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Universal Calibrator DIGISTANT® Code: 4420 EN

Built to use in the field Delivery: ex stock

Warranty: 24 months
Model 4420

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4420 EN
n Calibration and measurement unit for voltages, n Automatic ramp function
currents, temperatures and resistances n Simple menu assistance via display
n All functions can be fully controlled and configured n Voltage range ± 1 µV to ± 11.000 V
via RS232 interface
n Current range ± 200 nA to ± 22.000 mA
n Simultaneous transmission and measurement

Application Description
The DIGISTANT® model 4420 universal calibrator, built to use The microprocessor controlled universal calibration source
in the field, is ideal for checking and calibrating temperature is operated via a clearly arranged membrane keyboard. The
measurement and control devices. The versatile functions of value entry keys have a different color to the function and
this portable unit allow to be used on-site or at a fixed location, memory keys, thus allowing clear differentiation between
on the test floor or in the laboratory. measurement and transmission variables.
The unit allows the simulation and measurement of voltages, Measurement and transmission values are indicated on a
currents, temperatures and resistances. high-contrast, alphanumeric, supertwist LCD in two lines of 20
Simultaneous transmission and measurement allow, for ex- characters each. Transmission values are shown with the ap-
ample, controllers to be checked precisely. propriate units. For the "simulate thermocouple" function, the
The automatic ramp function is used for controlling pro- thermocouple is displayed together with its standard symbol
cesses. and the type of reference junction. When the unit is turned off,
The universal calibrator measures and simulates 14 models the values entered last are retained in memory.
of thermocouples and Pt100. In addition, resistances can be In the "measure thermocouple" mode, the selected thermo-
measured from 10 mΩ to 2 kΩ and simulated from 10 Ω to couple, type of reference junction compensation, and mea-
4 kΩ. surement value are displayed. An internal reference junction
The reference junction temperature can be entered manually was included especially for measuring and simulating thermo-
via keypad; if required, however, an automatic reference to an couples, to allow compensation of even large fluctuations in
internal or external point is also possible. the ambient temperature.
Basic values and the corresponding ∆-values can be stored The integrated NiMH accumulator is protected against over-
with 10 freely programmable memories each for voltage, load and total discharge. The accompanying plug-in power
current, temperature and resistance. Relevant values can supply allows the unit to be charged in the buffer mode as
be added and subtracted by operating the ∆+ and ∆-keys well.

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . . [email protected]
4420 EN - 2

