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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

A Pharmaceutical Review on Kaanji

and Its Wide Range of Applicability
Dr. Poojitha C D1, Dr. Ravi R Chavan2, Dr. Usha M3
PG Scholar, Department of PG Studies in Rasashashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Professor and HOD, Department of PG Studies in Rasashashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Assistant Professor, Department of PG Studies in Rasashashtra and Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Taranath Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Ballari, Karnataka, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Dr. Poojitha C D

Kanji is mala bhedaka teekshna ushna pittavardhaka sheetala in | Dr. Ravi R Chavan | Dr. Usha M "A
Sparsha and shrama klamanashaka. Old kanji is good for hridroga, Pharmaceutical Review on Kaanji and
Pandu it is kriminashaka, agnivardhaka valipalitanashaka and Its Wide Range of Applicability"
dahakara, useful in vatavikara, Pittaja jwara, shoola adhmana and Published in
malashushkata. Journal of Trend in
Apart from therapeutics, kanji also used in Preparation of medicinal Scientific Research
drugs in Rasashastra for processing of many drugs like shodhana and and Development
also kanji is used as ingredient in various preparations for example in (ijtsrd), ISSN:
Laghuvishagarbha taila kanji is used as ingredient and also in the 2456-6470, IJTSRD63447
Volume-8 | Issue-1,
preparation of soota taila, also in the Rasalinga nirmana. Kanji used
February 2024, pp.507-512, URL:
as a medicine both External and internal as dhanyamla dhaara,
asthapana basti etc. In several Panchakarma procedures.
Kanji has wide variety of usage and has got many alkaloids in it thus Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
useful in many of the procedures and preparations though it seems to International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
be a very simple and basic preparation in Rasashastra,
Journal. This is an
Here, references of kanji from various texts of Rasashastra and its Open Access article
multiplicity usage is been briefly Put down in the article. distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
KEYWORDS: Kanji, Fermented liquid, Rasashastra, Dhanyamla Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
dhaara (

Pharmaceutical review is 'the systematic appraisal of shodhana of different Ras dravyas as well as in
all aspects of a patient's medication management to Asthasanskaras of Parada.
optimize patient outcomes. The therapeutic importance of Kanji is also well
Kanji is one such unique Ayurvedic medicine which explained by ancient Indian physicians. Sushruta
comes under Sandhana kalpana (Fermentive Acharya’s advice Kanji in treatment of Grahani,
products) Sandhana kalpas are mainly classified as Arsha, Shula etc.2 whereas Charakacharayas advised
madya kalpa (alcoholic preparations) and shukta it in a treatment of Jwara,3 Vibhandha and so on.
kalpana (acidic preparation) Thus, preparation and therapeutical indication of
Kanji are well explained in Ayurvedic texts.
Preparations like asava and arishtas comes under
Madya kalpa and Kanji comes under Shukta However, no information is available regarding the
kalpa.Kanji is usually prepared by fermenting siddhi lakshanas (standardization test) and saviryata
avadhi. Shelf life of Kanji. Kanji is a perishable
incompletely boiled masha dhanya with gruel
product. It cannot be stored for a long time. It requires
prepared out of rakta shali and is routinely used for
near about 8-10 days for the preparation of Kanji
various purposes
Different methods of Kanji are described in
Kanji i.e. sour gruel is an important formulation in Sharangdhara Samhita, Bhavaprakasha Samhita …
Rasashastra and Bhaishajyakalpana. It is widely used
Synonyms of kanji are aranala, souvira, kulmasha,
in different manufacturing processes, especially for
abhishuta, avantisoma, dhanyamla, kunjala, kanjika.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63447 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 507
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Kanji is a unique kind of formulation having vast functioning of Agni. In Ayurvedic classics Kanji has
utility. Rasaratna Samucchaya authored by been described as “Kanjeeviyami” i.e. 'to whom make
Rasavagbhata emphasizes usefulness of kanji in many alive'
folds Materials and Methods:
Kanji is a unique Ayurvedic preparation which comes Different methods of preparation of kanji and
under Shukta Kalpana preparations. Along with these, ingredients used are taken from various textbooks of
it is also observed that Kanji has immense power to Rasashastra :
improve the digestive capacity by regulating the
Table Showing methods and ingredients and Preparation of Kanji from different texts:
Reference Ingredients Method of preparation Uses
1. Strong mudpot is taken, sarshapa
taila is applied inside the mud pot.
2. clean clear water is filled inside
New mud pot, Katu the pot
taila(sarshapa), water, 3. then add churnas of sarshapa,
Bhavaprakasha kaphakaraka,
1 sarshapa, jeeraka, jeeraka, lavana, hingu, shunti and
(Kritanna varga)4 shula
saindavalavana, hingu, haridra churna left for soaking for
shunti, haridra churna. 3 days covered.
4. 4th day it gets pungent and open
the covering of mudpot hence
called kanji bara.
Tusharahita(dehusked grains) are
Tusharahita(dehusked soaked in mud pot containing water
grains), Mud pot, water, and kept closed after attaining
panchanga of amlata of that water then mix the
Ayurveda ingredients(nagaramotha, panchanga of
2 swedana
prakasha5 brahmi, gorakhmundi, ingredients(nagaramotha, brahmi,
koyal saati, triphala gorakhmundi, koyal saati, triphala
sahadevi, aparajitha, sahadevi, aparajitha, hamsaraja,
hamsaraja, chitraka) chitraka) made into churna add in
the mud pot containing sour water.
Tandula, Pridhuka, Prepare dhanyamla by boiling the
Kuluttha, Laja, Kangubija, above specified drugs on mild fire
3 Sahasrayoga6 Kodrava, Shunti, for 7 days as per the text
Dantasatha, Dipyaka, Avagaha sweda with dhanyamla
Ushnodaka, for 6000 matrakala.
Ardhaswinna masa,
dhanya, manda and any of
the other drugs such as
mulika, jira, shunti,
mudga, haridra, sarshapa,
Saindava lavana, shudda
hingu etc The fermented liquid prepared by
kulmasha(kutsita masha), dhanya
Shotagna lepa or (rakta shali), manda(rice cooked
4 sambhava8
9 Doshagna lepa water) etc drugs along with mulika,
3.Rasa Darpana
Reference: kulattha, Saindava is known as
Sharangadhara Samhita kanjika
uttara khanda

