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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Activating Geospatial Information for

Sudan's Sustainable Investment Map
Kamal A. A. Sami
Department of Surveying Engineering, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Kamal A. A.

Sudan is witnessing an acceleration in the processes of development Sami "Activating Geospatial
and transformation in the performance of government institutions to Information for Sudan's Sustainable
raise the productivity and investment efficiency of the government Investment Map" Published in
sector. The development plans and investment opportunities have International
Journal of Trend in
focused on achieving national goals in various sectors. This paper Scientific Research
aims to illuminate the path to the future and provide geospatial data and Development
and information to develop the investment climate and environment (ijtsrd), ISSN:
for all-sized businesses, and to bridge the development gap between 2456-6470,
the Sudan states. The Sudan Survey Authority (SSA) is the main Volume-8 | Issue-1, IJTSRD63482
advisor to the Sudan Government in conducting surveying, February 2024,
mappings, designing, and developing systems related to geospatial pp.904-916, URL:
data and information. In recent years, SSA made a strategic
partnership with the Ministry of Investment to activate Geospatial
Information for Sudan's Sustainable Investment and in particular, for Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
the preparation and implementation of the Sudan investment map,
Scientific Research and Development
based on the directives and objectives of the Ministry of Investment Journal. This is an
(MI) in Sudan. Open Access article
This paper comes within the framework of activating the efforts of distributed under the
the Ministry of Investment to develop technical investment services terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
by applying techniques adopted by the Ministry and its strategic (
partners for advancing investment processes in the country.
KEYWORDS: SNBS = Sudan National Base Map System; SSA =
Sudan Survey Authority; GGRF = Global Geodetic Reference Frame;
IGIF = Integrated Geospatial Information Framework; UN GGRF =
United National Global Geodetic Reference Frame; UNGGIM
=United Nations Initiative on Global Geospatial Information

The Sudan Survey Authority (SSA) is the advisor to advancing investment processes in the country. In this
the Sudan Government in conducting surveying, regard, the SSA participated seriously with immense
mappings, designing, and developing systems related efforts and endeavors that aim to raise the country’s
to geospatial data and information. In recent years, standing, by creating a scientific breakthrough,
SSA has made a strategic partnership, with the exchanging technical expertise, and exchanging
Ministry of Investment to activate Geospatial geospatial information knowledge. The Authority
Information for Sudan's Sustainable Investment, and hopes to fulfill the required data and information and
for the preparation and implementation of the Sudan share and integrate them, through the federal and
investment map, based on the directives and State government departments to achieve the basic
objectives of the Ministry of Investment (MI) in objectives of the investment map. The SSA will
Sudan. provide the Ministry of Investment with the basic
This paper comes within the framework of activating information and the digital national base map to
the efforts of the Ministry of Investment to develop become a basic base for all geospatial information
technical investment services by applying techniques provided by the Ministry of Investment and all
adopted by the Ministry and its strategic partners for strategic partners from the public and private sectors.