Technical Data
Voltage Measurement Instruments
Range Resolution RE IE Zero Drift TC Zero Error Tolerance
± 9.999 mV 1 µV > 1 GΩ < 20 nA < 0.8 µV/K 30 ppm/K ≤ 7 µV 0.035 % of range
± 99.99 mV 10 µV > 1 GΩ < 20 nA < 1.5 µV/K 30 ppm/K ≤ 15 µV 0.035 % of range
± 999.9 mV 100 µV > 1 GΩ < 20 nA < 7 µV/K 30 ppm/K ≤ 100 µV 0.035 % of range
± 12.000 V 1 mV > 1 GΩ < 20 nA < 7 µV/K 30 ppm/K ≤ 1 mV 0.035 % of range
Voltage Source
Range Resolution Ri Zero Drift TC Zero Error Tolerance
± 0.000 mV to ± 9.999 mV 1 µV < 5 mΩ 0.5 µV/K 30 ppm/K < 5 µV 0.02 % of range
± 10.00 mV to ± 99.99 mV 10 µV < 5 mΩ 0.8 µV/K 30 ppm/K < 8 µV 0.015 % of range
±100.0 mV to ± 999.9 mV 100 µV < 5 mΩ 1 µV/K 30 ppm/K < 80 µV 0.015 % of range
± 1.000 V to ± 11.000 V 1 mV < 5 mΩ 3 µV/K 30 ppm/K < 0.8 mV 0.015 % of range
Current Measuring Instruments
Range Resolution RE Zero Drift TC Zero Error Tolerance
± 30.000 mA 1 µV < 10 Ω 0.5 µA/K 40 ppm/K ≤ 3 µA 0.025 % of range
Current Source
Range Resolution Ri Zero Drift TC Zero Error Tolerance
0.0000 mA to ± 1.9999 mA 100 nA < 100 MΩ 40 nA/K 40 ppm/K < 500 nA 0.02 % of range
± 2.000 mA to ± 22.000 mA 1 µA < 100 MΩ 80 nA/K 40 ppm/K < 1.6 µA 0.015 % of range
Resistance Measuring Range
Range Resolution Source Accuracy TC
0.00 Ω to ± 200.00 Ω 0.01 Ω 0.6 mA 0.04 Ω 50 ppm/K
200.0 Ω to ± 2000.0 Ω 0.1 Ω 0.6 mA 0.4 Ω 50 ppm/K
Resistance Simulator
Range Resolution Source Zero Drift TC Zero Error Tolerance
10.00 Ω to 399.99 Ω 0.02 Ω 150 µA - 2.5 mA 3 µV/K/Imess 60 ppm/K < 40 mΩ 0.025 % of range
400.0 Ω to 4000.0 Ω 0.2 Ω 50 µA - 2.5 mA 5 µV/K/Imess 60 ppm/K < 400 mΩ 0.025 % of range
Temperature Measuring / Thermocouples / Thermocouples Simulator
Model Thermocouples Standard Specification Range Accuracy
Simulating Measuring
R PtRh 13 - Pt EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 50.0 °C ... + 1767.9 °C 1.0 K 1.4 K ( +150 ... 953 °C
S PtRh 10 - Pt EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 49.8 °C ... + 1767.8 °C 0.9 K 1.4 K ( +200 ... 1027 °C
B PtRh 30 - PtRh 6 EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 + 99.2 °C ... + 1820.0 °C 1.0 K 1.4 K ( +850 ... 1482 °C
J Fe - CuNi EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 210.0 °C ... + 1200.0 °C 0.4 K 0.7 K ( -210 ... 1200 °C
T Cu - CuNi EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 269.4 °C ... + 400.0 °C 0.5 K 0.7 K ( -200 ... 400 °C
E NiCr - CuNi EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 269.5 °C ... + 1000.0 °C 0.4 K 0.6 K ( -220 ... 1000 °C
K NiCr - NiAl EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 269.1 °C ... + 1372.0 °C 0.5 K 0.7 K ( -200 ... + 243 °C
U Cu - CuNi DIN 43710 / IPTS 68 - 199.9 °C ... + 599.9 °C 0.6 K 0.7 K ( -150 ... + 213 °C
L Fe - CuNi DIN 43710 / IPTS 68 - 199.9 °C ... + 899.9 °C 0.3 K 0.4 K ( -100 ... + 181 °C
N NiCrSi - NiSi EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 - 270.0 °C ... + 1299.9 °C 0.5 K 0.7 K ( -150 ... 315 °C
M NiMo 18 - Ni General Electric IPTS 68 0.0 °C ... + 1400.0 °C 0.5 K 0.9 K ( 0 ... 1400 °C
C W5Re - W26Re Hoskins ITS 90 0.0 °C ... + 2314.9 °C 0.6 K 0.8 K ( 0 ... 563 °C
D W3Re - W25Re Hoskins ITS 90 0.0 °C ... + 2315.0 °C 0.5 K 0.7 K ( +200 ... 590 °C
G2 W - W26Re Hoskins ITS 90 0.0 °C ... + 2315.0 °C 0.9 K 1.3 K ( +200 ... 780 °C
The EN 60584-1 / ITS 90 standard is equivalent to NIST 175 and IEC 584-1: 1995
Accuracy without deviation. Accuracy is referred to definition of characteristic curve. (Valid for Junction RJ-Man 0 °C)
*Error of reference junction: internal 0.4 K external with 4485-V001 0.3 K additional
Temperature Measuring / RTD Simulator [Pt-DIN EN 60751 // Ni-DIN 43760; IPTS 68]
Pt100 Pt200 Pt500 Pt1000
Range Tolerance Range Tolerance Range Tolerance Range Tolerance
Simulating Measuring Simulating Measuring Simulating Measuring Simulating Measuring
- 200 ... 266.3°C 0.3 K 0.08 K - 200 ... - 0.1°C 0.15 K 0.06 K - 200 ... -149.4 °C 0.05 K 0.03 K - 200 ... + 260 °C 0.3 K 0.15 K
267 ... +849 °C 0.3 K 0.8 K 0 ... 266.3°C 0.15 K - - 149.5... 50.8 °C 0.05 K - + 260 ... + 849 °C 0.3 K -
0 ... +849 °C - 0.7 K - 51 ... +849 °C 0.7 K -
267 ... +849 °C 1.8 K - - 149.5... +849 °C - 0.3 K
Range Tolerance
Simulating Measuring Power supply:
a.) NiMH accumulator, firmly fitted operating period 7 - 10 hours
- 60 ... + 249 °C 0.25 K 0.08 K b.) 230 V AC + 6 %, - 10 %, 50 - 60 Hz (115 V upon request)
The radio interference suppression class B according to VDE 0871 is Protection: IP 50

only observed in connection with the standard power supply burster RS232 interface
model 4495-V001. Opto-isolated, baudrate 600-19200 all functions can be fully controlled
Long-term stability: < 25 ppm/month and configured via the RS232 interface, 3-pin jack bush, protocol
Environment ANSI X. 3.28 subcategary 2.5, A3/A4, language SCPI, version 1993.0
Operating temperature range: 0 ...23 ... 50 °C, Housing
0 ... 70 % humidity, non -condensing Aluminium housing, desk-shaped, side covers made of plastic material
Storage temperature: - 10 ... 60 °C Dimensions (W x H x D): 235 x 85 x 175 [mm]
Charging temperature: 10 ... 23 ... 35 °C Weight: 2,5 kg
Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . . [email protected]
4420 EN - 3

