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Original Article

Oral Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with

Mild-to-Moderate Covid-19
Bin Cao, M.D., Yeming Wang, M.D., Hongzhou Lu, M.D., Chaolin Huang, M.D.,
Yumei Yang, M.D., Ph.D., Lianhan Shang, M.D., Zhu Chen, M.D.,
Rongmeng Jiang, M.D., Yihe Liu, M.D., Ling Lin, M.D., Ping Peng, M.D.,
Fuxiang Wang, M.D., Fengyun Gong, M.D., Honglin Hu, M.S.,
Cong Cheng, M.D., Xiangyang Yao, M.D., Xianwei Ye, M.D.,
Hourong Zhou, M.D., Yinzhong Shen, M.D., Chenfan Liu, M.D.,
Chunying Wang, M.D., Zhennan Yi, M.D., Bijie Hu, M.D., Jiuyang Xu, M.D.,
Xiaoying Gu, Ph.D., Jingshan Shen, Ph.D., Yechun Xu, Ph.D., Leike Zhang, Ph.D.,
Jia Fan, M.D., Renhong Tang, Ph.D., and Chen Wang, M.D.​​


The authors’ affiliations are listed in the Simnotrelvir is an oral 3-chymotrypsin–like protease inhibitor that has been found
Appendix. Dr. Cao can be contacted at to have in vitro activity against severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
­caobin_ben@​­163​.­com or at the China–
Japan Friendship Hospital, No. 2, E. Ying- (SARS-CoV-2) and potential efficacy in a phase 1B trial.
hua Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing, Chi-
na 100029. Dr. Tang can be contacted at METHODS
­renhong​.­tang@​­simceregroup​.­com or at In this phase 2–3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, we assigned
Building 23, No. 699-18, Xuanwu Ave.,
Nanjing, China. Dr. Chen Wang can be
patients who had mild-to-moderate coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) and onset
contacted at ­c yh-birm@​­263​.­net or at the of symptoms within the past 3 days in a 1:1 ratio to receive 750 mg of simnotrelvir
China–Japan Friendship Hospital, No. 2, plus 100 mg of ritonavir or placebo twice daily for 5 days. The primary efficacy
E. Yinghua Rd., Chaoyang District, Beijing,
China 100029.
end point was the time to sustained resolution of symptoms, defined as the absence
of 11 Covid-19–related symptoms for 2 consecutive days. Safety and changes in viral
Drs. Cao, Y. Wang, Lu, Huang, and Yang
contributed equally to this article.
load were also assessed.
N Engl J Med 2024;390:230-41. RESULTS
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2301425 A total of 1208 patients were enrolled at 35 sites in China; 603 were assigned to
Copyright © 2024 Massachusetts Medical Society.
receive simnotrelvir and 605 to receive placebo. Among patients in the modified
intention-to-treat population who received the first dose of trial drug or placebo
within 72 hours after symptom onset, the time to sustained resolution of Covid-19
symptoms was significantly shorter in the simnotrelvir group than in the placebo
group (180.1 hours [95% confidence interval {CI}, 162.1 to 201.6] vs. 216.0 hours
[95% CI, 203.4 to 228.1]; median difference, −35.8 hours [95% CI, −60.1 to −12.4];
P = 0.006 by Peto–Prentice test). On day 5, the decrease in viral load from baseline
was greater in the simnotrelvir group than in the placebo group (mean difference
[±SE], −1.51±0.14 log10 copies per milliliter; 95% CI, −1.79 to −1.24). The incidence
of adverse events during treatment was higher in the simnotrelvir group than in
the placebo group (29.0% vs. 21.6%). Most adverse events were mild or moderate.
Early administration of simnotrelvir plus ritonavir shortened the time to the reso-
lution of symptoms among adult patients with Covid-19, without evident safety
concerns. (Funded by Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical; number,

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Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with Covid-19