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
This confidence stems from the willingness of SSA with an association with its partners most of the
during the previous years to prepare the base map in a required geospatial standards and specifications in
way that meets the needs of all national parties in this Geomatics and the preparation of data models and
matter, getting use of its technical expertise, which geospatial data dictionaries, Metadata, and feature
has exceeded one hundred years in surveying and coding for map production. This will assist all
map productions of all kinds and geospatial services. organizations in Sudan to expand their capabilities for
To achieve the Sudan, Investment Map (SIM) the enhancement of their data collection, and
management, and raising the level of support for
objectives, the general framework is summarized with
a focus on the following: 1. Basic directives of the geospatial data activities and provision of solutions
that enable the effective delivery of geospatial
Ministry of Investment for preparing the investment
map. 2. Work Plans in coordination with partners and
relevant authorities. 3. Work outputs and final Contributions from Sudan Federal Departments and
products of provision of geospatial data, information, States government Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI)
and data models. 4. Timeline of activities according are to be used to define the matrix of technologies,
to the agreed-upon stages. 5. The work team entrusted policies [8, 9], and institutional arrangements that will
with implementing the geospatial information system facilitate the availability and access of geospatial data
in terms of study, design, and operation. 6. Business at all levels of government, the private sector, and
quality control (QA/QC), providing technical support, academic organizations. For MI and SSA the
training program, and system activities. 7. importance of SDI [8] can be considered crucial in
Communication and coordination plan during the creating the Sudan Investment map, supporting all
stages of implementing the national base map and terrestrial applications, decision-making processes,
inventorying the data of the Ministry of Investment’s and management of resources at the growing national
partners. 8. Hardware and software specifications and regional levels. Because geospatial data is an
required to operate and activate the system (System expensive resource, has increased the need for
Specifications). 9. The financial cost of completing cooperation between various MI partners in the
the geospatial information system in terms of acquisition of geospatial data, and the establishment
providing basic data to the Ministry, and modeling of programs and projects to obtain and access the
the data of the Ministry’s strategic partners. geospatial data, promote its use, and ensure that
As well known, the geospatial data infrastructure and continuous additional investment in geospatial
geospatial systems of today, necessitate the use of information [4].
accurate reference frames and spatial data 2. Ministry of Investment and Sudan Survey
infrastructure, standards, and specifications [3, 9] for Authority
most applications and implementation of information The Ministry of Investment has developed its
systems. This will be essential for geospatial data directives for the development of the Sudan
sharing, integration, and mitigations. The unification Investment map as a framework (Figure 1) for
of the geo-referencing systems of all geospatial data activating its efforts to advance investment in Sudan
in Sudan assisted the Sudan Survey Authority in and to develop policies, regulations, and technical
taking advanced steps in the implementation of services by applying techniques adopted for the
enterprise geospatial solutions and the exchange of investment processes in the country. In recent years,
information. The devise of geospatial data SSA has become a strategic partner to the Ministry of
infrastructure standards and specifications will Investment for activating Geospatial Information for
increase the integration capabilities of databases Sudan's Sustainable Investment and in particular, for
between different organizations in the country, and in the preparation and implementation of the Sudan
performing several operations in cost cost-effective investment map.
and manageable manner. The SSA already completed

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Figure 1: General features of the components and capabilities of the investment map
The Sudan Survey Authority (SSA), is a national leader in geospatial data, information, and technology, and is
the official surveying and mapping authority in Sudan. SSA is the nation's primary geospatial base map, and
reference frame enabler. Since 1998 and in the years to follow, Sudan's government, the general public, and
enterprises have relied on the Sudan Survey Authority as a legal and regulatory authority for accurate and up-to-
date geospatial information. Currently, the Sudan Survey Authority has shaped the geospatial business and
assisted the Sudan government in becoming one of the top digital nations in the region, by setting the bar for
data collection, data management, and planning for innovative services, as demonstrated in the Sudan Survey
Act. The Sudan Survey Authority is also in charge of developing a geodetic network, processing and mapping,
aerial photography, and planning the design of national geospatial information that could become a crucial
component of Sudan's geospatial system and infrastructure.
The Sudan Survey Authority (SSA), also, serves as the country's central organizing body for the national and
regional implementation of UNGGIM geospatial information management to empower and advance geospatial
information for sustainable national development [4]. SSA began by urging the Sudan government and regional
partners for the unification of global reference frames to implement the United Nations initiative related to
UNGGIM with its two mainframes, i.e. The National Global Geodetic Reference Frame (NGGRF) and National
Integrated Geospatial Information Frame (IGIF). The Sudan Survey Authority planned for the Federal and State
governments to establish the Sudan National Basemap System (SNBS). The SNBS has been developed and is
currently in the implementation stage for the establishment of the Sudan National Basemap Center on SSA
premises. To create the National Integrated Geospatial Frame following UNGIM resolutions, plans, rules, and
strategies, the SNBS must be integrated with the numerous Sudan entities including the Ministry of Investment,
and the existing GIS and geospatial systems in Sudan. With the cooperation of all of its strategic partners and
stakeholders, SSA become the primary SNBS implementer in Sudan. Knowing that the SSA has been working
as a government agency responsible for surveying and mapping in Sudan for more than a century. It currently
offers mapping and surveying services for the entire nation, and as of 2020, the Sudan Translational government
has directed it to offer geospatial services to all government organizations in Sudan [10]. Now SSA is the official
geospatial Partner of the Ministry of Investment and has developed solid connections with numerous
organizations and entities across Sudan to enable national information architectures to improve access, sharing,
and integration of geospatial information and services for decision and policy-making,
3. United Nations Global Geospatial Information Management
The United Nations uses geospatial information to better understand global issues and to carry out its decision-
making work, which led the United Nations to develop the Global Geospatial Information Management (GGIM)
initiative that seeks to improve access to geospatial information for all countries. The United Nations Global
Geospatial Information Management (UNGGIM) is a platform that aims to promote the use of geospatial
information for sustainable development [5, 9]. UNGGIM works to improve the utilization, accessibility, and
quality of geospatial data and information globally. It also guides best practices, standards, and policies related
to geospatial information management [3]. The UN-GGIM consists of two major sectors: The United Nations

