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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

To Assess the Effectiveness of Structure Teaching Programme on

Knowledge Regarding Prevention of Urinary Tract Infection
Among the G.N.M. 1st Year Student in Integral Institute
of Nursing Sciences & Research, Lucknow U.P.
Mr. Aarif Mohammad1, Mr. Sabeehuddin2
Assistant Professor, Integral University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, India
Nursing Tutor, Nishat College of Nursing, Barabanki, Uttar Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Mr. Aarif

A Pre-experimental study-one group pre test and post test design was Mohammad | Mr. Sabeehuddin "To
selected for the study, which was conducted on 60 GNM first year Assess the Effectiveness of Structure
nursing students of Integral Institute Of Nursing Sciences & Teaching Programme on Knowledge
Research, Lucknow U.P. through Random sampling technique. Data Regarding Prevention of Urinary Tract
Infection Among the G.N.M. 1st Year
was collected through using a self-structured knowledge Student in Integral Institute of Nursing
questionnaire. Researcher introduced her and explained the purpose Sciences & Research, Lucknow U.P."
of study to the sample. Written informed Consent was taken from Published in
each sample. Pretest was administered to the group followed by International
structured teaching programme which took about 45 minutes. Post Journal of Trend in
test was taken after one week of administration of structured teaching Scientific Research
programme. and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN:
KEYWORDS: Effectiveness, Knowledge, Prevention of urinary tract 2456-6470, IJTSRD63501
infection, and Information Education and Communication. Volume-8 | Issue-1,
February 2024, pp.694-706, URL:

Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are a severe public Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are some of the most
health problem and are caused by a range of common bacterial infections, affecting 150 million
pathogens, but most commonly by Escherichia coli, people each year worldwide1. In 2007, in the United
Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus mirabilis, States alone, there were an estimated 10.5 million
Enterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus office visits for UTI symptoms (constituting 0.9% of
saprophyticus. High recurrence rates and increasing all ambulatory visits) and 2–3 million emergency
antimicrobial resistance among uropathogens threaten department visits2–4. Currently, the societal costs of
to greatly increase the economic burden of these these infections, including health care costs and time
infections. In this Review, we discuss how basic missed from work, are approximately US$3.5 billion
science studies are elucidating the molecular details per year in the United States alone. UTIs are a
of the crosstalk that occurs at the host–pathogen significant cause of morbidity in infant boys, older
interface, as well as the consequences of these men and females of all ages. Serious sequelae include
interactions for the pathophysiology of UTIs. We also frequent recurrences, pyelonephritis with sepsis, renal
describe current efforts to translate this knowledge damage in young children, pre-term birth and
into new clinical treatments for UTIs. complications caused by frequent antimicrobial use,

