CW Brief - First-Sit 1

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Module Details- First-Sit
Module Code Run Module Title
UFMFHA-15-2 Oct 2023 Project Management

Module Leader Module Coordinator Module Tutors

Dr. M. Latif Khan Dr. M. Latif Khan Dr. M. Latif Khan

Component and Element Number Weighting: (% of the Module's assessment)

TASK 1 80%

Element Description Total Assignment time

50 hrs
Group Project Report

Date Issued to Students Date to be Returned to Students


Submission Place Submission Date

Via email to [email protected] 15th December , 2023

Grace period : 3 days

Submission Time
4:00 pm


Module Leader Signature

Muhammad Latif Khan

The purpose of this assignment is to assess the candidates on all the learning
outcomes of the module.
This assignment fulfils the requirement for the Group Project Report element
of the assessment for the module. Individualised marks for the candidates are
produced by a process of individual interview outlined later in the brief.
You are required to work in groups of four or five, select any project topic of
your choice based on your degree specialization or select the topic from given
list below , and submit one final report including the deliverables.
 It is your responsibility to choose your own group members. .
 If you fail to join a group, you will be assigned a group randomly.
 If a group is less than 4 members additional group members will be
assigned as needed.
 The font size should be12, Times new Roman and space should be 1.5
between lines. All text need to be justify from both sides.
The last date to submit group reports is 20/05/2023. Grace period is 5 day
after due date.
A. Each group should prepare a single project document (4000 words) that
would cover all the essential aspects of the business of setting up the project,
which includes:
1. Introduction and project description
2. A market research for this product and a feasibility study for the
setting up of this project.
3. Stakeholder impact analysis
4. Project management analysis:
The project report should analyse the project management aspects
of this project under the following topics, indicating the appropriate
techniques used to assess the parameters.
4.1. Project’s scope
4.2. Quality aspects
4.3. WBS
4.4. Time schedule analysis /Gantts chart
4.5. Cost /Budget Analysis
4.6. A flow chart for the production process and the flow of
materials / components for the production
5. Risk Management analysis: You are required to develop a risk
impact matrix and present the management strategy you would
deploy to manage those risks.
B. Each student should submit the peer assessment form (Appendix 2)
Appendix 1. Marking Criteria
The group project report will marked following the marking criteria in Table 1. Then each group member will grade his/her groupmates by filling Table 2. Once the
group report is marked, the individual marks are calculated as the average peers mark. The group report mark contributes 90% of the final mark and the peer
mark contributes 10% of the final mark.

Possible Marks 1st Marker 2nd Marker

Introduction and Unable to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Clear introduction,
project introduce work statement of aim and
description, an done and unclear clear deliverables
assessment of of what to achieve
the machinery &
tools required

Project’s scope, No idea on how to 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 23 36 40 Excellent and

Quality aspects, use Project accurate
WBS, Time Management use of Project
schedule tools Management tools
analysis, Cost
/Budget Analysis,
A flow chart for
the production
process and the
flow of materials /
components for
the production
Risk Analysis Poor risk analysis 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent risk

Technical Discussions are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Solid technical

Content of work vague and not contributions
(considering technical and discussions
technical aspects
of quality,
scheduling &
other pm actives)
Identifying all Very poor / nil 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very good analysis
possible stake analysis of of
holders and impact impact on
analysing the stakeholders stakeholders
impact on them
Market research No idea on how to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent and
for this carry accurate display of
product and a out a market market research and
feasibility study research and a a feasibility study
feasibility study skills

Report Unstructured, 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Excellent Project

Presentation message is poorly Management
style, conveyed knowledge
professionalism, evidenced by skills
referencing, and shown
other format
Appendix 2. Peer Assessment Evaluation Criteria

Contribution in
Attendance in Research Assistance to Contribution in report
Group report formatting
group discussions Contribution Peer Learning Writing
Member and compiling
(Score 1-10) (Score 1-10) (Score 1-10) (Score 1-10)
(Score 1-10)

Online test- 20%

Online test will cover all the chapters taught in this semester. It will be 20 MCQS. The online test will be conducted through Moodle
for 40 minutes with one attempt.
List of Topics

Topic Brief Task

1 Digital Marketing In the Social Media age many new methods are You and your team members are tasked with
Platform being used for product promotion and marketing. developing and running a digital marketing platform
Many companies (Amazon, Desert Cart, Namshi, that can be used by small business providing
etc.) are using digital marketing for competitive products/services in Oman. The platform is expected to
advantage. The development of information be user friendly for both sellers/provider and buyers, it
technology, followed by the advancement of digital should take into consideration the local market state
communication tools, has encouraged businesses to (target audience), different types of services and
change the way of promoting for their products. products and should be adaptable to new technology
and possible markets.

