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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Consumers’ Impulsive Buying

Behavior in Social Commerce Platforms
Dr. Mohanadasan T1, Umamaheswari R2
Associate Professor & Research Guide, 2Research Scholar,
Department of PG Studies & Research in Commerce, Government Victoria College, Palakkad, Kerala, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr.

The paper is an attempt to know how the impulsive buying behavior Mohanadasan T | Umamaheswari R
of consumers are triggered in social commerce platforms by going "Consumers’ Impulsive Buying
through various research papers, theories in available literature also Behavior in Social Commerce
what are the research implications and future research directions in Platforms" Published in International
Journal of Trend in
this area. A review of 15 papers are included in this work. The review Scientific Research
of the above literature reveals that social commerce is an emerging and Development
phenomenon which will be the next frontier of online commerce, has (ijtsrd), ISSN:
wide scope for research and very few studies have been done on the 2456-6470,
practical implication of social commerce. Though studies have been Volume-8 | Issue-1,
done on the impulse buying behavior of consumers only a few studies February 2024, IJTSRD62399
were found on the combination of social commerce and impulse pp.456-460, URL:
buying behavior. To close the research gap, new theoretical
discoveries are required. Research studies on the impulse buying
behavior of customers in social commerce in various industry such as Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
restaurant, fashionables, entertainment, shopping goods etc. may be Scientific Research and Development
done by the upcoming researchers. Journal. This is an
KEYWORDS: Social commerce, Impulse buying behavior Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

Customer being the king of the market is unique in to 20 billion by 2025 and US dollar 60 to 70 billion
respect of similar other customer. Nowadays by 2030. Share of social commerce in India’s E-
customers regard their consumption as an access commerce market (US dollar 38 billion in 2020) is
rather than a possession and an expression of their expected to increase from the existing 1-2 percent 4-5
individual identity. They are not always satisfied with percent of the projected US dollar 140 billion market
care and courtesy alone they expect concern and by 2025.
commitment. Marketing in its every stage of
The buying behaviour of customers in social
evolution is trying to provide this concern and
commerce may be rational or irrational. The
commitment to the customers. Social commerce is the
irrational, unreasonable or unplanned buying
latest phenomenon in this path of evolution.
behaviour commonly called as impulse buying
According to the report titled ‘The Future of
behaviour is always a matter of suspicion. Customers
Commerce in India’ by ‘Sequoia capital India’, a
do not shop for their need always, in times they shop
venture capital fund and ‘Bain and Company’ a
for their happiness, lack of self-control, to impress
global consultancy firm, the next biggest drivers for
others etc. moreover with the advent of social media
Indian E-Commerce will be social commerce. It is a
and ecommerce website this tendency of customers is
process which engage customers in each stage of
increasing alarmingly. The major factor in impulse
shopping, from the location of a product to the after
buying behaviour is that people can’t resist the urge
sales interaction in a collaborative way through social
to buy products if they have the impulse to do so.
media. According to ‘Bain and Company’ report
Therefore, they buy without considering its price
social commerce in India (in terms of gross
quality or similar other features. This may have
merchandise value) was estimated at ~ US dollar 2
positive as well as negative impact. As a positive fact
billion in 2020 and is projected to reach US dollar 16
impulse buying result in high level of pleasure and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD62399 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 456
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
satisfaction to the customer at the same time it will restaurant product in social commerce’. The paper
affect the financial stability of the customer also can probes the impulsiveness of consumer of restaurant
cause high level of anxiety if the desire to buy is not product in social commerce. The primary data using
satisfied. In social commerce there exist numerous questionnaire is collected from 332 participants and
factors which triggers the impulse buying behaviour SEM was conducted. The study considers the two
of customers. values of shopping the utilitarian and hedonic also the
Therefore the study in this area will help to answer impact of two situational factors such as scarcity and
certain valuable questions about the impulse buying serendipity on the shopping values is assessed. The
behaviour in social commerce also may help the major findings of the study include impulsiveness is a
customers and marketers to get a clarity about the significant predictor of the shopping values but it is
impulse buying behaviour of customer so that the hedonic value influence the desire to make
marketers can plan strategies to trigger that impulse impulsive purchases than utilitarian. Therefore, the
buying behaviour of customers and customers can impulsive buying behaviour and the shopping values
restrict themselves from unnecessary buying. They are correlated while coming to the situational factors’
can make a stable purchase pattern in context with scarcity has its impact in both utilization and hedonic
their financial affordability. values but serendipity influence utilitarian values.

