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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Sustainable Development: A Primer

Matthew N. O. Sadiku1, Paul A. Adekunte2, Janet O. Sadiku3
Roy G. Perry College of Engineering, Prairie View A&M University, Prairie View, USA
International Institute of Professional Security, Lagos, Nigeria
Juliana King University, Houston, TX, USA

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Matthew N. O.

Sustainable development (SD) refers to the development that meets Sadiku | Paul A. Adekunte | Janet O.
the present needs without compromising the ability of future Sadiku "Sustainable Development: A
generations to meet their own needs. It means refining the problem Primer" Published
in International
caused by continuous economic growth. It is the development that
Journal of Trend in
meets the needs of the present without compromising the future. The Scientific Research
ultimate objective of sustainable development is to achieve a balance and Development
among environmental, economic, and social sustainability, making (ijtsrd), ISSN:
these the three pillars on which SD relies on. The sustainable 2456-6470, IJTSRD63432
development goals (SDGs) recognize strategies that improve health Volume-8 | Issue-1,
and education, reduce inequality, erase hunger, and spur economic February 2024, pp.425-433, URL:
growth. They map out a global vision for a better world. They set out
ambitious goals and targets for people, prosperity, planet, and peace.
To advance the sustainable development agenda every national Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
government must integrate the SDGs into national plans and deliver
Scientific Research and Development
the breakthroughs that our world desperately needs. This paper Journal. This is an
introduces the reader to sustainable development, its importance, and Open Access article
application areas. distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
KEYWORDS: sustainability, sustainable development, sustainable
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
development goals (

Our world and the future we want are at risk. The conflict, war, poverty, hunger, vast inequalities, and
development of humanity over the last decades has social instability. Unsustainable development occurs
led to the increasingly unfavorable climate changes, when current progress is at the expense of future
natural disasters, wars, population explosion, poverty, generations. This includes unsystematic planning that
ignorance and disease, gender inequality, the causes environmental degradation, such as the use of
pollution of our surroundings, the stockpiling of fossil fuels, or farming methods that cause damage to
nuclear weapons, and political and socio-economic animals and ecosystems [1]. Unsustainable
instability. Responsible behavior that will ensure the development happens when people pursue immediate
long-term exploitation of resources without rewards without thinking about harms to other people
jeopardizing future generations aligns with the or the planet. Decision-makers need to be constantly
concept of sustainability. The term “sustainability” is mindful of the relationships among the three
often referred to as “sustainable development.” interconnected pillars, namely the environment,
Sustainability is regarded as a paradigm for thinking economy, and society. They must ensure responsible
about balancing environmental, economic, and social human behavior and actions at the international,
needs for the present and future. Sustainable national, community and individual levels.
development describes the holistic, systems-based CONCEPT OF SUSTAINABILITY
approach that ensures sustainability. The term is often The concept of sustainability is based on classical
used in business, government, and non-profit economics. Sustainable development can be
organizations to refer to the processes required to interpreted in economic terms as “development that
balance economic growth, environmental lasts.” Sustainability is a social goal for people to co-
stewardship, and social inclusion. exist on Earth over a long time. It is often understood
A lot of development is unsustainable. It has taken us as a form of intergenerational ethics in which the
to climate change. Environmental destruction, environmental and economic actions taken by present

