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March 2024

to Innovate Meet the winners of The Engineer’s eighth
annual Collaborate To Innovate awards

12 44 46 TheEngineerUK
The Engineer UK

Viewpoint: Samir Maha, CEO of late great engineers: british from the archive: in January 1962
McLaren Applied, considers the engineer percy Pilcher - the the engineer reported on the UK’s
future evolution of the EV sector Unsung hero of early aviation berkeley nuclear power station
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VOLUME 302 • ISSUE 7954 • March 2024


18 34

22 32
4 Editor’s Comment 12 Viewpoint 24 C2I: Healthcare 40 Product news
Collaboration in the spotlight New McLaren Applied CEO Samir Maha Lightweight exoskeleton for upper body The latest manufacturing news
on electrification including updates ahead of MACH
6 NEWS 26 C2I: Data & Connectivity
GIS mapping for seismic resilience 14 Mailbox Fibre optics monitor infrastructure 42 Product news
Readers have their say on energy Electronics news from AAEON, Bosch,
7 NEWS recovery, Port Talbot and space solar 28 C2I: Manufacturing Mouser and Nexperia
Cranfield and Dassault team up, EMAs A leap forward for metrology
open for entry 16 Comment 44 Late Great Engineers
Babcock’s Neil Young on the power of 30 C2I: Wildcard The tragic fate of Percy Pilcher
8 News collaboration Wind turbine composites get 2nd life
Human-centred AI, Airbus leads 46 Archive
Scandinavian H2 flight project 18 C2I: Aerospace 32 C2I: Stem An historical glimpse of Berkeley
Charging up electric flight The future of renewables nuclear power station
9 News
GE Hitachi Nuclear SMRs, Lords calls for 20 C2I: AUtomotive 34 C2i: young innovator 48 Blog
EV strategy revamp Taking Li-ion batteries full circle Making chess accessible for all The importance of careers education

10 News 22 C2I: Energy 38 show preview 50 digest

Hyperloop, Bioplastics, Gigafactory Rebooting the grid with renewables Get ready for MACH 2024
COVER Image: Calvin McKenzie

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Press Ltd, Blackwood, NP12 2YA UK subscriptions £75 pa UK/£117 pa overseas.

3 March 2024 /



ONLINE A celebration of
Upcyling, decarbonisation
and space to earth
quantum communications

elcome to this special issue celebrating the winners of The Engineer’s annual Collaborate to Innovate Awards (C2I), an initiative established
follow us at almost a decade ago to uncover and celebrate great examples of engineering
@TheEngineerUK As the wide array of technologies and projects detailed over the THINGS
The Engineer UK
following pages reminds us, the world of modern engineering spans a diverse and
often surprising range of application areas. But as this year’s winning entries also WE’VE
The Engineer UK
demonstrate, the most successful projects often have one common ingredient: they’re
the product of collaboration – the meeting of different mindsets and areas of expertise.
Now in its eighth year, The Engineer’s Collaborate to Innovate (C2I) awards was THIS
Find your next engineering job
launched to celebrate this dynamic and uncover some of the UK’s most innovative and
inspiring examples of engineering collaboration in action. ISSUE
online at The EngineerJobs Throughout this issue we spotlight the winners of this process, and examine how
Oxford PV claims
collaboration has been key to their success. 1 solar panel
As well as demonstrating how engineers are applying emerging technologies efficiency record of 25 per
to solve some of society’s most pressing challenges - in particular the push for net cent
zero greenhouse gas emissions - this year’s finalists can also teach us some valuable
EMA awards opens
lessons: not least the way in which digital tools can be used to embed and drive a cross-
disciplinary approach.
2 for entries
Many of our winning projects also highlight a particular strength for the UK, the
Global lithium
richness and depth of its academic/industry collaboration and the amazing things that 3 demand forecast to
can be achieved when academia and industry are truly aligned. reach 1.5 million tonnes by
As the stories in this issue demonstrate, there are plenty of reasons to be positive 2026
MISSION about the state of UK innovation. But the conditions that sustain it shouldn’t be taken

STATEMENT for granted and it’s important that industry academia and government work together
to nurture and maintain this climate.
4 EVs account for
three per cent of
The aim of One key to this is ensuring that we have the skills base to continue to innovate in
cars on UK roads
The Engineer the future by inspiring and engaging the next generation of engineers, something that Offshore wind
is to champion we celebrate in this year’s Young Innovator and STEM initiative awards. 5 sector expected to
and promote Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge thankyou to all of the judges, decommission 40 - 60,000
sponsors (in particular our headline sponsor Babcock International Group), supporters tonnes of composites in
engineering next two years
and engineers who have helped to make this year’s C2I awards such a rewarding and
innovation and fascinating initiative.
technology Visit for additional content - including video footage -
development relating to all of this year’s winners

Jon Excell
across all of
the UK’s key

March 2024 / 4

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March 2024

Read more online
Follow us at:
• UK’s first ever degree
apprenticeship in Space
The Engineer UK Systems Engineering has
The Engineer UK launched

w w w.theengineer.CO.UK AUTOMOTIVE
• Changi Airport Group trials
Aurrigo’s new autonomous

Geographic information system baggage handling vehicle

to mitigate natural disasters

• Nuclear sector launches
recruitment drive
The study will develop a digital framework to assess • UK’s first carbon capture facility
the seismic resilience of Egypt’s built environment for cement gets a step closer
Cybersecurity solution for
ELLIE McCANN reports critical infrastructure

outhampton University Egypt is particularly susceptible to ROBOTICS & UAVS
has partnered with three the impacts of natural hazards. It • Social robots used in European
Egyptian institutions in a has several major cities with overly hospital trial
project aiming to assess and populated urban centres which are
mitigate natural disasters subject to high seismic risk but the MEDICAL & HEALTHCARE
through geographic information safety and robustness of Egypt’s • Nottingham University
system (GIS) mapping technology. infrastructure is greatly under- built-environment resilience by develops at home diagnostic kits
The project, ‘Seismic Resilience researched. assessing the seismic vulnerability for people with cystic fibrosis
of Egypt’s Built Environment: A GIS- Although several studies of its urban centre.
Based Framework for Assessment investigated the seismic hazard for In the process, spatial urban, POLICY & BUSINESS
and Mitigation’ (Egypt-SeReAM), Egypt’s major cities, no attention geotechnical, structural, and • Bristol University to host two
has received EPSRC funding to has been paid to collapse risk hazard data will be collected and an national AI research hubs
develop the technology. assessment or loss and damage automated digital framework will
Researchers said that natural estimations. be developed to quantify risk and SKILLS & CAREERS
disasters can have ‘dire effects’ Project lead Dr Ahmed Elkady loss under potential earthquake • John Lazar announced as
on entire countries with human of Southampton University, said: scenarios. The project will employ RAEng Presidential candidate
casualties, infrastructure damage, “The project strives to enhance the GIS mapping system to describe
and economic and environmental Egypt’s readiness for potential and communicate earthquake
losses. Earthquakes are the most earthquake scenarios towards consequences to the government, Jobs online
damaging and responsible for an mitigating the risk of substantial academia, industry, and public
annual death toll of over 20,000.
Several countries have initiated
losses in terms of human lives,
infrastructure, and the economy,
sector organisations. According
to the team, this will be packaged
Disaster Risk Management (DRM) as witnessed in neighbouring within an easy-to-use practice- NEW ROLE?
programmes, which make use of countries recently.” oriented digital workflow that Visit jobs.theengineer.
the interdisciplinary advances in Egypt-SeReAM will will assist authorities in making to search hundreds
science and technology to model further develop existing DRM effective decisions for seismic of vacancies with leading
the complex interaction of hazard, methodologies to create a digital protection. employers from across
exposure, vulnerability, and framework for assessing the “The DRM framework is industry
compute loss metrics. seismic resilience of Egypt’s built being adopted in many major
This data can be used to environment, with contributions cities worldwide to assess and
quantify potential structural, from Alexandria University, Cairo alleviate the impacts of natural and
economic, and social University and the National man-made disasters, through the
consequences, and to identify Research Institute of Astronomy collective efforts of the academic,
critical infrastructure components, and Geophysics (NRIAG). industry, government and public
outline pre-disaster damage The project will use the city of sectors,” said Dr Elkady.
mitigation measures, and plan for Alexandria as a pilot case study to
post-disaster response protocols. establish the building blocks of the Read more at
According to the researchers, DRM framework concerned with

March 2024 / 6


Cranfield and Dassault open NEWS IN BRIEF

centre of excellence QUANTUM LEAP

The government is investing £45m
in the UK’s quantum sector with
University joins global network dedicated to boosting aero sector skills healthcare and energy identified
as sectors that could benefit
JON EXCELL reports from the technology. £30m will

go into developing and delivering
ranfield University and Director of aerospace at quantum computing hardware
Dassault Systèmes have Cranfield, Prof Sir Iain Gray, added prototypes. £15m will fast-track the
launched a new centre of that the kind of capabilities offered integration of quantum solutions
excellence aimed at driving by the new centre will bolster in the public sector on projects
collaboration, accelerating Cranfield’s ability to convene and in healthcare, where quantum
innovation and upskilling the UK lead collaboration across the sensors could identify signs of
aerospace sector’s future workforce. sector, a dynamic that is crucial dementia, and energy where
The 3DExperience Edu Centre which uses computer models of if it is to meet its environmental quantum computers could help
of Excellence aims to help develop products as the primary means of responsibilities. manage the electricity grid.
the digital knowhow that will information exchange. “If we’re going to solve the
be key to accelerating the pace First announced at the Paris challenges of 2050, we have SOLAR RECORD
of innovation in the sector by Airshow in 2023, the partnership to find good effective ways of A new solar panel world record of
giving learners and researchers sees the university join a network of communicating and collaborating 25 per cent efficiency has been
at Cranfield University unfettered 16 similar centres of Excellence in with each other, and this is about claimed by Oxford PV, an Oxford
access to Dassault’s 3DExperience France, Germany, Switzerland, the how we can provide shared data University spinout developing
platform. USA and Mexico. across the whole eco system,” he perovskite-on-silicon tandem
3DExperience is a cloud-based Speaking at the centre’s official said solar cells. Oxford PV’s technology
platform that enables access to all opening, Professor Dame Helen Mark Westwood, head of the combines a thin layer of perovskite
of Dassault’s design, simulation, Atkinson, pro-vice chancellor of Centre of Aeronautics at Cranfield with mainstream silicon solar
information intelligence and Cranfield’s school of aerospace, University, added that the facility cells to create more powerful
collaboration applications and transport and manufacturing, said: will accelerate the process of solar panels that can generate
which enables engineers to “For us it’s incredibly important to innovation by joining the dots around 20 per cent more electricity
collaborate online when developing be right at the forefront of MBSE, between fundamental research and than silicon-only technology. The
and validating products. otherwise we’re not doing our job real-world application. solar panel was produced with
3DExperience is also used when in preparing all these graduates to “We’ve got lots of research going Germany’s Fraunhofer Institute for
applying approaches to product go out into industry and become in in the labs, and we need to get Solar Energy Systems.
development such as Model Based leaders. It’s absolutely crucial to our those tools validated and quickly
Systems Engineering (MBSE), identity.” into the hands of OEMs,” he said.


JON EXCELL reports

The 2024 Engineering & Manufacturing Machinery, and Manufacturing emas/en/page/winners-2023 WARM WATER
Awards (EMA) is now open for entries. Management magazines The deadline for entries to this Ordnance Survey and the Coal
Free to enter, and with 15 categories “Last year’s launch event attracted year’s competition is Friday 12th April and Authority are plotting the potential
covering all aspects of design, an incredibly high standard of entries the awards culminates in a gala dinner supply and demand of heat from
production and management, the from across UK industry - providing at the London Marriot Hotel Grosvenor water in disused coal mines In
awards were established to celebrate the an inspiring reminder of the depth Square on Wednesday 4th September. Britain. Mine water has long been
people, teams, companies and projects and breadth of UK engineering and For more information, including considered a viable source of
at the forefront of UK engineering and manufacturing expertise – and we’re entry requirements and Ts & Cs, and to renewable heat as it is warmed
to champion the role that engineers are really excited to see what success start your entry for the 2024 Engineering geothermally. Heat pumps can
playing in addressing some of society’s stories are uncovered this time around” & Manufacturing Awards, visit www. extract and boost heat from
most pressing challenges. said Jon Excell, Editor & Publisher of The the water, providing homes and
Now in its second year, the EMAs Engineer magazine, one of the key media businesses with renewable
is organised by leading events and brands behind the new competition. For sponsorship enquiries contact: heating.
publishing business MA Business, and Read more about last year’s [email protected]
powered by industry titles including winning projects here https:// For entry enquiries: Read more at
The Engineer, Eureka, New Electronics, [email protected]

7 March 2024 /


Project to develop ‘inclusive AIRBUS SETS

and empowering’ interactive SCANDINAVIAN H2
AI systems for all FLIGHT NETWORK
More than 50 airports across
ELLIE McCANN reports Norway and Sweden are set to
participate in a pilot project to test

eelings of anxiety brought on the feasibility of hydrogen-powered
by AI are to be addressed in regional flight in Scandinavia.
a project exploring human- The project follows a
centred perspectives to Memorandum of Understanding
diversify and disrupt AI. signed by Airbus with Norway
To that end, Professor Matt and Sweden’s respective airport
Jones of Swansea University’s operators Avinor and Swedavia, plus
Computational Foundry has Scandinavian flag-carrier airline
been awarded a five-year EPSRC SAS and Vattenfall. According to the
fellowship to pursue an AI research partners, the aim of the collaboration
agenda. provision and partners including is to develop the hydrogen aviation
While many people say they meaningful and skilful interactions Microsoft Research, BBC R&D, the ecosystem across both countries,
feel worried and helpless when and aims to provide tools that can NHS, HSBC and Swansea Council. gaining knowledge around H2 aircraft
thinking about the impact of AI on be used in people’s daily lives. In doing so, the aim is to concepts as well as operational,
their everyday lives and livelihoods, “There is a lack of diversity in discover new ways for people infrastructure and refuelling needs.
Professor Jones’ fellowship seeks to those involved in imagining the everywhere, whatever their In 2020, Airbus announced it
develop ‘inclusive and empowering’ AI tech-future,” said Jones. “With contexts and opportunities, to was targeting the introduction of
interactive AI systems for everyone. my team, I will work intensively engage with AI systems. commercial hydrogen aircraft by
Jones said the research with people who are not usually The EPSRC has awarded Jones 2035. Its ZEROe project features three
aims to re-orientate away from involved in AI discovery and £1.83m to support the fellowship, design concepts: an H2 turbofan
systems that may lead to people innovation - people with lower which will begin on April 1, 2024. aimed at the 2,000 nautical miles,
feeling powerless, redundant and socioeconomic opportunities in “I am delighted and honoured the 120–200 passenger segment; a
undervalued, instead turning the UK and those in Global South to receive this fellowship,” said smaller turboprop concept catering
towards approaches that let communities such as the informal Jones. “While many think AI will for flights of around 1,000 nautical
people experience joy, creativity, settlements in India, Kenya, Brazil out-pace or out-smart humans, miles; and a blended-wing aircraft
connection and agency as they use and South Africa.” I am convinced there is a timely that points to a future where airframe
AI to amplify their innate abilities, The goal is to bring their lived and urgent need to think about design could look radically different.
qualities and values. experiences into the design and how to radically amplify, celebrate AW
The approach, coined Everyone development process, enhanced and enable ‘natural intelligences’
Virtuoso Everyday (EVE), focuses through the involvement of a – everyday people - rather than to Read more at
on developing AI technology for diverse set of technology, service replace them with artificial ones.”


