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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 1, January-February 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Design Simulation and Hardware Construction of an

Arduino-Microcontroller Based DC-DC High-Side
Buck Converter for Standalone PV System
Chan Myae Aung, Dr. Ei Mon
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yangon Technological University, Yangon, Myanmar

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Chan Myae

This study primarily focuses on the design of a high-side buck Aung | Dr. Ei Mon "Design Simulation
converter using an Arduino microcontroller. The converter is and Hardware Construction of an
specifically intended for use in DC-DC applications, particularly in Arduino-Microcontroller Based DC-DC
standalone solar PV systems where the PV output voltage exceeds High-Side Buck Converter for
Standalone PV System" Published in
the load or battery voltage. To evaluate the performance of the International
converter, simulation experiments are conducted using Proteus Journal of Trend in
Software. These simulations provide insights into the input and Scientific Research
output voltages, currents, powers, and efficiency under different state and Development
of charge (SoC) conditions of a 12V,70Ah rechargeable lead acid (ijtsrd), ISSN:
battery. Additionally, the hardware design of the converter is 2456-6470,
implemented, and practical data is collected through operation, Volume-8 | Issue-1, IJTSRD64518
monitoring, and recording. By comparing the simulation results with February 2024,
the practical results, the efficiency and performance of the designed pp.961-966, URL:
converter are assessed. The findings indicate that while the buck
converter is suitable for practical use in standalone PV systems, its
Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
efficiency is compromised due to a lower output current. International Journal of Trend in
KEYWORDS: Arduino-microcontroller, DC-DC High-side Buck, Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Switching Frequency, Proteus, Output Voltage, Output Current,
Open Access article
Efficiency distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Nowadays, there is a growing demand for power
while the resources used for power generation are
becoming increasingly insufficient. Traditional
resources like fossil fuels contribute to global
warming and the greenhouse effect. As a result,
renewable energy resources are being utilized on a
large scale for power generation. Since most
renewable energy resources generate DC voltage, Fig. 1. Stand-alone PV system with Arduino-
DC-DC power electronic converter circuits are microcontroller based DC-DC High-side buck
extensively employed to convert one DC voltage converter
level to another. Various converter topologies such as The study showcases the development of an Arduino-
buck, boost, buck-boost, CUK, SEPIC, and ZETA are microcontroller based DC-DC high-side buck
commonly used in photovoltaic (PV) applications to converter for a standalone PV system through design
achieve regulated DC power based on the specific simulation and hardware implementation. The power
requirements. This study focuses on the supply is used for both simulation and practical
implementation of an Arduino-microcontroller based testing, replacing the 100 Wp solar PV module paired
DC-DC converter using the buck topology for a with a 12 V,70Ah rechargeable lead acid battery.
Stand-alone solar PV system [1]. Design calculations are meticulously performed based

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64518 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 961
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
on the specifications of the chosen module and responsible for generating a PWM signal with the
battery. Subsequently, modeling and simulation desired switching frequency (fs). Voltage and current
activities are conducted using Proteus software. The sensors are utilized to detect and measure the voltage
hardware design is then constructed with the and current levels. The primary purpose of the DC-
calculated component values. The outcomes are DC buck converter is to decrease a higher input DC
meticulously documented and stored using an voltage to a lower output DC voltage level [3].
Arduino Data Logger Shield, accompanied by
graphical representations. Finally, the efficiency and
effectiveness of the designed converter are assessed. MICROCONTROLLER BASED DC-DC HIGH-
MICROCONTROLLER BASED DC-DC HIGH- The hardware circuit is constructed by gathering the
SIDE BUCK CONVERTER components depicted in Fig. 2. The primary
The DC-DC high-side buck converter based on component in this circuit includes:
Arduino microcontroller primarily comprises storage  Arduino UNO board and Arduino Data Logger
elements (specifically inductor and capacitor), power Shield: This combination is utilized to supply the
electronic switches (transistor switches like BJT, PWM signal to the Gate terminal of the MOSFET
MOSFET, or IGBT, and diode switch), and an and for real-time measurement and data logging
Arduino microcontroller. In Figure 2, the inductor is of input/output voltage and current.
linked with the capacitor to create an LC low pass
filter, which aids in reducing the output ripple  Voltage and Current Sensor: These sensors are
voltage. During the ON state, the inductor stores employed to detect and quantify the input/output
energy and discharges it to the load during the OFF voltage and current of the high-side buck
state. The capacitor functions as a smoothing filter. A converter.
variable resistor is utilized for adjusting the duty  MOSFET and Schottky Diode: These
cycle from 0% to 100%. A transistor switch like semiconductor devices are utilized for the
MOSFET is employed to regulate the duty cycle of necessary switching operations.
the pulse width modulation (PWM) signal produced
by the Arduino microcontroller and manage the  MOSFET driver: This circuit is responsible for
energy flow between the input and output. When the driving the gate of power MOSFETs in
switch is turned ON, the diode becomes reverse applications requiring high-speed switching.
biased and supplies energy to both the inductor and The key components utilized for the Arduino-
the load [2]. microcontroller based DC-DC high-side buck
converter are illustrated in Fig. 3.

