years have act, the curse is lifted from the Crown of the Oath-
passed since they entered the Feyrealm, and months breaker, once and for all.
since they accidentally released the lich-knight onto
the land they are seeking to protect. Onadbyr has
fallen to the hordes of undead that swarm out of WHAT THE CHARACTERS KNOW
the Royal Palace and spew forth from a hovering
ziggurat above the city. Krasnar is barricaded within The Kingdom of Aglarion is a relatively safe, wealthy,
the royal palace in an impregnable wall of zombies and joyful nation. The citizens pride themselves on
that continuously pour out from every opening of being Aglaronians because the land and their king
the palace, so he is practically unreachable. provide them with an easy life. Resources are plenty,
especially for the past two decades, taxes are low,
The characters must gather forces allied against safety is ensured by the Royal Palace and its many
the hordes of undead, but first, they must find soldiers and Red Cloak Lawgivers, and the kingdom
the camp of the forces gathering at Cloud Peak has not been engaged in a war for decades. As a re-
for a final effort to save the realm. Units of capa- sult, people have had more spare time to indulge in
ble soldiers can be recruited from many locations pastime activities or simply enjoy life.
in the torn land, for a final push towards Onad-
byr and against the undead-infested capital. The King Waldrann Azennar has the public image of a per-
armies will have to cleave their way through rot- fect warrior hero, who is a proud and self-absorbed
ting flesh until they can reach Krasnar in the pal- individual. The king is also seen as a righteous ruler
ace. This can only be done by a force, which can who provides for his people and shares the gifts of life

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

with his subjects. He is known to be a casual, fun-lov- The recorded history of Aglarion dates back a few
ing person who, in cases of significance, becomes a thousand years, and the most important events
headstrong, serious man who evaluates every word are also remembered throughout the year’s holi-
he utters and rarely listens to his royal advisors. The days. The most recent legendary events in history
whole country knows about his love for his wife and from the decades before the start of the adven-
daughter and the tragic loss of his previous family. ture are the attack on the capital by Maldreziret
the Scaled Impostor, and the kidnapping of Queen
Queen Lyrencia Azennar is considered a charming Lyrencia by the satyr-lord King Dasmag from the
lady in high-society and Onadbyr’s social scene, but Feyrealm. There are many different versions of the
no one really knows her well due to her rare public tale circulating about the rescue mission that took
appearances and reserved behavior. She is known the king to the Feyrealm, where the king defeated
to take on personal requests by her subjects and is the Satyr King, and where his first-born son, Prince
deemed to be doing her best to serve the people. Krasnar perished. No one knows what really hap-
pened and the sometimes contradictory versions
Princess Aphinah Azennar is a spoiled, loud, and told by the king have spread and given birth to
very ugly teenager who looks much older than her even some absurd interpretations.
age. She is definitely a memorable figure to encoun-
ter. She is not only seen as melodramatic or head- Players can refer to the Aglarion Gazetteer and the
strong like her father but is also whispered to be Player’s Options booklets for detailed information
manic, cruel, and lacking all empathy. She is known about the history, religions, organizations, and sig-
to take advantage of her father, who adores her and nificant locations of Aglarion and Onadbyr, where
always absolves her from any blame. they are sure to find deep backgrounds for their
characters and weave them into the plot of the
Most of the organizations of Aglarion are public- Crown of the Oathbreaker adventure.
ly known except for those involved in criminal or
secret activities or those that have been long for-
gotten. Those in the know are informed about the RUNNING THE ADVENTURE
Golden Masks as the only organized crime syndi-
cate in the capital, but no one knows more besides
the fact that it exists and is actively operating in
the city. Common folk have much more knowledge
Content Depth
about and experience with the Uncanny Vagabonds,
who are always avoided when recognized, especial- Crown of the Oathbreaker is a highly elaborate
ly when encountered in numbers. adventure with layers upon layers of references.
We recommend you familiarize yourself with the
campaign settings of Aglarion, Onadbyr, and the
Bleak Mire, including their histories, organiza-
tions, religions, and locations before starting the
adventure. There are many fine details, relevant
connections to the plot, instances of foreshad-
owing, faction relations, and NPC motivations
woven into story. This is even more important
for the sandbox nature of the adventure in Chap-
ters 4 and 5, where the characters can forge their
own paths without any constraints to the order
of the encounters.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The Midnight Curse is an integral element of Crown is a visual cue pointing you to its stat block in the
of the Oathbreaker. You should constantly empha- NPCs and Monsters section of our book, the Mon-
size its effects on the realm and the characters to ster Manual, or the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
build continuous pressure on them and make them
feel the effects of the curse and their personal in- Special abilities, feats, spells, and magic items men-
volvement in saving the realm (see Appendix A: The tioned in the adventure are in italic type and are
Midnight Curse for details). described either in Appendix C: Magic Items of this
book, the Player’s Handbook, or the Dungeon Mas-
ter’s Guide.
Sample dialogs that emphasize the style of a charac-
Crown of the Oathbreaker is about the tragic self- ter appear close to their point of use and are done
ishness of a king, about the evil forces that take in a custom design with the image of the speaker
advantage of his weaknesses to cause suffering added if available.
everywhere, and about the final consequenc-
es and the curse that results. The story should The adventure is structured into chapters and their
be initially presented as a high-fantasy setting subsections. Each subsection is organized into the
where signs of concern and corruption emerge, following categories of descriptions, which always
and very soon they take over the realm, all cheer appear in the same order and are also marked with
fades away when the king is slain, and the curse a uniquely colored dot. A description appearing ear-
planned by the Matrons of Malice engulfs the lier in a subsection is relevant to the whole subsec-
realm. From this point on, the story should be tion, while descriptions that appear later contain
interpreted more as a dark, horrific nightmare, more specific information.
where the characters always need to keep their
heads above the water to survive and to execute Every dungeon in the adventure has encounter lo-
their plan to lift the curse. cations keyed to a map. The adventure text often
presents the most important features of a location
in the form of a list with boldface headings for ease
Content Rating of reference. These are:

Crown of the Oathbreaker is intended for adult au- Background

diences only. The adventure module describes and Describes the background of a situation, the history
depicts many forms of physical and psychological of a location, or the previous activities of the NPCs
abuse, assault, violence, and sexual references that or monsters that are involved.
might offend or trigger some of your players. Please
consult them on this issue before starting the ad- Environment
venture or adjust the scenes accordingly. Describes the actual physical parameters of an area
or location. This is usually where statistics for ob-
jects, traps, and hazards are listed.
The Monster Manual contains stat blocks for most Describes the actions that occur within an area or
of the creatures found in this adventure. All oth- location and includes any checks that the charac-
er necessary stat blocks are included in Appendix ters might need to make. This is also where specific
D: NPCs and Monsters. When a creature’s, poison’s, motives and tactics of NPCs and monsters are de-
disease’s, or effect’s name appears in bold type, it scribed if present.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Describes the treasure that can be found at a loca-
tion or on the person of an NPC or monster.
Most of the adventure’s events and the required mo-
Experience tivations are applicable for any character regardless
Describes any bonus experience points awarded to of their alignment. For example, evil characters might
the party. indulge in situations and take on quests for their own
gain, or to further their own agendas or those of their
dark masters. However, the motivations for some of
the events in the adventure are based purely on the
goodwill of the characters. If necessary, you, as a DM
might need to find a way around these obstacles and
provide the characters with a hook that involves the
Books to Use same or similar outcomes.

To run this adventure, you need the Dungeons and

Dragons 5th edition core rulebooks: Player’s Hand-
book, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.

Character Levels

The adventure module was optimized for four play-

er characters. Characters gain experience points for
creatures defeated or overcome and bonus experi-
ence points for some situations they solve during the
adventure. We recommend that characters should be
of the following levels when starting each chapter:

Chapter 1. 5th level

Chapter 2. 6th level
Chapter 3. 7th level
Chapter 4. 9th level
Chapter 5. 11th level
Chapter 6. 13th level

If you want to start playing with 1st level charac-

ters, please see the Introductory Adventures section
of the adventure module, which contains some mi-
ni-adventures. They might not be enough to bring
your player’s characters to 5th level, so feel free to
add more. The area descriptions of Aglarion and the
capital city of Onadbyr are also full of adventure
hooks, which were intentionally left open.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

A La n d o f A n c ie n t Ro o t s
The land known today as the Kingdom of Aglarion has a rich past
spanning thousands of years, influenced by cataclysmic events that
involved multiple planes of existence. Since the dawn of time and
prehistory, all the way up to its current state as a monarchy, the
land and its rulership has changed many times. Several key events
have shaped its past, namely the descent of the Dark Star and
its dark angels during the Mountainfall, the rise of Sarath of the
Shining Light and a cruel theocracy, and the establishment of the
Kingdom of Aglarion by King Razmyrel Melkar and Master Arlen
the Constructor, the first archmage of the land. These events have
all left deep marks on the history of the realm and the legacies of
these dark times can still be felt in the fabric of society.

The Kingdom of Aglarion is known as a thriving realm. Times of

plenty and an open-minded philosophy have resulted in a level
of tolerance for beings of all types rarely encountered in other
settings. The Kingdom is rich, its armies strong and well-equipped,
and the rule of law is paramount under a popular king. But even in
these tranquil times, the Kingdom of Aglarion is a realm filled with
adventure and dangers that lurk behind the veil of peace, reaching
into other planes and deep into its history.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

King dom
of Ag larion

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


torment mortals, not believing them worthy of the

THE AGE OF THE DARK ANGELS gift of life given by the other gods. The continuous
( YEAR –2000) struggle between them resulted in the rebellion of
the Darkness Within. It broke away from its other
In the beginning, the gods created the world, the half and channeled its will into a solar of immense
immortals, and the mortals, then agreed to let power, the Dark Star, who led an army of angels
their creation play out without their direct inter- that descended upon the mortal realms.
vention. For eons, the mortals lived in prehistor-
ic tribal societies, waging deadly battles against Engravings and runes
monsters and other humanoids and fighting for left from this time
the survival of their various species. Few legends recall the “Mountain-
remain from this time, as most traces of these pre- fall,” when the Dark
cursor civilizations had vanished long ago. Star and its dark an-
gelic army crashed
The first legends that are corroborated by written into the land from
records recount the Age of the Dark Angels, whose their plane of exist-
reign was terrifying, brutal, and long-lasting, and ence, encased in boul-
one that brought some level of civilization, mag- ders the size of moun- D A RK STA R SY MB O L
ic use, and cultural advancement. All the gods of tains that formed the
Aglarion encompass varying interpretations of mountains known by this name. The Dark Star’s
their dogmas and portfolios, but the god of Light landing is said to have created the tallest mountain
and Darkness embodied the most substantial po- at the very center of Aglarion, now called Cloud
larity. Its positive aspect, the Shining Light, wished Peak. Then, as its first act of defiance of the gods,
to see the world’s mortals flourish with hope and the Dark Star magically pulled the moon in front of
opportunity, and it fought eternally with its oth- the Sun, shrouding everything in an unending solar
er side, the Darkness Within. This darker aspect eclipse and allowing the Dark Star to draw enor-
wanted power over the other gods, to rule and mous power from the darkness.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The angels set out to dominate all mortal beings,
enslaving and torturing them for thousands of
years. They aimed to cut off all the other gods
from their followers, so they banned every reli-
gion and murdered everyone who wouldn’t com-
ply. They built a society based on fear, pain, and
hopelessness. The shape-changing angels almost
always found out if someone was plotting against
them, could see through all lies, and ruthlessly
crushed any seeds of rebellion. Those select mor-
tals who devoted themselves to the evil angels
were rewarded with wealth, knowledge, magic,
and in some cases even unnaturally long lives and
half-celestial heirs. The rest served as slaves and Over decades, she built a network of followers
toys for the powerful outsiders. The three planetar called the Order of the Eternal Light. She searched
generals of the Dark Star were called Tannur (Sor- out and found the Seven Flowers, one of the only
row), Morkiel (Fear), and Zaphaos (Hopelessness). remaining religious organizations that survived.
The dark planetars conquered and ruled the lands These druids were forced underground by the
by blood, fire, and steel in the name of the Dark Dark Star, fleeing to the Feyrealm from where
Star, continuously expecting their ruthless leader they could maintain their position in the Material
to turn on them. Their names spread across the Plane. Sarath organized a grand campaign with
world and became known in all languages for the the aid of an agent of the Shining Light, the couatl
dark emotions they personified. Cygnus, as well as the druids. They secretly con-
ducted magical rituals that could turn stone into
After millennia, Sarath, the first real foe of the a light-reflecting crystal while Sarath crafted the
Dark Star, was born into a family of mortals who Radiant Globe of Annihilation to shatter the moon
served the Dark Star, working in the Library of covering the sun. When the time was right, the
Skins. This legendary library housed copies of all suffering slaves of the dark angels rebelled against
the books from around the world, kept in seclu- their cruel masters and fought them with only
sion from everyone not initiated to the library, hope in their hearts and trust in the clerics of the
each book bound in the skin of its writer or their Shining Light. In the final battle, the fallen angels
family members. She read for years, devouring the covered the seat of their power, now Onadbyr, in
endless knowledge she found in the legendary li- a dome of shadow force that trapped the mass of
brary. Soon, she started to manifest clerical pow- the rebellion inside and allowed the angels to fo-
ers from the Shining Light and used the magical cus their vengeance on the clerics. When the plan
knowledge she learned to keep her faith secret. She was set in motion, the Seven Flowers enacted their
also stumbled upon a portentous fact – that the rituals and used the crystals to channel every last
original crystals of the immortals in the hearts of bit of light into the Radiant Globe of Annihilation.
the mountains contained special power over the Sarath and her closest devotees could now use it
respective angel who traveled within. Using this to shatter the moon and restore sunlight. They
knowledge, she sought out Samkiel, a crazed deva thus broke the power of the Dark Star, whose ar-
loremaster, imprisoned by the Dark Star for proph- mies of angels were immediately banished back
esying its fall. Sarath used the information about to the planes they came from by the power of the
the crystal prison to get Samkiel to talk, and armed Shining Light itself. Balance was restored, and the
with more elaborate details, she hatched a plan to remains of the torn moon still rise every night as
end the rule of the Dark Angels. a constant reminder of the cataclysmic events.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

sition that supported the removal of all of his real

THE AGE OF BRIGHTNESS and potential enemies, or whoever spoke out against
( YEAR –300) the theocracy. These people were deemed collabora-
tors or believers of the Dark Star and executed. His
After the Dark Star’s demise and the banishment of most infamous betrayal was finding and murdering
its army of angels, Sarath and her followers quickly almost every known member of the Seven Flowers
stepped into the power vacuum, but they first had in a single night of carnage, with just a few gnomes
to oppose the remaining devotees of the Darkness who escaped, never to be seen again in these realms.
Within. In this campaign, they had the help of the
Seven Flowers and the members of the rebellion, all
who suffered from the dark angels. Sarath’s first ini-
tiate was Rodnar, a cunning priest whose role was to
isolate and eradicate the remaining dark angel dev-
otees, a task he performed for decades. Rodnar was
ruthless, so much so that he allowed the sacrifice of
his whole family in the war to take down the Dark
Star. After the demise of the angels, Rodnar led the
Fists of the Sun, a militant group whose job was to
find and eradicate every living being who supported
the fallen angels. The priest allied himself and con-
verted Arzatraxos, the red dragon, to the faith of the
Shining Light, who assisted in the inquisition that
turned many of the followers of the fallen angels
into ashes. Rodnar was highly ambitious, and as Sar-
ath got older and more fragile, he slowly acquired
more and more power. After Sarath’s death, he re-
named the church to the Order of the Eternal Light
and took the title of Archpriest. As his power grew,
Rodnar slowly agitated the populace to religious
fervor and turned the Order into a force of inqui-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

In less than a decade, Rodnar “the All-Seeing” Order. As time went on, the Order became more
crowned himself Priest-King. The Order of the Eter- and more entrenched in society and increasingly
nal Light became the only organization that gov- bureaucratic, with a long line of Priest-Kings who
erned his theocracy, with priests of the Order were always chosen from within the ranks of the
serving as judges, governors, historians, and mil- clergy by fierce and deadly competition. For over
itary leaders. The Order viciously suppressed all three hundred years, the Order of the Eternal Light
free thought and other religions. They built mag- ruled supreme. Many times did parts of the realms
ical lights that continuously bore down on revolt, trying to shake off the grip of the Or-
every population center in shining der, and many times did the Order
sunlight, even at night. The Order crush these rebellions, quickly
also strictly regulated magic eradicating the voices of
use and cataloged all magic opposition from history
users, who could only by erasing all traces of
work as part of the their existence.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

to take down those who murdered his family

THE AGE OF THE KINGS and create balance in the realm. The two spent
( YEAR 0–631) long years traveling and trying to find a way to
overthrow the Order. During their treks across the
Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar the True and Arlen the Con- land, Arlen and Razmyrel befriended Cygnus, the
structor led the single successful revolution against couatl emissary of the Shining Light, who was ini-
the Order of the Eternal Light. Razmyrel was a no- tially sent by the divine entity to monitor the reign
ble with a distinguished lineage, an inheritor of vast of the Dark Star and its fallen angels and aid Sarath
landholdings and large wealth. As a small child, he in her rebellion to banish them. The pair regularly
had to watch as his family was executed for heresy visited Cygnus in its fort-like lodge, and the couatl
by a local cleric who coveted their lands. Razmyrel eventually revealed itself and its quest to them. The
escaped through the assistance of the benevolent celestial being trained the wizard and the warrior
house priest of the family, who hid him and lied for years, preparing them for their destinies.
to the Order that everyone had died in a fire in
the house. Razmyrel was then sent to an orphanage After a few years, Arlen discovered Sarath’s own
under an assumed name, Valsyr. Arlen was also an handwritten diary and cracked its code, which led
orphan, but one who didn’t know his parents and to information about the existence and location of
was raised and taught by the Order of the Eternal Samkiel’s crystal prison – the Ziggurat of the New
Light. He knew from an early age that he couldn’t Moon. Razmyrel convinced Arlen to seek out and
prescribe to the tenets of the theocracy. Both Raz- to somehow utilize the ancient knowledge of the
myrel and Arlen grew up in the Orphanage of the dark deva imprisoned inside, as Sarath had done
Light, becoming lifelong friends. centuries before. They found the ancient ziggurat,
formed around Morkiel’s vessel by the slaves of old
Arlen’s quick wits and magical aptitude were appar- under the dark angels, and then banished to the
ent early on, and he was sent to one of the school’s Astral Plane. The ziggurat could be summoned with
training wizards to support the Order. As an ini- the command words found in Sarath’s diary that
tiate of the Order, he was able to access obscure made the ziggurat appear briefly on the Material
and prohibited tomes and spent a long time secretly Plane before quickly shifting back to the void. Once
researching the origins of the Order. Razmyrel they summoned the ziggurat, they found the im-
became a warrior of no equal, secretly vowing prisoned dark deva inside, maddened by millennia

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of imprisonment and continuously babbling about the Priest-King in triumph. Arzatraxos, the red drag-
obscure knowledge. After attuning to the crystal on inquisitor who became a priest of the Shining
of the immortals, Arlen and Razmyrel managed to Light over the centuries, fled to the south to es-
glean essential bits of information about secrets cape the ire of the heroes. After a short and bloody
long thought lost from the crazed ramblings of war to root out all remnants of the previous estab-
the deva. These, in turn, made Arlen the mightiest lishment, Razmyrel was crowned Razmyrel Valsyr
wizard across the realm and Razmyrel a legendary Melkar I, King of Aglarion.
warrior. However, the pair realized Cygnus would
disapprove of the source of their knowledge, so The new king outlawed the Order of the Eternal
they kept it a secret between the two of them. Ar- Light and expedited the dissolution of the church
len then started to secretly build an army of golems into multiple sects. He reinstated all other religions,
to be ready to fight the might of the Order. with the one rule that no sect and viewpoint of any
religion can overshadow the others. Arlen returned
to Samkiel, and studied the fallen angel’s knowledge
of lost places to find ancient lore and magical secrets,
which helped him build wonders across Aglarion.
His works include the Arcane Tower, modeled after
the magical runes of the Ziggurat of the New Moon,
the Azure Bridge, and parts of Onadbyr. He disas-
sembled the majority of his golem army, lest it fall
into the hands of an enemy, and from the harvested
material began building a legendary Colossus to
create the ultimate protector of the realm. The
people of Aglarion quickly started to call him Arlen
the Constructor. King Razmyrel Melkar established
M A STE R a group of Lawgivers to carry out his laws in the
A R LE N Kingdom, even in far-away places. These agents of
the crown took up the name “Red Cloaks” out of re-
Razmyrel first set out to build support from the pop- spect for King Razmyrel and his fight for justice and
ulace and the nobles of the realm. Together with pledged always to remember the pain and suffering
Arlen, he worked tirelessly to create divisions be- caused by unjust laws.
tween the multiple sub-sects of the Order, either
by mind-controlling high-level priests or via well-
planned murders framing prominent Order mem-
bers. He joined forces with the Drayl City-States, who
were in rare agreement within their fragmented
politics, compelled by their enmity of the Order. He
also received a large sum of gold from the Wyltam-
mers to support payoffs to Order officials and build
clandestine forces. This ancient elven family was un-
der the scrutiny of the Order due to reportedly using
suspicious magic and loathed the oversight.

At the right time, when the in-fighting was at its

peak, Arlen and Razmyrel led a rebellion, aided
by their allies and the golem army, and confronted

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

plished wizard in her own right and a kind and

The Melkar Dynasty (year 0–142)
fair queen. However, her main focus was to keep
her father’s legacy and laws in place. She is known
to have been instrumental in finding the cure for
the Laughing Plague which hit Onadbyr in the ear-
ly years of her reign, and repelling an invasion of
giant fire beetles unleashed on the city by a small
group of Order of the Eternal Light cultists.

King Grankar the Brash (year 91–112). The seventh

monarch of the Melkar line was the great-grandson
of King Razmyrel, widely known to be bored with
the burden of the crown. Many stories and legends
relate to his life, recounting his wild adventures
when he snuck out of the Palace. He was also well
known for lavish spending, commissioning an array
King Razmyrel Melkar (year 0–42). It took a dec- of building projects for Onadbyr to expand outside
ade for the Founder of Aglarion to stabilize his the old city. Not having the gold to pay for all of this,
realm, enact the new laws, and build an army to he offered land and title to the wealthy dwarven
control the young kingdom. In this endeavor, he trading family, the Monders, who delivered most of
had a lot of assistance from the Wyltammers, who the stone and workforce needed for the projects.
sought the elimination of the Order for their own
reasons - they had been slowly working on a ritu- King Bidlar I (year 119–142). The last Melkar king
al that would give them immortality. To have the was more of a bureaucrat than anything else, and
potential to accomplish this task, they supported his strongest trait was his indecisiveness. He was
Razmyrel’s claim to the throne both with human unable to sire an heir. His wife left him for Drayl, a
resources and gold, and in exchange, received high scandal that facilitated the end of the Melkar line
noble rank, lands, and a long period of freedom and their right to rule. Unknown to all, his unfor-
to pursue their secret goal. In the meantime, Raz- tunate fate was plotted step-by-step by his closest
myrel and Arlen focused on rebuilding and form- advisors, the Wyltammers, who were ready to enact
ing a lasting and legendary kingdom. their ritual, and decided to set their plan in motion.
When King Bidlar died of a suspicious heart attack,
Queen Myrel (year 42–75). Razmyrel’s firstborn they reluctantly became the Stewards of Aglarion
daughter, was said to have been tutored by Ar- in the absence of a Melkar heir, according to King
len the Constructor himself and was an accom- Bidlar’s last will and testament.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ther, pampered by the wealth that surrounded him.
The Wyltammer Period
Stories abound about his drunken fits in the Royal
(year 142–215) Court, as well as his slow wit.

It took the Wyltammers a century and a half to finally Queen Wedmor I (year 261–277). The young queen
understand and complete the ritual that gave them eter- was the only daughter of Orlon Ebrin and an intelli-
nal life. It necessitated the siphoning of life force from a gent scholar who despised her father. When the old
massive number of mortals, so they decided their best King Orlon died, she ascended the throne and made
bet was to take the throne and use it to slowly and se- sure to cut all ties that might have bound it to the
cretly complete their task. The Wyltammers first prom- will of others. During her reign, the Wyltammers
ised to find the proper heir and hand the throne to that lost most of their influence on the crown. The wise
person, but they stalled the process. In the meantime, queen focused on building schools and was com-
they started to slowly siphon off enough life force from mitted to remedying her father’s inconsistent laws.
the city’s citizens during mass events. After they col-
lected enough life essence and no longer needed the King Talanar I (year 289–314). King Talanar, the first
power of rulership, they installed King Orlon Ebrin as of his name, was the grandson of Queen Wedmor.
their puppet, claiming to have found a tertiary lineage As a youth, he met a Vordani slave and became
connection to the Melkar dynasty. The act of handing convinced throughout his reign that the Vordani
power back was unheard of, and soon the name of the tribes were the greatest threat to the realm, so he
Wyltammers became legendary, synonymous with loy- spent heavily in fortifying the northern border with
alty, wisdom, generosity, and valorous servitude to the fortresses and watchtower chains that still bear his
Kingdom. From this year on, they started to organize an name. However, due to his singular focus on build-
annual ball commemorating this act – used to siphon a ing those fortifications, his time as a king was some-
small amount of life force from the attendees to main- what stained. The projects accumulated debt and
tain their ritual throughout the years. initiated a high level of corruption, allowing noble
houses and wealthy merchants to take advantage
of the crown and make the lower classes live in
The Ebrin Dynasty (year 215–354) miserable conditions while working on these pro-
jects. Early on, King Talanar stripped the Red Cloak
Lawgivers of most of their authority, to get his way
in every deal, making the organization more of a ti-
tle than anything else. The most well-known family
that got rich on the backs of these construction pro-
jects were the Karramosa, whose lands were along
the northern border and who charged extraordinary
fees for their local support.

King Zaxamlyn (year 326–354). King Zaxamlyn

was the last of the Ebrin line and reigned when
corruption was most rampant, and the power of
the wealthy went completely unchecked. He was
challenged in power-politics by Vacrilos Azennar,
King Orlon Ebrin (year 215–261). The first puppet the head of an old but minor noble house. Vac-
monarch was the son of a minor noble and a drunk- rilos was a Red Cloak Lawgiver who always act-
ard. He could never live up to his elevated position ed in accordance with the original vows of the
as king, but he also didn’t really try too hard ei- organization. As such, Vacrilos was considered

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

a hero of the people, taking up cases where the the one to install the Court of Voices, so everyone’s
corruption of the nobility was involved and forc- voice could be heard, regardless of class. He also
ing court hearings. He was famous for remind- rooted out corruption from most organizations tied
ing everyone why the Red Cloak Lawgivers were to the Palace and reinstated the Red Cloak Lawgiv-
originally founded and of the responsibility of the ers to their original sphere of influence and power.
courts. He wore his red cloak as a symbol, the
same way as King Razmyrel Melkar, to signify the King Vacrilos II (year 396–453). The son of King
blood of the innocents. He helped countless fam- Vacrilos I and grandson of King Zaxamlyn, also
ilies, and eventually, the series of protests he led called the “Grandfather of the Realm” King Vacrilos
against King Zaxamlyn resulted in the marriage of II lived a long and full life to the ripe age of 99 and
the Ebrin king’s only daughter, Imliya, to him. As was well known to be a rake – so much that his
soon as their first son was born, King Zaxamlyn epithet was really meant to imply that he could be
abdicated the throne to his son-in-law, effectively anyone’s grandfather in the Kingdom.
ending the Ebrin dynasty.
Queen Linolu, the Peaceful (year 453–482). A real
The Azennar Dynasty granddaughter of King Vacrilos II, whose reign was
characterized by significant clashes with the kobold
(year 354–631) tribes fleeing from clan wars in the west, from the
Mountainfall. Out of fear of the unknown, nobles be-
gan amassing soldiers and demanding the king make
war on the “monsters.” After several large-scale bat-
tles, Queen Linolu arrived to lead the effort, but in-
stead of attacking the kobolds, she offered to hear
their story during a parlay. She saw cultural differ-
ences as the driving force behind the enmity towards
the newcomers and offered a truce and a place in her
kingdom to the refugees. Legends speak of the kob-
old bard, Skerg Nethercrest, whose song about his
tribe’s journey warmed the hearts of even the most
heartless nobles. Queen Linolu also realized the op-
portunities provided by her new subjects and started
to work on offering a haven for other non-human-
King Vacrilos I, The Regent (year 354–396). Famous oids, who were free to settle as long as they kept
for being the champion of the common folk and to the laws of the land. The first to take up his offer
a true Red Cloak Lawgiver, King Vacrilos created after the kobolds was the Goldtooth goblin clan, who
the majority of the laws that carried on and made established its village in the far western reaches of
Aglarion a stable kingdom in these realms. He was the realm and were soon granted noble titles.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Plane from the Feyrealm by the Matrons of Malice
to test the strength of the kingdom. The hunt cul-
minated in the doppeldrake’s attack on Onadbyr,
laying waste to a large part of the city. In in the
end, King Daerios defeated and drove away the leg-
endary monster, bringing peace to the realm again.
Malzdreziret, defeated, returned to the Bleak Mire
and plotted revenge on the hags.

King Boldizzar (year 498–521). King Boldizzar was

known as the Defeater of Vordan. Finally, after over
200 years, the fears of King Talanar I of the Ebrin
dynasty became a reality. Due to internal strife and KING
a growing and hungry populace, the Vordani con- WA L D RANN
federacy of tribes led by the White Mammoth Clan’s A ZE NN A R
Chief Jonarr, descended upon northern Aglarion
in a fury of blood, testing the strength of the old
and poorly maintained northern fortifications. In
the bloody conflict, King Boldizzar Azennar proved
to be a military mastermind, triumphing over the
Vordani hordes and their war machines drawn by
giant beasts, decimating the White Mammoth clan,
and killing Grand Chief Jonarr in single combat. The
Doomhammer clan stepped up to fill the ensuing
power vacuum and agreed to a truce that is still King Waldrann (year 603-present). King Waldrann
enforced between the two nations. is a famed adventurer who some say bears a close
resemblance to the Grandfather of the Realm, King
Queen Eirammar (year 529–564). Known for crav- Vacrilos II. The king has ruled a land of prosperity
ing fame like her uncle King Boldizzar, Queen Ei- from a young age, even more so after the unfor-
rammar’s main accomplishment was defending the tunate death of his first wife Queen Elyssa, and
realm from the sea against incursions by the slave later his son, Prince Krasnar. The king and his sec-
fleets of the Isles of Xantharos. The returning Almeiro ond wife, a former maid named and soon crowned
Ronul, keeping it secret that the reason for the at- Queen Lyrencia, rule over a land that is blessed
tacks was due to his own pirating acts, offered his with wealth.
help against the threat and received land and title
upon claiming victory.

King Daerios (year 581–603). King Daerios was a

legendary warrior, the epitome of the knight in
shining armor. However, he was also a restless
soul, utterly bored with the court and the respon-
sibilities of rulership. His rebellious tendencies got
him involved in all manner of dangerous situa-
tions, which eventually led to the legendary hunt
he organized for Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impos-
tor, who was tricked into coming to the Material

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


to live together in peace. Every race includes mem-

CLIMATE, FLORA, FAUNA bers who find this hard, but these individuals are
mostly rejected because of their deeds and not their
The kingdom of Aglarion has a temperate coastal cli- heritages. Each race fits into society slightly differ-
mate with mild to warm summers and cool to cold ently due to their natural capabilities and traits, and
winters. Cloudy conditions and moderate rainfalls most of them can be found in all levels of society.
are common, and the country also usually experienc-
es snowfall at least once a year. The broken moon Some are fewer in number like elves, some appear
cycles the night sky and is full once per week. only in tales or mysteries like the grimlocks, some
simply live deep underground like the duergar, or are
The kingdom has extensive forests that contain three water-bound like the sahuagin, but none of them are
layers of vegetation with a great variety of plant spe- predestined by their alignment at birth.
cies. Lichen, mosses, ferns, wildflowers, and other
small plants cover the forest floor. Shrubs fill the mid- There are dominantly evil or good races or some
dle layer, and hardwood trees like maple, oak, birch, communities organized around a single ancestry,
magnolia, sweet gum, and beech compose the top- but most beings live mixed in the kingdom, especial-
most layer. The mountains surrounding Aglarion are ly in the capital city of Onadbyr. This level of toler-
dominated by grasses, low shrubs, and indeciduous ance has always been so, but it has been even more
plants and trees. pronounced since Queen Linolu and for the past dec-
ade, as the kingdom has started to flourish under
Insects, spiders, slugs, frogs, turtles, and salamanders King Waldrann and his new wife Queen Lyrencia.
are common, as are birds like broad-winged hawks,
chaffinches, blackbirds, sparrows, starlings, cardinals,
owls, and pileated woodpeckers that can be found LANGUAGES
in this biome. The most common mammals include
white-tailed deer, boar, raccoons, opossums, porcu- Most inhabitants of Aglarion and the surrounding
pines, and red foxes. Onadbyr and the rest of the regions speak the Common tongue. In Aglarion peo-
towns are the habitats of vermin like rodents, foxes, ple speak Aglarionian, and some of the neighboring
and pigeons that are drawn by the byproducts of the countries also have their own languages, namely
settlements. The mountain areas are home to nu- Vordani, or Draylish, which is spoken in many di-
merous rodents, birds, mountain goats, brown, black, alects. In Xantharos the half-dragons speak Dra-
grizzly bears, and mountain lions. One can also rarely conic. The dark angels and their descendants that
encounter huge dire animals from many species. inhabit the remote and unexplored ziggurat-city of
Xapto’wa’ttykal speak a twisted and dark version
of Celestial. The subjects of the kraken-mage’s do-
RACES main in A’rvanshy speak the Aquatic tongue. Racial
languages are also commonly spoken throughout
All humanoid races are treated as equals in the king- the land, many of them used only within a family
dom of Aglarion. It has become home to all who wish or in a closed community.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Those who follow a specific faith in Aglarion and centrate when trying to communicate with their
the neighboring regions pray to a deity that repre- patrons. Some sects and groups of faithful might
sents a sum of its corresponding ideologies. These have a commonly agreed-upon symbolism shared
religions are not race- or region-specific, but instead by their members. Still, it is not uncommon to see
represent generic powers and values present in life. certain variations of holy symbols within one or-
Their followers consider them as the representations ganization. The symbols below are just some of the
of the most valued aspect of their lives, which they most frequent representations of the divine.
believe to be the source of their success and the driv-
ing force of their destinies. Gods might be venerated
under different names and through variant rituals by LIFE
each race and in each region throughout the lands.

The followers of these deities might differ in their

viewpoints on the same divine power, one feeling
more closely related to a particular aspect of that
deity than the other. This might result in differenc-
es in the alignments among religious groups of the
same faith. As a result, many religions are segmented
into smaller sects that don’t mix well, and the more
radically different one’s view, the more they become
separated from the other arms of the faith. All dei-
ties have their good, neutral, or evil followers whose
views might ultimately oppose one another’s.

Many consider themselves devotees to just one of

the gods, praising their chosen dogma and ideology The church of the God of Life, the Redeemer, as it is
over everything else. Those who are not so dedicat- widely called in Aglarion, is mainly devoted to helping
ed to a single faith still believe in and know of the others and protecting life. Clerics consider everything
power of the divine, but they pray to these pow- living as the bearer of their deity’s essence. They
ers or invoke their names only in certain situations live simple lives, sharing everything they have with
when they hope for assistance. Many only pay lip those in need. Their main temple in Onadbyr is open
service to these religions and churches, making mi- to anyone, providing food and a place to sleep for
nor sacrifices or short prayers exclusively at their as long as needed. The fare and the cots are simple
home shrines decorated with multiple holy sym- but seemingly abundant. The Redeemer’s sprawling
bols, or only when needed. temple can house and care for hundreds of people in
times of need. The clergy uses its resources and magic
There are no specific, universally recognized holy to heal and remove illnesses for free but under one
symbols for the gods. Instead, believers and cler- small condition, that the recipient helps out around
ics fashion their own focuses on which they con- the temple with any task assigned to them.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

There are those few wicked followers of the faith power with each tree they plant over the graves of
who see the creation of life as a form of a divine act the departed.
made available to them by their deity. These cler-
ics breed new lifeforms in the most twisted ways, Clerics of the Inevitable in Aglarion dress in simple
experimenting with creating creatures to achieve black robes and paint their faces white. They pray
perfection without moral boundaries. Yet other fa- for spells at sundown, which they consider the death
natics of the faith consider the importance of their of each passing day. They rarely accept new aco-
own life essence as the most valuable above all lytes, and only on the condition that the applicant
others. They practice their faith by stealing the life understands the true meaning and concept of death
force of others to achieve eternal life without need- and sees the inevitable passing in everything that
ing to continue their existence in undeath. surrounds them, giving up their worldly belongings
to the families of the deceased. Those in the cler-
gy who have had a near-death experience or
DEATH were actually dead at one time and then re-
turned to life with magic see this event
The God of Death, or the Inevitable, as in their life as cheating their god, re-
it is widely called in the civilized quiring them to repent until their
parts of Aglarion, is vener- time comes. Clerics of the Inevita-
ated by only a handful of ar- ble live a simple life without fami-
dent worshippers through- ly, friends, or attachments to any
out the kingdom. It is an personal belongings. When they
emotionless, pitiless, stern aren’t engaged in their daily rou-
religion, and devotees of the tines and tasks, they tend to med-
faith carry the same demea- itate or discuss the more profound
nor. They are usually morose philosophy of death and how oth-
people whose thoughts are tied ers don’t understand its true meaning
up around the inevitable end, the in nature. They refuse to use any healing
passing of everything, the fate that or restorative magic as they consider it against
can’t be argued with or be bypassed, and their god’s will.
which will eventually consume all. They do
not promote death itself, nor do they kill More sinister clerics who follow the
to collect more souls for their religion of the god of Death
master, for they believe sacrifice sentient beings reg-
in the natural process of ularly to promote the power
death and would not dare with which they are allied.
to interfere with the work- They consider these acts of
ings of their deity. Instead, murder as a way to make
they spread the idea of death’s peace with their own mor-
inevitability and the irrelevance tality and also as a divine mo-
of its timing, demanding respect ment where they can glimpse
towards the force it represents. their god’s true nature. Some
They are patiently awaiting their other vile believers of the faith of
own demise while preparing oth- death seek eternal life by achiev-
ers for its arrival and tend to the ing undeath, a form of existence
dead after their passing, not out of that they consider the perfect time-
sorrow, but to honor their favored’s less gift from their god.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Some clerics of the Wise One, usually forming small
KNOWLEDGE sects or acting alone, would like to keep their god’s
gifts to themselves. They seek obscure, hidden, for-
Followers of the Wise One, as the God of Knowl- gotten, and powerful knowledge, which gives them
edge is known in Aglarion, live to learn and expe- advantages over others in life. They never teach
rience as many things as possible during their life- or share their secrets with anyone but rather take
times and strive to share them with anyone they them to the grave, believing in a race of souls, in
can. Clerics of the faith are versed in a wide spec- which those who know the most are elevated to
trum of knowledge on general studies, like nature, their god’s side where they can learn the rarest and
history, geography, and algebra, but they each try most powerful secrets.
to specialize in a unique field of study, usually one
that none of their brethren have yet taken up. The
clergy organizes regular free classes that are open
for anyone to attend, and many of the priests teach
at the College of Minstrels and the Walhem Board-
ing School for Young Masters in Onadbyr. They en-
courage their pupils to pass on the knowledge they
have accumulated, so it is usual even for acolytes
to hold lectures to the senior members of the cler-
gy. Clerics of the faith see keeping information to
themselves as a sin, and as a result, they usually
refrain from lying, withholding, or obscuring in-
formation and knowledge. Many seek out the Wise
One’s temples to find wisdom and knowledge,
which the clerics transfer with great patience and
sometimes in more detail than necessary. They are
respected and are considered as one of the main
pillars of Aglarion’s society. NATURE
Clerics of the Wise One don’t dress in special gar- The God of Nature, or the Eternal Mother, as it known
ments during their everyday activities. However, by most in Aglarion, is dedicated to the forces of na-
there are occasions, like the graduation of the ac- ture, the elements it encompasses, and the flora and
olytes, or the master’s degree ceremony, where fauna it creates. They believe that their god’s essence
they put on a special colorful robe that represents is the building block of everything in existence and
the varied knowledge they have acquired. Clerics sustains everyone and everything. They venerate the
of the faith tend to have charismatic, outgoing, elemental forces as the purest form of the particles
and talkative personalities. Some might be more of nature. At the same time, they look at all complex
reserved or introverted, but they also force them- natural formations in nature as the artful creation
selves to excel at teaching, even if their subject of the Eternal Mother. Therefore, they nurture and
delivery is a bit dull. They are people who respect preserve nature, never interfering with its ways, or
skill and knowledge or a good story with a moral acting against its will.
lesson. Members of the clergy are adept at using
divination spells, but they also act as healers and Most clerics, many of them druids of the faith, are pa-
devote their time as physiotherapists to teach the tient and humble, acting more as observant caretak-
wounded and sick how to recover quicker from ers rather than active promoters of the expansion of
their injuries or illnesses. Creation. They teach people to live in harmony with

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

nature, to protect it, and though they are usually not vance in life, seeing it as something that makes people
supported in this idea by civilized folk, they teach and civilizations lazy and careless. They thus seldomly
that none should interfere with Nature’s workings. use their own magic, resorting to it only in the direst
Clerics of the deity of nature are most welcomed by situations if nothing else can be done through one’s
those who make a living from agriculture as divine learned skills. They consider the vast number of achiev-
blessings can assist in their everyday tasks. The same able competencies as an infinite number of paths one
clerics see hunting as a part of nature when the can and should take to advance oneself to achieve per-
hunter feeds on its prey. fection and to further the will of the Efficient Master.

Clerics of the Efficient Master encourage practicing

new skills, specializing in one’s chosen path, but they
do not judge the use of such skills depending on its
outcome, should it be used for good or evil. They are
highly skilled in a chosen field, while some of them are
experts in more than one competence. Their outfits
don’t speak of their religion, except for the little pen-
dant they wear with their chosen symbol of the Effi-
cient Master, a sign of their primary profession. They
can be solitary experts who don’t exhibit their priestly
natures or famous masters of a particular discipline
known by many to be followers of the faith.

Some clerics of the faith believe in mastering spe-

cific skills to advance their agendas. These clerics
of trickery and deceit are masters of manipulation,
Some worship the more destructive forces of nature. lies, stealth, and all forms of tricks through which
These fanatics of the faith focus their thoughts on the they can gain power, wealth, and influence. Another
powerful forces of nature and the elements they can known cult of the faith believes in altogether aban-
evoke. They see them as powers to be used and served, doning magic and relying only on personal endeavor.
while achieving their goals. Some other radical sects of These fanatics don’t cast spells and see all magic-us-
the faith fight anything that comes into conflict with ers as their most hated enemies in the world.
nature, including those who call themselves civilized.
They try to protect everything in Creation, even if it
means the death of those who think they are above it.

The following of the God of Competence is made up
of those who believe in themselves to the highest de-
gree. The faithful worship the Efficient Master, as it is
known throughout the land, for the gift of self-preser-
vation and skillfulness that it has given them. Clerics
of the faith encourage others to train and use their
skills to accomplish great works, to create, and excel
in something. They strongly oppose using magic to ad-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Priests of the God of Magic, known as the Wonder- The god of strength, the Relentless, as it is known
maker by most in Aglarion, are scholarly people. by most in Aglarion, is venerated by those who be-
They venerate the true force of magic and consider lieve that suffering and hardships are an indispen-
it a gift from their god. They believe that magic was sable component of success. Clerics of the Relent-
gifted to the world to help with its problems and less train themselves to withstand and overcome
advance its well-being. Clerics of the faith don’t both physical and emotional hardships. Those
distinguish between the sources of magic. Divine, blessed with compassion encourage others to train
arcane, innate, or even psionic are all seen as sa- and harden themselves, while some use their gift-
cred powers originating from the one true source ed strength to oppress them.
that is the Wondermaker. Priests of the faith try to
use as many forms of magic as possible on all oc-
casions and for every aspect of life. They encourage
people to practice and learn spellcasting and look
upon those who hold innate magical abilities as
carriers of a holy blessing.

Clerics of the Wondermaker are usually brilliant

individuals with a broad knowledge of the uni-
verse and its structure. They support those adept
at the art of magic and encourage them to display
their powers openly to awe people and demon-
strate their god’s magnificence. Most priests of the
Wondermaker are adept at some form of arcane
arts themselves. Some of them who lack empathy
look down on those that are not gifted by such Clerics of the faith are usually brave and direct
powers and consider them weak. individuals who face challenges with great con-
fidence. Most of them engage in some form of
self-inflicted sacrifice or penance to prove their
dedication and endurance. They train and live
hard and celebrate their successes loudly, declar-
ing their achievements as the glory of their god.
Priests of the Relentless display their strength
whenever they can by showing off their muscular
physiques as well as their scars. They usually wear
heavy armor and carry large weapons, adding to
their imposing figures.

There are some clerics of the faith who are re-

stricted less by their morals and are devoted more
to the forces of destruction their god represents.
They venerate destructive powers and stoke the
dread that they evoke in others. They seek to har-
ness forces that are hard to dominate and use

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

them to instill fear and achieve standing in the Some others of the faith believe in the ultimate bal-
world around them. Some others see strength as ance between the two poles, taking it as a dogma
a way to dominate others. These clerics demand that one does not exist without the other. They com-
subjugation and teach about the dominance of fort others with the fact that light will always come
their god, who, according to their belief, is more back after the darkness, while some believe in just
powerful than any other force in the multiverse observing the world and accepting this duality. Some
as it is power itself, raw and unforgiving. take this belief to the extreme and are compelled to
preach about the balance of existence.

LIGHT AND DARKNESS Finally, some clerics of this primordial duality

are only focused on the Darkness Within. They be-
The God of Light and Darkness encompasses both lieve in the importance of darkness in people’s lives
the light and the darkness of the world in one of – a restful sleep, an evening talk, a starry night, and
the strongest dualities in existence - that of the the other benefits that darkness can grant. Others of
Shining Light and the Darkness Within. this interpretation of the faith believe that darkness
is necessary to keep important secrets and things
that need to be hidden. Even more extreme adher-
ents to the Darkness Within sometimes willfully
blind themselves never to see light again and to be
able to contemplate the power of darkness. There
are a few who secretly worship the legend of the
Dark Star and the eternal night that it once brought
to the Material Plane. They hope to claim power
from this ancient avatar of the Darkness Within
to further their dark goals and once again bring
forth the all-encompassing darkness.

Aglarion has had a long and complicated relation-

ship with the god of Light and Darkness. Although
Sarath the Bright is revered for ending the Dark
Some of the clerics of the Shining Light preach Star’s oppression, the Order of the Eternal Light
about the warmth and the happiness brought on ruled Aglarion with an iron hand, and the memories
by light and wear bright colors with reflecting pat- of the evil deeds of the Priest-Kings are still bitter
terns woven into them. They maintain the night even after 600 years.
lights in all cities and towns and all lighthouses
along the coastline. They believe that the sun’s
power can help expel any malign influence from
one’s soul and are called upon when people fear
external effects of gloom that plague their loved
ones. Some believe that light is to be shone to un-
cover misgivings and punish those who act against
the law. The infamous sect of the faith, the Order of
the Eternal Light, took this doctrine to the extreme
with its inquisition against all other religions and
free thinkers, but the theocracy was toppled over
300 years ago and outlawed as a result.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


generation. Only the nobility has the right to raise

ROYALTY an army with the approval of the ruling monarch,
and even though they vow fealty to the ruler and
The royal family represents the stability and con- the crown, they represent significant power indi-
sistency of the Kingdom. Royal families change vidually as well.
from time to time, but the institution of royal-
ty has a longstanding tradition in Aglarion. The
king or queen rules over the realm and his or GUILDS
her family has absolute power over the law and
the resources in their kingdom. The king or queen There are three official guilds in Aglarion, namely
gives land and title only on rare occasions and the Crafters’, the Providers’, and the Merchants’
in turn demands eternal loyalty from these sub- guilds that have formed their associations over
jects. No armed forces over twenty strong can ex- the past centuries to share information, regulate
ist in Aglarion without the approval of the king their trade, and set standards of quality for their
or queen. Even then, these armed units and their professions. Members of the Crafters’ Guild in-
commanding nobles must accept the royal family clude every business that creates something for
as their supreme commander. sale to make a living. The Providers’ Guild consists
of those businesses that provide services to any-
one in any form, including taverns and inns. The
NOBLES Merchants’ Guild collects all those who buy goods
and resell them.
Titles of nobility have rarely been bestowed by the
rulers of Aglarion over the past centuries. Those Guilds collect guild fees and taxes from their mem-
who have received this highest form of honor have bers, the latter being paid to the Royal Treasury
always aided the ruler in their most dire conflicts every month. One must show expertise and a solid
in times of war or other significant events. Many background and funding for their operation to be
noble families have risen and fallen over the cen- accepted as a member of a guild. Each guild has its
turies since the monarchy was established, and own rules and leaders who are taken very seriously
only a few have remained who have survived feuds within their ranks and respected by the kingdom’s
and challenges. Many of the noble houses vanished citizens. They can set rules to be followed and de-
with the death of their last descendant or the loss mands that need to be fulfilled by the members,
of their wealth, and only a few new ones arose due who reelect them every five years. The head of the
to their services to the monarch of their times. No- Crafters’ Guild is Jovas Paltran, owner of the Nail
ble families usually own wealth and resources and and Beam Carpentry, the leader of the Merchants’
are recognized by almost everyone in the kingdom, Guild is Zirtan Moorwalker of the Dragon’s Hoard
proudly wearing their heraldry. The lineages of the Trading House, while the master of the Providers’
most successful noble houses have been able to Guild is Omric Laronzo, who owns and operates
expand their fortunes and influence with each new the Golden Nectar Inn.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Priests are considered important pillars of society
in Aglarion. They are mostly seen as sources of sup-
port, aid in everyday troubles, and guides in times
of need. Still, some consider them to be overly dan-
gerous because of the powers they hold, primarily
due to the terrible historical heritage left by the
legacy of the theocracy. Since the kingdom’s birth,
monarchs have always been cautious to balance
churches’ powers and curtail their respective so-
cial statuses. Clerics of every faith, except for the
faith of Light and Darkness, whose religion is not
of fashion lately, are treated with respect and are
honored as powerful individuals who are direct
channellers of their gods’ divinity.

Everyone who is not a noble, a guild member, or
a spell-caster of a specific organization or temple
is considered a commoner. Commoners in Aglarion
are the proud masses who take on all the tasks at
hand. They provide all the resources and the ba-
sic services that keep the realm prosperous and are
aware of this fact. King Waldrann Azennar empha-
sizes the fundamental significance of the commoner
class in all of his public speeches and demands the
same respect for them from all of his subjects as
those shown to the nobility. Commoners in Aglar-
ion have many rights, and the law protects them
with all of its might, enforced by the crown and the
Red Cloak Lawgivers. And so, most commoners live
modest lives in a safe environment. The only excep-
tions are the few marginalized groups that have fall-
en between the cracks. The clergy of the Redeemer
support these poor and sometimes even desperate
individuals and families on a daily basis.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Creek village, but Nangrath, Gorso, and Harveston

RESOURCES also provide plenty of wood from the surrounding
forests. The unique, sound-proof darkwood can be
Most of Aglarion’s raw resources are owned by the found in shadowy Blackwood Valley, but its loca-
kingdom’s monarchs, though some have been gifted tion is shrouded in mystery.
to noble families over the past centuries. However,
these cases are sporadic and considered the highest The most scarce and precious resources of Aglarion
form of gratitude from the royal family. Those no- are actually in the hands of two noble families.
bles who have been granted lands have also always Pearls recovered from the North Bay by the pearl
been mandated to provide the kingdom with armed hunters of Ronul’s End are owned and processed
forces. The peasants, miners, foresters, and any by the Ronul family and then sold in Onadbyr at
workforce on locations owned by the crown are paid an incredible profit. Gemstones of every variety are
directly by the kingdom on a regular basis through brought to the surface in the greatest secrecy by
the Royal Army, which also serves as armed pro- the Karramosa family through the Monastery of
tection. The kingdom’s most important resources Past Lives at Talanar’s Pond.
are its ore deposits, precious metal mines, fertile
lands, and lush forests. Aglarion imports many of the resources that it
needs and can’t produce itself. The Royal Treasury
Livestock, dairy products, many types of grains, vege- and Aglarion’s many independent merchants trade
tables, fruits, and other food resources are produced with any foreign entity that offers a fair deal. The
on farms of various sizes throughout the plains and most significant volume and variety of goods are
hills of Aglarion. Two of the larger, most productive shipped in and out of the east through the Roy-
farming communities are Harveston and Willow al Docks or through southern routes via the Drayl
Creek. The kingdom’s best horses are bred and trained City-States. These are relatively safe passages where
at the Royal Stud Farm in the south, where one can more serious incidents such as monster attacks, pi-
also find Aglarion’s most famous brewery, the Mon- rate raids, or bandit assaults rarely happen.
astery of the Spirited Leaf. Seafood is abundant by
the shores of the Calhay Sea, but the rivers and lakes
of the realm also provide plenty of fresh-water fish TAXES
and crabs. The legs of the giant toads that live near
the North Bay Lighthouse are considered a culinary One of the most significant forms of income for the
delicacy by the nobility of Onadbyr. Royal Treasury is from taxes. There are many petty
taxes in place, and they are regularly collected with
Clay and marble, which are mined at the Sobruz meticulous precision by the Royal Army and the
quarry and penitentiary, are the most abundant guilds. However, King Waldrann has lowered most
resources of the kingdom. Iron and copper from of the taxes and even eliminated many of the small-
the deep veins of the Smokestone Mine flows into er ones due to the great prosperity of the Kingdom.
Onadbyr steadily. Timber is cut mostly at Willow The highest taxes currently are the ones related to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

export and import of goods through the borders of

the kingdom, as well as guild, property, and harbor
taxes, a wagon tax on wagons large enough to be
drawn by two large animals, a tax on temples, and
one on all permanent shops. Citizens usually en-
counter only the gate tax of Onadbyr, which costs 1
copper piece for each passing through its gates, or
1 silver piece of bridge tax collected when crossing
the Azure bridge and the Overpass of the Giants.
CO PPE R P IE CE Guilds take about ten percent from the income of
their members every month in the form of fixed
and calculated taxes, keep some for expenses and
forward the rest to the Royal Treasury. Those who
don’t pay their taxes to the guild representatives
are reported to the Red Cloak Lawgivers, who
swiftly investigate and settle the case.

All coins are minted with a delicate embroidered
edge to make the chipping and scraping of the coin
easily recognizable. The smallest of the coins, the
copper piece, is round and easy to thread thanks to
its hole. The silver piece is worth ten copper piec-
es, and it is square and easily distinguishable from
the copper and gold coins even by touch. It bears
the image of the Royal Palace and river Nenock.
The gold piece is worth ten silver pieces and sig-
nificantly larger than the other two coins of lesser
value. Both sides of the gold piece bear the image
of King Waldrann Azennar. Shortly after his disas-
S I LVE R P IE CE trous death in the adventure, it is changed to the
depiction of Queen Aphinah Azennar. The platinum
bar is the largest coinage, worth one hundred gold
pieces. It is rarely used and mostly only for more
significant transactions, meaning that many of the
realm’s less wealthy subjects have never seen one
in their lives. The platinum bar bears the image of
Aglarion’s first king, Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar I.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The streets of Onadbyr and every other town in

Aglarion are more or less frequently patrolled by THE COURT OF VOICES
the soldiers of the Royal Army, the Royal Swords
as they are known, (use the guard monster entry) Established by King Vacrilos Azennar I, the first of
or the forces of local nobles. Their presence en- the Azennar line, the Court of Voices was created
sures that the streets remain safe. They confront to bring the will of the people in front of the
any criminal activity they encounter and will try throne in such a way that no single class would
to ensure that it is stopped. They have the right to have greater influence than the others. It is tra-
restrain anyone and alert the Red Cloak Lawgivers ditionally composed of twelve elected represent-
to act as judges or investigators if the culprit is atives, each delegated by different social groups.
missing. In Onadbyr, a Red Cloak Lawgiver usually The Twelve, as they are called, has three members
arrives at a scene in 2d4 + 2 minutes after a soldier from the noble houses, three from the clergy, three
leaves to call them. They also immediately embark from the three guilds, and three from the com-
to any remote location and travel by fast horse. moners. Each social class chooses its representa-
tives every five years by voting.
Sheathed weapons can be carried anywhere in
Aglarion except for the Royal Palace, where only They meet the monarch on the first day of each month
the Royal Guards, the members of the Knights of to raise problems, suggest solutions, and voice their
the Crown, and the royal family can have weap- concerns. The king or queen is free to discuss or ne-
ons on their person. Weapons carried openly are glect their issues and has the final say in the matters
usually considered a form of assault everywhere brought in front of their royal person.
in Aglarion, and soldiers or Red Cloak Lawgivers
intervene immediately.
Magic can be wielded freely in Aglarion until used
as an instrument for criminal activity. The Royal Swords can be called to a location in Onad-
byr by shouting or contacting their patrols of two.
Only noble families can upkeep and command a They can be found or arrive at a location if called
group of over twenty armed combatants, and only within 2d4+2 minutes. The Royal Swords assess the
if they and their army swear an oath of fealty to situation and handle it as required, including alerting
the monarch of the kingdom. The king or queen the Red Cloak Lawgivers who arrive at the scene in
can command or disband these armed groups at another 2d4+2 minutes. This is true for most settle-
any time, and rulers usually demand services in ments. However, the farther away from Onadbyr, the
exchange for the right to form armed units. less likely a Red Cloak is readily available.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Short imprisonment can last from days to months,

PUNISHMENT FOR CRIMES and sentences of hard labor can be for up to five
years, depending on the severity of the crime
Sentences for crimes are pronounced and carried committed. Long imprisonment means over five
out by the Red Cloak Lawgiver at the time of arrest years, sometimes decades, or even up to life, de-
for lesser crimes or after consulting other Red pending on the severity of the crime committed.
Cloaks in cases of more complex, serious, or ob- At least three Red Cloaks must approve and vali-
scure crimes, while the suspect is held in custody date the sentence.
at the Halls of the Lawgiver. There is no place for
appeal once a sentence has been made and filed Imprisoned individuals are locked up at the Dun-
with a Red Cloak Lawgiver’s signature. geon of Tears, while hard labor time is spent at the
Sobruz Quarry.
Fines must be paid to the arresting Red Cloak with-
in one day, and the officer will order the subject Executions are done by hanging from any of the
to collect the money as soon as possible, following bridges designated by the Red Cloak Lawgiver who
them everywhere until it is collected. If the fine is was assigned to the case. They also carry out the
not paid, the individual is imprisoned for one day sentence, but at least three Red Cloak Lawgivers
for every 5 gold pieces outstanding from the fine. first must approve and validate it.

A fine starting from 3 gold pieces up

Disturbing the peace
to 500 gold pieces

A fine starting from 50 gold pieces

Obstructing justice
and/or imprisonment

A fine that is double the value of the damage caused and/or

Property damage
from short to long imprisonment or hard labor

Impersonation From short to long imprisonment

A fine that is double the value of the forged money and/or

short to long imprisonment or hard labor

A fine that is double the value of the bribe and/or

short to long imprisonment or hard labor

A fine that is double the value of the stolen goods and/or

from short to long imprisonment or hard labor

A fine starting from 3 gold pieces up to 500 gold pieces

or short to long imprisonment.

Murder Execution or long imprisonment or hard labor

Treason Execution or long imprisonment or hard labor

Blasphemy Short to long imprisonment or hard labor

Slavery Long imprisonment or hard labor

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


made a fortune on it. As a famed and legendary

HOUSE RONUL pirate, rumors and gossip still abound about his
treasures, said to be hidden somewhere in Aglari-
on. False rumors say clues to the treasure’s where-
abouts have been hidden in his house in Onadbyr.

The family’s current head is Lord Dyzag Ronul, an

elderly businessman whose sole focus is building
more wealth. Together with his only living brother,
he runs the house and tries to earn and get more
favor with the royal family. These days, some people
in Onadbyr are spreading gossip about Premil Ronul,
Dyzag’s only son, and the young lord’s romantic in-
volvement with Odryk Nangrath, Lord Arenbar Nan-
grath’s younger son.
The Ronul family is a relatively new addition to
the major noble houses of Aglarion. The family’s
first patron was Almeiro Ronul, who served in the HOUSE NANGRATH
Royal Navy as a young cadet until taken captive
by pirates near the Isles of Xantharos. He grew to
be a fearless and infamous pirate, amassing great
wealth from raiding Xantharosian traders. Meeting
a beautiful refugee merfolk princess named Inin-
nizar, Almeiro fell in love and decided to give up
piracy to help Ininnizar reclaim her home, close to
the Aglarion coastline. Almeiro sailed to Aglarion
with his fleet, the Xantharosians at his heels. De-
scribing the Xantharosians as threats to the king-
dom, he struck a deal with Queen Eirammar. He
generously donated to the Queen’s treasury and
joined his fleet with the royal navy in return for
land, title, and the northern bay’s fishing rights. He
then triumphed with Eirammar over the Xantharo- The Nangrath family prides itself on a long lineage
sian armada in a monumental naval battle involv- of dwarves who made their home in the northern
ing hundreds of ships. Eventually, Almeiro settled part of the country for centuries. They served as
on the coast with his crew and their families. He master builders for the fortresses and border fort
named the town Ronul’s End to signify concluding systems. The family has always resided in the town
the life he once led. Not able to resist the call of named after their noble house. They are warriors,
the sea, he started his pearl fishing business and head to toe, and are expected to become master

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

architects of fortifications. Their family tradition would be enough to win a war. The draconic on-
is firm and strict, where all sons of Nangrath are slaught of the righteously inflamed warriors of the
to serve the crown and be the epitome of a dwarf. Isles of Xantharos swept his fleet and army away,
Lord Arenbar Nangrath, the elder, is a venerable most of which deserted the noble’s side. Returning
dwarf who has lost his belief in this world and is home beaten and his traitorous plans revealed, the
slowly withering away in his fort in the town of king confiscated Lord Gronjyph’s lands and bound his
Nangrath. His older son, Yarik, lives in Nangrath only son and all of his heirs to serve as part of the pal-
and takes care of the town’s actual leadership, aid- adin order of the Knights of the Crown in perpetuity
ed by the expertise of Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer, to make up for their ancestor’s sin.
the town’s military officer and the Lord’s private
guard. The younger Nangrath heir, Odryk, lives in
Onadbyr and has been associated in rumors with HOUSE GORSO
Premil Ronul, dreaming about escaping the king-
dom to see other wondrous places and live through
adventures with his love.


The late Highlady Urmissa Gorso was a proud Knight

of the Crown from a bloodline of loyal paladins
who served the kings and queens of the kingdom
for generations. Her sudden and unexplainable
death took her whole family by surprise. It had
an especially harsh effect on her devastated hus-
The Monders were a wealthy dwarven trading family band, Lord Ziademos Gorso, who could not get
who amassed their fortunes over centuries, eventual- used to the changes in his family’s domestic life,
ly buying their lands and title with copious amounts which he found hard to handle. The count locked
of gold when King Grankar the Brash needed funding himself up in his chambers for several years, re-
to expand the city outside the Old Wall. They invest- fusing to accept food, help, or aid from anyone,
ed heavily into ships and armed soldiers with their including his daughter and sons. It was a mys-
newfound standing and access to the right to raise tery how he sustained himself, but one day he
a noble army. Their secret plan was to conquer the emerged from his room stinking, naked, covered
neighboring Isles of Xantharos and carve out their in strange sigils, and a crazed look in his eyes. The
kingdom. Lord Gronjyph Monder led his formidable lord’s mad contemplations led him to the service
armada of hastily recruited mercenaries and adven- of the entity he refers to as the Elemental Chaos.
turous locals against the many-colored half-drag- The crazed noble struck a pact with this patron,
on inhabitants of the Isles of Xantharos. However, which gave him warlock talents and the ability
he greatly miscalculated by thinking that his gold to sire a bloodline with sorcerous powers of cha-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

os. His numerous children and grandchildren are an entirely different hunger for precious stones.
all born with these magical gifts that help them The Karramosas’ hired miners fled the curse early
spread chaos in the world. As a result, the family on, and the Karramosa soldiers whom the nobles
took on strange, socially unacceptable, and foul commanded to continue the work soon desert-
habits, which caused half of their household to ed. Left without options, the obsessed Karramosa
flee, while the other half reveled in their new nobles started to excavate the mine themselves.
powers. Gorsos are considered weird and eccen- Luriana’s husband abandoned both the strenu-
tric by most people, a mad bunch, and most try ous task and his wife before fully transforming
to stay away from them due to their erratic, un- into a hideous xorn, and sought out the aid of the
predictable, and often murderous natures. The vil- monks who currently inhabit the island to heal
lage is filled with the children of the Gorsos, who his half-calcified limbs. On the other hand, Luriana
all bear the chaotic bloodline of their progenitors. could not resist the lure of the shiny treasures
and soon changed into a large xorn, which to this
day feeds on the gems. Under commands from the
HOUSE KARRAMOSA Karramosas, the following generation of monks
kept sneaking in from time to time to steal her
leftovers and send the treasures back to the Kar-
ramosa family to be cut and sold at the Starbright
Jewelry in Onadbyr. The family’s current head is
Lord Dyrin Karramosa, a reserved and well-trained
noble in his fifties who discreetly manages the
family and their business.


The Karramosa noble family is an ancient one

dating back to the early years of Aglarion. They
own the northeastern Talanar Hills and the lands
around the Talanar Pond, where they support the
meditating monks of the Monastery of Past Lives.
Their primary source of income comes from sell-
ing their swords to the king to protect the border,
from farming and animals, and a small gem mine
under the island monastery. The monastery was
founded centuries ago when the prospectors of
a greedy noblewoman named Luriana Karramosa The Domiren are a loud bunch, but they were not
found a secret earth elemental node deep under always so. The latest generation of Domirens has
the island. The gems were an irresistible source of lost the family’s conservative roots mainly due to
wealth for House Karramosa, who until then only the marriage that brought the now venerable Lady
served as military aid to the king. However, the Zainda, a once-renowned prostitute, to the house.
node had an unforeseen side effect – anyone who As her sons call her based on her “artist” name,
excavated the gems slowly turned into xorns with Lady Zaza inherited her late husband’s wealth in

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

gold. Before sickness took him, the aged lord sold

all his landholdings to King Waldrann’s father. He HOUSE GOLDTOOTH
knew that his lands would be more efficiently
managed, if managed at all, by the crown rather
than by his lewd wife. Lady Zaza spends her unim-
aginable wealth on herself, her three fat and arro-
gant sons, and nine small silkhair dogs, each of a
distinctively different color. Lady Zaza is a control
freak, overseeing every tiny detail of her house-
hold, handling the expenses that are eating away
at her treasury that steadily diminishes each year,
and having the final, very loud, and usually foul-
mouthed say in all matters. Her three unmarried,
lazy, overweight, drunkard sons – Zajeer, Malo, and
Korzen - still live with Lady Zaza and always argue
with her and each other over how to enjoy their
family’s wealth to the fullest. They hate her dogs
as much as they hate each other but act according The Goldtooth tribe of goblins was always a wit-
to her will and cooperate for their own survival ty and lucky bunch. Several centuries ago, their
and out of fear of their mother. Many have tried ancestor Bilakk Goldtooth acquired noble status
to take the Domirens for fools and soon learned from Queen Linolu the Peaceful by saving her from
through personal experience about the hedonistic the grasp of a giant constrictor snake during one
and often sadistic nature of the Domiren brothers of her hunts deep in the Arden Forest. The grate-
during orgies held in the cellars of their wine shop, ful queen gifted the goblin and his very extended
the Hill’s Nectar. family with title, gold, and an estate in Onadbyr.
Through the generations that followed, the Gold-
tooths, originally from the village of Gonshar,
have either been tolerated or just frowned upon
in the capital, depending on the social openness
of the city. Some Goldtooths have even attended
Walhem Boarding School for Young Masters, but
there were times when larger mobs marched on
their villa and threatened to pull out their golden
teeth. Nowadays, Kabok Goldtooth, the head of the
noble family, does not visit the capital too often,
but his younger brother and his wife have moved
into the Onadbyrian villa with their twelve chil-
dren. The family has no real wealth or any par-
ticular source of income, but Kabok is a capable
illusionist who is more than efficient in finding
ways to earn gold for his whole village.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The Wyltammer family is an ancient one whose ban-

ners have been flying in the kingdom since its very
foundation. The current heads of the family, a mid-
dle-aged elf named Yram and his elven wife Taya,
are at the center of the capital’s social scene. They
are charismatic and well-connected, liked by al-
most everyone in the realm, even the common folk,
for the donations they raise for the city at their an-
nual charity fundraising ball. The Wyltammer Ball
is a grand event where noble and common folk are
invited as equals, and everyone can enjoy the hospi-
tality of their noble hosts. In reality, these balls are
a form of sacrificial ritual, where the Wyltammers
siphon a tiny fraction from the life force of every
guest to feed their unnatural health and youth for
the next year to come. The guests feel mildly ex-
hausted after the event, but who wouldn’t be af-
ter so much laughter, dancing, and feasting. Taya,
a masterful warlock, has secretly dedicated herself
to Faz’nur’thoon, the First Fang, an ancient winged
spider-like entity the size of a city with immense
power, searching for life force to sustain its eternal
hunger. Her former assassin-turned husband Yram
was inducted into the ancient ritual centuries ago
after slaying Taya’s first and last master, the only
warlock ever to dare to take on the immense entity
as his patron. The Wyltammers have no children
and don’t intend to give up their standing, wealth,
and immortality for centuries to come.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The army also has smaller specialized units respon-

ROYAL ARMY sible for tasks requiring special training: The Royal
Fists is a small group of soldiers who patrol, main-
tain, and occasionally operate the siege engines in the
bastions of the Fists of Azennar. The Royal Harpoons
are stationed on the vessels of the Royal Navy and are
seasoned sailors. The Royal Riders is a mobile cavalry
unit composed of experts at reconnaissance and fast
travel on horseback. And the Royal Arrows is a fairly
large unit of archers guarding the walls of the capital
and providing ranged support to other troops.

The Royal Army relies on healing magic from all of

the faiths publicly worshipped in the kingdom and
from the divine powers of the Knights of the Crown.
In addition, the temples are bound to send as many
The Royal Army is a well-organized and structured clerics to aid the monarch’s troops as required in
military force, one of the realm’s main pillars. It time of need.
is a thousand strong, consisting of several smaller
and larger specialized branches that are tightly Some arcane spellcasters can be found in the army’s
hierarchic. The largest of these units is the Royal ranks, but no formal unit is dedicated to them due to
Swords, the regular soldiers of the army who up- the low number of capable arcane spellcasters. How-
keep order in times of peace throughout the king- ever, in times of dire need, the wizards of the Arcane
dom and form the ranks of foot soldiers during Tower provide organized arcane magical support.
times of war. These men and women are mostly
loyal and rule-abiding warriors who are proud to
be considered the first line of the Royal Army and KNIGHTS OF THE CROWN
respected members of society. Units of twenty
soldiers (use the guard monster entry) are led by
higher ranking lieutenants (use the knight mon-
ster entry), who are commanded by captains (use
the veteran monster entry). All captains report
to three generals under the monarch’s leadership.
General Sundamar Stormbreaker is a studied pal-
adin of the Wondermaker, General Malictus Crast
is a wise and reserved male hobgoblin, oldest of
the generals, and General Brennur Starsmit is a
charismatic dwarf of high honor, a devoted monk
of the Efficient Master.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Founded by King Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar I, the
True, these pious paladin champions of the realm,
currently numbering only several dozen, swear a
lifelong oath to protect the crown and the king-
dom. Their training starts at a very young age, and
it is considered a privilege to be selected as a mem-
ber of the order. During their strenuous training,
aspiring squires are taught several different com-
bat techniques and introduced to the religious
doctrines of the Oath of Protection. They are free
to choose their specialized weapons and maintain
the faith closest to their hearts if they are loyal
and fearless. Knights of the Crown are held in the
highest esteem throughout the realm. They serve in
the front lines in times of war and act as personal
guards to the royal family and the royal palace. The
current high commander of the knights is Crown-
warden Cyne Monder, an aging noble paladin of
great renown who is doing his best to rebuild the
reputation of his house.


Leading members
of the organization
opposed the disad-
vantageous deals
made by King Ta-
lanar Ebrin I in his
quest to build the north-
ern fortifications as they saw it creat-
ed corruption. In response, King Talanar forceful-
ly removed their power and imprisoned the most
vocal members. Red Cloak Lawgiver then became
more of a title than anything else until King Vacri-
los Azennar I, himself a Red Cloak, reinstated and
The history of the Red Cloaks is closely connect- strengthened their power and responsibilities.
ed with the Melkar dynasty. The first king, King
Razmyrel Melkar, who laid down the laws that Today, the Red Cloak Lawgivers are some of the
brought prosperity and equitable treatment to the most highly regarded individuals in Aglarion, usu-
Kingdom’s subjects, was also known to wear a red ally selected from high-ranking soldiers who have
cloak – to remind him of blood spilled and anguish been in the kingdom’s service for over a decade.
caused if laws are unjust and unenforced. He or- Some come from arcane or divine spellcasting back-
ganized the first Lawgivers, who took the title of grounds or have served as highly esteemed students
Red Cloak to remember this teaching and carried of the College of Minstrels, while others are trusted
on for centuries. hunters or specialized combatants. Still, the organ-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ization has monitored all of them for years before

being selected for the title. At least three Red Cloak GOLDEN MASKS
Lawgivers must approve the nominee by measuring
their personality, loyalty, trustworthiness, and their The secretive Golden Masks
skills in making fair judgments, as well as their is the most successful
effectiveness in investigation and combat. and only real crim-
Selected nominees for the title are trained inal organization
and tested for three years before being in the realm,
given the prestigious gold-trimmed red with an extend-
cloak and the “Eye and Sword” amulet ed network of
engraved with their names, represent- informants and
ing their authority and title. hidden agents
in all corners of
There are about fifty Red Cloaks in Aglarion’s socie-
Aglarion, and though their methods and ty. The guild is led
approach to solving situations might differ, by a group of shape-
their word is the law. They might work alone, changers who operate
in pairs, or form smaller groups and can com- from behind the scenes,
mand the Royal Swords freely if needed, making using their anonymity to hide
their own judgment on how many soldiers they from the watchful eyes of the Red Cloak Lawgiv-
want to commandeer until a case is solved. They ers. For the past century, the leader of the Gold-
can use all resources available at the Halls of the en Masks has been a rakshasa named Samsadur,
Lawgiver, which serves as their base of operations, who trusts only its closest ally, the lamia Yhlsaby.
record hall, and training grounds. As the capital Most of the agents of the Golden Masks are dop-
does not bind their jurisdiction, Red Cloaks reg- pelgangers, with a few non-shapechangers who
ularly travel to locations outside of Onadbyr to have earned the trust of the crime lord and have
handle cases. Members are paid a reasonably high been introduced to the inner circles. Members of
wage by the Royal Treasury every week for their the organization are very secretive about their
highly regarded services. identity and protect it ruthlessly. They command,
manipulate, or hire smaller individual groups of
A Red Cloak Lawgiver who breaks the law, which criminals who are usually not aware of the na-
happens only on the rarest of occasions, faces ture of their employers, or don’t even know of
much harsher consequences and more severe sen- each other’s involvement with the Golden Masks.
tences than usual, starting from long hard labor up The organization is involved chiefly in non-violent
to execution by the organization’s own members. and high-value illicit activities, such as smuggling,
There is no formal leader of the Red Lawgiver as theft of rare items, racketeering, lending money,
they are all considered equally influential within information brokering, or spying. They avoid rais-
their ranks and in the kingdom. ing unwanted attention with petty crimes, and
during their operations, they leave the dirty work
Red Cloak Lawgiver. Use the veteran monster en- primarily to their minions. They don’t tolerate
try with high Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma any interference in their business and efficiently
scores and a minimum +10 Perception, Investiga- root out any initiative to step into their domain.
tion, and Insight skills. In addition to their fighter The Golden Masks identify themselves with a par-
training, many might have additional spellcasting ticular gold coin that looks exactly like a regular
or class abilities from bard, cleric, paladin, ranger, gold piece, except for a mask symbol instead of
sorcerer, or wizard backgrounds. the royal visage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

selected few he accepts as pupils. A couple of doz-
BLACK FLAG MERCENARY en aspiring bards are taught at the college at a
COMPANY single time, and even though they live outside the
school, they still spend most of their time there,
Founded by Trazz the Cruel, a rough orc bounty practicing and performing their art. The college is
hunter of ill repute, this business provides mer- famous for its open and liberal approach to teach-
cenaries to anyone who needs protection inside ing. It welcomes anyone to listen in on the pupils’
or outside of the city. His prices are steep, but performances, who are usually also busy building
his dozen or so mercenaries are some of the most their reputations in the city. As one of the few
skilled combatants in the capital. Trazz selects the spots for higher education and magical training in
individuals he employs carefully and tests his mer- the realm, many consider graduate minstrels pow-
cenaries meticulously. He rarely accompanies them erful individuals. The most talented graduates gain
access to noble houses and even the royal court,
where they are welcomed to perform regularly.



Established centuries ago by Master Arlen the Con-

structor, the Arcane Tower is the only wizard acad-
emy in the kingdom. There are smaller schools or
individual masters in the realm. Still, anyone who
on jobs and prefers to allocate a magic-user or two seeks to truly master the arcane arts and is accept-
to each group sent on a mission. These groups ed for their acute understanding must relocate to
rarely number more than five mercenaries. He has the secluded tower, located far from the capital. Ap-
no moral qualms about the commissions he takes plicants must be trained wizards, thoroughly tested
but always makes sure to avoid confrontations before being judged and accepted by the archmage.
with the authorities. Trazz has a special hatred They then must serve the Arcane Tower as appren-
for those who underperform in his company and tices for a minimum period of twelve years, when
mar his company’s reputation. Anyone who fails they can take additional tests to become academi-
on a mission can consider themselves cians. Wizards of the Arcane Tower must pledge to
fired and disdained by the mercenary protect the kingdom and be available for summons
captain. Unknown to him, the Golden to serve as part of the Royal
Masks frequently hire his groups to Army anytime in Aglar-
serve as protection during missions or ion. The wizards are
when moving valuable goods. trained in all forms
of magic within the
academy’s walls and
COLLEGE OF MINSTRELS are taken on danger-
ous, exotic, and some-
Master Conductor Fabrian Ethlairn, times even pla-
the college’s half-elven headmaster has nar excursions
gathered some of the best instructors to prove their
and virtuosos of the realm to teach the mettle. The cur-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

rent archmage of the tower is Master Zaophas, a all genders and races, and fanatically work in unity
morose middle-aged human evoker who excels in towards the goals of the Matrons of Malice. Most
spell combat and coaches his students to withstand of the time, they don’t even comprehend the true
all hardships. The somewhat militaristic approach goals of their missions or the big picture, which
and the spartan conditions of the wizard school are is only known to the hags. They kidnap, murder,
not fit for everyone, so from time to time, appren- steal, and lie without remorse and relish in the
tices are expelled from the institution for misbehav- otherworldly powers they gain in return after
ior or for not advancing quickly enough. years of servitude. The hags’ most devoted and in-
fluential pawn is Mordio Delons, a human warlock
of significant power.

The Queen’s Grace Orphanage, funded by the royal

family, was established over a century ago to help
young orphaned ladies. Lady Thuila, a drow, was
appointed headmistress and has been serving ever
since. Under the leadership of the mistress, the
orphaned ladies are trained to become the per-
fect housewives to nobles and the wealthy. They
are highly educated and trained in many forms
of craftsmanship required in a household. Behind
the scenes, Lady Thuila emphasizes educating the
girls in diplomacy, negotiation, deception, persua-
sion, and all forms of social skills. She convinces
them throughout their training that they can only
rely on each other, successfully forging a ruthless
The Matrons of Malice have long set their dark sisterhood of calculating mistresses who work to-
minds towards the kingdom of Aglarion. Their first gether to gain wealth and influence within the
step was to enthrall and recruit those with the kingdom. They live to serve their secret organi-
most hatred in their hearts and a desire for power. zation, which they refer to as the Ring, and their
They approached these individuals, commoners, ar- own personal benefit through the sisterhood.
tisans, warriors, and even nobles, with promises of Their bond is so strong that some have even sacri-
magical abilities in return for serving their agenda. ficed themselves to keep their organization secret.
These people all took the midnight hag coven as Once married to the most influential men of the
their patrons and have served the hags willingly as realm, these ladies use their newfound status to
warlock minions. Members of the Children of the deliver information to the sisterhood that can help
Coven, a couple of dozen individuals, know each it accumulate as much wealth as possible. They
other’s identities and come together to perform foul hoard treasures of enviable proportions within
rituals from time to time. They act as commanded their secret dungeon vaults, which they spend
by their patrons and otherwise blend into society on their lavish lifestyle and on necessary “in-
unnoticed. In many cases, even their families are vestments” that help their agenda. They are not
unaware of their mystic powers and vile affiliation. trained combatants, but they don’t refrain even
They come from every segment of society, represent from murder by poisoning, through hired assas-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

sins, or other subtle means if necessary to achieve A group of survivors, led by Zilmop Snakeroot, the
their goals. The Ringmaidens never remove their feyrealm-born gnome, fled and hid in an ancient
simple iron ring engraved with the insignia of the sanctuary in the forest now known as the Thorn-
orphanage, which they consider as their common woods. He renamed the circle the Seven Thorns,
bond and identifier. and vowed never to let anyone in the woods and
hunt down anyone who would harm his land. Over
the centuries, his lineage carried on, and when
their numbers dwindled, gnome women and babies
were kidnapped and forced into marriage, never
to see their families again. The Seven Thorns have
enchanted many forest areas and created a legend
about a forest teeming with wolves. No one knows
they are responsible for the missing people and the
scary stories. There have always been seven masters
of the order called the Thorns. Their initiates and
animal companions serve them, either willingly
or forced by binding magic.

The Seven Thorns is what remains of an ancient

druid order, once known as the Seven Flowers,
which is as old as the realm’s history. The Seven
Flowers was founded by feyrealm-born gnomes,
committed to nurturing the natural order. For mil-
lennia, they acted as spirit guides and shamans to
the humanoids of ancient times until the Dark Star
and its fallen angels descended upon the land. Es-
caping from the ruthless angels, they fled into the
Feyrealm and hid there for two thousand years.
They retained scouts on the Material Plane, who
joined Sarath and helped her rebellion. From the
seclusion of the Feyrealm, they helped Sarath com-
plete her ritual to banish the Dark Star and the
oppressors. In the ensuing period, the druids healed
the wounds on nature caused by the eternal night
of the dark angels. The majority of the circle then
migrated back to the Material Plane, took up new
apprentices, and settled permanently.

However, after Sarath’s death, the quick rise of

Rodnar the All-seeing, the Priest-King of the Order
of the Eternal Light, caused concern to the druids,
and rightly so, for Rodnar rounded up almost every
member of the Seven Flowers in a single night and
had them executed for not venerating the light.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

of the survival code they follow. No Vagabond will

UNCANNY VAGABONDS steal from another member of the group or snitch
on them, even if this means giving up personal
freedoms or even their lives. They are beholden
to their own rules and laws and not those of the
general society, living according to the rulings of
the elders of the closed community.

The Vagabonds speak their own secret language,

which they never teach outsiders. True family
members are trained to awaken mystical innate
magical abilities that run through their bloodline,
enabling them to cast a single, carefully practiced
cantrip once per day, chosen from the bard class
spell list. The leader of the Uncanny Vagabonds is
always the most successful member of the family
who has proven his intellectual and physical skills
through example. This person is currently the aging
patriarch of the family, named Taris. His right-hand
is a young man in his early twenties, named Gren,
whom the whole family knows to be a bastard son
of King Waldrann. Everyone in the family is aware
of the details of the secret affair between Gren’s
mother and the king, but the outside world consid-
ers it a fabrication. Nevertheless, the Uncanny Vag-
abonds always boast about their royal connections
and pretend to be nobles as an inside joke.

This group of traveling carnies and outlaws is

an extended family with some outsiders mingled
within its ranks with around a hundred members,
most young and spirited. Many Vagabonds are ex-
pert musicians, which is their only legal form of
income. They make a living mainly by thieving and
illicit practices like scams, counterfeiting, drug
trade, and illegal hunting and fishing. As they trav-
el the countryside on their caravan of wagons, or
when they spend some time in the capital, they
prey on the rich. However, they rarely keep their
colorful tents up at one place for longer than a
season and prefer to be on the move. The Uncan-
ny Vagabonds is a very tight-knit organization, not
just because of their family bonds but also because

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Lacking the comfort of magic use, the Vordani

VORDAN have advanced in technology, especially in building
complex mechanical traps, war-gear, and war-ma-
When the Dark Star and its fallen angels were de- chines. One of their most dreaded war-machines,
feated, a confederacy of hardy mountain tribes was drawn by beasts, is a massive rolling battle tower,
formed in the northern mountains to resist the the- which can carry a crew of a dozen fighters and
ocratic oppression of the forces of the Order of the features numerous smaller and larger ballistae,
Eternal Light. These tribes, only a handful of family as well as flame throwers. Their other famously
clans at that time, fled higher into the mountains fearsome tool of war is a hydraulic torso-mounted
on the north to escape their zealous pursuers, who support with two arms, which allows its wearer to
used divine and arcane magic to track and combat wield extra-large weapons with great agility.
them. The tribes used the mountainous environment
with which they were so familiar to gain the advan-
tage. Combined with their ferocious fighting prow-
ess, they kept the armies of the cultists of the Order
of the Eternal Light at bay for centuries. Exposed to
external threats from otherworldly beings and later
being continuously assaulted by the spell-wielding
theocracy, Vordanis have become hateful towards
magic users and magic in general. The only magic
they tolerate is the one that helps destroy magic.

The people of Vordan grew in numbers over the

centuries. They became an atheistic, somewhat
barbaric society, where the use of any form of
magic is despised and seen as an unreliable, un-
trustworthy power. The Vordani are hard-working
people who rely on their skills and personal prow-
ess, brandishing strength, wits, and endurance The tribes of Vordan have always excelled in the
over all else. They don’t consider the afterlife as domestication of various mountain beasts that
something esoteric and face death knowing that they use for labor, travel, and war. Their most
they simply cease to exist. Death is seen as a nat- common mounts are giant goats and lizards,
ural end of life. They live every day as it would be which they ride in breathtaking angles up and
their last, trying to fill their days with meaningful down the rocky mountain slopes, but they also
tasks and challenges. Vordani society is composed breed massive warhorses, used for military cam-
of clans based on family ties, led by the most fitting paigns and long-distance travel on the mountain
member of the tribe who has already proven their roads. The Vordani also keep mountain panthers
value in a significant way. as their hunting pets and guardians.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Owning slaves in the Vordani lands is considered Aglarion became a monarchy. King Kalaman the
a luxury that only a few can maintain in their life- First fought two major wars against the theocracy
styles. The number of slaves a Vordani holds meas- and successfully protected his kingdom throughout
ures their wealth to the outside world. Slaves are his long reign. He was a devout promoter of per-
rarely used outside of the house of their owners, sonal freedom and ruled according to his libertar-
where they act as servants, guards, pleasure slaves, ian views, interfering in the least possible manner
or work on menial tasks saving time for the wealthy in his subjects’ lives. During his long reign, he sired
Vordanis to concentrate on other endeavors. Slaves sixteen children from various wives, and he gave
are either captured outlanders or prisoners of war each of them land and title. One day, the old king
from raids. All Vordani slaves are marked with the mysteriously disappeared from his private quarters,
tattoo of their owner on their foreheads. and his heirs could not agree on the inheritance
of the country. They blamed each other for their
The current king of Vordan is Ralukkar Doomham- father’s disappearance, even though none of them
mer VI, a descendant of the long lineage of the had any real evidence or even the slightest idea
most powerful clan, the Doomhammers. King Ra- where their king had vanished. Each heir already
lukkar and his family have defended their position amassed a smaller or larger military force within
for over a century now, which they gained after their own settlements, and none of them wanted
the power vacuum created during the failed in- to move against the others without the consent
vasion of Aglarion. King Ralukkar’s latest famous and support of the majority of the other cities.
act, which had significant repercussions within
many Vordani tribes, was settling non-spellcasting Small wars were inevitable between the more
priests of the Efficient Master, the god of com- blooded heirs, and some even conquered a few
petence, within his borders. These priests, who other cities, which they rule even today. However,
call themselves “The Pure” and who are deemed they soon realized that none of them were large
radicals even within their own religion, vowed to enough to conquer the whole realm, and none of
teach and encourage manual skills and assured them were willing to give up their freedom with-
the king that they would not cast any spells as it is out a fight. So the Drayl heirs decided to hold a
against their religious beliefs to rely on the use of grand council to solve their issues and avoid blood-
magic. Under the leadership of a soft-spoken half- shed. They gathered in a mass rally of their forc-
orc cleric named Proctor Zacchaeus Bael, a consid- es, over twenty thousand soldiers in a hill in the
erate man of great wisdom, the Pure don’t want center of the realm, and the eleven heirs that re-
to heighten tensions caused by his cult’s presence mained on the council decided that it was time
at Fort Stormbreaker, near the Vordani border. to end the war and to form an alliance of city-
states where every heir rules over their own city.
The Council of the Heirs is still held every year
DRAYL CITY-STATES on top of Ancestor Hill. This is where all of the
heads of the city-states, descendants of the Drayl
dynasty, meet to discuss their issues and plans.
After the defeat of the fallen angels, the separa- The incursions from the armies of the theocracy
tist community of the southern people refused to intensified after the disappearance of King Drayl,
accept the rulership of the Order of the Eternal but the forces of the Drayl heirs fought in unity
Light and resisted the Order’s expansionism in the every time. The war with their northern neighbors
region. The armed conflict took decades to settle continued until the fall of the Order of the Eter-
and forged the southerners into unity. They elect- nal Light, which was partly achieved with the aid
ed their first general Kalaman Drayl, a human with and intervention of the descendants of the Drayl
sorcerous powers, as their first king long before dynasty, who discovered the resistance growing

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

within the ranks of their enemies and supported Kostryl is a small city founded on precious stone-
Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar I, the True, in his success- working and mining. Over the years, it has devel-
ful rebellion against the oppressive church. oped a large population of deep gnomes mixed
with the human and half-human Drayl locals. Pat-
Each Drayl City-State has its own traditions and toonia Drayl, a brash young noblewoman with a
unique style. Their accents, customs, foods, fash- love for gems, runs the traditional family business,
ion, and architecture differ slightly but also com- taking great care of the deep gnomes and their
bine the elements of their shared culture. Some underground operations.
city-states are more prosperous or populous than
others and some are specialized in specific trades Brinecoast is the largest coastal city with a sizable
or activities depending on their geographic loca- shipyard, which hosts mainly fishing boats and a
tion. Most Drayl City-States have about five to ten small fleet of sailing ships. The city is famous for
thousand citizens, while Highmoor, the largest, is its skilled sailors and captains and its abundant re-
home to twenty thousand residents. Current life sources of seafood. Lord Captain Samiel Drayl, the
in Drayl doesn’t differ much from life in Aglarion, soft-speaking middle-aged human who rules over
with whom the city-states each trade separately. the city, is rumored to have merfolk blood running
Drayl is a colorful, orderly realm with happy res- through his veins.
idents who usually seem stubborn at first, keep-
ing to themselves, but are mostly good-hearted if Highmoor is the largest city-state of the Drayl
they open up to someone. region, a vibrant city with flourishing trade and
agriculture in the surrounding valleys. The city
also has an ill reputation from the past when it
annexed two other nearby towns by force dur-
ing the War of the Heirs. Residents of these two
smaller settlements, Aesthor and Willowpark,
have mostly migrated to Highmoor over the cen-
turies, leaving them as abandoned ghost towns
with few residents. Bareon Rudd Drayl, the cur-
rent ruler of the region, has kept his family’s tra-
dition of being able to muster an army of con-
vincing size.

Gynleah is one of the smaller city-states that relies

primarily on farming and cultivating the rare night
Eldorn is a sizable river-side city, best known for its rose, a magical and beautiful rose of black color
well-stocked tradehouses. Jorar Drayl, a seasoned that can be turned into a drug that takes its user
half-orc adventurer and monster-hunter, taxes his to the Dreamrealm. The city’s leader is Amdastrah
subjects heavily and spends much of the revenues Drayl, an ambitious female warlock with ties to
on innovation, infrastructure, and services. the powers of the Dreamrealm and a monk assas-
sin’s guild from a land far away.
Seven Gates is a large cross-town in the junction
of many roads that has become a regular spot for Zammastra is a small city-state that relies on farm-
large fairs once in every season of the year. Arusta ing. Valsyrio Drayl, an elderly half-elven druid of
Drayl, an elderly human noblewoman of ill reputa- the Eternal Mother, leads the city with a firm hand
tion, runs the city with the help of her numerous and makes sure that his church nourishes the land
sons and daughters. for the benefit of the locals.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The Domain of the Sovereign is ruled by High King

Alcemyr Drayl, as the mad heir refers to himself. UNDERWATER KINGDOM OF
The island city-state also governs two smaller A’RVANSHY
towns on the island, Lakrian and Tallgate, and over-
sees the ruins of Ulantra. This third city was ut- As it is known to land dwellers, the Kingdom in
terly demolished by Alcemyr’s ancestors centuries the Deep, dates back to long before the reign of
ago. The island is an autonomous kingdom that the fallen angels and the Dark Star. It has served as
does not trade with or rely on any of the other a central hub for merfolk and sea elves who lived
Drayl City-States since the ascension of the High together in harmony in several smaller and larger
King to his throne. settlements for thousands of years. Their tribal so-
ciety was based on family connections and led by
Zolt is a city of warriors and smiths that sits on a family elders who organized trade and all other
giant ore deposit. The city’s current ruler is Wiley relations in a mostly peaceful manner, except
Drayl, a bitter, aging, fat, half-elven aristocrat for a few minor disputes that were usu-
who knows the value of his wares. Zolt ally settled without major bloodshed.
has an impressive number of trained With the aid of their ancient gar-
warriors, and rumors say Wiley is gantuan dragon turtle ally Gulant-
only a puppet of a sinister force raxio, they formed a collective force
hiding in his mines. against the invading sahuagin
slaver armies from the east,
Ysmarys, the smallest of whipped into a frenzy by
all the city-states, is home the Dark Star who want-
to the continent’s most ed to dominate and ex-
pompous temples. Be- ploit these settlements.
ing a city of deeply re- These sahuagin, who
ligious folk, life with- took many prisoners and
in its walls revolves turned them into their
around the temples and slaves, were led by shape-
their services, which it changed deva commanders
lends to the rest of the but could never conquer
realm. The city is led by the Kingdom in the Deep.
Lady Zoqul Drayl, the Holy
Hand of the Redeemer, an el- The merfolk, sea elves, and their al-
derly high priest with numerous lies withdrew into an undersea trench
children. to avoid further confrontation and found-
ed a united city, A’rvanshy. This hidden city of
Yellowkeep is a small city on the coast with a large beautiful coral and giant shell formations lies be-
castle and a network of underground tunnels. hind a massive forest of various underwater plants
Poorest of all the Drayl cities, Yellowkeep is home and fungi above an extended crevice. Centuries
to only those who cannot afford to leave it. Having passed before the ancient green dragon, a seeker
seen some better days, the dirty and mostly deserted of secret lore, Ossiazzxontyr found the city. The
city has numerous uninhabited residential and green dragon did not dare attack the city alone.
commercial buildings. The citizens do their best Instead, she awakened an ancient sleeping titan,
to survive while their ruler, Balansyr Drayl, is a the legendary kraken necromancer archmage Mor-
dull drunkard in his fifties, living off the remaining gawr, offering the whole city as a sacrifice to feed
treasury he inherited from his predecessors. the colossal beast’s hunger.

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The dragon miscalculated as Morgawr did not feed The isles hold extraordinary power, transform-
on the tiny merfolk and sea elves, but rather, it ing some exposed to its powers for years into
enslaved them with its spells and mind weakening half-dragons of random kinds. The transformation
ink. The ancient dragon turtle was slain and set happens to only a few, but over generations, a
to guard the city as an undead minion. Ossiazzx- half-dragon ruling class has emerged on the isles,
ontyr retreated to the mainland, and the kraken which has enslaved those who don’t share their
ruled over the city as it does even today through draconic powers. The half-dragons of Xantharos
its vicious merrow enforcers. Currently, A’rvanshy organize themselves into clans and mate only
is home to many depraved and downtrodden mer- within their own color, in which they take great
folk and sea elves who either struggle to survive or pride. These extended families elect their leaders
serve the necromancer kraken by betraying their to represent them in the meetings they call the
own kin. Morgawr is working on achieving immor- Gathering of the True. The council is always over-
tality and even more power by turning itself into seen by two Council Masters, who make decisions
a lich. It has amassed knowledge and an incredible in unison. Xantharosian clans live in large house-
amount of resources to achieve its unnatural goal. holds scattered throughout the islands, with only
The city has no trade or relations with the main- a few families occupying each. Each household
land or the outside world, where one can only hear has about five to ten slaves for each half-drag-
about it from long-forgotten tales. on present, and slaves are not just considered a
commodity but also a responsibility and invest-
ment that needs to be nurtured, getting more
ISLES OF XANTHAROS valuable over time. Xantharosian society is one
of slowly taken, well-considered actions, wisdom,
emotionless cruelty, structured by laws and titles,
The numerous scattered smaller and which come with certain obligations and respon-
larger isles to the east of Aglarion sibilities towards the person and the community.
that make up an archipelago are There are only a few hun-
collectively called the Isles of Xantha- dred Xantharosian half-
ros. The scattered chain of islands clear-
ly resembles a dragon’s shape, which in
fact, is the case. The isles formed from
the remains of Xantharos, one of the
two progenitor fey-dragons, the largest
dragon that ever lived, spanning scores
of miles. It reigned in the Feyrealm long
before the Dark Star and the dark angels dragons of many
descended until it was banished to Aglar- colors, who are also considered nobles by
ion by Faeryl Myrryn, a powerful drow birth, even if some might not necessarily have the
vampire conjurer from the Abyss. The capacity to own a fort or extensive lands. They live
dragon immediately confronted the fallen very long, comfortable, and wealthy lives during
angels, and their battle was a bloody clash which they can focus on training themselves, most
of claws and unholy powers. The Dark Star commonly in arts, academic and arcane studies,
and its angels emerged victorious, slaying the combat, or philosophy. Displaying advanced skills
dragon over the sea and onto a plateau that sup- of any form, whether mundane feats or magical
ported its immense carcass. As thousands of years aptitude, garners great respect on the Isles of Xan-
passed, the dragon’s body formed into the isles, tharos, even to the extent that slaves who show
surrounded by coral reefs. great skill can achieve luxurious lifestyles.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The clans of Xantharos rarely trade with other coun- sence of an angel cast off from its plane of exist-
tries due to their distant location and the difficulty ence. These mountains crashed mercilessly upon
of crossing over the realm of the archmage kraken the many smaller civilizations of primitive mor-
Morgawr. Xanthorian half-dragons accept visitors tals living in this territory, killing off almost every
and traders in their castles and villas, but only for a form of life, be it intelligent or bestial. From these
good reason and short periods. Only a few selected mountains, the fallen angels flew out, led by the
are allowed to settle on the isles permanently. Dark Star, and quickly conquered all of the known
Still, these individuals need to earn the trust of the lands around their place of impact, subjugating
half-dragons and demonstrate a high level of exper- every intelligent lifeform to rule over them and to
tise in something useful for the inhabitants. The cut them off from the divine powers they vener-
last time the half-dragon clans fought a war against ated. The dust from the impact did not settle for
Aglarion was a century ago when they chased the centuries, over the boulders upon boulders that
fleets of Almerio Ronul back to the shores tore the landscape to create the peaks
of his homeland. The army of Xan- and valleys of the Mountainfall.
tharos is small and consists of
only the most skilled com- The few mortals who sur-
batants from slaves led by vived the apocalypse
their powerful half-drag- stayed hidden for gener-
on masters. The cur- ations and only slowly
rently elected Council emerged in the hope of
Masters are Lord Zhou- a new life. They strug-
lann Fralkyn, a long- gled to sustain them-
winded old half-red selves on the barren
cleric of the Efficient peaks of the Moun-
Master, and Lady Yryll tainfall and adapted to
Wyltres, the Blue Witch, the harsh and relentless
a middle-aged half-blue environment. It wasn’t
archmage temptress with long before they discov-
an enormous ego and ered the fallen angels
matching ambitions. in the central moun-
tain and learned that they
were ruthless, vengeful beings who could not be
ZIGGURAT CITY OF matched in power. The mountainous barbarian
XAPTO’WA’TTYKAL tribes grew in number but avoided the flying out-
siders that hunted the region for slaves around this
central mountain, which they named the Mountain
Before the Age of Dark Angels, stone-age tribes of of the Dark Descendants.
various races roamed the lands west of Aglarion
that were once high-lying plains and forests, For centuries the dark angels ruled over these
spreading over great distances in the center of primitive tribesmen and bred them to create de-
the known lands. These tribes were scattered scendants, a loyal and fearless race of humanoids
and small, with local clan elders and no record- with hair and skin the color of ash. Their hearts
ed history. Only oral legends tell of the day of are infected with the hatred and cruelty inherited
the Mountainfall when darkness itself descended from their immortal ascendants and infused with
upon them. Burning mountains fell from the sky, utter devotion to them. Even those who do not
hundreds of them, and each carried the life es- care about religion or laws consider them their

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

holy and mighty protectors and serve the commu-
nity with unquestionable obedience.

During the past three millennia and after the ban-

ishment of the fallen angels, the mortals remained
at the level of a savage civilization, who regular-
ly performed sacrificial ceremonies to honor their
deity, the Darkness Within and the Dark Star. The
dark descendants have chiseled the mountain that
houses the Dark Star’s reliquary into the form of
a colossal ziggurat that features levels as high as
sixty feet and serves as a city for the over thirty
thousand dark descendants and double that num-
ber in slaves who live around it today. Each city lev-
el has a myriad smaller or larger dwellings carved
into them and a never-ending wide stairway con-
necting the bottom and top level on each of its
four sides. The top of the ziggurat is a holy place
for the vicious dark descendants where they con-
duct their rituals and sacrifices. A mighty shaft was
cut into the middle of the mountain, revealing the
huge black throne of the Dark Star carved from a
crystal of the immortals left behind by the solar.
A beam of darkness shoots from the shaft into the
sky that is visible during daytime and even on some
clear nights for hundreds of miles. The rigorous-
ly religious dark descendants are led by a fanatic
named Cadmael the Flenser, the high priest of the
Darkness Within, who relentlessly tries to resum-
mon the Dark Star without any success, sacrificing
countless slaves during the effort.

The ziggurat city of Xapto’wa’ttykal, the Mountain of

the Dark Descendants, is unapproachable, as it is sur-
rounded by several hundred miles of barren moun-
tains from every direction. The dark descendants
and their slaves herd mountain goats and live on
the scarce shrubby vegetation that grows on these
mountains. Their unique style of fashion and crafting
is unlike anything in the known world, as is their lan-
guage, a simplified version of Celestial speech. They
are active at night and rest during the day when only
their slaves work. Only a handful have seen the hid-
den city of the dark celestials, and no one is known
to have lived to tell their tale or the fate of the rem-
nants of the banished angels within the city.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



This day marks the defeat of the zealous theocra-

cy ruled by the Order of the Eternal Light, extreme
Day of the Mortals followers of the Shining Light, after the miraculous
banishment of the dark angels. The monarchs of
Previously known as the Day of the Rising Sun during Aglarion sponsor great games on this day to enter-
the theocracy, this day marks the defeat of the tain their subjects. Free meals and toys are distribut-
Dark Star by Sarath. Families gather in their homes ed, and the city of Onadbyr is loud with games and
on the eve of this day, and the eldest of the family revelry throughout the day and the night.
tells the tale of the Dark Star and its defeat to the
youngest one. At the end of the story and before
Day of the Ancestors
the Feast of the Mortals begins, the storyteller lets
a drop of his blood with a needle on the ground to
honor the sacrifice their predecessors made and to On the first day of winter, everyone in Aglarion
symbolize their mortality. commemorates the deceased and their achieve-
ments. A popular ceremony of this day includes
releasing floating candles from the Crossing of the
Thousand Lanterns bridge and letting them float
through the city of Onadbyr until they reach the
sea and disappear from sight.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The last and first day of a year’s cycle is celebrated • Rare like an honest Ebrin.
at the peak of the winter. People gather to cele- • Discreet as a Royal Guard in the King’s bedroom.
brate, tell tales about the most notable events of • Silent as a blackwood helmet.
the past year, and boast about their plans for the • Loves the country like a Wyltammer.
new one. These small or larger gatherings usually • Stinks like a swamp lily from the Ulden swamps.
end with the lighting of a huge bonfire in which • Strange like the gestures of a Xantharosian.
children usually throw a special kind of acorn that • Let’s not be like a Vordani and settle it in peace!
pops loudly when ignited. • As smart as the Constructor.
• Beautiful as the sunset over Cloud Peak.
• As noble as a grandson of Vacrilos.
Greenfields Festival (So not noble at all)
• Old enough to have a booth on People’s Plaza.
The last day of spring and the start of summer is cel- • Orphans make a Razmyrel. (One’s origins
ebrated all over Aglarion with large feasts and days don’t matter. Anyone can rise to any station
of revelry. Most weddings occur at this time of the in life, despite their social background.)
year, and many consider giving birth on this day of • As bitter as Old Gnarly without his evening feeding.
the year the luckiest gift a family could receive. Large
tents are erected all over the realm, and everyone is
free to join at the communal tables laden with deli-
cious fare. Refusing someone on this day brings bad
luck, which will last for the whole year to come.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



These mountains are ancient. They stretch from The mountain-sized, burnt black rocks that housed
the River Nenock to the sea, with many high the fallen angels during their descent to the Ma-
peaks and alpine valleys inhabited by the tribes terial Plane created this vast, unnatural mountain
of Vordan. Though the lush valleys support the range. The debris around the impacts has since
populace, most cities and settlements are on cliffs settled into hills and mountainsides, but the area
carved high into the mountains. The largest one is full of steep inclines and deep crevices, where
today is Windrip, the home of the Doomhammer flash floods are common. These mountains are not
clan, which is a cliff-dwelling, partially carved into traversed, and most living people avoid them due
a huge, shallow cave, accessible to the valley below to the dark powers emanating from them.
only through the giant system of pulleys that can
transport tons of supplies to the elevated town.
The Vordani tribes patrol the area and tax non- DRAYL MOUNTAINS
Vordanis for passage, exempting only the grain
trade on which they heavily rely. A natural barrier to the Drayl City-States, these
tall mountains are uninhabited due to their sheer
height, continuous avalanches, and the cold climate.
SHANDAR MOUNTAINS Traveling through this region is all but impossible.

This part of the northern border of Aglarion, be-

tween the Mountainfall, from the River Halueth ROADS
to the River Nenock, is an almost impassable, rug-
ged white-grey mountain range with deep crev- The King’s Road is a cobbled stone road with shelters
ices and high summits. The region is shunned by every few miles along its path for travelers to rest.
most, even the Vordanis in the north and east. East of the River Nenock and in the Ulden Lowlands,
Legends connect the name of the mountains to the road is kept in reasonably good condition due to
an evil entity that was worshiped around here the volume of trade that moves on this thoroughfare.
before the Dark Star, who routed it. To this day, However, the Trade Road west of Gorso through the
few have ventured into these mountain ranges, woods is in worse shape, with wagons usually trave-
and even fewer have ever returned. ling alongside the road on cleared forest paths due to
the missing cobblestones. In these areas, the shelters
are quickly populated by all manner of beasts, so it is
usually best to beware and avoid them altogether. The
Green Road that cuts through the Thornwoods and the
King’s Forest, winding north towards Nangrath from
the Crossroads, is better maintained and used for reg-
ular transports of ore from the northern mountains.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

the fallen angels’ lingering presence on the eastern
RIVER NENOCK banks and the stories of dangerous woods on the
western banks are recounted all over Aglarion.
The majestic River Nenock flows from the far north
and reaches Aglarion in a valley between the Shan-
dar and Vordan Mountains, winding through the NORTH BAY
country and emptying into the Calhay Sea at Onad-
byr. As it flows into Aglarion, the River is 400-600 The Calhay Sea opens into a large bay with calm
feet wide, fast-flowing, ranging between 20 to 30 waters, where schools of fish abound and where a
feet in depth with treacherous currents and a dis- group of merfolk and lizardfolk have made their
tinctly red color. Some say it is blood seeping from homes around the shores of Ronul’s End. The vil-
under the Shandar Mountains, but the sages disa- lage is known for the pearl divers who live here
gree. North of the village of Gorso, the river wid- and bring up the valuable treasures fashioned into
ens into low-lying wetlands, over a mile in width, magnificent jewelry by the craftsmen in the town.
significantly slowing down and losing much of its A tall lighthouse stands on the southern shore of
reddish hue. The slower waters allow the Gorso fer- the bay, with a large family of lizardfolk that man-
ry to operate. South of Gorso, the river narrows and age it, who also breed giant frogs and toads to sell
deepens, allowing for barging, which is the primary as delicacies in Onadbyr.
method of transporting timber and ore that arrive
at Gorso from the west. Apart from the Gorso ferry,
only one bridge exists between Gorso and Onadbyr SEAHORSE COVE
– the Azure bridge – built by Master Arlen the Con-
structor during the founding of the Kingdom. The southern bays are known breeding grounds for
giant sea horses that usually live in the depths of
the Calhay Sea and approach the shore to mate. As
RIVER HALUETH such, this is an area where those who are brave
enough to confront the rough seas come to catch
The source of River Halueth is somewhere in the the seahorses in the autumn.
North Mountainfalls. It reaches Aglarion through a
rift between the Shandar Mountains and the Moun-
tainfall, in an area with hundreds of waterfalls. It
is a treacherous and rapidly running river, full of
cascades and river bars, making it challenging to
navigate with boats. It flows south between the
Arden forest, the Wedgewoods, and the Leeward
Hills. Around the Arden Hills, it becomes milder
in the south, allowing smaller barges to move
cargo south toward the Drayl City-States. How-
ever, only the best river sailors can traverse the
treacherous waterways. There is only one bridge
in Aglarion over the river, the Overpass of the Gi-
ants, which stands between the Wedgewoods and
the Arden Forest, built to enable transportation of
cargo from the mountains and the Arden Forest to
Gorso. South of this bridge, most travelers refrain
from stopping on either river bank. The legends of

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Named after King Talanar I, famous for building Apart from the area around Onadbyr, this is the
a chain of fortifications in the north to prepare second-largest population center of the kingdom,
against a potential Vordani attack, these hills are with small villages and farmlands covering vast
sparsely populated today. As a result of the truce swaths of the land. The southwest part of the re-
with Vordan, most of the watchtowers and small gion supports the most fertile and coveted farm-
keeps slowly fell into disrepair, and only a select lands, where the soil is said to bring triple the crop
few key locations are garrisoned. In addition, this than anywhere else. As a result, the farmers of Har-
area was once known for red-furred goats, a pre- veston can sell their products with a significant
ferred source of meat that has been hunted almost premium to Onadbyr through their bargain posi-
to extinction so it is incredibly hard to find. tion as the breadbasket of the realm. This area also
covers the Ulden Swamps, which are fed by water
from the river Nenock, and as a result, the areas
ONADBYR PLAINS around the swamps are generally not well-trave-
led. The swampland is home to special flora & fau-
The plains between the King’s Forest and the Riv- na, with unique herbs growing here. The monas-
er Nenock are bountiful and host one of the main tery of the Spirited Leaf and its monks use these to
population centers in the kingdom, with many rural make their well-known brews. North of the Ulden
communities dotting the land. Sprawling farms, Forest, a chain of watchtowers reinforced and pa-
grain fields, and pastures cover almost the entire trolled from Southkeep guard the border with the
countryside region. Between the River Nenock, the Drayl City-States.
Ulden Swamps, and the Calhay Sea is a plateau that
rises from west to east, with jagged cliffs high above
the seacoast. There is a marble mine and multiple LEEWARD HILLS AND
stone quarries surrounding it, and the area is dotted CLOUD PEAK
by windmills due to the elevation and the constant-
ly blowing winds from the sea. The legends regarding Cloud Peak tell of the Dark
Star, who perched and collected sacrifices here, es-
tablishing its power over the lands, and whence it
ULDEN PLAINS was banished by Sarath. The surrounding areas in
the Leeward Hills and the neighboring forests were
These plains are inhabited mainly by farmers, where home to many fallen angels at the time. The rem-
the fields are worked for blue corn and wheat. The nants of this era lie scattered in these regions - ru-
road to Harveston, the farming center of the kingdom, ins overgrown by vegetation and shunned by visi-
winds from the southwest to the northeast. tors for a good reason. These dark and thick forests
are unpredictable and home to horrors left behind
by the reign of the Dark Star.

The Leeward Hills are rarely traveled, both because

of its infamy and the dense scrubs that cover the
rugged hills. Travelers are warned to avoid the
tainted area because those who return come back
changed, if they ever return at all. The cries of the
murdered still haunt this area.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

This valley is hidden among the hills and the forest As the name implies, these woods are an unwelcome
and has been here since ancient times. The borders area with thorny plants and undergrowth, poison-
between the Shadowrealm and the Material Plane ous and dangerous plant life, and freely roaming
are thin, and the valley is covered in continuous wild beasts. No one enters the Thornwoods, as
shadow. These extraordinary circumstances allow for there are legends about hauntings, underscored by
a particular type of tree called blackwood to grow many people disappearing in the forest. Building
here. These trees have pitch-black bark that absorbs the Green Road that cuts through the Thornwoods
sound, making the valley an eerie place to visit. From and the King’s Forest three centuries ago was a bold
time to time, a shadow or two slips through and lairs undertaking, and stories still circulate about miss-
here. Only a few know of the existence of this valley, ing work crews. In reality, these woods are vicious
and even fewer have actually traveled here to collect because of the druid circle of the Seven Thorns, a
the bark, mainly small troops of lumberjacks accom- gnome druid circle hell-bent on keeping every out-
panied by a druid. Once harvested, the bark of the sider out of their sacred woods.
blackwood needs to be treated with a barkskin spell
on the spot. Otherwise, it loses its unique quality.
KING’S FOREST The Arden Forest is an untamed wilderness with a
couple of logging outposts, which house many who
This forest serves as the royal hunting grounds want to get away from their past and make a de-
and has done so for centuries. Special laws pro- cent living with hard work. King Razmyrel named it
hibit hunting without personal approval from the in gratitude after Lord Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend”
monarch, and the woods abound with game. Based Arden, who was the first lawgiver for this region
in and around the Royal Hunting Lodge, the Royal and the last of his line. In the company of his close
Hunters make sure that nature is not disturbed by friend Thelarmas the bronze dragon, the Red Cloak
anyone apart from the royal family and their associ- Lawgiver once patrolled these lands to keep the rule
ates. The only exception is the woodcutting license of law in the wilder, less developed regions of the
that Willow Creek has received due to the increased Kingdom.
need for wood in the capital over the past century.
This area was also said to be the last region where the
great Arlen the Constructor was working on some-
WEDGEWOOD thing monumental, a task that most say was never
finished. The south of the forest is enchanted by old
The Wedgewood is a large forest that covers the magics that make everyone lose their way, the site
middle of the kingdom. It is a wildland where na- of the Stride of the Elders that leads to the Hagtree,
ture rules and wild animals abound. It is said that which is the only remaining gateway to the Feyrealm.
many black and brown bears inhabit this area. The
only known road that passes through is the Trade
Road, an old brick road in serious disrepair. CLEARWATER POND
A large, still pond fed by water from the wild Hal-
ueth river is a favored location for the local wildlife
due to its clear waters and abundance of fish.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


There are different types of locations in the King-

dom of Aglarion. Like all major towns and geograph- 3. E th e re a l C lo is te r
ical landmarks, some are public and widely known,
while some are connected to specific encounters The remnants of a sunken temple of death that once
that only happen if one visits the location. Yet oth- stood on a rock pillar rising from the sea can be seen
ers are secret and hidden until characters learn of through the clear sea water from above. The location
them and the paths that lead there. However, al- was a holy site where only the clergy of the Inevita-
most all locations have a significant role in Chapter ble was allowed to enter. The monastery stood on
4 of the adventure after the Midnight Curse has the border of the Ethereal Plane that was so thin
struck the realm. The following summary describes that those who walked the halls of the cloister could
the pre-curse conditions of each location in case hear the voices of the dead. Those clerics who spent
the characters choose to travel the Kingdom before much time at the site could even converse with the
the events in Chapter 2 unfold. Where an additional souls of the deceased. Unfortunately, Morgawr, the
name appears in the location’s title, it refers to its kraken necromancer, destroyed the rock pillar, and
name and role in Chapter 4 of the adventure, where its undead apprentices sometimes visit the site to
the full map of Aglarion is presented. We have also extort information from the dead.
marked secret locations that only appear in the ad-
venture when the characters find them.
4. W i l lo w C ree k
1. Ona dby r Willow Creek is a small settlement of farmers and
woodcutters who make a decent living by sell-
Onadbyr is the capital of Aglarion, the largest set- ing their produce mainly in Onadbyr. Rowan, a
tlement in the land. See the Onadbyr section for reserved and resourceful ranger, is the head of
a full description. the village council. This village also serves as the

2. T o m b o f Th e ROWAN
C o n s t ru cto r

The Tomb of Master Arlen, the Constructor. See

Tomb of the Constructor section in Chapter 2.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

staging ground for any Royal Hunt into the King’s closest ally and friend, “Salty Eel” Sykes is a sea-
Forest. The majority of the fields between the soned veteran who is the loyal right-hand of the
King’s Forest and the Talanar Hills are owned by aging lord.
the townsfolk of Willow Creek.

5. G ro r ra r r' S La i r
Inside the King’s Forest, nesting in a cave by an “S A LTY EE L”
ancient tree, lives Grorrarr the owlbear druid, with SY KE S
its two younglings. Grorrarr keeps to the deep-
est parts of the woods and is content with rais-
ing its cubs in peace. However, it does not wel-
come visitors and has already gotten into multiple
disagreements with the lumberjacks of Willow
Creek when they had intruded on her territory.

6. Ro n u l' s E n d

7. N o r th B a y
L ig h th o u se

LO RD D Y ZA G The primary lighthouse that guides ships in the

RO N U L North Bay is inhabited by a lizardfolk family that
keeps it operational while also breeding giant frogs
and giant toads adjacent to the building for sale as
delicacies to Onadbyr’s famed inns and taverns.

8. M o s s y To we r
An abandoned watchtower in the Talanar Hills is
overgrown by moss among the scattered boulders
of the hills.

The pearl fishing village of Ronul’s End is a rela-

tively new settlement, only a century old, founded 9. A b a n d o n e d F a rm -
by Almeiro Ronul - famed pirate and founder of
the Ronul family. The town is inhabited by a mix
h o u se ( We l l o f
of merfolk, lizardfolk, and other settlers and is a Ro a c h e s )
tidy and profitable little village. Lord Dyzag Ronul,
the elder Ronul baron, manages the town from This farmhouse in the northern reaches of the Ta-
the old Ronul Villa built from and around Almeiro lanar Hills has been abandoned for generations.
Ronul’s beached flagship, the Boundless Pearl. His An active well lies next to its crumbling walls.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

10. M o n a s te ry 12. A b a n d o n e d Lo d g e
o f P a s t L i ve s
In a hidden valley, the northern area also houses
the secret hideout of the Heroes of Virtue, a group
In a forested area, south of the Talanar Hills, sits of duplicitous adventurers. The gang’s members
a small lake with an island in its center. On the is- are rarely found in the lodge, which is main-
land stands the Monastery of Past Lives, founded by tained by their hirelings. These hired thugs have
the Karramosa family and built on top of an earth no knowledge of the accumulated treasures that
elemental node that contains a high amount of are stored in the secret cellar of the building that
gemstones. The deep node is inhabited by Luriana is trapped in multiple ways to keep out intruders.
Karramosa, who had transformed into a vicious
large xorn that feeds on the gemstones. The monks
of the monastery, secretly in the employ of the 13. R o y a l
noble family, sometimes descend to the node and
steal some of the constantly resurfacing stones in
H un t i n g Lo d g e
stealth, which are then cut, and sold in Onadbyr.
This lodge and the surrounding buildings were
built during the Ebrin dynasty over the base of a
11. C a c h e o f villa originally used by the leadership of the Order
of the Eternal Light. Some say that the most impor-
A l m e i ro Ro n u l tant decisions were made here at the time, in the
(SECRE T LOC ATION) seclusion of the forest. The lodge is mostly unused
during the majority of the year, with only a couple of
Almerio Ronul’s pirate treasure is buried in the soldiers, hunters, and a minimal staff stationed here
northeastern section of the Talanar Hills. Its loca- on a permanent basis. However, in case the monarch
tion is only known to Almerio’s descendant, Lord decides to go on a hunt, the lodge is quickly filled up
Dyzag Ronul, who guards this secret with his life. by the famous and wealthy. Unknown to most but
Some speculate that the fabled treasures of Almeiro the oldest loremasters, under the basement and ac-
Ronul are hidden in these hills, however these are cessible through the well is a crypt where the Order’s
merely rumors among the countless tales that leaders entombed a group of clerics who doubted
Lord Dyzag spreads about the cache to disseminate the legitimacy of theocratic rule centuries ago.
misinformation. In Chapter 4 of the adventure, the
Heroes of Virtue will have found the cache when
the characters approach the excavation site. 14. T h e G ree n Ro a d
(Th ick o f th e
Wo o d s )
The brick road between the Crossroads and Nan-
grath cuts through the woods and is not as well-
tended as the King’s Road to the south. Two deep
grooves mark the passage of countless wagons
laden with ore that have passed through the
wooded area. The forest around the road is teem-
ing with wildlife.

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son, Yarik manages the day-to-day activities of
15. N a n g ra th the village, and most townsfolk hold him in high
regard as a just and honest person. His young-
The town of Nangrath, once the focal point of er son, Odryk, lives in Onadbyr and manages the
the war effort against the Vordani confederacy family villa in the capital. The town has a small
of tribes, is now a tiny, poor, backwater village magic shop operated by Thermerson the Wise, a
inhabited mainly by dwarves and humans. Al- mage and archeologist, who travels these areas
though most of the inhabitants have an ancestor in search of magic trinkets, mainly found in loca-
who fought or supported the war effort, most tions of known battles in the north.
of the populace consists of weathered peasants
who make a living from farming. As trade to the
north and mining activities dwindled, the village 16. F o r t
got poorer and poorer, with some inhabitants de-
ciding to move to the south to other towns such
S to rm b re a ke r
as Willow Creek or Harveston. The buildings are
sturdy and well constructed, but many are emp- The ruins of Fort Stormbreaker dominate the land-
ty and unused. A large part of the old stone wall scape. Dwarves and humans built the fort on top
around the village was taken apart and used as a of ancient ruins to serve against the attacks of
resource for repairing Nangrath Bastion, rising at the Vordani barbarians. As part of the truce with
the center of the circular village. The town is over- Vordan, the two sides agreed to dismantle the
seen by Lord Arenbar Nangrath, the elderly dwarf forts, and two Vordani families were settled next
patron who still remembers the days of the war. to its ruins as part of this agreement. The Vordanis
He lives in Nangrath Bastion, which is essentially don’t mingle or mix with the people of Aglarion
a thick-walled tower surrounded by a stone and are ready to signal Vordan if the
wall, guarded by the Lord’s commander, ruins of the fort are ever disturbed
personal guard, and confidante, Captain or armies were to march on Vordan
Ick Forge-n-hammer. The lord’s elder from Aglarion.

FO RG E - N - H A M ME R


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

17. F o r t B la ckb e l l
Fort Blackbell was the main fortress guarding the
road to the north. As long as memory serves, there
was a fortification in this location. The fort housed LO RD
a magical bell that could be heard even as far as Z IA D E M O S
the Talanar Hills. Since the treaty with the Vordani GORSO
tribes, Aglarion has removed the troops from this
location and is content with just Nangrath soldiers
patrolling the area from time to time. The ancient
fort is uninhabited and stands in ruins.

18. D a rk s to n e
The cave opening leading to the Dark Below is well walls and watchtowers, with the motte-and-bailey
hidden among the many depleted mining sites in castle of the Gorso family in the center of the town.
the area. However, deep in the lower caverns of There used to be a bridge next to the fort, which
Darkstone are the ramshackle remains of an old du- was destroyed in a peasant uprising, so the Gorsos
ergar trading post built over an ancient onyx mine. now operate a ferry that transports passengers and
Miners collapsed the entrance to the mines centu- cargo across the river. Almost everyone in the town
ries ago due to otherworldly and deadly influences is used to the erratic and often oppressive rule of
at the heart of the deeper mines. (See Chapter 6 - the Gorso family, accepting it as the state of the
Darkstone Mines for details.) world, given that the Gorsos provide work to the
majority of the populace.

19. K i n g' s Ro a d
( C ro s s ro a d s )

The King’s Road is a well-maintained red brick road

overseen by the engineers of the Royal Army. The
crossroads to Nangrath and Gorso also has a sign-
post with a multitude of planks showing the differ-
ent settlements, their directions, and distances.

20. g o r s o
The village of Gorso is ruled by a noble family, the
Gorsos, whose members are entropist fanatics, nihil-
istic hedonists devoted to the force of the Elemental
Chaos. They are led by the entropist warlock patron
of the family, Lord Ziademos Gorso. The town is sit-
uated along the River Nenock, surrounded by stone G IAN A S LO R'G H IAN K I

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Lately, rumors say that as part of his crazed quest
in service of the Elemental Chaos, Lord Ziademos 23. T h e M a ze
Gorso has been obsessed with a hunt for a unicorn o f F lo we r s
to further his studies into the forces of chaos and
law, employing many hunters in this endeavor.
Tucked between the hills under the veil of the for-
Gianas Lor’Ghianki, a friendly but lewd tiefling, est is a magical maze made out of plants, which
dismissed from the College of Minstrels, runs the continuously grows and changes. Its walls are
Flirty Nymphs brothel, catering almost exclusively thorny bushes, floors covered with vines, and ceil-
to Ziademos Gorso and the members of his family. ing overgrown with thick branches. Flowers con-
stantly blossom and wither within its confines in
the span of a few minutes, as if time flows faster
21. T ra ppe d Wo o d s in this location. The mixed smell of the decaying
and flowering plants nauseates any who enter.
This part of the forest is called Thornwoods, for Legends say druids of old built the maze to serve
the thorny underbrush covering most of the forest. as a testing ground and that only wise decisions
Most hunters or loggers also shun this area as it and the knowledge of the magic of nature can
is unnaturally overgrown by the thorns that some- help to find its center. There looms an old druid
times cover deep pits. In reality, the gnome druid shrine to the Eternal Mother containing a portal,
circle of the Seven Thorns has dug several pit which allows travel to the Stride of the Elders in
traps in this area, as they know that most animals the southern section of the Arden Forest.
don’t roam here due to the briars. The xenophobic
gnome druids patrol the woods and try to keep any
intruder away, preying in the form of dire wolves 24. B a t t le f ie l d s
on the sporadic logging operations.
o f To ra k

22. C i rc le o f th e This is the location of one of the greatest battles

fought between Vordan and Aglarion, where a
Se ve n Th o rn s complete Vordani war chariot company, the Blood
Wheels, was wiped out. After the war and as part of
This area of the Thornwoods the truce, the two kings of the
is a densely grown, thick for- opposing forces erected a
est that hides the Circle of the huge stone slab to commem-
Seven Thorns, an ancient radical orate the event and the fallen.
gnome druid circle led by Tonk
Wildwander. The gnome druid
circle is a remnant of the Seven
Flowers, who were hunted almost
to extinction and have been in
hiding for centuries. The neigh-
boring peoples call this part of TO N K
the woods the Vanishing Woods W I L DWAN D E R
as they say everyone who ven-
tures into the dense thicket is
never seen again.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

25. T h e D ra g o n' s 27. G a r d e n o f P le n ty

The story of the creation of this magical garden has
been lost to time, but local sages recall a garden where
This is a hilly landscape that is very rarely trav- bushes grow berries of which a single one can feed
eled. Hidden between the hills is the skeleton a grown person for a day. The garden is well hidden
of the ancient gargantuan bronze dragon Thelar- and is currently the lair of a huge brown bear, who
mas, ally to Lord Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend” has found the magical berries and is feeding on them,
Arden. His youngest offspring, Selvaro, blinded keeping all other contenders away.
from an encounter with the oozes who took over
its father’s lair, tends to the bones as a hermit in
human form. 28. C le a rwa te r P o n d
( Wa te r s o f W ra th )
SE LVA RO The waters of Clearwater Pond are pristine, its
shores teeming with life.

29. S m o ke s to n e M i n e
This mine is the source of the majority of the iron
and copper ore mined in Aglarion, with rumors of
several deep gold veins. Smokestone was a decent
town when Aglarion was founded, but over half a
millennia, people left, and it became solely a mining
community overseen by the Royal Palace. The mine
is under the direction of Ilberd Serpentpike, a hal-
fling minor noble, who manages the mine with a
26. S h r i n e o f th e retinue of Royal Swords. The miners are paid well,
and the ore is periodically transported to Onadbyr.
B li n d G o d

The lair of Thelarmas, the ancient bronze dragon, 30. N e s t o f th e

was overrun by oozes summoned by worshippers
of the Blind God, an evil deity of oozes. They trans-
C ra ck li n g C ro w s
formed the lair into the Shrine of the Blind God
and, in their mad search for communion with their The peak of Mount Aurnmere at the edge of the
god, transformed their own bodies into a mani- Mountainfall has served as a nest of rocs for hun-
festation of the Blind God itself. As a result, oozes dreds of years, from where they swoop down to
infest the lair, and the souls of the cultists have the Arden forest to hunt caravans or river barges.
been cursed in undeath to eternal worship as a The rocs are said to cackle with shrill voices when
spectral congregation. The gargantuan gelatinous they dive upon their helpless victims, snatching
cube guarding the entry to the caves burns out the up entire vehicles, and flying away with their
eyes of anyone who enters. prey towards the peak.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

31.  a te to th e
G 33. G rey m o s s
D a rkn e s s W i th i n C la n La i r

An immense dark gate opens into the cliffside on This area has long been inhabited by stone giants,
the top of a mountain plateau, created by the last the Greymoss Clan being the last of their line. In
remaining survivors and loyalists of the Dark Star return for guarding the border against any incur-
during their escape after Sarath’s victory over their sions through the Mountainfall, they are accepted
lord. It is a magical portal leading to the darkest and allowed to dwell in this area and hunt to satisfy
section of the divine realm of the Darkness Within. their needs. The clan halls are carved into the side
None have returned from those who ever managed of the mountain with enormous gateways and tall
to cross through the gate. and wide corridors.

32. A b u lio r W h i te - 34. L o d g e o f

g a te' s Wo rk s h o p Wa n d e r lu s t

Abulior Whitegate, an expelled academician from This lodge has stood in the Arden Forest since any-
the Arcane Tower, has been researching Master Ar- one can remember. It resembles a fortification made
len’s work and its connection to angelic lore in his of thick and sturdy granite blocks, protecting trav-
hut at the foothills of the Mountainfall. His original elers on the road for ages. It is managed by Cygnus,
intent and area of interest were in building con- the couatl paladin of the Shining Light, who estab-
structs and, in particular, the potential to create lished it as an adventurer’s guild over a thousand
constructs with true intelligence. The wizard was years ago. In the guise of a human knight, Cygnus
expelled for stealing an ancient dark celestial parch- employs adventurers to find and notify the lodge of
ment annotated by Master Arlen himself that relat- any activity that might signal any re-emergence of
ed the story of a dark deva named Samkiel, banished the Dark Star or the Darkness Within.
with the Ziggurat of the New Moon for his proph-
ecies of doom. Abulior then settled in this area due
to the legends surrounding Master Arlen’s final con- 35. O ve r p a s s o f
struct, the Colossus, for which he is searching.
th e G ia n t s

This stone bridge was built centuries ago over the Riv-
AB U LIO R er Halueth and spans almost half a mile, 200 feet above
WH ITE G ATE the riven canyon. The bridge is not garrisoned and is
not very well maintained – chipped rocks and loose
stones make the traverses quite hard for wagons.

36. G o le m c ra f t C a ve
The hills in the eastern section of the Arden Forest
are dotted with small to large caves. One such larger

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

cave hosted Master Arlen the Constructor while he against Lord Kabok Goldtooth. They wanted to wed
built the pieces of the Colossus. The enormous cave their youngest daughter Zikniq to Lord Kabok, who
is a stone quarry, with scaffolding and pulleys cover- was not too keen on the proposal. Afterward, they
ing one of the walls and rubble at its bottom. Inoper- tried to make him agreeable by using magic but were
able, rusty, and broken daedal wrights stand around found out by Kabok’s spies. So Kabok found it best
the cave, with an active golem still guarding the lo- to exile the family and forget about the whole affair.
cation. The spell employed in the animation of the
Colossus is carved on the walls of the cave, although
a large portion of it has been damaged or destroyed 41. G o n s h a r
by floodwater from above. The section that remains
explains how to stop or start the colossus, but there Gonshar is a simple and relatively well-kept town with
is no explanation of how it can be controlled. a decent community of friendly and hard-working
folks made up of mostly goblins, hobgoblins, and
bugbears who live under the rule of Lord Kabok
37. B a r ro w o f Goldtooth, Supreme Wizard of Gonshar according
to his self-awarded title, a descendant of Bilakk
th e C o lo s s u s Goldtooth, the famed goblin warrior. Kabok is an
illusionist and cares a lot about his village and sub-
The forest here teems with life, and unbeknownst jects. Lord Kabok Goldtooth claims to have forged
to all, Master Arlen’s Colossus is lying here, where an alliance with the legendary and rarely seen gold
it buried itself under the forest at the command of dragon Xykot, who guards the village. The dragon is
the archmage. The colossal construct is inanimate, actually an illusion sometimes conjured by Kabok
missing a crucial element of the spell to function. to maintain his scheme and standing and as protec-
tion to ward off any hostile acts against the village.
Thus, buyers don’t argue if the magic items sold
38. T ra i ls o f here don’t work or work differently than explained.
Gonshar itself is not very self-sufficient and imports
th e C o lo s s u s most of its food from Gorso.

This encounter location only appears in Chapter 4

of the adventure when the Colossus animates.

39. Wa y la i d P i l g r im s
This encounter location only appears in Chapter
4 of the adventure after a group of pilgrims are
waylaid by the Blackfur bandits.

40. M o th f a n g F a m i l y
Re s i d e n ce

This mountainous area is home to the Mothfang

goblin family, exiled from Gonshar due to slights

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

42. B la ckf u r B a n d i t 44. T h e H a g t ree
H i deo ut (SECRE T LOC ATION)

A group of bandits and outlaws – the Blackfurs – Originally planted by the Seven Flowers millennia
claim the south of the Arden Forest as their own. ago, this ancient tree exists on four planes simulta-
They long for the treasures rumored to have been neously – the Material Plane, the Shadowrealm, the
amassed by the dragon Xykot and take every op- Ethereal Plane, and the Feyrealm. Unfortunately,
portunity to get more intelligence about Gonshar after millennia of serving as a gateway between
and Kabok. They also prey on merchant caravans the realms, the Matrons of Malice discovered the
through the Arden Forest. Their numbers are slowly tree. They corrupted it by bounding the souls of
growing due to their success and the fact that the other hags into the tree, infusing it with malicious
King and his army are far away and less interest- intent and sentience. See Traversing the Hagtree
ed in defending the goblinoid village. The band is section in Chapter 4 for more details.
led by Ishnari, a half-
orc and -elven dru-
id mercenary who 45. R u i n s o f th e
turned to a life of
crime far from the
Wa te r- ra ise r
capital and hungers
after the dragon’s The forest overgrows the ruins of an ancient mas-
hoard. sive water-raising mechanism at the shores of the
River Halueth. The village-sized construction was
once used to transport water to the Leeward hills
over aqueducts during the time of the dark angels.
Today, it is the secret home of the half-elven philos-
opher woodworker Bryn Helgraz and his family, hid-
ing from the world and preparing for the end times.

43. S t r i d e o f
th e E l d e r s
The Seven Flowers created this magically hidden
pathway in ancient times to hide and protect
the planar gateway tree they planted, which is
now the Hagtree. This challenge is intended to
keep out those unfamiliar with druidic spells
and knowledge and is impenetrable by any other
means than the ancient magic that still works
here. See On the Stride of the Elders section in
Chapter 4 for more details.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

deduct different sacrificial rituals used in this area

46. Th e G ro a n i n g by the evil angels thousands of years ago. The na-
P i l la r gas are seclusive and avoid contact with anyone
who approaches them.

Among the tall trees, hidden within the forest is

a huge monolith, covered with ancient runes and 48. C lo u d Pe a k ( C a m p
long-rusted chains, with celestial hieroglyphs carved
on its sides. The pillar, originally called the Pillar of
o f th e Re d c lo a k )
Mercy by the fallen angels, has been dubbed the
Groaning Pillar by later historians. It was said to be Cloud Peak is a solitary mountain that is always
used for delivering “mercy” to those who committed covered in clouds. Legends claim the mountain has
crimes against the laws of the Dark Star. Howev- a direct connection to the Dark Star. An ancient
er, ancient vestiges of magic remain and whoever altar was used to offer blood sacrifices to the Dark
approaches the pillar has to endure the lingering Star at its peak. Sarath broke the altar as she used
punishment of the fallen angels. Zevius, the oracle this location as a focal point in her ritual to power
spirit naga who camps here, was expelled from its the Radiant Sphere of Annihilation and break the
nest for being unfaithful to the Inevitable and its moon, thereby banishing the fallen angels. Climb-
brood at the Cairns of Bone. ing the 13,000-foot mountain is a feat not many
people can survive.

49. Th e We a ry O g re
The Weary Ogre is a relatively new establishment
built only about two centuries ago to serve the
needs of the travelers who come to visit the Ar-
cane Tower. Ozar the Exquisite purchased the for-
tified inn decades ago. He is a jolly, fat, half-ogre
ZE V IU S master chef and transmuter who made it his life’s
quest to serve the best food in the kingdom. Today,
the Weary Ogre competes for the title of the most

47. C a i rn s o f B o n e
The north-western part of the Leeward Hills also
contains ruins from the ancient age of the Dark
Star. In reality, some of the hills are enormous
cairns filled with the bones of the mortals who re-
sisted and were, in turn, sacrificed by the fallen an-
gels. The area is home to a nest of three death-wor-
shipping spirit naga oracles, who make their home
over one of the cairns. They study the bones and

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

famous and coveted restaurant all over the conti-
nent. The dishes he serves bring in visitors from 52. H a rve s to n
even other countries from time to time.
Harveston is less of a village and more of a trad-
ing ground. The surrounding farmlands and farm-
50. T h e A rc a n e To we r ers come here to trade, meet, and manage their af-
fairs. As such, Harveston has a temple to the Eternal
( Va u lt s o f th e Mother, a cattle market, a general market, a huge
A rc a n e To we r ) tavern, multiple blacksmiths, and the Kicking Bull
– a festhall that can host over a hundred people at
The Arcane Tower, built by Master Arlen the Con- the same time. The annual Cattle Fest, during which
structor and his students, houses the most senior the locals choose the Bull of the Year, is an event of
and experienced wizards in the realm and an ex- drinking and revelry that many people from Onad-
tensive library on the wizardly arts. Entry to the Ar- byr and even the Drayl City-States come to visit.
cane Tower is rare and only for arcane spellcasters,
though other magic users or sages have been admit-
ted from time to time. The King’s Road ends at the 53. L e a n i n g
gates of the Tower. The acting archmage of Aglarion,
Master Zaophas, runs a rigorous, tidy academy. For
Wa tc h to we r
a full description of the Arcane Tower, see The Ar-
cane Tower section in Capter 4 of the adventure. This region has several active watchtowers built
from stone and wood, which are maintained and
garrisoned from Southkeep to monitor the south-
M A STE R ern border. Lieutenant Nermal Ottington usually
ZEO PH A S spends more time in these watchtowers than in
Southkeep on his border patrols.


51. U l d e n Lo w la n d s
( F ie l d o f
N ig h tm a re s )
These lowlands are very tranquil and relatively 54. S o u th kee p
empty. Two brick roads wind through, one in the
direction of Harveston, and another, less traveled Southkeep is a garrison overseeing the kingdom’s
one, to the Arcane Tower. southern borders, housing a storied light cavalry

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

that patrols the borders. Since the age of King Raz-

myrel Melkar, the keep has stood as a motte-and- 56. A zu re B r i d g e
bailey built of wood, with a large campsite outside
the walls. The current commander of the keep is The Azure Bridge is one of the two bridges that
Captain Renrik Nuhak, a senior Red Cloak Lawgiver, cross the River Nenock. Master Arlen magically con-
and well-known military commander. His sec- structed it from a strange blue crystal that magi-
ond-in-command is Nermal Ottington, a competent cally sticks everything to its surface if commanded
lieutenant and independent and uncompromising to do so by the holder of the Azure Bridge control
crusader for justice and adventure, who usually rod. The current bearer of the rod and tasked with
leads the patrols on the south border. managing the bridge is Klinikk Jordus, a somewhat
ambitious and greedy man who is looking for ad-
vancement in the kingdom’s bureaucracy. Small
55.  o n a s te ry o f th e
M wooden fortifications guard the bridge at its two
ends, and everyone but the royals needs to pay the
S p i r i te d Le a f toll to the corrupt bridgemaster.

The Monastery of the Spirited Leaf, home to a

score of monks, is devoted to the Redeemer, the
god of life. The large, two-story stone building has
welcomed visitors and aided those in need for long
centuries. The monks here also mastered their
skills in brewing specialized alcoholic drinks. Their
most famous brew is the Spirited Leaf, made out of
special herbs that only grow in the Ulden Swamps.
The monks are led by Tortitudo, the dwarven abbot
master brewer who is the most spirited of them
all. Master Brewer Tortitudo is the only point of
contact to Vaddon the Hermit, who lives south of
the Ulden Swamps. In reality, the abbot relies on
Vaddon to find newer and newer herbs to process
in the brewery and refine the Spirited Leaf.

57. M u d F un n e ls

This encounter location only appears in Chapter 4

of the adventure when the heavy rains from the
Midnight Curse create mud funnels in the Onadbyr
plains, infested by ankhegs.

58. U l d e n S wa m p s
( Ke l z a r' s Lo g )

The Ulden Swamps is an extensive swampland that

is unpopulated. It is a thriving natural environment

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

where several special herbs grow that are the basic
ingredients to make the unique beer brewed by
the monks of the Spirited Leaf Monastery. Many
dangerous animals and beasts live here, and as a
result, there are not many who wander into its
depths. The southern section of the Ulden Swamps
is an even more densely overgrown area. A troll
family inhabits this region, who keep to them-
selves and usually avoid contact with the outside
world. They tend to their domesticated alligators
and occasionally trade with Vaddon the Hermit.
The head of the family is Kelzar, who hunts with
its alligator turtle companion. The family lives in a
massive tree log that floats on the swampy waters.

59. Va d d o n' s A b o d e
Vaddon the Hermit lives at the edge of the Ul-
den Swamps and makes his home inside a tree
hut. Vaddon can talk to and understand plants
better than people and makes his living by col-
lecting unique natural resources and brewing po-
tions and ointments from them. Tortitudo of the
Spirited Leaf also relies on his expertise to find
and bring back new herbs for their brewing pro-
cess. Vaddon knows the surrounding areas very
well but is hard to talk to - his speech resem-
bles croaking frogs, buzzings of insects, and other
sounds of nature.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

60. S ob ru z Qu a r ry
a n d Pe n i te n t ia ry

The Sobruz Quarry’s clay pits are worked by the con-

victs of the penitentiary, who are mainly there for
more serious crimes. The hard labor here is considered
a more severe punishment than being jailed in the
Dungeon of Tears in Onadbyr. As a result, the guards
protecting this penitentiary are unusually vigilant and
sometimes outright brutal with the convicts, who are
some of the most hardened criminals of the realm.

61. Ro y a l S tu d F a rm
This area houses the Royal Stud Farm. The Royal
Groom, Countess Unper Maritayl, lives in a manor
house next to the surrounding stables and barns.
She is required to take care of the King’s horses,
among them, his favorite steed, Blackheart.

62. O l d W i n d m i l ls
There are several old windmills in the center of a
collection of large neglected farms. One of the mills
is named the Old Grinder. The farmlands around
the mills have long been abandoned after they lost
their fertility due to a strange fungal phenomenon
known as the Rooteater.

63. R u i n s of the Ro y a l
S um me r Pa la ce

On the high cliffs along the coast lie the ruins of dacity to request sexual favors in place of payment.
the Royal Summer Residence of Queen Eirammar, The enraged queen had the noble murdered, and his
grandmother of King Waldrann. Eirammar built the body interred in the walls inside her residence. Af-
villa as a place of festivities, and rumor says the vil- terward, the ghost of Count Plitvar started to wreak
la’s walls have seen many secrets the Royal family havoc. It was very inconvenient for the royal family,
might want to keep to themselves. Queen Eirammar so they simply abandoned the villa to stifle any gos-
was known for gambling and as a sore loser. On sip and have not used it since. However, the ghost
one of her bets, it happened that she lost a fortune of Count Pitvar still haunts the ruined halls, mad for
to a minor noble, Count Plitvar, who had the au- vengeance against the treacherous queen.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

64. Z ig g u ra t o f th e
Ne w Moon

This is a secret location known to no one. It was

constructed around the planetar Morkiel’s crystal
of the immortals housed in the Ziggurat of the
New Moon and used to imprison the fallen deva
Samkiel, by banishing the entire ziggurat to the
Astral Plane. Master Arlen and King Razmyrel Val-
syr Melkar found the hidden ziggurat and gleaned
long-lost secrets from the mad deva imprisoned
within with the highest secrecy. The ziggurat is
transposed to the Astral Plane and can only be S A M K IE L
summoned at its former location, at the highest
point of the new moon, and with a specific com-
mand phrase. Even then, it remains for the briefest
moments before it moves back to the Astral Plane.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

C i ty o f A dve n tu re
The capital city of the Kingdom of Aglarion is full of interesting
places to explore and people to meet. It is a thriving city that
welcomes all races and beliefs just like the rest of the kingdom
until they don’t mean harm to others. It is an ancient city built
on the secrets of the dark celestials who established it and had it
constructed on the sweat and blood of the mortal slaves they ruled
over. Those who walk its streets with an observant eye can find
remnants of its rich history everywhere.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ona dby r

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The area where Onadbyr stands today has been

frequented by migrating tribes since the dawn of
history. The first permanent settlement was estab-
lished by the decree of Tannur, the planetar gener-
al of the Dark Star, who claimed the Calhay Sea as
its own territory, and made this location its main
residence. The planetar named the city Oun Adh Ei-
lon, meaning “The City of Chains”, and established
it as a center for slave trade, a place where slaves
were forced into servitude and bent to the will of
their dark angel masters. Legend says that the villa In the centuries that followed, the number of se-
and the fortifications built for Tannur were beauti- cret followers of the Shining Light slowly grew in
ful and magical beyond belief. However, its secrets the city, and when the uprising of Sarath resulted
were well kept, as all the slaves and workers who in the banishment of the angels, the mortal loyal-
built it were massacred by the evil angels, leaving ists of the Dark Star were also punished for their
the bodies in a single enormous pit under the area deeds against their own kin. The Order of the Eter-
where the Royal Palace currently stands. nal Light renamed the city Oun Adbyr, the City Of
Mortals, and made it their capital. The city’s name
When Xantharos, the Father of All Dragons, was ban- morphed into Onadbyr over the centuries from
ished from the Feyrealm to the Material Plane by the this archaic origin. The ruined city was rebuilt,
drow vampire conjurer, Faeryl Myrryn, the dragon and the Order commissioned multiple shrines to
attacked the city, killing thousands and destroying the Shining Light, one of them the Eternal Torch on
most of it. However, the fallen angels who battled it the coast, which was where the souls of the here-
over the Calhay Sea far to the east from the coast- tics were consecrated by dropping them into the
line eventually defeated the dragon and its immense fires of the temple. The most significant temple
body fell into the sea, forming the Isles of Xantharos. was the grand Cathedral of the Sun that spread its

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ever-glowing rays over the entire city. Soon after place to some field hospitals. There were only two
the death of Sarath, the new quarters of Rodnar occasions when the capital was attacked after the
the All-Seeing, Priest King of the Order of the Eter- onslaught of Xantharos. First, when the Xantharian
nal Light, were built over Tannur’s fort, laying the fleets arrived on the coast, pursuing Lord Almei-
foundations of the Royal Palace. The Order also es- ro Ronul, the noble-turned pirate lord. The forces
tablished the House of Brilliance, where the hand- of the enraged half-dragons were repelled by the
picked acolytes of promise were indoctrinated combined strength of the pirate lord’s fleet and
and trained to serve and support the Order of the the Royal Armada. The second siege was the un-
Eternal Light. Only pupils from these schools were expected attack of Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impos-
allowed to use magic outside of the hierarchy of tor, who destroyed much of the city, including the
clerics of the Order. In the surrounding hilltops, Nine Arches bridge, before being forced to flee by
the nobility, endowed and supported by the Order, King Daerios Azennar. King Daerios was succeeded
moved in to claim the best plots of land. to the throne by his son, King Waldrann. The cur-
rent king is famous for his manly challenges and
During the revolution of King Razmyrel, all the flirtatious adventures, but his life so far has been
temples and shrines to the god of the Light and shadowed by the tragedy of losing his first queen,
Darkness were razed, Master Arlen himself melt- then his firstborn son. Despite his personal trage-
ing the foundations of the Cathedral of the Sun dies, the realm enjoys never-before-seen prosperity
and collapsing the structure. Having long suffered and a seemingly bright future.
under the Order, the enraged population destroyed
everything that had the mark of the zealous priests.
Rebuilding took a lot of effort, and King Razmyrel
consciously planned the newly-built capital with
the help of Master Arlen.

During Queen Myrel’s reign, several escaped de-

scendants of the Order secretly plotted to bring a
terrible plague to the capital, called the Laughing
Plague. It is said that those who contracted the
highly virulent disease went into fits of laughter
that would not abate, and when their bodies could
not take it anymore, the afflicted died. However,
Queen Myrel supported by the new temples, was
able to find the cure and save a lot of souls from the
raging plague.

King Grankar the Brash expanded the city outside

the Old Wall and built the New Wall and Grankar’s
Chains. This part of the city development was also
consciously planned, for the most part, and made
several nobles extremely wealthy.

The Vordan Wars did not reach Onadbyr, as most

of the battles were fought north of the King’s For-
est, in the Thornwoods and Talanar Hills. During
this time, the capital was further fortified and gave

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Onadbyr has a long and colorful history that has left city map are merely the exceptionally interesting
its marks on the city. It has been the seat of many or important ones, either the best in their trade or
different rulers who added more or less to the city’s unique for some reason. Feel free to add any pro-
current form. As a result, Onadbyr is a mix of old fession or service to the city if the characters are
and new architecture, expanding even today. During specifically looking for them.
the past centuries, Onadbyr’s layout and structure
was developed through centralized city planning,
creating each district to serve a different purpose
and function. The old city was built around the
Royal Palace, around which most of the old noble
houses constructed their residencies. The wealthy
settled in large estates on spacious plots on the
northern hills, while residents with lower incomes
have been drawn to the south, where buildings are
more densely packed and living is cheaper. Traders
and merchants populated the north-western section
of the city by the main gate, close to the wealthy
and the nobles. Crafters of all kinds moved to the
south of the river, where they can be all found with-
in a few minutes of walking.

The city’s infrastructure has some flaws, but it

is large-scale, well-maintained, and reliable. The
city’s roads, gates, and bridges are well-built and
went through multiple repairs over the centuries,
all funded from tax revenues. The outer and inner COIN DISTRICT
gates have enormous, iron-banded wooden wings
with portcullises. The city’s sewer system runs un- Over the past centuries, the merchants of Onadbyr
der the capital’s main roads and flushes its content have realized that being in close walking distance
into River Nenock and the Cliffside on the east. The from each other is advantageous for their busi-
smaller streets only have drains next to the walk- ness, especially if they are located on the Riverside
way’s paved sections, washed off by the residents Promenade. This main road brings visitors from
who live there. The city’s street signs are mostly in- the west. Amid the modest residential buildings,
tact, even in the smaller alleys, but no numbers are many small and larger shops await the purses of
displayed for the houses. Onadbyr. Residents of the Coin District are well-
to-do individuals who earn enough gold to live in
One can find almost any type of legal and mun- a modest neighborhood that lacks luxury but pro-
dane service within Onadbyr. The ones listed on the vides a safe and very comfortable environment.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Beautiful villas, lush gardens, well-kept roads, and This neighborhood is in no better condition than the
fancy street lamps are the most striking charac- South District, but its northern section is heavily oc-
teristics of this elegant neighborhood. The High cupied by many essential services operated by the
District is an enclosed, separate city within the kingdom’s authorities. Besides the residential build-
city, where the nobles of the capital live, some not ings, mostly inhabited by those who work for the
even crossing the district’s gates more than a cou- crown, there are also many personal warehouses lo-
ple of times in a year. The walled neighborhood cated by the New Wall, guarded by private guards.
is sparsely populated, its wide roads and sizable
parks patrolled by the Royal Swords night and day.
Entry through the gates is tightly controlled, with
passage allowed only to those who can present a
stamped letter of errand from a noble house, local
business, or institution.

The wealthiest of the city, who are not of ancient
noble lineages, live in elegant homes or large com-
pounds on the hills of Onadbyr. This large district
is less densely populated than any other part of
the city outside the Old Wall, and it is also much
cleaner and more well-kept. Large trees and the
occasional iron and stone fence of a villa on the
Short Road hide entries to small streets or private
roads that run up the hills. The Royal Swords are
frequently seen patrolling the area, which is con-
sidered the safest among the residential districts
outside the Old Wall.

This elevated rocky area by the sea is a barren ter-
Narrow alleys and tiny houses are packed next to rain with a few houses by the wall and a single, fa-
each other in a mix of shapes and forms in this mously lively festhall by the sea cliffs. The drop from
neighborhood. Most of the buildings are in mod- the cliffs’ top is over a hundred feet, with sharp
erate or bad condition here, the streets are smelly rocks and massive crashing waves at the bottom.
and dirty, and the residents are loud and rude. It No gates open to this remote corner of the city,
is easy to get lost in the dark back-alleys and zig- and it is accessible only from the north or through
zagging intersections of the South District, where a steep flight of stairs starting at Fish Gate. These
crime is at its peak in the city. The Long Road and stairs descend to the sea level, where a small dock
the Old Man’s Road are always busy, day or night, with a few Royal Sword guards awaits ships that
patrolled by the Royal Swords. are not allowed into the city for some reason.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

This collection of large private farms is the closest
agricultural site to the city. The farms don’t differ
from the many farms found throughout the king-
dom, besides the fact that these farmers are the ones
who can get their products to Onadbyr’s markets the
fastest. Small dirt roads entwine the ample fields and
pens, leading from one family’s farm to the next.

The land by the sea south of River Nenock is low-ly-
ing where the fishermen of Onadbyr reside. The
small docks anchor countless fishing boats in front
of small residential buildings painted blue for good
luck at sea. This part of the city is the liveliest in
the early morning hours when the fishermen sail THE SHANTIES
out and before sunset when they return with their
catch to the Seafarm Fishmarket. Those who can’t afford to buy or rent a room in
the city move to the Shanties to live in self-con-
structed favelas. Visitors are immersed in an orgy
of sounds, foul smells, and a maze of small alleys
and houses constructed of wood, clay, and whatev-
er the residents can find. It is a densely populated
area where the Royal Swords only enter when pur-
suing someone, and as a result, the Shanties is the
least safe neighborhood of Onadbyr. The Golden
Masks control most of the Shanties through local
enforcers and recruit many of their operatives for
simple tasks from the impoverished here.

Crafters usually don’t make enough gold to rent or
buy houses and shops on the northern side of the
river, and they are also happy to be close to their
clients, who mostly come from the South District.
Instead, they provide their services and sell their
wares from small workshops throughout the neigh-
borhood, densely populated and webbed with nar-
row backstreets. It is a relatively safe but dirty area,
rarely visited by travelers to the city.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


shiny cobblestones. At regular intervals, flights of

ROADS stairs descend from the high street level to piers
on the river. It is a common pastime of the locals
to sit on the benches by the river and watch the
Long Road palace and the bustling southern side of the city.

The dirtiest, busiest, and noisiest road of the city

Seaside Road
connects the two main bridges in a long curve
through South District.
This wide dirt road is a side road from the Long Road.

Old Man’s Road

Short Road
Serving first as a shortcut between the two ends of
the Long Road, this road has widened over the years. Large elegant houses, gardened villas, and small
However, it is still a dirty gravel road that is quite parks populate both sides of this broad and rela-
busy during daytime and easily flooded by heavy rains. tively clean road, which is the main thoroughfare
through the elegant North District.

Riverside Promenade
Skeleton Road
This elevated, well-fortified riverside road presents
a beautiful sight with tall iron street lamps and This wide dirt road is a side road from Short Road.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The sewer system outside the Old Wall was built
New Wall
when the city was expanded by King Grankar the
Brash. It is a relatively simple network of tunnels that
run under the main roads and end outside the walls, The outer walls of the city were built two centuries
collecting sewage and emptying it into the River Ne- ago. They are segmented by small watchtowers at
nock and the Cliffside. The waste is carried away by every 500 feet, which can accommodate four guards
the natural water flow, cleverly channeled from the at a time. Nowdays, only two guards occupy every
river into the sewers and then redirected back into second tower. Signs of flooding are still visible on
it. Rainwater and waste from the streets are chan- the north-eastern sections of the wall.
neled into the sewers through numerous drains lo-
cated throughout the expanse of the roads. The sew-
Old Wall
ers consist of awful-smelling, 10- and 15-foot diameter
round tunnels with walkways, accessible through
tight and intricately decorated maintenance holes on Weathered and visibly ancient, this 30-foot high
the main roads. Smaller streets connect to the sewer wall was erected by the city’s founders during the
system through deeply cut overground gutters fed age of the Dark Star. Its cracks and huge blocks of
by the drains. The houses of the High District have dark grey stone could tell a million tales, as can
their own sewage system, where each house is di- the markings here and there on the surface of the
rectly connected to the river through a narrow pipe ancient stone blocks. The weathered carvings are
system. There are a few primary drainage cisterns hard to find, and it’s even harder to comprehend
that collect the waste and empty them with complex their meaning. See the Introductory Adventures
mechanical drainage and disposal valves. section for an encounter at the location.

10 0
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Crown Gate

The widest gate of the city, this massive, fortified

gate, is considered the main entry into Onadbyr,
where wagons and large groups can enter or leave
the capital. The cobblestones on the ground are loose
and worn out, leaving everything covered in mud.
The gate sees heavy traffic during daytime and is
always attended by a larger group of Royal Swords.

Fish Gate

This gate is busiest in the early morning hours and

is mainly used by the residents and the fishermen
of the Seabed, who bring their loaded wagons with
their daily catch to the city.

Mule Gate

Relatively few visitors enter the city through this

gate due to its proximity to the Shanties, which is
avoided by most caravans and all reasonable visitors.

Sea Gate

The northern seaside gate of the capital sees less

traffic than any of the other gates due to the low
number of residents in the Cliffside. As a result,
guards are also fewer in number at this gate, which
on rare occasions might even be closed for short
periods due to “important duties” of the few Royal
Swords present.

Skeleton Gate

Frequented mostly by farmers and visitors from

the north, this gate sometimes sees heavy traffic
jams due to long inspection times.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


1. C ro s s i n g o f th e
Th o u s a n d La n te rn s
This simple but massive broad wooden bridge al-
lows crossing over the river before entering Crown
Gate. Thousands of locals celebrate the Day of the
Ancestors here every year by releasing floating lan-
terns onto the flowing waters below, representing
the souls of lost ones. The lanterns float through
the city for all to see before spreading out to the sea
and disappearing on the waves.

2. To ta l l y Lo c a l
Bantallyr “Wordplasher” Stoneshield is a young dwar-
ven self-made poet bard with limited talent. He guides
entertaining tours around the city, during which he
recites the history and the legends of the landmarks
in his uniquely rhythmic and dynamic style. He warns
clients about the dangers of some of the locations
on his tour but takes no responsibility for any harm
suffered. See the Introductory Adventures section for
an encounter at the location.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

3. H i l l' s Necta r Winery

This cozy little shop offers the best wines of the G UL FA
kingdom and some even from exotic lands. Its ex-
tensive cellar system is accessible from the street
level through a long ramp and a heavy iron double
door that remains locked at all times. This gate is
not only to serve as the protection of the wares
of the Domiren family but also to keep unwanted
attention away from the private bacchanalias the
three Domiren sonsorganize in the wine cellars. See
the Introductory Adventures section for an encoun-
ter at the location.

4. Thy salonious' Stables B LIG H T

This large stable has a good selection of horses for

sale. Thysalonious is a witty middle-aged human in
love with the animals he breeds. His favorite and
personal horse is a black war stallion named Mid-
night. Many Knights of the Crown have paid a high
price for a foal from its breed.

6. B e a r d e d Wa r r io r
5. T r i p le N i n e We a p o n s S h o p
G a m b li n g H a l l
Run by Kagrian Ironsinew, a gruff former adven-
This windowless block building is highly illumi- turer of dwarven ancestry with a long beard, this
nated with colorful lanterns on the outside at all tightly packed weapon shop has every kind of me-
times. The proprietor is a doppelganger named lee weapon imaginable, even exotic and rare types.
Hauris, posing as Gulfa the bugbear, who is known Kagrian is most fond of morningstars, of
for his minimal tolerance policy, bringing relative which he has a large collection, even
stability to this operation of the Golden Masks. some magical ones.
High-rollers are offered credit at a reasonable
interest, but only after securing a lock of hair
from the player. Blight, a daring flameling
gambler who has provided someone
else’s lock of hair to remain untrace-
able, is the current high-roller. She is
winning big for now but is planning
to cover her losses if needed, by dis-
appearing with the large amount of K A G R IAN
borrowed gold in her pockets. IRO N S I NE W

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

7. M e rc h a n t' s Re s t
One of the largest taverns in the city has plenty of
space for thirsty travelers who enter the capital,
near the vast staging ground for carriages nearby.
The crowd is a mix of primarily merchants and trav-
elers who loudly bargain and strike lucrative deals,
but it is also a favored place of the
modest citizens of the North Dis-
trict and a few nobles who visit
from time to time to meet with
them. The tavern is run by Ry-
this Balric, a flirty blond half-elf
who bought the place after sev-
eral other failed business
9. The Pr i n ce s s'
B o u d o ir Pa r f ume ry
While this all-female staffed business has a full
stock of various perfumes, it secretly houses a side
business in its back room known to few of the well-
to-do and nobility. Elixirs of enchantment are sold
8. D a ru s t i l' s
here that would be useful to achieve the custom-
H ab e r d a s h e ry er’s goals if their skills in persuasions have failed.
Lady Nezana, a human lady of great charisma, is the
This shop sells the full spectrum of low-value perfumery’s owner. She deals entirely in secrets in
items, trinkets, common household goods, and exchange for the back-room deals. She has recently
some toys, all packed on huge shelves. Darustil, come into possession of a secret of the royal family.
the gnoll owner, collects everything and is reluc- An empty vial came into her possession recently, its
tant to throw or even give away anything of which content supposedly poured into the king’s mead. The
he has come in possession. He charges high prices vial has a distinctive odor that Lady Nezana knows
for even the most neglectable items and generally all too well, that of a philter of love.
overshoots the value of his wares. Darustil was
formerly a depressed dwarf before he committed
suicide after a mining accident he caused that
took the lives of many of his family members. He
was later reincarnated into the body of a gnoll by
a member of his family’s elders by using an an-
cient magic ointment. He has come to accept his
new form and now clings to his wares with the
same devotion as his new life.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

10. Sta rb r ig h t Je we l ry 11. T ra d e r s m ee t

Visited mostly by the elite and nobility of the city, A market of caravans for traders from outside of
this small, well-protected jewel and gem store is the city dominates the center of Coin District. Spe-
owned by the Karramosa noble family. Security is cial resources and handcrafted goods make up most
provided by a lumbering half-red dragon from the of the merchandise sold here. The plaza is also a
Isles of Xantharos, Draxias, who is a retired cleric famous meeting place for travelers from the rest
of the Relentless. He is known for telling very bad of the kingdom and the residents of the city. Unfor-
dad jokes. His favorite ones are: tunately, it is also frequently visited by pickpockets
and thieves who prey on travelers.
•W  hy did the old man fall in the well? Because he
couldn’t see that well!
• Why did the invisible stalker turn down the job L Y S AN D R VO N
offer? He couldn’t see himself doing it! S C H PE K LE STE I N
•W  hy don’t skeletons ever go to the Lucky Leap?
Because they have nobody to go with!
• Within minutes, the Red Cloak knew what the
murder weapon was. It was a brief case.
• I think my wife is putting glue on my weapons.
She denies it, but I’m sticking to my swords!
• I once tried to tell a mummy a story. He told me
to wrap it up.
•R  ed dragons are terrible at business. They just fire
• Sailors drink as they swim – they go down quick.
Makes for a cheap date.
• I heard of a skeleton, who had a bone to pick with
a necromancer about a raise.

12. E le g a n t E le p h a n t
The “wardrobe of the High District” as some call
it, this shop sells perfectly made and fitted attire
for noble and wealthy ladies and gentlemen alike.
A large selection of pre-made clothes are always on
sale, but custom or even magical ones are created
for those who can afford the exorbitant price tags.
The store is run by two half-elven sisters, Hacri-
la and Illistra, and their half-brother Lysandr Von
Schpeklestein, an uptight human artificer with a
curly mustache who enchants clothes in the most
imaginative and creative ways.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

13. C h o o sey O ty u g h 15. S i le n t K is s B ro th e l
Cu li n a ry T re a t s
The hosts at the Silent Kiss never speak, and every-
one who visits knows of this unique characteristic
Bundaro Astrizal is the most famous chef in the of the house of lust. They are clean, well-behaved,
capital who regularly cooks for the royal family. and making them moan with pleasure is some-
His selected food products are all rare culinary thing only a few can brag about in the city.
treats displayed in a tan-
talizing fashion in his lav-
ish store. Bundaro has a 16. S h im e o n' s P o u c h e s
spicy rivalry with Ozar
the Exquisite, the half- Even though the king is famous for disliking
ogre wizard chef of the magic-users, this shop is one of the most fre-
Weary Ogre, an estab- quented places by those who wish to purchase
lishment located in spell components of all kinds. Orz De-Quat
the countryside far Shimeon, the owner, a tiefling with a cunning
from the capital. and very charming demeanor, chooses every
word carefully to lure people into buying his
B UN D A RO wares. He has pale red skin with black horns
A ST R IZA L twirling around his head. He is quick to offer
his spell-casting services to anyone who seeks
them and can pay good coin. He is quite a capa-
14. E mp o r ium of ble wizard, and is
very liberal when
M a rve lo u s Ra r it ie s requests cross to
immoral or even ORZ
The magic item shop of Master Bertio Ranberd, a forbidden uses of D E - QU AT
renowned wizard, is famous all over the continent. the arcane arts. See S H IMEO N
Many visit him from lands afar to get the best deals the Introductory Ad-
on magic items. He is patient but very secretive and ventures section for
trains his loyal apprentices, who are sworn to de- an encounter re-
fend his valuables and become masterful abjurers. lated to the lo-
See the Emporium of cation.
M A STE R Marvelous Rarities
BE R T IO section in Chap-
RANBE RD ter 2 for more de-
tails on this loca-
tion and Master
Bertio Ranberd.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

terial. Oryntar is an outgoing merchant who has

17. The D ra g on' s H o a rd been in the business for decades and is no one’s
fool. However, he leaves it to his apprentice, Ranith
This general trading house focuses mainly on trav- Shadesong, to handle the day-to-day affairs of the
elers coming through the Skeleton Gate. The com- shop. Ranith is a cynical half-drow with green eyes
pany maintains three large warehouses by the and a limited magical aptitude.
Skeleton Road and buys and sells bulk quantities of
anything it can get its hands on for cheap. If some-
one needs ten shovels, a thousand feet of rope, or a
ton of wood, they come to the Dragon’s Hoard. The
owner, Zirtan Moorewalker, is a bitter old no-non-
sense man who lost his son and wife many years RAN ITH
ago. He is dedicated to earning as much money as SH A DESONG
he can. He needs a lot of gold because he has struck
a deal with an archdevil to gain eternal life if he
builds a life-size statue of the devil made entirely of
gold. And Rajmahor, the General of the Scythe, is a
humongous devil.

18. Th e Wa n d e re r' s

C a r to g ra p h e r 20. T h e H a l f li n g' s
T re a s u re
Rikka Stam buys maps he finds valuable and only
sells copies of the originals in her lavishly furnished This pastry and candy shop is owned by Taem and
shop, decorated with exotic items. She is a capable Gyo, a middle-aged halfling couple and their eight
illusionist, which helps her in copying the maps. She children who all help out. Their sweets are famous
also has a magic scroll that stores illusionary input all over the capital. Their oldest daughter Byra
from spells, which she uses to build a layered world dreams of becoming a famous adventurer. See the
map based on the maps she has acquired so far. Introductory Adventures section for an encounter
Her most valued possession is a map of the ancient at the location.
empire of the fallen angels to the west, tattooed on
the cured skin of an unknown unnaturally white-
skinned humanoid. 21. Monster Menagerie
This garden with a lake at the center houses the
19. O ry n ta r' s crown’s famous monster collection. It is a popular lo-
cation, as families with children can enter for free to
M e ta l lu rg y view the various magnificent beasts that have been
captured or have been gifted to the royals and put on
Oryntar’s large warehouse in the North District display here. The spectacles include a giant crocodile,
allows him to keep a stunningly wide selection a mated pair of triceratopses, peacockatrices, a pair
of goods fashioned out of metals. From copper of griffons, giant ants, and Softplume the owlbear.
through silver to even adamantine, one can find See Hunt for the Royal Architect section in Chapter 2
any item commonly fashioned out of the given ma- of the adventure.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

deceased through their trees. The grumpy gnome
22. E m r i k' s is quite helpful when asked about a grave as he can
C o m p le x F la vo r generally recollect the location of most of them
through personal interactions with the departed.
B la ck s o up B a r

Emrik, a grumpy old half-elf, has a small bar wedged

in between two other shops. It has pretty much
been converted from an alleyway that has been
blocked off. So, it is just a shop front where people NE L H E L M
order the special energizing drinks he makes for TH E STU D IO U S
takeaway. He dabbles in alchemy and has a bit of
arcane skill to roast special beans and infuse them
with many different flavors. His copper and bronze
equipment has a myriad of dials and tubes, operat-
ing with a hiss of steam as he makes his brews that
are famous throughout the city.

24. Te m p le o f D e a th
A handful of black-cloaked, taciturn, low-level clerics
with white paint on their faces worship the Inevita-
ble in this temple. It is a featureless block building
with small windows and a few smaller entrances.
The priests hold funerals and plant the Trees of Souls
- birch trees - over the graves in the Deadwoods cem-
etery. Clerics of this sect refuse to use any healing
or restorative magic as they consider it against their
god’s will. Among the morose grave clerics, the most
charismatic figure is Kalós Poimenikós, a depressed,
tall feyrealm-born cleric who is often quite inebriat-
23. D e a d wo o d s ed and finds it hard to focus on his tasks.

Ce m e te ry

Planted by the Clerics of the Dead, these tall birch

trees all mark the graves of those buried here.
Some say that the trees whisper the secrets of the K A LÒ S
dead. However, nothing besides a name on a small PO IME N I KÒ S
wooden sign reminds the visitors of the deceased,
merely the trees that grow over their bodies. Tol-
erated mostly out of negligence by the priests of
the Inevitable, Nelhelm the Studious wanders from
tree to tree, trying to find a client for his necro-
mantic services, mostly speaking with the recently

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

25. Col lege of M instre ls

This small three-story, worn down building is al-
ways loud with the sounds of instrumental music
or singing, to the dismay of its neighbors. Many lo-
cals visit the school to witness the entertainment
and the magical effects conjured by the practic-
ing bards. The headmaster of this lively place is a
cheerful, enthusiastic middle-aged half-elven gen-
tleman named Master Conductor Fabian Ethlairn.
He always dresses extravagantly and is wholly de-
voted to teaching his pupils. The most striking fig-
ure beside the headmaster is Tallis Deepwood, the
Lead Singer of Songs, an overly cheerful and loud 27. D a w n o f th e A g e s
human bard with a great voice.
This small and packed pawn and antiquities shop is
a front of a Golden Masks smuggling and burglary
operation. The organization resells anything it can,
either refashioned into a new form or just under
the table. The secret leader of the operation is a
TA L LIS doppelganger posing as Balantur, an old dwarf with
D EE PWO O D many tales. The face of the shop is Meiram Landau,
a half-elven smuggler with a calm demeanor.

26. B u rn i n g D e s i re LAN D A U

This brothel exists on two planes simultaneous-

ly. Within a magical glass-domed circular central
stage, magically bound incubi and succubi writhe
in humanoid forms performing acts of uninhibit-
ed sexuality. The inside of the dome is located in
the Abyss, but it is impossible to pass from one 28. N a n g ra th V i l la
plane to the other here. Only visual and audible
experiences can be conveyed. The brothel is run by The Nangrath family villa looks very much like a
Ravona Darkglow, the Pleasure Master, a powerful small fortress. The noble family, who got their title
succubus enchantress. She relishes her dominance and lands through their military service as generals
over both mortals and her own kin and masquer- through the wars with the northern tribes, is a very
ades as a tall black-haired elven woman. stern and frugal House. The family members adhere

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

to military traditions and usually serve as war coun-
cilors to the monarch. Lord Arenbar Nangrath, the 32. The Croon ing Wil low
head of the House, lives in the village of Nangrath,
together with his firstborn son Yarik, but travels to This immense tree with silvery bark and leaves has
the city if the king demands his council. Odryk Nan- been standing in front of the Temple of Nature
grath, the lord’s younger son, spends most of his time for centuries. Once every year, on the Holy Day of
in the Onadbyr villa. However, he secretly dreams to Renewal, the tree hums a tune in a soft and deep
leave his duties behind and escape Aglarion on a ship female voice.
with his love Premil Ronul, heir of the Ronul family,
to find fame and their own adventures.
33. King Vacrilos Park
29. P la t i n u m The park bears the name of the “Grandfather of the
Realm”, the second of the Azennar line, a beloved
Pe a c o ck P a rk king from over two centuries ago with many wives,
dozens of children, and scores of grandchildren. The
The most elegant park of the capital is decorated park is known for its many food stalls and buskers
with beautifully polished iron statues of peacocks in and the occasional pickpockets that mingle among
majestic poses, serving as a gentle retreat to all who the distracted crowds.
visit the Noble’s Rest cemetery. The leader of the
small team of gardeners of the park, Drefoi Trenader,
is a reclusive middle-aged human who is lately very 34. Te m p le o f N a tu re
concerned about the thefts of the garden’s rarest
roses. He has alerted the Royal Swords on numerous The temple itself is a collection of small huts and a
occasions, but they have not been able to find the central open-air place of worship in the park dedicat-
culprits and have started to neglect his calls for aid. ed to King Vacrilos II. The Caretakers of Life dedicate
their service less to the city’s citizens and more to its
gardens and flora to compensate the land for what
30. N ob le' s Re s t has been taken away from it. They are also frequent
visitors to the Pantry district, where they facilitate
This enclosed section of the Platinum Peacock Park the work of the local farmers with their magic. The
is a cemetery littered with mausoleums of small most revered cleric of the faith is Hularis Asporal, a
to large size. They each host smaller chambers venerable human who is more fond of the company
above ground and many larger vaults underground of animals or plants than two-legged beings.
where the blue-blooded ascendants of noble fami-
lies rest eternally.

31. Ze p h ra n' s Ru i n s
These are the demolished remains of a villa owned
by a once-great noble house, now forgotten. The
family villa was abolished by a mob of the city’s
civilians one night over a century ago. It is rumor-
ed to be haunted by the resonances of the cruelty
beyond imagination that took place here.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

is a charismatic, discreet, and observant person with

secretly whispered connections to the Golden Masks.
The lavishly furnished taproom of the inn features a
small, delicately carved ivory gazebo that serves as
a private stage for the inn’s famous performer Do-
C A IE LI N rian. The smug bard graduated from the College of
Minstrels with a perfect score in all instruments and
many recommendations from her masters and quick-
ly became a celebrated artist in the city, especial-
ly after joining Omric’s inn. Unfortunately, she was
left with a cut ear after an overly enthusiastic fan
tried to kill her on stage during a performance be-
fore turning the dagger on himself in a failed suicide
35. P a rk o f attempt. Dorian bears a grudge towards the half-orc
bouncer of the establishment, Trym “Fang” Cul’dok,
Lo n e l y S p i r i t s for failing to stop the assailant in time. Trym is an el-
egant, no-nonsense, and soft-spoken individual with
This quiet park gives home to the Garden of the an imposing physique who gently escorts the overly
Sleepers, a collection of small crypts and mausole- drunk nobles out of the inn when their behavior be-
ums maintained by the families of influential resi- comes untenable. See the Introductory Adventures
dents. A mysterious half-elven wizard named Caie- section for an encounter at the location.
lin sits on the same beautifully carved bench every
day from late afternoon until sunset. No one knows
where he goes and why he has this almost ritualistic
habit. When asked, he does not respond. Some say
he is mute, while others speculate that he is waiting D O R IAN
for his lost love to return from her grave.

36. G a r d e n o f
th e S lee pe r s

This cemetery is the eternal resting place of those

wealthier residents who are neither commoners
nor nobles. This garden of graves and small crypts
is part of the Park of Lonely Spirits, where families T RY M
come to pay their respect to the deceased. “F AN G”

37. G o l d e n N e cta r
The most elegant inn in the capital for those with
heavy purses and a reason to stay in the High Dis-
trict. The food is fabulous, the rooms are spacious,
the staff is kind, and the proprietor Omric Laronzo

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

phenomenon is caused by the brown mold infesta-
38. G o l d to o th V i l la tion that has taken over the once majestic build-
ing. The brown mold originates from the house’s
The home of the only goblin noble family in town cellar where a careless servant has left the door of
is an eclectic and confusing structure, worn down the ice-room open. Over decades, the brown mold
and never fully renovated. Roofed extensions pop has proliferated over almost every inch of the in-
out at unexpected places and weird angles, bal- side of the house to the extent that its freezing
conies of strange shapes hang from the facades, aura can be felt even at the fences of its garden.
and walls are painted in a myriad of once brilliant See the Introductory Adventures section for an en-
hues. Nowadays, the house is loud with the cheers counter at the location.
of goblin children as the younger Goldtooth broth-
er of Lord Kabok, Durr, has moved in with his ex-
tended family from Gonshar. Visitors are greeted 40. W a l h e m' s B o a rd i n g
by the family’s faithful triplet butlers, secretaries,
and couriers - Fletch, Wheez, and Maggle - a trio of
S c h o o l f o r Y o un g
stoic goblins in matching elegant outfits. M a s te r s
This elegant and spacious school for young nobles
39. G o r s o V i l la is overseen by a happy halfling who is often con-
fused for a child by first-time visitors, to Walhem’s
The Gorso Villa has stood uninhabited for decades great annoyance. Despite his child-like appearance,
because the strange Gorsos have relocated to their he is a rigorous yet empathetic teacher. He can
manor house in the town named after their fami- speak most regional languages and enjoys tutoring
ly. The three-story villa in the capital has spacious the children in etiquette, reading, writing, art, his-
balconies and flat roofs. The building and the gar- tory, and the liberal arts. Unfortunately, due to the
den are overgrown and neglected, with crumbling highbrow opinions of the nobles, many of them
shutters over the large windows and glass doors. hate him and are trying to see him removed from
Some say they sensed a strange and unnatural cold- office to be replaced by a more pliant and also
ness near the villa on more than one occasion. This slightly dim-witted nobleman’s eldest son.



Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

cumulated over his years serves as collateral for

41. M i n a re t o f his business. Huran has many magical items with
th e S pe a ke r divining qualities that enable him to track down
those who forget to pay their debts. He stores most
of his assets in a special Bag of Holding, which he
A 200-foot tall slim tower with magical properties can summon at any time out of thin air.
is used to announce essential information or raise
attention to important events in the city. The voice
of the High Speakers from the top of the minaret 43. F is t s o f A ze n n a r
can be heard even outside the city walls when an-
nouncements are made. The current leader of the Built over six centuries ago by Master Arlen the Con-
High Speakers of the minaret is Wharrynn Theloan- structor, these massive towers house several levels of
thas, a slightly over-stressed bard who can barely mundane and some magical siege engines to protect
take the pressure that results from the importance the city in times of war. These siege weapons can be
and magnitude of his responsibilities. The command- easily repositioned with the aid of iron railings that
er of the small garrison sta- allow them to rotate. The bastions can also extend
tioned at the minaret is massive iron poles over the river on both ends to
Andrue Nihols, a stead- block boats from accessing the High District. The bar
fast human minor noble is operated by over a dozen soldiers and takes time
Knight of the Crown with to position. Damage from multiple elements is still
a braided ponytail, who clearly visible on both towers, where they were rav-
takes pride in his late aged by Malzdreziret the Scaled Impostor.
ancestor who pro-
tected the mina-
ret during Malz- 44. Lu cky Le a p
dreziret’s attack.
The locals of the North District frequent this rela-
tively small tavern. It is usually loud with music and
TH E LO AN TH A S laughter, which Ricio Tane, the aging human owner, is
AN D RUE always ready to motivate with an extra round of free
N IH O LS drinks lest they should fade. Customers can make a
jumping entry to the tavern and are rewarded with a
free drink depending on the distance they can cover.
See Escape to the Lucky
Leap and A Leap into Fire
sections in Chapter 2 for
more details on this lo-
cation and Ricio Tane. R IC IO
The Crown of the Oath-
breaker Map Pack also
42. S i lve r S c a le contains an addition-
al map showing
This moneylending banking business is managed the state of the
alone by Huran Myle, an experienced human ex-ad- location before
venturer knight with magical aptitude. The vast the events of the
treasure the calculating and cold knight has ac- adventure.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

45. S o a p a n d C re a m 48. Im p r i n t s o f
th e H a l f G o a t
The capital’s only bath, sauna, and massage parlor
is owned by a friendly blind female merfolk named
Coral. Her story is sad and closely related to the Ro- There are two deep hoof-shaped indentations of gi-
nuls. The establishment features four open-air hot ant size in the rocks near the sea cliffs. Everyone
baths of different heat levels and mineral composi- in the city has their own theory of why the oth-
tions within the beautifully decorated courtyard. er imprints of the other two hoofs of the goat are
Each pool has a different gargoyle statue with a missing. In reality, these are hoofprints left by King
steady flow of water erupting from its mouth. Dasmag, who a thousand years ago fought a battle
on this cliff against a wizard who tried to enclose
him in the rocks. The satyr lord could grow to giant
46. A un t S a li b ra' s size, which helped him escape the wizard’s spell.

N a tu ra l H e a li n g
C o n c o ct io n s 49. Lo u d a n d Lu s ty
Aunt Salimbra crafts non-magical concoctions for This brothel is a dirty and loud venue where the serv-
sicknesses and to make wounds heal faster. Her ers wear almost no clothing, drawing those who seek
knowledge comes from a long generation of witch- the pleasures of the flesh like bugs to a lantern. The
es who practiced their malign powers less and less madame, Yhlsaby, is a charming and outgoing young
with each generation. She still has a copy of an an- matron adept at dismissing sensitive questions about
cient cookbook called the Recipes of Corruption as guests who have unfortunately fallen to their deaths
part of her heritage, but she keeps it locked away from the balconies overseeing the cliffs by the sea. In
and never dares to look into it. However, her hus- reality, she is the lamia right hand of Samsadur, the
band, Old Troumbald, found it a few years ago and rakshasa master of the Golden Masks. The place acts
is practicing a very special recipe, which he secretly as a base of operations for the criminal organiza-
tests on the homeless of the city at the Temple of tion and has many secret and hidden entrances and
Life. Some strange occurrences have already raised rooms. Yhlsaby’s confidant is a charismatic but lewd
the attention of the acolytes. See the Introductory tiefling named Thymo, who is responsible for hosting
Adventures section for an encounter at the location. the exclusive guests of the establishment.

47. P u r p le B o o k
Wo rm

Ransdir Falconer, a middle-aged optimist, and tief- Y H LS AB Y

ling with purplish skin tone, collects, buys, and
sells books in his cozy little bookshop. One can
find many types of books, from Draylish love no-
vellas to encyclopedias, on his tightly packed and
well-organized shelves. Ransdir also serves tea to
anyone who cares to stay a bit to read in one of his
two comfy armchairs.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

50. Z h a n k a r P la z a 53. C h ee ky
M e rm a i d I n n
Few recall the tales about Zhankar, the magnif-
icent entertainer and his performers who
lived during the Wyltammer Period and This seaside inn is visited mainly by those
held amazing shows at this plaza. Un- who come for a short visit to the seaside.
der his huge colorful self-folding tents, The inn’s common room is a huge ball-
Zhankar entertained large crowds every room with a large bar and many tables
night for a week at the start of every to accommodate even the full crews
season of the year. His perfor- of several ships at once. A curious
mances of grand illusions ended regular is Blimbo, a witty halfling
abruptly and no one knows why. sailor with a fake eyepatch who
poses as a ship captain for hire.
No one has ever hired Blim-
51. G o l d e n To u c h bo, and the first time it
would happen, to Blimbo’s surprise,
G e n t' s B a rb e r s h o p it would put him in a difficult situation.

Dallius “Finebeard” Skrazdillar, a young human with

an extravagant style, has opened his shop just late- 54. ro y a l d o ck s
ly, already outperforming his competitors with his
marvelous skills. Nobles and those who can afford These bustling docks are open to
a silver piece for a masterful cut flock to Dallius, any ship that pays the daily dock-
making it hard to secure an appointment with him. ing fees. Numerous sailors, both
local river ships and many from
the neighboring Drayl City-States,
52. Te m p le o f L ig h t frequent this location, but some-
times ships from exotic far-away re-
a n d D a rkn e s s gions also dock here to sell their wares at A R IO S
the mouth of the River Nenock. The local Royal
This small island houses a sizable lighthouse that Swords are always on the lookout for pirate ships
also serves as the Temple of Light and Darkness. that would try to dock and masquerade as merchant
The massive tower’s ground floor functions as a vessels. Krestanyr Wint, the harbormaster of the
communal area, while the higher-level rooms are docks, is a seasoned mariner and a captain of the
occupied by the priests of the temple. Father Ka- Royal Harpoons. A regular face at the port is Arios,
lozark Solamyr, an aging tiefling with bright yel- the waterling merchant-wizard who manages trade
low-colored skin, maintains the huge lantern-like between the isles of Xanthros and the mainland with
apparatus that focuses the bluish light of the his small fleet of merchant ships.
magical light spells under the mirrors that can
be seen from miles. His most beloved acolyte is
Xeno, a young human with prodigious clerical 55. G ra n k a r' s C h a i n s
abilities. The temple was rebuilt on the remains of
the demolished Eternal Torch, a holy site original- Enormous chains hold up this double-towered narrow
ly erected by the Order of the Eternal Light almost bridge. It was built by King Grankar the Brash, who ex-
a thousand years ago. panded the city beyond the Old Wall during the Melkar

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Dynasty over five centuries ago. Both bridgeheads on
both sides of the river feature large sitting lions with 59. D un g eo n o f Te a r s
open maws. Some say that the sculptor who created
these lions committed suicide as the residents ridiculed The dungeons of the realm hold prisoners both
him for forgetting to sculpt tongues for the beasts. mundane and magical. Over two dozen soldiers and
a captain are present at all times, with numerous
servants attending to their needs and taking care of
56. Ro y a l S h i p y a r d the prisoners. The most famous prisoner of the in-
stitution is a crazed-looking middle-aged man called
The royal shipyards are reserved for the Royal Arma- Terin Merduz, who has been accused of a series of
da and the numerous craftsmen, sailors, and clerks murders in the Rose Garden years ago. Terin was
who work here. The largest battleship of the navy, actually possessed by the ghost of a Draylish noble
the Wild Whale has spent the past decade in the dry- from Brinecoast who was lured to the garden with
docks of the shipyard as is only lowered to water promises of love and then betrayed by his rivals
once a year for servicing or in times of war. centuries ago. His restless soul returns every eighty
years to take revenge on the capital’s citizens.

57. s e a f a rm
f is h m a rke t 60. h a l ls o f
th e la wg i ve r
One can smell the fish market from sev-
eral streets away. Everything the The Halls of the Lawgiver is the high court
sea has to offer is on display here. of the Kingdom and the base of the Red
Giant frog legs, a highly sought- Cloak Lawgivers. The majestic building
after delicacy, are brought in by has austere towers with wide bases that
North Bay’s lizardfolk to everyone’s thin out as they rise, strikingly resembling
delight in the city. M U R SE PH a fort rather than a typical building. Huge
statues of Red Cloaks and their Eye and Sword
symbols decorate the sides of the gate.
58. t h e b u r ie d The most commonly encountered indi-
vidual at the front desk is the insomni-
to we r ac Mur Seph, a disheveled human. He
runs a small team of scribes to man-
Only the pointy rooftop of an iron- G ARIN age the public office, information, and
wrought tower protrudes from SE'E RA Y contacts. One of the most outstanding
an indestructible rocky surface, figures at the Halls is the kennel
without any way in. It has no master Garin Se’eray, a looming
doors or windows and bears no half-giant over eight feet tall,
signs of significance. No one who breeds large dogs
knows how it got there, for the Red Cloak Law-
why it is buried deep into givers for use in their
the rock, or how to enter it. pursuits and tracking.
See the Introductory Adven- See the Introductory
tures section for an encoun- Adventures section for an
ter at the location. encounter at the location.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

61. Ro y a l Wa re h o u se s 63. Ho use of the So ld ier

A complex of several large warehouses where These are the barracks of the Royal Army, the sol-
everything from resources to documents, and con- diers of Aglarion. It comprises a walled compound
fiscated contraband is stored. These huge storag- of six long, two-story buildings and a simple large
es are kept under close surveillance by the Royal service building of bricks with a slight greenish
Swords, and access to any of them is granted only hue. The single gate is always well-guarded, and
with an official letter of authorization. the location is usually clamorous with the sounds
of physical training and shouting. A regular face at
the gate is Jacob Hammersmyth, a lazy and cyni-
62. K i n g' s F o rg e cal old warrior who worked his way into a posi-
tion of stamping entry and release documents. He
The royal smithy is where everything from metal- seems like a weak-willed fellow who could easily
ware to gears of war is crafted when the crown be fooled, but in reality, he is a fiercely loyal and
requires it. The official coins of the realm are also meticulously observant servant of the crown.
minted here. The smithy is known for its towering
chimneys and hallways painted orange by the light
of the dwarven’ forges. It is a well-guarded location
with many soldiers stationed around the premises.
The most imposing figure in the swarm of crafters
and workers is Somrin “Fernidad” Ironhammer, an
imposing giant of a dwarf who is over eight feet
tall. Somrin is a barbarian shaman from the edges
of the Mountainfalls, a strange and abandoned land
of endless mountain peaks, who crafts the most re-
liable weapons. See the
Introductory Adven-
tures section for
an encounter at
the location.

SOMR IN 64. k a r ra m o s a
" FE RN I D A D "
v i l la

This imposing villa is surrounded by

beautiful gardens that speak of wealth.
The gratuitously decorated structure is
striking amidst its surroundings, includ-
ing beautiful stables and carriage sheds.
The stone pillars of the main gate are dec-
orated with small semi-precious stones that
are deeply embedded. However, some of them
have been skillfully picked before the gate guards
could prevent the thefts. As people call it, the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Starry Gate flickers in the night as the light of the cells are on the following two levels of the building.
moon shines upon it. See the Introductory Adven- Crownwarden Lord Cyne Monder spends most of his
tures section for an encounter at the location. time with his knights at this location rather than at
his ancestral villa in the High District.

65. Ro se G a r d e n P a rk
68. Ro y a l C o u r t
Bordered by beautiful villas, this park is home
to many varieties of roses of all colors and sizes, The Royal Court is located on a large walled island
making it a favorite place for romantic getaways. that incorporates the Royal Palace, Bastion of the
A few years back, a serial killer was hunting for Knights, and Tomb of the First King. The Palace
couples in the park, leaving them in macabre dis- includes such notable areas as the Royal Quarters,
plays. Red Cloak Lawgivers locked a suspect in the Mausoleum, Throne Room, Guest Quarters, and
Dungeon of Tears, even though he was not the real the Royal Treasury. It is a closely guarded complex
killer. Some still fear entering the park after dark, where the royal family and its servants, guards,
and there are always two Royal Swords on patrol. assistants, and advisors live their daily lives under
the protective watch of the Knights of the Crown.
See Triplets of Malice section in Chapter 3 for a de-
66. T o m b o f tailed description of the Royal Palace. The Crown
of the Oathbreaker Map Pack also contains an ad-
th e F i r s t K i n g ditional map showing the state of the location be-
fore the events of the adventure.
Within this gated building in the Royal Court is the
resting place of King Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar I. It is a
ten feet high unworked block of granite onto which 69. K i n g' s B r i d g e
his friend and ally, Master Arlen the Constructor,
molded the king’s perfect likeness with the use of This slim, walled, and roofed bridge, designed and
magic. Engraved on the surface of the imposing rock built using magic by Master Arlen, allows only one
is a single line that says, “Order is our solid foun- carriage to cross at a single time. The bridge walls
dation.” The letters are hard to make out, as it is are so narrow that one can’t even open the doors
a custom to touch the engraving for good luck so of a carriage in the passage, which is also dotted
the stone has smoothed out over hundreds of years with arrow slits running on both sides. It is heavily
from the hands of countless visitors. guarded at all times.

67. B a s t io n o f 70. Quee n' s B r i d g e

th e Kn ig h t s This narrow bridge is almost identical to the King’s
Bridge, with the addition of magically movable large
This large building in the Royal Court accommodates stone blocks at its center that can block passage on
the Knights of the Crown and serves as their living the bridge if needed.
quarters and training halls. A broad stairway leads
to an ornate stone gate that encloses a somewhat
dimly lit interior with narrow corridors and small
cells. A fencing hall and a chapel are located on
the ground floor, while the dining hall and private

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

71. Wy lta m m e r V i l la 73. D o m i re n V i l la

The ancient and continuously renovated villa of The Domiren family villa is a once majestic building
the Wyltammer family displays the elegance and now in a state of utter neglect. The iron-wrought
subtlety of elven designs. Intricate ornaments ex- front gates and fences are overgrown, as are its gar-
trude from seemingly natural surfaces as if the dens. The previously magnificent and highly fashion-
building was grown organically rather than built. able topiary bushes have become unrecognizable,
Its large garden and the greenhouse that occupies twisted forms of themselves. The few servants who
its center are perfectly kept. The glass greenhouse can bear the family only remain in their service be-
features exotic flowers and some rare birds, harm- cause of the lavish payment. As a result, visitors are
less insects, and small rodents, which are usually rare and also of the shady type most of the time.
found near elven settlements. The family’s assis-
tant, Xela Stormfane, is a kind and warmhearted
chubby human lady secretly writ- 74. Th e N a pp i n g G ia n t
ing a lengthy poetic novel about
angels in love with mortals. Xela This colossal weather-worn statue from ancient
graduated from the College of times depicts the reclining form of a green-
Minstrels and has absolutely no skinned giant or a humanoid of giant size. No one
idea about the secrets of her mas- is sure what form the statue depicts. It has an
ters but knows a lot about their unidentifiable glyph on its forehead. The findings
everyday activities and assets. of an earlier excavation confirm that the statue
See the Introductory Ad- has the remains of wings on its back that
ventures section for were broken off ages ago using chisels.
an encounter at the This find has led historians to conclude
location. that the statue was raised in honor of
the planetar Morkiel over two thou-
XE LA sand years ago and then toppled and de-
STO RM F ANE winged by Sarath and her followers. The site
is roped off from the streets, and no one is allowed
to enter except for the members of the Chamber of
72. Te m p le o f Royal Historians. Andre,
a serious-looking tat-
Kn o w le d g e tooed half-orc sol-
dier, is permanent-
A once majestic, now neglected temple that serves ly stationed at the
as a public library is currently run by Father Golvin, site to ensure no AN D RE
a young half-blue dragon cleric of the Wise One one enters.
from the Isles of Xantharos. The young cleric took
over duties at the temple after the disappearance
of his tutor, Father Lestor, the former head priest.
Books are available for reading at the temple and
sold at almost symbolic prices.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

75. H o u se o f 79. T h e Cu r io u s
C le n c h e d F is t s C a l lig ra p h e r

Master Aurello teaches self-defense techniques to the Kapushek Borontyr is a halfling scribe who creates
youngsters of the South District for free. He has a beautifully illustrated and illuminated letters, cards,
few pupils who have become trained fighting monks and even complete copies of books. Only a few know
over the years and live at their master’s house. The that the scribe is also willing to create near perfect
school is a nicely renovated two-story building with forgeries if the payment is large enough.
a small courtyard at its center.

80. S h r i n e o f
76. A rn o' s A n c ie n t th e S h i n i n g L ig h t
To m e s
This hidden shrine is visited by only a trusted
A small building with a few smaller windows is the handful of followers of the disdained cult of the
home and store of Arno Hawkspear, a nerdy and Order of the Eternal Light. It is run by the zeal-
nervous human librarian who collects rare and old ous elderly dwarven priest Drunnag Steelarm and
tomes he offers for sale at reasonable prices. Some his young human acolyte Ozian, who follow the
of his books date back to the times of the Order of ancient radical beliefs of the Order. The temple it-
the Eternal Light, considered banned by the monar- self is within a normal-looking, narrow residential
chies that followed the era. two-story house with a secret entrance from a
back alley. Father Drunnag is a dwarf retiree with
a human stepson, and the two usually try to keep
77. H a l l o f to themselves in their secret worship.

Te m e r i ty

This training hall for swordsmen is run by Temeri-

ty, an optimistic and always cheerful tiefling pala-
din of the god of Competence, the Efficient Master,
with entirely black eyes. Temerity takes only up to
four pupils at a time, whom he trains individually
during regular daily sessions.

78. Th e F u r lo u g h SY N G R IS

This canteen is frequented mostly by Royal Swords

in their free time. The kitchen is managed by Reznek
Syngris, a half-elven chef who always seems rushed
and behind orders, except when in the kitchen, which
is a place of organized calm. The proprietor is always
fidgeting and leaves serving to his three sons.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

mands his employees to train daily. Trazz keeps an

81. G iant's Boots Tavern eye on his favorite mercenary, Lendra Thread, a fe-
male no-nonsense, confident airling who is always
The entrance of this sturdy building is flanked by ready for a challenge to a duel. Lendra’s fiercest
the actual iron boots of a fire giant. The establish- competition within the mercenary company, usu-
ment’s inside is also decorated with the weapons ally sent on separate missions by Trazz, is Tempest
and armor of the same fire giant, supposedly killed Umbermoor, a tiefling pact of the blade warlock
by the owner, Zor Nafalios, an ex-mercenary from who leads the team assigned him with no regard
overseas who turned the giant’s enormous shield for its safety. See the Introductory Adventures sec-
into a table in the center of the tavern. Sitting next tion for an encounter at the location.
to it is a privilege for any guest, and empty seats are
rare. Many soldiers and merchants drink here, and T RA Z Z
the tavern is usually loud with physical contests, TH E C RUE L
cheers, and the occasional fistfight every night. With
a permanent seat at the shield, the meanest looking
guest is the mercenary Yeetarr, a fully armed hulk-
ing gnoll with a vicious set of metal teeth. Yeetarr
is a seeker of justice despite his deadly looks and is
interested only in quests involving dangerous situa-
tions and righting wrongs.

82. I ro nwe a ve r' s

M a rke t
The “Metal Market,” as the locals call it, is maintained TH RE A D
for those who sell used or mint condition household
metalware, weapons, or armor. The air is constantly
filled with sounds of clanking and the scraping of
metal against metal, as well as the sounds of hag-
gling and deals being struck.

83. B la ck F la g
M e rce n a ry
Co mpany TE M PE ST
This small, old building is neglected both from the
outside and the inside. The top level functions as
the small home of Trazz the Cruel, who runs the
mercenary company. The storefront is decorated
with weapons, shields, and the occasional trophy of
some wild beasts and smaller monsters. The court-
yard is a small training ground where Trazz de-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

84. Th e K i n g' s P r i d e 87. A n g e ls' C h o i r
Fe s th a l l
The extensive stables of the King’s Pride are where
horses in the crown’s service are kept. All of the
horses at the stable were bred and brought in from This large elegant, domed building is home to most of
the Royal Stud Farm from outside Onadbyr. the birthdays and weddings of those who can pay the
hefty price for renting the establishment. Its large mar-
ble central hall is lavishly furnished and the servants
85. O d d s a n d E n d s are dressed almost as elegant-
ly as the ones in the Royal
Paw nshop Palace. The catering is ex-
quisite and highly expen-
This ramshackle pawn shop is the front of the local sive as are the rest of the
smuggling activity of the Golden Masks. Some might services, and Raun Sure-
even find their own goods in the store if they have been foot, the halfling proprie-
robbed lately. There is always a personal recommenda- tor of the festhall makes
tion of “rare” goods to those the owner, a rude dwarf sure that every occasion
named Gywyn Talabosh, deems worthy of his time. He feels uniquely special for
can procure many things one would not ex- those who attend.
pect to be available in a pawn shop.

86. G ra z i l d a' s
A p o th e c a ry
Markya Marosta is a young herbalist who
smiles a lot as she runs her late grandmother’s busi-
ness with great skill. She dropped out of the College
of Minstrels to assist her granny and became a strong
devotee of the Redeemer. Being able to cast low-
er-level curative magics, she also
distills magical potions with lim-
ited availability. In her service
are Dr. Samael Volkov, a hu- D R. S A M AE L
man physician and studious VO LKOV
necromancer with a blunt
attitude who doesn’t care
much for anesthetics, and
Bweltoe, the half-giant
ex-barbarian delivery
man from Vordan
who is secretly in
love with the musi- M A RKY A
cally gifted cleric. M A RO STA

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Sun, which was razed during the rebellion against

88. Ro n u l V i l la the theocracy of the Order of the Eternal Light.
Gorgeous plantlife from distant lands is cultivated
The house of the infamous Ronul family is one here, while the beautiful small meadows are open
with lots of balconies and open spaces akin to the for picnics, and little hidden retreats with bench-
helm of a ship. It is said that Almerio Ronul built es offer secluded havens for introspection. There
his house around the mast of his original flagship, is also a perfect view over the Royal Palace from
and that part of the house is underwater, catering hanging balconies by the Old Wall.
to the few merfolk in the family. Lord Dyzag Ro-
nul, the family’s patriarch, seldom visits since he is
kept busy overseeing the pearl fishing in the north 91. R u i n s o f th e
bay in Ronul’s end. His only son, Premil Ronul,
keeps the house in order and stays here most of
C a th e d ra l
the time. The young noble is secretly in love with o f th e S un
Odryk Nangrath, the older son of House Nangrath.
From time to time, gossip goes around the black The place of worship of the Shining Light, raised
markets and rogues of the city that Almerio Ro- more than nine hundred years ago during the the-
nul had hidden his famed cache of treasure some- ocracy of the Order of the Eternal Light, stands
where in the city, and that the clues about its loca- long abandoned. The vaguely recognizable struc-
tion are hidden inside the house. Lord Dyzag Ronul ture of the ruin speaks of the imposing architec-
would tell you that this was only a bad joke that ture it once displayed. The few waist-high walls
his grandfather made and regretted immediately. that remain are only fragments of the original ar-
Since then, the Ronul family had to pay fortunes chitecture, which once spread all over the western
to protect the house from burglars and sometimes half of the southern section of the High District
adventurers who believe the tale. from the Angel’s Choir to the Gentlemen’s Refuge.
There is a royal decree in effect, forbidding any
excavations in the ruins, which have been main-
89. M o n d e r V i l la tained in their original forms as a memento of the
ancient history of the realm.
The current Crownwarden’s villa is a simple yet ro-
bust structure. His family, which has always trained
its youngest members to become part of the knight- 92. W ee p i n g K ob o l d
hood, lives a sheltered, simple, yet generous and so-
cially sensitive life. Lord Cyne Monder has no heirs
F o un ta i n
and just a few housekeepers to manage the villa,
whose wide strong gates are always open for those The monument dominating the area opposite the
in need. See The Couatl Feather - The Delivery sec- Eyrie of the Fabled was erected to commemo-
tion in Chapter 1 of the adventure. rate Skerg Nethercrest, renowned Court Jester
and confidante of Queen Linolu the Peaceful.
The statue depicts a weeping kobold dressed in
90. Ro y a l G a r d e n s a jester’s robe. The statue is repainted in bright
colors every year. The lost notes of the song
These beautifully kept gardens are open to the pub- Skerg sang to the queen and which secured his
lic but are always closely monitored by the Care- role at the court have been sought after by many
takers of Life and soldiers stationed here. The park of the bards of the realm, but none have yet been
was built over the ruins of the Cathedral of the able to find them.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

93. g e n t le m e n' s 95. 
t h e d ee p
re f u g e wa r re n s
More of a gentleman’s club Formed out of an abandoned and
than a drinking establishment, partially collapsed segment of
this tavern features everything the sewers, this tavern is run by a
from games to comfortable sofas group of ex-convicts who turned
and expensive drinks to accommo- away from a life of crime. One is
date the male elite of the capital. Schofire the Vengeful, a friendly
Access is granted only to those in- ex-pirate from Ronul’s End. The
vited by a member and upon pay- next of the gang is Chancebdunn, a
ment of the steep annual membership satyr rogue who poses as a tiefling and is a pro-
fee of the establishment. fessional card player. The third member of the
crew is Brak, an arrogant lizardfolk prize hunter,
who regretfully reminisces of days before when he
94. Ey r ie of the Fab le d drowned wizards in the Ulden Swamps. They take
care not to ruin their reputation as hard-working
The Eyrie of the Fabled is a theater men in the eyes of the Red Cloaks. The deepest
where the nobility and wealthy can domed cellar of the tavern hides the remains of an
meet to enjoy high-quality enter- ancient stone door with a sun symbol on it. The
tainment and show off their social massive stone block is jammed beyond repair under
status. It is a small yet richly dec- a dilapidated lintel that no one has dared to force
orated venue built to fulfill every open. Beyond the door is a small room where
need of visitors from high soci- the resistance of slaves and followers of the
ety. The theater’s auditorium Shining Light gathered in secret during
and stage area is covered the reign of the Dark Star. A crumbling
with darkwood, making skeleton lies in one of the corners, still
it completely soundproof. holding onto a holy symbol in one hand
See Eyrie of the Fabled loca- and with the other to a magical spear of
tion in Chapter 3 for a more solid adamantine that pierced through his
detailed description. S C H O F IRE body and the stone floor below it. A regular
TH E VE N G E F U L at the tavern, Cassius the Help-
ful, is a human with a devilish
bloodline and a flamboyant
outfit who sells information
to those who pay the right
price. The tavern staff is
B RA K not fond of his private
business here but look
away for now. See
the Introductory Ad-
ventures section for
an encounter at the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

96. A l ley o f M e n a ce 99. Q uee n' s G ra ce

Or ph anage
This alley by the Old Wall is believed to be cursed.
Residents avoid it, and those who live next to it
urge others to stay away. At any time, day or night, This large red brick building with elaborate iron-
accidents happen to those who enter this relatively work is a highly regarded school and residence for
simple, dirty, narrow street section that runs be- young female orphans. Because of royal patronage,
tween the back walls of several residential build- conditions in the orphanage are better than in most
ings. The markings on the side of the Old Wall in homes. The girls are raised very rigidly but in a noble
this alley are haunted by the souls of the slaves who demeanor and are trained by the calculating drow
built it. Their sorrow and agony emanate through headmistress Nyx Malari in all the trades and duties
their ancient sigils. See the Introductory Adven- of a lady who is to become a master of a wealthy
tures section for an encounter at the location. household. The orphans are well regarded as suita-
ble matches for younger sons of the well-to-do or
even for the nobility on rare occasions. The orphans
97. S h r i n e o f don’t have dowries, estates, or family alliances, but
they prepared on posture, courtly dances, running
th e Un f o rg i v i n g a household, raising children, and many financial
tasks. Lady Nyx utilizes the contacts these mar-
This secret shrine is at the end of a sewer tun- ried girls represent and keeps close contact
nel below the city’s streets. A composite idol with them after they leave the orphanage
that features the god of death, the god of through frequent visits. Some select girls
Strength, and the god of Competence as a are members of the Ringmaidens, an or-
three-headed figure stands in a small dark ganization of underground operatives
alcove. The statue is usually covered in whom Nyx Malari leads in clandestine
blood and surrounded by sacrifices left by operations. The headmistress’s right
those who have learned of the place and hand and lead agent is Silent Shad-
seek revenge, harbor hate or murder- ow, a curious catfolk rogue with
ous thoughts, or are under extreme extraordinary burglary skills.
traumatic pressure which they The catfolk has proven able to
hope to remedy by praying at this retrieve anything at the Ring-
isolated shrine. No one knows who maiden’s request.
or if anyone at all oversees the unho-
ly shrine, but dark candles burn at all
times at the feet of the idol. NYX
98. K i n g B o l d i z z a r
A ze n n a r' s S ta tue

Standing on a granite pedestal, this giant iron stat-

ue rises above Dragon Plaza and depicts the late
king in the moment of his victory against the invad-
ing Vordani armies.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

sports without any rules at night, where anyone
100. B la ck h o rn can fight and win some money if they are victori-
ous. The place is overseen by a psychopathic hal-
Owned by the Blackhorn family for generations, this fling named Joffer Pebblefoot, who loves the sight
is one of the oldest taverns in the Onadbyr. The fam- of blood and gore even more than the gold he
ily brews and sells its signature mead that is famous makes on his gruesome night business. During the
all over the kingdom. The Blackhorns have great pride night, the arena seems to be closed, and only those
in the recipe and are in a fierce competition with the invited can attend the matches, which are kept
monks of the Spirited Leaf Abbey. The tavern is frequent- under wrap by magical
ed mainly by locals from the Sword and South Districts. silence effects. So far,
the Red Cloaks have
not discovered the
101. Temp le of St re n g th night-time business.
The real brains of the
A large, sturdy, and featureless building with small operation is
windows dominates the side of the Long Road. Joffer’s si-
Its massive double doors open into lent partner
a vast training ground, an atrium Ruali Ousse-
decorated with weapons and large araheal, a re-
marble statues of the church’s served crafty
most famous muscular male and elven rogue with
female priests. The most charis- sudden blazes of an- RU A LI
matic and approachable priest of ger against her rivals. O U S SE A RA H E A L
the clergy is Casimer, an ambi-
tious half-elf with a well-
built physique who cap- 104. V a r r i k
italizes his knowledge
of the body not only in
th e Ra t C a tc h e r
training and keeping
a healthy lifestyle but Varrik the Weary, a human druid, poses as a drow
C A S IME R also when using his heal- with the alias Enimbros in remembrance of his long-
TH E P U RE ing magic. lost drow love. He lives on the fringes of society in
the Shanties and makes
a living by providing
102. M e a t M a rke t pest and rodent con-
trol services to any-
The butcher’s market sells all types of meat, live do- one who knows
mesticated and wild animals, and sometimes even about him. He
the remains or live specimens of fantastic beasts keeps a dozen
brought in by monster hunters. ferrets in his
shabby hovel,
which reeks
103. Th e D o g P i t of animal musk
and filth.
The Dog Pit is an arena of sophisticated duels to
the first blood during the day and illegal blood VA R R I K TH E WE A RY

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

materials. The truth is that Mordio is the head of

105. M a g g o t' s E n d the Children of the Coven, malicious servitors of
the Matrons of Malice. He received an imp servant
This building is home to many miserable wretch- as payment for his devotion, and besides for spying,
es who live on drugs and have already forgotten he also uses the tiny fiend to work for him on tasks
what real life is. Anyone can enter and stay indefi- that require great precision.
nitely if they can find a small spot where they can
collapse. The house and its residents are not even
worth robbing as they are poor, sick, and without
any value to anyone. The only person taking care
of the destitute addicts is Dromier Cutter, a mid- M O RD IO
dle-aged priest of the Redeemer who appears to be D E LO N S
in his fifties. Dromier’s mean demeanor and harsh
temperament hides a caring soul who preaches to
the homeless of Maggot’s End about changing their
ways before distributing alms to them.

CUT TE R 107. G ree n - Ey e d N y m p h
Only green-eyed servers work at this large festhall
facing the Dragon Plaza. The hall features regular
group dances for locals and is frequented by many
of the students of the College of Minstrels, who al-
ways make sure to keep the guests and themselves
entertained at all times of the day.

106. F ie ry H o ove s 108. Te m p le o f M a g ic

The little shop is tucked into the cramped space of Marvelous colorful, sparking columns of heatless
the city’s outskirts, close to Mule Gate. Its entrance fire dominate the entrance of this temple, which is
is marked by a metal cut-out sign depicting a rider rich in detail. Its large rose glass windows seem to
and a horse with flaming hooves. The shop’s interior shift as shapes form and disappear in them slow-
is designed to block the view of the workbench for ly. The inside of the building features magical en-
a good reason. The shop is known by its customers chantments and imagery, which always awes visi-
for its high-quality harnesses, saddles, leather gear, tors and faithful alike. The priests of the House of
and other equipment, which seem to be highly du- the Wondermaker welcome all who are fascinated
rable but at the same time light in weight. Rumor by their god’s power and those who wish to hire
has it that the saddler, Mordio Delons keeps a little their magical services. These services are usually
dragon-like creature in his workshop to harden the provided by Wilm the Virtuous, an aged, stolid hu-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

man priest who is all too pragmatic about the mag-
ical wonders he sells. The highest-ranking cleric of 110. Ra tc a tc h e r I n n
the temple is a venerable human named Polodrin
of Gynleah, a foreigner from the Drayl City-States, The Ratcatcher is the worst place to stay at Onad-
who was invited by King Waldrann decades ago to byr but also the cheapest. The proprietor, Gibras the
take the Pulpit of Wonders. His second in command Meek, is a silent introvert with dark sunken eyes
is Father Beau Semias, who pretends to be a charis- and an air of eerie strangeness about his person.
matic pastor but, behind his mask of deception, is a The loudest regulars at the place are always Fingle
scheming devotee of the Matrons of Malice. Father Jewelstomper, a bearded chubby gnome rogue with
Beau vies for power, and the midnight hags easily wizardly skills who asks way too many questions,
corrupted him by offering magical powers that he and his friend Keeg, a charismatic, carefree con-art-
could use to overthrow Father Polodrin. With his ist and steady drinker who claims to be an ex-pirate
newfound warlock powers, the vile priest already captain of the west.
has a plan in motion and regularly reports to Mor-
dio Delons, the cult’s leader. See Temple of Magic
section in Chapter 6 of the adventure.



109. B a s ke t o f P le n ty
The primary food market of the capital is a vast
sea of colors and sounds filled with an ever-flowing
mass of people and a full range of enticing aromas.
One can buy almost any type of food, even from
far-off exotic lands, except for meat, which is only
available at the Meat Market. Long rows of tiny
curtained stalls, most with only seats for two cus-
tomers, line the sides of the market where one can KEE G ,
find any type of street food at all hours of the day. P IRATE C AP TA I N O F TH E WE ST

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

111. D RA G O N 114. M u g a n d B o t t le
A goodhearted middle-aged dwarf named Guun-
thar runs this fine brewery. Unfortunately, Guun-
Formerly known as the Plaza of the People, this enor- thar has a sad history with a red dragon. Guunthar
mous empty plaza is dominated by the bronze statue was a highly skilled armorsmith and adventurer
of King Daerios Azennar, the current king’s father. He back in the days before briefly meeting Arzatraxos,
defeated and chased away Malzdreziret the Scaled the red dragon in Drayl, then promptly changing
Impostor. The statue depicts the heroic king as he his profession and life goals. He has a rotund cat
wounds the massive dragon with the Falcon Blade. named Pudge and a pet skunk that believes itself to
be a cat, named Stinky.

112. M u s ic o f
th e S p h e re s

The venerable gnome instrument maker Master

Xagim Doubletoe undoubtedly has the most re- G UUN TH A R
fined ears and most skilled hands in the capital.
Most of the students and maestros of the College
of Minstrels have their instruments made and re-
paired by him. Even though he has slowly gone
deaf, he can still tune any instrument perfectly by
feeling its vibrations.

113. T h e B o t to m le s s
We l l
115. Ro un d b re a d
This ancient, crumbling well looks like any other
old neglected well, except for the fact that no one The Roundbread bakery is an institution by itself.
has ever been able to reach its bottom. Lanterns Long lines of hungry shoppers wait for their turn
on ropes of extreme length have been lowered in front of its doors every morning. People would
into it until the light just slowly faded away. The do anything for Gallad, the stern-looking but kind
brave who have tried to climb or even fly down airling master baker, who is a renowned and re-
with magic either gave up or never returned. In- spected pillar of the community.
side there’s a long stretch of ladders and hand-
holds fabricated together and added continu-
ously by those who dared to explore, but at one
point, it just stops, marking the depth where the
last brave explorer gave up the descent. Legends
say that a few times in the past, the corpses of
strange creatures, possibly fey, have mysteriously
fallen out of the well.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

116. G r i n n i n g G ob li n 118. A un ty A la n ia' s
Se w i n g S h o p
Owned and operated by the goblins of the Gold-
tooth noble house, this tavern is always noisy
with shouting and raucous laughter. Constantly Aunty Alania was the wife of a wealthy merchant
guarded by the disciplined and courteous hobgob- who died decades ago. She has spent her entire life
lin house guards, the locals consider the inn as a sewing since she was a child and she makes the
safe place to get drunk. One of the loudest guests most beautiful and fashionable dresses worn by
is Breesy Alebeard, a smuggler with a purple glass the nobility and elite of the city.
eye and a jade tooth, who is always ready to bet
large in a game of cards.
119. S y lvan Str i ker ,
Bows of E lve n
Qua lity
Twen Foebane came to the city from an elven con-
clave in Drayl to forget a tragic romantic affair. He
has watched the city grow for over a century now
and established a name for himself as one of the
capital’s most skilled
craftsmen. Twen is
always accompa-
nied by his animal
companion, a loyal
dog named Kylo.

117. O l d P h a r io n' s
Re m e d ie s
Jamos Pharion is the sweetest old man, always
talkative, and very helpful, especially when offer-
ing his herbal remedies primarily to other elderly
residents. He also sells several plant-based poisons 120. G a l n y r ,
from his small shop to those who know his secret
signal. Jamos’ most valued treasure is an ancient
M a s te r A rm o re r
adamantine mace that once belonged to one of the
fallen devas during the reign of the Dark Star. Galnyr was a member of a Vordani tribe until he
realized that his armor-crafting skills are valued
much more in Aglarion and the capital of Onadbyr.
The seasoned blacksmith has created many mas-
terpieces worn with pride by their owners.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Zurafkira is a skillful survivor who manages on her

121. F ig u r i n e s o f own within the desolate world of shadows. At the
Wo n d e r same time, the Material Plane Zurafkira became a
skillful cobbler who always tried to
help her slightly bitter
Vilter Kirtan, a middle-aged human maker of fine sister with infor-
dolls and puppets, creates wonderful toys and dolls mation and ad-
of various sizes to the delight of young and old vice. The two sis-
alike. The puppet maker lost his wife and daughter, ters can see and
Dorotia, to a long and severe illness a few years ago communicate te-
and was soon confronted by the Matrons of Mal- lepathically with
ice in his dreams. He was told that if he recreated each other when
Dorotia as a puppet, it would gain sentience and they both look
eternal life so he could love her forever. The heart- into a mirror.
broken master crafter accepted the offer without The sisters be-
hesitation and soon finished the doll. It was as came inform-
promised, and during the next night, the doll came ants, and di-
to life and has been by Vilter’s side ever since. The rect proteges of
puppet maker hides the secret of Samsadur after
his live puppet from every- D O RO T IA ZU RAF K IRA the leader of the
one, but it is always with S H OE M A KE R Golden Masks found
him in the shop during out about their secret.
the day, falling prone The girls enjoy the company of the crime lord, the
and acting lifeless if excitement he brings to their lives with his missions
anyone enters. The of reconnaissance, and the gold pieces he pays them.
puppet was initially
kind and loving, but
it grows viler over 123. Te m p le o f L i fe
time as her haglike
personality starts The Temple of the Redeemer is a sprawling low-
to surface, chang- ceilinged building with large communal areas and a
ing her appearance central pulpit. The temple can ac-
bit by bit. commodate hundreds of people,
and many clerics attend the
hungry, wounded, sick, and
122. Z u ra f k i ra' s F i n e destitute. Anyone can stay at
the temple for free for an in-
F o o t we a r definite time, provided they
assist in the daily labors of
This small cordwainer’s workshop is the the acolyte clerics. The
shop and home of Zurafkira Shoemaker, ranking cleric of
a single woman of great skill and a mys- the faith is Ry Kaly,
terious connection to the Shadowrealm. a low-level priest
Zurafkira has a twin sister born to the Shad- who does his
owrealm when their mother gave life to them O TME R best to at-
and died in the process. The Shadowrealm-born H O N O RM A I L tend the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

most severe cases. The most dedicated and active
member of the clergy is Otmer Honormail, an unar- 127. N u lob o r' s
mored, unarmed dwarven paladin who tends to F i n e Lo ck s
every need of the disenfranchised in his simple dirty
robes. See the Introductory Adventures section for
an encounter at the location. Nulobor, the gnome, is an introvert who does noth-
ing besides making and repairing locks and eating
his favorite lemon pie strictly at sundown in his
124. Kn ig h t' s P r i d e favorite chair overlooking his small fireplace. He
keeps adding drops of the essential oils he buys
This large weapon and armor smithy is run by a from Old Troumbald of Natural Healing Concoc-
massive hobgoblin named Bruukattyr the Iron Grip, tions to his fire, which should supposedly ease his
who served in the Royal Army for years. He received frequent headaches. He works most of the time
an honorable discharge after losing his left hand in and sometimes has strange, suffocating dreams in
a battle against a mob of sahuagin that attacked Ro- which ugly deformed women sit on his chest and
nul’s End over two decades ago. As a result, he con- hold a glowing bag over his mouth.
structed a bulky iron left arm prosthesis for himself
that has a tremendous grip but is too bulky to be
used for anything else but swinging a hammer. 128. R o n n a r' s
Pe lt s a n d
125. N i n e A rc h e s F i n e Le a th e r
This flat bridge is built upon nine stone arches. The Ronnar, a middle-aged half-orc, buys, cures, and
bridge was destroyed by Malzdreziret the Scaled sells the most exotic pelts and hides from all over
Impostor, before being rebuilt only a decade ago the kingdom. He also sometimes deceives some of
by King Waldrann. Newlywed couples often take his wealthier clients with expert forgeries. Ron-
rowboats and navigate to one of the many bridge nar’s best supplier is an elven druid named Thed-
pillars to carve their names there. uthas Ravine, who uses his powers to find beasts
with pelts of the highest quality in the King’s For-
est, where he hunts illegally.
126. D ia m o n d b a ck
T ro u t
This cozy tavern by the riverside features its own RA V I NE
small docks and canopied terraces over the river.
The owner, Okamirou Haristan, is a knowledgeable
man from a distant land to the east and a long-time
friend of King Waldrann.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

129. Te m p le o f 130.  a i l an d Beam

C o m pe te n ce C a r pe n t ry

An unremarkable-looking two-story building in Jovas Paltran and his team led by his three sons have
the middle of the densest part of the Tool District built the most magnificent villas over the past years.
is home to the devotees of the god of Competence, They also do major repairs but leave the smaller, less
the Efficient Master. The temple hides many small well-paying jobs to others of their profession.
workshops where the skilled can discuss their
trade or the unskilled can learn confidence in a
skill from the temple priests. There is no formal 131. The Won de rm on ge r
leader of the faith because all priests consider each
other as equals and act as independent teachers This messy workshop, owned by Tully Vespers Skin-
and preachers of their own experiences. One of the cat Watercat, is only a small room packed with
friendlier faces in the temple is an acolyte who, in strange devices and another space in the back sep-
reality, is a young doppelganger named Namacur- arated by a curtain. Some might consider the ani-
sess posing as Jarlin, the former street urchin who mated clockwork contraptions of the warm-heart-
found his way into the temple. The introvert boy is ed gnome artificer wizard useless or even funny,
a master poet who is willing to share his art with but many have great functions that make one’s life
anyone eager to listen. Namacursess is a loner and easier. Tully is always friendly and curious and does
not affiliated with the Golden Masks, who will ap- not consider it offensive when people belittle his
proach and tempt the creature if they find out its automatons and clockwork tools. Tully is actually a
true identity. werecat in control of his powers who occasionally
roams the rooftops of the city at night.



Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Bridges Gentlemen’s Refuge (93.) Places of Authority

Giant’s Boots Tavern (81.)
Crossing of the Thousand Lanterns (1.) Golden Nectar Inn (37.) Bastion of the Knights (67.)
Grankar’s Chains (55.) Green-Eyed Nymph (107.) Dungeon of Tears (59.)
King’s Bridge (69.) Grinning Goblin (116.) Fists of Azennar (43.)
Nine Arches (125.) Loud and Lusty (49.) Halls of the Lawgiver (60.)
Queen’s Bridge (70.) Lucky Leap (44.) House of the Soldier (63.)
Merchant’s Rest Tavern (7.) King’s Forge (62.)
Cemeteries Ratcatcher Inn (110.) Minaret of the Speaker (41.)
Silent Kiss Brothel (15.) Royal Court (68.)
Deadwoods Cemetery (23.) The Furlough (78.) Royal Docks (54.)
Garden of the Sleepers (36.) Triple Nine Gambling Hall (5.) Royal Shipyard (56.)
Noble’s Rest (30.) Royal Warehouses (61.)
Illegal Activities The King’s Pride (84.)
Crafters and Services
Maggot’s End (105.) Places of Worship
Aunt Salibra’s Natural Healing Odds and Ends Pawnshop (85.)
Concoctions (46.) Old Pharion’s Remedies (117.) Shrine of the Shining Light (80.)
Aunty Alania’s Sewing Shop (118.) Shimeon’s Pouches (16.) Temple of Competence (129.)
Black Flag Mercenary Company (83.) Shrine of the Unforgiving (97.) Temple of Death (24.)
Figurines of Wonder (121.) The Curious Calligrapher (79.) Temple of Knowledge (72.)
Galnyr, the Master Armorer (120.) The Dog Pit (103.) Temple of Life (123.)
Golden Touch Gent’s Barbershop (51.) Temple of Light and Darkness (52.)
Grazilda’s Apothecary (86.) Markets Temple of Magic (108.)
Knight’s Pride (124.) Temple of Nature (34.)
Mug and Bottle (114.) Basket of Plenty (109.) Temple of Strength (101.)
Music of the Spheres Instruments (112.) Ironweaver’s Market (82.)
Nail and Beam Carpentry (130.) Meat Market (102.) Schools
Nulobor’s Fine Locks (127.) Seafarm Fishmarket (57.)
Ronnar’s Pelts and Fine Leather (128.) Tradersmeet (11.) College of Minstrels (25.)
Roundbread (115.) Hall of Temerity (77.)
Silver Scale (42.) Mystical Locations Queen’s Grace Orphanage (99.)
Soap and Cream (45.) House of Clenched Fists (75.)
Sylvan Striker, Bows of Elven Quality (119.) The Alley of Menace (96.) Walhem’s Boarding School
The Halfling’s Treasure (20.) The Bottomless Well (113.) for Young Masters (40.)
Totally Local (2.) The Buried Tower (58.)
Varrik the Rat Catcher (104.) The Crooning Willow (32.) Shops
Zurafkira’s Fine Footwear (122.)
Nobles’ Villas Arno’s Ancient Tomes (76.)
Historical Locations Bearded Warrior Weapons Shop (6.)
Domiren Villa (73.) Choosey Otyugh Culinary Treats (13.)
Imprints of the Half Goat (48.) Goldtooth Villa (38.) Darustil’s Haberdashery (8.)
King Boldizzar Azennar’s Statue (98.) Gorso Villa (39.) Dawn of the Ages Antiquities (27.)
Ruins of the Cathedral of the Sun (91.) Karramosa Villa (64.) Elegant Elephant (12.)
The Napping Giant (74.) Monder Villa (89.) Emporium of Marvelous Rarities (14.)
The Weeping Kobold Fountain (92.) Nangrath Villa (28.) Fiery Hooves (106.)
Tomb of the First King (66.) Ronul Villa (88.) Hill’s Nectar Winery (3.)
Zephran’s Ruins (31.) Wyltammer Villa (71.) Oryntar’s Metallurgy (19.)
Starbright Jewelry (10.)
Hospitality Parks and Plazas Princess’ Boudoir Parfumery (9.)
Purple Book Worm (47.)
Angels’ Choir Festhall (87.) Dragon Plaza (111.) The Dragon’s Hoard Trading House (17.)
Blackhorn (100.) King Vacrilos II Park (33.) The Wanderer’s Cartographer (18.)
Burning Desire Brothel (26.) Monster Menagerie (21.) The Wondermonger (131.)
Cheeky Mermaid Inn (53.) Park of Lonely Spirits (35.) Thysalonious’ Stables (4.)
Deep Warrens (95.) Platinum Peacock Park (29.)
Diamondback Trout (126.) Rose Garden Park (65.)
Emrik’s Complex Flavor Blacksoup Bar (22.) Royal Gardens (90.)
Eyrie of the Fabled (94.) Zhankar Plaza (50.)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


A large number of locations provide plentiful oppor- “Welcome, all you

tunities for adventures both in the capital city of visitors to splendid
Onadbyr and in the Kingdom of Aglarion. The back-
ground stories of many sites presented in the Aglar-
Onadbyr, whether you
ion and Onadbyr setting descriptions are left open be humanoids, sprites,
for you to expand as a DM. You can tie them into the or shapeshifters in altered form! Haha!
main storyline or use them individually to spice up Unfortunately, I cannot pride a litter
the adventures of the characters. You could also use
for noble guests, but I can try to carry
them to bring your characters from level 1 to level
5, getting them ready for the main story arc, armed
you on my shoulders! Haha!”
with an extensive understanding of the setting. We Bantallyr “Wordsplasher” Stoneshield introducing his
have created the following encounters that will in- tour of Onadbyr and cracking up at his own jokes.
volve the characters with the setting and many NPCs
in the adventure. The rhyming poet follows a regular path after set-
ting down some rules that concern taking the
dwarf’s guidance near some of the more danger-
LEVEL 1 - 2 ADVENTURES ous locations of the city. Two loud and irresponsi-
ble gnolls (armed with hand axes) within the guided
group make belittling comments about some of the
Rules Are Rules landmarks and the tour guide’s lame jokes. When
they reach the Alley of Menace (Onadbyr location
Background 96.), Bantallyr warns the group and describes it as
Anyone new to the city, or those who just wish to a most perilous and mysterious place where none
know it better, might want to take a guided tour should enter. The gnolls push him aside and enter
with Bantallyr “Wordsplasher” Stoneshield of the To- the alley while mocking Bantallyr, and after a few
tally Local (Onadbyr location 2.) tour guide agency. minutes of silence, they rush out of the alley raging
with bloodshot eyes, ready to attack anyone nearby.
Environment The characters must defend themselves and stop the
The tour starts at the Crown Gate on the Riverside gnolls in any way possible. The same confusion and
Promenade of the Coin District and makes its way rage effect befalls anyone who enters the alley and
around the entire city. does not succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw.
This effect is caused by hallucinations, which make
Scene the subject witness and bear the tortures suffered
Members of the daily tours are met by Bantallyr by the slaves of the dark angels during the building
“Wordsplasher” Stoneshield (use the minstrel of the of the Old Wall.
college monster entry with a Charisma score of 10),
the young dwarven self-made poet-bard and tour Experience
guide, who laces his introductions and welcomes Award the party 450 experience points if they can
with limited talent and rote performances. uncover the secret of the Alley of Menace.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ed with two consecutive successful DC 11 Charisma
A Shameless Party (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) skill checks.
These situations might include: avoiding offers of
Background mixing drinks without raising too much attention,
The characters can encounter one or all three of the avoiding the pushy and bullying noble brothers, get-
Domiren brothers in any situation, perhaps aiding ting dragged into vulgar or dangerous games, having
them in some way or serving the nobles on a task. intercourse with questionable prostitutes (contract-
In return, they are invited to one of the nobles’ wild ing the disease: unwelcome gift), and finally leaving
parties under the Hill’s Nectar Winery (Onadbyr lo- the secret bacchanalia without offending the swol-
cation 3.) with a secret password, “Flowing Delights.” len egos of their hosts. Critical failures or a series of
failed skill checks might result in physical atrocities
Environment with the guests or even the Domiren brothers.
The extensive cellar system of the famed Hill’s Nec-
tar Winery is accessible from the street level through The Domiren brothers can call four house guards
a long ramp and a heavy iron double door. The gates should the need arise. The guards sometimes expel
are guarded by House Domiren private guards, clad unwanted visitors or offenders from the party.
in exquisite dress uniforms.
Unwelcome Gift. When a humanoid creature has
The wine cellar is a sprawling space lined by rows of sexual contact with another creature that carries the
wine racks stacked with thousands of bottles from disease, the creature must succeed on a DC 13 Con-
various vintages and lands. A central area has been stitution saving throw or become infected. It takes
converted into a lounge, with a fountain of wine in 1d3 days for symptoms to appear, including painful
the center, with statues of satyrs in revelry and wine pustules near the genitals. At the end of each long
flowing from their musical instruments. Numerous rest, an infected creature must make a DC 13 Consti-
serving tables laden with fine drink and canapés tution saving throw. On a failed save, the character
stand around the space, and ornate divans surround remains affected by the disease and gains one level
the entire lounge. Groups of naked partygoers are of exhaustion, up to a maximum of three exhaustion
engaged in acts of debauchery, highly intoxicated, levels. On a successful save, the character’s exhaus-
raucous, drinking, or engaged in various acts of car- tion level lowers by one step until the infected crea-
nal pleasure. Several house guards are spread in the ture completely recovers from the disease.
deeper recesses of the cellars, out of view but ready
to be called by the Domirens. Servants wearing hoods Experience
and fine suits discreetly fill the empty glasses and Award the party 450 experience points if they can
plates on the tables but otherwise stay out of sight. escape the Domiren’s party without suffering any ill
effects or offending the hosts.
When the characters speak the password to the
guards at the outer ramp, they are allowed to enter Wicked Witchery
and are greeted in the cellars by a group of intoxi-
cated partygoers, all of them naked, including the Background
three fat Domiren noble heirs, Zajeer, Malo, and Ko- A strange disease is spreading around the Temple of
rzen, (use the noble monster entry) who invite the Life (Onadbyr location 123.), and Father Ry Kaly, head
characters inside and ask that they undress and join priest of the Redeemer, is worried. Three members of
the party naked. If they partake in the festivities, the his community, all seeking his temple’s aid in some
characters will need to avoid being dragged into a form, have fallen sick and are showing strange symp-
series of uncomfortable situations that can be avoid- toms. They are slowly losing their intellects, consum-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ing almost anything they can, as their skin thickens If the characters eat from the soup being served,
and hair falls out, and their limbs and faces transform. they must make a successful DC 12 Constitution sav-
As if they are somehow slowly transforming into… pigs. ing throw or become inflicted by the disease - por-
cine morphosis.
The disease is one spread by Old Troumbald, Aunt
Salimbra’s husband from Aunt Salibra’s Natural Heal- Porcine Morphosis. While infected with this disease,
ing Concoctions (Onadbyr location 46.), who has been the target slowly transforms into a pig. An infected crea-
duplicitous in his intentions to help the less fortunate ture loses 1d4 points of Intelligence every day as long as
and sometimes comes to provide “help” in the temple they are diseased until their Intelligence score drops to
in the soup kitchen. He uses a recipe from his wife’s 2. Within one day, the victim’s skin hardens and grows
inheritance, the Recipes of Corruption, a collection bristles. On the second day, the victim’s hands and feet
of vile recipes of witchcraft owned and safely kept become trotter-like. On the third day, their nose trans-
hidden by his wife. Old Troumbald recently found the forms into a stub, and on the fourth day, they com-
book and is experimenting with the recipes’ effects pletely assume the form of a pig. Infected creatures can
at the temple. repeat the saving throw against the disease every day,
ending the infection and the transformation.
The squat Temple of Life is a busy place, especially The only clue to the mysterious transformation of the
in the morning hours when the food kitchen of the victims can be found if characters examine their meals
temple distributes meals to the hungry and poor. and plates on which these were served. At the bottom
Supplicants stream into the central hall of the tem- of their bowls are traces of an oily, dark greenish sub-
ple, where the temporary residents, mostly homeless stance. If the characters follow the clue to the kitch-
people or poor travelers, are cleaning the communal ens, they can catch Old Troumbald with a successful
areas and their sleeping cots. DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) skill check as he is pouring
a dark liquid into the bowls as they are being served.
Scene He breaks down and sobs if confronted but does not
The characters are recruited by Otmer Honormail, reveal the recipe book he has found and the nature
the right-hand acolyte of Father Ry Kaly to investi- of the concoction. Characters who succeed on a DC
gate some strange occurrences around the temple 13 Wisdom (Insight) skill check can realize that Old
over the past few weeks. Otmer is a dwarf who left Troumbald is hiding something as he keeps professing
his order as a paladin and has forsaken all violence. his wife’s innocence. If the characters question Aunt
He is dressed in his simple dirty robes, and he hum- Salimbra, she breaks down and tells the truth about
bly begs for any assistance. the ancient recipe book that she found and locked
away long ago. She only surrenders the book to the
“I sense that you are sensi- Red Cloak Lawgiver Nathael Wester, who arrives at the
scene after a few minutes. Nathael Wester is an obser-
ble and capable folks. The
vant and honest investigator of the order and carries a
Redeemer has placed a sa- swordstick as his weapon, which he rarely draws. He
cred task in my path, which impounds the Recipes of Corruption and apprehends
is finding sharp minds that can shine to the old man. Aunt Salimbra is ashamed of her hus-
cleanse our afflictions! The Temple of band’s deeds. Old Troumbald gets convicted for assault
by magic, is fined heavily, and gets imprisoned for sev-
Life requires your aid, against mysteri-
eral years in the Dungeon of Tears. Nathael Wester
ous transformations at the temple.” can be a great source of information to the characters
Otmer Honormail requesting the in the adventure, especially on the laws and known
character’s aid to the Temple of Life. organizations in Onadbyr.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

with his father’s notes that describe his ancestors’
intention to dig into the Buried Tower to uncover
its secrets. Drakk continued the work where his fa-
ther left off and soon reached the side of the tower,
WE STE R where he activated a protective warding glyph that
summoned skeletal apprentices to his side before be-
ing deactivated. The mindless undead trapped Drakk
inside. Two of them have stumbled into his house,
while another two have remained in the hard rock
bored tunnel. Drakk was lucky enough to be trapped
in the storeroom of the cellar, so he has managed to
survive but fears leaving the confines of this room
with the skeletons roaming outside.

“I, Nathael Wester of the Red Cloak

Lawgivers, pronounce my sentence: The small house of Drakk Tightlips is located in the
By the dictates of the law and the Seabed District, close to the harbor and the Buried
evidence presented by Aunt Salimbra Tower (Onadbyr location 58.). The house is a simple
and [characters’ names], I find Old one-story building with a common room serving as
the dwarf’s workspace and a bedroom with very few
Troumbald guilty for assault by magic. amenities. The tunnel under the house has a 5-foot
I order he pays a fine of 500 gold pieces diameter and is about 150 feet long.
as compensation to the Temple of Life
and I sentence him to 5 years imprison- Scene
When the characters investigate Drakk Tightlips’
ment in the Dungeon of Tears.
house in the Seabed District, they find it locked but
The sentence has been pronounced.” can easily enter the premises by breaking a window
Nathael Wester concluding his or the front door. Inside, they find the house rum-
investigation of the crimes. maged and partially destroyed by four robed skele-
tons, skeletal apprentices, who are aimlessly wan-
Experience dering inside and knocking things over. Two others
Award the party 450 experience points if they reveal remain in the cellars, at the mouth of the storeroom
the vile experiments of Old Troumbald. and the tunnel dug by the dwarf. They attack anyone
who enters the building or the cellars.

Skeletons in the Tunnel Skeletal Apprentice (CR 1/2, 100 XP). Use the skele-
ton monster entry with the following modifications:
The characters learn of the disappearance of Drakk • Spellcasting. The skeletal apprentice is a 1st-level
Tightlips, a sensible dwarven blacksmith, crafter and spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence
purveyor of fishhooks, who has been missing from (spell save DC 8, +2 to hit with spell attacks). The
his favorite harbor tavern for days now. People say skeletal apprentice has the following wizard spells
that he was loudly bragging about a certain labor prepared:
that will finally come to fruition, which will make
him rich and famous. Drakk discovered a secret tun- •C antrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, shocking grasp
nel under his house a couple of months ago, along • 1st level: false life, mage armor

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Drakk is most appreciative of being saved. Moreover,

Dancing with Giants
he offers his personal items of value to the charac-
ters in return for his rescue.
The remnants of the moon are at their highest. On
such evenings, which are called the Nights of the
Witch Moon, hags can weave stronger curses.

The Witch Moon is high in the skies, illuminating the
night streets on Onadbyr and casting long shadows
on buildings and the few who roam the streets. Crit-
termouth, a green hag who has been preying on the
residents of the Shanties, has recently kidnapped a
small boy named Jostan and is dragging the wailing
boy away into the alleyways.