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Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF) and the United Nations Global Geodetic Reference
Frame (UN-GGRF).
3.1. The United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework:
The United Nations Integrated Geospatial Information Framework (UN-IGIF) provides a basis and guide for
developing, integrating, strengthening, and maximizing geospatial information management and related
resources in all countries. It will assist countries in bridging the geospatial digital divide, secure socio-economic
prosperity, and leave no one behind. The IGIF comprises three parts as separate [6], but connected, documents:
Part 1 is an Overarching Strategy; Part 2 is an Implementation Guide; and Part 3 is a Country-level Action Plan.
The three parts comprise a comprehensive Integrated Geospatial Information Framework that serves a country's
needs in addressing economic, social, and environmental factors; which depend on location information in a
continually changing world. The Implementation Guide communicates to the user what is needed to establish,
implement, strengthen, improve, and/or maintain a national geospatial information management system and
capability. The IGIF focuses on location information that is integrated with any other meaningful data to solve
societal and environmental problems, acts as a catalyst for economic growth and opportunity, and understands
and takes benefits from a nation's development priorities and the Sustainable Development Goals.
3.2. UN-GGRF:
The global geodetic reference frame (GGRF) is a system of coordinates and measurements used to describe the
shape and position of the Earth. It is a fundamental tool for geodesy, which is the science of measuring and
understanding the Earth's physical properties. The GGRF is based on a network of ground-based stations that use
precise instruments to measure the Earth's rotation, gravity, and other properties. These measurements are
combined with data from satellite-based systems such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) to create a
highly accurate and detailed model of the Earth's surface.
The GGRF is essential for a wide range of applications [6, 7], including navigation, surveying, mapping, and
scientific research. It provides a common reference point for countries around the world to use in their geodetic
activities, ensuring consistency and accuracy in measurements across borders. One important aspect of the
GGRF is its ability to track changes in the Earth's shape and position over time. This information can be used to
monitor natural phenomena, as well as human-induced changes such as land subsidence or sea level rise.
3.3. Country-level Action Plan
Sudan-level Action Plan (SAP) for investment, has to be developed, specifically to the Sudan investment map
and details 'how' the guidance, policies, options, and actions are to be outlined in the Ministry of Investment
implementation guide which will be carried out, by the MI stakeholders. This action plan should contain the
processes, resource materials, geospatial data, templates, and examples that are available and helpful to first
develop a national action plan, and then operationalize the national IGIF through its subsequent implementation,
aligned with national priorities and cognizant of national circumstances.
For SSA operationalize the IGIF with the Sudan Action Plan (SAP) that aligns with the county priorities and
circumstances. An SAP addresses all strategic pathways while considering the strategic and operational needs of
the country when operationalizing the IGIF. The SAP is unique, as it determines where they currently are in their
capacity and capabilities and reflects decisions made to advance and enhance national geospatial capabilities to
serve the investment within Sudan, and for the integrated geospatial information management.
3.4. Sustainable Development Goals:
Sustainable development goals have to be progressed in a parallel time frame to geospatial information; all of the
issues impacting sustainable development goals can be integrated into the Sudan geospatial information system
after being analyzed, mapped, and modeled within a geospatial context. One of the main goals of the UN-GGIM
is to support and achieve the 17 sustainable development goals (Figure 2). The 17 Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs), which is an urgent UN call for action by all countries - developed and developing - in a global
partnership. SDGs are to be recognized in Sudan as a means for ending national poverty, hunger, and other
deprivations must go hand-in-hand with strategies that improve health and education, reduce inequality, and spur
economic growth – all and/while tackling climate change and work to preserve Sudan land uses and forests.

