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2021 Fox


Fifa World
Cup Qatar
Tom Searl, Ava Bebler, Tate Wildeman, Mathew Jackson,
Bailey Landanger, Abby Kudym, Ailis Leahy

University of
College of Journalism
and Mass

Table of Contents

Executive Summary...........................................................................................................................3
Challenge Statement .......................................................................................................................4
Situation Analysis.............................................................................................................................. 5
Company Analysis...............................................................................................................................6
Consumer Analysis.............................................................................................................................7
Market Analysis..................................................................................................................................11
Product Analysis.................................................................................................................................11
Competitive Analysis........................................................................................................................12
SWOT Analysis....................................................................................................................................13
Target Market Profile.......................................................................................................................14
The Brands.............................................................................................................................................15
Marketing and Communication Strategy Overview.............................................................17
Message Strategy.............................................................................................................................18
Creative Brief.......................................................................................................................................19
Campaign Creative Concept..........................................................................................................21
Creative Executions..........................................................................................................................22
Content Calendar..............................................................................................................................29
Advertising Tactics..........................................................................................................................30
Promotional Strategy.....................................................................................................................31
Public Relations Strategy.............................................................................................................31
Direct Marketing Strategy............................................................................................................32
Media Strategy..................................................................................................................................33
Campaign Evaluation Plan............................................................................................................34
Meet the Team...................................................................................................................................35

Executive Summary

FOX Sports is one of the most popular sports broadcasting

networks in the United States. FOX Sports has the
broadcasting rights for the FIFA 2022 World Cup Qatar.
There are many different aspects of the 2022 World Cup that
Electric Qatar can hone in and use to promote and encourage
American sports watchers to view the World Cup matches.
The partner brands chosen for this campaign will help keep
the top-of-mind thinking process of consumers during the
time period of the World Cup.

The campaign is using an accessible way to engage

consumers and increase viewership; digital and print media.
Electric Qatar plans to keep the conversation going about
the 2022 World Cup going by creating an immersive
experience that all fans can access and enjoy.

Challenge Statement

Develop, creative, and innovative programs and

content that will bring a brand partnership to life,
organically promoting the partnership between brand
and FOX Sports, and driving awareness and tune-in to
FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™ on FOX Sports.

Consider all consumer-facing assets owned by the

partner, including in-store, on-pack, on-premise, on-
tap, signage, and digital and social media. Select one
brand from the list of US Soccer / FIFA partners in the
links below and select one additional brand that is not
a current partner to research into and develop a
strategy around.

Situation Analysis
FOX Sports gained the rights to provide coverage of the men's and
women’s FIFA World Cup in 2015 and has the rights through 2026. With
the U.S. men’s team not qualifying for the World Cup in 2018, viewership in
the United States was down compared to the 2014 World Cup which was
on ESPN (Nielsen Media Reports).

Data from Nielsen and gathered by Bloomberg showed that 44% fewer
people watched the 2018 men’s World Cup compared to 2014 (Nielsen
Media Report). This is understandable considering soccer is not the main
sport of choice in the U.S., whereas in other countries it is. Since the U.S.
did not qualify in 2018, people did not feel the need to watch.

Games airing in the United States in 2022 will be airing early in the
morning (Prince-Wright, 2020). The earliest games will start at 1 PM in
Qatar which is 5 AM in New York and 3 AM in Los Angeles. The latest start
time in Qatar will be 10 PM, which will be 2 PM for the East coast and 11
AM for the West.

In relation to streaming the 2022 Men’s FIFA World Cup, FOX Sports will
have to capture the attention of not only soccer fans but also
unanticipated viewers. FOX Sports has been a leader in news, sports, and
entertainment programming. With FOX Sports investing in the World Cup,
the company will continue to allocate its resources in higher growth
initiatives and strategic opportunities to generate a larger viewership for
the World Cup, and new consumer interaction with FOX Sports.