Further you need to explain The project initiation phase

is the first stage of turning an abstract idea into a
meaningful goal. In this stage, you need to develop a
business case and define the project on a broad level. In
order to do that, you have to determine the need for the
project and create a project charter.

The project planning stage requires complete diligence

as it lays out the project’s roadmap. Unless you are
using a modern project management methodology like
agile project management, the second phase of project
management is expected to take almost half of the
entire project’s timespan.

The projects execution stage is where your team does

the actual work. As a project manager, your job is to
establish efficient workflows and carefully monitor the
progress of your team.

In the project management process, the third and fourth

phases are not sequential in nature. The project
monitoring and controlling phase run simultaneously
with project execution, thereby ensures that objectives
and project deliverables are met.

This is the final phase of the project management

process. The project closure stage indicates the end of
the project after the final delivery. There are times
when external talent is hired specifically for the project
on contract. Terminating these contracts and
completing the necessary paperwork is also the
responsibility of the project manager.

Nowadays, using cloud-based software is a common

way of storing all of the documents related to the

Dividing a project into multiple phases gives the

project a semblance of predictability. It gives a
framework to operate, making it easier to plan and
execute. While spreadsheets and post-it notes sufficed
in the past, the requirements of modern project
management are completely different.

You need the right tools to plan, organize, and track

projects. You need the best project management
software to simplify the project management phases for
each project.

2 Home Automation Home automation is building automation for a home, You and your team members are tasked with providing
Systems Production called a smart home or smart house. A home home automation services and products. This includes
automation system will control lighting, climate, design, implementation, and maintenance. You should
entertainment systems, and appliances. It may also target both domestic and commercial sectors. The
include home security such as access control and project initiation phase is the first stage of turning an
alarm systems. A home automation system typically abstract idea into a meaningful goal. In this stage, you
connects controlled devices to a central hub or need to develop a business case and define the project
"gateway". The user interface for control of the on a broad level. In order to do that, you have to
system uses either wall-mounted terminals, tablet or determine the need for the project and create a project
desktop computers, a mobile phone application, or a charter.
Web interface, that may also be accessible off-site
through the Internet. [1]

3 Fire Detection and Fire detection systems are designed to discover fires You and Your team are tasked to start
Prevention Systems early in their development when time will still be installation/maintenance services of effective fire
Distributor available for the safe evacuation of occupants. Early detection and alarm systems that can be implemented in
detection also plays a significant role in protecting residential, commercial, and industrial building. You
the safety of emergency response personnel. must make sure that you comply at all stage with civil
Property loss can be reduced and downtime for the defense authority’s rules and regulation.
operation minimized through early detection because
control efforts are started while the fire is still small. This is the start of the project, and the goal of this phase
Most alarm systems provide information to is to define the project at a broad level. This phase
emergency responders on the location of the fire, usually begins with a business case. This is when you
speeding the process of fire control. [2] will research whether the project is feasible and if it
should be undertaken. If feasibility testing needs to be
done, this is the stage of the project in which that will
be completed.

Important stakeholders will do their due diligence to

help decide if the project is a “go.” If it is given the
green light, you will need to create a project charter or
a project initiation document (PID) that outlines the
purpose and requirements of the project. It should
include business needs, stakeholders, and the business
case. Note: There are plenty of PID templates that
adhere to PMBOK® Guide guidelines available online
that you can download to help you get started.

This phase is key to successful project management and

focuses on developing a roadmap that everyone will
follow. This phase typically begins with setting goals.
Two of the more popular methods for setting goals are
S.M.A.R.T. and CLEAR:

At this time, roles and responsibilities are clearly

defined, so everyone involved knows what they are
accountable for. Here are some of the documents a PM
will create during this phase to ensure the project will
stay on track:

Scope Statement – A document that clearly defines the

business need, benefits of the project, objectives,
deliverables, and key milestones. A scope statement
may change during the project, but it shouldn’t be done
without the approval of the project manager and the

Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS) –This is a visual

representation that breaks down the scope of the project
into manageable sections for the team.