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Figure 2: The 17 Sustainable Development Goals [5]

Figure 3, shows the general national information systems sustainable development framework, that provides the
building blocks and processes for any given country to measure and monitor the SDGs from local real-world
conditions through to global harmonized reporting [5].

Figure 3. A general national information systems sustainable development [5]

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4. Definition of investment map:
The investment map (Figure 4) can be defined as a document that specifies a list of potential investment ideas
and opportunities, and an integrated geographical, legislative, and procedural guide that provides the investor
with all the data and information that helps in completing investment decisions efficiently and accurately, in
addition to reviewing investment opportunities at the federal and state levels in Sudan. Therefore, the investment
map is a strategic indicator, to highlight specific projects in all sectors.
The investment map requires planning, coordination, and joint work between the Ministry of Investment and its
strategic partners [6, 11]. One of the possibilities for effective planning is that there is a pivotal role for the
government and the participation of all parties at the national level in determining the frameworks and goals of
investment, and the ability to mobilize human and technological resources to support investment and provide
data and information. The adequacy, quality, and modernity of databases and information available for
investment work [11]. Therefore, it has become necessary to prepare an integrated investment map that includes
all the necessary indicators and guidance to guide investors and acquaint them closely with the investment
opportunities in the various sectors of the country systematically and scientifically, and enhancing the ability of
the Ministry of Investment to address challenges and find effective smart solutions.
The Sudan investment Map required the geospatial information and its processes of collecting, organizing, and
managing geospatial data from a variety of sources. It involves the integration of geospatial data from different
sources into a single investment map, allowing for analysis and visualization of the data. This type of geospatial
information is used to support decision-making in all areas and resource management, using geospatial
Information data Sources (geospatial data is any data with a direct or indirect reference to a specific location or
geographical area) and is often referred to as geospatial data or geographic information, such as: -
A. Satellite Imagery: Satellite imagery data source that provides information about the Earth's surface from
aerial or orbital satellites. This type of data can be used to create detailed maps, analyze land use, and
monitor environmental changes.
B. Aerial Photography: Aerial photography data source that captures images from the air using either manned
or unmanned aircraft. This type of data can be used to create detailed maps, analyze land use, and monitor
environmental changes.
C. GIS Databases: GIS database data source that stores geographic information in a digital format. This type of
data can be used to create detailed maps, analyze land use, and monitor environmental changes.
D. GNSS Data: GNSS data is a type of data source that uses satellite signals to determine the location of an
object or person on Earth's surface. This type of data can be used for positioning and creating detailed maps,
analyzing land use, and monitoring environmental changes.
5. Basic Sudan Investment Map Requirements
Based on the existing cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Investment and all partners for
preparing, designing, and implementing the investment map system for Sudan. The Sudan Survey Authority
realizes the importance of the investment map, its terms of reference, and the great challenge to accomplish this
work and the resulting activities during the stage of preparation and the activation of geospatial information and
over an ongoing period to ensure the sustainability of the investment process in Sudan. In this context, the Sudan
Survey Authority will rely, during the implementation stages of the investment map, on the following guidelines:
1. The basic Ministry of Investment guidelines. 2. Objectives and determinants of investment work in Sudan. 3.
Policies and Laws that govern and frame the investment process in Sudan. 4. Specifications and requirements for
the investment process issued by the Ministry of Investment. 5. The nature of the work of relevant authorities
(local and international). 6. The basic objectives of the investment map. 7. Previous relevant efforts and
technical works prepared by the Ministry of Investment. 8. Outputs of the initial report (Inception Report) that
will be prepared during the system analysis phase. 9. Use cases that will be extracted from the content of the
initial report and whose scenarios and policies will be built in the conceptual model and completed in the
description of the logical model. 10. A set of data and concepts that will be extracted from the Conceptual Model
that will be prepared during the analysis phase [1, 12]. 11. The structures that will be designed during the stage
of preparing the logical model. 12. The needs of decision makers and the end user, according to what was stated
in the initial report referred to above. 13. Basic requirements and specifications for preparing geospatial
information systems and digital maps. 14. Technical and timing caveats or a notice, that certain actions may not

