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Human Resource Audit: -

A Human Resource Audit is a comprehensive method to review current human resource policies,
procedures, documentation and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR
function as well as to assess compliance with ever-changing rules and regulations.

(Source: Strategic Human Resource Inc.; copyright 2016;


Methods of Human Resource Audit: -

The performance details of the HR department are obtained by some sources such as documents, reports,
complaints and various methods are used to audit the HRM system that are :

1) Observation,
2) Interview method,
3) Questionnaire method,
4) Workshop,
5) Assessment center, etc.

Of them, Human Resource best practices Questionnaire is used to assess current strengths and
identify opportunities for improvement with HR related processes (recruitment, selection,
compensation & benefit, health & safety management, employee relations, training & development),
systems, support structure and resources.

(Source: Jothilakshmi, Arabian J Bus Manag Review 2015, 5:5;


How should questionnaire be developed for HR audit?

The questionnaire should be developed in such a way that one can assess the weakness and strength
of all the process of HRM practices (recruitment, selection, compensation, health management,
employee relations, law and legal practice).

In the recruitment process, the questionnaire may includes questions about the types of the
recruitment, number of stages involved in selection process, types of tests in the selection process,
source of candidate, recruitment process for different employees, type of technology used in the
recruitment process, amount of time needed for final results, the challenges in the recruitment process

Employee selection begins when a pool of applicants is generated by the organization’s recruitment
efforts. During the employee selection process, a firm decides which of the recruited candidates will
be offered a position. In the selection process, the questionnaire may include questions about the
preferences on selecting employees, selection methods used by the organization, quality of the
employees etc.

Compensation may includes questions about working hours, amount of the salary, salary increment,
bonuses, allowances and benefits offered by the company etc.

Sample Questionnaire: -


Name: -
Company’s name: -

Designation: -

Date: -

Note – Please tick the appropriate option.

1) What source you adopt to source candidates?

a. Employee referral
b. Campus recruitment
c. Advertising
d. Recruitment agencies
e. Job portals
f. Others, pls specify –
2) On which media you advertise for any job required?
a) News paper
b) Magazine
c) Internet
d) TV
3) Do you use any of the following tests during the process of recruitment?
a. Written
b. Aptitude
c. Group Discussion
d. Personal Interview
e. Psychometric test
f. Other, pls specify –
4) What is the average time spent by HR dept during recruitment ( each candidate)?
a. 10 mins.
b. 10 to 20mins.
c. 20 to 30mins.
d. More
5) What is the current situation of your organization?
a. Rightsizing
b. Downsizing
6) Which source you would prefer for recruiting?
a. External
b. Internal
7) Have you made any recruitment chart?
a. Yes
b. No
8) Do you consult any employment agency for recruitment?
a. Yes
b. No
9) If you are getting help from recruiting agencies, then from what type of agencies you are
getting help?
a. Public agencies
b. Private agencies
c. Agencies associated with non-profit organization
10) Do you have quota system?
a. Yes
b. No

1) Does the organization do proper Job Analysis before Selection Process begins?
a. Yes
b. No
2) Does the Job Responsibilities and Job Description are clearly defined to the candidates appearing
for selection process?
a. Yes
b. No
3) Does the selection methods used by the Organization are reliable?
a. Yes
b. No
4) Is the organization doing timeliness recruitment and Selection process?
a. Yes
b. No
5) Does HR provide an adequate pool of quality applicants?
a. Yes
b. NO
6) Rate the effectiveness of the interviewing process and other selection instruments, such as
a. Yes
b. No
7) Rate how well HR finds good candidates from non-traditional sources when necessary?
a. Poor
b. Adequate
c. Excellent
8) Do you think organization looks for experienced employees in selection Process?
a. Yes
b. NO
9) Which is the most important quality the organization looks for in a candidate?
a. Knowledge
b. Optimistic Nature
c. Discipline
d. Team Work Ability
e. Other
10) Does the organization do employee verification before and after selection?
a. Yes
b. No
11) How do you rate the Selection Policy of the organization?
a. Good
b. Average
c. Poor

1) State how long you have been working in your organization?
a. Less than 1 year
b. 1-5years
c. 5-9years
d. More than 10years
2) How many hours do you work per day?
a. 6-8 hours
b. 8-10hours
c. More than 10hours
3) What was your starting salary? ………………… .
4) Does the company pay salary incentives? A) Yes B) No
5) Does the company pay incentives or bonuses? A) Yes B) No
6) Please state the allowances and benefits that your company allows you?

Safety & Health Management

1) Does your executive board of directors or senior management team ensure all their decisions reflect the
safety and health intentions in your Safety Statement?
a. Yes
b. No
2) Do your directors and senior managers provide daily safety and health leadership in the
a. Yes
b. No
3) Do you have an agreed safety and health policy? Is it written into your Safety Statement?
a. Yes
b. No
4) Is safety and health always considered before any new work is started or work equipment is
a. Yes
b. No
5) Do your staffs have sufficient information about the risks they are exposed to and the preventive
measures they must take? A) Yes B) No
6) Do you have the right levels of safety and health expertise? Are your employees properly trained
and do they attend the training provided by you? A) Yes B) No
7) Do you need specialist safety and health advice from outside, and if so, have you arranged to
obtain it? A) Yes B) No
8) Does all your staff accept their responsibilities under safety and health law? A) Yes B) No

Employee Relations
1) What the worker does for the business? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
2) Did the worker perform services for the firm in any capacity before providing the services that are
the subject of this investigation? A) Yes B) No C) N/A
3) Who determines how, when and where the service is performed? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
4) Is the worker allowed to utilize helpers to perform the work? A) Yes B) No
5) If the worker utilizes helpers, does the helper have to advise or obtain permission from the
business before sending a substitute worker? A) yes B) No
6) Who reports the helper’s earnings to the IRS? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

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