D RA KK T IG H T LIP S Under such a Witch Moon, the characters encoun-
ter a young woman on the streets, dragging a dirty
“I thank ye kindly! In a bit of a jam, 4-year-old little boy who is crying and wailing un-
controllably. His terror is unmistakable. The woman
I was in, as ye can see. I hope there’s
is Crittermouth, a green hag in disguise, harboring
no more of those blasted skeletons vile intentions. If confronted, the evil fey curses the
at the end of me tunnel. little boy before becoming invisible and fleeing. Her
But I did reach the Buried Tower! words, “You shall not walk until a giant dances with
None have achieved this feat that you!” take immediate effect, and the boy’s feet col-
lapse, too weak to hold him up. With the boy in de-
I know of! It seems it is more
spair and the hag gone, the characters will need to
dangerous than anyone could image. figure out how to break the curse.
And who knows what lies inside?
I shall call the Red Cloaks at once Jostan’s family is hard to find in the city, but a DC 8
and inform them of the danger!” Intelligence (Investigation) skill check is enough to
locate their ramshackle home in the Shanties. If the
Drakk Tightlips intensely thanking the characters characters start searching for giants, it requires a suc-
for the rescue and explaining the defenses of the cessful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check
Buried Tower. to find out about two giant-blooded people in the city.
One of them is Somrin ’Fernidad’ Ironhammer, who
Treasure works as a smith at King’s Forge (Onadbyr location
Drakk ’s home has a mix of minor jewelry and silver- 62.), and the other is Garin Se’eray, the kennel master
ware worth 77 gold pieces altogether. at Halls of the Lawgiver (Onadbyr location 60.). Garin
can be easily convinced to help, but Somrin is a mo-
Experience rose individual who needs to be reassured that this
Award the party 450 experience points if they find is not a joke. It requires a successful DC 10 Charis-
out what happened to Drunnar. If reported to the ma (Persuasion) skill check to convince him to dance
Red Cloaks, the authorities collapse the tunnel. with the boy. When the characters bring Jostan to ei-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ther giant-kin, and they dance with him, the boy soon Scene
regains control over his feet. Everyone celebrates the One late night, a courier hands a package to one of
characters, and the giants go back to their work. the characters and says it was sent by someone who
described them by their exact appearance. The pack-
“What? Are you serious? age contains a copper urn with “Warmond Sydell”
engraved upon it, and some ashy remains within.
I have no time for a jig with
If asked, the courier explains that he was hired at
a disabled child. Leave me his booth for this local delivery and can describe
be! I have an axe to grind.” the person who sent the package as a young, short
Somrin “Fernidad” Ironhammer ginger-haired human acolyte of the Arcane Tower,
dismissing the call to a dance. wearing a white shirt and black baggy trousers that
almost resembled a skirt.
“Come to my arm, my dear
The urn is actually haunted by the spirit of a hanged
child! We shall dance the
man that manifests as a shadow every midnight
wiggly jig and shake the around the urn and attacks anyone present while
jinx off of you in a jiffy!” whispering, “I’m innocent.” If the characters kill
Garin Se’eray joyfully lifting Jostan the shadow, it will not return any more. The fol-
and whistling a tune as he begins lowing morning, Orz De-Quat Shimeon approaches
to dance woith the boy. the character who received the package in an illu-
sory disguise made to resemble this character. He
However, Crittermouth is bitter about the charac- describes that the package was mistakenly delivered
ters’ intervention, and she can become a recurring to the wrong person and was originally intended to
villain to plague the characters in the adventure. be sent to him by a colleague from the Arcane Tow-
er. He refutes any accusation concerning the shad-
Experience ow, pretends to be unaware of the urn’s contents,
Award the party 700 experience points if they help and tries to leave with the urn as fast as possible.
remove the curse from Jostan. A character can see through his deception by suc-
ceeding on a DC 11 Wisdom (Insight) skill check. If
reported to the authorities, a Red Cloak Lawgiver
Delivery from Shimeon’s arrives at the scene and apprehends Orz De-Quat
Shimeon for questioning. However, the tiefling mage
Background will try to bribe the characters with 50 gold pieces
Orz De-Quat Shimeon (use the mage monster en- per character, so they don’t involve the authorities.
try) of Shimeon’s Pouches (Onadbyr location 16.) has And he also offers to buy the item, with the ashes
marked a character and has sent some haunted cre- included, for 100 gold pieces.
mated remains to them. He expects the characters
will be forced to get rid of the unwanted spirit that
haunts the urn before he tries to recollect it. He in-
tends to sell the spirit-free dusty powder as a valua-
ble spell component.

The characters can be approached with the pack-
age anywhere, either at their dwellings or at a place
where they are meeting.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“This is surely some confu- the villa. When the characters approach the gates to
the property, they can feel a faint aura of tangible,
sion of mistaken identity, unnatural cold emanating from the building.
as we do seem to look alike.
I’m glad I have finally locat- Scene
ed the package, for I have been tracking Trazz or one of his mercenaries approaches the char-
acters and offers each of them 20 gold pieces if they
it since yesterday. My ex-colleague in
investigate and clean the Gorso estate. If they take
the Arcane Tower posted it over a week on the task, they receive the keys to the abandoned
ago and I was messaged that it arrived house. As they open the villa’s front doors, they find
to the city through a courier. I know it overgrown with brown mold. The characters must
nothing of its contents but would like find a way to apply cold damage to the large patches
of mold all over the villa or to get rid of it any way
to have my package please.”
they can. When the characters can move further into
The disguised Orz De-Quat Shimeon explaining the building, they encounter a group of four hostile
the situation and asking for his package. ice mephits who cultivate the mold to enjoy its icy
effect. The mephits are not willing to give up their
Experience newfound lair. If attacked, they try to expose the
Award the party 700 experience points if they uncov- characters to brown mold (see page 105 of the Dun-
er Orz De-Quat Shimeon’s treachery. geon Master’s Guide) and use the corroded stairs and
galleries for tactical advantage, trying to collapse
them under the characters. There’s nothing of val-
LEVEL 3-4 ADVENTURES ue in the abandoned building except the frostbitten
furniture and a small pearl earring with tiny U. G.
initials engraved into it. The jewel is stuck between
House Cleaning two floorboards. It can be discovered by a successful
DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
Trazz, the head of the Black Flag Mercenary Compa- Treasure
ny (Onadbyr location 83.), has been employed by the The pearl earring belonged to Urmissa Gorso and
Gorso noble family to rid their estate in Onadbyr of is worth 200 gold pieces. If returned to Ziademos
undesired elements. The house needs to be secured Gorso in Gorso village (Kingdom of Aglarion location
because one of the family members wishes to visit 20.), he cheers up for an hour and celebrates with the
Onadbyr and stay in the mansion for the first time in characters before falling back into madness.
years. However, Trazz considers the job unworthy of
his valuable assets and has decided to subcontract the Experience
work. The villa is overgrown by brown mold inside, Award the party 700 experience points if they can
and several ice mephits were accidentally released get rid of the mold in the house.
from captivity when the bottles that held them broke.

Environment Writings on the Wall

The Gorso villa (Onadbyr location 39.) stands in the
High District on the riverfront, next to the Minaret Background
of the Speaker. The mansion is locked and complete- Several clues attest to the city’s dark history, like the
ly abandoned. Its rafters are closed, the yard is un- few secret markings left by the slaves of the dark an-
kempt and covered by weeds, and it is dark inside gels of the Dark Star. These ancient scripts point to the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

secret hideout of the slaves under the city, one of which (use bandit monster entry). The other is Chaceb-
is located behind a sealed gate in the cellars of the Deep dunn, a satyr rogue who poses as a tiefling. And
Warrens tavern that is run by a group of ex-convicts. the third member of the crew is Brak, an arrogant
Characters will need to convince the owners to access lizardfolk prize hunter, who regretfully reminisces
the gate and find the secrets of the sealed chamber. of days before, when he drowned wizards in the Ul-
den Swamps. The owners will not risk breaking the
Environment law to endanger their thriving business. The ex-con-
Any location at the Old Wall around the High District. victs know that the cellars and tunnels under the
building are ancient and are aware of the ancient
Scene blocked gate in their deepest cellar, but they are not
One of the characters standing next to the huge happy to escort strangers around on their proper-
blocks of the Old Wall notices a series of tiny let- ty. A successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) skill
ters carved into the stone. It is an ancient dialect of check and some gold pieces are enough to change
Common, written in glyphs known only to the most their opinion and make them show the gate to the
skilled historians familiar with the Age of the Dark characters. The owners oppose any idea of opening
Angels. It requires a successful DC 20 Intelligence the gate, and it requires a successful DC 20 Charis-
(History) skill check to identify the glyphs and com- ma (Persuasion) skill check and 200 gold pieces or
prehend the writing on the wall, which says: “Find more to convince them to do so. If the check fails,
the hideout at the top.” This refers to the top of the the group won’t budge and will escort the charac-
wall right above the engraved script. ters out of the restricted areas by force if necessary.

Climbing the sheer wall requires a successful DC “Aye, we do have a very

20 Strength (Athletics) skill check, which might
strange, ancient gate in
raise the attention of the Royal Swords. A charac-
ter who succeeds on a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) skill
the cellar. It has collapsed
check can avoid the attention of the Royal Swords and we haven’t ever
patrolling nearby. At the top of the wall under the gotten around to clearing the massive
balustrades, there is another inscription in tiny let- stone and peeking inside. It would
ters, which reads: “South of the river, third from the
cost a pretty copper and I am sure
west, you can find the rats’ nest.” This refers to the
location now known as the Deep Warrens, a tavern there is pirate treasure here.”
fashioned out of an old tunnel and sewage system, Schofire the Vengeful revealing the
next to the third tower of the Old Wall when count- location of the closed gate in the cellar.
ed from the west. A successful DC 15 Intelligence
(History) check reveals that the slaves used the river “All the noise, and the dust,
and the towers as major waypoints within the city
and the masons running
during the Age of the Dark Angels and that they were
not allowed within the walls.
around…That’s a major
inconvenience for us and
Based on this information, the characters can locate the regulars who come in after days
the former hiding place of the slaves of old at the of fishing on the Calhay Sea. You sure-
tavern currently named the Deep Warrens (Onad-
ly need to make it worth our while to
byr location 95.). The tavern is run by a group of
former convicts who decided to give up their lives allow excavations in our tavern….”
of lawlessness and settle in the capital. Schofire the Chacebdunn demanding payment for opening the
Vengeful is a friendly ex-pirate from Ronul’s End gate while playing tricks with his signature cards.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“Brak eat you if you don’t assignment, delivered to the city by a lumberjack
from the village of Willow Creek (Kingdom of Aglar-
give gold! You be prey-folk,
ion location 4.). The man spoke of a beast with the
not friend!” head of a lion that can swing its tail to hail spikes the
Brak bluntly threatening size of spears. Byra had heard of manticores before
the characters if they don’t and stormed off to hunt the beast after a heated ar-
meet the owners’ demands. gument with her parents about life goals and risking
one’s life for thrills.
Opening the stone gate requires mostly masonry
work because the massive stone slab is stuck un- Byra was confident in her fighting skills. She is clev-
der the similarly robust stone lintel. It takes a full er and prepared plenty of ranged weapons, a good
day’s work to chip it to pieces with a pick or similar sword, a sizable shield, and even some mean bear
mining equipment. Behind the door is a small fea- traps, but her greatest hope lay in a magic clay stat-
tureless cellar chamber that is the final resting place ue that she found on one of her previous out-of-
of an ancient crumbling skeleton slumped in one of city adventures. The statue looked like a spidery
the corners. The skeleton is in tattered rags and is humanoid creature standing on a webbed platform.
still holding onto a holy symbol of the Shining Light She only had a vague understanding of its workings
in one hand and an adamantine spear of solid iron and thought that when the statue would be broken,
pierced through his body and into the stone floor it would summon a web so strong that it could hold
below in its other hand. A haunt manifests when the even a dragon in place. Byra found the manticore
spear is removed from the body, assuming the visage and planned to entangle it to shoot it to death with
of a wrathful and evil-looking deva angel covered in her bow from a safe distance. She didn’t know that
blood. The angel cries out in rage and dissipates in the statue was actually the prison of a giant et-
a flash of utter darkness. Every creature in the room tercap called Stingfang, who was imprisoned ages
must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a ago by the Matrons of Malice. Breaking the statue
failed saving throw, the character gains disadvantage summoned the ancient ettercap in an enormous
on saving throws against effects that would render burst of webbing that trapped both Byra and the
them frightened. This effect lasts for a week and can manticore in a web, as the prey of Stingfang. Both
be removed with a remove curse spell. are still alive as the ettercap waits for them to die
of exhaustion before feeding on their bodies.
The spear is a magical +1 adamantine spear. Environment
The trail of Byra starts at Willow Creek village and
Experience leads to a lumber camp near the King’s Forest, then
Award the party 700 experience points if they suc- deep into the woods.
cessfully recover the spear.
The characters can pick up Byra’s (use the scout
Saving Byra monster entry with the halfling traits) trail in Wil-
low Creek if they travel there. She stayed at a local’s
Background house for a night, and many saw her asking ques-
Byra, the eldest daughter of Taem and Gyo of the tions around town about a possible manticore threat.
Halfling’s Treasure bakery (Onadbyr location 20.), is The manticore is real, and the villagers can direct
a wild one. She is always on the move, constantly the characters to the lumber camp at the edge of the
trains with weapons, and seeks adventure wherever forest, where they directed the young halfling. At the
she can. Byra believes to have found her first serious lumber camp, the workers, many of them wounded,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

tell the characters that Byra has taken to the wilds Environment
to bring the manticore down. The contest is held at the Golden Nectar inn, which
is a lavish affair to begin with and even more decora-
Within the forest, the characters find Byra stuck in tions that usually adorn the walls. The central hall of
an enormous, 100 feet diameter webbing, which also the inn has been transformed into two separate kitch-
encloses the trapped manticore about 30 feet from ens on the two sides of the room and an ornate vel-
her, entangled so hard that it is unable even to fling vet chair and tasting table set with golden tableware.
its tail spikes. Stingfang, a giant ettercap, lurks with- The proprietor Omric Laronzo directs the dozen staff
in the web and waits patiently for its victims to lose in preparation for the event, while the inn’s famous
their strength in the struggle with the webbing and performer Dorian sits in the gazebo and strums her
for new prey on which to feed. strings in preparation for the contest’s musical back-
drop. The half-orc bouncer of the establishment, Trym
Stingfang (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the ettercap monster “Fang” Cul’dok, stands at the door with a stern visage
entry with the following modifications: and looks over the busy room and the two groups of
cooks as they prepare the mise en place.
• Stingfang giant ettercap is Large size.
• It has 62 hit points. Scene
• It deals an extra die on damage rolls. Omric Laronzo can make good use of the characters
either as security guards, organizers, or as masters
Experience of ceremony. He pays 100 gold pieces per person for
Award the party 700 experience points if they safely this one day of work.
escort the sulky Byra home, who claims she could
have done the job herself. The event starts smoothly, many guests arrive to
witness how the two masters work with their cooks
in the open cooking area. Princess Aphinah (use the
Clash of Chefs Queen Aphinah monster entry) is also securely escort-
ed to the event by a squadron of Royal Swords and two
Background Knights of the Crown. The Princess is unimpressed and
The owner of the Golden Nectar (Onadbyr location makes mocking comments on everything obnoxiously,
37.), Omric Laronzo, has long dreamed of a grand laughing at her own jokes throughout the night.
cooking contest where he can bring the two most
famous chefs of the realm to his kitchen. He has suc- The first event the characters have to deal with hap-
cessfully persuaded the rival masters to participate in pens during the first break, after the appetizers, but
the event, which will decide who will reign supreme before the soup. One of Bundaro’s cooks approaches
in the culinary arts and win the honor of becoming the characters and offers a bribe of 300 gold piec-
the private chef to Princess Aphinah. One of the chefs es if they would mix a pinch of mushroom powder
is the eccentric middle-aged human Bundaro Astrizal, into Ozar’s soup. The mushroom powder will change
owner of the Choosey Otyugh Culinary Treats (Onad- the soup’s taste, turning it pungent enough to be
byr location 13.), while the other is the rather silent inedible when finally presented on the table of the
Ozar the Exquisite, the half-ogre wizard chef of the Princess. Should the characters choose to accom-
Weary Ogre (Kingdom of Aglarion location 49.) locat- plish the task, it requires a successful DC 15 Dexter-
ed at the feet of Leeward Hills. Unfortunately, Omric ity (Stealth) skill check to mix the mushroom pow-
is quite understaffed at the moment due to a severe der into Ozar’s soup bowl unnoticed. If rejected, the
infection that has swept over his staff just recently. boy walks away as if nothing happened, and even if
He is actively looking for recruits to temporarily fill reported, Bundaro denies any allegations. If the mat-
in some crucial roles in this time of great importance. ter is pressed, Budaro decries a range of conspiracy

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

theories. Princess Aphinah enjoys the scandal and During the preparation of the main dishes, the two
Bundaro’s discomfort, giggling loudly. head chefs engage each other in a heated argument.
Ozar has concerns about the quality of the meat he
“How dare you accuse has received and presents his objection very bluntly
to Omric. Soon after, Bundaro also catches wind of
me of such a stunt!
the complaint and loudly confronts the other chef,
My glowspore mushroom purposefully drawing Princess Aphinah’s attention
soup is the tastiest in all to the case, belittling Ozar, and accusing him with
the Kingdom! And has been since my false allegations of cheating. Ozar loses his temper,
meemaw handed it down to my father. exactly as Bundaro expected, and they get tangled up
in a very personal flurry of offenses, in which they
I need not resort to such cheap tricks.
bring up decades of unsettled resentments.
Let the refined tastebuds of the
Princess decide the truth!”. “What is this offal I see for
Bundaro Astrizal trying to avoid
ingredients! Omric, this
embarrassment and speed the proceedings.
venison is too gamey for
At this point, Omric intervenes and does his best to the royal palate. We were
calm down Bundaro and keep the event on track. promised loins of the highest quality.
After he apologizes to the Princess and the crowd, it Your words! This will not do….this will
takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Persuasion) skill
not do at all…”
check to keep Omric from firing the character who
pressed the topic. When princess Aphinah tastes Ozar complaining about the quality of ingredients.
the soup, she cries out and overreacts her disgust,
throws the plate of soup at the chef, then threatens “Ah, another excuse I hear
Ozar with treason, which she promptly forgets as
from the “famous” Chef
she recovers from her feigned condition of sickness
to continue with the rest of the delicious course.
Ozar! It is no surprise as
Nevertheless, her opinion turns sour about Ozar. he is always pointing the
blame to his sous. Isn’t that right?
“How dare you poison And what? Next, it will be the fault of
a royal personage so! the Princess for making the wrong rul-
Disgusting and rotting! ing? I am not surprised in the slightest,
Like your head, you as one side of his lineage ate raw meat
bumbling ogre, which should be like the savages they were!”
removed and cooked into soup for
Bundaro Astrizal belittling Ozar and
your treason! Haha, what fun to see
trying to get a rise out of his opponent.
you squirm! The main better be to my
taste or I shall ask my father to exile The characters can try to calm them with a success-
you to your backwoods inn forever!” ful DC 17 Charisma (Deception, Persuasion, or Intim-
idate) or Wisdom (Insight) skill check, depending on
Princess Aphinah furiously issuing what approach they choose. A successful check puts
threats to Ozar and his cooks. the event back on track, and the chefs continue with
the main course. On a failed check, the argument

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

escalates to a point where Ozar’s ogre blood takes
over, and he punches Bundaro in the face, knocking
him out. Princess Aphinah stops her shrill giggling
and angrily rises from her chair, demanding both
dishes! She points at one of the characters random-
ly and demands that the character finish preparing
Bundaro’s meal. Bundaro recovers in about an hour
if not brought back to consciousness using magic.
In any case, the princess smiles wickedly and waits
until the character or their associates finish the dish.
This task requires a successful DC 13 Wisdom ability
check using the available cook’s utensils. On a suc-
cessful check, the princess is pacified, and the event
continues as planned. On a failed check, the char-
acters are frowned upon by the Princess, who also
starts harboring negative opinions about Bundaro.

"Haha, what delightful

entertainment! But how
dare he fall unconscious!
I want BOTH my dishes!
You! Yes you, you fool. You shall cook
my meal! If you don’t, this tasting is
over! Now get to it!”
Princess Aphinah pointing at a character
and making her demands.

At the end of the event, Princess Aphinah chooses

the chef who didn’t offend her. If none of them made
blunders, she hires both of them to serve her in
turns each week. If both chefs offended her, Princess
Aphinah becomes agitated and leaves the venue in a
fit, shouting a series of shrill threats and curses as
her soldiers escort her out.

Award the party 700 experience points if the event
ends with Aphinah choosing either or both of the
chefs as her private chef.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Ire of the Ringmaidens Environment

This scene can begin anywhere on the streets of
Background Onadbyr at any time of the day.
An assassin has been hired by the Ringmaidens but
unknown to them, he is a doppelganger member Scene
of the Golden Masks. The Ringmaidens want the The characters find an old half-elf minor noble
old lord, Toristio Sil Wahgeler, dead before he re- named Lord Toristio Sil Wahgeler lying against a tree
leases a will to the king, naming his adult children with several stab wounds on his back. The noble is
as his heirs. They know that until this document is at the verge of death and is desperately moaning for
handed into the Royal Treasury, the heir in line is help from the characters as he slowly bleeds out.
Rasilda, the Ringmaiden wife of the lord. Once the If healed, he says that he was attacked by a tall,
lord is saved from death, the characters are invited muscular man with a beard, wearing black trousers
to the Karramosa Ball. The lord’s two sons, Ptari- and leather armor. He also says that his assailant at-
os and Felhoir Sil Wahgeler, are also present at the tacked him from an ambush then ran away, thinking
party and are weighed down by the legal situation, him dead after half a dozen stabs.
suspecting Rasilda of their father’s attempted as-
sassination. However, they haven’t voiced their ac- Lord Toristio is very thankful if healed and helped
cusations to their father or the authorities without back to his estate on the eastern side of High District
evidence. At the ball, the Ringmaidens try another right next to the Gorso Villa. Before saying goodbye,
assassination, and if foiled by the characters, they the old man gives each character 100 gold pieces
will seek vengeance upon them. and an invitation to the Karramosa Ball in the form

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

of guest tickets. The ball is scheduled to be held in
the near future at Rose Garden Park (Onadbyr loca-
tion 65.), right in front of the Karramosa Villa. It is a
lavish garden party with wonderful catering, music,
servants, and a distinguished crowd.

The ball starts in the afternoon and goes long into

the night. The family makes sure that the event is
of the highest standards by preparing and decorat-
ing the garden, placing beautiful furniture and art
around the promises, building custom shadings and
patios, and most notably, providing the guests with
magnificent, rare, and expensive fare.

Soon after the characters join the party, Lord Toris-

tio finds them and greets them with enthusiasm. He
is a little tipsy already and is escorted by his young
and beautiful wife, Lady Rasilda Sil Wahgeler. The secluded section of the park, in one of the tents, or
noble lady, who married the lord five years ago, is a on their way back home. The Ringmaidens use decep-
student of the Queen’s Grace Orphanage, and a Ring- tion to get close to the characters and attack them
maiden in secret. She is charming, well-mannered, from surprise. Their favored tactic involves one of
and direct, but also very diplomatic and confident at them feigning being hurt or fainting while the rest
the same time. of them try to get her on her feet. The Ringmaidens,
who also act tipsy and disoriented, strike when the
While engaged in the conversation with Lord Toris- characters approach to provide a hand to help the
tio, the characters can spot another noblewoman, troubled noble lady to her feet. As soon as they see
and a member of the Ringmaidens, Lady Victoria Vi- the characters reaching out with empty hands to lift
olet, as she drops a quickly dissolving tiny white ball their “fallen” friend, they attack with their concealed
into the drink of the old lord, with a successful DC daggers, which they have coated with generic poison.
18 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. If caught, Lady They use their noble status and influence if appre-
Victoria Violet acts shocked by the accusations and hended by the Red Cloak Lawgivers, reasoning that
drinks the poisoned glass of wine to prove her inno- they were drunk after the party and thought that the
cence, trusting the magical potion that protects her characters wanted to take advantage of them.
from poison. If she is pressed, her husband and some
guards also join the discussion, which soon draws Ringmaiden. Use the spy monster entry with the fol-
the attention of many of the guests. Lady Victoria lowing modification:
Violet denies everything, even If the characters can
somehow prove that she is protecting herself from •T
 he Ringmaiden deals an extra 2 (1d4) poison dam-
poison by a magical effect. If needed, the Karramosa age with every successful hit if the target fails a DC
call a Red Cloak Lawgiver, but the event continues if 10 Constitution saving throw.
the characters can’t convincingly unveil Lady Victo-
ria Violet’s plan. In any case, her motives remain hid- Experience
den, as does her involvement with the Ringmaidens. Award the party 700 experience points if they save
Lord Toristio from the Ringmaidens, and an addition-
If the characters meddle in their plot, four other Ring- al 700 experience points if they prove the culpability
maidens at the party attack them in a conveniently of Victoria Violet.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Th e C o u a tl Fe a th e r
The characters are lured into a con by the Golden Masks, which
leads them to make the acquaintance of the Crownwarden Lord
Cyne Monder.

S u m m o n s a t th e O l d G r i n d e r
On Lord Cyne Monder’s request, the players investigate the case of
a missing family and find evidence of a devilish conspiracy.

K in g ' s G a m e s
The characters take part in the colorful festivities held in memory
of the establishment of the kingdom.

B a ttle o f th e Ch a m p io n s
The duel of the best champions of the realm is cut short by the
murder of the king at the hands of the former Queen, Elyssa,
returned from hell.

F un e ra l o f th e K in g
While the king is laid to rest, the restless soul of the betrayed
Prince Krasnar rises and begins a furious massacre.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



B l oo d on
the Crow n
Characters should be level 5 when they start Chapter 1 of Crown of the
Oathbreaker. They should have normal starting equipment, plus an addi-
tional 600 gold pieces, and one uncommon magic weapon or item.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Background Treasure
Raxiontar (use the doppelganger monster entry) Each doppelganger wears a robe of the wardrobe and
and Hauris are members of the Golden Masks crime carries 15 silver pieces, 22 gold pieces, and a dagger.
syndicate. Hauris has been posing for many years
as Gulfa, the bugbear proprietor of the Triple Nine
Gambling Hall, a notorious figure in town. The Gold- THE HOOK
en Mask doppelgangers have decided to pull off one
of their oldest cons. The scam involves raising a vic- Environment
tim’s attention to an enticing business opportunity, The crowded main taproom of the Lucky Leap (Onad-
letting the victim initiate the business, and selling a byr location 44.) is busy with guests. It is a regular
worthless item to the dupe for a lot of gold before night at the tavern. Use Lucky Leap areas 1-4.
disappearing into the city.
If Hauris is confronted as Gulfa, it aggressively de- Hauris takes on the visage of Crownwarden Lord
nies any involvement in the incident. The doppel- Cyne Monder, a recognizable and much-respect-
gangers cut short any discussion if their trick is ed member of the Royal Court as Lord Protector of
revealed or if the characters’ suspicion grows to a the Crown. He enters the Lucky Leap in a hurry. He
degree where finishing the con becomes unachiev- curtly nods to his old friend Ricio Tane before
able. At this point, they both try to escape into the approaching one of the private booths to con-
city, changing their forms and clothes using their duct a seemingly important discussion with
shape-changing abilities and their robe of the ward- Raxiontar, who is wearing the form of a
robes. humble and innocent-looking young
halfling named Raffolk Ginsi.
Ricio Tane, the owner of the Lucky Leap, is a good They make sure that every-
friend of Lord Cyne Monder. They talk and meet one sees and hears their ne-
quite often. gotiations over the price

152 FE ATH E R

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of a large colorful feather, which they both handle
with great care as if it was of a very exquisite and ex- THE BRUTE
pensive nature. Hauris, to make his appearance more
compelling, uses its Captivating Monologue class abil- Environment
ity during his performance to target the characters The crowded main taproom of the Lucky Leap tavern.
as Lord Cyne Monder. It requires a successful DC 26
Wisdom (Insight) skill check to notice that the two Scene
parties are enacting a well-practiced play. The two parties shake hands after settling on a deal,
and shortly thereafter, Lord Cyne Monder leaves,
nodding again to Ricio, who is busy with his guests
at the bar. Hauris leaves the tavern, changes form,
and returns to the tavern as his main persona, Gul-
fa. The bugbear loudly confronts Raffolk, demanding
him to pay up on his debt that the halfling took on as
credit to play at the Triple Nine. To raise the most at-
tention, he knocks the lantern over on the halfling’s
table and feeds the flames with hard liquor, making
sure that the fire consumes the flammable couatl
feather. The halfling screams, asks for more time, and
LO RD CY NE cries loudly and pitifully about the loss of his only
MONDER source of income, from which he was planning to re-
pay the bugbear. The bestial gambling hall manager
doesn’t seem to care and threatens the halfling with
“I know it is rare, but is it this rare?”
his life if he doesn’t deliver the required 200 gold
Lord Cyne Monder haggling with Raffolk Ginsi. pieces within a day. It requires a successful DC 26
Wisdom (Insight) skill check to notice that the two
parties are enacting a well-practiced play.


“I can go as low as 535 gold pieces,

not a copper less. I have seven
children to feed and some “I’ll plukk all’o’yo fedder if yo don’t
significant debts to settle.” bring me da gold by noon tomorrow!”
Raffolk Ginsi to Lord Cyne Monder. Gulfa at Raffolk’s burning table.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The rest of the tavern shies away from the scene,

which starts unexpectedly and only takes a minute
“You look like decent
to settle after Gulfa leaves, as the flames are quick- folks. I know my request
ly doused with mugs of beer. Ricio Tane comes to might sound crazy,
Raffolk’s soaked table, has it cleaned by Madrika, but trust me, I have no

one of the barmaids, and invites the halfling for a

other choice. Can you
drink to console him. Raffolk avoids Ricio as much
as possible and explains the events to him with only
help a halfling in trouble, please?
a few diversionary explanations. I’m in a dire situation, but there’s
a way out. We can all benefit from
If the characters don’t approach the halfling them- this, I promise.”
selves to offer their help after witnessing both inci-
dents, he approaches the characters and asks for aid Raffolk Ginsi after the incident.
himself. He acts shaken and desperate, telling them
about his gambling debt repentantly and that Gulfa
will surely maim or kill him if he doesn’t deliver 200
gold pieces by noon the next day. He tells the charac- Environment
ters that his granny has the same exact couatl feather After leaving the Lucky Leap as Gulfa, Hauris relo-
as part of a shared inheritance, which she might sure- cates to the small flat where Raffolk Ginsi will take
ly sell to them if asked nicely. He explains that these the characters and changes form and clothing to
two feathers are one of their greatest family assets become Granny Pearla. If the characters agree to
and that Granny Pearla would never give it to him help him out, Raffolk Ginsi takes them to a small
on faith, only if enough gold were presented upfront flat accessible from one of the side streets in the
and if she is convinced that his life was in danger. Raf- South District. Granny Pearla doesn’t let the char-
folk admits that he has already asked too many favors acters into the flat, which is a Golden Mask hideout
from his granny to cover his gambling addiction and that is rarely used by the criminals.
she has cut him off. The halfling tells the characters
that Lord Cyne Monder was willing to buy the feather Scene
of the rare heavenly creature for 535 gold pieces, at When the characters arrive with Raffolk Ginsi, he
about double its value, but he only has 50 gold left to knocks on the door, which Granny Pearla opens
cover the purchase from his granny. He only needs and comes outside. Raffolk Ginsi tells Granny Pearla
the 200 gold to cover his debt, so if characters could about his unfortunate case, his debt to Gulfa, and
finance the purchase from Granny Pearla, they could about the characters who are willing to pool some
keep any profits at the end of the deal. He refuses to gold for him to buy the other feather from her. She
be handed any money, but instead asks the characters scolds the young halfling and shuts the door in his
to accompany him to Granny Pearla’s house. face. Raffolk looks at the characters wearily, then
knocks again. The two doppelgangers enact a longer
discussion in which Raffolk Ginsi takes on a guilty
expression while Granny Pearla slowly gives in, but
demands a fair payment for the rare feather. You
can have any of the characters roll Charisma (Per-
suasion) skill checks if they want to interfere, but
their rolls don’t influence the outcome. She comes
up with a price of 250 gold pieces, at which point
Raffolk Ginsi offers up his 50 gold pieces and asks the
characters to cover the rest. It requires a successful

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


DC 26 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to notice that the the characters. It tries to fight its way out of any con-
two parties are enacting a well-practiced play. frontation, but only if facing the threat of death. The
doppelganger remains relatively calm if handed over
to a Red Cloak, as it knows that it will soon be back
on the streets after serving time for the theft and for
impersonating an officer.

Lord Cyne Monder’s villa in the High District.

“You are just as irresponsible as your If the characters take the feather to Lord Cyne
Monder’s villa (Onadbyr location 89.) or if they visit
father was. Now get lost and solve
him to inform him of the trick that involved some-
your problems on your own!” one wearing his likeness, they only need to get past
Granny Pearla before shutting the door a few guards and servants until they can meet the
on Raffolk Ginsi. lord. He denies any involvement with the halfling
and knows nothing about the feather. He feels sor-
“Granny?! Granny! ry for the characters if he finds out that they have
You know you are the only been tricked and he thanks them for letting him
know about the impersonator. He also invites them
one who can help me. for a talk and to have some refreshments at his vil-
Please don’t be so mean.” la. His best guess is that this con could only have
Raffolk Ginsi knocking been organized by the Golden Masks, who often use
on Granny Pearla’s door. costumes and magic to appear as someone else, ac-
cording to his best knowledge. He tries to measure
If the characters buy the couatl feather from Granny the characters by asking questions about their back-
Pearla, Raffolk Ginsi thanks his “grandmother” with grounds and current situation. He is looking for
a hug and a kiss and tells the characters to follow some people for certain services, and he considers
him to Lord Cyne Monder’s villa in the High District. the characters as resourceful and skilled individuals,
If the characters examine the feather, it requires a especially if they handled the con-artists successful-
successful DC 20 Intelligence (Nature) skill check ly. He is also willing to hire them for a job because
to identify it as the feather of a large exotic parrot, he wants to help them recover their losses if any.
nowhere near the rarity and value in question.
“Good people, are you
If the characters don’t recognize the feather as a fake, sure you saw me?
Raffolk Ginsi walks a few blocks with them, then I never had any intentions
takes a sudden turn at one of the alleys and starts to buy this feather.
running, trying to lose the characters. It only needs
two rounds to change shape and change its clothing
This must be a severe
using his robe of the wardrobe to completely blend into misunderstanding.”
the crowd on one of the busier streets. Use the chase Lord Cyne Monder if presented
rules to see if the doppelganger can gain advantage on with the feather.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Secret Doors. Secret doors are fashioned of the
THE LUCKY LEAP same material as the surface in which they are set
(usually stone) and require a successful DC 20 Wis-
Background dom (Perception) skill check to locate if characters
The pub is the hangout of many groups of friends search for them.
who meet here regularly, giving the place a familial
atmosphere. The owner, Ricio Tane, a human in his Lock-Down Mechanism. Large levers in areas 2, 6,
late fifties, is a well-known figure and 12 set the lock-down mechanism of the Lucky
in the capital and a reformed Leap on or off. Any of the levers can be pulled down
rogue adventurer who has freely at any time, which activates the mechanism,
many tales to tell. He is al- but can be set back only after rotating the handle
ways ready to motivate the to click exactly three times clockwise and four times
crowd at his establishment counter-clockwise in quick succession. This code is
with free drinks and well- known only to Ricio Tane. Setting one of the levers
timed jokes or occasional changes the setting of all other levers in each of
witty comments on pa- the rooms. When the lock-down mechanism
trons. Ricio’s two serv- is activated, shutter plates made of thick met-
er assistants, Hala and al drop down from hidden compartments to
Madrika, are two locals cover every door and window accessible from
in their thirties, both the outside, except for the tavern’s numerous
seasoned and experienced R IC IO TANE secret doors. The shutters snap back to their
bartenders who know how to places with the same ease when the levers are set to
handle overly enthusiastic guests. the top position. The metal plates have AC 19, 30 hit
points, a damage threshold of 10, and immunity to
The Lucky Leap tavern is a small, musty, and stale-
smelling place frequented by mostly the well-to-do
­ poison, psychic, piercing, and slashing damage. It re-
quires a successful DC 22 Dexterity ability check with
thieves’ tools to deactivate the mechanism. The metal
locals of the North District. The establishment is a shutters can be forced open with a successful DC 22
bit dirty, a bit smelly, the chairs squeak, the tables Strength (Athletics) skill check and can be held open
are scratched, but the service is satisfactory and the with the same skill check every round.
drinks are of outstanding quality.

Doors. Doors (including the main double door) open 1. TA P RO O M

inwards and are made of thick, sturdy wood fitted
with iron hinges and handles. They feature master- Background
fully crafted locks, which can be picked with thieves’ The main taproom of the Lucky Leap is usually crowd-
tools on a successful DC 15 Dexterity ability check, or ed, especially at night and on the weekends. The tav-
can be forced open with a successful DC 15 Strength ern’s doorway is part of a game that Ricio came up
(Athletics) skill check. with to entertain his guests. Anyone who jumps from
the doorstep into the tavern with a running start can
Windows. Windows open inwards and have a wood- earn a free drink depending on the distance they cov-
en frame and a single layer of thick glass. The wings er. A 10-foot jump qualifies for a small glass of beer,
are held together by iron latches, which can be a 15-foot jump for a mug of ale, a 20-foot jump earns
picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 15 Dex- two mugs, a 25-foot jump, which is very rarely seen,
terity check, or can be forced open with a successful is rewarded with three bottles of red wine. If any-
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. one can hit the 30-foot marker, which has never been

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

achieved so far, the leap would earn an entire barrel

of fine red wine from Ricio. The crowd always cheers
3. S to ra g e
loudly over the attempts of the drunk patrons, who
usually land hard on their bottoms. Environment
This area is stacked with the most frequently used
Environment household items, like mops, buckets, glasses, and
The air is heavy with the smell of beer and tobacco mugs, as well as stocks of many of the most request-
smoke mixed with sweat, and the sounds of cheer- ed beverages. A secret door, concealed as part of a
ing and laughter can be heard from far down the wine rack, leads directly to the streets.
street, especially on hot summer nights when many
of the patrons prefer to socialize outside, in front of
the main entrance. The private booths can be sep- 4. L a va to r ie s
arated from the main room with a thick curtain,
each comfortably accommodating up to four guests. Environment
These lockable private lavatories are relatively clean
at the beginning of the night and become more un-
2. B a r pleasant as the evening progresses. Many short, and
supposedly meaningful graffiti decorate the walls
Background and doors of each booth, including the one with
The bar is the busiest part of the tavern, where many the secret door, which opens to a small alley next
of the guests spend their time standing and talking, to the building.
or ordering drinks and snacks, which are otherwise
not delivered to the tables.
5. P r iva te L iv i n g Ro o m
The bar is made of thick wood that has soaked in Background
more liquid than the mast of a ship. A small, 2 feet This is Ricio’s private living room where he spends
wide segment of the counter can be lifted to allow most of his free time. He only invites friends and
access, but no guests are permitted behind the bar. trusted allies to this room, as well as his occasional
There are many barrels and bottles of ale, beer, liq- lovers.
uor, and wine of various qualities stored here.
Large Lever. The large lever built into the wall ac- The fine leather couches and armchairs are worn but
tivates and deactivates the Lucky Leap’s lock-down very comfortable. His cabinets contain fine liquors
mechanism. and a few books of literature. The paintings on the
walls mostly depict landscapes from distant lands
and are not of great value. A combat practice dummy
with the symbol of the Red Cloaks painted crudely
upon its chest stands in the room and has several
deep gashes on it.

Ricio’s selection of fine liquor includes three heavy
glass bottles of the finest Xantharosian peach brandy,
each worth 30 gold pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


6. P r iva te B e d ro o m 8. Se cre t S to ra g e

Background Environment
Ricio doesn’t bring anyone to this room or beyond Ricio stores all of his books, maps, adventuring gear,
into his private quarters. and tools here, including his vast collection of weap-
ons and armor. The secret door serves mainly as an
Environment escape route should anyone follow Ricio into his pri-
Ricio’s bedroom contains a king-size bed, which is vate chambers.
loosely covered with sheets, as well as a large elabo-
rately decorated wardrobe with clothes chaotically Treasure
tucked onto its shelves. Hidden under the bed, fas- Three potions of invisibility, two potions of greater heal-
tened to its frame, is a rapier coated with wyvern ing, and a universal solvent are placed in a small po-
poison. tion holder on one of the shelves. A rack holds three
long swords, four short swords, three rapiers, and
Large Lever. The large lever built into the wall ac- eight daggers, each of a different design. On another
tivates and deactivates the Lucky Leap’s lock-down rack, there are two short bows, two hand crossbows,
mechanism. and two quivers with 60 arrows and 60 bolts. Two
worn-out but still functional pieces of studded leath-
Treasure er armor are packed on a shelf next to a plethora of
Ricio’s wardrobe contains five sets of fine clothes and other equipment like a burglar’s pack, an explorer’s
three sets of traveler’s clothes. Altogether the clothes pack, two grappling hooks, two manacles, a hunting
have 14 gold pieces, 12 silver pieces, and 23 copper trap, three lanterns, a magnifying glass, a tinderbox,
pieces in their pockets. two bags of caltrops, and several empty vials.

7. P r iva te B a th ro o m 9. H o u se h o l d S to ra g e
Environment Environment
The large wooden tub in the middle of the room and Mundane household and cleaning supplies like ladders,
the lavatory are both magical and were gifted to Ri- mops, buckets, and pieces of cloth are stored here.
cio by his late wife, a flamboyant half-elven wizard
named Avrathia Silverstar, who studied at the Arcane
Tower. When commanded, the water inside the tub 10. M ee t i n g Ro o m s
becomes fresh and warm, while the lavatory instant-
ly disperses any fluids it contains. Background
Ricio conducts his illicit businesses in these rooms
Treasure when meeting clients or when the opportunity pre-
Ricio’s dresser holds three vials of rare perfumes, sents itself. His favorite way of doing business is ar-
each worth 15 gold pieces, and a silver hand mirror ranging the seller and the buyer in the two separate
inlaid with small rubies worth 100 gold pieces. rooms and listening in on their conversations by us-
ing the special secret rotating wall panel, under the
effects of a potion of invisibility, while his two bar-
tenders draw the attention of his business partners
upon themselves.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

These meeting rooms are identically furnished and
11. F a ke Se cre t Ro o m
decorated. A large wooden table stands on a thick
carpet in both rooms, surrounded by six wooden Background
chairs. A few jugs of water and glasses are placed on This room is designed to fool anyone who finds the
the tables, along with some writing equipment. secret door in the stairway and keep them away
from venturing further into the secret level.
Secret Rotating Wall Panel. This mechanism in-
volves a small circular platform with a wall panel Environment
in the middle. The wall panel rotates in a semicircle The room is furnished with a small desk with some
with blinding speed in absolute silence when a small fake notes on non-existent transactions of illicit goods
secret button is pushed on either side of the wall. If with made-up clients, some maps, and writing equip-
searched for, it requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom ment. The room also features a few unlit lanterns, a
(Perception) skill check to notice the button or the bedroll, and a chest, which holds some treasure to
rotating movement of the wall panel when it is used. keep unwanted visitors from exploring further. Pick-
Anyone using the mechanism for the first time has to ing the lock requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity abil-
succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check ity check using thieves’ tools. The secret door to area
or become prone when the platform rotates due to 12 is exceptionally well crafted and disguised, requir-
its sudden and violent movement. ing a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice.

Poisoned Spike Trap. The chest is trapped. It requires

The Secret Level a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill
check to deduce the presence of a needle trap, which
Background activates when the chest is opened. When sprung, the
The stairs to the basement of the tavern descend trap extends small poisoned needles from all sides of
an unusually long way. If asked about this, Ricio ex- its lid. The needles make a melee attack with a +6 bo-
plains that he can keep his drinks especially cold this nus against anyone using their hands to open the lid.
way. Next to the stairs, there’s a flat section where The needles deal 1 point of piercing damage and are
a special pulley can be pulled up or lowered to the coated with wyvern poison. Anyone subjected to the
basement to carry heavy loads with ease. In the mid- poison must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
dle of the stairs, there is a secret door known only to throw or take 24 (7d6) poison damage on a failed save,
Ricio Tane, leading to the secret level of the tavern. or half as much damage on a successful one.

At the beginning of the adventure, these rooms hold Treasure

only some of Ricio’s personal belongings, as well as The chest contains 350 gold pieces, 3 bars of platinum,
the food and equipment necessary for him to sur- three potions of healing, and a potion of invisibility.
vive for a few weeks without leaving the secret lev-
el. Later in the adventure, in Chapter 2, these rooms
become occupied by the renegade Knights of the 12. S e cre t P r iva te
Crown and Lord Cyne Monder, to whom Ricio offers H i deo ut
shelter. The description below reflects the original
state of the level. Background
This room is Ricio Tane’s secret private hideout. He
stores a permanent stock of dried food and equip-
ment on this level in case he should need to vanish
for a more extended period.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Environment ishable food. Three barrels marked with yellow
The room is simple and a bit damp. It features a large flames on their tops are filled with a highly flamma-
mattress on the floor, next to a large wooden chest. ble liquid called Hell’s Water. Each barrel weighs 150
The large dresser is empty but lifting its bottom pounds and holds 100 pints of Hell’s Water. Identify-
plank reveals a secret shaft with a 20-foot wooden ing the substance requires a successful DC 15 Intelli-
ladder descending to area 15. The chest has an explor- gence (Nature) skill check.
er’s pack and a burglar’s pack inside.
Hell’s Water. Hell’s Water works exactly like oil, but
Large Lever. The large lever built into the wall ac- it burns at a much higher intensity, dealing 10 fire
tivates and deactivates the Lucky Leap’s lock-down damage instead of 5. When lit with a fuse on the top
mechanism. of the barrel, it bursts in a 30-foot radius blast in
three rounds that deals 55 (10d10) fire damage that
can be halved on a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving
13. Se cre t A r m o ry throw.

Ricio likes to be prepared for any eventuality. He has 15. S to ckro o m
stacked up on equipment, weapons, and armor in
case he would ever need to arm and mobilize a small Background
squadron. This cellar holds the main stock of the Lucky Leap.
Ricio and the bartenders come here every few days
Environment to replenish the stores upstairs or deposit fresh sup-
The room features a large rack filled with weapons, plies.
a large dresser packed with armor, and some crates
with other equipment. Environment
This large cellar room holds the complete stock of
Treasure the Lucky Leap. Numerous ale and beer barrels of dif-
The two racks in the room hold ten spears, five hand ferent sizes and bottles of wine and hard liquor are
axes, five short swords, five long swords, a maul, ten stored here on racks and in several crates. Shelves
light crossbows, two hundred crossbow bolts, six with table cloths, utensils, and different types of
leather armors, two chain shirts, two ring mails, and glasses and mugs line the walls. The cellar is also
five metal shields. A few crates hold twenty torches, packed with old and new furniture alike, including
ten flasks of oil, four tinderboxes, two hundred feet chairs and tables, and various everyday household
of rope in four bundles, five tents, two bullseye lan- items. A small trolley stands at the bottom of the
terns, and three healing kits. stairs to pull up or lower heavy loads into the cellar
on the ramp next to the stairs.

14. Se cre t P a n t ry The secret door on the north leads to a small shaft
with a ladder that leads to area 12. The secret door
Background on the west is an extractable sliding panel glued to
Ricio has stacked up on rations in this pantry, enough the wall section and fitted into it using a magical
for two months for himself. sovereign glue. Ricio rarely opens this sealed safe,
but he uses another magical substance called uni-
Environment versal solvent to do so when he does. It requires an
The room is filled with barrels of ale, water, smoked hour of work to apply the universal solvent drop
meat products, sacks of hardtack and other non-per- by drop to the panel’s frame. After neutralizing the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

glue, the panel can be pulled out and slid to the side instead of fire damage, the scorching ray spell deals
to reveal area 16. radiant damage. This jewel is an antique that dates
back to the times of the Order of the Eternal Light
Treasure when it was gifted to some of the most pious clerics
There are twenty expensive bottles of rare hard liq- of the theocracy.
uor and wine in the cellar worth 20 gold pieces each.
The rest of the drinks are common alcoholic bev- The sword with the velvety red scabbard is made out
erages of various types and quality, totaling over a of ivory and its blade is inlaid with tiny diamonds. It
hundred gallons altogether. is a perfect replica of the king’s Falcon Blade and is
worth 2,200 gold pieces. The art piece does not func-
tion as a weapon, breaking in combat on the first hit.
16. Se cre t Tre a s u ry
This room holds the three most valuable treasures Ri-
cio Tane has collected during his days of adventuring.

This room features a large wooden desk with some
unlit candles and three unusual-looking items laid
out on top.

The odd-looking smoldering cube is a chest of nulli-
fication (described in Chapter 2), which Ricio Tane
stole some years ago from the anti-magic vaults of
the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities. If opened, the
anti-magic quality would cease to function on the
gruesome idol placed within.

Idol of Thyargylosh. This cursed magical idol depicts

a black withered tarrasque. It is of a dark greenish
hard substance, oily and cold to the touch. The Idol
of Thyargylosh constantly emanates an aura of blight
in a 50 feet radius, which expands 5 feet every round
without end. The emanation passes through any ob-
stacle or substance, eventually consuming the world
in negative energy if not stopped. The Idol of Thy-
argylosh can only be destroyed by being brought to
the Plane of Negative Energy, where the undead tar-
rasque, Thyargylosh, must consume it.

The jewel on the red cushion is a golden tiara worth

500 gold pieces with its front designed as a sun
symbol, inlaid with a ruby worth 500 gold pieces.
The tiara also functions as a circlet of blasting, but

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



However, the baron has been late in reporting his

THE CROWNWARDEN’S findings and Lord Monder is growing concerned. The
CONCERN lord fears that something has happened to his friend
and feels guilty about acting late because of his mis-
Background givings in accusing another noble without evidence.
Lord Cyne Monder heard rumors from his friend, Lord Cyne Monder is hesitant to report to the Red
Lord Wedras Rumlyn, about suspicious gatherings Cloaks or ask his knights for help, but the characters
and whispers about dark rituals reported to him seem to be a good option for keeping the case confi-
from around the old windmills. Lord Monder has dential and the information from spreading.
asked the local baron to keep an open eye and let
him know about anything he hears, or even to find Environment
evidence if he can. Lord Wedras soon discovered Lord Cyne Monder invites the players to his house in
that a mysterious group is performing rituals relat- the High District. The dwarven paladin welcomes the
ed to witchcraft. The clues pointed to the Royal Stud players in the majestic main hall, which features a
Farm and indirectly to the Royal Groom, Countess high ceiling and comfortable sofas with built-in mug
Unper Maritayl, who owns and operates the Roy- holders.
al Stud Farm. The location is an hour’s walk from
the city, through an area dotted with crumbling Scene
windmills and barren fields. The baron reported his Being busy with the security preparations for the
findings to Lord Monder with growing enthusiasm King’s Game and the Battle of the Champions, and
and asked him to call for the Red Cloaks. Still, Lord also to cover up his true concerns, Lord Cyne Monder
Monder demanded evidence in such a delicate mat- requests the characters to secure his beloved horse,
ter involving such a respected noble with an impor- Miss Ivory, from his friend, Lord Rumlyn. He tells
tant position. So Lord Wedras Rumlyn once again the characters that he will ride his beloved horse in
set out to the area around the Stud Farm for further the ceremonial procession before the king. A charac-
investigations. ter who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) skill

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

check can notice that the crownwarden is concerned Environment

about more than his horse. He is unwilling to disclose The Rumlyn family estate is situated near the Royal
any further information about the baron’s mission. Stud Farm (Kingdom of Aglarion location 61.) at the
Still, if the characters keep pressing the issue, he tells end of a long dusty road surrounded by old oak trees,
them that they should keep an eye out for suspicious to the southwest from the capital. The small manor
activities in the region. comprises the main villa, with several agricultural
buildings and multiple large stables around it. It can
be seen from far away that the villa is on fire, the
“They speak about witch-
smoke rising high into the sky and the horses in the
craft. Dark rituals even. flaming stables neighing loudly in panic.
But it could be only the
imagination of the locals.” Scene
The corpse of a human soldier dressed only in
Lord Cyne Monder revealing leather armor lies in a pool of blood in front of the
some of his concerns. Rumlyn estate. It requires a successful DC 12 Intel-
ligence (Investigation) or DC 12 Wisdom (Medi-
cine) skill check to determine that the corpse was
BLOOD AND FIRE slain within the hour with a slashing weapon.
The wounds are still slowly dripping with blood.
Background A character assessing the state of the burning build-
Blister was the only member of the Matrons of ing can make another successful DC 12 Intelligence
Malice who escaped imprisonment by the drow of (Investigation) skill check to confirm that the fire
House Ausstyl in the Bleak Mire. She can finally set has likely been lit just recently. Anyone who enters
the hags’ plan in motion to cause endless misery in the burning building or stables takes 3 (1d6) points
Aglarion. She has tasked the Children of the Coven, of fire damage every round at the start of its turn.
her witchservant cultists, with the covert mission of The estate can be saved from burning to the ground
activating the Shrouding Gate. This is an ancient por- only by the work of at least ten individuals spending
tal from Hell located below an old abandoned wind- over three hours extinguishing the flames. Even then,
mill called the Old Grinder. The cultists are led by the building is badly damaged and needs to be fully
Countess Unper Maritayl, who has received dreams renovated. It requires a minimum of three rounds to
sent by the hag coven about her mission and how to get in and out of the stables and to calm the horse.
activate the Shrouding Gate. She is eager to get rid of A character must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Han-
the nosy baron who has been hounding her and the dle Animal) skill check to calm Miss Ivory. On a failed
other cultists for the past weeks. Blister has bound skill check, the task requires an extra round as the
each of the witchservant cultists with a geas spell horse is thrashing in pain. Miss Ivory is burned to
cast through its nightmare ability, commanding them death if not saved within 3 rounds.
to keep silent regarding their missions, even to each
other. The witchservant cultists have kidnapped the Going around the house reveals several barrels by
noble Rumlyn family from their residence and acti- the backdoor leading to the kitchen. A character
vated the gate with a hellish sacrificial dagger. They that succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) skill
have already sacrificed Lord Wedras and his father check notices a scared elderly cook, Jeagan (use the
Zakar Rumlyn to summon Eldon Lobo, a bearded dev- commoner monster entry), hiding in one of the over-
il monk, and the Raven Knight, an erinyes formed turned barrels. The frightened cook tells the charac-
from the soul of the late Queen Elyssa. The devil has ters in a shaky voice that Countess Unper Maritayl,
been tasked to kill King Waldrann Azennar in the Bat- accompanied by three gruff stablehands and three
tle of the Champions. other creepy figures in dark capes and hoods arrived

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


at the house. When invited inside by Lord Rumlyn, ”Oh ye kind folks, blessings to you
they attacked the baron and kidnapped him and
for saving me life! I’d be sittin’ in that
his father, the baroness, and their young child. She
bursts out crying and sobbingly recounts the conver-
barrel o’ fish until my bones rotted!
sation she overheard about the kidnapped victims’ Oh, Redeemer bless us! Ye have to help
imminent sacrifice at the Old Grinder, one of the Master Rumlyn and his kin, before
abandoned mills nearby. those monsters murder them!”
Experience Jeagan the cook after being saved.
Award the party 450 experience points for saving
Miss Ivory from a fiery death.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



Background Environment
The witchservants of the Matrons of Malice have al- This circular, neglected, and dirty room has a few
ready used two of the available summoning rituals crates and boxes on the sides and a table and chair
of the Shrouding Gate. The Raven Knight has already in the center, where the millstone used to be. It was
flown to Onadbyr, waiting for the moment to strike, originally the central workplace for the millers but
while Eldon Lobo stays behind to secure the sum- has not been used in decades. The crumbling mill-
moning of the last devil that can be conjured with stone is propped up against the wall and bolstered up
the gate. The witchservant cultists have never expe- on one side with a few wooden blocks, and secured
rienced the might of the binding geas spell cast upon with a wedge on its other end. A rope is stretched
them by Blister and consider it a blessing of their above the door and attached to the wall with spikes
patron’s attention. As a result, they can’t be forced to secure the millstone from falling on its side even
to divulge their plans to their enemies. A character if it rolls. On the south side of the room, a wooden
must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma (Deception, In- ladder connects to the top floor.
timidation, or Persuasion) skill check to convince
them to talk, at which point, their heads crack from Rolling Millstone. The cultists have installed a trap,
the psychic damage dealt by the spell, killing them which frees the old millstone from its position and
instantly. crushes anyone in the doorway, rolling into posi-
tion to block the entrance. The trap is triggered
Environment when the wedge holding it in place is removed.
The Old Grinder (Kingdom of Aglarion location 62.) A character inside the room who succeeds on a DC
stands on a small hill, and its ruined state is clearly 10 Wisdom (Perception) skill check notices the trap.
visible from far away. The windmill’s fan is missing When triggered, the millstone rolls over the door
large pieces and is torn in multiple places. The build- crushing any creature standing on the tile in front
ing is made of large and sturdy stone blocks, and of the door on the inside. Targeted creatures must
there are two windows on the two sides of the top succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take
level, and a single, sturdy wooden door at the ground 16 (3d10) bludgeoning damage and become prone,
level. trapped under the millstone. The millstone deals
3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage every round to a crea-
Walls. Loose stone blocks extrude from this old and ture trapped under it. The millstone can be rolled
slightly leaning building. Climbing the walls requires with a successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) skill
a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) skill check. check if still held by the rope, or it can be moved
with a DC 22 Strength (Athletics) skill check if it has
Doors. The entrance opens outwards and is made fallen on its side.
of wood. The lock on it is old and rusty, and can be
picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 12 Dex- Scene
terity ability check or forced open with a successful Three stableboys, Sem, Rebrov, and Tobron (use the
DC 12 Strength (Athletics) skill check if locked. thug monster entry), loyal henchmen of Countess
Unper Maritayl, sit at the table, drinking. If alerted
Windows. Windows open outwards and feature by the cultists in area 2, they hide in the room, ready
wooden frames with a single layer of thin glass bro- to activate the trap. They will fight until dropping
ken in many places. The old and rusty iron latches to half of their maximum hit points, at which point
can be opened with a successful DC 10 Dexterity abil- they try to flee. The stableboys have no knowledge
ity check or can be forced open with a successful DC or understanding of the motives of the witchservant
10 Strength (Athletics) skill check. cultists or their actions below the Old Grinder.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“I’m telling you, they can do whatever Environment

The walls and the floor of this circular room are
the mistress wants them to do down made of large stone slabs. The side of the room is
there. I just feel lucky I don’t need lined with rotting, broken chests and sacks that
to be there.” once held grains for production. A glowing magic
circle with deep runes carved into the floor domi-
One of the thugs whispering to the other. nates the center of the room. Dark red candles are
placed all around, many already melted, but some
still lit.
2. TO P F L O O R
The Shrouding Gate. This ancient one-way portal
Environment from Hell can only be activated with a specific
This room houses the rusty and broken machinery ritual performed only once per day. When activat-
that connects the windmill’s fans to the first floor. ed, the Shrouding Gate functions as a gate spell,
The small circular room is devoid of furniture, with and it can be used up to three times before it is
two windows to the outside and a trapdoor with a rendered useless for an entire year. The ritual in-
ladder leading down to area 1. volves a specific rhyme in Infernal that acts as a
command word, and a living sacrifice of a creature
Scene with an Intelligence score of 6 or more. The sac-
Two witchservant cultists hide at both windows rifice must be performed within the circle with a
and keep watch on the outside. Anyone trying to hellish sacrificial dagger, a specific magical weapon
approach the windmill must succeed on a DC 11 forged in Hell. Upon the completion of the ritual,
Dexterity (Stealth) skill check or be noticed by the the Shrouded Gate summons a specific devil named
witchservant cultists, who shout to alert their allies during the ritual, or a bearded devil. The devil is
downstairs and in the basement. unsummoned and banished back to Hell when the
requested task is performed or when the devil dies
on the Material Plane. In addition, the Shrouded
“Someone’s coming, call the Countess!” Gate grants the effects of a nondetection spell on
the summoned devil, which lasts until the devil is
The witchservant cultists shouting to the thugs unsummoned. The features and the functioning of
downstairs if they spot anyone approaching the Old the Shrouded Gate can be revealed only by a legend
Grinder. lore spell.

Treasure When the characters enter the room,
The witchservant cultists each have 16 copper pieces, they see four witchservant cultists,
9 silver pieces, and 8 gold pieces on their persons. one of them Countess Maritayl,
standing by the walls and
engaged in
3. B A S E M E N T
Eldon Lobo and the Children of the Coven are wait-
ing for the gate to be accessible again for the third
and last summoning (see The Shrouding Gate below).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



”You will be disciplined for your

intrusion, like the Matrons disciplined
the fool Lord Rumyln for nosiness.
Kill them, kill them all.”
a hushed discus- Countess Maritayl, calmly standing behind
sion. Eldon Lobo the towering and snarling Eldon Lobo.
stands behind two
sitting captives (use If the characters manage to save any of the captives,
the noble monster they find them in a state of severe shock. They have
entry), the young Lord to be removed from the Old Grinder and given time
Kiryn Rumlyn and his to calm to explain how they were captured and
mother, Lady Finia Rum- what they know. They tell that they were forced to
lyn, who are both tied to wear hoods and could only hear the sounds of the
chairs, blindfolded, gagged, two rituals, taking place a day apart, during which
and moaning wearily in the the two lords were sacrificed. They recall ritual
middle of the glowing magic cir- chanting done in an evil-sounding language and the
cle. Next to them on the floor flapping of large wings after the death throes of
lie the bodies of grandfather Lord Wedras subsided. They are sure that the cult-
Lord Zakar Rumlyn and his ists killed Lord Zakar in the second ritual to sum-
son Lord Wedras Rumlyn, mon the bearded devil.
both in a pool of blood with
slit throats. If anyone but a Treasure
witchservant cultist enters the Eldon Lobo has a hellish sacrificial dagger. The
room, Eldon Lobo grabs the young witchservant cultists each have 16 copper pieces,
Rumlyn boy and threatens to cut his 9 silver pieces, and 8 gold pieces on their persons.
throat. The boy’s mother, Lady Rumlyn, Countess Unper Maritayl has 5 silver pieces, 37 gold
screams as Eldon Lobo steals some time pieces, 5 platinum bars, a silver necklace worth 100
for the witchservant cultists to ready for gold pieces, and a gold ring decorated with small
combat. If the characters attack, their main diamonds worth 315 gold pieces.
agenda is to kill the captives so they can’t talk,
and then turn on the intruders. The cultists would Experience
never compromise their mistresses willingly and Award the party 450 experience points for each
are willing to die for their patrons. Rumlyn captive saved.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


City-States. The streets are crowded with people

THE COMPETITIONS who wander around the city following the event
locations opening up one after another. Most major
Background roads of the city become dotted with small tents
The King’s Games was first held by King Vacrilos I, and stalls of vendors who sell food, toys, clothes,
the first ruler of the Azennar dynasty. It original- jewelry, and many other handcrafted products.
ly included only the Battle of the Champions, but Posters outline the eight events to come, with
over the years, it has grown to become an Onad- small maps of Onadbyr marking their timing and
byr-wide celebration with many smaller contests locations. The High Speaker of the Minaret of the
available for the broader public. Preparations for Speaker also announces each event half an hour
this extraordinary day start weeks before, and the before it starts.
whole kingdom, especially the capital, buzzes with
anticipation. Scene
On the morning of the day of the King’s Games, the
Environment royal family takes a tour around the city on a beau-
Most towns and villages of the kingdom and es- tiful carriage surrounded by their pompous entou-
pecially the capital, where the events take place, rage composed of court musicians playing march-
are decorated with small colorful flags bearing the es, servants and maids throwing petals from large
symbol of House Azennar. The streets are cleaned baskets, and most importantly the Knights of the
for days before the grand day, and people dress up Crown riding their well-groomed warhorses. The
in their most festive outfits when it finally comes. procession exits the Royal Palace through King’s
Most of the shops are closed except for the tav- Bridge, turns onto Short Road, reaches Long Road
erns and inns of Onadbyr, which are full of locals via Grankar’s Chains, and makes its way to the Fists
and numerous visitors from the countryside, and of Azennar at the Nine Arches before returning to
many from the neighboring country of the Drayl the palace through Queen’s Bridge.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


K I N G WA L D RANN QUEE N L Y RE N C IA p r i n ce s s APH I N A H

The first event starts late in the morning, about an flags and ribbons. Next to the statue stands a huge
hour after the royal procession, and each new event open-sided “Big Top” tent made out of separate long
begins after the previous one has announced its win- strips of brightly colored textiles, surrounded by
ner. Finally, the last event finishes late in the afternoon colorfully painted long benches.
when most families head home for a quick meal and
to put the little ones to sleep, only to prepare for the “Welcome to the Battle of the Tipsy
grand finale of the day, the Battle of the Champions.
Tunes! The 1st prize is a magic scroll of
The Royal Palace has appointed a fitting host for each
the Instant Tent spell, which was also
game. There are many contestants at each game, but used to create this tent, sponsored by
in most cases, the description mentions only a few of the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.”
the most noteworthy.
The large glowing colorful magical text
Rules. Contestants are free to use spells during any displayed on the top of the tent.
contest, but only if they can cast it themselves. No
outside help can be accepted except for verbal ad- Scene
vice. The host of the event acts as a final judge in The first event draws a large crowd to the wide and
case of a dispute. open Dragon Plaza. All the bench seats are taken, and
the crowd extends from the packed terrace of the
Experience Green-Eyed Nymph to the Bottomless Well and even
Award the party 1,800 experience points for each into the nearby streets. The master of the ceremony
competition won. is none other than Master Conductor Fabian Ethlairn
of the College of Minstrels, with his instructors, Tallis
Deepwood, the Lead Singer of Songs, and Craspar-
BATTLE OF THE TIPSY TUNES tio Olescrito the Lead Strummer of Strings as judges.
They invite any prospects they find during the com-
Environment petition to audition at their college.
This game takes place in the late morning on Dragon
Plaza (Onadbyr location 111.), in front of the bronze Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they
statue of King Daerios Azennar and the foul drag- pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. Each contestant
on, which are both decorated with colorful little takes turns performing for up to 5 minutes, measured

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

by a large hourglass, in front of the crowd and the Lord Durval “Nightingale” Axcadikus, a half-orc mi-
judges, and each contestant must participate in three nor noble (Perform +4, Constitution +3), blessed with
separate rounds to win. These rounds of performanc- a beautiful tenor singing voice.
es each take a maximum of 30 minutes altogether.
In each round, every contestant must succeed on a Critical Failure. If a performer fails two DC 15 Cha-
DC 15 Charisma (Performance) skill check with an risma (Performance) skill checks by five or more, the
instrument to gain 1 point in the competition. For crowd bursts into boos at the second fail and throws
every 5 points of success above the DC, the contest- rotten vegetables at the performer who also becomes
ant gains an extra point. The performer with the the subject of talk in the city for the coming week.
most points at the end of the third round wins the
competition and is awarded the prize. In case of a tie, Treasure
extra rounds of performances are held if necessary. The winner of the contest is rewarded with a scroll of
instant tent spell and might gain advantage on Cha-
At the start of each round, each contestant must risma ability checks in the capital for the next week,
drink a double shot of Spirited Leaf Liquor, a distilled depending on the situation.
version of the herbal brew prepared by the monks of
the Ulden Lowlands. Each double shot calls for a DC
12 Constitution saving throw or the imbiber gains THE NIMBLE EAGLE
the poisoned condition for 1 hour and also makes
Constitution saving throws against the Spirited Leaf Environment
Liquor with a disadvantage while being poisoned This game takes place by the wall of the House of the
this way. Soldier (Onadbyr location 63.) on the Long Road. At
one end of the road, near the Giant’s Boots tavern, is
“Don’t be shy, drink! I know exactly a large colorful archery target mounted on a stand,
10 feet above the ground. A few servants stir about
how you spend your private practices
under the target, ready to remove arrows from it,
anyhow, my boy.” and to cover the target with signs mounted on long
Master Conductor Fabian Ethlairn poles. The signs depict distinguishable animal silhou-
to one of his performing students. ettes (duck, chicken, goose, rabbit, dog, and many
more) painted in black ink.
Contestants. Use these contestants for the Battle of
the Tipsy Tunes event.

Zamozza Olafrin, a jumpy male half-elven Minstrel of

the College (Perform +5, Constitution +1), who dances
while playing cheerful fast melodies on his violin.

Gertrudia Balen, a soft-spoken female human Min-

strel of the College (Perform +5, Constitution +2),
who plays guitar and sings heart-rending songs.

Dorian, a female human Minstrel of the College

(Perform +7, Constitution +1), the star of the Golden
Nectar inn, who sings while playing several different
instruments in turns.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


“Welcome to the Nimble Eagle!
ant hits the target on the rim, earning no points for
The 1st prize is a Potion of Fire the contestant. It requires a successful ranged attack
Resistance, sponsored by the against AC 15 to score 1 point, hitting AC 20 scores 2
Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.” points, and hitting AC 25 means a bullseye and scores
3 points for the contestant. The contestant with the
A large glowing colorful magical text most points at the end of the third shot wins the first
displayed in mid-air above the target. prize. Subsequent shots decide a tie until a winner
can be announced.

Scene Contestants. Use these contestants for the Eyes of

The crowd strolls about on the street, seemingly en- the Eagle event.
joying the thrill of arrows flying above their heads.
They cheer loudly when a well-placed shot lands or Mavis Gryduhrr, a confident male human guard cap-
laugh when someone falls from their stilts. Twen tain (use the bandit captain monster entry, ranged
Foebane coordinates the event, the conceited elven attack +6, Acrobatics +3, Perception +0) from the
master bowmaker of the Sylvan Striker, who an- Drayl City-State of Zolt, who constantly celebrates
nounces contestants and results in an unpleasant, himself and speaks in an almost incomprehensible
almost belittling way. accent.

“It’s okay to use magic “Watch this Aglarionians!

to craft a bow, but This is how we do it in Zolt. ”
to shoot it…” Mavis Gryduhrr, before shooting his first arrow.
Twen Foebane, shaking his head,
when he sees a contestant use magic. Vargos Hawkfriend, a reserved member of the Roy-
al Arrows (use the scout monster entry, ranged at-
Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they tack +4, Acrobatics +2, Perception +5), a loner, who is
pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. Each contestant teased by the other guards during the competition.
has to stand and balance on a stilt and fire three
arrows at the target that is 60 feet away. It requires Achy Tusra, a cheerful young halfling, the first mate
a successful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check of the Weaveripper, a Draylish ship from Brinecoast
to stay on the stilt for each shot. Those who fail the (use the spy monster entry, ranged attack +4, Acro-
skill check fall from the stilt and are punished with a batics +2, Perception +6) who cheats on recogniz-
1 point penalty in their score. Before each shot, one of ing the signs with the help of a sorcerer shipmate
the signs is lifted in front of the target and the con- of hers who tells her the right answer via message
testant must loudly name the animal displayed on it. spells. It requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Per-
It requires a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) ception) skill check to notice the spellcaster in the
skill check to identify the correct animal sign. Those crowd cast the spell and point at Achy before every
who fail to name the right animal are punished with shot. They both flee back to their ship if confronted,
a 1 point penalty in their score. where their captain, Bybra Kalahis, tries to protect
them from being prosecuted until a Red Cloak is
The target is 60 feet away from the position where summoned, in which case both culprits have to pay
the contestants fire their bows. Everyone can use a fine of 6 gold pieces each. .
their own bow or are given a longbow and arrows to
use. A ranged attack roll with a bow or crossbow that Wohl Stormseeker, a haughty middle-aged male hob-
hits between AC 10 and AC 14 means that the contest- goblin wizard (use the mage monster entry, ranged

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“I suggest you all keep your heroism to

attack +2, Acrobatics +2, Perception +1) who casts true
strike spells to hit his target. a minimum. I don’t want to ruin this
fine day with a funeral.”
Critical Failure. A fumbled attack roll on a natural 1 Harbormaster Krestanyr Wint when
or an attack roll of AC 5 or less has an equal chance addressing the contestants in private.
of hitting a bystander or doing some damage to the
nearby stalls or buildings. The contestant will have Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they
to face the judgment of a Red Cloak and also be- pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. There’s always a
comes a subject of shameful talk in the city for the single contestant taking the challenge at one time.
coming week. A contestant has two glass hemispheres fitted around
their head that form a glass helmet. The complete
Treasure sphere has an elastic leather collar that seals the bot-
The winner of the contest is rewarded with a potion tom part at the contestant’s neck, and the top of the
of fire resistance and might gain advantage on Cha- globe has a hole that can be plugged with a cork. The
risma ability checks in the capital for the next week, two parts are held together by a leather belt that at-
depending on the situation. taches to the two sides of the glass, making the sphere
watertight. At the start of the contestant’s challenge,
the globe is quickly filled by the Royal Swords with
MERFOLK LUMBERJACKS water from a small barrel. Next, the contestant must
lift the logs and place them on the wagon while hold-
Environment ing their breath. A contestant can hold their breath
This event takes place at Zhankar Plaza (Onadbyr for a number of minutes equal to 1 + their Constitu-
location 50.), where a large farm wagon stands in tion modifier (minimum of 30 seconds). Each minute
the middle of the square, painted yellow, green, and the contestant must make a DC 5 Strength (Athletics)
white - the colors of the Azennars. Thirty heavy tree skill check to see how many of the logs they can place
logs are placed alongside it. A few barrels sit a bit on the wagon. A contestant lifts one log for every 5
further away from the wagon, and next to them, a points of success above the DC.
couple of odd-looking glass spheres and tubes are
laid out on the ground.

“Welcome to the competition of the

Merfolk Lumberjacks! The 1st prize
is a Dust of Dryness, sponsored by
the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.”
A large glowing colorful magical text Every minute the contestant must make a DC 10
displayed on the side of the wagon. Constitution saving throw to see if they run out of
air while making these feats of strength. On a failed
Scene saving throw, the contestant has a number of rounds
A large crowd has gathered to watch this event, equal to its Constitution modifier before they start
cheering for their favorites and loudly commenting dying. The Royal Swords immediately rush to the
on the events. A couple of Royal Swords have been contestant’s aid and remove the water-filled glass
stationed here to act as assistants in resetting the helmet from their head. Contestants can remove the
contest area and preparing each contestant for the glass helmet any time by unstrapping the leather
event. The host of the event is Krestanyr Wint, the belt and releasing the water within by separating the
no-nonsense harbormaster of the Royal Docks. two hemispheres.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The contestant with the most logs on the wagon
wins the competition. In case of a tie, the contest- THE GREASY POLE
ants involved must repeat the challenge until a win-
ner can be announced. Environment
This event is held at King Vacrilos II Park (Onadbyr lo-
Contestants. Use these contestants for the Merfolk cation 33.), where many 45 feet long poles have been
Lumberjacks event. erected from the ground, each one covered with a
thick layer of oil, making them extremely slippery
Raim Tolescy, a rough-looking middle-aged human and hard to climb. A bright yellow ribbon twirls in
adventurer (use the thug monster entry, Athletics +2, the breeze, tied in a complex knot to an iron loop on
Constitution +2) who has a few very loud friends in the top of each pole.
the crowd.
“Welcome to the Greasy Pole
Draskara Ironeye, a female orc (Athletics +3, Consti-
competition! The 1st prize is
tution +3) lumberjack from the Ulden Forest.
a Potion of Climbing, sponsored by
Eeshayl, a male merfolk (Athletics +0, Constitution the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.”
+1) who tries to disguise his true identity with a robe A large glowing colorful magical text
and a tight leather mask covering his face. It requires hanging in the air.
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill check
to notice his features. Eeshayl does not need to make Scene
suffocation checks and takes his time trying to lift The crowd gathers in a large circle around the com-
the logs. The crowd is amazed at his ability to hold petition ground, cheering and laughing as usual. Sev-
his breath, but if they find out about his ruse, he eral Royal Swords are standing close to the poles, act-
gets booed, and after some time, the Royal Swords ing as observers. The event is hosted by Loria Sewyn,
must stop the crowd from throwing him out of the a dark-haired human captain of the Royal Swords
competition. Check every minute to see if the crowd with a powerful build and a crowd-teasing manner.
(Perception +2) notices his trick.
“Please cut the dirty jokes,
Ystair Karramosa, a powerfully built young male hu-
we are to witness greatness!”
man noble (use the knight monster entry, Athlet-
ics +3, Constitution +2) who commands his family’s Captain Loria Sewyn, addressing the
troops with an iron hand. Many of his soldiers cheer crowd with her big wink and a smile.
for him during the competition.
Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they
Critical Failure. If any contestant is unable to place pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. The contestants
even a single log onto the wagon, they become the have to climb the slippery poles, and the first one to
subject of ridicule in the city for the coming week. untie the knot on the top wins the competition. In
case of a tie, the contestants involved must repeat
Treasure the challenge.
The winner of the contest is rewarded with a dust
of dryness (with one pinch of dust in the packet) and Each contestant must succeed on three successive
might gain advantage on Charisma ability checks DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill checks rolled with
in the capital for the next week, depending on the disadvantage to reach the top of the pole. On a failed
situation. check, the contestant must succeed on a DC 10 Dex-
terity (Acrobatics) skill check to slip back safely to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

the bottom of the pole to restart from the ground.

A contestant who fails the Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill
check falls from the pole and takes 3 (1d6) bludgeon-
ing damage per 10 feet of falling. Environment
This event takes place at the Temple of Nature in King
A contestant who reaches the top of the pole can Vacrilos II. Park. The temple ground is not decorated
immediately try to untie the ribbon with a success- for the event except for the natural wonders creat-
ful DC 12 Dexterity ability check. Holding on to the ed by the clerics and the druids. The usual glowing
top of the pole in subsequent rounds requires a suc- magical letters that welcome visitors and advertise
cessful DC 12 Strength (Athletics) skill check in each the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities are also missing.
round. On a success, the contestant can try to untie An unusual number of dandelions are growing in a
the ribbon again. On a failed check, the contestant patch next to the trunk of the Crooning Willow.
can try to slip down the pole.
Contestants. Use these contestants for the Greasy There are much fewer spectators at this event than
Pole event. at the earlier ones during the day. There are also sig-
nificantly more children with their parents in the
Talindra Mosdew, a muscular young female half-elf thin crowd, which is more like a gathering of inter-
adventurer (use the knight monster entry, Athletics ested people. The quiz game is hosted by the intro-
+3, Dexterity +0) with a wild look in her eyes. verted misanthropist and venerable Hularis Asporal,
the highest-ranking and elderly priest of the Temple
Morullaz Longfang, a half-orc veteran (Athletics +5, of Nature, who grudgingly accepted the invitation
Dexterity +1) with a disfigured face, who quit the from the Royal Palace.
Royal Swords before becoming a captain.
“I am glad His Majesty asked me to host
Mavis Gryduhrr, a confident male human guard cap-
this event. This way, I can show this city
tain (use the bandit captain monster entry, Athletics
+4, Dexterity +3) from the Drayl City-State of Zolt.
how negligent you all are about the gifts
of the Eternal Mother. Now. Let’s start
Diarnatrio Dantrin, a mysterious traveler from an un- and be over with it quickly.”
known land with jet-black skin and flaming red hair
(Athletics +6, Dexterity +2). Father Hularis addressing the
crowd at the start of the event.
Critical Failure. A contestant who falls from the top
of the pole and takes bludgeoning damage is a sub- Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they
ject of talk in the city for the coming week. pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. Contestants are
asked to pick a dandelion before each question and
Treasure to blow on them as quickly as possible to win the
The winner of the contest is rewarded with a potion right to answer. Each contestant has to make an In-
of climbing and might gain advantage on Charisma itiative check and the highest value speaks first. If
ability checks in the capital for the next week, de- the contestant fails to answer the question correctly,
pending on the situation. then the remaining contestants can pick a new dan-
delion and participate again in a contest of Initiative
checks. This continues until someone answers cor-
rectly or until everyone fails their skill checks. In this
case, the old priest presents a new question.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


There is always a show-and-tell question first, fol- on Charisma ability checks in the capital for the next
lowed by a trivia question. The first question involves week, depending on the situation.
the cleric showing a piece of fur, plant or animal
part, footprint, bitemark, manure, or similar physical
object to the contestants and asking what plant or TRUTH OR BEAN
animal it belongs to. To answer correctly, the con-
testant must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) Environment
skill check. The second question is always a trivia This competition is held at the spacious main tap-
question about a plant or animal, which requires a room of the Merchant’s Rest tavern (Onadbyr loca-
DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) skill check to answer cor- tion 7.). Several tables are prepared in the room with
rectly. Questions like this are based on plant or body chairs or long benches on both sides. Each seat has
parts, nutrition, habitat, secret abilities, resistances a deck of playing cards and two bowls with 30 dried
and vulnerabilities, cures, diseases, or habits. The first beans painted in red in each. The Merchant’s Rest
contestant to answer three questions correctly wins is decorated with large colorful banners that depict
the event and the prize. large beans.

Contestants. Use these contestants for the Master “Welcome to the Truth of Bean
of Nature event.
competition! The 1st prize is a Potion
Rikas Tangaremp Junor, an enthusiastic young gnome
of Greater Healing, sponsored by the
father (use the commoner monster entry, Nature +1 Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.”
Survival +0), who competes to prove himself to his A large glowing colorful magical text
three sons and wife. displayed above the entrance of the tavern.

Vargos Hawkfriend, a reserved member of the Roy- Scene

al Arrows (use the scout monster entry, Nature +4, A large crowd gathers at the tavern, which is fully
Survival +5), a loner, who is still mocked by the other packed with contestants and spectators. It becomes
guards constantly during the competition. difficult to order at the bar or even to move around
in the establishment. Describe Truth or Bean to the
Valrik Wallen, a young human male acolyte (Nature characters as a card game of chance where the play-
+2, Survival +2) of the Efficient Master, who trains his ers collect and show several sets of card combina-
knowledge about nature. tions to win their opponent’s beans by calculating
their own and their opponents’ chances and bluffing
Agnasta Rockwood, an old human lady from the Wil- and betting against each other’s hand strengths. As
low Creek Plains (use the commoner monster entry, the event begins, all contestants receive their bowls
Nature +4, Survival +2), who has much experience in of 30 colored beans and can shuffle the deck of cards
the countryside. prepared for each pair of competitors once before
drawing three cards to their hands and placing six
Critical Failure. A contestant who wins the Initia- mutually available cards on the table. During the
tive three times and fails the associated checks every game, players pick up shared cards from the table,
time becomes a subject of talk in the city for the pay a bean to the pot to draw a card from the deck, or
coming week. pay three beans to their enemies to take a card from
their opponent’s hand before betting on each subset.
Treasure The event is hosted by Rythis Balric, the charismatic
The winner of the contest is rewarded with a po- half-elven proprietor of the tavern, who loudly com-
tion of animal friendship and might gain advantage ments on the outcomes of some of the matches.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

1st easy moderate practiced master

round (1-13) (14-16) (17-19) (20)

2nd easy moderate practiced master

R Y TH IS round (1-8) (9-13) (14-17) (18-20)
3rd easy moderate practiced master
round (1-3) (4-10) (11-15) (16-20)

A player who gets to the final table in the fourth

round will face a master-level competitor named Rod-
nirr Steelshield, a grumpy old dwarf with a very slow
response time. If more than two characters would
win two rounds, then match them against each other
to announce a winner.
“That hand was as weak as my grand-
mother but was presented as one of Use the following ability and skill scores for the op-
the finest of the Silent Kiss. Those ponents against the characters.
15 beans are well deserved. Let’s give
this brave cardslinger a big cheer!”
Intelligence +1, Insight +1, Deception +1.
Rythis Balric’s comment on a successful bluff.
Intelligence +1, Insight +2, Deception +2.
Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they
pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. Each contestant is A PRACTICED OPPONENT HAS
seated at a table, which they can’t leave until they Intelligence +2, Insight +3, Deception +3.
are reseated or eliminated from the game.
Each contestant must make the following checks dur- Intelligence +3, Insight +5, Deception +5.
ing each round against their opponent to defeat them.
• Intelligence ability check against opponent’s Intel- Treasure
ligence ability check. The winner of the contest is rewarded with a potion
• Wisdom (Insight) against opponent’s Charisma of greater healing and might gain advantage on Cha-
(Deception) skill check. risma ability checks in the capital for the next week,
• Charisma (Deception) against opponent’s Wisdom depending on the situation.
(Insight) skill check.

A contestant who succeeds on more checks than their GIANT’S BOARD

opponent wins the round. A tie results in a rematch.
A contestant who loses in a round is eliminated from This event is held on an open field near the Bur-
the game. A contestant who wins four rounds wins ied Tower (Onadbyr location 58.). A large chess-like
the game and first prize. game board is carved into the hard earth and is set
up with enormous pieces of figures carved out of
Contestants. Over twenty contestants are participat- wood, weighing 100 pounds each. The black figures
ing in the event. Roll a d20 to randomize opponent are shaped in the form of dragons, giants, manticores,
levels for each round. and similar creatures, while the whites are knights,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


wizards, clerics, rogues, bards, and similar types of are matched into pairs randomly at the beginning
heroes from different humanoid races, all bearing the of the event by drawing their names from an urn.
symbol of House Azennar. Next to the board stands a A match between two contestants is decided by a
large rotatable hourglass. contest of Intelligence ability checks. For each con-
test won, the contestant must also succeed on a DC
“Welcome to the Giant’s Board 12 Strength (Athletics) ability check to move the de-
sired figures. On a failed Strength check, the contest-
competition! The 1st prize is
ant drops the figure before moving it where it was
a Potion of Growth, sponsored by planned to be placed. A dropped figure can not be
the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.” lifted again. On a successful Strength check, the con-
A large glowing colorful magical text testant wins 1 point. The contestant who earns three
hanging in the air. points first wins the match, eliminates the opponent
from the competition, and can continue to partici-
Scene pate in more matches. A player who eliminates all
There are a decent number of people watching the their opponents wins the event and the first prize.
event, though many of the citizens are already at Laromarius stops each match after two hours and
home preparing to have dinner before the final Bat- declares no winners.
tle of the Champions. The event’s host is a bearded,
strict, but polite human wizard named Laromarius, Contestants. Use these contestants for the Giant’s
the Golem Controller of the Arcane Tower. Board event.

Mavis Gryduhrr, a confident male human guard cap-

tain (use the bandit captain monster entry, Strength
+2, Intelligence +2) from the Drayl City-States of Zolt,
who celebrates himself and speaks in an almost in-
comprehensible accent.

Mezir Thyras, a middle-aged courteous tiefling wiz-

ard (use the mage monster entry, Strength -1, Intel-
ligence +4) who first casts telekinesis, then if needed,
he casts polymorph to turn into an ape to move the
figures (Strength +3). The rules allow him to do so,
and the best option to ruin his telekinesis spell is to
play for time. Anyone with a successful DC 15 Intel-
“I presume everyone is prepared both ligence (Arcana) skill check knows that Mezir can’t
maintain his telekinesis spell for longer than 10 min-
mentally and physically. I would like to utes or his polymorph spell for longer than 1 hour.
ask the first two contestants to please A player can decide to delay the match for an hour
take their positions on the board. without losing position by succeeding on one of the
The first match starts in two minutes.” Intelligence ability contests made during the game.
Mezir is best friends with Okamirou Haristan, the
Laromarius holding a small, very detailed magical owner of the Diamondback Trout tavern, who enthu-
sundial in his hand while addressing the contestants. siastically cheers him on.

Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if Viko Vadermo, a young muscular commoner (Strength
they pay an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. Contestants +3, Intelligence +0) who is showing off to his beauti-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ful girlfriend, who stands in the front of the crowd, low but to ensure that they see when the contestant
throwing kisses at him. lands in the watery depths. The event’s host is young
Lord Premil Ronul, only son of the illustrious Lord
Ylakos, a silver-blood dragonborn captain of the Roy- Dyzag Ronul of Ronul’s End. The well-built human, a
al Swords (use the bandit captain monster entry, seasoned warrior, has a gentle demeanor and a com-
Strength +3, Intelligence +2) who wants to prove the pulsion to act benevolently by praising every contest-
superiority of Aglarion over the Draylish captain Ma- ant. The young dwarven noble, Lord Odrik Nangrath,
vis Gryduhrr. the youngest son of Lord Arenbar Nangrath, stands
close to Lord Premil and admires his love.
Critical Failure. A contestant who fails three Strength
ability checks becomes a subject of talk in the city “What a beautiful torso, oh dear
for the coming week.
Eternal Mother! Please take care of it!”
Treasure Lord Premil Ronul to one of the
The winner of the contest is rewarded with a po- contestants before their jump.
tion of growth and might gain advantage on Charis-
ma ability checks in the capital for the next week, During the event, any time at the DM’s discretion
depending on the situation. or after someone takes damage during the event in
the water, a hunter shark swims up and attacks an-
yone in the water. The hunter shark can be spotted
LEAP OF DEATH from the cliffs with a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Per-
ception) skill check. The contest continues after the
Environment hunter shark is defeated or chased away.
This competition takes place near the Imprints of the
Half Goat (Onadbyr location 48.) outside of the city Rules. Anyone can participate in the contest if they pay
walls by the edge of the extruding cliff formation, an entry fee of 3 gold pieces. Each contestant has to
some 60 feet high above sea level. A small yellow jump into the sea from the podium. It requires a suc-
podium with flagpoles bearing the colorful banners cessful DC 5 Strength (Athletics) skill check to jump
of House Azennar has been placed at the edge of the far enough from the cliffs to avoid crashing on them.
cliffs. It is high tide, and the rocks below are men- On a successful jump, the contestant gains 1 point. For
acingly turbulent as the incoming waves change the every 5 points of success above the DC, the contest-
level of the seawater. Sharks are also quite frequent ant jumps further into the sea and gains 1 additional
in the waters below. point. On a failed skill check, the contestant lands on
the rocks and takes 21 (6d6) bludgeoning damage.
“Welcome to the Leap of Death
During the jump, the contestant can try to add acro-
competition! The 1st prize is a Potion
batic elements by succeeding on a DC 5 Dexterity (Ac-
of Water Breathing, sponsored by the robatics) skill check. On a successful maneuver, the
Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.” contestant gains 1 point. For every 5 points of success
A large glowing colorful magical text above the DC, the contestant’s jump becomes more
displayed in mid-air above the podium. complex and gains 1 additional point. The contestant
with the most points wins the contest.
A large crowd gathers for the final and one of the To reduce the falling damage when landing into the
most daring events of the day. Many are lying or sit- water, a contestant must succeed on a DC 5 Dexterity
ting by the edge of the cliffs not to risk falling be- saving throw. On a failed save, the contestant takes 14

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


(4d6) bludgeoning damage. For every 5 points of suc-
cess above the DC, the damage is reduced by 7 (2d6).

On a tie of points, the contestants have to jump again Background

for more points for the host to announce a winner. Aphinah enjoys seeing the exertion and the failures
she can witness at the game events every year, but she
Contestants. Use these contestants for the Leap of has gotten bored with them. This year, she wanted
Death event. something special, only for herself. So she has creat-
ed a series of riddles and challenges for those foolish
Mavis Gryduhrr, a confident male human guard cap- enough to follow the clues that she has left around the
tain (use the bandit captain monster entry, Athletics city. She used some of the Royal Swords to plant the
+4, Acrobatics +3, Dexterity save +5) from the Drayl clues and forbade them to talk about them. Aphinah
City-State of Zolt, who celebrates himself and speaks moves between spots as the first curious individuals
in an almost incomprehensible accent. react and watches them from hidden positions, laugh-
ing at their daring struggles and greed for treasure.
Borx Helas, a middle-aged female human adventurer
(use the assassin monster entry, Athletics +0, Acro- Experience
batics +6, Dexterity save +6), who uses a potion of Award the party 450 experience points for each stage
jump (as jump spell) to increase her distance. She of the treasure hunt completed.
gains double the points for her Strength (Athletics)
check. Borx tries to hide the fact that she is using the
potion, but characters with a successful DC 13 Wis- Writing on the Bridge
dom (Perception) skill check can expose the cheat-
ing. If she is called out, she is disqualified. Environment
A mysterious text appears in the middle of Grankar’s
Blimbo, an athletic halfling (use the bandit monster Chains (Onadbyr location 55.) bridge on the morning
entry, Athletics +0, Acrobatics +2, Dexterity save +2), of the King’s Games.
who is obviously afraid of the jump but wants to win
the prize to loot some of the pearls at the pearl farms “A curious thing lies at the top
of Ronul’s End.
of the chain, claiming it is truly
Lurthilith Belvarax, a female dragonborn barbarian
a hero’s game.”
with a black dragon ancestry (use the berserker Written in Common in black
monster entry, Athletics +6, Acrobatics +2, Dexterity paint done with a broad brush.
save +2), who jumps while raging loudly.

Critical Failure. A contestant who takes damage Scene

from the fall becomes a subject of talk in the city for Many people on the bridge are trying to decipher the
the coming week. riddle, and many look upwards to the top of the two
arches of the structure, which are 40 feet above the
Treasure bridge and 60 feet above the river, but only a few have
The winner of the contest is rewarded with a potion dared to climb up to see if there’s any hidden treasure
of water breathing and might gain advantage on Cha- on top of the arches. Climbing one of the two arches
risma ability checks in the capital for the next week, is an obviously dangerous task that can be done only
depending on the situation. through the chains or the sheer wall of the arch.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Aphinah has ordered a couple of Royal Swords (use

the guard monster entry) to patrol the area. It re- Bugs under the Giant
quires a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) skill
check to climb the bridge’s arches without being no- Environment
ticed by the soldiers. On a failed skill check, two of The excavations around the Napping Giant (Onadbyr
the Royal Swords notice the characters and approach location 74.) are roped off from the streets and no
them, asking questions about their actions and per- one is allowed to enter the site except for the mem-
sons, forcing them to exit the area while threatening bers of the Chamber of Royal Historians.
legal punishment.
It requires a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) Aphinah has ordered a couple of Royal Swords (use
skill check to climb to the top of the arch. On a failed the guard monster entry) to patrol the area. It re-
check, the character can choose to make a DC 15 Dex- quires a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) skill
terity saving throw to twist their body and try to fall check to get close to the enormous statue without
on the bridge instead of the water. On a successful being noticed by the soldiers. On a failed skill check,
save, the character hits the bridge and takes 14 (4d6) two of the Royal Swords notice the characters and
bludgeoning damage. On a failed save, the character approach them, asking questions about their actions
falls in the water and takes falling damage. To re- and persons, forcing them to exit the area while
duce the falling damage when falling into the water, threatening legal punishment.
a character must succeed on a DC 5 Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, the contestant takes 14 (4d6) A few bugs crawl on a large flat rock painted with an
bludgeoning damage. For every 5 points of success X lying next to the statue. When moved, four swarms
above the DC, the damage is reduced by 7 (2d6). of insects crawl up from under it and attack the
characters. Any loud noise that would disturb the
On the top of one of the two arches (decide which currently relatively empty neighborhood draws the
one randomly for the character who climbed up), an- Royal Swords to the site within 1d4 rounds.
other text is painted with a broad brush.
The bottom of the rock has a new text painted in
“To find your treasure, you need to black with the same broad brush.
do less than you expect, visit the
green giant, and to the bugs you “To find your next clue, look under the
must pay your respect.” venerable, tread through his bile most
Aphinah watches the arches from a large bushy area
surrounded by a few Knights of the Crown, her per- Aphinah watches the site from behind the trees,
sonal bodyguards, who protect her when she is out surrounded by some of the Knights of the Crown. It
in the city. It requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check
skill check to spot her laughing at anyone falling to spot her laughing at anyone attacked by the in-
from the arches of the bridge. sect swarms.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Old Man’s Bile The Treasure Tree

Environment Environment
There is an intricately decorated maintenance hole on At the southern end of the Nine Arches (Onadbyr lo-
both ends of Old Man’s road, which is bustling with cation 125.) bridge, a large oak tree grows that is over
people. The maintenance holes lead down to the sew- two hundred years old. The streets are busy with
ers through an iron ladder. Foul-smelling waste flows people around its massive trunk.
slowly at the height of 3 feet in the tubular tunnels
that run for almost 2,000 feet under Old Man’s road. Scene
The enormous tree stands 90 feet tall and has sprawl-
Scene ing, twisted branches and rough, ridged bark. A char-
Aphinah has ordered a couple of Royal Swords (use acter who examines the tree’s crown can spot a small
the guard monster entry) to patrol the area. Lifting wooden potion rack with four vials inside, carefully
the maintenance hole in the middle of the busy street balanced on one of the wide outlying branches with
attracts two Royal Swords within 1d4 rounds. The a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
soldiers start questioning the characters and hush Climbing the tree requires a DC 15 Strength (Athlet-
them away if they catch them. They will casually fol- ics) skill check. The branch where the box sits has
low them on the streets from a distance, keeping an been cut almost all the way through, sabotaged by a
eye on them for 2d6 minutes. The Royal Swords will Royal Sword under Aphinah’s command. A character
not risk entering the sewers to pursue the characters who gets close to the wide branch can notice the
and only do so if they have been threatened by them. fine cut with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception)
skill check. The branch breaks off under the weight
The waste in the tunnels has a gut-wrenching sicken- of more than 10 pounds of pressure. Anyone on the
ing smell, so strong that anyone within 10 feet of the branch when it breaks falls to the ground and takes
sewage must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving 24 (7d6) bludgeoning damage, which can be halved
throw or become poisoned for 10 minutes and lose with a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw.
concentration on spells. Anyone in contact with the
waste for more than 3 rounds risks catching sewer The long and heavy branch threatens to hit three
plague. bystanders on the ground, who are just passing be-
low the tree. It falls at an Initiative count of 10. Any
Another one of Aphinah’s rhyming clues is painted in character who is quicker can try to save the citizens,
large letters on the tunnel wall, spelling it out as it who would otherwise get killed by the force of the
stretches all the way on the side of the sewer section. branch if not warned. The Royal Swords arrive at
the scene in 1d4 rounds and restrain those who fell
“You proved you are persistent, from the tree until a Red Cloak comes. The Red Cloak
inspects the scene thoroughly, noting that the tree
the treasure is no longer mine,
was sabotaged, and at the end, lets everyone go. If
it awaits you high in the crown, the characters tell the Red Cloak about the clues and
at the feet of the nine.” the treasure hunt, the official takes note of every
detail and leaves with a befuddled expression. The
Aphinah watches the site from a faraway corner, Red Cloak visits all of the mentioned sites, and soon,
surrounded by some of the Knights of the Crown. every hint leads through the Royal Swords to the
It requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check Royal Palace. Finally, the Red Cloak reports the inci-
to spot her laughing at anyone exiting the sewers dent. As a result, King Waldrann, who is under the
through the maintenance holes. constant effects of the philters of love dosed to him

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

by Queen Lyrencia, will soon have yet another one of gather. Nanushka, an elderly woman (use the bandit
those very forgiving discussions with Aphinah. monster entry with the ability to cast vicious mock-
ery once per day) who is one of the Vagabonds, is
The potion rack on the branch shatters along with selling small pastries, cakes, and candies from a large
its contents when the branch falls. The vials in the basket suspended from her neck. She is looking for
rack contain perfumes, all with especially strong and customers who flash a fat purse, or anything valua-
distastefully sweet odors. ble when buying her goods and who are also possibly
alone. She hands a poisoned version of the snacks to
If anyone has fallen into her devious trap, Aphi- these targeted victims, laced with a special poison.
nah passes the scene in a carriage followed by two Anyone eating such a poisoned snack must succeed
Knights of the Crown and snickers to herself at the on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw 10 minutes
torment of those present as she passes by. after ingesting the sweet or become poisoned for 1
hour. The poisoned creature falls unconscious. The
creature wakes up if it takes damage or if another
CRIMINAL ACTIVITIES creature takes an action to shake it awake.

Background “Sweeeats, candieees, caaakes!

The large crowd and the heavier than usual purs-
Two coppers each! I taught your
es draw criminals out from the shadows onto the
streets every year on the day of the King’s Games.
grandmother how to bake them.”
The Royal Swords are prepared and are patrolling Nanushka shouting over the noise
the main roads and larger squares, keeping an eye of the crowd to prospective clients.
out for suspicious activities, but the numerous small
nameless gangs and more so the daring and organ- Two of the more capable Vagabonds, Jaroshk and
ized Uncanny Vagabonds and the Golden Masks have Srany (use the assassin monster entry with the abil-
learned how to avoid them. Use the following en- ity to cast vicious mockery once per day), follow such
counters throughout the King’s Games whenever victims for an hour and try to rob them when and if
you feel like adding some background events to the they collapse due to the drug. The two criminals can
King’s Games. be spotted trailing their victim with a successful DC
14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. The vagabonds
jump the victims as soon as they fall unconscious,
Cakes of Coma rob them of any visibly valuable belongings, and then
run off into the crowd. If caught or cornered, they
Background whistle hard and their reinforcements arrive within
This robbery is usually a safe and easy way for the 1d4 rounds in the form of three members from their
Uncanny Vagabonds to make some quick gold. They family (use the thug monster entry with the ability
sell some poisoned food and follow the victim until to cast true strike once per day).
it knocks them out, to then rob them of their be-

The Uncanny Vagabonds are swarming in one loca-
tion, keeping an eye out for each other and the pa-
trolling soldiers, until they have drawn enough at-
tention onto themselves, when they move to another
prospective location in the city where many people

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


check, the player believes to know the ball’s location
Turtle Balls under one of the shells. Noticing Rados, the pickpock-
et in action also requires a successful DC 14 Wisdom
Background (Perception) skill check from anyone who actively
This is one of the oldest and simplest hustles of the surveys the crowd, but anyone who has made a skill
Uncanny Vagabonds, used to make some easy and check to notice the trick with the ball has disadvan-
fast money in a crowd. It involves a dealer named Ik- tage on this check. On a failed check, Rados is able
kos, two planted players named Darlam and Valistro, to lift a small valuable object like a light weapon, a
and a pickpocket named Rados (use the spy monster potion, wand, or scroll, or a purse with no more than
entry for all of them with the ability to cast vicious 20 coins in it. Rados attempts to pickpocket multiple
mockery once per day). victims.

The dealer shuffles a soft red ball under three small All four Vagabonds start to run in the same direc-
turtle shells, showing it regularly to the spectators tion If the trick is revealed or if the pickpocket is
who can bet on any of the shells when the shuffling spotted if caught or cornered, they whistle hard
stops. If the ball is under the shell, then the bettor and their reinforcements arrive within 1d4 rounds
wins double their bets. The dealer does the shuffling in the form of three members from their family (use
very fast and hides the ball with a pinky finger when the thug monster entry with the ability to cast true
showing. The only ones who actually win in the game strike once per day).
are their Vagabond allies, who pretend to be players.
They comment, bet and sometimes win, doing it all Two Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry)
very loudly to attract the bystanders’ attention and arrive in 2d4 rounds if alerted and restrain anyone
maybe some dupes who would bet coins. involved in the incident before one of them leaves
to call in a Red Cloak. They pursue and capture
Scene anyone who disobeys their orders or tries to flee.
The dealer stands behind a makeshift table in the A Red Cloak arrives in 2d4+2 minutes with two more
middle of the street, shuffling the shells. A small soldiers and arrests and charges the criminals (see
group of people has gathered in front of him, watch- Laws in the Kingdom of Aglarion section for more
ing the game, with some bettors who seem very en- details).
thusiastic and dedicated to win or curse loudly about
their bad luck.
The Secret Level
“Three old turtles in a brothel,
they share one ball, but they don’t Background
Samsadur, leader of the Golden Masks, has long sus-
seem to bother! Which one is it? pected the existence of the secret level at the Lucky
Can you guess it! You good Sir, in the Leap. It is curious to know about the secrets of the
blue tabard, can you pick the one? crafty and seasoned ex-adventurer who has his hands
Double or nothing! Try your luck! in many pots. The rakshasa expects to find treasure
and information within the tavern, which it knows
You look like a lucky fellow.”
is well protected. Samsadur plans to have its agent
Ikkos gabbling while rapidly shuffling the shells. explore the Lucky Leap during the day, while Ricio
Tane is busy managing his temporary drink stands
Noticing the trick with the ball requires a successful scattered all over the city for the day of the King’s
DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. On a failed Games.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Environment If Khoglit is caught or prevented from escaping,

The Lucky Leap is busy with guests, especially in the Sanjalar jumps over the bar (area 2 of the Lucky
late morning before and after the Merfolk Lumber- Leap tavern), activates the lock-down mechanism,
jacks event takes place at Zhankar Plaza. An unusu- and grabs one of the confused and frightened young
al number of guests try the jumping challenge for maids named Hala, taking her as a hostage by hold-
the free drinks. The tavern is decorated with yellow, ing a dagger to her neck. The doppelganger demands
green, and white ribbons in honor of the king and everyone sit down on the floor and remain silent
House Azennar. while one of the deep gnomes, preferably Khoglit,
who has already been exposed, searches the Lucky
Leap for its secrets. Sanjalar tells the guests that
others of his kind are hidden amongst their ranks,
ready to strike. The guests (use the commoner
monster entry) are ordinary people who are slightly
intoxicated. Seeing the young barmaid threatened
in such a manner angers many of them, especially
capable people, who slowly form into a mob to res-
cue Hala, not seeing the threat it poses to her. The
doppelganger is ready to kill Hala with one flick of
a wrist. It viciously attacks anyone to defend itself
after discovering that it cannot reset the mecha-
nism to escape. A character who wishes to calm
the forming mob or take over negotiations can do
Scene so with a successful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion)
One of the characters returning from the lavatories skill check. On a failed check, the doppelganger kills
sees a dark figure standing on the stairs that lead Hala and three customers from the mob who deal
to the basement. The humanoid male figure’s fea- 10 damage to Sanjalar before backing off. The oth-
tures are unrecognizable in the dim light. He opens er doppelgangers don’t reveal themselves at this
a secret wall section, enters through, and closes the point. Sanjalar takes another hostage and orders
door. Anyone investigating the scene finds the fake the guests again to stay put until they find some ev-
secret room (area 11 of the Lucky Leap tavern) and a idence of the secret level and can steal some of Ri-
young human in ordinary clothing standing in the cio’s treasure. The other deep gnomes act as guests
middle of it. The man is Khoglit Agatehands, one of until their disguise lasts.
the deep gnome infiltrators of the Golden Masks
under the effects of his disguise self innate spell abil- “Stay put, you incompetents!
ity. The svirfneblin immediately tries to flee when
I will tell you when to move.
discovered, casting blindness/deafness at anyone in
his way and blur to protect himself. If he success-
I didn’t come alone. My kin could
fully climbs the stairs and leaves the tavern, his two be the person right next to you.”
deep gnome brothers, Gritlit and Zorfbit, and their Sanjalar threatening the crowd
doppelganger commanders named Sanjalar, Bra- of guests trapped at the Lucky Leap.
tiusto, and Xalomox, who are hiding amongst the
customers disguised as ordinary citizens, also soon Khoglit or one of the other deep gnomes goes back
leave the tavern. The deep gnomes use their dis- to the fake secret room (area 11) while their doppel-
guise self innate spell ability, which lasts only for ganger leader keeps the crowd of frightened guests
one hour, and their permanent nondetection innate at bay. He searches the room and triggers the poison
spell ability. trap on the chest, which instantly kills him. At this

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


stage, the doppelganger angrily orders another of yone screaming from the inside. Ricio Tane is soon
the deep gnomes to resume the search quickly. The alerted by one of his neighbors, and he arrives twen-
next gnome recovers the body of his dead brother ty minutes after the lock-down mechanism is acti-
and the treasure from the fake secret room (area 11), vated. Either after the soldiers detect actual danger,
then searches the storage (area 3) and the stockroom or when Ricio Tane arrives and immediately calls
(area 15), but finds nothing. for help, a Red Cloak arrives at the location within
2d4+2 minutes. In the meantime, Ricio Tane enters
When the deep gnomes find nothing other than the the tavern via one of his secret doors and opens the
fake secret room, one of the doppelgangers discharg- lock-down mechanism. If the Royal Swords or the
es an eversmoking bottle, which suddenly fills the Red Cloak catch any of the deep gnomes or the dop-
taproom with smoke and panics the trapped crowd, pelgangers, they immediately sentence them for the
which tries to break free at all of the exits of the crimes they committed.
taproom at once, tumbling over each other in the
blinding smoke. The main taproom and the bar be- Treasure
come difficult terrain at this point. Sanjalar releases One of the doppelgangers has an eversmoking bottle,
its hostage and polymorphs into a new form using and all of them are equipped with a robe of the ward-
his shapechange ability to blend in with the guests robe, 5 silver pieces and 26 gold pieces, and a dagger.
before trying to destroy the metal plate together The deep gnomes each have 14 silver pieces and 8
with its doppelganger subordinates. They attack the gold pieces.
main door with their slam attacks, which are inef-
fective due to the object’s damage threshold. Once
the metal plates are forced open, the disguised dop- Fake Robbery
pelgangers and the deep gnomes exit the tavern to-
gether with a number of coughing, frightened guests Background
and try to get away. If the characters question all of Gambling is not regulated in Aglarion and it be-
the guests to find out who the disguised assailants comes a case for a Red Cloak only if the organizer
are, it requires a successful DC 9 Wisdom (Insight) cheats the announced game rules. The Golden Masks
skill check to identify the deep gnomes, and a DC 16 have set up a raffle lottery with a guaranteed prize
Wisdom (Insight) skill check to unveil Sanjalar or the of 100 gold pieces. Anyone can add any amount of
other doppelgangers. gold pieces and each gold coin gets painted with
the name of the owner before being added to the
When bystanders outside the tavern see the metal pooled bets. The game promises that a coin is drawn
plates shutting down the exits of the building on all randomly outside the Mule Gate before the start
levels, they call for the Royal Swords, who arrive in of the Battle of the Champions, and whoever has
1d4 minutes. They are hesitant to interfere and will their name on the lucky coin wins the entire pot of
not force the metal plates open unless they hear an- gold. The event is also advertised on large posters
throughout the main traffic hubs of the city. The
drawing is organized by two doppelgangers named
Mezanux and Verenkilar. The Golden Masks plan to
enact a fake robbery before the drawing to steal all
the money and then disappear into the Shanties.
Yhlsaby, the lamia captain of the Gold Masks, stands
near the crowd in an unrecognizable human form
and helps its doppelganger subordinates with her
innate spells.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Environment lamia monster entry) innate major image spell, which

A glass bowl, the size of a large basket, stands on a 5 she casts imperceptibly from a corner of the street.
foot high large wooden platform on the Long Road, A creature that uses its action to examine the image
near the Fiery Hooves. The two doppelgangers wear can determine that it is an Illusion with a successful
the visage of two young women and are standing on DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check. The figures
the platform next to the bowl in bright, elegant dress- threaten the two doppelgangers (who pose as the
es, smiling widely as they handle each coin’s bets and young hosts) at sword point and order them to board
signatures. A large wooden board stands next to the the carriage together with the bowl. The lamia cap-
bowl, decorated colorfully and describing the game’s tain ends the spell as its illusory warriors board the
simple rules. A sizable crowd whirls around the podi- carriage, and walks away from the scene.
um, some people just staring, others betting, or dis-
cussing chances. The two doppelgangers jump into the carriage even
if the illusory nature of the assailants is discovered,
Scene heading out of the city through Mule Gate at full
The streets become less and less crowded as the time speed, crashing into and wiping away some of the
for the Battle of the Champions draws near. Those Royal Arrows (use the scout monster entry) who
who have added their gold to the bowl remain around guard the gates. The carriage moves at a speed of 60
the podium, around a hundred people. Quite a few feet per round and travels for several miles, stopping
voice their demand for the draw to start as soon as only when the Golden Masks on board make sure
possible, as they don’t want to miss the opening cer- that they are not followed.
emony of the main event.
The scene at the podium soon draws more of the
“If I win, I’m going to buy something Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry), but the
Royal Arrows at the gate react immediately and call
nice at the Elegant Elephant for my
for a Red Cloak who arrives in 2d4+2 minutes. The
wife. She spends more time in the shop officer quickly organizes a chase party, which follows
staring at those fancy pieces of fabric the tracks but finds only the empty carriage without
than anywhere else these days.” the horses near a forested area. Xalistran, Mezanux,
and Verenkilar use their advantage to ride into the
An enthusiastic bettor to his friend woods with the gold if the characters are unable to
while waiting for the draw. stop them, later returning to the Loud and Lusty to
deposit their plunder.
Suddenly a closed carriage with covered windows
drawn by two horses races out from a nearby street Treasure
and crashes into the crowd in front of the podium. The glass bowl contains 1032 gold pieces at the mo-
Each creature standing in front of the platform must ment of the robbery. Each doppelganger wears a robe
make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 18 (4d8) of the wardrobe, and carries 9 silver pieces, 19 gold-
bludgeoning damage on a failed saving throw, or half pieces, and a dagger.
as much damage on a successful one as the horses and
the carriage hit the crowd. The carriage is driven by
a half-orc ruffian named Xalistran (use the thug mon-
ster entry) who shouts at the crowd to back off, while
four muscular figures jump out of the carriage, each
wearing splint mail and armed with a longsword and
a light crossbow, which they point at the bystanders.
These four figures are created by Yhlsaby’s (use the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



IN THE DOG PIT and her plate armor and heavy cloak hide her wings.
She tries not to speak so as not to be betrayed by
Background the devilish tint of her voice, and only tersely claims
The Battle of the Champions is the culmination of to have come from a faraway land to the south, be-
the King’s Games and is held in the Dog Pit (Onadbyr yond the Drayl City-States. Her task is to wait until
location 103.) arena soon after nightfall. It features matched against her former husband, the King, so
bouts of single, hand-to-hand combat between cham- she may slay him in retribution for his wrongs and
pions over multiple rounds. Even the king takes part to finally set the Midnight Curse in action. When her
as a renowned veteran and the usual champion of task on the Material Plane is completed, her pact
the event. Each combatant offers a magical item or compels her to return to Demonbane Isle in Hell
valuable possession on their person that they must (Bleak Mire location 64b. in Chapter 5).
relinquish to their opponent should they lose their
bouts. The main prize is a private audience with the Environment
reigning monarch, but since King Waldrann usually The walls of the Dog Pit and the stands are illuminat-
takes the trophy, the joke of late and one that en- ed with torches and packed with cheering crowds,
compasses someone’s superiority has been “a royal while food vendors hawk fried giant frog-legs in the
audience of one.” stands. The crowd extends to the areas surrounding
the Dog Pit, as the live commentary of the battles is
One of the entrants of the event, the Raven Knight, is presented by Joffer Pebblefoot, the Pit Master of the
actually an erinyes formed from the soul of the for- arena. His voice is enhanced by magic and can be
mer Queen Elyssa, just recently summoned from Hell clearly heard outside the walls of the Dog Pit as well.
through the Shrouding Gate at the Old Grinder Mill The air is thick with dust, sweat, and anticipation
and imbued with a nondetection effect that keeps her for the bouts to start. The pit is an oval 150 by 100
nature and intentions hidden. The Raven Knight has feet wide. On one side, a royal’s pavilion is set up on
been commanded by Blister to take part in the battle the grounds, seating King Waldrann, Queen Lyren-
and kill the King. Her helmet fully covers her visage, cia, and Princess Aphinah, who await the festivities

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

flanked by Lord Cyne Monder and six Knights of the also pair characters to fight each other. Match op-
Crown. Healers congregate on the broader sides of ponents in multiple rounds until only one character
the arena, ready for any accident that might befall remains, but make sure to start out with an even
the contestants. number of contestants, even if you have to remove
some of the premade NPC contestants to achieve
Scene this. That character has won the semifinals. The oth-
When the sun sets, Joffer Pebblefoot stands forth and er pair battling to get into the final match will be
starts to officiate the event, outlining the rules of King Waldrann Azennar and the Raven Knight.
combat and introducing the Champions as they as-
semble in front of the royals, raising their weapons
in honor to the King and his family. They each also
present the prizes they offer, pledged as the entry fee
to the event.

“Long live the King! Please calm

and welcome our champions
of the battle! Let me introduce
them and their prized offerings
to you one by one!”
Joffer Pebblefoot starting his opening speech,
his voice booming over the arena.

Rules. Combat is broken into matches, where each

champion will face another in single combat. The
names of the combatants are drawn randomly from
a velvet bag and matched against each other by Prin-
cess Aphinah, who is constantly giggling at her own
mockeries thrown at the contestants. A fight lasts
until one of the combatants forfeits and the defeated
contestant can’t join a new match. After each match,
champions who qualify in their round are cured of
all wounds by clerics delegated by the city’s numer-
ous temples. The winner of a match receives the
item offered by the loser at the start of the tourna-
ment. Outside assistance is prohibited, as are effects
that damage anyone in the stands. In these cases, the
recipient of outside assistance or whoever damages
the crowd is immediately disqualified and is handed
over to the Red Cloaks.

Contestants. Use these contestants for the Battle of

the Champions event and pair any of them, except for
King Waldrann and the Raven Knight, with a charac-
ter on a random basis or by selecting them. You can

19 0
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



Gratus Ultio is one of the most loyal and honest Havelpov Wolf-fang, an orc barbarian from the lands
of Lord Cyne Monder’s Knights of the Crown. He beyond Vordan in the north, was chosen by his tribe
is of angelic descent, clearly visible in his slight- as the strongest and mightiest to take part in the Bat-
ly glowing yellow eyes. He is a shrewd individual, tle of the Champions in distant Onadbyr. He is a sea-
distrusting of everyone who is not known to him. soned warrior, scarred by many battles, and wears a
Gratus pledges his +1 silvered shortsword, a family wolf pelt around his massive shoulders. Despite his
heirloom. ferocious appearance, Havelpov is fun-loving and bois-
terous, singing his own praises and those of his tribe
Gratus Ultio is a Knight of the Crown with the fol- loudly for all to hear. The orc is quite drunk during the
lowing modifications: event (see The Mask’s Edge event below). Havelpov
• Gratius is lawful good. Wolf-fang pledges his barbed net of entanglement.
• He has darkvision to 60 feet.
• He has resistance to necrotic and radiant damage. Havelpov Wolf-fang is a berserker with the follow-
• He is able to cast light once per day. ing modifications:
• Havelpov is chaotic neutral.
“I greet you, worthy • He has darkvision to 60 feet.
• He has the poisoned condition.
opponent. Let us not
• Aggressive. As a bonus action, Havelpov can move
forget that this is up to his speed toward a hostile creature that he
purely a contest.” can see.
Gratus Ultio’s first • He fights with a lance instead of a greataxe.
words before combat. •H  e is equipped with a barbed net of entanglement.

“You want my net?

I will make you wear it!
Havelpov Wolf-fang charging.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“See this flail? It has

been quenched with
special mineral oils.
Visit my shop if you
want to own something
of similar craftsmanship.”
Kagrian Ironsinew addressing the crowd rather
than his opponent before battle.


Kagrian Ironsinew is a gruff dwarven weaponsmith

who was formerly a renowned adventurer and warri-
or, now running the Bearded Warrior weapons shop
in Onadbyr. He uses the Battle of the Champions as
an annual advertisement for his shop and has no illu-
sions about winning. He wears an old and worn splint
mail and an ancient helm decorated with a few gems.
Kagrian is most interested in creating a spectacle
and showing off his flail, which is truly a masterfully
crafted item, to attract customers to his shop. He is Vragi is a traveling monk from the Shandar Moun-
not overly concerned about his armor that has been tains, where he has been mastering the ways of the
sabotaged by the Golden Masks (see The Mask’s Edge Stonefist to make his body as hard as granite. He has
event below). Kagrian Ironsinew pledges his helm, a clean-shaven head, and his body is decorated in
which is actually a helm of brilliance from the time of tattoos, giving his skin a stony texture. Vragi is a la-
the the Order of Eternal Light with three opals and conic person, often single-minded and impatient but
two rubies remaining in its mountings. can be temperamental at times. He is also generous,
sharing his meager earthly possessions if need be.
Kagrian Ironsinew is a veteran with the following Vragi pledges his +1 adamantine quarterstaff.
• Kagrian is neutral. Vragi is a stonefist devotee with the following mod-
• He has darkvision to 60 feet. ifications:
• He has advantage on saving throws against poison. • Vragi is neutral good.
• He has resistance against poison damage. •H  e fights with a +1 adamantine quarterstaff. He has
• He has a -4 penalty to his AC due to his sabotaged +7 to hit and deals 7 (1d6 + 4) damage.
•H  e fights with a +1 flail instead of a longsword, “It takes time to
which he wields in two hands. He has +6 to hit
carve a mountain.”
and deals 9 (1d10 + 4) damage.
• He is equipped with a helm of brilliance with three Vragi commenting on his opponent
opals and two rubies. after deflecting a strike.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The Raven Knight (use the erinyes monster entry)
is a mysterious female figure clad in plate armor
fashioned in the likeness of a raven, with feathery
embellishments and iron wings folded onto its back
CAY under a heavy cloak. The Raven Knight offers her
TA L I magical flaming sword (which really is a nine lives
VA L BE R G stealer longsword engulfed in flames by her Hellish
Weapon ability).

After all the pledges have been made, King Waldrann

Azennar, King of Aglarion, stands and readies his
signature spriggan shield and falcon blade, striking
an imposing figure in his lavishly decorated armor.
Next, the king offers up his ring of prestidigitation in-
laid with a diamond worth 1000 gold pieces.

Cay Tali Valberg is a half-copper dragon sorcerer-spell- “We declare the Battle
thief from the Isles of Xantharos, who has been living
of the Champions
in Aglarion and making a living as a very creative part-
time adventurer and burglar. He is reserved and kind,
commenced! We thank
finding particular delight in silly riddles. Cay uses his you for your offerings,
golden lion figurine to gain advantage against oppo- made with brave
nents in melee combat. Cay is also cheating, using and noble spirit. May the best
his Steal Spell ability to draw spells from an allied
combatant triumph again…
spellcaster in the first row of the arena (see the Spell
- (the crowd laughs and cheers) -
Smugglers event below). Cay Tali Valberg pledges a
single golden lion figurine of wondrous power. and the entertainment be rousing!”
King Waldrann Azennar’s pronouncement signaling
Cay Tali Valberg is a spellthief adept with the fol- the start of the Battle of the Champions.
lowing modifications:
• Cay is neutral.
•H  e has blindsight up to 10 feet and darkvision up
to 60 feet.
• Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). Cay Tali Valberg ex-
hales acid in a 20-foot line that is 5 feet wide. Each
creature in that line must make a DC 11 Dexterity sav- R AVE N
ing throw, taking 18 (4d8) acid damage on a failed KN IG H T
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
• He is equipped with a figurine of wondrous power
(a single golden lion).

“Say hello to my kitty.

She bites.”
Cay Tali Valberg smiling while
activating his golden lion figurine.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

cine) skill check, a character can carefully tend to the

OUTSIDE THE RING wound and save the contestant’s eyesight.

Background Experience
Since probably not all the characters will be taking Award the party 450 experience points for each suc-
part in the Battle of the Champions, some events cessful treatment.
taking place in the stands could impact the tourna-
ment’s outcome.
Spell Smugglers
Severe Wounds Background
Cay Tali Valberg leaves nothing to chance, espe-
Background cially regarding his own safety or winning valuable
Healers are in short supply, and as the battles pro- magic items. The tricky half-dragon has arranged a
gress, the wounds pile on. Characters who don’t take front-row seat for one of his long-time friends and
part in the battles can lend a hand in the rounds of adventuring companions named Galtaro Moonstone.
healing after each round if they have access to heal- Galtaro is a seasoned human mage who agreed to
ing spells or have proficiency in the Medicine skill. seamlessly transfer spells to Cay by allowing him to
Some wounds will be serious and immediate emer- use his steal spell ability on him.
gency care is often needed to avoid fatal injuries or
long-term damage. Scene
During the battle, if Cay runs low on spells or if he
Scene finds himself in a situation where a certain spell
One of the contestants suffers a mighty blow to might come in handy, he navigates to the side of the
the head and falls unconscious. The victim can be battleground and touches his friend unobtrusively to
brought back with a DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) skill use his Steal Spell ability. He can choose from Gal-
check or curative magic. However, noticing that the taro’s list of known spells, which are the following:
victim suffers from a concussion requires anoth- color spray, false life, hideous laughter, mage armor,
er successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) skill check. magic missile, shield, sleep. Noticing the outside help
The concussion can be cured with a lesser restoration requires a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
spell or long-term care. If characters are successful Cay Tali Valberg is eliminated from the tournament
in aiding the victim, they can gain an important ally. if his trick is reported to the authorities.

One of the contestants suffers a deep gash on their Experience

face, and though healing magic will cure the wound, Award the party 1,100 experience points if they un-
the scar that might remain would disfigure the in- cover Cay Tali Valberg’s trick.
jured contestant for life. On a successful DC 15 Wis-
dom (Medicine) skill check, a character can mend
the skin in a skillful way that it doesn’t leave a scar
after healing magic is applied, or natural healing
cures the wound.

One of the contestants suffers a deep cut through

one of their eyes, and though healing magic will cure
the wounds, the eye must be saved to avoid perma-
nent blindness. On a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medi-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


barian will be grateful for the assistance and new
The Mask’s Edge drinking companions after the games.

Background The Golden Masks have also sabotaged Kagrian Iron-

Hauris, the doppelganger Golden Mask lieutenant, is sinew’s splint armor, stealthily cutting a crucial
handling the organization’s gambling enterprise dur- shoulder strap while distracting the weaponsmith
ing the event in the form of Gulfa the bugbear. with interested buyers for his wares. He takes a
Naturally, the odds have been heavily influenced by -4 penalty to AC as a result. Kagrian has no means
the schemes of the Golden Masks. to mend the armor on the spot without his tools.
A character who makes a successful DC 16 Wisdom
Environment (Perception) check can spot the cut links of the ar-
Two Golden Mask street soldiers accompany Gulfa as mor and hear the grumblings of the dwarf, who is
muscle (use the thug monster entry) and two Golden preparing his catchphrases about the Bearded War-
Mask operatives (use the spy monster entry) who act rior weapons shop. If a character mends his armor,
as lookouts and secure the perimeter. They stand at the Kagrian will be grateful, offering a one-time 20% dis-
top of the stairs of the Dog Pit in the middle of a circle count in his shop for the assistance.
of people, taking and handing out notes on bets made.
Meddling in either scheme will immediately draw the
Scene ire of the Golden Masks. They will try to intimidate
Gulfa (use the doppelganger monster entry) will take characters with threats of unforeseen consequenc-
bets on the final outcome of the tournament before es in their future endeavors and general well-being.
it begins and before each round for the upcoming This is expertly done by Hauris, using its innate Read
round, with a minimum bet of 20 gold pieces for the Thoughts ability, mind-affecting spells, and the mus-
final winner and 5 gold pieces for each match. His cle that swarm any meddler. The gang will not draw
odds are 1 to 5 for the final champion and 1 to 1.5 for blood in the stands but will start to gather intelli-
each match, except for a match that involves the King, gence on the characters, with a plan to ambush them
on which he will not accept bets. and even to infiltrate their ranks at some point with
chosen identities.
“Chekk da runnarz!
One to four on da Experience
Award the party 450 experience points for each con-
champ, ovah and undah. testant assisted.
Da books are open!”
Gulfa gathering punters
in the crowd.

Hauris, posing as Gulfa, has befriended Havelpov

Wolf-fang and has been drinking with the barbari-
an before the battles. The gang has spiked the orc’s
drink and he is now poisoned as a result. The Golden
Masks make sure that Havelpov stays clear of healers
and will discourage any interference into his state.
A character who can get past Hauris and his gang,
or one that faces the barbarian in a battle can notice
his inebriated state with a successful DC 13 Wisdom
(Insight) or Wisdom (Medicine) skill check. The bar-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


THE QUEEN’S RETRIBUTION “Well done! It has been

long since anyone has
Background bested us. Especially one
After only one character remains in the tourna- of such intricate… skills.
ment after their third match, the other qualifier Claim your prize noble lady knight,
match of the semifinals starts between the Raven
as it is rightfully yours! I greatly
Knight and King Waldrann Azennar.
anticipate our private audience.
Scene Show your face and be celebrated!”
At the beginning of the bout, King Waldrann uses King Waldrann Azennar as he lies
his spriggan shield to grow to large size and occa- at the feet of the Raven Knight.
sionally seems to shift in space as his falcon blade
is activated. The Raven Knight’s longsword bursts The Raven Knight looms over the prone king, as
into flames and it attacks from below, primarily she throws back her helmet and releases a catch
targeting the King’s feet and lower abdomen. Feel on her armor that frees her wings from under the
free to describe the battle as an even one between iron embellishments. All can see the former queen
the two mighty warriors, and while it seems that in her devilish form. The erinyes makes a declara-
King Waldrann will be triumphant, his blows can- tion in a dolorious tone.
not seem to pierce the Raven Knight’s exceptional
defenses. In the end, the Raven Knight parries a
crucial hit and wounds the King’s leg, causing him
to fall to the ground, her sword raised to the King’s
heart. At this point, the King smiles and forfeits.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


“Waldrann, you are energies. The devil wails triumphantly and then van-
ishes in a swirling vortex as it is transported back to
a kinslayer and
Hell, its contract fulfilled.
traitor to your house!
Not even death can A wave of silence washes over the crowd, then sud-
avenge your deeds. I claim your denly panic and cries erupt from everywhere. Lord
soul as punishment. It is in Hell Cyne Monder and his knights, healers, friends, and
family rush to the fallen king. Princess Aphinah and
where we shall meet again!”
Queen Lyrecia stand almost still in the crowd of
The Raven Knight before striking abrupt chaos. All healing magic of the desperate cler-
down King Waldrann Azennar. ics fails, as no healing magic can restore the king’s
soul that has been stolen by the erinyes’ nine lives
The Raven Knight pierces the King’s heart with a stealer. The king is dead, and no winner is announced
mighty thrust and her longsword flares with dark for the Battle of the Champions this year.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Background cession carries the body of King Waldrann Azennar

The entire city of Onadbyr is in a state of mourn- through the city, accompanied by his knights, led by
ing after the tragic death of King Waldrann Azennar. Crownwarden Lord Cyne Monder, who all slowly ride
Following an entire week of public mourning, the their horses with expressions of penitence on their
King’s casket is led around the city in a ceremonial faces. They return to the Royal Palace and stop at a
procession, led by an honor guard composed of the wide stairway that descends to the Royal Mausoleum
Knights of the Crown and the members of the royal (Royal Palace area 3.) through a pair of double stone
household while the populace takes to the streets in doors to a vast, constantly expanded underground
somber tribute. The burial ceremony is planned for chamber. This is where the monarchs of Aglarion
the hour of sunset in the Royal Mausoleum under and their families have been laid to rest since the
the Royal Palace, which is open to the public during founding of the Kingdom during the Melkar Dynasty
this woeful time. over 650 years ago. The chamber’s vaulting is 20 feet
high, illuminated by torches that have been lit for
If the characters were instrumental in saving Lord the occasion. The mausoleum features alcoves where
Cyne Monder’s friends and the reporting of the 15-foot dense iron and thick stone statues of the de-
events at the Old Grinder, or if they were noteworthy parted monarchs and their family members stand
or even the winners by elimination at the Battle of in various poses, at their feet sarcophagi with their
the Champions, Lord Monder asks the characters to mortal remains. King Waldrann’s statue and sarcoph-
accompany the procession to the Royal Mausoleum. agus have been commissioned by the king well in
The private audience with the King would be a final advance, showing the king in a glorious stance with
farewell at his tomb. his spriggan shield and the falcon blade in hand. On
the right of the king’s statue stands the silvered stat-
Environment ue of Queen Elyssa. On its left an iron statue of the
Flags are flying at half-mast all over the capital and king’s firstborn son and young Knight of the Crown,
the majority of the populace wears black garb to show Krasnar holding his signature glaive, both with their
solidarity in grief with the royal family. A funeral pro- sarcophagi at their feet.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Scene Ghostly Glaive (CR 4, 1,100 XP). The ghostly glaive
The funeral procession enters the mausoleum through functions as a spiritual weapon spell of large size that
the wide gates, and as the body of King Waldrann can attack two adjacent creatures with one melee
Azennar is about to be deposited in his sarcophagus spell attack. It has a +10 to hit and deals 16 (2d10 + 5)
along with his signature armaments, the temperature force damage. The ghostly glaive has 42 hit points,
in the room suddenly drops, the flames of the torches can only be damaged by radiant damage, and can
seem to dim and the double gates of the Royal Mau- also make attacks of opportunity. It cannot be dis-
soleum bang shut with a tremendous clamor. Open- pelled, however, Turn Undead can be used against it.
ing the doors requires a successful DC 25 Strength The ghostly glaive makes a Wisdom saving throw
(Athletics) skill check. with a +4 bonus. The ghostly glaive also dissipates if
the iron glaive in the hands of Krasnar’s statue is de-
The gigantic glaive in the hand of Krasnar’s iron stat- stroyed. The iron glaive has AC 19, 38 hit points, and
ue starts to glow with an eerie green light as a ghost- a damage threshold of 5. The statue’s body itself can-
ly emanation in the shape of the glaive separates not be seriously wounded, as it is made of dense iron.
from the statue and flies menacingly, cutting anyone The statue houses Krasnar’s phylactery with half his
whose path it crosses, and lashing out at those that soul inside, which will have a crucial role later in the
try to flee from its reach. Panic erupts among the adventure.
crowd as people try to evade the ghostly glaive and
to flee towards the locked doors that bar their exit Once the ghostly glaive is defeated, the melancholic
from the crypts, which they cannot open. Lord Cyne melody spell also ends and the force holding the door
Monder and four Knights of the Crown immediately shut dissipates. The crowd flees from the Royal Mau-
form a protective ring around Queen Lyrencia and soleum. It remains closed until a closer inspection is
Princess Aphinah. conducted by a group of local clerics, who eventual-
ly find no further evidence of any lingering haunts.
The ghostly glaive is a manifestation of Krasnar’s Finally, King Waldrann Azennar’s body is laid to rest
tortured soul fragment that was bound in the iron in a shortened ceremony attended only by Queen
statue by the Matrons of Malice when the statue was Lyrencia, Princess Aphinah, and four Knights of the
raised in the prince’s memory many years ago. Kras- Crown, who carry the king’s body.
nar’s lingering soul-fragment is now angered by the
arrival of his father’s body in the chamber, awaken- Lord Cyne Monder falls deep into his thoughts and
ing and manifesting his spirit to spread the fury of looks very careworn. He thanks the characters for
his tortured soul to anyone in its path. The ghostly their help in defeating the manifestation and leaves
glaive attacks anyone who uses divine spells or ra- with a mumbled apology.
diant energy to damage it or attacks the iron glaive
itself on Krasnar’s statue.

While the ghostly glaive is manifested, a sad melody

fills the air, functioning as a melancholic melody spell.

“Murdereeeer! Your line will end here

and your deed will be avenged!”
Krasnar’s voice booming in the chamber
in an otherworldly and spine-chilling tone.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Cu r se d C o ro n a t io n
After Queen Aphinah is crowned and the Midnight Curse descends upon Aglarion, the
characters must escape the throne room of the palace, which becomes the place of a purge
against the holy among the crowd.

P la n s o f th e T ra i to r s
The fugitive knights and the characters find safe haven on the secret level of the Luck Leap,
where they plan a heist for the crown of Aglarion, requiring multiple daring solutions.

To m b o f th e C o n s t ru cto r
The characters travel to the secret tomb of Master Arlen the Constructor, seeking the mas-
ter key. However, they are only second at the location, where Eshkilrantossiazz the green
dragon also seeks the treasures within.

E m p o r iu m o f M a rve lo u s Ra r i t ie s
The characters will attempt a daring counter-heist into the magic shop of Master Bertio
Ranberd to empty the chest of magic nullification of the foul idol within, in the antimagic
chamber connected to the vaults of the shop.

H un t f o r th e Ro y a l A rc h i te ct
The characters follow the trail of Narder Tyk, the royal architect, to the Monster Menag-
erie. However, the park has been transformed by the Midnight Curse into a dangerous
place where the beasts have escaped their cages.

A Le a p I n to F i re
Upon returning to the Lucky Leap, the characters find the inn burning and under attack
by werehellhound knights. They must brave the flames to find a clue left by the slain Lord
Cyne Monder.

Th e H i d d e n Va u lt o f H o u se M o n d e r
The answers to the past lie in the secret vault of House Monder, through trapped cham-
bers and the Golden Masks, who are the first to the scene.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The M i d n ig h t
Cu rse
Characters should be level 6 when they
start Chapter 2 of Crown of the Oathbreaker.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

C H A P TE R 2


KNIGHTS IN DISTRESS The villa of House Monder (Onadbyr location 89.).

Background Scene
Lord Cyne Monder feels personally responsible for The Crownwarden’s home is patrolled by Knights
failing to protect the king, and he is conflicted, of the Crown, which is unusual. A character who
as are most of his knights. They seek guidance in succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check
prayer to their gods to soothe their feelings of guilt can notice the anxiety of the knights. When met,
over their failure and strengthen their devotion to the troubled-looking lord invites the characters to
protect the monarch, regardless of how things turn the coronation ceremony of Princess Aphinah, hop-
out. They are aware of Princess Aphinah’s deranged ing that they can assist if something goes astray.
behavior and lust for causing suffering, which seri- He doesn’t hide his feelings and his dire concerns
ously troubles most of them. The knights are also about the coronation and the kingdom’s future. Lord
wary about the manifestation of Krasnar’s rest- Cyne Monder tries to convince the characters to
less soul, which foreshadows some dark and un- work with him on uncovering the mysterious cult,
known trouble in the background that they would which they have witnessed already at first hand. He
need to uncover and resolve. A rumor also spreads also admits that he is concerned about what’s to
amongst them about the possibility of the new come and that he may need the characters’ skills.
queen disbanding the ancient knighthood. Some of The old paladin also offers 500 gold pieces to each
the knights debate whether the true object of their of the characters up front and an invitation letter to
oath is the crown, the monarch, or the kingdom the coronation ceremony if they join his efforts to
itself. After the king’s haunted funeral, the dwarven uncover the mystery surrounding the death of King
lord asks the characters to his house. Waldrann Azennar.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


“We see a concerning plenty of light to illuminate it in brightness dur-
ing the day. The gates of the hall have massive iron
period of history unfolding
wings, both decorated with the imposing images of
before our eyes. I want Knights of the Crown in full regalia. Galleries with
you to witness it, marble banisters run on both sides at the height of
be part of it, and if 10 feet, accessible from wide marble stairs. The hall
needed, act upon it.” ends in a large elevated stage accessible through a
pair of narrow stairways on both sides. In the middle
Lord Cyne Monder speaking of the stage stands a large, intricately carved wooden
with a heavy heart. throne painted in gold. Large silver candelabras are
positioned throughout the room to provide light and
heat generated by their enormous flaming braziers
ALL HAIL THE QUEEN when lit. Large banners bearing the sigil of House
Azennar hang in many places, covering the walls and
Background giving the hall a warmer atmosphere. Servants from
The Matrons of Malice have laid the foundations of a few tables along the walls serve refreshments and
their malicious plan long ago, and the time to set snacks, handing out small silver plates and silver
it in motion has arrived. The midnight hag coven utensils with them.
has slowly built up their ambitious scheme, whose
results will engulf a whole nation in suffering and Iron Gate. The gate is a large (20 by 20 feet) fortified
will corrupt the land. They first tortured and stole iron gate that has AC 19, 80 hit points, a damage
the soul of Queen Elyssa, while each hag seduced threshold of 10, and damage resistance against slash-
King Waldrann and birthed three identical Prin- ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing,
cess Aphinahs to him. They then tricked the king poison, and psychic damage. It is barred from the
into a hag pact and resurrected his son, who was outside with an iron pole and can’t be picked, but it
murdered by his father and abandoned to the Bleak can be forced open with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics)
Mire. All these events underpinned their vile curse. skill check.
As the pinnacle of their plans, Blister has had King
Waldrann Azennar assassinated by Queen Elyssa in Scene
her erinyes form and is about to crown Princess Many loyal followers of the crown have gathered for
Aphinah to trigger the Midnight Curse the hags had the coronation of the soon-to-become Queen Aphi-
laid on the crown of Aglarion many years ago. Be- nah, the only known living heir to the late king. The
cause Krasnar is technically still alive, Aphinah is crowd consists primarily of local nobles, recognized
not the rightful heir to the throne, and as a result, merchants, royal advisors, the members of the Court
the pact will be broken, and the curse triggered. of Voices, priests of different temples, the three gen-
With Splinter and Tyke held captive by the aber- erals of the Royal Army, and other prominences and
ration-venerating drow House Ausstyl, Blister, the celebrities of the kingdom, as well as Laromarius,
only remaining active midnight hag of the coven, is who represents the Arcane Tower. Some foreign,
bitter in her losses and is even more determined to mostly Draylish representatives, are also present at
unleash the Midnight Curse upon Aglarion and to the ceremony. In addition, all of the anointed Knights
take over the realm. of the Crown are present, lining the walls, standing
by the entry gate, and on the stage beside the throne,
Environment where Princess Aphinah sits, waiting to be crowned.
White marble covers the large throne room of the Next to Princess Aphinah stands Blister in the form
Royal Palace, whose 40-foot high ceiling and tall of Queen Lyrencia, extending one of her arms, order-
walls are inlaid with enormous windows that allow ing the crowd to silence themselves, and smiling as

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

the group settles and the iron gate of the coronation ing daggers. She introduces them as her spies who
room is closed. will reveal every secret that her enemies hide.

As soon as they do, she begins the ceremony, first “The Children of the Coven
with a gracious speech evoking the royal heritage of
are my eyes and ears, who
House Azennar and the noble lineage of her daughter,
who smiles on the throne wickedly. She continues
will tell on you if you mis-
with a lengthy description of the rights and privileges behave! They have already
of a royal ruler. Finally, she declares bestowing these told me nasty tales about
rights to Princess Aphinah, crowning her the Queen many of you! ”
of Aglarion. As she places the crown on her head, the
royal headpiece changes appearance, growing bony Aphinah introducing the
claw-like appendages and thorns. Dark magical runes witchservant cultists to the
appear on its surface and a ring of downward angled shocked crowd.
fangs extrude from it. The Midnight Curse has come
full circle, and the pent-up powers of the vile ritual Finally, she points at Lord Cyne Monder, standing in
are unleashed over the Kingdom of Aglarion. the front of the crowd and shouting over the agitat-
ed sounds of the public. She hysterically demands
Suddenly thunder booms from outside and through the lord and all of the Knights of the Crown to re-
the windows and a gathering of strange, thick pur- pledge their allegiance to her while mockingly offer-
ple clouds can be seen on the previously clear skies. ing them a gift of invulnerability in return.
Then, a bolt of lightning strikes outside the halls, as
Queen Aphinah stands up laughing hysterically as her “Voice your loyalty to
mother, still in the guise of the now Dowager Queen
me now, my hounds, and
Lyrencia, seamlessly casts a wall of force spell on the
front of the stage, using her innate spellcasting ability.
I shall reward you with
power beyond your imagi-
With the sounds of a heavy rainstorm building up nation! Otherwise, perish
outside, Queen Aphinah steps to the front of the in the flames of Hell!”
stage. In a harsh and theatrical voice, she announc-
es herself the new queen, demanding obedience and Queen Aphinah shouting
loyalty from all of her subjects. She then starts shout- her demands.
ing her new laws, which makes the crowd first un-
settled, then panicked. Most of the knights, raised to serve only the
crown and the kingdom, immediately voice
“And no ponytails! their pledges by shouting their signature
motto, “For crown and kingdom!” as
I hate them! Cut them off
they bend the knee. But, as they
together with the head.” do, their voices turn bestial as
Queen Aphinah announcing they transform into were-
one of her new laws. hellhound knights, afflict-
ed by the power of the
When she finishes her mad proclamations, she calls curse. The rest of the KN IG H T
forth the Children of the Coven, who drop their vis- hesitant knights watch
ages granted by their hag’s form ability and reveal the transformation of their brothers and sisters in
themselves within the crowd, clad in robes and hold- horror and reach for their swords.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


THE PURGE OF THE HOLY “Kill the pious snakes! I will
not tolerate their gods any
Background longer! Kill the priests and
Blister knows that the two most significant forces the knights!”
that can oppose their plans are the Knights of the
Crown and the clerics of the various temples who Queen Aphinah orders her minions
wield divine magic. They can remove their curses, to exterminate the faithful.
including the lycanthropy of the werehellhounds,
and they can ease the suffering Absolute chaos erupts in the room in front of the
of the people the hag wish- stage and on the balconies as the panicked crowd
es to rule and to torture wants to escape the terrifying beasts that have
slowly. just been created. A small group of werehellhound
knights blocks the iron gates of the hall, breathing
fire on those who approach until their kin slaugh-
ter the paladin knights, priests, and anyone who
opposes them. The non-combatants in the crowd
first pile up in front of the gates, blocked by the
fiery breath weapons of the werehellhound knights,
then retreat to the stage and balconies, some of
them crashing through the window, escaping to the
courtyard 20 feet below. They are left alone by the
werehellhound knights who pursue their targets -
the priests and the paladins.

The renegade Knights of the Crown initially confront

the werehellhound knights who vastly outnumber
them. Lord Cyne Monder soon realizes that they
will not be able to save the kingdom tomorrow if
they die today. He orders his knights to protect the
clerics and to retreat by focusing on the werehell-
hound knights at the gates. The renegade Knights of
the Crown advance slowly while also shielding the
priests of various religions from the onslaught, who
occasionally heal and bolster them with their spells.

Only a few of those who possess martial or magical

Scene training oppose the werehellhound knights. Laro-
Queen Aphinah marius, the Golem Controller mage of the Arcane
orders her were- Tower, hastily casts dimension door and leaves the
hellhound knights scene. Most of the low-level priests who are present
to kill all of the at the ceremony flee for cover under the shields of
divine spellcasters, the Knights of the Crown. The most notable figures
including the rene- who openly confront the werehellhound knights
gade Knights of the and the witchservant agents are the following. Use
Crown and Lord them in any of the events below to aid the char-
Cyne Monder. acters.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

•G eneral Brennur Starsmith (use the gladiator monster Panicked Crowd. The hall and the balconies on the
entry), one of the three generals of the Royal Army. side become difficult terrain and no creature can
•R  y Kaly (use the priest monster entry), the young take the Dash action within the crowd. All creatures
and ambitious cleric of the Redeemer, god of life. in the crowd have disadvantage on Wisdom (Per-
• S orastil Palantine (use the priest monster entry), ception) skill checks due to the loud noises and the
a righteous cleric of the Relentless, god of strength. constant shifting of the crowd. A spellcaster con-
• F ather Kalozark Solamyr (use the priest monster centrating on a spell must make a DC 10 Consti-
entry), the aging tiefling cleric of the Temple of tution saving throw every round or lose the spell.
Light and Darkness. At the beginning of each round, roll a d20 on the
following encounter table to determine the random
The rest of the martially or magically trained NPCs events that happen to characters inside the crowd.
in the coronation hall don’t interfere with the will
of the new queen. Instead, they protect themselves
and try to stay out of the reach of the werehellhound
1-4 No special event.
Queen Aphinah observes the chaos from the front
5-8 A violent thrust of the crowd pushes
of the stage for a while, pressing against her moth-
er’s wall of force. She soon gets bored and leaves the the character. The character must make
scene through the back doors or through a dimension a DC 13 Strength saving throw or fall
door spell cast by Dowager Queen Lyrancia if neces- prone, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning dam-
sary. Some witchservant agents and werehellhound age every round while prone from the
knights remain on the stage. trampling feet of the crowd. The char-
acter can make a DC 13 Strength saving
throw at the beginning of their round

Background 9-10 he crowd suddenly thickens around

A group of Knights of the Crown fights their way to the character. The character must suc-
the gates, protecting the priests and their acolytes ceed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw
with their shields and holy powers. It takes them 10 or become restrained until the start of
rounds to slowly navigate to the gates under the on- their next round and has disadvantage
slaught of Queen Aphinah’s minions, where they con- on attacks and Dexterity saving throws.
tinue the fight on two fronts with the werehellhound
knights. (see the Between Two Fronts event below). 11-12 The crowd opens up slightly, leaving
space to move. The area is not consid-
Environment ered difficult terrain for the character
The crowd moves in unexpected waves that crush until the start of their next round.
and reposition those within. Some of the candelabras
fall over and form burning barricades, fueling the 13-14 The unexpected movement from a near-
chaos within the hall. The banquet tables are either by creature suddenly hits the character’s
broken into pieces or lie turned over and surround- hand. The character must make a DC 13
ed by a slippery mix of food and beverages. The sil- Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acro-
ver plates and utensils, including some knives (treat batics) skill check or drop any item held.
them as silver daggers), lie scattered all over the floor
near these tables.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The group of slowly advancing rebels doesn’t fully halt
15-16 The character is hit by a random object, to assist in the events outlined below (except for the
wide strike, or rogue ammunition from event Between Two Fronts), but as they progress, the
a weapon, taking 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing, knights and the priests do everything they can to aid
slashing, or bludgeoning damage. their ranks and allies. At the end of each round, the re-
treating group of knights and priests can perform one
17 The character receives a cure wounds of the following actions on a creature within 5 feet:
spell from a nearby priest and regains 11
(2d8 + 2) hit points. •C  hange the target’s AC to 20 for one round.
• Cast a cure wounds spell that removes 11
18 A hostile creature that the character can (2d8 + 2) damage.
target in the crowd is violently pushed • Cast a lesser restoration spell.
aside. The creature takes 3 (1d6) bludg- • Cast a magic weapon spell.
eoning damage and becomes prone. It • Cast a dispel magic spell.
stands up at the start of its next round.
In addition, Lord Cyne Monder can perform each of
19 Suddenly, a nearby creature gets in front the following actions once:
of the character, their body blocking
the first successful melee or ranged at- • Cast a revivify spell.
tack that would hit the character in this • Cast a remove curse spell, which permanently re-
round, negating all of its damage. moves the lycanthropy from an afflicted were-

20 Roll twice on the encounter table and

apply both events rerolling a roll of 4 A NOBLE IN TROUBLE
or lower.
Lady Zainda Domiren, an elderly noblewoman wear-
Scene ing heavy makeup and an even heavier selection of
Several smaller events occur around the characters jewelry, shouts in pain and curses profanities from
as they drift within the crowd. Each event listed be- under one of the enormous candelabras that has fall-
low allows the characters to save priests and knights en on top of her and broke her feet. Fire starts to
from certain death and also helps in the final clash spread over her long dress, and she is furiously trying
at the gate. The characters should encounter these to escape her dire situation but to no avail.
events in the first few rounds of the 5 rounds that
are required for the priests and the Knights of the “You lazy bastards of a whore, help me!
Crown to reach the gate through the hall.
I’ll burn alive! I’m too famous and rich
to die like this!”
“Forward, true knights of
Lady Zainda Domiren shouting to her sons for help.
a pure crown! The future
of our kingdom depends Her middle-aged, chubby, unmotivated, and cur-
on your survival! Fight rently quite confused sons - Zajeer, Malo, and Ko-
until your last breaths!” rzen - watch her from a distance. They push the
crowd away as much as they can while holding onto
Lord Cyne Monder encouraging his knights. the leash of three of Lady Zainda’s favorite poodles

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

that bark or whine madly as the crowd kicks them Father Golvin. Use the priest monster entry with the
around. The brothers steer clear of the fight around following modifications:
them, struggling to reach their mother. However, the
noblewoman is clearly doomed if not helped in the • F ather Golvin has blindsight with a radius of 10 feet
following few moments. A character that succeeds and darkvision with a radius of 60 feet.
on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check realizes that •H  e has resistance to lightning damage.
her sons are faking their inability to assist her and are • Breath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). Father Golvin can ex-
looking at each other suspiciously, obviously seeking hale lightning in a 30-foot line that is 5 feet wide.
affirmation in their hesitation from each other. Each creature in that line must make a DC 11 Dex-
terity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) lightning dam-
A character who hurries to aid Lady Zainda can make a age on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check every round to re- successful one.
move the large candelabra from her body. Unfortunate- •H  e has two 1st level, one 2nd level, and one 3rd level
ly, the trashing noblewoman can survive for only three spell slots remaining.
rounds in the flames while pressed under the heavy
object’s weight. After three rounds, she passes out and
eventually dies, at which point her sons accuse anyone
who tried to help with murdering their mother.

If the characters save Lady Zainda, she kisses them,

leaving her deep red lip marks on her rescuer’s cheeks,
and gifts them with her necklace before retreating to
a safer corner of the hall while chiding her sons.

Lady Zainda’s necklace is a golden chain with tiny
beads of pearls mounted into it, worth 350 gold pieces.

Experience M A S O N D A R KH UN TE R
Award the party 700 experience points if they can
save Lady Zainda Domiren’s life. “Resist the curse, my brothers!
Remember your prayers!
FANGS OF HELLFIRE Remember your oath!”
Mason Darkhunter facing the werehellhound knights.
Two werehellhound knights are viciously attacking a Treasure
single Knight of the Crown named Mason Darkhunt- Each werehellhound knight has 8 silver pieces and 5
er and his protectee, Father Golvin, the young half- gold pieces.
blue dragon head cleric of the Temple of Knowledge
from the Isles of Xantharos. The knight and the priest
have been separated from the group led by Lord Cyne GREEDY RETRIBUTIONS
Monder and are cornered by the two lycanthropes.
Father Golvin stands behind the knight and tries to Background
aid him with his spells. The Knight of the Crown is at Lord Dyrin Karramosa and his family are among the
half of his maximum hit points. most esteemed nobles of Onadbyr. His lineage has long

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


been one of the wealthiest in the kingdom, and the se- rive to fight the werecreatures on the sixth round, the
cret of their gem deposits has always been a subject number of werehellhound knights that each character
of talk during the gatherings of the blue bloodied of must defeat is reduced to one per two characters in
the capital. the party. This is to reflect that the other lycanthropes
are engaged in battle with the allied group.
Using the chaos and hoping to avoid prosecution un- It is not necessary to map out the battle at the gate
der the new leadership, a group of envious minor no- with all of the Knights of the Crown, the priests,
bles and a few of their friends, accompanied by their Lord Cyne Monder, the notable assisting NPCs, and
servants, have taken on the opportunity to eliminate the characters with the werehellhound knights sur-
Lord Dyrin Karramosa and his two sons (use the rounding them on both sides. Instead, it is easier
noble monster entry). The mob of frenzied nobles to assume that the characters need to defeat the
has surrounded the lord and is about to lynch him. necessary number of werehellhound knights as if
A character who wishes to interfere and disperse the engaged in direct combat with them. However, it is
lynch mob of nobles must succeed on a DC 20 Cha- still required to roll for random encounters in the
risma (Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) skill crowd every round for each character separately
check. On a failed check the mob attacks the noble to represent the ongoing commotion around them.
and the characters as well. On a successful check, the
bloodthirsty group of nobles slowly scatters into the “Breach the gate, my brave
chaotic crowd that surrounds them.
sons! The future of the
Kingdom depends on it!”
“You think you’re above us? Where are
Lord Cyne Monder
your mines? Your lineage ends here!”
encouraging his knights.
The mob of frenzied nobles
threatening Lord Karramosa. When the characters defeat a sufficient number of
werehellhound knights, the way is free to approach
Treasure the gate to strike at it with their melee weapons. It
The mob of frenzied nobles altogether have 392 silver can be damaged by any other valid ranged means of
pieces and 557 gold pieces on their persons, but it re- attack before this point. When the characters crash
quires five rounds to collect all of the treasure from the gates, the crowd rushes to safety, forming a mas-
their bodies. sive force that pushes anyone in the front. A charac-
ter within 15 feet of the gate must succeed on a DC 13
Strength (Athletics) skill check to stay on foot as the
BETWEEN TWO FRONTS crowd relentlessly pushes at them from behind. On
a successful ability check, the character can navigate
Scene their way with the crowd and escape the coronation
The number of werehellhound knights blocking the hall. On a failed check, the character falls prone and
main gate of the coronation hall depends on the tim- is trampled by the crowd, suffering 3 (1d6) bludgeon-
ing of the characters’ approach to them. There are ing damage until regaining footing, which requires
two werehellhound knights present for each charac- another successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) skill
ter in the party if the characters arrive at the gate be- check that can be attempted every round.
fore the 5 rounds pass for the group of knights led by
Lord Cyne Monder to fight their way there. This is to Treasure
discourage the characters from trying to break out on Each werehellhound knight has 8 silver pieces and
their own. When the group of knights and priests ar- 5 gold pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

“I know a secret way out.

Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can Come with us and our
escape through the gates of the coronation hall. shields will be your bastion.”
Lord Cyne Monder offering his
protection to the characters.
After entering the abandoned chamber, he orders
Background the doors to be closed, letting everyone in until the
Lord Cyne Monder knows of the secret maze of tun- werehellhounds catch up. Then, he opens the secret
nels leading in and out of the courtyard of the Royal entrance to an 8 foot high and 5 foot wide, roughly
Palace. He always considered them a risk, but King hewn tunnel that leads deep underground. Still run-
Waldrann insisted on having them created under ning, he navigates the way through endless junctions
great secrecy by Nyder Tyk, his chief architect. for a few minutes before exiting into the sewer tun-
nels under Long Road, near the Giant’s Boots tavern
Environment (Onadbyr location 81.). The priests break off from the
The steep 10-foot tall tunnel that begins at the Tomb group and leave in the tunnels or return to the sur-
of the First King (Onadbyr location 66.) runs some 200 face to aid their fellow clergymen scattered through-
feet and spreads out into a maze with several secret out the capital.
exits near both sides of the river, connecting into the
sewer system under the Short Road and Long Road. The waste in the tunnels has a gut-wrenching sicken-
ing smell, so strong that anyone within 10 feet of the
Secret Exit. These hidden, irregularly shaped panels sewage must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving
appear as part of the brick wall of the tomb and throw or become poisoned for 10 minutes and lose
require a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) concentration on spells. Anyone in contact with the
skill check to locate if the character is searching waste for more than 3 rounds risks catching sewer
for them. plague. As the group follows the sewers to Grankar’s
Chains, they come across a large, curiously cunning
Scene swarm of rats that has just gained Vile Intellect (see Ap-
As the characters exit the coronation hall, they flee pendix A: The Midnight Curse) and consider themselves
into the open courtyard together with the crowd, as a single rat pack. They came to understand that
rushing towards the open gates of the Royal Palace. equipment is important, and now they want to steal
They immediately face the effects of the Choking Rain as many items off of the group as possible without at-
(see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse). Another large tacking the characters. They climb into pockets, open
crowd has assembled in the courtyard - people who backpacks, and even remove jewelry from hands, fin-
were not invited to the ceremonial hall and many gers, or necks if needed. They don’t deal any damage
soldiers of the Royal Army stationed outside. They to creatures in their threatened area and disperse if
are all scared and confused and become even more damaged. A character inside the threatened area of
shocked when they see the screaming crowd pour the rat pack must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving
out of the Royal Palace, covered in blood and gore, throw or lose one random item not worn on their
with transformed werehellhound knights chasing af- bodies as clothing or armor or not held in their hands.
ter their brothers and their trusted priests. With the
werehellhound knights pushing through the crowd Rat Pack. Use the swarm of rats monster entry with
behind them, Lord Cyne Monder assembles his sur- the following modifications:
viving knights, who number only a dozen, and sig-
nals the characters to follow him into the Tomb of • The rat pack has 49 hit points.
the First King. • It threatens a 20-foot diameter area.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Lord Cyne Monder leads the group to the surface Once inside, Ricio Tane activates the lock-down
through a maintenance hole and hastily crosses mechanism of the Lucky Leap and escorts the group
Grankar’s Chain, leading the renegades by the Old to his secret level, where he provides them with a
Wall behind the Soap and Cream bathhouse, where safe hideout.
they soon reach the Lucky Leap. The group hides in
some bushes in the alleys when a bolt of hex light- If the characters have decided not to follow Lord
ning hits one of the characters chosen randomly, Cyne Monder’s group to the Lucky Leap, they are
(see the Weather section in Appendix A: The Mid- contacted the next day by Ricio Tane, who relays the
night Curse) as if it wanted to reveal them. After lord’s invitation to the tavern in hopes of the charac-
the stricken character is healed, Lord Cyne Monder ter’s help to save the kingdom.
knocks on the closed door, and soon Ricio Tane ap-
pears with a troubled expression. He takes a glance “Lord Monder and I have
at the group, then turns around and hurries every-
a plan. And a solid plan
one inside.
is what we all need
“I should have bet the most now.”
Ricio Tane convincing the characters to join his cause.
on seeing you tonight.
Come quick!” Experience
Ricio Tane welcoming Lord Cyne Award the party 1,100 experience points if they reach
Monder and his refugees. the Lucky Leap.


OATHBOUND TRUTHS Area 12, the Secret Private Hideout of the Secret Level
in the Lucky Leap is now covered with bedrolls and
Background the private equipment of the Knights of the Crown,
Lord Cyne Monder was part of the expedition led by who fled together with Lord Cyne Monder.
Kind Waldrann that entered the Feyrealm to rescue
Queen Lyrencia long ago. He has only hazy, dream- Scene
like recollections of the journey, which he has been Ricio Tane, Lord Cyne Monder, ten Knights of the
trying to piece together bits by bits for the past dec- Crown, and any other NPCs who fled with them
ade or more. However, he clearly remembers that he gather in area 12 of the Secret Level to assess the sit-
swore an oath to the king not to tell anyone about uation and discuss their next move. Everyone listens
what had happened in the Feyrealm. in silence as Lord Cyne Monder explains his theory

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“I pledge on my honor and

about the satyr lord’s deal with King Waldrann and
that he suspects King Dasmag’s power behind the on all that is holy. I have
curse. Next, Lord Cyne Monder presents the follow- suspicions about what
ing information. has befallen our beloved
kingdom, but I have vowed
•H  e states that what he tells is the publicly known
version of the story as told by King Waldrann many
not to speak of it in more detail than
times at his court. He also adds that he and Master as told by his majesty.”
Eydan vowed not to speak about the events that Lord Cyne Monder explains himself
took place in the Feyrealm in more detail than that. to the characters.
• Fifteen years ago, the satyr-lord King Dasmag kid-
napped Queen Lyrencia. Lord Cyne Monder vowed not to speak of the follow-
• King Waldrann organized a rescue mission that in- ing information:
cluded his firstborn son Prince Krasnar, a high-rank-
ing priest of the Temple of Knowledge named Fa- •K  ing Waldrann struck a secret deal with the de-
ther Lestor, the former Archmage of the Arcane feated satyr lord, which concerns the crown, and
Tower named Master Eydan, and himself. he supposes that this has affected the realm. He
•H  e doesn’t remember how they crossed to the doesn’t know the details of the bargain as it was
Feyrealm or returned from there, but he recalls a discussed privately by the two drunk kings during
strange tree with eyes. the feast.
•H  e explains that he remembers everything as if it • On their way home, Prince Krasnar demanded con-
was only a vivid dream, but he has been recollect- firmation of his rightful status as heir, and a fight
ing the fading memories over the years. took place between him and King Waldrann. The
• On the Feyrealm, King Waldrann defeated King Das- king eventually killed his raging and indignant son.
mag in a duel. The satyr lord was fascinated by King • King Waldrann made his company swear an oath
Waldrann’s demeanor and combat prowess and re- to never speak about the details of their journey,
turned Queen Lyrencia. but Father Lestor refused, and as a result, the king
• The two haughty kings sympathized with each oth- declared him an exile and forbade him to return to
er and celebrated their newfound allegiance with a the Material Plane.
feast at the satyr lord’s court. King Dasmag blessed
the crown of Aglarion with a blessing of plenty to A character can learn the above information from
make up for the trouble he caused. Lord Cyne Monder only if they magically compel
• On their way back, Prince Krasnar and Father Lest- him to tell what he knows or successfully read his
or were swallowed by a quicksand-like area of the thoughts. If confronted about this, the lord says that
swamp and died. A character that succeeds on a DC he can’t confirm their truth due to his vow and again
12 Wisdom (Insight) skill check discerns from Lord asks the characters to trust him.
Cyne Monder’s interpretation that the lord paladin
knows that this piece of information is not true. Lord Cyne Monder suspects Queen Aphinah’s and
Dowager Queen Lyrencia’s involvement in the events
and even their possible cooperation with King Das-
mag. He was also unaware that they have magical
abilities and is very suspicious about them for their
pretenses. He knew Queen Lyrencia as a kind, pa-
tient, and reserved person and was shocked to see
the cold and evil look on her face as the curse spread.
The lord disdains Queen Aphinah, who he has simply

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


found to be a spoiled, sometimes vicious child, but he Lord Cyne Monder asks the characters to help with
is not sure about that either anymore. the heist’s preparations and collect the necessary
tools for such an endeavor. He reasons that it would
When questioned about the inheritence of the crown, be foolish for himself or the Knights of the Crown to
Lord Cyne Monder is most certain that a regent will join the quests as they are easily recognized and not
have to be appointed until an heir is found or until trained for such infiltration missions. He tells them
a new lineage ascends to the throne. The old paladin that he and his knights will lay low until the compo-
is one of the few who knows about Gren, the bas- nents are secured and will take part in the raid on
tard son of King Waldrann Azennar, but he wants the palace themselves along with the characters, a
convincing proof of the young Uncanny Vagabond’s glorious cleansing of the Palace.
right to rule. He only refers to this option vaguely,
not naming Gren specifically.
As someone who serves to protect the royal family,
Scene Lord Cyne Monder knows that entering Queen Aph-
Lord Cyne Monder presents his plan that involves inah’s chambers is a daring task due to the many
the stealing of the crown of Aglarion. He intends to sealed doors and guards who protect the Royal Quar-
cleanse the visibly mutated crown, to which he has ters of the Palace. Lacking any magical means, he
given his oath to protect and which symbolizes the suggests a quick raid to recover the crown. Still, Ri-
integrity of the kingdom. He trusts his divine powers cio Tane interrupts and says that he knows about
and being able to remove curses. If he fails, he plans the master key, a magical key of great power that
to visit Master Eydan, who has not left the Arcane can open any lock of any complexity, be it mundane
Tower since their return from the Feyrealm and has or magical. He explains that the magic key was in
also given up the status of archmage to his best stu- possession of one of his old “adventuring” partners,
dent, Master Zaophas. In the worst case, Lord Cyne Davrillo Prancarr. The master burglar, as Ricio refers
Monder is even ready to destroy the cursed crown. to him, has found and entered the resting place of
The lord asks the characters and his knights to trust Master Arlen the Constructor, the first archmage of
him with his insight and decisions. Ricio Tane im- the kingdom. Davrillo told him about the location
mediately adds some thoughts to the task at hand, of the Tomb of the Constructor north-east of Onad-
and after a lengthy discussion, they come up with a byr by the coast, and his plans to rob it. Still, Ricio
detailed plan to accomplish the seemingly impossi- Tane refused to partake in the tomb raiding as he
ble task. was then busy opening the Lucky Leap and getting
ready for his “retirement.” The master burglar never
“We must seize the crown returned from the tomb, and Ricio Tane never dared
to go after his friend - a risky task obviously out of
and cleanse it. And if we
his and his friend’s league.
can’t, then we must return
to the satyr lord’s realm
and make it do the task.
We can’t let our people suffer from
such a vile, unnatural curse. So we
must act immediately!”
Lord Cyne Monder explaining his general plan.

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C H A P TE R 2

“Davrillo always had wild O F M A G IC
plans, and I joined only N U L LIF IC AT IO N
for the most reasonable
ones. It is probably as
dangerous now as it
was before, but I don’t think that
we have any other choice now,
especially with such associates.”
Ricio Tane goading the characters
with a wise expression.


Ricio Tane tells the characters that the chest of magic
Scene nullification is unfortunately not ready for use. It al-
Once the above is settled, Ricio Tane tells about the ready contains another vile magical artifact of a cat-
properties of the chest of magic nullification. This aclysmic nature, which he only found out about after
magic item is in his possession, stored away in the opening the box. He says that he found a strange idol
basement vault of the Lucky Leap. He reasons that made of a dark green stone inside the magical box. It
the anti-magic chest might even suppress the cursed depicted a strange beast on two legs with a propor-
magics on the crown and stop it from functioning, tionally huge horned head, an oversized maw, and a
potentially ending the Midnight Curse. And it would long barbed tail. He continues by saying that the idol
definitely be useful to hide the crown of Aglarion from emanated an aura that caused his body to instantly
magical tracking once it is procured. dehydrate as if the totem evaporated all moisture
around it. As a result, he suffered immense pain as
“It might block its powers, his skin ripped open like dry paper being torn. He
colorfully describes his struggle for his life and that
and we could easily end
even the trees in front of his house withered im-
this madness with it. mediately when the aura of the idol continued to
There’s only one small spread. He immediately closed the lid of the box, nev-
problem…” er to open it again.

Ricio Tane elaborating on his logic. “…and every part of my

insides was wracked with
pain as if they were torn
in every direction by
invisible hands. It was
the worst experience I ever had…
Anyway, we need to sort this out
before being able to use it.”
Ricio Tane gesturing wildly
while explaining his ordeal.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Ricio Tane slowly and sorrowfully admits that it was “Narder Tyk lives right
his wife who stole the chest from the vaults of the next to Dawn of the Ages,
Emporium of Marvelous Rarities almost a decade ago. an antique shop in the
The retired rogue tells the complete story as described
North District. He is
in the section The Price of Underestimation. He de-
scribes the location as a large magic shop and private a regular at the Leap. I walked him
wizard school with the most secure vault in the city. home quite a few times over the years.”
As part of her plan, his deceased wife Avrathia Sil- Ricio Tane speaking with an all-knowing expression.
verstar, a wizard who studied at the Arcane Tower,
was able to sneak into the vault after spending over
a year in Master Bertio Ranberd’s school and shop.
Ricio Tane explains that she stole the chest of magic
nullification from an anti-magic vault deep below the
shop. The anti-magic vault would be the only place
to open the chest and safely remove the idol. Ricio
knows how to enter but warns that avoiding the
magical alarms and traps and dodging the capable
sentinel wizards and their professor, Master Bertio
Randberd, will not be an easy task.

See area 16 of the Lucky Leap tavern in Chapter 1 for

more information on the Idol of Thyargylosh and the
section What Ricio Tane Knows for more informa-
tion on the secrets of the Emporium of Marvelous

Lord Cyne Monder explains that he knows that King
Waldrann had a secret tunnel system built that leads
directly into the heart of the Royal Quarters, bypass-
ing the rest of the Royal Court. He knows that the
king used this tunnel to exit and enter the Royal Pal-
ace unnoticed to attend his secret liaisons. His only
problem is that the lord doesn’t know exactly where
the entrance or exit is inside and outside the pal-
ace. He knows that it was built by Master Arlen and
Narder Tyk, the Royal Architect, is the only person
who can reveal the secret of the tunnel to them. He
suggests finding him as soon as possible before the
Queen’s forces get to him first.

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Background Environment
Davrillo Prancarr was a master thief and friend of Ricio Time has shown its effect on the hundreds of years
Tane who entered the Tomb of the Constructor (King- since the tomb was sealed. The once majestic tiles,
dom of Aglarion location 2.) alone many years ago. The which are massive blocks to support the weight
tomb was created by the legendary first archmage of of Master Arlen’s constructs, have chipped in some
the Kingdom of Aglarion, Master Arlen the Constructor, places, and fine dust has settled over everything, set-
over 500 years ago. He built the structure to serve as tling from the excavation site of the infinite library.
a depository of his knowledge and body once his time Soft, magical illumination emanates from the ceiling,
came. The venerable archmage planned to spend some providing enough light to see everything in the dim
years sequestered at the tomb until his death, dictating light. All chambers have a height of 30 feet.
his memoir and all of his knowledge to his multifunc-
tional construction golems, the daedal wrights. So he Doors. The large wooden double doors (10 by 10 feet)
tasked the daedal wrights to create an ever-expanding are fortified with iron plates and open by automat-
library, vertically carved into the bedrock where they ically withdrawing into the ceiling if a creature ap-
could deposit his thoughts engraved onto clay tablets. proaches within 5 feet of them. The doors close when
no creatures are within 5 feet of them. The doors
Davrillo Prancarr uncovered the secret location of have AC 17, 40 hit points, a damage threshold of 5,
the tomb from an old manuscript written by Queen they have damage resistance against slashing dam-
Myrel Melkar, the firstborn daughter of King Raz- age, and damage immunity against piercing, poison,
myrel Melkar. The young queen, also a wizard of great and psychic damage. They can be sabotaged to stay
power, was tutored by Master Arlen, and it was her open or closed using thieves’ tools with a successful
duty to accompany the archmage to his tomb before DC 20 Dexterity ability check or forced open with a
Master Arlen sealed it. Davrillo Prancarr expected the successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
secret sepulcher would be safe to explore and brim-
ming with the archmage’s treasure. Armed with the Private Sanctum. The Tomb of the Constructor is un-
master key, he was confident and expecting a quick der the permanent effect of a private sanctum spell,
and easy delve. However, he miscalculated and found blocking planar travel, teleportation, and divination
only his death inside the Tomb of the Constructor. spells.

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1. S E CRE T P A S S A G E Scene
Hungry for power and treasures, Eshkilrantossiazz (use
Background the young green dragon monster entry with 108 hit
Eshkilrantossiazz, a young green dragon offspring remaining hit points) was unable to crush the gate
of Ossiazzxontyr, has recovered the location of the and has been struggling with the complex puzzle lock
secret tomb by communing with its dead ancestor’s for the past few weeks. It has been relentlessly trying
soul at an old sunken temple called the Ethereal to solve the puzzle, enduring the pain caused by the
Cloister. At this covered walkway, the border be- bursts of energy at each failed attempts. Its draconic
tween the outer planes and the Material Plane is patience is slowly wearing thin, and it would even co-
so thin that one can hear the souls of the dead. The operate with the characters if it meant gaining entry
green dragon gleaned forgotten lore from its de- into the tomb. It is a cunning, charismatic creature that
ceased ancestor that led it to the conclusion that it tries to take advantage of any situation without giving
could find an even vaster depository of knowledge up too much. It keeps its word if an agreement is made
at the tomb of the archmage to continue its arcane but will set forth harsh and one-sided conditions.
Eshkilrantossiazz demands access to all the infor-
Environment mation in the tomb and half of any treasure they
The illusory wall segment that hides the opening find together with the characters. The young green
to a small natural cave seamlessly blends into the dragon does not take unnecessary risks, will not en-
natural rocky environment. The cave inside is lit- danger itself, and will also not help or interfere with
tered with demolished golem parts in front of the anything that it has not agreed to previously with
main gate of the tomb, which features a massive the characters. Instead, he tries to use the characters
lock mechanism. as tools to serve its own interests.

Tomb Gate. Master Arlen created the gate of the tomb

so that it doesn’t require a key and can be opened 2. CO M M E M O RA TIO N
only by a highly intelligent creature. The large wood-
en gate (10 by 10 feet) is heavily fortified with magic
and has AC 19, 60 hit points, a damage threshold of
20, it has damage resistance against slashing dam- Environment
age, and damage immunity against piercing, poison, A 20-foot gigantic stone statue of the young Mas-
and psychic damage. The locks on the gate are part ter Arlen stands in the middle of the hall, holding
of a complex puzzle mechanism that can be solved an open book in one hand. Models of Master Arlen’s
with a successful DC 22 Intelligence ability check. On most fantastic inventions and constructions are dis-
a successful ability check, the gate is opened. On a played on small pedestals by the walls, labeled with
failed attempt or when an attack hits it, the gate re- small name tags:
leases a 30-foot cone of energy that deals either acid,
cold, fire, force, or lightning damage, determined • Azure Bridge, a bridge made of a single blue crystal.
randomly each time. Any creature in the area must • Falcon Blade, the magical sword of the monarch.
make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 28 (8d6) • Royal Palace, as seen in Onadbyr.
damage of the randomly determined type on a failed • Colossus, a golem made up of small intricate parts.
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. • Fists of Azennar, a tower with heavy siege engines
The tomb gate can be opened using thieves’ tools on its top.
with a successful DC 25 Dexterity ability check or •D  ynadog, a strange mechanical hound.
forced open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Ath- • Daedal Wright, a multifunction construction golem.
letics) skill check. •A  rcane Tower, the figurative model of the building.

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When anyone opens the door to area 3, a pile of in-
scribed clay tablets tumbles out of the scriptorium.
A creature at the door must succeed on a DC 11 Dex-
terity saving throw or fall prone under the crashing
wave of clay tablets.

3. S CR I P TO R I U M
Master Arlen spent most of his time in the scrip-
torium, writing notes and dictating the sum of
his knowledge in meticulous detail to his daedal
wright golems. The day when he got too weak to
G H O ST O F M A STE R A R LE N speak, he collapsed on the table over his unfin-
ished notes and passed away. However, his soul
The door to area 3 has numerous clay tablets lying could not rest and rose as a ghost to continue
in front of it, which seem to have fallen out of the what he could not finish in his life. The ghost of
scriptorium when the door opened. The ceiling of Master Arlen has been continuously dictating all of
the hall is covered with the permanent illusion of a its memories and thoughts to its golems, and it has
large terrain map of Aglarion from the times of Mas- not stopped since.
ter Arlen. The map slightly animates as soft breezes
move the trees of the forests, rivers slowly flow, and Environment
ripples run through bodies of water. Tall piles of clay tablets with writing inscribed on
their surface cover the floor of this room, some of
Scene them almost touching the ceiling of the room. Old
The book in the hand of Master Arlen’s statue has tomes and scrolls fill the shelves on the sides of the
a secret text written on its open pages that is only room, all of them covered with a thick layer of fine
visible to those who can see the invisible. The text dust. A robed skeleton lies slumped over a writing
conveys the basic concepts of constructing any ob- desk that stands at the end of the room.
ject and relates this theory to the divine essence of
the Efficient Master, the god of competence. A char- Scene
acter that can read the text itself gains the boon of The room is difficult terrain due to the piles of clay
construction. tablets in the room. The skeleton is that of Master
Arlen, whose ghost hovers nearby, dictating its in-
Boon of Construction. As an action, you can cast finite knowledge to a daedal wright. It speaks rap-
the fabricate spell without using a spell slot or any idly and goes into unnecessary details on all topics,
components. You can’t use this boon again until you spending hours describing tangents in the utmost
finish a long rest. complexity. The golem is busy inscribing what it
hears on a clay tablet, then places the fully inscribed
The illusory ceiling map shows the publicly known tablet on one of the nearby piles, stopping only to
map of Aglarion that also includes the location of the draw a new one and then to continue the inscrip-
Ziggurat of the New Moon (Kingdom of Aglarion lo- tions. It does not react to the characters when they
cation 64.), a strange ziggurat on the cliffs of the Sea approach it but attacks them if attacked. The daedal
Horse Cove. However, those familiar with the area wright abandons combat if reduced to half of its hit
know that there is no such building on the peninsula. points and goes to area 4.

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A feather of detection, the wing feather of a real couatl
named Cygnus, lies on the writing desk with some ink
on its tip, long dried up. The skeleton has a strange
blue crystal embedded into its forehead.

4. A S S E M B L Y R O O M
Dismembered mechanical body parts of various go-
DEA D A L lems, tools, wires, springs, bolts, and screws fill this

When a damaged construct enters the room, magi-
The ghost of Master Arlen is imperturbable and con- cal hands appear and repair it with blinding speed.
tinues to dictate without pause until the characters A damaged construct regains 10 hit points every round
initiate physical contact with it. At this point, it gets while being repaired by the magical effect of the room.
furious for being interrupted and uses its Horrifying
Visage ability on them before resuming dictation. Treasure
One of the golem heads has two large quartz crystals
“Don’t interrupt! for eyes worth 125 gold pieces each.
The Master is at work!”
Master Arlen raging out at 5. S P I R A L L IB R A RY
the characters while using
its horrifying visage ability. Environment
The skeleton of a long-dead human lies near the door
If the characters continue to interfere, the ghost of at the feet of a hulking, multi-armed construct. It is
Master Arlen possesses one of the closest charac- well equipped and dressed in leather armor. A huge
ters and continues dictating through the possessed oven stands opposite the door. Its blazing fire dances
character without stopping. If attacked, it orders the vividly without any apparent source of fuel for the
daedal wright to attack the characters and fights un- flames. Clean and inscribed clay tablets are piled on
til destroyed before starting to rejuvenate. one side of it, while baskets of raw and unhardened
clay sit on its other side. A railless staircase descends in
Ghost of Master Arlen. Use the ghost monster en- a downward spiral in the center of the room, forming
try for the ghost of Master Arlen with the following a broad, hexagonal shaft with many levels. Each level
modifications: is crafted into a 5-foot wide walkway and shelves that
hold a seemingly infinite number of clay tablets. The
•T  he ghost of Master Arlen has an Intelligence score shaft currently has 24 levels, and it is 240 feet deep,
of 24 and the following skills: Arcana +13, History covered with shelves manufactured from the earth of
+13, Nature +7, Religion +7. which it was dug. At its bottom, the destroyed bodies
• If the ghost of Master Arlen is destroyed, it gains a of two daedal wrights lie in pieces on the ground be-
new body in 1d10 hours, regaining all its hit points fore an immense natural tunnel that runs deep into
and resuming dictation. the darkness. Their metal parts chewed off.

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Scene An ironglutter dug the tunnel at the bottom of the
The skeleton is the body of the long-dead Davrillo library. This special remorhaz feeds on metal (use
Prancarr. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intel- the remorhaz monster entry with the ability to de-
ligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Medicine) skill tect metal within 300 feet). The ironglutter hides
check can deduce that the thief was smashed and 240 feet inside its tunnel and will come to the lo-
drilled to pieces by the daedal writght standing next cation at full speed (moving 60 feet per round) if
to it. The malfunctioned construct activates and at- it detects metal objects at the bottom of the shaft
tacks any living creature that enters the room. weighing 3 pounds or more. As it approaches with
a thunderous noise, the earth rumbles, suggesting
The deadal wrights use the oven to fire the clean its immense size before it can actually be seen. If
clay tablets. Master Arlen has bound a fire elemental the characters flee upwards from the ironglutter, it
into the oven for eternity. The elemental can’t exit burrows into the ground, still detecting the metal
the oven. they carry and explodes out of the
floor 60 feet behind them.
The library’s very first few dozen clay tablets con- Create a situation where
tain an index for the rest of the information the characters try to
to follow down through the library, refer- outrun the ironglut-
enced by Master Arlen’s age. The shelves end ter, which will be
abruptly at the bottom of the column as if distracted to feed
the golems stopped excavating further. The at area 4 and will
tablets, inscribed with tiny letters, contain stop at the illuso-
every detail of Master Arlen’s life, studies, ry rock formation
deductions, and theories on all topics mun- at area 1 before re-
dane and magical. A character can spend one turning to its tun-
hour reading the indexation tablets and can nel. If the characters
spend another 24 hours to recover detailed face the ironglutter in
information about the life of Master Arlen combat, the ghost of Mas-
until the age of 79, somewhere into the ter Arlen comes to their aid
reign of Queen Myrel. Such characters along with its remaining daedal
can read the history of Aglarion as wright, but then they both return to
found in the Kingdom of Aglarion sec- area 3.
tion from Master Arlen’s birth up
to this point and gain advantage Treasure
on all Intelligence (Arcana and Davrillo Prancarr’s skeleton has 9 copper
History) skill checks and on all pieces, 12 silver pieces, 81 gold pieces, 4
Intelligence skill checks re- platinum bars, a ruby worth 250 gold piec-
lated to construction, con- es in a pouch. His other belongings are a
structs, engineering, and burglar’s pack, a potion of invisibility, a potion
architecture. The library of flying, a potion of speed, a +1 short sword, and
also contains informa- the master key in one of its small belt pockets.
tion on all wizard
spells found in the Experience
Player’s Handbook, Award the party 1,100 experience points if they
allowing wizard charac- recover the master key from the Tomb of the Con-
ters to learn any of these spells structor and escape the irongutter.
if they are able to cast them.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2


The Emporium of Marvelous Rarities (Onadbyr location close eye on his subordinates. He keeps security tight,
14.) is a one-of-a-kind magic shop with a wide range for example ordering regular shipments of food and
of stock unparalleled anywhere in Aglarion or even in resource materials to the shop from a few selected
the neighboring kingdoms. The shop also functions as trustworthy sources, which are regularly examined
a private school for a selected few humble and servile and screened for security reasons.
pupils, of which there are always six in attendance. As
Master Bertio Ranberd calls them, the arcane senti- There are usually more people staring at the win-
nels, receive extensive training in the arcane arts, with dows and the shelves inside the store than actually
a major focus on abjuration magic, in return for their buying its goods. The wizards don’t mind the gawk-
services to the shop. The current pupils of the master ing crowd, which creates a premium reputation and
are Drinnur Baelguard, a confident human with a bad draws more serious and well-to-do shoppers to the
temper, Thegorin Civereus, a rather shy gnome with establishment. However, after the coronation of
a bushy eyebrow, Egeor Azin, a skeptical human who Queen Aphinah and the outbreak of the Midnight
has lost his left arm, Dunphius the White, a calculating Curse, the shop has lost almost all of its previous
elf with no sense of humor, Enixea Swiftwings, an in- buzz. The staring crowd is gone, but the front desk
troverted human who has a large scar across her face, sees a few more serious clients who are desperate
and Aphaen Larixus, a brusque tiefling with a third eye to equip themselves with magic against the harmful
tattooed on his forehead. effects that have befallen the kingdom. As a result,
the shop’s stocks are almost entirely depleted as the
The arcane sentinels all live in the building. They can demand is high and resources are fewer in these un-
leave it only under the permission of Master Bertio predictable, dangerous times.
Ranberd, which is rarely given, especially after the
curse descends on Aglarion. Their daily tasks include Environment
training, magical cleaning, security maintenance, cre- Large animated glowing letters hover above the high
ating minor magic items such as potions and scrolls display windows and the shop’s main entrance, ad-
for sale, and guard duties. The master keeps a very vertising its name and the current discounts available

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


for selected items. Several curious items are displayed Guards and Wards (DC 16). The Emporium of Marve-
in the window at different heights, their names, func- lous Rarities is under the permanent effect of a guards
tions, and prices displayed with the same glowing and wards spell whose effects are spread throughout
and continuously shifting magical letters. The rest of specific areas. Attempts to dispel this effect are made
the house’s windows are usually closed and covered with disadvantage due to Master Bertio Ranberd’s Te-
with heavy curtains from the inside. The two large nacious Abjurations class feature.
statues of wizards that illuminate the windows and
the main entrance function only when the shop is Alarms. A special alarm spell, made permanent by
open for business. Numerous magical lights of var- Master Bertio Ranberd, is active at all times on every
ious intensities illuminate the rooms and corridors window, on the main entrance of the shop when the
of the building, including the dungeon vault level. All store is closed, on the door to the corridor behind
rooms have a height of 10 feet except for area 20. the desk in area 1, all of the doors in area 14, and
the outer vault door in area 17. The audible alarm
Doors. Doors (including the main double door) open sounds like a pulsating shriek that does not stop un-
inwards and are made of thick, sturdy wood fitted til switched off by the caster of the spell. The alarm
with iron hinges and handles. They feature masterful- also sends a mental signal to the arcane sentinels
ly crafted locks secured with arcane lock spells, which and Master Bertio Ranberd. The arcane sentinels and
can be picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC Master Bertio Ranberd are all designated not to set
25 Dexterity check or forced open with a successful off the alarm spells. The arcane sentinels and Mas-
DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check. In addition, the ter Bertio Ranberd come to assess the situation if an
main double door has an extra invisible iron grate alarm goes off. The audible part of the alarm also at-
on the inside that has AC 19, 30 hit points, a damage tracts the Red Cloaks, who arrive within 2d4+2 min-
threshold of 10, it has damage resistance against slash- utes. The detect magic spell reveals the alarm spell on
ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing, an item or area.
poison, and psychic damage.
Corridors and Stairs. As part of the guards and wards
Windows. Windows open inwards and have wooden spell placed on the entire building, all corridors and
frames and a single layer of thick glass. The wings stairs connecting rooms or levels, except for the cor-
are held together by iron latches and secured with ridor between areas 2 and 3, are filled with a magic
arcane lock spells, which can be picked with thieves’ fog. The arcane sentinels and Master Bertio Ranberd
tools on a successful DC 25 Dexterity check or forced see through the fog and are unaffected by its effects.
open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) Any other creature moving in the fog must make a
skill check. In addition, invisible iron bars are embed- d20 roll. On a roll of 1-10, the creature goes in the
ded in the wooden frames in front of the glass panels opposite direction it originally intended to, without
on the inside, forming a fixed barrier that has AC 19, knowing that they move in the wrong direction.
30 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, it has damage Webs also fill all the stairs are from top to bottom.
resistance against slashing damage, and damage im- The webs function as the web spell. These strands re-
munity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. grow in 10 minutes if they are burned or torn away.

Private Sanctum. The Emporium of Marvelous Rari- Vault Lock Mechanism. The complex lock mecha-
ties is under the permanent effect of a private sanctum nism on the two vault doors is controlled by four
spell, blocking planar travel, teleportation, and divi- switches spread around the building. The inner and
nation spells, and prevents creatures from peeping or the outer vault doors can be opened using a separate
listening through its windows. Attempts to dispel this unique key for each door only after all four switches
effect are made with disadvantage due to Master Ber- are activated within ten minutes. These switches are
tio Ranberd’s Tenacious Abjurations class feature. of various forms throughout the building and don’t

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

signal their active status if activated. Each switch ment allowed the wizard to use his magic within the
counts as a lock for the purposes of the knock spell. radiance of the crystal, and it also defends him from its
The switches can be found in the following areas. mind-wrecking psychic assault.

•A  mosaic tile on the wall next to the lavatory must In return for this gift, the dark celestial demanded in-
be pressed in area 3. formation and power to separate light and darkness
• An otherwise seemingly non-functional valve must once again by summoning its former master. The two
be rotated counterclockwise in area 11. made a deal: Master Bertio Ranberd must dedicate
• The arms of the clock on a painting must be set to his life to the Darkness Within, serving it to his best
noon exactly in area 13. capabilities with his knowledge and the treasures he
• A sconce on the back wall must be rotated in area 16. hoards. Zaxlyppoteh convinced the wizard of the di-
vine might of the Darkness Within and has started in-
Make sure you familiarize yourself with the rules for doctrinating him to its faith, nurturing his godly pow-
Traps on page 120 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide ers and watching him grow in his arcane talents. The
before running this section of the adventure. evil couatl gifted the wizard with a tiny fraction of
divine creation itself, a divine spark, a magic item that
could breathe life into a single construct or dead per-
THE MYTHIC MASTER son when used. Master Bertio Ranberd was lured in by
the grand promises of power and made the eventual
Background return of his newfound master to the Material Plane
Master Bertio Ranberd is a calculating merchant wiz- his primary goal. He is actively searching for more
ard who knew how to develop a business and protect remnants of the dark solar’s power and seeks magical
it. He has always been a lone wolf and has built his knowledge and items that could further this goal.
fortune gradually, with good connections to the Roy-
al Palace and most of Drayl’s prominences. His most
significant discovery was a reference to the location THE PRICE OF
of the vessel crystal of Zaphaos, the dark planetar of
hopelessness and general of the Dark Star, under Cloud
Peak. The wizard spared no resources on magic formu-
las and magical items to locate the crystal through div- Background
ination spells and traveling through the ethereal plane. Avrathia Silverstar was a beautiful, flamboyant, and ex-
However, when he finally landed in the exact desired travagant half-elven wizard who immediately stole the
space, he realized that he made a grave mistake. His heart of Ricio Tane when she first entered the Lucky
etherealness immediately ended together with all his Leap with a glorious, magically propelled jump some
magical powers in the anti-magic radiance of the di- twenty years ago. The two became inseparable, mar-
vine vessel, a crystal of the immortals, that also ema- ried, and got involved in many questionable missions
nated an overwhelmingly crushing pain into his mind. over the years until they laid an eye on Master Ber-
To his utmost terror and in his helplessness, he was tio Ranberd’s magical treasures. They planned to have
greeted by the dark couatl, Zaxlyppoteh. The immor- Avrathia Silverstar infiltrate the Emporium of Marve-
tal caretaker of the dark solar offered salvation to the lous Rarities as a student, learn its secrets, and make
dying wizard in return for his services. Master Bertio sure to execute a smooth robbery together when they
Ranberd, struggling for his life, accepted the terms. The were ready. The couple arranged for one of Master Ber-
dark couatl allowed him to attune to the crystal to tio Ranberd’s sentinel wizards to quit the school, and
avoid its effects, slowly inserting a small fragment of Avrathia Silverstar applied for the job and the tuition
it into the wizard’s forehead while keeping him alive that came with it. She easily passed the application pro-
with curative magic during the attunement. The frag- cess, hiding her vast knowledge of magic, which was

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


almost at the level of Master Bertio Ranberd. Avrathia and its anti-magic aura that negated all her magic
Silverstar spent over a year at the school, working at powers forced her to retreat through the teleporta-
the shop and protecting its valuables as instructed. tion circle, which for some reason still functioned in
During her time at the Emporium of Marvelous Rari- the anti-magic cave. Her intrusion raised more ques-
ties, she uncovered and reverse-engineered the unlock- tions than answers, but she knew for sure that she
ing mechanism of the secret vault system and learned had been caught in the act. Avrathia had enough pres-
its mundane and magical properties. ence of mind to quickly remove an item from one of
the closest containers - the chest of magic nullification
Avrathia Silverstar’s withheld arcane knowledge and - before winking out of the cave through the tele-
totally fooled Master Bertio Ranberd, showing signif- portation circle. She immediately fled the house and
icant progress in her studies to impress the master stopped only for a brief goodbye at the Lucky Leap.
and get closer to his secrets. Master Bertio Ranberd The rattled Avrathia told Ricio that she has failed and
thought he had found rare potential in the half-elf that she does not want to draw the ire of the wizard
and invested much of his time into her training. They on her love. She gave him the chest she stole along
spent many hours in private studies, and Master Ber- with some notes that described the security measures
tio Ranberd soon fell in love with the young wizardess. of the building, including the combination that opens
He considered making her his right hand and telling the vault doors, before kissing him and running off
her about his deal with the agent of the Dark Star so into the dark streets. Ricio Tane reached to stop her,
they could achieve his goals hand-in-hand and harvest but she cast a spell and was gone as fast as she had
the benefits together. However, before he was ready entered his life so many years earlier. It was the last
to initiate her, Avrathia Silverstar made her move. time he saw her.

Armed with the knowledge she acquired at the school, It only took a few days for Zaxlyppoteh and Master
Avrathia Silverstar entered the vault on a rare day Bertio Ranberd to circumvent Avrathia Silverstar’s div-
when Master Bertio Ranberd was away from the shop. ination wards and locate her. Master Bertio Ranberd
She didn’t wait or call for Ricio because she knew it felt cheated, his secrets exposed, and he wished for
would be easier alone, as she was excluded from many Avrathia Silverstar’s death. He found her on a rainy
of the warding spells. She wanted to seize the oppor- day at the shores of Yellowkeep in the Drayl City-States
tunity that arose with the sudden absence of the mas- where he promptly disintegrated the half-elf wizard.
ter and to surprise Ricio Tane with her success. She The archmage was still unsatisfied with feelings of
fooled some of the sentinel wizards to change their emptiness at the loss of his desired partner, appren-
daily routine and appointed herself to guard the vault. tice, and love. Master Bertio Ranberd became obsessed
She then set the vault’s locking mechanism to open with recreating Avrathia Silverstar, the only woman
it and entered with the copy of the vault keys, which who could ever melt his heart. He longed for a partner
she had made earlier when she had temporary access who would bear her visage but one whom he would
to them during one of her private sessions with her control to do his bidding after giving it sentience with
master. She took what item she could make mova- the divine spark. Ever since then, the wizard has been
ble with her dispel magic spells and eventually found secretly killing women who resemble his unrequited
the teleportation circle, of which she had no knowl- love and has constructed a flesh golem from the col-
edge. Her curiosity outweighed her cautiousness. She lected body parts. When he leaves his shop, he only
crossed through the magic portal and arrived in an does so to find victims without raising the attention
underground cavern, where she encountered Zaxlyp- of the Red Cloaks.
poteh in the form of Master Bertio Ranberd, standing
in front of a crystal of the immortals. The presence of After a few days, Ricio Tane also started looking
her master, who she thought to be away, the crush- for his missing wife, but he never found her. With
ing psychic energies that emanated from the crystal, time, his depression and confusion deepened, and

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

eventually, he gave up on his life as an adventurer Ricio Tane is aware of the alarm spells, the private
and his dangerous thieving activities, which caused sanctum on the entire building, the magical effects on
him more harm than good. For a short time, he even the corridors and stairs from guards and wards spell,
closed down the Lucky Leap, but after a few years and the immobilize spells on all items of value. He
of self-inflicted suffering, his torment slowly turned can offer his cologne of dispelling with six charges,
into grief, and he began to recover. Finally, which was given to him by his late wife.
Ricio reopened the Lucky Leap and decided He also has some knowledge of the dai-
to wait for the right moment to strike at ly routines of the arcane sen-
Master Bertio Ranberd, whom he always tinels and Master Bertio
suspected of murdering his wife. A mo- Ranberd. He knows the
ment which he thinks has finally arrived. exact location of the
switches that need
to be activated to
open the main
gate of the vault.

He shows his wife’s

Ricio Tane knows the Empo- hastily drawn map
rium of Marvelous Rari- that marks the switches
ties inside and out. He and any threats of which she
has been preparing for was aware. Ricio Tane also pre-
the same mission. He is sents a copy of the two vault
more than eager to un- keys, which were also given to
dertake it now, knowing him by his wife on that fateful
all the secrets and secu- night. His wife also told Ricio
rity protocols uncovered Tane about the cavern vault,
by his wife and with the its anti-magic properties, and the
aid of such formidable allies. mind-crushing powers that emanated
He wants to capture the wizard and question him from the enormous crystal that dominated the cave.
about his wife. He longs for certainty about her fate, His confused half-elven love told Ricio before she left
but he is indecisive on what action he will take next. that Master Bertio Ranberd’s magic somehow func-
A character who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (In- tioned inside the painful anti-magic area and that it
sight) skill check can sense Ricio Tane’s vehement must have something to do with the crystal embed-
hatred when speaking about Master Bertio Ranberd. ded in his forehead.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


front-desk arcane sentinel casts a message spell to
GROUND LEVEL call forth another apprentice to collect the item or,
in cases of higher value purchases, to fetch Mas-
Background ter Bertio Ranberd. The master also takes requests
This level of the building includes the storefront of on items that are not available in his shop. He and
the business and houses the arcane sentinels who his arcane sentinels can create most common and
can freely move around on it. Visitors are admitted uncommon potions and scrolls within a few days,
only to area 1, while selected clients are invited to and the master accepts requests for scrolls of up
area 2 and can freely use the lavatories in area 3. to 5th spell level. He can also secure any rare item
Many of the most menial tasks around the house are for twice the amount of the item’s original value.
accomplished by prestidigitation and the frequent use Master Bertio Ranberd can attempt to locate and
of unseen servant spells. retrieve a single rare magic item once every month
if he rolls a 3 or lower on a d20.

Background D R I NN U R
The magic items displayed in the store and shown in B AE L G U A R D
the display windows facing the street are only per-
manent illusions created by Master Bertio Ranberd
using a major image spell. They are updated frequent-
ly to follow the changes in the inventory.

A heavily stocked shop greets the visitors. Vials,
tubes, little bags and containers, gems and crystals,
necklaces and rings, wands, weapons, and armor of
all sorts are placed neatly on packed shelves. Each
item is faintly glowing and has a magical descriptive
writing in front of it, which can be seen even de-
spite the bright reddish illumination provided by the
flames in the mouths of the two illusory red dragon
“Welcome to the Emporium of Marve-
heads above.
lous Rarities. Your wish is our business.
Scene So how may I serve you today?”
Nowadays, there are usually only d3-1 customers Drinnur Baelguard welcoming customers.
(use the noble monster entry) in the store, either
taking their time to decide what to spend their The shop has the following magic items currently
money on or quickly making a purchase and rush- in stock. The number in the parentheses shows the
ing off. The long, packed main desk always has one number of available items.
of the helpful but reserved arcane sentinels behind
it, currently Drinnur Baelguard. Drinnur Baelguard COMMON (COSTS 50 GOLD PIECES):
has been instructed to answer questions briefly un- • Potion: potion of healing (17), potion of climbing (5).
til the customer shows genuine interest and suffi- • S croll: Each cantrip (3) and each 1st level (3) spell
cient funds. The sellers hand over the actual items that is available for wizards and appears in the
to customers only upon payment. In such cases, the Player’s Handbook.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


• Armor: +1 metal shield (2). This simple room is equipped only with some func-
•P  otion: Each uncommon potion (1) that appears in tional furnishings like a large table, six comfortable
the Player’s Handbook. cushioned chairs, a few glasses, and a water jug.
• S croll: Each 2nd level (1) and 3rd level (1) spell that
is available for wizards and appears in the Player’s
• Ring: ring of jumping (1), ring of swimming (1), ring of
warmth (1).
• Rod: immovable rod (1). Background
• Wand: wand of magic detection (1), wand of magic The lavatories can only be used by visitors if they
missiles (1). have been invited to the meeting rooms for a dis-
• Weapon: +1 dagger (2), +1 longsword (1), +1 shortbow (1). cussion.
• Wondrous Item: bracers of archery (1), cloak of pro-
tection (1), figurine of wondrous power (1), silver raven Environment
(1), goggles of night (1), slippers of spider climbing (1), These elegantly furnished and well-kept private lav-
wind fan (1). atories each feature a porcelain bowl resembling a
bloated fish. The porcelain bowls empty and clean
RARE (COSTS 5000 GOLD PIECES): themselves magically and replace the used water
• Armor: +1 chain mail (1), +1 studded leather (1). with a fresh batch that can even be used to wash
• Potion: potion of diminution (1), potion of fire giant hands.
strength (1), potion of superior healing (2).
• Ring: ring of feather falling (1). Scene
• Wand: wand of lightning bolts (1). The left side lavatory has a small tile on the wall that
• Weapon: +2 sickle (1), dragon slayer (1). can be pushed to deactivate one of the four locks
• Wondrous Item: boots of levitation (1), bracers of of the vault lock mechanism. The tile is absolutely
defense (1), daern’s instant fortress (1), ioun stone, indistinguishable from the rest of the tiles except for
awareness (1). its ability to be pressed. It requires a DC 25 Wisdom
(Perception) skill check to find the tile only by look-
If alerted to any suspicious activity, Drinnur Bael- ing at it, but a quick stroke at the wall immediately
guard sends a message spell to alert at least two oth- reveals it to be pressable.
er arcane sentinels or even Master Bertio Ranberd if
4. A P P RE N TI CE S '
Each arcane sentinel has a scroll of see invisibility and
a key to their private rooms.
Arcane sentinels spend some of their free time here
2. M EE T IN G R O O M S reading and discussing magical theories. Master Ber-
tio Ranberd rarely enters this room.
These meeting rooms are freely accessible by anyone Environment
who is escorted here by the arcane sentinels. The senti- Wide curtains cover the tall windows on one side
nels use them for more prolonged negotiations, which of this room, furnished with comfortable leather so-
are usually also attended by Master Bertio Ranberd. fas and armchairs around low tables. The walls are

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

6. A PP RE N TI CE S '
This dining area is used mainly by the arcane senti-
nels, but Master Bertio Ranberd sometimes joins his
students for some meals.
lined with shelves from floor to ceiling, packed with
a variety of books. The books include novels, volumes Environment
of famous poets, and tomes on history, nature, and A large wooden dining table dominates the center of
religion. Several bottles of wine, brandy, and liquor the room, surrounded by simple wooden chairs. The
fill a small serving cupboard. The hearth is well kept cupboard by the wall holds a set of simple ceramic
with a small amount of wood always burning within. plates, glasses, water jugs, and boxes of utensils.

One of the arcane sentinels currently occupying 7. CO L D S TO R A G E
the room is the tiefling Aphaen Larixus, who spends
his free time sitting on the large sofa by the wall, Environment
reading a poetic tome titled “All The Air We Can- The air is cold in this small pantry, where the shelves
not Breathe, The Complete Works of Zurpas Olyntri- are stacked with a fine selection of fresh fruits, veg-
os.” He shuts the book when he sees intruders and etables, meat, dried pastries, spices, and other food-
casts a message spell to alert Master Bertio Ranberd stuffs.
of intruders. Unless the characters are convincing
enough, he quickly decides to hold them off until
reinforcements arrive. A PP RE N TI CE S '
“Now, I will show you true arcane
power. You are messing with
the wrong wizard.” Each arcane sentinel has a private bedroom, which
Aphaen Larixus, holding off the characters. they can lock with a key that they always carry on
their persons.


The decorations of these rooms reflect the personal
tastes of the arcane sentinel who resides in them. All
Background of the rooms contain a single wooden bed, a writing
This small kitchen is used by the arcane sentinels desk and a chair, and a large wardrobe full of the
only to prepare food for themselves and their master. arcane sentinel’s clothes. The wardrobes have a lock-
able metal container mounted in their lower right
Environment corner, which can be opened with the same key that
The large iron oven is built into the middle of a wall unlocks the entry door to the room. The lockers in
section with a wash bin and a small desk on its sides. each room contain the spellbook of the arcane sen-
The shelves by the door hold mostly cooking and serv- tinel who occupies it. The spellbooks contain the fol-
ing utensils, ceramic bowls, and large metal plates. lowing spells:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


• 1st level: alarm, detect magic, identify, mage armor, an unseen servant spell and is about to use a mage
magic missile, unseen servant, protection from evil hand spell on a sponge to clean the blackboard from
and good, shield a safe distance when the characters enter the hall.
She reacts in a frightened manner to any unwanted
• 2nd level: acid arrow, arcane lock, darkness, detect visitors and tries to flee to be able to cast a message
thoughts, hold person, scorching ray spell to alert Master Bertio Ranberd and the other
arcane sentinels.
Two sentinel wizards are always asleep in one of the “Ohh, please, don’t hurt me!
rooms. Currently, two arcane sentinels - Thegorin
I’m nobody. Really. I just
Civereus and Egeor Azin - are spending their sleeping
time in any of the two rooms.
started to work here.”
Enixea Swiftwings fleeing the characters.
“Who? What?!”
Thegorin Civereus waking up to intruders. 10. CO MPONE N T STO RA G E
Treasure Background
Each built-in metal container in the wardrobe con- This storage holds mundane, less costly magical spell
tains the personal treasure of each arcane sentinel, components meticulously kept track of in a large
namely 26 copper pieces, 12 silver pieces, 78 gold piec- ledger placed on one of the shelves.
es, a potion of healing, and three scrolls of any 1st level
and two scrolls of any 2nd level wizard spell. Environment
Shelves packed with vials, pouches, and boxes of
various sizes cover the entire wall on one side of
9. L E CTU R E H A L L the room. All of them are neatly labeled and con-
tain alchemical supplies and spell components for all
Background 1st and 2nd level wizard spells that require material
Master Bertio Ranberd holds daily lectures for his ar- components.
cane sentinel pupils in this lecture hall.
Environment The shelves contain four vials of acid, four vials of
The lecture hall is equipped with study chairs featur- alchemist’s fire, one vial of antitoxin, and three vials
ing small writing tablets, a display skeleton of a half- of basic poison. The total value of the spell compo-
orc for lectures related to anatomy, and a rotating nents in the room is 500 gold pieces. The compo-
visualization of the multiverse. The large blackboard nents weigh 40 pounds in total.
has the complete description of an arcane lock spell
inscribed upon it. The spell is so clearly explained
that anyone who can copy spells to their spellbook 11. 
can do so in three hours instead of four hours, and
at no cost of spell components as would otherwise
be required.
Scene Master Bertio Ranberd holds alchemy classes in this
Enixea Swiftwings, one of the arcane sentinels, has room for his apprentices, who are not allowed to use
been tasked to clean the lecture hall. She has cast the laboratory without him present.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Environment publication. The room is lavishly furnished to host

The large laboratory equipment on the table allows smaller groups of guests as well. Laid out in the mid-
up to four people to use it simultaneously. The frag- dle of the room in front of the hearth is the pelt
ile equipment is composed of glass distillation loops, of an exotic two-headed lion with a magenta hue
pans, heaters with candles, spherical containers con- that originates from an unknown southern land.
nected with tubes, and some release valves, one of Two paintings decorate the sides of the room be-
which is affixed to the table and activates the vault tween the smaller side windows. One of the paint-
lock mechanism when turned. This small special ings depicts the town of Gorso with its once stand-
valve seemingly does nothing when turned. ing clocktower, while the other shows an elaborate
battle scene between the armies of Aglarion and the
Treasure Vordani mountain tribes.
Characters can disassemble the laboratory equip-
ment into four separate alchemist’s supplies, two Scene
hourglasses, and a magnifying glass. Master Bertio Ranberd can be found in this room,
smoking a cigar and carefully handling an ancient
tome that contains religious texts on the teachings
12. A PP RE N TI CE S ' B A TH S of the Light and Darkness using a mage hand spell.
He reacts with caution to any intrusion, immediately
abandoning the house with a dimension door spell to
Environment alert the Red Cloaks instead of fighting intruders.
These communal bath and lavatory areas have tiled
flooring and a few dirty towels strewn about for lat-
er cleaning.


This level of the building houses the private chambers
of Master Bertio Ranberd. Arcane sentinels only visit
their master here under special instructions or when
delivering food or other requested items to him.


Master Bertio Ranberd hosts very few visitors, but
when he rarely invites someone to his private quar-
ters, he hosts them in this lavish lounge. “You have certainly made at
least one terrible decision today.”
Environment Master Bertio Ranberd
The master’s extensive private library is organized on addressing intruders before
two heavy wooden bookcases by topic and date of casting dimension door.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Master Bertio Ranberd’s private library contains old a limited divination similar to an augury spell. If a
volumes on history, alchemy, arcane arts, planar the- creature spends one hour to complete the complex
ories, and many new books on various religious top- ritual outlined in the booklet and also provides the
ics, with an exceptionally extensive selection focus- required 25 gold pieces worth of material compo-
ing on the god of Light and Darkness. The library has nents, it can cast the augury spell.
Master Bertio Ranberd’s spellbook, which contains
the following spells:
14. P R I VA TE B E D R O O M
• 1st level: alarm, detect magic, gentle repose, identify,
illusory script, mage armor, magic missile, unseen serv-
ant, protection from evil and good, shield
• 2nd level: acid arrow, alter self, arcane lock, darkness, Background
detect thoughts, enlarge/reduce, hold person, scorch- This room is visited only by Master Bertio Ranberd.
ing ray None of his students or guests have ever set foot
• 3rd level: counterspell, dispel magic, glyph of warding, inside this room or the rooms beyond.
magic circle, major image, nondetection, protection
from energy, remove curse Environment
• 4th level: banishment, black tentacles, locate crea- An enormous poster bed covered with neatly pressed
ture, private sanctum, resilient sphere, stoneskin sheets and a duvet sits against one of the walls. A
• 5th level: arcane hand, cone of cold, legend lore, pla- large oak wardrobe with several doors stands next
nar binding, scrying, teleportation circle to the entry door and holds most of Master Bertio
• 6th level: contingency, disintegrate, globe of invulner- Ranberd’s clothes. A small writing desk sits in front
ability, guards and wards of one of the windows with a comfortable chair,
with ink, paper, and other writing equipment on its
surface. The balcony doors are set with large glass
panels, and the two stone heads on the railings are
fashioned to resemble red dragons.

Secret Door. A character who searches the wall can

notice the secret door panel with a successful DC 20
A character who succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
(Investigation) skill check notices that the tiny arms
of the clock on the painting of Gorso clocktower can Scene
be turned in any direction. Setting the arms of the Master Bertio Ranberd has cast a glyph of warding spell
clock to noon activates one of the locks of the vault on the floor in front of the entry door and another
lock mechanism. in front of the balcony doors. A creature other than
Master Bertio Ranberd who steps on or moves above
Treasure the glyphs activates them. Attempts to dispel the
Lying around on one of the bookcases is a used tome glyphs are made with a disadvantage due to Master
of clear thought, labeled the “Deduction and Induc- Bertio Ranberd’s Tenacious Abjurations class feature.
tion” that lost its magic potential a few years ago
when Master Bertio Ranberd read it. Another curious A creature that activates the glyph in front of the
small ancient booklet, made out of hardened leather, door that connects to the hallway must succeed on
is entitled the “Portents of Darkness,” written by an a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become the subject
anonymous cleric of the Darkness Within. The book- of a dominate person spell. On a failed save, Master
let describes in detail the ritual necessary to evoke Bertio Ranberd first questions the dominated crea-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

ture about their intentions, plans, and background,

then decides to either send them to the other glyph
in front of the balcony doors or to use them in any
other way.

A creature that activates the glyph in front of the

balcony doors must succeed on a DC 18 Wis-
dom saving throw or become the subject of a
suggestion spell be compelled to leave the
shop and go to the Halls of the Lawgiver
(Onadbyr location 60.) to turn them-
selves in and to confess all of their
crimes to a Red Cloak. The Red
Cloak will take the character
back to the shop and question
Master Bertio Ranberd about
the strange confession, who will
gladly explain the workings of his M AN U A L
spell, thus proving the guilt of the
character who will be charged ac-
cording to their crimes.

A character actively searching for traps can locate

the glyphs with a successful DC 18 Intelligence (In- 16. 
vestigation) skill check.
An alchemy jug stands next to the bed, but it only Background
produces beer, freshwater, and wine. A manual of the This secret room used to be Master Bertio Ranberd’s
archmage sits on a nightstand next to the bed. The private laboratory. He turned it into a golem work-
wardrobe contains ten sets of fine clothes. The draw- shop after receiving the divine spark from Zaxlyppo-
er in the writing desk contains a small pouch with teh, allowing him to breathe life or sentience into
ten tiny diamonds, each worth 25 gold pieces. any object or dead creature. The wizard captured
and mutilated several young women in the capital
who all became victims of his mad plan to recre-
15. P R I VA TE B A TH ate Avrathia Silverstar, the only woman who ever
touched his cold heart. Master Bertio Ranberd was
Environment not happy about merely using an illusion spell for
A ceramic bathtub sits in the middle of the room in this purpose. He wanted to touch the woman whom
front of a mirrored dresser, and the pelt of a giant he had disintegrated into fine dust in his rage. So
dire fox covers the floor. the wizard decided to use a golem manual to raise
the fabricated body and then give it sentience using
Scene the divine spark. He keeps the new Avra, as he calls
The bathtub and the lavatory magically clean them- the flesh golem, in this room and keeps perfecting
selves and replenish their water with a fresh reserve her visage with new components and body parts
anytime a creature finishes their use. when he finds something he thinks is more fitting.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The master wizard also instructs Avra regularly in •C  antrips (at will): mage hand, mending, shocking
the arcane arts and since it has become able to cast grasp
the alter self spell, they spend a few hours together in • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, mag-
the bedroom, exploring each other’s bodies. ic missile, shield
• 2 nd level (2 slots): alter self, enlarge/reduce
This small room contains a large table with some Avra is a bit shy and has a kind, naive, honest and
blood and a few magically preserved female body curious personality similar to that of a child. It
parts laid out on its surface. Papers, writing equip- doesn’t know more than that “she” was given life
ment, and a beautifully decorated book lie on the ta- by Master Bertio Ranberd, who takes good care of
ble near a chair that stands at the far end of the room. it. The flesh golem likes Master Bertio Ranberd, who
perfects its form, strokes its hair, or washes its body
Scene gently while they talk about all kinds of mundane
Avra, the sentient flesh golem, sits quietly in the and magical topics. The wizard is totally in love
chair, closing her spellbook when the characters en- with Avra and has honestly told it about his story
ter. She smiles and asks them about themselves and with Avrathia and why he created it. Avra doesn’t
their intentions in a relaxed, kind, but reserved tone. mind but is eager to leave the only room it knows,
if allowed. Avra would be happy to find out more
about the outside world, master magical skills, and
find a purpose in life. The spellbook on the table
was written by Avra, containing only its memorized

“I’m intrigued
by your presence
and your story.
Please, do tell me more.”
Avra addressing the characters.

If and when Ricio Tane meets Avra, he breaks down.

He is both shocked and is curious about the flesh go-
lem, which resembles his lost wife so perfectly. Once
he gets to know Avra better, he starts feeling close to
it, offering his home and his aid. Avra gladly accepts,
but while Avra finds the ex-adventurer interesting, it
Avra. Use the flesh golem monster template with does not return Ricio Tane’s feelings. Ricio keeps the
the following modifications: flesh golem interested for a while, but it will leave
his home eventually if other, more compelling op-
•A  vra has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma portunities would arise, especially if it would help to
score of 14 and can speak, read and write, although advance its arcane skills.
only with clunky letters.
• Avra is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting abil- A sconce at the end of the room can be easily rotated,
ity is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, +4 to hit with having no visible or audible effect, but it does unlock
spell attacks). Avra has the following wizard spells one of the locks of the vault mechanism.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

chic damage. They can be picked using thieves’ tools

DUNGEON VAULT with a successful DC 35 Dexterity ability check or
forced open with a successful DC 35 Strength (Ath-
Background letics) skill check.
This level houses the vaults of the Emporium of
Marvelous Rarities and protects the treasures of Scene
Master Bertio Ranberd. Only the wizard and his ar- Dunphius the White, one of the arcane sentinels, sits
cane sentinels are allowed to enter the corridor, but on the small chair and studies his arcane notes. Other
Master Bertio Ranberd does not allow the arcane than Master Bertio Ranberd or the arcane sentinels,
sentinels to access the outer or inner vaults alone. any creature who enters the corridor must succeed
As he is the only one with the keys to both doors, on a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw or become the sub-
which he always carries on his person, and he per- ject of a suggestion spell generated by the guards and
sonally retrieves any item from his vaults when any wards spell placed on the entire building. On a failed
are sold in his shop. save, the creature is compelled to leave the shop and
go to the Halls of the Lawgiver to turn themselves in
All magical items and treasure in areas 18, 19, and 20 and confess all of their crimes to a Red Cloak. The Red
have a special alarm spell placed upon them and are Cloak will take the character back to the shop and
held in place with immobilize spells made permanent. question Master Bertio Ranberd about the strange
confession, who will gladly explain the workings of
his spell, thus proving the guilt of the character who
17. SE N TI N E L G U A R D will be charged according to their crimes.

“I’m engaging the master in direct
correspondence right now!”
The arcane sentinels take four hour shifts at this Dunphius the White reacting to intruders.
guard post, one of them present at all times.
An alarm and a glyph of warding are placed in front
Environment of the stair landing at the beginning of the corridor.
The narrow stairway leads down to a narrow cor- A creature who activates the glyph is targeted by a
ridor that has two alcoves on its sides. A gleaming resilient sphere spell that lasts for 1 minute and blocks
armor stands in one of the alcoves, its empty arm the passage in the corridor. The target creature must
pieces and gloves resting on the crossguard of a re- succeed on a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw or be
markably crafted greatsword in front of it. A simple enclosed by the globe of force. A character actively
chair stands in the other alcove. A massive iron vault searching for traps can locate the glyph with a suc-
door closes off the corridor. cessful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check.
Attempts to dispel the glyph are made with a dis-
Vault Door. The vault doors in areas 17 and 18 are advantage due to Master Bertio Ranberd’s tenacious
exceptionally thick metal constructions. Both vault abjurations class feature.
doors open only if the four locks scattered around
the house have been activated within 10 minutes The armor in the alcove is an animated armor that
and if a separate key for each vault door is used stands in front of any intruders and attacks any hos-
to unlock their central, fifth lock. They have AC 19, tile creatures or if the arcane sentinels or Master Ber-
60 hit points, a damage threshold of 15, and have tio Ranberd order it to do so. The animated armor
damage resistance against slashing damage, and has magical plates and a magical greatsword and has
damage immunity against piercing, poison, and psy- the following modifications:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


 he animated armor has AC 19. coming the immobilize spell that has been cast on
 he animated armor has +5 to hit, reach 5ft., and deals them by Master Bertio Ranberd. Besides the magic
10 (2d6 + 3) points of bludgeoning damage on a hit. items, the outer vault also contains twenty antique
books, each of which can be sold to the right buyer
If any intruders enter the room, Dunphius the White for 200 gold pieces.
lets the animated armor advance as he stands behind
it in the corridor, using the alcove for cover if the
characters pass the obstacle of the resilient sphere. 19. I N N E R VA U L T
Next, the arcane sentinel starts sending message
spells, first to Master Bertio Ranberd then to at least Background
one or two other arcane sentinels to alert them be- Master Bertio Ranberd stores uncommon and rare
fore engaging in combat. magic items, valuable books, and antiques in this vault.

Treasure Environment
The animated armor is made of a +1 plate armor and A single large stone table stands in the middle of the
uses a +1 greatsword. room, covered with various magical items, all care-
fully labeled. A shimmering magic circle occupies the
back of the room.
18. O U TE R VA U L T
Background A glyph of warding spell was cast by Master Bertio Ran-
Master Bertio Ranberd stores common magic items berd on the floor in front of the vault door. A creature
and valuable books in this vault. other than Master Bertio Ranberd who steps on or
moves above the glyphs activates it and releases a
Environment cloudkill spell that fills both the inner and the outer
Large bookcases cover the sides and the center of vault, has a DC 18 Constitution save, and lasts for 10
this vault, each of their shelves packed with scrolls, minutes. A character actively searching for traps can
potions, and books, all carefully labeled. locate the glyph with a successful DC 18 Intelligence
(Investigation) skill check. Attempts to dispel the
Scene glyph are made with a disadvantage due to Master
A glyph of warding spell has been cast by Master Ber- Bertio Ranberd’s Tenacious Abjurations class feature.
tio Ranberd on the floor in front of the vault door.
A creature other than Master Bertio Ranberd who The magic circle is a teleportation circle that leads
steps on or moves above the glyphs activates it and to area 20.
is targeted by the grasping hand effect of an arcane
hand spell that has 62 hit points and lasts for 1 min- Treasure
ute. A character actively searching for traps can lo- All uncommon and rare items that are on stock (see
cate the glyph with a successful DC 18 Intelligence area 1) can be removed from their place only after
(Investigation) skill check. Attempts to dispel the overcoming the immobilize spell that has been cast
glyph are made with a disadvantage due to Master on them by Master Bertio Ranberd.
Bertio Ranberd’s Tenacious Abjurations class feature.

All common items that are in stock (see area 1) and
any other treasure found in this room can be re-
moved from the vault only after removing or over-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

upon the Material Plane. This particular crystal radi-

TH E CRY S TA L O F ates a power of raw immortal energy that disables
IM M O R TA L S all mortal magic and crushes the psyche of any mor-
tal creature in its vicinity. It draws its power from
Background magic items of rare or above value, slowly draining
This area is located under the center of Cloud Peak their charges and magical energies. The crystal of the
mountain. The crystal formation in the 20-foot immortals is impervious to physical or magical at-
high cave is Zaphaos’ Crystal of the Immortals, a tacks and radiates an aura similar to the effects of an
magical vessel used by the dark angels to descend antimagic field spell in a 2000 feet radius. Any crea-
from their domain when their forces invaded the ture that is not an evil celestial within the aura must
Material Plane. This particular crystal of the im- also make a DC 23 Intelligence saving throw every
mortals was formerly occupied by the fallen plan- round. The creature takes 36 (8d8) psychic damage
etar, Zaphaos, the manifestation of hopelessness. on a failed save, or half as much damage on a suc-
Its protector, Zaxlyppoteh, a dark couatl, has spent cessful one. A creature can attune to the crystal of
thousands of years here since the day it arrived,
along with its dark celestial master. The latter vis-
ited it only rarely while ruling over the mortals of
the Material Plane. The couatl has been protecting
the crystal ever since, even after the fall of the
Dark Star. It saw an opportunity in Master Ber-
tio Ranberd when the wizard found its lair. It has
aided the wizard in his endeavors from the mo-
ment Master Bertio Ranberd dedicated himself to
the evil divine power. Master Bertio Ranberd has
been delivering some of the most powerful magi- the immortals by pressing its forehead against the
cal tools to Zaxlyppoteh in hopes that they can one crystal, while a small fragment of it inserts itself into
day help summon and bolster the Dark Star and its its forehead. Attuning to the crystal of immortals
vast army of dark angels. They work together to takes one minute of continuous concentration. An
uncover information about the locations of legend- attuned character becomes immune to the psychic
ary items that can help them open magical gates damage caused by the crystal of the immortals. It can
for the dark solar and its dark planetars to enter also cast spells normally within its antimagic field,
the Material Plane once again. causing the spells cast by the character to function
normally. An evil celestial creature regains 18 (4d8)
Environment hit points every round within the aura, and it is im-
This damp, cold natural cave is dominated by the mune to its antimagic effect, allowing its spells to
presence of a huge, green, and multifaceted crystal function normally.
formation that vibrates irregularly with energy. The
glowing crystal’s green light illuminates the entire Scene
cave. Six large iron chests stand lined up in two rows Zaxlyppoteh (use the couatl monster entry, change
in front of a small writing desk with neatly arranged alignment to lawful evil) is usually in the form of
documents and some writing equipment placed on Master Bertio Ranberd and only assumes its original
it. A large magic circle glows on the floor at the left form if attacked. The dark couatl uses detect thoughts
end of the cave. on the characters as they struggle with the psychic
crush of the crystal of the immortals. It speaks to
Zaphaos’ Crystal of the Immortals. The dark plane- them only if it recovers some useful information
tars and the Dark Star used these crystals to descend from their thoughts, if they can withstand the psy-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


chic damage for more than three rounds, or if they •A  crystal ball of telepathy.
attack it. The divine caretaker speaks to the charac- • The actual large vorpal greatsword of Zaphaos, be-
ters in an ancient dialect of Common and if it sees lieved to have been lost.
potential, it tries to convince the characters to join
its sacred quest for the return of the Dark Star. Oth- Experience
erwise, it tells the characters to leave before it kills Award the party 1,100 experience points if they suc-
them. It fights only to defend itself or the crystal, cessfully deposit the Idol of Thyargylosh in area 20,
which it believes to be the primary component for and for Master Bertio Ranberd and each arcane senti-
summoning the Dark Star once again. nel bypassed as if they have defeated them in combat.

“Thy m’rtal souls shall anon

beest dissolv’d by the residue
of the seraph’s might. Leaveth
anon and nev’r returneth.”
Zaxlyppoteh addressing the
characters in an archaic dialect.

The documents on the small desk were written by

Zaxlyppoteh as instructions for Master Bertio Ran-
berd on how to find his next target, a specific, legend-
ary magic item - a cubic gate. They are merely pieces
of a yet incomplete puzzle that the dark couatl is
building by using its scrying spell based on informa-
tion recovered by Master Bertio Ranberd. A character
who tries to understand the notes and makes a suc-
cessful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check
notices that some of the notes refer to an ancient
adversary that the dark couatl knew it could not scry
on but still wanted to locate by repeatedly scrying
on others who ventured near its supposed location,
somewhere in the Arden Forest.

Four of the six large iron chests hold one powerful
magical item. One holds 23,628 gold pieces, while the
sixth stands empty. The effects of Master Bertio Ran-
berd’s immobilize spells are permanently active on
each of these items:

•A  n ancient candle of invocation made from tallow

harvested from sacrifices that had been dedicated
to the lawful evil solar the Dark Star.
• A sphere of annihilation that doesn’t manifest until
removed from the antimagic field. The chest that
holds it appears empty.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



damage immunity against piercing, poison, and psy-

CLUES AT NARDER TYK’S chic damage.

Background Scene
Narder Tyk, the Royal Architect, is one of the Un- When the characters knock on the Narder Tyk’s door,
canny Vagabonds who have rebelled against the new no one answers. Two doors down the hall, a nosy
Queen. Narder Tyk knew of the secret feeding cham- elderly neighbor peeks into the corridor to observe
bers within the Monster Menagerie and led his fami- the characters then retreats into her apartment. If
ly to the location when the Midnight Curse manifest- characters force the door open, the noise alerts the
ed. The Monster Menagerie was immediately closed lady, who calls the authorities.
by the authorities and abandoned to the elements, to
the delight of Queen Aphinah. If characters gain entry into Narder Tyk’s home and
succeed on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill
Environment check, they can notice dried feces on the ground near
Lord Cyne Monder informs the characters that Nard- the front door, left from the soles of Narder’s boots.
er Tyk’s apartment is located in a two-story apart- The nature of the manure can be determined with
ment building in the South District. It is noticeably a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) skill check,
well-maintained compared to the surrounding struc- which reveals that its source was a large herbivorous
tures due to Narder’s personal involvement in all creature that eats fern leaves.
communal refurbishing projects.
There is a hidden compartment in the closet that
Doors. The door to Narder Tyk’s apartment is made can be noticed with a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception)
of wood and features a simple lock, which can be skill check. Inside, characters can find a small packet
picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 15 Dex- containing a strange, scentless, yellow dust.
terity check, or can be forced open with a success-
ful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. The door Treasure
has AC 15, 16 hit points, a damage threshold of 5, it The hidden compartment contains a packet of dust of
has damage resistance against slashing damage, and odorlessness, with 2 doses remaining.

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The head caretaker of the menagerie, the elderly Sel-

MONSTER MENAGERIE donius Soothis, has been held prisoner by Old Gnarly,
the awakened giant crocodile, in a cage hanging
Background above the central pond. However, Seldonius’ son
As a result of the Midnight Curse and the magical Taron, who is also a caretaker at the menagerie, has
storms that have raged over the kingdom, the Mon- managed to escape and is involved in negotiations
ster Menagerie has transformed from a once peace- with Old Gnarly, bringing it soldiers and vagabonds
ful family attraction into a place of savagery. Many whom he captured with his advanced hunting traps
of the monstrosities and beasts on display have ac- spread throughout the park as meat to appease the
quired new abilities from the fey powers of the curse giant crocodile and hopefully free his father.
and have broken out of their cages, claiming the ter-
ritory as their own. The caretakers at the menagerie Environment
have barricaded themselves into the Feeding House The Monster Menagerie is a vast garden enclos-
(see area 11). ing several city blocks of Onadbyr, surrounded by
a 10-foot tall, wrought-iron fence. The whole area
At Queen Aphinah’s orders, a contingent of the Royal of the Monster Menagerie is considered forest ter-
Army - 12 soldiers accompanied by 4 Children of the rain. Climbing the fence requires a DC 13 Strength
Coven witchservants - has been sent to the menag- (Athletics) skill check. The park features a large
erie, but they have not returned from their explora- pond, a greenhouse, an aviary, a large pen, several
tory patrols. The Queen has ordered the menagerie iron cages, and a rocky area. It is steeper on the
be chained shut and only passively contained. She is north-eastern side and the rocky outcrops on the
not concerned in the slightest about the calamity or western and northwestern sides. The park is thick
chaos that the location might spawn in the city if left with vegetation - bushes, trees, and beds of flowers
unattended. - even unnaturally so due to the blooming effects
of the Midnight Curse. Benches line the dirt paths,
Without much oversight from the new authorities, and signs stand outside the enclosed areas, offering
the hidden feeding chambers below the rocky en- short descriptions and a silhouette of the monsters
closures have been taken over by the Uncanny Vag- within the enclosures.
abonds, their leader and patriarch Taris, and their
favorite son Gren. The Uncanny Vagabonds dislike As a result of the unnaturally heavy rains in the
the new rule of Queen Aphinah and are hiding in the recent days, the waters of the lake in area 6a have
secret feeding chambers. swelled, reaching up to the bottom of the stands
onto area 6b and also overflowing on its eastern
side over the bridge and into the cages into areas
8 and 9.

Taron’s Advanced Hunting Traps. The area of the

Monster Menagerie is littered with advanced hunt-
ing traps (where marked on the map) set by Taron
to capture and kill anyone who ventures into the
park - be it soldiers sent by the Queen, Uncanny Vag-
abonds who emerge from their hideout, or adven-
turers who brave the menagerie. The hunting traps
are well hidden, requiring a DC 16 Wisdom (Percep-
tion) skill check to notice beneath the underbrush.
Taron has affixed the traps to the ground with heavy

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


spikes driven into the ground. A creature that steps 1b. L O A D IN G A RE A
on the plates at the center of the traps must succeed
on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take 10 (4d4) Environment
piercing damage from the two saw-like teeth and be A loading gate leads to the cobbled loading area and
restrained. Freeing a creature from the trap requires inner courtyard of the menagerie. This gate has also
a successful DC 13 Strength ability check. On a failed been chained and locked. Two wagons sit abandoned
check, Taron’s trap deals 2 (1d4) piercing damage to in the loading area, with bales of hay and sacks of
the trapped creature. grain that have been soaked through by the rains
and have started to mold and rot.
Taron’s Alarm. Taron maintains an alarm spell on
the path from the entrance to the greenhouse that A tall sculpted fountain rises in the middle of the in-
alerts him with a mental alarm if anyone ventures ner courtyard, showing two griffons leaping towards
on the path. the sky with outstretched wings. The pool of the foun-
tain is almost overflowing and overgrown with algae.

1a. M A IN G A TE Transport Gate. The large iron gate (10 by 10 feet)

is locked by heavy chains with a large padlock. The
Environment chains and padlock each have AC 19, 27 hit points,
The form of a triceratops fashioned onto the street’s a damage threshold of 5, they have damage resist-
cobblestones marks the entrance to the Monster ance against slashing damage, and damage immuni-
Menagerie. Twin ticket sales booths, both 10 feet ty against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. The
tall, stand on both sides of a massive arched double heavy padlock can be picked with thieves’ tools with
gate that has been chained shut and is under lock. a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check or forced
On the inside of the gate, folded rail guards guide open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
the visitors inside. The ticket booths are identical, skill check.
each featuring closed wooden window-shutters to
the streets, a counter on the inside, and a chair. Scene
The counter of each booth features a till, as well as The mold on the grains has mutated into a dangerous
ticket stubs. witch mold. A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wis-
dom (Perception) skill check can notice the strange
Main Gate. The large iron gate (10 by 10 feet) is yellow and purple mold growing inside the sacks. If
locked by heavy chains with a large padlock. The any character disturbs the sacks on the wagons, the
chains and padlock each have AC 19, 27 hit points, witch mold releases spores in a 10-foot radius.
a damage threshold of 5, they have damage resist-
ance against slashing damage, and damage immu- Witch Mold. A creature that comes within 10 feet
nity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. of witch mold or starts its turn within 10 feet of the
The heavy padlock can be picked with thieves’ tools mold must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving
with a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check or throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes blind-
forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Ath- ed for 24 hours. Exposure to sunlight instantly de-
letics) skill check. stroys witch mold.

The tills each contain 294 copper pieces, 16 silver 2. G IF T S H O P
pieces, and 3 gold pieces - some change that has been
abandoned in the mayhem and panic that ensued Environment
due to the curse. The gift shop of the Monster Menagerie has a range

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

of goods for sale that are fun keepsakes after a vis- the Monster Menagerie. Due to the blooming effects
it to the park. The shop’s door to the street is also of the curse, the vegetation here has grown especially
chained and locked, requiring a successful DC 20 rampant and has coalesced into a shambling mound.
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools to pick the lock The plant creature attacked and slew half of the com-
on the chain and an additional DC 15 Dexterity check pany sent by Queen Aphinah.
using thieves’ tools to pick the lock on the door. The
building is 15 feet tall. Environment
The greenhouse is a domed, glass structure with a
Stuffed toys in the shape of various creatures like croc- diameter of 40 feet and a height of 20 feet. A wood-
odiles, triceratopses, owlbears, and griffons sit on the en foundation that is 6 feet high supports the glass
shelf behind a counter. A stuffed peacock perches near dome, obstructing view into the interior of the build-
the door that can be identified with a successful DC ing from the outside. The door of the building stands
13 Intelligence (Nature) skill check as a rare variant ajar, and the crushed remains of six Royal Swords and
of a cockatrice, a peacockatrice. Posters and illustrat- a robed witchservant cultist litter the ground in front
ed books on the various beasts in the menagerie lie of the entrance, some of their bodies ripped apart and
on shelves and a central table. The counter features a strange black flowers growing on their corpses.
tillbox and a glass counter that displays tokens, mugs,
bookmarks, and various other small souvenirs. Having grown to double its size as a result of the
curse, a peony tree has burst through the glass dome
Treasure of the structure. Rainwater has seeped into the build-
The till contains 23 copper pieces, 43 silver pieces, ing through the crack, collecting in puddles on the
and 15 gold pieces, abandoned in the mayhem and ground, and has mutated the plants here to grow
panic that ensued due to the Midnight Curse. thorny spikes. The cursed waters have also given rise
to a colorful array of mushrooms that have sprung
One of the books on the shelves is an album entitled from the verdant ground in many places, as well as
“Tome of Monsters: The Savage Side of Mother Eter- the corpses inside the building, obstructing the nar-
nal”, about many exotic creatures found in the me- row walkways that used to criss-cross the location.
nagerie. Referencing the tome for 10 minutes grants
the reader advantage on Intelligence (Nature) skill “Get transported to distant lands by the
checks to identify beasts and monstrosities.
bloom of amazing colors and scents!”
The sign outside the Greenhouse.
Environment As the characters enter the greenhouse, they find them-
The building houses three separate partitioned lava- selves surrounded by dense foliage. The entire area is
tories and washbasins that have not been cleaned for considered difficult terrain due to the plant growth
a while. The building is 15 feet tall. and vines on the ground. If any character investigates
the corpses, they inadvertently trigger the flowers to
release their pollen and be exposed to the effects of
4. G REE N H O U S E the poisonous carrion flowers growing on the bodies.

Background Carrion Flowers. The carrion flower grows on the

The greenhouse of the menagerie used to give a home carcasses of dead creatures and distills the necrot-
to rare and exotic flower-bearing plants of a dazzling ic energies in the corpses into its pollen. Anyone ex-
variety and of all colors, tended to by the caretakers of posed to the pollen in a 10-foot radius must make a

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


successful DC 14 Constitution saving throw or gain cage, a bolt of lightning has melted and shattered
the poisoned condition and suffer 1d4 necrotic dam- the iron grills and covering netting. Many smaller
age at the start of their turn as long as they are poi- trees grow in the cage, with numerous bird nests in
soned by the carrion flower. At the end of each of their branches. The trees and vegetation have also
its turns, a creature poisoned by the carrion flower bloomed and grown to fill the area, obstructing the
can make another Constitution saving throw. On a view to the inside of the structure. Carcasses of tiny
success, the poisoned condition ends on the creature. to small birds lie scattered around the ground.

The cursed rains have also given rise to a shambling “Marvel at the beautiful plumage
mound that has coalesced from the vegetation. It
and listen to the soothing songs
hides in the thick foliage and attacks once characters
venture into the greenhouse.
of the minstrels of the air!”
The sign outside the Aviary.
The corpse of the witchservant cultist has 7 silver Scene
pieces and 6 gold pieces in a small purse. The six Roy- Four peacockatrices are hidden by the thick foliage
al Army soldiers don’t have any valuables except for of the aviary. Characters must succeed on a DC 11
their equipment - spears, long swords, chain shirts, Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice the swirl-
and badly damaged uniformed cloaks. ing colors of the creatures’ plumes behind the plant
cover. The peacockatrices inhabit the aviary and will
attack any intruder who ventures into the structure.
5. A V IA RY
Peacockatrice. The peacockatrices have acquired a
Background unique ability as a result of the curse, their plumage
The aviary used to house a myriad of different bird spe- swirling with wild colors hypnotically. Use the cocka-
cies of the most exotic kinds - birds of paradise, hum- trice monster entry with the following modifications:
mingbirds, songbirds, and other bright-plumed varie-
ties of flighted creatures - as well as a prized flock of • Hypnotic Plumes. Any creature within 30 feet of the
peacockatrices gifted to King Waldrann many years ago peacockatrice who sees the swirling plumage must
by a Drayl emissary from the City-State of Zammastra. make a successful DC 11 Wisdom saving throw. On
a failed save, the creature becomes charmed. While
Most of the birds had flown from the structure when charmed by this effect, the creature is incapacitated
a bolt of lightning damaged the iron grills of the cage and has a speed of 0. The affected creature can make
and the covering netting, creating a hole at the top a new save at the start of its turn to end the effect,
of the dome. The lighting also pierced the smaller in- and the effect also ends for an affected creature if it
ner cage of the peacockatrices, freeing them to extend takes any damage or if someone else uses an action
their habitat to the entire area of the aviary. The pea- to shake the creature out of its stupor. If a creature’s
cockatrices have also acquired special powers due to saving throw is successful, the creature is immune
the Midnight Curse, the colors on their plumage are to the hypnotic plumes for the next 24 hours.
animated and constantly swirl with hypnotic patterns.

Environment 6a. O L D G N A R L Y ' P O N D

The aviary is an enormous domed birdcage covered
with a thin netting. The structure has a diameter of Background
40 feet and a height of 20 feet. On the northern side The large central pond was home to dozens of smaller
of the larger cage and one side of the smaller inner crocodiles and a notoriously vicious giant crocodile

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

named Old Gnarly, captured in the Ulden Swamps Scene

and brought to the capital over two decades ago. Old Gnarly hides under the water cover and hunts
its territory in silence and stealth, stalking anyone
As a result of the Midnight Curse, Old Gnarly has who ventures near the bridge’s southern side or the
awakened and has become sentient, first attacking amphitheater. The large body of the giant lizard can
and slaying the caretakers in the area when the Mid- be spotted with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Percep-
night Curse manifested and then eradicating all oth- tion) skill check.
er crocodiles in its pond. However, the head caretak-
er of the menagerie, Seldonius Soothis, managed to Old Gnarly waits for the characters to approach the
jump into the feeding cage hanging above the water, bottom of the stands or the caretaker’s platform from
and he is kept alive but prisoner by Old Gnarly for its ambush position below water cover, or if it is de-
feeding it choice meats in the past. tected. At this point, it rises from the water and moves
to the bottom level of the amphitheater, demanding
Old Gnarly has also broken through the triceratops meat from the characters to feed its insatiable hunger.
pen and has slain Queen Bonnyspikes, the female tri- Feigning subservience and tricking Old Gnarly into
ceratops, before being driven back to the water by thinking that meat is on the way requires a successful
King Blackhorn after a vicious battle. Seldonius has DC 10 Charisma (Deception) skill check. However, this
since treated the crocodile’s wounds from the gore will only buy some time before the giant crocodile
attacks of the triceratops in exchange for his life. grows suspicious and attacks the characters.

Environment “Are you my feed,

Old Gnarly’s Pond is a large pond surrounded by
or did you bring meat?!”
6-foot tall iron columns forming a fence. Climbing
the columns requires a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) Old Gnarly roaring as it rises
skill check. The elevation of the ground around the from the depth of the pool.
fence used to be 20 feet above the water level, but
as the waters have swelled from the almost constant Old Gnarly. Use the giant crocodile monster entry
heavy rains, the shore is only 5 feet above the water, with the following modifications:
except for its rocky northern side. This used to be
dry ground and the favorite sunbathing area of the • Old Gnarly is chaotic evil.
lizards. The pond has also overflown, especially on its • It has an Intelligence score of 10.
western side, covering the bridgehead stairs on the • It can speak Common.
south side and the areas between the amphitheater
in area 6b and the Guess the Mimic cage in area 8,
where the water is about a foot deep. 6b. FEE D I N G TH E A TE R
The mangled carcasses of numerous crocodiles and a Background
menagerie caretaker float on the bloody water. The twice-daily feeding shows always attracted large
crowds to witness the gory feeding frenzy of the
crocodiles and especially Old Gnarly’s vicious attacks.
“Meet the largest crocodile The caretakers around the feeding theater were the
that ever lived, the terror of first targets of Old Gnarly when it gained sentience.
the Ulden Swamps, Old Gnarly
the ever-hungry!” Environment
The theater is a stone structure that rises 20 feet
The sign outside Old Gnarly’s Pond. from the ground on its western side, sloping down

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


towards the pond. The bottom level of the theat- rate stairs used only by staff. A thick pole rises from
er used to be 10 feet above a raised feeding area at the platform and a wooden cage hangs from it. The
ground level on its eastern side. However, the water cage is 6 feet on a side and can be lowered and raised
level has risen 15 feet, and now the water is lapping by a pulley mechanism or swung 180 degrees clock-
at the bottom of the seating area. wise so it is over the water or resting on the southern
side of the platform. The cage is currently submerged
The rotting and mangled carcass of Queen Bonny- in the water, and a body dressed in green robes lies
spikes, the triceratops, lies in the grass on the south- slumped inside.
ern side of the theater (see area 7a).
Seldonius Soothis (use the menagerie caretaker
6c. CA RE TA KE R'S monster entry), the head menagerie caretaker, lies
slumped within the cage suspended and sitting in the
P L A TF O R M pond. He has been held prisoner by Old Gnarly and
has fallen unconscious. If revived, Seldonius can detail
Background the original array of beasts and monstrosities that in-
This platform once served as a feeding mechanism habited the menagerie and describe the secret door
for the shows, from where menagerie caretakers leading to the underground feeding chambers in area
lowered live animals onto the small stretch of dry 15. He is ever grateful if the characters help in clearing
ground below the theater. The wizened head menag- out the park, and he can aid in this undertaking.
erie caretaker, Seldonius Soothis, locked himself into
the feeding cage hanging above the water when Old “Thank you most kindly, visitors.
Gnarly slew the other caretakers but has now fall-
I beg your forgiveness for the
en unconscious due to the strains of confinement.
Old Gnarly keeps Seldonius alive for past favors and
dreadful state of the menagerie.
choice meats and also finds evil pleasure in the re- Something must be done to tame
versed roles and seeing the suffering of the caretaker. the monsters and their habitat.”
Environment Seldonius Soothis requesting aid
The feeding platform is a wooden structure with a after being rescued and revived.
rail separating it from the theater stands and sepa-
Award the party 700 experience points if they rescue
and revive Seldonius Soothis.

