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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

An Analysis on the Use of Image

Design with Generative AI Technologies
Archana Balkrishna Yadav
Independent Researcher, Vadodara, Gujarat, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Archana

Using the Midjourney platform as the observation object, this study Balkrishna Yadav "An Analysis on the
recruited online users and AI platforms for cooperation in order to Use of Image Design with Generative AI
further investigate the application of generative AI technology in Technologies" Published in International
Journal of Trend in
image design and explore the application process of artificial
Scientific Research
intelligence in generating image works. Through the use of and Development
questionnaires, data analysis, and participatory observation, the study (ijtsrd), ISSN:
examined the real effects, benefits, and drawbacks of AI technology 2456-6470,
in the creation process as well as its assistance and contribution to Volume-8 | Issue-1,
image creation. The research revealed that generative AI technology February 2024, IJTSRD63468
may be used to image design in a number of ways, including pp.596-599, URL:
producing resources for image design, creating pictures with certain
styles, and realising image style conversion. AI-generated art,
however, also has its own creative process, offering new tools and Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
inspiration for artists to work with. AI technology has several
Scientific Research and Development
potential uses in image design, including improving image processing Journal. This is an
and design and offering strong technological support for related Open Access article
disciplines of study and application. distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
KEYWORDS: human-computer collaboration, image design,
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
algorithmic generation, and generative artificial intelligence (

Artificial intelligence technology is becoming more model-based method for picture inpainting that makes
and more commonplace in a variety of sectors as it use of the properties of the surrounding images as
advances. The outcomes of research on "artificial training points for the network. [4] presented a Style
intelligence and art" may be generally categorised and Structure Generative Adversarial Network (S2-
into two areas: studies on the application of AI to the GAN) for creating pictures. This network creates
analysis and creation of new art, and studies on the images with more realism by taking into account the
application of AI to the analysis and creation of structure and style of the image development process.
existing art [1]. This article's goals are to examine the All of these research show how generative AI
process of applying artificial intelligence to the technology may be used to create images.
creation of images, go over important technologies,
application scenarios, and real-world examples, and DESIGN
offer a foundation and point of reference for future
The capacity of genetic algorithms (Gen AI) to
research into the use of generative AI in image
replicate the process of natural selection to create
design. It is anticipated that reading this article would
solutions to challenging issues makes them useful in a
improve our comprehension of the uses of AI and variety of picture design contexts. Here are a few
encourage us to investigate working together to
ways that genetic algorithms are used in picture
produce photos using AI technologies. design:
1. Evolutionary Art: By gradually developing
The use of generative AI technology in picture populations of candidate pictures, genetic
creation has been the subject of several research.
algorithms are able to produce aesthetically
Novel deep architectures and GAN formulations were pleasing images. These algorithms begin with a
created by [1] and [2] to produce high-quality natural random population of pictures, then they modify,
photographs and to convert visual ideas from text to recombine, and choose images repeatedly
pixels, respectively. suggested a deep generative

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63468 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 596
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
according to predetermined criteria (e.g., visual by user-provided input photographs, is one interesting
appeal or resemblance to a target image) that case study of automated image synthesis using AI. An
determine the images' fitness. This method outline of DeepArt's operation and effects is provided
produces pictures that are progressively more below:
polished and visually beautiful, simulating the
process of natural selection.
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are a kind of
2. picture Filter Optimisation: Parameters for picture
neural network technology used by DeepArt to
filters and effects may be optimised using genetic
produce creative visuals. The two primary phases of
algorithms. Genetic algorithms may quickly find
the procedure are picture production and style
the ideal collection of parameters that provide the
desired visual impact by modelling each set of
parameters as a chromosome and exploring the 1. Style Transfer: The user chooses a style picture
parameter space using genetic operators like (such as a well-known painting) after uploading
crossover and mutation. an input image (such as a photograph).
3. Texture Synthesis: By progressively developing  While maintaining the input picture's content,
populations of potential texture patches, genetic DeepArt uses a neural network technique to
algorithms may be employed to create realistic extract the style characteristics from the style
textures. Genetic algorithms may create textures image.A new image that combines the content of
that closely mimic natural textures like wood, the input image with the artistic style of the style
stone, or cloth by treating each texture patch as a image is produced by the algorithm iteratively
chromosome and applying genetic operators to adjusting the input image to minimise the
develop the texture patches over many difference between its content features and the
generations. content features of the input image, as well as the
4. Picture Reconstruction: Tasks like picture difference between its style features and the style
inpainting and super-resolution may be features of the style image.
accomplished using genetic algorithms. Using
information from the surrounding regions, 2. Image Generation: In this scenario, the user can
missing or damaged elements of a picture are set parameters like image resolution, style
filled in via the process of image inpainting. strength, and the number of iterations for the
Genetic algorithms may be used to find the best algorithm to produce an image with a distinct
potential completion for the missing parts. artistic style. DeepArt also provides the option to
Genetic algorithms may be used to optimise the generate entirely new images without a reference
upsampling process, resulting in sharper and more style image.
detailed pictures, when upsampling low- Effect:
resolution photos to higher resolutions for super- 1. Artistic Expression: By converting common
resolution. photos into gorgeous artworks influenced by the
5. Automatic Design Generation: Designs for logos, styles of well-known painters, DeepArt allows
patterns, or other visual components may be users to discover and express their creativity.
produced automatically using genetic algorithms.
2. Accessibility: DeepArt democratises the
Genetic algorithms may generate a wide variety
production of art by providing an easy-to-use
of designs that satisfy predetermined
online platform that enables anybody to create
requirements like simplicity, symmetry, or
professional-looking pictures even without formal
uniqueness by modelling each design as a
experience in painting or image editing.
chromosome and use genetic operators to develop
the designs over many generations. 3. Inspiration: By providing fresh viewpoints on
their work and suggestions for imaginative
All things considered, genetic algorithms provide a
endeavours, DeepArt inspires artists, designers,
strong and adaptable method for designing pictures.
and enthusiasts.
They may be used to create visually attractive images,
optimise effects on photos, synthesise realistic 4. Educational Tool: DeepArt is a learning tool for
textures, reconstruct images, and automatically neural networks and image processing methods,
generate designs. giving students an understanding of the
possibilities and constraints of artificial
intelligence in creative endeavours.
The work of DeepArt, an online platform that uses 5. Commercial Applications: The technology behind
neural networks to produce creative pictures inspired DeepArt may be used to produce visually striking

