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Historical Antecedents in the Course of Science and History

 Science and Technology in Ancient Times

o Ancient Mesopotamia
 Cuneiform
 Wheels and sail; roads and waterway
 Sexagesimals
 Code of Hammurabi; Library of Arshubanipal
o Babylonian Civilization
 Hanging Garden of Babylon
o Egyptian Civilization
 Tutankhamen’s death mask
 Pyramid of Giza
 Clepsydra
 Papyrus
 Hieroglyphics
 Cosmetics and wigs
o Greek and Roman Science
 Coliseum
 Olympics
 Alarm clock
 Water mill
o Roman Empire
 Politics and governance; laws and legislation
 Roman numeral system
o China
 Silk trade
 Tea production
 Gun powder
 The Great Wall of China
 Science and Technology in Middle Ages
o Mechanical printing press
o Compound telescope
o Cross bows and long bows
o Iron body armor, chainmail
 Science and Technology in Modern Times
o Pasteurization
o Fermentation
o Vaccination
o Kerosene
o Petroleum
o Telephone
o Modern calculator
Historical People in the Course of Science and History
 Science and Technology in Ancient Times
o Egyptian Civilization
 Hatshepsut – famous pharaoh
 Imhotep – Egypt’s first engineer
o Roman Empire
 Anaximenes – pioneer thinker in the Western world
 Hippocrates – Father of Medicine
 Ptolemy – proastrological authority of the highest degree
 Aristotle – developed the concept of scientific method
 Socrates – brought forth the rise of the Socratic method
 Plato – founded the Platonist school of thought
 Science and Technology in Middle Ages
o Johann Gutenberg – invented the printing press
o Zacharias Janssen – developed the compound telescope
 Science and Technology in Modern Times
o Louis Pasteur – French biologist, microbiologist, and chemist
o Alexander Graham Bell – inventor of telephone
Intellectual Revolutions That Defined Society
 Ptolemaic Theory
o Geocentric model proposed by Claudius Ptolemy
 Copernican Theory
o Heliocentric model proposed by Nicolaus Copernicus
 Theory of Evolution
o Proposed by Charles Darwin
 Theory of Creation
o The belief that God created the world
 Theory of Psychoanalysis
o Study of human behavior by Sigmund Freud
 Keplerian Revolution
o Formulation of the three laws of planetary motion by Johannes Kepler
 Galilean Revolution
o Advent of telescopes
 Newtonian Revolution
o Displaced traditional beliefs about the cosmos
 Information Revolution
o Influenced conceptual changes in various areas of knowledge
 Meso-American Revolution
o Chinampa – small area of fertile land on lake beds
o Tlatchili – Mayan ball game
o Mita system – labor service
 Middle East Revolution
o Noria – watermill for irrigation, industrial work, and war
o Badic al-Zaman ibn al-Razaz al-Jazari
 Book containing instructions and blueprints for various devices
 Written by Taqi al-Din ibn Maruf al-Rashid al-Dimashqi
 African Revolution
o Birthplace of cola and coffee
o Advanced in the medical field
 Asian Revolution
o Traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and herbal medicine
o Gunpowder
o Compass
o Paper and printing
Science and Technology and Nation Building
Brief Historical Background of Science and Technology in the Philippines
 Pre-Colonial Period
o Indigenous science and technology have already existed
o Handicrafts, pottery, weaving, and tools for various purposes
 Colonial Period
o Spanish colonization constructed various buildings
o They have also developed education and health systems
 Post-Colonial Period
o After gaining independence, the country was able to pursue its own programs in science
and technology.
Filipino Presidents and their Contributions in the Development of Science and Technology in the
 Pres. Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961)
 Pres. Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1986)
 Pres. Corazon Aquino (1986-1992)
 Pres. Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998)
 Pres. Joseph Estrada (1998-2001)
 Pres. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo (2001-2010)
 Pres. Benigno Simeon Aquino III (2010-2016)
 Pres. Rodrigo Roa Duterte (2016-2022)
Filipino Scientists and Their Inventions
 Dr. Alturo Alcaraz
o Paved the way for geothermal power
 Julian Banzon (1908-1988)
o Experimented with ethyl ester fuels from alternative sources
 Pedro Escuro
o Isolated nine rice varieties
 Dr. Francisco Fronda (1896-1986)
o Father of Poultry Science
 Felix Maramba
o Built coconut oil-fueled power generator and biogas systems
 Luz Oliveros Belardo (1906-1999)
o Researched phytochemical properties in native Philippine plants
 Emerita De Guzman
o Researched propagation of pure macapuno trees
o Invented tissue culture techniques for abaca and banana plants
 Dr. Fe Del Mundo (1911-2011)
o Lead to the invention of an improved incubator and a jaundice relieving device
 Gregorio Zara (1902-1978)
o Two-way television/telephone/videophone (1955)
o Zara effect (1930)
o Airplane engine hat runs on alcohol (1952)
Government Policies on Science and Technology
 Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, International Policies and Governance
 Physics, Engineering and Industrial research, Earth and Space Sciences, and Mathematics
 Medical, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences
 Biological Sciences, Agriculture
NRCP – National Research Council of the Philippines
PICARI – Philippine-California Advanced Research Institute
Various Research and Projects
1. Use of alternative and safe energy
2. Harnessing mineral resources
3. Finding cure for various diseases and illness
4. Climate change and global warming
5. Increasing food production
6. Preservation of natural resources
7. Coping with natural disasters and calamities
8. Infrastructure development

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