he ongoing coronavirus disease 2019 of signs or symptoms of Covid-19 within 3 days
(Covid-19) pandemic continues to inflict before the first dose of trial drug or placebo, to
an important burden on global health and have at least one sign or symptom of Covid-19
health care systems worldwide.1 Vaccination can before the first dose of trial drug or placebo, and
lessen the effect of the disease in high-risk groups to have mild or moderate illness. Definitions of
but is less effective in preventing infections caused disease severity used in the trial were from the
by emerging severe acute respiratory syndrome Food and Drug Administration and are provided
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) variants with strong in Table S1 in the Supplementary Appendix, avail-
immune evasion.2,3 Effective antiviral agents are able with the full text of this article at
needed for the treatment of SARS-CoV-2 infections. Key exclusion criteria were an anticipated need for
Several small-molecule drugs (e.g., nirmatrelvir4 a high-flow nasal cannula, noninvasive ventila-
and ensitrelvir5) targeting the SARS-CoV-2 3-chy- tion, invasive ventilation, or extracorporeal mem-
motrypsin–like cysteine protease enzyme (3CLpro, branous oxygenation within 48 hours; serious
also known as main protease [Mpro]) are available. kidney, liver, or acute cardiovascular disease; and
However, because of the high costs of the drugs current or expected use of any medications or
and inequity in their distribution, more drug op- substances that have substantial drug interactions
tions are needed to accelerate the resolution of with cytochrome P-450 3A4 (Table S2). Detailed
symptoms among patients with mild-to-moder- eligibility criteria are provided in the protocol,
ate Covid-19. available at
Simnotrelvir (SIM0417) is an oral small-mol- The trial was conducted in accordance with
ecule antiviral agent that also targets the SARS- the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki and
CoV-2 3CLpro. On January 29, 2023, it was ap- the International Conference on Harmonisation
proved for use under an emergency conditional Good Clinical Practice guidelines. The trial was
authorization for the treatment of mild-to-mod- approved by the ethics committee at each site.
erate Covid-19 in China.6 In vitro simnotrelvir Written informed consent was obtained from all
showed antiviral activity with a half maximal ef- patients. Safety oversight was performed by the
fective concentration of 43 nmol per liter against sponsor (Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical) and
the SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant B.1.1.529.1, which an independent data and safety monitoring com-
was evaluated in Vero E6 cells in combination with mittee. The trial was designed in conjunction with
CP-100356 (a P-glycoprotein inhibitor).7 The results representatives of the sponsor, and statisticians
of the first-in-human study of simnotrelvir in employed by the sponsor analyzed the data. The
healthy participants showed that exposure to the authors vouch for the completeness and accuracy
highest single dose of 1200 mg of simnotrelvir of the data and for the adherence of the trial to
plus 100 mg of ritonavir and the highest multi- the protocol. Two academic authors and two au-
ple doses of 750 mg of simnotrelvir plus 100 mg thors who are employees of the sponsor wrote
of ritonavir twice daily had a clinically accept- the first draft. There was no agreement concerning
able side-effect profile.8 In a phase 1B trial, 750 mg confidentiality between the sponsor and the au-
of simnotrelvir plus 100 mg of ritonavir was found thors or the research institutions.
to have an acceptable safety profile and a faster
associated decrease in viral load than a regimen of Procedures
300 mg of simnotrelvir plus 100 mg of ritonavir.9 Eligible patients were randomly assigned, in a 1:1
We conducted a phase 2–3, double-blind, ran- ratio through a centralized, interactive-response
domized, placebo-controlled trial to investigate the technology system, to receive either 750 mg of
efficacy and safety of simnotrelvir plus ritonavir insimnotrelvir (two tablets, 375 mg per tablet) plus
the treatment of adult patients with mild-to-mod- 100 mg of ritonavir or matching placebo twice
erate Covid-19. daily for 5 days. Randomization was stratified in
blocks of six according to geographic region,
age group (<65 years or ≥65 years), and Covid-19
Me thods
vaccination status (not fully vaccinated, received
Trial Design, Patients, and Oversight primary vaccination, or received booster vaccina-
We initiated this trial on August 19, 2022, in tion). Patients and investigators were unaware of
China. To be eligible for participation, patients the randomization assignments. The placebo tab-
needed to be at least 18 years of age, to have onset lets were composed of the same nonpharmaco-

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

logic fillers and were visually identical to the Covid-19 symptoms, patients in the modified in-
active drugs. Patients were allowed to take relief tention-to-treat population who had received the
medication (ibuprofen or acetaminophen). All the first dose of trial drug or placebo within 72 hours
patients were quarantined and closely observed in were included in a separate analysis population
designated hospitals in accordance with local (the modified intention-to-treat–1 population),
policy during the trial. Adherence to the trial which served as the main analysis population.
drug or placebo was assessed by nurses who were The primary efficacy end point was the time
unaware of the randomization assignments. to sustained resolution of symptoms, defined as
the time from the first dose to the time when all
Assessments 11 Covid-19–related symptoms were rated by the
Patients assessed the severity of 11 Covid-19– patients as absent (i.e., a score of 0) for 2 con-
associated signs and symptoms (listed in the secutive days. The primary efficacy end-point
protocol). The severity was scored on a 4-point analysis was performed in the modified inten-
scale (with 0 indicating no symptoms, 1 mild tion-to-treat–1 population as prespecified in the
symptoms, 2 moderate symptoms, and 3 severe protocol. The validation of the primary end point
symptoms) twice daily from the time of the first is shown in Table S5. Secondary efficacy end
dose (day 1) to day 14 and once daily on days 15 points included the time to sustained alleviation
through 29 and was recorded in diaries (Table of all 11 targeted Covid-19 symptoms (defined as
S3). For vomiting and diarrhea, the point scale a score of ≤1), the occurrence of severe Covid-19,
was based on the symptom frequency. For other and death. The time to patient-reported return
items, the point scale was based on the patient’s to usual (pre–Covid-19) health status was also
reply to the question, “What was the severity of explored with the use of the Global Impression
your symptom during the previous 12 hours?” Questions (GIQ) scale.11 Post hoc efficacy analy-
(days 1 through 14) or “What was the severity of ses included the time to resolution of respiratory
your symptom during the previous 24 hours?” symptoms and the time to resolution of systemic
(days 15 through 29). On days 0, 1, 5, 14, and 29, symptoms.
safety laboratory tests (hematologic tests, blood Virologic end points included the changes from
chemical tests, and electrocardiography) were per- baseline in the SARS-CoV-2 RNA viral load (see
formed. Supplementary Methods). The analyses involved
Nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal swab spec- patients with available virologic data in the modi-
imens were obtained on days 1, 3, 5 (end-of- fied intention-to-treat–1 population. The safety end
treatment visit), 7, 9, and 14 for quantitation of points included the frequency and severity of ad-
SARS-CoV-2 RNA through reverse-transcriptase– verse events that occurred during the treatment
polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay at a period or the follow-up period (i.e., events that
central laboratory. The type of sample collected started on or before day 29), which were assessed
(nasopharyngeal or oropharyngeal) was planned in all patients who received at least one dose of
to be consistent across all sample points for each trial drug or placebo. The safety events were coded
individual patient. Adverse events were assessed according to the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory
during the treatment period and for 29 days af- Activities, version 25.0. Exploratory analyses of viral
ter the first dose. rebound and symptom rebound in the full analysis
population were conducted, as well as assessments
End Points of drug resistance (see Supplementary Methods).
The modified intention-to-treat population was
defined as all patients who received at least one Statistical Analysis
dose of trial drug or placebo and had a diagnosis Assuming that only 80% of 1200 patients enrolled
of SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by RT-PCR, in the trial would be included in the primary
no influenza virus infection, at least one Covid-19– analysis, we calculated that a sample of 960 pa-
related symptom at baseline, and at least one tients, with 949 of these patients having sustained
postbaseline visit (Table S4). Because it was de- resolution of symptoms, would provide at least
termined that a number of the patients had re- 90% power to detect a 24-hour difference in the
ceived the first dose of trial drug or placebo median time to sustained resolution of symptoms
between 72 and 96 hours after the onset of between the simnotrelvir group and the placebo

