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Plaza Noli is a public square located in the Sampaloc district of Manila,

Philippines. In recent years, there has been growing concern about the safety of
overhead power lines in Plaza Noli. In Manila, overhead wiring has been used for over a
century. It is a fairly inexpensive method of generating electricity, but it has a number of
disadvantages. Overhead power lines are a potential hazard for both pedestrians and
drivers, and they can also be unsightly. In addition, overhead power lines can be a
source of noise pollution. As a result of these concerns, there has been a push to
convert the overhead power lines in Plaza Noli to underground wiring.

The benefits of underground wiring are being studied in greater depth. It is said
to be a more dependable, less obtrusive, safer, more peaceful alternative to overhead
power lines, and will increase the value of property. However, the main concern
surrounding the issue of underground wiring is the cost. Some people argue that it is too
expensive, while others argue that it is reasonable and necessary to enhance the safety
and appearance of the place.

A number of studies on the viability of underground wiring have been done. A

study by Parsons (2008) found that underground wiring can save money in the long run
by reducing the need for costly repairs and maintenance. They are less prone to
damage from storms, vandalism, and other instances, and it is capable of lasting up to
50 years longer than overhead wires. Another study by Streets (2008) found that
underground cables are more efficient at transmitting energy, implying that they use less
power to function, which improves air quality by reducing emissions from power plants.
School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

Assignment 2 – Architectural Essay



December 2, 2023

The study explores the efficacy of horticulture in resort architecture, focusing on user-engaged
sustainability. The study examines the opportunities and approaches associated with incorporating
these horticultural elements as a fundamental architectural design component in the design process
of wellness and environmental sustainability.


ARCHITECTURE .................................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Body .......................................................................................................................................... 1

1.2.1 Sustainable Resort Architecture................................................................................... 1

1.2.2 User-Engaged Sustainability........................................................................................ 1

1.2.3 Horticulture .................................................................................................................. 2

1.2.4 Design Strategies for User-Engaged Sustainability ..................................................... 2

1.3 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................. 2

User-Engaged Sustainability: An Evaluation of the Therapeutic Efficacy of Horticultural Elements in
Sustainable Resort Architecture
2018138113 12/2/2023


1.1 Introduction

Environmental sustainability has recently become a necessary consideration in terms of

architecture and tourism. Hence, sustainable architecture significantly poses a profound effect, as it
guarantees that the advantages surpass the negatives, thus transforming tourism into a positive force
(Hynes, 2023). The study evaluates the therapeutic efficacy of horticultural elements in sustainable
resort architecture; it explores how these factors can minimize the adverse environmental effects of
resorts and improve and maximize the end-user's well-being.

1.2 Body

1.2.1 Sustainable Resort Architecture

Sustainable resort architecture is an innovative approach to architecture that incorporates nature

into the building environment. Sometimes, users lose the connection between humans and nature;
therefore, this approach aims to increase that connection through sustainability. It includes designing
strategies that prioritize materials with low environmental impact, are adaptable and renewable, and
produce minimal waste. It also proposes minimal use of high-energy technology and adapts to energy-
efficient strategies to create harmonious and comfortable living conditions for both the user and nature.
Per Gupta & Chakraborty (2021), the requirement for energy-efficient building designs grows in light
of the rising energy costs and the impending energy crisis.

1.2.2 User-Engaged Sustainability

User-engaged design is an iterative design process that aims to meet users by learning from
users. The designing process includes the users in various design techniques, which are done to create
highly accessible and usable spaces. The fundamentals of user-engaged sustainability are to gather data
from the users to incorporate their insights into sustainable initiatives. By doing so, users would be
immersed in the environment of the facility, which would later build more harmony or connection
between them.

User-Engaged Sustainability: An Evaluation of the Therapeutic Efficacy of Horticultural Elements in
Sustainable Resort Architecture
2018138113 12/2/2023

1.2.3 Horticulture

The integration of horticultural elements such as gardens, green roofs, and landscaped areas
can provide a visually appealing and therapeutic environment. These elements offer a range of benefits
that can enhance the experience of individuals and can be an asset in many settings. By understanding
greeneries and their role in the environment, plazas, parks, and other spaces included in a resort setting
can be designed for healthier living. Horticulture uses living plants and the natural environment to
provide evaluation therapy and relaxation within a medical framework. According to Zawadzińska and
Salachna (2019), this approach has been found to benefit mental health, reduce stress, and promote
overall well-being. By leveraging the natural world, horticulture represents a unique opportunity for
healthcare providers to offer their users a holistic, practical, sustainable relaxation approach.

1.2.4 Design Strategies for User-Engaged Sustainability

To optimize the potential of horticulture in resort architecture, design strategies such as

incorporating the native landscape, green roofs, interactive landscaping, and sustainable building
materials are advised to create a sense of place and harmony between the user and the environment. By
incorporating these elements, it enables a resort to build a sustainable learning environment that
engages users in the journey towards a better future.

1.3 Conclusion

Taking everything into account, utilizing horticulture in resort architecture focusing on user-
engaged sustainability, proposes a holistic approach to the user's well-being and the environment. By
building spaces embracing elements of nature and sustainable resources, resorts can foster well-being
and rejuvenation while encouraging pro-environmental practices among the users. Integrating
horticultural elements in resort design is a compelling strategy to promote sustainability and enhance
users' therapeutic experiences. The use of green spaces and plant life in resort settings has positively
impacted people's physical and mental well-being. Therefore, incorporating these elements in resorts
can provide users with a unique and valuable experience while ensuring long-term environmental
sustainability. These practices align with the growing demand for sustainable tourism and can help
businesses differentiate themselves in a competitive market. Therefore, embracing user-engaged
sustainability through horticultural elements is a strategic approach to enhance the user experience
while promoting sustainable business practices.