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63447 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 508
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Indication: All varieties of
shotha (inflammation)
Sastika Sali dhanya is coarsely
pounded and boiled with
mentioned quantity of water
Asudhanya(sastika Sali): 1 When rice particles are properly
prastha(758gm) cooked, boiling is stopped and the
Balamula(tender roots)/ preparation is allowed to cool
5 paribhasha
other drugs: 1 down, later it is added with drugs
prastha(758gm) like Kulattha, mulika, jira, sunthi,
Jala: 1 adhaka mudga, masa, haridra, sarsapa,
vamsalochana, all 1 prastha the
roots and tubers or wet drugs are to
be cut into smaller pieces ………
Ingredients are taken in mentioned
quantities pounded and filtered.
A mudpot smeared with sarshapa
taila in its inner side should be
Rajika, saindhava,
taken and all ingredients are
Kulatthakwatha, odana, Used
slowely put inside the pot.
haridra churna, vamsha especially in
6 Then 20(ser) water is added to it
patra, shunti, sweta dhatu
and mixed thoroughly, later masha
jeeraka, hingu, shodhana
chakrikas are added at the end.
Mouth of the pot has to be sealed
properly days for fermentation,
later the product is filtered through
cloth and used.
Dravyaguna For cooked rice 3 parts water has to
7 Anna, 3 parts water,
vijnana12 be added and kept for 7 days
A liquid obtained by fermentation
of 6 1/4seers of boiled rice and 16
seers of water(one seer being equal
8 Rasajalanidhi13 Boiled rice, water
to 64tolas or 64×126 grains(troy)
in weight. The liquid is called
dhanyamla Prepare dhanyamla by boiling the
Contents: tandula, above specified drugs on mild fire
9 Sahasrayoga14 pridhuka,Kulattha, laja, for 7 days as per the text
kangubija, kodrava, *Avagaha sweda with dhanyamla
shunti, dantasatha, for 6000 matrakala
dipyaka, ushnodaka
Bhaishajya Tandula, Kulattha,
kalpana vijnana haridra, raajika, lavana,
10 by Dr. shunti, jeeraka, shuddha Jala – 20 ser
Awadhabihari hingu, masha, sarshapa
agnihotri15 taila, vamsha patra
Utility of Kanji in accordance with Rasaratna samucchaya
Rasa dravya Purpose Method
Abhraka Shodhana Heated in intense fire dipped in kanji for 7 times
Abhraka satva boiled with amlakanji then placed in musha along
Satva shodhana
with shodhaniya dravya Kwatha to give intense fire
Vaikranta Shodhana Swedana in dolayantra with nimbuswarasa and amlakanji mixed