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generation do not diminish the opportunities of future providing enabling conditions for everyone to
generation to enjoy similar levels of wealth, utility, or have the capacity to realize their needs.
welfare. The notion of sustainability rose to
 Economic sustainability implies a system of
prominence when the modern environmental activists production that satisfies present consumption
rebuked the unsustainable character of contemporary levels without compromising future needs.
societies where patterns of resource use, growth, and
Economics is the study of the allocation of
consumption threatened the integrity of ecosystems limited resources across unlimited wants.
and the well-being of future generations.
Economies consist of markets where transactions
Sustainability, in one form or another, has been a occur. We cannot have it all because there is not
concern for economists for well over 200 years. The enough land, labor or capital (economic
concept of sustainability was originally coined in resources) to do so. Thus, we must decide what
forestry, where it means never harvesting more than resources are best used to produce what goods
what the forest yields in new growth. The term [5]. Economic sustainability is the ability of
“sustainability” has become popular in policy- human communities around the world to maintain
oriented research as an expression of what public their independence and have access to the
policies ought to achieve. The principal inspiration resources required to meet their needs. This is
came from the Brundtland Report of 1987. Since then especially important in today’s societies, at a time
the concept has shifted in meaning [2]. when many sustainable initiatives require
The “Three Pillars of Sustainability” describes what financing and a strong economic rationale.
sustainable development is all about. This tool Numerous practices are cited as threats to
conveys that sustainability consists of environmental, sustainability, such as political corruption, social
social, and economic factors that are vital when inequality, the arms race, and profligate government
discussing the topic. The pillars (or dimensions) are expenditures. Like sustainability, the three main
explained as follows [3,4]: dimensions of sustainable development are economic
 Environmental sustainability symbolizes the growth, environmental protection, and social equality,
importance of things like natural resources and as depicted in Figure 1 [6]. These policies are often
biodiversity to support life on Earth. This seems described as green because they focus on limiting the
to be the most obvious pillar. Environmental impact of development on the environment.
sustainability is about the natural environment WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT?
and how it remains productive and resilient to In contemporary debate, the term “sustainability”
support human life. It occurs when humanity’s often serves as a synonym for “sustainable
rate of consumption does not exceed nature’s rate development,” which refers to the social-ecological
of replenishment and when humanity’s rate of process to achieve sustainability.
generating pollution and emitting greenhouse
The concept of “sustainable development” is about
gases does not exceed nature’s rate of restoration.
steering humanity toward a sustainable future that
It relies on governmental initiatives to orient
does not deplete our natural resources. The desired
production and consumption into less
result is a society where living conditions and
environmentally destructive channels. For
resources meet human needs without undermining the
example, the effects of climate change provide a
planetary integrity and stability of the natural system.
convincing argument for the need for
The term “sustainable development'' gained wide
environmental sustainability. Environmentally-
popularity in the international community after the
friendly infrastructure is needed for increased
renowned report “ Our Common Future” was
economic output and productivity.
published by the World Commission on Environment
 Social sustainability places importance on social and Development in 1987. The idea of sustainable
structures, well-being, and harmony; all factors development grew from numerous environmental
that poverty, wars, and injustices can affect. It movements in earlier decades.
encompasses notions of equity, empowerment,
Sustainable development is the ability to make
accessibility, participation, cultural identity, and
development sustainable to ensure that it meets the
institutional stability. This is the ability of a
needs of the present without compromising the ability
society to uphold universal human rights and
of future generations to meet their own needs. It may
meet people's basic needs, such as healthcare,
also be regarded as a process of social advancement
education, and transportation. Social
that accommodates the needs of current and future
sustainability is not about ensuring that
generations and that successfully integrates economic,
everyone’s needs are met. Rather, it aims at