Company Analysis
FOX Sports Network created in 1996 and has become one of the top
leaders when it comes to providing local and national sports coverage
Different channels include FOX Sports 1 (FS1), FOX Sports 2 (FS2), FOX,
FOX Sports Network (FSN)
FOX Sports website includes live TV, scores of games, score predictions,
and game commentary.
Main sports include college basketball and football, NFL football, MLB
baseball, and over the last few years men and women’s U.S. soccer
Currently, it has 22 regional sports networks that cover over 5,000
sporting events a year
In 2020, FOX Sports had an average of 236K viewers, down 83K viewers
since 2019 (Statista)

Social Media Followers and fox sports

soccer talent:
FOX Sports Instagram: 1.1 Million Followers
FOX Sports Twitter: 2 Million Followers
FOX Sports Facebook:9.7 Million Followers
FOX Sports YouTube: 944K Subscribers
FOX Soccer Instagram: 460K Followers
FOX Soccer Twitter: 1.3 Million Followers
Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

Rob Stone: Studio Host Alexi Lalas: Studio Analyst

John Strong: Play-by-Play Stu Holden: In-game Analyst

Consumer Analysis
Males were more likely to keep up with the FIFA Men’s World Cup in both
2014 and 2018 (Nielsen Media Research 2014, 2018). Females were more
likely to watch on TV, but males followed more, whether that be by
watching it live, following on social media, watching postgame highlights,

In the last two Men’s World Cups, the age group most likely to be engaged
with the World Cup were the 12-34-year-olds. (Nielsen Media Research
2014, 2018).

Families/households who are making at least $100,000/year are much more

likely to be engaged with the FIFA Men’s World Cup. However, it is
interesting that households who are making at least $150,000 are much
less likely to watch the games on TV and that households who are not
making a lot of money are much more likely to watch the games on TV but
less likely to be engaged (Nielsen Media Research 2014, 2018)

Index vs TV Usage % Number Analysis by Age 2014 & 2018 World Cup Gender Viewership

Nielsen Media Research

Qualitative Research
Qualitative research was gathered through interviews with college students who expressed
somewhat of an interest in soccer.

Survey Design/Interview Protocol

The national random survey was designed to understand the average soccer fan in the United
States and how one would respond to the changes that come with the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

The guiding areas of research are as follows:

What allows fans to have the best overall experience watching the World Cup in the
morning during the season of winter?
How does the World Cup change viewer consumer habits?
How do people in the different demographics consume media in the morning hours of the
What kind of food, beverage, apparel, car related items, or insurance items appeals to a
certain demographic the most during the Holiday season, during a sporting event.

The interview protocol was interviewing a series of soccer fans in person. The interviews were
recorded over H4 Zoom recording and key insights from individual interviews were further
noted by the interviewee.

The three interviewees were all from the demographic of young, professional students. The
interviews conducted showed that all the participants have strict morning routines that
consist of eating a good breakfast and getting ready for the day. There were mixed responses
with how these soccer fans like to watch soccer matches, some preferred to be alone and
others preferred to be with friends while watching the game. There is also sporadic data
collected from the interviews that show a mix of platforms that these fans watch the game

Among the three people interviewed, two of the three insisted that they would tune in to
watch the 2022 World Cup in the early morning if the team(s) they were interested in were
playing. If the early morning matchups were teams of no interest, they would most likely not
tune in to watch. One of these interviewees also mentioned that they would tune in to watch
the early morning games if popular players from around the world were in action.

All participants agreed that they enjoy some form of food or beverage while watching soccer
games as well. These ranged from just little snacks (chips, dip, pretzels, snack mix, etc.) to bar
food such as “wings, pizza, hamburgers."

Quantitative Research
Quantitative data was gathered through the form of a national survey sent
out to the public that expressed interest in the World Cup based off of
answering yes to an introductory question about their immediate interest
in soccer.

These were the key questions that the results were going to answer:
What allows fans to have the best overall experience watching the
World Cup in the morning during the season of winter?
How does the World Cup change viewer consumer habits?
How do people (demographic target group) consume media in the
morning hours of the day?
What kind of food, beverage, apparel, car related items, or insurance
items appeals to a certain demographic the most during the Holiday
season, during a sporting event.

The main challenge that comes with marketing this event is the fact that
almost all of the action will take place during the early morning time slot.