Milestones – Identify high-level goals that need to be

met throughout the project and include them in the
Gantt chart.
Gantt Chart – A visual timeline that you can use to plan
out tasks and visualize your project timeline.

Communication Plan – This is of particular importance

if your project involves outside stakeholders. Develop
the proper messaging around the project and create a
schedule of when to communicate with team members
based on deliverables and milestones.

Project Execution-This is the phase where deliverables

are developed and completed. This often feels like the
meat of the project since a lot is happening during this
time, like status reports and meetings, development
updates, and performance reports. A “kick-off” meeting
usually marks the start of the Project Execution phase
where the teams involved are informed of their

Project Performance/Monitoring- This is all about

measuring project progression and performance and
ensuring that everything happening aligns with the
project management plan. Project managers will use
key performance indicators (KPIs) to determine if the
project is on track. A PM will typically pick two to five
of these KPIs to measure project performance.

Project Closure-This phase represents the completed

project. Contractors hired to work specifically on the
project are terminated at this time. Valuable team
members are recognized. Some PMs even organize
small work events for people who participated in the
project to thank them for their efforts. Once a project is
complete, a PM will often hold a meeting – sometimes
referred to as a “post mortem” – to evaluate what went
well in a project and identify project failures. This is
especially helpful to understand lessons learned so that
improvements can be made for future projects.

4 GCET New Campus Global College of Engineering and Technology You are a part of a team that is tasked to place a bid for
Construction GCET has a strategic aim of building a new campus. the construction of GCET new campus building. The
The campus is expected to feature energy efficient campus is to be built on 40,000sqm area
structure with solar panels and use of treated water accommodating 10,000 students and staff ready for use
for landscaping. The campus is expected to by the year 2025. You are expected to deliver a plan
accommodate lecture room, lab rooms, and leisure that meets all government requirements of buildings
areas that meet all government body standards. including laboratory layouts and safety. Design
GCET is receiving buds of construction/architectural considerations of lecture room functionality.
contractor for the new campus buildings. Renewable and green energy built-in aspects will be a
positive factor.

5 Medical Gloves and In the human population, social contacts are a key You and Your team are tasked with establishing a
Face Masks Factory for transmission of bacteria and viruses. The use of factory that produces medical gloves and face masks
face masks seems to be critical to prevent the with the production capacity of 1 million medical
transmission of COVID-19 and many governments gloves and 200000 face masks daily. Your product
made wearing face masks mandatory for shopping must satisfy the medical and industry standards.
and in public transportation. The coronavirus disease
(COVID-19) pandemic has caused a huge demand You need to plan the different phases of project.
for alcohol-based hand rubs, medical gloves, face
masks, and gowns in healthcare and from the public. During the first of these phases, the initiation phase, the
More and more hospitals face a serious shortage of project objective or need is identified; this can be a
these articles. [3] business problem or opportunity. An appropriate
response to the need is documented in a business case
with recommended solution options. A feasibility study
is conducted to investigate whether each option
addresses the project objective and a final
recommended solution is determined. Issues of
feasibility (“can we do the project?”) and justification
(“should we do the project?”) are addressed.

The next phase, the planning phase, is where the project

solution is further developed in as much detail as
possible and the steps necessary to meet the project’s
objective are planned. In this step, the team identifies
all of the work to be done. The project’s tasks and
resource requirements are identified, along with the
strategy for producing them. This is also referred to as
“scope management.” A project plan is created
outlining the activities, tasks, dependencies, and
timeframes. The project manager coordinates the
preparation of a project budget by providing cost
estimates for the labour, equipment, and materials
costs. The budget is used to monitor and control cost
expenditures during project implementation.