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Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with Covid-19

group at a two-sided significance level of 0.05. (Table S6). The most common risk factors were
Two efficacy interim analysis were planned for overweight or obesity (35.7%), current or former
when 45% and 70% of the total predicted in- smoking (22.7%), and cardiovascular disease
stances of resolution had occurred in this popu- (4.5%). The percentage of the patients with mod-
lation.12 The second interim analysis of the pri- erate disease was higher in the simnotrelvir group
mary end point met the prespecified efficacy than in the placebo group (67.5% vs. 61.3%).
criterion. Almost all the patients (1092 [95.9%]) had com-
In this trial, the time to resolution of symptoms pleted primary vaccination, and 874 patients
was compared between the simnotrelvir group and (76.7%) had received a booster dose. A total of
the placebo group with the use of a Peto–Prentice 1007 patients received trial drug or placebo within
generalized Wilcoxon test with geographic region, 72 hours after symptom onset and were included
age group, and Covid-19 vaccination status used in the modified intention-to-treat–1 population
as stratifying variables (see the Supplementary Ap- (Fig. 1). Approximately half the patients (49.6%)
pendix). The Peto–Prentice generalized Wilcoxon received trial drug or placebo within 48 hours
test was also used for prespecified subgroup after symptom onset. The most frequent Covid-19
analyses of the primary efficacy end point and symptoms at baseline were sore or dry throat
time to alleviation of 11 symptoms. Mixed mod- (76.2%), cough (73.4%), stuffy or runny nose
els for repeated measures were used for log10 (55.9%), headache (52.9%), and fever (52.9%) (Ta-
transformation of the changes from baseline in ble S7). The percentage of patients who used treat-
viral load. A post hoc comparison of the time to ment for symptoms was similar in the two groups
resolution of respiratory, fever, and systemic symp- (Table S8).
toms (excluding fever) between the simnotrelvir
group and the placebo group was conducted. All Efficacy
P values are two-sided and were calculated with In the modified intention-to-treat–1 population,
SAS software, version 9.4 (SAS Institute). Addi- the median time to sustained resolution of
tional details of the statistical analyses, includ- Covid-19 symptoms (i.e., symptom scores of 0)
ing the handling of missing data, are provided in was significantly shorter in the simnotrelvir
the protocol. group than in the placebo group (180.1 hours
[95% confidence interval {CI}, 162.1 to 201.6]
vs. 216.0 hours [95% CI, 203.4 to 228.1]; median
R e sult s
difference, −35.8 hours [95% CI, −60.1 to −12.4];
Patients P = 0.006 by Peto–Prentice test) (Fig. 2A). The
From August 19, 2022, to December 16, 2022, a results were similar in the sensitivity analysis in
total of 1208 patients were enrolled at 35 research which baseline disease severity was added as a
sites in China; 603 were assigned to receive sim- covariate in the model (P = 0.005 by Peto–Pren-
notrelvir plus ritonavir, and 605 were assigned tice test). In the subgroup of patients with risk
to receive placebo (Fig. 1). After randomization, factors for severe Covid-19, the median difference
1139 patients received trial drug or placebo and in the time to sustained resolution was −60.4
were included in the full analysis population. Of hours (95% CI, −84.3 to −23.2) (Fig. 2B). The ef-
the 1139 patients in the full analysis population, ficacy in the modified intention-to-treat and per-
95.5% of those in the simnotrelvir group and protocol populations was similar to that in the
97.0% of those in the placebo group had good modified intention-to-treat–1 population (Fig. S1).
adherence (i.e., they took >80% of the intended The median time to sustained alleviation of
doses); the mean (±SD) number of doses taken symptoms (i.e., symptom scores of ≤1) was also
was 9.7±1.4 (9.7±1.5 in the simnotrelvir group significantly shorter in the simnotrelvir group
and 9.8±1.3 in the placebo group). than in the placebo group in the modified inten-
The characteristics of the patients were gener- tion-to-treat–1 population (120.4 hours [95% CI,
ally similar in the two groups (Table 1). The me- 119.4 to 132.8] vs. 168.3 hours [95% CI, 155.0 to
dian age was 35 years. Overall, the trial recruited 191.2]; median difference, −47.9 hours [95% CI,
a fully vaccinated and relatively young population, −69.8 to −24.0]) (Fig. S2). In addition, simnotrel-
with approximately half the patients (609 [53.5%]) vir significantly accelerated the resolution of re-
having at least one risk factor for severe Covid-19 spiratory symptoms (median between-group dif-