The pen used to house the mated pair of triceratopses
- King Blackhorn and Queen Bonnyspike - brought to
Aglarion in a caravan from the far south over a dec-
ade ago. As a result of the Midnight Curse, the horns
of the triceratopses have changed to resemble uni-
corn horns and the beasts have also acquired limited
teleportation abilities as a result.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

Unfortunately, Queen Bonnyspikes unknowingly

jumped outside of the confines of the pen and was
7b. S TO R A G E B A RN
soon attacked and dispatched by Old Gnarly. Old
Gnarly then battered down the northern columns Background
of the pen and went after King Blackhorn. A bat- The menagerie caretakers used the wooden barn to
tle of giants ensued, which resulted in a mutual re- store hay and other dry feed for the beasts and mon-
treat, both combatants with severe wounds. Taron sters in the park.
Soothis has tended to king Blackthorn, and the two
have become close companions. Taron Soothis has been hiding out in the wooden
shed that is part of the pen, using it as a base to
Environment fashion his traps and hunt the grounds for victims to
The pen is about 70 feet across, enclosed by massive feed Old Gnarly.
wooden columns. Some leafy low-hanging trees and
thick bushes grow rampant on its sides. A 16-foot Environment
long trough sits idly within the pen, brimming with This large, 20-foot tall wooden shed was used to store
rainwater. The open center of the pen has turned small bales of hay, dry animal feed in large boxes, and
into a muddy quagmire, which is difficult terrain. all kinds of equipment used for gardening and ani-
mal husbandry. A small camp is set up in the barn,
“Long live their tri-horned majesties, around which a bedroll and some cooking appliances
have been strewn.
King Blackhorn and Queen Bonnyspike!
May their reign bring peace from the Scene
lands of the south! ” The barn is the hideout of Taron Soothis, a former
The sign outside the triceratops pen. menagerie caretaker who has been hunting for prey
to placate Old Gnarly and free his father from the
Scene clutches of the giant crocodile. Taron has set up a
King Blackhorn, the triceratops alpha, rules this do- camp here, whence he sometimes goes forth into
main. The beast has been licking its wounds after its the menagerie to set his advanced hunting traps. He
fight with old Gnarly, sometimes phasing around the also maintains an alarm spell on the path from the
enclosure in grief and anger. It attacks anyone who entrance to the greenhouse and will prepare to lie
ventures within 10 feet of the pen or inside it. in ambush for prey - anyone who dares to tread the
grounds - within the thick foliage on the northern
King Blackhorn. Use the triceratops monster entry side of triceratops pen.
with the following modifications:
If caught unaware, Taron can be found in the barn.
 eleport (1/Day). King Blackhorn can magically tele- He has gone into survival mode under the condi-
port itself and up to three willing creatures it can tions that the curse has brought to the menagerie,
see within 5 feet of it, along with any equipment as well as the plight of his father. He will see an-
they are wearing or carrying, to a location it is fa- yone whom he encounters as prey and meat that
miliar with, up to 300 feet away. he might offer to Old Gnarly. Taron will immedi-
ately summon King Blackthorn with a bellowing
If characters have triggered Taron’s alarm spell, the roar, who will teleport to his side in the following
young caretaker hides in ambush here, waiting for round.
his trap to be activated (see area 7b). He can be no-
ticed hiding in the bushes with a successful DC 19 Taron Soothis. Use the menagerie caretaker mon-
Wisdom (Perception) skill check. ster entry with the following modifications:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


•H e is neutral evil. cage with a ceiling and iron bars, including a barrel,
• He has the following ranger spells prepared: a trough, a crate, an armchair, an oven, and a chest.
• 1st level (4 slots): alarm, ensnaring strike, hunter’s Water has seeped in from the pond’s overflow, cover-
mark, speak with animals ing the northern part of the cage with a thin layer of
• 2nd level (2 slots): beast sense, spike growth water. The water is blooded, and there is a half-eaten
and unrecognizable corpse of a menagerie caretaker
“Best not to struggle. It will hurt among the objects with an intact potion vial clutched
in its hand. On the southeastern corner of the cage,
more. And Old Gnarly likes its
the iron bars have been corroded to stumps, and the
meat to be intact when served.” cage is open to the outside.
Taron to a trapped character
after he attacks from ambush. Scene
The cursed mimic is currently in the form of a trough
If Old Gnarly is defeated and his father freed, Taron and lies in wait for anyone to enter the cage, at which
will fall to his knees in exhaustion from the trial that point it springs to attack.
was mentally, physically, and emotionally draining
on the young man. Nevertheless, he will join any ef- Cursed Mimic. Use the mimic monster entry with
fort to reestablish some order to the menagerie and the following modifications:
eliminate all threats. He will also seek repentance for
his deeds done in need and humbly beg for forgive- •A
 dhesive Breath (Recharge 5-6). The mimic exhales
ness from the Uncanny Vagabonds for killing their a gooey substance in a 20-foot cone. Each creature
members, offering to join their ranks if possible. in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature is covered by
Treasure goo and is restrained. It requires a DC 13 Strength
Taros has 3 advanced hunting traps and an explorer’s check to break free. Ability checks made to escape
pack, whose contents are spread on the ground. the adhesive goo have disadvantage.

“Guess the mimic! Spot the

8. G UE S S TH E M IM I C monster before it eats the rabbit!”
Background The sign outside the mimic cage.
The mimic cage has always been a favorite attraction
for visitors, especially during feeding times when Treasure
caretakers fed live rabbits to the monster from the The menagerie caretaker has a potion of invisibility in
feeding house in area 11, and visitors could play a his hand, labeled “Emergency Use Only.”
game to guess which object the mimic has chosen
as its form from the various items in the cage. As a
result of the heavy rains, the wooden inner cage of 9. EA TE R S O F I RO N
the rust monsters in area 9 has been damaged, and
the beasts have escaped by corroding the metal bars Background
of the cages, thereby opening the mimic cage to the The rust monsters housed here were captured at the
outside. The mimic has acquired an adhesive breath foothills of the Shandar Mountains and brought to
weapon ability as a result of the Midnight Curse. Onadbyr to display the curious iron rusting ability of
the monsters in the menagerie where they were fed
Environment ingots of iron, knives, and other metalware. Visitors
Several objects are on display in this 15-foot high were actually encouraged to try to throw metal trin-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

kets to the monsters through the double enclosure. southern side of the enclosure in their under-armor
As a result of the curse, one of the rust monsters padding, their ferrous armor and swords having been
has grown to a giant size, and the overflow from turned to rust.
the pond has weakened the wooden structure, allow-
ing the monsters within to reach the iron structure “Throw your metal trinkets
and start feeding on the delicious metal of the cages.
to the eaters of iron from
They began to consume the northeastern side of their
own cage and the southeastern side of the mimic’s
the Shandar Mountains!”
cage before being chased off by the mimic. The rust The sign outside the rust monster cage.
monsters have been careful to avoid Softplume the
owlbear and have moved on to the chomping on the Scene
iron on the southern side of their cage. Two rust monsters and a giant rust monster are en-
gaged in feeding on the iron bars of their cage and
The monsters also quickly dispatched a contingent the armor of the corpses littered on the southern
of the Royal Swords and witchservants who were ex- side. The monsters will attack anyone who approach-
ploring the menagerie. es their cage and will target opponents wearing met-
al armor or carrying metal shields or weapons but
are otherwise not interested in the characters.

Giant Rust Monster (CR 1, 200 XP). Use the rust mon-
ster monster entry with the following modifications:

• T he giant rust monster is Large size.

• It has 55 hit points.
• Its bite attack deals 10 (2d8 + 1) piercing damage.
• Any time the giant rust monster is hit with a non-
magical weapon made of metal or when it hits a
creature with its antennae, it gains 5 hit points.

The corpse of the witchservant cultist has 12 silver
pieces and 5 gold pieces in a small purse. The six Roy-
al Swords don’t have any valuables except for the re-
mains of their equipment - the shafts of their spears
and badly damaged uniformed cloaks.

The 15-foot tall cage of the rust monsters features 10. S O F TP L U M E
two layers - an external iron one like the neighbor-
ing cages and a wooden inner one to contain the
monsters within. Small metal trinkets line the space
between the two enclosures. The northeastern side Background
of the wooden cage is sodden and broken, while the Softplume the Owlbear was captured in the Bleak
iron bars on the outside have been corroded away Mire and sold to King Waldrann by Frumby Gold-
and turned to rust in a few places. The corpses of five tooth several years ago. However, Frumby claimed
Royal Swords and a witchservant cultist lie on the that he caught the beast at the edge of the King’s

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Forest and made no mention of the Feyrealm. Soft- 11. FEE D IN G H O U S E
plume has been a prized attraction of the menag-
erie and a favorite of Aglarion’s children due to the Background
unique faerie sheen of its feathers and the popular The feeding house was used by the menagerie care-
stuffed owlbear toys in its image sold around the takers to prepare and portion the feed for the beasts
kingdom. and monsters on display - primarily rabbits and other
meats for the mimic and Softplume, as well as iron
Softplume remains trapped in its cage. However, as a ingots for the rust monsters.
result of the Midnight Curse, it has acquired a thun-
derous hoot ability that it has used already when One of the witchservant cultists, Zartior Greentree,
Queen Aphinah’s company of soldiers approached its fled to the building after encountering the rust mon-
enclosure. sters and Softplume. He stumbled upon a menagerie
caretaker who was already hiding in the building.
The Uncanny Vagabonds have managed to avoid the The witchservant first befriended the caretaker,
beast’s fury by stealth and throwing it some mor- finding out some key details about his past, before
sels when needed. murdering him and feeding the remains to the mim-
ic. The witchservant then dressed in the caretaker
Environment clothes stored in the building and barricaded himself.
The 15-foot tall enclosure features a large nest in its He has been persisting on the rabbit feed that he has
center, and its floor is dirty and covered by feathers found and is waiting for someone to “rescue” him so
and guano. Characters can see the pitiful hunched he may continue his explorations with new “allies.”
form of Softplume within the cage, dirty and hungry.
“Hoot if you wish to see The feeding house is a small, 10-foot tall, flat-roofed
brick side building with a wooden floor. The building
the dazzling ruffle of Softplume’s
has three 3-foot tall upward sliding doors that con-
marvelous feathers, of the prettiest nect it to the three cages in areas 8, 9, and 10. Each
owlbear in all the lands!” doorway also has a metal grill inside the surrounding
The sign outside Softplume’s cage. cages that can be opened with a latch from both
sides. Currently, all doors and grills are closed.
If anyone ventures within 15 feet of the enclosure, Utensils used for food preparation and wide bowls
Softplume will rise from its nest and use its Thunder- filled with putrid meat and wilted vegetables lie on
ous Hoot ability. a table on the northern wall. A large rabbit cage
with several live rabbits sits along the eastern wall
Softplume. Use the owlbear monster entry with the and a large box filled with iron ingots in the south-
following modifications: western corner. The door from the outside of the
building is unlocked, but it opens to the inside and
 hunderous Hoot. As a bonus action, Softplume has been barricaded with chairs and wooden box-
can issue a thunderous hoot with a radius of 20 es, blocking the way into the building. The barri-
feet that ripples through the air. The thunderous cade can be forced open with a successful DC 20
hoot ability functions as a shatter spell with a Strength (Athletics) skill check.
DC 13 Constitution saving throw. Softplume is im-
mune to the effects of its own thunderous hoot Scene
ability. When the characters try to open the barricade or if
they approach the building loudly, Zartior Greentree,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

a witchservant cultist, calls the characters for res- As a result of the Midnight Curse, the tentacles of the
cue. He pretends to be afraid and feigns the need to gricks have gained the ability to expand to 40 feet
be persuaded for him to open the barricade. A char- and have also become poisonous.
acter who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) skill
check realizes that Zartior Greentree tries to gauge The giant scorpion in the neighboring cage has ac-
the characters’ intentions. Once Zartior Greentree quired an acidic bite and has slowly opened up the
has made sure that the characters can lead him fur- iron columns on the southern side of areas 12 and 13,
ther into the menagerie, he assumes the form of the freeing itself and the gricks from their enclosures.
murdered menagerie caretaker using his Hag’s Form The scorpion had attacked the gricks but was beaten
ability and opens the barricade. off by their superior numbers.

When questioned, Zartior Greentree explains in jum- Environment

bled sentences that he fled into the building when the The enclosure of the gricks is essentially a rock bowl
curse manifested and has been hiding there since. He that is 30 feet deep on its northern side, sloping up
will avoid answering questions that would unravel 40 feet towards the southwestern side. The bowl is
his deceit, especially if the Soothis’ are present, acting closed off from the neighboring giant scorpion en-
deadly afraid, disoriented, and confused. Characters closure by a thick wall made of stone, fashioned to
can see through the act if they make a successful DC organically fit into the environment. The stumps of
14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check. If confronted, Zarti- iron columns stand on the elevated southern side
or Greentree will try to flee using a potion of misty of the bowl that used to close off the enclosure
step and report the characters to Queen Aphinah. If from the rest of the park, now dissolved by acid. The
he is not discovered, Zartior Greentree will want to half-eaten carcass of a grick lies on the ground, its
be close to the characters for an hour until he can body also partially dissolved.
glean some details about them and their intentions.
When the end of the hour approaches, Zartior Green- Secret Feeding Hatch. At the bottom of the bowl is a
tree will try to leave the area and contact his fellow hidden feeding hatch that blends into the rocky envi-
witchservants. If he can do so, nine Royal Swords (use ronment, opening to the underground feeding cham-
the guard monster entry) and three witchservant bers (area 15.) It can be discovered with a successful
cultists arrive within 5d4+10 minutes to investigate DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
the entire Monster Menagerie again.
“As still as stone and able to blend into
Treasure a rocky environment, the grick is an
The witchservant cultist has 8 silver pieces and 16 gold
pieces in a small purse, as well as a potion of misty step
ambush predator that can overwhelm
if he hasn’t used it in the encounter. the unwary mountain traveler. Can you
see the monsters before they move?”
12. G R I CK RO CKS The sign outside the grick rock enclosure.

Background Scene
The gricks inhabiting the rocky enclosure were cap- Four tentacled gricks are hiding on the rocky floor
tured on the lower slopes of the Mountainfall by Jon of the bowl, unmoving and indistinguishable from
Blackthorn the ranger and sold to the Menagerie for the surrounding terrain. They will lash out with their
a pretty penny. The monsters lie absolutely still, even elongated tentacles at anyone who approaches the
during feedings times, attacking in a flash when pre- sides of their enclosure and will try to drag them
sented with live feed. down into the bowl.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Tentacled Grick. Use the grick monster entry with environment, opening to the underground feeding
the following modifications: chambers in area 15. It can be discovered with a DC
20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
 entacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 40
ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 +2) slashing damage. Any
“Beware Deathsting, my son! The tail
creature hit by the grick’s tentacles is grappled and
must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or
that stings, the claws that catch!”
gain the poisoned condition for 1 minute. The sign outside the giant scorpion enclosure.

13.  E A TH S TIN G ,
D Deathsting is a patient predator. It waits patiently
and motionless in the bushes on the periphery of the
TH E G IA N T S CO RP IO N menagerie for prey - for any grick that would leave
its enclosure and separate from its pack or any crea-
Background ture that would approach the areas on the eastern
The giant scorpion Deathsting is renowned for being side of the grick rocks in area 12.
one of the most ferocious vermin that the people
of Aglarion have ever seen. The beast was captured Deathsting. Use the giant scorpion monster entry
in the rocky paths of the eastern Vordan Mountains with the following modifications:
and brought to the capital for display.
• Multiattack. The scorpion makes four attacks: two
As a result of the Midnight Curse Deathsting has grown with its claws, one with its fangs, and one with its
fanglike mandibles that seep acid and has eaten away sting.
at the iron pillars of its enclosure as well as those of • Fangs. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
the neighboring enclosure to get at the gricks. Never- one target. Hit: (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus 3
theless, the tentacled monsters have mostly managed (1d6) acid damage.
to evade and drive off Deathsting, who now lurks in
the bushes on the southern side of the menagerie.
14. G R I F F O N'S N E S T
The enclosure of Deathsting is essentially a rock bowl Background
30 feet deep on its northern side, sloping up 40 feet Suncrest and Goldfeathers, a mated pair of griffons,
towards the southeastern side. The bowl is closed was found by Seldonius Soothis in the Talanar Hills,
off from the neighboring grick and griffon enclosure injured and unable to defend themselves or to lay
by thick walls fashioned from stone, built to organ- eggs. The old caretaker befriended the pair of ma-
ically fit into the environment. The stumps of iron jestic monsters and brought them to Onadbyr for
columns stand on the elevated southern side of the caretaking. The griffons have since recovered, and
bowl that used to close off the enclosure from the Goldfeathers has laid two eggs that the griffons fero-
rest of the park, now dissolved by acid. The ground ciously protect.
outside the closed secret feeding hatch is littered
with sealed feeding bags that are actually filled with As a result of the Midnight Curse, the griffons have
feces (dumped here by the Uncanny Vagabonds hid- become able to blast strong winds with their wings,
ing below.) which they use to repel anyone who ventures near
their webbed enclosure. The animals are cautiously
Secret Feeding Hatch. At the bottom of the bowl is fed through the secret feeding hatch by the Uncanny
a hidden feeding hatch that blends into the rocky Vagabonds, hiding under the rock enclosures.

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15. U N D E R G RO U N D
The enclosure of the griffons is similar to the other rock
enclosures next to it - a rock bowl that is 30 feet deep FEE D IN G CH A M B E R S
on its northern side, sloping up 40 feet towards the
southwestern side. The rocky outcrop at the top of the Background
boulders features a large nest with two yellowish eggs The menagerie caretakers used the underground
resting inside. The bowl is closed off from the neighbor- feeding chambers to store feed and the equipment
ing giant scorpion enclosure by thick walls fashioned needed to run the menagerie. The upper chambers
from stone, built to fit into the environment organical- have three secret hatches that connect to each of
ly, and iron columns on the southern and western sides the three rocky enclosures, whence live feed could
of the bowl that separate it from the rest of the park. be introduced to the monsters.
The iron columns here are almost 30 feet tall, support-
ing a wire mesh that keeps the griffons confined. A group of the Uncanny Vagabonds who have been
stranded in Onadbyr has commandeered the cham-
Secret Feeding Hatch. At the bottom of the bowl is bers. Gren, a member of the vagabonds and bastard
a hidden feeding hatch that blends into the rocky son King Waldran, has been declared an outlaw by the
environment, opening to the underground feeding Queen’s authorities, and the clan has gone into hiding.
chambers in area 15. It can be noticed with a DC 20 Narder Tyk advised his cousin Taris, the clan’s patri-
Wisdom (Perception) skill check. arch, about the Monster Menagerie and, specifically
the underground feeding chambers to be used as the
Secret Door. The secret door to the Underground family’s hideout. The Vagabonds have utilized doses of
Feeding Chambers in area 15 is well hidden and fash- dust of odorlessness to bypass the animals and travel in
ioned to resemble the natural rock face into which stealth through the premises. Separated from the rest
it is carved, requiring a successful DC 20 Wisdom of the family in Aglarion, the Vagabonds plot their
(Perception) skill check to notice. escape from the city and getting to a safe location.

“The rays of the sun are made Gren has started to gather key allies in the resistance
against the new regime and exploit flaws in its work-
brighter by the glorious plumage
ings. However, Taris is playing two hands, weighing
of Suncrest and Goldfeathers, Gren’s value in being a figurehead for rebellion while
the mated pair of griffons.” at the same time trying to manipulate events to best
The sign outside the Griffon’s nest. serve the Uncanny Vagabonds. The Royal Architect
Narder Tyk is also hiding out with his Uncanny Vag-
Scene abond family after having been rescued by Gren from
Suncrest and Goldfeathers guard their eggs viciously the clutches of Queen Aphinah’s forces.
and repel any intrusion, taking to the air and blasting
forth gusts of wind with their wings as soon as any Environment
creature approaches their enclosure. Steep stairs descend 30 feet from the secret door be-
neath the griffon enclosure to the underground feed-
Suncrest and Goldfeathers. Use the griffon monster ing chambers. Torches illuminate the chambers, and
entry with the following modification: each features a feeding hatch that can be easily seen
from the inner side. There is also an open trap door
 ing Blast. As an action, the griffons can create tur- that leads to the storage chambers below.
bulent gusts of wind with their wings, which func-
tions as a gust of wind spell with a DC 13 Strength The chambers have been turned into a rebel hideout
saving throw. that houses a dozen members of the Uncanny Vaga-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


bonds. Dirty sleeping mats and small campsites with son of King Waldrann and self-proclaimed rebel lead-
cooking utensils, backpacks, and personal belongings er, who arrive after one round from the inner cham-
are spread around the chambers, which also serve bers. After the second round, an additional three Vag-
as storage for stores of weapons, barrels of water abonds (use the thug monster entry with the ability
and wine, and crates of foodstuff - mostly smoked to cast true strike once per day) and Taris, the family’s
meats, onions, and tubers. The air is stuffy with the elder, emerge from the storage chambers below.
bodily odors of many people in a confined space for
an extended period, and the space is cramped with
stores of goods and the belongings of about a dozen
Uncanny Vagabonds. Ceilings are 10 feet high.

Scene G RE N
The Uncanny Vagabonds are all related by family
ties and will usually act as a group after discussing
the plan of action privately in their own tongue. The
most imposing figure among them is Gren, while
Taris (use the spy monster entry with the ability to
cast minor illusion once per day) the elder acts as the
group’s voice when decisions are made.

Oi chums! It seems you’ve opened

the wrong door. These chambers are
already occupied. But best if you stay
awhile and explain yourselves, we aint’t
wantin’ little birds flying around the
city and chirpin’ to the wrong people.”
Gren smirking as he emerges
from the inner chambers.

TA R IS The family will not allow access to Narder Tyk, who

is in the storage chambers below, unless the char-
When the characters enter the chambers, the five acters can prove their loyalties and convince them
Vagabonds in the first chamber (use the thug mon- that no harm shall befall the architect or the Un-
ster entry with the ability to cast true strike once per canny Vagabonds. They are especially suspicious of
day) jump to attention and take up defensive stances, all outsiders, so characters must succeed on a DC
trying to surround the characters while calling for 17 Charisma (Persuasion or Deception) skill check
reinforcements - an additional three Vagabonds (use to appease the group. If any character tries to In-
the assassin monster entry with the ability to cast timidate the Uncanny Vagabonds, they will attack
vicious mockery once per day) and Gren the bastard immediately.

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“These troubling rains addition, a makeshift bathroom and lavatory have been
affect us all, and the Vaga- set up in the eastern corner of the room, filling the
bonds can aid the common entire room with a foul odor that takes getting used to.
cause. But, naturally,
at our discretion. Now if youz want Scene
If characters are led to Narder Tyk and if they ex-
to parlay with my cousin Narder, it plain their plans, the Royal Architect will gladly show
will cost a pretty penny. 100 gold for characters his maps of any strategic and state-owned
our trouble and yon word of silence, building in the city, including the layout of the Royal
which we treat as one worth yon life.” Palace. He also describes the secret tunnel that leads
from an abandoned royal villa at the shores of Riv-
Taris the elder explaining his terms er Nenock by the Queen’s Bridge, directly to area 52,
after deliberations have been made. the King’s Cabinet. Narder Tyk also tells about a mag-
ical force gate that blocks the tunnel, which features
Characters can attempt to haggle with Taris, suc- the most complex locking mechanism that the archi-
ceeding on a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion or Decep- tect has ever seen (see Tunnel of Love in Chapter 3).
tion) skill check to set a lower price, reducing the
cost by half.

Once the negotiations are out of the way and oaths

secured, Taris and Gren will lead the characters to
the storage chambers under the trap door. N A R DE R

16. S TO RA G E
The lower storage chambers under the rocky areas of
the park were used to store all manner of goods re-
lated to the running of the menagerie. Like the cham- “Eye, I know the tunnel like the back
bers above, the rooms have been used by the Uncan- of my hand. Master Arlen created it.
ny Vagabonds as their hideout since the onset of the It leads directly from the shore to
Midnight Curse’s effects. Narder Tyk, the former Roy-
al Architect, also makes his camp in this room.
the King’s Cabinet. And there’s also
powerful magic involved.”
Environment Narder Tyk laying out the map of the Royal Palace.
Similar to the chambers above, these rooms are also
occupied by the Uncanny Vagabonds, with signs of Treasure
temporary use as a dwelling among the items that are The Uncanny Vagabonds have a small stash of val-
stored here - water, cleaning supplies, animal feed, rope, uables, including 638 silver pieces, 389 gold pieces,
pieces of wire mesh and netting for repairs, and crates and various jewelry worn by the members in a total
and bags of supplies hoarded here by the Vagabonds. value of 1,340 gold pieces.
However, unlike the rooms above, these chambers also
feature a large desk with plans and illustrations drawn Experience
by Narder Tyk, escape routes out of the city, the palace, Award the party 1,100 experience points for speaking
and some other buildings of strategic importance. In to Narder Tyk and obtaining the map of the palace.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



Background Scene
The witchservant agents of Queen Aphinah have The characters find the Lucky Leap on fire when re-
found the secret hideout of Lord Cyne Monder and turning from successfully obtaining all three compo-
his renegade Knights of the Crown in the Lucky Leap. nents - the master key, recovering the information
They have alerted their queen, who has dispatched on the secret tunnel from Narder Tyk and emptying
a regiment of werehellhound knights to eradicate the Idol of Thyargylosh into the antimagic cave. The
them. Ricio Tane took notice of the approaching ar- tavern’s front door is smashed to pieces, and the lock-
mored beasts and activated the Lucky Leap’s lock- down mechanism’s metal plate is torn to the side.
down mechanism, but the lycanthropes torn down A few residents watch the flaming, smoke-engulfed
the shutters of the front door and stormed inside building fearfully from their windows or doorways
the building. The knights made their last stand at the further down the streets. They can relate that the
taproom and were quickly defeated by swords, jaws, queen’s werehellhounds have stormed the building,
and flames. Lord Cyne Monder’s last hope was a re- that they heard the sounds of prolonged battle from
treat to the basement, where death ultimately found inside, and that only a severely burnt werehellhound
him. But before he perished, he took his ring off and knight has left the building in a hurry, keeping to the
clutched it in his palm, hoping that any survivors shadows as it ran away.
would be able to decipher its secret. The werehell-
hounds have just started to explore the tavern when “Which part don’t you understand?
the characters arrive.
I could even smell the strangely
Environment sweet smell of its badly burnt flesh.
The Lucky Leap is on fire. Heavy smoke obscures Now leave me be before they
the view into the tavern, seeping out into the near- put me in the stocks!”
by streets, and forming a massive column of black
smoke above the building. A frightened citizen describing
the burnt lycanthrope knight.

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Treasure with disadvantage or gain one level of exhaustion

All treasure described under the locations of the due to the dense smoke that has turned the entire
Lucky Leap in Chapter 1 is available for the taking. level into a heavily obscured area.


Environment Environment
The entire ground floor is ablaze, the signs of a re- Smoke has spread into the stairway but not the se-
cent and fierce battle clearly visible. The bodies of a cret level, whose door to area 12 is shut.
dozen dead Knights of the Crown are scattered on
the floor, barely distinguishable behind the cover of Scene
smoke and flames. The werehellhound knights have not yet found the
door to area 12. A single werehellhound knight is
Scene searching area 11. It has two levels of exhaustion and
The ground floor of the tavern is entirely engulfed has 38 hit points left.
in flames. A character who enters the ground floor
automatically takes 3 (1d6) fire damage at the start
of every turn and must make a DC 10 Constitution CELLAR
saving throw or gain one level of exhaustion due to
the choking smoke that has turned the level into a Background
lightly obscured area. Lord Cyne Monder had retreated to this location
with some of his knights to make their last stand
If Ricio Tane was in the building with the knights, he against the overwhelming heat and the onslaught
has been murdered, his body dangling from the bar. of their lycanthrope brethren. The seasoned pala-
din did not know that the two knights with whom
The werehellhound knights who have been slain he made his final stand were doppelganger infil-
have returned to their original forms upon their trators of the Golden Masks, who killed two of his
deaths, painting a confusing picture, suggesting knights and joined their ranks during the corona-
that knights were fighting knights some short time tion ceremony. The shapeshifters have managed to
ago. A werehellhound knight, with one level of ex- continuously avoid detection by being withdrawn,
haustion, occupies area 1, breathing fire on the walls mind-reading the paladins, avoiding the heat of the
and on the furnishing to feed the flames. It growls battle, and through sheer deception. After the rest
at and attacks anyone who enters. of the brave paladins fell, Lord Cyne Monder and the
two fake knights faced the last of the werehellhound
knights in the cellar in area 15. The lord trusted his
TOP LEVEL knights to protect each other, but he soon realized
that something was amiss. The smoke had a more
Environment severe effect on them than it would have on his pal-
The top floor of the tavern is a complete inferno, adins, and they utilized unusual fighting techniques.
even more ablaze than the ground floor. One of them fell quickly and changed back to its
original form of a doppelganger, while the other
Scene fled the cellar, leaving Lord Cyne Monder behind
A character who enters the top floor automatically with two growling and coughing werehellhound
takes 7 (2d6) fire damage at the start of every turn knights. The treacherous doppelganger named Dja-
and must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw harons could read the lord paladin’s mind before

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


leaving and had learned that Lord Cyne Monder’s enters and soon abandon their search to avoid the
last thoughts before being butchered concerned his smoke that is continuously building up.
journal, which he kept safe in the secret vault under
his family’s crypts. The doppelganger has fled to its Experience
master, Yhlsaby, and has informed the lamia about Award the party 1,100 experience points for recover-
the secret it has uncovered. ing Lord Cyne Monder’s signet ring.

Smoke obscures the cellar, slowly seeping down
from above. The bodies of two Knights of the Crown
lie dead on the floor. One of them is Lord Cyne
Monder. The other has strange pale skin, long grey
fingers, and a featureless face under its helmet.

The body of one of the doppelgangers, dressed as
a Knight of the Crown, lies in a pool of strange
dark-colored blood, its featureless face torn away.
Lord Cyne Monder’s body lies in front of it, obvious-
ly having tried to protect the supposed knight to
the end. Lord Cyne Monder holds his left fist shut
thigh, clutching his signet ring that was otherwise
always worn on his finger.

The golden signet ring is worth 750 gold pieces

and has a large, flat, irregularly cut ruby in a broad
mounting. The symbols of house Monder - a cross-
bow and scale with a gem on each of its plates - are
engraved on the ruby. The inner side of the ring
bears an inscription that reads: Crypt Monder 2-4-2.
The inscription is a reference to the Crypts of House
Monder and the order of the trap-free doors in the
vaults. It can later also be used to gain passage
from Drusssturr, the vault naga (see event Crypts of
House Monder).

If Avra has moved into the Lucky Leap, it is also

present here, raging in a state of berserking, under
the effects of an enlarge/reduce spell, with 40 hit
points remaining.

Two werehellhound knights occupy the room. They

have two levels of exhaustion and 38 hit points re-
maining. The lycanthropes are either fighting the
berserking flesh golem or investigating the cellar
for clues and valuables. They attack anyone who

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C H A P TE R 2


shape into a werehellhound to easily escape the

A CLASH OF INTERESTS burning Lucky Leap and immediately inform the
criminal organization about the vault.
Lord Cyne Monder’s ring should lead the characters Thus, the Golden Masks are the first to the scene, led
to the Monder family crypts that house the cremat- by none other than Yhlsaby, the lamia matron of the
ed remains of members of the noble clan, as well as Loud and Lusty Brothel and captain of the criminal
the secret family vaults of the House Monder behind organization. The greedy criminals found the secret
ingenious dwarven traps. door to the vaults but couldn’t resist opening the
sarcophagus of Lord Gronjyph Monder in the Hall
Lord Monder’s ring contains a vital clue engraved in- of the First (area 2), and as a result, the first lord of
side its back - the number sequence 2-4-2, marking the Monder clan has risen as a ghost. The gang then
the order of the right doors through the vaults. The fled into the vaults but has only partially infiltrated
numbers correspond to the correct doors in areas the deeper chambers, with a few of their members
5, 7, and 8, counted in a clockwise direction from already falling to the deadly traps. So they are cau-
the entrance to these rooms, not counting the door tious to advance further. They are betting on the fact
where one enters the room. that the vault contains vast riches and will consider
a joint operation with the characters if the encoun-
Unknown to the characters, a doppelganger from the ter doesn’t lead to bloodshed.
Golden Masks, Djaharons, had infiltrated the ranks
of the Lord Monder as a Knight of the Crown and Environment
has learned of the vaults by using its Read Thoughts The crypt of House Monder is located in the Noble’s
ability on Cyne Monder before he fell to the were- Rest (Onadbyr location 30.) cemetery in the High
hellhounds, minutes before the characters arrive at District and is just one of many similar structures
the scene. Djaharons quickly retreated and changed in the area. The building resembles a squat fortress

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


carved from marble with a bluish tint. The edifice with thieves’ tools to open the locks on the doors. All
is decorated in dwarven style with four statues of doors have AC 17, 40 hit points, a damage threshold
dwarven warriors standing guard in alcoves on the of 10, and immunity to poison, psychic, piercing, and
facade. A single chimney protrudes from the roof of slashing damage. The marble slabs can be forced open
the building. with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill
check and can be held open with the same skill check
All rooms have ceilings that are 20 feet high, and con- every round.
tinual flames are placed on the ceilings to light most
rooms, where indicated on the map. While the out- Corridor Traps. The two stairways in areas 4 and 6
er chambers are inlaid with bluish marble, the hid- and the corridor in area 8 are trapped. The corridor
den chambers of the vault reveal the original stone traps can be deactivated by pressing tiny buttons in-
blocks used in building the structure. terwoven into the intricately carved decorations on
the inner sides of the archways at the entries to the
Doors. Doors in the vaults in areas 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 stairs or the corridor. Pressing the button deactivates
are made of marble that is 1 foot in thickness, with the trap for ten minutes. It requires a successful DC
elaborate opening mechanisms consisting of circular 25 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice the tiny
valves on plates that can be turned. A successful DC circular buttons. The traps can be detected with a
20 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check reveals the successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) skill
correct valve settings to open the doors, which are check. They can be jammed or disabled with a suc-
locked by default and automatically locked when shut. cessful DC 20 Dexterity ability check with thieves’
It requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check tools, rendering them inoperable.

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The thugs have a total of 4 gold pieces, 16 silver piec-
es, and 8 copper pieces on their person. Two of the
1. H A L L O F G L O R Y gold pieces bear the symbol of the Golden Masks.
Joran has a doppelganger mask.
Four statues of dwarven warriors in full battle regalia
and bearing the symbol of House Monder stand guard 2. H A L L O F RE S PE CT
in the entry chamber to the family mausoleum on
square stone pedestals. The structure and walls are Background
made of blue marble, except for the stairs that de- This vast chamber houses the sarcophagus of Lord
scend deeper into the crypts. These are of a lighter Gronjyph Monder and his wife, Lady Aranoshka
shade of blue with white veins. A massive relief cov- Monder, the first Monders to obtain a noble title
ers the eastern wall, entitled “The Greatness of the from King Grankar Melkar the Brash in the early days
Monder Clan” in Dwarvish. The relief displays of the Melkar dynasty over 500 years ago.
armies of dwarves engaged in mining
and trading stone, building walls and The room also functions as the cremato-
towers, and hoarding vast resources, rium and as a place of remembrance
alluding to the immense wealth of to honor the Monder ancestors.
the Monder family.
The Golden Masks who dis-
Scene turbed the rest of the dwarf
Two Golden Mask toughs (use lord have fled the hall into
the thug monster entry), Joran the chambers beyond the se-
and Basko, have been stationed as cret door, which has closed
lookouts at the door to the mau- behind them. An unfortu-
soleum. They wear Royal Sword nate member of the gang
uniforms, and Joran has a dop- was pushed into the necrotic
pelganger mask to impersonate crematory in the hall, but only
a specific member of the Royal piles of dry ash remain from
Swords. They have heard the this victim.
keening of the ghost of Lord Gron-
jyph Monder from below and are Environment
nervously glancing into the building, The Hall of Respect is a vast chamber
scared to descend. If the thugs notice that rings with echoes. Two sarcoph-
the characters, they will pretend to agi lie in the southern alcove, both of
be Royal Swords and defend the door. their lids embellished with reliefs - one
A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wis- displaying a male dwarven warrior, the
dom (Insight) skill check sees through the bluff. D O PPE L- other a female. Both figures are depict-
G AN G E R ed in ceremonial plate armor, with long
braided hair, and the symbols of house
“Halt! The tomb has been closed MASK
Monder. The sarcophagus of Lord Gronjyph
by the Queen’s orders. Be off Monder has been opened, its lid propped up against
before we call for reinforcements!” the sarcophagus, exposing the withered skeleton of
Joran holding his whistle as the the dwarven lord, who wears lavishly decorated plate
characters approach the crypts. armor and whose remains have also been disturbed.

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There is a large crematory in the northwestern cor- placed back in its place, and when the correct prayer
ner of the hall currently open, with a small heap of is offered along with a lit candle and a precious stone
ashes inside. of at least 5 gold pieces in value that is placed on
any of the shelves in the hall, the ghost’s spirit can
Raised shelves that are 3 feet high line the northern, rest again. Characters must make a successful DC 15
southern, and eastern walls. Numerous unlit candles Intelligence (Religion) skill check to recall the dwar-
and over a hundred small semi-precious stones rest ven prayer for the dead. Dwarves gain gains advan-
on the shelves, left here as tributes to the ancient tage on this skill check.
ancestors of the Monder clan.
Ghost of Lord Gronjyph Monder. Use the ghost mon-
Secret Door. The secret door to area 4 is a part of the ster entry with with the following modifications:
raised shelf and it automatically closes itself after be-
ing opened. It requires a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) •T
 elekinesis (Recharge 6). The ghost can cast the tele-
skill check to notice the door and the small button kinesis spell with a spellcasting ability check modi-
beneath the shelf that opens it. fier of +7. This ability replaces the Possession ability
of the ghost.
When the characters enter the hall, the ghost of Lord Necrotic Crematory. The Necrotic Crematory is ac-
Gronjyph Monder materializes out of thin air above tive only if the ghost of Lord Gronjyph Monder man-
his tomb and wails in an enraged, otherworldly ifests. Anyone who is pushed into the furnace of the
voice, lashing out at the characters for disturbing his crematory suffers 22 (5d8) necrotic damage at the
rest and his mortal remains, demanding respect and beginning of their turn, their flesh withering away
honor for such an illustrious member of the Monder to dust if affected.
clan. Black flames abrupt from the furnace, burning
with necrotic energy. The ghost will use its Teleki- Treasure
nesis ability on the characters, attempting to push The remains of Lord Gronjyph Monder are clad in
them into the Necrotic Crematory and keep them his ceremonial plate armor that is worth 2,000 gold
there by maintaining its concentration or lash out pieces. The 124 semi-precious stones on the shelves
with its Withering Touch if anyone comes near. How- are of all varieties and are worth a total of 720 gold
ever, it will not pursue characters up the stairs or pieces.
into the vault chambers behind the secret door.

“How dare you disturb my eternal rest 3. H A L L OF THE AN CIE NTS

and remains?! What has been defiled
must be righted and honor offered by Background
bowed pate, prayer, and tribute. Or The Hall of the Ancients houses the cremated re-
be consumed eternally ’in flames, like mains of all members of the Monder clan, going back
those of the Monder line.” approximately 500 years.

The ghost of Lord Gronjyph Monder Environment

keening as it rises from its tomb. The columbarium features two long corridors with
niches where white marble pedestals stand, about
The wrath of Lord Gronjyph Monder can be abated if two-thirds of them with urns of various shapes and
his body is set in a ritual burial position with hands designs from different ages sitting on their tops.
crossed over his chest. Once the lid of his tomb is Some of the urns have cracked over time, and their

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


contents have spilled. However, they have been left Environment
as is as a sign of respect by the Monder descendants. This chamber is dedicated to Lord Gronjyph Monder,
with a carving of the dwarven lord’s face set into the
Treasure floor, depicting him wearing a crown, with closed
A few of the urns are works of elaborate craftsman- eyes and mouth. Two out of the four doors in the
ship and considerable value: a small cold iron urn in room are fake but feature the same valve mechanism
the shape of a mountain held by two dwarven work- as the real ones. A failed attempt to unlock, pick, or
ers worth 350 gold pieces, an ivory urn decorated force any doors activates the trap.
with scrimshaw depicting warships worth 250 gold
pieces, and a silver urn set with white jade stones Belly of the King Trap. When the trap is triggered,
worth 300 gold pieces. all the doors close automatically, and the floor of the
room splits in half along a vertical line in its center.
The two opposite slabs of the floor start to slowly
4. IR O N S PE A R S retract towards the eastern and western sides of
the chamber. It takes a full round for the floor to
Background completely open. Any creature who is in the center
The spear trap in the staircase has been activated by of the room where the floor opens when retracting
the Golden Masks when they fled from the ghost into can evade falling into the 30 foot deep spiked pit
the vaults. One of the many iron spears that activated with a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. On
became jammed when it struck one of the criminals. a failed save, the creature falls into the pit and suf-
fers 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and
Environment 13 (3d8) piercing damage from the spikes embedded
Steep stairs descend towards a closed door at the in the pit floor below. A creature that stands on the
bottom. A single iron spear protrudes from the west- floor falls into the pit when the floor retracts fully
ern wall at the top of the stairs, dripping blood and at the end of the round. The floor slabs take another
with a pool of blood beneath its deadly point. Bloody full round to close once they have fully opened. The
footprints lead down the stairs to the door. floor slabs are 1 foot thick stone blocks with AC 17,
100 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, damage
Iron Spear Trap. The trap is triggered when a small or resistance against slashing damage, and damage im-
larger creature steps on the sensitive pressure plates munity against piercing, poison, and psychic dam-
under the stairs. After the first jammed one, there are age. When destroyed, the slabs crumble into large
two active spears, each located 5 feet apart down the stone blocks that fall into the pit, causing 11 (2d10)
stairs. When triggered, a spear makes a melee attack bludgeoning damage or half that amount on a suc-
with +8 and deals 11 (2d10) piercing damage on a hit. cessful DC 12 Dexterity saving throw.
An activated spear trap resets immediately, retract-
ing into its hidden compartment in the wall. Scene
The muffled moaning of Fernog the Bull (use the
thug monster entry) can be heard with a successful
5. H A L L O F TH E F I R S T DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill check, coming from
under the floor.
The Golden Masks activated the trap mechanism of “Aaaargh…Heeeelp meee…
the room, and one of their members, Fernog the Bull,
Pleeese heelp meee…”
is stuck below the floors of the room, impaled on a
spike at the bottom of the pit. The thug is still alive Fernog the Golden Mask thug as he lays
but near death as it slowly bleeds out. impaled at the bottom of the spiked pit.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 2

Treasure floor. A failed attempt to unlock, pick, or force any

Fernog has 2 gold pieces, 9 silver pieces, and 11 copper fake or real doors activates the trap.
pieces in a pouch. One of the gold pieces bears the
symbol of the Golden Masks. Choking Sands Trap. When the trap is triggered, all
doors automatically close, and a myriad of small open-
Experience ings appear in the ceiling from where fine stone sand
Award the party 700 experience points for rescuing starts to pour into the room. It takes three rounds
Fernog the Bull as if they defeated him in combat. for the room to completely fill with sand. The doors
are only wholly accessible during the first round, and
all checks to open them are made with disadvantage
6. CR U S H I N G D O O M during the second and following rounds. Any crea-
ture in the chamber at the end of the third round
Environment begins to suffocate in the following round. A mecha-
Steep stairs descend towards a closed door at the nism depletes all the sand in the room through small
bottom. vents after 10 minutes.

Crushing Doom Trap. Unless the correct valve set- Scene

tings are used on the door to area 7, the door to area When the characters enter the chamber, they come
5 slams shut, and the trap is triggered. Massive slabs face-to-face with a group of Golden Masks. They con-
of stone start to slowly descend from the ceiling, and sist of four thugs and two doppelgangers, one in hu-
anyone trapped in the staircase faces unavoidable man form while the other, who fled the onslaught of
crushing doom. It takes the slabs three rounds to the werehellhound knights at the Lucky Leap, is in its
completely fill the staircase and retract into the ceil- original form, still wearing the armor of a Knight of
ing. During the third round, checks made to unlock the Crown and has AC 20. They are led by Yhlsaby, the
the doors are made with disadvantage. Anyone on lamia matron of the Loud and Lusty Brothel. Yhlsaby
the stairs at the end of the third round suffers 27 is open to negotiating. The lamia shamelessly admits
(5d10) bludgeoning damage. The trap resets at the that they are here to rob the vault of house Monder
end of the sixth round. and will offer an equal share of any treasure found
per person, counting all seven Golden Mask members
in the chamber. It takes a DC 20 Charisma (Persua-
7. H A L L O F TH E C L A N sion) skill check to increase the split to fifty-fifty.

Background If characters are unwilling to share the treasure or

This chamber is as far as the Golden Mask crew have attack the gang, Yhshaby will assume its natural la-
gotten in the vaults. The Golden Masks are hesitant mia form and order the gang to attack. Yhlsaby will
to open any of the doors in the chamber, still care- try to remain behind the cover of its crew, using en-
fully exploring the hall before venturing further into chantment spells from range.
the vaults.

This chamber is dedicated to the Monder clan. An
immense carving on the floor depicts a dwarven for-
tress with a massive gate under the beard of Lord
Gronjyph Monder’s face. A character who makes a
successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) skill check no-
tices a thin layer of fine sand in some places on the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


8. P A S S A G E TO R I CH E S

The curved passage is tiled with large alternating
white and dark grey slabs.

Y H L S AB Y Drowning Pits Trap. When a creature steps on a grey

tile with more than 20 lbs. of force, the tile opens
under them, and unless they make a successful DC
14 Dexterity saving throw, they fall into the pit un-
derneath the corridor, which is a 50-foot deep con-
nected chamber with 20 feet of putrid water at its
bottom. On a failed saving throw, the creature suf-
fers 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and
gains the poisoned condition for 10 minutes unless
they make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw each
round while being exposed to the putrid water.
Climbing the walls of the shafts or holding a position
“It seems we have some by pressing against the walls requires a successful
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. The slab auto-
unwanted competition for the matically closes after it is triggered. The statistics of
riches of the Monders. It would the slabs are the same as doors in the vaults: AC 17,
not behoove us to offer equal share, 40 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, and immuni-
seeming as how the arrivals are ty to poison, psychic, piercing, and slashing damage.
The grey slabs can be avoided by jumping from white
late for the feast. What do you
slab to white slab, requiring a successful DC 10 Dex-
say boys, should we demonstrate the terity (Acrobatics) skill check for each jump.
consequences of crossing the Golden
Masks? Or perhaps they can find the
path for us, and we can all be rich?” 9. G U A R D IA N
Yhlsaby speaking to its gang as the
characters enter the chamber.
Treasure The council of the Monder elders made a pact with
The thugs each have 5 gold pieces, 19 silver pieces, Drusssturr the Vault Naga to guard the Monder
and 21 copper pieces in their pouches. Each doppel- vaults for 1,000 years, in return for ten percent of all
ganger has 25 gold pieces and 15 silver pieces; one of wealth deposited in the vault. The naga thus guards
them wears plate armor. Yhlsaby has 135 gold pieces the treasure as its own and is loath to let anyone but
on its person and wears golden jewelry worth a total the Monders withdraw funds from the vaults.
of 1,200 gold pieces.
Experience A short arched hallway leads to a closed door at its end.
Award the party experience points for coming to an
agreement with Yhlsaby as if they defeated the gang Scene
in combat. Drusssturr the vault naga guards the chamber that

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C H A P TE R 2

lies behind its writhing form. It will not let anyone Drusssturr will keep the terms of its contract with
pass and attacks anyone other than the sole surviv- the Monders and only allow ninety percent of wealth
ing Monder descendant, Lord Cyne Monder. A char- to be withdrawn from the vault. However, it will ne-
acter who shows the dwarven lord’s signet ring can gotiate about values of items and materials in the
convince Drusssturr that they are emissaries of the vault to set current prices. It will offer the same deal
Monder clan by succeeding on a DC 15 Charisma to the characters to store any wealth they wish to
(Persuasion) skill check. keep hidden.

“Ye shalt not passs,

lessst ye be of
o’ Monderrrsss!
And if thou arrrt then
Drusssturr demands
rightful ssshare and
will not be cheated!”
Drusssturr the Vault Naga
hissing as the characters
open the door.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


If attacked, the vault naga casts guardian of faith, bered places, creatures, and happenings. The journal
flame strike, and spirit guardians before entering me- contains the information Lord Cyne Monder told the
lee. If reduced to half of its hit points, it withdraws characters earlier in person (see event Oathbound
into the walls by casting meld into stone and heals Truths) modified with the details he vowed not to
itself only to re-enter combat with more attacks and speak of during his life.
offensive spells.

10. TH E VA U L T O F The vault contains the following items:

H O U S E M O N D ER •A  large wooden box containing an exquisitely craft-

ed, crossbow-shaped collapsable scale that is 6 feet
Background tall when assembled, worth 200 gold pieces.
The Monder clan has stored its accumulated wealth • Various gemstones in pouches worth 630 gold piec-
in the hidden vault for long centuries; however, over es in total.
the past 150 years, the funds have radically dimin- • A delicately decorated iron statue of a dwarven rep-
ished due to large withdrawals of Lord Cyne Monder resentation of the Efficient Master, god of compe-
to fund his generous donations to causes of charity. tence, worth 340 gold pieces.
• A beautifully manufactured medium mirror in-
Environment laid with small diamonds encircling the frame,
A stone table sits against the southern wall with full worth 420 gold pieces. The mirror is magical and
pouches, a chest, a handaxe, a hammer, a few scrolls, sheds light as a torch when activated with the
and a wooden vial-holder sitting on its smooth mar- command words: “You can do it!”
ble surface. Two large boxes sit along the northern • A 2-foot tall ancient vase from the times of the
and eastern walls, one of them open and containing Dark Star, depicting the three dark planetar gener-
iron bars, the other closed. Several paintings, a lav- als, worth 560 gold pieces.
ishly decorated mirror, a vase, and an iron statue are • Three identical paintings of Lord Gronjyph Monder
propped against the walls, all wondrous works of art. on the mast of a boat, leading an armada of ships
shown in the background. Only one of the paint-
Scene ings is original, worth 670 gold pieces, but identify-
A leather-bound book lays on the table, the personal ing it requires a successful DC 23 Intelligence (In-
journal of Lord Cyne Monder, detailing the early days vestigation) skill check. The other two masterpiece
of his life and his uncertain and hazy memories of his forgeries are worth only 120 gold pieces if identified
travels with King Waldran and his company to the as forgeries.
Feyrealm. The entries contain significant time gaps, •A  chest containing 875 gold pieces.
obviously missing segments of events, and are spread • S crolls of lesser restoration (2), dispel magic, remove
with self-doubting questions about vaguely remem- curse, protection from poison (2).
•A  wooden vial-holder with potions of healing (6).
• + 1 handaxe.
• + 1 light hammer.
• A gem of brightness with 7 charges.
• An ioun stone of protection.

Award the party 1,100 experience points for securing
Lord Cyne Monder’s journal.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Th e Tr i p le ts o f M a l ice
To seize the crown of Aglarion from the Queen’s head, the char-
acters must raid the Royal Palace, which has been transformed
by the triplet Queen Aphinahs into a place of horrors from the
Feyrealm and Hell.

Un d e r th e S h a d o w d o m e
The characters are trapped in Onadbyr and hunted, with seem-
ingly no means to escape the city with the crown. They are
betrayed by Taris of the Uncanny Vagabonds in their hour of
desperation, until aid arrives from a most surprising source.

D i rg e o f th e D a rk A n g e l
Samsadur of the Golden Masks takes the characters to the Shad-
owrealm, where they must end the Lament of the Dark Celestials
- the song of Sabrael the dark deva - that powers the shadow-
dome through the despair of mortal souls.

La i r o f th e E te rn a l H i ve
After lifting the shadowdome, Samsadur collects his favor and
involves the characters in negotiations with the sentient car-
cass of the dead black dragon Baendretarixus, the Eternal Hive.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Trappe d
Under Sh a dows
Characters should be level 7 when they
start Chapter 3 of Crown of the Oathbreaker.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

C H A P TE R 3


The Matrons of Malice, the coven of midnight hags styl, the underground fortress of the Inheritors of the
- Blister, Splinter, and Tyke - have for decades kept Unbegotten in the Dark Below under the Bleak Mire.
King Waldrann Azennar charmed and seduced in At the same time, Prince Krasnar roams the Bleak
their shared form of Lyrencia, the beautiful maid- Mire in his gibbering mouther stronghold, Bwael
turned-queen. Each of them gave birth to identical Phindar, the Magnificent Beast - a living and moving
daughters, all named Aphinah, raised in turns in the fortress of aberrant flesh.
Royal Palace and on the Bleak Mire - the hags’ Fey-
realm domain. The existence of the triplet hagspawn It was Blister’s turn as Queen Lyrencia at the time
princesses was kept secret by the hags, and the rare of the drow invasion. The gluttonous hag could not
few who became suspicious were quickly disposed save her sisters or the Bleak Mire, a realm that the
of by either the Children of the Coven, the identical hags have been corrupting with such meticulous
sisters, or one of their hag mothers. care over the centuries. Blister collected all three
of the hagspawn princesses and initiated the final
The Matrons of Malice held absolute control over the phase of the coven’s vile plan to kill King Waldrann
Bleak Mire for ages. They sealed it from the outside Azennar and crown one of the Aphinahs as an illegit-
and allowed travel to their plane only through the imate queen to take over the kingdom and to finally
mysterious Hagtree they corrupted (see Traversing release the Midnight Curse over Aglarion.
the Hagtree section in Chapter 4). However, the mid-
night hag coven’s Feyrealm domain was then usurped The midnight hag has been extremely cautious since
by Krasnar and the aberration venerating drow of losing control of the Bleak Mire to Krasnar and the
House Ausstyl, who revived the soul-torn prince after drow of House Ausstyl. Blister has summoned a chain
saving him from the captivity of the hags. The mu- devil and some of its most loyal evil fey servants to
tated drow and the now aberration-infused ex-pala- protect itself and the three identical Queen Aphinahs
din prince have captured two of the hags, Tyke and and has ordered the werehellhound knights to be by
Splinter. They keep the hags captive at Quellar Aus- their sides at all times in the palace.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

THE ROYAL PALACE The Royal Palace was a clean and tidy place before
the time of the Midnight Curse. Currently, it is the
Background heart of the horror that has taken hold of the entire
The characters have probably secured all three com- Kingdom of Aglarion. The palace is dirty, littered with
ponents for their heist and are ready to steal the items abandoned during their use, and the signs of
crown of Aglarion from the Royal Palace, which has neglect are showing in every room. Bloodstains are
seen some changes of late. The palace is divided into not uncommon, and the strange sounds that ema-
two sections, the north and the south wing. It is nate from the Royal Quarters and the Halls of the
still functional in its protections, production, and Crown keep inhabitants awake at night.
services except for the south wing that incorporates
the Halls of the Crown (second level) and the Royal Smaller rooms have a height of 10 feet, while larger
Quarters (third level), which are infested by Blister’s ones are 20 feet high.
Doors and Double Doors. Doors open inwards and
The Royal Palace was planned by Master Arlen over are made of thick, sturdy wood that has been fitted
600 years ago and built by an army of builders assist- with iron hinges and handles. They feature masterful-
ed by his magnificent daedal wright golems. The first ly crafted locks that can be picked with thieves’ tools
archmage of the Kingdom of Aglarion incorporated on a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check or can
many inventions into the building, which primarily be forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Ath-
protected the royal family and provided a safe envi- letics) skill check. The doors have AC 17, 30 hit points,
ronment for all who reside within its walls. a damage threshold of 5, they have damage resistance
against slashing and piercing damage, and damage im-
The clerks, cooks, craftsmen, and servants of the munity against poison, and psychic damage.
palace are utterly frightened by the effects of the
Midnight Curse and the lycanthrope knights of the Windows. Windows open inwards and have wooden
queen. They undertake their daily tasks while be- frames and a single layer of thick glass. The wings
ing immersed in terror and try to survive by elud- are held together by iron latches that can be picked
ing their new monstrous masters and the harmful with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 20 Dexterity
weather as much as possible. Many have considered ability check or forced open with a successful DC 20
fleeing, but they are not convinced of their safety Strength (Athletics) skill check. Iron bars are embed-
outside the palace. The demoralized royal guards still ded in the wooden frames in front of the glass panels
follow orders as commanded. They will protect the on the outside, forming a fixed barrier that has AC 19,
Royal Palace from anyone if ordered by the were- 30 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, it has damage
hellhound knights, the witchservant cultists, one of resistance against slashing damage, and damage im-
the Queen Aphinahs, or Blister in the form of the munity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage.
Dowager Queen Lyrencia. They are scared and feel
insecure. Some of them have already fled or have Walls. The almost impenetrable wall around the pal-
been killed by the lycanthropes when resisting the ace is built out of large stone blocks. It is 60 feet
cruelest of orders. high and 20 feet in thickness. Narrow arrow slits of
different sizes dot the palace’s walls in some places
Currently, no one is allowed in or out of the palace. on the first level where rooms connect to it. Only tiny
Anyone bearing arms within the walls of the royal creatures can pass through these narrow windows by
palace is apprehended and interrogated by the royal squeezing. The top of the wall supports a 15-foot wide
guards before being executed by the werehellhound battlement that runs around the palace, with crenels
knights. along its outer edges. There is a royal guard stationed

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 3

at every 100-foot section of a wall, keeping an eye on Heavy Ballista. Several heavy ballistae made out of
events outside and inside the palace as well. wood and metal parts are mounted on the top of
each guard tower in area 22. A heavy ballista is a
Gates. These massive iron gates (40 by 40 feet) can large object that has AC 17, 75 hit points, damage im-
be locked by a heavy sliding bolt latch made of munity to poison and psychic damage. It is a ranged
iron. They each have AC 19, 350 hit points, a damage weapon that fires heavy bolts with a range of 150/600
threshold of 10, they have damage resistance against ft. that deal (22) 5d8 piercing damage. It takes one
slashing damage, and damage immunity against action to load the weapon, one action to aim it, and
piercing, poison, and psychic damage. They can be one action to fire it. A heavy ballista can be aimed
forced open with a successful DC 25 Strength (Ath- and fired in the same round if two creatures perform
letics) skill check. Both gates are further enforced these two actions at the same time.
with a massive chain portcullis that can be magical-
ly raised from the ground or lowered using a sim- Scene
ple lever at the gatehouse. The chain curtains are The once busy palace now sees a fraction of the ac-
extremely heavy but still flexible. They have AC 19, tivity than before. Royal guards patrol the walls and
200 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, they have the courtyard regularly, but they and the remaining
damage resistance against bludgeoning and slashing clerks, servants, and even the werehellhounds keep
damage, and damage immunity against piercing, poi- themselves sheltered from the choking rain (see
son, and psychic damage. There are four royal guards Appendix A: The Midnight Curse) as much as they
stationed at each gate at all times. can. As part of the queen’s sadistic cruelty, the royal
guards are assigned to the walls for several hour-
Magic Heating and Illumination. All areas of the long shifts despite the enervating effects of the rain.
Royal Palace, except for the dungeon level, were Any loud commotion or sound of battle within the
fashioned by Master Arlen to be magically heated palace, except for the monster-infested Halls of the
to 70 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. In addition, Crown (second level) and the Royal Quarters (third
magical lanterns provide illumination, shedding level) of the south wing, draws the attention of the
light as hooded lanterns when touched. They can royal guards. They arrive in 2d4+2 rounds but are hes-
be dimmed, shut down, or re-activated by tapping itant to intervene, especially if they are not threat-
them sequentially. ened. Instead, they call in two werehellhounds if the
situation requires it, who arrive within 1d4 minutes.
Pipe System. Sewage from the palace flows into the
River Nenock through 1-inch diameter brass pipes
that connect to all lavatories and baths. It is a com- TUNNEL OF LOVE
plicated system that draws and stores water from
the river and depletes it into special tanks that can Background
wash off waste or provide magically heated water. This secret tunnel was created by Master Arlen as an
The pipes, tanks, and water trap sections are always escape route for the royal family. It was used instead by
completely flooded with incoming clean or outgoing King Waldrann Azennar to get away for liaisons or bring
wastewater. favored ladies to the palace. Each royal architect passes
on the knowledge of the tunnel to their successor, who
Private Sanctum. The Royal Palace is under the per- always informs the royal family about its workings. As
manent effects of a customized private sanctum spell, a result, Narder Tyk knows everything about the en-
blocking planar travel, teleportation, and divination trances to the tunnel and the force gate at its middle,
spells. The only ones exempt from these effects are which features the most complex lock mechanism he
the members of the royal family, who know a secret has ever seen. Blister also knows about the tunnel and
password to bypass the spell’s restrictions. has placed a hideous monster in it for protection.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Environment with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 30 Dexterity
The tunnel starts outside the Royal Palace in the ability check.
basement of a royal estate located on the left side
of the southern end of the Queen’s Bridge (Onadbyr Scene
location 70.). The royal families of the past used the Blister has brought one of Tyke’s favorite creations
building only on rare occasions to host private meet- from the Feyrealm and placed it into the more ex-
ings with nobles, merchants, or emissaries to which tended section of the tunnel between the force gate
they did not want to draw attention or allow into the and the palace, tasking it to keep intruders away.
palace. The building is unguarded, abandoned, and Blattella is a pale-skinned, naked human woman from
shuttered. The doors of the estate are made of thick, the waist up, but it has the body of a giant cockroach
sturdy wood. They feature well-crafted locks that can from the waist down. It has long dark shabby hair,
be picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 15 and festering scabs cover its dirty, humanoid skin. Its
Dexterity ability check or can be forced open with a deformed, bug-like head shows almost no signs of its
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. The original humanoid form. Blattella has a chitinous, flat
doors have AC 17, 20 hit points, a damage threshold face that lacks a nose and ears. Instead of a mouth,
of 5, they have damage resistance against slashing it has large mandibles, long feelers, and a set of large
damage, and damage immunity against piercing, poi- black cockroach eyes.
son, and psychic damage. The entry to the tunnel
is concealed by a secret door inside a huge barrel “You are my meal that was
that can be located with a successful DC 25 Wisdom
promised and the carriers of
(Perception) skill check that can be made with ad-
vantage because the characters know what they are
my treasure. I will implant my
looking for. eggs into your body, and you
shall bear my spawns!”
A 5-foot wide spiral staircase descends 80 feet to the
beginning of the tunnel. The tunnel is covered with Blattella speaking in Sylvan before it attacks.
stone tiling and continues for 500 feet. It is 10 feet
wide and 10 feet in height. After 100 feet into the Blattella. Use the drider monster entry with the fol-
tunnel, a gate made out of magical force blocks the lowing modifications:
way. Blister keeps the key to the force gate. After the
force gate, the tunnel continues for another 400 feet, •B  lattella does not have the web walker feature and
mainly under the river, before ending at the bottom can not cast spells innately.
of a similar, 5-foot wide spiral staircase that goes up • Its bite attack also spreads flesh rot disease. A crea-
to 100 feet and connects to area 52, the King’s Cabi- ture bitten by Blattella must make a DC 15 Constitu-
net, through a secret door. The door can be located tion saving throw or become affected as if targeted
with a successful DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) skill by the flesh rot disease of a contagion spell.
check. Continual flames illuminate the tunnel and
both staircases at every 40 feet.

Force Gate. The ornamental gate appears to be con-

structed out of thin metal parts, but in reality, it is
encased in a magical force field similar to a spell
that can be deactivated and reactivated using a reg-
ular key. When the proper key is used, the wall splits
into two halves, and the gate can be opened. It is im-
possible to force the gate open, but it can be picked

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C H A P TE R 3

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

DUNGEON LEVEL Behind one of the marble doors, a ring of swimming
is still on one of the fingers of the remains of one
Environment of King Orlon Ebrin’s deceased children. The words
Both parts of the dungeon level are located 20 feet be- carved into the marble door read: “Prince Rolantar
low the ground. They are cold and dry underground Ebrin, Cursed was the ring he wore, may his innocent
chambers of stone where the sounds of the above soul rest in peace under the waves (235-243).” The
palace are almost inaudible. bones are wrapped in a large, now crumbling velvet
flag that bears the symbol of the Ebrin dynasty.

3. M a u s o le u m
This sizable processional chapel is used only in times
o f th e M o n a rch s
of the death of a monarch or a member of the royal
family, and once a year on the morning of the Day Background
of the Crown, when the prominences of the palace Past kings and queens since the founding of the King-
gather here to pay homage to the ancestral kings and dom of Aglarion are buried in this vast hall.
queens of Aglarion.
Environment The walls of this 20-foot high hall are covered with
A pulpit stands in the middle of the chapel flanked large banners of the royal dynasties that ruled over
by rows of old wooden pew benches with holders the Kingdom of Aglarion over the past six centuries.
running through the backs of the seats where prayer 15-foot tall iron statues stand in the room on 5-foot
books can be placed. The statues in the room depict high marble-covered bases that form aisles in the
King Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar and his closest descend- hall. Each of these bases encloses the stone sarcoph-
ants in various majestic poses that reflect their brav- agus of a departed royal. The front of each sarcoph-
ery and wisdom. agus is decorated with intricately carved motifs that
include the name and dates of the king’s or queen’s
life and reign.
The remains of kings and queens of lesser significance,
royal relatives, and the most prized pets of some of
the late monarchs are placed in the containers of this

The urns of ashes or the velvet encased bones of the
deceased are placed behind small niches sealed by
marble doors that bear the name, date of birth, and
date of death of the individual whose remains lie
inside. Many rows of these small marble doors run
along the shelves on both sides of the aisles.

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floor to ceiling on one of the room walls. Various

4. D E P O S I TO R Y meats hang from large metal hooks embedded into
the wall. A selection of the most refined and rare del-
Background icacies for the royal family is stored in the pantry of
Everything that has to be stored for a longer time is the Royal Kitchen in area 43. A broad meat processing
placed in this large hall. Oversized goods are moved table stands in the middle of the room, featuring a
down the ramp next to the staircase by cart. large circular saw blade that can be powered with
a pedal. The rolling blade deals 16 (3d10) slashing
Environment damage per round to anything forced under it.
Old carts, disassembled wagons, wardrobes, tables,
weapons, armor, vases, paintings, sacks full of cloth-
ing, and many sealed crates lie in an orderly fashion 7. B U TTE RY
within this enormous storage area. Some cobwebs
and dust cover most of the items. Background
This area is where water and beer reserves are stored.
In one of the sacks of clothes, a wide leather belt still Environment
holds a flat vial of a potion of superior healing and four Long rows of barrels are lined up in this cold room.
platinum bars tucked in its secret pockets.
An awakened rat, given intellect by the effects of the
5. L A R D E R Midnight Curse, inhabits this room. It has an Intelli-
gence score of 10, a Charisma score of 10, and it can
Background cast the charm person spell at will, requiring no com-
This room contains all of the less perishable food re- ponents to cast it with a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw.
sources of the Royal Palace. It speaks Common and calls itself the Grey Lord. It
is irreversibly addicted to beer, and when it doesn’t
Environment sleep or scavenge food from area 5, it can be found in
Massive amounts of vegetables, fruits, grain, dairy, a puddle of beer under one of the barrels. The Grey
and other food products are stored on high shelves, in Lord uses its magic power to convince servants, or
large crates, and baskets in this relatively cold storage any humanoid creature who comes to the buttery,
area. Recently, stocks have been refreshed less fre- to open the tightly shut spigot of a new beer barrel.
quently, causing some of the foodstuff to start to rot. Some of the less scared kitchen staff or food servants
might mention the Grey Lord and speak highly of the
friendly rat if asked.
6. I CE - H O U S E
“Would you be so kind
Background as to help me with turning
Dairy products, ice, ice cream, and meat are held in
this room, keeping them frozen.
that spigot? Yes, that one.
You are very kind, good creature.”
Environment The Grey Lord asking for help.
One of Master Arlen’s magnificent magical creations,
this room constantly emanates freezing cold that
keeps the temperature near 0 degrees Fahrenheit.
Shelves packed with boxes and containers rise from

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

area is dirty and stained with blood in some places.
8. W I N E CE L L A R Small livestock - chickens and goats - were stored in
wooden cages, but most of them were eaten by the
Background werehellhound knights or have perished because of
Large quantities of mid to high-quality wine of all the neglect of the servants.
tastes and ages are stored in this long cellar.

Environment 10. TU L I P G A R D E N
A small aisle runs between a long row of wine barrels
and racks of wine bottles in this room. Most bottles Background
of the best quality wines are missing from the racks. This area was once a majestic garden with beauti-
ful tulips and low, trimmed bushes. The royal family
Treasure and noble visitors once drove their coaches to the
The most valuable wines left in the cellar are four coach-house, where they were greeted by dozens of
bottles of white dessert wine from Drayl that are servants with refreshments and snacks.
over a hundred years old, worth 100 gold pieces a
bottle. Environment
The vegetation in the area is neglected, the ground is
soaking wet, and the bushes have grown into thick,
GROUND LEVEL dark formations in some places. The mutating effects
of the Midnight Curse have given life to stranglev-
Background ines and bloodletting thorns in the more bustling
The Royal Palace’s ground level is where the mundane regions of the vegetation (see Appendix A: The Mid-
tasks of the palace are carried out and where visi- night Curse).
tors and guests are welcomed. The north wing of the
ground level houses crafting facilities and the rooms
of the crafters and the armory and the barracks of the 11. S M I TH Y
royal guard. The south wing is reserved for storage,
including the coach house and the stables. Background
The palace’s smithy provides metalware of all kinds
for the everyday life of the court, including weapons
9. C O U R TY A R D for the royal guards.

Background Environment
This is the only area where regular visitors, mer- Large hearths, bellows, anvils, and a long cooling bath
chants, and suppliers from outside the palace are al- dominate this large room. Only one of the hearths
lowed entry, but recently, there haven’t been many is heated for use. Barrels of water, open crates full
visitors. of raw materials, and finished metalware stand scat-
tered or turned over in the room. A shelf with various
Environment metalworking tools stands in one corner. A desk has
This enormous area is paved with cobblestones. some blueprints and documents scattered all over it.
The courtyard serves as a staging area and training
ground for the royal guards, who are sometimes Scene
forced into sparring contests by the arrogant were- The master smith of the palace is Dareian Frost (use
hellhound knights. On some occasions, these fights the expert monster entry), a deep-voiced aging dwarf
result in the death of the guards. As a result, the with a surprisingly firm grip who keeps working for

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the queen but is considering fleeing the palace to
save his son, daughter, and wife. Dareian Frost can
13. M A IN K I TCH E N
tell the characters about the command word, “Slash
through the sun”, for the Fountain of Keen Blades Background
(area 27) if he finds them trustworthy. Meals for the servants and artisans are prepared in
this kitchen.

Preparation desks line the walls of this vast chamber.
Soups boil away in large cauldrons and pots over a
D A RE IAN fire in the middle of the room, bread is baked in large
F RO ST ovens, while meat is cooked on grills by the wall. Bar-
rels of water, crates of vegetables, and various sacks
of grain stand next to the cooking facilities.

The palace’s head chef is Jorn Hot-Tongue (use the
expert monster entry), a half-orc cook with a posi-
tive attitude, even despite the curse. His cheerfulness
is clouded only by his concern for the safety of the
cooks who work under him.
“Can you get us out of
this damned place in safety?”
Dareian Frost asking the characters for help.


This housing block is the home of the smiths, cooks,
weavers, grooms, repair crew, and servants of the
palace who, on some occasions, live together in a
room as a family.

The rooms of the staff are simple. Some of them are
furnished with bunk beds in case of a larger family
occupying it. The housing block features a communal J O RN H O T-TO N G UE
bath used in turns by men and women and a com-
mon dining hall. “You don’t belong here
and only bring trouble to
Each sleeping quarter contains a total of 3d6 gold
our heads. Get lost before
pieces that reflects the private treasure of all of the you are discovered.”
inhabitants of the room. Jorn Hot-Tongue urging the characters to leave.

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14. W E A VE R'S WO RKS H OP The master of the palace maintenance staff is Bryn
Helgraz (use the expert monster entry), a half-el-
Background ven handyman who can fix everything despite how
New clothing, linen, bed sheets, blankets, and other dismal the chances might seem. Bryn maintains his
woven materials are always in high demand within generally philisophical attitude, preferring not to
the palace. These are all created here by the weavers, draw attention to himself.
of whom the masters also produce woven goods for
the royal family.

This long, well-illuminated workshop has large looms
and sewing stations lined up along the wall. Tubs full
of dyes are used for coloring textiles, which are hung
to dry on lines in the corners.

The master weaver of the palace is Koldios Tallbush,
a middle-aged male gnome. Koldios is one of the
witchservant cultists of the Children of the Coven
who keeps his identity a secret in front of his cow-
orkers even after the rise of the hagspawn queen. He
is ready to report anything that would undermine
her rule.

“What was your name again?

Hm, very interesting…”
Koldios Tallbush sizing up the characters.
“If I were you, I would leave as
soon as possible. I won’t say
15. R E P A I R WO R KS H O P
 a word, but you must
be careful. Very careful.”
Anything that breaks and can be repaired is brought Bryn Helgraz warning the
to this workshop. Coach wheels, broken chairs, weap- characters to be cautious.
ons, or other household items are fixed here.

Environment 16. A R M O RY
This huge room is packed with items waiting for re-
pair or under repair. A separated area serves as stor- Background
age for tools, boxes of nails, building blocks of scaf- This large area is used to store armor, shields, weap-
folding, ladders, and other such equipment. ons, and ammunition. Only the captain of the royal
guards can allow access to this area. The only ex-
ceptions are the werehellhound knights who enter
whenever they wish.

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Long rows of weapon and armor racks are lined up
in this room. They primarily hold spears, longswords,
and light crossbows, but there are a few of every
simple and martial weapon in the room. The armor
racks hold mostly chain shirts, studded leather ar-
mor, and metal shields.

17. G U A R D B A RR A CK S
The royal guards are accommodated in this block
along with two of their captains. Morale is at its low-
est. The royal guards are confused, hesitant, and some
are even frightened, but they still answer the com-
mands of their superiors.

Environment al boxes bolted to the floor and equipped with a

Each of the guards’ sleeping chambers features nine standard lock.
beds, some private storage boxes tucked under them,
and a large wooden table with chairs in the mid-
dle of the room. The royal guards are responsible 18. C O A CH H O U S E
for their equipment which they clean and keep in
their storage boxes when not using them. The two Background
captains live in two conveniently furnished separate Royal coaches, carriages, mundane wagons, and carts
rooms. The guards use the wide dining hall in turns, are stored in this area. Carriages of visitors are also
once in the morning and evening of every day. The parked here. Horses are led to and from the vehicles
communal bathing area in the middle of the block is through the doors that connect to the stables.
accessible from every corridor of the barracks.

The two commanders of the royal guards are Arla
Steel, a middle-aged tiefling who does her best to
keep her men together, and Jon Blackthorn, a young
human who quickly rose to position through his
skills and dedication. Use the royal guard monster
entry for both of them. At any time of the day, eight-
een off-duty royal guards are sleeping or relaxing in
their rooms.

Each sleeping quarter contains a total of 5d6 gold
pieces that reflects the private treasure of all of the
inhabitants of the room. The rooms of the captains
contain 50 gold pieces each, placed in small met-

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Environment “Row three, shelf

Several large, beautifully decorated carriages stand eleven, top basket.”
next to heavy freight wagons in this dimly lit coach
house. The smell of horse manure from the nearby Domoros giving directions in the warehouse.
stables is heavy in the air.

Scene 20. G RA N A RY
A sturdy stage-coach covered in dirt stands out from
the other vehicles parked in the coach house. It bears Background
the rose encrusted helmet symbol of the Gorso fam- Grains in large quantities and bales of hay for the
ily and has obviously arrived from a long-distance horses are stored here.
trip. Two guards of the noble family sit in the driver
seats in a nervous discussion about the monstrous Environment
inhabitants of the palace, their spears close to their Many different grains are stored here in large sacks
hands at all times. They are part of the delegation in one part of this warehouse area. The rest of the
that carried Dyronias Gorso to the Royal Palace (see space is filled with large bales of hay.
area 25). They only know that their lord is here to
meet with Queen Aphinah, and they are set to leave Scene
today. A young servant couple - a female human named
Idro and a male half-orc named Uzzag - hides within
one of the bales in the back of the hay storage area.
19. WA RE H O U S E They are waiting for the right moment to escape the
palace but are still undecided on their timing. Never-
Background theless, they are eternally grateful if safely escorted
Most of the palace’s non-food resources and mun- outside the walls by the characters. Use the com-
dane equipment are stored in this large warehouse. moner monster entry for both of them.

The warehouse is separated into two sections. The 21. S TA B LE S
larger section with two double doors is where the
more numerous, easily movable items are stored, Background
like timbers of wood, crates filled with coal, marble This area houses the riding and carriage horses and
blocks, stones cut in different sizes, barrels of oil, and the warhorses of the knights and the royal family.
coach wheels. The other section can be accessed via a
20-foot wide sliding door. This storage is where bulk- Environment
ier items are stored, like large stone statues, ballistae, The horses in the pungent stable are separated by tall
or the chassis of a coach. Both sections are fitted wooden walls built out of planks. A massive rotat-
with shelves, pulleys, and movable ladders that assist ing horse walker dominates the center of the room,
in storing and moving items. where horses can be tied to walk in a circular path as
part of their daily training.
The master of logistics of the palace is Domoros (use Scene
the expert monster entry), a silent young man who This large stable houses a mix of over fifty riding
keeps to himself and perfectly remembers what was and war horses, born, raised, and trained at the Royal
placed where and when. Stud Farm. Some of them are exceptionally beautiful
and strong, kept exclusively for the royal family. The

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

stablemaster of the palace is Baroness Jylin Maritayl these towers at all times. When the Royal Palace is
(use the scout monster entry, but replace Stealth +6 under attack by an army or a sizable monster, the
with Animal Handling +4), the young daughter of the number of guards stationed on the top of the towers
Royal Groom, Countess Unper Maritayl, who owns increases to twelve for each tower.
and operates the Royal Stud Farm located near the
capital. Baroness Jylin Maritayl does not know about
her mother’s involvement with the hags and that she SECOND LEVEL
is one of the witchservants of the Children of the
Coven. She has been in a feud with her mother for Background
over a decade now and left to work in the palace to The north wing of the second level of the Royal Pal-
be far away from her. Jylin lives a simple life and has ace is where the clerks and servants of the royal
given up the privileges that come with her noble in- family live and where guests of lesser status, such
heritance. She suffers the same way others do under as merchants and traveling sages, are quartered. The
the Midnight Curse but has nowhere to go, so she south wing of the second level is called the Halls of
stays and survives. the Crown. This part of the Royal Palace is where
the most significant events take place and where the
“What my mother does is none seat of the monarch’s power lies.
of my concern. We are not in
direct contact. My grooms
handle the transfers with her.
Haven’t seen her for years now.” TH E I N N O CE N TS

Baroness Jylin Maritayl explaining Background

her relationship with her mother. This partially open area was where children of the
palace were trained and schooled during the day.
Since the rule of Queen Aphinah, it is mainly used by
22. G U A R D TO WE R S the werehellhound knights for sparring and demon-
strating their might to the frightened residents of
Background the palace.
These towers serve as the primary protection for the
palace in times of war. Environment
The southern wall of this chamber is open to the
Environment elements and fashioned into beautifully decorated
The three guard towers of the palace are accessible arches with a 3-foot tall palisade with only a single
from the ground level of the palace. A 10-foot wide opening where the Bridge of Grace reaches the log-
staircase leads up to the battlements at the top. Each gia. Small tiles cover the floor of the loggia and stairs
tower’s ground, first, and second levels have a com- lead down to the courtyard.
mon room and a storage space where food, weapons,
equipment, oil, water, and ballista ammunition are Scene
stored. In addition, the battlement on the top of the Two werehellhound knights are parading on the log-
towers hosts five ballistae each, which can be moved gia in their hybrid forms while they wait for Queen
to face inside or outside the palace. Aphinah to finish her meeting. They are mocking the
guards below and are breathing fire in the direction
Scene of servants to scare them as they hurry to their busi-
Four royal guards are stationed on the top level of ness, trying to escape the monsters’ fury.

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“Hahahahaaa! You run 25. M EE T I N G RO O M S
like a duck. Want to
become a roast duck?” Background
One of the werehellhound Merchants, lesser nobles, emissaries, spies, and oth-
knights shouting after a servant. er important individuals are met here by members
of the royal family or their representatives for more
The werehellhound knights stop and inspect suspi- extended discussions and meetings. More important
cious visitors and attack anyone bearing arms, even nobles and influential individuals are escorted to the
sheathed weapons, who is not a royal guard. The private drawing-room in area 41.
four royal guards in front of the meeting rooms at
area 25 watch but don’t come to the characters’ aid if Environment
combat breaks out. They instead knock on the meet- These rooms feature a large table with chairs and a
ing room’s door and alert a witchservant, who opens small cabinet that holds glasses and bottles of wine,
the door. water, and a small keg of beer. The northern meet-
ing room, called the Griffon Room, is decorated with
a large painting of a flock of griffons over the peak
24. S E RVAN T'S QUA RTE R S of a mountain, one of Illiandro’s early and stunning
works. The southern room, called the Dragon Room,
features the white marble statue of a beastial white
Background dragon.
This housing block is where the clerks and the serv-
ants live. Many are in their rooms with fewer and Scene
fewer tasks to perform. The Queen Aphinah, who currently wears the crown
of Aglarion is engaged in a meeting in the Dragon
Environment Room with Dyronias Gorso, the eldest son of Lord Zi-
Each room has two beds accompanied by a small ward- ademos Gorso. Blister - her midnight hag mother in
robe. A communal bath is used in turns by men and the form of Queen Lyrencia - accompanies the queen
women. The simple but functional dining room is busy with four witchservant cultists. Four royal guards
mainly in the early hours at dawn and late at night. stand outside the room while the prominences con-
duct their meeting inside. The discussion is regarding
Scene tax cuts the Gorsos could receive if they provided the
The chief butler of the palace is an old male human heads of Lord Arenbar Nangrath and his two sons.
named Ytar Eloran (use the commoner monster en- Both parties are unaware of the ill fate that has be-
try), who follows orders but secretly plots to kill the
queen by poisoning her. He doesn’t know that there
are three hagspawn queens, but based on his expe-
rience with Queen Aphinah unexplainably “changing
places”, he falsely suspects that she has the power to

“I can help you. This madness

must end. I suspect that she
is more than what she looks.”
Ytar Eloran speaking to the
characters in a hushed voice.

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fallen the dwarven noble family and their fortress

town (see Kingdom of Aglarion location 15. in Chap-
26. A P A R TM E N TS
ter 4). Queen Aphinah is flailing with the falcon blade
as she speaks vehemently, explaining her demand for Background
punishment on the Nangraths in great detail. These lavish apartments accommodate the guests of
the royal family. The ones on the second floor are
smaller and kept for guests of lesser importance and
status, while those on the third floor are more spa-
cious and reserved for more prominent guests.
APH I N A H Environment
Each apartment consists of a small living room fur-
nished with sofas and a low table, a bedroom with
a large canopy bed, a private living room with more
sofas and a writing desk, and a bathroom with a
wooden tub and a porcelain lavatory. Large paintings
and beautiful carpets decorate the apartments, and
even more luxurious ones on the third floor.

27. G A R D E N O F B L A DE S
“Show them no mercy! Debone them
slowly, then cut them to little shreds,
and pull them up on a flagpole. I want Background
This garden was used to welcome guests and host out-
everyone to know how creative I am!” door parties. Currently, it is untended and overgrown.
Queen Aphinah in a heated monologue
about the Nangraths. Environment
A broad staircase of white marble leads to the garden
When the characters attack anyone in this room, the terrace from the Tulip Garden below. A railing made
agitated and overcautious Blister’s first action is to out of the same white marble runs around the garden,
plane shift herself to the Shadowrealm to activate the enclosing a beautifully carved tall white marble foun-
Shadowdome so that no one might escape from the tain, called the Fountain of Keen Blades, that depicts
incident. It takes some time to initiate its plans and King Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar, the first king of Aglar-
to instruct its minions there. When the Shadowdome ion. The 20-foot tall white marble statue of the king
appears across all coexisting planes, Blister casts plane stands with his sword - the Falcon Blade - lowered in
shifts again to travel back to the Material Plane to his hand as he looks up at the sky while holding his
hunt the trapped characters and to retrieve the crown other hand casually in front of his face as if blocking
of Aglarion. The characters should have enough time to the rays of the sun from burning his eyes. Water flows
escape the Royal Palace before Blister returns. softly along the edge of the blade into a large, low pool
below the statute. An impossibly thin and intricately
Treasure carved white marble bridge with low railings arches
This Queen Aphinah has 174 gold pieces and four plat- over the courtyard, connecting the upper garden with
inum bars on her person, carries the falcon blade, and the Loggia of the Innocents in area 23. The overgrown
wears the mithral torc of the tower and the crown of vegetation of the park does not contain any danger-
Aglarion. ous plants, and the plants do not cover the pathways.

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Fountain of Keen Blades. The fountain is magical are either on the floor in tatters or are missing al-
and can be activated by the proper command word, together. The massive painting on the wall depicts
“Slash through the Sun.”, known only by the royal Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impostor, changing from a
family, the werehellhound knights, and the master black to a green dragon and spewing forth poison-
smith, Dareian Frost. When a slashing weap- ous gas at one of the Fists of Azennar,
on is dipped into the waters of a huge tower with multiple
the Fountain of Keen heavy ballistae and
Blades, and a regiment of
the soldiers.

Six royal
guards occupy
command this room, drinking
word is spo- excessively. They are all
ken, it transforms drunk and have the poi-
the blades and gives it an TH E CU R SE D CROW N soned condition. When attacked
extremely keen edge for one O F AG L A R IO N or faced with intruders, the guards
hour. A blade that is so enhanced alert the werehellhound knights and one
scores a critical hit on an attack roll of 19 and 20, and of the Queen Aphinahs in the ballroom in area 30.
adds an extra third damage dice on a critical hit.

Scene 29. RO B E RO O M
The werehellhound knights from the Loggia of the
Innocents have a clear view of the area. The bushes
provide total cover from their sight. Background
Guests leave their coats in the robing room where
the servants neatly arranged them.
28. RE CE P T IO N H A L L
The wardrobes of this room are empty. A blueish
Background cloak embroidered with tiny runes has fallen off one
When the palace was receiving guests, they entered of the hangers a long time ago and lies on the floor.
this hall where they were greeted with refreshments In one of its pockets, there’s a small note that says,
served on small, tall tables covered with lace. “To save the ancient sufferers, climb the pillar of pain,
and remove the gem of souls”. This note references
Environment The Groaning Pillar (Kingdom of Aglarion location 46.
Currently, the room is a mess. The laced tablecloths in Chapter 4).

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30. B A L L RO O M 31. H A L L O F TH E
Parties and dances of great reputation took place in Background
this room before the Midnight Curse. Guests wait in these halls before meeting the mon-
archs of the kingdom.
An elegant bar, lined with empty glasses, stands by Environment
the northern wall. The cabinets are filled with the Two 15-foot tall marble statues stand next to the
most luxurious alcoholic beverages the palace can north wall, depicting Queen Aphinah and Dowager
provide. A large podium stands between two short Queen Lyrencia in exquisite detail. The third, toppled
flights of stairs at the southern end of the room, and statue in the middle depicts King Waldrann Azennar.
several long divans covered in red silk sit by the east- The south wall has huge paintings showing the coun-
ern wall. tryside, mountain ranges, and coasts of the Kingdom
of Aglarion.
One of the three Queen Aphinahs entertains herself
in this room by forcing over-intoxicated and horrifi- 32. P A L A CE L IB RA RY
cally mutilated servants into a morbid dance chore-
ography. Two of the servants are already dead, while
three others - Zokar, Shalimah, and Voren - are in a Background
state of terror. They are almost incapable of move- The palace library was used primarily for research
ment on their own either from the vast amount of by the advisors of the monarchs or the education of
alcohol they have been forced to consume or from young royals.
the nearly lethal sadistic wounds inflicted on them
by Queen Aphinah, or the three werehellhound Environment
knights who are guarding the queen. The walls of the palace library are covered with
bookshelves from floor to ceiling. Narrow aisles run
“One, two, three, between the bookshelves in the middle of the room.
Many of the books lie on the floor, trampled and
one, two, three.
dirty, and some are placed on the tables for further
No, noooo! Left foot first… examination. The palace library mainly holds books
Oh you had them cut off. on nature, history, religion, neighboring countries,
Right foot then!” ethics, politics, economy, law, and literature. It also
includes a collection of autobiographies by past mon-
Queen Aphinah urging the archs. Sections are marked with small metal plates
half dead servants to dance. on the bookshelves and are well referenced in sev-
eral index books placed at the front of each section.
The cabinets behind the bar hold several exclusive Scene
and rare drinks with a total value of 1,500 gold pieces Four witchservant cultists of the Children of the
and a total weight of 50 pounds. This Queen Aphinah Coven - Jermos, Taiblar, Zolter, and Kazudian - are re-
has 213 gold pieces, three platinum bars, and a potion searching books for secrets of past kings and queens.
of fire giant strength that she immediately drinks if The books on the table are primarily autobiographies
attacked. of departed monarchs. Small notes mark certain pag-

29 0
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es where entire entries have been encircled or under- Environment
lined by the warlocks. They attack anyone who is not Piles of maps lie rolled up or in flat hardcover folders
one of the residents of the palace. on the shelves around the walls. In the middle of the
room, a large table stands painted with a colorful
A handwritten book lies open on the table. Its cover and detailed map of Aglarion, marking all commonly
is inscribed with a beautiful caligraphy that reads known locations with little symbols. A witchservant
“Master Eydan’s Arcane Principles of Extraplanar cultist named Cassia Mossgrove took over the role of
Iterations”. This is the last book written by the Royal Cartographer several years ago, promoted by
former archmage of the Arcane Tower, and the Queen Lyrencia herself. She protects her maps with
witchservant cultists have obviously paid close vicious ferocity.
attention to its contents. The book contains aca-
demic information about the school of conjuration,
summoning spells, and planar travel. In addition, a
bookmarked section of the book describes the traits
of the coexistent planes such as the Ethereal, the
Shadowrealm, and the Feyrealm. A small note on
the side of one of these pages reads: “Must prove
theory upon my return.”

33. CH A R TI N G RO O M

Maps of Aglarion and various
neighboring regions are kept
here, along with the blue-
prints of the most notable
buildings of Aglarion and
the city of Onadbyr, in- C A S S IA M O S S G ROVE
cluding the Royal Palace.

“I only have to scream and

you all will be in big trouble!”
Cassia Mossgrove threatening the characters.

34. C O U N C I L CH A M B E R

The Court of Voices - the twelve representatives of
the kingdom’s most important social groups - have
gathered here every month to present their issues
to the king or queen of the realm. Queen Aphinah

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C H A P TE R 3

disbanded the Twelve and bestowed the room to the “Your livers shall wither
Children of the Coven. with the setting of the sun.
Crows will feast on your
A giant table dominates the center of the room, cov- rotting corpses when
ered in blood, carvings of ritual runes, and candles. I return!”
Comfortable but straightforward armchairs surround Mordio Delons cursing before
it. At the end of the table is a larger wooden throne casting the levitate spell and
bearing the symbols of House Azennar. Four statues, stepping through the window.
a priest, a commoner, a merchant, and a noble, stand
in each corner. A nest of some sort made out of rugs, Mordio Delons is no fool, despite his young age. He is
furs, and dead bodies lies by a wall, obviously made vicious and quick to react if threatened but will uti-
for a large creature. lize any method of escape if needed. He is stubborn
and willful and will not surrender any secrets, even if
Scene tortured, unless compelled to do so by magic.
The young leader of the Children of the Coven, Mordio
Delons, his imp servant Chranzius, and his two-head-
ed large death dog, its heads named Hecatez and 35. H A L L O F M U S IC
Achlyz, call this room their home and base of opera-
tions. The cult leader rides his dog when traveling in
the city or on long distances. Background
The royal family and their prestigious guests gath-
ered in this room to listen to musicians, mainly from
the College of Minstrels.

An open harpsichord, with the painting of a forest
lake and nymphs on the inside of its lid, stands in the
room next to a large harp, surrounded by a few rows
of chairs. The shelves by the walls hold a collection
of handheld instruments.

36. H A L L O F A R T

M O RD IO D E LO N S Some of the most spectacular art pieces from all
over the known continent were on display here until
Large Death Dog. Use the death dog monster entry the three Queen Aphinahs rampaged through them,
with the following modifications: destroying everything they considered as hatefully
•T  he large death dog’s size is Large it has a Strength
ability score of 18, and 63 hit points. Environment
• The large death dog has +6 to hit with its bite at- Painted vases from ancient times, frescoes and other
tack that deals 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage. paintings, figurines, and torsos from the most famous

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

artists from the beginning of known civilization lie
on the floor in pieces or torn on the walls, sometimes 38. H A L L O F TRO P H IE S
defaced or disfigured in creative ways. The largest of
the paintings takes up the entire western wall of the Background
hall. Pieces of its canvas hang down from its broken Trophies of the most exotic prey captured during roy-
frame. It depicts the strangely shaped peaks of the al hunts are on display in this hall. The three queens
barren mountain range known as Mountainfall, with are fond of the trophies, especially the monstrous
a small but delicately detailed representation of the ones, so they have left them untouched.
Gate to the Darkness Within (Kingdom of Aglarion
location 31. in Chapter 4). Environment
The trophies of smaller and larger
Treasure animals, beasts, and monsters
A melon-sized adamantine statue of a kraken, worth are hanging from the wall,
1,000 gold pieces, lies undamaged under the rubbles including the heads of a
of a statue of a merfolk warrior. dire boar, a dire bear,
a giant elk,

37. H A L L O F H I S TO RY
Those who came to see the rulers of Aglarion had to
approach the throne room via this hall that displays
the glorious history of the kingdom. a large red
dragon, and
Environment various oth-
A mural made out of tiny colorful mosaic er monsters.
pieces covers the two sides of this long
hall. On one side, the mosaic displays Scene
the war against the dark angels, show- Three frightened
ing a large side portrait of Sarath in servants - Loren,
front of the scene where the high Thulio, and Hamos
priestess destroys the moon, (use the commoner
blocking the sun. On the other monster entry) - are
wall of the hallway, behind briskly dusting the tro-
the large portraits of King phies so they might leave
Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar the Halls of the Crown as
and Master Arlen, the soon as possible. They help
mural shows the the characters with as much
war between the information as they can be-
armies of the fore running off to their quar-
Order of the ters. Thulio knows that Queen
Eternal Light Aphinah has some guests from
and the rebel the Gorso family because he has
heroes in front seen the carriage of the noble family
of the Royal Palace. in the coach house in area 18.

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39. TH RO N E RO O M Nuzkiah, the Breathdrinker (use the chain devil
monster entry) hides 20 feet high within the chains,
Background seemingly entangled in them just like its prisoners.
There are no more visitors to the throne room as of It waits for the characters to come within 30 feet
late. Currently, it is the lair of Nuzkiah, the Breath- before using its Unnerving Mask ability and revealing
drinker, a chain devil summoned by Blister. Its task is itself. Next, it animates the chains and attacks the
to torture to death those sent to him. Nuzkiah must characters, hoping to raise the number of tortured
kill a thousand mortals this way in this room before mortals. Breathdrinker uses one of its animated
it can return to Hell. chains to hold itself up at the height of 10 feet at all
times. There are eight dead bodies entangled in the
Environment chains - three royal guards and five commoners.
White marble covers the large coronation hall of the
Royal Palace. Its 40-foot high ceiling and tall walls are
inlaid with enormous windows that allow plenty of THIRD LEVEL
light to illuminate it in brightness during the day. The
gates of the hall have massive iron wings, both dec-
orated with the imposing images of Knights of the 40. KN I G H T'S QU A R TE R S
Crown in full regalia. Galleries with marble banisters
run on both sides at the height of 10 feet, accessible
via wide marble stairs. The hall ends in a large ele- Background
vated stage accessible through a pair of narrow stair- A squad of Knights of the Crown has always lived
ways on both sides. In the middle of the stage stands in these chambers. They have spent a week or more
a large, intricately carved wooden throne painted in here before returning to their private cells and head-
gold. Large silver candelabras are positioned through- quarters at the Bastion of the Knights. Their proxim-
out the room to provide light and heat generated by ity to the royal family ensures that the knights can
their enormous flaming braziers. Large banners bear- react quickly. A handful of werehellhound knights
ing the sigil of House Azennar hang in many places, occupies these rooms.
covering the walls and giving the hall a warm atmos-
phere. The iron gate is closed, but it is not locked. Environment
The entire area is sparsely furnished. The cells have
Iron Gate. The gate is a large (20 by 20 feet) fortified two simple beds and a small chest at the end of each,
iron gate that has AC 19, 80 hit points, a damage the dining area features a simple large wooden table
threshold of 10, and damage resistance against slash- and chairs, and the training area is simply a large
ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing, room with a few practice dolls and accessories used
poison, and psychic damage. It is barred from the for sparring and training. A large portrait of King Raz-
outside with an iron pole and can’t be picked, but it myrel Valsyr Melkar I. the True, founder of Aglarion
can be forced open with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) and the order of the Knights of the Crown, hangs on
skill check if it is barred. the northern wall of the training hall. The canvas and
the frame of the painting are partially burnt from
Throughout the middle section of the throne room, the breath weapons of the lycanthropes, but the first
40-foot long chains, some of them covered in blood, king’s image is still recognizable.
dangle from the ceiling, forming a thick net of chains
in front of the stage and between the two galleries. Scene
Humanoid forms wriggle in pain within this forest of Two werehellhound knights are in the middle of
chains, their bodies entwined high above the ground. combat practice in the training hall. They investi-

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gate any sound that would wake them or alert them bottles are scattered over its surface. Comfortable
while sparring. dining chairs surround the table with tall backs, two
of which are significantly spacious and more throne-

41. D RA W IN G RO O M

The royal family met their most valued guests and
their advisors in this lavishly furnished room. Queen
Aphinah and Dowager Queen Lyrencia use this room
on the rare occasion when they hold council with
Mordio Delons and the witchservant cultists of the
Children of the Coven.

Large sofas with soft cushions stand around a low
table in this room. Some smaller but still very com-
fortable chairs are placed next to them for those
accompanying important guests or the royal family.
Some broken glass and spilled liquor cover the ta-
ble. Small cabinets by the walls hold exquisite liq-
uors, snacks, and spices. The walls are adorned with
three beautifully painted large portraits of past
royals whose eyes are focused on the center of the

A platinum bar is stuck between two cushions in one like than the rest at each end of the table. Two large
of the sofas reserved for the guests. The three por- paintings cover the longer walls of the hall. One of
traits on the walls are each worth 200 gold pieces. them depicts the Royal Palace and the isle it was
built upon, while the other shows a large army of
Aglarion camping near a battlefield.
42. D IN IN G H A L L
A wide selection of exotic spices stored in small glass
Background vials can be found in a container in the middle of the
The royal family had their lunch and dinner served in dining table, worth 150 gold pieces.
this dining hall every day. All three Aphinahs rarely
have their meals here simultaneously, but it quickly
turns into a food fight when they do. 43. RO Y A L K I TCH E N
An enormous, well-crafted, and lavishly decorated Background
black wooden table dominates the center of this This well-equipped kitchen and the accompanying
room. A mess of leftover food and broken glasses and pantry serve the royal family. Only a handful of serv-

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ants used to prepare food and cook here continuous- raised by the Matrons of Malice from the royal
ly. The hagspawn princesses and their midnight hag guards, and their zombie spawns.
mother took over the kitchen to brew their horrid
potions and conduct vile rituals. Environment
Blood, decaying body parts, and organs cover the
Environment floor of the room. A crowd of dead soldiers and serv-
The kitchen is equipped with preparation desks, ov- ants, butchered with weapons, stands in the room,
ens and grills, a deep dish wash basin, and several forming a wall in the middle. Flies buzz over their
pieces of furniture to store utensils, plates, glasses, maggot-ridden carcasses that emit a gut-wrenching
and tools used for food preparation. A large cauldron stench.
is placed in the middle of the room over a makeshift
fire pit with a foul-smelling liquid brewing. Skulls, Scene
boney hands, feet, eyeballs, pieces of hair, and oth- Twenty zombies in two rows stand from wall to
er body parts and organs float in the softly bubbling wall in the middle of the room, facing the door’s
soup. The tightly shelved pantry holds expensive and direction to the left. Behind them, three wights cre-
rare foodstuffs that are now rotting away. Characters ated from dead royal guards stand still on the right
can hear a constant buzz of wings from the small side of the room, waiting for anyone to enter the
room. room. They allow passage to any of the Queen Aph-
inahs, Blister, the werehellhound knights, the dryad
Scene witches, or anyone accompanying them by com-
The midnight hags have brought over a swarm of manding the zombies to move to the walls. They
ghoulish sprites from the Bleak Mire that they tor- order the zombies to attack anyone who enters the
tured, turned into undead, and pressed into servi- room, joining the fight first with their ranged long-
tude with their magical abilities. A character that bow attacks, followed by their Life Drain attacks if
makes a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) skill forced into melee combat.
check can make out the sounds of raspy chittering
within the buzzing sound of wings. The sprites used
to serve King Dasmag when alive but were captured 45. K RA S N A R'S P R IVA TE
by the ettercaps of the midnight hags soon after
they took over the satyr king’s domain. The hags
stole their poison crafting secrets and turned them,
much to the three Aphinah’s amusement, into a Background
swarm of mindless undead that regularly feeds on Prince Krasnar Azennar lived in this room until he
itself. The queens keep the swarm locked in the left on the quest to the Bleak Mire with his father. It
pantry and control it through magic when needed. has been unoccupied ever since, except for the times
The swarm of ghoulish sprites collectively turns in- when the Queen Aphinahs barged through, knocking
visible before each attack. over everything they could.

44. G U A R D RO O M A sizeable bare canopy bed stands in the middle of
the chamber without any bedding, with an empty
armor stand and an empty small writing desk next to
Background it. When removed from the desk, the outside bottom
Regular squads of royal guards were stationed in this of the desk drawer shows several childish scribblings
room to secure the royal family’s quarters from out- and drawings of a tortured King Waldrann, Queen
side threats. It is now the home of a trio of wights, Lyrencia, and baby Princess Aphinah. A crude glaive

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and a text above it are carved into the wood, saying, regenerates the damage. When Queen Aphinah sees
“I will avenge you Mother!” the characters, she screams to draw the attention
of the werehellhound knights outside her room, and
The bathroom is set with a large porcelain tub and orders the mumus to attack. Meanwhile, she mocks
toilet, and an empty cabinet with mirrors. The ward- the characters.
robe is also empty and dusty. The private sitting
room features comfortable sofas and low tables sur-
rounded by several paintings of Queen Elyssa on the
walls. Each painting of Krasnar’s mother has been
defaced and vandalized by the Queen Aphinahs with
mocking and obscene graffiti.


The triplet hagspawn Aphinahs each spent many
years in this room while growing up.

Environment QUEE N APH I N A H

These chambers are a complete mess and stink aw-
fully. Broken mirrors, trashed furniture, rotting food, “You want the crown?
and torn pieces of clothing are lying scattered all
Today it is my sister’s turn to wear it!”
over the bedchamber. The bed has a huge strange
liquid stain in its center. A giant stuffed toy bear Queen Aphinah laughing at the characters.
lies beheaded next to a dollhouse that is partially
burned down, with small toy figurines hanging by Treasure
their necks inside. Food stains and rotting leftovers A makeup kit made out of rare seashells sits on one
cover the sitting room. The bath and the garderobe of the small tables. It is of exquisite craftsmanship
are dirty and completely neglected. and is worth 225 gold pieces. The hagspawn Queen
Aphinahs share a large collection of richly deco-
Scene rated garments thrown around the room. Twenty
The three Queen Aphinahs currently use these cham- of these embroidered pieces of noble outfits are
bers as their private recluse within the Royal Palace. hemmed with gems and pearls, and each is worth
Small pieces of paper are tucked into cracks and un- 50 gold pieces.
der random items with messages from one Queen
Aphinah to the other in the same handwriting, say-
ing things like “You stink!”, “Born in hell, burn in 47. TE R RA CE O F D A W N
hell!”, or “It’s my turn, bitch!”

One of the three Queen Aphinahs plays a terrifying Background

hide and seek game with a mumus in the room. If The royal family had its breakfast served on this bal-
the mumus finds Queen Aphinah, it slashes her with cony every morning. They were always visible to the
its claws then runs off to hide while the hagspawn residents of the Royal Palace during these occasions.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The Queen Aphinahs, though they never appear to- a more open space with a large rocking pegasus
gether publicly, enjoy the balcony and sometimes made out of wood and a huge, finely detailed doll-
come out here to look down at the courtyard and house fashioned after the Royal Palace.
the garden below.
The entire room is entwined by thick barbed vines,
Environment spread out as if they were veins. The vines get thick-
Large window tiles comprise the northern half of er as they connect to reach area 54, from where they
the room, letting the morning sunshine onto a large grow. Strange flowers on meaty bulbs grow from
white marble dining table at the center of the room. the vines in a few places, their broad petals forming
Large plants are placed in each corner
and small cabinets holding spices and
utensils stand by the walls.

A container in one of the cab-
inets holds a wide selection of
exotic spices stored in small glass
vials worth 80 gold pieces.


This room serves as the main living
quarter and recreational space for the
royal family.

The room is separated into three
sections. The two wings on
either side of the cham­
ber serve as separate
lounges. The mid-
dle section is

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large, layered cups. There is a sweet aroma, and puffs en closet system covers the entire wall of this room
of purple pollen fill the air. with dressers, drawers, and hangers for different
types of clothes. Several large standing mirrors and
Scene mannequins stand in the middle of the room. One of
Two werehellhound knights stand guard at the door the mannequins has a dress made out of paper thin
to Queen Aphinah’s private bedchamber located in leather, flayed from the bodies of humanoids.
area 46. If they hear sounds of battle from area 44,
they wait for anyone to emerge before starting com- A character who searches the clothes and succeeds
bat. The werehellhound knights use the terrain to on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check
their advantage by standing their ground and us- followed by a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Arcana)
ing their breath weapons unless attacked by ranged skill check can identify the remnants of otherworldly
weapons. They also push enemies into the death cup materials in Queen Lyrencia’s clothes. Strange plant
flowers if possible, scorching any trapped victim. matter in the pockets or marks of odd brimstone soot
on a shoe imply that she was visiting Hell and the
Human-sized carnivorous flowers called death cup Feyrealm on several occasions in these clothes.
flowers grow in certain areas of the room. These
flowers attack any living creature that moves within Treasure
5 feet of them. The total value of the noble outfits in the room is
4,000 gold pieces, weighing 400 pounds.
Death Cup Flower. These purple-colored flowers
look like beautiful rosebuds of gigantic size with lay-
ered petals folded on top of each other. The inside of 50. RO Y A L BE D CH A MBE R
the flower is covered by sharp thorns, each the size
of a human finger. The center of the flower hides a
circle of wiggling reddish tentacles that the flower Background
uses to attack and entangle victims while it engulfs The king and queen of Aglarion spent their nights
and slowly devours them. A death cup flower has AC together in this room.
10 and 21 hit points. It makes a melee attack roll with
a +5 bonus against a random living creature within Environment
5 feet of it. A target that is hit takes 6 (1d6 + 3) slash- This room reeks of death. The beautifully carved king-
ing damage and must succeed on a DC 13 Strength size canopy bed is soaked in blood. The naked dead
saving throw or become restrained. A restrained body of a nosy elven wizard named Istran Balrodyr is
creature automatically takes 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing dam- stretched out on the bed, his legs and arms chained to
age every round and can use an action to make a DC the pillars of the bed, his body a memento of a thousand
13 Strength saving throw to free itself. small cuts and needle marks. The wizard started a pri-
vate investigation to uncover the secrets of the queens
after the Midnight Curse struck the realm. He ended
49. D RE S S IN G RO O M up in the hands of Blister, who tortured and eventually
killed the wizard, ripping his soul from his body.

The kings and queens of Aglarion were dressed in 51. K IN G 'S B A TH
this room by their servants.

Environment Background
A complex, richly decorated floor-to-ceiling wood- The monarch’s private bath where King Waldrann

30 0
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Azennar welcomed his lovers, whom he stole into of silver covers the floor. A finely crafted wooden
the Royal Palace through the secret entrance. couch with soft velvet cushions stands in the room
next to a table that has some books and paper on its
Environment top. A weapon rack holds some of the finest blades
A lavishly decorated bathroom features a large por- of the kingdom. Smaller and larger statues and
celain bathtub and a toilet with a golden seat. There paintings showcase an art collection of magnificent
is also a large standing mirror and a dresser with quality. A trophy of a medusa stands on a pedestal.
perfumes, accessories, and neatly folded towels. A small cabinet holds the finest selection of liquors
and wines from many different regions. Scattered
around the room are bottles, glasses, and clothes of
52. K I N G 'S CA B I N E T King Waldrann.

A character who searches for secret doors and suc-

Background ceeds on a DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) skill check
This room served as the most private hideout of the can notice an extremely well-hidden panel that opens
monarchs of Aglarion. No one was allowed in the to a narrow spiral staircase that leads down into the
chamber, not even the sovereign’s spouse. Servants secret tunnel (see the Tunnel of Love section).
could visit to do their work only when requested
to do so. Treasure
The huge carpet is worth 1,350 gold pieces and weighs
30 pounds. A +2 rapier and a longsword encrusted
with rubies worth 2,200 gold pieces is placed on the
weapon rack. The artwork in the room is worth 2,500
gold pieces and weighs a total of 200 pounds. The
cabinet holds two bottles of Xantharosian whiskey
worth 200 gold pieces each, a large heavy glass bottle
of Draylish cognac worth 300 gold pieces, and a large
keg of rum worth 600 gold pieces.

53. QUEE N'S B O U D O I R

This room was reserved to serve the privacy of the
spouses of the monarchs.

A large porcelain bath and a gold-rimmed toilet are
in the corner of the room. A vanity table with a tri-
ple folding mirror and numerous make-up tools, per-
Environment fumes, and wig holders stands next to a cabinet de-
This luxuriously furnished and equipped room has signed for jewelry, now lying empty.
some of the richest decorations of all of the Royal
Palace. A huge carpet made out of the silken hair Treasure
of some exotic beast interwoven with fine threads The perfumes are worth 560 gold pieces in total.

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Background Leaving the premises of the Royal Palace without
This used to be the private shrine of the royal family. being noticed requires a successful DC 15 Dexteri-
ty (Stealth) skill check and is possible by climbing
Environment the walls or flying above it. Exiting through the
A small altar dedicated to each of the gates is possible only if they are open
major gods stood in this room for some reason like troop trans-
but they have been defaced or ports, which is extremely rare
completely destroyed. The after the manifestation of
shrine’s floor, walls, and the Midnight Curse. The
the ceiling are covered Dexterity (Stealth) skill
by thick wriggling vines check is made with dis-
that entangle dead bod- advantage if the pal-
ies on which death cup ace is on alert. On a
flowers grow. failed skill check, the
characters draw the
Four dryad witches - attention of 4d4 royal
Vilantra, Moadissa, Ay- guards and 1d4+1 were-
ras, and Oniette - live hellhound knights who
in this room, fanatically immediately start pursu-
serving Blister and the hag- ing them.
spawn queens. They attack
intruders on sight and react to Exiting the Royal Palace unno-
any commotion outside in area 48. G O L D P IE CE ticed through the secret door in area
52 is possible only if the secret door was
previously undiscovered by the characters’ enemies.
55. TRE A S U RY Blister is the only one who knows about the well-hid-
den staircase but the hag does not inform anyone
about it before leaving in haste to the Shadowrealm.
This secure room held the private treasure of the As the characters take possession of the crown of
royals of Aglarion. Currently, it stands empty, all of Aglarion, it resists them to the best of its abilities,
its treasures relocated to the home lair of the Ma- trying to take control of anyone holding it and to
trons of Malice at the Demonbane Isle in Hell. alert the residents of the palace to prevent the char-
acters from taking it away. Placing it inside the chest
Environment of magic nullification prevents the crown of Aglarion
The heavy iron doors of the treasury stand open. from functioning and from being detected by any
Several iron-bound chests occupy the room. Some of means of divination magic. It does not break the ef-
them are open, some of them closed. A few coins lie fects of the Midnight Curse.
on the floor.
Treasure Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can
11 gold pieces and 17 silver pieces are scattered on the steal the crown of Aglarion and escape the Royal Pal-
floor and in some chests. ace with it.

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THE DOME OF SHADOW A giant dome of shadowy force with a radius of over
2,000 feet envelops the entire city, rising from the
Background ground 500 feet outside of the New Wall to an apex
As soon as the characters intrude on Blister, the mid- 200 feet above the Royal Palace. The semi-transpar-
night hag uses plane shift to travel to the Shadow- ent dome swirls with dark shadows and obscures the
realm version of Onadbyr. Blister issues commands sun, casting the entire city into gloomy semi-dark-
to the Gloom Widow - a night hag subject of the ness. Rain still falls from darkened skies through the
Matrons of Malice on the Shadowrealm - to force dome and the few people on the streets and win-
the drug addicted dark deva Sabrael into activat- dows gaze with apprehension upon the enclosure
ing the Lament of the Dark Celestials with Tannur’s that envelops the entire city.
crystal of the immortals inside the Shadow Ziggu-
rat (see section Dirge of the Dark Angel). The crys- Shadowdome. The dome of shadow is made up of
tal generates a dome of impregnable shadowstuff condensed raw shadow material generated on the
over the city of Onadbyr on all coexisting planes Shadowrealm by the crystal of the immortals in the
- the Material Plane, the Ethereal Plane, the Shad- Shadow Ziggurat and exists simultaneously on the
owrealm, and on the Feyrealm. Blister also tasks the Material Plane, Shadowrealm, the Feyrealm, and even
Gloom Widow and its tribe of despair giants led by on the Ethereal Plane. It is just the upper half of a
Gygor, a warlock of the Matrons of Malice, to guard sphere that reaches deep into the bedrock and the
the Shadow Ziggurat and the Dungeon of Tears sea bottom outside of the city, totally enclosing the
where their prisoners that fuel the crystal are kept. area. It functions as a spell that can not be destroyed
After arranging these precautions, the midnight hag by a disintegrate spell, so it is impregnable, practical-
returns to the Material Plane, directing its minions ly sealing off the city from the outside, as no living
to hunt for the characters. The characters should being (including even constructs) can penetrate the
be out of the Royal Palace by this time with the barrier. It blocks all forms of teleportation, dimen-
crown of Aglarion in their possession, safely held in sional, planar, or any similar magical means of travel,
the chest of magic nullification. into and out of the dome. Still, dimensional travel

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works normally within the confines of the Shadow- Environment

dome. The dome is immune to magic, dispelling, and The city goes into general lockdown, maintained
all forms of damage. On closer inspection, a charac- and enforced by the Royal Swords and the werehell-
ter who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) hound knights, who are the only ones allowed on
skill check can determine that the force field of the the streets without special dispensation from the
dome is indeed formed from shadows, in all likeli- palace. Doors are bolted, windows shuttered, and so-
hood originating from the Shadowrealm. cial interactions between neighbors are suspended.
Terror spreads over Onadbyr as people are huddled
Scene and afraid of what the future will bring.
The general reaction of the populace to the new
threat that arches over its head is to withdraw in- Scene
doors. People shut themselves into their homes, The voice of a High Speaker can be heard clearly over
shops and services are closed and suspended, the the city from the Minaret of the Speaker, as it con-
streets are abandoned. Fishing ceases as the seas be- veys the proclamation announcing the characters as
come inaccessible and boats that are trapped in the criminals with rewards for their heads.
ports of Onadbyr float helplessly on the River Ne-
nock. The royal army still patrols the walls and the “By order of Queen Aphinah
gates of the city, and the city is essentially under
Azennar, the following individuals
lockdown until orders come from the palace. Supply
of scarce foodstuff and raw materials like timber or
are declared wanted for crimes against
minerals are pushed through the dome and pulled the crown. Any information leading
through using ropes. The process is handled through to their whereabouts will be rewarded
the Crown Gate, which is the only gate that remains with 1,000 gold pieces, with a reward
open for this purpose.
of 2,000 gold pieces for each of their
The double hex is hard for the people of Onadbyr to heads, dead or alive…”
bear, who are now like shivering mice in a glass cage, A High Speaker announcing the
as the Midnight Curse is now made worse by their edict, followed by the characters’
entrapment in the city. descriptions and their names if known.

As a result of the terror of the lockdown and the

FUGITIVES FROM INJUSTICE hunt for the characters, their social interactions be-
come impeded. Characters must make all Charisma
Background ability checks with a disadvantage as long as the
After Blister has completed its preparations on the characters are at large.
Shadowrealm and has the Shadowdome raised, the
hag returns to the palace to consolidate its hold over
Onadbyr. If all three Aphinahs have perished, the hag Eyes of the Coven
assumes their form and begins to rule directly. The
hag’s primary goal is to find the crown and the char- Background
acters. Blister declares martial law, and its first order Everyone is suspect, and many will find the first
is to hunt the characters down and scour the entire chance to report the characters to the authorities for
city until they are found. Children of the Coven are the blood money or out of sheer fear of the queen’s
sent out to find any information on the characters, forces. The Children of the Coven mark targets in the
while the authorities go door to door to hunt for the city based on their network of informants and weed
fugitives. out suspicious individuals by using their Hag’s Form

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ability and hiding among the populace. Their tactics the door-to-door searches. One such building is being
are reminiscent of the infiltration within the ranks of razed and set on fire, its inhabitants made to watch
mortals by the shapeshifting dark angel agents of the on their knees as two werehellhound knights spread
Dark Star, which brings forth ancient and dormant the flames with their breath weapons. The were-
fears in the inhabitants of the city. hellhound knights interrogate the cowering victims
about the characters under a zone of truth spell. Ten
Scene Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry) accom-
If the characters travel the open streets of the city, pany the lycanthropes, who surround the innocent
there is a chance that they will be spotted, recognized, victims, whose only crime was some involvement
and reported if they have any social interactions. All with the characters. The werehellhound knights lose
characters must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) their patience after a few minutes of dealing with
skill check to avoid notice if they are on the streets. the commoners and burn them alive.
On a failed check, the characters draw unwanted at-
tention from an informant of the Children of the Cov-
en (use the witchservant cultist monster entry), who NO ESCAPE
is hurrying away but can be noticed with a successful
DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. The informer Background
will flee and gather 2d6 Royal Swords (use the guard Characters might attempt to pass the dome of shad-
monster entry) within 2d4+1 rounds if unobserved. Af- ow in various ways - in the air, through the city’s
ter 2d4 minutes, two werehellhound knights arrive sewers, in the river, or over the walls. They will soon
from the Royal Palace to assess the situation. realize that all their efforts are in vain. The dome is
impregnable, surrounding the city in a sphere that
If the characters aren’t disguised, the witchservant reaches into the bedrock itself.
cultist will direct the guards to apprehend them,
supporting them with ranged spells from afar. If the
characters are disguised, they must succeed on a DC Broken Flight
11 Charisma ability check made with a disadvantage
to fool the authorities. Environment
The dome above Onadbyr swirls with dark shadows,
keeping the sun at bay and casting an envelope of
Inquisition by Fire gloom over the city.

Background Scene
Squads of Royal Swords led by werehellhound knights If characters take to the air to inspect the dome from
go from house to house, ransacking residences and up close, their flight draws four vile swarms of ra-
places of business in their search for the characters. vens with vile intellect from the rooftops of the pal-
One such building has been marked for a search. ace, who harass the characters and try to force them
to the ground. These ravens have learned strategies
Environment to simultaneously attack from all directions and drop
Any building connected to the characters, either a shower of sharp items onto victims.
their residence if they are locals or an establishment
they have frequented before. Vile Swarms of Ravens. use the swarm of ravens
monster entry with the following modifications:
The Children of the Coven prioritize places with ties  he swarm of ravens have vile intellect (see Appen-
to the characters and send out forces to undertake dix A: The Midnight Curse).

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•T  hey have advantage on attacks due to Pack Tactics.

A Devious Plan
• S hredding Barrage. As a bonus action, the swarm of
ravens can fly above targets to shower them with Background
all manner of sharp objects collected by the swarm. Taris, the elder of the Uncanny Vagabonds has decided
Each creature under the swarm in a line towards to capitalize on the reward offered for the characters
the ground must make a successful DC 12 Dexteri- and to betray Gren, seeing the strapping and increas-
ty saving throw. The targets take (14) 4d6 piercing ingly popular relative as a threat to his role as patri-
damage on a failed save or half as much damage on arch. Taris has notified a known informant of the Chil-
a successful one. The swarm of ravens must spend dren of the Coven that he will deliver the characters
five minutes to rearm themselves before using this and Gren to the authorities. In reply, he has received
feature again. Royal Sword uniforms and fake identities for the char-
• Eye Gouging. As an action, the swarm of ravens can acters and Gren. The package came with information
focus on gouging the eyes of a helpless target in a that a troop transport will be leaving the city through
synchronized effort. The swarm attacks one creature a gate that Queen Aphinah herself will open on the
it can see that has 0 hit points and is still alive or fabric of the Shadowdome. Taris has been tasked with
one that is incapacitated. The swarm deals damage directing the characters to seek a captain named Gril-
normally; however, the attack’s target must succeed londar Onkas, who is expecting replacements to the
on a DC 9 Constitution saving throw or be blinded. transport and to board the armored carriage. Taris
Attacks against the swarm have advantage in the does not know the details of the planned ambush, but
round when it uses its Eye Gouging ability. he is fine with his ignorance and the sacrifice of Gren
to serve the well-being of the rest of the family.

Under the River Environment

The hideout of the Uncanny Vagabonds under the
Environment Monster Menagerie.
The River Nanock still flows freely through the city
and the dome on two sides. The sewers under Onad- Scene
byr are also functional and have a few drainage tun- Taris (use the spy monster entry with the ability to
nels that connect to the river. However, vast schools cast minor illusion once per day) sends a message to
of carp are stuck in the city, enclosed by the dome. the characters through a family member if they are
On the outside of the dome on the western side not hiding out in the Monster Menagerie with the
of the city, outside the Thousand Lanterns bridge, Uncanny Vagabonds. He lays out the information he
mounds of helplessly flopping or dead fish cover the has gained from one of the family’s contacts in the
shores, unable to reach the waters of the sea. Royal Palace. He explains that he can secure passage
for them on a troop transport carriage of the army
Scene that somehow is planned to leave the city. He has
If characters take to the water and try to pass the heard that Queen Aphinah herself will be present to
dome underwater, four schools of aggressive carp (use open a gate on the Shadowdome. His only condition
the swarm of quippers monster entry) are drawn to is that the characters take Gren and secure his es-
the disturbed waters and will attack any character in cape from the city as well. This method seems to
the waters of the river. be their one chance to cross the impenetrable wall.
He tells the group to seek Captain Grillondar Onkas,
who will be expecting the arrival of new recruits
to the transport. He also gives the full sets of Royal
Sword uniforms and gear to the characters and Gren
and a list of fake identities as soldiers.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“Aye, tis like walking into
It is 30 feet long and 10 feet wide with two rows of
the House of the Soldier benches on each side. It can hold 10 creatures of me-
as a raging Vordani in- dium size at full capacity. The carriage walls have AC
vader. But tis be yon only 17, 80 hit points, a damage threshold of 5, and damage
chance to escape the city. resistance against slashing damage, and damage im-
munity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage.
Yon mugs are posted all over the city, Three windows with iron bars open to the outside,
so best keep them disguised, lest ye be lined with metal bars with AC 19, 25 hit points, a dam-
caught like minnows in a net of steel. ” age threshold of 10, damage resistance against slash-
Taris as he outlines his concerns with the plan. ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing,
poison, and psychic damage. The carriage can be
Taris is trying to hide his anxiety and characters who barred from the outside with an iron latch that can’t
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) skill check can be picked from the inside, but it can be forced open
notice the strain on his nerves and that something is with a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
amiss, especially concerning the identity of his con-
tact in the Royal Swords. If pressured, he prevari- Scene
cates that he is worried about the large numbers of If the characters follow Taris’ instructions and
Royal Swords at the gate and explains that the con- have disguised their features, they can move freely
tact wishes to remain anonymous. through the city as Royal Swords with official identi-
ty papers until they reach the Crown Gate. Six Royal
Swords are in the process of boarding a large, closed,
Betrayal at the Gates armored troop transport carriage under the watch
of six other Royal Swords (use the guard monster
Background entry) and four Royal Arrows (use the scout mon-
Blister plans to lure the characters and Gren into ster entry). Captain Grillondar Onkas (use the knight
the armored carriage, at which point they will be monster entry) barks orders at the soldiers to hurry.
locked inside, allowing the hag to cast a deadly spell
that will suffocate all within and turn them into un- “On the double soldiers, and in order!
dead. Captain Grillondar Onkas is wholly ignorant of
You better not have grown soft
the plot and thinks that he will be leading troops to
Southkeep to reinforce the southern watchtowers.
in good old Onadbyr. This is your
In reality, Blister is planning to eradicate the charac- chance to finally prove your worth
ters once and for all. If any of the Queen Aphinahs in the field. Where are my blasted
survived, she is present, and Blister takes the form new recruits? They’ll wish they
of a robed witchservant cultist. If all Aphinahs have
were never born after I get
perished, Blister takes her form.
through with them!”
Environment Captain Grillondar Onkas shouting
A large, armor-plated personnel transport carriage is over the din of preparations.
boarded by soldiers at Crown Gate. A mean-looking
captain of the Royal Swords orders soldiers about. When the characters arrive at the scene, Captain
Royal Arrows guard the walls, and additional soldiers Grillondar Onkas grills them about being late, threat-
mill about the gate. ening double guard duty at the southern forts, and
demands their papers. Characters must succeed on a
Armored Carriage. The carriage is made of reinforced DC 12 Charisma (Deception) skill check or be iden-
wood and plated with metal sheets on the outside. tified by the Captain. On a failed save, the Captain

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orders the fugitives to be restrained, at which point If the characters break out of the carriage, they will
a total of twelve Royal Swords and four Royal Ar- have to face six Royal Swords, four Royal Arrows,
rows attack the characters. On a success, he ushers their commander Captain Grillondar Onkas, the four
the characters and Gren onto the carriage, closes its witchservant cultists, and the two werehellhound
door, and latches the bolt from the outside. knights. Blister does not want to risk anything and
casts dimension door to bring herself and Queen Aphi-
As the characters are seated, the queen’s arrival is an- nah back to the Royal Palace to bring reinforcements
nounced and the Royal Swords surrounding the car- if needed.
riage stand to attention. Queen Aphinah can be seen
on a palanquin carried by four Royal Swords. Two As soon as the players break out of the deadly trap, a
werehellhound knights and four witchservant cult- figure approaches them from the shadows, walking
ists accompany her. If any of the Queen Aphinah’s with soft steps in a relaxed posture. His very pres-
have survived, she sits on the palanquin, and Blister ence speaks of the absolute confidence of an apex
the midnight hag is in the form of a witchservant. If predator.
all Queen Aphinahs have perished, Blister wears the
queen’s guise. Experience
Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can
As the royal procession arrives, the characters can escape the clutches of the authorities.
hear Queen Aphinah’s voice from outside.

“Brave swords of Aglarion! GUIDED THROUGH SHADOWS

I will personally see you
off on your voyage…. Samsadur, the rakshasa master of the Golden Masks,
Which ends here and now! has learned about the events that took place in the
Hahahahhaha! ” Royal Palace and the involvement of the characters.
The Midnight Curse has already severely hindered
Queen Aphinah (or Blister) cackling the fiend’s criminal operations but it also opened up
to the characters as she casts her spell. new opportunities that the organization has come
to utilize to cover its losses. Unfortunately, the Sha-
At this point, Blister casts a lungrot vapor (DC 19 Con- dowdome is blocking the Golden Masks’ export and
stitution saving throw) spell from a scroll targeted at import operations from and to Onadbyr, which caus-
the carriage. All Royal Swords within the carriage suf- es a severe disruption in its cash flow and logistics.
focate in the necrotic energies and rise as six zombies
(with the Choking Strike ability of the spell) at the end Samsadur is glad to see another faction doing the
of the first turn. Gren fights the zombies and urges the dirty work and hopes the resistance will succeed. It
characters to break out. has learned of the death of the Crownwarden and
the crown’s theft. The fiend has decided to assist this
“Oi, muckers! unknown ally and has stalked the characters to find
out who they are, what they know, and their goals.
Get that door open, now!
I ain’t planning to Environment
become zombie grub.” Samsadur approaches the characters in any location
Gren urging on the characters. where it can parlay with them discreetly, in an alley
near the Crown Gate or the Monster Menagerie. The
fiend doesn’t mind coming forth in front of the Un-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

canny Vagabonds, because it considers them possible Samsadur tells the characters that it is in its power
allies and part of the resistance. to bring them to the Shadowrealm and back the next
day. If asked about its powers, it smiles and says that
Scene it is an arcanist of great power. Before casting plane
Samsadur (use the rakshasa monster entry) does not shift and taking the characters to the Shadowplane,
reveal its fiendish identity or form to the characters Samsadur requests a friendly favor in return for his
and their allies. Before explaining its agenda, it steps help. The fiend demands this favor to be performed
out of the shadows and greets them in a confident, after the Shadowdome has been negated and before
reserved, but friendly manner. The fiend reveals that bringing the characters back to the Material Plane.
it is the leader of the Golden Masks, trusting that this
gives weight to his words. It also tells the characters
about its informant, Zurafkira Shoemaker, who ex-
ists in both the Shadowrealm and the Material Plane
and has the power to communicate with its other
half through mirrors. This informant has reported to
Samsadur about the past and current events taking SAMSA DUR
place on the Shadowrealm. Samsadur tells the char-
acters the following information that is described in
more detail in the upcoming Dirge for the Dark An-
gels section, but the fiend does not know more than
the following.

•The Shadowdome is generated on the Shadow-

realm, spewing forth from the Shadow Ziggurat, a
seat of power for the fallen angels for millennia.
• A dark song began as the Shadowdome appeared
and its debilitating effect drains every last drop of
positive thought from those who hear it.
• A small tribe of despair giants came to camp at
“I can bring you there, and promise to
the Shadow Ziggurat, led by their magic-wielding
bring you back. But I also need you to
• The despair giants and their night hag master have do a little favor for me in return.”
brought dozens of prisoners to the Shadowrealm Samsadur summing up its offer.
version of the Dungeon of Tears over the past years.
• A faint cloud of shadows has been rising from the
Dungeon of Tears towards the Shadow Ziggurat A Favor You Can’t Refuse
since the Shadowdome appeared.
• The only soundproof location in the city that might Background
help against the Lament of the Dark Celestials is Samsadur found out that Baendretarixus, the Eternal
the Shadowrealm version of the Eyrie of the Fa- Hive, an undead sentient carcass black dragon, is in
bled. Zurafkira Shoemaker tried to explore the area possession of a very expensive, highly magical weap-
and entered the auditorium, which suppressed the on - the bow of the night. The undead dragon acquired
draining effects of the Lament of the Dark Celes- the magic bow from one of its rivals, a shadow elf
tials. Still, she gazed upon a haunting phantasmal chieftain named Galloris Laerinn, who attacked the
play on the stage that almost warped her mind, undead dragon with his band of shadow elves. The
and she decided to flee. black dragon was victorious in the conflict and of-

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fered the shadow elves their lives in exchange for If the characters are ready to leave, four thugs of
their servitude. Left without a leader, the emotion- the Golden Masks arrive with a carriage loaded with
less elves of the Shadowrealm accepted the mighty the two chests that weigh 150 pounds each. Each
Baendretarixus as their new master. chest is locked with a large iron padlock that re-
quires a successful DC 20 Dexterity check to open
Samsadur approached the undead black dragon and using thieves’ tools. Samsadur tells the characters
its elves and made a deal with the dead sentient beast. that a deadly trap protects the chests so they should
The rakshasa promised to hunt down and deliver to not consider opening them. A character with a suc-
the dragon those who killed it in his living form in cessful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) skill check can see
return for the magic bow. The contract was for Laros through the deception.
Masari, a human necromancer, Iktair Zotas, a human
fighter, and Elcan, an elven paladin. It took months
for Samsadur to find the heroes and murder the first
two, whose bodies the fiend hid in two chests, but
it never found the elven paladin, even after years of
searching. The rakshasa hopes to convince the un-
dead dragon that the death of the two heroes would
be sufficient payment for the bow of the night but
it knows that it will be a risky negotiation that can
easily turn into a fight. Samsadur plans to spill as
little information about this side mission as possible.

The fiend requests players bring along two large heavy
chests, and accompany it to a meeting with its busi-
ness acquaintance that resides on the Shadowrealm
outside the Shadowdome. Samsadur does not initially
disclose any further information about the nature of
the business partner nor the contents of the chests.
If pressed, the fiend reveals that the business partner
is a young black dragon and that the chests contain
things of high importance for the dragon (see section
The Bow of the Night for more information on this
event). A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom
(Insight) skill check can sense that Samsadur holds
back important information about the meeting or its
acquaintance. The corpses in the chests are under the
effects of a gentle repose spell.

“You should trust me,

the same way I trust you.”
Samsadur putting an end
to unwanted questions.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


unable to uphold themselves. Likewise, the layers of

THE SHADOWREALM a house would appear in their already weathered
condition as a new building is being constructed,
Environment or a building might seemingly crumble to rubble on
The Shadowrealm is a coexisting plane, a parallel its own if it gets demolished on the Material Plane.
reality, a depressed, emotionless, and colorless rep-
resentation of the Material Plane where everything Although the Shadowrealm is a dark depiction of the
appears to be neglected, abandoned, ruined, dark, Material Plane, the plane itself seems to prefer some
and cold. Vegetation is scarce, animals are rare, sites that it keeps from being destroyed. These plac-
and mostly only small rodents, vermin, and birds es or locations are usually the ones that resonate
survive on whatever they can find. The weather is well with its dark, shadowy nature.
always cold and rainy and dark clouds always cover
the sky. Onadbyr, just like the other settlements of the King-
dom of Aglarion on the Shadowrealm, are aban-
A soft persistent gloom hangs over the plane that doned and defunct, without any residents. The
always sheds dim light on everything at angles that houses have no signs of previous inhabitants and
form long, overlapping shadows. Many areas of the stand mostly without any furniture, their doors and
plane are naturally dark without even the dim light windows open or broken. The Shadowrealm version
penetrating them. Other parts of the plane, especial- of the city of Onadbyr is under a Shadowdome (as
ly low territories, are so dark that even darkvision described under the The Dome of Shadow section)
can’t penetrate the umbral void. and the sad Lament of the Dark Celestials can be
heard everywhere under the shadowy hemisphere
The Shadowrealm changes as the Material Plane of force.
changes, especially with regards to unnatural con-
structs or interventions. For example, deforestation Suppressed Light. The range of natural and magical
on the Material Plane might cause trees on the Shad- light sources is halved on the Shadowrealm, includ-
owrealm to fall as if they withered away and were ing both brightly and dimly lit areas.

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Lament of the Dark Celestials. The Tannur’s crystal properties of its Material Plane version. Their nests
of the immportals (see area 5 of the Shadow Ziggu- are made of wood, furs, rock, and the bones of their
rat) emanates the Lament of the Dark Celestials, a victims. The harpies have transposed the notes of
dark dirge in otherworldly tones in the Celestial lan- their maddening songs all over the walls of the min-
guage that can be heard all over the Shadowrealm aret with their own blood.
version of the city of Onadbyr under the Shadow-
dome. The song’s lyrics are almost incomprehensible, Scene
long stretched words, which mourn the banishment The harpies, Aredna, Delectra, Caelna, Phandarra, Ur-
of the Dark Star and praise the Darkness Within. Any putra, and Waerra are constantly looking for victims
humanoid creature within the aura (effectively the from their nest, with at least one Sister of Lunacy
entire Shadowdome) must make a DC 18 Charisma always singing its Song of Madness. The Sisters of Lu-
saving throw every day. On a failed save, the crea- nacy also fly out to hunt from time to time. They
ture is overwhelmed by negative emotions, sadness, follow their prey, singing from above until the crea-
a lack of motivation, and sorrow for one day, and ture is vulnerable enough to be safely lynched and
must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma saving throw consumed. As monstrosities, they are unaffected by
before making a Charisma ability check or suffer dis- the Lament of the Dark Celestials, which they utilize
advantage on the check. to their advantage.

Sister of Lunacy. The bodies of these long-haired,

LURKERS IN THE DARK sullen harpies are covered in leather strips made
from the cured hides of their victims. Use the harpy
Background monster entry with the following modifications:
The Shadowrealm imprint of the capital city of Onad-
byr is a deserted place in ruin and decay without • S ong of Madness. The Sister of Lunacy sings a vi-
obvious signs of life. Only a few creatures, living or brating screech-like magical song. Every humanoid
dead, have carved out their own territory or stalk the and giant within 300 ft. of the harpy that can hear
crumbling streets. the song must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving
throw or gain a random short-term madness until
the song ends. The Sister of Lunacy must take a
Sisters of Lunacy bonus action on its subsequent turns to continue
singing. It can stop singing at any time. The song
Background ends if the Sister of Lunacy is incapacitated. An af-
This nest of six shadowrealm-born harpies is the fected creature ignores the songs of other Sisters
brood of the crazed harpy bard Akythoa, who drove of Madness. A creature can also repeat the saving
Hymmir, the previous despair giant chieftain mad. throw at the end of each of its turns. If a crea-
Gygor, the current despair giant chieftain, killed the ture’s saving throw is successful, the effect ends
raging Hymmir and hunted down the harpy bard to on it. A target that successfully saves is immune to
make sure he didn’t suffer the same fate. The har- this Sister of Lunacy’s song for the next 24 hours.
pies avoid the despair giants and keep improving the Song of Madness replaces the Luring Song ability of
song of madness they inherited on any other victim the harpy.
they can find.
Environment The nests of the Sisters of Lunacy contain a total
The Sisters of Lunacy nest on the top and various lev- of 823 silver pieces and 258 gold pieces, a platinum
els of the Shadowrealm imprint of the Minaret of the bar, a magic scroll of dispel magic, and a +1 hand
Speakers that lacks the loud, sound-altering magical crossbow.

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The Umbral Stalker of the two locations and starts to follow them from
a safe distance. A character who succeeds on a DC 23
Wisdom (Perception) skill check can spot the drow
Background stalking them silently through the rooftops. Querrai
Querrai Xalo, the aberrant drow master assassin of Xalo immediately uses his Shadowshift ability to return
House Ausstyl, was sent on a mission by the Inher- to the Bleak Mire if he realizes he has been discovered.
itors of the Unbegotten to explore the Everstorm He returns only an hour later at a completely different
vortex at the edge of the Lake of Tears on the Bleak location in the city and cautiously revisits one of the
Mire. Being at the wrong place at the wrong time, two locations he is scouting. If confronted, he will not
the drow became trapped under the Shadowdome engage in combat alone and always tries to return to
that encompasses all four coexistent planes. Using his home plane, the Bleak Mire.
his powers, Querrai Xalo traveled to the Shadow-
realm to investigate.
Random Encounters
Environment in the Shadowrealm
Querrai Xalo can be encountered near the Shadow
Ziggurat or the Dungeon of Tears.
The Shadowrealm is a desolate place with few en-
counters, especially if anyone ventures into the wilds.
The Shadowrealm manifestation of Onadbyr draws
more of the few inhabitants that live on the deserted
plane. These creatures are mostly looking for food and
QUE R R A I are lured to the sounds and complexity of the city.
Roll on a d20 for a random encounter every time
the characters move from one location to another or
stay at a location for a short or long rest.

1-10 No encounter

11 A pack of three shadows is on the trail of the

characters, thirsting for their life essence.

12 The shadow specialist necromancer, Asun-

dor Albor died a gruesome death on the
Scene Shadowrealm and has risen as a wraith cen-
Querrai Xalo has spent days observing the Shadow turies ago. It roams the plane seeking long-
Ziggurat and the Dungeon of Tears to make sure he lost components for its rituals together with
knows what he is up against. He does not yet know its two specter acolytes.
how to get rid of the Shadowdome, and the more in-
13 Brosim is a withered, chaotic evil treant
formation he gathers, the less confident he becomes.
He trusts his skills, but he doesn’t want to risk his life that drains any fluid it can find, including
sneaking alone into either an ancient ziggurat or into the blood of creatures it slays. It wanders
the midst of an overpowered group of creatures. Quer- around the city, looking for prey or a source
rai Xalo is hiding when the characters approach any of water.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

14 Murky is a shadow mephit (use the dust extinguishes candles, torches, and similar
mephit monster entry but change dust to unprotected flames in the area. It causes
shadow in its description, and it can cast protected flames, such as those of lan-
darkness instead of sleep) who has found a terns, to dance wildly, and there is a 50
perfect spot of pure darkness exactly where percent chance that it extinguishes them.
the characters are. It angrily demands that
the characters change their route or move 19 The characters run into four of the Sisters
from the spot. It flees and gladly tells on the of Lunacy.
characters to the Gloom Widow if the char-
acters act in a hostile manner towards it. 20 A gargantuan shadowstrand spider
moves slowly above the houses of the
15 A pair of despair giants are on their way be- city, looking for prey.
tween the Dungeon of Tears and the Shad-
ow Ziggurat. Gargantuan Shadowstrand Spider (CR 6,
2,300 XP). Use the giant spider monster
16 A building suddenly collapses next to the entry with the following modifications:
characters. Each character must make a DC
• The shadowstrand spider is Gargantuan size.
13 Dexterity saving throw or take 22 (4d10)
• It has 136 hit points.
bludgeoning damage from the falling debris.
• It has a Strength score of 20.
A character who fails its saving throw by 5 or
• It has a speed of 50 ft, and climb speed of
more is pinned under a large block of stone
50 ft.
or wood and takes 5 (1d10) bludgeoning dam-
• Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
age at the start of its turn. The character can
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 23 (4d8 + 5) pierc-
free itself or can be freed by anyone with a
ing damage plus 18 (4d8) poison damage.
successful DC 15 Strenght ability check.
The target must make a DC 14 Constitution
17 A character can make a DC 13 Wisdom (Per- saving throw, taking the poison damage on
ception) skill check to notice a bottomless a failed save, or half as much damage on a
puddle of black goo. On a failed check, the successful one. If the poison damage reduces
character steps into the bottomless pud- the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable
dle and can only escape it by succeeding but poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining
on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. hit points, and is paralyzed while poisoned
On a failed escape attempt, the character in this way.
sinks deeper and can make the same check • Shadowstrand Web (Recharge 5-6). The en-
every turn with a disadvantage. After three feebling webs fill a 60-foot cube, which be-
consecutive failed Strength (Athletics) skill comes difficult terrain and a lightly obscured
checks, the character begins to suffocate. area. A creature within the area of the en-
feebling web has its Strength ability score
18 A vicious storm of blinding shadow rages reduced by 1d4 every turn and is restrained
through the streets of the city for one hour. by webbing at the beginning of its turn. As
A character who is exposed to the strong an action, the restrained target can make a
winds has its Strength score reduced by DC 14 Strength ability check, bursting from
1d4 (as if hit by a shadow) for every min- the webbing on a success. The webbing can
ute spent in the wind, and must spend 2 also be attacked and destroyed (AC 10; hp 10;
feet of movement for every 1 foot it moves. vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to
The wind disperses gas or vapor, and it bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 3

cial code on the small window for the woman to

SAMSADUR’S INFORMANT know that it’s him. The fiend asks the characters to
leave the chests in the alley and follow him to the
Background roof, 10 feet above street level. A character must
The Shadowrealm version of Zurafkira Shoemaker is succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics) skill check
a real survivor. She lives alone in the empty city of the to climb the wall.
Shadowrealm version of Onadbyr. She learned many
of her skills from her Material Plane counterpart
and later from Samsadur, who visits her from time
to time. However, she has had to become stealthy
and self-sufficient to survive the harsh environment
in which she lives. The rakshasa has been deceiving
the two women, telling them that they would die a
gruesome death if they inhabited the same plane of
existence. Instead, each of the two believes the fiend
who aids them in both realities, serving Samsadur as
their master and protector.

Zurafkira Shoemaker has made a new friend recent-

ly who has forbidden her to talk about him to her
Material Plane version or Samsadur. An oni, named
Akuma, found her stalking in the city and decided to
follow her. The giant befriended the lonely woman in
the form of a handsome warrior named Orellis and ZU RAF KIRA S H OE M A KE R
told her that he escaped the Dungeon of Tears and
the grasp of the Gloom Widow. Akuma learned Zu- Zurafkira Shoemaker (use the scout monster entry
rafkira’s secrets through guile and the frequent use with darkvision 60 ft.) opens the window and in-
of charm person spells. The giant decided to make vites Samsadur and its allies into her home. The girl
Zurafkira convince her “wizard” friend Samsadur to is depressed, saddened, and devoid of motivation,
take him to the Material Plane. Akuma has no idea which she blames on the lament that lingers over
what it is up against and confidently trusts his abili- the ruined city. Inside the house, Akuma (use the
ties to achieve his goal. oni monster entry) also greets them in his human
form of Orellis, holding his glaive, seemingly unaf-
Environment fected by the Lament of the Dark Celestials. Samsa-
Zurafkira Shoemaker’s tiny workshop and second-lev- dur hides his surprise and acts politely with Akuma,
el home seem abandoned as all other buildings in the who tells its made-up story about his escape from
city. She has barred the front doors from the inside the prison and his wish to return to the Material
and never makes any loud noises or uses light sourc- Plane. Samsadur sees through the deception, espe-
es in any form. She leaves the house only through a cially after using its detect thoughts and true seeing
small upper-level window that opens to the roof of spells on the oni, but does not alert the characters
the neighboring building. until it can use the powerful giant to achieve its
own goals. A character who succeeds on a DC 18
Scene Wisdom (Insight) skill check senses that Orellis is
Samsadur takes the players to meet with Zurafkira not who he pretends to be, but his intentions are
Shoemaker at her house. The rakshasa climbs the not outright hostile against their group, but rather
crumbling walls of the building and knocks a spe- manipulative.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Samsadur has a friendly conversation with Zurafkira where the Royal Palace stands today, but the Shad-
Shoemaker and Akuma to confirm no changes in her owrealm version never transformed to represent the
information. Finally, the fiend gives the girl a potion changes in Material Plane. The Shadowrealm retains
of invisibility and two potions of healing as gifts before what serves its purpose, and the ziggurat remains
leaving her house along with the characters. as it was for the past few millennia. No mortal has
been allowed to enter the ziggurat other than as a
Akuma offers his martial skills and fights alongside sacrificial offering to the Darkness Within.
the characters and Samsadur if they allow it to ac-
company them, on which he thoroughly insists. The Bound to the Shadow Ziggurat is the fallen deva
oni does not reveal its true nature and uses its spell- Sabrael, who descended directly into the Shadow-
like abilities only in dire need. Samsadur does its best realm together with its direct superior, Tannur, the
to win the favor of the giant and eventually takes planetar general, an embodiment of sorrow. Sabrael
him back to the Material Plane where he offers Aku- was assigned to serve as an emissary and an agent
ma a prominent status within the ranks of the Gold- of the Dark Star on the Shadowrealm. The deva was
en Masks, especially if the characters previously slew instructed to protect the ziggurat and to use the
Yhlsaby. crystal, one of the crystal of the immortals, to sy-
phon the energies of the slaves. Sabrael uses it as
a focus to create magical effects as desired by its
THE SHADOW ZIGGURAT masters. Sabrael knows that the Dark Star, Tannur,
and the other planetars and their deva armies were
Background banished long ago back to their home plane. Still,
The Shadow Ziggurat is a remnant of an ancient time passes at a different pace on the Shadowrealm,
time, a Shadowrealm equivalent of the Throne of the and the loyal deva perceives the past few millennia
Dark Star, the seat of power of the fallen solar on the as one long period of waiting. Sabrael casts its com-
Material Plane that was destroyed to the last pebble mune spell regularly to fortify its connection with
when the rebellion of Sarath and the Order of the the Dark Star and the Darkness Within, and remains
Eternal Light defeated the reign of the dark angels. true to its original mission to protect the ziggurat
The Material Plane version of the ziggurat once stood and the crystal.

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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The Matrons of Malice found Sabrael and consider Beam of Sorrow. The sadness and hopelessness of
the fallen angel as a powerful creature, finding glee the sorrowful Lament of the Dark Celestials flow up-
in its torment. They knew they could turn it into a wards, fueling the Shadowdome from the crystal of
useful tool if they could formulate a devious plan immortals below. A non-celestial creature that touch-
to convince the otherworldly being to do their bid- es the beam of sorrow must succeed on a DC 23 Cha-
ding when needed. Through lies and manipulation, risma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is
the midnight hags have poisoned Sabrael with an ad- overwhelmed by negative emotions, sadness, and sor-
dictive ingested substance called dreamwisp candy row for one day, and must succeed on a DC 23 Cha-
(see area 10 of the Dungeon of Tears), which causes risma saving throw before making a Charisma ability
intense dream-like hallucinations and severe with- check or suffer disadvantage on the check.
drawal symptoms when it is not consumed. During
these hallucinations, the deva keeps imagining that
the Dark Star has returned to it and that it com- 1. S TA I R S TO D A R KNE S S
munes with its master. The deva knows it is trapped,
but aches to receive more of the drug to regain its Background
strength and meet its solar master more frequently. The night hag, the Gloom Widow, has ordered its de-
The Matrons of Malice trusted their night hag min- spair giant enforcers to protect the ziggurat with their
ion, the Gloom Widow, to regularly dose the drug to lives. The giants, a native tribe of the Shadowrealm,
the dark deva, but only rarely to cause it pain. are led by Gygor, a witchservant of the Children of the
Coven - an obedient thrall of the Matrons of Malice.
When the characters attack the Royal Palace and the The despair giant leader considers the Gloom Widow
triplet hagspawn Queen Aphinahs, Blister, the only as its superior within the cult.
free member of the Matrons of Malice rushes to the
Shadowrealm. Blister forces the drugged and vulner- Environment
able Sabrael to activate the crystal of immortals and The tents and furs on which the giants sleep are
thus to enclose the city on all coexistent planes. The spread out on the ziggurat’s three 30-foot high steps.
midnight hag has already brought several dozen vic- Some rotting raw meat and bones lie around as left-
tims to the Shadowrealm from the Material Plane to overs from their feasting.
be able to fuel the divine magical device with their
sadness when needed. She keeps them locked up in Scene
the Shadowrealm version of the Dungeon of Tears Two despair giants and Gygor call the steps of the
under the supervision of the Gloom Widow. Shadow Ziggurat their home. They attack anyone
whom they don’t know to be an agent of the Ma-
Environment trons of Malice or who doesn’t immediately show
The Shadow Ziggurat is a 90-foot tall building with the secret tattooed sign of the Children of the Cov-
three levels and wide stairways that run up on all en. The giants open with a volley of throwing stones
of its sides. There is only one entrance located on if ranged combat is an option before charging with
the top of the ziggurat, a wide chimney that leads their clubs. Gygor prefers to stay out of melee com-
through each level, directly into the heart of the bat as long as he can. He uses his Sign of Ill Omen
building. Corridors and rooms within the ziggurat eldritch invocation on the most dangerous-looking
are 20 feet high. character before casting eldritch blasts infused with
his Painful Invocation feature. Gygor also relies on his
Suppressed Light. Areas within the Shadow Ziggurat One With Shadows eldritch invocation to become in-
are naturally dark and dim light is suppressed by the visible after moving into a dark area.
power of the Darkness Within. Treat dimly lit areas
as total darkness within the ziggurat.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Treasure 2. 
The despair giants have a total of 562 gold pieces giv-
en to them by the Gloom Widow as
payment for their services.
Since the Dark Star’s fall and in the absence of slaves
to power the ziggurat, Sabrael started hunting for
good-aligned creatures on the Shadowrealm to bring
them to this enchanted chamber. The enchanted
mirrors create shadow reflections of the mortals,
who are then sacrificed at the chapel. The duality of
the shadow reflection and the victim represents the
conflict between the Shining Light and the Darkness
Within. The sacrifice of the good-aligned creature by
its evil shadow reflection is a ritual that powered the
shadow crystal and acted as a proclamation of the
superiority of the Darkness Within.

Flawless mirrors cover the walls of this room, creat-
ing an infinity mirror effect, showing reflections from
every angle. Ancient symbols on the floor depict the
fallen angels and tell of their glorious revolt against
the binding rule of their other half, the Shining Light.

Good-aligned non-celestials who enter
the room see their infinite num-
ber of shadow reflections
within the mirrors. The
shadow reflection steps
out of the mirror and at-
tacks the creature whom
it imitates. It pursues the
original creature inside the
Shadow Ziggurat but does not leave the building.

Shadow Reflection (CR 5, 1,800 XP) . A shadow re-

flection is the exact copy of the good-aligned non-ce-
lestial creature, except for its alignment, which com-
pletely opposes the original creature’s alignment.
A shadow reflection has all the statistics, half the
maximum hit points, and all knowledge, powers,
spells, and equipment (except for their magical prop-
erties) of the original creature at the time when
the reflection was created. In addition, the shadow

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

reflection has vulnerability to radiant damage. The slaves were brought in front of each statue, escort-
shadow reflection vanishes together with its equip- ed by their shadow reflection from area 2. Sabrael
ment if slain or when it kills the original creature. sometimes visits the rooms to meet the eyes of the
looming statues and ease its longing for the Darkness
A character who defeats its reflection becomes im- Within by feeling their powers.
mune to the effects of the Hall of Inner Shadows and
gains the boon of inspiration. Environment
A colorfully painted statue of a planetar general
Boon of Inspiration. You have seen the flaws within stands in the far end of each of the three wings sur-
yourself and have overcome them. As an action, you rounded by the pure white skulls of their slaves.
can touch your reflection in a mirror or on any clear
reflecting surface to gain inspiration that can be used
until you finish a long rest. Once you use this boon, 4a. M O R K IE L ' S E FF I G Y
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Morkiel is the manifestation of the fear aspect of the
C H A PE L O F TH E Darkness Within.
Morkiel’s 20-foot tall statue stands in the room and
Background glares with a cold threatening look on its oddly smooth
Sabrael supervised sacrifices made by the shadow re- green face. Its black tunic seems to be blown by the
flections to the Darkness Within in this chapel. wind as it raises its great sword for a tremendous strike.

Environment Scene
Symbols of the Dark Star and its three planetar gen- Morkiel’s eyes radiate an aura of palpable terror that
erals decorate this dark chapel. Ancient rusty metal manifests as a sense of unavoidable danger within
cages hold the crumbling remains of those who have those who stand near it. A character within 10 feet of
defeated their shadow reflections or were just stored the effigy must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw.
here for future sacrifices to power the shadow crys- On a failed save, the character becomes frightened
tal. A decorated dark stone block serves as the altar. until it finishes a long rest.
A dark layer of dusty material, the dried blood of the
victims, covers its surface.
4b. TA N N U R'S E FF I G Y
E F F I G IE S O F TH E Background
D A RK GE NE R A L S Tannur is the manifestation of the sorrow aspect of
the Darkness Within.

Background Environment
The statues of the planetar generals of the Dark Star Tannur’s 20-foot tall statue holds its greatsword in
stand in this room, just like they did on the Materi- front of itself in a protective stance. Its bald green
al Plane for millennia before being destroyed. They head has a sad look on its face.
were raised to channel the purest powers of the
planetars and to break the slaves of the Dark Star. Scene
Before being executed, the captured good-aligned Tannuar’s eyes radiate an aura of sorrow that seeps

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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into the soul of those who stand near it. A character ability during these hallucinations to communicate
within 10 feet of the effigy must make a DC 15 Cha- with the Darkness Within and is even willing to suf-
risma saving throw. On a failed save, the character fer the side effects of the poison.
must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw be-
fore making an attack or an ability check or suffer Environment
disadvantage on the check. The effect lasts until the A huge, dark, multifaceted crystal, a crystal of im-
character finishes a long rest. mortals extrudes from the engraved flooring in the
middle of this enormous chamber. Deep engravings
of hieroglyphs cover the walls and the floor. Wide
4c. Z A P H A O S ' E F F I G Y stairs lead up to a podium where a large stone throne
stands between two statues of couatl heads.
Zaphaos is the manifestation of the hopelessness as- Tannur’s Crystal of the Immortals. The planetars
pect of the Darkness Within. and the Dark Star used these crystals to descend
upon the Material Plane. This particular crystal ra-
Environment diates a power of raw immortal energy that creates
Zaphaos’ 20-foot tall statue rests its hands on the hilt a globe of force shield made of shadows and em-
of its greatsword, on which it leans. It has a hint of a anates a sad lament that saddens those who hear
smile on its green face. it. It draws its power from the sadness of non-ce-
lestial creatures, slowly consuming their happiness
Scene and life spark. The crystal of the immortals is im-
Zaphaos’ eyes radiate an aura of hopelessness that ex- pervious to physical or magical attacks. It creates
tinguishes any anticipation for success and replaces it the Shadowdome (detailed in The Dome of Shad-
with a feeling of emptiness. A character within 10 feet ow section above), similar to the effects of a spell
of the effigy must make a DC 15 Intelligence saving in a 2,000 feet radius that forms the Shadowdome.
throw. On a failed save, the character must succeed This force effect penetrates the coexisting planes of
on a DC 15 Intelligence saving throw before taking an the Ethereal, the Feyrealm, and the Material Plane,
action or waste that action and do nothing. The effect enclosing and blocking everything on all of these
lasts until the character finishes a long rest. planes simultaneously. The crystal of the immortals
also emanates the Lament of the Dark Celestials.
Any humanoid creature within the aura must also
5. TH E CRY S TA L make a DC 23 Charisma saving throw every day.
O F IM M O R TA L S On a failed save, the creature is overwhelmed by
negative emotions, sadness, and sorrow for one
day. It must succeed on a DC 23 Charisma saving
Background throw before making an attack or an ability check
The dark deva spends most of its time in this cham- or suffer disadvantage on the check. A creature can
ber. The vessel of Tannur, a crystal of the immortals, attune to the crystal of the immortals by pressing
was activated by Sabrael to generate the Shadow- its forehead against the crystal, while a small frag-
dome and to emanate the saddening Lament of the ment of it inserts itself into its forehead. Attuning
Dark Celestials. Sabrael feels abandoned and useless to the crystal of immortals takes one minute of
after the unsummoning of its masters from the Ma- uninterrupted concentration. An attuned character
terial Plane. The deva does not remove the poisoned can pass through the Shadowdome and becomes
effect of the Gloom Widow’s dreamwisp candy from immune to the saddening effect of the Lament of
itself after consuming it, because it enjoys the real- Dark Celestials. A celestial creature regains 18 (4d8)
istic hallucinations. Sabrael uses its commune spell hit points every round within the aura.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Scene A character who speaks the Celestial language under-
Sabrael, a dark deva, the emissary of Tannur, the stands the written text, a somewhat altered version
servant of the Dark Star, and one of the embodied of celestial. A character that does not speak the Ce-
fragments of the Darkness Within, sits on the stone lestial language can make a DC 20 Intelligence abil-
throne. The fallen angel looks enervated and weak ity check every day to decipher the glyphs that hold
because of the withdrawal symptoms of dreamwisp the following information. A character who speaks
candy fed to it only a few days ago by Gloom Widow. the Infernal language makes this ability check with
As a result, Sabrael’s maximum hit points are halved advantage due to the close relation of these two lan-
and its challenge rating is reduced to 9. guages.

The dark deva looks up at the characters as they •T  annur, the dark planetar, arrived at the Shadow-
enter the room and questions them about their in- plane within the crystal of the immortals found in
tentions in a morose and threatening tone. It lis- this room.
tens to whatever story they have to tell and then • Tannur brought Sabrael with it, and tasked the
demands they leave. Sabrael attacks the characters deva to operate the crystal of the immortals when
only if they don’t leave as commanded or if they commanded.
attack. The dark deva immediately consumes any • The crystal of the immortals creates a dome of
dreamwisp candy offered and ignores the characters shadow that blocks all kinds of travel, essentially
for a day after that. imprisoning everything inside its area.
• The crystal of the immortals emanates the Lament
of the Dark Celestials, a sorrowful song that drains
the happiness of mortals, fueling the crystal with
their sadness.
• Slaves were brought to Sabrael to serve as subjects
for the Lament of the Dark Celestials and as occa-
sional sacrifices to the Darkness Within.

If Samsadur learns or has time to decipher the mean-

ing of the celestial hieroglyphs, it considers it a hint
to ending the effects of the crystal of the immortals.
It needs its businesses reinstated, and the Shadow-
dome is a primary hindrance besides the Midnight
Curse. The rakshasa urges the characters to find
those whose sadness fuels the divine magical device
and devise a plan to end it.

“We must put an end to

S AB RAE L this, one way or another.”
Samsadur’s comment when the
“Did you come as sacrifice or to workings of the crystal are revealed.
serve as a well for Tannur’s crystal?”
Sabrael questioning the characters in a cruel tone. Experience
Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can
The hieroglyphs on the floor and walls tell the story decipher the ancient hieroglyphs and learn the se-
and function of the crystal of immortals in Celestial. crets of Tannur’s crystal of the immortals.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

and towers count as difficult terrain but otherwise
DUNGEON OF TEARS can easily be traversed. The squat, 15-foot tall build-
ing at the center of the ruins is built from massive
Background blocks of grey granite, faded by the effects of the
The Dungeon of Tears is a secure depository of pris- Shadowrealm. The structure’s outer walls are 25 feet
oners for the Matrons of Malice to power Tannur’s high, while the two crenelated towers that jut from
crystal of the immortals in the Shadow Ziggurat. the center of the building soar to a height of 30 feet.
Many victims have been kidnapped from Onadbyr by
the Matrons of Malice over the years and brought to The small cells each feature a bunk bed and two
a teleportation circle in the prison yard. Victims have buckets - one filled with stagnant and dirty water, the
been deposited here for future use as fuel, and the other with waste. Larger communal cells each hold
time has finally arrived for them to power Tannur’s two bunk beds.
crystal of the immortals with energies of despair and
shadows. The prison warden is the Gloom Widow, a
night hag, whom Blister has tasked to guard the pris-
oners in exchange for promises to join Blister’s coven
if Tyke or Splinter should perish. Blister possesses the
Gloom Widow’s heartstone as leverage, which keeps
the lesser hag in line for the time being. Thus, the
Gloom Widow is incredibly cautious, as it has been
stripped of its Etherealness and Nightmare Haunting
abilities. It also fears Blister and will not cross the
more powerful midnight hag. It would rather wait,
even centuries, to finally join a coven and is already Doors. All doors of the Dungeon of Tears are locked.
working on crafting a new heartstone. They are made of thick, sturdy wood that has been fit-
ted with iron hinges. They feature well-crafted locks
The prison is relatively empty, with around 50 pris- that can be picked with thieves’ tools on a successful
oners in total. The prisoners languish in despair, in DC 20 Dexterity ability check or can be forced open
absolute darkness in the bunker-like enclosures. One with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill. The
of the prisoners is Sam “Weaver” Ebonhilt, the pris- doors have AC 17, 40 hit points, a damage threshold of
on guard-turned-merchant-turned-underworld info 5, they have damage resistance against slashing dam-
broker, who holds an essential piece of the puzzle age, and damage immunity against piercing, poison,
towards the midnight hags’ natures. Another nota- and psychic damage. The cell doors are set with a
ble inmate is Jasper Platinumhand, a traveling sto- single, 2-inch wide and iron mesh-lined peephole at
ryteller whose joviality has overcome the effects of eye level, and they feature locked hatches on their
the Lament of the Dark Celestials. As a result, he has bottom, which are used to empty waste buckets and
been sentenced by the Gloom Widow to hang. deliver food and water to the prisoners. Copies of the
key that unlocks the prison doors are carried by the
Environment Gloom Widow, its two invisible stalker servants, and
It is evident from afar that the wisps of shadow ma- its imp minions Rakpak and Lekmok.
terial that evaporate from the single victims of the
Lament of the Dark Celestials coalesce into a wide Security Doors. The doors marked in blue on the
column, whose origin is the Dungeon of Tears. Crum- map are iron-plated and controlled by levers from
bling heaps of stone surround the prison proper, only the guardrooms (areas 2a and 2b) and the bottom of
imprints of the massive fortifications around the the stairs in the central hallway. These doors open
building on the Material Plane. The ruins of the walls and shut automatically when their corresponding le-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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vers are set to the open or closed settings - up and facility. If it notices the characters, it immediate-
down, respectively. For the double doors that lead ly starts throwing rocks at them, which alerts the
directly into the facility (in areas 1 and 14), levers in prison’s denizens to external threats.
both guardrooms or on both sides of the central hall-
way must be set to the same setting for the doors to
open or close. The security doors have AC 19, 80 hit 1. G A TE CH O KE P O IN TS
points, a damage threshold of 10, they have damage
resistance against slashing damage, and damage im- Background
munity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. The massive iron security gates of the facility are only
accessible through the southern entry. The northern
Spiked Wall. The 25-foot high and 5-foot thick exter- gate, used for mass transport or freight on the Ma-
nal wall of the prison is constructed of hard granite. terial Plane, has collapsed on the Shadowrealm and
Both sides of its top are lined with needle-thin and is now totally covered by massive granite blocks. The
barbed iron spikes that point downward. It requires chokepoints provide closed and well-defensible entry
a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check to points into the facility.
climb the vertical surface of the wall on either side.
However, it requires an additional successful DC 20 Environment
Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check to navigate over A large iron knocker in the shape of a tear is welded
the deadly spikes. On a failed check, the spikes deal to the massive iron door that serves as the prison’s
11 (2d10) piercing damage, and the needles’ barbs re- single entrance. In addition, arrow slits dot the two
strain the victim. As an action, the restrained crea- side walls of both rooms from where guards can
ture can try to escape the spikes by succeeding on a shoot into the rooms from areas 2.
DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
skill check. As long as the creature is restrained, the Scene
spikes deal an additional 11 (2d10) piercing damage at The two invisible stalker guards operate the levers
the end of the creature’s turn. from areas 2, defending the entry by shooting cross-
bows through the arrow slits. Only if commanded to
Scene do so by the Gloom Widow, will the guards first open
Two invisible stalker guards carry on the prison’s day- the outer security door to allow entry, then close it,
to-day operations - transporting prisoners from the before opening the inner security door.
yards to cells or the interrogation room, dumping
waste into the cesspit, and replenishing the inmates’
meager food and drinking water. The imps, Rakpak 2. G U A R D RO O M S
and Lekmok, have been tasked with administrative af-
fairs like taking notes on interrogations and process- Background
ing prisoners. Rakpak is busy with filing, while Lekmok The guards’ rooms serve as bunkers for the two invis-
has been stationed on guard duty in the towers (area ible stalker guards of the prison. From here, they can
14) in the form of a raven. A hell hound guards each oversee prisoner transports to and from cells. The
yard as service for regular feedings of prisoners to the main function of the rooms is defense and control of
fiendish beasts. The Gloom Widow is not personally the opening and locking mechanisms of the security
involved in the prison operations and is either tortur- gates.
ing inmates to harvest tears or is busy cooking up a
batch of dreamwisp candy in the warden’s chambers. Environment
The rooms are sparse and almost identical. The walls
A bored and unmotivated despair giant sits outside to areas 1 and the outside in areas 2b feature cross-
of the prison or sometimes lumbers around the bow slits, through which the guards can target ene-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

If altered to intruders, Rakpak the imp comes to
investigate from the filing room (area 5). The imp
doesn’t interfere but immediately goes to summon
the Gloom Widow to deal with the situation.

This large storage chamber serves as a depository of
all the mundane personal belongings of the inmates
mies inside the gate chokepoints (areas 1). The rooms and a storage space for prisoner uniforms that are
are open towards the prisoner transport corridors issued to prisoners during processing.
leading to the courtyards (areas 11), separated by
thick iron bars that allow spears to be used against Environment
unruly prisoners in the walkways. Shelves from floor to ceiling line the walls of the
northern side of the large storage chamber. The
Levers. The southern guard rooms feature two sets shelves hold a multitude of open-top wooden boxes
of two levers in each room, while the northern trans- that store the mundane possessions and clothes of
port entrance guard rooms feature two sets of two the inmates. The southern corner of the room fea-
and three levers. All levers are set to closed (down) tures a coat rack that holds a dozen prisoner uni-
position but can be turned to open (up) (see Security forms - black-and-white striped rough-hewn tunics.
Doors above for details).
Scene If characters rummage through the boxes for at least
If altered by the knocker, forced entry, or Lekmok 1 minute, they can uncover some items that were
in the tower, the two invisible stalker guards of the missed by Rakpak the imp: a small wooden statue of
facility take to the guardrooms and defend the pris- a horse with exquisite craftsmanship worth 12 gold
on against intruders. They aim to entrap intruders in pieces, a pair of varnished silver spectacles decorat-
the chokepoint (areas 1) and shoot their crossbows at ed with eagles worth 8 gold pieces, and a wooden
them. Both stalkers carry a key for the prison doors. reliquary housing a finger bone in a glass case and
decorated with the symbol of the Order of the Eter-
nal Light, which is an antique and a container for
3. P RO CE S S IN G RO O M the relic of one of the King Priests of the Order from
times long gone (worth 450 gold to the right buyer).
Background The boxes also contain five sets of fine clothes that
This room is used to process prisoners and their be- have been faded by the effects of the Shadowrealm
longings. Prisoners are stripped of their clothes and (worth half price).
personal items, which are cataloged for the hag. They
are then issued prisoner uniforms. If characters succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom (Percep-
tion) skill check, they can notice that a scrimshaw
Environment pipe holds a tiny diamond in its bowl, hidden by a
The bare room features a large table with several shal- cover of half-burt tobacco. The gem is worth 150
low open-top and empty wooden boxes on its surface. gold pieces.

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C H A P TE R 3

to taste and smell. The bucket can be lowered by

5. F I L IN G RO O M
using a simple pulley on a horizontal wooden beam.
Several empty buckets sit around the well.
The Gloom Widow has tasked Rakpak the imp to
oversee the processing of the inmates, a task that 7. G E N E R A L S TO R A G E
the hag loathes and deems more fitted to a lowly
servitor. Background
This room is the general storage facility of the prison
Environment as well as its armory.
The filing room holds a large table with a massive
ledger, a quill of a raven feather, and an inkwell. The Environment
northern portion of the room houses filing cabinets Various goods are stored here: bales of prisoner uni-
with notes about all the inmates. forms, columns of buckets stacked into each oth-
er, crates of hardtack, boxes of crossbow bolts, old
Scene cleaning tools, a weapon rack that holds 10 spears,
When processing prisoners, Rakpak (use the imp and pegs on the walls with two heavy crossbows.
monster entry) sits on the table and writes the pris-
oners’ vital details in the ledger, including age, race,
date of entry, and notable features. The imp then 8. IN TE R RO G A TIO N
creates a separate file for each prisoner, with notes RO O M
from interrogations undertaken by the Gloom Wid-
ow, where the imp is usually present as a scribe. The
imp looks forward to these torture sessions and is Background
happy to serve in its role, rather than being stuck on The interrogation room is used to glean informa-
tower guard duty like Lekmok. If alerted to sounds of tion from prisoners but mainly as a torture chamber
combat, Rakpak will immediately turn invisible and where the Gloom Widow can live out its sadistic ten-
try to find out the nature of the threat, then flee to dencies. The interrogations are meticulously docu-
alert the Gloom Widow. mented by Rakpak the imp, who is most enthusiastic
about these torture sessions to break up its hum-
drum tasks of processing prisoners. In addition, the
6. CE S S P I T A N D WE L L hag collects the tears of the tortured for use as the
main ingredient for dreamwisp candy.
This chamber houses a well that keeps the prisoners
hydrated to a bare minimum, as well as a cesspit in
the southern corner where waste is deposited.

The stench of waste fills the room, emanating from
the cesspit in the corner. The well in the room is
made of stone and covered by an iron grate with
a single opening on its top that is only big enough
for a small bucket to fit through or a tiny creature
if the standard lock on the grill is. The water drawn
from the well is stagnant and very unpleasant both

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Environment Polymorphing Trap. If the correct password (“Hope-
A bulky, well-crafted wooden interrogation chair sits lessness”) isn’t spoken, all creatures in a 10-foot ra-
in the center of the room, with iron latches that can dius are polymorphed into rats for one hour unless
restrain the hands, feet, and head of anyone sitting they succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. The
in the chair. The chair is generally set to a vertical, trap can be detected with a successful DC 20 Intelli-
sitting setting but can also be lowered to a horizon- gence (Investigation) skill check. Once triggered, the
tal reclined setting by removing two pins on its back trap doesn’t reactivate.
and moving the backrest towards the ground. Once
restrained, it requires a successful DC 20 Dexterity Treasure
ability check to escape the bonds or DC 20 Strength The chest contains 634 gold pieces, 869 silver pieces,
ability check to break them. and 5 platinum pieces. The chest also has an ioun
stone of sustenance that was confiscated from one of
A bucket filled with water sits behind the chair, used the prisoners, as well as Sam “Weaver” Ebonhilt’s be-
for waterboarding prisoners, while all types of tor- longings: two daggers decorated with eagles on their
ture equipment cover a large table on the western pommels, a +1 smelting rapier, a +1 leather armor in the
wall and shelves on the other walls in a haphazard Vordani style, a potion of greater healing, a potion of
manner - knives and scalpels of various shapes and hill giant strength, and a Vordani ripper.
sizes, pliers, hammers, pins, nails, vices, saws, and a
range of other utensils used for torture. Some are Vordani Ripper. This mechanical contraption can be
crude, but many are precision instruments. The table secured onto one’s arm, from shoulder to hand, bal-
also holds some pipettes and a rack of empty vials. ancing out the weapon’s weight on the back of the
A pile of rags lies in a puddle behind the chair. wielder. At its end, it features two razor-sharp claws
that are over one foot in length. When attacking, the
Treasure suspensions, springs, and power-transmission cogs
A set of tinker’s tools can be assembled from the pre- built into the mechanism cause the weapon to move
cision tools in the room. effortlessly, snapping with devastating force.

Type Damage Weight Properties

9. W A R D E N' S O FF I CE Martial Melee 2d8 Heavy,
8 lb.
Weapon slashing Special
The warden’s office is unused by the current warden Special: It takes an action to don the Vordani rip-
of the prison, the Gloom Widow, who is usually se- per, securing it to one’s arm with straps.
cluded in its chambers (area 10). Items of real value,
which have been confiscated from the prisoners, are
stored in this room. 10. W A R D E N' S CH A MBE R
This large office contains a massive wooden writing Background
desk and an ornate chair on its side to the window, The Gloom Widow keeps to this room, cooking up
which is the only aperture of the prison proper to- dreamwisp candy from the tears harvested during
wards the outside. The window has wooden shut- the torture sessions of the inmates.
ters that open to the inside and thick iron bars
within its frame. There is also a large wooden chest Environment
along the northern wall. The chest is unlocked but The room is decrepit and in shambles. The remains
trapped. of a bed frame are used as tinder for a small cooking

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C H A P TE R 3

pot with a small table alongside tools for cooking Treasure

candy. The odor of sickly sweet-smelling herbs per- The table holds 3 doses of dreamwisp candy that
meates the room. A totally ramshackle garderobe lies have already been prepared by the Gloom Widow,
crumbled in a corner, and a tapestry hangs on a wall as well as a complete set of cook’s utensils. A small
in tatters, depicting hordes of shadowy angels flying pot also holds a large opal worth 100 gold pieces
above a massive ziggurat at the center of Onadbyr. soaking in blood. The Gloom Widow carries
few possessions on its person. Notable
Scene among them is a blowgun of pain.
The Gloom Widow (use the night hag monster entry)
is engrossed in cooking up another batch of dream-
wisp candy for Sabrael, the dark deva. It has also
started creating a new heartstone, soaking a jet black
gemstone in fresh blood. It rises from a hunched po-
sition over the fire if confronted by the characters
and attempts to stay back and shoot them with its
blowgun of pain. If pressed, the hag tries to escape to
Onadbyr by using plane shift. The Gloom Widow will
find shelter to create its replacement heartstone and
will hunt down the characters in their dreams to OF PA IN
steal their souls. The Gloom Widow can be used as
a recurring villain, following the characters in their
exploration of Aglarion and making their way to the
Bleak Mire. Dreamwisp Candy. This
small hard candy is brewed from
sweet herbs and the tears of mortals. It is
opaque and feels relatively light compared to its density.
Any creature who ingests the sweetly bitter and salty
candy must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw
G LO O M or be poisoned for one day. The poisoned creature
hallucinates and experiences intense visions of gran-
deur. The candy is highly addictive and has severe
withdrawal symptoms. A creature that consumes
dreamwisp candy must make a new DC 17 Constitu-
tion saving throw at the end of each long rest. On a
failed save the maximum hit points of the creature are
halved. The addicted creature must succeed on a total
of three saving throws to regain its hit point maxi-
mum and no longer be addicted to dreamwisp candy.

“Sorrows eat away your souls, mired 11. Y ARD S

paths hide your way, and loves lost
haunt you in your dreams!” The yards are used for daily bouts of exercise by the
The Gloom Widow cursing prisoners on the Material Plane, while on the Shad-
the characters before vanishing. owrealm they are used for executions on the eastern

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

yard and as an arrival point for Blister via a teleporta- If freed, Jasper can aid the characters in their efforts
tion circle on the western yard. to cheer the victims of the Lament of the Dark Celes-
tials, granting advantage on Charisma (Performance)
Environment ability checks for this purpose.
The yards are open to the elements, muddy, and un-
kempt. The two yards are almost identical, except
that gallows have been erected on the eastern yard,
facing the warden’s office window.

A single hell hound guards each yard. The Gloom
Widow has commanded them to guard the cells and
use deadly force in case of attempted break-out or
break-ins. They obey the invisible stalker guards, who
have learned some command words in Infernal.

12. CO N D E M N E D CE L L
Prisoners on death row are housed in the condemned J A S PE R P LAT I N U M H AN D
cell before their execution. Currently, the cell is occu-
pied by Jasper Platinumhand, a traveling storyteller
whose good cheer has rendered him immune to the “Ho there, good folks! And a sunny
effects of the Lament of the Dark Celestials. As a re-
day to you all! The Baron of
sult, he has been sentenced to hang and is awaiting
his execution, a day hence.
the Multiverse is at your service.”
A smiling Jasper Platinumhand, as he
Environment bows to the characters with a flourish.
This cell is singular in extravagant furnishings com-
pared to the prison’s other cells. It features a rickety
and worn but quite comfortable bed, a small writ- 13. S A M' S CE L L
ing desk with parchment and writing tools, a velvet
armchair, and a small dining table with a plate and Background
a goblet. Sam “Weaver” Ebonhilt is languishing in his cell and
reliving all the traumas of his young life when his
Scene parents were soul-drained by Tyke in front of his
Jasper Platinumhand (use the bandit captain mon- eyes. The deformed hag told the young child that she
ster entry) lies sprawled on the bed, musing to him- would keep his parents forever. Remembering one
self about his imminent demise but maintaining his of her sister’s past victims, Blister, in the form of a
positive attitude and even chuckling at the irony witchservant, has hunted down and kidnapped Sam
of his fate. A greyish birthmark covers Jasper’s left and has deposited him into the care of the Gloom
hand, and his cheek is marked with a relatively fresh Widow. The hag has been subjecting him to various
scar that he claims was given to him by a ferocious tortures, made more harrowing due to the mental
sea monster (but in actuality, he cut himself shaving traumas coming to the surface.
with a scimitar).

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Sam holds an important piece of the puzzle of the

Midnight Curse. He saw and recognized the same
symbol on the hand of the witchservant who kid-
napped him and brought him to the Shadowrealm as
worn by Tyke on a pendant - the sign of the Children
of the Coven. He is unaware of the coven’s doings,
but he definitely knows there is a connection be-
tween the witchservant sect and a hag witch named
Tyke, whom he can describe in great detail.

A standard single cell, with only Sam inside.

If freed, Sam “Weaver” Ebonhilt mutters weary words
of thanks but is otherwise numb to what is happening
around him due to the Lament of the Dark Celestials.
Sam will relate the scarring tale of his early memories
and the crucial information he holds if he is ques-
tioned or if he hears mention of hags, witchservants,
cults, or curses. Once the effects of the despair are
broken and if he has been made aware of the charac-
ters’ motivations, Sam swears vengeance on the hags
and their witchservant allies. He will stake his life to
root out the causes of the curse and accompany the
characters wherever their tracks might lead them to
search for Tyke and his parents.

“I was 12 when my life was shattered.

When the hag named Tyke stole my
parents’ souls. It was a horrendous
deformed creature, underdevel-
oped and childlike, and with
malformed and vestigial
appendages. It hovered
above the corpses of my
parents, holding a bag
and cackling that it
would keep their
souls forever. Then
Sam Weaver Ebonhilt re-
it vanished into counting his tale and draw-
thin air. And it ing the sign of the Children
bore this sign!” of the Coven in the mud.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Experience the intruders and alert the Gloom Widow by flying
Award the party 1,100 experience points if they free to the window of the warden’s office (area 9).
Sam and learn what he knows about Tyke.


14. TO WE R S
Background The Eyrie of the Fabled is a perfect place to negate
Lekmok the imp has been assigned to guard the effects of the Lament of the Dark Celestials, due
duty on the towers for failing to notice to its darkwood soundproofing, magnificent acous-
the smuggling of an ioun stone of suste- tics, and large auditorium that can hold hundreds
nance into the facility by one of the of people. Once Sabrael has been defeated and the
prisoners. The imp has assumed prisoners rescued from the Dungeon of Tears, the
the form of a raven, and it hops depressed crowd can be brought to the theater and
around the towers, incredibly pulled out of their melancholy. However, the Eyrie of
bored with this assigned task. the Fabled must first be cleared of the native inhab-
itants of the Shadowrealm.
Double security doors
block entry into the pris-
on from the towers, which
can be opened from the
inside by using both levers
in the main hallway. The
parapets of the towers are
crenelated. They are also
both fortified with iron
spikes like the outer wall
of the prison. The tragic consequences of a disastrous, and some say
cursed, play entitled “Princess Garilasia of Xantharos”
Scene seeped through the planes from Onadbyr and have
As escape attempts are al- manifested on the Shadowrealm version of the theater.
most nonexistent, Lakmak
(use imp monster entry) Before it premiered over 30 years ago, the play was
keeps itself busy by tortur- lauded to be the first magnum opus of the new theat-
ing bugs that it has collect- er director Syllatur Laudraphol, a young illusionist
ed from the courtyard. As a wizard of great renown. The entire city anticipated
result, it is distracted, and the performance, and even King Daerios Azennar was
it takes a successful DC 11 in attendance for the young director’s debut. The
Wisdom (Perception) skill tragedy revolved around a half-dragon princess from
check to evade notice, even the Isles of Xantharos, who falls in love with a dwar-
in plain sight. However, if ven prince named Grunshank, brought as a slave to
characters get trapped by the Isles. After the princess rescues the prince, the
the spiked wall traps, and are pair flee the island on the ship of a jolly and flatulent
restrained for more than two pirate captain named Malform, only to be betrayed
rounds, Lakmak will notice by the red half-dragon evil counselor of the princess

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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

named Turmokix. The ship is sunk and is swallowed wood slats intact. The building is a squat, one-story
by the waves as the princess sings the final song of 20-foot tall structure with a lavishly decorated gothic
the play. facade supported by tall marble columns. Ceilings in
all rooms are 10 feet high, except for the auditorium
The play was a dismal failure. The writing turned and the stage (areas 4 and 5) where they rise to a
out to be horrible, the story flat, and the dialogue height of 20 feet.
crass and out of place. Exacerbating the flop, the
male lead Florion Deloiz forgot his lines in the fi- Main Gate. The gate is a (20 by 10 feet) heavy double
nal scene, and the voice of Cassandra Sheelamil, in wooden gate that has AC 15, 37 hit points, a damage
the role of the princess, broke as she sang the final threshold of 5, and damage resistance against slash-
song. The play offended the King and the sensibili- ing damage, and damage immunity against pierc-
ties of high-society, while also angering the nobles ing, poison, and psychic damage. It is ajar but can
of House Monder, who claimed Prince Grunshank be barred from the inside with a wooden crossbeam
was cheaply modeled after their ancestral forefa- that can’t be picked, but it can be forced open with a
ther Lord Gronjyph Monder. The king immediately DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
canceled the play. In his shame, Syllatur Laudraphol
took his own life. Spiteful and seeking someone to
blame, the vengeful diva Cassandra Sheelamil poi-
soned Florion Deloiz. She was found out and sen-
tenced to death for her crime.

The play itself has manifested as a magical effect

on the stage of the theater, while the spirits of the
theater director, lead male, and star diva have all ris-
en in undeath - Syllatur Laudraphol as an illusionist
shadow, Florion Deloiz as a silently wailing specter,
and Cassandra Sheelamil as a weeping will-o’-wisp.

The characters can try to enact the play to end the

haunting of the undead by finding the following
components of the play:

•T he screenplay of “Princess Garilasia of Xantharos”

in area 7.
• Florion Deloiz’s gestures in area 6.
•C assandra Sheelamil’s song the “Weeping Princess”
from area 9a.
• The costumes from area 10.

Like its counterpart in the Material Plane, the Ey-
rie of the Fabled rises above the city from the lofty
High District. Somewhat unique among the buildings
in the Shadowrealm, the theater has not complete-
ly yielded to the corroding effects of the plane and
is in relatively good condition - its walls and dark-

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Doors. Doors and double doors are made of wood,

with bronze handles. The doors have AC 15, 15 hit
2. CL O A K RO O M
points, a damage threshold of 5, and damage resist-
ance against slashing damage, and damage immu- Background
nity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. Upon arrival on the Material Plane, theater-goers
There is no lock mechanism, however the handles could deposit their cloaks in the cloakroom in ex-
can be jammed using thieves’ tools. A jammed door change for numbered tokens. On the Shadowrealm, it
can be forced open with a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) is unused and became lair of a cloaker that hunts for
skill check. victims and hangs their clothes on the racks as lures.

Loading Gate. In the back of the theater, the loading Environment

gate is a large (20 by 10 feet) heavy wooden gate A wooden counter separates the room from the foy-
that has AC 17, 27 hit points, a damage threshold of 5, er. Wooden tokens with numbers on one side and
and damage resistance against slashing damage, and the double-masked symbol of the theater on the oth-
damage immunity against piercing, poison, and psy- er can be found on the counter. The cloak racks are
chic damage. The center of the gate is battered and almost empty, with just a few faded and colorless
the wooden crossbeam that would bar the gate from garments hanging from them, however some are of
the inside is broken in half. excellent quality. One of the cloaks is unique - a quilt
poncho with a multitude of patches on its front,
Windows. Windows open inwards and have six-part each with the design of a specific item or creature.
metal braces with a single layer of thick glass. The
wings are held together by iron latches that can be
picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 15 Dex-
terity check, or can be forced open with a successful
DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check.

1. F O Y E R
The main entry hall of the theater lies behind the Scene
front gates, featuring a wide space from which three A cloaker lurks amongst the cloaks, appearing as a
sets of wood-carved stairs with ornate rails rise dark leather cloak of fine craftsmanship. If any char-
to the three closed doors that lead to the elevated acter ventures amongst the cloak racks, the cloaker
auditorium space beyond. Two side corridors that attacks, trying to engulf a surprised target.
slightly slope downwards from the foyer provide ad-
ditional entrances to the seating areas. The foyer on Treasure
the Material Plane has a lavish interior, however on The racks hold five fine cloaks (worth half price) and
the Shadowrealm it is just a colorless replica of it- a magical pancho that is a robe of useful items.
self. Faded and worn carpets, torn wallpaper, moldy
velvet curtains, and cracked vases with desiccated
plants are what remain of the decorations, giving an 3. TH E A TE R B A R
abandoned feel to the theater, as if the building itself
was exhausted. Benches sit under the corridor win- Background
dows, splintered and broken. A layer of dust, grime, The theater bar serves some of the best wines, liq-
and cobwebs has settled on all surfaces. uors, and beer on tap in Onadbyr where visitors from

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

high society can enjoy the tastiest refreshments be- Environment
fore plays or during intermissions. The sour and bit- The entire auditorium slopes from the foyer towards
ter drinks of the Shadowrealm have lured a black the raised stage. It can provide seating for 140 attend-
pudding to the bar. ees in cushioned velvet seats that can be folded up-
wards. Darkwood panels cover the walls, decorated
Environment with plush curtains. The entire theater is covered by
The room is in a dismal state - the bars, seating, and a hallucinatory terrain spell cast by Syllatur Laudraph-
tables have bent and crumbled, while barrels holding ol. The illusion shows the chamber in its intact state
various alcoholic beverages have split, their contents from the Material Plane, albeit lacking some color
staining the floor in many places around the room. and its true vibrancy.

Scene Under the illusion, the seats are worn and even miss-
A black pudding has been drawn to the room from ing in some places, and are partially covered by grey-
the outside, soaking up the spilled spirits from the ing sheets in a few sections. The chamber is carpeted
floor and enjoying their tingling effects. The pudding with a thick growth of mildew, which gives a sour
lurks under the bar and will move to engulf intrud- odor to the space. Several corpses in various states of
ers if disturbed. decay sit in a few of the seats, watching the illusion-
ary performance.
The liquors and wines have turned bitter and stale, be- Darkwood Soundproofing. The darkwood slats of
coming undrinkable, except for a single bottle of Bit- the auditorium completely negate sounds from the
ter Spirits, a malt liquor whose bitter notes have been outside, including the Lament of the Dark Celestials,
enhanced by the effects of the Shadowrealm, turning which can not affect anyone inside area 4.
it into an exquisite beverage worth 300 gold pieces.
Hypnotic Tragedy. A tragedy is continuously unfold-
ing, composed of fragments sliced together from
4. A U D I TO R IU M various ages since the theater’s existence, seeping
through the fabric of the planes into the theater. The
Background scenes are all forlorn and heart-rending. One is imme-
The vast auditorium lies behind closed doors. The diately hypnotized by the performance. Each creature
dreadful Hypnotic Tragedy is continuously being that witnesses the play must succeed on a DC 15 Wis-
played out in the theater itself, from fragments that dom saving throw or suffer the effects of a hypnotic
have seeped through the planes and manifested as pattern spell and be forced to sit down and watch the
scenes to form a play. The theater has been claimed performance. A new save can be made once a day.
by Syllatur Laudraphol, the former magic-wielding A victim that fails its saves for several days is subject
director of the theater, who has risen as a shadow to dehydration, sleeplessness and hunger, gaining a
on the Shadowrealm after his play, “Princess Garilasia level of exhaustion every day after the first.
of Xantharos” tanked, leading to the director’s even-
tual suicide. Syllatur Laudraphol is leading the play, Scene
enhancing the effect of the Hypnotic Tragedy. The As soon as the auditorium doors are opened, a bar-
shadow-mage is delighted and eager to fill the seats rage of sights and sounds overwhelm the senses as
with fresh viewers and victims to its madness. Several a scene unfolds. The auditorium appears in its mag-
victims have fallen prey to the Hypnotic Tragedy and nificence, the seats are full with audience members,
have been drained by the shadow-mage. Their bod- with King Daerios Azennar in prime seating, and a
ies sit in the seats, forever watching the performance, play is being played out on the stage, drawing the
while their souls haunt the chamber as shadows. eye to its scenes and entrancing the viewer. Any

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C H A P TE R 3

creature that steps into the room is affected by the the illusion spell, they can see the ramshackle remains
Hypnotic Tragedy and can try to resist the urge to of a stage and some props, partly obscured by the tat-
let go and surrender to the arts. Any creature who tered remnants of the curtains. A small podium sits
interacts with the hallucinatory terrain can attempt at center stage. The props are mostly wooden sheets
a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check to in the form of rocks, giant mushrooms, trees, waves,
disbelieve the illusion and see the auditorium in its and mountains. Three iron lines span the width of the
dilapidated state. stage 20 feet above it, from which the remains of the
curtains and wooden cloud-shaped props hang. The
Four shadows, victims of Syllatur Laudraphol, rise ropes that once were used to move the curtains and
from under the covering sheets, drawn to drain the the clouds have rotten and lie in heaps on the sides
strength from the living who resist the effects of of the stage. The wooden planks that form the stage
the play. Once a victim’s Strength score is reduced are dry and brittle in many places.
to under 3, the shadows escort the helpless victim
to a seat.

Characters who succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Re-

ligion) skill check recognize the ghostly nature of the
disturbed spirits and know that they can be put to
rest in some way. The character also realizes the ag-
ony of the spirits over their failed performance and
knows that a well-enacted play of the “Princess Ga- Scene
rilasia of Xantharos” would bring the undead peace, Syllatur Laudraphol, the shadow-mage, lurks back-
eliminating them. It takes a minimum of two charac- stage. The former director hides behind the tattered
ters to assume the two leading roles of the play. The curtains and watches the play unfold, molding its il-
characters can deliver the performance by succeeding lusions to fit the scenes. The shadow waits to see
on three consecutive DC 18 Charisma (Performance) how the characters fare against the Hypnotic Trag-
skill checks. Characters must know either the dia- edy and its shadows, then emerges from its hiding
logue, the tune of the “Weeping Princess”, and Prince and starts directing them in a rage to take part in the
Grunshank’s elaborate gestures even to attempt the performance. If characters start acting out the play,
performance. If at least one of these elements is miss- the shadow hovers in rapture and can be distracted
ing, the characters have disadvantage on the checks. as long as characters succeed on at least one Cha-
On the other hand, if the characters are wearing the risma (Performance) skill check per round (see area
correct costumes or if the right props are used, they 4 for details). If the characters attack the shadow,
have an advantage on the checks. On a success, the fi- it shrieks and unleashes its spells on the characters.
nal sinking ship scene is enacted in perfect synchrony
with the Hypnotic Tragedy, and the effect ends with “Less emotion you bumbling oaf, and
all undead immediately banished from the theater.
more grace! And enunciate your lines,
by the harp of the Efficient Master!
5. S TA G E “Oh my heart! Let the gurgling depths
rise and the galley of the Xantharosian
Environment princess Garilasia be gobbled up
The hallucinatory terrain cast by Syllatur Laudraphol
by the waves…”
extends to the stage, giving room for the Hypnotic
Tragedy to play out and showing a stage rich with Syllatur Laudraphol directing the
props and magical effects. If a character disbelieves characters in its tragic play.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Syllatur Laudraphol will not leave the stage. If pressed, infamous sinking ship scene from “Princess Garilasia
the shadow withdraws to the space under the stage of Xantharos”.
through the floorboards.
Florion Deloiz. Use the specter monster entry with
the following modifications:
• F lorion Deloiz has a Charisma score of 16.
Background • It has Performance +5.
The green room is the actors’ lounge of the theater, • Aura of Silence. Florion Deloiz is surrounded by an aura
where the theater’s players or backstage visitors gath- of absolute silence that functions as a silence spell cen-
er before and during performances. Florion Deloiz, tered on Florion Deloiz. The aura can’t be dispelled.
the elven male lead of “Princess Garilasia of Xantha-
ros”, has risen as a specter after being poisoned by
Cassandra Sheelamil, the play’s star performer, as 7. D I RE CTO R'S O FF I CE
punishment for his dismal performance as the dwar-
ven Prince Grunshank. The specter is haunted by its Background
silence and not able to voice its lines, forever doomed The room’s original function was to hold auditions,
to recite the play to itself. discuss scenes with the company, and manage the
productions by the directors of the theater.
The room lies in ruins, its ornate furniture - leather Environment
couches, dressers, rugs, table, chairs, and drink cab- The small office of the theater director is also in a
inet - ravaged by the effects of the Shadowrealm. state of disrepair, with partially collapsed pieces of
Some costumes are strewn over the ground, stained furniture spread around the room and decayed tap-
by the spilled beverages from the drink cabinet and estries of famous plays on the walls. A faded booklet
from the common table. A ripped and faded poster of lies next to the writing-table.
Florion Deloiz and Cassandra Sheelamil, smiling and
arm-in-arm, hangs on the wall, advertising “Princess Scene
Garilasia of Xantharos”. Stairs lead upwards to the The booklet is the screenplay for the play, the “Prin-
stage area. cess Garilasia of Xantharos”. It includes the list of char-
acters, a brief synopsis, and all dialogues, as well as the
Scene director’s notes. The booklet is worn and crumpled,
Risen as a specter, Florion Deloiz haunts the Green but the ship scene from the play is intact in its entire-
Room. The undead spirit of the former actor hovers ty. If any character studies the scene in the booklet for
in the middle of the room, silently forming the lines 1 interrupted hour, they can make a DC 15 Intelligence
and acting out the fateful tragedy while nervously ability check or DC 15 Charisma (Performance) skill
glancing towards the stage. When characters enter check to learn it to learn the dialogues and action
the room, Florion Deloiz abruptly stops its recital, sequences.
looking disoriented, then opens its mouth to shriek
silently in anger for being disturbed before attacking
the characters. Florion Deloiz doesn’t leave the room. 8. D I RE CTO R'S CH A M B E R
If characters withdraw from the room, the specter
retreats to its madness and continues reciting its Background
lines. If any character observes Florion Deloiz for 10 The private room of the theater director is used as
minutes, they can make a DC 15 Intelligence ability an on-site bedroom in case of late work hours and
check to learn the gestures of the actor from the night rehearsals.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 3

The large double bed, dresser and trunk in the room
are relatively intact, except for the blanket that cov-
ers the bed and the exquisite rug on the floor, frayed
and threadbare.

Background o’-wisp will not attack characters but will engage in
Each dressing room of the theater is also the personal melee if attacked.
space of an actor on the Material Plane. On the Shad-
owrealm, the rooms lie abandoned and disheveled. Cassandra Sheelamil. Use the will-o’-wisp monster
entry the following modifications:
The dressing rooms are almost identical, featuring •C  assandra Sheelamil has a Charisma score of 19.
small daybeds, chests of drawers, and make-up ta- • It has Performance +7.
bles with large mirrors. Decorations vary slightly • Cacophonic Aura. Cassandra Sheelamil is surround-
from room to room, manifesting as different person- ed by an aura of cacophonic sounds that warp
al items strewn about that have been imprinted on the mind. Any target within 30 feet of Cassandra
the room from their residents on the Material Plane. Sheelamil who hears its song is subject to an effect
that functions as a confusion spell with a DC 14 Wis-
dom saving throw and a duration of 10 minutes.
9a. CA S S A N D RA
S H EE L A M I L If any character listens to the song for 10 minutes,
they can make a DC 15 Intelligence ability check or
DC 15 Charisma (Performance) to learn it.
This room was the dressing room of the theater’s star,
Cassandra Sheelamil. The play’s tragedy and wicked- 10. CO S TU M E S
ness of the theater’s diva have manifested here as a
will-o’-wisp that haunts the room, singing the “Weep- Background
ing Princess”. A shadow elemental has been drawn to the costume
chamber, where it can enjoy the rustling of the clothes
Environment and the swirls of shadows it creates
Cassandra Sheelamil’s dressing room is almost iden-
tical to the others. The make-up table lies in ruins, Environment
its mirror shattered long ago. A sweetly wailing song Myriad costumes of all types and designs are scat-
can faintly be heard in the corridor beyond the closed tered around in the room, lying in heaps, with man-
door. nequins sticking out from under them. Their colors
are faded and most are just tattered rags where
Scene their original shape has been distorted. A costume
As soon as characters open the door, they hear the list for the lead players of “Princess Garilasia of Xan-
cacophonic tunes of the “Weeping Princess”, sung by tharos” hangs on the walls. Characters can find all
the invisible will-o’-wisp form of Cassandra Sheela- corresponding costumes and masks after spending
mil that hovers at the center of the room. The will- 10 minutes collecting them. The costumes are for

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

the gold half-dragon Princess Garilasia, the dwarven Any character can make a DC 17 Intelligence (Inves-
Prince Grunshank, Pirate Captain Malform, and the tigation) skill check to assemble and don the right
red half-dragon evil counselor Turmokix. A small ta- costumes and masks from the “Princess Garilasia of
ble is set up as a sewing workspace with the remains Xantharos”, that is playing out on the scene in the
of threads and needles on its surface. auditorium.

The shadow elemental remains hidden in the shad- 11. P RO P RO O M
ows until a character enters the rooms. At this point,
it rises from the costumes and attacks. Background
This large room is used to store the many piec-
Shadow Elemental (CR 6, 2,300 XP). Use the air el- es of props used for theater performances. Diraru
emental monster entry with the following modifi- Dreadskull the minotaur fear rager has broken into
cations: the room from the back gate and has claimed the
chamber as its lair. It has assembled the props here
•T  he shadow elemental has Stealth +8. into a labyrinth that fills the entire room, which it
• F alse Appearance. While the shadow elemental re- guards with fury.
mains motionless in an area of shadow, it is indis-
tinguishable from the shadows. Environment
• S hadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, the Props from “Princess Garilasia of Xantharos”, crates,
shadow can take the hide action as a bonus action. boxes, wagon, and other large items in the room
Its Stealth bonus is also improved to +11. compose walls that are 10 feet high, stacked so they
• Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, the shadow form a 5-foot path that meanders across the room
has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and from all doors in a labyrinthine way. Ramps lead to
saving throws. the stage and into the prop room from the outside
• Strength Drain. A creature damaged by the shad- through the loading gate, which has been battered
ow elemental’s slam attack has its Strength score but stands intact. However, its broken crossbeam lies
reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its shattered and useless inside the gate. A small enclo-
Strength to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until sure in the southeastern corner of the chamber has
the target finishes a short or long Rest. If a non-evil been fashioned into a small space where the mino-
humanoid dies from this attack, a new shadow ele- taur hoards its treasures and can rest between hunt-
mental rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later. ing forays in the Shadowrealm city.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 3

walls of its maze onto characters before attacking

them from a superior position.

Diraru Dreadskull. Use the minotaur monster entry

with the following modifications:

• Diraru Dreadskull has a Charisma score of 13.

• It has 92 hit points.
•D  emoralizing Blow. Diraru Dreadskull can break
the ferocity of those it attacks. As a bonus action,
The path among the haphazard walls is quite cramped Diraru Dreadskull can choose a creature that it
and the walls can easily tumble. Any character who has dealt damage to with a melee weapon dur-
takes an action other than a move action within the ing its turn. If the creature can see or hear Diraru
labyrinth must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving Dreadskull, it must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom
throw to avoid the falling debris. On a failed save, the saving throw or have a disadvantage on its melee
character takes 10 (3d6) points or bludgeoning dam- attack rolls against Diraru Dreadskull until the end
age, becomes prone, and is restrained as it is covered of its next turn.
by a barrage of falling objects. At the start of their
turns, characters who are so restrained can make a Any character who studies the play and spends 10
DC 13 Strength (Athletics) skill check to climb from minutes collecting props, can make a DC 15 Intelli-
under the rubble. gence (Investigation) skill check to assemble right
props for “Princess Garilasia of Xantharos”, that is
Scene playing out on the scene in the auditorium.
Diraru Dreadskull, the fear rager minotaur lairs in
the paths of the labyrinth it has created for itself. If Treasure
it hears any sounds of disturbance within his lair, it The small sleeping space of the minotaur has a col-
will hunt down intruders. It will attempt to intimi- lection of several valuables: 2 platinum pieces, 62 gold
date and demoralize the characters while attacking pieces, a silver knitting pin with engravings of flowers
in brute force. Diraru Dreadskull is reckless and quite on its shaft worth 23 gold pieces, and an ivory snuff-
single-minded. It will not hesitate to collapse the box decorated with clouds worth 150 gold pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

the gloom that has sat heavily on their shoulders is
BREAKING THE LAMENT lifted. Their pallor is replaced by joy and excitement
at their rescue but soon turns to worry and fear.
Background Many are scared that they will be stranded on the
If the characters have secured the Eyrie of the Fabled Shadowrealm or attacked by some horrendous den-
by eliminating its threats, they can gather all of the izen of the plane. If characters don’t suggest it, Sam
Lament’s victims into the theater’s auditorium where ‘Weaver’ Ebonhilt or Samsadur will suggest locking
the hall’s darkwood soundproofing will suppress the the entrances and posting guards. It will be a long
effects of the song. The group must spend a full day wait after all.
within the auditorium for the energies of the crys-
tal of the immortals to dissipate and for the Lament A few hours after the group secures the building, two
of the Dark Celestials to die down. However, the re- despair giants and hostile forces assembled in the
maining despair giants in the city, and whatever hos- city from their faction assault the building. The giants
tile creatures remain, notice the streaks of shadow split their forces, attacking both gates of the building
material disappearing above the theater and will rally by throwing boulders. Once they breach the building,
their remaining forces in a desperate siege to reclaim all areas except for the auditorium and the stage are
the prisoners and keep feeding the crystal. considered cramped spaces for the huge giants, who
must squeeze into these smaller spaces and suffer the
Environment associated penalties.
The auditorium of the Eyrie of the Fabled.
The only spaces in the theater inaccessible to the gi-
Scene ants are areas 6, 7 ,8, 9, 10, and the corridor connect-
As the large group is assembled in the auditorium ing these areas. If the group flees to the back rooms,
and the doors of the hall are shut, the wisps of it takes 4 rounds for a single despair giant to break
shadowstuff suddenly cease to emanate from the down a wall section, after which time it can reach the
victims of the Lament of the Dark Celestials and cowering victims within.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 3


Background rounded by a few practical tools they use in their

Samsadur has visited the Shadowrealm on many oc- everyday lives. An enormous arch made out of mas-
casions to mentor Zurafkira Shoemaker and uncover sive stone blocks and engraved with magical runes
long-forgotten secrets and treasures or make deals stands at the bottom of the pit.
with the powerful inhabitants of the plane.


Baendretarixus created its lair around a portal to the
Material Plane at the bottom of an enormous, 100- Background
foot deep crevasse, located 10 miles from the Shad- The rakshasa has struck a deal with Baendretarixus,
owrealm version of Onadbyr. It is a barren environ- and agreed to deliver the bodies of those who slew
ment with dry shrubs and a few dark, desiccated and the sentient undead black dragon in exchange for the
warped trees. The crevasse gets deeper and wider bow of the night. The sentience, which is made up by
from one end to the other with a slope that allows the death bugs inhabiting the dragon’s body, enjoys
a fairly easy descent between the two steadily rising its vessel but blames its slayers for not allowing it
walls of rock that end in a wide-open space at its to grow larger while it was alive (see An Irrefusable
deepest end. The camps of the shadow elf hunters Favor section for more background information on
are spread out around the edge of the crevasse and this event).
consist of simple mobile tents made out of hides, sur-
Samsadur guides the characters to the slope and rais-
es a hand, signaling its peaceful intent to the shadow
elves (use the scout monster entry with darkvision
120 ft.) guarding it. The elven hunters speak little. In-
stead, they nod for the party to descend, and follow
Samsadur and the characters into the pit, while some
stay on the edge of the crevasse.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Baendretarixus, the Eternal Hive, makes a threaten- Samsadur cuts to the point as fast as possible and
ing display as it greets Samsadur in a hostile tone. opens the chests, showing the two dead bodies in-
The undead dragon roars while listening to the rak- side. Baendretarixus roars in rage and demands the
shasa’s flattery as the fiend bows low and motions third body, that of Elcan the paladin. Samsadur excus-
for the characters to do the same. es itself and tells the undead that it has been looking

“We are about to feed

our body. Keep your story
short this time, mortal!”
Baendretarixus greeting Samsadur
and the characters.


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C H A P TE R 3

for Elcan for over a year but unfortunately could not servants by throwing them through the gate into the
find him, as he is not on the Material Plane. The fiend world of light.
also threatens to take the two bodies away if the
dragon will not give up the magic bow. Umbral Gate. A creature that passes through the
Umbral Gate, a one-way portal to the Material Plane,
“One of my worst appears on the other side of the portal that leads to
a grove of elm trees, some 10 miles from the capital
attributes is changing
city of Onadbyr. The runes of the portal glow softly
my mind too quickly.” when it is daytime on the Material Plane.
Samsadur negotiating
with Baendretarixus. B OW O F
The characters can help Samsadur negotiate by per-
suading or deceiving Baendretarixus with a success- Scene
ful DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) skill Samsadur dislikes
check. On a successful check, Baendretarixus the fact that the
roars in rage and steps on the bow of undead dragon has
the night, breaking it before flinging in revealed the purpose
front of Samsadur’s feet with its tail. At- of the Umbral Gate to the
tacks made with the broken magic bow characters because it want-
have a disadvantage until it is repaired. ed to profit from returning
The bow of the night can be repaired the saved prisoners to the Ma-
by a bower with the appropriate terial Plane. If the characters try
tools or a spell that repairs ob- to negotiate safe passage, the fiend
jects. Baendretarixus also asks throws in comments that hinder the
Samsadur if it wants to pay to characters’ attempts to convince the
cross through its portal to get undead dragon.
home, but the fiend swiftly re-
fuses. Samsadur will happily sell A character who wants to convince Baend-
the bow of the night to the char- retarixus must succeed on a DC 18 Charisma
acters for half of its original price. (Deception or Persuasion) skill check made
On a failed check Baendretarixus with disadvantage due to Samsadur’s opposing
and its shadow elf hunters attack remarks. On a successful check, Baendretarixus
Samsadur and the characters and demands either three magic items of at least un-
any of their allies present. common rarity, or anything with a value of 3,000
gold pieces, or the lives of three humanoids for
Experience everyone’s safe passage. If its demands are met, it
Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can lets the characters and their allies through the one-
recover the bow of the night from Baendretarixus. way Umbral Gate to the Material Plane. On a failed
check, Baendretarixus and its shadow elf hunters at-
tack Samsadur and the characters and any of their
THE UMBRAL GATE allies present.

Background Experience
The vampire drow conjurer, Faeryl Myrryn created Award the party 1,100 experience points if they are
The Umbral Gate to punish vampires and spawn able to pass through the Umbral Gate.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

web of power it has built. The rakshasa knows of Mas-
GREED OVER REASON ter Eydan, as the only person still alive from those who
accompanied King Waldrann Azennar to the Feyrealm
Background on his quest to save Queen Lyrencia from King Dasmag.
Baendretarixus has many draconic urges that still Samsadur wants to question the retired archmage, and
motivate its behaviour and one of those is its uncon- use the information to end the Midnight Curse.
trollable hoarding instinct.
Scene Samsadur openly tells all of his plans and informa-
The undead dragon catches a glimpse of one of the char- tion concerning the Midnight Curse. The fiend as-
acter’s or ally’s magic or valuable item and demands it sures the characters of its support but still does not
be handed over in exchange for their lives. A character reveal its true identity and form.
can make a DC 18 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
skill check depending on their approach to the situation. Samsadur suggests that the characters visit the Ar-
On a successful check, Baendretarixus backs off grudg- cane Tower and question Master Eydan about their
ingly but threatens to kill everyone if they meet again. quest and what he knows about the curse.
On a failed check, the undead dragon and its shadow
elven hunters attack the characters and their allies.
“It is in every sane person’s
interest to stop this magi-
RETURNING TO A CURSED LAND cal catastrophe and those
behind it. I have already
Background allocated much of my resources to
Samsadur tries to benefit as much as possible from the
investigate and to intervene, and
events that take place in the Shadowrealm. It wants
to return to the Material Plane with the bow of the I will keep doing so, but I can’t do it
night and to persuade Akuma, the oni, to join the lead- alone. Now it is your time to shine.”
ership of the Golden Masks. However, what it wants Samsadur presenting his case.
the most is to get rid of the curse and the new regime
of the queen in order to save and restore as much of Even though Samsadur facilitates the investigation,
the Golden Mask’s operations as possible. Because of the fiend insists on staying in Onadbyr and reasons
this drive, it is ready to support the characters and ally that it has to manage the crisis within its organiza-
itself with anyone against the queen and her mother. tion or else it won’t be able to help in the future.
With the Shadowdome gone, the characters and their
Through mind-reading and its vast network of spies, allies can leave the capital city and visit the Arcane
Samsadur has gathered enough information to under- Tower (see Kingdom of Aglarion location 50. and The
stand that a yet unknown power player from the Fey- Arcane Tower in Chapter 4).
realm has brought the curse over Aglarion, probably
King Dasmag, drawing on some reprehensible actions Samsadur brings the characters back to the Material
of King Waldrann Azennar. It believes firmly that King Plane and, if the Umbral Gate is not accessible, it
Waldrann’s quest to the Feyrealm has something to ensures them that it will transfer all prisoners as its
do with the curse and is crucial to understanding it. powers allow it.
Samsadur has not been able to visit the Feyrealm as it is
blocked by the Matrons of Malice, of whom he has no Experience
knowledge. The fiend does not yet understand the actual Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can
goal of the scheme but it knows that it is a threat to the return the prisoners to the Material Plane.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
A Cu r se d K i n g d o m
Once the characters acquire the cursed crown of the Azennars and escape Onadbyr, they must
travel the Kingdom of Aglarion in search of the vanished Arcane Tower, whence Master
Eydan has retreated. Their travels will take them far and wide across the cursed realm during
the hunt for the six torcs of the tower, which are needed to recall the Arcane Tower from the
Astral Plane.

Th e A rca ne To we r
The characters finally conjure the Arcane Tower, only to find it under siege by the Last Kiss, a
flying ship commanded by Azaeresh the succubus pirate and its crew of incubi. Characters will
find themselves within a time loop that repeats over and over again. The only way to reset the
flow of time is to stop the archmage of the Arcane Tower, Master Zaophas, from casting time
stop before the loop begins again.

D re a m in g w i th th e A rch m a g e
With the demonic attack against the Arcane Tower repelled, characters can visit Master Eydan
in his dreams to learn more information about the cause of the Midnight Curse and the way to
travel to the Bleak Mire. However, first the dreamward protections have to be overcome even
to reach the dreaming archmage, who is conversing with Father Lestor and the Tomelords of
the Awakened Library in the Dreamrealm. Once the characters have met with Master Eydan,
the exchange of information is cut short by the arrival of Krasnar and Maldreziret the Scaled
Impostor. They fall onto the dreamers in forms magnified through their warped imaginations.

S tr i d e o f th e E l de r s
After meeting Freall, learning the Druidic chant, and finding the location of the Stride of the
Elders, an ancient druid challenge set by the Seven Flowers, characters must travel through
the magical glades and face the ancient challenge themselves to reach the Hagtree.

Th e H a g tree
The only gateway to the Bleak Mire is the Hagtree. First, however, one must sacrifice a vir-
tue to the hag souls within the tree to travel through the portal under its roots. Only then
can they finally reach the Feyrealm.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The Van is he d
Characters should be level 9 when they start Chapter 4 of Crown
of the Oathbreaker. The chapter contains only partial information on
some of the locations. Please read the Kingdom of Aglarion section for
background information on each location.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

C H A P TE R 4



The malicious scheming of the Matrons of Malice has
grasped the Kingdom of Aglarion in its ugly vice. The Background
Midnight Curse tortures the land and its inhabitants The characters have found out that Queen Aphinah
much akin to the natures of the midnight hags them- and Dowager Queen Lyrencia are involved in bringing
selves, who crave the suffering of all creatures. As a the Midnight Curse to the Kingdom of Aglarion. With
result, the land has become a blight to all intelligent the crown of Aglarion in their hands, they now have to
creatures that live on it, and with time, the curse find a way to remove the curse from the royal relic.
will mercilessly eradicate them. See Appendix A: The From the journal of Lord Cyne Monder, the characters
Midnight Curse for more information on the effects have learned the secrets of King Waldrann Azennar’s
and consequences of the curse on the Kingdom of tragic quest to the Feyrealm and about the only survi-
Aglarion. vor who could know more, Master Eydan. The former
TO R CS O F archmage can be found at the Arcane Tower. Howev-
TH E TOWE R er, when visiting the academy, the characters
find it has completely vanished, with
only its vaults still in place. In the
vaults, they learn that they need
to locate all six torcs of the tower
to enact its ancient arcane safe-
ty protocol and recall it from
the Astral Plane. Thus, they will
need to search far and wide in
the Kingdom of Aglarion, follow-
ing those few clues that they can
recover from the focus pedestal
or the realm’s inhabitants.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Royal Accessory prison, traveling all across Aglarion, but her efforts
were in vain. Her harrowing investigation eventually
The mithral torc of the tower is in the possession of one took her to the Calhay Sea, where she entered the
of the Queen Aphinah Azennars in the Royal Palace in Ethereal Cloister and reached out to speak with Mas-
Onadbyr. The characters might have retrieved it from ter Arlen’s spirit. The wizard’s spirit revealed the loca-
her or might need to go back to the capital to do so if tion of the ziggurat, and the excited Red Cloak took to
they haven’t. If they haven’t taken the torc, each time the shore and hurried to investigate alone before re-
the characters see a torc of the tower, they can make grouping with Cygnus. She arrived precisely at a new
a DC 10 Intelligence ability check to remember and moon, which she took as a sign. She whispered the
recognize it being similar to Queen Aphinah’s mithral ancient celestial command phrase, and the ziggurat
torc. Returning to Onadbyr is a perilous task. The char- materialized in front of her. Ha’aren Blackbone could
acters must infiltrate the Royal Palace again, avoiding not resist entering the ancient building. She wanted to
the watchful eyes of the witchservant cultists and the see if the ancient deva loremaster, Samkiel, advisor of
werehellhound knights to recover the magic item. the planetars, was indeed imprisoned inside. The Red
Cloak entered the ziggurat and was consumed by the
frightening emanation of the crystal of the immortals
The Lawgiver’s Demise that served as the deva’s prison. Her dead body lies in
the Ziggurat of the New Moon, in front of the crystals
The adamantine torc of the tower was inherited from at the feet of Samkiel, who continues its insane con-
her ancestors by a Red Cloak named Ha’aren Black- versation with her decaying corpse.
bone, a ranger from Harveston with a celestial sorcer-
er bloodline. Ha’aren Blackbone had recurring dreams
about the deva loremaster Samkiel and its ziggurat House of the Entropists
prison and was obsessed with finding it. She eventu-
ally collected all three components that located and The silver torc of the tower has been in the town of
unveiled the ancient plane-shifting ziggurat to her. Gorso since it was bestowed upon Agratthys Vuelnor,
She found the first clue when she visited Cygnus at a ranger of great renown. The Red Cloak trained his
the Lodge of Wanderlust and became friends with the local successor, who then passed on the tradition to
couatl, who also sought all knowledge related to the their chosen acolytes for generations. The latest Red
dark angels. Cygnus told Ha’aren Blackbone that one Cloak who possessed the torc, Hastor Kaxtraver, was
of the ancient ziggurats erected to honor the planetar murdered in a fit of rage by Lord Ziademos Gorso
generals of the Dark Star was called the Ziggurat of the shortly after the noble’s pact with the forces of cha-
New Moon and that this structure disappeared during os. Lord Ziademos Gorso took the torc, unaware of its
the time of the dark angels. The Red Cloak did not yet significance, and the mad lord wears it as a protec-
know about the command phrase that forced the zig- tive magic item, from which he is not willing to part.
gurat to materialize or its location. The couatl offered
Ha’aren Blackbone assistance in finding the ziggurat,
but the Red Cloak declined Cygnus’ aid and promised Heroes of Virtue
to return once her investigation came to fruition. She
soon found out how Abulior Whitegate was expelled Many generations after Jwarlea Jyle possessed it, the
from the Arcane Tower for stealing an ancient parch- iron torc of the tower simply became lost. The Heroes
ment and visited the wizard. She cleverly recovered of Virtue found it by accident in the lair of a monster,
the dark celestial command phrase from the docu- and currently, it is in the possession of Tasran Stone-
ment in the wizard’s possession that dated back to splitter, the evoker wizard of the group. The Heroes
the time of the dark angels. The Lawgiver searched of Virtue is a group of four villainous adventurers
for almost a year to discover the location of Samkiel’s who originally banded together to form a mercenary

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company but soon realized that cheating frightened mains of Lord Arden, when the noble passed away in
communities and individuals out of their gold piec- the dragon’s company. However, the dragon’s hoard
es is more expedient and safer than actually solving was partly consumed by oozes, summoned by follow-
their problems, especially during the Midnight Curse. ers of the Blind God, a cult of ooze-worshipping clerics
They make money by releasing threats, mostly wild who invaded the lair and drove away the dragons. The
beasts and monsters, onto communities, then either clerics spent decades in their reclusive shrine before
take advance payment and disappear, or stop agi- eventually sacrificing themselves to their ooze deity
tating the monsters that threaten their clients. The only to return as an incorporeal spirit that contains
group’s members are Tasran Stonesplitter, an evoker all of their souls. Selvaro waited and observed the cave
wizard, Sardius the Red Champion, a drunkard ogre while the cultists were active. The young dragon de-
barbarian, Uwalda de Santis Robarry, a resourceful cided to reclaim its lair and investigate after seeing
rogue, and his brother, Zhorenim de Santis Robar- no movement from the cultists, but was instantly re-
ry, a manipulative bard. The Heroes of Virtue can pelled and blinded by the gelatinous cube that guards
be found at the site of Almeiro Ronul’s cache, which its former lair. The young bronze dragon spends its
they are in the process of digging up. days in human form at the bones of its father, the
Bones of the Dragon as the locals call it, and advises all
who seek its guidance to caution and foresight.
Dwarves in Distress
The stone torc of the tower is held by Bakator the
Onyx in Darkstone. It was in the possession of Odryk
Nangrath, son of the aging Lord Arenbar Nangrath,
who gave the torc to his son for protection on his
rescue mission against the duergar vampires that
kidnapped his love, Premil Ronul. Odryk Nangrath
entered Darkstone and failed to rescue his beloved,
becoming one of the favorite blood bags of Bakator 1. Ona dby r
and the other vampire spawn who regularly feed on
the young noble dwarf. Lord Arenbar Nangrath and With the impact of the royal succession and the Mid-
the embittered locals, based on their recent encoun- night Curse, Onadyr shows a much less civilized and
ter with the Heroes of Virtue, are suspicious of the more oppressive face. Even with the Shadowdome
characters. The lord asks them to save the townsfolk gone, all life is slowly and painfully withering away
and children from the hideous gargoyles before tell- just as initially planned by the Matrons of Malice. See
ing them about the cave where Odryk went many Appendix A: The Midnight Curse for more details on
days ago to save his love. The elderly dwarven lord the impact of the curse.
believes his son to be dead and wants proof of the
character’s good intentions before helping them re-
cover the torc. 2.  o m b o f Th e
Co n s tru cto r
Lord “Dragonfriend” Arden (SECRE T LOC ATION)

The clay torc of the tower is located in the Shrine of The players have previously visited the tomb to find
the Blind God, a cave system and former residence of the Master Key. The tomb is a source of information
Thelarmas, the bronze dragon, and its young offspring on the Arcane Tower, the Ziggurat of the New Moon,
Selvaro. The torc was laid to rest with the mortal re- and other magical lore.

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3. E th e re a l Clo i s te r Characters can notice the thick vines that complete-
ly envelop the village from afar, as they seemingly
See the corresponding location entry in the Kingdom writhe and twist around the walls and ground. The
of Aglarion section. vines comprise the encompassing creeper, an awak-
ened regenerative plant creature of gargantuan pro-
Scene portions that attacks any creature within its reach.
A character who is able to spend one day underwater
and listen to the whispers of the dead can slowly
start to communicate with them. A character who
succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma ability check can gain
the trust of the spirits and communicate with them
once per day as if it has cast the commune spell.

Encompassing Creeper (CR 6, 2,300 XP). Use the

4. W i l l o w Cree k shambling mound monster entry with the follow-
ing modifications:
Willow Creek village is in the grip of Grorrarr, the • The encompassing creeper is Gargantuan size.
owlbear druid, who falsely believes that the villag- • It cannot move.
ers have taken its young. In truth, the Heroes of Vir- • It has 208 hit points.
tue stole its cubs and turned it against the village • F alse Appearance. While the encompassing creep-
so they could pretend to save the villagers. Grorrarr er remains motionless, it is indistinguishable from
has assembled a massive mat of vines from the vil- normal vegetation.
lage houses and has given it sentience, ordering it to • Regeneration. The encompassing creeper regains 10
encircle the village and catch the inhabitants in its hit points at the start of its turn. If the encompassing
deadly grip, allowing none to escape until its cubs are creeper takes acid damage, this trait doesn’t function
restored. Grorrarr visits the village every other day at the start of the encompassing creeper’s next turn.
and demands the return of its cubs, pummeling the The encompassing creeper dies only if it starts its
village with sleet storm, deadly ice storm, and call light- turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.
ning spells infused with hex lightning (see Appendix
A: The Midnight Curse), as the villagers are unable to If characters can enter the village or hail the villagers
comply. Grorrarr’s cubs are actually held encaged in from outside the surrounding vines, they are met by
the northern hideout (Kingdom of Aglarion location the representative of the village council, Rowan (use
12.) of the Heroes of Virtue. The gang is secretly black- the scout monster entry) who shouts from the walls.
mailing the village to pay them to remove the threat Rowan is a reserved and resourceful human ranger
that they have created. who has failed to convince Grorrarr of the village’s
innocence. Rowan asks for aid in dealing with the
Environment owlbear druid that holds the village in its grip. She
As the farmers in Willow Creek are being held hos- also mentions that the village council gave a pre-pay-
tage by Grrorarr the Owlbear’s magic, the fields ment of 500 gold pieces to the Heroes of Virtue for
around the village have become overgrown and are taking on the challenge. She fears they have fallen
clearly not being tended. The entire village area is to the owlbear’s wrath, as they have not returned
surrounded by a thick mat of entangled vines in a and the owlbear’s attacks continue. Rowan doesn’t
circle 20 feet outside the wooden walls of the village. not know that the Heroes were the ones that stole
Many of the houses bear the damage of hailstorms. Grorrarr’s young.

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to return her cubs to the forest but visits Willow

Creek every few days to enforce its demands.

Grorrarr makes its nest in a small cave in the thick
of the King’s Forest hidden by a permanent halluci-
natory terrain spell, cast in ancient times by the Sev-
en Flowers to conceal their sacred grove to make it
look like an ordinary briar patch. Behind the illusion,
a standing stone covered in Druidic runes stands in
the center of the glade. Inside the cave, paw paint-
ings depicting natural scenes adorned the walls.

ROWAN On careful examination, characters can attempt a DC
17 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check to disbelieve
“Your arrival is fortuitous but might the illusion created by the hallucinatory terrain spell.
not be enough against the wrath
If found in its lair and if it hears anyone in the glade,
of Grorrarr the owlbear. The Heroes Grorrarr will charge forth after casting a barkskin
of Virtue have already accepted spell and drive away any intrusion. It sees enemies
Willow Creek’s gold for dealing with in everyone, especially humanoids who invade the
the mighty beast, but that was weeks forest to take its young. It will immediately think
that the characters are responsible for the disap-
ago and we are still under the terror
pearance of its cubs and will demand their return.
of the owlbear’s fell magics. Unless characters bring the cubs or leave at once,
We cannot offer you treasures, Grorrarr attacks.
only a pledge that you will
have the Creek’s aid in return “Your mistake was coming back to
whenever you need it.” my nest and not staying in your
Rowan offering the village’s
village as you should. Bring me
commitment in return for aid. my young at once or meet the
wrath of the Eternal Mother!”
Grorrarr roaring at the characters.
5. G ro rra rr' s L a ir
Background If the characters return Grorrarr’s cubs, it presents
The Heroes of Virtue have stolen Grorrarr’s young- them with its magical amulet and offers its eternal
lings and have hidden them away in their hideout aid if characters ever visit the King’s Forest. It will
to the north, then told the owlbear that the folks not leave its lair and will continue to tend its cubs.
in Willow Creek took them. The evil group’s devi- Grorrarr usually stays clear of the Royal Hunting
ous plan and treacherous lies have driven Grorrarr Lodge and does not know what has happened there.
to swiftly descend upon Willow Creek, encircling the
village with a plant creature that the druid awak- Treasure
ened to this purpose. Grorrarr waits for the villagers Grorrarr wears an amulet of find the path.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Experience family in the past century time and time again for
Award the party 700 experience points if they return killing its three sisters. Blister made a deal with the
Grorrarr’s cubs. lesser hag to get revenge and cause terror and havoc
in the North Bay. A few weeks ago, Whosshinassh as-
saulted and captured the lighthouse, massacred the
6. Ro n u l' s E n d lizardfolk family that lived there, and gained control
of the giant frogs that were mutated to an even larg-
Background er size by the Midnight Curse. The sea hag descended
Whoshinassh, the sea hag, and her mutated giant frogs upon Ronul’s End with her frogs, bent on revenge and
have laid waste to the village of Ronul’s End, settling an devastation. After razing the town and driving off the
old score with the merfolk inhabitants of the village. survivors, it returned to the lighthouse, where it now
A company of werehellhounds aided in the attack, keeps the dwindling supply of survivors as meat. The
offered by Blister for the task through an alliance be- hag uses the lighthouse to lure ships close to the
tween the two hags. A score of survivors has man- shore and assault them with the frogs.
aged to flee the village to the north in a caravan, ac-
companied by the Heroes of Virtue, who were at the The remaining survivors of Ronul’s End are locked
scene of the attack. away in the reef-side cages that used to hold the giant
frogs. One of the captives, Emina, the barmaid from
Environment the Mossy Plank Tavern in Ronul’s End has overheard
The village stands in ruins, with corpses littering the the Heroes of Virtue planning some kind of excava-
streets and all houses burnt to the ground, including tion in the northern part of the Talanar Hills.
the Ronul mansion formed out of the family’s flag-
ship, the Boundless Pearl, whose husk sits in the mid- Environment
dle of the village. A 70 feet tall lighthouse stands on top of an immense,
rugged reef in the sea connected to the cliffs by a 100
Scene feet long slippery rope bridge overgrown by moss.
Ten mutated giant frogs (see location 7.) are roaming Below, strong currents break against the jagged reefs.
the abandoned streets of the village, mostly near the Under the lighthouse, iron gratings cover multiple
shores of the North Bay. They are wild and hungry. large cave entrances over the reef, with some of the
The frogs will leap to attack intruders into the village grates open and creaking in the wind. Characters can
and will swarm the characters. hear intense croaking and wailing from that direction.
Inside, the lighthouse has been transformed from a
If characters actively search for tracks, they must large lizardfolk living room into a butcher shop - salt-
make a DC 12 Wisdom (Survival) skill check to un- ed humanoid parts tangled with seaweed hang from
cover the trail of a caravan that leads north into the the ceiling everywhere, creating an intense stench.
Talanar Hills, marking the escape of the few inhab-
itants who managed to flee the village to the Mossy A character must succeed on a DC 14 Strength (Ath-
Tower. letics) skill check to climb down to the reef 60 feet
below. On a failed check, the character falls and
takes 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and
lands prone on the jagged reefs. A character must
7. N o rth B ay
succeed on a DC 8 Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check
L ig h th o u s e to cross the rope bridge or slip and fall, suffering
the same fate as if they have fallen from the reef.
Background The locked grates can be opened using thieves’ tools
Whosshinassh, the sea hag, clashed with the Ronul if a character succeeds on a DC 12 Dexterity ability

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check or can be broken with a DC 14 Strength (Ath- • Swallow. The mutated giant frog makes one bite
letics) skill check. attack against a medium or smaller target it is grap-
pling. If the attack hits, the target is swallowed, and
Scene the grapple ends. The swallowed target is blinded
Whosshinassh the sea hag is happy to extend her and restrained, it has total cover against attacks and
food stockpile to her new domain with any intrud- other effects outside the mutated giant frog, and it
ers. The hag dispatches four mutated giant frogs to takes 10 (4d4) acid damage at the start of each of
deal with threats. While the giant frogs engage, it the mutated giant frog’s turns. The mutated giant
makes use of Horrific Appearance followed by Death frog can have only one target swallowed at a time.
Glare. Whosshinassh seems very hungry and continu- If the mutated giant frog dies, a swallowed creature
ously licks its watery mouth and mumbles as if talk- is no longer restrained by it and can escape from
ing to someone. the corpse using 5 feet of movement, exiting prone.
• Standing Leap. The mutated giant frog’s long jump
is up to 30 feet and its high jump is up to 20 feet,
with or without a running start.

Award the party 700 XP if they save the prisoners
from their grisly fate.

8. M o s s y To we r
A small caravan of survivors from the massacre at Ro-
nul’s End, as well as the Heroes of Virtue, made their
way to this watchtower. The leader of the group is
WH O S S H IN A S S H Lord Dyzag Ronul, who hoped to receive aid from
“What is the taste of her calf, sister? the soldiers stationed here who are led by Captain
Brulax Mantenor. However, the soldiers have gotten
Is that a fat belly? What spices do they
greedy and decided to try to coerce Lord Ronul to re-
eat that will flavor their meat?” veal the location of Almeiro Ronul’s fabled treasures.
Whosshinassh musing to herself as Unbeknownst to the soldiers, the Heroes of Virtue
characters enter her domain. have already gleaned the location of the Ronul cache
from Lord Ronul via enchantment spells on their way
Mutated Giant Frog (CR 1, 200 XP). Use the giant to the watchtower. The soldiers immediately impris-
frog monster entry with the following modifications: oned the villagers and tortured the unlucky souls to
make the lord talk. The Heroes of Virtue struck a
•A  mutated giant frog is Large and has a Strength deal with the corrupt soldiers and departed north,
score of 20. leaving the villagers behind. Six of the soldiers from
• It has 54 hit points. the company of twenty have been dispatched to the
• Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one westernmost watchtower in the Talanar Hills and
target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the have not returned since. One of Lord Ronul’s close
target is grappled (escape DC 15). Until this grapple aides, “Salty Eel” Sykes was able to escape the watch-
ends, the target is restrained, and the frog can’t bite tower and now lurks in the vicinity, planning to res-
another target. cue his liege.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


“My master will pay ye in hard gold
if ye can help him, ye can be sure of
The rolling Talanar Hills in this area is covered
that! The only thing is…he has to be
mainly by tall grass and large rock formations. The alive to do so, eh?”
moss-covered stone watchtower stands 30 feet tall “Salty Eel” Sykes asking for help.
on the top of a hill and is surrounded by a partially
crumbled, 10 feet tall stone wall, which is patched There are six corrupt Royal Swords (use the guard
up in some places with wooden planks. Outside of monster entry) outside the watchtower, watching
the wall, several wagons and carts stand empty. In- over the captives. Eight other Royal Swords (use the
side the wall, two dozen hungry villagers of all ages guard monster entry) are inside, accompanying Cap-
are locked into a large cage constructed of wooden tain Brulax Mantenor (use the veteran monster entry)
planks with a couple of soldiers watching over them, and helping with the interrogations. Captain Brulax
and sounds of revelry can be heard from within the will use the lord and the other prisoners as shields.
“What do you know? They left for
Scene the farmhouse over a week ago.
If the characters do not make efforts to hide their
approach or if he notices them, “Salty Eel” Sykes
I bet you five Aphinahs that either
(use the bandit captain monster entry) approaches the rain or a monster got them.”
the characters when they get within a mile of the The Royal Swords on the courtyard lamenting
tower. He tries to measure up the characters, and to themselves on the fate of their comrades.
if they seem helpful he explains that his liege can
pay a large sum if they rescue him. If they agree, If the characters rescue the prisoners, Lord Dyzag Ro-
he shows the section of the wall where he escaped. nul (use noble monster entry) will be eternally grate-
The wall section was poorly patched with a wood- ful and will relate the attack on Ronul’s End by a sea
en plank that can be easily and silently removed. hag that led a troop of mutated giant frogs into the
He is very concerned about initiating an all-out at- village from the sea, from the direction of the North
tack and asks the characters to formulate a rescue Bay Lighthouse across the bay. He is also vexed by
plan that would ensure the safety of everyone held the betrayal o the Heroes of Virtue and is eager to
hostage. secure the cache of his ancestor before the villains

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do. He pulls the characters and “Salty Eel” Sykes aside Experience
and explains that the Heroes of Virtue bent his mind Award the party 700 experience points if they save
to reveal the location of the cache before they de- the prisoners from the clutches of the greedy sol-
parted to dig it up. The lord promises half of the diers. Award the party an additional 700 experience
cache to the characters if they can secure it from points if they clear the village of Ronul’s End, deal
the Heroes of Virtue and return it to him. He also with Whosshinassh the sea hag, and claim their re-
asks “Satly Eel” Sykes to accompany the characters ward from Lord Dyzag Ronul.
as a guarantee. If characters agree, he draws them a
treasure map marking the location of the buried (see
location 11.) cache. 9. We l l o f R o a ch e s
The well of an abandoned farmhouse on the west-
ern reaches of the Talanar Hills has been infested by
cockroach swarms that spread an unlikely curse of
D Y ZA G RO N U L werecockroach lycanthropy as a result of the Mid-
night Curse. Six soldiers were dispatched to plunder
the farms by their commander Captain Brulax Man-
tenor but the cockroach swarms killed two of their
members and four succumbed to the curse of were-
cockroach lycanthropy.

The farmhouse was a simple, one-story longhouse
now in ruins and just a husk of its former structure.
Its walls and roof are partially collapsed, its doors
and windows broken, and rubble covers the floor.
“Almeiro’s fabled treasures can recom- The interior of the building counts as difficult terrain.
The deep well is 20 feet from the ruined building,
pense your aid in our time of greatest
with its hatch open and the skeletons of two Royal
need and may yet save my ancestor’s Swords lying next to it.
legacy. Half the cache is yours if you
can secure it before those unvirtuous Scene
villains that call themselves heroes! When characters approach the well, four lycanthrop-
ic cockroach swarms erupt from inside and attack
I give my word as the patron of my
the characters.
House and may you do the same.”
Lord Dyzag Ronul offering his terms. Lycanthropic Cockroach Swarm (CR 1, 200 XP). Use
the swarm of insects monster entry with the follow-
The lord and the villagers remain in the watchtower ing modifications:
until the characters return with the cache. At this
point, the lord humbly begs the characters to clear •T
 he lycanthropic cockroach swarm’s bite spreads
Ronul’s End and deal with the hag across the bay at flesh rot disease. A creature bitten by the swarm
the North Bay Lighthouse. He is willing to offer the must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or
other half of the cache to the characters if they have become affected as if targeted by the flesh rot dis-
retaken the village and driven the hag away. ease of a contagion spell.

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• Its bites also spread werecockroach lycanthropy. If a drowned in the lake when they tried to flee the area
target that is bitten is a humanoid, it must succeed and have returned as water ghouls, attacking every
on DC 11 Constitution saving throw or be cursed living soul within and around the lake.
with werecockroach lycanthropy.
The four werecockroach soldiers hiding in the build- A sizable damaged rowing boat, able to fit eight medi-
ing are alerted to the characters and will join the um creatures, has been washed ashore on the south-
fray from stealth in their hybrid forms. ern shore of the pond.

Werecockroach. Use the wererat monster entry with The Monastery of Past Lives sits on a small island
the following modifications: at the center of Talanar’s Pond. It is in a hastily
abandoned state, stripped of valuables and anything
• T he werecockroach has a climb speed of 30 ft. of use.
• It is immune to disease.
• It has AC 16 (chain shirt, shield) A secret door within a pantry leads to a staircase
• It has a Strength score of 15. that descends 150 feet, deep into the ground, leading
• Shapechanger. The werecockroach can use its ac- to an earth node. The node is composed of natural
tion to polymorph into a cockroach-humanoid hy- caves that sparkle with minuscule gemstones of vari-
brid or into a giant cockroach (use the giant wolf ous colors. The whole cave vibrates with energy, and
spider monster entry, but the giant cockroach lacks the gems slowly pulsate with light in all colors of the
the Web Sense and Web Walker abilities and does spectrum.
not deal poison damage), or back into its true form,
which is humanoid. Its statistics, other than its size, Scene
are the same in each form. If characters repair the boat to row across to the
• Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The island or otherwise disturb the waters, eight water
werecockroach makes two attacks: one with its ghouls rise from the pond to attack them and try to
melee weapon and one with its bite attack. pull them into the water to drown them. The ghouls
• Spear (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weap- coordinate their ambush and help one another to
on Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 provide advantage to those who attack.
+ 2) piercing damage.
• Bite (Giant Cockroach or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Water Ghoul. Use the ghoul monster entry with the
Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: following modifications:
4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. If the target is a hu-
manoid, it must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution • The water ghoul has a swim speed of 20 ft.
saving throw or be cursed with werecockroach ly- • It is immune to cold damage.
Characters who actively search the premises of the
monastery can uncover the signs of a secret door
10. M o n a s te ry behind a storage shelf if they make a successful DC
20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. The earth node
o f P a s t L ive s under the monastery is the lair of Luriana Karramo-
sa, who has transformed into a large xorn decades
Background ago. The noble has gone completely insane in her
The monks of the Monastery of Past Lives were con- transformation and will attack everyone who ven-
fidantes of House Karramosa and knew about the tures into the node.
origins of the xorn under their home. Most of them

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Luriana Karramosa (CR 4, 1,100 XP). Use the xorn on a DC 16 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check, Uwalda
monster entry with the following modifications: de Santis Robarry notices them and alerts his com-
panions, who prepare for the character’s arrival. The
• L uriana Karramosa is Large size. group will first try to drive the characters off, and if
• Its Strength score is 21. the matter of treasures is raised, the Heroes of Virtue
• It has 91 hit points. will defend their claim.
• Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) piercing damage. S A RD IU S
• Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., TH E RE D
one target. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage.

Various gemstones can be harvested by a character
proficient in smith’s, mason’s, or similar tools. A total
value of 720 gold pieces can be collected from various
gemstones and crystals over an hour’s work.

11. Ca ch e o f
A l m e i ro Ro n u l
Sardius the Red Champion (use the ogre monster
Background with plate armor and AC 18 and wielding a large mag-
The Heroes of Virtue have secured the location of ical greataxe that deals 17 (2d12 + 4) slashing damage
Almeiro’s fabled cache and are currently in the pro- plus 2 (1d4) lightning damage) will engage the charac-
cess of digging it up. Sardius the Red Champion is ters in raging melee with his magic greataxe.
digging the hole, Zhorenim de Santis Robarry kills
time by practicing his whistling techniques, Tasran
Stonesplitter is engaged in studying his spellbook,
while Uwalda de Santis Robarry remains hidden and
on watch at the top of one of the boulders by the site.

The secret treasure is buried 40 steps north from
a sycamore tree that stands between two jagged
boulders in the sloping hillside. A campsite is set up
around a large hole in the ground that is being dug
out by a large lumbering figure in red armor, while
another looks on from the edge of the hole and whis-
tles a tune, and two other figures are seated by the
campsite, one playing with a dagger, the other study­
ing a book.
Uwalda de Santis Robarry (use the spy monster en-
Scene try with 42 hit points) attacks from stealth or from
Unless characters approach in stealth and succeed Sardius’ side.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


If captured and interrogated, characters must suc-
ceed on a DC 17 Charisma (Intimidation) skill check
to get the Heroes of Virtue to reveal the location
of their secret hideout and the kidnapped owlbear
cubs (see location 12.) The shifty villains will still look
to make deals to save their skins and will only dis-
close the information in exchange for a payment of
500 gold pieces per member of their group, as well
as safe passage. Naturally, the Heroes of Virtue will
grasp at every opportunity to double-cross the char-
acters and advance their own treacherous goals.

Z H O RE N IM D E S AN TIS ROB A R RY Almeiro Ronul’s treasure is buried some 15 feet below

ground and is hidden in a giant living clam in hiber-
Zhorenim de Santis Robarry (use the minstrel of the nation that is about 2 feet in diameter. A character
college monster entry with 27 hit points) will sup- who succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) skill
port his brother with his spells and ranged attacks. check knows that the clam would enter a euphoric
state and open if a large amount of salt was applied
to it. Otherwise, it requires a DC 20 Strength ability
check to force it open. When forced in such a way,
or if attacked, the giant clam releases a 15-foot cone
of oily acid spray that deals 7 (2d6) acid damage per
round for 10 rounds or until washed off by at least
half gallon of any type of liquid. A character in the
area of the acid spray can make a DC 13 Dexterity
saving throw to reduce the damage to 3 (1d6) per
round. The clam has AC 17, 24 hit points, a damage
threshold of 5, it has damage resistance against slash-
ing and piercing damage.