Results and Findings:

The main challenge that comes with marketing this event is the fact that
almost all of the action will take place during the early morning time slot.

Research participants were first asked if they were willing to change their morning
routine because of this event. 69% said they would not.
Primary Research
This disparity showed how the answer to the problem could be successful. It
was clear and reasonable that morning products may be the answer to the
problem of what the viewer will do in their adjustment to the morning time
slot. When it came to one of our most important questions asking what
products or brands came to their mind regarding their morning routine, many
participants responded with a brand of coffee and or exercise apparel and

cherriosapple ESPN cereal

crest mcdonalds

Bud Light

Adidas nike
Jimmy Dean

CNN Folgers
marlboro starbucks
CBS nespresso
Nestle quaker oats

Market Analysis
In 2011, FOX Sports initially obtained the rights to the 2018 and 2022 FIFA
World Cups. In 2015, these rights were granted an extension, with FOX
Sports owning the rights for the 2026 World Cup. Previously, ESPN had
these rights. During the past few years, people have also started to
consume sports in more ways than just watching live on TV. People have
started to consume sports in the following ways: streaming on apps,
watching post-game highlights, using virtual reality, among other platforms
(Back in the Game Report).

Market Trends
Households making at least $100K/year are more likely to be engaged
with the World Cup
Those making $150K/year are more likely to watch on TV
Age group most likely to be engaged in World Cup is 12-34 year olds
Males were most likely to follow the World Cup in 2014 and 2018
Females more likely to watch on TV, but males more engaged with social
media, watching highlights, etc.
(Nielsen Media Research)

Product Analysis
FOX Sports is the umbrella entity representing FOX Corporation’s wide array
of multi-platform US-based sports assets. Built with brands capable of
reaching more than 100 million viewers in a single weekend, the business has
ownership and interests in linear television networks, digital and mobile
programming, broadband platforms, multiple web sites, joint-venture
businesses, and several licensing relationships.

In 2022, FOX Sports once again will have the privilege of airing all of the FIFA
World Cup 2022 Qatar matches on their variety of networks. This will be the
second straight opportunity for FOX Sports to host the World Cup, although
this one promises to be different. Many of the matches will be airing at very
early start times in the United States, which could possibly affect the
viewership numbers.
Competitive Analysis
The NFL is one of the biggest draws on U.S. television, with FOX leading the
way with an average viewership of 18.1 million for its NFC package (FOX
Sports, 2019). With its uncontested studio coverage, this will generate
competition of viewership, there is a potential opportunity FOX Sports has
with being its own competition. FOX Sports NFL can integrate advertising
and promotions prior to and during the World Cup.

Advertisements and promotions during talk shows will spread awareness of

the Cup and how their game times will not interfere with football viewership.
FOX NFL recorded an average audience of 19,236,000 viewers in the 2019
complete regular season. This means there is an opportunity to reach over
19 million people and prior and during the cup.

Respective Sports Viewership via Online

NBA (2021)

FIFA World Cup (2018)


NFL (2021)

College Basketball (2019)

College Football (2021)
Data collected from FOX Sports, Sports Media Watch, and Statistica
SWOT Analysis

StrengthS Weaknesses
Sole ownership of the World Cup, The games are played at
no other networks can air the inconvenient times for Americans
games to actively watch consistently
Fox Sports overall consists of Unknown if the U.S. team will
channels like Fox Sports, FS1, qualify, which will factor into
FS2, Fox Deportes, Big Ten American audience viewership
Network, and Fox Soccer Plus to
run promotional messages.
The heart of the NFL season will
lead up to the World Cup in 2022
to air promotions

OpportunitIes Threats
The United States men’s soccer
Promote the partnership team not advancing to the World
promotion across FOX Sports Cup
cornerstone shows they air during Human rights abuses on the part of
the week, for example: The Herd, the hosts of the World Cup can and
Undisputed, First Things First, could lead to viewer boycotts
FOX Sports Bet, etc. (Conway, 2017).
Partner with a brand that will COVID-19 may still play a large role
share a mutual benefit with FOX in how the 2022 World Cup is
Sports to engage fans to want to played and may affect the fan
interact with Electric Qatar experience
presented promotional event.