User-Engaged Sustainability: An Evaluation of the Therapeutic Efficacy of Horticultural Elements in
Sustainable Resort Architecture
2018138113 12/2/2023


Gupta, J., & Chakraborty, M. (2021). Energy-Efficient Building. Sustainable Fuel Technologies

Hynes, E. (2023). Why is sustainable tourism important? Pina Travels.


Zawadzińska, A., & Salachna, P. (2019). Horticultural therapy in the landscape architecture:
Therapeutic garden. World Scientific News, 300-307.

School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

Assignment 3 – Descriptive Essay



December 9, 2023

As architects, we recognize that the sensory inputs profoundly shape the experience of the
space. By understanding how different stimuli impact the users' perception, emotions, and cognitive
processes, designers/builders can design environments that go beyond mere aesthetics and engage the
senses in a meaningful way. As sensory design involves human senses—sight, sound, touch, smell, and
taste, this approach enhances overall experience by fostering connection and tranquility, especially in
resort architecture design.

On the other hand, horticultural elements make reference to the integration of plants, green life,
and any other natural features in the design landscape. The approach not only refers to aesthetic
functions, such as what was said earlier, but it also incorporates functional aspects, as these greeneries
can act as shade, purify air, and enhance the place's biodiversity.

Having that said, the integration of both approaches in resort architecture fosters a synergistic
effect, extending advantages to the overall well-being of the users. These two approaches somehow
relate to each other, as they contribute to overall sustainability; therefore, the goal remains one and

Sensory Design in Sustainable Resort Architecture

By taking into account various sensory elements, we have the opportunity to shape
environments that holistically engage and enrich end-users experience and create spaces that are not
only visually pleasing but also a harmonious interaction between the people and their environment,
promoting well-being, comfort, and a more profound sense of connection to the built environment.

When designing spaces, integrating sensory elements can help people navigate and feel more
connected to the environment. By tailoring these elements to specific cultural and contextual factors,
areas can have a unique identity and personality. Since inclusive design considers diverse sensory needs,
it allows everyone to enjoy and navigate spaces easily. As such, sensory elements can also contribute
to a space's branding and identity, which may add in giving character to the place of the said building

Horticultural Elements in Sustainable Resort Architecture

Horticulture in architecture, on the contrary, holds great significance, particularly in resort

settings. Through their strategic placement, plants can amplify visual charm and serve as architectural
components that offer shade, define spatial boundaries, and foster a harmonious interplay between
manufactured structures and the elements of nature. Essentially, horticulture melds with the
architectural language seamlessly, elevating the design with organic elements.

Synergy between Sensory Design and Horticultural Elements

The fusion of these two approaches, sensory design, and horticultural elements, is an intricate
dance that elevates the built environment into a multisensory masterpiece. A visual symphony is created
by integrating greenery and landscaping into the design. The textures of plants, the sound of rustling
leaves, and the fragrance of blooming flowers all blend to define the essence of a space. Additionally,
the strategic placement of horticultural elements can guide the flow of people through the environment,
creating a truly immersive experience. This harmonious blend of structural and organic elements invites
occupants to engage in a rich, multisensory dialogue with their surroundings.

Challenges and Considerations

To optimize the potential of horticulture in resort architecture, design strategies such as

incorporating the native landscape, green roofs, interactive landscaping, and sustainable building
materials are advised to create a sense of place and harmony between the user and the environment. By
incorporating these elements, it enables a resort to build a sustainable learning environment that
engages users in the journey towards a better future.


Taking By embracing environmentally conscious design, architects are creating sustainable

resorts that seamlessly blend sensory-rich environments with the natural landscape. In doing so, we are
not only creating visually stunning spaces but also promoting the well-being of the users. Our
work/design serves as a valuable resource for future developments, inspiring a new era of eco-friendly
methods where sustainability and well-being can coexist to enhance the human experience.

School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

Classical Argumentative Essay



January 13, 2024
2018138113 1/12/2024




In the modern era of architecture, the wellness resort industry has placed a strong emphasis on
aesthetics and functionality, resulting in sterile and clinical spaces that prioritize efficiency over the
overall well-being of guests. However, a new trend has emerged since the pandemic started, as people
are now more conscious and prioritize their mental health and well-being, shifting the focus towards
sensory experiences that elicit deeper emotional and physical responses. This shift in attitude indicates
a growing recognition of the need for self-care and the importance of engaging in activities that promote
holistic health. Thus, this essay asserts that a phenomenological approach to sensory design, centered
around guests' subjective and lived experiences, is both a luxury and a necessary aspect of achieving
genuine wellness within resort architecture.


Conventional resort designs often prioritize practical concerns such as efficient circulation,
maximum occupancy, and compliance with building regulations. However, they often overlook the
significance of the guest experience, reducing visitors to mere occupants navigating a predetermined
space. Having that said, some proponents and designers are still failing to comprehend that human well-
being is deeply connected to sensory experiences. A more effective approach would recognize the
intricate link between our sensory perceptions and overall well-being. The effects of light, sound,
texture, and aroma on our moods, stress levels, and physical health should be thoughtfully evaluated.
For example, a bright and airy atmosphere with the fragrance of fresh air and various flowers and the
soothing sound of moving water can evoke a sense of tranquility and revitalization.