jon excell reports

Running at Nottingham’s Albert Hall, the opportunity to hear from industry and implementation activity.
2024 Additive International summit will academic researchers at the cutting edge Curated by the world-leading team
offer an unrivalled opportunity to learn of additive manufacturing technology, from the University of Nottingham’s
about the latest advances in additive and to learn about the technologies and Centre for Additive Manufacturing this
manufacturing . trends that are shaping the future of the year’s event features speakers from
From 10th – 11th July, leading sector. multiple sectors and disciplines and will summit co-chair said: “Once again we
members of the additive manufacturing Founded in 2006, Additive showcase additive advances in areas have assembled an exciting range of
community will gather at Nottingham’s International is a two-day conference such as multifunctional and biofunctional speakers representing the forefront of
Additive International Summit to share bringing together academic and materials as well as applications of AM in Additive Manufacturing research and
insights into the technologies that are industry experts from across the world aerospace, transport and healthcare. implementation.”
shaping the future of the sector. to share their share insights on the very Commenting on this year’s Visit
The summit provides a unique latest in AM research and industrial conference, Professor Chris Tuck, for registration information

March 2024 / 8


GE Hitachi Nuclear
Energy awarded
grant to develop
SMR for UK
jason ford Reports

E Hitachi Nuclear Energy sourced steel forgings in support of
has been awarded a £33.6m the deployment of BWRX-300 SMRs.
UK Future Nuclear Enabling In conjunction with the FNEF
Fund grant to accelerate grant, GEH will enter the Generic be constructed in 24-36 months Generation, so it certainly has the
regulatory acceptance and Design Assessment (GDA) process while achieving an approximate potential to play a part in the UK’s
deployment readiness of its BWRX- for the BWRX-300. GEH will be 90 per cent volume reduction in own nuclear programme. The
300 small modular reactor. supported in the GDA by Jacobs, plant layout. design is already being assessed
The company, the nuclear which has supported applications Commenting on the by US and Canadian regulators, so
business GE Vernova, submitted for new nuclear power plant announcement, Tom Greatrex, this is also an early chance for the
the Future Nuclear Enabling projects in the UK since 2007. chief executive of the Nuclear UK to show that we are serious
Fund (FNEF) application with a Designed to operate for 60 Industry Association, said: about streamlining regulations and
UK team including Jacobs, Laing years, the BWRX-300 boiling water “This funding shows the UK is working efficiently with our allies
O’Rourke and Cavendish reactor has an electrical capacity committed to supporting SMR to expedite nuclear deployment.”
Nuclear along with Synthos Green of 300MWe and requires refuelling development that we need to
Energy (SGE), an investor and every 12 to 24 months. According to deliver clean power for net zero
developer from Poland.
GE Hitachi Nuclear
GEH, the BWRX-300 uses natural
circulation and passive cooling
and good, green jobs for our
Energy (GEH) is developing a UK
supply chain which includes a
isolation condenser systems ‘to
promote simple and safe operating
“GE Hitachi’s BWRX-300
has already been ordered for
memorandum of understanding
with Sheffield Forgemasters for a
rhythms’. Using a combination of
modular and open-top construction
deployment in Canada by a
serious and respected nuclear
potential supply agreement for UK- techniques, the BWRX-300 can utility in Ontario Power New materials that can withstand
extreme temperatures and blasts are
to be developed by DMEx, a £42.5m
LORDS COMMITTEE CALL FOR AN ‘ESSENTIAL’ RAPID research partnership set up by the
Defence Science and Technology
Opening later in 2024, the Defence
Materials Centre of Excellence (DMEx)
will bring together UK experts to
accelerate advances in defence material
The Environment and Climate Change than petrol and diesel cars, technology.
Committee has reported that a and that the availability of The DMEx will research, create, and
successful transition to EVs is essential public chargepoints across prototype new materials for the armed
if the government is to meet its legally the UK is highly variable. forces that can survive in the harshest
binding net zero target by 2050. It also claimed that many more rapid electric vehicle charging conditions including temperatures of
The UK government has committed consumers face ‘considerable anxiety’ stations at every motorway service 1,000°C, high impact vibrations, shock,
to end the sale of new petrol and diesel around whether and where they will be station by the end of 2023. and extreme water depth.
vehicles by 2035 and the Committee said able to charge EVs reliably, affordably, “We need more to be invested The Henry Royce Institute for
there has been some welcome progress and quickly. in this transition without the blurred advanced materials at Manchester
towards this target. However, the Commenting on the report, David lines, and the government has University will lead the centre of
new report claims that progress is Savage, vice president, UK & Ireland for already made a U-turn on various excellence with 23 other partners
not happening fast enough and major Geotab, said: “The government is simply incentives for Zero Emission from academia, industry, and research
barriers remain. not doing enough in terms of investment Vehicles.” organisations. JF
The report found that EVs make up in EV charging infrastructure. This has The new report, ‘EV strategy:
three per cent of all cars currently on UK been demonstrated by their inability to rapid recharge needed’, was Read more at
roads, that EVs are still more expensive heed their own target of installing six or published on February 6, 2024.

9 March 2024 /

Business NEWS

Venice could see Hyperloop in UKIB LOAN TO

place by 2030 DEVELOPMENT
ANDREW WADE reports The development of AESC’s

gigafactory in Sunderland has
Hyperloop system to received a boost with a £200m
transport passengers and bridging loan from the UK
cargo between Venice- Infrastructure Bank.
Mestre and Padua has The 15.8GWh gigafactory
been given the green light - which started in 2022 and is
following an Italian government expected to create and support over
tendering process. 1,000 jobs once operational - will
The winning consortium, produce lithium-ion batteries for
known as Hyper Builders, is led by next-generation electric vehicles
Hyperloop Italia, a subsidiary of US- made in Britain.
based Hyperloop Transportation The site will be AESC’s second
Technologies (HyperloopTT). plant in Sunderland with the
Hyperloop Italia teamed up with existing 1.8GWh facility, built in 2012,
Italian engineering firms Webuild, organisations to apply to bid on a signing of a memorandum of currently the UK’s only operational
Leonardo and RINA to complete hyperloop project budgeted at 800 understanding (MOU) between gigafactory.
the Hyper Builders team. The million euros,” said HyperloopTT Italy’s Ministry of Infrastructure, Forecasts predict that around
consortium won the tender from CEO Andrés de León. CAV, and the region of Veneto, with 200GWh of capacity is needed by
the Venetian Motorway Concession “We approached the project a timeline to study, select, plan, 2040 to meet demand from car
(CAV), Italy’s regional highway by teaming up with some of then implement a sustainable manufacturers.
operator, in May 2023. Italy’s biggest industrial players high-speed solution. While details John Flint, UK Infrastructure
Known as ‘Hyper Transfer’, including Webuild and Leonardo, around the project’s specifications Bank CEO, said the loan signals
the project will roll out in multiple as we knew this would strengthen are lacking, de León said he expects UKIB’s desire to play a meaningful
phases, kicking off with a feasibility our credibility with the Italian the Venice-Padua Hyper Transfer role in the financing of a domestic
and environmental study. The government. In May of 2023, we to be fully operational by the end of battery supply chain.
system will then be built out in were informed that we had won the decade. Japan’s AESC is a developer and
stages to fully connect the cities the tender and the contract to “According to the phase manufacturer of high-performance
of Venice (Mestre) and Padua, kick off phase one of the project structure outlined in the tender the batteries for electric vehicles and
reducing transport times and was officially signed by CAV and contract’s duration is six years,” he energy storage systems and has a
enhancing the Veneto regions Webuild [in January 2024].” said. “We anticipate having a fully production footprint with facilities in
interconnections. The initial tender was issued functional system up and running the UK, France, Spain, US, China, and
“Italy put out the request for on March 29, 2022 following the prior to its end.” Japan. JF



Xampla, a materials company drinks giant Britvic. it said can be used to replace
specialising in natural replacements for The funding round included new the plastic-based coatings in
single-use plastics, has secured $7m of investors CIECH Ventures and existing takeaway packaging, sachets
new funding to expand its Morro brand. backers Amadeus Capital Partners, and cups. Existing materials used
The Cambridge spinout company’s Horizon Ventures, Cambridge Angels, to achieve the grease and heat
Morro coatings, films and microcapsules Cambridge Enterprise, and Martlet barrier in this type of packaging
are made from sustainable plant Capital. The $7m injection takes Xampla’s often contain Perfluoroalkyl and
feedstocks that include pea protein, total investment to date to $17.6m. Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS),
making Morro materials fully Xampla CEO, Alexandra French, said also known as ‘forever chemicals’.
biodegradable, home compostable and the funding will support the expansion There has been rising
food safe, providing high strength plus of Morro material into new territories and concern over the prevalence of PFAS in food packaging to mitigate these
grease and oxygen barrier properties. Its new applications. globally and their potential harmful environmental and health risks. As a
edible films are currently used by meal- The company added that the effects on humans and the wider result, alternatives to PFAS are a high
kit retailer Gousto, with other materials investment will help it expand the natural world. Incoming regulation is priority and Xampla believes its Morro
adopted by skincare brand Elemis and applications of its Morro Coating, which increasingly restricting the use of PFAS Coating can be a sustainable solution.

March 2024 / 10

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s an industry, automotive especially with mass market
is facing a common brands already stealing a march
challenge: how to on sports marques. Today, you can
take electric vehicles Samir Maha buy a compact EV that accelerates
from ‘early majority’ faster than a Lamborghini, which

Riding the
to ‘mainstream’. EVs may be great fun initially but
have truly broken through into doesn’t build that all important
the public consciousness, as ‘character’ and driver engagement.

waves of
legislation has demanded reduced
emissions and consumer interest The silicon carbide (SiC) problem
has increased. Differentiating the driver

Now, all parts of automotive are experience through the
looking at how we take adoption application of drivetrain hardware
to the next level, and as with any and software will be crucial.
maturing technology there are Through advanced inverter
hurdles to overcome - from battery technology and software for
development through to available Samir Maha, CEO at McLaren Applied, outlines how fine motor control, engineers
charging infrastructure. the company envisions the EV market maturing in can start programming different
At McLaren Applied, we see the coming years characteristics into vehicles,
our role as helping OEMs develop delivering the most appropriate
products that truly appeal to driver experience for their brand
buyers on the same level as ICE and type of car. Next generation
vehicles. We do this through We’re now facing the third have established their product inverter platforms will play a key
technology that enables longer and fourth waves of automotive entry points. Models based on role in this transition.
distance, quicker charging EVs electrification, which will take dedicated 800V architectures are We believe that silicon
while delivering a definable us into an era of mobility in leading the way, driving what carbide (SiC) will become the
driving and passenger experience which EVs dominate. This is we call the virtuous cycle. An dominant inverter technology
– and these are part of what we call where carmakers will prioritise efficient drivetrain inherently has for automotive. Most, if not all,
the ‘waves of electrification’. developing super-efficient EVs a smaller battery, which makes the OEMs are building long term
which align with the driver vehicle cheaper, lighter, and easier relationships with SiC technology
The ‘waves’ of electrification experience they want to deliver to control, and offers a smaller and system manufacturers. The
The first wave involved early and their brand ethos. carbon footprint in terms of raw reason for this is that when SiC
pioneers of technology, inevitably The immediate focus is on materials. It also increases the is used, and the EV drivetrain
characterised by Elon Musk and achieving greater drivetrain range and speeds up charge times, optimised around efficiency, you
early Tesla models. The second efficiency, and this is what we building trust in the technology. develop a better car.
wave saw EVs breakthrough define as the ‘third wave’. The The ‘fourth wave’ will be However, the UK currently has
into public consciousness, as competitive landscape is ramping characterised by a ‘definable no end-to-end supply chain for
legislators demanded reduced up significantly now that all experience’. More electric models SiC-based power semiconductors.
emissions and public interest manufacturers on the market means a greater The lack of a vertically
and confidence in the technology need for differentiation, integrated supply chain for these
increased. semiconductors poses a serious
roadblock to the UK’s ambition to
be a leader in electrification. We
are actively working on addressing
this as part of a government-
funded consortium (ESCAPE),
however more is required
to compete globally against
initiatives such as the Inflation
Reduction Act in the US.
We can stay at the forefront
of EV technology, but we need to
build the manufacturing capability
and capture the opportunities as
firmly as we can.

March 2024 / 12

C O M BI N E D R O L L E R B E A RI N G S a n d


R E Q U E ST Y O U R F R E E 2 0 2 4
C at al o g u e & C al e n d ar
+1612 7 2 9 9 3 6 5 b o k er s. c o m
T e c h ni c al S al e s: 0 1 9 0 8 5 1 1 7 3 3
E m ail: s al e s @ e ur o- b e ari n g s. c o m
w w w. e u r o- b e a ri n g s. c o m / c r

monticellllo -
Energy can’t be created or lost action of the vehicle’s weight
it can only be transferred or pushing down the device a transfer
converted. This method of energy of that energy to the storage cells?
collection is just stealing energy Maybe this device’s energy transfer

from vehicles driving over it so method is far more complex than it
those vehicles need to burn more appears,
fuel to get through it. Due to the I don’t think the engineers are
inefficient collection method, far proposing all road surfaces to be so
more energy is used driving over it installed. It seems like the idea is to
than is collected by the system. capture incremental bits of energy
Added to the inefficient collection from the multitudes of passing
Readers were largely unconvinced by the
method, the manufacture of the vehicles over short stretches of
components takes up masses of
potential of a road-based energy recovery system the device. As the article says, like
energy, mainly lost to heat. covered in our February issue a warning rumble strip on the
Michael Libman approach to a toll booth. (Currently,
the energy dissipating from a
The energy has to come from strips. It is a concept that on paper being vehicles with regenerative vehicle going over a rumble strip
somewhere, so unless it is on a and in a lab works, but the braking; which may be all of them is merely being lost in the earth
downhill or slowing down stretch practicality is non-existent unless before too long, so better hurry! below, like the energy from a
populated by IC engined vehicles it it is only located where vehicles Richard Jenvey hammer striking an anvil - neither
will just be robbing Peter to pay come to a stop and even then the the hammer nor the anvil are
Paul, with the conversion amount of energy to be captured It has to take some of the damaged or diminished.)
efficiencies to boot. Once HGV’s go will be tiny and probably not worth kinetic energy of the car, so unless No doubt, being a brand-new
electric I would see this device as the cost of the installation. The the car wants to slow down at that invention, it will take some time to
close to theft. The only net benefit energy in the vehicle comes from point, it’s stealing your energy. answer these questions - anything
will be to the owners who are not somewhere else in the first place. It Installing them on downhill like this needs to be developed and
paying the energy it is stealing. It is will also add enormously to the sections of road where people need tested regularly to determine if it
a great idea which is expiring with grid complexity. And think of the to brake to keep to the speed limit is feasible in reality. Maybe it will,
the march of road vehicle maintenance costs at every would prevent the highway maybe it won’t. If it does prove
electrification. junction on the road network. robbery, otherwise they’d have to feasible, the final design is likely to
Mr Peter Melling Nick Cole be at points where cars are slowing be considerably altered from what
down, but that might make things is shown today.
It doesn’t ‘capture’ magically The obvious place for these a bit more dangerous. Sally M. Chetwynd
spare energy but takes it from the devices is in slowing-down areas Ben Kay
vehicle. So by definition it is no such as speed restrictions, Effectively any vehicle driving
longer available for the vehicle so junctions, roundabouts etc. These Isn’t the vehicle’s moving mass over this is made to drive slightly
is paid for by its user and given up often have ‘bumpy’ surfaces already providing kinetic energy, “uphill” to put in the energy that
for nothing, apart from increased already to alert the driver and will which is then to be transferred to the system steals. Just another
wear and tear on the mechnical use energy normally absorbed by the device in the pavement when stealth cost for road users!
components because of the rumble brakes. The exception, of course, the vehicle travels over it? Isn’t the iww