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63468 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 597
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
content that draws viewers in and strengthens reported feeling less creatively involved in their
brand awareness in a variety of commercial collaborations with AI, which has resulted in a
domains, such as marketing, entertainment, and different sense of achievement and perspective. When
advertising. working with AI in the design process, it's more
All things considered, DeepArt's AI-powered crucial than ever to preserve creative integrity and
automated picture creation showcases how neural personal interpretation.
networks may be used to modify images and
As shown in Figure 1, the process of working
stimulate creativity in a variety of sectors and
together to finish a project involving designers and AI
platforms may be broadly broken down into the
V. OUTCOMES AND COMMENTS following parts.
Based on our study, generative artificial intelligence
technology may be used to image design in a number
of ways, including producing materials for image
design, producing pictures with certain styles, and
transferring image styles. The kind, shape, creative
process, and method of an artwork may all be
influenced by the medium employed in its production.
AI-generated art also has its own creative process that
gives artists new ways of thinking and creative
thoughts in addition to new technical instruments. [2]
There are many uses for generative AI in image
design, and it has a lot of promise to help with both
picture processing and design. It also offers top-notch Figure 1: The Process of Designers and AI
technical assistance for relevant field research and Platforms Working Together
application. Determine the design objectives and requirements
Ever since AI technology was used to create art, the first. The specifications and objectives of the design,
subject of whether artificial intelligence-generated as well as the content, composition, style, colour, and
artworks qualify as "art" has been hotly debated. other components of the intended picture, must be
Deniz E. Kurt asserts that the audience defines what made clear to designers. These components will
constitutes "art" and has the authority to identify or provide direction and limitations for using AI
assess a piece of work. Acceptance of a work as "art" techniques in the next stages. Second, decide which
is contingent upon the audience's interpretation rather AI platform is best. The designer must choose the AI
than the creator's original purpose, even when it is picture creation technology that best meets their
produced by a person. [3] According to this way of demands based on the design specifications and
thought, artificial intelligence systems may produce objectives. Third, use the AI tool to produce design
works of art while lacking human emotions and content. To create design materials, run the AI picture
intentions. Artificial intelligence is being employed as generating platform. The designer may try many
a new tool for creative production in the present times to produce several design materials if needed,
technological world, and people are trying to work and then choose the best one. Fourth, develop the
with machines as co-creators. In this work, we used design using the materials that were produced. Based
artificial intelligence to practise picture design while on the created materials, the designer develops the
investigating the ways in which designers engage and design in order to either fulfil the design objectives
communicate with AI platforms. Another kind of and specifications or to get ideas for new creative
creative tool is artificial intelligence; advancements in endeavours. The manual design process might also
algorithms have made it possible for computers to benefit from the created materials serving as a
exhibit "machine creativity" that is comparable to that reference. When you are happy with the outcome,
of humans. The creative collaboration between the AI finish the design.
platform and the designer completes the task. [4] The It is important to think about the moral ramifications
design business has seen a number of effects from the of AI-generated imagery. Even though Japanese artist
emergence of AI-generated pictures. Artificial Mai Yoneyama has made it clear on social media that
intelligence is seen as a danger because it is severing using artificial intelligence (AI) to create new
the creative process from human agency via technical photographs is completely forbidden, some
breakthroughs. [5] Because using AI to generate individuals continue to utilise AI to copy her style
graphics is so inexpensive, some designers have and create 348 S. Liao and X. Ji images that are then

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63468 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 598
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
published on social media. Artists themselves should theoretical research grounded in artistic practice. This
assess whether or not AI may be used to learn certain will assist individuals and institutions in
creative approaches without permission. In light of comprehending the appropriate application of AI
the problems posed by AI-generated images, it might technology, as well as its potential drawbacks and
be necessary to improve the transparency and limitations. Ultimately, the goal is to leverage AI to
openness of AI painting technologies in addition to enhance artistic innovation and development.
research institutions and developers refining their REFERENCES
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63468 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 599

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