The initial premise of our argument lies in the recognition that human well-being is intricately
intertwined with the sensory experiences that individuals encounter. It is well-established that humans
rely on the senses to navigate and interpret the world around them. Therefore, the quality of an
individual's sensory experiences has a direct impact on their overall state of well-being. This assertion
is supported by various scientific studies demonstrating that the human brain responds to sensory

2018138113 1/12/2024

stimuli in a complex and nuanced way, playing a critical role in shaping our emotional and cognitive
responses. Consequently, we argue that enhancing the quality of sensory experiences can have
significant positive implications for human well-being. This should be a key consideration in discussing
policies or programs to improve quality of life.

Body Paragraph:

Some individuals with a critical perspective may argue that emphasizing the senses is frivolous
and unnecessary, ultimately resulting in excessive complexity in the intricate design process. One
example of opposition is Hutmacher (2019), Levin (1993), Posner, Nissen, & Klein (1976), saying that
we are visually dominant creatures, so there is only a limited need to integrate all senses in designing
as we mostly tend to think, reason, and imagine visually. However, based on the available evidence,
the statement mentioned above seems to be incorrect. Studies mention that instead of merely registering
architecture as visual images, we scan our settings by the ears, skin, nose, and tongue. According to
Pallasmaa (1996), architecture serves as a means of reconciliation between individuals and the world,
and this mediation is facilitated through sensory experiences. Böhme (2013) also supports this assertion.


In conclusion, it is time to move and facilitate more beyond the limitations of a purely
functional approach to wellness resort design. Various architects, namely Tadao Ando, Alejandro
Aravena, and Swiss architect Peter Zumthor, also use phenomenological architecture. By embracing a
phenomenological perspective, architects can prioritize the subjective sensory experience of guests and
create spaces that promote healing, restoration, and transformation. It is essential to recognize that our
environment profoundly impacts our overall well-being. True wellness is a physical state and a multi-
sensory symphony that resonates within us. Therefore, resort architecture should be designed to reflect
this understanding and become havens for both the body and the soul, with aesthetics that genuinely
promote well-being.

2018138113 1/12/2024


Böhme, G. (2013). Atmosphere as mindful physical presence in space. OASE: Journal for Architecture,
91, 21–32.

Hutmacher, F. (2019). Why is there so much more research on vision than on any other sensory
modality? Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2246.

Levin, M. D. (Ed.) (1993). Modernity and the hegemony of vision. Berkeley: University of California

Pallasmaa, J. (1996). The eyes of the skin: Architecture and the senses (Polemics). London: Academy

Posner, M. I., Nissen, M. J., & Klein, R. M. (1976). Visual dominance: An information-processing
account of its origins and significance. Psychological Review, 83, 157–17

School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

Proposal Argumentative Essay



January 13, 2024
2018138113 1/12/2024




Throughout history, architects have placed considerable emphasis on creating aesthetically

pleasing and functionally efficient buildings. However, contemporary architects have increasingly
focused on designing structures that offer multisensory experiences, particularly in the context of
wellness resorts. To this end, this proposal advocates for a comprehensive exploration of the interplay
between form, function, and sensory design in wellness resort architecture from a phenomenological
perspective. Such an approach offers a way to examine how users interact with their environment,
understand their experiences, and develop more effective design solutions that cater to their needs. By
adopting this perspective, we can better understand the complex interplay of aesthetics, functionality,
and sensory experience in architecture and create structures that provide users with a more holistic and
satisfying experience.


In the past, the assessment of wellness resorts primarily focused on their physical functionality
and spatial effectiveness. Today, in light of society's increasing emphasis on holistic wellness, these
locations are viewed as spaces where sensory factors can play a crucial role in the overall wellness
journey. By incorporating elements that engage the senses - sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste - into
their design, architects and the like can transform these environments into immersive and therapeutic
retreats that redefine the wellness experience.


This proposal presents the notion of conducting a thorough phenomenological study that
centers on the intricate interplay between sensory design and architecture in wellness resorts. The
study's primary objective is to delve into the personal experiences of individuals within these settings,
revealing the effects of sensory elements on their emotions, perceptions, and overall levels of
contentment. Employing quantitative research methods like surveys and participant observation, this
study offers comprehensive insights into sensory design's role in elevating individuals' overall well-
being in wellness resort architecture.

2018138113 1/12/2024

The results of the study would be valuable and useable in determining whether these sensory
elements would effectively affect the users' overall experience in achieving well-being. In line with that,
it is recommended that nature be incorporated into the resort using well-lit open spaces to encourage
users to travel the area, natural materials such as wood and stone to incorporate textures, and restful
water features to evoke the users' emotions. Envision exercise studios and meditation gardens amidst
lush bamboo groves, fostering a deep sense of tranquility and connectedness among guests. These
spaces are designed to enhance the overall well-being of individuals seeking to de-stress and revitalize
in a serene environment. With it, guests can expect to leave feeling refreshed, rejuvenated, and more in
tune with their inner selves.