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
such as high-level antibiotic resistance and frequently in female then males, so it is important to
Clostridium difficile colitis treat UTIs
Urinary tract infection (UTI) commonly affects the Out of total 732 patients, isolates were detected in
adolescent girls because of the onset of menarche, 314 (42.89%) samples. Out of these, 64.01% were
dysfunctional voiding patterns, use of synthetic female. Most common microbial agent isolated was
underwear, tight jeans, and poor hygiene. The Escherichia coli was highly resistant to ciprofloxacin
infection in the urinary tract will produce the signs to amikacin and ceftriaxone. They study concluded
and symptoms like fever, dysuria, urgency and that pattern of resistance to commonly used
suprapubic pressure or discomfort, flank pain, chills, antibiotics for treating urinary tract infection alerts us
etc. Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection is against indiscriminate used of antibiotics.
more prevalent 2 among adolescent girls and is the
Urinary tract infections may be asymptomatic, acute,
fourth main reason for out-patient visit among this
chronic, and complicated or uncomplicated, and the
group. It is estimated that 150 million occur yearly on
clinical manifestations of UTIs depend on the portion
a global basis, resulting in more than six billion
of the urinary tract involved, the etiologic organisms,
dollars in direct health care expenditures. Incidence of
the severity of the infection, and the patient’s ability
urinary tract infection is 34% of adult below 20 years
to mount an immune response to it. Both
and also 794 per 10,000 adults aged below 20 years
asymptomatic and symptomatic UTIs pose a serious
have at least one occurrence of urinary tract infection.
threat to public health care, hence reducing the
(David Wilson., 2009).
quality of life and resulting into work absenteeism.
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are the inflammatory The symptoms of UTIs such as fever, burning
disorders of the urinary tract caused by the abnormal sensations while urinating, LAP, itching, formation of
growth of pathogens. Urinary tract infection is known blisters and ulcers in the genital area, genital and
to cause short-term morbidity in terms of fever, suprapubic pain, and pyuria generally depend on the
dysuria, and lower abdominal pain (LAP) and may age of the person infected and the location of the
result in permanent scarring of the kidney. Urinary urinary tract infected.
tract infections can be community acquired or
Urinary tract infection (UTI) defined as significant
nosocomial. Community-acquired urinary tract
bacteriuria in the presence of a constellation of
infections (CA-UTIs) are defined as the infection of
symptoms of dysuria (painful urination), increased
the urinary system that takes place in one’s life in the
urinary frequency and urgency, suprapubic
community setting or in the hospital environment
discomfort and costovertebral angle tenderness. It is a
with less than 48 hours of admission.
common cause of infections, particularly among
Community-acquired UTI is the second most young girls. They develop a urinary tract infection
commonly encountered microbial infection in the before the age of 24 years. (Nicolle L.E., 2008)
community setting. Nosocomial urinary tract
UTI are usually caused by bacteria from
infections (N-UTIs) are the infection of the urinary
gastrointestinal tract entering the urethra and
tract that occurs after 48 hours of hospital admission,
ascending into the bladder. The most common
and the patient was not incubating at the time of
causative organism pathogen is uncomplicated UTIs,
admission or within 3 days after discharge.
is Escherichia coli, staphylococcus saprophyticus
NEED OF THE STUDY accounts for 5%-10% of cases and occasionally other
Students are not having proper knowledge regarding enterobacteriacee, Klebsiella species are isolated'. Out
urinary tract infection. They are unable to analyze or of 1000 samples, 210 (21% samples were found
observe the sign and symptoms, causes, risk factors positives for UTI isolates. Out of 210 positive cases,
and they lack the knowledge regarding preventive the prevalence of UTI was higher in females
measures of urinary tract infection. (56.19%) than in males (43.81%). The highest
According to National Ambulatory Medical Care susceptible age group of patients to UTI was found to
Survey and National Hospital Ambulatory Medical be 21-40 years (33.33%).the highest prevalence of
Care Survey Within their lifetime, one in three UTI in female patient was found in the age group of
women will experience a urinary tract infection and 21-40 years (44.92%) while in male patients the
50% experience at least one UTI during their lifetime' highest susceptible age group to UTI was above 60
years (35.87%).
UTIs are most general bacterial infection in women.
They occurs most frequently between ages of 16-35 TITLE OF THE STUDY
year with 10% of women getting infection yearly & “A study to assess the effectiveness of structured
60%having infection at some point in their life. More teaching programme on knowledge regarding