Target Market Profile
Phil Langford is 29-year-old accountant living in Atlanta, Georgia,
making around $65,000 a year. Phil has been working in Atlanta since he
graduated from Washington State University in 2014. Growing up in
Seattle, Phil has been a huge fan of soccer his entire life even playing in
college. Now that he lives in Atlanta, he has become an Atlanta United
Fan, but he still tunes into every Seattle Sounder game he is able to
catch, as well as has followed the World Cup every year ever since he
could remember.

For the past two World Cups, Phil and his friends from work have tuned
into the World Cup in their downtime. His friends are not as dedicated
soccer fans as Phil. With the upcoming World Cup being held in Qatar,
Phil’s friends are questioning whether they will watch the games due to
them being held in the incredibly early hours of the morning.

Meet Phil

The brands
Electric Qatar has identified the potential brand partners that will be
included in the FOX Sports partnership. These brands were strategically
identified through the research conducted, to increase viewership and
create some buzz around the World Cup within the United States.
Electric Qatar is excited to introduce Dunkin' Donuts and Adidas to FOX
Sports. Electric Qatar chose these two brands to integrate the World
Cup into the morning routines of Americans.


Marketing Objectives

Increase World Cup viewership in the United States by 15% from the
previous years FOX Sports has had broadcasting rights
Have consumers engage with the content and be motivated to stream
the World Cup through FOX Sports
Encourage consumers to purchase products from Dunkin' Donuts and
Adidas because of the marketing materials and the holiday season

Communication objectives
Create awareness for the World Cup through digital advertisements
Communicate the brands and FOX Sports to reach a broad audience
Maintain a top-of-mind thought for consumers during their morning
routines by integrating the World Cup into their morning routines
without disrupting them

Marketing and
Strategy Overview
Electric Qatar plans on using mainly digital media to communicate the
World Cup and brand partnerships. With ever-growing technology, digital
media will be reached by all of FOX Sport's target audience in various
forms. Electric Qatar wants to ensure that all interactive marketing
materials are easily accessible for our target age group. These interactive
advertisements will stand as the bridge between FOX Sports and the
partnerships so the target consumers can easily access the materials and
watch the soccer matches through FOX Sports.

There will also be print advertisements placed in each respective store.

These will help gain traction especially since consumers will be shopping
in person for the holidays. Through these marketing and communication
strategies, Electric Qatar plans to ensure that the messages of each
partnership are clearly communicated to the consumers. These print
advertisements will be a great way for consumers to see these
partnerships and interact with the content.

Electric Qatar will utilize a content calendar for both partnerships that will
allow FOX Sports to plan out each social media post so ensure the
audience is able to get the message. These posts will go on Adidas,
Dunkin' Donuts and FOX Sports social media pages with the goal of
increasing engagement and spreading awareness of these partnerships
throughout all of the different consumer groups.

Message Strategy

Electric Qatar plans to use social media technology to

communicate the campaign around the United States. The
team plans to create an immersive experience that
integrates the 2022 World Cup into the morning routines of
consumers. Both of these brands are often used and
consumed in the morning so it presents a unique opportunity
for FOX Sports to be able to mix the World Cup into the hard
to break morning routine of consumers. Electric Qatar wants
to consumers to be left with a top of mind message from
each partnership encouraging them to engage with FOX
Sports to stream the World Cup.

Electric Qatar's message strategy for Dunkin' Donuts is wake

up to the World Cup. By integrating the soccer matches to
the target audience's morning routine; consumers will have
more awareness to the World Cup. For Adidas, Electric Qatar
plans to spread a motivating message to the target audience.
Electric Qatar wants the consumers to keep the World Cup in
mind, even with the busy holiday season.