This study aims to revolutionize architectural design by delving into the correlation between
physical and mental wellness. To achieve this, conventional ideas of structure and utility must be
surpassed so that architects can fashion settings that serve a purpose beyond mere functionality and
positively impact the emotional and mental well-being of those who use them. The study concentrates
on sensory design and furnishes practical insights for architects and the like to keep up with the
constantly evolving requisites of contemporary society. In this society, architecture is more than a
physical edifice but an integral component of the human experience. Hence, the proposed research of
this study is a response to this demand.

In line with this, according to a quote from a blog post by Lehman (2009), it is said that as an
architect, one must act as a composer, harmonizing space to balance both practicality and aesthetics
with consideration for human sensory experience. Therefore, the interplay between the human body
and its environment is paramount. Architecture flourishes when the body interacts with space, involving
movement, sight, smell, touch, sound, and taste. Supporting that, some infrastructure around the world
already utilizes sensory elements, namely Six Senses Zighy Bay in Oman, Hotel Jen Tanglin in
Singapore, and Amanpuri in Thailand.


While some contend that emphasizing sensory design in architecture may come at the cost of
structural soundness or practicality, it is crucial to recognize that these factors need not be mutually
exclusive. Rather than abandoning traditional principles altogether, this proposal suggests broadening
the design scope to encompass sensory experiences. Moreover, any worries about the subjective nature

2018138113 1/12/2024

of such experiences can be assuaged through rigorous phenomenological research methods, which aim
to identify common threads and themes across a range of perspectives and ensure a thorough grasp of
the impact of sensory design.


The significance of incorporating sensory design in wellness resort architecture is highlighted

in this proposal. By conducting a phenomenological study, we can better understand human experiences
within these spaces. The aim is increasingly to design for experience rather than merely for appearance;
this will offer architects valuable insights to create environments that cater to functional needs and
promote the overall well-being of the individuals who use them.

2018138113 1/12/2024


Hutmacher, F. (2019). Why is there so much more research on vision than on any other sensory
modality? Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2246.

Lehman, L. M. (2009) Architectural building for all the senses: Bringing space to life.

School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

M3 Assignment 1



February 5, 2023

Khaled Bataineh and Ayham Alrabee

With the world's energy demand on the rise and the need for environmental sustainability
becoming increasingly urgent, energy efficiency in residential buildings has become a key area of focus.
Whereas, a significant portion of global energy consumption comes from homes; therefore, improving
efficiency in this sector is vital for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and achieving sustainable
development goals. The enhancement of energy efficiency in residential buildings is of paramount
importance in Jordan to curtail energy consumption and mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. I agree to
the study that this can be achieved through the use of simulation software, insulation, energy-efficient
appliances, and renewable energy systems, offering a promising approach to achieving significant
energy savings and promoting sustainable development.

The article posits that the energy efficiency of residential buildings in Jordan can be
significantly enhanced through the implementation of several measures. The authors provide cogent
arguments in support of this primary claim. First, residential buildings in Jordan consume a substantial
amount of energy, and a significant portion of this energy is lost due to poor building design and
outdated appliances. This energy wastage results in higher energy bills for homeowners and has an
adverse environmental impact. Therefore, it is imperative to address this issue by promoting energy-
efficient building practices and using modern, energy-saving appliances in residential buildings.

Second, dynamic simulation software can be utilized to measure and observe the energy
efficiency of residential buildings. This software helps to identify areas where energy can be saved and
improve the overall energy performance of the building. However, this technology might have some
drawbacks, like the lack of flexibility and accuracy; therefore, it is important to determine such
parameters ahead of time to avoid failures. Considering all possibilities, by using this technology, it
becomes possible to avoid any unnecessary waste of energy and money. The specific areas that require
improvement can be easily identified through this software.

Third, implementing renewable energy systems, such as solar panels, presents a viable strategy
for enhancing energy efficiency and decreasing reliance on fossil fuels. Although these could be quite
costly, they would be of great assistance in the long run, not to mention that the climate in Jordan is

primarily hot. Such panels would be much more effective as they can collect more energy for their
households, which might lower energy dependence and lead to sustainable development. In essence,
implementing the following methodologies can substantially ameliorate the energy efficiency of
residential buildings, which is the main argument, resulting in sizeable financial benefits for
homeowners and significantly mitigating the emission of greenhouse gases.

In conclusion, the research article, co-authored by Khaled Bataineh and Ayham Alrabee,
underscores the pressing need to enhance energy efficiency in residential buildings in Jordan to mitigate
energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. The authors present a comprehensive analysis of
the energy performance of typical residential buildings in Jordan and identify potential areas where
energy efficiency can be improved. Specifically, they suggest upgrading insulation, utilizing energy-
efficient appliances, and implementing renewable energy systems as effective measures to reduce
energy consumption and emissions. As such, the recommended ways were determined to be feasible
by various analyses and evaluations. In summary, with the provision of a relevant argument, the study
presented practical solutions for achieving significant energy savings and promoting sustainable

School of Architecture, Industrial Design, and Built Environment

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay

AR135-1 Architectural Essays and Reviews


February 10, 2024

Bahay Tsinoy Museum, located in Intramuros, Manila, Philippines, is extensively analyzed in

this review. It assesses the architectural plan, functionality, aesthetics, contextual integration, and
user experience of the museum while offering proposals for improvements. The evaluation of the
museum highlights its effective storytelling techniques and practical use of space while also
pointing out areas that need improvement, such as the underutilized lobby and the absence of
features for people with disabilities (PWDs). Additionally, the review suggests the need to integrate
Chinese-Filipino cultural elements into the museum. However, the critique acknowledges the
museum's creative architectural design as a notable feature. This evaluation presents significant
observations on the positive and negative aspects of Bahay Tsinoy and proposes practical
suggestions to improve the museum visit for guests.