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1328 Patients were assessed for eligibility

120 Were excluded

73 Did not meet inclusion criteria
46 Declined to participate
1 Did not provide record of Covid-19

1208 Underwent randomization

603 Were assigned to receive simnotrelvir

605 Were assigned to receive placebo
(750 mg) plus ritonavir (100 mg)

573 Received treatment 566 Received placebo

549 Completed treatment 549 Completed taking placebo
24 Discontinued treatment 17 Discontinued taking placebo
7 Had an adverse event 5 Had an adverse event
14 Withdrew 12 Withdrew
3 Had other reasons 39 Did not receive placebo
30 Did not receive trial treatment

551 Completed 29-day 554 Were included in the 552 Were included in the 548 Completed 29-day
follow-up modified intention- modified intention- follow-up
22 Discontinued trial to-treat population to-treat population 18 Discontinued trial
before day 29 19 Were excluded 14 Were excluded before day 29
17 Withdrew 11 Had negative RT-PCR 8 Had negative RT-PCR 14 Withdrew
2 Were lost to follow-up result for SARS-CoV-2 result for SARS-CoV-2 1 Was lost to follow-up
2 Had adverse event 4 Did not have subse- 2 Did not have subse- 2 Had adverse event
1 Was withdrawn by quent follow-up visits quent follow-up visits 1 Was withdrawn by
investigator 3 Did not have baseline 3 Did not have baseline investigator
Covid-19 symptoms Covid-19 symptoms
1 Had influenza 1 Had influenza

504 Were included in the 503 Were included in the

modified intention- modified intention-
to-treat–1 population to-treat–1 population
50 Were excluded owing to 49 Were excluded owing to
onset of symptoms onset of symptoms
>72 hr before first dose >72 hr before first dose

Figure 1. Screening, Randomization, and 29-Day Follow-up.

The modified intention-to-treat population included all patients who received at least one dose of trial drug or pla-
cebo and had a diagnosis of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection confirmed by
reverse-transcriptase–polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) assay, no influenza virus infection, at least one coronavi-
rus disease 2019 (Covid-19)–related symptom at baseline, and at least one postbaseline visit. Patients in the modi-
fied intention-to-treat population who received the first dose of trial drug or placebo within 72 hours after Covid-19
symptom onset were included in the modified intention-to-treat–1 population.

ference, −41.4 hours; 95% CI, −70.7 to −13.3) for each of the 11 Covid-19 symptoms and signs,
(Fig. S3A). The time to resolution of systemic resolution of cough, stuffy or runny nose, and
symptoms and fever was similar in the two groups sore or dry throat was the main contributor to
(Fig. S3B and S3C). According to the daily score the resolution of Covid-19 symptoms. In addition,

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Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with Covid-19