March 2024 / 14

share your opinions at

The planned closure of the

Andreas Turner
Readers responded
Port Talbot blast furnace drew to our recent expert
an incredulous response Q&A feature exploring
the feasibility of space
It is a matter of a managed transition while not leaving a
capability gap which the current Government incumbents seem
based solar power
to prefer instead of common-sense. This capability gap is all the
more crucial given the state of the world. A capability given up Space based solar power has providing minerals for space
cannot be replaced with any urgency if at all! If that transition is got to be one of the stupidest ideas based manufacturing since the
carried out rapidly then fine but giving it up is foolhardy. under discussion. cost of bringing those up from
Shutting it down means giving up our own strategic The efficiency is maybe five earth is high.
capability! The obvious and only solution is to build replacement times ground based solar but the It does not seem economical to
furnaces alongside the existing ones, commission them before costs are orders of magnitude bring those things down to earth,
shutting down the old ones. It is all a matter of timing and more. it is comparatively easy to produce
project planning, which most of our politicians are incapable of Servicing and repair are all things down here, and will be for a
understanding. but impossible. Transmission of long time!
Nick Cole power is vastly more complicated RichS
(if even possible at all with present
Anyone with an ounce of common sense knew that planning technology) than that of ground The rectenna array will
for the Port Talbot steelworks to be upgraded to green hydrogen based solar. consist of a lattice of diodes, each
DRI should’ve been started when it was only 60 years old, so that Put Solar panels in deserts square of side 3cm; an awful lot of
it would now be a ‘world-leading’ asset. near the equator and transmit the joints & diodes. I was wondering
Dave2020 power with cables from there. how the solar cells in space would
It’s not sexy, it’s not sci-fi but it keep cool; would there be
Blast furnaces can melt raw works. sufficient radiative cooling (from
iron ore as well as recycled metal, I suspect many of the same Ekij the back)?
while electric arc furnaces only people so opposed to a new The microwave safety is set at
melt recycled or scrap metal. coking-coal mine in Cumbria are Transmission of power looks 100W/sq m , whereas solar
Globally, the current production calling for the “staggered easy compared to the issue of isolation could be 400.
of steel is three times higher than transition” that would keep the transmitting the power from Perhaps a mirror type system
the supplies of scrap available. blast furnaces running on that “deserts near the equator” to might be better and lighter. You
Nearly all steel is recycled very same fuel - for now. This is northern Europe. certainly would not need the
(87-90%), but even by 2050 scrap just delaying the inevitable, a Alex magnetrons.
supplies will only make up modern-day version of St. Julian Spence
around half of the projected Augustine’s prayer: “Oh Lord, The phrase “a massive
demand for steel. The metal used make me carbon neutral – but scale-up all of these technologies” “The microwave safety is set
with an Electric arc furnace is not yet!” seems to be cheerfully ignoring at 100W/sq m”
usually scrap steel. Managing the Trevor physical reality - gigawatts via That could be a project killer.
temperature within the system is radio waves - really?! How about Solar isolation is typically 1000W/
easier than a blast three sets of earth-based solar m2 facing the sun.
furnace, making it panels separated by 120 deg. to It means the rectenna has to be
petert2 -

more efficient. There is provide 24 hour power using an order of magnitude larger than
a demand in Europe for existing technology - or isn’t that a similar capacity PV farm though
green steel produced exciting enough for research with an order of magnitude better
from either electric arc grants? (Just boring engineering?) capacity factor.
or hydrogen, but Robin Brand But given solar PV modules
green-ness depends are so cheap - it might be cheaper
on the electrical I still think any benefits of to deploy them instead of the
supply system being asteroid mining and space power rectenna.
green too - that is, stations will be about keeping Alex
from wind, solar or those things in space.
nuclear power. I can see large solar arrays Do we know what the energy
Jim Quinn providing power to space stations payback time is?
or moon bases and asteroids Clive Davis

15 March 2024 /


Neil Young

E Nurturing
ach year we celebrate important.
some of the most brilliant Today we have in excess of

engineering and technology 1,500 people on Early Careers
innovations from some of programmes. In our Skills
the brightest minds at the Academy we are expecting over
Collaborate to Innovate 2,000 people to benefit and
(C2I) Awards. develop the vital, complex skills
Each year, the competition gets Neil Young, Global Engineering Capability Director needed for deep submarine
tougher, which demands even at Babcock International Group comments on this maintenance. We anticipate that
more innovation from entrants year’s winning C2I entries and - more broadly - the figure rising to over 10,000 in the
and demonstrates the growing next five years.
importance of engineering collaboration
importance engineering has on Collaboration and partnerships
every aspect of our society. are strategically important not
We are living in an era of just to us, but in supporting the
increased geopolitical instability. Let’s take this year’s Grand which is this year won by Bromley national skills agenda which
National security has never been Prix and Health and Medical student Joseph Birch and Finley we do through the UK Nuclear
more important. But due to rapidly winners, Duchenne UK with Stirk, whose ingenious AutoMate Skills Taskforce and Defence
changing threats and disrupted Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK chess playing board makes the Supplier Forum. We are also a
supply chains – as well as more and The Inclusionaries Lab at game more accessible to people Member of the AUKUS workforce
interdependent allies – projects The University of Liverpool. with motor impairments through alliance through our partnership
are becoming increasingly Their SMART Suit invention is control systems such as eye-gaze with HII and several Australian
complex to deliver. a really inspirational piece of tracking. Universities, along with an MoU
That’s why supporting and assistive technology that will Congratulations also to with the University of Adelaide.
empowering our current and improve the lives of those living the STEM initiative winning We always start with the
future engineers, and nuturing with progressive neuromuscular project, Powering the Future: challenges our customers face and
innovation programmes, is what conditions. South Tyneside and Beyond in how we, with our engineering and
Babcock is about. Or let’s look at the conjunction with South Tyneside technical know-how can provide
The innovation isn’t in the EMPHASIZING (Enhancing Council, Dogger Bank Community the right solution.
technology, it’s in how people Material Properties of Recycled Fund, Little Inventors, Ford That’s exactly what the
apply it and in the partnerships Glass Fibres Through Sizing) Aerospace, Cell Pack Solutions, winners of these awards have
that foster the environment for project which won the Wild Ryder Architects, Port of Tyne and shown – they take a challenge;
that innovation to grow. Card Award. This initiative North Star Marine. they work together and with the
This is the fifth year Babcock addresses the challenge of Getting year 4 and 5 pupils power of engineering shape the
has supported the C2I Awards and recycling waste materials from involved in technology that can world around them.
I’m delighted we’re supporting wind turbine blades, automotive improve the environment in years I am inspired be all of this
an event that brings together and maritime industries which to come is a great scheme, and year’s winners and shortlisted
so many projects that have the are currently either landfilled or something I hope to see more of in finalists, just as I am inspired by
potential to make a real impact incinerated. Their upcycled glass our schools. our people every day.
on society. Programmes like this fibre solutions will support the So, whilst these awards focus
unite the engineering community automotive industry, reducing on engineering and technology,
– engineers, technologists, environmental damage and divert the collaboration, the innovation
academia and industry - and waste from landfill. comes back to people. For Congratulations to all the
encourage it to think differently, to I’m particularly interested each engineering companies like winners of this year’s Collaborate
build partnerships, to create and year in seeing the ideas generated Babcock, investing in people and to Innovate Awards from
innovate. in the Young Innovator category, future talent, has never been more Babcock.

March 2024 / 16

Creating a safe and
secure world, together
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specialist you’ll have the chance to work on some truly inspiring projects.
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Now more than ever, what we do matters. Find our more by scanning the QR code below.

Your future is waiting for you.
& Defence

Charging ahead
The burgeoning market for electrified flight requires fast-charging facilities that will not
overwhelm the electricity grid

he winners of the between them. RETROFLIGHT ALPHA digital infrastructure to support
Aerospace category in the Furthermore, the aircraft will eVTOL future flight objectives.
2024 C2I awards epitomise endure hundreds of charging (FUTURE FLIGHT LANDING This includes a 600kW charging
everything that is positive cycles in their lifetime and require AND INFRASTRUCTURE - capability at a site in Bicester
and achievable when huge amounts of power and high utilising Petalite’s 3-Phase SDC and
working in a collaborative team. reliability for vertical take-off and
FFLP2) Vanti’s smart building operating
Based in Aston, Birmingham, landing. system (Smart Core), which
Petalite is a scale-up that has These are just two of the Petalite, Custom Interconnect integrates proprietary technologies
developed a new form of electric issues addressed in Retroflight Limited, Oxfordshire County in buildings and is required to
vehicle charger that aims to Alpha (Future Flight Landing serve eVTOLs in high density
disrupt the full bridge charger and Infrastructure - FFLP2) led
Council, Midlands Aerospace urban environments.
market with its patented SDC by Petalite in collaboration with Alliance, Vanti, ARC Aero “With eVTOL you need to have
device. Custom Interconnect Limited, Systems reliable fast chargers that can be
According to company founder Oxfordshire County Council, used on schedule, but because of
and CEO Leigh Purnell, current Midlands Aerospace Alliance, Vanti the loading of those chargers it
charging facilities are sold as a (trading name RTS Technology needs to be managed in the wider
product into infrastructure with Solutions Limited), ARC Aero context of the community,” said
a two-to-five-year warranty. The Systems. Rob Nash, CTO at Petalite. “So
economic case for these first- The aim of Retroflight-Alpha when they charge you need it to be
generation facilities is weak given is to develop the physical and able to manage the local power in
the installation, maintenance and order to not overload the grid. This
operational life of them. program was about understanding
Petalite’s SDC solution brings the trade-offs in installing that
modularity and scalability to facility.”
charging, and that includes Nash explained that Petalite’s
recharging the electric vertical core SDC (Sinusoidal DC)
take-off and landing (eVTOL) technology converts AC to DC for
aircraft that are set to criss-cross battery charging in a more efficient
our skies in the near future. way. Part of the efficiency comes
However, before this futuristic from using fewer components, so
scenario can take off , eVTOL there’s less that can go wrong in the
operators will need the right system.
charging infrastructure in place “By doing that, it also allows
to accommodate frequent short us to implement power factor
flights and limited time to charge correction and power conversion

March 2024 / 18

Sponsored by

in one stage,” he added. “This

is possible because of… silicon
carbide that allows the switch in
frequencies. In addition, we have
an advanced transformer design
that allows for high power to be
transferred across on the AC to DC
Nash explained that most
traditional converters are voltage-
controlled DC-DC that take the
AC, rectify it to create DC and then
convert that DC to another DC
“In doing that, some of the
critical components are not
needed in our method that are
needed in the traditional voltage
control,” said Nash. “So that’s the
fundamental technology, we can do
more with less, but that’s because
we started from ground up and not only have [something] more to see that there is a future for this
actually designed a solution to the reliable, we have more modularity technology.
problem.” that gives us more redundancy.” Nash explained that getting
Nash added that power Another benefit of SDC is its support from multibillion pound
converters are the weakest link in ability to move charge around. suppliers can be difficult for a
current charging set ups because As an example, Nash explained small, pre-revenue company, but
they use more components, run that with SDC, once the charge being part of a consortium adds
hot, and are an adapted solution drops below 80 per cent then the gravitas to what the project is
to a different problem. At Petalite, additional 20kW can be moved trying to achieve.
using fewer components – and somewhere else. “Everything about this is
more reliable components – means “As it drops below 60 you designed in a way that not
single point failures at the power can move it,” said Nash. “So only helps the adoption of
stage are lower. for example, on a 1MW charge, electrification, it also does it in
effectively we could probably a way that is environmentally
SDC’s modularity is another give the same charging capability friendly for the future generations
key enabler. utilisation as a 2.5MW charge who have to inherit it,” he said.
“When you do voltage-controlled station, so we put less in and get “That’s the master concept of
inverters, they basically come more out and therefore we are why Petalite agreed to lead this AEROSPACE & DEFENCE
in finite blocks, and those finite more reliable, more available.” consortium.” EnabEl: Enabling Aircraft Electrification
blocks have a limit how many you Retroflight-Alpha is currently As CTO at Petalite, Nash Cranfield University with The Light
can parallel,” said Nash. “If you in the build up to the demonstrator himself brings a certain gravitas Aircraft Company Ltd Flylight Airsports
have one charger that charges stage and Petalite is sourcing to proceedings, given his over Ltd and CDO2 Ltd
100kW you only need a single point a manufacturer based on the 20-year career in leadership
failure and it takes out that 100kW demonstration of the modular roles gained within companies
Project Fresson
charge capability.” power blocks. including Continental and Zytek
Cranfield Aerospace Solutions with
Nash continued: “In ours we Key to the project has been Automotive.
Reaction Engines, Britten-Norman,
have five 20kW chargers. If we Innovate UK’s ability to assemble Past projects include developing
lose one charger, we get 80 per consortium partners to address the F1 Kinetic Energy Recovery
Evolito and Ricardo
cent capability rather than zero. specific challenges. Nash added Systems (KERS) for McLaren, and
By changing the modularity that collaboration among the the Formula E Powertrain design Radiating elements development for
of the design, by using a new consortium partners was also for the three-time winner Renault Satellite communications phased arrays
technology…implemented in key, as was collaboration with e.DAMS in 2014, 15 and 16. Qammer H. Abbasi with The Royal
a simpler way means that we suppliers who, as Nash said, need Academy of Engineering and Celestia UK

19 March 2024 /


Circle of Li
An innovative UK-developed mobile battery recycling facility could play an important
role in helping to recover and process waste from lithium ion batteries

ncreased electrification is one of capable of shredding and PROJECT NAME: recycling, shredding and mineral
the key tenets upon which a net recovering materials from any type processing alongside UoB’s 30
zero future must be built. But the of Li-ion battery. UNIVERSAL BATTERY years’ experience in design and
transition to electric power from “Recyclus and University of RECYCLING SYSTEM manufacturing.”
fossil fuels inevitably means Birmingham (UoB) are working UBRS is based on Recyclus’
a surge in reliance on batteries, together to create the first mobile existing LiBatt industrial-scale
particularly when it comes to battery recycling system capable of Partners: Li-ion battery recycling plant in
transport. safely handling any type of EV and Recyclus Group, Wolverhampton, which is capable
Since 2010, the lithium-ion lithium-ion battery from all areas University of Birmingham of recycling 8,300 tonnes of
(Li-ion) battery market has grown of industry,” said Robin Brundle, lithium-ion per year. The enclosed
from 20 GWh to pass more than Director of Recyclus. system will use a gated infeed
1 TWh for the first time in 2023. “The Universal Battery chamber and a series of sealed
By 2030, the market is expected Recycling System (UBRS) will outfeed chutes to feed separated
to reach 4.7 TWh. Global lithium offer a reliable, cost-effective, materials into collection bins.
demand is forecast to reach 1.5 automated process for the safe Initially shredding the Li-ion
million tonnes by 2026. And while and environmentally friendly batteries, UBRS will then separate
the Li-ion market soars, a major recycling of EV and lithium-ion the cells into five recyclable
wave of EV battery waste is set batteries across the UK. The products: the ‘black mass’ of high
to hit, with first generation EVs collaboration utilises Recyclus’ value metals including lithium,
reaching end-of-life. Establishing combined 75 years’ experience in manganese, cobalt and nickel; the
methods to deal with these waste electrolyte; ferrous metals (steel);
streams has therefore become a non-ferrous metals (aluminium &
necessity, for both the automotive copper); and light mixed fraction
sector and beyond. consisting of plastic, rubber and
This year’s C2I winner in the paper.
automotive category presents According to Kate Jermey,
a novel solution to the growing business engagement manager at
problem of Li-ion waste. the University of Birmingham, the
Developed by the Recyclus Group collaboration will rely on additive
in partnership with the University and digital solutions to deliver on
of Birmingham’s Advanced its objectives.
Materials & Processing Laboratory “This project will enable
(AMPLab), the Universal Battery Recyclus Group and the University
Recycling System (UBRS) is a of Birmingham to respond to
mobile, truck-based platform the current challenges around