Tasran Stoneplitter wears the iron torc of the tower on
TA S RAN STO NE S P L ITTE R his wrist. Almeiro Ronul’s cache consists of a small
golden tobacco box worth 310 gold pieces, a bejew-
Tasran Stonesplitter (use the mage monster entry) eled spyglass made out of ivory worth 670 gold piec-
will hang back and rely on his damaging spells. The es, a large number of pearls of various sizes worth a
wizard uses the iron torc of the tower to defend himself. total of 3,500 gold pieces, and an eyepatch of charming
(that functions as an eyes of charming).
“We are not in the mood
to share! Get lost or we Experience
Award the party 700 experience points if they re-
will fill this hole with cover Almeiro Ronul’s cache and an additional 700
your dead bodies!” experience points for recovering the iron torc of the
Zhorenim de Santis Robarry tower.
shouting at the characters
at the top of his lungs.

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C H A P TE R 4

ability check using thieves’ tools to cut the wires and

12. Ab a n d o n e d L o d g e disable the trap. If the trap is not disabled, the ra-
zor-sharp blade springs out and deals 22 (4d10) slash-
Background ing damage to the character that opened the hatch.
The Heroes of Virtue have captured the younglings The character must also make a DC 16 Constitution
of Grorrarr the owlbear druid from the King’s Forest saving throw or gain the poisoned condition. While
and keep them here in their secret vault. The Heroes poisoned, the character feels nauseated and has dis-
of Virtue are usually on the road, undertaking their advantage on all saving throws for one hour.
schemes and evil deeds. A couple of their henchmen
guard the younglings in their absence, but they have The hatch leads to a steep, 20 feet long staircase
no idea about the cache under the building. dug into the ground. Tasran Stoneplitter has placed
a glyph of warding spell at the bottom of the stairs,
Environment which triggers a confusion spell (DC 15 Wisdom sav-
A small mountain lodge constructed of stone blocks ing throw) if anyone other than the Heroes of Virtue
stands on a hill, a short walk from a crumbling watch- approaches the bottom of the stairs. Characters can
tower. Smoke rises from its chimney, and sounds of find the glyph with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
raucous behaviour can be heard from within. Inside, (Investigation) skill check.
the cabin is sparsely furnished. A cage with two owl-
bear cubs sits in a corner with a bag of dried meat The stairs open to a small cellar, where piles of val-
next to it. The place smells of animal fur and sweat. uables and several small chests take up the entire
space. An additional trap has been placed among the
Scene treasures, in a small container filled with burnt oth-
The Heroes of Virtue have hired four thugs (use the ur fumes. The container is connected by razor-thin
bandit monster entry), Gilas Ghurt, Salis All-Smiles, wires to the pieces of treasure and their containers
Borto the Fist, and Falvor Stickyhands, to look after and is set to open and release the fumes if they are
the owlbear cubs until they return. The four bandits disturbed. Characters can notice the wires under the
are usually engaged in drinking and playing games treasure with a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Percep-
of dice that often lead to violent outbursts. As a re- tion) skill check and may attempt a successful DC 17
sult, the characters gain advantage on their Dexterity Intelligence (Investigation) skill check to trace the
(Stealth) skill checks when approaching the building. wiring, followed by a DC 17 Dexterity ability check
The bandits only fight half-heartedly and surrender using thieves’ tools to cut the wires and disable the
immediately if one of them takes any damage. trap. Additionally, every item, storage container, and
coin has been treated with crawler mucus poison.
The secret vault of the Heroes of Virtue is well-hid- Characters can notice the thin layer of mucus on the
den and well-defended. Characters must search the items with a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)
room and succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investi- skill check. If a character touches any of the valuables
gation) skill check to find the hidden hinges on the with bare hands, they are subjected to the poison.
wooden planks covering the floor in one of the cor-
ners of the cabin. The hatch is also trapped with a Treasure
poisoned blade that slices the fingers of anyone who The treasure of the Heroes of Virtue is made up of a
opens it without first pressing it down three times. sack of 512 silver pieces, three small chests filled with
Characters can notice the blade under the planks a total of 2,977 gold pieces, a small box that contains
with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill 13 platinum bars, a pouch filled with various small
check and may attempt a successful DC 15 Intelli- gems worth a total of 550 gold pieces, and a beauti-
gence (Investigation) skill check to trace the wiring fully decorated wooden box inlaid with silver worth
connected to the blade, followed by a DC 15 Dexterity 50 gold pieces that holds six potions of greater healing.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


13. R o y a l “Why are you not wearing
the insignia of the Order?
H un tin g L o d g e
When did you perform your last
holy sacrifice to the Eternal Light?”
Garandis Truefort, the leader of the clerics entombed Garandis Truefort interrogating
below the Hunting Lodge by the Order of the Eternal the characters in an ancient dialect.
Light has risen as a wraith and massacred the resi-
dents of the lodge, who now roam the building as Treasure
specters. The wraith has claimed the lodge as its own If the characters search the building for at least 10
and kills all living beings who seek shelter within the minutes, they can uncover a few items of value, in-
building. cluding a carving knife fashioned from the antlers
of a stag worth 10 gold pieces, an elaborate wood-
Environment en vase with inscriptions in druidic language worth
The forest trail that leads to the Royal Hunting Lodge 20 gold pieces, a cigar cutter inlaid with diamonds
ends at a high fence with guard posts at the gate to worth 250 gold pieces, and two scrolls of heroes feast.
a fortified compound. The guard posts are empty, as
is the compound and the lodge itself. The whole area
is eerily silent, only pierced by the droplets of rain on 14. Th i ck o f th e Wo o d s
the foliage. The fence can be climbed with a success-
ful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. Background
Since the Midnight Curse has taken hold, a magi-
Inside the compound, the doors of the lodge hang cal effect makes it extremely hard to find one’s way
ajar. The two-story hunting lodge is a lavish affair, through the woods - the illusion makes people be-
decorated with trophies and hides of all manner of lieve they are traveling on the road, but instead, they
beasts and monstrosities. The bodies of several serv- are going around in circles, and an illusionary road
ants, hunters, and travelers lie decaying in the grand leads them deep into the forest. Only expert survival
dining hall of the lodge. skills or strong magic will allow creatures to pro-
gress along the road.
Garandis Truefort haunts the central dining hall of Environment
the lodge. The ex-cleric is hesitant to leave the lodge The Green Road that crosses to Nangrath between
and is biding its time to emerge from the building the King’s Forest and the Thornwoods is soaked and
and explore a land it has not seen for a millennium. covered with puddles, tree branches arching over the
It gathers information about Aglarion before slaying meandering road.
its victims. Seven specters emerge from the walls at
Garandis Truefort’s command to underpin the threat Scene
that it poses. When it has gleaned enough information, The Midnight Curse has enchanted and hidden the
it becomes bored with the characters and attacks. Green Road behind a veil of illusionary terrain, where
the woods are the thickest. The effect is similar to
Garandis Truefort. Use the wraith monster entry a mirage arcane spell. The illusionary but seemingly
with the following modifications: real road takes the traveler deep into the King’s For-
est and continues to meander forever in the hex on
•G  arandis Truefort doesn’t have Sunlight Sensitivity. the eastern side of the road. Characters might get
• It is surrounded by a permanent fire shield spell trapped on the road forever and not realize that they
effect that deals 9 (2d8) radiant damage. are traveling in circles within the woods if they fail

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C H A P TE R 4

on a DC 17 Wisdom (Survival) skill check. On a suc- adventurers, especially after news of the extortionist
cess, the character can discern their relative location tactics of the Heroes of Virtue from the south. He will
in the forest and return to the right path by stepping not reveal any information about Odryk or the stone
off the road into the actual forest. A find the path torc of the tower before the characters mount a rescue
spell also ends the effect for the character. effort to Fort Blackbell, especially for the children re-
cently taken by the gargoyles.

15. N a n g ra th Environment
Nangrath has seen better days. The fortified village
was built out of well-crafted stones, in the dwarven
Outside the Walls style. Most buildings are sturdy and have withstood
the elements well over the millennia since their con-
Background struction. Some houses are empty and abandoned,
The plight of Nangrath is doubled. On the one hand, and a large part of the old stone wall has been taken
the region is the target of constant attacks by gar- apart and used as a resource for repairing Nangrath
goyles from Fort Blackbell (location 17.) who kidnap Bastion, which rises over the circular village.
victims by snatching them into the air with nets. On
the other hand, it is mysteriously raided for valuables Scene
and prisoners at night by a threat unknown to the vil- As the characters arrive at Nangrath, they notice a
lagers. These night attacks are orchestrated by Baka- dwarf trying to lead a baying mule towards the gap
tor the Onyx and its duergar vampire spawn brethren in the village wall. Brungor (use the commoner mon-
from the mining post of Darkstone (location 18.). The ster entry) has been caught outside of the walls, and
defenses of the fortified village are inadequate against four Fort Blackbell gargoyles - Drox, Ptang, Halja, and
the flying monsters and the vampires, who come at Wirkol - from Fort Blackbell have marked him as easy
night, climbing over the walls under cover of darkness prey. The gargoyles are 200 feet from Brungor and
and invisibility. So far, over a hundred citizens have 100 feet from the characters as they fly 15 feet above
been taken by the two forces. As a result, the villagers ground towards the dwarf, who is shouting for help as
are in terror, suspicious of everyone, shuttered inside, he notices the characters. The gargoyles will easily sub-
and the majority would leave the settlement as soon due Brungor and snatch him up in their nets unless the
as the cursed rains subside. The aging dwarf leader of characters intervene. The monsters will choose burlier,
the village, Lord Arenbar Nangrath, is helpless against stronger targets as victims and try to kidnap characters
the double threat. He is in grief over the disappear- rather than kill them. If reduced to half their hit points,
ance of his younger son Yarik, who went to investi- the gargoyles will fly away towards Fort Blackbell.
gate the nighttime kidnappings. And soon afterward,
his elder son Odryk returned home from Onadbyr in Fort Blackbell gargoyle. Use the gargoyle monster
the company of Premil Ronul, who was soon also kid- entry with the following modifications:
napped by the vampires. Odryk gathered a force of
soldiers, adamant about rescuing his lover, and Lord • L ance. Martial Melee Weapon: +4 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Arenbar Nangrath gave his son the stone torc of the one target. Hit: 8 (1d12 + 2) piercing damage.
tower as protection. While eager to send another force • Net. Martial Ranged Weapon: +4 to hit, range 5/15 ft.,
after his sons, the lord cannot spare more soldiers and one target.
is resigned to losing his heirs, only daring to hope that • It wears a bloodstain lilac wreath around its neck
they will return, unaware of the nature of the vampire (see area 2 in location 17.).
threat. He is more concerned with the more tangible
assaults of the gargoyles and the numerous prison- After the characters have dealt with the gargoyle
ers they have kidnapped from the village. He distrusts raiding party and saved Brungor, the dwarf introduc-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


es himself and hurriedly leads the characters to the
gap in the wall, where four guards arrive hastily. At
Brungor’s insistence, they show the characters to the
central keep of the village under armed escort. Brun-
gor hurriedly excuses himself and runs home.

“Thanks be to ye! I hopes ye may

beseech Lord Arenbar to grant ye safe
haven. Ye will need it, and best ye stay
indoors! It be a double plague on CAP TA IN ICK FO RG E - N - H A M ME R
Nangrath, from the air and at night.”
“We can’t spare any more soldiers
Brungor stuttering as he hurries home from the keep. on deadly errands, my Lord. We
must do with what we have as
always, and do we will! Let my back
Council with
Lord Arenbar Nangrath break and beard fall out if we don’t!.”
Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer
Scene encouraging the aging Lord.
The keep’s gates are locked from inside and are soon
opened to the characters, where an additional four
guards lead them to a council chamber decorated with
dwarven heirlooms and antique furniture. The wiz-
ened Lord Arenbar Nangrath (use the veteran monster
entry) shuffles in after a few minutes, looking worn
and pale. The Lord is accompanied by Captain Ick
Forge-n-hammer, the somewhat shabby-looking com-
mander of the Nangrath soldiers, a battle-hardened
dwarf in armor with a half-smoked cigar in his mouth.
Lord Arenbar Nangrath is engrossed in the problems
faced by the village and looks with distrust on all
outside influences, like the characters. At first, Lord
Arenbar will tersely ask the characters to introduce L O RD A RE NB A R N AN G RATH
themselves and their reason for visiting Nangrath. If
they mention the torcs of the tower, the Lord with- “It pains me to force your hands,
draws even further into himself and will not share
but I will not take you upon mere
any information about the torc or his son Odryk. He
explains that the village is plagued by the constant at- words. You must first aid Nangrath
tacks of the gargoyles from Fort Blackbell and strange against the gargoyle menace that has
disappearances at night that are not surely connected worn our ranks thin, and only after
to the flying raids of the gargoyles. The characters can you have proven yourselves reliable,
provide him with an easy solution to the first, more
concrete problem. He will keep the information about
will I reveal what you seek.”
Odryk and the torc as leverage against the characters Lord Arenbar Nangrath setting an ultimatum
until they assist the village. when characters first meet him.

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“Nangrath thanks you

Once the characters defeat the gargoyles at Fort Black-
bell and return with the survivors, Lord Arenbar will for your deeds that have
share the details regarding the disappearances of his been forged in steel and
son Yarik and Premil Ronul, as well as Odryk’s excur- stone. It is only fitting
sion with a force of soldiers, wearing the stone torc that I bestow the stone
of the tower. He shares his suspicions that the threat
originates in the north, probably from the caverns un-
torc of the tower to you, as a symbol of
der the Vordan Mountains that were dwarven mining your steadfastness and the favor that
sites in the times of his forebears. He fears some dark our town owes you. I pledge our hands
force ascended from the deeper caverns of the moun- to you. Raise the torc, when you will,
tains. He will gladly offer directions to mining posts,
and Nangrath shall stand with you!”
including Darkstone, and promises the torc to the
characters as payment if they can find out the nature Lord Arenbar Nangrath pledges the aid of the village
of the threat and recover those who have disappeared. to the characters after they have dealt with both the
gargoyles and the vampire spawn.
“I can only hope that you
will find Yarik and Odryk, Award the party 700 experience points if they rescue
if the Inevitable has not the prisoners from Fort Blackbell and 700 experience
yet claimed their souls. points if they rescue Odryk and recover the stone torc
But beware the dark passages. of the tower from Darkstone.
Our kin have long abandoned them
to the hazards of the deeper caverns. 16. F o rt S to rmb reake r
If you can deal with them, and reclaim
the torc, it is yours to keep.” Background
The two Vordani families stationed at the ruins of
Lord Arenbar Nangrath sharing his knowledge Fort Stormbreaker in large tent dwellings have been
of the mines around Darkstone after the hard-hit by the effects of the Midnight Curse. They
characters have defeated the gargoyles. have sent a few family members north across the
mountains, some of them have been taken by Baka-
Once characters have defeated Bakator the Onyx and tor and the vampire spawns to Darkstone, and now
the vampire spawns, have collected Yarik’s body, and only a lone watcher, Sarfag Fiveteeth remains at the
have recovered the stone torc of the tower from Baka- ruins. The old Vordani is disheartened by trauma
tor, Lord Arenbar Nangrath keeps his word. He is and being stranded at the fort, under the nighttime
eternally grateful for the characters’ heroic exploits. attacks.
He gives the torc to them as promised, along with a
favor that they can claim in the future. Proctor Zacchaeus Bael is a member of a sect of the
Efficient Master called “The Pure.” He arrived with
four acolytes recently and is camping at the ruins.
The Pure are capable of spellcasting just like any
other priest, but they refrain from using magic to
advance themselves in life. Proctor Zacchaeus Bael,
the soft-spoken half-orc cleric, a considerate person
of great wisdom, has come north and plans to cross
into Vordan Mountains to evangelize the Vordani

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


family tribes one by one and turn them to the faith
of the Efficient Master. Unfortunately, King Ralukkar
of Vordan has learned about the missionaries and
forbade them to enter his mountainous lands. Proc-
tor Zacchaeus Bael tries to calm Sarfag with reason,
which he is unable to do. Two acolytes - Jimri and
Hora - have been taken by the vampires on a recent
raid, and the cleric is planning a rescue mission to
save his missing acolytes.

Four tents are set up by the ruins of the ancient fort
that was dismantled over a hundred years ago to
commemorate the truce between Vordan and Aglar-
ion. Two of the tents are huge yurt-style tents made S A R F A G F IVE TEE TH
of linen that housed the two Vordani families living
here, while two are merely smaller camping tents “Grey dwarves in the black night,
that have been set up alongside the larger ones.
with a white gleam in their
Scene eyes, red blood! I saw them
Sarfag Fiveteeth can be found in one of the large I tell you, harbingers of
yurts, mumbling to himself about grey dwarves that the red moon they are!
come in the night and snatch the members of his Demons and devils spawned
family with inhuman strength, taking them towards
by the mountain!”
the canyon to the northwest. The aged barbarian is
stubborn but indecisive, and is distraught, not hav- Sarfag Fiveteeth ranting with crazed eyes.
ing slept for days.
Proctor Zacchaeus Bael (use the priest monster
Sarfag Fiveteeth. Use the berserker monster entry entry) emerges to greet newcomers to the camp,
with the following modifications: along with the two remaining acolytes, Kirzan and
Operin. They do not know of the nature of the vam-
• S afrag Fiveteeth has a Strength score of 12, Dexter- pire threat, since their fellow sect members were
ity score of 8, and Constitution score of 13 due to taken from their tent in the night, silently and with-
his age. out any traces. Proctor Zacchaeus Bael tries to apply
• He has 49 hit points logic and reason to the situation but is yet unde-
• Vordani Ripper. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach cided on believing the mad mumblings of the old
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d8 + 1) slashing damage. Vordani barbarian.

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C H A P TE R 4

17. F o rt B l a ckb e l l
Almost a century ago, Fort Blackbell served a critical
role in the wars against the Vordani invaders from
the north, alerting the chain of battlements to the
coming of the barbarian hordes with a magical bell
that rang out along the fortified border as far as the
Talanar Hills. After the truce of King Boldizzar with
Vordan, the fort was gradually abandoned, its walls
still intact and functional, the gargoyle statues silent-
ly keeping watch on the northern mountains.
The Midnight Curse has had an unusual effect on the
“Measure the Vordani’s words statues that decorated the ramparts, turning them
into living gargoyles that hunt the surrounding area
with grains of salt. The poor soul
and prey on the citizens of Nangrath. The gargoyles
has lost his flock and has been emptied have lured a gorgon into the central tower of the
of the Efficient Master’s inspiration. fort and locked it in. The flying monsters deposit cap-
Can one translate the words of tured victims they deem worthy - those they don’t
a mad man? And can one believe them? eat - into the tower, where the gorgon turns them to
stone. Due to the curse, the petrified victims are im-
What do your insights tell you?” mediately transformed into more gargoyles to per-
Proctor Zacchaeus Bael explaining his petuate the tribe. The gargoyles also cultivate a nar-
dilemma to the characters and his acolytes. cotic flowering plant called bloodstain lilac that they
use to more easily subdue their victims and snatch
Proctor Zacchaeus Bael and his acolytes join the them from the surrounding lands.
characters if they tell them about the disappearanc-
es in Nangrath and the path Odryk Nangrath took to Environment
save his love. The fort’s massive walls enclose an area 200 by 300

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


feet in length, with a central watchtower that rises Environment
to a soaring height of 60 feet. The walls are mostly The buildings have mostly crumbled through a cen-
intact, as are the fort’s gates, but they have been over- tury of neglect, just shells without ceilings. The walls
grown by vines on the inside, destroying the wooden and door of the larger lumber shop have withstood
ramparts and the stairs to reach them. Some broken the elements and are still intact.
and intact gargoyle statues decorate the tops of the
walls and towers, sitting lifeless and guarding the fort. Jammed Door. The door to the workshop opens
inwards and is made of thick, sturdy wood fitted
Walls. The imposing wall around the fort was built with iron hinges and handles. It is not locked, but
out of basalt blocks. It is 20 feet high and 10 feet it is jammed after becoming waterlogged over the
thick. Due to the many holes and its chipped surface, years. It can be forced open with a successful DC
it only requires a successful DC 10 Strength (Athlet- 20 Strength ability check. The door has AC 15, 25 hit
ics) skill check to climb it. points, a damage threshold of 5, it has damage resist-
ance against slashing and piercing damage, and dam-
Gates. These massive, enforced double wooden gates age immunity against poison and psychic damage.
(20 by 20 feet) can be locked by a heavy sliding bolt
latch of rusty iron. They have AC 17, 70 hit points, a Well. The well at the yard of the outbuildings is filled
damage threshold of 5, they have damage resistance with water but tainted by sight rot disease.
against slashing and piercing damage, and damage
immunity against poison and psychic damage. They Scene
can be forced open with a successful DC 25 Strength A flock of crows nest in the larger building. Unless
(Athletics) skill check. a character opens the door with a successful DC 12
Dexterity (Stealth) skill check, the birds are disturbed
Scene and take to the skies through the empty ceiling,
If alerted or if they notice the characters, the two alerting the gargoyles in the fort to the intrusion.
Fort Blackbell gargoyles (see section Outside the
Walls in Nangrath) guarding the northern gate tow- Treasure
er fly out to attack, joined by two additional Fort The workshops still contain some of the tools used
Blackbell gargoyles from the southern gate tower. for repairs, which were too cumbersome to carry
The rest of the flock, including the alpha of the tribe, or no longer needed as spares. These include sets of
Blackwing Solara, arrive after 3 rounds. carpenter’s tools, smith’s tools, leatherworker’s tools,
and weaver’s tools.
Their tactics involve using their long spears to keep
their distance and attack from reach of their blood-
stain lilac wreaths to exhaust their victims, who can
2. N O R TH E R N G A TE
then be snatched up with nets and thrown to the
gorgon in the central watchtower, or even dropped TO WE R
to their deaths from great heights.
The massive gate fortifications still stand, their gate
1. O U TB U I L D IN G S tower rising to 20 feet. However, time has ravaged
the insides of the tower once the ceiling collapsed,
Background letting the elements into the building. The circular
The tower’s outbuildings housed the service staff stairs leading up to the battlements along the inner
and workshops of the fort, including woodworking, walls of the tower have collapsed and are unusable.
weaving, smithing, and leatherworking shops. The door of the tower is closed but not locked.

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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Scene feedings are slaughtered, butchered, and devoured in
Two Fort Blackbell gargoyles, Sharz and Trokk, sit front of their eyes.
motionless at the tops of the towers, seemingly part
of the decorations. If alerted to intruders, the gar- Environment
goyles fly out to attack when the characters reach The charnel house is a 15-foot tall building, whose
the gates or disturb the workshops. floor is covered in blood and gore, with butchered
corpses strewn around. The doors of the building
Bloodstain Lilac Wreath. This wreath of flowers emits hang ajar. Inside, the gargoyles collect inedible parts
a sweet odor for one day after being freshly woven. in a mound in one corner and the skulls of their vic-
The odor drains the energy from anyone in their vi- tims as trophies in another. The stench of rotting
cinity. Any creature within 10 feet who can smell the meat permeates the room, churning the stomach.
flowers must make a successful DC 8 Constitution Five cages hold the prisoners.
saving throw or become poisoned. As long as the crea-
ture is poisoned, it gains three levels of exhaustion. Scene
Bloodstain lilacs can only impose up to three levels There are four victims in the cages - two children
of exhaustion on a creature, even with multiple expo- named Cleoror and Pollanrda, a wizened dwarf carpen-
sures. The creature remains poisoned until a long rest. ter named Theodron Turmash, and a young accountant
named Vivee Rose (use the commoner monster entry
for each of them). The prisoners are traumatized, fam-
ished, disease-ridden, and exhausted, forced to eat raw
meat thrown to them by their savage guards. A single
TO WE R Fort Blackbell gargoyle, Krinshor, guards the prisoners
and is engaged in cleaning the skulls of victims for the
Environment trophy mount. If alerted by sounds of battle outside,
The southern gate tower is the same as the northern the gargoyle flies out to join the fray.
tower gate.

Scene 5. L A I R O F TH E A L P H A
Two Fort Blackbell gargoyles, Dreela and Groff, are
fighting over the right to eat a helpless dwarven pot- Background
ter from Nangrath, Killgream Druntak (use the expert This building functioned as the smithy and armory of
monster entry), who lies unconscious within the tower. the fort. It now serves as the lair of the alpha of the
If alerted to intruders, the gargoyles leave Killgream’s flock, Blackwing Solara, a female of the tribe who has
body and fly out to join the fight to defend the fort. slain the previous alpha male to become the lead-
er. Solara spends her time weaving the wreaths of
bloodstain lilacs when not engaged in transforming
4. CH A R N E L H O U S E prisoners into gargoyles or feeding on them.

Background Environment
This large squat building served as the fort’s barracks, The door to this large squat, 20-foot tall building is
housing hundreds of soldiers in times of war. Now, open and ajar. The building’s corner foundations have
the building is a charnel house, where the monsters collapsed in a few places, causing the walls to lean in
keep prisoners, who are not deemed appropriate for slightly. A large furnace stands in shambles along the
transformation into their ranks, as food sources. Kid- northern wall. The body of a male gargoyle lies on
napped victims are held exhausted in shoddy cages, the floor in a dried pool of blood, kept as a reminder
and the unfortunate ones who are chosen for daily to the rest of the tribe of Solandra’s dominance.

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C H A P TE R 4

Scene Scene
Blackwing Solara nests in this building and weaves The three prisoners are all from Nangrath, singled
her wreaths. She emerges to decide the fate of new out by the gargoyles for their large statures. The
victims brought to the fort and oversees the trans- prisoners are a burly dwarven soldier named Larkorg
formations of worthy specimens into new gargoyles. Tighboot (use the guard monster entry), a bugbear
If alerted by sounds of battle outside, Blackwing So- smith named Kranfar Burr, and an orc maid named
lara flies out to lead her tribe. Shurgarsh Muskbone. They are all exhausted and
have suffered three levels of exhaustion due to the
Blackwing Solara (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the gargoyle effects of the bloodstain lilac and whimper weakly
monster entry with the following modifications: for aid when the characters approach.

• B lackwing Solara’s Strength is 19. Bloodstain Lilac Bush. The flowers of this large bush
• It has 86 hit points. emit a sweet odor that drains the energy from an-
• It has AC 16 yone in their vicinity. Any creature that enters the
• Lance. Martial Melee Weapon: +6 to hit, reach 10 ft., room must make a successful DC 15 Constitution
one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) piercing damage. saving throw or become poisoned. As long as the
• Net. Martial Ranged Weapon: +6 to hit, range 5/15 ft., creature is poisoned, it gains three levels of exhaus-
one target tion. Bloodstain lilacs can only impose up to three
• It wears a bloodstain lilac wreath around its neck. levels of exhaustion on a creature, even with multi-
ple exposures. The creature remains poisoned until
“You came to join the flock and you a long rest. The bloodstain lilac flowers continue to
emit their odor for one day after being picked from
shall be transformed by the beast!”
the bush.
Blackwing Solara intimidating
the characters before battle.
7. TH E G O RG O N'S L A I R
6. B L O O D S TA IN G A R D E N Background
The 60-foot tall central watchtower of the fort was
Background a place of military command and the host of the
The former stable of the fort is now a prison for those magical bell that was used to alert the north to the
victims of the gargoyles who are awaiting their trans- arrival of the Vordani hordes. The tower was aban-
formation, the largest of the monsters’ prey. A patch doned long ago, crumbling and in serious disrepair.
of bloodstain lilac grows in the corner, where the After the Midnight Curse took hold, the awakened
roof had collapsed long ago. Three prisoners are held gargoyles found a gorgon at the foothills of the Shan-
here in the enervating fumes of the flowers. dar Mountains. They managed to lure the beast into
the fort to imprison it in the central watchtower by
Environment barricading the tower’s gate with boulders. Those
The building is messy and ramshackle. Its large north- “lucky” victims lowered into the tower that aren’t
ern door is open, while the southern door is shut. The immediately slain by the trampling charge of the rag-
ceiling has collapsed in the southeastern corner of ing beast are transformed into gargoyles when they
the room, and a large, 20-foot wide bush is growing, succumb to the gorgon’s petrifying breath. The gar-
sprouting blood-red flowers that perfume the room goyles fly into the chamber of the tower from its top
in a sweet odor. The room contains three cages with and throw victims to the ground from 10 feet in the
prisoners slumped inside. air, out of reach of the gorgon’s horns.

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Environment The Black Bell. If repaired and hoisted once per day,
The outer gate of the tower is unlocked but entirely the bell can be rung to create a toll that reverberates
blocked by an immense mound of stone blocks. In- across the land. The low humming sound of the bell
side, the remaining furniture, stone statues of war- can be heard and felt clearly for 100 miles despite
riors, and marble columns lie scattered and broken the distance.
around the room as a result of the rampages of the
gorgon. Corpses litter the ground, mangled and bear-
ing signs of the gorgon’s gore attacks, partly obscured
by a thin mist that sits at the bottom of the tower,
filling the chamber with an acrid odor. A huge black
bell dominates the center of the room, broken from
its fall from the ceiling above, which has also col-
lapsed over the years.

Two Fort Blackbell gargoyles, Kila and Forgo, sit mo-
tionless on the parapets of the watchtower, seem-
ingly part of the decorations. Kila is surveying the
eastern approach while Forgo looks west. The pair fly
out to join their tribe if alerted.

The gorgon is trapped in the tower. It stomps its

hooves and assumes a charging stance when any
creature appears at the top of the tower. The beast
has not been broken by its confinement and rages
around the room, seeing red, and attacking anyone
and everything in its path.

If the gorgon’s petrifying breath turns a humanoid

creature to stone, they transform into a gargoyle at
the start of the following round. The target’s game
statistics, including mental ability scores, alignment,
and personality are replaced by those of a gargoyle.
A remove curse or greater restoration spell or other
magic that removes petrification can reverse the

The Black Bell of the tower is cracked in many plac-
es from the fall from the rafters. However, it still
retains a magical aura that can be discerned with
detect magic. It is possible to repair the bell. How-
ever, characters would need to transport it to the
smithy outside the fort and to get the furnace work-
ing again. The bell weighs 2000 pounds.

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C H A P TE R 4

18. D a rks to n e tion and gave the stone torc of the tower to Odryk as
protection. They managed to find tracks that led to
Background the ancient mining areas and to Darkstone. Howev-
The ancient and well-fortified dwarven mining and er, their assault on the fortified trading post failed
trading post is now inhabited by duergar vampires, miserably, and the vampires captured Odryk. His
spawns of the drow vampire conjurer, Faeryl Myrryn, only solace is to be united with Premil in imprison-
who has sent orders from the Abyss to her spawn to ment. So far, over fifty citizens have been snatched
emerge from their stronghold lair below the Vordan by the vampires from Nangrath, along with several
Mountains. The group is led by Bakator the Onyx, Vordanis from the ruins of Stormbreaker Fort. Most
who was turned by Faeryl Myrryn over five centuries have been drained of their blood but some have been
ago. Bakator and its tribe are kidnapping villagers kept alive as blood banks for later feedings.
from Nangrath to sate their blood hunger and glean
information about the Midnight Curse. They have Environment
grown bolder with the arrival of the curse, as the vil- Darkstone is located deep underground, accessible
lagers of Nangrath and the Vordanis at Stormbreaker from one of the many caves that mark the lower
fort are essentially held in place by the choking rain. slopes of the Vordan Mountains. To reach the aban-
Among their first targets was Lord Adebar Nangrath’s doned onyx mine, one must delve deep below the
younger son Yarik, whom Bakator drained on the way surface, a journey of almost a mile in the natural
back from a raid, and hid his corpse under a rock. On and artificial rock tunnels. The 60-foot wide tunnel
the next raid, the vampires kidnapped Thermerson that arrives at Darkstone from the surface leads into
the Wise, looted his magic shop, and also snatched the cave on the north. The architecture of all build-
Premil Ronul, the young noble from Onadbyr who ings is of sturdy dwarven design that has withstood
fled to Nangrath with his lover Odryk Nangrath. The the ages. The chambers have a silent, abandoned feel,
vampire spawn have been kidnapping victims from made gruesome by the myriad corpses that litter the
both locations almost on a nightly basis. ground, pale and drained of their blood.

Odryk, distraught and headstrong, decided to act. He Doors. These massive stone doors in areas 2, 3, 4, and
convinced a group of young soldiers to join him in 6 can be locked by heavy sliding bolts latches made of
tracking down the menace with hopes of saving his iron. They have AC 17, 40 hit points, a damage thresh-
brother and Premil. Seeing his son’s unshakable re- old of 10, they have damage resistance against slash-
solve, Lord Arenbar Nangrath agreed to the expedi- ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing,

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poison, and psychic damage. They can be forced open on the inside wall of the cave. The gate has AC 17,
with a successful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill 150 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, it has dam-
check. age resistance against slashing damage, and damage
immunity against piercing, poison, and psychic dam-
Scene age. They can be forced open with a successful DC 25
On the way to Darkstone, a character who makes a Strength (Athletics) skill check. The area covered by
successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check can the stalagmites of the northern entrance to the cave
notice the toes of a boot sticking out from under a count as difficult terrain.
boulder on the side of a mountain pass. The stone
weighs 450 pounds and can be lifted with a successful Scene
DC 20 Strength ability check, to reveal the pale corpse Four swarms of bats are resting, hanging from the
of a young dwarf, seemingly crushed by the rock. The stalactites of the cave’s ceiling. The bats will swarm
clothes of the young dwarf are of exceptional quality to attack living targets who approach the gate to the
and feature the crest of Nangrath with the monogram mine proper (area 5) or the area between the two
Y.N. Upon closer inspection, a character who succeeds guard towers.
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check can
discover two small bite marks on the corpse’s neck. The eight quasits hide within the bat swarms, at-
A character who makes a successful DC 14 Wisdom tacking the characters in bat form. Each swarm hides
(Medicine) skill check can diagnose the cause of death two quasits. Characters can make a successful DC 15
as blood loss rather than the crush of the rock. Wisdom (Perception) skill check after each success-
ful hit from the demons every round to pinpoint a
quasit among the bats and be able to target it.
Background 2. N O R TH E RN
The main cavern that houses the trading fort is a G UARD POST
vast cave that the dwarves of Nangrath have long
abandoned. It has a dead, empty atmosphere. Eight
quasits were granted to Bakator by Faeryl Myrryn as Environment
spies. The minor fiends are in bat form, hiding among The guard posts of the caves have stood the test of
the hundreds of bats on the cave ceiling. time, monuments to the craftsmanship of dwarfs
from centuries past. The posts are 20 feet tall, with
Environment battlements on the top that can be reached through
The cave is still fortified, its passages guarded by an ladders and trapdoors from the ground floor. Ramps
immense wall on the southern side where the exit lead to the entrances of the towers, which are shut
from the cave continues into deeper regions and a from the cave by heavy stone doors. A heavy ballis-
natural stalagmite obstacle in the north where the ta turret sits on top of each battlement, featuring
tunnel from the surface enters. The cave reaches a a seat, a long box, and a churning mechanism with
height of 40 feet, its ceiling a rough surface of sta- multiple wheels and pedals built into its frame.
lactites covered by bats. Fresh and decaying corps-
es, bones, and large pools of dried blood cover the Scene
ground. Some corpses are impaled on the stalagmites Gorank, a duergar vampire spawn guards the cave,
that rise to block the northern passage into the cave. sitting in the functional automatic heavy ballista
pointed toward the northern entrance. As soon as
Southern Gate. These massive stone gates (25 by 20 the characters enter the cave, Gorank starts firing at
feet) can be opened and closed using a winch wheel them and alerts the other vampires in area 4.

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Duergar Vampire Spawn. Use the vampire spawn
3. S O U TH E R N
monster entry with the following modifications:
• The duergar vampire spawn has AC 18 (scale mail).
• It has damage resistance to poison. Environment
• It speaks Drawish and Undercommon. Same as area 2, but the door to the tower is open.
• It has advantage on saving throws against poi-
 The heavy ballista turret is pointing to the southern
son, spells, and illusions, as well as to resist being gate and is broken, its string snapped, chains hanging
charmed or paralyzed. loose, and wooden parts charred.
• While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on Wisdom
(Perception) skill checks that rely on sight.
• Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest): For 1 4. TRA D E H A L L
minute, the duergar vampire spawn can increase
in size, along with anything it is wearing or carry- Background
ing. While enlarged, it is large, doubles its damage The immense central building of the mining base was
dice on Strength-based weapon attacks, and makes used to store, measure, and trade the uncut carts of
Strength ability checks and Strength saving throws onyx that were mined below the outpost.
with advantage. If it lacks the room to become large,
it attains the maximum size possible in the space Environment
available. This large hall is 15 feet tall, constructed of onyx.
• Invisibility (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest): The Inside, the chamber is mostly empty, dominated by
duergar vampire spawn magically turns Invisible un- a massive equal-arm beam scale that can measure
til it attacks, casts a spell, or uses its enlarge ability, 1,000 pounds of weight. Several iron cubes of differ-
or until its concentration is broken, up to 1 hour (as ent sizes sit next to the scale - standardized counter-
if concentrating on a spell). Any equipment it wears weights. A few mining carts are spread around the
or carries is invisible with it. room, some empty, others still holding their cargo of
uncut onyx stones, one with spilled contents. Half a
Heavy Ballista Turret. A heavy ballista made of metal dozen corpses in various stages of decay are spread
and wood, featuring mechanical firing and loading along the ground, lying in pools of blood, seemingly
parts, is mounted on a turret’s top of the guard tow- drained of their blood.
er. A heavy ballista turret is a large object that has AC
18, 95 hit points, damage immunity to poison, psychic Scene
damage. It is a ranged weapon that fires heavy bolts When not resting in the boxes stored in the secret
with a range of 150/600 ft. that deal (22) 5d8 pierc- cache chamber at area 7, Bakator the Onyx and two
ing damage. For a shooter sitting in the chair affixed other duergar vampire spawns named Forgaz and
to the ballista, it takes one move action to load the Klengart, can be found here, plotting their next raid
weapon by cranking a wheel, and one attack action on Nangrath. If altered by Gorank, the three spawns
to aim and fire it. The turret provides three-quarters rush out to attack intruders.
cover from any ranged attacks launched from the
direction it faces.

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Secret Door. A secret door leads to the hidden cache

of the miners and the coffins of the vampire spawns.
Characters must make a successful DC 20 Wisdom
(Perception) skill check to find the small hand-size
panel on the wall that can be pressed to open the
door to area 7.

6. B L OO D B A N K
Used as a resting chamber for the miners in the past,
B A KATO R TH E O N Y X the room currently serves as a blood bank for the
vampires, where they hold victims to slowly drain
“This is our domain now and them of blood before they eventually perish from ex-
the place of your demise! Give your haustion. Currently, only the two nobles - Premil Ro-
nul and Odryk Nangrath - and Thermerson the Wise
blood willingly or die to feed the
are alive and manacled among the corpses that litter
thirst of the Blood Queen!” the room. The vampires interrogate them regularly
Bakator the Onyx before it engages the characters. about the events and powers in Aglarion, while feed-
ing on their blood.
Bakator wears a suit of demon armor, bestowed to it Environment
by Faeryl Myrryn, the key to area 5 on a chain, and The chamber is filled with the stench of death and
the stone torc of the tower. The crates of uncut onyx excrement. Corpses litter the ground, and the entire
are worth 200 gold pieces and weigh 100 pounds. room is covered in blood, gore, rags of clothing, and
Award the party 700 experience points for recovering Scene
the stone torc of the tower. The two young nobles Premil Ronul and Odryk Nan-
grath are sitting along the walls, in manacles, whim-
pering and cowering in each other’s embrace. They
5. O N Y X M IN E are famished, exhausted, and near death but still cling-
ing to life together. Thermerson the Wise, the elderly
Background mage, lies unconscious but still alive in a corner.
The mines of Darkstone were abandoned long ago
due to mysterious circumstances and the mines When rescued, the nobles and the wizard are eter-
were collapsed by the dwarves (see Darkstone Mines nally grateful and request protection until they reach
in Chapter 6). the walls of Nangrath. Thermerson the Wise is also
concerned for the safety of his employee Maximus
Environment Labramen, who ventured to the Battlefields of Torak
The mineshaft begins behind a closed stone gate, for (location 24.). before the wizard was captured. He
which Bakator holds the key. The shaft runs for 80 is cloaked and mysterious, usually waiting to speak
feet before ending in a crumble of stones. It features when everyone has finished and after he has had a
a rail for mining carts and is supported by stone pil- chance to evaluate all angles first. He is a planner and
lars and arches. The shaft is empty and dead silent. strategist and uses cunning and wit in the weaving

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


of his plans, often advising Lord Arenbar Nangrath or Treasure
the mage’s old friend Captain Ick Forge-h-hammer, The coffins contain 682 gold pieces, 421 silver pieces,
the commander of the Nangrath soldiers. 42 beautifully cut onyx stones, each worth 10 gold
pieces. Bakator’s coffin additionally contains the in-
ventory stolen from Thermerson’s magic shop: an
arrow of giant slaying, a decanter of endless water,
a water elemental gem. On the top of the treasure lies
the onyx statuette of a female demonic drow figure,
with bat wings and pointed fangs, bearing a rune
done in seemingly fresh blood on a marble plate on
its base. Characters with a successful DC 18 Intelli-
gence (History or Religion) skill check can recognize
the symbol of Faeryl Myrryn, the ancient drow vam-
pire conjurer known as the Blood Queen. The statue
is worth 250 gold pieces.


“Blessing of the Wondermaker for

rescuing the young Lords and I. Not
sure how long we would have lasted if
you hadn’t come. Those damned blood
suckers stole my wares, which I must
find in all haste! They are yours at half
price if you help me find them.”
Thermerson the Wise offering a discount to the
characters for retrieving his magical goods.

19. Cro s s ro a d s
Background A venerable oracle named Cloviart has gone com-
The secret cache room of the mine has been turned by pletely mad due to the Midnight Curse and the mad-
Bakator into the place of the vampire spawns’ coffins. dening dreams he has started to experience recently.
He also suffers from a severe case of insomnia. The
Environment old prophet has settled next to the crossroads in a
Four stone boxes with plain lids and metal hinges sit small shanty he made for himself out of branches.
in this room. The walls of the room are completely Out of hopelessness, Cloviart started venerating all
covered in blood and the spaces between the boxes the deities indiscriminately, claiming that the gods
are filled with dead bodies - some freshly slain, some instructed him to find a place where he could give
rotting away, and some merely shriveled husks. people directions.

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A small hovel has been erected haphazardly by the 20. G o r s o
large signpost at the crossroads that has all the signs
removed. A man sits inside, sheltered from the rain. The Background
man wears rags and holy symbols from all the gods of The Midnight Curse has only exacerbated the al-
Aglarion, as well as some amulets that don’t belong to ready unraveling conditions in Gorso. Many of
any deity, ranting madly with a crazed expression. the villagers and even some members of the Gor-
so household have fled the village after the arrival
Scene of the curse and due to the unnatural behavior of
Cloviart, the mad oracle, stands when he sees trav- the noble house. Lord Ziademos Gorso has been or-
elers approach. He starts ranting vehemently about chestrating a scheme to impregnate as many of the
his dreams and portents of doom. He is eager to give women who live in the village or come through in
directions, inspired by real and made-up deities, and their travels. He also goads his plentiful offspring
confidently points the characters in random direc- to bear progeny, thereby spreading his bloodline of
tions. He says he hears a continuous cackle in his chaos. These individuals are often offered relatively
dreams, making him unable to sleep, but that the large sums for the “honor” of bearing a Gorso heir,
voices have inspired him to divine powers. and women are usually put up in the keep until the
child is born. However, Lord Ziademos Gorso has
Cloviart. Use the acolyte monster entry with the fol- also passed a new decree that demands that the
lowing modifications: populace offer a receptacle for his seed every week
and has forbidden abortions. This edict has caused
 loviart has the following cleric spells prepared: even more schisms in the village, as many families
• Cantrips (at will): guidance, light, thaumaturgy are unwilling to offer their daughters or wives to
• 1st level (3 slots): create or destroy water, detect the mad lord.
evil and good, sanctuary
Lord Ziademos Gorso has finally acquired a unicorn
in his mad quest to dominate the elements of Law,
procured by Frumby Goldtooth from the Feyrealm.
Lord Ziademos Gorso and his immediate family are
C LOV IA R T now tormenting and experimenting upon the shack-
led and paint-covered creature, which is in a most
pitiful state.

Wild Tale, a flamboyant catfolk merchant and con

artist, has recently settled in the town, hoping to cap-
italize on the Gorsos’ madness. Wild Tale is usually
at the village’s gates, trying to spot travelers and ar-
range liaisons with the Goros for a finder’s fee.
“Do you hear them as well?
Cackles in your dreams…laughing at Gianas Lor’Ghianki, the owner of the Flirty Nymphs
our misery…commanding you to their brothel is happy for the lucrative business of the
Goros. However, he has a serious issue with many
divine will? Do you? I, Cloviart,
of his female employees becoming pregnant by Lord
can interpret their voices and Ziademos Gorso or his sons. Gianas is concerned for
show you where you must go.” the safety of his employees as well as his purse.
Cloviart ranting to the characters.

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Environment brothel and ask them to wait there until he secures a
Gorso is a village that has withdrawn into itself and personal audience with Lord Ziademos Gorso.
the madness of the noble house. It has severed ties
with the outside after the family’s hasty swearing of
allegiance to Queen Aphinah. The great lumber yards
of the village are inoperational, with vast stacks of
timber soaking in the rain. The ferry still runs, how-
ever travelers must get approval and pay an exor-
bitant fee to cross, arranged by the Gorso in their W I L D TA LE
keep. The ruins of a clocktower stand next to the
motte-and-bailey keep that dominates the center of
the village. Several families hurry about their daily
tasks on the streets, eager to get out of the choking
rain and safely inside their houses. The village has
an unnaturally large number of children, many of
whom conjure cantrips at will. They all bear similar
traits that hint at their shared bloodline.
“Greetings to you all, and fortunes soon
to come! You look healthy and capable.
Entering Gorso If you want to earn some gold and don’t
disdain carnal pleasures, I can make it
When characters approach the massive stone walls
worth your while. I mingle in the high-
of the village, they are hailed by a guard captain (use est circles of the local nobility, even
the knight monster entry) of House Gorso from the with Lord Gorso himself. Come, we can
parapets, who demands the characters’ names and arrange terms in the Flirty Nymph.”
reason for visiting Gorso. He explains that the gate
tax is 5 silver pieces per traveler and 1 gold piece for Wild Tale leading up to his offers
vehicles or mounts. If characters pay the toll, the of matchmaking with the Gorsos.
gate is opened, and characters are free to enter the
village. Characters can hear the music and rowdy shout-
ing from inside the Flirty Nymph brothel from afar.
Inside of the gate, Wild Tale (use the spy monster en- The establishment is the only one that is open and
try) calls to the characters and approaches. The cat- serves as the village’s only inn. If characters visit the
folk will see an opportunity in the characters’ arrival brothel, Gianas Lor’Ghianki (use the noble monster
and seek to arrange procreations with members of the entry), the establishment’s proprietor will welcome
Gorso family, especially if characters are female. He them as new guests and potential customers. Many
tells that Lord Ziademos Gorso is a wielder of mighty of the female employees of the brothel are preg-
magics who can bestow magical powers through his nant. Gianas seems cheerful and is exceptionally
progeny and is always eager to provide his seed for deferential to new guests and regarding the Gor-
a reward. He makes no mention of the lord’s erratic sos. However, characters can attempt a successful
and often malicious behavior. However, he can con- DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to notice that
firm that the lord wears a silver torc on his wrist only the tiefling is trying hard to hide his worries and
if the characters specifically inquire about the torc misgivings about the lord. A successful DC 16 Cha-
or Lord Ziademos Gorso’s physical description. The risma (Persuasion) skill check is required for Gi-
catfolk will lead the characters to the Flirty Nymph anas to share the circumstances of his situation.

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If he opens up to the characters, Gianas explains engaged in tormenting and experimenting on his
the current events in and surrounding Gorso. He prized trophy, Preonad, a unicorn with a broken
relates the lord’s madness and the new edicts in horn and fully covered in green paint, held in the
a hushed voice. He tells of the recent expedition family’s private stables in the village. Lord Ziademos
of Wynterheart the traveling counselor and healer, Gorso owns the silver torque of the tower from which
a most kind and knowledgeable elf, into the haunt- he is unwilling to part but does not know about its
ed Thornwoods to uncover the nature of the disap- true purpose.
pearances in the woods.
Gorso Keep is in severe neglect and disrepair. Howev-
er, its stone walls still project an imposing image as
they loom over the village. The family’s house guards
patrol the battlements and gate of the keep at all
times. The keep itself is a relatively simple affair with
a large hall on the ground floor, the family quarters
on the second floor where Lord Ziademos’ numerous
children and grandchildren live in crowded cham-
bers, and the lord’s private chambers on the third

The Gorso stables are just a short walk from the keep.
The large enclosure features a training ground and a
huge open-sided barn, where a dozen horses, a few
farm animals, and Preonad, the unicorn, are kept un-
G IAN A S LO R'G H IAN K I der the close watch of some guards.

“Lord Gorso hasn’t been the same since Scene

If the characters wait for Wild Tale’s return or ap-
the death of the Highlady Urmissa and
proach the keep themselves, they can relatively eas-
his seclusion afterward, some decades ily request an audience with Lord Ziademos Gorso.
ago. They say he locked himself up for They are led into the keep under an escort of six
three years and would not open the Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry). They
door. Not for food, drink, or personal are soon met in the lavishly decorated but decrepit
foyer by Acantha, the eldest Gorso daughter (use
contact. He emerged different, touched
the heir of entropy monster entry). The noble leers
by madness and in service to chaos.” at the characters and gauges her chances of siring
Gianas Lor’Ghianki opening children by them. If the characters pique her inter-
up to the characters in whispers. est or request to see her father, the lord, she leads
the characters and the guards into the large hall
of the keep. Lord Ziademos Gorso is engaged in a
A Wielder of Chaos heated conversation with his son, Xennos, and his
grandson Polyeidos (use the heir of entropy mon-
Background ster entry). The three nobles are watched over by
Lord Ziademos Gorso can usually be found in Gor- Herondar, the lord’s bodyguard (use the knight
so Keep, communing with the Elemental Chaos and monster entry), and four house soldiers (use the
procreating to spread his bloodline. The lord is also guard monster entry).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Lord Ziademos Gorso is disheveled, his toga dirty and will get agitated if pressed and will hear no more of
torn, his open torso covered with sigils. A character the issue.
can identify the markings as those of the Elemental
Chaos with a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana) In either case, Lord Ziademos Gorso will invite the
skill check. He grips the horn of a creature and holds characters to see his most prized possession in the
it as a cudgel, waving as he gestures. Characters who family’s stables. He giggles madly and will not reveal
succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence (Religion) skill check what it is, savoring the surprise. Lord Ziademos Gor-
can determine that the horn is that of a unicorn. The so leads the characters to the Gorso stables outside
lord also wears the silver torc of the tower on his wrist. the keep, accompanied by his three family members
In a totally self-assured and haughty demeanor, Lord (use the heir of entropy monster entry), six guards,
Ziademos Gorso is quite insane in his quest for cha- and Herondar, his bodyguard (use the knight mon-
os. A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom ster entry). On the way, the lord boasts that he saw
the coming of the Midnight Curse through the void,
as well as the arrival of the characters and the test of
their natures. He has cryptic answers to everything,
sometimes in gibberish. When the company arrives
at the stableyard, the lord has Preonad led to him,
in iron shackles, marked with runes, and covered
in green paint. The unicorn is in a pitiful state,
broken by the Gorsos. Lord Ziademos Gorso
cackles and sneers at the celestial be-
ing as he forces the creature’s neck
down with its severed horn.
If the characters intervene,
the lord attacks and or-
ders his underlings to
(Insight) skill check do the same.
can gain an understand-
ing of Lord Ziademos Gor-
so’s character and gauge the
lord as a dangerous, impulsive, and
morally unbound person. If any of the
characters are female, he will immediate-
ly offer to father offspring to the character
for payment of 500 gold pieces and free board-
ing in the castle until the child is born. Characters
can make a successful DC 14 Charisma (Deception or
Persuasion) skill check with advantage to dissuade
the lord of this intention. On a failed check or if he
senses unwillingness, the lord becomes adamant and
will force the issue, attacking and ordering his under-
lings to subdue the characters.

If the silver torc of the tower comes up, the lord will
categorically declare that the torc is not for sale. He

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C H A P TE R 4

breaks out in the village, two additional Gorso heirs

arrive (use the heir of entropy monster entry) along
with six Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry)
every 1d4 minutes.

It is quite easy to secure a “private” meeting with

Lord Ziademos Gorso in the case of anyone who
can bear him a child. These affairs are conducted in
the lord’s private chambers, with Herondar (use the
knight monster entry) standing guard next to the
lord’s bed.

If characters remove the shackles from Preonad, it

immediately teleports away after bowing and tele-
pathically giving thanks.
Preonad is manacled by a set of dimensional shackles.
“I see all through limbo and know all
that is, was, and will be from Creation Experience
in the churning vortex to the return to Award the party 700 experience points for rescuing
the nothingness that is Chaos! My line Preonad and an additional 700 experience points for
cannot be interrupted, you fools!” recovering the silver torc of the tower.

Lord Ziademos Gorso laughing

madly at the characters. 21. Tra ppe d Wo o d s
If combat breaks out in the keep, an additional Gor- Background
so heir arrives (use the heir of entropy monster en- Tonk Wildwander, archdruid of the Seven Thorns,
try) along with two house soldiers (use the guard has tasked one of the other gnome druids, Jelsa Glit-
monster entry) every 1d4 rounds. Likewise, if combat tergem, to cover the Thornwoods with additional

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


spell effects that trap and murder anyone passing
through the forest. The forest is the hunting ground 22. Ci rc l e o f th e
of Jelsa Glittergem, who usually patrols the woods Se ve n Th o rn s
in the form of an eagle, spotting intruders from afar.

Environment Background
The brambles of the aptly named Thornwoods are As the Midnight Curse takes hold, the Seven Thorns
challenging to traverse. The woods are eerily silent have fallen into discord and turned to violence as
until the roar of an animal pierces the silence from their majority believes that the curse is caused by
afar, and the sense of being hunted hangs in the air. the anger of the Eternal Mother towards those who
befoul nature and who do not abide by the druids’
Scene ways. One of the druids, Semolah Bitterleaf, fled the
The overgrown area is considered as difficult natural circle and hid in the Maze of Flowers after he failed
terrain. Jelsa Glittergem (use the seven thorn mon- to challenge Tonk Wildwander for the archdruid posi-
ster entry) has created spiked pit traps all over the tion, which he was craving long before the Midnight
forest floor enhanced by her druidic magics. Curse struck. The Seven Thorns hunt anyone who
comes into or near the forest in dire wolf shape, lead-
Spiked Pit Traps. The 20-foot deep and 5-foot wide ing to several disappearances of loggers from Gorso.
pits have been fashioned by magic and are placed in
natural chokepoints in rocky areas of the forest. The Wynterheart, a courageous traveling counselor and
areas around the pits have been treated with plant healer, ventured into the forest recently, searching
growth spells that slow movement and create a thick for the cause of the recent disappearances, and is
covering of underbrush over the pits. A successful now the captive of the entangling protection of the
DC 19 Wisdom (Perception) skill check discerns the druids’ forest.
pits under the foliage. On a failed save, the character
falls 20 feet and lands prone onto sharpened wooden Environment
stakes that are covered with serpent venom poison. The forest becomes heavily overgrown as one ap-
The stakes’ attack modifier is +10. On a hit, the stakes proaches the central location of the druid circle. The
deal 16 (3d10) piercing damage and the character undergrowth grows to a height of 10 feet and forms
must succeed on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, an almost impassable 300-foot thick wall of branches
taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a failed save, or and dry sickly vines covered by barbed spikes.
half as much damage on a successful one.
The gnomes that comprise the Seven Thorns live
The characters soon gain the attention of three dire around an ancient druid circle of standing stones in
wolves, drawn to any commotion in the forest. The tents covered by animal hides. The henge is intact, its
wolves follow the characters and try to break mem- ancient stones overgrown with a thick layer of moss.
bers off from the group and attack using pack tactics. Druidic markings cover the entirety of the stones un-
Jelsa Glittergem also arrives at the scene. However, der the moss.
she tries to stay hidden and uses spells from afar
before entering the fray in the shape of a dire wolf Scene
alongside the pack. If reduced to half her hit points, The approach to the ancient standing stones is guard-
she retreats and flees to warn her circle. If captured ed by secret druidic magics that have been in place
and interrogated, she remains a true fanatic and for millennia and are only known to the members of
would rather die than betray Tonk Wildwander and the druid circle, passed down since the time when the
the Seven Thorns. circle was known as the Seven Flowers. The warding
protections affect anyone who has not been initiated

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with a ritual known only to the members of the druid


An area with a radius of 300 feet around the stones

had been infused with a permanent spike growth spell
that caused the thick vines of ivy covering all the
trees in this area to sprout hand and sharp spikes.
Characters can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Nature or
Perception) skill check to recognize the terrain as
hazardous before entering it. The area is considered
difficult natural terrain.

An area with a radius of 150 feet from the stones

has been infused with an additional permanent en-
tangle spell that has caused the thick vines of ivy
covering all the trees in this area to animate when
outsiders approach. For every 5 feet characters travel
within this inner area, they must succeed on a DC 16 WY N TE RH E A RT
Strength saving throw or be restrained. A character
restrained by the plants can use its action to make a “Pleeease show kindness and
DC 16 Strength ability check to free itself.
it shall be returned in bounds
Wynterheart (use the priest monster entry) is trapped
by the Eternal Mother…
in the forest by the wards of the stones some 200 feet Help me, I can’t…can’t move…”
from them and moans weakly when the characters Wynterheart begging for aid.
approach. The elven counselor has been stuck for
days, shivering under a makeshift cover, and is eager When freed, Wynterheart is gracious and offers her
to escape. help to explore and eliminate any threats that have
befallen the Thornwoods. She accompanies the party
but retreats from danger when she falls below half
of her maximum hit points.

Five members of the Seven Thorns (use the seven

thorn monster entry) are present in their campsite
at the center of the standing stones. Tonk Wildwan-
der leads the group and directs the druid circle to
attack intruders on sight. The druids’ favorite tac-
tics are casting protective and area control spells,
then transforming into dire wolves or giant eagles
to attack.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


23. Th e M a ze
o f F l o we r s
As a side effect of the Midnight Curse, the magi-
cal flower maze of the Seven Flowers tries to pro-
tect itself and the shrine and has spawned several
shambling mounds that patrol the hedges, keeping
telepathic contact with each other. Semolah Bitter-
leaf, the renegade Seven Thorn druid, has fled to the
shrine and is hiding here, contemplating his next
step. He is unaware that the Portal of the Elements
can be activated and opened to the mysterious path-
way where the Stride of the Elders starts.

TO N K W I L DWAN D E R The magical maze covers a large expanse of the
Thornwoods, in a diameter of a mile. The maze walls
“How dare you invade our sacred forest are thorny bushes, its floors thick vines, and branch-
es cover its ceiling. Flowers continuously blossom
and bring your curse on our lands! We
and die within their confines in the span of a few
are the Seven Thorns! The forests are minutes, as if time flows faster in this location. The
rightfully ours! And our’s alone!” smell of decay is heavy in the air, mixed with the per-
Tonk Wildwander as he notices fumed aromas of flowers. The plants continuously
intruders to the sacred druid circle. grow and move, closing up or opening passages as if
the maze itself was alive.
Once defeated, the zealous gnomes remain reserved
and hateful, hardly speaking or expressing their pain The shrine at the center of the maze, hidden from
or feelings in any way. A character must succeed on above by the cover of the plants, is dedicated to the
a DC 17 Charisma (Intimidation) skill check to pry Eternal Mother. It is a small square building made
out information from the fanatic Seven Thorn druids. up of living plants. Four braziers stand in front of
On a success, the seven thorn proudly confesses how the open arched doorways leading into the shrine
they avenged trespassing from Gorso, instructs the on each of its sides, displaying the four elements in
characters on the history and purpose of their cir- constant motion - an ever-burning flame, a churning
cle, and reveals the locations of the Maze of Flowers clog of earth, a pool of swirling water, and a dancing
(location 23.) and the Garden of Plenty (location 27.). puff of wind. Inside, the shrine is just a small cham-
ber where a beautiful multi-colored orchid grows at
Treasure its center in front of a large stone disk decorated
A small wooden bowl contains 34 blackberries har- with a tree and the four elements surrounding it.
vested from the Garden of Plenty by the druids. The
berries function as those from a goodberry spell with- Portal of the Elements. This two-way portal can be
out any time constraints. activated by applying the four elements to the stone’s
surface - fire, earth, water, and wind. If all four el-
Experience ements are applied to the stone simultaneously,
Award the party 700 XP for rescuing Wynterheart. the portal opens and remains open for two rounds.

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A creature that passes through the Portal of the Ele- 13.). However, he doesn’t know about the Stride of
ments appears on the other side of the portal where the Elders, or how the Midnight Curse the affected
the Stride of the Elders begins (location 43.). these places, except for the machinations of her dru-
id circle at their camp.
Whenever a character enters the maze and inhales
the fumes within, it must make a successful DC 15
Wisdom saving throw or suffer the effects of a confu-
sion spell for one hour. A character can attempt a DC
20 Intelligence ability check every hour to navigate
the maze and find the shrine at its center. If a speak
with plants spell is used to communicate with the
maze, the plants will automatically guide the visitors
to the shrine.

Two shambling mounds with telepathic abilities have

spawned in the maze as its reaction to the Midnight
Curse. The shambling mounds obey the command of
the maze and will be directed to attack intruders,
knowing the exact location of their targets. The maze
can spawn up to two new shambling mounds every
hour to replace one that has been killed off. “Outsiders are not welcome. Be thankful
that the Seven Thorns are now six and
The four elements continuously respawn in the bra-
ziers and cannot be extinguished or removed from
that I just want to be left alone. Be on
them. your way, or suffer the consequences…”
Semolah Bitterleaf warning
The small shrine at the center of the maze is the ref- the characters to let her be.
uge of Semolah Bitterleaf (use the seven thorn mon-
ster entry), who has fled here from his adversaries. The orchid in the shrine is a divine flower, blooming
He wants to be left alone to commune with nature, eternally. A character who waters the flower or casts
and he is wary of the characters. Characters can get druidcraft on it gains the boon of nature.
him to open up with a successful DC 17 Charisma
(Persuasion) skill check. On a failed check, Semolah Boon of Nature. You have been kind to the Eternal
demands the characters leave the sacred shrine. If Mother and can gain insight into the inner work-
the characters refuse, he casts a protective spell, ings of nature. You can cast the commune with nature
changes into a dire wolf, and attacks. On a success- spell once. A character may only gain the boon of
ful skill check, he reveals that he has challenged the nature once in their lifetime.
leadership of the circle and vies to control the Great
Woods, as he calls the area covered by the Thorn-
woods, Wedgewood, and the King’s Forest. He is 24. B a tt l e f ie l d s
willing to exchange information, but he is bitter and
grievous. He knows all locations within the three for-
o f To ra k
ests - the Circle of the Seven Thorns (location 22.),
the Garden of Plenty (location 27.), the Grorrarr’s Lair Background
(location 5.), and the Royal Hunting Lodge (location As a result of the Midnight Curse, some of the Blood

39 0
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Wheels, an ancient Vordani chariot unit that per- idol must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On
ished here, have returned as skeletons with their a failed save, they become charmed. While charmed,
mounts and have started to replay the battle, again they are incapacitated and have a speed of 0. Char-
and again. acters can reroll a failed saving throw every day. The
effect ends on the target if it takes any damage or if
A quiet archivist, linguist, and archeologist from someone else uses an action to shake it out of its stu-
Onadbyr, Maximus Labramen, was employed by Ther- por. A character who succeeds on the save is immune
merson the Wise of Nangrath (location 15.), to find to the idol’s effects for 24 hours.
magic items at the battleground. Maximus arrived
recently and fled the skeletons into a nearby cave, Helping Maximus makes him eternally grateful, and
but as he searched the deeper caverns, he found an he is happy to share his knowledge of the area and
ancient idol of an ooze creature with multiple eyes, its history, especially the areas around Nangrath and
each notched with two strokes across its iris. The the Dragon’s Bones (location 25.).
eyes of the idol flared with a hypnotic pattern, and
the archeologist was trapped in its glare.

The rugged ground at the feet of the Shandar Moun-
tains is barren, having been doused with the blood
of thousands when the armies of Aglarion destroyed
the Vordani horde. A monumental slab of stone that
is 30 feet across bears the names of all those fallen in
the battle on both sides of the conflict.

Characters can notice the small opening of the cave

with a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.

Thirty Vordani skeleton foot soldiers and five mount-
ed Vordani skeletons on warhorse skeletons patrol
the battlefield, seeking opponents to crush. The skel- M A X IM U S L AB RA ME N
etons will attack anyone who ventures on the an-
cient battlefields. “Most fortuitous that you
arrived in time, most fortuitous.
Vordani Skeleton. Use the skeleton monster entry
with the following modifications:
I am afraid I fell into the eternal folly -
I chose my purse over my safety.
•A  Vordani skeleton has AC 14 (armor scraps, broken But no magic trinkets
shield) here, only death.”
• Vordani Ripper. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d8) slashing damage. Maximus Labramen thanking the
characters for their timely arrival.
Maximus Labramen is stuck in a larger cave 60 feet
from the cave entrance, staring at the idol whose eyes Experience
shine with hypnotic patterns. Characters who enter Award the party 700 experience points for rescuing
the cave and see the pattern in the eyes of the ooze Maximus Labramen.

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father’s hoard that lies in the haunted Shine of the

Th e D ra g o n' s B o n e s Blind God, where his eyes were burned out when he
tried to retake its inheritance. The dragon now stays
Background in its camp, contemplating its misfortune, as it tends
Lord Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden was the clos- its father’s bones. Selvaro is cautious and advises cau-
est ally of Thelarmas, the ancient bronze dragon. tion in all things. It will not reveal its true form until
Upon the noble Red Cloak’s death, he bequeathed his it trusts the characters and plays the role of the her-
fortune, including the clay torc of the tower, to the mit knight dedicated to the legacy of Thelarmas.
dragon who added it to its hoard. Centuries later,
Thelarmas met its fate at the foothills of the Shandar Selvaro will recount the dragon’s exploits in old
Mountains by the edge of the River Nenock. When times, including the ancient dragon’s human com-
the dragon’s lair was invaded by worshippers of the panion, Lord Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden. It
ooze deity known as the Blind God, the dragon failed will also relate the death of Thelarmas at the hands
to protect its horde and was infested by a black pud- of a sect of blinded worshippers of an ooze entity,
ding that implanted its corrosive substance within who drove it from its lair and implanted a corrosive
the dragon’s bowels. Forced to flee its lair, Thelarmas substance in its stomach that burned the dragon’s
could only fly a short distance before it was corrod- body from the inside. If the characters mention Lord
ed from the inside out. Now, only the bones of the Arden or the clay torc of the tower, Selvaro explains
ancient dragon remain, a famous landmark all over how the torc probably ended up in Thelarmas’ hoard
the Kingdom of Aglarion. Selvaro, the youngest off- in its former lair. He tells the characters that it tried
spring of Thelarmas, also fled the caves with its fa- to enter the caves but was immediately attacked by
ther. When it returned to scout the lair, which was a gigantic gelatinous cube that blinded it, forcing it
by then converted to the Shrine of the Blind God, it to retreat.
ran into the Utter Blindness, an unholy gargantuan
gelatinous cube that took its sight. Selvaro fled again Selvaro is hesitant to reveal the location of the lair
and is making its camp beside the bones of its father, and is inherently suspicious of the characters. Char-
living in human form as a hermit knight, offering acters must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma (Deception
advice to those that come to pay their respects to the or Persuasion) skill check to convince Selvaro of their
dragon’s bones. The Heroes of Virtue have recently good intentions and that they are not seeking Thelar-
visited the site, only to be driven away by Selvaro, mas’ hoard. If convinced, Selvaro will reveal its true
who perceived their devious motives. form to the characters and offer his help in recover-
ing the clay torc of the tower and forgoes Lord Eard
Environment Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden’s personal treasures in
The gargantuan skeleton of a bronze dragon lies on exchange for its father’s hoard. Selvaro can show the
a rocky ledge by the shores of the river that cascades way to the Shrine of the Blind God (location 26.), ac-
into the woods below. The dragon’s bones are pol- companying the characters on their journey.
ished and don’t bear signs of the mossy covering on
the rocks beside it. The ledge provides a cover from Selvaro. Use the young bronze dragon monster en-
the elements to the small indent underneath, where try with the following modification:
an armor-clad figure sits at a campsite.
 hange Shape. The dragon magically polymorphs
Scene into a humanoid or beast with a challenge rating
When characters approach the ledge, Selvaro greets no higher than its own, or back into its true form.
them, a blind young bronze dragon with prema- It reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment
ture shape-changing powers in the human form of it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by
a knight who has made camp here. Selvaro seeks its the new form (the dragon’s choice). In a new form,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


the dragon retains its alignment, hit points, Hit tunnel system. Thelarmas was famous for its ex-
Dice, ability to speak, proficiencies, Legendary Re- ploits as an adult dragon during the fall of the Order
sistance, lair actions, and Intelligence, Wisdom, and of the Eternal Light, through its close relationship
Charisma scores, as well as this action. Its statistics with Lord Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden, who
and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of was a staunch supporter of the young Razmyrel
the new form, except for any class features or leg- Melkar and would later become a founder of the
endary actions of that form. Red Cloak Lawgivers. The dragon allowed Lord Ar-
den to ride its back and indulged the Red Cloak in
lengthy conversations about his cases, giving advice
to the noble and helping him in his interviews with
people. The two became friends and solved many
cases together in the Kingdom of Aglarion until the
death of Lord Arden, who was the last of his noble

Without heirs, Lord Arden decided to relinquish his

worldly possessions and title and came to spend his fi-
nal days with Thelarmas to pass away in the dragon’s
lair. His body was entombed by the dragon’s horde,
along with the clay torc of the tower. Over five hundred
years passed and Thelarmas grew to ancient age, liv-
ing out its years in the company of its youngest son,
Selvaro, within their shared cave. However, Selvaro
SE LVA RO was never allowed into the secret inner chambers and
soon grew too large to enter the corridors.

“If you seek the tomb of Lord Eard

When the ancient dragon was reaching twilight and
Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden, you seek was about to pass away, a cult of worshippers of
the lair of Thelarmas - once the might- an ooze entity - the Blind God - arrived at their lair,
iest bronze in the skies of Aglarion. But driven by mad visions from their dark deity. The two
beware, lest you be blinded like me, and dragons were forced to abandon their lair, which
was invaded by the oozes and the blinded clerics that
step with caution into the caves that
summoned them. Thelarmas could only fly 25 miles
are no longer the dragon’s.” before perishing from an ooze that infested its bow-
Selvaro as it leads the way towards the peaks els and corroded it from within.
of the foreboding mountains.
The cult of the Blind God, a group of self-blinded fanat-
ics, took over the lair and started to prepare a ritual
26. S h r i n e o f of amalgamation where they would transform many
gelatinous cubes into a gargantuan specimen - a man-
th e B l in d G o d ifestation of the Blind God itself. The ritual required
the mass self-sacrifice of the entire cult, feeding the
Background new entity with their own flesh. The transformation
Thelarmas, the ancient bronze dragon, made its lair was successful, but the souls of the cultists would be
in a natural cave high on the ridge of the Shandar cursed to eternal worship, and they rose as a spectral
Mountains, where it guarded its hoard in a secret congregation at the unholy altar to their deity.

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Distraught, Selvaro attempted to storm the lair and ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing,
take back its rightful inheritance, only to be blinded poison, and psychic damage.
and beaten off by the gargantuan gelatinous cube
at the entrance to the caves. Since then, the young
dragon has assumed the human form of a knight and 1. THE UTTER B L IN D N ESS
lives as a hermit at the bones of its father, relating
the exploits of Thelarmas and offering the advice of Background
caution in all things to anyone who seeks its wisdom. One of the few who dared the mountain passes to
The dragon keeps everyone away from the Shrine of reach the lair of Thelarmas was Lord Eard Wytas
the Blind God, lest they meet the same fate as its Arden, who befriended the ancient dragon, and as
father or itself. a monument to their friendship, his statue used to
stand guard at the passage into the caves. After the
Environment cult of the Blind God drove the dragons away, they
The entrance to the outer natural caves of the lair dismounted the statue of the Red Cloak and soon
are high in the cliffs of the Shandar Mountains, at raised stone altars in the chamber to create a magi-
the end of a narrow mountain trail carved from the cal circle. Then, they undertook their vile ritual, cre-
rocks, and marked by a waterfall that cascades down ated the gargantuan gelatinous cube, and only their
a sheer drop of 100 feet. The surfaces of the entire lair skeletal remains bear witness to their ultimate deed.
are wet, and moisture permeates the air. Ceilings in
the natural caves (areas 1, 2, and 3) and three inner Environment
chambers (areas 6, 7, and 8) are 40 feet high where The entry to the lair of Thelarmas is a 25-foot wide
not specified otherwise. In contrast, the flooded tun- and tall passageway, its sides thick with moss and
nels and chambers are only 5 feet tall and are consid- large fungi in patches that have seemingly been
ered cramped space for a medium or larger creature. burnt away in a straight line down the center of the
passage, which is littered with the skeletons of large
Secret and Trap Doors. All the secret doors and se- animals, corroded to the bone. An ancient, painted
cret trap doors within the lair are well hidden. The stone statue of an armored warrior with a red cloak
buttons that open them are fashioned to resemble lies outside the cave opening on a ledge, having been
the natural rock face into which they are carved, broken off its pedestal that stands a few feet away.
requiring a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Perception)
skill check to notice, except the secret door to the Further into the cave, the height of the ceiling rises
northern passage at the entrance to the caves, which from 25 feet to 40, where a circle of stone monoliths
requires a successful DC 25 Wisdom (Perception) rises out of the ground, seemingly growing out of the
skill check to notice but only if a character actively stone, with runes and geometric forms within their
searches the cliff face. The secret trap doors open to circumference. Each monolith bears the same sym-
hatches that connect to the flooded corridors below, bol, an eye with two slashes across its surface. Cor-
while the secret doors between the tunnels and light- roded skeletons litter the ground within and around
ning chambers (areas 4 and 5) are vertical openings. the columns.
Once the buttons are pushed, the doors remain open
for two rounds and automatically close at the end of A secret trap door can be found at the cave entrance
the second round. The doors are made of stone and and another one in front of the southern wall. The
can be opened with thieves’ tools on a successful DC trapdoors lead to the flooded tunnel system that is 10
20 Dexterity ability check or can be forced open with feet below the level of the floor.
a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
The doors have AC 17, 40 hit points, a damage thresh- Scene
old of 5, they have damage resistance against slash- The Utter Blindness, a gargantuan gelatinous cube

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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infused with the essence of the Blind God, sits in the 3. L A I R O F D R A G O N S

center of the cave, almost invisible to the naked eye.
If characters approach it within 10 feet, it moves
to attack and engulf its targets. If characters have Background
learned of the cube from Selvaro, they may make This cave was the lair of the pair of dragons - Thelar-
their Wisdom (Perception) skill checks to notice the mas and its young offspring Selvaro, before being
transparent cube with advantage. taken over by the cult of Blind God, who used it for
summoning oozes.

2. TH E WE L L S P R IN G Environment
VO R TE X The cave’s surfaces drip with water, and the air is
heavy with vapor. Two immense bronze disks deco-
rated with draconic motifs cover the ground, former-
Background ly the sleeping mats of the dragons when they laired
This cave served as a natural underwater obstacle here. The room was converted to a summoning cham-
that led to the dragons’ nest further into the cave. ber where the cult set up monoliths around the disks.
Ghosty flames that don’t emulate any heat twinkle in
Environment the darkness of the chamber. If a character searches
Three springs feed the pool at the bottom of this the room, they can find several scales of various sizes
vast chamber, collecting in a swirling vortex 20 feet in the disks or under them. With a successful DC 14
under the level of the passage that leads into the Intelligence (Arcana) skill check, a character can dis-
cave from the west. The pool opens towards the cern that they belonged to bronze dragons, with a DC
cliff face from its bottom, under 40 feet of water, 21 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check that the dragons
forming the gushing waterfall that can be seen were young and ancient (Large and Gargantuan size).
from outside the caves. A 20-foot wide tunnel leads
to the lair of the dragons from the bottom of the Scene
pool, but it cannot be seen from above due to the Four unholy flesh-eating gray oozes still occupy the
turbulent waters. cave, hiding as puddles on the ground, stains on the
wall, and in the bronze disks. The oozes wait motion-
Scene less until targets are within striking distance.
When a character enters the pool for the first time
on a turn or starts its turn there, they are immedi- Unholy flesh-eating gray ooze (CR 1, 200 XP). Use the
ately taken up by the treacherous currents, heaved gray ooze monster entry with the following modifi-
around, and sucked underwater. They must make a cations:
DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the
character takes 9 (2d8) bludgeoning damage and is •A ura of Bane. Every creature that can see the ooze
caught underwater in the vortex of the pool. On a within a radius of 20 feet must make a DC 13 Cha-
successful save, the character takes half damage and risma saving throw every round. Whenever a crea-
isn’t caught in the vortex. A creature caught in the ture that fails this saving throw makes an attack
vortex can use its action to try to swim free but has roll or a saving throw, the target must roll a d4 and
disadvantage on the DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or
check to do so. If a character fails this Strength (Ath- saving throw. If a creature makes its saving throw,
letics) skill check three consecutive times, they are it is immune to the Aura of Bane effect for 24 hours.
sucked out of the pool and tumble down the cliffs • Corrode Flesh. Any organic material that touches
outside through the waterfall, taking 35 (10d6) bludg- the ooze corrodes. If any creature touches the ooze
eoning damage from the fall. or attacks it with natural weapons, their Consti-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


tution score is reduced by 1. The target dies if this area is lightly obscured by the muck floating in the
reduces its Constitution to 0. The target creature water. The murk regularly flashes with bluish light
regains 1 Constitution score after each long rest. and the water vibrates with electricity. In the center
This ability replaces the Corrode Metal trait. of the room, a javelin protrudes from the rock, which
• Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 is cracked from the force with which the weapon
ft., one target. Hit: The target’s Constitution score was stuck into the ground.
is reduced by 1. The target dies if this reduces its
Constitution to 0. The target creature regains 1 Con- Javelin of Lightning. The javelin of lightning discharges
stitution score after each long rest. This attack re- its energy every round in the room. A creature in the
places the Pseudopod action of the ooze. room takes 14 (4d6) lightning damage at the start of its
turn, or half that amount if it succeeds on DC 13 Dex-
terity saving throw. The javelin can be removed from
F L O O D E D TU N N E L S the rock with a DC 20 Strength ability check, which
will only end the discharges if removed from the water.
Thelarmas constructed the tunnels that led to its lair Treasure
painstakingly over hundreds of years. The tunnels The javelin of lightning is fully functional after being
are completely flooded from the pool in area 2, and removed from the rock.
one can easily find themselves trapped underwater if
they stay too long in the tunnels.
5a. TH E S P L I T J E L L Y
The water in the tunnels is murky, and the entire area Background
is lightly obscured by the muck floating in the water. Two ochre jellies were brought into this chamber
Razor-sharp wall blades protrude from the walls at by the cult of the Blind God as a form of worship to
different heights in every tunnel, making swimming proliferate them into numerous smaller jellies.
here a treacherous endeavor.
Scene Same as area 5.
The flooded tunnels are lightly obscured areas.
Wall Blades. Any character who moves in a corridor There are eight ochre jellies floating in the room.
must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or suffer Each is Small size and has 12 hit points.
9 (2d8) points of slashing damage.
Same as area 5.
Background 6. S H R IN E O F
Thelarmas collected five javelins of lightning and TH E B L IN D G O D
plunged them into the bedrock, unleashing their
magical energies to create additional deadly obsta-
cles to its hoard. Background
This vast chamber, able to comfortably accommodate
Environment an ancient dragon, was where Thelarmas amassed its
The water in the tunnels is murky, and the entire horde. It is also where the ancient bronze dragon met

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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its doom when the cult of the Blind God stormed the A spectral congregation hovers above the monolith,
lair at the command of their unholy deity. A black composed of the souls of dead cultists. The faces that
pudding infested the dragon in the chamber, and af- form the entity shriek in silent rage, a green glow
ter it fled with its young Selvaro, the ancient dragon emanating from their jaws, and empty eye sockets
succumbed to the pudding that corroded it from in- that seem to follow one’s gaze.
side out.
The chamber is also home to an unholy infesting
The pudding quickly eroded the dragon’s impressive black pudding that sits on the mound of rust.
horde to a mound of orange dust, and the cult turned
the chamber into their main shrine by raising a mon- Unholy infesting black pudding. Use the black pud-
olith and desecrating the room with a hallow spell so ding monster entry with the following modifications:
it would be a bane to those that enter. The cult used
the room to commune with their otherworldly deity, •A
 ura of Bane. Every creature that can see the ooze
who communicated to its worshippers by using ooz- within a radius of 20 feet must make a DC 13 Cha-
es for etching strange markings and instructions into risma saving throw every round. Whenever a crea-
the floor with acid that the cultists could interpret ture that fails this saving throw makes an attack
by touch. roll or a saving throw, the target must roll a d4 and

After the mass ritual self-sacrifice of the

cult, the spirits of all of its members
were drawn to the focus of their faith
- the monolith to the Blind God -
and rose in undeath as a spectral
congregation, rewarded by their
unholy master with the chance for
eternal worship.

A strange monolith rises to a height
of 10 feet in the center of the room,
growing from the stone floor and
covered in runes and the symbol
of an eye with two scars across
its iris. A mound of orange rust lies
along the western wall. The room is
sparsely furnished with ornate pieces
that are mostly broken and decrepit
due to decades of disuse.

The room is under the effect of a hallow
spell, cast using a 5th level spell slot, which
has infused the room with unholy power. Any
creature in the room gains energy vulnera-
bility to acid damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


subtract the number rolled rest here by his friend Thelarmas. As the cultists
from the attack roll or didn’t covet material things in their mad
saving throw. If a creature goal of self-annihilation, they left the
makes its saving throw, it remains of the Red Cloak alone
is immune to the Aura of and used the chamber for
Bane effect for 24 hours. meditation.
• Infesting Pseudopod. Whenever
the ooze scores a critical hit against a Environment
creature with its pseudopod, in addition to A large stone tomb
dealing damage, the pseudopod can try to force a whose lid depicts
piece of itself down its victim’s throat. The target Lord Arden lies
must make a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) S L IME
skill check. On a failed check, the target suffers 1d4
points of acid damage at the start of every turn
as its insides corrode away. A lesser restoration or
higher level curative spell ends the effect. along the room’s
western wall with
an engraved text on
7. L IB RA RY its side. Several mono-
liths rise on the opposite
Background side of the room, carved with
This room used to be the library of Thelarmas, hous- strange runes and symbols. Candles burn in front of
ing tomes and scrolls that the dragon collected over the monoliths with ghostly flames that don’t emit
long centuries. The cult turned the room into their any heat. A large chest sits by the northern wall, con-
sleeping quarters and burned all the parchments in taining the now decomposed personal items of Lord
the library as kindling. Arden

Environment “Faithful friend and confidant,

Simple wooden planks with bedding covered in mil-
Lord Eard Wytas Arden”
dew are spread around the room. The shelves hold
empty scroll cases, and a layer of ash covers the The writing on the side of the tomb.
Treasure The tomb contains the body of Lord Arlen, clad in
A character that makes a successful DC 12 Wisdom his plate armor embellished with the noble crest
(Perception) skill check can notice the wooden han- of House Arlen, with his +1 longsword and +1 shield
dle of a slime slinger that slightly sticks out from un- clasped in its skeletal hands together with a Red
der a dirty pillow on a bed. The weapon was discard- Cloak Lawgiver amulet. Both armaments bear the
ed here before its owner’s demise. symbol of House Arden. The clay torc of the tower
encircles the dead lord’s wrist.

8. TO MB OF L O R D A RD E N Experience
Award the party 700 experience points for recovering
Background the clay torc of the tower.
This chamber houses the mortal remains of Lord
Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden, who was laid to

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•T  he bear has two levels of exhaustion.

27. G a rd e n o f P len ty • It is Huge size.
• Its Strength score is 23 and Constitution score is 20.
Background • It has 128 hit points.
The Midnight Curse has manifested in the Wedge- • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
woods in a way that every living creature has be- target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) piercing damage.
come insatiably hungry - nothing they can eat will • Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
sate their appetites, leading them into a bloodthirsty one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) slashing damage.
rage. As a result, wildlife has mainly become extinct,
with the remaining alpha predators roaming the for- The magical bush at the center of the glade has been
est hunting for meat. A magical garden at the center stripped of its berries, except a few at the bottom of
of the woods has also been affected. The magical ber- the bush. Characters can find twelve ripe berries with
ries create an urge to eat even more of them, and an- a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check.
yone who succumbs to the magic stays in the glade, The berries function as those from a goodberry spell
forever stuffing the berries into their mouths. The without any time constraints. However, these berries
huge bear of the garden has eaten most of the ber- also bear the cursed nature of the woods. Any charac-
ries and has become enraged that it cannot satiate ter who consumes the berries must make a successful
its hunger for more. DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become charmed on
a failed save. While charmed, the character will not
Environment leave the area of the Garden of Plenty and will seek to
The rotting carcasses of the previous wildlife, chewed eat all the remaining berries. The effect is permanent
down to the bone, can be found everywhere in the but can be removed with a remove curse or greater
Wedgewoods. They become more frequent in the restoration spell, or a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medi-
deeper parts of the woods and especially around the cine) skill check to cleanse the character of the fruits.
Garden of Plenty.

Scene 28. Wa te r s o f Wra th

When characters enter the Wedgewoods, they soon
experience the curse of the forest. Every time char- Background
acters consume food as part of a short or long rest The waters of the pristine lake are cursed and who-
within the Wedgewoods, they must make a success- ever drinks from the waters is affected by an uncon-
ful DC 10 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, trolled rage, trying to kill everyone they see. A gelati-
the food doesn’t offer nourishment, the character nous cube from the Shrine of the Blind God (location
doesn’t gain the benefits of resting, and stays hungry. 26.) has slithered down from the mountains and now
A remove curse spell ends the effect and allows the makes its lair in the pond.
character to rest.
The Garden of Plenty lies in the center of the forest, The shores of the pond are littered with the savage-
in a secluded depression. It is home to a huge brown ly mangled carcasses of various animals. There is a
bear that has come to dominate the surrounding clearly visible trail leading from the northeast corner
area. The bear is starving and bloodthirsty, as it has of the pond towards the Shandar Mountains, where
eaten all the magical berries from the bushes that it the ground has been corroded by acid.
can reach. It will guard the glade with a savage fury.
Huge Brown Bear (CR 2, 450 XP). Use the brown bear An enraged giant boar (use the rage ability of the
monster entry with the following modifications: Barbarian class) is roaming around the western shore

40 0
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of the pond, searching for things to kill. In addition, cessful DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check, but
a gelatinous cube lurks in the raging waters and at- they also ask the characters to provide a safe passage
tacks anyone who approaches the shore. to Onadbyr or at least to Gorso.

Raging Waters. If any character drinks from the clear The local miners or Ilberd Serpentpike have never
waters of the pond, they must succeed on a DC 12 heard of the torcs of the tower or Jwarlea Jyle, the Red
Constitution saving throw or rage uncontrollably for Cloak Lawgiver who was stationed at this mining
24 hours, attacking the nearest creature. This rage town, which used to be a much more densely populat-
otherwise functions as the Rage ability of the Barbar- ed settlement in her time over six hundred years ago.
ian class. A remove curse or greater restoration spell
otherwise ends the effect. Experience
Award the characters 700 experience points if they
The trail burned by acid leads up the mountains and convince the miners to release Ilberd Serpentpike
can be easily followed to the Shrine of the Blind God. and an additional 700 experience points if they escort
the miners to a large settlement.

29. S mo ke s to n e M in e
30. N e s t o f th e
Ilberd Serpentpike, the halfling chief engineer of the
Ca ck l in g Cro w s
mine, has recently started seeing visions of a vein of
mithral and has pushed the already exhausted and Background
scared miners to the brink of rebellion. The miners The roc that nests on the western borders is known
worry for their families, who are mostly in Onadbyr to many in Aglarion for the occasional disappearance
and are unwilling to continue work, but they cannot of caravans in the Ardens or entire barges from the
leave due to the choking rain. They have locked up River Halueth that the colossal raven snatches up.
Ilberd Serpentpike. Most folks try to steer clear of the bird under the for-
est cover and pray that the roc doesn’t spot them on
Environment forest clearings or the river. The roc has been named
A large stone gateway leads into the depths of the the Cackling Crow by the locals, as it voices the cack-
mining tunnels deep below ground, ending in a cou- le of several witches with its mimicry ability when
ple of enormous excavated caves where the richest it swoops down to attack. In reality, it mimics the
veins were found. A few wooden cottages and a larg- cackling of the Matrons of Malice, who had visited
er communal building stand near the entrance. The the nest from time to time.
place is dirty, downtrodden, and neglected but still
functional. The nest is actually the prison and place of surviv-
al for Freall, the bird-creature, whose tragic fate is
Scene closely tied to the machinations of the Matrons of
The twenty-three frustrated miners (use the expert Malice. Freall lived in the Arden Forest in total isola-
monster entry) spend most of the days in the com- tion, in a wood cabin with her elven father Elayros.
munal building that serves as a canteen, discussing Elayros showed the young girl all the secrets of the
plans to reach Onadbyr. They have locked up the forest and trained her as an expert ranger. He even
furious Ilberd Serpentpike (use the expert monster led the girl to a most ancient and sacred place, the
entry) in his private cottage and regularly provide Stride of the Elders, but warned Freall not to under-
him with food and drink. Characters can convince take the path until she was ready. Then tragedy be-
the miners to release the chief engineer with a suc- fell the family. A roving band of spriggans sent by

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Blister to the Material Plane as scouts stumbled upon le of the giant crow. Unable to leave, she has eked
Elayros and Freall in the Arden Forest. They captured out a meager survival in her prison and dedicates
the rangers, took their treasure, and brought them her existence to mad prayers to the Inevitable for
back to the Feyrealm through the Hagtree. Elayros her father’s soul. She has set up a network of cham-
was surprised to see that the spriggans could directly bers, out of the reach of the giant bird and its three
reach the tree by bypassing the Stride of the Elders, hatchlings, sustaining herself on scraps that fall into
and this thought lingered in his mind even when the her lair from the prey of the birds - primarily parts
pair of rangers were brought in front of the Matrons of corpses of large animals but sometimes civilized
of Malice. The midnight hags read his thoughts like a folk. Compounding her madness, Freall is incredibly
book and learned that the ranger knew a secret path bitter, vengeful, betrayed, and paranoid. She will not
to the only portal to their Feyrealm domain. They abide intruders into her isolation and has set traps
extracted Elayros’ soul before his daughter, whom all around her lair to keep everyone out.
they banished back to the Material Plane to suffer
from the shock and terror of the last thing she saw. The druidic chant was erased from Freall’s mem-
The girl went mad with paranoia and wandered the ory by the Matrons of Malice, but she still knows
Arden Forest alone, like a hunted beast, reliving the the exact location of the Stride of the Elders that
horrific events every night in her dreams. she learned from her father. However, she must be
forced or tricked into leading the characters there
Over 10 years ago, Splinter appeared to Freall and unless her madness is cured.
tasked the terrified girl with meeting a company of
men at the edge of the Arden Forest - a king, a prince, Environment
a knight, a wizard, and a priest - and leading them The nest is located on a ledge 12,000 feet above the
to the Stride of the Elders. She was ordered not to canyon floor. It is a thick mass of large wooden
speak of the Hagtree, the Bleak Mire, or the Matrons branches and debris. Under and inside the nest, Freall
to the company, enforced with a geas spell to ensure has constructed her makeshift home out of a wagon,
her silence. She did as told, met the royal company, parts of a river barge, and the bones of large animals.
and led them to the secret path while reciting the The rocs can peck into the tumble of the body of
druidic chant. The king and his companions followed the nest in a few open holes, where debris and food
the sacred trail into the forest and soon disappeared waste fall down to Freall’s chambers.
deep into the woods.
Body of the Nest. Tiny creatures can move through
Soon after, the Matrons of Malice appeared to Freall the nest by squeezing within its structure amongst
to get rid of her, as she was the last person to know the logs and debris. For medium or larger creatures,
about the location of the Stride of the Elders, the all chambers are considered cramped spaces.
only way to their treasured Feyrealm domain. The
panicked and confused Freall attacked the midnight
hags, who just cackled and subdued her with their 1. TH E N E S T
powerful spells. The hags transported the helpless
woman to the cliffs of the Mountainfall, to the nest Environment
of the roc, and cast a wicked curse on her that would The upper portion of the nest is a tangle of wooden
slowly transform her into a roc and strip her of in- logs and branches, sometimes entire trees, bones of
telligible speech. large animals, including skeletons of huge fish and
reptiles, as well as parts of vehicles that the roc has
Freall withdrew deep into the nest, out of the reach swept up. The nest is covered by a layer of guano, the
of the birds, and has gone insane after years of con- soft feathers of the hatchlings, and the giant feathers
finement under the rocs and the maddening cack- of the Cackling Crow that are 12 feet in length.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Scene • Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

The mother roc, the cackling crow, is in her nest. one target. Hit: 15 (2d8 +6) piercing damage.
It flies out regularly to stalk the area from above. • Talons. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Make sure characters see the bird from afar so they one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) slashing damage, and
can plan their move. A fully-grown roc is an over- the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this
whelming challenge for the characters at this level, grapple ends, the target is restrained, and the roc
as this monstrosity can lift objects the size of wag- chick can’t use its talons on another target.
ons and boats in its talons. With a successful DC 15
Intelligence (History or Nature) skill check, charac-
ters would recall that the roc hunts large beasts and 2. H O L E O F F I L TH
enjoys preying on huge transport vehicles like car-
avan wagons or boats, especially if they have shiny Background
parts or cargo that glitters. The bird snatches up Freall scavenges the Hole of Filth for meager scraps
these vehicles, takes them to its nest, and nibbles on of food or useful items that fall into the chamber
the helpless victims inside at its pleasure, feeding its from above.
young. The bird could easily be lured from its lair if a
suitable and clearly visible target was displayed to it, Environment
far from its nest. This would give characters enough The cavern smells of decayed flesh and the pungent,
time to traverse the cliffs and meet Freall before the musty, and acrid odor of bird droppings covering the
bird returns. floor. The entire chamber is littered with the car-
casses of animals and other creatures that have been
If characters haven’t lured away the Cackling Crow, nibbled clean by the birds above or only partially
it is in its nest, guarding its three roc chicks in the consumed before they fell down the hole.
upper portion of the nest. The hatchlings are con-
stantly ravenous. They are flightless but can move Scene
around within the perimeter of the gigantic nest. Noxious gases have built up in the chamber, filling the
air with a stench that brings tears to one’s eye and
Cackling Crow. Use the roc monster entry with the turns the stomach. At the start of its turn, each crea-
following modifications: ture in the chamber must make a DC 13 Constitution
saving throw against poison. On a failed save, the crea-
• Mimicry. The Cackling Crow can mimic simple ture spends its action that turn retching and reeling.
sounds it has heard, such as a person whispering, Creatures that don’t need to breathe or are immune
a baby crying, or an animal chittering. A creature to poison automatically succeed on this saving throw.
that hears the sounds can tell they are imitations
with a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) skill The rocs can reach into the chamber from above,
check. The Cackling Crow mimics the cackling on threatening the areas marked with light on the map.
the Matrons of Malice, in three tones that resemble
the midnight hags’ cackles.
3. S TO R A G E H O L E
Roc Chick (CR 4, 1,100 XP). Use the roc monster entry
with the following modifications: Background
The chamber is used for storage by Freall for useful
• The roc chick is Huge size. resources she has collected from anything that has
• It has AC 13. fallen into her lair. In her paranoia, Freall has also
• It has 57 hit points. trapped the entrance to the room, careful to stay out
• It has a Strength score of 22. of the reach of the rocs.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Environment bag that has fallen deeper under the room’s floor. The
A range of items are spread around this cramped bag contains twelve beautifully chiseled obsidians,
room - barrels of water and spirits, sacks of various each worth 24 gold pieces. Additionally, it contains a
grains, a selection of weapons including three long- metal disc made of blackened steel with a black di-
swords, two shortswords, two hammers, two battle- amond at its center - a holy symbol of the Darkness
axes, and two flails, as well as a shield and a full plate Within - as well as the inscription “The Gate to the
armor on a long-dead warrior. Darkness awaits.” The symbol is worth 150 gold pieces.

Freall has trapped the four tiles at the entrance to 4. A L TA R TO
the chamber with a falling net trap, constructed TH E INE V ITA B L E
from a fine mesh of fabric that she has covered in
tar. The rocs can reach into the chamber from above,
threatening the areas marked with light on the map. Background
Freall uses this chamber to find solace in prayers at
The three roc chicks will attack any character that an altar she has constructed from skulls, consecrated
steps onto the tiles marked in light. to the deity of the death, the Inevitable. She pleads
for her father’s soul and a chance for him to be re-
Falling Net. This trap uses a tripwire to release a net born. Freall has also fashioned a library of sorts, com-
suspended from the ceiling. The tripwire is 3 inches posed of books with pretty pictures, assembled on
off the ground and stretches between two wooden the deck of a riverboat that has collapsed into the
logs at the entrance to the room. The net is hidden by chamber from above.
foliage and sticks on the ceiling. Creatures can make
a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to Environment
spot the tripwire and net. A successful DC 15 Dexteri- This chamber is bare and dark, except for an altar
ty ability check using thieves’ tools can sever the trip constructed of skulls lit up by candles burning in
wire harmlessly. Without thieves’ tools, a creature candelabras. The back portion of the room features
can attempt this check with disadvantage using any the bottom half of a riverboat that has sunk into
edged weapon or edged tool. On a failed check, the the chamber from above. On its benches, Freall has
trap triggers. When the trap is triggered, the net is assembled some books she scavenged over the years.
released, covering a 10-foot-square area. Those in the
area are trapped under the net and restrained, and Treasure
those that fail a DC 10 Strength saving throw are also The books are all illustrated tomes. Three are of a
knocked prone. A creature can use its action to make considerable rarity - “The Divine Among Us: Deities
a DC 13 Strength ability check, freeing itself or anoth- of Aglarion”, “The Mechanics of Traps”, and “Heraldry
er creature within its reach on a success. The net has of the Realm: Houses under Queen Linolu.” All vol-
AC 10 and 20 hit points. Dealing 10 slashing damage to umes are worth 100 gold pieces to the right buyer.
the net (AC 10) destroys a 5-foot-square section of it,
freeing any creature trapped in that section.
5. F RE A L L'S CH A M B E R
Any character that spends at least 10 rounds rummag- Background
ing through the contents of the room can assemble Freall has made her lair in this chamber, making it
each of the seven equipment packs found in the Play- as comfortable as possible despite the cramped con-
er’s Guide. Any character who makes a successful DC ditions. When not praying or looking at pictures in
15 Wisdom (Perception) skill check can notice a small area 4, she spends her time sleeping, scribbling mad

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notes and geometric signs at a makeshift desk, or desk with her crossbow. She attacks any creature
shooting bolts at a corpse she has slumped against that steps into her chamber with a barrage of bolts
the wall for target practice. but retreats to the corner and cowers if she falls be-
low half of her maximum hit points.
The entrance to the chamber is covered by a tap- Freall (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the priest monster entry
estry. Beyond, the room contains a makeshift bed with the following modifications:
made of animal skins and a small writing desk with
some parchments, a bottle of ink, and a crow quill
on its surface and a stool beside it. Several branch-
es hold drying clothes, and some targets are placed
throughout the chamber, one of them the corpse of
an adventurer who tried to infiltrate the roc’s nest
for treasure a few years ago.

Freall has constructed a deadly trapdoor at the en-

trance to her chamber that opens to a vast plummet
of 200 feet to the jagged slopes below the nest.

Hidden trapdoor. This trapdoor is constructed from

a wooden panel, covered by branches and foliage
to look identical to the floor around it. A successful
DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill check discerns the
wooden plank that is hidden under the foliage. A suc-
cessful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check
is necessary to confirm that the trapped floor section
is actually the cover of a hole.

When a creature steps on the cover, it swings open,

causing the intruder to fall through. Once the trap
is detected, an iron spike or similar object can be
wedged between the pit’s cover and the surrounding
floor in such a way as to prevent the cover from
opening, thereby making it safe to cross. The cov-
er can also be magically held shut using the arcane
lock spell or similar magic. Any creature that falls
through can make a successful DC 10 Dexterity sav-
ing throw to hold onto the edge of the opening or
catch a branch to escape the deadly plummet of 200
feet that deals 70 (20d6) bludgeoning damage.

Freall has an indefinite madness that manifests as
paranoia. The cursed bird-creature retreats to her
chambers if alerted to intruders, waiting for her
traps to do the work and lying in wait behind her

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


• Freall has a fly speed of 60 ft.
• She has skills Nature +4, Perception +5, Stealth +6,
Survival +5.
• She has a Dexterity score of 14.
• She has an AC of 13 (leather armor).
• She wears a ring of shadow manipulation.
• Keen Hearing and Sight. Freall has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing
or sight.
• Multiattack. Frealll makes two melee attacks with
its claws or ranged attacks with a heavy crossbow.
• Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
creature. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.
• +1 Heavy Crossbow of Mischance. Ranged Weapon At-
tack: +5 to hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8
(1d10 + 3) piercing damage. On a roll of 13 and if the
attack is a hit, the damage is increased by 7 points
of piercing damage.

The characters can ease her paranoia and manipulate

Freall into leading them to the Stride of the Elders with
a successful DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) skill check fol-
lowed by a DC 13 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
skill check. Freall’s paranoia takes over if the Charisma
skill check fails and she attacks the characters.

If she regains her mental faculties, she will first be

hesitant to converse with outsiders after long years
of solitude. Still, if questioned about the Stride of the
Elders, she will become animated, spitting ferociously.

Freall’s motivations are to escape her prison, find her

father’s soul, and get vengeance on the Matrons of
Malice. If convinced to assist the characters, she will
eagerly show the way to the Stride of the Elders (lo-
cation 43.) and even join the characters to the Bleak
Mire in her quest for vengeance .

“I will lead you… Chirp… to the Stride

of the Elders whence we will travel…
Chirp… Chirp… through the ancient
hidden pathways of the Seven…
Chirp…Flowers to the World of the Fey.”
Freall once convinced to lead
F RE A L L the characters to the Stride of the Elders.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Experience Scene
Award the party 700 experience points if they can Illiandro (use the expert monster entry) is happy to
secure Freall’s aid in finding the Stride of the Elders. see other civilized beings but he is also in a philo-
sophical mood and in deep despair. He sees the mys-
tic occurrences of the Midnight Curse as the begin-
31. G a te to th e ning of a new apocalypse and considers the gate as
both the memento of an ancient cataclysm and as
D a rkne s s W ith in a symbolic final exit from life itself, would one not
be able to withstand the hardships of this world. Il-
Background liandro is able to provide generic information about
After the banishment of the Dark Star, it’s dark plan- most of the publicly known landmarks and settle-
etar generals and their dark deva army, the forces of ments within the kingdom of Aglarion.
the Order of the Eternal Light purged the followers
of the fallen angels. A small surviving cell, composed
of the dark angel’s most zealous and privileged loy-
alists, fled to the Mountainfall to escape the sear-
ing flames of their formerly suppressed slaves. The
priests of darkness raised a monumental gate with I L L IAN D RO
magic and opened a portal to the darkest section of
the divine realm of the deity known as Light and
Darkness to follow their banished masters.

Illiandro, the most celebrated painter of the Kingdom

of Aglarion, tries to flee from the Midnight Curse and
the reign of Queen Aphinah as far as he can. He discov-
ered the Gate to the Darkness Within and was amazed
by its sheer size and the shapes that move within its
dark confines. Having nowhere to go, he decided to
settle at the feet of the monument and create a series “We are forced to live under these dark
of paintings inspired by it.
violet skies but our choice to end all
Environment this lies right in front of our eyes.
An immense dark gate stands on the top of a moun- Do we die a certain death here or
tain plateau. This colossal stone gate and the em- enter the ominous unknown?”
bossed inscriptions on it were obviously created by
powerful magic. The thick pillars and the lintel are Illiandro lamenting on the options he perceives.
100 feet wide, framing a 180 feet tall and 180 feet wide
gate that is filled with unnatural darkness. Ominous A character who crosses the Gate to the Darkness
dark grey shapes can sometimes be seen within the Within appears in a dark, barren and open environ-
darkness that form as quickly as they disappear. The ment on the divine plane of the combined entity
surrounding area is covered in eerie silence. A small called the Light and Darkness. One’s eyes can hardly
camp with a tent stands not far from the gate. separate the dark stones of the ground from the dark
starless sky above. A small flickering light is visible in
The Gate to the Darkness Within is a two-way portal the distance where the domain of the Shining Light
for all mortals but celestial and immortal creatures begins but it is so far that it is but a mere mirage
can’t pass through it from any direction. that can never be reached. Only creatures with dark-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


vision can make out their surroundings and see sev- behind Abulior Whitegate’s actions came from a
eral dozen skeletons that lie on the rocks, all dressed frantic admiration for Master Arlen’s work, and the
in rotting ceremonial black garments of an ancient young wizard madly craves the knowledge of the
age. These are the remains of the mortals who fol- first and greatest archmage of the realm.
lowed the dark angels through the gate that they
had raised. The cultists were slain by their former Abulior’s secret research led him to realize that the
dark celestial masters for daring to enter their do- source of Master Arlen’s incredible power was one
main. Their souls have hunted this site ever since and of the ancient fallen angels, named Samkiel, the deva
rise as eight specters when mortals approach. loremaster of the Dark Star who was imprisoned by
the dark solar for foretelling its inevitable banish-
A non-celestial, non-undead creature that uses the por- ment from the Material Plane. The parchment he
tal can return to the Material Plane through the gate stole contains the secret celestial phrase that sum-
at any time. A non-celestial, non-undead creature has mons the Ziggurat of the New Moon that serves as
its maximum hit points reduced by 1 hit point at the Samkiel’s prison. Abulior Whitegate has yet to uncov-
start of its turn while it remains in the divine realm. er the ziggurat’s location, and he does not know that
the ziggurat can only be summoned at the culmina-
After one minute, a pair of dark devas (use the deva tion of the new moon.
monster entry with an alignment of lawful evil and re-
place radiant with necrotic damage) arrive and attack Ha’aren Blackbone visited Abulior Whitegate a year
without any desire to converse with the characters. ago and used guile and trickery to converse with the
wizard and gain access to the information within the
Treasure dark celestial parchment.
Illiandro carries a wand of lightning bolt as a form of
self defense. In his waterproof tent, Illiandro stores Environment
12 complex studies of the gate done in charcoal, each A small wooden hut stands next to a neatly arranged
worth 100 gold pieces to the right buyer. In a water- pile of large logs. The hut seems accurately designed
proof chest the master painter stores eight complet- and built with well-crafted features, like glass ceiling
ed paintings of the gate that are each worth 500 gold windows with remotely operable shutters and a small
pieces to an art collector. wind turbine on the roof. The inside of the house looks
more like a mechanic’s workshop than a home, with
workstations, crafting resources, and tools taking up
32. A b u l io r W h ite g a te' s most of the space. The wizard sleeps in a gallery above
the main room, accessible via a retractable staircase.
Wo rks h o p
Background Abulior Whitegate (use the academician of the Ar-
Abulior Whitegate was one of the four academicians cane Tower monster entry with an alignment of law-
of the Arcane Tower and a protege of Master Eydan. ful evil, and the spell animate object prepared instead
After Master Eydan’s retirement, Abulior Whitegate of legend lore) welcomes the characters in a morose
was warned many times by Master Zaophas, the new tone and is suspicious about their motivations. He
archmage of the academy, not to meddle with the comes out of his hut to talk and has more questions
lore of the ancient fallen angels. However, one day, than answers. His homunculus, Retriever, stands by
after a heated argument with the archmage, Abuli- his side at all times. A character who succeeds on a
or Whitegate stole an ancient parchment recovered DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check can convince
by Master Arlen hundreds of years ago and fled the the wizard that they mean no harm or are not after
academy to hide in the wilderness. The motivation him and can make the wizard open up. On a failed

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

check, the wizard asks the characters to leave him character from hiding when the opportunity arises.
alone and shuts the door in their faces. Abulior Whitegate will try to flee with the use of di-
mensional door and fly spells if discovered, but he re-
Even if the characters gain Abulior Whitegate’s trust, turns soon and will retry his tactic later. If cornered,
he does not tell the characters why he has left the he will fight the characters in his mad desperation.
Arcane Tower. However he is motivated to help the
characters conjure the academy and talk to Master Abulior Whitegate knows about and has seen the Co-
Eydan. Secretly, he wants to reinstate the old arch- lossus and is eager to learn how to control it. He
mage if possible and continue researching Samkiel, has found the Golemcraft Cave of Master Arlen but
who he thinks holds all of the answers he seeks. was unable to understand the arcane control formu-
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (In- la that was lost to the teeth of time, so he eventually
sight) skill check can deduct that the wizard has oth- gave up trying.
er motivations than what he presents.
If asked about Ha’aren Blackbone or the torcs of the
Abulior Whitegate does not comprehend the true tower, the wizard tells the characters that he has met
significance of the parchment he stole from the Ar- the Red Cloak Lawgiver, who visited him over a year
cane Tower but considers it an important relic that ago. He confirms that they had a long discussion, but
bears notes by the hand of Master Arlen himself. The he does not attribute much importance to the event.
parchment is written in dark Celestial and contains The wizard even adds that he has found the visit
unholy scripts about the planetar general Morkiel strange and seemingly pointless.
with a highlighted phrase: “The darkness shall feed
their fears.” The parchment also contains notes by
Master Arlen.


D A RK STA R P A RCH ME N T “The Red Cloak visited me over a year

Abulior Whitegate gets overly excited if he learns that ago. She wore the adamantine torc of
the characters know about the location of the Tomb the tower. But besides that, it was a rel-
of the Constructor or the Ziggurat of the New Moon. atively unimportant meeting and a dull
He wants to visit both locations immediately be-
conversation about the kingdom, King
cause he knows that they will hold even more of the
first archmage’s secrets. The wizard goes to extreme
Waldrann, and other everyday topics.
measures to acquire this information. He will follow She didn’t even ask about the academy.”
the characters using multiple invisibility spells and Abulior Whitegate speaking about
even casting dominate person on the most susceptible meeting with Ha’aren Blackbone.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


If the characters ask Abulior Whitegate about Lord Volord and the other stone giants - males, females,
Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend” Arden then he can con- and children - seem to be genuinely terrified of rats,
firm that both the noble Red Cloak Lawgiver of old which is evident even as they speak about them.
and his close ally, the bronze dragon Thelarmas, died
long ago and he can relate tell the location of the
Dragon’s Bones (location 25.) to the characters.

“This is your only chance

to reveal the location
of the tomb. I will not
ask you twice.”
Abulior Whitegate threatening the characters.

Abulior Whitegate’s personal treasure consists of 211
silver pieces, 893 gold pieces, 3 platinum bars, and a
ring of free action that he wears at all times.

33. G rey m o s s C l a n L a ir
“A carpet of furred beasts. The har-
Background bingers of doom. They crawl, and they
The stone giants of Greymoss Clan used to be reclu-
sive and calm creatures who rarely interacted with
chew. A curse that plagues our home
the small folk and stayed out of others’ affairs as and our minds.”
much as they could. They have recently developed Vorold describing the swarm of terrifying rats.
an unnatural fear of tiny vermin, ever since a pack
of rats has infested their lair. The stone giants have Soon after the Midnight Curse engulfed the realm,
fled their lair and are hiding in the area at the feet of the lair of the Greymoss Clan was overrun by a large
the mountains, hoping that someone will aid them swarm of terrifying rats that have developed a mag-
in their dire situation. ical ability to cause fear in those who look into their
The giants have carved several enormous gateways Swarm of Terrifying Rats (CR 2, 450 XP). Use the
and halls into the side of the mountain. The halls, swarm of rats monster entry with the following
which are spartan in their furnishings constructed of modifications:
boulders, are connected with tall and wide corridors.
• The swarm of terrifying rats is a Huge creature.
Scene • It has 96 hit points.
Eight stone giants approach the characters cautious- • Terrifying Gaze. A creature that can see the eye of
ly as they pass near their lair and try not to threaten one of the rats of the swarm of terrifying rats must
them with their mere presence. Their leader, Vorold, make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or become
asks for the character’s aid and promises to pay them frightened and must use its action and movement
with raw ores if they get rid of the rats in their lair. each round to flee from the source of their fear.

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A creature frightened this way can stop fleeing if A druidic circle worshipping vermin called the Initi-
it loses sight of the swarm of terrifying rats, but ates of the Swarm has chosen the lodge as the tar-
it will not be freed from the frightened condition get of a raid, coveting the knowledge stored within
until it finishes a long rest. the building and aiming to make it the nest of their
fire beetle thralls. The circle has charmed a ginor-
Treasure mous fire beetle that has been infused with magical
The stone giants present the characters with 400 energies. The beetle spawns swarms of fire beetles,
pounds of high-grade raw silver veins embedded in commanded against the building in full force by the
several large stone blocks that weigh 20 to 50 pounds. druids. Cygnus is trapped within, fighting to repel
The silver deposit is worth 1,000 gold pieces and can the invading vermin.
be extracted by an expert with sufficient tools and
techniques. Environment
The Lodge of Wanderlust, whose walls could
tell many tales about the past, is an ancient but
L o d g e o f well-maintained building along the Trade Road in
a valley clearing of the Arden Forest. The building
Wa n d e r l u s t is constructed as a fortification, its walls made of
10-foot thick, sturdy granite blocks. The sides of
Background the building are lined with small arrow slits that
The Lodge of Wanderlust has been a permanent fix- cut through the stone wall. Streams of ivy partially
ture in the Arden Forest since anyone can remem- cover the walls and roof, growing on the brick-red
ber. The lodge is an adventurer’s guild established shingles.
by Cygnus, the couatl paladin of the Shining Light,
over a thousand years ago to hunt down all traces Windows. The thick wall of the building features
of the dark angels that ruled over Aglarion. The guild windows that sit in the inner slot of the walls, which
employs adventurers to find and notify Cygnus of open in cones to allow the defense of the building.
any information about the Dark Star or the Darkness Each window can be locked with fortified shutters
Within, allowing Cygnus and its allies to investigate and latches from the inside. They have AC 18, 30 hit
the finds further. One such adventurer was Ha’aren points, a damage threshold of 5, they have damage
Blackbone, a Red Cloak Lawgiver in possession of the resistance against slashing damage, and damage im-
adamantine torc of the tower, who visited the lodge munity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage.
recently and befriended the couatl. The two were The latches can be picked with thieves’ tools on a
united by their shared goal of finding Samkiel’s fa- successful DC 15 Dexterity ability check or forced
bled ziggurat prison, which was unveiled in secret open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
by Master Arlen centuries ago. Cygnus knows that skill check.
the ziggurat is hidden and is somehow tied to the
darkest phase of the new moon, information that the Scene
legendary creature shared with Ha’aren Blackbone. Characters can see the lodge from a fork in the road,
Ha’aren Blackbone searched for the exact location lying below them in a small valley. Protruding from
and the command phrase that conjures the ziggurat, the smashed riders’ gate of the building stands an
but she refused aid offered by Cygnus to accompany immense black and red ginormous magic-infused
her. Instead, she told the couatl that she would re- fire beetle. The beetle glows with bright light and
turn with any information she found. Cygnus has not will attack anyone who ventures within range of its
heard from Ha’aren Blackbone since. sight or attacks it.

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Ginormous Magic-Infused Fire Beetle (CR 4, 1,100 2. A DVE N TU RE R S ' G A TE

XP). Use the giant fire beetle monster entry with the
following modifications: Background
The main entrance to the lodge is where visitors
• T he ginormous fire beetle is Huge size. would gain entry by ringing the bell outside.
• It has 132 hit points.
• It has a Strength score of 16. Environment
• B ite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., Hit: The massive iron-wrought wooden doors of the build-
16 (3d8 + 3). ing are shut. A bell in the shape of a coiled serpent
• S pawn Fire Beetle Swarms (Recharge 5-6). A swarm of hangs next to the door.
magic-infused fire beetles bursts from the abdomen
of the ginormous fire beetle. Doors. The reinforced doors that lead into the lodge
• Infused with Magic. The ginormous fire beetle’s at- can be locked with a key carried by Cygnus. They have
tacks count as magical for the purpose of overcom- AC 17, 60 hit points, a damage threshold of 5, they
ing resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks have damage resistance against slashing damage, and
and damage. damage immunity against piercing, poison, and psy-
chic damage. They feature masterfully crafted locks
that can be picked with thieves’ tools on a successful
1. R IDE R S ' G A TE DC 20 Dexterity ability check or forced open with a
successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
The fortified riders’ gate is used for travelers arriving
on horses to the lodge. 3. H A L L OF THE HEA RTH S
The riders’ gate is completely destroyed, as is the Background
inner door leading to area 3. All the looseboxes are This grand hall is the lodge’s central meeting and
empty, except for the southwestern one, where the feasting room, where travelers can rest after their
carcass of a horse lies sprawled out, mangled and long journeys across the continent. The meal of the
half-eaten, entirely covered by fire beetles. Two open current visitors of the lodge was interrupted by the
storage closets are used to store hay and water. attack of the druids, and they fled from the beetles
to the second floor.
The ginormous fire beetle stands in the doorway, its Environment
mandibles clamping at the air outside. It is spewing This immense room is illuminated by two hearths
forth swarms of smaller beetles of the same spe- from the western side of the room and lit torches
cies from its abdomen into the building. A swarm on the walls, giving the hall a homely and comfort-
of magic-infused fire beetles crawls on the horse’s able atmosphere. A huge table dominates the room,
carcass and will attack moving targets that enter able to seat a score of guests. A few places on the
the stable area. table are set and show meals that have only partially
been eaten. The decorations - rugs and tapestries -
around the room are of exceptional quality and from
a wide variety of styles from exotic faraway places.
A few coats hang on pegs by the eastern entrance to
the room, where a large bench welcomes visitors to
clean their boots after their travels.

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Scene 5. G UE S T RO O M S
Two swarms of magic-infused fire beetles crawl
around the room and on the table and attack moving Background
targets entering the hall. The swarms are charmed The lodge has seven guest rooms to welcome adven-
by two Initiates of the Swarm members - Kelfar the turers and guild members mid-assignment to rest and
Spider and Formjas the Mite - who are standing at recuperate. Currently, only one of the rooms is occu-
the bottom of the stairs, hesitant to attack Cygnus in pied, by Safary Rosemerry, a traveling ranger who has
the room above. been exploring the western reaches of the kingdom.

Initiate of the Swarm. Use the druid monster entry Environment

with the following modifications: The guest rooms are comfortably furnished in an ec-
lectic style of furniture, mostly antiques and from
• It has the following druid spells prepared: distant lands. Beds are sturdy and comfortable, wash-
•C antrips (at will): druidcraft, guidance, poison spray basins with clear water are prepared for use, and
• 1st level (4 slots): animal friendship, cure wounds, decorations convey a sense of home.
jump, speak with animals
• 2 nd level (3 slots): barkskin, hold person Treasure
Safary Rosemerry’s belongings can be found in the
north-western guest room on the first floor. She has
4. K I TCH E N left her explorer’s pack in the room, including her
valuables: 243 gold pieces, a yew wand druidic focus,
Background a finely carved totem of an owlbear worth 25 gold
Cygnus enjoys serving delicious meals to the rare visi- pieces, two potions of animal friendship, and a figurine
tor, using exotic spices and ingredients collected from of wondrous power (ivory goat - goat of travail).
far and wide, over millennia. One of these meals has
been interrupted by the vermin, leaving the kitchen
unattended. 6. H A L L O F TH E L A N D S
Environment Background
This large kitchen is a chef’s paradise. It features a ta- This hall is a spacious lounge where adventurers can
ble of the finest rosewood, where gourmet meals can relax amidst the lavish decorations of the hall. Cur-
be prepared from the dazzling array of ingredients rently, Cygnus is making a stand against a barrage of
laid out on shelves. The smell of burnt food fills the fire beetle swarms, overwhelmed by their onslaught.
room, from the meats charing away on the flat top
and the pot of soup that has overflown. Environment
The hall of the lands got its name from the paintings
Treasure that cover the walls of the grand room, depicting
Some dried, pickled, smoked, and otherwise pre- exotic landscapes and cityscapes from far and wide.
served ingredients are extremely rare and valuable. Many paintings are from neighboring kingdoms
If a character succeeds on a DC 10 Intelligence abili- and even further from lands known only to a few
ty check and spends at least 10 rounds selecting the in Aglarion. Armchairs and tables are spread around
rarest and choicest ingredients, they can assemble a the room, many of them overturned during the on-
collection of delicacies worth 500 gold pieces. going melee.

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C H A P TE R 4

Scene at the time of the next new moon, along with the
Cygnus is fighting off three swarms of magic-infused characters. The couatl will not trust the characters
fire beetles. The couatl is in the form of an armored outright, especially during the Midnight Curse, and
human knight, hard-pressed and severely wounded will not reveal its true form to them until they have
by the vermin, with scores of the bugs at its feet in a gained its trust. Its primary motivation is the ban-
pool of greenish ichor. Cygnus only has 43 hit points ishment or destruction of Samkiel,
remaining. but at least the curtailing of
knowledge about it.
“The rampage of the illuminated
beetles has not been seen for
a thousand years! Witness the
shining glory that is holy and
fight light with light at my side!
To the corridors, quick! The
druids that led this swarm are
threatening my guest within!
Cygnus smiting the vermin and urging
the characters to come to its aid.

Once the fight concludes, and the char-

acters have rescued Cygnus and its guest
from the invasion of the Initiates of the
Swarm, the couatl offers the characters
safe haven and the chance to converse
about matters that all parties might find
helpful. Cygnus knows a vast deal about the
history of Aglarion, dating back to the time
of the Dark Angels, and about important
sites, particularly those that pertain to the
Dark Star or the Darkness Within. These
include the Gate to the Darkness Within,
Groaning Pillar, Cairns of Bone, and Cloud
Peak. Cygnus knows of Samkiel. However
it does not know the location of the deva,
only that it was exiled by the Dark Star
and connected to a place called the Ziggurat
of the New Moon in the dark Celestial language, ac- If the characters ask Cygnus
cording to ancient lore. If such locations are brought about Lord Eard Wytas “Dragon-
up, Cygnus will share this information and tell of friend” Arden, the couatl can confirm
Ha’aren Blackbone, who was also looking for Samk- that both the noble Red Cloak Lawgiver and his close
iel’s fabled ziggurat. The couatl also mentions that ally, the bronze dragon Thelarmas, have passed away
some sort of command phrase is needed to conjure ages ago. Cygnus can direct the characters to the
the ziggurat. If the characters reveal the location to Dragon’s Bones where the tehy may find the skeleton
Cygnus, it will want to immediately visit the site of the dragon.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Experience Scene
Award the party 700 experience points for gleaning Safary Rosemerry (use the scout monster entry) is
the time when the Ziggurat of the New Moon can Cygnus’ most recent guest. The ranger is crouching
manifest on the Material Plane. behind the desk, covered by a swarm of magic-in-
fused fire beetles, while Trigg the Fly and Klaia the
Cricket (use the Initiates of the Swarm monster
entry) are trying to quickly rummage through the
7. S TU D Y books in the room, searching for tomes in druidic
The study is where Cygnus
documents information about
the various locations in Aglari-
on. The sole current guest in the
lodge, Safary Rosemerry, has retreat-
ed to the study, chased by a swarm of
magic-infused fire beetles and two dru-
ids. She is the eldest daughter from
a minor noble family, her father a
viscount in Onadbyr. She was born
as a tiefling, and as such she is
the black sheep of the family
due to her father’s indiscretions
that led to her birth. Because of
her appearance and the rumors, S AFA RY RO SE ME R RY
a groom has been hard to find,
but as such, she is mostly free to “Thank you kindly! I hate when
do as she pleases. Safary roams the someone takes advantage of poor
forests of Aglarion, frequently enjoys animals. It’s not their fault when
wrestling with animals, whom she pre-
driven from their natural habitats.
fers not to kill but instead study and be-
friend. She has come to the lodge to report to
But I guess this blasted rain will
Cygnus about the goings-on in the Arden Forest, spe- cause desperation in all but a few.”
cifically on Gronshar. Safary Rosemerry dusting herself off after
the druids have been defeated.
The room is furnished with comfortable an- Safary has recently visited Gronshar and knows about
tique furniture and decorated with art pieces the Mothfangs, and she has also seen the Trails of
on tranquil subjects. A large writing desk is the Colossus across the Trade Road. Additionally,
overturned, with sheets of paper scattered she has spent considerable time in the King’s Forest.
around the room in pools of ink. A 10-foot tall She knows Grorrarr the Owlbear Druid personally,
statue of two angels in an embrace stands in a even wrestling the owlbear once after a friendly wa-
corner, one angel black, the one white. Stragely, the ger, which resulted in one of her horns broken and
statue was somehow chiseled from a single block cracked.
of marble.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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where visitors of the couatl can experiment with rare

8. M A P R O O M reagents and unique combinations of ingredients.

Background Environment
The map room contains one of Cygnus’ most prized The room features a complete alchemy lab, with
possessions - a detailed and labeled map of Aglarion beakers, pipes, pipettes, and other equipment needed
showing all public and several hidden locations. for concocting alchemical materials. A stove stands
along the wall, bookshelves between the windows
Environment hold notes on topics of alchemy and poisons, while a
A table sits in the middle of the room where a large small table and two chairs offer a place to study and
map of Aglarion is laid out. The map shows all topo- take notes.
graphical features and many locations.
Scene The lab contains a complete set of alchemist’s sup-
The bookshelves contain notes by Cygnus on all loca- plies, along with four vials of acid, five flasks of al-
tions shown on the map, ordered alphabetically with chemist’s fire, three vials of antitoxin, two flasks of
meticulous precision. The locations on Cynus’ map are: holy water, two vials of basic poison, and alchemical
components worth 200 gold pieces.
• Gate to the Darkness Within (location 31.)
• Golemcraft Cave (location 36.)
• Cairns of Bone (location 47.) 10. S H R IN E TO L IG H T
• Groaning Pillar (location 46.)
• S hrine of the Blind God (marked as Thelamar’s Lair; Background
location 26.) The shrine dedicated to the Shining Light is a beau-
• Grorrarr’s Lair (location 5.) tiful chamber used by Cygnus for its prayers or any
• Vaddon’s Abode (location 59.) guest who wishes to pay homage to the light aspect
of the Light and Darkness.

9. WO R KS H O P Environment
The floor of the room is tiled in alabaster and gold,
Background decorated with an ornate image of the sun at its
Cygnus’ workshop is used mainly as an alchemical lab, center. A white alabaster altar sits under the win-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


dows of the room. The window panes are stained Color Damage Resistance
glass and break the incoming light into a myriad
black or copper acid
of multicolored beams that are further bent by the
blue or bronze lightning
northern and southern walls of the room that are
entirely covered by mirrors. brass, gold, or red fire
green poison
silver or white cold
35. O ve rp a s s o f
•B  reath Weapon (Recharge 5-6). It has the breath
th e G ia n ts weapon of whatever dragon it changes into, as the
breath weapon of a young dragon. It uses all of its
Background heads when using its breath weapon.
When the doppeldrake Malzdreziret ravaged Aglar- • Shapeshifting. As an action, the half-doppeldrake
ion over half a century ago, the doppeldrake laid hydra can assume the characteristics of any young
an egg under the Overpass of the Giants. The egg dragon. In a new form, the half-doppeldrake hydra
fell into the river and sank in the muddy bottom, retains its game statistics and doesn’t gain the ac-
lying dormant for decades. That is until the Midnight tions of the new form, however it gains the move-
Curse transformed the egg and caused it to hatch ment types of the new form and the traits Amphib-
as a monstrous half-doppelrake hydra that has made ious or Ice Walk if the new form allows. It reverts
the bridge its lair. to its true, lizard-like form if it dies.

The bridge arches over the deep river canyon be- 36. G o l e m cra f t Cave
low, half a mile long and 200 feet above the rushing
waters. Parts of the balustrade have been shorn off, See the corresponding location entry in the Kingdom
and several wagons and caravans lie broken on the of Aglarion section.
bridge, smashed to pieces.
Scene The inscriptions on the wall are part of a detailed
The mutated many-headed offspring of Malzdreziret spell that operates the Colossus. The only portion
is a half-dragon hydra that lairs in the waters un- that remains is on stopping or starting the move-
der the bridge. If any creature or object traverses the ment of the Colossus. Characters who succeed on a
bridge, the shapeshifting hydra will fly out of the wa- DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check can deduce
ter and attack. the command word to either halt or begin the move-
ment of the Colossus. An ancient and rusty daedal
Half-doppeldrake hydra (CR 9, 5,000 XP). Use the hy- wright is still operational and will move to attack
dra monster entry with the following modifications: anyone who enters the cave.

•T  he half-doppeldrake hydra has a fly speed of 80 ft.

• It has blindsight 10 ft. 37. B a rro w o f
• It has resistance to damage depending on whatever
color it changes into:
th e Co l o s s u s

Master Arlen created a colossal construct to aid
King Razmyrel Melkar and the rebellion against the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

Order of Eternal Light. After the fall of the theocra-

cy, he deemed the golem too powerful to fall into
39. Wa y l a i d P i l g r im s
the wrong hands, but he did not want to destroy it.
Instead, he ordered the monumental construct to Background
bury itself in a remote location at the edge of the The small pilgrim caravan of the thick-bearded gi-
Arden Forest. The Midnight Curse has animated the antkin evocation wizard, Vaven Fallspell, is strand-
colossal construct, which emerged from its barrow ed next to the road. The evocation wizard and his
and walks aimlessly in the region, leaving a swath of followers are members of a small cell of religious
destruction in its wake. fanatics from the city of Lakrian in Drayl, who wor-
ship the Darkness Within. The pilgrims were on their
Environment way to the Gate to Darkness Within (location 31.) to
A 60 by 40 feet pit lies at the edge of the Arden Forest sacrifice one of their unsuspecting members to the
surrounded by large mounds of earth and fallen trees powers of darkness. However, they were robbed at
that have burst outward from the pit’s center as if swordpoint by the Blackfurs a couple of days ago,
something had emerged from beneath the ground. who demolished their carriages. Lacking the exper-
A trail of gigantic block-shaped footprints leads into tise to fix their wheels easily, they have been strug-
the forest through trampled vegetation. gling with the task for days now.

38. Tra i l s o f A small camp of a few tents stands next to a carriage
with a broken wheel and a large tarp suspended
th e Co l o s s u s above it, partially blocking the rain. A few humanoid
shapes linger under the makeshift roof while others
Background are watching them from their tents.
The Colossus has trampled over the trees and is set
on an oval path in the Arden Forest, from the Bar- Scene
row of the Colossus and to the south of the Lodge The six pilgrims (use the cultist monster entry with
of Wanderlust, to Abulior Whitegate’s Workshop, an alignment of lawful evil) and Vaven Fallspell (use
and returning to the south to the River Halueth and the mage monster entry with an alignment of law-
back to its burrow. It continues on this path end- ful evil) are happy to see the characters and ask for
lessly. their help. Vaven Fallspell tells them about their en-
counter with the Blackfurs and their leader, a druidic
Environment warrior of half-elven and half-orcish descent, whose
The block-shaped footsteps are 2 feet deep, 10 feet name he does not know.
long, and 3 feet across. A character who succeeds
on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check can de- The wizard and the cultists keep their destination
termine that a construct of immense size left the secret and will not willingly divulge it. A character
prints. who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) skill
check notices their hesitation when asked about this.
Scene Vaven Fallspell takes over the conversation and lies
The Colossus does not take notice of anything or that they are on their way to the Mountainfall to
anyone nearby or in its path. It attacks any creature conduct geological research. If the characters ask too
that damages it, but does not pursue fleeing oppo- many questions, the pilgrims bid them farewell and
nents. Once left alone, it continues on its infinite cir- say that they will manage with the broken wheel on
cular path. their own.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


for Lord Kabok Goldtooth after their failed attempt
to wed Zikniq Mothfang to the lord with the use of
a philter of love magic potion. Zroct Mothfang, the
brother of the supposed bride, has learned about the
secret of the illusory gold dragon Xycot that Lord Ka-
bok Goldtooth created. He also knows of the raid the
Blackfur bandits have attempted against Gonshar,
and the young goblin has left the family residence
to find and inform them about the fake guardian,
hoping that they would launch another attack on his

VAVE N F A L L S PE L L The current residence of the Mothfang family con-
sists of a few wooden cottages suitable for small
creatures. Thin pillars of smoke rise from some of the
“We were heading north to conduct huts, and a small number of livestock wander around
geological research on behalf the buildings aimlessly, looking for food.
of my master, Hlurion Pansyrr,
the great elementalist. We were The Mothfang family numbers fourteen goblins in
robbed, our carriage was damaged, total, including eight children. The elder of the fam-
and we can’t return to Lakrian ily, Rashuk Mothfang is old and bitter, so he tries
without the samples we were to avoid the characters if they approach their settle-
ment. Rashuk Mothfang or Zikniq, his eldest daugh-
tasked to retrieve.”
ter, are not willing to divulge the reason for the exile
Vaven Fallspell telling their false narrative. and current hatred against Lord Kabok Goldtooth.
The younglings start to throw rocks at the charac-
The Blackfur bandits have stolen Vaven Fallspell’s ters, and the women shout loud threats to chase the
necklace of adaptation and all of the pilgrim’s money, characters away.
totaling 58 copper pieces, 61 silver pieces, and 329
gold pieces. “Go away! Murderers!
Rob someone else!
If characters recover the stolen treasure, Vaven Fall-
Filthy bastard whores!”
spell gives them 100 gold pieces as a sign of his grat- Female and children goblins
itude. shouting insults at the characters.

A character who catches one of the adults and suc-

40. M o th f a n g F a m i ly ceeds on a DC 9 Charisma (Deception, Intimidate,
or Persuasion) skill check can talk some sense into
Re s i d e n ce them and learn about their story.

Background Treasure
The exiled goblin family of the Mothfangs, former The Mothfang family has 74 copper pieces, 27 silver
residents of Gonshar, are still harboring their hatred pieces, and 44 gold pieces in total.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

2d4 + 2 rounds if alerted. The guards are suspicious

41. G o n s h a r of the characters but can be convinced of their good
intentions with a successful DC 10 Charisma (Decep-
Background tion or Persuasion) skill check. On a failed check,
Gonshar is the ancestral home of House Goldtooth, the guards urge the characters to leave and alert the
a lineage of goblin nobles. The current lord of the other guards to attack if they enter the town despite
village is Kabok Goldtooth, a cheerful goblin illusion- their warnings. If in grave danger, the six guard posts
ist, specialized in the school of shadows. The noble can summon another four bugbears, four hobgob-
tries to protect his town from the Midnight Curse as lins, and twelve committed goblin residents. The rest
best he can, but trouble just keeps pouring through of the village are non-combatant goblins and other
his gates. Years ago, Lord Kabok Goldtooth created humanoids (mostly human) commoners.
the illusory persona of Xykot, the gold dragon, to
scare away possible intruders. He convinced the res-
idents of Gonshar of his allegiance with the drag-
on to plant the lie deeply and to ease the goblins’
worried minds. Xykot served its purpose during the
recent raid attempt by the Blackfur bandits. How-
ever the illusionist knows very well that someone
will eventually see through his magic, and then, the
safety of his village will depend solely on his magical
capabilities. Therefore, Lord Kabok Goldtooth is des-
perate to get outside help to deal with the bandits
before it’s too late.

The town’s muddy streets are full of large puddles
due to the constantly pouring choking rain. A large
number of sturdy log houses, which traditionally fea-
ture a large, covered balcony and terrace, sit in cir-
cles around a central wooden log palace decorated
with a multitude of shields bearing the symbols of
House Goldtooth. S PE L L FO CU S O F TH E
The residents of Gonshar keep to their houses and
only emerge on the terraces or balconies during the Lord Kabok Goldtooth’s simple wooden palace is
day, venturing further away from their home only if guarded by six of his most trusted hobgoblin soldiers
absolutely necessary. who are by his side at all times. The goblin wizard
remains cheerful despite the curse and the recent
The defenses of the town are simple. They are sta- attacks on his town. He welcomes the characters
tioned in front of the residences in the outer circle cordially when they are led to his residence by the
of the buildings, spread out evenly in six locations. town guards. The Supreme Wizard of Gonshar, as
There are a bugbear and two armed goblin guards he calls himself, tells the characters about the latest
at each location at all times. They alert each other bandit attack and his worries about their return and
with horns if intruders approach from any side of asks if they could help prevent the attack or if they
the town, and they will gather at one spot within would be willing to stay to protect their town.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The goblin noble explains that he has an excellent
rapport with the legendary dragon, whom he can
call in times of trouble. Lord Kabok Goldtooth fears
that the dragon might be too far away when needed
and that it would not arrive in time to save every-
one. He doesn’t want to risk the life of his subjects
by entirely relying on the magnificent creature. He
is ready to pay the characters a total of 1,000 gold
pieces if they accept his request. A character who
succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Insight) skill check
can sense that the noble is overly assured about his
relationship with the dragon.
If the characters ask about Lord Eard Wytas “Drag-
onfriend” Arden, Lord Kabok Goldtooth can tell the “Oh, we are very close. Almost
story of the famous Red Cloak Lawgiver and his close like brothers. We have seen a lot
ally, the bronze dragon Thelarmas, who used to lair
together and owe each other
somewhere at the western portion of the Shandar
Mountains. The goblin wizard knows that the former
many favors. Big favors!“
noble and dragon of legend had perished long ago Kabok describing his friendship
and can relate the location of the Dragon’s Bones with Xycot, the gold dragon.
(location 25.) to the characters.
Lord Kabok Goldtooth used a scroll of programmed im-
Lord Kabok Goldtooth. Use the mage monster entry age to create the permanent illusion of huge adult gold
with the following modifications: dragon that he can call forth if he shouts its name. He
dubbed the dragon Xycot and claims to be best friends
• L ord Kabok Goldtooth has a Charisma ability score with the creature. On rare occasions, when he calls for
of 17 and makes Deception skill checks with a +6 the gold dragon, it appears to be flying from behind
modifier. the canopy of trees and lands on the ground, asking
• Shadow Shield (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). the goblin lord what he needs assistance with. Lord
Lord Kabok Goldtooth can use his reaction to con- Kabok Goldtooth tells the dragon his request, and it
jure a shadowy aura that negates one hit by an immediately does as asked by the goblin illusionist.
attack that targets him. The scene is always set as if the dragon was in a hurry
• Pseudo Reality. When Lord Kabok Goldtooth casts because the spell is active for only 5 minutes before
a 1st or higher level spell to create the image of being unusable again for another 10 minutes.
an object, creature, or visible phenomenon, he can
choose to cast his spell to deal 1d6 psychic damage Lord Kabok Goldtooth has infused the programmed
per spell level every turn to those creatures that illusion spell with his pseudo reality class feature and
are affected by it. Affected creatures can make a using his spell focus of the shadowcaster, making the
DC 14 Intelligence saving throw to half the dam- spell require a DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) skill
age. Physical interaction with the image does not check made with disadvantage to discern it as an il-
reveal it to be an illusion. A creature that success- lusion. The spell deals 21 (6d6) points of psychic dam-
fully sees through the image by taking an action age (save DC 16 with disadvantage to halve) every
to make a successful DC 14 Intelligence (Investiga- turn by either making a melee attack with a natural
tion) skill check becomes immune to the damage weapon or breathing fire on creatures within the 30
dealt by the spell. feet cube area of the programmed illusion spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

“Greetings old friend! What bothers

you is now my concern as well. The patchy camp of this rag-time army has nineteen
How can I help? I have only a few tents spread out around a large bonfire that burns
minutes to spare, speak quickly!” with a tall column of smoke due to the soaked wood
of which it was assembled. The small tents stand
Xycot speaking to Lord Kabok on a field of trash, discarded household items, dirty
Goldtooth in a deep booming voice. utensils, and torn clothes. The inside of each tent has
two bedrolls, some clothes, and personal treasures of
Before long, the Blackfur bandits will attack Gron- the bandits who live in them.
shar. Before the attack, Ishnari and the bandits are
informed about the illusory nature of the dragon by Scene
Zroct Mothfang, allowing them to roll their Intelli- There are thirty-two male and female bandits in the
gence (Investigation) skill checks to disbelieve the camp who all obey Ishnari and trust him to lead
programmed illusion spell normally instead of having them to a life filled with riches.
disadvantage on the roll.
Ishnari (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the druid monster entry
Treasure with the following modifications:
Lord Kabok Goldtooth carries two potions of healing
and a spell focus of the shadowcaster. • Ishnari is neutral evil.
• He has 53 hit points.
• He has a Strength ability score of 15.
42. B l a ckf u r B a n d i t • He makes two melee attacks.
• S cimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
H i d eo u t one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
• Parry. Ishnari adds 2 to his AC against one melee
Background attack that would hit him. To do so, Ishnari must
The Blackfurs have been raiding caravans for years see the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.
within and around the Arden Forest. Considering
the Midnight Curse as a newfound opportunity, Ishnari does not trust anyone and will try to subdue
their leader Ishnari, a half-orc and half-elven druid and rob the characters if they enter his camp. He will
fighter, has set eyes on the town of Gonshar and the keep them tied together in the rain until he makes
magic items owned by its noble wizard, Lord Kabok sure that he knows all of their secrets, then lets them
Goldtooth. The bandit captain hoped that the chok- die slowly.
ing rain and the curse in general had weakened the
town and its defenses. The bandits executed an at-
tack on the unsuspecting town that was repelled by
Lord Kabok Goldtooth’s magic and the emerging im-
age of the gold dragon to whom the locals referred
to as Xykot. A goblin of the Mothfang family named
Zroct arrived at the camp of the Blackfurs recently
and told Ishnari the truth about the dragon, namely
that it is only a semi-realistic illusion. Zroct is try-
ing to instigate a new raid on Gonshar, but Ishnari
is still considering his next move, as he is still not
convinced about Zroct’s trustworthiness.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


own plunder - 224 silver pieces, 491 gold pieces, and
a small diamond worth 200 gold pieces. Zroct wears
a silver necklace worth 25 gold pieces and carries a
+1 hand crossbow.


43. S tr i d e o f
th e E l d e r s

See section On the Stride of the Elders at the end of

Chapter 4.

44. Th e H a g tree

“I don’t care who you are. You walked
into the wrong camp, we will
take what’s yours, and your
See section Traversing the Hagtree at the end of
bodies will fertilize the ground.”
Chapter 4.
Ishnari threatening the characters.

Unknown even to his bandits, the druid captain has 45. Ru in s o f th e
buried a treasure chest near the camp and hid its
location and his tracks to it with his druidic magic.
Wa te r- ra ise r
If the characters defeat Ishnari, they can force him
to divulge the location of his (and Vaven Fallspell’s) Background
treasure only by succeeding on a DC 15 Charisma (In- Bryn Helgraz, his wife Rikka, and their two sons in
timidation) skill check. their mid-twenties, Jadlyr and Woren, have made
their home in the depths of this immense water-rais-
Zroct (use the spy monster entry) will flee into the er structure. The half-elven family has lived a life of
woods and try to get back to his family residence if solitude for years and has been preparing for the end
a fight breaks out. He will try to negotiate for his life times, driven by Rikka’s nightmarish visions about
with the secret of the illusory gold dragon if caught the coming Midnight Curse. Bryn Helgraz, who is
by the characters and flee as soon as an opportunity a philosopher and woodworker by trade, believed
arises. the omens his wife foretold. As a result, the Helgraz
family has amassed large amounts of fresh water,
Treasure non-perishable food, and resources and have sealed
The ten tents hold a total of 523 gold pieces, two themselves inside the ruins of the colossal wooden
amethysts worth 35 gold pieces each, a golden ear- water-raiser mechanism. They rarely emerge, only
ring worth 20 gold pieces, and a potion of healing. when they need something from the outside world,
Ishnari’s buried treasure chest hides the valuables and are armed to the teeth when they do so.
of the pilgrims, totaling 58 copper pieces, 61 silver
pieces, and 329 gold pieces, and Vaven Fallspells neck- Environment
lace of adaptation (see location 39.). It also holds his The ruins of the ancient water-raising mechanism

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C H A P TE R 4

soar to a staggering height of 200 feet. The struc-

ture’s base is a complex platform with a gigantic
suspension arm driven into the side of the rocks
and several transmission blocks that once utilized B RY N
the force of the river in which the entire structure H E L G RA Z
currently rests. A gigantic broken water wheel and
the vast platforms constantly creak with an ominous
sound as if they would collapse at any moment.

Ha’aren Blackbone visited the ancient structure on

her quest to find Samkiel’s Prison and spent a night
at its feet. The Red Cloak Lawgiver did not meet any
members of the Helgraz family, but the family saw
her from inside of their hideout. “We don’t have anything to offer you.
Leave us alone and go away.
A character who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence
The end time are nigh!”
(Investigation) skill check can find clues that reveal Helgraz trying to get rid of the characters.
that someone has made camp at the feet of the gi-
gantic structure a long time ago and tried to hide
their tracks and the campsite before leaving. 46. Th e G ro a n in g
The characters meet the four members of the Hel-
Pil lar
graz family (use the bandit monster entry) only if
they thoroughly explore the entire structure of the Background
water-raising mechanism. In this case, they will The Dark Star’s forces punished the most insolent
eventually find a closed door that leads to a few larg- mortals by chaining them to this pillar of monumen-
er compartment areas where the family established tal size. The victims hung on the side of the column
their quarters. The family is not interested in talking where they suffered terrible pain until they died of
to the characters and tries to avoid them as much as decreased oxygen supply to the brain.
possible. If confronted, they tell them that they don’t
have any valuables and ask them to leave. They saw Environment
Ha’aren Blackbone, who left to the northeast, but did A gigantic, square-shaped stone pillar rises from the
not reveal themselves to her. ground and pierces through the thick forest canopy
as a nail would through a plank. The ancient struc-
ture is 50 feet wide on each side and rises to a height
of 300 feet. It is covered in carvings, written in the
dark Celestial hieroglyphics of the fallen angels, pro-
nouncing the superiority of the celestial creatures
over mortals. Rusty chains dangle from the side of
the pillar from top to bottom on all sides at every 10
feet. Some of them still hold a skeletal arm or even a
skeletal half torso. As one approaches the pillar, faint
groaning and wailing sounds grow louder until they
turn into a painful cacophony at its feet. A couple of
more fresh, broken corpses lie at the foot of the pil-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


lar, obviously having died from falling. A huge black Zevius met Ha’aren Blackbone when she investigated
opal is embedded into the top of the pillar. the Groaning Pillar for clues to find Samkiel’s prison.
The Red Cloak Lawgiver did not tell the spirit naga
A 10-foot diameter tent of many colorful tarps stitched about her goals and refused its offer to scry for her.
together stands not too far from the pillar, soaking in An attempt by Zevius to scry on Ha’aren Blackbone
the constant rain. or Samkiel fails every time.

Scene The magic of the ancient place of execution is still

The tent is home to Zevius, a spirit naga oracle and active and captures any humanoid mortal that goes
follower of the Inevitable, the god of death. It was near it. A creature who approaches the Groaning Pil-
expelled from its nest by the other two spirit nagas, lar within 10 feet must make a DC 15 Strength saving
who are avid followers of their deity and divine from throw or be carried away by an invisible force. On a
the bones at the Cairn of Bones (location 47.). Zevius failed save, the creature is lifted from the ground to
found a crystal ball and started exploring the world a height of 1d20 x 10 feet and pulled to the surface of
using the magic device instead of practicing their an- the pillar. On a successful save, the creature resists
cient rituals. It recently moved to the Groaning Pillar the pull and is free to act until the start of its next
to examine the dead souls trapped within the pillar turn, when the Groaning Pillar attempts to move
and is willing to scry on anyone if the client pays its body again. A creature lifted by the force of the
with one of their body parts, like hair or nails, that pillar is attached to a manacle that magically melds
the naga can later use as a focus for scryings. Zevius’ around one of the creature’s wrists, who becomes
tent is filled with colorful shifting crystal orbs that restrained. The rusty manacles cannot be picked and
are connected to a central magical crystal ball that have AC 17 and 8 hit points, a damage threshold of 5,
reflects its images on all the orbs simultaneously. they have damage resistance against piercing, slash-
ing damage, and damage immunity against poison,
and psychic damage. A creature can escape the man-
acles by succeeding on a DC 20 Strength or Dexterity
ability check. A creature that remains trapped in the
manacle for over an hour must succeed on a DC 10
Constitution saving throw every hour or fall uncon-
scious. An unconscious creature must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw every minute. On a suc-
cessful save, the creature remains unconscious. On a
failed save, the creature dies.
The deep carving on the pillar and the dangling
chains make climbing the side of the pillar relatively
easy. A creature can attempt a DC 10 Strength (Ath-
letics) skill check to climb the wall up to half of its
movement speed. On a failed skill check, the crea-
“I sssee everysssing… I sssee All! Who ture falls to the ground and takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning
isss it that you ssseek? Give mee a damage for every 10 feet of falling. A falling creature
can try to grab one of the chains to stop its descent
pieccce of yourssselvesss and I can
by succeeding on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw.
show them to you. Do you ssseek
Ssssamkieeel asss well?” The top of the Groaning Pillar is carved into the mul-
Zevius presenting its bargain. ti-angled shape of a star with a fist-sized black opal

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

embedded on its top. The opal is a magic gem that Scene

holds the thousands of souls of those who perished The area is considered lightly obscured to a height
on the pillar. Climbing to the opal from either end of 10 feet. The two spirit nagas, Arkalya and Nusha,
of the platform requires a successful DC 15 Strength refrain from contact and avoid the characters at all
(Athletics) skill check. The opal can be removed with costs if approached. However, the mystical crea-
a successful DC 20 Strength ability check. Once the tures can hold some information for the characters
opal is removed, the groaning whispers cease, the if made to parlay with a successful DC 14 Charisma
souls are released and laid to rest, and the Groaning (Deception, Intimidate, or Persuasion) skill check.
Pillar loses its magical abilities. They know about Zevius, the expelled third mem-
ber of their nest, who has relocated to the Groaning
Treasure Pillar. They can also tell of Ha’aren Blackbone, who
The fist-sized black opal is worth 1,000 gold pieces. visited them earlier asking about the Ziggurat of the
New Moon. They did not speak to the Red Cloak Law-
Experience giver but can recognize her signature cloak.
Award the party 700 experience points if they obtain
the black opal and free the spirits from the Groaning
Pillar 48. Ca m p o f
th e Re d C lo a k
47. Ca irn s o f B o n e
Background The summit of Cloud Peak was a site of blood sacri-
These mounds of rock hide mass graves filled with fice to the Dark Star and one of the focus points for
the bones of those who resisted the rule of the fallen Sarath’s ritual of light that banished the fallen an-
angels. A cabal of three spirit naga oracles that ven- gels from Aglarion. The location is a monument to
erate the Inevitable, the god of death, has nested on both eras, the reason why Ha’aren Blackbone the Red
top of one of the cairns for hundreds of years, divin- Cloak visited the site for information about Samkiel
ing the death of the deceased from their bones. Ze- and its prison.
vius, one of the spirit nagas, has been expelled from
the nest for not following the sacred rituals. The ren- Environment
egade naga is slowly but steadily exploring the world Cloud Peak pierces the skies and rises to a soaring
outside the cairns through its magic crystal ball (see height of 13,000 feet. The mountain itself is of a dif-
location 46. for details). ferent hue than the bedrock, hinting at the foreign
origin of the jagged, greyish stone, as if the entire
Environment mountain impacted into the heart of Aglarion.
Large mounds of stone blocks rise from the ground
in several places, almost completely covered in grass At the top of the mountain is a small plateau, where
and plants, speaking to their ancient origin. Masses the remains of a stone altar can be found, standing
of bones protrude from these mounds in some areas within a bowl-shaped indentation. The altar was de-
where the ancient stone blocks have fallen out of molished over a millenium ago. However, the remains
their original positions. A light mist lingers between of the blood once pooled in the indentation, seeping
the overgrown mounds, covering the ground from into the rock itself, can still be seen. The surfaces of
the eyes of those who enter it. The shape of two the ground and the remains of the altar stone are
large snake-like creatures can be seen in the fog only covered by runes, worn down by the elements, but
for a moment before they disappear into the mist. still discernible as divine sigils of the Shining Light.
The remains of a campsite sit next to the altar.

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Scene and low tables, while the dining area, which is fur-
The mountain slopes are treacherous and can be dead- nished to host only one group of people at a time,
ly if the right equipment isn’t used. Characters must features a single large beautifully carved wooden ta-
succeed on a DC 12 Strength (Athletics) skill check ble in the middle of an elegantly decorated room.
three times before reaching the top - to traverse cre- Lavish chandeliers and glass-doored serving cabinets
vasses, avoid slipping on smooth rocks, or move boul- glitter in the light. Currently, the dining area shows
ders in their paths. The character falls down the sheer the signs of desperate combat, with many pieces of
cliffs on a failed check but can attempt a successful furniture overturned or broken, covered in blood.
DC 14 Dexterity saving throw to catch a ledge before The bodies of six dead former guests, all battered to
falling. The character falls 1d10 x 10 feet on a failed death, lie on the ground.
saving throw and suffers the corresponding falling
damage. The kitchen of the Weary Ogre is equipped with the
finest tools and kitchenware available in the realm.
At the top of the mountain, characters can identify Ozar’s private quarters are small but comfortable,
the remnants of sacrificial blood at the bottom of the featuring a small bathing area and a massive king-
indentation with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Medi- size bed reinforced with a metallic frame to support
cine) skill check and the religious runes dedicated to his weight.
the Shining Light with a DC 10 Intelligence (Religion)
skill check. Characters who search the site and suc-
ceed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) skill check can
find a small piece of red cloth with a golden hem that
was caught on a jagged piece of stone and torn from
a piece of clothing. Characters who succeed on a DC
10 Intelligence (History) skill check can identify the
cloth as part of a Red Cloak Lawgiver’s signature cloak. Scene
The Midnight Curse has caused all butchered and
prepared meat in the kitchen and the pantry to rise
49. as undead. The beheaded chickens, ox heads, sausag-
es, and blocks of hams have assaulted all living be-
Background ings at the inn, intending to bash them. Ozar (use
The Weary Ogre is famous all over the continent and the mage monster entry with no 4th and 5th level
even in the Royal Palace for its costly but first-rate spell slots available and only 14 hit points left) has
gastronomic creations. The proprietor, Ozar the Ex- locked himself in the underground wine cellar and is
quisite, is a towering and fat half-ogre who is known completely devastated, his cheerful demeanor gone
to be a joyful chef of masterful skill and a transmuter for good. He was unable to defeat the flying undead
wizard who graduated from the Arcane Tower dec- meats and had no other option but to retreat to the
ades ago. Unfortunately, the Midnight Curse has af- safety of his cellar, where he has enough food and
fected the cheerful wizard’s tavern in a gruesome water to survive until he recovers from his wounds.
way by animating the prepared food within the es- Ozar knows Abulior Whitegate, the wizard who was
tablishment. expelled from the Arcane Tower, and his current lo-
cation. He also met the Heroes of Virtue when they
Environment visited his tavern after going to the Arcane Tower
The tavern is a lavishly furnished and decorated es- and saw them depart heading northeast. The half-
tablishment suitable for the highest standards of the ogre mage had other guests at the time, so he turned
noble class of the kingdom. The spacious foyer of the them away, but he mentions that they had a sinister
building serves as a lounge with comfortable sofas air around them.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

(see The Arcane Tower section at the end of Chap-

ter 4.). The arcane protocol, designed by Master Arlen
based on ancient celestial knowledge, immediately
transported the entire Arcane Tower, with all of its
O ZA R inhabitants, to the Astral Plane. The wizard academi-
TH E E XQU IS ITE cians and their pupils, many of whom had only heard
tales about the plane-shifting capabilities of the tower,
were concerned by the events, but also felt safer in this
new, never-before-seen environment. They continued
their studies and research, and also closely followed
and analyzed the recent events on the Material Plane.

These events did not reach the consciousness of Master

Eydan, who lies in a self-induced coma caused by the
night roses he has planted in his chamber. The former,
now retired, archmage is constantly submerged in the
formless and endless void of the Dreamrealm, where
“They were… I don’t know. Unpleasant
he frequently communes with Father Lestor, the cleric
people. The wizard was playing around of the god of knowledge. The latter was exiled by King
with a flame all the time as if he Waldrann Azennar during their quest to the Feyrealm
wanted to intimidate me.” and has remained in the Bleak Mire since.

Ozar’s comment about the Heroes of Virtue. The Arcane Tower’s planar safety protocol can be re-
versed by the archmage of the tower through the
The Weary Ogre is haunted by twenty-four undead control medallion of the tower or by outside influence
flying meat that attack any living creature in unison through the use of the torcs of the tower (see Ap-
by surrounding them. They will not leave the building. pendix C: Magic Items). The six torcs must be placed
within the focus pedestal in area 1 to conjure the
Undead Flying Meat. These meat products attack by tower from the Astral Plane and keep it locked on
bashing against their victims. Use the flying sword the Material Plane until the torcs are removed from
monster entry with the following modifications: the pedestal.

• An undead meat has the undead monster type. The Heroes of Virtue is a group of self-serving adven-
• It has AC 12. turers who make a living by endangering communi-
• It deals 4 (1d6+1) bludgeoning damage. ties and taking their gold for fake heroic quests. They
have learned about the disappearance of the Arcane
Tower and made haste to be the first to investigate
50. V a u l ts o f th e the scene and rob its vaults before anyone else.

A rca n e To we r Rowan Caltheryan Caltheryan is the youngest ap-

prentice of the Arcane Tower, who was sent out by
Background the academicians to gather components from the
The acting archmage of the Kingdom of Aglarion and surrounding region when the Midnight Curse struck.
the Arcane Tower, Master Zaophas, didn’t hesitate for He experienced the worst of the choking rain and
a moment to activate the safety measures of the mag- the mutated flora and fauna and was unable to get
ical wizard’s tower when the Midnight Curse stuck back to the Arcane Tower before Master Zaophas

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


“We don’t know much besides raising
pulled it to the Astral Plane. After a long and painful
journey, he collapsed on the doorsteps of a nearby livestock and children, but I know that
farming family, who gave him safe haven. The young these are times when we would need
apprentice saw the Heroes of Virtue break into the those magicians more than ever.”
vault but doesn’t know the name or the background
of the group or the individuals that comprise it. A farmer expressing his bitter feelings.

Environment The farmers had minimal interactions with the wiz-

The base of the Arcane Tower is a flat, 150-foot di- ards of the Arcane Tower before the Midnight Curse,
ameter patch of dirt with a single metal trap door at and those were only related to trade. Some of the
its center. The trap door was obviously vandalized, older farmers know of the last disappearance of
its complex lock mechanism and lid torn and dam- the tower when Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impostor,
aged by heavy tools. An almost unnoticeable, faintly a shape-changing dragon, ravaged the capital. Still,
glowing magic circle of arcane runes surrounds the all they know is that the tower was gone until the
circular area of dirt. dragon was defeated in the north by King Daerios
Azennar, father of King Waldrann Azennar. The farm-
Miserably neglected farms and fields of obviously dis- ers also tell the characters that they have heard a
eased, rotten, brown and yellow crops surround the rumbling noise emanating from deep underground
area, located just a few miles from where the Arcane near the tower only a few days ago and that they are
Tower once stood. Only a few of the outlying farm- terrified for their family’s safety.
houses have lights shining in their windows. The black-
ened windows of the rest of the farmsteads stand as re- After gaining their trust, the farmers direct the char-
minders of the tragic fates of their former inhabitants. acters to Rowan Caltheryan (use the apprentice of
the Arcane Tower monster entry), who is happy to
Scene see the characters. He is more than eager to help but
Behind the trap door, a stairway leads down to the feels unsafe to leave the farmlands and the comfort
vaults of the Arcane Tower to area 1. A character who and care the families provide.
succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill
check can deduct that someone tried to pick the lock He tells the characters how he got separated from
but failed before bashing the lid and breaking the the tower and spied on a group of four individuals
lock with an axe. who broke into the vault a few weeks ago. Rowan
Caltheryan tells the characters the following infor-
A character who succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence (Ar- mation about the members of the group:
cana) skill check can decrypt the magic circle around
the base of the tower and tell that it is part of an •A  well-groomed, black-haired human in leather ar-
arcane spell with sigils pointing to the Astral Plane. mor and blue cloak, who tried to pick the lock-
ing mechanism of the trap door and failed. This
Only three of the seven farmhouses are occupied by man looked as if he was the brother of one of the
families who have always lived in the proximity of group’s other member, the bard.
the Arcane Tower. These families consist of one or • A short, black-haired man in elegant and colorful
two parents and grandparents and several children traveling clothes, who was obviously a bard. He
of different ages, but every family has already lost played a few melodies on his lute while his brother
at least one member to the Midnight Curse. They tried to pick the lock.
are undernourished and frightened. A character must •A  10-foot tall ogre brute in red metal armor with a
succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check huge axe. He broke down the trap door but could
to convince the farmers of their peaceful intentions. not fit through, so he waited outside.

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C H A P TE R 4

• A blond man in a blue, elegant, and uniform-like out- Rowan Caltheryan also knows about a wizard named
fit, who played with a small flame in his palm while Abulior Whitegate, a former academician of the Arcane
waiting for the others to provide entry into the vault. Tower, who was expelled by Master Zaophas years ago
for stealing an ancient parchment from the library. He
Rowan Caltheryan tells the characters that the group doesn’t know if the former academician can help with
left to the east after emerging from the vault, seem- any information, but he is sure that Abulior Whitegate
ingly unharmed. knows more of the Arcane Tower than he does. Rowan
Caltheryan can direct the characters to Abulior White-
Rowan Caltheryan recognizes the mithral torc of the gate’s workshop (location 32.) far to the west and de-
tower if he sees it on one of the characters. He points scribes the mage as a harmless and reserved person, a
out that he saw a similar torc on the blond magic-user’s master of transmutation magic and crafting, and an
wrist marked with the emblem of the Arcane Tower, enthusiastic devotee of Master Arlen’s work.
but that torc was made out of iron. Rowan Caltheryan
knows the primary function of the torcs and tells the Rowan Caltheryan has limited knowledge of Master
characters that these are ancient keys, believed to be Eydan. He knows that he is alive but has secluded
lost, that can recall the tower to the Material Plane if himself in his private chamber for over a decade now.
needed. He gets really excited about the existence of He has heard that Master Zaophas sometimes visits
the torcs but doesn’t encourage anyone to use them the former archmage, but Rowan Caltheryan does not
against the will of the archmage, Master Zaophas. He know what Master Eydan is working on and how he
believes that the archmage must have had good rea- generally spends his days. Nevertheless, he considers
sons to transpose the tower to the Astral Plane. the former archmage a knowledgeable wizard of the
highest power and trusts that he is doing well.

ROWAN Background
CA L TH E RY AN This is where the torcs of the tower can be used by
placing them into the focus pedestal. Recently, a bu-
lette has burrowed its way into the room through
the component storage chamber.

This otherwise unremarkable staircase leads to the
vaults of the Arcane Tower. A simple stone pedestal
with a basin-like indentation on its top stands in the
middle of the stairway, its front covered by inscrip-
tions. A large natural looking hole gapes on the wall
“One could judge Master Zaophas’ to the west, littered with rubble in front of it. The air
is still and smells of freshly dug earth.
decision. However he not only protects
his students this way but also keeps the Scene
knowledge of our guild safe.” The bulette has built a nest and laid an egg here. The
monster attacks anyone who enters its newfound
Rowan Caltheryan defending the lair. The egg hatches in 30 days if kept underground.
idea of the security measure. The freshly hatched bulette, by its nature, will attack

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Jwarlea Jyle, the Lawgiv'r of Smoke­
anyone it sees when it emerges from the egg. It can
be calmed by feeding it constantly, but it has a tre- stone, the beareth'r of the iron t'rc of
mendous hunger and a raging temperament. the toweth'r, whose will wast forg'd
in northern flames as r'd as h'r locks.
Bulette Hatchling (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the bulette
monster entry with the following modifications:
Agratthys Vuelnor, the Lawgiv'r of
• The bulette hatchling is Medium size. Gorso, the beareth'r of the silv'r t'rc
• It has AC 15 and 31 hit points. of the toweth'r, a sir who is't loves
• It has a Strength score of 15. his town m're than his life.
• Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 15 (2d12 + 2) piercing damage.
Lord Eard Wytas “Dragonfriend”
All six of the torcs of the tower fit into specific inden- Arden, Lawgiv'r of the Arden Climature,
tations at the top of the focus pedestal that resem- the beareth'r of the clay t'rc of the
ble their unique shapes. The front of the pedestal is toweth'r, a gentle soul of heart
engraved with a long text that describes the original
and mind.
bearers of the six torcs.

“Mast'r Arlen the Constructeth'r wast Kalnur “Rockheart” Nangrath, the Law-
did create this planar locketh, und'r giv'r of Nangrathn, the beareth'r of the
'rd'rs from the most hon'rful King stone t'rc of the toweth'r, a st'rn rock-
Razmyrel Melkar the True, the first of eth in the visage of the elements.”
Aglarion. It shall beest activat'd only The engraving on the pedestal.
with the useth of the six t'rcs of the
The focus pedestal cannot be used unless the break
toweth'r, which w're entrust'd to beest
in the magic circle in area 2 is fixed.
hath carried by these loyal Lawgiv'rs.
May their collective loyalty and wise
judgement insureth the ryghtful useth 2. CO MPONE N T STO RA G E
of their keies yond shalt beest hath
passed onto their chosen success'rs. This storage chamber was the primary component
storage of the wizards with enough resources to last
Onrryl Blackbone, the Lawgiv'r of years. Currently, it lies in ruins, its contents utterly
destroyed by the bulette that bore its way into the
Harveston, the beareth'r of the ada-
vaults. The landshark tore through its stone walls and
mantine t'rc of the toweth'r, a wise an invisible magic circle that is part of the dimension-
instructeth'r of his owneth bloodline. al lock spell that would recall and secure the Arcane
Tower on the Material Plane once activated by the
Peklyo Tassadir, the Lawgiv'r of Onadh torcs in the focus pedestal.

Byr, the beareth'r of the mithral t'rc of

the toweth'r, a relentless s'rvant of the A mix of rubble covered in colorful dust, broken vials,
coronet. smashed containers, thousands of unrecognizable

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


components lie on the floor amid piles of bulette fec- Environment
es. A tunnel leads into the ground for dozens of miles The room has a few shelves and filing cabinets with
under the earth, eventually ending at a cave-in. a vast collection of documents that lack any value.
Many of the containers are open, and their contents
Scene spilled on the floor as if someone searched them in
The magic circle is visible if observed through a detect a hurry.
magic or similar spell. Its two ends break off abruptly
at the two sides of the hole where the bulette bur- Scene
rowed its way inside. A character who succeeds on Most of the documents contain information on the
a DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check can fix the daily life of the arcane academy. Old study books,
circle by filling in the missing parts with arcane sigils class notes, torn academic tomes, records of class at-
drawn on the ground. tendances, accounting records, order sheets, storage
inventory lists, and similar mundane documents fill
If the focus pedestal is activated before the magic the cabinets and drawers.
circle is fixed, its two ends burst with sparkles, re-
vealing its existence and the fact that it is missing a A character who searches the documents for an hour
section that would allow the flow of arcane energies. can make a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill
Rowan Caltheryan is happy to help fix the magic cir- check to find a reference in a filing folder to an an-
cle if needed, but he is very nervous about the fact cient parchment written in dark celestial language,
that he is tampering with something that the legend- dating back to the age of the fallen angels. The listing
ary Master Arlen created. indexes the exact location of a piece of parchment in
the library, labeled “Dark Star parchment” (see area 2
A character who searches the room and succeeds of the Arcane Tower), the fact that it contains an un-
on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) skill check can find known command phrase, and that Master Arlen him-
a handful of curious black seeds that pulsate with self recovered it. The entry is circled, and the word
soft violet light. A character who succeeds on a DC “Stolen” is written in red next to it.
18 Intelligence (Nature) skill check can identify the
seeds as those of the rare night rose (see area 3 Treasure
of the Arcane Tower), which induces vivid dreams An undamaged crystal, an arcane focus, lies on the
to those who smell its perfume when it blooms at floor near an empty spellbook without a cover,
sunset. stuffed between two old books on one of the shelves.

Award the party 700 experience points if they can fix 4. DE P O S I TO RY
the magic circle.
Old junk, useless components, and broken but reus-
3. A RCH IVE S able items are stored in this area, left here by the
mages for future evaluation.
The archives of the Arcane Tower are a depository Environment
of old documents, journals, and ancient arcane study The room contains a collection of colorful items of
books that are beyond repair or reuse. The Heroes of all shapes and sizes, placed in the room in a disor-
Virtue collected all magical resources from the ar- derly fashion. A few of the strangest-looking items
chives, mostly damaged scrolls, and took everything include a malformed sculpture with an elongated
that had even the faintest magical aura. right hand, a giant spring, a table that looks as if it is

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C H A P TE R 4

in mid-jump, and some rolled up carpets that stink tom of a crate that holds some tools and can only be
with a gut-wrenching stench. found if a character searches the crate and succeeds
on a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check. The He-
Scene roes of Virtue opened the crate but could not find
An old, scratched blackboard has a few visible words the false bottom or detect the hidden magic aura of
written on it with chalk and an almost illegible, bad- the manual. Some of the golem parts scattered in the
ly erased sentence that can be deciphered with a suc- room are obviously used for repairing and construct-
cessful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check. ing daedal wrights.

“To all apprentices: Use of the central

levitation chamber is strictly prohibited 6. SE CU R E VA U L T
outside of lecture hours. Breaches of Background
the rule will result in strict reprimands Master Zaophas, archmage of the Arcane Tower, has
and may result in suspension.” visited the Abyss on many occasions as part of his
research into the nature of the demonic plane. Dur-
The text written with chalk on the blackboard. ing his studies and his investigation into the cult of
Dagon, he uncovered an abyssal portal that he trans-
An invisible, tall, and slim standing mirror is placed ported into the tower’s secure vault for safekeep-
by the wall. ing. The portal is disguised as a giant wardrobe and
leads directly to the depths of the Abyssal sea. Master
Treasure Zaophas had the wardrobe locked and kept it in the
Two vials of potion of acid resistance were left inside most secure location of the Arcane Tower so that no
the drawer of the once animated table, missed by the one might interfere with it.
Heroes of Virtue.
The Heroes of Virtue were intrigued by the massive
vault door and made a great effort to break into the
5. CO N S TRU CT room, sparing no resources during the process. They
RE P O S I TO RY hoped they would find riches and magic to loot, but
eventually, on the advice of their arcanist Tasran Sto-
neplitter, they decided to leave it alone.
Laromarius, one of the academicians of the academy Environment
and the bearer of the title of Golem Controller, is the A massive vault door guards the room, now cracked
only one who has access to this storage area. He has open, its locking mechanism bent and totally de-
hidden one of his most valued possessions, a manual stroyed. Its surface is marred by a medley of dam-
of clay golems, in this storage area, using an arcanist’s age from both weapons and magic. It stands open, its
magic aura to hide it. locking mechanism bent and destroyed. A huge ward-
robe made out of bright redwood stands in the middle
Environment of the room. Runes cover its surface and a thick chain
Large cogs, metal bars, boxes full of screws and tools, wraps around it, secured with a sizable padlock.
numerous metallic, stone, and wooden parts of go-
lems lie around in this room. Scene
A character who succeeds on a DC 17 Intelligence
Scene (Arcana) skill check can identify the redwood as a
The manual of clay golems is hidden in the false bot- rare abyssal tree called leech mangrove, which en-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


twines its victims and sucks their lifeblood. The action or a bonus action on its turn, but not both,
runes engraved on the surface of the wardrobe are and can’t take reactions.
written in Abyssal. A character who succeeds on a DC
19 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check can understand Swimming towards the strong current to approach
that they are part of a magical formula similar to a the wardrobe in the flooded corridors requires a DC
gate spell. The wardrobe emanates a magical aura of 21 Strength (Athletics) skill check. Forcing the doors
conjuration. The padlock and the chains are nonmag- of the wardrobe shut requires a successful DC 15
ical. The padlock can be opened with thieves’ tools Strength ability check. Once the doors are shut, the
on a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check. gush of water stops. If the flow of abyssal seawater
is not stemmed, the farms get flooded in three days.
When the wardrobe is cracked open, the runes start In another three days, a small lake appears, infested
to glow red, and a powerful stream of foul water by aquatic dretches. If the characters don’t end the
slams out the doors and gushes out, filling the en- threat, Cygnus intervenes after a week. The couatl
tire opening. The waters of the Abyssal sea are poi- kills many of the dretches and closes the doors of the
sonous and smell of sickness, and contact causes a abyssal wardrobe portal, then destroys the wardrobe,
creature to become poisoned. A character in a direct sealing the gate permanently.
line in front of the wardrobe inside or outside the
room must make a DC 21 Strength ability check or be Experience
knocked prone by the powerful stream of water. The Award the party 700 experience points if they de-
broken vault door slams into its frame, and its dam- stroy the abyssal wardrobe portal.
aged hinges break, thrusting the door into the stair-
way with an enormous force. Any creature standing
between the vault door and the stairway in area 51.  ie l d o f
1 must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or
take 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage from the door.
N ig h tm a re s

Every round 1d4 aquatic dretches (that can only Background

breathe in water) are washed into the Material Plane Where once beautiful wild poppies grew, a field of
through the abyssal gate. The dretches attack anyone deadly flowers now stretches on the sides of the road
on sight. due to the Midnight Curse.

The seemingly infinite abyssal seawater fills area 1 Environment

and 6 within two rounds, and floods area 2, 3, 4, and 5, The road to Harveston crosses a large field of poppies
filling them entirely on the fourth round after open- that look normal during the day, but at night they
ing the doors of the portal. Characters can try to es- emanate strange whispering, eerie sounds that pen-
cape the water by entering the tunnel of the bulette, etrate the mind of those who travel the road. A few
but it fills up entirely by the end of the sixth round, corpses, seemingly unharmed remains of past travel-
creating a geyser on the plains some 500 feet from ers, lie on the muddy, rain-soaked road.
the vault. A character in a room filled with abyssal
seawater must hold their breath or start to suffocate. Scene
A creature that passes on the road after dusk experi-
Abyssal Seawater. Any creature that starts its turn ences strange hallucinations that initially materialize
in an area covered or flooded with abyssal seawater as faint silhouettes and shapes that move within the
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw field of tall flowers. Soon they grow more frequent
or be poisoned until the start of its next turn. While and obtain a physical form that eventually pours over
poisoned in this way, the target can take either an the road to engulf the observer subjecting them to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

their worst nightmares. A creature who is subjected plan to deal with the patrol if soldiers don’t leave
to these hallucinations must make a DC 13 Wisdom voluntarily, but they are also concerned about losing
saving throw or be targeted by a phantasmal killer their cover.
spell. On a successful save, the character is immune
to the effects of the field of nightmares until the next A half-orc guard who arrived with the patrols named
dawn. Mikan Bogda is silently drinking himself into oblivi-
on in the Golden Barley tavern near the Kicking Bull
feasthall. Until recently, he was more willing to look
52. H a rve s to n the other way and just complete orders, but the sit-
uation with the refugees, the cursed land, and his
Background orders to collect taxes from poor village folk was too
Harveston, the proud and brave farming community, much for him. Several of the Uncanny Vagabonds
has seen some growth in its population since the befriended him and are now pushing him to collab-
curse took hold. Scores of refugees who survived orate with the townsfolk to lure the soldiers into a
the perils of the weather were given refuge in the trap if needed by offering him gold.
Kicking Bull feasthall, transformed into a temporary
lodging. However, with their crops dying and the The locals know that Harveston’s beloved Redcloak
weather posing a deadly challenge, the townsfolk are Lawgiver, Ha’aren Blackbone, a descendant of Onrryl
worried that food supplies will not last for long and Blackbone, left the town about a year ago to search
are huddled together with their families. for information on the Dark Star and the fallen an-
gels. She spoke about her plans to travel to ancient
Renrik Nuhak, commander of the Southkeep garri- sites searching for an ancient phrase and the exact
son, sent multiple groups to collect regular tithes in location of a particular place.
food, goods, and gold from the village in the past
weeks. The farmers no longer wished to pay these “If only Ha’aren Blackbone were here,
taxes as their supplies were running out as well. The
she would put an end to all of this.“
patrols took several individuals who resisted the
most back to Southkeep for trial, and these unfor- Regular townsfolk lamenting over a drink.
tunates never returned. The latest patrol has arrived
only recently in the town and is anxious to complete Werular Swinefriend, the respected young cleric of
its mission. They took control of one of the taverns the local Temple of the Eternal Mother, has been hid-
as their base of operations, and their lieutenant, Pro- ing since Queen Aphinah’s proclamations. The farm-
llip Ramar, issued a pronouncement to the leaders ers take turns in hosting him in their homes, and he
of Harveston with a deadline of a week to pay up has been instrumental in slowing down the contin-
the 312 gold pieces they requested. Prollip Ramar is ued decline of supplies.
uneasy about his orders and has sent a pair of riders
back to Southkeep to confirm the use of force, but Environment
they haven’t returned either with the confirmation Harveston is clearly overwhelmed these days. The
from their captain. The lieutenant is getting more Temple of the Eternal Mother was closed and the
and more frustrated with his situation. doors sealed with wooden planks, as required by
Queen Aphinah. The Kicking Bull feasthall has been
In the meantime, a larger group of the Uncanny Vag- transformed into a refugee camp, with somber fam-
abonds arrived, mingled with the refugees to keep a ilies living inside the large hall in tents with all their
low profile. If their leader, Gren, has survived, he is belongings and children running around. The sur-
here and hiding in one of the blacksmith shops. The rounding farms and homes are also hosting refugees,
Uncanny Vagabonds want to help the townsfolk and and the whole town seems overcrowded by the num-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


ber of people in closed confines. Locals try their best A total of twenty-four farmers (use the commoner
to accommodate newcomers, but tensions are high. monster entry) have sworn to put up a fight if need-
The surrounding fields are completely untended and ed and are supported in this idea by a total of fif-
flooded by the choking rain. teen undercover Uncanny Vagabonds (use the bandit
monster entry with the ability to cast vicious mockery
Scene once per day) who all reside in the Kicking Bull fes-
The twenty Royal Swords (use the guard monster en- thall. If Gren has escaped from Onadbyr, he is also
try) and their captain, Prollip Ramar (use the knight here and eager to fight the soldiers he considers op-
monster entry), are planning to tour Harveston’s pressors.
homes house by house as the last resort in a week’s
time, to force the inhabitants to hand over the re-
quested money and goods.

One of the patrol’s soldiers, Mikan Bogda (use the

guard monster entry), is torn between his duties
and conscience and drinking heavily as a result. He
has decided to side with the farmers. A character
can convince him to negotiate on behalf of the farm-
ers if they succeed on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion)
skill check.



“Dat lad, he looks at me, his old man M O R R IG AN

taken to the keep a coupl’ weeks ago…
guh… no gonna do this nope I won’t” Lifting the mood in the Kicking Bull festhall are
two entertainers - Morrigan, a red dragonborn il-
Mikan Bogda speaking to the mug lusionist (use the mage monster entry) and Whis-
of beer in front of him. pering Winds, a tabaxi bard (use the minstrel of the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

college monster entry) who dances and plays a dul-

53. L ean in g
cimer. Both are eager to introduce the characters
to the Uncanny Vagabonds. A character succeeding Wa tch to we r
on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check can real-
ize that many people there don’t look like ordinary Background
peasants, more like hardened soldiers among the The Leaning Watchtower and the nearby towers are
refugees. Investigating, members of the Uncanny patrolled by Lieutenant Nermal Ottington’s mount-
Vagabonds (potentially Gren) approach them and ed troops (see location 54.). The lieutenant found a
explain that they would like to get rid of the sol- secret cave under the hill where the Leaning Watch-
diers in the town. tower stands and used it as a refuge for his troops.
They are planning a scouting party and are prepared
If Mellier (see location 54.), the werehellhound knight, for any eventuality. Nermal Ottington hopes to be
is traveling with the characters, he first tries to see if able to mount a crusade against Queen Aphinah and
the characters can uncover any evidence of the Uncan- is gathering forces independently.
ny Vagabonds in the town, and if not, he seeks out the
soldiers and takes over the company. The lycanthrope Environment
ruthlessly interrogates anyone who might know about The Leaning Watchtower is an overgrown structure
the rebels. Once Mellier finds the Uncanny Vagabonds, that slightly leans to the side. The tower is empty,
he has the Kicking Bull festhall surrounded and put on all of its furnishing and decorations taken a long
fire, which quickly escalates into a face-off between time ago.
the soldiers and the Uncanny Vagabonds.
A character can convince the soldiers to leave with- A character can make a DC 12 Intelligence (Investiga-
out the taxes by succeeding on a DC 18 Charisma (Per- tion) skill check to recognize that the tower can col-
suasion) skill check. If the characters convince Mi- lapse at any time. A character who searches its sur-
kan Bogda to help the farmers, this DC is lowered by roundings can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) skill
2 due to his pleading. If the characters find out about check to find tracks that lead to the bottom of the
and have the support of the Uncanny Vagabonds, hill into a rocky area where the secret entrance to
this DC is lowered by another 2 points. If the charac- the large cave can be found with the troop’s camp-
ters bring news about the demise of Southkeep and site within.
defeat Mellier, the soldiers can be convinced with a
DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check to side with
the farmers and to stay and protect the community
together with the Uncanny Vagabonds.

A character who asks about the former cleric can

succeed on a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to
notice that the townsfolk prevaricate about Werular
Swinefriend, the local cleric of the Eternal Mother
(use the priest monster entry) who is hiding among
the townsfolk.

Award the party 700 experience points if they can
resolve the conflict between the soldiers and the
townsfolk of Harveston.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The sixteen soldiers (use the guard monster entry) Mellier watched and waited until those bitten by
and their officer, Lieutenant Nermal Ottington (use him turned into werehellhounds. The afflicted lycan-
the veteran monster entry), hide and keep continu- thropes soon massacred most of the garrison, with
ous watch inside the cave. They raise the alarm as only a few who were able to escape. Now, the afflict-
soon as they realize that they have been discovered ed lycanthropes scour the remains of the keep for
and move to disarm and incapacitate intruders quick- survivors. However, they refrain from killing Mellier
ly. The characters must succeed on a DC 16 Charis- because they fear the Queen’s retribution and keep
ma (Persuasion) skill check to convince the soldiers away from him.
of their good intentions. On a successful check, the
lieutenant orders his troops to stand down. If Mell- Mellier has been sitting in his iron cage for some time
ier, the werehellhound knight, is traveling with the now and is hungry and restless. He will take every
characters, the lieutenant recognizes him on sight. opportunity to escape and would like to stay under-
When recognized, Mellier flees the location and tries cover. The characters are an excellent opportunity to
to infiltrate Harveston. If the characters have liberat- pass along with a group and further his true objec-
ed Harveston and Southkeep, the soldiers offer their tive, locating and possibly eliminating the Uncanny
help and happily relocate to Harveston to support Vagabonds.
the farmers.
The keep, once an imposing stone building with solid
54. So u th kee p walls and towers, is a smoldering ruin. The walls of
the central watchtower have caved in, the 10-foot
Background tall, partially burnt and broken palisade, garrison’s
Queen Aphinah received worrying news about the tents, and living areas outside the keep all burned
Uncanny Vagabonds organizing in the south and down. Smoke can be seen for miles, and the smell of
dispatched a werehellhound knight, Mellier, to root burnt flesh fills the air. A pile of partially burnt and
them out. She commanded Mellier and has given him rotting bodies is in front of the 15-foot tall, partially
written orders to commandeer the garrison under the collapsed wooden gates. The remains of soldiers bear
command of Renrik Nuhak, the Captain of Southkeep, apparent marks of massive claws and bites.
a Red Cloak Lawgiver. Captain Nuhak was tasked with
keeping the south protected, but upon receiving the Scene
orders and meeting Mellier, he decided to turn against Characters can spot a corpse among the dead wear-
the new Queen and guard the realm from Queen Aph- ing an officer’s uniform, that of the late Captain Ren-
inah’s rule. He was able to trap Mellier, but not before rik Nuhak, if they succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom (Per-
the beast murdered and wounded some soldiers. Un- ception) skill check.
known to everyone, some of them contracted lycan-
thropy. With Mellier trapped and Onadbyr a looming Five werehellhounds hide inside the ruined fort and
threat, cold logic drove Captain Nuhak to send mul- attack any creature on sight. They breathe fire and
tiple patrols to Harveston, start to collect a tithe to use pack tactics to overcome their foes.
have an income, and force able bodies into his army.
His favored lieutenant, Nermal Ottington, opposed Mellier, a werehellhound knight (with AC 10 and no
his actions and urged the mobilization of the troops armor) in human form, sits in an iron cage hung 20
against Onadbyr. In the ensuing argument, swords feet high from the top of the central watchtower.
were drawn, and blood was spilled, and the lieutenant If the characters defeat the werehellhounds, he ex-
fled Southkeep with those loyal to him to a secret plains that he was a lieutenant of Renrik Nuhak, and
cave near the Leaning Tower, one of the watchtowers the werehellhounds kept him imprisoned. He says
on the southern border (see location 53.). that the late captain and a small group within the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

garrison, including himself, were looking for a way to

overthrow Queen Aphinah. He explains that he would 55.  o n a s te ry o f
like to travel to Harveston and lay low there. He tries th e S p i r i te d L ea f
to convince the characters to accompany him on his
travels, using them as cover to find the Uncanny Vag-
abonds. A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom Background
(Insight) skill check can determine that Mellier is try- This old monastery is a place of contemplation dedi-
ing to lure them into a situation favorable to himself, cated to the Redeemer, the god of life. It is inhabited
and he is not telling the whole truth. by two dozen friars, who have until recently been
positive thinkers and aided those in need. However,
after suffering the effects of the Midnight Curse, they
have locked themselves inside their stone building
and are wary of visitors, as there have been several
attempts to rob them. Even worse, the master brew-
er Tortitudo has contracted sight rot disease and is
slowly going blind. The monks know that eyebright
grows abundantly in the Ulden Swamps, but the
group that dared to venture out has never returned.
The second group that was sent after them found
their bodies impaled on the branches of the trees at
the edge of the swamp. They returned to the mon-
astery in haste, and in their desperation, the monks
have looked for a respite from their plight in drink-
ing the alcoholic drinks they produce.

“I heard that Harveston is where it’s A large, two-story stone building with brownish roof
tiles stands between the Ulder Road and the edge of
the safest in the realm. Care to join me
the Ulden Swamps. Its main gate is closed, and all of
on the way there?” its windows are covered by shutters except for the
Mellier trying to get the characters ones in its wide circular tower, where the shapes of
to join him on his trip. some of the clerics can be seen peeking out the win-
dows from time to time.
Werehellhound (CR 4, 1,100 XP). Use the werewolf
monster entry with the following modifications: Scene
The friars of the monastery (use the acolyte mon-
• The werehellhound has damage immunity to fire. ster entry) are drunk most of the time, trying to es-
• Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). The werehellhound ex- cape the dread reality that has befallen them. Unable
hales fire in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that to help themselves and Tortitudo, their sick master
area must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, brewer, they have grown frustrated and easily irri-
taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half tated. They will not allow anyone inside their monas-
as much damage on a successful one. tery until convinced of their good intentions.
•P  ack Tactics. The werehellhound has advantage on
an attack roll against a creature if at least one of A character who wishes to converse with the drunk
the werehellhound’s allies is within 5 feet of the friars of the monastery must succeed on a DC 16
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) skill check. On

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


a successful check, the friars open the main gate and
usher the characters inside. They hug and pat them, 56. A zu re B r i d g e
shake their hands and consider them as the source
of their salvation. Next, the clerics introduce Tortitu- Background
do, who asks them to retrieve a handful of eyebright As the Midnight Curse takes hold in the realm, the
flowers from the swamp before the sickness com- bridgemaster of the Azure Bridge, Klinikk Jordus, be-
pletely rots his eyes. comes more and more greedy and starts to rob every-
one who tries to pass over. The azure control rod of the
bridge is in the bridgemaster’s possession, which he
can use to activate the magical properties of the bridge
and affix travelers to it, then shoot them from afar
with his goons, collecting the wealth they leave behind
and dumping their corpses into the river below.

The blue crystal surface of the Azure Bridge shines
with a faint glow even under the overcast skies. At the
two ends of the bridge are barbicans that guard the
bridge and collect the toll to the bridgemaster. A group
of a dozen travelers about 100 feet from the northern
barbican has set up a camp of tents to avoid the rain.

Barbican. The wooden forts at the ends of the bridge
are constructed of thick wooden logs. They feature
“I would really appreciate it sets of two large wooden gates (20 by 20 feet) on both
sides that can be opened from the inside. The gates
if you would… be so kind as to
can be locked by a heavy sliding bolt latch made of
be of assistance to help… me in iron. They each have AC 15, 54 hit points, a damage
my miserable state…” threshold of 5, they have damage resistance against
A drunk Tortitudo asking for the character’s help. slashing damage, and damage immunity against
piercing, poison, and psychic damage. They can be
The friars don’t know about Kelzar’s transformation forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Ath-
but can inform the characters about the trolls that letics) skill check. The second level of the barbican is
lived in the swamps. They are also worried about at the height of 20 feet, protected from the outside by
Vaddon, the hermit druid, who lives in his hut alone, arrow slits that afford three-quarters cover to those
south of the swamp (location 59.). within the walls.

Treasure Scene
If the characters retrieve the curative flowers, the Klinikk Jordus (use the bandit captain monster entry)
monks supply them with four small kegs of their is stationed with his eight soldiers (use the bandit
finest Spirited Leaf liquor worth 400 gold pieces in monster entry) at the bridge where steady traffic has
total. been arriving from Onadbyr. The greedy bridgemaster
has instructed his soldiers to guard the barbicans at
Experience the bridgeheads and not to let anyone approach if the
Avert the party 700 experience points for curing Tor- toll is not paid. When characters arrive at the tents,
titudo’s disease. the travelers can inform them about the refusal of

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

the soldiers to let them through without paying the When the travelers exit the barbican onto the
bridge fee, which has been raised to an exorbitant bridge, the inner gate is closed behind them. When
amount of 2 gold pieces per person and an addition- they are 40 feet from the barbican, Klinikk Jordus
al 5 gold pieces per vehicle or mount. Without the activates the defensive ability of the Azure Bridge
funds, the travelers have been stranded at the bridge. using the azure control rod that is in his possession.
Suddenly, the entire surface of the bridge lights
When characters approach the fortification, they are up with a magical blue flare for a moment, which
hailed by a soldier on the ramparts, who demands surrounds creatures that stand on it in a glow. At
payment to cross. If characters refuse and approach the start of every round, a creature in contact with
within 100 feet, the four soldiers on the second level the bridge’s surface must make a successful DC 15
of the barbican open fire from behind three-quarters Strength saving throw to fight the adhesive effect
cover and try to keep characters away. The soldiers of the magical light. On a failure, the creature be-
can be reinforced by four additional members from comes restrained. Meanwhile, the four soldiers at
below if needed. the top of the barbican open fire from above behind
three-quarters cover.
If characters pay up, two soldiers open the outer
gate of the barbican and escort the travelers into the “Pin them down before
barbican, where four additional soldiers and Klinikk
they escape with some
Jordus await. The bridgemaster tries to appraise the
group’s wealth before having the inner gate of the
magical gateways like
barbican opened. Characters can make a successful those cretins of virtue
DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to notice the did the last time!”
eager glances of Klinikk Jordus at the purses of the
characters as he grips his azure control rod, made of Klinikk Jordus shouting to his men as he
the same stone as the bridge. activates the magical property of the bridge.

The gang has amassed a sizable pool of wealth
through their exploits: 675 gold pieces, 110 silver piec-
JORD US es, and various jewelry worth 487 gold pieces. Addi-
tionally, Klinikk Jordus has the azure control rod of
the bridge in his possession.

57. M u d F un n e l s
After the Midnight Curse manifests, the authorities
no longer maintain the King’s Road, and the Royal
Swords no longer patrol the roads. The majority of
“Tis what it is. Troubled times are the farmers from the Onadbyr farmlands have fled
expensive for all… And orders of the west and have abandoned their farms. Ankhegs have
Queen you know, nothing a lowly been drawn to the muddy habitat created by the
rains along the side of the road, creating an under-
bridgemaster like I can do about it…”
ground network beneath mud sinks.
Klinikk Jordus lying through his teeth.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Environment entered the swamp on his quest to slay Kelzar but
As a result of the deluge of the choking rain, the has become trapped by mud sinks, a sitting duck for
brick road is flooded in many places, and travelers Kelzar’s fury.
are forced into the muddy ground on the sides of
the road, where carriages and wagons lie stuck and
abandoned. Corpses cover the ground along the
roadside, having fallen victim to the choking rain or
another effect of the Midnight Curse.

Dangerous funnels covered in mud dot this area,
where the quagmires might swallow the unwary
traveler. Those who fall below tumble into the exten-
sive ankheg network beneath, becoming the mon-
sters’ next meal. A character can make a successful
DC 16 Wisdom (Survival) skill check to avoid a funnel
and being sucked below ground. On a failed check,
the character falls through the sinkhole and finds
itself in a network of tunnels measuring 10 feet in A L G E R S THE TRO L L - H UN TE R
diameter. Six ankhegs are soon drawn to the vibra-
tions and arrive in 1d3 rounds. Environment
The gruesomely mutilated bodies of various kinds of
beasts and humanoids, and even some giants, hang
58. Ke l z a r' s L o g from the tallest branches of the trees at the border
of the swamp, marking Kelzar’s territory. The wet-
Background land is more water than solid ground, and navigating
All creatures avoid the Ulden Swamps who know of the bogs and reeds requires a boat or some floating
the nightmarish rampage of Kelzar, the largest of the device. The abundant plant life, which is heavy with
troll family that used to live in this mire before it flying insects, hides the ground from view in many
murdered its kin by forcing them into the acidic sali- places.
va of the ankhegs north of the Ulden Swamps (loca-
tion 57.). The Midnight Curse turned the troll into a Scene
huge, ravenous monster with a mad urge to become Kelzar spends much of its time within its hollowed
the most destructive force within the swamp, which floating log, but from time to time, it takes off to
it considers as its kingdom. The troll has gained the rampage in its domain, killing anything larger than
ability to merge and control the body parts of oth- a tiny creature. It prefers to close in on its target
er creatures by planting them into its regenerative through either the thick canopy of the trees or from
body. Kelzar uses the massive floating tree log as its underwater in less overgrown areas of the swamp.
hideout and considers the remains of its dead family
as its council. These days, even the monks of the Spir-
ited Leaf and Vaddon the Hermit are afraid to visit
the swamp. Those first few who dared to do
so have disappeared and have been found
gruesomely mutilated, their bodies hung
from trees at the border of the swamp.
A troll-hunter named Algers has recently

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C H A P TE R 4

On a failed check, the creature sinks deeper and the

DC to escape increases to DC 15. On a second failed
check, the creature sinks even deeper, covered up
to its shoulders and the DC increases to DC 17. On a
third failed check, the creature is fully submerged in
the mud and starts to suffocate, and the DC to escape
the mud sink increases to DC 19. A creature within 5
feet of the sinking creature can assist the escape, but
only if they are not in a mud sink themselves. Mud
sinks can be avoided by a successful DC 17 Wisdom
(Survival) skill check.

Eyebright, a rare flower that cures sight rot, grows in

a few patches within the Ulden Swamp. A character
who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Nature) skill
check can recognize the plant and harvest enough
flowers that can be prepared by a character profi-
cient with the herbalist kit into 2d4 doses.

“Dis Kelzar kingdom! Kelzar king! 59. Va d d o n' s A b o d e

You foooood!”
Kelzar raging at the characters. Vaddon is an old druid of the Eternal Mother, god of
nature, who has chosen isolation and lives as a re-
Algers (use the veteran monster entry with a +2 mod- cluse in his tiny hut. Vaddon’s only contact with the
ifier on his Survival), the 60-year old senile troll hunt- outside world is Tortitudo, the master brewer of the
er also hides in the swamps. A seasoned marksman Monastery of Spirited Leaf (location 55.), who visits
earlier in his life, Algers makes a living as a self-em- the hermit druid from time to time to collect rare
ployed monster hunter, drawn to hunt Kelzar when herbs for his brews. Vaddon has seen Kelzar’s new
he heard about the murders. He has since realized form and the bloody massacres he has committed.
that he has bitten off more than he can chew. He
eventually got trapped in a dry region surrounded Environment
by mud sinks and was too afraid to risk flight. He is Vaddon’s rickety hut is only a room with a bed and
more than happy to leave the Ulden Swamps but can some equipment stored next to it. The ramshackle
be convinced to join the characters to defeat Kelzar. building is held together more by the plants that have
entwined it than the planks of which it was made.
Mud Sink. These wet and muddy areas cover a re-
gion of about 30 to 100 feet in diameter and are the
equivalent of quicksand in swamps and marshes.
There are usually several mud sinks in a larger area
with only narrow patches of solid ground between
them. A creature that steps in a mud sink must suc-
ceed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or become
restrained. A restrained creature can attempt a DC
13 Strength ability check to escape the mud sink.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


the penitentiary, but they have been stranded with-
out food. Their existing brutality and hate towards
each other heightened to a sadistic and cannibalistic
madness. They lost their identities and are no longer
convicts or guards.

From time to time, when the tribe grows hungry,

they eat one of the weakest amongst themselves.
Sometimes, the dead cannibals rise as ghouls whom
the tribe, which has sealed itself inside a section of
the building, dumps into the central courtyard.

The collection of walled buildings known as the So-
bruz Penitentiary sits in the middle of a giant clay
pit, in a depression that is 40 feet deep and 200 feet
across. The stone walls of the penitentiary rise to a
height of 20 feet, while buildings inside are 10-foot
Scene tall one-story structures that were erected on enor-
Vaddon (use the druid monster entry) is a reserved mous stone slabs that ensure their stability in the
misanthrope, who rarely speaks, mumbles a few malleable clay environment. The courtyard and the
words when he does, and even then, he is hard to un- connected smaller buildings are open and covered
derstand. He has no intentions to aid the characters in blood and dirt. The larger building, formerly occu-
in any way but can be motivated to share informa- pied by the guards, is sealed off with a barricade and
tion about Kelzar’s Log (location 58.) if the characters shuttered windows.
show intent on slaying the monster.
Gates and Doors. The outer gate (10 by 10 feet) of the
“Bewr, cuz K’zarh turhed prison is made of iron and has AC 19, 90 hit points,
a damage threshold of 10, and damage resistance
nto a s’vagh munshtr.”
against slashing damage, and damage immunity
Vaddon mumbling incomprehensibly. against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. It has
been locked, but the lock can be picked with thieves’
Treasure tools on a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check or
Vaddon carries a +1 silver sickle. can be forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength
(Athletics) skill check. The barricade is reinforced
from within and requires a DC 24 Strength (Athlet-
60. S ob ru z Qu a rry ics) skill check to break down, leading to the wing
where the cannibalistic tribe has secluded itself.
a n d Pe n i te n tia ry
Background A clay elemental lies submerged in the mud at the
The Midnight Curse has impacted this location in bottom of the clay pit around the walls of the build-
multiple ways. Firstly, it has given life to a clay el- ing. The elemental has not managed to break the
emental in the pit of the quarry that now attacks walls of the fortification and can’t get inside, but at-
anyone in the clay pits. The convicts and the guards tacks anyone in its berserk state who exits from or
fled the elemental and have locked themselves into tries to approach the building of the prison.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Clay Elemental. Use the earth elemental monster Scene

entry with the following modifications: Blackheart, the nightmare, stalks its prey from the
Ethereal Plane, observing victims without being seen,
•T he clay elemental can only use Earth Glide to bur- before stepping back into the Material Plane to at-
row through clay. tack. It will favor lone victims that have separated
• It doesn’t have the Siege Monster trait. from the group, biding its time until such an event
• Acid Absorption. Whenever the clay elemental is arises. It finds malicious pleasure in vanishing when
subjected to acid damage, it takes no damage and a victim is near death, then reappearing again to fin-
instead regains a number of hit points equal to the ish the victim off after they had a brief moment of
acid damage dealt. hope for survival. Blackheart will not attack anyone
who displays or voices a connection to fiends. In this
Inside the prison, the empty corridors and cells of case, such a character can make a successful DC 14
the outer wing and the courtyards are the hunting Charisma (Persuasion) skill check to convince the
grounds of twelve ghouls, who are also trapped nightmare about its wicked intentions. If such ac-
within the prison walls. The cannibalistic tribesmen tions are demonstrated to the nightmare, it might
(use the tribal warrior monster entry) have barricad- even allow a black-hearted individual to ride it.
ed themselves into the inner wings and will attack
any intruders who enter their territory. The tribe of
cannibals will take over the entire penitentiary if the
characters don’t deal with the clay golem and the
ghouls. They will terrorize neighboring colonies and
collect victims to feed their newfound appetite for
humanoid flesh.

61. Ro y a l S tu d F a r m
As a result of the close connection to Hell in this
area and the Midnight Curse taking hold, the for-
mer king’s horse, Blackheart, has transformed into a
nightmare that has destroyed the buildings and has
slain every living creature in this area. The fiendish SY L L' ROB Y N
horse lurks in the Ethereal Plane and stalks intruders
who enter its territory. Syll’robyn (use the scout monster entry), an overly
helpful but very slow-witted half-elven ranger has
Environment sealed himself in the cellars of the manor house. He
The wooden buildings of the Royal Stud Farm - sta- leaves the safety of his hiding place if he hears the
bles, barns, service buildings, and the manor house characters outside and asks them for help to over-
- have all burnt down, their husks smoldering and come the nightmare. The half-elf, who talks in the
smoking. Charred corpses of horses and humanoids third person, follows foolhardy tactics and thought-
litter the area, most of them partially eaten. Hoof- less plans, endangering himself and the characters
prints can be found around the corpses, burnt into alike. He is happy to be saved but will not join the
the very ground, however it is impossible to track characters because of a very important task that he
the prints as they abruptly end and resume in differ- has to accomplish in the Vordan Mountains of which
ent places. he won’t say more.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


“Traitors all! Did she send you?
62. O l d W in d m i l l s Eirammar’s lackeys shall not be
tolerated here. Or anywhere!
See the corresponding location entry in the King- Your deaths can hardly avenge the
dom of Aglarion section. One of the windmills is traitorous she-devil, but they will do!”
the Old Grinder, which the characters should have
visited before. The ghost of Count Plitvar in
its mad calls for vengeance.

63. R u in s of the Ro y a l Treasure

If characters spend 30 minutes rummaging through
S um me r Pa l a ce the remains of the villa, they can discover an assort-
ment of abandoned trinkets and art objects that are
Background still intact although needing a thorough cleaning.
The palace, once the royal summer residence lies The items include a silver spoon with the insignia
abandoned and haunted still. Some unfortunate sta- of Queen Eirammar worth 16 gold pieces, an ornate
blehands managed to escape the rampage of Black- mahogany box with a set of playing cards worth 10
heart the nightmare in the Royal Stud Farm (location gold pieces, a porcelain vase commemorating the
61.) and fled into the ruined villa, only to be slain by repulsion of the Xantharosian armada worth 125
the ghost of Count Plitvar within the building. gold pieces, a golden serving plate with engravings
of monsters with the body parts of lions worth 200
Environment gold pieces, and a paperweight chiseled from grey
The villa once used to be a magnificent and opulent spinel in the shape of a mountain with the holy sign
structure, however it has been ravaged by seven dec- of the Relentless at its peak worth 2,000 gold pieces.
ades of unuse. The walls of the villa have slumped, its
ornate stairs are near collapse, the roof has caved in
many places, and the rains soak through the entire 64. Z ig g u ra t o f th e
building. The bodies of several stablehands lie in the
main foyer and central hall of the villa.
Ne w Moon
The ghost of Count Plitvar haunts the main hall of Background
the villa and appears from the Ethereal Plane when The Ziggurat of the New Moon was constructed
the characters enter the chamber. The ghost snarls around Morkiel’s crystal of the immortals to venerate
in madness, its lascivious face contorting into a hor- the fear associated with darkness. For millennia, the
rifying visage. The spirit of the ghost can be laid to altar at the top of the obsidian building dripped with
rest if the corpse of Count Plitvar is located and dis- the blood of terrified victims sacrificed to the mani-
interred from the wall where it is buried. Characters festation of the Darkness Within that was the Dark
can make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) Star. The ziggurat is also where Samkiel, the deva lo-
skill check to notice the bulge behind the wall be- remaster and advisor to the three planetar generals
hind the fireplace that hides the count’s body. of the Dark Star, was imprisoned in Morkiel’s crystal
for foreseeing the banishment of the fallen angels
from the Material Plane. Then the entire ziggurat was
transposed to the Astral Plane. The crystal prison has
held the deva for thousands of years under constant
fear, and as a result, it has gone completely insane.

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C H A P TE R 4

Over 600 years ago, Master Arlen and Razmyrel Val- Scene
syr Melkar found the hidden ziggurat, and Samkiel Once characters have found out the name of the
within. The two successfully attuned to the crystal ziggurat from Cygnus and that it can only appear
and spent considerable time in the presence of the at the highest point of the new moon, and learned
mad deva to learn many ancient secrets that proved the Celestial command phrase “The darkness shall
crucial in their crusade against the Order of the feed their fears.” from the ancient parchment stolen
Eternal Light. However, the pair kept all knowledge by Abulior Whitegate from the Arcane Tower, and
about the ziggurat and the source of their lore a knowing its location, they can conjure the Ziggu-
closely guarded secret. rat of the New Moon from the Astral Plane. As they
speak the command phrase, the enormous structure
Recently, a Red Cloak Lawgiver named Ha’aren Black- materializes from the void between the planes.
bone, managed to locate the ziggurat and transfer
it back to the Material Plane. She entered the build- The entire ziggurat is covered in magical runes that
ing, only to succumb to the crystal’s power. The Red imbue it with a complex magic effect that allows it
Cloak died of starvation, cowering at Samkiel’s feet to shift to the Astral Plane. When the ziggurat ap-
in fear. Ha’aren carried the adamantine torc of the pears, the runes on the building glow brightly be-
tower, now on the wrist of her lifeless body at the fore fading to their natural black color. The ziggurat
foot of Morkiel’s crystal of the immortals. stays on the Material Plane for 10 rounds before the
runes activate again and return it to the Astral Plane
An astral spider has made its lair at the top of the until they can be triggered again at the time of the
ziggurat and has covered its top with invisible webs, new moon once every week and when the command
patiently waiting for its eggs to hatch. phrase is spoken. The runes start to glow brighter
over the course of the 10 rounds, at which point the
Environment ziggurat is transported back to the Astral Plane along
The 90-foot tall ziggurat is ancient, thousands of with anyone within and or in contact with it.
years old, constructed by the slaves of the Dark Star
out of large blocks of obsidian. The entire structure Any character who speaks Celestial and succeeds on
is decorated with reliefs depicting winged beings a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check can deci-
with frightening countenances and etched with pher the runes and understand the intricate astral
strange pictograms and runes in the form of dark projection effect they bestow on the building. An
Celestial language. 15-foot wide stairs ascend to the identify or similar spell also reveals the nature of this
top of the tower, where an altar rises under a col- magical effect.
umned roof. A single opening leads into the ziggu-
rat on its second level. The astral spider will wait until characters enter the
ziggurat, at which point it will cover the entryway
Invisible Webs. Invisible webs cover the top level of and surrounding area with its invisible webbing,
the ziggurat, weaved by the astral spider that lairs at lurking invisibly and waiting for the characters to
the ziggurat’s summit. Any creature that steps onto exit the structure.
the webs is restrained by invisible webbing. As an ac-
tion, the restrained target can make a DC 13 Strength
ability check, bursting the webbing on a success. The
webbing can also be attacked with disadvantage and
destroyed (AC 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage;
immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, poison, and psy-
chic damage)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Master Arlen’s notes are regarding the information
1. A M P S ITE O F
C from Samkiel about the planetar generals of the Dark
TH E F O U N D E R S Star and ancient holy ceremonies from the age of the
Dark Angels. The archmage also refers to the astral
Background transference properties of the ziggurat that Master
Mater Arlen bore a passage into the building, and a Arlen wished to incorporate into the Arcane Tower
room on its first level with the use of disintegrate and that he planned to build.
stone shape spells. The archmage and the king-to-be
Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar, used this chamber to rest If Abulior Whitegate is present, the wizard tries to
during their visits to Samkiel over 600 years ago. snatch Master Arlen’s notes before anyone can take a
look at them. He refuses to give them up and resists
Environment any attempt to take them.
The opening on the building is not chiseled from
the stone but clearly too precise in its angles and If Cygnus is present, he insists on destroying any rel-
shape to be made by hands. The surfaces of the cor- ics related to the dark angels. He will not use force to
ridor leading into the structure and the room on accomplish this but reason in favor of eliminating any
the lower level are completely smooth and devoid of unholy presence of such remnants of ancient times.
decorations, also having been fashioned by magical
means from the solid stone. The ceiling of the cham-
ber is 15 feet high. The stone stairs that ascend from 2. S A M KIE L' S P R I S O N
the room seem to grow out of the ground, and a soft
bluish light illuminates its top stairs. Two worn-out Background
mattresses lie on both sides of the stairs with the Samkiel was imprisoned in Morkiel’s crystal of the im-
remains of a campsite spread around them - stubs mortals for its prophecies in ancient times. The deva
of candles, small pots and cups, a pitcher, a ripped stands in its prison, continuously shifting forms into
belt with an ornate belt buckle, a small pack of dry humanoids and beasts, and back to its true winged
rations, a golden goblet, a single sock, and a few form, but unable to escape. Ha’aren Blackbone man-
sheets of paper. aged to reach the chamber but succumbed to the ef-
fects of the crystal and starved to death while unable
Scene to move away.
The chamber has been infested by six swarms of astral
stirges, drawn to the crystal of the immortals above. Environment
The swarms will fly to attach themselves to anyone The stairs from below end in a chamber that was chis-
who enters the room. eled from the obsidian rocks, illuminated by the glow
of a huge, multifaceted blue crystal - Morkiel’s Crys-
Treasure tal of the Immortals. Deep engravings of hieroglyphs
All the seemingly mundane items are the discarded cover the walls and the floor, including the ceiling,
belongings of Master Arlen the Constructor (his sock, which is 15 feet high. The opening of a tiny shaft can
notes, and favorite cup) and Razmyrel Valsyr Melkar be seen on the ceiling. The form of a figure is continu-
the True (his golden goblet and belt buckle). The cup ously shifting inside the crystal. A corpse, wearing the
is made of silver, and engravings cover its entire sur- signature cloak of the Red Cloak Lawgivers, lies at the
face with underwater seascapes. It is worth 150 gold top of the stairs, gripping its longsword.
pieces. The golden goblet is lined with garnets and is
worth 550 gold pieces. The belt buckle is decorated Morkiel’s Crystal of the Immortals. The planetars
with the crest of House and is worth 75 gold pieces. and the Dark Star used these crystals to descend upon
the Material Plane. This particular crystal radiates a

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


power of raw immortal energy that creates an aura It is extremely hard to communicate with Samkiel,
of tangible fear that cripples the mind. The crystal and characters who wish to extract any useful bit
of the immortals is impervious to physical or mag- of information must succeed on a DC 18 Wisdom
ical attacks. Any creature within a radius of 10 feet (Insight) skill check to find meaning in its jumbled
must succeed on a DC 23 Wisdom saving throw at words. References to a few hidden locations can be
the start of its turn against the maddening fear effect gleaned from the mad deva’s words, about the sac-
of the crystal. On the first failed save, the character is rificial altar on Cloud Peak, the Groaning Pillar, the
afflicted with short-term madness (roll on the short- Gate to the Darkness Within, and the Ethereal Clois-
term madness table). On the second failed save, the ter (locations 48, 46, 31, and 3 respectively).
character is afflicted with long-term madness (roll on
the long-term madness table). On the third save, the Samkiel. Use the deva monster entry with the follow-
character is afflicted with indefinite madness (roll ing modifications:
on the indefinite madness table) and gains a new
character flaw: “I am convinced that the Dark Star is • S amkiel’s skills are Arcana +11, History +11, Insight
watching me and will come to enslave me. I am weak +9, Nature +11, Perception +9, and Religion +11.
and mortal compared to its immortal being.” On any
one of the failed saves, the character also becomes
overwhelmed by fear and falls to its knees, cowers,
and shivers uncontrollably. A character afflicted by
this fear effect can make a saving throw each day
to recover from it. This effect even affects creatures
that are immune to being frightened. A creature can
attune to the crystal of the immortals by pressing its
forehead against the crystal, while a small fragment
of it inserts itself into its forehead. Attuning to the
crystal of immortals takes one minute of uninter-
rupted concentration. An attuned character becomes
immune to being frightened and the effects of the
crystal. A celestial creature regains 18 (4d8) hit points
every round within the aura.

Scene S A M K IE L
Ascending the stairs is impossible without overcom-
ing the fear effect of the crystal of the immortals. As “Be you angels of darkness sent
soon as characters reach the tops of the stairs, they to torment me…or mere mortals that
can see Ha’aren Blackbone’s remains that lie at the find glee in other’s fright…or gods
feet of the crystal. Samkiel calls to the characters tel-
who bring deliverance!?
epathically, its voice a babble of dark thoughts within
their minds. The mad deva rambles in horror about
Come closer and kneel before me…
the devastation caused by the fall of the dark angels but know that the Dark Star’s empty
during the Mountainfall and the millennia of enslave- soul is devoid of pity…feel the fear
ment that mortals endured under the Dark Star. It that is Morkiel and relinquish
whispers in a frightened tone about lost libraries, an-
all hope, as I have done….”
cient artifacts of darkness, sites of great battles and
mass sacrifice, and of the Dark Star itself, whimpering Samkiel gasping for words
and shivering when it utters its name. amid shivers of fright.

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If Cygnus is present, the couatl will make the char-

acters swear an oath to never speak of the Ziggurat
of the Moon, Samkiel, or the crystal of the immortals
to anyone. If they break their promises, the celestial
will hunt them down (via dream and scrying) and
hold them accountable for their broken vows.

The corpse of Ha’aren Blackbone wears the adaman-
tine torc of the tower on its wrist and grips a +2 long-

Award the party 700 experience points for recovering
the adamantine torc of the tower.

The altar to Morkiel, the dark planetar general of
the Dark Star, was used to sacrifice mortals while
holding them in absolute fear. The bottom of the al-
tar is connected to the chamber below with a tiny
shaft, allowing the magical energies of the crystal to
manifest on those who lie on the slab of the altar.
Recently, an astral spider has made its nest around
the altar, guarding its egg sack and covering the top
of the ziggurat with its nest.

The ziggurat’s flat top features an obsidian altar, cov-
ered by a flat roof supported by columns. Engravings
on all surfaces show terrifying countenances of an-
gels, snarling and baring their teeth.

The astral spider has covered the top part of the zig-
gurat in invisible webs (see the general Environment
section under the Ziggurat of the New Moon). Once
the ziggurat materializes on the Material Plane, the
invisible spider will immediately grab its egg sack
and transport itself back to the Astral Plane. After the
building returns, it will wait in invisibility until the
characters emerge from the ziggurat, when it will at-
tempt to entrap them in its webs and attack in stealth.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



The Arcane Tower was built by Master Arlen the Con- due to the strict house rules set by Master Zaophas,
structor over six hundred years ago. Its sole purpose the magical servants, and the self-cleansing effects
is to educate those deemed worthy of the arcane that were constructed into the building by Master
knowledge accumulated by the first archmage and Arlen. The facility provides for every need of its resi-
his successors. The arcane academy can accommo- dents, letting them focus on their studies instead of
date thirty-two students and always has four acade- menial tasks.
micians in attendance, one of them the official arch-
mage of the tower and all Aglarion. Master Arlen All rooms and corridors have a height of 10 feet on
set strict rules and obligations for those who attend the ground, second, and third floors, and 20 feet on
the academy, including his notoriously difficult en- the fourth floor.
try test, general academic principles, and the legal
status of the organization. The most important of Doors and Double Doors. Doors open inwards and
these is the fact that the Arcane Tower and all of its are made of thick, sturdy wood that has been fitted
residents are bound to serve the kingdom when the with iron hinges and handles. They feature master-
ruling monarch orders them to do so. fully crafted locks that can be picked with thieves’
tools on a successful DC 15 Dexterity ability check or
Many of the students are from the neighboring Drayl forced open with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athlet-
city-states or lands even farther. The wizards of the ics) skill check. The doors have AC 15, 40 hit points, a
tower live secluded lives and rarely interact with damage threshold of 5, they have damage resistance
their surroundings, only when buying foodstuff and against slashing and piercing damage, and damage
resources from neighboring farms or when collect- immunity against poison, and psychic damage.
ing components. Graduated students leave the acad-
emy of the Arcane Tower after twelve years or longer Windows. Windows are 10 feet high and wide. They
with an academic degree. open inwards and have stone frames and a single
layer of thick glass. The wings are held together by
Environment iron latches that can be picked with thieves’ tools on
The Arcane Tower is a tidy and well-kept academy, a successful DC 15 Dexterity ability check or forced

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open with a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics)

skill check. The windows have AC 10 and 5 hit points.
Main Gate. This thick wooden gate is the size of a
typical double door, but it is sturdier and its lock Background
more complex. It can be picked with thieves’ tools The Arcane Tower was transposed to the Astral Plane
on a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check or by Master Zaophas using the tower’s security proto-
forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Ath- col when the Midnight Curse spread over the realm.
letics) skill check. It has AC 15, 80 hit points, a dam- The archmage of Aglarion made his decision based
age threshold of 5, it has damage resistance against on the first-hand report from Laromarius the Golem
slashing and piercing damage, and damage immunity Controller, who attended the cursed coronation of
against poison, and psychic damage. Queen Aphinah. Master Zaophas chose to avoid the
unprecedented phenomenon, the bloodthirsty new
Magic Heating and Illumination. All areas of the queen, and her seemingly magically adept mother.
Arcane Tower were fashioned by Master Arlen to He is actively researching their backgrounds and af-
be magically heated to 70 degrees Fahrenheit at all filiations, but currently, the wizards of the Arcane
times. In addition, magical globes of light provide il- Tower have a more immediate problem on their
lumination, shedding light as hooded lanterns when hands.
touched. They can be dimmed, shut down, or re-acti-
vated by tapping them sequentially. Environment
The stairway inside the Vaults of the Arcane Tower
Unseen Servants. An academician or apprentice of (location 50.).
the Arcane Tower can summon an unseen servant at
any time as if they have cast the unseen servant spell. Scene
One academician or apprentice can only have one Once all six torcs are placed in their places, the focus
unseen servant at their service at any time. pedestal releases a blinding flash of light, and with
a short rumbling sound and a loud clash, the Arcane
Water and Sewage System. Water is provided direct- Tower is recalled from the Astral Plane, secured to
ly from a clean vein of pure freshwater from the El- the Material Plane.
emental Plane of Water. Master Arlen created and
placed several taps all over the tower to connect to
these elemental water reservoirs directly. The waste THE TIME LOOP
from the building, including toilets and trash collec-
tors, is transported directly to the Elemental Plane Background
of Fire. These planar portals are small, safely out of Azaeresh, a succubus swashbuckler, is the captain
reach, and open only temporarily to a size where of a flying pirate ship and its incubus crew. The vi-
only a Tiny creature could squeeze through them. cious fiends are a renegade group who have rebelled
against their succubus queen master and stole one
Private Sanctum. The Arcane Tower is under the per- of her planar ships. The fiendish pirates use the As-
manent effect of a private sanctum spell, blocking pla- tral Plane and its numerous planar portals as a con-
nar travel, teleportation, and divination spells, and pre- duit to enter other planes of existence, where they
vents creatures from peeping or listening through its plunder treasures and take slaves. Their ship, the Last
windows, except for the academicians of the tower and Kiss, was built in the Abyss as a vessel in the suc-
Master Zaophas, who are exempted from this effect. cubus queen’s flying armada. It has a small chassis,
This effect also prevents the succubi and incubi within and as a result, it has superior maneuverability. Its
the tower from using their etherealness abilities. flight and the single large cannon at its front are

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


powered by the psychic energies of the slaves bound Time Loop. The time loop resets everything to its
to it. Blister was furious to learn about the coward- original location and condition every three minutes.
ly self-exile of the wizards of the Arcane Tower and All creatures, including the characters and every ob-
has hired Azaeresh and the Last Kiss to destroy the ject, reset at the end of the third minute exactly to
wizardly college and their powerful archmage. She and how they started the loop cycle. Objects reappear
considered the wizards the most formidable foes where they were, all damage taken disappears, spell
within the Kingdom of Aglarion, who could oppose slots and item charges used are refilled, any dead
their coven’s plans. The midnight hag made its move creatures return to life, resetting their hit points to
to keep the arcanists from ruining the joyful reign of where they entered the area of the time loop.
terror that the Matrons of Malice had been preparing
for so long. With her two sisters in the captivity of The time loop affects the memories of those on the
the drow of House Ausstyl, she did not risk joining Material Plane and those who returned from the As-
the succubus pirate captain on this high-risk mission. tral Plane differently. Those on the Material Plane,
Blister’s divinations revealed that the Arcane Tower including the characters and their allies, remember
was on the Astral Plane, but Azaeresh had to make a everything from each time loop cycle, while those
great effort on the timeless plane to discover it with who returned from the Astral Plane, including the
its magic spyglass. fiendish pirates and the inhabitants of the Arcane
Tower, lose their memories of the previous time loop
Master Zaophas, the academicians, and the apprentic- when a new cycle starts.
es of the Arcane Tower made a heroic stand against
the dozen invading fiendish pirates. Still, the fiends’ The first round of the thirty-round time loop starts
shapeshifting and charm abilities caught them un- in area 1 of the Vaults of the Arcane Tower (location
prepared and tricked many of them. The succubi and 50.). Keep track of the number of rounds spent mov-
incubi cut through their ranks with their weapons, ing, acting, fighting, and conversing by the characters
and the demoralized arcanists withdrew to their during these thirty rounds. At the end of the thirtieth
chambers to evade the onslaught. Master Zaophas round, everything in the Arcane Tower resets to its
made his final stand in the lecture hall on the top status in the first round until the time loop is broken.
floor of the tower against Azaeresh, and when all
seemed to fail, he cast one of his most powerful The characters will probably go through several time
spells, a time stop, to gain the upper hand. At this loops, during which they must understand the situ-
exact moment, the characters recalled the Arcane ation in which they find themselves, explore the Ar-
Tower from the Astral Plane, and the planar shift cane Tower, and find out how to end the time loop
caused the time-warping incantation to derail and by preventing Master Zaophas from casting the time
fall back into an infinite loop. This rift in time caused stop spell. The characters do not need to replay every
the last three minutes of the raid to loop in on itself, event. Once the characters have passed an encoun-
over and over again, up to the moment when Master ter, they can choose to re-enact it as before with the
Zaophas casts his time stop spell. same outcome and consuming the same number of
rounds, or optimize their speed by replaying it. Once
Scene the time loop ends, the flow of time is restored and
The characters are stuck in a three-minute time remains continuous.
loop that encloses a sphere with a radius of 500
feet around the Arcane Tower, including the planar
pirate ship, the succubi and incubi raiders, and all
inhabitants of the Arcane Tower. Any creature or ob-
ject that starts its turn in the area is subjected to the
effects of the time loop.

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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


queues of students at some of the ladders, especially
GROUND LEVEL when they all have to prepare from the same topic.

Background Galfor, the Head Librarian, destroyed a section of the

A few essential facilities can be found on the ground corridor on the ground floor to lock himself away
floor of the Arcane Tower. These areas are not nec- from the slaughter upstairs with an incubus in dis-
essarily maintained daily by the residents of the guise whom he believed to be one of the apprentices.
academy. To his horror, the apprentice turned out to be one
of the incubus pirates, who eventually attacked him.
Galfor escaped the fiend by locking himself inside the
1. VA U L T S TA IR S infirmary in area 6, with the incubus outside the door.

Background Environment
These simple stairs lead to the vaults of the Arcane This system of heavy oak bookshelves reaches from
Tower, where most of the unused items of the tower floor to ceiling and runs on the outer side of the
are stored. Master Zaophas placed a powerful glyph of central walls of the Arcane Tower on every floor.
warding and an alarm spell on the landing in front of Tall, slightly curved, squeaking wooden ladders are
the door to be alerted about and apprehend anyone attached to the side of the shelves to help the wiz-
who would cross this section of the tower without ards reach books at every height of the continuous
permission. In a normal situation, he would come to bookcase. The ladders can be moved around along-
investigate, but he is currently too busy saving his side each section quite easily, even if someone stands
own life in area 18. on them.

Environment Library of the Arcane Tower. The books in the library

Simple stone stairs lead up from the vault to a land- vary in content on each floor of the tower. Sections
ing with a simple door. are marked by topic, and books are ordered alphabet-
ically within each section. The ground floor contains
Scene books and manuscripts on religions and related con-
Master Zaophas’ glyph of warding spell is 10 feet in tent. The books on the second floor are about nature,
diameter covering the top of the stairs and the en- flora, fauna, and the elements, with numerous scrolls
tire landing. It is imbued with a maze spell, and the of maps added to the collection. The third-floor li-
alarm spell is set to alert the archmage mentally. The brary covers topics on history and famous individuals.
glyph is triggered by anyone who is not a student or The books on the fourth floor are related to every
academician of the Arcane Tower that steps on the segment of arcane, planar, and mystic lore. When a
glyph. A creature that activates the glyph is immedi- resident of the tower borrows a book from the shelf,
ately subjected to a maze spell with a duration of 10 an illusory image of the book appears in its place with
minutes. A character actively searching for traps can the borrower’s name inscribed on its spine in large
locate the glyph with a successful DC 17 Intelligence glowing letters. The illusion dissipates if the book is
(Investigation) skill check. returned to its place. Some of the books missing are
either with students or with Galfor, but one item of
importance is a missing folder of parchments labe-
2. CI RCU L A R L IB RA RY led “Dark Star parchment,” bearing the name Abulior
Whitegate as the borrower and the word “Misappro-
Background priated” written next to his name. It can be found on
Academicians and apprentices use this multi-level li- a high shelf on the third floor. Galfor, the Head Li-
brary extensively. On many occasions, there are short brarian adds new books to the collection. A character

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

who uses the library to research a particular fact can 3. G REEN H O U S E

make the Intelligence ability check with advantage.

A section of the central corridor on the ground floor Background

is demolished, and a large stone rubble completely The wizards of the Arcane Tower cultivate and cross-
blocks the path. breed several plant species in this greenhouse.

Scene Environment
A wounded incubus pirate (with 33 hit points left) The air is warm and heavy with moisture in this bright-
named Thanrhyst is trapped between the rubble and ly lit room. Narrow passages run between plants of
the door to the vault, but it is interested in neither. different sizes planted into small boxes standing on
It wants to kill the wizard hiding in area 6 before tables and large casks. Pots and vases are stacked on
finding a way to regroup with its mates. The incu- the floor. A large, mossy water tank made of glass
bus wears the form and the equipment of one of the stands by the wall, housing several undersea plants.
apprentices. It fakes confusion, mistrust, and terror
when the characters enter the room from the vault Scene
stairs. First, it wants to know who they are, and then The greenhouse has several different everyday and
tries to convince them that it has locked an incubus rare plants on display, some of them hybrids creat-
pirate inside the infirmary. Characters who explicitly ed by the wizards. Identifying a rare plant requires a
state that they are suspicious about the apprentice successful DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) skill check. The
can make a DC 19 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to water tank hides six broad leaves of a very rare aquat-
notice that the apprentice is trying to deceive them. ic plant called fishlung kelp. A bouquet of plants in
It asks the characters to storm the infirmary and a circular vase that weighs 20 pounds and stands on
capture the supposed incubus but will not interfere a wheeled trolley is a rare pampas grass, the cura-
if the characters start to clear the rubble from the tive Silken Touch of the Mistress. A small glass dome
corridor. holds three thorny stems of magical night roses.

“Stop! Who are you? I trapped one

of the incubi in the infirmary. It took
the form of Galfor, the Librarian. S A L A ZA R

They are all over the place!” A S H B L OO M

Thanrhyst the incubus trying

to deceive the characters.

The door to the infirmary in area 6 has been secured

by an arcane lock spell by Galfor. It can be picked
with thieves’ tools on a successful DC 30 Dexterity
ability check or forced open with a successful DC 30
Strength (Athletics) skill check.

A character who wishes to clear the path by moving

the rubble must succeed on a DC 10 Strength ability
check to clear it in five rounds. For every 5 points of
success above the DC, the character can finish one Salazar Ashbloom (use the apprentice of the Arcane
round earlier to a minimum of 2 rounds. Tower monster entry) is hiding behind one of the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


bushes, in fear of his life. The practiced herbalist and Golem Controller. For safety and accountability, the
apothecary can describe the nature of the plants Golem Controller is the only person allowed to oper-
found within the greenhouse. He is afraid to join the ate the constructs of the Arcane Tower.
characters but will support them with spells from
the rear, if needed. Environment
A multitude of tools and resources are placed in an
Fishlung Kelp. This magical kelp grows in shallow orderly fashion in this room filled with shelves and
waters and has wide, curved leaves. Frequent use of a workstation. A small oven for heating materials
the plant can be deadly as it severely damages the stands next to an anvil. Several golem and construct
lungs of the imbiber. A creature who smokes the parts are stored in labeled boxes and on shelves next
dried and crushed leaves of the plant gains the ben- to books and rolled-up scrolls.
efits of a water breathing spell for 1 hour, after which
the imbiber gains two exhaustion levels. Scene
A daedal wright stands motionless in the room, its
Silken Touch of the Mistress. This pampas grass grows wires connected to a very complex control panel
to a height of 5 feet and has bright white leaves. It attached to its back. A character who spends three
slowly and softly strokes creatures that sleep next to rounds to program the construct and succeeds on
it. A creature that spends a short or long rest within a DC 15 Intelligence ability check can activate the
5 feet of a living Silken Touch of the Mistress regains daedal wright for one minute. The daedal wright can
double hit points during the rest. be programmed to do two of the following tasks,
each for five rounds.
Night Rose. This rare magical dark bluish rose grows
solely on the Feyrealm and is the size of a human’s • Attack the closest creature directly in front of it.
fist on top of extremely thorny stems that can grow •U se its heavy drill to break through objects.
to lengths of several feet. The night rose’s petals are •C reate a 1-foot cube object out of raw materials as
closed during the day, even if they are not exposed if using the fabricate spell.
to daylight, and open when the sun sets. Once open, •U se or operate a mundane item usable by a medi-
the stamen of the night rose releases a potent aroma um or large creature.
that causes most creatures to fall into a dream-in-
fused stupor. A character who inhales a night rose’s A book entitled “Complex Constructs, by Laromarius,
aroma must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. the Golem Controller of the Arcane Tower” lays on
On a failed save, the creature falls unconscious for an one of the workbenches.
hour, and if it has a Charisma score of 6 or higher, its
psyche is also transferred to the Dreamrealm for the Complex Constructs. The thick handwritten book
duration. A creature that becomes unconscious due contains comprehensive information on all sorts of
to the effects of the night rose cannot be awakened golems and constructs, quoting Master Arlen’s the-
by simple physical means. ories on many pages. A character who consults the
book for ten minutes gains advantage on Intelligence
(Arcana) skill checks made in conjunction with con-
4. G O L E M WO R KS H O P struct creatures.

Background Treasure
The Arcane Tower has a long tradition of golem The room has 50,000 gold pieces worth of magical
crafting, originating from its founder, Master Arlen supplies usable only to create a clay golem. The mag-
the Constructor. This workshop is always personally ical clay body pieces weigh 1,000 pounds.
overseen by the academician bearing the title of the

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C H A P TE R 4

against the charm ability of the incubus and is im-

5. S H R IN E O F TH E
mune to its effects.
Background The room is sectioned into smaller, closed-off areas
Some of the more religious wizards of the Arcane by curtains that hide hospital beds. The center of the
Tower come to this shrine to pray for knowledge or room has a large operating table with several tools
power and praise the essence of magic itself. on a smaller table next to it. Large standing cases
with glass fronts hold syringes, bottles, pads, and var-
Environment ious medical equipment.
A central altar is faced by rows of benches is the
focus of this small chapel. The holy symbol of the Scene
Wondermaker, the god of magic, is painted on the When the characters enter the room, they find a cor-
room floor. The depictions of the arcanist angels of nered, terrified Galfor (use the academician of the
the god stand in the corners, each of them in the Arcane Tower monster entry with all 5th and one
process of casting a spell. Small prayer books rest on 4th level spell slot already used and an alignment
some of the benches. of lawful good), who fears for his life. The incubus,
who is in the form of the apprentice, accuses Gal-
Scene for of being an incubus and urges the characters to
The prayer books hold many prayers to the Wonder- strike him down. Galfor knows that the apprentice
maker. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intel- is an incubus and thinks that the characters are also
ligence (Investigation) skill check notices that the fiends. He threatens to attack all of them if they do
pages that contain one of the liturgies entitled the not let him go. A character who succeeds on a DC 12
“Supplication of the Powerless” are more frequently Wisdom (Insight) skill check is convinced that Galfor
used than the others. is not acting and is honestly terrified.

Supplication of the Powerless. This prayer, when re-

cited with sincerity, brings minor magical power to
the creature reciting it. A character who succeeds
on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw while reciting the
prayer gains any desired cantrip spell that it can use
once until finishing a long rest. A creature must fin-
ish a long rest before trying to gain the benefits of
this prayer again.

A small basin by the wall holds holy water in a quan-
tity equivalent to five vials.


Background “I know what you are, fiends!

Galfor, the Head Librarian, has locked himself into
Stay back or I will blast you all.”
this room to escape Thanrhyst, the incubus outside
the magically secured door. He has successfully saved Galfor threatens the characters with their lives.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Treasure smashed furniture, torn books, and clothes lie scat-
One of the glass cases contains two healer’s kits, four tered around the ground that are scorched in many
potions of healing, and a glass jar of restorative oint- places by the use of evocation magic.
ment with two doses. Galfor wears the lorgnettes of the
master scribe, that he offers as a present for his rescue. Scene
The dead bodies of a bunch of apprentices and two
incubi torn by volleys of magic missile spells lie scat-
SECOND LEVEL tered in the rooms of this quarter. Most of the ap-
prentices were cornered and butchered in one place,
Background allowing a few others to flee before being slaughtered
The second floor of the Arcane Tower holds the ap- themselves. Some bear the marks of weapons, while
prentices’ quarters. Each of its four sections has its some of the more unfortunate ones look drained of
own facilities to provide for every need of the arcane their life essence.
students. The apprentices spend only their spare
time in these chambers. Treasure
The valuables of the apprentices of this quarter have
Environment been looted by the incubus pirates.
Each living quarter contains two comfortable bed-
rooms with four beds, writing desks, and wardrobes
that hold every personal belonging of the appren- 7b. N O R TH - E A S T
tices living there. The spacious bathrooms are fitted QU A R TE R S
with large water barrels, mirrors, and toilets. A small
kitchenette serves each quarter with utensils and
cooking tools. Small storage rooms open from the Background
corridors and hold mops, buckets, ladders, and other The apprentices in this room were alerted by the
household items. sounds of combat next door and were quickly led by
the Head Alchemist of the Arcane Tower, Moradinji,
Treasure to area 14 to regroup with the others.
Each quarter holds a total of 400 gold pieces worth
of valuables in the forms of coins, jewelry, and art- Environment
works, all belonging to the apprentices who live The rooms look intact, no sign of damage is visible,
there. but they were obviously abandoned in haste.

7a. N O R TH -WE S T Four incubus pirates - Mahlad, Esneth, Agorys, and
QU A R TE R S Narith - are busy collecting the valuables left in the
room. They attempt to charm anyone who enters,
ordering subjugates to join the search or attack them
Background if their charm fails.
The residents of these rooms have been caught un-
aware and have been slaughtered by the incubus pi- Treasure
rates of the Last Kiss. The room holds treasures worth 300 gold pieces scat-
tered in many small stacks of gems and gold pieces.
Environment The incubus pirates looted the treasure from area 7a,
The signs of combat and carnage are apparent in totaling another 300 gold pieces.
these rooms. Blood covers many of the surfaces,

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7c. S O U TH -WE S T All of the open rooms have been ransacked by the
QU A R TE R S incubi, but the surviving apprentices of the quarter
took everything of value to the barricaded bedroom.
Four apprentices have barricaded themselves into
one of the bedrooms. Two of them were charmed 7d. S O U TH - E A S T
by the invading incubi and now trying to convince QU A R TE R S
their fellows to give up their valuables in exchange
for their lives.
Environment A short battle took place in this quarter. Two of the
The dead bodies of several apprentices and an in- apprentices took the fight to the incubi while the
cubus pirate lie on the floor outside the barricaded other two fled to the northeast quarter, whence they
bedroom. The noises of a loud argument between could escape to safety with the others under Mo-
the apprentices can be heard from inside. radinji’s command. The incubus pirates have already
thoroughly searched the bedroom and took all the
Scene treasure they could find. The other bedroom is in the
Two apprentices of the Arcane Tower, Zhafre and private use of Master Eydan, the former archmage of
Alynn, who were caught by the charm of the incubi, the Arcane Tower.
are trying to convince the other two apprentices of
the Arcane Tower, Tufalo and Porodnyk, to remove Environment
the blockade from the door. The charmed wizards The area shows the signs of the raiding incubus pi-
are unaware of their condition, but the other two rates, who pillaged them. Two dead apprentices lie in
have figured out what befell their peers. However, a pool of blood in one of the bedrooms. The door to
they are still hesitant to try removing the spells from the other bedroom is encased in stone over its pane,
their charmed fellows as they fear it might cause completely covering the entrance.
offense and lead to a battle of spells.
“Dreaming of a better world, please
Forcing the blocked door requires a successful DC 20
do not disturb. Master Eydan”
Strength (Athletics) skill check. The apprentices take
notice of anyone speaking to them from outside the A text formed out of embossed
room, but it requires a DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) stone letters on the door.
skill check to convince the two hesitant apprentices
that the characters are not incubus pirates trying to Master Eydan’s room looks exactly like the other
get to them. Characters can make this check with ad- bedrooms, except it contains only a single bed at its
vantage due to the help from the two charmed ap- center surrounded by many vases full of night roses.
prentices. Once convinced, they remove the barricades Master Eydan sleeps in the bed, snoring softly while
in three rounds and open the doors. The two charmed a clear spindle stone spins above his head.
wizards, who still possess their valuables from the
room worth 300 gold pieces, loudly call out to the Scene
fiends and start bargaining for their lives. If not im- Master Eydan (use the archmage monster entry with
mediately prevented from doing this, the four incubus an alignment of neutral good) has secured the door to
pirates arrive after two rounds from area 7b. They first his room by casting an arcane lock spell on it and en-
try to charm everyone they can and order them to casing it into stone with the use of a stone shape spell,
hand over their riches. They attack if this tactic fails. so he could prevent anyone from interfering with his

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


travels on the Dreamrealm. As a result, the door has
AC 17, 60 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, it has
damage resistance against slashing and damage im- Background
munity against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. The third floor of the Arcane Tower houses the pri-
It requires a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check vate chambers of the academicians, the communal
to force the door open or a DC 25 Dexterity ability grand hall, and some of the most frequently used
check to pick its lock with thieves’ tools. The incubus study labs.
pirates were not able to enter his room, so they aban-
doned it to deal with it later. Environment
Each of the academicians’ living quarters is lavishly
furnished and decorated. Each suite includes a living
room, a bedroom, a bathing area with a toilet, and a
small personal storage compartment.

8. A CI D I C CO R R I D O R
Master Zaophas’ desperate fight against Azaeresh
and its incubus pirates on the top level of the Ar-
cane Tower has badly damaged the floor of the Train-
ing Hall of Evocation (area 17). The room is partially
flooded with acid, which caused it to crack, allowing
the potent acid to pour down to the level below, just
above the staircase.
Moradinji, the Head Alchemist of the Arcane Tower,
tried to direct every surviving mage to the Grand Hall
The petals of the night roses will only open in a few (area 14) to show force against the invading fiends.
hours, releasing their magical aroma that will con- During their flight up the stairs, he recognized the
tinue to keep Mastery Eydan in the Dreamrealm and potency of the dripping acid. Knowing that incubi are
allow anyone in the room to cross to the plane as not immune to acid, he quickly decided to wall off the
well. (See section Dreaming with the Archmage for corridor by casting wall of stone spells on both ends,
more information.) A character who succeeds on a hoping to block the progress of the raiding fiends.
DC 17 Intelligence (Nature) skill check knows how
the night rose affects creatures. (see area 3 for details Azaeresh has telepathically ordered the remaining in-
about the night rose.) cubus pirates on the Last Kiss to exploit the structural
damage and keep bombarding the damaged spot on
Treasure the side of the Arcane Tower with the cannon of the
The stone spinning above Master Eydan’s head is an flying ship. A section of the tower’s outer wall soon
ioun stone of sustenance. Master Eydan’s spellbook gave in and collapsed, revealing the acid-soaked stairs
also lies next to him in the bed. It has all of his mem- and a section of the corridor to the fiendish ship’s crew.
orized spells plus shield, darkvision, locate object, mag-
ic mouth, dispel magic, tongues, major image, arcane Environment
eye, locate creature, greater invisibility, legend lore, tele- Foul-smelling acid seeps through like rain through a
kinesis, true seeing, forcecage, mindblank, and foresight. tangled web of cracks on the ceiling of this section

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

of the corridor. The shelves and the books have been

soaked through, turning the pool of acid on the floor
9a. M O RA D INJ I 'S
into a strange pulpy soup of melted paper and wood QU A R TE R S
that slowly flows down the stairs and on the side of
the tower through an enormous hole. Background
These are the rooms of the eccentric snow elf Mo-
The large hole that has been blasted into the side of radinji, who arrived in Aglarion over a hundred
the Arcane Tower reveals the entirety of the stairs years ago from an icy mountainous land beyond the
and a large part of the corridor. From outside, the Vordan Mountains. After he finished his studies at
sound of the Last Kiss’ huge flapping wings can be the Arcane Tower, Master Eydan offered him an aca-
heard as it hovers in mid-air at an altitude of 40 demic seat. The good-hearted, yet strange and often
feet and a distance of 100 feet from the tower. The abstract snow elf accepted and finally had a chance
streaks of magical energy shot by the cannon make a to focus all of his studies on his favorite subject,
loud sound on impact. alchemy.

Scene Environment
The acid that pours down from the cracked ceiling The living quarters of the Master Alchemist of the
fills the entire area as if it was raining and covers the Arcane Tower are relatively simple in decoration. The
floor in a pool a foot deep. At the start of every turn, living room features the complex personal alchemy
the rain of corrosive liquid deals 3 (1d6) acid damage lab of the snow elf wizard. The wizard’s chambers
to everything and any creature in the area, and an have been looted and vandalized by the incubus pi-
additional 3 (1d6) acid damage to everything and an- rates, who left nothing of value behind, except for
yone in contact with the pool on the floor. some of the alchemical substances they could not
The crew of the Last Kiss can spot any creature
through the blast hole that moves up the stairs or Treasure
through the corridor. A character who wants to The large selection of rare herbs and minerals in one
pass unnoticed must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity of Moradinji’s small cabinets is worth 250 gold piec-
(Stealth) skill check or be shot at by the flying ship’s es. The laboratory equipment holds four flasks of al-
cannon. Each creature in the cannon’s psychic blast chemist’s fire, two vials of antitoxin, and four flasks
of a 20-foot radius sphere must make a DC 13 Dex- of acid. In addition, observant characters can assem-
terity saving throw. A target takes 14 (4d6) psychic ble a set of alchemist’s supplies and a poisoner’s kit
damage and 14 (4d6) force damage on a failed save, or from the laboratory.
half as much damage on a successful one.