fever, chill, headache, stuffy or runny nose, short- types of swab specimens obtained, the results of
ness of breath, and muscle or body aches showed viral load analysis remained consistent (Fig. S5F).
substantially greater abatement on the first day
of treatment in the simnotrelvir group than in Rebound and Resistance Assessment
the placebo group (Fig. S4). The GIQ results also All 750 patients in the full analysis population
showed a shorter time to usual health status in who had respiratory samples available (379 in
the simnotrelvir group than in the placebo group the simnotrelvir group and 371 in the placebo
(Table S9). At day 29, severe Covid-19 had not group) were included in the assessment of viral
developed in any patient. No patient in either and symptom rebound. Viral rebound occurred
group died. in 18 of the 379 patients (4.7%) in the simnotrelvir
group and 18 of the 371 patients (4.9%) in the
Virology placebo group. Among the patients who had sus-
The baseline viral load was similar in the two tained resolution of symptoms by day 14, symp-
groups (Table 1 and Fig. 3). On day 3, the mean tom rebound occurred in 1 of 425 patients (0.2%)
(±SE) additional change in viral load from base- in the simnotrelvir group and 2 of 420 patients
line in the simnotrelvir group as compared with (0.5%) in the placebo group. No patient had both
the placebo group was −1.10±0.13 log10 copies viral and symptom rebound. Additional details
per milliliter (95% CI, −1.36 to −0.84) (Fig. 3). of the results for viral and symptom rebound are
On day 5, the additional change in viral load provided in Table S10. We did not identify any
with simnotrelvir as compared with placebo was evidence of drug resistance (see Supplementary
−1.51±0.14 log10 copies per milliliter (95% CI, Results).
−1.79 to −1.24) (Fig. 3). The viral load changes at
day 7 and day 9 were also greater with sim- Safety
notrelvir than with placebo. Among the patients During the period from the first dose through
in the modified intention-to-treat–1 population day 29, the incidence of adverse events was higher
who received trial drug or placebo within 48 hours in the simnotrelvir group than in the placebo
after symptom onset, simnotrelvir also led to group (29.0% vs. 21.6%) (Table 2 and Table S11).
greater reductions in viral load than placebo until These adverse events were mostly of grade 1 or 2.
day 9, with the largest between-group difference No serious adverse event occurred in the sim-
observed on day 5 (−1.74±0.18 log10 copies per mil- notrelvir group, whereas two serious adverse
liliter; 95% CI, −2.10 to −1.38) (Fig. S5A). Among events occurred in two patients in the placebo
the patients in the modified intention-to-treat–1 group. One 28-year-old woman had abdominal
population who received trial drug or placebo pain that was diagnosed as acute appendicitis,
between 48 and 72 hours after symptom onset, and a 46-year-old woman had vaginal bleeding
differences in the decrease in viral load were also that was diagnosed as adenomyosis. Adverse
maintained until day 9 (Fig. S5B). In the modi- events during treatment that were considered by
fied intention-to-treat population, differences in the site investigator to be related to trial drug or
the decrease in viral load were similar to those placebo occurred more frequently in the sim-
in the modified intention-to-treat–1 population notrelvir group than in the placebo group (17.5%
(Fig. S5C). vs. 10.2%). The top three adverse events that were
Among the patients in the modified inten- reported as being related to simnotrelvir were an
tion-to-treat–1 population who had available re- increase in blood triglyceride levels (in 4.3% of
spiratory samples, more than 99% (607 of 611) the patients in the simnotrelvir group and 2.1% in
had the same type of sample obtained at every the placebo group), a decrease in neutrophil count
time point. At baseline, 273 had nasopharyngeal (1.9% and 0.2%), and diarrhea (1.7% and 1.1%).
swab specimens, and 338 had oropharyngeal swab
specimens. The change from baseline in viral load Discussion
in the simnotrelvir group as compared with the
placebo group was similar for nasopharyngeal In this phase 2–3 trial of treatment for mild-to-
and oropharyngeal swabs (Fig. S5D and S5E). After moderate Covid-19, simnotrelvir plus ritonavir
the exclusion of the 4 patients from the modified shortened the time to sustained symptom reso-
intention-to-treat–1 population who had both lution by approximately 1.5 days among patients

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 1. Demographic and Clinical Characteristics of the Patients (Full Analysis Population).*

Simnotrelvir plus
Ritonavir Placebo Total
Characteristic (N = 573) (N = 566) (N = 1139)
Median age (IQR) — yr 35 (28–47) 35 (28–47) 35 (28–47)
Male sex — no. (%) 333 (58.1) 340 (60.1) 673 (59.1)
Risk factors for severe Covid-19 — no. (%)
At least one risk factor 302 (52.7) 307 (54.2) 609 (53.5)
Overweight or obesity† 214 (37.3) 193 (34.1) 407 (35.7)
Overweight 182 (31.8) 154 (27.2) 336 (29.5)
Obesity 32 (5.6) 39 (6.9) 71 (6.2)
Current smoking or former smoking 132 (23.0) 127 (22.4) 259 (22.7)
Current smoking 122 (21.3) 122 (21.6) 244 (21.4)
Former smoking 10 (1.7) 5 (0.9) 15 (1.3)
Cardiovascular disease, including hypertension 21 (3.7) 30 (5.3) 51 (4.5)
Chronic liver disease 24 (4.2) 22 (3.9) 46 (4.0)
Age ≥60 yr 18 (3.1) 20 (3.5) 38 (3.3)
Diabetes mellitus 14 (2.4) 15 (2.7) 29 (2.5)
Chronic lung disease 3 (0.5) 6 (1.1) 9 (0.8)
Stroke or cerebrovascular disease 0 1 (0.2) 1 (0.1)
Other risk factors 2 (0.3) 1 (0.2) 3 (0.3)
Covid-19 severity — no. (%)
Mild 186 (32.5) 219 (38.7) 405 (35.6)
Moderate‡ 387 (67.5) 347 (61.3) 734 (64.4)
SARS-CoV-2 strain genotype — no./total no. (%)
WHO label
Omicron 62/62 (100) 78/78 (100) 140/140 (100)
Pango lineage
BA.2.76 2/62 (3) 6/78 (8) 8/140 (6)
BA.4.1 1/62 (2) 0/78 1/140 (1)
BA.5.1.30 0/62 1/78 (1) 1/140 (1)
BA.5.2 15/62 (24) 19/78 (24) 34/140 (24)
BA.5.2.1 2/62 (3) 5/78 (6) 7/140 (5)
BA.5.2.48 29/62 (47) 27/78 (35) 56/140 (40)
BA.5.2.49 8/62 (13) 7/78 (9) 15/140 (11)
BA.5.6 0/62 1/78 (1) 1/140 (1)
BF.21 0/62 2/78 (3) 2/140 (1)
BF.7 0/62 1/78 (1) 1/140 (1)
BF.7.14 4/62 (6) 8/78 (10) 12/140 (9)
BN.1.3 1/62 (2) 0/78 1/140 (1)
XBB.1.4 0/62 1/78 (1) 1/140 (1)
Median total score for 11 targeted symptoms at 6.0 (4.0–8.0) 6.0 (4.0–8.0) 6.0 (4.0–8.0)
baseline (IQR)§

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Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with Covid-19

Table 1. (Continued.)