March 2024 / 20

Sponsored by

battery recycling infrastructure,” “Recyclus plans to deliver the of Investigative Journalism is already causing serious
said Jermey. “(UBRS) will recycling trucks with three size suggested that two disposable environmental issues,” said
provide a viable and desperately options ranging from 7.5 to 16 vapes were discarded every second Brundle.
needed solution to the issue of tonnes which will be capable of in the UK, containing enough “The build-up of end-of-life
waste batteries, through the processing between 500 and 2,000 lithium to make around 1,200 Li-ion batteries over the coming
usage of Industry 4.0/ Additive kilogrammes per hour of lithium- electric car batteries a year. years will create a battery waste
Manufacturing Solutions to ion batteries. A circular solution is essential, tsunami that we need to prepare
speed up systems design and “These innovative mobile units but both knowledge and capability for by investing in the capabilities
deployment.” will help accelerate the recovery around Li-ion recycling are low. and capacity for large-scale battery
Three truck size options of critical raw materials essential The Environmental Services recycling.”
ranging from 7.5 to 16 tonnes will to the transition to electrification Association (ESA) estimates In 2023, UBRS was awarded
be capable of dealing with up to and significantly reduce the around 200 waste fires each year £1.96m Innovate UK funding, with
2,000 kilogrammes of battery use of landfill. The project will are caused by Li-ion batteries the project set to run to 2026.
waste per hour. Part of the implement a new industry each year in the UK, despite
collaboration has seen Recyclus standard that can benefit not just sending the batteries to landfill
working with Birmingham’s the UK, but around the world.” being illegal. The UBRS partners
School of Metallurgy and Materials While waste streams from the believe mobile units can take
GKN Advanced research centre
to design the cutting tools for electric mobility sector – including the recycling solution to the GKN Automotive with the University
UBRS. scooters and e-bikes - are expected problem, accelerating the recovery of Newcastle and University of
“The project is led from to provide the bulk of the work for of the critical raw materials
Recyclus’ recycling facility in UBRS, it is by no means the only essential to the transition to
Wolverhampton, with computer source of Li-ion waste that needs electrification, while at the same
Kautex-Textron predicts fuel
systems, software, and in-house to be tackled. Personal electronics time significantly reducing the use sloshing noise Monolith AI software
fabrication capability, whilst UoB’s represent another potential of landfill. Monolith with Kautex-Textron
School of Metallurgy and Materials stream, while the massive growth “The rapid development of
McLaren Applied and Elaphe EV
laboratories will be used to design, in disposable vapes is fuelling consumer goods such as vapes,
optimise, and produce mobile both a plastic and e-waste crisis. handhelds, e-Bikes and the general
plant cutting tools,” said Brundle. A 2022 report led by the Bureau transition to electric transport McLaren Applied with Elaphe

21 March 2024 /

Energy &

Green reboot
The winner of this year’s energy and environment category explored how distributed
energy sources - including renewables - could be used to restart the power grid in the
event of a nationwide blackout.

What happens if the power range of smaller distributed energy electricity networks).
goes down? It may sound a slightly resources (DER) such as solar, During the third of these trials,
doom-mongerish question, but in wind and hydro, could be used to at Redhouse, near Glenrothes
an increasingly volatile world it’s a support faster restoration, improve National Grid ESO with SP Energy in central Scotland, the team
question that it’s worth having an resilience, create new business Networks, TNEI Consultancy deployed a specially developed
answer for. And whilst total opportunities and lower the cost to battery as an “anchor” generator
shutdown of the power network is consumers. (a world first) as well as a protype
extremely unlikely (it’s never Through a series of live trials, automatic control system - known
happened in the UK) it’s essential desk-top exercises and even as the Distribution Restoration
that if it does happen we have the mock tenders aimed at informing Zone Controller (DRZC) - to make
capability to reboot the UK power the design of a new commercial complex balancing decisions at
grid as quickly as possible. service, the project team developed distribution level, while dealing
Unsurprisingly, the and demonstrated the complex with hundreds of DERs.
conventional approach to a so- array of technologies and According to the project team
called “black-start” is underpinned processes that would enable the this is the first time anywhere
by large fossil fuelled power ‘bottom up’ restoration of power in the world that automation
stations able to generate enough networks: from lower voltage technology has been used to
power to restart the network. But distribution to the higher voltage support the restoration process at
as the UK moves to cleaner, greener transmission network. this scale and complexity.
and more decentralised energy At the heart of the project were Given the incredibly complex
sources, energy operators are three live trials on the Scottish nature of the electricity system,
having to explore new options. network at Redhouse, Galloway intense collaboration between
The winner of this year’s Energy and Chapelcross Grid Supply different stakeholders and a wide
and Environment category - the Points (energy sector speak for range of technical disciplines was
Distributed ReStart project - the connection points between critical to the project’s success.
represents a hugely ambitious and the transmission and distribution Amongst the main partners,
successful attempt to get to grips system). These trials used a range SP Energy Networks’ in-depth
with this challenge. of technologies to prove the ability knowledge of lower voltage
Launched in 2019, the £11.7 of renewable DERs like wind, distribution networks was
million project (a partnership hydro, solar or batteries, to start combined with the expert
between National Grid Electricity up and maintain power islands understanding of system
System Operator (ESO), SP isolated from the main grid and restoration strategy at National
Energy Networks, and specialist energise local distribution and Grid ESO and the independent
energy consultancy TNEI) has transmission networks up to analytical strength of TNEI.
successfully demonstrated how a 400kV (the highest voltage on our Meanwhile, commercial, legal and

March 2024 / 22

communications experts in each RUNNERS UP
organisation worked together, A New Partnership in Offshore Wind
overcoming differences to ensure University of Sheffield with Siemens
consistency in approach. Gamesa Renewable Energy, Durham
The team also recognised the University, Orsted and the University
need for external help, drawing of Hull
on expertise from academia, LHYTS
consultancies, technology
ERM with Axens, Chiyoda, Enquest,
providers, and legal services as
Koole, Net Zero Technology Centre,
Effective team collaboration is
Peterhead Port Authority, Port
particularly evident in the novel
of Rotterdam, Shetland Islands
range of testing delivered by the Council, Storegga and The Scottish
project. Whilst the three live Government
trials required the cooperation REACT - Rapid Evaluation Areal
of many suppliers, a series of 2021 that created a simulated time, which is already creating Connection Tool
online ‘desk-top exercises’ also environment to share draft new market opportunities in the SSEN Transmission with Olsights Ltd,
required significant stakeholder tender documents and receive sector and encouraging more MapStand Ltd, Icebreaker One Ltd.
participation. These exercises data to stress-test the proposed competition. Renewables for Subsea Power
were conducted across three assessment criteria. In the longer term, the project Mocean Energy with NZTC, Verlume,
different simulated events, With the project now complete, team believes that the advances
Baker Hughes, Transmark Subsea,
enabling attendance from control its findings are being fed into viable and processes pioneered by the
Serica Energy, Harbour Energy and
engineers from all of Great Britain’s commercial service and the project Distributed ReStart project will
distribution network owners team is working with hundreds put the country in a significantly
(DNOs), transmission network of partners across the industry to stronger position in the event of
TransShip II
owners (TOs) and National Grid make this happen. a nationwide blackout, removing O.S. Energy with Newcastle
ESO control room engineers. The project has already had our dependence on large fossil fuel University, Exeter University CFCM,
What’s more, to test commercial a significant impact on the generators and rapidly restoring SOLIS Marine Engineering, Chartwell
designs, the team ran a test sector, with ESO tenders for new supply to consumers in a shorter Marine, Stone Marine Propulsion,
procurement event between restoration services now open timescale. H2Tec, and Newcastle Marine
early August and late September to smaller DERs for the first Services

23 March 2024 /

Medical &

Power dressing
A lightweight robotic suit could soon be helping patients who have experienced a loss of
upper body mobility maintain and regain their independence

he 2024 C2I winner Muscular Atrophy UK, and THE SMART SUIT String Actuator (TSA) technology
in the healthcare and The Inclusionaries Lab at The created by the Stanford Research
medical category is The University of Liverpool are now Institute. TSAs - essentially strings
SMART Suit, a robotic working together to create The Duchenne UK with Spinal of fabric twisted together to boost
wearable technology that SMART Suit to return some of this Muscular Atrophy UK and strength - have the benefit of being
can discretely and comfortably independence, particularly for The Inclusionaries Lab at The cheap and lightweight with low
support arm movement for those the many young people affected energy requirements, yet capable of
with muscular diseases and a by these neuromuscular diseases
University of Liverpool delivering considerable power.
variety of other conditions. (NMDs). In 2022, Duchenne UK took over
Loss of upper body mobility The project has its roots as far as the project lead. Following a £1.25
seriously impacts people with back as 2018, when Duchenne UK million award from the People’s
Duchenne muscular dystrophy invested £70,000 in a project led Postcode Lottery’s Dream Fund
(DMD) and Spinal muscular by Solid Biosciences to develop and £800,000 from other donors,
atrophy (SMA), restricting a prototype exoskeleton to boost the organisation has progressed
independence and the ability upper body strength for people the arm assist project at a rapid
to do many of the things they with DMD. That soft exoskeleton rate. With testing and feedback
enjoy. Duchenne UK, Spinal prototype was based on Twisted from people with DMD and SMA,

March 2024 / 24

heavily on fabrics, designed to number with other NMDs
be worn under clothing where The partners are committed
possible. to making the SMART Suit
Smart Suit has focused on accessible to end users, with plans
the importance of engaging and to subsidise the first batch of 50
involving end users in all stages of units for use by people with DMD
the product development to ensure and SMA living in the UK. This
that the end result meets their will be followed by a clinical study
needs and expectations. And while using outcome measures and
commercial viability is of course health economics tools developed
essential, Duchenne UK and specifically for DMD and SMA, to
Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK are demonstrate the qualitative and
primarily motivated by the impact quantitative benefits of using the
that the SMART Suit will have on SMART Suit.
the independence of young people Evidence from this study
with upper limb weakness. will then be submitted to the
The programme is managed by NICE (National Institute for
a dedicated project manager who Health Care and Excellence)
sits within the DUK team. A key Medical Technologies Evaluation
part of the role is to coordinate Programme for approval and
and facilitate the various partners, eventual reimbursement by
ensuring that the collaboration the NHS. The long-term vision
benefits from their input and is to create a toolkit of health-
expertise at all stages. economic and reimbursement
As with many collaborations, models, service provision and
a core challenge has been keeping support pathways, with routes to
everyone up to date and involved commercialisation and market
the partners have built four impacts on both lower and upper in decision making. Regular to make it easier and faster for
development prototypes to date limb function. But where loss of meetings and updates have helped other charities to deliver products
and are continuing to evolve the leg function can be tackled with keep partners aligned on progress such as the Smart Suit to their
design. A final SMART Suit device is devices including wheelchairs, and aware of upcoming milestones beneficiaries.
on schedule for delivery by the end devices for arm assistance are or deadlines. Formal steering
of 2025. practically non-existent. committee meetings take place
“In a world that put a man on the Exoskeletons have long every 6-8 weeks, which are also
Moon 55 years ago and where we been explored for military and attended by the contracted SMART
can do so much with our phones, industrial purposes, but these Suit delivery partners.
technology should be transforming are often bulky devices, designed In the UK alone, more than
the lives of people with disabilities. to enhance able-bodied activity 800,000 children and young GaitSmart
Instead, it’s ignoring them,” said rather than help those with people are living with a disability Dynamic Metrics with Norfolk and
Emily Reuben, co-founder and declining limb function. The of some sort. Disabled people Norwich University Hospital and
chief executive of Duchenne UK. SMART suit is aiming to assist are more than twice as likely University of East Anglia
“I feel that neglect brutally people whose ability to carry out to be unemployed than the MediTel - A Medical Telexistence
as I see my teenage son lose his everyday tasks is slipping away, population at large. As well as Platform for Hazardous Environments
ability to use his arms, and there meeting functional requirements increasing independence and The University of Sheffield - Advanced
is nothing to help him. Nothing but also addressing their social removing barriers to education Manufacturing Research Centre with
to help him maintain his ability and aspirational needs. and employment, the SMART
Sheffield Robotics
to look after himself and do the Working with the University of Suit has the potential to reduce
Northumbria Healthcare drone
things he loves. I am determined to Liverpool’s Inclusionaries Lab for the burden on NHS, social and
change that and so appreciative to user centred design research - as support services, leading to wider
be partnering with Spinal Muscular well as industrial design partner economic benefits for society. It’s
Northumbria Healthcare NHS
Atrophy UK and the University of PA Consulting and healthcare estimated by the project partners Foundation Trust with Apian and
Liverpool on this work.” market access partners Medipex that around 500,000 people Skyports
While SMA is quite different and NIHR Devices for Dignity around the world living with DMD SmUPS
to DMD as a condition, both are - the project has developed a and SMA could benefit from the DefProc Engineering with Liverpool 5G
NMDs that can have devastating lightweight exoskeleton that relies SMART Suit, plus a much larger Create, Telet Research, and Docobo

25 March 2024 /

Information, data
& connectivit y

A UK led global collaboration has pioneered a host of fibre-optic innovations that
promise to transform the world of structural health monitoring.

rom the impacts of climate to explore a specific, relatively new INNOVATIVE PRE-STRAINING surrounding concrete provides
change to the pressures Fibre Optic Monitoring technology sufficient confinement, thus
caused by accelerating known as Brillouin Optical
TOOLS AND BOFDA eliminating the need for pre-
urbanisation, the race is Frequency Domain Analysis TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT: tensioning. However, the project’s
on to ensure that our built (BOFDA). findings - which emerged from
environment and infrastructure By carrying out a rigorous
A TRANSNATIONAL LEAP rigorous laboratory tests - indicate
is as resilient as it can possibly be. and critical assessment of this IN INFRASTRUCTURE that this is not in fact the case and
And one of the keys to addressing technology and comparing its MONITORING that pre-straining can significantly
this constantly evolving landscape effectiveness to strain gauge improve the accuracy of fibre optic
is the development of structural measurements and analytical monitoring systems.
health monitoring techniques predictions, the team was able to Cambridge Centre for Smart This led to the development
that deliver real-time data on the provide a robust validation of the Infrastructure and Construction of a pre-straining tool that can
health of infrastructure, enabling technology’s capabilities and lay (CSIC), University of Moratuwa, be affixed to reinforcement bars
operators to spot and address much of the groundwork for its to provide the requisite pre-
Sri Lanka; University of Oxford;
potential issues before they worldwide application. strain to the fibres, for which
become a problem. However, alongside its work on Access Engineering PLC, Sri the team now aims to submit a
The winner of the 2023 C2I BOFDA the team made a number of Lanka; Laing O’Rourke Centre, patent application. The partners
Awards Information, Data & further breakthroughs in the field University of Cambridge; believe that this innovation has
Connectivity category is at of fibre optic monitoring. the potential to revolutionise
fibrisTerre Systems GmbH,
the forefront of this push and One of the key additional the way fibre optic monitoring
has driven a number of key innovations was the development Germany; University of Qatar; is implemented, particularly in
advances in the deployment and of a new tool that could vastly WSP UK Limited settings where the structural
understanding of highly accurate improve the accuracy of the elements are subjected to
fibre optic structural health optical fibres used in structural compressive forces.
monitoring technologies. monitoring applications. Other key achievements
Led by the Cambridge Centre This work was related to the throughout the project included
for Smart Infrastructure (CSIC) at question of whether there is the introduction of fibre optic
the University of Cambridge but a need for pre-straining fibres monitoring technology to Sri
involving a range of collaborative embedded in the compression Lanka (a country with a heavy
partners, this cross-border, cross- zones of concrete. The prevailing investment in infrastructure
disciplinary project was initiated assumption has been that the but limited access to advanced