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
prevention of urinary tract infection among the GNM students from growth of microorganisms in the
1st Year students in Integral Institute of Nursing urinary tract.
Sciences & Research, Lucknow U.P.”
OBJECTIVES Most students have some knowledge regarding
1. To assess the knowledge regarding prevention of prevention of Urinary tract infection.
urinary tract infection among GNM 1st Year
Information education and communication on
students of IINS&R.
prevention of urinary tract infection will help GNM
2. To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
1st Year students to improve their knowledge.
programme among GNM 1st Year students of
IINS&R. Nursing students will have interest to know more
3. Associate between the level of knowledge about the urinary tract infection.
regarding prevention of urinary tract infection Structured teaching programme may an effective
among GNM 1st Year students with selected method for imparting knowledge regarding urinary
demographic variables. tract infection.
H1: There is a significant difference between pre-test This study is delimited to GNM 1st year students at
and post-test knowledge scores regarding the urinary integral Institute of nursing sciences and research,
tract infection among the GNM 1st year students. Lucknow, U.P
H2: There is a significant association between post ETHICAL CONSIDERATION
test score and selected demographic variable. Written permission has been taken from principal
H0: There is no significant difference between pre- office, Integral Institute of Nursing Sciences &
test and post-test knowledge Research, Lucknow, U.P
OPERATINAL DEFINITION Written permission was obtained by ethical
Assess: In this study, it refers to finding the level of committee, Integral University
the knowledge regarding prevention of urinary tract Written permission was obtained from the sample and
infection among GNM 1st year students. data will be confidential
Effectiveness: In this study it measure the CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
improvement scores in post-test when compare with The conceptual framework used for this study is
the pre-test scores after exposing to structure teaching based on general system model approach. It was
program. developed by Ludwig Bertanlanffy (1968) and
Structured teaching programme: it is a systemic modified by J.W.Kenny and it is called Open System
teaching to impact knowledge or instructs someone as Model. According to the general system theory a
how to do something. system consists of a set of interacting components.
There are two types of general system i.e. closed and
In this study it refers to well-structured teaching
open. In this present study B.Sc. 3rd year students
instruction which include introduction, definition,
considered as a system with the element with variable
incidence, risk factor clinical manifestation,
factor related knowledge regarding urinary tract
diagnostic evaluation and management of patient with
infection while interacting with GNM 1st year
urinary tract infection.
students in determining their knowledge and
Knowledge: fact, information and skill require effectiveness.
through experiences or education; the theoretical and
practical understanding of a subject.
Input is defined as any information, energy, or
In this study the correct response of GNM 1st Year material that enters into the system through its
students to the questionnaire regarding prevention of boundary. It is a process by which a system is able to
urinary tract infection as measured by the scores. communicate and react with its environments.
Urinary Tract Infection: It refers to bacterial In this study the input was to maintain its knowledge.
invasion and multiplication involving the kidney and
In this study the information related to urinary tract
urinary tract pathway. The presence symptoms of
infection has given, which has two components:-
dysuria, odor and suprapubic discomfort.
Demographical data
Prevention: In this study providing an information
and education, which helps the GNM 1st Year

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63501 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 696
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Structured teaching programme on urinary tract Section 2: Study related to the effectiveness of
infection. structured teaching programme among GNM 1st Year
Throughput is the process that occurs at some point Section 3: Study related to the urinary tract infection
between input and output process, which enables the among GNM 1st Year students of IINS&R
input in such a way that, it can be readily used by the
SECTION 1: Study related to the knowledge
regarding prevention of urinary tract infection
In this present study throughout considering out among GNM 1st Year students of IINS&R
processing of unit which are pre-test and structured Dr. Tabassum F, Md. Manik Nur I, et al (2020),
teaching programme and post-test regarding the conducted a study to assessment of knowledge and
knowledge of urinary tract infections. awareness regarding urinary tract infection among the
OUTPUT university students of Bangladesh. The objective of
It is the end product of a system. The energy, matter the study is to determine the knowledge and
or information is given out by the system as a result awareness about urinary tract infection among the
of its processes. university students of Bangladesh among 403
students by using demographic perform and structure
In this study output is the post-test knowledge score questionnaires based on group to determine the
among the GNM 1st year students which is divided association between their knowledge and selected
into 3 groups such as good, poor and average. demographical data. The result showed that 76.92%
FEEDBACK of respondents correctly identified bacteria as the
Feedback is the difference in much percentage of pre principle pathogens forming urinary tract infection s
and post-test knowledge score of GNM 1st year and 80.15% suggested antibacterial drugs for the
students regarding urinary tract infections knowledge. treatment of urinary tract infections. (20)
REVIEW OF LITERATURE Hussein Tm, Ibrahim Rh,, (2019), conducted a
A literature review is a defined as a broad, cross sectional study to assess the knowledge
comprehensive, in depth, systematic and critical regarding urinary tract infection in the nursing student
review of scholarly publication, unpublished printed at the University of Mosul among 120 students. A
or audiovisual material and personal communication. self-administered structured questionnaire, which
(S.K. Sharma, 2005) contains 16 items to assess the knowledge regarding
preventative measure of urinary tract infection and
Review of literature is an important step in the other demographic details. The result of the study
development of a research project. Prior to start with showed that 40.8% of the responds were belonged to
any research study the researcher can get information the age group (20-22) years old more than half of
related to the study topic, by means of reviewing the them (55%) were females and the majority of them
previous study and other book or journal literature (86.7%) were single. The whole study conducted that
related to the selected study in order to know about the general level of knowledge among the participants
the study topic in depth. Thus, review of literature was overall 52.5% of the 120 participants had
helps the investigator to develop the deeper insight moderate level of knowledge, while 36.7% of them
into the problem, and gain information on the had poor knowledge regarding preventative measure
problem and helps to identify what has been done of urinary tract infection. (21)
before and also looks into the feasibility of the pre
sent study, constraints of data collection, relates the G. Varesh ,C Shriharsha, (2018) conducted a
findings from one study to another with a hope to simple random sampling technique study to assess the
establish a comprehensive body of scientific effectiveness of structure teaching program
knowledge in the professional discipline from which, programme on knowledge regarding catheter care to
valid and pertinent theories may be developed. prevent urinary tract infection among B.Sc. nursing
students at BVVS Sajjalashree Institute of nursing
The review of literature is presented under the sciences Bagalkot among 108 enrolled nurses by pre-
following headings: test and post-test the findings were64% spontend had
Section 1: Study related to the knowledge regarding poor knowledge on catheter care to prevent urinary
prevention of urinary tract infection among GNM 1st tract infection are t=20.82,p<0.05 of the second year
Year students of IINS&R B.Sc. nursing student and there socio demographic
variable the conclusion of the study the present study
was found that structure teaching program was very
effective teaching method. (22)