1 “ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN CRITIQUE ON BAHAY TSINOY” ............................... 1

1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Context ....................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.2 Designer’s Intent......................................................................................................... 1
2 Positive Feedback .................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 Strengths .................................................................................................................................. 2
3 Critical Analysis .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Functionality............................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Aesthetics ................................................................................................................................ 5
3.3 User Experience ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Contextual Integration ............................................................................................................. 6
4 Recommendations and Suggestions ...................................................................................... 8
4.1 Specific Improvements ............................................................................................................ 8
4.2 Prioritization ............................................................................................................................ 8
5 Questions and Discussions .................................................................................................. 10
5.1 Open-ended Questions........................................................................................................... 10
5.1.1 Functionality ............................................................................................................. 10
5.1.2 Aesthetics ................................................................................................................. 10
5.1.3 User Experience ........................................................................................................ 11
5.1.4 Contextual Integration .............................................................................................. 11
6 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................ 13
6.1 Encouragement ...................................................................................................................... 13
6.2 Closing Remarks ................................................................................................................... 13
REFERENCE ............................................................................................................................... 15
Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024


1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Context

The Kaisa-Angelo King Heritage Center, home to Bahay Tsinoy, is located in Intramuros,
Manila, Philippines. This museum presents the history, contributions, and way of life of the ethnic
Chinese community in the Philippines. It was founded in 1999 by Kaisa Para sa Kaunlaran with the
support of Dr. Angelo King and the Tsinoy Community, who provided the first funding for its
acquisition and building.

The center's primary objective was to serve as a lasting repository space for the Chinese
people's rich cultural and historical legacy in the Philippines. Its goal also includes recording the
authentic and significant influence of Chinese culture, politics, society, and history in the Philippines.
This project highlights the mutually beneficial interaction between Filipino and Chinese cultures
throughout history while preserving and recording the shared historical narratives in Chinese archives
and artifacts. Additionally, the center bridges the Chinese community and the larger Filipino culture,
providing a forum for integrating Tsinoys—Filipinos of Chinese descent—into mainstream society
(Honroro, 2018).

The Kaisa Heritage Center, or Bahay Tsinoy, is along Anda cor. Manila; Cabildo Street,
Intramuros. The operating hours are from 1:00 to 5:00 pm, Tuesday through Sunday. It is ideally
situated in Intramuros (Old Walled City), Manila, just a 3-minute walk from San Agustin Church and
Manila Cathedral. Adult admission is P100; student admission (with ID) is P60. Private vehicle parking
is not accessible, and the availability of public transit in the vicinity could be uncertain.

1.1.2 Designer’s Intent

Architect Rogelio G. Villarosa designed this three-story structure to combine the traditional
grandeur of American Colonial architecture with the comforts of modern living, including complete air
conditioning. The museum provides a venue for historical exploration, subdivided into several sections,
each meticulously curated to thoroughly grasp the Chinese impact from pre-colonial times to the present.
Since its opening in 1999, the museum has consistently functioned as a vibrant center for historical and
cultural interaction, continuing to be an engaged and vital community member (Mora, 2016).

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

2.1 Strengths

Bahay Tsinoy is a museum that stands out for its innovative and captivating architecture. The
museum's design seamlessly blends the old and new, repurposing a former Spanish fortress into a
modern cultural preservation and education space. The Kaisa-Angelo King Heritage Center building
integrates the museum with its surroundings, emphasizing its significance. The interior layout guides
visitors through a rich narrative while incorporating cultural symbols that evoke the essence of Chinese-
Filipino heritage. It utilizes storytelling methods by offering interactive features such as visual, auditory,
and sensory elements. The museum's location within the Escuela Taller Trade School, specializing in
heritage restoration, ensures the continuity of heritage craftsmanship and imparts skills to future
generations. These innovative architectural ideas make Bahay Tsinoy a unique cultural treasure that
marks the intertwined history and contributions of the ethnic Chinese community in the Philippines.

In line with that, Bahay Tsinoy positively possesses the following architectural elements:

Scale & proportion: The Bahay Tsinoy is a three-story building located in Intramuros. Its
design considers the scale and proportion of the surrounding area. It fits well with the neighborhood's
historical context without being too large or too small. The height of the building is balanced, and it
blends in with the neighboring structures. The façade has a well-proportioned design that includes clear
windows and door openings. The overall shape of the building respects the surrounding architectural

Balance: The design of Bahay Tsinoy displays symmetry through the repetitive pattern of
windows and doors on the front elevation, creating balance in the visual appeal. The central entrance,
accompanied by windows on both sides, leads the viewer's look straight to the museum's center. The
museum's interior layout is planned to balance exhibition spaces, galleries, and functional areas, with
each area receiving equal attention, creating a cohesive experience. Although the exterior facade of the
building displays symmetry, the interior is asymmetric due to the presence of more elements on the
second floor compared to the ground floor.

Light: The museum has been designed to maximize the amount of natural light through its large
windows, creating an ambiance that enhances the visitor's journey. Additionally, the museum uses
artificial lighting to highlight exhibits without overpowering the space. This type of lighting ensures a
comfortable ambiance for visitors. While the lobby receives ample natural lighting, the amount of

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

natural light decreases as visitors move further into the building, with artificial light gradually becoming
more apparent.