Sample Applications

Measurement and simulation of thermocouples: Temperature simulation 100

14 of the most common models are available 80

(refer to the technical specifications) Thermoelectric or compensation line 60
Internal reference junction: 40
internal reference junction 30
external reference junction - manual entry 10
of the temperature
- automatic measurement
of the temperature unit

Measurement and simulation of resistance thermometers: Pt100 simulation

Measurement unit and electronic for Ni100, Pt100,

Pt200, Pt500 and Pt1000. Simulation or measurement Pt100
RTD The "measurement" and "simulation" temperature range cover
- 200 °C to + 849 °C. Units of K, °C, °F and Ω can be selected.

Temperature controller

Simultaneous simulation and measurement of process variables: Process control

4420 EN
The DIGISTANT® model 4420-V001 simulates a temperature
V/mA sensor at the input of the measurement transducer. The voltage
or current output signal is measured and converted for display
Transmit Pt100

Measurement 0 ... 20 mA or 0 ... 10 V

by the calibrator.

Measuring tranducer

Data logging function: Checking the temperature stability in a climatic chamber

Memory for 256 measured values

data - including the data and time of measurement
logging - manual or time-controlled recording from 1 s - 1 h
- evaluation with max., min. average value and standard
deviation. Ni100

Ramp function Recorder control

The curve shape and number of passes can be adjusted for:

Ramp 1:
Programming of an individual ramp with initial value,
delta value, final value and delta time.
Ram 2:
Programming of a ramp with 30 steps; 30 different output
values (U, I, T) and the corresponding dwell time can be

Temperature measurement: with a Pt100 sensor

The DIGISTANT® model 4420-V001 together with a connected

Pt100 sensor serves as a practical, high-precision thermometer.

RTD With a DAkkS certificate for the entire measurement chain and
a liquid bath or metal-block calibrator, the measurement chain
can be used as a reference for testing sensors.

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . . [email protected]
4420 EN - 4

Order Information Other Accessories

Universal calibrator DIGISTANT model 4420-V001 inclusive
1 leather case with carrying strap
power pack, manufacturer certificate with traceability and for model 4420-V001 Model 4493-V004
1 pair measuring cables Model 4420-V001 1 aluminium case for universal calibrator model 4420-V001
Model 4493-V002
Accessories - Temperature
1 cable for resistance and Pt100 measurements,
length 1 m, with ∅ 4 mm plugs (4 pole measurement),
Lemosa connection plugs (6 pole, 1B) Model 4499
1 pair of measuring cables, length 1 m, with 2 ∅ 4 mm plugs and
2 miniature terminal probes Model 4490
1 connection plug for Pt100 input Model 4291-0
1 complete set of all models
(R,-S,-B,-J,-T,-E,-K,-U,-L,-N) Model 4489-X
1 external reference junction for
DIGISTANT® model 4420-V001 Model 4485-V001
1 platinum resistance Pt100 sensor Model 42510
1 transducer circuit for Pt100 sensor,
length 2 m, model 42510 Model 4281-0

Temperature Measurement and

Calibration Accessories
External reference junction model 4485-V001 for thermocouples
1 power pack (part of delivery) Model 4495-V001
- high accuracy measuring and simulation
- integrated Pt100 sensor for temperature measurement 1 pair of ∅ 4 mm plugs with terminal connection Model 4498
- thermically stable and decoupled set-up 1 connection cable RS232, length 2 m,
- connection: miniature female connector for the connection DIGISTANT® model 4420-V001
and a PC (9 pin, submin-D) Model 9900-K343
1 plug for RS232 interface Model 9900-V422

Calibration Certificates for DIGISTANT®

model 4420-V001
DAkkS calibration or proprietary calibration
Standard Calibration Certificate with following points:
- DC voltage measure/simulate 32 measuring points
- DC current measure/simulate 16 measuring points
- TC measure/simulate 56 measuring points
- RTD measure/simulate 77 measuring points
Pt100 resistance thermometer RTD model 42510
- Resistance measure/simulate 13 measuring points
- standard laboratory sensor, class A, 1/6 DIN at 0 °C
- temperature range - 50 °C ... 500 °C Model 44 DKD-4420-V001
- dimensions ø x L 6 x 250 [mm] Model 44 WKS-4420-V001


Thermo-plug model 4489

- clearly reduced measuring error due to temperature
measurement in the instrument
- material identical with thermocouples
- available for measurement and

simulation for 10 different tc-models

- measurement and simulation up to 1820 °C
- weight approx. 6 g

Technical changes reserved - burster praezisionsmesstechnik gmbh & co kg . Tel. +49-7224-6450 . Fax 64588
Latest updates of data sheet always under Talstr. 1-5 . DE-76593 Gernsbach . . [email protected]

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