March 2024 / 26

Digitisation of the North West
Electricity Network
Electricity North West with Kelvatek

Innovative Pre-Straining Tools and

BOFDA Technology assessment: A
Transnational Leap in infrastructure
Cambridge Centre for Smart
Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC),
University of Moratuwa, University
of Oxford, Access Engineering, Laing
O’Rourke Centre - University of
SHM systems); and a thorough
Cambridge, fibrisTerre Systems GmbH,
examination of attachment
University of Qatar, Epsimon Ltd and
mechanisms for embedding
the fibre optic cables. This is a
critical aspect as the provided
pre-strain can only be retained McLaren Applied Active Antenna and
if there is a reliable attachment. Fleet Connect
Various attachment mechanisms McLaren Applied with Huber + Suhner
were evaluated for their efficacy
in maintaining the integrity of Realising Enabling Architectures and
the Fibre Optic cables, especially Solutions for Open Networks (REASON)
under challenging environmental University of Bristol with (Strathclyde
University, KCL, Southampton
Collaboration was at the
University, Queens University Belfast,
heart of the project from its
Thales, BT, BBC, Parallel Wireless,
inception. The project was initially
kickstarted with a workshop
Digital Catapult, Weaver Labs), and
involving Oxford, Cambridge, project and interpret the outcomes opinions. Again, this was managed 5 subcontractors (Nokia, Ericsson,
Moratuwa universities and Access of the experimental programme. by prioritising feedback based on Samsung, Real Wireless, and Compound
Engineering. After this, research Meanwhile, industrial partner the project phase and the specific Semiconductor Centre (CSC)
students were recruited, and a Access Engineering PLC provided expertise needed at that moment,
structured research program was the financial backbone and also ensuring that the most relevant SINDRI - Synergistic utilisation of
rolled out. contributed specialised tools, such and impactful insights were Informatics and Data centric Integrity
Specialised training for fibre as splicing, a critical component incorporated into the project’s engineering
optic monitoring equipment was for the implementation of the development. The University of Bristol with EDF,
provided by fibre optic specialist Fibre Optic Monitoring system. Hailed by its team as a
Imperial College London, The University
Fibristerre, while experts from Enabling effective collaboration “significant milestone in the
of Manchester, and The Henry Royce
WSP and Qatar University joined across such a geographically field of civil engineering and
later stages to lend their expertise dispersed team was a key infrastructure management”
on pre-straining. challenge. To address this small, the project has led to significant
The Cambridge Centre for specialised teams were formed advances in the field of structural The Common Framework Project
Smart Infrastructure (CSIC) led the based on the expertise required health monitoring with global National Grid ESO withArup, Energy
way with its extensive experience at different phases of the project. ramifications. What’s more, Systems Catapult, and Icebreaker One.
in fibre optic monitoring. It also This allowed for focused, efficient in addition to its technological
shaped the research agenda work without waiting for the advancements, it has been focus on capacity-building creates
and provided guidance on the entire collaborative team to be instrumental in training students a skilled workforce that can apply
development of the experimental available. and industry professionals, this advanced technology across
programme. The expertise from Another hurdle, given the thus ensuring the effective a range of infrastructure projects,
the University of Oxford was wide range of expertise involved, implementation and sustainability amplifying the project’s long-term
offered to develop the research was reconciling diverse expert of these new technologies. This impact.

27 March 2024 /


A thorough inspection
Advanced manufacturing has driven the need for sophisticated inspection technologies

n the space of a few decades measure parts produced by modern A SINGLE-CLICK AUTOMATED Metrology Team [MMT] at the
3D printing has evolved from a manufacturing approaches, University of Nottingham over
means of visualizing designs in especially with complex additively
MANUFACTURING the past seven years, bringing the
a solid 3D format to a tool that manufactured parts. METROLOGY DEMONSTRATOR findings together into a unified
is as vital to manufacturers as The winner of the C2I demonstrator,” said Prof Samanta
machine tools. Manufacturing Technology Award Piano, director of the Midlands
3D printing, or additive has addressed this in a project
Midlands Centre for Data-Driven Centre for Data-Driven Metrology
manufacturing, builds a part layer- titled ‘A single-click automated Metrology; Manufacturing (MCDDM).
by-layer while CNC machinery manufacturing metrology Metrology Team (MMT) Piano explained that MCDDM
reduces billet with cutting tools to demonstrator’. (Faculty of Engineering, is a multi-site collaboration
produce a part. In this project, team members between the University of
They are both in the across multiple sites are
University of Nottingham); Nottingham, Coventry University
technological toolbox that seeking to produce the single- The Nottingham Advanced and Loughborough University
enables the practice of advanced click measurement solution Robotics Laboratory (NARLy); that led the initial phase and has
manufacturing, which TWI utilising several non-contact The Advanced Manufacturing yielded significant progresses in
defines as the ‘practice of using measurement technologies developing customised optical
innovative technologies and in combination with machine
Technology Research Group metrology solutions for advanced
methods to improve and enhance learning to produce a quick and (Faculty of Engineering, manufacturing applications.
competitiveness within the efficient solution that streamlines University of Nottingham); Piano added that given the
manufacturing sector.’ complex measurements through Intelligent Automation Centre complexity of parts fabricated
Common to both production automation. in advanced manufacturing
techniques is the use of CAD/ By doing so, the project
(Loughborough University); industries, measurement
CAM to help define and produce addresses the need for accurate Institute for Advanced techniques that can capture
a finished product. Another quality inspection in advanced Manufacturing and Engineering dimensional information are
commonality is that parts produced manufacturing, with potential (Coventry University) required not only to act accurately,
these ways need inspecting before benefits for several industry but also in a way that is user-
they leave the shop floor. sectors. friendly and allows efficient data
However, the rapid expansion Customizable and scalable, capture.
of advanced manufacturing this R&D demonstrator platform The team focused on
technologies across sectors such as integrates new technologies, integrating front-line optical
additive manufacturing, aerospace, custom-code, machine learning, metrology technologies - fast
automotive, and medical industries and digital manufacturing trends camera acquisition, automated
has created a pressing need for to improve speed, reduce costs, and background removal, three-
more sophisticated inspection enhance quality inspection. dimensional (3D) photogrammetry
strategies. “This grand undertaking reconstruction, camera-object
Traditional measuring methods leans on foundational research location optimisation, fringe
often struggle to optimally undertaken at the Manufacturing projection measurements and

March 2024 / 28

innovative culture in this project is
driving continuous improvement.
MCDDM is currently working
in existing trends, embracing
machine learning technologies,
and customer needs to identify
gaps and potential areas of
Looking ahead, the project
may collaborate with providers of
inspection instruments, such as
Bruker Alicona, and incorporating
these devices mounted on
collaborative robots.
“This integration will contribute
an additional layer of expertise to
the project’s capabilities,
enabling the demonstrator
to be benchmarked against
other commercial products,”
said Piano.
point cloud analysis - and machine The demonstrator is one of the As the project evolves,
learning into a cohesive system primary activities of the MCDDM, the goal is to maintain
for coordinate measurements. which focusses on transferring an advanced metrology
The system’s control software is knowledge from academia to demonstrator at the state
designed to present a single-click, industry through translational of the art, incorporating
automated solution, capable of research and dissemination. Across the collaboration, future research activities
initially detecting the position and By integrating the research Dr Luke Todhunter (MMT and within the MCDDM involving
pose of a measured object using taking place at MCDDM’s member technical project manager), Dr optical metrology technology
photogrammetry. institutions, the project has Sofia Catalucci (MMT) and Dr advancements and machine
“This integration enhances created a continuously improving Francisco Ulises Hernandez learning enhancements. “The
measurement speed and demonstration test bed that Ledezma (MMT) lead the software project team is dedicated to
automation, moving towards a showcases the innovation and integration pipeline with open- pushing the boundaries of
streamlined, user-friendly solution advancements of a variety of source code in python and metrology to meet the evolving
capable of performing reverse research projects in a single system. MATLAB. needs of advanced manufacturing
engineering that minimises Furthermore, the project Dr Adam Thompson has led the with machine learning, thereby
complexity for end-users,” said has benefited from insights mechanical design of the overall contributing to improved
Piano. of industrial partners and demonstrator along with the component quality, reduced
To date, the project has interactions with 34 SMEs between installation of hardware, which defects, and enhanced overall
implemented recommendations 2021 and 2023 that have contacted is complete, while Dr Mojtaba manufacturing efficiency,” said
supported and informed by the MCDDM looking for support A Khanesar (NARLy) leads the Piano.
industrial partners of the MCDDM, in digital manufacturing and new software programming for precise
including Zeiss, Mitutoyo and MTC. inspection technologies. motion control of linear and
The project’s success has In the MMT and NARLy, rotational stages. RUNNERS-UP:
allowed the team to look at a the project’s success has been The project has benefited A Digital Twin of construction
future second phase that aims to bolstered by different mindsets, also from the input of PhD machinery for improved energy
concentrate more on the speed and expertise, and perspectives, students Mingda Harvey Yang and
integration of machine learning to said Piano, who manages the Zhongyi Michael Zhang who’ve
Cranfield University with BAM Nuttall
optimise this optical demonstrator project with Loughborough’s deployed machine learning and
and Flannery
into a single-click solution. Professor Peter Kinnell in the machine vision algorithms to
“This will develop a platform field of metrology and industrial optimise photogrammetry 3D
with low interventions from the automation, Coventry’s Professor reconstruction and developed AIRLIFT (Additive Industrialisation for
user and ensuring the highest Marcos Kauffman in digital twin novel data fusion algorithms Future Technology)
quality standards in advanced implementation, and Nottingham’s for point cloud registration GKN Aerospace Service Ltd with GKN,
manufacturing processes,” said Professor David Branson in the respectively. Siemens, the University of Sheffield,
Piano. field of dynamics and controls. According to Piano, the CFMS, and the AMRC

29 March 2024 /

Wild Card

Composite conundrum
A novel method for recycling glass fibre reinforced plastic could help address concerns
over how to deal with waste materials from decommissioned wind farms

his year’s C2I Wild Card two years, and finding a circular EMPHASIZING: ENHANCING At the core of the
winner is a shining solution for the GRP conundrum is EMPHASIZING project is DEECOM
example of the circular essential. MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF pressolysis, a pressure-based
economy in action and a “The EMPHASIZING RECYCLED GLASS FIBRES material reclamation technique
benchmark for what can consortium’s key passion is about described as a ‘technical step
be achieved through cross-sector, representing the entire supply
THROUGH SIZING change’ from established processes
multi-disciplinary collaboration. chain, from reclaimable materials such as pyrolysis and solvolysis.
Led by B&M Longworth, right through to proven reuse case, B&M Longworth with Gestamp DEECOM uses steam and pressure
EMPHASIZING has applied a at scale,” said Jen Hill, director at to de-bond resin and polymeric
UK, Ford UK, Gen 2 Plank Ltd,
novel method for recycling glass B&M Longworth. contaminants from fibre.
fibre reinforced plastic (GRP) “The strength in our TWI, Brunel University London According to B&M Longworth, the
from a variety of waste streams, partnership is largely based on and EMS Grivory method is proven to yield pristine
producing a composite material each partner organisation having quality fibre without suffering
that improves on the properties a clear agenda for the successful any performance degradation,
of virgin GRP. To demonstrate the outcome of the project; no partner allowing reclaimed glass fibre to
innovation, the EMPHASIZING is ‘along for the ride’ and all agreed be reprocessed and value to be
partners used the recyclate during the bid phase that the added in terms of strength, weight,
material to manufacture a subject of sustainable composites CO2e and ultimately commercial
lightweight Ford automotive needed ‘less talk, more action’.” viability.
product from decommissioned
wind turbine blade GRP.
Currently, 2.5 million tonnes
of composite material are used
globally in the renewable energy
sector, with an estimated 12-15
tonnes of GRP required for every
MW of new wind power. While
the benefits of wind energy are
unquestionable, there have been
increasing concerns over the
future disposal of GRP as wind
farms reach end of life (EOL).
According to EMPHASIZING, the
sector is expected to decommission
40,000 to 60,000 tonnes of
composite materials in the next

March 2024 / 30

Sponsored by

1D superconductivity
University of Manchester with
National Graphene Institute; Kyung
See University (South Korea), NUS
(Singapore); NIMS (Japan); Yale
University (USA) and Lancaster
University (UK)
A novel mop air purifier for virus
removal from buildings and transport
University of Nottingham with High
Performance Moulding Ltd
Airhead: Anti-Air Pollution Face Mask
Brunel Design School, Brunel University
London, Airhead
Innovative Pre-Straining Tools and
BOFDA Technology assessment: A
Transnational Leap in Infrastructure
Cambridge Centre for Smart
Infrastructure and Construction (CSIC),
University of Moratuwa, University
of Oxford, Access Engineering,
Another key stage – and one have to do to keep the tires in materials, with an appetite to scale Laing O›rourke Centre - University of
from which the project derives contact with the road over bumpy up and commercialise,” said Hill. Cambridge, fibrisTerre Systems GmbH
its name – is the sizing process. surfaces. The partners believe “Meanwhile, EMPHASIZING’s
,University of Qatar, Epsimon Ltd and
Once the fibre has been reclaimed the demonstrator could provide a manufacturing partners represent
using DEECOM pressolysis, it benchmark for the performance of the need for a shift in our
is then chopped and resized to thermoplastic composite hybrid automotive industry supply chain’s
make it suitable for compounding. parts compared to steel fabrication use of composites in order to hit composites truly circular on a
This stage of the project involved in structural mass production. light-weighting, net zero and LCA mass global scale, helping to meet
reclaimed fibre being chopped and According to Composites UK’s targets, as well as the challenge of the global shortfall in supply
resized in standard benchmark Vision and Roadmap, sustainable the EOL vehicle directive for 95 per expected by 2025.
bay-bond sizing by Gen2Plank. composites will become a ‘go to’ cent recyclable vehicles. The wind and marine sectors
This material was then assessed material for the mobility sector by “With all of these factors in will benefit from a reclassification
by EMS Grivory as ‘suitable for 2040. This includes a transition mind, all partners are equally of EOL wind blades and marine
compounding’. through another generation focused on success of the vessels, transforming them from
To demonstrate the material’s of vehicles around the end of project and the exploitation and hazardous waste to a material
capabilities, it was used in the this decade where composite dissemination activities are as feedstock. Alongside opening up
manufacture of a Ford camber-link use has increased to replace strong as we’ve seen in much new revenue streams, this could
component, which is currently some metallic parts, followed larger and better-funded projects.” also potentially help avoid legal
steel-manufactured by Gestamp. by the 2040 generation where With the global composites implications and costly levies,
This component was chosen as composite materials are likely to market currently at £50 while at the same time diverting
being a good representation of how be widespread. It is expected that billion – and projected to grow composite waste from landfill.
the EMPHASIZING technology demand for advanced materials considerably in the coming years The end result of EMPHASIZING
could deliver material for a range such as carbon fibre will outstrip – EMPHASISZING presents a is a brand new, characterised
of other structural Ford products. supply as early as 2025, meaning significant economic opportunity advanced material with impressive
The camber-link also had the new materials streams will need as well as a sustainable, performance mechanics, low
added impact of being part of the to be found. circular solution for the rapidly embedded carbon, abundant in
vehicle’s un-sprung mass, helping “Our technology partners have expanding GRP waste stream. The supply, that can be used globally
to lower overall weight and reduce proven processes for reclaiming displacement of virgin glass and across multiple industries.
the work the shocks and springs and reprocessing of end of life carbon fibre production makes