Simnotrelvir plus
Ritonavir Placebo Total
Characteristic (N = 573) (N = 566) (N = 1139)
Time from symptom onset to initiation of trial drug
or placebo
≤48 hr — no. (%) 294 (51.3) 271 (47.9) 565 (49.6)
>48 hr — no. (%) 279 (48.7) 295 (52.1) 574 (50.4)
Median (IQR) — hr 47.5 (32.8–60.7) 51.1 (33.0–63.5) 48.9 (32.9–61.5)
Covid-19 vaccination status — no. (%)¶
Not fully vaccinated 24 (4.2) 23 (4.1) 47 (4.1)
Primary vaccination 109 (19.0) 109 (19.3) 218 (19.1)
Boosted vaccination 440 (76.8) 434 (76.7) 874 (76.7)
Viral load — log10 copies per milliliter 6.25±2.10 6.36±1.91 6.30±2.01

* Plus–minus values are means ±SD. The full analysis population included all patients who underwent randomization
and received at least one dose of trial drug or placebo, included in the analysis according to the intention-to-treat prin-
ciple. Covid-19 denotes coronavirus disease 2019, IQR interquartile range, SARS-CoV-2 severe acute respiratory syn-
drome coronavirus 2, and WHO World Health Organization.
† Overweight was defined as a body-mass index (BMI, the weight in kilograms divided by the square of the height in me-
ters) of 25 to 29, and obesity was defined as a BMI of 30 or greater.
‡ Patients were defined as having moderate Covid-19 if they did not meet criteria for severe Covid-19, had an oxygen sat-
uration of more than 93% while breathing room air, and met one or more of the following criteria: shortness of breath
with activity or exercise, respiratory rate of 20 to 29 breaths per minute, or heart rate of 90 to 124 beats per minute.
§ Patients assessed the severity of each of 11 Covid-19–associated signs and symptoms (listed in the protocol) on a
4-point scale, with 0 indicating no symptoms, 1 mild symptoms, 2 moderate symptoms, and 3 severe symptoms.
¶ Most of the vaccinated patients (83.6%) received either the Sinopharm Vero cell inactivated vaccine (58.4%) or the
Sinovac Vero cell inactivated vaccine (25.2%), and 5.5% received the Anhui Zhifei Longcom recombinant subunit vac-
cine; the remainder received the Biokangtai Vero cell inactivated vaccine (2.3%), the CanSino adenovirus vector vaccine
(1.9%), the Pfizer–BioNTech mRNA vaccine (1.0%), the Moderna mRNA vaccine (0.8%), or another vaccine (2.9%).

who received treatment within 3 days after symp- alleviation of 11 symptoms.16,17 However, data
tom onset. Simnotrelvir had more benefits for the from the Stopping COVID-19 Progression with
alleviation of respiratory symptoms than placebo. Early Protease Inhibitor Treatment in Standard-
In addition, simnotrelvir was associated with an Risk Patients (SCORPIO-SR) trial and the Plat-
additional decrease in viral load until day 9. The form Adaptive Trial of Novel Antivirals for Early
most pronounced antiviral effect occurred on Treatment of COVID-19 in the Community
day 5, when the decrease in viral load in the (PANORAMIC) suggested that oral small-mole-
simnotrelvir group was 1.51 log10 copies per mil- cule antiviral drugs could provide clinical bene-
liliter greater than that in the placebo group. fits in shortening the duration of symptoms.18,19
Most adverse events were mild or moderate. Nirmatrelvir, ensitrelvir, and simnotrelvir were
For patients with mild-to-moderate Covid-19, associated with a maximum difference from pla-
viral replication and direct viral damage are im- cebo of approximately 1, 1.4, and 1.5 log10 copies
portant drivers of disease.13 Persistent Covid-19 per milliliter, respectively, in viral-load decrease.16,18
symptoms have been found to be associated with Various factors may contribute to the disparity
poor quality of life.14,15 However, the benefits of in the aforementioned clinical and antiviral effects,
antiviral medications in shortening the disease including research settings, blinding status, defi-
course have still not been fully determined. In the nitions of outcomes, patient characteristics, dose
Evaluation of Protease Inhibition for COVID-19 of the medications, and techniques used in ob-
in Standard-Risk Patients (EPIC-SR) trial, nirma- taining and testing the respiratory samples. A
trelvir plus ritonavir did not accelerate sustained direct comparison in the same trial will be nec-

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A Time to Sustained Resolution of Covid-19 Symptoms

Patients with Median

Resolution Time
Sustained Resolution of Symptoms 90 no. (%) hr
Percentage of Patients without

80 Placebo 441 (87.7) 216.0

Simnotrelvir plus Ritonavir 435 (86.3) 180.1
70 Median difference, −35.8 hr (95% CI, −60.1 to −12.4)
40 Simnotrelvir plus ritonavir
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
No. at Risk
Placebo 503 495 484 457 425 379 337 304 274 244 207 179 152 129 114 106 91 85 70 63 57 56 56 55 52 52 49 48 38 0
Simnotrelvir plus ritonavir 504 489 463 429 394 329 281 258 227 205 182 164 145 119 106 95 87 82 73 70 67 66 63 57 56 52 51 49 45 0