Creative Brief: Dunkin'

brand personality
The 2022 World Cup held in Qatar is a highly anticipated event around the
globe. FOX Sports has the broadcasting rights to the World Cup and gives
people residing in the United States a front row seat to this anticipated global
event. Electric Qatar hopes to increase viewership of this exciting event by
bringing in new viewers around the United States.

the opportunity
FOX Sports can capitalize from bringing new viewers to watch the World Cup
on their platform. They can increase awareness through technology and reach
consumers that would not be reached otherwise.

the proposition
The main takeaway from this campaign is increasing excitement surrounding
the World Cup. By increasing excitement for The World Cup in the United
States, FOX Sports will be able to tap into a new type of consumers that
engage with the several types of content that FOX Sports releases.

the big idea

The Big Idea is to expose the consumers to the World Cup and gain
viewership especially in the bust holiday season. Electric Qatar plans to
utilize technology from the FOX Sports app, by using QR codes and an app
extension to increase awareness of The World Cup. The app will allow
Dunkin' Perks Members to make predictions on the upcoming games with the
donuts they have! By having these predictions, Dunkin' fans will be drawn to
watch the game and see if they were right! 19
Creative Brief: Adidas

brand personality
The Adidas brand is a highly motivating brand for its consumers. Their main
message is mindfulness of the body through technical gear. The brand
personality for this campaign is going to be extremely motivational towards
fitness and immersing its users into the 2022 World Cup.

the opportunity
FOX Sports can capitalize from this campaign because it will be bringing in
viewers whose morning routines revolve around fitness. They will be awake
during the game times because of their morning routines.

the proposition
The proposition is to pair up with Adidas to bring in young professionals and
well as middle aged adults to be aware of the World Cup through their fitness
routine. There will be exposure and excitement around this campaign.

the big idea

The Big Idea is to create an online virtual fitness class with World Cup soccer
players. There will be FOX Sports logos throughout each stream and viewers
will be invited by the soccer players to watch the World Cup. There will be a
leaderboard to create a little friendly competition. By having a 'personal'
invitation to watch the World Cup after one's morning workout, consumers
will be motivated to stream the game through FOX Sports.
Campaign Creative

Dunkin' Donuts
The creative concept is to stir up buzz regarding the World Cup. Electric Qatar
will use technology and social media advertisements to get exposure in the
United States. Electric Qatar will do this by partnering up with a brand that
people use daily, like Dunkin’ Donuts. With this partnership the group will be able
to use QR codes and the Dunkin' Donuts app to bring in new consumers to watch
the World Cup. By using the app technology the consumers will be able to have a
virtual immersive experience without interrupting their morning routine. FOX
Sports will be able to integrate itself into the morning routine of consumers. The
donut predictions will have Dunkin' consumers tuning into the games they
predicted through FOX Sports.

For Adidas, Electric Qatar has focused on the conducted research and found a
way to combine FOX Sports with Adidas consumers' workout routines. There will
be a new app that is released for this campaign that allows users to experience
working out virtually with their favorite soccer players. These features will also
be able to be streamed on a computer as well. The soccer players will have
sponsorship from Adidas and there will be a leaderboard to create some friendly
competition and the users will be invited by their favorite player to watch them
at the World Cup through the FOX Sports app. There will also FOX Sports logos
on the workout clothes of soccer player. While streaming on a computer,
consumers will be able to split their screes have watch the World Cup and do
their morning work outs. The screen will have the leaderboard and current time
and score of the match.

Campaign Creative
Dunkin' Donuts - Hold the World Cup In
Your Hands

Dunkin' Donuts FOX Donut Friday

Advertisement for the app

Campaign Creative

Poster to be placed in stores

and at drive thru

Campaign Creative

Home Page of Dunkin' Donuts

Dunkin' Donuts Prediction Page

Campaign Creative

Move For the Move For the

World Cup World Cup
Front Page Profile Page

Campaign Creative

Print Advertisement for Stores

Campaign Creative

Print Advertisement for Stores

Campaign Creative

Web Streaming of Workouts

Content Calendar

Advertising Tactics
Electric Qatar plans to utilize the digital world to create a virtual and easy
to access experience for the consumers. With COVID-19 still surging
around the world it is important to ensure that consumers are still able to
interact. Electric Qatar plans to utilize QR codes on Dunkin Donuts cups
and a virtual work out experience on the Adidas running app. These will
be promoted through social media across all platforms to ensure that all
target audiences can access the content.