The magically created stone walls are 6 inches thick, 9b. G A L F O R'S QU A R TE R S
and the acid has slowly started to corrode them. The
stone walls currently have an AC 15, 100 hit points, Background
a damage threshold of 10, they have damage resist- These are the private quarters of the head librarian
ance against slashing and damage immunity against who brought some of the most interesting books to
piercing, poison, and psychic damage. his personal library for safekeeping and study.

The smell of old books lingers in the living room and
bedroom of this suite, which is packed with book-
shelves that hold mostly ancient tomes. The original

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


contents of the room have been violently ransacked ferent demons. It was written in Infernal by Ba’al-
and demolished as the pirates tore through it. dannorr, a pit fiend hunter of demons. Any creature
that consults the Manuscripts of Ba’aldannorr for
Scene one hour on a specific type of demon gains advan-
The Head Librarian’s quarter was looted by the incubi tage on Intelligence (Arcana) skill checks related to
for treasures. They missed some of Galfor’s private col- demons and saving throws made against that type of
lections that are rare and valuable, imbued with mag- demon for 1 hour. Once used, the magic of the book
ic, or some that were outright forbidden and outlawed can’t be used again until the next dawn.
by previous monarchs. They lie scattered in the room
under debris and piles of other, less valuable books. Lore of the Gnomes (Rare Magic Item). This small
but heavy hardcover book is over 1,000 pages, writ-
A character who looks through the piles of books ten in Gnomish on fantastically thin sheets of paper.
can appraise the value of one of these books with The book describes the origin and workings of magic
a successful DC 13 Intelligence (History) skill check. items and alchemic procedures known to all gnomes
in a slightly condescending tone. Any creature that
Treasure consults the Lore of the Gnomes for a total time of
Galfor’s collection of books numbers fifty valua- one month can make a DC 20 Intelligence ability
ble tomes and three magic books. The collection is check. Following a successful ability check, the crea-
worth 5,000 gold pieces and has a total weight of 250 ture can double its proficiency bonus on all Intelli-
pounds. The most valuable books in the collection gence (History) skill checks related to magic items,
are the following: alchemical objects, or technological devices.

King Dasmag’s Most Extravagant Bacchanalias - The Deadliest Jokes of the Continent (Cursed Mag-
A Memoir by Deenus Longshorts. This colorfully ic Item). This thin booklet, written in Common, fea-
illustrated ancient book in Sylvan was written by tures the image of a laughing winged clown point-
sprite scribes on the Feyrealm in tiny letters. The ing at the reader on its cover. It contains a selection
book contains songs and sheet music from the satyr of hilarious jokes that were perfected on countless
lord’s court, including the king’s favorite tune - the doomed individuals. Any creature that consults The
Merry Hunt of the Horned Hero. The book is worth Deadliest Jokes of the Continent for a round must
500 gold pieces alone. make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save,
the creature is affected by a hideous laughter spell
Aegis of Foresight (Rare Magic Item). This small for ten minutes that does not allow recurring sav-
manual is bound in deep purple velvet with a title in ing throws to end the spell’s effect. After the spell
gold letters on its front and is written in Common. ends, the creature also gains a level of exhaustion
The yellowed pages are worn, but the text is legible. and must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be
The book contains a magical formula that explains a compelled to continue reading the jokes.
complicated computation that can foretell the out-
come of certain events in the future. Any creature
that consults the Aegis of Foresight for one hour can M A S TE R Z A O P H A S '
reroll one dice after it has been rolled, once per day. QU A R TER S
Once used, the magic of the book can’t be used again
until the next dawn.
Manuscripts of Ba’aldannorr (Rare Magic Item). The Master Zaophas has bound Shussin, a djinni, to his
rugged cover of this tome is bound in hezrou skin, living room decades ago. The djinni serves the arch-
and it is written in the blood of several types of dif- mage as an advisor and friend who only agrees to be

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

bound by the wizard’s magic to keep it from being

summoned elsewhere. The djinni has forced the in-
9d. L A RO M A R IU S '
truding incubus pirates out of the room and waits QU A R TE R S
for more to come.
Environment Laromarius, the Golem Controller of the Arcane
The quarters of the archmage are untouched except Tower, is the closest confidant of Master Zaophas.
for the living room, where everything is ruined as if a The wizard is an expert on constructs and is trusted
tornado hit it. Pieces of broken furniture, torn books, exclusively with the operation of all the constructs
and misplaced household items are scattered every- within the Arcane Tower, especially the iron golem
where. A soft breeze blows in and out of the room as at the grand hall in area 14.
if the whole room is breathing slowly.
Azaeresh ordered some of its incubus pirates to neu-
Scene tralize the wizard. Unfortunately, Laromarius was
Shussin (use the djinni monster entry with the abil- charmed by not one but three incubi who are cur-
ity to cast invisibility at will) can’t leave the room rently engaged in various forms of carnalities with
and protects the archmage’s quarters to the best of the wizard, thereby inhibiting him from protecting
its capabilities. It waits for more intruders invisibly the Arcane Tower.
and uses its detect good or evil spell ability to evalu-
ate them. It appears to any non-evil characters and Environment
engages in a discussion, demanding to know who Laromarious’ rooms were looted, and his bedroom is
they are and what they plan. It has a friendly, out- a tangled mess of clothes, bedsheets, cushions, glass-
going attitude and is easily convinced to help good es, and wine bottles.
characters in any way against the incubus pirates.
It will not allow anyone to loot the archmage’s bed- Scene
room under any circumstances and cannot leave A special homunculus that can speak Common, the
the room. creation of Laromarius the Golem Controller (use
the academician of the Arcane Tower monster en-
Master Zaophas keeps a magical safe in his bedroom try with an alignment of lawful neutral), stands in
made out of adamantine. The safe has AC 21, 55 hit front of the door to this quarter. It alerts the wizard
points, a damage threshold of 15, it has damage re- if anyone approaches, and Laromarius conveys this
sistance against bludgeoning damage, and damage warning to the incubi as well.
immunity against slashing, piercing, poison, and psy-
chic damage. It has no locking mechanism and only “Go away. The master is busy.”
opens if Master Zaophas wills it to open. The homunculus addressing the
characters in a rude tone.
Master Zaophas’ safe holds 43 silver pieces, 693 gold Laromarius and three incubus pirates are in each
pieces, and 21 platinum bars in separate pouches, other’s arms on the canopy bed in Laromarius’ bed-
a potion of speed, three doses of restorative ointment, a room. The wizard seems to be in a euphoric state of
rope of climbing, a ring of protection, a wand of secrets, mind and invites the characters to join their group
a +1 wand of the warmage, and an eyes of minute seeing. on the bed. Two of the incubi do the same and try
to charm any characters they can. If the characters
attack the incubus pirates, they fight back and tele-
pathically order Laromarius to retreat behind them
and fight the characters with his most potent spells.

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If the charm ends on the wizard, he becomes over- sessions and when they want to focus on their stud-
whelmed by shame, embarrassment, and guilt. He ies in small groups.
quickly dresses and takes a minute before he regains
his composure, even if the fight with the incubi is Environment
still on. A character who succeeds on a DC 18 Charis- A few smaller tables and chairs stand in this room
ma (Persuasion) skill check can snap him out of his with a few notes, glasses, or writing equipment left
state and make him cooperative immediately. behind on them. A blackboard with a few notes and
the sketch of a plant with a long stem and a bulbous
head drawn with chalk covers one of the boards.

The plant drawn on the blackboard is the Silken
Touch of the Mistress that is also cultivated in the
greenhouse in area 3. The notes describe its regener-
ative properties.

One of the desks has a small scribbling of a head with

an enormous nose and huge nostrils and a tiny text
next to it that says: “Professor Widegape”.

11.  A G IC I TE M
“I… I really have no excuse except for
being charmed. Extremely charmed…” Background
Both the apprentices and academicians of the Arcane
Laromarius looking for an excuse Tower spend long weeks in this workshop when
in the awkward situation. creating magic items for personal use, for the Royal
Treasury, or for sale. The apprentices who worked in
Laromarius wears the Golem Control Amulet around the room abandoned it in a hurry when the incubus
his neck at all times. This magic amulet allows its wear- pirates attacked.
er to control any of the Arcane Tower’s constructs un-
til they remain within the walls of the Arcane Tower. Environment
Small but well-equipped workstations are lined up in
Treasure this room. Each workbench features sets of special
Laromarius keeps a collection of small rubies in the tools affixed to them, like small magnifying glasses,
drawer of his nightstand that are worth 510 gold scales, cutting and stabilization appendages, chisels,
pieces in total. He also has a +1 dagger and the Golem and injectors, to assist the work of the wizard using it.
Control Amulet on his person.
One of the workstations has an unfinished wand of
10. S TU D Y RO O M web on it. A character who can cast the web spell
can finish the item by spending a total of 200 gold
Background pieces of raw magical components and one week of
The apprentices use this room during private study work, working a minimum of 8 hours a day on the

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item. There is a total of 330 gold pieces worth of raw

magical components on all of the tables combined.
12. A L CH E M Y L A B Background
Wizards of the academy practice their spells and
Background make operations on rabbits, mice, and lizards in this
This laboratory is the domain of Moradinji, the Head room.
Alchemist of the Arcane Tower, and the hall for ex-
perimental alchemy. Moradinji’s lectures range from Environment
standard to outright weird, but they are always Four small operating tables are positioned in the
worth the time. room so that several apprentices can access them
at once. The tables have restraining and operating
Environment equipment on them, and some of them still hold the
Two large tables are covered with laboratory equip- dissected carcasses. Cages, aquariums, and terrari-
ment in the middle of this room. Glass vials, heating ums line the walls. The air is heavy with the smell of
pans, distillers, mixing tubes, dosers, and numerous rodents and their feed.
tools are available at both lab stations.

Scene 14. G RA N D H A L L
The alchemy class was interrupted by the blasts of
the Last Kiss and the intrusion of the raiding in- Background
cubus pirates. During the panic that ensued, the This used to be the main meeting and dining hall
wizards knocked over several components that cre- of the academy. Moradinji, as the only active acad-
ated a foul mix on one of the tables. The mixed sub- emician, has gathered all of the surviving appren-
stances sublimated into a poisonous gas that fills tice wizards in this large hall. He theorized that the
the entire room. A creature that enters the room only way they would survive the invasion was by
must make a DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On regrouping at this well-defendable location. On their
a failed save, the creature becomes susceptible to way, the group faced some incubus pirates and were
magic and gains disadvantage on saving throws late to arrive at the Grand Hall. Master Zaophas drew
against magic. As a positive side effect, the creature Azaeresh and the incubi to the Lecture Hall above.
also regains 1 hit point at the start of its turn. If the He ordered the iron golem to guard the entrance
character takes damage from a magical source, this from both incubi and his fellow wizards, fearing for
trait doesn’t function at the start of its next turn. their lives and hoping to defeat the pirate captain
The creature dies only if it starts its turn with 0 hit alone.
points and doesn’t regenerate. This condition wears
off in one day, but it can be cured as if it was a Environment
disease. This large hall has two long tables for the apprentic-
es and one for the academicians of the Arcane Tower.
Treasure Large paintings of various wizardly activities hang
The alchemy lab contains 500 gold pieces worth of on the wall depicting summonings, mage duels, the
alchemical raw materials. The laboratory equipment crafting of magic items, wizards in flight, and similar
can be dismantled into three sets of alchemist’s sup- scenes. The statues of the last four former archmages,
plies and three sets of poisoner’s kits. including Master Eydan, stand in the corners, depict-
ing the mages in vivid poses mid-spellcasting. A large
iron statue stands in the middle of the room within

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a shaft of blue, sparkling light that exits the room
through a circular hole in the ceiling. The sounds of
a vivid battle can be heard from the level above.

The shaft of blue light is a levitation shaft. A creature
that stands in it can will itself to move up or down
within the light, reaching the next level in one move
action. The iron golem attacks anyone who tries to
pass through to the levitation shaft. The command of
the archmage can not be overridden, but the golem
can be deactivated by anyone who uses the Golem
Control Amulet, held by Laromarius in area 9d.

Moradinji (use the academician of the Arcane Tower M O RA D INJ I

monster entry with all 5th and 4th level spell slot al-
ready used and an alignment of neutral) and six sur- “I don’t know who you are and if your
viving apprentices of the Arcane Tower (each with
story is true or not. All I know is that
no 3rd level spell slots remaining) named Ortean,
Daskal, Ivestrino, Ahatia, Lynn, Ktaria, and Zoromos,
I work from facts, and you fail to
stand around the iron golem, facing every direction present them. Now, back off, or we
in anticipation of and ready for the incubus pirates will tear you to shreds with force
to enter. When the characters enter the room, the missiles that penetrate even
wizards distrust them and threaten to attack if they
the toughest dragon hide.”
don’t clarify their intentions and explain themselves.
A character who tries to convince the group about Moradinji taking his stand.
their good intentions must succeed on a DC 18 Cha-
risma (Persuasion) skill check. On a successful check, If the characters keep pressing the issue and can’t
Moradinji and most of the wizards believe their story convince the wizards that they are neither fiends nor
and relax. On a failed check, Moradinji raises an arm do they mean any harm, each of the wizards releas-
to ready the mages for a volley of magic missiles at es a volley of magic missile spells. The wizards keep
the characters and demands they back away from bombarding the characters if they attack them or
the room and close the door. delay their assault if the characters stand down.

If the characters or Laromarius deactivate the iron

golem with the golem control amulet, the characters
are free to pass into the chamber above. The wizards
follow them and join the fight with the incubus pi-
rates above.

15. S CR I P TO R IU M
Apprentices are required, as part of their practical
training, to create new scrolls every couple of weeks,

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spending several days in this room bent over the notes written in chalk stand by the walls. The two
tables, especially on rare occasions when they are rooms on the sides are filled with filing cabinets that
tasked with copying complete books. hold notes, documents, and papers on all current and
previous students of the academy.
Small but elevated tables with long-legged high seats Scene
stand in this room. The tables are covered with writ- The carpet on the floor is a carpet of smothering (use
ing equipment, scrolls, pieces of cloth, and other items the rug of smothering monster entry), and the blood-
used by scribes. The two bookshelves on the side of stains are from the incubus hidden under the carpet.
the room are covered with scrolls old and new. The damaged carpet of smothering has 42 hit points
left from its maximum of 99 hit points. It lashes out
Treasure at anyone who enters the room. Six flying daggers
The bookshelves hold the following magic scrolls: (use the flying sword monster entry that deals 3 (1d4
burning hands, charm person, comprehend languages, + 1) piercing damage and 7 (2d6) poison damage on a
detect magic, false life, grease, magic missile, silent im- hit) also swoop out from below the tables and attack
age, blur, darkness, flaming sphere, invisibility, locate anyone smothered by the carpet of smothering.
object, magic weapon, rope trick, shatter, disable con-
struct, instant tent, music of the spheres. Treasure
Moradinji’s desk drawer holds two potions of clairvoy-
ance, once confiscated from one of the apprentices.
16. A CA D E M ICIA N S '
Background Background
This is the meeting room and workplace of the acad- The fourth floor of the Arcane Tower is the center of
emicians of the Arcane Tower. The professors discuss arcane studies. Classes are held daily in the central
student advancement and work-related issues and lecture hall, from where students can enter all of
this is where they store equipment for their classes. the specialty training halls that are reserved for each
spell school.
Laromarius, while he was in control of his actions,
instructed the flying poisoned daggers and the rug A wild battle rages on the top level of the Arcane
of smothering in this room to attack anyone who Tower between the archmage and the forces of
enters. Thus, the constructs killed one of the incubus Azaeresh. Master Zaophas has blocked passage to
pirates, whose body now lies under the carpet. and from this level by ordering the iron golem in the
grand hall at area 14 to attack anyone who would try
Environment to cross through the levitation shaft. He decided not
A large colorful carpet covers the ground in front to risk his fellow wizards’ lives, and he is trying to
of the main entry door, stained by several splotches defeat Azaeresh and the numerous incubus pirates
of blood punctured by small holes in several places. he could lure here. He also knows that if he were
A bump in the carpet suggests that something, the defeated, the iron golem would probably be able to
size of a human, lies underneath. Four large writ- kill many of the fiends before they reach the rest of
ing desks covered in heaps of papers, ledgers, books, the residents of the Arcane Tower.
and arcane components dominate this room, with a
small filing cabinet alongside each desk. Large book- The archmage is exempted from the effects of the
shelves and a long blackboard with many smaller private sanctum spell, allowing him to use dimension

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


door or misty step spells to relocate to a safe spot if with several wooden blocks of different shapes and
he gets surrounded by the fiendish pirates. Master colors stands next to a large magic circle engraved on
Zaophas’ tactic is to jump into one of the training the floor. The middle of the room is dominated by an
halls on the fourth floor and wait for his attackers area where various elements have damaged the floor.
to enter. This provides him a safe distance to cast his
spells at a possibly larger group of incubus pirates.

17a. T
In this hall, apprentices train to predict the future
Background and reveal things hidden for the mundane eye. De-
Apprentices are trained to protect themselves in this vices used are to test divination spells.
area, both from physical and magical attacks.
Environment The training hall features a large rotating wheel that
Several rotating combat training dummies stand in is segmented into different colors, a pedestal behind
one section of this room not far from a strange, large a series of folding screens, a large round table with
ranged weapon-like device that can be rotated on its a mirrored surface, and a stone eye that levitates
platform. above a slender block of stone.

Scene Treasure
The rotatable device is a ray-caster that can shoot a The levitating eye is a magic device that opens its
ray of energy that functions as a ray of frost spell but stone eyelids and turns towards anything within 10
can deal either acid, cold, fire, or lightning damage feet that is magical or invisible. It only functions if
set by the button pressed on it. Its magic ceases to it hovers above the 5-foot tall stone block under it,
function if the device is removed from its platform. which weighs 150 pounds.

TRA IN IN G H A L L O F 17d. 

Background Background
Apprentices train how to conjure and aim elements Apprentices practice enchantment magic on each
at targets and study their effects. More advanced stu- other within this room. These sessions are always
dents and academicians also practice summoning ac- carefully supervised by one of the academicians.
tual elementals or other creatures and demonstrate
their capabilities through a series of tests. Every stu- Environment
dent must also practice short-range teleportation be- Numerous finely crafted, comfortable armchairs face
tween two dedicated platforms. each other in a wide circle in this room.

Large targets stand in one section of this hall, their
surfaces damaged from countless impacts. A table

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TRA IN IN G H A L L O F feet square, while a larger, 20 by 20 feet square area
is marked 10 feet away.
Background The chair is an illusion that is a joke on new students
Apprentices practice harmful evocation magic in this who are requested to take a seat. A character who in-
training hall. The battle between Master Zaophas teracts with the chair can make a DC 16 Intelligence
and Azaeresh’s forces has spread into this area of the (Investigation) skill check to discern it as an illusion.
Arcane Tower for a brief period. The archmage con- On a failed check, the chair seems to be real. The
jured a rain of acidic substance that remained in the measurements of the floor mark the most common
room, badly damaging it structurally. sizes for illusion spells.

Environment The training hall can be commanded by anyone who

A nose-twisting acidic smell fills this room. Large knows the command word to create an effect similar
barrels of water and sacks of sand are placed near to a hallucinatory terrain spell that lasts for 1 hour.
the entrance of this hall. Further into the area, a
complex indication of distances and other geomet-
ric forms is inscribed on the floor. The back of the
training hall is covered in a pool of acid that is 4 N E CRO M A N CY
inches in depth. There is a melted skeleton of a hu-
manoid with bat wings lying in the pool. The acid
has already partially melted the stone floor, which Background
has cracked, slowly draining the acid away into the Apprentices study undead creatures and the forces of
level below. necromancy in this training hall.

Scene Environment
The barrels and sacks are for precautions to neutral- A foul stench of decay lingers in this room. Four
ize hazards if needed. The markings on the floor are undead creatures are chained to the widest wall
measurements for the area effects of the most com- opposite the entrance. Several large ceramic pots
mon evocation spells. The pool of acid deals 10 (3d6) are lined against one of the walls, each holding the
acid damage per round to a creature who stands in same type of plant in a different stage of decompo-
it. The skeleton in the shallow pool of acid is that of sition, from fresh to wholly withered. In front of the
an incubus pirate. other wall, a series of large tubular glass contain-
ers hold the bodies of different types of creatures
soaked in embalming fluids. A sizeable operating ta-

TRA IN IN G H A L L O F ble with mechanical appendages stands in the mid-
I L L U S IO N dle of the room.

Background The chains at the end of the hall hold a skeleton, a
Apprentices practice the weaving of illusion magic zombie, a ghoul, and a wight, of which the latter two
in this room. have had their tongues removed and their mouths
sewn shut. The creatures in the tubes are a kobold,
Environment a grimlock, a human, a large dog, a dolphin, and a
A simple chair sits in the center of this hall. The floor harpy, all long dead.
around the chair is marked on the floor with a 5 by 5

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TRA IN IN G H A L L O F consequences of his spell before he casts it, the arch-
TRA N S M U TA TIO N mage will refrain from doing so. The time loop is bro-
ken if Master Zaophas does not cast the time stop spell.
Apprentices can practice transmutation magic in
this hall, experimenting with different materials and
transforming their bodies in a safe environment.

The training hall features a complex athletics and ac-
robatics course with climbing, jumping, and balanc-
ing challenges. Another section of the hall has several
raw materials that the apprentices can manipulate
through magic.

18. L E CTU RE H A L L
Background M A STE R ZA O PH A S
Master Zaophas has already killed many incubus pi-
rates by the time the characters and his fellow wiz- “Praise the Wondermaker! Now that
ards arrive in this area, but he is running out of spells.
we have gathered in force, strike down
He is surrounded by a large group of incubus pirates
and Azaeresh, who are about to slaughter him.
the fiends!”
Master Zaophas urges his pupils, professors and the
Environment characters to join his fight.
A large podium stands at the lowest point of a down-
ward-sloping amphitheater - the main lecture hall Eight incubus pirates, named Ussyn, Xeyshar, Cat-
with circular rows of seatings. A few stairs run be- ith, Irrinx, Ailyr, Zakal, Therons, Vaylstan, and their
tween the levels. Soft cushions are placed on each of succubus leader Azaeresh have cornered Master
the chairs to accommodate the apprentices. The levi-
tation shaft opens to this level in front of the podium.

Master Zaophas (use the archmage monster entry
with an alignment of neutral and with no spell slots
available for 5th level or lower) casts his time stop spell
exactly thirty rounds after the characters conjure the
Arcane Tower from the Astral Plane in area 1 of the
Vault of the Arcane Tower. Master Zaophas will not
cast the time stop spell if the characters can provide
the upper hand for the archmage in combat. If char-
acters witness Master Zaophas casting the time stop
spell, they can make a successful DC 19 Intelligence
(Arcana) skill check to realize that this spell will cause
the time loop. If they immediately notify him of the

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Zaophas in front of the blackboard when the char- can be picked with thieves’ tools on a successful DC
acters and the wizards arrive. Any surviving acad- 20 Dexterity ability check, or can be forced open
emicians and apprentices cast magic missiles every with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill
round at the incubi, starting by using their highest check. The doors have AC 19, 60 hit points, a damage
available spell slots. Master Zaophas cast lower-lev- threshold of 10, they have damage immunity against
el spells from his 6th and higher-level spell slots to piercing, poison, psychic and slashing damage.
combat the fiendish pirates.
Windows. Windows are 10 or 20 feet high and wide
Experience and are made out of toughened crimson glass. They
Award the party 700 experience points if they can can not be opened and have AC 15 and 30 hit points, a
break the time loop. damage threshold of 5, they have damage resistance
against piercing and slashing damage, and damage
immunity against poison, and psychic damage.
Background 1. AFT HO LD
The Last Kiss, captained by Azaeresh and crewed by
its crew of incubus pirates, was hired by Blister of Background
the Matrons of Malice to destroy the Arcane Tower The pirate incubi keep their plunder and mundane
along with the wizards inside. The Last Kiss has only resources in this storage area.
a few incubus pirates on deck at the time of the raid
on the Arcane Tower. Environment
The large sliding doors lead to the storage area from
the back of the ship. The cargo area holds careful-
ly secured barrels of water and sacks of foodstuff to
feed the slaves. In addition, large coils of ropes, grap-
pling hooks, a few lanterns, casks of oil, and oth-
er equipment are stored by the walls.

This astral vessel is
partly organic and partly
constructed out of a light but
resilient metal alloy. All areas are
naturally dark and have a height of
10 feet except for the helm and
bridge in area 6, which is 20
feet in height.

Doors and Double Doors.

Doors open inwards and
are made of the same me-
tallic alloy as the hull of the
ship. They are fitted with
iron hinges and handles that

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Treasure • A male centaur named Philenios, who was cap-
The area holds 500 feet of hemp rope in five large tured from the divine plane of the Eternal Mother,
coils, five grappling hooks, three bullseye lanterns, the god of nature.
six flasks of oil, 50 feet of chain in five coils, three • Two goblins named Pyp and Tailgnawer, who were
crowbars, two ladders, four manacles, and a portable captured from a trading station for astral pirates.
ram. Two large chests are filled with 200 pounds of a
strange violet colored crystal dust packed in several The eastern slave pen holds the following slaves:
larger sacks, worth a total of 1,200 gold pieces.
•T  wo savage bugbears named Gorkog and Zaard,
who were captured from their tribe far from the
2. S L AVE PE N S continent known to Aglarionians on the Material
Background • Three dretches that have no names and who were
The slaves are used to fuel the ship’s engine and salvaged from another astral ship that used them
the psychic cannon in area 7. They were kidnapped as projectile weapons.
months or weeks ago from various planes of exist- •A  middle-aged male halfling bandit captain, who
ence either by charm or through force. The incubi is mad beyond belief and only mumbles to himself
move the slaves to area 7 through their quarters constantly, unable to communicate.
where they usually engage them in bodily pleasures • A female gnoll named Bloodbite, who was cap-
before connecting them to the psychic engine. tured from a jungle on the Material Plane far from
Environment • A female wererat dwarf named Unistra, a princess
Rusty chains and manacles hold a handful of slaves of her tribe, who was taken from a raid on an un-
in both of these otherwise unfurnished rooms. The derground village on the Material Plane far from
air stinks of decay, and excrement covers the walls Aglarion.
that bear marks of scratches and dried blood.
Scene Award the party 700 experience points if they free
Those slaves who can’t see in the dark have almost the slaves.
lost their sight due to the long time in utter dark-
ness. They are weak and underfed, afraid for their
lives, and unaware of where they are and how they 3. B O A R D IN G D E CK
were captured.
“Save me. Anywhere is better than here!” The pirates enter and exit the Last Kiss through these
corridors and doors on the ship’s sides.
One of the slaves at the edge of insanity.
The western slave pen holds the following slaves: Thick carpet covers the floor of these corridors.
Paintings of obscene scenes cover the northern wall
•Four middle-aged Vordani human commoners of opposite two weapon racks on the southern wall
various genders - Argandos, Vholan, Troca, and Bala- next to the entrances.
zi - who remember that they used to be farmers
before being captured. Treasure
• A female azer named Whiteblaze, who was cap- The four paintings, each worth 200 gold pieces, show
tured from the Elemental Plane of Fire. scenes of debauchery from actual places in Hell, the

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Abyss, on the deck of the Last Kiss, and the interior
of the Burning Desire (Onadbyr location 26.) on the
Material Plane. The weapon rack holds eight short
swords, eight rapiers, eight hand crossbows, and 160 Background
bolts. Crew members spend their downtime in these rooms.
With no need to eat, drink, or sleep, they are usually
either engaged in bodily pleasures or explore other
4. C A P TA I N'S QU A R TER S physical sensations like consuming extraplanar deli-
cacies and drugs.
Azaeresh spends most of its time in this room when Environment
in need of privacy. The captain takes personal slaves A large circular bed stands in the middle of each
or other incubi to its room from time to time to room next to a comfortable sofa. The floor is littered
gratify its passions. with weapons, clothes, bottles, glasses, pouches, and
vials. A few stains of blood on the furniture and the
Environment floor indicate the viciousness of the fiends that usu-
The captain’s room features a large ceramic bathtub ally occupy this room. Steep stairs lead down to the
filled with a milk-like pink liquid and a canopy bed bridge in area 6.
covered in blood-red sheets and cushions. A small
iron chest stands next to the bed. A small writing Treasure
desk holds a few items. Realistic paintings of naked The floor is covered with a set of ten fine clothes.
fiendish and humanoid bodies painted in miniscule A golden earring with a black diamond worth 315 gold
detail cover the walls. The smell of sweet perfume pieces lies on the floor below the bed.
lingers in the air.

Scene 6. H E L M A N D B R I D G E
The bathtub is filled with the sap of a rare extrapla-
nar tree called “Kharzian soul tree” that causes feel- Background
ings of pleasurable euphoria in any creature in con- The ship can be steered from this bridge. Most incu-
tact with it for over a minute. The liquid causes two bus pirates are located in this area when the ship is
creatures immersed in it for over 10 minutes and in in pursuit or hovering during a raid.
physical contact with each other to swap souls, in-
habiting each other’s bodies while they remain im- Environment
mersed in the liquid and only for up to 1 hour. The helm is positioned in the front of a high terrace
from where two sets of stairs lead to the lower deck
Treasure 10 feet below. The large red windows allow a broad
The writing desk holds an abacus and an hourglass. view over the area in front of the ship.
The iron chest is locked with an ordinary lock and
contains twenty sets of fine clothes in various fash- Scene
ions, 2,182 gold pieces in one big pile, and a plum- Four incubus pirates occupy this room. One of them
sized ruby worth 500 gold pieces. The six highly real- is at the helm, navigating the Last Kiss and replen-
istic paintings are each worth 200 gold pieces. ishing the slaves in the psychic cannon if needed.
They try to charm any humanoid intruders on sight
or attack if this tactic fails.

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Characters can control the Last Kiss by adjusting ve- the cannon as an action. Every creature in the chairs
locity, altitude, and direction using a simple control takes an additional 5 points of psychic damage when
panel. the cannon is fired. The cannon has a range of 150
feet. Each creature in the cannon’s psychic blast of a
20-foot radius sphere must make a DC 13 Dexterity
P saving throw. A target takes 14 (4d6) psychic damage
A N D CA N N O N and 14 (4d6) force damage on a failed save, or half as
much damage on a successful one.

Background Scene
The psychic engine and cannon was invented by the Three orcs that have 10 hit points left are strapped
pit fiend Raazn’roth who excelled in creating hellish into the seats of the engine. They moan and growl
machines and torture devices fueled by the souls of in pain whenever the cannon fires but are otherwise
mortal victims. too weak to struggle for their freedom. Use the man-
acles item entry for the straps.
An enormous and complex machine takes up half
of this room. The devilish device incorporates three
seats that have iron straps for the feet, hands, and
head of a small or medium creature that is placed
in it. Appendages with long curvy tubes connect the
seats to the machine behind them. The machine’s
numerous indicators, levers, and valves emit an intri-
cate pattern of pulses, hisses, and shakes with invisi-
ble energies that feel suppressed and directed inside.
Three shaking and growling orcs are firmly strapped
in each of the three seats, wired into the machine
behind them.

The psychic engine powers the Last Kiss and makes

it fly. Humanoids attached to the machine allow it to
operate for one day per 5 points of psychic damage
dealt to each victim. This damage has already been
deducted for the day of the raid. The engine also acts
as an aggregator for the psychic cannon.

Psychic Engine and Cannon. This devilish magical

engine and siege weapon amplifies psychic energies
drained from the victims attached to it. It requires
three victims to be connected to it to be operational.
A creature that is completely strapped to the seat
by its hands, feet, and head immediately takes 5 hit
points of psychic damage and has its maximum hit
points reduced by an amount equal to the damage
taken. The engine continues to damage the strapped
creature every day until it dies. A creature can fire

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Background successor before planting and cultivating many night

Master Eydan was appointed as the archmage of the roses in his room to fall into a self-induced dream-like
Kingdom of Aglarion by King Daerios Azennar, the fa- coma in which he could escape his burden and com-
ther of King Waldrann Azennar. Master Eydan served mune endlessly with his friend Father Lestor through
both kings loyally with his arcane knowledge and the Dreamrealm.
managed the education of the wizards of the Arcane
Tower until his self-proclaimed retirement. The for- Environment
mer archmage accompanied King Waldrann Azennar Master Eydan’s room in area 7c of the Arcane Tower.
on the mission to the Feyrealm to rescue Queen Lyren-
cia from the clutches of the satyr-lord King Dasmag, Scene
as they were tricked into believing. Master Eydan wit- Master Eydan is alive, but his senses are nonfunction-
nessed the tragic confrontation of the king and his al, and he can’t be awakened from his stupor. He has
son Prince Krasnar Azennar on their way home and activated an ioun stone of sustenance before entering
vowed not to speak about it to anyone on his return the Dreamrealm that still orbits his head, ensuring
to the Material Plane. The archmage secluded himself he doesn’t die due to starvation or dehydration.
in his quarters for months after his return, avoiding
the company of his academicians or students while Once the time loop is negated, at the next sunset, the
brooding over the events and the oath he took. How- petals of the night roses (see area 3 of the Arcane
ever, master Eydan wasn’t alone during these months. Tower) open and release their intensely sweet aro-
He used his most powerful magic to track down and ma that fills the entire room within seconds. Due to
contact his friend, Father Lestor, another member of the large concentration of night roses in the room,
the fated rescue mission. The cleric of the Wise One characters must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
refused to take the oath of silence about the death throw or be affected by the flower with a duration of
of Prince Krasnar Azennar and was exiled, never to 24 hours instead of an hour. A character who decides
return from the Feyrealm. The archmage eventually to give in to the effect of the night rose can choose
decided to nominate his first student, Zaophas, as his to do so.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

The Dreamrealm created, and those that can be made permanent can
immediately be willed into existence as such. Try to
encourage your players to describe the effect they
The Dreamrealm has no physical dimensions or lo- want to achieve and try to translate it to an existing
cation, but still exists as a separate dimension. It is spell effect.
composed of the dreams of intelligent creatures from
across the multiverse that empower its random and A creature on the Dreamrealm is alone, but it can try
shapeless forms. The Dreamrealm is an entirely mal- to enter the dreams of other creatures if it knows
leable environment, which can be shaped by those them and knows that they are also present on the
who have learned to control it. There are very few Dreamrealm. A creature can choose to allow other
creatures native to the Dreamrealm, and most of the creatures to enter its own dream if it knows that
time, they are only the mere representations of the they wish to enter. A group of creatures can occupy
most commonly shared visions of dreamers that de- the same dream hosted by one of them and move
tach themselves and become free to act on their own. together on the Dreamrealm as a unit, being subject-
ed to the same effects together. A creature can only
When entering the Dreamrealm, only the creature’s be present in one dream, either its own or some-
psyche is transferred to this plane of existence, while one else’s. If not allowed to enter, a creature can
the creature’s body stays behind, usually in a state of force itself into another creature’s dream by press-
coma or deep slumber. The creature retains all of its ing through the fabric of the Dreamrealm to reach
abilities and statistics on the Dreamrealm, which are their destination in a dream different from theirs.
but a representation of itself based on its self-aware- Each creature has its own dreamward that protects
ness. It can do anything that it could normally do. it from such attempts and can eject the intruding
A creature present on the Feyrealm can willingly en- creature from the Dreamrealm.
ter the Dreamrealm any time while sleeping during
a long rest. Any changes to the character’s statistics, Dreamwards are different each time and vary in pow-
spell slots, or use of items are not translated to the er based on the dreamer. Their main purpose is to
real world when the character awakens and returns eject a creature from the Dreamrealm. They require
from the Dreamrealm. creatures to excel in a skill, survive harsh environ-
ments, overcome debilitating emotions, harmful ef-
A creature can shape the environment, create land- fects, or survive the onslaught of monsters of over-
scapes, objects, other images, or any effect on the powering strength. Use the following generic rules,
Dreamrealm by merely thinking of it. As an action, combine them, or make up your own effects to create
a character on the Dreamrealm can duplicate the ef- a dreamward.
fects of any spell, except for those in the divination
school, by succeeding on a Charisma ability check The DC of the dreamward is equal to 8 + the passive
with a DC equal to 10 + the spell’s level. Spells em- dreamer’s proficiency bonus + the passive dream-
ulated this way are considered to be cast at a spell er’s Charisma modifier. A dream spell allows a crea-
slot level equal to the result of this Charisma ability ture to enter another creature’s dream, bypassing
check - 10, to a maximum of a 9th level spell slot. the protective dreamward surrounding it. It other-
Emulating a spell effect is not considered as casting wise functions as detailed in the spell’s description.
a spell and it doesn’t require any components. The
save DC for the manifested effect is equal to 8 + Destructive Elements. The dreaming character is
the character’s proficiency bonus + the character’s subjected to violent forces of any damage type, and
Charisma modifier. Spell attacks are based on the additionally, they need to survive some sort of phys-
character’s Charisma modifier. These emulated spell ical challenge. The creature is subjected to damage
effects don’t require concentration to maintain once every round equal to the creature’s total hit die in

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


d6’s. The creature can make a saving throw of the
Father Lestor’s Dreamward
related type to halve the damage. The dreamward
could take the form of a large body of liquid, a cloud,
a thunderstorm, a slide, a vortex, a sound, an emana- Background
tion, a terrain, or any similar physical form related to Father Lestor had an almost fatal experience when
the different damage types. The physical challenges he fell off a fishing boat when he was a child. His
involved can be anything that blind, trip, push, grap- thalassophobia, the fear of deep water, manifests in
ple, restrain, paralyze, or stun the creature with a his dreamward.
saving throw or skill check of the related type asso-
ciated with them. Environment
The dark, murky, sizzling waters are ominous to
Monster Threat. A monster or several monsters at- behold. The muffled wailing sounds of large water
tack the dreamer, with a combined CR equal to the creatures can be heard from a distance resonating
total hit die of the dreaming creature. through the water. Above the sea level, an infinite
ocean spreads towards the horizon. The sky is dark
Baneful Impact. The dreaming creature is subject- with thunderclouds that roar from time to time as if
ed to a deadly effect with a saving throw of the re- they were threatening the dreamer with their anger.
lated type to survive the effect. The baleful impact
manifests for three rounds as fear, pain, suffocation, Scene
exhaustion, unconsciousness, petrification, or being Once the characters have entered the Dreamrealm,
polymorphed in any form that results in death if all they have to pass through Father Lestor’s dream-
three consecutive saving throws are unsuccessful. ward. The dreamward drops the characters 60 feet
below the surface of an endless, boiling ocean. The
A creature that dies or becomes unconscious on the hot water deals 17 (5d6) fire damage per round or half
Dreamrealm is ejected from the plane and wakes up that much on a successful DC 15 Constitution saving
from its sleep. In this case, the ejected creature is throw. A character who speaks or casts a spell with
prevented from benefiting from that rest and takes a verbal component immediately starts to suffocate.
10 (3d6) psychic damage. A creature can force itself to Visibility in the water is limited to 5 feet.
wake up once per hour and exit the Dreamrealm by
succeeding on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. In any On the second round of the dreamward, a flying kill-
case, the dreamer’s dream continues to exist while it er whale (with a fly speed of 60 ft. and damage im-
is occupied by at least one other creature. munity to fire) per character appears in the water
and attacks them viciously, flying after them if they
A creature can recall the details of any event on the would leave the boiling waters.
Dreamrealm by succeeding on a DC 10 Intelligence
ability check during the first day after awakening Experience
from the Dreamrealm. This ability check increases to Award the party 700 experience points for passing
DC 15 on the second day and to DC 20 for all follow- through Father Lestor’s dreamward.
ing days.

Don’t award experience points for defeating any

creature in the Dreamrealm. Instead, award 700 ex-
perience points to the party for overcoming a dream-
ward or an encounter.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

Conversing with the Archmage successful skill check, Master Eydan shares his con-
viction that the events started with King Waldrann
Azennar have escalated with terrible consequences.
Master Eydan is conversing with Father Lestor and “All I wanted was peace
the Tomelords on the Dreamrealm within Father Le-
and to be left alone,
stor’s dream.
but the news you bring
Environment sounds terrifying. I have
Father Lestor created the image of the Awakened Li- an obligation to this kingdom, and
brary (Bleak Mire location 45 in Chapter 5) as the set- I made errors that need to be correct-
ting for his dream. The enormous hall is filled with
ed. I will tell you everything we know
rows upon rows of shelves packed with books. Two
figures in simple robes talk to each other while four so far, but have patience. My memory
seemingly animate and sentient tomes hover around is not as it used to be and sometimes
them. I remember only fragments.”
Scene Master Eydan pledging his allegiance to the characters.
Once the characters pass through Father Lestor’s
dreamward by escaping the boiling ocean and de- Master Eydan does not know about the events that
feating the killer whales, they appear on the floor of have taken place on the Material Plane since his
the Awakened Library, soaking wet from their previ- self-imposed seclusion, nor the Midnight Curse. He
ous encounter. is both shocked and feels guilty about his negligence
towards the kingdom. He is unaware of the com-
One of the figures in the library is Father Lestor, the plete picture, the plans of the midnight hag coven
former head priest of the Temple of Knowledge in or House Ausstyl, but knows much more than the
Onadbyr, while the other is Master Eydan (use the characters do, and he is more than willing to help.
archmage monster entry with an alignment of neu- Unfortunately, Master Eydan’s memories of the Bleak
tral good), the former archmage of the Arcane Tower. Mire and the Hagtree have faded away. With a heavy
A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence sigh, he tells the characters everything that the char-
(History) skill check recognizes Father Lestor. The acters have already learned from Lord Cyne Monder’s
four books hovering around the pair, listening to journal and the following additional information and
their conversation and giving advice when they can, deductions, which he made with Father Lestor and
are the Tomelords of the Awakened Library, sentient the Tomelords via divinations and simple logic.
books of great knowledge, named the Oakbound, the
Sage, the Historian, and the Abbot. The group glanc- • Swigglegard, the former Feyrealm domain of King Das-
es in the direction of the characters as they appear, mag was taken over more than a hundred years ago by
and everyone, except for Master Eydan, immediately the Matrons of Malice, a coven of powerful midnight
ejects from the dream. hags, named Blister, Tyke, and Splinter who turned it
into vile, malignant land called the Bleak Mire.
Master Eydan is at first suspicious of the charac- • The Matrons of Malice captured Queen Lyrencia in
ters. It requires a successful DC 12 Charisma (Per- the guise of King Dasmag to lure King Waldrann
suasion) skill check to convince him of their good Azennar to the Bleak Mire, and to curse the crown
intentions. On a failed skill check, Master Eydan be- of Aglarion. By the rules of magic, each major curse
comes reluctant to converse with the characters and must have a dissolution clause that has to be set by
tries everything to eject them from the dream. On a the one who created it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


•P rince Krasnar Azennar is alive and has been re- Nightmare on Dragonback
vived by the aberration venerating drow of House
Ausstyl, who have fleshwarped his body and turned
him into a horrific, tentacled creature. Background
• The drow of House Ausstyl have taken over the The aberrant drow of House Ausstyl have made an
Bleak Mire and dethroned the Matrons of Malice. alliance with one of the most powerful monsters of
The drow are preparing a strange ritual around the the Bleak Mire, the doppeldrake Malzdreziret, the
Chasm, laying aberrant ground by their Gibbering Scaled Impostor. They offered it as a steed to Krasnar
Fort, Krasnar’s organic lair. to make him an even more formidable tool for their
•T  he library within Father Lestor’s dream is the machinations on the surface of the Bleak Mire.
Awakened Library of the Tomelords, a group of
sentient books. Krasnar has learned about Father Lestor’s Dreamrealm
• The Bleak Mire is warded against planar travel, and meetings with Master Eydan from his spy, Querrai
the only way in and out is through a portal, but its Xalo, and is furiously hunting the cleric. The ex-paladin
characteristics, shape, and location are unknown warlock prince knows he can’t kill the cleric on the
even to those who have passed through it, includ- Dreamrealm, but he wants to find out where he hides
ing Master Eydan and Father Lestor. and terrorize him before confronting him in person.
• King Waldrann Azennar and his companions were
led to the portal by a deep-wood stalker named Scene
Freall, who chanted in Druidic as she was leading The gargantuan-sized Malzdreziret wearing the form
them through the forest. The spriggan guards of of a red dragon tears off the roof of the dream ver-
the coven tell a tale about her being turned into sion of the Awakened Library. Krasnar Azennar rides
a bird creature and imprisoned in the Nest of the its back, himself the size of a huge giant. Together
Cackling Crows (location 30.), a family of giant rocs they attack everyone inside the dream.
in Aglarion.
• Master Eydan remembers the chant required for In this encounter, use Krasnar Azennar with the fol-
the Stride of the Elders in the secret Druidic lan- lowing modifications:
guage and translates it to the characters.
• Krasnar Azennar is Huge size.
“The skin of the trees, • He has 270 hit points.
• His attacks deal 2d4 extra damage.
a word with the ape,
• He has advantage on Strength ability checks and
nurture the bridge, and Strength saving throws.
meet the stag at the gate.” • Dream Save DC 15.
Words of the chant in Druidic.
In this encounter, use Malzdreziret with the follow-
Moments after Master Eydan finishes his thoughts, ing modifications:
the sounds of a loud roaring monster can be heard
from every direction at once as giant claws rip • Malzdreziret is Gargantuan in size.
through the roof of the dream image of the Awak- • It has 368 hit points.
ened Library. • Its attacks deal 1d10 extra damage.
• Its breath weapon, regardless of type, deals 4d8 ex-
tra damage.
•It has advantage on Strength ability checks and
Strength saving throws.
• Dream Save DC 18.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

Master Eydan (use the archmage monster entry with

an alignment of neutral good) attacks Krasnar and
Malzdreziret, standing with the characters. When
they defeat their opponents or if Master Eydan dies
during the battle, he wakes up in his room. He is too
fragile and weak to even move from his bed after
such a long time, but when every character returns
from the Dreamrealm, he swears allegiance to the
characters in a raspy voice. He offers to help them
as needed from the Dreamrealm, where he will
continue to spend his retirement.

“I am fragile in body
but strong in soul.
The Arcane Tower
will always aid
you in your quest to cleanse
the kingdom from the
Midnight Curse.”
Master Eydan reaching to clasp the
hands of the characters with a shaky hand.

Award the party 700 experience points for
defeating Krasnar and Malzdreziret and
an additional 700 experience points
for gaining the necessary information
about Freall and the Nest of the Cack-
ling Crows from Master Eydan.

“I will end my father’s legacy by forcing

you to join the Elder Cortex!”
Krasnar Azennar voicing his vile intentions.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



Background Portal of the Elements. This two-way portal can be ac-

The Seven Flowers, an ancient druidic circle of tivated by applying the four elements to the stone’s
gnomes, created this magically hidden pathway to surface - fire, earth, water, and wind. If all four ele-
hide and protect the planar gateway tree they plant- ments are applied to the stone simultaneously, the por-
ed (see section Traversing the Hagrtee). Those who tal opens and remains open for two rounds. A creature
wish to reach the portal tree must follow the path- that passes through the Portal of the Elements appears
way and overcome its protective wards. The wards on the other side of the portal at the shrine of the Eter-
were intended to keep those out who were not fa- nal Mother in the Maze of Flowers (location 23.).
miliar with druidic spells that allow access through
them. The pathway becomes visible only to those Scene
who recite the drudic chants that reveal them at a Reciting the druidic chant at the exact location
specific location within the Arden Forest. It is inac- where the Stride of the Elders begins reveals a small
cessible in any other way, including the use of mag- dirt path on the ground that runs between the seem-
ic. The only person who knows where the hidden ingly impenetrable bushes on the side of the clearing
pathway of the Stride of the Elders begins is Freall as they part to reveal the path to a hidden glade.
(location 30.).


The Stride of the Elders (location 43.) begins between
a collection of oak trees in the southern region of the Background
Arden Forest. The overgrown forest blocks passage The latest victims of the glade were Akryn Mistglade,
with tangled bushes on the ground level and thick a ranger, and his tiger companion, Steelfang. Akryn
foliage at its canopy. Thin rays of light break the oth- Mistglade knew the words of the chant and stepped
erwise shaded interior of the forest amidst the lively on the path of the Stride of the Elders, but was un-
sounds of wildlife. A large stone disk stands at the aware that the pathway was protected by powerful
center of the clearing, decorated with a flower motif magic. They gave each other a last hug when they
and symbols of the four elements around it. This is realized that they were being turned into topiaries
a two-way portal that leads to the Maze of Flowers. by the powers of the glade.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4

Environment Green Fur (CR 8, 3,900 XP). Use the giant ape mon-
The glade is covered in thick grass, trim bushes, and a ster entry with the following modifications:
few larger ones that faintly resemble humanoid figures.
One of the topiaries that is still discernible is in the •G  reen Fur has an Intelligence score of 10 and speaks
form of a cloaked figure hugging a large tiger standing Druidic.
on its hind feet. The narrow path leads through the • Fey Ancestry. Green Fur has advantage on saving
glade and vanishes in the thick forest ahead. throws against being charmed, and magic can’t put
him to sleep.
Scene • Thunderclap. As an action, Green Fur can tump its
A creature that enters the topiary glade without an mighty chest to create the effects of a thunderwave
active barkskin spell must make a DC 14 Constitution spell.
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature begins • Rejuvenation. If it dies, Green Fur returns to life in
to turn into a topiary plant and is restrained. The one day and regains all its hit points. Only a wish
restrained creature must repeat the saving throw spell can prevent this trait from functioning.
at the end of its next turn, becoming petrified on a
failure or ending the effect on a success. The petrifi-
cation lasts until the creature is freed by the greater CHASM OF SPIKES
restoration spell or similar magic.
The path leads to an impassable chasm where the Sev-
GREEN FUR en Flowers connected the two sides by growing thick
vines through the use of plant growth spells that act
Background as bridges.
Green Fur is an immortal awakened giant ape who
was bound to this location by the Seven Flowers thou- Environment
sands of years ago as a form of punishment for his The narrow dirt path ends at the edge of a chasm
violent behavior on the Feyrealm. of unusually gigantic proportions. Its sides are lost
in the thick vegetation after about 200 feet in both
Environment directions. It is 60 feet wide and 80 feet deep and a
The narrow dirt path meanders through the thick few thin strands of tangled vines connect its ends.
forest woods. Suddenly, with a tremendous roar and The bottom of the chasm can’t be seen due to a mass
the sounds of crashing branches, a giant green-furred of spiky plants that have proliferated in it to a height
ape lands on the ground in front of the characters, in of 30 feet.
a furious fit of rage.
Scene The thin strands of vines that run across the chasm
Green Fur almost never sees any other creature in are extremely hard to navigate. A creature who tries
his isolation on the mystic pathway and reacts to the to cross the chasm by walking on the vine strands
characters with an unusually wild rage. He immedi- must make a successful DC 20 Dexterity (Acrobatics)
ately calms if he is spoken to in Druidic or with the skill check. A character who falls into the chasm takes
use of a speak with animals spell. The giant ape is hap- 28 (8d6) bludgeoning damage from the fall and 30
py to converse with anyone it can understand, telling (12d4) piercing damage from the thorns of the plants.
its story and some basic information about the Seven
Flowers as described in the History section of the King- Anyone who goes around the chasm loses sight of
dom of Aglarion chapter. Green Fur does not see the the mystic dirt road, which can be rediscovered only
pathways in any direction and can’t leave this location. by returning to the Stride of the Elders.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



The only creature that knows the exact location of
the hidden planar portal of the ancient Seven Flowers
druids is the immortal Miracle Stag. This stag with
an alabaster hide is not a real creature but rather
the essence of Nature itself that can not be reached,
affected, or bound by anyone. It wanders the mystic
forests that are only accessible through the Stride
of the Elders and regularly visits the corrupted tree
portal now known as the Hagtree. The druids of the
Seven Flowers used the locate creature spell to find
and follow the miracle stag to the portal.

The narrow dirt road continues from the chasm into
the dense forest that acquires a silvery hue after a
mile or so. In this region, some of the trees have
faintly glowing white puffs of fur snagged on their
branches, while others bear scrape marks on their

A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom (Per-
ception) skill check near these places can find the
hoof prints of a massive stag. Following these tracks
is incredibly difficult due to the long leaps the mir-
acle stag makes in the extremely overgrown vegeta-
tion in this part of the Arden Forest. A character who
succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom (Survival) skill check
can spot the miracle stag and follow it from a safe
distance as it leaps and teleports from place to place,
eventually stopping in front of the Hagtree for a brief
moment before it continues on its trail. The miracle
stag is unaffected by any spell or attack, which sim-
ply passes through it as if it was only an illusion. On
a failed skill check, the miracle stag cannot be found,
and it must be tracked for another day before char-
acters can attempt a new check to locate it.

Award the party 700 experience points if they suc-
cessfully follow the Stride of the Elders and find the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 4


Background Environment
Thousands of years ago, the Seven Flowers, a circle of The ancient Hagtree looms on a dark patch of earth
ancient feyrealm-born gnomish druids, cultivated a battered by the choking rain in the middle of the for-
planar tree that extended its roots into all coexistent est. Dark clouds roil in the skies, releasing green bolts
planes - the Material Plane, the Shadowrealm, the of lightning around the gnarled form of a giant oak.
Ethereal Plane, and the Feyrealm. Since then, the tree The numerous eyes on its trunk and branches blink in
has existed on each of the planes simultaneously. The an unsettling rhythm as menacing symbols of witch-
gnome druid elders used the tree as a portal to these craft dangle on its branches and sway in the wind.
realms, and they regularly passed through its roots A small hollow between the roots of the enormous
to traverse the planes. tree provides just enough space for a grown person
to squeeze inside.
A few decades ago, the Matrons of Malice discovered
the planar tree in their new domain and corrupted it Scene
by bounding the souls of various hags who resisted The Hagtree is a sentient creature that protects it-
or threatened their dominance into the tree, creating self when attacked but otherwise does not interact
the Hagtree. The midnight hag coven has closed off with any creature until they enter its hollow at the
the Bleak Mire from planar travel and left the Hag- base of its trunk. A creature that enters the Hagtree
tree as the only gateway to their realm. Having been must crawl its way through an inconveniently nar-
given malign sentience, the Hagtree is a greedy and row and dark tunnel inside the wooden body of the
insatiable entity that hungers for the virtues of those tree, quickly disappearing from the sight of those
who try to pass through its hollow portal. Therefore, who watch from outside.
it prevents anyone from crossing to other planes un-
less they willingly sacrifice a part of themselves. The The Hagtree calls out telepathically to any creature
only exceptions are the Matrons of Malice, whom who has entered its trunk. It asks their destination and
the Hagtree obeys, and those whom the hag coven demands the creature to name one of its valued vir-
explicitly allows to find the Hagtree and cross it from tues, skills, feats, or abilities that it is willing to sacrifice
any of the planes. to the tree in return for the passage to the other plane.

49 0
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“Be damned if you don’t pay Any creature that passes through the Hagtree must
our toll, with something you make a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw as if subjected
to a modify memory spell that affects even those crea-
hold dear from your soul!
tures who are immune to being charmed. A creature
You will be less, but you will that fails its saving throw and moves 300 feet away
be more, with the shadow, from the Hagtree forgets about the location of the
spirit, and feyrealms you explore.” Hagtree or how to reach it.

The Hagtree setting its demands. Experience

Award the party 700 experience points if they success-
Those who deny the request or offer something inval- fully travel to the Bleak Mire through the Hagtree.
uable are returned to their original destination when
they exit the hollow on the other end of the tunnel.
Those who offer a valuable sacrifice from themselves
are allowed to exit the tree to their desired planar
destination. Sacrifices can be only reclaimed if the
Hagtree is destroyed. However, this fact remains un-
known to the characters. The Hagtree accepts the
following sacrifices, but you can also allow your play-
ers to be creative with their choices.

•A skill learned by the character over time. All checks

made with a chosen skill that the character is profi-
cient in suffer disadvantage.
• A well-established resistance of the character. All
saving throws with a chosen ability score suffer
• A form of movement speed and capability of the
character. The movement speed of a chosen move-
ment type is reduced by 10 feet.
• The sanity of the character. Randomly apply a mad-
ness to the character using the indefinite madness
• A natural resistance of the character against a con-
dition. The character gains disadvantage against a
chosen type of condition.
• A feat acquired by the character over time. The
character loses the benefits of a chosen feat.
• A special ability of the character. The character los-
es the benefits or use of a chosen class or racial
• A sense of the character. The character loses one of
its senses like touch, hearing, sight, special vision
type, scent, or taste.
• A language learned by the character. The character
loses the knowledge of a chosen language.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
A Tre a ch e ro u s Que s t
The Midnight Curse is highly complex and breaking it requires
an elaborate series of steps that are intertwined with morally
questionable actions and hidden consequences. First, characters
must rescue the Matrons of Malice from the clutches of the
Inheritors of the Unbegotten, summon and calm King Dasmag’s
ghost, vanquish the aberration-infused prince Krasnar Azennar,
and then force the hags to conduct the Ritual of Cleansing. They
also have to assume sovereignty of the realm from the Matrons
of Malice before they can escape the Feyrealm domain of the
Bleak Mire.

Th e B e a k M i re
As the characters traverse the Bleak Mire, they encounter a realm
that has been repeatedly corrupted, first by the Matrons of Mal-
ice, then by the aberrant drow of House Ausstyl, who are in the
process of sacrificing the entire realm to their dark masters from
the Farrealm. The characters must first find the three hags and
learn the requirements for removing the Midnight Curse and
secure the assistance of the hags by capturing the source of their
immortality - their phylactery. Along the way, they will come
face to face with the horrible legacies of the hags’ reign, find out
about the machinations of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten, and
unite the surviving fey.

Th e R i tu a l o f C l e a n s in g
Once all requirements have been met for lifting the curse, the
Ritual of Cleansing can be performed. The Midnight Curse is bro-
ken and the crown of Aglarion is free from its vile magic. Howev-
er, unbeknownst to the characters, the soul of Krasnar Azennar
is transposed to its phylactery on the Material Plane where it
rises as the Lich-Knight and takes over the Kingdom of Aglarion.
The characters will need to claim sovereignty over the Feyrealm
domain in order to return home, to a post-apocalyptic landscape
ravaged by the Lich-Knight’s undead armies.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Breakin g the
M i dn ight Cu rse
Characters should be level 11 when they start Chapter 5
of Crown of the Oathbreaker.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

C H A P TE R 5


The Matrons of Malice have successfully manifested upper hand on the Bleak Mire by freeing its sisters
their vile intentions in the form of the Midnight Curse from the grasp of the aberrant drow.
and corrupted the Kingdom of Aglarion on the Ma-
terial Plane. However, in the process, they lost their The characters will have to achieve the following
grasp on their domain in the Feyrealm. The Bleak Mire tasks before lifting the Midnight Curse from the
is gradually slipping from their dominion, as the ab- crown of Aglarion and returning home. These tasks
erration-venerating drow of the ancient House Aus- will include choices and allegiances that are both
styl have risen to take control of the realm as soon morally questionable and difficult to make.
as the hag coven’s attention shifted from their prized
Feyrealm domain. The Inheritors of the Unbegotten,
the druid leaders of the drow house, are preparing a RESCUING THE HAGS
realm-wide ritual to plant aberrations into its foun-
dation, seize control of the plane, and eventually sac- The characters will travel across the Feyrealm do-
rifice the entire domain to feed the insatiable hunger main of the Bleak Mire, where the corruption of the
of their otherworldly masters. The drow druids have once-verdant realm is plain to see. In time, the char-
conjured an Elder Cortex from realms beyond reason acters will learn that the ritual that can cleanse the
and have planted it under the Chasm, whence it can crown of Aglarion involves the active participation of
grow its tentacles that would encircle the land. Mean- the Matrons of Malice - only they can remove the
while, their vassal aboveground, the aberration-in- curse. Next, the characters will have to find the three
fused Krasnar Azennnar, is laying a swath of tainted midnight hags and find a way to make them perform
ground in the wake of Bwael Phindar as this organic the ritual. Two of the midnight hags, Tyke and Splin-
fort travels around the Chasm. Blister, the only sister ter, have been imprisoned in Quellar Ausstyl, the for-
from the Matrons of Malice who is free to act on her tress of the aberration venerating drow in the Dark
own will, desperately balances maintaining the Mid- Below, while Blister is in hiding out at the Witchcave
night Curse on the Material Plane and regaining the by the foot of the Mountains of Rust.

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Once discovered by magic or from ancient beings,
TRAVELING TO HELL the challenger must present a range of components
from each region of the realm to prove that it is
The only thing that can force the Matrons of Mal- familiar with the domain. And lastly, the current rul-
ice to reverse their curse is the fear of losing their ers must either transfer their power willingly or be
immortality, which is housed in their phylactery. defeated by the new challenger and their remains
This otherwise unremarkable item, an egg closed in presented in the hall.
a glass cube, collects their souls if slain and rejuve-
nates them to full health within a matter of days. The characters aren’t the only ones who seek control
The characters will need to find the portal that leads over the Bleak Mire. The caves below the Chasm at
to the hag coven’s lair in Hell, to Demonbane Isle, the Hall of the Sovereign are already taken over by
where they can face the Matrons of Malice as a cov- the Inheritors of the Unbegotten, where the Elder
en and finally secure the phylactery needed to force Cortex is mid-way through the ritual to create the
the hags to remove the Midnight Curse. portal that would summon the unspeakable entities
from beyond time and space. And even when the
threat of the drow has been cleared, another chal-
CONDUCTING THE lenger for control of the plane will step forward.

The Matrons of Malice will gleefully admit that they
have set impossible requirements for the Midnight With the Matrons of Malice and House Ausstyl out of
Curse to be lifted. The ritual that lifts the curse must the picture, a new, unexpected challenger announc-
be performed by all three of the Matrons of Malice es his bid to control the Feyrealm domain. Frumby
and requires a pyre to be built from the trunk of the has been plotting to take control of the plane for
Hagtree, on which the dead body of Krasnar Azennar a long time. He has served the Matrons of Malice,
must be burnt while the crown of Aglarion sits on the learned all of the secrets necessary, and uses the
prince’s head and the dead satyr lord, King Dasmag, characters to fulfill the tasks instead of him. Finally,
sings his favorite song. when everything has been dealt with and prepared,
he rises to take dominance with the assistance of
Freall and Sam ”Weaver” Ebonhilt, both of whom he
TAKING OVER THE REALM had charmed and convinced to aid his intention to
become the sovereign ruler of the Feyrealm domain.
By destroying the Hagtree, the characters essentially
trap themselves in the Bleak Mire with no way out,
as the restrictions to planar travel laid by the Ma-
trons of Malice are still in place until they are the
sovereigns of the realm. The only way to change this
condition of the fabric of the Feyrealm is to take
control of the Bleak Mire itself. Characters will need
to conduct an elaborate ceremony to claim sover-
eignty of the Feyrealm that allows them to change
its rules and even modify its landscape and weath-
er. This ceremony must be conducted under the
Chasm at the ancient Hall of the Sovereign. First, the
challenger must learn how to undertake this task.

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C H A P TE R 5


the size of a small kingdom. Their passive observa-

HISTORY tions of the malicious fey changed from calm toler-
ance to perturbation, and over the last millennium,
into anger. The mighty fey dragons banished every
Time of the Wild Flowers baleful creature they could find and finished off
those who resisted their might. After the short yet
No one can remember further back than the Time of bloody purge, the Feyrealm became the playground
the Wild Flowers, an age when blooming plants and of the remaining joyful and tolerant creatures of var-
vegetation grew rampant in the Feyrealm. The vari- ious species, while the fey dragons mated and began
ous fey creatures and the beasts who lived under the a thousand-year-long slumber. All seemed bright and
enormous canopies of gigantic trees and fungi were cheery, but that was soon about to change.
merely manifestations of emotions and the primordi-
al form of the creatures that later came to populate
the Feyrealm and many other planes. It was a plen- The Bloodgarden
tiful place with nourishment for all to make them
flourish and grow. There were no rulers claiming do- Time flowed briskly over the sounds of never-end-
minion over this realm, only fey and feyrealm-born ing cheers and delight, but in the shadows, evil ex-
creatures like elves and gnomes who mastered their tended its dark roots. The Dark Below bred creatures
powers through the prolific flora and fauna that with wicked intentions, and they soon found a way
surrounded them. After countless millennia, the fey to contact those the fey dragons banished. One of
and their allies rejected those among their kind who the banished who escaped the purge was Faeryl
were too wild or bloodthirsty and exiled them to Myrryn, a mighty drow conjurer matron of her drow
other planes of existence or underground into the house, who found refuge and patronage for all of
caverns of the Dark Below. Leading this effort were her extended family and servants in the Abyss. Faeryl
the mightiest fey of them all, a pair of colossal fey Myrryn offered her services to Orcus, who recruit-
dragons, Xolenthas and Xantharos, each measuring ed her into its army as a vampire. In exchange for

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her life and eternal service, she was given almost hiding place - one against the drow vampire conjurer
unlimited access to the hordes of the demon lord, in the Feyrealm and the other against the Dark Star
tasked with spreading chaos into the Feyrealm. She on the Material Plane. It took long decades to gather
waited for the right moment to strike against the allies and build a force to match their enemies in
fey dragons and their allies. Their time came when both worlds.
the Dark Star and its fallen angels crashed into the
Material Plane, a cataclysm that also tore a massive In the Feyrealm, the druids invested their powers
chasm into the co-existent plane of the Feyrealm and into Dasmag, a great satyr hero, who over years of
covered everything in utter darkness. The arch-sum- hardships and sacrifices assembled and recruited the
moner opened planar gates for demonic hordes to largest standing army of fey ever seen - composed
enter, gathered all of the exiled and vengeful crea- of centaur cavalries, squadrons of sprites, legions
tures from the Dark Below that thirsted for revenge, of satyrs, a squad of treants, magically adept fey-
and gifted her blessing of undeath on many, forming realm-born elves riding giant owls, and an infantry of
them into a massive army under her control. Under a thousands of feyrealm-born creatures. In the mean-
magically darkened sky, Faeryl Myrryn’s forces swept time, on the Material Plane, the Seven Flowers found
over a large section of the Feyrealm. Through her ge- their allies against the fallen angels amongst the fol-
nius military tactics, the power of the armies at her lowers of Sarath of the Shining Light, whom they
command, and the weakened state of the resistance, helped with their magic from across the planes. The
she soon took over the domain. During the final grand offensive orchestrated by the powerful gnomes
battle between Faeryl and the fey dragons, the vam- against both oppressors was executed on both planes
pire queen killed Xolenthas and banished Xantharos simultaneously. The Seven Flowers helped build a
to the Material Plane with a spell. She was finally kingdom-wide contraption for Sarath to focus her
able to enslave the rest of the survivors and claim light, and through its use, she destroyed the moon
the domain in the Hall of the Sovereign to reshape held in place in front of the sun by the Dark Star’s
the realm in darkness. She named her domain the powers. Thus, she opened the way for the power of
Bloodgarden, where her living and undead minions light, the other half of the dark celestial entity, to
worshiped her as a goddess and where her dark and recall the fallen angels to their original divine realm.
bloody rule saw endless suffering and death. Dasmag and his fey army also launched their offen-
sive against the armies of the dead and the demons
in the Bloodgarden. The battle lasted for years on
Swigglegard the Feyrealm and in the Dark Below, and eventually,
the armies of the satyr hero and the Seven Flowers
For centuries darkness reigned supreme, and though defeated the drow vampire overlord and forced her
it empowered the drow vampire ruler of the realm, back to the Abyss. Dasmag claimed the realm in the
it also hid the resistance of the surviving fey. One of Hall of the Sovereign and was crowned as the first
the most powerful of these groups was the Seven King of the Fey. He slowly reformed the realm to his
Flowers, a group of feyrealm-born gnome druids who liking and renamed it Swigglegard. The emergence of
fled the Material Plane after the arrival of the fallen the new ruler meant endless festivities and revelry in
angels and returned to the Feyrealm. The druids de- the king’s glorious courts and halls, an ongoing cel-
cided to hide in seclusion in the Bloodgarden rather ebration of his victory over their former oppressors.
than remain on the Material Plane, for this was their
ancestral home and because their burrows under the
Hollowroot - deep below the roots of a magical oak The Bleak Mire
- were completely sealed off and undetectable even
by the undead and demonic forces of Faeryl Myrryn. However, King Dasmag’s unceasing festivities turned
They fought a war on two fronts from their secure into debauchery over the centuries, and they soon

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C H A P TE R 5

took their toll on the once-mighty satyr warrior. a druidic circle that venerates interdimensional hor-
A coven of midnight hags, the Matrons of Malice, rors. These drow were direct competitors of House
who were initially banished by the fey dragons to Myrryn since the early ages of the Feyrealm. They
Hell and who later resisted the drow summoner’s fled to the alternate dimension of their unimaginable
call to the Feyrealm and bided their time, took notice masters beyond the stars when threatened by the
of the king’s weakened state. The hags kept a close onslaught of the fey dragons. They returned from
eye on the satyr king from their home on Demon- their exile with their bodies and minds infused with
bane Isle in Hell and soon learned about all of his the essence of extradimensional aberrations only af-
desires and weaknesses. They took a wide range ter the destruction of the vampire Matron Myrryn
of fey forms to join the feasts, so they might expe- by King Dasmag. They then lay in wait and plotted
dite his deterioration through vile concoctions with from their fortress in the Dark Below to overthrow
which they spiked the king’s drinks. They planned the satyr lord, but they were too few in number to
their strike for the moment when Dasmag was in his oppose the powerful army of fey. The flesh-warping
worst state. Instead of slowly draining his energies, druids first conjured an Interdimensional Strangler.
one fateful night, they turned him to stone in his This cosmic horror could transport aberrations from
intoxicated slumber and then crushed his statue to other realms to the Bleak Mire, growing their num-
pebbles amid hysterical cackles. Finally, they present- bers from creatures snatched by the Interdimension-
ed the satyr king’s remains in the Hall of the Sover- al Strangler from the Farrealm and their aberrant
eign and claimed the realm. creations from slaves captured from the Dark Below.
They watched patiently as the Matrons took over the
The Matrons of Malice were free to take control of realm and took the time to perfect a ritual to in-
the planar domain and started to infuse it with their fuse creatures with the essence of an aberrant entity.
wicked natures spawned in the pits of Hell. They They also rekindled their alliance with Malzdreziret,
killed and tortured all the fey they could get their the Scaled Impostor, to serve them when needed.
claws on in mass executions, fed on their victims’ suf-
fering, and harvested countless souls. Some they left The drow bided their time until the hags grew preoc-
alive, but only so their suffering would endure under cupied with their machinations in the Material Plane,
the hags’ wicked curses, transformations, or magi- which created the perfect opportunity to strike.
cally-powered commands. Slow corruption spread House Ausstyl ascended from deep below the former
all over the planar domain, which soon turned into courts of King Dasmag in a lightning strike. However,
the Bleak Mire - the hags’ fetid swamp of suffering the Matrons were not present, and they only found
and hopeless torture. The Matrons of Malice barred a prisoner, a wretched knight in chains. This was
all planar travel to and from the Bleak Mire, lock- Krasnar. After deducing that half the oathbreaker
ing everyone inside as if in a prison. They corrupted knight’s soul was missing, the drow freed the fallen
the planar tree leading to the Feyrealm by infusing it prince and offered him unspeakable powers to fuel
with the souls of hags, making it the only functional his revenge against the hags that tricked him. They
gateway in and out of the Bleak Mire and the oth- also bid Malzdreziret to serve as his mount. Then,
er two coexisting planes of existence. However, the they utilized the ritual they perfected and pulled the
Hagtree takes its toll from all trespassers. power of a Greater Entity from the realms beyond
to infuse into the void left by Krasnar’s missing soul.
With the ritual complete, Krasnar lost all sense of
Ascendance of Quellar Ausstyl his humanity and former motivations, driven only by
the aberration that has come to dominate his hate-
For centuries, the only group of creatures on the Fey- ful nature. He now sits across his throne of flesh in
realm whom the hag coven could not intimidate into Bwael Phindar that the druids flesh-crafted as the
submission was the drow of House Ausstyl, led by seat of his power, preparing the way for the aberrant

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Elder Cortex that has been planted below the Mire the Material Plane, coexisting with the Kingdom of
to seize control of the realm, rip the fabric of the Aglarion. The only form of passage to the Bleak Mire
Feyrealm domain, and replace its entirety with that is through the Hagtree and a secret two-way portal
of the Farrealm. to Hell in the Sporedark. The neighboring domains
of the Feyrealm have also been closed off from the
Bleak Mire by the Matrons of Malice, through shaping
WEATHER the landscape itself as the rulers and controllers of
the Bleak Mire - summoning the Everstorm, forming
It is immediately apparent to anyone who enters the the Dazzling Wastes, turning the western mountains
Bleak Mire how the Feyrealm domain received its into the Glass Mountains, and corroding the iron
current name. Dark clouds roil over a dismal land- mountains to the north into the Mountains of Rust.
scape of wetlands, swamps, marshes, and twisted
forests. There is no sunshine in the skies, only a faint
glow behind the cloud cover, and rain is almost con- REGIONS
tinuous, sometimes falling for days on end. Lightning
storms are frequent, as are lashing winds, and those
who are exposed to the rains soon find that they are Everstorm
soaked to the bone and shivering from the winds.
The weather of the Bleak Mire represents the per- On the border of the Bleak Mire, storm clouds roll
sonalities of the hags who molded the realm into a over the land, obscuring the way forward by a sheet
disheartening, miserable, and joyless place of suffer- of solid rain. As a result, the entire area of the Ever-
ing and corruption. storm is heavily obscured. Those who enter the in-
finite storm find they can wander forever in the rain
and never reach the storm’s eye, getting weaker and
TIME more exhausted with every step. The effect is the
same but a much more virulent form of the choking
Time flows strangely in the Feyrealm world of the rain that has spread over Aglarion, affecting the trav-
Bleak Mire, sometimes even backward and often eler within minutes of stepping into the storm, when
changing tempo. However, in general, and relative it must make a successful DC 13 Constitution saving
to the Material Plane, it passes at an incredibly swift throw each minute while being exposed to the chok-
pace. Years can pass on the Material Plane during ing rain or gain a level of exhaustion (see Appendix
even just a short visit to the Feyrealm, and there are A: The Midnight Curse).
some legends of people disappearing, only to return
centuries later, but still slightly older as when they
were last seen. One year spent in the Bleak Mire Dazzling Wastes
equals ten years on the Material Plane.
The muddy and wet ground suddenly gives way to
wastelands baked dry as one enters the Dazzling
PLANAR TRAVEL Wastes. The ground emits motes of black and white
sparkles that dazzle the eyes and result in permanent
All forms of planar travel were restricted in the Bleak blindness if exposed to them for a longer period.
Mire by the Matrons of Malice through mass sacri- Creatures who enter the Dazzling Wastes are dazzled
fices to power their spells when they gained domin- and suffer a -2 penalty on Dexterity saving throws,
ion over the former lands of King Dasmag in the Hall ability, and skill checks, as well as attack rolls after
of the Sovereign under the Lake of Bile. The plane 10 minutes spent in the area. If exposed to the motes
is essentially a specific demi-plane that is parallel to for an hour, the sparkles cause permanent blind-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

ness. The ground is brittle and inhospitable. Nothing armor, clothing, and flesh, no matter how careful the
grows in the mudflats, and only bones bear witness traveler, resulting in 7 (3d4) points of slashing dam-
to those who enter the endless wasteland. It is best age every hour moving on the mountainside. A crea-
to avoid entering the area lest one wander aimlessly, ture wearing metal armor is immune to this damage.
without seeing the way forward or out of the wastes. When sunshine still reached the ground of the Fey-
realm domain, the reflective surfaces of the Moun-
tains were dazzling to behold. However, under the
Mountains of Rust dark clouds of the Bleak Mire, the surfaces are grey
and gloomy, with reflections of swirling forms that
The Mountains of Rust are an impenetrable border seem to be trapped behind the glass surfaces. Upon
to the Bleak Mire. Those who climb its slopes find closer inspection, the forms are actually shadows
that the peaks are insurmountable, and one can never that rise out of the glass and attack the living who
reach the summit. The crimson peaks of the moun- dares to disturb their eternal torments. The shadows
tains can be seen from anywhere in the Bleak Mire, seeped into the Feyrealm through the Hagtree and
touching the dark skies above. Few creatures venture have been drawn to gaze upon their undead visages
onto the ragged slopes since the rusting surface is an in the mountains, with no salvation in sight.
inhospitable terrain that doesn’t support any life, ex-
cept for rust monsters and a special ironthorn moss
that eats ore and can shoot forth a cloud of tiny metal Blightwoods
slivers when disturbed. A few locations can be found
at the foothills of the mountain range, like the Crim- Formerly the abode of King Dasmag and his fey court,
son Tarn at the mouth of the Russet River, the Lake of the mighty forest of pines and various deciduous trees
Tar, or the nest of Ateroxx, the giant black owl. Some like chestnuts and oaks was once lush with blooming
smaller giant owls are still alive in the western part flora and all manner of beasts that made their homes
of the mountains, as are some giant goats that keep amid the tall trees. The southern parts of the forest
to the sheer cliffs to escape the rare predator. lie on higher ground, where the hills are crisscrossed
with warrens and burrows. The beauty of the forest
Ironthorn Moss. Ironthorn moss is a plant that feeds turned dismal and diseased after the hags placed a
on metal and has a defensive mechanism to repel curse of blight on the satyr king’s stable of war-goats
herbivorous creatures. Each patch of ironthorn moss that quickly spread a blighting disease over the en-
covers a 10-foot square. Creatures that come within tire woodland, giving the forest its name. The Blight-
10 feet of a patch of ironthorn moss or start their woods are dotted with the ruins of once-magnificent
turn within 10 feet of the patch must succeed on a buildings that served as the halls of the fey and fey-
DC 12 Dexterity saving throw. A failed save results realm-born creatures, beautiful works of whimsical
in 22 (4d10) piercing damage, or half as much on a architecture that are just faded reminders of the
successful saving throw. magnificence and enchanting nature of the lands
and their former inhabitants. Now, the trees of the
Blightwoods are diseased and tortured, while blight-
Glass Mountains ed beasts of all types roam the forest and perpetuate
the hags’ curse of necrotic energies that slowly drain
The Glass Mountains border the Bleak Mire, and it the vitality of lifeforms who come into contact with
is almost impossible to climb their slippery surface the afflicted. As a result, creatures who spend extend-
unless one wears special boots with sticky soles. Oth- ed time in the woods have a chance of contracting a
erwise, it requires a DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill disease - blighted. Each day, characters who are in the
check to ascend the cliffs. The sharp edges of protrud- Blightwoods must make a successful DC 12 Constitu-
ing and broken glass shards will damage non-metal tion saving throw or contract the disease. The disease

50 0
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manifests after a short rest, after which the diseased lands in constant shadow, giving the forest an eerie
creature feels tired and regains only half its hit points and gloomy atmosphere. The waterways under the
from hit dice spent during a short or long rest. The overhanging branches are home to giant crocodiles,
disease can be removed only by heal or another dis- some of them rotting zombies, as well as giant snap-
ease-curing spell of 6th level or higher. ping turtles, giant constrictor snakes, and ibises that
make their nests in the foliage.

Bloodrime Forest
Twisted Forest
The former winter court of King Dasmag and the
surrounding hunting grounds lie among the majestic The Matrons of Malice corrupted the once flourish-
but bare pine trees of the Bloodrime Forest where ing forest of willows with a terrible curse of thorns
blood-red snowflakes of various sizes, some even a that has spread among the majestic trees, engulfing
foot wide, fall from the clouds above. Cold reigns them in the rapidly spreading brambles. All indige-
eternal in the snow-capped forest, a legacy of the nous flora are now twisted and gnarled, casting long

Bloodgarden and Faeryl Myrryn’s cruel reign. A crea- and oppressive shadows over the thick underbrush.
ture exposed to the cold must succeed on a DC 10 It is almost impossible to travel the forest in the
Constitution saving throw at the end of each day or dense growth infested with swarms of giant rats. The
gain one level of exhaustion. Creatures with resist- swarms of ravens that nest among the foliage also
ance or immunity to cold damage automatically suc- make traveling from branch to branch a dangerous
ceed on the saving throw, as do creatures wearing undertaking. The entire forest is considered difficult
cold-weather gear (thick coats, gloves, and the like) terrain, and all creatures with an AC 15 or lower that
and creatures naturally adapted to cold climates. The move within the area take 5 (2d4) piercing damage
forest is the natural habitat of white elks and a pack for every mile traveled in the forest.
of crimson-hued winter wolves, who were kept as
prey animals by king Dasmag to be hunted during
the annual Wolfhunt but now roam free. Burning Woods
This once verdant and glorious maple forest is hid-
Forest of Gloom den behind a veil of illusionary fire resulting from a
curse by the Matrons of Malice. This phantasm man-
This mangrove forest is a labyrinth of waterways and ifests in psychic burns on those who enter the forest
small outcroppings of wet ground fed by the Stormy and whose will is weak. Any creature that enters the
Marches. The gnarled mangrove trees cover the wet- forest suffers 3 (1d6) points of psychic damage every

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

round at the end of its turn. The creature can use slow streams and drip water from their low-hang-
its action to examine the phantasm with a DC 19 ing branches. The dead vegetation is rotting, and the
Intelligence (Investigation) skill check. If the check water is cloudy and covered with scum. Giant frogs,
succeeds, the creature realizes that the fire is an il- leeches, and slugs crawl in the muddy waters while
lusion and becomes immune to the effect. The large- the air is thick with clouds of horseflies, mosqui-
scale illusion covers the entire forest, which has been toes, and gnats that constantly buzz and suck the
infested with all manner of vermin that are immune lifeblood of anyone who ventures into the swamps.
to the mind-affecting nature of the illusion - swarms The entire Fleshbite Swamps is considered a lightly
of insects, centipedes, beetles, and spiders. The north- obscured area due to the dense clouds of swarming
ern part of the Burning Woods is overrun by colonies insects that inhabit it. The groundwater spring flow-
of nightmare spiders, huge wolf spiders whose bites ing into the Lake of Blood on the western side of the
cause deadly phantasms. The Black Worm, a colossal swamp was the site of mass slayings by the Matrons
dew-worm, also makes its lair under the woods in of Malice to cull the inhabitants of the Bleak Mire
the Dark Below and sometimes rises to the surface to and harvest them for their souls.
feed on anyone in its path. It has left a maze of tun-
nels in its wake, few of which are direct entrances to
the wider realms of the Dark Below. Stormy Marshes
The Stormy Marches result from the overflow from
Bogs of Rot the Everstorm, flatlands that have been inundated
with the waters of the magical storm. The tidal wa-
A heavy layer of mist always covers the Bogs of Rot, ters are teeming with swarms of vicious quippers,
and the stagnant air is thick with the putrid smell and saber-toothed tigers lurk among the tall bluish
of rot and decay. The area was once hilly and fertile reeds covering the entire marshland. A rise a mile
ground where the Halls of Art welcomed all to find across is the only landmark to break the endless sea
pleasure in the marvelous exhibits. However, Splinter of reeds that wave in the strong winds. Two horns
has corrupted the entire area with a disease of flesh protrude and rise for miles towards the dark skies
rot (see contagion spell), causing the fumes in the area from the center of the elevated ground. The entire
to slowly eat the flesh of anyone who ventures into area is actually just the top of the colossal skull of
the moss-covered mats of bouncy ground. At the end Xolenthas, one of the two fey dragons who was slain
of every day that a creature spends in the bog, it must here by Faeryl Myrryn eons ago.
make a successful DC 11 Constitution saving throw
or contract the disease. The bog bears the legacy of
Splinter’s mad love of torture and the abhorrent ar- Hungry Downs
tistic tendencies of the fiendish hag. It had gruesome
torture devices created for its unfortunate victims The Hungry Downs are low-lying hills dotted with
and displayed them as an exhibition of its own insane boulders covered by a strange slippery moss the
“art.” Most of the victims have perished due to the color of ochre. It requires a successful DC 14 Wisdom
suffering, their corpses still strapped to the devices. (Survival) skill check to avoid patches of the slip-
pery moss. On a failed check, a creature that trav-
els the Hungry Downs might fall into the crevasses
Fleshbite Swamps between the boulders unless they succeed on a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw. Giant poisonous snakes
The Fleshbite swamps are a maze of waterways make their lairs below, in the water-filled cracks
lined with black-trunked trees that reach over the that criss-cross the hills.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Russet River Lake of Tar

The Russet River flows in reverse and meanders from The Lake of Tar lies at the foot of the Mountains of
its groundwater source in the Fleshbite Swamps, Rust, slowly bubbling forth from underground vents.
where the water has been turned to blood by the Ma- The air is thick with potent and pungent odors, and
trons of Malice as they sacrificed the inhabitants of the surrounding area is void of all vegetation. Tar-
the realm by the thousands. The river flows through lings, elemental creatures, lair in the lake and some-
the Lake of Blood and up the hills at the foot of the times hunt for prey on the sticky shores where the
Mountains of Rust, where it empties into the Crimson unwary can easily get trapped in clouds of fumes
Tarn. The aberrant effects of Bwael Phindar have fur- that bubble from the lake. If submerged in the lake,
ther corrupted the waters on the lake’s eastern shore. a creature takes 33 (6d10) fire damage each round.
A tribe of iara hunts the river and lures travelers
with its captivating scents.
Lake of Blood
Valley of Bloom The Lake of Blood, or as it was formerly known as the
Crystal Lake, is a large body of water turned red by
The valley between the Chasm and the Burning Woods the blood of thousands of victims as they were sac-
is a lowland area filled with all manner of flowers and rificed by the groundwater springs of the Fleshbite
fungi. Vegetation grows rampant, with many plants Swamps. The water has an iron smell, and the corps-
and mushrooms towering over the sickly green flow- es of dead fey and feyrealm-born creatures float on
er beds that cover the valley floor. A unique tree called its surface. The lake has overflown and has created
lightwood can be found in the valley, so light that it an estuary into the Chasm, where it cascades thou-
floats in the air 20 feet above the ground, collecting sands of feet into the Lake of Bile at its bottom. The
water in gigantic cusped leaves. The verdant plants, passage of Bwael Phindar and the aberrant ground
fungi, and trees wave in the strong air currents that left in its wake have further corrupted the waters
run through the valley. The region is dangerous, as a and the wildlife. The riverside is dotted with the car-
skincrawler vine has spread among the flora, spread- casses of dead animals, and the vegetation around
ing a disease that turns any creature that comes into the lake is also mutated and twisted into aberrant
contact with it into shambling mounds. shapes. Beasts that have survived are horrific in ap-
pearance, aggressively protecting their territories and
merrow ghouls lurk in the lake’s depths, nibbling on
Lake of Tears the bloated corpses that float on the surface. The vil-
lage of Perfidy sits dismally on the western shores of
The Everstorm constantly roils over The Lake of the lake where the Russet River widens in its course
Tears, gales throwing crashing waves on its west- up towards the Mountains of Rust.
ern shores. The waters are almost impossible to
traverse, and strong winds also seriously hamper
air travel. A small island 300 feet from the shore Lake of Bile
can sometimes be seen behind the rolling waves.
Further along the lake’s southern shore, a gigantic The foul waters overflowing from the Lake of Blood
vortex swirls 500 feet above the ground at the edge have collected at the bottom of the Chasm, slow-
of the Everstorm, drawing the storm itself into its ly draining even further down to the depths of the
center, where the waters disappear as if sucked into Dark Below. This body of water is known as the Lake
a gigantic drain. of Bile to the inhabitants of the Mire, who never ven-

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C H A P TE R 5

ture down the cliffs of the Chasm to the dark and the Dark Below. The legendary worm sometimes ris-
putrid waters. The lake is teeming with giant aquatic es to the surface and has turned the bed of the now
and a tribe of chuuls also makes it its lair. At the dried up Brightlight River over the countless millen-
bottom of the Lake, flooded passages connect to the nia into a gigantic mound that crosses the surface
caverns of the Hall of the Sovereign. If exposed to the of the Mire. The Black Worm sometimes rises to the
lake’s waters, a creature must make a DC 13 Consti- surface but prefers the earth under and above the
tution saving throw or become poisoned for one day. Burning Woods over any other territory. It consumes
everything in its path and devastates its prey. The
wake of the worm has left a few direct passages to
The Chasm the wider realms of the Dark Below - at the Torn
Passage (location 63.) and the Black Worm (location
At the center of the Bleak Mire is a pit the size of a 57.) locations.
mountain - formed from the plummet of the Dark
Star that was imprinted on the plane’s fabric during
the Mountainfall. In the shape of a reverse mountain, The Dark Below
the Chasm is two miles deep with sheer cliffs and
rough crags on its slopes. Due to the almost constant The endless labyrinth of interconnected passages un-
rains in the Bleak Mire after the arrival of the Ma- der the Bleak Mire is mainly the result of the Black
trons, the waterways surrounding the Chasm have Worm burrowing through the earth, carving wide
overflown, and their water rushes down the cliffs in tunnels into the bedrock since the Time of the Wild
gigantic cascades. The Chasm is infested with groups Flowers. Groundwater from the surface world has
of ropers, surviving off the refuse of the waterways accelerated this process, forming immense cave and
of the Bleak Mire. cavern systems and subterranean rivers and lakes.
The underground passages are considered difficult
terrain, and Wisdom (Survival) skill checks used to
Cortex Pods forage for food are made with disadvantage. The
Dark Below is only accessible from a handful of loca-
The Hall of the Sovereign deep below the Lake of Bile tions - the Torn Passage (location 63.), Tangible Dark-
serves as the pool of the Elder Cortex, which has sent ness (location 7.), Skull of the Fey Dragon (location
out its tendrilous roots deep into the ground below 46.), Shrine of Faeryl Myrryn (location 33.), and the
the Bleak Mire. Six Cortex Pods have sprouted from Black Worm (location 57.).
the aberrant ground left in the wake of Bwael Phin-
dar, as it is making its slow way around the Chasm. The hidden caverns of the Dark Below have been
Each cortex pod manifests a different spell-like power inhabited since time immemorial by all manner of
of the Elder Cortex that was fed to it by the Inheritors creatures formed from base emotions, who found
of the Unbegotten. Other than these unique druidic the joyful revelry on the surface world detestable.
spell-like abilities associated with each pod, every pod The ranks of the dark fey swelled as Xolenthas and
also has defensive abilities shared by all of them. Xantharos banished the wicked from the surface
world, and many sought refuge from the might of
the fey dragons in the Dark Below. With the cata-
Burrows of the Black Worm clysmic events of the Mountainfall and the return
of House Myrryn alongside the demonic hordes, the
The Black Worm, a colossal dew-worm from the Time Dark Below became a staging ground for a campaign
of the Wild Flowers, has wriggled endlessly through of mass annihilation against the surface. After the
the earth and stone under the Feyrealm domain, drow vampire’s conquest, the blood from endless
leaving a maze of tunnels in its wake that comprise blood sacrifices seeped into the ground from the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Bloodgarden, where the darkened skies beckoned to a tribe of spriggans called the Snafflewhopps, num-
the dark fey who now found a new master in the bering a couple of dozen, employed by the Matrons
person of the drow vampire conjurer. When King of Malice as agents of terror for promises of treasure
Dasmag and the Seven Flowers established Swiggle- and magic. With the rise of Krasnar and the Inheri-
gard, the dark fey were mostly slain. The few who tors of the Unbegotten, most of the spriggans have
survived were once again driven underground, only retreated to their burrows under the southern hills
to be forgotten amidst the feasting and frolicking. in the Blightwoods. They plot to contact their fel-
The caverns are mostly abandoned, but remnants of lows up north, who are still serving Blister’s bidding
the black-hearted still lurk in the darkest places of from her hideout at the Lake of Tar. They will not
the Dark Below, as does House Ausstyl, which has miss opportunities for thievery and extortion tactics
returned from the Farrealm and has retaken control if encountered. However, their plight might drive
of the Bleak Mire from their ancestral caverns in them to cooperate, only to delay their inevitable
the deep. double-cross.

Another group of individuals bound to the hags by

FACTIONS their heritage and monstrous natures resides in the
village of Perfidy. The populace here is composed
of the vile offspring of the hags from natives of the
Feyrealm. These hagspawn were begotten through
forced copulations between the Matrons of Malice
SY MB O L O F TH E and feyrealm-born creatures and were discarded
H A G COVE N in the village of Perfidy, where they were left to
fend for themselves over the years. The village
has grown to about fifty souls through, of-
ten unsuccessful, inbreeding. With the
disappearance of the hags and Krasnar
Azennar’s rise to claim rulership of the
Bleak Mire, the villagers are in a constant
state of terror and have turned upon each
other, their wickedness exposed and height-
ened. All the villagers bear distinguishing features
and personality traits from all three of the Matrons
of Malice - their mothers and grandmothers - and
most have gone mad due to the constant threats
and abuse since Krasnar Azennar has become their
overlord. The villager’s only salvation is the freeing
of the coven and the return of their patrons from
the clutches of House Ausstyl.

Matrons of Malice Other vile creatures in the employ of the Matrons

of Malice are dryad witches, an awakened raven
The followers of the midnight hag coven are some spy named Cyllek, families of wild trolls, hill giants,
of the most wicked and vile souls across the planes. ogres, and numerous forms of undead.
Some venerate the hags out of sheer terror, some
for promises of advancement or power, and some
for purely materialistic motives. One of the latter is

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C H A P TE R 5

The Inheritors of the Unbegotten lead their house

with zealous fervor and a cruel hand. The archdruid,
Welvynn Ausstyl, consults only his two aboleth advi-
sors, Voolroon and Kannakar, on his most important
decisions, with the latter joining Krasnar Azennar
on his conquest above ground. All non-nobles of the
house are divided into two lower castes. One of them
comprises the zealous fighting monks of the house
who act as loyal bodyguards and personal servants
to the noble druids. The other is a larger group of al-
most feral barbarians who were raised as savages in
the outer sections of Quellar Ausstyl. These barbaric
drow are bred only to serve the house’s purposes
in times of war and to keep the similarly primitive
grimlock slaves in line. The non-noble drow of House
H O U SE A U S STY L Ausstyl are never given names. The drow barbarians
and their meat-shield grimlocks patrol the main tun-
Drow of House Ausstyl nels of the Dark Below and only rarely venture to the
surface to collect rare components and oversee the
Ausstyl, a drow house led by a circle of druids who progress of Bwael Phindar.
venerate dark entities from the Farrealm, are in the
process of taking over the Bleak Mire from their un-
derground fortress in the Dark Below and through
their aberration-infused champion Krasnar Azen-
nar on the surface of the plane. Since their re-
turn to their ancestral home from their other-
worldly exile, House Ausstyl has had a single
purpose - ripping the fabric of the Bleak Mire
so it can become host to the Farrealm and sum-
moning unspeakable dimensions to devour the
fabric of reality of the Feyrealm domain. Welvynn
Ausstyl, the leader of the Inheritors of the Unbegot-
ten, has succeeded in capturing two of the hags -
Tyke and Splinter - to set the circle’s plan in motion
and has tasked the aberration-infused Krasnar with
laying the tainted ground for the grand ritual on the
path of Bwael Phindar, his Gibbering Fort around the
Chasm. The druids have planted the Elder Cortex at
the bottom of the Chasm to infect the plane with its
web of tentacled roots.

The drow number half a dozen druid nobles who com-

mand scores of flesh-warped barbarians and a sect of
monks dedicated to the ways of the tentacle. They are
masters of infusing aberrant energies into living flesh
and summoning alien entities to do their bidding. KIN G D A S M A G

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Subjects of King Dasmag Seven Flowers

There are extremely few survivors of the extermi- The Seven Flowers druidic circle is an ancient organ-
nation campaign waged by the Matrons of Malice ization of feyrealm-born gnome druids whose roots
against the fey inhabitants of Swigglegard. Most were reach deep into the history of the Feyrealm domain
either slaughtered outright, sacrificed for soul-har- from where the druids spread the bounty of the plane
vesting, or kept as victims for endless tortures by to the Material Plane. When the Dark Star ascended
the hags. Those who have escaped these fates have over Aglarion, the organization found a haven in the
gathered in the Forest of Gloom, under the care of Feyrealm in the chambers of the Hollowroot and
Gemhaz, the former huntmaster, and friend of King plotted for generations to overthrow evils on both
Dasmag. The two-score motley assembly of fey and worlds - the Dark Star in the Material Plane and Faer-
Feyrealm-born creatures - a couple of centaurs, a yl Myrryn in the Bloodgarden. They finally achieved
dryad, a handful of sprites, a family of satyrs, and a victory with allies they gathered and aided. However,
few dozen various feyrealm-born survivors - are shel- after the liberation of the realms, the druids were
tered in the Refuge, as the specially-grown dome of forced to retreat once again to the Feyrealm, fleeing
mangrove trees hiding the refugees has come to be from the persecutions perpetrated by the Order of
called. The group is well hidden by the dense foliage the Eternal Light that saw most of their numbers
of the Forest of Gloom. The group members were executed. For over a century, just a single remain-
led here in small teams by Gemhaz and Commander ing member of the Seven Flowers has resided in the
Pricklethrust. However, they rarely make forays out Feyrealm, Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut, after the re-
of their haven, since none of the members of their mainder of the order scattered accross the verdant
expeditionary forces have returned. planes of existance in the multiverse. With the ar-
rival of the Matrons of Malice, Bumdri’s
Trade, amongst the fey, while cur- predicament has worsened as he
rently almost nonexistent, is has been trapped in the Hol-
usually through barter and lowroot by the destruction
the exchange of goods for of the blooming oak cir-
payment of gems, mag- cle surrounding the
ics, rare ingredients, or hideout.
pieces of art.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Matyko (use the billie blind monster entry) ap-

1. Th e H a g tree proaches the characters very cautiously and makes
gentle inquiries about their goals, ready to disappear
Background any time if threatened. He opens up if he is treated
The Matrons of Malice desecrated the portal tree of in a friendly way and tells the following information
the Seven Flowers and merged it with the souls of about all he has seen by the Hagtree over the past
their hag enemies to create the Hagtree at the foot decade, what he knows about the Feyrealm, and of-
of the Glass Mountains. fers his help to guide the characters.

Matyko, the billie blind advisor of the late King Das- •M  atyko sadly relates King Dasmag’s death and that
mag, regularly sneaked through the planar tree from his realm, Swigglegard, has been corrupted into the
the Feyrealm but was stuck on the Bleak Mire when Bleak Mire by the Matrons of Malice.
the midnight hag coven created the Hagtree. He wit- • He saw a few groups go through the Hagtree - a few
nessed how the Matrons of Malice infused the tree spriggan mercenaries who came from the north and
with the screaming souls of other hags, and Matyko is Frumby, a richly dressed goblin who arrived from
unwilling to enter it. The billie blind wants to escape the east and led a miserable-looking unicorn on a
the Bleak Mire but has no means to do so. Matyko chain through the tree, then returned without the
has already spent over a decade by the Hagtree and is unicorn. However, he avoided them all out of fear.
increasingly frustrated with every year. •Matyko also met King Waldrann Azennar and
his company, but the king bluntly rejected
Environment the billie blind as a child when they first
The Hagtree stands alone on a small met at the tree, and the distraught king
earthen outcrop surrounded by a copse ignored him when they returned, missing
of smaller gnarled trees and a sea two of his company. Only Master Eydan
of misty bogs as far as the eye can spoke to Matyko briefly, noting that
see. The dark surfaces of the Glass they received the blessings of King
Mountains loom over the location. Dasmag and that horrible events also
In the Bleak Mire, the Hagtree has transpired on their voyage.
been decorated with totems crafted
from corpses that hang from the The concerned fey is happy
tree’s branches as from gallows to help anyone who wants
in a horrific display - all manner to help restore the joyful
of fey and feyrealm-born crea- Feyrealm he knew and is
tures, even children and babies. willing to tag along with the
characters. Matyko knows
Scene many details about the lo-
If attacked, the Hagtree ani- cations of Swigglegard under
mates and defends itself and King Dasmag, but not about
tries to destroy any creature the effect of the Matron’s
that harmed it. The tree corruption on them or their
fights until destroyed or current state. Matyko can
until targets are with- direct the characters
in 1,000 feet of it.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


to important locations, such narrow passages and low-ceilinged chambers
as the Orchards, King Dasmag’s dug from the natural earth. The antechambers
Court, King Dasmag’s Festhall, can accommodate Large creatures, while the
Court of Amber, Caprine Stables, inner chambers count as cramped space
Ambrosia Winery and the Vine- for creatures that are larger than Small
yards, Halls of Art, Pool of Rain- size. The chambers include living
bows, Awakened Library, Skull of the spaces, a nursery for the young of
Fey Dragon, Milk Pool, Panacea Lilacs, the tribe, and storage areas for
Winter Court, and Pool of Starlight. food and the tribe’s treasures.

Treasure Scene
If the Hagtree is felled, a single seed of the Eight giant badgers and two
Hagtree falls from its branches. spriggan mercenaries guard the
SEE D O F TH E H A G TREE antechamber of the burrows. The
Experience animals ferociously keep out intrud-
Award the party 700 experience points if they be- ers but only if commanded to do so by the sprig-
friend Matyko and accept him as their guide. gans. The spriggans will direct their animals to at-
tack, joining the fight in their enlarged forms. An
additional eight spriggan mercenaries arrive from
2. Th e S n a f f l e w h o pp s inside the burrows in 2 rounds as reinforcements.
The spriggans will realize their mistake in thinking
Background themselves mightier than the characters when half
A tribe of spriggans called the Snafflewhopps were their numbers have fallen, and the remaining sprig-
in the employ of the Matrons of Malice, undertak- gans will sue for a truce.
ing various tasks ranging from thieving forays into
Aglarion to overseeing the hags’ rule on the Bleak “Truce, let us have a truce!
Mire, as well as serving as protection, all in exchange
We spriggans just don’t
for regular doses of potions and gifts of treasures.
After Krasnar Azennar’s takeover of the Bleak Mire,
abide tall folk to enter our
the Snafflewhopps have retreated to burrows in the warrens uninvited. Perhaps
elevated ground around the southern Blightwoods. we might be to each other’s use if we
They have relocated their trove of treasure that they can find common ground, ey? None
guard ferociously, biding their time to move against
know the Bleak Mire better than the
the drow and their aberrant servitors. Their lair is a
network of caves dug by a colony of giant badgers, Snafflewhopps, who are feared by all!”
whom the Spriggans have controlled using a ring of A spriggan speaking in Sylvan, boasting of the
animal influence granted them by the Matrons. The Snafflewhopps and setting the stage to a bargain.
spriggans send out regular exploratory and badg-
er-riding raiding parties to the surrounding areas The spriggans have a wealth of information on the
like the Orchard and are in contact with Frumby for Bleak Mire through their service to the Matrons of
useful wands. However, they have not dared to cross Malice. They keep their alliance with the hags a secret
the Bleak Mire to the Lake of Tar and have no news until the characters mention that they are looking for
of Blister and their fellows who are stuck there. the hags. In this case, the spriggans relate that they
know the hags but will continue to lie about their in-
Environment volvement with them. They are keen to regroup with
The burrows of the spriggan tribe are a network of their tribe in the Hungry Downs, which they conceal,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

and hope the characters can clear the way. Characters ing the Bleak Mire, so he can only tell lies about his
who make a successful DC 9 Wisdom (Insight) skill background and motivations, usually what he thinks
check can notice that the spriggans are hiding facts people would like to hear. He travels the Bleak Mire
and are deliberately too terse with their replies. on an animated ship with wheels, called Miraddin,
but when not on his travels, he likes to return to the
Also, the thieving fey cannot suppress their natures southern Blightwoods, where he is currently waiting
for long and will attempt to steal items from the out the turn of events. He crafts and stores his magic
characters, especially if they learn of the crown of items here, protected by traps and the ship’s magic.
Aglarion or see the chest of magic nullification. If the
theft leads to battle, and it most likely will, since the Miraddin is a magical ship, with the soul of a djinni
spriggans will try to take the items by force or not named Mushaaf the Humble bound to it by the Ma-
wish to hand them back, the spriggans fight until trons of Malice for the services of Frumby as a wand
two additional members of their tribe are slain, at crafter. Frumby is attuned to and can control Mirad-
which point they surrender. din, which has the powers of Mushaaf the Humble
when the captain sits in the captain’s chair. The soul of
The spriggans know all Blightwoods locations, the the djinni can be freed by a dispel evil and good spell or
three locations at the southern part of the Bogs of Rot, a similar spell of the same or higher level. Breaking all
the Pool of Rainbows, and Dolonriarnodo. In addition, the mirrors in area 5 also releases the trapped djinni.
the spriggans know of Krasnar and Malzdreziret but
do not know the purpose of Bwael Phindar or the ab- Environment
errant ground around the Chasm and will avoid these Miraddin is an 80-foot long magical wooden ship
areas entirely. with wheels, an open forecastle, and relatively spa-
cious interiors. The vessel sits on four giant wheels
Treasure and seemingly has no means of propulsion. It is am-
One of the spriggans carries a wand of sleeping faerie, phibious and can travel land and water alike with a
while another wears a ring of animal influence. Addi- speed of 30 feet. The ship’s bow post is the figure of a
tionally, there are two ripe apples from the magical djinni painted in bright colors, holding a lantern that
apple tree at the Orchards. When eaten, the apples lights the way before the boat with a continual flame.
function as a lesser restoration spell. These apples will
only retain their ripeness for another 3 days, after Scene
which time they lose their magical ability. Miraddin can be encountered as it slowly travels
across the Bleak Mire or standing still in the hills of
the southern Blightwoods.
3. M ira d d in
Background 1. F O RE CA S TL E
Frumby Goldtooth is a scheming, power-hungry liar
who would do anything to achieve his goals. It was Background
Frumby who sold Proenad the unicorn to the Gorso Frumby sometimes spends time reading in the Cap-
family and Softplume the owlbear to King Waldrann tain’s Chair as he traverses the Bleak Mire, observing
himself. Frumby knows and uses the Hagtree to the lands which he dreams of ruling one day.
come and go between Aglarion and the Bleak Mire
but prefers his exile in the Feyrealm, usually feeling Environment
sorry for himself and his fate but dreaming of his This open deck features a once-magnificent and gold-
rise as a rightful ruler of the Feyrealm domain. He leafed single velvet armchair, seemingly one with the
has sacrificed his truth to the Hagtree when enter- ship’s wooden planks. The chair has seen better days.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Its golden lacquer has worn off, and the velvet cover- knows all locations marked on his maps, as well as the
ing of the cushions has torn in many places. Discard- Witchcave and the Hall of the Sovereign. He will keep
ed parchments, some scroll cases, a pair of faded and his plot to become the sovereign of the realm until
worn-out slippers, and a bunch of soaked books litter the very last moment when he can challenge whoever
the deck around the chair. An open corridor leads into steps forward to claim rulership of the realm.
the ship, slightly slanting towards the stern area.
“Welcome, welcome all to Miraddin,
Captain’s Chair. Whoever sits in the magical chair of
where you may perhaps acquire most
the ship gains a telepathic connection with Mushaaf
the Humble and can converse with the djinni. The
treasured items of the magical sort,
djinni enquires about the new captain-to-be and can personally crafted by none other than
explain the workings of Miraddin and its creators, your humble servant and purveyor of
the Matrons of Malice. Attuning to the chair, which wonders, Frumby Goldtooth. You have
requires 24 hours for this item, allows command of
my permission to board and my
the ship and the use of the djinni’s innate spellcast-
ing ability while on the ship as if the attuned crea- invitation to a smoke, the likes of
ture was able to innately cast the spells. which you have never experienced.
But business can wait. Let us know
Scene each other first so that I may tailor
Frumby Goldtooth sits in the captain’s chair on the
open deck and welcomes potential shoppers with
magics with a personal touch.”
grandiose gestures and promises of wondrous magic Frumby bowing with a flourish as he rises from his
items he crafted himself. He is eager to discover what captain’s chair to greet
the characters are doing in the Bleak Mire and their the characters. F RU MB Y
worth. Frumby is entirely self-confident in his war- G O L D TO O TH
lock abilities and his ship to fear anyone, and presents
himself in a most self-assured manner. He is a habit-
ual liar, and due to his sacrifice to the Hagtree,
he cannot tell the truth about his background.
Characters who converse with Frumby can rec-
ognize the compulsive nature of the lies with a
successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) skill check.
The goblin warlock will invite the characters
inside and escort them to area 3 to share a
hookah and discuss his wares.

Frumby will immediately recognize the po-

tential of an excellent opportunity to desta-
bilize the power structures in the realm and
even to take over its dominion through the
new arrivals.

If he finds out that the players own the crown

of Aglarion, he will strive to get his hands on the
item, hide it, and force the players to make him
the ruler of the Bleak Mire for its return. Frumby

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C H A P TE R 5

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The books and scrolls are mostly illegible, having dis- fully blown glass vials that sparkle with scintillating
solved in the rain. However, the sections of ink that colors and are worth 15 gold pieces each. One short-
have not washed off seem to cover topics of poetry, bow, a longbow, and a shortsword are masterfully
riddles, and jokes in a range of languages. crafted and are worth double their base value. The
ring is silver and set with an opaque turquoise worth
Treasure 70 gold pieces. The elven vase is porcelain and fea-
Three of the scrolls, in a scroll case, contain region- tures fey motifs and flowing patterns. It is worth 100
al maps of the Bleak Mire, marking their locations. gold pieces. Finally, some of the wand shafts contain
One of the maps is of the Blightwoods, another of various gemstones worked into their shafts - a piece
the Bloodrime Forest, while a third one details the of lapis lazuli, a white opal, a malachite, and a snow-
Stormy Marshes, Hungry Downs, and Burning Woods flake obsidian - worth 30 gold pieces apiece.
on one map. All locations on the maps are marked.

3. H O O KA H L O UN G E
WO R KS H O P Background
This chamber is where Frumby conducts his business
with potential buyers, welcoming them to share a
Background hookah while negotiating on prices.
Frumby crafts his wares in this room, which includes
a collection of items ready for enchantment - wands, Environment
potions, scrolls, and weapons. The items here are The room is lavishly decorated with bright rugs and
merely raw materials, but some are of exceptional large, comfortable cushions. The air is filled with
quality. the sweet aroma of exotic spices and some lingering
smoke. A large water pipe stands in the center of the
Environment room, unlit but filled and ready for use. In a corner,
This space is crammed with three tables and two an intricately crafted standing mirror with smaller
chests of drawers that hold a multitude of items. All mirrors worked into its frame reflects the haze of
the furniture is sized for a Small creature. the room.

Scene Hookah of Visions. This magical hookah causes pleas-

The workshop holds two shortbows, two longbows, urable hallucinations in those who inhale its smoke
a short sword, two daggers, three spears, a ring on from any of its pipes. When a creature holds a pipe, the
a velvet cushion, an elven vase, a harp, a set of trib- hookah’s smokeables light up and continue to burn
al bracers, and six wands of various designs. One of until the pipe is held. When a creature takes a drag
the wands is an unfinished wand of enemy detection. from the hookah of vision, it is subject to a hallucina-
A character who can cast the locate creature spell tory terrain spell, causing the subject’s most desired
can finish the item by spending a total of 2,500 gold terrain to materialize around it. There is no chance to
pieces worth of raw magical components and one disbelieve the illusion, which lasts for 1 minute.
week of work, working a minimum of 8 hours a day
on the item. There are 1,300 gold pieces worth of raw Mirror Portal. The standing mirror is a magical
magical components on the tables. portal to the pocket plane of the Mirror Maze. If a
creature touches the mirror’s surface, it becomes liq-
Treasure uid-like and starts to swirl, distorting its reflections.
Some of the items are actually somewhat valuable Any creature that steps through the mirror is trans-
in themselves. Two of the potion bottles are beauti- ported to the entrance of the Mirror Maze in area 5.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Scene •T  he coin mimic swarm is Large size.

Frumby usually invites potential clients to converse • It has 48 hit points.
and negotiate over a good smoke. The goblin warlock • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
likes to surprise guests with his magical hookah and target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14 (4d6) piercing
will knowingly smile as he softens up his buyers with damage plus 9 (2d8) acid damage, or 7 (2d6) pierc-
their most desired visions. He will not use the Mirror ing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage if the swarm
Portal if anyone is present and will lead customers off has half of its hit points or fewer.
the ship before securing any item for sale from area 6. • Shapechanger. The coin mimic swarm can use its
action to polymorph into an object or back into its
Treasure true, amorphous form. Its statistics are the same in
The Hookah of Visions is worth 1,000 gold pieces. each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying
There is also an assortment of tobacco, herbs, and isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it
spices for smoking, worth 137 gold pieces. dies.
•A dhesive (Object Form Only). The coin mimic swarm
adheres to anything that touches it. A Huge or small-
4. G E N E RA L S TO RA G E er creature adhered to the coin mimic swarm is also
grappled by it (escape DC 13). Ability checks made to
Background escape this grapple have disadvantage.
Frumby uses the aft chamber of the ship for general • False Appearance (Object Form Only). While the coin
storage and as a trap against unwanted intruders. mimic swarm remains motionless, it is indistin-
guishable from an ordinary object.
Environment • Grappler. The coin mimic swarm has advantage on
The room’s walls are lined with piles of equipment attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.
- old rolled-up carpets, faded and ripped cushions,
bales of rope, a broken hookah, sacks of food and
supplies, and boxes filled with a range of mundane 5. M I R RO R M A ZE
equipment for repairs. A large wooden chest with
metal braces dominates the center of the room. Background
The Mirror Maze is a pocket plane that was created
Scene as part of the ship, housing the soul of Mushaaf the
The chest is a normal chest locked with a standard Humble within its mirrors. The djinni guards the ship
padlock. The lock is meant to prevent the coin mimic against intruders according to Frumby’s command
swarm from breaking out of the chest. A coin mimic and will not allow easy passage through the maze.
swarm lies dormant in the form of 40 unmarked plati-
num bars, each seemingly worth 100 gold pieces. They Environment
remain in object form until touched when victims be- All surfaces of this maze are mirrors, infinitely re-
come subjected to their adhesive special trait. At this flecting travelers through its passages. The maze’s
point, the coin mimic swarm attacks and flies to ad- center has a wooden door that seems to hang in the
here itself to any creature it sees. Next, it polymorphs air without any frame. The door leads to Frumby’s
back to its amorphous form to attack its victims with secret chamber in area 6.
advantage while grappling. It switches between this
tactic and regular bite attacks each round. Scene
When the characters travel more than 15 feet into the
Coin Mimic Swarm (CR 4, 1,100 XP). Use the swarm maze, the image of the djinni Mushaaf the Humble
of ravens monster entry with the following modifi- appears within the mirrors and commands the char-
cations: acters to turn back and leave the Mirror Maze. If char-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


acters proceed in the maze, the djinni manifests its Environment
innate spellcasting abilities from inside the mirrors. A wooden door, similar to the one in area 5, leads
It conjures an air elemental in the first round, then into this circular chamber, whose floor is covered by
casts thunderwave spells on each subsequent round comfortable multicolored cushions, three chests of
as long as the characters remain in the maze. When various sizes, scrolls on multiple topics - mostly vam-
the characters reach the wooden door at the center pirism, magical item creation, and historical poems.
of the Mirror Maze, Mushaaf the Humble steps out There are also some personal items, including a black
of the mirrors in the chamber and blocks their path. hooded cape with a blood-red trimming, a set of false
If the characters insist on forcing their way through, vampire fangs held in a jar of alcohol, a balm made
the djinni will become furious and fight to the death. of chalk to whiten skin, and an altar made of fangs
covered in blood.

Frumby spends very little time here, only to retrieve
M U S H A AF sold items or play the role of a vampire, donning
TH E H U MB L E a black cloak, with face painted white, and wear-
ing fake fangs. He briefly pays homage to the Blood
Queen by spilling fresh blood onto the fangs of the
altar, sometimes his own.

Frumby’s treasure consists of 6,729 gold pieces in a
large chest and 4,873 silver pieces in another. A third
chest holds several items: 10 potions, all of different
colors, which is a complete set of potions of resistance
against every damage type; four wands - a wand of
wonder, a wand of the war mage +1, a wand of web, and
“I, Mushaaf the Humble, must regret- a wand of secrets; and a black book bound in demonic
skin, entitled “Grimoire of the Blood Queen”, which is
fully inform you that Captain Frumby
Frumby’s grimoire from his pact of the tome feature.
has most adamantly commanded me
to allow none to enter the door, other
than his most esteemed self. There is 4. A m p h i th e a tre
really nothing I can do against the o f H o r ro r
command of one who sits in the
captain’s chair. I am, as you say, Background
a djinni without its wishes…” This large amphitheater is where productions were
Mushaaf the Humble explaining his actions. held for King Dasmag’s court of fey before the arrival
of the Matrons of Malice. However, now, the stage is
set for a truly grisly scene. The bodies and body parts
6. F RU M B Y 'S CH A M B E R of King Dasmag’s favorite musicians were turned
into living instruments by the Matrons of Malice,
Background like drums made from bones and skins, a harp from
Frumby stores his valuables in this room and comes spinal columns and sinews, string instruments from
here to secretly worship his patron, Faeryl Myrryn. torsos, along other vile mockeries of musical instru-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

ments. The souls of the instruments haunt the area properties. Elentaria, a studious feyrealm-born wood
as will-o’-wisps, hovering in the air and swaying to elf druid, guards the Orchards. She was once the
the dark melodies in invisibility. caretaker of the glade but was then commanded by a
geas spell to cultivate the thorns planted here by the
Environment Matrons of Malice. She is vexed by a group of sprig-
The amphitheater is carved into the stony slopes of gans who use a unique wand of the sleeping faerie
the southern Blightwood hills from marble, sloping they bought from Frumby Goldtooth that only puts
downwards to a stage at its bottom that is 100 feet fey creatures to sleep, and the spriggans occasionally
from its perimeter. pilfer Elentaria’s apples. In her bitterness, her only
wish is to put the entire garden to the flame and
Scene plant it anew, but she is also obsessed with catching
The five instruments (use the animate object spell the thieves if she can only stay awake.
with statistics for a Large object) animate and start
to play warped melodies that resonate with a com- Environment
pulsive effect as soon as the characters approach The Orchards cover an area 600 by 600 feet in size,
the rim of the amphitheater. Every creature within featuring all types of fruit-bearing trees covered by
300 ft. of the instruments that can hear the song rosehip briars. The area counts as difficult terrain
must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw or due to the briars, whose thorns deal 1 point of pierc-
be charmed until the song ends. The instruments ing damage for every 5 feet of movement within
must take a bonus action on subsequent turns to the area. The single healthy apple tree at the center
continue the performance. They stop playing music of the garden is untouched by the rosehip briars,
when there are no listeners within 300 feet or if all and several plump and shiny apples hang from its
the instruments are incapacitated. While charmed, a branches.
target is paralyzed. A creature can repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns. If a creature’s Scene
saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it. Elentaria (use the druid monster entry with the fey-
A target that successfully saves is immune to the in- realm-born monster template) guards the rosehip
struments’ music for the next 24 hours. thorns and the apple tree, according to the enchant-
ments of the hags. She is wary of intruders into the
The souls of the performances still linger around Orchards, but if the characters show goodwill, she
the amphitheater in the form of five will-o’-wisps will relate her sad story and the twisted command
that feed on the fearful tunes of the orchestra and of the hags. Due to the enchantment, she will not al-
any creature that approaches the area. The will-o’- low the characters to harm the rosehip briars or take
wisps linger around the theatre’s seats in invisibil- the apple tree’s fruit and will attack in desperation
ity and swarm to consume the lives of those who if they try to do so. If the characters can remove the
approach. effect of the geas spell, Elentaria will be more than
grateful and will invite the characters to harvest the
apple tree. She will immediately start to root out the
5. Th e O rch a r d s rosehip briars and tend to the diseased trees.

Background Characters can harvest 1d4 + 2 ripe apples from the

The Orchards of King Dasmag were once legend- tree. When eaten, an apple functions as a lesser resto-
ary for their produce but now are overgrown with ration spell. An apple remains ripe for five days, after
thorny rosehip briars that entwine the dying fruit which time it loses its magical ability.
trees. A single apple tree at the center of the orchard
remains healthy, whose fruits have magical curative

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Award the party 700 experience points for freeing
Elantari from her curse and restoring the Orchards.

6. P r im a l B l o o m
One of the few remnants of the Time of the Wild
Flowers, the Primal Bloom is hidden in a corner of
the Blightwoods, having survived for eons despite the
malign influences that have affected the Feyrealm
domain time and time again. The Bloom continues
to spawn and respawn plants of all sizes, shapes, and
colors in a gigantic mass of verdant and multi-hued
“I see you are not of the Snafflewhopps, vegetation that entirely covers this section of the
and not natives of the Feyrealm either. Blightwoods. The Primal Bloom is incredibly danger-
ous, as it transforms those that survive its engulfing
Those thieving buggers will soon get spread into plants, killing them in the process.
what’s coming to them. But please stay
away from the Orchards, I beg you. Environment
I would be compelled to harm you if Gigantic plants of all types form an almost impene-
trable wall of bloom, rising to the tops of the trees
you force my hand despite your good
80 feet from the ground. The Bloom writhes as it
intentions. ‘The thorns must be tended, continually grows and reshapes into new and nev-
and none may approach the tree!’ er-before-seen types of vegetation.
as the Matrons command.”
Elentaria explaining her predicament and imploring One can easily be engulfed by the living tangle of
the characters to stay away. plants that turn any organic material their vines catch
into new saplings and brand new forms of plant life.
Elentaria is familiar with the location and inhabit-
ants of Tolggy’s Grove, Tipper’s Tree, and Hollowroot. When a creature approaches the edge of the Primal
She also knows of the Primal Bloom and its dangers. Bloom to within 10 feet, the entire mass of vegeta-
In addition, she can direct the characters towards tion moves to engulf the creature unless it succeeds
King Dasmag’s Court, King Dasmag’s Festhall, Court on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. On a successful
of Amber, Caprine Stables, Ambrosia Winery, Vine- saving throw, the creature can choose to be pushed
yards, Halls of Art, Awakened Library, Skull of the 5 feet back or to the side of the Primal Bloom. On a
Fey Dragon, Milk Pool, Black Worm, Lifeflow Hon- failed save, the Primal Bloom enters the creature’s
ey, Panacea Lilacs, Hunting Grounds, Winter Court, space, and it becomes engulfed, and the creature
and Pool of Starlight. However, she is unaware of takes 31 (7d8) piercing damage as plants start to root
their corruptions by the Matrons of Malice and what under its skin. The engulfed creature must make a
dangers await at these locations, merely their states DC 12 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
under King Dasmag. She is also familiar with the Pool the creature is infected with a disease - sapling roots.
of Rainbows and the command phrase “Colors of the An engulfed creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and
Rainbow.” takes 13 (3d8) piercing damage at the start of each of

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

its turns when it can repeat the Constitution saving and narrow fissures descends into the Dark Below for
throw. An engulfed creature can try to escape by tak- over a mile, before it is covered in an area of absolute
ing an action to make a DC 16 Strength ability check. darkness, as per the darkness spell, in a 100-foot sec-
On a success, the creature escapes and enters a space tion. However, the darkness is semi-solid, and crea-
of its choice within 5 feet of the Primal Bloom. tures’ speeds are halved while moving in this section,
made treacherous by the 200-foot deep crevasse hid-
Sapling Roots. Once a sapling root has rooted in a den under cover of darkness. The wellspring of dark-
creature, it slowly grows to maturity. An infected ness that feeds the effect is located at the bottom of
creature must imbibe double the necessary rations the crevasse in the center of the area.
of water per day. Every day at dawn, the creature
suffers 13 (3d8) piercing damage as a sapling starts The cave that opens at the end of the obscured sec-
to gestate within its body. Over time, the creature tion of the passage is 60 feet across, with a ceiling
becomes plantlike as leaves and flowers stem from height of 25 feet. Several skeletons of humanoid and
branch-like appendages and wood-like skin. After a fey creatures cover the ground.
week, the creature’s movement speed is halved. After
two weeks, it gains damage vulnerability to fire. Af- Scene
ter three weeks, its type changes to plant. After four On a successful DC 18 Wisdom (Survival) skill check,
weeks, the roots reach the infected’s brain and it has characters can find a shortcut to the cave beyond the
disadvantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and sav- tangible darkness and avoid its hazards. Inside the
ing throws. After five weeks, the plant sprouts from area of the tangible darkness, characters are essen-
the creature’s skull, killing the creature in the pro- tially blinded and automatically fail the Perception
cess. The sapling roots wither away if the disease check needed to notice the crevasse before falling in.
is cured before the stem’s emergence. During this However, the characters can attempt a DC 15 Dexter-
transformation, the infected creature has dreams ity saving throw with disadvantage to catch an out-
about previous claimants for sovereignty at the Hall crop and avoid falling into the crevasse. On a failed
of the Sovereigns, like the Matrons of Malice, King save, they fall to the bottom and suffer 35 (10d6)
Dasmag, or Faeryl Myrryn, and learns the procedure bludgeoning damage from the partially slowed fall.
that is required to gain sovereignty over the Fey- The wellspring at the bottom of the crevasse can be
realm domain. plugged by a circular item of at least small size for
the darkness to dissipate after 2 days.

7. Ta n g ib l e D a rkn e s s Four giant darkmantles wait patiently for prey, hang-

ing on the cave ceiling, blending into the stalactites.
Background As soon as the darkmantles notice the characters, they
The gently sloping passage that is the main entryway cover the area of the cave with their Darkness Aura
to the Dark Below from a cave in the Blightwoods action. When at least two characters have entered the
becomes steep and narrow as it descends into deeper cave, the darkmantles drop to crush opponents.
tunnels, culminating in a cave obscured by a thick and
partially solid darkness. The mist is a tangible barri- Giant Darkmantle (CR 2, 450 XP). Use the darkman-
er and is spewed forth by a wellspring of darkness. tle monster entry with the following modifications:
A group of giant darkmantles hides in a cave at the
end of the passage and waits patiently for any traveler • The giant darkmantle is Large size.
that is foolish enough to stumble into their lair. • It has 55 hit points.
• Its Strength score is 20.
Environment • C
 rush. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
A 30-foot wide tunnel with numerous side tunnels one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The giant darkmantle attaches to the target. If the Scene
target is Huge or smaller and the giant darkman- If the darkness of the central cave is pierced by light,
tle has advantage on the attack roll, it attaches by characters can see their reflections distorted and
engulfing the target’s head, and the target is also fragmented by the crystals. The reflections shift and
blinded and unable to breathe while the darkman- turn into rapid flashes of events from the charac-
tle is attached in this way. While attached to the ter’s past and future, showing them in the saddest
target, the darkmantle can attack no other crea- and most painful moments of their lives. A charac-
ture except the target but has advantage on its at- ter must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw
tack rolls. The darkmantle’s speed also becomes 0, to avoid falling into a state of profound melancholy
it can’t benefit from any bonus to its speed, and it from seeing this barrage of images. On a failed save,
moves with the target. A creature can detach the the character gains disadvantage on Charisma saving
darkmantle by making a successful DC 16 Strength throws but also gains the Boon of Pains Foreseen.
ability check as an action. On its turn, the darkman- The disadvantage on Charisma saving throws can
tle can detach itself from the target by using 5 feet be removed by a heal or higher level curative spell,
of movement. which also removes the Boon of Pains Foreseen from
• Its Darkness Aura has a radius of 30 feet. the character.

Upon inspection of the campsite and a successful DC

8. C ry s ta l s 14 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check, charac-
ters can determine that the camp was set by about
o f S a d ne s s half a dozen humanoid creatures over a week ago.
The charred remains of subterraneous lizard meat
Background can be recovered from the campfire’s ashes. If the
Several crystalline caves compose this area of the characters examine the heap of excrement and suc-
Dark Below, forming into a central cavern, covered ceed on a DC 14 Intelligence (Nature) skill check,
with a multitude of crystal formations of various they can determine that the composition, color, and
shapes, sizes, and colors. If light shines on the crys- smell of the feces are unnatural and reminiscent of
tals in the central cave and one views their reflection aberrations.
in the crystals, the view is distorted into a myriad of
colors and shapes, forming rapid visions of the view- Boon of Pains Foreseen. The boon allows a creature
er’s most painful memories and scenes of possible to use brief glimpses into the most painful events of
ill fates from the future stemming from these mem- its life, allowing it to change the course of its fate.
ories. The visions are glimpses of the darkest times The creature gains inspiration every time they suc-
from the viewer’s life and allow the viewer to use ceed on a Charisma saving throw.
the information gained from the vision. The Inheri-
tors of the Unbegotten sometimes visit the cave to Treasure
gain glimpses into the outcome of their plane-shak- Many of the crystals in the caves are perfect speci-
ing plans. mens and can be carefully mined from their forma-
tions if characters have the necessary equipment and
Environment skills. If characters spend at least 1 hour carefully re-
Reflective crystals cover the sides, stalactites, and moving the crystals, they can collect several large
stalagmites of a series of caverns in the Dark Be- and perfectly clear white quartz crystals worth a to-
low, forming a maze of passages and caves in the tal of 600 gold pieces and weighing 60 pounds.
darkness. The relatively recent remains of a camp lie
abandoned in one of the caves, and excrement covers
the ground in the bend of a side passage.

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C H A P TE R 5

carnage sound hollow. If a character fails to discern the

9. V is io n s o f th e S un illusion, the sudden shift from feelings of bliss to hor-
ror materializes in an overwhelming sense of confusion
Background that lasts for 1 minute, as if the creature was targeted
The small manor house in this part of the woods by a confusion spell. At the end of each of its turns, an
was a superb specimen of fey architecture, composed affected target can make a DC 18 Wisdom saving throw.
entirely of colored glass and multicolored crystals. If it succeeds, this effect ends for that target.
It was used by King Dasmag and his court for re-
treats, where the fey could enjoy the dazzling effects
of the building’s surface as it refracted the light into 10. Ta in te d Wa te r s
all manner of beautiful shapes and colors. The build-
ing was razed by the bone devil Zarondoxiss at the Background
command of the Matrons of Malice, and the reveling The aberrant ground left in the wake of Bwael Phin-
fey found here were slain. The spirit of the Feyrealm dar and the tendrils of the giant Elder Cortex below
has manifested at the location, replaying this dread- the Chasm that have sprouted around the shores of
ful moment of change over and over again. the Lake of Blood have corrupted the waters with
foul ichors. The taint has soaked into the very ground,
Environment transforming the local ecology of the lakeside into
The building lies in ruins - just heaps of broken glass mutated and gnarled forms. Animals that were
and crystals remain in a massive pile at the center of strong enough to survive the malign influences bear
a spacious clearing in the forest. grotesque features, malformed limbs, and deformed
and multiple heads. They are extremely aggressive
Scene and feral. The largest of such creatures is an aberrant
As characters approach the ruins to within 30 feet, grizzly bear, who hunts the lakeside for meat. The lo-
the bleak ambiance of the Blightwoods is suddenly cation is also the western end of the rainbow bridge
miraculously pierced by the rays of the sun as the that connects this location to the Pool of Rainbows
spirit of the Feyrealm itself manifests at the location. (location 42.).
The blight lifts from the trees, the vegetation blooms
in all the colors of the rainbow, and a manor house Environment
rises in its original magnificence. As a beautiful and The western shores of the Lake of Blood, where the
blissful scene unfolds, the characters feel their hearts corpse-covered waters meet a blighted forest, are
warmed at the sight of satyr children playing and run- most unwelcoming, more so for the beasts in the area
ning around the building amidst a joyous picnic. Then that have mutated into aberrant lifeforms that can
suddenly, the cackles of the three hags echo around be encountered here. Many have strange protrusions
the area, and a bone devil charges from the forest, and tentacled appendages, multiple heads, slimy skin,
roaring Infernal curses as it slays the revelers and and elongated claws or teeth. A crumbling bridge-
destroys the building. The sunshine disappears, the head with a few steps rises over the waters on the
landscape turns grey, leaves wither, and bleakness re- lake’s western shore before breaking off in the air.
turns. The Bleak Mire reveals its true self once again.
The scene is created by an effect similar to a pro- If characters spend more than a day by the shores of
grammed illusion spell. A character who uses its action the Lake of Blood, they become hunted by the alpha
to examine the image can determine that it is an illu- predator of the area, an aberrant grizzly bear. The
sion with a successful DC 18 Intelligence (Investigation) mutated, two-headed bear will stalk the characters at
skill check. If a character discerns the illusion for what night and wait to attack until one of the party’s mem-
it is, they can see through the image, and the noises of bers is alone from the group. Characters who succeed

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


on a DC 11 Wisdom (Perception) skill check made for short bursts, after which it is invigorated and ex-
with disadvantage can notice the stalking beast. If the periences some moments of mental clarity. It tends
bear sees that the characters are hastily retreating its grove with applications of its magical syrup that
or standing their ground, or if it is attacked, it will has an invigorating effect and keeps the effects of the
charge in and fight ferociously until death. The bear blight at bay. When characters approach the grove,
telepathically sends grisly images to the characters’ Tolggy wakes from its slumber and stretches its giant
minds that speak of influences from alien dimensions limbs amid creaks and a long yawn. It warns the char-
as it roars its challenge with both heads. acters to leave it alone and let an old tree enjoy its last
slumbers in peace. The characters must succeed on a
Aberrant Grizzly Bear (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the polar DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check to convince
bear monster entry with the following modifications: Tolggy of their good intentions. On a successful check,
Tolggy invites the characters to its grove to reminisce
•T  he aberrant grizzly bear gains the traits of the about the changes of the centuries. The treant speaks
aberrant monster template. ever so slowly and gets lost in insignificant details,
• Multiattack. The aberrant grizzly bear makes four sometimes dozing off mid-sentence. Tolggy rarely has
attacks: two with its bite and two with its claws. any visitors but welcomes guests who can keep it
awake to listen to its tales from ages long gone. If a
The crumbling bridgehead is one side of the Rain- character makes a good impression by succeeding on
bow Bridge that can connect the location to the Pool a DC 14 Charisma ability check, Tolggy offers three
of Rainbows in the Hungry Downs. Characters who drops of maple syrup from its withered branches to
cast the detect magic spell can see an inactive magi- the character - magical sap that provides invigorating
cal aura of the conjuration school. With an identify, rest for those who imbibe it.
legend lore, or similar spell, a character can learn the
command phrase “Colors of the Rainbow” that ac-
tivates a bridge of solid rainbow that immediately
transfers any creature that steps on the bridge to the
Pool of Rainbows. The bridge fades after one minute.

11. To l g g y ' s G rove

This small grove is unaffected by the blight and is the
domain of Tolggy, an ancient treant who is over 600
years old. Tolggy is living out the end of its days sur-
rounded by just a few of the loved trees that it helps
survive against the blight of the forest.

An immense maple tree stands at the center of a small
grove, surrounded by several dozen trees unaffected TO L G G Y
by the woods’ blight. The trees seem to be smeared
with raw maple syrup. “Have I told you about the Time of the
Wild Flowers? I must have…I can’t re-
Scene member sometimes. But it seems like it
Tolggy, the ancient treant, is usually sleeping, but only was just moments ago….When mighty

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Xolenthas and Xantharos ruled the skies 12. K in g D a s m a g' s

of the entire Feyrealm….humhumhum…
Co u r t
In comparison, even the Bloodgarden is
just a small tree in a mighty forest….
I saw the most amazing lightwood in my Background
The ruins of King Dasmag’s fey court have become
youth….Its trunk was twice the size of the lair of the doppeldrake Malzdreziret, the Scaled
mine. And then all turned black…” Impostor, who has made its nest from felled trees
Tolggy reminiscing about better days. and other vegetation in the central pavilion. The
dragon has forged an allegiance with the Inheritors
Tolggy is a font of knowledge about the history of of the Unbegotten and responds to Krasnar Azennar’s
the Feyrealm. It is one of the few creatures who wit- orders if the aberration-infused prince visits it.
nessed the Time of the Wild Flowers firsthand when it
was a young sapling during the time of Xolenthas and Environment
Xantharos, the fey dragons. It has lived through the The fey courts of the late King Dasmag have
different transformations of the domain - through the now fallen into ruin. Only a few dec-
Bloodgarden, then Swigglegard, and finally the Bleak orated columns and wall sec-
Mire. The treant nostalgically recounts its glory days tions still stand to bear
as a general of King Dasmag’s fey armies and driv- witness to the for-
ing off the Blood Queen’s demonic hordes and dark mer glory of
fey. After the emergence of Swigglegard, Tolggy spent
less and less time in the company of others, becoming
somewhat of an old loner, tending to its favorite trees
in the forest. Due to its isolation, it has managed to
stay clear of the Matrons of Malice and has survived
the carnage. Tolggy is familiar with the location and
inhabitants of Tipper’s Tree and Hollowroot. It also
knows of the Primal Bloom and its dangers. In addi-
tion, it can direct the characters towards King Das-
mag’s Court, King Dasmag’s Festhall, Court of Amber,
Caprine Stables, Ambrosia Winery, Vineyards, Halls of
Art, Awakened Library, Skull of the Fey Dragon, Milk
Pool, The Black Worm, Lifeflow Honey, Panacea Li-
lacs, Hunting Grounds, Winter Court, and the Pool of
Starlight. However, it is unaware of their corruption
by the Matrons of Malice and what dangers await at
these locations, merely their states under King Das-
mag. It is also familiar with the Pool of Rainbows and
the “Colors of the Rainbow” command phrase to acti-
vate the bridge.

Tolggy’s Sap. Tolggy’s syrupy sap is infused by fey

magic that provides invigorating rest. If a creature
who imbibes the sap regains hit points at the end of
a short rest by spending one or more hit dice, that
creature regains an extra 1d10 hit points.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


the architecture and the sprawling size of the loca- Scene
tion. Large warped trees and trunks of once-majestic When not engaged in feasting at King Dasmag’s Fes-
pillars rise to the dark skies and cast their shadows thall, Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impostor, usually
on the abandoned ruins. A cobbled open central pla- spends its time in its newfound lair, lording over its
za, overgrown with roots and spotted with mud- domain and enjoying the ghostly sounds of music.
dy puddles, features a large pavilion in the center, It will not attack the characters outright, prefer-
which still retains its roof. Eerie sounds of melan- ring to demonstrate its might and ancient exploits
cholic pipes and singing can be heard throughout against Aglarion. Combining its Read Thoughts abili-
the somber ruins. Sometimes, the music becomes ty with half-truths makes Malzdreziret a master of
turbulent and frenzied with chords that send shivers deception. The doppeldrake will lie and say that it
to those who hear them. was a neutral player in the Feyrealm until it was
found by the Inheritors of Unbegotten, who stole
its sole egg. It tells that the drow have blackmailed
it into servitude and commanded it to obey their
champion Krasnar Azennar. It speaks of its plans to
betray the drow and attack Krasnar at Bwael Phin-
dar. It will be most appreciative of aid and offers
half its hoard to the characters, worth around ten
thousand gold pieces if they assist it in this raid. It
will not divulge information on any topic until the
characters have helped it deal with Krasnar Azennar
and its drow allies. It is more than willing to show
them the way to Bwael Phindar. The doppeldrake’s
ultimate goal is delivering the characters to its dark
allies on a plate before slaying them. Characters can
attempt a DC 25 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to
see through the deceptions. The DC increases to 30
if the character has failed its saving throw against
Malzdreziret’s Read Thoughts special trait.

“If you refuse to aid in my vengeance and my

offers of payment, you puny creatures without
scales, I will be forced to deal with the tenta-
cled scum on my own. I have soared the skies
on multiple realms and have destroyed those
who challenged my might. Few have been
foolish enough to cross me, the most brazen
of which are these Inheritors and their exarch
on the Bleak Mire, Krasnar. They shall pay with
their lives for forcing my mighty self into servi-
tude to that deformed prince.”
Malzdreziret lying about its intentions
with displays of strength.

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C H A P TE R 5

If the characters recognize the deceptions and con-

front Malzdreziret, it shifts into the form of a red
dragon and attacks.

The eerie music is the remnant of the festive tunes

of King Dasmag’s court as it seeps from the Ethereal
Plane into the Feyrealm at this location. If a charac-
ter knows the words to King Dasmag’s favorite song,
the Merry Hunt of the Horned Hero, and sings it for
1 minute, the ghost of the satyr King materializes.
If the character singing the song succeeds on a DC
15 Charisma (Performance) skill check, the ghost
is tranquil and joins in the singing, then asks the
characters what they are doing in his once majestic
court. However, on a failed check, it displays its hor- G H O ST O F KIN G D A S M A G
rifying visage and screams in rage at the characters,
demanding vengeance on the Matrons of Malice. The “You sing the Merry Hunt of the
characters can attempt to calm the ghost and explain
Horned Hero well. I daresay better than
their predicament, their quest to cleanse the crown,
and that they also seek the hags, by succeeding on a
I ever did. Beware the wicked hags!
DC 20 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check. If the ghost They have made my wrath immortal,
of King Dasmag sees the Matrons of Malice, it will fly and my spirit will not rest until all
into a rage and attack the hags, and the same check three are slain! Their poisons will not
is required to quell its fury enough to cooperate in
work on me now, and I am prepared for
the Cleansing Ritual.
their wicked deceptions.”
The ghost of King Dasmag warning the characters
of the hags’ deceptions and explaining his drive for
vengeance if they succeed in singling the song.

Malzdreziret’s hoard is hidden in a partially collapsed
basement of a ruined shrine covered by an immense
boulder. The boulder weighs 700 pounds and re-
quires a DC 22 Strength (Athletics) skill check to
move. A character who actively searches the entire
area of King Dasmag’s sprawling courts and succeeds
on a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check
can notice that the stone has been moved occasion-
ally. The treasure contained in the hoard consists of
4,765 gold pieces dating back to the reign of King
Daerios, various jewels and gemstones worth a total
of 4,800 gold pieces, a feather token (tree), a necklace
of fireballs with 2 beads, a potion of superior healing,
a potion of water breathing, a +2 pike, a decanter of
endless water, a ring of warmth, and a pearl of power.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


• S he doesn’t have a melee weapon attack.
13. L o s t L ove • Wail of Death. Saroldynn can cast circle of death at
will with a DC 16 Constitution saving throw.
Background •D  ebilitating Countenance. If a creature starts its turn
Saroldynn, the once-beautiful feyrealm-born elf first within 30 feet of the Saroldynn and can see her, it
consort of King Dasmag and a friend to the forest must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On
animals, roams the Blightwoods around the Court a failed save, the creature gains disadvantage on
of Amber. The elf maiden was disfigured by the Ma- Constitution saving throws for 1 minute. A creature
trons like all the satyr king’s consorts but blinded as that isn’t surprised can avert its eyes to avoid the
an extra measure, so she may never see beauty again. saving throw at the start of its turn. If it does so, it
She wanders aimlessly in anguish, killing all wildlife can’t see Saroldynn until the start of its next turn,
she encounters that gaze on her desecrated visage. when it can avert its eyes again. If it looks at Sarol-
dynn in the meantime, it must immediately make
Environment the save.
Saroldynn roams the areas of the Blightwoods sur-
rounding the Court of Amber. Experience
Award the party 700 experience points if they can
Scene restore Saroldynn.
Characters can encounter Saroldynn, as the lone
and tortured figure of the feyrealm-born elf stum-
bles blindly around the Blightwoods and mumbles 14. Co u r t o f A m b e r
lamentingly of golden times. Saroldynn was magical-
ly disfigured and cursed by the Matrons of Malice Background
to spread her anguish onto creatures that see her King Dasmag rewarded the fairest and most beautiful
visage. If any character approaches Saroldynn with- of his consorts with the honor of residing in the Court
out stealth, she turns her Debilitating Countenance of Amber - dwellings fashioned from the hardened sap
towards the characters and uses her Wail of Death of giant pine trees. Naturally, the Matrons of Malice
ability. Her curse can be cured by a remove curse or turned their vile attentions against Dasmag’s consorts
greater restoration spell. Her blindness can be cured and mutilated all the beautiful inhabitants of the halls
by a heal spell or a higher level curative spell. If her - four satyrs, two nymphs, three feyrealm-born elves,
curse is broken, Saroldynn loses her Wail of Death and a human, of all genders. The disfigured members
and Debilitating Countenance abilities. If restored, of the harem do not leave the Court, unable to bear
Saroldynn begs the characters to accompany her to anyone seeing their beauty turned to ugliness.
King Dasmag’s former consorts at the Court of Am-
ber (location 14.). She can guide the characters to all Environment
locations in the Blightwoods that were around in the The building of the Court of Amber still stands but is
time of King Dasmag, as well as the Halls of Art and veiled in dark shadows and has lost its golden sheen
the Winter Court. without the rays of sunlight to brighten the walls.
The building is 30 feet tall, with flowing arches and
Saroldynn (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the noble monster en- pillars and a pointed gable. The entire structure is
try with the following modifications: made from hardened pine sap poured into place
rather than fixed with joints or nails. Inside the open
• S aroldynn has the traits of the feyrealm-born mon- entryways, the once lavish interior of the building is
ster template. now a collection of broken mirrors, furniture, and
• She has 54 hit points. decorations. Everything of beauty has been smashed
• She is blinded. to pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Scene forced to cook edible courses from rotting carcasses

The ten former consorts of King Dasmag are huddled continuously. As Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impostor,
in their misery, secluded in the central chamber of claimed dominion over the ruins of King Dasmag’s
the Court of Amber. The consorts are four satyrs Court and Blister has fled to her Witchcave, the fest-
- Shina, Prumi, Lancea, and Surratu; two nymphs - hall has stood empty, the food and drink having rot-
Sorisia and Therodonos; three feyrealm-born elves ted away. Malzdreziret has cleared the area, however,
- Fhaelyssa, Licyreal, Shavarys; and a feyrealm-born the doppeldrake has left the kitchens undisturbed,
human - Shary Night Rose. As the characters enter amused by the mind-controlled chef who still churns
the building through its open arches, the whimper- out delicious creations from the rotting carcasses it
ing huddled forms turn their horrid gazes at them offers as ingredients.
and rise from the ground. The consorts welcome
the characters and invite them to spend the night. Environment
They mournfully recount the fall of King Dasmag King Dasmag’s Festhall is a grand building and a per-
and their capture by and torture at the hands of the fect example of the heights of fey architecture. The
Matrons of Malice. They have heard rumors from hall is a rectangular building 240 by 80 feet wide,
hagspawn visitors from Perfidy, who sometimes fashioned from white marble and holly wood, with
come to taunt them from outside, mentioning a beautiful arches and reliefs of fey revelry. The build-
place called the Refuge where surviving fey are hid- ing is mostly intact, except many windows have
ing and which the hags were seeking in the For- broken and moss covers the poplar roofing and its
est of Gloom. They speak fearfully of Saroldynn, the plinth. The smells of cooking and rotting meat waft
first consort of King Dasmag, whom the Matrons from inside the building. Inside, the grand hall fea-
of Malice have cursed to slay anyone who comes tures long tables that can seat 500 creatures of me-
across her path. dium size. However, some of the seats are of large
size, and many are small. The tables had been aban-
doned mid-meal, the foods long decayed, and all the
15. K in g D a s m a g' s silverware had been removed. A mound of rotting
corpses of various fey and fey-realm born creatures
Fe s th a l l lie collected in a pile in the corner of the hall. Sounds
of cooking can be heard from the side chambers that
Background lead to the kitchen.
King Dasmag’s immense festhall was a place of con-
tinuous revelry and feasting. The most magnificent Scene
food and drink seen on many a realm flowed without Ruckash (Use the expert monster entry with orc
interruption from the kitchens, where scores of chefs racial traits), a self-loathing orc who thinks he’s an
crafted amazing delicacies for the satyr King’s refined elf, is deeply engrossed in cooking up the latest culi-
palate. That is until the Matrons of Malice arrived on nary masterpiece from rotting ingredients. He can be
the scene and laid devastation to the court. Blister found roasting bones and grilling meat that he butch-
personally claimed the halls, seeing an amazing op- ered from several carcasses lying on the workbench.
portunity to maintain the feasting, only according to If the characters interrupt Ruckash from his cooking,
her own odious tastes. She used the permanent com- the chef will not stop his task but will engage with
pulsion of a geas spell on the sole chef left alive, task- the characters and explain his predicament. If the
ing him to cook repulsive and nauseating fares from characters can break the spell on Ruckash, the chef
rotting ingredients and often from live victims. Ruck- will slump to the ground in exhaustion and whole-
ash, an orc chef who thinks he is a Feyrealm-born elf, heartedly give thanks to the characters for deliver-
bears the marks of the agonies caused by the spell ance. Ruckash is familiar with all locations in the
as he tries but fails to resist the compulsion and is Blightwoods. However, he is stumped as to where to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


go for safety, preferring to stay in the Festhall until the village center, where they are executed using a
the threat of the doppeldrake is removed. 3-foot long silver spike. The village is led by the Howl-
er, who is the most vociferous and ardent agent of
“Pardon my discourtesy in not welcom- persecution amongst the villagers, sending unwor-
thy members to their deaths by silver after holding
ing you to food and drink, but this fare
trial over them. The Howler has been branded with
is only fit for such base creatures as the branding iron of the Hag Queens on his forehead
the Matrons or Malzdreziret. The pains by Blister, a mark he wears proudly and as a sign of
from the hags’ curse are insufferable, leadership. The hagspawn villagers provide the only
so I must not dally and cook as com- means of transportation across the tainted waters of
the Russet River on a rickety ferry that is propelled by
manded. It would be most appropriate
two skeletal horses running a waterwheel.
if you withdrew. The dragon can
arrive any minute to claim its feast.” Environment
Ruckash speaking Elvish with great eloquence, The village sits at the shores of the Russet River and
looking worried for the characters’ safety. is composed of a circle of ramshackle huts around a
central square, with unpaved streets covered in mud
If the characters have not visited King Dasmag’s between the houses. The village is ill tended, half
Court (location 12.) and met Malzdreziret, the Scaled in ruin, and entirely filthy. A large bonfire burns in
Impostor, the doppeldrake arrives at the location, the village square with a cage suspended on a pillar
enters the hall, and demands its meal. (See King Das- above the flames. A crowd of villagers surrounds the
mag’s Court location for the doppeldrake’s motives fire, dressed in rags and displaying hag-like features
and tactics.) like small horns, clawed hands, red eyes, and the like.
They look eerily similar to each other and Queen
Experience Aphinah, with ugly compositions of the features of
Award the party 700 experience points if they can their progenitors, the Matrons of Malice.
break the spell on Ruckash.
A ferry station lies at the shores of the lake, 50
feet from the village proper, with a large flat ferry
16. Pe r f i d y equipped with a wheel for propulsion. Two skeletal
horses are strapped to the wheel and stand idly.
The village of Perfidy is a collection of shambling huts, Scene
which are home to fifty hagspawn descendants of the The newest target of the Howler (use the Mordio
Matrons of Malice. The village has fallen into ruin and Delons monster entry with the hagspawn monster
despair with the ascension of Krasnar Azennar, whose template and without its equipment). is a half-elf
aberrant barbarian minions and regular flyovers by witch named Aislin (use the witchservant cultist
Malzdreziret the Scaled Impostor keep the village monster entry with the hagspawn monster tem-
in a perpetual state of oppression and hopelessness. plate), a cunning and mischievous half-elven hag-
Even more crazed than usual by the circumstances, spawn witch with a fennec familiar named Hellfox.
the hagspawn villagers have turned upon themselves As the characters enter the village, thirty-six hag-
and are rooting out their own, whom they accuse of spawn villagers (Use the commoner monster entry
performing good deeds like aiding, blessing, curing with the hagspawn monster template) surround
someone, or hoping for a victory over the raiding ab- a pyre onto which a metal cage is lowered with
errant drow who have defeated the Matrons of Mal- the screaming Aislin inside, who regenerates her
ice. They hold regular tortures of heretics on pyres at wounds as her skin burns on the heated bars of the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

cage. The Howler leads the tortures, as one of the

most avid servants of the Matrons of Malice. The al-
ready unsteady inquisitor of the hags has gone even
more deranged with the terror over the village. As
a result, he is driven to root out good deeds, helpful
behavior, and positive thoughts.


“Did you, or did you not lend

your broom to Herla? Confess
to this most kind-hearted and
compassionate deed and receive final
salvation by the silver spike, or suffer
the cleansing flames! Ah, these must
be your collaborators, here to free you,
do-gooder! Quick people, surround
them at once and let them swear
their innocence under oath!”
When the Howler sees the characters, he will in- The Howler spitting accusations against Aislin
corporate the new arrivals into his case against and directing the crowd against the characters.
Aislin and try to get them to confess their virtues
or good deeds. He orders the villagers to surround If captured and interrogated, the Howler can point
the characters and commands them to swear under the characters towards Cyllek, Blister’s awakened ra-
his magical powers that they are not Aislin’s collab- ven agent, who visited him not long ago and told
orators in altered form. The Howler will try to draw him about its forays to observe the Chasm. The raven
out confessions from the characters using spells also told of Blister’s hideout somewhere at the feet
and his warlock abilities unless they can convince of the Mountains of Rust, but not its exact location.
him by faking their vile intentions and succeeding He is also familiar with the locations in the Twisted
on a DC 12 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) skill Forest and knows to avoid the Bogs of Rot, as it is
check. If the characters intervene in the tortures the domain of the bone devil Zarondoxiss. If Aislin is
and execution, the Howler will order the villagers freed, she will expound her innocence and proclaim
to swarm the characters and lead them in the at- her malicious nature, not offering any kind of grati-
tack against them. tude or kindness for rescuing her from death.

The Howler charges a body part for transfer over the

Russet River - like the top of a finger or a piece of
an ear. The ferry can fit six medium creatures. The
Howler can order the two warhorse skeletons to at-
tack his enemies.

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Treasure collection of mounts, mostly prized goats and rams,
The three-foot silver spike is a silvered spear. on vast green pastures and rocky outcroppings at
the foot of the Glass Mountains. The hags made sure
Experience to curse the thriving animals and turn the animals’
Award the party 700 experience points if they avoid horns and hooves into noxious iron, which has quick-
combat with the villagers. ly destroyed their habitat and culled their numbers.
Whatever the animals touch with their hooves and
horns is diseased with necrotic blight, a disease that
17. P i t o f P ig s has spread over the Blightwoods, giving the forest
its name. The necrotic energy they spread has slowly
Background expanded to the entire forest.
The Pit of Pigs was dug for Blister by spriggan minions
to have an endless supply of rotting meat to satisfy The hags constructed a unique transformation for
vile appetites and revolting feasts. Blister’s favorite King Dasmag’s favorite mount Jewelhorn, turning
punishment was transforming victims into gigantic this giant ram with gemstones embedded into its
fat pigs that retained the victims’ faces. The pit has horns, into a raging, metallic, gorgon-like beast that
been abandoned, and all the swine have perished. breathes blighting fumes. The cursed rams are dis-
persed in the Blightwoods, while some remain in
Environment their former corrals, eking out meager sustenance on
Near the Festhall of King Dasmag, a muddy 10-foot the trampled and blighted ground, where Jewelhorn
deep and 40-foot wide pit is full with the carcasses is now king.
of scores of fattened giant pigs that bear humanoid
faces. The rotting bodies are covered by swarms of Environment
carrion worms a foot in length that wriggle at the At the foothills of the Glass Mountains, where the
bottom of the pit around the swine. The stench of thick shards of glass penetrate the diseased ground
rotting meat hangs heavy in the area surrounding of the Blightwoods, a large area is enclosed by a
the pit. pen. The enclosure is broken in several places. Large
goats roam the slopes both within and outside the
Scene enclosure.
The bodies of the pigs are covered by six swarms of
carrion worms (use the swarm of magic-infused fire Scene
beetles monster entry without the Illumination and Twelve giant blighted iron goats stray in the area,
Magic-infused traits). Any character that approaches led by the herd’s alpha, Jewelhorn. The beasts keep
the edge of the pit to within 5 feet risks falling into out intruders and charge as a herd towards anyone
it by slipping on the muddy ground. The character who ventures too close.
must make a successful DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
or fall into the pit and land prone on top of the car- Giant Blighted Iron Goat (CR 1, 200 XP). Use the giant
casses and the vermin. The carrion worms attack any goat monster entry with the following modifications:
creature that falls into the pit but will not leave the
enclosure. •T  he giant blighted iron goat has AC 19.
• Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) bludgeoning damage. If
18. Ca p r in e S tab le s the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 11
Constitution saving throw or contract a disease -
Background blighted. The disease manifests after a short rest,
The stables of King Dasmag once held a magnificent after which the diseased creature feels tired and

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C H A P TE R 5

only regains half its hit points from hit dice spent the gnomes do not dare to enter the Vineyards above,
during a short or long rest. The disease can be re- which still bear a few grape agates instead of grapes.
moved only by heal or another disease-curing spell
of 6th level or higher. The giant blighted iron goat Environment
is immune to this disease. The group of wooden buildings on the hill is dilapi-
dated, and abandoned. The duct is dry and overgrown
Jewelhorn. Use the gorgon monster entry with the with algae and moss, wholly covered within the
following modifications: Blightwoods.

• Jewelhorn’s type is beast. Scene

• Blighted Breath (Recharge 5–6). Jewelhorn exhales a Gixx and Brono (use the expert monster entry with
necrotic blighted gas in a 30-foot cone. Each crea- the feyrealm-born monster template) still live in the
ture in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity sav- ruins of Winery. The gnomes are despairing and stuck
ing throw, taking 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a in this location. They dare not enter the Vineyards
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful to collect the grape agates from the living vines or
one. Each creature in the area must also succeed on climb to the press-house at the top of the hill, where
a DC 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, they hid some precious vintages. The vintners know
a target contracts a disease - blighted. The effect of all locations in the northern part of the Blightwoods,
the disease manifests after a short rest, after which as well as the Reverse Waterfall and the Crimson
the diseased creature feels tired and only regains Tarn. However, they do now know the exact dangers
half its hit points from hit dice spent during a short at these locations. They recount that the tarn is said
or long rest The disease can be removed only by to be haunted, and one can smell beautiful perfumes
heal or another disease-curing spell of 6th level or above the rushing waters on the river.
higher. Jewelhorn is immune to this disease.

Treasure 20. V in ey a r d s
The gems in Jewelhorn’s horns are of considerable
worth, two diamonds worth 200 gold pieces apiece, Background
three emeralds worth 150 gold pieces apiece, and two The vineyards of King Dasmag along the banks of
rubies worth 100 gold pieces apiece. the Russet River once produced the most succulent
grapes found anywhere in the multiverse, as well as
grape agate gems instead of fruits. The hags cursed
19. A m b ro s ia W in e ry the area and transformed the vines into living plants
that attack anyone who ventures onto the slopes of
Background the Vineyards.
The Ambrosia Winery once kept the delicious wines
flowing endlessly to King Dasmag’s fey court via a Environment
narrow marble duct from the foothills of the Moun- The slopes of the vineyards are tangled, and the vines
tains of Rust to the satyr King’s Festhall. The winery dry and diseased. A few of the plants bear strange
buildings were ransacked by Blister and its spriggan rocklike fruit - grape agates - instead of grapes. The
allies, who took all barrels of the precious liquids small press house at the top of the hill is still intact.
to King Dasmag’s Festhall. A pair of feyrealm born
gnomes, Gixx and Brono, the former master vintners Scene
taking care of the Ambrosia have been left alive by There are four clusters of vines (use the awakened
the Matrons of Malice. However, the hags destroyed tree monster template) on the slopes, embued with
their crop and turned it into vicious living vines, so intelligence, posing deadly threats to those who ven-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


ture too deep into their reach. They attack any crea- Parching Water Elemental. Use the water elemental
ture that climbs the hill of the Vineyards. monster entry with the following modifications:

The press-house at the top of the hill hides a secret •D ehydrating Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
cache of the famed “Fizzletongue” vintage from the reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeon-
glory days of King Dasmag’s feasting. The secret trap- ing damage, and the target’s Constitution score is
door can be discovered on a successful DC 14 Wis- reduced by 1d4. The target dies if this reduces its
dom (Perception) skill check. Constitution to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts
until the target finishes a short or long rest.
Treasure • Dehydrating Whelm (Recharge 4–6). Each creature in
Some of the vines bear grape agates. Characters who the elemental’s space must make a DC 15 Strength
spend one hour gathering the gems can collect 30 saving throw. On a failure, a target takes 13 (2d8
grape agates, each worth 10 gold pieces. In addition, + 4) bludgeoning damage, and the target’s Consti-
the secret cache in the press house contains a rack tution score is reduced by 1d4. The target dies if
with ten bottles of the most exquisite “Fizzletongue” this reduces its Constitution to 0. Otherwise, the
wine, each worth 100 gold pieces. reduction lasts until the target finishes a short or
long rest. If the creature is Large or smaller, it is
also grappled (escape DC 14). Until this grapple
21. Reve r se Wa te r f a l l ends, the target is restrained and unable to breathe
unless it can breathe water. If the saving throw is
Background successful, the target is pushed out of the elemen-
A strange water elemental lairs in the pool above the tal’s space.
fall, feeding on the moisture within living organisms
and sucking them dry of their life-giving fluids.
22. Th e Cr im s o n Ta rn
The sheer cliffs of the Mountains of Rust give way Background
to highlands where the Russet River swiftly flows The Crimson Tarn is the lair of a tribe of iara - de-
towards the mountain peaks. The area is known for formed siren-like water witches that hunt bodies of
rapids, and there is an estuary of the river where the water, luring anyone who wanders the shores of the
waters cascade upwards in a wide reverse waterfall. river and the tarn with their mesmerizing scent that
warps the mind. The iara also venture up the Russet
Scene River to the Reverse Waterfalls, luring travelers back
The parching water elemental lives in the waters to their lair at the Crimson Tarn. The tribe was in the
above the waterfall. It attacks any creature that trav- service of the Matrons of Malice and is dedicated to
els on or next to the river. the hags’ causes if called upon to do so.

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Environment their eyes. When saved, the captives thank the char-
The Crimson Tarn is a small lake that lies in an ele- acters. All three wish to return to the Refuge (loca-
vated valley between twin peaks of the Mountains of tion 41.), know the secret passage through its thorny
Rust, at the mouth of the Russet River, where it emp- wall, and accompany the characters if they go that
ties into the belly of the mountains. The lake drains way. Otherwise, they leave on their own.
into a large cave under the sheer cliffs that rise to
the clouds. Inside, the cave is littered with bones,
and an altar has been erected at its center, under
which even more bones are piled. Some unfortunate,
weak-looking humanoid figures crouch in the water
at the feet of some strange mermaid-like figures that
sit on the rocks above them. TU RNB U L L

If characters travel on the Russet River or along its
shores from the reverse Waterfall, they smell traces
of perfume from afar. Soon, the heads of four iara rise
above the water’s surface near them and attempt to
lure the characters to their cave at the Crimson Tarn
with their scent.

An additional four iara inhabit the cave. The witch-

like water sirens will attempt to subdue the char-
acters before slowly feeding on them. If half their
numbers perish, the remaining iara will sue for a
truce in exchange for information. The iara know all “Thanks, and eternally beneficial trades
locations on the Russet River and the Lake of Blood, for the future to you all! I am Turn-
but they merely scouted the areas from afar, so they bull, and my associates are Hendor
do not know the specific dangers at each location. and Tooknys. Might I enquire about
The monsters try to hide their association with the
your travels and business in this cursed
Matrons of Malice. Characters who succeed on a DC
14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check can realize that the land? We have wandered far on my
iara are not altogether forthright. trading routes under King Dasmag
and know many-a-hidden path.”
The iara keep three charmed creatures at their cave,
torturing them with words and enjoying their suf- Turnbull speaking in a soft voice with
fering. The three charmed individuals are crouching the occasional feral growl.
half-submerged in the water at the feet of the rocks
on which the the iara sit. The three unfortunate
captives are a satyr named Hendor, a scout named 23. Nest o f G i l d e d Eg g s
Tooknys (use the scout monster entry with the fey-
realm-born monster template) and a shy foxkin trad- Background
er named Turnbull (use the expert monster entry The lower slopes of the Mountains of Rust and the
with the feyrealm-born monster template), who is Twisted Forest below are the hunting grounds of a
the leader of the trading party. The three victims all giant owl named Ateroxx, awakened as a wizard, who
look up to their imaginary lovers with tears of joy in flies stealthily and majestically above the mountains.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Matheas Logahn, the eccentric feyrealm-born half-elf save, the creature takes 35 (10d6) force damage from
guide, was unlucky to be spotted by the magic-wield- an internal explosion.
ing owl during his wanderings. Ateroxx subdued the
guide and pilfered three gilded eggs from Matheas
Logan’s pack before returning to its nest. 24. Th o u s a n d B re a th s
Environment Background
Ateroxx’s nest rests on a ledge 400 feet above a val- Splinter set up a unique torture for Nethki, a fey-
ley floor of the Mountains of Rust. It is composed of realm-born druid whom the Matrons of Malice slew,
dry tree trunks and foliage and is large enough to be then reincarnated into a body stitched up by Alsan-
seen from afar. dr Murchadh at the Toy Factory from reptilian body
parts, even flying lizard wings. Nethki was reborn
Scene in this new form with memories and druidic skills
If characters traverse the cliffs below the ledge or if intact. Splinter had a device crafted just for him by
they venture out of the Bogs of Rot to the foothills Zarondoxiss, the bone devil. If anyone approaches
of the Mountains of Rust, Ateroxx will swoop down the dais of bone, the brazier fashioned into it burns
and harass them with spells. with black smoke, obscuring the area, and summon-
ing gas mephits that begin to spew their choking
Ateroxx (CR 6, 2,300 XP). Use the giant owl monster breath weapons at Nethki and the intruders before
entry with the following modifications: vanishing before they would kill anyone. Nethki has
gotten used to the tortures and has not been broken.
•A  teroxx has an Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma The druid has managed to survive by using his spells
score of 14 and can speak, read, and write Sylvan. to charm animals to bring him food and water.
• It is chaotic neutral.
• It has AC 15 (mage armor). Environment
• Spellcasting. Ateroxx is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its As the characters wander through the Bogs of Rot,
spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 13, they find a strange creature that seems to be stitched
+5 to hit with spell attacks). It has the following together from feyrealm-born human parts and differ-
wizard spells prepared: ent reptiles, lying on a torture device - a dais made
out of bones at the top of a mound. Before the crea-
•C  antrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, ture, built into the dais, stands a single brazier con-
prestidigitation structed from skulls.
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor,
magic missile, shield Torture Device. The magical torture devices of Zaron-
• 2nd level (3 slots): misty step, hold person doxiss, the bone devil, are crafted from the bones, car-
• 3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly tilage, and ligaments of various fey and feyrealm-born
• 4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm creatures. If the device has no victims on it, a non-fiend
• 5th level (1 slot): cone of cold creature that comes within 60 feet of a device must
make a successful DC 20 Wisdom saving throw or feel a
Treasure desire to approach and apply itself into the device. The
The delicious-looking gilded eggs from Matheas effect is similar to the sympathy effect of an antipathy/
Logahn’s bag of beans are of a golden hue. Any crea- sympathy spell, made permanent. Each device has AC 15,
ture that eats an egg must make a DC 20 Constitution 89 hit points, a damage threshold of 5, it has damage
saving throw. On a successful save, the creature per- resistance against slashing and piercing damage, and
manently increases its lowest ability score by 1, ran- damage immunity against poison and psychic damage.
domly choosing among equally low scores. On a failed If a device is destroyed, its compulsion effect ends.

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C H A P TE R 5

If all creatures within the area of the smoke are re-

duced to under 10 hit points, all the mephits disperse
into thin air amidst screams.

Nethki (use the druid monster entry with the fey-

realm-born monster template) has been unable to
resist the compulsion effect of the torture device. If
characters remove his body, the compulsion effect of
the device activates on one of them. On a failed save,
the character feels a desire to approach and lie on
the dais. Immediately, a new batch of gas mephits is

If Nethki is rescued, he will stretch and stand tall,

NE TH K I then humbly bow to the characters, thanking them
“Stop right there! Do not approach me for his rescue. Nethki is reserved but friendly and
explains that he was a grove tender at the Orchards
or try to help! It will only lead to your with Elentaria before falling victim to Splinter’s
demise. It’s best if you leave me to my machinations. The druid is familiar with the location
fate and avoid Splinter’s cursed devices.” and general backgrounds of several places: Orchards,
Nethki calling out to the characters Tolggy’s Grove, Tipper’s Tree, Hallowroot, Awakened
when he notices their approach. Library, Skull of the Fey Dragon, Toy Factory, Panacea
Lilacs, and Pool of Starlight. Nethki will wish to re-
Scene turn to the Orchards and Elentaria in haste.
If the characters approach the dais to within 30 feet,
the brazier suddenly lights up, spewing forth an un- Experience
naturally large amount of thick and heavy smoke Award the party 700 experience points for rescuing
that immediately covers an area with a radius of 60 Nethki.
feet, making it heavily obscured. The brazier sum-
mons ten gas mephits that start to use their poison-
ous breath ability and attack all creatures in the area. 25. D is p lay s of To rtu re
Gas Mephit. Use the dust mephit monster entry Background
with the following modifications: The Bogs of Rot still bear the legacy of Splinter’s mad
love of torture and the abhorrent artistic tendencies
 eath Burst. When the mephit dies, it explodes in of the fiendish hag. It had gruesome torture devic-
a burst of suffocating poison. Each creature within es created for unfortunate victims, crafted from the
5 feet of it must then succeed on a DC 10 Consti- bones of slain victims by the bone devil Zarondoxiss.
tution saving throw or start to suffocate as it runs One creature who has managed to survive is Grim-
out of breath. claw, a crafty troll from the Hungry Downs, who is
 oisonous Breath (Recharge 6). The mephit exhales alive but in eternal anguish from hunger and the tor-
a 15-foot cone of poisonous gas. Each creature in tures of spikes.
that area must succeed on a DC 10 Dexterity saving
throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature can Environment
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its Several torture devices are dispersed and prominent-
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. ly displayed in the Bogs of Rot. Each is crafted from

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


bones and tendons, and all contain the remains of an
unfortunate victim who has perished in the device.
Devices include a web of barbed tendons and bone
shards attached to the branches of a tree and entan-
gling the corpse of a satyr, who has been ripped apart
as the tree grew, or a contraption made from carti-
lage above a small pool that dips the upside-down
skeleton of a dwarf under the water for a minute
before raising it out. One of the devices - a bed of
needle-sharp thorns constructed from the horns of
fey creatures - has a living victim lying on top, a large
creature with green skin.

If characters remove a living or dead body from a “Grimclaw leave, go to dark caves.
torture device, its compulsion effect activates (see He not eat you. He not enemy.”
the Torture Device entry in the Thousand Breaths,
location 24.). Each device resets to its original state, Grimclaw speaking in Giant before it
allowing the mind-controlled victim to strap itself tries to retreat into the bogs.
into the device before the tortures begin.

The creature lying on the bed of horns is Grimclaw, 26. Ab an d o n e d H a l l s

a troll who has fallen victim to the device and has
been unable to resist its effects. Grimclaw is eman- Background
cipated and in constant pain from being impaled on Reclusive giant-kin once inhabited this vast cavern
the horn spikes. It will beg for its life if characters in the Dark Below millennia ago until the demonic
approach, muttering in Giant to be freed. If the char- hordes of Faeryl Myrryn quelled their numbers. The
acters remove Grimclaw from the platform, the com- cavern is long abandoned, its inhabitants drained by
pulsion effect ends on Grimclaw, but the device reac- the vampiric hezrou demon, Gal’bauz, who lairs at
tivates, forcing a random creature within the area to the Shrine of Faeryl Myrryn (location 33.) in the Dark
impale itself on the spikes that deal 5 (2d4) piercing Below.
damage per round as long as the creature remains
on top of them. Grimclaw will take the opportunity Environment
to flee into the bog and return to the Dark Below The putrid waters of the Bogs of Rot have seeped into
through the Torn Passage. If interrogated, Grimclaw the cavern over the years, covering everything with a
can share some locations with the characters, includ- layer of mud. At the center of the village of stone huts
ing the Torn Passage, Sporedark, Crystals of Sadness, lies an open plaza with a pool at its center where
and Tangible Darkness. blood sacrifices were made to the Blood Queen. The
village lies long abandoned, the pool empty with just
a thin layer of caked blood under the layer of mud at
its bottom. The corpses of long desiccated and pale
giant-kin lie within the stone huts.

Upon closer inspection, the characters can discover
large bite marks on the necks of the corpses. A char-

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acter who makes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Reli- Torture Device entry in the Thousand Breaths, loca-
gion) skill check can diagnose the cause of death as tion 24.). Once a creature sits on the throne, the tsant-
blood loss from a vampire’s bite and that the fangs sas deal 12 (5d4) piercing damage every round.
belong to a large creature.
If any character succumbs to the device, Zarondox-
iss steps aside and observes its newest creation in
27. H a l l s o f A rt operation. If all characters resist the compulsion or
attack the devil, Zarondoxiss becomes enraged and
Background flies into melee, telepathically cursing the characters
Splinter bound the bone devil Zarondoxiss to service and claiming them as new victims for its tortures.
and to fashion a wide variety of torture devices on With nothing to lose and eager for its service to end,
which to display the hag’s unfortunate victims. Zaron- Zarondoxiss fights to the death, welcoming the re-
doxiss has transformed King Dasmag’s Halls of Art, to turn to Hell and its rebirth.
where it has been bound, defacing and corrupting the
once beautiful sculptures, paintings, and tapestries. If the characters converse with Zarondoxiss, the bone
The devil finds pleasure in crafting elaborate instru- devil requests fresh bodies and victims for its “art.”
ments and implements of torture from bones but In exchange, it can reveal a crucial piece of informa-
has been irritated of late, as the constant stream of tion - the location of the portal to Demonbane Isle in
raw materials has stopped since the imprisonment of Hell, found in the fungoid caverns called Sporedark
Splinter by the Inheritors of the Unbegotten. in the Dark Below. The bone devil is also familiar
with the torture devices in the Bogs of Rot and The
Environment Torn Passage, which leads to the Dark Below from
The once glorious two-story building of the Halls the surface of the Bleak Mire.
of Art rises out of the fog covering the Bogs of Rot.
Many of the green stained-glass windows of the “It's been ages since Splinter has re-
structure have broken, and the building seems aban-
plenished my stock of raw materials.
doned. Around the halls, large bones harvested from
various large creatures native to the plane are stuck
Behold my exquisite pieces and know
into the ground, and the corpses of different fey and my name as their artist - Zaradooxiss
feyrealm-born creatures are impaled upon them. of the Sixth. Are you to be bring me
bones for crafting or living bodies for
Inside the halls, all the beautiful pieces of art on dis-
sweet tortures? Or do you offer me one
play have been destroyed or defaced with the bones
Zarondoxiss harvested from victims provided by Splin- from your ranks? Speak now or allow
ter. In addition, many of the installations have been Zaradooxiss to decide which specimens
converted to grisly scenes of torture, displaying vari- will be suitable.”
ous torture devices with the remains of their victims.
Zaradooxiss engaging the characters
Scene telepathically while it observes them.
Zarondoxiss, the bone devil, is currently putting the
finishing touches on a device on the second floor of
the halls - a throne of bone on which the tsantsas of 28. S in g in g S to n e s
fey hang by the dozen, screaming profanities in Sylvan
and biting any victim who sits in the throne. When Background
the characters enter the circular chamber that is 120 The Singing Stones were a fey wonder during King
feet in diameter, the torture device activates (see the Dasmag’s time when the druids of the Seven Flow-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


ers bound several willing air elementals into them to
sing eternally through the stones. 29. S ta tue o f
th e Wa n d e re r
The sounds of the wind can be heard from afar over
the rolling bogs, seeming to form rhythms and mel- Background
odies. The whistling song leads to a collection of Matheas Logahn, the eccentric feyrealm-born half-
huge standing stones that cast long shadows over elf guide, was attacked by a group of aberrant drow
the mossy ground. A myriad of holes puncture the barbarians in the Bogs of Rot. His first action was
stones, and the wind coursing through them makes to reach into his bag of beans, which inauspiciously
an eerie whistling sound as if a multitude of crea- only sprung a statue of himself pointing north, to-
tures were softly singing in tune. wards the direction where he managed to flee and
elude Krasnar’s band.
Three air elementals are bound into the central Environment
stones of the circle. They remain within 5 feet of the A statue of a cloaked and hooded man with an eye-
stones to which they are bound and will only attack patch covering his left eye stands in a gulley between
if a creature harms the stones or attacks them. two mounds in the bog, pointing north with one of
its hands. The statue is incredibly lifelike, with an
The elementals are singing a song in Auran. Charac- angry look on its face.
ters can make a successful DC 16 Intelligence ability
check to decipher the words hidden within the whis- Scene
pers and understand the tune’s lyrics. The song is Characters who search for tracks can succeed on a
about Dolonriarnodo, the fey chimera, and recounts DC 17 Wisdom (Survival) skill check to notice the
the unique curse of the beast - the story of a mighty signs of a large group of creatures, about a score of
wolf, a fey dragon, and a majestic elk who were individuals that were hastily following a single crea-
cursed by the Matrons of Malice and transformed ture. Both sets of tracks lead north.
into a single creature with three heads, bearing all
the traits of the creatures of which is was formed.
The song is continually interlaced with the word 30. B a rb a r ia n Ca m p
“Dolonriarnodo” and recounts how the curse might
be broken in the following passages: Background
Krasnar Azennar dispatched a troop of barbarians and
“Dolonriarnodoooooo, grimlocks to the Bog of Rot to secure a component
to be used for gaining sovereignty over the Feyrealm
domain of the Bleak Mire. The group was sidetracked
To part one beast into three again when it encountered Matheas Logahn, who evaded
And lead to its escaping, the band only to summon a beanstalk reaching to
the skies. The barbarians are hesitant to climb the
It must be struck with its own attacks. stalk and have regrouped a few miles away, thinking
The key to the reshaping. of the best way to ascend the stalk and hunt down
the feyrealm-born guide.
Daze its eyes with a stunning sight
And trip it to the ground, Environment
To pierce it with a shard of bone, The campsite features a central pit with the devoured
And watch the curse unbound.” carcass of a wolf at its bottom, surrounded by mats

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where four figures wearing hides are meditating. On the ship. All parties on board the vessel are anxious,
one side of the camp, 20 feet from the pit, a group and tensions are high.
of distorted humanoid shapes huddle together, some
sleeping on the barren ground. The campsite smells Environment
of sweat and gore. A giant beanstalk of immense proportions reaches to
the sky, its top hidden by the dark clouds. At its apex
Scene and sitting on a cloud rests a contraption that resem-
Eight frenzied mutants of House Ausstyl and twelve bles a building - a skyship with multitudes of hiss-
grimlocks are making camp on a rocky outcrop at ing valves and thumping pipes, made from a unique
the edge of the Bogs of Rot. Four of the barbarians wood found in the Valley of Bloom called lightwood
are on the lookout at the four corners of the camp, that is so light it floats. The giant vine runs through
25 feet from its center. Characters must succeed on the building, piercing its bottom and several pipes
a DC 11 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check to approach that line its outside.
without being noticed. If the drow lookouts see the
characters, they will sound the alarm, and the med- Scene
itating or sleeping members of the camp will rise The climb to the top of the bean is dangerous due to
within 1 round and join the foray. During daylight the winds and sleet at high altitudes, and on account
hours, the drow withdraw to areas of shade. of Ateroxx, the giant black owl wizard who hunts
the skies around the stalk. The climb to the skyship
Treasure is over three miles, whence the stalk continues to
One of the barbarians carries an ornate mahogany grow upwards.
box labeled “Bogs of Rot” in Elvish, written in drow
runes. It contains a bit of moss. The box itself is worth Characters must make three Strength (Athletics)
10 gold pieces. skill checks to climb the stalk. The DC increases from
10 at the bottom mile, to 15 at the second mile, and
20 at the third mile, due to the heavy winds that get
31. B ea n s ta l k stronger at higher elevations. On a failed skill check,
the character falls from the dizzying heights and
Background must make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to catch
Matheas Logahn, the eccentric feyrealm-born half- a stem or fall onto a gigantic leaf. On each failed sav-
elf guide, planted a bean from his bag of beans and ing throw, the character hits the protruding leaves
climbed the stalk to escape a band of Krasnar’s ab- and stems as it falls and takes 21 (6d6) bludgeoning
errant barbarians who were hot on his heels. At its damage before a giant leaf breaks its fall. The size of
top, Matheas found a strange vessel sitting on the the beanstalk, buds, and leaves allows for characters
swirling clouds, pierced through its belly by the stalk to rest during the climb.
and trapped by the gigantic vine. Three gnomes - the
Pipplewind brothers Bronston, Dammeston, and Nor- When characters reach the second mile of the stalk
riston - fashioned the craft to escape the dire oc- and if they haven’t already encountered Ateroxx
currences on the ground and have been successful- (see Nest of Gilded Eggs, location 23.), the giant owl
ly, and happily, surviving in the clouds for years on swoops in and attacks the characters in search of
end, until their journey was interrupted by the giant loot. Ateroxx flies away towards its nest in the west
beanstalk. They are highly vexed by being trapped when reduced to half its hit points.
and the arrival of Matheas Logahn, who has com-
mandeered the vessel and is bossing them around. When the characters reach the top of the stalk, they
They have not found a way to cut the vines, which find the skyship resting on a cloud with a gaping
regrow at a fantastic pace, so they cannot dislodge hole in its side where some of the tendrils of the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


stalk have pierced it. Inside, they encounter Math-
eas Logahn (use the scout monster entry with the
feyrealm-born monster template and an alignment
of chaotic neutral) and the Pipplewind brothers -
Bronston, Dammeston, and Norriston - (use the ex-
pert monster entry with the gnome racial traits) in
a frantic discussion. When they see the characters,
Matheas takes charge in addressing them, as if the
ship belonged to him. The three gnomes are terri-
fied and near panic, constantly being shushed and
sidelined by Matheas.

The stalk at its top has AC 15, 150 hit points, and has
damage immunity against bludgeoning and piercing
damage, poison, and psychic damage, as well as re-
generation of 20 hit points. If characters can sever
the stalk, the skyship still needs to be repaired. The
gnomes have the necessary tools and materials to M ATH EA S L O G H AN
repair the ship, as well as the schematics. Howev-
er, the repairs are slow, and all hands are needed. “What you gnomes need is a captain
Two characters must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence
who tells it like it is! What you don’t
ability check (no retry) to correctly follow the in-
structions of the Pipplewind brothers. A mending or
need is all this technical rubbish.
similar spell results in an automatic success on this Just get the damned thing to work,
check. If either of the two checks fails, the repairs and let’s be off in all haste. Those
cannot be finished in time, and six frenzied mutants tentacled drow were close behind,
of House Ausstyl (see Barbarian Camp, location 30.)
they looked as menacing as you
arrive at the top of the stalk to storm the skyship and
slay everyone within (in case the characters haven’t can imagine, and they will surely
defeated them beforehand). Characters can make a be deaf to your pitiful excuses!”
DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice the
barbarians through the cloud cover as they climb the Matheas Loghan urging the Pipplewind
stalks 80 feet below the skyship. brothers to repair the ship.

“I meant the iron valve on the brass Treasure

Matheas Logan wears a pair of gloves of swimming
pipe to the right of the pressure
and climbing and has a bag of beans with 4 beans
gauge! Not the brass valve remaining.
on the iron pipe on the left!
We don’t want the entire ship to Experience
blow now, would we? I have never Awar the party 1,100 experience points if they man-
age to free the skyship.
seen such bumblers in all my life.”
Bronston Pippelwind shouting at
the characters in perturbation.

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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


invited onto the tree touches the trunk, a glyph of
32. Tippe r' s Tree warding spell glyph activates with the hideous laugh-
ter spell. The glyph requires a successful DC 16 Intel-
Background ligence (Investigation) skill check to be found, and
Tipper’s tree is a landmark in the Bleak Mire but creatures must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving
impossibly hard to find because the tree is indis- throw to resist the hideous laughter spell.
tinguishable from a regular tree and since it slowly
moves around in the forest. Tipper, the shapeshift- If characters try to fly or levitate into the foliage, the
ing treant riddlebard, makes his home among the tree’s branches slam them when they are within reach.
topmost branches of an immense sycamore in the
Twisted Forest, in the unusually thick foliage. Tipper Tipper’s Tree. Use the treant monster entry’s Animate
is usually found in his bathtub, soaking in a pool of Trees ability with the following modification:
mineral-rich water, covered by bubbles. The treant is
a lover of riddles and jokes and is prone to laughter, • Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
which is sometimes made contagious by its bardic one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. If
abilities. Father Lestor is currently Tipper’s guest, the target is a creature, it is grappled (escape DC 17).
sharing the invigorating tub with the birchman. The The target is restrained until this grapple ends, and
cleric met Tipper after fleeing from the Awakened Li- Tipper’s tree can’t use its slam on another target.
brary and won a game of wits against him, for which In the next round, Tipper’s tree can use its action
the birchman aids the priest and offers him a haven to throw a creature restrained by its branches to
from Krasnar’s aberrant forces. the ground, dealing damage normally and causing
falling damage appropriate to the heigh, with the
Environment creature landing prone at the foot of the tree.
Tipper’s tree is an ancient and immense sycamore
that is 150 feet tall. The tree features several wooden
platforms and various decorations spread amongst 2. J E S TE R S ' L E D G E
its branches at various levels.
Tipper has befriended a group of fey constructs that
1. TH E TRU N K are composed of chestnuts, enjoying the slapstick
humor of the tiny creatures. Tipper has given them a
Background home on the lower branches of its tree, where they
Tipper’s tree is constantly animated and keeps intrud- prepare to take part in performances.
ers away, slapping or grabbing them and throwing
them to the ground. Tipper has also placed a glyph of Environment
warding on the bottom of the trunk. 50 feet from the ground, huge plush pillows of daz-
zling colors rest on the branches of the tree, with all
Environment manner of juggling tools like batons and rings, as well
The trunk of the tree has a diameter of 30 feet. Its bark as clown costumes of tiny size strewn around. Several
is rough, its branches gnarled, and its foliage sparse. colorful songbirds sit on the outlying branches.

Scene Scene
Tipper’s tree as an animated tree using the treant’s Eight fey constructs made of chestnuts (use the ho-
animate trees ability. It requires a successful DC 15 munculus monster template with a Charisma score of
Strength (Athletics) skill check to climb the trunk 16, Acrobatics +4, and Performance + 5) are rehearsing
and branches. However, if any creature who is not a show, juggling rings while doing somersaults. When

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

characters climb to their level, the tiny jesters assem- A message is formed from vines on the trunk inside
ble and begin a performance, trying to impress the the hollow in Sylvan:
newcomers. The jesters will jump to bar the way of
any character who doesn’t view the entirety of their “Welcome to my friend the tree,
performance, which lasts 5 minutes. If attacked, the
And won’t you enjoy a cup of tea?
tiny creatures try to flee to the tree’s higher branches.
Jokes abound, and chuckles may
drive your worries far away!”
3. R I D D L E O F C L O U D S Words of welcome on the trunk within the hollow.

Background The tea in the pot is steaming and ready for con-
Tipper has placed a second glyph of warding spell con- sumption. It is a special blend of “Chuckleweed” that
nected to a riddle at the entrance to a small hollow causes a burst of optimism and positivity in whoev-
in the tree’s trunk. er drinks a cup. Characters who drink from the tea
must make a successful DC 14 Constitution saving
Environment throw or become affected by the cheerful effect of
60 feet from the ground, there is an opening in the the drink. On a failed save, characters can’t refrain
trunk, leading to a hollow within, where a full tea from smiling and chuckling, viewing everything as
service is laid out on a small table. The words of a humorous, and gaining advantage on Wisdom saving
riddle are formed from vines around the opening on throws for 10 minutes.
the trunk in Sylvan:
“My body is vast The teapot is magical, keeping any liquid stored in-
side pleasantly warm. The full tea service is made of
and I travel high and wide.
fine porcelain painted to resemble wood, worth 150
My life ends gold pieces in total. Four doses of Chuckleweed tea
when my sorrows are stored inside a jar of the tea set.
turn to tears.
What am I?”
The riddle carved into the trunk around the hollow.
A nest of larks is perched on a branch while the song- Tipper uses this platform to practice its jokes and
birds fly around in agitation at any intrusion, pro- riddles, using the magical practice mirror to enhance
tecting their eggs. the performance.

Scene Environment
If a character steps through the opening without 75 feet from the ground, a wooden platform that is
answering the riddle - “cloud” - the glyph of ward- 20 feet in diameter sits on two branches. The two
ing spell glyph activates with a suggestion spell. The sides of the platform are fashioned from planks,
glyph requires a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Inves- forming a stage. Four medium-sized mirrors hang on
tigation) skill check to be found, and all creatures iron chains from higher branches, out of reach and
that see the glyph must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom all facing the stage area of the platform. The mirrors
saving throw to resist the suggestion spell that has reflect the stage, and one of them shows crowds of
the command “Climb down from the tree and go far spectators behind the image of the stage and anyone
away from here.” standing on it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Treasure is hiding from Krasnar’s forces with the shapeshift-
One of the mirrors is a practice mirror. ing treant riddlebard.

5. R I D D L E O F S TO N E S 130 feet from the ground, at the pinnacle of the tree,
sits a large metal bathtub that can accommodate
Background four Medium creatures. Next to it, a bedroll is laid
Tipper has placed a third glyph of warding spell con- out with a tarp covering the sleeping area.
nected to a riddle on the tree’s trunk.
Environment Tipper and Father Lestor (use the priest monster en-
120 feet from the ground, gigantic acorns and pines, try) are sitting in the bathtub, which is filled with
each the size of a medium creature, adorn the branch- warm water the color of blackish mud, with a rub-
es. Each is painted in a different color, with glossy and ber toy dragon and various herbs floating on its top
reflective paint that sparkles in the light. A riddle is amidst caramel-colored bubbles. The pair is in good
formed from vines around the trunk under the over- cheer, entertaining each other with riddles and jokes.
hanging decorations in Sylvan: When the characters climb to the branches by the
bathtub, Tipper greets them, trusting the challenge
“That which gives life of the climb and his magical protections to weed out
unwelcome visitors.
molds my face.
If I am broken Tipper is most adamant that the characters jump
I do not bleed. into the tub and experience the nourishing concoc-
Those who die tion he has created from mud and herbs. The riddle-
will lay their heads before me. bard will immediately offer to hold an improvised
performance while the characters watch from the
What am I?”
tub. Tipper, although jovial and friendly, is incredi-
The riddle on the trunk of the tree. bly vain and also insecure. If characters don’t laugh
at its jokes, which are actually pretty funny, Tipper
Scene will not refrain from casting hideous laughter to force
If a character climbs above the vines of the text with- laughs. The riddlebard will not leave his tree but can
out answering the riddle - “stone” - the glyph of ward- accompany the characters on it as long as they stay
ing spell glyph activates with a calm emotions spell. in the Twisted Forest or the Forest of Gloom.
The glyph requires a successful DC 16 Intelligence
(Investigation) skill check to be found, and creatures Tipper (CR 10, 5,900 XP). Use the treant monster en-
must succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw to try with the following modifications:
resist the calm emotions spell that forces creatures to
be incapable of being hostile to Tipper. • Tipper is Medium size.
• He is chaotic neutral.
• He has 90 hit points.
 is Strength score is 19, Constitution score is 17, and
Charisma score is 18.
Background •H  is skills are Deception 8, Performance 12, Persua-
Tipper spends most of its time here, soaking in a sion 12
bubble bath filled with mineral salts, high above the • Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
treetops. Tipper’s current guest is Father Lestor, who target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage

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• S hapechanger. Tipper can use its action to poly- the Bleak Mire by the furious king and fleeing into
morph into a Small or Medium humanoid it has the swamps, he managed to
seen or back into its true form. Its statistics, other remove Krasnar’s
than its size, are the same in each form. Any equip-
ment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It
reverts to its true form if it dies.
• Spellcasting. Tipper is a 5th-level spellcaster. His
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8
to hit with spell attacks). Tipper has the following
bard spells prepared:

•C  antrips (at will): dancing lights, minor illusion,

prestidigitation TIPPE R
• 1st level (4 slots): color spray, hideous laughter, sleep
• 2 nd level (3 slots): calm emotions, enthrall, silence,
• 3rd level (2 slots): glyph of warding

“Haha, more unrooted folk to share

our bath. You have climbed my tree
at the most opportune time. Some
refreshing bubbles and nutrients
before my grand performance!
I am Tipper, this is my friend
the Tree, and my guest
Father Lestor.”
Tipper welcoming the characters
to a share a bath, inviting them
to his performance, and
introducing his friends.

Father Lestor will jump out of the tub and don his
robes at the characters’ arrival. He tries to shift the
conversation to a more serious tone, which is a chal-
lenging task due to Tipper’s constant prattle and hi-
larities. The cleric of knowledge will recognize the
characters from Master Eydan’s dream and explain
that he has been patiently waiting for them after
abandoning the Awakened Library in fear of Kras-
nar and Malzdreziret. Father Lestor can relate the
complete history of the Feyrealm domain that he re-
searched in the Awakened Library and can recount
the events of the fateful day when King Waldrann
slew his son. He admits that before being exiled to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


princely signet ring, which he still has in his posses- of Malice, by House Ausstyl, whose location at Quel-
sion. He mentions that Krasnar is probably searching lar Ausstyl (location 56.) he readily reveals. The pair
for his ring, which can be used in scrying on the fall- are also most knowledgeable about the Bleak Mire
en knight. Father Lestor sacrificed his courage to the and familiar with all locations in the Blightwoods,
Hagtree, so he does not want to dare to travel across Twisted Forest, Forest of Gloom, Hungry Downs, and
the Bleak Mire, especially as Krasnar hunts him. Burning Woods. In addition, they know the lore of
several locations, including Panacea Lilacs and Pool
of Starlight. Most importantly, both can describe the
ritual needed to take sovereignty over the Feyrealm
domain currently known as the Bleak Mire in the
F ATH E R Hall of the Sovereign. Additionally, Tipper is familiar
L E STO R with King Dasmag’s favorite song, the Merry Hunt of
the Horned Hero, and comments on each piece of in-
formation with hilarious witticisms.

Krasnar Azennar’s princely signet ring is solid gold,
with a large red beryl gem that has the Azennar crest
engraved on its surface. The ring is worth 200 gold

Award the party 700 experience points for finding Fa-
“We have seen each other in our ther Lestor and recovering Krasnar’s signet ring.
dreams, but we finally can meet in
person. You see, I have known that
Waldrann’s act of filicide will have 33a. S h r in e o f F ae ry l
dire repercussions. You should have M y r ry n
serious concerns if you have braved
the Bleak Mire. Let us pray, lest we fall
The shrine was once used to worship Faeryl Myrryn
into the clutches of Prince Krasnar the during the reign of the drow vampire, where frequent
Fallen and the Scaled Impostor that is blood sacrifices were made to honor her insatiable
Malzdreziret. The Wise One will guide appetites.
your path and lend insight to plan
your next move.” The walls of an ancient withered stone shrine have
Father Lestor greeting the characters and calling been blackened by age and are overgrown with bram-
for reflection before strategizing. bles. The stone structure has also almost completely
sunk into the wet earth, and only its ceiling is ex-
Father Lestor can relate everything Master Eydan has posed under the underbrush.
already told the characters about the fated journey
of King Waldrann Azennar and his company. The In the middle of the single hall of the space is a shal-
priest of the Wise One shares his knowledge about low tiled well that is 10 feet across, at its center a
the capture of Tyke and Splinter, two of the Matrons needle-sharp metallic spike on which a humanoid

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C H A P TE R 5

skeleton with hooves and horns - a satyr - is im- wide passages open from the cave, leading into fur-
paled. The decorations of the shrine can barely be ther depths in different directions. The cave is 40 feet
discerned, but the few remaining frescos show Faer- across, and its ceiling reaches a height of 70 feet.
yl Myrryn leading armies or vampiric demons and Bones and guano cover its floor.
wallowing in blood. The shrine is dedicated to Orcus,
whose sign of a demonic skull with vampire fangs is Behind the veil of water
engraved on all four walls. is another cave, just 30
feet in diameter, hous-
Scene ing an ancient shrine.
The building is desecrated ground and unhallowed, Like the shrine on the sur-
with a unique effect in the area. Any creature that is face of the Bleak Mire, the
not a fiend of undead who starts its turn in the shrine cave walls are decorated in
must make a successful DC 16 Charisma saving throw fading images of blood sac-
or begin to bleed, losing 1d4 hit points every round at rifice, raging demonic ar-
the end of its turn until it remains in the shrine. mies destroying fey, dark
skies covered by a cloud of
At the side of the well is a secret latch behind a tile bats, and Faeryl Myrryn
that can be removed. Characters who actively search banishing Xantharos, the
the shrine can make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Per- colossal fey dragon. The
ception) skill check to notice the tile. The latch opens shallow well and spike at
a secret door at the bottom of the well, opening to the chamber’s center are
a narrow and steep passage that leads to the Dark caked with layers of
Below under the shrine. blood, with multi-
ple bodies strewn
around the well. The
33b. S h r in e o f F ae ry l cave reeks with an
M y r ry n otherworldly stench.

( D a rk B e l o w ) Scene
The outer chamber is guarded
Background by two giant vampiric bats
Few remnants remain of the Bloodgarden of Faer- that swoop down from the cover
yl Myrryn, the drow vampire conjurer, and her pa- of darkness on the ceiling of the
tron Orcus. One of them is an ancient shrine in the cave as the characters enter the
Dark Below dedicated to these demonic entities and outer cave.
tended by Gal’bauz, the vampiric hezrou. The de-
mon has remained in the Bleak Mire for ages, stalk- Giant Vampiric Bats. Use the
ing the Dark Below and sacrificing victims to its vampire spawn monster entry
dark masters while waiting for the return of the with the following modifi-
Bloodgarden. cations:

Environment • A giant vampiric bat has a

The passages from the shrine to Faeryl Myrryn and speed of 10 ft., and fly 60 ft.
Orcus on the Bleak Mire descend for a mile before • It has blindsight 60 ft.
opening into a small but high-ceilinged cave with a • It cannot speak or understand
wall of cascading water on its opposite side. Four languages.

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• Echolocation. The giant vampiric bat can’t use its its large and bloated body. It bares its fangs, each the
blindsight while deafened. size of a sword, and growls telepathically before ac-
• Keen Hearing. The giant vampiric bat has advan- tivating its Horror Nimbus ability and flying into me-
tage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on lee. If reduced to under 60 hit points, Gal’bauz will
hearing. use teleport to retreat. Unless it is slain, the demon
will stalk and harass the characters for as long as it
At the sounds of combat, the vampiric demon takes to kill every last one of them.
Gal’bauz steps out from behind the cover of the cas-
cade, slightly wincing as the run- Gal’bauz (CR 9, 5,000 XP). Use the hezrou monster
ning water washes over entry with the following modifications:

•G  al’bauz has an additional damage resistance to

• It is an undead type creature.
• It has an additional saving throw of Dexterity +6.
• It has all the traits of a vampire spawn (Regenera-
tion, Spider Climb, and Vampire Weaknesses).
• Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage.
• Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature
that is grappled by Gal’bauz, incapaci-
tated, or restrained. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) pierc-
ing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The
target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an
amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and
Gal’bauz regains hit points equal to that amount.
The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long
rest. The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point
maximum to 0.

“Offeriiiiiings to the Blooood Queeeeen!”

Gal’bauz roaring in Abyssal.

34. D o l o n r ia rn o d o
There is a single dominant lifeform in the Twisted
Forest, Dolonriarnodo, the fey chimera. The fell mag-
ic of the hags amalgamated the souls and bodies of
three creatures - a stag, a dire wolf, and a faerie drag-
on - into one. Dolonriarnodo is a true predator who
hunts the woods and surrounding marshlands.

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Dolonriarnodo lars in the tops of the trees that stand 35. W i tch ca ve
gnarled and choked in Twisted Forest, high above the
brambles of the underbrush. Background
Blister, the lone hag whom Krasnar Azennar and his
Scene drow allies have not imprisoned, keeps a hidden hide-
As the characters enter the Twisted Forest and make out in the Bleak Mire in a cave system behind the
their way through the wall of brambles that cover Lake of Tar at the foot of the Mountains of Rust. Tar
the forest floor, they will soon draw the attention elementals known as tarlings inhabit the lake and
of Dolonriarnodo, the fey chimera. The monster’s fa- prey on all travelers to its shores. Inside the cave, the
vorite tactics include diving down from heights to hag is surrounded by spriggan minions, who come
confuse prey with its stunning breath weapon, drag- and go on forays of surveillance to the south, avoid-
ging them to the ground with its wolf jaws, and then ing the lakeside. The hag is more than happy if the
goring them with its antlers. Dolonriarnodo’s curse characters bring the crown of Aglarion to it and will
can be lifted, and the beast would split into its three try to force them to rescue its sisters from the clutch-
separate forms if one mimics the monster’s attacks es of House Ausstyl if it can.
by causing it to be stunned, tripping it to the ground,
and injuring it with a weapon made of bone. If this
is undertaken or if the curse is lifted with the use of 1. TH E L A KE O F TA R
a remove curse spell, Dolonriarnodo separates into its
three forms, all three beasts bow their heads to the Background
ground in gratitude before leaping into the thick of Tarlings inhabit the Lake of Tar, which bubbles and
the woods. spews forth noxious gases.

Dolonriarnodo. Use the chimera monster entry with Environment

the following modifications: The Lake of Tar is an unforgiving body of scorch-
ingly hot and slowly bubbling tar at the foot of the
•A  creature hit by Dolonriarnodo’s bite attack must Mountains of Rust. The shores of the lake are devoid
make a DC 15 Strength saving throw. On a failed of most vegetation, except for shriveled plants and a
save, the target creature is knocked prone. few gnarled and blackened trees. Noxious gases form
• Impale. If Dolonriarnodo hits a target that is prone clouds of pungent vapors over and around the lake.
with its horn attack, the target takes an extra 13
(2d12) piercing damage. There is a secret entrance to the caves - a hole in the
• S tunning Breath (Recharge 5–6). The dragon head ex- oxidized shards of metallic rock, hidden by a thorny
hales a dazzling cloud of sparkles in a 15-­foot cone. bush. Characters can make a successful DC 17 Wisdom
Each creature in that area must make a DC 15 Wis- (Perception) skill check to notice the cave behind the
dom saving throw or become stunned for 1 minute. cover or a DC 14 Wisdom (Survival) skill check to
The creature can repeat the saving throw at the track the spriggans to the caves if actively searching
end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself for tracks. The hole opens to a cramped passage that
with a successful save. This action replaces the Fire is narrow even for small creatures.
Breath ability of the chimera.
Experience As characters approach the shores of the Lake of
Award the party 700 experience points if they lift the Tar, they must avoid the noxious gases that some-
curse from Dolonriarnodo. times shift with the winds. Characters must suc-
ceed on a DC 15 Wisdom (Survival) skill check to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


avoid the dangerous areas. On a failed save, a cloud Scene
of noxious gas roils over the characters, with the Eight spriggan mercenaries are camping in the ante-
effect of a stinking cloud spell with a DC 16 Consti- chamber, viciously guarding their treasures that are
tution saving throw. The three tarlings in the lake piled along the wall of the cave in chests. The sprig-
hunt anyone that wanders near the shore and will gans will grow to large size and use pack tactics to
wait for an opportune moment to strike when char- swarm the characters. They will call for a truce if
acters are inside the cloud. The tarlings will try to half their numbers are slain, and one of them will
whelm the characters and pull them into the hot scramble into the back passage to alert Blister. The
lake. If submerged in the lake, a creature takes 6d10 spriggans will still try to intimidate characters by
fire damage each round. proclaiming Blister’s powers and will slyly use delay-
ing tactics until the hag arrives on the scene.
Tarling. Use the water elemental monster template
with the following modifications: “Wait until the Immortal
Witch arrives! She will
• The tarling has damage vulnerability to cold.
• It has damage immunity to fire.
soon join us, and you can
• It has tremorsense 60 ft. quiver at her power! I saw
• It speaks Terran instead of Aquan. her cleft in two by the Scaled Impostor,
•Its Slam and Whelm actions deal an additional and she magically returned from death
7 (2d6) fire damage.
after a week’s time! She walks the Mire
•T he target of the tarling’s Whelm action is unable to
breathe, even if they can breathe water. and the Planes! Her curses are infinite!
What can your little band offer her
other than your lives?”
2. S N A FF L E W H O P P
CA M P The spriggans boasting of Blister’s
might to the characters.

Background If alerted to intruders, Blister and the dryad witches

Only a small band of the Snafflewhopp spriggan tribe will arrive in the Snafflewopp’s cave within 2 rounds
is present in the Witchcave. Most of their numbers from area 3.
hide on the other side of the Bleak Mire in the Snaffle-
whopps’ warrens, and several other bands have been If Blister is slain and any spriggans remain, they will
dispatched on surveillance missions by Blister to spy surrender to the characters, but at the first chance
on the Chasm find fey survivors. they get, they will try to escape and regroup with
their tribe in the warrens in the southern Blight-
Environment woods. The spriggans will not let anyone into their
The cramped passage leads to a large antechamber
that is 50 feet wide, where Blister’s spriggan minions
have made camp and where they guard the treasures
of their tribe. The treasures are stored in chests on
the sides of the cave. A stack of trophies, most from
fungoids and fey creatures, lines another side of the
cave. A wider passage leads further into the caves on
the opposite side of the chamber.

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secrets but can be made to talk with a successful trait active while on the Bleak Mire. It plans to res-
DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation) skill check. The sprig- cue its sisters from Quellar Ausstyl and uses whatever
gans know of the Snafflewhopp’s main warrens at means it can to achieve this goal.
the other side of the Bleak Mire, the Torn Passage
that leads to the Dark Below, and the portal to Hell Environment
that Blister uses to transport creatures from Dem- The inner chamber is used by Blister to cook up
onbane Isle in Hell to the village of the fungoids vile brews in a large cauldron that bubbles with a
named Sporedark, where the spriggans have been on foul-smelling liquid over the pool of tar that fills half
a recent raid to keep the fungoids in line and the the cave. The brew glows with a sickly yellow light
portal secured. The spriggans are also familiar with and swirls with energies. A branding iron with the
all locations in the Twisted Forest and the Hungry sign of the hag coven lies on the ground next to the
Downs, except for Tipper’s Tree. They have also got- cauldron. Other cooking equipment is set up on a
ten reports of the cortex pods around the Chasm, as rickety table - a pan for rendering
well as Bwael Phindar, but they have not dared to fat, a reboiler that drips a blu-
approach the strange brains on tentacled stems or ish liquid into a vial, and a
the Gibbering Fort. large mortar lined with
a sticky reddish sub-
Treasure stance. Grisly compo-
The spriggans’ hoard consists of 75
various gemstones stored in a small
wooden chest, each worth 5 gold
pieces, three mithral rods 10 inches
in length that are enough to craft a
medium armor or three light weap-
ons in another chest, the statue of a
pit fiend carved from the purest black
jet stone worth 650 gold pieces, and the B RAN D IN G I RO N O F
head of a satyr that has been lavishly dec- TH E H A G QUEE N S
orated with gold strands for hair and blue
topaz stones for eyes worth 100 gold pieces nents form a pile on the sides of the cave
apiece. Additionally, there are three doses in front of a shelf - body parts of various
of inactive psyshrooms in a third chest, loot creatures, some preserved and others rot-
from the raid on the fungoid lair of Sporedark ting. Liquids of various colors in small jars
(see area 3 of the Sporedark, location 64.). line the rack, as well as a large amphora filled
with fat, and all manner of fetishes.

3. B L I S TE R'S H I D E O U T Scene
Blister, the midnight hag, and two dryad witches are
Background busy cooking up a vile soul soup in a makeshift caul-
On the rare occasion when Blister is not on Dem- dron that broils with enslaved souls within, as well
onbane Isle in Hell, it uses this hideaway to oversee as poisonous elixirs and potions. The hag is open to
its schemes in the Bleak Mire, orchestrated through recruiting agents who can aid in liberating its cap-
the few Snafflewhopp spriggans who remain under tured sisters but will first try to force visitors to eat
its command. The hag’s position on the Bleak Mire is from its soup, which smells awful and looks excep-
precarious. However, it has no fear from anyone with tionally disgusting. The soup causes an evil soul to
its phylactery safe in Hell and her Coven Magic special inhabit those who imbibe the vile fluids.

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If encountered in its cave, Blister will cackle with joy In general, Blister will attempt to incapacitate char-
that the characters came to it, bearing the crown of acters and force them under its will rather than kill
Aglarion. Then, it will try to force characters to drink them outright. It will see if it can use the characters
from its vile soul soup and give up the crown using as tools under its command to rescue its sisters, but
compulsion spells. if this tactic is unsuccessful, it will resort to more
deadly spells. The hag will fight to the death, as it is
practically immortal due to its midnight hag phylac-
tery. It will not disclose its secrets unless magically
compelled to do so.

“Hahahahaaa, what aspiring dimwits

you are!!! I knew I wouldn't have to
lift a claw and the Crown would be
returned to me…. Bring it here and
I won’t suck out your souls. I might
even leave you alive to suffer
endlessly and in my service!”
Blister cackling with delight
at seeing the characters.

Soul Soup. This mixture of bile, tears, blood,

urine, and phlegm is filled with fetishes and
organs that float in the vile liquid. The soup
also contains the bound souls of evil individuals.
If any creature drinks from the soul soup, they
must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving
throw or become possessed by a soul within
the soup, and the target is incapacitated and
loses control of its body. The soul controls the
body but doesn’t deprive the target of aware-
ness. It uses the possessed target’s statistics
but doesn’t gain access to the target’s knowl-
edge, class features, or proficiencies. Possessed
creatures are subject to the commands of the
Matrons of Malice. The possession lasts until the
body drops to 0 hit points or the spirit is forced
out by an effect like the dispel evil and good spell.
When the possession ends, the soul vanishes into
nothingness. The target is immune to the soul soup
for 24 hours after succeeding on the saving throw or
after the possession ends.

If Blister is killed, its black spirit can be seen as it flies

out of its corpse, and her body shrivels away into dust.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The spirit wafts into the air before escaping the plane
itself in a vortex of sulfuric fire. Characters can attempt 37. J ag ged Maw
a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check to
realize that the soul of the hag was sucked through Background
the fabric of the plane itself to Hell as if drawn in by This maze of shards serves as the hiding place of the
an item, akin to the mechanics of a lich’s phylactery. Single Sister, a young two-headed centaur filly who
has been separated from her family in the Refuge and
Treasure chased out of the forest by a spriggan raiding party.
The branding iron is a branding iron of the Hag Queens She has now gotten lost and is hesitant to leave her
with 3 charges. hideout, to brave the Bleak Mire, and return to her

36. Tr a i l o f A co rn s Environment
The swamps give way to metallic terrain at the foot-
Background hills of the Mountains of Rust, dotted with huge
A trail of acorns marks the direction where the Sin- shards of corroding metal, rugged crags, and pillars
gle Sister - a two-headed centaur filly - fled from the that point like gnarled claws towards the skies. The
Forest of Gloom and a band of dryad witches into the area is bleak and desolate, with sparse vegetation
open and towards the Mountains of Rust. The dryad and pools of stagnant water among the crags. The
witches have been sidetracked from the mission of stone outcroppings become thick in an area with a
finding the Refuge for Blister and have decided to diameter of 900 feet, forming a natural maze.
chase the two-headed centaur filly instead.
Environment The Single Sister has become trapped in a maze of
The ground becomes rockier in the area where the jagged metal shards of stone and cannot escape the
brambles of the Twisted Forest meet the wet ground area. Each creature who enters the area must make
of the Forest of Gloom and the rust-colored slopes of a successful DC 14 Dexterity saving throw for every
the Mountains of Rust. 30 feet of movement in the maze, or suffer 7 (3d4)
points of slashing damage from the sharp stones.
Scene Characters can attempt a successful DC 13 Wisdom
It takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) skill (Survival) skill check to track the Single Sister to her
check to notice the sporadically placed acorns start den in the maze that is 300 feet from the entrance.
at the edge of the forest and a DC 10 Wisdom (Surviv- On a failed check, the party becomes lost (see page
al) skill check to track them to the northeast, accom- 112 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide).
panied by the hoofprints of a four-legged creature.
The Single Sister has attempted to escape the maze
Four dryad witches are trying to follow the Single many times but has always been forced back by
Sister by tracking the acorns, but they haven’t yet the shards. Her hide is covered in small scratched
found the trail. The dryads will accost the characters wounds, and the poor creature is in a pitiful state.
and attempt to charm them to discover their secrets The centaur filly sustains herself on rainwater and a
and apprehend them for Blister. They know the lo- patch of mushrooms she found in a small den that
cation of the Witchcave (location 35.) and its secret is clear of the jagged stones. When characters enter
entrance but will not reveal this information unless the den, the Single Sister hides in a corner, facing the
magically compelled. They are also wary of Dolon- rocks, glancing out at the characters with frightened
riarnodo the fey chimera and avoid this area of the faces and near tears, and noticeably shaking from
Twisted Forest. fear. Characters who speak Sylvan can attempt to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

calm the Single Sister by making a successful DC 11 Experience

Charisma (Persuasion) skill check, made with disad- Award the party 700 experience points for rescuing
vantage if they don’t speak Sylvan or Elvish and use the Single Sister from the Jagged Maw.
pantomime instead.

If calmed, the Single Sister explains her situa-

tion amidst sobs, relating her separation from
her family in the Refuge at the center of the
Forest of Gloom, her escape from a band
of bloodthirsty spriggans, and finally
getting stuck in the Jagged Maw. The
centaur cries for her parents, who
are hiding in the Refuge, and
begs the characters to take her
home. She knows the location
of the Refuge (location 41.)
and is familiar with all of its
inhabitants as well as the loca-
tion of the secret passage that
leads inside.

Single Sister. Use the centaur

monster entry with the following

• The Single Sister is Medium size,

and her speed is 40 ft.
• S he is chaotic good.
• S he has 19 hit points.
• S he has a Strength score of 14.
• S he has a single hoof attack.
• Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +4
to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5
(1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage.

“Please take us home,

pleeease! Our parents and Uncle
Gemhaz must be ever so worried.
We hope they are all safe. But there are
treacherous spriggans lurking about and
even dark elves from the Dark Below!
We’re sorry we didn't listen and went
wandering. We’re soooo sorry!” S IN G L E S ISTE R
The Single Sister pleading with the characters to take her home.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


remains of these meals are strewn around the en-
38. B lue L ig h t trance of the cave. The ettin sleeps on a ledge it cov-
ered by a rotting mat of lizard hides with pieces of
Background fat tissue and ligaments that still dangle from them.
A blue flame that hovers in the air is the only rem- A giant two-headed form sits against the cave wall,
nant of Wee Cobalt, a bluecap fey, whose pipe was smoking a tiny pipe and reminiscing with itself in
stolen by the ettin Sputtle and Croak and who is now the Giant tongue about better days and finer feasts.
trapped in a pocket plane as a result. If transferred Its large battleaxe and morningstar lie next to it on
to a lamp or torch, the blue light guides the bearer the ground.
towards the direction of its pipe, which has become
the ettin’s favorite keepsake. Scene
Sputtle and Croak (use the ettin monster entry) sits
Environment against the wall of the cave and smokes a tiny pipe
The utter darkness of the Dark Below is pierced by a topped with a covering clap resembling a cap, dec-
blue flame that twinkles and hovers in the center of orated in the fey style. When characters enter its
a small niche in the wall of a passage. Upon closer in- cave, the ettin drops the pipe, rises from the ground,
spection, the light does not emit warmth but seems groaning and swearing in Giant as its old bones creak
to respond to sounds by twinking. It does not move from the effort. It raises its large weapons and de-
from its place if disturbed. scends upon the characters, happy to finally be able
to feast on humanoid flesh.
The light can be transferred to a non-magical light “I eat dem live! No! We cook them
source, like a torch or lantern, that starts burning
in lizard’s blood, we make soup! No!
with a blue flame once lit. The light seems to burn
brighter and lead to a single direction towards the
I want dem juicy fresh! Nooo! Soup!
east as if guiding the bearer. The blue light source Nooo! Fresh!”
and the transferred light cannot be extinguished, Sputtle and Croak arguing about
even by magical means, but can be covered to block how to prepare the characters.
its illumination.
If the pipe is lit with the blue light, Wee Cobalt the
bluecap returns to the Bleak Mire and can guide its
39. S p utt l e a n d Cro a k summoner through the underground passages of the
Dark Below in exchange for the pipe’s return and
Background payment of 1 silver per day. Wee Cobalt knows all
Sputtle and Croak, the venerable ettin, has retired locations in the Dark Below, will willingly accompa-
from the surface world of the Bleak Mire to the Dark ny and assist the characters for regular payment but
Below after the Matrons of Malice took over, prefer- will not venture to the surface.
ring the seclusion of underground caves to the dan-
gers on the surface. The ettin met Wee Cobalt on its
journey and took the bluecap’s pipe, thus trapping
the fey creature in a pocket dimension.

Sputtle and Croak inhabits a dry cave deep under
the Mountains of Rust. It subsists on giant cave spi-
ders and lizards it hunts in the nearby caverns. The

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C H A P TE R 5

40. H o l lo w ro o t
When the Dark Star ruled over Aglarion, and eter-
WEE CO B A L T nal darkness covered the realm, the members of the
Seven Flowers returned to their base of operations
to the Feyrealm, under the roots of an immense
tree surrounded by a ring of ever-blooming oaks
that served as a gateway into the central tree. These
chambers formed from the sanctified roots they
dubbed the Hollowroot, which hid them from all
forms of scrying and divinations employed by Faeryl
Myrryn and her demonic allies. During the inquisi-
tions of the Fists of the Sun under the King-Priest
Rodnar the All-seeing, the remaining gnome druids
in Aglarion, now numbering just a few initiates, fi-
nally abandoned their glades and circles altogether
and returned once again to the Feyrealm. That is, un-
til the Matrons of Malice arrived in the fey domain
and overthrew King Dasmag. The hags never found
the secret underground hideout but have burnt the
ever-blooming oaks around the Hollowroot to ashes,
which has caused Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut with-
in to get trapped under the giant oak, as the sole
remaining representative of the ancient order. The
venerable archdruid is content to live out the rest
of his days and become one with the majestic tree
above but can impart great wisdom and lessons from
the past if players can contact him. Archdruid Bum-
dri Fizzlenut has a good sense of what’s transpiring
in the Bleak Mire through his druidic magic but can
only communicate with the outside through plants
as he has been locked in the Hollowroot. This limit-
ed form of communication through the tree above
the Hollowroot has not been efficient in contacting
creatures on the surface, other than Bhoulgnim the
“Thanks be to ye, f'r mine own rescue dryad, who understands plants. However, the druid
keeps his identity hidden from Bhoulgnim, who be-
and return. I shalt be yer guide if 't
lieves it speaks to the tree itself.
be true I receive mine own fair pay
of one silver piece every day. Environment
And ye'll has't none bett'r in these A majestic oak in full bloom stands at the edge of
dark passages than I, Wee Cobalt” the Forest of Gloom, the Stormy Marshes, and the
foothills of the Mountains of Rust, towering 90 feet
Wee Cobalt offering its services to the characters. above the wet ground. The burnt stumps of six oaks

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


surround the tree. The tree’s leaves wave in the wind, swers given don’t align with what a mere tree would
seemingly speaking in rustles. know, as if someone was speaking through the tree.

The Hollowroot under the tree is a space that is apart

from the plane’s fabric, rooted in a remnant from the
Primal Bloom. It can only be accessed through the
circle of trees above. The space is well-protected by
magic with layers of permanent forbiddance, antilife
shell, and nondetection spells.

If any character uses detect magic, they see a faint in-
active and lingering conjuration aura around the tree
and the six burned stumps. Using the identify spell
reveals that the six trees can activate a tree stride
spell on the central oak that leads to a hollow within
the roots of the tree. However, the six trees must be
mature and in bloom for the spell to work.

Bhoulgnim (use the dryad monster entry) hides in “I can speak with the tree for you and
the upper branches of the Hollowroot tree, convers-
translate its wise words. It speaks of
ing with Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut through the
tree, thinking that it is speaking with the tree itself.
the olden days, sometimes in way too
Bhoulgnim is a humanoid figure who is entirely com- much detail I might add, but I will do
posed of plants, with bark-like skin, lithe branches my best to spice them a bit for you.
for appendages, and partially covered in leaves, buds, It does have many questions though,
and flowers. The dryad usually welcomes strangers
which is a bother for sure. Would you
and loves to tell esoteric stories of plants in a self-sat-
isfied manner. Characters must succeed on a DC 15 like to hear the one about a friend of
Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice Bhoulgnim the Seven Flowers, a maiden named
amidst the foliage. The dryad will try to gauge the Sarath and her shining light?”
character’s intentions before revealing its position.
If it is noticed, it will approach the characters and Bhoulgnim offering to translate for the tree.
introduce itself, especially to characters with fey an-
cestry like elves or gnomes. It can easily escape using Characters who cast the speak with plants spell can
tree stride, and it will not hesitate to put characters directly communicate with the tree and Archdruid
under its fey charm if needed. If the characters can Bumdri Fizzlenut, however, the archdruid will try to
gain Bhoulgnim’s trust, it will relate that it found the pretend to be the tree. If such a character converses
oak, which speaks to it about events on the Bleak with the tree, they can catch the archdruid in his
Mire in a most wise and omniscient manner, seeing pretense and notice that there are two entities pres-
the realm through the eyes of beasts and roots of ent with a successful DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) skill
plants. The dryad is more than willing to translate check. If caught, the archdruid comes clean, intro-
the tree’s words, but embellishes them and adds its duces himself, and relates the sad history of his order
own anecdotes. Characters can attempt a DC 17 Wis- and its role on both the Material Plane and the Fey-
dom (Insight) skill check with disadvantage to real- realm (see the History and Factions of the Bleak Mire
ize that the knowledge possessed by the tree and an- in the chapter introduction).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Bloodrime Forest, and Blightwoods. However he

only knows their state before the Matrons of Malice
corrupted them. He is also familiar with the Pool of
Rainbows and its function, including the command
phrase “Colors of the Rainbow.”, as well as Tipper and
its tree, and the secret entrance to the Refuge. Most
importantly, Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut knows the
ritual needed to take sovereignty of the realm at the
Hall of the Sovereign beneath the Lake of Bile.

Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut (12 CR, 8,400 XP). Use

the druid monster entry with the following modi-

• Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut has 93 hit points.

A RC H D RU I D B U M D R I F IZ Z L E N UT • He has an alignment of neutral good.
• He is Small size and his speed is 25 ft.
“I must admit, I tend to hoard the • He has darkvision 60 ft.
• H
 is Intelligence score is 16, Wisdom score is 19, and
last memories of my circle, as the Charisma score is 13.
sole Seven Flower who remains. • He has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and
One must take great care these Charisma saving throws against magic.
days in avoiding the dangers of • His skills are Medicine +13, Nature +12, Perception +8.
• He has the feyrealm-born monster template traits.
the dark forces that have corrupted
• Spellcasting. Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut is an
the realm until it can be restored to 18th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wis-
a more benevolent sovereign than dom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks).
the accursed hags. I am Archdruid Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut has the following druid
Bumdri Fizzlenut, and I know how spells prepared:

this can be achieved.”

•C  antrips (at will): druidcraft, guidance, resistance,
Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut when the characters shillelagh
notice his deception. • 1st level (4 slots): animal friendship, cure wounds,
goodberry, speak with animals
In general, Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut tries to discov- • 2 nd level (3 slots): enhance ability, locate animals
er what’s happening in the realm above, questioning or plants, locate object
the characters on their origins and motives. The arch- • 3 rd level (3 slots): conjure animals, plant growth,
druid has accepted his fate as the last Seven Flow- speak with plants
er and has resigned himself to living out his years • 4 th level (3 slots): conjure woodland beings, locate
trapped in the Hollowroot. Nonetheless, the archdru- creature, stoneshape
id is still concerned for the realm and its fey inhabit- • 5 th level (3 slots): commune with nature, planar
ants. He will aid the characters with his knowledge binding, scrying
of important locations and survivors of the hags’ ex- • 6th level (1 slot): conjure fey, heal
terminations if characters gain his trust. The druid • 7th level (1 slot): mirage arcane, regenerate
is familiar with the inhabitants and locations of the • 8th level (1 slot): control weather
Forest of Gloom, Stormy Marshes, Burning Woods, • 9th level (1 slot): shapechange

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Experience inquisitive feyrealm-born elf druid (use the druid mon-
Award the party 700 experience points if the charac- ster entry with the feyrealm-born monster template
ters converse with Archdruid Bumdri Fizzlenut. and a druid spellcasting level of 5) leaning on a white
oak staff, and a retired an elven paladin named Elcan
(use the gladiator monster entry with AC 14 without
41. Th e Re f u g e armor or shield) displaying the holy symbol of the Re-
deemer, who has fled to the Feyrealm from Baendre-
Background tarixus, after slaying the dragon. In addition, there are
A group of ragged refugees led by Gemhaz, the former a few members of the group with fighting capacities
Hunstmaster of King Dasmag, is one of the two or- - twelve elven scouts (with the feyrealm-born mon-
ganized groups in the Bleak Mire who actively oppose ster template), an elven spy (with the feyrealm-born
Krasnar’s mad rampage. The elderly satyr has collected monster template), four sprites, three centaurs, five
a couple of dozen fey survivors from various locations satyrs, a dryad, and eight blink dogs. The rest of the
and has led them to a hidden patch of ground under a group are either too young or old to fight.
glade of mangrove trees that have been grown into an
impenetrable mass of roots, trunks, and foliage. The Two invisible sprite sentries guard the area, hiding in
group remains hidden through a friendship with the the higher branches of the mangroves using invisibil-
plants and the frequent application of plant growth ity. The sentries will alert Gemhaz and the creatures
spells. They try to avoid attention, especially those of within to the characters’ arrival. The fey creatures
the raiding aberrant drow and the minions of the Ma- gathered inside will assemble to repel intruders but
trons of Malice. Gemhaz has recently lost an eye to will not engage unless the characters try to force
Dolonriarnodo, the cursed chimera, before managing their way through the thorns or attack the plants. In
to escape into the gloom of the mangrove trees. this case, the force of fey will try to repel them. The
four sprites will stalk the characters and harass them
Environment from afar, the eight blink dogs will teleport to the
The Refuge is a large area of the mangrove forest that characters’ flanks and attack from all directions, and
forms an impenetrable dome of intertwining tree the dryad will use tree stride and try to entangle the
trunks and branches that bars passage from the out- characters with spells or charm them. At the same
side. The growth of trees looks ordinary, merely an time, the remaining combat-capable inhabitants of
impassable cluster within the thick mangrove forest. the Refuge will emerge from the secret passage and
The Refuge is enclosed by the trees, covering an area try to encircle the characters.
with a radius of 100 feet. The ground within is dry,
unlike the wetlands and waterways surrounding it. If the characters enter the Refuge through the se-
The wall around the Refuge is almost impregnable, cret passage, they will find the host of fey creatures
surrounded and covered by a dome of thorny wood inside, ready for battle. Gemhaz will step forward
that is 60 feet thick and works as a wall of thorns spell. and demand an explanation for their arrival. If the
There is a single secret passage through the thorny characters are accompanied by Matyko, the Single
wall of the Refuge, whose entrance is well-hidden by Sister, Oderon, Feirefiz, or Commander Pricklethrust,
vines and foliage. It takes a successful DC 25 Wisdom the Huntsmaster will immediately welcome the visi-
(Perception) skill check to notice the narrow opening. tors to the Refuge, offering shelter, meager fare, and
conversation. The satyr will relate the fate of King
Scene Dasmag at the hands of the Matrons of Malice and
The Refuge is home to an assortment of fey creatures his resistance to the vile forces of the Bleak Mire.
and some notable personas. Notable members of the Gemhaz will reminisce about the court of the satyr
group are Gemhaz (use the satyr monster entry), the lord and on the wolf hunts that he organized for the
former Huntsmaster of King Dasmag, Talathil Basri, an King as Hunstmaster.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

During the conversation, Gemhaz sings the Merry the Blightwoods, except for the Witchcave, Trail of
Hunt of the Horned Hero, accompanied by his pipes, Acorns, or the Jagged Maw. Gemhaz has sent out a
which he plays with a lamenting tone. He mentions formidable scouting party, the Swooping Needles,
that he visited the late King’s court, and when he sang led by Commander Pricklethrust, however, they have
the song, the King’s voice joined in from the afterlife, not returned (see Webs of the Ettercaps, location 43.).
and his ghost appeared. However, the ghost of the Gemhaz is also worried about Oderon, the command-
King was in a rage, demanded justice and vengeance er of King Dasmag’s renowned centaur cavalry, who
with a contorted expression, and commanded Gem- went mad after the Matrons of Malice murdered his
haz to seek its killers. Gemhaz fled from his King’s love, Cillomene. Also, the Single Sister, a two-headed
wrath and has been collecting survivors, according to centaur filly, is missing from the camp, whose par-
his King’s wishes. ents and the rest of the fey are distraught as a result
(see Jagged Maw, location 37.). If any of these indi-
viduals are rescued, the fey will be overjoyed and
shower the characters with praise and gifts - flowers,
handcrafted charms, kisses, caresses, and hugs.


“It was before the Scaled Impostor took

my King’s Court that I returned to the
place of my liege’s demise. In loving
remembrance I sang the Merry Hunt E L CAN
of the Horned Hero as an homage to
All notable NPCs will stay in the Refuge and lend sup-
my lord, but I failed to calm his wrath,
port to the characters from there. Gemhaz’s primary
which chilled me to the bone. It seems motivation is saving as many fey creatures from the
I wield my bow better than my pipes.” clutches of the hags or the drow of House Ausstyl,
Gemhaz explaining his visit to the ruined and he will not risk the group’s safety for heroic er-
court of King Dasmag’s. rands.

Gemhaz and the fey know a great deal about the Experience
Bleak Mire and the surrounding areas. They are Award the party 700 experience points for bringing
familiar with all locations in the Forest of Gloom, the Single Sister home and reuniting her with her
Twisted Forest, Hungry Downs, Stormy Marshes, and parents.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


water, create or destroy water, purify food and drink,
sleet storm, items like a decanter of endless water, or
monsters like a water elemental). When the rain-
bow bridge is activated, it transfers any creature to
a similar bridgehead at the Tainted Waters (location
10.) on the Western shore of the Lake of Blood. The
bridge fades after one minute.

W eb s o f th e
E tte rca p s

Most denizens of Bleak Mire give the Burning Woods a
wide berth because savage ettercaps have been spread
over the area by the Matrons of Malice. The ettercaps
hunt for all manner of flying prey, especially fey, like
sprites, whom they entrap with webbed traps and
42. P o o l o f Ra inb o w s store in cocoons for later feedings. Two of the pris-
oners in the cocoons are still alive - Feirefiz, the flam-
Background boyant sprite courtier of King Dasmag’s former court,
This once beautiful pool was also corrupted by arriv- and Commander Pricklethrust, who led King Dasmag’s
al Matrons of Malice. It once was the favorite bath- sprite squadrons, the Swooping Needles.
ing pool of King Dasmag.
Environment Thick webs cover this part of the Forest of Gloom,
At the edge of the Forest of Gloom and the Hun- from the wetlands below to the tops of the thick man-
gry Downs lies a small pool of fetid, yellowish, and grove forest. Raindrops from the almost permanent
cloudy water that smells of sulfur. The pool has a rainfall make the webs easy to see but hard to light
diameter of 50 feet. On the northeastern shore, the on fire. The cocoons on the branches of the gnarled
foundations and abutments of a bridge begin from trees hold creatures of different sizes and stages of
the pool’s edge, only to break off after several steps. decomposition, some of them still weakly struggling.

Scene Scene
The bridgehead is actually magical in nature and can Eight ettercaps are spread out in an area with a radi-
be used to summon a rainbow bridge if one stands us of 100 feet that is filled with their webs. The mon-
on the steps and speaks the command phrase, strosities have retained the coccooned bodies of the
“Colors of the Rainbow.”. Characters who cast the still struggling Feirefiz (use the sprite monster entry)
detect magic spell can see an active magical aura of and Commander Pricklethrust in the center of their
the conjuration school. The command phrase can network of webs as bait. The ettercap tribe waits in
be learned via the casting of an identify, legend lore, hiding for the characters to enter their webbing to
or similar spell. However, first the water under rhe rescue the struggling creatures from the cocoons. If
bridgehead needs to be cleared by using any magic the characters enter the webbing, they move closer
that can control, replace, or purify the putrid wa- and start to spit their webs in turns. They only enter
ters (spells such as control water, create food and melee to attack restrained creatures.

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C H A P TE R 5

A creature in contact with the webbing must make “The hags cursed them with undeath,
a DC 11 Strength ability check at the start of its turn
or become restrained, sticking to the web. The wet
and they fed on each other. I was forced
webbing is considered difficult terrain, and it is im- to retreat, as nothing could be done for
mune to fire damage. them at that time. I dare anyone to call
me a coward! I swear on the memory of
Feirefiz will be eternally grateful for his rescue and
my King Dasmag that the hags will yet
gives thanks to the characters in a long and courte-
ous sentence.
feel the sting of my needles.”
Commander Pricklethrust
explaining the fate of the
Swooping Needles in
a taciturn manner.


“Most honorable and benevolent saviors!
You have arrived at the most fortuitous
time and vanquished the monstrosities
that planned to feed on our humble
selves. Allow me to introduce the highly
esteemed Commander Pricklethrust, the
commander of the Swooping Needles,
the Defeater of Gorgulan the Bloodfren-
zied Demon, friend and sworn ally of
his liege, the late King Dasmag.”
Feirefiz thanking the characters and
introducing the sprite general.

When freed, Commander Pricklethrust shows pride but

thanks the characters for their deed. He hides his sor-
row when he tells the tale of his sprite unit that was
turned into gruesome ghouls by the Matrons of Malice.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The two fey are eternally grateful for their rescue
and wish to return to the Refuge as soon as pos- 44. Th un de rh o o t
sible, through the secret passage that leads inside
the copse of mangrove trees. They can tell the com- Background
mand phrase for the Pool of Rainbows (location 42.), Giant crocodiles inhabit the waterways below the
“Colors of the Rainbow”, and inform the characters trees of the Forest of Gloom, but the true master of
about every location related to King Dasmag, but the woods who dominates the dry ground is Thun-
they are not aware of their current states. derhoot, a magical golden owlbear.

Treasure The thick batches of overhanging mangrove trees
One of the skeletal bodies cast long shadows onto the waterways of the Forest
within a cocoon is that of Gloom. Moisture drips from above, and the silence
of a dark-robed hu- of the marsh is broken only by the occasional distant
man, wearing a croaking or splashing sound.
silver necklace
with a pendant Scene
that looks like a The waterways, which regularly need to be traversed
fish scale with to travel the Forest of Gloom, are the domain of
the image of a three giant crocodiles. The beasts will lurk underwa-
kraken grappling ter and pounce on any creature traveling the water-
a trident, worth 250 ways, or approaching too near to the water’s edge.
gold pieces. Another
body, a hobgoblin, has a Thunderhoot hunts on the dry areas of the forest and
+1 spear still grasped in his will attack all intruders on its domain. The owlbear’s
boney hands. feathers glitter with a golden sheen as it emerges
from behind the cover of the trees.
Award the party 700 experience Thunderhoot (CR 4, 1,100 XP). Use the owlbear mon-
points if they save Feirefiz and ster entry with the following modifications:
Commander Pricklethrust.
• Thunderhoot has AC 17.
• It has 114 hit points.
• It has damage resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing from nonmagical attacks.
•M agic Resistance. Thunderhoot has advantage on sav-
ing throws against spells and other magical effects.
•M agic Weapons. Thunderhoot ’s attacks are magical.

If Thunderhoot is slain, its feathers can be plucked.
They are pure gold, weigh 100 pounds in total, and
are worth 2,400 gold pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

45. A wa ke n e d L ib ra ry
The hall inside is the domain of the four Tomelords,
sentient books that serve as fonts of wisdom and
forgotten lore about various topics. The four librar-
ians are the Historian, the Tomelord of History, the
Abbot, the Tomelord of Religion, the Oakbound, the
Tomelord of Nature, and the Sage, the Tomelord of
Arcana. They were advisors to King Dasmag, who re-
spected their advice but rarely relied on it, especial-
ly in his last decades of debauchery. The Tomelords
are devoted enemies of the Matrons of Malice, who
have so far refrained from destroying the intelligent
constructs because of their knowledge, on which the
hags might choose to rely in the future.
A solitary, one-story columned building rises on a
small hill surrounded by the waters of the Stormy Alshondyrr Jaev’resz (use the mage monster entry
Marshes, decorated with engraved pages of an un- with an alignment of neutral and the traits of the
countable number of books. A closed iron double drow monster entry) approaches the characters and
gate depicts a vast library with flying books - the tells them that she wants to get inside. She is nerv-
Awakened Library. The gate is defaced by ghoulish ous about the social situation and seemingly blunt
drawings and symbols done in blood. when presenting her case. The drow mage helps
with her spells to get inside but does not answer
Alshondyrr Jaev’resz is a drow wizard who left her questions unrelated to her demand, which she ex-
house to seek entry into the Awakened Library where plains in an audacious manner. Alshondyrr Jaev’resz
she expects to benefit from the infinite knowledge it walks off if rejected or enters the library if allowed
holds. Alshondyrr Jaev’resz has seen the symbol of to, but in either case, she will not seek the company
nightmare and chose to stay away from the door, of the characters again, engrossed in her own moti-
pondering on her next step. She is not related to the vations for lore.
drow of House Ausstyl and will ally herself against
them if needed. “Greetings. I want in.”
Inside, the library is an enormous hall filled with tall Alshondyrr Jaev’resz presenting
shelves that form rows of walls. They are filled with herself in the most succinct fashion.
an almost unimaginable number of books that come
in an amazing variety of sizes and forms. The Tomelords are thankful for the removal of the
symbol of nightmare from the gates of the Awakened
Scene Library. They provide all their help to the characters
The Matrons of Malice wove a symbol of nightmare and are motivated to see the Matrons of Malice and
on the gate, causing all those who glimpse their the drow of House Ausstyl fall.
drawings to suffer terrible living nightmares. A crea-
ture who comes within 30 feet of the gate is subject-
ed to a weird spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



“You have proved to value the freedom

the requirements of the ritual as described in The
of knowledge. We are at your service
Cleansing Ritual section of the chapter. However, the
to vanquish any doubt and to provide legend lore spell does not provide information on the
the answers you seek.” consequences of the ritual, including the rejuvena-
The Tomelords welcoming the characters. tion of Krasnar Azennar as the Lich-Knight.

The well organized and labeled library contains books The Tomelords can answer specific questions about
on various topics related to the area of expertise of every location and creature in the Bleak Mire.
the Tomelords (use the flying sword monster entry
with an Intelligence ability score of 20 and a respec-
tive skill of +10), spellbooks, and special lecture stones 46. S ku l l o f th e
that emit voice recordings of famous loremasters.
The Awakened Library grants the following benefits:
Fey D ra g o n

• A creature who spends one hour researching a topic Background

related to Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion can The entire area is actually just the top of the colos-
make the respective Intelligence skill check with ad- sal skull of Xolenthas, the colossal fey dragon, who
vantage or research any magic item’s functionality was slain by Faeryl Myrryn eons ago. Her immense
as if it had cast identify spell on the item. body has slowly sunk beneath the ground into the
• A creature who spends one day researching any top- reed-covered marshland, her flesh rotting and leav-
ic can gain an answer to the question as if it has ing only bones over the centuries, with only the
cast the commune spell. top of her skull rising to the surface. It is possible
• A creature who spends one week researching a per- to descend to the upper reaches of the Dark Below
son, place, or object can gain information about it through the dragon’s empty eye sockets and along its
as if it had cast the legend lore spell. immense and hollow spine.
• The library contains the detailed descriptions of
all spells for all classes, allowing those who learn Morifade, a necromancer of the highest order who
spells to add them to their spellbook. The spells in is obsessed with dragons, has made it his mission to
the library are not considered scrolls. raise the skeleton of Xolenthas using a series of wish
spells. The archmage has been casting his spell for
A character who spends one week researching how years now, and he was only recently able to achieve
to remove the curse from the crown of Aglarion learns some minor resonance in the bones of the legendary

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C H A P TE R 5

fey dragon. Morifade possesses a wishing bell, an item DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to notice that
that negates the failure check of casting a wish spell Morifade wants them to depart as soon as possible
due to stress, so he only needs time to complete this and has a secret to which he is fanatically devoted.
daring task.

A rise twenty miles across breaks the flat waters of
the Stormy Marshes, and two horns protrude from
its center, rising for miles towards the dark skies. The
layer of bone is covered in thick moss that is slippery
with the heavy rains in the area and is considered
difficult terrain. Two gaping holes can be found on
the mound, eight hundred feet above the ground and
measuring two miles across. Inside the left eye sock-
et of the dragon’s skeleton, the terrain is smooth and
extremely steep in some places. At its bottom, there
is a faintly shimmering rectangle that is 5 feet wide
and 10 feet tall, glowing in the darkness and hover-
ing in the air. Passages of bone lead to the occipital
bone of the skeleton, whence one can reach the Dark
Below by traveling along the spine. “Is there any among you who is able to
cast the wish spell? If not, you best be
Morifade (use the archmage monster entry with a
on your way and not meddle with me.
Strength score of 3, his 9th and 7th level spells used For I am Morifade and I do not tolerate
up, and in possession of a wishing bell) camps at the meddling. I will not offer you anything,
bottom of the dragon’s skull cavity in a lavish build- nor do I make demands on you.
ing conjured by a magnificent mansion spell. The arch-
The passage to the Dark Below starts
mage is resting between uses of special wish spells
that are a serious drain on his strength. Morifade will at the spine of the great Xolenthas,
not tolerate any interference that would jeopardize through the occipital bone, yonder.
his plans and wishes to be left alone in his weakened So begone and leave me be!”
and precarious state.
Morifade addressing the characters before stepping
When characters approach the shimmering entry to back into his magnificent mansion.
the magnificent mansion, Morifade emerges through
the entrance. The wizard tries to strike an imposing
pose, raising his draconic claws, but moves slowly 47. Th e Ra g in g D o l l
and seems to be shaking from weakness. Characters
can attempt a successful DC 19 Intelligence (Arca- Background
na) skill check to realize that Morifade is under the A horrible creation of flesh bound together from var-
stress of casting a wish spell that does not duplicate ious body parts - the legs of hill giants, the body of a
another spell. The archmage will interact with the centaur, the head of a satyr, the arms of a troll, and
characters for as short a time as possible before re- the wings of a hippogriff - is on an endless rampage
tiring into his invisible mansion. He is gruff and ex- in the Stormy Marshes. This is a flesh golem that was
tremely terse. Characters can attempt a successful created for Tyke and stitched together by Alsandr

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Murchadh in the Toy Factory, and set loose on the Scene
Bleak Mire to wreak havoc. The golem went berserk The characters can make a DC 13 Wisdom (Survival)
at the border of the Hungry Downs and the Stormy skill check to notice that they have ventured into
Marshes, destroying everything in its path. the territory of some hippogriffs that walk instead
of flying.
A path of destruction dotted by broken trees and Eight hippogriffs with their wings torn off shamble
dead creatures, leads from the Hungry Downs into forward from the shades as they spot the characters,
the Stormy Marshes. At the end of this path stands a holding their heads high in a threatening position,
giant deformed creature that rages in an inarticulate moving the stumps of their once magnificent wings
voice. in reflex. If the characters draws closer, the hippog-
riffs attack in unison.
The Raging Doll attacks anything it sees, be it an ob-
ject or a creature. 49. Th e L e g l e s s G ia n ts
Raging Doll (CR 6, 2,300 XP). Use the flesh golem Background
monster entry with the following modifications: The members of the tribe of feyrealm-born hill gi-
ants, the Burlybatch, who once made the Hungry
• The Raging Doll is a Huge creature. Downs their homes, were favorite victims of Tyke,
• It has 186 hit points. who harvested the giants’ legs to use them in cre-
• It has a Strength ability score of 25. ating horrible zombie dolls for her play. Her legless
• Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft., victims were left alive and in constant terror as Tyke
one target. Hit: 23 (3d10 + 7) bludgeoning damage. forced the giants to procreate and offer the legs of
their younglings to her and her Toymaker, Alsan-
dr Murchadh, as material for her newest creations
48. Th e W in g l e s s from flesh.