B Subgroup Analysis of Time to Sustained Resolution of Symptoms

Subgroup No. of Patients Median Difference (95% CI)
18 to <60 yr 972 −35.6 (−59.8 to −11.7)
≥60 yr 35 −93.5 (−133.5 to 192.8)
Male 600 −35.6 (−71.9 to −0.7)
Female 407 −29.0 (−71.6 to 11.0)
Covid-19 vaccination status
Not fully vaccinated 43 −19.0 (−167.7 to 96.4)
Received primary vaccination 190 −52.6 (−104.7 to −11.6)
Received booster vaccination 774 −31.6 (−59.6 to −0.2)
Last Covid-19 vaccination
≤6 mo 107 −85.0 (−119.9 to −17.8)
>6 mo 879 −32.3 (−59.4 to −0.2)
Smoking status
Nonsmoker 788 −24.3 (−48.0 to 1.5)
Current or former smoker 219 −46.0 (−83.3 to −12.0)
Body-mass index
<25 643 −35.1 (−50.9 to 5.4)
25–29 303 −58.8 (−92.4 to 0.1)
≥30 60 −71.5 (−162.4 to 60.4)
Viral load at baseline
Low viral load: ≤106 copies/ml 255 −37.4 (−84.0 to 11.8)
High viral load: >106 copies/ml 356 −4.0 (−59.3 to 24.2)
Time since onset of symptoms
<24 hr 146 −65.8 (−108.6 to 13.1)
24 to <48 hr 399 −59.6 (−95.9 to −12.5)
48 to 72 hr 462 −13.2 (−45.5 to 24.2)
Risk factors
Yes 544 −60.4 (−84.3 to −23.2)
No 462 −14.9 (−49.9 to 23.7)
Disease severity
Mild 351 −24.3 (−83.6 to 24.2)
Moderate 656 −37.2 (−70.9 to −12.2)
Covid-19 symptoms score at baseline
≤4 297 −54.6 (−95.9 to 1.0)
5–8 453 −24.0 (−60.0 to 11.7)
≥9 257 −24.1 (−95.9 to 46.1)
−200 −160 −120 −80 −40 0 40 80 120 160 200

Simnotrelvir plus Ritonavir Better Placebo Better

238 n engl j med 390;3 January 18, 2024

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Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with Covid-19

Figure 2 (facing page). Time to Sustained Resolution preted with caution. We plan to undertake real-
of Covid-19 Symptoms. world observational studies as well as phase 4
Panel A shows the Kaplan–Meier curve for the time to trials to further evaluate end points such as death
sustained resolution of 11 targeted Covid-19 symptoms and disease progression, as well as to determine
in the modified intention-to-treat–1 population. Panel B the efficacy in different subgroups.
shows the results of the subgroup analysis of this end
The most frequent adverse event that occurred
point. The confidence intervals in Panel B have not
been adjusted for multiplicity, and therefore inferences at a higher incidence in the simnotrelvir group
drawn from the intervals may not be reproducible. The than in the placebo group was an increase in the
body-mass index is the weight in kilograms divided by blood triglyceride level. This adverse event is also
the square of the height in meters; values were round- common in association with other 3CLpro inhibi-
ed to whole numbers.
tors, including nirmatrelvir22 and ensitrelvir.18 Post-
authorization pharmacovigilance is important,
as is close monitoring of the safety profile of the
essary to infer the actual differences in efficacy drug in larger populations in real-world clinical
among these antiviral agents. settings.
Observational studies have indicated that even The trial has strengths and limitations. First,
in the vaccinated population, nirmatrelvir use is we recruited vaccinated people, approximately half
associated with lower mortality among older of whom had risk factors for severe Covid-19.
persons or persons at increased risk for disease The trial population is similar to the general
progression.20,21 Because of the absence of events, population in terms of immunity against SARS-
we cannot assess the effect of simnotrelvir on CoV-2 and risk-factor status. Second, although
reducing the risk of disease progression in this the double-blind design of the trial decreases the
trial. Because the subgroup analyses in the trial placebo effect in symptom evaluation, the placebo
were not adequately powered and were not cor- contained only excipients; therefore, unblinding
rected for type I error, they should not be used may have occurred in some patients, given the
to draw definitive conclusions about efficacy, unique taste of ritonavir. Third, the recruited popu-
and the apparent difference in the point esti- lation was relatively young. The efficacy and safety
mates in different subgroups should be inter- among older patients still warrants investigations

Mean Change from Baseline

(log10 copies/ml)

−5 Simnotrelvir plus ritonavir
1 3 5 7 9 14
No. at Risk
Placebo 311 297 283 273 232 82
Simnotrelvir plus ritonavir 300 288 284 249 201 48

Change from Baseline

Mean (±SE) −1.10±0.13 −1.51±0.14 −0.98±0.14 −0.55±0.15 −0.27±0.27
95% CI −1.36 to −0.84 −1.79 to −1.24 −1.24 to −0.71 −0.86 to −0.25 −0.81 to −0.26

Figure 3. Change from Baseline in Viral Load over Time among Patients Treated within 72 Hours after Symptom Onset.
Mean changes are shown for 300 patients in the simnotrelvir group and 311 in the placebo group; I bars indicate standard errors. The
mean (±SD) viral loads on day 1 were 6.25±2.02 log10 copies per milliliter in the simnotrelvir group and 6.33±1.91 log10 copies per millili-
ter in the placebo group in the modified intention-to-treat–1 population. I bars indicate standard deviations.

