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Health leadership;
Facilitator and
capacity builder; and
The administrator of
specific services.
1898- Department of Public Works ,
Education, and Hygiene , Board of Health for
the City of Manila
1900s- Provincial and municipal health
1915 Bureau of Health to Philippine Health
1941- Formalized the Department of Health
and Public Welfare
1947 - Reorganization and renaming of the
Department of Health and Public Welfare into
Department of Health
1950- Second reorganization of the
2000s- HSRA as the major framework for
health policies and investments
To lead the country in the Filipinos are among the
development of a productive, healthiest people in
resilient, equitable and Southeast Asia by 2022, and
people-centered health Asia by 2040.
system for Universal Health
Compassion and Respect for
Human Dignity
Stewardship of the Health of
the People
Employees- Employees provide useful
feedback, help to foster a positive
organizational culture, and are critical to
internal collaboration. In essence,
personnel are critical to the Department
of Health's operation, success, and
mission fulfillment in the Philippines.

Health facilities and hospitals -The

Department of Health oversees these
institutions to ensure adherence to
national health standards, allocates
Attached agencies- The DOH is supported
by other government health sector entities.
Encouraging each Filipino's health and well-
being; Disease prevention and control in
populations at risk;

External Providers -suppliers of the items

and services required for the effective
delivery of DOH's products and services are
considered external providers.

International health partners- support the

DOH by offering health resources and
helping to develop the health system.
Local Government Units(LGU)-
Collaboration between the DOH and
local governments is critical for the
successful implementation of national
health initiatives,

National government agencies (NGA)

-The NGA establishes policies and
provides money that affect DOH
operations and programs. The NGA's
decisions on budget allocations, legal
frameworks, and national priorities have
a direct impact on the department's
capacity to carry out its obligations.
Oversight Agencies - On the other
hand, these are the national
government organizations, like DOH,
that are in charge of monitoring how
well NGAs carry out their legal

Academe -The academe contributes

essential expertise and insights to
evidence-based health policies through
research collaboration, educational
partnerships, and policy consultation.
Adolescent Health and Development Environmental Health Program
Program Expanded Program on Immunization
Aedes-Borne Viral Diseases Filariasis Elimination Program
Prevention and Control Program Food and Waterborne Diseases
Belly Gud for Health Prevention and Control Program
Blood Donation Program Healthy and Productive Ageing
Cancer Control Program Program
Chronic-Kidney Disease Prevention Infant and Young Child Feeding
and Control Program
Climate Change Integrated Management of Childhood
Dengue Prevention and Control Illness Program
Program Leprosy Control Program
Dental Health Program Malaria Control and Elimination
Early Childhood Care Development Program
Program Mental Health Program
Emerging and Re-emerging Philippine Cancer Control Program
Infectious Diseases Program Philippine Medical Travel and
Micronutrient Supplementation Wellness Tourism Program
Program Philippine Organ Donation and
National Family Planning Program Transplant Program
National Leprosy Control Program Prevention of Blindness Program
National Safe Motherhood Program Rabies Prevention and Control
Newborn Hearing Screening Program Program
Newborn Screening Program Safe Motherhood Program
Occupational Health Program Unang Yakap (Essential Newborn
Oral Health Program Care: Protocol for New Life)
Persons with Disabilities Water Safety Progam
According to the Department of
Budget and Management, the Health
sector received a total of Php 296.3
billion for its projects, activities, and
programs for the year 2023.
Health Facilities Operation
Purchase and Allocation of Drugs,
Medicines, and Vaccines
Health Facilities Enhancement
National Health Workforce Support
According to the official
website of the Department
of Health, Republic Acts or
Laws established by DOH
started from the 8th
Congress under President
Corazon Aquino.
8th Congress - 19 Republic Acts
13th Congress - 7 Republic Acts
9th Congress - 31 Republic Acts
14th Congress - 4 Republic Acts
10th Congress - 28 Republic Acts
15th Congress - 11 Republic Acts
11th Congress - 6 Republic Acts
16th Congress - 9 Republic Acts
12th Congress - 13 Republic Acts
RA 10354 - The Responsible and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
- Adolescent Health and Development Program

RA 10611 - Food Safety Act

- Food and Waterborne Disease Prevention and Control Program

RA 11036 - Mental Health Act

- Mental Health Program

RA 9257 - Expanded Senior Citizens Act

- Healthy and Productive Aging Program

RA 11037 - National Feeding Program Act

- Micronutrient Supplementation Program
Specifically, this research aims to answer the following questions:

1. How can the Department of Health address the challenge of

insufficient healthcare accessibility in rural areas?
2. How can the Department of Health improve its public health
communication strategies?
3. How can the Department of Health strengthen its emergency
preparedness and response mechanisms to effectively handle
unforeseen health crises and disasters?
In conclusion, the Department of Health is essential to maintaining the health and
welfare of individuals. It is in charge of managing numerous issues related to public
health, enhancing healthcare accessibility, and strengthening emergency planning
and response systems.

Secretary of Health, who leads the Department of Health. Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa,
is the most recent Secretary of Health, also with the help of undersecretaries and
Assistant Secretaries that is among of most important positions in the Department
of Health, they develop and carry out health strategies and programs by working
closely with the Secretary. Also coordinating with the internal and external
stakeholders to promote programs that will help and provide healthcare to

The Department of Health faces a variety of important challenges, which are

outlined in the Statement of the Problem and provide solution in course action. The
Department of Health can address these important public health issues and ensure
people's health and well-being through implementing these strategies into reality
Improve medical equipment and facilities- essential to have upgraded
medical equipment and facilities

Implementing programs- programs that can help and provide prevention

to health problems and to reduce the spread of infectious diseases.

Addressing economic healthcare problems- seek solutions to prevent

an increasing number of health problems in the population.
Individuals with health needs- lack of healthcare centers, people tend to
find other low-priced alternative solutions to mend their health problems.

Healthcare workers- enhanced resources, support, and collaboration

opportunities to deliver better care and address public health concerns.

Government Agencies- more improvements to the efficiency and

effectiveness of the investment in public health.
Economy- increasing the number of healthcare workers, accessible
resources, and more equipment and facilities.

Future researchers- may produce more important and relevant results

that are directly beneficial to real-life situations.

Readers- raising awareness about the importance of public health


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