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
SECTION 2: Study related to the effectiveness of Post -test research design. The mean Standard
structured teaching programme among GNM 1st deviation, t’ value of pre-test and post-test on
Year students of IINS&R knowledge regarding prevention of urinary tract
Agarwal A. Reddy G.S (2021) conducted a infection when t (59) = 2.00, significant at 0.05 level
quantitative research study to assess the effectiveness shows that the mean post-test score (14.35) is greater
of planned teaching program on knowledge and than mean pre-test score (9.28). The study showed
practice regarding prevention of urinary tract that structure teaching program was effective to
infection among adolescent girls at selected schools increase the knowledge regarding prevention of
of Jaipur. The objective of study to assess knowledge urinary tract infection. (27)
regarding prevention of urinary tract infection among
SECTION 3: Study related to the urinary tract
adolescent girls using experimental and control group
infection among GNM 1st Year students of
before and after the administration of planned
teaching program. The 300 samples were selected by
Pritam Pardeshi, (2018) Conducted a retrospective
using sampling technique for the study, demographic
study on Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infections and
data, structured questioners, and self-reported practice
Current Scenario of Antibiotic Susceptibility Pattern
check list was prepared as a tool for collecting data.
of Bacteria Causing Urinary Tract Infection among
The statically finding shows that the overall mean
1741 adolescent girls in Mumbai. Over-all prevalence
awareness score of the study participants was 12.29 ±
of urinary tract infection was 33.54%, of which
4.26. Percentage distribute urinary tract infection on
66.78% were females. E.coli 53.77% was the
of knowledge level shows that majority (90%) of
commonest isolate causing urinary tract infection
adolescents had moderately adequate knowledge and
followed by Klebsiella pneumonia 27.40%. The most
5.6% of them had inadequate knowledge, whereas
effective antimicrobial agents in our study were
only 4.3% of adolescents had adequate knowledge on
Meropenem, Gentamycin, Nitrofurantoin co-
prevention of urinary tract infection. (25)
trimoxazole whereas higher resistance was observed.
Chandrika K. Deepak B.V. (2019), conducted a This study concluded that as drug resistance among
quasi-experimental study to evaluate the effectiveness bacterial pathogens varies with time, regular
of structured teaching programme on knowledge surveillance and monitoring is necessary for giving
regarding urinary tract infection [urinary tract updated information to physicians for most effective
infection] & its prevention among adolescent girls in empirical treatment of urinary tract infection. (30)
selected senior secondary schools. The objective of
Srivastava S. (2018) conducted a study to assess
the study to evaluate the effectiveness of structured
analytical study of urinary tract infection in
teaching programme regarding urinary tract infection
adolescent girls. The objective of this study to assess
[urinary tract infection] & its prevention among
the level of triage skill & associated factor like water
adolescent girls. The sample consisting of 140
intake, infrequent voiding and poor menstrual, sexual
adolescent girls by using simple random sampling.
hygiene have been implicated in UTI during
The tool comprised of structured self-administered
adolescent. The need is to educate the adolescent girls
questionnaire. The mean score of post-test knowledge
regarding good hydration & hygiene by using
32.77 (91.03%) was apparently higher than the mean
demographic perform and structured questionnaires.
score of pre-test knowledge score 16.60 (46.11%),
A total of 60 adolescent girls participated in the study.
suggesting that the structured teaching programme
The most common symptoms was burning during
was effective in increasing the knowledge of the
micturition which was present in 60% girls. (31)
adolescent girls regarding urinary tract infection
[urinary tract infection] & its prevention. The results Muthulakshmi M., Gopalakrishnan S., (2017)
showed that the structured teaching programme was conducted a quantitative study to urinary tract
highly effective. So that the urinary tract infection infection among females of reproductive group in a
[urinary tract infection] can be prevented. (26) rural area in Kanchipuram district (T.M), 2093
females, A descriptive research approach pretested
Pascal A, Mariam A,, (2019), conducted a
structured questionnaire, consisting of the socio
quantitative research study to assess the effectiveness
demographic data and self-reported, the result shows
of structure teaching program on prevention
to be total affected 20.4 % there was a strong
knowledge regarding urinary tract infection in Kollam
statistical significant association between level of
district. To assess the knowledge regarding
education of the study. The conclusion shows urinary
prevention of urinary tract infection among 60
tract infection is a serious condition in public health
adolescent girls by using demographic profoma and
problem if it's untreated. Early diagnosis and prompt
structured questionnaire based on one group. Pre-test
treatment will prevent the chances of developing