Fig. 2. Circuit Schematic for Arduino-

microcontroller based DC-DC High-side Buck
When the switch is in the OFF position, the diode will
be forward biased, allowing the stored energy from
the inductor current to be transferred to the load. The
diode switch is designed to ensure continuous
conduction even when the circuit is open (OFF). To
trigger the MOSFET, a MOSFET gate driver is
employed. The Arduino microcontroller is

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64518 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 962
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The Arduino-microcontroller based high-side buck
converter is designed to reduce the DC voltage from
the solar panel input range of 17V-18.05V to the
output range of 11V to 14.7V. The converter operates
at a switching frequency of 31.375 kHz and has
realistic values for efficiency (90%), input
capacitance ripple voltage (75mV), and output
capacitance ripple voltage (20mV). The calculated
Fig. 3. Circuit components used in High-side values include the duty cycle (0.98), inductor ripple
Buck Converter: (a) Arduino UNO Board with current (1.39A), inductance (50uH), input capacitance
data logger shield, (b) Voltage Sensor and (32uF), and output capacitance (249uF). The
Current Sensor, (c) MOSFET and MOSFET simulation model of the Arduino-based low-side buck
Driver, (d) Schottky Diode, (e) Self-made converter is performed using Proteus 8 Professional
Inductors and (f) Capacitors and Variable Software, considering the estimated and calculated
Resistor values based on Equations (1) to (7). The PWM
MATHEMATICAL DESIGN CALCULATION output signal from the Arduino microcontroller,
OF ARDUINO-MICROCONTROLLER BASED operating at the desired switching frequency of
DC-DC HIGH-SIDE BUCK CONVERTER 31.375 kHz, is measured using a virtual instrument
In order to determine the accurate rating of circuit (oscilloscope), while the voltage, current, and power
components, the mathematical equations specified for values are measured using virtual instruments
Arduino-microcontroller based DC-DC high-side (voltmeter, ammeter, and wattmeter). A low pass
buck converter design are utilized. Equation (1) is filter is added to the circuit to obtain a purely DC
employed to compute the desired output voltage output voltage, and a metal oxide field effect
based on the maximum input voltage. The inclusion transistor (MOSFET) is used as the power transistor
of converter efficiency (ƞ) in the duty cycle (D) switch for faster switching speed.
calculation enhances the accuracy of the duty cycle The necessary components for the hardware
value. Equation (2) is utilized to determine the construction are selected based on the maximum
maximum output current required for this particular transistor switch current and maximum solar input
design. Equation (3) provides a reliable estimation for voltage. This is because components like MOSFET,
the appropriate inductor ripple current. Equation (4) is inductor, capacitor, diode, and resistor need to be able
used to calculate the correct power transistor switch to withstand these specifications. The hardware
current. Equation (5), in conjunction with the desired design is then tested, analyzed, and measured using
switching frequency (fs), aids in selecting the suitable measuring instruments such as a digital oscilloscope,
inductor. A smaller inductance (L) results in a laboratory DC power supply, RLC meter, and digital
reduced inductor size. Equation (6) considers the multimeter. The real-time measuring results, obtained
peak-to-peak ripple voltage to calculate the minimum using a 12V, 100W solar panel and a 12V, 70Ah
input capacitance. Lastly, Equation (7) considers the rechargeable battery, demonstrate that the Arduino-
output ripple voltage to calculate the minimum output microcontroller based DC-DC high-side buck
capacitance. converter circuit can successfully produce the
expected results.
A simulation model of a DC-DC high-side buck
converter based on Arduino microcontroller is
developed using the block diagram illustrated in
Figure 1. The input voltage is set to 18 V, based on
the PV module specifications. The output of the
converter is linked to charge a 12.0 V battery. The
values of inductance and capacitance for the circuit
are determined using the equations provided in
Section 4. The simulation model design is depicted in
Figure 4.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64518 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 963
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470