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social, and environmental considerations in decision SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
making. It is the mutually beneficial interaction In 2015, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
between the legal interest of a business and the Development was adopted by the UN. It provides a
economy, government and politics, and civil society, global framework for national strategies and policies
and culture. to put the world on a path to sustainability. One of the
most important elements of this were the 17
The three primary goals of sustainable development
are [7]: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which set out
various goals that the international community must
 To minimize the expenditure of natural resources
while creating new developments. work together to achieve. These global goals aimed at
improving the planet and the quality of human life
 To create an environment that can be maintained around the world by the year 2030. In essence, the
and sustained without destroying the SDGs are a continuation of the eight Millennium
environment. Development Goals (MDGs), which began in the year
 To provide a method for rebuilding existing 2000 and ended in 2015. The MDGs helped to lift
developments to make them eco-friendly facilities nearly one billion people out of extreme poverty,
and projects. combat hunger, and allow more girls to attend school.
International organizations such as NGOs, United The 17 SDG goals address the global challenges,
Nations, aid organizations, and even governments are including poverty, inequality, climate change,
making continuous sponsoring efforts to ensure that environmental degradation, peace, and justice.
the goal of sustainable development is achieved for The SDG goals are displayed in Figure 2 [3]. These
every individual across the globe. ambitious goals entered into force on 1 January 2016.
Some real-life examples of sustainable development The 193 countries that make up the United Nations
include the following [8]: (UN) agreed to adopt the 2030 Agenda for
 Green spaces: A perfect example of sustainable Sustainable Development. The goals provide key
development manifestation is green spaces. Parks, benchmarks for us to understand how sustainability is
lakes, and forests are essential to cooling cities. being achieved worldwide. It is needless to say that
Trees produce oxygen and help filter out air the goals are interrelated and they cannot be
pollution. Governments that design cities to addressed in isolation. Although not all of the SDGs
prioritize green spaces often promote commuting are met globally, significant progress has been made.
by foot or bicycle, encouraging healthy lifestyles People are becoming more aware of them and
and well-being. Sustainable development focuses organizing around them. The SDGs cannot and
on eco-friendly building, green architecture, and should not be taken as universal due to conceptual
other sustainable constructions. and moral differences among different communities
and peoples.
 Solar energy: Renewable energy is a popular
topic and it includes solar energy, hydropower, In summary, the 17 goals are [9]:
wind, and biomass fuels. Using the sun’s energy  Goal 1: No Poverty: End poverty in all its forms
to power electric grids can reduce emissions from everywhere.
power plants and other pollutants. You may have  Goal 2: Zero Hunger: End hunger, achieve food
spotted solar panels on your rooftop. This security and improved nutrition and promote
technology continues to get cheaper and it is sustainable agriculture.
competitive with cost of electricity powered by
fossil fuels. Hydro energy as used in turbines.  Goal 3: Good Health and Well-being: Ensure
Wind energy is often employed in wind mills. healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all
 Sustainable finance: Sustainable finance is ages.
another widely impactful sustainable development  Goal 4: Quality Education: Ensure inclusive and
practice. It covers a range of activities, from equitable quality education and promote lifelong
funding green energy projects to investing in learning opportunities for all.
companies that demonstrate strong social values.
 Goal 5: Gender Equality: Achieve gender equality
Sustainable development simply means that and empower all women and girls.
resources should be naturally used in such a way
that they are not over-exploited.  Goal 6: Clean Water and Sanitation: Ensure
availability and sustainable management of water
Concepts like gender equality, poverty, ecological
and sanitation for all.
restoration, and natural resource conservation are all
types of sustainable development.

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 Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy: Ensure sustainable development, supports the sustainability
access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and goals.
modern energy for all.
The SDGs are a call-to-action for people worldwide
 Goal 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth: to address five critical areas of importance by 2030:
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnership.
economic growth, full and productive This is displayed in Figure 4 [11] and explained as
employment and decent work for all. follows [12]:
 Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure: 1. People - to end poverty and hunger, in all their
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all
and sustainable industrialization, and foster human beings can fulfill their potential in dignity
innovation. and equality and in a healthy environment
 Goal 10: Reduced Inequality: Reduce inequality 2. Peace - to foster peaceful, just and inclusive
within and among countries. societies, which are free from fear and violence.
 Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities: There can be no sustainable development without
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, peace and no peace without sustainable
safe, resilient, and sustainable. development