H i pp o g r i ff s Environment
A handful of huge huts made out of hewn stone
Background stand in this region, each of them the home to a
A flock of hippogriffs once made their nests on the crippled giant that crawls or sits in front of it. The
thickets at the edge of the Forest of Gloom, until area is littered with equipment made of crude stone
Tyke found the animals and coveted their wings for and wood and half-eaten animal carcasses.
her gruesome dolls. She killed off every female mem-
ber of the flock and left the males alive and wing- Scene
less. Without being able to reproduce, only a couple The five legless hill giants who make up the Burly-
dozen elderly hippogriffs remain, who are extremely batch hill giant tribe growl and moan at the sight
violent and territorial in their bitterness. of intruders. They greet any unwanted visitors with
a volley of throwing rocks and smash anything that
Environment comes near them. They look weathered and hopeless
Large brown and white feathers cover the ground in in their endless suffering imposed on them by the
this area. A heap of branches and logs ahead looks powerful midnight hag.
like a makeshift nest, or rather, a nest that once was
built with great care but has since suffered signifi- Burlybatch Hill Giant (CR 4, 1,100 XP). Use the hill gi-
cant damage. ant monster entry with the following modifications:

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C H A P TE R 5

•T  he Burlybatch hill giant uses its hands to move A gruesome sight welcomes those who step inside
with a speed of 10 feet. the building, which now looks more like a butchery
• It makes melee and ranged attack rolls with a dis- than a workshop of wood and metal in the times
advantage. of King Dasmag. A blood-covered dwarf in a worn
apron stands behind a workbench, sewing body parts
The giants can be cured only with a regenerate or together with practiced movements.
similar spell that grows back severed limbs. If the
characters manage to regrow the severed limbs of
the hill giants, they become friendly for a short time
but revert to being bullying and aggressive very soon,
quickly forgetting who helped them.

Award the party 700 experience points if they man-
age to heal all of the hill giants.

50. Th e To y F a cto ry
Tyke took over King Dasmag’s workshops, a collec-
tion of stone buildings to the south of the Stormy
Marshes. The midnight hag killed all of the crafty A L S A N D R M U RC H A D H
gnomes and dwarves who worked there and used
a curse of geas on Alsandr Murchadh, the fey- Scene
realm-born dwarven chief artisan, to command him Alsandr Murchadh (use the expert monster en-
to fashion gruesome dolls from the mutilated body try with the feyrealm-born monster template) is
parts of the inhabitants of the Feyrealm - satyrs, cen- shocked to meet the characters and immediately
taurs, hill giants, hippogriffs, and all manner of fey- apologizes for what he is doing. He says that he was
realm-born creatures - so she might turn them into cursed with a spell that opens deep and life-threaten-
part-toy, part-zombie guests for her grisly tea parties. ing wounds on his body if he does not comply with
Alsandr Murchadh has also been branded with the the commands of Tyke, one of the Matrons of Malice.
branding iron of the Hag Queens so that the hags can He also recounts his braning by the hags. He tells his
keep tabs on him. Alsandr is ceaselessly working on story and begs the characters to remove the deadly
fabricating new dolls that fill the workshop as he re- curse from him.
furbishes the stock of corpses at his disposal. Alsandr
also goes foraging for fresh corpses deposited nearby “Please understand! The hag cursed me.
at the grave of the centaur Cillomene by Oderon, the
I had no other choice but to follow her
mad centaur hunter.
awful command. She made me do it!
Environment Please save me, I beg you!”
Several small stone houses with bright green roofs Alsandr Murchadh making excuses
stand near the shores of the Lake of Tears as colorful and begging the characters.
spots in front of the raging clouds of the Everstorm.
Only one of the houses has smoke rising from its He can inform the characters in great detail about
chimney and light in its gently curving windows. such locations as the Raging Doll, Cillomene’s Grave,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Crumbling Archways, the Mad Centaur, Legless Gi-
ants, Wingless Hippogriffs, and regions such as the
Lake of Tears, the Everstorm, and the Stormy Marshes.

Whether he is saved or not, Alsandr Murchadh gifts

the character with an implement of construct control
that has 3 charges left, a magic device he has been
hiding for years. He does so to make up for his deeds
and to help the characters overcome the Raging Doll
and the Matrons of Malice.

Award the party 700 experience points if they can
remove the geas spell from Alsandr Murchadh.

51. Th e M a d Ce n ta u r O D E RO N

Background Oderon (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the centaur monster en-
Oderon, the centaur hunter, went mad when his try with the following modifications:
love Cillomene was slain by Tyke. The former com-
mander of King Dasmag’s cavalry force is now suf- • Oderon has AC 16 (chain mail).
fering from permanent hallucinations in his insani- • He has 75 hit points.
ty, seeing prey in any creature it comes across on his • Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, range
permanent hunt. He roams the areas surrounding 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) piercing
the Lake of Tears, offering the bodies of his victims damage.
to his dead love Cillomene at a menhir where she • Precise Shot. Oderon ignores bonuses granted by cov-
was buried. Alsandr Murchadh often carries away ers except for total cover.
the corpses to the Toy Factory to be used as raw
material for Tyke’s horrific dolls. “These will be worthy trophies
for you my princess.”
The flames of the Burning Woods can be clearly seen Oderon’s crazed mumbling to himself.
on the other side of the Burrows of the Black Worm.
On this side of the enormous riverbed-like formation, A greater restoration or similar higher level spell can
the hills of the Hungry Downs are less treacherous, cure Oderon’s indefinite madness. He immediate-
and a thin layer of bushes cover the rocks. ly realizes what he has done and joins up with the
other fey at the Refuge to make up for his sins. He
Scene knows the secret entrance to the hidden hideout.
Oderon is a seasoned hunter who once led King
Dasmag’s cavalry in times of old. In his madness, he Experience
attacks the characters without any questions. He Award the party 700 experience points if the charac-
shoots them from three-quarters cover, improving ters cure Oderon’s madness.
his AC to 21 and his Dexterity saving throw to +7, and
charges with his pike only if the characters approach
him to initiate melee combat.

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C H A P TE R 5

52. Ci l l o m e n e' s G r ave Kaelor Griefspear’s (use the veteran monster entry
with an alignment of chaotic neutral) camp is a sim-
Background ple tent and a fire pit outside the circle of crumbling
Cillomene, the centaur oracle was slain by Tyke and arches. The seasoned trophy hunter confronts the
her body buried at the foot of a standing stone near characters as soon as they approach the site, and if
the Toy Factory by her grieving mate, Oderon. none of them are fey creatures, he warns them about
the dangers of the arches. He recounts that he saw a
Environment satyr who entered and suffered a gruesome fate. The
The stone is decorated with equine motifs, a relief of dwarf is slightly crazed and obsessed with hunting
a sun that is opening as an eye, and a more recent fey creatures, proudly showing off his trophies like
engraving that reads: “My Love Cillomene, Every kill the horns of a satyr, the head of a sprite, or spriggan
is dedicated to You.” Several fresh corpses of fey, fey- ears linked on a chain he wears around his neck. He
realm-born, and aberrant drow creatures lie rotting is unwilling to leave the location, unless on a hunt
at the foot of the menhir. for Oderon. He is familiar with the Hagtree, Winter
Court, Hunting Grounds, Toy Factory, Cillomene’s
Scene Grave, Mad Centaur, Raging Doll, Wingless Hippog-
The bodies are victims of Oderon that have been riffs, Legless Giants, Milk Pool, Everstorm Vortex, the
deposited here by the mad hunter. Odeon regularly Black Worm, and Nightmare Spiders locations.
shows up at the location.

53. Th e Cru m b l in g

A rch wa y s

The Matrons of Malice placed an enchantment on
the arches, and those who pass through feel a strong
compulsion to dive into the dark pit. Kaelor Grief-
spear, a dwarven trophy hunter who has ventured
into the Feyrealm many years ago to hunt fey for
sale in Aglarion, has seen the horrific effects of the
enchanted archways and the well. The dwarf stays at
the location while planning his hunt for Oderon, the
mad centaur in the Hungry Downs. KAE L O R G R IE F S PE A R

Environment “Listen, I tell you! The Hag Queens

A single well stands on a small island close to the
shore of the Lake of Tears, surrounded by the ruins of
cursed these arches. Don’t go further
stone archways that seem to continuously crumble into the isle if you know what’s good
and reform as one views them from up close. The for you. But enough of that, do you
well is exactly the same in design as the Bottomless have any trophies of your own? I have
Well (Onadbyr location 113.). A small boat rests on the
a target that I’ve been dancing with for
shore of the island.
some time now - a mad centaur hunter

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


in the hills nearby. A worthy prey and
55. M i l k P o o l
trophy indeed! And one we can take
down together. Yes, yes, let us hunt!
Are you with me?” Background
There is a strange pond of milky fluids now turned
Kaelor Griefspear calling the characters to a hunt. sour and putrid next to a glade of elm trees. The
milk once flowed from the udders of seven legendary
A creature that passes through the archways must milk cows, bred for King Dasmag for their potent
make a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed honey-flavored milk. However, the magical animals
save, the creature is compelled to jump into the have been diseased by an incurable curse weaved by
well, which is actually a passage to the Bottomless the Matrons of Malice. Gopat, the half-humanoid bull
Well in Onadbyr, on the Material Plane. A character of the herd, guards the cows, tasked with a riddle
can make a second DC 19 Wisdom saving throw at for which it might find the solution to lift the curse.
the edge of the well when facing the deadly depths Gopat has also been branded with the branding iron
to end the compulsion effect on a successful save. of the Hag Queens on its rump so that the hags can
Those who jump fall for a whole year in the dark if keep tabs on its suffering. The cows’ milk stops from
they cannot stop their descent, without food or wa- flowing until Gopat finds the answer to the riddle
ter, before reaching the other end of the interplanar posed to him by the hag coven. Two feyrealm-born
tunnel. Without a way to nourish themselves during children named Emmy and Hanxur, who bear the
the fall, these creatures are doomed to die. countenance of a fox and a lynx, have been pestering
Gopat for months, trying to guess the answers to the
riddle. The pair also enjoys playing tricks on Gopat
54. Th e E ve r s to r m using their innate spellcasting abilities, and the bull
is growing extremely annoyed at the situation.
Vo r te x
Background A pool of white liquid only a couple of hundred
The Everstorm Vortex is a rift in space created by feet across expands in a shallow basin on the rocky
the Matrons of Malice, connecting Aglarion to the ground. Seven huge, saggy-skinned, weak cows stand
Everstorm, spreading over to the lands of the Materi- around it under some elm trees. A large, winged bull
al Plane through the rift. The Vortex was created to with the head of a bearded human stands within the
exist until the Midnight Curse is in effect. white pool, watching the herd with a worried and
frustrated expression on its face.
A gigantic vortex roils 500 feet above the ground Scene
at the edge of the Everstorm, drawing the storm it- The sickly cows are guarded by Gopat, a winged cen-
self into its center, where the waters disappear as if taur with the body of a bull, tasked to herd the cows.
sucked into a gigantic drain. It is worried for its herd and is ceaselessly trying to
solve the riddle posed to it by the hags, whose solu-
Scene tion would break the cursed disease inflicted on the
A creature who ventures into the Everstorm suffers magical milk cows.
the effects of the weather conditions described in
the Everstorm region’s description and Appendix A:
The Mignight Curse.

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C H A P TE R 5

Gopat. Use the centaur monster entry with the fol- Hanxur (use the commoner monster entry with the
lowing modifications: feyrealm-born monster template and the Keen Smell
and Pounce abilities) hide nearby, cast invisibility, and
• Gopat has a fly speed of 40 feet. follow the characters in stealth to the pool. The girls
• Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one are great tricksters and have been quite bored with
target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) piercing damage. the riddle of late, which they attempt to quickly an-
swer just to anger Gopat, before they retreat by cast-
Gopat is quite frustrated already, and it is hard to ing misty step and hiding. If they see the characters
communicate with it. A character who wants to help attempting to solve the riddle, they will appear and
it must first succeed on a DC 13 Charisma (Persua- offer to take part, although with wrong questions
sion) skill check. On a successful check, Gopat takes a just to tease Gopat.
deep breath, and instead of sending them away, tells
the characters the exact wording of the riddle, which
is as follows:

“There are three identical triplet

Merchant Kings standing in front of
you. The Kind, The Liar, and the Brash
in some order. The Kind always speaks
truthfully, The Liar always speaks false-
ly, but whether the Brash speaks truth-
fully or falsely is always random. You
must determine the identities of each
Merchant King by asking three yes-or-
no questions, and each question
must be posed to exactly one King.
The Merchant Kings understand
Common, but will answer all questions
in their own archaic language. In this “There is no way you will
unknown language, the words for “yes” solve it! It can’t be solved.
and “no” are “wa” and “ra,” in some We’ve been trying with Hanxur
order, but no one knows which word for months! And Gopat
means which. What are the three is so mean sometimes. He doesn’t
questions to ask the Merchant even want to play, just the
Kings to be able to identify them?” same riddle over and over
and over and over again….
The riddle as told by Gopat. Let's play something else!”
As the characters approach the Milk Pool, fox-girl Emmy complaining to the characters
Emmy (use the commoner monster entry with the about the riddle.
feyrealm-born monster template and the Keen Hear-
ing and Smell and Pack Tactics abilities) and lynx-girl

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The questions to answer the riddle are:

•T  o the King in the middle: If I were to ask you if

the Merchant King on the left is the Brash, would
you say wa?
• To the King who is not the Brash: If I were to ask
you if you are the Liar, would you say wa?
• To the King who is not the Brash: If I were to ask
you if the Merchant King in the middle is the Brash,
would you say wa?

A character who succeeds on a DC 24 Intelligence

ability check can find the right answer to the rid-
dle. On the third such failed ability check every day
or nine wrong questions asked, Gopat, driven by his
frustration, attacks the character who asks the last
wrong question or fails the third ability check.
When the three right questions are asked, the cows
“No Emmy, we will find the answers! moo vigorously, their honey-milk starts to flow again,
and the pond clears to hold fresh honey-milk. Until
But you’re right. Some other game then, the milk in the pool is sour and putrid, the
would be much more fun! Hihi, cows remain weak, and Gopat gets more and more
I still have some tricks old Gopat frustrated over the years that pass as the suffering
hasn’t seen yet!” its herd endures.

Hanxur rubbing her paws and trying to hide Honey-milk. Drinking a mouthful of the fresh hon-
her giddiness behind a devilish smile. ey-milk of the magic cows causes the creature to be-
come invigorated as if targeted by an aid spell that
The centaur bull welcomes all help but becomes affects the imbiber for three days. The honey-milk
quite stressed if the characters can’t help him find can be potted and taken away, but it gets sour and
the answer to the riddle within a short time. After ceases to grant its magic effect after three days have
nine wrong questions are asked, Gopat first warns passed.
the characters to leave, then flies into a rage, and
attacks if they don’t retreat. Experience
Award the party 700 experience points if the charac-
“This is no game to cheer, or to test ters can answer the riddle correctly and save Gopat
and its herd.
your wits. You find this amusing?
Are you like these pesky girls that
keep testing my patience? I am full
of wrong answers, I don’t need more.”
Gopat warning the characters about staying
on point and giving only the right answer.

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ing in guard stations guarded by tentacled masters,
56. Que l l a r A u s s ty l warrior monks of the house.

The inner section is a huge cave filled with the Lake

Background of All-Consuming Hunger. At the center of the dark
Quellar Ausstyl, the ancestral home of the Ausstyl lake stands a drow fort formed out of two immense
drow clan has been alive with horrors since the stalagmites. The fort features narrow corridors and
return of the aberration-infused drow from their confined spaces that are frustratingly claustropho-
self-imposed exile in otherworldly realms. Archdru- bic for even those used to underground living con-
id Welwyn Ausstyl and the Inheritors of the Unbe- ditions. The living areas are not decorated, and they
gotten seek to overtake the Bleak Mire by defeating mostly focus on fulfilling their bare minimum re-
the Matrons of Malice and preparing a ritual to offer quired functionalities.
the entirety of the Feyrealm domain to the Farrealm
masters of their cult. To achieve this, the druids have All areas in Quellar Ausstyl are naturally dark, ne-
summoned an Elder Cortex that reaches its tendrils glected, and smell damp. Caves and rooms are usual-
into the aberrant ground created by Bwael Phindar, ly 10 feet high if not specified otherwise.
the Magnificent Beast, the colossal gibbering mouth-
er fort of the above-ground forces of the aberrant Doors. Doors open inwards and are made of thick
drow led by Krasnar Azennar. The tendrils have blocks of stone that have been fitted with iron hinges
sprouted cortex pods on the surface of the aberrant and handles. They are usually unlocked but feature
ground around the Chasm, imbued with different masterfully crafted locks that can be picked with
druidic spells as protections. thieves’ tools on a successful DC 20 Dexterity ability
check or can be forced open with a successful DC
The druids rarely leave their palace in the inner sec- 20 Strength (Athletics) skill check. The doors have
tion of the house but are aware of the events taking AC 17, 60 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, they
place on the surface and on other planes of existence have damage resistance against slashing and piercing
through their servants and Qerrai Xalo, their umbral damage, and damage immunity against poison and
stalker assassin. psychic damage.

See section Drow of House Ausstyl under Factions Unhallowed Ground. Quellar Ausstyl is under the
and section Ascendance of Quellar Ausstyl under His- permanent effects of a hallow spell, blocking celes-
tory for more information about the drow house and tials, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead from enter-
its historical background. ing the area. Also, any creature charmed, frightened,
or possessed by such a creature is no longer charmed,
Environment frightened, or possessed upon entering the area.
The fortress of the drow of House Ausstyl can be ap-
proached only by finding a single entry tunnel that
leads to the bank of the crevasse that separates it 1. CREVA S S E O F F I L TH
from the rest of the Dark Below.
The outer section of Quellar Ausstyl, a large abyss This natural formation serves as the first line of de-
and a series of caves, serves as a defensive line that fense for the aberrant drow and the house slaves.
houses the drow’s grimlock slaves and troops of sav- Welvynn Ausstyl, the patron of the drow house casts
age drow barbarians. Passages lead from the caves to a wall of stone spell to create a bridge when the dru-
the Arms of the Unnamable, a disease infested laby- ids wish to unleash their abominations onto the
rinth that slows the progress of invading forces, end- world outside or leave their home.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

The grimlocks and barbarians use the eastern side Treasure

of the crevasse to dump their excrement and waste. The equipment of the three elven prisoners in area 3
This keeps the inner caves relatively less smelly, al- was thrown into the filth at the bottom of the cre-
lowing the blind grimlocks to more easily sniff out vasse, including Ashe Dragos’s +1 plate mail, and Aglar
intruders. Telcontar’s +1 longsword, breastplate, and canister of
powder of true form with three pinches of magic dust.
A 20-foot wide and 80-foot deep crevasse cuts the
tunnel in half, both of its ends disappearing into the 2. G R I M L O CK S L AVE
darkness. The bottom of the pit is covered with ex- QU A R TE R S
crement and waste on the eastern side, where the
tunnel continues. The air is damp and smells ex-
tremely awful. Background
The drow have been breeding a tribe of primitive
Scene grimlocks as their slaves for multiple purposes, most
Anyone standing on the western side of the crevasse importantly as meat shields for times of war or an
is discovered by the grimlocks only if they cross over invasion against their lair. The grimlocks have lived
to the edge of the eastern tunnel by area 2. The bar- and died here for many generations. They are ter-
barians can spot intruders from a longer distance, rified of the drow barbarians, and cower in horror
but they only come to the crevasse once a day. A when they encounter their druidic noble masters.
creature who comes into contact with the huge pile The latter bring them magical goodberries for feed to
of waste on the bottom of the crevasse has a chance prevent them from eating each other or their young-
of contracting the disease sewer plague. lings. They sometimes play their primi-
tive percussion instruments in an
eyrie, monotone way to enter-
POW D E R O F tain themselves.
Several large stone domes
built of roughly hewn
stone blocks stand in
this cave with a ceiling
filled with stalactites
hanging from a height
of 30 feet. The interi-
ors of the domes are
bare with no special
features and only a few
primitive tools made out
of bones and stone. The
middle section of the cave
features a few percussion in-
struments and a firepit, which
is rarely used. Crude carvings
cover most of the cave walls.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Scene er (use the bandit captain monster entry with the
A total of twenty-three grimlocks live in the cave feyrealm-born monster template and an alignment
with a dozen additional noncombatant younglings. of neutral evil), a marauder who led a band of fey-
They ferociously attack intruders, alerting the drow realm-born orcs - the Slashers. The three have been
frenzied mutants in the nearby caves (area 3) and the prisoners of the savage drow for months and
their leader, Xarzax Ausstyl (area 4). have have no equipment on their persons.

3. L A I R O F TH E

A handful of frenzied male and female mutants of
House Ausstyl live in this cave. They are vicious and
feral to the point that the grimlocks avoid them en-
tirely. The savage drow are fed daily by their dru-
idic masters with the same goodberries offered the
grimlock slaves. The barbarians spend their days
fighting each other, mating, eating, or training their
physique, and occasionally attacking the grimlocks
for fun with their bare hands, often killing some and
leaving others almost mortally wounded. The fren-
zied mutants fear and loathe Xarzax Ausstyl, but will
do his bidding with utter loyalty.
“You had strength in numbers,
Environment whereas I, Ashe Dragos
This smaller cave smells of sweat and blood. It is fur-
nished with simple fur bedrolls by the walls and a
singlehandedly slew four
low stone block that serves as a table in the middle. of these barbarous drow
before they overwhelmed me.
Three feyrealm-born elves are chained to the wall of I must return to the Refuge and
the cave. Their neglected, filthy, broken bodies bear
Gemhaz’s employ, but first lend
the sign of the barbarians’ rage.
me armor and sword, let us rescue
Scene my friend Olathynren if it’s not
Ten frenzied mutants occupy this room. If alerted, too late, and rid this place of
they attack on sight and fight to the death. Xarzax the foul drow forevermore!”
Ausstyl joins the fray from area 4 after 2 rounds,
mounted on his otyugh steed. Ashe Dragos offering his sword to the
characters to cleanse Quellar Ausstyl.
The three feyrealm-born elf slaves are Ashe Dragos,
a loyal sellsword who is a bit cocky (use the knight The prisoners are stable at 0 hit points and regain
monster entry with the feyrealm-born monster tem- consciousness after a long rest. If healed, the elves
plate and an alignment of lawful neutral), Algar Ty- act in different ways. Azura Slasher will wish to flee
lcantar, a know-it-all blade-mage, and Azura Slash- at once, an opinion that Algar Tylcantar shares. The

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

two start to fashion a rope across the Crevasse of

Filth if the characters don’t provide a means to cross.
Secretly, Azura Slasher wishes to reunite with the
orc band and use Algar Tylcantar’s spells to aid the
travels across the Bleak Mire. Ashe Dragos, on the
other hand is concerned with the fate of his friend
Olathynren Elointh, who was taken into the drow’s
lair when they were captured. He hopes Olathynren
is alive and will not leave until his friend is secure. If
given equipment and healing for his wounds, he will
accompany the characters into Quellar Ausstyl.

Ashe Dragos can also inform the characters about

the Refuge and about Gemhaz, the Huntsmaster who
has gathered the surviving fey creatures. He is also
familiar with all locations within the Twisted Forest,
Hungry Down, Forest of Gloom, Stormy Mashes, and A L G A R TY L CA N TA R
Valley of Bloom. He wants to return to the Refuge
to aid his fellow fey as soon as possible. He is grate- Algar Tylcantar (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the scout mon-
ful and happy to accompany the characters on their ster entry with the following modifications:
way to the Refuge and can show them the secret
entrance to the hidden hideout. • A
 lgar Tylcantar has 32 hit points.
• He is chaotic good.
• He an Intelligence score of 15.
• He has the feyrealm-born monster template.
• Spellcasting. Algar Tylcantar is a 3rd-level spellcast-
er. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save
DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). Algar Tylcantar
has the following wizard spells prepared:

•C antrips (at will): fire bolt, ray of frost, true strike
• 1st level (4 slots): burning hands, magic missile, shield
• 2nd level (2 slots): enlarge*, scorching ray

*Algar Tylcantar casts these spells on itself before


One of the drow barbarians has hidden a small ruby
worth 50 gold pieces in the mouth of a bear pelt on
which it slept.

TH E A ZU R A S L A S H E R Award the party 700 experience points if they save
the prisoners.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


4. X A R Z A X A U S S TY L'S Scene
CA VE This is the private lair of Xarzax Ausstyl and his otyu-
gh steed, Elgg-Hor, who spend their days in this area
when not released by the druids to raid outside with
Background his savages and grimlocks. Xarzax Ausstyl mounts
Xarzax Ausstyl was born a noble drow but Welvynn his otyugh and attacks intruders on sight, fanatically
Ausstyl did not see hope for his progression as an in- protecting the tunnels to area 5.
itiate of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten. The arch-
druid expelled the noble child and threw him in the
midsts of the savage frenzied mutants. Over the past 5. 
century, Xarzax became the mightiest of the savages, UNN A M A B L E
trying to prove his worth to his patron and the dru-
ids of the cosmic horrors.
Environment This ancient labyrinth of tubular tunnels is intended
This cave looks more like a den of a monster than the to keep unwanted visitors out of the inner section of
actual living space of a person. A thick layer of left- Quellar Ausstyl. The deadly disease that lingers with-
overs, bones, pieces of clothes and armor, weapons, in was cultivated by the first ancient drow of the
and mundane waste covers the floor. The air smells noble house. The safe passage is only known to the
of trash and rotten organic materials. monks and druids of the house.

The narrow, 5 feet diameter tubular stone tunnels are
decorated with ancient runes carved into the ground,
walls, and ceiling.

The runes are written in Dark Speech and threaten
intruders about continuing on their path, prophesiz-
ing their demise and eventual consummation by un-
imaginable horrors. Some of the runes speak of the
greatness of elder beings that existed before time.
Following only these runes is the only safe route
through the maze of disease-ridden tunnels. Any
creature who steps off the safe path has a chance of
contracting mind rot.

Mind Rot. A creature who comes in contact with the
“How dare you step foot on the sacred mind rot disease must make a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw or become infected as its mind imme-
ground of House Ausstyl! You will die for
diately decays. The infected creature has disadvan-
your insolence and Elgg-Hor will feast on tage on attack rolls and ability checks, and becomes
your flesh! Rip them to shreds!” vulnerable to psychic damage. At the end of each of
the infected creature’s turns, it must make a DC 14
Xarzax Ausstyl telepathically addressing the characters Constitution saving throw. After failing two of these
before raging and issuing the command to attack. saving throws, the creature becomes paralyzed. After

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

failing three of these saving throws, the creature is

reduced to 0 hit points and dies. After succeeding on
7. S L IP WA Y
three of these saving throws, the creature recovers
from the disease. Background
The monks and druids use the boats stored on the top
of this slipway to traverse the Lake of All-Consuming
6. M O N K SEN T I N E L S Hunger.

Background Environment
This area serves more as a possible last alert for the Two small rowing boats rest on the sides of a slope
nobles of the inner sections than an actual guardpost that gently descends towards the dark water.
that could withhold intruders.
Environment The boats can accommodate up to three creatures of
The center of this room features a large weapon rack Medium size. As an action, one creature can row the
with various monk weapons. The statues in the cor- boat to give it a speed of 15 feet.
ners depict gruesome tentacled aberrations that stare
at the onlooker with countless emotionless eyes,
each with multiple irises. The two side rooms are 8. 
TH E L A KE O F A L L -­
used as simple meditation chambers with two dirty CO N S U M IN G H U N G E R
bedrolls and a stone pot filled with dirt and some
strange-smelling incense sticks in each.
Scene A body of poisonous water fills this enormous cave
There are always eight tentacled masters stationed that is the home of a gargantuan chuul summoned
at this guard post. Four of the drow monks are al- thousands of years ago by the ancestors of the cur-
ways meditating in their rooms while the other four rent druids.
are actively guarding the area. Each tentacled master
carries a signal conch horn that they blow if they Environment
want to alert their druidic noble masters. In such a Two gigantic stalagmites rise from the dark, cold
case, one of the druids casts a hallucinatory terrain water that ripples with strange shapes. Numerous
spell on the lake to make its shore appear 10 feet stalagmites rise from the water, and many more sta-
further into the lake from its original location (see lactites hang from the 50 feet high ceiling above.
areas 7 and 8).
Treasure If any of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten has cast a
The weapons rack holds two spears, two short hallucinatory terrain spell (DC 16) on the shores of the
swords, two quarterstaves, and two handaxes, all of lake, it requires a successful DC 15 Dexterity saving
them considered to be magical for the purposes of throw to avoid falling into the water when stepping on
overcoming damage reduction or immunity to non- the illusory ground that does not support any weight.
magical weapons as long as they are underground.
When taken above ground, the weapons permanent- The lake’s cold water is highly poisonous due to the
ly lose their magical properties. saliva of the chuul that lives in it. Any creature in con-
tact with the water must make a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw every round. On a failed save, the crea-
ture becomes poisoned for 1 minute. The poisoned

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


creature is paralyzed. The creature can repeat the sav- not bother squeezing after them to consume them.
ing throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the Their rotten remains hold a House Myrryn symbol
effect on itself on a success. A paralyzed creature in carved into a blood-red garnet worth 150 gold piec-
water can’t swim and may drown. es, six gold bars worth 200 gold pieces each, a silver
necklace with a large diamond worth 650 gold piec-
The lake is the territory of a huge psychic chuul that es, two potions of superior healing, an elven chain, a +2
serves the Inheritors of the Unbegotten and the tenta- longsword, and a ring of x-ray vision.
cled masters. The chuul does not attack drow or aber-
ration type creatures but will slay any other creature
that enters the area. The chuul observes creatures 9. TO R TU RE CE L L S
from the lake’s depths and uses its telekinesis spell to
drag creatures into the water and towards itself. If Background
discovered, it rises to attack from a different direction The aberration-venerating drow hold and torture
after using its misty step spell. their prisoners in these cells. The current inhabit-
ant of one of these cells is Olathynren Elointh, a fey-
Psychic Chuul (CR 8, 3,900 XP). Use the chuul mon- realm-born elf, companion to Ashe Dragos - one of
ster entry with the following modifications: the three prisoners held by the frenzied mutants in
area 3. The Inheritors of the Unbegotten keep the al-
• The psychic chuul’s size is Huge. ready crippled and mutilated elf alive to pry informa-
• It has 152 hit points. tion out of him regarding the remaining fey and their
• It has a Strength ability score of 23. former lord, King Dasmag.
• Pincer. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
one target. Hit: 20 (4d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage. Environment
The target is grappled (escape DC 16) if it is a Huge These cramped cells can hold one prisoner each who
or smaller creature and the chuul doesn’t have two can be fastened to the walls by massive chains. The
other creatures grappled. wall opposite the cell door is covered by small blades.
• Its tentacle’s poison saving throw is DC 14. A rotatable wheel is positioned next to the cell doors.
•P  sychic Assault (Recharge 5-6). Each creature in a The cell in the middle holds the brutally tortured
60-foot cone must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving body of a middle-aged elf whose legs, arms, ears, and
throw. A creature takes 36 (8d8) psychic damage on tongue has been removed. The cell smells of blood
a failed save, or half as much damage on a success- and decay.
ful one. A creature that has failed its saving throw
also makes all attack rolls, ability checks and saving Scene
throws with disadvantage for 1 minute. The rotation wheel next to the door moves the chains
• Innate Spellcasting. The psychic chuul’s innate spell- and the chained victim along with it from left to right,
casting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 11). The psy- depending on the direction the wheel is rotated. The
chic chuul can innately cast the following spells, blades on the wall deal 9 (2d8) slashing damage to a
requiring no material components: chained creature when the wheel is rotated in any
• 3/day each: misty step, telekinesis
Olathynren Elointh (use the veteran monster entry
Treasure with a movement speed of 0 and 3 maximum hit
The bottom of the lake at its northeastern section points) is a broken creature, currently stable at 0 hit
hides the ancient, blackened skeletal remains of three points. After the pain he suffered and the terror he
drow spies of House Myrryn from hundreds of years witnessed, the elven warrior is barely more than a
ago. The psychic chuul killed these spies, but it did breathing organism that is unable to speak, move, or

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

sustain himself. He cannot remember that once he The small private booths hold only red candles and
was a member of King Dasmag’s court. The characters small, thin barbed whips. Drops of blackish blood
can restore his severely degraded mental state by cast- cover the ground in each.
ing a greater restoration or similar higher level spell.
Olathynren Elointh’s physical state can be restored Two female Inheritors of the Unbegotten, Wal’qtar,
only with a regenerate or similar higher level spell. and Ruavein Ausstyl are working on the body of a
If healed, the elven veteran is grateful and vows to frenzied mutant. They attack the characters on sight
aid the characters in whatever danger they face, along with emotionless expressions. A third male Inheritor
with his friend Ashe Dragos if he’s present. Olathynren of the Unbegotten, Zauraez Ausstyl, is in deep med-
Elointh has no knowledge of the dealings of House itation in the southernmost booth. The drow druid
Ausstyl. Still, he is familiar with all locations within will not hear any commotion from the outside and
the Twisted Forest, Hungry Down, Forest of Gloom, will not exit the booth for hours. He has 20 hit points
Stormy Mashes, and the Valley of Bloom. He knows left after the self-inflicted tortures he is performing
the location of the secret passage into the Refuge. on himself. If the door to the booth is opened, he
attacks mercilessly and fights to the death.
Award the party 700 experience points if they restore Most of the books, written in drow Elvish or Deep
Olathynren Elointh. Speech, cover topics about the Farrealm, mythical,
philosophical, and religious texts and epic poems
about time, space, strange locations, and aberrant
10. VA U L T O F TH E races or entities that exist beyond the stars.
One of the books is a magical tome entitled the Pna-
Background kotic Manuscripts of Yith.
The Inheritors of the Unbegotten conduct their
flesh-warping, aberration-infusing rituals in this Pnakotic Manuscripts of Yith (Very Rare Magic
room, which also serves as a ceremonial sacrificial Item). This ancient tome is handwritten in Deep
chamber. The unholy surgical workshop also features Speech. It contains a lengthy, irrational, and mostly
personal cabins where the druids can withdraw to incoherent description of a world that exists outside
meditate through self-inflicted pain. the known universe and a race of highly praised ab-
errant creatures that inhabit it. A creature who can
Environment understand Deep Speech and spends 48 hours over a
The workbenches and the operating tools on them period of 6 days or fewer studying the manuscript’s
are covered with dried blood and organic fluids from contents has its Wisdom score increased by 2, as well
countless victims. Severed body parts, limbs, tentacles, as its maximum for that score. The manuscript then
and unrecognizable appendages lie carefully laid out loses its magic, but regains it after a century. The
on most of them. One particular operating table holds creature who studies the Pnakotic Manuscripts of Yith
several organs, eyes, tongues, and brains in jars of liq- must also succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom saving throw
uid, while the other has the dissected body of a female or become afflicted with indefinite madness and gain
drow lying on it with two dark figures leaning over it. the following character flaw: “I am convinced that
we live in a world of illusion and nothing is real. Our
The bookshelves inside the room and on the corridor world is only the dream of incomprehensible entities
leading to it are filled with manuscripts written in who watch us constantly.”
drow Elvish or Deep Speech.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


11. CH A PE L O F TH E worth 75 gold pieces. They can be removed with the
right tool or a pointed weapon.

Background 12.  U A R TE R S O F TH E
This unholy chapel is dedicated to the otherworldly IN H E R ITO R S
entities venerated by the Inheritors of the Unbegot-
ten. The druids gather here once daily to perform
their mass prayers and petitions offered to divine Background
Farrealm entities. The area is empty at all other times. The austere living quarters of the Inheritors of the Un-
begotten lack all traces of comfort. The druids return
Environment to these areas to meditate during their long rests.
A thin layer of purple smoke lingers in this cave,
emanating from the four large stone urns that are Environment
fashioned to resemble the jagged maws of some un- A simple bedroll, a stone bowl filled with water, and
natural beasts. The incense placed deep in the mouth a few candles are the only features of these private
of these grotesque containers fills the area with a bit- cells. They are confined and claustrophobic places.
tersweet aroma that irritates the throat. Small cush-
ions are laid out on the ground in front of the huge Scene
statue of an indistinct tentacled multi-eyed creature The southernmost room is currently inhabited by
with several smaller urns at its base, filled with sev- Fenraezz Ausstyl, a male Inheritor of the Unbegot-
ered body parts and blood. ten who has finished meditating and recites prayers

The chapel is considered a lightly obscured area.
Welvynn Ausstyl enchanted the effigy of the tenta-
cled entity with an antipathy spell to keep out any
unwanted visitors. A creature who is not a tenta-
cled master or an Inheritor of the Unbegotten that
sees the statue must make a DC 18 Wisdom saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature becomes fright-
ened and feels an intense urge to escape the visage
of the idol. While frightened, the creature must use
its movement to leave the area. If the creature moves
more than 60 feet from the statue and can’t see it,
the creature is no longer frightened, but the creature
becomes frightened again if it regains sight of the
area or moves within 60 feet of the statue.

Two tentacled masters guard this area at all times,

awaiting the orders of their druidic masters or pre-
paring the chapel for the daily ceremonies.

The eyes that cover the tentacles of the statue are
inlaid with nineteen small purple sapphires, each

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

in silence. The drow jumps to his feet and attacks

if he detects intruders or if he hears the sounds of
combat from outside.

Each room holds the private treasure of the aberra-
tion-venerating druid that lives there, consisting of a
few gemstones worth 250 gold pieces.

13. S H R IN E O F TH E

This private shrine of Welvynn Ausstyl, the patron WE L VY NN A U S STY L
and archdruid of House Ausstyl, is also where Vool-
roon, the aboleth sage resides. The archdruid con- “What folly you must have even to
sults the aboleth on many topics and considers the
powerful aberration as a herald of the otherworldly
attempt to understand what is
beings he venerates. incomprehensible. Voolroon will
agree. One must see the void and
Environment hear its call to gain glimpses into
A large stone bath dominates the southern section
untold powers over the planes.
of this tiny room. The pool is filled with some red,
slimy liquid. The easter wall is covered by a single an-
And you are not worthy of being
cient polished stone tablet that depicts strange runes inheritors of this knowledge.
scattered among eyes, vicious maws, and tentacles. And so you shall die.”
Candles, smokesticks, severed body parts, and some
organs lie in front of the tablet. Welvynn Ausstyl telepathically assailing the
characters’ minds in an unnatural and gurgling tone.
A robed drow with a fanged and tentacled orifice for
a mouth and eyes hanging on appendages faces a The rune-covered unholy stone tablet is a secret door
huge fishlike creature that is half-submerged in the to a small niche, which serves as the vault of the
pool. Numerous eyes open on the robe of the arch- archdruid and House Ausstyl. It can be discovered
mage as the characters enter the room. with a DC 20 Wisdom (Perception) skill check if a
character actively searches the tablet.
Welvynn Ausstyl, the archdruid of the Inheritors of Treasure
the Unbegotten, consults his advisor, the aboleth The vault holds a bag of 361 gems of various colors and
Voolroon, in a silent telepathic conversation as the types, worth 3,610 gold pieces in total. A small chest
characters enter. Both attack intruders on sight, tele- holds three vials of potions of superior healing, two
pathically assailing the characters. potions of heroism, an elemental gem that summons a
chuul instead of an elemental, two scrolls of reincar-
nate that bestow the aberrant monster template on
their targets, and a ceremonial +3 adamantine sickle.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


14. A RCH D R U I D'S tions, as well as a complete and detailed history of
QU A R TE R S the Feyrealm domain of the Bleak Mire.

The three tentacles were grown by Welvynn Ausstyl

Background as part of an experiment that predated the planting of
The private quarters of the archdruid are a bit more the cortex pods around the Chasm. These cortex pod
comfortably furnished than the private rooms in the prototypes send out brainwaves in a 10-foot emana-
rest of House Ausstyl. The archdruid of the Inheritors tion that causes flashes of painful visions of a giant
of the Unbegotten does not abide anyone to enter his pulsating brain in a dark pool in the minds of those
private quarters at any time. who dare to approach them, and causing 3 (1d6) psy-
chic damage each round that a creature spends in the
Welvynn Ausstyl uses a stone shape spell on the ceil- area. The cortex prototypes have AC 8 and 11 hit points.
ing to create a passage to area 15 when needed.
The underside of the lizard skin laid out on the floor
Environment hides Welvynn Ausstyl’s illustrations and notes, done
A king-size stone bed occupies the western part of in his own blood, that depict the stages that lead to
this room. The skin of a giant bluish-green lizard is the grandiose sacrifice of the whole of the Bleak Mire
laid out on the ground in front of it. A stone book- to the otherworldly entities venerated by the drow
shelf holds a few dozen books, bound in organic ma- druids. It depicts three hag skulls under a watery
terials of questionable origins. The southern table body with a giant tentacled brain inside. The brain is
holds parchments, a vial of ink, more books, and a being infused with magic by humanoid figures wear-
wide selection of spell components. On the east wall, ing robes. The tentacles of the brain burrow into the
a large basin filled with what looks like ground meat bedrock and grow like vines out of the earth above
mixed with earth stores several 4-foot long squirm- where they sprout flower-like brains that grow at
ing tentacles with tiny brains on their tips. A door the top of tentacles. The brains emanate the power
opens to a small stone balcony with enough space they receive and shoot it toward a crack in the sky,
for two people. opening a rift in space. Giant tentacles are shown,
forcing themselves through from beyond the rift and
Scene tearing the fabric of space. The few text labels on the
The books on the shelf and one the stone desk cover skin are written in drow Elvish and have the follow-
topics about druidic traditions, the Farrealm, aberra- ing meanings:

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 ext to the Hall of the Sovereign: Collect Regional the interdimensional strangler to uncover Blister’s
Components, Slay Current Sovereigns location so he can take over the Feyrealm domain of
 ext to the Elder Cortex: Thought Eater, Draws the Bleak Mire from its current hag masters by for-
Power mally challenging them for rulership and defeating
 ext to the cortex pods: Empower, Grow them all. Unbeknowns to the archdruid, the two cap-
 ext to the planar breach: The Devouring of the tured hags are unaware of the location of their sister.
A section of the stone table can be rotated along A large vibrating magic circle composed of complex
with a wall section to reveal the small niche, which runes and geometrical shapes dominates the center
serves as the vault of the archdruid and House Aus- of the room with small flickering candles set around
styl. It can be discovered with a successful DC 20 it. A giant bag-shaped creature’s massive bloated
Wisdom (Perception) skill check if a character ac- body occupies the middle of the circle, its enormous
tively searches the table. tentacles disappearing into one tiny dimensional por-
tal and reappearing somewhere else in space from
another. Two of these dimensional tentacles tightly
15. S U M M O N IN G entangle the bodies of two humanoid figures that
CH A M B E R resemble a small and a medium-sized horned wench
with monstrous features.

Background Scene
Welwynn Ausstyl established an enhanced summon- The two paralized bodies held tight by the tenta-
ing chamber with interdimensional projection capa- cles of the interdimensional strangler are Tyke and
bilities to conjure aberrations from the Farrealm. Splinter (use the midnight hag monster entry), two
of the Matrons of Malice. The midnight hags can’t
The archdruid lured two of the Matrons of Malice speak or act in any way due to the paralytic hold of
into attacking Krasnar’s seemingly exposed ranks the aberration.
and captured the unsuspecting hags with an interdi-
mensional strangler he summoned. The aberration attacks anyone who enters the room
except for Welvynn Ausstyl. If the hags are freed,
The two midnight hags - Tyke and Splinter - cannot they laugh maliciously and immediately cast a plane
escape the powerful paralyzing tentacles of the in- shift spell to transpose themselves to their home
terdimensional strangler and are under a constant on Demonbane Isle in Hell. If they are somehow
barrage of the aberration’s detect thoughts ability. prevented from plane shifting, the two hags cackle
Welvynn Ausstyl consults the interdimensional stran- even louder and attack the characters without any
gler regularly about the new information it pries out reservation. If Blister is present on the Bleak Mire,
of the minds of the midnight hags. The archdruid is the midnight hags can also use their coven magic
most interested in memories and thoughts that re- abilities. If Tyke and Splinter are killed, their black
veal secrets about the strengths and weaknesses of spirits can be seen as they fly out of their corpses
the hags, their plans for the Material Plane and the and their bodies shrivel away into dust. The spirits
Bleak Mire, and most importantly, about the location waft into the air before escaping the plane itself
of the third member of their coven, Blister. in a vortex of sulfuric fire as they are transferred
to their phylactery at Demonbane Isle. A character
Welvynn Ausstyl already knows how the Midnight who witnesses this event can make a DC 17 Intelli-
Curse can be broken, but this does not concern him gence (Arcana) skill check to realise that the souls
or his plans. The archdruid is impatiently waiting for of the hags were sucked through the fabric of the

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plane itself to Hell as if drawn in by an item, akin to
a lich’s phylactery.

Casting the plane shift spell on the magic circle in

the room conjures an aberration of CR 10 or less that
remains indefinitely on the Feyrealm.

“How portentous that you would be

the agents of our extrication. But don’t
expect anything in return. We will
rule once more and you can serve us
faithfully or I will chew out your
eyeballs and penetrate your
earhole with my claws.”
Splinter envisions a horrific future for the characters.


“New toys! I want their heads

for my dolls. I will have them!”
Tyke cackling and cheering viciously.

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TRA IN IN G H A L L O F The only interesting feature of this bare room is a
TH E TEN TA C L E D collection of small runes etched in blood on the floor
under one of the bedrolls.
“Blessed by the void.”
This is where most of the monks train during their Drow Elvish Runes written in blood under a bedroll.
non-meditative periods of the day. Within the bloody
circle, the monks fight until one of the contestants
falls unconscious. 18. W I N D O W TO TH E
This room smells of sweat and blood. Stone train-
ing dummies and weapon racks stand by the walls.
A large circle is drawn in blood on the floor. Its edges Background
and the numerous blood marks within are smeared The ancient enchantment in this area is now main-
from the countless battles that take place here. tained by the archdruids of House Ausstyl after ly-
ing dormant during the exile of the drow house to
Scene the Farrealm. A phantasm created by a mirage arcane
Six tentacled masters occupy this room. Two of them spell evokes a scenery of the Farrealm in which the
are engaged in a fight within the circle of blood and monks and druids can meditate, and establish con-
are currently at half their maximum hit points. The tact and communication with their unfathomable
other four are watching them from the side. All ten- aberrant masters. Welvynn Ausstyl casts the mirage
tacles masters attack intruders on sight by surround- arcane spell in this room every ten days. The aberrant
ing their enemies to try to flank them. drow of House Ausstyl are immune to the madden-
ning effects of the room, as they are already fully
The weapon racks hold eight mundane spears, short infused with this madness.
swords, quarterstaffs, and handaxes.
The stairway from below leads into a large metal cage
17.  U A R TE R S O F
Q that is surrounded by an otherworldly scene that ex-
TH E TE N TA C L E D pands in every direction over the horizon. Creatures
with unexplainable anatomies float in mid-air above
M A S TE R S a terrain dotted by partly organic and partly natural
gigantic structures and populated by creatures that
Background wriggle and gibber endlessly. Enormous tentacles
The monks of House Ausstyl spend their silent medi- reach into the cage through its bars, countless huge
tative hours in this chamber. eyes watch those inside, and a solid cacophony of in-
comprehensible voices fills the air, which smells like
Environment pungent water and fetid puss.
Several simple bedrolls are laid out in this otherwise
unadorned room with small stone bowls next to Scene
each, some of them filled with water. The mirage arcane spell turns the walls of the cage
into the tangible illusion of the cage, which can be
grasped, even climbed, but can not be exited into

59 0
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the horrific landscape beyond the confines of the
area. The illusory tentacles move slowly and pose no 57. Th e B l a ck Wo r m
threat but touch the characters and even try to slow-
ly entangle them. If attacked and chopped off, they Background
fall to the ground with a burst of oily black blood. The Black Worm, a primorial dew-worm of gargan-
tuan size, spends most of its time under the Burning
A creature who sees the Farrealm landscape must Woods, in the tunnels it bores in the Dark Below.
make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, However, it occasionally rises to the surface to hunt.
the creature’s sanity quickly fades as the realization
of the magnitude of these powerful otherworldly be- Environment
ings shatters the sense of reality along with the men- The area where the Burrows of the Black Worm cross-
tal stability of the creature. The creature becomes es the Burning Woods.
afflicted with indefinite madness and gains a new
character flaw: “I am convinced that every creature Scene
is insignificant compared to the entities beyond our The silence of the Burning Woods is at first disturbed
reality, and their agents are destined to bring an end by a low rumbling, which grows in intensity as the
to the world. Everything is irrelevant in the light of ground starts to tremble. The ground suddenly starts
these facts, and resistance is futile.” On a successful to rise into a small hill, uprooting the trees, until
saving throw, the creature can brace itself against the gargantuan maw of the Black Worm erupts from
the Farrealm and its inhabitants and realize that they underneath, throwing great clumps of earth in all di-
would be able to fully comprehend them by spending rections and opening a tunnel to the deeper reaches
more time examining and experiencing their details. of the Dark Below.

A creature who spends a long rest meditating in Black Worm (CR 16, 15,000 XP). Use the purple worm
the room must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw monster entry with the following modifications:
every hour. On a failed saving throw, the creature’s
Wisdom score is reduced by 2 (1d4) points as it suc- • The Black Worm has 741 hit points.
cumbs to this madness effect. The target dies if this • Its space is 90 ft.
reduces its Wisdom to 0. Otherwise, the reduction • It leaves a 30-foot-diameter tunnel in its wake.
lasts until the target finishes a short or long rest. If • It has a single bite attack.
the creature survives 8 consecutive hours within the • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach 15 ft., one
area, it gains the boon of madness. target. Hit: 53 (9d8 + 9) piercing damage. If the target
is a Huge or smaller creature, it must succeed on a
Boon of Madness. You can comprehend the nature DC 19 Dexterity saving throw or be swallowed by
and intention of the aberrant beings that inhabit the the worm. A swallowed creature is blinded and re-
Farrealm beyond reality and sanity. You are not easily strained, it has total cover against attacks and other
shaken by anything that terrifies others or unhinges effects outside the worm, and it takes 21 (6d6) acid
their psyche. You become immune to madness and damage at the start of each of the worm’s turns. If
gain an advantage on saving throws made to avoid the worm takes 45 damage or more on a single turn
becoming charmed or frightened. from a creature inside it, the worm must succeed
on a DC 21 Constitution saving throw at the end
of that turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures,
which fall prone in a space within 15 feet of the
worm. If the worm dies, a swallowed creature is
no longer restrained by it and can escape from the
corpse by using 20 feet of movement, exiting prone.

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58. N ig h tm a re S p i d e r s 59. L i fe f l o w H o n ey
Background Background
The northern part of the Burning Woods is infested This part of the Burning Woods is inhabited by a
with colonies of nightmare spiders that hunt any- swarm of giant wasps that make their hives among
thing that enters their territory. the hollowed-out trunks of the largest trees in the
woods. The only creature that finds recluse in this
Environment part of the forest is Robur, the catfolk druid with
A network of webs covers the maple forest from a wolf companion named Ebony. Robur has made
ground to canopy, seemingly untouched by the peace with the giant bees and camps nearby.
strange flames flickering on the trees.
Scene The giant tree trunks in the Burning Woods buzz
The webs are especially dangerous as they cause with the noise of giant wasps that circle the opening
any who get tangled in them to fall asleep until it’s of their lair.
too late and the giant vermin cocoon them. When
they enter the area, characters must succeed on a Scene
DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice The swarm of giant wasps is highly territorial, guard-
the almost invisible webbing. A character who fails ing this segment of the woods and attacking all intrud-
this check and touches the web of the nightmare ers that come closer than 200 feet to their territory.
spiders must succeed on a DC 11 Wisdom saving
throw or fall asleep. A sleeping creature is uncon- Swarm of Giant Wasps (CR 2, XP 450). Use the swarm
scious for 8 hours or until the sleeper takes dam- of insects monster entry with the following modifi-
age, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the cations:
sleeper awake. Each sleeping creature attracts four
nightmare spiders that can softly cocoon them in •T  he swarm of giant wasps is a Huge swarm of Me-
one minute while the victim is asleep. The cocooned dium beasts.
creature is grappled and restrained and makes the • It has a fly speed of 50 feet.
saving throw against the sleep effect of the web • It has a Strength ability score of 12.
with a disadvantage when it awakens due to any of • It has 110 hit points.
the listed circumstances that end the sleep effect. • Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
The nightmare spiders attack a cocooned creature multiple targets in the swarm’s space. Hit: 13 (3d6 +
with their bites. 3) piercing damage, and the target must make a DC
11 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) poison
Nightmare Spider. Use the giant wolf spider mon- damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
ster entry with the following modifications: on a successful one. If the poison damage reduces
the target to 0 hit points, the target is stable but
 ite. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one poisoned for 1 hour, even after regaining hit points,
creature. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage, and the and is paralyzed while poisoned in this way.
target must make a DC 11 Wisdom saving throw or
take 22 (4d10) psychic damage on a failed save. The meager honey the giant wasps produce from the
fields of Panacea Lilacs is dark purple. Consuming
one pound of honey can cure and purify the body
from any disease. The giant wasps’ nest contains ten
doses of the curative honey (a total of 10 pounds)

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that needs to be collected into some sort of contain-
er before it can be carried away. 60. P a n a cea L i l a cs
Robur (use the druid monster entry) is trying to de- Background
vise a plan to save his catfolk ally, Geeza Gobell, from The field of Panacea Lilacs sprawls across many
the vile influence of the Matrons of Malice. He will miles on the southern edge of the Burning Woods
arrive at the scene after the characters, and if they and has remained intact, even thriving despite the
have killed the insects, he sadly purveys the carnage harsh weather conditions and the blight brought on
and walks away. However, if the characters have by the rise of the Matrons of Malice. A catfolk bard
befriended the wasps or obtained honey without warlock, Geeza Gobell was cursed by the Matrons of
destroying the swarm, he shows his respect for the Malice with a geas spell that forces her to sing their
characters and introduces himself in a feisty manner. praises or suffer the pain. She has escaped here to
He recounts that his friend Geeza Gobell relocated to survive the effects of the hurtful enchantment, but
the Panacea Lilacs field to benefit from their healing that meant she had to leave her druid catfolk com-
powers, but unfortunately the flowers’ smell irritates panion, Robur. Robur is allergic to the smell of the
Robur and results in an allergic reaction. magical lilacs and tries to figure out a way to save
Geeza Gobell from the cursed enchantment.

The five-foot tall purple flowers sway in the wind
and create a forlorn site in the bleakness of the Mire.

The magical flowers start to heal a creature’s wounds
at a rate of 1 hit point per hour if the creature has
spent at least a day in the fields. In the center of the
area is a shoddy encampment, whence intense, virtu-
osic, and powerful tunes can be heard - the sounds of
a hurdy-gurdy, played by Geeza Gobell (use the min-
strel of the college monster entry with the addition-
al spellcasting ability of the witchservant cultist),
the catfolk bard-warlock of fey lord from another fey
domain. Geeza Gobell continuously suffers from re-
ROB U R fusing to sing the praises of the Matrons of Malice in
a painfully sad tone.
“I can’t rescue Geeza myself, you see.
The Panacea Flower murders my nose,
and I am totally useless when
the sneezing starts. It is not a pretty
sound. Thankfully we escaped the
drow, but got separated in the fields
of flowers. Unnatural drow they
were, with bone shards claws.”
Robur explaning his predicament and
pointing to his scratches.

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61. P i t o f J e a l o u s y
A hoard of zombies was created by the Matrons of
Malice from victims of the Winter Court. They were
first weakened by fell magic to imbue them with a
weakening touch, then commanded as undead to
fight each other over the illusory treasures that the
hags conjured using the programmed illusion spell.

A 100-foot wide pit mars the damp ground of the
valley between the Burning Woods and the Winter
Forest. The sounds of moaning and fighting can be
heard even before one approaches the edge of the
“I, , Geeza Gobell, refuse to sing odes
pit, where a gruesome sight unfolds. Hundreds of
to the Matrons, those cursed fiends zombies are clawing at each other, seemingly fight-
without souls…. They can rot in hell ing over gemstones and other treasures that glitter
for all I care…. I will suffer their curse, in the mud under their feet.
but will survive, for I have outwitted
them after all!”
If any creature approaches the edge of the pit, the
Geeza Gobell proudly proclaiming free illusory gemstones continue to appear for 5 minutes
will despite the viles of the hags. before being dormant for another 10 minutes. Any-
one who vies the image can determine the illusion
A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (In- with a successful DC 19 Intelligence (Investigation)
sight) skill check can notice that Geeza Gobell is un- skill check. If anyone enters the pit, the unit of zom-
der some sort of compulsion that she is suppressing bies overwhelms them, trying to get at their belong-
and wincing as a result of pain. She explains her situ- ings and their flesh.
ation over several brief stops and asks the characters
to remove the enchantment or to come up with an
idea to free her from its effects. 62. S k in cra w l e r V in e s
Geeza Gobell immediately tries to reunite with her Background
druid companion, Robur, if the characters free her While most of the flowering plants in the Valley of
from the spell. The two catfolk will not accompany Bloom are benign, a dangerous variety of skincrawler
the characters out of fear of the aberrant drow but vines also grows in the marshy valley. Anyone whose
will aid them in any other way, including providing exposed skin touches its large overhanging flowers
information about the regions and locations in the succumbs to the transformative attributes of the
Dazzling Wastes, Valley of Bloom, and the Burning plant and turns into shambling mounds. The valley
Woods. is now home to a number of shambling mounds
who can further spread the affliction and grow their
Experience numbers from the unwary who enter the valley.
Award the party 700 experience points if the charac-
ters are able to free Geeza Gobell from the geas spell.

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Environment one may gain entry to the labyrinth of tunnels and
Sickly green flowers cover the swampy landscape be- caves that is the Dark Below. However, the slopes of
tween the Burning Woods and the Chasm, waving in the crevasse are wet and slippery, and the earth has
the strong winds of the valley. Lightwoods float in been loosened by the frequent earthquakes, making
the air above the flower cover, collecting rainwater the climb a challenging endeavor.
on immense curved leaves. The valley seems devoid
of wildlife. Environment
A system of deeply cracked rock and earth expands
Scene in a range of miles in this area. The vegetation of the
A character who succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence surface has collapsed into these enormous, hundred
(Nature) skill check can spot and identify the skin- feet deep crevasses that lead deep underground.
crawler vines. A medium or larger creature that
comes into contact with the vines must make a DC Scene
11 Constitution saving throw or contract the disease A character who descends on the steep rock walls
- skincrawler. and ventures deep into these enormous fissures can
find several passageways leading into the Dark Below.
Skincrawler. While infected with this disease, the tar- Climbing the rocks to descend to the safer tunnels
get can’t regain hit points, and its hit point maximum requires a successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill
is reduced by 10 (3d6) every 24 hours. If the disease check made with disadvantage. On a failed skill check,
reduces the target’s hit point maximum to 0, the tar- the character is unable to descend and risks falling
get instantly transforms into a shambling mound. At 2d6 x 10 feet, taking 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage per
first, the victim’s skin itches and sprouts small buds. 10 feet fallen unless it succeeds on a DC 20 Dexteri-
It then slowly hardens and becomes woodlike, while ty saving throw. On a successful save, the character
the victim is painfully transformed into a plant-crea- grabs hold of an outcropping and does not fall.
ture with more vines and branches growing out of
its deforming body. Infected creatures can repeat the
saving throw against the disease every day, ending 64. S p o re d a rk
the infection and the transofmration.
The characters encounter 1d4 shambling mounds The Sporedark is a cave system over an underground
each day that they spend in the Valley of the Bloom. stream claimed by fungoids, semi-intelligent and
Such shambling mounds spread the skincrawler dis- warlike plant creatures that inhabit the humid caves
ease with each hit of their slam attacks and every of the Dark Below. This colony of savage, cannibalis-
round they engulf a target. tic mushroom creatures hunts the caverns below the
Feyrealm domain of the Bleak Mire for slaves that
they can capture with their spores and use as organ-
63. Th e To rn P a s s a g e ic fertilizer to grow more of their own kind for food
and reinforcements. The fungoids eat those of their
Background tribe that grow smaller and weaker than their aver-
The Burrows of the Black Worm have collapsed into a age specimens. The tribe also manufactures poisons
wide chasm by the effects of the earthquakes caused and large blowpipes to deliver a variety of spores
by the Earth Cortex Pod, creating a 30-foot wide and that they generate themselves or harvest from other
120-foot deep crevasse that tears the Burrows in half. non-intelligent fungi they cultivate.
Deeper passages can be seen below that begin at the
sides of the crevasse, descending even further under- This particular tribe was co-opted by the Matrons of
ground. This location is one of the few places where Malice, who bid them be the guardians of their portal

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to Hell. The fungoids venerate the devils that they see es is a form of defense for the colony of fungoids
emerging from the portal and consider the midnight against intruding monsters from the Dark Below.
hag coven as a conduit to their fiendish masters. The dead bodies of creatures thrown on the pile are
Therefore, they feverishly protect the portal and do animated by the necrotic fungi that grow on them.
everything to prevent intruders from discovering it. These animated hands, claws, and fangs attack any-
one who tries to climb the pile but will not react to
The Matrons of Malice use the portal to call forth al- the fungoids.
lied or contracted devils from their home plane, Hell.
They don’t pay much heed to the fungoids who live Environment
here, only keeping them for harvests of the poisons A pile of colorful fungi and decaying monstrous and
and spores undertaken by spriggan bands in their humanoid body parts rises in the cave ahead, form-
name. ing a wall. The layers of bodies and the brownish
mushroom that grow over them slowly pulsate and
Environment move with many appendages.
The air in these damp caverns is heavily contaminated
by a fine dust of basidiospores, which appear as tiny Scene
particles swirling in the air. These spores quickly set- Two shriekers grow on the wall of necrotic fungi
tle on the body of those who enter, creating an itching that alert the entire tribe if activated by approach-
sensation in the eyes and nose and a bitter taste in the ing creatures. Climbing the wall requires a DC 10
mouth of those who are subjected to them. Strength (Athletics) skill check.

The caves in the cave system are 20 feet high and are Wall of Necrotic Fungi (CR 2, 450 XP). These non-in-
naturally illuminated by fluorescent mold and fungi telligent brown fungi grow on the carcasses of other
that cover the walls and ground, making all areas creatures, which they animate to protect themselves.
dimly lit. The wall has AC 12 and 60 hit points, it has damage
immunity against poison and psychic damage. The
The small bodies of water in the cave are all part of wall of necrotic fungi attacks any creature in contact
the same slow stream that flows through this sec- with the wall at the start of their turn. The wall of
tion of the Deep Below. It is 10 feet deep clear water necrotic fungi has the following statistics:
that is safe to drink.
• Multiattack. The wall of necrotic fungi makes three
Basidiospores. This fine dust causes irritating rashes claw attacks.
and coughing when inhaled or in contact with skin. • Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
A creature in contact with basidiospores must make a one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage plus 3
DC 10 Constitution saving throw every minute spent (1d6) necrotic damage, and the target is grappled
in contact with the substance. On a failed save, the (escape DC 13). Until the grapple ends, the target
creature suffers a -1 modifier to all ability checks, attack is restrained. A creature grappled by the wall of
rolls, and saving throws until the spores are washed necrotic fungi must make a DC 13 Strength saving
off entirely. Creatures immune to disease or becoming throw at the end of their turn or become engulfed.
poisoned are immune to the effects of basidiospores. An engulfed creature is restrained, blinded, and at
risk of suffocating.

1. L IV I N G WA L L Treasure
A thick gold ring worth 150 gold pieces shines on a
Background relatively fresh humanoid hand extruding from the
This 15-foot tall mound of fungi growing on carcass- wall.

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2. F U N G A L C L U S TE R S The dagger in the center of the Admission Gate is a
hellish sacrificial dagger. The huts and the cave are
Background occupied by ten fungoids who will attack the charac-
Huge bulging mushrooms serve as the living quarters ters on sight but will never step on the area covered
of the fungoid tribe, which were grown around the by the Admission Gate.
Admission Gate. The ancient portal to Hell is used
exclusively by the Matrons of Malice to open passage The hollowed-out mushrooms hold the remains of
to their devilish contractors and allies. The fungoids other fungoids whom the members of the tribe have
consider the portal a holy place and the hellish sacri- partially eaten.
ficial dagger at its center a relic. Each time the hags
require it, the tribe gathers to sacrifice one of their
members to open the portal. 3. H A G TH R O N E
Environment Background
The colorfully illuminated cave hosts a few hol- This throne is reserved for the
lowed-out blocks of giant puffball mushrooms that Matrons of Malice in the hope
grew to a height of 10 feet. A red, pulsating magic circle that the hags would decide
with square runes dominates the ground of the cave, to stay and rule over
with an intricately carved dagger placed in its center. the tribe permanently.
None of the midnight
The Admission Gate. This ancient two-way portal to hags ever sat on it.
Hell can only be activated once per hour by performing The fun­goid tribe
a special ritual and sacrificing the life of an intelligent comes to vener-
being within the circle. When activated, the Admission ate the throne
Gate functions as a gate spell. It can be used up to in times
three times before it is rendered useless for a full year. of great
The gate can summon a devil or allow passage to Hell. need.
Passing through the Admission Gate to Hell requires
no additional rituals besides the initial sacrifice. The
portal leads to Demonbane Isle, home of the Matrons
of Malice. The summoning ritual involves a specific F UN G O I D
rhyme in Infernal that acts as a command word and a
living sacrifice of a creature with an Intelligence score
of 6 or more. The sacrifice must be performed with-
in the circle with a hellish sacrificial dagger, a specific
magical weapon forged in Hell. Upon the completion
of the ritual, the Admission Gate summons a specif- Environment
ic devil named during the ritual or a bearded dev- A 10-foot tall throne
il. The devil is unsummoned and banished back grown out of colorful lumi-
to Hell when the requested task is performed or nescent mushrooms stands
when the devil dies in the Bleak Mire. The Admission in the middle of this cave.
Gate grants the effects of a nondetection spell on the
summoned devil, which lasts until the devil is unsum- Scene
moned. The Admission Gate’s features and functioning The throne is grown out of a psychic-sensi-
can be revealed only by a legend lore spell. tive magical mushroom called psyshroom that

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translates the thoughts of those with whom it is in A creature with an Intelligence ability score of 3 or
contact. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Dex- higher that ingests the psyshroom must make a DC
terity (Sleight of Hands) skill check can remove up 13 Constitution save or contract the disease - psysh-
to four psyshrooms from the throne that will wither room. A creature diseased by the psyshroom becomes
and become unusable after one week. incapacitated after three days as the fungus grows in
its brain tissue. It can take actions only by following
Psyshroom. As an action, a creature who touches the commands given to it through a psyshroom. The psy-
psyshroom can make it emit a spore cloud of violet shroom’s infestation of the brain can be removed by
floating dust in a sphere with a 30-foot radius that any spell or effect that removes a disease. A creature
allows the creature to translate its thoughts through immune to disease is also immune to the effects of
the spores and communicate the pshyshroom.
telepathically with any
intelligent creature
within the area of 4. WO R KS H O P
the spore cloud,
which dispers- Background
es after three The fungoids create their spore blowers and distill
rounds. the special fungal spores they use to blow on their
targets in this crude manufactory. They assimilate
these spores into their bodies in this room to be able
to blow them later through their spore blowers. The
lower-level cave section is a base for fungoid guards.

A workbench made of a hard fungus stands in the
northern part of the cave. It is covered with prim-
itive tools made out of chipped stone and raw ma-
terials that resemble long tubes in the process of
being hollowed out. Elsewhere in the cave, dif-
ferent types of harvested mushrooms lie on the
floor next to dried mushroom caps that hold
colorful dust.

A 10-foot rock wall descends into a lower sec-

tion of the cave, where a crudely constructed
wall of spears blocks the passage from a cave
tunnel ahead.

Three fungoids are busy preparing new ammunition
of spore dust from fresh mushrooms. The
spore dust can’t be utilized in any way, only
producing its effect if in reaction with the
body of a fungoid. The savage mushroom
creatures attack the characters on sight.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Three other fungoids guard the lower cave section. creatures, and humanoids alike. Six small fungoids
They climb up from below to join the fight. grow from this pile, ranging from the size of a hand to
that of a human child. They are more or less partially
attached to the fertile compost via thin fungal strands.
5. B E A S T PE N
Background Six fungoids feed on the remains of some other un-
The fungoids cultivate a rare kind of mind-control developed fungoids still attached to the mound of
mushroom, called psyshroom, on the body of a dead rotting flesh and mushrooms. They attack the char-
bulette that has been overgrown by the fungus that acters on sight.
eventually killed it. The fungoids have dominated an-
other huge beast through the use of the psyshroom
- a battle snail, which is diseased by the psyshroom. 64b. D e m o nb a n e I s l e
Environment Background
The rotting remains of a bulette lie at the southern Rising from a seemingly infinite infernal sea of lava
end of the cave. Strange thin yellow strands of fungi in Hell is Demonbane Isle, a monument to the eter-
grow from its body. A giant snail with a tough metal- nal battle between the legions of Hell and the chaotic
lic shell stands in the middle of the room, acting as if hordes of the Abyss, and the lair of the Matrons of
it was unaware of its surroundings. The same yellow Malice - Spike, Blister, and Tyke. The structure on top
mushroom grows from the top of its head. of a black basalt outcropping was fashioned eons ago
in the likeness of a balor’s skull from the bones of
Scene slaughtered demons and has been bestowed to the
The battle snail in the room is diseased by the psysh- coven of midnight hags by the lava sea’s pit fiend over-
room growing from its body. It is not active and re- lord, Ba’aldannorr. The coven has been harvesting and
acts only to commands given through the psyshroom. trading souls for millennia. They are able to bind the
The characters or any other creature that touches the harvested souls kept in soul bags into various forms
psyshroom on its head can also control it. of items, like weapons, soul gems, magical items, and
even phylacteries. Various devils and planar travellers
visit Demonbane Isle from time to time to exchange
6. G R O W TH M E D IU M valuable magic items, precious metals, and gems for
these custom-made soul-infused items. Such bargains
Background are hard to accomplish with the Matrons of Malice
The fungoids grow their own species on this huge and are always made worse by their unexpected or ex-
mound of organic material and fungi, which they orbitant demands that will surely make the customer
feed with prey killed during hunts. The fungoids suffer greatly for whatever they desire.
come to this cave individually or in groups to feed
and select smaller buds of growing fungoids to con- The Matrons of Malice regard this place as
sume that seem to be stunted in growth. Those not their home, and they regroup at Demonbane
picked for consumption grow over months to be- Isle whenever needed. The hag coven stores
come full-fledged fungoids who join the tribe. their most valuable possessions in this struc-
ture of demonic bone, which they have se-
Environment cured with the most powerful defenses.
An awful-smelling, rotting mound of flesh and fungi
towers in this cave. The partially recognizable body Environment
parts in the mound are from beasts, monsters, fey The air around the building is blazing from the heat

60 0
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of the sea of lava that surrounds it. The Admission Doors and Double Doors. The massive blocks of dark
Gate faces the mouth of a giant skull made out of metal that make up the doors were all enchanted
bones fused together perfectly. Within the mouth by the midnight hag coven. They have AC 20, 60 hit
is the only entrance inside, a large gate fashioned points, a damage threshold of 15, they have damage
out of dark metal. The areas inside the building are resistance against bludgeoning, slashing, and pierc-
hot but at a bearable temperature and are extremely ing damage, and damage immunity against fire, poi-
dirty, messy, and have a foul smell. son, and psychic damage. They open only to the Ma-
trons of Malice and can only be forced open with a
successful DC 30 Strength (Athletics) skill check.

Private Sanctum. Demonbane Isle is under the per-

manent effect of a private sanctum spell, blocking
planar travel, teleportation, and divination spells to
anyone but the Matrons of Malice.

Sea of Lava. The sea of lava

surrounding Demonbane
Isle is the domain of the
demon hunter pit fiend,
Ba’aldannorr, who al-
lowed the hags to cre-
ate a permanent base
at Demonbane Isle. It
is considered diffi-
cult terrain. A crea-
ture that touches
or reaches into the
lava takes 22 (4d10)
fire damage, and a


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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


creature at least half-submerged in the lava takes 99 humanoid, in the other, a seemingly intact humanoid
(18d10) fire damage at the start of each of its turns. with various musical instruments attached to him.
Completely submerged creatures are subject to suf-
focation. The main gate has the same statistics as all other doors
in the Demonbane Isle, however, it has 120 hit points.

1. P O R TA L L A N D IN G Scene
The air on the landing is extremely hot due to the
Background lava sea surrounding it. A creature on the landing
This landing area is used only by visitors of Demon- must make a DC 10 Constitution saving throw every
bane Isle because the Matrons of Malice use their minute or gain one level of exhaustion from the heat.
plane shift spell to arrive directly inside the build- Creatures immune to fire are immune to the effects
ing. This area is prone to encounters with creatures of this heat.
from the sea of lava or flying denizens of Hell. The
hags use the magical gibbets on the landing to hold The Admission Gate is connected to several portals
prisoners they wish to torture or store for some within the multiverse. A visitor can return to the one
time. from where they arrived by crossing the archway at
any time. In the case of the characters, the portal
One of the prisoners in a gibbet is an Avatar of the leads back to Sporedark on the Bleak Mire.
Efficient Mater, the deity of the god of Competence
inhabiting the body of a once-prodigious Onadbyrian Pulling the chain at the gate plays a short, out-of-
human bard named Deenus Longshorts and pretend- tune melody that can be heard in a 300 feet radius
ing to be the bard. The avatar found and crossed the outside the building. The awful tune causes all listen-
fey crossroads to the Feyrealm in the days of King ers to be struck by nerve-racking pain in their ears.
Dasmag. The satyr King became fond of the skills of A creature within the area of effect must make a DC
the one-man-band entertainer and granted him a 13 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
place in his court, asking the bard to play regularly creature gains one level of exhaustion.
during his almost unceasing festivities. The Matrons
of Malice captured Deenus and kept him to extract The rusty gibbets are magical and keep those they
vital information about King Dasmag and his revel- enclose from reaching terminal (level 6) exhaustion.
ries before launching their campaign to weaken and The figure in the right side gibbet is Deenus Long-
defeat him. Mysteriously, they could not glean any shorts (use the minstrel of the college monster en-
information from the immortal being, and they did try), who still has a few of his musical instruments.
not realize its divine nature. In frustration, they have The musician is extremely worn out and has five
imprisoned him. Deenus Longshorts has been wait- levels of exhaustion. Almost incapable of standing
ing for someone skilled enough to “rescue” him. and speech, he pleads with the characters to save
him from his captivity, playing some of his tunes in
Environment an enervated, almost pathetic way to showcase his
The Admission Gate is within a large stone archway friendliness and seem as non-threatening as possible.
opposite a broad stairway leading up to the mouth of The gibbet can be picked with thieves’ tools on a
the giant bone structure that hosts a massive metal successful DC 20 Dexterity ability check, or can be
gate without any hinges or keyholes. A long chain forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Ath-
with a metal ball attached to its end hangs on the letics) skill check. The rusty gibbets have AC 19, 30
right side of the gate. Two rusty, ancient metallic hit points, a damage threshold of 5, they have dam-
posts hold two cages on both sides of the landing. age resistance against slashing and piercing damage,
In one of them is the skeletal remains of a winged and damage immunity against poison, and psychic

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

damage. Deenus Longshorts will be eternally grateful Experience

if freed and joins the characters on their journey if Award the party 700 experience points if they save
they accept him. The one-man-band bard is familiar Deenus Longshorts.
with King Dasmag’s favorite song and can play it and
sing it all by himself. If Deenus Longhosrt were to
die, he would disappear in an unexplained way, only 2. S CA L E O F S O U L S
to resurface again at an unexpected place and time,
with wild tales of his heroic deeds. Background
The Matrons of Malice meet their customers in this
area to hear their demands and bargain prices. The
magical balance scale, known as the Scale of Souls, is
used by the Matrons of Malice to identify and profile
captured souls. The three soul gems on the desk hold
the souls of knowledgeable creatures that serve as
the hags’ private advisors to consult on negotiations
if needed. The room is also occupied by Broomstaff,
a soul-bound object created by the hag coven. The
charmed soul of a lazy noblewoman named Hanras-
ka was bound into a magical staff and then fashioned
into a broom by fastening slender branches to one
of its ends.

This large room has a giant bronze balance scale in
its center. A few small cabinets by the wall hold var-
D EEN U S L ON G SH O RTS ious books, ledgers, and three colorful crystals that
shed light into the room.
“Heroooes! Nevergonnagiveup. Saaav-
ing! Nevergonnagiveup. The Daaay! Scene
Nevergonnagiveupppa.” The soul-bound magic staff, Broomstaff as the hags
Deenus Longshorts performing his call it, is tasked with keeping the room relatively
newly composed happy song. clean of dirt, debris, or unwanted visitors, which it
hates to perform out of laziness but does grudgingly
When the characters start meddling with the gibbets nevertheless to please its masters. Broomstaff waits
or attempt to open or damage the front gates, Elys- to see what the characters are up to before attack-
sa, the erinyes devil formed out of Krasnar Azennar’s ing, during which it uses all of its charges if needed.
mother, the same devil that slew King Waldrann Azen-
nar, swoops out of the skies to attack them with her “Why do I have to do this! You could
longbow from a distance of 100 feet. Elyssa engages in
have just shown yourselves out, or
melee combat only if necessary.
killed yourselves. What do I care?
Treasure Now I have to clean you out myself.
The erinyes wields a nine lives stealer longsword with How I hate this!”
2 charges remaining and carries the ebony hair comb
of Queen Elyssa, which is inlaid with small diamonds Broomstaff grudging out loud at
and black pearls and is worth 575 gold pieces. the characters in Infernal.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Broomstaff (CR 2, 450 XP). Use the flying sword Environment
monster entry with the following modifications: Blood covers almost every inch of this room. A large
wooden table with manacles attached to it stands in
• Broomstaff has 32 hit points. one of the corners. The skinned body of a human lies
• It has AC 17 and a damage threshold of 5. on it, its wounds still fresh. Next to it stands anoth-
• It can speak Infernal. er table with various sewing equipment and half-fin-
• It deals bludgeoning damage. ished bags made out of the flayed skin of human-
• It functions as a staff of striking with 10 charges. oids. A large pile of dead, flayed bodies occupies the
southern corner of the room, opposite a pool of sickly
The Matrons of Malice have bound the souls of three greenish liquid. Within this liquid, a couple of worms
identical triplet merchant kings into three fist-sized wriggle, each the size of a large dog with the face of a
crystals named the Soul Gems of the Merchant humanoid staring blankly at its surroundings.
Kings. The kings, known as the Liar, the Kind, and
the Brash, ruled a distant land on the Material Plane Scene
eons ago and were famous for their unbeatable ne- The soul worms can’t communicate and have an In-
gotiation and bargaining skills. telligence ability score of 0. They are essentially ob-
jects for the purposes of soul binding. The characters
Soul Gems of the Merchant Kings. Consulting any can recognize the face of a familiar character from
one of the soul gems telepathically for one minute Onadbyr or the rest of the Kingdom of Aglarion in a
after a failed Deception, Persuasion, or Intimidation few of the worms.
skill check allows the creature to reroll the failed
skill check by using its Deception, Persuasion or In- If Freall is with the characters, she recognizes her fa-
timidation skill to accomplish the same, previously ther’s face, Elayros on one of the worms. She demands
intended outcome. In addition, if all three soul gems the characters to help recover him, but unfortunate-
have heard the conversation that resulted in the ly, it can only be banished for the rest for eternity
failed skill check, they grant better advice, and the (see the midnight hag monster entry for more on
creature gains advantage when rerolling the failed Soul Binding). Freall breaks down in tears when she
skill check. learns this and turns morose and introverted from
this moment. She has lost her cause and will eventu-
Each of the small sacks resting on the Scale of Souls ally either leave the characters at some point or turn
contains the soul fragment of creatures of differ- on them in her madness. If Sam “Weaver” Ebonhilt is
ent alignments. The scale becomes balanced when with the characters, he will become enraged at not
a creature or soul bag is placed on one of the trays, finding his parents like Freall. If Frumby is with the
and the sack with a matching alignment is placed on characters, he comforts either or both of them and
the other. slowly starts to convince them to serve his person-
al agenda. At some point, the characters can make
a successful DC 20 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to
3. S O U L B A G WO R KS H O P recognize that Frumby is manipulative and his goal is
not necessarily to calm the heartbroken pair.
The Matrons of Malice create their soul bags in this
gruesome workshop. The hags bring unfortunate vic-
tims to this room to flay them alive before turning
their skin into soul bags. The hags store less wor-
thy or only partially extracted souls in special soul-
worms that are native to Hell.

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C H A P TE R 5

take either an action or a bonus action on its turn,

4. S U M M O N IN G
not both, and can’t take reactions.
The dretches can’t leave the circle and remain abso-
Background lutely still until someone steps on the conductor’s
The permanent summoning circle is used by the Ma- rostrum, at which point they start to sing a dreadful
trons of Malice to conjure creatures to do their bid- song in Abyssal. The creature on the rostrum can con-
ding. Tyke frequently amuses its sisters by summon- duct them, but it can’t really make a difference in the
ing a group of dretches and forcing them to dress up quality of their singing.
in children’s costumes and sing as a choir.
The summoning circle allows spellcasters to cast con-
Environment juration spells that summon creatures as if they were
A magic circle that glows with red light occupies the effectively cast using spell slots at two spell levels
center of the room with a conductor’s rostrum made higher.
out of wood standing in front of it. Small, child-size,
green ugly creatures stand in three rows behind each
other, waiting patiently. A cauldron filled with blood 5.  RAN D F O Y E R
sits next to a bookshelf with old tomes. South of the O F TH E COVEN
magic circle stands a stone pedestal with a stone urn
on top. Children’s clothes and toys litter the room.
Scene This area is where the Matrons of Malice meet to
The creatures within the summoning circle are nine consult each other on their vile plans, to boast, and
dretches dressed up in children’s clothing. A disgust- congratulate themselves for each success they make,
ing, awful-smelling green gas emanates from the or to bicker and argue over an issue or failure. The
dretches and lingers in the room’s air, making the hag coven also uses this area to perform magical rit-
area lightly obscured. Any creature that starts its uals and to create special hag items in their small lab-
turn in the area must succeed on a DC 11 Constitu- oratory. Mundrak, their favorite magical soul-bound
tion saving throw or be poisoned until the start of its cauldron, acts both as a means of transportation, a
next turn. While poisoned in this way, the target can pet, and a bodyguard of the hag coven.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Environment hit points, and it is immune to psychic and poison
The air in this room is hot and dry. A giant well with damage. The Matrons of Malice lose their ability to
five equally long, 4-foot tall sides occupies the center rejuvenate if the phylactery is destroyed.
of this room. The well’s walls are of the same dark
stone as the ground of Demonbane Isle. It is carved Mundrak, the soul-bound magic cauldron, is always
with intricate fretwork that depicts devils and hags. present in this room if not taken for a ride by the Ma-
The lava from outside the isle is visible some 15 feet trons of Malice. The cauldron will start by splashing
below, within the well. A small laboratory takes up its victims with the boiling soul soup that was pre-
most of an old wooden cabinet next to the northern pared in it by the Matrons of Malice (see area 3 of the
wall. It is filled with jars and containers of various Witchcave, location 35.). Mundrak can cover a 10-by-10
sizes, materials, shapes, and ominous-looking com- foot area adjacent to it with the boiling soul soup to
ponents. One of the few smaller desks holds an open deal 21 (6d6) fire damage to any creature in the area.
book written by hand. A dark-bladed sickle rests on A creature caught by the splash can make a DC 12
the floor in front of the cabinet. Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage. The
soul-bound cauldron then follows with melee at-
Scene tacks, sometimes trying to grapple victims, scoop
The well of lava connects to the sea of lava that sur- them up, and drop them into the well of lava.
rounds Demonbane Isle. The laboratory consists of
tools and small containers that hold the strangest
and most vile components harvested by the hag cov-
en, like virgin’s rendered fat, tears of a murderer, the
feather of a deva, or a child’s heart. M U N D RA K

The open book is the autobiography of the Matrons

of Malice, which all three hags write together as a
showcase of their exploits. The book contains the fol-
lowing information:

•T  he history of the Matrons of Malice up to the pres-

ent day.
• A description of the Midnight Curse as a grandi-
ose scheme they fabricated to spread suffering and
misery all over the kingdom of Aglarion and the
creatures that live in it.
• The book also contains detailed information about
the ritual that removes the curse (see section The
Cleansing Ritual) but it does not include details about
Krasnar Azennar’s rejuvenation as the Lich-Knight, Mundrak (CR 2, 450 XP). This wondrous magic item
and only mentions it as the “wicked surprise”. has the soul of a subservient goblin named Mundrak
bound into it. Use the animated armor monster en-
A small greyish brown spotted egg encased in a try with the following modifications:
thick glass cube the size of an apple stands on one of
the shelves behind some other mundane materials, • Mundrak can magically fly at a speed of 40 feet.
strange trinkets, and components. This ordinary-look- • It has 66 hit points.
ing trinket is the phylactery of the Matrons of Malice. • It has AC 19, a damage threshold of 10, and damage
The glass container radiates magic, has AC 13 and 5 immunity to fire.

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C H A P TE R 5

• Enlarge. As an action, Mundrak can magically in- Scene

crease its size to Large to double, or to Huge to Kaloshka, Splinter’s chain devil torture master, oc-
triple its damage dice on Strength-based weapon cupies the room. The chain devil is not obliged to
attacks. It makes Strength checks and Strength sav- do anything specific but assist in tortures if Splin-
ing throws with advantage. If Mundrak lacks the ter commands. It will not attack the characters or
room to become Large or Huge, it attains the max- make any effort to aid the hags or Mundrak in a fight
imum size possible in the space available. Mundrak outside Splinter’s torture chamber. Despite its dedi-
can become medium-sized again at any time. cation and binding to Splinter, Kaloshka will gladly
• False Appearance. While Mundrak remains motion- torture anyone if asked to perform such services.
less, it is indistinguishable from a normal cauldron.
If any of the Matrons of Malice (use the midnight Among the implements of the table lies King Das-
hag monster entry) are present at Demonbane Isle, mag’s gloves of the satyr king.
they will be present in this room. If all three hags are
here, they can use their Coven Magic special trait. The
hags will use their most powerful abilities and spells 7.  L I S TE R'S TA TTO O
to defeat the characters. When any of them dies, PAR L OR
its body bursts into tiny sparkling ethereal motes,
which move to the egg on the cabinet as its souls is
transferred to its phylacteries. Background
Blister withdraws to this room if it wants to spend
Treasure time alone and enjoy one of its favorite activities, tat-
The dark-bladed sickle lying in front of the cabinet tooing, and feasting. It believes that the fatter it gets,
is a +2 sickle of venom (it has the magical properties the more space will become available for tattooing
of a dagger of venom and the weapon properties of a its body with intricate symbols of arcane power.
The room features a large bathtub made of stone and
6. S P L IN TE R'S TO R TU RE filled with a greasy liquid that smells like vomit. Next
CH A M B E R to it stands a table filled with various foodstuff like
cakes, roasted body parts and organs, soups of eye-
balls and teeth, strange-looking fruits, and unidentifi-
Background able beverages. The shelves on the walls hold tattoo-
Splinter’s private chamber is fashioned for torture. ing equipment, needles, and inks of various sources,
The midnight hag is a sadomasochist who enjoys in- along with scrolls that show illustrated tattoos that
flicting pain but also loves to be on the receiving end also describe the methodology of spell tattooing (see
of the torture device, especially if it creates a slowly Appendix F: Feats for more information).
but constantly intensifying sensation of agony.
Environment The bath is filled by a fiendish water elemental with
Numerous pieces of bloody torture equipment, like Blister’s vomit mixed into its body. The revolting ele-
drills, small saws, scalpels, and scissors are on display mental will not attack anyone who enters the room
in this room on a table opposite the door. A large but will try to kill anyone in contact with its body
rack covered in blood stands by the northern wall, other than Blister. A creature in contact with the
and many chains hang from the boney ceiling above fiendish water elemental must make a DC 15 Con-
the small room’s southern section. stitution saving throw or attract filth fever disease.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The table is a table of cornucopia, a magic item traded “Yes… They should be scared
by the hag coven for some souls. It magically pro- to death… I agree.
vides a grand meal’s worth of food and drink to an-
yone who speaks the command word. When Blister
Most definitely. Scared to death…”
visits its room, it consumes everything on the table Lady Putzentush agreeing and nodding slowly.
in a revolting fashion. It then vomits it back into the
bathtub, where it takes massaging baths with the The magic mirror reflects the image of anyone who
fiendish water elemental. stands in front of it, showing them as beautiful.
A creature that stands in front of the mirror must
make a DC 13 Charisma saving throw. On a failed
8.  Y KE 'S CO U R T
T save, the creature is charmed by the mirror. A crea-
OF DO L L S ture charmed this way is incapacitated and unable to
take its eyes off from its reflection in the mirror. The
charmed creature can repeat the saving throw every
Background hour to end the effect on a successful save.
This is Tyke’s playground where the malformed mid-
night hag plays with its stitched dolls and preens in
front of its magic mirror in its dresses. 65. Th e Co rtex P o d s
Environment Background
A large mirror stands opposite the door, showing the The Elder Cortex has already sprouted and grown six
most comely image of those standing in front of it. cortex pods out of the dozen needed to shred the di-
Further into the room stands a low round table with mensional fabric of reality and open a planar breach
several cups and a teapot. It is surrounded by small that would allow the Farrealm to consume the Fey-
chairs that each have a different doll sitting on them. realm domain currently known as the Bleak Mire.
All the dolls look scary, and the largest one is the most
grisly one, with the body of a plush bear and a zombi- During the cultivation, Welvynn Ausstyl and the rest
fied woman’s head. A couple of large brushes, combs, of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten have continuous-
hairpins, and the parts of a makeup kit lie scattered ly channeled their spells into the cortex pods, also
on the floor. enabling the Elder Cortex to cast them at will. As a
result, if a cortex pod is severed from the brainstem
Scene at its end, the Elder Cortex loses the innate spell abil-
The gruesome tea party is always attended by three ity the druids channeled into it.
invisible mumus who live in Tyke’s room. The mu-
mus will not leave the room but they will attack Environment
anyone other than the Matrons of Malice who enters Each cortex pod sits on a black tentacled stem that
the room. springs from the aberrant ground. On its top at the
height of 90 feet, each has a 5-foot wide black flower
The zombie-headed bear plushie, Lady Putzentush, with a pulsating brain at the center of its petals. The
can repeat and respond in an agreeable fashion to close vicinity of the pods is devoid of all life. The veg-
any question if the phrase “Don’t you agree, Lady etation has died away, and the ground looks strange-
Putzentush?” is added to the question. The mumus ly soft, wrinkled, and flesh-like around the cortex
whisper the command phrase into the ears of the pods in a radius of a few hundred feet, compared to
zombie’s head to scare intruders before attacking that a bit further away.
them with their special abilities.

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C H A P TE R 5

Scene Severing this cortex pod causes the Elder Cortex to

Each pod sends out brain waves in a 1,000-foot em- lose its contagion innate spellcasting ability until the
anation that causes flashes of painful visions of a gi- cortex pod has fully regrown.
ant pulsating brain in a dark pool in the minds of
those who dare to approach them, causing 3 (1d6)
psychic damage each round to any creature in the 65b. Th o rn Co rte x P o d
area. If they are physically attacked, the cortex pods
intensify the power of their psychic assault to deal Environment
10 (3d6) psychic damage at the start of each round. In the path of aberrant ground that makes its way
across the southern edge of the Bogs of Rot, the
Each cortex pod has AC 13 and 61 hit points, and they bodies of animals and some humanoid victims lie
are immune to psychic damage and bludgeoning, half-submerged on the wet mossy ground. Their bod-
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical at- ies are torn and covered with wounds. Thick shrubs
tacks. If a cortex pod is destroyed, it regrows within cover the area, so the cortex pod can hardly be seen
a week provided that the Elder Cortex is alive, which from afar.
can grow only one cortex pod at a time.
Each cortex pod has its own special magical ability If anyone approaches within 150 feet of the cortex
that requires a DC 17 saving throw to resist its effect pod, it activates, covering the entire area with a tan-
if the associated spell’s description allows a saving gle of brush with needle-sharp thorns in a dome with
throw. a radius of 150 feet. The thorny dome works as a spike
growth spell. The cortex pod can concentrate to up-
keep only one such effect at a time.
65a. P l a g ue Cortex Po d
Severing this cortex pod causes the Elder Cortex to
Environment lose its spike growth innate spellcasting ability until
A small island sits on the stream that flows towards the cortex pod has fully regrown.
the Chasm from the Lake of Blood, its surface thick
with brushy vegetation that is diseased and covered
with sickly green lichen and moss. The ground is ab- 65c. S wa rm
errant ground, on both sides of the stream and on
the island itself. The corpses of colorful birds of par-
Co r tex P o d
adise litter the ground around the cortex pod that
sprigs from the infested ground at the center of the Environment
island. An odor of decay permeates the air. In a swath of aberrant ground at the tip of the Bogs of
Rot, the ground swarms with masses of beetles, and
Scene the air is thick with clouds of mosquitoes, even more
If anyone steps onto the island and within 150 feet of than usual in the swamps of the Mire. The clouds of
the cortex pod, it spews forth a disease every round bugs conceal the tendrilous cortex pod at the center
in an emanation with a 150-foot radius that affects of the area, which is lightly obscured.
creatures as a contagion spell. Decide the type of dis-
ease spread by the cortex pod randomly. An otyugh Scene
that is immune to diseases and psychic damage has If anyone comes within 150 feet of it, an effect sim-
been drawn to the island by the carrion, lurking in a ilar to the insect plague spell erupts from the cortex
pit 40 feet from the cortex pod. It lumbers out of its pod, covering the entire area in a dome of swarming
hole and attacks anyone who comes near. blood-beetles in a dome with a radius of 150. The

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


cortex pod can concentrate to upkeep only one such
effect at a time.

Severing this cortex pod causes the Elder Cortex to

lose its insect plague innate spellcasting ability until
the cortex pod has fully regrown.

65d. E a rth Co r tex P o d

Cyllek the awakened raven, Blister’s spy, flies around
the area above the Earth Cortex Pod, the Torn Pas-
sage, and the Swarm Cortex Pod, observing the path
of Bwael Phindar and the goings of the aberrant ser-
vitors of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten, as well CY L L E K
as any creature that descends to the Dark Below
through the Torn Passage. The raven sporadically re- Cyllek (use the raven monster entry with an Intelli-
turns to the Witchcave to report to Blister. Cyllek gence score of 10 and the ability to speak Infernal)
has also been branded with the branding iron of the flies 1,000 feet in the air and seems like a regular
Hag Queens so that the hags can keep tabs on it. The raven at this distance. If it notices the characters, it
raven covers its burnt feathers and the hags’ brand will trail the new targets from a safe distance and
with a shawl. eventually try to gather intelligence to report to its
master. Characters can attempt a successful DC 12
Environment Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice Cyllek as
The area at the southwestern edge of the Hungry it draws near, hiding among the branches of a tree
Downs where the burrows of the Black Worm slice when the characters stop to rest. If characters spot
open the landscape, the ground has been ripped Cyllek, they see that curiously, the bird bears slightly
apart in a 150-foot wide circle of aberrant ground af- humanoid facial features and wears a shawl and an
ter Bwael Phindar trampled through the area. Plates amulet. If Cyllek sees that the characters have dis-
of rock splitting and grinding together have formed covered its presence, it tries to fly away swiftly, back
deep pools of mud, towering heaps of wet earth the to the Witchcave. If captured, Cyllek will not divulge
size of buildings, protrusions of clay, and deep fis- any of its secrets willingly. However it has a store of
sures 100 feet deep, which hide the cortex pod at the information at its disposal. It has observed the Cor-
center of this area. tex Pods and Bwael Phindar from afar and has seen
what effects they can manifest. It knows the way
Scene and entrance to the Witchcave (location 35.) and that
The cortex pod can create an earthquake spell in a Blister is hiding there with its spriggan minions and
150 feet radius to keep trespassers away. The cortex dryad witches. It has repeatedly traveled over the
pod can concentrate to upkeep only one such effect Hungry Downs and the Twisted Forest and is familiar
at a time. with all locations in these regions, except for Tipper’s
Tree and the Trail of Acorns.
Severing this cortex pod causes the Elder Cortex to
lose its earthquake innate spellcasting ability until Treasure
the cortex pod has fully regrown. Cyllek wears an amulet of proof against detection and

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C H A P TE R 5

energies into unnatural shapes. A 150-foot wide area

65e. Sco rch Co r tex P o d is scorched black with mounds of ashes that once
might have been living bodies or trees. The cortex
Environment pod can be seen from afar in the center of the area.
The once verdant brushland has been mutated and
twisted into weird forms and unhealthy hues on Scene
the aberrant ground that crosses the hills. In a 150- The cortex pod can unleash a deadly inferno in the
foot wide area, the plants are dry and brittle, their shape of a dome around itself. The effect is similar to
stems having been washed away by the rains on the a fire storm spell with a radius of 150 feet. The cortex
scorched ground. The cortex pod is clearly visible at pod can concentrate to upkeep only one such effect
the center of this parched hillside. at a time.

Scene Severing this cortex pod causes the Elder Cortex to

The cortex pod can flash its brain in blinding light lose its fire storm innate spellcasting ability until the
and emit a dome of scorching sunlight that works cortex pod has fully regrown.
like a sunbeam spell that targets every creature with-
in a radius of 150 feet every round until there are liv-
ing creatures within its proximity. The cortex pod can 66. H a l l of th e
concentrate to upkeep only one such effect at a time.
S ove re ig n
Severing this cortex pod causes the Elder Cortex to
lose its sunbeam innate spellcasting ability until the Background
cortex pod has fully regrown. The location of this huge cave in the Dark Below is
known only to a few on the Bleak Mire. It hosts the
fabled Hall of the Sovereign, an ancient site of power
65f. F i re Co rtex P o d that holds the means to claim the rulership of this
domain of the Feyrealm. Once the criteria are met,
Environment the sovereignty of the domain is endowed upon the
The western slopes of the Valley of Bloom have been new ruler. Many seek this location and almost none
turned to aberrant ground by the passing of Bwael of those who find it are powerful enough to obtain
Phindar, the lovely flowers of plants mutated by foul control over the region currently known as the Bleak

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Mire. Some say that the spirit of the Feyrealm itself The second challenge is to prove that the contestant
is the power that works its mysterious ways in this knows the realm. It involves sixteen mundane compo-
ancient chamber. nents that must be brought to a container from each
specific region of the Feyrealm domain. These compo-
The latest of those who vie to achieve dominance nents can be mundane items or materials like a piece
over the realm are the drow of House Ausstyl, but of wood, a pinch of dust, the hair of a creature, or
the aberration venerating druids known as the In- anything that originates from that particular region.
heritors of the Unbegotten have an even more ambi-
tious and mad agenda. Once they have taken control The third challenge is the dethroning of the current
over the Feyrealm domain, they plan to sacrifice its ruler of the domain. The contestant must either bring
entirety to their unnamable Farrealm masters, pow- the remains of the current ruler to the Hall of the
ers with an incomprehensible drive, one that exists Sovereign, or the current ruler must truthfully an-
beyond reason, space, and time. The aberrant druids nounce the challenger as its successor within the hall.
have summoned the Elder Cortex, an entity brought
forth from dimensions of the Farrealm, as the vessel Once these tasks are completed, the components
of their mad plot. brought from each region of the domain light up in
green flames in the containers and an intense whirl-
Outside the main cavern are a few small caves that wind erupts in the Hall of the Sovereign. The flames
serve particular purposes and are further manifesta- are illusonary and don’t emenate heat. They stretch
tions of the Feyrealm domain. One of these chambers out as if pulled by the wind and detach, whirling in
is inhabited by the troops of the Inheritors of the Un- the wind wildly before flowing into the new sover-
begotten, who are replenished every few days when eign ruler of the Feyrealm domain and disappearing.
their raiding parties bring in new captured creatures Once the flames have touched the new ruler, the
for sacrifice. wind suddenly ceases. The challenger can name its
new territory and becomes the new sovereign ruler
Environment of the Feyrealm domain known as the Bleak Mire.
The caves and corridors are 20 feet high and natural-
ly dark. The air is humid and heavy with the smell of All intelligent creatures in the Feyrealm domain
putrid water. learn who the new sovereign is and the new name
of the domain within one week as the spirit of the
Feyrealm magically announces them over the realm
Errands of the Challenger in the form of natural phenomena that speak.

Anyone can challenge the sovereign ruler of the Fey- The sovereign ruler of the domain can concentrate in
realm domain to contest control over the realm. The the Hall of the Sovereign for an hour to achieve the fol-
current rulers of the realm known as the Bleak Mire lowing effects within the Feyrealm domain for one day:
are the Matrons of Malice, who usurped the right
from King Dasmag as a collective entity of a coven. • Cast control weather as the spell.
• Modify the structure and material of the landscape
The first challenge is that the contestant must find of one region without changing its general layout
out the tasks required for the ritual. The method is and type.
not described anywhere but can be revealed by a leg- • Locate a creature that the sovereign ruler has seen
end lore or similar spell, or learned from those who before.
know it, like the Tomelords of the Awakened Library, • Set the rules for dimensional, planar travel, and
Frumby Goldtooth, Welvynn Ausstyl, or the Matrons mundane travel through the borders, including
of Malice themselves. opening portals to coexistent planes.

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Concentrating on any of these effects for an addi-
tional day extends the duration of the effect to one 2.  A L L O F TH E
week, while concentrating on the effect for one week S OVE RE IG N
makes the effect permanent.

1. STEP S O F TH E The druids nourish and worship the Elder Cortex and
A S P IRA N T offer it sacrifices of thoughts from victims captured
by their vicious frenzied mutants. As a result of the
druids’ sacrifices and nurturing by their druidic magic,
Background the Elder Cortex has grown vine-like roots that have
Those who seek to contest the realm’s sovereign pierced the bedrock and reached out in different direc-
must enter through this tunnel and climb the en- tions, sprouting on the surface in the aberrant ground
chanted stairs that remove magic effects from those created by Bwael Phindar. So far, these tentacled roots
who enter. have blossomed into six cortex pods on the surface.

Environment Filling the containers under the plaquettes with com-

A comfortable flight of stairs leads up to a height of ponents from regions of the Bleak Mire is currently
10 feet from the tunnel. The first step of the stairs is not the primary goal of the drow. They have already
carved with crude runes in an ancient dialect of Sylvan. started collecting the regional components, stored
in Bwael Phindar (see area 13 of Bwael Phindar), but
“Come as you are. Come as you were.” they first want to make sure that the cortex pods are
prepared for the interdimensional sacrifice.
Sylvan runes on the first stair.
Scene The body of water that flows into the cave from the
A group of ten grimlock slave guards is stationed at Lake of Bile above is blocked from expanding and is
the feet of the stairs in the tunnel. The drow in area 2 suspended in mid air, leaving a 20-foot pocket of air
are alerted by the sounds of combat in this area and between the ground and the floating water above.
come to aid the fight from the top of the stairs with Within this murky and foul upside-down lake rests
ranged weapons and spells. a gigantic pulsating brain with six massive tentacles
buried in the wall and many others that reach out
A creature who steps on the stairs is targeted by a from its bulging body.
powerful dispelling effect that works similar to a dis-
pel magic spell, except that it automatically dispels Great stalagmites protrude from the ground and
any spell of 5th level or lower. For each spell of 6th reach towards the water above, even into the lake
level or higher on the target, make a dispel check itself. A group of alien-looking tentacled creatures
with a +10 modifier. The DC equals 10 + the spell’s moves in the darkness, readying screaming sacrifices
level. On a successful check, the spell ends. to the massive brain that reaches out with its tenta-
cles to lift them high into the water.

Sixteen stone plaquettes with small, empty contain-

ers line the walls, each of them inscribed with the
image of a region of the Bleak Mire. The etchings
show the region’s current state and change if the
ruler modifies them.

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Rhulzari Ausstyl (use the Inheritor of the Unbegot-
3. G U A R D IA N
ten monster entry), a young and ambitious cousin of O F H I S TO RY
Welvynn Ausstyl, is currently in charge and tasked
with nurturing the Elder Cortex with regular feed- Background
ings of thoughts from intelligent beings captured by The essence of the realm, its collective memory, is
the frenzied mutants on the surface, as well as po- guarded by a manifestation of the Feyrealm itself. It
tent spells to feed its powers. The young Inheritor of keeps everyone but the sovereign ruler of the realm
the Unbegotten commands six frenzied mutants and away from area 4. The drow attempted to infiltrate
the grimlock slaves stationed in area 1. The drow will the cave but failed and never tried again, as it bears
fight to the death to protect the elder cortex, which no direct connection to their plans.
also assaults the characters with its innate spells and
psychic attacks, while it tries to read their minds and Environment
exploit their thoughts with its special traits. It fo- An almost impassable forest of roots entwines this
cuses its Intellect Drain ability on especially powerful natural cave filled by a thin layer of fog.
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence abil- The area is considered difficult terrain and it is light-
ity check realizes that the terrains on the plaquettes ly obscured. This cave houses a manifestation of the
are different regions of the Bleak Mire. A character Feyrealm itself, named the Guardian of History. The
who succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (History) skill fey celestial hides between the roots, appearing only
check can identify the following exact regions on the briefly, addressing the characters in a menacing tone.
plaquettes: It warns any creature other than the sovereign ruler
of the realm that it trespasses on forbidden ground.
• Glass Mountain If the trespasser continues onward to its lair in area
• Blightwoods 4, the guardian of history blocks their exit and at-
• Fleshbite Swamps tacks ferociously.
• Russet River and the Lake of Blood
• Bogs of Rot “You are treading on forbidden
• Twisted Forest
ground. You can leave with your
• Mountains of Rust
• Hungry Downs
life, or stay and and become one
• Forest of Gloom with the realm.”
• Stormy Marshes The warning of the Guardian of History.
• The Chasm and the Lake of Bile
• Bloodrime Forest
• Dazzling Wastes
• Valley of Bloom
• Burning Woods
• The Everstorm and the Lake of Tears

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The Guardian of History. The Guardian of History is front of their eyes. A meditating creature in the cave
a green-skinned, hooved giant with a wing composed can cast the legend lore spell once every minute to
of brown, orange, red, and yellow autumn leaves. Its acquire information about any event that has taken
head is crowned with a deer’s majestic horn, and its place in this Feyrealm domain currently known as
facial features are more animal-like than human. It the Bleak Mire.
holds a giant two-handed sword that bursts with
sparkles of energy. Use the planetar monster entry
with the following modifications: 5. E Y E S O F TH E R O O TS
• The Guardian of History has a lawful neutral alignment. Background
• It makes Stealth skill checks with a +10 modifier. The drow camp provides only the basic needs for
As an action, it can hide in plain sight if it has not the group that has been living here for months now.
moved in that round. Once it moves or takes an A drow druid has been attached to the roots found
action or a reaction, it can attempt to hide again. in this chamber, allowing it to scry the Bleak Mire
• It can cast the misty step spell at will without re- and follow the movement of creatures she met and
quiring any components to cast the spell. locations she visited earlier. Once every day, she re-
• It lacks the Healing Touch special trait. moves herself from the roots and directs the frenzied
• Rejuvenation. If destroyed, the Guardian of History mutants towards targets to raid.
gains a new body in 1d10 rounds, regaining all its
hit points, and becomes active again. The new body Environment
appears within area 3. A neglected camp was erected in this cave with camp-
fires, numerous bedrolls, and small tents. A couple of
easily transportable chests stand next to the wall.
4.  S S E N CE O F
TH E R E A L M A mass of thin, tangled roots covers the southern
wall, giving it an appearance as if strands of hair
were growing from the rock wall. Within these roots
Background is the body of a robed drow, lifted 10 feet high and
This small cave holds the essence of the Feyrealm held strong by the roots.
domain, currently known as the Bleak Mire. It is
an ancient place that stores the memories of every Scene
event that has taken place in this domain. Only the The Inheritor of the Unbegotten, Yaura Ausstyl, en-
sovereign ruler of the realm is allowed to enter and tangled by the roots, looks as if sleeping. A charac-
immerse itself in the memories of the past. Everyone ter who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception)
else is confronted by the Guardian of History and skill check can notice her eyeballs moving under her
driven away. closed eyelids. She is awakened by a louder noise or
if touched.
The roots leave almost no space to move in this cave. A creature that touches the roots can choose to be
The thick fog gives the area an eerie, menacing at- lifted and slowly, over the course of one day, be en-
mosphere. tangled by them. An entangled character becomes
able to cast the scrying spell once every day.
Those who spend one minute of uninterrupted med- Treasure
itation within the cave can focus their minds and The chests of the drow contain the riches of those
see past events of the Feyrealm domain unfold in they have captured. One of the chests holds all

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C H A P TE R 5

non-magical items, including a variety of gemstones

and crystals worth 2,750 gold pieces and jewelry 67.  wae l P h in d a r ,
from a wide variety of precious metals worth 845
gold pieces. The other chest holds eight potions of
th e M a g n if ice n t
healing, three potions of greater healing, a potion of Bea st
superior healing, a potion of climbing, a potion of flying,
a potion of speed, a ring of mind shielding, a wand of Background
wonder, an iron bands of binding, two +1 daggers, three The Gibbering Fort, as the non-drow call it, is named
+1 longswords, a +1 rapier, and a +1 shield. Bwael Phindar, the Magnificent Beast in the drow
language. It is a colossal organism fused together
from countless gibbering mouthers by the Inheritors
6.  IT O F TH E
P of the Unbegotten. The druids fed and grew the ab-
U N AVA I L IN G erration over the years until it attained its current
gigantic size. The creature was commanded to circle
the Chasm endlessly and devour everything that lay
Background in its path. Bwael Phindar incorporates everything it
The bodies of the unfortunate victims of sacrifice, consumes into its body, making it part of its enor-
living husks drained of their intellects, are deposited mous organism. With more and more creatures con-
in a deep cleft in a side passage of the cave system, sumed and absorbed into its body, it has become so
to die slowly from starvation or the crush of oth- enormous that it can host the aboveground forces of
er bodies thrown into the pit, which was once the the drow of House Ausstyl, which are led by Krasnar
grave of only those who failed to challenge the ruler Azennar. Bwael Phindar is indifferent towards oth-
of the realm. er aberrations but tries to consume and absorb any
other creatures as soon as it discovers them. It is an
Environment unintelligent, slow, stolid creature that acts out of
A gut-wrenching stench emanates from the pit be- instinct rather than planned actions.
low, which is half full of dead bodies of humanoids
and fey. Some of the creatures on the top of the Bwael Phindar is Krasnar Azennar’s seat of power
mound still move slowly, groaning in pain as if they where the aberration-infused ex-paladin warlock
were about to die. commands the aberrant forces of the drow. Kras-
nar Azennar is the general of House Ausstyl’s armies
Scene on the surface and a spawn of the Inheritors of the
The surviving creatures in the pit are two fey-realm Unbegotten. The druids have commanded him to
born elves (use the scout monster entry with the fey- prepare the ground for cultivating the cortex pods
realm-born monster template), Ilthainthas and Kiri- and capture sacrifices for the Elder Cortex. The ab-
onnyn, and a centaur named Baurd. Their Intelligence erration-infused prince leads a group of aberrant
ability scores are drained to 0, and they are dying. barbarians and commands Querrai Xalo, the umbral
They can be cured by a greater restoration or similar stalker spy of House Ausstyl, who reports to him on
spell of the same level or higher. Once saved, they events on the Bleak Mire and on the Shadowrealm.
will try to escape the Dark Below and return to the The fallen knight is also seeking Father Lestor. He
surface, asking the characters to help in this regard. knows that the cleric of Knowledge is hiding in the
Bleak Mire and in possession of his princely signet
ring that is a sign of his betrayal by his father and a
memory that the fallen knight has not relinquished
in his newly formed and alien intellect.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The areas surrounding Bwael Phindar are patrolled within Bwael Phindar. Each creature that is not an
by Krasnar Azennar’s aberrant barbarians, who col- aberration or aberrant creature that starts its turn
lect all living beings for food or for sacrifice to their within 200 feet of Bwael Phindar and can hear the
dark masters. The Fort is creating a circular ring of gibbering must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving
aberrant ground around the Chasm, preparing the throw. On a failure, the creature can’t take reactions
way for the ritual of the Elder Cortex below. All deni- until the start of its next turn and rolls a d8 to de-
zens of the Bleak Mire have learned to give the fort a termine what it does during its turn. On a 1 to 2,
wide berth lest they be engulfed by and merged into the creature does nothing. On a 3 to 4, the creature
the living fortress of the new lord of the land. makes a melee attack against itself with the weapon
in its hands. On a 5 or 6, the creature takes no action
Environment or bonus action and uses all its movement to move
Bwael Phindar is a mass of reddish flesh that con- in a randomly determined direction. On a 7 or 8, the
stantly oozes an oily substance. It has a collection of creature makes a melee attack against a randomly
glaring eyes of different sizes that occasionally blink determined creature within its reach or does nothing
and stare endlessly into their surroundings. Several if it can’t make such an attack.
orifices open on the skin of the being, fanged maws
of various sizes, some that have grown with the body Maw Gates. Some of the maws on Bwael Phindar’s
to the size of gates. The soft earth and hard materials body are gate-like orifices that allow entry inside
like stones below and around the colossal sphere of its body. A creature approaching Bwael Phindar can
aberrant flesh are doughy and soft as if their physical make a DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check. On a
structures have somehow transformed. The smell of successful skill check, the creature can enter one of
raw meat lingers in the air around the colossal ab- the maw gates unnoticed by Bwael Phindar. Bwael
errant creature that can be noticed from hundreds Phindar can attempt to chew on the creature on a
of feet. failed skill check.

All areas within Bwael Phindar are naturally dark. •C

 hew. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Chambers are 10 feet high if not noted otherwise one target. Hit: 48 (4d20 + 6) piercing damage. The
in the description of a specific area. Bwael Phindar target is grappled (escape DC 18) if it is a Huge or
has AC 7, 3,500 hit points, and is considered as an smaller creature. If the target is killed by this dam-
object for the purposes of determining spell effects. age, it is absorbed into Bwael Phindar.
Bwael Phindar regains 50 hit points at the start of its
turn. If Bwael Phindar takes force damage, this trait Blinding Spittle (Recharge 5-6). Bwael Phindar spits
doesn’t function at the start of Bwael Phindar’s next a chemical glob at a point it can see within 150 feet
turn. Bwael Phindar dies only if it starts its turn with of it. The glob explodes in a blinding flash of light
0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate. on impact. Each creature within 25 feet of the flash
must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or
Aberrant Ground. The ground in a 100-foot radius be blinded until the end of Bwael Phindar’s next turn.
around Bwael Phindar is doughlike and considered
difficult terrain. Each creature that starts its turn in Scene
that area must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving Bwael Phindar continuously gibbers incoherently in
throw or have its speed reduced to 0 until the start various tones. A large swarm of winged worms flies
of its next turn. out of one of the mouths near the top of the crea-
ture from area 14. It encircles the fort and attacks the
Gibbering. Bwael Phindar incoherently babbles while characters. The gibbering of Bwael Phindar alerts the
it can see any creature. While it gibbers, all Dexter- frenzied mutants, and four of them also exit the fort
ity (Stealth) skill checks are made with advantage to investigate. When Bwael Phindar takes damage

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on the inside or outside, it reacts with a convulsion ers, requiring every creature in the area to make a
that requires all creatures within a 20-foot radius of DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or become prone. The
the damaged area to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving frenzied mutants are so focused on their tasks that
throw or become prone. the characters gain advantage on their Dexterity
(Stealth) skill checks against them.

1. B A R B A R IA N D E N
3. AL L OF
Background PE TR IF Y IN G G A ZE R S
The frenzied mutants under Krasnar’s command
spend most of their time in this area unless they are
on raiding parties or exploring the Bleak Mire. Background
Bwael Phindar has absorbed many basilisks over
Environment time. These eyes have grown into and with its body
This cavity looks like a messy living area with a few and have retained their supernatural abilities. The
bedrolls, weapons, and clothing strewn around the aberrant drow traverse this area by averting their
chamber. Stone bowls hold dried blood and pieces of eyes.
unidentifiable meat.
Scene Scintillating bestial eyes of various sizes cover this
Six frenzied mutants occupy this area. They are alert- bodily chamber. The bluish light that flickers in their
ed if Bwael Phindar starts gibbering, four of them eyes illuminates the room.
will exit the maw gate to scout the area.
The eyes in this wall turn any creature who enters
2. M E A T QU A R RY into stone. A character who succeeds on a DC 13 In-
telligence (Nature) skill check can recognize the eyes
Background from a safe distance as those of basilisks.
The aberrant drow feed on the flesh and blood of
Bwael Phindar, which they harvest in this area. A creature that starts its turn in this area must make
a DC 14 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save,
Environment the creature magically begins to turn to stone and
The walls of this area are covered with the scars of is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the
regenerated wounds. Some of these wounds are kept end of its next turn. On a success, the effect ends.
open by iron tubes from which fresh blood drips into On a failure, the creature is petrified until freed by a
stone bowls placed along the organic wall. Large cuts greater restoration spell or other similar magic of the
of aberrant meat lie in a mound in the middle of the same or higher level. A creature can avert its eyes to
area, and a heap of eyes harvested from the body of avoid the saving throw at the start of its turn. If it
Bwael Phindar by the wall, staring blankly in every does so, it is considered blinded until the start of its
direction. Numerous bloody cleavers are scattered next turn, when it can avert its eyes again. If it looks
on the ground. at the area in the meantime, it must immediately
make the save.
Two frenzied mutants are busy slicing large chunks Treasure
of meat out of Bwael Phindar. The gigantic creature A small, beautifully cut diamond lies unnoticed on
flinches with every hit they deliver with their cleav- the fleshy ground, worth 250 gold pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

growth and left there is considered to cause pain

4. S P A W N IN G P O D S continuously. The pain in Bwael Phindar’s body has
the following effects:
The reproductive organ of Bwael Phindar spawns •T  he gibbering stops as the many mouths of the
several gibbering mouthers a day, which are released creature howl in pain.
into the wild. • The maw gates open wide, screaming with the oth-
er smaller mouths and stop chewing or attacking.
Environment •T  he eyes in area 3 shut tightly, temporarily ceasing
Bulbous wart-like growths cover the northern wall their petrification effect.
of this area, each bearing a mass of mouths and eyes. • The stair of teeth and tongue in area 6 stiffens and
They groan and gibber as they jitter uneasily. Some will not be able to spit out intruders.
of them are only the size of a melon, while others •T  he pit of teeth and the harpy mouths at area 10
have already grown to the size of a grown-up human. open wide, ceasing to attack or lure creatures with
their songs.
Scene •T  he venomous fang that blocks passage to area 13
Four gibbering mouthers detach themselves from opens wide in a scream, allowing passage to the
the spawning pods and start their new lives by trying area beyond.
to consume the characters.
The painful trashing of Bwael Phindar is noticed
by many of the inhabitants of the colossal aberra-
5. CA N CE R O U S G R O W TH tion. A group of four frenzied mutants comes to in-
vestigate in 1d4 + 1 rounds. Separately from them,
Background Krasnar also sends Querrai Xalo to deal with the
Bwael Phindar has a cancerous growth in this body problem. The drow umbral stalker arrives in 1d4
cavity. It is spreading very slowly and will not affect + 1 rounds.
the creature in any way for the next millennia.
Environment Award the party 700 experience points if they discov-
A lump of brownish, hardened flesh takes up a large er Bwael Phindar’s weak spot.
section of this area that has no eyes or mouths on it.
Its different texture and shape allude to a mutation
of the aberrant flesh, a benign tumor. 6. S TA IR O F TEE TH
The cancerous growth is a weak spot of Bwael Phin-
dar. A character who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom Background
(Medicine) skill check can tell what the growth is and This organ tastes those who traverse it and acts as a
that it is very sensitive to damage, which would send security measure.
waves of pain throughout the colossal aberration.
Dealing at least 5 points of damage to the growth A huge sloping, ribbed, and wet tongue leads up to
in a round causes Bwael Phindar to contract with the top level of Bwael Phindar. The sides of the tongue
pain, and many of its organs cease to function for are lined with large teeth that resemble a railing that
that round. A weapon thrust deep into the cancerous runs along to the top level, opening into a large space.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Scene 8.
If the tongue tastes any creature other than an ab-
erration-type creature, it tries to grapple the tar-
gets and purge them out of Bwael Phindar’s system. Background
A creature standing on the tongue must make a DC Kannakar, an aboleth servitor of the Inheritors of
16 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill the Unbegotten, has equipped this area as an oper-
check. On a failed check, the target creature is grap- ating room to conduct its vile flesh-warping exper-
pled and moved by the tongue to an orifice on the iments.
top of the stairs, where they get spit out through a
maw gate. The target creature is forcefully ejected 50 Environment
feet away from Bwael Phindar and lands prone, tak- Two operating tables made of stone stand in the
ing 24 (7d6) bludgeoning damage. It is also subjected middle of this area surrounded by an assortment of
to a blinding spittle ability of Bwael Phindar. equipment like drills, bonesaws, scissors, injectors,
and the like. Glass tubes filled with sickly green fluid
The four frenzied mutants at the top of the stairs in hold severed body parts of drow, while two desks
area 7 notice any creature struggling to withstand made out of some underground fungi hold different
the grappling tongue and will intervene by throwing notes, liquids, and powders in vials and containers.
handaxes at the advancing creature. All of the items in the room are covered by a thin
layer of a slimy substance that smells awful.

7.  O RE H A L L O F
F Scene
TH E M U TA N TS The notes on the desk were written by Kannakar in
Deep Speech and describe the process of grafting al-
ien appendages onto humanoid bodies. A character
Background who can read the notes and study them for an hour
Krasnar’s guardian frenzied mutants take turns can make a DC 16 Wisdom (Medicine) skill
guarding this area. check to learn the process, risks, and ben-
efits of the painful surgical procedure.
Environment A character who uses the required
Yellowed bones and skulls are piled tools and tentacle parts, which
by the organic walls that are con- are available in the room, to
stantly licked by long wet tongues execute the risky two-hour
that seem to be seeking some left- operation must make a DC
overs to taste and consume. 21 Wisdom (Medicine) skill
check. On a failed skill
Scene check, the target creature’s
Four frenzied mutants stand guard hit point maximum is per-
in this room, attacking any intrud- manently reduced by 10
ers they encounter. Their loud rag- points. On a successful skill
ing alerts both Krasnar Azennar in check, the target creature
area 12 and Querrai Xalo in area 11. R IN G O F gains a grafted appendage.
Treasure Grafted Appendages. The aber-
The skeletal arm of a once-great centaur rant appendages grafted into your body
champion still wears a ring of mental stability soak up damage from attacks. You gain 10 temporary
on one of its bony fingers. hit points and +1 bonus to AC while you have these hit

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

points. You regain these temporary hit points after a

10. H A RP Y M O U TH S
long rest. You can have only one grafted appendage.

Treasure Background
The desks hold a healer’s kit, a herbalist kit, a poison- Bwael Phindar has absorbed a group of harpies years
er’s kit, two doses of torpor poison, and ten doses of ago and assimilated their vocal organs into its body,
oni blood essence. which grew with it as it expanded. This area serves
as a protective trap to keep unwanted visitors away
Oni Blood Essence. This regenerative ointment caus- from the cavities beyond.
es a creature to regain 2 (1d4) hit points when ap-
plied. It re-attaches small severed body parts or re- Environment
moves large scars. Beautiful, large humanoid lips adorn the walls of this
room. They show vicious fangs when they open to
sing their aria. A shut maw gate forms on the ground
9. KA N N A KA R'S TA N K at the enntrance to the cavity.

Background Scene
Welvynn Ausstyl, archdruid of the Inheritors of the Bwael Phindar opens the mouths on the wall and starts
Unbegotten, delegated his advisor from the Farrealm, to sing with the harpy mouths as soon as intruders
Kannakar the aboleth, to assist Krasnar Azennar in pass the chamber in the corridor outside area 10. All
deploying the cortex pods around the Chasm. Kan- creatures other than aberration-type creatures within
nakar considers the aberration-infused ex-paladin as 50 feet of area 10 that can hear the song must succeed
an ally and works together with him to further the on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be charmed until
plans of House Ausstyl on the surface of the Bleak the song ends. While charmed by the song, a target is
Mire. Kannakar also demonstrates ways to graft alien incapacitated. If the charmed target is more than 5 feet
appendages onto the bodies to the frenzied mutants. away from the harpy mouths inside area 10, the target
must move on its turn toward them by the most di-
Environment rect route, trying to get within 5 feet. It doesn’t avoid
Aside from some illustrations and notes made in Deep opportunity attacks and must make a DC 17 Wisdom
Speech, the room only contains a large glass tank (Perception) skill check to notice the maw gate on the
filled with a slimy sickly greenish thick fluid. ground. If the charmed target notices the maw, it can
repeat the saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the
Scene target walks into the maw on the ground while it tries
Kannakar, the aboleth advisor, spends most of its time to get close to the harpy mouths. The maw chews on
submerged in the fluid-filled tank. First, it tries to parlay the target until it escapes. A charmed target can also
telepathically with intruders, offering them grafted ap- repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
pendages or treasures, and tries to learn their greatest If the saving throw is successful, the effect ends on it.
desires through its probing telepathy ability to make the A target that successfully saves is immune to the har-
most fitting offer. It takes its time to enslave as many of py mouths’ song for the next 24 hours.
the characters as possible. If all efforts fail, it flops out
of its tank with surprising agility and bursts through Treasure
the ranks of the characters to reach its allies outside its The decaying carcass of a spriggan assassin lies at
quarters. If cornered, Kannakar fights to the death. the bottom of the maw. A character inside the maw
can grab its handy haversack, which has the decay-
Treasure ing dead bodies of two more spriggans inside. When
Kannakar wears a ring of jumping. opened, the spirits of the two suffocated spriggans

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


are released in the form of two wraiths that attack
any living creature in sight.
12.  H RO N E O F TH E
11. Q UE R RA I X A L O'S Background
R OO M Krasnar Azennar is fanatically devoted to cultivating
the cortex pods around the Chasm and capturing sac-
rifices for the Elder Cortex to feed the process. He is
Background obsessed with eliminating any threat that would op-
The drow umbral stalker is an agent of House Aus- pose this plan, especially the servants of the Matrons
styl, sent on a mission by Welvynn Ausstyl to keep of Malice, against whom he breeds a special hatred.
an eye on Krasnar Azennar and gather information Krasnar Azennar is seeking the location of Blister,
from the aboveground areas of the Bleak Mire and the third midnight hag of the coven. The ex-paladin
the Shadowrealm, where he can travel freely using and former prince of Aglarion also breeds a personal
his magical powers. and vengeful hatred for those who served his father
or his former inheritance, the Kingdom of Aglarion,
Environment most notably Father Lestor.
The organic cavity is furnished as a regular but messy
room with a dirty bed, a small writing desk, a narrow Environment
wardrobe, and a worn combat practice dummy. A large throne composed of sinew, leather, and bones
extrudes from the organic ground of Bwael Phindar
Scene as if it grew out of it. A tentacled, malformed, ar-
Querrai Xalo spends most of his time in this room mor-clad figure with a vicious-looking glaive in hand
when not traveling or consulting Krasnar Azennar. sits on the throne, staring at the entrance with an
He tries to use his shadow step to get away from emotionless expression and unblinking eyes. A drag-
direct combat if confronted and returns in hiding to on’s skull lies on the north section of the room, and
deal sneak attacks. a tightly shut giant viper’s jaw grows out from the
organic walls from the south wall of the area.

Krasnar Azennar, the aberration-infused ex-paladin
QUE R RA I sits on his throne, contemplating his mission when
XA L O he is not outside of Bwael Phindar to defeat the min-
ions of the Matrons of Malice, to hunt Father Lestor,
or to confront any other threat that would endanger
the development of the cortex pods or the slow ad-
vancement of Bwael Phindar.

“Having no eyes on your back

is a luxury you cannot afford.”
Querrai Xalo returning from
the shadows to backstab a character.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

Krasnar Azennar recognizes the characters from Fa-
A ZENN A R ther Lestor’s dream and announces them as the allies
of his traitorous father. His emotionless expression
quickly changes to mad rage fuelled by hatred as he
attacks the characters on sight. If the characters have
acquired Queen Elyssa’s hair comb from the erinyes
at area 1 of Demonbane Isle and show it to Krasnar
Azennar, the abomination-infused prince becomes
stunned for one round as memories of his mother
course through his mind.

The dragon skull is of an ancient feyrealm-born

green dragon killed by Malzdreziret and Kras-
nar Azennar long ago. It is a trophy that sym-
bolizes the allegiance between the dragon and
the forces of the aberrant drow.

The viper maw is a secret door to area 13. It opens

only on Krasnar Azennar’s command or it can be
forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength ability
check. The viper maw attacks any creature that
touches it. It has a +9 to hit modifier on its
bite attack that deals 28 (4d10 + 6) piercing
damage plus 27 (6d8) poison damage on a
hit. It has AC 13 and 72 hit points. Once
the viper maw reaches 0 hit points, it can
easily be held open.

Award the party 700 experience points if the
characters recover Krasnar Azennar’s body.

13. F A N G E D VA U L T
This tightly sealed vault is where the drow and their
raiders, led by Krasnar Azennar, store the treasure
they loot from their victims.

“I am no longer the prince I was. A small cavity holds a large heap of treasure.
I am vengeance. I am destruction.
I am chaos incarnate!” Once this area is entered, the characters gain easy
Krasnar Azennar bursting out at the characters. access to the treasures found inside. A simple small

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


stone box with a stone lid holds five of the sixteen re- Swarm of Winged Worms (CR 2, 450 XP). Use the
gional components collected by the forces of Krasnar swarm of magic-infused fire beetles monster with
Azennar that will be used in the Hall of the Sovereign the following modifications:
(location 66.). They are each placed in a small pouch
and labeled in Dark Speech. These include the follow- •T he swarm of winged worms lacks the Illumination
ing components: and Infused with Magic traits.
• It has a fly speed of 40 ft.
• A piece of rock from the Chasm. • Its creature type is aberration.
•  alm-sized petals of a flower from the Valley of Bloom.
P • Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 0 ft., one
• R
 ed winter wolf fur from the Bloodrime Forest. target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 21 (6d6) slashing
• A giant dead mosquito from the Fleshbite Swamps. damage or 10 (3d6) slashing damage if the swarm
• A vial of blood-red liquid from the Lake of Blood. has half of its hit points or fewer, and the target
must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw or
Treasure become poisoned. A poisoned creature’s speed is
The room has a small pile of golden nuggets worth halved, it takes a -2 penalty to AC and Dexterity
3,450 gold pieces. A small green chest decorated with saving throws, and it can’t use reactions. On its
fey motifs holds a deck of illusions, a +2 rapier, and an turn, it can use either an action or a bonus action,
ioun stone of agility. The skeletal torso of an elf lies by not both. Regardless of the creature’s abilities or
the wall in a +2 chain shirt, and wearing a thin silver magic items, it can’t make more than one melee
necklace decorated with several rubies worth 500 or ranged attack during its turn. If the creature at-
gold pieces. A scarred metal +1 shield decorated with tempts to cast a spell with a casting time of 1 ac-
a powerful centaur lancer lies next to the skeleton. tion, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn’t
take effect until the creature’s next turn, and the
creature must use its action on that turn to com-
14. NE S T O F TH E plete the spell. If it can’t, the spell is wasted. A poi-
P A RA S I TE S soned creature makes another Constitution saving
throw every 10 minutes. On a successful save, the
effect ends for it.
Swarms of winged worms have infested this mawed
orifice, living off the flesh of Bwael Phindar. 68. H un tin g G r o u n d s
Environment Background
The wall of this cavity is ridden with worms that The hunting grounds around the former winter court
crawl on its surface and fly within, among slightly of King Dasmag were once the habitat of a pack of
pulsating pupae that are a foot in length. crimson-hued winter wolves that were kept as prey
animals to be hunted during the annual Wolfhunt
Scene of King Dasmag, their numbers quelled and main-
Four swarms of winged worms inhabit the cavity tained through the ritualistic hunting ceremony. As
and will be spewed out as soon as Bwael Phindar the seasons have passed without the annual hunt,
starts gibbering. the pack has grown large, numbering about a dozen
members. It has reclaimed the forest as its territo-
ry and even ventures outside of the forest to hunt
herds of elk that have been scraping the snow cover
for sparse lichen.

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C H A P TE R 5

Environment on each. A 5-foot area has a ladder that climbs up to

The blood-red snow covering the Bloodrime Forest is the second and third levels of the tower.
dotted with the trails of large four-legged creatures
traveling in a pack. Scene
Sharondaell (use the medusa monster entry) is bitter
Scene and thirsty for blood. It hides on the top floor of the
The characters can make a DC 13 Wisdom (Surviv- tower, taking three-quarters cover (improving its AC
al) skill check to notice that they have ventured to 20 and its Dexterity saving throw to +7), and hunts
into the territory of some larger than usual wolves. those who come near with her longbow. The medusa
A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence reverts to melee only if anyone intrudes the tower,
(Nature) skill check can identify the beasts as win- where it has advantage on attack rolls against crea-
ter wolves. tures climbing the ladders.

A pack of six red-furred winter wolves begins to stalk

the characters using their Snow Camouflage trait. 70. M o n u m e n ts
They emerge to attack with their breath weapons
from surprise and group on their victims in numbers
to th e M ire
of three. The winter wolves flee if half of their num-
ber are dead. Background
The Fleshbite Swamps and areas around the Win-
ter Forest are littered with the stone statues of nu-
69. W in te r Co u r t merous humanoid figures that protrude from the
muddy waters, all former victims of Sharondaell,
Background the medusa.
Sharondaell was once a beautiful feyrealm-­born half-­
elven huntress, overseeing King Dasmag’s winter Environment
court tower and organizing the annual Wolfhunt. Through the obscuring clouds of insects, the lifelike
The court tower now stands in ruins, surrounded by statues of various creatures can be seen scattered
standing lifelike statues of various humanoids, most around this area of the swamps.
with a terrified visage. The hags turned Sharondaell
into a medusa, tasking her to roam the Bleak Mire Scene
and raise stone monuments from her victims. She On a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation)
stalked the Fleshbite Swamps, her favorite hunting skill check, the characters can discern that most of
ground, turning many victims who dared to ap- the figures are in fleeing poses, looking behind their
proach the tower into stone statues. shoulders towards the southeast.

Environment Most of the statues of the petrified creatures are

A ruined wooden tower stands on a clearing in the cracked and broken, and returning them to life would
blood-red snow. In its close vicinity, red snow-cov- cause them to die instantly. The latest victims of Sha-
ered stone statues stand in different poses, most of rondaell, whose statues are still perfectly intact, are
them in fleeing or in fighting, defensive, or frightened those of three tentacled drow frenzied mutants of
positions. Many of them have arrows poking out of House Ausstyl, who were part of a raiding party.
their limbs and bodies.
The wooden tower has three levels, each situated 10 One of the petrified frenzied mutants carries the
feet above the other, taking up a 30-by-30 feet area body of a dead spriggan over its shoulder that still

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


has a stolen rope of climbing rolled up around its The giant gadfly can detach itself by spending 5 feet
body. The rope can be removed only if the statues of its movement. It does so after it drains 10 hit
are shattered. points of blood from the target or the target dies.
A creature, including the target, can use its action
to detach the giant gadfly.
Th e Ro tti n g • Mimicry. The giant gadfly can mimic simple sounds
it has heard, such as a person whispering, a baby
M o un d crying, or an animal chittering. A creature that
hears the sounds can tell they are imitations with a
Background successful DC 10 Wisdom (Insight) skill check.
A giant mound of rotting corpses breaks the surface
of the Fleshbite Swamps. These were just some of
the victims of the extermination campaign led by the 72. M a s s
Matrons of Malice against King Dasmag’s court. The
mound is the lair of giant gadflies that lay eggs in the
Ex te rm in a tio n s
mound of rotting flesh and lure creatures close with
their mimicry. Background
When the Matrons of Malice took over the Bleak Mire,
Environment they began a campaign of mass incarceration and ex-
This hill looks like any other mound in the Fleshbite termination. They gathered as many denizens of the
Swamps until one approaches its sloping sides and Feyrealm domain they could find and imprisoned
smells the putrid airs that emanate from it in a wide them in rows upon rows of ramshackle buildings in
circle. When viewed from up close, the mound is a the Fleshbite Swamps, encircled in a pen constructed
pile of hundreds of rotting corpses - of centaurs, sa- of barbed walls and guarded by merrow ghouls under
tyrs, feyrealm-born dwellers of the land, drow, and their command. Those who were not deemed worthy
various other fey creatures. Millions of insects form of keeping as souls for the devilish soul-trading of
a buzzing cloud above the corpses. the hags or as toy things for their vile tortures were
executed at an altar on the shores of the Crystal Lake,
Scene turning the waters into the Lake of Blood.
Sixteen giant gadflies hover within the thick veil of
insects that circles above the mound. The gadflies Environment
suck the blood of their victims, lured to the mound A large altar sits at the shore of the blood-red lake. It
with mimicry and feeding the ever-growing hill of is caked with crimson dried blood, as is the ground
carrion. on which it stands. The compound behind the altar
is encircled by a 10-foot high metal wall with barbs
Giant Gadfly. Use the stirge monster entry with the on its top. It lies in ruins after its abandonment, and
following modifications: the sole gate is hanging on its hinges, having rusted
over the years. The air is thick with the ferrous smell
• The giant gadfly is Small size. of blood and the stench of decay. The half-eaten re-
• It has 9 hit points. mains of hundreds of fey and feyrealm-born crea-
•B lood Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach tures cover the ground, within and outside of the
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) piercing damage, holding pens, whose bars have been broken down.
and the giant gadfly attaches to the target. While
attached, the giant gadfly doesn’t attack. Instead, Scene
at the start of each of the giant gadfly turns, the Six merrow ghouls are drawn to the sounds of en-
target loses 5 (1d4 + 3) hit points due to blood loss. croachments around the altar or the former holding

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5

pens. They will venture onto land from the lake, at- Environment
tacking interlopers, and try to draw victims in with This small pool sits at the foot of the Glass Moun-
harpoons before feasting on their paralyzed flesh. tains, partly reflecting the dark clouds above and
casting the pool into shadow and gloom. The brown-
Merrow Ghoul (CR 3, 700 XP). Use the merrow mon- ish pond is surrounded by ornately crafted bench-
ster entry with the following modifications: es, decorated with illustrations of fey in revelry, all
manner of flowers, and scenes of joy. In sharp con-
• The merrow ghoul’s creature type is undead. trast, the lotus flowers in the fetid pond are wilted,
• It has damage immunity to poison and condition and their petals are closed. A fishlike humanoid fig-
immunities to charmed, exhaustion, and poisoned. ure floats half-submerged at the edge of the pool,
• Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., with a set of alchemical appliances spread around
one target. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage. If the the pool’s rim.
target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it
must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw Scene
or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat Amongst the dying vegetation, a few small bushes of
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, night roses grow (see area 3 of the Arcane Tower). If
ending the effect on itself on a success. the cloud cover would break and the starlight would
be reflected off the slopes of the mountains above,
the flowers would bloom again and release their eu-
73. P o o l o f S ta r l ig h t phoric scent, causing unbound sensations of joy in
those who smell their sweet perfumes.
This small pond and the beautiful magical garden If he sees or hears the characters approach, Rhemit
surrounding it was one of the favorite spots of King Boughseeker will immediately cast mage armor and
Dasmag, where he brought his chosen concubines greater invisibility, and observe the characters before
or respected guests for dalliances or discussions. he engages them. If he perceives the characters as
A unique flower grows in the pool - the lotus of de- non-threatening, Rhemit will end its invisibility and
light - which releases euphoric scents when blooming make introductions. He relates his story of fleeing
in the starlight. However, as they have done with all from the Matrons of Malice and their merrow ghouls
other beautiful places in the Bleak Mire, the Matrons that guarded the site of Mass Exterminations at the
of Malice have ruined the beauty of the location, and southern shores of the Lake of Blood. The wizard will
the lotus flowers never bloom under the permanent not leave the location and will make barters for its
cloud cover, keeping their euphoric scents locked potions or for information, trading them for spells or
within their closed petals. other magic items. He is familiar with all locations in
the Fleshbite Swamps and Perfidy and the Ambrosia
Rhemit Boughseeker, an occultist merfolk wizard Winery. He knows the regions of the Lake of Blood
and professional alchemist who has fled the Lake of and Russet River.
Blood and the site of Mass Exterminations through
the Fleshbite Swamps, has found the pool and has If the characters show any hostility, Rhemit Bough-
managed to fool the flowers with a major image spell, seeker will unleash his spells. If reduced to half his
reflecting starlight onto the pond and making the hit points, he will cast another greater invisibility or
flowers blossom to release their perfumes. The mer- fly spell to escape. As a last resort, he will cast a ma-
folk wizard is experimenting with the flowers and jor image spell to cause the pond to be covered by an
is trying to distill their aromatic elements. He has illusion of the starry sky to cause the lotus flowers to
made the Pool of Starlight his home and a refuge bloom, hoping to resist their effect.
from the horrors of the Bleak Mire.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


•H e is proficient in the skills Arcana +6 and History +6.
• He speaks Aquan, Common, Primordial, and Sylvan.
• Spellcasting. Rhemit Boughseeker is a 9th-level spell-
caster. His spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell
save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Rhemit
Boughseeker has the following wizard spells pre-

•C  antrips (at will): fire bolt, light, prestidigitation,

true strike
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor, mag-
ic missile, shield
• 2 nd level (3 slots): scorching ray, suggestion
• 3 rd level (3 slots): fireball, fly, major image
• 4 th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, divination
• 5 th level (1 slot): hold monster
“He didn’t see the dark omens nor the
darkness lurking in the Dark Below. Treasure
I warned the King amidst the revelry. Rhemit Boughseeker’s spellbook is written on large
clam shells held together on a string of interwoven
That was King Dasmag’s folly….but
kelp, containing the spells on his prepared spell list.
that’s another tale. Tell me, are there He carries a set of 3 alchemist’s supplies in a large
wielders of magic amongst you? sack, as well as 4 vials of alchemist’s fire. In addition,
Is it information you seek? the wizard has a plethora of potions strapped around
Or perhaps my creations? its shoulder on a potion belt: 4 potions of healing and 2
potions of greater healing, a potion of animal friendship,
I will make fair trade for both.” 2 potions of climbing, a potion of invisibility, a potion of
Rhemit Boughseeker reminiscing of fate poison, 2 potions of resistance to psychic damage, and
and pointing to his potions for trade. a potion of water breathing. The merfolk occultist also
carries a strange dark green conch that works as a
Lotus of Delight. The lotus of delight is a purple lo- decanter of endless water.
tus flower that blooms under starlight and releases
its euphoric perfumes. Any creature within 20 feet
of a lotus of delight when it blooms must make a
successful DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be filled
with sensations of pure pleasure that are narcotic in
nature. On a failed save, the creature becomes poi-
soned for 1 minute. Until this poison ends, the target
is incapacitated.

Rhemit Boughseeker (CR 6, 2,300 XP). Use the mer-

folk monster entry with the following modifications:

• Rhemit Boughseeker has 46 hit points.

•H e has an Intelligence score of 17 and saving throws
of Intelligence +6 and Wisdom +4.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
C H A P TE R 5


The Matrons of Malice are masters of curses and The Matrons of Malice can be intimidated into lift-
spellcraft who weaved a curse so complex that it uti- ing the curse. This can be achieved only by learning
lizes and exploits every possibility provided by the about and acquiring their phylactery, and threaten-
universal rules of laying curses. It was intentional ing the hags with their immortality, which they val-
that the process required to manifest and remove ue above anything else.
the Midnight Curse would be so complicated. It re-
quired an item of importance that represented the Unknown to everyone, the Matrons of Malice have
target, in their case the kingdom of Aglarion and its added a detail, for which they made the preparations
royal crown, the removal of the rightful heir to the a long time ago. When the flames consume the body
throne, and an event that would activate the curse, of the prince and the Midnight Curse is lifted, the
in their case the coronation of an heir that is not the soul of Krasnar Azennar flies across the planes to the
rightful ruler of the targeted kingdom. soul fragment that was previously removed by the
hags and bound into his statue in the Mausoleum of
Naturally, each curse must contain a clause that de- the Royal Palace in Onadbyr. In this way, the statue
scribes how it can be broken. Most of the time, it is becomes Krasnar Azennar’s phylactery. The dead soul
just a spell, but it can be a seemingly impossible task of the prince rises as the Lich-Knight and lays de-
in the case of more complex curses. The complexity struction to the land that was once his inheritance.
of the activation allowed the hag coven to fabricate a
removal procedure of the same complexity. The Mid- Environment
night Curse can be lifted from the crown of Aglarion The pyre is set in the once majestic Court of King
only by the Matrons of Malice who cast the curse, Dasmag, and the aberrant body of Krasnar Azennar
and only if the rightful heir of the crown, Krasnar lies on top of it. The three wretched hags stand close
Azennar, wears the cursed crown and burns on a by, waiting for the flickering image of the ghost of
pyre built from the Hagtree, while the former sover- King Dasmag to start its song. When the ghost of the
eign of the land, King Dasmag sings his favorite song. satyr lord is placated and starts to sing its song, the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


hag coven cackles uncontrollably and reaches out to characters to eliminate them. The only option to get
inflame the massive logs of the Hagtree. rid of the Matrons of Malice is to destroy their phy-
lactery and kill them once and for all.
The hag coven grudgingly performs the ritual that The ghost of King Dasmag will gladly join the fight
lifts the curse from the crown of Aglarion only if the against the hag coven. Once the hags are slain, the
Matrons of Malice have already been defeated by the King’s countenance is restored to its former self from
characters, if they are threatened with their lives and that of a ghost. The Lord Dasmag thanks the charac-
the destruction of their phylactery, and if the compo- ters as its spirit is released and finds eternal rest.
nents are readied.

The ritual takes one hour and involves the hag coven
chanting over the pyre until the flames completely
incinerate the body of Krasnar Azennar. The crown
of Aglarion levitates above the funeral pyre and the
flames burn away the ugly deformities that appeared
on it with the manifestation of the Midnight Curse.
When the Midnight Curse is lifted from the crown of
Aglarion, it loses its sentience, and it ceases to func-
tion as a sentient magic item but retains all of its
other magical properties.

The pyre crumbles, and the Matrons of Malice de-

mand their phylactery back in a threatening manner.

“Now you must return our phylactery

as promised or our souls will haunt you
eternally, even in the afterlife, and you KING DASMAG

shall be cursed to conceive children

who are born undead!” Experience
Award the party 5,000 experience points if the char-
The Matrons of Malice demand that the characters acters lift the curse from the crown of Algarion.
hold to their promise after they fulfill their part of
the bargain by lifting the Midnight Curse.
Once the curse is lifted, the Matrons of Malice return
to Demonbane Isle with a plane shift spell, where they Once the Ritual of Cleansing has been successfully
pack up their most prized possessions and leave to in- completed, the only way for the characters to get
habit a new lair in secret. If the characters return the home is to take sovereignty of the realm (see section
phylactery to the Matrons of Malice, they secure it in Errands of the Challenger in location 66.) and lift the
a new secret lair and hunt the characters to eliminate restrictions on planar travel or even open a portal to
them. If the characters destroy the phylactery of the the Material Plane. However, at this point, Frumby
Matrons of Malice, they retreat to a new secret lair Goldtooth will make his move and attempt to claim
and lay dormant for one year until they can create sovereignty himself by turning the characters' allies
a new phylactery. Soon after, they start to hunt the against them (see. area 3 in location 64b.).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Wa r o f th e L iv i n g
When the characters return to the Material Plane, they find the Kingdom of Aglarion rav-
aged by hordes of undead. After regrouping at Camp Perseverance on the hills of Cloud
Peak, they meet the surviving allied forces under the command of General Sundabar
Stormbreaker. However, the mettle of the army is soon tested as an army of zombies
converges on the camp.

A Ca l l to A rm s
General Sundamar Stormbreaker tasks the characters to traverse the lands once again
and seek out forces to bolster the army of the living. These missions take the characters
to notable locations and against unforeseen dangers as they gather troops for a final push
against eastern Aglarion and Onadbyr.

O n a d b y r , th e C i ty o f th e D e a d
Once all ranks of the united armies have been recruited, the characters can undertake
several strategic missions inside the undead-infested capital to gain tactical advantages
in the final siege of the city. They will have to infiltrate the city and capture key locations
to gain the upper hand over the undead when the armies finally invade the capital.

S ie g e o f O n a d b y r
Depending on the characters’ actions to bolster their troops or weaken those of the un-
dead, the final invasion of Onadbyr is one of urban combat against the seemingly over-
whelming forces of zombies, wights, and ghouls led by greater undead.

P a l a ce o f th e L ic h - Kn ig h t
When the undead armies infesting the city are defeated, the characters can clear the
mound of zombies covering the entirety of the Royal Palace with a devastating barrage.
This will allow them to enter the Royal Palace and face the Lich-Knight in its throne
room, to end the reign of the twice-risen prince once and for all.

Th e D a w n o f a N e w A g e
With the defeat of the Lich-Knight, its undead servitors, and armies, the Kingdom of Aglar-
ion is finally freed from the machinations of the Matrons of Malice. It becomes a land of
opportunity where the characters are hailed as heroes, and a new king is crowned.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Reig n of the
L ich -Kn ight
Characters should be level 13 when they start Chapter 6
of Crown of the Oathbreaker.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



Time flows slower on the Feyrealm than on the Ma- kingdom’s citizens have heard about Camp Persever-
terial Plane, and as a result, months have passed since ance at the foothills of Cloud Peak and are looking
the rise of the Lich-Knight created from Krasnar Azen- for a way to reach it or are hoping that the general
nar by the malicious machinations of the Matrons of will send troops to safely escort them there. Most
Malice. The characters return to a ravaged land, torn towns have sealed their gates and fortified their
by the innumerable undead forces that have already walls, getting ready to withstand the wave of biting
slain many of the helpless citizens and the standing and clawing undead. However, when the hordes of
units of the crumbling army that tried to resist them. undead finally arrived at the first of these towns, Ro-
The source and the cause of the undead infestation nul’s End and Willow Creek, the residents saw their
are shrouded in mystery. However, general knowl- morale crumbling, and these towns soon became the
edge is that the Royal Palace has become flooded graves of those who stayed behind.
with undead from the inside and from a flying, om-
inous-looking upside-down ziggurat that broke free The Kingdom of Aglarion has become non-functional,
from below the Napping Giant and now hovers over where chaos and death prevails. Trade has stopped,
Onadbyr, continuously pouring forth zombies onto shops stand looted, and resources are unavailable.
the palace from above. Everyone is on their own, trying to save themselves
and their families, gathering food, and surviving from
With the Midnight Curse lifted, the people of Aglar- one day to the next.
ion could traverse the land with relative ease if not
for the large number of undead slowly streaming out The city of Onadbyr, the epicenter of the undead in-
from the capital. Many have fled to the west, as far as festation, stands deserted by the living, with only a
possible from the source of the infestation, looking few residents remaining due to their dire misfortune.
for refuge behind supposedly safe town walls or the These trapped individuals are trying to find a way
army camp of the last surviving general of the king- out of the city through the hordes of undead that
dom, General Sundamar Stormbreaker. Many of the wander the streets, looking to consume the living.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The most capable warriors or spellcasters of the cap- severance wherever they arrive in the Kingdom of
ital have either fled, joined Camp Perseverance, or Aglarion from the Feyrealm.
fallen victim to the undead forces, leaving the rest of
the survivors in a hopeless situation.
Master Zaophas has relocated the Arcane Tower to
the Astral Plane, sealed it with powerful magic and Background
returned with the wizards of the Arcane Tower. The General Sundamar Stormbreaker is a wise military
spellcasters now lend aid to the forces of General leader, a stalwart and uncompromising commander,
Sundamar Stormbreaker. a paladin of the Wondermaker, the god of magic, and
the last remaining pillar of the Royal Army. The gen-
The horde of undead, pouring out from the capital, eral continued to serve the kingdom and the crown
has already infested Onadbyr Plains, Willow Creek under Queen Aphinah and followed her few orders
Plains, and the Ulden Swamps. The plague of undeath even if he resented them. At the arrival of the undead
continues to spread to the north, south, and west of hordes, the general saw that outright war with the
Aglarion, along the shores of the Calhay Sea and the overwhelming forces would only slowly diminish his
King’s Road. With the death of Queen Aphinah and resources and eventually lead to a horrific defeat. He
the mystery surrounding the origin of the undead has ordered all of the troops that survived the initial
onslaught, there is no rightful monarch or authority chaos of the first wave of undead to regroup on the
in the realm. Still, most people don’t care about the eastern slopes of Cloud Peak. The steep mountain-
vacant throne with respect to their daily survival. side offers a good vantage point, a well-defendable
location that is hard to access, and an advantageous
The neighboring Drayl City-States to the south and fighting position.
the tribes of Vordan to the north have prepared
standing armies to withhold the undead forces if General Sundamar Stormbreaker is currently biding
they were to reach their borders. Drayl accepts ref- his time and focuses on gathering as many troops
ugees and provides them with shelter and food but, as possible to balance the odds, to this well-fortified
in return, expects those it saves to fight for them position. The general has also prepared an escape
if needed. In the meantime, the Vordani tribes have route down the mountain’s western slopes and a sec-
sealed themselves off and launch fiery missiles from ond camp on the other side of river Halueth. He has
their massive war machines at anything that moves made preparations to demolish the Overpass of the
up the slopes of the Vordan Mountains. Giants if needed, to cover the retreat of his troops.
He is ready to march further to the west into the
The Kingdom of Aglarion is still the home of many Mountainfall, should the undead be able to cross the
other NPCs that the characters might have encoun- river. However, the general considers the foothills of
tered or befriended during the adventure. If they are the Mountainfall as the place where he would take
still alive and allied in cause to the characters, they his last stand.
will either be located at Camp Perseverance or be
ready to join the fight if encouraged. The most capa- Environment
ble and possible allies are Selvaro, the young bronze Dozens of campfires, tents, and makeshift wooden
dragon, Cygnus, the couatl paladin, and Avra, the sen- huts dot the steep mountainside, where the ground
tient flesh golem wizard. Add these and any other has been worked by mundane tools and magic to
NPCs as you see fit. accommodate the impromptu military camp erect-
ed by the united forces that remain. Each cottage
The character should become informed about the accommodates up to 20 people, and the large army
state of the kingdom and the location of Camp Per- tents have enough space for up to 10 people. These

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

tents and huts have very simple furnishings made Explosive Runes. Some parts of the first flight of cliffs
from whatever the camp residents could fabricate are covered with glyphs of warding spells (marked
from nearby resources or carry on their persons. on the map) cast by Master Zaophas using 9th lev-
el spell slots. An undead creature that touches the
Several rows of large wooden palisades run across runes sets off the glyph that erupts with magical en-
the slopes, and spells have shaped most elevations ergy in a 20-foot-radius sphere centered on the glyph.
to become even steeper with only narrow stairs on The sphere spreads around corners. Each creature in
the cliffs to slow the advance of an invading force. the area must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw.
Three larger plateaus (zones B, C, and E) rise from the A creature takes 49 (11d8) thunder damage on a failed
side of the cliffs to a height of 20 feet, each of them saving throw, or half as much damage on a success-
supporting a 30-foot tall wooden watchtower. The ful one. An exploding glyph can be heard throughout
outcroppings (zones D and F) rise 20 feet above the the camp.
cliffs, gradually decreasing in height as the cliff rises
on their sides. Palisades. The palisades are constructed out of large
logs to form 10-foot high walls. A creature that wants
The escape route on the top of the camp was also to climb over a palisade must succeed on a DC 15
fashioned by magic. It turns into a serpentine road Strength (Athletics) skill check. The palisade deals 10
that runs along the side of the mountain, slowly de- (3d6) piercing damage to any creature that failed its
scending until it reaches the foot of the mountain on climb check. The palisades have AC 17, 60 hit points, a
its western side. 5-foot wide stone stairs were formed damage threshold of 5, they have damage resistance
by magic to allow an easy climb up from each zone against bludgeoning damage, and damage immunity
to the other, except for zone C, where rope ladders against piercing, poison, and psychic damage.
are lowered when needed.
The lights of the small settlement can be seen from The base of the last group of organized survivors on
afar, flickering in the clear night sky. At the foot of the mountainside make up about five hundred peo-
the towering mountain, a small group of mounted ple, including children, women, the elderly, other
warriors have erected camps and regularly leave to noncombatants, a unit of armed commoners, a unit
scout the close vicinity. The camps are silent except of Royal Swords, a unit of Royal Arrows, and a unit
for the occasional neighing of the horses at the foot of Royal Riders stationed at the foot of the mountain.
of the mountain.
Families share wooden huts built recently, while the
Cliffs. The steep rock walls are rugged and hard to troops spend the colder nights in larger or smaller
climb. A creature that attempts to climb the wall tents. The working facilities of the military base are
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill a forge, a large wooden warehouse, a large tent that
check to ascend the wall up to half its speed. Climb- serves as a field hospital, a command post located in
ing the almost vertical surface of the side of the out- a wooden cabin, and some watchtowers on higher
croppings (zones D and F) requires a successful DC outcroppings also built from wood.
20 Strength (Athletics) skill check. A skill check that
fails by 10 or more causes the climber to fall unless When the characters approach the foot of the moun-
it catches something to hold onto by succeeding on tain, a group of ten Royal Riders (use the scout mon-
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw. A creature that falls ster entry) on horses surround them and ask about
down the cliffs takes 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage for their business. They soon lead the characters to Gen-
every 10 feet of falling and is only blocked from fall- eral Sundamar Stormbreaker, who takes them away
ing to the bottom by the palisades. to the command post to conduct a private meeting
to discuss their intentions.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

If the characters show General Sundamar Storm- the crown. If the general is not convinced, he will ask
breaker the crown of Aglarion and the falcon blade, Gren and his troops to join him, but will otherwise
he will be reluctant to comment on the future state try to avoid any conflict with Gren and his family.
of the monarchy. The general considers Queen Aph- On the other hand, Gren, together with his family of
inah dead because he witnessed firsthand how the
undead have erupted from the Royal Palace, and he
is unaware of Gren’s heritage. At this moment, he
is not interested in anything besides winning the
war against the undead.

“No one could have survived

the onslaught at the Palace.
So it might very well be that
we will see the emergence of
a new dynasty on the throne.
But we have more pressing
corners than the fate of the
General Sundamar Stormbreaker
speaking his thoughts about
the royal lineage.

If Gren, who considers himself the

rightful king of Aglarion, is with
the characters, he will demand
control of the remaining army
and General Sundamar Storm-
breaker to pledge on the
crown of Aglarion, which at
this point he has already
demanded to wear as his
own rightful heritage to-
gether with the falcon
blade. The general will
be stubbornly unwill-
ing to accept Gren as
the new king without
any tangible proof of
his right to the throne.
A character who suc-
ceeds on a DC 13 Charis-
ma (Persuasion) skill check can convince General
Sundamar Stormbreaker to look for proof provided
by a council of divine and arcane spellcasters loyal to

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Uncanny Vagabonds, becomes furious and resentful if cruited units will bring more commoners that need
his demanded authority is refused. He and his troops care, so he has been preparing temporary housing
will leave to the Drayl City-States unless a character and stocked up on food supplies to accommodate
convinces them to stay and join the fight by succeed- the refugees. General Sundamar Stormbreaker asks
ing on a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check. On the characters to find the following remotely located
a successful skill check, Gren and the Uncanny Vag- fighting units that he knows of and to recruit them
abonds join the forces of General Sundamar Storm- under his banner:
breaker grudgingly and keep voicing their demands
throughout the military campaign. •N  ews is that the townsfolk of Harveston and the
Uncanny Vagabonds who have taken refuge at the
“I hear ya, I hear ya. town wish to escape to Drayl en masse. The general
wants to save the citizens, enroll the Uncanny Vag-
We save the land to have
abonds, and acquire the grain reserves of the town.
s’ing to rule over later. So he asks the characters to achieve these goals.
Once dis be all over, y’all • Nangrath has suffered greatly under the Midnight
will have plen’y o’time Curse. Still, Lord Arenbar Nangrath has reported-
to bow to yer new king.” ly been able to muster a unit of his dwarven de-
fenders who vigorously protect the town’s strong
Gren accepting the situation as it is for now. walls. The general asks the characters to convince
the dwarven lord to abandon his ancestral fort and
join forces with the unified armies, who can offer
The General’s Strategy protection to the isolated town’s citizens.
• The situation at Gorso has gone out of hand as Lord
Scene Ziademos and his extended family consider the un-
If the characters prove their competence in any way dead infestation as a manifestation of the Elemen-
or succeed on a DC 13 Charisma ability check during tal Chaos. The entropists enjoy the sudden change
their meeting with General Sundamar Stormbreaker, and new threats, but they want to live to witness
he will soon start to consider them as competent it. The confident sorcerers fight the undead from
allies and will be ready to discuss his tactics with behind their gates and do not allow townsfolk to
them at his command post at area 3. The general is leave. General Sundamar Stormbreaker wants to
reluctant to leave the well-protected camp and its save as many of the residents of Gorso as possible,
advantageous location until a formidable enough using any means the characters can employ.
force is amassed to face the undead. • Lord Kabok Goldtooth of Gonshar feels safe with
the distance between his town and the horde of
General Sundamar Stormbreaker has ordered the approaching undead. The illusionist noble fears to
Royal Riders and the wizards of the Arcane Tower part with his troops and leave the village unpro-
to cull the advancing undead wherever they can, to tected. He trusts General Sundamar Stormbreaker
buy time for his troops to grow. The wizards, led by to break the advance of the dead and will not will-
Master Zaophas, patrol the Ulden Road between the ingly commit to his success until convinced that
Azure Bridge and Southkeep, forming the first line of the general’s armies have a higher chance to win
defense. with their aid.
• The Wild Whale is a gigantic warship kept in the
The general is unwilling to thin his resources and drydocks of the Royal Shipyard until it sailed out
plans a single decisive strike on the capital to re- during the rise of the dead, stolen by the Golden
claim it once he has recruited all available fighting Masks. It has been seen on the waters of North
units from the kingdom. He is aware that the re- Bay, from where the characters should recover it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

However, scouts also report that the shoreline and were recaptured and utilized. The general plans to
Ronul’s End are swarming with undead armies, so take over these locations using a small and capable
army units would need to be allocated to clearing squad while drawing the attention of the hordes of
the village and saving the ship. If recruited, the ship undead on his main forces. He again implies that the
could be used on the river as part of the offensive. characters would be the most likely to be able to in-
The general would like to see the criminal organi- filtrate the city before the siege and accomplish the
zation make up for their crimes by joining the war following missions:
effort against the undead.
• General Sundamar Stormbreaker tells the charac- •T  he upside-down ziggurat that floats over the city
ters about Jasmin Johandulc and her Draylish mer- spews an endless stream of undead over the Roy-
cenary group called the Ravens of Winter. The gen- al Palace. It or whatever empowers it must be de-
eral paid a handsome amount of gold to the troop stroyed to cut off the supply of undead reinforce-
for scouting missions. Master Zaophas regularly ments before the armies can execute a final assault.
contacts the mercenary captain through magic and • Capturing the Minaret of the Speaker would allow
relays messages to General Sundamar Stormbreak- the liberating army to gain a vantage point over
er. The last known location of the Ravens of Win- the city and coordinate troops with the use of the
ter is near the King’s Forest to the west of Willow sound-amplifying traits of the magic tower. The gen-
Creek. According to the latest reports, the merce- eral hopes that the mindless undead won’t react to
naries have refused to advance after a failed deep- the information broadcasts and that coordinating
dive mission into Onadbyr’s sewer system. The gen- attacks would allow a more focused offensive.
eral requests the characters investigate why the • Reclaiming the Fists of Azennar on both sides of the
Draylish mercenaries have retreated and convince Royal Palace would add considerable firepower to
them to stay fast until the united armies arrive. the list of assets that could help defeat the undead.
Their proximity to the Royal Palace allows them
The general knows how hard and time-consuming to direct fire at the mound of zombies that covers
it would be to convince the entire Council of the the Palace, which could change the outcome of the
Heirs of the Drayl City-States to change their tactics final wave of the siege.
regarding their standing army on the border. There-
fore, General Sundamar Stormbreaker makes no ef-
fort to convince them to join their fight, especially ATTACK ON THE CAMP
after the Midnight Curse, which has made the Dray-
lish significantly more cautious about Aglarion. Background
Master Zaophas and the unit of wizards of the Ar-
General Sundamar Stormbreaker also envisions a pos- cane Tower have met a larger than usual horde of
sible tactic of drawing the mindless undead to the zombies a bit north of the Monastery of Spirited Leaf.
borders of Vordan and subjecting them to the destruc- The zombies have crossed the Ulden Swamps and
tion of the Vordani war machines. This tactic would emerged in astonishing numbers, which forced the
require a highly mobile and small squad that can easi- wizards to retreat to the west. Master Zaophas has
ly traverse the mountainside and evade the bombard- teleported himself and his most potent arcanists to
ment of the Vordani weapons. Camp Perseverance to aid in the preparation of the
assault. The rest of his unit of wizards is making haste
Once all available units have been gathered under to return to the military base as soon as possible.
his banner, General Sundamar Stormbreaker plans to
invade the capital with the united army. He points The units of zombies that approach the camp are led
out the three strategically important locations that by a unit of wights who detach from the main zom-
could aid in the battle against the undead if they bie horde and climb the north side of the mountains

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

to strike at the camp’s rear once their zombies have their positions. Everyone eyes the land beyond the for-
engaged the forces of the living. The units of wights est at the foot of the mountain to spot the retreating
try to stay in hiding as long as possible to surprise group of wizards and the dark amorphous shape of
the camp from their flanking position. the approaching undead army behind them. In exactly
20 hours, just after sunset, the undead horde arrives.
Once the meeting is conducted between General Sun-
damar Stormbreaker and the war council, the general Tactics of the General
orders refreshments to the command post and con-
tinues discussing some finer details of the planned General Sundamar Stormbreaker announces his tac-
assault on Onadbyr. At this moment, Master Zaophas tics and offers the command of a unit to each charac-
(use the archmage monster entry with its 7th level ter. Feel free to share the appropriate monster entry
spell slot already used) teleports into the command with your players so they might roll for their own
post with four nervous-looking academicians of the units. The general joins the unit of wizards of the
Arcane Tower and four apprentices of the Arcane Arcane Tower at their position together with Master
Tower. The archmage warns the general and the char- Zaophas, who acts as the captain of the unit of wiz-
acters about an approaching horde of undead that will ards. The archmage has the following spells prepared:
arrive in less than a day, according to his calculations.
•C  antrips (at will): fire bolt, light, mage hand, presti-
digitation, shocking grasp
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, mage armor*,
magic missile
• 2nd level (3 slots): mirror image, misty step,
M A STE R scorching ray
• 3rd level (3 slots): fireball, fly, lightning bolt
• 4th level (3 slots): fire shield, stoneskin*, wall of fire
• 5th level (3 slots): arcane hand, cone of cold,
wall of force
• 6th level (1 slot): wall of ice
• 7th level (0 slot): teleport
• 8th level (1 slot): sunburst
• 9th level (1 slot): meteor swarm

*Master Zaophas casts these spells on himself before

“The dead are near. A wave larger than combat.
any other we have seen before.
The weary and worn-out unit of wizards of the Ar-
We must prepare now!”
cane Tower arrives only one hour ahead of the zom-
Master Zaophas warns everyone in an agitated tone. bie horde. General Sundamar Stormbreaker orders
them to take positions at the protruding cliff in zone
The camp starts to buzz with anticipation as every- D, engage the undead horde with ranged magical at-
one begins to prepare for battle under the command tacks, and levitate or move to higher ground when
of General Sundamar Stormbreaker. Fresh torches are melee combat reaches their positions.
placed on the perimeter and the walls, and noncom-
batants are hurried to the safest places at the highest The unit of Royal Swords is positioned on the out-
points of the mountain camp. The fighting units take croppings of zone E. They are ordered to meet the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

undead in melee to slow their advance, then move to skill check to notice the ambush two rounds before
higher ground if reduced to half of their hit points. it happens. The wights clash with the unit of armed
commoners and try to turn them or any other slain
The unit of Royal Riders is ordered to fall back and units into a new unit of zombies before descending
engage the zombie horde on its flanks in zone G at the mountainside to crush the living in a vice.
the bottom of the slopes in hit and run tactics, but
only when the zombies start climbing the mountain. Experience
If all units of zombies have climbed onto the slopes, Award the party 1,800 experience points if they are
the unit of Royal Riders will dismount and pursue victorious over the undead horde and defend Camp
them from below. Perseverance.

The unit of Royal Arrows is positioned in the flat area

in zone D and is ordered to fire at will at the center THE ART OF WAR
of the zombie horde as soon as it is within range,
then move to higher ground before the unit of Royal In a mass combat situation, units of creatures com-
Swords retreat. bat each other. Characters and NPCs can attack and
interact with units as they would with normal crea-
The unit of armed commoners is positioned at zone tures, with the following modifications:
A to serve as a final line of defense and ensure the
safe retreat of the noncombatants if needed. They are Size. Each unit is considered to be a single creature.
commanded to leave through the path of withdrawal A gargantuan unit consists of 50-100 medium crea-
if the undead would reach zone C. tures, while a huge unit consists of 25-50 medium
creatures. Less for creatures of larger size.

Tactics of the Undead Actions. Units resolve actions at an initiative count

of 10 on each round simultaneously. Units can take
Six units of zombies approach from the lightly for- the Dodge, Dash, or Disengage action in combat,
ested area at the eastern feet of Cloud Peak at zone and they can take a short or long rest to regain hit
G and start to climb the cliffs below zone E. Each points. Some terrain features or environmental ef-
unit of zombies attempts to climb the palisades and fects might provide a unit with advantage (flank-
cliffs and makes the appropriate DC 15 Strength (Ath- ing position, higher ground) or disadvantage (fog,
letics) checks every round to advance. The units of dense undergrowth) on their attack rolls and ability
zombies will follow retreating opponents and use checks.
the stairs to ascend the mountainside, but they will
not wait for each other, meaning that the rest of the Effects. Non-damaging and non-healing spells, or ef-
units of zombies will try to ascend by climbing up fects and and conditions that have a single target
the cliffs while a unit of zombies occupies the stairs. or an area of effect affect a unit only if the unit’s
entire space fits in the area of the effect or if the
When a unit of zombies reaches zone E and engages effect affects any number of creatures. Effects that
the unit of Royal Swords in melee, a stealthy unit of modify the damage of an entire unit are multiplied
wights climbs up the cliffs on the northern side of by 8. Spells that deal damage or cause a target to
the mountain and sneaks up along the serpentine regain hit points work normally on a unit. Individual
road that leads to the top of the camp, arriving to creatures within a unit can be considered as multiple
zone A in the third round of combat. A character targets for the purposes of non-area spells that have
who explicitly states that it keeps watch over the multiple targets, such as the mass cure wounds spell.
escape route can make a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Unit Damage. A unit automatically deals melee or •C  antrips (at will): fire bolt, mending, shocking grasp,
ranged weapon damage to another unit even on a ray of frost
missed attack roll. A unit deals double damage to • 1st level (3 slots): detect magic, mage armor, magic
another unit on a successful hit instead of its normal missile
damage or triple damage on a critical hit.

Experience Points. Only award experience points to

characters for units defeated if there are no allied RIDA
units taking part in the encounter.

Metal equipment, armor, and weapons are mend-
ed and simpler items made at this small makeshift
forge. Rida, the only skilled blacksmith of the camp,
also uses magic to fix things.

This small iron forge is only moderately equipped, “It would be a waste not to fix this
missing some of the more complex tools usually massive weapon. I can feel it
found in such a facility. It has a small portable anvil
calling me to battle.”
and a fireplace, a few weapons that need repairs, and
a greataxe of orcish design with a beautifully twisted Rida working on the weapon without
iron handle. removing his gaze from it.

Scene Treasure
Rida, a young blacksmith apprentice with sorcerer The forge contains two smith’s tools and the broken
powers, is working on the greataxe, which was found +2 greataxe, which needs at least 3 days of work to be
by one of the Royal Swords on the mountain and repaired.
given to him in exchange for 20 gold pieces. He uses
magic and tools to mend it, but it will take a couple
of days to finish. Rida is obsessed with mending the 2. F IE L D H O S P I TA L
magic greataxe and welcomes any help to accom-
plish the task. The young warrior-sorcerer will not Background
give up on the weapon for any amount of money. The field hospital usually hosts refugees who arrive
at the camp and Royal Riders who most often clash
Rida (CR 1/2, 100 XP). Use the guard monster entry with the undead.
with the following modifications:
•R  ida has 21 hit points. This large tent has ten beds made out of fur and a
• Spellcasting. Rida is a 2nd-level spellcaster. His spell- wooden frame standing around a large table for op-
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to erations if necessary. The table is covered with band-
hit with spell attacks). Rida has the following sor- ages and vials of various sizes.
cerer spells prepared:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Scene 4. WA RE H O U S E
Solan Anastasios (use the druid monster entry) is the
only healer in the camp. The impish and playful half-el- Background
ven druid tries to hide his concern about his limited The warehouse is filled with crates and sacks of
capabilities soon to be required by so many people in non-perishable foodstuff, weapons, ammunition, ar-
these desperate times. The half-elf is highly knowl- mor, tools, and other mundane supplies that can sus-
edgeable about seafaring and hides the secret of once tain an army far larger than the one at the camp.
being a pirate on a ship that broke from House Ronul.
The walls of this enormous building are constructed
from planks. Inside, one can find a vast storage room
packed with resources, stored in crates, sacks, and
large storage shelves made out of wood.
A middle-aged, foul-mouthed, blond Royal Sword, Har-
lgard Stonesplitter (use the veteran monster entry),
elder brother of Tasran Stonesplitter of the Heroes of
Virtue, is responsible for the supplies. The veteran is
a trusted, loyal man of the general and despises his
brother. He will not let anyone take items unless or-
dered to do so by General Sundamar Stormbreaker.

“Don’t break a leg! We need to keep “None of you zombie-banging piss

some healing spells for the horses.” drinkers takes anything from this hoard
Solan Anastasios trying to be funny of goat’s farts unless I have that shiny
in a time of desperation.
marble-balled general’s permission
right here in my bitchslapper.”
3. CO M M A N D P O S T The foul-mouthed Harlgard Stonesplitter setting the rules.

General Sundamar Stormbreaker and Master Zaophas 5. WA TCH TO WE R
prepare and discuss their strategy in this small build-
ing created by the archmage’s magic. Background
These watchtowers were erected by magic and allow
Environment the soldiers on the lookout to survey a wide area.
The small octagonal building has windows on each
side and only one table in the middle, with numerous Environment
maps and notes laid out. The wooden watchtowers rise 30 feet above the rock
that magically encases their pillars.
The maps on the table show different parts of the Scene
Kingdom of Aglarion in great detail, while the notes There are two Royal Arrows (use the scout monster
list the particulars of stocked foodstuff, armory in- entry) stationed in each watchtower at all times un-
ventory, and troop names. less they are ordered to join their unit for war.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


After the battle is over at Camp Perseverance, Gen- “We are truly cursed
eral Sundamar Stormbreaker, in fear of the intensify-
by every god all at once.
ing advance of the undead horde, urges the charac-
ters to leave immediately and gather the remaining I sent the last of my
available units of which he knows. Master Zaophas swords to secure a safe
offers to take the characters to each location by a place to hide at Darkstone,
teleport spell but will immediately return to Camp and I have not heard of them since.
Perseverance to support it. The archmage also notes
that he would not be able to bring entire units to the
My grandfather probably closed the
camp with his spells, so the characters must escort mines for a reason, but we had just
back anyone they can. cause to open them again…”
Lord Arenbar complains about the fate of his soldiers.
The characters find a scared and scarce population
in Nangrath. An exhausted and weary Lord Arenbar
Nangrath greets them and explains how he has sent DARKSTONE MINES
his last troops to Darkstone to excavate and estab-
lish a safe haven for his town and how they nev- Background
er returned. The old noble begs the characters to Lord Arenbar Nangrath has ordered his single re-
investigate the troop’s disappearance at Darkstone. maining unit of Royal Swords, led by Captain Ick
Thermerson the Wise (use the mage monster entry) Forge-n-hammer, to clear the collapsed mine tunnel
is eager to tag along and help rescue his friend Ick of Darkstone in hopes to create an easily defend-
Forge-n-hammer. The lord offers to join Camp Per- able underground stronghold that could save his
severance with his troops as soon as they are able people from the undead infestation. Lord Arenbar
to do so or evacuate the town if the troops have and the people of Nangrath were unaware that the
perished main tunnel of the dwarven mine did not collapse

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

due to natural causes but was intentionally demol- rotten. The ferrous smell of blood lingers in the air
ished by the miners after some horrific events that throughout the caves, which gets more intense as
took place within its confines several hundred years one approaches the lowest level of the mine. Shad-
ago. The dwarven miners of the past unearthed a ows cast within the lair seem abnormally gaunt and
strange, magical ruby marked with the rune of Faer- sometimes move as though alive within a creeping
yl Myrryn, which was kept safe from any unwant- fog that clings to the ground. The fog occasionally
ed meddling by a priest of the Redeemer, who was takes eerie forms, such as grasping bird talons and
delegated to the site from Onadbyr. On a terrible demonic faces.
night, a dark figure in blood-red robes arrived at the
mine, slaughtered the priest, and bathed the runed
ruby in the priest’s blood. The ritual caused a terri- 1. E L E VA TO R S H A F T
ble vrock vampire, Dag’drirath, to emerge from the
ruby. The demonic undead soon took control over Background
everyone it could, even though it was bound to the The tunnel that leads to the top of the elevator shaft
close vicinity of the gem. The last survivors, those was blocked by debris until the Royal Swords cleared
who could evade its charm, collapsed the tunnel to it recently. The elevator platform raised and lowered
entomb the powerful undead fiend along with their heavy carts to the levels below.
own kin within the mine.
Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer and his unit of Royal The hexagonal shaft is 100 feet deep with an exit to
Swords worked on the collapsed tunnel for over a the levels below at every 50 feet. Sturdy iron rail-
month before they could reach the mines that lay ings run along its sides, running in a massive wood-
beyond the debris. The Royal Swords explored the en frame bolted to the stone with screws the size
mine and found the blood-red ruby but gave it no of a grown person’s arm. The wooden parts of the
particular importance besides its worth. They left elevator are cracked and worn by the centuries that
it untouched and started remodeling the mines to have passed, and the metal is partially corroded.
make them usable to accommodate the villagers of A large hexagonal elevator platform made of wood
Nangrath for the long term. As the hours passed, and framed by iron can be seen from above, sta-
Dag’drirath slowly stalked the dark tunnels in bat tioned one level below. It has a rusty metal wheel
form and charmed the soldiers one by one until it attached to its side.
was able to announce its dominance over them. As
of now, the soldiers feel compelled to obey their new Several ancient, blackened, and crumbling skeletal
undead demon master, whom they feed regularly body parts lie scattered on the ground. A charac-
with their own blood. The vampire vrock forces the ter who inspects the bodies and succeeds on a DC
Royal Swords to venerate Faeryl Myrryn and Orcus in 12 Wisdom (Medicine or Investigation) skill check
hopes of reaching out to them and bargaining for a learns that they were torn apart by the claws of a
return to the Abyss. large beast or have died due to an immense explosion.

Environment The sounds of slow rhythmic chanting can be heard

The artificially excavated tunnels of Darkstone Mines faintly from the shaft below, the words unintelligi-
were bored into the natural rock that still holds veins ble. The chanting is pierced by the sounds of rocks
of silver, gold, and onyx in some places. The tunnels being hewn from a closer distance.
and caves are naturally dark and rise to 10 feet. The
walls are lined with small oil lanterns, but only those Scene
on level 3 are lit. The roof of the tunnels is supported The bodies are the remains of the miners killed by
by massive timber logs that are quite cracked and the vampire vrock and those who were not quick

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

enough to escape the blast that demolished the en- and onyx reserves long ago. Some of the backpacks
trance when the survivors fled the mines. are open, some equipment, bedrolls, and tents lie
around, but the cave looks more like a storage space
The chanting comes from area 6, where most of the than the actual camp of an expedition.
Royal Swords venerate Orcus and Faeryl Myrryn in
front of the blood-red crystal. The sound of the picks Scene
emanates from area 3 located one level below. The fully loaded military backpacks, marked with the
insignia of the Kingdom of Aglarion and House Nan-
A character that has proficiency with carpenter’s, grath, hold the personal gear, clothes, and partially
mason’s, smith’s, or woodcarver’s tools can make a rotten foodstuff brought here by the soldiers.
DC 12 Wisdom ability check to confirm that the rail-
ing and the frame could still support the weight of
four medium creatures on the elevator platform, but 3. S I LVE R H A L L
more would make it collapse.
A total of 16 medium-sized creatures can fit on the Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer fought against the
elevator platform, but it can only support 4 creatures mind-bending charm effect of the strange bat that
or 700 pounds of weight. If more weight is placed on followed him and his troops around the mine. He
the platform, it breaks and collapses in three rounds. saw the strange look in the eyes of his soldiers and as
Any creature on the platform falls to the depth be- they called out in adoration of an unknown master.
low, taking 17 (5d6) bludgeoning damage from the He realized that if he did not resist the magic that
fall for each level of fall, plus 11 (2d10) bludgeoning befell all his troops, he would lose his entire squad
damage from the falling timber and debris from the and his own life. He tried to evade the bat and even-
broken platform. tually fled to this dead-end cave. He saw no other
choice to buy time but to collapse the connecting
As an action, a character can make a DC 10 Strength tunnel with his ring of the ram before the bat could
(Athletics) skill check to rotate the metal wheel on follow him inside. Left with only a few days of ra-
the elevator platform. On a successful ability check, tions, he is prepared to die alone in a cold dark cave.
the platform is lowered or raised 25 feet. The wheel
breaks off on an ability check result of 20 or higher, Dag’drirath has sent four soldiers to excavate the
and the platform can no longer be lowered or raised cave-in and recover their former captain. The soldiers
unless repaired. have been toiling on the rocks without food or wa-
ter for days. They are exhausted and on the verge of
Background Four soldiers in dirty clothes and armor are quarry-
The soldiers of Nangrath explored this chamber first ing the rocks outside the cave-in. They look drained,
and left their heaviest supplies within. They intended and the smell of heavy sweat lingers around them.
to establish a base here before continuing to explore
and remodel the mines for the civilians to follow, but Inside the cave, the walls are lined with deep and
they didn’t even have time to unpack properly. lighter grey veins of silver. A small-framed, exhausted
dwarf sits by the wall opposite the caved-in tunnel,
Environment wearing patchwork clothes under his dirty armor,
Large backpacks and crates are heaped next to a wall with a large iron ring on his finger that forms the
section of this cave, which was depleted of its ore head and horns of a ram.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Scene Treasure
Four Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer wears a ring of the ram
with four levels of exhaustion) work here endless- and an old patchwork cloak of protection.
ly to remove the debris from the cave-in. They are
about a few hours away from breaking through the The silver can be mined from the cave walls with the
rubble and reaching their former captain. They look right mining equipment by professional miners over
up at the characters if they approach but ignore two weeks of work. When extracted, the silver re-
them, following Dag’drirath’s orders. If asked, they serves in the cave walls are worth 1,000 gold pieces.
reveal between gasps that their master has tasked
them to capture their former captain for reasons un- Experience
known to them. The charmed Royal Swords describe Award the party 1,100 experience points if they save
their master as a large winged, bird-like creature of Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer.
great power who has promised them eternal life.

The characters can break through

the thin layer of leftover rubble CAP TA IN ICK
with four hours of work. Inside FO RG E - N -
the cave, they find a weak and H A M ME R
pale Captain Ick Forge-n-ham-
mer who has four levels of
exhaustion and smokes one
of his last cigars. The dishev-
eled and shabby-looking cap-
tain is grateful for being res-
cued from the tight situation.
He needs to recuperate, eat,
and drink, but if given time, he
soon becomes active and urges the
characters to free his troops by finding
a way to save them without bloodshed.

“I ran as fast as I could to lose that

strange bat. I felt it clouding my mind
with thoughts that were not mine!
I had no other choice but to isolate my-
self and look for a way to save my sol-
diers. But I could not find the means…
Without your aid, we would all be lost!”
Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer tells his tale.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

4.  l ue L ig h t in
th e D a rkne s s

This chamber is only partially depleted of the onyx
reserves embedded within its rock walls.

A few jet-black patches of stone break the otherwise
homogeneous rock surface in this cave. Aside from
a few mining tools lying around, there’s nothing of
importance here.

If the characters have helped Wee Cobalt on the
Bleak Mire, the bluecap will appear to the char-
“I be Wee Cobalt for thee. Pay me fair
acters and offer its assistance in working togeth- wage of a silver a day, and I’ll be yer
er to resume operations within the mine. The fey aid. There’s a lot to mine here, and
creature is unaware of the vampire vrock and why work needs to resume. What say ye?”
work has ceased in the mines but is dedicated to
helping if it means that mining can commence at Wee Cobalt offering its help.
the location. It will accompany the characters and
even help fight any threats, all for payment of Treasure
1 silver piece per day. The onyx in the rock is worth 650 gold pieces and
can be mined with the right tools by a proficient
miner over two weeks of work.

5. L O WE R S E TT L E M E N T
The Royal Swords of Nangrath have moved most of
their equipment to this cave and made a temporary
camp, which is used only for sleeping, and to accom-
modate their basic survival needs.

Thin veins of gold run within the walls of this cave.
Its rough floor is littered with dirty bedrolls, waste,
and equipment scattered everywhere. The smells of
urine, feces, and rotting organic materials are heavy
in the air. A few dead bodies are piled up in a corner,
covered by white maggots that wriggle on their rot-
ting flesh.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Scene Unfortunately, the gem was discovered by the min-
The filthy camp is devoid of life. The Royal Swords ers of Darkstone eons later. A human priest of Or-
return here only after days of worshipping Faeryl cus, named Zanthyr, was searching for the creature
Myrryn and Orcus, and spend only a few hours here for decades, and when he learned its location, he
before returning to perform their new duties. A crea- arrived to free it by soaking it in the blood of the
ture that spends more than a minute in the cave or priest tasked to watch over it. The deed only par-
touches anything contracts filth fever unless it suc- tially released Dag’drirath, making it impossible for
ceeds on a DC 11 Constitution saving throw for every it to leave the ruby’s close vicinity. Being unable to
minute spent in the cave. control the disappointed and raging undead fiend,
Zanthyr was the first to fall victim to its bloodthirst,
followed by the innocent miners who were nearby.
6. D A G ' D R I RA TH'S L A I R Dag’drirath has been looking for a way to fully es-
cape its imprisonment ever since.
Dag’drirath is an ancient being constrained both Darkstone is too far for its charmed minions to bring
by its undead vampire nature and demonic origin. more clerics before the mind control wears off, so
It was created by the drow vampire conjurer Faer- Dag’drirath has spent the past few weeks forcing the
yl Myrryn, chosen of Orcus, who developed a secret charmed Royal Swords of Nangrath to recite chants to
form of blood magic to spread vampirism to any be- Faeryl Myrryn and Orcus, hoping to gain its masters’
ing with blood in its body. Dag’drirath was her most attention. The vampire vrock also hopes for clerics to
powerful creation at the time. The drow vampire come to the rescue of the lost unit of soldiers, as it
summoned the vampire vrock to the Material Plane has yet not found other means to escape the bonds of
over a thousand years ago and gave it a task that the blood-red ruby that functions as its coffin.
it could not accomplish. As punishment, the drow
conjurer has cast a minimus containment version of Environment
the imprisonment spell on Dag’drirath and trapped it Dozens of armor-clad, dirty, exhausted, and sickly
in the ruby, deep underground. She set the spell’s re- looking humanoids kneel before a fist-sized blood-
lease condition to activate if the ruby was bathed in red ruby that is partially buried in the rock wall of
the blood of three good-aligned clerics. In this case, the cave and emanates a deep red light enveloping
the vampire vrock would be freed. the cave and its inhabitants. The gem has a dark mist

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

swirling inside and is engraved with the symbol of “As you can see, they all are
Faeryl Myrryn. The cave walls still hold deposits of loyal subjects of the
onyx, waiting to be extracted.
Blood Queen and all-mighty
Blood Red Ruby. The gem is Dag’drirath’s resting Orcus now. They were offered
place, from which the vampire demon can’t move immortality for their service
further away than 300 feet. When reduced to 0 hit and accepted their faith.
points, Dag’drirath returns to the ruby in mist form. Otherwise, they would merely
The blood-red ruby has AC 18 and 50 hit points, a
damage threshold of 10, it has damage resistance
remain flesh that crumbles to
against slashing and piercing damage, and damage dust with the passage of time.
immunity against poison and psychic damage. Those who serve will be rewarded.
Choose your fates wisely.
Scene Are you here only to serve as
The unit of Royal Swords has four levels of exhaus-
tion, and all of the soldiers have contacted filth fe-
my replenishment, or are you
ver. As a result, their speed and maximum hit points ready to serve Orcus,
are halved, and they have disadvantage on ability the immortal demon lord?”
checks, saving throws, and attack rolls. They are
slowly chanting praises to Faeryl Myrryn and Orcus Dag’drirath conversing with the characters.
in Abyssal and pay no attention to the characters if
they enter the cave. When approached, an individual Treasure
soldier will not respond to any questions and will The fist-sized ruby is worth 8,500 gold pieces and can
not cease its chanting. be removed from the cave wall with the necessary
tools over a day’s work.
When the characters appear at the mouth of the
cave, the vampire vrock exits the ruby in mist form Experience
and materializes in a dramatic entry, initiating a con- Award the party 1,100 experience points if they save
versation only to try to charm the characters, start- the Royal Swords of Nangrath and secure their aid in
ing with those who resemble clerics. If attacked, or if the coming war against the undead.
its charms do not work as intended, it will command
the unit of Royal Swords and any charmed charac-
ters to fight the party’s remaining members. If there FEY OF THE FEYREALM
are no obvious clerics in the party, and if Dag’drirath
sees a potential spellcaster, it will try to telepathi- Background
cally negotiate its release and even its return to the The survivors of the Refuge will most likely become
Abyss if the character can cast the necessary spells. close allies of the characters. They are ready to cross
to the Material Plane if provided the means of planar
travel and are willing to join the fight against the

The fey delegate a unit of fey composed mainly of
satyrs led by Commander Pricklethrust.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

is relatively peaceful and orderly, but many of the
CO M M AN D E R ordinary citizens bear arms of any sort they could
P R ICK LE TH RU ST find to protect themselves.

The locals greet the characters warmly, but the Un-
canny Vagabonds treat them according to the re-
lationship formerly established with them. Gren,
backed up by a large group of his family members,
tersely declares that with the death of Queen Aphi-
nah, he considers himself as the rightful ruler of the
Kingdom of Aglarion. He brushes aside any other op-
tions, and his kin become quite loud and irritated if
the characters press an opposing standpoint.

If he is acknowledged as the rightful heir to the

crown, Gren and his men are willing to accompany
the characters to Camp Perseverance to make Gener-
“At your service. Let’s show them how al Sundamar Stormbreaker announce Gren’s right to
it’s done in Swigglegard!” rule and command the royal forces gathered there.
Commander Pricklethrust reporting for duty. A unit of scoundrels and a unit of armed common-
ers is ready to leave town in under two days, along
Experience with about three hundred noncombatants.
Award the party 1,100 experience points if they bring
fey to the Material Plane to join the coming war If Gren learns that the characters possess the crown
against the undead. of Aglarion and the falcon blade, he demands both to
be handed over to him immediately. If the charac-
ters relinquish the crown and the sword, the Uncan-
HARVESTON ny Vagabonds hold a wild coronation ceremony for
two days. They then release the grain reserves and
Background accompany the characters to Camp Perseverance to
Harveston has become the home of the Uncanny Vag- fight for King Gren’s kingdom on the side of the unit-
abonds, who have befriended the local townsfolk and ed armies against the undead.
joined forces to protect themselves and the citizens
from the undead infestation. With Taris gone, Gren
has become the leader of the extended family that has
gathered its surviving members at the farming town.

Harveston’s northern border is blocked by make-
shift barricades formed out of timber, old carriages,
broken doors, and furniture piled up on each other
between the outermost houses of the town. Several
armed soldiers with spears can be seen behind the
blockade, holding torches and watching for move-
ment on the other side of the barricade. The town

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Award the party 1,100 experience points if they se-
cure the aid of the Uncanny Vagabonds in the com-
ing war against the undead.

Lord Ziademos Gorso, or his sorcerer offspring if he
has been dealt with by the characters, are watching
the unfolding chaos from behind the closed gates of
their town. The Heirs of Entropy and their guards are
G RE N reluctant to let anyone in or out of Gorso. The town’s
citizens have suffered terribly from the intensifying
“Oi, there’s a new porker in this pen. irrational behavior of their masters during the Mid-
night Curse. They became panicked when news of
It’s a big blue-blooded piggy.
the undead hordes reached them. Many want to
Yeah, I’m talking about myself! leave town and have even armed themselves to fight
Don’t look so baffled. My father the sorcerers if a revolt was to break out.
should have known better where
to put his wiener before he spawned Environment
The front and back gates of Gorso are both shut and
me. Aphinah sleeps with the worms,
guarded by armed soldiers. A few rotting dead bodies
and I’m the only one left in this lie in front of the gates to the south, their corpses
shitshow who has the right to wear pierced by arrows.
that golden latrine seat. Deal with it!
I’m your new King, and trust me, The town on the inside seems deserted. People live
behind closed doors and try to avoid the mad sorcer-
I will make a better ruler than ers of chaos and their soldiers. Shops and services are
that horny cock before me.” closed, and several rotting bodies litter the streets,
Gren voicing his demands. all evidence of the lethal temperaments of the popu-
lous local nobility.
If Characters don’t meet Gren’s demand, his troops
will stand up against the characters and threaten Characters can climb the walls of Gorso with a suc-
them with a united stance. Gren’s family members cessful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
are composed of two assassins, four spies, and eight
thugs who all try to surround the characters and City Gate. The gates are heavy double wooden gates
snatch the crown of Aglarion and the falcon blade, (20 by 15 feet) that have AC 15, 70 hit points, a dam-
from them during the fight if they have been dis- age threshold of 5, damage resistance against slash-
played. They can all cast true strike once per day. If ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing,
Gren takes more damage than half of his maximum poison, and psychic damage. They are barred from
hit points or half of his entourage is down, the Un- the inside with a wooden crossbeam that can’t be
canny Vagabonds retreat, gather their families the picked, but can be forced open with a DC 25 Strength
same day, and leave for the Drayl City-States. (Athletics) skill check.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Scene a DC 12 Wisdom (Insight) skill check to discover the
The handful of dead humanoids in front of the revolutionary undercurrents in town. A character
gates were part of a family that begged for entry who succeeds on a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) skill
but were slaughtered by the Heirs of Entropy and check can find the right people to agitate and spark a
their soldiers. revolt. On a success, a group of angry citizens gathers
in a barn and storms the gates to escape Gorso. The
There are eight soldiers (use the guard monster entry) fight at the gates involves a similar force as if the
at the gates at all times who will call for reinforce- characters were discovered in the town. The unit of
ments of eight other soldiers and two Heirs of Entro- armed citizens will fight the guards and the nobles
py. They arrive in 1d4 + 2 minutes if the characters ask and follow the characters to Camp Perseverance to
for permission to enter at the gates. A character who join the fight against the undead.
comes up with a good bluff and succeeds on a DC 17
Charisma (Deception) skill check will be able to gain Experience
a personal audience with Lord Ziademos Gorso if he is Award the party 1,100 experience points if the charac-
still alive or be admitted through the gates by an Heir ters can recruit a unit of armed citizens from Gorso
of Entropy. The sorcerers are suspicious of anyone. to join the coming war against the undead.
A character who wants to maintain the lies that got
the party through the gate must make a DC 17 Charis-
ma (Deception) skill check every 10 minutes to avoid GONSHAR
being attacked by the same force that led them inside.
“You scum dare to play tricks on us? Lord Kabok Goldtooth has received news of the
hordes of undead pouring out of the capital city and
The end of the world is here, and
the establishment of Camp Perseverance by Gen-
we will not let you ruin the meticulous eral Sundamar Stormbreaker and Master Zaophas.
scrutiny of this spectacular event!” The goblin illusionist would rather see the remain-
An Heir of Entropy confronting the characters. ing army take care of the zombies than commit his
own troops. He trusts the distance between Gonshar
Sneaking into the town is possible by climbing the and Camp Perseverance to give him and his town
walls and succeeding on a DC 15 Dexterity (Stealth) enough time to relocate to Drayl through a secret
skill check. The characters need to succeed on a DC 15 pass through the Drayl Mountains.
Dexterity (Stealth) skill check every 10 minutes they
spend within the walls of Gorso to remain unnoticed, Environment
unless staying at a location that is not constantly The town of Gonshar is surrounded by three layers
monitored by the soldiers or the Heirs of Entropy, or of a smooth stone wall of seamless rock with a few
if disguised as locals by succeeding on a DC 12 Cha- openings located far from each other along the stone
risma ability check every time they meet a soldier rings, all fit for small creatures. Several goblins guard
or an Heir of Entropy. If the characters are noticed, the walls with bows in hand. The town inside shows
a group of eight soldiers (use the guard monster en- its familiar face, residents going about their daily
try) apprehend them and call for reinforcements of tasks, seemingly unaffected by the news of the un-
another eight soldiers and four Heirs of Entropy who dead hordes marching their way.
arrive in 1d4 + 2 minutes together with Lord Ziadem-
os Gorso if he is still alive. Scene
Lord Kabok Goldtooth erected the ring of stone walls
A character who successfully infiltrates the town and around Gorso with the frequent casting of the wall
initiates conversation with the townsfolk can make of stone spell. The guards on the walls allow the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

characters to climb through the small openings to
enter the town and the Supreme Wizard of Gonshar RONUL’S END
welcomes them warmly, especially if they helped his
town earlier against the Blackfur bandits. Background
At the onset of the zombie armageddon that took
If the characters bring up the matter of joining forces Onadbyr, Samsadur, the crime boss of the Golden
with General Sundamar Stormbreaker, the lord wiz- Masks, was quick to evacuate the entire organi-
ard starts making excuses and explains that he is not zation and its treasures from the city. The Golden
willing to move his forces from his town and leave Masks seized the Royal Shipyard and commandeered
it unprotected. A character who succeeds on a DC 18 the Wild Whale to sail to the safety of open waters.
Charisma (Persuasion) skill check can convince Lord However, Samsadur didn’t have time to restock the
Kabok Goldtooth to abandon Gonshar and join the ship and miscalculated when seeking refuge and a
fight against the undead. The illusionist wizard com- chance to resupply in the northern waters because
mands his unit of Royal Swords, mostly composed of the hordes of undead soon reached North Bay.
goblins, bugbears, and hobgoblins, to prepare them- Swarms of zombies and ghouls overran the town of
selves and leave at sunrise. Before leaving, the wizard Ronul’s End, and hundreds of zombie merfolk also
closes the openings on his wall by casting a wall of started to hound the ship from beneath the waves,
stone spell. both created by Morkiel Reborn after its brief and
murderous visit to the village. The Golden Masks
have so far managed to ward off attacks by the un-
dead merfolk by covering the ship’s sides with oil,
but the gang is trapped on the seas without a source
of fresh water and with food supplies running low.

Dangerous Shores
The village of Ronul’s End has been hard hit, both by
the raids of Whosshinassh, the sea hag, during the
Midnight Curse and the recent arrival of the hordes
of undead that have ravaged the village. It is infested
with zombies that roam around the charred build-
ings and empty streets, as well as scores of ghouls
L O RD KAB O K that feed on the corpses of the dead in the village
G O L D TO O TH cemetery. The undead has massed into a deadly
swarm and must be eradicated by army units for a
chance of success.
“You are right. Unity is strength.
Especially if we have Xycot on our side.” Environment
Lord Kabok Goldtooth smiling and preparing to leave. Ronul’s End is a desolate town, twice sacked and
razed in recent years. Skeletons litter the streets and
Experience empty houses, their flesh eaten off by the undead. The
Award the party 1,100 experience points if the char- burnt-out husk of Lord Dyzag Ronul’s flagship and
acters can convince Lord Kabok Goldtooth to join the seat of power, the Boundless Pearl, sits at the center
coming war against the undead. of the village, surrounded by hundreds of shambling

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

figures. The moans of the undead can be heard from in a perilous predicament. The rakshasa crime lord
afar, spreading over the entire village. Two usable wants to relocate the organization to either the leg-
rowboats are tied to the docks, where the masts of endary Isles of Xantharos or the southern seas of the
several sunken ships rise from the waves. Drayl City-States. However, these regions are out of
its reach as the ship’s resources have already worn
Scene thin. It would take almost a week to reach the shores
Six units of zombies are scattered around the village, of Drayl and twice as long to near the isles. Fresh wa-
concentrated on the town square (area 1) and the ter and food are already rationed, as the resupplying
eastern shoreline (area 2). The zombies converge on seems out of reach, and the zombies under the ship
threats if they notice the approach of the characters make fishing impossible. Most of the crew already
and their armies or if they are attacked from afar. show signs of dehydration and starvation, which
A unit of ghouls lairs in the village cemetery (area don’t affect the rakshasa. However, it is only a mat-
3). They are more intelligent than the mindless zom- ter of time before the entire crew perishes and leaves
bies and will move to flank positions from stealth if Samsadur as the sole survivor, sitting on its treasures
battle ensues. in an empty ship that it cannot navigate alone.

If characters have made contact with the Wild Environment

Whale before they storm the village with troops and The Wild Whale currently floats off the coast of Ro-
convinced the Golden Masks to join the fight, the nul’s End in North Bay, about a mile from the shore,
battleship can be used to assault the village from the its distinguishing massive whale figurehead clearly
sea. However, in this case, the two units of merfolk visible from afar. The three-masted warship (see page
zombies (see The Trapped Whale section below) har- 119 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide) is crewed by doz-
assing the Wild Whale will trail it. Once the ship takes ens of battle-ready figures operating the twenty bal-
position in the harbor, the merfolk zombies will try listae (see page 255 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide)
to finally swarm over the ship or engage forces close of the ship, pointed at the waterline. The sides of the
to the shore (area 2.) ship glisten with an oily sheen above the waterline.

Experience Scene
Award the party 1,800 experience points if they are vic- Two intact large rowboats (see page 119 of the Dun-
torious over the undead horde and take Ronul’s End. geon Master’s Guide) can be salvaged in Ronul’s End.
Each can accommodate six creatures of Medium size
and has 100 hit points. If the characters row towards
The Trapped Whale the Wild Whale, one of the two units of merfolk
zombies takes notice and swims under the boats,
Background meeting the characters 100 feet from the ship. The
The entire organization of the Golden Masks, primar- zombies try to swarm the boat, which will eventual-
ily its affiliated thugs led by Samsadur and Yhlsaby, ly cause it to capsize under the weight of the zom-
if the lamia lieutenant survives, have sought refuge bies trying to climb on board. Due to the rocking
from the zombie apocalypse on the Wild Whale and movement of the rowboat caused by the reaching
the relative safety of open waters. However, the war- zombies, everyone in a rowboat must make a suc-
ship has been cut off from the mainland and unable cessful DC 10 Dexterity (Acrobatics) skill check every
to resupply its drinking water and food resources round or become prone. The weight of only four
due to the swarms of undead that roam the eastern zombies climbing on board would be enough to cap-
part of the kingdom. Additionally, scores of merfolk size the rowboat. The characters must slay up to four
zombies trail the ship from under the water but have zombies each round to prevent this from happening.
been unable to overrun it. As a result, Samsadur is Otherwise, the boat becomes unbalanced from the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

weight of the undead and capsizes, making everyone
inside fall into the waters that are teeming with the
unit of merfolk zombies. If the boat is propelled by
rowing, it takes five rounds to reach the hull of the
Wild Whale, where rope ladders are quickly lowered
to allow passage onto the warship.

Unless Samsadur recognizes the characters from a

distance, the Golden Masks on the ship are wary of
all who approach and guard it with ten ballistae on
both sides. The ship’s crew is composed of sixty en-
forcers of the Golden Masks (use the thug monster
entry with two levels of exhaustion), many of whom
have experience on ships. The signs of dehydration SAMSA DUR
and hunger can be seen on all of the crew. Samsadur
is unaffected by the starvation and has assumed com- “Welcome to my ship, friends from
mand as the ship’s captain, accompanied by Yhlsaby,
the shadows! Unless you’ve brought
the lamia lieutenant, if it has survived the adventure.
Samsadur is not willing to abandon the ship, which
barrels of water or cases of hardtack,
holds the accumulated wealth of the organization. we cannot offer you hospitality. Those
However, its plans to leave Aglarion have also been are what we need, and armies to smash
thwarted unless a chance to resupply or alternative the undead swarm of merfolk under
solutions could be opened.
the Wild Whale. We have sailing to do
until we reach the shining shores of
Drayl or the legendary Isles of
Xantharos. Either would be fertile
ground for my associates and I,
now that Onadbyr has fallen…”
Samsadur explains its plans and needs.

A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom (In-

sight) skill check can sense that Samsadur’s behavior
is that of a cornered beast, hidden behind pretenses
of calm rationality. If offered amnesty by the king-
dom and enough resources to survive, it requires a
successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check
to convince Samsadur not to sail to distant shores
and to join the war effort instead. If the check is
successful, Samsadur pledges the organization’s sol-
diers, a unit of scoundrels, to aid the united armies
from the sea when they try to retake the capital.
However, the rakshasa demands to keep the Wild
Whale as payment for their services, as there are no
legitimate claims to its ownership without a state.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Unit of Merfolk Zombies (CR 7, 2,900 XP). Use the damar Stormbreaker, and will only take part in ac-
unit of zombies monster entry with the following tions in Aglarion with her troops if her twin blades
modifications: are first recovered. And even then, she will demand
new terms for her service.
•T he unit of merfolk zombies is Huge size and its
space is 25 feet. Environment
• It has 545 hit points. The camp of the Ravens of Winter is on a rocky hill
• It has a speed of 10 ft. and swim speed of 40 ft. hidden by the trees at the edge of the King’s For-
est near Willow Creek. There are six large tents at
Treasure the top of the hill in a circle, with a campfire in the
The entire treasury of the Golden Masks is stored in center. Several dozen soldiers occupy the hill’s sum-
an armored safe room in the ship’s keel. The treasure mit around the tents, clad in black leather armor.
is worth 50,000 gold pieces and is an assortment of
chests of gold and platinum pieces, gems, works of Scene
art, and jewels. The characters know the camp’s location from Gener-
al Sundamar Stormbreaker, so they should not have
Experience a problem finding it. The surrounding forest is under
Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can constant guard by scouts in the trees, who alert the
convince the Golden Masks to join the war effort and rest of the company with bird calls if they see any-
lend support from the sea. one approach. When the scouts see the characters
are not zombies or undead, or if the characters hail
them and explain they were sent by the general, the
DREGS OF THE APOCALYPSE guards will direct the newcomers to the camp. The
camp is home to the 53 remaining Ravens of Winter
Background (use the unit of scoundrels monster entry with the
Jasmin Johandulc and her Draylish mercenary group, frightened condition) and their leader, Jasmin Johan-
the Ravens of Winter, took on the mission to scout dulc (with the frightened condition and armed with
on the capital, evading the undead hordes from the two longswords).
side of the King’s Forest near Willow Creek. The
company successfully infiltrated the city from the The veteran mercenary captain stands amongst
cliffside sewers. On their way under the city, the her troops and faces the characters when they ap-
scouts came to a large drainage chamber where an proach. She is in her late twenties, with an athletic
undead horror barred their path - an amalgamation figure and a core strength, but her differently color-
of dead bodies whose sight spread an aura of palpa- ed, brown and blue eyes are ageless and speak of
ble fear and moved as a mass to engulf many of the lifetimes of battle experience under her belt. Her
company, including Jasmin Johandulc. The seasoned attitude is cold and calculated, her words terse. She
mercenary veteran managed to free her body from tries to hide the fright under her strict gaze and
the mass of rotting bones and flesh to escape, fleeing bluntly explains that she will not lead her troops
the chamber with the remainder of her company, back to Onadbyr, due to a force majeure in her con-
but her twin swords “Susano” and “Sunna” were in- tract - unforeseen consequences. Characters who
corporated into the body of the undead monster and succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) skill check
left behind. Shaken and in fear, the survivors quickly notice that Jasmin Johandulc and her troops show
fled the city sewers and returned to camp near Wil- signs of deeply rooted fear whenever Onadbyr is
low Creek. No one from the company is willing to mentioned. She details the route her troops took
return to the city from fright. Jasmin Johandulc has from the Cliffside into the sewers and to the drain-
already abandoned her agreement with General Sun- age chamber where they met the terrible undead

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

mass that forced them to retreat. If characters can “Strength and skill for battle can be taught
remove the frightened condition from the merce-
and trained. Loyalty and the willingness to
nary captain, she will be adamant about joining
them in recovering her swords from inside the
push past your limits cannot. Do you have
undead horror. Otherwise, she bluntly states that loyalty? And the mettle to descend into
she will not lead her troops anywhere without her the bowels of undeath? Susano and Sunna
swords and will not return to the city. must be reclaimed, without them, I go
nowhere, and neither will my Ravens!”
 Jasmin Johandulc stating her ethos and
terms in a monotonous voice.

The sewers of Onadbyr have not been main-
tained since King Waldrann’s death, and as a
result, they are often overflowing due to the
clogging, which is even more drastic with the
recent carnage in the city.
The route of the Ravens of Winter leads from the
Cliffside through drainage vents found high in the
cliffs to the east of the city. Iron ladders descend to
the vents from the top of the cliffs above a roiling
sea. The ducts connect to drainage tunnels that as-
cend at a slight angle into the city’s bowels, a com-
pletely dark maze of sewers. It is soon apparent that
the drainage ducts are clogged, and so the way leads
to higher-level tunnels before connecting to a wid-
er main tunnel heading west. The stench in the
tunnel is nauseating and grows more potent
on the approach to the central drainage cis-
tern. The sewage level is almost up to the
5-foot wide walkways on the sides of the
15-foot wide tunnel, overflowing in some
places from the central trench. It is filled
with whole body parts and skeletal re-
mains that clog the sluggish flow of the

As the characters approach area 2 to
within 50 feet, the stench of the waste in
the tunnels has a gut-wrenching sickening
smell, so strong that anyone within the tun-
nel must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

throw or become poisoned for 10 minutes and lose Wisdom (Perception) skill check with disadvantage
concentration on spells. to notice the movement of the corpse amalgamate in
the cesspool. The sewage in the pool is disease-ridden,
and anyone in contact with the waste for more than
P 3 rounds risks catching sewer plague.
The control room is illuminated by a flickering light
source within, but there are no signs of movement. If
Background the inflow valves are opened from the control room,
The primary drainage chamber of Onadbyr’s sewer a gush of water erupts from the tunnels on the sides
system is an immense pool of waste mixed with wa- of the room under the walkway, dealing 22 (4d10)
ter, collecting the scum of the city. It is fed by inflow bludgeoning damage to any creature that is within 30
tunnels that can be washed out with great gushes feet from the opening of the tunnels. If the creature is
of water from reservoirs connected to their tunnels. Large or smaller, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength
The valves are controlled by levers in the control saving throw or land prone in the pool of waste. Also,
room (area 3). The pool of waste hides a gigantic for every round that the valves are open, the level of
drain, which has been clogged by rotting carcasses the cesspool rises 5 feet, reaching the bottom of the
and body parts that also float on the surface of the walkway in two rounds, overflowing onto the walk-
sewage. The fetid circumstances have given rise to way in round three, and reaching the ceiling of the
a gargantuan amalgamation of corpses that sprung chamber in four additional rounds, unless the clogging
from the mounds of dead flesh soaking in the waste. of the drain is fixed. This requires submersion in the
This unique undead terror lurks under the surface of pool, blindly locating the clog, and removing it with a
the pool, slowly amalgamating more and more car- successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
casses into its gigantic form.
Corpse Amalgamate (CR 7, 2,900 XP). Use the sham-
Environment bling mound monster entry with the following mod-
This vast chamber is an immense cistern filled with ifications:
the waste of the city. A-5 foot wide walkway encir-
cles the cesspool, which is 20 feet deep and filled to •T  he corpse amalgamate is Gargantuan size and its
a level 10 feet below the walkway. Eight 10-foot di- type is undead.
ameter inflow tunnels open under the walkway, four • It has 216 hit points.
to each side of the chamber. There is a single light • It has a Strength score of 24.
source at the room’s opposite end, behind the large • It has a Stealth skill of +3.
window of a side room. The ceiling of the chamber is • It has additional damage immunity to poison.
20 feet above the walkway. • It has additional condition immunities to being
charmed, frightened, grappled, paralyzed, poisoned,
Scene and prone.
As the characters enter the chamber, the stench of • Frightful Presence. Each creature of the corpse amal-
the waste becomes almost unbearable. Anyone with- gamate’s choice that is within 120 feet of it and
in 10 feet of the sewage must succeed on a DC 16 aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving
Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 10 throw or become frightened. A creature can repeat
minutes and lose concentration on spells. The corpse the saving throw once per day, ending the effect
amalgamate lies in wait under cover of the sewage, on itself on a success. If a creature’s saving throw
waiting until the characters are at least 20 feet from is successful or the effect ends for it, the creature is
where they entered the chamber, at which point it immune to the corpse amalgamate’s Frightful Pres-
rises to surprise them. Characters can attempt a DC 13 ence for the next 24 hours.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

•M  ultiattack. The corpse amalgamate makes two closing the main drain valve under the pool of sew-
slam attacks. If both attacks hit a Medium or small- age. The door to the control room is closed.
er target, the target is grappled (escape DC 17), and
the corpse amalgamate uses its Engulf on it. Control Room Door. The door opens inwards and is
• S lam. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one made of metal. It is barred from the inside and can be
target. Hit: 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 18 forced open with a successful DC 16 Strength (Ath-
(4d8) necrotic damage. letics) skill check. The door has AC 19, 30 hit points,
•E ngulf. The corpse amalgamate engulfs a Medium or a damage threshold of 10, it has damage resistance
smaller creature grappled by it. The engulfed target against slashing and piercing damage, and damage
is blinded, restrained, and unable to breathe, and it immunity against poison and psychic damage.
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
at the start of each of the amalgamates turns or Control Room Window. The large window of the con-
take 20 (3d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage plus 18 (4d8) trol room is laced with wire mesh. It has AC 15, 20 hit
necrotic damage. The corpse amalgamate regains points, a damage threshold of 5, it has damage resist-
hit points equal to the amount of the necrotic dam- ance against slashing and piercing damage, and dam-
age dealt. If the corpse amalgamate moves, the en- age immunity against poison and psychic damage.
gulfed target moves with it. The corpse amalgam-
ate can have four Medium, two Large, or one Huge Scene
creatures engulfed at a time. Boltor Glanik (use the assassin monster entry with
four levels of exhaustion) lies slumped in the corner
Treasure of the room, shivering from fright and near death
A gold-trimmed red cloak of a Red Cloak Lawgiver from starvation. If alerted to sounds of combat or
can be found in the mass of corpses if the amalga- knocking on the door, Boltor will crawl to the bench
mation is defeated. It bears the monogram “N.W.” to peek out the window. He will only open the door
stitched into its lapel. It is a cloak of blinking. The if the corpse amalgamation has been slain. If the
mass also contains the twin longswords of Jasmine characters restore him to health, offer him food and
Johandulc - Susano and Sunna. drink, or remove the frightened condition from him,
Boltor Glanik will thank the characters in a some-
what world-weary and accepting manner. He will be
3. C O N TR O L R O O M keen to regroup with the Ravens of Winter.

The control room operates the drainage system of
the cesspool. Boltor Glanik, a half-elf warlock with
some experience with hunting undead and part of
Jasmin Johandulc’s company, managed to escape the
corpse amalgamate and lock himself into the room.
However, Boltor is at the edge of death, crumpled in
a corner and weakened from starvation.

This is a bare room with an iron door and a large
wire mesh window looking over the chamber. There
is a bench along the window with two control levers
- one for opening and closing the drainage vents and
flooding them with water and one for opening and

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Award the party 1,100 experience points for saving
Boltor Glanik.

Return of the Swords

Either the camp of the Ravens of Winter or the sew-
ers if Jasmin Johandulc accompanied the characters
to the sewers.

Once the characters recover the swords, Jasmin
Johandulc will demand their return. She will fight
B O L TO N G L A N IK characters with the Ravens of Winter (use the unit
of scoundrels monster entry) at her side if the
”Get it to the pipes! To. The. Pipes!”. swords are not relinquished to her. Even if she re-
gains her blades, the mercenary captain will demand
Bolton Glanik’s almost inaudible cries more money for her service, an additional 2,000 gold
from behind the window. pieces, unless a character succeeds on a DC 13 Cha-
risma (Persuasion) skill check. On a success, she is
The control mechanism of the drainage system is convinced to remain in the war effort at a reduced
quite simple. There are two levers built into the price of 1,000 gold pieces. On a failed check, she
iron bench. Both are marked by pictograms and the sticks to her demands or otherwise breaks camp and
words open and close. One is for opening and clos- returns to Drayl with her troops.
ing the inflow ducts, while the other is for opening
and closing the drainage valves. It takes an action to Experience
move either of the levers to their positions. Award the party 1,100 experience points for recover-
ing the twin blades of Jasmin Johandulc and return-
ing them to her.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


When the characters broke the Midnight Curse on plans to launch an offensive to take over the Materi-
the crown of Aglarion, Krasnar Azennar’s soul reunit- al Plane and the Feyrealm. Faeryl Myrryn discovered
ed with the soul fragment that anchored it to the the petrified remains of one of the planetar generals
Material Plane. The aberration-infused prince rose of the Dark Star, Morkiel, the manifestation of fear,
as a lich-knight through the effects of the cleansing in the middle of Onadbyr in its ziggurat under the
ritual devised by the Matrons of Malice, who want- statue known as the Napping Giant by the locals.
ed to strike a final blow against the kingdom that A thousand years ago, Morkiel was slain by Sarath
slipped from their grasp. The Lich-Knight emerged and entombed in its own Ziggurat of Dread under the
from the Mausoleum of the Monarchs and slaugh- giant statue. The embodiment of fear lay dormant for
tered everything and everyone it could find within over a thousand years until the drow vampire raised
the Royal Palace, consistently reanimating the slain it as an undead celestial. Morkiel was a formidable
and creating a formidable horde of undead. Next, the archmage when alive, and as an undead, its powers
Lich-Knight unleashed its undead forces on the city only grew stronger. It tore its ziggurat from under
and grew its army by raising more and more of the the earth and raised it into the air, unleashing death
recently deceased. Soon, Onadbyr was in a panic as upon the capital city of Onadbyr as ordered to do so
the undead horde swept across its streets, devouring by the Lich-Knight under whose command the drow
anyone they found. vampire conjurer placed the undead angel.

In her Abyssal lair, Faeryl Myrryn, the drow vampire The city could not withstand the necrotic powers
conjurer and chosen of Orcus, the demon lord of the spreading rapidly through its streets. Those who could
undead, sensed the rising of so many souls and the have fled, but only a minority of those who once lived
creation of the Lich-Knight. She has been plotting her in the city have survived. Most of the residents have
return to the Feyrealm for over a thousand years and been turned into undead or have found death at the
now decided to take action by aiding the Lich-Knight claws and maws of the horde. The growing number
on the Material Plane. With Onadbyr in the grasp of walking dead have already started their conquest
of the undead and the Lich-Knight as her tool, she against the rest of the Kingdom of Aglarion and have

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

swept over the closest towns - Ronul’s End and Wil-
low Creek. Their numbers are so overwhelming that
it seems impossible to stop them, especially consid-
ering the powerful Lich-Knight and Morkiel Reborn, Environment
who are endlessly fueling their numbers. A gigantic shadow envelopes the area, cast by a gar-
gantuan bloated creature with numerous large eyes
Environment on its skinless flesh. It floats high above the ground
The streets of Onadbyr echo with the whispering flailing in the air with several arms, its eyes unblink-
raspy voice of the ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas, ing and constantly scanning the ground. One of its
emanating from the Minaret of the Speaker and giant arms holds the clocktower of a building.
expounding the glory of the undead. The ghostly
voice is broken only by the sounds of moaning and Scene
growling undead and the crumbling of the burning A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Wisdom (Per-
houses that still stand in the wake of the destruc- ception) skill check notices the bulbous observer
tion. Half-eaten corpses litter the streets, and entire flying over their head at the height of 100 feet. The
neighborhoods are ablaze in the inferno that slowly bloated undead is looking for survivors and directing
spreads from house to house. The sky is dark from zombies to their locations. A character who succeeds
the smoke that rises from the ground, and omi- on a DC 21 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check can hide
nous flying shapes hover in the haze. One of these from it. On a failed skill check, the bulbous observ-
is an upside-down green ziggurat that levitates er drops the tower on the character. It spends the
above the Royal Palace, unceasingly pouring undead next round lowering to another nearby roof to break
over the court from its lowest point and covering off part of a building and continue bombarding the
the entire structure with a thick layer of zombies. characters from above. It also telepathically alerts a
The other is a gargantuan bulbous globe of inflat- nearby unit of zombies and directs them to the char-
ed skin with huge eyes, gigantic mouths, and enor- acter’s location. The zombies arrive in 2d4 rounds.
mous hands protruding from its lower body, slowly A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Dexterity
floating through the smoke-filled air above the city. (Stealth) skill check can hide from the undead who
The gigantic animated corpse of the roc, known as pass by. On a failed skill check, the zombies spot the
the Cackling Crow, sits motionless on the Old Wall characters and try to overwhelm them with num-
and sometimes flies above the burning buildings of bers, most likely forcing them to retreat and hide.
the city.


The undead-infested city of Onadbyr is the hunting
ground of skeletons, zombies, ghouls, ghasts, shad- Environment
ows, and spectres that wander the streets alone or The sounds of several hooves on the cobblestones can
in small groups. Some of the more dangerous en- be heard as they approach rapidly from the street
counters are outlined below, including all strategic ahead.
locations that can give tactical advantages to the
united armies when they are finally ready to assault Scene
the city. The characters must move through the city Ten wights riding on warhorse skeletons cross the
in stealth, seize key locations, gather survivors, and characters’ path. The undead cavalry appears 150 feet
eliminate threats before the army of the living can from the characters, riding hard towards them be-
invade the capital and assault the Royal Court in full tween smoldering buildings. A character who suc-
force. Feel free to use the following encounters in ceeds on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check can
any order. hide from the undead, who pass by if they don’t no-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

tice anyone. On a failed skill check, the wights spot or circles above the city when not serving Shardara-
the characters and charge towards them. haz as a steed. It attacks any living creature it sees.
Getting past the undead roc requires a DC 12 Dexter-
ity (Stealth) skill check.
Zombie Roc (CR 12, 8,400 XP). Use the roc monster
Background entry with the following modifications:
Many of the buildings in Onadbyr have suffered
structural damage either due to the fires that ravage • The zombie roc is an undead type creature.
the city or the fighting that took place near or in- • It has AC 13 and 328 hit points.
side them. This encounter can happen during a fight • It makes Wisdom saving throws with a +2 modifier.
where a damage-dealing area spell is involved, or if • It has darkvision 60 ft.
the building is damaged in any other way, or just by •It has damage immunity against poison damage
accident. and condition immunity against being poisoned.
•U ndead Fortitude. If damage reduces the zombie roc
Scene to 0 hit points, it must make a Constitution saving
A character can examine a building for structural throw with a DC of 5 + the damage taken, unless
damage by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom ability the damage is radiant or from a critical hit. On a
check. On a successful ability check, the character no- success, the zombie roc drops to 1 hit point instead.
tices that the building is about to collapse. A collaps-
ing building deals 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage to
any creature in its vicinity, usually a radius of 20 feet AVATAR OF DREAD
for a typical residential building. A creature in the area
of the collapsing building can make a successful DC Background
13 Dexterity saving throw to halve the damage. On a One of the clones of Morkiel Reborn has already ma-
failed saving throw, the creature is trapped under the tured, and it sometimes appears on the streets of
rubble and is restrained, taking 5 (1d10) damage at the Onadbyr amongst the zombies to oversee the hordes
start of its turn until freed. The trapped or another of undead (see Ziggurat of Dread location).
creature can use an action to free itself by succeeding
on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) skill check. The area Environment
covered by the rubble is considered difficult terrain. A large figure flies in the skies above the city over the
heads of the living dead that roam the streets. It is
an angelic creature with green skin and four angel-
THE UNDEAD CROW ic wings. However, the signs of undeath are appar-
ent on its perfectly proportioned features. Its wings
Background are molting and decaying, its hands are skeletal, and
Morkiel Reborn realized the need for aerial support its green skin is desiccated. It is dressed in a simple
for its undead troops and decided to use the largest black loincloth and wields a great mace of large size.
suitable creature in reach, the Cackling Crow. The
reanimated zombie roc has been delegated to Shard- Scene
arahaz, the general of the Lich-Knight, as a steed to The figure is a matured clone of Morkiel Reborn
oversee unit movements and provide deadly aerial (equipped with a simple great mace rather than its
support. mace of terror and without its Rejuvenation ability or
lair actions) created by a clone spell. Characters can
Scene attempt a successful DC 23 Dexterity (Stealth) skill
The zombie roc sits on high outcroppings of Onadbyr check to hide from the watchful gaze of the planetar

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

lich. If it spots the characters, it points to them and Scene

addresses them telepathically, as it starts to weave a The mound is 120 feet from the characters when they
blade barrier spell before assaulting them individually notice it. A character who succeeds on a DC 10 Dex-
with deadly necromancy spells. Morkiel Reborn will terity (Stealth) skill check can remain unnoticed by
engage in melee only if anyone dares to come with- the twelve ghasts feasting on the bodies. On a failed
in his reach. The dark celestial lich will fight to the skill check, the ghasts turn their heads and charge
death, safe in the knowledge that its original body the characters.
will become active in the Ziggurat of Dread above
the city.
The rise of the undead in Onadbyr has attracted
several of those who venerate the vile aspect of the
Inevitable. These zealous individuals have come to
the capital to participate in the extermination of
the living and to witness the unfolding apocalypse,
which they consider a sacred occurrence. The priests
of death avoid the undead with the use of their spells
and magical zombie masks, slaying any living creature
they encounter to bolster the army of the dead.

M O RKIE L RE B O RN Twelve white-robed humanoid figures slowly walk
the streets, chanting ominous prayers while holding
“Kneel before your God, the Avatar of smoking thuribles and aspergilli made out of skulls.
Dread, General of the Dark Star, One of
the Three Darknesses, Morkiel Reborn, Scene
The twelve evil priests of death walk the streets of
as befitting my power and station! Onadbyr, chanting prayers and sprinkling unholy
Bring your living to me, and I will guide water on the dead bodies they encounter. They at-
them into undeath and into the service tack any living creature on sight and cast hold person
of the Blood Queen and the Lich-Knight to paralyze them before casting spirit guardians and
spiritual weapon to slay them where they stand. They
who now rules your lands!”
engage in melee only if they run out of offensive
Morkiel Reborn proclaiming its titles and alliances spells and use their Divine Eminence trait to maxi-
as it issues its pronouncement. mize damage. The priests animate creatures they slay
to add them to the already formidable army of the
Priests of Death. Use the priest monster entry with
Environment the following modifications:
A large mound of dead bodies is surrounded by loudly
chewing and growling humanoid shapes. The fires of • The priest of death is neutral evil.
a burning building nearby illuminate their hunched • Its Divine Eminence trait deals necrotic damage in-
backs and pale skin. stead of radiant damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

• It has the following spells prepared: vide the wights with living victims to kill with their
Life Drain ability and turn into zombies.
• Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, resistance
• 1st level (4 slots): bane, inflict wounds, protection Environment
from evil and good This sizable building has thick metal bars in place of
• 2 nd level (3 slots): hold person, spiritual weapon its main door, which was broken down long ago. De-
• 3 rd level (2 slots): animate dead, spirit guardians bris and piles of broken furniture block visibility and
the way inside. As the characters approach, the bodies
Treasure of four dangling, screaming humanoids are being low-
Each priest of death wears a zombie mask and has 35 ered to the street from the roof, while two armored
gold pieces. wights on skeletal warhorses wait for them below.

Main Door and Windows. The main door of the build-

ing is missing, and its frame is barred by horizontal
iron rods driven into the frame and the wall every
4-5 inches. The large pile of debris behind the
bars blocks the view into the building. There
are windows on the ground floor and at the
height of 10 feet from the ground on the sec-
ond floor, all fitted with the same iron bars.
Breaking the iron bars requires a successful
DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check. The
iron bars have AC 19, 60 hit points, a damage
threshold of 10, they have damage immunity
against piercing, poison, psychic and slashing

Trapdoor. A wooden trapdoor on the roof is

locked from the inside with strong iron latches. It
requires a successful DC 20 Strength ability check
ZO MB IE to break it down. The trap door has AC 17, 25 hit
MASK points, a damage threshold of 5, damage resistance
against piercing and slashing damage, and damage
immunity against poison and psychic damage.

TRADERS OF DEATH Two wights on warhorse skeletons are waiting
on the street in front of the building for prisoners
Background to be lowered to them from the roof by six Royal
A group of armed Royal Soldiers has barricaded Swords (use the guard monster entry). The building
themselves in a large building where they keep sev- (chose one as you see fit) has been well-fortified by
eral dozen citizens as hostages. Their captain, Shev, an additional fourteen Royal Swords (use the guard
a grizzled waterling veteran of the army with a dark monster entry) and Shev (use the veteran monster
sense of humor, has struck a deal with the wights entry) who have sealed themselves inside, leaving
that tried to bash through the gates of their hideout. only a single, hardly accessible exit through the roof.
In exchange for their lives, Shev and his troops pro- They exit the building every other day to scavenge

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

for food, resources, and any survivors they can find acters can free the commoners and safely get them
with less and less success. The former soldiers keep out of Onadbyr to join the fight against the undead.
seventy-two dirty, hungry, and weak commoners on
the ground level of the building and in the cellars,
packed tightly without food or water. The six guards FISTS OF AZENNAR
on the roof will retreat to the building through the
trapdoor and regroup with Shev and his soldiers, who Background
try to capture the characters if they are confronted Created by Master Arlen, these bastions house pow-
and fight them if unable to subdue them. Finally, the erful magical siege engines that protect the Royal Pal-
soldiers will try to flee through the trapdoor on the ace. While the western bastion of the Fists of Azen-
roof when half of them are dead or unable to fight. nar (Onadbyr location 43.) is unoccupied, the eastern
tower and its siege equipment have been seized by a
group of wights raised by the Lich-Knight and tasked
to guard the river passage to the Royal Palace from
the sea. The wights have also extended the retracta-
ble poles, barring the way to the Royal Palace.
The gates of the immense tower that stands 50 feet
tall on the northern shore of the River Nenock by
Grankar’s Chains are closed. Three huge ballistae aim
their bolts over the river, and a dozen figures can be
seen around them.

Inside, the rooms of the bastion - guard rooms and

barracks, an officer’s room, assembly halls, and stor-
age areas with thousands of ballista bolts - are unoc-
cupied. The captain of the tower tried to make a last
“Capture them! We have stand but was slain by the wights, its body sprawled
on its desk.
them outnumbered.”
Shev issues commands to his men. Main Gate. The gate is a (20 by 20 feet) heavy dou-
ble reinforced wooden gate that has AC 18, 90 hit
If rescued, the terrified commoners will be grateful points, a damage threshold of 10, and damage resist-
for their freedom and worried about their future. ance against slashing damage, and damage immunity
Many would be ready to fight if given food, water, a against piercing, poison, and psychic damage. It is
day’s rest, and proper armaments, but most are non- barred from the inside with an iron crossbeam that
combatants. A character can convince the recuperat- can’t be picked, but it can be forced open with a DC
ed commoners to join the fight against the undead 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check.
with a successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) skill
check. If convinced, heartened, and provided with Magical Heavy Ballista. Three heavy ballistae made
the necessary equipment, they will form a unit of out of wood and metal parts are mounted on the top
armed commoners once they escape the city. of each of the Fists of Azennar. All feature a magical
dial that can infuse the bolts fired from the ballistae
Experience with a choice of energy. A heavy ballista is a Large
Award the party 1,100 experience points if the char- object that has AC 17, 75 hit points, damage immuni-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ty to poison, psychic damage. It is a ranged weapon
that fires heavy bolts with a range of 150/600 ft. that MINARET OF THE SPEAKER
deal (22) 5d8 piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) points of
either acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage depend- Background
ing on the setting of the magical dial. It takes one The Minaret of the Speaker (Onadbyr location 41.)
action to load the weapon, one action to aim it, and was built by Master Arlen the Constructor using ar-
one action to fire it. A heavy ballista can be rotat- cane techniques to amplify sounds from the top level
ed 360 degrees as part of taking the action to aim of the minaret so the entire city can hear them. The
it, and can be aimed and fired in the same round if former High Speaker of the Minaret was Wharrynn
two creatures perform these two actions at the same Theloanthas, slain by Morkiel Reborn, and now risen
time. It also takes an action to set the magical dial to as a ghost obsessed with his duties in life - spread-
any one of the four energy types listed above. ing information and words of encouragement to all
citizens of Onadbyr, who now happen to be zombies.
Retracting Poles. Parts of the primary defenses of the
River Nenock are the immense poles that can be ex- Environment
tended from a fortified room within the Fists of Azen- The cylindrical Minaret of the Speaker rises to 200
nar across the breadth of the river. It takes six medium feet within the Old Wall of Onadbyr. A ghostly voice
creatures and three rounds to operate the mecha- speaks stirring praises from the bulbous dome at
nism and fully extend or retract the poles. If only five the apex of the tower to the undead hordes, audi-
medium creatures try the maneuver, it takes a suc- ble throughout the entire city. The gate of the tower
cessful DC 5 Strength ability check to move the poles. hangs ajar.
The DC increases by 5 for every creature under five.
A Large creature counts as two Medium creatures. The small chambers along the central spiral stair-
case are mainly abandoned offices and libraries with
Scene tomes that chronicle the history of the office of High
Twelve wights guard the top of the Fist of Azennar, six Speaker and reveal the exercises and rituals to mas-
operating the siege engines while six stand in reserve ter the abilities and duties of this bardic college.
and protect them. If characters approach by stealth,
they must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity (Stealth) skill Scene
check or be noticed by the wights who rain down the The climb of twenty stories to the top of the minaret
full might of the Fist of Azennar on the characters or is exhausting. Unless characters succeed on a DC 10
approaching army units. Six wights always operate the Strength (Athletics) skill check, they gain one level
ballistae on the battlements, while the rest fire their of exhaustion from the climb.
longbows at enemies from behind three-quarter cov-
er, improving their AC by +5. If the characters storm The ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas haunts the
the gate of the tower, six of the wights descend to dome at the top of the tower, using the sound-am-
intercept them, reinforced by the six ballista operators plifying effects of the Minaret of the Speaker and its
once they run out of targets from the battlements. corrupted bardic abilities to grant undead creatures
advantage on saving throws against effects that turn
Treasure undead. Characters must succeed on a DC 13 Dex-
Hidden in the vest pocket of the dead officer is an terity (Stealth) skill check to approach the minaret
instant trebuchet. without being noticed by the ghost. If the ghost no-
tices the characters, it uses the spell-extending na-
Experience ture of the minaret to unleash its sound-based magic
Award the party 1,100 experience points for taking against them. It extols the undead “citizens” of the
the Fists of Azennar. city and curses the living. If characters draw within

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

range, it uses its Horrifying Visage ability and its With- tacks). The ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas has the
ering Touch when it has exhausted its potent spells. following bard spells prepared:
Wharrynn Theloanthas’ spirit will only find rest if all
undead in the city are destroyed. Otherwise, it re- •C  antrips (at will): message, minor illusion, presti-
turns to haunt the place of its former station in 7 digitation, vicious mockery
days after being slain. • 1st level (4 slots): healing word, heroism*, hideous
laughter, thunderwave
• 2 nd level (3 slots): enthrall, magic mouth, shatter,
• 3 rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, dispel magic, major
image, sending
• 4th level (3 slots): compulsion, confusion
• 5th level (2 slots): geas, scrying
• 6th level (1 slots): irresistible dance, mass suggestion
• 7th level (1 slots): arcane sword

*The ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas casts these

spells on itself before combat

• Innate Spellcasting. The ghost of Wharrynn Theloan-

thas’ spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
15). It can innately cast the following spells, requir-
ing no material components:
“You are not like us…Not deceased and
• At will: command (as a reaction), tongues
yet living….Not citizens…Resist them…
• 3/day each: speak with animals, speak with dead,
Rise…Feed!” speak with plants
The ghost of Wharrynn Thelonthas spurring on the • 1/day: divine word (as a bonus action)
undead when it notices the characters.
 ccentuated Tone (3/Day). As a bonus action, the
Minaret of the Speaker. All sounds spoken or created ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas can force a target
in the uppermost dome of the minaret are ampli- to make a saving throw against its spell with disad-
fied and audible over the entire city, with a range of vantage if that spell requires the target to hear it.
2,000 feet, possibly alerting the undead in range. The •B
 olster Undead. As an action the ghost of Wharrynn
range of all spells, abilities, and effects that require a Theloanthas can grant undead creatures advantage
target to hear the source increase to 500 feet. on saving throws against effects that turn undead
until they hear its voice.
Ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas (CR 9, 5,000 XP). •U
 niversal Language. Wharrynn Theloanthas’ spells
Use the ghost monster entry with the following mod- that require their target to hear it can affect any
ifications: creature type that has an Intelligence ability score
of 3 or higher even if that creature was immune to
•The ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas has 90 hit being charmed or frightened.
• S pellcasting. The ghost of Wharrynn Theloanthas Experience
is a 14th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Award the party 1,100 experience points for taking
Charisma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell at- the Minaret of the Speaker.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

zombies that constantly try to break through it with-
TEMPLE OF LIFE out any success.

Background The inside of the temple has been turned into a ref-
During the reign of Queen Aphinah, the Temple of ugee camp, with bedrolls and common household
Life (Onadbyr location 123.) was purged, closed off by items lying around the floor of the large common
Queen Aphinah, and has since been abandoned. The areas and the rooms of the acolytes.
only temple that was allowed to operate was the
Temple of Magic, led by Father Beau Semias, a cler- Scene
ic-turned-witchservant agent of the Children of the The dome of light emanates from the amulet of posi-
Coven. Father Beau Semias, the power-hungry priest, tive energy that keeps undead out of its area in a 200-
enjoyed the benefits of his former scheming and foot radius. A unit of zombies surrounds the dome at
the warlock powers bestowed upon him by the Ma- its edge, trying to penetrate it without any success.
trons of Malice until their defeat and the end of the
Midnight Curse. When the undead started to spread Inside the temple, six acolytes of the Wondermak-
all over the city, Father Beau relocated to the aban- er and a large group of scared residents have gath-
doned Temple of Life. He refused to provide aid to ered in the hope of their survival, trusting Tazmal of
the needy and had the building locked by his hesitant House Neyfin (use the knight of the crown monster
acolytes. He pillaged the temple, and as he thought entry) and the amulet of positive energy to protect
he would, he found a powerful magic item in the them from the undead threat outside the temple.
reliquary, an amulet of positive energy that could keep
the undead at bay outside the temple. If the characters can get through or over the zombies
and reach the safe area within the dome of light, Taz-
In the coming days, the frustration of the self-isolat- mal and the acolytes quickly move to open the aper-
ed and self-sustaining acolytes grew, and some have tures of the temple and hurry them inside. The noble
either fled the temple or died when confronting Fa- knight and those inside welcome the characters and
ther Beau. Three days after the undead outbreak, a ask about their backgrounds and goals. Tazmal tries
larger group arrived at the temple, led by Tazmal of to create a plan with the characters to break out of
House Neyfin, a former Knight of the Crown who the besieged temple and is willing to join the united
demanded entry. The acolytes gave in to his demand armies with the refugees of fighting skills.
despite the threats of their superior and let the large
group of commoners inside the temple. Father Beau
Semias lashed out at the knight with all his magical
might but was soon mortally wounded and eventu-
ally lynched by the angry mob.

Since then, the refugees trust the magic amulet to

protect them from the raging undead gathering out-
side, but they are stuck in the temple without any
hope of leaving the city.

The sprawling Temple of the Redeemer has remained
untouched by the devastation of the undead. The
temple and its close vicinity are under a dome of
bluish-white light surrounded by a massive ring of

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Award the party 1,100 experience points if the char-
acters can free the commoners and safely get them
out of Onadbyr to join the fight against the undead.

The activated amulet of positive energy sits on the
central altar of the temple.

“Are we cattle to be slaughtered? The former head priest of the Temple of Light and
Are we not going to use whatever Darkness (Onadbyr location 52.), Father Kalozark Sola-
we can get our hands on to fight myr was slain by a group of werehellhound knights
soon after the Midnight Curse fell upon the kingdom
the undead that threatens our lives?”
and Queen Aphinah ordered the extermination of all
Tazmal of House Neyfin aiding the characters clerics and paladins within the realm. Xeno, the pro-
in rallying the commoners. digious young cleric, was one of the few who knew
about the secret crypt of Rodnar the All-Seeing, arch-
A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma (Per- bishop of the Order of the Eternal Light, that was lo-
suasion) skill check can convince the commoners to cated below the lighthouse. The young cleric fled to
fight for their land, and if armed properly, they can the ancient catacomb as a last resort to save his life
form a unit of armed commoners ready to break out when the lycanthrope knights arrived to
of the temple and join the forces at the camp. This ransack the temple.
skill check is made with
advantage due to Xeno passed the guardians of the crypt
the charismatic in- and eventually found himself face to face
tervention of Taz- with Rodnar, who rose as a mummy
mal of House Neyfin. lord upon his arrival. Both wield-
ers of the same divine power,
The reliquary of the tem- the two got engaged in a
ple was opened by Father theological conversa-
Beau Semias, who had deac- tion about their faith,
tivated its protective wards. arguing and reason-
The small room features sev- ing about the nature
eral pedestals with mundane and final judgment
holy items on them, above of their deity, the bal-
them small plates that de- ance of light and dark-
scribe the item and the former ness, and the essence
high priest of the of their shared dogma.
temple who pos­ Rodnar tries to convince
sessed them. PO S ITI VE E NE RG Y the young but powerful

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

cleric to accept its views, while Xeno tries to make the The middle section of the floor of the second, third,
undead priest understand the nature of the balance and fourth floor of the lighthouse is made out of
that he considers as the essence of his faith. glass, which makes the light of the sun and the dark-
ness of the night visible throughout the building.
Cygnus, the couatl paladin and emissary of the
Shining Light, has been trying to use its scrying and The crypt below is an ancient structure and pro-
dream spells on any potential ally it could recruit to vides an entirely different atmosphere than the
aid the people of Aglarion in yet another cataclys- lighthouse above. Its austere design is meant to pro-
mic war against evil. The couatl has recently discov- ject the martinetish and self-assertive rigidity and
ered that Xeno, the Rekindled Flame, is still alive. fanatical devotion of the Order of the Eternal Light.
Cygnus has reached the cleric in his dreams where The rooms are constantly lit with magical flames
it conversed with him, updating him on the events and are 10 feet high.
taking place in the outside world, and learned about
his year-long theological debate with Rodnar the Doors. The doors that lead into the temple and into
All-Seeing. Xeno understood the call for help but the private rooms of the clerics can be locked with a
asked for the couatl’s patience because he hoped key. They have AC 17, 20 hit points, a damage thresh-
to convert the mummy high priest to his views. He old of 5, they have damage resistance against slash-
is confident that he is close and could evangelize ing damage, and damage immunity against piercing,
the ancient evil cleric, but Cygnus knows that their poison, and psychic damage. They feature master-
time is running out. fully crafted locks that can be picked with thieves’
tools on a successful DC 15 Dexterity ability check or
The couatl contacts the characters in person or via forced open with a successful DC 15 Strength (Ath-
a dream spell and urges them to retrieve Xeno, the letics) skill check.
most powerful cleric in the kingdom, and gain his
support in the coming war against the undead. Cyn- Glass Floor. This thick magically hardened but clear
gus tells the characters about the secret sliding prop- glass floor section can support a lot of weight just
erty of the altar that reveals the passage that leads like stone would. It has AC 18, 80 hit points, and dam-
to the underground crypt of Rodnar the All-Seeing. age immunity against poison and psychic damage.