Fig. 4. (31.375 kHz) Arduino-microcontroller

based DC-DC High-Side Buck Simulation Test
by Proteus Software
During the simulation test, the converter's
input/output voltage, current, and power are assessed
using virtual measuring instruments. The duty cycle
remains consistent at 0.98 per unit. The PWM signal
is observed at the MOSFET driver's input and the
MOSFET's Gate terminal through a virtual
oscilloscope. The simulation is conducted by
considering different battery SoC levels to gather
realistic data. The simulation outcomes of the
converter design are illustrated in Figure 5.
In Figure 5(a), the voltage output is lower than the
input voltage, falling within the range of 12.7 V to
12.9 V. This specific voltage range is suitable for
charging the battery safely. In Figure 5(b), the output
current is slightly higher than the input current. This
increased output current helps in minimizing power Fig. 5. Simulation Results for: (a) Voltage vs.
losses within the system. Moving on to Figure 5(c), Battery SoC, (b) Current vs. Battery SoC and (a)
the efficiency shows a slight improvement as the Efficiency vs. Battery SoC of High-side Buck
State of Charge (SoC) of the battery increases. The Converter
efficiency range is between 71% and 73%, with an HARDWARE DESIGN CONSTRUCTION OF
average efficiency of approximately 72%. ARDUINO-MICROCONTROLLER BASED
The hardware design of the high-side buck converter,
which is based on an Arduino microcontroller, is
implemented using the simulation model depicted in
Figure 4. Instead of using the voltage from the PV
module, the input voltage is sourced from the power
supply and set to 18.1 V. The output of the converter
is connected to charge a 12.0 V,70Ah battery. The
values of the circuit parameters, such as inductance
and capacitance, are determined using the equations
presented in Section 4. The hardware construction
and experimental setup are illustrated in Figures 6(a)
and 6(b).

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64518 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 964
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470


Fig. 6. (a) Hardware Design of Arduino-
microcontroller based DC-DC High-side Buck
Converter and (b) Practical Setup with buck
During the experimental test, the converter's input
voltage and current are measured using sensors, while
the output voltage and current are measured with
digital multimeters. The duty cycle is maintained at a
constant value of 0.98 per unit. The Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) signal is observed at the Gate
terminal of the MOSFET using a digital oscilloscope.
In the experimental process, a discharged 70Ah, 12V
lead-acid battery is recharged from 61% to 73% State
of Charge (SoC) using the designed hardware circuit.
Data from the experiment, which includes various
battery SoC levels, is gathered every 20 minutes from
9:30 am to 4:30 pm and presented in Fig. 7. Figure 7. Practical Results for: (a) Voltage vs.
In Figure 7(a), the voltage output is lower than the Battery SoC, (b) Current vs. Battery SoC and (a)
input voltage, measuring approximately 13.28V. This Efficiency vs. Battery SoC of High-side Buck
voltage is sufficient for safely charging the battery. In Converter
Figure 7(b), the output current is slightly higher than CONCLUSION
the input current, which helps in reducing power In a standalone solar PV system, buck converters play
losses within the system. Moving on to Figure 7(c), a crucial role in reducing the high PV output voltage
the efficiency shows a slight improvement as the to a level suitable for the load or battery. This study
State of Charge (SoC) of the battery increases. The focuses on the design, modeling, and construction of
efficiency range falls between 80% and 83%, with an an Arduino-microcontroller based DC-DC high-side
average efficiency of around 81.5%. buck converter. The circuit is designed to utilize
power from the supply for charging a 12V battery,

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64518 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 965
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
rather than directly from the solar PV module. Both [2] Shafinaz A. Lopa, et al, “Design and
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Future research should focus on implementing a new [4] Brigitte Hauke, “Basic Calculation of a Buck
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@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64518 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 1 | Jan-Feb 2024 Page 966

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