For Adidas and Dunkin' Donuts , Electric Qatar plans on using an in app
feature to track engagement. Electric Qatar also plans to use messages
in print advertisements as well as digital advertisements. The print
advertisements would be strategically placed in stores and the digital
would be placed on websites and social media platforms.

Marketing Tactics
Electric Qatar plans to promote multiple forms of marketing. Social media is
the main focus in these campaigns because of COVID-19 stopping some from
seeing print advertisements. Social media advertising ensures that
consumers are able to be exposed to the campaign without having to leave
their homes. Through social media posts, and the use of direct marketing
with QR codes on the coffee cups, consumers will get exposure to the
campaigns both virtually and in person.

Examples of platforms that will be utilized.

Electric Qatar will implement a pull effect towards the consumers. The
promotions used in the campaign are meant to pull consumers towards FOX
Sports and viewing the World Cup. Electric Qatar will enforce this
successfully by the use of strategic virtual advertisements and print
advertisements placed in the stores of the brands FOX Sports will partner
with. The promotions will bring awareness to consumers about FOX Sports
and the World Cup. For example, the FOX Donut Friday will get Dunkin'
Donuts fans excited about receiving their breakfast and will walk away with
an awareness of FOX Sports and the World Cup.

Public Relations
With the holiday season in full swing it can be advertisement galore for
consumers going through their day-to-day life. Electric Qatar plans to make
sure that FOX Sports is ahead of the competition when it comes to holiday
advertising. They campaigns will launch mid November and will be announced
by both Adidas and Dunkin' Donuts. The cups with the QR codes will be used
starting the launch date and Adidas will launch their workouts through email
subscriptions and social media. By doing this, FOX Sports will have more
exposure earlier on in the holiday season before the market gets too
cluttered with other advertisements.

Direct Marketing

Electric Qatar plans to implement a direct marketing

strategy for both of the brands being used. For Dunkin'
Donuts, the direct marketing will come from FOX Donut
Friday and the QR codes on the cups being used to hold
the consumer's morning coffee. The donut predictions on
the app will also allow Dunkin' Donuts consumers to
engage in the 2022 World Cup.

Adidas' direct marketing approach will be through email

communication and social media advertisements. Adidas
will create buzz before it is launched by having posts that
feature the collab of the year with FOX Sports. The
consumers will want to keep coming back until it is
launched because of the excitement Adidas creates
around it.

Media Strategy
Media Objectives

Create and execute relatable content the target audience will interact
Increase FOX Sports current social media following by 5% during the
Increase FOX Sports app download by 10% during the 2022 World Cup

The promotions and media will be made to the public in mid November to
ensure that consumers will be able to set FOX Sports apart from the rest
of the holiday advertisements. The virtual advertisements will span across
social media platforms including; Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok. This
ensures that the media and message is being communicated effectively
so all of the target audience has reach to it.

The media will have digital, interactive and direct forms of advertising.
This ensures that all ages are able to access the media and the ability to
understand the message as well.

Campaign Evaluation

To measure the effectiveness of the

campaign and its reach, Electric Qatar Increase World Cup viewership in
will measure the amount of American the United States by 15% from the
viewers of the 2022 World Cup with the previous years FOX Sports has had
numbers from the previous years FOX broadcasting rights
Sports had broadcasting rights.

Electric Qatar will also be able to Maintain a top-of-mind thought for

measure the leaderboard from the consumers during their morning
routines by integrating the World
Adidas campaign and the amount of
Cup into their morning routines
users who streamed the work outs. without disrupting them

FOX Sports will be able to measure the

success of the Dunkin' Donuts and Encourage consumers to
Adidas partnership by the amount of purchase products from Dunkin'
people who used the QR code and Donuts and Adidas because of
Adidas app to get to the FOX Sports the marketing materials and the
app as well as how many people made holiday season
predictions with their donuts.

By monitoring and comparing these

numbers, FOX Sports will be able to
determine whether this campaign is

meet the team

Abby Kudym, Social Engagement/PR Ava Bebler, Project Manager


Bailey Landanger, Writer/Editor Tom Searl, Account Executive Tate Wildeman, Paid Media Director

Ailis Leahy, Art Director Mathew Jackson, Research Director


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