 Goal 12: Responsible Consumption and 3. Partnership - to mobilize the means required to
Production: Ensure sustainable consumption and implement this Agenda through a revitalized
production patterns. Global Partnership for Sustainable Development,
based on spirit of strengthened global solidarity,
 Goal 13: Climate Action: Take urgent action to focused in particular on the needs of the poorest
combat climate change and its impacts. and most vulnerable and with the participation of
 Goal 14: Life Below Water: Conserve and all countries, all stakeholders and all people
sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine 4. Prosperity - to ensure that all human beings can
resources for sustainable development. enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that
 Goal 15: Life on Land: Protect, restore, and economic, social and technological progress occur
promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, in harmony with nature
sustainably manage forests, combat 5. Planet - to protect the planet from degradation,
desertification, and halt and reverse land including through sustainable consumption and
degradation and halt biodiversity loss. production, sustainably managing its natural
 Goal 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions: resources and taking urgent action on climate
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for change, so that it can support the needs of the
sustainable development, provide access to justice present and future generations
for all and build effective, accountable, and APPLICATIONS OF SUSTAINABLE
inclusive institutions at all levels. DEVELOPMENT
 Goal 17: Partnerships to Achieve the Goal: Sustainable development has become the catchphrase
Strengthen the means of implementation and for international aid agencies, the jargon of
revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development planners, and the slogan of development
development. and environmental activists. It has attracted much
attention in the academic, governance, planning, and
Key issues addressed by the 17 SDGs are summarized development intervention space. Although the three
in Figure 3 [10]. Unlike the MDGs, which relied pillars of sustainable development can apply to any
exclusively on funding from governments and business or industry, we will only consider its
nonprofit organizations, the SDGs also rely on the implications in the following areas.
private business sector to make contributions. The
SDGs serve as a blueprint for peace and prosperity  Human Development: Proper human resource
for people and the planet, now, and into the future. management and development is an important
Every year, the UN Secretary General presents an implication of social development. It is the people
annual SDG Progress report. Earth Council Alliance who have to ensure that the principles are adopted
(ECA), network of nongovernmental organizations and adhered to. It is people who have the
(NGOs) and individuals dedicated to promoting responsibility to utilize and conserve the
environment. Sustainable development relates to
the principle of meeting human development

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goals while at the same time sustaining the ability water), the construction industry has a big part to
of natural systems to provide the natural resources play in sustainable development. Sustainable
and ecosystem services on which the economy construction is crucial if we want to make
and society depend. It implies human thinking developments work for ourselves, future
and actions in the quest for sustainable human generations, and the environment. We need to
development. In order to achieve SD, there is the ensure the construction industry meets the needs
need for population control. There is also the need of the current population while preserving the
for all nations to formulate and implement social needs of future generations. The industry needs to
policies that foster tolerance, social cohesion, and shake off the reputation of being slow to adapt.
justice. This can be done by enshrining universal Construction professionals should consider the
human rights within a framework of citizenship, impact transport has on the environment and
inclusion, equity, and effective political make considered choices. A construction site is
governance. UN should acknowledge and shown in Figure 6 [16].
consider different national capacities and levels of  Sustainable Forestry: We cannot survive on this
development and respect national policies and planet without forests. Forests provide fuel for
priorities [13]. cooking and warmth, medicinal plants, food,
 Sustainable City: This is an urban center that wildlife habitat, clean water, spiritual and cultural
improves its environmental impact through urban touchstones, and for many, the means to earn a
planning and management. You can imagine a living. Tearing forest down for materials like
city with parks and green spaces, solar-powered timber is not good for the environment. Look for
buildings, rooftop gardens, and more pedestrians companies that replace trees they plant or look for
and bicycles than cars. Smart cities are actively recycled materials if you want to go one better.
moving towards greener urban ecosystems and
 Corporate Social Responsibility: This is a self-
better environmental management [14].
regulating business model that helps a company
 Sustainable Urban Development: This is to be socially accountable to itself, its
characterized as achieving a balance between the stakeholders, and the public. By practicing
development of and equity in the urban areas and corporate social responsibility (CSR), companies
the protection of the urban environment. Today, can be conscious of the kind of impact they are
more than half of the world’s population – 4.4 having on all aspects of society, including
billion inhabitants – live in cities. Urban economic, social, and environmental. Businesses
settlements, as a densely populated built must consider the interests of communities and
environment, are the center of attention. The the environment that they operate in. Businesses
speed and scale of urbanization brings challenges. should not base their decisions solely on profit;
Cities play an increasingly important role in other factors such as social and environmental
tackling climate change. Rapid population should be considered.
growth, economic development and a demand for
more natural resources have put a strain on our The concept of sustainable development has emerged
planet. We must work hard to change the way we as a beacon of hope for our planet’s future.
develop, maintain and dispose of our buildings. Sustainable development charts a path towards a
Figure 5 shows various elements of sustainable world where humans and nature coexist
urban development [15]. harmoniously. The sustainable development goals are
 Sustainable Construction: This aims at applying a universal call to action to end poverty and social
the principles of sustainable development to the inequality while tackling climate change. Where
construction industry. It involves developing development is sustainable, everyone has access to
buildings such as houses, offices and other decent work, quality health care, and education.
commercial properties that incorporate and use Natural resource use avoids pollution and permanent
renewable and recyclable resources, with the losses to the environment. Public policy choices
primary goal of lessening the impact on the ensure that no one is left behind due to disadvantages
environment. It also entails supporting natural or discrimination. As the threats of climate change
environments and habitats. Sustainable become increasingly important, win-win strategies for
development affects different areas of mitigation, health improvement and cost savings offer
construction, such as energy, technology, a range of advantages for various stakeholders. Other
manufacturing and transport. As one of the benefits of sustainable development include [7]
biggest consumers of natural resources (such as  Elimination of poverty across the world