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Table 2. Adverse Events That Emerged during the Treatment or Follow-up Period (Safety Population).*

Simnotrelvir plus Ritonavir Placebo

Adverse Event (N = 573) (N = 566)
Events that emerged during treatment or follow-up
No. of events 255 169
Patients with an event — no. (%)
Any adverse event 166 (29.0) 122 (21.6)
Serious adverse event 0 2 (0.4)
Grade 3 adverse event 12 (2.1) 7 (1.2)
Grade 4 or 5 adverse event 0 0
Discontinued trial drug or placebo because of adverse event 7 (1.2) 5 (0.9)
Had temporary discontinuation owing to adverse event 0 0
Events considered to be related to trial drug or placebo
No. of events 140 79
Patients with an event — no. (%)
Any adverse event 100 (17.5) 58 (10.2)
Serious adverse event 0 0
Grade 3 adverse event 5 (0.9) 1 (0.2)
Grade 4 or 5 adverse event 0 0
Discontinued trial drug or placebo because of adverse event 7 (1.2) 3 (0.5)
Had temporary discontinuation owing to adverse event 0 0
Specific types of adverse events related to trial drug or placebo
Increase in blood triglyceride level 25 (4.3) 12 (2.1)
Decrease in neutrophil count† 11 (1.9) 1 (0.2)
Diarrhea 10 (1.7) 6 (1.1)

* The safety population included all patients who received at least one dose of trial drug or placebo, included in the
analysis according to the as-treated principle. Events that occurred on or before day 29 were included in the analysis.
† No patients in the simnotrelvir group had a decrease in neutrophil count to lower than 1.0×109 per liter.

in future research. Finally, both nasopharyngeal Disclosure forms provided by the authors are available with
and oropharyngeal swabs were used in this trial. the full text of this article at
A data sharing statement provided by the authors is available
However, the sampling method was consistent with the full text of this article at
in nearly all patients (excluding four) across the We thank the patients and their families for their participa-
trial visits. The sensitivity analysis showed a lim- tion in the trial; the investigators, trial personnel, and Simcere
employees who participated in the trial; the members of the
ited effect on the virologic analysis. independent data and safety monitoring committee for their re-
In this trial, early administration of simnotrel- view of the data; and Guohui Fan, M.S., and Haibo Li, Ph.D., for
vir plus ritonavir was effective in shortening the scientific discussions.
We dedicate this article to the memory of Prof. Hualiang Jiang
time to symptom resolution among adult patients
(1965–2022) from the Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica for
with Covid-19, without evident safety concerns. the development of SIM0417.
Supported by Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical.

The authors’ affiliations are as follows: the Departments of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine (B.C., Y.W., L.S., J.X., Chen Wang)
and Clinical Research and Data Management (X.G.), Institute of Respiratory Medicine in the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences,
National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Diseases, National Center for Respiratory Medicine, China–Japan Friendship Hospital,
Changping Laboratory (B.C., Chen Wang), the Department of Medicine, Non-oncology, Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical (Y.Y.), Clinical
and Research Center of Infectious Diseases Beijing Ditan Hospital, Capital Medical University (R.J.), and Chinese Academy of Medical
Sciences and Peking Union Medical College (Chen Wang), Beijing, the Department of Infectious Diseases, Third People’s Hospital of

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Simnotrelvir for Adult Patients with Covid-19

Shenzhen, National Clinical Research Center for Infectious Diseases, Shenzhen (H.L., F.W.), Jin Yin-tan Hospital (C.H., F.G.) and
Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (L.Z.), Wuhan, the Public Health Clinical Center of Chengdu, Chengdu
(Z.C.), Tianjin First Central Hospital, Tianjin (Y.L.), the Department of Cardiology, Hainan Third People’s Hospital, Sanya (L.L.), the
Department of Respiratory Medicine, Guangzhou Eighth People’s Hospital, Guangzhou (P.P.), the Department of Clinical Statistics and
Data Management, Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical (H.H.), the Department of Infection and Immunity, Shanghai Public Health Clinical
Center (Y.S.), and the Department of Infectious Diseases, Zhongshan Hospital (B.H.), Fudan University, State Key Laboratory of Drug
Research, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences (J.S., Y.X.), and the Department of Liver Surgery and
Transplantation, Liver Cancer Institute, Zhongshan Hospital, Fudan University, and Key Laboratory of Carcinogenesis and Cancer Inva-
sion of the Ministry of Education (J.F.), Shanghai, the Second Hospital of Nanjing (C.C.), Jiangsu Simcere Pharmaceutical (R.T.), and
State Key Laboratory of Neurology and Oncology Drug Development (R.T.), Nanjing, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xiamen University,
Xiamen (X. Yao), Guizhou Provincial People’s Hospital, Guiyang (X. Ye, H.Z.), the Second Department of Infection, Shandong Public
Health Clinical Center, Jinan (C.L.), Xuzhou Infectious Diseases Hospital, Xuzhou (Chunying Wang), and Central People’s Hospital of
Zhanjiang, Zhanjiang (Z.Y.) — all in China.

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