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Liquid filled Thermometers

Description and general specifications page 02

Liquid filled contact thermometers page 02
Operating instructions and maintenance page 05
Finished product quality control tests page 06

Description and general specifications.

These instruments are used to detect the temperature in the oil filled transformers and are made for outdoor
mounting in as well tropical or artic climates (ambient temperature range : -30 / +70°C). All components are
made of corrosion resistant or surface treated materials.
Nominal diameter : Casing : aluminium alloy with powder painting
high protection degree. On request case can be
100mm. or 150mm.
provided with an air breather device.
Temp. sensing system :
Locking clear window : glass.
expansion type (liquid filled system), compen-
Locking ring : nickel plated, transparent coated.
sated for ambient temperature changing by
means of a bimetallic spring. Standard measuring ranges :
-20 / +130°C 0 / +120°C 0 / +150°C
Capillary protection :
0 / +200°C
• protective copper tubing
• flexible galvanized iron + PVC tubing Measuring accuracy :
• flexible AISI 304 tubing.
1,5% of full scale value.
Bulb : brass or stainless steel

Liquid filled contact thermometers.

These thermometers are equipped with electrical contacts of air type (silver contacts).
On request the electrical contacts can be equipped with a little magneto to avoid uncertain commutations
when the instruments are subject to vibrations.
The contacts can be normally open or normally closed. The opening and closing of contacts are of slow ac-
tion type.



Volt Alternating Current Direct Current Inductive
380 28mA 23mA 15mA
220 46mA 40mA 22mA
110 90mA 80mA 45mA
50 170mA 130mA 70mA


Volt Alternating Current Direct Current Inductive Load
380 80mA 70mA 45mA
220 140mA 125mA 65mA
110 275mA 240mA 130mA
50 500mA 380mA 200mA

Insulation test : 2000V 50Hz between terminals Measuring accuracy : 1,5% of full scale value.
and earth for a 60 seconds time.
Elastic suspension : this device is a vibration
Mechanical protection degree : IP 55. damping system able to minimize the effects of
machine vibrations on the instrument (Drwg.


DRWG. N. 1144 DRWG. N. 1147


DRWG. N. 1184 DRWG. N. 1186

Type nom. A B C
1144/S 100 121 58 79
1184/S 100 121 90 79
1184/S 150 172 91 103
1186/S 100 121 90 /
1186/S 150 172 91 /

nominal diameter 100 nominal diameter 100

DRWG. N. 1187-10 DRWG. N. 1187-10-ES

THERMOMETER 1187-15 nominal diameter 150
nominal diameter 150

DRWG. N. 1187-15 DRWG. N. 1187-15-ES

Operating instructions and maintenance.

Operating instructions :
Mounting :
a) rigid stem thermometers ( types 1144/S - 1184/S - 1186/S )
fix the connection on the thermometer pocket by means of a spanner. Attention don't try to tighten the con-
nection by rotating the thermometer's head as you may damage it !
Once the connection is fixed you may need to position the dial to get the best readability. The positioning can
be made by means of the swivel nut of the thermometer.

b) thermometers with capillary (types 1187/S ) : fix the thermometer's head to the machine by means of the
back flange or of the elastic suspension. Then fix at regular distances the capillary to the machine wall or
cover and position the bulb inside of the thermometer pocket. Finally tighten the connection

Contact setting : remove the locking ring

remove the glass
rotate the frictioned setting pointers till are positioned at the desired set points value
put the glass into its seat taking care that the sealing O-ring is correctly located under
screw the locking ring



Cable layout : Remove locking ring and glass as done for contacts setting
connect the terminals of the contact by taking care that black screws correspond to black pointer contact and
red screws correspond to red pointer contact
Reposition the glass and mount the locking ring

Maintenance :
No particular maintenance is required. Only, on regular basis, schedule inspections to verify correct function
and calibration.
Typically a check of the precision must be done after 24 months and the check for contact functionality must
be done at least once a year.
In case the transparent is dirty, thus reducing the readability of the dial, you can clean it with a soft cloth, wa-
ter and soap.

Finished product quality control tests.
Thermometers without electric contact for distribution transformers

Instrument calibration : carried out through thermostatic baths controlled by a microprocessor based moni-
toring unit.
The procedure varies according to instruments scale.
The calibration procedure, being the thermometer scale = 0 / +120°C is made by using 5 different baths set
at the following temperatures :
bath 1 = 0°C
bath 2 = 20°C
bath 3 = 50°C
bath 4 = 100°C
bath 5 = 115°C

Calibration procedure :

Step 1 : a check is carried out to see whether the temperature taken by the instrument under test differs from
that taken through the sample sensor by more than the 70% of the maximum allowed instrument
reading tolerance value. This test is performed by sequentially plunging the thermometer bulb
into successive temperature increasing thermostatic baths : 0°C / +20°C / +50°C / +100°C /

Step 2 : the instrument is heated until the instrument pointer exceeds by 20% the angular full scale value.

Step 3 : step 1 is repeated, but inversely.

Check of instrument mechanical protection degree : IP 55

Finished product quality control tests.
Thermometer with electric contacts (air type silver contacts) for distribution transformers

Instrument calibration : carried out through thermostatic baths controlled by a computer system.
The procedure varies according to instruments scale.
The calibration procedure, being the thermometer scale = 0/+120°C is made by using 5 different baths set at
the following temperatures :
bath 1 = 0°C
bath 2 = 20°C
bath 3 = 50°C
bath 4 = 100°C
bath 5 = 115°C

Calibration procedure :

Step 1 : a check is carried out to see whether the temperature taken by the instrument under test differs from
that taken through the sample sensor by more than the 70% of the maximum allowed instrument
reading tolerance value. This test is performed by sequentially plunging the thermometer bulb
into successive temperature increasing thermostatic baths : 0°C / +20°C / +50°C / +100°C /

Step 2 : the instrument is heated until the instrument pointer exceeds by 20% the angular full scale value.

Step 3 : step 1 is repeated, but inversely.

Manual inspection of the electric contact actuation : in every point of the scale.

Tripping status control of electric contacts : performed via visual indicators mounted on a panel-board.
The bulb is immersed in a thermostatic bath.
A Temperature monitoring and control unit changes the temperature inside of the bath and by means of said
panel-board the operator verifies the commutation tolerance, the commutation differential, the electrical cir-
cuits of each contact.

Check of instrument mechanical protection degree : IP 55

Insulation test : carried out by means of a microprocessor controlled testing unit.


Terman '90 S.r.l., Via Ghisalba, 13-20/21, 20021 Bollate (MI) – Italy. Tel: +39 02 38 30 37 12, Fax: +39 02 38 30 37 19,
E-Mail [email protected],
C.F./P. IVA IT 09970270154 – C.C.I.A.A. 1332904 – Trib. Milano Reg. Soc. 302729 – Cap. Soc. € 119.000

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