Research questions: Djafarova, Elmira and Bowes, Tamar (2021)

The research questions we present include: ‘Instagram made Me buy it: Generation Z impulse
RQ1: How the impulsive buying behavior of purchases in fashion industry’, Journal of Retailing
consumers are triggered in social commerce platforms and Consumer Services. In the context of the UK
by going through various research papers, theories in fashion sector, this study examines the many
available literature? Instagram marketing strategies that are most effective
in influencing Generation Z's impulsive buying
RQ 2: What are the research implications and future behavior. The study applies the model of Stimulus-
research directions? Organism-Response to the Instagram setting. The
Review design: results of this qualitative investigation, which drew on
A comprehensive but not an exhaustive literature eight detailed Focus groups have found that there are
review based on the topic of the research is followed substantial gender differences in impulse control and
in the paper. After identifying the research questions, shopping habits on Instagram. Instagram has a
we searched for relevant articles in the online significant impact on promoting impulsive behavior
databases such as google scholar, research gate etc. in the purchases made by women; for the individuals
This review does not include conference proceedings, who were men, this was not the case.
books or other unpublished sources. A review of 15 Abdelsalam H. Busalim, Ab Razak CheHussin
papers are included in this work. (2016): ’Understanding social commerce: A
Review of literature: systematic literature review and directions for further
Lixianga, Dingtao Zhaoa (2016):’Exploring research’. In this paper the researchers collected,
consumers’ impulse buying behavior on social reviewed, and synthesized studies that were linked to
commerce platform: The role of Para social s-commerce published from 2010 to 2015. 110 papers
interaction’. The study focuses on the part of para that address s-commerce by adhering to the review
social interaction (PSI) in inducing the impulse process that incorporated two stages (automated and
buying behavior of consumers. The research manual) to cover all research in this era were found.
questions include the factors that encourage users to The findings demonstrate an upsurge in s-commerce-
form PSI relationships and how this relationship related studies over the last six years. The study
affect the impulse buying behavior of consumers. noticed that the recent studies addressed a wide range
Through an online self – administrated questionnaire of s-commerce-related study topics, including user
on the data is collected. The results behavior, business models, the design of s-commerce
show that the socially important characteristics of the websites, adoption strategies, social process network
social commerce platforms determines the PSI, and analysis, and firm performance. While other topics
which in turn impact the impulse purchase tendency received less attention, the majority of these studies
of consumers. In addition, customers’ perceptions of concentrate on user behavior and website design; as a
satisfaction and propensities for impulsive purchases result, this study recommends the direction for further
have a big impact on those urges. research in these areas.
Namho Chung, Hyo Geun song, Hyunae Lee (2017): Ing-LongWua, Kuei-WanChena(2020): ‘Defining the
‘Consumers’ impulsive buying behaviour of determinants of online impulse buying through a