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be taken without informing the entity who gave the notice. 15. Previous experiences in the relevant field in the
local, regional, and international contexts.
The stages of preparing investment opportunity maps (figure 4), are to define and determine the geographical
scope of the national investment map, study and analyze the current investment situation, study and analyze
needs and global best practices in the field of investment, define the framework and objectives of the national
investment map, devise investment opportunities and how to finance, the strategic plan to achieve investment
goals and opportunities. Recognizing the challenges, qualifying and raising administrative and technical
capabilities in investment management, determining the baseline for all components of the investment map in its
various sectors, preparing key performance indicators, and managing quality and change. The process of
preparing investment maps involves a set of procedures and steps that must be implemented efficiently and
accurately. This requires the availability of the necessary total and sectoral data and statistics, in addition to the
cooperation of the concerned investment parties, the most important of which are investment authorities, the
ministries of planning, industry, trade, local and financial development, the statistics department, the banking
sector, financial institutions, and business Development.

Figure 4: Stages of preparing investment opportunity maps

6. Activating geospatial information
The basic geospatial data and information provided by the Sudan Survey Authority is considered a key success
factor for the sustainability of the investment map in Sudan, in which the reference system for geospatial
information is defined and unified, the national base map of Sudan is to be activated with the investment map,
inventory of investment data and information across sectors, modeling and preparation of databases, and
inventory technical teams and agencies concerned with geospatial information in investment sectors. During the
previous years, a cooperation and partnership agreement was reached between the Ministry of Investment and
the Sudan Survey Authority to enhance the role of geospatial information systems for the success of investment
sustainability in Sudan, contribute to building or developing a national geospatial information device, establish a
national network to collect and process investment data, build integrated investment databases, create
mechanisms for updating investment data and information for the Ministry and its partners, defining roles and
responsibilities between the Ministry of Investment and the various investment sectors, and devising smart
methods for organizing meetings and workshops between investment partners.
The national base map of Sudan will be the core of geospatial information, which was approved by the
Government of Sudan to be implemented at the federal and state levels. The base map is considered an important
component of the investment map to provide spatial data infrastructure and land information from its various
official and public sources. It represents a national strategy aimed at framing foundations in which the benefits
of spatial data infrastructure and land users are shared to build geographic information infrastructure (Figure 5)
at the national level. The concept of the base map represents a very important objective axis for the investment

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
map, for modeling real reality and finding solutions to problems related to reality. Bearing in mind that, it should
be consistent with the United Nations programs for providing the required geospatial information to achieve
sustainable development goals.

Figure 5: Basic components of the national base map system [17]

The base map is considered a representative model that frames and reflects the facts of things in natural reality
and their interactions. Thus, it represents a key element in providing geographical information that enables
managing, monitoring, and tracking the changes occurring on the land in Sudan and hence in the investment
map. In addition to forming communication, circulation, and exchange links for the geospatial information
system between the Ministry of Investment and the relevant sectors in an integrated framework that provides the
opportunity to find the complex intersections and interrelationships of the spatial information infrastructure
(which represents more than 80% of the land information required for investment and decision-making work).
Figure 6, shows the basic layers of the national base map system.

Figure (6): The basic layers of the national base map system [1]
The national base map is a digital map that should be circulated within Sudan's various entities via the national
communication network between federal ministries and state institutions. It includes more than (800) layers of
land information such as terrain, rivers, and international and state borders. It contains more than (700) large

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cities and villages at the household level, with a population estimated at more than three-quarters of the
population of Sudan. It serves as a base for electronic government and the (digital) population census and then
later integrates statistical information and civil registry with geospatial information as a unified system that
serves all investment work. These layers included in the base map also serve as a unified basis and frame of
reference [13, 14] for documenting data for all investment sectors in ministries, national institutions, private
sector institutions, and investment information, as well as information about public services and facilities such as
information about states, localities, administrative units, general information, mining, oil, agriculture, forestry,
livestock, geological information, tourism, and others. As mentioned previously, the Sudan government issued a
decision to apply the base map at all federal and state levels in the country. Figure 7, illustrates how the base
map interactions between the Sudan Survey Authority and all stakeholders and clients including the invest map

Figure 7: Base map interactions between the Sudan Survey Authority and the Clients
Figure 8, illustrates the work plan in four basic stages, each of which is subdivided into sub-stages according to
principles of preparing, building, and developing investment mapping systems.