Color: The exterior of the building has a calm color scheme that complements the surrounding
historic structures, allowing the architectural details to stand out. The walls are neutral, providing a
backdrop for the vibrant exhibits. The exhibits feature color accents from artifacts, photographs, and
artworks. The building's color is primarily neutral, with white as the dominant shade, and the artificial
lighting gives a warm or yellowish tone.

Line: Bahay Tsinoy's architecture is characterized by clean, simple lines emphasizing clarity
and simplicity. The dominant rectangular forms of the building make it easy to appreciate its historical
significance, while the vertical lines in the facade draw the eye upward, highlighting the building's
height and historical relevance. The accent of the building facade emphasizes the line element.

Texture & ornament: The terracotta tiles on the façade add texture and warmth while echoing
traditional architectural elements. At Bahay Tsinoy, ornamentation is kept to a minimum so that the
historical context can speak for itself. However, ornamental details that are present are subtle yet
impactful, creating a meaningful design. The interior design also incorporates historical elements,
reflecting the Chinese Filipino history and creating a smooth texture throughout the space.

Rhythm: The façade of the museum features a repetitive pattern of windows and columns,
which creates a harmonious rhythm that reflects the historical architecture of Intramuros. The museum's
layout guides visitors from one section to another, creating a seamless flow that allows the narrative to
unfold naturally. The museum's interior design also features a variety of patterns, including those found
on the floors, walls, and ceilings, which further enhance the overall experience for visitors.

Bahay Tsinoy's architectural design blends heritage preservation, functionality, and cultural
storytelling. It is a testament to the shared history between the Chinese and Filipino cultures, inviting
visitors to explore the rich legacies of both. The elegance of the building is a legacy to behold, with
every detail carefully crafted to pay respect to the past while also providing a modern and functional
space for the present.

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

3.1 Functionality

The Bahay Tsinoy Museum, whose mission is to commemorate the history, contributions, and
lifestyles of the ethnic Chinese in Philippine society, demonstrates a remarkable commitment to its
stated purposes.

Incorporating innovative storytelling techniques, including interactive elements such as visual

and audio-sensory components, significantly enhances the visitor experience. These elements educate
and engage visitors, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In terms of circulation, the museum excels by providing a clear and direct path for visitors to
follow. This streamlined layout eliminates confusion in other museums, ensuring a seamless and
enjoyable journey through the exhibits. The straightforward circulation design contributes positively to
the overall visitor experience, allowing them to navigate the space without unnecessary obstacles or

The practicality of the museum's design is notable, particularly in its efficient use of space. The
ground floor is a prime example, as it serves multiple functions beyond just being a reception area.
Incorporating a souvenir shop, restrooms, and the tour's starting point demonstrates thoughtful space
planning, maximizing the area's utility. This strategic arrangement enhances the overall practicality of
the museum, providing convenience and accessibility to visitors. Looking forward, the third floor's
planned designation as an office and gallery showcases forward-thinking design and foresight. While
currently not open, the intention to create a multifunctional space aligns with the practical approach
observed in other museum areas. This flexibility in space usage indicates a commitment to adaptability
and future growth, ensuring the museum remains a dynamic and relevant institution.

Overall, it effectively fulfills its intended functions through innovative storytelling techniques,
clear circulation pathways, and practical space utilization. The museum's overall success is positively
impacted by the incorporation of multi-use rooms and future expansion plans, which reflect a dedication
to providing visitors with an extensive and engaging experience.

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

3.2 Aesthetics

The Bahay Tsinoy Museum's visual aspect reveals a simple form characterized by a
straightforward rectangular shape. While this simplicity can be seen as a defining feature, it also poses
limitations regarding architectural diversity. The choice of materials predominantly centers around
marble stone, providing a sense of sophistication. However, the reliance on artificial materials for
interior accent designs, such as the bricks on the walls, may diminish the authenticity of the space and
impact the overall aesthetic experience.

While spatial relationships within the museum are effectively coordinated, with a well-
organized layout that avoids misleading elements, this thoughtful arrangement contributes to the overall
aesthetics by creating a harmonious flow throughout the space. The coordinated spatial relationships
enhance the visitor experience, allowing for a seamless transition between different museum sections
and ensuring that the visual narrative remains cohesive.

However, an ample empty lobby space significantly hinders the overall aesthetic experience.
The failure to effectively utilize this space detracts from the visual appeal of the museum, leaving it
feeling incomplete or lacking in purpose. Additionally, the absence of a proper reception area
diminishes the welcoming atmosphere crucial for visitors' initial impressions. These spatial planning
and utilization shortcomings negatively impact the overall aesthetics, creating missed opportunities for
engaging and visually captivating elements in the museum's design.

Overall, while the simplicity of form and the use of materials like marble contribute positively
to the visual aspect of The Bahay Tsinoy Museum, there are drawbacks to the reliance on artificial
interior accents. The well-coordinated spatial relationships enhance the overall aesthetics. However,
the failure to maximize the potential of the lobby space and the absence of a proper reception area
hinder the museum's visual appeal. Addressing these issues could significantly improve the overall
aesthetic experience for visitors.

