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FRO302644 P-MT-07

10V5-rj'Z- 7 6


Adrian Cerepi *, Claudine Durand 1,Etienne Brosse

1. Institut Franais du P6trole, 1 avenue de Bois-Pr6au, 92500 Ruefl-Malmaison cedex,

now with Institut EGID-Bordeaux 3 1 all6e Daguin, 33607 Pessac cedex, France

This paper reports an investigation of the influence of chlorite content and its microtexture on
the petrophysical properties of the siliciclastic reservoir. The pore-lining chlorite 's a
diagenetic clay mineral that commonly coats the surface of detrital grains in sandstone. Its
earliness, continuity and thickness around the grains prevent the subsequent precipitation of
quartz overgrowths saving very good reservoir properties, especially, the porosity (Fig. 1) On
the contrary, when the chlorite content is high, the penneability decreases.


Figure I SEM images of chloritic sandstone reservoir in different magnifications

A, SEM images on thin section with pore-lining chlorite. Qz: quartz; Ch:chlorite
C, D SEM images on fractures with pore-lining chlorite

The Hg-injection analysis of pore-throat size distribution and capillary presssure versus
saturation on several samples show a two/three-modes structure of porous medium and a high
irreducible saturation due to the pore-lining chlorite. From Hg-injection method, we
calculated the microporosity developed by pore-lining chlorite.
The micro-geometry and the morphology of pores system (primary and secondary porosity)
were quantified from petrographic image analysis as a 2D technique. From that, we obtain the
3D petrophysical properties of a argillaceous sandstone pore system. More than four orders of
magnitude are integrated in PIA method, from a submicron to a millimeter scale and enables

International Meeting, December 912, 2002, Reims, France

Clays In Natural And Engineered Barriers For Radioactive Waste Confinement Page 303

to measure petrophysic properties such as porosity, specific surface area, average pore
diameter, capillary pressure versus porosity, distribution of pore size, electrical properties.
The permeability increases with the macroporosity (intergranular pore-type) and decreases
with the microporosity associated to the chloritic micro-texture. Hence, the permeability
results from the competition between macro and microporosity. The different laboratory
measurements show that the chlorite shows a low cationic exchange capacity due to surfacic
charges and low specific surface area. Ca2+ cations play the main role in exchange cations.
Hence, a low influence of chlorite mineral on the electrical properties.
Two electrical models (Waxman's model and Dual-water model) are used to understand the
chlorite effect. The difference between the Qv values measured by laboratory chemistry
measurements and calculated from two electrical models shows the influence of micro-texture
of chlorite in porous medium on electrical behavior. The chlorite content and its texture
increases both the formation factor and the cementation exponent for the same lithofacies and
porosity. The database comes from some cores of different chlorite content and indicates that
for a higher chlorite content (lower pen-neability, higher specific surface area) and a higher
pore-lining presence the saturation exponent decreases gradually when the brine saturation

International Meeting, December 912, 2002, Reims, France

Page 304 Clays In Natural And Engineered Barriers For Radioactive Waste Confinement

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