Morgawr, the kraken necromancer archmage of the Crypt Doors. The double doors of the crypt are closed
underwater kingdom of A’rvanshy has sent its em- but don’t have a lock. They have AC 17, 60 hit points,
issary in the form of an undead sea serpent to join a damage threshold of 5, they have damage resist-
the undead uprising and to assess the events taking ance against slashing damage, and damage immunity
place in Onadbyr through its eyes. against piercing, poison, and psychic damage.

Environment Forbiddance. The crypt of Rodnar the All-Seeing is

The lighthouse that serves as the temple of Light protected against all forms of magical travel by a
and Darkness is a ruined place where no one has set permanent forbiddance spell effect that deals radiant
foot since the time the forces of Queen Aphinah ran- damage to celestials and fiends.
sacked it. The levels of the building are neglected and
littered by the bodies of the clerics who were killed Rodnar’s Lair Actions. Areas 5, 6, and 7 are consid-
there. The lighthouse is 80 feet tall and has four lev- ered as the lair of Rodnar the All-Seeing. On initiative
els. Rooms are naturally light or dark depending on count 20 (losing initiative ties), Rodnar the All-Seeing
the time of the day. Huge, 15 feet tall glass windows takes a lair action to cause one of the following ef-
let the sunshine in when the sun is up. The ceilings fects; Rodnar the All-Seeing can’t use the same effect
of the rooms are at the height of 20 feet. two rounds in a row.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

• E ach undead creature in the lair can pinpoint the
location of each living creature within 120 feet of it 1.  H A PE L O F L IG H T
until initiative count 20 on the next round. A N D D A R KNE S S
• Each undead in the lair has advantage on saving
throws against effects that turn undead until initi-
ative count 20 on the next round. Background
• Until initiative count 20 on the next round, any The grand chapel of the temple was a place for fol-
non-undead creature that tries to cast a spell of lowers of the duality of Light and Darkness to gather
4th level or lower in Rodnar the All-Seeing’s lair is to worship their deity.
wracked with pain. The creature can choose another
action, but if it tries to cast the spell, it must make Environment
a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, The floor of this huge chapel is divided into a black
it takes 3 (1d6) radiant damage per level of the spell, and a white section with a stone altar located in the
and the spell has no effect and is wasted. middle. Two narrow and long floating glass staircas-
es rise on the two sides of the chapel, leading to the
Scene floor above with a large circular glass panel in the
A gargantuan undead sea serpent sent by Morgawr center of its floor. Enormous glass panels form a gi-
is coiled around the tower, looking for living crea- ant windowed panel behind the stairs and the wall
tures to devour. It will break through the glass win- opposite the entry gates. The bodies of long-dead
dows of the lighthouse to pursue its victims inside priests clad in black and white robes lie scattered
the building. throughout the chapel.

Undead Sea Serpent (CR 8, 3,900 XP). Use the giant Scene
constrictor snake monster entry with the following The chapel is the hunting ground of the spirits of the
modifications: dead clerics who have risen as six shadows when the
undead infestation of Onadbyr took place. The shad-
•T he undead sea serpent’s size is Gargantuan and it ows emerge from the bodies and attack the charac-
is an undead type creature. ter with the highest Strength ability score.
• It has 180 hit points.
• It has a Strength score of 27. Those not aware of the secret panel that allows the
•It has damage immunity to poison damage and altar to be pushed aside must succeed on a DC 23
condition immunity to the poisoned condition. Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice a button
•B ite. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10 ft., one on its pedestal. Otherwise, it requires a successful DC
creature. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) piercing damage. 18 Strength (Athletics) skill check to slide the altar.
•C onstrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 5 ft., The secret passage opens to an ancient spiral stair-
one creature. Hit: 26 (4d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage, case that leads down to a brightly lit room below.
and the target is grappled (escape DC 20). Until this
grapple ends, the creature is restrained, and the un-
dead sea serpent can’t constrict another target. 2. CL E R I C'S QU A R TE R S
The small rooms on this floor were the private cells
of the priests who lived in the temple. The altar in
the center of the glass floor panel was used only by
the clerics during the holiest ceremonies.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Environment Scene
Each small cell holds a bed and a small wardrobe, The stone fragments are the pieces of the legendary
which are vandalized in most rooms. An altar similar tombstone amulet of Sarath. A non-good, non-celestial
to the public chapel below stands in the middle of creature that touches any of the fragments causes all
the glass floor. the fragments to shine with a blinding flash of light
and assemble into a radiant sphere of annihilation that
Scene is one foot in diameter. A creature that can see the
A character who searches the rooms can find the radiant sphere of annihilation must make a DC 21 Con-
journal of one of the priests, which describes the stitution saving throw at the start of each of its turns
events that took place after the coronation of Queen or become permanently blinded. The radiant sphere
Aphinah and the manifestation of the Midnight of annihilation can’t be controlled by any means and
Curse, amongst other mundane daily events from destroys planar portals it comes into contact with,
earlier. The last entry was written in haste and tells unlike a normal sphere of annihilation. The radiant
how the priests feared for their lives and knew that sphere of annihilation flies at a random creature with
the lycanthrope knights of the queen would come to a speed of 10 feet at the start of each turn within area
slaughter them. 3 until no more creatures are present in the room.
A creature touched by the radiant sphere of annihila-
“In his final desperation, Brother tion takes 22 (4d10) radiant damage. If there are no
creatures in the room, the radiant sphere of annihila-
Jhankai tried to assemble the
tion disappears, and the stone fragments of the tomb-
holy artifact. May the radiance stone amulet reappear on the pedestals.
of the Shining Light and the shroud
of the Darkness Within protect Treasure
his soul on his final journey.” A good-aligned celestial creature can assem-
ble the fragments of the tombstone
The last sentence of the priest’s journal. amulet, which also disables the
radiant sphere of annihila-
tion trap.
Background TO MB STO NE
This room holds the six fragments of a fabled, AMU LET
legendary item of the clergy, a fragment of the
lost tombstone of Sarath, the first high priest
of the temple who defeated the Dark Star. No
one, not even the Matrons of Malice, could piece
the fragments together due to the powerful wards
and the guardian protecting them.

Six pedestals stand on the glass floor with a
fragment of a chiseled stone on each of them.
Each stone fragment has a different section
of a single text. One of them has a chain lan-
yard attached to it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Award the party 1,100 experience points if they can 5. TO M B O F TH E
recover the tombstone amulet. F I S TS O F TH E S U N

4. P A N E O F L IG H T Background
The most devoted holy warrior monks of the Order
Background of the Eternal Light sacrificed themselves to serve
The metal plate under the huge mirror in the middle Rodnar the All-Seeing in the afterlife. They willingly
of the room was lit by the light spells of the priests. cremated themselves alive to prove their devotion
The magical mirror focused the light into a beam and to take the honor of being the last servants of
that could be seen for miles. The magical mirror was the mightiest high priest of the theocracy. Their souls
created by Rodnar the All-Seeing, and the Order of exist eternally and are ready to protect the crypt of
the Eternal Light used it as a weapon to punish its the All-Seeing from those who wish to disturb it.
enemies and protect the city. Xeno and Father Ka- Xeno fought the spirits and destroyed many of them
lozark Solamyr were the only ones who knew the before stepping through the gates to the next cham-
secret command word that turned the light of the ber. The remaining, risen spirits still haunt this room.
mirror lens into a searing radiant beam.
Environment A crumbling stone spiral staircase leads to this bright-
The circular mirror pane of the level allows an ex- ly illuminated chamber from above. The blinding
cellent view over the sea and the city. A giant, gen- light emanates from the niche at the northern sec-
tly curving metal plate dominates the center of the tion of the room, making it hard to look in that di-
room, with a huge vertical mirror levitating in its rection. A burning heat also emanates from the niche
center. and gets stronger as one gets closer to it. The floor is
engraved with a sun symbol that spreads its beams
Scene outward from the northern section of the chamber.
The mirror reacts to any light source by intensifying Two narrow corridors line the room on both sides,
its reflection manifold and slowly rotating, creating holding clay urns.
a bright illumination that can be seen from far. The
light acted as a guiding point for ships and those Scene
who traveled on the shores of the Calhay Sea. The blinding light in the northern niche is the rep-
resentation of the sun itself. A creature who looks in
Searing Mirror. When the command word “Eternal its direction must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
light, Searing bright” is uttered in Celestial, it acti- throw at the start of their turn or become blinded
vates the magical mirror’s light-enhancing property for one minute. A creature that steps in the niche is
that releases a line of searing radiant energy with a burned by the powerful radiance of the place, taking
range of 3,000 feet that burns everything in its path. 36 (8d8) radiant damage at the start of each of its
After the discharge of radiant energy, the mirror turns.
needs to cool down and recharge for nine rounds.
A character can use its ranged attack modifier to at- When the characters enter the room, six brightly glow-
tack with the weapon, which deals 90 (20d8) radiant ing spirits of the Fists of the Sun monks materialize
damage on a hit. and attack them. The spirits stay between the charac-
ters and the niche to force those who would attack
them to look in the direction of the blinding light.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spirit of the Fist of the Sun (CR 2, 450 XP). Use the cream, and white, and its eyes glow with a bright
shadow monster entry with the following modifi- light. Abasi-Aten (use the androsphinx monster en-
cations: try) speaks slowly in a booming voice.

•G  lare Stealth. While in bright light, the spirit of the “I am Abasi-Aten, the Stern Sun,
fist of the sun can take the hide action as a bonus
guardian of the final resting place
action. This trait replaces the Shadow Stealth trait
of the shadow.
of Rodnar the All-Seeing, who sees
•D  arkness Weakness. While in darkness, the spirit of only those who follow in his footsteps
the fist of the sun has disadvantage on attack rolls, and are worthy of his attention.
ability checks, and saving throws. This trait replac- You might have passed the Fists
es the Sunlight Weakness trait of the shadow.
of the Sun but you don’t seem like
• The Strength Drain action of the spirit of the fist of
the sun deals radiant damage instead of necrotic devoted servants of the King-Priest’s
damage. church. You can turn back now,
• F lurry of Blows (3/day). The spirit of the fist of the or you must prove your devotion
sun makes two unarmed strikes as a bonus action. to the Shining Light by answering
•D  odge Blow. The spirit of the fist of the sun uses its
reaction to add 4 to its AC against one attack that
a single question. If you fail to do so,
would hit it. To do so, the spirit of the fist of the I shall feast on your bodies.”
sun must see the attacker. Abasi-Aten introduces itself and its terms.

If any of the characters stay in the room and accept

6.  U A R D IA N O F TH E
G the challenge, the androsphinx asks its question.
A L L - S EE I N G
“You had your chance to leave,
but you are too pretentious to
Rodnar the All-Seeing was gifted the honor of service
make the right choice. Now tell
by a guardian androsphinx named Abasi-Aten by the me, what is the most important
Shining Light for his zealous service during his life purpose of the Shining Light?
and so that his earthly remains would stay undis- Be careful with your next words.”
turbed. The room is not the lair of the androsphinx.
It only visits this plane when someone would disturb Abasi-Aten asks his question in a dramatic tone.
the remains of Rodnar the All-Seeing.
A character who wishes to answer the question can
Environment make a DC 22 Intelligence (Religion) skill check to
This domed room tiled with sparkling white, seam- come up with the correct religious knowledge, which
less tiles looks as an infinite void of whiteness. is that the Shining Light’s main purpose is to keep
the Darkness Within in balance. The androsphinx ac-
Scene cepts any answers related to balance.
When the characters enter the room, a large winged
lion with the head of a bearded old man walks slow- If the characters provide the right answer, a door
ly out of the whiteness and sits on its hind legs in the appears behind Abasi-Aten leading to area 7, and the
middle of the empty space in front of the characters. sphinx slowly walks away into the whiteness of the
Its mane, fur, and wings are a gradient of yellow, room, plane shifting back to its lair.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“You have proven your worth. Rodnar Environment
The floor and the ceiling of this ancient crypt is dec-
the All-Seeing will accept your visit.” orated with the engravings of a sun and flames. Ex-
Abasi-Aten’s farewell. tremely bright balls of light illuminate the room in
which a sarcophagus made out of mirrors reflects
If the characters fail to provide the right answer or the light of the magical illumination in every direc-
give no answer within a minute, Abasi-Aten stands tion. Two figures stand not far from each other with-
on all fours and growls three times before attack- in the beams of light, both of them wearing clerical
ing the characters with its spells and claw attacks garments. One of them is a tall and young man with
in melee. a strikingly beautiful face, while the other is bent and
wrapped in loose bandages under its robes, showing
“You were not meant to face his dark, desiccated flesh.
holy brightness. You will pay for
your immodesty!” Rodnar the All-Seeing demands the characters to
Abasi-Aten’s last words before it attacks the characters. leave immediately, so that it may continue to con-
vert Xeno through their theological debate.
The door to area 7 appears when Abasi-Aten is slain.


Xeno the Rekindled Flame passed the guardians of
Rodnar the All-Seeing and entered the crypt of the
former high priest and founder of the Order of the
Eternal Light. Upon his arrival, Rodnar rose as a
mummy lord and confronted the cleric, a member
of his own faith but with a substantially different
dogma. However, the mummy lord still considered RO D N A R TH E A L L- SEE I N G
him as a servant of its deity. Instead of slaying the
intruder, Rodnar started a conversation with Xeno, “More who disturb my eternal rest.
which soon expanded into a theological debate that Do the rays of the holy light shine
is still ongoing. The two clerics debate each other on
through their souls or does it burn
the different views of their deity, the duality of its
nature, the events that took place in history, espe-
them intensely?”
cially those related to Rodnar, and the future of the Rodnar contemplating on the
faith that lies in the hands of Xeno, the current high motives of the characters.
priest. Rodnar is persistent in convincing Xeno about
his own truth and wishes to radicalize the young Xeno asks the characters to remain calm and explain
priest, who, on the other hand, wants to learn as their visit’s purpose. The young priest is convinced of
much as he can from the undead cleric and some- the characters’ intentions right away if they mention
how redeem its soul. Cygnus, the end of the Midnight Curse, or the result-
ing undead infestation of the kingdom.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“I think we must postpone our theological When Rodnar the All-Seeing sees that the characters
will ruin the conversation with the young priest,
debate Archbishop. A matter of life
the mummy quickly becomes hostile and attacks
or death is something that needs the characters. The mummy lord uses its legend-
immediate attention.” ary actions to hinder the characters throughout the
Xeno explaining his wish to leave combat. First, it casts a gate spell and calls forth an
the mummy’s presence. efreeti named Lahab Mashriq Haseeb, who swiftly
throws itself into battle to protect the mummy. The
mummy archpriest continues with instantaneous
spells such as fire storm or flame strike, and protects
XEN O TH E itself from melee combat with blade barrier and holy
RE K I N D L E D aura. Throughout the battle, Rodnar the All-Seeing
F LA ME tries to exclude Xeno from its spells until it becomes
inevitable to strike at the young high priest.

Rodnar the All-Seeing. Use the mummy lord mon-

ster entry with the following modifications:

•R odnar the All-Seeing has damage immunity against

fire instead of damage vulnerability.
• S pellcasting. The mummy lord is a 19th-level spell-
caster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
DC 17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). The mummy
lord has the following cleric spells prepared:

•C  antrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance, sacred

flame, thaumaturgy
• 1st level (4 slots): command, guiding bolt, shield of
• 2 nd level (3 slots): hold person, silence, spiritual
• 3 rd level (3 slots): animate dead, daylight, dispel
magic, protection from energy
• 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, divination, freedom
of movement, guardian of faith
• 5th level (3 slots): contagion, flame strike, insect plague
•6  th level (2 slot): blade barrier, harm, true seeing
• 7 th level (1 slot): fire storm
•8  th level (1 slot): holy aura
•9  th level (1 slot): gate

Xeno the Rekindled Flame will side with the char-

acters if they are attacked but will not let the char-
acters search and destroy the heart of the mummy
lord. A character who wants to convince Xeno to de-
stroy the heart of the mummy lord must succeed on

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

a DC 21 Charisma (Persuasion) skill check to make
Xeno overcome his desire to learn the secrets of Rod-
nar the All-Seeing.

Rodnar’s heart is located in a sealed floor panel under

the mummy’s sarcophagus that can only be found if
the sarcophagus is moved or with divination magic.
The stone sarcophagus can be moved with a success-
ful DC 25 Strength (Athletics) skill check or must be
destroyed to access the panel. The heart in the niche
has AC 5, 25 hit points, and immunity to all damage
except for fire.

When Xeno exits the crypt, he summons Girshad (use

the deva monster entry) in the chapel with a planar G IR S H A D
ally spell to aid in the war effort. Xeno asks the deva
to recover the tombstone amulet from area 3 and Blessed light shine on you! I pledge
gives it to one of the characters to signify his grati-
my mace and will not rest until the
tude, preferably a character who uses divine magic.
He asks for the relic to be returned once the war
city is cleansed of the undead.
against the undead is over. He also tells the com- The payment I demand is that you
mand word to operate the Searing Mirror in area 4. sustain the power of light deep
within your souls and look upon the
dawn when it rises over a city of life!
Girshad pronouncing its holy terms.

Award the party 1,100 experience points if they group
up with Xeno the Rekindled Flame.

The Ziggurat of Dread was the planetar Morkiel’s seat
of power whenever the dark angel visited the capital
thousands of years ago. Slaves constructed and dedi-
cated it to the manifestation of fear that was Mork-
iel, providing a throne of the general of the Dark Star,
consecrated to the Darkness Within. During Sarath’s
final battles, Morkiel withdrew into its ziggurat to
escape the searing light that reappeared over the
realm and banished its brethren. However, Sarath
soon confronted the dark angel in its ziggurat and
desiccated its body with the light she wielded. The

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Order of the Eternal Light buried the ziggurat and saving throw. Those who fail their saving throw can
toppled the giant statue of the planetar that graced still move around in the building while frightened.
its peak, which has lied undisturbed at this site,
known as the Napping Giant to the citizens of Onad- The Ziggurat of Dread flies at a speed of 20 feet at the
byr. This all changed with Krasnar’s rise in undeath will of Morkiel Reborn.
and the city’s fall to zombie hordes. The carnage and
Krasnar’s rebirth as a lich-knight drew the attention
of Faeryl Myrryn from Orcus’ side in the Abyss, and 1. P O R TA L TO O RCU S
the vampire drow conjurer soon arrived in the city.
She offered a deal to the Lich-Knight, offering the Background
forces of undeath to aid it in conquering the realm. The bottom of the ziggurat features a gaping two-
Using spells of the highest order, Faeryl Myrryn un- way portal to the realm of Orcus. A steady stream of
earthed the ziggurat, harnessed Morkiel’s soul from abyssal zombies falls from the portal and lands on
its petrified form, infused it into a phylactery of her the mound of crawling undead that covers the Royal
own creation, and raised the planetar as a lich in her Court. The portal is anchored to four living hezrou
service. Orcus tasked Morkiel Reborn through Faeryl demons that have been embedded into the stone to
Myrryn to act as an advisor to Krasnar and bolster power the portal and keep it open with their blood.
the ranks of the undead. The drow conjurer vampire
opened a gate to the domain of Orcus on the top of Environment
the ziggurat, whence demonic undead poured forth A circle of reddish magical energy with a dark in-
before she returned to the Abyss. Morkiel Reborn terior covers the center of the bottom of the float-
then cast a series of wish spells to raise the ziggurat ing ziggurat, which would be the sole entryway into
out of the earth, turn it upside down, and float it the structure. Four spiked, large demonic figures
above the city. Morkiel Reborn moves the ziggurat are trapped in the stone surrounding the portal and
if needed through mental command and sits on its writhe in agony and hiss curses in Abyssal as their
throne when not assisting Krasnar the Lich-Knight in blood flows into it. On the other side of the por-
the Royal Palace. tal is a frozen, bleak landscape covered in bones and
hordes of zombies in front of a vast mountain range
Environment whose peaks cut the horizon like colossal jaws. The
The Ziggurat of Dread is of marble with a dark green feet of a giant green statue protrude from beside the
tint. It floats upside-down over the mound of zom- circle, broken off at the ankle in ancient times.
bies covering the Royal Court at the height of 200 feet,
and zombies occasionally fall out of a circle of flaming Scene
blackness at its bottom. Inside the ziggurat, the ceil- As the characters reach the portal, they can see
ings are 30 feet high, and rooms are fashioned to ac- that the four figures held in the stone are hezrou
commodate creatures of large size. There are no light demons. All bear two fang marks on their frog-like
sources in any of the rooms unless specified otherwise. necks from where their greenish blood flows into
the swirling portal, maintaining its magic. Each de-
The entire ziggurat is under an effect similar to a mon also has a gemstone embedded into its skull
hallow spell infused with the unholy power of dread, that keeps the wounds open and also continuously
except the spell only hedges out good celestials, el- regenerates them. The demons are incapacitated and
ementals, and fey, and negates the charm, frighten, cannot attack, however, their Stench ability functions
or possession abilities of all creatures that are not normally. All four hezrou must be slain and the gems
celestials or undead. Second, the area is bound with removed from the demons’ skulls to stop their regen-
the spell’s Fear effect that affects all creatures that eration for the portal to close. If the characters dam-
are not celestials or undead, with a DC 15 Charisma age any of the demons, three vampire spawn deva

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

fly out of the portal and defend it from harm. The •M  ultiattack. The vampire spawn deva makes two
deva will use their maces to attack until they fall to attacks, either with its mace or its claws, only one
half their hit points. They then drop their maces and of which can be a bite attack.
pounce on the characters and try to suck their blood. •M  ace. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 18
Vampire Spawn Deva (CR 11, 7,200 XP). Use the deva (4d8) necrotic damage
monster entry with the following modifications: •C  laws. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4) slashing damage. In-
•T he vampire spawn deva is an undead type crea- stead of dealing damage, the vampire spawn deva
ture that has damage resistance to necrotic dam- can grapple the target (escape DC 15).
age instead of radiant damage. • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
•D  ark Angelic Weapons. The vampire spawn deva’s one willing creature, or a creature that is grappled
weapon attacks are magical. When the deva hits by the vampire spawn deva, incapacitated, or re-
with any weapon, the weapon deals an extra 4d8 strained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6)
necrotic damage (included in the attack). necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum is
•R egeneration. The vampire spawn deva regains 10 reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic dam-
hit points at the start of its turn if it has at least 1 age taken, and the vampire spawn deva regains hit
hit point and isn’t in sunlight or running water. If it points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts
takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies
this trait doesn’t function at the start of its next turn. if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
• Spider Climb. The vampire spawn deva can climb
difficult surfaces, including upside down on ceil- Once the characters close the portal, an opening to
ings, without needing to make an ability check. the ziggurat is revealed, with a shaft leading to a
•V  ampire Weaknesses. The vampire spawn deva has chamber within.
the following flaws:
• F orbiddance. The vampire spawn deva can’t en- Treasure
ter a residence without an invitation from one The four red garnets embedded into the skulls of
of the occupants. the hezrou lose their regenerative quality if removed
•H  armed by Running Water. The vampire spawn from the foreheads of the hezrou, and each is worth
deva takes 20 acid damage when it ends its turn 400 gold pieces.
in running water.
• S take to the Heart. The vampire spawn deva is
destroyed if a piercing weapon made of wood is 2. M O R KIE L'S E F F I G Y
driven into its heart while it is incapacitated in
its resting place. Background
• Sunlight Hypersensitivity. The vampire spawn Morkiel is the manifestation of the fear aspect of the
deva takes 20 radiant damage when it starts its Darkness Within. The dark planetar was one of the
turn in sunlight. While in sunlight, it has disad- three generals of the Dark Star during its reign over
vantage on attack rolls and ability checks. the land of the mortals. Morkiel was the fallen solar’s
• Vampiric Touch (3/Day). The vampire spawn deva advisor in the arcane and its court magister with the
touches another creature. It makes a melee spell wizardly capabilities of an archmage.
attack with a bonus of +9 against a creature within
its reach. On a hit, the target takes 10 (3d6) necrotic Environment
damage, and the vampire spawn deva regains hit Morkiel’s 20-foot tall statue hangs from the ceiling in
points equal to half the amount of necrotic damage a corner of the room and glares with a cold threat-
dealt. This ability replaces Healing Touch. ening look on its oddly smooth green face. Its black

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tunic seems to be blown by the wind as it raises its area is lightly obscured. It lasts for 1 minute or
mace for a tremendous strike. A circular opening on until a strong wind disperses it. Any creature that
the opposite corner of the room connects to a cham- starts its turn in that area must succeed on a DC 13
ber above. The upside-down murals on the walls de- Constitution saving throw or be poisoned until the
pict Morkiel at the side of the Dark Star with legions start of its next turn. While poisoned in this way,
of mortals fleeing from the pair or cowering in fear the target can take either an action or a bonus ac-
at their feet. tion on its turn, not both, and can’t take reactions.

Scene When the characters enter the chamber and engage

Morkiel’s eyes radiate an aura of palpable terror that the zombie dretches, Morkiel Reborn flies forth from
manifests as a sense of dread within those who stand the statue with a project image spell from its lair ac-
near the statue. A character within 30 feet of the ef- tion and addresses the characters. A character that
figy must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw. On a uses its action to examine the image can determine
failed save, the character becomes frightened until it that it is an illusion with a successful DC 20 Intelli-
finishes a long rest. gence (Investigation) skill check.

An arcane eye, maintained as Morkiel Reborn’s lair “Cower at my feet mortals!

action, is always stationed at the statue’s base on the
My new form demands
greater tribute than the
Scene old. But the tribute is the
The chamber is filled with a unit of zombie dretches same: blood, life, souls. All in the dark
who claw at anyone that enters the room and tries glory of the darkness within us all!”
to pass them.
Morkiel Reborn threatening the
Zombie Dretches. Use the unit of zombies monster characters in dark Celestial speech.
entry with the following modifications:

•T  he unit of zombie dretches is Huge size and has a 3. L IB RA RY O F

space of 25 feet. D E A TH M A G I C
• It has 436 hit points.
• It has damage resistance to cold, fire, and lightning
damage. Background
•M ultiattack. The unit of zombie dretches makes two Morkiel Reborn spends considerable time in this li-
attacks: one with its bite and one with its claws. brary, etching necromancy spells onto clay tablets
• Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., all and skulls. When the ziggurat was turned upside
creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 28 (8d6) piercing down, the furniture fell to the floor but is still usable.
damage, or 14 (4d6) piercing damage if the zombie However, many of the clay tablets and skulls have
dretches have half of their hit points or fewer. shattered, leading Morkiel Reborn to replace them
•C  laws. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., all from memory.
creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 40 (16d4) slashing
damage, or 20 (8d4) slashing damage if the zombie Environment
dretches have half of their hit points or fewer. Gigantic, ancient, and ornate ebony chairs and tables
• Fetid Cloud (1/Day). A 10­-foot radius of disgusting stand in the center corner of the room, laden with
green gas extends out from the unit of zombie clay tablets, skulls, and tools for scribing, molding,
dretches. The gas spreads around corners, and its and etching. Next to the furniture are two giant vats

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“Your petty lives and

- one filled with raw clay and one with water. The
ground is littered with broken tablets and skulls, and thoughts are mere blips
the shelves around the walls are stocked with in- in the eons that I have
tact ones, some freshly made and some thousands seen. I have witnessed the
of years old. parting of the heavens, the Mountain-
fall descend, and the rise of the Dark
The vast library of tablets is a collection of lore, Star. May its name be revered forever
written in a dark Celestial dialect. The tablets con- as the true manifestation of the Dark-
tain historical information about the rule of the ness Within! What knowledge do you
Dark Star, the religion of the Darkness Within and
possess that can eclipse my own?”
its separation from the Shining Light, as well as all
necromancy and enchantment school spells scribed Morkiel Reborn addressing the
onto skulls, from level 1 through level 9 (these are characters in dark Celestial speech.
not scrolls but can be copied into a spellbook). One
day of study in the library grants advantage on In-
telligence (History) skill checks on topics related to 4. CL ON I N G CH A M B E R
ancient history or Intelligence (Religion) checks that
cover the faith of the duality of Light and Darkness, Background
and its two manifestations, the Darkness Within and Morkiel grew and stored several clones in ancient
the Shining Light. times in this chamber, which the newly risen Mork-
iel Reborn has refashioned. The lich has already pro-
Tiny death scarabs the size of peas with golden duced a mature clone, and several others are near
skull markings on their black chitin shells hide un- completion, growing in coffinlike tanks.
der the tablets on the shelves. They climb onto any
character who disturbs the tablets and attempt to Environment
bite unexposed flesh to inject their incredibly po- Four large ornate coffins with glass sides and inlaid
tent necrotic venom. Characters can attempt a suc- with runes in jade that glow with a menacing green
cessful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check to notice light are spaced around the room. The lid of one is
the scarabs before lifting a tablet and can remove open and the coffin empty. Two others are filled
it safely from the shelves on a successful check. On with water and store the partially formed bodies of a
a failed check, the scarabs make a melee weapon large, green-skinned, winged angel already showing
attack with a bonus of +2 against the creature that signs of undeath. A broken coffin lies unused in a
lifted the tablet. On a hit, the character must make corner, surrounded by the bodies of several partial-
a DC 13 Constitution save, taking 61 (7d8 + 30) ne- ly-formed and discarded bodies of the same creature
crotic damage on a failed save or half as much dam- but without signs of undeath.
age on a successful one.
When the characters enter the chamber and disturb The bodies in the coffin tanks are the clones of Mork-
any of the tablets, Morkiel Reborn flies forth from iel Reborn, not yet fully matured. The discarded bod-
the chamber above with a project image spell from ies are of its previous form, cast aside by the lich
its lair action and addresses the characters. A char- when it rose in undeath. The coffins are magical and
acter that uses its action to examine the image can emulate auras of necromancy. Characters who study
determine that it is an illusion with a successful DC the coffins and the bodies with the identify spell or
20 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check. succeed on a DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana) skill check
can identify the coffins as vessels used in conjunction

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

with a clone spell and that the coffins are special,
having been treated with necromantic enchantments 5. S H R IN E TO TH E
to allow any type of creature to be cloned, even un- D A R KNE S S W ITH IN
dead. Characters who study the partially formed and
discarded bodies for at least a minute and succeed
on a DC 18 Wisdom (Medicine) skill check can gain Background
a deep understanding of Morkiel Reborn’s physiology Perpetual and impenetrable darkness covers this
as a planetar lich. The knowledge can be imparted to room, the shrine of the Darkness Within. In addition
others and all creatures who possess the information to the utter darkness, the chamber has been infused
automatically score critical hits against Morkiel Re- with necromantic energies that manifest as the
born on a hit. worst nightmares of those that step into the shrine.

When the characters enter the chamber, Morkiel Re- Environment

born flies forth from the darkness of area 5 with a The entire chamber is covered by magical darkness.
project image spell from its lair action and addresses Unseen to most, magical runes cover the entirety of
the characters. A character that uses its action to ex- the bare walls of the chamber. Otherwise, the room
amine the image can determine that it is an illusion is absolutely devoid of all decoration.
with a successful DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation)
skill check. Scene
The entire room is under the effect of permanent
“Immortality has many darkness as the darkness spell. All characters who
enter the room see visions of lashes that strike at
forms, and all of them
them from the darkness and can cause actual pain.
are now mine to exploit. A creature that is not an undead or evil celestial is
What are your fleeting targeted by an effect similar to a phantasmal killer
lives worth in the face of spell at the start of their turn until they remain in
such mastery of death?” the room and they must succeed on a DC 20 Wis-
dom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
Morkiel Reborn addressing the becomes frightened. At the end of each of the crea-
characters in dark Celestial speech. ture’s turns, it must succeed on a DC 20 Wisdom
saving throw or take 22 (4d10) necrotic damage. On
Treasure a successful save, the spell ends for the creature for
The three intact coffins are incredibly valuable, each that round.
worth 3,000 gold pieces. They each weigh 800 pounds.
The jade inlays can be removed from the broken cof- When the characters enter the darkness of the shrine,
fin if a character spends an hour with the appropriate Morkiel Reborn flies forth from the darkness of area
tools, collecting jades worth 500 gold pieces. 6 with a project image spell from its lair action and
addresses the characters. If a character can see the
image and uses its action to examine the image, it
can determine that it is an illusion with a successful
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) skill check.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Morkiel Reborn has placed two symbol spells with

“Give in to your fear and
glyphs of Death and Fear at the entrance to area 6
feel the pain that wells in a circle with a diameter of 10 feet. The glyphs are
from the essence of the nearly invisible, requiring a DC 20 Intelligence (In-
Darkness Within! Feel the vestigation) skill check to find. The glyphs activate
dread, be humbled by its when a creature that is not an undead or evil celes-
tial enters the room and passes over the space of the
unholy power, and die!” glyphs. Both symbols have a DC of 20.
Morkiel Reborn angrily snarling at
the characters in dark Celestial speech.
Morkiel Reborn occupies its throne and rises when
6. M O R K IE L'S TH RO N E the characters enter. It reaches out to the characters
telepathically as it starts to weave its deadly necro-
Background mancy spells.
The hiddenmost chamber of the Ziggurat of Dread
was Morkiel’s seat of power in the capital Morkiel Reborn’s Phylactery. Morkiel Reborn’s
when the planetar occupied the large throne Phylactery is well-hidden, invisibly affixed
within. Few creatures other than the Dark to the to rail of the throne. It is an
Star or its other planetar generals have urn made of bloodstone and adorned
ever seen the interior of this grand with the symbol of Faeryl Myrryn. It
space. Morkiel Reborn usually sits is under the effects of a sequester
in its damaged throne when not spell cast by Faeryl Myrryn. It has
in council at Krasnar’s side. AC 19, 22 hit points, it has dam-
age resistance against piercing
Environment damage, and damage immunity
Morkiel’s immense throne against poison and psychic
dominates this vast col- damage. The phylactery is
umned space. The throne cursed, which is revealed only
shows signs of damage, hav- when an identify spell is cast
ing fallen from the ceiling when on it. Any creature that touches
the ziggurat was uprooted before the phylactery other than Mork-
it was righted. It is made of black iel Reborn or Faeryl Myrryn is
jet and covered by engravings of cursed until targeted by the re-
screaming open mouths covering move curse spell or similar mag-
its entire surface. A large four- ic. Letting go of the phylactery
winged being sits on the throne, fails to end the curse. As long
partially decayed and show- as the creature is cursed, it is
ing signs of undeath, grasp- unwilling to let the phylactery
ing a large mace in one hand out of its sight and will sacri-
as a swirl of skulls with tiny fice its life to protect it from
runes floats around it. harm.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

“What hubris to dare oppose me, one who has
stood in the presence of gods and was venerated
as one! My powers in death overshadow what
once was. Praise be to the Blood Queen for this
gift of powers unseen in the multiverse and the
pact with the Lich-Knight prince! I am Morkiel
Reborn, I am undeath, I am your doom!”
Morkiel Reborn telepathically challenging the characters.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


When the characters have gained tactical positions in cil of war to plan the attack, inviting the characters
the city around the Royal Court and have eliminated and all notable NPCs present if the characters have
the advantages of the undead forces, a final mass as- made contact with them, such as Xeno the Rekindled
sault can be launched against the zombie-infested city Flame, Gren, Cygnus, Selvaro, Jasmin Johandulc, Com-
to break the crust of swirling zombies that covers the mander Pricklethrust, and Master Zaophas among
Royal Palace. The troops gather outside the broken others. (See the Attack on the Camp and Tactics of
walls of the capital and prepare for the invasion. the General section at the beginning of Chapter 6 for
information on the tactics of these NPCs.)
The allied troops under General Sundamar Storm- General Sundamar Stormbreaker allocates command
breaker’s command gather outside the city’s walls. of the various army units, either to the characters if
The siege of Onadbyr is one of urban combat, where they are willing to serve in this capacity or to notable
the armies of the living fight the armies of the dead NPCs. The allied armies consist of all units at Camp
from street to street. Perseverance that have survived the initial onslaught
of the undead and those recruited from around the
City Streets. Units can move through main avenues, kingdom or rescued from the city.
plazas, parks, and bridges at normal speed but only
at half their movement speed if they take to narrow General Sundamar Stormbreaker’s plan is a concen-
side streets. trated attack through the walls using units of Royal
Swords as an infantry wedge, with ranged support
from the unit of wizards and the unit of Royal Ar-
TACTICS OF THE LIVING rows. The unit of Royal Riders and units of scoun-
drels, namely the Uncanny Vagabonds, Golden Masks,
General Sundamar Stormbreaker gathers the allied and the Ravens of Winter, support the flanks of the
troops outside of the city walls and holds a coun- central units. He plans to use the strategic locations

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

liberated by the characters as rallying points for the
troops as they advance through the city.


The Lich-Knight commands the army of the undead.
All undead receive telepathic information on the
events that take place outside the Royal Palace from
the bulbous observer. The Lich-Knight gives com-
mands to units indirectly through the bulbous ob-
server and has Morkiel Reborn move the Ziggurat
of Dread to strategic locations if needed. The pour-
ing undead from the gate opened at the bottom of Units of undead are positioned throughout the city
the Ziggurat of Dread slowly accumulates a unit of and are commanded to converge on living targets
abyssal zombies every five days. If the characters en masse, surrounding them in a deadly ring. If the
have not defeated it, Morkiel Reborn joins the battle bulbous observer is slain, the units of undead remain
personally if the army of the living besieges Onad- without direct control and roam aimlessly, seeking
byr, trusting its clone spell and Rejuvenation ability to life to consume. The Lich-Knight, Morkiel Reborn, or
survive. The lich planetar focuses its magical attacks Shardarahaz can command a unit of undead if per-
on clerics and enemies with immunity to nonmagi- sonally present. The units of undead are positioned
cal weapons, like the Colossus or Cygnus if they are at these strategic locations:
present. If the characters have destroyed Morkiel Re-
born, Shardarahaz is given control of the undead by • Four units of zombies are positioned at the south-
the Lich-Knight and the wight commander employs ern and northern end of Grankar’s Chains (Onadbyr
the same tactics, flying on the zombie roc if it can. location 55.), two units at each end of the bridge.
• Four units of abyssal zombies are positioned at
Dragon Plaza (Onadbyr location 111.).
• Four units of zombies are positioned at the north-
ern end of the demolished Nine Arches (Onadbyr
location 125.).
• Two units of ghouls are feasting on the dead, one
at Deadwood Cemetery (Onadbyr location 23.) and
the other at the Garden of the Sleepers (Onadbyr
location 36.).
• Two units of wights move along Short and Long
Road, patrolling the city in circles around the two
main roads.

When the army of the living approaches Onadbyr,

Shardarahaz mounts the zombie roc (see Onadbyr,
City of the Dead section The Undead Crow) and flies
above the city in circles to size up the enemy. It at-
tacks any flying units or units engaged in combat
on the ground. Shardarahaz can command units of
undead if needed.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Unit of Abyssal Zombies (CR 10, 5,900 XP). Use the

unit of zombies monster entry with the following

•T  he unit of abyssal zombies has damage resistance

against cold, fire, and lightning damage.
• Magic Weapons. The unit of abyssal zombie’s weap-
on attacks are magical.

Shardarahaz. Use the wight monster entry with the

following modifications:

• S hardarahaz has 90 hit points.

• It has AC 18 (plate)
•M  ultiattack. Shardarahaz makes makes three long-
sword or longbow attacks. It can use its Life Drain
in place of one longsword or longbow attack.
• + 1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage,
or 8 (1d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two
• + 1 Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing
•C  ommander’s Orders (2/Day). As a bonus action,
Shardarahaz can choose any number of creatures
within 60 feet who can hear it. Those creatures
gain a Commander’s die, a d8. Once within the
next 10 minutes, the creatures can roll the die and
add the number rolled to one ability check. The
creatures can wait until after they roll the d20
before deciding to use the Commander’s die, but
must decide before the DM says whether the roll
succeeds or fails.
•O  rder of Charge. Shardarahaz can expend one use of
its Commander’s Order ability to double the move-
ment speed of the creatures it chooses until the
end of their next turn.
• Shardarahaz wears a bracers of archery and wields a
+1 longsword and a +1 longbow.

Award the party 1,800 experience points if they de-
feat the army of the undead.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Background Environment
Krasnar has been rejuvenated in undeath by the sub- An immense mound of thousands upon thousands
terfuge of the Matrons of Malice, who had long ago of zombies covers the entire Royal Court, fed by the
planted half his soul into a phylactery, embedded Ziggurat of Dread from above and raised by the Lich-
into his iron statue in the Mausoleum of the Mon- Knight from the victims of its carnage in the city. The
archs. Once the characters slay Krasnar in the Bleak zombies pour forth from every opening of the buildings
Mire, the phylactery activates and raises the prince of the Royal Palace, threatening anyone moving into
in the Mausoleum in the form of the Lich-Knight. As them. The groaning of the undead creates a cacophony
its first act of vengeance, the undead prince exhumed of horror between the desolate halls of the palace.
King Waldrann’s corpse in the mausoleum and raised
it as a wight, bestowing the former weapons of the Most rooms of the Royal Place have a height of 20
king - the spriggan shield and the spellbreaker cross- feet. The doors of most rooms are open, allowing
bow - to its new undead bodyguard. the zombies to roam around on the premises free-
ly. However, some doors are closed, and the rooms
There are two places of importance in the palace within have been undisturbed by the zombies. They
- the Mausoleum of the Monarchs where the Lich- can provide safe spaces to recuperate. These are are-
Knight’s phylactery is hidden, and the Throne Room as 6; 13; some rooms in 17; 19; eastern 22; some rooms
where the Lich-Knight resides amongst swarms of in 24 and 26; 29; 35; and 43. Use the description and
animated dead even after the majority of the zom- map of the Royal Palace from Chapter 3. The private
bies have been slain to gain entry. The Lich-Knight sanctum effect is still active and keyed to the Lich-
sits on the throne with the wight form of the for- Knight. Morkiel Reborn also knows the password to
mer king at its side and virtually closed off from bypass the magical wards.
the outside world by a mass of zombies that have
infested all chambers of the Royal Palace from wall Scene
to wall. To enter the buildings of the Royal Palace and reach

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

the Lich-knight, the characters first must destroy the bies that don’t overlap each other’s spaces. Treat
mound of zombies under which it is buried. The only these as hazards that don’t move but make attacks
way to achieve this task is through a combined assault and use their abilities normally. Moving through the
with potential for massive damage, which should be unit of zombies’ spaces counts as difficult terrain.
a cinematic scene once the legions of undead outside Each unit of zombies can be defeated individually.
Onadbyr’s walls have been defeated and key locations However, this is an almost impossible and tedious
captured in the city. After gaining tactical advantages, task for the characters, so other ways to bypass the
the characters could encircle the Royal Court with dangers presented by such a horde would be the saf-
army units, bombard it with the catapults and ballis- est route. These could include flying over the zom-
ta on the Fists of Azennar or from the Wild Whale, bies’ heads, climbing the walls
point the Searing Mirror at the top of the Temple and breaking in through the
of Light and Darkness (area 4) onto it, or use windows, or divine powers
high-level magic. Several NPCs can also aid in to pass through the un-
the effort, like Xeno the Rekindled Flame or dead without harm.
Master Zaophas. When this barrage
clears the covering of zom-
bies that forms

the mound
over the Roy-
al Court and
the courtyard
of the palace, the char-
acters are free to enter the
Lich-Knight’s court in the Royal

Zombies cover almost every square

inch of the Royal Palace. Each indoor
numbered location on the map of
the Royal Palace in Chapter 3 of the
adventure contains a unit of zom- TH E L ICH - KN IG H T

70 0
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Krasnar the Undying Prince, the Lich-Knight, sits on
its throne in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace
with its former father-turned-wight by its side and
surrounded by hordes of zombies.

The Throne Room (area 39 of the Royal Palace) is
filled with the living dead, overseen from its throne
by the Lich-Knight, the undead form of the aberrant
Prince Krasnar Azennar. “It matters not what has transpired be-
fore. I am death incarnate, more than
When the characters enter the Throne Room, The
I ever was. This body is a mere vessel,
Lich-Knight stoically remains seated and telepath- and even if you were to destroy it,
ically hails them in a tone devoid of all emotion. I shall return eternally! Now,
It uses its spells and abilities from a sitting posi- I finally have control over my soul. I am
tion and only rises when anyone draws within
the Kingdom. I rule over the dead and
melee range. Meanwhile, King
Waldrann’s wight form, King need no crown! Now prepare to die so
Wight, activates the sprig- I might raise your corpses to serve me!”
gan shield and starts shoot- The Lich-Knight telepathically
ing the characters with assailing the characters.
its spellbreaker crossbow
before wading through King Wight (CR 6, 2,300 XP). Use the wight monster
the zombies to engage template with the following modifications:
in melee.
• King Wight has 90 hit points.
• It has AC 21 (plate, spriggan shield)
• Multiattack. King Wight makes three longsword at-
tacks or a crossbow attack. It can use its Life Drain
in place of one longsword or crossbow attack.
• +1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) slashing damage, or 14
(2d10 + 3) slashing damage if used with two hands.
• S pellbreaker Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to
hit, range 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3)
piercing damage. The item gains additional traits
against spellcasters (see spellbreaker crossbow). This
attack replaces the wight’s longbow action.
• It wears ceremonial Azennar plate armor, holds the
spriggan shield, and wields the spellbreaker crossbow.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

When the Lich-Knight is slain, its body crumbles to and statues of the royals of Aglarion. The lid of King
black dust and transforms into smoke. Characters Waldrann’s tomb is open and empty within.
can attempt a successful DC 17 Intelligence (Religion)
skill check to realize that the Lich-Knights’ soul has Scene
escaped its body, akin to the mechanics of a soul’s Krasnar’s iron statue serves as the phylactery of the
return to a lich’s phylactery. Lich-Knight. The iron statue regrows its glaive if it
was destroyed during the king’s funeral (see Funeral
Experience of the King in Chapter 1.) and animates when anyone
Award the party 5,000 experience points for defeat- enters the mausoleum, turning to attack the intrud-
ing the Lich-Knight and ending the plague of undeath ers, and uses its Necrotic Breath ability before engag-
infesting Onadbyr’s heart. ing in melee. When the iron statue is destroyed, the
Lich-Knight loses its Rejuvenation ability.

THE LICH-KNIGHT’S Krasnar’s Iron Statue (CR 17, 18,000 XP). Use the iron
golem monster entry with the following modifications:
•K  rasnar’s iron statue is Huge size and has 315 hit
Background points.
The Matrons of Malice fashioned the Lich-Knight’s •N ecrotic Breath (Recharge 6). Krasnar’s iron statue
phylactery into Prince Krasnar’s iron statue in the exhales necrotic gas in a 30-foot cone. Each creature
palace’s mausoleum, which was ready to receive in that area must make a DC 19 Constitution saving
Krasnar’s soul upon his death and rejuvenate it as throw, taking 45 (10d8) necrotic damage on a failed
a Lich-Knight. Any time upon its death, the Lich- save, or half as much damage on a successful one. This
Knight’s soul returns to the iron statue, and until its ability replaces the iron golem’s Poison Breath ability.
new physical form is rejuvenated, the Lich-Knight’s • Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
soul inhabits and animates the statue. one target. Hit: 26 (3d12 + 7) slashing damage.

Environment Experience
The Mausoleum of the Monarchs (area 3 of the Royal Award the party 1,800 experience points if they de-
Palace) is teeming with zombies between the tombs stroy the Lich-Knight’s phylactery.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


A Kingdom in Ruins

The Kingdom of Aglarion is a ravaged landscape, first

torn by the Midnight Curse, then by the undead in-
festation spreading from the capital like a cancer
upon the land. The city of Onadbyr lies in ruins, and
the eastern part of the kingdom is a desolate waste-
land with razed farmsteads, villages, and fields. Only
about five percent of the population has survived the
undead apocalypse, and masses of refugees have fled
the kingdom to the south.

Rebuilding is a monumental endeavor. Pockets of un-

dead still roam the deeper and more hidden portions
of the realm. Also, trade has been nonexistent for
some time, and the kingdom is short on almost all
resources. Intact shops are empty of wares, markets
are barren, and tradespeople cannot practice their
crafts without raw materials.

As the undead infestation is brought under control,

the rebuilding effort presents an excellent opportuni-
ty for many. Migrants start to arrive in Onadbyr from
the Drayl City-States by the thousands, either former
citizens returning to their homes or immigrants seek-
ing a new beginning. Even Vordan is quick to move at
the opportunity to settle some of its tribespeople in
the northern reaches of the kingdom. Furthermore, a
delegation from the Isles of Xantahros arrives at the
capital on two ships captained by half-dragon spell-
casters and their slave crews.

It will take long years, if not decades, to rebuild the

kingdom. The characters can take prominent roles in
this effort, as the heroes who saved the realm.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Regency of Perseverance across the realm from Harveston and the breadbas-
ket of the realm on the Onadbyr Plains.
Until a legitimate heir to the crown is announced,
General Sundamar Stormbreaker declares martial As hope for a new beginning rekindles in the capi-
law, and the forces under his command resume the tal, General Sundamar Stormbreaker calls the Coun-
functions of the state. He establishes headquarters at cil of Voices into session to discuss the future. Many
the Bastion of the Knights in the Royal Court, quick- council members have perished over the previous
ly has the House of Soldiers repaired to house the regimes, so new elections are held for the council
Royal Swords, and collects all surviving Red Cloak members, The Twelve. The city is abuzz with the
Lawgivers to regroup at the Halls of the Lawgiver. excitement of momentous changes in the social fab-
Law and order are rapidly restored. The general’s first ric of the realm. Many people step forward to at-
priority is rebuilding critical infrastructure, mainly tempt to fill the empty seats of The Twelve, leading
bridges, walls, fortifications, and places of authori- to spirited political campaigns and maneuverings.
ty. All temples are reopened and populated by the Among the noble houses, the Domiren and Karra-
clerics of their respective faiths. The repair of resi- mosa are quick to exploit the situation and secure
dential buildings, shops, and services are primarily their seats on the council, especially as the line of
private enterprises undertaken by returning or new House Monder has died out. The Temples of Life,
residents. However, real estate prices are incredibly Competence, and Light and Darkness are favored by
low, leading to a rapid boom in repairs. Trade slowly the populace to lead the rebuilding effort and offer
returns as the mines of Nangrath are opened and comfort in these times of need. The most fervent
lumber starts pouring in from Gorso and the reset- politicizing is amongst the guilds and commoners,
tled Willow Creek. Romul’s End is also reclaimed, and where door-to-door campaigning and sponsored
shipping resumes in time. The first harvest of the events in the newly reopened places of hospitality
new age is a favorable one, with produce flowing become common.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Long Live King Gren! throughout the city and the countryside. They circu-
late incredible tall-tales of Gren’s heroics in oppos-
If Gren has survived the events of the adventure and ing the Midnight Curse and the armies of the dead,
has been recognized by General Sundamar Storm- including the characters’ exploits, but predominant-
breaker as a rightful heir to the Azennar crown, the ly focusing on Gren as the leader of the effort. The
young leader of the Uncanny Vagabonds demands coronation ceremony is immediately announced as
to be legitimized through a coronation ceremony. a modest but lively event in the Royal Palace, which
Gren and his extended family move into the ruins is currently a worksite under scaffolding. However,
of the Royal Palace and start to refashion it to their the city’s entire population attends, and characters
tastes with colorful tapestries, eclectic pieces of art, are rightfully celebrated throughout the festivities
and furniture of mixed styles. The Uncanny Vaga- as the heroes they are. The new king offers them
bonds also launch an aggressive and far-reaching minor noble titles, along with land holdings and
propaganda campaign behind the new King, spread roles within his court.


Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
The coronation of Queen Aphinah triggers the curse lives of those they loved in life and cause terrible
of the Matrons of Malice, and it rapidly engulfs the trauma to them. The risen undead are usually skele-
entire Kingdom of Aglarion. It is dubbed the Mid- tons, zombies or ghouls who seek out their families
night Curse by those who endure its vile effects or closely related individuals.
because of the storm’s nature of raging the most
at midnight. The curse affects the lives of everyone Baleful Transformations. Some of those who would
within the realm, corrupting and straining living oppose the hateful ideology of the Matrons of Mal-
and non-living matter equally. It changes people’s ice find themselves mutated in one form or anoth-
everyday lives and shakes the structures of soci- er. For example, a limb of an athletic person could
ety in general, as work, travel, and living become grow monstrous or weaken, or the face of a beau-
strenuous and dangerous. The following examples tiful individual could turn hideous with horrid blis-
are some of the more rare effects of the curse and ters, pimples, or even grow scales overnight. Those
represent the extremities of the new circumstances. affected must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
Use them sparsely from time to time, separately or throw or gain disadvantage on either Strength (Ath-
combined, to demonstrate the impact of the curse. letics), Dexterity (Acrobatics), or Charisma ability
and related skill checks depending on the form of
the curse. This effect can be ended by the use of a
remove curse spell.

CURSED PHENOMENONS Terrifying Nightmares. The midnight hags are mas-

ters of nightmares and the Midnight Curse spreads
The Midnight Curse is a form of concentrated ma- their evil influence into dreams. A creature affected
lignity that aims to worsen life in the Kingdom of by the terrifying nightmares must succeed on a DC
Aglarion. It carries the vile sadism of the Matrons 13 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed saving throw,
of Malice, infused with their magical powers that these terrifying nightmares cause such a restless
manifest in various forms. Most of the time, these night that the target creature can’t enjoy the bene-
cursed phenomena hit those the hardest who op- fits of a long rest and takes 3 (1d6) psychic damage
pose the hag coven’s core mindset, like cheerful in- after waking up.
dividuals, those who are dedicated to aiding others,
or those who are the least vulnerable.

Rise of the Dead. The dead return to life and assault

the living. This phenomenon usually raises loved
ones and relatives as undead who then threaten the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

WEATHER the choking rain or gain a level of exhaustion. Using
makeshift covers or umbrellas offer minor protec-
Dark purplish, unnaturally thick clouds appear all tion, requiring saving throws to be made every two A
over the realm, and the weather turns gloomy, cold, hours. Only a completely waterproof enclosure can
and wet with continuous rain. The rain exhausts, protect against the effects of the choking rain. The
weakens, and eventually kills people if exposed to it runoff or collected rainwater itself doesn’t convey
for too long. The debilitating liquid pours down in the same curse effect.
seemingly endless torrents, stopping for only a few
hours before continuing with varied intensity until Hex Lightning. A creature hit by hex lightning must
midnight, when it rages at its maximum potential. make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. A creature
The soil is almost always wet, and landslides be- takes 28 (8d6) lightning damage on a failed save, or
come frequent. The occasional bright green lightning half as much damage on a successful one. On a failed
strikes hit places and people, as if the storm knows save, the creature must also succeed on a DC 13 Wis-
where to cause the most damage. Those who survive dom saving throw or become cursed for one day.
become cursed, fumbling with their motions and al- While cursed, the creature has disadvantage on abil-
ways suffering the worst outcome in a situation. The ity checks and saving throws. Like the call lightning
winds are constantly changing intensity and seem to spell, spells that create lightning bolts from storm
play tricks on people. They sometimes strengthen to clouds include this additional curse effect on their
express their will even more obviously, occasionally targets. In addition, the hex lightning ignites flamma-
raging for days on end. ble objects that aren’t being worn or carried.

Choking Rain. The rains of the Everstorm seep into Devious Wind. Any medium or smaller creature af-
the Material Plane from the Bleak Mire and affect fected by the harsh blast of wind must make a DC
every humanoid creature. A creature affected by the 13 Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the char-
choking rain must make a successful DC 13 Consti- acter might fall prone or drop any item held in one
tution saving throw every hour of being exposed to hand, depending on the DM’s discretion.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

mushroom and the braintainter fungus becomes

VEGETATION inactive for 24 hours. A creature that inhales the
spores of the braintainter fungus must succeed on
The choking rain and the damp, cold, sunless weath- a DC 13 Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save
er drown the vegetation while also causing some the creature is diseased. The diseased creature must
species to grow and mutate unnaturally. Sometimes roll a 1d6 each time they make an Intelligence or
these strange mutations in the vegetation become Wisdom ability check or saving throw and subtract
seemingly intelligent or gain magical properties and the number rolled from the result. The effects of
seem always to be hostile to other creatures. The the disease end after the target creature takes a
rotting and wet environment is fertile ground for long rest.
mosses, lichen, molds, and fungi.

Bloodletting Thorns. A plant or tree grows sharp,

triple-spiked barbs that cause 3 (1d6) slashing dam-
age to anyone passing through or climbing on FAUNA
them. A creature taking damage from bloodletting
thorns loses 1 hit point at the start of their turn Most wildlife is affected by the Midnight Curse
from bleeding that doesn’t stop naturally. A success- through the changes in natural habitats and the
ful DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) skill check, or a spell scarcity of available nutritious resources. Most an-
that causes the character to regain hit points, stops imals are hungry and distressed, often relentlessly
the bleeding. seeking food wherever they can. Predators attack
smaller creatures on sight, wander longer distances,
Stranglevine. A plant or tree grows several 10 feet and are often sick with infections or even mutat-
or longer vines as thick as a rope. As an action, the ed with ferocious bone spurs extruding from their
stranglevine entangles any creature that comes into mouths and claws. The carcasses of weakened and
its reach. The target creature must succeed on a DC eventually deceased animals litter the wilderness.
13 Strength saving throw or be restrained by the
stranglevine. As an action, the stranglevine can at- Spasmodic Rabies. This brain infection causes un-
tempt to choke a restrained creature. The restrained controllable spasms in the body of the infected
target creature must succeed on a DC 13 Strength creature. A beast or humanoid in physical contact
saving throw or start to suffocate. The restrained with a diseased creature must succeed on a DC 13
or choked creature can use its action to break free Constitution saving throw or become infected by
by succeeding on a DC 13 Strength saving throw. An the disease. While diseased, the infected creature
average stranglevine has AC 10, 12 hit points. gains disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls,

Braintainter Fungus. This pinkish tubular fungus

grows on any damp surface in patches or
even in larger colonies. The braintaint-
er fungus emits a poisonous spore
from its chimney-like body
whenever a creature ap-
proaches it within 5
feet. The spore
cloud spreads
in a 5-foot radi-
us around the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

and saving throws. At the end of each long rest, THE KINGDOM OF AGLARION
an infected creature must make a DC 20 Constitu-
tion saving throw. On a failed save, the character It only takes the Midnight Curse a few weeks to
remains diseased. On a successful save, the creature drastically and dramatically change the lives of all
recovers from the infection. creatures in the Kingdom of Aglarion. Life becomes
strenuous and dangerous, turning almost every day
Bone Augmentations. A beast or monstrosity into a struggle for survival for most. Nature mutates
grows additional teeth and fangs, or the original and rises against the living. The radical changes in A
ones become larger, turning it into a disfigured, vi- ordinary life, the scarcity of food and resources,
cious-looking version of its original form. The dam- and the loss of comfort and safety have had effects
age die of the natural weapons of the creature in- on the land and the creatures that inhabit it. All of
creases by one die type. the magical effects and unprecedented occurrenc-
es are constrained to the territory of the Kingdom
Vile Intellect. A beast or monstrosity gains an un- of Aglarion, making every other place outside the
naturally evil intellect, more cunningly pursuing kingdom a desired destination for those who can
goals that are different from those of its original reach them.
kind. It can evaluate cause and effect relationships
and operate simple mechanisms. The creature’s in- See Chapter 4. for a detailed description of chang-
telligence ability score changes to 6, and it doesn’t es at different encounter locations throughout the
speak but understands Common. kingdom.


The rules for lycanthropy apply to the curse of After a couple of days under the effects of the Mid-
werehellhound lycanthropy as outlined in the Ly- night Curse, Onadbyr becomes a dirty, gloomy, and
canthropes section of the Monster Manual and dangerous place. The streets are almost empty for
the werehellhound monster template included in most of the day and abandoned at night, especial-
Appendix D: NPCs and Monsters. The curse of we- ly during the choking rain. People hurry to reach
rehellhound lycanthropy is spread solely through their destinations and only venture onto the streets
the bite of afflicted werehellhounds. From time to when absolutely necessary. The taverns and inns of
time, the werehellhound knights of Queen Aphi- the city stand empty, and get-togethers are entirely
nah leave wounded victims only to cause suffering curtailed. The city reeks of death and chaos. The or-
through their curse. News of afflicted individuals derliness of the past is gone and replaced by the un-
and their senseless rampages of fire spreads faster known and the unexpectable, under the oppression
in the realm than the lycanthropic curse itself, to of Queen Aphinah that is tangible in every aspect
the utmost delight of the Queen. As a result, most of life. Her focus on causing distress and suffering,
households try to acquire some silver weapons and sadistic and cruel ways, and negligence towards the
store large barrels of water, never leaving home on population, or towards anything in her kingdom in
the night of a full moon. general, has shown its marks on the city, which is
slowly crumbling to pieces.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Most shops continue to stay open in Aglarion,
but all businesses struggle with resources and
clients. Prices triple, and people hoard goods
out of necessity. As a result, shelves stand
empty, showing only a fraction of the previous
stock before the Midnight Curse. Most services are
also interrupted, especially entertainment and hos-
pitality establishments, as everyone stays indoors
and avoids gatherings. Inns and taverns are empty,
except for the few regulars who would, in any case,
spend their days there.

Agriculture and animal husbandry come to a stand-

still, as grazing becomes impossible and fields are
inundated by the cursed rains. Surviving animals
are moved into barns, and only greenhouses can
provide a meager amount of produce to feed the
populace. The result is famine and disease.

Existing taxes are raised and the freshly crowned

Queen Aphinah institutes new taxes, some of them
outlandish in nature, often changing daily at the
whim of the Queen. The Royal Army is tasked with
tax collection and collecting the fines that result
from confusing edicts that cannot be followed,
sometimes not even by the tax collectors.

Gold coins bearing the visage of King Waldrann are

recalled and impounded without recompense if not
deposited for melting at the King’s Forge, which
mints new gold pieces with the countenance of
Queen Aphinah.

incomes as regiments of Royal Swords become the

SOCIAL STRUCTURE undertakers of all tasks related to commerce and
infrastructure, mostly tax collection and enforce-
There is a great upheaval in the social fabric of the ment in a centralized and militaristic fashion. Social
realm as a result of the curse and the new power programs are suspended as the Royal Palace aban-
structure. Everything becomes centralized to the dons its charity work. Closeness to the new court
Royal Palace, which becomes the seat of ultimate becomes the primary arbitrator of status, and grac-
authority in the realm. Guilds, clergy, and nobles es are given depending on the fickle whim of Queen
are all stripped of their responsibilities, and related Aphinah, which is chaotic, random, and malicious.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Among the first edicts of Queen Aphinah, after her Masses of people abandon their homes and liveli-
interdict on the Knights of the Crown and the cler- hoods as they desperately brave the treacherous
gies, is the disbanding of the Court of Voices and trip to escape Aglarion to the southern Drayl City-
the centralization of the judiciary in her royal per- States or take to the open seas and head for the
sonage. In addition, Queen Aphinah pronounces sev- mythical and remote Isles of Xantharos in the hopes
eral new decrees, which are often quite personal of reaching the legendary isles. The roads are scat- A
and usually arbitrary, attesting to the malign and tered with migrants, pitifully lugging their few pre-
childish nature of the Queen. For example, the court cious belongings and often abandoning them when
outlaws and impounds all perfumes, while Queen they cannot carry them further from sheer exhaus-
Aphinah douses herself with the choicest fragranc- tion. Many perish on the way, their bodies rotting
es. Loud laughter and playing in public become in the rain on the sides of the roads, which the Roy-
criminal offenses while Queen Aphinah cackles at al Swords no longer maintain.
the top of her voice. Articles of fashion, like tight
dresses and especially tiaras, circlets, or crown-like
headpieces, are confiscated, and sentences dealt to
the offenders.
Blister oversees a vast web of informants through
Mordio Delons, the leader of the Children of the The noble houses of Aglarion all react differently to the
Coven. The cult seeks out all sparks of resistance new regime of Queen Aphinah and the effects of the
that threaten the crown and offer targets to the Midnight Curse. Some oppose the edits of the Queen,
authorities for apprehension or execution by Royal especially those that relate to the forcible acquisition
Swords, Red Cloaks, or the werehellhound knights of their property and resources by the crown. There
of the Queen. This network breeds corruption and are some that remain neutral and acquiesce to the
injustice, as hordes of innocent people are eliminat- demands of the new Queen, and some that seek op-
ed in purges on the word of others for deeds they portunity and status by becoming loyalists.
did not commit.

The Royal Swords and Red Cloak Lawgivers still en-

force the new laws to the best of their abilities, but
many abandon their duties and desert. Fines and
penalties become more severe and are doubled in
general. If one cannot pay the fines, long im-
prisonment and hard labor become the stand-
ard sentences. The Dungeon of Tears and the
Sobruz Penitentiary are filled to the brim as
more and more “deviants” are crammed into
small cells. In cases of treason and blasphemy (for
example the use of divine magic), the penalty of
execution is always the chosen sentence and is con-
ducted via public hangings on the spot around the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

House Monder is stripped of its noble title, and un-

fortunately, the line of the Monders will end with the
demise of Crownwarden Lord Cyne Monder.

After refusing entry to the Royal Swords sent to Ro-

nul’s End by Queen Aphinah, the village is razed by
Whoshinassh, the sea hag, who jumps at the occa- Houses Karramosa, Domiren, Goldtooth, and
sion to fulfill its revenge, reinforced by a company Wyltammer decide to play a waiting game, re-
of werehellhounds sent by Blister as a token of an treating to their mansions in Onadbyr and manors
alliance between the hags. As a result, the village around the kingdom, opting to stay neutral in the
lies in flames, the Boundless Pearl is reduced to ash- troubled times. The quest of the Wyltammers for
es, and the slain bodies of the villagers and merfolk eternal life is interrupted, and the family grows anx-
float rotting in the bay. ious with the new regime, as their source of life es-
sence at their famous balls is in jeopardy due to the
The members of House Nangrath regroup in their curse. Yram and Taya are forced to seek alternative
northern fort and fortify the town, ready to resist sources of life essence, mainly through Taya’s war-
the crown from their distant location. However, an lock abilities, the purchase of slaves from Xantha-
ill fate befalls the House, which is plagued by calam- ros, or Yram’s connections in the city like the Black
ities on two fronts. Gargoyles from Fort Blackbell Flags mercenary company.
raid the town during the day, kidnapping victims
to grow their brood, while Bakator and his duergar House Gorso immediately swears allegiance to
vampire spawn seize the opportunity to rise to the Queen Aphinah and is the foremost loyalist in the
surface under cover of the night from Darkstone new political scene. However, the house is careful
and feed on the blood of the town and steal its rich- to maintain its independence and withdraws to Gor-
es. They killed Arenbar Nangrath’s eldest heir Yarik, so village to revel in the new-spawned chaos from
and kidnapped his younger son Odryk, who had re- afar, seeing omens for the coming of their patron,
turned to his ancestral home from Onadbyr. the Elemental Chaos.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The schism that has resulted in Queen Aphinah’s The Red Cloaks struggle to maintain some sem-
ascendance to the throne split the sacred order blance of order in the realm and work to enforce
in half. Only a dozen knights survived on the side the new edicts of Queen Aphinah that grow more
of Lord Cyne Monder, holding onto their oaths to and more haphazard and cruel as the days and
serve the kingdom and to protect it from threats. weeks pass. As a result, many Red Cloaks abandon
They realize that some malign effect has corrupt- the organization and their official posts to fend for A
ed the crown and that Queen Aphinah no longer themselves and brave the trip to the borders.
deserves their protection. On the other side, most
of the Knight of the Crown have interpreted their
vows in the most literal sense and have, as a result,
become werehellhound knights who maintain their
oaths to protect the sovereign above all. CRIMINALS
The chaos and lax oversight by the authorities is a
boon to petty crime in the city, where many try to
survive and get ahead in drastic times to the detri-
ROYAL ARMY ment and suffering of their peers. As a result, bur-
glaries, armed robberies, and muggings are more
The ranks of the Royal Swords swell as a result of frequent but are still curtailed to some degree by
the chaos of the new reign, as the army is singular the Royal Swords and the remaining Red Cloaks.
in offering daily fare and some semblance of stabil-
ity in these times of famine and uncertainty. While The Midnight Curse is a huge blow to the city’s crim-
many flock to the army, most recruits are barely inal organizations, the Golden Masks and the Un-
trained and have never held a weapon. The new re- canny Vagabonds. They are both severely hampered
cruits are used for menial tasks, like digging ditch- by the detrimental effects of the cursed rain on the
es, clearing rubble, and overseeing the transport of economy in general and their operations in turn.
goods reserved for the Royal Treasury. General The Golden Masks seek to exploit the new circum-
Sundamar Stormbreaker remains the only stances and remain underground, while most of the
capable officer of the army who was not Uncanny Vagabonds flee the city in their caravans
slain by the new Queen or has not aban-
doned the new monarch.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

in hopes of better chances for survival out west. magic is suspected, and unfortunately, the agents of
Taris, the leader of the family, remains in Onadbyr the Queen and Blister comprise of a vast network of
in hiding and is weighing how best to exploit the informants. Clerics of all faiths who were not present
situation in the family’s interests. at the coronation and were not rooted out in the
flash raids on all the temples in the city are in hiding,
surviving by the grace of those who help them re-
main out of the clutches of the new regime. The sole
exception is Beau Semias, a priest of the Temple of
TEMPLES Magic and a warlock servitor of the hags who mur-
ders his superior and relishes in his newfound status
All temples of Aglarion are immediately raided by the within the cult of the Children of the Coven. Xeno of
Queen’s Royal Swords and werehellhound knights the Rekindled Flame escaped the purge by retreating
and officially closed by the authorities. All clerics on to the secret Crypt of Rodnar the All-Seeing beneath
the premises are slaughtered, and those that escape the Temple of Light and Darkness after the authori-
the carnage are hunted down by the Children of the ties executed the former high priest.
Coven and then persecuted by the werehellhound
commandos of the Queen. Anyone who uses divine

Trade and diplomacy with neighboring states come
to a sudden halt. Foreign merchant caravans from
Drayl to the south or Vordan in the north turn back
at the borders at the sight of the cursed weather
conditions. There is an exodus of ships from Onadbyr
and Ronul’s End, fleeing to southern waters or even
on desperate voyages to find the legendary Isles of

The mass exodus of people from Aglarion also strains

the neighboring powers. The Vordani tribes com-
pletely close the borders when the first refugees ap-
pear at their mountain passes. The Drayl City-States
are laxer and more varied in their approach to the
migrants depending on the respective city, general-
ly seeing great opportunity in the masses of people
who are now settling in their lands.

While the Midnight Curse only plagues the King-

dom of Aglarion, many of its effects seep into the
surrounding lands. For example, mutated augmented
beasts from the Ulden Forest or the Talnar Hills start
to spread spasmodic rabies into Vordan and Drayl,
and the weak and disabled refugees also bring many
new diseases to these yet untainted lands.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Random encounters are divided into four sections Roll on a d100 to determine an encounter from the
based on their setting and timing in the adventure. following table:
The encounters represent the current atmosphere
and are connected to the setting. You can use them 01 - 04 Tokens of Stuttering
to keep your players busy and spice up the world 05 - 08 Petty Street Scam
around them. The encounters will include events
09 - 12 Happily Ever After
that allow the characters to find resources, meet
13 - 16 Goalie Needed
NPCs or factions, face challenges, and fight mon-
17 - 20 Bad Manners
sters. If you roll an entry that has already happened
or feels too unique to repeat, move to the next en- 21 - 24 Heads or Tails
try instead. 25 - 28 Fire Hazard
29 - 32 Shady Figures
We suggest using the weather table on page 109 of 33 - 36 Shiny Things
the Dungeon Master’s Guide daily with a +8 modifi- 37 - 40 Toxic Masculinity
er on the roll for encounters in Onadbyr and Aglar-
41 - 44 Traffic Accident
ion after the Midnight Curse.
45 - 48 Noble Duel
49 - 52 Secret Kiss
53 - 56 Click-Click-Crow
ONADBYR BEFORE THE 57 - 60 It’s Raining Waste
61 - 64 Draylish Drunkards
MIDNIGHT CURSE 65 - 68 Brutes From Gonshar
69 - 72 Hit and Run
Roll a d20 once every day for an encounter in Onad-
73 - 76 Messy Exactors
byr before the Midnight Curse engulfs the realm.
77 - 80 Curious Exchange
An encounter occurs on a roll of 16 or higher. On a
81 - 84 Potion Addict
roll of 20, two simultaneous encounters occur, roll
twice on the encounter table. 85 - 88 Shameful Knight
89 - 92 Not All Gold is the Same
93 - 96 Ominous Prophecy
97 - 00 Entourage of the Entropists

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Bad Manners. A drunken minor noble is harassing a local about a cart they destroyed to make way
a servant on the street, shouting profanities, and on for themselves. The young nobles from Gorso are
the verge of physical violence. accompanied by six Royal Swords (use the guard
monster entry) and ten servants (use the common-
Brutes From Gonshar. Four bugbears pick on the er monster entry).
characters, saying that they match the description
of people who have badly beaten and injured one of Fire Hazard. A fire breaks out in a store or a resi-
their servants. They demand a compensation of 30 dential building. Help is required to save valuables
gold pieces and boast that they are agents of Lord and residents alike. A character who helps must
Kabok Goldtooth from Gonshar. succeed on four DC 12 Dexterity saving throws or
take 3 (1d6) fire damage on each failed save. Four
Click-Click Crow. The characters find an overturned Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry) and a
birdcage with a crow (use the raven monster entry) Red Cloak Lawgiver named Nathael Wester (use the
inside and red sashes on both of its feet. The crow is veteran monster entry) arrive at the scene within a
mimicing a clicking sound in a pattern. A character few minutes and declare it an accident. Any charac-
who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence ability check ter that helps in the rescue gains a valuable contact
can identify the pattern as a safe’s rotating lock click- in the form of the Red Cloak.
ing. There are four, seven, and then six clicks, which
might be to the left or the right on a circular dial. Goalie Needed. Two groups of four people are play-
The birdcage was stolen from the Goldtooth Villa by ing a street sport with a ball. One of the teams is
a servant who dropped it during the rooftop chase as missing a goalie due to an injury and asks one of
he was pursued by the Goldtooth guards. the characters to join. The character can attempt a
successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity
Curious Exchange. The characters spot a merchant (Acrobatics) skill check to shine at the post, garner-
(use the expert monster entry) handing over a bag ing praises and invitations from the team to join
of gold to a Royal Rider (use the scout monster en- them for drinks and take part in their next match.
try). The bribed outrider has just sold information
on the arrival of a shipment from somewhere that Happily Ever After. The characters witness a mar-
is going to get sabotaged by the merchant’s four riage proposal on the streets. A medium-sized crowd
hirelings (use the thug monster entry). gathers to witness the event. Two pickpockets (use
the spy monster entry) mingle with the guests and
Draylish Drunkards. A dozen drunken sailors (use use their skills to steal valuables.
the bandit monster entry) from the Drayl City-
States are loudly and mockingly commenting on Heads or Tails. A dwarven fortune-teller named
things and people they see on the streets, including Drunnard the Lucky tosses a silver coin if one is of-
the characters. fered to him. The character that gives the coin can
bet on the outcome of the toss and will be declared
Entourage of the Entropists. Two heirs of entropy lucky or unlucky by Dunnard, losing or gaining an
from Gorso are having a loud disagreement with inspiration, depending on the outcome.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Hit and Run. Six pickpockets (use the bandit mon- Potion Addict. A grizzled musician named Rabor
ster entry) jump on a character from nowhere, wants to purchase magical potions from the char-
snatch what they can, and then run away. acters. Rabor is a student at the College of Minstrels
and has already secretly consumed some of the po-
It’s Raining Waste. Someone empties a night pot tion reserves of Master Conductor Fabian Ethlairn.
onto the street from an opening on a higher level He immediately drinks whatever potion they pro-
or a window. A character in the way of the waste vide him and asks for more.
must make a DC 11 Dexterity saving throw or be-
come covered with excrement and urine. Secret Kiss. A person known to the characters is
kissing a secret lover in the shadows.
Messy Exactors. A gang of six kids (use the common-
er monster entry) from the Shanties pile up a mas-
sive amount of trash at the main entrance of a shop
Shady Figures. Two figures whisper to each other
suspiciously in a dark corner or shaded alley. A char-
that did not pay the “cleaning fees” of the Golden acter who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Percep-
Masks. The owner threatens them verbally from the tion) skill check can notice them exchanging a hu-
inside but is afraid to confront them any other way. man finger. Both are cultists of the Children of the
Coven with a mundane job in the city and bear the
Noble Duel. A formal duel to the death is about to cult’s sign as a tattoo on their hands. They drop the
start between two nobles who have a romantic dis- finger and act surprised when confronted, claiming
pute over a lady of the Queen’s Orphanage named they found the finger on the ground.
Olyana. Unknown to the brave challengers, Olyana
is a Ringmaiden who purposefully provoked the Shameful Knight. The characters find a severely drunk
fight. A character who succeeds on a DC 17 Charis- Knight of the Crown named Pollondrio Halris, in a
ma (Persuasion) skill check can convince the nobles secluded area where he has hidden in his shame. The
to abstain from the duel and settle the dispute in an knight has already depleted his Lay on Hands trait and
alternative fashion. asks the characters to help him sober up so he might
return to the Bastion of the Knights to report for duty.
Not All Gold is the Same. The characters find a gold
coin with a mask depiction instead of the royal in- Shiny Things. One of the characters finds a valuable
signia. This is an identification token of the Golden item worth 20 gold pieces. Roll a d20. On a roll of 15
Masks that was lost by one of the doppelgangers of or higher, the item is a personal belonging of one
the organization. of the nobles from a major noble house of Onadbyr
(see Onadbyr: Noble Houses for more information).
Ominous Prophecy. A dirty blind hermit with milky The item bears the name of the noble, who would
white eyes approaches the characters, grabs one of be happy to pay three times its value if returned.
their arms, and declares a prophecy in a trance be-
fore stumbling away: “The fiendish cauldron brews, Tokens of Stuttering. A blind gnome beggar with
the Everstorm approaches. A fractured soul in two, an overly long beard named Gulpagor gifts cursed
the Bleak Mire encroaches.” tokens to those who give him alms. The creature
who possesses the cursed token believes it brings
Petty Street Scam. A young street urchin (use the good luck and must make a DC 13 Wisdom saving
commoner monster entry) named Lopak forces throw to part with the token. The cursed creature
her shoe-cleaning services after her friend Marga is unaware of the source of the curse and starts to
splashes mud on the shoes of one of the characters. stutter when speaking, taking a -2 penalty to Cha-
She asks for three copper pieces after halfheartedly risma ability checks. A remove curse spell breaks the
smearing the mud away. enchantment on the creature and the token.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Toxic Masculinity. Four drunken caravan handlers Roll on a d100 to determine an encounter from the
(use the thug monster entry) are harassing an old following table:
beggar and take the few coins, one silver piece and
7 copper pieces, from the beggar’s collection hat. 01 - 03 Rebel Voices
04 - 06 A Mother in Distress
Traffic Accident. An overturned carriage of a mer-
07 - 10 Tax Collectors
chant lies on the street. People push it hard to get
11 - 13 Mad Duchess
it back on its wheels. A character who succeeds on
14 - 17 Hail of Vermin
a DC 18 Strength (Athletics) skill check can swiftly
get the carriage back on the road. The merchant 18 - 20 Double Death Dog
thanks the character with a golden ring worth 5 21 - 23 Dryad Witches
gold pieces. The ring has an invisible dark Celestial 24 - 26 Victims of the Queen
inscription on its inside that says, “Praise Morkiel, 27 - 29 Masks in Disguise
Father of our Fears, And await Its Return!”. 30 - 32 Body Drop
33 - 36 Hungry are the Dead
37 - 40 Malicious Winds
41 - 43 Dangerous Berries
44 - 46 Apprentice in Trouble
MIDNIGHT CURSE 47 - 49 Fine Print
50 - 52 Draylish Spy
Roll a d20 once every day for an encounter in Onad- 53 - 56 Lycan Rampage
byr after the Midnight Curse descends on the king- 57 - 60 Corrupt Swords
dom. An encounter occurs on a roll of 15 or higher.
61 - 63 By the Queen’s Decree
On a roll of 20 two simultaneous encounters occur,
64 - 67 Temorarily Closed
roll twice on the encounter table.
68 - 70 Children of the Coven
71 - 74 Witch Mold
75 - 77 Rebel Yell
78 - 81 Infectious Steed
81 - 84 Baphomet’s Favorites
85 - 87 Death by Thorns
88 -90 Witch Curse
91 - 93 Collective Nightmare
94 - 96 Evil Lightning
97 - 00 Werehellhound Patrol

A Mother in Distress. A scared and confused-look-

ing woman (use the commoner monster entry
with the werehellhound template) with a broad
blood-soaked bandage on her arm approaches the
characters. She leaves an infant in a basket at their
feet before running off. If captured, the woman
apologizes vehemently and tries to break free. A

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

character who succeeds on a DC 17 Charisma (De- Jarlin, a young cleric of the Temple of Competence
ception, Intimidation, or Persuasion) skill check (use the doppelganger monster entry with the
makes the woman divulge that a werehellhound Spellcasting trait from the priest monster entry),
knight bit her and her husband. She saw her hus- fights for his life but is weak and overpowered. The
band turn into a werehellhound, and she left with witchservants loudly claim to have caught a “char-
the child immediately. She knows that the same latan” and throw bolts of energy at him until he
fate awaits her as well. She begs the characters faints, revealing him to be a doppelganger. If saved,
to keep the child safe. If pressed or pursued, she Jarlin is happy to aid the characters but does not
turns into hybrid form and attacks the characters. reveal his secret. He wants to escape to safety and
is confident of surviving on his own.
Apprentice in Trouble. A heavily tattooed armored
figure (use the gladiator monster entry) inter-
rogates a young apprentice of the Emporium of
Collective Nightmare. If they fall asleep, the char-
acters suffer from a terrifying collective nightmare
Marvelous Rarities named Drinnur Baelguard (use during their long rest. They dream of tortures, chok-
the arcane sentinel monster entry) while two ob- ing, cackling sounds, infernal curses, turning into
viously foreign-looking wizards (use the mage frogs, or similar horrors (see terrifying nightmares
monster entry) watch from behind. The soldier is in Appendix A: The Midnight Curse).
threatening the young apprentice, demanding in-
formation about the secrets of Master Bertio Ran- Corrupt Swords. Six Royal Swords (use the guard
berd and the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities. monster entry) try to extort 27 gold pieces from a
shopkeeper. They will try to arrest the characters if
Baphomet’s Favorites. A gang of nine goats have all confronted.
gained vile intellect (see Appendix A: The Midnight
Curse) and are killing humanoids in hit-and-run Dangerous Berries. A young girl picks berries and
ambushes to take revenge on the atrocities their flowers from bushes on the side of the street and
humanoid owners committed against their herd. starts eating them. A character who succeeds on a DC
The characters see a lone goat struggling on the 13 Intelligence (Nature) skill check can identify one
ground near an alley. When approached, the rest of of the berries she just picked as deadly poisonous.
the goats charge from the alley and bleat giddily if
they successfully subdue a character.

Body Drop. The mutilated corpse of an armored

half-orc crashes to the street from a great height.
The half-orc wears a chain mail, has an empty scab-
bard for a longsword on his belt, and a +1 dagger
tucked into one of his boots.

By the Queen’s Decree. A young boy giggles and

laughs on the street while his parents try to silence
him. A patrol of six Royal Swords (use the guard
monster entry) notices and arrests the parents for
breaking the law that prohibits laughter by the de-
cree of Queen Aphinah.

Children of the Coven. Six witchservant cultists

pull a miserable man out of a building by his feet.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Death by Thorns. When passing by a park or a ing, jumping, standing in water, or engaging in a
bushy area, the characters notice a narrow trail of fight (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse).
blood that leads to a dead body. The body is that
of a craftsman who tried to hide into a bush full Fine Print. A street vendor named Shandalos (use
of bloodletting thorns (see Appendix A: The Mid- the expert monster entry) sells cheap trinkets on a
night Curse) to escape a threat. The corpse has 54 “you touch it, you buy it” basis, which is displayed
gold pieces in a pouch and a silver necklace worth on a small illegible sign. If the characters inspect
12 gold pieces. If a character investigates the body, any of the items by hand, the vendor immediately
three stranglevines (see Appendix A: The Midnight asks for its price (2d4 silver pieces). If insulted, the
Curse) lash out and try to pull the victim into the vendor waves a fake wand of lightning bolt, threat-
thorny bushes. ening to use it.

Double Death Dog. A siamese death dog with four Hail of Vermin. The choking rain (see Appendix A:
heads, two at each end, tries to move along the The Midnight Curse) suddenly changes into a show-
street in an awkward struggle against itself, two er of centipedes for an hour, forming 1d4 pockets of
heads at one end barking at the other two. It at- swarms of insects in the close vicinity of the char-
tacks any creature it sees on the streets. The death acters. The swarms crawl into houses and attack
dog makes four bite attacks. people.

Draylish Spy. Two werehellhound knights are chas- Hungry are the Dead. The characters look into a
ing a young elven girl named Myradriel (use the spy narrow alley and see four children bent over the
monster entry) down a street. The girl seems agile corpse of a humanoid female, eating its flesh. The
and fast, but the lycanthropes soon catch up with children are ghouls. They hurry to hide if confront-
her and pin her onto the cobblestones, violently in- ed and attack if cornered.
terrogating her about her background. Myradriel is
a spy from the Domain of the Sovereign, a city-state Infectious Steed. A beautiful black steed walks
in Drayl, on a mission issued directly by High King down a street. Its head is shaking from one side to
Alcemyr Drayl to gather information on the events the other, and its legs barely capable of holding its
in Aglarion. weight. The war horse is infected with spasmodic
rabies (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse).
Dryad Witches. Four hooded female figures watch
a house as it is being entangled entirely by six ex- Lycan Rampage. Three afflicted werehellhounds
tremely long stranglevines (see Appendix A: The (use the thug monster entry with the werehell-
Midnight Curse). The residents of the house scream hound monster template) are on a rampage on the
for their lives while their neighbors shy away from streets in hybrid form. The residents and even four
the horrific incident. The figures are dryad witch- Royal Guards (use the guard monster entry) try to
es in the employ of the Matrons of Malice. They avoid them as best they can. The three cursed thugs
each carry a sack with three braintainter fungi (see kill anyone they see and set buildings on fire with
Appendix A: The Midnight Curse) that they throw their breath weapons in their mindless rage, which
at anyone who tries to interfere with their sadist lasts for another hour.
pastime and then charm their victims. The dryad
witches send charmed creatures into the house to Mad Duchess. Lady Zainda Domiren (use the noble
“help the residents” while they chuckle evilly. monster entry), or another noble of House Domiren,
dressed in sleeping garments, drags three terrified
Evil Lightning. The characters are struck by hex female servants through the streets, shouting pro-
lightning in the worst possible situation, like climb- fanities at them and calling them “misbehaving

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

poodles.” In a few minutes, her three chubby sons, Temporarily Closed. The next shop the characters
Zajeer, Malo, and Korzen, arrive with four of their visit is closed. The owner fears for their life because
guards to take her home along with the servants. of unpaid taxes owed to the Royal Treasury. The
shopkeeper explains that the new taxes have almost
Malicious Winds. Several pieces of cloth and trash bankrupted the business.
are picked up by a whirling gust of wind that forms
unnaturally in front of the characters - a gust of de- Victims of the Queen. A couple of sickly men and
vious wind (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse). A women, guarded by eight Royal Swords (use the
character can make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw guard monster entry), push a cart packed with a
with disadvantage to evade the strangely whirling heap of dead bodies of recently executed prisoners.
trash. A character touched by the garbage is at risk The characters spot a golden ring on the hand of
of contracting filth fever. one of the deceased, yet unnoticed by the guards.
The ring is worth 50 gold pieces.
Masks in Disguise. Three cloaked humans pass by
the characters. One of them accidentally bumps Werehellhound Patrol. Two werehellhound
against one of the characters. The characters can knights pass by the characters as people shy away
make a DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) skill from their path.
check to see through an illusory disguise that re-
veals a scarred-faced doppelganger, a member of Witch Curse. One of the characters (choose ran-
the Golden Masks. domly) is affected overnight by the baleful transfor-
mation (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse) curse.
Rebel Voices. The characters find graffiti on a wall Roll a 1d3. The curse affects Strength (Athletics) on a
painted in red that reads “Off with her head!”. Four roll of 1, Dexterity (Acrobatics) on a roll of 2, and all
Royal Swords (use the guard monster entry) inves- Charisma ability checks on a roll of 3.
tigate the incident and soon start wiping off the
paint. Witch Mold. A character who succeeds on a DC
14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check can notice a
Rebel Yell. A small protest erupts on the street strange yellow and purple mold growing in a regu-
against the new regime. The ringleader shouts the larly visited but dark place like a shaded alley, shady
crimes of the new queen, and the crowd of about regions of a park, or inside a building in a pantry or
twenty people shouts back in support until the basement. A creature that comes into contact with
speaker is slashed into pieces by invisible claws, the witch mold must succeed on a DC 17 Consti-
dropping dead. Queen Aphinah has dispatched an tution saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
invisible stalker to silence him. It does not stop at becomes blinded for 24 hours. Exposure to sunlight
this single victim and starts to murder crowd mem- instantly destroys witch mold.

Tax Collectors. An old couple (use the commoner

monster entry) begs a squad of ten Royal Swords
(use the guard monster entry) in front of their
home not to take their last 7 silver pieces. The in-
flexible soldiers press the issue and eventually enter
the home to look for valuables. If confronted, the
Royal Swords voice their personal displeasure about
their duty but also add that they can’t do anything
about the new high taxes set by Queen Aphinah.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

AGLARION AFTER THE Ancient Carvings. A character can notice a stone slab
with ancient dark Celestial writing from the time of
the fallen angels by succeeding on a DC 14 Wisdom
(Perception) skill check. Anyone who reads it must
Roll a d20 once for every hex traveled by the charac- succeed on a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or become
ters in the Kingdom of Aglarion if that hex does not cursed. While cursed, the creature gains damage vul-
have a set encounter location. An encounter occurs on nerability to necrotic damage. On a successful save,
a roll of 15 or higher. On a roll of 20, two simultaneous the creature receives the Boon of Vigor and gains
encounters occur, roll twice on the encounter table. condition immunity to exhaustion for 7 days.

Roll on a d100 to determine an encounter from the Blackfur Bandits. Twelve bandits from the group
following table: known as the Blackfur Bandits (see Kingdom of
Aglarion location 42. Blackfur Bandit Hideout) have
01 - 04 Rain of Snakes been sent out by their leader Ishnari to scout the
05 - 07 Hex Lightning kingdom and look for potential targets of bandit-
ry. The group will be quick to assault and rob the
08 - 11 Devious Headwinds
12 - 15 Cursed Vegetation
16 - 18 Brain-tainted Rodents
Brain-tainted Rodents. Swarms of rats have been
19 - 22 Witch Curse attracted by the scent of braineater fungi growing
23 - 26 Collective Nightmare on a log and can’t seem to find their way due to
27 - 29 Rabid Worgs the disease. The characters must succeed on a DC
30 - 32 Vile Pride 13 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice the
33 - 35 Rise of the Dead four swarms of rats dizzily circling a growth of
braintainter fungus (see Appendix A: The Midnight
36 - 39 Inquisitors of the Queen
Curse). On a failed check, the character walks near
40 - 43 The Unfortunate Caravan
the log, the fungi release their spores, and the rat
44 - 46 Feeding Wyvern
swarms move as a mass to engulf the character.
47 - 49 Happy Brothers
50 - 53 Rebel Soldiers Cackles in the Air. The characters first hear and
54 - 57 Undercover Migrants then see the Cackling Crow, the roc of the west, fly-
58 - 60 Terror from Below ing high above and searching for food (see Kingdom
61 - 63 Revenants of Blackwood of Aglarion location 30. Nest of the Cackling Crow
in Chapter 4). The characters can attempt a success-
64 - 66 The Black Unicorn
ful DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check with disad-
67 - 69 Ancient Carvings
vantage to evade the notice of the flying terror.
70 - 72 Eerie Trumpets
73 - 75 Guardians of the Ancient Villa Clash of Enemies. Four werehellhound knights sent
76 - 79 Blackfur Bandits by Queen Aphinah to collect taxes from any town
80 - 82 Cursed Manticores are engaged in a fierce battle with three hill giants.
83 - 86 Merchant Caravan All combatants are at half their hit points, and the
97 -89 Escaped Miners werehellhound knights have used up all their 2nd
level spell slots. Even if the characters join the fight
90 - 92 Drowning Stranglers
on the side of one of the forces, the victor will still
93 - 95 Entropist Entourage
turn upon them after the battle has concluded.
96 -98 Clash of Enemies
99 - 00 Cackles in the Air

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Collective Nightmare. The characters suffer from a a successful DC 12 Constitution saving throw to
terrifying nightmare during their long rest if they resist the ear-splitting noise. On a failed save, the
fall asleep. They dream of tortures, choking, cack- character is deafened for 1d3 days.
ling sounds, infernal curses, turning into frogs, or
similar horrors (see terrifying nightmares in Ap- Entropist Entourage. Two Gorso heirs, Thymo and Rib-
pendix A: The Midnight Curse). da Gorso (use the heir of entropy monster entry), were
sent by their uncle Lord Ziademos Gorso in search of
Cursed Manticores. Three manticores in dire pain a node of chaos that the chaos wielder saw in a mad
due to the effects of bone augmentation (see Appen- vision. The nobles are accompanied by six Royal Swords
dix A: The Midnight Curse) are madly growling curses (use the guard monster entry) and two servants (use
and swoop down upon the characters from the air. the commoned monster entry). They try to interrogate

Cursed Vegetation. The plants surrounding the char-

the characters for information about the node.
acters suddenly grow bloodletting thorns (see Ap- Escaped Miners. Four miners (use the expert mon-
pendix A: The Midnight Curse) in a 100-foot radius. ster entry) have fled from the Smokestone Mines
The smell of the character’s blood draws a pack of six after their peers turned on the chief mining engi-
wolves led by a seven thorn druid named Librip Bri- neer Ilberd Serpentpike. The miners are out of ra-
arfriend in the form of a dire wolf. Tonk Wildwander tions and can relate the events at Smokestone for
sent the hunting pack out from the Thornwoods to a bit of food (see Kingdom of Aglarion location 29.
gather information about the Midnight Curse. Smokestone Mine).

Devious Headwinds. From one moment to the other, Feeding Wyvern. A wyvern is attacking a herd of an-
winds of hurricane strength burst against the char- imals prodded along by four herders on horseback
acters from multiple directions. The winds seem to (use the commoner monster entry) trying to fend off
have intelligence and always blow from the direc- the flying monster. They appreciate help in driving
tion towards which the characters travel. The cursed the wyvern away, and if asked, explain that they are
devious wind (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse) trying to herd the animals to escape the kingdom,
blows for 1d6 hours and makes travel almost impos- which has been hard hit by the cursed weather.
sible - for every hour traveled, characters or their
steeds must make a DC 13 Constitution saving throw Guardians of the Ancient Villa. Three invisible
or suffer a level of exhaustion. stalkers guard the remaining foundations of an
overgrown, completely devastated ancient stone
Drowning Stranglers. Two water weeds have trans- villa that belonged to one of the mortal exarchs of
formed into stranglevines (see Appendix A: The Mid- the fallen angels. Their orders remain - kill every-
night Curse) and prey upon any traveler approaching one who steps into the villa. Inside the villa’s re-
the small body of water where they lair - a stream, mains, a character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wis-
a pond, river, or shore. The vines attempt to pull tar- dom (Perception) check can find some remaining
gets into the water. Once a creature is restrained by valuables partially buried and overgrown by moss
a stranglevine, it must attempt a successful DC 13 - two bronze vases worth 25 gold pieces, each filled
Strength saving throw. On a failed check, the vines with 50 gold pieces worth of platinum tokens with
drag the creature 10 feet underwater and try to suf- the emblem of the Dark Star.
focate them at the end of the next turn.
Happy Brothers. A wagon carrying two large bar-
Eerie Trumpets. The sounds of ghostly brass instru- rels of exquisite mead from the Spirited Leaf mon-
ments suddenly reverberate from the surrounding astery is stranded, with the wheel broken and only
area at a deafening volume. Characters can attempt one of the horses in reins. The two monks (use the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

acolyte monster entry) are highly spirited, drunk, Revenants of Blackwood. Four shadows from the
and would pay anyone 50 gold pieces for helping Blackwood Valley that look like soldiers in antique
them get to their destination. armor were disturbed by the Midnight Curse and
are traveling through the area, snuffing out any life
Hex Lightning. Suddenly, the black clouds flare up force in their paths.
with malice. Green bolts of hex lightning (see Ap-
pendix A: The Midnight Curse) hit characters ran- Rise of the Dead. Four carts stand in a circle lad-
domly or anyone traveling with them. en with corpses. Some cloaked figures stand within
the encircled area - a group of six zombies led by a
Inquisitors of the Queen. Two witchservant Cult- wight, a risen Royal Sword intent on adding more
ists with eight Royal Riders (use the scout monster troops to its squad of undead.
entry) are scouring the land on horseback for be-
trayers of Queen Aphinah and take all they need or Terror from Below. Half-mad from starvation due
want from whoever they meet. to the Midnight Curse, a bulette bursts out to sate
its hunger and attacks the characters.
Merchant Caravan. The characters encounter a com-
pany of weary merchants. If the characters befriend The Black Unicorn. An adventurer lies dead on the
the group, their leader Blonko happily boasts about ground, holding a small statue of a black unicorn
having an original Iliandro painting gifted to him worth 500 gold pieces. The statue is a cursed item
by the master painter. The merchant also shares the that only functions in the vicinity of Cloud Peak. A
information that Iliandro traveled towards the edge character who touches or carries it while in an area
of the Mountainfall. that is one hex from Cloud Peak has to succeed on
a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or become cursed.
Rabid Worgs. Five worgs infected by the disease While cursed, the creature suffers 1d3 Wisdom abil-
spasmodic rabies (see Appendix A: The Midnight ity damage every day. Anyone whose Wisdom is re-
Curse) are attacking one of their own in a mad duced to 1 falls into a coma. A remove curse or simi-
frenzy, foaming at the mouth and bodies contort- lar spell is required to break the curse.
ed from spasms. If they notice the characters, they
turn their bloody jaws towards them and growl The Unfortunate Caravan. The characters come
curses in Goblin before attacking. The worgs’ bites upon a migrant caravan with dead bodies scattered
spread the disease. around a camp and inside the wagons. On closer ex-
amination, they seem to have died from some kind
Rain of Snakes. The air first grows still, then is filled of illness and anyone investigating might be infect-
with the sounds of animals retreating as the rain ed by the disease sight rot.
starts to drip. The choking rain (see Appendix A:
The Midnight Curse) suddenly changes into a rain of Undercover Migrants. The characters come upon a
snakes for an hour, forming two pockets of swarms caravan of three wagons with six migrants traveling
of poisonous snakes in the close vicinity of the to Drayl. Two of the migrants are actually spies sent
characters. by the Uncanny Vagabonds (use the spy monster
entry) trying to gather information about the city-
Rebel Soldiers. A ragged patrol of ten Royal Swords states and any way to exploit the situation.
(use the guard monster entry) has deserted the gar-
rison at Southkeep and is trying to survive through Vile Pride. A pack of six mountain lions cursed with
banditry. The soldiers-turned-bandits demand “tax- vile intellect (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse)
es” from the characters and try to rob them. waits in hiding for their next meal. The pride has set

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

a perfect ambush position, moving natural objects Roll on a d100 to determine an encounter from the
to herd potential victims into their trap. Characters following table:
can attempt a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Percep-
tion) skill check with disadvantage to notice the li- 01- 04 Blighted Goats
ons before they pounce in a pack. 05 - 08 The Fugitive Hagspawn
09 - 12 Spriggan Riders
Witch Curse. One of the characters (choose ran-
13 - 15 Primal Tiger
domly) is affected overnight by the baleful transfor-
16 - 19 Aberrant Crabs
mation (see Appendix A: The Midnight Curse) curse.
Roll a 1d3. The curse affects Strength (Athletics) on a 20 - 23 Rotting Toads
roll of 1, Dexterity (Acrobatics) on a roll of 2, and all 24 -26 Bag of Souls
Charisma ability checks on a roll of 3. 27 - 30
31 - 33
Stinking Gas
Frenzied Mutants
34 - 37 Gibbering Creep
38 - 41 Mudsink
THE BLEAK MIRE 42 - 44 The Hidden Figurine
45 - 47 Zombie Crocs
Roll a d20 once for every hex traveled by the charac- 48 - 51 Majestic Giants
ters in the Bleak Mire if that hex does not have a set 52 - 55 Ice Mephits
encounter location. An encounter occurs on a roll 56 - 59 The Slashers
of 15 or higher. On a roll of 20, two simultaneous 60 - 62 Fungoid Raid
encounters occur, roll twice on the encounter table. 63 - 66 Lightwood Disc
67 - 69 Blighted Anaconda
70 - 73 Night Rose Patch
74 - 76 Mumus Thorns
77 - 79 Skincrawler Stomper
80 - 82 Blister’s Spies
83 - 86 Lotus amongst Nightmares
87 - 90 Flesh Homunculi
91 - 93 Magic from the Skies
94 - 96 Miraddin
96 - 97 Tipper’s Tree
98 - 99 The Scaled Impostor
00 The Black Worm

Aberrant Crabs. A colony of eight giant mud crabs

turned aberrant (use the giant crab monster entry
with the aberrant monster template) by the taint
from the Chasm hunt for prey with a newfound
predatory viciousness.

Bag of Souls. Characters can make a successful DC

14 Wisdom (Perception) skill check to find a large

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

bag hidden in a niche. The bag was hidden by Blis- dr about what they see (see Bleak Mire location 50.
ter and contains two soul worms for soul-binding The Toy Factory).
magics. Each is one foot in length with the face of
a blankly staring humanoid. Characters can make a Fungoid Raid. Six fungoids from Sporedark are on
successful DC 12 Intelligence (Religion) skill check an expedition to harvest multiple types of fungi for
to determine the nature of the worms and their cultivation. They are engaged in harvesting spores
role as a type of currency amongst fiends. from a mushroom the size of a carriage. The fun-
goids are each armed with a sack of basidiospores
Blighted Anaconda. A giant constrictor snake con- (see Bleak Mire location 64. Sporedark) and will use
tracted the cursed disease blighted (see Blightwoods them when attacking the characters.
region description in Chapter 5) and is highly agitat-
ed as a result. The snake hides in the trees or shal- Frenzied Mutants. Six frenzied mutants of House
low waters. Characters can make a successful DC 12 Ausstyl lead ten grimlocks and escort prisoners in
Wisdom (Perception) skill check to notice the dis- chains - a sprite in a cage, a satyr, and a centaur
eased snake before it attacks. The snake looks sick - towards Quellar Ausstyl. The prisoners are hag-
and spreads the blighted disease on a hit. gard and cannot even guess the horrors that the In-
heritors of the Unbegotten have planned for them.
Blighted Goats. Four giant blighted iron goats (see They will be grateful for their rescue and can lead
Bleak Mire location 18. Caprine Stables) roam the the characters to the Refuge and Gemhaz (see Bleak
area, separated from the herd at the Caprine Stables Mire location 41. The Refuge).
and looking for grazing ground. The goats charge
towards the characters with their diseased rams. Gibbering Creep. Six gibbering mouthers have tak-
en to roaming the Bleak Mire after being spawned
Blister’s Spies. Three dryad witches have been sent by Bwael Phindar, the Magnificent Beast. Their gib-
on a scouting mission by Blister to find the hide- bering can be heard from afar. If the aberrations
out of the surviving fey at the Refuge. The witches notice the characters, they crawl towards them,
get wind of the characters’ approach by speaking to leaving aberrant ground in their wake.
plants or beasts and track them from afar by jump-
ing from tree to tree. The witches will assume the Ice Mephits. A group of six ice mephits has left
forms of feyrealm-born refugees and approach the their haven in the Bloodrime Forest after being dec-
characters, seeking their aid in locating the Refuge, imated by some winter wolves that claimed domi-
a haven for the survivors of the terrible campaigns nance over the mephits’ territory. They have been
of Krasnar and Malzdreziret. Characters who make stranded and only wish to return home. They will
a successful DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) skill check can try to manipulate the characters to travel to the
see through the dishonesty of the witches. If they Bloodrime Forest and kill the wolves.
are caught in their lies, the dryad witches will try
to use enchantments to get the characters to reveal Lightwood Disc. The characters come across a cu-
the location of the Refuge, if they know it, or their rious phenomenon - a disc made out of wood that
goals in the Bleak Mire. If reduced to half their hit floats 3 feet above the ground, laden with three
points, the witches try to scatter and flee through sacks. The disc is made out of lightwood and be-
their Tree Stride ability longed to fey refugees before they hastily aban-
doned it at the approach of a band of spriggans. The
Flesh Homunculi. Alsandr Murchadh, the fey- disc functions as a floating disc spell, except it can
realm-born dwarven artificer, has constructed a be pushed or pulled as part of a move action. The
group of five loyal homunculi made out of flesh sacks contain three explorer’s packs with only three
that fly around the Bleak Mire and report to Alsan- days of rations apiece, and three swarms of insects

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

(centipede variant) that erupt out of the sacks if Mudsink. The characters stumble into an area of
any of them are disturbed. mudsinks (use the Quicksand hazard rules from
page 110 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). The com-
Lotus amongst Nightmares. Three nightmare spi- motion attracts three swarms of insects (wasp var-
ders (see Bleak Mire location 58. Nightmare Spiders) iant) that buzz around a stranded character and
lair in the foliage, hunting for prey. Characters can those trying to help.
find the remains of some unfortunate victims in the
area, one of whom has a dose of the lotus of delight Mumus Thorns. The characters come across a circu-
pollen (see Bleak Mire location 73. Pool of Starlight) lar hedge of thorns. They can hear the terrified wails
in a pouch. of a baby from within, accompanied by high-pitched
giggling and frightened screams. Four mumus lair
Magic from the Skies. Ateroxx, the magic-wield-
ing awakened giant owl, sometimes takes to the
in the center of the hedge composed of razorvines
(see page 110 of the Dungeon Master’s Guide). They
air currents to fly far and wide from its lair in the keep a one-year-old satyr baby as a prisoner, reve-
Mountains of Rust. The owl looks for targets to rob ling in the fear and cries of the baby.
and will harass the characters if it spots them from
above (see Bleak Mire location 23. Nest of Gilded Night Rose Patch. The characters come across a
Eggs). briar patch of night roses, whose sweet aroma
fills the air. Several dead bodies of various fey and
Majestic Giants. A mated pair of giant elks graze on feyrealm-born creatures lie amongst the roses. If
the sparse foliage. Unless characters succeed on a characters approach within 20 feet of the patch,
DC 14 Dexterity (Stealth) skill check, the elks notice they may succumb to the somnolent effects of the
them and assume defensive stances, displaying their night rose and enter the Dreamrealm (see area
giant antlers and stomping their hooves. If charac- 6 of the Arcane Tower in Chapter 4). Four will-
ters approach within 100 feet of the elks, they attack. o’-wisps haunt the area, feeding on unfortunate
victims that fall into a stupor from the flowers.
Miraddin. When not at his usual spot in the Blight- They will wait invisibly and attack either when
woods, Frumby Goldtooth can be encountered an- the characters enter the patch or if they avoid
ywhere in the Bleak Mire on his amphibious ship the roses.
named Miraddin (see Bleak Mire location 2. Miraddin).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Primal Tiger. A saber-toothed tiger was unfortu-

nate enough to succumb to the sapling roots of
the Primal Bloom (see Bleak Mire location 6. Primal
Bloom) before it managed to escape. The creature is
plantlike and covered by leaves and flowers sprout-
ing from branch-like appendages and wooden skin.
It moves slowly and is in pain. If it notices charac-
ters, it attempts to stalk them before pouncing on
unwary targets. The sapling roots have infected the
tiger for three weeks.

Rotting Toads. Four giant toads have been infected

by a cursed flesh rot disease (see contagion spell).
The toads are aggressive and will leap to attack the
characters. Their bite attacks spread the disease, and
on a hit, characters must succeed on a DC 11 Consti-
tution saving throw to resist the disease. Otherwise,
the effect functions as the contagion spell.

Skincrawler Stomper. A fierce mammoth (with the

feyrealm-born monster template traits and current-
ly with 96 hit points) has recently succumbed to
the skincrawler disease (see Bleak Mire location 62.
Skincrawler Vines). The animal has not been able
to resist the disease but has not yet turned into a
shambling mound. However, it is erratic and aggres-
sive as a result, using its druidcraft spell to create all
manner of strange effects in its surroundings, like
leaving blossoming flowers in its wake or creating
musky odors or the bellows of mammoths out of
thin air. If it notices the characters, the mammoth
will try to trample them, spreading the skincrawler
disease on a hit.

Spriggan Riders. A gang of six spriggan mercenar-

ies riding giant badgers is on a scouting mission
from their warrens (see Bleak Mire location 2. Snaf-
flewhopps) to survey the entirety of the Bleak Mire.
When they spot the characters, the riders encircle
them, dismount, grow to large size, and attack with
their badgers at their sides.

Stinking Gas. A sickly yellow poison gas pocket

erupts from below as the characters traverse the
Bleak Mire. The cloud lingers in the air for one min-
ute. All creatures in a sphere with a radius of 20 feet

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw. On fright of creatures that see it from the ground and
a failed save, the character suffers the effects of a looks for targets on which to feed. If the doppel-
stinking cloud spell with additional poison damage drake notices the characters, it swoops down and
of 13 (2d12) each round. employs devious stratagems to lure them to Kras-
nar’s lair at Bwael Phindar (see Bleak Mire location
The Black Worm. One of the most ancient beings in 12. King Dasmag’s Court).
the Bleak Mire is the Black Worm. While the worm
is usually found in its warrens under the Burrows The Slashers. The band of feyrealm-born orc ma-
of the Black Worm or the Burning Woods, it can rauders known as The Slashers has been left with-
surface anywhere in the Bleak Mire. The ground out their leader when Azura Slasher was kidnapped
rumbles and shakes before the colossal dew worm and taken to Quellar Ausstyl. The group of eight
bursts from under the ground and prepares to swal-
low the characters whole (see Bleak Mire location
marauders (use the orc monster entry with the
feyrealm-born monster template) and camping and
57. The Black Worm). trying to decide on what to do with a lot of infight-
ing and challenges to each other’s authority. They
The Fugitive Hagspawn. Grimthought, a fugitive are trying to find out where Azura Slasher has been
hagspawn villager (use the commoner monster taken and will seek to interrogate the characters for
entry with the hagspawn monster template traits) relevant information before disposing of them.
from Perfidy (see Bleak Mire location 16. Perfidy),
has fled the inquisitions in the village after he was Tipper’s Tree. The characters stumble upon Tip-
caught committing a kind deed - healing his hen. per’s Tree as it moves around on the Bleak Mire (see
The desperate hagspawn only wished to survive and Bleak Mire location 32. Tipper’s Tree).
have eggs to eat, but the Howler and the village
thought otherwise. The desperate hagspawn seeks Zombie Crocs. Several giant crocodiles were turned
a place to hide from the horrors of the Bleak Mire into zombies by the Matrons of Malice and let loose
and prove his wicked nature to himself and anyone in the Forest of Gloom. However, the giant croco-
he encounters. dile zombies have roamed far and wide since then.
One of these specimens attacks the characters from
The Hidden Figurine. The corpse of a feyrealm-born hiding.
elf scout is buried by a huge mound of earth where
the Black Worm erupted from beneath and swal- Giant Crocodile Zombie. Use the giant crocodile
lowed the rest of the scout’s company. The corpse is monster entry with the following modifications:
hard to notice, but characters who succeed on a DC •T  he giant crocodile zombie’s type is undead.
16 Wisdom (Perception) skill check can see a rough- • It has damage immunity to poison damage and
ly humanoid-shaped indentation in the mound. condition immunity to poisoned.
When unearthed and searched, characters can find •U  ndead Fortitude. If damage reduces the giant
a figurine of wondrous power (giant fly) in a satchel. crocodile zombie to 0 hit points, it must make a
Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 + the
The Scaled Impostor. The doppeldrake, Maldreziret damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or
the Scaled Impostor, flies above the domain of the from a critical hit. On a success, the giant croco-
Bleak Mire. The shapeshifting dragon revels in the dile zombie drops to 1 hit point instead.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

This vast collection of magic items appears ei-
ther as treasure or in the possession of various AMULET OF POSITIVE ENERGY
NPCs in the Crown of the Oathbreaker adven-
ture. Many serve important plot elements and Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
can aid the characters in their quest to break the
Midnight Curse and restore the land of Aglarion. The amulet of positive energy contains condensed
Only a few items are specifically unique to Aglar- life essence that can be used to heal or keep undead
ion, and all can be used in any other adventure creatures at bay. As an action, you can speak the
as standalone options. command word of the amulet to create an immobile
shimmering barrier that extends out from the amulet
in a 200-foot radius, hedging out undead creatures.
AMULET OF FIND THE PATH Undead already within the area are unaffected. The
barrier lasts until dismissed and prevents undead
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) from passing or reaching through. An affected crea-
ture can cast spells or make attacks with ranged or
This magical amulet is carved from wood, depict- reach weapons through the barrier.
ing a forest of trees that shift about forming paths.
Once per week as an action, you can activate the Once per day as an action, you can also choose a crea-
amulet to cast the find the path spell. ture within 50 feet. A surge of positive energy washes
through the creature, causing it to regain 70 hit points.
This effect also ends blindness, deafness, and any dis-
ease affecting the target. If you choose a target that is
an undead, the target must make a DC 16 Constitution
saving throw. On a failed save, it takes 49 (14d6) radi-
ant damage, or half as much damage on a successful
save. The damage can’t reduce the target’s hit points
below 1. If the target fails the saving throw, its hit point
maximum is reduced for 1 hour by an amount equal
to the radiant damage dealt. Any effect that removes
a disease allows a creature’s hit point maximum to
return to normal before that time passes.

Additionally, you can break the vial of the amulet

to cast the true resurrection spell, and the amulet’s
magic is lost.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Weapon (net), rare (requires attunement)

As an action, you can animate the net and com-

mand it to attack a single opponent of up to Large
size. It flies towards a creature you can see within
20 feet of you. The target must succeed on a DC
15 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained.
A creature hit by the net is restrained until it is
freed and suffers 4 (1d4 + 2) points of piercing dam-
age at the start of its turn as long as it remains
restrained. As a bonus action, you can direct the
net to release any creature currently restrained in
it and direct it at a new target that is no more than
20 feet away. The net remains animate for 1 min- C
ute or until you command it as a bonus action to
AZURE BRIDGE CONTROL ROD turn inanimate. It has no effect on creatures that
are Huge or larger. A creature can use its action to
Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) make a DC 16 Strength check, freeing itself or an-
other creature within its reach on a success. Deal-
The azure bridge control rod was crafted by Mas- ing 25 slashing damage to the net (AC 16) also frees
ter Arlen himself from the same azure stone of the creature without harming it, ending the effect
which the bridge was built. Once per day as an and destroying the net. Using the leash attached to
action, the rod’s wielder can activate the magical the net, you can drag or pull creatures restrained
defenses of the Azure Bridge to turn the surface by the net towards you with a Strength (Athletics)
of the bridge sticky. Once per day as an action, the check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics)
effect can be ended. or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check (the target chooses
the ability to use). If you move while using the net
Additionally, once per day, the wielder of the azure this way, your speed is halved, unless the creature
bridge control rod can cast the web spell, which is two or more sizes smaller than you.
conjures a goo-like substance that is inflammable.
Once you use this ability of the rod, it can’t be used
again until the next dawn. BLOWGUN OF PAIN
Weapon (blowgun), rare (requires attunement)

This vicious-looking blowgun is decorated with fet-

ishes and necrotic runes. You gain a +1 bonus to at-
tack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
Additionally, you can fire an additional needle each
round as a bonus action. If a needle deals damage,
the target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution sav-
ing throw or suffer 7 (2d6) points of necrotic damage
as it is wracked with pain.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Wondrous item, rare

Midnight hags use branding irons crafted in the fires

of Hell to mark victims or even faithful servants
to make them susceptible to scrying. The branding
iron has 1d6 + 3 charges. You can expend one charge
to brand a creature by touching its skin with the
branding iron that has been heated over a fire. Once
BOW OF THE NIGHT branded, the creature that placed the brand on the
target automatically succeeds on scrying attempts
Weapon (longbow), rare (requires attunement) made against the target. The brand can be removed
with a remove curse or higher-level restorative spell.
This ornately crafted longbow seems like an ordi- Once all charges of the branding iron are used up,
nary weapon until held in darkness when its magical it loses its magical power and its color grows dull.
energies awaken. While wielding the bow, you gain
darkvision 120 ft. and can even see through magical
darkness. You can also cast the darkness spell, but CONTINGENT APPLICATOR
you can’t cast the spell again until the next dawn.
When you fire an arrow from the bow of the night Wondrous item, uncommon
under cover of darkness, your target gains no benefit
from cover other than total cover. If your target is This cylindrical tube is made of glass and golden
also in darkness, the bow of the night grants advan- alloys with a carabiner that can attach to your belt
tage on attack rolls made with it and deals an extra or clothes. The applicator can house a single scroll
7 (2d6) necrotic damage on each hit. When you have or potion. As an action, you can remove the top
an arrow notched, the bow of the night also reduces cap of the applicator, load any potion of common
all brightly lit areas to dim lit, and dimly lit areas to or uncommon rarity or any scroll of 1st level into
darkness in a 120 feet radius. the device, and set a condition that will activate the
item. You describe that condition when you insert
the item into the applicator. For example, if the item
is a potion of animal friendship, you might stipulate
that the potion comes into effect when a beast at-
tacks you. The item is used up immediately after the
circumstance is met for the first time. The potion or
scroll only affects you, even if it can normally target
others. The applicator can hold only a single potion
or scroll at a time, which disappears after use.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

When you wear this cloak, it makes you blink by

temporarily making you vanish from your cur-
rent plane of existence and appear on the Ethereal
Plane. Roll a d20 at the end of each of your turns
while you wear the cloak. On a roll of 11 or higher,
you vanish from your current plane of existence
and appear in the Ethereal Plane unless you were
already on that plane. At the start of your next
turn, or when you remove the cloak on the Ethe-
real Plane, you return to an unoccupied space of
your choice that you can see within 10 feet of the
space from where you vanished. If no unoccupied C
space is available within that range, you appear in
CHEST OF MAGIC NULLIFICATION the nearest unoccupied space (chosen at random
if more than one space is equally near).
Wondrous item, rare
While on the Ethereal Plane, you can see and hear
The chest of magic nullification is a cubic chest, the plane you originated from, which is cast in
measuring 2 feet on a side, made of a strange red- shades of gray, and you can’t see anything there
dish metal that is lighter than it looks. more than 60 feet away. You can only affect and be
The corners of the chest are in- affected by other creatures on the Ethereal Plane.
laid with large purple gem- Creatures that aren’t there can’t perceive you
stones, its panels embossed or interact with you, unless they have the
with magical runes, and the ability to do so.
centers of its sides fash-
ioned into valves that seep If you take damage, the property ceases
and dissipate magical en- to function until the start of your next
ergies, all emanating a turn. This property is suppressed while
purplish glow. The chest you are incapacitated, restrained, or
can be opened with a otherwise unable to move.
simple latch on one of
its edges. When closed,
the inside of the chest
is filled with an antim-
agic field. The chest of
magic nullification is
immune to magic and
blocks all forms of div-
ination magic regarding
the contents of the chest
and the chest itself.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The wearer of the crown of Aglarion gains a +1 bonus

COLOGNE OF DISPELLING to ability checks, AC, and saving throws, and can cast
the following spells once per day: control weather,
Wondrous item, uncommon move earth, pass wall. The crown of Aglarion is impre-
vious to all types of damage.
This intricate glass vial has an
atomizer pump connected to its The wearer of the crown of Aglarion can also cre-
sprayer at its top. The vial contains ate a floating disk that has a 50-foot diameter
10 doses of cologne with a refresh- and can hold up to 20,000 pounds. The wearer
ing smell of the blue oceans. of the crown of Aglarion and any other creature
When a dose is sprayed on can stand on its surface. As an action, the wear-
an object or creature er of the crown of Aglarion can move the floating
within 5 feet, it func- disk with a fly speed of 30 ft. The disk disappears after
tions as a dispel magic 1 hour and cannot be recreated until the next dawn.
spell. The cologne of
dispelling ends spells of In its current state, the crown of Aglarion is cursed and
3rd level or lower on the was given vile sentience and personality when the Ma-
target if it succeeds on the check against the spell’s trons of Malice bound the horned devil Kalanistophle to
DC using a modifier of +3. When all 10 doses have it. The devil’s soul advises their hagspawn daughters, the
been expended, the vial loses its magic and func- triplet Queen Aphinahs, in their rule. It is a lawful evil
tions as a simple spray bottle. sentient magic item with an Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma score of 15. It communicates by transmitting
emotions to the creature carrying or wearing it. It has
hearing and darkvision in a 120 ft. radius. The crown of
Aglarion demands its wearer to maintain the rule of the
Matrons of Malice over Aglarion, pursuing this goal to the
exclusion of all other goals. If the crown’s wearer refuses
to comply with its wishes, the item can attempt to take
control of its wearer. If the crown of Aglarion attempts
to take control of its wearer, the wearer must make a DC
14 Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the wearer is
charmed by the item for 1d12 hours. While charmed, the
wearer must try to follow the commands of the crown
of Aglarion. If the wearer takes damage, it can repeat the
saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Whether the
attempt to control its user succeeds or fails, the crown of
CROWN OF AGLARION Aglarion can’t use this power again until the next dawn.

Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) Once donned, the crown of Aglarion can only be re-
moved after the use of a remove curse spell or similar
Master Arlen created the crown of Aglarion to sym- magic, or if its wearer dies. The curse on the crown
bolize the integrity of the monarchy of Aglarion that of Aglarion can only be removed by all three of the
was established hundreds of years ago by the first Matrons of Malice, and only if it is laid on a pyre made
monarch, King Razmyrel Melkar the True. Its powers from the Hagtree where the true heir of the crown is
were designed to serve the first king in his campaign burnt, while the dead King Dasmag plays a melody (see
against the zealous Order of the Eternal Light. Chapter 5 for details).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)

The Falcon Blade is the legendary sword of Aglar-

ion, passed down through the dynasties from the
time of King Razmyrel Melkar. The pommel of the
magical longsword is in the shape of a soaring
falcon, the crest of House Melkar. The sword was
crafted by none other than Master Arlen the Con-
structor to aid the first king in his battle against
the theocracy of the Order of the Eternal Light.
DOPPELGANGER MASK As a result, the sword has become a symbol of
the kingdom and the person of the Monarch.
Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)
The Falcon Blade has 3 charges and holds C
The doppelganger mask is crafted from magical energies of the highest order
the facial skin of a doppelganger, which that can bend time to the will of its
has been surgically removed and treated wielder. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and
with magic. The mask’s wearer can use its ac- damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
tion to cast the polymorph spell and change into a While wielding the Falcon Blade, you also gain
Small or Medium humanoid it has previously seen advantage on Initiative checks and on all attack
or back into its original form. The user of the dop- rolls in the round if you have a higher initiative
pelganger mask can change between these two than the creature you attack with the Falcon
forms for the next hour. The transformation ends Blade. You can expend 1 charge per turn to gain an
if the mask is removed. Once used, the magical additional action. This action can only be used to take
property of the doppelganger mask can’t be used the attack action with the Falcon Blade. The Falcon
again until the next dawn. Blade regains all of its charges daily at dawn.


Wondrous item, uncommon Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement)

This small packet contains 1d6 + 4 pinches of yel- The tail feathers of the most legendary couatls some-
low, very fine, odorless dust. You can use an action times permanently hold the magical traits of the
to sprinkle a pinch of it over a single creature, 5 ft. feathered serpents of wonder. The feather functions
square, or an item. The dust immediately extinguishes as a divining rod, pointing towards effects sought by
all odors from the target for one hour. If sprinkled on its wielder. The feather has 3 charges. By extending
a creature, it gains advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) 1 charge, you can cast any of these spells: detect evil
skill checks against creatures that and good, detect magic, detect thoughts.
rely on smell to detect other The feather regains 1d3 expend-
creatures for 1 hour. ed charges daily at dawn.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) Weapon (dagger), rare (requires attunement)

The famed gloves of King Dasmag, the satyr lord, This curved and serrated magical dagger is made in the
were the favorite garments of the late king and furnaces in Hell and crafted from steel hardened by
were stolen by the Matrons of Malice when they blood from the sacrifices of mortals. You gain a +1 bo-
slew him. The gloves bestow impossible grace in nus to attack and damage rolls made with this weap-
combat to those who wear them. While wearing on. If you use it against a creature with 0 hit points or
these gloves and being attuned to them, your speed kill a creature using the dagger, it automatically dies,
increases by 10 feet, you gain a +1 bonus to your AC, its soul sent to Hell. Creatures slain in such a manner
and proficiency in the Performance skill. Additional- cannot be brought back to life, except by a spell like
ly, you can take the Dodge or Disengage action as a resurrection or wish. When killing a creature with an
bonus action. Intelligence score of 6 or more with this weapon,
the wielder gains the benefits of an aid spell
for 1 hour. When you hit a celestial with
it, that target takes an extra 1d8
damage. If a good-aligned crea-
ture touches the dagger, it suf-
fers 1d8 necrotic damage at the
start of its turn as long as
it remains in con-
tact with it.

Wondrous item, rare

This small metal box fits in one hand and automat-

ically attaches itself to any construct creature if
pressed against its body. You gain control of the
construct to which you attached the box. The con-
struct follows only your orders as if you had creat-
ed it. The box can be removed by anyone with ease
and it has AC 19, 5 hit points, a damage thresh-
old of 10, damage resistance against slashing and
piercing damage, and damage immunity against
poison and psychic damage. The implement of
construct control has five charges. Attaching it to
a construct removes one charge. When all charges
are lost, the implement of construct control falls
to pieces and is rendered useless.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Wondrous item, rare
This object is a pommel featuring the visages of
Wondrous item, rare savage beasts and a metal wire extending from the
mouth of one of the beasts with a clasp at its end. C
You can use an action to place this hand-sized wood- The wire can be extended up to 50 feet. As an ac-
en statuette of a trebuchet on the ground and speak tion, you extend or retract the full length of the
its command word to make the statuette rapidly wire, which is 50 feet long. If the leash is placed
grow into a life-sized trebuchet. around the neck of a beast or monstrosity with
an Intelligence score of 4 or lower, it must make a
The trebuchet is 20 feet on a side and 30 feet high. DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the
Each creature in the area where the trebuchet ap- beast or monstrosity is under the effect of an ani-
pears must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, mal friendship spell as if cast by you. Once used, the
taking 44 (8d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed magical property of the leash of the beast tamer
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. can’t be used again until the next dawn.
In either case, the creature is pushed to an unoc-
cupied space outside but next to the trebuchet. Ob-
jects in the area that aren’t being worn or carried
take this damage and are pushed automatically. THE MASTER SCRIBE
The statuette can become a trebuchet for up to 6 Wondrous item, rare
hours. Once it has been used, it can’t be used again
until 2 days have passed. The trebuchet reverts to The lorgnettes of the
its statuette form at the end of the duration. It re- master scribe high-
verts to a statuette early if it drops to 0 hit points light and empha-
or if you use an action to repeat the command size specific passag-
word while touching it. es of spell scrolls,
leading spellcasters
Trebuchet. See page 256 of the Dungeon Mas- to a clearer comprehension of their complex
ter’s Guide. formulae. If the spell you are casting from a spell
scroll is on your class’s spell list, but of a higher
level than you can normally cast, you gain advan-
tage on the required ability check with your spell-
casting ability.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This thick tome with over a 1,000 pages is an ency-

clopedia covering topics of the highest complexity
related to academic studies and magic. The manu-
al entries are connected in webs of cross-reference
and automatically shift their appearance to list the
corresponding entries, making research fast and
comprehensive. If you study a topic for 10 minutes,
your newfound understanding grants you advan-
tage on one Intelligence (Arcana) skill check with-
in the next one hour.


Wondrous item, uncommon

A brass decanter holds a fine powder with a golden

sheen. There is enough for 6 doses. When you use
an action to throw a dose of powder into the air,
the true forms of all creatures that are within 10
feet from you are revealed for 1d4 minutes. The du-
ration is the same for all subjects, and the powder
is consumed when its magic takes effect. The pow-
der shows the original form of a shapechanger or a
creature that is transformed by magic into another
form. However, it does not force the subjects to
revert to their original forms.


Wondrous item, rare

The Master Key opens any lock, even those protect-

ed by magical means, and suppresses any mundane
or magical traps on the object that would activate
when opening it. You can use the Master Key to cast
a knock spell, which is silent without any audible
effects and which suppresses alarm or other protec-
tive spells like glyphs or symbols on the object for
10 minutes. Once used, the magical property of the
master key can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Wondrous item, uncommon Weapon (rapier), rare (requires attunement)

This magical mirror is 5 feet high and decorated with This magical rapier is always warm to the touch.
silver filigree, showing various musical instruments You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made
in the tracery. The mirror reflects the image of any with this magic weapon. The rapier has 3 charges.
creature that stands before it, however, the back- While attuned to it, you can expend 1 charge as
ground shows the animated illusion of a crowd of part of a melee attack with the rapier. If the at-
spectators of all races and cultures. The mirror has tack hits, the rapier causes the target to become
four command words that create various effects: affected by a heat metal spell with a duration of 3
rounds. As an action, you can also expend a charge
“Light” causes the mirror to shed bright light in a to smelt through an unattended metal object, caus-
15-foot cone and dim light for an additional 30 feet. ing 21 (6d6) fire damage that bypasses the object’s
It lasts until you use a bonus action to repeat the damage threshold. The rapier regains 1d3 expended
command word. charges daily at dawn. C
“Cheers” causes the mirrors to emit the sounds of
cheers and laughter and creates the illusion of the RING OF MENTAL STABILITY
spectators cheering in the background. The cheers
last for 1 round. Ring, rare (requires attunement)

“Costume” causes the mirror to change the costume This golden ring is crafted in the form of a brain,
of the reflection of any creature that stands in front held in fanglike spikes, and decorated with ame-
of it. As a bonus action, you can use the command thyst gems. While wearing this ring, you gain im-
word to generate a random costume with an in- munity to madness and have advantage on saving
finite number of combinations. Stepping out of the throws against being charmed or frightened.
reflection of the mirror ends the effect.

“Stage” causes the mirror to change the reflection of RING OF PRESTIDIGITATION

the stage around the reflected creatures. As a bonus
action, you can use the command word to generate Ring, uncommon (requires attunement)
a random set of stage props with an infinite number
of combinations. Stepping out of the reflection of While wearing this ring, you can cast the prestidig-
the mirror ends the effect. itation spell at will.

Ring, common (requires attunement)

While wearing this ring, you can use a bonus action

to change the shape of your shadow into any form
and up to two size categories larger than your size.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Wondrous item, common

While wearing this robe, you can use a bonus action

to transform the robe into any piece of clothing of
any style, color, or appearance, including accessories
like jewelry, head-pieces, and footwear. The robe
can also emit smells to match your outfit.


Weapon (sling), uncommon

This staff sling is usually crafted by shamans of wild

tribes, clerics who venerate deities of oozes, or war-
locks dedicated to ooze patrons. When you speak a
command word, the slinger generates globules of
corrosive slime that you can sling at your opponents.
The slinger can generate 5 globules per day. After all
5 daily globules have been slung, the sling functions
as a regular sling. On a hit, the corrosive slime deals
7 (2d6) points of acid damage, and if the target is
wearing nonmagical metal armor, its armor is partly
corroded. The target takes a permanent and cumu-
lative -1 penalty to its AC on each hit. The armor is
destroyed if the penalty reduces its AC to 10.


Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

The seed of the Hagtree holds a fragment of a hag’s

soul and resembles a monstrous eye, covered by a
thick seed coat and prickly thorns. The seed has 3
charges. While attuned to it, you can expend 1 charge
to cast the tree stride spell. The seed of the Hagtree
regains 1d3 expended charges at midnight.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This item that bears the raw energies of the Shad-

owrealm can be utilized to heighten the effects of
illusion spells. The spell focus can function as a ma-
terial component of up to 100 gold pieces in value
that doesn’t need to be expended. The spell focus of
SPELLBREAKER CROSSBOW the shadowcaster has 3 charges. While attuned to
it, you can expend 1 charge to make an illusion spell
Weapon (heavy crossbow), rare (requires attunement) you cast harder to disbelieve, granting disadvan-
tage on Intelligence (Investigation) skill checks to
King Waldrann is famous for mistrusting spellcasters. disbelieve the illusion. Additionally, you can expend
He has always feared their powers and been cautious 1 charge to add +1 DC to an illusion spell you cast. C
when dealing with magic users. The Spellbreaker cross- You can expend multiple charges to use both effects
bow was gifted to King Daerios by the neighboring on your spell. The spell focus of the shadowcaster
tribe of Vordani barbarians who live high up in the regains all expended charges at dawn.
mountains north of Aglarion. The savage tribes revere
physical aptitude and despise magic, which they deem
as a sin, and eradicate it where they can. The only form
of magic their clan chieftains have accepted for cen-
turies was that which could be used against spellcast-
ers. This mighty heavy crossbow was traded to them a
century ago by sailors from afar, in exchange for pro-
tection of their inland caravan routes. Later, the weap-
on was given to King Daerios as a reward for helping
in defeating the doppeldrake Malzdreziret, otherwise
known as the Scaled Impostor. The heavy crossbow
deals tremendous pain to those who are able to cast
spells or call forth innate magic in any form. The pain
is so intensely nerve-racking that most casters imme-
diately fail to concentrate on maintaining their spells.

You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made

with this magic weapon. In addition, while you are
attuned to it, the bonus increases to +3 if you use it
against a target that has the Spellcasting trait. If you
deal damage with the crossbow to a creature that is
maintaining concentration on a spell, that creature
makes its Constitution saving throw with disadvan-
tage to maintain its spell. Additionally, the crossbow
deals an additional 3 (1d6) force damage to creatures
with the spellcasting trait.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Armor (shield), uncommon (requires attunement) Wondrous item, rare

King Waldrann Azen- This simple-looking magical table is made out of

nar received the Sprig- wood. Once per day, you can cause the table to be-
gan Shield as a gift come filled with the food and drink you desire the
from the Matrons of most. If uneaten, the food remains until dawn, at
Malice, who posed as which point it disappears. It takes 1 hour to con-
the late satyr lord King sume the food and drink on the table. A single crea-
Dasmag, the previous ture who eats everything from the table is com-
lord of the Feyrealm now pletely nourished for one day and benefits from the
known as the Bleak Mire. effects of a heroes’ feast spell.
This large steel shield de-
picts the screaming faces of
fey creatures named spriggans that can grow in TOMBSTONE AMULET
size from small to large. The shield has 3 charg-
es. You can expend a charge to enlarge your form Wondrous item, artifact (requires attunement)
and anything you are wearing or carrying for 1
minute. While enlarged, your size becomes Large, The tombstone amulet was crafted by the follow-
your damage dice on Strength-based weapon at- ers of the god of Life from the tombstone of Sar-
tacks is doubled, you make Strength checks and ath, the legendary high priest of the Shining Light
Strength saving throws with advantage, and you who banished the Dark Star. It grants you protec-
gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wield the shield. tion from the powers of the undead and death it-
This bonus is in addition to the shield’s normal self. You gain the following benefits:
bonus to AC. If you lack the room to become large,
you attain the maximum size possible in the space • If damage reduces you to 0 hit points, you can
available. The shield regains 1d3 of its expended make a Constitution saving throw unless the dam-
charges daily at dawn. age is from a critical hit. The DC equals 10 or half
the damage you take, whichever number is high-
er. On a success, you drop to 1 hit point instead.
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

This magic spyglass has the functioning eye of a bone

devil bound to it. Objects viewed through the spyglass
are magnified to four times their size. While viewing
through the spyglass, the item confers darkvision that
is not impeded by magical darkness.

In addition, once per day as an action, the user of

the spyglass can activate it to gain Truesight for 10

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

 ou are automatically stable when reduced to 0 Adamantine. Once per day as a reaction, you can
hit points. activate the torc and gain resistance to bludgeon-
ing, piercing, and slashing damage from attacks
 ou gain advantage on saving throws against ef- that aren’t adamantine for 3 rounds.
fects that would kill you instantly or reduce you
to 0 hit points. Mithral. Once per day as a reaction, you can acti-
vate the torc to grant you AC. For 3 rounds, your
ou gain advantage on saving throws against AC can’t be less than 21, regardless of what kinds
necromancy spells and the special abilities of un- of armor you are wearing.
dead creatures.
Silver. Once per day as a reaction, you can activate
• If you die, the tombstone amulet immediately re- the torc and gain resistance to bludgeoning, pierc-
stores your life as per the raise dead spell. This ing, and slashing damage from attacks that aren’t
ability can’t be used again until the next dawn. silver for 3 rounds.

Iron. Once per day as a reaction, you can acti-

TORCS OF THE TOWER vate the torc and gain fire absorption for 1 round. C
Whenever you are subjected to fire damage, you
Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement) take no damage and instead regain a number of hit
points equal to the fire damage dealt.
Created by Master Arlen the Constructor at the or-
der of King Razmyrel Melkar the True, the six Torcs Clay. Once per day as a reaction, you can activate
of the Tower were crafted to provide a counter to the torc and gain lightning absorption for 1 round.
the powers of the magical academy and as a fail- Whenever you are subjected to lightning damage,
safe mechanism so the Arcane Tower could be re- you take no damage and instead regain a number
called from the Astral Plane if needed. Each brace- of hit points equal to the lightning damage dealt.
let was entrusted to one of the six founders of the
Red Cloak Lawgivers to be arbiters of their rightful Stone. Once per day as a reaction, you can activate
use. Over the past centuries, the true function of the torc and gain resistance to bludgeoning, pierc-
the torcs has become shrouded in the past. Some ing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
have been handed down through the generations, for 3 rounds.
some have become lost, and some have turned up
in the hands of those who have no inkling of their
true natures.

The torcs are keyed to one another, and their wear-

ers can sense the direction to a nearby torc of the
tower’s location, as long as that object is within
1 hex distance in any direction on the map of the
Kingdom of Aglarion. If the object is in motion, the
wearer knows the direction of its movement.

The torcs each have unique properties, but they can

be used together in conjunction to recall the Arcane
Tower to the Material Plane from the Astral plane.
This use of the torcs does not require attunement.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Weapon (club), rare (requires attunement)

The horn of a unicorn that has been fashioned into

a weapon retains some of the magical properties of
the legendary celestial. You gain a +1 bonus to attack
and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.

The cudgel has 3 charges. While attuned to it, you

can expend 1 charge to heal 11 (2d8 + 2) hit points,
cure a disease, or neutralize a poison. You can ex-
pend multiple charges to heal and/or remove multi- WAND OF THE MIMIC
ple conditions affecting the target. You can expend 2
charges to teleport a willing creature you touch up Wand, rare
to 1 mile away to a space that is familiar to you. Ad-
ditionally, while attuned to the cudgel, on a critical This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can
hit, you can choose to teleport the target up to 30 use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to
ft. from you to a space that is familiar to you. This turn an inanimate object into a mimic. You can ex-
ability does not expend a charge. The unicorn horn pend 1 charge to animate a Tiny or Small mimic, 2
cudgel regains 1d3 expended charges at dawn. charges to animate a Medium mimic, and 3 charges
to animate a Large mimic, and 5 charges to animate
a Huge mimic. The wand functions as an animate
WAND OF FIRE MANIPULATION object spell with respect to statistics and rules. How-
ever, the object turns into a mimic of the appropriate
Wand, rare size, remains animated for 1 hour, and does not re-
quire concentration. It is a monstrosity (shapechang-
This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can use an er) rather than a construct and can make a bite at-
action to expend 1 or more of its charges to deal 3 (1d6) tack that deals piercing damage with an additional
fire damage in a 15-foot cone for every charge expended. 1d4 acid damage, instead of a slam attack and bludg-
Each creature in the area must make a DC 13 Dexterity eoning damage. It also gains the Adhesive and False
saving throw. A creature takes the damage on a failed Appearance traits of a mimic.
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
The wand regains 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn.
The wand can siphon fire. While holding it, you can If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20. On
use your reaction to draw in fire effects or damage a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.
from spells targeted at you to charge the wand. The
wand regains 1 charge for every dice of fire damage
siphoned in such a way and negates 1 dice of fire dam-
age per charge regained. The wand cannot have more
than 7 charges.

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily at

dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll a d20.
On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is destroyed.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Wand, uncommon

This wand has 7 charges. While holding it, you can

use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges
to cast the sleep spell from it that only affects fey
creatures, even if they are immune to sleep. For 1
charge, you cast the 1st-level version of the spell.
You can cast the spell at higher levels by expending
additional charges for each spell slot level above 1st.

The wand regains 1d6 + 1 expended charges daily

at dawn. If you expend the wand’s last charge, roll
a d20. On a 1, the wand crumbles into ashes and is
destroyed. C

Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement)

A zombie mask is crafted from the skin that has

been removed from the face of a zombie. The de-
cayed flesh smells putrid, and wearing the mask
can easily make you nauseated. While attuned to
the mask and wearing it, you gain darkvision 60 ft.,
and you become invisible to zombies as if you were
under the effects of an invisibility spell. When you
don the mask and while wearing it, you must make
a DC 10 Constitution saving throw against poison
WHIP OF TENTACLES every hour or become poisoned for one hour.

Weapon (whip), uncommon

These whips are crafted from dried medusa tenta-

cles that have been infused with magic to retain the
poisoning effect of their stings. The whip of tenta-
cles counts as a magic weapon for the purposes of
overcoming damage resistance or vulnerability. Ad-
ditionally, on a hit, the target of the weapon must
succeed on a DC 11 Constitution save or become
poisoned for one minute. The target can attempt a
new save at the end of its turn. A successful save
ends the poisoned condition.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Alien Mind. An aberrant creature has resistance to
ABERRANT TEMPLATE psychic damage and advantage on saving throws
against being charmed, frightened, or having its
The drow of House Ausstyl grafts aberrant flesh thoughts read. Aberrant creatures are immune
into the bodies of their children to infuse them to madness and spell effects that provoke uncon-
with the essence of their unfathomable masters. trolled action (such as confusion).
These creatures become aberrations in part as
the unnatural implant spreads and takes over Unsettling Appearance. An aberrant creature be-
their bodies. They gain new abilities, which they comes proficient with the Charisma (Intimidation)
inherit from the aberrations they serve. Their skill and has disadvantage on Charisma (Persua-
mindset changes to that of an otherworldly crea- sion) skill checks.
ture, and they live out their lives almost as if
they were in a dreamlike state controlled by the Alien Anatomy. An aberrant creature is considered
unspeakable horrors that are now part of them. an aberration type creature for the purposes of
determining effects but otherwise retains its orig-
inal creature type.

Alignment. An aberrant creature is always evil. ACADEMICIAN
Senses. An aberrant creature gains darkvision with OF THE ARCANE TOWER
a radius of 60 feet.
Academicians are masters of magic and spell casting
Languages. An aberrant creature speaks or under- techniques unique to the Arcane Tower. They are pro-
stands Deep Speech in addition to any other lan- fessors and specialist wizards who continue to opti-
guages it knows. mize spellcasting techniques as set by Master Arlen
and the first academicians hundreds of years ago. Rare-
Limited Telepathy. An aberrant creature can magi- ly, when there is an opening in academic seats, some of
cally transmit simple messages and images to any the brightest graduating apprentices, distinguished by
creature within 120 ft. of it that can understand a their mastery and progress in their studies, are offered
language. This form of telepathy doesn’t allow the a position to become an academician of the Arcane
receiving creature to telepathically respond. Tower.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Medium or small humanoid (any race), any alignment

Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor)

Hit Points 45 (10d8)
Speed 30 ft.


9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 14 (+2)

Saving Throws Int +7, Wis +5

Skills Arcana +7, History +7
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common and two other
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Spellcasting. The academician of the Arcane Tower

is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell
attacks). The academician of the Arcane Tower has
the following wizard spells prepared:

•C  antrips (at will): chill touch, dancing lights, mage

hand, mending, prestidigitation Expedient Spell Preparation. The academician of the Ar-
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, mage armor*, magic cane Tower can prepare a new spell taking 1 round per
missile, shield spell level instead of the usual 1 minute per spell level.
• 2 nd level (3 slots): darkvision, locate object, magic
mouth Simplified Spell Rituals. The academician of the Arcane
• 3 rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, major image, tongues Tower can cast the ritual version of a spell, taking 1
• 4 th level (3 slots): greater invisibility*, locate creature minute longer to cast it than normal instead of the
• 5 th level (2 slots): legend lore, telekinesis usual 10 minutes.

*The academician of the Arcane Tower casts these

spells on itself before combat. ACTIONS
Efficient Spell Recovery. The academician of the Arcane Chill Touch. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft.,
Tower can recover an additional spell slot when using one creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) necrotic damage. Target can’t
your arcane recovery class ability. regain hit points until the start of the academician of
the Arcane Tower’s next turn. If the target is an un-
Elevated Spell Power. Spells cast by the academician of dead, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls against
the Arcane Tower are considered to be one spell slot the academician of the Arcane Tower until the end of
level higher than their actual spell slot level. the academician of the Arcane Tower’s next turn.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Those who wish to study the higher arts of magic

have to either find a personal master or apply for
apprenticeship at the Arcane Tower, the largest such
institution in Aglarion or the Drayl City States. The
rigorous admissions process requires a certain lev-
el of understanding of magic and eliminates most
applicants. Those who are accepted by the academi-
cians can make sure that they have stepped on a path
of progress and arcane advancement. An apprentice
has already acquired enough knowledge about the Spellcasting. The apprentice of the Arcane Tower is
special spell methodologies unique to the academy a 5th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is In-
and learned simplified shortcuts to enhance their telligence (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell at-
spellcasting abilities. Apprentices graduate after a tacks). The apprentice of the Arcane Tower has the
minimum of twelve years. following wizard spells prepared:

•C  antrips (at will): chill touch, dancing lights, mage

hand, prestidigitation
APPRENTICE • 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, magic missile, shield
• 2 nd level (3 slots): darkvision, locate object, magic
Medium or small humanoid (any race), any alignment
• 3rd level (2 slots): dispel magic, tongues

Armor Class 11 Efficient Spell Recovery. The apprentice of the Ar-

Hit Points 22 (5d8) cane Tower can recover an additional spell slot
Speed 30 ft. when using the arcane recovery class ability.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Simplified Spell Rituals. The apprentice of the Ar-
9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) cane Tower can cast the ritual version of a spell
taking 1 minutes longer to cast than normal instead
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +3 of the usual 10 minutes.
Skills Arcana +5, History +5
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common and one other ACTIONS
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Chill Touch. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range
120 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d8) necrotic damage.
Target can’t regain hit points until the start of the
apprentice of the Arcane Tower’s next turn. If the
target is an undead, it also has disadvantage on at-
tack rolls against the apprentice of the Arcane Tow-
er until the end of the apprentice of the Arcane
Tower’s next turn.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ARCANE SENTINEL (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The
arcane sentinel has the following wizard spells pre-
Trained guards and magic using security personnel,
the arcane sentinels focus their arcane knowledge •C  antrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, message, pres-
on abjuration spells and practices. They are loyal tidigitation
to their employers and are dedicated to protecting • 1st level (4 slots): alarm, detect magic, identify, mage
what they have been entrusted with. The arcane sen- armor*, shield
tinel’s responsibilities extend beyond just layering • 2 nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person,
abjuration spells and include detecting suspicious in- scorching ray
dividuals and holding back criminals until reinforce-
ments arrive. *The arcane sentinel casts these spells before combat.

Advanced Alarm. The duration of an alarm spell cast

by the arcane sentinel becomes 24 hours and it is
ARCANE SENTINEL both mental and audible. The arcane sentinel can also
Medium or small humanoid (any race), any lawful designate other willing creatures to be alerted by its
alarm spell’s mental alert.
Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 16 (3d8 + 3)
Speed 30 ft.
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +4 damage.
Skills Arcana +5, History +5, Insight +4,
Perception +4,
Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Spellcasting. The arcane sentinel casts spells as a 4th

level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Magic Weapons. The astral spider’s weapon attacks are


The astral spider is a formidable predator that roams Spider Climb. The astral spider can climb difficult sur-
the Astral Plane in invisibility, searching for rare mates faces, including upside down on ceilings, without need-
and grounded locations in the void to lay its eggs with- ing to make an ability check.
in invisible strands of spider silk. The spider can shift
between the Astral and Material Planes, sometimes Web Sense. While in contact with a web, the astral spi-
venturing to the Material Plane, where prey is more der knows the exact location of any other creature in
abundant, to hunt or breed. Most astral spiders display contact with the same web.
vibrant and prismatic hues, which are rarely seen or
recounted, as the spider is almost always invisible, and Web Walker. The astral spider ignores movement re-
few live to describe an encounter with it. strictions caused by webbing.


Huge monstrosity, unaligned
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one
Armor Class 14 (natural armor) creature. Hit: 16 (2d10 + 5) piercing damage plus 27 (6d8)
Hit Points 85 (10d12 + 20) poison damage. The target must make a DC 13 Consti-
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. tution saving throw. On a failed save, the target takes
the poison damage, or half as much damage on a suc-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA cessful one. If the poison damage reduces the target to
21 (+5) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 2(-4) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) 0 hit points, the target is stable but poisoned for 1 hour,
even after regaining hit points, and is paralyzed while
Skills Stealth +6 poisoned in this way.
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing,
slashing from nonmagical attacks Invisible Web (Recharge 5-6). Ranged Weapon Attack:
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10 +4 to hit, reach 30/60 ft., one creature. The target
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) is restrained by invisible webbing. The restrained
target can make a DC 13 Strength check, bursting
the webbing on a success. The webbing can also
Innate Spellcasting. The astral spider’s innate spellcast- be attacked with disadvantage and destroyed (AC
ing ability is Charisma. It can innately cast the following 10; hp 5; vulnerability to fire damage; immunity to
spell, requiring no material components: bludgeoning, poison, and psychic damage).

• At will: invisibility
• 3/day: see invisibility

Astral Jaunt. As a bonus action, the astral spider can

magically shift from the Material Plane to the Astral
Plane, or vice versa. The Raider of Hearts, as the succubus fiend is called
by those who know of its reputation, is a daring pi-
Magic Resistance. The astral spider has advantage on rate captain who rebelled against its former succu-
saving throws against spells and other magical effects. bus queen master and broke away from its rule with
a dozen of its kind. The renegade succubi and incu-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
bi stole one of the flying ships of the succubus
queen’s armada, the Last Kiss, and escaped to the
Astral Plane through a portal Azaeresh discovered
earlier. From there, the demonic pirates raid other
planes and retreat to deposit their treasures in
their secret hideout. Azaeresh is a calculating and
self-centered fiend who makes no allowances.

Medium fiend (shapechanger), neutral evil

Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 110 (20d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. within 5 ft. of an ally of his that isn’t incapacitated and
Azaeresh doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll.
8 (-1) 20 (+5) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) Telepathic Bond. Azaeresh ignores the range restric-
tion on its telepathy when communicating with a
Skills Acrobatics +13, Deception +13, Insight +9, creature it has charmed. The two don’t even need to
Perception +9, Persuasion +13, Stealth +13
Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, poison;
be on the same plane of existence.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-
magical attacks ACTIONS
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 19
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy 60 ft. Multiattack. Azaeresh makes two melee attacks with
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) its +1 rapier or claws.

+1 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

Shapechanger. Azaeresh can use its action to polymorph one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) piercing damage.
into a small or medium humanoid, or back into its true
form. Without wings, the fiend loses its flying speed. Claw (Fiend Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
Other than its size and speed, its statistics are the same reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) slashing damage.
in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying
isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies. Charm. One humanoid Azaeresh can see within
30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom sav-
Evasion. Azaeresh can nimbly dodge out of the way of ing throw or be magically charmed for 1 day. The
certain area effects. When it is subjected to an effect charmed target obeys Azaeresh’s verbal or telepathic
that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw to take commands. If the target suffers any harm or receives
only half damage, Azaeresh instead takes no damage if a suicidal command, it can repeat the saving throw,
it succeeds on the saving throw, and only half damage ending the effect on a success. If the target success-
if it fails. fully saves against the effect, or if the effect on it
ends, the target is immune to Azaeresh’s charm for
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Azaeresh deals an extra 17 (5d6) the next 24 hours. Azaeresh can have only one target
damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and charmed at a time. If it charms another, the effect on
has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is the previous target ends.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Draining Kiss. Azaeresh kisses a creature charmed

by it or a willing creature. The target must make a
DC 17 Constitution saving throw against this mag- BAENDRETARIXUS,
ic, taking 32 (5d10 + 5) psychic damage on a failed THE ETERNAL HIVE
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Large undead, neutral evil
The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by an
amount equal to the damage taken. This reduc- Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
tion lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45)
target dies if this effect reduces its hit point max- Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft., swim 40 ft.
imum to 0.
Etherealness. As a bonus action, Azaeresh magically 19 (+4) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or
vice versa. Saving Throws Dex +5, Con +6, Wis +6, Cha +6
Skills Perception +9, Stealth +5
Damage Immunities acid
EQUIPMENT Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deaf-
ened, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, poi-
Azaeresh has a mix of gems looted from Master Zaophas’ soned, stunned
quarters worth 1,000 gold pieces in total. The succubus Senses blindsight 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., pas-
carries the withered right hand of a witchservant cult- sive Perception 19
ist of the Children of the Coven that bears the tattoo of Languages Common, Draconic
the cult and functions as a wand of magic detection. It Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
was given to Azaeresh as a downpayment from Blister.
The fiend pirate captain also has a +1 rapier and a spy-
glass of devilish revealing in its possession. Spellcasting. The Baendretarixus is a 5th-level spellcaster. Its
spellcasting ability is Charisma, (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit
with spell attacks), and it needs only verbal components to
cast its spells. Baendretarixus knows the following cleric,
druid, paladin, ranger, warlock and wizard spells:
THE ETERNAL HIVE •C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, mage hand, guidance,
produce flame
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, color spray, entangle, identify
Baendretarixus is a young black dragon, a sentient • 2nd level (3 slots): blur, enlarge/reduce*, heat metal
carcass that has retained only the basic hoarding in- • 3rd level (2 slots): call lightning, haste
stinct of its proud ancestors. It was killed at a rela-
tively young age for a dragon by three adventurers, *Baendretarixus casts these spells on itself before combat.
who sought out his lair on the Shadowrealm. Bae-
ndretarixus has become a new creature since the Amphibious. Baendretarixus can breathe air and water.
death bugs have taken over its physical and mental
remains. Its sentience is a mix of the original dragon
and the body-snatching death bug hive mind. Its un- ACTIONS
dead form has given it eternal life, which it uses to
grow its power. Multiattack. Baendretarixus makes three attacks, one
with its bite and two with its claws.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. BAKATOR THE ONYX
Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) piercing damage plus 4 (1d8) acid damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Bakator lived the life of a duergar raider in the cav-
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage. erns of his people under Vordan until one day, the
fortress of the duergar was destroyed by a demon-
Corpse Eater. Baendretarixus can consume the dead re- ic horde. The demons slaughtered most but left the
mains of a small or small size category creature to re- most resilient defenders alive, only to transport
gain 30 hit points. If the consumed dead creature was a them to the Abyss as slaves. Despite the odds, and
spellcaster, Baendretarixus also regains a used spell slot thanks to his black heart, Bakator survived and even
of the lowest spell level it has already used. caught the eye of a servant of Faeryl Myrryn in the
soul markets of the Abyss. Led in front of the Blood
Death Bug Breath (Recharge 5-6). Baendretarixus ex- Queen herself, Bakator swore allegiance to the drow
hales a swarm of death bugs in a 30-foot cone. Each conjurer vampire lord and accepted her blood. Since
creature in that cone must make a DC 14 Dexterity sav- his transformation into a vampire spawn, Bakator
ing throw, taking 49 (11d8) piercing damage on a failed has served Faeryl Myrryn’s whim wholeheartedly in
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The the Abyss and the Material Plane. He has received
death bug breath creates a swarm of insects within the direction from his patron to scout the lands of Aglar-
affected area that attacks any creature except for Bae- ion and investigate the Midnight Curse. Bakator is a
ndretarixus. cold and heartless individual whose soul is pure evil.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

tor is destroyed if a piercing weapon made of wood

BAKATOR THE ONYX is driven into its heart while it is incapacitated in
Medium undead, neutral evil its resting place.
• Sunlight Hypersensitivity. Bakator takes 20 radiant
Armor Class 19 (demon armor) damage when it starts its turn in sunlight. While
Hit Points 112 (15d8 + 45) in sunlight, it has disadvantage on attack rolls and
Speed 25 ft., ability checks.


18 (+4) 15 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) ACTIONS
Saving Throws Dex +5, Wis +3 Multiattack. Bakator makes three attacks: two with its
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +5 war pick or gauntlets and one with its bite attack.
Damage Resistances necrotic, poison; bludg-
eoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical +1 War Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
attacks one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage, or 14 (2d8 +
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13 5) piercing damage while enlarged.
Languages Dwarvish, Undercommon
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP) Clawed Gauntlets. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach
5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) slashing damage, or 14
(2d8 + 5) slashing damage while enlarged.
Duergar Resilience. Bakator has advantage on saving
throws against poison, spells, and illusions, as well as Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one will-
to resist being charmed or paralyzed. ing creature, or a creature that is grappled by the vam-
pire, incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) pierc-
Regeneration. Bakator regains 10 hit points at the start ing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage, or 11 (2d6 +
of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and isn’t in sun- 4) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) necrotic damage while
light or running water. If Bakator takes radiant damage enlarged. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced
or damage from holy water, this trait doesn’t function by an amount equal to the necrotic damage taken, and
at the start of Bakator’s next turn. Bakator regains hit points equal to that amount. The
reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
Spider Climb. Bakator can climb difficult surfac- target dies if this effect reduces its hit point
es, including upside down on ceilings, without maximum to 0.
needing to make an ability check.
Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
Vampire Weaknesses. Bakator has the follow- +7 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 30/120
ing flaws: ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
damage, or 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing dam-
• Forbiddance. Bakator can’t enter a age while enlarged.
residence without an invitation
from one of the occupants. Enlarge (Recharges after
• Harmed by Running Wa- a Short or Long Rest).
ter. Bakator takes 20 acid For 1 minute, Bakator
damage when it ends its magically increases in
turn in running water. size, along with any-
• Stake to the Heart. Baka- thing it is wearing or

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

carrying. While enlarged, Bakator is large, doubles its Retract to Shell. As an action, the battle snail can retract
damage dice on Strength-based weapon attacks (in- into its shell. As long as it is retracted into its shell, it
cluded in the attacks), and makes Strength checks and gains a +4 bonus to AC, it is prone, its speed is 0 and
Strength saving throws with advantage. If Bakator can’t increase, it has disadvantage on Dexterity saving
lacks the room to become Large, it attains the maxi- throws, it can’t take reactions, and the only action it
mum size possible in the space available. can take is a bonus action to emerge from its shell.

Invisibility (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Bakator Slime Slide. As a move action, the battle snail can
magically turns invisible until it attacks, casts a spell, move double its normal speed in the area covered
or uses its enlarge ability, or until its concentration is by its slippery slime.
broken, up to 1 hour (as if concentrating on a spell). Any
equipment Bakator wears or carries is invisible with it. Trampling Charge. If the battle snail moves at least
20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it
with a bite attack on the same turn, that target
EQUIPMENT must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the battle
Bakator carries a +1 war pick. He wears a suit of demon snail can make one trample attack against it as a
armor and the stone torc of the tower. bonus action.

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
BATTLE SNAIL target. Hit: 11 (1d10 + 6) piercing damage.

This gigantic snail is native to the Feyrealm only. Trample. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Its body is covered in a metallic shell where it can prone creature. Hit: 22 (3d10 +
withdraw with blinding speed. It is a powerful 6) bludgeoning damage.
predator that disables its prey by spraying it with a
slimy spray that prevents it from fleeing. Slippery Slime Spray (Recharge
5-6). The battle snail spits slip-

Huge beast, unaligned

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 85 (9d12 + 27)
Speed 20 ft. climb 10 ft.,


22 (+6) 11 (+0) 17 (+3) 3 (-4) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)

Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages -
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

pery slime in a 40 feet line. Each creature in that cone BATTLE SNAIL UPGRADES
must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed
save, the target creature becomes prone.
Crafting. It requires one creature 1 hour per 5 gold
pieces of resources to craft the appropriate item,
requiring the necessary crafting proficiencies and
tools. On the DM’s discretion, some upgrades can
be broken down into resources and reused when
crafting new upgrades.

Feeding. Some upgrades require specific feed and

Wisdom (Medicine) skill checks to be applied reg-
ularly to the battle snail.
These treatments can
slightly modify
the biology of
the battle snail.

Upgrade Proficiencies Resources/Cost Ability

Chain Mail Barding Smith’s tools 225 gp of materials AC 16
Splint Mail Barding Smith’s tools 600 gp of materials AC 17
Plate Barding Smith’s tools 4,500 gp of materials AC 18
Saddle 80 gp of materials Able to seat 1-2 medium creatures
Battle Platform Carpenter’s tools 120 gp of materials Able to seat 1-4 medium creatures
Requires Battle Platform upgrade.
Howdah Carpenter’s tools 360 gp of materials Able to seat 1-4 medium creatures, provides
half cover.
Carpenter’s, Deals 1d6 piercing damage if a creature
Spiked Chains Leatherworker’s, 100 gp of materials attempts to climb the battlesnail or attack
or Smith’s tools if with a natural weapon.
Carpenter’s, Deals 2d6 piercing damage if a creature
Armor Spikes Leatherworker’s, 250 gp of materials attempts to climb the battlesnail or attack
or Smith’s tools if with a natural weapon.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Upgrade Proficiencies Resources/Cost Ability

Requires Battle Platform upgrade.

Heavy Ballista. A heavy ballista is a large
object that has AC 17, 75 hit points, damage
immunity to poison, psychic damage. It is a
Carpenter’s, ranged weapon that fires heavy bolts with a
Ballista Turrets Smith’s and 500 gp of materials range of 150/600 ft. that deal 22 (5d8) pierc-
Tinker’s tools ing damage. It takes one action to load the
weapon, one action to aim it, and one action
to fire it. A heavy ballista can be aimed and
fired in the same round if two creatures per-
form these two actions at the same time.
Requires Ballista Turrets upgrade.
Harpoon. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack:
Carpenter’s, Reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one tar-
Harpoon Bolt Smith’s and 750 gp of materials get. Hit: 22 (5d8) piercing damage. If the
Tinker’s tools target is a huge or smaller creature, it
must succeed on a Strength contest or be
pulled up to 20 feet toward the ballista.
Requires Ballista Turrets upgrade.
On a hit, the target takes 1d4 fire damage at
Incinerating Bolt Alchemist’s tools 1,250 gp of materials the start of each of its turns. A creature can
end this damage by using its action to make a
DC 10 Dexterity check to extinguish the flames.
10 gp of raw materials.
Must succeed on the The battle snail’s radula hardens to a
Radula Spear DC 15 Medicine Wisdom (Medicine) skill sharp point. Add 1d10 piercing damage to
check to upkeep the the battle snail’s damage on a bite attack.
effect for one day.
10 gp of raw materials. The battle snail’s slime becomes acidic.
Must succeed on the On a failed save against the Slippery Slime
Caustic Slime DC 17 Medicine Wisdom (Medicine) Spray attack of the battle snail, targets take
skill check to upkeep 10 (3d6) acid damage on a failed save, or
the effect for one day. half as much damage on a successful one.
Requires Caustic Slime upgrade.
20 gp of raw materials.
The battle snail’s slime becomes more acidic.
Must succeed on the
On a failed save against the Slippery Slime
Acidic Slime DC 20 Medicine Wisdom (Medicine)
Spray attack of the battle snail, targets take
skill check to upkeep
20 (6d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half
the effect for one day.
as much damage on a successful one.
20 gp of raw materials.
The battle snail’s Slippery Slime becomes
Must succeed on the
more slippery. Each creature in that
Slippery Slime DC 20 Medicine Wisdom (Medicine)
cone must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving
skill check to upkeep
the effect for one day.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Blessed with the spirit and intelligence of a sprite
and the wisdom of a dryad, the billie blind is a wise
being in a child’s body. Billie blinds are enthusiastic
and dedicated about a single thing in life. They ana-
lyze their chosen subject with meticulous accuracy
and learn everything they can about it. These sub-
jects of interest may vary for each individual. One
billie blind might be an expert on history, arcane or
religious matters, while the other might be an enthu-
siast of training dogs or making tea. They are rarely
encountered and live solitary lives, but sometimes
they serve as advisors to noble fey. They are usually
reserved and kind but can be easily angered by ques-
tioning their expertise on their favorite subject.

Small fey, neutral good

Armor Class 14 (leather armor)

Hit Points 31 (9d6)
Speed 25 ft.


7 (-2) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 17 (+3) 17 (+3) 15 (+2)

Skills History +7 Nature +7

Senses passive Perception 13 Restless. The billie blind does not need to sleep and
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan is immune to nonmagical and magical effects that
Challenge 1 (200 XP) cause the target to be paralyzed and restrained. The
billie blind can spend 5 feet of movement to auto-
matically escape from nonmagical and magical re-
Innate Spellcasting. The billie blind’s innate spell- straints, such as manacles or a creature that has it
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit grappled.
with spell attacks). It can innately cast the follow-
ing spells, requiring no material components:

• At will: augury, invisibility ACTIONS

• 3/day: dimension door, levitate
Slingshot. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
Magic Resistance. The billie blind has advantage on sav- 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning
ing throws against spells and other magical effects. damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Sometimes weary adventurers and even experi-
enced miners find themselves in a deserted part
of the Dark Below. Some lose all hope and wander
aimlessly in the dark, and others trust their experi-
ence with underground locations. Still, some who
are lucky enough to encounter a bluecap can hope-
fully survive and find a way in the endless caverns.
These generally elusive fey help miners find hidden
ore deposits, and in exchange for an honest wage,
they do what they can to assist.

Small fey, lawful neutral

Armor Class 13 (natural armor)

Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
Speed 25 ft.
13 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0)

Skills Nature +2, Perception +4

Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Sylvan, Terran, Undecommon
Challenge 2 (200 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The bluecap’s spellcasting abili- ACTIONS

ty is Wisdom (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast
the following spells, requiring only verbal compo- Adamantine Pick. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
nents: reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing dam-
• At will: meld into stone, shatter
• 3/day each: stoneshape, stoneskin, wall of stone Gem Sense. The bluecap can sense the presence of
• 1/day: plane shift (self only, only when under- gemstones or ores within 30 feet of it. If it senses a
ground) gemstone or ore in this way, it can use its action to
learn its type and value. This ability can penetrate
any barrier.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spawned in the Abyss by Orcus, these colossal
bloated undead are made from the flayed skin
of gigantic gibbering mouthers and those of
giants. These floating undead spheres fly
slowly over the domain of the Demon Lord
of the Undead, looking for enemies and
alerting lesser minions to any threat they
encounter. Their favorite tactic involves
lifting their opponents from the ground
and dropping them from a great height,
or breaking off parts of buildings or natural
formations to drop them onto their enemies.

Gargantuan undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 10
Hit Points 217 (15d20 + 60)
Speed fly 30 ft.


27 (+8) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 8 (-1)

Skills Perception +11

Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion, ACTIONS
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone
Senses truesight 240 ft., passive Perception 21 Multiattack. The bulbous observer makes two claw
Languages Can’t speak but understands Com- attacks.
mon, telepathy 1,000 ft.
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft.,
one target. Hit: 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage, and
the target is grappled (escape DC 18). The bulbous
Magic Resistance. The bulbous observer has advan- observer has four arms, each of which can grapple
tage on saving throws against spells and other mag- one target.
ical effects.
Drop Heavy Load. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
Undead Telepathy. All undead within 1,000 feet of reach 60/240 ft., 20 ft. radius area. Hit: 66 (12d10)
the bulbous observer can hear its telepathy, regard- bludgeoning damage. Once the bulbous observer
less of any obstacle. This ability does not need line drops its load, it must spend three rounds to ac-
of sight. quire a new heavy load before it can use this feature

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Always disheveled and shabby-looking, smoking
smelly cigars, and quite nihilistic in nature, Captain
Ick Forge-n-hammer is still regarded with respect
by the Royal Swords he commands at Nangrath
under Lord Arenbar Nangrath. The longtime friend
and ex-adventuring companion of Thermerson the
Wise is almost impossible to best both in battle and


Medium humanoid (dwarf), neutral good

Armor Class 19 (chain mail, shield, defense)

Hit Points 97 (13d8 + 39)
Speed 25 ft.

17 (+3)
13 (+1)
17 (+3)
13 (+1)
14 (+2)
15 (+2)
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +6
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +5
Damage Resistances poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).

Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer can take one addition- roll against a creature if at least one of his allies is
al action on top of his regular action and a possible within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t Inca-
bonus action. pacitated.

Alert on Duty. Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer can des- Coordinated Shot. Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer can
ignate a 10 square foot area. If he stays in this area spot the exact moment to release a shot while his
for 10 minutes, he gains advantage on Wisdom (Per- ally occupies his target. Once per turn, Captain Ick
ception) skill checks made to notice creatures. Forge-n-hammer gains advantage on his first ranged
attack roll against a creature if at least one of his
Coordinated Strike. Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer can allies is within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t
use his combat training to coordinate his attacks Incapacitated.
with his allies. Once per turn, Captain Ick Forge-n-
hammer gains advantage on his first melee attack Defense. When Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer wears
armor, he gains a +1 bonus to AC.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Dwarven Resilience. Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer Pricklethrust is an expert tactician, a master com-
has advantage on saving throws against poison, and batant, and a versatile leader who has seen many
resistance against poison damage. forms of enemies and has led countless successful
war campaigns.
Indomitable (Recharges after a Long Rest). Captain
Ick Forge-n-hammer can reroll a saving throw that
he fails. If he does so, he must use the new roll.
Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Tiny fey, neutral good
Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer can use a bonus action
to regain hit points equal to 16 (1d10 + 11). Armor Class 18 (+1 studded leather)
Hit Points 81 (18d4 + 36)
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.
Multiattack. Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer makes 8 (-1) 20 (+5) 15 (+2) 15 (+2) 13 (+1) 9 (-1)
three melee attacks.
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +11
+1 Battleaxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 Condition Immunities frightened
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage. Senses passive Perception 14
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Captain Ick Forge-n-hammer carries a +1 battleaxe Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
and wears a torn patchwork cloak of protection. On his turn, Commander Pricklethrust can take one
He smokes good quality cigars worth 5 gold pieces additional action.
each, that he always carries six of. He has a mag-
ic cigar that when lit can emulate the effects of a Diving Charge. If Commander Pricklethrust moves
stinking cloud spell affecting everyone but the smok- at least 20 feet straight down toward a creature and
er in the area. then hits it with an attack on the same turn, the
target takes an extra 7 (3d4) piercing damage.

Improved Critical. Commander Pricklethrust scores

COMMANDER PRICKLETHRUST a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Daring and fearless, Commander Pricklethrust has Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Commander Pricklethrust
always been a model to the members of King Das- deals an extra 14 (4d6) damage when he hits a tar-
mag’s armed forces. The veteran sprite warrior was get with a weapon attack and has advantage on the
on the satyr king’s side long before they defeated attack roll, or when the target is within 5 ft. of an
the forces of Faeryl Myrryn, the demon conjurer ally of Commander Pricklethrust that isn’t incapac-
drow vampire, and served as his chief army officer itated and Commander Pricklethrust doesn’t have
until the death of his king. The no-nonsense faerie disadvantage on the attack roll.
was always apprehensive about the debaucheries of
his lord but always served him loyally. Commander

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Multiattack. Commander Pricklethrust makes
three attacks: two with his +1 scimitar and
one with his +1 dagger.

+1 Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack:

+9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 slashing damage.

+1 Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +9

to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft.,
one target. Hit: 7 piercing damage.

+1 Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack:

+9 to hit, range 40/160 ft., one target. Hit: 7
piercing damage, and the target must succeed
on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw or become
poisoned for 1 minute. If its saving throw result is
5 or lower, the poisoned target falls unconscious
for the same duration, or until it takes
damage or another creature takes
an action to shake it awake.

Heart Sight. Commander

Pricklethrust touches a
creature and magically
knows the creature’s
current emotional
state. If the target fails a DC
10 Charisma saving throw,
Commander Pricklethrust
also knows the creature’s
alignment. Celestials,
fiends, and undead automatically
fail the saving throw.

Invisibility. Commander Pricklethrust magically

turns invisible until it attacks, or until its concen- EQUIPMENT
tration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any
equipment Commander Pricklethrust wears or car- Commander Pricklethrust carries a +1 scimitar, a +1
ries is invisible with it. dagger, a +1 light crossbow, and wears +1 leather ar-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Cygnus has worn numerous guises over the mil-
lennium to hide its immortal nature. Currently,
the couatl is in human form, wearing exotic
clothes and armor, and wielding a strange
toothed club. The celestial serpent was
sent to the Material Plane by Shining
Light as its champion to monitor the
Dark Star. It did so from hiding, biding
its time until it noticed the spark that
Sarath inflamed into a beacon of hope
that would overthrow the rule of the
dark angels. However, the Order of the
Eternal Light that came to rule the land
was too radical for Cygnus, and it once
again found itself on the side of mortals
- Master Arlen and Razmyrel Melkar -
against the Order that twisted its faith
in the Shining Light. Cygnus has remained
in Aglarion since and established the Lodge of
Wanderlust - an adventuring guild to find and eradi-
cate traces of the Dark Star on its fallen angels.

Innate Spellcasting. Cygnus’ spellcasting ability is

CYGNUS Charisma (spell save DC 16). It can innately cast the
Medium celestial, lawful good following spells, requiring only verbal components:

Armor Class 19 (natural armor, or plate armor in •A t will: detect evil and good, detect magic, detect thoughts
human form, defense) • 3/day each: bless, create food and water, cure wounds, less-
Hit Points 142 (19d8 + 57 ) er restoration, protection from poison, sanctuary, shield
Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft. • 1/day each: dream, greater restoration, scrying

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Spellcasting. Cygnus is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its
18 (+4) 20 (+5) 17 (+3) 18 (+4) 20 (+5) 18 (+4) spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 16, +8
to hit with spell attacks). Cygnus has the following
Saving Throws Con +7, Wis +9, Cha +8 (+4 on all paladin spells prepared:
saving throws from Aura of Protection)
Skills Athletics +8, Insight +9, • 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, divine
Damage Resistances psychic; bludgeoning, pierc- favor, heroism, protection from evil and good, purify
ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks food and drink, shield of faith
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 15 • 2 nd level (2 slots): lesser restoration, magic weap-
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. on*, warding bond*, zone of truth
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
*Cygnus casts these spells on itself before combat.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Defense. When Cygnus is wearing armor, he gains a In a new form, the Cygnus otherwise retains its
+1 bonus to AC. game statistics and ability to speak, but its AC, move-
ment modes, Strength, Dexterity, and other actions
Magic Weapons. Cygnus’ weapon attacks are mag- are replaced by those of the new form, and it gains
ical. any statistics and capabilities (except class features,
legendary actions, and lair actions) that the new
Shielded Mind. Cygnus is immune to scrying and to form has but that it lacks. If the new form has a bite
any effect that would sense its emotions, read its attack, Cygnus can use its bite in that form.
thoughts, or detect its location.
Divine Sense (5/Day). Cygnus can detect evil forces.
Divine Health. Cygnus is immune to disease. Until the end of its next turn, Cygnus knows the
location of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60
Divine Smite. When Cygnus hits a creature with a feet of it that is not behind total cover. It knows the
melee weapon attack, it can expend one spell slot to type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose
deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to the presence it senses, but not its identity. Within the
weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 9 (2d8) for same radius, Cygnus also detects the presence of
a 1st-level spell slot, or 13 (3d8) for a 2nd-level spell any place or object that has been consecrated or
slot. The damage increases by 1d8 if the target is an desecrated, as with the hallow spell.
undead or a fiend.
Lay on Hands (Recharges after a Long Rest). Cygnus
can touch a creature and draw power from its pool
of 30 hit points to restore a number of hit points
ACTIONS to that creature, up to the maximum amount re-
maining in its pool. Alternatively,Cygnus can ex-
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one pend 5 hit points from its pool of healing to cure
creature. Hit: 8 (1d6 + 5) piercing damage, and the the target of one disease or neutralize one poison
target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving affecting it. Cygnus can cure multiple diseases and
throw or be poisoned for 24 hours. Until this poison neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of
ends, the target is unconscious. Another creature Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for
can use an action to shake the target awake. each one. This feature has no effect on undead and
Constrict. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10
ft., one medium or smaller creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + Oath of Devotion (Recharges after a Short or a Long
3) bludgeoning damage, and the target is grappled Rest). Cygnus can channel divine energy to fuel ei-
(escape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target ther of the following magical effects.
is restrained, and Cygnus can’t constrict another
target. Sacred Weapon. Cygnus can imbue one weapon that
it is holding with positive energy, using Channel
Change Shape. Cygnus magically polymorphs into a Divinity. For 1 minute, it adds its Charisma modifi-
humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating equal er to attack rolls made with that weapon (+4). The
to or less than its own, or back into its true form. It weapon also emits bright light in a 20-foot radius
reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it and dim light 20 feet beyond that. If the weapon
is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the is not already magical, it becomes magical for the
new form (Cygnus’ choice). duration.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Cygnus can end this effect on its turn as part of any arms with different appendages for digging, drilling, fine
other action. If it is no longer holding or carrying this and bulk manipulation, and many more tasks. The arch-
weapon, or if it falls unconscious, this effect ends. mage’s routines imprinted in the daedal wrights allow it
to find the most optimal solution to any given problem.
Turn the Unholy. Cygnus presents its holy symbol and
speaks a prayer censuring fiends and undead, using its
Channel Divinity. Each fiend or undead that can see or DAEDAL WRIGHT
hear Cygnus within 30 feet of it must make a DC 16 Wis- Large construct, unaligned
dom saving throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it
is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage. A turned Armor Class 18 (natural armor)
creature must spend its turns trying to move as far away Hit Points 161 (17d10 + 68)
from Cygnus as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a Speed 30 ft.
space within 30 feet of it. It also can’t take reactions. For
its action, it can use only the Dash action or try to escape STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
from an effect that prevents it from moving. If there’s 20 (+5) 14 (+2) 18 (+4) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 3 (-4)
nowhere to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
DAEDAL WRIGHT Senses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive
Perception 10
The daedal wright is a multifunction construction Languages Understands commands given in any
and production golem invented by Master Arlen. It is language but can’t speak except for stating its
equipped with multiple smaller and larger mechanical current activity in Master Arlen’s voice
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Damage Optimization. The daedal wright deals a cu- DAG’DRIRATH
mulative additional 2 (1d4) damage against a target
with every new successive hit after the first. The Blood Queen, Faeryl Myrryn, a drow conjurer
vampire servant of Orcus, infected Dag’drirath, a
Malfunction. When taking a critical hit, the daedal vrock, with vampirism during the early years of her
wright must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving experiments. The demon gained new powers and
throw or malfunction as if it was under the effects rose above its demonkin but it soon found out that
of a confusion spell for 3 rounds. At the end of its it also acquired new weaknesses. The Blood Queen
turns, it can make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw to tasked Dag’drirath with a mission on the Material
end the effect. Plane. However, the undead demon failed and soon
found itself trapped in a ruby in the dwarven min-
Siege Monster. The daedal wright deals double dam- ing caverns of Darkstone. Some dwarven miners un-
age to objects and structures. earthed the treasure that was its prison and have
inadvertently released Dag’drirath, but it is still
Specialized Tools. The damage caused by the mul- bound by the ruby and confined to the area of the
tifunctional appendages of the daedal wright are mine. Its most coveted goal is becoming free again
considered bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing at and returning to the Abyss.
the same time.

Large undead, neutral evil
Multiattack. The daedal wright can make two at-
tacks with its multifunctional appendages, or one Armor Class 16 (natural)
attack with its multifunctional appendage and one Hit Points 161 (17d10 + 68)
with its stabilizer arm. Speed 40 ft., fly 60 ft.

Heavy Drill. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
5 ft., one target. Hit: 22 (5d6 + 5) piercing damage. 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)
The damage caused by the heavy drill bypasses the
damage threshold of objects. Saving Throws Dex +9, Wis +7, Cha +7
Skills Perception +7, Stealth +9
Multifunctional Appendages. Melee Weapon Attack: Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, ne-
+8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (2d4 + 5) crotic; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
bludgeoning, piercing and slashing damage. nonmagical attacks
Damage Immunities poison
Stabilizer Arm. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach Condition Immunities poisoned
5 ft., one target. Hit: 12 (2d6 + 5) bludgeoning dam- Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 17
age. If the target is a creature, it is grappled (es- Languages Abyssal, telepathy 120 ft.
cape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the target is Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
restrained, and the daedal wright can’t use its stabi-
lizer arm on another target.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shapechanger. If Dag’drirath isn’t in sunlight or takes radiant damage or damage from holy wa-
running water, it can use its action to polymorph ter, this trait doesn’t function at the start of
into a Tiny bat or a Large cloud of mist, or back Dag’drirath‘s next turn.
into its true form. While in bat form, Dag’drirath
can’t speak, its walking speed is 5 feet, and it has Spider Climb. Dag’drirath can climb difficult sur-
a flying speed of 30 feet. Its statistics, other than faces, including upside down on ceilings, without
its size and speed, are unchanged. Anything it is needing to make an ability check.
wearing transforms with it, but nothing it is carry-
ing does. It reverts to its true form if it dies. While Vampire Weaknesses. Dag’drirath has the following
in mist form, Dag’drirath can’t take any actions, flaws:
speak, or manipulate objects. It is weightless, has
a flying speed of 20 feet, can hover, and can enter • F orbiddance. Dag’drirath can’t enter a residence
a hostile creature’s space and stop there. In addi- without an invitation from one of the occu-
tion, if air can pass through a space, the mist can pants.
do so without squeezing, and it can’t pass through •H  armed by Running Water. Dag’drirath takes 20
water. It has advantage on Strength, Dexterity, and acid damage if it ends its turn in running wa-
Constitution saving throws, and it is immune to ter.
all nonmagical damage, except the damage it takes • Sunlight Hypersensitivity. Dag’drirath takes 20
from sunlight. radiant damage when it starts its turn in sun-
light. While in sunlight, it has disadvantage on
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Dag’drirath fails a attack rolls and ability checks.
saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Dag’drirath has advantage on ACTIONS

saving throws against spells and other magical ef-
fects. Multiattack. Dag’drirath makes two attacks: one
with its beak and one with its talons.
Misty Escape. When it drops to 0 hit points out-
side its resting place, Dag’drirath transforms into a Beak (Vrock Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to
cloud of mist (as in the Shapechanger trait) instead hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing
of falling unconscious, provided that it isn’t in sun- damage plus 10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target’s
light or running water. If it can’t transform, it is hit point maximum is reduced by an amount equal
destroyed. While it has 0 hit points in mist form, to the necrotic damage taken, and Dag’drirath re-
it can’t revert to its vrock form, and it must reach gains hit points equal to that amount. The reduc-
its resting place, the Blood Red Ruby (see area 6 of tion lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
Darkstone Mines in Chapter 6) within 2 hours or target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maxi-
be destroyed. After spending 1 hour in the Blood mum to 0. A humanoid slain in this way and then
Red Ruby with 0 hit points, it regains 1 hit point. buried in the ground rises the following night as a
vampire spawn under Dag’drirath’s control.
Regeneration. Dag’drirath regains 20 hit points at
the start of its turn if it has at least 1 hit point and Talons (Vrock Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9
isn’t in sunlight or running water. If Dag’drirath to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) slash-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ing damage. Instead of dealing damage, Dag’drirath ed and protected. Although the target isn’t under
can grapple the target (escape DC 18). Dag’drirath’s control, it takes the Dag’drirath’s re-
quests or actions in the most favorable way it can,
Bite (Bat Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to and it is a willing target for Dag’drirath’s beak or
hit, reach 5 ft., one willing creature, or a creature bite attack. Each time Dag’drirath or its compan-
that is grappled by Dag’drirath, incapacitated, or ions do anything harmful to the target, it can re-
restrained. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage plus peat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself
10 (3d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point on a success. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours
maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the or until Dag’drirath is destroyed, is on a different
necrotic damage taken, and Dag’drirath regains hit plane of existence than the target, or takes a bonus
points equal to that amount. The reduction lasts action to end the effect.
until the target finishes a long rest. The target dies
if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. Children of the Night (1/Day). Dag’drirath magically
A humanoid slain in this way and then buried in calls 2d4 swarms of bats or rats, provided that the
the ground rises the following night as a vampire sun isn’t up. While outdoors, Dag’drirath can call
spawn under the Dag’drirath’s control. 3d6 wolves instead. The called creatures arrive in
1d4 rounds, acting as allies of Dag’drirath and obey-
Spores (Recharge 6, Vrock Form Only). A 15-foot-radius ing its spoken commands. The beasts remain for 1
cloud of toxic spores extends out from Dag’drirath. hour, until Dag’drirath dies, or until Dag’drirath
The spores spread around corners. Each creature dismisses them as a bonus action.
in that area must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution
saving throw or become poisoned. While poisoned
in this way, a target takes 5 (1d10) poison damage LEGENDARY ACTIONS
at the start of each of its turns. A target can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns, Dag’drirath can take 3 legendary actions, choosing
ending the effect on itself on a success. Emptying from the options below. Only one legendary action
a vial of holy water on the target also ends the option can be used at a time and only at the end of
effect on it. another creature’s turn. Dag’drirath regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Stunning Screech (1/Day, Vrock Form Only). Dag’drirath
emits a horrific screech. Each creature within 20 Move. Dag’drirath moves up to its speed without
feet of it that can hear it and that isn’t a demon provoking opportunity attacks.
must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw
or be stunned until the end of the Dag’drirath’s Unarmed Strike. Dag’drirath makes one talon at-
next turn. tack.

Charm. Dag’drirath targets one humanoid it can Bite or Beak (Costs 2 Actions). Dag’drirath makes
see within 30 feet of it. If the target can see one bite or beak attack.
Dag’drirath, the target must succeed on a DC 17
Wisdom saving throw against this magic or be
charmed by Dag’drirath. The charmed target re-
gards Dag’drirath as a trusted friend to be heed-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

These emotionless and sluggish giants are descen-
dants of a primitive hill giant tribe that ventured
into the plane of shadows many thousands of
years ago. The despair giants have adapted to the
dark and empty environment of the Shadowrealm
over the millennia. Their haggardness and dreari-
ness are so apparent that they engulf the spirit of
anyone in their close vicinity.

Huge giant, neutral evil

Armor Class 14 (natural armor)

Hit Points 115 (11d12 + 44)
Speed 40 ft.


21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 9 (-1) 9 (-1) 5 (-3)

Skills Perception +2
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive
Perception 12
Languages Giant
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Aura of Despair. The despair giant is constantly sur-

rounded by a 10-foot radius aura of despair. A crea-
ture within the aura must make a DC 13 Charisma
saving throw at the beginning of its turn. On a
failed save, the creature suffers disadvantage on
attack rolls and ability checks until the end of its
turn. On a successful save, the creature is unaf- ACTIONS
Multiattack. The despair giant makes two melee at-
Devoid of Emotions. The despair giant is immune tacks.
to effects that would alter or modify its emotions.
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10
ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 60/240

ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

DRYAD WITCH • Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, poison spray
• 1 st-2nd level (2 2nd level slots): comprehend lan-
These dryads were the first to abandon King Das- guages, hellish rebuke, hold person, suggestion
mag due to the corruption of the Matrons of Mal-
ice. The dryad witches cultivate the malicious plant *The dryad witch casts these spells on itself before
life of the Bleak Mire and serve their midnight hag combat.
patrons as informants. They communicate with
the plants and beasts of the Feyrealm regularly and Agonizing Blast. When the dryad witch casts el-
prey on those they can charm or lure into a trap. dritch blast, it adds its Charisma modifier (+4) to
the damage it deals on a hit.

Dark Devotion. The dryad witch has advantage on

DRYAD WITCH saving throws against being charmed.
Medium fey, neutral evil
Hag’s form (Recharges after a Long Rest). The dryad
Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin) witch can magically polymorph into a small or me-
Hit Points 36 (8d8) dium humanoid for one hour. Its statistics are the
Speed 30 ft. same in each form. Any equipment it is wearing
or carrying isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA form if it dies.
10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) 18 (+4)
Magic Resistance. The dryad witch has advantage
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6 on saving throws against spells and other magical
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14 effects.
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 3 (700 XP) Speak with Beasts and Plants. The dryad witch can
communicate with beasts and plants as if they
shared a language.
Innate Spellcasting. The dryad witch’s innate spell-
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14). The Tree Stride. Once on her turn, the dryad witch can
dryad witch can innately cast the following spells, use 10 ft. of her movement to step magically into
requiring no material components: one living tree within her reach and emerge from
a second living tree within 60 ft. of the first tree,
• At will: druidcraft, detect magic appearing in an unoccupied space within 5 ft. of
• 3/day each: entangle, goodberry the second tree. Both trees must be large or big-
• 1/day each: barkskin*, pass without trace, shillelagh ger.

Spellcasting. The dryad witch is a 3rd-level spell-

caster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). It knows
the following warlock spells:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit (+6 to hit with Huge aberration, neutral evil
shillelagh), reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 2 (1d4) blud-
geoning damage, or 8 (1d8 + 4) bludgeoning dam- Armor Class 10
age with shillelagh. Hit Points 210 (20d12 + 80)
Speed 30 ft.
Fey Charm. The dryad witch targets one humanoid
or beast that she can see within 30 feet of her as STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
an action. If the target can see the dryad witch, it 21 (+5) 10 (+0) 19 (+4) 25 (+7) 20 (+5) 20 (+5)
must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or
be magically charmed. The charmed creature re- Saving Throws Int +12, Wis +10, Cha +10
gards the dryad witch as a trusted friend to be Skills Arcana +12, Deception +10, Intimidation
heeded and protected. Although the target isn’t +10, Insight +10, Perception +10, Persuasion +10
under the dryad witch’s control, it takes the dry- Damage Immunities psychic
ad’s requests or actions in the most favorable way Condition Immunities charmed, prone
it can. Each time the dryad witch or its allies do Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 20
anything harmful to the target, it can repeat the Languages Can’t speak but understands Com-
saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a suc- mon, Undercommon, Deep Speech, telepathy
cess. Otherwise, the effect lasts 24 hours or until 120 ft.
the dryad witch dies, is on a different plane of exis- Challenge 14 (11,500 XP)
tence from the target, or ends the effect as a bonus
action. If a target’s saving throw is successful, the
target is immune to the dryad witch’s fey charm Innate Spellcasting. The elder cortex’s spellcasting
for the next 24 hours. The dryad witch can have no ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 20, +12 to hit
more than one humanoid and up to three beasts with spell attacks). It can innately cast the follow-
charmed at a time. ing spells, requiring no components:

• A t will: detect thoughts, modify memory, fly, sug-

gestion, telekinesis
ELDER CORTEX • 1 /day each: dominate monster, mass suggestion,
plane shift
Elder cortices are masterminds of the aberrations
of the Farrealm and emissaries of the god-like en- • 1 /day each (powered by the cortex pods): conta-
tities that rule over the realm of madness. These gion, earthquake, fire storm, insect plague, spike
otherworldly abominations are manifestations growth, sunbeam
of the power of the mind itself. The elder cortex
drains every piece of information it can from its Detect Intellect. The elder cortex can sense the
victims along with their intellects on which it presence and location of any creature within 120
feeds. It assimilates unimaginable amounts of in- feet of it that has an Intelligence of 1 or higher,
formation and uses it to the best effect. They are regardless of interposing barriers, unless the crea-
master manipulators and negotiators, knowledge- ture is protected by a mind blank spell. The elder
able in academic lore and the art of magic. cortex can detect if a creature has an Intelligence
of 10 or higher.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Exploit Thoughts. If a creature fails a saving throw of Intelligence reduced this way, the elder cortex
against a detect thoughts spell cast by the elder regains 10 hit points.
cortex, for the duration of the spell, the elder cor-
tex can’t be surprised by the creature and has ad- Psychic Assault (Recharge 5-6). Each creature in a
vantage on attack rolls, ability checks, and saving 60-foot cone must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving
throws made against the creature. Additionally, throw. A creature takes 45 (10d8) psychic damage
the target creature has disadvantage on attack on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
rolls, ability checks, and saving throws against successful one.
the elder cortex for the duration of the detect
thoughts spell.
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the elder cortex
fails a saving throw, it can choose to succeed in- Tentacle. The elder cortex makes a tentacle at-
stead. tack.

Magic Resistance. The elder cortex has advantage Detect Thoughts. The elder cortex casts the detect
on saving throws against spells and other magical thoughts spell.
Psychic Crush (Costs 2 Actions). The elder cortex
Probing Telepathy. If a creature communicates emanates a psychic aura that causes an intense
telepathically with the elder cortex, the elder cor-
tex learns the creature’s greatest desires if the
headache to creatures with an Intelligence score
of 3 or higher. All creatures within a 60 feet radi-
elder cortex can see the creature. us must make a DC 20 Wisdom saving throw. On
a failed save, the creature gains disadvantage on
ability checks and attack rolls until the end of its
ACTIONS next turn. Spellcasters who maintain concentra-
tion on a spell, must make a DC 10 Constitution
Multiattack. The elder cortex makes three tenta- saving throw to maintain their concentration.
cle attacks.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach

30 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) bludgeoning
damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 15). ELDON LOBO
Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained.
The elder cortex has six tentacles, each of which Eldon Lobo is a member of an elite monastery ded-
can grapple one target. icated to focusing on the laws and power of Hell
through an ancient tradition known as the Way of
Intellect Drain. The elder cortex can target a crea- the Nine Seals. The bearded devil monk was recruit-
ture within 120 feet and force it to make a DC 20 ed from its masters by the Matrons of Malice to
Intelligence saving throw. On a failed save, the serve for soulbound magical weapons donated to
target creature’s Intelligence score is reduced by the monastery by the hags.
1d6. The target dies if this reduces its Intelligence
to 0. Otherwise, the reduction lasts until the tar-
get finishes a short or long rest. For each 1 point

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Devil’s Sight. Magical darkness doesn’t impede El-

don Lobo’s darkvision.

Magic Resistance. Eldon Lobo has advantage on sav-

ing throws against spells and other magical effects.

Steadfast. Eldon Lobo can’t be frightened while it

can see an allied creature within 30 feet of it.

Martial Arts. When Eldon Lobo uses the Attack ac-

tion with an unarmed strike or its dagger on
its turn, it can make one unarmed strike as
a bonus action.

Ki Points (Recharges after a Long Rest).

Eldon Lobo has 3 ki points.

Flurry of Blows. Immediately after Eldon

Lobo takes the Multiattack action on its
turn, it can spend 1 ki point to make two
unarmed strikes as a bonus action.

Hellfire Fist. Eldon Lobo can spend 1 ki point

as an action to inflame a melee weapon it
touches with hellish fire for 1 minute. Melee attacks
ELDON LOBO made with the weapon deal an extra 1d4 fire dam-
Medium fiend (devil, bearded), lawful evil age.

Armor Class 15 (unarmored defense) Patient Defense. Eldon Lobo can spend 1 ki point to
Hit Points 97 (15d8 + 30) take the Dodge action as a bonus action on its turn.
Speed 40 ft.
Step of the Wind. Eldon Lobo can spend 1 ki point
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA to take the Disengage or Dash action as a bonus
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) action on its turn, and its jump distance is doubled
for the turn
Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5, Wis +5
Skills Acrobatics +6, Athletics +6
Damage Resistances cold; bludgeoning, piercing, ACTIONS
and slashing from nonmagical attacks that aren’t
silvered Multiattack. Eldon Lobo makes two attacks: one
Damage Immunities fire, poison with its beard and one with its dagger.
Condition Immunities poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12 Beard. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Languages Common, Infernal, telepathy 120 ft. one creature. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage. The
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

throw or be poisoned for 1 minute. While poisoned EXPERT
in this way, the target can’t regain hit points. The
target can repeat the saving throw at the end of A person with extensive training and experience in
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a a particular profession is considered to be an expert
success. in its field. Therefore, people come to them for as-
sistance and respect them greatly.
Hellish sacrificial dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to
hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6
(1d4 + 4) slashing damage. If the target is a creature
other than an undead or a construct, it must suc- EXPERT
ceed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw or lose 5 Medium or small humanoid (any race), any alignment
(1d10) hit points at the start of each of its turns due
to an infernal wound. Each time Eldon Lobo hits the Armor Class 12
wounded target with this attack, the damage dealt Hit Points 9 (2d8)
by the wound increases by 5 (1d10). Any creature can Speed 30 ft.
take an action to stanch the wound with a success-
ful DC 13 Wisdom (Medicine) check. The wound also STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
closes if the target receives magical healing. 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0)

Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, Senses passive Perception 12

reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) bludgeoning
Languages Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP)

Deflect Missiles. Eldon Lobo can use its reaction
to deflect or catch the missile when it is hit by a
ranged weapon Attack. When it does so, the dam-
age it takes from the attack is reduced by 11 (1d10
+ 6). If the damage is reduced to 0, Eldon Lobo can
catch the missile if it is small enough for it to hold
in one hand and if it has at least one hand free. If it
catches a missile in this way, Eldon Lobo can spend
1 ki point to make a ranged attack (range 20 feet/60
feet) with the weapon or piece of ammunition it
has just caught, as part of the same reaction. (+6 to
hit, range 20 ft./60 ft., one creature. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3)
piercing damage.)

Eldon Logo wields a hellish sacrificial dagger.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Skill Expert. The expert makes ability checks related A humanoid or giant can become a feyrealm-born
to the tools it is proficient with with +6 modifier. creature . It keeps its statistics, except as follows.


Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. or Alignment. Feyrealm-born creatures love freedom,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing variety, and self-expression, so they lean strongly
damage. toward the gentler aspects of chaos. They value and
protect others’ freedom as well as their own, and
they are more often good than not.

FEYREALM-BORN Languages. The feyrealm-born creature speaks Elvish

and Sylvan in addition to any other languages it knows.
The ancestry of a feyrealm-born creature can be
traced back to some kind of fey roots. They are ei- Fey Blood. The feyrealm-born creature has advantage
ther born on the Feyrealm or have powerful ties to on saving throws against being charmed, and magic
it. A feyrealm-born creature has larger than usual can’t put the feyrealm-born to sleep. It is considered
eyes of strikingly light color and long pointy ears. a fey type creature for the purposes of determining
It is an emotional creature that expresses its feel- effects but otherwise retains its original creature type.
ings and is prone to sudden mood changes. Fey-
realm-born creatures love nature and animals and Innate Spellcasting. The feyrealm-born creatutre’s spell-
feel at home in the wilderness. casting ability is Charisma (DC equals 8 + your Profi-
ciency Bonus + your Charisma modifier). It can innate-
ly cast the following spells, requiring no components:

• At will: druidcraft
• 1/day each: faerie fire, invisibility, misty step

The newborn of House Ausstyl deemed to become
flesh-ripping mutant berserkers by Inheritors of
the Unbegotten are raised like vicious animals.
They are forcefully infused with the alien life
forms venerated by their druidic masters and
taught how to enhance the otherworldly
symbionts in their bodies. The frenzied mu-
tants are bred to be furious and mindless
war machines that terrorize and rip their
enemies apart. These barbarians don’t re-
semble a humanoid anymore, neither in ap-
pearance nor way of life.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Medium humanoid (drow), chaotic evil

Armor Class 15 (unarmored defense, grafted ap-

Hit Points 68 (9d8 + 18 + 10 grafted appendage)
Speed 40 ft.


16 (+3) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +6, Con +5

Skills Athletics +6, Intimidation +3, Survival +3
Damage Resistances psychic
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Elvish, Undercommon, telepathy
(one-way, 120 ft.)
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. The frenzied mutant’s spellcast-

ing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 11). It can in-
nately cast the following spells, requiring no mate-
rial components:

• At will: dancing lights

• 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire Grafted Appendages (Recharges after a Long Rest).
The frenzied mutant has an additional 10 temporary
Alien Anatomy. The frenzied mutant is considered hit points and +1 bonus to AC while it has at least
an aberration type creature for the purposes of de- 1 of these temporary hit points (both included in
termining effects but otherwise retains its original its statistics). It regains these temporary hit points
creature type. after a long rest.

Alien Mind. The frenzied mutant has resistance to Limited Telepathy. The frenzied mutant can magi-
psychic damage and advantage on saving throws cally transmit simple messages and images to any
against being charmed and frightened. The frenzied creature within 120 ft. of it that can understand a
mutant is immune to madness and spell effects that language. This form of telepathy doesn’t allow the
provoke uncontrolled action (such as confusion). receiving creature to telepathically respond.

Fey Ancestry. Magic can’t put the frenzied mutant to sleep. Reckless Attack. When the frenzied mutant makes
its first attack on its turn, it can decide to attack
Danger Sense. The frenzied mutant has advantage recklessly. Doing so gives it advantage on melee
on Dexterity saving throws against effects that it weapon attack rolls using Strength during its turn,
can see, such as traps and spells. To gain this ben- but attack rolls against it have advantage until its
efit, it can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated. next turn.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the frenzied The frenzied mutant’s rage lasts for 1 minute. It
mutant has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as ends early if it is knocked unconscious or its turn
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. ends and it hasn’t attacked a hostile creature since
its last turn or taken damage since then. It can also
Telepathic Terror. The frenzied mutant can telepath- end the rage on its turn as a bonus action. Once it
ically project its rage into the mind of its enemies has raged four times, the frenzied mutant must fin-
causing them immense pain. As a bonus action, the ish a long rest before it can rage again.
frenzied mutant can expend one use of its Rage
feature to assault the mind of a target creature.
The target creature must succeed on a DC 13 Wis-
dom saving throw or become charmed. A creature FRUMBY GOLDTOOTH
charmed this way has disadvantage on attack rolls,
ability checks, and saving throws for 1 minute. At Frumby Goldtooth is a notorious goblin warlock, a
the end of each of its turns, the target can make master crafter and purveyor of wands, and secretly
another Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the dedicated to the drow vampire lord and archmage
effect ends on the target. conjurer Faeryl Myrryn with the ultimate goal of
becoming a vampire one day. He has been exiled
Unsettling Appearance. The frenzied mutant has dis- from Gonshar by his cousin Lord Kabok Goldtooth,
advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks. who is Frumby’s greatest rival and most bitter com-
petition. Frumby specializes in crafting magic items

Multiattack. The frenzied mutant makes two at-
tacks with its bone claw or handaxe.

Bone Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5

ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.

Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,

reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6
+ 3) slashing damage.

Rage (4/day). The frenzied mutant can enter

a rage as a bonus action. While raging, the
frenzied mutant gains the following bene-
fits if it isn’t wearing heavy armor:

• It has advantage on Strength checks

and Strength Saving Throws.
• When it makes a melee weapon attack us-
ing Strength, it gains a +2 bonus to the dam-
age roll.
• It has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

and casting enchantments to enslave all manner of Children of the Night (Recharges after a Long Rest).
beings, whom he sells for hard gold to the right bid- Frumby magically calls d4 swarms of bats or rats,
der or uses as servants to do his bidding. The goblin provided that the sun isn’t up. The called creatures
warlock has served the Matrons of Malice on many arrive in 1d4 rounds, acting as allies of Frumby and
occasions but secretly plots to overtake the realm obeying his spoken commands. The beasts remain
from them. However, he is wise enough to know for 1 hour, until Frumby dies, or until he dismisses
that he lacks the power to accomplish this alone, them as a bonus action.
so he is recruiting and tricking powerful allies into
joining him in his goal to “liberate” the Bleak Mire. Bewitching Whispers (Recharges after a Long rest).
Frumby can cast compulsion once using a warlock
spell slot.

FRUMBY GOLDTOOTH Dreadful Word (Recharges after a Long rest). Frumby

Small humanoid (goblin), chaotic neutral can cast confusion once using a warlock spell slot.

Armor Class 16 (glamoured studded leather) Mystic Arcanum (Recharges after a Long Rest).
Hit Points 67 (15d6 + 15) Frumby can cast mass suggestion and finger of death
Speed 30 ft. once without expending a spell slot.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Nimble Escape. Frumby can take the Disengage or
8 (-1) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 21 (+5) Hide action as a bonus action on each of its turns.
Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +10 One with Shadows. When Frumby is in an area of
Skills Arcana +8, Deception +10, History +8, Per- dim light or darkness, he can use his action to be-
suasion +10, Stealth +13 come invisible until he moves or takes an action or
Senses darkvision 60 Ft., passive Perception 12 a reaction.
Languages Common, Goblin, Sylvan
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) Regeneration. Frumby regains 1 hit point at the start
of each of its turns if he has at least 1 hit point and
isn’t in sunlight or running water. If Frumby takes
Spellcasting. Frumby is a 15th-level spellcaster. His radiant damage or damage from holy water, this
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, +10 trait doesn’t function at the start of Frumby’s next
to hit with spell attacks). He knows the following turn.
warlock spells:
Uninterruptible Movement. Frumby can move up to
•C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, guidance, mage its speed without provoking opportunity attacks.
hand, mending, minor illusion, resistance, true strike
• 1st-5th level (3 5th level slots): banishment, charm Vampire Lord’s Blessing. When Frumby reduces a
person, contact other plane, dimension door, dispel hostile creature to 0 hit points, he gains temporary
magic, fly, gaseous form, hold monster, protection 20 hit points.
from evil and good, spider climb, suggestion, tongues,
vampiric touch Whispers of the Grave. Frumby can cast speak with
dead at will, without expending a spell slot.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Medium plant, lawful evil
Multiattack. Frumby can create three beams of el-
dritch blast. Armor Class 11
Hit Points 22 (4d8 + 4)
Eldritch Blast. Ranged Spell Attack: +10 to hit, range Speed 30 ft.
120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4) force damage.
15 (+2) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 6 (-2) 11 (+0) 7 (-2)
Damage Resistances piercing
Frumby wears an assortment of golden jewelry Damage immunities poison
worth 564 gold pieces, a +1 glamoured studded leath- Condition immunities poisoned
er armor, a ring of spell storing (with a stoneskin spell Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 10
stored in it), and carries a wand of the mimic at all Languages -
times. Challenge 1 (200 XP)

FUNGOID Communication Spores. As a bonus action, a fungoid

within 30 feet distance of another fungoid can emit
Fungoids are semi-intelligent genderless mushroom a cloud of communication spores that allow them to
creatures with humanoid-like anatomy, or- transfer basic messages between themselves. These
ganizing their savage colonies into tribal spores numb the vocal system of other creatures,
units without leaders or any form of hi- preventing them from communicating via speech. A
erarchy. They feed on their own kind, creature within this spore cloud must
which they cultivate on the flesh make a DC 11 Constitution saving
of their victims. The weakest and throw. On a failed save, the crea-
most deformed specimens are ture loses the ability to speak for
consumed first, allowing the 1 minute. A creature can repeat
tribe to survive even in the the saving throw at the end of
harshest conditions. Be- each of its turns, ending the ef-
sides growing their own fect on itself on a success.
species, they also cul-
tivate various types Parasitic Spore Discharge.
of mushrooms When the fungoid dies,
with a wide va- it releases its con-
riety of magi- sciousness in a
cal effects. cloud of spores

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

that covers a 30 feet radius area. One creature family tradition by joining the Royal Army. After
within the spore clud’s area must succeed on a DC years of battle training, service, and rapid military
11 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save the progress, the noble rose to a high rank. Upon his
creature is diseased. A creature diseased this way is ascension to the rank of general, Sundamar Storm-
incapacitated and loses control of its body. The fun- breaker took an oath to the Wondermaker, and
goid now controls the body and uses the diseased serves the god of Magic as a holy warrior and pro-
target’s statistics, but doesn’t gain access to the tar- tector. The general is an organized strategist who
get’s knowledge, class features, or proficiencies. The knows his options and makes his choices carefully,
disease lasts until the body drops to 0 hit points, or while inspiring his troops.
the spores are removed by a spell or effect that can
remove diseases. When the disease ends, the fun-
goid’s consciousness ceases to exist.
ACTIONS Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral

Multiattack. The fungoid makes two attacks: one Armor Class 23 (+1 plate, +1 shield, defense)
with its spear and one with its bite. Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft.
Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit,
reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 +
2) piercing damage.
19 (+4)
13 (+1)
17 (+3)
14 (+2)
16 (+3)
17 (+3)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +7 (+3 on all saving
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage. throws from Aura of Protection)
Skills Athletics +8, Insight +7
Spore Blower (Recharge 6). The fungoid can blow a Senses passive Perception 13
cloud of fungal spores in a 15 feet cone with the use Languages Common
of a special spore blower tool similar to a blowgun. Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
The special spore ammunition is stored inside the
body of the fungoid and are nonmagical and can
emulate any of the following spell effects that tar- Spellcasting. General Sundamar Stormbreaker is a
get all creatures within the area of the cone: color 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Cha-
spray, faerie fire, sleep. risma (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks).
General Sundamar Stormbreaker has the following
paladin spells prepared:
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, detect evil and good,
STORMBREAKER expeditious retreat, shield, shield of faith*
• 2 nd level (2 slots): blur, branding smite, darkvision,
Born into generations of loyal noble warriors, Sun- lesser restoration
damar Stormbreaker is the symbol of stability and
a true pillar of the Kingdom of Aglarion. Rejected *General Sundamar Stormbreaker casts these spells
from the Arcane Tower, the young lord followed on himself before combat.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

er of his commands. As a bonus action, on his turn

General Sundamar Stormbreaker can choose any
number of creatures other than himself within 60
feet of him who can hear him. Those creatures gain
one Command die, a d10. Once within the next 10
minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the
number rolled to one ability check. The creature
can wait until after it rolls the d20 before decid-
ing to use the Command die, but must decide
before the DM says whether the roll succeeds or
fails. Once the Command die is rolled, it is lost.
A creature can have only one Command die at a
time. General Sundamar Stormbreaker regains any
expended uses when he finishes a long rest.

 rder of Charge. General Sundamar Stormbreak-
er can expend one use of his Commander’s Or-
der ability to double the movement speed of
the creatures he chooses until the end of their
next turn.

 rder of Defense. General Sundamar Storm-
breaker can expend one use of his Command-
er’s Orders to allow the creatures he chooses
gain and roll the Command die and add the
number rolled to one saving throw.

Defense. When General Sundamar Stormbreaker is

wearing armor, he gains a +1 bonus to AC.

Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Divine Health. General Sundamar Stormbreaker is
General Sundamar Stormbreaker can take one ad- immune to disease.
ditional action on top of his regular action and a
possible bonus action. Divine Smite. When General Sundamar Stormbreak-
er hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, he
Aura of Protection. Whenever General Sundamar can expend one spell slot to deal radiant damage
Stormbreaker or a friendly creature within 10 feet to the target, in addition to the weapon’s damage.
of him must make a saving throw, the creature The extra damage is 9 (2d8) for a 1st-level spell slot,
gains a bonus to the saving throw equal to Gen- 13 (3d8) for a 2nd-level spell slot, or 18 (4d8) for a
eral Sundamar Stormbreaker’s Charisma modifier 3rd-level spell slot. The damage increases by 1d8 if
(+3). General Sundamar Stormbreaker must be con- the target is an undead or a fiend.
scious to grant this bonus.
Indomitable (Recharges after a Long Rest). General
Commander’s Orders (3/Day). General Sundamar Sundamar Stormbreaker can reroll a saving throw
Stormbreaker can inspire others through the pow- that he fails. If he does so, he must use the new roll.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Oath of Devotion (Recharges after a Short or a Long
General Sundamar Stormbreaker can use a bonus Rest). General Sundamar Stormbreaker can chan-
action to regain hit points equal to 15 (1d10 + 10). nel divine energy to fuel either of the following
magical effects:

ACTIONS • S acred Weapon. General Sundamar Stormbreak-

er can imbue one weapon that he is holding
Multiattack. General Sundamar Stormbreaker with positive energy, using his Channel Divin-
makes three melee attacks. ity. For 1 minute, he can add +3 to attack rolls
made with that weapon. The weapon also emits
+2 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach bright light in a 20-foot radius and dim light 20
5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing damage. feet beyond that. If the weapon is not already
magical, it becomes magical for the duration.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, General Sundamar Stormbreaker can end this
reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d10 + 1) pierc- effect on his turn as part of any other action. If
ing damage. he is no longer holding or carrying this weap-
on, or if he falls unconscious, this effect ends.
Divine Sense (4/Day). General Sundamar Storm-
breaker can detect evil forces. Until the end of its •T
 urn the Unholy. General Sundamar Stormbreak-
next turn, he knows the location of any celestial, er presents his holy symbol and speaks a prayer
fiend, or undead within 60 feet of him that is not
behind total cover. He knows the type (celestial,
censuring fiends and undead, using his Channel
Divinity. Each fiend or undead that can see or
fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence hear him within 30 feet of him must make a
he senses, but not its identity. Within the same Wisdom saving throw. If the creature fails its
radius, General Sundamar Stormbreaker also de- saving throw, it is turned for 1 minute or until
tects the presence of any place or object that has it takes damage. A turned creature must spend
been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hal- its turns trying to move as far away from him
low spell. as it can, and it can’t willingly move to a space
within 30 feet of him. It also can’t take reac-
Lay on Hands (Recharges after a Long Rest). Gener- tions. For its action, it can use only the Dash
al Sundamar Stormbreaker can touch a creature action or try to escape from an effect that pre-
and draw power from his pool of 25 hit points vents it from moving. If there’s nowhere to
to restore a number of hit points to that crea- move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
ture, up to the maximum amount remaining in
his pool. Alternatively, General Sundamar Storm-
breaker can expend 5 hit points from his pool of
healing to cure the target of one disease or neu- EQUIPMENT
tralize one poison affecting it. General Sundam-
ar Stormbreaker can cure multiple diseases and General Sundamar Stormbreaker wields a +2 long-
neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of sword, a +1 shield, and wears +1 plate armor.
Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for
each one. This feature has no effect on undead
and constructs.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The largest of the Uncanny Vagabonds, Gren, a
serious but cheerful young man, has gained fame
and reputation within the ranks of his family
with his daring approach to problems and his
skills as an entertainer. He never knew his father,
and he was only a young boy when his mother,
an exceptionally beautiful woman, died. On her
deathbed, she told the family that Gren’s father
was none other than King Waldrann Azennar,
and she proved it with a love letter that the
king wrote to her almost a decade ago. The
letter proved genuine, but it only proves
that Gren’s mother and the king had an
affair. The Uncanny Vagabonds couldn’t
care less, and they know that whatever
proof they had would never be enough
to turn Gren into royalty. They consider
the option as one of their amusing stories
and keep calling Gren “Your highness” for
the fun of it.

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral • Cantrips (at will): message, true strike
• 1st level (3 slots): bane, charm person, cure wounds,
Armor Class 14 (studded leather) heroism*, sleep
Hit Points 90 (12d8 + 36)
Speed 30 ft. *Gren casts these spells before combat.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bardic Inspiration (Recharges after a Long Rest).
16 (+3) 14 (+2) 17 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2) Gren has 2 bardic inspirations (d6).

Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +5 Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Gren can use
Skills Acrobatics +5, Deception +5, Perception +5, a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide
Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8 action.
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Thieves’ cant (Vagabond) Evasion. If Gren is subjected to an effect that allows
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) him to make a Dexterity saving throw to take only
half damage, he instead takes no damage if he suc-
ceeds on the saving throw, and only half damage if
Spellcasting. Gren is a 2nd-level spellcaster. His he fails.
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5
to hit with spell attacks). Gren has the following Fast hands. On each of his turns, Gren can use a
bard spells prepared: bonus action to make a Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

check, use his thieves’ tools to disarm a trap or open
a lock, or take the Use and Object action. REACTIONS
Jack of All Trades. Gren can add +1 to any ability Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that Gren can see
checks he makes that doesn’t already include his hits him with an attack, he can use his reaction to
proficiency bonus. halve the attack’s damage against him.

Second-Story Work. Gren can climb at his normal

speed. When Gren makes a running jump, the dis- EQUIPMENT
tance he can cover is increased by 2 feet.
Gren has 13 copper pieces, 3 silver pieces, 21 gold
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Gren deals an extra 14 (4d6) pieces, a +1 longsword, and a potion of healing on his
damage when he hits a target with a weapon attack person.
and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the
target is within 5 ft. of an ally of Gren’s that isn’t
incapacitated and Gren doesn’t have disadvantage
on the attack roll. GRORRARR
Song of Rest. Gren can perform a song while taking Upon his death at old age, Kalymorr the Gorgon
a short rest. Any ally who hears the song regains Rider, the solitary druid of the King’s Forest, has
an extra 1d6 hit points if it spends any hit dice to
regain hit points at the end of that rest. Gren can
reincarnated as an owlbear. The Eternal Mother
gifted the venerable druid with a young body of a
confer this benefit on itself as well. monstrosity and allowed him to continue his work
by retaining his memories and knowledge. The owl-
Vagabond Bloodline. Gren can cast guidance without bear knows who it was in its past life, re-named
any components. Once Gren uses this feature, he itself Grorrarr, and continued with its duties.
can’t use it again until finishing a long rest.

Large monstrosity, neutral
Multiattack. Gren makes two melee attacks.
Armor Class 13 (Natural Armor)
+1 Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 Hit Points 136 (16d10 + 48)
ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage plus 24 Speed 40 ft.
(7d6) poison damage. The target must make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, taking the poison damage STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
on a failed save, or half as much damage on a success- 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 7 (-2)
ful one.
Skills Medicine +7, Perception +7
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage Languages Common, Druidic
plus 24 (7d6) poison damage. The target must make Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)
a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, taking the poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on
a successful one.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. Grorrarr is a 9th-level spellcaster. Its Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 15, +7 one target. Hit: 14 (2d8 + 5) slashing damage.
to hit with spell attacks). It has the following druid
spells prepared: Wild Shape (Recharges after a Short or a Long Rest).
Twice per day, Grorrarr can use its action to magi-
•C  antrips (at will): druidcraft, guidance, poison cally assume the shape of a beast. The beast can be
spray, produce flame CR 1 or less, with a fly or swimming speed. Grorrarr
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, jump, can stay in a beast shape for four hours. This abili-
speak with animals ty otherwise functions as the wild shape ability of
• 2 nd level (3 slots): barkskin*, gust of wind, heat met- the druid class.
al, spider climb
• 3 rd level (3 slots): call lightning, dispel magic, plant
growth, speak with plants
• 4 th level (3 slots):, divination, dominate beast, free- GYGOR
dom of movement*, ice storm
• 5 th level (1 slots): awaken, commune with nature, Gygor, the despair giant, took over its tribe after
tree stride defeating the preceding chieftain, Hymmir, who
went mad. The Matrons of Malice soon visited
* Grorrarr casts these spells on itself before combat. the giant in its dreams and offered it magical
powers in return for its servitude. Gygor accept-
Keen Sight and Smell. Grorrarr has advantage on Wis- ed its new patrons in the hope of protecting it-
dom (Perception) checks that rely on sight or smell. self against the magical powers it found so hard
to comprehend. It learned what it could from
Land’s Stride. Moving through nonmagical difficult the witchcraft taught by the hags during his viv-
terrain costs no extra movement for Grorrarr. It can id dreams, but it still struggles to utilize them
also pass through nonmagical plants without being effectively.
slowed by them and without taking damage from
them if they have thorns, spines, or a similar haz-
ard. In addition, Grorrarr has advantage on saving
throws against plants that are magically created or GYGOR
manipulated to impede movement, such those cre- Huge giant, neutral evil
ated by the entangle spell.
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Natural Recovery. (Recharges after a Long Rest). Hit Points 178 (17d12 + 68)
During a short rest, Grorrarr can choose five ex- Speed 40 ft.
pended spell slots to recover.
21 (+5) 8 (-1) 19 (+4) 9 (-1) 10 (+0) 7 (-2)
Saving Throws Wis +3, Cha +1
Multiattack. Grorrarr makes two attacks: one with Skills Perception +3
its beak and one with its claws. Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Giant
Beak. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
one creature. Hit: 10 (1d10 + 5) piercing damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. Gygor is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its ACTIONS
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 9, +1
to hit with spell attacks). Gygor knows the follow- Multiattack. The despair giant makes two greatclub
ing warlock spells: attacks.

•C  antrips (at will): chill touch, eldritch blast, true Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10
strike ft., one target. Hit: 18 (3d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage.
• 1st-3rd level (2 3rd level slots): expeditious retreat,
fear, fly, hellish rebuke, mirror image*, misty step, Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 60/240
protection from evil and good ft., one target. Hit: 21 (3d10 + 5) bludgeoning damage.

*Gygor casts these spells on itself before combat. Sign of Ill Omen (Recharges after a Long Rest). Gygor
can cast bestow curse once using a warlock spell
Aura of Despair. The despair giant is constantly slot.
surrounded by a 10-foot radius aura of despair. A
creature within the aura must make a DC 9 Charis- Painful Incantation (Recharges after a Long Rest). As
ma saving throw at the beginning of its turn. On a a bonus action, Gygor can choose to use painful in-
failed save, the creature suffers disadvantage on at- cantation when it rolls damage for a spell and force
tack rolls and ability checks until the end of its turn. the damaged creature to make a DC 9 Constitution
On a successful save, the creature is unaffected. saving throw. On a fail save, the target creature’s

Dark Devotion. Gygor has advantage on saving

speed is halved, it has disadvantage on attacks, skill
checks, Strength, Dexterity saving throws for 1 min-
throws against being charmed. ute, and if the target tries to cast a spell during this
time, it must first succeed on a Constitution saving
Devil’s Sight. Gygor can see normally in darkness, throw, or the casting fails and the spell is wasted. A
both magical and nonmagical, to a distance of 120 target suffering from this pain can make a Consti-
feet. tution saving throw at the end of each of its turns.
On a successful save, the pain ends.
Devoid of Emotions. The despair giant is immune to
effects that would alter or modify its emotions.

Hag’s Form (Recharges after a Long Rest). As a bonus

action, Gygor can magically polymorph into a small HAGSPAWN TEMPLATE
or medium humanoid for one hour. Gygor’s statis-
tics are the same in each form. Any equipment Gy- Hagspawns are either born to hags or women who
gor is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. Gygor mated with a hag that took on a male form. These
reverts to its true form if it dies. women usually die during birthing the ugly and
physically disfigured hagspawn. If they survive the
One with Shadows. When Gygor is in an area of dim fear and ire of the community, these children are
light or darkness, it can use its action to become often abandoned, left to survive on their own, or
invisible until it moves or takes an action or a re- kept hidden from society. They are usually evil in-
action. dividuals who keep their powers secret and find it
hard to fit into their despised societies.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

HAGSPAWN TEMPLATE Regeneration. The hagspawn regains 5 hit points at

the start of its turn. If the hagspawn takes radi-
Only a humanoid can become a hagspawn. It other- ant damage or damage from a silvered weapon, this
wise retains its statistics, except as follows. trait doesn’t function at the start of the hagspawn’s
next turn. The hagspawn dies only if it starts its
turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regenerate.

The ancient sentient tree created by the Seven Flow-
ers thousands of years ago was corrupted by the
Matrons of Malice upon their rise to power. They
imprisoned the souls of the hags who resisted their
rule or challenged them into the tree, thereby creat-
ing the Hagtree. The midnight hag coven closed the
planar entries to their newly conquered Feyrealm
domain and narrowed down the option to enter
from any of the coexistent planes only through the
Hagtree itself. The devious and vile hags bound to
the tree allow passage to the other planes only if
one sacrifices a virtue to them, which they request
rather greedily.

Alignment. A hagspawn is always evil. Huge plant, neutral evil

Blessing of the Hagmother’s Milk. Hagspawn are im- Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
mune to the charmed and poisoned condition. Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80)
Speed 0 ft.
Claws. The hagspawn is proficient with its unarmed
strikes, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
23 (+6) 8 (-1) 21 (+5) 12 (+1) 16 (+3) 24 (+7)
False Appearance. The hagspawn can cast the alter
self spell. A hagspawn can’t use this feature again Skills Deception +11, Insight +7, Perception +11
until it finishes a long rest. Damage Vulnerabilities fire
Unnatural Strength. A hagspawn has a minimum Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing
Strength score of 16. Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 21
Senses. The hagspawn gains darkvision with a radi- Languages Abyssal, Common, Druidic, Infernal,
us of 60 feet. Sylvan, but can’t speak, telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Innate Spellcasting. The Hagtree’s innate spellcast- ACTIONS
ing ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit
with spell attacks). It can innately cast the follow- Multiattack. The Hagtree makes two slam attacks.
ing spells, requiring no material components: Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 16 (3d6 + 6) bludgeoning dam-
• At will: detect magic, detect evil and good, magic age. The target creature must succeed on a DC 15
missile, see invisibility Wisdom saving throw or become cursed. While
cursed, the target must make a Wisdom saving
All-around Vision. The Hagtree can not be surprised throw at the start of each of its turns. If it fails,
and has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks it wastes its action that turn doing nothing. The
that rely on sight. target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Magic Resistance. The Hagtree has advantage on success.
saving throws against spells and other magical ef-
fects. Animate Trees (1/Day). The Hagtree magically ani-
mates three trees it can see within 60 feet of it.
Planar Coexistence. The Hagtree exists simultane- These trees have the same statistics as a treant,
ously on all of the coexistent planes, namely the except they have Intelligence and Charisma scores
Ethereal, Feyrealm, Material Plane, the Shadow- of 1, they can’t speak, and they have only the Slam
realm. It can see through and affect creatures on action option. An animated tree acts as an ally of
these planes with its spells and attacks. the Hagtree. The tree remains animate for 1 day
or until it dies; until the treant dies or is more
Regeneration. The Hagtree regains 10 hit points than 120 feet from the tree; or until the hagtree
at the start of its turn. If the hagtree takes fire takes a bonus action to turn it back into an in-
damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start of animate tree. The tree then takes root if possible.
the hagtree’s next turn. The Hagtree dies only if it
starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t regen-

Siege Monster. The Hagtree deals double damage to HAURIS

objects and structures.
Hauris is a crafty doppelganger agent of the Gold-
Soul Burst. When the Hagtree dies, it explodes with en Masks, overseeing the gambling operations of
the souls of the hags and victims imprisoned inside the organization. He runs the Triple Nine Gam-
it, their souls bursting through any creatures in bling Hall, the primary source of gambling income
the area of effect. Each creature within 30 feet of for the criminal organization. Heuris also master-
it must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw, taking minds and undertakes daring cons and heists in
(15d6) psychic damage on a failed save, or half as Onadbyr under the guise of multiple personalities
much damage on a successful one. Any creature and its lies bolstered by bardic abilities. Hauris
who has sacrificed a virtue to the Hagtree while will not pause to bend opponents to its will and
passing through it to another plane immediately is a vengeful creature if anyone should dare to
recovers its sacrifice. interfere in its schemes.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

choosing one creature within 5 feet of it as the tar-

HAURIS get. The target must attempt a DC 17 Wisdom (In-
Medium monstrosity (shapechanger, doppelganger), sight) check. On a failed check, Hauris has advan-
neutral evil tage on its melee attack rolls against that creature
and the creature has disadvantage on attack rolls
Armor Class 15 (studded leather) until the start of Hauris’ next turn.
Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22)
Speed 30 ft. Jack of All Trades. Hauris can add +1 to any ability
checks he makes that doesn’t already include his
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA proficiency bonus.
15 (+2) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 16 (+3)
Surprise Attack. If Hauris surprises a creature and
Saving Throws Dex +5, Cha +5 hits it with an attack during the first round of com-
Skills Deception +7, Insight +3, Intimidation +7, bat, the target takes an extra 10 (3d6) damage from
Persuasion +5, Sleight of Hand +7 the attack.
Condition Immunities charmed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 11
Languages Common, Thieves’ cant ACTIONS
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
Multiattack. Hauris makes two melee attacks.

Shapechanger. Hauris can use its action to poly- Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
morph into a small or medium humanoid it has target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeoning damage.
seen, or back into its true form. Its statistics, other
than its size, are the same in each form. Any equip- Captivating Monologue (Recharges after a Short or
ment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It Long Rest). If Hauris talks to an audience for at least
reverts to its true form if it dies. 1 minute, it can attempt to captivate them with
style and colorful phrases. At the end of the perfor-
Spellcasting. Hauris is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its mance, Hauris can choose 3 humanoids within 60
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5 feet of it who watched and listened to the mono-
to hit with spell attacks). Hauris has the following logue. Each target must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
bard spells prepared: saving throw or be charmed. While charmed in this
way, the target has disadvantage on all Wisdom (In-
• Cantrips (at will): message, minor illusion sight) checks against Hauris. This effect ends on the
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, heroism*, hideous target after 1 hour, if it takes any damage, if Hau-
laughter, illusory script ris attacks it, or if it witnesses Hauris attacking or
• 2nd level (2 slots): invisibility, suggestion damaging any of its allies. If a target succeeds on
its saving throw, the target has no hint that Hauris
*Hauris casts these spells on itself before combat. tried to charm it.

Ambusher. In the first round of a combat, Hauris has Read Thoughts. Hauris magically reads the surface
advantage on attack rolls against any creature it has thoughts of one creature within 60 ft. of it. The
surprised. effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 ft. of wood or
dirt, 2 ft. of stone, 2 inches of metal, or a thin sheet
Battle Feint (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). of lead blocks it. While the target is in range, Hauris
As a bonus action, Hauris can attack with a feint, can continue reading the target’s thoughts, as long

79 0
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

as its concentration isn’t broken (as if concentrating
on a spell). While reading the target’s mind, Hauris
has advantage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma
(Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks
against the target.

As inheritors of the bloodline of chaos, these sorcer-
ers are true manifestations of entropy, bending the
natural order of reality around them and destroying
matter with their touch. These entropists are true be-
lievers in the power of their heritage and fanatically
strive to bring about the eventual ruin of everything
into chaos. In Aglarion, the heirs of entropy share the
bloodline of Lord Ziademos Gorso, which grants them
the sorcerous powers of the Elemental Chaos.

Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral

Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor)

Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Speed 30 ft.


10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Con +2, Cha +4

Skills Arcana +3, Religion +3 • 1st level (4 slots): mage armor*, magic missile
Senses passive Perception 10 • 2nd level (2 slots): misty step, shatter
Languages Common and two other
Challenge 1 (200 XP) *The heir of entropy casts these spells on itself be-
fore combat.

Spellcasting. The heir of entropy is a 3rd-level spell- Aura of Entropy. The heir of entropy emanates an
caster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save aura of entropy that interferes with the natural or-
DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The heir of entro- der of reality. The radius of the aura is 5 feet. Within
py has the following sorcerer spells prepared: this area, objects cannot be repaired (ex.: by mend-
ing spell) Additionally, all healing effects are ham-
 antrips (at will): fire bolt, message, shocking grasp, pered by the aura and require a DC 10 Constitution
true strike saving throw to function.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Careful Spell. When the heir of entropy casts a spell IARA

that forces other creatures to make a saving throw,
it can protect some of those creatures from the These creatures are the cursed offspring of hags
spell’s full force. To do so, it can spend 1 sorcery that mated with intelligent aquatic creatures. The
point and choose two of those creatures. A chosen iara hunt small bodies of water and feed on intelli-
creature automatically succeeds on its saving throw gent lifeforms that fall prey to their luring scent or
against the spell. spells. These creatures naturally feel inferior to hags
and act subserviently towards them, offering their
Empowered Spell. When the heir of entropy rolls dam- slaves and even their treasure to them.
age for a spell, you can spend 1 sorcery point to reroll
two of the damage dice. The heir of entropy must use
the new rolls. The heir of entropy can use empowered
spell even if it has already used a different metamagic IARA
option during the casting of the spell. Medium monstrosity, chaotic evil

Font of Magic (Recharges after a Long Rest). The heir Armor Class 12
of entropy has three sorcery points. As a bonus ac- Hit Points 49 (9d8 + 9)
tion the heir of entropy can transform unexpended Speed 20 ft., swim 40 ft.
sorcery points into one spell slot on its turn, a 1st
level spell slot for 2 points and a 2nd level spell slot STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
for 3 slots. Alternatively, the heir of entropy can 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 17 (+3)
expend one spell slot and gain a number of sorcery
points equal to the slot’s level. Damage immunities poison
Condition immunities poisoned
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Aquan, Common, Sylvan
ACTIONS Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range

20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage. Innate Spellcasting. The iara’s spellcasting ability is
Charisma (spell save DC 13). It can innately cast the
Touch of Entropy. The heir of entropy can destroy following spells, requiring only verbal components:
objects with its touch. If the object isn’t being worn
or carried, the touch of the heir of entropy destroys • At will: bane, vicious mockery
a tiny object. If the object is being worn or carried • 1/day each: charm person, hideous laughter
by a creature, the creature can make a DC 12 Dex-
terity saving throw to avoid the touch of the heir Amphibious. The iara can breathe air and water.
of entropy. If the object touched is a non-magical
weapon being carried, it takes a permanent and cu-
mulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its penalty ACTIONS
drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. If the object
touched is either a nonmagical armor or a nonmag- Multiattack. The iara makes two attacks with its claw.
ical shield being worn or carried, it takes a perma-
nent and cumulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers. Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield that drops one target. Hit: 8 (2d4 + 3) slashing damage and 3
to a +0 bonus is destroyed. (1d6) poison damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

5 feet. It doesn’t avoid opportunity attacks, but be-
fore moving into damaging terrain, such as lava or
a pit, and whenever it takes damage from a source
other than the iara, the target can repeat the saving
throw. A charmed target can also repeat the saving
throw at the end of each of its turns. If the saving
throw is successful, the effect ends on it. A target
that successfully saves is immune to this iara’s song
for the next 24 hours.

Incubus pirates pillage the coasts of the Styx, the
multiverse, or even the Material Plane for loot and
slaves. They often serve as crews on planar vessels
captained by greater fiends. They are hardened sail-
ors who employ roguish tactics in addition to the
guiles ebbing from their fiendish natures. They are
masters of infiltration and often break down their
targets’ defenses before storming them in full force.

Medium fiend (shapechanger), neutral evil

Armor Class 15 (natural armor)

Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15)
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.


8 (-1) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 20 (+5)
Luring Scent. The iara emits a mesmerizing scent.
Every creature within 300 feet of the iara that can Skills Acrobatics +9, Deception +11, Insight +7,
smell its luring scent must succeed on a DC 13 Wis- Perception +7, Persuasion +11, Stealth +9
dom saving throw or be charmed. The scent ends if Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, poison;
the iara is incapacitated. While charmed by the iara, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-
a target is incapacitated, ignores the scent of other magical attacks
iara, and perceives the iara as a beautiful woman of Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17
its own race and regards it as its true love. If the Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, telepathy
charmed target is more than 5 feet away from the 60 ft.
iara, the target must move on its turn toward the Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
iara by the most direct route, trying to get within

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shapechanger. The incubus pirate can use its action fers any harm or receives a suicidal command, it
to polymorph into a small or medium humanoid, can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a
or back into its true form. Without wings, the fiend success. If the target successfully saves against the
loses its flying speed. Other than its size and speed, effect, or if the effect on it ends, the target is im-
its statistics are the same in each form. Any equip- mune to the incubus pirate’s charm for the next 24
ment it is wearing or carrying isn’t transformed. It hours. The incubus pirate can have only one target
reverts to its true form if it dies. charmed at a time. If it charms another, the effect
on the previous target ends.
Evasion. The incubus pirate can nimbly dodge out of
the way of certain area effects. When it is subject- Draining Kiss. The incubus pirate kisses a creature
ed to an effect that allows it to make a Dexterity charmed by it or a willing creature. The target must
saving throw to take only half damage, the incubus make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw against
pirate instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the this magic, taking 32 (5d10 + 5) psychic damage on a
saving throw, and only half damage if it fails. failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
one. The target’s hit point maximum is reduced by
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The incubus pirate deals an an amount equal to the damage taken. This reduc-
extra 14 (4d6) damage when it hits a target with tion lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maxi-
roll, or when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally of mum to 0.
his that isn’t incapacitated and the incubus pirate
doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. Etherealness. As a bonus action, the incubus pirate
magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the Mate-
Telepathic Bond. The incubus pirate ignores the rial Plane, or vice versa.
range restriction on its telepathy when commu-
nicating with a creature it has charmed. The two
don’t even need to be on the same plane of exis- EQUIPMENT
An incubus pirate has thieves’ tools, a potion of heal-
ing, and 75 gold pieces on its person.
Multiattack. The incubus pirate makes two melee
attacks with its scimitar or claw.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing damage. Inheritors of the Unbegotten are nobles of the
drow House Ausstyl. They have been, since the
Claw (Fiend Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to dawn of the Feyrealm, venerating unimaginable
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) slashing aberrations that have infused both their bodies
damage. and minds. These druids are fanatically dedicated
to the fleshwarping traditions of their circle and
Charm. One humanoid the incubus pirate can see nurture such aberrant implants as regular druids
within 30 feet of it must succeed on a DC 16 Wis- grow plants or raise animals. Their secrets and
dom saving throw or be magically charmed for 1 incomprehensible agenda originate from the Far-
day. The charmed target obeys the incubus pirate’s realm and drive them with a sadistic and cruel de-
verbal or telepathic commands. If the target suf- sire to conquer the world.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Innate Spellcasting. The Inheritor of the Unbegot-
INHERITOR OF THE UNBEGOTTEN ten’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
Medium humanoid (drow), neutral evil 13). It can innately cast the following spells, requir-
ing no material components:
Armor Class 16 (chuul carapace breast plate)
Hit Points 45 (10d8) • At will: dancing lights
Speed 30 ft. • 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Spellcasting. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten is a
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10th-level spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wis-
dom (spell save DC 16, +8 to hit with spell attacks).
Saving Throws Int +5, Wis +8 It has the following druid spells prepared:
Skills Intimidation +5, Nature +5, Perception +8,
Religion +5, Stealth +6 •C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, druidcraft, poison
Damage Resistances psychic spray, resistance, shillelagh
Condition Immunities charmed • 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, goodberry
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 • 2 nd level (3 slots): blur*, detect thoughts, heat met-
Languages Elvish, Undercommon, Deep Speech, al, hold person, lesser restoration, spider climb
Druidic, telepathy (one-way, 120 ft.) • 3 rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, gaseous form, spirit
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) guardians, water breathing, wind wall
• 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, black tentacles, con-
fusion, freedom of movement*
• 5 th level (2 slots): antilife shell, contact other plane,
hallow, mass cure wounds

*The Inheritor of the Unbegotten casts these spells

on itself before combat.

Alien Anatomy. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten is

considered an aberration type creature for the pur-
poses of determining effects but otherwise retains
its original creature type.

Alien Mind. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten has re-

sistance to psychic damage and advantage on sav-
ing throws against being frightened. The Inheritor
of the Unbegotten are immune to madness and
spell effects that provoke uncontrolled action (such
as confusion).

Fey Ancestry. Magic can’t put the Inheritor of the

Unbegotten to sleep.

Incomprehensible Intellect. The thoughts of the In-

heritor of the Unbegotten can’t be read by magical
means and it is immune to being charmed.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Limited Telepathy. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten ture to emulate one special trait of any aberration
can magically transmit simple messages and imag- type creature of CR 3 or lower for one minute. If
es to any creature within 120 ft. of it that can un- there is a saving throw associated with the special
derstand a language. This form of telepathy doesn’t trait then the saving throw is made against DC 16.
allow the receiving creature to telepathically re-
Unsettling Appearance. The Inheritor of the Unbe-
gotten has disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) An Inheritor of the Unbegotten carries a whip of
skill checks. tentacles.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the Inheritor

of the Unbegotten has disadvantage on attack rolls,
as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely
Voice of the Void. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten can These abominations are the hunters of the aberra-
make itself understood with aberrations that don’t tions from the Farrealm. No creature can escape
speak Dark Speech or are not capable of speech. their interdimensional receptacles and tentacles
that both know no boundaries. Once in the para-
lyzing grasp of the interdimensional strangler, the
ACTIONS victim is prevented from escaping. Interdimensional
stranglers are known to hold such victims for eter-
Whip of Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, nity on the Farrealm where time and space have no
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing dam- meaning.
age, and the target must succeed on DC 11 Constitu-
tion save or become poisoned for one minute. The
target can attempt a new save at the end of its turn.
A successful save ends the poisoned condition. INTERDIMENSIONAL STRANGLER
Huge aberration, neutral evil
Enslave (Recharges after a Long Rest). The Inheri-
tor of the Unbegotten can cast the dominate per- Armor Class 12 (natural)
son spell without expending a spell slot or material Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80)
components. Speed 30 ft.

Wild Shape (Recharges after a Short or a Long Rest). STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Twice per day, the Inheritor of the Unbegotten can 23 (+6) 10 (+0) 21 (+5) 15 (+2) 17 (+3) 21 (+5)
use its action to magically assume the shape of a
beast. The beast can be CR 1 or less, with a fly or Saving Throws Con +10, Int +7, Wis +8
swimming speed. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten Skills Intimidation +10, Insight +8,
can stay in beast shape for five hours. This ability Condition Immunities charmed, prone
otherwise functions as the wild shape ability of the Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 13
druid class. Languages Can’t speak but understands Com-
mon, Undercommon, Deep Speech, telepathy 120 ft.
Manifest Aberrant Trait. The Inheritor of the Unbe- Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)
gotten can expend one use of its Wild Shape fea-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Innate Spellcasting. The interdimensional stran- Interdimensional Scrying. The interdimensional

gler’s spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save strangler can see and hear a particular creature
DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately that it is targeting with a scrying spell even if the
cast the following spells, requiring no components: target creature is not on the same plane as the
interdimensional strangler.
• At will: detect thoughts, dimension door, plane
shift, ray of enfeeblement, scrying Interdimensional Tentacles. The interdimensional
strangler can extend its tentacles into any location
Dimensional Tethering. A creature grappled by the that it has already seen. This location can be on
tentacles of the interdimensional strangler is pre- any plane of existence. The interdimensional stran-
vented from changing its location by using any gler can attempt to drag a huge size or smaller
means of dimensional movement, teleportation, or creature that it has grappled over to the place it
planar travel. currently inhabits, even if the target is on anoth-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

er plane of existence. A creature pulled through JASMIN JOHANDULC

the dimensions this way must succeed on a DC 19
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the crea- Born in Eldorn in the Drayl City-States, Jasmin Jo-
ture is pulled from the other dimension and ap- handulc was the adventuring partner of Jorar Drayl,
pears within 20 feet of the interdimensional stran- the lord of Eldorn, a famed monster hunter. Once
gler. When reaching to another plane and being she distanced herself from her lord, Jasmin Jo-
separated from its body, a tentacle has AC 12 and handulc founded a mercenary company called the
20 hit points. Any nondamaging spell or effect that Ravens of Winter and has been leading them for
targets the tentacle also targets the interdimen- countless years. The mercenary captain seems age-
sional strangler. Whenever a tentacle’s hit points less, however, her prowess on the battlefield speaks
reach 0 hit points it is severed and the interdimen- of lifetimes of battles. She values loyalty above all
sional strangler takes 10 hit points of damage. At and handles disloyal members of his company with
the end of its turn, the interdimensional strangler a firm hand, and immediate expulsion.
grows a tentacle to replace the tentacle that was
severed since its last turn. The interdimensional
strangler regains 10 hit points for a tentacle re-
grown this way. JASMIN JOHANDULC
Medium humanoid (human), lawful neutral
Magic Resistance. The interdimensional strangler
has advantage on saving throws against spells and Armor Class 18 (plate)
other magical effects. Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft.