31 March 2024 /

STEM Initiative

Inventing the future

of renewables
School pupils from South Tyneside have been imagining the future of renewable energy in
an ongoing STEM initiative project inspired and funded by Dogger Bank Wind Farm

he push towards net zero challenge created and supported with a CPD session to enable
has never been more by South Tyneside Council, teachers across South Tyneside
urgent than it is right Dogger Bank Wind Farm and Little SOUTH TYNESIDE AND to develop their own STEM skills
now. For the majority Inventors, a creative education BEYOND and feel confident delivering the
of us this push is not organisation that stimulates programme within their individual
for our own immediate benefit, children’s imaginations by taking settings. The council said the CPD
but for the future generations to their ideas seriously. South Tyneside Council with sessions placed importance on
come, who, unfortunately, will The project was inspired and Dogger Bank Community Fund, the value of ‘thinking like a child’
face the consequences of the funded by Dogger Bank Wind Little Inventors, Ford Aerospace, and how putting yourself into
environmental damage already Farm, the world’s largest offshore that mindset can generate some
Cell Pack Solutions, Ryder
done. windfarm currently, which is being of the best solutions to real world
As an upside, these future built off the North East coastline Architects, Port of Tyne and problems.
generations will be equipped with and which has its operations and North Star Marine And, indeed, solutions were
technology, materials and ideas maintenance base headquarters at generated: over 3000 young people
that we cannot even fathom today, the Port of Tyne. across South Tyneside engaged
but we must do everything we can South Tyneside council has in the invention challenge, which
to put them in the best possible used this connection to challenge asked students in years four and
position. the young people of its community five to draw inventions powered by
The winner of the STEM to explore the role of wind and wind and movement.
Initiative category in this year’s C2I other forms of renewable energy in Six entries were chosen to be
awards has done exactly that, with helping address climate change. brought to life, with two chosen
the aim to encourage young people “Powering the Future: South from each year group, alongside
to use their imagination to ‘solve’ Tyneside and Beyond allows young two notable mentions.
some of the planet’s problems, people’s ideas to be taken seriously Each of the winning inventors
but also, crucially, to raise their and places value on the practicality were partnered with a business
awareness of the skills needed for a of the imagination - emphasising or industry representative who
more climate conscious future. the phrase, there’s no such thing offered mentorship or a workplace
In mid-2023, school pupils as a bad idea,” said a council visit to inspire the young people,
from across South Tyneside were spokesperson. as well as to transform their initial
invited to take part in an invention The programme kick-started ideas from paper to product.

March 2024 / 32

Sponsored by

The sky was the limit with these

inventions, as they ranged from
a ‘Turtle Motorway’ invented by
Alice (aged nine) and supported by
designer Ellie Birkhead, that uses a
wind propellor to charge and light
a motorway that safely transports
turtles from their nesting place to
the ocean, to the ‘Toilet Turbine
2000,’ created by Joey (aged
ten) and developed by STEM
Ambassador John Parnum.
Of course, “everyone uses the
toilet,” said Joey when describing
his invention. “When you flush
this toilet, it powers a turbine
which can be used to power lots of
Isaac (aged nine)
had his ‘Wind Mirrors’
invention brought to life
by Cell Pack Solutions, a
battery manufacturing
company and Ford people address real world energy for young people but also for
Aerospace, a precision problems,” said Tom Nightingale, businesses and industry alike.
engineering business. from UK supply chain leader, The programme has certainly
“The propellers will Equinor. shown that taking young people’s
spin in the wind as the Year two of the project has now ideas seriously can create world
car moves which will then begun, with a programme of school leading solutions to some of the
provide electricity, which based workshops where young biggest issues that businesses,
will power the radio and people will explore STEM skills, industry and society as a whole
satnav,” said Isaac. “This is also a ‘Little Picker Boat’, that is pushed careers in renewable energy and face, while at the same time making
safety feature because it can power by the wind, or back-up stored link Dogger Bank Wind Farm to the a lasting impact on young people’s
the rear and front headlights. The energy from the wind, to pick up local area. confidence, careers and vision for
propellers are underneath the litter, whilst Jack (aged ten) worked “This programme is about the future.
mirrors so it doesn’t obstruct the with Ryder Architecture to realise encouraging our young people to
driver’s view.” his ‘Sleep and H20 2000’ idea. use their imagination to solve some
In terms of considering “My invention is a solar panel of the planet’s problems but it’s also
human movement, Bo (aged heated homeless shelter,” said Jack. about raising their awareness of
ten) collaborated with artist and “The shelter uses sun energy to the skills needed for the jobs of the Access & Awareness – Oxfordshire
animator Chloe Rodham on the create heat for homeless people to future,” said councillor Jane Carter, Advanced Skills with MTC Training,
‘Auto Heating Shivering Device:’ sleep in, and also has a drinking Education & Skills, South Tyneside UK Atomic Energy Authority, and
“This is for all those people who water fountain that is made from Council. Department for Business, Energy and
hate being cold,” said Bo. “As you filtered rain.” “We want young people to be in Industrial Strategy
shiver the movement is harnessed All of the inventions were the best position possible so that Spazio Verde and Micros Kosmos –
in the wristbands which then displayed as part of an interactive they are able to access any careers Polysolar with Saint Gobain, Mobilane,
generates a heater which will warm exhibition at The National Centre that are up and coming and they are TRAID, Black Grape Global, supported by
you up.” for the Written Word, South Shields, interested in but also giving them
Yolanda Brown MBE and Ray Elysee of
The young inventors considered throughout 2023. the confidence and abilities to be
Northumbria University
more than just their renewable “Through this programme, able to do that.”
Life is Up – British International
designs, though, as each invention we have been able to showcase This project has highlighted
has its own social value and careers and opportunities in the the value, benefit and vitality of
Education Association with Engineering
solution, too. renewable energy sector to the collaboration between education Development Trust and Linear Design
Notably, Tommy (aged nine) next generation. We are proud of and business, particularly in the and Construct
was sponsored by Dogger Bank the innovative ideas submitted in STEM sectors, where partnership Next Engineers – GE Vernova with The
suppliers North Star Renewables the programme, and are amazed to can not only improve the skills, Inspirational Learning Group Stoke-On-
and Chartwell Marine to create his see creative ideas from local young aspirations and attainment Trent and Staffordshire Careers Hub

33 March 2024 /

Young Innovator

Smart move
Developed by school students Joseph Birch and Finley Stirk, the AutoMate mechatronic
chess board allows users with physical disabilities to play chess without touching the pieces

his year’s young door for people with motor The CoreXY motion system
innovators - sixth form disabilities and impairments, such moves around an end effector
students Joseph Birch as arthritis, cerebral palsy and BOARD FOR EVERYONE containing a servo motor with
and Finley Stirk - aimed paralysis, to have the opportunity a magnet attached, to move the
to ensure that the game to play chess against any other Joseph Birch and Finley Stirk 3D printed pieces, with a Radio
of chess is available to all through opponent. Frequency Identification (RFID)
their AutoMate chess board The board could also be used to reader which detects the pieces.
invention. train both amateur and advanced When researching existing
AutoMate is a chess board with level players as an always-available robotic chess boards, Birch and
integrated mechatronic systems practice tool, to develop their play Stirk found many used binary
which allows users to play chess and skills only obtainable through sensors underneath each square
without touching the pieces, over-the-board-play, such as board of the board as a means of piece
instead inputting moves through visualisation. detection, which could simply
technologies such as eye-gaze “Whether it’s for training, detect whether the square was
tracking and voice commands. inclusivity or simply occupied or not.
“This project was inspired by entertainment, automate will “One major issue with this
a family member who works as a revolutionise acc-chess-ibility,” system is the fact it is essentially
speech and language therapist at said its inventors. ‘blind’ to which piece is which,
a special educational needs (SEN) Over the past year, Birch and making it impossible to handle
school. They often play games Stirk have developed a fully- things such as piece promotion
with their students, some of which functional prototype, with eye- and error correction,” said Birch.
need eye-gaze trackers to play, gaze tracking piece movement and “To solve this, our pieces
making play between those with accurate piece detection. contain a small RFID tag in their
and without motor disabilities The eye-gaze tracking software bases which can be read by a
difficult,” said co-inventor Joseph detects which piece the player sensor moving underneath the
Birch, an A-Level student at intends to move, and where board. As well as allowing for
Trinity School of John Whitgift, to on the board, which is then promotion, it allows the board
an indpendent boys school in communicated to the CoreXY to correct users’ mistakes and
Croydon, Surrey. cartesian motion system that autonomously set up the pieces
“Being avid chess players with is built into the board, a unique ready to play a game.”
a passion for engineering, we motor movement where the X or Y The young innovators wanted
decided to create this project to motor move together or opposite to make playing with the AutoMate
bridge the gap, allowing those with of each other to move the carriage chess board as natural as possible,
motor impairment to play any from left to right or towards or and so they put a great deal of
opponent.” away, which smoothly updates the emphasis on the speed the robot
The young innovators believe physical game set-up in front of was able to move the pieces.
their invention will open the the user. As such, the CoreXY system

March 2024 / 34

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just £250 to make, most of which

was spent on researching and
testing various components and
materials rather than the actual
“We believe that we could
manufacture our product at a
fraction of the cost of current
solutions and achieve our goal
of making chess accessible to
everyone,” said Birch.
“Further, we have been
conscious to keep as many
parts as possible to
be manufactured
using just a 3D
printer, simple
tools, and standard
components, as we
sits underneath the board plan to make this project
to move around the end open source in the future to
effector, which leaves the allow people to have access to it
motors stationary to make the and learn about the design and
system lighter and faster, as well engineering work behind it in a
as protecting the mechanisms. robot can calculate the shortest more practical, enjoyable way.”
Having an interest and prior distance a piece can be moved Looking ahead, the winners
experiences in robotics, Birch around the board without colliding hope to develop their prototype
was the brains behind the AutoMate’s custom software with any other pieces. into a final product and even adapt
design and manufacturing of and user interface allows for “Being a part of this project has the design for different inclusive
AutoMate’s hardware, including the easy control of the eye-gaze given me skills which will help me board games.
the electronics, mechanics and tracking feature, which forms the in my desired career as a software “The most rewarding part of
aesthetics. crux of the board’s inclusivity: engineer,” said Stirk. “Overcoming this project has been sharing it
“Working on the design and emabling users to play out a full challenges like memory at our school’s chess and Young
manufacturing of the hardware game of chess without needing to management and optimisation Engineers clubs. Seeing other
systems, I’ve vastly improved my manually interact with anything. have also helped prepare me for students playing chess against
skills using CAD and learnt how to The software allows users my degree in Computer Science. it and teaching them about the
operate MSLA 3D printers, milling to play against a computer of “Despite having distinct roles, mechanisms and engineering has
machines and lathes,” he said. any level at any time and is the multidisciplinary nature of been really enjoyable and it has
“Electronics is an area I had very also connected to a database of our project meant decisions made proven our collaborative effort has
minimal prior experience in, and thousands of professional games, by hardware invariably affected paid off,” said Stirk.
it has been extremely valuable to which allows players learning the software and vice versa. The “We feel our project is a
learn about it through designing chess to watch professional whole process of working together great example of the amazing
the mechatronics for this project.” players in a more interactive style with an aspiring engineer has things multidisciplinary teams
Stirk, on the other hand, to then improve upon their own given me invaluable robotics and of engineers can create and
developed all of the project’s skills. collaboration skills for my future the impact engineering has in
software, creating the logic Stirk said he implemented an career.” creating a more accessible future,
systems needed to control the A* computer algorithm, widely The invention is set to be both hopefully inspiring others to do
mechatronics and the robot’s used in pathfinding and graph inclusive and affordable, as the so too.”
decision making. traversal, so that the AutoMate initial advanced protype has cost

March 2024 / 36

Show preview – MACH 2024


New Knowledge Hubs initiative at MACH 2024 identifies when manufacturers should
adopt new technology, designed to improve productivity, efficiency and reduce costs.

eversing UK manufacturing’s poor record for adopting
new technology will be tackled head on at MACH
2024 as The Manufacturing Technologies Association
(MTA) launches its new Knowledge Hubs initiative,
showcasing how to adopt new technology to improve
productivity and efficiency in manufacturing.
The programme showcases new technology that
is readily available to UK manufacturers, helping them to
understand the potential adopting such technology can bring
to their operation, as well as when to adopt it and how to
implement it to best effect.
The Knowledge Hubs initiative will have dedicated
stands across the event, each focusing on a particular type of
technology including Automation and Robotics, Sustainable
Solutions, Additive Manufacturing, Consumable Tooling, and
Data and Artificial Intelligence.
In recognition of the importance being placed on these
hubs, each is being managed by one of the specialist centres
from the High Value Manufacturing Catapult, such as the
Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and the Advanced Hubs, is an indication of the importance these organisations
Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC). place on our initiative. Combined with the ability to see
The Catapult network is recognised for the cutting-edge advanced technology, live and in action, in a fully working state
research and development work being conducted at its – MACH 2024 is a must-visit for all the UK’s manufacturing
various centres. The network collaborates with thousands of community.”
innovative businesses across a wide range of sectors, including The need for this approach was recently brought into sharp
manufacturing, space, health, digital, energy, transport, focus in a new report highlighting the UK’s lack of investment
telecoms, the urban environment and many others. in technology and its poor adoption of robotics in industry.
The MTA, which organises the MACH event on behalf of The figures, from the International Federation of Robotics,
the engineering-based manufacturing community, has been showed the UK languishing outside the top 20 developed
campaigning for greater adoption of new technology for some nations in terms of the global utilisation of industrial robots
time. It will expand upon this at MACH 2024, which opens its in manufacturing – lagging not just behind the economic
doors at the NEC in Birmingham on 15th April, by explaining superpowers, but also the likes of Spain and Finland.
that implementing proven, readily available techniques in The Automation and Robotics Knowledge Hub will
manufacturing processes is the fastest way to boost the UK’s showcase how easily the technology can be adopted into
output. existing manufacturing operations, automating repeatable
James Selka DL, CEO of the MTA, said: “The MTA is part processes, improving accuracy and consistency, and reducing
of a united front of UK manufacturing organisations, along repetitive and monotonous tasks.
with the Manufacturing Technology Centre (MTC) and MACH MTC Chief Automation Officer, Mike Wilson, commented;
2024 Headline Sponsor Lloyds Bank, to increase the uptake of “Robotics and automation is key to solving the UK’s
technologies such as automation and robotics.” productivity puzzle. This under-pinning technology will
“Only by embracing what the hubs are trying to achieve will help manufacturers achieve high productivity and net zero
the UK restore its position as a sovereign manufacturer, re- aspirations while solving some of the UK’s labour shortage
establishing itself as a major player on the global stage.” issues. It is also a significant contributor to strengthening the
“To have brand agnostic input from the High Value UK’s supply chain and securing resilient UK manufacturing
Manufacturing Catapult network, running our Knowledge capability.”