3.3 User Experience

The user experience at The Bahay Tsinoy Museum reflects a positive emphasis on comfort and
distinct learning opportunities. Visitors encounter a continuous learning experience throughout the
museum, with each area thoughtfully designed to convey distinctive characteristics. The well-ventilated

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

spaces further contribute to the users' overall comfort, ensuring a pleasant and immersive environment
for exploration.

However, in terms of accessibility, there are notable shortcomings. The museum currently lacks
features that cater to Persons with Disabilities (PWD), as there are no ramps to facilitate easy navigation.
The presence of numerous stairs poses a significant barrier for individuals with mobility challenges,
hindering their ability to engage with the exhibits fully. It is imperative that this accessibility problem
be resolved to provide a warm and inclusive atmosphere for all guests.

The overall user journey at the museum is satisfactory, with visitors expressing contentment
despite the noted shortcomings. The continuous learning experiences and the positive comfort provide
an overall positive impression. However, acknowledging the lack of certain features, especially those
related to accessibility, is essential for enhancing the user journey. Striving for a more inclusive and
accommodating environment will improve visitors' overall experience and align with contemporary
standards of accessibility and diversity.

Overall, while the Bahay Tsinoy Museum successfully offers a continuous learning experience
and comfortable spaces, the lack of accessibility features, particularly for PWDs, poses a significant
challenge. Enhancing these features will contribute to a more inclusive and enriching user journey,
ensuring that the museum caters to the diverse needs of all its visitors.

3.4 Contextual Integration

The Bahay Tsinoy Museum, situated in Intramuros, Manila, encounters distinctive challenges
and opportunities shaped by its surrounding context. Notably, the site condition poses a challenge as
there is no provision for parking private vehicles. The museum's location within Intramuros, where only
private vehicles and pedicabs are permitted, results in a lack of reliable public transportation options.
The sporadic presence of pedicabs adds uncertainty to accessibility, as there is not always a means of
transport readily available in the area.

Regarding climate considerations, the museum faces exposure to sunlight due to the limited
presence of vegetation in the surroundings. This exposure could impact the indoor environment and the
preservation of exhibits. Implementing strategic landscaping or shading solutions could mitigate the
effects of direct sunlight, contributing to a more comfortable and sustainable environment within the

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

The Bahay Tsinoy Museum intends to showcase the history and accomplishments of the ethnic
Chinese community in the Philippines, and as such, cultural considerations are very important. While
the exhibits convey cultural narratives, the lack of Chinese-Filipino architectural elements diminishes
the overall cultural value. Incorporating architectural features inspired by Chinese and Filipino design
aesthetics would strengthen the thematic coherence of the museum, creating a more immersive and
culturally rich experience for visitors.

Overall, addressing the challenges related to parking and public transportation, implementing
climate-conscious design strategies, and enhancing cultural representation through architectural
elements can significantly improve how The Bahay Tsinoy Museum responds to its surrounding context.
This holistic approach will enhance the visitor experience and contribute to the museum's integration
with Intramuros's broader cultural and environmental context.

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4.1 Specific Improvements

Utilize the space in lobby: Despite its ample space, the lobby of Bahay Tsinoy appears empty
and unwelcoming due to poor utilization of the available area. The lack of adequate space management
has resulted in an uninviting atmosphere that fails to inspire engagement or interest among visitors. As
a recommendation, the space could be used for merchandise stalls, thematic displays, or digital
engagements like interactive kiosks where visitors could access information about upcoming events,
exhibits, and the like. Incorporating this proposed enhancement would effectively enliven the entrance
lobby, thereby stimulating visitors' interest in the interior.

Achieve interior balance: An imbalance in the distribution of exhibits across its floors can
create an uneven visitor experience and hinder appreciation of the museum's narrative. Therefore,
showcasing more significant artifacts or installations on the first floor is recommended to fill the space
and establish a sense of grandeur. This strategy would aid in maximizing the visual impact of the
exhibition since concentrating exhibits on one floor can overwhelm visitors.

Assign proper parking spaces: Since the place has no parking lot, some cars spill onto
sidewalks, creating inconvenience and safety hazards, effectively blocking some visitors' paths. One
potential solution recommended for the museum's parking issues is to create designated parking areas
within the museum compound or collaborate with nearby parking facilities, depending on available
space. In addition to the immediate advantages, the provision of designated parking facilities can play
a crucial role in elevating the reputation and image of the museum.

4.2 Prioritization

PWD friendly – Accessibility: Visitors to this cultural museum with disabilities may encounter
difficulties exploring the exhibits, which could impede their ability to engage fully with the stories of
cross-cultural exchange. It is crucial to consider their requirements and provide any necessary
adjustments to guarantee their satisfaction with the experience. Installing ramps at all access points and
throughout the museum is essential to ensuring that wheelchair users move about the space with dignity
and liberty. Furthermore, an elevator linking the various floors would go a long way in removing
barriers and providing access to all levels for individuals with mobility constraints.

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2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

Incorporate the Chinese and Filipino elements to give the best ambiance: For an enhanced
ambiance and a more authentic cultural vibe, it is recommended to infuse Chinese and Filipino
influences into the design and exhibits of Bahay Tsinoy in Intramuros. The integration of traditional
motifs, materials, and practices from both cultures can be easily achieved, resulting in a dynamic and
immersive experience that will captivate visitors and pay tribute to the diverse cultural legacy of the
Chinese-Filipino community.