20 (+5) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 17 (+3)
Multiattack. The interdimensional strangler makes
three tentacle attacks. Saving Throws Str +9, Con +7
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +7
Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 20 Senses passive Perception 11
ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d6 + 6) bludgeoning damage, Languages Common, Undercommon
and the target is grappled (escape DC 16). Until this Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)
grapple ends, the target is restrained. The target
creature must succeed on a DC 18 Constitution sav-
ing throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target Spellcasting. Jasmin Johandulc is a 5th-level spell-
can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its caster. Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. The save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Jasmin Jo-
interdimensional strangler has six tentacles, each of handulc has the following wizard spells prepared:
which can grapple one target.
• Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, light, shocking grasp
• 1st level (4 slots): feather fall, jump, magic missile,
• 2nd level (3 slots): acid arrow, scorching ray
• 3rd level (2 slots): fireball, lightning bolt

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
Jasmin Johandulc can take one additional action on
top of her regular action and a possible bonus ac-
tion. Jasmin Johandulc can teleport up to 30 feet to
an unoccupied space that she can see when using
Action Surge.

Iron Will. Jasmin Johandulc has advantage on saving

throws against being charmed and frightened.

Ready For Anything. At the start of her turn, Jasmin

Johandulc can use an action to gain advantage on
her next saving throw. She loses this advantage at
the end of her next turn.

Battlecaster (1/Turn). Jasmin Johandulc can choose

to cast a cantrip instead of an attack as part of an
attack action.

Indomitable (2/Day, Recharges after a Long Rest).

Jasmin Johandulc can reroll a saving throw
that she fails. If she does so, she must use
the new roll.

Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long

Rest). Jasmin Johandulc can use a bonus ac-
tion to regain hit points equal to 20 (1d10 +

Multiattack. Jasmin Johandulc makes three melee
attacks with Susano and one attack with Sunna.

+1 Longsword (Susano). Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to

hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing
damage plus 4 (1d8) lightning damage. EQUIPMENT
+1 Longsword (Sunna). Melee Weapon Attack: +10 to Jasmin Johandulc wields two identical +1 longswords
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) slashing with two different gems inserted into their pom-
damage plus 4 (1d8) fire damage. mels - a deep blue one that seems to have a storm
inside and a burning red one that is warm to the
touch and seems to sparkle with a flame inside -
infusing them with the elemental energies of light-
ning and fire.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

KELZAR All-around Vision. Kelzar can not be surprised and

has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Kelzar the troll has molded a pair of one of its family rely on sight.
members’ arms to its torso, the eyes of some beasts
to the back of its head, and the gills of a merrow Amphibious. Kelzar can breathe air and
on its neck to enhance an already menacing body. water.
The mutated troll considers the Ulden Swamps its
kingdom and loathes all who enter its domain. Keen Smell. Kelzar has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that
rely on smell.

Regeneration. Kelzar regains 10 hit points

at the start of its turn. If Kelzar takes acid or fire
damage, this trait doesn’t function at the start
of Kelzar’s next turn. Kelzar dies only if it
starts its turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t

Multiattack. Kelzar makes five attacks:
one with its bite and four with its

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to

hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 12
(2d6 + 5) piercing damage.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach

5 ft., one target. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) slashing damage.
Huge giant, chaotic evil

Armor Class 16 (natural armor)

Hit Points 138 (12d12 + 60) KNIGHT OF THE CROWN
Speed 40 ft.
One of a few dozen, these pious paladin champi-
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA ons of the realm swear a lifelong Oath of Protec-
21 (+5) 11 (+0) 21 (+5) 7 (-2) 9 (-1) 7 (-2) tion to the crown and the kingdom. Knights of the
Crown are held in the highest esteem throughout
Skills Perception +2 the realm, serve in the front lines in times of war,
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12 and act as personal guards to the royal family and
Languages Giant the royal palace.
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

80 0
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. The Knight of the Crown is a 6th-level
KNIGHT OF THE CROWN spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
Medium humanoid (human), any lawful save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The Knight
of the Crown has the following paladin spells pre-
Armor Class 20 (plate, shield) pared:
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft. • 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, divine
favor, heroism, protection from evil and good, shield
16 (+3) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) • 2 nd level (2 slots): magic weapon*, protection from
poison, warding bond*
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +5 (+2 on all saving
throws from Aura of Protection) *The knight of the crown casts these spells on itself
Skills Athletics +6, Insight +4 before combat.
Senses passive Perception 11
Languages Common Aura of Protection. Whenever the Knight of the
Challenge 5 (1,800 XP) Crown or a friendly creature within 10 feet of it
must make a saving throw, the creature gains a bo-
nus to the saving throw equal to the knight of the
Crown’s Charisma modifier (+2). The Knight of the
Crown must be conscious to grant this bonus.
Divine Health. The Knight of the Crown is im-
mune to disease.

Divine Smite. When the Knight of the Crown

hits a creature with a melee weapon attack,
it can expend one spell slot to deal radiant
damage to the target, in addition to the
weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 9
(2d8) for a 1st-level spell slot, or 13 (3d8) for a
2nd-level spell slot. The damage increases by
1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend.

Multiattack. The Knight of the Crown makes two
melee attacks.

Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach

5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) slashing damage.

Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,

reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Divine Sense (3/Day). The Knight of the Crown can a harmful spell must first make a DC 13 Wisdom
detect evil forces. Until the end of its next turn, the saving throw. On a failed save, the creature must
Knight of the Crown knows the location of any ce- choose a new target or lose the attack or spell.
lestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of it that is This effect doesn’t protect the warded creature
not behind total cover. It knows the type (celestial, from area effects, such as the explosion of a fire-
fiend, or undead) of any being whose presence it ball. If the warded creature makes an attack or
senses, but not its identity. Within the same radius, casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this
the Knight of the Crown also detects the presence effect ends. This effect ends on the creature if the
of any place or object that has been consecrated or Knight is incapacitated or dies or if the warded
desecrated, as with the hallow spell. creature is more than 30 feet away from it.

Lay on Hands (Recharges after a Long Rest). The

Knight of the Crown can touch a creature and draw REACTIONS
power from its pool of 30 hit points to restore a
number of hit points to that creature, up to the Protection. When a creature the Knight of the Crown
maximum amount remaining in its pool. Alterna- can see attacks a target other than the Knight of the
tively, the Knight of the Crown can expend 5 hit Crown that is within 5 feet of the Knight, the Knight
points from its pool of healing to cure the target of the Crown can use its reaction to impose disad-
of one disease or neutralize one poison affecting it. vantage on the attack roll. The Knight of the Crown
The Knight of the Crown can cure multiple diseases must be wielding a shield to use this feature.
and neutralize multiple poisons with a single use of
Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately for
each one. This feature has no effect on undead and
Oath of Protection (Recharges after a Short or a Long
Rest). The Knight of the Crown can channel divine Krasnar Azennar, the first son of King Waldrann
energy to fuel either of the following magical ef- Azennar has a dark and tormented past. His selfish
fects. father betrayed him at an early age, and his hatred
and thirst for revenge led him into the arms of the
 ow of Protection. The Knight of the Crown can Matrons of Malice. The ex-paladin turned hexblade
use its Oath of Protection to bolster its defenses. died when he confronted his father on the Fey-
As a bonus action, it can utter a vow of protec- realm and soon found himself as the risen slave
tion against a creature that it can see within 30 of his own warlock patrons who had torn away
feet. That creature gains disadvantage on attack half of his soul. When the drow of House Auss-
rolls against the Knight of the Crown for 1 minute tyl invaded the hags, they captured the tormented
or until the Knight of the Crown drops to 0 hit boy and turned him into a half-aberration by in-
points or falls unconscious. fusing his body with a being from beyond reality.
They offered him a chance to take revenge on the
 ivine Ward. The Knight of the Crown can use its midnight hags and to ravage the surface of the
Oath of Protection to offer protection to those Feyrealm as he pleases. The once prince, now mu-
around it. It can present its holy symbol and each tated monster Krasnar Azennar has the remaining
creature of its choice that it can see within 30 half of his soul filled with anger, hatred, and an
feet becomes warded for 1 minute. Any creature uncontrollable desire to destroy everything that
who targets a warded creature with an attack or was once either his ally or enemy.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Medium humanoid (human), neutral evil

Armor Class 19 (+1 plate)

Hit Points 135 (18d8 + 54)
Speed 30 ft.


20 (+5) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +5, Cha +7 (+3 on all saving

throws from Aura of Protection)
Skills Athletics +9, Intimidation +7, Perception +5
Damage Resistances psychic
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities poisoned, frightened
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic,
telepathy (one-way, 120 ft.)
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP)
Spellcasting. Krasnar Azennar is a 11th-level spellcaster.
His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15,
+7 to hit with spell attacks). Krasnar Azennar
has the following paladin spells prepared:

• 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds,

divine favor, shield of faith*
• 2 nd level (3 slots): aid*, branding smite,
lesser restoration,
• 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic

Krasnar Azennar is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His

spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15,
+7 to hit with spell attacks). Krasnar Azennar
knows the following warlock spells:

• Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, true strike

• 1st-2th level (2 2nd level slots): blindness/deaf-
ness, mirror image*, protection from evil and
good, ray of enfeeblement

*Krasnar Azennar casts these spells on himself be-

fore combat.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Agile Tentacles. Krasnar Azennar has two additional ten- creature within 120 ft. of him that can under-
tacle limbs that he can use to manipulate objects with- stand a language. This form of telepathy doesn’t
in a reach of 5 feet. He is considered to be proficient allow the receiving creature to telepathically re-
with these tentacles when making unarmed attacks spond.
with them. He can attack with both tentacles as a bo-
nus action. Each hit with a tentacle causes 9 (1d8 + 5) Unholy Smite. When Krasnar Azennar hits a crea-
bludgeoning damage. ture with a melee weapon attack, he can expend
one spell slot to deal necrotic damage to the tar-
Alien Anatomy. Krasnar Azennar is considered an aber- get, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra
ration type creature for the purposes of determining damage is 9 (2d8) for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 4
effects but otherwise retains his original creature type. (1d8) for each spell level higher than 1st. The dam-
age increases by 1d8 if the target is a paladin or
Alien Mind. Krasnar Azennar has resistance to psychic celestial.
damage and advantage on saving throws against being
charmed. Krasnar Azennar is immune to madness and Unsettling Appearance. Krasnar Azennar has disad-
spell effects that provoke uncontrolled action (such as vantage on Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks.

Aura of Menace. Each creature of Krasnar Azennar’s ACTIONS

choice that is within 10 feet of him and aware of him
must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be- Multiattack. Krasnar Azennar makes two attacks
come frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the with his glaive and two attacks with his tentacles,
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the or two attacks with his glaive and casts a spell.
effect on itself on a success.
+2 Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +11 to hit, reach 10
Aura of Protection. Whenever Krasnar Azennar or a ft., one target. Hit: 12 (1d10 + 7) slashing damage plus
friendly creature within 10 feet of him must make a 4 (1d8) necrotic damage.
saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the saving
throw equal to Krasnar Azennar’s Charisma modifier Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
of +2. Krasnar Azennar must be conscious to grant this one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) bludgeoning damage plus
bonus. 4 (1d8) necrotic damage.

Divine Health. Krasnar Azennar is immune to disease. +1 Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing
Great Weapon Fighting. When Krasnar Azennar rolls a damage.
1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack he makes, he can
reroll the die and must use the new roll. Divine Sense (4/Day). Krasnar Azennar can detect evil
forces. Until the end of its next turn, Krasnar Azen-
Hag’s Form (Recharges after a Long Rest). Krasnar Azen- nar knows the location of any celestial, fiend, or
nar can magically polymorph into a small or medium undead within 60 feet of it that is not behind total
humanoid for one hour. His statistics are the same in cover. It knows the type (celestial, fiend, or undead)
each form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn’t of any being whose presence he senses, but not its
transformed. He reverts to his true form if he dies. identity. Within the same radius, Krasnar Azennar
also detects the presence of any place or object that
Limited Telepathy. Krasnar Azennar can magical- has been consecrated or desecrated, as with the hal-
ly transmit simple messages and images to any low spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Hand of Doom. Krasnar Azennar can touch a crea- LORD CYNE MONDER
ture and draw power from his pool of 55 hit points
to cause necrotic damage to a creature touched, up The current high commander of the Knights of the Crown,
to the maximum amount remaining in its pool. This Crownwarden Lord Cyne Monder is an aging paladin of
feature has no effect on undead and constructs. great renown, a noble of an ancient lineage of dwarves
with a sordid past, the Monders. As a result of his forebear’s
folly in attacking the Isles of Xantharos, the family pledged
REACTIONS every firstborn of the line to protect the crown, and Lord
Cyne Monder is the latest to serve. He is doing his best to
Deflection. When another creature damages Krasnar rebuild the reputation of his house, his oath binding him
Azennar or his ally within 5 feet with a melee at- to protect the crown, his sovereign, and realm.
tack, he can use his reaction to reduce the damage
by 6 (1d6 + 3) points.
Protection. When a creature Krasnar Azennar can Medium humanoid (dwarf), lawful good
see attacks a target other than Krasnar Azennar that
is within 5 feet of Krasnar Azennar, he can use his Armor Class 21 (plate, animated shield; 22 if there
reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. are allies within 5 ft., defense)
Hit Points 120 (16d8 + 48)
Speed 25 ft.
Karnar Azennar wields a +2 glaive, carries a +1 heavy 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
crossbow, and wears a +1 plate armor.
Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +6 (+2 on all saving
throws from Aura of Protection)
Skills Insight +6, Persuasion +6
Damage Resistances poison
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Dwarvish
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Spellcasting. Lord Cyne Monder is a 9th-level spellcast-

er. His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
14, +6 to hit with spell attacks). Lord Cyne Monder
has the following paladin spells prepared:

• 1 st level (4 slots): cure wounds, heroism, pro-

tection from evil and good, shield of faith*
• 2 nd level (3 slots): aid, branding smite, lesser
restoration, protection from poison*
• 3 rd level (2 slots): magic circle, protection
from energy, remove curse, revivify
*Lord Cyne Monder casts these spells on himself be-
fore combat.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Aura of Protection. Whenever Lord Cyne Monder or a Lay on Hands (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lord Cyne
friendly creature within 10 feet of him must make a Monder can touch a creature and draw power from
saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the saving his pool of 45 hit points to restore a number of hit
throw equal to Lord Cyne Monder’s Charisma modifier points to that creature, up to the maximum amount
(+2). Lord Cyne Monder must be conscious to grant this remaining in his pool. Alternatively, Lord Cyne Monder
bonus. can expend 5 hit points from his pool of healing to
cure the target of one disease or neutralize one poi-
Defense. When Lord Cyne Monder is wearing armor, he son affecting it. Lord Cyne Monder can cure multiple
gains a +1 bonus to AC. diseases and neutralize multiple poisons with a single
use of Lay on Hands, expending hit points separately
Divine Health. Lord Cyne Monder is immune to disease. for each one. This feature has no effect on undead and
Divine Smite. When Lord Cyne Monder hits a creature
with a melee weapon attack, he can expend one spell Oath of Protection (Recharges after a Short or a Long
slot to deal radiant damage to the target, in addition to Rest). Lord Cyne Monder can channel divine energy to
the weapon’s damage. The extra damage is 9 (2d8) for a fuel either of the following magical effects.
1st-level spell slot, 13 (3d8) for a 2nd-level spell slot, or 18
(4d8) for a 3rd-level spell slot. The damage increases by •V
 ow of Protection. Lord Cyne Monder can use his
1d8 if the target is an undead or a fiend. Oath of Protection to bolster his defenses. As a bo-
nus action, he can utter a vow of protection against
Dwarven Resilience. Lord Cyne Monder has advantage a creature that it can see within 30 feet. That crea-
on saving throws against poison, and resistance against ture gains disadvantage on attack rolls against the
poison damage. Lord Cyne Monder for 1 minute or until the Lord
Cyne Monder drops to 0 hit points or falls uncon-
 ivine Ward. Lord Cyne Monder can use his Oath
Multiattack. Lord Cyne Monder makes two melee at- of Protection to ward off threat to those around
tacks. him. He can present his holy symbol and each crea-
ture of his choice that he can see within 30 feet be-
+1 Maul. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one comes warded for 1 minute. Any creature who tar-
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. gets a warded creature with an attack or a harmful
spell must first make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach On a failed save, the creature must choose a new
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing damage. target or lose the attack or spell. This effect doesn’t
protect the warded creature from area effects, such
Divine Sense (3/Day). Lord Cyne Monder can detect evil as the explosion of a fireball. If the warded creature
forces. Until the end of its next turn, he knows the loca- makes an attack or casts a spell that affects an en-
tion of any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of emy creature, this effect ends. This effect ends on
him that is not behind total cover. He knows the type the creature if Lord Cyne Monder is incapacitated
(celestial, fiend, or undead) of any being whose pres- or dies or if the warded creature is more than 30
ence he senses, but not its identity. Within the same feet away from it.
radius, Lord Cyne Monder also detects the presence of
any place or object that has been consecrated or dese-
crated, as with the hallow spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

REACTIONS himself, but one day he emerged from his room stinking,
naked, covered in strange sigils, and a crazed look in his
Dedicated Defender. Lord Cyne Monder can deflect at- eyes. The lord’s mad contemplations led him in the ser-
tacks against those whom he protects. When another vice of the entity he refers to as the Elemental Chaos. The
creature damages Lord Cyne Monder or an ally within crazed noble struck a pact with his patron, which gave
5 feet of him with a melee attack, Lord Cyne Monder him warlock powers and the ability to sire a bloodline
can use his reaction to reduce the damage by 1d6 + 2. with sorcerous powers of chaos. His numerous children
and grandchildren are all born with these magical pow-
Guardian. Lord Cyne Monder can protect his allies and ers that help them spread chaos in the world and the
sense danger before it happens. He gain the following village is filled with the children of the Gorsos, who all
benefits: carry the chaotic bloodline of their progenitors.

 s a reaction, Lord Cyne Monder can protect an ally
within 5 feet from him from an attack of opportunity.
If he uses this action, the attack automatically misses. LORD ZIADEMOS GORSO
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
 hen an ally who is within 5 feet of Lord Cyne Monder
is attacked, he can shield them with his body. As a Armor Class 12
reaction, Lord Cyne Monder can switch the target of Hit Points 71 (11d8 + 22)
the attack to himself, using his own AC to determine Speed 30 ft.
if the attack hits and taking damage if it does.
Protection. When a creature Lord Cyne Monder can see 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 8 (-1) 18 (+4)
attacks a target other than him that is within 5 feet,
the Lord Cyne Monder can use his reaction to impose Saving Throws Con +5, Cha +7
disadvantage on the attack roll. Lord Cyne Monder Skills Arcana +5, Religion +5
must be wielding a shield to use this feature. Senses passive Perception 9
Languages Common
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)
Lord Cyne Monder has 12 copper pieces, 15 silver pieces,
63 gold pieces, a +1 maul, an animated shield, his plate
armor, and his ivory holy symbol worth 50 gold pieces
on his person.


After the death of his wife, the late Highlady Urmissa,
Lord Ziademos Gorso fell apart and escaped to total seclu-
sion in his chambers for several years, refusing to accept
food, aid, or contact from anyone, including his daughter
and numerous sons. It was a mystery how he sustained

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. Lord Ziademos Gorso is an 11th-level Sign of Ill Omen (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lord
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell Ziademos Gorso can cast bestow curse once using a
save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He knows warlock spell slot.
the following warlock spells:
Visions of Distant Realms (Recharges after a Long
•C antrips (at will): eldritch blast, mage hand, mes- Rest). Lord Ziademos Gorso can cast arcane eye at
sage, minor illusion, poison spray, true strike, vicious will, without expending a spell slot.
• 1st-5th level (3 5th level slots): bane, bless*, blink, Wild Magic (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lord
confusion, contact other plane, hold monster, hyp- Ziademos Gorso’s spells can have unforeseen conse-
notic pattern, infuse with entropy, mirror image, quences. Five times per day, he can choose to apply
polymorph, shatter a Wild Magic Surge effect immediately after he casts
the spell. Roll for a random effect on the Wild Magic
*Lord Ziademos Gorso casts these spells on itself be- Surge table on page 104 of the Player’s Handbook.
fore combat.

Agonizing Blast. When Lord Ziademos Gorso casts ACTIONS

eldritch blast, he adds his Charisma modifier (+4) to
the damage he deals on a hit. Unicorn Horn Cudgel. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Minions of Chaos (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lord
Ziademos Gorso can cast conjure elemental once us-
ing a warlock spell slot. REACTIONS
Mystic Arcanum (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lord Flows of Chaos (Recharges after a Long Rest). Lord
Ziademos Gorso can cast eyebite once without ex- Ziademos Gorso can manipulate fate using the pow-
pending a spell slot. er of chaos. Four times per day, when any creature
makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw,
Misty Visions. Lord Ziademos Gorsocan cast silent he can use his reaction to roll 1d6 and apply the
image at will, without expending a spell slot or ma- number rolled as a bonus or penalty to the crea-
terial components. ture’s roll. He can do so after the creature rolls but
before any effects of the roll occur.
Order in Chaos (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
Lord Ziademos Gorso can manipulate the energies
of his spells for optimal effect. For any spell that EQUIPMENT
requires a dice roll, he can roll twice and take the
desired roll. Once you use this feature, you can’t use Lord Ziademos Gorso wears the silver torc of the
it again until you finish a short or long rest. tower and wields a unicorn horn cudgel.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

THE SCALED IMPOSTOR Huge dragon, neutral evil

Malzdreziret, the Scaled Impostor, is a shape-chang- Armor Class 20 (natural armor)

ing dragon that hails from the Bleak Mire. It was Hit Points 184 (16d12 + 80)
tricked by the Matrons of Malice to attack Aglarion Speed 40 ft., fly 80 ft.
a century ago when it ravaged the capital, to be
finally driven off by King Daerios Azennar, father of STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
King Waldrann Azennar. In its defeat, it plotted ven- 25 (+7) 14 (+2) 21 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 21 (+5)
geance against the Matrons of Malice, who prom-
ised easy prey and treasure, and joined the aberrant Saving Throws Dex +7, Con +10, Wis +8, Cha +10
drow house Ausstyl in their plans against the hags. Skills Deception +15, Insight +8, Perception +13
Later, when Krasnar was inducted into House Auss- Senses blindsight 60 ft., darkvision 120 ft., passive
tyl, the Inheritors of the Unbegotten arranged an Perception 23
alliance between Malzdreziret and Krasnar where Languages Common, Draconic
the doppeldrake accepted the aberrant prince as its Challenge 16 (15,000 XP)
rider. It serves Krasnar in this capacity, exultant at
the opportunity to get back at the hags.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shapechanger. Malzdreziret can use its action to aware of it must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom sav-
polymorph into a huge dragon it has seen, or back ing throw or become frightened for 1 minute. A
into its true form. Malzdreziret’s game statistics creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
are replaced by the statistics of the chosen crea- each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
ture, though it otherwise retains its alignment success. If a creature’s saving throw is successful
and Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores. or the effect ends for it, the creature is immune
Malzdreziret also otherwise retains all its skill and to Malzdreziret’s Frightful Presence for the next
saving throw proficiencies, in addition to gaining 24 hours.
those of the creature. If the creature has the same
proficiency as Malzdreziret, and the bonus listed in Read Thoughts. Malzdreziret magically reads the
its statistics is higher than its bonus, use the crea- surface thoughts of one creature within 60 feet
ture’s bonus in place of Malzdreziret’s. Malzdre- of it. The effect can penetrate barriers, but 3 feet
ziret otherwise retains its own hit points, hit dice, of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inches of metal,
and legendary actions in the new form. or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While the target
is in range, Malzdreziret can continue reading its
Ambusher. Malzdreziret has advantage on attack thoughts, as long as Malzdreziret’s concentration
rolls against any creature it has surprised. isn’t broken (as if concentrating on a spell). While
reading the target’s mind, Malzdreziret has advan-
Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Malzdreziret fails tage on Wisdom (Insight) and Charisma (Decep-
a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead. tion, Intimidation, and Persuasion) checks against
the target.
Surprise Attack. If Malzdreziret surprises a creature
and hits it with an attack during the first round of
combat, the target takes an extra 17 (5d6) damage LEGENDARY ACTIONS
from the attack.
Malzdreziret can take 3 legendary actions, choos-
ing from the options below. Only one legendary
ACTIONS action option can be used at a time and only at
the end of another creature’s turn. Malzdreziret
Multiattack. Malzdreziret can use its Frightful regains spent legendary actions at the start of its
Presence. It then makes three attacks: one with its turn.
bite and two with its claws.
Detect. Malzdreziret makes a Wisdom (Perception)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 10 ft., check.
one target. Hit: 18 (2d10 + 7) piercing damage plus 5
(1d10) lightning damage. Tail Attack. Malzdreziret makes a tail attack.

Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5 ft., Wing Attack (Costs 2 Actions). Malzdreziret beats
one target. Hit: 14 (2d6 + 7) slashing damage. its wings. Each creature within 10 feet of Malzdre-
ziret must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving
Tail. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 15 ft., throw or take 14 (2d6 + 7) bludgeoning damage and
one target. Hit: 16 (2d8 + 7) bludgeoning damage. be knocked prone. Malzdreziret can then fly up to
half its flying speed.
Frightful Presence. Each creature of Malzdreziret’s
choice that is within 120 feet of Malzdreziret and

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The owner and professor of the Emporium of Marvel-
ous Rarities is a man of few words. He is a practical, cal-
culating wizard who only speaks if needed and keeps
everything in rigorous order around his school and his
shop. His students don’t really know him well, and they
don’t know anything about his personal dealings, mo-
tivations, and background, which is literally very dark.
Master Bertio Ranberd is a cleric of the Darkness With-
in, a dogmatist and irredentist who wishes to elevate
his status by serving the fallen angels.


Medium humanoid (human), lawful evil

Armor Class 14 (mithral chain shirt)

Hit Points 58 (13d8)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, black tentacles, di-
12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 20 (+5) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) mension door
• 5th level (2 slots): arcane hand, cone of cold
Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +7 • 6th level (1 slot): disintegrate
Skills Arcana +9, History +9, Insight +7, Perception +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 17 Master Bertio Ranberd casts spells as a 3rd level
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell
Elvish save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Master Ber-
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) tio Ranberd has the following cleric spells prepared:

•C  antrips (at will): guidance, resistance, spare the

Spellcasting. Master Bertio Ranberd casts spells as dying
a 11th level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is • 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, guiding bolt, sanctu-
Intelligence (spell save DC 17, +9 to hit with spell ary, shield of faith*
attacks). Master Bertio Ranberd has the following • 2nd Level (2 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon
wizard spells prepared:
*Master Bertio Ranberd casts these spells before
•C  antrips (at will): fire bolt, mage hand, message, mi- combat.
nor illusion, prestidigitation
• 1st level (4 slots): detect magic, identify, magic missile, shield Advanced Alarm. The duration of an alarm spell cast
• 2 nd level (3 slots): detect thoughts, hold person, by Master Bertio Ranberd becomes 24 hours and it
scorching ray is both mental and audible. Master Bertio Ranberd’s
• 3 rd level (3 slots): counterspell, dispel magic, glyph can also designate other willing creatures to be
of warding alerted by his alarm spell’s mental alert.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Contingent Spell. A spell resilient sphere comes into The globe appears in a space that he can see
effect around Master Bertio Ranberd immediately within 30 feet. Any magical light effect with-
when he falls below 31 hit points. in the globe is dispelled. Additionally, each
hostile creature within the globe must make
Tenacious Abjurations. An attempt to dispel Master a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. A crea-
Bertio Ranberd’s 3rd or lower level abjuration spells ture takes 10 (2d6 + 3) necrotic damage on
require an ability check. All ability checks made to a failed save, and half as much damage on a
dispel an abjuration spell cast by Master Bertio Ran- successful one. A creature that has total cov-
berd have disadvantage. er from Master Bertio Ranberd is not affected.

 urn Undead. Master Bertio Ranberd presents his
ACTIONS holy symbol and speaks a prayer censuring the
undead. Each undead that can see or hear him
+1 Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. within 30 feet must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving
or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) piercing throw. If the creature fails its saving throw, it is
damage. turned for 1 minute or until it takes any damage.
A turned creature must spend its turns trying
Cloak of Darkness. Master Bertio Ranberd can weave to move as far away from you as it can, and it
shadows around himself into a magical cloak that can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of
hides his form and protects him from attacks. For 1 you. It also can’t take reactions. For its action,
minute, creatures have disadvantage on attack rolls it can use only the Dash action or try to escape
against Master Bertio Ranberd. An attacker is im- from an effect that prevents it from moving. If
mune to this effect if it doesn’t rely on sight, as there’s nowhere to move, the creature can use
with blindsight or tremorsense, or can see through the Dodge action.
illusions, as with truesight. Once Master Bertio Ran-
berd uses this feature, he can’t use it again until he
finishes a short or long rest. EQUIPMENT
Empowered Glyph (Recharges after a Long Rest). Master Bertio Ranberd has 2 copper pieces, 5 silver
Master Bertio Ranberd can cast the glyph of ward- pieces, 32 gold pieces, a holy symbol of the Darkness
ing spell as an action and reroll five of the dam- Within made out of jet worth 60 gold pieces, a mi-
age dice when using the spell’s explosive runes thral chain shirt, a wand of fire manipulation, a +1 dag-
option. Master Bertio Ranberd must use the new ger, a potion of superior healing, a potion of invisibility,
rolls. and a potion of speed on his person.

Channel Divinity. (Recharges after a Short or a Long

Rest). Master Bertio Ranberd can channel divine en-
ergy to fuel either of the following magical effects. MENAGERIE CARETAKER
 arkness Descends. Master Bertio Ranberd can Menagerie Caretakers are rangers who special-
use his channel divinity to harness darkness, ize in handling and tending for beasts and mon-
summoning darkness and banishing light. strosities, specializing as monster tamers. Their
Master Bertio Ranberd presents his holy sym- knowledge and everyday practices sometimes
bol, and summons a 30 foot radius globe of bring them into wilderness areas when beasts or
darkness that functions as the darkness spell. monsters need to be subdued by skill or spells.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Menagerie Caretakers are usually not the most Favored Enemies. The menagerie caretaker’s cho-
social of people, preferring to spend time in the sen favored enemies are beasts and monstrosities.
presence of beats or monsters, with whom they The caretaker has advantage on Wisdom (Surviv-
share a closer affinity. al) checks to track its favored enemies, as well as
on Intelligence checks to recall information about

MENAGERIE CARETAKER Natural Explorer. The menagerie caretaker’s chosen

Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment natural environments are forests and grasslands.
When the caretaker makes an Intelligence or Wis-
Armor Class 14 (hide armor) dom check related to its favored terrain, its profi-
Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20) ciency bonus is doubled (to +4) if it is using a skill
Speed 30 ft. that it’s proficient in.

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Sense Beasts. The menagerie caretaker can detect
11 (+0) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) hostile animals and monsters. It senses the direc-
tion to the location of the highest challenge rat-
Skills Animal Handling +4, Nature +4, Perception ing beast or monstrosity and it can tell its distance
+4, Stealth +5, Survival +4 from itself, as long as the creature is within 1,000
Senses passive Perception 14 feet of it. If the creature is moving, it knows the di-
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
rection of its movement. Once the menagerie care-
taker uses this feature, it can’t use it again until it
finishes a short or long rest.

Spellcasting. The menagerie caretaker is a 6th-level

spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell ACTIONS
save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). The me-
nagerie caretaker has the following ranger spells Multiattack. The menagerie caretaker makes two
prepared: melee attacks or ranged attacks.

• 1st level (4 slot): hunter’s mark*, longstrider*, speak Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
with animals 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.
• 2 nd level (2 slot): locate animals or plants, pass with-
out trace, silence Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) piercing damage.
*The menagerie caretaker casts these spells before

Bestial Affinity. The menagerie caretaker can use its EQUIPMENT

body language and soothing sounds to calm animals
and monsters. The menagerie caretaker gains ad- The menagerie caretaker has 4 copper pieces, 5 sil-
vantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling) skill checks ver pieces, 19 gold pieces and a leash of the beast
made to calm beats and monstrosities with an Intel- tamer on his person.
ligence score or 3 or lower.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

One of the most malicious, evil, and wicked of all
the hags, the midnight hags are mighty primordial
night hags. Their existence is a curse by itself. They
seek to spread misery and suffering by exploiting
the weaknesses of others to cause as much pain
as possible to as many they can. Midnight hags
prefer to prolong the suffering of their victims and
joyfully bathe in the tears and blood of those they
torment. The souls of those whom they don’t kill,
eat, torture, or use for their vile practices in an-
other way are crafted into objects by the mid-
night hags. Their soulbinding skills are so de-
veloped that they can even create phylacteries
or give sentience to objects by implanting them
with a soul.

Medium fiend, chaotic evil

Armor Class 19 (natural armor)

Hit Points 180 (24d8 + 72)
Speed 30 ft.


18 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 18 (+4) 16 (+3) 22 (+6)

Saving Throws Int +9, Wis +8, Cha +11

Skills Arcana +9, Deception +11, Insight +8,
Perception +8, Stealth +8
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison; blud-
geoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical
attacks not made with silvered weapons
Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 18 • At will: detect magic, magic missile
Languages Abyssal, Common, Infernal, Primordial • 2/day each: awaken, bestow curse, detect thoughts,
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) dimension door, dream, levitate, plane shift (self
only), ray of enfeeblement, scrying, sleep, wall of
Innate Spellcasting. The midnight hag’s innate spell-
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19, +11 to hit Magic Resistance. The midnight hag has advantage
with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following on saving throws against spells and other magical
spells, requiring no components: effects.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Midnight Power Surge. The mid- soul bag in her possession at the same time.
night hag becomes more pow- Crafting a soul bag takes 7 days and
erful at midnight when on the a humanoid sacrifice, whose flesh
Material Plane. It gains the fol- is used to make the bag.
lowing benefits for an hour:
Regeneration. The midnight hag re-
 he midnight hag’s innate gains 10 hit points at the start of its
spells function as if they turn. If the midnight hag takes ra-
were cast using two spell diant damage or damage from
slot levels higher than re- a silvered weapon, this trait
quired for the spell. doesn’t function at the start
of the midnight hag’s next
 he midnight hag’s spell save turn. The midnight hag
DC increases by 2. dies only if it starts its
turn with 0 hit points
he midnight hag gains 24 and doesn’t regenerate.
temporary hit points.
Coven Magic. If the mid-
 he midnight hag gains ad- night hag forms a coven
vantage on attack rolls, skill with two other hags, all
checks, and saving throws. gain the following pool
of shared spells as long
Midnight Hag Items. A mid- as they are on the same
night hag carries two very plane of existence, until
rare magic items that she one of them dies, or aban-
must craft for herself. If either dons the coven. The midnight
object is lost, the midnight hag hag casts spells as a 18th level
will go to great lengths to retrieve spellcaster. Their spellcasting abil-
it, as creating a new tool takes ity is Charisma (spell save DC 19,
time and effort. +11 to hit with spell attacks). The
midnight hags have the follow-
Heartstone. This lustrous black gem ing wizard spells prepared:
allows a midnight hag to become ethe-
real while it is in her possession. The • Cantrips (at will): chill
touch of a heartstone also cures any dis- touch, fire bolt, mage hand,
ease. Crafting a heartstone takes 30 days. poison spray, true strike
• 1st level (4 slots): charm
Soul Bag. When a humanoid dies as a person, hideous laughter,
result of a midnight hag’s nightmare protection from evil and
haunting, the hag catches the soul good, shield
in this black sack made of stitched • 2 nd level (3 slots): blindness/
flesh. A soul bag can hold only deafness, see invisibility*,
one soul at a time, and only the suggestion
midnight hag who crafted the bag • 3 rd level (3 slots): coun-
can catch a soul with it. The mid- terspell, fly, nondetec-
night hag can have more than one tion*

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

• 4 th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, phantasmal Soul Binding. A midnight hag coven can bind the
killer, polymorph soul held in a soul bag into a mundane or magical
• 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, geas, modify memory object, making it sentient. The soul bound object
• 6th level (1 slot): suffocate is targeted by an awaken spell that affects objects
• 7th level (1 slot): forcecage only and causes the target soul bound object to be
• 8th level (1 slot): feeblemind permanently charmed. A soul bound object retains
• 9th level (1 slot): shapechange all of its memories and proficiencies of its former
self. Once per item, the midnight hag coven can
*The midnight hag casts these choose to make the target soul bound object be-
spells on itself before com- come charmed by a chosen creature. The soul is
bat. released and laid to rest and the awaken spell
ceases to function if a dispel evil or good or
similar higher level spell was cast on the
soul bound object.

Nightmare Manifest. The midnight hag can

cast spells without requiring any compo-
nents while it is part of a coven.

Shared Spells. A midnight hag can choose to cast a

7th or lower level spell with a range of self to affect
all other midnight hags in its coven within 60 feet.
When the spell ends on one of the midnight hags, it
ends on all the other midnight hags as well.

Midnight Hag Phylactery. A midnight hag coven im-

bues an item with a part of each of their souls. The
item recreates their bodies in 1d4 days after their
death. The new body appears within 5 feet of the
phylactery and has all of the midnight hag’s mem-
ories and hit points. Crafting a midnight hag phy-
lactery takes one year and during its creation the
midnight hags’ maximum hit points are halved.

Any Curse (1/day). A midnight hag coven can weave

a curse if all three hags are involved in crafting it.
These curses are weaved through a ritual that takes
an hour to complete, requiring all three members
of the coven to partake. The coven jointly sets the
effects of the curse and requirements to lifting it.
These conditions can be as elaborate as the hags
wish and the curse can be of any duration, even
permanent. For effects of the curse, this ability es-
sentially functions as a wish spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Multiattack. The midnight hag makes two claw at- Senior members of the College of Minstrels can
tacks. bear the associated title, proving their aptitude
through rigorous study and examinations. Minstrels
Claws (Hag Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to are taught a wide range of entertainment skills, in-
hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) slashing cluding various styles of singing and oratory, instru-
damage. ments, juggling, and even acrobatic arts, bolstered
by bardic magic.
Change Shape. The midnight hag magically poly-
morphs into a small or medium humanoid or fey, or
back into her true form. Her statistics are the same
in each form. Any equipment she is wearing or car- MINSTREL OF THE COLLEGE
rying isn’t transformed. She reverts to her true form Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
if she dies.
Armor Class 13 (leather armor)
Etherealness. The midnight hag magically enters the Hit Points 13 (3d8)
Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane, or vice ver- Speed 30 ft.
sa. To do so, the midnight hag must have a heart-
stone in her possession. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Nightmare Haunting (1/Day). While on the Ethereal

10 (+0) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)
Plane, the midnight hag magically touches a sleep- Saving Throws Dex +4, Cha +4
ing humanoid on the Material Plane. A protection Skills Arcana +4 , Acrobatics +4, Insight +3, Histo-
from evil and good spell cast on the target prevents ry +4, Performance +6, Persuasion +6, Sleight of
this contact, as does a magic circle. As long as the Hand +4
contact persists, the target has dreadful visions. If Senses passive Perception 11
these visions last for at least 1 hour, the target gains Languages Common plus any three languages
no benefit from its rest, and its hit point maximum Challenge 2 (450 XP)
is reduced by 11 (2d10). If this effect reduces the tar-
get’s hit point maximum to 0, the target dies, and
its soul is trapped in the hag’s soul bag. The reduc- Spellcasting. The minstrel of the college is a 3rd-lev-
tion to the target’s hit point maximum lasts until el spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma
removed by the greater restoration spell or similar (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). A
magic. The midnight hag can cast spells at the tar- minstrel of the college has the following bard spells
get. prepared:

• Cantrips (at will): minor illusion, prestidigitation

EQUIPMENT • 1st level (4 slots): charm person, comprehend lan-
guages, hideous laughter, identify
Each midnight hag carries a heartstone and a soul • 2nd level (2 slots): enhance ability*, enthrall
he minstrel casts these spells on itself before

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Bardic Inspiration (Recharges after a Long Rest). The MOB OF FRENZIED NOBLES
minstrel of the college has 2 bardic inspirations (d6).
This lynch mob of crazed nobles has been whipped
Jack of All Trades. The minstrel of the college can into a frenzy to attack anyone it has picked as a
add +1 to any ability checks it makes that doesn’t target without any logic or reason. They are armed
already include its proficiency bonus. with small weapons, tools, or improvised weapons
and attack as a group, stabbing and slashing from
Song of Rest. The minstrel of the college can perform every possible angle at their target, usually a single
a song while taking a short rest. Any ally who hears foe that they overrun.
the song regains an extra 1d6 hit points if it spends
any hit dice to regain hit points at the end of that
rest. The minstrel of the college can confer this ben-
efit on itself as well. MOB OF FRENZIED NOBLES
Huge swarm of medium humanoids, neutral evil

ACTIONS Armor Class 13 (varied armor)

Hit Points 78 (12d12)
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 Speed 30 ft.
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
17 (+3) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 12 (+1)
Damage Immunities poison
Cutting Words (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
When a creature that the minstrel of the college frightened, grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poi-
can see within 60 feet of it makes an attack roll, soned, prone, restrained, stunned
an ability check, or a damage roll, the minstrel of Senses passive Perception 10
the college can roll 1d6 and subtract the number Languages Common
rolled from the creature’s roll. The minstrel of the Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
college can choose to use this feature after the crea-
ture makes its roll, but before the DM determines
whether the Attack roll or ability check succeeds or Blood Frenzy. The mob of frenzied has advantage on
fails, or before the creature deals its damage. The melee attack rolls against any creature that doesn’t
creature is immune if it can’t hear the minstrel of have all its hit points.
the college or if it’s immune to being charmed.
Pile On. The mob of frenzied nobles has advantage
on melee attack rolls against any creature that has
no other creatures within 5 feet of it. A target at-
tacked this way by the mob of frenzied nobles must
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be-
come prone.

Swarm. The mob of frenzied nobles occupies a 15 by

15 foot area. It can enter another creature’s space
and vice versa, and the swarm can move through

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

any opening large enough for a medium humanoid. like nightmare creature to Mordio in his dreams,
The mob of frenzied nobles can be attacked nor- and instead of being trampled by the fiery hooves
mally but it can’t be targeted by effects that target of the beast, the saddler rode it every night. The
a single creature. It can’t regain hit points or gain Matrons of Malice took Mordio under their patron-
temporary hit points. age and gave the craftsman a book of ancient se-
crets to learn from and an imp to assist him. Mor-
dio craves power and feels a burning hatred for the
ACTIONS city’s nobles for their negligence towards anyone
not of their status. He hates paying taxes or con-
Stabs. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., tributing to the community in any form and feels
all targets in the swarm’s space. Hit: 17 (4d6 + 3) oppressed by the elite. Over the years, Modrio De-
piercing damage, or 10 (2d6 + 3) piercing damage if lons has risen to become the leader of the Children
the mob of frenzied nobles has half of its hit points of the Coven with the guidance of the Matrons
or fewer. of Malice. The young zealot has shown great apti-
tude in organizing the witchservant cultists into a
well-hidden and efficient network of informants.

The master saddler of the Fiery Hooves equipment
shop has been a devotee of the Matrons of Mal-
Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
ice since their first encounter when the lad was a Armor Class 14 (studded leather)
young apprentice. The midnight hags sent a horse- Hit Points 65 (10d8 + 20)
Speed 30 ft.


11 (+0) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +6, Cha +7

Skills Deception +7, Perception +6
Senses passive Perception 16
Languages Common
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Spellcasting. Mordio Delons is a 10th-level spellcast-

er. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC
15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). He knows the fol-
lowing warlock spells:

•C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, fire bolt, guidance*,

mage hand, message, minor illusion, poison spray
• Rituals (at will): comprehend languages, detect magic

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

• 1st-5th level (2 5th level slots): bestow curse, blight, saving throw. On a failed save the target creature is
blindness/deafness, charm person, commune, divina- cursed and must roll 1d6 and subtract the number
tion, dream, hellish rebuke, mirror image, ray of en- rolled from its attack rolls or saving throws when-
feeblement, wither limb ever it makes one within the next 1 minute. For the
duration, the target creature also gains vulnerabili-
*Mordio Delons casts these spells on itself before ty to all damage dealt by Mordio Delons. A remove
combat. curse spell ends this effect.

Ascendant Step. Mordio Delons can cast levitate on Painful Incantation (Recharges after a Long Rest). As a
himself at will, without expending a spell slot or bonus action, Mordio Delons can choose to use pain-
material components. ful incantation when he rolls damage for a spell and
force the damaged creature to make a DC 15 Consti-
Bewitching Whispers (Recharges after a Long Rest). tution saving throw. On a fail save, the target crea-
Mordio Delons can cast compulsion once using a ture’s speed is halved, it has disadvantage on attacks,
warlock spell slot. skill checks, Strength, Reflex saving throws for 1 min-
ute, and if the target tries to cast a spell during this
Dark Devotion. Mordio Delons has advantage on sav- time, it must first succeed on a Constitution saving
ing throws against being charmed. throw, or the casting fails and the spell is wasted. A
target suffering from this pain can make a Constitu-
Devil’s Sight. Mordio Delons can see normally in tion saving throw at the end of each of its turns. On
darkness, both magical and nonmagical, to a dis- a successful save, the pain ends.
tance of 120 feet.

Hag’s Form (Recharges after a Long Rest). As a bo- EQUIPMENT

nus action, Mordio Delons can magically polymorph
into a small or medium humanoid for one hour. Moderio Delons has 7 copper pieces, 8 silver pieces,
Mordio Delons’ statistics are the same in each form. 353 gold pieces on his person. He also carries a con-
Any equipment Mordio Delons is wearing or carry- tingent applicator set to activate a potion of greater
ing isn’t transformed. Mordio Delons reverts to his healing when he falls under half of his maximum
true form if he dies. hit points.

One with Shadows. When Mordio Delons is in an

area of dim light or darkness, he can use his action
to become invisible until he moves or takes an ac-
tion or a reaction. MORKIEL REBORN
Morkiel, one of the planetar generals of the Dark
ACTIONS Star and the manifestation of fear, was turned to
stone and buried by Sarath in his ziggurat under
Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft. or the city, beneath the napping giant. Upon the rise
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing of Krasnar as a lich-knight, Faeryl Myrryn took no-
damage. tice of the undead carnage. The drow conjurer vam-
pire lord arrived on the Material Plane and made a
Malediction (Recharges after a Long Rest). As a bo- pact with the newly risen knight. As a sign of her
nus action, Mordio Delons can force one creature of support, she unearthed the Ziggurat of Dread under
his choice within 30 feet to make a DC 15 Charisma the napping giant and weaved her spells to drain

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

the soul of the planetar from its petrified statue • 4th level (3 slots): dimension door, phantasmal killer
and implement it into a phylactery to create a lich. • 5th level (3 slots): cloudkill, hold monster
Morkiel Reborn gained undeath and tore his ancient • 6th level (1 slot): circle of death, create undead
ziggurat from the earth, wishing it to fly above the • 7th level (1 slot): finger of death, symbol
city. The lich serves Faeryl Myrryn’s commands to • 8th level (1 slot): feeblemind, mind blank*
act as an advisor to Krasnar and maintain the portal • 9th level (1 slot): power word kill
that leads to the realm of Orcus.
*Morkiel Reborn casts these spells on itself before

MORKIEL REBORN Innate Spellcasting. Morkiel Reborn’s spellcasting

Large undead, lawful evil ability is Charisma (spell save DC 22, +14 to hit with
spell attacks). The planetar can innately cast the
Armor Class 19 (natural armor) following spells, requiring no material compo-
Hit Points 225 (18d10 + 126) nents:
Speed 40 ft., fly 120 ft.
• At will: detect evil and good, invisibility (self only)
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA • 3/day each: blade barrier, dispel evil and good, flame
24 (+7) 20 (+5) 24 (+7) 20 (+5) 22 (+6) 25 (+7) strike, raise dead
• 1 /day each: commune, control weather, insect
Saving Throws Con +14, Int +12, Wis +13, Cha +14
Skills Arcana +19, History +12, Insight +13, Percep-
tion +13 Dark Angelic Weapons. Morkiel Reborn’s weapon at-
Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic tacks are magical. When it hits with any weapon,
Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, pierc- the weapon deals an extra 5d8 necrotic damage (in-
ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks cluded in the attack).
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, poisoned Divine Awareness. Morkiel Reborn knows if it hears a lie.
Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 23
Languages All, telepathy 120 ft. Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If Morkiel Reborn fails
Challenge 21 (33,000 XP) a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

Magic Resistance. Morkiel Reborn has advantage on

Spellcasting. Morkiel Reborn is an 18h-level spell- saving throws against spells and other magical ef-
caster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence fects.
(spell save DC 20, +12 to hit with spell attacks).
Morkiel Reborn has the following wizard spells Rejuvenation. If it has a phylactery, the destroyed
prepared: Morkiel Reborn gains a new body in 1d10 days, regain-
ing all its hit points and becoming active again. The
• Cantrips (at will): chill touch, fire bolt, true strike new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery.
• 1st level (4 slots): false life*, magic missile, protec-
tion from evil and good, shield Turn Resistance. Morkiel Reborn has advantage on
• 2 nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, darkness, de- saving throws against any effect that turns undead.
tect thoughts, mirror image*
• 3rd level (3 slots): animate dead, counterspell, fear,
wither limb

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Multiattack. Morkiel Reborn makes two melee at- Morkiel Reborn can take 3 legendary actions, choos-
tacks with its great mace or one with its paralyzing ing from the options below. Only one legendary ac-
touch. tion option can be used at a time and only at the
end of another creature’s turn. Morkiel Reborn re-
Mace of Terror. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 to hit, reach gains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 21 (4d6 + 7) bludgeoning dam-
age plus 22 (5d8) necrotic damage. Cantrip. Morkiel Reborn casts a cantrip.

Paralyzing Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +12 to hit, reach Paralyzing Touch (Costs 2 Actions). Morkiel Reborn
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 10 (3d6) cold damage. The uses its Paralyzing Touch.
target must succeed on a DC 22 Constitution saving
throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). Morkiel Reborn
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its fixes its gaze on one creature it can see within 10
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 22 Wis-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

dom saving throw against this magic or become MUMUS
frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can
repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its The mumus thrives on the fear of others, especially
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a those of children. This malicious fey creature grows
target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends in power with every frightened or panicked crea-
for it, the target is immune to the lich’s gaze for the ture around it. It can heighten such emotions to a
next 24 hours. level where its victim cowers in fear in one place or
even dies when looking it in the eye.
Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each non-undead
creature within 20 feet of Morkiel Reborn must
make a DC 22 Constitution saving throw against this
magic, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a failed MUMUS
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. Small fey, neutral evil

Tome of Skulls (Costs 3 Actions). Morkiel Reborn Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
casts a spell. Hit Points 33 (6d6 + 12)
Speed 30ft.


13 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2) 18 (+4)
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Mork-
iel Reborn takes a lair action to cause one of the fol- Skills Intimidation +6, Stealth +5
lowing effects; Morkiel Reborn can’t use the same Condition Immunities charmed, frightened
effect two rounds in a row: Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Sylvan
 orkiel Reborn can cast the arcane eye spell, al- Challenge 3 (700 XP)
lowing it to observe its lair at its pleasure. It does
not require concentration to maintain the spell.
The eye has Truesight out to 30 feet. Glare of Terror. When a creature that can see the mu-
mus’ eyes starts its turn within 30 ft. of the mumus,
 orkiel Reborn can cast the project image spell the mumus can force it to make a DC 14 Wisdom saving
centered on a point it can see. It does not require throw if the mumus isn’t incapacitated and can see the
concentration to maintain the spell. creature. On a failed save, a creature that fails the save
is frightened of the mumus for 1 minute. If the saving
 orkiel Reborn can cast the darkness spell cen- throw fails by 5 or more, the creature is instantly para-
tered on a point it can see. It lasts until initiative lyzed in addition to being frightened of the mumus for 1
count 20 on the next round. minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at the
end of each of its turns to end the effect on a success.

EQUIPMENT Magic Resistance. The mumus has advantage on sav-

ing throws against spells and other magical effects.
Morkiel Reborn wields a large mace of terror.
Syphon Terror. The mumus has advantage on its me-
lee attack rolls against frightened creatures and re-
gains 3 (1d6) hit points at the start of its turn for
every frightened creature within 60 feet of it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Conjure One’s Worst Fear. As an action, a mumus can

cause a frightened creature, that is also paralyzed
as a result of the mumus’ glare of terror feature, to
visualise its worst fear, which is only vis-
ible to that creature. The target must
make a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw.
On a failed save, the target creature
is reduced to 0 hit points. On a suc-
cessful save, the target creature takes
2d10 psychic damage.


The triplet hagspawn daughters of the Matrons of
Malice, fathered by King Waldrann Azennar, are vi-
cious, sadistic, spoiled teenagers who look much
older than their actual age. They have been raised in
turns on the Material Plane and the Bleak Mire, and
were taught to spread malice and suffering by their
hag mothers, a lesson they enjoyed to the fullest. As
a result, the triplets look at the world as their play-
ground, which is theirs to ravage. They are utterly
loyal to their hag mothers, whom they consider the
source of their power and status, which they are
afraid to lose.


Medium humanoid (human), chaotic evil
Multiattack. The mumus makes three attacks, one
with its bite and two with its claws. Armor Class 11
Hit Points 9 (2d8)
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft., one Speed 30 ft.
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one 16 (+3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) 17 (+3)
target. Hit: (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Skills Deception +5, Intimidation +5
Invisibility. As a bonus action, the mumus magically Condition Immunities charmed, poisoned
turns invisible until it attacks, or until its concen- Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
tration ends (as if concentrating on a spell). Any Languages Common, Infernal
equipment the mumus wears or carries is invisible Challenge 1 (200 XP)
with it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

father or the cult of mutated drow, wandering the
Bleak Mire and the caverns of the Dark Below. As
soon as he matured, he soon had enough of his
mother’s cruelty, and after tossing her into a slave
pen, he fled into the wild. Querrai spent decades
alone in the Dark Below and learned to stay out of
sight to survive. He later found his way back to the
only place where he had allies, Quellar Ausstyl, the
house where his father was a member of the druid-
ic cult. He offered his services to the house nobles
and his body to the alien entities they served. After
his body-warping initiation, he was introduced to
the unfathomable secrets of the cult and soon rose
to become the most skilled assassin of the cult.

Medium humanoid (elf), chaotic evil

False Appearance (Recharges after a Long Rest). Queen

Armor Class 18 (+1 studded leather)
Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14)
Aphinah Azennar can cast the alter self spell. Speed 30 ft.

Regeneration. Queen Aphinah Azennar regains 5 hit STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
points at the start of her turn. If Queen Aphinah 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)
Azennar takes radiant damage or damage from a
silvered weapon, this trait doesn’t function at the Damage Resistances psychic
start of her next turn. Queen Aphinah Azennar dies Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +5
only if she starts her turn with 0 hit points and Skills Acrobatics +11, Athletics +4, Deception +5,
doesn’t regenerate. Intimidation +5, Perception +3, Stealth +11
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Deep Speech, Elvish, Undercommon,
ACTIONS telepathy (one-way, 120 ft.)
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
target. Hit: 5 (1d4 + 3) slashing damage.
Alien Anatomy. Querrai Xalo is considered an aberra-
tion type creature for the purposes of determining
effects but otherwise retains its original creature type.

QUERRAI XALO Alien Mind. Querrai Xalo has advantage on saving

throws against being charmed, frightened, or hav-
Born as the child of a female drow slaver and a ing its thoughts read. Querrai Xalo is immune to
cultist of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten, Querrai madness and spell effects that provoke uncontrolled
Xalo grew up with his cruel mother, far from his action (such as confusion).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Cunning Action. On each of his turns, attack and has advantage on

Querrai Xalo can use a bonus ac- the attack roll, or when the
tion to take the Dash, Disengage, target is within 5 ft. of an
or Hide action. ally of his that isn’t in-
capacitated and Quer-
Evasion. Querrai Xalo can rai Xalo doesn’t have
nimbly dodge out of the disadvantage on the
way of certain area effects. attack roll.
When it is subjected to an
effect that allows it to make Unsettling Appear-
a Dexterity saving throw to ance. Querrai Xalo
take only half damage, has disadvantage on
Querrai Xalo instead Charisma (Persua-
takes no damage if sion) skill checks.
it succeeds on the
saving throw, and
only half damage
if it fails.

Eyes of Darkness. ACTIONS

Querrai Xalo can
see through magical Multiattack. Querrai
darkness. Xalo makes two attacks
with his shortsword or hand
Limited Telepathy. Querrai Xalo crossbow.
can magically transmit simple messages and images
to any creature within 120 ft. of it that can under- +1 Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
stand a language. This form of telepathy doesn’t al- 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing damage.
low the receiving creature to telepathically respond.
+1 Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +9 to hit,
One with the Shadows. Querrai Xalo can make sneak range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d6 + 6) piercing
attacks and has advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) damage
skill checks while in darkness.
Shadow Rift (Recharges after a Long Rest). Querrai
Reliable Talent. Whenever Querrai Xalo makes an Xalo can open a narrow rift in the fabric of the
ability check that lets him add his proficiency bo- planes and transpose himself to the Shadowrealm
nus, he can treat a d20 roll of 9 or lower as a 10. or back to the plane he came from as if he has cast
the planeshift spell. Querrai Xalo can only use this
Shadow Step. Querrai Xalo can use his movement to feature if he is on the Ethereal Plane, the Feyrealm,
teleport to a location within the range of his speed the Material Plane, or the Shadowrealm. No magi-
while in darkness. cal or physical restrictions can prevent Querrai Xalo
from accomplishing the planar travel made possible
Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Querrai Xalo deals an extra 24 by this feature.
(7d6) damage when he hits a target with a weapon

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

EQUIPMENT Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Ricio Tane can
use a bonus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or
Querrai Xalo has a selection of black diamonds worth Hide action.
1,200 gold pieces that he carries well hidden on his per-
son. He also carries a potion of gaseous form, a potion of Evasion. Ricio Tane can nimbly dodge out of the way
invisibility, a +1 shortsword and a +1 hand crossbow. of certain area effects. When it is subjected to an ef-
fect that allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw
to take only half damage, Ricio Tane instead takes
no damage if it succeeds on the saving throw, and
only half damage if it fails.
Fast Hands. Ricio Tane can use a bonus action grant-
Many stories circulate Onadbyr about the owner ed by his cunning action feature to make a Dexteri-
of the Lucky Leap tavern, a known adventurer and ty (Sleight of Hand) skill check, use his thieves’ tools
charismatic figure who can get things done. Ricio to disarm a trap or open a lock, or take the Use an
Tane was always a fixer and a compelling character, Object action.
having minimal respect for the law and its enforc-
ers. He wanted to live an easy and memorable life, Second-Story Work. Ricio Tane can climb at his nor-
and he was never afraid to achieve this by delving mal speed. When Ricio Tane makes a running jump,
into deep dungeons or other people’s houses. He the distance he can cover is increased by 4 feet.
pushed his luck daringly only until a tragedy befell
his wife, Avrathia Silverstar. However, the now-re-
tired adventurer and thief still keeps dealing in illic-
it goods to make a significant side income next to
the earnings from his tavern.

Medium humanoid (human), neutral

Armor Class 17 (+1 studded leather)

Hit Points 77 (14d8 + 14)
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 18 (+4) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Dex +8, Int +6

Skills Deception +7, Insight +5, Investigation +6,
Perception +5, Persuasion +11, Sleight of Hand +8,
Stealth +12, proficient with thieves’ tools
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common, Elvish, Thieves’ cant
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Ricio Tane deals an extra 17

(5d6) damage when he hits a target with a weap-
on attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or
when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally of his that
isn’t incapacitated and Ricio Tane doesn’t have dis-
advantage on the attack roll.

Supreme Sneak. Ricio Tane has advantage on a Dex-

terity (Stealth) skill check if he moves no more than
half his speed on the same turn.

Multiattack. Ricio Tane makes two attacks with his
rapier or hand crossbow.

+1 Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft.,

one creature. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.

Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,

range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) pierc-
ing damage

Uncanny Dodge. Ricio Tane can use his reaction to
halve an attack’s damage against him if can see the

Handpicked from the ranks of the Royal Swords,
Ricio Tane has 9 copper pieces, 5 silver pieces, 281 these fighters undergo rigorous training that be-
gold pieces, a +1 rapier, a hand crossbow, a +1 stud- comes a daily routine for them. Fiercely loyal to the
ded leather armor, and a potion of greater healing on crown and the royals they protect, the royal guards
his person. are a solid foundation of the security of the Royal
Palace. Nothing and no one passes unnoticed under
the watch of these soldiers, who can stand motion-
less on their guard duty for hours and even days if
necessary. They are trained in coordinated combat
techniques, and they practice swift strikes. Some of
their highest-ranking commanders can strike so fast
that their swords can hit a falling apple twice be-
fore it lands on the ground.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Medium or small humanoid (any race), any alignment Medium celestial, lawful evil

Armor Class 18 (chain mail, shield) Armor Class 17 (natural armor)

Hit Points 26 (4d8 + 8) Hit Points 187 (22d8 + 88)
Speed 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., fly 90 ft.

15 (+2) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 18 (+4) 17 (+3) 20 (+5) 20 (+5)

Skills Perception +5 Saving Throws Wis +9, Cha +9

Senses passive Perception 15 Skills History +7, Insight +13, Perception +13,
Languages Common Damage Resistances necrotic, bludgeoning, pierc-
Challenge 1 (200 XP) ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
Alert on Duty. The royal guard can designate a 10 Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 23
square foot area. If the royal guard stays in this area Languages all, telepathy 120 ft.
for 10 minutes, it gains advantage on Wisdom (Per- Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
ception) skill checks made to notice creatures.
Innate Spellcasting. Sabrael’s spellcasting ability is
ACTIONS Charisma (spell save DC 17). The deva can innately
cast the following spells, requiring only verbal com-
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ponents:
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) slashing damage.
• At will: detect evil and good
• 1/day each: commune, raise dead

Spellcasting. Sabrael is a 6th-level spellcaster. Its

SABRAEL spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9
to hit with spell attacks). Sabrael has the following
As part of the invasion on the Material Plane, the bard spells prepared:
Dark Star wished to reach into the coexistent planes
of the Shadowrealm and the Feyrealm. Tannur, the •C  antrips (at will): mage hand, minor illusion, vicious
dark planetar, brought Sabrael directly to the Shad- mockery
owrealm during their descent from their heavenly • 1st level (4 slots): bane, cure wounds, detect magic,
planes. Sabrael, the Voice of Sorrow, was chosen as faerie fire, longstrider*
a representative and the guardian of the crystal of • 2nd level (3 slots): hold person, suggestion
immortals that was sent to the Shadowrealm. Ever • 3rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, fear
since the banishment of the rest of the fallen angels
from the Material Plane, Sabrael waits in its soli- * Sabrael casts these spells on itself before combat.
tude and continues to serve as commanded. It fre-
quently communes with the divine powers it serves Angelic Weapons. Sabrael’s weapon attacks are
and prays for the return of the Dark Star. magical. When the deva hits with any weapon, the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

weapon deals an extra 4d8 ne- form (Sabrael’s choice).

crotic damage (included in In a new form, Sabra-
the attack). el otherwise retains
its game statis-
Bardic Inspiration (Re- tics and ability
charges after a Short or to speak, but its
Long Rest). Sabrael has AC, movement
5 bardic inspirations modes, Strength,
(d8). Dexterity, and
special sens-
Magic Resistance. Sa- es are replaced
brael has advantage by those of the
on saving throws new form, and it
against spells and gains any statis-
other magical ef- tics and capabil-
fects. ities (except class
features) that the
Song of Rest. Sabra- new form has but
el can perform a song that it lacks.
while taking a short
rest. Any ally who hears Dirge of Grief (Re-
the song regains an extra charges after a Short
1d6 hit points if it spends any or Long Rest). Sabrael can
hit dice to regain hit points at the end sing a song that causes a creature to fall
of that rest. Sabrael can confer this benefit on itself into intense grief, washing away its hostility. Sa-
as well. brael can target a creature that it can see within
60 feet. That creature must make a DC 17 Charisma
saving throw or become charmed. While charmed,
ACTIONS the target becomes indifferent about creatures of
Sabrael’s choice that it is hostile towards. This in-
Multiattack. The deva makes two melee attacks. difference ends if the target is attacked or harmed
by a spell, or if it witnesses any of its friends being
Mace. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one harmed. The effect ends after one minute and the
target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage plus 18 creature can become hostile again.
(4d8) necrotic damage.
Elegy of Hopelessness. Sabrael can recite a poem
Healing Touch (3/Day). Sabrael touches another crea- about death and passing that causes creatures to
ture. The target magically regains 20 (4d8 + 2) hit lose their motivation. Sabrael can expend one use
points and is freed from any curse, disease, poison, of its bardic inspiration on its turn to choose five
blindness, or deafness. creatures that it can see within 60 feet. Those crea-
tures must make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw
Change Shape. Sabrael magically polymorphs into a or become charmed. While charmed, the creature
humanoid or beast that has a challenge rating equal has disadvantage on attack rolls and saving throws
to or less than its own, or back into its true form. It for one minute, but can make a Charisma saving
reverts to its true form if it dies. Any equipment it is throw at the end of each of its turns to end the
wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new effect.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Lament of Melancholy. Sabrael can sing a woeful to take up his father’s trade of tapestry trading.
lament that causes creatures to fall into a state However, this was also a short endeavor, as the
of depression. Sabrael can expend one use of its Golden Masks seized his first major shipment of
bardic inspiration on its turn to choose five crea- cloth, putting him into bankruptcy. Sam drove into
tures that it can see within 60 feet. Those crea- the city’s underworld, working to undermine the
tures must make a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or Masks, and soon solidified himself into a position
become charmed. While charmed, the creature has on the black market selling and buying informa-
disadvantage on ability checks for one minute, but tion, fencing stolen goods, and hiring out bounty
can make a Charisma saving throw at the end of contracts.
each of its turns to end the effect.
As the hag roamed the streets of the city in ethereal
form and searched for victims to take to the Shad-
owrealm, it found the young man walking home
in an alley and remembered its sister Tyke’s vile
SAM “WEAVER” EBONHILT deed so long ago. With delight, the hag appeared in
the form of a Child of the Coven witchservant and
Sam is the son of the Vordani barbarian Elyssiax used plane shift to transport Sam to the Dungeon
Ebonhilt and Erckhart Weaverson, a tapestry mer- of Tears on the Shadowrealm where he now lan-
chant from Ronul’s End. As a half-Vordani child guishes in his sorrow and dark memories.
in the harsh northern lands, Sam was constantly
bullied by both children and adults, and received
a reputation of being quite the nuisance. He was
caught eavesdropping on the warrior councils sev- SAM “WEAVER” EBONHILT
eral times and engaged in regular fistfights with Medium humanoid (human), chaotic neutral
his peers. Nonetheless, the boy was taught Vordani
tactics, raging styles, and weapons from a young Armor Class 17 (+1 studded leather, defense) or 15
age. (unarmored defense)
Hit Points 110 (17d8 + 34)
Tragedy befell the young boy at the age of twelve Speed 40 ft.
when the family moved to Onadbyr. While search-
ing for victims to torment one fateful night, Tyke STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
saw the love of Sam’s parents and coveted their 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 15 (+2) 11 (+1) 14 (+2) 15 (+2)
shining souls. The hag made Sam watch as it stole
the souls of the sleeping parents with its soul bag Saving Throws Dex +8, Cha +7
and promised the lad to keep them for eternity. Skills Athletics +12, Deception +12, Insight +7, Per-
The traumatic memories are cloudy and best for- ception +7, Persuasion +7, proficient with thieves’
gotten. Still, Sam remembers the hag’s horrific ap- tools
pearance, their cackling unnaturally high-pitched Senses passive Perception 17
voices, and the sign of the Children of the Coven Languages Common, Thieves’ cant
on a pendant worn by the hag. Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

As an orphan, Sam moved to Onadbyr and soon

became a prison guard in the Dungeon of Tears. Action Surge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
However, he was constantly harassed and hazed by On his turn, Sam can take one additional action
the other guards for his Vordani ancestry. Not able on top of his regular action and a possible bonus
to find his place, Sam quit the prison and decided action.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Cunning Action. On each of his turns, Sam can use a bo-

nus action to take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide action.

Danger Sense. Sam has advantage on Dexterity sav-

ing throws against effects that he can see, such as
traps and spells. To gain this benefit, he can’t be
blinded, deafened, or incapacitated.

Defense. When Sam is wearing armor, he gains

a +1 bonus to AC.

Indomitable (Recharges after a Long Rest). Sam

can reroll a saving throw that he fails. If he
does so, he must use the new roll.

Reckless Attack. When Sam makes his first at-

tack on his turn, he can decide to attack
recklessly. Doing so gives him advan-
tage on melee weapon attack rolls
using Strength during his turn, but
attack rolls against him have ad-
vantage until his next turn.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). Sam deals

an extra 7 (2d6) damage when
he hits a target with a weap-
on attack and has advan-
tage on the attack roll,
or when the target
is within 5 ft. of an
ally of Sam’s that
isn’t incapaci-
tated and Sam
doesn’t have
tage on
the at-
tack roll.

Vordani Battletech. Sam’s weapon attacks with

the Vordani ripper or other weapons of Vordani
make score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Second Wind (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).

Sam can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal
to 14 (1d10 + 9).

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Multiattack. Sam makes two attacks with his Vor- There is a rare species of extraplanar brain-eating
dani ripper, rapier, or dagger. larva that feeds only on the bodies of dead spell-
casters. These maggots can recollect the knowledge
Vordani Ripper. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 of the dead they consume and do so until they are
ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d8 + 2) slashing damage. ready to hatch as death bugs. These tiny flying ver-
min form an intelligent hive mind that seeks out
+1 Smelting Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, the carcasses of the most powerful beasts or mon-
reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) piercing dam- sters they can find to inhabit. A creature’s remains,
age. inhabited by the death bugs, becomes a sentient
carcass that otherwise retains only the most funda-
Frenzy. Sam can go into a frenzy when raging. If he mental instincts of its original life as it turns into
does so, for the duration of his rage he can make a fully functioning vessel for the intelligent swarm
a single melee weapon attack as a bonus action on of vermin.
each of his turns after this one. When his rage ends,
he suffers one level of exhaustion.
Rage (3/day). Sam can enter a rage as a bonus action.
While raging, Sam gains the following benefits if he Only an aberration, beast, dragon, fey, giant, human-
isn’t wearing heavy armor: oid, or monstrosity can become a sentient carcass.
It otherwise retains its statistics, except as follows.
e has advantage on Strength checks and
Strength Saving Throws. Alignment. A sentient carcass is always chaotic evil.

 hen he makes a melee weapon attack using Languages. The sentient carcass can speak Common
Strength, he gains a +2 bonus to the damage roll. and two other languages.

 e has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and Accumulated Intellect. A sentient carcass has an In-
slashing damage. telligence, Wisdom, and Charisma score of 16.

Sam’s rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if he is Reanimated Undead. The type of the original crea-
knocked unconscious or his turn ends and he hasn’t ture changes to undead. It becomes immune to the
attacked a hostile creature since his last turn or taken blinded, charmed, deafened, exhaustion, frightened,
damage since then. He can also end the rage on his turn paralyzed, poisoned, and stunned conditions. It is
as a bonus action. Once Sam has raged three times, he also immune to all forms of disease.
must finish a long rest before it can rage again.
Corpse Eater. The sentient carcass can consume the
dead remains of a creature one size category small-
EQUIPMENT er than itself to regain 30 hit points. If the con-
sumed dead creature was a spellcaster, the sentient
Sam has 25 copper pieces, 40 silver pieces, 11 gold pieces, carcass also regains a used spell slot of the lowest
a +1 smelting rapier, a +1 leather armor in the Vordani style, spell level it has already used.
a potion of giant strength, and a potion of greater healing
on his person. He also has a set of thieves’ tools and two
daggers with decorations of eagles on their pommels.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. The sentient carcass is a 5th-level spell- SEVEN THORN

caster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma, the spell Small humanoid (gnome), neutral evil
save DC is 8 + creature’s proficiency bonus + creature’s
Charisma modifier), and it needs only verbal compo- Armor Class 11 (16 with barkskin)
nents to cast its spells. It knows the following cleric, Hit Points 44 (8d8 + 8)
druid, paladin, ranger, warlock and wizard spells: Speed 25 ft.

•C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, mage hand, guid- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
ance, produce flame 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 11 (+0)
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, color spray, entangle, identify
• 2nd level (3 slots): blur, enlarge/reduce*, heat metal Saving Throws Int +4, Wis +5
• 3rd level (2 slots): call lightning, haste Skills Nature +4, Perception +5, Survival +7
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
*The sentient carcass casts these spells on itself be- Languages Common, Druidic, Gnomish
fore combat. Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Spellcasting. The seven thorn is an 8th-level spell-

caster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
SEVEN THORN DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). It has the fol-
lowing druid spells prepared:
Gnome druids who join the circle of the Seven Thorns
are known as seven thorns. The members of the circle •C  antrips (at will): druidcraft, poison spray, resis-
are all that remain of the Seven Flowers, an ancient tance, shillelagh
gnomish druidic sect from the Feyrealm, who came to • 1 st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, goodber-
the Material Plane eons ago to nourish life and tend to ry, longstrider*
it against malign influences. When the Seven Thorns • 2 nd level (3 slots): barkskin*, heat metal, hold
withdrew back to the person, spider climb, spike
Feyrealm at the pres- growth
sure of the persecution • 3 rd level (3 slots): call
of the Order of the Eternal lightning, dispel magic,
Light, the sect all but died out plant growth, speak
and only left seven initiated mem- with plants
bers in Aglarion. Over the last • 4 th level (2 slots):
millennium, the gnomes have confusion, divination,
lost most ties to their an- freedom of movement*,
cient heritage and have re- hallucinatory terrain
named their circle the Sev-
en Thorns. The druids have * The seven thorn casts these
also turned completely spells on itself before combat.
xenophobic under the
leadership of Tonk Wild- Gnome Cunning. The seven
wander and hunt down thorn has advantage on all
any creature that is not a Intelligence, Wisdom, and
gnome who ventures into Charisma saving throws
the Thornwoods. against magic.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Land’s Stride. Moving through nonmagical difficult SPECTRAL CONGREGATION
terrain costs no extra movement for the seven
thorn. It can also pass through nonmagical plants When many worshippers or clerics of a deity die at a
without being slowed by them and without taking single time, their souls often cannot reach eternal rest
damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or and rise as a spectral congregation. The incorporeal
a similar hazard. In addition, the seven thorn has undead is driven even in undeath to serve its deity
advantage on saving throws against plants that are as a single specter-like entity fueled by its members’
magically created or manipulated to impede move- faiths when alive.
ment, such those created by the entangle spell.

Natural Recovery. (Recharges after a Long Rest).

During a Short Rest, the seven thorn can choose SPECTRAL CONGREGATION
four expended Spell Slots to recover. Large undead, neutral evil

Armor Class 13
ACTIONS Hit Points 110 (13d10 + 39)
Speed 0 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)
Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5
ft., (+5 with shillelagh), one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) blud- STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
geoning damage, or 4 (1d8) bludgeoning damage if 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 15 (+2)
used with two hands, or 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning
damage with shillelagh. Damage Resistances cold, fire, lightning, thun-
der; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from
Wild Shape (Recharges after a Short or a Long Rest). nonmagical attacks that aren’t silvered
Twice per day, the seven thorn can use its action Damage Immunities acid, necrotic, poison
to magically assume the shape of a beast. The beast Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
can be CR 1 or less, with a fly or swimming speed. grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
The seven thorn can stay restrained
in beast shape for four Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 13
hours. This ability Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
otherwise functions
as the wild
shape ability Spellcasting. The spectral congrega-
of the dru- tion is a 10th-level spellcaster. Its
id class. spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with
spell attacks). The spectral con-
gregation has the following
cleric spells prepared, that re-
quire no material components:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

•C  antrips (at will): guidance, mending, resistance, sa- Sign of the Blinded (1/Day). The spectral congrega-
cred flame, thaumaturgy tion can unleash magical energies that compel the
• 1st level (4 slots): bane, command, inflict wounds, target to gouge out its own eyes. Each non-undead
shield of faith* creature within 60 feet of the spectral congregation
• 2 nd level (3 slots): blindness/deafness, hold person, that can see it must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom
spiritual weapon saving throw or become charmed for one minute.
• 3rd level (3 slots): clairvoyance, bestow curse, dispel magic While the target is charmed, it uses its actions to
• 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, divination, stone shape gouge out its own eyes, one eye per round. Once
• 5 th level (2 slots): flame strike (that deals acid damage) both of the target’s eyes have been gouged out, the
target becomes permanently blinded.
*The spectral congregation casts these spells on it-
self before combat.

Incorporeal Movement. The spectral congregation SPELLTHIEF ADEPT

can move through other creatures and objects as
if they were difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force A spellthief adept is a sneaky operator who has ac-
damage if it ends its turn inside an object. quired actual spellcasting abilities throughout the
prolonged use of spell-stealing abilities. Some spell-
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the spectral con- thief adepts are drawn to occupations involving the
gregation has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as arcane arts, a few are dedicated to the collection of
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. magical items, and many find their calling in crime,
for which their abilities make them most suited.

Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
ft., one creature. Hit: 21 (4d8 + 3) necrotic damage.
The target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
saving throw or its hit point maximum is reduced Hit Points 49 (11d8)
by an amount equal to the damage taken. This re- Speed 30 ft.
duction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
maximum to 0. 10 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 14 (+2)

Create Specter. The spectral congregation targets a Saving Throws Dex +5, Int +4
humanoid within 10 feet of it that has been dead Skills Arcana +4, Deception +5, Insight +3, Investi-
for no longer than 1 minute and died violently. The gation +4, Perception +3, Persuasion +5, Sleight Of
target’s spirit rises as a specter in the space of its Hand +8, Stealth +8
corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. The Senses passive Perception 13
specter is under the spectral congregation’s control. Languages Common, plus any one language
The spectral congregation can have no more than Challenge 5 (1,800 XP)
seven specters under its control at one time.

Multicasting. As a bonus action the spectral congre- Spellcasting. The spellthief adept is a 3rd-level spell-
gation can cast a spell or maintain concentration on caster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save
a spell. DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The spellthief

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

adept has the following sorcerer spells pre- Steal Spell (Recharges
pared: after a Short or Long
Rest). The spellthief
•C  antrips (at will): acid splash, mage adept can syphon a sim-
hand, minor illusion, true strike ple spell from a spellcaster
• 1st level (4 slots): color spray, ex- with a precise strike. As
peditious retreat, mage armor* a bonus action, after it
• 2nd level (2 slots): invisibility hits a creature with
a melee weapon,
*The spellthief adept casts the spellthief ad-
these spells on itself before ept can force the
combat. creature to make a
DC 13 Dexterity sav-
Cunning Action. On ing throw. On a failed
each of its turns, the save, or when it touches a
spellthief adept can use willing creature, the spellthief
a bonus action to take the Dash, adept gains a 1st level spell slot and
Disengage, or Hide action. a prepared 1st level spell chosen by it
from the creature’s known or prepared
Evasion. The spellthief adept can nimbly 1st level spells. The creature loses a 1st level
dodge out of the way of certain area ef-
fects. When it is subjected to an effect that
spell slot, but still knows the spell and can
use it normally. For the next 8 hours, the
allows it to make a Dexterity saving throw spellthief adept knows the spell and can cast
to take only half damage, the spellthief adept it using its spell slots. If the creature is not
instead takes no damage if it succeeds on the a spellcaster the spellthief adept doesn’t gain
saving throw, and only half damage if it fails. any benefits from this feature.

Font of Magic (Recharges after a Long Rest).

The spellthief adept thas 3 Sorcery Points. ACTIONS
Metamagic. The spellthief adept can use the sub- Multiattack. The spellthief adept makes two melee attacks.
tle spell (costs 1 Sorcery Point) and the Quickened
Spell (costs 2 Sorcery Points) metamagic options Rapier. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
on a spell when it casts the spell. one creature. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spellthief adept deals an Hand Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
extra 17 (5d6) damage when it hits a target with a 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage
weapon attack and has advantage on the attack
roll, or when the target is within 5 ft. of an ally of
the spellthief adept that isn’t incapacitated and REACTIONS
the spellthief adept doesn’t have disadvantage on
the attack roll. Uncanny Dodge. When an attacker that the spellth-
ief adept can see hits it with an attack, the Spellth-
Sneaky Interrupt. The spellthief adept gains advan- ief adept can use its reaction to halve the attack’s
tage on its attack rolls against targets maintaining damage against it.
concentration on a spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Enlarge (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest). For

SPRIGGAN MERCENARY 1 minute, the spriggan mercenary magically in-
creases in size, along with anything it is wearing
These ugly creatures are distant relatives of gnomes or carrying. While enlarged, the spriggan merce-
who find joy in tricking other creatures and stealing nary is large, doubles its damage dice on Strength-
their valuables. They are sneaky little buggers who based weapon attacks (included in the attacks), and
quickly disappear after a robbery or mischief but react makes Strength checks and Strength saving throws
aggressively when cornered. They are fierce combat- with advantage. If the spriggan mercenary lacks the
ants who retaliate to any offense by using their size room to become large, it attains the maximum size
alteration ability, charging those who thought them possible in the space available.
to be small and weak with a smirk on their ugly faces.
Iron Will. Spriggan mercenaries are focused and
confident. The spriggan mercenary gains advantage
on saving throws against being charmed and fright-

Magic Resistance. The spriggan mercenary has ad-

vantage on saving throws against spells and other
magical effects.

Sneak Attack (1/Turn). The spriggan merce-

nary deals an extra 3 (1d6) damage when it
hits a target with a weapon attack and has
advantage on the attack roll, or when the tar-
get is within 5 ft. of an ally of the spriggan mer-
cenary’s that isn’t incapacitated and the spriggan
mercenary doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack

Small fey, chaotic evil Multiattack. The spriggan mercenary makes two at-
Armor Class 16 (scale mail)
Hit Points 45 (10d6 + 10) Halberd. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
Speed 20 ft. one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) slashing damage, or 13
(2d10 + 2) slashing damage while enlarged.
14 (+2) 17 (+3) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 8 (-1) Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit,
range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing
Saving Throws Str +5, Con +4 damage, or 9 (2d6 + 2) slashing damage while en-
Skills Perception +3, Sleight of Hand +6, Stealth +6 larged.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 13
Languages Gnomish, Sylvan
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Martial Arts. When the stonefist devotee
STONEFIST DEVOTEE uses the Attack action with an unarmed
strike, it can make one additional un-
A stonefist devotee is a practitioner armed strike as a bonus action.
of the fighting techniques of earth el-
ementals, studying and imitating their Mountain Stance. The stonefist devo-
combat maneuvers. Daily practices have tee can tighten its muscles to en-
hardened the stonefist devotee’s ter a steady stance making it
body to withstand blows and immovable and hard to grap-
focus their strength into ple. As a bonus action, the
their stone-like fists. devotee can spend 1 ki
Though far from ele- point to gain advantage
vation to Master, this on contests involving
monk has dedicated Strength (Athletics)
long years of its life checks made against it
to the rigorous train- for 1 minute. The dev-
ing of mind, body, otee loses this advan-
and soul. tage if it takes a move

Patient Defense. The stonefist devotee can spend
1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment action on its turn.

Armor Class 15 (unarmored defense) Step of the Wind. The stonefist devotee can spend
Hit Points 39 (6d8 + 12) 1 ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as
Speed 45 ft. a bonus action on its turn, and its jump distance
is doubled for the turn
13 (+1) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 9 (-1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) Stunning Strike. When the stonefist devotee hits
another creature with a melee weapon attack, it
Saving Throws Str +3, Dex +5 can spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike.
Skills Acrobatics +5, Athletics +3 The target must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
Senses passive Perception 12 saving throw or be stunned until the end of the
Languages Common devotee’s next turn.
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)

Ki Points (Recharges after a Long Rest). The stonefist
devotee has 6 ki points. Multiattack. The stonefist devotee makes two at-
tacks with its unarmed strikes.
Flurry of Blows. Immediately after the stonefist dev-
otee takes the multiattack action on its turn, it can Unarmed Strike. Magical Melee Weapon: +5 to hit,
spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 + 3) bludgeon-
bonus action. ing damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Medium swarm of tiny beasts, unaligned
Deflect Missiles. The stonefist devotee can use its
reaction to deflect or catch the missile when it is Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
hit by a ranged weapon attack. When it does so, Hit Points 18 (4d8)
the damage it takes from the attack is reduced Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft.
by 14 (1d10 + 9). If the damage is reduced to 0,
the stonefist devotee can catch the missile if it is STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
small enough for it to hold in one hand and if it 4 (-3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 2(-4) 8 (-1) 6 (-2)
has at least one hand free. If it catches a missile
in this way, the stonefist devotee can spend 1 ki Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slash-
point to make a ranged attack (range 20 feet/60 ing from nonmagical attacks
feet) with the weapon or piece of ammunition it Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
has just caught, as part of the same reaction. (+6 grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained,
to hit, range 20 ft./60 ft., one creature. Hit: 6 (1d6 stunned
+ 3) piercing damage.) Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Challenge 1/2 (100 XP)
Resist Strikes. The stonefist devotee can channel
its ki into resisting damage from a blow. As a re-
action, the stonefist devotee can spend 1 ki to re- Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
duce the damage it takes from an attack by 12 space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
(1d10 + 7). through any opening large enough for a Tiny insect.
The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain tempo-
Slow Fall. The stonefist devotee can use its reac- rary hit points.
tion when it falls to reduce any falling damage it
takes by 30 hit points.
Psychic Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 15 (6d4) psychic damage or
SWARM OF ASTRAL STIRGES 7 (3d4) psychic damage if the swarm has half of its
hit points or fewer. On a hit, the swarm attaches to
Astral striges are a variant of the stirge, suck- the target. While attached, the stirges don’t attack.
ing the psychic energies of their victims instead Instead, at the start of each of the swarm’s turns,
of their blood. When such strirges collect into the target loses 15 (6d4) or 7 (3d4) hit points due to
a swarm, they become even more deadly as the their loss of psyche. Anyone who is subject to the
drainings can confuse creatures when their psy- swarm’s drain must also make a successful DC 10
chic potential is siphoned away. Wisdom saving throw or be subject to a confusion
spell that lasts for 1 minute. Anyone who makes this
save is immune to the effect for 24 hours.

The swarm can detach itself by spending 5 feet of its

movement. It does so after it drains 10 hit points of
psychic energies from the target or the target dies.
A creature, including the target, can use its action
to detach the stirge.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The Matrons of Malice created these undead from Bites and Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
the sprite troops of King Dasmag to hunt down and reach 5 ft., one target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 14
eat their own kind. The swarm of ghoulish sprites (4d6) piercing damage, or 7 (2d6) piercing damage if
claws and bites its way through anything that the swarm has half of its hit points or fewer. If the
stands in its way, chewing flesh to the bare bone. target is a creature other than an elf or undead, it
must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving throw
or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat
the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,
SWARM OF GHOULISH SPRITES ending the effect on itself on a success.
Medium swarm of tiny undead, chaotic evil
Heart Sight. The swarm of ghoulish sprites touch-
Armor Class 15 (leather armor) es a creature and magically knows the creature’s
Hit Points 36 (8d8) current emotional state. If the target fails a DC 10
Speed 10 ft., fly 40 ft. Charisma saving throw, the sprite also knows the
creature’s alignment. Celestials, fiends, and undead
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA automatically fail the saving throw.
8 (-1) 18 (+4) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0) 11 (+0)
Invisibility. The swarm of ghoulish sprites magically
Skills Stealth +8
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slash-
turns invisible until it attacks or casts a spell, or un-
til its concentration ends (as if concentrating on a
ing spell). Any equipment the swarm of ghoulish sprites
Damage Immunities poison wears or carries is invisible with it.
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
restrained, stunned
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan SWARM OF MAGIC-INFUSED
Challenge 2 (450 XP)

Swarm. The swarm of ghoulish sprites can occupy When fire beetles gather into a swarm, their dev-
another creature’s space and vice versa, and the astation can bring severe blight to any area they
swarm can move through any opening large enough ravage. During the theocratic reign of the Order of
for a tiny sprite. The swarm of ghoulish sprites can’t the Eternal Light, fire beetles were regarded as sa-
regain hit points or gain temporary hit points. cred beings and bred them in hordes, sometimes
resulting in rampages when the beats could not be
contained. The Midnight Curse has infused a ginor-
mous fire beetle with magic, and the swarms of fire
beetles it spawns are also imbued with magical es-
sences, making their attacks magical.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Large swarm of small beasts, unaligned The plays of Syllatur Laudraphol, a young play-
wright, director, and illusionist wizard of great
Armor Class 12 (natural armor) renown, were highly sought after by the nobles
Hit Points 45 (7d10 + 7) of Aglarion. He lived the life of a celebrity, amass-
Speed 30 ft. ing riches and fame with his creatively and pro-
fessionally executed plays. His doom came when
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA he became tired, negligent, and somewhat igno-
8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 1 (-5) 7 (-2) 3 (-4) rant towards his profession. His last play entitled
“Princess Garilasia of Xantharos” was an utter fail-
Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, slash- ure due to several simultaneous unlucky events.
ing The city turned on the director as quickly as they
Condition Immunities charmed, frightened, raised him high. Soon, the shameful wizard took
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, prone, restrained, his own life to escape from the pressure. His soul
stunned transcended to the Shadowrealm along with the
Senses blindsight 30 ft., passive Perception 8 souls of the others who perished during the trag-
Challenge 1 (200 XP) ic events that unfolded after the play. He tries to
recreate the play and bring it to perfection in his
Swarm. The swarm can occupy another creature’s
space and vice versa, and the swarm can move
through any opening large enough for a Small in-
sect. The swarm can’t regain hit points or gain tem- SYLLATUR LAUDRAPHOL
porary hit points. Medium undead, chaotic evil

Illumination. The swarm sheds bright light in a 10- Armor Class 12

foot radius and dim light for an additional 10 ft. Hit Points 71 (13d8 + 13)
Speed 30 ft.
Infused with Magic. The swarm’s attacks count as
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. 6 (-2) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 19 (+4) 15 (+2) 15 (+2)

Skills Arcana +7, History +7, Stealth +5

ACTIONS Damage Vulnerability radiant
Damage Resistances acid, cold, fire, lightning,
Bites. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 0 ft., one thunder; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing
target in the swarm’s space. Hit: 21 (6d6) slashing from nonmagical attacks
damage or 10 (3d6) slashing damage if the swarm Damage Immunities necrotic, poison
has half of its hit points or fewer. Condition Immunities exhaustion, frightened,
grappled, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone,
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. Syllatur Laudraphol is an 11th-level Shadow Evocation. Syllatur Laudraphol can create
spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Intelligence a barrage of illusory damaging spells formed out
(spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell attacks). Sylla- of semi-real shadowstuff. Syllatur Laudraphol can
tur Laudraphol has the following wizard spells pre- spend a spell slot to cast an evocation spell of the
pared: same spell level that deals damage. This spell is an
illusion but otherwise works exactly as the origi-
•C  antrips (at will): chill touch, mage hand, minor illu- nal spell. The affected creature must make the sav-
sion, prestidigitation, ray of frost ing throws as described in the spell’s description. A
• 1st level (4 slots): color spray, disguise self, illusory creature affected by a shadow evocation spell must
script, silent image also make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed
• 2 nd level (3 slots): invisibility, magic mouth, mirror save, the creature believes the spell to be real and
image* takes damage from the spell as normal. On a suc-
• 3 rd level (3 slots): fear, hypnotic pattern, major im- cessful save the creature takes only half damage.
• 4 th level (3 slots): hallucinatory terrain, shadowcraft Shadow Stealth. While in dim light or darkness, Syl-
conjuration latur Laudraphol can take the Hide action as a bo-
• 5th level (2 slots): creation, seeming nus action. Its stealth bonus is also improved to +7.
• 6th level (1 slot): programmed illusion
Sunlight Weakness. While in sunlight, Syllatur Lau-
* S yllatur Laudraphol casts these spells on itself be- draphol has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability
fore combat. checks, and saving throws.
Amorphous. Syllatur Laudraphol can move through
a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without squeezing. ACTIONS
Pseudo Reality. Syllatur Laudraphol can empower its Strength Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
illusions with quasi-real shadows that deal damage. 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) necrotic damage,
When Syllatur Laudraphol casts a 1st or higher level and the target’s Strength score is reduced by 1d4.
spell to create the image of an object, creature, or The target dies if this reduces its Strength to 0. Oth-
visible phenomenon, it can choose to cast its spell to erwise, the reduction lasts until the target finishes a
deal 1d6 psychic damage per spell level every round short or long rest. If a non-evil humanoid dies from
to those creatures that are affected by it. Affected this attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4
creatures can make an Intelligence saving throw to hours later.
half the damage. Physical interaction with the im-
age does not reveal it to be an illusion. A creature
that successfully sees through the image by taking REACTIONS
an action to make a successful Intelligence (Investi-
gation) check becomes immune to the damage dealt Shadow Shield (Recharges after a Short or Long Rest).
by the spell. Syllatur Laudraphol can instantly create a tangled
mass of shadows that make it harder to hit. Syllatur
Laudraphol can use its reaction to conjure a shad-
owy aura that negates one hit by an attack that
targets it.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

The Inheritors of the Unbegotten choose tentacled
masters carefully from the newborn of their house.
These mutated drow monks are implanted with an
alien symbiont at an early age, just like the frenzied
mutants. However, they receive a more rigorous,
ancient form of combat training that emulates the
movement and combat tactics of the aberrations
they venerate. The tentacled masters are silent, obe-
dient, and loyal servants of the druids and protect
them with their lives if needed.

Medium humanoid (drow), lawful evil

Armor Class 15 (unarmored defense)

Hit Points 33 (6d8 + 6)
Speed 45 ft.


13 (+1) 18 (+4) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1)

Saving Throws Str +4, Dex +7

Skills Acrobatics +7, Athletics +4
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common
Challenge 3 (700 XP) against being charmed and frightened. The tenta-
cled master is immune to madness and spell effects
that provoke uncontrolled action (such as confu-
Innate Spellcasting. The tentacled master’s spellcasting sion).
ability is Charisma (spell save DC 12). It can innately cast
the following spells, requiring no material components: Fey Ancestry. Magic can’t put the tentacled master
to sleep.
• At will: dancing lights
• 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire Limited Telepathy. The tentacled master can magi-
cally transmit simple messages and images to any
Alien Anatomy. The tentacled master is considered creature within 120 ft. of it that can understand a
an aberration type creature for the purposes of de- language. This form of telepathy doesn’t allow the
termining effects but otherwise retains its original receiving creature to telepathically respond.
creature type.
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the tentacled
Alien Mind. The tentacled master has resistance to master has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as
psychic damage and advantage on saving throws on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Unsettling Appearance. The tentacled master has dis- ACTIONS
advantage on Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks.
Multiattack. The tentacled master makes two at-
Martial Arts. When the tentacled master uses the tacks with its unarmed strikes.
attack action with an unarmed strike, it can make
one additional unarmed strike as a bonus action. Unarmed Strike. Magical Melee Weapon: +7 to hit, reach
5 ft., one creature. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Ki Points (Recharges after a Long Rest). The tentacled
master has 6 ki points.
Flurry of Blows. Immediately after the tentacled
master takes the multiattack action on its turn, it Deflect Missiles. The tentacled master can use its re-
can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes action to deflect or catch the missile when it is hit by
as a bonus action. a ranged weapon attack. When it does so, the dam-
age it takes from the attack is reduced by 15 (1d10
Patient Defense. The tentacled master can spend 1 + 10). If the damage is reduced to 0, the tentacled
ki point to take the Dodge action as a bonus action master can catch the missile if it is small enough for
on its turn. it to hold in one hand and if it has at least one hand
free. If it catches a missile in this way, the tentacled
Step of the Wind. The tentacled master can spend 1 master can spend 1 ki point to make a ranged attack
ki point to take the Disengage or Dash action as a
bonus action on its turn, and its jump distance is
(range 20 feet/60 feet) with the weapon or piece of
ammunition it has just caught, as part of the same
doubled for the turn reaction. (+7 to hit, range 20 ft./60 ft., one creature.
Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing damage.)
Stunning Strike. When the tentacled master hits an-
other creature with a melee weapon attack, it can Slow Fall. The tentacled master can use its reaction
spend 1 ki point to attempt a stunning strike. The when it falls to reduce any falling damage it takes
target must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving by 30 hit points.
throw or be stunned until the end of the tentacled
master’s next turn.

Tentacle Limb. As a bonus action, the tentacled master THE COLOSSUS

can spend 1 ki point to transform its arm into a 10 feet
long tentacle for 1 minute. The tentacle has reach and The Colossus is a 40-foot tall stone construct that Mas-
can be used as part of an unarmed strike. The tentacle ter Arlen created for the campaign against the Order
deals 7 (1d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage. The tentacled of the Eternal Light. Its body is made out of an other-
master gains advantage on Strength (Athletics) skill worldly material that absorbs light, making the Colos-
checks to grapple an opponent with the tentacle. sus immune to radiant damage. The massive construct
was built to break through all kinds of fortifications
Nerve Wrecking Strike. The unarmed strikes of the ten- and after Razmyrel’s victory, it was deemed too pow-
tacled master with its tentacle limb count as magical erful by Master Arlen to remain active. Master Arlen
for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immu- ordered the monumental construct to bury itself in a
nity to nonmagical attacks and damage. It can spend 1 remote location at the edge of the Arden Forest. Re-
ki point to deal an additional 5 (1d6 + 2) psychic dam- awakened by the Midnight Curse but without the mag-
age with one unarmed strike of its tentacle limb. ical control of its creator, the Colossus now wanders
aimlessly, leaving a trampled swath of trees in its wake.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

THE COLOSSUS Mauling Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, reach
Gargantuan construct, unaligned 15 ft., one target. Hit: 36 (4d12 + 10) bludgeoning
Armor Class 17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 390 (20d20+180) Hurled Tree. Ranged Weapon Attack: +16 to hit, range
Speed 60 ft. 200/800 ft., one target. Hit: 32 (4d10 + 10) bludgeon-
ing damage.
30 (+10) 8 (-1) 28 (+9) 1 (-5) 10 (+0) 1 (-5) Path of Destruction. The Colossus tramples every-
thing and everyone in its path in a 60-foot line that
Damage Immunities cold, fire, poison, psychic, is 20 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make
radiant; bludgeoning, piercing and slashing from a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 52 (8d12 + 10)
nonmagical attacks not made with adamantine damage on a failed save.
Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
frightened, paralyzed, petrified, poisoned,
stunned, unconscious
Senses blindsight 120 ft., passive Perception 10 THE UTTER BLINDNESS
Languages -
Challenge 18 (20,000 XP) The Utter Blindness is a gargantuan gelatinous cube
that has been amalgamated from smaller specimens
through a vile ritual that requires the self-immola-
Damage Threshold. The Colossus has extra resilience tion by corrosion of those who undertake it. The
due to its construction represented by a damage gargantuan ooze becomes infused by the divine en-
threshold. It has immunity to all damage unless it ergies of the deity known, only to a few, as the Blind
takes at least 10 points of damage from any single God and can cause blindness through its pseudopod.
attack or effect, in which case it takes damage as
normal. Any damage that fails to meet or exceed the
10 points of damage is considered superficial and
doesn’t reduce the Colossus’ hit points. THE UTTER BLINDNESS
Gargantuan ooze, unaligned
Immutable Form. The Colossus is immune to any
spell or effect that would alter its form. Armor Class 6
Hit Points 132 (8d20 + 48)
Magical Mauling Fists. The Colossus’ attacks are magical. Speed 15 ft.

Siege Monster. The Colossus deals double damage to STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
objects and structures. 22 (+6) 3 (-4) 22 (+6) 1(-5) 6 (-2) 1 (-5)

Condition Immunities blinded, charmed, deaf-

ACTIONS ened, exhaustion, frightened, prone
Senses blindsight 60 ft. (blind beyond this radi-
Multiattack. The Colossus can make two melee at- us), passive Perception 8
tacks with its oversized mauling fists. Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Ooze Cube. The cube takes up its entire space. Other try to escape by taking an action to make a DC 17
creatures can enter the space, but a creature that Strength check. On a success, the creature escapes
does so is subjected to the cube’s engulf and has dis- and enters a space of its choice within 5 feet of
advantage on the saving throw. Creatures inside the the cube.
cube can be seen but have total cover. A creature
within 5 feet of the cube can take an action to pull a
creature or object out of the cube. Doing so requires
a successful DC 17 Strength check, and the creature THE LICH-KNIGHT
making the attempt takes 17 (5d6) acid damage. The
cube can hold only two huge creatures, four large The Lich-Knight was created as part of the Midnight
creatures or up to sixteen medium or smaller crea- Curse by the Matrons of Malice as a last resort to
tures inside it at a time. inflict suffering upon the Kingdom of Aglarion. The
soul of Prince Krasnar Azennar was bound to a phy-
Transparent. Even when the cube is in plain sight, lactery with a ritual similar to the one that wizards
it takes a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) use to turn themselves into liches. The Lich-Knight
check to spot a cube that has neither moved nor seeks to rule over its promised kingdom that it
attacked. A creature that tries to enter the cube’s wants to fashion to its own image, a land ravaged
space while unaware of the cube is surprised by by its undead minions.
the cube.


Medium undead, neutral evil
Pseudopod. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach
10 ft., one creature. Hit: 17 (5d6) acid damage and Armor Class 19 (+1 plate)
the target must make a successful DC 17 Consti- Hit Points 195 (26d8 + 78)
tution saving throw or be permanently blinded. Speed 30 ft.
This blindness can only be cured by heal or higher
level spells. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
22 (+6) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 17 (+3)
Engulf. The cube moves up to its speed. While do-
ing so, it can enter Huge or smaller creatures’ Saving Throws Wis +7, Cha +9 (+3 on all saving
spaces. Whenever the cube enters a creature’s throws from Aura of Protection)
space, the creature must make a DC 12 Dexterity Skills Athletics +12, Intimidation +9, Perception +7
saving throw. On a successful save, the creature Damage Resistances cold, lightning, necrotic,
can choose to be pushed 5 feet back or to the psychic
side of the cube. A creature that chooses not to Damage Immunities poison; bludgeoning, pierc-
be pushed suffers the consequences of a failed ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks
saving throw. On a failed save, the cube enters Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
the creature’s space, and the creature takes 17 frightened, paralyzed, poisoned
(5d6) acid damage and is engulfed. The engulfed Senses truesight 120 ft., passive Perception 17
creature can’t breathe, is restrained, and takes 35 Languages Common, Deep Speech, Draconic,
(10d6) acid damage at the start of each of the telepathy (one-way, 120 ft.)
cube’s turns. When the cube moves, the engulfed Challenge 18 (20,000 XP)
creature moves with it. An engulfed creature can

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. The Lich-Knight is a 11th-level spellcast- saving throw equal to the Lich-Knight’s Charisma
er. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC modifier of +3. The Lich-Knight must be conscious
17, +9 to hit with spell attacks). The Lich-Knight has to grant this bonus.
the following paladin spells prepared:
Great Weapon Fighting. When the Lich-Knight rolls a
• 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, divine 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack it makes, it can
favor, shield of faith* reroll the die and must use the new roll.
• 2 nd level (3 slots): aid*, branding smite, lesser res-
toration, Legendary Resistance (3/Day). If the Lich-Knight fails
• 3 rd level (3 slots): dispel magic a saving throw, it can choose to succeed instead.

The Lich-Knight is a 3rd-level spellcaster. Its spell- Limited Telepathy. The Lich-Knight can magical-
casting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 17, +9 to ly transmit simple messages and images to any
hit with spell attacks). The Lich-Knight knows the creature within 120 ft. of it that can understand
following warlock spells: a language. This form of te-
lepathy doesn’t allow
•C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, true strike the receiving creature
• 1st-2th level (2 2nd level slots): blindness/deaf- to telepathically re-
ness, mirror image*, protection from evil and good, spond.
ray of enfeeblement

*The Lich-Knight
casts these spells
on itself before

Agile Tentacles.
The Lich-Knight has
two additional tentacle
limbs that it can use to manip-
ulate objects within a reach of 5
feet. It can attack with both ten-
tacles as a bonus action.

Aura of Menace. Each creature of

the Lich-Knight’s choice that is
within 10 feet of it and aware of
him must succeed on a DC 17 Wis-
dom saving throw or become fright-
ened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, end-
ing the effect on itself on a success.

Aura of Protection. Whenever the Lich-Knight or a

friendly creature within 10 feet of it must make a
saving throw, the creature gains a bonus to the

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Rejuvenation. If it has a phylactery, the destroyed Within the same radius, the Lich-Knight also detects
Lich-Knight gains a new body in 1d10 days, regain- the presence of any place or object that has been
ing all its hit points and becoming active again. The consecrated or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.
new body appears within 5 feet of the phylactery.
Hand of Doom. The Lich-Knight can touch a creature
Turn Resistance. The Lich-Knight has advantage on and draw power from its pool of 55 hit points to
saving throws against any effect that turns undead. cause necrotic damage to a creature touched, up to
the maximum amount remaining in its pool. This
Unholy Smite. When Krasnar Azennar hits a crea- feature has no effect on undead and constructs.
ture with a melee weapon attack, he can expend
one spell slot to deal necrotic damage to the tar- Touch of Undeath. The Lich-Knight can choose to
get, in addition to the weapon’s damage. The extra create and control a skeleton, zombie, ghoul, ghast,
damage is 9 (2d8) for a 1st-level spell slot, plus 4 or wight from a dead humanoid, giant, or beast by
(1d8) for each spell level higher than 1st. The dam- merely touching it.
age increases by 1d8 if the target is a paladin or
ACTIONS Deflection. When another creature damages the
Lich-Knight or its ally within 5 feet with a melee
Multiattack. The Lich-Knight makes three attacks
with its glaive and two attacks with its tentacles as
attack, it can use his reaction to reduce the damage
by 6 (1d6 + 3) points.
a bonus action.
Protection. When a creature the Lich-Knight can see
+2 Nine Lives Stealer Glaive. Melee Weapon Attack: +14 attacks a target other than the Lich-Knight that is
to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 13 (1d10 + 8) slash- within 5 feet of the Lich-Knight, it can use its reac-
ing damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage. tion to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.

Tentacle. Melee Weapon Attack: +12 to hit, reach 5

ft., one target. Hit: 10 (1d8 + 6) bludgeoning dam- LEGENDARY ACTIONS
age plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage. The target must
succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or be The Lich-Knight can take 3 legendary actions, choos-
paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can repeat the ing from the options below. Only one legendary ac-
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending tion option can be used at a time and only at the
the effect on itself on a success. end of another creature’s turn. The Lich-Knight re-
gains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
+1 Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d10 + 2) piercing Cantrip. The Lich-Knight casts a cantrip.
Tentacle. The Lich-Knight attacks with its tentacle.
Divine Sense (4/Day). The Lich-Knight can detect evil
forces. Until the end of its next turn, the Lich-Knight Frightening Gaze (Costs 2 Actions). The Lich-Knight
knows the location of any celestial, fiend, or undead fixes its gaze on one creature it can see within 10
within 60 feet of it that is not behind total cover. It feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 17 Wis-
knows the type (celestial, fiend, or undead) of any dom saving throw against this magic or become
being whose presence he senses, but not its identity. frightened for 1 minute. The frightened target can

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its UNIT OF ARMED COMMONERS
turns, ending the effect on itself on a success. If a
target’s saving throw is successful or the effect ends Sometimes, armies need to enlist every able-bodied
for it, the target is immune to the lich’s gaze for the person who has the will to fight - artisans, mer-
next 24 hours. chants, peasants, men and women of the communi-
ty who are ready to die for their families, freedom,
Disrupt Life (Costs 3 Actions). Each non-undead and country, willing to make the ultimate sacrifice
creature within 20 feet of the Lich-Knight must for them. They are armed only with a club, but their
make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw against this greatest weapon is their unity and ferocious will to
magic, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a failed overcome their enemies.
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.


Gargantuan unit of medium humanoids,
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the any alignment
Lich-Knight takes a lair action to cause one of the
following effects; the Lich-Knight can’t use the same Armor Class 10
effect two rounds in a row: Hit Points 210 (20d20)
Speed 30 ft.
 he Lich-Knight can point to any point and cause
a necrotic fog to fill an area in a 20 feet radius. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
When a creature enters the area for the first time 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0) 10 (+0)
on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature
must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw. Senses passive Perception 10
The creature takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a Languages any one language (usually Common)
failed save, or half as much damage on a success- Challenge 3 (700 XP)
ful one. Creatures are affected even if they hold
their breath or don’t need to breathe.
Unit. The unit of armed commoners can occupy an-
 he Lich-Knight can infuse undead with unholy other creature’s space and vice versa, and the unit
power making them harder to turn. The Lich- can move through any opening large enough for
Knight can choose an undead creature that the a medium creature. The unit of armed commoners
Lich-Knight can see within 60 feet of it, granting has a space of 50 feet. The unit makes Strength abil-
it advantage on saving throws against effects that ity checks with a +5 modifier.
turn or destroy undead.

 he Lich-Knight can invigorate itself with unholy
energies. The Lich-Knight regains 40 hit points. ACTIONS
Club. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft., all
EQUIPMENT creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 20 (8d4) bludgeon-
ing damage, or 10 (4d4) bludgeoning damage if the
The Lich-Knight wields a +2 nine lives stealer glaive unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
that has four charges remaining, carries a +1 heavy
crossbow, and wears a +1 plate armor.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

UNIT OF GHOULS Divine Susceptibility. The unit of ghouls is consid-
ered as a CR 1 undead creature for the purposes
Longing for humanoid flesh, this huge pack of of a cleric’s Channel Divinity: Turn Undead class
ghouls hunts ferociously and without ever satiat- feature.
ing their dreadful need. The paralytic effect of their
claws quickly subdues most humanoid victims that
are soon consumed without leaving a trace of their ACTIONS
former existence.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 72 (16d6 + 16)
piercing damage, or 36 (8d6 + 8) piercing damage
UNIT OF GHOULS if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
Huge unit of medium undead, neutral evil
Claws. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
Armor Class 12 all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 56 (16d4 + 16)
Hit Points 420 (40d20) slashing damage, or 28 (8d4 + 8) slashing damage
Speed 30 ft. if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer. If the
target is a non-unit creature other than an elf or
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA undead, it must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution
13 (+1) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 7 (-2) 10 (+0) 6 (-2) saving throw or be paralyzed for 1 minute. The

Damage Immunities poison

target can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a
Condition Immunities poisoned success.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP)

Unit. The unit of ghouls can occupy another crea-

ture’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move
through any opening large enough for a medium
creature. The unit of ghouls has a space of 25 feet.
The unit makes Strength ability checks with a +5

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The regular ranged militia of the Kingdom of The outriders of the army, these well-trained and
Agalrion consists of well-equipped archers select- battle-hardened riders, are fewer in number than
ed by their superiors. These units guard the walls units of regular foot soldiers but are capable of de-
of the cities and provide ranged support to the livering significant damage, especially if they can
troops fighting in the first rows of the battles utilize the power of their charging horses.
when needed.


UNIT OF ROYAL ARROWS Huge unit of medium humanoids, any alignment
Gargantuan unit of medium humanoids, any alignment
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Armor Class 15 (chain shirt) Hit Points 375 (50d12 + 50)
Hit Points 575 (50d20 + 50) Speed 30 ft. (60 ft. when mounted)
Speed 30 ft.
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)
11 (+0) 14 (+2) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)
Skills Animal Handling +5, Survival +5
Skills Perception +4 Senses passive Perception 11
Senses passive Perception 14 Languages any one language (usually Common)
Languages any one language (usually Common) Challenge 12 (8,400 XP)
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Unit. The unit of Royal Riders can occupy another

Unit. The unit of Royal Arrows can occupy another creature’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move
creature’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move through any opening large enough for a large creature.
through any opening large enough for a medium crea- The unit of Royal Riders has a space of 50 feet. The unit
ture. The unit of Royal Arrows has a space of 50 feet. The makes Strength ability checks with a +5 modifier.
unit makes Strength ability checks with a +5 modifier.
Trampling Stampede. If the unit of Royal Riders
moves at least 60 feet straight toward a creature,
ACTIONS the unit of Royal Riders can make one trample at-
tack against it as a bonus action.
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
150/600 ft., all creatures in a 25 feet radius. Hit: 52
(8d8 + 16) piercing damage, or 26 (4d8 + 8) piercing ACTIONS
damage if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
Multiattack. The unit of Royal Riders makes two
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach melee attacks.
0 ft., all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 28 (8d6)
slashing damage, or 14 (4d6) slashing damage if the Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0
unit has half of its hit points or fewer. ft., all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 44 (8d8 + 8)
slashing damage, or 22 (4d8 + 4) slashing damage if
the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Trample. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., UNIT OF SATYRS
all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 44 (8d10) blud-
geoning damage. A small but competent group of satyrs who come
together to fight and revel after their victory is the
basis of many fairy tales and a truly magnificent
sight to behold. Their loud cheers during and after
battle speak of willpower and the love of battle.
The regular foot soldiers and city guards of the
Kingdom of Aglarion comprise well-equipped regi- UNIT OF SATYRS
ments that can halt the enemy’s advance and stand Huge unit of medium fey, chaotic neutral
firm on the battleground.
Armor Class 14 (leather armor)
Hit Points 487 (75d12)
Speed 30 ft.
Gargantuan unit of medium humanoids, any alignment STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
12 (+1) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 14 (+2)
Armor Class 16 (chain shirt, shield)
Hit Points 575 (50d20 + 50)
Speed 30 ft.
Skills Perception +2, Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, Sylvan
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)
13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 10 (+0)

Skills Perception +4 Unit. The unit of satyrs can occupy another crea-
Senses passive Perception 14 ture’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move
Languages any one language (usually Common) through any opening large enough for a medium
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) creature. The unit of satyrs has a space of 25 feet.
The unit makes Strength ability checks with a +5
Unit. The unit of Royal Swords can occupy another
creature’s space and vice versa, and the unit can Magic Resistance. The unit of satyrs has advantage on
move through any opening large enough for a me- saving throws against spells and other magical effects.
dium creature. The unit of Royal Swords has a space
of 50 feet. The unit makes Strength ability checks
with a +5 modifier. ACTIONS
Ram. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., all
ACTIONS creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 48 (16d4 + 8) blud-
geoning damage, or 24 (8d4 + 4) bludgeoning dam-
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 age if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
ft., all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 44 (8d8 + 8)
slashing damage, or 22 (4d8 + 4) slashing damage if
the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 0 Unit. The unit of scoundrels can occupy another
ft., all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 52 (8d6 + 24) creature’s space and vice versa, and the unit can
piercing damage, or 26 (4d6 + 12) piercing damage if move through any opening large enough for a me-
the unit has half of its hit points or fewer. dium creature. The unit of scoundrels has a space of
50 feet. The unit makes Strength ability checks with
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach a +5 modifier.
80/320 ft., all creatures in a 25 feet radius. Hit: 52
(8d6 + 24) piercing damage, or 26 (4d6 + 12) piercing Cunning Action. On each of its turns, the unit of
damage if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer. scoundrels can use a bonus action to take the Dash,
Disengage, or Hide action.

Opportunist Attack (1/Turn). The unit of scoundrels

deals an extra 70 (20d6), or 35 (10d6) damage if the
UNIT OF SCOUNDRELS unit has half of its hit points or fewer, when it hits a
target with a weapon attack and has advantage on
This group of self-taught scoundrels and thieves the attack roll, or if the target is surprised.
benefit from their unpredictable battle tactics that
can force most enemies to their knees. They move
with great agility on the battlefield, outsmarting ACTIONS
foes with heavier armaments.
Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0
ft., all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 44 (8d6 + 16)
piercing damage, or 22 (4d6 + 8) piercing damage if
UNIT OF SCOUNDRELS the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
Gargantuan unit of medium humanoids, any alignment
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach
Armor Class 13 (leather armor) 80/320 ft., all creatures in a 25 feet radius. Hit: 44
Hit Points 210 (20d20) (8d6 + 16) piercing damage, or 22 (4d6 + 8) piercing
Speed 30 ft. damage if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.


11 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 11 (+0) 11 (+0) 12 (+1)

Skills Stealth +5
Senses passive Perception 10
Languages Thieves’ cant plus any one language
(usually Common)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

A troop of intelligent undead is a truly horrific op- Multiattack. The unit of wights makes two long-
ponent, especially if its members retain their battle sword attacks or two longbow attacks. It can use
skills from their previous lives. What makes them its Life Drain in place of one longsword attack.
an even more potent and dreadful enemy is the fact
that their necrotic powers turn their victims into Life Drain. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0 ft.,
a mass of walking mindless zombies that join their all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 44 (8d6 + 16) ne-
ranks against the living. crotic damage, or 22 (4d6 + 8) slashing damage if the
unit has half of its hit points or fewer. The target
must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw
UNIT OF WIGHTS or its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
Huge unit of medium undead, neutral evil equal to the damage taken. This reduction lasts un-
til the target finishes a long rest. The target dies if
Armor Class 14 (studded leather) this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0. A
Hit Points 760 (80d12 + 240) humanoid or a unit made up of humanoids slain by
Speed 30 ft. this attack rises 24 hours later as a zombie or a unit
of zombies under the control of the unit of wights,
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA unless the humanoid or the unit is restored to life
15 (+2) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 15 (+2) or their bodies are destroyed. The unit of wights can

Skills Perception +5, Stealth +6

have no more than one unit of zombies under its
control at one time.
Damage Resistances necrotic; bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 0
that aren’t silvered ft., all creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 52 (8d8 + 16)
Damage Immunities poison slashing damage, or 26 (4d8 + 8) slashing damage if
Condition Immunities exhaustion, poisoned the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 15
Languages The languages it knew in life Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) 150/600 ft., all creatures in a 25 feet radius. Hit: 52
(8d8 + 16) piercing damage, or 26 (4d8 + 8) piercing
damage if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
Unit. The unit of wights can occupy another crea-
ture’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move
through any opening large enough for a medium
creature. The unit of wights has a space of 25 feet.
The unit makes Strength ability checks with a +6

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, the unit of

wights has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Divine Susceptibility. The unit of wights is consid-

ered as a CR 3 undead creature for the purposes of a
cleric’s Channel Divinity: Turn Undead class feature.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Almost nothing can withstand the powerful spells Volley of Fire Bolts. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit,
that a group of combat-trained wizards can unleash reach 120 ft., all creatures in a 25 feet radius. Hit: 66
upon their enemies. Their magically enhanced bat- (12d10) fire damage, or 33 (6d10) fire damage if the
tle tactics make them one of the most potent units unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
on any battlefield.
Volley of Magic Missiles (3/Day). The unit of wizards
can unleash a volley of glowing darts of magical
force. The volley of magic missiles deals a total of
UNIT OF WIZARDS 157 (45d4 + 45) force damage, or 77 (22d4 + 22) force
Huge unit of medium humanoids, any alignment damage if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
The unit of wizards can divide the damage rolled as
Armor Class 11 (14 with mage armor) it chooses among any number of creatures that it
Hit Points 325 (50d12) can see within a range of 120 feet.
Speed 30 ft.
Invisibility (1/Day). The unit of wizards can cast the
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA invisibility spell.
9 (-1) 12 (+1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 12 (+1)
Levitate (1/Day). The unit of wizards can cast the
Saving Throws Int +7 levitate spell.
Skills Arcana +7, History +7
Senses passive Perception 11 Barrage of Fireballs (2/Day). The unit of wizards can
Languages any one language (usually Common) unleash deadly explosions of flames in a 80 foot radi-
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) us area within a range of 150 feet. A creature in the
area takes 420 (120d6) fire damage, or 210 (60d6) fire
damage if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer.
Unit. The unit of wizards can occupy another crea- A creature in the area can halve the damage by suc-
ture’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move ceeding on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. The fire
through any opening large enough for a medium crea- spreads around corners. It ignites flammable objects
ture. The unit of wizards has a space of 25 feet. The in the area that aren’t being worn or carried.
unit makes Strength ability checks with a +4 modifier.

Magical Shielding (2/Day). The unit of wizards can
cast the shield spell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

UNIT OF ZOMBIES Pile On. The unit of zombies has advantage on melee
attack rolls against any huge or smaller creature
Spawn from the petitioners of the Abyss, these that has no other creature within 5 feet of it. Such
zombies bear the traits of the demonic plane they targets must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving
spawn from. The mass of dozens of mindless, loudly throw or become prone.
moaning zombies crawl and bite at any creature
that comes within their reach. The horde of abyssal Undead Fortitude. Every time the unit of zombies
undead climb over their targets, engulfing all crea- takes damage, it must make a DC 15 Constitution
tures in their way before tearing them apart. saving throw, unless the damage is radiant damage.
On a success, the unit of zombies takes only half
the damage.

UNIT OF ZOMBIES Divine Susceptibility. The unit of zombies is consid-

Gargantuan unit of medium undead, neutral evil ered as a CR 1/4 undead creature for the purposes of
a cleric’s Channel Divinity: Turn Undead class fea-
Armor Class 8 ture.
Hit Points 1,080 (80d20 + 240)
Speed 20 ft.
13 (+1) 6 (-2) 16 (+3) 3 (-4) 6 (-2) 5 (-3) Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., all
creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 36 (8d6 + 8) pierc-
Saving Throws Wis +2 ing damage, or 18 (4d6 + 4) piercing damage if the
Damage Immunities poison unit has half of its hit points or fewer. A non-unit
Condition Immunities poisoned creature hit by the unit of zombies must succeed
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or become prone.
Perception 8 Standing up in the space of a unit of zombies re-
Languages Understands common quires a successful DC 13 Strength saving throw.
but can’t speak
Challenge 9 (5,000 XP) Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 0 ft., all
creatures in the unit’s space. Hit: 36 (8d6 + 8) blud-
geoning damage, or 18 (4d6 + 4) bludgeoning dam-
Unit. The unit of zombies can occupy another crea- age if the unit has half of its hit points or fewer. A
ture’s space and vice versa, and the unit can move non-unit creature hit by the unit of zombies must
through any opening large enough for a medium succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be-
creature. The unit of zombies has a space of 50 feet. come prone. Standing up in the space of a unit of
The unit makes Strength ability checks with a +5 zombies requires a successful DC 13 Strength saving
modifier. throw.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

VAULT NAGA • 1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, divine favor,
shield of faith*
These imperishable guardians of treasure vaults are • 2 nd level (3 slots): branding smite, hold person, spiri-
menacing combatants and magic users who hone tual weapon
their deals for eternity but demand their shares • 3 rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, meld into stone, spirit
equally fiercely. The god of strength, the Relentless, guardians
originally created them as a gift to the first dwar- • 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of move-
ven kings, and as a result, the vault naga is fond of ment*, guardian of faith
the dwarven race, its songs, and beer. • 5 th level (1 slots): flame strike

*The vault naga casts these spells on itself before com-

Large monstrosity, lawful neutral
Brutal Swing. The vault naga can reroll any of the
Armor Class 18 (natural armor) damage die for its tail axe if the roll is 1 or 2. It must
Hit Points 102 (12d10 + 36) use the new roll.
Speed 40 ft.
Magic Weapons. The vault naga’s weapon attacks are
21 (+5) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 17 (+3) 17 (+3)
Rejuvenation. If it dies, the vault naga returns to life in
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +6, Int +4, Wis +6, 1d6 days and regains all its hit points. Only a wish spell
Cha +6 can prevent this trait from functioning.
Damage Immunities poison
Condition Immunities charmed, poi-
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Per-
ception 13 Multiattack. The
Languages Celestial, Common, Dwarvish, vault naga makes
Undercommon two attacks, one
Challenge 7 (2,900 XP) with its bite and
one with its tail axe.

Spellcasting. Bite. Melee Weapon At-

The vault naga is a tack: +8 to hit, reach 10
9th-level spellcaster. ft., one creature. Hit: 9
Its spellcasting ability is (1d8 + 5) piercing damage
Wisdom (spell save DC 14, plus 27 (6d8) poison damage.
+6 to hit with spell attacks), The target must make a DC
and it needs only verbal com- 14 Constitution saving
ponents to cast its spells. It has
the following cleric and paladin
spells prepared:

 antrips (at will): guidance,
sacred flame, thaumaturgy

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
throw, taking the poison damage on a failed save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

Tail Axe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 10 ft.,

one creature. Hit: 15 (3d6 + 5) slashing damage.

The archdruid of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten is served
even by the circle’s other druids as a godling. The vile drow
druid has taken their entire house to the Farrealm thou-
sands of years ago and has returned to avenge their exile
and to sacrifice the Feyrealm as a whole to his aberrant
masters. Welvynn Ausstyl is motivated only by the service
to the entities he and his circle venerates and has no re-
morse about achieving the goals set forth by them.

• At will: dancing lights

WELVYNN AUSSTYL • 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire
Medium humanoid (drow), neutral evil
Spellcasting. Welvynn Ausstyl is a 15th-level spell-
Armor Class 16 (chuul carapace breast plate) caster. Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save
Hit Points 82 (15d8 + 15) DC 18, +10 to hit with spell attacks). It has the fol-
Speed 30 ft. lowing druid spells prepared:

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA •C  antrips (at will): eldritch blast, druidcraft, poison
10 (+0) 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 20 (+5) 12 (+1) spray, resistance, shillelagh
• 1st level (4 slots): cure wounds, entangle, goodberry
Saving Throws Int +6, Wis +10 • 2 nd level (3 slots): blur*, detect thoughts, heat met-
Skills Intimidation +6, Nature +6, Perception +10, al, hold person, lesser restoration, spider climb
Religion +6, Stealth +7 • 3 rd level (3 slots): dispel magic, gaseous form, spirit
Damage Resistances psychic guardians, water breathing, wind wall
Condition Immunities charmed • 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, black tentacles, con-
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 20 fusion, freedom of movement*
Languages Elvish, Undercommon, Deep Speech, • 5 th level (2 slots): antilife shell, contact other plane,
Druidic, telepathy (one-way, 120 ft.) hallow, mass cure wounds
Challenge 10 (5,900 XP) • 6th level (1 slot): heal, sunbeam,
• 7 th level (1 slot): fire storm, regenerate, reverse gravity
• 8th level (1 slot): feeblemind
Innate Spellcasting. Welvynn Ausstyl’s spellcasting abil-
ity is Charisma (spell save DC 14). It can innately cast *Welvynn Ausstyl casts these spells on itself before
the following spells, requiring no material components: combat.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Alien Anatomy. Welvynn Ausstyl is considered an Conjure Abomination (Recharges after a Long Rest).
aberration type creature for the purposes of de- Welvynn Ausstyl can cast the conjure celestial spell
termining effects but otherwise retains its original but instead of a celestial creature he conjures an
creature type. aberration type creature of his choice within the
limits of the spell. The spell lasts 1 hour and doesn’t
Alien Mind. Welvynn Ausstyl has resistance to psy- require him to concentrate on it.
chic damage and advantage on saving throws
against being frightened. Welvynn Ausstyl is im- Enslave (Recharges after a Long Rest). Welvynn Auss-
mune to madness and spell effects that provoke un- tyl can cast the dominate person spell without ex-
controlled action (such as confusion). pending a spell slot or material components.

Fey Ancestry. Magic can’t put Welvynn Ausstyl to Wild Shape (Recharges after a Short or a Long Rest).
sleep. Twice per day, Welvynn Ausstyl can use its ac-
tion to magically assume the shape of a beast. The
Incomprehensible Intellect. The thoughts of Welvynn beast can be CR 1 or less, with a fly or swimming
Ausstyl can’t be read by magical means and it is speed. The Inheritor of the Unbegotten can stay
immune to being charmed. in beast shape for seven hours. This ability oth-
erwise functions as the wild shape ability of the
Limited Telepathy. Welvynn Ausstyl can magically druid class.
transmit simple messages and images to any crea-
ture within 120 ft. of it that can understand a lan- Manifest Aberrant Trait. Welvynn Ausstyl can ex-
guage. This form of telepathy doesn’t allow the re- pend one use of its Wild Shape feature to emulate
ceiving creature to telepathically respond. one special trait of any aberration type creature of
CR 3 or lower for one minute. If there is a saving
Unsettling Appearance. Welvynn Ausstyl has disad- throw associated with the special trait then the
vantage on Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks. saving throw is made against DC 18.

Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Welvynn

Ausstyl has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as EQUIPMENT
on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Welvynn Ausstyl wears a robe of eyes and wields a
Voice of the Void. Welvynn Ausstyl can make itself whip of tentacles.
understood with aberrations that don’t speak Dark
Speech or are not capable of speech.

Whip of Tentacles. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,
reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing
damage, and the target must succeed on DC 11 Con-
stitution save or become poisoned for one minute.
The target can attempt a new save at the end of
its turn. A successful save ends the poisoned con-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

WEREHELLHOUND KNIGHT tistics, other than its AC, are the same in each form.
Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t trans-
A Knight of the Crown who has chosen to stay formed. It is automatically cast out of its armor
loyal to the crown despite the Midnight Curse, when it changes into hellhound form. It reverts to
has been turned into a werehellhound lycan- its true form if it dies.
thrope by the newly crowned Queen Aphinah as
a gift for its service. Maintaining the tenets of its Spellcasting. The werehellhound knight is a 6th-lev-
oath to protect the sovereign, a werehellhound el spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma
knight relies on its divine magic and shapechang- (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). The
er abilities to weed out and persecute any and werehellhound knight has the following paladin
all opposition. Serving as the queen’s private spells prepared:
guard and commando, werehellhound knights
always travel in packs of at least two members • 1st level (4 slots): command, cure wounds, divine
and spread the flames of their hellish curse upon favor, heroism, protection from evil and good, shield
their victims. of faith
• 2 nd level (2 slots): branding smite, magic weapon*,
zone of truth
Medium humanoid (human, shapechanger, afflicted *The werehellhound knight casts these spells on it-
lycanthrope), lawful evil self before combat.

Armor Class 20 in humanoid and hybrid form

(plate, shield) 15 in hellhound form (natural
Hit Points 52 (8d8 + 16)
Speed 30 ft. (50 ft. in hellhound form)


18 (+4) 11 (+0) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) 15 (+2)

Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +5 (+2 on all saving

throws from Aura of Protection)
Skills Athletics +7, Insight +4, Perception +4
Damage Immunities fire; bludgeoning, pierc-
ing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks that
aren’t silvered
Senses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 14
Languages Common
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Shapechanger. The werehellhound knight

can use its action to polymorph into a
hellhound-humanoid hybrid or into
a hellhound, or back into its true
form, which is humanoid. Its sta-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Aura of Protection. Whenever the werehellhound Claws (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack:
knight or an allied creature within 10 feet of it +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 9 (2d4 + 4)
must make a saving throw, the creature gains a slashing damage.
bonus to the saving throw equal to the werehell- Longsword (Humanoid Form Only). Melee Weapon
hound knight’s Charisma modifier (+2). The were- Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8
hellhound knight must be conscious to grant this + 4) slashing damage.
Heavy Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit,
Divine Health. The werehellhound knight is im- reach 100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d10) piercing
mune to disease. damage.

Keen Hearing and Smell. The werehellhound knight Fire Breath (Hellhound or Hybrid Form Only, Re-
has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks charge 5-6). The werehellhound knight exhales fire
that rely on hearing or smell. in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must
make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, taking 21
Pack Tactics. The werehellhound knight has ad- (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
vantage on an attack roll against a creature if at damage on a successful one.
least one of the werehellhound knight’s allies is
within 5 ft. of the creature and the ally isn’t in- Divine Sense (3/Day). The werehellhound knight
capacitated. can detect otherworldly or undead forces. Un-
til the end of its next turn, the werehellhound
Unholy Smite. When the werehellhound knight knight knows the location of any celestial, fiend,
hits a creature with a melee weapon attack, it or undead within 60 feet of it that is not behind
can expend one spell slot to deal necrotic damage total cover. It knows the type (celestial, fiend, or
to the target, in addition to the weapon’s dam- undead) of any being whose presence it senses,
age. The extra damage is 9 (2d8) for a 1st-level but not its identity. Within the same radius, the
spell slot, or 13 (3d8) for a 2nd-level spell slot. The werehellhound knight also detects the presence
damage increases by 1d8 if the target is a celestial. of any place or object that has been consecrated
or desecrated, as with the hallow spell.

ACTIONS Lay on Hands (Recharges after a Long Rest). The

werehellhound knight can touch a creature and
Multiattack (Humanoid or Hybrid Form Only). The draw power from its pool of 30 hit points to re-
werehellhound knight makes three attacks: two store a number of hit points to that creature, up
with its longsword (humanoid form) or claws (hy- to the maximum amount remaining in its pool.
brid form) and one with its bite (hybrid form). Alternatively, the werehellhound knight can ex-
pend 5 hit points from its pool of healing to cure
Bite (Hellhound or Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weap- the target of one disease or neutralize one poison
on Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 affecting it. The werehellhound knight can cure
(1d8 + 4 piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. multiple diseases and neutralize multiple poisons
If the target is a humanoid, it must succeed on with a single use of Lay on Hands, expending hit
a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or be cursed points separately for each one. This feature has
with werehellhound lycanthropy. no effect on undead and constructs.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Oath of Protection (Recharges after a Short or a WEREHELLHOUND TEMPLATE
Long Rest). The werehellhound knight can chan-
nel divine energy to fuel either of the following The following information applies to a creature, in-
magical effects. cluding player characters, who contract the curse of
werehellhound lycanthropy. The creature gains the
 ow of Protection. The werehellhound knight following features only in hellhound or hybrid form.
can use its Oath of Protection to bolster its
defenses. As a bonus action, it can utter a vow
of protection against a creature that it can WEREHELLHOUND TEMPLATE
see within 30 feet. That creature gains disad-
vantage on attack rolls against the werehell- Werehellhound Lycanthropy. On a full moon, which hap-
hound knight for 1 minute or until the were- pens once every week, an afflicted creature turns into a
hellhound knight drops to 0 hit points or falls bloodthirsty hellhound-humanoid hybrid or into a hell-
unconscious. hound based on the DM’s discretion. While in hellhound
or hybrid form, the character has a Strength score of 15
if their score isn’t already higher, and a +1 bonus to AC
• D
 ivine Ward. The werehellhound knight can (from natural armor). Its other statistics are the same in
use its Oath of Protection to offer protection each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying isn’t
to those around it. It can present its holy sym- transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.
bol and each creature of its choice that it can
see within 30 feet becomes warded for 1 min-
ute. Any creature who targets a warded crea-
Keen Hearing and Smell. The werehellhound has ad-
vantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on
ture with an attack or a harmful spell must hearing or smell.
first make a DC 13 Wisdom saving throw. On
a failed save, the creature must choose a new Stealthy. The werehellhound gains proficiency in the
target or lose the attack or spell. This effect Stealth skill. If it is already proficient in the skill, it adds
doesn’t protect the warded creature from area double its proficiency bonus to checks it makes with it.
effects, such as the explosion of a fireball. If
the warded creature makes an attack or casts Speed. The werehellhound’s speed increases by 10
a spell that affects an enemy creature, this ef- feet in hybrid form.
fect ends. This effect ends on the creature if
the Knight is incapacitated or dies or if the Fire Immunity. While in hybrid or hellhound form,
warded creature is more than 30 feet away the werehellhound is immune to fire damage.
from it.
Fire Breath (Recharge 5-6). The werehellhound can
exhale fire in a 15-foot cone while in hybrid or hell-
REACTIONS hound form. Each creature in that area must make a
Dexterity saving throw (DC 8 + the werehellhound’s
Protection. When a creature the werehellhound proficiency bonus + the werehellhound’s Constitu-
knight can see attacks a target other than the tion modifier), taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed
werehellhound knight that is within 5 feet of the save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Knight, the werehellhound knight can use its re-
action to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. Pack Tactics. The werehellhound has advantage on
The werehellhound knight must be wielding a an attack roll against a creature if at least one of the
shield to use this feature. werehellhound’s allies is within 5 ft. of the target
creature and the ally isn’t incapacitated.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Bite (Hybrid Form Only). As a bonus action, the were-

hellhound can make a bite attack that deals 4 (1d8)
piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) fire damage. Attack
and damage rolls for the natural weapons are based
on Strength. If the target is a humanoid, it must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC 8 + the
werehellhound’s proficiency bonus + the werehell-
hound’s Constitution modifier) or be cursed with
werehellhound lycanthropy.

Claw (Hybrid Form Only). As a bonus action, the

werehellhound can make a claw attack that deals 7
(2d4) slashing damage. Attack and damage rolls for
the natural weapons are based on Strength.

Witchservant cultists are usually bitter, power-hun-
gry individuals who live hidden in society, serving
the cause of their Hag patrons in exchange for dark
warlock powers. They live as average citizens and
practice their rituals secretly, gathering only to Spellcasting. The witchservant cultist is a 1st-level
conduct vile rituals and contact their hag patrons spellcaster. Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell
for guidance. They are usually uninitiated into the save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). It knows the
deeper schemes of their patrons and superiors. following warlock spells:

• Cantrips (at will): eldritch blast, poison spray

• 1st level (1 slot): charm person, hellish rebuke
Medium humanoid (any race), any evil Dark Devotion. The witchservant cultist has advan-
tage on saving throws against being charmed.
Armor Class 12 (leather armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2) Hag’s Form (Recharges after a Long Rest). The witchser-
Speed 30 ft. vant cultist can magically polymorph into a small or me-
dium humanoid for one hour. Its statistics are the same
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA in each form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying
11 (+0) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 12 (+1) 14 (+2) isn’t transformed. It reverts to its true form if it dies.

Skills Deception +4
Senses passive Perception 11 ACTIONS
Languages Common
Challenge 1/8 (25 XP) Dagger. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range
20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

XARZAX AUSSTYL Aberrant Anatomy. Xarzax Ausstyl is immune to criti-
cal hits and diseases. His extra eyes give him advan-
Xarzax Ausstyl was born a noble drow but Welvynn tage on Wisdom (Perception) skill checks that rely
Ausstyl has not seen hope for his progression as on sight.
an initiate of the Inheritors of the Unbegotten. The
archdruid expelled the noble child and threw him in Alien Anatomy. Xarzax Ausstyl is considered an aber-
the midsts of the savage frenzied mutants. Over the ration type creature for the purposes of determin-
past century, the noble child became the mightiest ing effects but otherwise retains its original crea-
of the savages, trying to prove his worth to his pa- ture type.
tron and the druids of the comic horrors.
Alien Mind. Xarzax Ausstyl has resistance to psychic
damage and advantage on saving throws against
being charmed and frightened. Xarzax Ausstyl is
XARZAX AUSSTYL immune to madness and spell effects that provoke
Medium humanoid (drow), chaotic evil uncontrolled action (such as confusion).

Armor Class 16 (unarmored defense, grafted Brutal Critical. Xarzax Ausstyl can roll one addition-
appendage) al weapon damage die when determining the extra
Hit Points 107 (15d8 + 30 + 10 grafted appendage) damage for a critical hit with a melee attack.
Speed 40 ft.


18 (+4) 17 (+3) 14 (+2) 10 (+0) 13 (+1) 10 (+0)

Saving Throws Str +8, Con +6

Skills Athletics +8, Intimidation +4,
Survival +5
Damage Resistances psychic
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Per-
ception 11
Languages Elvish, Undercommon, te-
lepathy (one-way, 120 ft.)
Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)

Innate Spellcasting. Xar-

zax Ausstyl’s spellcasting
ability is Charisma (spell
save DC 12). He can in-
nately cast the follow-
ing spells, requiring no
material components:

• At will: dancing lights

• 1/day each: darkness, faerie

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Danger Sense. Xarzax Ausstyl has advantage on throw or become charmed. A creature charmed
Dexterity saving throws against effects that he can this way has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability
see, such as traps and spells. To gain this benefit, checks, and saving throws for 1 minute. At the end
he can’t be blinded, deafened, or incapacitated. of each of its turns, the target can make anoth-
er Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the effect
Feral Instinct. Xarzax Ausstyl has advantage on ini- ends on the target.
tiative rolls. Additionally, if Xarzax Ausstyl is sur-
prised at the beginning of combat and aren’t inca- Unsettling Appearance. Xarzax Ausstyl has disad-
pacitated, he can act normally on his first turn, but vantage on Charisma (Persuasion) skill checks.
only if he enters his rage before doing anything
else on that turn.
Fey Ancestry. Magic can’t put Xarzax Ausstyl to
sleep. Multiattack. Xarzax Ausstyl makes two attacks
with its bone claw or handaxe.
Grafted Appendages (Recharges after a Long Rest).
Xarzax Ausstyl has an additional 10 temporary hit Bone Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
points and +1 bonus to AC while he has at least 1 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage.
of these temporary hit points (both included in its
statistics). He regains these temporary hit points Handaxe. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +8 to hit,
after a long rest. reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6
+ 4) slashing damage.
Limited Telepathy. Xarzax Ausstyl can magically
transmit simple messages and images to any crea- Rage (3/day). Xarzax Ausstyl can enter a rage as a
ture within 120 ft. of him that can understand a bonus action. While raging, Xarzax Ausstyl gains
language. This form of telepathy doesn’t allow the the following benefits if he isn’t wearing heavy ar-
receiving creature to telepathically respond. mor:

Reckless Attack. When Xarzax Ausstyl makes its first •H

 e has advantage on Strength checks and
attack on its turn, it can decide to attack reckless- Strength Saving Throws.
ly. Doing so gives him advantage on melee weap-
on attack rolls using Strength during his turn, but •W
 hen he makes a melee weapon attack using
attack rolls against him have advantage until his Strength, he gains a +3 bonus to the damage roll.
next turn.
 e has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Xarzax Auss- slashing damage.
tyl has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight. Xarzax Ausstyl’s rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends ear-
ly if he is knocked unconscious or his turn ends
Telepathic Terror. Xarzax Ausstyl can telepathically and he hasn’t attacked a hostile creature since his
project his rage into the mind of his enemies caus- last turn or taken damage since then. He can also
ing them immense pain. As a bonus action, Xarzax end the rage on his turn as a bonus action. Once
Ausstyl can expend one use of his Rage feature to he has raged four times, Xarzax Ausstyl must finish
assault the mind of a target creature. The target a long rest before he can rage again.
creature must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Xeno, an orphan from the Shanties, was taken in and
raised by Father Drunnag Steelarm, a zealous cleric
of the Shining Light who follows the ancient tradi-
tions of the Order of the Eternal Light in his secret
shrine. The old dwarven cleric saw Xeno as a cho-
sen prodigy to be inducted to the order, due to the
powers the boy manifested at a young age. As Xeno
got older, he learned the truth about the history of
the theocracy and the remnant sect with which he
was involved. One day, he had a vivid dream about
a couatl in the light and gained an understanding
of his place. He abandoned Father Drunnag and his
rigorous doctrines, and walked into the main chapel
of the temple of Light and Darkness, pledging his
soul to the dual deity. Xeno spent the next twenty
years serving the temple, never looking back at the
evil priest who raised him and his fanatic dogma,
and keeping his past a secret from all. He rapidly
rose in the hierarchy of the temple, becoming the
right hand of the high priest of the temple, Father
Kalozark Solamyr, who named him the Rekindled


Medium humanoid (human), chaotic good

Armor Class 16 (+1 breastplate)

Hit Points 104 (16d8 + 32)
Speed 30 ft.


12 (+1) 13 (+1) 14 (+2) 14 (+2) 20 (+5) 17 (+3)

Saving Throws Wis +9, Cha +7

Skills Insight +9, Religion +6
Damage Resistances radiant
Senses passive Perception 15
Languages Common
Challenge 13 (10,000 XP)

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Spellcasting. Xeno is a 16th-level spellcaster. His • L ight Ascends. Xeno can use his channel divini-
spellcasting ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 17, +9 ty to harness light, summoning light and ban-
to hit with spell attacks). Xeno has the following ishing darkness. Xeno presents his holy symbol,
cleric spells prepared: and summons a 30 foot radius globe of light that
functions as the daylight spell. The globe appears
•C  antrips (at will): guidance, light, resistance, sacred in a space that he can see within 30 feet. Any
flame, thaumaturgy magical darkness effect within the globe is dis-
• 1st level (4 slots): bless, cure wounds, guiding bolt, pelled. Additionally, each hostile creature within
healing word the globe must make a DC 17 Constitution saving
• 2 nd level (3 slots): continual flame, prayer of healing, throw. A creature takes 23 (2d6 + 16) radiant dam-
spiritual weapon age on a failed save, and half as much damage on
• 3 rd level (3 slots): daylight, dispel magic, mass heal- a successful one. A creature that has total cover
ing word from Xeno is not affected.
• 4 th level (3 slots): banishment, freedom of move-
ment, guardian of faith •T
 urn Undead. Xeno presents his holy symbol and
• 5 th level (2 slots): flame strike, hallow, mass cure speaks a prayer censuring the undead. Each un-
wounds dead that can see or hear him within 30 feet
• 6th level (1 slots): blade barrier, heal must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw. If the
• 7th level (1 slots): fire storm, resurrection creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for
• 8th level (1 slots): holy aura 1 minute or until it takes any damage or it is
destroyed if it has a CR of 3 or lower. A turned
*Xeno casts these spells on himself before combat. creature must spend its turns trying to move as
far away from you as it can, and it can’t willing-
ly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It also
ACTIONS can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only
the Dash action or try to escape from an effect
+1 Quarterstaff. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, that prevents it from moving. If there’s nowhere
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) bludgeoning to move, the creature can use the Dodge action.
damage plus 9 (2d8) radiant damage.

Channel Divinity. (Recharges after a Short or a Long EQUIPMENT

Rest). Xeno can channel divine energy to fuel either
of the following magical effects. Xeno wields a +1 quarterstaff and wears a +1 breastplate.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630



This collection of 36 subclasses features three for Demoralizing Blow. Starting at 3rd level, you can
each base class in the Player’s Handbook. Many are break the ferocity of those whom you attack. As a
woven into notable NPCs and organizations in the bonus action, you can choose a creature that you
Crown of the Oathbreaker adventure, whether they have dealt damage to with a melee weapon dur-
appear on the side of the characters, as neutral ing your turn. If the creature can see or hear you,
players, or as villains. Since many organizations and it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC
factions are represented, they can offer integrat- equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma
ed hooks into Crown of the Oathbreaker for the modifier) or have disadvantage on its melee attack
players. Players may choose to follow any of them, rolls against you until the end of your next turn.
even ones leaning towards evil or representing evil
organizations if the DM allows and can implant into Terrifying Onslaught. Starting at 6th level, you E
the story without spoiling anything from the ad- can instill fear in the hearts of those you attack. As
venture’s plot. However, all subclasses can be used a bonus action, you can choose a creature that you
in any other adventure as standalone options. have dealt damage to with a melee weapon dur-
ing your turn. If the creature can see or hear you,
it must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw (DC
BARBARIAN equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma
modifier) or become frightened until the end of
your next turn.

Fear Rager Culling the Weak. Starting at 10th level, you can
take advantage of those who fear you. You gain
Taking advantage of one’s weakness is a crucial advantage on melee attack rolls against frightened
tactic in combat. These barbarians learn how to creatures and your melee weapon attacks score a
instill fear in their enemies and exploit their op- critical hit against them on a roll of 19 or 20.
ponents’ hesitation when facing a raging menace.
The disregard and disdain these barbarians feel for Intimidating Slaughter. Starting at 14th level, the
those who fear them gives them an extra surge of fear in the eyes of your enemies intensifies your
power as if they would feed on the fear they cre- combat prowess. As a bonus action, you can make
ate. Many of the Vordani war tribes use this tactic a melee weapon attack against a frightened crea-
to overcome their foes. ture and your melee weapon attacks score a crit-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

ical hit against them on a roll of 18, 19 or 20. On

Frenzied Mutant
a critical hit, all hostile creatures within 30 feet
who saw your critical hit must succeed on a Wis-
dom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your Proficiency The drow of House Ausstyl keep some of their off-
Bonus + your Charisma modifier) or become fright- spring in an almost feral state, training them to
ened until the end of your next turn. harness their rage in combat. When these children
are initiated to the wrath of the otherworldly enti-
ties they venerate, they are infused with aberrant
flesh that quickly spreads in their bodies like a par-
asite. These barbaric warriors learn a primitive way
to graft their bodies to enhance themselves further
with mutations that allow them to grow in power.

Grafted Appendages. Starting at 3rd level, you learn

how to graft aberrant appendages into your body
and use them to soak up damage from attacks. You
gain 10 temporary hit points and +1 bonus to AC
while you have these hit points. You regain these
temporary hit points after a long rest.

Bone Claw. Starting at 3rd level, sharp, curved

bone appendages grow out of both of your fore-
arms that you can use to make attacks. The bone
claws have a reach of 5 feet, can be used as part of
an unarmed attack, and deal 1d8 + Strength modi-
fier slashing damage on a hit.

Telepathic Terror. Starting at 6th level, you can

telepathically project your rage into the mind of
your enemies, causing them spasms that shake
their will. As a bonus action, you can expend one
use of your Rage feature to assault the mind of a
target creature. The target creature must succeed
on a Wisdom saving throw (DC equals 8 + your
Proficiency Bonus + your Constitution modifier)
or become charmed. A creature charmed this
way has disadvantage on attack rolls, ability
checks, and saving throws for 1 minute. At
the end of each of its turns, the target can
make another Wisdom saving throw. On
a success, the effect ends on the target.

Aberrant Anatomy. Starting at 10th

level, your bodily mutations become
so severe and bizarre that your phys-
iology is no longer similar to that of

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

your original race. You become immune to critical called Spelleaters by the Vordani tribes, are able to
hits and diseases. Extra eyes give you advantage on withstand spells of all sorts by tensing their muscles
Wisdom (Perception) skill checks that rely on sight, to block magical energies from affecting them phys-
and you gain darkvision to a range of 120 feet. You ically. Some spelleaters can even utilize these ener-
are also considered an aberration type creature for gies to vitalize their bodies and benefit from them
the purposes of determining effects but you other- instead of being harmed by their baleful effects.
wise retain your original creature type.
Raging Defiance. Starting at 3rd level, you can shake
off and overcome magical effects with ease. While
raging, you have advantage on saving throws against
spells and magical effects.

Absorb Magic. Starting at 6th level, you can soak

up harmful magic while raging and revitalize your-
self from its energies. When you succeed on a save
against a spell or magical effect while raging, you
regain 1d6 hit points for each level of the spell af-
fecting you or 2d6 hit points if the magical effect
has no spell levels associated with it.

Brawn Over Magic. Starting at 10th level, you can

tense your muscles and stiffen your body to with-
stand the effects of magic. When you become the
target of a spell or magical effect that requires a
Agile Tentacles. Starting at 14th level, you sprout saving throw, you may choose to make a Strength
appendages in the form of two fully functional saving throw instead of the original required save. E
alien tentacles that spread disease. You gain ad- In addition, if the spell or magical effect would
ditional tentacle limbs that you can use to manip- allow you to make a saving throw to take only
ulate objects within a reach of 5 feet. You are con- half damage, you instead take no damage if you
sidered to be proficient with these tentacles when succeed on the saving throw and only half damage
making unarmed attacks with them. You can at- if you fail. Once you use this feature, you can’t use
tack with both tentacles as a bonus action. Each it until you finish a short or long rest.
hit with a tentacle causes 1d6 points of bludgeon-
ing damage + your Strength modifier. A creature Magic Resistance. Starting at 14th level, you become
hit by a tentacle must make a Constitution sav- naturally resilient towards harmful magic. You gain
ing throw (DC equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + advantage on all saving throws against spells and
your Constitution modifier) or become diseased. A magical effects. You also gain the effects of a haste
creature diseased this way gains disadvantage on spell for three rounds when you successfully save
its attack rolls and ability checks for 1 minute. against a harmful spell or magical effect.


Some barbarians, mainly those who live under the

oppression of magic users, have learned to use
sheer power to overcome magic. These individuals,

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Elegy of Hopelessness. Starting at 6th level, you can

BARD recite a poem about death and passing that causes
creatures to lose their motivation. As an action, you
can expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration on
your turn to choose a number of creatures that you
College of Dirge Singers
can see within 60 feet equal to your Charisma modi-
fier (minimum of one). Those creatures must make a
The college of dirge singers was formed from the Charisma saving throw against your spell DC or be-
ancient funeral singers of the Inevitable, the god of come charmed. While charmed, the creature has dis-
Death. These pious servants of the clergy of death advantage on attack rolls and saving throws for one
were able to project the feelings associated with minute but can make a Charisma saving throw at the
their chosen faith through songs and poems so pow- end of each of its turns to end the effect.
erfully that they could influence the emotions of
others and even kill them. The followers of the In- Threnody of Death. Starting at 14th level, you can
evitable still imitate the secret songs and poems of sing a song of death that creates harmful necrotic
the original dirge singers, but only the most skilled energies. As an action, you can target a creature that
singers can invoke their true magical powers. you can see within 60 feet. That creature must make
a Constitution saving throw against your spell DC.
Lament of Melancholy. Starting at 3rd level, you On a failed save, the creature takes 49 (14d6) necrotic
can sing a woeful lament that causes creatures to damage, or half as much damage on a successful one.
fall into a state of depression. As an action, you can Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
expend one use of your Bardic Inspiration on your you finish a short or long rest.
turn to choose a number of creatures that you can
see within 60 feet equal to your Charisma modifier
(a minimum of one). Those creatures must make
High Speaker
a Charisma saving throw against your spell DC or
become charmed. While charmed, the creature has Traditionally, the monarch of the kingdom chooses
disadvantage on ability checks for one minute but the High Speaker of the Minaret of the Speaker for
can make a Charisma saving throw at the end of lifelong service. The High Speaker’s duty is to study
each of its turns to end the effect. the ancient scripts of the minaret that define its
unique magic based on inflections of voice and use
Dirge of Grief. Starting at 3rd level, you can sing this knowledge to serve the kingdom. There are al-
a song that causes a creature to fall into a state ways a handful of apprentices who assist the High
of intense grief, washing away its hostility. As an Speaker and train in the arts of word-magic. The
action, you can target a creature that you can High Speaker and the apprentices announce impor-
see within 60 feet. That creature must make a tant information and call the city to action if need-
Charisma saving throw against your spell DC or ed. In times of war, the High Speaker organizes ma-
become charmed. While charmed, the target be- jor movements and commands the Minaret of the
comes indifferent about creatures of your choice Speaker that serves as a magical defense for the city.
towards which it is hostile. This indifference ends
if the target is attacked or harmed by a spell or Accentuated Tone. Starting at 3rd level, you learn
if it witnesses any of its allies being harmed. The how to add weight to your voice-based spells. As a
effect ends after one minute and the creature can bonus action, you can expend one use of your Bard-
become hostile again. Once you use this feature, ic Inspiration to force your target to make a saving
you can’t use it again until you finish a short or throw against your spell with disadvantage if that
long rest. spell requires your target to hear you.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Commanding Voice. Starting at 3rd level, you ing techniques of make-believe. A Pretender
learn how to force your will on other crea- is a bard who uses talents with words and
tures by the sheer force of your voice. As a swords to fool everyone. They are always at
bonus action, you can expend one use of your home in social situ-
Bardic Inspiration to cast the command ations where they
spell without expending a spell slot can draw attention
or material components. The com- to themselves and
mand spell is added to the bard manipulate people’s choic-
spell list when you learn more es and viewpoints according
bard spells of your choice. to their will. They also excel in
com-bat, where they utilize
Universal Language. Starting the same tactics of distrac-
at 6th level, you become able tion and feint, which they
to converse with anyone also use when speaking.
alive or dead. You are con-
stantly under the effect of Battle Feint. Starting at 3rd level, you
a tongues spells and you can fool your enemies with your sud-
can cast the speak with den swordplay and movement, placing
dead, speak with animals, them in a precarious combat situa-
speak with plants spells each tion. As a bonus action, you can ex-
a number of times per day equal pend one use of your Bardic Inspira-
to your Charisma modifier (mini- tion on your turn to feint, choosing
mum of once) without using spells one creature within 5 feet of you
slots or material components. Your as your target. Your target must
spells that require your target to succeed on a Wisdom (Insight)
hear you can affect any creature skill check against your Charisma E
type that has an Intelligence abili- (Deception) skill check. If you
ty score of 3 or higher even if that win the contest, you have ad-
creature is immune to being vantage on your melee attack
charmed or frightened. rolls against that creature and
the creature has disadvantage
Word of Creation. Starting at on attack rolls until the start
14th level, you learn to voice of your next turn.
the word that shaped the
world. As a bonus action, you can cast Captivating Monologue. Start-
the divine word spell without using a spell slot ing at 3rd level, if you speak to an audi-
or material components. Once you use this feature, ence for at least 1 minute, you can attempt to capti-
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. vate them with your style and colorful phrases. At the
end of the performance, choose a number of human-
oids within 60 feet of you who watched and listened
Pretender to all of it, up to a number equal to your Charisma
modifier (minimum of one). Each target must succeed
Not every bard in Aglarion is trained in the Col- on a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC
lege of Minstrels. Some of them learn their trade on or be charmed by you. While charmed in this way, the
the streets by picking up survival techniques that target has disadvantage on all Wisdom (Insight) skill
allow them to manipulate their enemies by utiliz- checks against you. This effect ends on the target after

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

1 hour, if it takes any damage, if you attack it, or if it Congregation Domain Spells
witnesses you attacking or damaging any of its allies.
Cleric Level Spells
If a target succeeds on its saving throw, the target has
no hint that you tried to charm it. Once you use this bless, protection from
feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a short evil and good
or long rest. 3rd aid, calm emotions
beacon of hope, mass
Elusive Target. Starting at 6th level, you can avoid 5th
healing word
the melee attacks of your enemies with an unex-
compulsion, private
pected move. As a reaction, you can expend one use 7th
of your Bardic Inspiration to negate a melee attack
that would otherwise hit you. mass cure wounds,
telepathic bond
The Great Pretender. Starting at 14th level, you can
pretend to be someone else by projecting a visage of Bonus Cantrip. When you choose this domain at 1st
your pure imagination, while you remain invisible. level, you gain the guidance cantrip, which doesn’t
As an action, you can expend one use of your Bardic count against the number of cleric cantrips you
Inspiration to cast mislead without using a spell slot know.
or material components.
Communal Prayers. Starting at 1st level, you can
make your spells more potent if others cast the
CLERIC same spell as you. When another friendly creature
casts the same spell in the same round as you, but
before your spell takes effect, creatures targeted
by your spell have disadvantage on saving throws
Congregation Domain against your spell.

Shepherds of their flocks and great orators, these Bonus Proficiency. Starting at 1st level, you become
clerics can heighten the potency of their prayers proficient in the Persuasion skill.
when others of their faith reinforce them. The con-
gregation’s strength is in numbers, and clerics who Channel Divinity: Mass Aid. Starting at 2nd level, you
follow this domain almost never serve alone and can use your Channel Divinity to bolster your allies
are almost always found in at least pairs. Priests with toughness and resolve. As an action, you pres-
of the congregation can favor war or competence ent your holy symbol and evoke healing energy that
over battle might, but all are dedicated to leading increases the hit point maximums and current hit
large groups of worshippers, sharing their faith, points by your proficiency bonus x 5 for eight hours
and lending a hand to their co-religionists. for all creatures you choose within 30 feet of you.
This trait has no effect on undead or constructs.

Channel Divinity: Heighten Spells. Starting at 6th

level, you can heighten your spells more effectively.
If you cast a spell at a higher level that allows for
additional creatures to be affected by your spell,
you can use your Channel Divinity to make your
spell affect two additional creatures per spell level
instead of just one creature.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Helping Hand. Starting at 8th level, you can aid mul- Darkness Domain Spells
tiple creatures in the completion of a task or allow
Cleric Level Spells
a creature to make multiple attacks. When you take
the Help action, an additional friendly creature with- 1st fog cloud, sleep
in 5 feet of you gains advantage on the next ability
3rd darkness, darkvision
check made to perform the task you are helping with,
provided that the check is made before the start of 5th fear, nondetection
your next turn. Alternatively, you can use your Help greater invisibility,
action to aid up to two friendly creatures in attack- 7th
phantasmal killer
ing a creature within 5 feet of you and if your allies
attack the target before your next turn, all of their 9th dream, mislead
first attack rolls are made with advantage.
Dark Sight. Starting at 1st level, you gain darkvision
Forceful Communal Prayers. Starting at 17th level, 60 ft. and magical darkness doesn’t impede your
you can make spells more potent if you or others sight. If you already have darkvision, its range in-
cast the same spell in your presence. After you or creases by 60 ft.
an ally casts a spell, creatures targeted by the same
spell cast by you or an ally gain disadvantage on the Cloak of Darkness. Starting at 1st level, as a bonus ac-
saving throw until the end of the turn. Additionally, tion, you can weave shadows around you into a mag-
if the spell requires a dice roll, you or allies can re- ical cloak that hides your form and protects you from
roll 1s and 2s and must use the new roll, even if the attacks. For 1 minute, creatures have disadvantage
new roll is a 1 or a 2. on attack rolls against you. An attacker is immune to
this effect if it doesn’t rely on sight, as with blindsight
or tremorsense, or can see through illusions, as with
Darkness Domain truesight. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
again until you finish a short or long rest. E
The clerics of the Darkness Within are secretive in-
dividuals who detach themselves from society and Channel Divinity: Darkness Descends. Starting at
keep to the shadows. They accommodate themselves 2nd level, as an action, you can use your Channel
to darkness and operate unseen, focusing on hiding Divinity to harness darkness, summoning darkness
what they deem significant from the eyes of those and banishing light. As an action, you present your
who seek them. The imprint of the Dark Star’s reign holy symbol and summon a 30 foot radius globe of
still resonates with the populace of Aglarion, mani- darkness that functions as the darkness spell that
festing in the subconscious memory of the society as lasts for 1 minute. The globe appears in a space that
a whole. Those who follow the Darkness Within keep you can see within 30 feet of you. Any magical light
their faith to themselves even if they are not devoted effect within the globe is dispelled. Additionally,
to the ideology of the dark solar avatar of their du- each hostile creature within the globe must make
alistic god. They pray at midnight and venerate the a Constitution saving throw against your spell save
new moon as the absolute peak of their god’s power. DC when the globe of darkness appears. A creature
takes necrotic damage equal to 2d6 + your cleric
level on a failed saving throw, and half as much
damage on a successful one. A creature that has
total cover from you is unaffected.

Channel Divinity: Conjure Shadows. Starting at

6th level, you can spend two uses of your Channel

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Divinity as an action to summon living shadows

Ooze Domain
from darkness. This ability functions as a conjure
animals spell, however it summons a single shad-
ow, which speaks Common and does your bidding Clerics of the Ooze Domain believe in a higher level
for one hour. of physical existence that is represented by oozes.
They serve their formless god to learn to be free
Void Eye. Starting at 8th level, you gain blindsight from physical bounds. They believe that in the end,
30 ft. and become immune to the blinded condition. all organic materials will be wholly absorbed by
oozes and are ready to sacrifice even themselves
Shadowform. Starting at 17th level, as an action towards the fulfillment of this eventuality. In Aglar-
you can transform yourself into the form of a shad- ion, clerics of the ooze domain usually serve the
ow. You and your possessions become incorporeal Blind God, a minor entity that has only a few fanatic
for one hour. You gain the following benefits: believers.

•Y  ou gain a fly speed equal to your walking speed. Ooze Domain Spells
•Y  ou can move through a space as narrow as 1 inch
wide without squeezing. Cleric Level Spells
• You can take the Hide action as a bonus action create or destroy
while in dim light or darkness. water, false life
•Y  ou have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth) skill acid arrow,
checks. blindness/deafness
•Y  ou gain damage resistance to acid, cold, fire, meld into stone,
lightning, thunder and bludgeoning, piercing, and 5th
protection from energy
slashing from nonmagical attacks.
black tentacles,
•Y  ou gain damage immunity to poison. 7th
freedom of movement
•Y  ou are immune to the exhaustion, grappled, para-
lyzed, petrified, poisoned, prone, and restrained 9th contagion, hold monster
Bonus Cantrip. When you choose this domain at 1st
Once you use this feature you can’t use it until you level, you gain the acid splash cantrip, which doesn’t
finish a long rest. count against the number of cleric cantrips you know.

Sense of the Ooze. Starting at 1st level, you can gain

the senses of an ooze as a bonus action. You gain
blindsight to 5 ft. for a number of rounds equal to
your Wisdom modifier. The range of this blindsight
increases by 5 feet at 5th, 9th, 13th and 17th level.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to
your Wisdom modifier (a minimum of once). You re-
gain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Bonus Proficiencies. Starting at 1st level, you gain

proficiency with martial weapons.

Channel Divinity: Charm Oozes. Starting at 2nd lev-

el, you can use your Channel Divinity to charm ooz-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

es. As an action, you present your holy symbol and •Y  ou can move through a space as narrow as 1
invoke the name of your deity. Each ooze that can inch wide without squeezing.
sense you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If • A creature that touches you or hits you with a
the creature fails its saving throw it is charmed by melee attack while within 5 feet of you takes 13
you for 1 minute or until it takes damage. While it (3d8) acid damage. Any nonmagical weapon made
is charmed by you, it is friendly to you and other of metal or wood that hits you corrodes. Af-
creatures you designate. ter dealing damage, the weapon takes a
permanent and cumulative -1 penalty to
Acid Resistance. Starting at 6th level, you damage rolls. If its penalty drops to -5,
gain resistance to acid damage. the weapon is destroyed. Nonmagical
ammunition made of metal or wood
Gelatinous Form. Starting at 8th level, you that hits you is destroyed af-
can become as transparent as a gelatinous ter dealing damage. You
cube. As an action, you can can eat through 2-inch
become transparent, thick, nonmagical wood
even when you are or metal in 1 round.
in plain sight. Your • You can climb difficult
gear also becomes surfaces, including up-
transparent with you. side down on ceilings,
It requires a DC 15 without needing to
Wisdom (Percep- make an ability check.
tion) skill check • You can make a
to spot you if you melee attack with a
have not moved nor reach of 5 ft. that
attacked during your deals 1d6 + your
turn. A creature that Strength modifier E
tries to enter your space bludgeoning damage
while unaware of you is sur- plus 18 (4d8) acid
prised by you. damage. In addition,
nonmagical armor
Ooze Form. Starting at 17th worn by the target
level, as an action you can is partly dissolved
assume the form of an ooze and takes a perma-
for 1 hour. You gain a speed of nent and cumula-
20 ft. and climb 20 ft. You gain tive -1 penalty to
damage immunity to acid, cold, the AC it offers. The
lightning and slashing damage. armor is destroyed if
You become immune to the blinded, the penalty reduces
charmed, deafened, frightened and its AC to 10.
prone conditions as well as exhaustion.
In addition, you gain blindsight 60 ft., Once you use this fea-
but become blind beyond the range of ture, you can’t use it
your blindsight. You gain the fol- again until you finish a
lowing abilities: long rest.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

DRUID Druid Level Spells

barkskin, locate animals
or plants

Circle of the Bloom 5th daylight, plant growth

control water, freedom
of movement
The Circle of the Bloom unites all druids who nur-
ture flora and dedicate their lives to cultivating commune with nature,
all forms of plant life. These druids tend to nature tree stride
wherever their travels lead them, often tasked
with important roles within farming communities Speak with Plants. Starting at 2nd level, you gain
but just as often living solitary lives in wilderness the ability to converse with plants. You can cast
areas with heavy vegetation. Many druids of the the speak with plants spell without expending a
circle might seem extremely introverted, slow, and spell slot or material components. Once you use
even antisocial towards people, as they prefer to this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish
converse with plants and are used to the cyclical a short or long rest.
and slower nature of plant life.
Land’s Stride. Starting at 6th level, moving through
Plant Form. Starting at 2nd level, your strong con- nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra move-
nection to plant life allows you to transform into ment. You can also pass through nonmagical plants
monstrous forms. You can use your Wild Shape to without being slowed by them and without taking
transform into a plant instead of a beast. damage from them if they have thorns, spines, or a
similar hazard.
Starting at 6th level, your attacks in plant form
count as magical for the purpose of overcoming In addition, you gain advantage on saving throws
resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks against plants that are magically created or manip-
and damage. ulated to impede movement, such as those created
by the entangle spell.
Circle Spells. Your mystical connection to plant life
infuses you with the ability to cast certain spells. Blessings of Bloom. Starting at 10th level, your magic
At 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to becomes attuned to the flora and your plant magic is
circle spells Once you gain access to a circle spell, stronger than usual. You gain the following benefits:
you always have it prepared, and it doesn’t count
against the number of spells you can prepare each •W  hen you cast the entangle spell, the area of the
day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn’t ap- spell is increased to a 40-foot square. Whenever a
pear on the druid spell list, the spell is nonetheless creature uses a Strength check to free itself, the
a druid spell for you. thorns on the plants deal 2 (1d4) piercing damage.
• When you cast barkskin, the target’s AC can’t be
less than 18, regardless of what kind of armor it
is wearing.
• When you cast the locate animals or plants spell
and you describe a specific kind of plant, the area
of the spell increases to a range of 50 miles.
• When you cast plant growth, the radius of the area
covered by plants is 500 feet.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

 hen you cast the commune with nature spell, the
•W monstrosity. As a bonus action, you can apply one
area of the effect is doubled. You also gain an un- of the features to your body from the options below.
derstanding of all plant creatures in the area, as
well as all plant-based hazards and poisons. •G  allop of the Centaur. Your two legs turn into
those of a centaur and become powerful. Your
Treant Form. Starting at 14th level, you can take speed increases to 50 feet.
on the form of the grandest creature of the forest, •W  ings of the Cockatrice. You sprout two feathery
the treant. You can use your Wild Shape to trans- wings that allow you to fly. You gain a fly speed
form into a treant, but must follow all other lim- of 40 feet.
itations presented under Wild Shape. You cannot • Claws of the Griffon. Your hands turn into savage
use the Animate Trees ability of the treant. claws like those of a griffon. You can use your at-
tack action to make a claw attack that deals 2d4
slashing damage plus your Strength modifier.
Circle of the Savage Blood • Horns of the Minotaur. Horns grow from your
forehead. You can use your attack action to make
Druids of the Circle of the Savage Bloods perceive a gore attack that deals 1d8 bludgeoning dam-
monstrosities as a more evolved form of life. They age plus your Strength modifier. If the target is
are inspired by the wild variety of their powers and a creature, it must succeed on a Strength saving
abilities that have developed to overcome the chal- throw (DC equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus +
lenges they face in life. Savage Blood druids befriend your Strength modifier) or be pushed up to 10 ft.
and live amongst these creatures, helping them sur- away and knocked prone.
vive and learning from them what they can.
This manifestation persists for 1 minute or until
Circle Spells. Starting at 2nd level, you gain access to you’re incapacitated. Once you use this feature, you
the true strike cantrip and the following circle spells, can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
which are always prepared and don’t count towards E
the number of spells you can prepare each day. Monster Caller. Starting at 6th level, you can sum-
mon monstrous creatures that obey your com-
Druid Level Spells mands. Your conjuration spells can summon mon-
strosities instead of beasts.
enhance ability,
Master of Monsters. Staring at 10th level, you can
5th blink, fly affect monstrosities with your spells that would
otherwise affect beasts. You can target monstrosi-
dominate beast,
7th ties with spells that normally affect beasts.
antilife shell, Monster Friend. Starting at 14th level, monstrosi-
hold monster
ties sense your connection to their kind and be-
come hesitant to attack you. When a monstrosity
Monstrous Form. Starting at 2nd level, you acquire wants to attack you, that creature must make a
the ability to transform into monstrous forms. You Wisdom saving throw against your druid spell save
can use your Wild Shape to transform into a mon- DC. On a failed save, the creature must choose a
strosity instead of a beast. different target, or the attack automatically misses.
On a successful save, the creature is immune to this
Monstrous Aspect. Starting at 2nd level, you can effect for 24 hours. The creature is aware of this
transform your body to manifest the feature of a effect before it makes its attack against you.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Inheritor of the Unbegotten Druid Level Spells

3rd blur, detect thoughts
The drow of House Ausstyl, one of the ancient drow gaseous form,
houses of the Feyrealm, have venerated otherworld- spirit guardians
ly abominations since the dawn of time. The druidic banishment,
tradition of the aberration worshiping dark elves of black tentacles
the Dark Below includes merging one’s body with un- contact other plane,
speakable, indescribable beings that have penetrated hallow
reality from beyond time and space. The Inheritors
of the Unbegotten are not just aberrant creatures Voice of the Void. Starting at 2nd level, you learn
themselves, but they are also vital instruments and how to converse with aberrations. You learn how
gatekeepers of the horrors they worship. to speak, read, and write Deep Speech. You can also
make yourself understood by aberrations that don’t
Circle Spells. Starting at 2nd speak Dark Speech or are not capable of speech.
level, you gain access to the
eldritch blast can-trip and Incomprehensible Intellect. Starting at 2nd level, your
the following circle spells, mind becomes as obscure and alien as the beings
which are always pre- you venerate. Your thoughts can’t be read by magical
pared and don’t count means and you become immune to being charmed.
towards the number
of spells you can pre- Manifest Aberrant Trait. Starting at 6th level, you
pare each day. can call forth specific powers of your revered enti-
ties. As an action, you can expend one use of your
Wild Shape feature to emulate one special trait of
any aberration type creature of CR 3 or lower for one
minute. If there is a saving throw associated with
the special trait then the DC equals 8 + your Profi-
ciency Bonus + your Wisdom modifier.

Enslave. Staring at 10th level, you can manifest your

dominance over humanoids. As an action, you can
cast the dominate person spell without expending a
spell slot or material components. Once you use this
feature, you can’t use it until you finish a long rest.

Conjure Abomination. Starting at 14th level, the oth-

erworldly beings you venerate allow you to summon
their more powerful servants. As an action, you can
cast the conjure celestial spell without expending a
spell slot or material components, but instead of a
celestial creature, you conjure an aberration type
creature of your choice within the limits of the spell.
The spell lasts 1 hour and doesn’t require you to con-
centrate on it. Once you use this feature, you can’t
use it again until you finish a long rest.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Order of Attack. Starting at 15th level, you can ex-
FIGHTER pend one use of your Commander’s Orders ability
to allow the creatures you choose to gain and roll
the Command die and add the number rolled to one
attack roll.
Legendary Commander. Starting at 18th level, your
Giving orders is second nature to a commander. These Commander’s Order can influence every friendly
exemplary fighters lead their squadrons by inspiring creature within 80 feet of you who can hear you, as
their subordinates and bolstering their fighting prow- well as yourself. Additionally, you can cast the com-
ess through the strength of their voices and their mand spell a number of times per day equal to your
presence. As a result, the forces under their command proficiency bonus (DC equals 8 + your Proficiency
can achieve incredible feats of battle, even when odds Bonus + your Charisma modifier) without expend-
are stacked against them. ing a spell slot or material components.

Commander’s Orders. Starting at 3rd level, you can

inspire others through the power of your commands.
To do so, you use a bonus action on your turn to
choose any number of creatures other than yourself Those who offer their martial skills for hire face var-
within 60 feet of you who can hear you. Those crea- ious challenges with each mission. Their most es-
tures gain one Command die, a d6. sential skills are surviving any threat, standing their
ground in any situation they face, and overcoming
Once within the next 10 minutes, the creature can their foes. A good mercenary is always prepared for
roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability the unexpected and will creatively improvise a solu-
check. The creature can wait until after it rolls the d20 tion to meet the requirements of the battle. Most of
before deciding to use the Command die, but must the large mercenary companies operate out of the E
decide before the DM says whether the roll succeeds Drayl City States where this type of warfare based
or fails. Once the Command die is rolled, it is lost. A on swords-for-hire has long-established traditions.
creature can have only one Command die at a time.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to Iron Will. Starting at 3rd level, you become focused
your Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You re- and confident. You gain advantage on saving throws
gain any expended uses when you finish a long rest. against being charmed and frightened.

Your Command die changes when you reach certain Ready For Anything. Starting at 7th level, you learn
levels in this class. The dice becomes a d8 at 5th level, to be prepared for the unexpected. You can’t be sur-
a d10 at 10th level, and a d12 at 15th level. prised while you are conscious. When targeted by a
spell or effect, you can take a reaction to gain advan-
Order of Charge. Starting at 7th level, you can ex- tage on the saving throw.
pend one use of your Commander’s Order ability to
double the movement speed of the creatures you Versatile Fighting Style. Starting at 10th level, you
choose until the end of their next turn. become experienced with all kinds of weapons and
fighting styles. You can swiftly change your style of
Order of Defense. Starting at 10th level, you can expend fighting to fit the challenge temporarily. You can’t
one use of your Commander’s Order ability to allow the benefit from the same Fighting Style option more
creatures you choose to gain and roll the Command than once. Choose one of the following options at
die and add the number rolled to one saving throw. the beginning of your turn:

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

 rchery. You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you
Royal Guard
make with ranged weapons.
 efense. While you are wearing ar-
mor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC. Guards who serve at the Royal Palace or protect
 ueling. When you are wielding a monarchs must pass a rigorous selection process.
melee weapon in one hand and no They are evaluated both for their physical and
other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus martial skills as well as their loyalty and abil-
to damage rolls with that weapon. ity to work as part of a unit. Royal guards
 reat Weapon Fighting. When you roll are trained to be alert and fight in formation,
a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack taking advantage of each other’s
you make with a melee weapon that movement and position in
you are wielding with two hands, combat. The royal guards’
you can reroll the die and must most skilled, legendary com-
use the new roll, even if the manders have been said to
new roll is a 1 or a 2. The wield their weapons as if
weapon must have the they were extensions of
two-handed or ver- their bodies.
satile property for
you to gain this Alert on Duty. Start-
benefit. ing at 3rd level, you
can focus your atten-
Mettle. Starting at tion to notice move-
15th level, you have ment. Designate
become skilled in a 10 square foot
resisting several area. If you stay
types of threats. in this area for 10
Choose two abil- minutes, you can double
ities in which your proficiency bonus
you don’t have and gain advantage on
a saving throw Wisdom (Perception) skill
proficiency. You checks made to notice
gain proficiency creatures.
in saving throws
made with the Coordinated Strike. Start-
chosen abilities. ing at 7th level, you can
use your combat training
Get The Job Done. to coordinate your at-
Starting at 18th lev- tacks with your allies.
el, you can overcome Once per turn, you gain
threats with ease. Instead advantage on your first
of rolling, you can choose to melee attack roll against
succeed on a saving throw au- a creature if at least one
tomatically. Once you use this of your allies is within 5
feature, you can’t use it until you finish a ft. of the creature and the
short or long rest. ally isn’t Incapacitated.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Coordinated Shot. Starting at 10th level, you can Resist Strikes. Starting at 3rd level, you can channel
spot the exact moment to release a shot while your your ki into resisting damage from a blow. As a re-
ally occupies your target. Once per turn, you gain action, you can spend 1 ki point to reduce the dam-
advantage on your first ranged attack roll against a age you take from an attack by 1d10 + your Strength
creature if at least one of your allies is within 5 ft. modifier + your monk level.
of the creature and the ally isn’t Incapacitated.
Mountain Stance. Starting at 6th level, you can tight-
Swift Strike. Starting at 15th level, your combat reac- en your muscles to enter a steady stance making you
tions become effortless. You gain an extra reaction immovable and hard to grapple with. As a bonus ac-
that doesn't count towards your single use in the tion, you can spend 1 ki point to gain advantage on
turn and that you can use only to make an attack contests involving Strength (Athletics) ability checks
roll, but only when your reaction is triggered. made against you and on Strength saving throws for
1 minute. ​If you take the move action, you lose this
Divert Strike. Starting at 18th level, you become advantage until the start of your next turn.
one with your weapon, being able to deflect melee
attacks. As a reaction, when targeted by a melee Stone Body. Starting at 11th level, you can evoke a
attack made by a creature within 5 feet of you that protective layer of stoney skin over your entire body.
you can see, you can try to negate the attack. You As a bonus action, you can spend 3 ki points to gain
must make a melee attack roll contest against the damage resistance from bludgeoning, piercing, and
melee attack roll of the creature. On a success, you slashing damage for 1 minute.
negate all damage from the creature’s attack.
Elemental Transformation. Starting at 17th level,
you can become one of the elemental creatures you
MONK learned to imitate your whole life. As a bonus ac-
tion, you can spend 6 ki points to transform into
an earth elemental for 1 minute as if you were us- E
ing the Wild Shape ability of the druid class. You
Stonefist can use all of your monk abilities in this new form.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
A small monastery of the Stonefists exists in the Shan- until you finish a short or long rest.
dar Mountains, which is related to some unspeak-
able horrors of legend that supposedly lurk on the
Way of the Nine Seals
top of the highest peaks. The monks of the Stonefist
practice the fighting techniques of earth elementals
by studying and imitating their combat maneuvers. Only a handful of devil-bound individuals practice
Their daily practice involves hardening their bodies the Way of the Nine Seals in Aglarion or the neigh-
to withstand blows and the rigorous focusing of their boring regions. This monastic tradition was forged
strength. Masters of this monastic tradition become in the flames of Hell, and it is infused with the accu-
almost impervious to non-magical attacks and reach racy and mettle of the fiends who practice it. Devils
a level of ascendance where they can turn themselves teach it only to those who pledge eternal servitude
into earth elementals. in return for the knowledge of the secret combat
techniques. A monk of the Nine Seals is hard to fool
and even harder to overcome. Masters of the Nine
Seals are offered a fate-bound contract by their su-
periors, allowing them to alter their fate. In return,
they are obedient tools of the armies of Hell.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Hellfire Fist. Starting at 3rd level, you can spend 1 ki Tentacle Limb. Starting at 3rd level, you can turn
point as an action to inflame a melee weapon you touch your body into the form of an aberrant creature. As
or your fists with hellish fire for 1 minute. Your unarmed a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki point to transform
or melee attacks deal an extra 1d4 fire damage. your arm into
a 10-foot long
Deny Advantage. Starting at 6th level, you can de- tentacle for 1
mand equal chances from your enemies. As a bonus minute. The
action, you can spend 1 ki point to have one crea- tentacle
ture of your choice within 30 feet lose its advantage
on all ability checks, saving throws, skill checks,
and attack rolls until the start of your next turn.

Pierce Deception. Starting at 11th level,

the powers of Hell grant you the ability
to see reality as it is for a short peri-
od of time. As a bonus action, you can
spend 3 ki points to gain the benefits of
a true seeing spell for 1 minute.

Contractual Fate. Starting at 17th

level, you can benefit from your
hellish contract that has prom-
ised to protect you from un-
wanted outcomes of your fate
in return for your service. As a
reaction, you can automatically
succeed on one ability check,
saving throw, or skill check
instead of rolling. Once you
use this feature, you can’t
use it again until you finish a
short or long rest, unless you
spend 5 ki points.

Way of the Tentacle has reach and can be used as

part of an unarmed strike. The
The Inheritors of the Unbegotten select some of their tentacle deals bludgeoning dam-
children to participate in unarmed combat practic- age equal to your Martial Arts
es that emulate the fighting techniques of their foul die + your Strength or Dexterity
unearthly masters. They are trained in ancient monk modifier. You gain advantage on
traditions that eventually enable them to turn their Strength (Athletics) skill checks
limbs into tentacles, giving them combat superiority. to grapple an opponent with
The drow of House Ausstyl utilize these monks as the tentacle. At 11th level, you
their most trusted guards, who have access to the can transform both of your arms
unholiest sections of their palace. into tentacle limbs.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

These paladins focus on divination magic to lift the
veils of deception and to find truths that lie behind
them. Their loyalty to their church and beliefs is un-
questionable, as is their dedication to any mission on
which they are sent. Inquisitors and their methods
might vary from religion to religion, but every one
of them holds a zealous fervor in common, which
drives them and empowers their abilities.

Tenets of Inquisition. The tenets of the Oath of the

Inquisitor drive a paladin to seek the truth and to
Nerve-wracking Strike. Starting at 6th level, you eliminate the hidden enemies of its faith.
can channel psychic energies into your tentacle
strikes. Your unarmed strikes with your tentacle Draw out the truth. The truth is not always visible.
limb count as magical for the purpose of overcom- Finding it is sometimes hard, but the effort must be
ing resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks made. Once found, it must be announced so that oth-
and damage. You can spend 1 ki point to deal addi- ers can learn it as well.
tional psychic damage with one unarmed strike of
your tentacle limb equal to one roll of your Martial Facts only. Facts are the only truths on which you
Arts die + your Wisdom modifier. can rely. Anything else is mere speculation. One can
only make a decision based on facts. Without firm
Psychic Barrage. Starting at 11th level, your ability to evidence, even truth cannot be proven.
channel harmful psychic powers intensifies. When
you use Flurry of Blows after an attack made with Oppose heresy. Seeking those who work to ruin and
Nerve-wracking Strike, you can replace each of the undermine the church’s integrity is the holiest ser-
unarmed strikes with a use of your Nerve-wracking vice one can do for one’s faith. Therefore, one must E
Strike without spending additional ki points. always stay vigilant and be on the lookout for cor-
ruption and those who spread falsehoods.
Suffocating Strike. Starting at 17th level, you learn how to
force your tentacle limb into the throat of your enemies Live by the law. Law provides safety and justice to
to kill them. The reach of your tentacle limb becomes all. Order is the only truth on which one can build.
15 feet. As an action, you can attempt to grapple your Those who break the law must pay the price. There-
opponent with your tentacle limb. A successfully grap- fore, one must live by the law and keep it at all costs.
pled target becomes unable to speak and if you choose,
it starts to suffocate while being grappled by you. Oath Spells. You gain oath spells at the paladin lev-
els listed.



Seekers of the truth and judges of the faith, the in-

quisitors are paladins who vow to punish the guilty
and upkeep the law set by their faith and tenets.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Inquisitor Spells

Paladin Level Spells

comprehend languages,
detect evil and good
detect thoughts,
zone of truth Prevent Escape. Starting at 15th level, you are able to
clairvoyance, prevent your enemies from escaping. As an action, you
speak with dead can target one creature within 30 feet. The target crea-
banishment, ture must make a Charisma saving throw (DC equals 8
locate creature + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charisma modifier). On
dispel evil and good, a failed save, the target creature becomes restrained
legend lore by an invisible force and is prevented from using any
form of teleportation, dimensional, or planar travel for
Channel Divinity. When you take this oath at 3rd level, one minute. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it
you gain the following two Channel Divinity options. again until you finish a short or long rest.

• Pierce Illusion. As a bonus action, you can use Ultimate Conviction. Starting at 20th level, you can
your Channel Divinity to augment your senses imprison, interrogate, and punish those you find
to overcome illusions. For the next 10 minutes, guilty. As an action, you can create a cage made
you can automatically see through 2nd level or out of energy similar to a forcecage spell. Any crea-
lower illusion spells, you can automatically make ture within the cage must make a Charisma saving
an Intelligence (Investigation) skill check to dis- throw (DC equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your
cern 3rd or higher level illusion spells that allow Charisma modifier). On a failed save, the creature is
such checks by merely looking at them, and you charmed. Creatures charmed this way must answer
gain advantage on Intelligence (Investigation) your questions truthfully until they are imprisoned
skill checks. this way. You can choose to release the target from
the cage at any time, or target one of the creatures
 enounce Shapeshifter. You can use your Chan- within the cage with an imprisonment or power word
nel Divinity to force a shapeshifting creature back kill spell as if you have cast it requiring no material
into its natural form. As an action, you can target components. Once you use this feature, you can’t use
one creature within 30 feet. The target creature it again until you finish a long rest.
must make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed
save, the target reverts to its natural form and
Oath of Cleansing
can’t change its form for 1 minute.

Discern Falsehood. Starting at 7th level, you can fo- Paladins who swear this oath dedicate their lives to
cus your senses to detect deliberate lies. As an ac- purify themselves, others, and places from malign
tion, you can target one creature within 30 feet. The influences. They are paragons of cleanliness, both
target creature must make a Charisma saving throw in their dwellings, places of worship, private quar-
(DC equals 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your Charis- ters, and persons. These paladins are often found
ma modifier). On a failed save, you know if the tar- engaged in rooting out malevolent forces, wheth-
get creature deliberately and knowingly speaks a lie. er they be diseases or poisons. They are commonly
This ability does not reveal the truth. Once you use found in places of healing, sometimes accompany-
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a ing armies as medics, and rarely on personal quests
short or long rest. to cleanse places or people from harm.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Tenets of Cleansing. The tenets of the Oath of Cleans- Channel Divinity. When you take this oath at 3rd
ing offer a framework for paladins of this order to level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity
keep all aspects of their lives and those of others options.
pristine and devoid of harmful effects.
 allow. You can use your Channel Divinity to in-
Cleanse the domain. Your surroundings reflect upon fuse an area as sacred ground. As an action, you
your person. Keep them spotless so that you may present your holy symbol and speak a prayer. The
benefit from their immaculate nature and the purity effect functions as a hallow spell with a radius of
they provide. up to 30 feet and lasts for 1 minute. When you use
this feature, you can only choose the Courage or
Cleanse the body. Your body is the shrine of your Energy Protection features of the spell.
being. A healthy body is the first step to a healthy
mind and soul. •C
 leansing Lay on Hands. You can use your Chan-
nel Divinity to empower your Lay on Hands abil-
Cleanse the mind. Keep your mind sharp and without ity. By extending one use of your Channel Divini-
filthy thoughts. Avoid substances that cloud your in- ty, you can cure multiple diseases and neutralize
tellect and strive to keep it sharp. multiple poisons with a single use of Lay on Hands
without expending hit points separately for each
Cleanse the soul. The soul is divine and must be pro- affliction. This use of your Lay on Hands also
tected from external influences. By righteous ac- functions against negative influences that include
tions, you can fortify it and keep it unsullied. being charmed, cursed, or frightened.

Oath Spells. You gain oath spells at the paladin lev- Exorcist. Starting at 7th level, you can exorcise evil
els listed. spirits from others. As an action, you can end pos-
session on a creature, forcing the possessing spirit
Oath of Cleansing Spells out of the target. You can use this feature a number E
of times equal to your Charisma modifier (a min-
Paladin Level Spells imum of once), and you regain all expended uses
protection from evil and when you finish a long rest.
good, purify food and drink
lesser restoration, Purify. Starting at 15th level, you can remove any
protection from poison negative condition from yourself or a willing crea-
protection from energy, ture you touch as an action. This ability also in-
9th cludes madness, petrification, and polymorph ef-
remove curse
fects in addition to diseases and poisons, as well as
death ward, freedom
13th being charmed, cursed, frightened. You can use this
of movement
feature a number of times equal to your Charisma
dispel evil and good, modifier (a minimum of once). You regain any ex-
greater restoration
pended uses when you finish a long rest.

Greater Purify. At 20th level, your faith gives you

and your allies immunity to all negative influences
that you can cleanse in your surroundings. As an
action, you can remove all effects listed under your
Purify ability from yourself and friendly creatures
within 30 feet of you.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Knights of the Crown take a special oath in Aglari-

Oath of Protection on that stands above all other tenets: “Protect the
Realm, your Sovereign, and the Crown.”
Paladins who swear the Oath of Protection are
committed to the cause of protecting people, Protect your allies. Keep those who depend on you
places, or even beliefs. Their well-grounded from harm if threatened by forces greater than
– and often narrowly interpreted – faith themselves. Shield those who are in allegiance
leads many who take the Oath to serve with you as a bastion against harm. Join forces
religious and secular organizations. with your allies to overcome threats.
However, paladins of this Oath have
often turned against these very Protect those who stand behind you. Lead by ex-
organizations when faced with ample to become a beacon of inspiration
tyrannical or oppressive re- to those around you, especially against
gimes. Paladins who follow seemingly insurmountable odds.
this path usually train
frequently to maintain Protect yourself if
their capacity to offer there is nothing
aid in all circumstanc- left to protect.
es to those that need Fortify your faith
it. They also encour- so that you may
age charity and lead stand firm against
by example in shel- that which makes
tering the weak and you vulnerable. Be
downtrodden. willing to sacrifice
even your own life
Tenets of Protec- before all others.
tion. The first mon- Tend to your own
archs of Aglarion laid down well-being, so that
the tenets of the Oath of Pro- you may safeguard
tection to protect their royal your charge until the
personages and the realm. very last.
However the oath has been
shared widely by many Oath Spells. You gain
faiths since then. Adherents oath spells at the paladin
to this oath hold the pro- levels listed.
tection of people, places,
and beliefs above all else
and usually share these ba-
sic principles.

Protect those who pro-

tect us. Show respect to
and safeguard those that
are deserving and to
whom you are sworn.
Your word is your bond.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Oath of the Crown Spells When another creature damages you or your ally
within 5 feet with a melee attack, you can use your
Paladin Level Spells
reaction to reduce the damage by 1d6 + your Cha-
protection from evil and risma modifier points. This reduction increases to
good, shield of faith 1d8 + your Charisma modifier at 13th level, and 1d10
protection from poison, + your Charisma modifier at 17th level.
warding bond
magic circle, protection Bastion of Self. Starting at 15th level, your faith
9th makes you protected against your foes. Any crea-
from energy
ture who targets you with an attack or a harm-
death ward,
13th ful spell must first make a Wisdom saving throw
guardian of faith
against your spell save DC. On a failed save, the
dispel evil and good, creature must choose a new target or lose the at-
raise dead
tack or spell. Any creature that succeeds on the sav-
ing throw is immune to Bastion of Self for 24 hours.
Channel Divinity. When you take this oath at 3rd This effect doesn’t protect you from area effects,
level, you gain the following two Channel Divinity such as the explosion of a fireball. This effect also
options. ends if you are incapacitated or die.

 ow of Protection. You can use your Channel Divine Protector. At 20th level, your dedication to
Divinity to bolster your defenses. As a bonus ac- become a paragon of protection makes you a bul-
tion, you can utter a vow of protection from a wark against the enemies of your cause and a sym-
creature you can see within 30 feet of you, using bol to those around you. As an action, you recount
your Channel Divinity. That creature gains disad- the Tenets of Protection and gain the following ben-
vantage on attack rolls against you for 1 minute or efits for 1 minute:
until you drop to 0 hit points or fall unconscious. E
•Y  ou gain the benefits of a shimmering field of pro-
 ivine Ward. You can use your Channel Divinity tection, granting you a +2 bonus to AC.
to offer protection to those around you. As an • You have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and
action, you present your holy symbol and each slashing damage from non-magical weapons.
creature of your choice that you can see within •Whenever you or any ally within 30 feet fails a
30 feet of you becomes warded for 1 minute. Any saving throw, you can use your reaction to force
creature who targets a warded creature with an the creature to reroll it. You must use this new roll.
attack or a harmful spell must first make a Wis-
dom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature This effect ends early if you are incapacitated or
must choose a new target or lose the attack or die. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
spell. This effect doesn’t protect the warded crea- until you finish a long rest.
ture from area effects, such as the explosion of a
fireball. If the warded creature makes an attack or
casts a spell that affects an enemy creature, this
effect ends. This effect ends on the creature if you
are incapacitated or die or if the warded creature
is more than 30 feet away from you.

Dedicated Defender. Starting at 7th level, you can

deflect attacks against those whom you protect.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

• S hortbow of the Sprite. A creature hit by this short-

RANGER bow must succeed on a DC 10 Constitution saving
throw or become poisoned for 1 minute. If its sav-
ing throw result is 5 or lower, the poisoned target
falls unconscious for the same duration, or until it
takes damage or another creature takes an action
to shake it awake.
Those who venture into
the forests deep enough • S word of
might find crossroads the Elves. This
that connect the Fey- extremely sharp
realm and the Materi- longsword deals
al Plane. Often, mis- an extra 1d6
chievous fey dwell slashing damage.
around these pla-
nar breaches, and
if one can express
the right atti-
tude, they can
be befriended.
The fey respect
those who under-
stand their nature
and are willing to
become life-long allies
over time. In Aglarion, fey-
friend rangers have hor-
rific stories to tell about the
recent hardships of the few fey
who have fled the Bleak Mire.
Even with the crossroads blocked
to this domain, the Feyrealm itself
still helps these allied rangers upkeep
their valued alliances.

Resist Lure. Starting at 3rd lev-

el, you learn how to resist en-
chantments. You gain advantage
on saving throws against being

Fey Armament. Starting at 3rd level,

the fey lords grant you the arma-
ment of a sprite. As an action, you
can create one of the following
weapons in your empty hand:

89 0
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

These weapons count as magical for the purpose of
Monster Tamer
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagi-
cal attacks and damage. The weapon disappears af-
ter 1 minute, if it is more than 5 feet away from you A ranger with a knack for calming and controlling
for 1 round, if you dismiss the weapon (no action beasts and creatures with bestial intelligence, the
required), or if you die. Once you use this feature, monster tamer has dedicated its life to locating and
you can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. dealing with such creatures. Usually, monster tam-
ers are called in to handle threats from the wild, but
Speak with Beasts and Plants. Starting at 3rd level, sometimes they are merely essential personnel in
you can communicate with beasts and plants as if keeping large beasts of burden in line. Some monster
they shared a language with you. You learn how to tamers use their skills to subjugate animals, some to
read, write, and speak Sylvan. care for them and nourish them in the wild. Their fa-
vored enemies are always beasts and monstrosities. In
Sprite Companion. Starting at 7th level, the Fey- Aglarion, tamers can be found in the countryside or as
realm blesses you with a faithful sprite companion. the caretakers of the Monster Menagerie in Onadbyr.
The sprite acts on its own and has its own will, but
it is always loyal to you. It disappears if it reaches Monster Tamer Magic. You learn an additional spell
0 hit points but a new sprite arrives the next dawn of 1st level or higher when you reach certain lev-
to replace the previous one. els in this class, as shown in the Monster Tamer
Spell List table. Each spell counts as a ranger spell
Fey Reinforcements. Starting at 11th level, you can for you, but it doesn’t count against the number of
call fey creatures to help you. You can cast the con- ranger spells you know.
jure fey spell without expending a spell slot or ma-
terial components. Once you use this feature, you Monster Tamer Spell List
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
Ranger Level Spells E
Sanctuary of the Fey Court. Starting at 14th lev- 3rd speak with animals
el, fey creatures and creatures of the natural
5th locate animals or plants
world sense your connection to their kind and be-
come hesitant to attack you. When a fey, beast 9th conjure animals
or plant creature attacks you, that creature must
13th dominate beast
make a Wisdom saving throw against your ranger
spell save DC. On a failed save, the creature must 17th hold monster
choose a different target, or the attack automati-
cally misses. On a successful save, the creature is Bestial Aff inity. Starting at 3rd level, you can use
immune to this effect for 24 hours. The creature your body language and soothing sounds to calm
is aware of this effect before it makes its attack animals and monsters. You gain advantage on Wis-
against you. dom (Animal Handling) skill checks made to calm
beats and monstrosities with an Intelligence score
of 3 or lower.

Sense Beasts. Starting at 3rd level, you can detect

hostile animals and monsters. You sense the direc-
tion to the location of the highest challenge rating
beast or monstrosity, and you can tell its distance
from you as long as the creature is within 1,000 feet

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

of you. If the creature is moving, you know the direc- comes a force of devastation, gaining some magical
tion of its movement. Once you use this feature, you abilities from its companion.
can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Beast Companion. Starting at 3rd level, you gain a
Master of Monsters. Starting at 7th level, your spells beast companion that fights beside you. Choose a
can affect monstrosities the same way they affect beast that is no larger than Large size and that has a
beasts. You can substitute the beast creature type with challenge rating of 1 or lower. The beast obeys your
the monstrosity creature type in any of your spells. commands and takes its turn on your initiative. On
your turn, you can command the beast where to
Call of the Beasts. Starting at 11th level, you can move or what actions to take, which require no ac-
conjure beasts and monsters to do your bidding. tions on your part. If you are incapacitated or absent,
You can cast the conjure animals spell without ex- the beast has free will and protects you and itself. If
pending a spell or material components and use it the beast dies, you can obtain another one by spend-
to summon a monstrosity with a challenge rating ing 8 hours to befriend another non-hostile beast.
of 2 or lower and with an Intelligence score of 3 or
lower. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it Siege Beast Companion. Starting at 7th level, the
again until you finish a short or long rest. maximum challenge rating of the beast that you can
have as your companion increases to 2.
Protection of the Pack. Starting at 15th level, when
you surround yourself with allied beasts or mon- Your beast companion also gains the Siege Monster
strosities, the pack grants you benefits. You gain trait, allowing it to deal double damage to objects and
the following benefits if an allied beast or mon- structures.
strosity, is within 5 ft. of you or if you are mounted
on such a creature. Magical Siege Beast Companion. Starting at 11th lev-
el, the maximum challenge rating of the beast that
•Y  ou gain +2 to your AC. you can have as your companion increases to 3 and
• Whenever you are the target of a melee attack, can be of Huge size.
the beast or monstrosity can make a melee attack
against the attacking opponent as a reaction. Your beast companion’s natural attacks count as magi-
• When an attacker that you can see hits you with a cal for the purposes of overcoming damage resistance.
melee attack, you can use your reaction to halve
the attack’s damage against you. However your Greater Magical Siege Beast Companion. Starting at
beast or monstrosity ally takes the other half of 15th level, the maximum challenge rating of the beast
the damage. that you can have as your companion increases to 4.

When you are mounted on your beast companion

Siege Beast Master or within 5 feet of it, any creature that attacks you
provokes an opportunity attack from your beast
Even the largest of beasts can be subdued and har- companion.
nessed as siege weapons by a ranger of this enclave.
A siege beast’s power lies in its sheer size and ability
to smash down walls or destroy siege weapons. As
a result, they are at the forefront of armies, tram-
pling anything and anyone who crosses their path,
often serving as mounts for their ranger compan-
ions. Once bonded to a ranger, the siege beast be-

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

a spellcaster with a precise strike. As a bonus ac-
ROGUE tion, after you hit a creature with a melee weapon,
you can force the creature to make a saving throw
with its spellcasting ability modifier. The DC is 8
+ proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier.

Some never learn how to cast a spell but

instead instinctively learn how to han-
dle them, almost as if they were phys-
ical objects. The ancient magehunt- On a
ers of the Vordani tribes perfected failed save or
this special technique, which later when you touch a
spread all over the continent. willing creature, you
A spellthief understands the gain a 1st level spell
nature of spells and can slot and a prepared
reach into a spellcast- 1st level spell
er’s magical pool to chosen by you
take some of it and from the
use it. The most creature’s
experienced spell- known or
thieves can shake off prepared
ranged spells with ease 1st level
and redirect them as spells. At
if they have cast it 13th level,
themselves. the spell E
level you can
steal increases
to 2nd level spells,
and at 17th level to 3rd
level spells. The creature
Sneaky Interrupt. Start- loses a 1st level spell slot,
ing at 3rd level, your un- but still knows the spell and
derstanding of magic theo- can use it normally. For the next 8
ries equals that of a trained hours, you have the spell prepared and
wizard and as such, you know can cast it using your spell slots. If the
when it’s best to strike at them. creature is not a spellcaster you don’t gain
You gain proficiency in the Ar- any benefits from this feature. Once you
cana skill if you aren’t already use this feature, you can’t use it again until
proficient in it and gain an advan- you finish a short or long rest.
tage on your attack rolls against
targets maintaining concentration Unhook Spell. Starting at 13th level, you can
on a spell. untie the fabric of magic and take it over
from your opponent spellcaster, keeping
Steal Spell. Starting at 9th level, it maintained for your own benefit. As
you can siphon a single spell from a bonus action, after you hit a creature

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

who is maintaining concentration on a spell with detail of a single image or a single page of script that
a melee weapon, you can choose not to deal extra you’ve studied for one round. You can recall a num-
damage from your Sneak Attack. Instead, you force ber of images or pages up to your Intelligence ability
the creature to make a saving throw with its spell- modifier. You can memorize new images or pages,
casting ability modifier. The DC is 8 + proficiency bo- but you will lose the memory of an image or page
nus + your Dexterity modifier. On a failed save, the that you have previously memorized.
maintained spell ends on the creature and you gain
the spell’s benefits for 1 minute. Once you successful- Second Chance. Starting at 9th level, whenever you
ly use this feature to unhook a spell, you can’t use it fail a Dexterity (Stealth), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand),
again until you finish a long rest. or Charisma (Deception) skill check, you can reroll
the check as a bonus action. You must use the new
Reflect spell. Starting at 17th level, you know exact- result, even if it’s lower than the original roll. Once
ly how to deflect and divert a ranged magical at- you use this feature, you can’t use it again until you
tack. As a reaction, you can reflect a magical ranged finish a short or long rest.
attack made against you back at any target you can
see within the spell’s range. The range and DC of Read Thoughts. Starting at 13th level, as an action
the spell is the original caster’s range and spell save you can read the surface thoughts of one creature
DC. Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again within 60 feet of you. The effect can penetrate barri-
until you finish a long rest. ers, but 3 feet of wood or dirt, 2 feet of stone, 2 inch-
es of metal, or a thin sheet of lead blocks it. While
the target is in range, you can continue reading its
Spy thoughts, as long as your concentration isn’t broken
(as if concentrating on a spell). While reading the
Spies are masters of infiltration and stealth, able to target’s mind, you have advantage on Wisdom (In-
get out of seemingly impossible situations with the sight) and Charisma (Deception, Intimidation, and
intelligence they seek. They train their memories to Persuasion) skill checks against the target.
remember even the most minute details at a glance,
making them valuable agents to recover informa- Master Spy. Starting at 17th level, instead of rolling,
tion. Spies are adept at avoiding notice when need- you can choose to automatically succeed on a Dexter-
ed, pocketing valuable objects or intelligence, and ity (Stealth), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), or Charisma
deceiving whoever they encounter with expertly (Deception) skill check. Once you use this feature, you
woven cover stories. Some masters of their trade can’t use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
can even pierce the minds of their marks, allowing
them to more effectively infiltrate the ranks of or-
ganizations they target.

Spycraft. Starting at 3rd level, you become a master

of spycraft. You gain proficiency with the Dexterity
(Stealth), Dexterity (Sleight of Hand), and Charisma
(Deception) skills if you are not already proficient
in them or double your proficiency bonus if you are
already proficient in them.

Photographic Memory. Starting at 3rd level, you gain

photographic memory and can recall the most min-
ute details of what you’ve seen. You can recall every

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

are able to use your sneak attack, your target’s AC
Umbral Stalker against your attack becomes 10 + the creature’s Dex-
terity modifier. You can use this feature only if your
Those who spend their lives in darkness become target is in darkness.
part of it. The umbral stalker lives in the shadows
and strikes unexpectedly. These rogues train to be-
come part of the darkness they live in and to use
it to the best of their advantage. Soon, its essence
starts to seep into their very beings. Umbral stalkers
eventually become able to open a rift into the Shad-
owrealm and learn to move between the planes,
feeling at home in the shadows of both realms.

Eyes of Darkness. Starting at 3rd level, your eyes

become adapted to even the deepest darkness. You
gain darkvision in a 60-foot radius and can see
through even magical darkness.

One with the Shadows. Starting at 9th level, you

can blend into darkness, making your movement al-
most undetectable. While under the cover of dark-
ness, you can use your Sneak Attack feature regard-
less of other requirements and have advantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) skill checks.

Shadow Step. Starting at 13th level, you become E

able to move through the Shadowrealm to reach
your destination. While in darkness, you can use SORCERER
your movement to teleport to a location within the
range of your as long as it is also in darkness.

Shadow Rift. Starting at 13th level, you become able

to open a narrow rift in the fabric of the planes and
Entropist Bloodline
transpose yourself to the Shadowrealm and back to
the plane from whence you came. As an action, you You carry the forces of entropy in your bloodline,
can travel to the Shadowrealm or return to the plane fueled by the elemental rule of chaos, and are driv-
you came from as if you have cast the plane shift spell. en to turn all things into their natural and even-
You can only use this feature if you are on the Ethere- tual state of nothingness. Most sorcerers who are
al Plane, the Feyrealm, the Material Plane, or the Shad- touched by chaos in this manner embrace the gifts
owrealm. No magical or physical restrictions can pre- of their blood and find use of their abilities in every-
vent you from accomplishing the planar travel made day life, while some strive through fanatical devo-
possible by this feature. Once you use this feature, you tion to turn all things to dust, acting as agents of
can’t use it again until you finish a long rest. destruction. In either case, the magic that infuses
their blood lends itself to combat, and many entro-
Umbral Strike. Starting at 17th level, you can attack pists are experts at breaking down the fortifications
a creature’s life force through its shadow. When you of their opponents and denying them healing.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Touch of Entropy. Starting at 1st level, your touch Resistances to Natural Law. Starting at 14th lev-
destroys non-organic matter. If the nonmagical ob- el, you are partially protected against the flow of
ject isn’t being worn or carried, you can choose to entropy. You gain resistance to bludgeoning, pierc-
cause your touch to destroy a Tiny object at 1st level, ing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
a Small object at 5th level, a Medium object at 9th not made with adamantine weapons.
level, a Large object at 13th level, and a Huge object You also gain advantage on saving
at 17th level. If the object is being worn or carried throws against any spell cast or ef-
by a creature, the creature can make a Dexterity fects created by lawful creatures.
saving throw against your spell save DC to avoid
your touch. If the object touched is a non-magical
weapon being carried, it takes a permanent and cu-
mulative -1 penalty to damage rolls. If its pen-
alty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. If
the object touched is either a nonmagical
armor or a nonmagical shield being worn
or carried, it takes a permanent and cu-
mulative -1 penalty to the AC it offers.
Armor reduced to an AC of 10 or a shield
that drops to a +0 bonus is destroyed.

Aura of Entropy. Starting at 1st level, you

emanate an aura of entropy that inter-
feres with the natural order of reality.
The radius of your aura is 5 feet at 1st level,
but increases to 10 feet at 6th level, 15 feet
at 11th level, and 20 feet at 16th level. Within
your aura, objects cannot be repaired (ex.: by
mending spell). Additionally, all healing effects
are hampered by your aura and require a DC
10 Constitution saving throw to function.

Entropic Damage. Starting at 6th level,

your aura of entropy also dissolves organ-
ic flesh. Each creature you choose in your
Aura of Entropy must succeed on a Con-
stitution saving throw against your spell
save DC or lose a number of hit points
equal to 1d4 + your spellcasting ability
modifier at the start of each of its turns.
While the creature remains in your aura,
its body continues to dissolve, and the
creature continues to lose hit points at
the start of its turns unless it succeeds
on the Constitution saving throw. On a
successful save, the creature is immune
to this effect for 24 hours.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Additionally, you gain advantage against petrifica- Predator’s Knowledge. Starting at 1st level, your
tion and any other transmutation effect that would bestial side awakens, giving you the skills of preda-
change the composition of your body or physical tors. You gain proficiency in the Dexterity (Stealth),
form, like polymorph. Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) skills if
you are not already proficient in them.
Sphere of Entropy. Starting at 18th level, as an action
you can rip the fabric of space and create a swirl- Hybrid Form. Starting at 6th level, you can assume
ing void in the multiverse, summoning a sphere of the form of a lycanthrope hybrid. As an action,
annihilation out of raw entropy. The sphere remains you can spend 1 sorcery point to transform into
in existence for 1 minute, and you have advantage a hybrid form for 1 minute and gain the following
on rolls to control the sphere. You can’t use this benefits:
feature again until you finish a long rest.
•W  hen you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals
12 + your Dexterity modifier.
Lycanthropic Bloodline • You gain damage resistance to bludgeoning, pierc-
ing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks
Some descendants of lycanthropes can awaken the not made with silvered weapons.
power of their ancestors and benefit from the curse • You become proficient with natural weapons.
that runs in their blood. These individuals become • Your hands transform into claws that deal 1d6 +
more and more bestial as their dormant heritage Strength modifier points of slashing damage. You
slowly awakens, which they sometimes find hard can attack twice with your claws, instead of once,
to control. Lycanthropic bloodline sorcerers rely on whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
their newfound natural savagery in combat and ben- • As a bonus action, you can make a bite attack that
efit from the defensive capabilities of their ancestors. deals 1d8 + Strength modifier points of piercing
Keen Senses. Starting at 1st level, your senses be- E
come sharper, similar to that of a predator. You gain Curse of Silver. Starting at 14th level, the curse
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) skill checks that coursing in your veins manifests, giving you en-
rely on hearing or smell. hanced invulnerability. You gain damage resistance
to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
from nonmagical attacks not made with silvered

Apex Predator. Starting at 18th level, you become

an apex lycanthropic predator infused with magic.
When using your Hybrid Form class feature, you gain
the following additional benefits:

•W  hen you aren’t wearing armor, your AC equals

13 + your Dexterity modifier.
• Your claw damage increases to 2d4 + Strength
modifier points of slashing damage.
• Your bite damage increases to 2d6 + Strength mod-
ifier points of piercing damage.
• You gain an additional attack action on each of
your turns.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Primordial Energy Savant Elemental Gate. Starting at 18th level, you can
open a portal to any of the elemental planes. You
can cast the gate spell to open a portal to an Ele-
The bloodline of the ancient primordial elemen- mental Plane. Once you use this feature, you can’t
tals runs in only a few creatures on the Materi- use it again until you finish a long rest.
al Plane. These creatures are partially composed
of the elements that make up the fabric of all
worlds, making them less vulnerable to energy ef- WARLOCK
fects. Primordial energy savants are conduits of
elemental power who can nurture their heritage
to an extent where they can freely access all of
the elements to imbue their spells. At the peak
Chaos Wielder
of their power, the connection of these elemen-
tal-infused creatures on the Elemental Planes is so Chaos Wielders choose the Elemental Chaos as their
strong that they can tear a gateway to them using patron, allowing them to tap into the raw forces of
their sheer forces of will. chaos and manipulate fate itself. In their tempera-
ments, these warlocks often resemble the force they
Voice of the Elements. Starting at 1st level, you serve - they are erratic and sometimes even nihilistic,
innately become able to converse with those who not bound by any standards of laws or social norms.
speak the language of the elements. You can un- As a result, Chaos Wielders are usually spurned by
derstand and speak Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and Ter- the rest of society and are considered dangerous in
ran. their seemingly incomprehensible motives.

Primordial Physiology. Starting at 1st level, your Expanded Spell List. At 1st level, the Elemental Cha-
anatomy resembles that of an elemental, making os lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
you less vulnerable to elements and certain condi- when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells
tions that affect the body. You gain advantage on are added to the warlock spell list for you:
saving throws against being petrified or poisoned.
You also gain a damage threshold of 2 against acid, Chaos Wielder Expanded Spells
cold, fire, lightning, and thunder damage.
Spell Level Spells
Energy Admixture. Starting at 6th level, you be- 1st bane, bless
come able to choose the element you wish to cre-
flaming sphere,
ate with your spells. You can spend 1 sorcery point 2nd
spiritual weapon
to change the damage type of a spell that causes
acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage to 3rd blink, call lightning
any of the damage types that you can change. 4th confusion, polymorph
5th flame strike, reincarnate
Heightened Primordial Magic. Starting at 14th lev-
el, your element-based spells become harder to re-
sist. When you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, fire, Wild Magic. Starting at 1st level, your spells can
lightning, radiant, or thunder damage and forces a have unforeseen consequences. You can choose to
creature to make a saving throw to resist the ef- apply a Wild Magic Surge effect immediately after
fects of the spell, you can spend 3 sorcery points to you cast the spell. Roll for a random effect on the
give all targets of the spell disadvantage on their Wild Magic Surge table on page 104 of the Player’s
first saving throw made against the spell. Handbook. You can use this feature a number of

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

times equal to half your warlock levels rounded spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following
down, and you regain all expended uses when you spells are added to the warlock spell list for you:
finish a long rest.
Dragon Patron Expanded Spells
Flows of Chaos. Starting at 6th level, you can ma-
nipulate fate using the power of chaos. When any Spell Level Spells
creature makes an attack roll, ability check, or sav-
feather fall,
ing throw, you can use your reaction to roll 1d4 and 1st
hunter’s mark
apply the number rolled as a bonus or penalty to the
creature’s roll. You can do so after the creature rolls darkvision,
but before any effects of the roll occur. At 10th level, enhance ability
this dice increases to 1d6, and at 14th level this dice 3rd clairvoyance, haste
increases to 1d8. You can use this feature a number
of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you freedom of movement,
regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. stoneskin

5th geas, legend lore

Order in Chaos. Starting at 10th level, you can ma-
nipulate the energies of your spells for optimal ef-
fect. For any spell that requires a dice roll, you can Dragon’s Tongue. Starting at 1st level, you can speak,
roll twice and take the desired roll. Once you use read, and write Draconic. Additionally, whenever
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a you make a Charisma ability check when interact-
short or long rest. ing with dragons, your proficiency bonus is doubled
if it applies to the check.
Twisted Fate. Starting at 14th level, you can manip-
ulate your fate and those of others. When any crea- Dragon’s Claws. Starting at 1st level, your hands be-
ture makes an attack roll, ability check, or saving come clawlike that you can use to make attacks. E
throw, you can use your reaction to give advantage The claws have a reach of 5 feet, can be used as an
or disadvantage to the creature’s roll. You can do unarmed strike, and deal 1d6 + Strength modifier
so after the creature rolls but before any effects of slashing damage on a hit.
the roll occur. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you re- Draconic Ancestry. Starting at 6th level, you become
gain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. dragonlike in your nature. You gain the Draconic An-
cestry, and associated Breath Weapon and Damage
Resistance traits of the Dragonborn race.
Dragon Patron
Dragon’s Senses. Starting at 10th level, you gain blind-
Warlocks who venerate a Great Wyrm are bestowed sight 30 ft. Additionally, you sense the presence of any
with powers that emulate those of their draconic treasure worth over 100 gold pieces within 120 feet of
patrons. Their patrons share their blood with these you. This ability merely reveals that treasure is pres-
warlocks, slowly transforming their physical forms ent. You don’t learn the location of the treasure, but
as they gain draconic features like claws and even you do learn its general value. This ability can’t locate
wings, as well as the senses and frightful presence treasure if any thickness of lead, even a thin sheet,
of their mighty master. blocks a direct path between you and the object.

Expanded Spell List. At 1st level, your Great Wyrm Dragon Wings. Starting at 14th level, you gain the
patron lets you choose from an expanded list of ability to sprout a pair of dragon wings from your

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


Hags can sense those who seek power desperately

and are willing to spread the malice of their patron
to cause discord and misery. Witchservants are
usually bitter, power-hungry individuals who live
hidden in society. They live as average citizens and
practice their devotions secretly, gathering only to
conduct vile rituals and contact their hag patrons
for guidance. Various hags have a decent number
of servants in Aglarion who treat their subjects as
expendable assets.

Expanded Spell List. At 1st level, your hag patron

lets you choose from an expanded list of spells
when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells
are added to the warlock spell list for you:

Witchservant Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells

1st bane, hideous laughter
back, gaining a fly speed equal to your walking
speed. You can create these wings as a bonus ac- 2nd
tion on your turn. They last until you dismiss them
as a bonus action on your turn. You can’t manifest 3rd bestow curse, tiny hut
your wings while wearing armor unless the armor is 4th divination, polymorph
made to accommodate them, and clothing not made
5th commune, contagion
to accommodate your wings might be destroyed
when you manifest them.
Hag’s Form. Starting at 1st level, you can mimic the
Frightful Presence. Starting at 14th level, you can shape-changing ability of your hag patron. As a bonus
channel the dread presence of your dragon ances- action, you can magically polymorph into a Small or
tor, causing those around you to become fright- Medium humanoid for one hour. Your statistics are
ened. As an action, you can draw on this power the same in each form. Any equipment you are wear-
and exude an aura of fear to a distance of 60 feet. ing or carrying isn’t transformed. You revert to your
For 1 minute or until you lose your concentration true form if you die. Once you use this feature, you
(as if you were concentrating on a spell), each hos- can’t use it again until you finish a long rest.
tile creature that starts its turn in this aura must
succeed on a Wisdom saving throw against your Dark Devotion. Starting at 1st level, your hag pa-
spell save DC or be frightened until the aura ends. tron bolsters your determination. You have advan-
A creature that succeeds on this saving throw is tage on saving throws against being charmed.
immune to your aura for 24 hours. Once you use
this feature, you can’t use it again until you finish a Painful Incantation. Starting at 6th level, you can
short or long rest. cause intense pain with your damaging spells. As a

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

bonus action, you can choose to use painful incan- Ethereal Passage. Starting at 14th level, you gain
tation when you roll damage for a spell and force the ability to traverse the Ethereal plane. You can
the damaged creature to make a Constitution saving cast etherealness without consuming a spell slot.
throw (DC 8 + proficiency bonus + Charisma modifi- Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again
er). On a failed save, the target creature’s speed until you finish a long rest.
is halved, it has disadvantage on attacks,
skill checks, Strength and Dexterity saving
throws for 1 minute, and if the target tries WIZARD
to cast a spell during this time, it must
first succeed on a Constitution saving
throw or the casting fails and the spell
is wasted. A target suffering from this
Academic Wizard
pain can make a Constitution saving
throw at the end of each of its turns. Academic wizards are highly
On a successful save, the pain ends. trained in all forms of schools of
Once you use this feature, you magic and are specialized in the
can’t use it again until you finish methodology and procedures of
a long rest. spellcasting itself. They analyze
the structure of spell formulas
Malediction. Starting at 10th in great detail to optimize them
level, you can channel the vile and to be able to handle them
energies of your hag patron with greater ease than other
to curse your enemies. As a mages. Their understanding
bonus action, you can force of these basic concepts allows
one creature of your choice them to interchange spells in
within 30 feet to make a a versatile, almost effortless E
Charisma saving throw way. Academic wizards are
(DC 8 + proficiency bo- only trained in the Arcane
nus + Charisma modi- Tower in the kingdom of Aglar-
fier). On a failed save, ion, where they master their
the target creature is trade for long years before leav-
cursed and must roll ing the academy.
1d6 and subtract the
number rolled from Eff icient Spell Recovery. Starting at
its attack rolls or sav- 2nd level, you have learned to re-
ing throws whenever it call spells more efficiently by re-
makes one within the next membering their key variables.
1 minute. For the duration, the You can recover an additional
target creature also gains vul- spell slot when using your ar-
nerability to all damage dealt cane recovery class ability.
by you. A remove curse spell
ends this effect. Once you Simplified Spell Rituals.
use this feature, you can’t Starting at 2nd lev-
use it again el, you have
until you fin- mastered con-
ish a long rest. ducting rituals

9 01
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by focusing on their most fundamental structures. wards areas and prevents intrusion. Their spells are
Instead of the usual 10 minutes required to cast ritual more durable, harder to remove, and more deadly when
spells, you can cast the ritual version of a spell in 1 properly placed. Master Bertio Ranberd is the most re-
minute. nowned practitioner of the arcane sentinel school in
Aglarion, teaching his secret formulas at his shop and
Expedient Spell Preparation. Starting at boarding school, the Emporium of Marvelous Rarities.
6th level, you can prepare spells faster
than usual. Preparing a new spell takes Practiced Abjurer. Starting at 2nd level, you become
1 round per spell level for you instead of practiced at learning abjuration spells. The gold and
the usual 1 minute per spell level. time you must spend to copy an abjuration spell
into your spellbook is halved.
Elevated Spell Power. Starting at
10th level, you attain an op- Advanced Alarm. Starting at 2nd lev-
timized form of spellcasting el, you gain deeper insight into the
methodology, which makes working of the alarm spell. Add
your spells more powerful. the alarm spell to your spell-
Spells you cast are consid- book. The duration of an
ered to be one spell slot alarm spell cast by you be-
level higher than their comes 24 hours, and it can
actual spell slot level. be both mental and audi-
ble. You can also designate
Combined Spell Ef- other willing creatures to
fects. Starting at 14th be alerted by your alarm
level, you learn how to spell’s mental alert.
apply spells so that their
effects are combined. Empowered Glyph.
You can apply and stack Starting at 6th level,
the same magical effect you can inscribe the glyph
of a spell to a tar- of warding spell in an instant
get one additional and make it more potent.
time. Once you Add the glyph or warding
use this feature, spell to your spellbook.
you can’t use it You can cast the glyph
until you finish of warding spell as an
a long rest. action without using
a spell slot and reroll a
Arcane number of the damage
dice equal to your Intel-
Sentinel ligence modifier (mini-
mum 1) when using the
Magic is reliable, it is hard spell’s explosive runes
to cheat, and is a more convenient tool option. You must use
to safeguard riches or secrets than intelli- the new rolls. Once
gent guardians or monsters of any kind. you use this feature,
Arcane sentinels are abjuration-special- you can’t use it until
ist wizards who focus on magic that you finish a long rest.

9 02
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Tenacious Abjurations. Starting at 10th level, your creatures that are affected by it. Affected creatures
abjuration spells become hard to dispel. An attempt can make an Intelligence saving throw to halve the
to use the spells counterspell or dispel magic against damage. Physical interaction with the image does not
your 3rd or lower level abjuration spells requires an reveal it to be an illusion. A creature that successfully
ability check. All ability checks made to dispel an ab- disbelieves the image by taking an action to make a
juration spell cast by you have disadvantage. successful Intelligence (Investigation) skill check be-
comes immune to the damage dealt by the spell.
Logical Defense. Starting at 14th level, you can deduct
the outcome of a threat directed at you. As a reaction, Shadow Evocation. Starting at 10th level, you can
you can add your Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) as a create a barrage of illusory damaging spells formed
bonus to your AC or a saving throw made against a spell. out of semi-real shadowstuff. As an action, you can
choose an evocation spell that deals damage. You
cast this spell as an illusion spell using a spell slot
School of Shadow equal to the spell level of the chosen spell. Other-
wise, the spell works exactly like the original spell.
The arcane studies of the school of illusions led The affected creature must make the saving throws
some specialist mages to discover ways to infuse as described in the spell’s description. However, a
their spells with shadow material drawn directly creature affected by a shadow evocation spell must
from the Shadowrealm. These illusions are tangible, first make an Intelligence saving throw. On a failed
almost real manifestations of their creator’s creativ- save, the creature believes the spell to be real and
ity that can physically interact with their surround- takes damage from the spell as normal. On a suc-
ings. Most shadow wizards in Aglarion treat their cessful save, the creature takes only half damage.
knowledge as a highly kept secret that they rarely
teach to others. Many of them have succumbed to Shadow Conjuration. Starting at 14th level, you can
the negative influence of the umbral powers they create a quasi-real creature made out of shadows.
have learned to manifest, turning into bitter, emo- As an action, you can cast the conjure elemental spell E
tionless versions of their former selves. without expending a spell slot or material compo-
nents, but instead of conjuring an elemental, you
Darksight. Starting at 2nd level, your eyes have can create an illusory creature of challenge rating 6
adapted to darkness. You gain darkvision with a 60- or lower of any type. A creature that uses its action
foot radius, or your darkvision’s radius improves by to examine the illusory creature can determine that
60 feet if you already have darkvision. it is an illusion with a successful Intelligence (Inves-
tigation) skill check against your spell save DC. If a
Shadow Shield. Starting at 2nd level, you can in- creature discerns the illusory creature for what it
stantly create a tangled mass of shadows that make is, the creature can see through the image and takes
you harder to hit. You can use your reaction to con- only half damage from the illusory creature, and has
jure a shadowy aura that negates one hit by an at- advantage on saving throws and ability checks made
tack that targets you. Once you use this feature, you against the illusory creature. Once you use this fea-
can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest. ture, you can’t use it until you finish a long rest.

Pseudo Reality. Starting at 6th level, you can empow-

er your illusions with quasi-real shadows that deal
damage. When you cast a 1st or higher level spell to
create the image of an object, creature, or visible phe-
nomenon, you can choose to cast your spell to deal
1d6 psychic damage per spell level every turn to those

9 03
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The following 13 new and unique feats establish back-
grounds and special flares to a few notable NPCs in
Crown of the Oathbreaker. They incorporate options
that players can use to give flavor to their charac-
ters and have a deeper connection to the available
subclasses that we have created as well.

Adaptive Personality

You are a master of social interactions and make-

believe, wearing your personality as a sleeve to fit
any occasion.

Blessed Spirit
• Increase your Charisma score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

 ou have advantage on Charisma (Deception) and Your sanctified spirit protects you from curses and
Charisma (Performance) checks when interacting you can detect the auras of cursed items or creatures.
with someone for the first time.
• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.
our demeanor can even cloak your alignment,
fooling divinations made to determine it. Choose • If you fail a saving throw against a curse or curse
the alignment you wish to enact and divination effect, you can reroll the saving throw with advan-
spells will show your chosen alignment. tage at the start of your next turn. You can’t use this
feature again until you finish a short or long rest.

 s an action, you can sense the presence of cursed
items or creatures within 30 feet of you for 1 minute.
If you sense curses in this way, you can use your ac-
tion to see a faint aura around any visible creature
or object in the area that is cursed. The effect can
penetrate most barriers, but it is blocked by 1 foot of
stone, 1 inch of common metal, a thin sheet of lead,
or 3 feet of wood or dirt. You can’t use this feature
again until you finish a short or long rest.

9 04
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You are used to scary situations and easily overcome

your fear.

• Increase your Wisdom score by 1, to a maximum of 20.

 ou gain advantage on saving throws against being

 ou can reroll a saving throw against being fright-
ened that you fail. If you do so, you must use the
new roll. You can’t use this feature again until you
finish a short or long rest.


You have been exposed to necromantic powers so

many times that you have become somewhat re-
sistant to them.

 ou gain damage resistance against necrotic damage.
Focused Aim •Y
 ou gain advantage on saving throws against ef-
fects that deal necrotic damage.

You can target ranged attacks more precisely by

focusing only on the shot but letting your guard
down. As a bonus action, you can focus your aim to
gain the following benefits and penalties until the
start of your next turn:

 ou gain advantage on your first ranged attack on
your turn, but all attacks against you are made
with advantage until the start of your next turn.

 ou gain 1d4 damage on your first ranged attack
on your turn.

9 05
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You protect your allies and sense danger before it

happens. You gain the following benefits:

 ou gain a +1 bonus to AC if there are allies within
5 feet of you.

 s a reaction, you can protect an ally who is within
5 feet from you from an attack of opportunity. If
you use this action, the attack automatically misses. Mounted Charger
 hen an ally who is with-
in 5 feet of you is attacked, You are a master of charging into the fray on your
you can shield them with mount. While you are mounted and aren’t incapaci-
your body. As a reaction, tated, you gain the following benefits:
you switch the tar-
get of the attack •Y
 ou have advantage on melee attack rolls against
to yourself, using any unmounted creatures that are smaller than
your own AC to your mount.
determine if the
attack hits and •W
 hen your mount takes a dash action, and you hit
taking damage a creature with a melee attack in the same round,
if it does. your attack deals an additional 1d6 damage.

 hen wielding a lance, you don’t have disadvan-
tage when attacking a target within 5 feet of you.

Hellfire Channeler
Scourge of the Undead
Hellfire courses through your veins, and you can
channel it into your fire spells for devastating effect You gain powers to resist and punish the living dead.
against creatures who would other-
wise be unharmed. •Y
 ou gain advantage on saving throws against nec-
romancy spells or being charmed, frightened, or
 henever you cast a spell possessed by undead creatures.
that deals fire damage, you
can substitute hellfire dam- •Y
 our weapon attacks
age for half of the total score a critical
damage dealt. Creatures hit on a roll of
cannot reduce this half of 19 or 20 against
the damage even if they undead creatures.
have resistance or immu-
nity to fire damage, howev-
er, devils are immune to hellfire.

9 06
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shadowcaster Stern Justicar

You can infuse your illusion spells with the essence You have seen all the dirty little tricks, making you
of shadows, making them more persistent and less hard to fool. You gain the following benefits:
• Increase your Intelligence score by 1, to a maxi-
 he DC to end or dispel your illusion spell or in- mum of 20.
terrupt you in casting an illusion spell is 13 + your
spell’s level. •Y
 ou gain proficiency in the Investigation skill. If
you are already proficient in
 he duration of your illusion spells is doubled. the skill, you add double
your proficiency bonus to
 ou can spend an extra spell checks you make with it.
slot of the same spell lev-
el when you cast an illu- •Y
 ou gain advantage on In-
sion spell. The saving telligence (Investigation)
throw against your checks to disbelieve illu-
spell or the Intel- sions.
ligence (Investiga-
tion) skill check to
Trap Engineer
discern your spell
is made with a dis-
advantage. You can easily detect and disarm traps using your
vast understanding of their workings and mechani-
Spell Tattoo cal parts. You gain the following benefits:

 ou gain proficiency in the Investigation skill to de-
You can create a tattoo etched into your skin with duce the workings of traps. If you are already pro-
magically treated ink and infused with a spell that
you can cast. The tattoo is drawn in a design that
ficient in the skill, you add double your proficiency
bonus to checks you make with it for this purpose.
resembles the specific spell placed within it, which
must be of 1st level. It takes a day of work to im- •Y
 ou gain proficiency in the Perception skill to de-
print the tattoo and costs 100 gold pieces for the tect traps. If you are already proficient in the skill,
material components. You gain you add double your proficiency bonus to checks
the following benefit: you make with it for this purpose.

ou can cast the spell •Y
 ou gain proficiency with the artisan’s (engineer-
weaved into the tattoo as ing) or thieves’ tools and can use them as part of
a bonus action. You re- a Dexterity check to disarm traps. If you
gain the ability to cast are already proficient
the spell when you with them, you add
finish a long rest. double your ability
bonus to checks you
make with them for
this purpose.

9 07
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


The following 16 new and unique spells give fla- Fortify Soul
vor to many NPCs, locations, and situations in the
Crown of the Oathbreaker adventure. All of them
can be researched, emulated, or accessed by the 4th-level abjuration
characters as they progress in spellcasting levels.
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self
Disable Construct Components: V, S
Duration: 8 hours
4th-level transmutation Classes: Cleric, Paladin

Casting Time: 1 action You resist external influences to your soul through
Range: 60 feet your unbreaking faith. You gain immunity to any ef-
Components: V, S, M fect that would influence your soul (such as the mag-
(a gear made of metal) ic jar spell or a hag’s nightmare haunting ability).
Duration: Concentration,
up to 1 minute
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer,

Choose a construct
that you can see within
range. The target must succeed on a Wisdom saving
throw or be paralyzed for the duration even if the
target is immune to being paralyzed. At the end
of each of its turns, the target can make another
Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell ends
on the target.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a

spell slot of 5th level or higher, you can target an
additional construct for each slot level above 4th.
The constructs must be within 30 feet of each oth-
er when you target them.

9 08
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Infuse with Entropy

5th-level transmutation

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ash)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

You alter the structure of an object or the body of a

creature, which starts to lose its structural integrity
Immobilize or decompose.

Choose a creature that you can see within range.

4th-level transmutation The target creature must make a Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, it takes 11 (2d10) force damage
Casting Time: 1 action at the start of its turn and has disadvantage on ability
Range: 60 feet checks and saving throws for the duration. At the end
Components: V, S, M (tendrils from the roots of an oak) of each of its turns, the target can make another Con-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute stitution saving throw. On a success, the spell ends on
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard the target.

Even if this defies gravity, a creature or unattended Choose an object that you can see within range. This
item you touch becomes magically fixed in place. spell destroys a large or smaller nonmagical object in
A creature must succeed on a Strength saving throw three rounds. If the target is a huge object, this spell
or become restrained for the duration. At the end causes it to become damaged, or renders it useless if
of each of its turns, the target can make another it has a complex mechanism or moving parts. A magic
Strength saving throw. On a success, the spell ends item is unaffected by this spell.
on the target. An item immobilized by the spell can
hold up to 8,000 pounds of weight. More weight At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell
causes the item to fall. A creature can use an action slot of 6th level or higher, the damage increases by
to make a DC 30 Strength check, moving the fixed 1d10 for each slot level above 5th.
item up to 10 feet on a success. G
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell on an
item using a spell slot of 6th level or higher, the spell
lasts until dispelled, without requiring your con-

9 09
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Instant Tent Lungrot Vapor

5th-level conjuration 6th-level necromancy

Casting Time: 1 minute Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S, Components: V, S, M (a piece of lung tissue harvest-
M (a small piece ed from a corpse)
of silk cloth) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Duration: Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
8 Hours
Classes: A 20-foot-radius sphere of vile-smelling necrotic gas
Bard, Sorcer- of a green shade magically swirls forth from a point
er, Wizard that you choose within range. The gas eats away at
the lungs of any creature in the area and creates a
You conjure a tent of a magnificent size that lasts particular form of choking zombie from those who
for the duration. die due to the spell. The fog spreads around corners.
It lasts for the duration or until strong wind disperses
The tent is a large “Big Top” tent with an oval shape the fog, ending the spell. Its area is heavily obscured.
of 50 by 75 feet and is open on the sides. The colors
and the designs on the canvas are determined by When a creature enters the spell’s area for the first time
you when you cast the spell. The tent is waterproof on a turn or starts its turn there, that creature must
and well-fastened to the ground, its magic prevent- make a Constitution saving throw. The creature takes
ing it from tipping. 4d8 necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
damage on a successful one. Creatures are not affected
The tent is made of magical canvas, supported by if they hold their breath or don’t need to breathe. The
iron poles. The ten supporting poles each have AC fog moves 10 feet away from you at the start of each of
19 and 24 hit points, immunity to damage from your turns, rolling along the surface of the ground. The
non-magical weapons excluding siege weapons, and vapors, being heavier than air, sink to the lowest level
resistance to all other damage. Only a wish spell can of the land, even pouring down openings.
repair the tent (this use of the spell counts as rep-
licating a spell of 8th level or lower). Each casting If a creature falls to 0 hit points, it rises as a zom-
of wish causes one column to regain 50 Hit Points. bie at the end of the round with the following

 hoking Strike. The zombie chokes the living, try-
ing to suck the air from the lungs of its victims.
Any creature hit by the slam attack of the zombie
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw (DC
equals 10 + the zombie’s Constitution ability mod-
ifier) or gain one level of exhaustion.

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a

spell slot of 7th level or higher, the damage increas-
es by 1d8 for each slot level above 6th.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Melt Flesh

3rd-level necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (a strip
of tallow)
Duration: 1 minute
Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, War-
lock, Wizard

You disfigure your enemy, melting

their muscles, sinews, or flesh and
making them weaker and clumsier. Choose a creature
that you can see within range. The target creature
must make a Constitution saving throw. On a failed
save, choose an ability score from Strength, Dexter-
Melancholic Melody ity, Constitution, or Charisma. The Target creature
has disadvantage on ability checks made with the
chosen ability score for the duration of the spell.
4th-level necromancy
Music of the Spheres
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a handful of dried lavender petals) 3rd-level transmutation
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard Casting Time:
1 hour
The air fills with a melancholic tune, otherworldly Range: Self
and disheartening, emanating from a point of your Compo-
choice within range. Each creature in a 20-foot-ra- nents: V, S,
dius centered on that point that hears the melody M (a page of
must make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, sheet music) G
an affected target becomes frightened for the dura- Duration: Instantaneous
tion and takes 1d6 psychic damage every round. At Classes: Wizard
the end of each of its turns, the target can make an-
other Wisdom saving throw. On a success, the spell You can cast this spell during an uninterrupted
ends on the target. On a successful save that crea- short rest while studying your spellbook. Your mind
ture is unaffected and is immune to the effects of is transported to the outer reaches of the cosmos,
the spell for 24 hours. and you hear the music of the spheres, composed
of melodies by pure magical energies. During the
At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a spell short rest, you can recover a combined level of spell
slot of 5th level or higher, the radius of the emenation slots equal to your wizard level when using your
increases by 10 feet for each slot level above 4th. arcane recovery class ability.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shadowcraft Conjuration

4th-level illusion

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

You can conjure any creature through potent illu-

sions that are partly material. You summon illusory
creatures made of shadow material that take form
and appear in unoccupied spaces that you can see
within range. Choose one of the following options
for what appears:

• O ne creature of challenge rating 2 or lower

• T wo creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower
• F our creatures of challenge rating 1/2 or lower
Rally • E ight creatures of challenge rating 1/4 or lower

Each shadow creature retains its type, and disap-

3rd-level enchantment pears when it drops to 0 hit points or when the
spell ends. The summoned creatures are friendly
Casting Time: 1 action to you and your companions. Roll initiative for the
Range: Self (30-foot cube) summoned creatures as a group, which has its own
Components: V, S, M (cloth from a flag) turns. They obey any verbal commands that you is-
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute sue to them (no action required by you). If you don’t
Classes: Bard, Cleric, Paladin, Ranger issue any commands to them, they defend them-
selves from hostile creatures but otherwise take no
You boost the morale of your allies even actions. The GM has the creatures’ statistics.
in a seemingly hopeless situation. All al-
lies within a 50-foot cube centered on When a shadow creature attacks
you that can see and hear you gain or interacts with a target, the
advantage on saving throws to target must succeed on a Wis-
resist being charmed and dom saving throw to disbelieve
frightened for the dura- the illusion. On a failed save, the
tion of the spell. shadow creature deals full dam-
age. On a success, the shadow crea-
ture only deals half damage and has
half of its total hit points for the rest of
the spell’s duration.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Shadowcraft Evocation

4th-level illusion

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 120 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer,
Warlock, Wizard

You unleash bursts of magical energy through po-

tent illusions that are partly material. You can
choose to emulate any evocation spell of 3rd-level
or lower that deals damage and has a casting time
of 1 action by casting this spell. Before the regular ing worn or carried also takes the damage if it’s in
effects of the replicated spell are determined, the the spell’s area. The spell emits a thunderous boom
target must first succeed on a Wisdom saving throw audible out to 300 feet.
to disbelieve the illusion. On a failed save, the spell
deals full damage. On a success, the spell only deals At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a
half damage. The damage type of the spell is deter- spell slot of 4th level or higher, the damage increas-
mined by the spell being replicated. es by 1d8 for each slot level above 3rd.

Shout Steadfast

3rd-level evocation 3rd-level evocation

Casting Time: 1 action Casting Time: 1 action

Range: Self (15-foot cone) Range: 60 feet
Components: V Components: V, S, M
Duration: Instantaneous (wood from the roots of an oak)
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Cleric, Ranger, Paladin G
You unleash the power of your voice to devastating
effect. You emit an ear-splitting yell that damag- Your spell makes it harder to knock you down or to
es creatures. Each creature in a 15-foot cone orig- unseat you if you are mounted.
inating from you must make a Constitution sav-
ing throw. On a failed save, a creature takes 5d8 You gain advantage on saving throws against spells
thunder damage. On a successful save, the creature and on Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics)
takes half as much damage. skill checks against grappling creatures and effects
that attempt to push you or force you to become
In addition, a creature made of inorganic material prone. You also gain advantage on saving throws and
such as stone, crystal, or metal has disadvantage on ability checks against any effect that would force
this saving throw. A nonmagical object that isn’t be- you to fall from the back of your mount.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630


6th-level necromancy

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 90 feet
Components: V, S, M (a small vial of smoke)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

You extract the air from your enemy’s lungs and

fill it with smoke to cause suffocation. Choose a Wither Limb
creature that you can see within range. The target
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a
failed save, the target creature is paralyzed for the 3rd-level necromancy
duration and starts to suffocate as it has run out of
breath. This spell has no effect on constructs, plants, Casting Time: 1 action
undead, or other creatures that don’t breathe. At the Range: 30 feet
end of each of its turns, the target can make anoth- Components: V, S, M (a pinch of ash from a corpse)
er Constitution saving throw. On a success, the spell Duration: 1 minute
ends on the target. Classes: Cleric, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

At Higher Levels: When you cast this spell using a You hinder your enemy’s movement, or their combat
spell slot of 7th level or higher, you can target one abilities, or both. Choose a creature that you can see
additional creature for each slot level above 6th. The within range and the creature’s arms or feet. The tar-
creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when get creature must make a Constitution saving throw.
you target them.
If you choose its arms, on a failed save, the target
creature gains disadvantage on attack rolls and abil-
ity checks that require the use of an arm. If you cast
this spell again on the same creature’s arms and the
target fails the saving throw a second time while
under the effect of the same spell, the target crea-
ture loses the function of their arms entirely.

If you choose a leg, on a failed save, the target crea-

ture’s movement speed is halved. If you cast this
spell again on the same creature’s feet and the tar-
get fails the saving throw a second time while under
the effect of the same spell, the target creature loses
the function of their leg and becomes restrained.

At the end of each of its turns, the target can make

another Constitution saving throw. On a success,
the spell ends on the target.

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
OPEN GAME License Version 1.0a
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Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
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Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630
Property of Elderbrain. Issued to Matthew Hogan. Order #10630

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