March 2024 / 38

The Sustainable Solutions Knowledge Hub, sponsored operation, looking for opportunities to improve and ensuring
by Lloyds Bank, will guide manufacturers on how investing supply meets demand. The aim of the Knowledge Hub is to
in energy efficient technology now, backed by government provide advice and wayfinding, addressing the manufacturing
incentives, can help offset energy cost increases, improve applications that can be supported by data, technology and
business fitness for the future and help balance the ‘cost of automated processes.
doing business’. The Knowledge Hub initiative was handed a major shot-
Dave Atkinson, UK Head of Manufacturing SME & Mid in-the-arm with the recent announcement by Chancellor
Corporates, Lloyds Bank commented; “Understanding Jeremy Hunt of £4.5 billion of funding to support advanced
how to get to Net Zero is one of the biggest hurdles for UK manufacturing. The funding will directly benefit several
manufacturers. Many are looking for help and advice with of the exhibition’s key themes, especially Sustainable
the challenge they’ve been set by their supply chain and Solutions, where £960 million has been earmarked for clean
customers to improve sustainability and reduce their carbon energy manufacturing through a Green Industries Growth
emissions. Lloyds Bank are delighted to be partnering with Accelerator.
the MTC to deliver the Sustainable Solutions Knowledge Hub James Selka concludes; “The UK must adapt to the global
at MACH 2024, providing impartial guidance on how small environment, accepting there will be partial de-globalisation.
and medium sized businesses can accelerate their journey to Greater adoption of the latest, most powerful technologies
Net Zero.” will therefore be vital to achieving this, helping improve
The Additive Manufacturing Knowledge Hub is designed manufacturing efficiency and optimising productivity.
to help visitors looking to learn how to develop, adopt and use Through our Knowledge Hubs at MACH 2024, the MTA are
additive manufacturing and 3D printing technology in their doing everything we can to help UK manufacturers focus
manufacturing processes. Expert advice and wayfinding will on the new technology, explain when to adopt it and how to
be on offer from AM-UK on how to utilise the technology for implement it to best effect.”
making production parts and products directly from design MACH is the UK’s only live, national event showcasing
data – building accurate components by adding layers of sustainable, innovative technologies used across the
material to obtain the final shape with minimal waste. manufacturing spectrum and is the destination of choice
The Consumable Tooling Knowledge Hub is where visitors for companies looking to adopt and invest in the digital
should head to receive impartial advice on how to optimise revolution.
their machining processes and how to deal with real-life The exhibition is more than 90% sold but prime locations
machining challenges. The Hub will offer advice on matching within the show halls are still available for businesses looking
the most suitable cutting tool material and insert geometry to exhibit. Nevertheless, the MTA has said companies still
with the workpiece material to be machined, through to key considering exhibiting should not delay their decisions so
considerations such as tool paths and cutting data. Visitors they can secure the locations of their choice.
can meet experts from the AMRC who will be on-hand to help
visitors with the complexities of metal cutting.
The Data and AI Knowledge Hub will explore how SME’s MACH 2024 runs from 15 – 19 April at the NEC, Birmingham.
can use this technology to drive growth and innovation in Visit for more details.
manufacturing by measuring the output of their current

39 March 2024 /

News – manufacturing

Software boosts machining potential

VERICUT Force could deliver, CGTech
granted the use of three temporary
licences for trial purposes.

at Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS
An actual radiator assembly
component from the race car was the
perfect candidate for the trial. While
highly complex in terms of features
(requiring around 30 tools), the part is

ercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula small enough to have a relatively short
One Team, a user of VERICUT cycle time so the Machine Shop could
verification, simulation and quickly implement program changes as
optimisation software from part of an iterative improvement process.
CGTech for over two decades, recently The plan was to produce the part from
completed trials of VERICUT Force with solid 6000-series aluminium alloy bar
highly impressive results. on a Mazak Integrex five-axis turn-mill
VERICUT Force is physics-based machine. Component tolerances are
software that analyses and optimises in the realm of ±7.5 µm. There are also
cutting conditions to deliver significant several features with true positions of
time savings and improved tool life. 0.10 mm, tied up to multiple datums.
The trial use of Force on a complex Machining the Force-optimised
radiator component at Mercedes-AMG part produced outstanding results.
PETRONAS Formula One Team provided The original cycle time was 3 hours
The team recent completed successful trials of VERICUT Force
notable cycle time savings of 25% at the and 15 minutes; post-trial it was just 2
first attempt. hours and 27 minutes. Not only did the
The success of Force emanates maximum chip thickness and maximum Machine Shop achieved this 25% cycle
from its ability to set the maximum allowable feed. With the Machine time reduction at the first attempt, but
reliable feed rate for a particular cutting Shop at the Brackley headquarters of the trial involved the optimisation of just
condition based on four factors: load Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One four roughing tools (two- and three-flute
on the cutting edge, spindle power, Team keen to discover what advantages end mills).

Cambridge Vacuum Engineering

shortlisted for prestigious energy award

ambridge Vacuum Engineering beam welded section to be incorporated
(CVE) – a specialist in power into an offshore wind turbine monopile The RapidWeld
beam welding technologies – has foundation (transition piece). Ebflow project fast-
tracked production
been shortlisted for a prestigious uses a local vacuum system that creates
of an offshore wind
International Energy Award for its and maintains a vacuum around only the turbine monopile
ground-breaking RapidWeld project. seam that is being welded. Significantly foundation
RapidWeld saw CVE work alongside quicker, cheaper and cleaner than
industry partners to fast track the conventional welding techniques, this
production of an offshore wind turbine innovative method can be used on the ambitious delivery timeline necessitates
monopile foundation destined for the largest structures. During RapidWeld, the use of novel technologies that
Dogger Bank Wind Farm. During the CVE demonstrated that it is possible to can expedite construction, whilst
project, CVE and the RapidWeld team weld monopiles far quicker than current maintaining the highest quality
demonstrated that critical pieces of methods. It also proved that Ebflow standards. As a team, we were excited
energy infrastructure can be produced uses 90% less energy, costs 88% less, and to get RapidWeld off the ground
up to 25 times quicker if the correct produces 97% less CO2 emissions. and honoured to deploy our Ebflow
electron beam welding technologies are Bob Nicolson, Managing Director solution on such an important energy
deployed. at Cambridge Vacuum Engineering, infrastructure initiative. The results we
Harnessing CVE’s innovative Ebflow said: “Once complete, Dogger Bank will achieved were outstanding and to be
technology, the consortium behind the become the world’s largest offshore wind shortlisted for an award for the project is
project delivered the first-ever electron farm. The scale of the project and its the icing on the cake.

March 2024 / 40

News – manufacturing

Bruderer to demonstrate “world first” at MACH

‘world first’ will take place in April for our UK business and will be the first
(15-19th) when Bruderer UK runs time anyone will have seen the BSTL
its BSTL 350-88 live at MACH 2024. 350-88 produce products at a major
The leading manufacturer manufacturing event,” explained Adrian
of high-speed presses will set-up a Haller, Managing Director at Bruderer
full production line at Stand 6-482, UK.
as it looks to showcase the machine’s Bruderer UK, which is currently
capability in the volume production of building a new 48,000 sq ft factory and
small and miniature components. showroom in Telford, will also use
As a fixed-stroke press, the BSTL the even to introduce the BSTA 710-
comes into its own for precision Bruderer will 220 to the UK, a press that is all about
and continuity and uses up to 30% carry out live delivering more space for complex
demos of its BSTL
less energy when compared to older stamping tools with the longest bed
350-88 high speed
machine models. press at April’s length (2.2metres) of its type in the
For the first time at a major MACH show world.
exhibition, a turnkey line will be With automatic stroke adjustment
established, featuring a state-of-the- and various options, such as different
art pallet decoiler and winder, with growing range of machines and stroke lengths, shut heights and press
purpose-built ‘Mach’ tooling set to associated partner technology that is force monitoring, the machine can be
produce commemorative tie pins for helping its customer base in automotive, configured for individual customer
visitors to the stand. aerospace, building products and the requirements and is increasingly
Experts from Bruderer UK will also rapidly emerging electrification market. suitable for the emerging electrification
be on hand to talk about the company’s “MACH will be a massive moment world.

Four UK debuts for Mazak at MACH 2024 volume production environments such
as electric vehicle (EV), semi-conductor
and heat transfer sectors.
Alongside these, Mazak will also
be showcasing three new entry level

amazaki Mazak will be debuting a machines : The CV5-500 - which was
number of new machines at next designed specifically with automation
month’s MACH 2024 exhibition. in mind for entry-level 5 axis users; the
Amongst the highlights VCE-500, a highly affordable vertical
will be the HCN-4000 NEOt, a high- machining center ideal for entry-level
performance horizontal machining machine users; and the VCN-700, a
center with exceptional productivity, next generation vertical machining
accuracy and environmental Mazak’s FSW- center developed with a large 700 mm
performance. Alongside this, the firms 460V is one of a Y-axis. The machine being exhibited at
will also be showcasing a second NEO number of systems MACH will be equipped with Mazak’s
machine, the VARIAXIS i-800 NEO, to debut in the UK Ultraspindle, an optional 60,000 rpm
a next generation 5-axis machining spindle for high-speed super-finishing of
center for full automatic operation over Mazak will also be giving a UK intricate workpieces.
extended periods. debut to the FSW-460V, a ‘purpose built’ Mazak will also be giving a UK
According to Mazak, both new NEO machine developed to overcome the debut to the new MAZATROL DX which
models achieve enhanced positioning, key challenges faced by manufacturers extends the functionality of Mazak’s
boasting three times better than adopting friction stir welding (FSW) widely popular PC-based SmoothCAM
ISO positioning accuracy and boast technology to join materials. Ai software. MAZATROL DX provides
exceptional environmental credentials. With the FSW, Mazak has created a customers with valuable new capability
Developed in line with Mazak’s GoGreen heavy-duty and highly rigid technology to further optimise production with
strategy, the NEO series technology is ideal for those requiring a machining rapid and automatic quotations,
capable of delivering a 30% reduction in and welding capability within the same automated part programming, virtual
energy consumption for the VARIAXIS machining envelope. The machine is said machine simulation, and machine
and a 24% reduction for HCN-4000. to be ideal for manufacturers working in process analysis and optimisation.

41 March 2024 /

News – Electronics

Robotics solution set to restraints. Consequently, the UP Xtreme

7100 board-level solution measures
120.35mm x 122.5mm, while the edge

bring AGVs to market

system version measures 152mm x
124mm x 40mm.
Targeting areas in robotics such
as AGV and AMR, the UP Xtreme
7100 and UP Xtreme 7100 Edge are
equipped with a number of terminal

AEON’s UP brand has announced blocks for serial communication, along
the release of the UP Xtreme 7100, with a 30-pin board-to-board connector
an all-in-one robotics solution that offers digital I/O, GPIO, and isolated
available as a single-board and RS-232/422/485 function.
Mini PC. Further, CAN 2.0B, a DIP switch,
Both the UP Xtreme 7100 and its and LED indicators are onboard to make
system-level counterpart, the UP Xtreme the solution conducive to establishing
7100 Edge, are available in SKUs powered communication with other devices on
by Intel Core i3-N305 or Intel Processor the CANBus network.
N97 CPUs. The platform consequently Peripheral devices such as cameras
provides the sensor data processing, are supported by a high-speed I/O
integrated graphics, and resources configuration featuring two RJ-45 ports
required for path planning and control for Intel I226-IT (2.5GbE), four USB
algorithms needed to bring AGV, AGV + Type-A ports (USB 3.2 Gen 2 x 2, USB 2.0
AI, and AMR solutions to market. x 2), and one USB Type-C port, which
The UP Xtreme 7100 and UP also supports DP 1.4a. A further display
Xtreme 7100 Edge are built on compact output is present in the form of an eDP
UP Xtreme can establish communications with devices on CANBus networks
form factors in order to address space 1.3 connector.

Smart connected sensors platform

provides full-body motion tracking

osch has unveiled a Smart reference design (certified CE, FCC,
Connected Sensors platform for full- ISED, MSIT, SRRC, MIC, NCC, UKCA) that
body motion tracking, an advance can be attached to any part of the body
with applications in rehabilitation, without having to handle cable clutter, an
fitness, and gaming. external camera or dedicated bodysuits;
The system includes a personal AI and software features including
feedback coach for improved movement. gesture and activity recognition, body
The Smart Connected Sensors movement detection, relative body angle
platform ensures that movements information, plus a feedback coach.
and repetitions are measured and The Smart Connected Sensors
that users get qualitative feedback on platform provides complex feedback detection, for example to give detailed
the movement execution. Specifically that enables users to properly perform motion tracking feedback on how well high-intensity
designed for full-body motion tracking, rehabilitation exercises at home, thereby exercises are performed. The sensors
this new platform provides a fully supporting their faster recovery. For communicate wirelessly via Bluetooth
integrated hardware and software highly responsive gaming applications, Low Energy and do not restrict users’
solution that cuts development costs and motion sensors will provide intuitive, movement.
time to market. accurate control by tracking even the Thanks to the platform principle, the
The platform includes BHI380, tiniest movements. In the area of sports system can be connected to numerous
a programmable IMU-based sensor and fitness, the motion sensors can applications, such as wearables,
system using AI functionality; a wearable be used for complete body movement hearables and AR/VR headsets.

March 2024 / 42

News – Electronics

New solution for concealed antenna placement

ouser Electronics, the global The heat-resistant and seamless
distributor of semiconductors UV-protected transparent material with
and electronic components, click-connect eliminates soldering on all
is now stocking TFX Invisible shapes and antenna configurations.
Antenna flex antennas from Taoglas. The TFX Invisible Antennas support,
TFX Invisible Antenna flex antennas and are ideal for, EV chargers and
are said to offer a clear substitute for parking meters as they can be placed
opaque antenna options for low-profile directly on the screen, eliminating the
cellular, Wi-Fi, and GNSS use in mobility, need for external antennas on metal
public infrastructure, medical devices, enclosures.
transportation, and emerging IoT In smart homes and smart
applications. buildings, the TFX Invisible Antennas
The Taoglas TFX Invisible Antennas can be applied to windows, with cable
are paper-thin, ultra-lightweight connections to routers hidden in the
antennas with simple peel-and-stick walls, improving a building’s aesthetic.
mounting for any non-metal surface, millimetre thick hybrid transparent In transportation, covertly installed
Simple peal and
including plastic, glass, and screens. conductive film to offer designers stick mountings antennas can replace large external
Transparent and ultra-low-profile, an invisible antenna solution for antennas for in-vehicle connectivity.
the film enables concealed antenna higher levels of wireless complexity The TFX Invisible Antennas are
placement and provides access to (including MIMO and mm-Wave), with available in three variants for 5G/4G, Wi-
previously unavailable physical spaces. performance, reliability, and opaque Fi and GNSS and each includes a FAKRA
The new series leverages a sub- antenna form factors. Code I male connector.

N Extending the lifetime of thin-film

experia has introduced a new
series of LCD bias power supplies
designed to extend the lifetime of
thin film transistor liquid crystal
display (TFT-LCD) panels found in
smartphones and virtual reality (VR)
transistor liquid crystal displays
The NEX10000 is an 80mA dual
output LCD bias power supply while the 1.16×1.96×0.62mm form factor.
NEX10001 can deliver up to 220mA of To address low power
output current. considerations in TFT-LCD applications
Both devices - featuring I²C that require longer battery life, the
programmable asymmetric voltage NEX10000/1 has an internal boost
outputs - are internally compensated converter which, depending on the
and require a single inductor for both load current, can operate in continuous
outputs allowing for a small bill-of- conduction mode or pulse frequency
material and PCB area. modulation mode.
“The NEX10000/1 also feature high This reduces device current
accuracy output and high efficiency consumption, which helps to extend
output to extend battery life and longer the life of single-cell Li-ion, Ni-Li and
display life,” said Irene Deng, general Li-polymer batteries from which they
manager of the Power and Signal can operate. Both devices have an
Conversion Business Group at Nexperia. input voltage range of 2.7V to 5V and
To minimise the amount of board offer excellent line and load transient
area required in space-constrained responses. These features reduce the
applications, the NEX10000/1 are amount of output ripple to provide more
provided in a wafer level chip scale Input voltage on both devices reduces output ripple for image stability stable images which can help extend the
package (WLCSP) with 15 bumps and a lifetime of an LCD.

43 March 2024 /

L ate, great engineers

Convinced powered flight was possible, British engineer Percy Pilcher
perished trying to prove his point. If it wasn’t for a gliding accident he might have
become the greatest name in aviation.

