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This tenancy agreement is made this ....... day of …………………………. 2018 BETWEEN Renson Kaleli Mutisya
Landlord of P.O. Box 43033-00100 Nairobi (hereinafter referred to as “Landlord” which term shall include where
the context so admits his personal representatives, heirs or assignees) on one part and Richie Paul Muriu
Mwangi ID No. 37326986 and Cyrose Mbithe Mathendu ID No. 228183 of Postal Code 00510 Nairobi
(hereinafter referred to as the “Tenant” which term shall include where the context so admits, his personal
representatives, heirs or assignees) on the other part.

WHEREAS the Landlord AGREES to let and the Tenant agrees to take the dwelling of house No. 4 in Mbotela Estate,
Makadara Constituency (hereafter called “the Premises”).


1. The Tenant shall pay a monthly rent of Kes …………………….. in words

…………………………………………………………. commencing as above and shall continue to pay from month to
month until determined by either party giving to the other a notice in writing to expire at the end of the
tenancy month.
2. The Tenant shall pay the rent, water and garbage to the Landlord’s via cash, or by MPESA, as may be
3. Rent, water and garbage is payable by 5 th of every month. Any late payment shall attract a penalty of 10%
of the rent and utilities amount.
4. The rent deposit shall be refundable without any interest upon the expiry of this Tenancy and the Delivery
up of the premises in proper condition in accordance with the provisions of this Tenancy.
5. The rent may be revised after expiration of every two years. Such revision shall be subject to a written
notice to the tenant.
6. Electricity is pre-paid tenant shall thereof purchase tokens from KPLC using the meter number and feed
the tokens on the gadget placed on the kitchen wall of your house.
7. The Tenant shall personally be responsible for electricity, water and garbage charges during the term of
his/her tenancy.
8. The Tenant shall keep the interior of the Premises and all fixtures and fittings, wiring, plumbing and
sanitary apparatus in good and tenantable repair and condition, fair wear and tear expected, and will yield
up the same in like repair and condition at the expiration of the tenancy.
9. The Tenant shall not make any alteration to the premises or drive nails, screws in to the walls without the
consent of the landlord or his agent.
10. The Tenant shall permit the Landlord or his Agent at any arranged time to enter the Property to view the
state and condition thereof upon reasonable advanced notice.
11. The Tenant shall not sublet, charge, assign or part with the possession of the Premises without the prior
consent of the landlord.
12. The Tenant shall not do or suffer to be done on the Premises anything which may be or become a
substantial nuisance or annoyance to the Landlord or the tenants or occupiers of any adjoining premises.
13. The Tenant shall yield up the Premises at the end of the tenancy in reasonable repair in accordance with
the foregoing agreements.
14. The Tenant shall, having complied with the express or implied conditions herein, enjoy quiet possession of
the Premises without any interruption from the Landlord.
15. The Landlord shall pay rates and all other taxes payable in respect of the Premises.
16. The Tenant and the Landlord shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement on giving the other party a
written notice of intention to do so and at the expiration of such notice this agreement shall cease.
17. If the rent shall be in arrears for more than Fourteen (14) days after the same has become due and payable,
or if the Tenant shall fail to perform and observe any of the agreements herein contained or implied and
has not complied with any notices in respect of such breach or non-payment, it shall be lawful for the
Landlord at any time thereafter to enter into the Premises and to again repossess the same and terminate
this agreement without prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Landlord in respect of any
antecedent breach of any of the covenants herein contained or implied.
18. Unless otherwise stated any notice under this agreement shall be in writing and shall be a 30 days notice.
19. Any disputes arising from this Agreement shall in the first instance be resolved by amicable negotiation.
Should such negotiation fail within Fourteen (14) days, any party may institute the dispute in the relevant
dispute resolution forum in Kenya.
20. This Agreement contains the whole agreement and understanding between the Parties relating to the
transaction provided for in this Agreement and supersedes all previous agreements (if any) whether
written or oral between the Parties in respect of such matters.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set their hands the day and year first hereinabove written.

SIGNED by ………………………………………………….

…………………………………………………………………….. )


In the presence of ……………………………………………… )


SIGNED by ……………………………………………………. )


In the presence of ………………………………………………… )


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