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
further complications of urinary tract infection and Plan of Analysis:
will help to reduce the sufferings of the patient, Analysis and interpretation of data was done
hospital-stay and economic loss. (32) according to the objectives using descriptive and
RESULTS inferential statistics. The level of significance chosen
Analysis and interpretation was done in accordance was at p<0.05.
with the objectives laid down for the study. The Organization of Analyzed Data:
purpose of analysis is to reduce the data into an The analyzed data was organized according to the
interpretable and meaningful form so that the result objectives and presented under the following sections:
can be compared and significance can be identified. SECTION: A
This chapter deals with the analysis and interpretation Description of demographic profile
of data collected. The data was analyzed by This section describes the demographic
calculating the score in terms of frequency, characteristics of the sample under study. The data
percentage mean, standard deviation, chi-square and obtained describes the characteristics pertaining Age,
paired t-test. Gender, Locality, Marital Status, Educational Status,
Any knowledge regarding UTI, Have you experience
Table 1: demographic profile of the subjects
Variables Options Frequency Percentage
17 – 19 years 36 60
20 years and above 24 40
Male 7 11.7
Female 53 88.3
Rural 36 60
Urban 24 40
Married 2 3.3
Marital Status
Unmarried 58 96.7
Intermediate 56 93.3
Educational Status
Others 4 6.7
Yes 16 26.7
Any Knowledge regarding UTI
No 44 73.3
Yes 0 0.0
Have you experience UTI
No 60 100
Table finding were as follows:
As per showing the percentage distribution according to, there Age are 17-19 years age group is 60% and Above
20 years is 40%.
As per showing the percentage distribution according to, there gender in male are 11.7% and female are 88.3%.
As per showing the percentage distribution according to, there locality in rural are 60% and urban are 40%.
As per showing the percentage distribution according to there marital status in married 3.3% an unmarried
As per showing the percentage distribution according to there educational status in intermediate 93.3% and other
are 6.7%.
As per showing the percentage distribution according to there level of knowledge regarding UTI, those who have
knowledge is 26.7% and those who have do not have knowledge are 73.3%.
As per showing the percentage distribution according to their previous experience is 0% and 100% those who
have didn't experienced the UTI.
To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching program and knowledge regarding prevention of UTI
among GNM 1st year students of IINS&R.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Table -2: Comparison of frequency & percentage distribution of pre-test and post-test level of
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Inadequate knowledge (0-10) 50 83.3 16 26.7
Moderate knowledge (11-15) 10 16.7 33 55
Adequate knowledge (16-20) 0 0 11 18.3
Table finding shows the comparison of frequency and percentage distribution of pre-test and post-test level of
knowledge in which majority 50 (83.3%) had inadequate knowledge, 10(16.7%) had moderate level of
knowledge and 0(0%) had adequate knowledge in pretest while post-test shows that majority 33(55%) had
moderate level of knowledge, 16(26.7%) had 16(26.7%) inadequate and 11(18.3%) had adequate knowledge.