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63447 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 509
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
with yavakshara,sarjikshara, tankana and Saindava lavana for 3 days
Sphatika Shodhana Sphatika is soaked in kanji for 3 days.
Varatika Shodhana Swedana in dolayantra with kanji as liquid media for 1 yama
Manikya Shodhana Swedana in kanji for one prahara
Sheets of ashuddha dhatu are to be heated in intense fire and dipped
Samanya shodhana
All the lohas in each of following liquid consequently for 7 times- tila taila, takra,
of lohas
Gomutra, kanji and Kulattha Kwatha
Showing utility of kanji in the formulations
Yoga Utility of kanji Reference
RRS by Kaviraj sri
Lokanatha gutika16 Kanji as bhavana, swedana and prakshalana media
Ambikadatta shastry 12/68-69
RRS by Kaviraj sri
Arshohara yoga-117 Kusumbha patra cooked with kanji- internal use
Ambikadatta shastry 15/81
Towel soaked in kanji is used to wipe baby’s body RRS by Kaviraj sri
nashanartha in
for 2-3 times Ambikadatta shastry 22/138
sadyojata balaka18
Taila kanjika Kanjika and lavana used for gandusha in tambula RRS by Kaviraj sri
gandusha19 churnadagdha in mouth ulcers Ambikadatta shastry 24/60
Kanji is used in mixing of the final product and
Soota taila20 applied over the cloth varti is made and kept soaked RRS 21ST CHAPTER
in tila taila next day varti is burnt

Qualities, Properties and therapeutics of kaanji beneficial in conditions like mukha vairasya,
according to different texts: dourgandhya, mukha shosha etc.
Shodala Nighantu21:  It is having deepana, jarana and bhedhi properties
 According to shodala Nighantu Dhanyamla splits
and is beneficial in asthapana basti.
solidified materials inside the body, is
penetrating, hot in potency, increases pitta  It is said to be satmya or habituated to the people
dwelling near sea and coastal areas.
Stimulates taste and digestion, relieves pain of the
urinary bladder, suitable for administration as enema  In Chikitsa sthana Doshahara basti, vataghna basti
into the rectum, good for the heart, easily digestible and Shodhana basti are explained where kanji
and mitigates vata and kapha. used as a basti dravya. Dravyas are Madhu,
Saindava, sneha, shatahvadi kalka, kanjika,
Charaka Samhita22:
Gomutra. The basti dravya which is prepared with
 According to Charaka Samhita qualities of kanji doshahara Kwatha which brings about dosha
is described in annapaanavidhi Adhyaya under shamana of prakupita dosha is called as doshahara
madyavarga. basti.
 It is said to cure Daaha and jwara in external Haritha Samhita24:
application, and mitigate vata-kaphaja disorders  According to Haritha Samhita in 11th chapter
on internal administration. kanjika varga mentions kanji is sheetala,
 Also indicated in vibandha and possesses suswaadu, ghora athisaaranashak
sramsana and deepana property.  Explained properties of kanji made from
 In charaka kalpa virechana …………… yava(barley) and wheat yava kanji is vatapitta
Sushruta Samhita23: shamaka, raktapitta prakopaka …… kanji
 According to Sushruta Samhita it is referred to as prepared from wheat is jataragni deepana,
shoolanashak, kaphagna, vataghna.
dhanyamla and described in dravadravya vidhi
Adhyaya under madyavarga.  Also explained tailayukta kanji by drinking kanji
 It is said to be nourishing as it is prepared from mixed with taila ama pachana takes place and
cures all types of vata vikaras
food grains(dhanya yonitvat jeevanam)
 Due to its teekshna property, it alleviates kapha  Yugandhara kanji : kanji of jowar kaphavata
quickly when used as gandusha and is thus vinashak, shulahara, pachaka,……

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63447 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 510
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Keraliya Panchakarma chikitsa vijnana,
Dhanyamla kalpa25

 ! "
#$ % & ' % & ' ( ")
*+ ( ! , ! %$ "! -
. / 0 ,1 ) #$ % 2 3 + 3
( 4 5 +
"6 73 ! % 8 7 84 8 Boiling of rice and masha
" + 7, 9:
(" - %" - % "1+ ; , < "/
Used in treatment of manyastambha, hanustambha,
ardita, padaharsha, nakhabeda, daha in jwara, cervical
spondylosis, diabetic sensory neuropathy, Spastic
para paresis….
Kaiyadev Nighantu26:
Dhanyamlasya Guna: Pranadharaka, Agnivardhaka,
Paachaka, Bhedaka, Teekshna, ushna veerya,
ruchikara, laghu, raktapitta, Bastishulanashaka,
Vibandha, ajeerna, shula, amavata, shrama, klama,
Fumigation of the pot

Materials of kaanji

Pouring liquid inside the pot


Dhupana dravyas of kanji

Pot is kept inside the husk for fermentation

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63447 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 511
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63447 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 512

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