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD62399 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 457
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
shopping process of integrating perceived risk, impulse buying than the online channel so that offline
expectation-confirmation model, and flow theory companies can trigger the buying impulse to a great
issues’. The study is an attempt to identify the key extent than online retailers
determinants of online impulse buying and also to
Shaifali Chauhan, Richa Banerjee and Vishal
build a new research model using these determinants.
Dagar(2021): ‘Analysis of impulse buying behaviour
The study using a five parts structured questionnaire
of consumer during Covid-19: An empirical study’.
collects the necessary information from customers to
The article attempts to analyze the changes occurred
know their online impulse behavior. As online
in the behaviour of the customers for online buying of
impulse buying is an unexpected individual behavior
fashion products empirical research was employed
having a strong engagement with e-stores for
and the data collected using a survey approach from
spontaneous purchase. The study found that there is a
569 respondents. The study emphasize that if the
vital link between perceived risk for virtual stores as
consumer has positive emotion towards products then
well as e-store design and psychological state for
there will be a chance of emotional behavior even in a
online shopping.
challenging situation like covid-19 and finally the
Ertugrul Godelek and Faith Akalin (2018): ‘A pre study shows that consumer shopping behaviour,
study for developing and exploring an ‘impulsive positive emotions and impulse behaviour play a
buying scale’ for Turkish population’ aims to develop substantial role as they stimulate an individual to
a valid and reliable impulsive buying scale and to purchase impulsively and also confirmed that
investigate the effect of demographic and socio- immediately role of positive emotions.
economic variables on impulse buying using the
G Muruganantham and Ravi Shankar Bhakat(2013):
aforementioned scale. A sample of 800 participants
’A review of impulse buying behavior’. The purpose
from Mercin was applied with impulse buying scale.
of this paper was to provide a detailed account of the
Construct validity was used to evaluate the validity of
impulse buying behaviour by compiling the various
the scale and Cronbach’s alpha was used to evaluate
research works, literatures in the field of retailing and
reliability of scale. The study finds a valid and
consumer behaviour. The study is a light to the
reliable scale to measure impulsive buying behaviour,
researchers who intends to do research in this topic
also that some socio economical and demographical
which clearly outlines impulse buying behaviour, its
variables such as age, level of education, level of
types, factors affecting it etc. through the content
income etc. has its effect in the impulse buying
analysis of the Literature available.
Raed S Algharabhat and Nripendra P Rana (2020):
Upadhyay, Chethana j (2021): ‘A study on factors
‘Social commerce in emerging Markets and its impact
affecting impulse buying behaviour of retail
on online engagement’. The study aims to build an
consumers in selected cities of Gujarat’ has been done
understanding of social commerce in the emerging
on the aspects that influence impulsive consumption
market and how it influences the online community
behaviour of selected retail consumers of selected
engagement. The data is collected from 400
cities of Gujarat state and quantitative research
respondents using a web-based survey and employed
approach has been used for the research. A non-
non-probability, judgement sampling to selected the
probability convenience sampling is opted for the
samples. The study finds that social commerce
study. Different types of non-parametric tests are used
construct positively influences social support,
for analysis and finds that the store design and
community members’ trust and social presence, in
display, price related factors manipulate customer
turn influence the community engagement.
impulsive purchase tendency and recommends that
right merchandising Strategies and marketing mix Md Alamgir Hussain and Minho Kim(2020): ‘A
should be used earlier than gently shopping out, comprehensive study on social commerce in social
check it on a small level in initial and make sure that networking sites’, aims to examine users’ perception
stock data administration is in categorized or not. of the service quality of social networking sites
contributing to customer satisfaction and usage
Laura Aragoncillo, Carlos orus (2018): ‘Impulse
intention leading to social commerce intention. An
buying behaviour and online offline comparative and
online survey comprising 549 samples were
the impact of social commerce’ the paper aims to
conducted and the result indicate that outcome and
explore the impulse buying behaviour in the fashion
environment quality have a positive impact on the
industry. The online and offline channels are
satisfaction whereas interaction and outcome quality
compared to determine which is perceived as leading
have significant impact on usage intention of social
to more impulsive buying and the study finds that the
networking sites.
offline channels is likely more encouraging of