Figure no. 1: Diagram representing comparison of percentage distribution ofpre-test and post-test
level of knowledge
Table -3: Comparison of descriptive statistics of pre-test and post-test Scores of knowledge
Mean Paired Table
Paired T test Mean±S.D Mean% Range P value
Diff. T test Value at 0.05
PRETEST KNOWLEDGE 8.75±1.865 43.80 05-12 8.865
3.85 <0.001 2.00
POSTTEST KNOWLEDGE 12.6±2.695 63.00 8-18 *sig
*Significance level 0.05 maximum=20 minimum=0
Table finding shows descriptive statistics comparison of pre-test and post-test score of knowledge level where
based on pre-test knowledge the mean score is 8.75, standard deviation was 1.865 with mean% of 43.80 whereas
in post-test mean value is 12.6 with 2.695 standard deviation and mean% was 63.00. the Mean difference was

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Figure no. 2: Bar diagram representing comparison of descriptive statistics of pre-test and post-test
knowledge scores
Table -4: Comparison of descriptive statistics of pre-test and post-test Scores of knowledge
Mean Pre-test Post-test Pre-test knowledge Post-test knowledge Difference
% knowledge knowledge score % score % %
Average 8.75 12.6 3.85 43.75 63 19.25
Table shows the effectiveness of structured teaching programme regarding urinary tract infection among GNM 1
year student at integral institute of nursing science and research. The difference of pre-test knowledge and post-
test knowledge was found to be at 19.25%.

Figure no. 3: Bar diagram-representing comparison of pre-test and post-test level of knowledge
representing effectiveness

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63501 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 701
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
Associate between the level of knowledge regarding prevention of urinary tract infection among GNM 1st year
students with selected demographic variables.
Table -5: Table Showing Association of Scores and Demographic Variables.
Adequate Moderate Inadequate Chi P Value
Variables Options Df Result
Knowledge Knowledge Knowledge Test Value Table
6 19 11
years Not
Age 0.728 0.695 2 5.991
20 years and Significant
5 14 5
Male 0 5 2 Not
Gender 1.852 0.396 2 5.991
Female 11 28 14 Significant
Rural 5 23 8 Not
Locality 2.929 0.231 2 5.991
Urban 6 10 8 Significant
Marital Married 0 1 1 Not
0.811 0.667 2
status Unmarried 11 32 15 5.991 Significant
Educational Intermediate 11 29 16 Not
3.056 0.173 2 5.991
status Others 0 4 0 Significant
Any Yes 4 4 8
Knowledge 8.554 0.014 2 5.991 Not
No 7 29 8
regarding UTI Significant
Have you Yes 0 0 0
experience N.A N.A
No 11 33 16

