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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Women Before and After Islam with Special Reference to Arab

Yasir Arfat
Post Graduate in Sociology

Historical background of women before the advent of Islam How to cite this paper: Yasir Arfat
Before the advent of Islam the Arab use to treat women as a piece of "Women Before and After Islam with
their property. Women were not given any social status, right as well Special Reference to Arab" Published in
as respect in the society and were considered as a source of disgrace International
or embarrassment. After the death of their husband, they were not Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research
allowed to marry someone until her husband‟s guardian permitted and Development
her to marry someone otherwise she could not marry. Moreover the (ijtsrd), ISSN:
worse condition was that women cannot marry until that guardian 2456-6470,
grows up, either he would marry her (except his own mother) or get Volume-8 | Issue-1, IJTSRD63466
her marry with anyone else of his own choice without knowing the February 2024,
will of lady and take dowry on her behalf. pp.577-579, URL:
The situation was so pathetic when the Arabs came to know that any
women gave birth to a female child they usually dig a hole and would Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
burry that female child alive there. There was one incident in which International Journal of Trend in
one father was far travelling for some work and his wife gave birth to Scientific Research and Development
a female child, when he came to know he throw his daughter into the Journal. This is an
hole and cover with dust while his wife was screaming but his heart Open Access article
did not soften. distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Whenever the father came to know that their wives have given birth Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
to a female child their faces would become dark because of their (
hatred for female child.

Reasons for hating female child Women after Islam

1. the female daughters were not allowed to take any In Islam there is absolutely no difference between
part in the war man and woman as far as their connection with their
creator(God) is concerned. They both are given same
2. Daughters were considered as the source of
reward for performing any good deed and same
shame and embarrassment
punishment for performing any evil.
3. Most of the daughters were forced towards
The Qur'an says "And for women are rights
Over men similar to those
4. They(daughters) had no legal status in the society of men over women”
and most of them were unaware of their fathers as
The Qur'an in addressing the Muslims often uses the
expression “Believing men and women " which
In Madinah Abdullah Ibn e Ubay Ibn salool who was emphasis the equality of men and women in regard to
a head of the hypocrites takes money and in return their respective duties, rights, virtues and merits.
forced the girls for being prostitutes.
Islam has assigned different roles and duties to the
Economic Conditions women in order to maintain the equilibrium in the
Economically Jews had more power in Arabia. society and family. In this article we shall discuss
Slavery was economic institution of Arabia and some of the roles, rights as well as responsibilities
women slaves were sold and bought like animals. which are given to women by Islam some 1400 years
Moreover when the foreigners come to visit Arabia ago
for the purpose of trade as Makkah and Yathrib Women as a wife
(madina) both in hijaz were the urban centers of trade The first and most important right given to a woman
and the females were forcedto satisfy and entertain is to choose her life partner with her will. The
those traders. Such were the condition of women marriage without the consent of lady is null or void.
before the advent of Islam in Arabia

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63466 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 577
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The messenger of God said "When one Of you want “Then who?” So He (PBUH) replied: “Your mother.”
to give his daughter in marriage take her permission" The man then asked: “Then who?” So the Prophet
Another hadith the Messenger said (PBUH) replied again: “Your mother.” The man then
asked: “Then who?” So He (SAW) replied: “Then
"Take the Women's permission regarding their private your father.” (Bukhari)
On another occasion the Prophet Muhammad said
As it is clearly mentioned the importance of bride's "Your heaven lies under the feet of your
permission for her nikkah. If parents or guardians mother(Sunan nisai)
(Wali) didn't take permission then this marriage is
considered as null. In such a situation the bride has In short one should always be respectful and obedient
right to approach to the Islamic authorities for their towards his/her mother and never ever express any
intervention. anger in front of her even if she does something
The relationship of husband and wife is truly based
on love, respect and mutual affections Women as a Daughter
As mentioned earlier in this article what people of
The Qur'an says "They are your garments and you are Arabs used to do with daughters. They used to bury
their garments” them alive, they had no legal rights and whenever the
The Messenger of God said" The best among you are news of female birth was brought to anyone of them
those who are best towards his wife and I am the best there face would become dark and was filled with
of you towards my wives"(tirmidhi) inward grief.
Another sayings of Messenger of God" A believer The Prophet Muhammad came and elevated the status
must not hate a believing woman(his wife) if he of this gift given by God, welcoming the daughters,
dislikes one of his traits he will be pleased with and rising high the importance of their upbringing
another"(sahih muslim) with words to delight the hearts of the believing
fathers and bring joy to their soul.
On another occasion the Prophet Muhammad was
asked to whom he loves the most and he replied my The relationship of Prophet with his daughter Fatima
wife A'ishah(Bukahari) is one of the finest example of father- daughter
relationship. The Prophet used to respect and love her
To support his wife the messenger used to do work at so much that he would standup for her when he would
home himself. Al Aswad asked A'ishah, what prophet see her approaching towards him(Musnad ahmed)
used to do at home, She replied "he used to serve his
households but when the time of prayers comes he The importance of daughters can be understood from
would go up for the prayer(Bukhari) this hadith as Prophet Muhammad said" whoever has
three daughters or sisters or two daughters and sisters
Rights of wife and lives with them in a good manner and has
1. The dowry(mehr) patience with them, and fears God with regard to
2. maintenance them will enter Paradise (Jamia tirmidhi)
3. provide her privacy/separate house
4. provide her food, cloth and all necessary things Rights of daughters
5. provide her safety and protection 1. Right to life and protection
6. Treat her with respect, love and honour 2. Right to education
3. Right of inheritance
Women as a mother 4. Right of marriage with consent
Mother has given highest position in Islam and Islam 5. Right to maintenance and financial support
commands children to be grateful, respectful, kind
and obedient towards their mother. "Mothers rights Conclusion
are much more than fathers‟ rights" From all the points presented above briefly both
Muslim men and women are equal in status in terms
The Qur'an says "Your lord has decreed that you of their rights and both are rewarded the same for
worship none but Him and to be kind towards parents performing good deeds and punished the same for
Once a man came to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) performing any evil as both are created from the same
and said: “O Messenger of Allah! Who from amongst source. Women are highly respectable in any role
mankind warrants the best companionship from me? weather it is mother, daughter, sister or wife. They
”He replied: “Your mother.” The man asked: have full rights in area of education, economics,
poltics etc and moreover they have choice of
choosing their partner by their own constent and they

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63466 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 578
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63466 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 579

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