During the third phase, the implementation phase, the

project plan is put into motion and the work of the
project is performed. It is important to maintain control
and communicate as needed during implementation.
Progress is continuously monitored and appropriate
adjustments are made and recorded as variances from
the original plan. In any project, a project manager
spends most of the time in this step. During project
implementation, people are carrying out the tasks, and
progress information is being reported through regular
team meetings. The project manager uses this
information to maintain control over the direction of
the project by comparing the progress reports with the
project plan to measure the performance of the project
activities and take corrective action as needed. The first
course of action should always be to bring the project
back on course (i.e., to return it to the original plan). If
that cannot happen, the team should record variations
from the original plan and record and publish
modifications to the plan. Throughout this step, project
sponsors and other key stakeholders should be kept
informed of the project’s status according to the
agreed-on frequency and format of communication.
The plan should be updated and published on a regular

During the final closure, or completion phase, the

emphasis is on releasing the final deliverables to the
customer, handing over project documentation to the
business, terminating supplier contracts, releasing
project resources, and communicating the closure of the
project to all stakeholders. The last remaining step is to
conduct lessons-learned studies to examine what went
well and what didn’t. Through this type of analysis, the
wisdom of experience is transferred back to the project
organization, which will help future project teams.

6 Wind Turbines Farm In its 7-year statement issued in May 2018; Oman You have been appointed as a member of a project
Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP) team for a wind turbine power project. Your team is to
stated that it is planning to achieve the government’s place a bid for OPWP. This project is designed to
target of 10% renewable share of electricity promote green energy generation in the Sultanate of
generation by 2025. OPWP is receiving bids for Oman. The contracts awarded will include the
renewable power plants. The green power produced development, financing, design, engineering,
is to be fed to the local grid. The wholesale price that construction, ownership, operation and maintenance of
the generated power is sold to the local distributing wind turbine farm with a minimum AC capacity of 500
company should be priced at an attractive level, MW and maximum AC capacity of 600 MW at the
while returning a reasonable profit. electrical delivery point, according to OPWP. Your
product should meet all the relevant standards
applicable. The power generation capacity should be
sustainable, and the quality of the power generated
should be consistent, ensuring constant voltage and
7 Domestic Water Water pressure is a common issue in Oman You have been asked to set up a project for
Booster Pumps household/farms due to multiple reasons relating to manufacturing of domestic water booster pumps. You
Manufacturing water pressure such as low-pressure water from your must choose a size that has a reasonable demand of
local water plant, distance (height) from the water about 200 numbers /annum. You must ensure that the
source, the size of water pipes and plumbing cost of the domestic water booster pump is sufficiently
problem. A booster pump increases low water attractive for the local prospective users and meets the
pressure and flow. It provides the extra boost needed customer’s requirement in terms of schedule/quality
to bring your water pressure to the desired level. A and specifications.
water booster pump provides pressure to move water
from a storage tank or throughout a whole house,
farm, or commercial facility. The pump set should
include pump, motor, pressure tank, and electronic
controller all in one unit. The electronic controller
ensures the pump starts automatically when water is
consumed, providing constant pressure, and operates
continuously until water is no longer required and is
turned off.
8 Al Ghubra Seawater Oman’s water sector is experiencing strong demand, You have been appointed as a member of a project team for
Desalination Project which is anticipated to continue to rise at the rate the expansion of Al Ghubra Seawater Desalination project.
Expansion of 7 percent through 2021. According to Oman Your team is to place a bid for OPWP.
Power and Water Procurement Company (OPWP), provide an additional 50,000 m3/day of desalination
water demand is expected to surge from 281 million capacity to the site. The contracts awarded will include the
cubic meters in 2015 to between 390 and 440 million development, financing, design, engineering, construction,
cubic meters in 2022. ownership, operation, and maintenance.
As a part of a seven year statement and a wider plan
to roll out five further desalination plants across the
country; OPWP is placing tenders to increase the
existing 191,000 m3/day Al Ghubra desalination

Good Academic Practice and Assessment Offenses

GCET is fully committed to ensuring that students follow ‘good academic practice’ in the writing/producing and submission of all types of
assessments to ensure honesty and integrity in academic practice. Every student is expected to act with integrity in relation to the production
and representation of academic work and in acknowledging the contributions of others in their work. Engaging in any academic breach
constituting an assessment offense such as collusion, plagiarism, Fabrication or Misrepresentation, or contractual cheating. will be
investigated and could lead to penalties under the UWE Assessment Offences Policy.
Late submission
 3- days grace time: students are allowed to submit their CW up to three days from the deadline (no form is required). Find more
information at this link.
 14- days grace time: disabled, pregnancy/maternity, or paternity reasons. (evidence must be submitted). Use of PC during exams
can be granted as well. Find more information at this link.
 7- days extension: this is replacing the previous 5-days extension, student needs to request an extension 5 days before the
submission deadline

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