This section deals with the findings related to the The Chi-square value shows that there is significance
association between score and selected demographic association between the score level and marital status
variables. The chi-square test was used to determine as variables.
the association between the score levels and selected
The calculated chi-square values (0.811) were less
demographic variables. than the table value 5.991 at the 0.05 level of
The Chi-square value shows that there is not significance with 2df.
significance association between the score level and The Chi-square value shows that there is significance
Age as variables. The calculated chi-square values association between the score level and educational
(0.728) were less than the table value 5.991 at the status as variables. The calculated chi-square values
0.05 level of significance with 2df. (3.506) were less than the table value 5.991 at the
The Chi-square value shows that there is not 0.05 level of significance with 2df.
significance association between the score level and NURSING IMPLICATION
gender as variables. The calculated chi-square values
(1.852) were less than the table value 5.991 at the Title of study
0.05 level of significance with 2df. "To assess the effectiveness of structured teaching
The Chi-square value shows that there is not programme on knowledge regarding prevention of
significance association between the score level and urinary tract infection among the GNM 1ª year
locality variables. The calculated chi-square values student in integral institute of nursing sciences &
(2.929) were less than the table value 5.991 at the research, Lucknow up."
0.05 level of significance with 2df. Objective: To assess the knowledge regarding
The Chi-square value shows that there is significance prevention of UTI among GNM 18t year student
association between the score level and any at IINS&R
knowledge regarding UTI as variables. The calculated To assess the pre-test level of knowledge on structure
chi-square values (8.554) were more than the table questionnaire was prepared by the researchers. This
value 5.991 at the 0.05 level of significance with 2df. tool contains three criteria adequate, moderate and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63501 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 702
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
inadequate knowledge. With the help of structured regarding prevention of UTI among adolescent girls
questionnaire researchers collect data regarding UTI. using experimental and control group before and after
Researchers prepared structured questionnaire to the administration of structured teaching program.
assess the knowledge of GNM 1st year students. The 300 sample size was selected the result shows
After collecting data, the information has been given that overall mean awareness score of the study was
to the nursing professionals, who are expert in 12+4.26. Percentage distributive UTI on knowledge
Medical Surgical Nursing (M.S.N) field, for the level shows that majority (90%) of had moderate
validation. knowledge and 5.6% of them had inadequately
Another study conducted by Hussein, Ibrahim knowledge whereas only 4.3% of adolescent had
etal(2019) to assess the knowledge regarding UTI in adequate knowledge.
nursing student at the university of mosul with sample OBJECTIVE: Association between the levels of
size of 120 using a cross sectional study. The finding knowledge regarding prevention of UTI among
of study highlights that the 40.8% of responds are GNM 1% year student with selected demographic
belong to the age group (20-22) year half of them are variables
female (55%) and majority of them are single (86.7%,
C. Discussion on the finding related to
the general level of knowledge among the participants
association between the post-test
were overall 52.5% of the student had moderate level
of knowledge, 36.7% of them had poor knowledge
There is no significance association between the level
regarding prevention of UTI.
of scores and other demographic variables as age. The
A. Discussion on the finding related to the calculated chi-square values (0.728) were less than
knowledge of UTI among GNM 1% year the table value (5.991) at the 0.05 level of
student. significance
Pre-test score knowledge 83.3% inadequate and
The Chi-square value shows that there is significance
16.7% moderate knowledge.
association between the score level and any
Indhumol TD, sheela pavithran etal(2014) conducted knowledge regarding UTI as demographic variable.
a study to assess the effectiveness of STP on The calculated chi-square values (8.554) were more
knowledge regarding prevention of UTI and the than the table value (5.991) at the 0.05 level of
sample size is 119 adolescent girls by using cluster significance.
sampling technique. The study result showed
There is no significance association between the level
difference in gain in knowledge regarding prevention
of scores and other demographic variables as locality.
of UTI (+117) = 4.973, p>0.001). The study shows a
The calculated chi-square values (2.929) were less
prompt result in improving the knowledge through
than the table value at the 0.05 level of significance
There is no significance association between the level
Objective: To assess the effectiveness of STP
of scores and other demographic variables as
among GNM 1 year student at INS&R.
educational status. The calculated chi-square values
B. Discussion on finding related to (3.506) were less than the table value (5.991) at the
effectiveness of structured teaching 0.05 level of significance
program on knowledge regarding
There is no significance association between the level
prevention of UTI among GNM 1" year
of scores and other demographic variables as gender.
The calculated chi-square (1.852) values were less
Pre-test score among 60 GNM 18 year students is 50
than the table value (5.991) at the 0.05 level of
(83.3%) inadequate knowledge, 10(16.7%) moderate
knowledge and 0 (0%) adequate knowledge.
There is no significance association between the level
Post-test score among 60 GNMist year students
of scores and other demographic variable as marital
16(26.7%) inadequate knowledge, moderate 33(55%)
status. The calculated chi-square (0.811) values were
were moderate level of knowledge and 11(18.3%)
less than the table value (5.991) at the 0.05 level of
adequate knowledge.
Agarwal a. reddy G.S (2021) conducted a quantitative
research study to assess the effectiveness of
The present study finding suggest that all subject had
structured teaching program on knowledge prevention
moderate to high level of knowledge, 55% moderate
of UTI among adolescent girls at Jaipuria School. The
and 18% adequate. Therefore this study was
objective of the study is to assess knowledge