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
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5.1 Open-ended Questions

5.1.1 Functionality

• How can the museum improve its storytelling techniques significantly to make them as
effective as they can be while still accommodating a broad spectrum of learning

The museum can adapt its narrative to appeal to a wider demographic by knowing the
range of learning preferences (visual, aural, kinesthetic). Deeper involvement,
improved comprehension, and a more welcoming environment for all visitors can
result from this. Moreover, by experimenting with different storytelling approaches,
the museum can entice new visitors and maintain its relevance in a changing cultural

• In light of its intentions for future growth, should the museum consider using the third
floor in addition to its offices and galleries for teaching or interactive programs?

Considering this question urges the museum to maximize its current resources and
space. While still meeting the functional requirements of office and gallery space, the
third level can include interactive features or educational programs to provide visitors
with a more dynamic and engaging experience.

5.1.2 Aesthetics

• How can the museum incorporate design elements representing the richness and
diversity of Chinese-Filipino heritage while addressing the form's simplicity?

This question explores the museum's ability to balance its artistic approach and cultural
representation. By addressing this, design solutions that preserve the building's primary
form while integrating new details that emphasize the complex traditions of Chinese
and Filipino people are promoted to be explored.

• In what ways could the museum utilize reclaimed materials or traditional design
techniques to enhance the authenticity of its interior spaces?

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

By considering the matter, the museum can transcend artificial materials and establish
a more meaningful connection to the history and culture it exhibits. Conventional
design approaches or reclaimed materials could add depth and authenticity to the
visitor experience.

5.1.3 User Experience

• Beyond accessibility features for PWDs, what additional amenities or services could
improve visitors' overall comfort and convenience?

Answering this question encourages the museum to think about the visitors' overall
well-being in addition to basic accessibility. Everyone can inclusively have a more
pleasant experience if additional facilities or services can be identified to improve their
comfort and convenience.

• How can the museum accommodate different audiences (such as families, students,
and researchers) or adapt the learning experience for each visitor individually?

Asking this question pushes the museum to adapt its programs to a wider range of
viewers rather than taking a one-size-fits-all stance. The museum can provide more
individualized and interesting learning experiences by considering the particular
requirements and interests of different audiences.

5.1.4 Contextual Integration

• Is it possible for the museum to work with nearby transit companies in order to provide
affordable parking alternatives or shuttle services for visitors?

Evaluating this concern recognizes the challenge that comes with accessibility and
stimulates the museum to look for innovative solutions. Enhancing accessibility and
welcomeness to the museum for a broader audience could be gained by establishing
alliances with local transit providers or companies.

• What sustainable landscaping strategies could be used to mitigate the impact of

sunlight as well as make the environment more sustainable?

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

By answering this question, the museum can match its programs with environmentally
sustainable approaches. By implementing strategies like conscious landscaping or
shading, the museum may demonstrate its dedication to responsible resource
management while simultaneously enhancing the internal experience.

• How can the museum involve the Intramuros community in its mission and become a
part of the local fabric of culture?

The question prompts the museum to extensively widen its boundaries and engage with
the surrounding community. The museum can provide a more relevant and meaningful
experience for tourists and locals by encouraging deeper ties with Intramuros and its
rich cultural heritage.

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

6.1 Encouragement

This insightful critique paints a clear picture of Bahay Tsinoy's potential. The museum can
unlock even greater possibilities by embracing the feedback and fostering open dialogue.

Recall that cultural institutions such as Bahay Tsinoy are guardians of history, educators
developing perceptions, and links between communities. Accepting this criticism aligns with these
goals and enables the museum to optimize better accessibility, hone its story, and broaden its influence.

Consider this criticism as a catalyst for innovative thinking and collaborative work. Connect
with the public audiences, educators, architects, and accessibility professionals. Implement these
recommendations by means of transparent communication and teamwork, guaranteeing a prosperous
future for Bahay Tsinoy.

Let critique fuel constructive progress. Listen to criticism promptly, encourage teamwork, and
witness Bahay Tsinoy develop into a renowned cultural institution. Recall that the enigma is constant
growth. Accept the opportunities, listen to all perspectives, and set a transformational path to strengthen
Bahay Tsinoy's position as a valuable cultural asset.

6.2 Closing Remarks

This perspective critique offers a blueprint for Bahay Tsinoy's ongoing evolution. Consider it
a compass guiding the museum towards fulfilling its dual mission: safeguarding its rich heritage and
fostering vibrant dialogues with its audience. By embracing the feedback and engaging in open
discussions, Bahay Tsinoy can refine its narrative, enhance inclusivity, and deepen its impact.

Remember, cultural institutions like Bahay Tsinoy are dynamic entities, constantly evolving to
remain relevant and engaging. This critique presents an opportunity to embark on a collaborative
journey of innovation. Imagine the possibilities unlocked by partnerships with architects, educators,
accessibility specialists, and the local community. Through collective efforts, translate these
recommendations into tangible actions, ensuring a future where Bahay Tsinoy thrives as a thriving
cultural exchange and education center.

This critique serves as a springboard for a brighter future. By actively considering the feedback,
fostering collaboration, and embracing continuous improvement, Bahay Tsinoy can solidify its position

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

as a cherished cultural landmark, leaving an enduring legacy for future generations. May this journey
of reflection and transformation elevate the museum experience and contribute to a richer
understanding of the shared history and traditions it so beautifully represents.

Architectural Design Critique on Bahay Tsinoy
2020103496, 2020110350, 2020112908, 2020102249, 2018138113 2/10/2024

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