Writ ten BY Nick Smith

my Johnson, Chuck officer in the Royal Navy, and attained,
Jaeger, Neil Armstrong we believe, the rank of sublieutenant.’
and the Wright brothers. The article goes on to say that due to
Just a few of the iconic his ambition to become ‘a modern
names of aviation history scientific seaman’ Pilcher required
that spring to mind engineering qualifications and was
and seem destined for dispatched to Glasgow University (as
immortality. But what of Percy Pilcher, well as briefly to University College,
British shipyard engineer whose London) to study naval architecture
engine-powered triplane should have and marine engineering, where ‘for his
propelled him into the limelight, who knowledge and experience’ was selected
was meant to be the first to achieve by the American-born British powered-
sustained powered flight in the twilight flight innovator Hiram Maxim ‘to
years of the nineteenth century? But Percy Pilcher 1867-1899 assist with his scientific experiments’
for a broken crankshaft, he would never at Baldwyns Park. As well as being an
have taken to the air in his substitute officer in the Royal Navy, at the age of
glider Hawk. But for the crowd of obituarist W.E. Garret Fisher goes on to write: ‘students of 20 Pilcher had also been an apprentice
spectators and sponsors eager to see aeronautics were less startled by Mr Pilcher’s partial success in the engineering department of
a display of aviation, on that fateful than grieved by his fate’. Having traced the idea of human shipbuilders Randolph, Elder and Co,
day of 30th September 1899 Pilcher flight back to the Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus – the where a colleague described him as ‘a
might have cancelled the event entirely latter of which perished in Ovid’s account because he ‘flew too pale serious fellow, with a great bent for
and rescheduled his triplane’s record close to the sun’ – Garret Fisher strongly implies that due to invention, and a brain that was razor
attempt. And then disaster struck the works of ‘Mr. Maxim, Professor Langley and Mr. Hargrave, keen.’
when Hawk’s tail snapped, and Pilcher of Otto Lilienthal, Mr. Pilcher and Mr. Chanute’, solving the Having been taken on by Glasgow
plunged to the earth sustaining fatal greatest scientific challenge of the age was inevitable through University as an assistant lecturer,
injuries. Four years later in 1903 at Kitty ‘long and numerous experiments with these light one-man Pilcher experimented in hull shape
Hawk in North Carolina, the Wright soaring apparatus’. Pilcher’s name, though perhaps not design for the shipbuilding industry.
Flyer made its 12-second flight, and recognised by what Garrett Fisher describes as ‘the man in Meanwhile, his interest in aviation was
Pilcher was all but forgotten. the street’, was already rubbing shoulders with the aviation starting to take shape, and he would
As the Fortnightly Review observed engineers that mattered. spend his spare time building and
in November 1899, ‘inventors of flying Percy Sinclair Pilcher was born in Bath in 1867, and while testing gliders at his lodgings which
machines… must look mainly to little is known of his youth an obituary (possibly from one of he shared with his sister Ella (in her
posthumous glory as the reward for the earliest editions of Autocar) describes how ‘Mr. Pilcher own right an aviation pioneer who

their labours’. And yet, as Pilcher’s was a young man of exceeding promise; formerly he was an would become the first woman to fly a

March 2024 / 44

Read more
of our Late, Great Engineers at

aerial machine on Saturday.’ The article

explains how despite the advice of Lord
Braye, Pilcher was ‘anxious’ to go ahead
with the flight demonstration partly due
to the fact there were influential people
(including Sir John Henniker Heaton
MP) in the audience. A further report
in the Yorkshire Gazette elaborated
that ‘the machine appeared to sail well,
and to soar to about 50 feet elevation,
when suddenly it turned unexpectedly
over and came down heavily in the
park with a crash that could be heard
some hundreds of yards. Lieutenant
Pilcher sustained severe concussion
of the brain and compound fracture
of the thigh, and died early Monday
morning without having recovered
Pilcher was cut down in his prime
at the age of 32. His papers went
glider in the UK). Objections from their
landlady forced the Pilcher siblings to
I am glad to say, my experiments missing for many decades until Philip
Jarrett’s research unearthed fragments
relocate experiments to a large room
in the university where they built their
threw a good deal of light on some of Pilcher’s correspondence in two
American collections in the 1970s, and
version of a hang glider – that had been difficult points. who would later publish lost diagrams
invented in 1853 by British aviation Percy Pilcher (1867-1899) of Pilcher’s triplane. Thanks to Jarrett,
pioneer George Cayley – called the Bat, Pilcher’s name regained its rightful
which had its maiden flight in 1885. place on the timeline of early aviation
According to Grace’s Guide To British Inspired to ‘try and copy, and to try and proceed further and, as the centenary of the Wright
Industrial History, Bat’s airframe ‘was with what he had done,’ Pilcher’s subsequent work based on brother’s historic flight approached,
mostly Riga pine, and the wing fabric Lilienthal’s ideas resulted in the 1898-6 Hawk, with which interest in Pilcher’s work grew. In 2003
was “nainsook”, sewn by his sister Ella, he broke the world distance record when he flew 820 feet the BBC2 television programme Horizon
who was a staunch supporter of his at Stanford Hall in Leicestershire. Around this time Pilcher commissioned research at Cranfield
experiments. The Bat had a double use shifted his focus to powered flight, developing an aircraft that University’s School of Aeronautics
of the triangle control frame (TCF) (or was to be powered by a 4 hp internal combustion engine and to assess the feasibility of Pilcher’s
A-frame for hang gliders, trikes, and bury him under a mountain of debt. Collaborating with Irish triplane. This led to the conclusion that
ultralights) as both a piloting device mechanical engineer Walter Wilson, the two men founded the had Pilcher succeeded in developing
as well as an airframe part.’ Later that Wilson-Picher company that set about designing a flat twin his aero-engine, ‘it is possible he would
year Pilcher met Germany’s legendary air cooled aero-engine to power the aircraft. But there were have succeeded in being the first to fly
‘flying man’ Otto Lilienthal – the first problems. With his gliders, Pilcher had mastered the concept a heavier-than-air powered aircraft
person to make documented, repeated of lift. But a powered plane would need to lift the internal with some degree of control’. If Pilcher’s
and successful heavier-than-air glider combustion engine too. As the Guardian succinctly puts it: Stanford Hill demonstration had gone
flights – under whose influence he was ‘More lift required more wingspan. But more wingspan would according to plan, the history of aviation
to build two more gliders the Beetle and require wings so vast that they couldn’t be supported by the would be radically different.
the Gull. For these early aircraft Pilcher plane’s fuselage in the first place – a vicious circle. Pilcher was Cranfield University went on to build
adopted the technique for launching stuck.’ But then he received a letter from French American a full-size working replica (that included
them via a towline. As aviation aviation expert Octave Chanute explaining how stacking wings speculative modifications based on
historian Philip Jarrett writes in Percy one on top of the other could increase lift without placing contemporary innovations by Chanute
Pilcher and the Challenge of Flight, unbearable strain on the fuselage. and the Wright brothers). The machine
this was to become Pilcher’s preferred Grace’s Guide takes up the story: ‘Having completed his was flight-tested by aircraft designer Bill
launch method, ‘and towed flights of triplane, he had intended to demonstrate it to a group of Brookes, who kept the aircraft aloft for 1
half a minute or more were achieved in onlookers and potential sponsors in a field near Stanford Hall. minute and 25 seconds under dead calm
this manner. Two photographs taken Days before, the engine crankshaft had broken and, so as not conditions (compared with the Wright
during these early towed flights are to disappoint his guests, he decided to fly the Hawk instead.’ brothers’ best flight at Kitty Hawk of
the earliest known photographs of a After the crash that caused Pilcher’s death, the Morning Post 59 seconds). Brookes describes the
heavier-than-air aircraft airborne in the reported that an ‘inquest was held last evening on the body of moment he took to the air in Pilcher’s
British Isles.’ Mr. Percy Pilcher, who was killed while experimenting with an triplane as ‘magical’.

45 March 2024 /


M a r c h 19 6 0

g B e rkele y
Buildi n st i m e to co ncentrate

g c o m pletion it wa r p ower stat

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h ouped in
ed by mac ere to be gr
- were form ck s th at w l
in certain bri lindrica
er Severn corners of s form a cy
k of the Riv rant groove of 8”.

st er n b an st at io n u r qu ad sq uare pitch
at on the ea el ey n u cl ear power so that the fo an n el s were on a ap h ite
shire, Berk d electricit
he coolan
ed from ex
truded gr
Gloucester 19 6 2 an d produce channel. T e m ac h in e
service in cks wer ng, th
came into All the bri e by 32” lo
8.55” squar
11 March 1960 – Nuclear power

p so n m in al si ze
for 27 year
s. Thom no 02”.
AEl-John blocks of being ± 0.0 o
e CEGB by e of the UK
’s tolerance ve layers tw
Built for th eley w as o n fi n is h ed si ze
e b rick s in successi le is
B er k ilt s o f th h ti
pany, were bu the end eer. “Eac
nergy Com ations that “Between The Engin
Nuclear E ucl ea r power st ag e o f 37 le s ar e fitted,” said the directi
on of
reacto r n er r ti in
11 Magnox ld p ro v id e a fleet av re ctangula
ge r si d e (in plan) is
d wou at the lon of 8in.”
to 1971 an made so th lattice pitch
from 1956 life . 19 6 0 The is eq ual to the were
years of o
peratio n al
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M ar ch
an d each st k ac
n B er keley in 19 e si te , w hich co n se cu tive tiles in gh t angles to
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Work began d at e o f p rogress at to r. r sh o rt er the
provided an
up the reac ith thei , which is
Engineer in g o n installing as sembled w r W ig n er growth
at fo
e was con
centr , which , to allow by neutron
at that stag aphite core each other lid caused
u re ve ssel the gr an d se rv es as en t of a to ms in a so
re ss trol rods displacem
“ln No. 1 p ts and con d. ent
el elemen porter note nel alignm
conta in s th e fu
b ei n g la id ,” o u r re
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moderato co n si st ing of abo to e cr u ci fo ee r. “There
co re is a structure d ti les, built up in is m ai n ta ined by th s, ” sa id The Engin
“This s an d blo ck
rm of block ft diameter the tiles an eyway and
e, in the fo igh and 48 keyways in een each k
of graphit rism , 30 ft h n ce b et w p o rted on
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ll .” u ed : “T h e core pro m at in g key to ensu stag es o f differenti
overa contin s in all vent
ed reporter el elemen
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Our unnam in w h ich the fu the faces o le ak ag e to a minim al low for
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are locate to r, w h ich has a ra m . neutrons b ri ck s in the mo
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ct u re w as held toge
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graphite b h ite ti le s, keyed to co o la n t e m ad e u p of mild st th er mal
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two thick el s fo r th le , w it h gi ve th em
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and ti
steel mem
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The vertic graphite. ort
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support st d ed that ve o n source
n ee r ad a n eu tr
The Engi ment and
x measure
fo r co n trol rods, flu

March 2024 / 46

to include
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The report quiremen
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th e ar ea o ed ge s ar
“First, t straight-
Engineer. t quadran
ad ra nts . In the firs
into qu

47 March 2024 /


an you remember what network. Employers are often keen
first sparked your interest to support volunteering, with many
in pursuing a career in offering dedicated ‘volunteering
engineering and technology? days’, so do make the most of this
It may be that you feel lucky if it’s available to you or consider
because of a particular teacher introducing or asking for this at
who inspired or encouraged you, your organisation.
or because you happened to meet We have lots of volunteering
a role model with a great story Dr Hilary Leevers opportunities available at
that lit a fire in you. We know that EngineeringUK and recently
young people’s understanding of
and interest in engineering and We must support careers opened our call for volunteers
for The Big Bang Competition
technology relates to many factors
outside their control – such as education to secure the and also The Big Bang Fair 2024,
which will be taking place at the
their family background or the
school they go to – but we must future workforce NEC on 19-21 June. Volunteers are
key to making these a success and
work together to even out these we couldn’t run them without
opportunities, extending them Dr Hilary Leevers, Chief Executive of EngineeringUK, their support – so you really will
beyond the lucky few. Ultimately, looks at how the sector can make the most of be making a difference. It’s so
the government should take National Careers Week, as well as support year- important that young people see
responsibility for ensuring that themselves represented in the
round efforts to promote engineering and technology
all young people have high quality volunteers who work with us, so we
careers information, advice
careers to young people. particularly encourage volunteers
and guidance that effectively from groups who are currently
conveys the breadth, importance underrepresented in engineering
and availability of careers in joining the virtual careers fair for aspire to careers in the sector. and technology.
engineering and technology. schools and using the week as Tapping into annual initiatives Sharing your own career story
But there’s an important role for an opportunity to promote our such as National Careers Week is with young people is another great
individuals and organisations, so careers resources and outreach a great way to support the sector option. Hearing from professionals
please consider how you can help. programmes - including launching with attracting future talent, already working in engineering and
National Careers Week (4 – 9 a legacy resource for schools from however there are also plenty of technology can be really powerful
March) takes place this month - a our Tomorrow’s Engineers Week. other ways you can help inspire and help young people to imagine
week-long celebration of careers There are lots of ways employers the next generation throughout what a career in the sector could
guidance and free resources in and individuals can get involved the year. be like. We promote a range of
education across the UK. The with the week and benefit from Seeking out volunteering case studies to young people and
week provides a focus for careers this captive audience of young opportunities is a great way to teachers on our Neon website and
activity at an important stage in people – so please do take a look do this, and is also a really fun we’re always on the lookout for
the academic calendar to help and consider how you can support and rewarding experience. It more, so do get in touch if you’d be
young people develop awareness it. International Women’s Day (8 can support your professional interested in sharing your story.
and excitement about their future March) also falls during the week development by allowing you We’re looking for authentic stories
pathways. – so there is an added opportunity to try something new, gain new that young people can relate to, not
As a sector that’s grappling here for encouraging more girls to skills and build your professional just showcasing individuals who
with workforce shortages and is are at the pinnacle of their career
in urgent need of attracting more or who work for the most high-
young people, National Careers profile or successful companies.
Week is an ideal time for us to Stories from ordinary people from
showcase the diverse range of all backgrounds often resonate
engineering and technology careers best - particularly those at the
to young people. What’s more, early stages of their careers or that
we know engineering and tech convey what excites them about
doesn’t feature highly on school their work.
curriculums and that there are So, as the UK celebrates
gaps in current careers provision National Careers Week, I urge you
– which makes it all the more to think back to what inspired you
pertinent to raise awareness and to pursue a career in the sector

get this on young people’s radar and consider how you can help
when considering career options. to give back and inspire the next
At EngineeringUK we’ll be generation.

March 2024 / 48

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1 Shape whose base is a circle and whose sides taper up 1 A miserly person (10)
to a point (4) 2 A constituent of an atomic nucleus (7)
3 Original name for sandpaper (5,5) 4 Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation (5)
9 Converts information into a cypher (7) 5 Importing or exporting without paying customs duties (9)
11 Soiled with dirt or grime (7) 6 Large opening in a wall with a single pane (7,6)
12 Device for measuring and indicating fluid force (8,5) 7 A chief officer or chief magistrate (7)
14 Russian painter who was a pioneer of abstract art (9) 8 One step on a ladder (4)
16 Compound formed by reaction between an acid and an 10 Processes of purifying a liquid by boiling and
alcohol (5) condensing (13)
17 Picturesque mountainous province of western Austria (5) 13 Areas of rural land surrounding a town (10)
19 Number assigned to the ratio of two quantities (9) 15 Person lacking intelligence or common sense (9)
21 Building material of rods and twigs covered with clay 18 Unfair treatment (3,4)
(6,3,4) 20 Radioactive metallic element (7)
24 Made by laborious and precarious means (4,3) 22 Long narrow passage (5)
25 Factory for dressing logs and lumber (7) 23 Hinged or detachable flat section (4)
26 Is included in (5,5)
27 Basic units of electric current (4)
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March 2024 / 50

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