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63501 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 703
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
undertaken to assess the knowledge regarding Nurse play vital role in implementing structured
prevention of UTI among GNM 1" year student. teaching which improve their knowledge that reflects
on this basis of the objective and conceptual in effective health care service.
framework developed a experimental study was Nursing administration
chosen for the study. This was conducted on GNM 1 Nursing administration has to plan and organize
year student in Integral institute of nursing science training and educational program for the staff nurses
and research, Lucknow. Data was collected through in the hospitals and continuing area on UTI which
self-structured questionnaire and socio-demographic would help them to acquire as well as update
variables to assess knowledge regarding UTI. this knowledge and skill.
questionnaire was administered to GNM 1 year Necessary administration support has to be provided
student who were fulfill inclusive criteria and were to conduct health educational workshop, seminar,
present during data collection which were analyzed conference, at school, college, university as well as
by descriptive and inferential statistics. community setting with appropriate AV Aids. In-
MAJOR FINDING service education program can be conducted for the
Out of 60 subject 60%, were from 17-19 years and nurses on their specialization with UTI for updated
only 40% from 20 and above. knowledge.
Majority of student were female with 88.3% and male Nursing research
are 11.7%. Nursing research is an essential aspect of nursing
which improves the body of knowledge. The research
60% students are from rural area and remaining 40% design, finding and tools applies in the study can be
from urban area. used as source for further research; the study will
Majority of student were intermediate level of motivate the young and enthusiastic researchers to
education 93.3% and 6.7% others level of education. conduct the similar study on large scale.
Majority of student are unmarried 96.7% and 3.3% The finding will help in the practice aspect to expand
were married. the role of nurse. Through nursing research nurse can
update their knowledge time to time.
Majority of student did not have previous knowledge
regarding UTI 73.3% and 26.7% have previous CONCLUSION
knowledge regarding UTI It was found that all the participants were very
interested to learn and actively participated.
100% student did not experience UTI
The pre-test revealed they had inadequate level of
Correlation between scores and variables were knowledge about 83.3%.
calculated and found significantly at p<0.001.
The post- test results show that they had significant
IMPLICATION OF THE STUDY gain in level of knowledge about 73.3%.
The finding of the study can be used in the following
The result of positive response to the structured
teaching programme indicates that it was significantly
Nursing education useful to them to enhance their knowledge.
Due to challenge health care in today's world as nurse RECOMMENDATION
or health care profession. It is important to be updated In view of the finding and limitation of the present
with knowledge in every field of education. study following recommendation are there for further
As a nurse educator, there are an abundant research.
opportunities to educate the nurse about the urinary 1. The study can be done on large scale sample to
tract infection. strengthen the finding
2. The study can be conducted in different setting
There should be regular periodic and STP on UTI
such as hospital.
which should be included in nursing curriculum at
3. A comparative study can be done regarding
basic level.
prevention of UTI between student of private and
Nursing practice government school, college etc.
Nurses are the key persons of the health care team,
who play major role in health promotion and health
The limitation of the study were-
1. The study limited to the student of GNM 1% year,
Nursing care is an art and science in providing quality integral institute of nursing science and research,
care. Lucknow.

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