Figure 8: The general framework of the action plan

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7. Sudan National Basemap System geographic. Many of the issues impacting sustainable
The Sudan National Base map offers effective and development can be analyzed, modeled, and mapped
efficient solutions for the collection, editing, storing, within a geographic context, which in turn can
and delivery of geospatial data and information. provide the integrative framework necessary for
SNBS will implement an improved information global and regional collaboration [10, 15], consensus,
management system that will significantly increase and evidence-based decision-making. However,
the level of support for the activities of SSA and the despite significant advances in geospatial information
Sudan geospatial community. SNBS will deliver the technologies, there is a lack of awareness in Sudan,
geospatial information management system to an understanding and uptake, particularly at the policy
acceptable level of confidentiality, availability, and and decision-making level, of the vital and integrative
performance. SSA has planned and outlined the role of geospatial information and related enabling
requirements of the IT system and its components as architectures such as National Basemap
well as any upgrades and additions to the current IT Infrastructure.
infrastructure. To gather requirements for SSA
The global geospatial community now has a unique
Departments and Unit business processes, the SSA
opportunity to integrate and connect geospatial
technical teams must undertake and amend the prior
information into the global development agenda [11]
needs assessment. It is acknowledged that the base
in a sustainable manner, specifically in contributing
map and spatial data provision, in addition to the
their data resources toward measuring and monitoring
following, will impact this plan: (1) Hardware, end-
the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, and their 169
user computers, servers, and physical security. (2)
associated targets, through the global indicator
Local Area Network and Internet addressing in
framework that anchors the 2030 Agenda for
networks and telecommunications (3) Observations
Sustainable Development.
on the Data Volumes and Current Infrastructure. (4)
Database solutions, merging, and architecture. (5) 8. Activating Investment Map parties’ geospatial
Application Development; which relates to the ability information
to model business processes by creating specialized Activation of the geospatial information of the
open-source software programs. (6) Software Investment Map parties can be done in the following
Licensing; the SSA will outline the system's potential stages:
implications for operating system licensing. The first stage involves the System Analysis and
particularly, a description of the prerequisites for Design which is concerned with devising the basic
access licenses resulting from system implementation, requirements, extrapolating the specifications of the
stating versions and desired licensing model, with a required work, and understanding the use cases and
description of the licensing structure to be purchased user needs through careful and precise analysis,
as part of the final system. SSA must use quality which aims to prepare the Inception Report [12] and
control methods and procedures, including formal build the Conceptual Model and the Logical Model to
system and user acceptance testing, for sustainable ensure that the work meets all requirements of the
adoption. The SSA Basemap Center team will then Sudan investment map. This stage is considered to be
put selected trainers through training and make sure the basic focus of all subsequent work stages, and it
lead users are trained to support the system at a serves as an establishment of the methodology that
departmental level with enough supervision at all must be followed to complete the required work. The
phases of implementation. Post-implementation steps of this stage are further outlined as:
support must be organized and provided in a logical 1. Preparation of the Inception Report for a.
and organized way. The task of spreading the usage Familiarity with the guidelines and objectives of
of the new system will be specifically assigned to it, the investment map for Sudan. b. Derivation of
and it will be addressed with a strategy for involving basic system specifications. c. Analyzing and
the employees. Here it may be concluded that evaluating user needs (Needs Assessment) and
complete user needs analyses should be carried out defining the strategic clients of the system. d.
inside the SSA organizational structure for the full Studying use cases for investment entities and
implementation of SNBS in all departments based on building their scenarios.
the investigations and understanding of the SSA
conditions [16]. 2. Building a conceptual model for; a. Extrapolating
and extracting concepts for the system structure.
SSA also understands that achieving sustainable b. Determine the number and specifications of the
development presents all countries and the global concepts that have been proposed. d. Defining
policy community with a set of significant and determining the fundamental datasets that
development challenges that are almost entirely must be included in the system and preparing and