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD62399 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 458
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Huifen Wang, Jiaxin Xie (2020):’A review of social user ratings and other user-generated content-sharing
commerce research’. The article aims to sort out the of online product information and advice.
current research results summarizes the research
Examples of social commerce include customer
characteristics in this field and point out future
ratings and reviews, user recommendations and
research areas and direction worthy of attention and
referrals, social shopping tools (sharing the act of
the paper sheds light on the various features of social
shopping online), forums and communities, social
commerce since still it is developing at a high speed,
media optimization, social applications and social
the review of this article will provide a theoretical
advertising(The 6 Dimensions of Social Commerce:
base to the researchers.
Rated and Reviewed Archived 2010-02-25 at the
Ping Zhang (2012): ‘The evolution of social Wayback Machine.
commerce: The people, Business, Technology and (2012-09-24). Retrieved on 2013-01-10)
information dimensions’. The article aims to capture
Impulse buying behavior:
research attention by describing the characteristics of
impulse buying is an unplanned decision by a
Social commerce and its potential future direction and
consumer to buy a product or service, made just
gives an outlook to the social commerce in the three
before a purchase( Retrieved
dimensions that is the people, business and
2011-12-22). Research findings suggest that
Technology from 2005 to 2011.
emotions, feelings, and attitudes play a decisive role
R Katoch and A Sidhu (2021): ‘Online food delivery in purchasing, triggered by seeing the product or upon
industry in India: A case of customer satisfaction exposure to a well-crafted promotional
dynamics’ The study aims to evaluate the level of message(Czarnecka, Barbara; Schivinski, Bruno
customers satisfaction in the online food delivery (2019-08-08). "Do Consumers Acculturated to Global
system and used descriptive research based on data Consumer Culture Buy More Impulsively? The
collected through questionnaire over 300 response Moderating Role of Attitudes towards and Beliefs
across India selected through convenience sampling about Advertising". Journal of Global Marketing. 32
and find out that product quality and pricing are the (4): 219–238. doi:10.1080/08911762.2019.1600094.
crucial satisfaction drivers in the online food delivery ISSN 0891-1762. S2CID 182181403) examples
market. include candy, gum, mints and chocolate are
Research implications and future research prominently displayed at the checkout aisles to trigger
directions: impulse buyers - and / or their children - to buy what
The paper is an attempt to synthesize the existing they might not have otherwise considered("Tempting
theories on social commerce and impulse buying Shopping, Children and Impulse Buying - David
behavior. The review of the above literature reveals Vernon, March 2007".
that social commerce is an emerging phenomenon Retrieved 2011-12-22)
which will be the next frontier of online commerce, Impulse buying in social commerce:
has wide scope for research and very few studies have The review done in this area shows that various
been done on the practical implication of social features of social commerce such as customer ratings,
commerce. Though studies have been done on the referrals, forums, communities etc. triggers the
impulse buying behavior of consumers only a few impulse buying behavior of customers. But the
studies were found on the combination of social research in this area is limited so there is wide scope
commerce and impulse buying behavior. To close the for research, as social commerce is considered to be
research gap, new theoretical discoveries are required. the next frontier of e commerce.
FINDINGS: Limitations and Conclusion:
Social commerce: The findings of the paper can be interpreted within
Social commerce is a subset of e-commerce that the context of certain limits such as the review is not
involves social media and online media that supports exhaustive. It does not include all the literature in this
social interaction, and user contributions to assist area. Also only published works are taken for the
online buying and selling of products and services.( work and doesn’t include conference proceedings,
Lam, Hugo K.S.; Yeung, Andy C.L.; Lo, Chris K.Y.; books or other unpublished sources.
Cheng, T.C.E. (2019). "Should Firms Invest in Social
The major purpose of this paper is to identify the
Commerce? An Integrative Perspective". Information
research gap in the area of study and recommend
& Management. 56 (8): 103164.).Yahoo! in
future research directions. As stated in the findings
November 2005 has introduced the term social
India has the highest potential for social commerce
commerce which includes a set of online
with over 560 million internet users, second largest
collaborative shopping tools such as shared pick lists,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD62399 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 459
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
online market in the world. There exist numerous [6] Upadhyay, Chethana j (2021): ‘A study on
factors in social commerce that impacts the impulse factors affecting impulse buying behaviour of
buying behavior of customers. The study in this area retail consumers in selected cities of Gujarat’
may help both the customers and marketers. [7] Laura Aragoncillo, Carlos orus (2018):
Customers can get a better insight of the effect of ‘Impulse buying behaviour and online offline
their impulse buying in their consumption and comparative and the impact of social
marketers can make strategies to use this impulse commerce’
buying behavior of customers in a favorable way.
Research studies on the impulse buying behavior of [8] Shaifali Chauhan, Richa Banerjee and Vishal
customers in social commerce in various industry Dagar(2021): ‘Analysis of impulse buying
such as restaurant, fashionables, entertainment, behaviour of consumer during Covid-19: An
shopping goods etc. may be done by the upcoming empirical study’
researchers. [9] G Muruganantham and Ravi Shankar
References: Bhakat(2013):’A review of impulse buying
[1] LiXianga, DingtaoZhaoa(2016): ’Exploring behavior’.
consumers’ impulse buying behavior on social [10] Raed S Algharabhat and Nripendra P Rana
commerce platform: The role of parasocial (2020): ‘Social commerce in emerging Markets
interaction and its impact on online engagement’.
[2] Ing-LongWua, Kuei-WanChena(2020): [11] Md Alamgir Hussain and Minho Kim(2020):
‘Defining the determinants of online impulse ‘A comprehensive study on social commerce in
buying through a shopping process of social networking sites’
integrating perceived risk, expectation-
confirmation model, and flow theory issues [12] Huifen Wang, Jiaxin Xie (2020):’A review of
social commerce research’
[3] Abdelsalam H. Busalim, Ab Razak
CheHussin(2016):’Understanding social [13] Ping Zhang (2012): ‘The evolution of social
commerce: A systematic literature review and commerce: The people, Business, Technology
directions for further research and information dimensions’.
[4] Djafarova, Elmira and Bowes, Tamar (2021) [14] R Katoch and A Sidhu (2021): ‘Online food
‘Instagram made Me buy it: Generation Z delivery industry in India: A case of customer
impulse purchases in fashion industry satisfaction dynamics’
[5] Ertugrul Godelek and Faith Akalin (2018): ‘A [15] Namho Chung, Hyo Geun song, Hyunae Lee
pre study for developing and exploring an (2017): ‘Consumers’ impulsive buying
‘impulsive buying scale’ for Turkish behaviour of restaurant product in social
population’ commerce’.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD62399 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 460

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