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 Ensure good health and well being inequality within and among many countries has been
 Provision for clear water and sanitation rising. Unsustainable consumption and production
patterns have resulted in huge economic and social
 Provision of quality education for all costs and may endanger life on the planet. Sustainable
 Achieving Gender Equality development is a development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future
 Allowing access to economical and clean energy generations to meet their own needs. It aims at
 Building up strong infrastructure, Supporting making use of natural resources and the environment
Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialization and for improving the standard of people in such a way
encouraging innovation that the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs is not compromised. It attempts to find a
CHALLEGES balance between economic development,
Sustainable development at any scale can be environmental protection, and social well-being.
challenging because of society’s competing More needs to be done by the key players—
economic, social, and environmental needs. Some particularly the United Nations, governments, private
experts have criticized certain features of the concept, sector, and civil society organizations to ensure that
including [17]: everyone is sustainable development aware,
 It is a multidimensional concept and its conscious, cultured, and compliant.
interpretation and understanding is often content Sustainable development is how we must live today if
and context specific we want a better tomorrow. The goals of the
 Its generality or vagueness, which has led to a sustainable development project cannot and will not
great deal of debate over which forms or aspects be met without the help of everyone. As illustrated in
of development qualify as “sustainable” Figure 7, a better future is possible if we all act now
[18]. There are many actions, big and small, that the
 Its lack of quantifiable or objectively measurable
average person can take to contribute to sustainable
development. Boosting your knowledge and taking a
 Its assumption of the inevitability and desirability class may help you learn about climate change.
of industrialization and economic development Eliminating waste can make a difference. Taking the
 Its failure to ultimately prioritize human needs or bus or train is typically cheaper and better for the
environmental commitments, either of which may environment than driving a car. Save on electricity at
reasonably be considered more important in home by unplugging appliances when not in use. Opt
certain circumstances for online paperless statements instead of having bills
mailed to you. Consider a career in sustainable
The concept has been criticized in various ways. development. Sustainable development encompasses
Critics question what is to be sustained in sustainable many broad fields, such as management, public
development. Part of the problem is that policy, law, urban planning, education, etc. So there
"development" itself is not consistently defined. are plenty of jobs you can choose from. For more
While some see it as an oxymoron and regard information on sustainable development, one should
development as inherently unsustainable, others are consult books in [19-42] and the following related
disappointed in the lack of progress that has been journals:
achieved so far [14]. SDGs are not being  Sustainability.
accomplished at the appropriate speed needed to meet  Sustainable Development
the 2030 deadline. Another area of the SDGs that
lacks progress is gender equality. Countries were REFERENCES
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Figure 3 Key issues addressed by the 17 SDGs


Figure 1 The three main dimensions of

sustainable development [6].

Figure 4 The five dimensions of the 2030 Agenda


Figure 2 The Sustainable Development Goals [3]

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Figure 5 Various elements of sustainable urban Figure 7 A better future is possible if we act now
development [15]. [18].

Figure 6 Construction sustainability and

technology [16].

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