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63482 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 913
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
designing a data dictionary. d. Identifying and editing phase. v. Converting digital data bodies
describing relationships and intersections between into bodies that meet the specifications and
data sets. standards of digital mapping systems. vi.
3. Building a logical model for a. Designing the Applying various procedures and treatments to
system's relational databases. b. Identify the satellite images and aerial images to extract
spatial data [7] and objective and descriptive
specifications of data models related to system
concepts by studying the data index. c. Studying information.
the structural structure of targeted C. Loading data into feature-class structures.
geographic/geospatial databases.
D. Metadata description of all geospatial data layers.
The second stage is building the physical model of
The third stage: is concerned with quality control
the system, the physical model will be built, which verifying the technical quality of the system and
aims to translate the outputs of the design stage from ensuring that the basic specifications and
the abstract level to the application level, by building
requirements for the work are met through the
targeted geographic/geospatial databases and placing planned tests, statistical analysis, and standard
data in them so that the layers of data and information comparisons to verify:
are organized; in the form of feature classes within a
data set according to what was stated in the design 1. Fulfilling the specifications of the data set in
model so that it matches the reality and use cases [1]. terms of the number, the domain and coverage.
This stage is also concerned with a description of the 2. Data Model Conformance.
data of the physical model for all data layers through
preparing metadata. One of the main objectives of 3. The structure of topology relationships in terms of
this stage, is also, to prepare a representational model connection and matching.
for the system, where the physical model will be 4. Absolute and relative accuracy.
activated in an institutional geospatial information
system environment that achieves joint and secure 5. Data consistency and completeness.
circulation of system information and works to The fourth stage: In this stage, the system will be
provide solutions to problems and inquiries related to activated based on the system work plan, the
the investment process in the country. The operating environment for the system will be built by
methodology for implementing this stage is outlined establishing the central headquarters of the system,
as: 1. Testing and reviewing the design of targeted installing the main server, and building the network
databases. 2. Preparing and building the workspace infrastructure. Also, preparing user specifications
and establishing the skeleton of the targeted under the policies that will be agreed upon to access
geographic/geospatial database. 3. Geodatabase and exchange geospatial data and information in
populating by implementing the following stages: various ways.
A. Providing data (Data Acquisition) from various 9. Conclusion
sources. It is considered one of the critical stages Sudan is witnessing an acceleration in the processes
that requires a lot of time and effort. This stage of development and transformation in the
includes: i. Testing the available data (Inventory performance of government institutions to raise the
of Existing Data) in terms of accuracy, required productivity and investment efficiency of the
drawing scales, level of coverage, and government sector. This is what development plans
compatibility of its graphical structures according and investment opportunities have focused on to
to what was stated in the Data Dictionary during achieve national goals in various sectors, within
the design phase. ii. Correcting and refining errors performance measurement indicators, follow-up, and
in the available data (Data Refining). iii. adjustment according to changing priorities. This
Complete missing data. paper aims to illuminate the path to the future and
B. The data management stage, which includes the provide geospatial data and information to develop
following: i. Providing coordinates of horizontal the investment climate and environment for all-sized
and vertical control points to unify the datum, businesses, especially to bridge the development gap
adjust the ground reference, and determine between the Sudan states.
geometric accuracy during the quality control For the Sudan Survey Authority to be able to take into
stage. ii. Assigning ground coordinate systems to account the views of the Authority’s main partners, in
all data layers. iii. Editing data to convert its addition to the challenges and aspirations of the
forms into digital forms that can be circulated on various parties, the Sudan Survey Authority held a
the computer. iv. Correcting errors in the data

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD63482 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 914
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: The author, thanks for Role of Geospatial Information in Planning and
the intensive advice given by Dr. El Tahir Osman Management of Smart Cities. International
Abdalla and Engineer Hala Omar Hussein from the Journal Of Scientific & Engineering Research,
Ministry of Investment, for managing the activation Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2019.
activities of the Sudan National Basemap, as well as
the contribution of the geomatic Expert Mohammed [10] Kamal A. A. Sami (2023). Implementation
Mutwakil for the article publication support. Concepts of Sudan Integrated Geospatial
Information Frame. International Journal of
Note: This research did not receive any specific grant Trend in Scientific Research and Development
from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or (IJTSRD. Volume 7 Issue 6, November-
not-for-profit sectors December 2023.
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